

Part of Marine Bird Assemblages in Relation to Armored and Unarmored Sites in Central Puget Sound

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Laura Milleville

A Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
June 2015

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Studies Degree
Laura Milleville

has been approved for
The Evergreen State College


Dina Roberts, Ph. D.
Member of the Faculty




Marine Bird Assemblages
in Relation to Armored and Unarmored Sites
in Central Puget Sound
Laura Milleville
The Puget Sound nearshore provides critical habitat to overwintering migratory and
resident marine birds. Long-term monitoring has shown that populations of many marine
bird species are experiencing declines. There has been limited research regarding the
factors driving these trends, and more information is needed if adequate management and
conservation measures are to be implemented. Coastal population growth in the region
has led to extensive use of shoreline armoring to protect development, which has
impacted the nearshore environment. Some prey species, including forage fish, are
deleteriously affected by shoreline armoring. The impacts of armoring on upper trophic
level predators, such as marine birds, are largely unknown. This study examined marine
bird assemblages and behavior at paired armored and unarmored sites in central Puget
Sound. Surveys of marine birds in the nearshore were conducted from January through
March 2015. Findings demonstrated that average abundance and species richness was
significantly greater at armored survey sites; however, results varied between individual
paired sites. The proportion of marine birds in each foraging guild was dependent on
whether or not a site was armored, with piscivorous species comprising a lower
percentage of birds at armored sites. Confounding natural and artificial factors could be
contributing to these results, emphasizing the difficulty in determining what aspects
contribute to habitat use and foraging behavior of marine birds in the nearshore. Further
research is warranted to explore the response of marine bird abundance and behavior in
response to shoreline modification.

Table of Contents

List of Figures ................................................................................. vi
List ofTables ..................................................................................vii
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................viii

Chapter 1: Introduction and Literature Review ....................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................... 1
Literature Review ........................................................................... 4
The Puget Sound Nearshore ........................................................ .4

Coastal landforms and processes ......................................... 6
Ecology of the nearshore .................................................... 7
A History of Armoring .............................................................. 9


Armoring in Puget Sound ............................................................ 14
Impacts of Armoring ................................................................. 16

Physical impacts and effects on coastal processes ..................... 16
Ecological impacts .......................................................... 19
Policy and regulation of the nearshore .................................. 22
South Central Puget Sound sub-basin .................................... 26
Climate change and the nearshore ....................................... 27
Marine Bird Population Trends in Puget Sound ................................. 28

Marine birds as indicators ................................................. 34
Conclusion ............................................................................. 35

Chapter 2: Article Manuscript: Marine Bird Assemblages in Relation to
Armored and Unarmored Sites in Central Puget Sound ............................ 37
Abstract ................................................................................ 37
Introduction ........................................................................... 38
Methods ............................................................................... 44

Site descriptions ............................................................. 47
Statistical analysis .......................................................... 51
Results ................................................................................. 53

Abundance ................................................................... 57
Species richness ............................................................. 58
Species evenness ............................................................ 59

Foraging behavior .......................................................... 60
Individual sites ............................................................... 62
Discussion ............................................................................. 64

Importance ofthe nearshore as foraging habitat ...................... 64
Confounding/actors ........................................................ 66
Future considerations ...................................................... 69
Conclusion ............................................................................ 72

Chapter 3: Summary, Restoration, & Policy Recommendations .................. 75
Habitat enhancement and restoration .......................................... 76
Policy ............................................................................... 78

Bibliography .................................................................................. 83
Appendix ....................................................................................... 97


List of Figures
Figure 1. Survey sites located in South Central Puget Sound .......................... .46
Figure 2. Species composition by survey site ............................................. 56
Figure 3. Mean avifauna! abundance by survey site ..................................... 57
Figure 4. Mean species richness by survey site .......................................... 58
Figure 5. Mean species evenness by survey site .......................................... 59
Figure 6. Proportion of birds foraging by survey site .................................... 60
Figure 7. Analysis of abundance in each foraging guild (B: benthivores;
H: herbivores; 0: omnivores; P: piscivores) in relation to armored and unarmored
sites and according to distance from shore ................................................ 61
Figure 8. Photos of additional development in the nearshore habitat at, and adjacent to,
three survey sites .............................................................................. 67
Figure 9. Map of survey sites with reported statistics .................................... 97


List of Tables
Table 1. Total seabird abundance observed by site in South Central Puget Sound,
Washington, January-March 2015 .......................................................... 54
Table 2. Species table: Number of individuals observed at armored and unarmored
sites ............................................................................................. 55
Table 3. Monte Carlo resampling of average abundance between armored and
unarmored sections at each paired survey site ............................................. 63
Table 4. Monte Carlo resampling of average species richness between armored and
unarmored sections at each paired survey site ............................................. 63
Table 5. Key findings from Chapter 2 ..................................................... 75
Table 6. Data collected and reported by Bower (2009) regarding marine bird
population trends in the Salish Sea ......................................................... 98


Dr. Dina Roberts
Dr. Peter Hodum and Ryan Cruz, University ofPuget Sound
Many thanks to Bethany Alender, Sarah Davis, Sean Greene, Chelsea Waddell, and the
rest of my cohort for help with statistics, ArcGIS, editing, and encouragement.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Literature Review
Humans have been drawn to coastal areas for thousands of years. They benefit
from the numerous ecosystem goods and services provided by the nearshore, including
flood protection, nutrient cycling, water filtration, and nursery habitat for marine species.
Nearshore ecosystems also provide food, cultural value, and opportunities for recreation.
Globally, the economic value of these ecosystem services is estimated at 12.3 trillion
dollars annually (Hoggart et al., 2015).
While people have long been interested in inhabiting coastal areas, the desire to
live near the ocean has come at a cost. Shifting coastlines, rising sea levels, coastal
storms, and floods can damage and destroy property and infrastructure. For centuries,
people have built coastal infrastructure, such as shoreline armoring, to protect their land
and homes from the encroachment of the ocean (Charlier et al., 2005). While coastal
floods and erosion are natural phenomena, extensive coastal urbanization has resulted in
viewing these occurrences as urgent problems. This has led to increasing use of shoreline
armoring to protect development and human interests (Nicholls et al., 2015). At present,
more than 40% ofthe world's population currently lives within 100 km ofthe coast, and
armoring is used worldwide to protect development in coastal areas (Wilson et al., 20 15).
Human populations and associated development pressures in many coastal areas are
growing, and the use of armoring is expected to increase to shield waterfront properties
from waves, floods, and rising sea levels (Nordstrom, 2014). As with many
anthropogenic alterations of the environment, the construction of these armoring


structures is not without consequence, both for coastal ecosystems and the ecosystem
goods and services upon which humans depend. The Puget Sound region in the
northwestern United States is one coastal area that has experienced dramatic growth in
human population and coastal development.
Puget Sound is a fjordal estuary located along the coast of the northwestern
United States and comprised of dynamic marine and terrestrial ecosystems framed by the
Olympic Peninsula and the Cascade Mountains in Washington State (Shipman, 2010).
The Puget Sound Basin has been identified as a hot spot for biodiversity in the United
States and is home to approximately 7,000 terrestrial and marine species (Quinn, 2009).
The ecosystems ofPuget Sound have been degraded due to anthropogenic activity,
including industrial and residential development, agriculture, and overexploitation of
natural resources such as salmon and old growth forests (Fresh et al., 2011; Quinn, 2009).
Regional and national attention has been focused on the declines of ecosystem function
and the urgent need for restoration and conservation efforts in the marine, coastal, and
terrestrial environments (Quinn, 2009).
While the Puget Sound region has been inhabited by Native Americans for
thousands of years, the arrival of Europeans in the late 181h century and subsequent
colonization dramatically altered the coastal landscape (Quinn, 2009). Approximately 4
million people now inhabit the Puget Sound region, and the population is growing by 1.5
percent each year (Freshet al., 2011). Nearly 30 percent ofthe Puget Sound coastline is
now armored, and the amount of armoring is increasing, particularly in residential areas
(Puget Sound Partnership, 2013; Shipman, 2010). Along with the goal of protecting
anthropogenic interests such as development, there is growing interest in conserving the

nearshore habitat and associated species. However, the issue of armoring is controversial
and involved numerous stakeholders with conflicting interests. When considering the
removal or replacement of armoring, the rights of private property owners must be
considered along with the public responsibility to protect the Puget Sound and the natural
resources that sustain the economy and human population.
Despite its extensive use both regionally and globally, research into the impacts of
armoring has only recently begun (Davis, 2008). Shoreline armoring affects the physical
and ecological processes of the nearshore environment and can alter macroinvertebrate
density and species composition and reduce spawning habitat for forage fish and
salmonids (Rice, 2010). The effects on fauna higher in the food chain, such as marine
birds, have been less studied. This research seeks to contribute to this understudied topic
by examining the impact of armoring on seabirds in the Puget Sound.
Puget Sound is a vital migratory stopover on the Pacific Flyway and critical
overwintering ground for many seabirds, which are often chosen as indicators of the
health of marine ecosystems (Bower, 2009; Piatt et al., 2007). Studies suggest that many
seabird species that overwinter in the Puget Sound have experienced significant
population declines in the past few decades (Anderson et al., 2009; Bower, 2009). The
factors driving these population declines are copious, multifaceted, and potentially
interact with each other, magnifying the effects. Seabirds face threats from habitat
modification, fishing, oil spills, introduced species, pollutants, direct exploitation, and
climate change (Boersma et al., 2002; Bower, 2009). However, the specific causes of the
population declines of Puget Sound marine bird species are largely unknown.


Three chapters comprise this thesis. The first chapter is a literature review which
describes the Puget Sound nearshore environment, a history of shoreline armoring, the
use of armoring in the Puget Sound, and the population trends of marine birds that
overwinter in the Puget Sound. The second chapter describes this research and has been
formatted as a manuscript for publication in a journal of ornithology. It contains an
abstract, introduction, methods section, and a description of the results and discussion of
this study. The third chapter reiterates the findings of this study, along with an
interdisciplinary consideration of shoreline management with regards to permitting and
restoration opportunities for and alternatives to armored shorelines.

Puget Sound is a fjordal estuary bordering the coast of western Washington and
encompassing more than 8,000 km2 of marine and estuary waters, with nearshore
ecosystems spanning 4,000 km ofPuget Sound coastline (Freshet al., 2011). Puget
Sound is ranked as a hotspot for biodiversity in the United States by the Center for
Biological Diversity, with more than 200 species offish, 100 species of birds, and 10
species of marine mammals inhabiting the region (Lipsky & Ryan, 2011; Quinn, 2009).
Numerous avian and mammalian species are dependent on both marine and terrestrial
ecosystems, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts for both biomes (Gaydos
& Pearson, 2011 ). The Puget Sound region is home to species with both cultural and

economic value, including five species of salmon, top-level predators such as orcas, and

numerous species of marine birds (Sobocinski et al., 201 0). Anthropogenic activity has
dramatically impacted the health of the Puget Sound, leading to degraded ecosystems,
reduced biodiversity, and species endangerment (Freshet al., 2011; Quinn, 2009).
Concern about the health of the Puget Sound led to the formation of numerous
governmental and non-governmental organizations focused on restoration and
Puget Sound is located in the southern Salish Sea, an inland sea that is 16,925
km2 • The landscape of Puget Sound and the greater Salish Sea was shaped by several

glaciations, most recently the Vashon glaciation, which occurred 15,000-20,000 years
ago (Shipman, 2010). The modern shoreline was established as sea level rise slowed at
the beginning of the late Holocene period, approximately 5,000 years ago (Quinn, 2009).
The coastline continues to be shaped from the deposition of sediment carried by rivers to
the coast and through wave action, which causes erosion and transports sediment
(Shipman, 201 0).
The nearshore environment is vital to the health of Puget Sound and significant in
providing numerous ecosystem goods and services upon which humans depend (Beck et
al., 2003). Concurrently, it is subject to numerous anthropogenic modifications and
impacts and particularly vulnerable to such disturbances (Freshet al., 2011). A healthy
nearshore provides shoreline protection, water filtration, and nutrient cycling (Becket al.,
2003). It also serves as habitat for invertebrates, fish, and shellfish and is important to
human activities such as commercial fisheries and recreation, including beach walking,
kayaking, and clamming (Becket al., 2003; Freshet al., 2011). The nearshore zone has
been defined in numerous ways. For the purpose of this research concerning marine

shorelines, it begins in the upland at coastal bluffs or the marine riparian zone and
extends to the lower limit of the benthic photic zone, at which point sunlight cannot
sustain seagrasses or algae (Williams & Thorn, 2001 ). The photic zone ranges from 10 to
30 meters beyond the Mean Lower Low Water in Puget Sound and is dependent on water
clarity (Williams & Thorn, 2001 ).
Coastal landforms and processes
The glacial history of Puget Sound formed a diverse landscape. The Puget Sound
nearshore is an aggregate of four principal geomorphic systems: beaches, rocky coasts,
embayments, and river deltas (Fresh et al., 2011; Shipman, 2008). These systems are in
tum made up of distinct landforms, which are the result of coastal processes, historic
changes in sea level, and the topography of the shoreline (Shipman, 2008). Barrier
beaches and bluff-backed beaches constitute the majority of the shoreline (Shipman,
2008). Bluffs develop when the shoreline retreats inland, while barrier beaches are
established when sediment accumulates seaward from the shoreline (Shipman, 2008).
Coastal bluffs, composed of glacial till and other sediment deposited during glaciation,
are vital to the nearshore. The erosion from coastal bluffs contributes sediment to the
nearshore, giving them the alternative name of feeder bluffs (Freshet al., 2011). The
prevalence of coastal bluffs along the Puget Sound shoreline can be attributed to wave
action and gravity eroding glacial sediment over thousands of years (Fresh et al., 2011;
Shipman, 2008). Marine and land-based processes trigger bluff erosion, as do
anthropogenic activities, which supplies beaches with their dominant substrate types:
gravel, sand, and mud (Dethier, 2010; Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007).


The main geomorphic process that drives the formation and maintenance of
beaches is erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment by wave action (Shipman,
2008). Cross-shore transport moves sediment perpendicular to the shore, forming the
shape of the beach profile. Longshore transport moves sediment parallel to the shore
over great distances to form other landforms, such as spits and barrier beaches (Shipman,
2008). This sediment transport occurs in semi-independent sections of shoreline which
are known as littoral, drift, or net shore-drift cells (Johannessen, 2010). There are three
components to a littoral cell: a place of origin and sediment supply, a transport area, and
an area where sediment is deposited (Johannessen, 2010). In Puget Sound, 860 littoral
cells have been identified, as well as more than 200 areas where this net shore drift does
not occur (Envirovision et al., 2010). These cells have unique sediment sources and
sinks, and the direction of sediment transport can be identified for each cell. There may
be overlap of sediment sources and sinks between cells (Shipman, MacLennan, &
Johannessen, 2014). The sediment that bluffs supply to littoral cells is significant to the
health ofthe nearshore (Johannessen, 2010).
Ecology of the nearshore

The nearshore bridges the terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and its ecology is
driven by both. It plays many important ecological roles, including functioning as
nurseries for fish and shellfish and foraging habitat for marine birds and other predators
(Becket al., 2003). The nearshore can be broken down into several different areas,
including the marine riparian zone, intertidal zone, and subtidal zone (PSNERP, 2014).
The supratidal, or supralittoral, zone is the area above mean higher high water (MHHW)
in the intertidal zone. Decomposition of marine wrack in the supratidal zone adds

nutrients that nourish the upland terrestrial environment, while terrestrial leaf litter and
insects and sediment from eroding bluffs contribute to the beach and marine
environment. Supratidal habitat in Puget Sound is influenced by several physical factors,
such as tidal regime, drift cell dynamics, and sediment size. Forage fish, marine
crustaceans, and other invertebrates rely on the supratidal zone for various life stages
(Sobocinski et al., 201 0). The success of these lower trophic levels impacts the
availability of prey for marine birds and other predators.
The substrate type and depth of the photic zone influence the types of marine
vegetation, composed of seagrasses and rnacroalgae, in the Puget Sound nearshore.
Eelgrass is an important species of the nearshore, providing many important functions,
including buffering wave energy, nutrient processing and habitat for diverse invertebrate
communities, and serving as a food source for marine birds (Williams & Thorn, 2001)
Eelgrass thrives in "mixed-fines" substrate, a combination of sand and mud. Native
eelgrass (Zostera marina) grows in the shallow subtidal zone and the intertidal zone
(Dethier, 2010). Dwarf eelgrass (Zosterajaponica) has a greater vertical reach in the
intertidal zone than the native species. Both species stabilize the substrate and provide
foraging and refuge habitat for many species in the nearshore, as well as spawning habitat
for herring (Dethier, 201 0). Even in death, marine vegetation contributes to the success
of the nearshore environment. The detritus from eelgrass beds and other marine
vegetation is one of the primary drivers of a successful nearshore environment (Williams
& Thorn, 2001).

The nearshore is particularly susceptible to anthropogenic disturbance due to
several characteristics (Freshet al., 2011). The nearshore is considered an ecotone, or

transitional zone, between the terrestrial and marine systems, containing elements of both
environments as well as organisms unique to the nearshore (Graves & Wang, 2011). Due
to many factors, including an abundance of natural resources, the nearshore attracts
residential development and agricultural, commercial, and industrial use. There have
been considerable anthropogenic influences on the nearshore over the past 150 years,
including modifications to the upland environment, nearshore fill, and roads and railroads
built on or near the shoreline. The construction of shoreline armoring is prevalent
throughout the Puget Sound nearshore, although its use varies between sub-basins and on
a local scale (Freshet al., 2011).

Over the course of history, people have settled along coasts to live near and
conduct trade via the ocean. In order to protect harbors and coastal communities, people
have been constructing physical defenses against the ocean for thousands of years.
Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Egypt were early adopters of coastal
engineering, due to the need to protect their harbors, from which they conducted trade
overseas (Charlier et al., 2005; Dugan et al., 2011). Around 1800 BCE, Minoans built
the first known harbor in Alexandria, Egypt. Breakwaters, which are structures built
parallel to the shore to reduce wave energy, were constructed of rocks 5 m in length to
protect this seaport and the ships that docked there (Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory:
US Army Corps ofEngineers, n.d.; Franco, 1996). The Phoenicians, Carthagians,
Greeks, and Estrucans also employed innovative techniques, including modifying


existing landforms, utilizing submarine construction, and employing rocks and rubble to
create breakwaters, artificial basins, and canals that allowed for safer passage and
docking of ships. In 530 BCE, a breakwater at Samos, a Greek Island, was constructed in
water up to 35m deep. Materials as diverse as melted lead, hydraulic cement (sometimes
made from volcanic ash), broken pottery, and sand were used as mortar (Franco, 1996).
The Romans created intricate artificial harbors and other achievements in coastal
engineering throughout their empire. In Great Britain, historic shoreline defense
structures were built during the Roman occupation, 43-410 CE, that endured through the
1ih century (Palmer & Tritton Limited, 1996). In the 6th to 1ih centuries in Italy,
shoreline protection was often achieved with groins and revetments devised of timber
fences alternating with rock and rubble. These structures were frequently damaged by
storms, and repairs occasionally included sinking barges packed with sediment and rocks.
In the mid-18th century, following many experimental designs by various experts, a more
durable seawall was constructed with huge stone blocks mortared with volcanic cement.
This seawall still stands today in Venice, albeit with repairs and reinforcements made
over the past two centuries (Franco, 1996).
Coastal defense structures were common in Europe by the Middle Ages (Dugan et
al., 2011 ). In Great Britain, the Church was responsible for the construction of many
coastal defense structures until the monasteries were disbanded in the 1530s (Palmer &
Tritton Limited, 1996). In medieval times, seawalls were constructed with clay and
eventually stone (Charlier et al., 2005). In the Netherlands, stone was not readily
available until the 1800s, so in ancient times, clay, peat, and even kelp was used to build
seawalls (Bijker, 1996). Other methods used when constructing coastal defenses included

sinking old ships that were then covered in dirt and using dried seagrasses as a protective
layer. Over time, structures built to armor the coast became more complex and more
numerous (Charlier et al., 2005). Around the 19th century, advances in engineering
allowed people to develop coastal areas historically considered inaccessible or dangerous
(S0rensen et al., 1996).
Over the past 150 years, governments began to focus even more on coastal
protection, and armoring was used extensively in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North
America (Charlier et al., 2005; Dugan et al., 2011). Local municipalities in Great Britain
alleviated unemployment by employing people to build numerous seawalls during the
late 19th and early 20th centuries, which served to protect coastal areas from flooding and
helped to shape some towns as tourist destinations (Palmer & Tritton Limited, 1996).
Despite the proliferation of shoreline armoring and other modifications, the European
coastline is actively retreating. Concrete and asphalt cover 22,000 km2 of coastal areas in
Europe. Concrete structures are in place on over 50 percent of Mediterranean coasts,
much of which has been built for harbors and ports (Dugan et al., 2011 ).
In comparison, coastal development similar to that in Europe is a more recent
phenomenon in the United States. In the 1800s, most coastal defense structures were
associated with harbors, where armoring is used to maintain shipping channels (Wiegel &
Saville, 1996). Other uses of the shoreline, such as the recreational use of beaches began
after the Civil War, primarily in New Jersey. Many coastal areas were not easily
accessible until the early 1900s, when the advent ofthe automobile and highway systems
made it possible for inland populations to vacation at the beach (Wiegel & Saville, 1996).
Armoring was erected to stabilize beaches and increase the value of coastal land for

recreational purposes. In the 1930s, there was increasing awareness that jetties and
breakwaters influenced adjacent shorelines and contributed to accretion and erosion of
sediment; however, this budding knowledge does not appear to have slowed the use of
armoring (Wiegel & Saville, 1996).
Early on, it is likely that many private citizens built their own coastal defenses in
the United States. Following World War II, the federal and state governments became
more involved in coastal armoring as a method to control erosion (Charlier et al., 2005).
In the late 201h century, armoring became very common in the United States, and the use
of it continues to expand today. Currently, about 12 percent ofthe California coast is
armored, with shoreline modification generally concentrated in urban areas. Some cities
in southern California, including Long Beach and San Clemente, have armoring along
more than 70 percent of their shores (Dugan et al., 2011 ).
Oftentimes, a catastrophic weather event has spurred massive increases in
armoring (Dugan et al., 2011). In 1900, a hurricane and resulting storm surge caused the
deaths of more than 6,000 people and the destruction of 3,600 buildings on Galveston
Island, Texas. In response, the city of Galveston commissioned an extensive project,
incorporating both seawalls and grade raising, designed to protect the city from
hurricanes and flooding (Wiegel & Saville, 1996). The grade of the entire city was raised
2.4 to 5 m. A seawall was erected to protect the city that was 4.8 km in length and 5.1 m
high (Hansen, 2007). Once coastal defense structures have been erected, there can be
increased development a coastal area, even after catastrophic weather events, due to a
misplaced sense of security (Dugan et al., 2011 ).


Currently, shoreline armoring is built to protect coastal development from
erosion, floods, and storm damage. It can take many forms, with the most common being
seawalls and rock revetments (Melius & Caldwell, 2015). Seawalls are vertical or
steeply curved and are often constructed from concrete, steel, or timber. Rock
revetments, also known as riprap, are sloped retaining walls comprised of large boulders,
rocks, or chunks of concrete, giving them a larger structural footprint than vertical
seawalls (Dugan et al., 2011; Melius & Caldwell, 2015). Other examples ofarmoring
include breakwaters, jetties, bulkheads, and groins. Construction materials vary, though
stone, concrete, steel, wood, and geotextiles (permeable fabrics) are frequently used
(Dugan et al., 2011).
Armoring can be costly to build and maintain. Due to coastline dynamics such as
wave activity, armoring structures always require monitoring and maintenance and can
fail due to waves, scour, or storms. Governments are often responsible for constructing,
repairing, and replacing armoring on publicly owned shorelines so inevitably, these costs
are born by the general public (Dugan et al., 2011 ). During the 20th and 21st centuries,
armoring has been employed extensively to protect coastal development and combat
erosion. The use of armoring is predicted to increase due to growing populations and the
location of densely inhabited cities along the coast. Protection will also be sought from
impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise and extreme weather events (Dugan et
al., 2011). Such trends are seen in the Puget Sound region, where the prevalence of
shoreline armoring has sparked concern over shoreline management.


Prior to European colonization, the Puget Sound area was home to about 50,000
native people (Fresh et al., 2011 ). The Coast Salish people relied on the abundant natural
resources of the region, including salmon, herring, and shellfish (Quinn, 2009).
European explorers first arrived by sea in 1792, with the first colonial settlement
established in 1846 near Tumwater, Washington. Entrepreneurs and others were drawn
to Washington state and, in particular, the Puget Sound region (Quinn, 2009). By the end
ofthe 19th century, Europeans were undertaking massive extractions ofthe Sound's
natural resources via sea otter and beaver trapping, logging, and salmon fishing (Quinn,
2009). The population of the Puget Sound area has rapidly increased to 3.5 million
people, approximately 70 percent of the state's population, leading to considerable
shoreline development and intensive harvesting of natural resources (Fresh et al., 2011;
Morley et al., 2012). The population ofPuget Sound is growing by 50,000 people, or 1.5
percent, each year. By 2020, it is estimated that Puget Sound will be home to 5.33
million residents (Freshet al., 2011).
Globally, a variety of anthropogenic activities threatens the biodiversity and
impairs the resilience of coastal environments, and the Puget Sound has been no
exception. Population growth and the extensive subsequent development in Puget Sound
have taken a toll on the region (Freshet al., 2011). Development and transportation
infrastructure, including railways and ports, impact coastal systems. Overexploitation
has impacted species populations and overall biodiversity. Pollution from copious
sources persist in coastal ecosystems, including agricultural pesticides, heavy metals, and
oil spills (Hoggart et al., 2015). Historical industries have left the sediments ofPuget

Sound contaminated, while runoff from transportation and chemicals from residential and
business properties channel new contaminants into the water (Quinn, 2009).
Residential, industrial, and commercial development have also contributed to the
significant alteration of the coasts of Puget Sound. The accompanying geomorphological
and ecological impacts of this development have impacted the nearshore ecosystems
(Parks et al., 2013). There are anthropogenic modifications to approximately one third,
1,136 km, ofthe Puget Sound shoreline (Dugan et al., 2011). The use ofarmoring is
pervasive on the eastern shoreline ofPuget Sound, where the cities ofEverett, Seattle,
and Tacoma are located (Shipman, 2010). In the greater Seattle area, over 70 percent is
modified, with structures including piers, ports, seawalls, and revetments (Sobocinski et
al., 2010).
During the 19th and early 20th centuries, armoring in the Puget Sound was used
mainly to protect industrial development, railroads and roads near the shore, and
agricultural operations located near river deltas (Shipman, 2010). Currently, residential
development is the main impetus for the construction of new armoring and the
replacement of aging structures (Shipman, 201 0). Waterfront properties are increasing in
value, and residential homes are being built on lots that were previously considered too
hazardous for development, due to risk of landslides or because of challenging terrain
(Small & Carman, 2005). As landowners upgrade cabins and vacation homes to larger
buildings intended for year-round use, they are employing seawalls to secure their
properties against erosion (Quinn, 2009).


Despite increases in regulation, the use of shoreline armoring continues to rise
(Carman et al., 2010). Meanwhile, there is growing concern about the environmental
impacts of armoring, concurrent with increasing knowledge of the importance of marine
riparian and nearshore ecosystems (Shipman, 201 0). Shoreline armoring has numerous
impacts, some of which are easily identified and others that are complex and require
further study (Griggs, 201 0). Quantifying the impacts of armoring is challenging due to
the heterogeneity of the nearshore and of armoring structures. The shorelines of Puget
Sound are dynamic and diverse in regards to substrate, geomorphology, and exposure.
Armoring varies in terms of construction materials, age, and placement in the nearshore;
furthermore, its use is often accompanied by other habitat modifications or anthropogenic
disturbances (Rice, 201 0). In addition, the bulk of research related to the impacts of
shoreline armoring has been conducted in areas with sandy beaches (Griggs, 2004),
which are dissimilar to the shorelines of Puget Sound.

There will always be an aesthetic

impact from the construction of coastal armoring (Griggs, 201 0). However, the impacts
of armoring are more than superficial, as this construction influences coastal and
ecological processes.
Physical impacts and effects on coastal processes
Shoreline armoring results in a loss of connectivity between terrestrial and marine
ecosystems (Rice, 2006). It also disrupts the natural processes of the nearshore
environment, altering the wave regime and sediment dynamics, contributes to passive and
active erosion, and prevents the deposition of marine wrack and large woody debris


(Dugan et al., 2011; Griggs, 2010; Sobocinski et al., 2010). The associated removal of
riparian vegetation, often done in concert with armoring, can alter the moisture and
temperature regimes of the beach (Griggs, 2010). In addition, riparian vegetation
contributes detritus and insects onto the shore, which serve as food for amphipods and
juvenile salmon, respectively (Dethier, 2010). Armoring can also prevent the deposition
ofmarine wrack and large woody debris (LWD) (Heerhartz et al., 2013). Large woody
debris is typically transported to the backshores of beaches during high tides and aids in
stabilizing the shoreline and serves as habitat for roosting, foraging, and nesting. The
moisture and nutrients from LWD benefit dune and marsh plants (Williams & Thorn,
Inevitably, the construction of armoring also results in placement loss, which is
the loss of beach due to the footprint of a structure (Melius & Caldwell, 20 15). The
amount of beach lost depends on the length of the structure and how far seaward it is
built. While a vertical seawall might not be very wide, concrete seawalls, riprap, and
revetments extend significantly farther onto a beach. Revetments can be 30 to 50 feet
wide; in some cases, such as that of a beach in Santa Cruz, California, this eradicates the
entire beach (Griggs, 201 0). The natural substrate is replaced by these construction
materials, with the resulting structure having a hard and vertical surface (Sobocinski et
al., 201 0). Armoring can reduce vertical and lateral access to a beach, with access loss
worsening in winter months and increasing over time due to erosion and impoundment
(Melius & Caldwell, 20 15). Although stairways can be built into or over armoring
structures, these are also subject to wave damage (Griggs, 2010).


Armoring can also cause impoundment loss due to sediment accumulating behind
the structure, rather than contributing to the beach. Impoundment loss can cause erosion
ofthe shoreline down-drift ofthe structure (Melius & Caldwell, 2015). Coastal bluffs
provide the majority of sediment to beaches in the Puget Sound. Armoring impedes bluff
erosion by blocking wave energy and sediment transport, causing significant alterations
to the stability and characteristics of a beach. In addition, cross-shore structures obstruct
longshore sediment transport (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). When armoring alters
the sediment processes in one area, it may impact the nearshore elsewhere in a littoral cell
(Shipman, 2010).
Although armoring is put in place to combat erosion, it can contribute to passive
and active erosion of a beach (Griggs, 201 0). Two types of coastal erosion occur
naturally. Erosion occurs on a seasonal basis, particularly due to high energy waves that
accompany winter storms. The erosion and sediment accretion that occur seasonally are
variable. If the inputs and outputs of sediment are generally in equilibrium, then these
changes ultimately balance out. By contrast, there is also landward migration of the
shoreline, which is not reversible (Griggs, 2004). The rate of shoreline retreat in Puget
Sound is generally 2.5-5 em per year, while some areas average over 15 em per year
(Macdonald et al., 1994). Passive erosion occurs when the shoreline moves inward on
either side of an armoring structure. This eventually narrows or eliminates the beach in
front of the structure and subjects the armoring to increased wave activity, which may
undermine the integrity ofthe structure (Griggs, 2010; Shipman, 2010).
Armoring affects the local hydrodynamics of the nearshore (Hoggart et al., 2015;
Martin et al., 2005). Structures built parallel to the shore will reduce current flow in the

terrestrial system but reflect wave energy back to the seaward side of the structure
(Macdonald et al., 1994; Martin et al., 2005). The increased wave energy can alter
longshore sediment transport and cause sediment starvation, in which there is a long-term
deficit in the sediment supply to a littoral cell (Macdonald et al., 1994; Shipman, 201 0).
Hydrodynamics influences sediment distribution and the benthic organisms associated
with the sediment (Martin et al., 2005). The cumulative impacts of armoring are
understudied. They may be linear, increasing with the amount of new armoring, or there
may be a critical threshold at which the addition of new armoring significantly impairs or
ceases to cause alterations to the nearshore (Macdonald et al., 1994).
Ecological Impacts

In tum, ecological processes and organisms throughout the nearshore trophic web
are affected by shoreline armoring. Armoring structures can encourage the spread of
non-native species (Chapman & Underwood, 2011). Armoring structures differ from
natural coastal habitats in terms of substrate and surface topography. They provide less
complex habitat and reduce the overall habitat available (Hoggart et al., 20 15). This
decreased habitat complexity can lessen the recruitment and survival of intertidal species
(Chapman & Blockley, 2009). Mobile species are rarer on armoring than natural
intertidal habitats, possibly due to homogeneity of the structure and lack of microhabitats
(Hoggart et al., 2015; Pister, 2009). Thus, the biodiversity ofthe nearshore environment
suffers, impacting not just the health the individual species but also the entire ecosystem,
with ramifications for recreation, fisheries, and other anthropogenic activities.


Habitat loss resulting from shoreline modification is associated with the declines
of salmonids and other animals (Johannessen, 2010). By restricting the transport of
eroding sediment from bluffs and increasing wave energy, armoring can cause sediment
starvation and coarsening of beach substrate. The altered substrate, including clay,
cobble, and gravel, provides an inhospitable environment for native Olympia oysters in
Puget Sound, whose numbers are now too low to allow for recreational or commercial
harvest (Freshet al., 2011). An examination ofthe Duwamish River estuary, located in
Seattle, showed variation in species richness and abundance of insects, amphi pods, and
isopods between armored and unarmored sites. The density of epibenthic invertebrates
on unarmored shorelines was more than ten times greater than on armored sites. Taxa
richness of epibenthic invertebrates and neuston invertebrates was greater on unarmored
sites (Morley et al., 2012).
Shoreline armoring may be the greatest threat to continued spawning by species
of forage fish, the most abundant fish in Puget Sound (Fresh et al., 2011 ). These midlevel consumers are highly productive planktivores that are prey to many species,
including salmonids and marine birds (Greene et al., 2015; Rice, 2006). While there are
at least seven species of forage fish native to the Puget Sound, the most recognized
species of forage fish in the Puget Sound are Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii pallasii),
sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), and surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus) (Greene et al.,
2015; Rice, 2010). Forage fish in the Puget Sound face many anthropogenic pressures,
and their populations have experienced shifts in abundance and composition over the past
40 years (Greene et al., 20 15). Historically, there was commercial harvest of herring and
surf smelt, and there is still recreational and commercial use of these species. Harvest of


sand lance has been banned due to conservation concerns (Penttila, 2007). Forage fish
populations may also be impacted by climate change, hypoxia, competition with and
predation by jellyfish, pollutants, and anthropogenic impacts on their preferred prey,
zooplankton (Greene et al., 2015).
Human population density is positively correlated with declines in forage fish,
and areas that are densely populated tend to have higher percentages of armored
shorelines, which have detrimental effects on forage fish spawning (Fresh et al., 2011;
Greene et al., 2015). Herring spawn on marine vegetation in intertidal and sub-tidal
zones, while surf smelt and sand lance spawn on beaches with fine-grained sediment
(Freshet al., 2011). Armoring that is constructed in the intertidal zone can eliminate
spawning habitat for surf smelt and sand lance completely. This is particularly troubling,
as these species may be site-specific spawners that return to the same location repeatedly
to breed (Fresh et al., 2011 ). The coarsened substrate of armored beaches is not
amenable to the spawning of surf smelt and sand lance, which depend on a mix of finer
sand and gravel sediment (Penttila, 2007). The construction of shoreline armoring is
often accompanied by the removal of marine riparian vegetation, which alters the
temperature and moisture thresholds of a beach. Research found that forage fish
spawning on these exposed beaches resulted in fewer live embryos and lower egg density
than at natural shorelines (Rice, 2006). Numerous species of marine birds and other
predators, including salmon, rely on forage fish, herring eggs, and macroinvertebrates in
the nearshore (Fresh et al., 2011 ).


Policy and regulation of the nearshore

The challenge of protecting and restoring the nearshore is complicated by social,
political, legal, and natural factors. The human population of Washington State is
concentrated in Puget Sound, just as populations tend to congregate in urban coastal areas
throughout the world. Waterfront property in the Puget Sound is particularly valuable
due to beachfront access and aesthetic appeal, yet development on such properties is still
subject to the natural processes that create a dynamic shoreline (Johannessen &
MacLennan, 2007). In Washington State, efforts to restore and regulate the nearshore are
complicated by the extensive amount of shoreline that is privately owned and the
accompanying interests of property owners and developers to retain the right to modify
shoreline property as they see fit. Furthermore, due to the heterogeneous nature of Puget
Sound shorelines, attempts at conservation and restoration must take into account the
varying geomorphic processes, nearshore ecosystems, and environmental stressors
(Shipman, 2010).
There are currently local, state, and national policies in place regarding the
protection of and development in coastal areas. Many of these policies recognize that
nearshore ecosystems are imperiled by development and inadequate regulation and yet
acknowledge that the nature of some development requires shoreline access, such as
military bases, fisheries, and ports. On a national level, the Coastal Zone Management
Act (CZMA) was enacted in 1972 to protect, develop, and in some cases, restore, natural
resources in coastal areas. It asserts that coastal states should develop and implement
programs whereby coastal development should be managed "'to minimize the loss of life
and property caused by improper development in flood-prone, storm surge, geological

hazard, and erosion-prone areas and in areas likely to be affected by or vulnerable to sea
level rise, land subsidence, and saltwater intrusion, and by the destruction of natural
protective features such as beaches, dunes, wetlands, and barrier islands" (16 U.S.C.
1451 ). Other legislation is aimed specifically at protecting habitat and natural resources.
Conservation of critical habitat areas in the nearshore can be employed under Executive
Order 13158, concerning the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs), although the
level of protection varies. MP As and marine reserves can be implemented by various
jurisdictions, from the local to federal level, in order to protect natural and cultural
resources in the marine environment (NOAA, 2014).
Many states have taken steps to reduce or eliminate shoreline armoring,
recognizing that its construction can alter coastal processes and result in the loss of beach
and intertidal areas. Maine, North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, and Texas
have greatly restricted armoring and in some cases, banned it altogether (Mohan et al.,
2003). Massachusetts prohibits armoring in areas where landforms, such as coastal dunes
and bluffs, contribute sediment to the nearshore (O'Connell, 2010). Nineteen states and
United States territories have identified no-build areas along their coasts, where new
development is prohibited. Washington State is one of eight states with coastal access or
Great Lakes shoreline that have not implemented no-build areas, but it does require
vegetative buffers and structural setbacks in some cases. Structural setbacks require
development to be located inland a minimum distance from a reference feature, such as
mean high tide, or natural resource area, such as a bluff (NOAA, 2012).
In Washington, limited knowledge of nearshore ecology and salmon life cycles
resulted in insufficient regulation of shoreline development for many decades.

Washington State enacted the Hydraulic Code, one ofthe state's first environmental laws,
in 1949. The law required that any project that would influence river flow or sediment to
include protection for fish in their planning and receive approval from the Departments of
Fisheries and Game. At this time, the importance of the nearshore to salmonids was
unknown, and the Hydraulic Code was not applied to marine environments until the
1970's (Small & Carman, 2005). In 2014, WDFW proposed changes to the Hydraulic
Code to provide additional protection for forage fish spawning grounds. These changes
will go into effect in July 2015 and require "no net loss" of forage fish spawning habitat
(Envirovision et al., 2010).
The Shoreline Management Act (SMA) was enacted in 1971 in Washington,
albeit with considerably different regulation regarding shoreline armoring from the
current standards. Historically, it was believed that sloped armoring, such as rock
revetments, might provide habitat for juvenile salmonids than vertical seawalls. With
increasing understanding of salmonid and forage fish behavior and use of the nearshore,
guidelines were updated to take this knowledge into account (Small & Carman, 2005).
Currently, the SMA recognizes that single-family homes are the most prevalent type of
development on Washington's shorelines but can also cause significant damage to the
nearshore as a result of armoring and other habitat modifications. It dictates that
Shoreline Master Programs (SMPs ), which implement the SMA at the local level, must
contain policies and guidelines that ensure "no net loss of shoreline ecological functions"
due to residential development and the use of shoreline armoring (WAC 173-26-241,
1971 ).


While many government agencies and non-governmental organizations recognize
the declining health of Puget Sound, efforts at conservation and restoration have been
fragmented. Recognizing the need for urgent, coordinated action, the Puget Sound
Partnership was established in 2007 with the passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill
5372. This effort brings together local, state, federal, and tribal governments (Kershner
et al., 2011). It requires scientifically-based action agendas and measurable goals in
order to restore the health ofPuget Sound by the year 2020 (Engrossed Substitute Senate
Bill 5372, 2007).
The Puget Sound Nearshore Restoration Project (PSNERP) was established in
2001 as a partnership between Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW)
and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It was established in 2001 to evaluate degraded
areas in Puget Sound, assess potential solutions, and propose restoration based projects in
specific locations (PSNERP, 2014). The Puget Sound Nearshore Restoration Project
recognizes that the shoreline provides a vital area of confluence between the marine,
terrestrial, and freshwater systems, but that most Puget Sound shorelines have been
subjected to anthropogenic stresses. The project aims to restore nearshore habitat in
order to ameliorate conditions for wildlife and improve commercial, aesthetic, and
recreational value. Eleven sites in central Puget Sound have been suggested for
restoration, which would restore approximately 5,300 acres ofthe nearshore. Completion
of this restoration is vital to the Puget Sound Action Agenda, a state and national plan
(PSNERP, 2012). The research and restoration efforts put forth by PSNERP are now
incorporated into planning by the Puget Sound Partnership.


South Central Puget Sound sub-basin

The survey sites for this research were located in South Central Puget Sound. The
economic activity of South Central Puget Sound drives the economy ofthe region and
even Washington state (Puget Sound Partnership, 2014). Major ports in Seattle and
Tacoma support international trade, the cruise industry, and fisheries, while urban
estuaries support local and regional industries, such as ship building (Puget Sound
Partnership, 2014). The marine and nearshore ecosystems provide natural resources for a
variety of industries and recreational activities, and the health of those systems is vital to
the health of the human population and economy in Puget Sound.
Evaluation of historical ( 1850-1880) and relatively recent conditions (2000-2006)
demonstrates that there have been considerable changes to this region of Puget Sound
(Freshet al., 2011 ). In comparison to the other sub-basins in Puget Sound, the South
Central region lost the most length of bluff-backed and barrier beaches (a decline of
16.6% and 24.8%, respectively). With 62.8% ofbeaches being armored, it is also the
sub-basin with the greatest amount of armored shoreline (Fresh et al., 2011 ).
Puget Sound Partnership established key threats to ecosystems and strategies and
actions to address such threats, specific to each of seven action areas they delineated in
Puget Sound (Puget Sound Partnership, 2014). Puget Sound Partnership identifies
shoreline alteration as one of the priority issues in the South Central Puget Sound, along
with two strategies to address it. On the policy side, the Shoreline Management Act can
be changed so that regulations are stricter in regard to shoreline armoring. In addition,
local governments or non-governmental organizations can encourage the replacement of


armoring with more environmentally friendly alternatives (Puget Sound Partnership,
Climate change and the nearshore

Global climate change will impact the physical and chemical processes of the
marine environment through sea level rise, increased ocean temperature, and ocean
acidification (Huppert et al., 2009). The impacts of climate change on the Puget Sound
nearshore will require coastal management to take a long-term view in order to protect
the environment and human development (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). Each
region will respond to climate change differently, depending on substrate, the slope of
cliffs, and the landforms comprising the shoreline; however, there will be several chief
impacts on coastal areas (Huppert et al., 2009).
Rising sea levels, a combination of factors such as eustatic sea level rise and
increased glacial melt, will cause the shoreline to advance inland (Huppert et al., 2009;
Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). Along unmodified shorelines, shoreline advancement
generally maintains the beach profiles, as increased sediment contribution keeps pace
with the advancing water line (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). Sea level rise can also
increase coastal flood events by amplifying the impacts of storms (Huppert et al., 2009).
Erosion ofbluffs and beaches is episodic and is often triggered by storm events.
Increases in the strength and frequency of coastal storms, along with increased winter
precipitation, will expedite landslides and other erosion events (Huppert et al., 2009).
The beaches on the Washington coast are already experiencing erosion from higher
waves and changes in storm tracks (Huppert et al., 2009). Shoreline armoring will


impede the self-regulation of the beach in the face of sea level rise, while deeper water
and increased wave energy will damage seawalls (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007).

Climatic shifts and anthropogenic pressures are taking an unprecedented toll on
marine ecosystems. Historically, marine populations have experienced cyclical patterns
while they are now demonstrating linear changes (Ainley & Hyrenbach, 2010).
Anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity and individual species are intense and will
continue to increase due to population growth and expanding development (Monastersky,
2014). Globally, marine bird populations have declined over several centuries (Bower,
2009). Of337 seabird species worldwide, the World Conservation Union has designated
101 as "threatened," meaning they are critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable
(Croxall et al., 2012; Dietrich et al., 2009). In comparison to other groups of birds,
marine birds are more threatened and their populations are declining at a faster rate
(Croxall et al., 2012; Zydelis et al., 2013).
The characteristics of marine birds that make them well suited for their
environment also make them susceptible to endangerment and extinction. Marine birds
gather in colonies during the breeding season, returning to the same habitat regardless of
whether it has been degraded. They nest in coastal areas and on islands; both of these
habitat types have been extensively developed, with nesting sites being degraded and
destroyed (Boersma et al., 2002). Marine birds have long life spans and deferred
maturity, with some birds not reproducing until 10 years of age. They have small clutch

sizes and rear chicks for extended periods, sometimes up to six months (Schrieber &
Burger, 2002). These demographic characteristics contribute to a distinct vulnerability,
in comparison to other birds (Croxall et al., 2012)
Marine birds face numerous and complex anthropogenic threats in the marine and
terrestrial environment that are contributing to direct mortality and population declines
(Bower, 2009).

They are affected both by bottom up and top down processes, and there

is also the potential for factors driving marine bird population declines to be interactive
and synergistic (Ainley & Hyrenbach, 2010; Boersma et al., 2002). Habitat modification
has been identified as the predominant reason species become endangered, and marine
birds are no exception (Boersma et al., 2002). They also face increasing predation from
bald eagles, whose populations have rebounded with listing under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA), and increasing competition from species who have similarly
benefited from legal protection, such as baleen whales (Ainley & Hyrenbach, 2010;
Blight et al., 2015; Parrish et al., 2001).
Commercial fisheries have direct and indirect impacts on marine bird populations.
Worldwide, marine birds experience injury and mortality from longline and gillnet
fisheries (Croxall et al., 2012; Dietrich et al., 2009; Zydelis et al., 2013). Research in
north and central Puget Sound found that Common Murres (Uri a aalge) and Rhinoceros
Auklets (Cerorhinca monocereta) were the species most commonly entangled in gillnets
(Thompson et al., 1998). Besides causing direct mortality, fisheries have indirect impacts
on marine birds and other upper trophic predators by decreasing prey populations.
Global demand has increased the fishing of lower trophic level species, including forage
fish. Reproductive success and adult survival of marine birds are at risk in times of

chronic food scarcity, leading to the suggestion of maintaining one third of forage fish
populations for marine birds and upper trophic level predators (Cury et al., 2011).
Pollution in marine and nearshore ecosystems can cause poor health, mortality,
and decreased reproductive success in seabirds. Ingestion of plastics and other garbage
and high levels of contaminants contribute to seabird mortality and poor reproductive
health (Pierce et al., 2004; Votier et al., 2011). Marine birds can also become entangled
in plastic debris, sometimes after using it as nesting material (Votier et al., 2011 ). On
land, marine birds and their eggs are threatened by invasive predators, such as cats, mice,
and rats (Croxall et al., 2012). Terrestrial stressors also include habitat degradation, such
as loss of nesting habitat due to island development (Boersma et al., 2002). Finally,
seabirds face direct exploitation through hunting both on land and at sea (Croxall et al.,
There have been relatively few studies regarding the populations of seabirds in the
Puget Sound area. Early accounts were largely anecdotal instead of systematic. The
Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was established in 1900, but survey sites in the Salish Sea
were not established until the 1960s. Several studies have since been conducted that
examine trends in seabird populations in the Salish Sea. While caution must be exercised
due to differences in geographic locations and methodology between studies, the data
collected of the last several decades has shown significant population trends, with several
species exhibiting significant declines (Anderson et al., 2009; Bower, 2009; Vilchis et al.,


The Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Puget Sound Project conducted a
systematic study of marine birds in 13 regions from 1978-1979. Study locations were not
in Puget Sound itself but in the southern section of the Strait of Georgia. Population
counts from shore, transect surveys conducted via ferry and boat, and aerial surveys
resulted in more than 7,000 counts over the two years of the study. A variety of habitats
were considered, both terrestrial and marine (Bower, 2009). From 1992-1999, the Puget
Sound Ambient Monitoring Program (PSAMP) repeated 54 of the aerial transects first
done by MESA. While PSAMP was significant because it allowed researchers to
evaluate long-term trends, several drawbacks must be considered. The transects flown
during PSAMP took place on one day during the winter, whereas the MESA study was
conducted during all months from 1978-1979. The locations and habitat evaluated in the
transects were not the same, as MESA surveys considered a wider variety of habitats and
PSAMP flights over coastal areas were only conducted over straight coastlines (Bower,
2009). Bower (2009) conducted a study of marine bird populations from September to
May of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 with the help of undergraduate and graduate students
from Western Washington University. The data from this study, combined with the
results ofthe PSAMP/MESA comparison and CBC data from 11 Salish Sea locations,
was used to evaluate trends in marine bird populations and abundance.
Since the 1970s, populations of some species of marine birds in the Salish Sea
have declined, while others have increased (Anderson et al., 2009; Bower, 2009; Vilchis
et al., 2014). Ofthe 37 most common seabirds that overwinter in the Salish Sea, 14 have
experienced significant population declines. The populations of 11 species declined more
than 50 percent (with a mean of67.1% +/- 18.9% SD). Populations of Western Grebes


(Aechmophorus occidentalis) and Brandt's Cormorants (Phalacrocorax penicillatus)
declined over 80 percent, while Canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) declined by 98.4
percent and Common Murre ( U aalge) declined by 92.4 percent (Bower, 2009). Declines
occurred in species from all foraging guilds, although significant declines were not seen
amongst herbivorous species, such as the Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca) and the
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Significant population increases were seen in one
herbivore species, the Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis), and four piscivorous species
(Bower, 2009). Research focused on Padilla Bay, a site in Puget Sound used by many
overwintering marine birds, found similar results. Populations declined in species from
every foraging guild. Maximum densities of Western Grebe (Aechmophorus
occidentalis) declined by 98 percent (Anderson et al., 2009).
Vilchis et al. (2014) identified several characteristics of marine birds in the Salish
Sea that were correlated with population declines. These factors concerned foraging
strategy, diet, and breeding location. Species that breed elsewhere were three times more
likely to decline than species that breed locally in the Salish Sea, indicating that
management implemented only at local or regional levels will not adequately address
species that inhabit multiple states and countries throughout their lifecycle. Diving birds,
such as grebes and loons, exhibited declines at a rate of about 11 times that of birds that
forage on the surface. Out of the diving species, alcids, such as Marbled Murrelets
(Brachyramphus marmoratus) and Common Murres (U aalge), most frequently
exhibited declines.
Specialization appeared to affect the success of certain species. Species that
preyed on forage fish were approximately eight times more likely to experience

population declines than those that do not prey on forage fish. Piscivorous marine birds
that have more generalized diets that include both demersal and forage fish are less likely
decline than species that prey on forage fish alone, such as Rhinoceros Auklets (C.
monocereta) (Vilchis et al., 2014). A generalist diet may allow birds to adapt more
readily to changes in prey composition or abundance.
Surveys of marine bird populations were not conducted regularly in the Puget
Sound until the 1970s. Since that time, data has been collected by the CBC, WDFW,
MESA, PSAMP, and WWU. While there are inconsistencies between these studies in
regard to their survey techniques, frequency of surveying, habitats monitored, and
locations observed, the compilation of data spanning decades shows definite population
trends. Several species of marine birds in the Salish Sea have exhibited significant
population declines (Anderson et al., 2009; Bower, 2009; Vilchis et al., 2014). Despite
these trends, only two species of marine birds that spend some or all of their life in
Washington have been listed under the Endangered Species Act: the Short-tailed
Albatross (Phoebastria albatros) and the Marbled Murrelet (B. marmoratus) (US Fish &
Wildlife, 20 15). Several other species are considered by Washington State to be
endangered with others designated as State Candidate species for listing, including the
Common Murre (Uria aalge), Homed Grebe (Podiceps auritus), and Western Grebe
(Aechmophorus occidentalis) (WDFW, 2015).
While there is ongoing monitoring of marine bird populations by Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife and other organizations, there is limited research
regarding the factors that are driving the success and declines of marine bird species.
Rice (2007) found that marine bird species composition varied in conjunction with the

amount of urbanization. Opportunistic species such as gulls were more frequently
observed in urban areas, while the amount of dabbling ducks and diving ducks decreased
as the amount of shoreline urbanization increased. Further research must be done to
establish the possible causes of these declines if any attempts are to be made to mitigate
the loss of marine birds. Monitoring of populations should be conducted at local and
regional scales to determine the factors influencing population trends and identify critical
habitat areas.
Marine birds as indicators

Marine birds are useful indicators due in part to their long life span and the fact
that they are upper trophic level predators (Vilchis et al., 2014). They are also highly
visible and easily observed, in comparison to many other marine species which live
underwater (Piatt et al., 2007). Most seabird species are colonial, making it easy to
quantify and even sample to their breeding grounds (Piatt et al., 2007). Seabird
population trends have been linked in parallel to the success of primary producers, and
this sensitivity to fluctuations in food supply adds to their usefulness as indicator species
(Frederiksen et al., 2007).
In the Puget Sound, marine bird abundance is intermediate in the winter and peaks
in the fall and spring months. This is indicative of the reliance of marine bird species on
the Puget Sound as migrating and overwintering habitat (Gaydos & Pearson, 2011). The
Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife, along with Puget Sound Partnership, has
designated certain marine bird species as indicators that can reflect the status of marine
bird species that rely on the Puget Sound. During the spring and summer months, at-sea


density trends of Pigeon Guillemots (Cepphus calumba), Rhinoceros Auklets

(Cerorhinka monocerata), and Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are
recommended as indicators. These three species breed locally in the Puget Sound.
Rhinocerous Auklets and Marbled Murrelets feed primarily on schooling pelagic fish,
while Pigeon Guillemots rely more on benthic fish and fish species in the nearshore.
Scoters, including the Black Scoter (Melanitta americana), Surf Scoter (Melanitta

perspicillata), and White-winged Scoter (Melanittafusca), are recommended as
indicators of the over-wintering marine bird community. Scoters are dependent on
herring spawn, eelgrass beds, and benthic habitats. These six species are highly reliant
on the marine waters and marine derived resources of the Puget Sound and are
charismatic fauna that can be used to illustrate trends in marine bird communities
(Pearson & Hamel, 2013).

Despite the associated costs and hazards of coastal living, populations continue to
increase in Puget Sound and other coastal areas. Residential development drives most
new shoreline armoring in Puget Sound, where approximately 30% of the shoreline is
armored. Shoreline armoring concerns the public because it reduces the aesthetic value
of beaches, along with vertical and lateral access to them, limiting recreational
opportunities. The extent of a beach is diminished when structures are built on them or at
the base of cliffs and bluffs. Furthermore, armoring alters the physical processes, such as
hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics, that take place in coastal areas. Species that


depend on the nearshore, especially forage fish, which are important prey species for
upper trophic levels, are negatively impacted by armoring. Since the ecological impacts
of coastal armoring have not been well studied, they have not been included in policy and
engineering decisions (Dugan et al., 2011; Griggs, 201 0).
Many environmental issues have occurred because people take action in an
attempt to slow or halt natural process. These actions have led to unexpected ecological
impacts and often have not adequately protected properties anyway. More research needs
to be done into the ecological effects of armoring, particularly in regard to upper trophic
level predators, in order to make sound management decisions in the future. Research
into factors such as habitat modification that are contributing to declines in marine bird
species can advance scientifically-based conservation measures.


Marine Bird Assemblages in Relation to Armored and Unarmored Sites
in Central Puget Sound
The Puget Sound is an important overwintering habitat for many migratory and
resident marine bird species. Population trends show a steady decline of many species
overwintering in the Puget Sound and greater Salish Sea. The decreased abundance of
many species of marine birds that overwinter in the Puget Sound is cause for concern.
Research has been focused on monitoring abundance without a deeper exploration of the
natural and anthropogenic causes behind these declines, which remain largely
understudied and poorly understood.
The Puget Sound region is a hotspot of biodiversity and the extensive ecosystem
goods and services have attracted and sustained a large human population, but at a cost to
the natural environment. One ongoing debate is the role that shoreline armoring, used
extensively in Puget Sound to protect development, has on ecosystem degradation. On a
local scale, the use of armoring alters the physical and ecological processes of the
nearshore and affects invertebrates, forage fish, and juvenile salmonids that depend on
the nearshore. It is less understood how the consequences of many small modifications
translate to a wider scale and impact higher trophic levels, such as the marine birds that
depend on the nearshore during the winter season.
This research explored the relationship between marine bird abundance and
foraging behavior and natural and modified shorelines, specifically armoring. Surveys
for marine bird abundance and behavior were conducted at six paired sites in South
Central Puget Sound from January to March, 2015. This study found the average
abundance and average species richness of marine birds were greater at armored sites
than at unarmored sites; however, results were not similar across all paired survey sites.
Analysis of each individual site determined that at three survey locations, there was not a
significant difference in average abundance or species richness between paired sites. At
the remaining three locations, there was significantly greater average abundance, average
species richness, or both, at the armored survey sites. The proportion of birds in each
foraging guild depended on whether or not shorelines were armored, with piscivorous
species comprising a smaller percentage of all birds at armored sites. Further research is
warranted to determine to what extent shoreline modification impacts marine birds.


Puget Sound in Washington State lies within the southern portion of the Salish
Sea and is the second largest estuary in the United States (Freshet al., 2011). Puget
Sound's complex and productive ecosystems are home to a vast array of marine and
terrestrial species, making it a hotspot of biodiversity (Quinn, 2009). The health and
resilience of humans, native species, ecosystems, and Puget Sound itself are intimately
linked. Ever-increasing human population and accompanying anthropogenic impacts
have drastically altered the landscapes and ecosystems of the Sound (Freshet al., 2011;
Quinn, 2009).
Puget Sound is home to ~4 million people, and this is projected to increase to 5.33
million by 2020, which will put additional pressures on the region's natural resources
(Freshet al., 2011). Due to many anthropogenic influences, the health ofthe Puget
Sound is imperiled (Fresh et al., 2011; Quinn, 2009). Puget Sound ecosystems are
degraded and species are threatened and endangered as a result of habitat modification,
pollution, introduction of invasive species, and overexploitation of resources (Quinn,
2009). Concern over the degradation of this region led to the passing of legislation in
Washington State, which created the Puget Sound Partnership and tasked it with restoring
the health of Puget Sound by 2020. The nearshore environment, which is vital to the
health of the Puget Sound, marine species, and humans, was identified by the Partnership
as a priority for increased study and protection (Pearson & Hamel, 2013).
The condition and productivity ofPuget Sound are intimately linked to the state
of the nearshore, which bridges bridge the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine
environments (Freshet al., 2011). The nearshore is defined as the area from the top of

coastal bluffs to the deepest part of the photic zone (Johannessen et al., 2014). The
nearshore provides many valuable ecosystem goods and services, including nutrient
cycling, water filtration, shoreline protection, and fisheries (Becket al., 2003). It also
functions as habitat for many species that are important to the marine system and have
cultural and economic value, including eelgrass, forage fish, salmonids, and marine birds
(Rice, 2010).
The unique landscape and geology of Puget Sound were shaped by the Vashon
glaciation and subsequent Holocene period and its associated processes. The shoreline
of Puget Sound is varied and dynamic. It is composed of rocky coasts, beaches,
estuaries, lagoons, and river deltas (Shipman, 2008). Bluff-backed beaches are the most
common nearshore landform, with the bluffs sometimes reaching more than 100 m in
elevation (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). These bluffs are often referred to as feeder
bluffs, due to the sediment they contribute to beaches through erosion (Shipman, 2010).
Bluff erosion is not constant but occurs periodically and is a vital process that maintains
an equilibrium ofthe nearshore sediment (Shipman, 2010).
The colonization of the Puget Sound by Europeans led to dramatic alterations of
the Puget Sound shoreline (Freshet al., 2011). One ofthe most prevalent and visible
modifications has been the use of shoreline armoring to protect residential, commercial,
and public property from the perceived risk of erosion and flooding. Armoring
encompasses a range of structures, some of which are parallel to the shore, such as
bulkheads and rip rap or rock revetments, and some that are cross-shore, including groins
and jetties (Johannessen & MacLennan, 2007). In the 19th and early 20th centuries,
armoring was constructed to protect agriculture, industry, and transportation along the

coast, namely roads and railroads. In the mid-201h century, the bulk of coastal
development and accompanying shoreline modification switched to residential properties
(Shipman, 2010). Urban areas are highly developed and correspondingly, have high rates
of shoreline modification. Armoring is prevalent in South Central Puget Sound, from
Everett to Tacoma (Shipman et al., 2010; Simenstad et al., 2011). Currently, nearly 30
percent ofPuget Sound's shoreline is armored, and there is growing concern over local
and cumulative impacts from its extensive use (Shipman et al., 2010).
Comparable to many anthropogenic modifications to the environment, shoreline
armoring has unexpected consequences on the environment. By separating the terrestrial
and marine environments, armoring disrupts the movement of organisms and material
between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems (Shipman, 2010). The footprint of
armoring results in placement loss by reducing the intertidal area on beaches, and in some
cases, eliminating it altogether (Griggs, 2010). The physical processes ofthe nearshore
can be disrupted by the construction ofarmoring (Shipman et al., 2010). Armoring
prevents sediment from eroding bluffs from reaching the nearshore, disrupts sediment
transport, and increases wave energy, all of which contribute to sediment starvation.
(Dugan et al., 2011; Shipman, 2010). Armoring can decrease or prevent the
accumulation of marine wrack and large woody debris and contribute to passive and
active erosion (Griggs, 2010; Sobocinski et al., 2010).
The disruption of coastal processes has ecological and biological consequences.
Armoring decreases habitat complexity, which can affect the success of intertidal species
and influence the spread of non-native and invasive species (Chapman & Blockley, 2009;
Chapman & Underwood, 2011). Studies of modified and natural shorelines have shown

a lower abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates in nearshore marine environments
at armored sites (Sobocinski et al., 2010). Sediment starvation caused by armoring can
make beach conditions unfavorable to the reproductive cycles of forage fish, which play a
large role in the trophic web as prey for salmonids, marine birds, and mammals (Fresh et
al., 2011 ). Two species of forage fish, surf smelt and sand lance, both spawn in the upper
intertidal zone and depend on a fine substrate, sand and gravel (Penttila, 2007). The
coarsening of beach substrate that results from shoreline armoring creates an inhospitable
environment for forage fish spawning. In some cases, the spawning environment is
eliminated altogether when a structure takes up a significant portion of the beach (Fresh
et al., 2011 ). Installation of shoreline armoring often is accompanied by the removal of
marine riparian vegetation, which leads to increased temperature and moisture thresholds,
resulting in embryo mortality and decreased success of forage fish eggs (Rice, 2006).
While many armoring structures are small in scale, there is the potential for cumulative
impacts on landscape or regional level due to their prevalent use (Rice, 2010).
There is growing concern regarding the consequences of shoreline armoring, but
the use of it continues. In fact, it is likely that construction of armoring will increase in
the coming years, due to climate change, sea level rise, and a stubborn aspiration to
coastal living (Shipman et al., 2010). Policy has not been stringent enough to discourage
the use of armoring and motivate property owners to implement more environmentally
friendly shoreline modifications. The Washington Hydraulic Code was established to
protect fish from in-water construction and has been updated to require that development
causes "no net loss" of spawning habitat for forage fish (Carman et al., 201 0;
Envirovision et al., 2010). Another regulatory effort regarding shoreline armoring is the


Shoreline Management Act (SMA) of 1971, which focused on encouraging waterdependent use of the shoreline, as infrastructure and industry such as piers, aquaculture,
and marinas must, by definition, be located next to the water. The SMA was also
implemented to protect natural resources and encourage public access to publicly owned
shorelines (Carman et al., 2010). Despite the goal ofPuget Sound Partnership to reduce
armoring by 2020, the construction of new armoring is outpacing the removal of
established structures (Puget Sound Partnership, 2014 ). This issue is complicated by the
need to protect natural resources for the good of the public while not infringing on the
rights of private property owners.
Puget Sound is a vital overwintering ground for resident and migratory marine
birds (Vilchis et al., 2014). Several species of marine birds have experienced population
declines in the Puget Sound and the greater Salish Sea over the last few decades
(Anderson et al., 2009; Bower, 2009). Significant declines have been seen in 14 ofthe
most common seabird species in the Salish Sea, with 11 of those species declining more
than 50 percent (Bower, 2009; see Appendix). The exact causes of these declines are
unknown, but marine birds face numerous anthropogenic pressures in marine and
terrestrial environments. Commercial fisheries, the ingestion of plastics and other
contaminants, hunting, invasive predators, and development have had a deleterious
impact on seabird numbers (Bower, 2009; Croxall et al., 2012). Increased urbanization
has been correlated with lower abundance and altered composition of marine birds along
Puget Sound's shoreline (Rice, 2007).
Marine ecosystems are threatened on a global scale, with many marine species
facing endangerment and extinction due to anthropogenic pressures. Seabirds can serve

as indicators of marine ecosystem integrity due to being long-lived, migratory between
breeding and nonbreeding areas, and components of upper trophic levels (Vilchis et al.,
2014). Similar to commercial fisheries and marine mammals, marine birds are highly
dependent on secondary production, and their reproductive success has been linked to
crashes in fish populations (Piatt & Sydeman, 2006). There is often a relationship
between seabird diets and prey abundance and distributions (Gaydos & Pearson, 2011).
Therefore, bird populations and assemblages can reflect changes in productivity and prey
abundance in marine environments (Vilchis et al., 2014). In the Puget Sound, the
following six species of marine birds are recognized as indicator species, and their
presence and status reflects the overall health of the marine environment: Surf Scoters,
White-winged Scoters, Black Scoters, Pigeon Guillemots, Rhinoceros Auklets, and
Marbled Murrelets (Pearson & Hamel, 2013). Further research into the causes of
declines of Puget Sound seabird populations can inform conservation measures or policy
regarding modification of the nearshore.
Despite the dramatic declines in populations of several marine bird species, there
has been limited research conducted regarding the potential natural and anthropogenic
factors that could be driving population changes. Research has been focused largely on
abundance of individual species and taxonomic groups (Rice, 2007). Due to the
importance of marine birds as indicator species and because of their intrinsic value, it
behooves us to understand as much as possible about their biology and habitat use,
explore factors that may be contributing to their decline, and invest in corresponding
conservation measures. Shoreline armoring has been shown to have deleterious effects
on populations of salmonids, forage fish, and invertebrates (Sobocinski et al., 201 0),


which comprise a large component of the winter diets of many marine bird species.
Shoreline armoring has been suggested as a potential factor in environmental declines of
avifauna, (Rice, 2007; Williams & Thorn, 2001), but there has been limited research
regarding the effects of shoreline armoring on marine birds and other upper trophic level
predators. My research is a pilot study to assess if shoreline armoring impacts marine
bird habitat use and behavior in the South Central Puget Sound.

Six paired sites with armored and unarmored sections of shoreline were selected
for this study. Armored and unarmored segments were adjacent to one another, with the
exception of one survey site. The survey sites are located in the South Central Puget
Sound Sub-Basin (see Figure 1), the region of the Puget Sound that is most highly
developed (Simenstad et al., 2011). Sites were located from Seattle to Tacoma,
Washington. The marine bird community of Puget Sound is most diverse in the winter,
and many species of birds present in winter are assembled largely in the nearshore
(Pearson & Hamel, 2013).
Surveys were conducted from January through March, 2015. The number of
surveys varied between sites due to availability of observers; however, most sites were
surveyed 10 times, and all paired sites were surveyed the same number of times. The
Lincoln Park, Beaconsfield, and Marine View Park/ Des Moines Beach Park sites were
surveyed for 10 weeks, while the Poverty Bay, Point Defiance Park, and Titlow Park sites
were surveyed between seven and nine weeks. Each location was surveyed for 20

minutes between 08:20 hr to 12:30 hr. Tides were not taken into account regarding the
choice of survey day and times; however, later statistical analysis excluded the possibility
that tides were influencing marine bird abundance (see Results section). An observation
point was designated near the mid-point of each beach. All individual birds seen on the
water within a 150m radius of the observer were surveyed for abundance, distance from
shore, behavior, and identification to species and gender when possible. Distance from
the observer was recorded with a Nikon Monarch Gold Laser1200 Rangefinder. The
distance of individual birds from shore was categorized within one of three bins of 0-50
m, 51-100m, and 101-150 m from shore. Surveys of armored and unarmored sites were
conducted one immediately following the other. The first site to be surveyed was
determined randomly.


South Central Puget Sound


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SurveyS ites
Survey Area
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Figure 1. Survey sites located in South Central Puget Sound.


Site Descriptions
Lincoln Park

Lincoln Park is an urban park located inside the city limits of Seattle. In 1922,
Seattle obtained 130 acres at Williams Point and opened the park to the public 3 years
later. In an effort to protect the park from the wave regime, a seawall was built in 1936.
The seawall spanned the length of the park and was constructed from cobblestone and
mortar (Macdonald et al., 1994).
Avian surveys were conducted in the northwest section of Lincoln Park, which is
more protected from storms and erosion than the south section of the park. The
unarmored section is south of residential properties, which are protected with seawalls.
There is riprap in this section, but it is above the Mean High Water, and large woody
debris has accumulated in front of the riprap. The armored section is without large
woody debris. Both sites are separated from riparian vegetation by a walking path.

The Beaconsfield site is part of the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem
Restoration Project (PSNERP) and is targeted for restoration. The Beaconsfield Feeder
Bluff is a 1,000 foot long, 5.5-acre section of shoreline in south Normandy Park. There
are 26 shoreline property parcels in Beaconsfield. The City ofNormandy Park owns 16
of these parcels, comprising 3.33 acres. Approximately 80 percent of the shoreline is
armored, with a combination of a concrete bulkhead and rock revetment. The PSNERP
plan includes acquiring more of the privately owned parcels and removing 660 feet of
armoring, leaving one portion in place to protect a privately owned house (PSNERP,

2012; United States Army Corps of Engineers, n.d.). This restoration is expected to
create better spawning conditions for forage fish, encourage kelp and eelgrass growth,
and improve habitat for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and bull trout

(Salvelinus conjluentus), both of which are listed under the Endangered Species Act
(USFWS, 20 15).
The Beaconsfield beaches are composed of sand and gravel. The unarmored
section has large woody debris above the mean high water mark. Riparian vegetation is
comprised of native and non-native species, including English Ivy (Hedera helix), Indian
plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), and madrone (Arbutus menziesii). A small stream runs
from the residential area down the bluffs and into the Sound. There is considerably less
large woody debris at the armored section. The survey site is of mixed construction, with
both a concrete seawall and rock revetment. The riparian vegetation has not been
removed from behind the armoring, although much of it is comprised of non-native
species, including Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus

armeniacus), and English ivy (Hedera helix).
Marine View Park/ Des Moines Beach Park
Marine View Park is a 27.37-acre park in Normandy Park, composed of steep
wooded bluffs and a large ravine. The beach is unarmored, with large woody debris
above the mean high water mark, backed by steep bluffs and riparian vegetation. Red
alder (Alnus rubra) and Indian plum (0. cerasiformis), as well as invasive species such as
English ivy, characterize this site. The beach substrate consists of sand and gravel.


Des Moines Beach Park is a 19 .6-acre park in Des Moines. It is situated next to
the Des Moines Marina, and Des Moines Creek empties into the survey area between
armored sections of shoreline. The armoring consists of rock revetment. To the north,
there are residential properties, most of which are fronted by concrete seawalls. For ease
of analysis, these paired sites are identified as Des Moines in the statistical analysis and
Poverty Bay
The Poverty Bay site is located north of Poverty Bay Park in Federal Way. The
development along Poverty Bay is residential, much of which is armored with concrete
seawalls. The armored section has a short, unarmored public access point, bordered to
the north and south by private properties with seawalls approximately one meter high.
The armored sections are without riparian vegetation, as the residential properties have
developed yards of mostly grass. The unarmored section is characterized by a steep
embankment and riparian vegetation consisting of species such as red alder (A. rubra)
and sword fern (Polystichum munitum ).
Titlow Park
Titlow Park is an 83 acre park in Tacoma, made up of grassy flat land, forest,
wetland, an estuary lagoon, streams, and beach. Land was purchased in 1926 and 1928
for the creation of a city park (Woodards et al., 201 0). The park is used recreationally for
bird watching, walking, picnicking, and scuba diving (Woodards et al., 2010). Metro
Parks is interested in maintaining and restoring wildlife habitat at Titlow Park in


conjunction with providing cultural, educational, and recreational resources and
commercial opportunities that could generate revenue for the location.
Despite its urban location, Titlow Park provides habitat for many native species,
including salmon, forage fish, bald eagles, purple martins, and pileated woodpeckers.
There is documented surf smelt (H pretiosus) spawning areas at Titlow and potential
spawning areas for surf smelt and sand lance (family Ammodytidae). Washington
Department ofFish and Wildlife designated a portion of the shoreline at Titlow Park as a
Marine Preserve Area in 1994 (Woodards et al., 2010). There are restrictions on
recreational and commercial fishing in the Titlow Beach Marine Preserve Area
(Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife, 2015). Salmon were raised in the lagoon
at Titlow Park in the 1980s (Woodards et al., 201 0). In 2008, a state grant was awarded
to Metro Parks to be used to determine whether restoration of the shoreline and estuary
lagoon could establish habitat for Chinook (0. tshawytscha) and churn (0. keta) salmon
(Woodards et al., 2010).
The armored section of the park, South Beach, is located at the southern-most
portion of the park in a small inlet and is backed by a rock revetment. There is additional
development, including pilings in the water from a historic pier and ferry dock. There is
limited riparian vegetation above the revetment, including Scotch Broom (C. scoparius)
and Himalayan blackberry (R. armeniacus). An asphalt walking path is located next to
this section of beach, along with a railway that was constructed in 1913 and remains in
use in the present day. Two 40-inch pipes located at the north end of South Beach allow
for the flow of water between the Puget Sound and the lagoon (Woodards et al., 2010).
The unarmored section of Titlow Park, Hidden Beach, is a sand and gravel beach, backed


by steep bluffs with riparian vegetation. The riparian vegetation is a mixture of native
and non-native species, including Pacific madrone (A. menziesii) and Douglas fir

(Pseudotsuga menziesii).
Point Defiance Park
Point Defiance Park is a 765 acre park in Tacoma. President Andrew Johnson
intended this area to be a military reservation, but it was never used for military
operations. In 1888, President Glover Cleveland authorized the city of Tacoma to create
a public park instead. Pt. Defiance Park is now utilized by over 3 million people per
year, who visit the park for the zoo, botanical garden, marina, off-leash dog park, and
natural areas (Metro Parks Tacoma, 2015).
The armored section of the park is adjacent to the marina. A concrete seawall
approximately 1.6 m high is backed by a concrete walking path. The seawall takes up
much of the intertidal zone, and the beach is a mixture of sand and cobble. Riparian
vegetation located behind the walking path includes Bigleafmaple (Acer macrophyllum),
Douglas fir (P. menziesii), sword fern (P. munitum), and huckleberry. The unarmored
section is a sandy beach with large woody debris backed by a steep embankment. The
cliffs abutting the shoreline are over 75 m high in some areas of the park. Riparian
vegetation is largely native species, such as red alder (A. rubra), bigleafmaple (A.

macrophyllum ), and sword fern (P. munitum ).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis of the data was conducted in JMP and Excel to determine
potential differences in seabird abundance, species richness, and foraging behavior at

armored and unarmored sites. Tests were run on individual sites and on all sites
combined. Because the number of site visits varied between sites, abundance data was
standardized by effort.
Using Excel, resampling for Monte Carlo was used to test for correlation between
armored and unarmored sites and average marine bird abundance, average species
richness, average species evenness, and the average proportion of birds foraging (1000
iterations; DIF and p-value reported). Species evenness was obtained by calculating the

Shannon-Weaver Information Function and then using the following formula: E = e /s
(in which e is a constant, 2.7, Dis the value ofthe Shannon-Weaver Information
Function, and s is the number of species in the sample) (Center for Earth and
Environmental Science, 2013).
Contingency tables were run in JMP 12 to determine if there was a relationship
between distance from shore and the percentage of birds in each foraging guild (see
Bower, 2009; with x2, degrees of freedom, and p-value reported). Contingency tables
were also used to determine if there was a relationship between armoring and the
percentage ofbirds in each foraging guild (with x2, degrees of freedom, and p-value
reported). A bivariate fit of analysis was run in JMP was used to determine whether tides
were correlated with marine bird abundance.


From January to March, 2015, 1,379 individual birds were observed at six paired
sites (see Table 1). The total abundance at armored sites was 951, while 428 birds were
observed at unarmored sites. Nineteen species of marine birds were seen overall, and the
species composition varied between sites (see Figure 2). The highest species richness
was seen at Titlow Park and Poverty Bay, with 14 species observed at each site. The
species richness varied between nine and 13 species observed at the remaining sites.


Table 1. Total seabird abundance observed by site in South Central Puget Sound, Washington, January-March 2015



Des Moines

Poverty Bay

Point Defiance

Titlow Park

American Wigeon
Barrow's Goldeneye
Canada Goose
Common Goldeneye
Common Loon
Common Merganser
Double-crested Cormorant
Greater Scaup
All Gulls*
Harlequin Duck
Hooded Merganser
Horned Grebe
Lesser Scaup
Pelagic Cormorant
Pigeon Guillemot
Red-breasted Merganser
Total abundance









































*Gull species, glaucous-winged gulls and glaucous-winged hybrids, were combined


Overall, the most abundant species were Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, and
Surf Scoter (n=262, n=216, n=207 respectively; see Table 2). The most abundant species
at armored sites were Common Goldeneye, Surf Scoter, and gulls, while the most
abundant species at unarmored sites were Bufflehead, Homed Grebe, and Common
Goldeneye (see Table 2). A majority, 65%, of marine birds surveyed were diving ducks.
Table 2. Species table: Number of individuals observed at armored and unarmored sites







Anas platyrhynchos
Phalacrocorax auritus





Mergus merganser





Histrionicus histrionicus





Lophodytes cucullatus





Cepphus calumba





Branta canadensis





Gavia immer





Aythya marila




Aythya affinis




Phalacrocorax pelagicus







Common Goldeneye
Homed Grebe
All gulls
Barrow's Goldeneye
American Wigeon
Pelagic Cormorant

Bucephala clangula
Bucephala albeola
Melanitta perspicillata
Podiceps auritus
Larus spp.
Bucephala islandica
Anas americana
Mergus serrator







Figure 2a-f. Species composition by survey site.



Lincoln Park

Titlow Park

PoveftY Say



i "'


! ,.





. -- II


••• .Ill.••• •II .1.

I II ..1



2d .

II ~ .I ~ I -·-- II.J .L II
Point Defiance Pa rk


Des Moines









l: II.






J< "



-• I


•I -•-





_ .•



111.1 •


Legend (species by 4-letter code):



















Mea n Avifa una! Abu ndance by Site





-:;: 30










12 .1















· <:-e"







· !':-e"






















.c-o' eo

























Survey Site

Figure 3. Mean avifauna! abundance by paired survey sites with a standard error of 1
from the mean

The average abundance of marine birds at armored sites (n=17.6 ± 2.4) was
significantly greater than at unarmored sites (n=7.9 ± 1.1 ; DIF=9.7; p<O.OOl).
Although tides were not taken into account when survey dates were chosen, there
was no significant relationship between tide and abundance (R2=0.008, F(l, 106)=0.9,


Species richness

Mea n Species Rich ness by Site

































































· <:-e"












. .~&

· ~"'"(;







. ~'>

















A ""~"'








Survey Site

Figure 4. Mean species richness by survey site, with a standard error of 1 from the mean.
The average species richness at armored sites (n=4.3 ± 0.6) was significantly
greater than the average species richness at unarmored sites (n=3.1 ± 0.4; DIF=l.2;


Species evenness

Species Evenness by Site
0 .93


0 .89

0 .84


0 .87


0 .84

0 .86

0 .82
0 .76


0 .77

0 .57






"' 0.50


- ~ 0.40


0 .00



















































































Survey Site

Figure 5. Species evenness by site, with a standard error of 1 from the mean.
The average species evenness at armored sites (n=0.94±0.03) was not
significantly different from the species evenness at unarmored sites (n=0.96±0.07;
DIF=O.O, p< l.O).


Foraging behavior
Proport ion of Birds Foragi ng by Site

0 .92

0 .88

0 .90


0 .78


0 .80


0 .71








0 .57



0 .60



0 .20

0 .00






















~&· <:'




'l.l" ~~~



































Survey Site

Figure 6. Proportion of birds foraging, with a standard error of 1 from the mean.
The proportion ofbirds foraging at armored sites (n=0.75±0.14) was not
significantly different between armored and unarmored sites (n=0.73±0.12; DIF=0.002,


7a. Chi-square Analysis ofForaging Guild by Armoring





7b. Chi-square Analysis of Foraging Guild by Bin



























7c. Chi-square analysis of Foraging Guild by Bin:
Armored Sites


0.75 -

} ~














7d. Chi-square analysis ofForaging Guild by Bin:
Unarmored Sites






Armori ng

Bin l




Figure 7. Analysis of abundance in each foraging guild (B: benthivores; H: herbivores; 0 : omnivores; P: piscivores) in relation to
armored and unarmored sites (7a) and according to distance from shore (Bin 1: 0-50 m; Bin 2: 51-100m; Bin 3: 101-150m) at all
sites (7b), armored sites (7c), and unarmored sites (7d).

Approximately 74% of marine birds surveyed were foraging at all survey sites.
Although there was no significant difference in the proportion of marine birds foraging at
armored and unarmored sites, the percentage of birds in each foraging guild depended on
whether or not there was armoring (x2 =73.7, df=3, p<0.0001). At armored sites, 56.3%
ofbirds observed were benthivores, 10.7% were herbivores, and 14.7% were omnivores,
and 18.3% were piscivores (see Figure 7a). At unarmored sites, 62.6% ofbirds observed
were benthivores, 1.9% were herbivores, and 5.1% were omnivores (see Figure 7a).
There were significantly more piscivorous birds at unarmored sites (30.4%) than at
armored sites (18.3%).
The percentage ofbirds in each foraging guild was also dependent on the distance
from shore (x2 =218.1, df=6, p<0.001; see Figure 7b). There were more birds observed
in the second distance bin, 51-1 00 m from shore, than in the other two bins. Across all
bins, benthivores were the most abundant birds observed at both armored and unarmored
sites. A higher proportion of herbivores and omnivores were observed at the armored
survey sites, where they were most frequently located in the first nearshore bin, :S50 m
from shore.
Individual Sites
The abundance and species richness of marine birds varied between each paired
survey site. The average abundance at armored Des Moines Beach Park (46±6.4) was
significantly greater than the average abundance at Marine View Park (7.4±1.4), its
paired unarmored site (DIF=38.6, p<0.001). The average species richness at Des Moines
Beach Park (4.6±0.5) was also significantly greater than the average species richness at


Marine View Park (2.8±0.3; DIF=l.8, p<O.Ol). The average abundance was significantly
greater at the armored section of Point Defiance Park than at the unarmored section
(DIF=7.29, p<O.OOI). The average species richness at the armored section of Point
Defiance Park was significantly greater than at the unarmored section (DIF=3.29,
Table 3. Monte Carlo resampling of average abundance between armored and unarmored
sections at each paired survey site. Reported as mean abundance(+/- SE). An asterisk
indicates statistical significance (£<0.05).
Lincoln Park
Des Moines
Poverty Bay
Point Defiance




P value


p<O.OOl *
p<O.OOl *

Table 4. Monte Carlo resampling of average species richness between armored and
unarmored sections at each paired survey site. Reported as mean species richness(+/SE). An asterisk indicates statistical significance (p_<0.05).
Lincoln Park
Des Moines
Poverty Bay
Point Defiance




P value


p<O.Ol *
p<O.OOl *

The species richness was significantly greater at the armored section (5.3±0.5) of
Titlow Park in comparison to the corresponding unarmored section (3.8±0.6; DIF=1.56,
p<0.047). For the remaining three sites, Lincoln Park, Beaconsfield, and Poverty Bay,
there was no significant difference in abundance or species richness between the armored
and unarmored sections.

Comparison of combined armored sites to unarmored sites showed that there was
significantly greater average abundance and average species richness of seabirds at
armored sites. When each paired site was analyzed individually, the three sites that were
not adjacent to a marina or other highly developed area did not demonstrate a significant
difference in abundance or species richness.
Importance of the nearshore as foraging habitat

Foraging theory posits that predator behavior and movement aims to optimize
energy intake; hence, it would be expected that marine birds will be located in areas with
sufficient prey populations (Kirk et al., 2008). The results of this research demonstrated
that marine birds are utilizing the nearshore in South Central Puget Sound to forage
during the winter months. Overall, 74% of birds surveyed were foraging, and 76% of
birds surveyed were located in the first two bins, up to 100 m from shore. This
emphasizes the importance of the nearshore environment as foraging habitat to marine
birds that overwinter in the Puget Sound. Despite the negative correlation between
armoring and abundance and reproductive success of some prey populations reported in
other studies (Morley et al., 2012; Penttila, 2007; Rice, 2006; Sobocinski et al., 2010),
there was not a significant difference in the percentage of marine birds foraging at
armored and unarmored sites.
When exploring the composition of birds according to foraging guilds as
categorized by Bower (2009), guild varied by armoring and by distance from shore.
While more individual birds of certain species were observed at armored sites, the

composition of species when combined into foraging guilds varied between armored and
unarmored shorelines. Benthivores, including Barrow's Goldeneye, Bufflehead,
Common Goldeneye, and Surf Seater, were the most abundant birds and dominated all
binned distance from shore categories at both armored and unarmored sites. Herbivores,
including American Wigeon and Mallard, and omnivores were more frequently observed
at armored sites in the nearshore bin. The omnivores observed were almost entirely
Glaucous-winged Gulls and Glaucous-winged Hybrid Gulls. In this study, piscivorous
birds were more frequently observed at unarmored sites than at armored sites. The most
abundant piscivores observed were Homed Grebe and Red-breasted Merganser. Other
piscivorous species, including Double-crested Cormorant, Common Merganser, Hooded
Merganser, Pigeon Guillemot, Common Loon, and Pelagic Cormorant were less
commonly or rarely observed during the survey period (n=26; n=14; n=IO; n=IO; n=3;
n=l, respectively).
Research has shown that armoring is detrimental to the spawning success of sand
land and surf smelt, which are important prey species to some marine birds (Penttila,
2007). Herring eggs also compose part of the diet for several species surveyed, including
Surf Seaters and Buffleheads (Gauthier, 2014; Lok et al., 2012). Eelgrass meadows
provide critical habitat for juvenile salmon, invertebrates, and other organisms and also
serve as spawning habitat for herring (Envirovision et al., 201 0). The health and
productivity of eelgrass beds can be detrimentally affected by shoreline armoring and
other anthropogenic activities, such as shellfish aquaculture (Envirovision et al., 2010).
Marine birds that depend largely on fish, and particularly forage fish, as primary prey


items, may be less likely to reside or forage in nearshore environments in which the
shoreline is armored, as was observed in this study, but further research is warranted.

Confounding factors
There were several artificial and natural factors that may have influenced the
abundance and behavior of marine birds at the survey sites, beyond the armoring itself.
Areas that are armored, particularly in cases of industrial or commercial properties, are
sometimes highly developed. This introduces additional anthropogenic variables into the
nearshore, and it may be difficult to isolate the impacts of armoring from the other
alterations to the environment. The abundance and species richness of marine birds at
Des Moines Beach Park and the armored section of Point Defiance Park were
significantly greater than at the corresponding unarmored sites. These two sites are
located next to marinas and are highly developed (see Figure 8a,b ). At Titlow Park, there
are pilings in and next to the armored section from a historic ferry terminal (see Figure
8c ). The anthropogenic additions to the nearshore, including pilings and docks, could be
providing habitat for prey species such as bivalves and crustaceans. Fifty-eight percent
of birds surveyed were diving ducks that rely primarily on invertebrates and mollusks as
prey, so highly developed areas may provide some benefit to these marine birds.


8a. Pier at the Des Moines
Marina, adjacent to Des Moines
Beach Park

8b. The Point Defiance Marina,
adjacent to the armored section
of Point Defiance Park

8c. Pilings from an abandoned
ferry terminal, in the nearshore
habitat of the armored section of
Titlow Park

Figure 8. Photos of additional development in the nearshore habitat at, and adjacent to,
three survey sites.

It is possible that marine birds are able to exploit novel prey populations that have

established themselves in highly developed areas, due to vertical zonation providing
habitat for barnacles and limpets and shade or hiding areas for fish. Overwater structures
include docks, piers, and ferry terminals (WDFW, 2006). Research examining fish
distribution near Seattle shorelines found that crabs, sculpins, and surfperch were the only
groups located under overwater structures and near pilings (Toft et al. , 2007). However,
shading from overwater structures can negatively impact marine vegetation used as
spawning habitat by herring. Herring sometimes spawn on pilings but in greater densities
and higher elevations than when spawning on vegetation; these spawning events result in
wide-ranging mortality of the eggs due to chemical contamination, smothering, and
exposure during low tide (Penttila, 2007).
The most abundant birds at Des Moines Beach Park were Surf Scoters, Common
Goldeneyes, and gulls, which were grouped together and consisted of Glaucous-winged
gulls and Glaucous-winged hybrids. Surf Scoters are benthivores which rely heavily on
clams and mussels in the winter (Kirk et al. , 2008). The diet of Common Goldeneyes

during the winter consists primarily of crustaceans and mollusks, while gulls are
opportunistic and will eat a wide variety of items, including garbage, bivalves,
gastropods, crabs, and forage fish (Eadie et al., 1995; Hayward & Verbeek, 2008). The
most abundant species at the armored Titlow site were Buffleheads and Common
Goldeneyes. Bufflehead largely rely on crustaceans and mollusks, although they also
prey upon fish and herring eggs (Gauthier, 2014). Pelagic and Double-crested
Cormorants also utilize the pilings at Titlow Park to roost and dry their wings.
Due to the potential habitat at the armored sites for bivalves and crustaceans, it is
possible that highly developed beaches could benefit some species of marine birds with
generalist diets. The marine birds surveyed at all sites were largely omnivores and
carnivores with a varied diet, including bivalves, crustaceans, and macroinvertebrates.
Marine birds sometimes favor food items that are easier to obtain yet provide less caloric
value. Surf scoters prey on both clams, which are more difficult to obtain, and mussels,
which are more accessible but provide a lower energetic gain (Kirk et al., 2008). Lowquality food in the form of anthropogenic garbage may decrease clutch size and egg
volume in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Blight et al., 2015).
Des Moines Beach Park was unique among the survey sites due to its significantly
higher total abundance of birds observed (n=460). Des Moines Creek empties into Puget
Sound at this site. American Wigeons were primarily observed at armored Des Moines
Beach Park, with limited detections at other survey sites. Sixty four individuals were
observed at Des Moines Beach Park, zero individuals at its paired unarmored site, and
four individuals each at Poverty Pay and Titlow Park. The input of freshwater may
provide better foraging habitat for these herbivores, as well as being a source of nutrients

and sediment to the nearshore. The salinity in Puget Sound is generally lower in front of
river mouths, which may reduce salt stress for marine birds that are foraging for
invertebrates in the nearshore (Dethier, 2010; Esler et al., 2000). In addition to being
observed in the nearshore, Mallards and merganser species were also observed in the
creek, which could provide food sources to some birds, such as terrestrial insects.
Disturbances were not included in the statistical analysis, but appeared to affect
the abundance ofbirds on some survey dates. Bald eagles were frequently observed at
Beaconsfield, Marine View Park, and Titlow Park. It is possible that fewer marine birds
were observed at these three sites due to presence of this raptor and perhaps a greater risk
of predation (Buehler, 2000). Marine crafts, including boats and kayaks, sometimes
disrupted marine bird activity at the survey sites. Off-leash dogs were also in the water
ofthe nearshore at Marine View Park and Beaconsfield, which could affect bird counts.
Future considerations

The factors influencing marine bird habitat use and population trends are
complex, and this research highlights the need for further research in this area. Time and
resource constraints limited the number of survey sites in this study and the extent of
variables that could be studied. Sample sites were not randomly selected (but
anthropogenic modifications to the shoreline are not randomly distributed either) and
were based partly on logistics but also due to access of potential sites. Access to armored
shoreline is often limited, as much of it is privately owned, and property owners may feel
they have a vested interest in preserving armoring structures. The survey sites for this
study were located in urbanized areas of Puget Sound; therefore, no comparison could be


made between natural and urbanized locations regarding avifauna! abundance and species
composition. Future research may benefit from expanding survey sites to other subbasins in Puget Sound.
There were limitations to assessing temporal and spatial variability in marine bird
abundance and behavior in this study. The effects of armoring are likely not localized, as
they can impact the transport of sediment throughout a littoral cell. Therefore,
differences in marine bird composition and abundance may not be detectable at a local
scale due to how habitat modification affects availability of prey. A larger spatial scale
and a longer temporal scale may be necessary to assess these differences. The armored
and unarmored sites surveyed in this study were adjacent to one another and
encompassed relatively short areas of shoreline. Unarmored sites were often flanked by
armored shoreline on either side. It is possible that armoring is affecting the sediment
transport, substrate, and composition of benthic species of the nearshore on contiguous
unarmored shorelines. Historic data is not available for marine bird distribution in the
Puget Sound, so limited comparison of marine bird use of the nearshore can be made with
the present day. However, Rice (2007) demonstrated that marine birds are less abundant
in nearshore habitats that are highly urbanized. Using this larger spatial scale, shoreline
modification is negatively correlated with marine bird abundance.
This study was solely focused on whether there was a correlation between marine
bird assemblages and armoring. Many natural and artificial factors affect the ecology of
the nearshore and could be influencing marine birds' use of this habitat. Future research
could integrate two additional factors when exploring the assemblages and behavior of
birds utilizing the nearshore. The possibility that marine birds in urbanized areas may be

benefiting from marinas should be explored further. Anthropogenic activity and
development rarely provide quality habitat for native species; yet, in this study, the
abundance of marine birds was greatest at sites adjacent to marinas or with other
structures in the nearshore. It is possible that this development is providing novel habitat
for prey populations that marine birds are able to exploit. Future research could explore
whether marinas or other structures could be providing habitat that benefits some species
of marine birds, by placing underwater cameras on pilings or conducting surveys of prey
availability via scuba diving or small ROV devices.
In future studies, survey sites could also be chosen by nearshore substrate type, as
this influences the amount and type of primary producers in the nearshore. The
assemblages of anemones, bivalves, crustaceans, fish, and shorebirds in the nearshore
also vary between substrate types (Dethier, 201 0). The foraging behavior of some marine
birds, such as Surf Scoters, differs between substrate types (Kirk et al., 2008). The
abundance of Barrow's Goldeneyes has been found to vary between habitats with
different substrates, potentially because mussels are easier to remove in mixed substrate
than from rocky nearshore environments (Esler et al., 2000). Shoreline armoring is the
primary cause of changes in nearshore substrate, but other forms of habitat modification
also affect the sediment. Pilings, used in the construction of piers and other overwater
structures, alter the substrate by decreasing wave energy which results in fine-grained
sediment dropping out of the water column. Species that colonize on pilings further
contribute to changes in the sediment (Envirovision et al., 201 0). Future research should
be focused on these aspects ofhabitat use and on identifying critical habitats at local


scales, so that conservation measures regarding marine birds can be focused on these

The Puget Sound provides critical overwintering habitat for resident and
migratory marine bird species, many of which depend primarily on the nearshore
environment during the winter season (Pearson & Hamel, 2013). Marine bird survey data
spanning the last several decades points to significant declines in marine bird populations
in the Puget Sound (Bower, 2009; Nysewander et al., 2005). Despite these concerning
trends, little is known about the causes of the declines or to what extent habitat
modification is affecting marine bird populations. This research is one of the first studies
to assess marine bird assemblages and foraging behavior in relation to armored and
unarmored shorelines in Central Puget Sound.
The findings of this research suggest that at these surveyed locations, marine bird
abundance, species richness, and foraging behavior are similar at armored and unarmored
sites, with greater abundance and species richness at some armored sites. The
composition of marine birds by foraging guild varied in response to armoring, with a
smaller proportion of piscivores observed at armored sites. These findings underscore
the challenges of analyzing marine bird populations in urbanized landscapes, where
numerous natural and artificial factors are influencing the nearshore and prey availability.
In order to make sound management decisions regarding marine birds and other animals
while also satisfying property owners and protecting private and public assets, it is

imperative that the local and cumulative impacts of armoring are fully understood. While
the results of this study did not suggest that armoring has a detrimental effect on marine
birds, confounding factors such as overwater structures and freshwater input may have
influenced the results. The multitude of factors potentially affecting marine bird
abundance and space use highlights the need for additional research in this area. Further
research is warranted regarding the possible interactions between armoring and marine
birds and other upper trophic level predators. Future studies could encompass greater
spatial and temporal scales. Further exploration of marinas and other development is
merited as well as selection of survey sites by substrate. Identifying critical habitats for
marine birds in Puget Sound whose populations are in decline can lead to implementing
conservation measures, such as restrictions on hunting and boating and protection of prey
Given the importance of marine birds as indicators of marine health and the
evidence that populations of several marine bird species are declining, future research
should be focused on determining factors that are driving population declines. It is likely
that these declines are due to a confluence of factors and will require a holistic view
regarding management and conservation planning. Marine birds have no regard for
political boundaries; therefore, conservation measures must be embraced by all countries
that are horne to certain species as part of their life cycle or migration patterns.
Concern over the degraded state of Puget Sound has led to restoration and
conservation efforts, many of which are focused on the nearshore. Shoreline alteration
has been identified as a primary stressor on the nearshore environment, and the removal
of armoring on residential properties is considered a priority in restoring the health of

Puget Sound (Puget Sound Partnership, 2014). The updated Shoreline Management Act
requires that local governments give priority to more natural shoreline modifications over
armoring, yet the construction and repair of armoring still outpace its removal (Puget
Sound Partnership, 2014). Several factors, including the political climate in Washington
and the numerous jurisdictions involved in shoreline regulation make an explicit ban on
armoring unlikely. Clearly, policy and regulation have limited effectiveness in driving
change. Coastal homeowners must be provided with attractive, attainable alternatives to
armoring and incentives to use such solutions.


CHAPTER 3: Summary, Restoration, & Policy
Marine bird population trends are likely driven by many factors, including coastal
processes and development. These complex interactions make this a challenging yet
pertinent topic and one that should be explored further if marine birds are to receive
adequate protection. This research focused solely on marine bird assemblages in relation
to armored and unarmored shorelines; however, other natural and anthropogenic factors
are influencing the nearshore environment and prey populations located therein.
Table 5. Key findings from Chapter 2.
Key Findings


Future considerations

Species composition varied between survey sites and paired
shoreline segments
Overall, mean abundance and mean species richness were
significantly greater at armored than unarmored shorelines
Overall, mean species evenness and percentage of birds
foraging were similar at armored and unarmored shorelines
When analyzed individually, there was variation among paired
sites in regards to average abundance and average species
richness between armored and unarmored segments
The proportion of birds by foraging guild depended on whether
or not the shoreline was armored, with piscivores making up a
higher percentage of total abundance at unarmored sites
A majority of marine birds observed were foraging in the
There are many natural and anthropogenic factors contributing
to the composition of marine bird assemblages in the nearshore
QuantifYing the effects of armoring on marine bird assemblages
is challenging due to variation in construction materials, age,
and placement of structures
Effects of armoring may not be localized, and despite the small
scale of residential projects, cumulative impacts may have
ramifications for marine birds and other species in the nearshore
Some shorelines may be providing beneficial foraging habitat
for marine birds despite, or even because of, development in the
Monitoring of sites before and after construction of armoring to
establish baseline data regarding species use of the nearshore
Integration of other forms of development and habitat
modification as variables when surveying for marine birds
Choose future survey sites by substrate type
Identity critical habitat areas at the local level that are utilized
by marine bird species whose populations are experiencing
declines so that these areas can be protected


Habitat enhancement and restoration

The importance of the Puget Sound nearshore cannot be overstated, both as
habitat for native marine and intertidal species and because of the ecosystem goods and
services it provides. A lack of knowledge regarding the requirements of nearshore
dependent species, combined with inadequate regulation, has resulted in substantially
modified shorelines along much ofPuget Sound (Carman et al., 2010). Despite
documented adverse effects of shoreline armoring, the use of shoreline armoring
continues to increase. Although this research did not find a correlation between shoreline
armoring and marine bird abundance, there is compelling evidence that armoring has
numerous consequences, including reducing the capacity of coastal systems to adapt to
disturbances, thereby decreasing ecosystem resilience, intensifying the vulnerability of
coastal communities, and reducing habitat complexity (Chapman & Blockley, 2009;
Kittinger & Ayers, 2010). Degradation of the nearshore jeopardizes ecosystem goods
and services upon which humans depend, and threatens species that have cultural,
financial, and recreational value, including forage fish and salmonids (Kittinger & Ayers,
2010; Rice, 2006). Restoration ofthe Puget Sound nearshore will require an
interdisciplinary approach, taking into account diverse groups of stakeholders as well as
an understanding of the ecological and coastal processes of the nearshore ecosystems
(Lipsky & Ryan, 2011 ).
Puget Sound Partnership, along with other agencies and non-profit organizations,
has focused considerable restoration efforts on the nearshore environment (Puget Sound
Partnership, 2014). Much ofthe shoreline ofPuget Sound has been developed with both
residential and industrial properties bordering the coast, and it may be impossible or

undesirable to return the shoreline to historic conditions (Shipman et al., 2010). Habitat
enhancement and restoration can be used to create more natural conditions, reestablish
physical processes, enhance biodiversity, and restore ecosystem services and functions
(Fresh et al., 2011 ). Erosion must be viewed not just in an anthropocentric context, in
which it is a threat to property and development. It must also be recognized as a vital
geomorphic process that maintains beaches and contributes to healthy nearshore habitat.
A focus on restoration of coastal processes will create ecosystems that will be resilient in
the face of climate change and future conditions.
There is growing interest in alternatives to shoreline armoring, including hybrid
systems that utilize native vegetation or large woody debris to stabilize shorelines and
prevent erosion (Shipman, 2010). Siting houses and other buildings far enough back
from the shoreline to account for erosion and future sea level rise is vital to protecting
coastal development and promoting resilience of the nearshore (Envirovision et al.,
201 0). Coastal property owners must also consider planned retreat or managed
realignment, in which coastal buildings are abandoned or relocated to allow wetlands and
intertidal areas to naturally retreat inland (O'Connell, 2010). In high energy
environments, even shoreline armoring will likely be inadequate protection in the face of
sea level rise and storm surges in the future. Griggs (2004) suggests that oceanfront
property may have a finite half-life, due to erosion and future sea level rise.
The complete removal of armoring allows what might be considered the most
natural restoration, in which the shoreline can self-regulate without the impediment of
any infrastructure (Chapman & Underwood, 2011). Several habitat enhancement
projects that involve the removal of armoring are being planned or have been

implemented in urban parks in Puget Sound. The Olympic Sculpture Park, located in
Seattle, is used by juvenile salmonids, including Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). These two species use nearshore
habitat more than other salmonid species, and the former is listed as threatened under the
Endangered Species Act. Soft engineering was used to restore the shoreline of Olympic
Sculpture Park, which was armored with a seawall and a riprap boulder field. The rip rap
was replaced with a pocket beach, and a habitat bench was constructed in front of the
seawall to mimic a natural shallow water environment. Riparian vegetation, comprised
of native plants, was planted in the supratidal uplands. Monitoring was conducted 1 and
3 years following the restoration project. Taxa richness of epibenthic invertebrates,
density of larval fish, and abundance of chinook and chum salmon increased in the years
following the enhancement (Toft et al., 2013). While the scope of this project prevented
replication, the results are encouraging in that even small-scale restoration projects may
increase complexity of the nearshore habitat and encourage species richness.
Restoring overall ecosystem function and coastal processes in Puget Sound will
require a holistic and regional, not simply local, assessment of armoring and land use
practices. Analysis of policy concerning shoreline armoring in North Carolina and
Hawaii demonstrates an unambiguous ban on shoreline armoring, in comparison to
allowing homeowners to apply for variances or permits, is more effective at conserving
nearshore habitats and coastal developments (Kittinger & Ayers, 2010). Under this type
of regulation, the property owner bears the risk of erosion and damage to development
when deciding to build close to the shoreline. Over the long-term, stringent regulation

that prohibits shoreline armoring discourages risky coastal development, allows for a
dynamic shoreline to self-maintain, and preserves the ecosystem goods and services of
the nearshore (Kittinger & Ayers, 2010). However, policy banning armoring outright
seems unlikely to be implemented in the Puget Sound area due to widespread private
ownership of shorelines and regulation at the local level where policy makers may be
unwilling to estrange constituents over this issue. Moreover, regulating armoring
structures on an individual basis does not account for the potential cumulative impacts of
many kilometers of armored shorelines (Lipsky & Ryan, 2011 ).
In Washington State, local city and county governments are typically responsible
for managing the shoreline, making broad intervention at the state or federal level a
challenge (Lipsky & Ryan, 2011). Local governments are required to comply with the
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) and Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Guidelines
when drafting their local Shoreline Master Programs (DOE, 20 15). The SMP guidelines
were amended in 2003 to require that more than 260 cities, towns, and counties update
their SMPs, some of which have not been altered in over 30 years (DOE, 2015). These
updates were supposed to be made between 2005 and 2014, with only 124 updated SMPs
currently completed. While the design of SMPs is intended to protect human interests,
they also require that "'no net loss of ecological function associated with the shoreline"
will occur (WAC 173-26-241). This often puts environmental goals at odds with land
use practices.
The majority (73%) of the Puget Sound nearshore is privately owned, while the
rest is controlled by city, county, tribal, state, and federal governments (Lipsky & Ryan,
2011 ). While local governments should lead the way in protection and restoration of

publicly owned shorelines, due to the high proportion of private ownership, it is
imperative that a combination of policy and incentives are used to encourage ecologically
friendly development and restoration of privately owned shorelines. Local governments
are required to give priority to "soft" shoreline modifications over "hard" modifications
such as concrete seawalls in their SMPs. The use of soft modifications aims to stabilize
shorelines and reduce erosion while causing the least amount of harm to an ecosystem.
Methods that are encouraged due to being more ecologically friendly than armoring
include vegetation enhancement, upland drainage control, and beach nourishment (City
of Tacoma, 2013). However, many local jurisdictions provide an exemption in their
SMPs for permitting of "normal protective bulkheads" on residential properties.
Armoring is considered a normal protective bulkhead when placed at or near the
Ordinary High Water (OHW) mark and is for the purpose of protecting existing
structures from erosion (City ofTacoma, 2013; Seattle City Ordinance 124105). The
lack of stringent permitting requirements can encourage irresponsible coastal
development, in which the desire to build and protect high value properties in close
proximity to the beach take precedence over environmental concerns and the greater
public good.
The implementation of SMPS alone is not enough to alter the use of armoring. In
Puget Sound, 2.4 km of new armoring is built and 4 km of armoring is replaced annually;
in comparison, only 3-4 bulkheads are removed each year (Barnard, 2010). Programs
that incentivize responsible shoreline development can be used in conjunction with
policy. Local governments in Washington and British Columbia partnered with nonprofit institutions to come up with a Green Shores for Homes program to encourage the


creation of ecologically friendly freshwater and marine shorelines. Incentives to
participate in the programs include property tax reductions and low interest loans to
finance the removal of armoring and more natural development (Puget Sound
Partnership, 2014). If this model proves successful, it could be targeted towards counties
with the highest rates of new construction, including Mason, Island, and Kitsap Counties.
In addition to financial incentives, property owners may be driven to restore
armored shorelines if public recognition of their efforts is included in these models.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife initiated their Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary
Program in 1986. Citizens who create wildlife friendly habitat in their own yards can
apply for this designation and receive a certificate, a free newsletter subscription, and a
sign placed in their yard advertising their participation in the program (WDFW, 2015).
Similar programs with various incentives are used in other parts of the country or offered
by national non-profit organizations, including the National Wildlife Federation. This
type of program gives agency to private citizens by introducing the concept that a
homeowner is also a wildlife manager, and that the actions citizens take in regard to their
own property impacts habitat for wildlife (WDFW, 2015). A similar program could be
enacted for homeowners who maintain or restore their shorelines in a way that will
encourage natural coastal processes, with stringent requirements to ensure that shoreline
plans are environmentally friendly. Grant funding could be used to train volunteers to
assess residential shorelines before awarding this designation. When citizens are able to
advertise ecologically healthy shorelines, it will increase awareness of alternatives to


The need for urgent action to restore the health of Puget Sound is widely
recognized; there is less consensus among stakeholders on how this goal should be
achieved. Nearshore biomes are linked social-ecological systems, and the success of
restoration efforts will depend on political concerns, economics, and social values, in
addition to an understanding of ecological processes (Lipsky & Ryan, 2011 ). Restoration
is complicated by numerous issues, including private ownership of Puget Sound
shorelines, multiple jurisdictions with varying levels of regulation, a diverse group of
stakeholders, and the fact that human development is considered more valuable than the
habitat, biota, and natural resources that are displaced and degraded by the use of
armoring (Kittinger & Ayers, 2010; Nordstrom, 2014). When considering changes to
policy and regulation, the rights of homeowners must be balanced with the need for
healthy nearshore ecosystems in the Puget Sound in order to sustain human and wildlife


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!survey Sites

Lincom P••
Number ohi.t Wits ~ 10
Tot•l bkcls: 115
Specits r1chnus: 10



Arm ored

Burien. -..






b on



N J Num b•• ofsh >risls: 10
Tot.l bilds: 55


'Marine V'ttw P.-tk
'Numb•• ohi• W is : 10 '

Sp-ec::iu ricbnus: 10


Toll! l>1nls: 74
Sp-e ci tl th::hn•s-s: 7

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Toto! b'il ds: '150
Spt d ts 'lld'lnus: 12

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Numb11U ofsl:• Visis : 8
Tot> I bilds: Ge
Sp•ci•:s rlcbnus: 8

















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S. ~lO et

.c~~--~====----~ ~






Figure 9. Map of survey sites with number of site visits (n), total abundance, and total
species richness.


Table 5. Data collected and reported by Bower (2009) regarding marine bird population trends in
the Salish Sea.
MESA Surveys
WWU Surveys
All birds
Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata
Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica
Common Loon Gavia immer
Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
Homed Grebe Podiceps auritus
Western Grebe Aechmophorous
Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Pelagic Cormorant Phalacrocorax
Brandt's Cormorant Phalacrocorax
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Canada Goose Branta canadensis



3.8± 1.2

Brant Branta bernie/a
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Northern Pintail Anas acuta
American Widgeon Anas americana
Green-winged Teal Anas crecca
Canvasback Aythya valisineria
All scaup Aythya spp.
Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus
Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis
Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata
Black Scoter Melanitta nigra
White-winged Scoter Melanitta fusca
Common Goldeneye Bucephala c/angula
Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola
Common Merganser Mergus merganser
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator
Ruddy Duck Oxyurajamaicensis
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Bonaparte's Gull Larus philadelphia
Mew Gull Larus canus
Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens
Common Murre Uria aalge
Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus calumba
Ancient Murre let Synthliboramphus
Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus


5.5± 1.3

5.2± 1.3

+ 108.9*
-69.1 *



