

Part of Evidence of a Changing Climate Impacting the Fluvial Geomorphology of the Kautz Creek on Mt. Rainier

extracted text (extracttext:extracted_text)

Melanie R. Graeff

A Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
June, 2017

©2017 by Melanie R. Graeff. All rights reserved.

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Studies Degree
Melanie R. Graeff

has been approved for
The Evergreen State College

Michael Ruth, M.Sc
Member of the Faculty


Evidence of a Changing Climate Impacting the Fluvial Geomorphology of the Kautz Creek on
Mt. Rainier

Melanie Graeff
Carbon dioxide emissions have stimulated the warming of air and ocean temperatures
worldwide. These conditions have fueled the intensity of El Nino-Southern Oscillation and
Atmospheric River events by supplying increased water vapor into the atmosphere. These
precipitation events have impacted the fluvial geomorphology of a creek on the southwestern
flank of the Kautz Creek on Mt. Rainier, Washington. Using GIS software was the
primary means of obtaining data due to the lack of publications published on the Kautz
Creek. Time periods of study were set up from a 2012 publication written by
Jonathan Czuba and others, that mentioned observations of the creek that dated from 1960 to
2008. In combining those observations of the Kautz and weather data from the weather station in
Longmire, Washington, this allowed for a further understanding of how climate change
has affected the fluvial geomorphology of the Kautz Creek over time. GIS
software mapping showed numerous changes on the creek since 2008. The warming of
seasonal temperatures and precipitation has increased aggradation of the creek due to the melting
of the Kautz glacier. The maps show definite sediment movement with increased erosion near
the upper half of the creek near the glacier terminus. The increased widening of the creek
channel due to sedimentation is influencing waterflow; threatening
downstream infrastructure and public access spaces with flooding. With the likelihood of these
heavy precipitation events impacting the region in the future, continued monitoring and mapping
of this creek and other tributaries need to take place to ensure the public safety
and accessibility of the park.

Keywords: Kautz; Mt. Rainier; GIS; LiDAR; atmospheric river; el nino-southern
oscillation; climate change; sedimentation.

Table of Contents





Literature Review…...…………………………………………………………………5
A. Warming Summer Months….……………………………………………………..5
1. Warming Oceans………………………………………………………………7
2. Disappearing Glaciers…………………………………………………………8
a. Effects of Melting Glaciers on Kautz Creek…..…………………………11
3. Unstable Slopes………………………………………………………………15
B. Wetter Winter Months………………...…………………………………………16
1. El Nino-Southern Oscillation….……………………………………………..18
2. Atmospheric Rivers…….……………………………………………………23
a. November, 2006 Atmospheric River…………………………………….24
A. Obtaining LiDAR and GIS Data…………………………………………………28
B. Analyzing Climate for Summer and Winter Months…………………………….29
C. Elevation Differences from 2008 and 2012 LiDAR Layers……………………..30
D. Drawing 2015 Glacial Extent……………………………………………………30
E. Channel Width Measurements from Google Earth……………………………...31
F. Graphing Precipitation and Average Temperature Data from Longmire, WA….32
G. Measuring the Kautz Creek Main and Split Channels…………………………..32
Results and Discussion……………………….……………………………………...33
A. Precipitation and Temperature Changes…………………………………………33
B. Glacial Retreat………………...…………………………………………………37
C. Channel Width…………………………………………………………………...39
D. Comparison of the Kautz Split Channel to the Main Channel…………………..44
E. 2008 and 2012 LiDAR Comparison……………….…………………………….45

List of Figures
Figure 1: Map of Kautz Creek…………………………………………………………………….2
Figure 2: Graph of increases in summer temperatures in WA…………………….………………6
Figure 3: Graph of summer precipitation trends in WA……………………………………...…...7
Figure 4: Map of “the Blob” in Eastern Pacific…………………………………………………...8
Figure 5a: Glacial recession of Mt. Rainier glaciers 1913-2008……………………………...…10
Figure 5b: Close-up of Figure 5a of Kautz Glacier……………………………………………...12
Figure 6a: Map of active channel widths from Czuba et al, 2012 study………………………...14
Figure 6b: Close-up of 6a onto Kautz Creek…………………………………………………….15
Figure 7: El Nino-Southern Oscillation Model………………………………………….…….…18
Figure 8: Graph of increase in winter temperatures in WA……………………….…………..…20
Figure 9: Map of Nino3.4 region in Pacific Ocean………………………………………………22
Figure 10: Ranking of El Nino intensities of Nino3.4 region since 1950………………………..22
Figure 11: Atmospheric River model……………………………………………………………24
Figure 12: Satellite images of November 6 and 7, 2006 AR………………………………….…25
Figure 13: Downstream view of Kautz split channel in 2006…………………………………...26
Figure 14: The Kautz split flooding the main road in 2006…………………………………..…26
Figure 15a: Kautz split channel in 2017…………………………………………………………27
Figure 15b: Kautz main channel in 2017………………………………………………………...28
Figure 16a: Kautz Creek results timeline……………………………………………………...…33
Figure 16b: Kautz Creek study area sketch map………………………………………………...34
Figure 17: Results table summarizing creek stages and weather data………………………...…36
Figure 18: Graph measuring El Nino and La Nina intensities…………………………………...37
Figure 19: Kautz glacier recession……………………………………………………………….38
Figure 20: Kautz Creek channel with reference lines……………………………………………40
Figure 21a: 2009 Kautz Creek channel pictogram………………………………………………41
Figure 21b: 2012 Kautz Creek channel pictogram………………………………………………42
Figure 21c: 2014 Kautz Creek channel pictogram………………………………………………43
Figure 22a: Kautz split channel in 2017…………………………………………………………45

Figure 22b: Kautz main channel in 2017………………………………………………………...45
Figure 23a: Map of 2008 and 2012 LiDAR comparison………………………………………...48
Figure 23b: Close up of upper Kautz gully in LiDAR comparison map………………………...49
Figure 23c: Close up of middle section of Kautz in LiDAR comparison map…………………..50
Figure 23d: Close up of lower section of Kautz split in LiDAR comparison map………………51

Temperature Figures
Figure 24a: Annual winter (October-March) temperatures 1960-2017………………….52
Figure 24b: Annual warm month (April-September) temperatures 1960-2016…………52
Figure 24c: 1960-1994 winter temperatures……………………………………………..53
Figure 24d: 1960-1994 warm month temperatures………………………………………53
Figure 24e: 1994-2008 winter temperatures……………………………………………..54
Figure 24f: 1994-2008 warm month temperatures………………………………………54
Figure 24g: 2008-2017 winter temperatures……………………………………………..55
Figure 24h: 2008-2016 warm month temperatures………………………………………55
Precipitation Figures
Figure 25a: Annual winter (October-March) precipitation 1960-2017……………….…56
Figure 25b: Annual warm month (April-September) precipitation 1960-2016………….56
Figure 25c: 1960-1994 winter precipitation……………………………………………..57
Figure 25d: 1960-1994 warm month precipitation………………………………………57
Figure 25e: 1994-2008 winter precipitation……………………………………………..58
Figure 25f: 1994-2008 warm month precipitation………………………………………58
Figure 25g: 2008-2017 winter precipitation…………………………………………..…59
Figure 25h: 2008-2016 warm month precipitation………………………………………59


I would like to thank Paul Kennard and Scott Beason from the National Park Service on
Mt. Rainier for helping me to make this project possible and providing me with all of my GIS
data for my maps. I would like to also recognize Scott Anderson from the US Geological Survey
for helping me to come up with this topic and for allowing me to read his paper on the Tahoma
Creek on Mt. Rainier. The person who receives the most credit in making this paper possible is
my thesis reader Mike Ruth. Thank you, Mike, for all of your advice, proofreading, and help
with mapping on this project. It is because of your enthusiasm for teaching GIS that made me
want to pursue this avenue for my thesis and for a potential future career in GIS. I would also
like to thank all of my friends and family for providing me support over this last year of research.
And lastly, I would like to thank my wonderful husband, Nate, for his constant encouragement
and steadfast patience for me in taking this program over these last two years.


I) Introduction
Anthropogenic climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions is altering weather
conditions all over the globe. On the North American west coast, the altering of these weather
patterns is leading to changing the seasons that now include frequent, precipitation-heavy storms
in the winter and drier, hotter conditions in the summer months in the Pacific Northwest (USFW,
2011). The weather of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is driven by the interactions between the
regional terrain, ocean convection currents, the atmosphere, and ocean temperatures. These
interactions are carving out and shaping the landscape itself.
Located in the Cascade mountain range in western Washington State stands Mt Rainier.
The stratovolcano stands at over 14,000 feet tall and is the highest mountain in Washington. Mt
Rainier is encircled by twenty-five glaciers that serve as sources for high elevation tributaries
that runoff into some of the largest rivers draining into the Puget Sound (NPS, Aggradation
2017). The weather and temperature fluctuations are putting stress on the tributary channels by
increasing the water and sediment volume transport. The one mountain tributary that will serve
as the main focus of this study will be the Kautz Creek on the southwestern flank (Figure 1).


Figure 1. The map shows the Kautz Creek and its surrounding area on the southwestern flank of
Mt Rainier (Map credits: ESRI, 2017).
The tributary has not been a main study concern for these particular climate change
effects until recently. With the help of LiDAR imagery and other climate data, can significant in-


channel erosion progression from increased precipitation and glacial melting from this last
decade be detected and mapped on the Kautz Creek on Mt Rainier?
The increased atmospheric temperatures cause surface warming in the oceans as well as
on the land. The effects of this warming impact weather systems with massive amounts of water
vapor now being evaporated into the atmosphere. This water vapor eventually condenses and
falls to the Earth as precipitation. The PNW is accustomed to rain and snowfall during the winter
months, but these storms have gotten more intense and are occurring more frequently (Warner et
al, 2015). These storms bring with them heavy precipitation which can lead to flooding once the
storm makes landfall. The two weather patterns that contribute the majority of this extreme
precipitation to the PNW are the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and with
Atmospheric River (AR) events.
El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregular and periodic series of weather
patterns that stem from variations in ocean and atmospheric temperatures. ENSO occurs every
two to seven years and consists of both warming and cooling seasons that are often referred to as
"El Nino" and "La Nina" (NOAA,, 2017). The shifts in the temperature and water
vapor gradients make regions in the Pacific that normally would experience seasonally cold and
dry conditions, instead experience intense rainfall and flooding during ENSO events (Cai et al,
2014). The last few ENSO events to hit the PNW occurred in 1982/83, 1997/98, and 2015/16.
These were classified as extreme events and were characterized by exceptional warming and
high precipitation. Climatologists conclude that if this warming continues, these types of extreme
ENSO events will repeat more frequently in the future (Cai et al, 2014).
Another weather pattern that can be formed and sustained from ENSO and other
oscillations in the Pacific are Atmospheric Rivers (AR). ARs are responsible for an estimated 30-


50% of the precipitation in the winter months in the PNW (Payne and Magnusdottir, 2014);
(Gimeno et al, 2014). The weather oscillations play a role in modulating ARs prior to landfall by
supplying high amounts of water vapor into the lower troposphere (Payne and Magnusdottir,
2014). The geography and landscape of the PNW make the area susceptible to flooding from
ARs. This is apparent in Washington State where the region is lined with flat coastal terrain that
is hemmed in by the Cascade mountain range to the east. This terrain controls where the
precipitation falls regionally. When a vapor-rich AR encounters mountainous terrain, the AR is
then forced upwards, at which point the orographic enhancement of rainfall can occur producing
precipitation events and catastrophic flooding (Gimeno et al, 2014). In Washington, the area to
the west of the Cascade Mountains receives more precipitation compared to the eastern half.
The Cascade Mountains in western Washington state is comprised of tall mountains and
volcanoes, the tallest being Mt. Rainier. The climate-altering effects on the mountain are
constant throughout the year ranging from the dry, summer months to the wet, winter months.
Generally warmer and drier conditions during the summer months are melting the many glaciers
sitting atop the mountain at a faster rate than has ever been recorded. This melting is releasing
tons of rocks and sediment down the mountain tributaries in a process called aggradation (NPS,
Aggradation, 2017). The massive volume of material begins to erode the tributary channel as
gravity pulls it downstream, eventually choking the channels and raising the water levels. Then
during many winter months, the region is experiencing heavy rainfall from an AR or the seasonal
ENSO. The onslaught of torrential precipitation washes more rock and sediment down the
already choked tributaries, eventually causing flooding.
Considering all the factors at play for studying this tributary, I will study 1) whether the
range of increasing temperatures and whether have caused increased aggradation of the creek


from the melting glaciers, 2) whether precipitation on the mountain has increased significantly
over this last decade than the previous few decades starting from the 1960s, and 3) whether and
to what extent aggradation and erosion have taken place affecting the elevation and
geomorphology of the Kautz Creek. This study will use topographical maps, aerial imagery, and
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) imagery to see at what extent aggradation and erosion
have taken place. If a correlation can be found with hotter temperatures and higher precipitation
contributing to increased aggradation and erosion of the creek over this last decade then it is
possible that we can quantify the effects of climate change on this creek.

II) Literature Review

A. Warming Summer Months
The summer months in the PNW are frequently dominated by dry air masses and hot
temperatures. Over the last few decades, the NOAA records report that the summer months have
gotten drier and hotter, as shown in Figure 1 below. According to Mote and others (2014) in their
third National Climate Assessment Report of Climate Changes in the US, temperatures across
the PNW region have increased at an average of 1.3 degrees F from 1895 to 2011 for all seasons.
The time series provided by NOAA below (Figure 2) shows the mean summer temperatures from
1895 to 2015 have increased approximately 2.3 degrees F, from 60.7 to 63 degrees F.


Figure 2. A time series showing an increase in the mean summer temperatures in Washington
from 1895 to 2015 (NOAA, National Climatic Data Center, 2016).

Mote and others also project that an increase in average annual temperature of 3.3 to 9.7
degrees Fahrenheit is projected from 2070 to 2099. The amount that occurs will depend largely
on emissions of heat-trapping gases (Mote et al, 2014). Researchers also reiterate that as summer
temperatures increase, precipitation is expected to decrease. However, this prediction seems to
be at slight odds with the precipitation trends from 1950 to 2015 in the western Cascades which
have shown increasing trend, particularly from 1995 to 2015, of summer precipitation over that
time (Figure 3). According to Littell and others (2009), all seasons will experience a warming
trend with the highest being in the summer months. They also speculate in these models that this
summer warming will produce more drying and infrequent precipitation (Littell et al 2009).


Figure 3. Summer precipitation trends in the western Cascades show a slight increase in
precipitation from 1950 to 2015 but also a high degree of variability in the period 1995 through
2015 (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, 2016).

1. Warming Oceans in the PNW
The weather conditions for the PNW are driven by Pacific Ocean temperatures and the
interactions of ocean waters with the atmosphere. In 2013, the waters off the west coast were
measured to be significantly warmer than usual, by about 5 to 7 degrees F in some places
(Welch, 2016). The warm mass was coined "the blob" and has since been referred by that name
in publications (Johnson 2015; Welch, 2016). The name was coined by Nick Bond, a climate
scientist and researcher at the University of Washington's Joint Institute for the Study of the
Atmosphere and the Ocean (Welch, 2016).


Figure 4. The yellow and red shadings show the extent of "the blob" of warmer water forming in
the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Belles, 2016).

The blob formed in late 2013 from systems of high pressure over the Gulf of Alaska. The
blob has since influenced the weather by preventing the ocean from cooling off in the PNW for
the last few years (Figure 4) (Johnson, 2015; Welch, 2016). Since its formation, the region has
experienced fewer clouds, light winds, less precipitation, and diminished snowpack amounts in
the summer months. Bond surmises that the blob was not caused by climate change, but by
natural fluctuations in the atmosphere-ocean interactions from the warm tropical conditions that
migrated into the northeastern Pacific (Johnson, 2015). However, scientists are worried that
increasing greenhouse gas emissions could perpetuate warming oceans and make these warming
conditions more frequent (Welch, 2016; Hickey, 2015).

2. Disappearing Glaciers


Scientists say that the speed at which Mt Rainier's glaciers are melting is clear evidence
of climate change (Carson, 2014). The temperature increase and precipitation decrease during the
summer months does not bode well for the glaciers sitting atop Mt. Rainier. The mountain has
twenty-five named glaciers with a combined surface area of more than thirty square miles; the
largest glacial system on a single mountain in the United States outside of Alaska (NPS, 2017).
Climate change is melting Mt. Rainier's glaciers at six times the historical rate (Figure 5)
(Carson, 2014). According to geological surveys conducted between 2003 and 2009, up to 18%
of the total volume of ice and snow (about 200 billion gallons) had drained from Mt. Rainier’s
glaciers and into its tributaries (Carson, 2014). Thomas Sisson, a U.S. Geological Survey
scientist who has studied the glaciers on the mountain stated to Carson (2014) that, "the ice
volume has been declining since the end of the Little Ice Age, about 1850. But there were
periods of stasis or modest advance that appear to correlate the strong cool phases of the decadal
oscillations. The glaciers are getting smaller, so it looks like near average temperature and near
average snowfall are insufficient to maintain ice volume."


Figure 5a. The map displays the total glacial recession from 1913 to 2008 on Mt. Rainier
(Copeland, 2009; Nylen, 2004).

The climate and geography can influence the different types of heat sources (equation
below) and their varying influences on glacial melt (Harr, 1981; Parker, 2009).
Mt = Mrs + Mg + Mrl + Mce + Mp
In the equation above, Mt is represented as the total melt, Mrs is melt from short-wave
radiation, Mg is melt from ground heat, Mrl is melt from long-wave radiation, Mce is melt due to


convection and condensation, and Mp is melt from the latent heat transfer caused by rain on
snow (Harr, 1981; Parker, 2009). Snowpacks that are at or near 32 degrees F are easily melted by
latent heat energy from warm rain events (Marks et al, 1998). These warm rain events and
subsequent melting of the snowpack can increase the amount of runoff into mountain tributaries
due to its low storage capacity for water during melting (Harr, 1981). These types of conditions
make it hard for rebuilding of the glacial ice with the increased warming temperatures and
increased precipitation during ENSO and AR events that will be discussed later on in the paper.
The glaciers serve as sources for these high elevation tributaries that runoff into rivers
that drain into the Puget Sound. This melting is releasing many tons of rocks and sediment down
the mountain tributaries in a process called aggradation (NPS, Aggradation, 2017; Czuba et al,
2012). The rock and sediment was once trapped within the glaciers as it was picked up by glacier
movement over the mountain top through plucking and abrasion (Czuba et al, 2012). The
massive volume of material begins to erode and widen the tributary channel as gravity pulls it
downstream, eventually choking the channels (Anderson and Pitlick, 2014). According to Scott
Beason, a geologist at Mt. Rainier National Park, states that Mt. Rainier's "glaciers act like giant
conveyor belts for sediment" (Carson, 2014). Higher amounts of rocks and sediment in river
beds mean less space for water to flow. Water then finds that path of least resistance as it flows
down the mountain damaging park roads, campgrounds, and trails (Carson, 2014). These floods
end up costing the park millions of dollars in repairs (Carson, 2014).
a. Effects of Melting Glaciers on Kautz Creek
All of the glaciers on Mt. Rainier have been shrinking in the last century (Nylen, 2004;
Copeland, 2009). According to Czuba et al (2012), the glacier response on Mt. Rainer is
indicative of the warming regional trends. The highest degree of glacial retreat has occurred on


the southern flank of the mountain (Czuba et al, 2012). Figure 5 below display the lighter shades
of blue as the historical extent of the glaciers and show roughly one-hundred years of glacial
retreat (Nylen, 2004; Copeland, 2009). According to Nylen and Copeland, the Kautz Glacier that
feeds the Kautz Creek, had retreated by 1589 meters from 1913 to 1971. And in measuring
recent data, the glacier had retreated another 500 meters from 1971 to 2008 (Copeland, 2009).

Figure 5b. The map is a close up of the retreat of the Kautz Glacier which drains into the Kautz
Creek. The lighter shades of blue show the previous glacier extents and how far they have
retreated from 1913 to 2008 (Copeland, 2009; Nylen, 2004).

Rivers may go through cycles of “aggradation,” which leads to more abundant
sedimentation and wider channels and “recovery,” which leads to narrower channels more
deeply incised. The Kautz Creek has experienced geomorphic changes in its channel width due


to variations in sediment and rock levels from aggradation. According to Czuba and others
(2012), the creek recovered from its 1947 debris flow by narrowing the channel width. The width
of the channel diminished from 116 to 63 meters from 1960 to 1994. This was evidenced by low
meltwater and vegetation growth along the channel. But the researchers state that because of
increased glacial retreat and high precipitation in winter months from 1994 to 2008, the Kautz
Creek channel has since widened another 38 meters (Figures 6a and 6b) (Czuba et al, 2012). This
widening is indicative of aggradation, signaling an increase in sediment loads.


Figure 6a. The map shows active-channel changes to its width in 2009, the Kautz Creek is
highlighted in a blue box (Czuba et al, 2012).


Figure 6b. (Bottom) A close-up view of the Kautz Creek area shown in the blue boxed portion of
Figure 6a. The legend indicates that the upper half of the creek fluctuates between 65 to 185
meters of active channel width variation (Czuba et al, 2012).

3. Unstable Slopes
These summer debris flows occur from increased melting of the glaciers and increases
the probability of glacial outburst floods that can occur from hot and dry weather (Czuba et al,
2012; Vallence et al, 2003). As snow and ice melt, water can get trapped on or underneath
glaciers. This increased melting coupled with tectonic activity from the volcano can trigger this
water to flow down the stream channels on the slope. The water in a glacial outburst event is fast
and voluminous, so it is capable of picking up sediment, rocks, trees, and other debris along its
way as it flows down the mountain. These debris flows have happened substantially on the


channels of the southern slope of Mt Rainier because of the increased melting of the glaciers that
source the creeks, including Kautz Creek.
The most recent summer debris flow on the Kautz Creek happened on August 14 and 15,
2001. The summer of 2001 was very hot and dry, with little precipitation during the summer
months on Mt Rainier. The meltwater from the Kautz Glacier diverted into the Van Trump
drainage basin, a subset of the Kautz Creek (Vallance et al, 2003). The water diversion triggered
several debris flows accumulation in over 2.5 million cubic meters of debris and displaced earth
(Vallance et al, 2003). While summer debris flows can be deadly and unexpected, they can also
occur during the wetter winter months in higher abundance.
Torrential rain events are responsible for a majority of the winter debris flows on Mt
Rainier. The influx of excess water can loosen sediment and soil on the slope and debris flows
can occur. The most intense debris flow ever recorded on Mt Rainier occurred in the Kautz
Creek. The mountain experienced a period of heavy rain from October 1 until October 3, 1947
(Vallance et al, 2003). It is unclear whether this rain storm originated from an ENSO or an AR
event since weather record keeping was not advanced back then. The influx of precipitation
triggered four debris flows over a period of twelve-hours in the Kautz Creek channel on October
3 (Vallance et al, 2003). According to Valance et al (2003) and Czuba et al (2012), the total
accumulation from the debris flows in 1947 amounted to approximately 38 to 40 million cubic
meters of displaced earth. The creek was in a state of recovery after this event for more than
forty-years after this event occurred before it was degraded by increased aggradation.

B. Wetter Winter Months


A majority of the precipitation for the PNW occurs during the winter months. The region
is accustomed to rain and snowfall during the winter but in recent decades winter storms have
gotten more intense and are occurring more frequently (Warner et al, 2015). The weather of the
Pacific Northwest is strongly influenced by the interactions of the convection currents and seasurface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean, and the atmosphere. These interactions can cause a
multitude of different weather conditions and storms in the PNW. Over the last century,
increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere have raised temperatures while also
altering weather patterns. To put it simply, hotter air and ocean temperatures impacts weather
systems by evaporating massive amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere. This water vapor
condenses when the air masses are lifted to higher elevations and cooled around the Cascades
mountains, including around Mt Rainier. Cooler air leads to condensation of the water vapor,
into rain and snow precipitation.


Figure 7. Models of ENSO and neutral weather patterns over the Pacific Ocean. The El Nino is
expressed in the PNW as a period of warmer and wetter conditions while the La Nina is
generally colder (Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, 2017).

1. El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the PNW
The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a series of complex weather patterns
coming from variations in ocean and atmospheric temperatures (Figure 7). They are recurring
climate patterns across the tropical Pacific that include both the warming and cooling seasons
named "El Nino" and "La Nina" (NOAA,, 2017). The weather patterns occur every
two to seven years and help to shape and influence global weather. However, the increasing
warming of the atmosphere and ocean waters has altered these weather patterns, turning seasonal


oscillations into extreme storm events. In recent decades, the warming conditions in the cycle led
to large shifts in the weather in places all over the Pacific. The shifts in the temperature and
water vapor gradients made places that normally would experience seasonally cold and dry
conditions during ENSO events, instead to experience intense rainfall and flooding (Cai et al,
2014). Wenju Cai, a climate modeler for Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization, used twenty climate models to simulate ocean temperatures and rainfall
in the Pacific with and without changes in greenhouse gases (Khan, 2014). The last few ENSO
events to hit the PNW (1982/83, 1997/98, and 2015/16) were classified as very strong and were
characterized by exceptional warming and high precipitation in the winter months due to
greenhouse gas emissions annually (Cai et al, 2014). Cai and others (2014) conclude that these
extreme ENSO events are likely to occur twice as frequently in the future.
The two previous ENSO events that impacted the PNW that were classified as extreme
were in 1982/83 and 1997/98. The ENSO events caused major weather changes across the globe
by bringing heavy rains to regions that were accustomed to dry conditions during ENSO and vice
versa (Khan, 2014). The 2015/16 ENSO event was on par with these previous extreme events by
measuring as a very strong El Nino (Figure 16) that brought very heavy rainfall and warmer
temperatures to the PNW region (Figure 8). Climatologists theorize that the likelihood of these
super ENSO events will double from one every twenty years in the previous 20th century to one
every ten years in the 21st century (Cai et al, 2014; Khan, 2014).


Figure 8. A time series showing the warming of the mean temperatures of the PNW during the
winter months (NOAA, National Data Climate Center 2016).

However, Cai and others (2014) study has received much dispute from a number of
scientists in recent years. Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist for the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, argues that some of the models used in the study overestimate the past
number of ENSO events by a wide margin and do a poor job of representing them, their impacts,
and other natural climate patterns that might influence the events (Khan, 2014). He continues
that, "this seriously undermines the confidence that the models do an adequate job in ENSO (El
Nino-Southern Oscillation) simulations and so why should we trust their future
projections?”(Khan, 2014). Another scientist, Lisa Goddard, director of the International
Research Institute for Climate and Society provided a similar assessment of some of the models
used in Cai and others (2014) study (Khan, 2014). However, she confirms that the methodology
in the study was sound and if the results are accurate they could provide helpful information for


scientists making forecasts around the world and government officials who rely on them (Khan,
Goddard later states,
[“Since the majority of skill in seasonal forecasts is realized during El Nino events (and
predictions become more skillful over more of the world's land areas), we would be able to
prepare much better for the impacts of these events.”
“Adverse and costly climate happens in all years. We are just better able to predict that in years
with strong El Nino and La Nina events."(Khan, 2014)]
If no consensus can be reached on whether Cai and others (2014) study was altogether
precise or not, at least scientists can agree that this study provides a good start toward modeling
these climate behaviors around the world.
ENSO activity at the equator influences the winter climate in the PNW. El Nino, the
warmer phase of ENSO has been under particular scrutiny by climatologists in the region.
According to Kathie Dello, the Deputy Director of Oregon's state climate office, the El Nino
years tend to produce warmer than average temperatures with lower than average precipitation in
the PNW. However, the 2015/16 ENSO along with the 1982/83 and 1997/98 events stand out
because of their warmer than normal temperatures and higher than normal precipitation (Dello,
2015). The 2015/16 ENSO year has set a record high in sea-surface temperatures (Figure 10) in
the Nino3.4 region (Figure 9), where these events are measured in the Pacific (Dello, 2015;
Halpert, 2016).


Figure 9. The map depicts the Nino3.4 region spanning from 5°N to 5°S, from 170°W to 120°W.
This region has large variability on El Niño time scales, and is close to the region where
changes in local sea-surface temperature are important for shifting the large region of rainfall
typically located in the far western Pacific (COA Bureau of Meteorology, 2017; Weatherzone,

Figure 10. Sea-surface temperatures of El Nino events along the Nino3.4 ranked from warmest
to coolest from 1950-2015 (Halpert, 2016).


However, not all El Nino events are alike and it is difficult to compare them all (Dello,
2015). Dello does state that the region has experienced warming over the last two decades and
that climatologists can agree that winters and early springs will be warmer than normal in the
PNW. But whether higher precipitation will be a big factor is still up in the air for future
predictions of El NIno events (Dello, 2015).

2. Atmospheric Rivers in the PNW
The other storm pattern that is responsible for heavy precipitation events in the PNW are
Atmospheric Rivers (AR). ARs can be formed and sustained from within ENSO and other
oscillation events in the Pacific Ocean. The weather oscillations play a role in dynamics in
modulating ARs prior to landfall by supplying high amounts of water vapor into the lower
troposphere (Payne and Magnusdottir, 2014). A majority of ARs hit the west coast in the winter
months and contribute an estimated 30-50% of the wet season precipitation (Payne and
Magnusdottir, 2014); (Gimeno et al, 2014).
Geography is not the only factor in making the west coast vulnerable to ARs, the
landscape also affects the susceptibility of many west coast lands to flooding. The west coast is
characterized by flat coastal terrain that is hemmed in by large mountain ranges to the east, like
the Cascades. This terrain essentially controls where the precipitation falls (Figure 11). When a
vapor-rich AR encounters mountainous terrain, the AR is then forced upwards, at which point
the orographic enhancement of rainfall can occur producing precipitation events and catastrophic
flooding (Gimeno et al, 2014). This occurrence is very apparent in Washington State; where the


western half of the state receives more precipitation compared to the eastern half because the
Cascade mountains divide the state.

Figure 11. Information of how atmospheric rivers impacting the west coast (NOAA, Earth
Systems Research Laboratory, 2017).

a. November, 2006 Atmospheric River
On November 6 and 7, 2006, a large AR hit Washington from the southwest (Figure
12)(Neiman et al, 2008). This AR had a significant impact on Mt. Rainier and its mountain
streams. Over the 42-hour period, this AR dropped approximately 45 cm (nearly 18 inches) of
rain (Legg et al, 2014; Neiman et al, 2008).


Figure 12. Satellite images of the November, 2006 AR (Neiman et al, 2008). The top picture is a
composite of the integrated total column of water vapor (IWV) stretching across the Pacific and
impacting Washington. The middle picture is a weather satellite image showing infrared of cloud
temperatures. The bottom picture is an infrared image of the water vapor in the AR.

The record-setting precipitation was so great that gaging stations along the Nisqually and
Carbon Rivers “recorded greater than 100-year discharges and floods of record” (Legg et al,
2014). The heavy rainstorm triggered more than six debris flows along the mountain, three of
which were in the Kautz sub drainage basin and the creek itself (Copeland, 2009; Legg et al,
2014). The resulting flooding and debris flows eroded fluvial channels and important park


infrastructure. The Kautz Creek channel overflowed its banks and split into two flows a mile up
the channel before it reached the main roadway (Figures 13 and 14) (NPS, 2006).

Figure 13. A new channel was formed on the Kautz Creek from the increased precipitation a
mile upstream from the roadway (NPS, 2006)

Figure 14. The Kautz Creek flooding the main roadway east of the bridge. (NPS, 2006).


This new split channel damaged the helibase and research facility roads near the edge of
the Nisqually River. The AR impacts resulted in over $50 million in damage to park and regional
infrastructure. With the splitting of the Kautz Creek, two new culverts had to be put in to
accommodate the new channel (Figure 15a) and directed the flow away from the research
facilities and roads. Reinforcements were also made along the main channel, particularly under
the main road bridge. The heavy rain and debris flows from the November 2006 AR altered the
landscape on and around the Kautz Creek. These events increased iron-rich sedimentation to
aggregate and wash downstream; causing the banks and waters to appear red in coloration
(Figure 15b) (NPS, 2006). The split channel has redirected a majority of the water to flow away
from the active channel and emptying it into the Nisqually River.


Figure 15a (top) and 15b (bottom). The top picture shows the Kautz split channel flow under the
main roadway through two newly built culverts. The bottom picture is a view of the iron
oxidation of the main channel of the Kautz from the road bridge (Photos by Melanie Graeff,
April 2017).



A. Obtaining LiDAR and GIS data
A Geographic Information System (GIS) provides good visual tools to present the
changes in Kautz Creek caused by recent ENSO and AR events. In a previous paper, Using
repeat lidar to estimate sediment transport in a steep stream by Scott Anderson, the author
studied sediment change on the Tahoma Creek on Mt. Rainier from using LiDAR data. The
thesis author, Scott Anderson, attended the University of Colorado and was writing his thesis on
this creek. His paper showed that LiDAR data could provide the highest precision of detail for


elevation change and sediment patterns for my research on the Kautz Creek. I contacted Scott
and discussed his methods and experience using LiDAR and GIS in his study of the nearby
Tahoma Creek.
I examined the other creeks of Mt Rainier and decided on mapping the Kautz Creek. I
chose that creek because 1) I could not find much data or many publications on this particular
creek and 2) Kautz Creek is located in between the Tahoma Creek and the Nisqually River, both
of which have been the subject of many publications and research projects. After reading some
of these publications, I noticed that climate change never really came up in relation to the
sediment transport and changing of elevation. In further discussion with Scott Anderson he
mentioned that he thought of mentioning climate change but decided against it because his
primary focus for his thesis was mapping the sediment with the LiDAR rather than the causes of
increased sediment. This presented an opportunity to map the Kautz Creek from a hypothesis
that climate change was changing elevation and increasing sediment loss on the steep mountain
channel. I contacted Paul Kennard and Scott Beason, both geologists and geographers at the
National Park Service at Mt. Rainier. They provided me with two LiDAR data sets of the area,
one from 2008 and another from 2012. After obtaining the LiDAR sets I found more GIS data of
Mt. Rainier from public sources including maps of streams and glacier boundaries.

B. Analyzing Climate for Summer and Winter Months in PNW
If a pattern of warming and increased precipitation could be found then that would need
to be observed in reference to several decades of prior climate data. Recent climate change could
then be shown as a contrast to the baseline climate records dating back to into the 1950’s. The


observations of glacier recession on Mt. Rainier provided a basis to assess the melting of glaciers
and associated release of sediment into the glacial streams. Glacial extents have been compiled
into GIS layers that can illustrate a time series of glacial recession. Separate from analyzing the
climate patterns, it is possible to analyze the patterns of seasonal storms that hit the region using
records of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Atmospheric River (AR) events. These
storms are also influenced by air and ocean temperatures and also produce high precipitation.

C. Elevation Differences from 2008 and 2012 LiDAR layers
The LiDAR layers provided for 2008 and 2012 covered too large an area and had to be
cut down to just the borders of the Kautz Creek. To achieve this, a 500-meter buffer was made
alongside the banks of the creek. Then that buffer layer was used as a guide in order to clip the
raster LiDAR layers by the dimensions of that buffer. Once those clips were made on both
layers, then a comparison could be made in elevation differences. ArcGIS Desktop provides a
tool called "minus" which allows the user to subtract the elevation points from the 2008 layer
from the 2012 layer. The resulting map showed the differences, either loss or gain, of sediment
on the new layers in that time span from 2008 to 2012.

D. Drawing New Glacial Extent for 2015
The regression of the Kautz glacier on Mt Rainier is an indicator of increased melting and
thus increased water released into the Kautz Creek channels, which are fed by the glacier. An
understanding of the increases in water volume can support the estimates of sediment loading the
creek is experiencing along with geomorphic changes of the channel. The most recent available


image of the visible Kautz glacier on Mt Rainier was from July, 2015 in the National Agriculture
Imagery Program (NAIP) images. NAIP images are available to the public online and allowed
me to draw a polygon over the borders of the Kautz, Pyramid, and Van Trump glaciers. I then fit
the polygon I drew with the previous glacial extents used by Copeland (2009) in her thesis that
included the glacier GIS layers from Nylen (1994). The glacial extent layers already on that map
dated from 1913, 1971, and 2008. The results of my compilation of glacial extents are shown in
Figure 19.

E. Channel Width Measurements from Google Earth
To measure the channel widths of the Kautz Creek, I looked to Google Earth and found a
time series of aerial photographs. Since the channel width had been studied in depth from 19601994 and from 1994-2008, I decided to only measure the channel from photographs dating from
2008 to present. There were three photographs available for me to measure the channel width
dated 2009, 2012, and 2014. I plotted forty points total on the creek that were about 200-250
meters apart from each other and I did my best to measure the width on each point on the aerial
photographs. Some small inaccuracies may result since these are aerial photographs on Google
Earth without specific documentation of the methods used to rectify the images onto the
mountainous surface.
After obtaining my forty points from each of the three aerial photographs, I made
pictograms to display the various channel widths in a more visual format rather than just a table
or graph display. I made scales using lines to represent channel widths on the various points on


the creek. While measuring on or near the same points on the creek, any differences (widening or
narrowing of the channel) should be documented by reference to the line measurements.

F. Graphing Precipitation and Average Temperature Data from Longmire, Washington
The Western Regional Climate Center has a historical weather record for Longmire,
Washington, which is only 2 kilometers away from the Kautz Creek. Since the channel width
had been studied in depth from 1960-1994 and 1994-2008, I decided to stick with those time
scales and also look for trends in the precipitation and temperature data. I measured the
precipitation and temperatures from 1960-1994, 1994-2008, and 2008-present for the winter
months (October-March) and the warmer months (April-September) for each of the time periods.
The weather data shows “spikes” which may be attributed to an unusual rain event or
temperature event. The graphic in Figure 16 labels ENSO and AR events that are mentioned in
the literature review (above).

G. Measuring the Kautz Creek main and split channels
During a visit to the Kautz Creek in early April I measured channel widths that were
accessible without risk of physical danger. Using a viewfinder and measuring tape it was
possible to take some channel width measurements from direct measure. Photos of the Kautz
Creek split channel that formed from the November, 2006 AR storm show the main channel
from the road bridge as evidence of significant channel changes.



Results and Discussion
A. Precipitation and Temperatures

Figure 16a. This timeline combines the time periods of study, significant precipitation events,
and compiled data and maps of the Kautz Creek for this thesis.


Figure 16b. A sketch map representation of the study area: Kautz Creek, the Kautz glacier, and
the surrounding tributaries (Map Credits: Melanie Graeff, 2017; ESRI, 2017; NPS, 2016).


Longmire, Washington sits on Mt Rainier and is the closest weather gaging station to the
Kautz Creek, about 2 kilometers away (WRCC, 2017). The temperature records collected at that
station are shown in Figures 24a-h and precipitation records in Figures 25a-h. These figures are a
graphic summary of the records of weather conditions nearest to the Kautz Creek area. As
discussed in the Literature Review section, Czuba et al 2012 researched the Kautz Creek channel
and divided the research into two time periods: 1960-1994 and 1994-2008. During the first time
period, 1960-1994, the Kautz Creek is considered to be in a recovery stage following the 1947
debris flow, characterized by the shrinking of the channel width and increased vegetation growth
(Czuba et al, 2012). During the second time period, 1994-2008, the Kautz Creek channel is
widening again (Czuba et al, 2012). Climate data from the Longmire station can help establish
that the climate, specifically temperatures and precipitation, was a significant factor in the
altering of the Kautz Creek shape and vegetation growth during that period.
The temperatures and precipitation from 1960-1994 showed little to no variability during
the winter and warmer months (Figures 24c-d and Figures 25c-d). During this time period, little
to no changes were recorded on the Kautz Creek drainage morphology. From 1994-2008, while
temperatures remained steady, large instances of precipitation are seen because of the strong El
Nino in 1997/98 and the intense AR on Mt. Rainier in November, 2006 (Figure 25e).
This thesis adds a third time period, 2008-2017, to distinguish whether significant
changes occurred after Czuba’s original findings ended in 2008 (Figure 17). During the last time
period, 2008-2017, climate data shows significant changes in temperatures and precipitation
patterns, as compared to the previous years. Winter precipitation trend increased from 50 to 65
inches (Figure 25g), while summer precipitation got dryer by decreasing from 26 to 19 inches
(Figure 25h). The temperature trend during the summer months in this time also increased from


51.1 to 56 degrees F. According to ENSO timeline (Figure 18), from 2008 the region
experienced a constant variation of El Nino and La Nina events year after year. This explains the
large increase of precipitation on the trend line. From 2014 to 2015, the region experienced
unusually warm and dry conditions leading up to the strong 2015/16 El Nino that winter. These
numbers show that the last nine years the region has shown great variations that have altered the
climate around the Kautz Creek. The following sections show how precipitation and temperature
alter the glacial ice supply and the overall geomorphology of the Kautz Creek.






In recovery
from 1947
debris flow.
Shrinking of
active channel
width, increased
Widening of
active channel
width in upper
half of creek.




No significant

Trend shows a
decrease from 65 to
52 inches.

Trend holds steady
at 22 inches.


Trend shows
decrease from 71 to
55 inches, higher
variability due to
high ENSO and AR
Trend shows
increase from 50 to
65 inches due to
high ENSO and AR

Trend shows
decrease from 21 to
18 inches.

Trend shows
widening and
decrease from 26 to
19 inches.
in upper
Figure 17. A table summarizing the temperature and precipitation patterns of the study area.
Over time the trends show an increase in annual temperatures, an increase in winter


precipitation perpetuated by ENSO and AR events, and a decrease in summer precipitation
(Czuba, 2012; WRCC, 2017).

Figure 18. This graph shows the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) which is used to monitor ENSO. The
ONI is calculated by averaging sea surface temperature anomalies in the Nino-3.4 region of the
Pacific Ocean (Trenberth, 2014; Yulsman, 2016; NOAA, 2017).

B. Glacial Retreat
Imagery provided by the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) helps to
document the recent glacier extents and the recession of the Kautz Glacier. Added to the
summary provided by Czuba, the pattern of rapid recession is continuing the trend shown from
1913 to 2015 (Figure 19).


Figure 19. Focusing on the Kautz Glacier in the middle, the map shows the receding glacial
extents from 1913 to 2015. The green polygon on the map below represents the extent of the
Kautz glacier (middle) in July, 2015. This layer is then superimposed onto the map of previous
glacier extents from 1913, 1971, and 2008 (Map credits: ESRI, 2017; NPS, 2016).


The summer of 2015 was a particularly warm and dry summer with only 13.35 inches of
rain total from April to September with average temperatures reaching 64.82 degrees F according
to the Longmire weather data (Figures 24h and 25h). In Section 2 of the Literature Review,
Copeland (2009) and Nylen (2004) had compiled GIS data to show previous glacial extents.
Their findings showed that the Kautz Glacier had retreated at least 500 meters between 1971 and
2008. In my findings through adding their layers onto the newer 2015 glacial extent, the Kautz
Glacier has retreated at least another 350 meters from 2008 to 2015. This shows that from lack of
precipitation to replenish the glacier coupled with warmer temperatures significantly shrank the
Kautz glacier during this seven-year time span.

C. Channel Width
The rapid melting of the summer of 2015 released significant quantities of built up
sediment into the Kautz Creek and this led to altering the channel geomorphology.
Measurements of the channel width of the Kautz Creek can provide evidence of the dynamic
changes that precipitation and increased glacial melt rates on the stream geomorphology.
Historical aerial images are available from Google Earth for the use of the general public.
Czuba et al (2012) researched and measured the active channel widths from 1960 to 2008. I
measured more recent images available after 2008 to the present day to add changes to the record
that Czuba established in prior work. Three images were available for this desired time period
and they date from 2009, 2012, and 2014.


Figure 20. The 40 reference lines, sitting about 200-250 meters apart, that I measured the
channel widths on each the Google Earth images from 2009, 2012, and 2014 (Google Earth,
The active channel is characterized where water is flowing and sediment is being
deposited along its banks in the tributary channel. According to the map of the Kautz channel
from Czuba et al, 2012, the geomorphically active sections where the stream meanders through
depositing sediment, with observable effects in the upper half of the creek. The lower half of the
creek is comparatively less active since there is little or no observable evidence of sediment
deposition. The active channel measurements from the 2009, 2012, and 2014 aerial photographs
range from 65-145 meters wide, which is generally in agreement with Czuba's reported widths in
section 2a of the Literature Review.
The following pictograms provide a summary of the widths I measured from forty points
on the creek spaced at about 200-250 meters apart (Figure 20). The left-right size of the lines in


the following pictograms show the channel width variations from year to year (Figures 21a, 21b,



Figures 21a, 21b, and 21c. These pictograms represent the channel width measurements taken
from the same locations by manual interpretation of the 2009 (21a), 2012 (21b), and 2014 (21c)
aerial photographs of the Kautz Creek.

The upper half of the Kautz Creek channel becomes exceptionally wider and filled with
sediment compared with the lower half of the channel. The retreating glacier had carved out a
“V” shape into the gully. Once the water flows further downstream out of the steep gully, the


channel becomes flatter and wider allowing for water to spill over the banks into the Pyramid
Creek (and vice versa) and into the new Kautz Creek split channel.

D. Comparison of the Kautz Split to the Main Channel
Figure 16b maps out the positions of the Kautz and Pyramid Creeks, along with the new
Kautz split channel. Along the main roadway, the split channel is about 300 meters away from
the Kautz. Since the Kautz Creek split from the November, 2006 AR event, that channel has
taken on the transport of a majority of the water and glacial melt from the main channel. Though
the main channel width measures an average of about 40 meters downstream from the split, its
transports little to no water since 2006 (Figure 22b). The split channel has taken on a majority of
the water and glacial melt transport and measures an average of about 7 to 10 meters in width
(Figure 22a). Since the transfer of water from the main to the split channel, the main channel has
turned orange from iron oxidation. This oxidation occurred from the weather and exposure of
iron ore and sediment deposited during the 2006 AR (NPS, 2007).


Figures 22a and 22b. The pictures show the differences in water volume and stream coloration
in the new split channel (top) and the main channel (bottom). The orange staining visible in the
lower image illustrates the alteration of iron oxides that were deposited in the main channel,
then left dry to oxidize following the diversion of the Kautz Creek water from the main channel
into the split channel during the 2006 AR event (Photo credits: Melanie Graeff, 2017).

E. 2008 and 2012 LiDAR Comparison
The map below (Figure 23) is a result of the comparison of the 2008 and 2012 LiDAR
images provided by the National Park Service at Mt. Rainier. In completing the full analysis of
the map, it was apparent that significant changes occurred between the 2008 and 2012 LiDAR
layers. These changes support the results shown earlier in the channel width measurement


analysis in Section C. The LiDAR data provides more detail along the entire channel that could
be shown in the channel width measurements.
The map shows significant sediment movement along the entire length of the creek
channel. The sediment losses are shown in red while the sediment gains are symbolized in gray.
The upper half of the creek showed the most sediment loss, especially near the glacier terminus
in the gully (Figure 23b) where the Kautz Creek begins to flow down Mt. Rainier. The gully was
carved out from previous glacial extents (Figure 19) that have slowly receded over the last few
decades. The sharp curve of the active channel makes the outer wall of the gully susceptible to
sediment loss as the water channel turns and flows down the mountain. A few areas (shown in
yellow) showed as much as 26.7 meters of sediment loss. These high loss areas are mainly in the
gully near the glacier terminus. A large majority of the loss does not go beyond 15 meters of
sediment loss in the upper half of the channel.
Though the sediment loss is more apparent in the upper half of the channel, the map also
displays a pattern of erosion and deposition of sediment throughout the lower active channel as
well. This result was expected as precipitation runoff and glacial melt will shift and carry
sediment downstream leading to erosion in some areas and deposition in other areas, changing
constantly over time with different river flow conditions. With the increasing release of more
sediment into the creek channel due to glacial retreat, the forces of the water along with gravity
will tend to funnel that sediment through the active channel. The increasing amount of sediment
that does not get carried downstream will tend to be deposited in the banks of the active channel:
widening the channel over time. This is the pattern previously documented in the pictograms of
channel width measurements (Figures 21a, 21b, and 21c). In Figure 23c, the increased sediment
has raised and widened the Kautz channel along with the neighboring Pyramid Creek channel.


The Pyramid channel intercepts the Kautz Creek at least two times and most recently a third
interception has formed in between the years 2012 and 2014 according to the channel width
pictograms section (Figure 21c). The Pyramid Creek interceptions are probably also responsible
for the splitting of the Kautz Creek in November, 2006. The increased sedimentation raised
water levels in both tributaries, causing a redirection of active channel water flow away from the
main channel and into the new split (Figures 22a and 22b). It is also apparent that increased
sedimentation is also occurring in the Kautz split channel. According to Figure 23c, there have
been increases in sediment elevation as the active channel water flow carries sediment into the
split channel.



Figure 23a. A comparison of the changes in elevation from the 2008 and 2012 LiDAR images on
the Kautz Creek. The purple, red, orange, and yellow symbolize an overall loss in elevation due
to sediment erosion and the green and light blue represent gain in elevation due to sediment
deposition. The red boxes highlight the zoomed-in images of that map which are elaborated on in
figures 23b, 23c, and 23d (Map credits: Melanie Graeff, 2017; ESRI, 2017; NPS, 2016).

Figure 23b. A zoomed-in image of the gully on the upper region of the Kautz Creek. The colored
comparison of the differences in elevation between the LiDAR images depict high levels of
sediment erosion (purple, red, orange, yellow) and sediment deposition (green, light blue) in the
active channel from 2008 to 2012. The increased glacial melt is releasing sediment down the
active channel and is carving into the gully wall as it turns to flow down the valley (Map Credits:


Melanie Graeff, 2017; ESRI, 2017; NPS, 2016)

Figure 23c. A zoomed-in image of the middle region of the valley where the Pyramid Creek (sits
to the northwest of the Kautz) intercepts the Kautz Creek. The colored comparison of the
differences in elevation between the LiDAR images depict high levels of sediment erosion
(purple, red, orange, yellow) and sediment deposition (green, light blue) in the active channel
from 2008 to 2012. The increased sediment movement is causing flooding and shifting the
Pyramid Creek closer to the Kautz Creek (Map Credits: Melanie Graeff, 2017; ESRI, 2017;
NPS, 2016).


Figure 23d. A zoomed-in image of the lower region where the Kautz Creek active channel split
from the November 6, 2006 AR. The colored comparison of the differences in elevation between
the LiDAR images depict high levels of sediment erosion (purple, red, orange, yellow) and
sediment deposition (green, light blue) in the active channel from 2008 to 2012. An increased
amount of sediment is being directed into the split channel (east of Kautz main channel) (Map
Credits: Melanie Graeff, 2017; ESRI, 2017; NPS, 2016).

Temperature (Figures 24a-h) and Precipitation (Figures 25a-h) Figures


Figure 24a. The line graph shows winter temperatures from 1960-2017 with an overall decrease
of 1 degree F (37.7 to 36.7) (WRCC, 2017).

Figure 24b. The graph shows warm month temperatures from 1960-2017 showing an overall
increase from 53.1 to 53.7 degrees F (WRCC, 2017).


1982/83 ENSO

Figure 24c. The graph shows winter temperatures from 1960-1994 decreased from 36.6 to 36.1
degrees F, with an average of 36.35 degrees F. The 1982/83 ENSO event is marked with the
purple flag (WRCC, 2017).

Figure 24d. The graph shows winter temperatures during warmer months from 1960-1994 hold
steady at 53.3 degrees F, with an average temperature of 53.26 degrees F (WRCC, 2017).


1997/98 ENSO

Nov 2006 AR

Figure 24e. The graph shows that winter temperatures from 1994-2008 slightly increased from
36 to 36.1 degrees F, with an average temperature of 36.04 degrees F. The 1997/98 ENSO event
is labelled with a purple marker and the November 6, 2006 AR event is labelled with a blue
marker (WRCC, 2017).

Figure 24f. The graph shows those warmer months from 1994-2008 decreased slightly from 53.8
to 53.3 degrees F, with an average temperature of 53.5 degrees F (WRCC, 2017).


2015/16 ENSO

Figure 24g. The graph shows winter temperatures from 2008-2017 increased from 34.8 to 36.3
degrees F, with an average temperature of 35.5 degrees F. The 2015/16 ENSO event is labelled
with a purple marker(WRCC, 2017).


Figure 24h. The graph shows that warmer month temperatures from 2008-2016 increased
significantly from 51.1 to 56 degrees F, with an average temperature of 53.5 degrees F (WRCC,

Figure 25a. The graph shows annual winter precipitation from 1960-2017 with an overall
decrease from 60 to 58 inches, and an average of 59.3 inches (WRCC, 2017).


Figure 25b. The graph shows annual warm month precipitation from 1960-2016 with an overall
decrease from 23 to 21 inches, and an average of 21.4 inches (WRCC, 2017).

1982/83 ENSO

Figure 25c. The graph shows winter precipitation from 1960-1994 decrease from 65 to 52
inches, and an average of 58.1 inches. The 1982/83 ENSO event is marked with a purple
flag(WRCC, 2017).


Figure 25d. The graph shows warm month precipitation from 1960-1994 that held steady around
22 inches, with an average of 21.8 inches (WRCC, 2017).

Nov 2006 AR

1997/98 ENSO

Figure 25e. The graph shows winter precipitation from 1994-2008 decreased significantly from
71 to 55 inches, with an average of 63.1 inches. The 1997/98 ENSO event is labelled with a
purple marker and the November 6, 2006 AR event is labelled with a blue marker (WRCC,


Figure 25f. The graph shows warm month precipitation from 1994-2008 decreased from 21 to 18
inches, with an average of 19.5 inches (WRCC, 2017).

2015/16 ENSO

Figure 25g. The graph shows winter precipitation from 2008-2017 increased significantly from
50 to 65 inches, with an average of 57.8 inches. The 2015/16 ENSO event is labelled with a
purple marker (WRCC, 2017).


Figure 25h. The graph shows warm month precipitation from 2008-2016 decreased significantly
from 26 to 19 inches, with an average of 22.64 inches (WRCC, 2017).



The combination of warmer temperatures and higher precipitation brought on by ENSO
and AR events had contributed to significant melting of the Kautz glacier. This subsequent
melting of the glacial ice released a significant amount of sediment into the creek, filling up the
channels to make them wider and shallower for active channel water flow. These conditions
combined with high precipitation events increase the likelihood of active channel shifting and
flooding of the surrounding area and downstream. Such an event occurred on November 6 and 7,
2006 when a strong AR dumped very heavy rain on the mountain. This flood led to infrastructure
loss and damages that equated to millions of dollars.
With these types of storms taking place at Mt Rainier National Park it is imperative that
continued monitoring and surveying of not only the Kautz Creek, but all of the mountain
tributaries. Also, more infrastructure improvements need to be built or reinforced if the park


wants to remain accessible to the public in the future (Carson, 2014). Unfortunately, the lack of
funding and environmental support from the government has put strains on repairing important
infrastructure as the climate altering conditions continue to affect Mt. Rainier. The Kautz Creek
continues to be one of the primary concerns because its channels cross the main roadway that
leads in and out of the park. The future effects of climate change on this creek remains to be seen
but continued monitoring is important for the safety and future of this area of the park.



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