The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 2


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 2, Issue 2 (February 1981)

The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 2
extracted text
Higher Ed.: Investing in the Future Evaluating Evergreen
By Judy McNickle
"Growth" and "Quality" are
the watchwords for Evergreen
and the rest of her sister institutions in the State of
Washington as the 47th Legislative session continues
just five miles from the college campus.
With the state facing
what one leading legislator
describes as "the greatest
fiscal crisis since the Depression," the six four-year
schools have combined in an
unprecedented effort to "tell
the story of higher education"
and argue strongly that, as
Dan Evans says, "it's now
time higher education became one of the state's priorities."
As current chairman of
the state higher education
institutions' Council of Presidents, Evans is leading the
information effort, asserting
forcefully that "state government must answer not only
the question of how many
students it's prepared to educate but at what levels of
At stake this session, he
believes, are the state's student access policy to its colleges and universities, its
national reputation for quality
higher education, and its
service to the public.
"We are now united in
our determination to restore
adequate funding to the colleges and universities, and
prevent additional increases
in academic workloads that
could result in a decline of
quality," he vows. "If we
have to, we'll tell legislators
'enough is enough,' even if it
means shutting the doors of
higher education to more
than 30,000 potential students in both the two-year
and four-year schools during
the next biennium."
Budget proposals presented to the legislature by
outgoing Governor Dixy Lee
Ray and newly inaugurated
Governor John Spell man portend what Evans labeled
"drastic" cuts in higher education. Those budgets, he
said, "have not been as bad
as we expected, but they're
far below what we need to
maintain our current system
of high quality education."
Citing Evergreen's proposed budget as an example,
Evans pointed out that both
fiscal plans would enable the
college to continue enrollment growth (though at a far
slower rate than earlier mandated), to hire additional faculty, and to create a new
graduate program if approval
is granted by the Council for
Postsecondary Education
(CPE). Both governors' budgets also increase faculty
and staff salaries, continue
funding the college's expanded enrollment effort,
and create a new joint circulation system for the Evergreen Library in conjunction
with the Washington State
and Timberland Regional
In both proposals, Evergreen is one of only two
state four-year colleges permitted funds to grow during
the 1981-83 biennium. Under
Ray's plan, which Spellman
has incorporated in his budget message, Evergreen
would grow from this year's
full-time equivalent count of
2375 to 2533 in 1981-82 and
2558 in 1982-83. The growth

What Proposed Budget Cuts Could Mean
Closed doors to more than 6600 students seeking admission
to the six four-year state schools and 30,000 students in
community colleges
Reduced faculty and staff levels throughout higher education
Higher student-teacher ratios
Reduced funding for such vital student services as career and
personal counseling, health services, veterans benefits
Decline in needed maintenance and operation of facilities
Reduced or eliminated intercollegiate athletic programs
Elimination of support for development of scholarships,
visual and performing arts presentations, student and faculty
research, lectures, symposia and other activities made
possible by development offices and public service budgets
Reduced acquisitions of library materials and instructional
Further erosion of faculty salary levels
includes an increase of 30
graduate students in the first
year (if CPE approves Evergreen's plan for a new degree
program in environmental
and energy studies) and an
additional 25 graduate students in that program the
second year. Only Eastern
Washington University also
was permitted funds to grow
(primarily at its Spokane center), by approximately 200
more students over the biennium.
But, Evans pointed out,
both gubernatorial budget
proposals reduce the state's
overall enrollment in the fouryear schools by some 6600,
cut the total number of faculty positions throughput the
state system, and eliminate
money for support of public
services, intercollegiate athletics and development efforts. In addition, both budgets take major chunks from
all the schools' students
services and facilities operations. Most urgently, he
says, they also reduce the
amount of instructional support to levels below that of
recent years. Evans points
out that Spellman's proposal
increases that support over
Ray's budget by one percent.
"That's a help," he says.
"It's something we've been
fighting for. But, we've got
to do better than that," he
argues. "We've got to return
the support level at least to
that of the past biennium,
plus increases for inflation."
Not to do so amounts to increased faculty workloads.
To illustrate, he notes that
just a one percent reduction
in instructional support
amounts to two faculty positions per year at Evergreen
A second major problem
posed by both gubernatorial
fiscal plans is, says Evans,
the amount of increase in
faculty salaries. Since 1970,
faculty salaries have lagged
behind all other state employee groups, which makes
it increasingly difficult for
the colleges to retain their
most highly qualified teachers in what he calls "a very
competitive market." While
Governor Spellman's plan
calls for increases above that
proposed by Ray for faculty,
it reduces the wage hike for
classified employees. "His
proposal is welcome recognition of the fact that salaries
for faculty are far, far behind," he says, "and he
brings closer equity among
all the groups. But," Evans
vows, "I will continue to fight
for faculty salary needs."

Evans also promises to
support hikes in tuition and
fee rates as one means of
securing more money for
higher education. He notes
that the state's public college
presidents have "agreed to
accept a leadership role in
promoting tuition increases."
"But," he says, "there are
two conditions: any increase
in tuition must be met by an
increase in financial aid programs for needy students;
any money raised through
tuition increases must go
towards at least maintaining
current levels of education
support." The Spellman proposal, which calls for a 33
percent increase in tuition
and fees during the next two
years, does not, he pointed
out, return the money to the
colleges. "Of the $30.7 million in revenue that hike
would generate in the fouryear schools," he says, "only
$1.7 million has been returned to higher ed budgets."
The other money would
go into the general fund to
support other government
agencies and services.
Evans firmly believes his
argument is one that affects
more than percentage hikes
in budget formulas; it's one
that impacts the future of the
state. He argues that "investing in higher education is
essential for the future health
of the state.
"It's been demonstrated
over and over again," he
asserts, "that an inadequate
job of education translates
into unemployment and problems in welfare and institutions, particularly corrections. On the other hand, a
high quality educational system contributes significantly
to the health of the state's
economy and its productivity.
"It's no accident," he
argues, "that this state is
ranked sixth of the 50 states
in its per capita income and
that a bigger percentage of
our state residents are involved in higher education
than in any other state but
one." He predicts productivity, average earning and
other measures of the state's
success will fall if support
for higher education declines.
He's sharing his predictions with legislators on both
sides of the aisle, with news
media representatives, and is
combining efforts with other
college presidents, alums,
students, parents and allied
friends of education. To all
he notes, "If we're not willing
to make the investment in
higher education today, we'll
certainly pay the cost tomorrow."

In 1977, the Legislature
directed the Council for Postsecondary Education (CPE)
to study curriculum and
costs at Evergreen. The
objective was to make recommendations on the actions
necessary to increase enrollment and to lower costs to a
per-student level comparable
to the state universities.
Evergreen, like most colleges, faced a slow-down in
enrollment growth during the
1970s. The shortfall in expectations was due, in part, to
population growth studies
which failed to anticipate a
smaller college-age population. In Washington, the expected shortage of 17,000
college places (pressure
which Evergreen was designed to relieve) did not
materialize. Also, the clamor
for educational reform during
the 1960s died down, at least
partly because many traditional institutions became
more flexible.
The CPE expanded its
study beyond curriculum and
costs to consider other interrelated elements. Their 245page report, released in February 1979, reviewed Evergreen's history, analyzed enrollment patterns in the
region, discussed the status
of nontraditional education,
and provided a wealth of
information on public perceptions of Evergreen.
The report concluded
with a set of 20 recommendations to guide the college
in meeting specific goals for
the 1980s. Evergreen had
acted on several items prior
to the report's release and
others were under way.
Here's a point-by-point description of progress to date.
Recommendation #1—
Increase enrollment over the
next two biennia to a level of
3,050-3,350 full-time equivalent (FTE) students during
the 1982-83 academic year.
Fall Quarter 1980 enrollment
was the highest in Evergreen's history. Both FTE
and total student count exceeded previous records.
Since the CPE recommendations were issued, the college has grown from 2,322
students in Fall Quarter of
1978, to 2,805 in 1980. FTE
totals follow a similar pattern, with an increase of 17%
over the period.
Fall Quarter 79 enrollment demonstrated Evergreen was "alive and growing"; Fall Quarter '80 indicates it has the potential
to thrive.
The winter '81 count of
2,667 students (another record), says Institutional Research Director Steve Hunter,
"should put us right on target" for meeting the year's
overall contribution to the
enrollment plan.
Recommendation #2—
Reduce costs of support
Administrative expenditures,
when adjusted for inflation,

are actually $342,000 below
the 1976-77 level. Rental and
lease arrangements with nine
agencies are in effect, and
Evergreen shares computers
and other facilities with a
number of organizations. The
Evergreen library participates
in a number of cooperative
arrangements, including the
Washington Library Network
and the Washington Educational Telecommunication
Network. A part-time grants
coordinator was hired to
streamline proposal procedures. Finally, the college
helps hold down housing and
food service costs through
facility rentals for summer
conferences and conventions.
Recommendation #3—
Establish master's degree
studies, with particular attention to needs of persons
associated with state government in Olympia.
The new Master of Public
Administration program, approved by CPE in January
1979, attracted three applicants for each available
opening. Thirty-seven students, most of them state
employees enrolled part-time,
began course work in
September, 1980.
The U.S. Department of
Education awarded $60,000
to the new program to
develop the internship comoonent. Another grant,
$25,000 from Washington
Mutual Savings Bank, will
'und a fellows-in-residence
orogram to bring in distinguished teachers and re:;earchers These two grants
ve early indications of the
quality of the fledgling MPA
A proposal for a Master
of Environmental Studies
(MES) program is in the final
stages of preparation for presentation to the CPE. The
professional-level program
would include studies of ecosystems, environmental hazards, natural resources management, and policy problems. If approved and funded,
the program would begin
accepting students for Fall
Quarter 1982, though an
earlier, Fall Quarter 1981,
opening date is possible.
Recommendation #4—Study
the feasibility of transferring
interaqency training functions to Evergreen.
A 1979 transfer proposal
failed to win Office of Financial Management approval,
but faculty may provide a
series of workshops for state
employees in management
and executive development.
Recommendation #5—
Develop evening courses
especially related to the educational needs of Olympiaarea professionals.
Evergreen now offers 50-90
part-time courses, many of
which are variable-credit options within regular full-time
programs. Part-time FTE enrollment stands at 10.3% of
the total.


Recommendation #6—Award
Bachelor of Science degrees.
Seventy-two Bachelor of
Science degrees were
awarded in 1979, over 80
were awarded in 1980, and
about 70 alumni have converted their B.A.s to B.S.
degrees through a special
Recommendation #7—
Establish a teacher education
program through an interinstitutional agreement with
another school.
The cooperative Evergreen/
University of Puget Sound
teacher certification program
graduated its first class Fall
Quarter 1980. Fifty-five new
students also entered the
highly competitive program
that quarter.
Recommendation #8—
Identify career pathways in
the curriculum more clearly.
Nineteen new brochures,
plus a year-long series of
workshops, help introduce
students to strategies and
resources for academic and
career planning. Career placement levels for graduates
continue to rank among the
nation's highest.

Recommendation #9—
Institute greater structure
and predictability in the
curriculum, and offer course
options within programs.
A new five-year plan, and
greater clarity in our publications, have led to better
understanding of the Evergreen curriculum, its structure and sequence.
Four- and eight-credit
program options have proven
highly popular, but the
greatest demand for parttime study appears to be in
the evening.
The higher retention
levels recorded this fall may
reflect the impact of changes
introduced in response to
recommendations #8 and #9.
Recommendation #10—
Reconsider the role of the
supplemental application
within the admissions
Eliminating the essay-type
supplemental application had
little apparent effect on admissions. A Basic Skills
Assessment administered to
entering students now helps
identify students in need of
additional skills development.

Recommendation #11—
Provide special programs for
entering students to develop
basic skills areas, and to
ease the transition into the
college's interdisciplinary
A faculty committee decided
against a special program for
entering students, but new
students are now advised
strongly to enroll in a regular
Basic Coordinated Studies
Program (a prerequisite for
many advanced Specialty
Area programs). As a result,
freshman enrollment in Basic
Programs climbed from 26%
Fall Quarter 1978, to 61%
in 1980.
Recommendation #12—
Re-examine internship and
independent study programs.
New procedures inititated in
1979 have significantly increased counseling and
Recommendation #13—
Simplify student transcripts.
Evergreen adopted the
quarter-credit system, regularized narrative reporting,
and now presents a "Summary of Equivalencies" on
the first page of each

Broder "Fired" after TESC Talk
Two nationally prominent
speakers—Cecil Andrus and
David Broder—shared their
views with the Evergreen
community Fall Quarter, attracting full-capacity audiences and an unexpected
kind of media coverage.
Andrus, President Jimmy
Carter's Secretary of the
Interior and a long-time colleague of Evergreen President
Dan Evans, devoted most of
his October 6 presentation to
discussion of America's
energy crisis, declaring that
it offers this country "the
moral equivalent of war" and
asserting that this nation is
now "at a pivotal point" in its
relationship to the environment. Describing himself as
"proud of Carter's environmental ethic," the nowretired cabinet officer said he
wants "to leave a little (wilderness) for the children,"
urging his Evergreen audience
to "improve (our) stewardship
of the earth."
Broder, a nationally syndicated columnist for the
Washington Post, headlined
the first President's Symposium on December 1. Much of
the highly respected report-

er's talk was devoted to
ethics and performance within the journalism profession,
which gained little praise
from him for its postWatergate performance.
Six days after his visit,
Broder reported in his column, syndicated in more than
260 newspapers, his analysis
of the 1980 Republican sweep
m-Washington State and his
impressions of Evergreen.
The college, he said, "is a
remarkable and exciting and
controversial campus. . .
which has won. .a national
reputation as an innovator in
liberal education, environmental sciences and the
preparation of students for
public service careers."
The article, first spotted
on December 7 in the Portland Oregon/an, was eagerly
awaited by Thurston County
readers of the Daily Olympian,
which has carried Broder's
work for years. When it didn't
appear, calls to the paper
revealed that the article was
refused because of "inaccuracies." Broder, in his yearend wrap up, that also
appeared in 260 papers,
noted that when he first

Super Saturday Set
for June 6th
A 20-member committee has
already begun drafting plans
for Evergreen's third annual
spring festival, Super Saturday, set from 11 a.m. to
7 p.m. on June 6, the day
before graduation.
Co-chaired by Dean of
Enrollment Services Larry
Stenberg and Director of Information Judy McNickle, the
committee promises eight
hours packed with entertainment on "at least three"
stages, arts and crafts exhibits, special children's activities, and a variety of sports
and recreational events. An
array of academic displays
will highlight studies related
to energy and the environment.

wrote the column, he thought
that "while the topic was a
bit parochial. . .it would
please the Olympia newspaper."
"Wrong again," said
Broder. "It turns out the local
editor takes such a dim view
of Evans that he canceled the
column outright." The aforementioned local editor, Dean
Schaklette, responded by Insisting "the inaccuracies" of
Broder's column—especially
those crediting Evans with
the Republican victory—
prompted the cancellation.
While neither of the
Broder columns has directly
reached Daily Olympian
readers, the story of Broder's
visit and subsequent controversy has prompted coverage by The Seattle Weekly,
one of the state's most
widely read weekly publications, and aroused interest
from a number of other daily
papers, both in- and out-ofstate. The result: more
national coverage because
the December 7 column was
not printed by the Daily
Olympian than ever would
have occurred had the paper
run it in the first place.

Recommendation #14—
Strengthen academic advising and career counseling
Approximately 2,000 students
are presently assigned to
advisors. Higher retention
rates and greater student
satisfaction with program
choices indicate the system
is operating successfully.

Recommendation #18—
Address student need for
social spaces and activities.
In addition to existing film
series, intramural sports,
visiting speakers, dances and
other events, the college has
upgraded "The Corner" in
Residence Hal! A, remodeled
the CAB Mall and expanded
bus service into Olympia.

Recommendations #15 and
#16—Inform high school and
community college students
of Evergreen's programs.
A comprehensive enrollment
plan guides a wide range of
activities to counter negative
perceptions of Evergreen,
and to communicate more
clearly with high school and
community college students,
faculty and counselors.
Enrollment of community
college transfer students has
more than doubled, and the
number of entering high
school students is up 66%.

Recommendation #19—
Circulate proposals for new
program areas to other fouryear schools for review.
The new MPA degree program was reviewed according
to CPE guidelines.

Recommendation #17—
Develop intercollegiate
Evergreen teams now compete in soccer, swimming
and cross-country running.
Tennis is scheduled for
spring of 1981.

Recommendation #20—
Offer off-campus programs
within Evergreen's service
A two-year Port Angeles program winds up this year, and
we expect to continue parttime offerings there.
Two programs in Vancouver are well enrolled. This
"branch campus" appears
viable enough to warrant
Possible programs in
Tacoma are contingent on
legislative funding.

Earth Fair '81 to
Examine Major Issues
A week-long festival to explore the major issues facing
Americans in the 1980s will
be conducted at Evergreen
this spring.
Called "Earth Fair'81: A
Celebration of Life," the
event is being organized by
the college's Environmental
Resource Center for April
19-26 on the Evergreen campus. Its purpose, say student
organizers, is to provide an
integrated and educational
forum in which to explore
problems and potential solutions in six major areas:
health, agriculture, energy
development, transportation,
spirituality, and the natural
Exhibitors are now being
sought who can visually explore and illustrate some of
the more critical problems.
Their displays will be offered
along with lectures, workshops, panel discussions
and entertainment, most of
which will be free and open
to the public.

Designed for audiences
of all ages, Earth Fair '81 will
strive, vow its sponsors, "to
fully examine controversial
issues from all sides in a
festive and educational atmosphere that raises public
awareness about the challenge of this new decade.
"We also want to involve
citizens from Evergreen's
service area in a cooperative
learning experiment consistent with Evergreen's philosophy of education," they
Persons seeking information on how to participate in
Earth Fair '81 are urged to
immediately contact the Environmental Resource Center,
c/o College Activities Building room 305, 866-6784

Geoduck Fever Strikes

The intercollegiate athletics
program, in only its second
year, boasts a successful
The festival, which last
season of men's and women's
year attracted more than
soccer and cross-country,
8,000 persons despite rainy
expects a strong showing
skies and cool breezes, will
from the men's and women's
be free and open to all. It is, swim teams this winter, and
the co-chairs declare, "Everhas high hopes for a premier
green's one big chance to
tennis season this spring.
thank our friends and neighWomen's soccer coach
bors for supporting the colJacques Zimicki and men's
lege and to celebrate the
soccer coach Willie Lippmann
successful conclusion of
see these first two years of
another academic year as we varsity soccer as the years of
honor graduating seniors and transition. Evergreen has
their families."
fielded club soccer teams
Mark June 6 on your cal- since the early 70's which
endars now and plan to join
have dominated local league
us at Evergreen for what
play. Now the teams are in
promises to be a truly Super transition from being powerSaturday!
ful league competitors to
successful intercollegiate
teams. The overall record for
women this past season was
12 wins, 7 losses, and 2 ties;

and for the men, 7 wins and
10 losses. The soccer teams
will compete again this
spring in the Southwest
Washington Soccer Association league to keep in shape
for next fall's collegiate competition.
Cross-country coach Larry
Neilson took a fledgling team
of eight men and women
through grueling training this
fall which produced some
outstanding individual performances. There were no
team victories this season,
but coach Neilson plans on
training his athletes year
round for a stronger team
performance next fall.
With swim season underway, coach Don Martin
expects to break many of our
year-old "pool records" and
swim well against teams
from colleges all over the

Northwest. A highlight of the
swim season will be the 2nd
annual Northwest Small College Championships hosted
by Evergreen on February 26,
27 and 28.
The athletics program
will expand into a variety of
sports over the next five
years to provide students
with numerous options for
playing a sport. In addition,
intramural sports and club
sports will continue to offer
recreational experiences for
students, faculty, staff and

Newsletter of the Alumni Association

The Evergreen State College

/.•<i?.ir i


•«.••>- <

The Northwest School campus in Seattle.

Evergreen Sprouts in Seattle
Narrative evaluations, small
classes, interdisiplinary
studies, emphasis on discussion and writing skillssounds tamiliar, eh? Only
this time, mix in traditional
prep-school aspects, blend
with a strong commitment to
the arts, and you have the
Northwest School of Arts,
Humanities and Environment.
Northwest is a new secondary school on Seattle's First
Hill, with a first-year enrollment of 230.
Not surprisingly, three of
Northwest's faculty are Evergreen alumni: Charlie Heffernan, Karl a Lieberman and
Gary Mozel, all 75 TESC
"School is my first priority right now, because it has
to be," remarked Lieberman
in an interview last month.
Her beat at Northwest is the
visual arts. "The dedication
of the faculty here is one of
the ways this place is like
Evergreen. I've spent most of
the last five years doing my
own art, but this year the
school needs 100% of me for

Why does teaching at
Northwest consume so much
time and energy? Lieberman's answers, again, ring of
Evergreen: "We're always designing and starting new
courses as student interests
and needs become clearer.
Also, many of. us are covering disiplines we haven't previously taught—this means
extra preparation."
She explained that time
is also taken to understand
and deal with students individually. This is possible
because class sizes range
from 8 to 20. As at Evergreen
this allows teacher and student to demand a lot of each
other. "I remember the way
we used to challenge Paul
Sparks in seminars at Evergreen. I've been an artist-inresidence at several schools,
and I know there is more of
this real-life questioning
going on at Northwest than
anywhere else in the Seattle
"And the best thing of
all," she concluded, "is that
art is a serious area of study
here at Northwest. This is
not an artsy-craftsy

Charlie Heffernan teaches
drama and physical education at Northwest. Why was
he drawn to the school? "I
guess I was homesick for the
insecurity and disorganization of Evergreen," he
offered, keeping a straight
face for about two seconds.
Heffernan pointed out,
"Northwest is not just a rich
kids' school. It draws from
all over the socio-economic
map—33% of the students
are on some type of scholarship, and 15% of our students are minority.
"One way Northwest and
Evergreen are similar is that
students who try to fake their
way through here get confronted. I wasn't allowed to
float at Evergreen, and
learned that if you didn't cut
it, you didn't get credit. I
acquired those values at
Evergreen, and now I'm using
them here. Credit means
something here. I've taught
at other schools where I
don't think it meant as

Any other similarities
between Evergreen and
Northwest? "There's no football team," he offered, with
apparent relief. (What school
other than TESC would produce a PE teacher who's glad
his school has no football
Gary Mozel teaches
science and history in the
Middle School at Northwest.
"Face it," he says, "seventh
and eighth graders are America's great untapped energy
source. They're unguided
missiles. Remember at Evergreen how they wanted
education to be interesting
enough for us to become
life-long learners? In a
middle-school setting you're
trying to make education
interesting enough for the
students to become highschool learners!"
Other Evergreen/Northwest similarities? "Ambitious
curriculum; a faculty that
really cooperates and enjoys
working together; and, of
course, field trips. Next week

I'm taking my seventh graders to Green Lake so they
can learn to observe and
identify their waterfowl in
person, not from a book."
Does Mozel think his
Evergreen years helped prepare him to teach at Northwest? "Definitely, yes-TESC
was where I learned to drink
Northwest is enjoying an
excellent early reputation in
educational circles and the
media. Enrollment next year
is expected to top 300. Part
of the school's success can
be attributed to three Evergreen alumni who were preparing for their current jobs,
in more ways than one, while
attending TESC.
More information on the
Northwest School of the
Arts, Humanities and Environment is available by
writing to:
1415 Summit Avenue
Seattle, WA98122

Committee News
Ralph Smith, Chairperson
The Communications
Committee is responsible for
AlumNews. We encourage
you'to send us comments
about this and past issues
and ideas for content of
future issues. We want to
provide a vehicle reflecting
the spirit of the Alumni
Association while addressing
the needs of the general
In the next few months,
we will be designing an
informational brochure about
the activities and services of
the Association and the
Alumni Office. We plan to
distribute the brochures to
graduating seniors and
encourage them to keep us
informed of where they are
and what they're doing so we
can keep them up-to-date on
what we're doing.
We'd like to hear your
reactions to AlumNews—it's
written for you. Send comments, questions, ideas to
Ralph Smith, c/o Alumni
Office, TESC, Olympia, WA

Program Events Planned
Bob Crocker, Chairperson
Major activities planned by
the Program Committee this
year include: (1) the fundraising event at Chateau Ste.
Michelle winery (see article
elsewhere in this newsletter),
(2) participation in Super Saturday III and Graduation
Weekend (June 6—7), (3) a
theatre/seminar event in
Seattle, and (4) Reunion '81
(which will probably be scheduled for early September).
The Program Committee
will be meeting frequently
during the months of February and March to plan this
year's reunion, which should
be extra-special, since fall o'
'81 marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of Evergreen. We plan to have a mix
of intellectual stimulation,
recreation and serious partying, Association business,
good food and just plain fun!
We welcome ideas (AND
HELP) for any of the events
mentioned above, especially
the Reunion. If you're interested in participating in Program Committee meetings to
plan Association activities,
contact Bonnie Marie,
Alumni Office, The Evergreen
State College, Olympia, WA
98505 or (206) 866-6565, for
the Program Committee
meeting schedule.
If you live outside the
Seattle area and wish to organize an event with other
"Geoduck Grads," let us
know and we'll help identify
them and get the word out.

It's not too late to order an
alumni T-shirt (they make
great gifts for a fellow alum,
Legislative Relations
too). We're sold out of size
Doug King, Chairperson
Small, but have Mediums,
Larges, and Extra Larges still
Washington State is facing
available in both styles (stanan acute budget crisis, and
nearly all state agencies and dard style, white on green,
programs are being asked to and women's French-cut
cut current and future expen- style, green on white) with
the logo below.
ditures. It is expected that
higher education may be hit
particularly hard in this process. In considering the budget for the next biennium,
the Legislature will be listening to a number of voices,
and the Legislative Relations
Committee of the Alumni
Association will coordinate
activities to facilitate effective alumni contact with their
Activities currently being
planned include co-hosting
with the Evergreen College
Community Organization
(ECCO) two receptions with
select members of the Legislature. We will also participate in Higher Education Day
in late March, where alumni
delegations from all six of
the four-year state colleges
and universities will meet
with their legislators.
Those interested in being
involved with our legislative
efforts should contact
Bonnie Marie in the Alumni
Office (206) 866-6565. Alums
are encouraged to call the
toll-free legislative hot line
(1-800-562-6000) to voice
Next issue focuses on the
opinions concerning current
arts. We'll cover campus galand proposed legislation.
leries and sculpture, faculty
and student work, and activiFinancial Affairs
ties of alums.
and Membership
If you've been reading
Janice Wood and Julie Grant, "AlumNotes," you know EverChairpersons
green graduates are involved
in a wide spectrum of the
arts. Alums are enrolled in
These committees are
working jointly on the chal- graduate programs in musical
theatre, dance education, inlenging task of building a
terior design and visual arts.
dues-paying membership.
Please see the "DUE IT" arti- They're involved in journalism
and publishing as writers,
cle elsewhere in this newseditors, reporters, photograletter for details of our
membership campaign.
phers and illustrators. Fine
arts and performing arts have
We will be working on
attracted sculptors and paintdevelopment of immediate
and future benefits for Asso- ers, dancers and musicians.
One grad is an independent
ciation members (discounts
filmmaker; another is a film
on merchandise and activities, travel and insurance
programs, career advising
programs and services).
We also want to encourage and assist formation of
regional alumni chapters.
Puget Sounders, mark your
Realizing that many of you
calendar for Saturday, May 2,
are unable to take advantage for a delightful afternoon at
of the benefits and activities Chateau Ste. Michelle winery
in the Olympia vicinity, we
in Woodinville. At noon,
will be identifying ways in
we'll join the Ste. Michelle
which we can lend support
staff for an in-depth tour of
to your chapter's efforts to
the winemaking facility,
organize alumni functions.
followed by a tasting and
We encourage you to
discussion of the wines they
send your ideas and sugges- make. We'll then carry on
tions for membership
until 3:30 p.m. with a wine
benefits or chapter assisand cheese reception.
tance to Janice or Julie, c/o
Alumni Office, TESC,
Olympia, WA 98505.

If you'd like an Alumni
Association T-shirt, mail a
check or money order for $6
(standard style) or $8 (women's French-cut style), made
payable to 7ESC Alumni
Association, to the Alumni
Office, The Evergreen State
College, Olympia, WA 98505.
Wearing one is a great
way to start a conversation.

Spring ReView: Special
Art Issue Coming
editor in San Francisco. Evergreen entrepreneurs operate
art studios, a music store, a
recording company, and an
award-winning stained glass
ReView staff members
can cover on-campus activities, but we need your help
for the off-campus features.
We'll work from a rather
broad definition of the arts,
so we'd like to hear from abstract painters and technical
illustrators, novelists and
journalists, pianists and
rock musicians.
You can submit a photo
and short "bio," or call
(206) 866-6128 for an overthe-phone interview.

Imbibe with Us
This event will be a fundraiser for the Association
treasury, and the cost will be
between $5 and $10 per
person (with a discount for
Association members).
If you're interested, call
the Alumni Office (206) 8666565, or fill out and mail the
coupon below.

I'm interested in attending the Ste. Michelle fundraising event.
Send me the details as soon as they are finalized.

AlumNews is the official
publication of The Evergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen ReView.
Editor: Ralph Smith
Writers: Bonnie Marie, Gary
Mozel and Ralph Smith
Winter, 1981
Volume 3, Number 2

Unless You're Small... Due It!

NameSend written submissions,
photos, graphics and inquiries to the Editor, AlumNews,
c/o Alumni Office, LIB 3103,
The Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505.

Clip and mail to Alumni Office, The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
And, while you're at it, "what's new" with you? We'd like to
hear from you.

We're looking for your
support of the Alumni Association and encourage you to
become a member by
sending us your annual
membership dues of $7.50.
We want to continue
toward our goal of becoming
a self-supporting organization and expand the services
we provide to the College
and to alumni, and we need
to build a strong dues-paying
membership in order to
achieve our goal.
The Association's purpose, as stated in its bylaws,
is "to provide an avenue for
the pursuit of members'
mutual interests and to provide support to the program
and philosophies of The
Evergreen State College."
During the past three years,
the Association has helped
with the recruitment of new
students, testified on Evergreen's behalf before a legislative committee, published
an alumni directory, hosted
alumni reunions, and sponsored seminars, workshops
and social events for alums.
Remember, as an Association member, you may
vote on Association issues
and participate in the election of officers and board
members. You'll also pay
reduced rates for Association
activities and merchandise.
We plan to develop other
benefits that will be enjoyed
by members. And, while the
supply lasts, you'll receive a
free alumni directory (a $2.00
Money raised from dues
is for our Association's treasury and all decisions
regarding expenditures are
made by the Board of Directors. In other words, dues
revenue really is spent for
Association-sponsored activities.
So, DUE IT! Join the
Alumni Association by mailing
your $7.50 dues (1980-81
memberships expire on
September 30).

for Lunch
A group of working women
who are Evergreen alumnae is
forming to discuss the unique nature of life after Evergreen in Thurston County. A
no-host luncheon will be
held at Abigail's in Turnwater at noon on February
19th for $3.50 per plate. For
further information, contact:
Julie Grant (79) at 866-3581,
or Shirlene Anderson (79) at
357-4871 after 5:00 p.m.

• Martin Biedermann 78, Grand
Canyon, AZ, is presently
employed by Fred Harvey,
Amfac, Inc., to guide "tourons" through the Grand
Canyon while dispensing
interpretive information. In
the spring he'll be moving on
to Wyoming to do some freelance writing and photography.
Bob Butts 75, Anchorage,
AK, is a management analyst
in the Oil and Gas Division
of Alaska's Department of
Natural Resources.
floss Carey 75, Cleveland
Heights, OH, is a first-year
student at Case Western
Reserve University School of
Medicine. He served in the
Peace Corps in Sierra Leone,
West Africa from 1975-1977,
and earned a B.S. in general
science from the University
of Oregon in March of 1980.
David L. Columbus 78, San
Francisco, graduated from
the officer candidate school
of the U.S. Navy in July of
1980 and is now serving
aboard the USS Anchorage.
Pieter Dobbins 74, Brier, WA,
is employed by Seattle-First
National Bank at the Everett
Mall Branch as assistant
manager/loan officer. He and
his wife Joanne have a
daughter, Jill.
Amy Christina Dubin 75,
Veneta, OR, was married on
October 20, 1980, to John
Roy in Eugene, where she is
with the Teacher Corps and
is working on a double
master's degree at the University of Oregon.
Carmen Doerge 75, Portland,
OR, is managing the Woodcrafter's store in Portland
which specializes in the
materials and tools for woodworking. She also teaches
classes in woodworking.
Allison Duryee 79, Washington, D.C., is working as a
biologist for the Environmental Protection Agency. In
January she began a threemonth MPA program in environmental management
studies at USC in Los
Susan F. Feiner 75, Williamsburg, VA, is a visiting
assistant professor of economics at the College of
William and Mary in Williamsburg and has a Ph.D.
pending from the University
of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Jim Forsman 73, San Francisco, graduated from the
University of WisconsinMadison with a degree in
elementary education. He
now works for Development
Associates, Inc., a private
consulting firm, as a trainer
and will help Native American
groups implement bilingualmulticultural Headstart programs on their reservations.
He is also assisting the San
Fancisco Indian Center in
writing grants, and lectures
on Indian education at the
University of San Francisco.

Jeffrey Foster 77, Hanover,
NH, is in his third year as a
graduate student in biology
at Dartmouth. He is spending
the winter in Costa Rica,
Guatemala and Jamaica as a
teaching assistant for their
Tropical Biology Program.
John Foster 79, Olympia, is
editor of a national independent music magazine, OP.
The magazine is published
by the Lost Music Network, a
nonprofit corporation devoted
to the dissemination of information about independent
music in America. OP was
recently featured in the
newest Whole Earth Catalog
and now has been picked up
by international distributors.
John also is featured on a
new LP on Mr. Brown
records, a collection of area
music called "Life Elsewhere."
Lynn Garner 74, Olympia,
gave birth to a boy, Ze, on
October 10. Lynn has returned to her position of
director of student activities
at Evergreen after a brief
maternity leave.
Vel Gerth '80, Tacoma, WA,
teaches stress management
classes at Tacoma Community College.
Diane Senn Goforth 73,
Olympia, is presently employed as a free-lance executive secretary and designs
and makes handicrafts for
charitable organizations. She
and her husband William
have recently built a passive
solar home with a greenhouse.
Mike Hall 74, Olympia, just
began his new job as an
internship counselor in Evergreen's Office of Cooperative
Education. Since leaving
Evergreen, Mike has worked
as a longshoreman and as a
financial aid director at a
small private college in
northwest Oregon. Prior to
coming to work at Evergreen,
Mike owned and operated the
Gnu Deli, a restaurant he
created and built in Olympia.
Charles Heffernan 75,
Seattle, is a member of the
faculty at the Northwest
School of the Arts, Humanities, and Environment. He
heads the P.E. Department
and teaches drama.
Diane Hess 79, Portland, is
applying to Portland State
University to receive a teaching certificate in English as
a Second Language. She is
currently employed by the
Tri-County Community Council in a social welfare
Eric Holt 77, Davis, CA, returned to the United States
last fall after spending three
years in Mexico working as
director of a project sponsored by the American
Friends Service Committee.
He is currently studying
towards a masters degree in
global environmental studies.

Elizabeth Keeney 75, Cheverly, MD, is a predoctoral
fellow at the Smithsonian
Institution and is working on
a dissertation on the history
of botany in America.
Joe Koczur, 76, Kodiak, AK,
is employed by the Department of Commerce, National
Marine Fisheries.
David Mazor '81, has moved
to Washington, D.C., where
he'll be a professor of broadcast communications for the
Washington International
College. He is also working
on his Ph.D. in broadcast
philosophy through the
World University in Puerto
James Moore 75, Cambridge,
MA, received his Master of
Education degree in 1978
from Harvard University and
is now doing research in
adult development to be applied toward his doctoral
Patti O'Brien 73, San Francisco, is currently working as
a freelance production manager in video/film.
John Pohl, Charleston, IL,
is doing graduate work in
personal/therapeutic counseling at Eastern Illinois
Roger Price 76, Brighton,
MA, is employed by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the Fernald State
School as a senior social
worker, working as part of
an interdisciplinary team that
places mentally retarded
clients in the community. He
is also involved in an advocate project to obtain educational services for the deaf
and blind in institutions. On
November 22, Roger married
Donna Hintz of Olympia.
E//za Schulte 75, Chicago,
IL, is studying commercial
art in Chicago. Prior to
moving to Chicago, she ran
her own business as a calligrapher in Eugene, OR.
Stephen Seme/ 73, Los
Angeles, is employed by
Zoetrope Studios as an
assistant film editor.
Wendy Simms-Rudolph 77,
Oakland, CA, is a branchlevel operations manager for
Bank of America.
Mark Smith 79, along with
Steve Fisk (current TESC
student) and George Romansic (former TESC student)
comprise the Seattle-based
band, the Beakers, which is
featured on an album titled
"Life Elsewhere." In addition,
they have released a 45 on
the Mr. Brown label.
Dana Squires 79, Olympia, is
art director of OP magazine
and an engineer at KAOS-FM
radio station. She is also
doing artwork, and selling
paintings through Traver
Gallery in Seattle.
Richard Tucker 77, is housing surveyor for the City of
Tacoma. He surveys and
photographs historic housing, and researches and publishes such information for
the Tacoma-Pierce County
Cultural Resource Survey.

Daniel Tishman 77, Lubec,
ME, has recently received an
M.S. degree from Lesley College in Cambridge, MA, and
is now an executive director
of the Expedition Institute,
an educational service of the
National Audubon Society.

to Open

Joan Marie Turner 79, is a
commercial/graphic artist for
Advertising Services and
Rubick and Funk Graphics in

A resource center, to provide
information on outdoor education programs and on the
philosophy of education
espoused by the late Willi
Unsoeld, is being established
Laura Van Dilla, Oakland,
at Evergreen this winter.
CA, was one of four interns
Unsoeld, a member of
accepted last fall into a twoEvergreen's original planning
year graduate program at
faculty team and an interUC-Berkeley which will give
her a single-subject teaching nationally known mountaineer, died in an avalanche on
credential in English and an
Mount Rainier in March of
M.A. in Urban Education.
1979, along with outdoor
The project is one of 10
education student Janie Diefederally funded pilot propenbrock. The two were on a
grams in the country decollege-sponsored field trip
signed to improve teaching
credential programs and edu- along with 22 other Evergreen students.
cation in low-income urban
Their contributions to the
college will be remembered
George Wei rich '80, Bellevue, through the center, which
WA, is a freelance writer. His will be funded by donations
received from throughput the
article, "The Motorman,"
appears in the December 1980 country. The new facility,
temporarily housed on the
issue of Trains magazine.
third floor of the Evans
Library, eventually will be
Patrick Williams 79, is presmoved to the library observaently working on a geophystion deck where center users
ical research vessel in south
will be able to enjoy a panorand southeast Asian waters
for the Lamont-Doherty Geo- amic view of both the Olympic and Cascade Mountain
logical Observatory of Coranges. On display will be
lumbia University. The ship
writings and lectures by
is outfitted to do surveys of
Unsoeld on outdoor
sediment and basement
education, educational philostructures, and deformation,
magnetic and gravity profiles, sophy, environmentalism,
spirituality, mountaineering,
cores, seafloor photography
and heat flow measurements. and an array of other topics
frequently explored by the
Patrick's job is to provide
articulate and popular profescontinuity for visiting sciensor.
tific teams, and to assure a
Persons wishing to conconsistent level of data
tribute dollars or educational
materials to the new Unsoeld/
Carl Vtfolfhagen 77, Hoboken, Diepenbrock Center may do
so through the Development
NJ, is working as a research
associate with the Manpower Office, Library 3103.
Demonstration Research
Corporation in New York City.
Demarie (Fellows) Wood 74,
Sitka, AK, is employed by
the Alaska Department of
Fish and Game as the coded
wire-tag recovery coordinator
and assistant troll fish biologist for southeast Alaska.
Since graduation, she also
has been employed in various
positions related to biology
with the Washington State
Department of Fisheries, Battelle Northwest Marine Research Laboratory, and the
Alaska Department of Fish
and Game. She and her husband, who is a commercial
fisherman, own a 45-foot
wood fishing vessel "Moonlight" which was built in
Sitka in 1918 and rebuilt in
Port Townsend, WA, in the
winter of 1979.
Janef Lynn Voder 73, Portland, received her master's in
teaching from the University
of Washington last year and
is now employed at Lewis
and Clark College teaching
English to foreign students.

In Memoriam
Anne Evelyne Alderson 76,
on October 15, 1980.
Shauna Catherine May 79,
on November 28, 1980.

The Cooper Point Journal
(The Paper to you "old
timers") staff is conducting a
subscription drive and sends
the following message to
"Four dollars will bring
the Cooper Point Journal into
your home every week for
one year; keep in touch with
Evergreen from the students'
perspective. Order your subscription today! Send your
name, address, phone number, and $4.00 to Cooper
Point Journal, CAB 305, The
Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505."

Seawulff Launched-Commissioning Set for March 8
A celebration is in the making. And, what a celebration
it will be. Come March, Evergreeners, wood boatbuilders,
and a wide array of community supporters will gather
along the shores of Puget
Sound to formally commission the Seawulff, the sleek,
handsome vessel that became a collective Evergreen
dream nearly a decade ago
and a seaworthy reality on
December 4.
Now undergoing final
testing and finish work after
her successful maiden voyage across Budd Inlet, the
ship will be commissioned in
a major public ceremony on
March 8 at Percival Landing
in downtown Olympia. The
event will both climax six
years of design and construction efforts and launch a new
era of marine studies and re-

Then came the gasoline
crunch of 1974. Crowe and
faculty member Pete Sinclair
began to rehash the original
suggestion. They reshaped
the dream into more than a
study of boat craftsmanship,
making it an investigation
into the feasibility of building
a sailing fishing boat, one
that would be economically
maintained and operated
without reliance on fossil
This time the idea bore
academic fruit—a threequarter, full-time Coordinated
Studies program called
Marine Sciences and Crafts.
Taught by four faculty members (Sinclair, Crowe, Larry
Eickstaedt and Byron Youtz),
the program began in September 1974 with the added
expertise during Fall Quarter
of marine historian Gordon

Three weeks later students were just finishing up
the top inside structures of
the hull when a spark from
the boiler ignited sawdust
and wood shavings. Fire engulfed the all-wood structure,
taking with it all of Long's
historic treasures—and the
Evergreen dream.
"Students refused from
the beginning to accept it,"
Sinclair remembers. "They
immediately posted a sign
declaring 'she will rise again'
and insisted the dream was
not lost, only delayed."
Community support
made revitalization of the
dream possible. As Sinclair
recalls, "We all wanted to
build her again, but we just
didn't know how or where to
get the money." Then Olympia realtor, Doris St. Louis,
faculty member Niels Skov,
and an industrious team of
fund raisers went to work. In
one festive evening they
sponsored a series of dinner
parties that drew more than
300 people and breathed new
life into the '38 project.
By Fall Quarter, 1976, a
new Marine Sciences and
Crafts program was again

dents," explains Sinclair. "It
was really amazing. . .they
worked full-time, practically
around the clock, and could
have achieved even more if
we hadn't so often had to
take time to scrounge for
equipment and/or materials."
As the boat inched ever
closer to completion, faculty member Robert Filmer
assumed direction of the
project, aided by retired
mechanical engineer Don
Fassett, an Olympia volunteer who this fall was formally
hired as the ship's master
builder, charged with completing her by the end of
Fall Quarter.
The first major step
toward that completion was
achieved on a cold and windy
December morning when a
huge crane arrived on campus, dismantled the shed
under which the ship was
built, and gently swung the
13-ton craft onto a low-boy
truck built especially for
hauling boats and donated
for the trip by Associated
Boat Transport, Inc., of
Seattle. Escorted from campus by two security cars and
three dozen "close friends,"

underway, this one taught by
Sinclair, Skov and Jim
Gulden and dedicated not
only to construction of the
ship but to a rigorous academic program that, says
Sinclair, "ended up being
tougher than the first year of
law school.
"I think we overdid it a
bit," he admits. "We required
students to read more than
4,000 pages of text and gave
them little time to think."
But, within a quarter, they
were at work on a new hull,
following Perry's original
design and gathering additional community support for
materials from contributors
like Woodinville boat builder
Jerry Hustead, who helped
raise more than $8,000.
Tacoma boatbuilding instructor Joe Trumbly's contacts
enabled the college to secure
some 2,000 board feet of
prime Port Orford cedar
which, says Sinclair "even
then was very hard to come

the ship was delivered to the
West Bay Marina, which was
to become her permanent
mooring, and loaded onto
Armed with the traditional bottle of champagne,
Evergreen alum Julia Rabinowitz, one of the original
boat builders, christened the

vessel, named for Reid Wulff,
who worked on the ship before his accidental death in
1978. Asking that "God bless
this ship, all who built her
and all who sail on her,"
Rabinowitz broke the bottle
over the bow, then joyfully
joined the crowd in cheering
as the Seawulff slipped
smoothly and triumphantly
into Puget Sound.
Throughout the month of
January, Fassett, Rabinowitz
and a small, dedicated crew
continued finish work on the
ship, which undertook trial
runs across Budd Inlet to her
temporary mooring at Boston
Harbor, and then to Seattle,
where her 35-horsepower,
two-cylinder Saab marine
engine checked out perfectly.
On campus, college officials
continued to work to gather
the last remaining materials
to prepare for the commissioning. Sails, safety equipment and what Fassett calls
"a few other very minor
accessories" will be secured
and in place by the March
Following that, Sinclair
hopes the Seawulff will be
put to use as a floating

The 13-ton Seawulff leaves the campus...
And arrives at the West Bay Marina on a rainy December 4th.

search for Evergreen students
and faculty whose predecessors first conceived of such
a sailing ship before the college even opened.
Stories on that conception vary, but most agree the
idea, first voiced by faculty
member Beryl Crowe, was
sparked by the college's
proximity to the Long Boatworks, one of the last of its
kind on the West Coast and
one of the few opportunities
in the country to observe
three generations of wood
boat builders working side by
side at their craft. Crowe, a
notoriously outspoken political scientist who had become
"disgusted with the candleand-belt-making definition of
craftsmanship," wanted to
expose the first generation of
Evergreen students to authentic craftsmanship as exemplified by the Olympia boat
builders. As he met with
other members of the faculty
planning team in 1970, he
proposed building a wood
boat with the Longs as one
of the first major academic
undertakings. His idea was
One of literally hundreds that
were bandied about, and it
got no further than the faculty discussion tables.

Newell of Olympia. Winter
Quarter Seattle yacht designer
Robert Perry came aboard to
head design and drafting
efforts, and by spring Hank
Long, the second-generation
craftsman, was directing the
first steps of hull construction at his shop on Olympia's
The shop, recalls Sinclair,
"was a living marine museum," complete with oldfashioned tools, an array of
wood boats, a 1931 Ford
Model A "woody" station
wagon, a 1927 motorcycle,
historic photographs, and
lots of other evidence of
boats from the past.
Enthusiasm for their experiences at the boatworks—
and for their research into
marine history—prompted
students that spring to organize and sponsor a two-day
"Fishing Under Sail Symposium" that attracted commercial fishermen, boat designers and builders, marine
reporters and editors, professors and students from
throughout the country to explore the possibilities of
relying on wind-powered fishing craft. A tour of the boatworks and the infant "Evergreen '38" completed the
symposium May 9, 1975.

classroom, not only for
marine studies, but a whole
range of academic disciplines which might be better
explored aboard ship. As
Sinclair, quoting Robert
Frost, notes, "We have ideas
yet we have not tried" for
using the Evergreen dream
that has finally come true.


The work, done on campus behind the laboratory
buildings, progressed much
faster than initial efforts
"both because we now had
some experience and because
we had such a tremendous
commitment from the stu-

Faculty members Peter Sinclair and Rob Knapp.

Seawulff on a trial run across Budd Inlet.



gigs. That same year she lost
Marine Sciences and Crafts
When Julia Rabinowitz enone of her close friends, Reid
rolled at Evergreen in the Fall program began in 1976. She Wulff, who drowned in an
stuof 1974, she had every intendent foremen on the project. accident on Eld Inlet and has
tion of studying marine
been remembered by the
In the spring of 1976,
history and perhaps enjoying
naming of the boat on which
some activities on the waters Julia helped organize the
he worked. Julia also remarine
of the Pacific Northwest. She
to work part-time on
second major conference,
had she remembers, "never
the Seawulff before her
picked up a designing tool or New Craftsmen, "which
a chisel," never sailed, and
~ Immediately after receivoffered,
nacertainly never considered a
her degree in June 1978,
tional magazine, "a new
career as a boat builder.
Julia landed a job with
boatYet, for the past six
ing in this country and "gave Gardner in that small Conyears, the life of the petite
heart" to all those dedicated necticut seaport, working to
dark-haired New York native
"take lines off" some of the
to the craft of wood boat
has been dominated by
boats stored in the
building. It was at that condreams of and labor dedimuseum. The plans she drew
cated toward construction of
Gardner, a marine enthusiast from careful measurements
the 38-foot sailboat she
made of the irreplaceable
devoted to preserving boatchristened the Seawulff on
boats have since been carebuilding crafts, and curator
December 4.
fully preserved, copied and
That ship, Julia declares,
are now available for public
Seaport Museum, which
"has been the highpoint of
sale. She worked there a
my academic career" and
marine historical collections year, gaining experience in
clearly the single most abboat building, helping run
sorbing element of her studies in the nation.
classes offered to the public,
The next year, Julia
at Evergreen. She was among devoted
her senior studies to and maintaining both the
the initial class of 80 stuorganization's records and its
dents who researched, helped the Vanvouver and Puget pro- tools.
design and began construclaunched four English pilot
tion of the first ship in
1974-75; she was there when
the boat burned, and she
returned when the second
Seawulff stories by Judy McNickle.

When the gasoline crisis
of 1979 hit, the Seaport was
forced to reduce staff and
Julia returned to the Pacific
Northwest in search of more
work on what had become
her beloved obsession:
boats. She spent three
months working in a Port
Townsend boat shop, then
returned to the East Coast to
work on boat repair at a
Rhode Island marina. Late
last summer she decided to
return to Washington "before
the cold New England winters
hit." When she stopped in
Olympia she was, to her delight, offered a job doing the
finishing work on the
"It was a wonderful
chance to complete something I'd started," she says.
"I was among the first who
worked on the boat and I'll
be about the last to finish
her." As the commissioning
date neared, Julia was still

hard at work, giving yet
another coat of varnish to the
ship's interior and preparing
to participate in the formal
March 8 ceremonies.
Once the ship is officially
under sail, the Evergreen
alum says she'll probably
continue working on boats
and eyeing the chance to fulfill her own dream: building
a ship of her own. The
dream, she knows from the
past six years' experience, is
one that can be realized if
the right combination of
determination, dedication
and persistence is applied.
Few who know Julia
Rabinowitz—and the exemplary team of boat builders
with whom she's worked—
doubt that she, too, will
someday see her dream set


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Volume 2, Number 2
February 1981

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Phon-A-Thon '81:
Now More Than Ever
a-thon were over 50 percent
higher than the previous year.
Please say yes! With the
Washington State 1981-83
biennial budget posing serious threats to the very nature
of an Evergreen education,
your support becomes even
more vital. We must rely on
gifts from private sources
(alumni, parents, friends,
corporations and foundations) to maintain the excellence that is Evergreen.
We're looking forward to
talking to you and updating
you on Evergreen. Please
consider what you can do for
the college. Pledges don't
need to be paid until June 30.
Help keep Evergreen
FOR EVERgreen!

We're Winners!
The Evergreen ReView walked
away with the first place
award in the print publications category at the annual
Washington State Information Council banquet this
past December. The Information Council is a professional
association of state government public relations officers
representing more than 30







A champagne shower for
boatbuilder Julia Rabinpwitz, TESC alum and sixyear veteran of the Seawulff project. See page 6.

Published by the
Office of Development
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Don't panic—they aren't
being cancelled. But these
activities, and many more,
depend on donations to the
Evergreen Foundation.
time and this year, more than
ever before, Evergreen needs
support. From February 17March 3, more than 100 student, faculty, staff, alumni,
Foundation and community
volunteers will be calling
parents and alumni. We'll be
calling all over the country to
ask for your support of this
year's ambitious Annual Fund
goal of $100,000 in restricted
and unrestricted gifts.
We have a record to uphold. Last year, pledges
received through the Phone-



agencies and higher education institutions headquartered in the Olympia area.
The ReView, combined
with the/A/umA/ews, was
judged for editorial and
graphic quality, as well as
cost effectiveness in achieving the institution's communications goals.

• i i


Meet Your Mailer
Please go easy on Fitz . and
on our budget! This is
Christine Fitzgerald, an Evergreen junior who's studying
communications and graphic
design. As a student assistant in the Office of Community Relations, she's responsible for processing all
address corrections. If you
move, please send us a Post

Office address change card
(or a letter. . .we love to hear
what you're up to) with your
old and new addresses. That
makes life easier for Fitz and
saves us money. (Each time
the Post Office forwards a
ReView, we get charged
25<£. which adds up to over
$100 per issue.) Keep in

|reen State College
