The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 4


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 1, Issue 4 (August 1980)

The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 4
extracted text

uper Saturday, the college's second annual community-wide celebration,
featured live entertainment
on three stages, exhibits and
displays by more than 60
artists and craftsmen from
throughout southern Puget
Sound, children's activities,
and athletic competition in
baseball, soccer, skateboarding, roller skating and bicycle
racing, and "the ultimate"
frisbee contest.
Special events highlighting the day included the
arrival of three parachutists
dropped from a small plane
right over the central campus
plaza, the appearance of the
Hamms bear, who delighted
youngsters all day long with
his friendly antics, jugglers
and magicians performing
throughout campus, demonstrations by campus artists,
a treasured exhibit of antique
cars, and performances by
two marching units, the
Olympia Highlanders Bagpipe
Band and the Tumwater High
School Band and Drill Team.
.Rain forced most of the
events to be moved inside,
where standing-room-only
crowds enjoyed music by the
Red Kelly Jazz Ensemble, the
Johnny Lewis Review, the
Olympia Chapter of the
Sweet Adelines, the Olympia
Kitchen Band, and many
more. Food vendors fed long
lines of hungry guests as
artists and craftsmen sold
their wares and children rode
horses, learned games, enjoyed free cartoons, and had
their faces painted for their
afternoon parade.
New to Super Saturday
this year was the highly popular Beer Garden, located
atop the library building and
filled with musical entertainment and adult beverages.
Campus alums and community volunteers staffed the
garden, where guests enjoyed a respite from the
hustle and bustle of the
central plaza.
Rain continued to dampen the campus on Sunday
morning so, for the first time
in college history, graduation
exercises were conducted in
the recreation pavilion, where
1600 people filled every chair
and aisle to watch more than
400 members of the Class of
1980 receive their diplomas.
New graduates Judy
Guykema of Olympia and
Patti Dobrowolski of Los
Angeles shared the speakers'
platform with Evergreen President Dan Evans, Alumni
Association President Bob
Butts, Assistant Academic
Dean York Wong, and special
guest speaker William Stafford, a reknowned Pacific
Northwest poet.
The ceremony concluded
with the Geoduck fight song
and presentation of the traditional evergreen seedlings,
donated once again by the
Weyerhaeuser Company and
the Department of Natural
Two additional graduation ceremonies concluded
the 1979-80 academic year as
seven students celebrated
their commencement in Port
Angeles on June 15 and 21
students enjoyed graduation
exercises at the Vancouver ,
campus on June 14.

CrOWuS Mke these were evident in front of all three
stages throughout Super Saturday. This audience didn't
want to miss one minute of the Red Kelly Jazz Ensemble,
which later in the day combined talents with the Evergreen Jazz Ensemble for a second toe-tapping concert.

Kicking UP their heels in the midst of their highly successful spring celebration are (from left)Gwen Gam'nkle,
who organized the children's activities; Larry Stenberg,
Super Saturday Co-chairman; and Diane deMoulin, who
orchestrated many of the special events, including the
breath-taking parachutists' landing.

:;; ->.^iy| A!f>.ander

faculty member and newly
appointed assistant academic
dean, served as a walking advertisement for the delights
of the Beer Garden, an adultsonly beverage spot which
featured a variety of musical
entertainment throughout
Super Saturday.

Graduating senior Cindy Goodwin receives her
traditional Evergreen seedling from Alumni Coordinator
Bonnie Marie.
lllil Hympia graduate Judy
!!flil Guykema describes her ef:";i"y
forts to receive her bachelor
; of arts degree before her
\h birthday. She made
it—with three weeks to
spare—she told a delighted
audience, which included a
substantial number of new
alums over the age of 30.

The HammS Bearwas right on the mark
when it came to entertaining thousands of youngsters and their parents who thronged to Evergreen
to enjoy special children's activities, arts and
crafts displays, recreation events and a wide
array of professional and student musical


Six new administrative appointments will take effect
this summer as the college
prepares to launch its tenth
academic year.
Richard Schwartz, vice
chancellor for business
affairs at the University of
Michigan's Dearborn campus,
has been named Evergreen's
new Vice President for
Business. He will fill the
post vacated in February by
the death of founding Vice
President Dean Clabaugh.
The appointment is effective
September 1, when Schwartz
will assume responsibilities

from employee relations
director Rita Cooper, who
filled the position of vice
president on an acting basis.
Provost Byron Youtz has
appointed Dr. John Perkins,
a faculty biologist in the
School of Interdisciplinary
Studies at Miami University
in Ohio, to the four-year post
of senior academic dean,
effective August 1. Perkins,
who this past year has served
as a visiting research associate in the Division of Biological Control at the University
of California at Berkeley, replaces Dr. Will Humphreys,

who intends to return to the
faculty this fall after four
years as a senior dean.
Also new to the deanery
this fall will be Evergreen
faculty member Dr. Richard
Alexander, who has accepted
a two-year appointment by
Provost Youtz to serve as
assistant academic dean.
Alexander was hired in 1970
as a member of Evergreen's
original planning faculty in
English and literature. Last
fall he returned to campus
after completing a six-month
assignment as an exchange
professor in English at Kobe

University of Commerce in
Japan. He replaces Jeanne
Hahn, who is also returning
to the faculty this fall.
Other new administrative
appointments include: Dr.
Guy Adams, named to a oneyear term as director of the
master's degree program in
public administration, which
begins this fall; Steve Hunter,
appointed by Community
Relations Director Les
Eldridge to head the Office
of Institutional Research;
and Joyce Weston, a former
counselor in the Office of
Cooperative Education, who

has accepted a two-year appointment as coordinator of
the Office of Career Planning
and Placement. Hunter, a
1979 Evergreen graduate, is
the first full-time director of
the newly created research
office. Weston, who graduated from Evergreen in 1976,
replaces Gail Martin, who
this summer begins a twoyear leave to complete her
doctorate at Columbia


Three Evergreen graduates
have won top honors in an
international contest to "explore the extent and significance of the emergence of
glass as a new art medium."
The contest, sponsored by
Glass Magazine of Portland,
Oregon, drew more than
4,000 entries and resulted in
selection of 15 winners from
England, Canada and the
United States. Twenty percent of the awards went to
Evergreen alums. Graduates
Ken Hill, Bill Hillman and
Catherine Thompson placed
seventh, ninth and tenth,
respectively, winning both
financial awards and publication of their works in a fullcolor magazine, Glass:
Fragile Art. All three alums
are currently employed at
Mansion Glass of Olympia.
Evergreen faculty member Earle McNeil is also in
the art news this week.
McNeil, who took Spring
Quarter leave, has opened a
small business in woodworking. The results of his
creative efforts go on exhibit
July 4-August 1 at Childhood's End Gallery in downtown Olympia. Another of his
new pieces, a sculptured
work in wood and brass, is
on display now through
July 15 at the 27th Annual

Southwest Washington
Artists' Juried Show at the
State Capitol Museum. The
piece, says McNeil, "represents an entirely new area of
expression for me."
Evergreen photographers
have also staked their claim
to fame this month. Five students in Paul Sparks' Spring
Quarter 2-D art group contract entered "Photography
"80," a statewide competition
sponsored by the Tacoma Art
Museum. All five have had
their works accepted for the
exhibit, which runs June 18
through July 26. The museum accepted two pieces by
Bonnie Moonchild, four by
Randy Jeter, two by Pam
Corwin, and three each by
Russell Battaglia and Bob
Hayes. In addition, the Evergreen students took two of
the four first prizes, which
will mean one-person shows
next fall for Moonchild and
Bonnie Moonchild will
also be a guest lecturer on
subjective photography at
Evergreen's 1980 Summer
Photo Institute.

Catherine Thompson,
"Modern Beauty with Image
in Sake Cup."

Cal Tjader
Jazz musicians Cal Tjader
and Art Pepper, two professional dance companies,
two local theatrical groups
and a Canadian theater
company will offer 20 separate, on-campus performances this coming year as
part of Evergreen Expressions, the college's second
annual performing arts series.

October 10-12; 17-19
"Take a Card, Any Card."
Written by Martin Kimeldorf,
directed by Richard Nesbitt
and produced in conjunction
with theThurston County
Association for Retarded

Geoducks Wrap Up

Evergreen's premiere year of
involvement in intercollegiate
athletics saw victories, defeats, innovation, enthusiasm, and our share of
The year started out with
October 28
a team of men soccer players
Cat Tjader and his sextet.
eager to test their mettle
against other college teams
December 4-7; 11-14
for the first time in the
"Charley's Aunt," a comedy
history of Evergreen. Midway
written by Brandon Thomas
through the season, controand directed by Andre Tsai.
versy mushroomed over the
dismissal of the men's coach.
January 24
Northwest Repertory Dance "We are having a winning
season," says Pete Steilberg,
Troupe from Portland.
athletic director, "and then
the 'win at all costs' attitude
January 31
became intolerable. Ineligible
Art Pepper and his quintet.
players and coaches just
can't play in sanctioned colFebruary 6
Tandy Beal Dance Company. lege contests. We received
more press coverage over
firing our soccer coach than
April 4
we would have received for a
"Piaf!" A musical based on
the life of French entertainer prestigious academic
achievement—like our recent
Edith Piaf; performed by a
accreditation report—but we
Canadian theatrical troupe.
had to risk the 'flak' to insure
Complete details on the Ever- that athletics at Evergreen
green Expressions series will wasn't starting out on the
wrong track." The soccer
be available after Septemplayers pulled together with
ber 1 through the Office of
a cooperative coaching effort
College Relations, Library
and finished a tough season
with a respectable three
wins, four losses, and one

Meanwhile, back at the
swimming pool, coach Don
Martin was putting the first
Evergreen swim team through
its laps. Every meet produced
personal improvement for the
men and women athletes.
The inexperienced but talented squad and their coach
laid the groundwork for an
outstanding competitive
swim program at Evergreen.
The men's team boasted an
impressive 3-3 split in their
first season and the women's
team held up with spirit and
dedication for a 1-and-6
This spring the women's
soccer team kicked and
passed their way to a Southwest Washington Soccer
Association championship
with an impressive record of
11 wins and one loss.
Coached by ex-Evergreen
club star and alumnus
Jacques Zimicki, and donning new warm-up uniforms
donated by local boosters,
the women's team exhibited
classic team spirit and pride.
As one player put it, "playing
sports well is a cooperative
process of learning and
growing together in which
your interactions with others
and your intensity—your
level of involvement—are
vital. That's very Evergreen!"

by Jan Lambertz
What is the Evergreen
formula for athletics? You
meet daily with your "group
contract" (team). Then you
"seminar" (strategy session)
to determine a sequence of
"facilitative efforts" (game
plan) to outwit and outmaneuver your opponents.
When you score, you receive
an "Evergreen unit" (point).
And when your "module"
(season) is over you will have
had a true learning experience.
Next year's plans include
the addition of men's and
women's cross-country running and tennis. The statement of philosophy framed
by the Athletic Advisory
Board stresses athletics at
Evergreen as an integral part
of the total institution which
must be dedicated to the
growth and education of the
individual. Our goal is to
continue to build the athletic
program in keeping with this
philosophy and the tradition
of Evergreen.
Jan Lambertz is Evergreen's
assistant director of recreation and athletics.

The Evergreen State College

Newsletter of the Alumni Association

Your Chance To....
. . .stay in the dorms (ah, nostalgia!), dine at SAGA, (they've
improved—really!), attend a seminar, view alumni craftwork,
see the new Organic Farmhouse, buy an Alumni Association
T-shirt and limited edition directory, renew acquaintances,
and visit your favorite Olympia watering hole, all during the
first weekend of September.
Those are just a few of the activities we have planned for
the Alumni Reunion and we're sure spontaneity and creativity
will also take over as people arrive on campus. Here's the
preliminary agenda. We'll provide more detail in a separate
Friday, September 5
7:00-10:00 p.m. Check into dorms, registration, informal
Saturday, September 6
8:00- 9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast
9:00-10:30 a.m. Workshops
10:30-11:00 a.m. Break and/or tour of the Communications
11:00-12:30 p.m. Seminars
12:30- 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30- 4:30 p.m. Annual business meeting and election of
officers and Board of Directors
4:30- 5:00 p.m. Break
5:00- 6:00 p.m. Evergreen in the '80s
6:00- 6:30 p.m. You're on your own
6:30- 7:00 p.m. Cocktails
7:00- 8:00 p.m. Buffet dinner
8:00-10:00 p.m. Jazz in Dorm A Corner or adjourn to
favorite local night spot

Sunday, September 7
9:00-10:00 a.m. Walk to Organic Farm for coffee and
10:30 a.m.-Noon Committee meetings and interest-area
brainstorming sessions
Head for home
Most of our activities will take place in the Communications Building, the most recent major structure on campus,
and one that most of you haven't had the opportunity to see.
It's a well-equipped and versatile facility. We'll give you an
in-depth tour.
The Housing Office has been most cooperative in working with us to provide accommodations in the residence halls
at a very good price—$6.00 single, $4.00 double per night.
We'll provide additional details in the reunion mailing.
This should be an action-packed weekend, complete with
laughter, hugs, philosophizing, bragging, drinking, reminiscing, and just plain fun. We really hope you can share it
with us!


Dear Alumni of Evergreen:
"Collaborations" is in the
minds of 25 Evergreen musicians. These musicians are
recording and producing their
original songs on TESC's
first record album project.
The theme, "Collaborations"
has woven its way into the
melody of every composition.
By mid-July the doublealbum sampling of Evergreen's diverse talent will be
ready for a far-reaching
The project was a tiny
seed in January and by the
mid-March deadline, over 80
submissions had been turned
in. A core of students
planned the marketing strategy, album graphics and
overall operational budgets.
These were presented to the
administration for approval.
Everyone has been positive
and smiling at the possibilities. The promotional potential for Evergreen is exciting!
Collaborations will be sent to
selected AM & FM radio stations, commercial and noncommercial, across the
United States. The music will
speak for Evergreen's facilities and programs. We hope
it can spread TESC's excellence to an audience not
often reached.
We'd like to thank all of
the alumni for supporting
Evergreen through its finest
years. We wouldn't have been
able to record and produce
this album had it not been
for the accomplishments and
persistence of Evergreeners
before us.
We will have 800 copies
to sell in the first pressing.
If you would like to reserve a
copy of Evergreen's first
"Collaborations" please do
so. We would appreciate
your support!
Evergreen Album Project
One Double-Album $7.00
Two Double-Albums $14.00
Three Double-Albums $18.00
Cost includes shipping
Send checks to:
Evergreen Album Project
TESC Comm. 301
Olympia, WA 98505
Phone: 866-6096

Scott Bond (78), a student in the University of Washington
Graduate School of Social Work, has received an NIMH
Mental Health Administration Project Grant.
Scoff Bond (78), a student in the University of Washington
Graduate School of Social Work, has received an NIMH
Mental Health Administration Project Grant,
Pefe (Puph) (73) and Rachel Bonyun (76) (formerly Roberta
Gerstl) live in Port Townsend, Washington, where they own
The Music Store. They sell sheet music and instruments, and
offer a comprehensive music instruction program.
Maihew Clark (79) lives in New Haven, Connecticut and is a
student at Yale Medical School.
Bob Dickson (76) is a methods analyst for The Boeing Co. at
the Auburn plant. He lives in Olympia with his wife Betty and
their two sons.
Linda Eber (74) lives in Venice, California. She's a photographer and coordinator of the media resource center at the
Social and Public Art Resource Center. She will have a
photography exhibit at the University of Victoria McPherson
Library Gallery from August 17-29.
Paffy Emmons (76) has completed her master's degree in
maternal-newborn nursing at Yale University and is a nursemidwife at Booth Maternity Center in Philadelphia.
Lynn Freed (78) lives in Beaverton, Oregon and is a shipping
scheduler for Floating Point Systems, which produces a
microprocessor that assists the functions of larger host
Jacquelyn Goudeau (76) received a graduate degree in public
health from U.C.-Berkeley. For the past three years, she has
been freelancing in urban planning, preparing to start her
own firm. She is doing some pre-planning work with Nigerians and hopes to have an international planning team soon.
She also plans to return to school and.complete another
master's degree in international planning.
Joan Stevenson Graham (73) lives in Oakland, California. She
and her husband are the proud parents of a year-old son.
Paula Griff runs an art studio in Nak Nek, Alaska.
Neal Hurlburt (77) lives in Boulder, Colorado, where he is
studying for his Ph.D. in astrophysical fluid dynamics in the
University of Colorado's Department of Geophysics.
Betty Mahan (74) is a court administrator and court commissioner for the Kitsap County Superior Court and resides in
Port Orchard, Washington.
Deborah Manning (77) has been studying toward her master's
degree in human development at Pacific Oaks College in
Bellevue, Washington, and Pasadena, California. She will
resume her position as Head Start teacher and supervisor in
the Olympia area in the fall.
John Mills (75) is studying toward his master's degree in
journalism at the University of Oregon. Prior to that, he was
a planner with Clatsop County in Astoria, Oregon, for three
years and traveled in Europe for five months.

Russ (77) and Lucinda Pfeiffer-Hoyt (78) are building a home
and starting a farming operation in Acme, Washington. They
have also worked on trail construction with the Forest Service.
>4nne Pflug (76) lives on Bainbridge Island, and is administrative assistant to the mayor of Poulsbo, Washington.
Kevin (77) and Molly Phillips (75) live in Olympia, where
Kevin is an agent for Farmers Insurance Group at the district
office. Molly is a personnel technician for the Local Government Personnel Institute, a division of the nonprofit Association of Washington Cities.
Suzanne Senn Pitt (73) lives in Eureka, California with her
husband Bill and three children, Alice, Ann and Joe. Since
leaving Evergreen, Sue has graduated from the Stanford
University School of Medicine as a primary care physician
assistant (medex) and is now in charge of the dayshift nursing staff at Humboldt County's new psychiatric health facility. The family lives in Freshwater Farm where they raise
sheep, have a large fruit orchard and run a wholesale nursery.
Roger Price (76) is a residential care development specialist
at the Fernald State School in Waltham, Massachusetts, near
Les//e Rasor (75) is the associate coordinator of the women's
program and coordinator/instructor for industrial orientation
at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. Leslie was
one of 16 people in the western United States chosen to
present testimony May 15-16 before the National Advisory
Council on Women's Educational Programs and the National
Advisory Council on Vocational Education.
Gregory Renault (73) received his master's degree in social
and political thought from York University, Toronto, and the
Ph.D. is pending. He was a lecturer in the Sociology Department at Trent University in Ontario (1976-78), has published
a book and several scholarly articles, and is on the editorial
boards of three academic journals. He's now writing and job
hunting in Bremerton, Washington.
Steve Richter (77) recently received his master's degree in
applied behavioral sciences from the Leadership Institute of
Spokane (affiliated with Whitworth College). Steve, his wife
Julie and their daughter live in Elma, Washington.
Jane Sameth (78) has spent most of the last year on Kibbutz
Neot Mordechai in Israel on ULPAN program. She plans to
do some traveling in Europe and then pursue a master's degree in dance education.
William Schlecht (75) is manager of Planning and Building
Inspection for the city of Vancouver, Washington.
Stephen Seme/ (73) lives in San Francisco and is a feature
film editor.
Charles Silver (75) counsels adolescents at the Mid-County
Medical Clinic in Richland, Washington.

/A/ex Mintz (75) lives in Spokane, Washington, and is studying for his master's degree in applied behavioral sciences at
Whitworth College's Center for Applied Studies.

Mark Stevens (74) is director of counseling for Olympic High
School in Bremerton, Washington. He received his master's
degree from Pacific Lutheran University in 1976.

Tim Moffatt (74) lives in Seattle and is attending the University of Washington graduate school in librarianship.

Craig Swanson (77) lives in Bellevue, Washington, where he
owns a construction company that contracts siding installation on new homes and condominiums.

John Moore (75) received a master's degree in public administration from Idaho State University in 1978, and is now the
director of a migrant workers health clinic. He lives in
Pocatello, Idaho.
Marsha Morse (73) lives in Seattle and js employed by the
Washington State Ferry System.
AlumNews is the official
publication of The Evergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen Review.

Jim and Marilyn Newport (76) live in Sisters, Oregon, where
Jim is a construction worker and Marilyn is employed at the
Black Butte Ranch. After graduating from Evergreen, they
worked in Iran for a year and a half; Jim was a construction
supervisor training native laborers and Marilyn was in charge
of the payroll. They then traveled through Europe for several
months before moving to Sisters.

Editor: Lee Riback
Contributing Writer: Bonnie

Fred Nolan (78) is studying English at the graduate level at
the University of Utah.

Summer, 1980, Volume 2,
Number 4. Send written submissions, photos, graphics
and inquiries to the Editor,
AlumNews, c/o Alumni
Office, LIB 3103, The Evergreen State College, Olympia,
Washington 98505.

John Petrich (79) lives in Olympia and is working for the
American Association of University Women (AAUW), organizing a series of community forums throughout the state to
study and make recommendations for the delivery of human
services to children and families.

Nancy Parses (78) has recently moved to Washington, D.C.,
to accept a position as energy legislative aide to Rep. Dick
Ottinger (NY), Chairman of the Energy, Research and Production Subcommittee. Her former position was reporter for the
Port Angeles Daily News.

Doug Taylor (76) is a sales manager for BAP Import Auto
Parts in Spokane, Washington. He is president of Northwest
Motorsports, Inc., and also contributes articles and photographs to Autosport Northwest, their monthly newsletter.
Merle Templeton (77) is a registered nurse in Vancouver,
Kafny Sickles Waters (77) lives in Bellingham, where she and
her husband Greg operate Chrysanthemum Enterprises, a
landscape/gardening business. They are building a passive
solar home in Nooksack, Washington.
Marsha Wolf (76) received an M.S. in human genetics from
Sarah Lawrence College last year. While attending Sarah
Lawrence, she was awarded a March of Dimes Grant and a
Carnegie Foundation Scholarship. She lives in Seattle and is
currently employed by the State of Washington's Genetics
Program as a coordinator of the statewide Newborn Metabolic Screening Program for congenital hypothyroidism and
Nina Wolsk (78) received her master's degree in special
education in June from the University of Washington. Nina
lives in Seattle.


Hot off the Press

Thanks to....

Well, almost.. .The first ever alumni directory is in production and will be ready for distribution at the Alumni Reunion
in September.
The directory will include your name, address, phone
number (unless you've requested that we not include it) and
your year of graduation. A separate section will list all graduates by ZIP Code so you can find other "Greeners" who may
be living "just around the block" without your being aware
of it.
If you will not be at the reunion in September and wish
to receive a copy of this limited first edition, mail a check
or money order for $2.00, payable to TESC Alumni Directory,
to Alumni Office, The Evergreen State College, Olympia,
Washington 98505.

. . .the 101 alums who referred more than 165 prospective
students in response to the Admissions Committee request
in late February. Our admissions assistance program is off
to a great start!
.. .Jill Fleming, Gary Mozel, Bob Butts, Brian Milbrath,
Scott Salzer, Grant Bunker, Joe Dear, Chris Meserve, Terry
Oliver, Doug King, Chuck Albertson, Molly and Kevin Phillips,
and Robin Stanton, who helped make Alumni Association
participation in Super Saturday a success by staffing the
alumni information booth, the Super Saturday beer garden,
and the food concession. The Association raised nearly $250
from the sale of Association T-shirts and a share of the beer
garden proceeds.
. . .Debbie Creveling, Tiare Mathison, Pat Foster and
Susan Hansen, who coordinated the annual graduation potluck for seniors and their guests, sponsored by the Alumni
. . .Toni Holm and John Paul Jones III, who announced
the names of graduates at the ceremony on June 8. John had
the pleasure of reading his wife Jeannie's name as a graduate.
. . .Donna Hayes and Bonnie Marie, Alumni Coordinator,
who presented each graduate with a Douglas-fir seedling.
. . .Bob Butts, Alumni Association President, who welcomed the Class of 1980 into the alumni ranks. Bob shared
his personal reflections about the rewards of an Evergreen
education and the challenges of interpreting that education
to those unfamiliar with its quality. He encouraged graduates
to apply the skills they acquired at the college in all aspects
of their lives.

Bad news for you lovers of
Martha Davis' and Rayma
Sullivan's piled-high cream
pies, delicious homemade
soups, and other delectables.
Davis' Brown Derby in Olympia, a favorite eating establishment and employer of
numerous Evergreen students
for nearly a decade, closed
its doors for good at 8 p.m.
on Saturday, June 28. As
testimony to the Derby's
widespread reputation, the
retirement party for the two
partners on June 26 was
featured on Seattle's Channel 4 news.
Rayma explained the
closing, "If we could conFourteen Evergreen graduates and three former students have
tinue it in the way it has
been accepted into the school's new Master's in Public Adalways been, that would be
ministration program which begins this fall.
great. But, we're slowing
They are Patricia Avery, Eric Bailey, Marie Cameron,
Kevin Clark, Debbie Creveling, Nancy Dombrowski, Donovan
Thei r hard work was a
Gray, Meredith Halliday, Elizabeth Hansell, Kennith Harden,
large part of the Derby's suc- Sue Heflin, Chris Lane, Bob Ranzenbach, Suzanne Shaw,
cess. Dining in Olympia
Kelly Stack, Eldon Vail, and Marta Wilder.
won't be quite the same, but
Our congratulations to each of you!
we wish them the best in
their well-deserved retirement.

14 Alumni in First
TESC Graduate

Volcano Sunday
The eruption of Mount St.
Helens had hardly subsided,
and the ashfall had scarcely
settled in eastern Washington, before proposals for
studying the impact of the
mountain's actions were
being drafted in Evergreen's
faculty offices.
The volcano, situated
some 70 miles southeast of
the campus, had been attracting researchers from
throughout the nation all
spring, ever since it first
began emitting clouds of
steam and threatening tremors in mid-March. Then, on
May 18, St Helens erupted,
causing the first major ash
fall ever experienced in the
United States, taking several
lives, causing millions of
dollars in property damage,
and scaring the mushrooms
out of 30 surprised Evergreen
Leisure Education workshop
Led by faculty chemist
Dr. Michael Beug, the participants had set out to identify
and collect mushrooms while
they camped along the White
Pass Highway in the Cascade
Mountains. The .evening of
May 17 they settled in at
Clear Lake, 45 miles east of
the then fairly quiet volcano.
Right after breakfast Sunday,
they noticed a huge black
cloud heading their way.
"I urged everyone to get
tnmgs put away so they
wouldn't get wet," Dr. Beug
'emembers. "But, when the
'rain' started to fall, it wasn't
wet." He and his crew immediately decided the rain
was ash and St. Helens had
erupted. Within seconds,
they began a hurried flight
down a side road leading to
the White Pass Highway
and home.
"Within minutes we
couldn't see the road at all,"
Beug says. "There was absolutely zero visibility except
for flashes of lightning and
what we think were fireballs." Ten minutes after
they began their descent to
the highway, Beug says they
looked back "and saw the
campground area in flames."
It was then he says, "we
began to think we wouldn't
get out alive. The absolutely
awesome power of the eruption was all around us—
tremendous, ferocious lightning flashes that came close
to our cars, loud cracks of
thunder and total darkness."

ples taken from several
Three and a half long
areas, determine their varying
hours later, all of the Beug
caravan made it off the
chemical compositions, and
mountain. Several couldn't
measure the different effects
make it back home from the
of those compositions on the
areas covered.
eastern side of the Cascade
range—across the ashAnother impact of St.
clogged mountain passes—
Helens will be examined by
for up to four days, but all
research associate Dr. Jerry
eventually returned to OlymCook, who wants to study
pia with ash and tales of
the effects of ash deposition
their adventure.
in lakes, ponds and streams.
The mushroom pickers
Working with Evergreen stuhad scarcely washed off their dents this summer, Dr. Cook
cars, when Evergreen student says he will concentrate their
Herman began studying the
studies on invertebrate fauna,
effects of the volcano's erup- such as aquatic insects and
tion on bees. Herman, on
other bottom-dwelling organacademic contract Spring
isms, in bodies of fresh
Quarter with Evergreen facwater heavily dusted by the
ulty scientist Dr. Robert
first three eruptions.Sluss, was serving an internWork by the Evergreen
ship with an entomologist in
faculty-student teams will
Moses Lake. His task was to complement studies already
monitor beekeepers' hives to
underway by federal and
•state agencies, colleges and
determine losses due to
insecticide. When St. Helens universities from throughout
the country, and researchers
erupted, it sent tons of ash
representing dozens of acato Grant County, prompting
demic disciplines and interHerman and his intern sponests. As one national resor to shift the emphasis of
searcher indicated, "St.
their work and immediately
begin analyzing the effects of Helens has given us the first
ash on bees in the Columbia chance to actually assess the
effects of a major volcanic
Basin, one of the state's
eruption." It has become, he
major agricultural areas.
While Herman was gath- said, "a national education
resource the likes of which
ering details in Moses Lake,
we've never had before."
two Evergreen faculty scieninitial indications are that
tists were polishing prointerested Evergreen faculty
posals to study other immembers and students will
pacts of the eruptions.
Visiting faculty geologist be taking good advantage of
this significant educational
Dr. John Warren set his
sights on conducting a geobotanical study of the return
of vegetation to areas completely covered by ash in the
first May 18 eruption. He
hopes this summer to involve
Evergreen students in analyzing the vegetation differences between areas covered
by ash flow, ash fallout and
debris (mud) flow.
Dr. Warren also wants to
examine the effects on vegetation in areas partially
.WO 1
covered by ash, like those
hit during the May 25 and
June 12 eruptions. In addition, the geologist says he
hopes to compare ash sam-


Photo by Stewart Lowther,
courtesy Cascade Photographies

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Permit No. 65
Volume 1, Issue 4 August 1980
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The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505




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is Cookie
Day at
by Kate Crowe

"Is the Cookie Lady here
today?"—a familiar question
on campus, asked most
frequently by new students.
The regular Evergreen community knows that "The
Cookie Lady" is a bit of the
institution. Kristin Wortman
has been on campus for the
past four years, selling her
goodies every Thursday
morning, with the leftovers
appearing at Friday night
films. "What are Friday night
films without a goodie?" is
an opinion shared by many
Kris puts in a 50-hour
week. She supports herself
solely on money from her
end-of-the-week sales. "I
usually start mixing the
cookie dough on Sunday
night," Kris says. "All of
Monday is spent in preparing
the various batters and
doughs for the baking on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
"I bake approximately
300 chocolate chip cookies,
mixing 15 batches at once in
a BIG pan. An assistant
helps me during peak
season, which is winter, of
course. I use an ice cream
scoop to measure the dough
for each ttookie. I sell more
chocolate chip cookies than ,

50/50 mix. "I invented the
any other and peanut butter
recipe for Cheddar bagels,"
is the second biggest seller.
she says.
All-American cookies, I
She didn't invent the
guess," Kris says with
recipe for chocolate chip
a smile.
cookies, though. It's right on
She also makes earth
the back of the Nestle's
cake, toffee bars, brownies,
package, and she denies
three different fudges (the
recipes came from her father), using secret ingredients or
' special preparation
and three types of bagels.
Wednesday is bagel producThe mood of Kris's
tion day. The process of prekitchen is old-fashioned.
paring 200 or more bagels is
Measuring cups and spatulas
intricate and awesome; the
hang on the walls. Twentyresult is excellence. Kris's
two cookie sheets are stacked
bagels are unique in that
on open shelves. Beautiful
they are softer and bigger
Bavarian china that her
than most. She uses wholegrandmother gave her fill two
wheat and white flours in a
cupboard shelves.

The cookies bake while
canons by Pachelbel or
Aibinoni play throughout
the house. "I love music; I
think baroque may be my
favorite, but that is a difficult choice to make." Kris is
taking voice lessons. "I am
striving for an operatic voice,
but who know when, and if,
that will happen."
The customers are always there in the main
thoroughfare of the College
Activities Building. A preferred customer speaks
German. Kris saw the film
Kaspar Mauser by Werner
Herzog about three years ago
and since then she has had
the dream of traveling in
Germany. "I hope to go by
next spring. I love the
castles. That movie inspired
me to take German lessons;
I simply loved the way the
people talked. I have had a
few tutors and I have had
some penpals in Germany. I
will probably stay with them
some of the time. I plan to
bicycle all over and I hope
my mother can join me. If
not, I will do it alone."
Kris does not know
whether she will always be
"The Cookie Lady" on campus."! never know what I am
going to do next. I do
know that I want to go to
The Evergreen community will be on short
i rations during her absence.
Kafe Crowe is a part-time
student and a full-time secretary Community Relations
' Office. She expects to graduate
in August, 1980.


Despite rainy skies and
threats of volcanic eruptions
graduation weekend at Evergreen brought thousands of
persons to campus to celebrate Super Saturday June 7
and to enjoy commencement
exercises for more than 400
seniors June 8.
Story continued page one