The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 3


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 1, Issue 3 (May 1980)

The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 3
extracted text
PLATO Featured in
Computer Center
You won't find the Greek
philosopher in Library 2415,
the campus computer center,
but you will find a remarkable system bearing his
Since the programmers
decided to humanize the
system by dubbing it PLATO,
it seemed appropriate to take
that sentiment one step further and attempt an "interview." Student hangers-on at
the computer center found
the idea amusing. The largest
and best computers are, after
all, just electronic circuits
and interviewing one is akin
to "arguing with your car or
talking to a stump," one wag
gleefully pointed out.
Another offered the
solemn advice, "You can't
interview PLATO; it doesn't
That's true enough. It
occasionally squeaks, but
you'll get no more conversation from PLATO than you
would from the car or stump
cited above.
However, PLATO does
have display terminals—four
on campus and hundreds of
others scattered around the
country—so the system will
respond to questions, so
long as they are the right
ones. In that, computers
resemble their human counterparts ; they tend to ignore
questions for which they
have no answers.
The following questions
have been revised and expanded for the benefit of
human readers, but the
PLATO answers appear
Review: Who are you?
PLATO: PLATO is the acronym for Programmed
Logic for Automated
Teaching Operations, the
computer-assisted program you're now using.
Review: Who wrote the introductory BASIC program
I'm now using?
PLATp: TESC. Dr. John
Aikin, Greg (Moo) Starling, Grady Ward, Mark
Review: Who made you?
PLATO: CDC is the Control
Data Corporation, a major manufacturer of computers and peripherals.
You are using a CDC
computer now!
Review: What do you know
of God?
PLATO: A philosopher asked
the new electronic brain
that stores all knowledge,
"Is there a Gpd?" (The
machine replied): "Now
there is."
Review: How is it that we
PLATO: By computer terminal, an input-output
device that includes a
way to input data to a
computer (such as a keyboard) and a way to display output.

Review: We've heard many
people use the terminals
to play computer games.
Can you give one example of how often you play
host to such users?
PLATO: 77,376 games of
EMPIRE since 8/I/79.
Review: Just to test your
comprehensive ability,
can you say what is the
longest word anywhere
in the world?
PLATO: "A word from our
Review: And what do you
think of the current
world situation?
Review: Fubar?
PLATO: Fouled Up Beyond
All Recognition.
Review: You seem politically
pessimistic. What can
you tell me about a
pleasanter side of existence, love and sex,
for example?
PLATO: If you don't know, I
can't help you.
Review: Do you have any
comments you'd like to
make in summary?
Review: OK, I'll fall for it.
What does gigo mean?
PLATO; Garbage In, Garbage
PLATO really isn't this
dour. Its general responses
as one moves through a programmed text incline toward:
"That's very good" and
"PLATO applauds you." The
harshest response might be,
"I hope you missed that last
one on purpose."
The Evergreen PLATO
system was set up with
partial funding from the Control Data Corporation, one of
the largest manufacturers of
computers and associated
equipment. TESC is the only
school in Washington to use
the system, though firms like
Boeing and Weyerhaeuser
use it extensively.
Between 50 and 100 colleges and universities across
the country are PLATO subscribers, with the largest
installation (500 terminals) at
the University of Illinois
where PLATO was developed.
The four central processing
units are located in Minneapolis, Minnesota at CDC
A subscription costs $860
per month for each terminal,
but with the high rate of use
at TESC, the cost works out
to only $1.50 per student
contact hour.
Persons engaged in an
academic program have first
priority, but other users also
can be accommodated, often
at the same time, by assigning processing time based on
a priority coding.

Artificial Intelligence
PLATO has many features, but the primary one is
the instructional program
which has been built up over
the years by users, and more
recently, by CDC commissioning people to write
specific programs.
The range of PLATO
courses is astonishing—from
business math to inspection
techniques for the Boeing 747
hydraulic system. It would
take three years, at 40 hours
per week, to work through
the 6000 hours of instruction
currently available and
enough new courses might
be added in that time to
make the task almost indefinite.
Evergreen was recently
awarded another CDC grant
for further development work
on PLATO. The grant was for
$157,000 to fund 18 months
of research into developing a
program which will simulate
other computer languages on
PLATO. Currently students
can learn the BASIC programming language on
PLATO through the "Business BASIC" course developed at TESC a few years
ago. The grant project will
attempt to develop a similar
program for the COBOL and
FORTRAN languages.
The BASIC simulator is
particularly useful at Evergreen because the two
Hewlett-Packard computers
on campus use that language.
Learning BASIC on PLATO
makes for an easy transition
to the campus computers. As
one student put it, "It's the
first time I've dealt with computers in a non-threatening
situation. PLATO really holds
your hand."
The Hewlett-Packard
computers are each about
twice the size of a desk and
have the capacity of a firstgeneration computer which
might have filled half the
Library lobby. A primary
function is administrative
computing (maintaining accounts, student records and
address lists), but they are
also widely used for research,
academic programs and student projects. Some students
even use the editing function
to write papers and evaluations.
Computer use at Evergreen is so widespread that
in a 1978 nationwide survey,
the college was the only institution in the entire western
United States selected by the
Human Resources Research
Organization as a case study
of academic computing. Evergreen was chosen for its long
history of institutional commitment to using computers
in teaching, and for the high
degree of computer literacy
among faculty, staff and

John Aikin, computer services director, feejs Evergreen's strength is increasing general undergraduate
"computer literacy" and not
in training programmers and
systems analysts. He
stresses the importance of
gaining some familiarity with
computers because of their
acknowledged impact on
society. "If Evergreen had a
foreign language requirement," he jokes, "it ought to
be for a programming language. Seriously, though,
about 40 percent of our current students have some
familiarity with computers,
which is quite high for a
liberal arts school."
He also stresses the
"golden mean" (a bit of wisdom from another Greek
philosopher) in student use
of computers. "I advise students interested in computing to broaden their horizons," he says. "To work in
the field, you have to deal
with people as much as
machines. The computer professional is often in the position of a translator, developing programs for people who
have little computer sophistication but considerable expertise in another area."
"It's a mistake to specialize in computer science at
the undergraduate level," he
advises, "because the field
changes so rapidly. The
development of computers
just goes back about 25
years, and it's only since
about 1970 that there's even
been a computer science
field for people to enter as
a career. I don't know what
the next 10 years will bring,
but someone's narrow specialty area might disappear
before they've had much
chance to practice it."
Evergreen does not have
the computer sciences faculty
or the range of courses
offered at the University of
Washington, but Aikin feels
the TESC interdisciplinary
approach is actually what
keeps the college's courses
on the generalist level. "It's
not a problem," he says.

"Our students have no difficulty finding jobs in the field
and several are now in graduate school at Stanford and
the University of Edinburgh,
both of which are well-known
centers for the study of
artificial intelligence."
"I don't like to see students holed up in the computer center anyway. They
need to know something
about the world out here,"
he says, gesturing toward his
office window. "They get
caught up in the appeal of
interacting with the computer
because it's a mangeable
microcosm. If you work carefully, a program will run and
if there's a flaw you can find
and correct it. There are none
of the complexities and
undercurrents you find in
personal relationships."
The essential simplicity
and literal-mindedness of
computers are what prevents
the development of artificial
intelligence, Aikin says.
"Computers are rule-governed
and only do what they're
supposed to do. That's
perfect for mathematics, but
maddening for language,
which some theorists feel
depends more on context
then rules. One popular
example is the experimental
language program which
translated 'out of sight, out
of mind' as 'invisible idiot.'
Artificial intelligence would
depend on independent learning and access to the general
pool of knowledge, and mastery of a human language is
the only way to do that.
There have been attempts in
the past, but the programming task is awesome,
largely because we don't
know very much about language and thought processes
to begin with."
A large Defense Department computer might have
the processing capacity to
simulate intelligence, Aikin
admits, "but it couldn't pass
Touring's Test'—a person at
a remote terminal being unable to distinguish between
human and machine responses. I doubt if a computer could ever pass the



Touring the Evergreen Library
A library tour really should
start with the book collection. At Evergreen, most of
the 140,000 volume collection
is on the third floor, with
study rooms, carrels and
lounges scattered throughout. Those areas have a high
occupancy rate—Evergreen's
: ibrary gets a heavier rate of
use than most.
The initial collection was
selected from Books for
College Libraries, a list of
75,000 titles compiled by
college teachers, librarians
and scholars. That reference,
several similar ones, review
journals, user requests, and
academic program needs are
all considered in decisions
on current acquisitions.
The number of volumes
in a library is often used as
a yardstick in determining
relative worth, but this statistic is a bit misleading for
newer libraries. "A library
established at the turn of the
century," explains Jovana
Brown, dean of library services, "will have thousands of
volumes acquired over its
80-year history which just
occupy space on the shelves;
they've ceased to circulate
because they are outdated."
The Evergreen collection
is also supplemented by
extensive holdings in microfilm, microfiche and ultramicrofiche (microfiche with
the print reduced so the
Bible can be put on one
card—medieval theologians
debating the number of
angels that could dance on
the head of pin would be
delighted). The collection,
housed in a corner room near
the head of the third-floor
stairs, contains the complete
New York Times', large files
on anthropology, U.S. history
and underground newspapers; and back issues of
periodicals on the main
shelves, just to name a few.
This room, neatly lined with
filing cabinets, is unimpressive on the surface, but it
contains a couple of centuries of history, just waiting
for someone to browse
through it.

The reading room for the College Libraries and other
2500-item periodicals collecsources the librarians themtion is just outside the
selves use to build the Evergreen collection.
microform room, and adjacent to that are shelves for
"Our reference collection
36,000 governmem docuis much better than you'd
ments. The TESC library is a expect for a college this
partial depository of U.S.
size," says Jovana Brown,
government publications,
but the staff is the real
which means it receives
bonus. They like books, enabout a fourth of the 20,000
joy helping people use them,
magazines, books and
and take pride in assisting
pamphlets the federal govpeople to find answers to the
ernment issues each year.
particularly difficult quesListening carrels for
tions. If the search turns up
foreign language tapes line
a source Evergreen doesn't
one library wall. Several
have on the shelves, they
hundred tapes are available
have access to more than
covering 16 languages, in2000 U.S. libraries through
cluding French, German,
Interlibrary Loan.
Russian, Nepali and Serbo
The librarians offer a
regular course, "Between the
Ranged along another
Covers," for people engaged
wall are rooms for typing and in lengthy research projects,
TV viewing, and a stereo
or for those interested in
music listening room with a
basic library reference skills.
built-in system by Mclntosh,
manufacturers of some of the
world's finest equipment.
Also in the collection,
though not all shelved on the
third floor, are rare books,
audio and video tapes, about
a thousand art prints, games,
film loops, sculpture and 3-D
scientific models, and about
Gallery Two is also
12,000 slides, most of which
cover art and architecture
located on the main floor,
from a wide range of periods, and features rotating exhibits
countries and artists.
of paintings, prints, photoOn the second, or main,
graphs and sculpture by stufloor are the keys to finding
dents, professionals and
precisely what you want
crafts people such as Olympia's Mansion Glass, which
among all this. The card
arranged a popular stained
catalog is the usual authorglass exhibit during Winter
title-subject index to book
Quarter. Gallery Four, two
holdings, but it also lists
flights up the "dragon stairslides, tapes, films and almost everything else in the
case" (a four-story mural
painted by some early Evercollection.
Surrounding the card
green students), features
visiting shows and more
catalog are rows of referextensive exhibits, also on a
ences and indexes, a fruitful
rotating basis. College exstarting point for any rehibits coordinator Sid White
search project. You'll find
encyclopedias and dictionand students in his "Arts
Management" group contract
aries covering everything
arrange and hang the shows
from art to zoology; telein both galleries.
phone directories for most
Just beyond the entrance
major cities; thousands of
indexes to specialty areas,
to Gallery Two is the circulation desk, whose function,
periodicals, and even other
checking out books, is asindexes; catalogs of 3000
U.S. colleges on microfiche; sisted by a link to the
and, of course, Books for
Hewlett-Packard computers

in the library basement. The
circulation desk is also the
final step in a complex
sequence which begins with
a book being published,
reviewed and indexed in
various journals, acquired by
the library, and then cataloged and processed for
placement on the shelves.
Evergreen is a member of
the Washington Library Network, a cooperative system
which has automated some
of these support functions.
With about 4000 offcampus borrowers, the circulation desk is receiving
heavier use from the community than ever before.
Most materials are available
to the community, and the
Evergreen library is open
evenings and weekends,
when other libraries are
The final stop on the
main floor tour is the media
loan desk, a busy place
which circulates about
$200,000 worth of projectors,
cameras, recorders, video
systems, and other media
equipment. They even have
portable computer terminals
which use ordinary telephone
lines to tie in to the campus
computers. Due to the high
cost, media equipment does
not circulate to the community, but any TESC student, faculty or staff member
can borrow equipment just
by demonstrating proficiency.
Instruction is readily available, from simple over-thecounter directions to video
cassette demonstration tapes.
The library has also
assumed the rather nontraditional task of maintaining
and engineering all campus
media systems and equipment. This function takes us
to the first floor, a labyrinth
of facilities which looks, in
some places, like a set for a
science-fiction movie.
Presiding over the media
section of the library is
Susan Smith, unofficially
called "Queen of Media" by
students. Despite the temptations offered by quality
equipment and excellent

staff, "we're not here to train
technicians," says Smith.
"That wouldn't be a longrange service to the students
who might, for example,
know a lot about equipment
for doing a documentary, but
not really have anything to
say. We like to see the
facility as an adjunct to academic programs and a lot of
the work done here is in that

Smith feels the one thing
most people don't realize
about libraries, but should,
is the amount of help available. "Two common attitudes
are the embarrassment of not
knowing something, and the
feeling There's no answer to
the question I have.' We
don't embarrass people, and
very few come in here with
questions which can't be
Many students are introduced to the media area
through a regular staff-taught
course, "Media for the Uninitiated," which familiarizes
them with the Mini-Media
Production Center, a do-ityourself operation with an
ARP synthesizer, audio and
video editing benches, a
photo studio and a graphic
arts workroom. Community
members also can use the
More advanced students
use the two television studios, half-dozen audio studios and the photo darkrooms. One section of the
first-floor photo lab is given
over to college Photo Services, which combines the
services of professional photographers with the facilities
of a major custom-processing
Down the corridor, and
what might be years into the
future, is the Media Switch-

Malcolm Stilson: A Librarian for All Seasons
ing Center, a collection of
consoles, blinking lights,
co-ax cables, one-inch video
decks and display screens.
Most campus media is controlled from here, and there
is even a set-up for a television equivalent of KAOS,
the campus FM radio station.
"This place is sort of
ironic," Smith notes. "In a
liberal arts college committed
to small classes and close
faculty-student interaction,
we could use the Media
Switching Center to relay
the same instructional program to virtually every room
on campus. Of course, the
designers just wanted a good
system; they weren't really
thinking of 2000-member
lecture classes."

Hidden behind rolls of maps,
scores of unfinished musical
compositions, and cases of
rare archival treasures sits
Malcolm Stilson, the everalert Evergreen reference librarian who answers all
questions, preserves all college history, and recreates
with his own special satire
the world of "Wintergreen
College" and "Thirsty
County" for lighthearted fans
of musical comedy.
Stilson officially heads
the library's reference, documents and serials section.
But it's in his unofficial capacity as campus playwright/
historian/satirist that the
shiny-headed librarian stars,
for Malcolm Stilson has been
a part of the Evergreen team
since he first sorted, selected
and stored the beginnings of
its library collection in the
north warehouse of the
Olympia Brewery in 1969.
"It was a damp, moldy,
dark and dingy place," recalls Stilson with his usual
grin. "We had more than
50,000 pieces to review—all
donations from the State
TheTESC film library is
Library that were stockpiled
also on the first floor,
in bundles and boxes in the
shelved in a large room along huge old brick warehouse
with the holdings of the
along the shores of the
Washington State Film LiDeschutes River."
brary. Separate catalogs are
For three long months,
maintained, but Evergreeners Stilson sifted through 20,000
have access to both collecdocuments, 15,000 books,
tions, which makes this area and nearly 400 boxes of perian extensive and unique
odicals before moving with
resource for the college.
his selections in January of
Though a book collection 1970 to Evergreen's tempois the core of a library, Ever- rary headquarters near the
green has improved upon
college's current fire station.
that tradition in many ways.
There he began the task of
The original conception was
building a small periodicals
a recognition of the role
collection and a complete
media plays in modern
book and reference collection
information-gathering and
for the administration, its
research. Print and nonthree founding academic
print resources are shelved
deans, and the first 20 factogether and the library cirulty members who came
culates media equipment in
aboard that September.
the same way it circulates
As the college grew,
books. The first-floor produc- Stilson's titles changed from
tion centers were provided
library consultant to staff
because the facilities to delibrarian, from chief of user
sign and produce media
services to acquisitions limaterials are a central part
of this integrated approach.

brarian, and most recently to
Reference, Documents—
Serials Librarian.
"Those were exciting and
sometimes very hectic years,"
Stilson remembers. "Being
one of the first staff members made me feel like a
founding father—and made
my job a lot of fun." That
opportunity also supplied
him with a constant source
of new materials with which
to apply his rich reservoir of
musical and theatrical talents.
The college hadn't even
opened when the first Stilson
production, "The Founding
of Jolly College Where Learning Can Be Fun," premiered
in December of 1970, featuring the struggles of founding
president "Ashford Cann"
and his staff of beleaguered
deans and vice presidents.
With that show began an
Evergreen tradition: a new
Stilson production at least
annually to cast humorous
light on the trials and tribulations of creating the new
college in the wilds of
Cooper Point.
Stilson, who began his
third career as a librarian
after the age of 40, says he
"kind of fell into" his role as
the campus playwright after
spending two duty tours with
the U.S. Army's Special
Services (entertainment) division during World War II
and the Korean War.
"Just playing the piano
for all those entertainers and
working under the guidance
of Melvyn Douglas gave me
a shot of show business
savvy," he says. "I've been
composing and writing ever
After stints as a schedule
planner at Boeing and a
teacher of social sciences in
the public schools, Stilson
began his new career as a
librarian. He started carefully
reserving 30 minutes a day to
sit hunched over his piano,
pencil in hand and creativity
in mind, to create his own
special world "where I can
forget everything but my

His early creations were
nearly all devoted to Evergreen and included such forgettables as "Malice in Blunderland," "The Last Yippie,"
"Cloud Koo Koo U," and
"Achilles the Heel." Each
offered a somewhat talented
and totally fearless troupe of
Geoduck readers who sang
and ad-libbed their way
through free-wheeling adaptations of stories enriched
with often riotous, pun-filled
dialogue and such sprightly
tunes as "The Geoduck Fight
Song," "Be a Consultant"
and "I'm a VIP from ESC."
Buried among these
diamonds in the rough was
one sparkling jewel that may
yet bring fame to its creator.
Called "Mercer's Harem,"
this 1973 musical tale of the
Seattle mail-order brides who
left their homes in the East

in search of Pacific Northwest husbands gained increased respect for Stilson's
ability to create truly memorable songs and to tell a nonEvergreen tale with wit and
"That's one of five serious works I've produced over
the past ten years," says
Stilson. It's caught the attention of some out-of-state
producers who may yet make
me famous and wealthy."
In the meantime, Stilson
continues to devote his workday to compilation of the
Evergreen archives, research
on puzzling questions by
library users (e.g., "How
many non-Native Chinese live
in the Philippines?"), and
collection of rare books and
other treasures, including a
1978 first edition of Captain

Vancouver's Voyages fo
Puget Sound, a signed print
and first edition by photographer Ansel Adams, and a
host of limited, signed editions of books published by
small presses—all available
for public examination.
At home, his attentions
are divided among wife Sue,
a former part-time member of
the TESC bookstore staff,
and their grown children:
Randy, an Evergreen graduate who has earned his
master's degree in library
science; Scott, an Evergreen
senior studying computers;
Ann, who lives in Michigan
with her husband and two
children; and Lee, and archeologist and shoe repair store
owner in Mount Vernon.
Stilson also continues to
devote his 30 minutes a day
to yet another new tune and
fractured lyric. His latest effort, which he admits might
more readily attract notoriety
than fame, premiers during
Super Saturday, June 7.
Called "Das Kapital
Mall," the play, says Stilson,
"is a musical farce" about
the folks who live in Thirsty
County—in the cities of
Lazy, Slumwater and Olympus, and their adjustments to
the ever-growing presence of
Das Kapital Mall.
Performed by what Stilson calls "The Geoduck
Readers and Singers (?)
Theater," the play begins at
2 and 8 p.m., June 7, on the
second floor lobby of the
Evans Library. Admission is
free because, asks Stilson,
"who'd pay for this kind of
Malcolm is too modest—
we expect a large turnout of
people who love good music
and enjoy satire, and who
have had the pleasure of seeing a Stilson production

by Judy McNickle

The Evergreen State College


Newsletter of the Alumni Association


Scott Salzer

Evergreen alum Scott Salzer grew up around his father's
business and he's a partner now. Scott's father, Jim, has
been a manufacturer's representative for FMC Corporation's
machine and power controls for nearly 20 years and now
runs Special Products Company, Seattle, which still represents FMC, along with other lines like Doerr Electric, American Autoguard and Magnetic Power Systems. If these names
are Greek to you, don't be surprised. The work of a manufacLee Riback & Susan Bogni
turer's representative is virtually unknown to the general public.
Scott put this into perspective. "We call on construction
Editor's Note:
and operations engineers to get our products specified for
This article is the second in
each particular job. Sometimes this equipment is purchased
a series on alums in various
directly by the engineers, so we make the sale with just the
fields. Since we recently held one call."
a seminar on small busiScott and his father call on industry all over Washington,
nesses, the choice of entre- Oregon, British Columbia, northern Idaho and western Monpreneurs seemed perfect. In
tana. Their customers range from plants processing primary
future issues we will cover
metals like aluminum or steel, to wood products and even
other areas of interest such
wastewater treatment. Scott says he particularly enjoys the
as the arts, sciences, comwood products industry. "Wood products people are really a
munications and social serv- good group to work with."
ice. We need your help,
In addition to the travel and long hours, he likes to get
though, to make the series
out and do some fishing and just spend time with his family,
representative. Contact the
wife Terre (Ferris) a 77 TESC grad and their son. He's also
editor with ideas or reports
active in the Alumni Association as a member of the Board
on what you and other alums of Directors.
are doing. A written report
How did he become a representative after graduating
would help and an accompa- with a science background at Evergreen in 1975? "Well, I
nying photo would be a real
didn't want to go on to grad school with the cost and time
involved. I wouldn't have been done with school until I was
27," he said.
Besides, growing up around the business, Scott likes the
independence of the work. "Like Evergreen, you only get out
what you put into it. We don't have a salary here. We sell for
manufacturers but don't work for them; we're really independent contractors."
Scott notes that Special Products Company will become
a stocking distributor this spring of FMC power equipment,
as the manufacturer changes from a system of reps to one of
regional product inventories. This is a new challenge for
them, with the possibilities for future growth limited only by
space. Scott and Jim Salzer are full partners now and look
forward to their future. It should be an interesting and
"independent" one.

Scoff Salzer in a rare
appearance at the office

Gift shop sister/partner
Susie Archibald

Jim Croft and Rod McClaskey at the counter of their store

Jim Croft and Rod McClaskey
Intense interests in electronics and speaker technology led to
collaboration in a hi-fi store for former Evergreeners Jim Croft
and Rod McClaskey, two of three partners in Definitive Audio,
Seattle's only "state-of-the-art" stereo outlet. They specialize
in stereo equipment which is the best available within a price
range and sometimes, due to the up-to-date technology they
feature, simply the best available. They find that some of
their best customers are salespersons from other stereo
stores, a high compliment.
Rod has always enjoyed working with electronic equipment and runs the service end. "You can make anything spec
good, so we had to do our own measurements," Rod notes,
as part of their effort to stay specialized in a generalized
business. New equipment is the lifeblood of their business,
Rod said. "We do a lot of listening; we can't afford to take
the rep's word for it."
Jim was doing freelance speaker design just a few years
ago with the third partner, Jay Huber. "Our work was pioneering at the time, the only such research in the USA,
though now many are doing it," Jim reminisced. He still has
a couple of patents pending.
All three of the partners had been in the two specialty
"state-of-the-art" shops in Portland and wondered why there
wasn't one in Seattle. Jim undertook a study of the national
markets with such specialty shops. He found that Seattle
was the only major metropolitan area in the country without
one. In fact, he noted that all other markets were heavy with
mail-order business from Seattle. It was obviously the right
time for such a move.
Though the time was right, it didn't save the principals
from going, "Around the clock, breakfast, work and more
work," as Jim puts it.
The partners have moved their business from an out-ofthe-way spot to Seattle's "Stereo Row" in the University
District. Results are impressive as sales have doubled.

Susie Archibald
Susie Archibald is a sister/partner in a downtown Olympia
shop called, simply and appropriately, The Archibald
§ iftisters.
It is a shop for those who indulge themselves in
lovely soaps, lotions and pleasant smells; in novelty items
likeseashell night lamps, jewelry, beautiful occasion cards
and lots of other tasteful gifts. The two sisters, Susie and
Shelly saw a need five years ago for this type of shop in
Olympia, backed their childhood dreams with personal
savings, and jumped into the world of small business.
Susie had previous experience in art and business at the
University of Washington. While at Evergreen, she was enrolled in the "Women in Management" program and found it
very valuable. Her individual contracts supplied her with the
skills a conscientious business person would need.
"Motivation and the real, heartfelt desire to own a small
business," Susie says, are what kept the shop going and
growing into an area success. She and Shelly both have
found long hours and hard work the lot of the successful
Susie says it doesn't take a lot of research to get into a
small business, but it does require re-education in current
business trends to keep it going. "You've got to keep trying
to please customers and re-educate yourself to their needs,"
is the message she relates to the prospective new entrepreneur. Susie added, "You always have to strive for

One-time Special Offer

Bachelor of Arts to
Bachelor of Science
The Evergreen State College is pleased to announce a low-risk, highreturn opportunity to beef
up your portfolio. The limited offer is tendered to
Evergreen graduates who
earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree prior to the time
the College began awarding Bachelor of Science
degrees, and who would
now like to convert the BA
to a BS degree.

Dan and Debbie Swecker

Dan and Debbie (Steelhammer) Swecker, 73 Evergreen grads,
raise salmon for a living in Rochester, a small town south of
Olympia. Five years ago, when they started the business,
they were the first in the state to operate a freshwater
salmon-rearing operation—aquaculture as it's now called.
Their initial concepts about the business turned out to be
totally different from the reality. "I thought of it as being on
saltwater with nets and seagulls. Instead, we're on the prairie
with crows and cement ponds," Dan says. He feels you have
to be flexible and ready for change when engaged in a
small business.
The Sweckers spent two years researching their business
enterprise and feel those research skills are the most important tools they acquired at Evergreen. Dan said the ability to
educate oneself was not only helpful to them, but a skill
important to any other business venture.
Both Dan and Debbie have been active in the political
aspects of their fledgling industry. They have been cochairpersons for the American Salmon Growers the past
four years; Dan was its president last year. They actively
lobby each legislative session and are hopeful that 1981 will
see ocean-ranching in Washington.
The Sweckers will probably acquire a location for saltwater salmon rearing, although they will stay on at their
prairie site where they anticipate adding a new home and
another freshwater pool for a new variety of salmon.
They may diversify to other small businesses, since they
feel that working for themselves is great. It keeps the family
together and they hope to make small business a family

Prospective clients should
have 72 quarter hours
equivalent in math/science,
48 of which are in upper
division work. If you meet
these criteria, send a check
for $10, along with a written request for a credential
review, to:
The Evergreen State
Olympia, WA 98505

Don't miss this dynamic
offer—invest before September 15, 1980.
This announcement is not
an offer to purchase or a
solicitation of any offer to
sell, but is made solely
upon the terms and conditions contained in the
catalog. It is not being
made to, nor will tenders
be accepted from holders
of degrees in other jurisdictions.
The Evergreen State College, Inc. Cooper Point
Industrial Park, Olympia,
AlumNews is the official
publication of The Evergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen Review.
Editor: Lee Riback
Contributing Writers: Susan
Bogni, Kevin Phillips, Gary
Mozel, Bonnie Marie, Lee
Riback, Aynn Fuqua, Jill
Spring, 1980. Issue 4, Volume 2, Number 3. Send
written submissions, photos,
graphics and inquiries to the
Editor, AlumNews,
c/o Alumni Office, The
Evergreen State College,
.Olympia, Washington 98505.

pus in 1968 as a security guard.
His compassionate handling of many personal difficulties
for students was not well known, due to his discretion. He
retired at the age of seventy last fall, working his last few
days as we held our reunion. Those who knew Clayton
already miss him from the campus and those who did not,
and will not, know him are unfortunate.

Small Business
Focus of Seminar
by Kevin Phillips

September 15,1980
If your transcript shows a
deficit of a few quarter
hours, there may be an
alternative, according to a
highly placed institutional
officer. Vice President and
Provost Byron Youtz points
out that a second degree
can be obtained in the
normal course of business
by completing an additional 45 quarter hours.

Riding herd on the Swecker salmon ranch.

Randy Ray with Rep. Wayne Ehlers on the floor of the House

Randy Ray

Forty-five people participated in a day-long "Small Business
in the 80s" seminar held March 1 at The Evergreen State
College. The goal of this Alumni Association event was to
provide a blend of academic and practical information for
interested alumni and community members, either contemplating or newly involved in a small business venture.
The seminar opened with presentations on the economic
outlook and impact of changing lifestyles for small businesses in the coming decade. Chuck Nisbet, TESC faculty in
economics, forecast that Thurston County may prove to be
"recession resistant." He attributed this, in part, to a projected population growth of up to 80 percent, continued
stability of state government, and completion of the I-5
corridor between Olympia and Seattle.
Susan Washburn, TESC Director of Development,
followed Chuck and led a discussion on changing lifestyles
and their impact on small businesses. She felt that with the
median age and level of education rising, services need to be
flexible enough to change and adapt to specific markets
throughput the 80s.
Seminar participants shared their ideas during the
morning program and seemed to enjoy this "academic"

Randy Ray is a lobbyist, pure and simple. But it didn't quite
start out like that. As he puts it, "I almost starved to death
for the first two years, but I kept going. I was still young and
willing to gamble to see if I could make it work."
Randy started with an internship at the State Legislature,
followed it with a year in'the Senate Research Center, and
then put together an independent contract to study corporate
lobbying. He co-authored a report on a study titled, "Perceptions: Corporate Involvement with the Washington State
Legislature." His co-author, Megan Mardesich, joined him in
business shortly thereafter.
The partnership didn't last, and for good reason. Randy
explains, "Our second year in business was the first in 12
years that the Legislature failed to meet." When it started,
the partnership only represented one firm, the International
Steamship Association. Now, Randy's firm, Aequus, represents commercial office building owners in Seattle and
Spokane, as well as wheatgrowers, treefruit growers, and
eastern Washington irrigation districts. "Now business is
good, although not excellent, but I feel my reputation as a
lobbyist is very good," Randy says. It would seem his growing list of clients agree.
Randy maintains an office in Olympia, complete with
word-processing equipment, but works put ot his nome in
Seattle. He is originally from Pasco, where his father is an
insurance broker.
Randy is proud of the fact that he made it on his own,
starting at 24. His advice to new entrepreneurs reads like an
old handbook, "It takes money to make money, and be prepared to starve for awhile."
"Small Business "panelists Debbie Swecker and Susie Archibald
Randy feels that the outlook for his business is good,
even in a tough economy. He explains, "The more the economy downturns, the more government regulation can be
A seminar luncheon beginning at noon was highlighted
expected and, therefore, there will be more people interested
by a panel of four Evergreen alums who are involved in small
in lobbying representation." However, he is branching out
businesses. They shared with the audience both their posiinto new areas, like international business consulting. That
tive and negative experiences, fielded questions and offered
means bringing together interested parties for business
advice regarding the realities of ownership. The association
agreements, even if it involves traveling to the Orient or
would like to thank panelists Debbie Swecker of the Swecker
Middle East to do it. He also manages to squeeze in some
Salmon Farm, Mike Hall from the Gnu Deli, Susie Archibald
time to serve on the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
of Archibald Sisters and Scott Salzer from Special Products
Local professionals in business law, accounting services
and business insurance proyided practical information in
afternoon workshops to assist prospective entrepreneurs in
getting off on the right track. Each workshop was offered
twice so participants could attend more than one.
"Small Business in the 80s" concluded with a social
By unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, Clayton Sturgis hour, giving all who attended an opportunity to talk at length
with the professionals and seminar staff.
has become the first honorary member of the Alumni AssociThe Association feels the seminar provided a quality
ation. You may remember Clayton as the silver-haired night
program relevant to the needs of both alumni and the local
security man who unlocked your door when you couldn't find
community, and we look forward to sponsoring future
your keys and help was no closer. He was one of the colseminars. Our many thanks to all who participated.
lege's first employees, hired to protect the developing cam-

Sturgis Honored

keeping Committee Chairperson, 4270 Whitman N., Seattle,
Washington 98103, (206) 633-1909 (evenings).
In the meantime, alums wanting to reach alums before
the directory is published can use our mail-forwarding
service. Address these queries to the Alumni Office at the


Donate to Set for September
The Alumni Association has
donated $50 to the Dean
Clabaugh Memorial Fund on
behalf of the Evergreen
alumni. The Alumni Association would like to extend its
condolences to the Clabaugh
family, whose loss we all
Though Dean managed
sometimes to find himself
the center of controversy,
manage he did. The first
college employee and a key
member of the original management team, Dean helped
guide and shape the college
for its first ten years. He was
both criticized and respected;
a man of vision and an administrator who got things

A white-water rafting trip on
the Toutle River set for
May 10 was cancelled at
the last Board meeting. The
event, organized by the
Association's Program Committee, failed to gain a sufficient number of advanced

It's not too early to start thinking about this year's Alumni
Reunion, tentatively scheduled for September 5-7.
/Lynn Garner (Associate Director for Student Activities)
and our very own Bonnie Marie (Alumni Coordinator) will be
the on-campus coordinators for this year's event. Please call
Lynn or Bonnie or Program Committee Chairperson Jill
Fleming to get involved with the planning or the doing for
this reunion. This is really the big project for the year and
its success is riding right where it belongs, on your shoulders.
Among the projects that need attention are social activities, the annual business meeting, coordination of nominations for officers, food, seminar activities, recreation, registration, arts and crafts show, entertainment and housing.
Also, do start giving some thought to possible nominations for your Board of Directors and officers. Remember,
any alum may nominate someone, including themselves, for
any positions. So please give it some thought.
Last year's reunion was a lot of fun, but we do need your
help to keep it alive and well. The following is a tentative
schedule. We welcome other programming ideas.
Friday night

Saturday morning Breakfast
Saturday afternoon Annual Meeting
Open Time
Saturday night
Sunday morning
Committee Meetings
For more information, please contact:
Jill Fleming
10019 40th SW, Seattle, Washington 98146
(206) 935-9327 (evenings)
Lynn Garner
CAB 305 — TESC
Olympia, Washington 98505
(206) 866-6120 (days)

Bonnie Marie
Alumni Office —TESC
Olympia, Washington 98505
(206) 866-6565 (days)

Alumni Directory
by Gary Mozel

Whatever happened to Irving Ferdburfle, that green-haired
guy in our second-year seminar?
The answer to this and other alumni-location problems
will be answered later this year, when the Association's
Recordkeeping Committee will publish a directory of all
3,500 Evergreen alumni. Watch future editions of this newsletter for specifics on publication date and ordering
To help us relocate the hundreds of "lost" alums, please
peruse the list of names elsewhere in this issue. If you know
the whereabouts of any of these folks, TELL US! The more
names we can cross off this list, the fewer gaps the
directory will have.
When Gail Martin's annual survey of alumni comes
around later this spring, she'll request permission to print
your name, address and phone number in the directory.
DON'T WORRY—we won't sell your address to 7/me
magazine or Honnekroger's Funeral Home. In fact, we're
expressly forbidding any commercial use of the directory.
It's for us to contact each other, PERIOD.
Alums, however, will be able to advertise to each other in
the directory, by way of business card reproductions clustered in the final pages. If you'd like your business card included, contact the Alumni Office or Gary Mozel, Record-

Jerri Bjorklund (75) is attending Antioch law school in Washington, D.C.
William Blunt (77) is a freelance video businessman in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Dan Briggs (74) is studying chemistry at Seattle Community
College in preparation for a career in naturopathic medicine.
Michael Bristow (75) is a professional musician in Seattle.
Claudia Brown (75) recently completed her master's degree in
broadcast journalism at Boston University and on March 17
began a position as news reporter for the 10 o'clock news on
KPTV in Portland, Oregon.
Bret Brunner (75) is employed by the Department of Highways in air quality analysis in Helena, Montana.
Duane Buhrmester (76) is a graduate student at the University of Denver in the Ph.D. program in child and developmental psychology.
Eileen Burton (74) is an assistant professor of business
administration at Arizona State University.
Frances Carey (79) is attending the University of Oregon's
graduate program in history.
Tom Crawford (76) is a graduate student at the University of
Washington in the College of Fisheries and is studying the
food habits of the Dall porpoise.
Nancy (73) and Jonathan Cruz (74) reside in Hayward,
California, where Nancy is studying community health at
San Jose State University. Jonathan has been awarded an
American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship to
continue his Ph.D. studies in sociology.
Dorothy DeMatteo (78) is project director of a community
energy project grant in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Janef Detering (73) is working on her Master's in Business
Administration at Southern Illinois University.
Raymond (78) and Sa//y Ensing (78) are working at VisionQuest, an outdoor education program for disturbed children,
in Tucson, Arizona.
David Ettinger (74) received his law degree from Northeastern
College and is now practicing in the Memphis, Tennessee area.
Greg Falken (79) is working for A&M Records in Los Angeles.
Gary Farer (74) owns a business, Audio Northwest, in
Federal Way, Washington.
Alyson Garland (77) is supervisor of the "pay-by-phone"
section at Washington Mutual Savings Bank in Seattle. Since
graduation, she has attended a summer training congress at
the American Conservatory Theatre Company, worked as a
waitress and bicycle messenger in Seattle, and traveled
and worked in Europe for nearly a year.
Brian Globerman (76) has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in geology at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
He did his master's work in the same field at Western Washington University in Bellingham.
Graciela Gonzalez (78) is a sheet metal worker in Seattle.
Mark Gottlieb (77) is completing master's degree work at
Stanford University in two fields—product design and
engineering management.
Tim Gregg (76) is a Ph.D. candidate in counseling psychology at the University of Texas, Austin.
Sarah Gunning (75) is in training and will soon start work as
a tool and production planner in the Everett plant of The
Boeing Company.
Stacia Haley (77) is an administrative assistant for the
Department of Commerce and Economic Development in
Olympia. She and her husband have a 10-month-old
son, Justin.
Wes Hamilton (78) has recently finished his first term as the
first President of the Board for the new Thurston County
Planned Parenthood and was recently appointed to serve on
the Washington State Family Planning Advisory Committee.
Timothy (75) and Catherine Hennings (76) reside in Durham,
North Carolina. Tim is a project engineer in the Environmental Engineering Division of TRW, Inc., and Cathy is a
second-year graduate student in the Department of Botany at
Duke University.
Randy Jaffee (75) resides in Santa Ynez, California, and is
a psychiatric social worker for the county of Santa Barbara.
Sheila Heather Jones-Bergstedt (75) and Gar Bergstedt (75)
reside in Portland, Oregon. Heather is a senior research
technician for the Port of Portland and plans to study interior
design at the University of Oregon. Gar is a software design
engineer for Tektronix, Inc., in Portland.
Karen Mikkelborg (75) is a quality assurance specialist in the
Army and has just been transferred to Bremerhaven, Germany.
Leslie Owen (77) is a VISTA volunteer with Thurston County
Rape Relief in Olympia and is co-chairperson of the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.
Sharon Ryals (75) lives in San Francisco and is editor of
The Briarpatch Review, a quarterly journal of an international
friends-in-business network. Sharon is also special projects
coordinator and editor of the monthly magazine Woman's
Choice, the current issue of which focuses on single
Linda (Hallam) Sutto (74) resides in Hudson, Wyoming. She
has been writing short stories for two years and had one
published last summer by the University of Wyoming's
"Owen Wister Review."

We're desperately seeking
out our fellow alums who've
disappeared from sight.
Please help us stay in touch.
If you know the whereabouts
of any of these folks, send a
note to Alumni Office,
L 3103, The Evergreen State
College, Olympia, Washington 98505.
Falkner, Patricia 73
Fallgren, Noelle 78
Fellows, Demarie 74
Fernandes, Roger 74
Ferrucci, Roger 74
Ferrucci, Anthony 74
Fields, Ernest 74
Filarca, Elizabeth 74
Fisher, Jane 77
Fitzgibbon Jr., Walter 73
Follett, David 75
Foote, Kristen 78
Foreman, Gary 73
Forsythe, Anne 77
Fortier, James 75
Fowley, Christine 74
Frengle, Caroline 75
Friedman, Peter 76
Fulford, Kird 78
Fuller, Ross 75
Funk, Robert 77
Garcia, Arthur 76
Garlichs, Anne 75
Geiger, Robbin 73
Gemmell, Corinne 79
Gemmell, Douglas 78
Gerstl, Roberta 76
Getzlaff, Karen 77
Gilbreath, Lindsay 74
Gildner, Ronald 74
Gildroy, Rick 76
Glover, James 78
Goforth, Diane 73
Goodman, Kim 76
Gookin, Kathleen 76
Gordon, Shannon 76
Goss, Carol 78
Goudeau, Jacquelyn 76
Gough, Donald 73
Green Jr., Thomas 73
Green berg, Daniel 74
Griff, Paula 79
Groves, Randall 74
Guardipee, Ronald 74
Hagan, Hoi I is 75
Hamilton, Jessie 74
Hammond, Andrew 75
Hanley, Norman 74
Hansel I, Elizabeth 72
Hansen, Joseph 75
Hanson, Marcia 78
Hargis, Thomas 77
Harmon, James 78
Harper, Mary 74
Harper, Sara 74
Harris, Leif 73
Harrison, Richard 76
Hart, Carol 74
Hastings, Dennis 76
Hauberg, Marguerite 74
Heimlich, Sara 76
Held, John 76
Herlocker, Christy 73
Herri ngton, Kay 78
Heywood, Geoffrey 73
Hickam, Donald 76
Hiersche, Robin 75
Higgins, Robert 73
Hill, Alice 78
Hillman, William 74
Hiss, Maynard 75
Hoffman, Mary 74
Hohrein, Iris 77
Holcomb III, Leslie 75
Holder, Bobby 74
Holland, Barb 78
Holt, Eric 77
Holt, Paul 75
Holtz, Christine 78
Hornquist, Fred 76
Horton, Rebecca 77
Houston, Lloyd 74
Howat, David 75
Howell, James 73
Huber, Anne 73
Huizenga, Tena 73

Hunter Jr., Charles 73
Huntsberger, Michael 78
Huq, Shireen 76
Hurlburt, Neat 77
Illo, Dana 74
Imfeld III, Clem 74
Irwin, Gregory 76
James Jr., John 74
Janzen, Mary 76
Jenkins, Daniel 75
Jensen, Vernon 75
Jewell, Richard 78
Johns III, Llywolaf 75
Johnson, Carolyn 76
Johnson, David 76
Johnson, Janet 78
Johnson, Jeanette 74
Jones, David 77
Jones, Elaine 73
Jones, Gregory 74
Jones, Lois 77
Jones, Richard 76
Jones, Sarah 75
Jordan, Kathleen 76
Juhola, Kirby 73
Kaplan, Robert 78
Karp, Michael 76
Kay, Robert 74
Kelly, Kerry 76
Kennedy, Edwin 77
Keogh, Thomas 76
Ketcham, Edward 75
Kigar, Daniel 73
Kirschner, David 74
Knight, Carol 75
Knox, Gregory 75
Knudsen, Pamela 78
Kolb, Richard 73
Kraig, David 77
Kramer, Janet 76
Kramer, Richard 75
Krieger, Eric 76
Krueger, Dennis 73
Kruse, Christine 78
Kruse, Steven 78
Kucklick, David 74
Kuehl, Stephen 76
Ladenheim, Bruce 76
Lagrandeur, Patricia 75
Landrie, David 76
Laprade, Deborah 73
Lastadius, Bill 73
Laurie, Jim 77
Leatherman, Dale 73
Leuty, Donald 77
Lewis, Ronald 73
Lieberman, Joan 78
Lindner, Bonnie 78
Locke, Terence 78
Lockwood, David 76
Logue Jr., Edward 74
London, Richard 75
Looker, Mary 75
Lourie, Elizabeth 78
Loveless, Gabriel 76
Lundberg, Virginia 76
Lyons, Shelle 77
Mack, Tom 73
MacLauchlan III, Charles 76
Madsen, Sarah 76
Magarian, Edward 73
Mahan, Betty 74
Maier, Sharon 76
Mai I hot, Susan 74
Mallgren, Roger 73
Manning, Deborah 77
Marcus, Gary 75
Marson, Dean 76
Martin, Sharon 72
Martin, Thomas 77
Martinez, James 76
Marvin, Kim 75
Marvin, Kyle 73
Matlock Maryanne 73
May, Peter 74
McCann, Peter 75
McCarthy, Frank 74
McCauley, Robert 73
McChesney, Douglas 77
McClanahan, Neil 74
McClenahan, Lynn 74
McDonald, Lee 74
McEwen, Daniel 74
McLaughlin, Thomas 77
McLeod, Duncan 73
McMurray, Philip 75
McNeill, Ronald 75

McPhaden, Christine 75
Meighan, Kathleen 76
Mellem, Roger 73
Mercer, Lynne 74
Mercier, John 73
Metke, John 73
Mevorach, David 75
Meyers, Christine 72
Meyers, Dennis 75
Michas, Nick 77
Miesse, William 75
Mileson, Susan 74
Miller, Afton 74
Miller, Afton 74
Miller, Susan 74
Millin, Laura 78
Mills, John 75
Mirabal, Patricia 74
Mitchell, Gregory 77
Mobley, Mike 74
Mondau, Laura 76
Montgomery, Daniel 74
Moore, John 75
Moore, Judith 74
Moore, Sharon 73
Moore, Teresa 74
Morse, Shelley 76
Mosebar, Carolyn 78
Moser, Kenneth 75
Mulcahey, Joseph 78
Mulligan, Jeffrey 78
Munro, Shirley 72
Murphy, Paul 77
Murray, Suzanne 74
Myatt, Loyd 73
Myklebust, John 72
Nagusky, Deborah 78
Nasser, Tom 76
Nelson, Anne 78
Newport, James 76
Nguyen, Han Van 77
Nitzke, Johanna 74
Nixon, Aubrey 78
Nollan, Frederick 78
O'Brien, Patti 73
O'Malley, John 74
O'Connor, Cameron 75
Odegaard, Marilyn 74
Olsen, Barbara 77
Oreman, Bonnye 76
Orlando, Salvatore 73
Osborne, Diana 73
Osunsanmi, Tunde 74
Palmerston, Collin 75
Panco, David 79
Parker, Sharon 73
Patel, Rajnikant 75
Payne, Robert 76
Pearce, Mary Ann 78
Pease, Nancy 75
Peas ley, Doris 76
Persian, Gregori 78
Pestarino, Steve 74
Pete, Hazel 74
Peterson, Gary 76
Pfeiffer-Hoyt, Russell 77
Pfisterer, Alban 78
Pflug, Anne 76
Phare, Victoria 73
Pieh, Wendy 73
Pingree, Susan 75
Pohl, John 78
Popadiuk Jr., Nicholas 75
Press, Phyllis 77
Preston, Katherine 74
Price, Arnold 74
Pringle, Nancy 73
Pritz, Neil 78
Pugsley, Davida 76
Rainwater, Michael 73
Randel, Rose 78
Randlett, Victoria 77
Ratajak, Ellen 77
Ravines, Caroline 78
Raymond, Douglas 74
Raymond, Matthew 79
Reagan, Robert 74
Reed, Jackie 76
Reese, Janice 76
Reeves, Bennae 77
Reiner, John 75
Renault, Gregory 73
Reslock, Mary-Lou 74
Resnik, Barbara 74
Rich, Anders 76
Richards, Michael 76
Ricker-Christman, Mar 73

Rico, Arthur 73
Riley, Avis 76
Ring, Stanley 77
Roberts, Harvey 74
Robinson, Eric 73
Robinson, Mary 77
Roche, Kathleen 74
Rodriguez, Joe 72
Rogan, David 77
Rogers, Emily 78
Rother, George 74
Rowel I, Nancy 74
Ruddy, Michael 78
Rudine, Robert 74
Russell, Walter 75
Russo, Marie 76
Rutherford, Katharine 78
Rutherford, Mark 77
Ryder, Danial 75
Ryken, Theresa 77
Ryland, Anne 75
Sal kin, Max 75
Sameth, Jane 78
Schaetzel-Hill, Lauri 78
Schafer, Jan 78
Schimling, Marc 75
Schlafly, Cynthia 75
Schlecht, William 75
Schneider, Bruce 76
Schneider, Donald 73
Schubert, Marjorie 76
Schuler, Douglas 76
Schutt, Carol 74
Schwenderman, Jill 76
Scoboria, Davia 75
Scoggins, Patrice 75
Scott, Peter 78
Sebille, Frank 74
Seidel, James 73
Semel, Stephen 73
Shelnutt, Barbara 75
Sherman, Susan 78
Sholder, Janet 75
Shoman, Martha 75
Shugarts, Susan 73
Silverman, Randy 78
Silverthorne, Christi 76
Simms, Margaret 76
Simons, Corinne 77
Smith, Clinton 74
Smith, George 74
Smith, Julia 74
Smith, Robyn 73
Smith, William Hoyt 76
Smith, William Hugh 74
Snow, Ruesha 78
Sonego, Aaron 78
Spaeth, Carl 74
Starkey, Mickey 73
Steiman, Zelda 75
Stepetin, David 79
Stephens, Jimi 76
Stevens, Mark 74
Stewart, Sandra 75
Stiles, Mary 74
Stimson, Joanne 76
Stites, Thomas 78
Stout, Barbara 73
Striker, Helen 78
Sugg, Patrick 74
Surbert, John 76
Swanson, Craig 77

Swanson, Trudy 75
Taft, Vidky 77
Tate, Catherine 78
Taylor, David 76
Taylor, Lang 73
Taylor, Priscilla 74
Tello, Francisco 74
Templeton, Merle 77
Terry, David 76
Thomas, Tyrone 73
Thomas, Stephen 74
Thompson, Broadus 73
Thompson, David 76
Thompson, Jerrold 75
Thompson, Steven 76
Thomson, Kathleen 77
Thum, William 76
Tiffany, Judy 78
Titus, Laurie 76
Todd, Richard 73
Tong, Lorraine 78
Toy, Robert 77
Traylor, Carla 76
Tufts Jr., Stanley 77
Turner, Barbara 77
Turner, George 75
Turner, Raymond 75
Uehlinger Jr., Talbot 79
Ulmschneider, Helen 78
Vallo, Timothy 75
Van Maren, Barbara 76
Van Wyk, Amy 76
Vecchitto, Bruce 77
Vermeire, Kathleen 73
Vest rich, Mark 76
Vonvolkenburg, Donald 73
Walczak, Donna 74
Wai den, Joseph 78
Waldo, Willard 73
Walker Jr., Mary 76
Walkup, Bruce 76
Ward, Helen 76
Waterman, William 75
Watts, Rhonda 75
Weiser, Jayne 78
Wesley Jr., Oclad 75
White, Danel 77
White, Ernest 75
White, Gordon 77
Wickland, Cheryl 77
Wiggins, Stephen 74
Wightman, Keller 74
Willett, Steven 73
Williams, Charles 74
Williams, David 74
Williams, Eleanor 74
Williamson, Lucinda 76
Will son, Susan 79
Winje, William 73
Wolcott, Stevan 78
Wolf, Marsha 76
Wolsk, Nina 78
Woo, John 76
Wood, Kathleen 77
Woods, Carl 78
Worcester, James 74
Wright, Kelvin 76
Wright. Marjorie 76
Yerks, Robert 77
Yesberger, John 74
Young, John 75

Mail to:
Alumni Association
LIB 3103
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington 98505
D Hi! I know the whereabouts of a scholar gypsy.
D Hi! Forgive my wandering ways; here's a new address.



While I'm filling this out, here's what I've been doing since
left Evergreen (job, graduate school, etc.):

by Marjorie Butler
Student groups will use Evergreen as a base camp this
summer for bridge-building
forays into the Cascade and
Olympic mountain ranges.
The bridges aren't concrete
and steel, though, and the
students aren't engineers.
They are junior high and
high school students in the
BRIDGES Program who will
travel through the wilderness
to build bridges of understanding and explore the
interrelationships between
intricately balanced ecological elements in nature, between ecological systems

and people, and between
people themselves.
The BRIDGES Program
spans the month of July in
two sessions of 20 students
each (July 6-16 and July
19-29). Students will travel in
groups of 10 with two
Each course begins on
the Evergreen campus for
two days of base-camp preparation. The college's 1000acre wooded campus is a
microcosm of the natural environments the students will
encounter as they embark on
expeditions involving whitewater canoeing, alpine hik-

Fowler Named
Director of
College Relations
Chuck Fowler, public affairs
administrator for the Washington State Department of
Transportation, assumed the
duties of Evergreen's Director
of College Relations on
March 31. Fowler, 41, became the first person to head
the newly reorganized College Relations office, which
now includes information,
publications, graphics and
educational outreach services.
As public affairs administrator for DOT since 1975,
Fowler reorganized that
agency's programs and
served as spokesman on
major policy issues. During
his tenure, the department
won several awards for public relations excellence.
Fowler has also served
as a part-time faculty mem-

ber in communications at
Evergreen and as a community representative on the
college's Public Relations
Advisory Group.
Before moving to Olympia, Fowler had served as an
assistant professor, a managing editor for a magazine
and book company, as general editor for a daily newspaper, and as a public information officer for the United
States Air Force.
A native of Tacoma,
Fowler holds a master of
science degree in journalism
from Northwestern University
and a bachelor of arts in
business administration from
the University of Puget

ing, camping, backpacking,
map and compass use,
weather interpretation and
first aid.
More than a wilderness
trek, BRIDGES will introduce
students to the history, flora
and geology of northwest
Washington and to the involvement with resources
characterized by the American Indian. Discussion of
human impacts on the environment will focus on air and
water pollution, erosion and
the concept of watershed.
Through interaction with a
small and close group of
people, students will develop

rapport with nature and
themselves, and will learn
the dynamics of challenge,
stress and growth, valuable
skills in both community and
personal life.
Based on a suggestion
by community members
Doris and Howard Hannigan
for an academic summer
camp at Evergreen, BRIDGES
was conceived in the fall of
1979 by faculty member Rita
Pougiales and students in
the advanced program "Outdoor Education: Social
Foundations of Learning
and Education." Foundations
were laid Winter Quarter, and

Variety Hi< ihlights
Summer >ession
Thirty-two courses will be
offered during the 1980
Summer Session, which begins June 23 and continues
through September 5. Summer at Evergreen is particularly attractive because
students are not required to
gain formal admission to the
college and all students pay
resident tuition during
the summer.
You can wander through
France and Spain with
Gordon Beck's "Pilgrimage
to Santiago" group, study
landscape drawing in the
Olympic mountains with
Marilyn Frasca, or travel the
West studying "Landforms
and Geology of National
The Summer Photo
Institute will feature visiting
photographers from Seattle
and Portland, and "Techniques of Visual Anthropology" will focus on field
experience using photography, film or video as documentation tools. Other arts,
communications and media
offerings include courses in
writing, music, video, public
speaking, pottery, English
novel, Russian, and communication with organizations.
The PLATO system will
be used in a self-paced
BASIC programming course

and a math refresher course
also will include programming. Problem solving will
be emphasized in "Introductory Chemistry" and field
trips will be features of
"Coastal Natural History"
and "Northwest Forests."
"Women in American
Society" will survey the role
of women in American
history and another course
will examine the changing
role of women in management.
A seminar in education
which meets June 23-July 2
will look at current topics in
learning resources. The 1980
Summer Institute, set for the
last weekend of June, will
focus on outlaws, oddballs
and individual expression
in society.
Other summer courses
include the Bridge Program,
Paradox of Progress, Dream
Psychology, Environmental
Design, As You Sow, Futurism, Introductory Accounting, Organizations, and
Principles of Economics.
Several faculty members also
will offer individual contracts.
For a copy of the new
summer catalog, write or
call the Admissions Office

students Marjorie Butler and
William Raup, in collaboration with Pougiales, have
taken on the final development as part of their studies
this spring. Butler and Raup
also will instruct the courses
this summer, as will advanced outdoor education
students David Silverburg
and Shelley Home.
Further information is
available from Pougiales at
LAB I, TESC, Olympia,
WA 98505 (866-6195).
Marjorie Butler is an Evergreen student who will serve
this summer as a BRIDGES
program instructor.

Alumni, parents and friencis
who are interested in supporting KAOS-FM : Evergreen's noncommercial radio
station, may do so in a variety of ways.
"Because the station receives only half of its operating budget from student
activities fees, we're constantly seeking additional
support," says Toni Holm,
development coordinator for
the station.
Individuals may become
regular subscribers for $20.
All subscribers receive the
monthly guide for a year, a
subscriber discount card and
a supporter button. KAOS
also sells buttons for 50<t
and specially designed
T-shirts ($6 for regular cut in
S, M, L, XL and kids' M;
$6.50 for French cut in S, M,
and L; and $4 for either type
for subscribers).
Other fund-raisers for the
station have included on-theair marathon broadcasts,
benefit dances and concerts,
and films.
If you're interested in
helping KAOS, send your
support to: KAOS-FM,
CAB 305, The Evergreen
State College, Olympia,
Washington 98505. The staff
welcomes all gifts and all
ideas for fund-raising activities and events.

Evergreen Awarded Two More NSF Grants
The Evergreen State College
is the only institution in the
country to be selected this
year by the National Science
Foundation for receipt of two
Student Originated Studies
grants. The NSF announced
58 awards to a total of 57
U.S. institutions.
The two Evergreen grants,
which provide $27,004 for
research efforts by students,
bring.TESC's tally of NSF
awards to 11 and make the
college one of the highest
consistent recipients of those measurements to nutritional
and health factors. Working
grants in the nation.
NSF granted awards to
with faculty biophysicist Dr.
Evergreen senior Mary
Elizabeth Kutter and a 10Fleischman of Bothell,
member student team,
Fleischman will rely on EverWashington to conduct the
green's atomic absorption
only human nutrition study
selected this year, and to
spectrophotometers, a plasma spectrograph and the
senior Anna Marie Cahall of
computer system to deterPhoenix, Arizona, to investigate effects of chemical con- mine the presence of zinc,
taminants on shorebirds and a trace mineral found in
some 160 enzymes.
The nutrition award, for
Zinc, explains Dr. Kutter,
$15,297, funds a study to
has only recently been recogevaluate ways of measuring
nized as essential to human
zinc content in the human
nutrition, partly due to a lack
body and correlating those
of equipment sophisticated

enough to accurately measure its presence. "Studies
show that several groups of
people—teenagers, persons
on intravenous feeding and
those who live in areas with
low zinc content in the soil—
may all have problems related to lack of zinc in their
diets," she says.
The Evergreen studentfaculty team hopes to devise
accurate tests of zinc body
levels and correlate results
with extensive dietary studies
as a possible means for

health professionals to detect and treat marginal zinc
The second grant also
requires the use of Evergreen's sophisticated ECOP
(Ecology and Chemistry of
Pollution) laboratories. Senior Anna Cahall will work
with a six-student team and
faculty biologist Dr. Steven
Herman on her $11,707 grant
to explore distribution and
concentration of chemical
contaminants on shorebirds
and falcons, including an
endangered species whose

population continues to
diminish despite protective
"Certain North American,
birds of prey have been seriously affected by contamination from chlorinated hydrocarbons, particularly DDE,"
explains Dr. Herman. "The
American peregrine falcon
and the merlin, which feed
heavily on shorebirds in
western Washington, appear
to suffer from this type of
contamination, but we don't
know the extent."
The Evergreen team will
conduct chemical analyses
and other studies of Dunlin,
a shorebird that comprises
a large part of the winter diet
of the two birds of prey.
They hope to determine exactly how contaminants are
transferred along the food
chain and what impact that
transfer has on the endangered falcons and on the entire ecosystem.
Work on both grants began in March and is expected
to conclude by the end of
February, 1981.

A Potpourri of Happenings

Students in "Foundation of the Visual Arts"program erect kinetic sculpture on field near Seminar Building.
Thus far, 1980 has meant a
virtual potpourri of student
and campus activities: cultural, informational, recreational and athletic events.
Winter quarter snows in
January brought an extemporaneous exhibition of student
snow sculpture.. .Former
dance faculty member Pam
Schick and her dance team
came back to campus for a
presentation called, "Stones,
a visual meditation.".. .Dr.
Fritjof Capra, author, scholar
and physics professor at
Berkeley, spoke on "The Tao
of Physics.".. .The Heaters
packed the Campus Activities
Building for a six-hour concert and dance.... Dr. Alan
Schwartz, the 1980 National
Lecturer for the National
Association for Environmental Education, spoke on "The
Impacts of the 1980 Winter
Olympic Games: Behind the
Scenes at Lake Placid."
Student musicians
launched February as a

month of music with a concert entitled "A Murder of
Crows, A Labor of Moles,"
which featured original compositions by members of the
"Making Music" program.. . .
Elizabeth Gotten, the 87-yearold American music legend,
combined talents in a concert
with Mike Seeger, one of the
country's leading performers
of southern Appalachian folk
music... .Guatemalan guitarist Ron Hudson presented
a program of classical, Flamenco, Indian and popular
music and "Man of La
Manch" played to packed
houses for eight nights.
The Yueh Lung Shadow
Theatre brought its 2000-yearold ancient art form to life
on campus using 12- to 14inch, Peking-styled figures
as puppets in a series of
plays drawn from classical
Chinese literature... .Student
David Silverberg presented
his slide show on the Cougar
Lakes Wilderness Area..

Charles Pail thorp and John Mallahan in "Man of La Mancha"

Faculty member Susan
Fiksdal presented a special
"Tuesdays at Eight" lecture
on the Burgundian region of
France, while faculty economist Chuck Nisbet enlightened his audience with a
luncheon lecture on "Protecting Yourself Against Inflation."
March 7 found the campus in a day-long celebration
of International Women's Day
with concerts, lectures,
slides, films and a three-mile
run.. . .The Third World Coalition presented a winter
festival of ethnic dance and
music to the Evergreen community and musician Bert
Wilson lived up to his reputation as "the greatest sax
player since Charlie 'Bird'
Portland muralist Isaac
Shamsud-Din was featured in
a one-man Gallery Four exhibition. . . .The Sari Francisco Mime Troupe, America's oldest street theatre

company, returned to the
campus with "Squash," its
newest musical comedy....
Students from the "Words,
Sounds and Images" academic program transformed
the Communications Building
with their multi-media production "Birds, Serpents and
New Shoes." (The show's
combination of theater,
video, dance and threedimensional artistry was so
well received that an encore
performance was needed.)
Also in March, KAOS-FM
went classical for an entire
weekend.. .Evergreen student and faculty researchers
presented their studies on
acute mountain sickness. . .a
juried show of student art
work went on exhibit in Gallery Two.. . and the Jitters
rocked the campus in concert.
April brought Cirque
(formerly the Portland Dance
Theatre) to present "Pontpoint," a show which reviewers called "wierd, wild,

Portland muralist Isaac Shamsud-Din (Photo by Ancil Nance)

individualistic, powerful and
always interesting.". . .Pulitzer prize-winning poet W. S.
Merwin came to campus at
the invitation of the Arts
Resource Center, and poet
Olga Broumas, winner of the
Yale Younger Poets award,
read to a packed house.
The Solstice Wind Quartet from Washington State
University performed a beautiful concert of classical
music.. . .Champion fiddler
Frank Ferrel and concertina
master Bertram Levy set their
audiences stomping and
clapping for more.
And more there is! The
spring weather has already
lured the drummers and
Frisbee players onto the
campus plaza, the Pacific
Northwest is an ideal place
to settle into a bit of sunshine and outdoor activity,
and the campus itself is a
focal point for music, dance,
theater, film, lectures and art.

Schmidt Art Endowment Established
The Evergreen State College
Foundation has received a
bequest of $5,000 from the
estate of former trustee
Trueman "Sink" Schmidt. At
its January meeting, the
Foundation's Board of Governors voted unanimously to
establish the Schmidt Art
Endowment. The bequest will
be held in the Foundation
funds in perpetuity, with the
principal to be invested and
the yield to be used to purchase works by Pacific Northwest artists. In this manner,
the Schmidt Collection will
continue to grow over the
Bink Schmidt was one of
the first trustees of The Evergreen State College. The
former Vice President of
Administration of the Olym-

Foundation Receives
First Bequest

pi a Brewery, he was responsible for providing the crucial
leadership and vital direction
needed to establish a new
college. Schmidt played a
significant role in deciding
the location of the Evergreen
campus and overseeing the
campus design, campus policies and procedures, and
institutional structure, goals
and objectives.
The decision to honor
Schmidt's memory with an
art collection in his name
was based on the recommendations of his family and
friends. Known by many as
an indefatigable "putterer,"
Schmidt had a deep love and
appreciation for art as well
as an artist's and architect's
creative spirit.

This bequest was the
first such gift received by the
Foundation. It is also the beginning of the Evergreen
Foundation Endowment
Fund. Individuals who wish
to contribute to the Schmid!
Fund or who would like f u r ther information on deferred
gift ideas and tax advantages
should contact the Foundation's executive director,
Susan L. Washburn, at the

it reach the music departments of every high school
and community college in
western Washington, and the
turntables of selected commercial and nonprofit stations across the country.
Copies of "Collaborations" will be sold for $6
each through the Evergreen
Bookstore, and at a special
booth on the central campus
plaza during Super Saturday
festivities June 7. Record
collectors may also purchase
"Collaborations" by writing:

Evergreen Record Album
Project. Communications
Building 301. The Evergreen
State College, Olympia,
WA 98505. Checks should be
made payable t o : TESC
Record Album Project

Trueman "Bink" Schmidt

Students Produce First LP
"Collaborations," a doubledisc album of original student music—ranging from
country and rock to classical
and jazz, from avant-garde to
folk tunes—will soon be
aired over the nation's AM
and FM radio stations, if the
wishes of a dedicated crew
of Evergreen students are
The students, working in
cooperation with faculty
musician Dr. David Englert,
decided Winter Quarter to
produce an Evergreen record

album they could use to represent "the best of our work
in music," according to
senior Karen Kramer. "We
wanted something we could
not only share with local
radio stations, but could use
at community colleges and
high schools to illustrate the
high-quality work and the
fine facilities we have for
music studies at Evergreen."
In just three months,
they gathered more than 80
tapes, submitted by Ever-

green student musicians,
composers and vocalists.
Those tapes were auditioned
by a student committee and
23 pieces were selected for
inclusion in the album,
which is scheduled for release in mid-May.
Distribution of the album,
which is encased in a
student-designed and produced cover, has been carefully planned by the student
committee, who intend that

Sell-outs and High Ratings Mark Whole Foods Week
No matter how you slice it,
Whole Foods Service Week
at Evergreen was a success.
The five-day test, conducted in late February to
see if customers would support an alternative food service, attracted more consumers, sold more goods,
and gained high ratings,
according to Kristi Morrish,
a consultant hired to work
with students and staff on
improving campus food
Using the U.S. Dietary
Goals as guidelines, Morrish
and a Food Services Advisory
Group worked with Saga
Food Services manager
Vonda Drogmund to revise
recipes and menus to retain
consumer appeal while providing foods of low fat, low
sugar, low salt and high
fiber content.
"We produced a healthy,
balanced menu using an intermediate approach between
those of health food faddists
and junk food addicts," says
Morrish. "The response was
almost entirely positive."
In fact, more customers
ate there that week than at
any other time during all of
Winter Quarter," she says,
"and they spent an average
of $3.81 each during the
week, an amount substantially higher than at any other
time during the quarter."
These results were particularly welcome, says
Morrish, since the experiment represented a financial
risk for Saga Foods whose
impact at the cash register
could not be predicted.
But the real proof of success, she says, came from
evaluation questionnaires
returned the week after the

event which indicated strong
support for the new approaches.
"We compared these
comments with those gathered during a similar survey
Fall Quarter," she explains.
"In every single category,
consumer satisfaction was
far higher." For example, the
number of persons rating
nutritional quality as "good"

rose from 17 percent Fall
Quarter to 74 percent during
Whole Foods Service Week.
Those rating the taste of
foods as "good" rose more
than 40 percent—from 16 percent in the fall to 57 percent
during the experiment.
"Good" ratings in the five
other major areas polled—
price, convenience, service,
variety and atmosphere—also

were substantially higher,
Morrish reports.
Survey results led Housing and Food Services Director Ken Jacob to extend
Morrish's consultant contract
through Spring Quarter. "We
want to work the successful
recipes and menus into our
regular four-week menu
cycle," says Jacob. "We also
want to add a variety of eth-

nic foods to the menu and to
organize a major Third World
Food Festival sometime during Spring Quarter '
Jacob and Morrish feel
the more immediate changes
will be continuation of the
extensive self-service saiad
bar, avoidance of canned and
processed foods, elimination
of "old standbys" like jello
salads that were not popular
and continued introduction
of new popular entrees, such
as burritos, faiafels and
crepes, which sold out on
the days they were served.
Food Services also will
continue to provide more
vegetarian dishes, to serve
more whole-grain breads and
fresh bakery items, to substitute honey for sugar, and to
offer more fresh, raw fruits
rather than desserts of high
sugar content. The Snack Bar
will continue to sell whole
baked potatoes and bean and
cheese burritos, and to maintain popular, nutritional favorites like hamburgers on
whole-grain buns, natural
apple cider and heated
In addition, herbal iced
tea, natural fruit juices and
other uncarbonated and caffeine-free drinks will be sold,
along with the highly popular
"smoothies," a bananaorange-yogurt shake first
sold during the February
Morrish says her work
will continue beyond Spring
Quarter, carried on by the
Food Services Advisory
Group, which will serve as a
link between Food Services
and consumers, and possibly
by a new student coordinator
working with food personnel
and the advisory group.


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Volume 1, Issue 3 May, 1980
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Super Saturday
' " - • - ' • '•

Re/Discover Evergreen This Summer
Evergreen's "Re/Discovery
Weekend" offers a break from
the usual round of summer
activities and may provide
just that touch of the unusual to make an outing
worth remembering.
Designed for Evergreen
alumni, parents, friends and
families, the noncredit summer residence program begins at noon Thursday,
July 17, with time set aside
for checking into college
housing and unpacking.
From then until noon Sunday, the schedule will include swimming, picnics,
films, and a slate of special
activities such as keeping a
personal journal, an hour in
the self-paced learning lab,
a marine biology lecture and

tour of Evergreen's saltwater
beach, and a seminar on a
current bestseller (we'll send
you the book beforehand).
Registration fees, which
include three nights' lodging
and three days of meals, are
$75 for adults, $42 for children between the ages of
seven and 12, and $33 for
children six and under.
Come to Evergreen's
beautiful 1000-acre wooded
campus and re-discover
yourself, your family, the
out-of-doors, and your love
of learning.
For more information,
write Re/Discovery Weekend,
LAB I 1024, The Evergreen
State College, Olympia,
WA 98505.

Eight hours of continuous
live entertainment on four
stages, more than 50 booths
staffed by artists and craftspersons from throughout the
Puget Sound area, food
vendors offering a host of
taste treats, and athletic,
recreational and children's
events provide the core of
the college's second annual
Super Saturday, June 7.
The free public event,
cosponsored by the OlympiaArea and Lacey Chambers of
Commerce, begins at 11 a.m.
on the central campus plaza
and promises something sure
to amuse graduates, parents
of students, and friends of
the college who are ready to
celebrate the coming of summer and the successful conclusion of Evergreen's ninth
academic year.
Entertainment headliners
this year include the Red
Kelly Jazz Ensemble, the
Johnny Lewis Review, the
Tumwater High School
marching band and drill
team, and a whole host of
other groups, ranging from
the Olympia Kitchen Band to
the Evergreen Jazz Ensemble,
from belly, tap and ballet
dancers, to jugglers, mime
artists, karate demonstrators,
and even a marching bagpipe
Throughout the campus,
artists and craftspersons will
be on hand to demonstrate,
display and sell works in

pottery, jewelry, stained
glass, weaving, woodworking, paper marbling, printmaking and photography.
Sports-minded participants will find skateboard
and roller skating competitition, bicycle races, rapelling
demonstrations, softball and
racquetball tournaments,
road runs, and free use of
the Campus Recreation
Children will discover an
array of special events
planned for them, including
a day-long cartoon film festival, and a children's tent
where clowns and makeup
artists will lead games,
stories and open play sessions. They'll also have a
chance to ride real horses
and see special performances by Evergreen's newlyformed children's theater
The hungry will find
palate-pleasers throughout
the campus mail offering
everything from ethnic foods
to salmon barbecue, hot
dogs to popcorn.
Topping off the activities
will be a variety of special
academic exhibits and demonstrations, and antique car
and wooden boat shows.
All these things—and
more to corne—guarantee a
truly "Super Saturday" for all
who journey to Evergreen
June 7, the day before graduation for the Class of 1980.






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