The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 2


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 1, Issue 2 (February 1980)

The Evergreen Review Vol. 1, Issue 2
extracted text

Review learn
by Judy McNickle

Highest Possible Evaluation
Evergreen has been granted
full reaccreditation after a
four-day visit to the college
in October by an 11-member
team of educators. In a report issued to the Board of
Trustees last month, President Dan Evans said Evergreen passed the review with
flying colors, earning the
"highest possible evaluation."
The Northwest Association
of Schools and Colleges and
The Commission on Colleges,
the reviewing agencies, determined Evergreen to be "a
significant educational resource" that "offers a valuable option in undergraduate
education for prospective
students." That finding was
part of a 41-page report
which Evans told trustees
makes special note of "the
full commitment of the Evergreen community—faculty,
administrators and students—to a liberal arts
"The dedication," reviewers
declared, "pervades the life
of the college at every perceivable level to an extent
virtually unknown in any
academic community in the
entire United States."
Next Extensive Review-1989
"Our next expected reaccreditation visit will occur in
1989," Evans said. "They've
asked us to conduct a progress report in five years,
and indicated an extensive
external review like the one
we've just completed, won't
be due for ten." The college
first received full accredita-

tion in 1974 and, as a new
institution, was required to
undergo an extensive reaccreditation review five years
The accreditation team,
headed by Reed College
President Paul Bragdon,
visited virtually every section of the campus and
compared their observations
with a 326-page self-study
conducted by college faculty
and staff during the previous
year. The Evergreen selfstudy, said reviewers, was
"excellent" and "clearly demonstrates that Evergreen is a
community which knows
what its mission is, knows
where it stands in all respects and has identified
and is attacking its significant problems."
Most significant of these
problems, the Commission's
• accreditation report indi, cates, is enrollment growth.
While the college has experienced substantial growth
this year, reviewers pointed
out that Evergreen, with an
enrollment of 2,000 to 2,500
students, is still "a public
institution with plant and
facilities capable presently of
serving 4,000 students. Demographic trends for the
traditional college-age population are decidedly unfavor, able, community acceptance
has not been fully secured
and continuing legislative
support is subject to question." But, they pointed out,
the college is "fully aware of
these problems" and "has
moved to meet t h e m . . . "
Efforts to do so, reviewers
advised, "should be continued, intensified, coordin-

ated and be placed under
control of the very top of the
administration" which was
achieved through a major
reorganization plan drafted
by Evans and approved by
the Board of Trustees in
Commendations for "a
Rigorous, Solid Curriculum"
Offering superlative ratings
for a number of college
operations, reviewers felt
Evergreen deserved commendation on several counts:
"For bringing together and
supporting an intensely committed faculty.. .for encouraging in recent years extensive curricular planning...
for building a rigorous, solid
curriculum with a very high
level of intellectual content."
Additionally, accreditation
team members commended
Evergreen for "developing a
curricular grid which gives
structure and continuity, still
encourages innovation and
intellectual ferment and explains to the students the
potential of an Evergreen
Especially impressive, reviewers found, was Evergreen's capacity "for sustaining the intellectual engagement of students and faculty
. . .beyond limits of all but a
few academic communities."
Reviewers also noted that
Evergreen merited "high
praise" for "such powerfully
appealing intellectual commitment and purpose, together with the supporting
circular structure" which
emphasizes the "importance
of writing and language" and

"the essential truth that each
individual has primary and
vital responsibility for his or
her own intellectual development." Overall, reviewers
said the quality of the general arts and sciences curriculum represented what they
called "a remarkable achievement against fiscal, demographic and political1 odds,"
one that "should now give
the college the wholesome
self-esteem to know its full
worth, its limitations and
its future far more so than
most arts and sciences institutions in 1979."
The review team also took
time to praise Evergreen's
faculties, especially those
available to students in the
study areas of expressive
arts and natural sciences.
"The facilities and equipment
which are available on a dayto-day basis-in support of
the undergraduate'instructional programs are superior
to that which can be found
in any institutions of which
we have knowledge," they
Copies of the report may be
borrowed through the Evergreen Library. A comprehensive review of that document is also available
through the Office of College Relations.

'Evergreen passed
its reaccreditation
review wilh flying
colors, earning the




Summer School Schedule Set
Planning for the summer
schedule has been completed, according to Academic Dean Barbara Smith.
Thirty-two courses will be
offered during the 1980
Summer Session, which begins June 23 and continues
through September 5.
Opportunities to spend the
summer traveling and camping through France and
Spain are open to those who
enroll in "Pilgrimage to
Santiago," an academic program focusing on art and
architecture, and supplemented by readings in
medieval life and philosophy.
Faculty sponsor Gordon Beck
warns that the program "is a
real challenge and should not
be undertaken unless you're
willing to devote your entire

energy." Contact him for a
detailed prospectus giving
costs, itinerary, etc.
If you don't feel like a European tour this summer, but
wouldn't be content with an
ordinary course, you might
try the 1980 Summer Institute "Outlaws and Oddballs."
Over the June 27-29 weekend, institute participants
will examine the creative
"un-normal," the personaljties who rise to the occasion
when old myths and rituals
fail to provide equilibrium in
times of extreme cultural
At the other end of the spectrum is "Communication in
Complex Organizations," an
afternoon program meeting
the first five weeks of the
quarter. Students will learn

to look at complex organizations as communication
systems which require specific approaches to problemsolving.
Summer at Evergreen also
offers a seminar in education; music, video and photography classes; courses in
dream psychology and public
speaking; landscape drawing
(which meets in the Olympic
Mountains); and a geology
class with field trips to the
national parks of the West.
The full summer curriculum
First Five-Week Session
Fiction Workshop, Basic
Math and Computer Programming, Upward Bound, Coastal Natural History, Communi-

cation in Complex Organizations, Drawing from the
Landscape, Northwest Forests, Paradox of Progress,
Pilgrimage to Santiago,
Sonic Design and 20th Century Music, Visual Anthropology, Women in American
Society, and Individual
Second Five-Week Session
Dream Psychology, Public
Speaking, Environmental Design, Video for Beginners,
Chemistry, Geology of National Parks, Primitive Potter,
Writing, and Individual

Economics, Summer Photo
Institute, Women in Management, and Individual
Special Courses. Seminar in
Education: Current Topics in
Learning Resources, and the
1980 Summer Institute, Outlaws and Oddballs: Innovation, Deviance and Individual
Expression in Society.
The new summer catalog will
be published in February.
For a copy, write or call the
Admissions Off ice (866-6170).

Ten-Week Session. As You
Sow, Futurism, English
Novel, Russian, Computers
and BASIC, Accounting, Organizations (Vancouver Campus), Paradox of Progress,

NSF Funds Evergreen DMA Research
Evergreen faculty member Dr.
Elizabeth Kutter works at a
scientific frontier unexplored
and unsuspected a few years
ago. She's discovered no
"geo-stars" or other new
puzzles in the heavens, nor
any miracles of electronic
miniaturization which allow
more transistors to be packed
onto the head of a pin. But
her research takes her to an
uncharted universe in miniature. She's trying to coax
from a resourceful but microscopic virus its secret for reproducing through changing
the genetic coding of host
Now it may seem odd that
bacteria would play host to
viruses, but they don't do it
willingly—the result is fatal.
"My little virus looks like a
spaceship," Dr. Kutter jokes.
"It attaches itself to a bacterium and, like a syringe,
injects a long string of DNA
which uses on-site material
to "build" likenesses of itself
within the bacterium."

The close encounter ends
grimly, Dr. Kutter notes. "The
bacterium starts changing
immediately and 30 minutes
and several hundred new
viruses later, it explodes."
She points out that "the cell
is like a factory operating
under its own plans. Then
the virus injects the DNA
string, a whole new set of
plans. The main point of my
research is studying how the
cell can be made to "read"
virus plans and make virus
The research is conducted on
the microscopic level because of the complexity of
dealing with larger organisms. "But the processes are
similar," Dr. Kutter remarks,
"DNA acted as-a blueprint to
build that virus, just as it did
for you and me."

It's this closeness to basic
life processes which led to
controversy over certain
types of DNA research a few
years ago. The Evergreen
biophysicist was drawn into
regulatory efforts after scientists raised questions about
procedural safety in "recombinant" DNA projects, which
combine DNA from one
organism with the cells of
another. Researchers in the
field felt there might, for
example, be potential health
hazards from previously unknown virus strains. Acting
through the National Institute
of Health, they moved to set
up guidelines for further
Dr. Kutter, until recently a
member of the Institute's
Recombinant DNA Advisory
Committee, headed the subcommittee which drafted the
guidelines. The "Kutter
Draft," as it was called in a
Science magazine article,
was "composed on my dining
room table," says Dr. Kutter.
"After revisions, it eventually
became the guidelines for
conducting DNA research."
Helping Dr. Kutter draft
those guidelines were Stan
Falkqw of the University of
Washington Department of
Microbiology and Joe Sambrook of Coldspring Harbor
Labs, Long Island. (Coldspring Harbor is directed by
Jim Watson, discoverer of
the complex DNA structure.)

One element of the guidelines calls for review of project procedures by a Biosafety
Committee representing several academic disciplines and
other concerns. "The University of Washington, for
example, includes a minister
on their committee," points
out Dr. Kutter.
"There are still tight controls
over most of the research,"
says Dr. Kutter, though the
field isn't nearly so hazardous as the initial concern
seemed to indicate.
Dr. Kutter not only takes an
active interest in scientific
issues beyond her teaching
and research at Evergreen,
but also involves her students in the larger scientific
In early January, she and
several students attended a
meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science in San
Francisco. "A whole section
was devoted to genetic engineering of plants," she
recalls. "Some plants, such
as soybeans, return nitrogen
to the soil. It may be possible to alter other plants to
do the same kind of thing."
Another promising approach
is to alter other organisms to
"fix" nitrogen, such as an
algae that grows in rice
paddies. "This seems likely
to happen," she says, and
could help reduce our dependency on chemical fertilizers.
One of Dr. Kutter's former
students, Diane Morton,
recently published a paper in
the Journal of Virology,
based on her work on the
Evergreen DNA research project. Morton is now a graduate student in molecular
biology at the University of
Usually there are six students working on the project.
"All receive academic credit,"
Dr. Kutter says, "and we can
also pay some of them from
grant funds for the more
repetitive laboratory tasks."
Dr. Kutter's research at Evergreen has been funded for
the past five years by the
National Institute of Health
and by the National Science

Foundation. Last year, however, her grant was approved
but not funded due to a tight
money situation.
The Evergreen State College
Foundation offered an interim grant of $2,000 which
"allowed faculty member Dr.
Burton Guttman to keep the
lab going during my leave of
absence, pay some publication costs, and prepare a
new grant proposal," Dr.
Kutter says. "It's an enormous job to prepare a grant
proposal. This time we were
able to have outside reviews
by other scientists, which
contributed to its being
The new National Science
Foundation grant is for
$120,000 and runs for three
years, from July 1, 1979 to
June 30, 1982. The project is
now becoming fully operational again and a research
associate, Dr. Rolf Drivdahl
"has just accepted an appointment to supervise the
laboratory," Dr. Kutter remarks.
The focus of the work will be
learning how one organism,
such as a virus, can change
the genetic coding of another
organism. Researchers will
use radiation tags, scintillation counters and the electron microscope at the University of Washington. "The
Evergreen electron microscope is good for looking at
surfaces," Dr. Kutter says,
"but the University microscope is better suited for the
kind of work we're doing."
The Evergreen biophysicist
feels that what we learn in
this universe of the very
small will have important
benefits. Medicine and agriculture will be the most likely
beneficiaries. "The Lilly company has discovered a way to
make insulin from bacteria
which is very pure and
doesn't have the side-effects
of other types. I believe
they'll be marketing it soon;
that's good new for diabetics," she says.

Community Recreational
Planner. Superior Court Staff
Assistant. Media Coordinator. Pre-School Teacher.
Marketing Research Analyst.
Assistant Legislative Liaison.
Fish Culturist. Health
Screener/Clinic Coordinator.
Costume and Set Designer.
Ornithology Research
A list of jobs from the help
wanted section? No, but
close. These titles represent
just a sampling of the internship opportunities available
every quarter to qualified
Evergreen students.

To make sure internships do
just that, each intern works
closely with an on-campus
faculty sponsor, in addition
to their off-campus field
supervisor. Throughout the
internship, student and faculty confer to discuss progress, analyze problems and
share observations and
ideas. When possible, faculty
sponsors conduct on-site
visits to evaluate their students' experience firsthand
and to confer with the field

"Evergreen gave me the
ability to combine diverse
subjects and apply them to
decision-making factors that
can affect social change in
the health planning profession," he says. "My perspectives on the decision-making
process and on the importance of effective communication were well sharpened
and ready for use before I
began my internship."

As part of that preparation,
McCandless found he first
had to study the social, political, psychological and
historical positions business
and labor groups held on
health care delivery issues.
"I used skills I developed at
Evergreen to conduct the
research, develop an understanding of the health care
system, and figure out how
best to relate my findings
to business and labor. Those
groups were especially in-

"I want to be involved as a
health care administrator in
the health system because
I want to make that system
more sensitive, effective and
efficient," he says. "My
Evergreen education taught
me how to learn and emphasized that we're always
learning. Those lessons provide an excellent basis from
which to enter the health
planning profession."

During the past academic
year, 462 students participated in one or more quarters of internship, contributing more than 160,000 hours
of service to host businesses, agencies and organizations.

All internships don't end like
his. For many students,
placements lead directly to
jobs, rather than to advanced
training. A surprising number
of Evergreeners have landed
their first professional job
immediately upon graduation
with the employer they
worked for as an intern.

Benefiting from student help
were such varied employers
as family farms, large and
small businesses, museums,
volunteer agencies, artists'
studios, labor and professional organizations, television studios, newspapers,
schools, colleges and government agencies that span
the spectrum from large
federal operations to small
city and county services.

For others, like McCandless,
the internship directs them
to further study—possibly at
the graduate level or even
back to change the focus
of their undergraduate work
at Evergreen.

While the majority of these
internships were conducted
in southwest Washington,
student interns also expanded their skills through
service throughout Washington state and the nation.

As one intern commented,
"My experience gave me positive proof that I'd chosen the
wrong field. Once I began
working daily in the real
world, the job just wasn't
at all like I thought it was."

Offering talent, energy and
a fresh perspective to employers, Evergreen interns
gain more than on-the-job
training in return, Cooley is
quick to point out.

"Luckily, I found it out before
I graduated and was able to
come back and retool for a
profession more to my

"We make sure all internships offer students a chance
to gain work experience in
a variety of settings while
achieving academically sound
goals as documentable and
creditable as other learning
activities," Cooley says.

Steering away from routine,
errand-running kinds of jobs
that fail to offer a learning
challenge, Cooperative Education staffers seek placements which enable wellqualified students to master
and test new skills important
to their educational goals.

For all that, McCandless
says he "really enjoyed testing my skills in my internship." He found he had the
ability to perform successfully in the real world and
that "others recognized skills
I didn't know I had."The
internship gave him "a lot
of responsibility and a
chance to do something that
would be socially meaningful."
As a career bonus, the internship helped McCandless
focus on future employment
objectives. As a result, he's
now applying to graduate
school where he hopes to
earn an advanced degree in
health education and health

Defined as "opportunities for
students to achieve immediate academic objectives and
to progress toward longrange educational goals
through carefully planned
and closely supervised learning activities in 'real world'
environments," internships
are an integral part of the
Evergreen learning experience, according to Barbara
Cooley, director of the Office
of Cooperative Education.

She and her staff work closely with employers to secure
the right match between a
student's learning objectives
and qualifications and the
employer's needs and abilities to meet those objectives.

"Change just doesn't happen
as quickly as I thought it
could or should," he notes.

Cooley believes this kind of
close faculty-studentsupervisor communication
assures a valid learning
experience for students and
a successful placement for
the sponsors.
The end results, says Cooley,
are best explained by a veteran of the internship program, such as Keith
A December graduate,
McCandless found Evergreen's emphasis on interdisciplinary education, combined with the practical approach and internship offers,
amounted to a highly useful
commodity once he entered
the real world.

McCandless interned as a
research planning assistant
for a local health systems
agency. His project: to define and evaluate local business and labor concerns
about the health care system
in Puget Sound.

terested in how government
intervention and private sector concerns related to the
health care system and what
my agency's role was in
clarifying relationships between private and public
sectors," says McCandless.

Within one month, he was
required to develop a concept
of the project's objectives,
develop the necessary research instruments (questionnaires, interviewing
techniques, etc.), and become prepared to describe
the health care system to
his audience.

"It wasn't easy," he readily
admits. "In fact, it was
sometimes very frustrating.
I learned, however, that
working in a bureaucracy
is difficult but not insurmountable. I found that if I
hoped to play a productive
role in the community, I'll
have to stay there and work
at it."

Cooley believes the opportunity to test career goals in
a realistic manner is valuable, but not the primary
value of an internship. "Involvement in a well-planned,
carefully guided internship
is an optimal way for students to learn theory, methodology and skills related to
their academic objectives in
interdisciplinary studies,"
she pointed out.
Cooley also stressed that the
"internship program does a
beautiful job of extending
the college's resources to
the community and making
community resources available to students."

Photo: Barbara Cooley and Keith McCandless.

,v,v,v •


Meet the FoundationLeadership
The Evergreen State College
Foundation was founded in
1976 to promote and support
the educational goals and
objectives of the college by
attracting gifts and contributions from private sources:
individuals, corporations,
foundations and other organizations. Though still a
relatively young organization,
the Foundation has provided
vital support for scholarships, concert and lecture
series, faculty research, the
President's Fund and other
important activities.
In 1978, the Foundation's
outstanding "Tut Adventure"
brought many new friends
and supporters to Evergreen.Last fall the Foundation's
Annual Institute, entitled
"The Japanese Challenge:

Will Americans Bridge the
Trade Gap?," received high
acclaim for both the caliber
of the speakers ahd the content of the program.
Through a combination of
mail, phone and personal
contacts, the Foundation
seeks to attract Annual Fund
general support as well as
special support for needs in
areas such as athletics, art
and library acquisitions,
KAOS-FM radio programming, the Seawulff and
alumni activities. In addition,
the Foundation welcomes
gifts of securities, land, art,
books and other gifts-in-kind.
The persons who make the
Foundation go are the Board
of Governors, chaired by
Dennis H. Peterson, vice
president of Foster and




Marshall in Olympia. Other
Board members include
Deborah Creyeling, an alum- ,
na and handicap recreation
coordinator for Thurston
County Parks and Recreation ; Paf Emerson of the
University of Washington's
South Asia Office; Fred
Goldberg, president of Goldberg's Furniture; and Fred
Haley, president and chairman of Brown and Haley
candy makers.
Also serving are Dr. H.
'Eugene Hall, a Bellevue
pathologist; Walter Howe,
vice president for government relations at Weyerhaeuser ; George Kinnear,
a Mercer Island attorney;
and Isabelle Lamb of Enterprises International in
Hoquiam. The Board also includes John Murray, presi-

dent of Murray Publishing
Company; Mary Stevenson
of SDS Lumber Company in
Bingen; Philip Swain, director of educational relations,
training and development at
Boeing; and Jane Sylvester
from Seattle, who also serves
as a member of the college's
Board of Trustees.
Other members are: Joan
Thomas, chairman of the
Board of Tax Appeals; Walter
Williams, president of Continental, Inc.; Hal Wolf,
owner of Wolf's Shop-Rite
Food Center in Yelm; and T.
Evans Wyckoff, president of
Johnny Appleseed Company.

Ex-officio members are Dan
Evans, TESC president;
Robert Flowers, chairman of
the Board of Trustees; and
Sue Washburn, executive
director of the Foundation.
These men and women help
the college in innumerable
ways and invite your ideas
and suggestions on how they
can further contribute to that
special "margin of excellence" at Evergreen.

The two newest additions to
the Board are John McKibben, Clark County Commissioner, and Katherine
Bullitt of Seattle.



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Master's Degree Approved; Applications due March 1
Applications are now being
accepted for admission to
Evergreen's newly approved
master's degree program in
public administration, which
begins Fall Quarter, 1980.
Academic Dean Will Humphreys says the new program, Evergreen's first entry
into graduate studies, was
authorized in December by
the Council for Postsecondary Education and enables
the college to admit approximately 35 students for fulland part-time work next
Applications are due March 1
and those accepted into the
program will be notified by
April 15, following interviews
by a panel of Evergreen
faculty and staff.
The two-year graduate program offers what Dr. Humphreys calls a "rigorous,
high-quality professional
education in public administration, which seeks continued improvement of public
services in Washington state.

An Evergreen faculty team
headed by Humphreys and
Dr. Guy Adams designed the
program, with the assistance
of external reviewers and an
outside advisory board. The
new degree requires completion of 60 hours of coursework offered over five quarters for full-time students or
eight quarters for part-timers.
The entire program is characterized by what Dr. Adams
calls "the hallmark of an
Evergreen education—interdisciplinary, collaboratively
taught programs of study
organized around 'real world'
issues or problems." At the
center of the graduate studies
will be the Evergreen Seminar, offering "a small, highly
participative learning arrangement in which students engage an issue or a piece of
written work in a cooperative
but rigorous process of educational discourse," he
Graduate students will be
taught to develop clear and
effective oral and written
communication skills and

what Adams describes as
"traits of civil and ethical
responsibility, particularly a
public service orientation
that fosters among students
an understanding of the
effect various policies and
procedures have on the
Additionally, students will be
taught to develop or improve
their critical and analytical
abilities, to gain an integrated study of public policy
and administration and to
achieve an orientation toward
state and local government,
supported by case studies,
texts and examples grounded
in state and local administration.
Dr. Adams believes graduates
will be best prepared for developing or strengthening
those traits by completing
such courses as those
planned for 1980-81: The
Political and Economic
Context of Public Administration, Public Policy and Its
Administrative Implications,
Managing Human Resources,

Managing Fiscal Resources,
and a Summer Quarter internship in public administration.
Both Adams and Humphreys
point out these courses and
the two-year program have
been carefully designed
"within the context of Evergreen's historical mission."
Since the college was created
in 1967, Humphreys says,
"we have been dedicated
toward three major goals:
providing an innovative undergraduate liberal arts
program for the citizens of
Washington; serving the
educational needs of southwestern Washington, and
establishing a special educational relationship with
state government."
The new masters program
will offer, says Humphreys
"a renewed commitment" to
meeting both of the second
two goals. At the same time,
the program offers Evergreen
graduates an opportunity to
extend their education, fol-

lowing a pattern of study
with which they're already
familiar and accepting new
challenges as the college
breaks new academic ground.
Requirements for admission
to the new program include:
completion of a detailed
application form, forwarding
transcripts of all prior college study; scores of the
Miller Analogy Test; an
essay of less than 2,000
words; and a group interview. Toughest of the five
requirements is the essay.
Applicants select a public
policy issue, describe the
problem, obstacles, and indicate major competing
points of view; and then
support their alternative
All persons ready for a new
academic challenge are urged
to contact the Admissions
Office now (using the form
above if you like), in order to
beat the March 1 deadline.
Persons who apply after that
date will be considered on a
"space available basis" only.


• «

Newsletter of the Alumni Association


The Evergreen State College


Lives: Alums
& Politics

This article is the first in a series on Evergreen alums in different areas such as politics [this issue's topic], the arts,
communications, social services, etc. We welcome information, articles and editorials from our members, who include all
former students and Evergreen graduates. Please let us know
how you like this issue. Your comments or ideas are welcomed.

Dean Katz
"I think one of the most important things to do is to use
everything Evergreen has to offer. I think that means a blend
of academic experience and, also, real world experience."
Some people called him the "father of KAOS" (the campus
FM radio station). Others just knew him as Dean Katz.


A member of the first four-year graduating class from TESC,
Katz enrolled in the first-year "Communications and Intelligence" program, but found it "confusing" so he "sort of took
off on my own."
Taking off for Katz meant embarking on a series of individual
contracts and internships within state government and the
news media.
Today, Dean is the Washington, D.C., correspondent for
The Seattle Times and his by-line is read by well over 500,000
people daily.

Rep. Paul Conner and Rich Scheffel.
Rich Scheffel
Rich Scheffel, a 1973 Evergreen graduate, feels the single
most important aspect of the college was the opportunity
it gave him to "get practical experience while pursuing a
Scheffel, who studied Environmental Design and Urban Planning, is now a Research Analyst for the state Senate Research
"Up on the hill you still get the jokes about graduating from
Evergreen and there is somewhat of a stigma about the college, but it doesn't bother me," Scheffel said. "I've found that
the ability to perform is much more important than the school
you graduated from."

"Sometimes I feel that I didn't get, academically, as good an
education as I might have at another school, but that is always
something that can be made up. That was more my choice, I
think, than anything Evergreen did or didn't do for me," Katz
said in a telephone interview.
"At that point in my life it was important for me to deal with
a lot of things that did not necessarily relate to education. I
think Evergreen faculty and staff people were aware that that
represents an important part of going to school—as important
as anything you may learn in an academic sense."
As a former reporter assigned to the Olympia-Capitol beat,
Katz believes Evergreen will always face some political difficulties because "it's a state-operated school and it has to be
accountable to the public," Katz said. 'To that extent it will
always be something of a political football."
He said that his experiences at Evergreen are still very important and that he owes
quite a lot to the college.
"Many of the people I graduated with in 1975 have turned
out to be incredibly creative
in the arts, business and
other professions," Katz
said. "I think things are
always extremely creative in
the first years of any new
institution, whether it's a
school, business or anything
else, and it's a good feeling
for me. . .something I can
brag about."

He said the internship programs offered at Evergreen gave him
the upper hand since, "when I graduated I already had two
years experience under my belt.
"If you establish realistic career objectives and stick to those
objectives it always seems as though you get to where you
intended to go."

John Paul Jones III
John Paul Jones (73) has nothing but good things to say
about Evergreen and his experiences with the college.
"What I learned at Evergreen in the two years I attended has
stuck with me longer than the previous two years I spent at a
community college," Jones said.
As a member of the 1971 Environmental Design coordinated
studies program and the Urban Studies group contract,
J. P. Jones learned that, "the best place to go is where the
decisions are made."
Now Administrative Assistant to Senate Majority Leader
Gordon Walgren, Jones is not only where the decisions are
made, but is part of the decision-making process.

J. P. Jones, Admin. Assistant to Senate Majority Leader
Gordon Walgren.

"When I started, I thought I knew something about the Legislature but I really didn't.. .it truely is the branch of state
government that is closest to the people," Jones said. "In
government service you are not going to get rich, but it is
rewarding personally and you can make a decent wage with
the feeling, on occasion, that you have really helped some

Dwayne Slate
Dwayne Slate, a 1973 graduate of Evergreen, said the college
has given him the ability to develop methods of learning that
have become invaluable in everyday living.
"I think the most important thing Evergreen taught me was
how to deal with people on all levels, in competitive and noncompetitive situations," Slate said in a short interview outside
the State Capitol. "Seminars rather than classrooms, discussions rather than tests, and cooperation rather than biting
competition comprise the style that is unique to Evergreen."
While at Evergreen, Slate worked in government service as
both an intern and an individual contract student. He is now
Senior Research Analyst for the House Democratic Caucus.

Jones said the biggest thing that Evergreen has given its
students is the ability to look at a problem, dissect it, and
try to put everything back together.
AlumNews is the official
publication of The Evergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen Review.
Editor: Lee Riback
Contributing Writers: Gary
Mozel, Russ Hauge, Doug
Ellis, Bob Butts, Jill Fleming,
Skip Berger, Randy Ray, Bob
Crocker, Aynn Fuqua, Andy
Winter, 1980. Issue 3, Volume 2, Number 2. Send
inquiries to the Editor,
c/o Alumni Office, Library
3103, The Evergreen State
College, Olympia, WA 98505.

"Politics is competitive. There are times when you have to be
competitive and times when you have to be cooperative. Even
though Evergreen was not run on the competitive level, the
tools it gives you allow you to compete when you have to,"
Jones pointed out.
One of the founders of the Alumni Association, Jones said he
would like to see the organization work on both a social and
professional level, simultaneously offering some assistance
to the college.
"On a professional level I would like to see the Alumni Association do a few things such as seminars or speeches and
develop a lecture series. A lot of things are happening in
government and private enterprise. I think it would be useful
for people who have gone out to work in certain areas to come
back and kind of get their batteries recharged."
J. P. Jones, Admin. Assistant to Senate Majority Leader
Gordon Walgren.

Rep. Dennis Heck (also an alum), Rep. At Bauer (Demo
Caucus Leader) and Dwayne Slate.
"The one thing I would stress to current students and recent
Evergreen graduates is to learn and use all that the school
has to offer," Slate said. "It is vital to learn how to learn and
to set objective goals. If you have those two things going for
you', then it is hard not to finish what you set out to do."


The following Evergreen
graduates no longer have an
address on file with the
Alumni Association, and
we'd like'to reestablish contact with them. If you know
the whereabouts of anyone
on the list (or anyone else
who has not been hearing
from us), please send their
current address. If you're the
one afflicted with wanderlust, please keep us informed—your Alumni Association cares about where
you are and what you're
up to.
Adams, John 76
Allen, Thomas 73
All red, Susan 74
Ammons, Terry 78
Anderson, Angela 77
Anderson, Oscar 78
Ansart, Thomas 77
Anthony, Elluage 77
Arcorace, Sandy 75
Asbjornsen, Odd 73
Atkins, Craig 79
Atkinson, Frank 78
Austin, Jane 74
Baines, Patricia 75
Baker, Ralph 73
Baldwin, Barbara 74
Ball, Carol 75
Barker, Dennis 73
Barnett, Daniel 76
Basabe, Felix 74
Baseden, Kathleen 74
Baugher, Bradley 76
Beagle, Martin 78
Beck man n, James 75
Benecke, Franklin 73
Bennett, Ramona 75
Berger, Kenneth 76
Beyer, Susan 77
Biedermann, Martin 78
Birdinground Jr, A. 74
Blanchard, James 73
Blattner, Nicholas 75
Blumenfeld, Mark 77
Boley, Albert 76
Bolliger, Steven 74
Booth. Catharine 74
Bosted, Marta 77
Boyd, Jeffrey 78
Boyle, Bruce 73
Bradley II, R. 75
Breeden, Linda 76
Brennan, Diane 75
Brenton, Becky 76
Bridges, Phillip 73
Bridwell, Bruce 73
Briggs, Elizabeth 74
Brooks, Linn 73
Brooks, Melissa 76
Brown, Melissa 74
Brown, Tracey 77
Bruck, Peter 74
Brungardt, Robert 73
Burch, Valarie 77
Burnham, Janet 76
Butler, Jannelle 77
Calambokidis, John 79
Calderon, Alfred 75
Caldwell, Benjamin 75
Call en, Jay 75

A Bird in the Binocs

Alum Notes

A Bird in the Binoculars Is Worth Two in the Field Guide

April West (78) is Director of the Third World Coalition at The
Evergreen State College.

by Gary Mozel (75)
How many kinds of birds live around the Evergreen campus?
Three hardy and/or foolhardy birdwatchers spent December 22
finding out, as part of the Audubon Society's annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC).
Every Christmas season, tens of thousands of Auduboners in
over 1200 locations around the world census their communities' birds for the annual CBC. By comparing these worldwide counts from year to year, trends in bird populations and
ranges can be calculated.
This was the second year the local Black Hills Audubon chapter participated in the CBC. Several dozen observers around
Thurston County scoured land and water from sunup to sundown on the 22nd.
I covered the TESC campus and vicinity, along with Michael
"Lucky" Eames and student Deanna Frost. Dry, partly sunny
and relatively warm weather inspired identification of 45
species within the count area, including the only Savannah
sparrow- seen by any Olympia observer. (These sparrows typically winter further south.) The crew also spotted one each of
the sparsely observed yellow-rumped warbler and yellowbellied (a.k.a. red-breasted) sapsucker. The most abundant
bird was the surf scoter—nearly a hundred of these ducks
were seen in the Snyder Cove/Geoduck House area alone.
Also numerous were the robin, Oregon junco, chestnut-backed
and black-capped chickadees (see illustration), ruby-crowned
and golden-crowned kinglets, and common crow. Not observed
this year, but seen in the area during last year's CBC, were
the ruffed grouse and red-tailed hawk.
I will return to the TESC area next December on behalf of the
third annual Olympia CBC. Binding cohorts—amateur to
expert—are warmly invited to join the effort by calling the
Black Hills Audobon Society at 352-7299.

Elena Perez (75) is a counselor/job developer for Work Options for Women (W.O.W.) in Olympia.
Thomas Ybarra (74) is Director of Upward Bound at The Evergreen State College.
Bobby Frazier (75) is a case manager for T.A.S.C. (Treatment
Alternatives to Street Crime) in Tacoma.
John Hennessey III (77) lives in Concord, New Hampshire, and
is an economic development planner for the New Hampshire
Office of State Planning.
Carmen Doerge (75) repairs and refinishes antique furniture in
Portland, Oregon.
Debbie Gilbert (74) is a dancer at the Whistlestop Dance Co.
in Seattle.
Libby (Lastrappes) Hunter (75) is an office manager with
Spokane (Washington) Legal Services.
Erin Kennedy (78) is a graduate student in musical theater at
New York University.
Rick Ricks (76) is an attorney in a drug defense law firm in
Washington, D.C.
Claudia D. Brown (75) has recently completed requirements
for a Master of Science in Broadcast Journalism from Boston
University's School of Public Communication.
Bill Freeburg (76) is a corporate auditor for Seattle-First
National Bank in Seattle.
Bill Hucks (79) works for the Casper Star-Tribune, Wyoming,
in a position that was made permanent after his internship
expired. He plans to attend graduate school to study business
administration next fall.
Charles Rayner (73) is a salesman in Portland, Oregon.
Jann Gilbertson (77) is a student and teaching assistant in the
Masters of Business Administration program at the University
of Washington.
Carrilu Thompson (75) is director of ALIVE, a women's shelter
program in Bremerton.


by Russ Hauge

About a month before the annual reunion of Evergreen alumni,
the planning committee met at the biggest table of one of
Tacoma's nicer restaurants. The last of a long series of meetings, it was highlighted by hearty drinking and congratulations
all around on the way the reunion weekend was shaping up.

students: a tree-and-brush landscape, the kind of lush green
growth that springs from well-watered gravel and honest mud.
It would be perfect for coaxing along daydreams and reminiscenses if someone grew bored with the discussion.

Food, facilities and the required volumes of beer and wine had
all been arranged. The slate of activities included a party Friday night; a Saturday morning meeting and, to compensate
for the tedium, an afternoon of games and drinking; and then
a Sunday morning to recover. Everything was set until someone said, "But I don't want to play softball all afternoon on
Saturday." It wasn't a position we had considered.
There was really nothing else to do Saturday afternoon. "A
crisis," said some. "Poor planning," said others. The rest of
us countered with "Who cares?"
Gail Martin, Coordinator of Career Planning and Placement,
brought the matter into focus when she said, "You're leaving
put a traditional Evergreen method of having fun: talking and
listening." She was right.
We decided to remedy the oversight and, after assurances
from Gail, I volunteered to set up something for Saturday
afternoon. Bob Butts also offered to help, which made meetings convenient since we both attended the UW.
This new wrinkle in the programming offered an opportunity to
involve the faculty in the reunion. On Gail's advice about hot
topics at Evergreen, we chose the family as a theme—a natural choice if we wanted faculty interest and something which
would appeal to men and women pur age. Friends and acquaintances had spent time experimenting with family relationships, and some had taken serious lumps along the way.
At Bob's suggestion, we added the search for career roles,
complicating the topic and introducing conflicts we all felt in
our own lives. The double issues were sure to breed lively
The choice of format wasn't so simple. A real seminar wouldn't
do; top many people might show up. I favored a lecture, a
heresy instilled, I suppose, by a year at the University. We
settled on a panel discussion, both because the topic invited
the participants' personal involvement, and because we wanted
to recreate that spirit of fun that marked learning at Evergreen.
The plan was to start with short talks by faculty, move into a
semiformal question-and-answer period, and hope for degeneration into the classic, free-for-all Evergreen seminar.
Sue Washburn, Director of Development, recruited David Marr,
Stephanie Coontz, Russ Foxx and Carolyn Dobbs for the faculty panel. Bob assembled an attractive "program book" from
our essay on the topic and responses from faculty participants. The budget precluded wine and cheese, but we did have
home-made cookies and someone promoted coffee pots from
summer-vacant offices. I got tapped as moderator, a catch-all
title for one who moves furniture and grants the right to speak
to those who wave their hands most violently.
The setting, a third-floor lounge in the northwest corner of the
library, was good for what we had planned. The all-glass north
and east walls look out over a scene familiar to Evergreen

I was reminded of another aspect of Evergreen when I arrived
Saturday. Folding chairs for 80 were set up facing a blank
wall—the only blank wall available.
Alone, and with only a 30-minute margin, I did a very quick
reorientation. Stephanie Coontz showed up, looked at the
chairs now facing the windows, and said, "It certainly doesn't
look very Evergreenish, does it." Well, it didn't, but it turned
out to be good enough. We weren't, after all, trying to recreate
Evergreen, just remember it.
If the seating was un-Evergreen, the participants were not.
There was a familiarity, an impression of deja vu. In some, it
was style of dress: sleek colors combined with timber-cruiser
practicality. It was the way some unconsciously draped over
or curled up in their chairs, settling in for an afternoon of talk.
And it was the way people fell back into the dialect peculiar to
Evergreen, the combination of scholar, bureaucrat and spacecase. There was a change of manners, though. We were less
inclined to blow cigarette smoke in each other's faces and
more likely to wait our turn to speak.
Stephanie led off the faculty talks with an exhortation to carry
on the struggle against machinations of the capitalist state.
Russ and Carolyn then prescribed family involvement, community activism and hard work to cure the ills of life in contemporary America. David closed by warning us of the state's
subtle campaign to assume traditional family responsibilities
and so co-opt individual rights.
A good mix of perspectives—most of us apparently had
bumped into or used those concepts. We listened as an
audience and then commented and questioned confidently.
One man told us, from personal experience, about how
behind-the-scenes decisions affect government and corporate policy. Several men and women spoke of everyday efforts
to make their communities an active part of their lives, something more than a gauntlet to run on the way to work and then
again to reach the safety of home. Some talked of commitment to the care of others, our children and others in need
of strength.
We were not looking for answers, but offering personal solutions to the problems of responsibility and finding a place in
the world. We told our stories and learned from each other.
Not every moment crackled with ideas. People wandered in
and out, and we filled some minutes only with the sounds of
our voices. Still, most of us there when time ran out were
sorry to break it off. We milled around, renewing acquaintances and pursuing points of special interest. Everyone was
smiling in a relaxed, wistful way—like they wished all they
had to do next was collect their books before heading back
to the dorms.

Cameron, James 73
Casey, Kathleen 75
Cashman, Helene 77
Cash man, James 78
Casson, Murray 78
Castro, Edward 73
Catherine, Susan 72
Cencich, Nicholas 77
Chaffey, Thomas 75
Chambers, Lee 74
Chappie, Susan 73
Chew, Gordon 77
Christensen, Beverlee 76
Christensen, Lydia 75
Christiansen, Erik 76
Chukwu, Jude 76
Chupa, James 78
Claffy, Laura 76
Clark, Barbara 75
Clark, Kathleen 78
Clark, Mathew 79
Cleven, Dennis 77
Clouse, Sheila 75
Clow, Margaret 75
Coapstick, Carl 76
Coates, Melva 75
Cohen, Michael 77
Compton, Linn 72
Corcoran, Glenn 78
Corcoran, Joseph 76
Corgan, Lloyd 73
Cornett, Deborah 75
Corsa, Stuart 75
Cort, Steven 73
Couchee, Renee 74
Cox, Douglas 75
Crawford, Marianna 77
Crouch-Barber, Susan 77
Crouch, Michael 76
Crowder, William 73
Cubbage, James 77
Cubberly, Scott 76
Culbertson, Russell 75
Cummings, Patricia 77
Cuthbert, Barbara 75
Dale, Lois 78
Darger, Janet 76
Darst, Hal 76
Daugherty, Virginia 77
Davidson, Randall 77
Davis, Joy 75
Dawn. Aubrey 77
Dawn, Miranda 78
Day, Linda 74
Delorme. Linda 76
ion, James 74
ering, Cheryl 76
Deuter, Robert 75
Diaz, Catherine 73
Dickson, Pollard 73
Diede, Phil 79
Dinwiddie, Sheila 74
Dodge, John 76
Doering, David 74
Dorsey-Travis, Edwina 75
Drumheller, Karen 74
Dugdale, Graham 78
Dukelow, Glenn 73
Ehrlich, Gerald 73
Eickstaedt, Scott 77
Eiford, Judie 75
Eldred, Raymond 75
Eliason, Faie 78
Engles, William 77
Ennis, Margaret 77
Epstein, Lynn 78
Ettinger, David 74
Fairbanks, Richard 77
More Alums Next Issue

Your Board

Committee News

idkeS a HlKe

Program Committee

Record-Keeping Committee

by Robert Butts

The Program Committee will sponsor a workshop for potential
and fledgling small-business persons on Saturday, March 1,
at TESC. The workshop will draw on resource persons from
the Olympia business community and TESC faculty and alumni. Attendance is limited and preregistration is required.

The aptly named Record-Keeping Committee is assembling
the "definitive" alumni mailing list. We're pulling together
information scattered among a half-dozen TESC offices, and
working hard to narrow the list of 600 "lost" alums (see list
elsewhere in this newsletter). The "Grand Plan" is to publish
our efforts as an alumni directory, ready in time for this year's
annual meeting/reunion. To achieve this, we'll need lots to
help compiling data this summer—volunteers are solicited and
appreciated! The committee will attempt to contact all alums
to verify addresses and obtain publishing consent.

The scene would be familiar
to anyone who has attended
Evergreen. The army surplus
dishes were washed and put
away, sleeping bags were
rolled, bunkrooms were
swept out, and bleary-eyed
people fumbled for their car
keys and drove off into the
rain. After two long days and
nights, the retreat was over.
This gathering, however, was
slightly different. It was not
a program, staff or faculty
retreat, but a retreat of the
Alumni Association's Board
of Directors along with some
spouses, friends and children.
The outing, held in late October near Mount Rainier, was
intended to provide the Board
an opportunity to establish
the goals of the Association,
to develop a committee structure, to begin moving on the
Association's work programs
By all accounts, the retreat
was an overwhelming success, but it did not come
Controversy arose during discussions of the financial
management of the Association, the Association's relationship to the college, and
possible incorporation of the
Association as a nonprofit
organization. After a prolonged debate, the Board
hammered out a resolution
expressing the Association's
intent to be a financially independent organization. It
was decided to direct a committee to explore the issues
in-depth and to find answers
to a number of questions.
Although less controversial,
but equally important, a
committee structure was
approved and chairpersons
were selected. Also, work
programs for several of the
committees were adopted
and projects suggested for
other committees.

Possible future events include a lecture/discussion series, the
second annual reunion, and an outdoor recreational trip. We
welcome your suggestions and input.
Jill Fleming, (76) Chair
10019 40th SW
Seattle, WA98146
935-9327 evenings

Financial Affairs Committee
The Alumni Association now has a standing committee on
Financial Affairs. It was initially conceived to make some
sense of the'accountijig systems grafted onto the Association
by the college and to'develop a program of sound fiscal management.
The decisions reached at the retreat in November added the
tasks of investigating the Association's relationship with the
college and determining the best ways to implement a program of financial independence. This will involve such projects
as incorporating the Association into a private, nonprofit body,
determining a program of internal fund raising and establishing procedural policies with the college.
Though this may seem a bit dry, it really will be an exciting
part of the Association's work in the coming year. If you are
interested in assisting with the committee's work, please
Joe Dear (76) Chair
3811 Pifer Road
Olympia, WA 98501
943-5992 evenings

Regional Coordinating Committee

As a stopgap measure until directory time, the Alumni Office
is offering a mail-forwarding service. If you've lost track of a
fellow alum, write her/him a letter or note and send it to the
Alumni Office with a brief cover note. Bonnie Marie, our
intrepid staffer, will forward your correspondence to the prodigal alum's last known address.
If you'd like to help with the directory, contact:
Gary Mozel (75) Chair
4270 Whitman North
Seattle, WA98103
633-1909 even ings

Communications Committee
This group is charged with Association publications and other
external communications. This first AlumNews of the year is
tangible proof we are doing our job. If you would like to help
put this newsletter together or just add a word or two, please
feel free to drop us a line. The committee is seeking contributing editors and regular writers.
Coming up this year are proposals to organize a speaker's
bureau and publish a small pamphlet on the Alumni Association. Many projects are possible; if you'd like to help, contact:
Lee Riback (75)
2041 13th Ave. W.
Seattle, WA98119
283-5109 evenings

Admissions Committee

The Board of Directors has established an ad-hoc committee
to bring together some ideas for building contacts with groups
of alums from areas not yet served by the Association. We
hope to develop programs for groups in such areas as Spokane, Port Angeles, Portland, Vancouver, Grays Harbor and

The Admissions Committee coordinated alumni participation
in January's "College Night" receptions, sponsored by the
Admissions Office, for high school counselors, principals,
and prospective students and their parents.

If you are interested in either type of participation, please

The Committee also wrote to Evergreen grads asking each of
them to suggest two persons who might be interested in
receiving information about the college.

Terry Oliver (73) Chair
4303 NE 14th Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98663
694-0638 evenings

Legislative Affairs Committee

This committee is responsible for researching, developing and
recommending positions on legislative programs and priorities
Clayton Sturgis, one of Ever- to the Board of Directors of the Association. The committee is
also responsible for the operation of any programs in its area.
green's first employees (he
was patrolling the campus
The committee is working with the college's Alumni Office to
when it was still a trailer
establish and maintain a legislative network designed to alert
village), was elected the
Association's first Honorary alumni on issues of importance to the Association. During the
legislative session, we will cosponser with the Evergreen College Community Organization (ECCO), a reception for key
legislators at President Evan's home.
The Board will meet again
Spring Quarter.
If you are interested in developing and participating in the
committee's programs, please contact:
Bob Crocker (73) Chair
5602 N. 40th
Tacoma, WA 98407
858-9109 days; 473-1126 evenings

Possible future activities include identifying alumni willing to
act as contact people; organizing and staffing TESC booths in
shopping malls and county fairs; and conducting training
sessions for alumni involved in recruiting activities. If you'd
like to become involved or have good ideas for the Admissions
Committee to consider, contact:
Joyce Weston (76) Chair
721 Burr Road
Olympia, WA 98501
866-6391 days; 352-7165 evenings

Small is Beautiful
"Small Business in the 80s" is the central theme of a seminar
to be offered Saturday, March 1, by the Alumni Association.
The all-day affair will start at 9 a.m. and close with a no-host
social hour beginning about 5 p.m.
The seminar, designed for those who have recently opened
their own business or have projects in the planning stage, is
the first in a series of activities being scheduled by the association's newly-formed Program Committee. Evergreen grad
Kevin Phillips (76) of Olympia is coordinating the event.
Faculty, Evergreen grads and community professionals will
offer their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges
facing small businesses in the coming decade. The morning
will be seminar format, with keynote speakers considering
such topics as the economic outlook for small business and
how our changing lifestyles affect future trends for serviceoriented businesses.
A buffet lunch will feature a panel of Evergreen grads describing their successes and failures in the business world. Afternoon workshops will draw upon the experience of local professionals in accounting, law, banking and insurance.
Enrollment is limited to 75 and registrations must be received
by February 22. The $15 fee for Evergreen alumni includes
seminar materials and a buffet lunch. The registration fee for
other participants will be $25.
To register, or for more information, contact Bonnie Marie,
Alumni Office, The Evergreen State College, Olympia,
WA 98505 (206) 866-6565.

Off Season for Geoducks
This fall launched a new era
in Evergreen's history—
intercollegiate athletics.
Soccer and swimming were
the school's first entries
into formal competition.
The teams drew upon several
years of experience in intramural sports and, in the case
of soccer, prior participation
in the non-collegiate Southwest Washington Soccer
Ivan Raznevich, former member of the Yugoslavian national team, was named
soccer coach. Olympia resident Don Martin brought 15
years' experience to the
position of swim coach.
The soccer squad performed
well during the early season,
besting local rivals Valley
Villa, Pacific Lutheran University (one win, one tie),
and Saint Martin's College.
The Geoducks appeared to
be on their way to a triumphant first season. Then
Coach Raznevich, who had

played in two games and had
fielded athletes who were
technically ineligible, was
dismissed by Athletic Director Pete Steilberg, following
the Geoduck's defeat by
Central Washington University in mid-season.
Team members continued
the season, opting to share
coaching duties. Determined
but inexperienced, the young
squad finished the season
with four losses. The team's
final tally: three wins, four
losses and one tie.
Soccer will make another
appearance at Evergreen this
spring when the Geoducks
resume regular play in the
Southwest Washington Soccer Association, which includes teams sponsored by
schools, businesses, and
organizations, and functions
like the "city leagues" in
other sports.

Official intercollegiate soccer
play will probably begin this
fall if Evergreen is admitted
to the northwest conference
of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association. The
college expects to hire a new
soccer coach and this spring
hopes to bring many of this
season's veteran athletes
back next year.
Unlike the soccer team, the
swim team had few athletes
with previous experience in
competition. During the first
month, coach Martin concentrated on conditioning and
basic techniques for competition.
On the eve of the first meet
November 28 against Pacific
Lutheran University, the
swimmers were just learning
how to start from blocks and
how to correctly swim a
relay. The athletes were
nervous and excited during
the meet, and although both
men and women were decisively defeated, team morale
remained high.

A week later a much more
polished Geoduck team competed at Highline Community
College. The women staged a
come-from-behind victory by
winning the final event, the
400-yard freestyle relay. The
men had only four entrants
and were convincingly defeated.
On January 18, the Geoducks
faced Highline again, for the
first intercollegiate swim
meet held in the college's
11-lane pool. The Evergreen
women's team narrowly
missed repeating its earlier
victory, winning five events
but trailing overall by 49-58.
The understaffed men's team
could only compete in a few
events and lost 14-74.

Winter Quarter competition
go'foff to an uneven start.
Heavy snowfalls caused cancellation of the first home
meets and many swimmers
were unable to practice during their Christmas vacations. Since their return, the
team's ten women and two
men have been practicing
twice a day and all are ready
for their final month of competition in February.
As the Review went to press,
the Geoducks were preparing
to face Whitman College in
Walla Walla on January 25
and Eastern Washington
University and Montana State
University in Spokane on
January 26. The season concludes February 9 at Evergreen with a 2 p.m. triangular meet pitting the Geoducks
against Washington State
University and Eastern Washington University.
Ken Phillipson, an Evergreen
senior, serves as the college's sports information
writer and as a Geoduck

Legislative Update: 1980
January 14 marked the opening day of the very first evenyear regular session in the
history of the Washington
Legislature. Last November,
Washington voters approved
a measure which called for
60-day sessions in even years
and 105-day sessions in odd
years, altering the 80-year
practice of regular sessions
once a biennium. The legislative session may exceed 60
days only by a two-thirds
vote of the membership, or
by call of the governor,
events unlikely in this
election year.
At least three legislative
leaders are seriously considering statewide office. Cospeakers John Bagnariol and
Duane Berentson are looking
at the governor's race, while
Senate Majority Leader

Gordon Walgren is a probable candidate for attorney
general. The year 1980 will
also see an intense battle
between Republicans and
Democrats for control of the
House, and a Republican
effort to reduce the Democratic majority in the Senate.
With all these factors, only
subjects of highest priority
and statewide interest are
likely to be considered
this session.
Evergreen brings an enviable
record of accomplishment to
this session. Its recent reaccreditation report was
highly laudatory and many
Council for Postsecondary
Education recommendations
for improving enrollment
have been successfully implemented. A three-year
enrollment decline was re-

toy Lester Eldridge
versed, with the college
posting gains in total enrollment 3.5 times the national
average. The Fall Quarter total of 2514 represents more
than an eight percent increase
over Fall Quarter, 1978.
Outreach programs in Vancouver and Port Angeles and
the teachers certification
offering were distinctly successful. A Master of Public
Administration program was
approved for Fall Quarter,
1980. Increased variety in
part-time offerings for Thurston County residents pushed
part-time enrollment up
37 percent over the same
time last year. These achievements are a good basis on
which to express Evergreen's
needs for the coming two

Evergreen has requested
appropriations for several
capital projects, plus funds
for an authorized but unappropriated increase in faculty salaries. The college
must also cover an anticipated shortfall in energy
funds due to utility rate increases. These requests will
be among the college's highest priorities during the
1980 session.
Funding prospects are dim,
however. It's a short legislative session, and it's an
election year.
The governor's budget recommended an appropriation
for roof repair on the library
and seminar buildings, but
talk in the Legislature at this
writing indicates there may
be no supplemental budget

considered. Evergreen and
other institutions of higher
education will still attempt to
advance their requests for
the supplemental budget. At
the very least, we will be
able to lay a good base of
understanding and information for consideration of the
biennial budget in the 1981
Informing legislators and
their staffs of our progress
over the past year cannot
help but benefit the college
in forthcoming sessions. The
role of alumni, parents and
friends in this information
process is an extremely important one. The college is
grateful for the enthusiasm
and aid continually received
from Evergreen supporters.

ird World Coalitbn Serves Campus & Community
The Third World Coalition
functions as Evergreen's
minority affairs office,
though it didn't start out
that way. Its origins are, in
fact, unusual for similar
offices within educational
April West, the current coordinator, explains, "Student
members from the nonwhite
student organizations formed
the Coalition soon after the
college opened; it didn't
become an administrative
unit until several years later.
I think such offices are rarely
student-initiated. More often,
they're tied to the college's
Affirmative Action or Educational Opportunity Program
West was one of the first
students involved in the
organization, called the Minority Coalition at that time.
(The name was later changed
to Non-White Coalition, and
then to Third World Coalition
in 1975.)
"Students were committed to
the Coalition," she recalls.
"It's not quite the same now.
The mood on campus is different and the full-time staff
performs much of the work
formerly done by student
That work includes a wide
variety of activities, from
program development to cosponsoring campus-wide
cultural events; from budget
hearings to working with
school counselors on student
West, who was hired as
coordinator in October, 1978,
says, "There are ongoing
concerns such as acting as
an advocate for Third World
interests at Evergreen, a
year-long events program
planned through a survey of
student interests each fall,
and numerous projects
geared to specific needs."
One of those special projects
is the small but successful
Big Brother/Big Sister program. "Some students just
want to hide out when they
come here, especially if they
don't feel at ease in the college environment," explains
West, an Evergreen graduate
and formerly a student employee for the Third World

"We try to have an older student act as an informal advisor—acquaint new students
with campus facilities, help
with academic work, and in
other ways make the transition to college smoother."
The effort has paid off—all
the new students who participated last year are back at
Evergreen again this year.
"The Coalition Board, which
meets alternate Tuesdays,
also helps coordinate the
yearly program of cultural
events, usually co-sponsored
by all the Third World student groups: NASA, MEChA,
Ujamaa and the Asian Coalition," says West.
Other efforts include participation in college decisionmaking to assure that Third.
World concerns are addressed; involvement in student, faculty and staff recruitment; and maintaining
contacts around the state to
increase the Evergreen presence in Third World communities.

These activities, West points
out, are often a matter of
"keeping in touch with community organizations about
employment and internship
possibilities through Evergreen, talking to prospective
students and providing input
for college policies."
Special projects have included a Non-White Programs Disappearing Task
Force in 1974 which provided
a comprehensive analysis of
the college's efforts to meet
Third World needs, and publication of the Third World
Survival Manual, an excellent
guide to Evergreen and
Olympia for any student. The
Coalition also publishes a
monthly newsletter containing news, events, student
profiles, art and creative
The Third World Coalition
office is in the library building, with a meeting room and
small study lounge nearby.
The lounge houses the Coalition's library, which subscribes to a number of Third

World periodicals. "We tend
toward the alternative press,"
says West, "to supplement
the fairly good college library
holdings in Third World and
foreign language periodicals."
Staff includes the coordinator, a secretary and usually
one work-study student who
plans workshops. "We try to
feature a number of workshops in our programs—we
can usually interest a college
staff member in the idea, so
the workshops don't cost
anything and students learn
a lot about essential campus
facilities and services," West
One continuing concern is
student retention and West
spends a number of hours
each week advising students
and handling referrals. "Much
of our advising is informal,"
she says. "Students drop by
the office because they can't
get into school, can't find a
sponsor, or because they
want advice on programs,
financial aid, housing and
so forth."

West, who was previously
employed by the Asian American Alliance in Tacoma,
would like to expand the Coalition's outreach programs
and views Evergreen's increasing part-time offerings
as helpful.
"Many Third World people
would like to attend college
but can't drop jobs or other
commitments to enroll fulltime. In my own case, I went
on leave after finishing an
internship, started working in
Tacoma, and probably could
not have returned to campus
to complete degree requirements. I was able to graduate, though, through the
Tacoma Seminar taught by
faculty member Maxine
Mimms, and the 'Community Organizations' program,
one of Evergreen's first dual
night-and-day offerings. Both
programs were valuable because they served the needs
of such a variety of people,"
says West.

Photo: April West, Coordinator of the Third World Coalition.

Art Arises from the Drifts
Winter Quarter lived up to its
name with enthusiasm in
early January as more than
12 inches of snow covered
the Evergreen campus, closing the college for one day
and requiring early closures
on two others.
Despite the difficulties imposed by the white stuff,
students found creative ways
to express themselves, using
what nature so obligingly left
behind in ample supply.
Snow sculptures dotted the
campus, ranging from two
dinosaurs and three impressive snow people on the
central campus plaza, to a
variety of animals and other
creatures on the playfields.
An industrious and cooperative crew from the eighth
floor of Residence Hall A
crafted a mighty dragon,
which they carefully colored
with food dyes. To keep their
creature company, the ingenious Greeners also created a geoduck, giraffe,
numerous gargoyles, and
what photographer Tracey
Hamby called "exquisite
small snow sculptures resembling ancient Greek art."
An igloo was also constructed and the entire menagerie
was topped off by an enchanting snow person climbing one of the campus trees.


But, by the beginning of the
second week of the quarter,
most Evergreeners were
probably more than ready to
return to conditions more
typical of Western Washington in the winter. Perhaps a
nice ordinary rain might be
welcome, even if it continues
from now till the first burst
of spring.

Calendar of








Yeuh Lung Shadow Theater
performs the art of ancient
Chinese shadow puppetry,
using figures of colored and
perforated translucent animal
hides manipulated behind a
backlit screen, 2 and 8 p.m.,
Recital Hall, Communications Building.. .Matinee
tickets $3 general, $1.50 students and seniors; Evening
show tickets $4 general,
$2.50 students and seniors.

Cirque, formerly the Portland Dance Theater, brings
its company of dance, visual
and sonic artists to campus
under direction of Jann McCauley for one performance
only, 8p.m., Experimental
Theater, Communications
Building.. .Tickets $4 general, $2.50 students and senior

Images in Motion, a collaborative program merging the
images of poetry into choreographic movements under
direction of Evergreen faculty
members Craig Carlson and
Meg Hunt, 8 p.m., Experimental Theater, Communications Building.. .Tickets $3
general, $1.50 for students
and senior citizens.

Elizabeth Gotten, an ageless
folk legend who sings her
own songs, combines talents
with Mike Seeger, a singer
and musician from the tradition of mountain music, for
one concert only, 8 p.m.,
second-floor lobby, Evans
Library.. .Tickets $5 general
or $3 students and senior
28-29 &
March 1-2, 6-9
"Man of La Mancha," a musical interpretation of Don
Quixote directed by Faculty
Member Ainara Wilder, with
choreography by Bernard
Johansen and musical direction by Donald Chan, 8 p.m.,
Experimental Theater, Communications Building...
Tickets $4 general; $2 students and senior citizens.

Dr. Charles Nesbit, Evergreen
faculty economist offers suggestions for "Protecting
Yourself Against Inflation,"
in noon luncheon sponsored
by Evergreen College Community Organization, Arnold's Restaurant, 900 So.
Capitol Way. Reservations
due by Monday, March 3 in
Office of College Relations
(866-6128). . .Cost: $5.05 for
lunch of Turkey Marco Polo.

a day-long summer festival
with arts and crafts displays,
live music, sports events
ranging from roller skating to
baseball, campus-wide open
house with all sorts of fun
and surprises.. .11 a.m. to
7p.m., central campus
plaza.. .free.. .free...

GRADUATION Celebration
for the Class of 1980, 1 p.m.,
central campus plaza...













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Volume 1, Issue 2 Feb., 1980
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We'll Be
Calling \bu:
Phone-aThon BO

With much of the same spirit
and excited hoopla as a New
Year's Eve party or political
campaign, PHONE-A-THON
'80 will carry Evergreen's
enthusiasm across the nation beginning February 11
and continuing until February 28, Monday through
Thursday evenings. Approximately 100 students, faculty,
staff and alumni volunteers
will be calling parents, alumni and friends of the college
to tell the Evergreen story
and seek support. They will
be providing information
about the college, answering
any specific questions, and
asking for your contribution
to help further the excellence
in education typified by The
Evergreen State College.

by Chris Fitzgerald

PHONE-A-THON 79 gifts to
The Evergreen State College
Foundation Annual Fund
amounted to almost $10,000
last year. These funds have
supported numerous vital
activities and needs where
state funds are either insufficient or nonexistent.

This year, your support will
provide important dollars for
full in-state tuition scholarships to outstanding new
students who have distinguished themselves academically or who have shown
leadership potential in their
schools or communities. It
will create "seed" funds for
faculty who need initial resources to begin research
projects, and it will fund
student research.
Contributions will also bolster creative programming
on KAOS, Evergreen's community FM radio station, and
support our newly instituted
intercollegiate athletics program. In addition, your taxdeductible gifts will help
provide reference materials
for the library and help sponsor cultural and educational
events like the Tuesdays at
Eight Concert/lecture series.

A Message
from the
This is the second issue of
The Evergreen State College
Review. The 'Review replaces
a former publication (Precis)
and eventually will be issued
quarterly. We hope that the
Review will inform and involve Evergreen alumni,
parents and friends in life
at the college today.
We welcome your comments,
ideas, suggestions and criticisms. We want this publication to be one which helps
you to stay up-to-date on
Evergreen news and views.
Through the Review, we hope
to continue to share the Evergreen experience with
'Greeners near and far.

Your positive response to
PHONE-A-THON '80 will help
PHONE-A-THON '80 will
help keep Evergreen
Chris Fitzgerald is serving as
a student coordinator for
PHONE-A-THON '80, along
with Leslie Benedict.






'Dedication to
Liberal Arts
to an extent virtually
unknown in theentii
- ^ . .< 1 1 i , J . l l i i . i t i l
