

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 27 (May 14, 1981)

extracted text
The Evergreen State College
Olympie. Wl:fShington 98505


The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Volume 9, No. 27

May 14, 1981


by Andy McCormick

teaching efforts in Olympia's secondary
sch9ols, said Byerly.

Violent crime in Thurston County is rising at a dramatic rate. That does not
mean, however, that there is necessarily·
more violence in 1981 than in 1975. It
does mean that there is more violence
reported to relief agencies and the police.
Crisis Clinic, Rape Relief, and the
Women's Shelter are three Olympia
agencies which among other services,
counsel and aid victims of violencerelated crimes . These crimes include rape,
incest, and assault. The CPJ talked to
some staff members of these agencies
about violence: its causes and effects, the
reasons behind the sharp increase in
violent-type crimes, and what measures
their groups have taken to deal with the
problem of combating violence in Thurston County.
Rape Relief. Carolyn By~rly, administrative coordinator for Rape Relief of Thurston County, says that police records show
a slight decrease in the number of sexual
abuse reports in 1980 compared to previous years. But these figures do not match
the statistics logged by Rape Relief last
year and the discrepancy worries Byerly.
"I'm concerned because I don't think it
reflects the actual number (of crimes
relatl}d to sexual abuse) happening."
Rape Relief served 164 clients in 1980
and the rate of new cases per month in
the first quarter of this year indicates that


in Thurston County


s c ren
were under 18-an increase of 65o/o in
that-age group from 1979. Byerly attributes the increase, in part, to Rape Relief's
"greater visibility" in Thurston County.
At present, Rape Relief staffers are
seeing about 15 new cases a month.
Rape is becoming a public issue, Byerly
says, and because of this, people are both
more aware of sexual abuse and less hesitant to report it to either the police or
agencies like Rape Relief. "We're making
it a public issue," Byerly' said. "In the past
there was nothing said about it." ,
As part of its campaigfl for greater
awareness about sexual abuse, Rape Relief
concentrates on educating the public with
workshops and guest speakers, as well as
teaching in the classroom. One reason
more high school age girls are aware of
Rape Relief is because of the Agency's

The Dynamics of Rape

Forcible rape, both nationally and
locally, is the fastest growing crime in
America. The causes of rape are deeply
rooted in American culture, said Byerly.
"Our society tells men that it's okay to be
violent against women and children .
We've created a society of victims by
saying that it's normal for men to act this
Rape is not done for sexual gratification, says Byerly, but as a means for the
rapist to gain self-esteem. "It's a way for
him to feel on top of the world . That's
why rapists have to repeat rape-it makes
them feel good."
Byerly says that rapists come from both
upper and lower economic classes, and
from all racial groups. That a proportionately higher number of black men have
been convicted of rape reflects biases
towards blacks in the national justice system and does not mean that rape is a
race-related crime. She also noted that a
90% of all rapes happen within the same
racial group.
. Despite the upswing in the number of
crimes related to sexual abuse in Thurston
County, Rape Relief may not have the
financial resources to treat new ·clients.
"We're losing funding from public
sources," Byerly said. "It's hard to look at
the cut-off when there's such an obvious

Crisis Clinic Beth Tribwell, referral
coordin<;~.tor for the Cri.sis S:linic:;, }a'I'S that
the number of calls her agency has received concerning domestic violence and
sexual assault is "skyrocketing." Between
1979-80, calls about rape increased from
126 to 275, while fear of abuse/violencerelated calls jumped from 79 to 273. Total
calls to the Crisis Clinic have increased
from 8,005 in 1977 to 19,823 last year.
Despit the dramatic increase in calls
about domestic violence and sexual assault, Tribwell suspects that actual number
of incidents in these two areas may be on
the downswing. Like Carolyn Byerly of
Rape Relief, Tribwell believes th'lt education has created a change in attitude
among the public about domestic violence. "I don't think a lot of people realized that beating their wife or children

wasn't okay. It's only in the last ten years
that they have become aware."
Cri sis Clinic is directly proportronal to the
amount of education, Tribwell said. She
gave two examples. ·
Within the last year domestic violence
has been the subject of at least two TV
movies and a Sixty Minutes program. lm·
mediately following the airing of these
shows, the Crisis Clinic received a lot
more calls about domestic violence. "Women watching the shows realised then
that they weren't the only ones who this
is happening to. They're more eager to
talk to someone about it, even if it's only
on the phone to Crisis Clinic."
Another example of how education
affects domestic violence and sexual
assault statistics involves Rape Relief.
Members of that organization came to the
Crisis Clinic and told staffers to expect
more calls about incest because Rape

College to Audit KAOS
by Bill Montague

Part I of a II Part Series
In response to accusations of financial and operational mismanagement by the staff of KAOS radio, The Evergreen State
College business office has announced that a thorough audit will
be conducted of the campus station's accounts and public
The audit will be conducted by the TESC internal auditor, according to Jeanne Chandler of the business office, and will investigate charges directed at KAOS and several members of its
core staff by two ex-station managers.
Jan Weisenfeld and Larry Cohler, who resigned their positions
in protest over the station's method of operation, are charging
that several members of the KAOS staff have been involved in
the misuse of grant funds given to the station by two federal
agencies-The National Telacommunications and lnfor~ation
Agency (NTIA) and CET A, the federal job-training program.
Other charges include the use of KAOS's student activities account by the'tost·Music Network, a separate non-profit corporation directed by three past or present KAOS staff members, for
expenses incurred in the publication of the Network's OP magazine; the use of deceptive hiring processes by the station in its'
nationwide recruitment program for new station employees; and
the falsification of official station operation logs by members of
the station's staff.
This week the CPJ examines the controversy surrounding the
expansion of KAOS over the past two years, the status of KAOS
as a "community" radio station on a college campus and two of
the charges against the station those concerning the Grays
Harbor Extension Project and the publication of OP magazine.

how to identify a call about incest-it's
not a subject that people are very open
about even on the phone. Like suicide
prone callers, young girls often talk about
incest in off-hand ways that are at times
difficult to catch. Someone who is suicidal might say, "Nothing's worthwhile anymore," while a young girl talking about
incest might say, "I'm kind of uncomfortable with my father." The net result of
Rape Relief's efforts is that more people
call the Crisis Clinic about incest and staff
members are able to both identify the
problem more readily as well as helping
the caller, said Tribwell.
While Tribwell believes that from a
long term perspective education may be
bringing about a new attitude toward
domestic violence and sexual assault, she
also acknowledges that other factors may
be responsible for the sharp increase in
calls in these areas. One such reason is
the sluggish economy of the 1978-81 period. Tribwell says that the downturned
economy creates tensions among the jobless which link up to an increase in calls
about child abuse. The heavier the caseload at Employment Security, the more
calls about domestic violence are received
by the Crisis Clinic, she said.

Next week we will continue with an examination of KAOS's
CETA grants, hiring processes and public records.
The Women 's Shelter. "We've gotten a
KAOS staff members involved vehemently deny any charges of
more calls," said Pam Corwin of the
mismanagement and grant fraud .
Women's Shelter, " especially in the last
Bill Johnston, past station manager and presently a KAOS staff
couple of months with the welfare cuts."
member said, "Our books are open, I encourage anyone to look
Corwin also affirms that the more
at them ."
public attention domestic violence and
Johnston ·went on to charge that the allegations against KAOS
sexual assault receives, the more calls and
are based on personal conflicts between Cohler and Weisenfeld
clients her agency receives. Public atand the rest of the KAOS staff.
titudes have changed, said Corwin. People
Cohler and Weisenfeld insist that the problems at
realise we're no longer living in "cowboy
KAOS are serious, resulting primarily, they say, from the fact
days" in which violence is an accepted
that a small clique of ex-Evergreen students are using the station
part of life, she said.
as a tool for their own personal pet projects.
On occasion the Women's Shelter works
"A problem I had to confront as manager," said Cohler, "was
with the police on domestic violence. The
reducing the cliquishness that was fundamental to how the stanew (1978) Domestic Violence Act retion was run. This clique was engaging in what I considered to
61Uires that an officer responding to a
be some corrupt and illegal practices. To a large extent KAOS,
domestic violence call must take the
which is supposed to be a community resource, was being used
woman to an agency like the Women's
as a personal resource by membe~~ of this clique."
Shelter if she desires to go. Corwin says
According to Weisenfeld, neitl:rer the community nor the stuthat most women do not know about the
dent body play any significant role in setting station policy.
faw. Nor do most police officers, she said .
"Ultimately," she said, "it came d~wn to a small handful of 1
In terms of responding to domestic
people rl)aking most of the decisiol(ls. You can't even open your
violence calls the Tumwater police are
mouth tp complain about policy1wlthout getting shot down." .
Cohler and Weisenfeld charge 'that this small group has com~ ' the worst among Thurston County police
r departments, while the Rainier and Tenino
mitted KAOS to a program for future growth that is far beyond
police are the best, according to Corwin .
the ability of the station to adequately handle.
series continued on page 6
continued on page 2

Q>llege t_o Audit KAOS
"The expansion and remodeling programs, said Weisenfeld, "are being approved by the core staff without a full
understanding of the consequences."
Cohler underlined
comments. "It is the consistent policy of
the ~ore staff to move for station expansion beyond any real ability to implement
it," he said, "they've shown an ability to
obtain grants without ever accounting for
the long range problems inherent in such
While conceding that there have been
delays and other problems with the expansion projects, members ,of the KAOS
staff say they stand behind the station's
0verall expansion plans. They are also
certain that KAOS meets the definition of
a community radio station, and point out
that the expansion projects in question
were designed for the very purpose of increasing community support and involvement. "We have a good number of subscribers," said Toni Holm, fundraising
coordinator for KAOS, "our volunteer program is drawing in many volunteers from
the community. All in all I'd say we get a
fair amount of support from off campus
However Cohler and Weisenfeld charge
that the image of KAOS as a community
radio station is a false front put up by
long time KAOS staffers to facilitate the
search for grant money: money that can
be used to expand the station, at the
same time providing j9bs for staff insiders.
The Grays Harbor Project
One of the major questions raised by
the two ex-managers, concerns the Grays
Harbor Extension Project, a KAOS program
funded by a grant from Telecommunications and Information Agency.
The project, directed by David Rauh, a
long-time KAOS staff member, is designed
to expand the range of the KAOS signal
into the Aberdeen-Hoquiam area by means
of a repeater station mounted atop
Capitol Peak.
In fact, according to Cohler and
Weisenfeld, the project has become a
method for'Rauh and Toni Holm to further
their efforts to purchase and operate their
own commercial FM station .
Records on file in the student Services
and Activities (S&A) office indicate that
a large number of phone calls unrelated to
the Grays Harbor Project were charged to
the project's long distance WATT line. According to Cohler, a large number of these
calls were placed by Rauh and Holm to a
Washington D.C. attorney they retained to
work on FCC paper work for their license
application, and to a media consultant
they hired to do marketing studies for the
Olympia area.
Holm denied the allegation. "I never ,
used the grant phone in anyway that
wasn't grant related," she said.

Cork 'N

Rauh cited a memo, dated April 6
which he had sent to Lynn Garner o~t­
lining the non-grant related calls made a
the NTIA phone line. According to the
memo, there was an estimated $250 in
KAOScalls and $200 in calls that were
neither KAOS nor grant related.
Rauh explained that he had repaid the
$200 for the non-grant related calls and
had recommended a transfer of funds
from the S&A WATS fund to the Grant
fund to cover the KAOS related calls. "As
far as I am concerned," said Rauh, "I have
done nothing illegal."
However Lynn Garner, Associate Director for Student Services, while agreeing
that the money was eventually paid back,
stated that this was done so only at her
personal request and only after a ten
month period had elapsed.
said that while she had requested an
itemized list of the calls she received only
an estimated figure of the amount in
"I can itemize the calls myself," she
said, "but it won't be very accurate. He
(Rauh) told me they kept a log of all the
calls, but I haven't seen it.'!.
The use of grant funding is imporper,
even when the monet is paid back, according to Garner. "It is technically illegal," she said, "you are using the credit
of the state."
Op Magazine
Another alleged use of state credit involved the publication of OP magazine, a
quarterly designed to promote lesser
known musicians and small, independent
record companies. OP is published by the
Lost Music Network, a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Washington.
The board of directors consists of Rauh
Holm, John Foster, a past information '
coordinator for the station, and one other
woman, also a past KAOS staffer.
Since its inception three years ago, OP
has billed a portion of its production cost~
to the KAOS S&A account, paying the
r mon~y back later in th..e f.orr:n..Pf~
donations. According to Cohler "they
(Rauh, Holm and Foster) managed this by
approaching Lynn personally about it,
thus bypassing both the S&A Board and
the rest of the KAOS staff. One of the
reasons the KAOS budget deficit for fiscal
79-80 was so large, was the money paid
out to OP. The arrangement also made
the station's funding drive look far more
successful than it really was, since a large
portion of the money coming in as contributions was in fact a repayment on the
OP billings. I stopped them from doing
John Foster, however, claims that the
arrangement between KAOS and OP was
made with the full knowledge of the
KAOS staff. "Before Larry came," he said,


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continued from page 1

"it was done on an informal basis. Each
KAOS account. They did it one more time
time we brought out the magazine, we
but it may have already been in the
would ask the core staff to approve our
works. I can't really say it was a blatant
use of the KAOS account. After Larry
-_ . disregard for my request."
came a formal agreement was drawn up.';~ - Garner explained that OP's original
status as a part of the KAOS program
Foster also p_ointed out that the amount
of money requr_red to c<:'ve~ OP e_xpenses
guide had persuaded her that the magadwrndled steadily from rts rnceptron, as
zine could be paid out of the accounts.
the magazine became mor~ self-sufficient.
"I felt it could be justified as partially
Ho~ever, another ~x-statron employee,
a KAOS project and potentially a fundEugenra Cooper, denres that the core staff
raiser for the station," she said.
Bill Johnston agreed with Garner on
had any knowledge of the OP arrangement.
the benefits of OP for KAOS.
Cooper, a,_station staffer for over two
"OP magazine," he said, "is a very useyears, sard, I had no rdea that OP was
ful tool for the station. It has gotten us a
large number of free records from small
using our account. They never told the
core staff about it as far as I know. Lynn
labels. It provides us with a lot of free
Garner was the one who made the agreepublicity. It's a good deal."
Apparently the KAOS subsidy for OP is
ment wrth ~ave Rauh and john Foster_. It
was never drscussed at the staff m~etrngs.
continuing. The most recent mailing of
Accordrng to Lynn Garner, the ~greethe magazine, sent out last Monday, was
ment reached last September forbrd the
again billed to the KAOS S&A account,
brllrng arrangement.
according to the college mailroom.
"I told them," she said, "that it wasn't
To be continued. ..
legitimate to charge OP's billings to the

Master Planners

Last Chance for Input
by Denise Paulsen
The last opportunity for input into the
Evergreen Master Plan is here. The Evergreen Master Planning Team (TEMPT) has
completed their draft of the porposed
Master Plan and are circulating it for review and comments by the Evergreen
Public meetings will be held May 14 to
give interested Evergreen community
members a chance to ask questions and
voice opinions on the plan.
Dan Gorham, a master planner, encourages students, faculty, staff, and area
residents to attend the meetings. 'The
people that respond are the people that
really care about Evergreen," Gorham said.
He went on to explain that the plan is
not a development plan, it doesn't recommend specifically where buildings should
be placed . Instead the plan recommends
policies and processes that will help guide
the decision making, so it incorporates
the expectations of the Evergreen community

The plan states general goals " ... harmonious balance between human and
natural elements of the environment" as
well as specific policy recommendations,
"Natural interior lighting shall be maximized wherever possible."
The draft of the plan is about 20 pages
in length. According to Gorham, "The
policies imply a lot, so they require much
thought." The final draft of the proposed
Evergreen Master Plan is expected to be
completed by June 1.
The authors of the plan are 11 students
from the Applied Environmental Studies
program. They have a contract with facilities and the final draft will be evaluated by them and, if they so desire, will
choose all, or part, of the draft to be the
Evergreen Master Plan.
The meetings are Thursday at noon in
the CAB lobby, and at 7-9 p.m. in CAB
108 (also Thursday) Friday the master
planners are sponsoring a walking tour of
the campus. Persons interested are asked
to meet in Lab 3050 at 1 :00 p.m.

111 N. Washington 357-4812




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•Joel Schatz



Mending the Ufe Presavers on the TitaniC

by Roger Stritmatter
joel Schatz is gambling on a solar future. "We're working on a wild scheme for
the first national solar sweepstakes. We
would give away a complete photovoltaic electric production facility to an entire community-free, with no strings
attached,-to the community which came
ur:J with the most energy-saving improvements, within a two year period and according to a whole set of rules, using their
own resources to do that."
Schatz, an internationally known energy
consultant and the founder and past
director of the Oregon Energy Office, told
Earthfair participants three weeks ago that
the 1980's are likely to be tumultuous but
full of opportunities for p'ositive change.
In a humorous and contagiously optimistic
lecture on the " Economics of Optimism,"
Schatz told a sparse audience that he is
looking forward to the changes.
" The opportunity exists now for making
enormous inroads into the foolishness and
stupidity that has been in thi s culture for
decades," he said . " You can do almost
anything in 1981 as long as you tell the
truth and do your homework."

other so called energy canserving "alternatives." '
"We intentionally decided to create
images of optimism," Schatz says. "We
decided not to dwell on the problems in
the Middle East, even though both the
State Department and the Defense Department feel a cut-off is inevitable. Instead, we want to create enormous
amounts of positive information which
show people what they should be doing."

Reagan: Rearranging the Deck Chairs
on the Titanic
Schatz is not impressed by government
attempts to combat the prospects of a
Mid-East oil cut-off by hyping nuclear
power and synthetic liquid fuels. "The
White House wants to save the economy
by having us consume ourselves into
prosperity. That is, rearrange a few monetary circuits, hype up the advertising
machine and get people to buy, buy,
buy-the same old stuff we've been buying. This is supposed to inspire us to
create new capital - new pipelines, new
oil well s, new high level technology,
whi ch will cost more money and make
matters even worse t han they are now. It
can't possibly happen, and in a way I'm
glad. It's kind of like the fin al attempt to
rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic."
Those are two things joel Schatz has
This political myopia, Schatz says,
been doing for a long time. Schatz first
stems from a fundaQ1.ental confusion
~ained worldwide notoriety in 1974 when
about the relationship between money newly founded Oregon Energy Office
a symbolic system-and energy - a real,
produced an energy study, Transition ,
physical system. Economi sts, he argues,
which openly advocated the abandonment
suffer from the delusion that by manipuof nuclear energy and transition to a
lating money flows they can magically deworldwide solar ecooomy. The study, even .
feat the laws of thermodynamics and stem
though it was mandated by the legislature
the tide of inflation. It can't work, Shcatz
and had the unqualified backing of then
says, because the increasing scarcity of
Oregon Governor Tom McCall, ran into
fossil fuels and other critical resourcespolitical hurdles from the word go.
not hyperbola of a Laffer curve-is the
The study pioneered new territory in
driving force behind modern inflation.
the field of energy planning. Schatz and
" It takes more physical reality minerals
his colleagues used sophisticated comand energy in 198.1 to produce a gallon of
puter modelling techniques to create
milk than it did two years ago to produce
profiles of energy, resource, and informathe same gallon of milk."
tipn flows within the State. While not subscribing to all the conclusions, McCall
The Titanic Effect
dubbed it " a provocative catalyst of great
Somehow th Titanic
appropriate. he 1saster oe an
ac1 ic Power an Light ompany did
Schatz are preparing us for, however, is
not agree. Utility executives, advised t hat
the sinking of an oil tanker, not pleasure
the legislature had authorized the study,
boat: Unfortunatelv, the "Ametic1m public
convinced. the State Emergency Board to
is addicted to the cargo of the new Titanyank the funds. After weeks of heated
ic, and withdrawal is likely to be uncomdebate, including an oratorical showdown
fortable at best and utterly disastrous at
between the Chairman of PP&L and
worst. Only 12 per cent of our total oil
Governor M cCall , the funds were finally
consumpt ion fl ows through the Persian
released .
Gulf. But world oil supplies are bid on an
But the resistance which characteri zed
open market, and t he cutoff of Persian
the early reactions to Transition and simisupplies wi II skyrocket the cost and send
lar projects in the 1970's has given way in
shockwaves reverberating through the
the 80's, Schatz says, to a profound openAmerican economy. Unprepared, we will
ness towards creative approaches to the
plummet straight into a deadly depression.
energy dilemna. The world , Sc h ~tz says, is
Kenneth Watt, in a book called the
in tremendous flux. " I' do a lot of travelTitanic Effect publi shed t he same year as
ling," he said, "and I've seen so many
Transit ion, suggests that " the magnitude
changes in people's heads in the last four
of di sasters decreases to the extent that
or five months that it's absolutely inpeopl e beli eve they are possible, and plan
to prevent them or minimalize their
Mission Impossible
effects." joel Schatz is certain we are in
for the sinking of the Titantic, but he is
One of the signs of the changing times
equally certain that the event can be a
is that Schatz and his wife Diane, a gifted
bl essing in disguise, a catalyst for the
cartoonist, have recently been hired by
rejuvenation of our neighborhoods, an inthe National Council of Churches and the
centive for employment, renewed comUS Department of Energy to conduct a
munity, and a more ecological lifestyle.
nationwide media campaign focussed on
Is all of this merely wishful thinking?
the need for energy self-sufficiency. " The
Perhaps, but consider the following
Department of Energy and the Church
emerging trends :
Council asked us to communicate to the
• For the last three years, bicycles have
American people that there are no preparoutsold automobiles in the United States.
ations anywhere in this country to deal
with what is considered to be an imminent
• More than forty wind-electric comcutoff of oil from the Persian Gulf. The
panies grossed over $230 million in the
assignment we were given was to comUnited States in 1979.
municate that without creating a panic ."
• Leading solar areas such as Taos, New
A cynical reporter is inclined to suspect Mexico and the San Luis Valley of Colojoel and Diane Schatz have embarked on
rado, had achieved five to six per cent
mission impossible. "We came to the insolar heating penetration by 1900.
evitable conclusion that if we were going
• An estimated 15 per cent of all U.S.
to make any connection at all between
commercial housebuilders were using
distant events and local problems, we
solar design techniques by 198.0, and at
were going to have to translate the subthe 198.1 Homebuilders Association Conject into monetary terms. And if we were
ference at Lake Tahoe this March, over
going to attract any kind of attention we
half the workshops were on some aspect
were going to have to use a communicaof solar design.
tions for th-at w·as popular among earth• Twenty-five per cent of all the miles
lings living in the United States-werelogged in the City of Davis, California, are
sorted to cartoons ."
by bicycle.
joel Schatz is confident that small busiPreviews of the Schatz's work are feaness people, once they see the opportutured in a recent edition of the DOE pubnities and markets start to open up, will
lication, The Energy Consumer. "We come
embrace decentralized energy production.
up with the concepts together," Schatz
Conservation and solar retrofitting are alsays, " And then Diane does the drawing. '~
ready booming, he says, because of the
The engaging and inspiringly humorous
tight money market and unavailability of
cartoons picture Americans riding cilong-term money loans for new housing.
cycles, gardening, installing solar-heating,
Short term loans for retrofitting, however,
carpooling, and engaging in a variety of ,

are abundantly available and much easier
to finance. "Who is it that will move us
towards energy self-reliance? Take a look
at the Yellow pages of any community in
the United States," Schatz says. "Plumbers,
electricians, glasscutters ..."
"We're not using buzzwords like 'soft
path,' 'appropriate technology,' or any
other linguistic symbols that have led to
polarization . We're talking about things
the people will pay attention to: 'energy
preparedness.' Now that's patriotic. lt',s
the same old stuff, only it's in a different
context. You switch the context and it's
Norman Rockwell cut of Americana. It's
people working together like they did in
WW II: Victory gardens, recycling .. ."
Crisis: "Danger'' and "Opportunity"
The Chinese calligraphy character for
crisis contains the twin possibilities, "danger" and "opportunity." We are indeed,
joel Schatz would say, living like the
passengers aboard the Titanic, in a state
of sustained cri sis. Buffetted on all sides
by a score of peril s- nuclear annihilation,
the erosion of civil liberti es, rumors of
war, terrorism-and, lurking behind it all,
the ever-present threat of economic depression . We have become acclimatized
to the idea of being in a crisis, and the. - ·
mass media numbs our ability to take ~.
meaningful action.
Things are going to get worse, Schatz
says, before they get better. " In 1973 and
74, We had gasoline lines in Oregonand we had over 400 fistfights reported to
State Police in the first three days-over
a minor inconvenience. People are very
nervous. We had coal miners shooting at
each other. This is nothing compared to
the potential expressions for discomfort
and dissatisfaction .. .watch what happens
to food prices in the next 8-9 months. I
think they' ll go up another 20 per cent
higher as the most recent OPEC prices
trickle down into the marketplace. The
money markets of New York are out of
control right now. You just can't imagine
the amount of fluidity in the situation."
And this, Schatz says, is ~here the opopport unities in adversity and turn them
to our advantage.
· · " I think you get more mi~eage out Of
taking what appears to be positive
momentum and pushing it at the speed of
light than taking your best resources and
trying to stop something that is dumb.
The most surprising people want to play ... ·
they're everywhere-even the Department
of Energy."
Anybody for a solar sweepstakes?












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Weird and apocalyptic phone calls are
endemi c in a newspaper office, but this
week the CPJ received a phone call that
will blow your socks off. I was reviewing
the budget late Tuesday evening, cursing
over the shortfall on every page (the
paper was, to put it bluntly, in the red),
when the phone rang.
" Hello," the caller said . " Is this the CPJ?
This is Casper Wineburger your friendly
new Secretary of Defense. "
I was certain it was our ad manager,
Brendan, calling to harass someone because he was bored. " Right," I said . "And
I'm Karl Marx."
My rejoinder failed to evoke a laugh.
Instead, a deadly, sizzling silence traversed three-thousand ·miles of telephone
wires . If silence could kill , I was dead 43
times over .
"This is Casper Wineburger," the voice
repeated . "I am not-1 repeat, am not in
a mood for joking. I want to place an ad."
God, I thought. What have I done? I
have just mortally offended the most
powerful man in the world, a famous and
touchy statesman with 8,000 megatons at
the tip of his itchy fingers.
" We've received a little extra money to
blow on aavertising," Wineburger continued. "We thought of you immediatelyA small, liberally oriented enclave of some
of America's best and brightest students,
students who really deserve a break."
My warning lights were flashing off and
on by the-time the statesman came to a
pause. " I see," I began cautiously, visions
of being tarred and feathered by EPIC
members bursting in my brain . " Look . I
bet you could get a much better deal
down at the Daily 0 . Evergreen students
are notoriously unreliable soldiers. The
last Evergreen reserver I know of got
booted out of his Company for collecting
wildflowers during 'operation rj:!d-herring."
"The Daily 0 is covered," Wineburger
said . " Look at what a good deal this is : ·
you can get your National Direct Student

Loan or Guaranteed Student Loan completely erased from your record . It's like
the Bank volunteerin g to pay off your
mortgage, just for you doing some janitorial work during odd hours/'
"That does sound like a pretty keen
deal ," I agreed. " But what's in it for the
Wineburger's voice dropped to a
whisper. "Can you keep a secret?" He
asked . 'Things look bleak, very bleak. "
f'Ya," I said . " I know what you mean .
The Russians have been pretty upsetting
"The Russians, hell," Wineburger ejaculated. " Haig can handle the Russians.
What worries me is how to spend all this
money Congress just gave me. Believe
me, it's no easy job. Have you ever tried
to spend $226 billion in one year?"
"No," I admitted. "I can't say as I
"I mean, you can only buy just so many
B-1 bombers and Abrams tanks. Past a
point, there just isn't any point anymore."
" I see what you mean," I said . "I never
thought of it that way. What about those
nerve gas plants you were planning on
gearing up with? I hear the Russians are
way ahead in nerve gas."
" Peanuts," Wineburger said . "A mere
few million dollars. "
" Have you got that anthrax into production yet?"
" Hell, yes .~'.
" Botulism?"
"Of course ."
" How about that BZ gas? Boy, you
could slip some of that stuff into one of
'ol Breznehv's martinis, and really get the
Politiburo paranoid."
"We've got all that stuff in production, "
Wineburger moaned " It hardly amounts to
more than a couple of billion, including
special shelters for the command centers."
"Gosh," I said . " I see what you mean."
" And the Mormons! Those godblasted

Mormons and their fanatical prophets.
They're balking on the MX now. We'll
never balance the budget '-:Vithout the
"I hear they've been quoting the Bible
to substantiate their position," I offered.
"Selective quotes," Wineburger exc laimed . " Ju st l i ke any other Bibl e .
thumpers. It says right in Luke 20:25
'render unto Ceasar.' Don't you think that
if .Ceasar nad .needed the state of Utah to
build the MX, )C would have turned the
other cheek and looked the other way?"
" Gosh," I said . "Could be." I thought
for a moment. "You know Casper, you
really aren't such a bad guy after all.
Actually I feel kinda sorry for you, all this
money to spend and nothing to spend it
on when so many folks I know are enjoying their poverty. Why, l know people
in Chicago who are losing CETA jobs left
and right. Talk about being carefree, they
don't even have to bother with utility

Paraphernalia Law Sneaks Through
by Phillip Everling
It is now law. Any person found in
possession of drug paraphernalia, be it for
purpose of sale and distribution or for
personal use, will be subject to misdemeanor charges.
After-sailing through both the State
House and Senate, House Bill 42 was
signed into law by Governor John Spellman on April 23. If this law survives the
impending court challenges, police will
initiate its enforcement ninety days from
the aforementioned date of signature.
HB 42 was introduced by Representative
Earl Tilly (R-Wenatchee) under the
premise of abolishing the state's head
shops by outlawing all material that falls
under the broad scope of "drug paraphernalia." During the later stages of the bill's
formulation, a new section was added
which would affect the head shop
customer as well as the head shop proprietor.
According to Section Two (Prohibited
Acts) of HB 42, " It is unlawful for any
person to use drug paraphernalia to .. .manufacture ... ingest, inhale, or otherwise in•
traduce into the human body a controlled
substance. " Therefore, paraphernalia is
now illegal contraband in every sense of
the word . Although the original target pf
this law was the paraphernalia dealers, it
now appears as though the owners of this
material are every bit as liable as its solicitors .
Almost immediately after Governor .
page 4 Cooper Point journal May J4, 1981

Spellman signed HB 42, Dr. Feelgood's, a
Seattle head shop, announced a goingout-of-business, "loss of freedom sale. "
All bongs, pipes, clips, cokespoons, etc.
were offered for half of their original cost.
In the store's frenzied effort to liquidate
on hand stock and the customers' eagerness to take advantage of a bargain, the
most pertinent issue may have been overlooked. The sale of contraband from one
party to another is akin to passing the
proverbial hot potato: it only transfers the
problem .
There is the possibility that the antiparaphernalia law will not make it through
the courts. The Washington Mercantile
Association has initiated legal action against the state, charging that the law is
unconstitutional. Prior to the passage of
HB 42, the city of Everett adopted a local
ordinance outlawing paraphernalia. Budget
Tapes and Records obtained a temporary
injunction against the law and proceeded
to challenge it in court. Legal representatives for the paraphernalia dealers have
delayed action pending the outcome of
the Everett case.
If HB 42 emerges from its ninety-day
grace period intact, it will become an
enforcable law. That means that every•
thing from a three foot tall, carburate9
bong to a fifty cent alligator clip will be
subject to confiscation and their ow17ers
subject to prosecution. Perhaps even' shot
glasses and whiskey flasks will be re.
moved from ,the shelves. Liquor is, after
all, a "tontrolled substance."


bills . They just put on some mittens and
huddle around the stove telling jokes."
"Ya," the Secretary of Defense sighed .
" It's a great life on the bottom."
" Still," I said . "I don't know if we can
run an ad for you ."
" Ah, gosh. Pleeez? .... I mean, look,
what can I throw in to make it worth your
money? I' ll tell you what, we'll give you a
15. per cent kickback on every recruit the
ad generates. 25 per cent for the
ones wounded in action ."
"Well," I said . "That's a pretty generous
offer. How much did you say you'd pay
for the ad?"
"Two-hundred dollars-no, make it twohundred and fifty."
"Well ," I said ...
" Pieeeez?" Wineburger whined . " For
your country."
" All right. For my country."

Roger Stritmatter

Theresa Connor
Associate Editors
Bill Montague
Andy McCormick
Roger Stritmatter
Phil Everling

Kenn Goldman
Jim Lyon
Emily Brucker
Denise Paulsen
Philip Watness
Andrew Derby
Dona Dezube
Brian Woodwick
Victor Shames
Leslie Oreri
Clifford Olin

Production Manager
Susanne Lakin
Brendan Potash
Shirley Greene
Jennifer Knauth Business Manager
Karen Berryman
Denise Paulsen
jim Gibson
Randy Hunting Advertising Manager
Brendan Potash

The Cooper Point Journal is published weekly
for the students, faculty and staff of The Evergreen State College. VIews expressed are not
necessarily those of the College or of the
Journal's ,staff. Advertising material contained
herein does not imply endorsement by this
newspaper. Offices are located in the College
Activities Building, CAB 104. Phone: 866-6213.
All letters to the editor, announcements, and
arts and events items must be received by noon
1uesday fbr that week's publication. All articles
are due by 5 p.m. Friday for publication the
following week . All contributions must be
signed, typed , double-spaced and of reasonable
length. Names will be withheld on request .
The ~ltors reserve the right to reject material
and to edit any contributions for length, content , and style.



' .


use of Herbicide Unwise

by Victor Shames

Last quarter, the ASH management began applying an herbicide called Aptrex
to the base of buildings, in compliance
with fire code prohibiting any vegetation
within three feet of buildings. In the past
few weeks, several tenants have complained of nausea and headaches and at
least one pet has taken ill.
Certainly, these reactions are not a
strong case against the use of the hericide. No Olympia physician in his or her
right mind would attribute a mild case of
nausea to the spraying of a week killer in
an apartment complex.
On the other hand, the fact that Aptrex
is registered with the Environmental protection Agency and that a Department of
Agriculture inspector describes it as "one
of the safer pesticides" does not render
the herbicide any less harmful.
Aptrex contains significant concentrations of monuron TCA and a derivative of
2,4-D. Both of these chemical compounds
are designated by the Hazardous Waste
Regulations of the Washington Admtntstra-

Editors Note
Due to space limitations we request that
letters to the editor be no longer than one
page, typed double space. If you wish
your letter to appear in the Cooper Point
journal, the deadline is Monday at 12

Successful Peace Walk
Dear Editor:
On Sunday May 3, 1981 about 1000
people showed up for the walk for peace.
The rain did not scare them away.
Representatives from all types came :
the old, young, black, whites, Indians,
Socialist party and a good many from
Evergreen and the Olympia area.
We walked from Garfield High School
to the Federal building in downtown
Seattle. All through the streets chants
were heard. "Bread not Bombs," " Give
peace a chance," "2, 4, 6, 8, We don't
want to registrate."
We were all there for the same reasons
but had different wav.s to get our meanings across.
When we arrived at the gathering at the
Federal Building, gue~t speakers· talked
about peace. I was surprised how many
people left before all the speeches were
done. It's too bad a little rain can scare so
many people away.
I recall one statement from one of the
"It's funny how they let us walk for
peace on a Sunday when all the shops are
closed and no one is around to see and
hear our demonstration."
I look at it this way-the few that
showed up is better than no interest at all.
Keep up the good work and interest,
Evergreen students, and let's even have
more at the next walk for peace.
Thank you,

Stating the Facts
Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to your questions about an arrest which reportedly
took place as the result of a woman removing discarded yogurt from a store
garbage can. Please publish the following
factual explanation of the incident.
Olympia Police officers were requested
by a store employee to come to the store
as a custo111er had been accused of shoplifting Shoplifting is a word used to cate·

tive Code, as ~'extremely hazardous because they: 1) Are highly toxic to man
and wildlife; 2) Persist and affect genetic
make-up or may be concentrated by living
The results of a study by the lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer indicate that at least one of the constituents
of Aptrex is a suspected carcinogen. The
EPA classifies Aptrex as a "moderately
toxic" substance, one that could produce
irreversible as well as reversible changes
in the human body. Chloride fumes
emitted by the herbicide can lead to liver
and kidney damage.
Aptrex is a non-selective herbicide; in
large enough doses, it is capable of killing
virtually anything. In spite of this, I do
not doubt the sincerity of the ASH manager when he claims, "I wouldn't spray
anything that was harmful."
It appears that he has received misinformation from his supplier and the DOA
pesticide inspector. According to a Department of Agriculture spokesman, Aptrex was not meant for residential use.
The legality of the spraying at ASH is
highly questionable.

The issue at hand should not be a legal
one, however, but one of common sense.
As long as an herbicide is registered by
the EPA, the only way that spraying can
be halted is if an immediate threat to the
health of the community can be established. In order for such an argument to
hold up in court, a physician would have
to sign a document confirming that a
patient's health problems are the result
of contact with a specific chemical.
If a physician were to take such a position, he or she would find it almost impossible to defend. There is no scientific
method in existence that could establish
a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the spraying of an herbicide and an
ensuing physical disorder. What's more, I
see no reason why such a relationship
should ever have to be proven.
There are several logical reasons for not
using an herbicide at ASH: The assistant
manager, who is applying the herbicide, is
not a certified sprayer. By not using a
protective mask or gloves, he has endangered his health and increased his
chances of ·getting cancer.
The children who play around AS~

gorize theft, the taking of goods or
services without payment. The individual
involved was then.arrested by
Olympia Police based on the following
She was observed by three store employees as she consumed milk from a
carton and chocolate nut mix, both taken
from the store shelves. The checkstand
cashier asked her if she had any other
items to declare. She replied, she did not,
paid the bill for the other items and
began to leave the store. No attempt was
made to pay for the milk or chocolate nut
mix she had consumed. Outside the store,
store employees contacted Tracy and escorted her to the officers who arrived on
· · . ,. •
the scene.
On March 30, 1981, the person arrested
appeared in the Olympia Municipal Court
on the theft charge. At that time she
changed her plea to guilty, her plea was
accepted by the court and a $265.00 fine
was levied. The total amount of loss for
Mark-It Foods was approximately $3.50.
This may seem a small amount in comparison to the fine, however, if such thefts
were computed over a month's time, a
substantial monetary loss would be evident.
Four employees of the store were listed
in the arrest report as being prepared to
witness in court concerning the events
preceding the arrest. It is difficult to
believe that four people would be willing
to perjure themselves over this incident.

most, if not all of the pebple some of the
time, because their formating is consistent, diverse and realistic.

John Wurner, Chief
Olympia Police Department

I am disappointed to hear such emotionally charged reactions about KAOSFM. Of all places, KAOS, an alternative
commercial-free radio station, should succeed at Evergreen. Evergreen, remember,
is also an alternative. The parallels between both KAOS and Evergreen, and
their respective local and distant communities, are paradoxical. It is ironic that
both organizations have remarkable out·
of-state reputations; while in-state, biases
are perpetuated due to misinformation,
untruths and rumors.
Someone mentioned ratings in the April
30, 1981 CPJ issue. Ratings pertain only
to commercial radio stations, they tell advertisers what sort of listening audience
they can expect to sell their consumables
to. Since KAOS is commercial-free, ratings
are totally inappropriate. However, KAOS
does have a "green-line" policy, which
means 80% of the records played over
the air-waves should be music which is
unavailable on commercial radio stations.
Yes, KAOS plays mostly independent labels, and thereby gives listening time to
those musicians who might never get air
time, especially on commercial radio.
These musicians are not interested in
contracting with the CORPORATE GIANTS
who MONOPOLIZE the air-waves, and
Best Regards!
Petrina L. Walker

In Support of KAOS
CPJ Editor:
As an Evergreen Alumna, TESC staff
person, KAOS volunteer and Advisory
Board Representative, I have heard KAOS
go through many programming and formating changes over the years. I too recall my conservative knee-jerk reactions
about music I've heard on KAOS. However, I've made a concerted effort to cultivate my listening tastes. This is not to say
I like all music I hear on KAOS-or ANY
OTHER radio station for that matter. The
fact, as we. are all unique individuals with
different tastes concerning: music, educational direction, art, religion, politics etc ...
and we cannot realistically expect to
please, or be pleased, all of the time.
Nevertheless, KAOS can and does please

come into contact with the herbicide
· daily. Because of body size, they are
more likely to be affected by lower concentrations of the toxin than adults are.
And, as I've already mentioned, some of
the effects are irrev~rsible.
The ASH managers are taking a large
risk by applying the her+>icide at such a
close proximity to the buildings. The
powerful fumes permeate most of the
apartments, so that many ASH tenants
would be likely to feel any toxic effects
produced by the herbicide.
People who live at ASH tend to consider themselves a community. If a majority of the community objects to the use
of herbicides near the buildings, these objections should be made known to the
managers. There are several alternatives
to spraying. For instance, ASH tenants
could volunteer a few hours of their time
to remove weeds from the area surrounding each building. ,
Presently, ASH is awaiting the arrival of
a new shipment of herbicide. Any action
on the part of tenants must take place
immediately in order to be effective.

of the Board of Trustees, decides important priorities.
Regarding federal guidelines, the Office
of Federal Contract Compliance which has
the highest affirmative action requirements of all monitoring agencies, suggests
that workforce percentages of minorities,
should approximate the percentages of
minorities with requisite skills in the
appropriate population group. (For some
jobs, this group will be the local county;
for others, the state or the nation.) An
institution or agency whose workforce
percentages approximate those of the
population is presumed not to discriminate. Evergreen is not bound by these requirements because the College is not
now a federal contractor. However, this
year, for the first time, the College did
develop the statistics which would demonstrate compliance or non-compliance.
This report, available from the Affirmative
Action Office, shows that the College
complies with the OFCCP guidelines for
minority hiring.
The 1974 goals were not based on population data, but demonstrated Evergreen's
own commitment to affirmative action
hiring. I believe it would be useful to set
practical yearly goals, within these longrange targets, with which to rrJeasure our
Thanks again for focussing attention on
Third World hiring effort, to which a great
many people have devoted considerable
time and work. If anyone wants further information on the subject, I will be
pleased to supply or find it for them.
Rebecca Wright
Affirmative Action Officer

Third World Hiring
While I was very ~leased that the
Cooper Point journal devoted up front
space to Emily Brucker's study of Third
World hiring efforts at Evergreen, I believe the article contained one serious
misconception, and owuld appreciate
your devoting equal space to further information on that point.
The paragraph on hiring goals implied
that I, as Affirmative Action Officer, have
the authority to raise or lower targets.
Such is not the case. The Evergreen com- •
munity, through a DTF and then approval

"Four dollars will bring
the Cooper Point Journal into
your home every week for
one year; keep in touch with
Evergreen from the students':
perspective. Order your subscription today! Send your
name, address, phone number, and $4.00 to Cooper
Point Journal, CAB 305, The
Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505."


Advertise in the



Because we'll like you,

and you'll like us.
Think about our
4000 circulation:

The Evergreen campus,
state office buildings,
and the Olympia area.
May 14, 1981 Cooper Point Journal page 5



Attempted Rape on Campus

Even in Broad Daylight
by Andy McCormick
What follows is an account of an attempted rape of an Evergreen student. The
assault occurred last May. The purpose is
not to "sensationalize" the incident, but
rather to let the telling-mainly in the
words of the victim - speak for itself. The
name of the woman involved has been
It had been a cold dreary spring but
finally Saturday brought sunshine and
warmth. Jayne had a lot of schoolwork to
do, but she didn't want to stay cooped up
in the dorms, so headed out to find a ·
quiet spot to study. She came to a small
meadow surrounded by woods. It wasn't
quite noon .
She had been out for a couple of hours
and hadn't seen anyone. But even so,
something was wrong-she felt uneasy.
Chainsaws buzzing in the distance
seemed at times to get closer and closer
to her like motorbikes approaching. She
thought she heard deer moving in the
nearby wuods . "I could feel something
was not right in my heart that day out
there," says Jayne. "It was a creepy feeling."
Although the eerieness of the noises
alarmed her, Jayne thought she would
stay a while longer. The fact that she was
well-off tlie path, obscured in the
meadow, . reassured her. She also felt
generally more safe at Evergreen than she
had while attending a larger university in

the East. At that school , she had taken a
self-defense karate class.
She stood up to leave and packed her
things. "Suddenly I turned around and
there was thi s guy running towards me.
I was surprised. He was running full force
and I reacted right away. It had been
pounded into my head to scream ... and I
had been educated to fight back. "
" I kicked and I was screaming all the
time. Loud-as loud as I collld . He
grabbed at my shirt; he got me down.
'Shut up,' he muttered, 'shut up.'
"He had a knife but it didn't phase me.
I remember thinking that people don't
usually die from knives. All that mattered
was that I keep him off me. I had to keep
my legs between him and me .. .. All that
mattered was that I keep fighting like
hell .. ..
"He stood up and looked confused. He
had on tan shorts, shoes, and sun glasses.
No shirt. He ran off really fast. I kept
screaming. I was thinking, I should follow
him, but I didn't because I was afraid he'd
hurt me.
"I ran to Security. Blooc was everywhere, on both my legs."
The assailant had stabbed Jayne in the
left leg, just below the knee. It was not a
deep wound, however, and did not require stitches.
After beirig bandaged by 'Security· of- •
ficers., Jayne talked to two officers of the
Olympia Police Department. "They were
pretty nice," Jayne says, "they were aware

of which questions were sensitive. They
were concerned and helpful."
Jayne showed the officers where she
had been attacked. The trauma of the
attack had not, as yet, set in; she was still
in shock.
" It was really weird . It hadn't sunk in, I
had it together. I was almost cheerful-1
didn't come across as upset. I explained
where I was lying and where he came
from. I knew it was real important for me
to get the facts out or I'd forget them. I
couldn't believe how together I was."
But later in the day, while the rest of
the dorm residents danced in the courtyard, the full impact of what had happened set in like a terrible anguish. " It hit
me then .. . l couldn't go anywhere alone. I
had pretty much lost my independence. I
told a few of my friends but mostly I kept
quiet... ." She kept watching the dance to
see if her assailant might be among the
crowd .
Security called and asked her to come
over and see if a guy they were questioning was the rapist. By the time Jayne
arrived, however, the suspect had been
freed because Security had no legal right
to hold him. Jayne then learned that
another woman had been raped that day,
near the spot where she had fought off
her attacker. }his new report, jayne says,
hurt her tlie 'most. '' If I had run after him,
that wouldn't have happened. I pretty
much blamed myself."



"Two weeks later I saw (Officer) James
Rabie and made a statement into the
tape. The interview lasted all morning. He
told me that the last rapist he convicted
had gotten thirty years . I got all excited ...
but nothing ever happened. "





Except to Jayne
The quality of her schoolwork dropped.
She was in a program and though her
faculty sponsor was understanding, it
wasn't the same. When the quarter ended,
things went from bad to worse.
" Most of the summer I was severely-

ed . First half of the summer I spent in

Affordable Housing?

bed. I couldn't get out of the house. I'd
have nightmares and I'd wake up kick~
Because of the nightmares and her
overall depression, Jayne started seeing a
feminist therapist whose speciality is
treating victims of violence. The therapist
had jayne write down her nightmares
each morning. jayne was having up to
five nightmares a week.

How About Shared Ownership?

Cheap Beer?
The Big (60 oz.) pitcher is
sti II avai Iable-at regular
pitcher prices
Old Like Gold, newly renewed inside, 4-bedroom home on the busline near the
State Capitol $46,800. For this and other homes of golden values,, call Bill Connor,
Re/Max Realty 100 at 459-1000 or Res. 352-4941.

Bill Connor , Associate Broker

J) '/


realty 100

914 hensley st northeast
olympia. washmgton 98506
459 · 1000
res1dence 352· 4941

•\n lndt•Jwndt•nf Mt•mht•r
page 6 Cooper Point' Journat May 14, '1981

Rl,.ll O Q •


" I was in a movie theater with my
friends," Jayne says in describing one of
her nightmares, "and we were waiting for
the movie to begin. I checked out the
audience. A man with curly dark hair
sitting up front saw me looking. He
looked at me and smiled .. .it was grotesque, like a sneer. I had a buck knife in
my hand and I was comfortable with itit was my friend. The guy kept looking at
me and moving up the rows. I told my
friends about him but they didn't seem to
notice. He started running towards me. I
didn't use my knife. I tried to get away
and I had to climb over my friends-they
weren't helpful at all ."
Jayne saw the therapist once a week for
two months at a cost of forty dollars an
hour. But she believes that her sessions
were worthwhile in that they helped
alleviate her nightmares and allowed her
to find-and keep - a job.
Time passed.
For a while Jayne went through a radical personality disordering. It is only lately
that she is getting back to her old self.
"I went through a big phase of not liking
men. I would be rude to them. That's
pretty much done with," she says. " I'm an
open and affectionate person and it's just
now that I'm able to be that way again."
But the terror, anger, and revulsion of
the rapist's assault still linger in. Jayne.
The three minutes of the attack will stay
with her forever. When the weather is
nice, as on that warm day in May a year
ago, she feels particularly angry. "Because
I know that there will be more people out
and more rapes occuring. I'm never going
to go' walking alone again. I try to put it
in the back of my mind. It doesn't work
too well ."
·· •Jayne says that talking about rape is a
step toward preventing it. "It's not good
to keep quiet," she says. "I think my
attack might have started the ESCORT


service on campus ."

Police Say
Do stic Calls Dangerous
by Andy M cCormick







Domestic violence calls are dreaded by
most police officers. For a very good
reason: these calls result in more police
deaths than any other type of call. In the
words of one officer, domestic violence
calls are " very very dangerous."
Traditionally the police have been reluctant to answer these calls. Too reluctant, said the lesislature in 1979 when it
passed into law the Domestic Violence
Act. The law was designed to give more
protection to victims of violence.
The new law has worked well says
Norm Nickel, a therapist who specializes
in domestic violence. He outlined four
reasons why .
The law states among other things that
a crime committed in a domestic situation
is still a crime. For example, if a woman
was separated from her husband and he
entered her house without permission, a
charge of trespassing could be brought.
The law also requires that the officer who
responds to a domestic violence call, fill
out a police report. In the past, said
Nickel, altercations were often settled by
the officer's taking the irate parties for a
walk and then forgetting the whole thing.
Nickel says the law also protects officers from being sued for false arrest if
they arrest someone on the grounds of
probable cause. And finally, the law
allows the police to transport victims of
domestic violence or sexual assault to an
agency like the Women's Shelter.or Rape
Relief at her request.

Nickel thinks that the net result of the
law is that police are now more willing to
respond to domestic violence calls than
they were five years ago. The therapist,
along with Pam Corwin of Women's
Shelter, praised the Tenino police in particular for their efficiency in responding
to these kinds of calls.
Bill Steel, Chief of Police in Tenino,
says he's trying to build up contacts with
Rape Relief and Women's Shelter on a
case by case basis. Building up contacts
with these agencies is part of an overall
pregram to educate the force about doll;JeSti€ violence, said Steel.
The Domesti c Violence Act has been
useful in prosecuting men who beat their
wives, according to Steel. " It allows us to
make a case and investigate." He said that
111 the past the victim would go down to
the station, swear out a complaint, and
then back out at the last moment. With
:he new law, police chief Steel said, the
( harges stand whether the victim backs
out or not.
Officer james Rabie of the Thurston
County Sheriffs Department, says the
" new law has organized things better for
us. It's also put a lot of pressure on us
manpower-wise." Another benefit of the
new law is that it keeps the Sheriff's Department in touch with relief agencies,
said Rabie.
But Rabie, whose primary job is to in\lestigate sexual crimes like incest, doesn't
think the law has altered the way in
which officers respond to domestic vio. · lence calls. "It hasn't changed anything.
It actually didn't change our response."

Annual Bel'gium Waffle Feed
Olympia Host Lions Club
Olympia Community Center
Sunday, May 21 , 1981 8am-2pm
Donation Adults $3.00
· Children (under 10) $1.00
To Support Community Activities

Coping with the Aftermath
by Andy McCormick
The first thing therapist Norm Nickel
tells a woman who has been beaten by
her husband is that there is no excuse for
his actions and that use of violence to resolve conflict is always inappropriate.
The second thing he tells her is that she
has not caused the violence-she has not
done anything to provoke the violence.
The third thing is that she should not feel
guilty or ashamed about being a victim of
domestic violence.
"This is just the beginning," said Nickel,
an Olympia area therapist who specializes
in counseling domestic violence and sexual assault victims and their families. "If
there's a breakthrough on these points we
go to work with them on things like how
to be assertive in their relationship and
how to parent non-violently."
Nickel stressed the importance of this
latter point-parenting non-violently-because the only "predictor" for violence is
the family. A child growing up in a family
where the husband beats the wife will internalize the violence as being normal
and will then practice violence in his own
relationships in the future.
Violence cut1i across all class and race
lines: in his practice Nickel counsels state
senators and men who are unemployed.
In working with "offenders" -men convicted of child abuse or assault against
their wives-Nickel's counseling techniques are similar to those employed with
victims of violence. The first step is make
the offender recognize the fact that he,
alone, is responsible for his action .
Nickel then shows the offender that
actual violence is not the only type of
violence. There is also, said Nickel,

psychological and sexual' violence. according to Nickel, the suffering from these
two types of violence is often both longer
and more damaging than from actual
physical violence. For example, a woman
who has been struck once must always
live in fear that she could be hit again if
her husband is angered .
Nickel teaches the offender "anger control techniques. We're not teaching them
not to get angry," he said . "We're teaching them how to be angry in a positive
Therapy also aims at breaking the paradoxical dependency these men have on
their wives. Nickel says many offenders
are almost "addicted" to the women they
assault and therefore have to become
more independent. This process takes a
long time-eight months is about the
minimum-but getting them to stop the
physical violence takes much less time.
But for the woman who has been
beaten, resolving the trauma takes even
longer, and involves a whole reordering
of her personality. Victims of violence
display personality traits similar to
people who have been brainwashed, said
Nickel. They are withdrawn, isolated from
their emotions, and often suffer from
sleep-deprivation. They live in a state of
what Nickel calls "learned helplessness"
which results from ;their being labelled in
negative terms by their husbands-the
legacy of being called "a bitch QP whore,
or crazy," Nickel says.
According to Nickel, "learned ·helplessness" only results from living fqr a long
period of time with a man who' is violent.
"Most women who have been beaten we
don't see. They just pack up th~ir bags
and get
a divorce."

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City of .Siege
by Roger Stritmatter

"Golf is theatre." -Peter Waldron


If you think theatre is place where
actors stand on a stage and entertain
while the audience sits and watches and
then claps at the end, don't go to see City
of Siege.
But it you think theatre can be, should
be, an experience where both actor and
audience are swept away by the act of
creation into that realm where the archetypal merges with the utterly unpredictable and gives rise to re-creation, communion and rebirth, do come and be a
part of City of Siege.
This thirteen-act, student-produced play,
conceived, written and directed by TESC
senior Tom 13arnes, is a drama in search
of a cast. It begins where Pirandello
leaves off: fusing dance, film, oratory,
music, poetry and audience participation
into what promises to be a moving and
fulfilling exploration of the crisis of the
human spirit in modern society.
"When you do a painting," Director
Barnes says, "you get all the. materials
together beforehand. Audience part1c1pa-

tion theatre is almost the same. You get
everything together-the paints, the canvas, the brushes, but you can't really predict what the outcome will be until you
get the audience."
In addition to Barnes, a cast of over a
dozen dancers and actors and fifty technical staff have labored several months
preparing City of Siege. Co-producer
Mark Chambers says that the dancing,
directed by TESC graduate Karen Kirsch,
will be exceptional.
Kirsch says she was attracted to work·ing on the project because it offered the
challenge of translating the ideas of another person (Barnes) into dance. "I've
never had to produce so much choreography or make my work fit into anyone
elses production," she says.
City of Siege is the story of the search
for Boundrytown, that fragile and precarious place balancing between the Wilderness, where death reigns, and the City,
home of the Controllers.
"Tom has taken many great pieces of
poetry and literature and woven them

--Rock for

common experience," he says. "Hopefully
out of this shared experience will come a
spirit of communion, a process, a renewal,
dying, or maybe just a seed that's been
planted and will flower three years later."

into a story of the crisis of the human
spirit in modern society," Chambers says.
"It's the story of people trying to live a
free life between the city and the desert,
a place where people can dance in the
Seating for City of Siege is limited to
only 45 persons per showing because of
the unique nature of the performance.
Barnes warns members of the audience to
wear "play clothes" and be prepared join
in the drama instead of merely be entertained . "People are going to go through a

City of Siege plays Thursday and Friday
at- 10 p.m., Saturday at 10 and 12 p.m.,
a.na Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. in COM
11/.'i\dmission is $2.00, except for the
Sunday morning showing, which includes
a brunch and costs $3.50. Advance tickets
are on sale in the bookstore.


by Leslie Oren

A unique opportunity to see
Movement Therapy in Action
"A Concert of Human Experience"
Fri. & Sat., May 29 & 30, 8 p.m. at

On Sunday, May 17th, KAOS is presenting the biggest shindig of the year
at Popeye's, 2412 W. Harrison (the building which used to be Captain Coyotes'sremember? Male strippers?). There will be
five bands, fine local talent to delight
your ears. There will be beer for sale to
sharpen YO!Jr wits._There ~ill be .a_m,Pie.
time to prove your superiority to alien
. races by electronic means. There will even
be pool and pinball, for you traditionalists.
"Fine," you say, "Sounds fun. But who
are these bands I am to listen to while
dancing or proving my superiority to
aliens. Just what kind of music is this? Ok,
ok, I'll tell you.
The Westside Lockers are an Oly/
Seattle band. They play "electro-pop" with
pleasant vocals and happy synthesizers
runs. They have a 45rpm record of their
own, called Fuschia Rayon/Song for
America. They're nice kids; you'll like 'em.
So would your parents.
The Tiny Holes may not be such nice
folks; but they are impressive. Their lead
singer screams the lyrics, "Pounding ...
pounding ... hooves!" or a more plaintive,
"Billy, what are you staring at me like
that for?" Bass and drums keep a steady
rock rhythm, and guitars, sax and synthesizer do strange things in time. This is
tightly controlled New Wave rock at its
paranoid best.
Man Attacks Beer Truck was named
after a newspaper headline. A man went
berserk, ripped off his clothes, and attacked a beer truck. Regular stuff. This
band is influenced by jazz, Bruce Springsteen, and New Wave trends. The1r lyrics
form a thoughtful expose of boredom and
psychosis in Modern America.

The Positronics are an electronic duo
who work with tapes and a rhythm box. <.Mr. Right and the Breadwinners play
1950's and 1960's rock-n-roll.
The music will be varied and something
will be sure to please you . KAO is offering a night of dancing and fun beginning at 8:30. p.m. ior the. )ow, low price of
$3. ($2 to subscribers, $2.50 for advance
tickets.) So come on out to Popeye's on
Sunday night, and have a great time while
supporting your noncommercial community radio station!
PS: Popeye's is a tavern, subject to the
Washington State Liquor Board's age requirement. You must be 21 to attend this
event, so bring your I .D. We're really
sorry; it's not our fault.


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Begins Full-time in October, '81
TESC Independent Study or Transfer
Credit Available.

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1' :

May• 14, 1981 Cooper Point Journal page 9



Love and Rage: Entries in a Prisori Diary
by Clifford Olin
Imagine yourself charged with first
degree murder and assault. The police had
questioned you about the case but you
refused to turn state's evidence. The state
had blown their case against the guilty
party but they needed to assuage the
public scJ you've been chosen as tl:\e sacrificial lamb. The trial unfolds before your
eyes. You watch as the state presents its
case: an old fashioned frame job. The jury
returns a guilty verdict. The sentence : two
consecutive life terms. You are twenty
four years old.
This was the plight of Carl Harp when,
in 1973, a jury found him guilty in the
"Bellevue Sniper" case. His reaction was
to declare himself a political prisoner
(1974) and begin engaging in a series of
actions (within the Washington State
Prison at Walla Walla) designed to force
the prison officials and guards to follow
their own rules and regulations regarding
treatment of prisoners.
After having exhausted all official grievance procedures, Harp and two other
prisoners held ten people hostage (May
1979) in order to publicize the " gross inhumanity and injustice" at the prison . The
prison administration responded by
placing him in isolation.
In June the prisoners rioted over frustra·
tion with these conditions . In actions, for
which twelve were later fired, the guards
brutally assaulted the prisoners. Carl Harp
was still in isolation. The guards raped
him with riot batons . Shortly thereafter hr
was transferred to San Quentin because
he "presented a threat to the orderly
operation of the prison."
At this point-August 1979-Carl Harp
began keeping a diary which has recently
been published in a book : Love and Rage,
Entries in a Prison Diary. The book chroni
cles two struggles, both inextricably connected. First, the ongoing efforts by Harp
and his fellow prisoners in the segregation
unit at Walla Walla to make the guards
follow their own rules on treatment of
prisoners . Second, Harp's internal struggle
to keep hi s sanity, control hi s rage, and
retain his political energy.
Harp depicts, with a graphic sharpness
and f:larity, the highs and lows of the
prisoners as they wage a battle of nerves
with the guards. For instance, the prisoner's spirits were flying after learnin g they'd
won an injunction in federal court but
that evening all were informed that the
wh ole unit is locked down.
Here a rea l drama begins. We are drawn
into the unceasi ng seri es of actions and
reactions by the guards and prisoners. The


prison becomes a war zone and the
reasonableness of the prisoners' demands
simply amplifies the grimness of Harp's
description of the unit two days into the
lockdown :
" .. .Whole unit locked down-no yard,
showers, phone calls, visits, medication,
etc. Still no reason given ... this is the
weekend, so we are at their mercy, as
they well know ... on A and B tiers they are
bombing the guards with shit and piss.
One prisoner here on D tier bombed them
good. All ti ers have water, shit, piss, garbage and food on them. Death row today
set the garbage in front of their cells on
fire. Last night one guard closed all the
solid doors on A tier, and then shut off
their li ghts leavin g them in total darkness .... "
Disgusting? Revolting? Exactly, and precisely Harp's poin_t, that pris_s>n~~s. a.!e ~
forced into taking such action s to achieve
anly change. The guards responded by attempti ng to discredit and divide the pri soners; offering privil eges to one tier and
not another, or staging events, like serving
cl hot meal (instead of sack lunches) to
thP pri soners while the local press take
pictures, to gain " publi c support for t he
Aside from thi s very rea l drama in
Wall a Walla, Harp shows us t he day to
day insanity of San Quenti n and hi s response to it:
:'In one yard we heard a white prisoner

Deli Sandwiches

was stabbed by two Chicanos, the latter
were both shot... in another yard Blacks
had a fist fight among themselves, a warning shot was fired ... In the yard where the
prisoner was stabbed we heard other
prisoners chanting, 'Kill! Kill!' Everybody,
even the gunrail , thought that was funny.
I sat back and just wondered why I give a
shit about anything or anyone-sick place
prison, but then no sicker than the whole
world is. Will it ever chamge?"
Harp speaks quite clearly to the inevitable questions facing anybody involved-in
political work: Why am ·1 doing this? Will
it make any difference? He confronts the
temptations to become cynical (and consequently apathetic) that face everyone,
bu t under condit ions so extreme that our
day to day anger seems trivial.
Harp continually stresses the necessity
for unity, both among t lie prisoners, and
wi th outside supporters, as a prerequi site
for change. He relates t acti cs used by the
guard s (similar to those used to break
unions, peace and environmental coali tions, and so forth ) to undermine thi s
un ity :
" B-ti er was moved to C-ti er and fed hot
meals. Yard was allowed and some
prisoners took it, .. .The whole uni t came
down on those who took yard .. .if C-tier
breaks down we are isolated and will be
singled out as leaders plus give the pi gs
plenty of medi a pl ay on our lack of suoport within (the unit) ..
Despite this apparent resolve, Harp
makes clear that hi s sanity is threatened

during a lock up situation, indeed at all
times :
" ... Sometimes I swear I have no idea
what I am doing or even trying to do .. .a
prisoner down the tier nutted out...
smashing everything in his cell, and
screeching at the top of his lungs, 'Let me
out! Let me out! ' I sit here wondering if
I will ever do what he has done - it kind
of scares me to think about it.. .screaming,
sometimes, you think is your only relief,
but inside you know you might not stop
once you start."
Harp, understandably, holds mountains
of rage for a society to which he supposedly still owes a debt, and to the
guards and prison officials who've physically and mentally assaulted him. But he
uses this rage in an effort to change the
world he inhabits and to seek his own
freedom . As he puts it, "My rage is some
kind of energy, and my love, my only
Harp offers insights into the prison
system garnered and formulated from his
experience : sometimes serio-comic- " ln
prison they tuck up fried eggs, so you can
imagine what they do to people." And
often giving a perspective seldom heard,
as-in this statement on the economics of
" ... the Penal System has nothing to do
with justice-it is about business, and a
very good one at that. The merchandise is
human beings who are considered undesireables ... these human beings are used as
pawns and fed on by thousands-most
especially bureaucrats and politicians .. .
The Penal System is one of the most
stable parts of the economy ...
One constantly hears about how much
it costs to keep one prisoner per year in
the Penal System, but what one never
hears about is how much one prisoners is
worth to the State."
However, Love and Rage ... is far from
being a humorless diatribe against the evil
capitalists. Unlike some books of the
prison writings genre, Harp's book is
leavened with mildly comic asides - he's a
human being and a "pawn of the bureaucrats. "
For instance, in the midst of the lock. d own (hence no showers) Harp writes :
"Took a bird bat h today, whi ch was a trip.
One stands in the toilet and pours water
over himself." Or after eight days on a
personal and ineffective hunger strike. " I
have begun eatin g again. No sense to that
tacti c and the bananas were lookin g too
good ."
Carl Harp tells us how he sees t he
world from th e perspective of an innocent
and now irrevocably radi cali zed prisoner.
We can draw inspiration for our own
stru ggle by reading about, and sharing,
the love and rage that susta in him.
The book is available throu gh Pulp
Press, 572 Beatty Street , Van couver, Canada V6B 213. All profits go towards Harp's
and a general pri soner defense fund .

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page 8 Cooper Point journal May 1~, 1981

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Credit Union Info
The Washington State Employees Credit
union will have an information booth set
up for faculty and statf inquiries Friday,
May 5th,,from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the
second floor of the CAB.

Summer Academic Fair
Summer academic fair has been rescheduled. It will be from 9 a.m. to 12
, p.m., May 20, in combination with the
fall academic fair.

Ramblin' Jack Elliot
Legendary folk singer Ramblin' Jack
Elliot will perform in the Library Lobby at
7 p.m. on Friday, May 22. Ramblin' Jack
shaped his musical style while playing
with Woody Guthrie during the " Beat" era
of the fifties . Magical Strings, a Celtic folk
duo, will open the show. Tickets will be
available at the TESC Bookstore, the Rainy
Day Record Co., the Music Bar, and Budget Tapes and Records.

The Evergreen Master Planning Team is
holding two public meetings today, May
14. One will be held in the CAB Lobby at
12-1 :30 and one 1will occur in the evening
from 7-9 in CAB 108. The purpose of these
meetings is to generate a discussion and
critique of our draft master plan. As the
quarter comes to a close so does the
master planning team but we have organized goals-objectives-policies for ongoing
planning which will be carried on by our
proposed implementation process. These
two sections in our draft plan are instrumental to the future of our campus and it
is important that your minds are heard.
Please come to our public meetings-this
your chaQ_ce t~ have a hand in developIng our com1numty .
The Evergreen Master Planning Team ·
will also be hosting a walking tour of the
campus Friday, May 15. Interested persons
should meet at the TEMPT Office, LA6 I,
3050 at 1 p.m .


.- -

Chess Anyone?
Chess, Backg~mmon,
Video Games,

Arts Festival
The Tacoma-Pierce County Civic Arts
Commission is now accepting applications
from food vendors, artists and craftspeople to participate in Art Bowl, a festival of the arts to take place on Saturday,
August 22 in Tacoma. The deadline for
application is June 1. Call the Civic Arts
Commission at 593-4754 for more information .




Cerell'lony will be Carol Ellick and Stephen I
The graduation committee advises graduates of the following pointS :
• Caps and gowns may be ordered
through the bookstore until Friday, May 15
• Graduation announcements are on
sale at the Registrar's Office and the CAB
at lunchtime.
Here is the schedule for June 7 graduation proceedings :
Check"in 12-1:30
Potluck 1-2
Cermoney 2-4
Unless it is raining the ceremony will
take place in Red Square. In the event of
rain, the Pavillion is the alternative
If you have questions contact Crystal
Rogers (866-5001) or Stephen Charak
(943-1372 or 866-6180) .

Women's Shelter
Rock-N-Roll KAOS
Friday, May 15, Rock 'n Roll show " The
Bolders Caught Live" airing between 77:30 p.m. TESC's own Ch. 6 w/ simul cast
over KAOS. The band will then play a
dance at 4th floor library between 9 p.m .12 midnight. Sponsored by Thomas Ott's
TV Directing class .

The Olympia Women's Shelter Program
needs volunteers. The shelter counsels
and houses battered women and their
children. Volunteers are needed for a
vari ety of duties, including staffing Harbor
House, childcare, public speaking and
education, and answering phones . Tbe
next training will start on June 15. If you
are interested in volunteering, pleasecbntact Pam at 352-0593, or stop by the Y at
220 E. Union, before June 8.

JC's Coloring Book
Children are Special and so is Olympia.
So the Olympia JC's are doing something
special for both. A beautiful children's
coloring book depicting local scenes has
been created by Bruce Pullman and Linda
Honeywell. The JC's are looking for help
to print "The Olympia Coloring Book"
which will then be given free of charge to
many children around Olympia by the
public schools, libraries, 'and St. Peter's
Hospital. You can help by sending any
size donation to "The Olympia Coloring
Book", P.O . Box 3123, Olympia, WA 98503
or call (206) 459-5353.

CPJ Retraction
Last week in our story on the theatre
department, Tim Streeter was incorrectly
quoted as saying that student productions
require five faculty and staff signatures.
Mr. Streeter actually had said that the
high number of signatures for a proposed•
show was a suggested requirement. Cur-

rently stud.,ents only need permission from
their contract sponsor.
It was also brought to our attention
that "Take a Card, Any Card!" and
"Voices" were not modular productions
but "The White House Murder Case" is.

Got Nothing To Do?

When you're on your coffee
break, or between classes, or
catching a bite at the Spar,
pick up a copy of the CPJ
and find out what's happening on campus, in Olympia,
and around the world. Each .
week the Journal brings you
the very best in news,
commentary, reviews, and
the most complete calendar
of arts and events in town.
Read the Journal and find
out about all the things
Olympia's daily doesn't want
you to know about. Keep
your quarter and put it
towards a cup of coffee. The
Journal is free, and that's
still the best deal around.


.. ,.. ...

Graduation Details
Jolene Unsoeld has been selected as the
guest speaker at upcoming graduation
ceremonies . The other speakers are :
(students) Lyn Malofsky and Elizabeth
Springer, (staff-student) Edna Harper, and
(faculty) Mark Papworth . Masters of

FOR SALE . Practically new Peavey T-40 Bass.
w/good case. 866-5107. Great deal, call now!

DELIGHTFUL elderly woman needs live-in help
to be responsible for nights and weekends .
Free room and board plus monthly salary.
Starting early June. Call Scott 352-1392.

FIDDLE TEACHER WANTED Bluegrass or oldtime fiddle background preferred. Contact
Mike 352-3028.

TYPING SERVICE Fast , accurate, reasonable.
Technical and scientific material a specialty.
Colleen , 786-8318(days) and 943-3542 evenings.


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Since 1938

For information, Please Ca/1 :

Planner-Environmental Impacts Project
Student intern would work as an assistant to
staff planner to review and comment on environmental impact statements, to coordinate with
affected local governments and provide assistance
on special projects.
Prefer student with a background in planning,
public adminis\ration, environmental studies, engineering or various other related fields.
1-3 quarters, hrs. negotiable. Volunteer position .

Conference Coordinator-Summer 1981
Student intern would coordinate forthcoming
conference on alternative education . Responsibilities: publicity, travel arrangements, promotion,
etc .
Student must have excellent organizational
skills and a knowledge of public relations.
1 quarter, 10 hrs/week (minimum).
Minimum wage-travel and meals reimbursed .


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:~~~~~~~~~=t=tl~e~(~2=~:)~5~2~~~7:6!17~~~~~~~1J..T_r_n_e_l_m_im_~_r_u_d_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~p~~~~m
Farm Hand
Arlington , WA.
Student intern would help with general work on
organic farm-vegetable production and marketing, livestock maintenance (sheep, chickens ,
horses), and orchard management. Student m1ght
also be involved in some research and writing.
Prefer student who has a background or interest
in agriculture.
2 quarters, 40 hr/wk. Profit sharing position .
Lodging provided.

Save All Year Long
4-bedroom, HEAT efficient home in Alpine Hills offers over 3,000 square
·feet of living storm windows, earth protection for lower floor, WOOD/
electric fore~ · air furnace PLUS air-tight stove in the family room.
Features galore for exciting family li•ing can be yours! A year's supply
of fire wood included! $129,500. (R-129) Call Bill' Connor, RE/MAX realty
100; 459-1000 or Res. 352-4941 .
William H. Connor, Associate Broker


page 10 Cooper Point Journal Mav 14. 1981

Systems Analyst-Summer 1981
Student must be in junior or senior year and
have a background in one or more of the following: BASIC, intermediate accounting, cost accounting, business systems and flow charting.
· NOTE: 4 positions available-3 in Grays
Harbor area and one in Seattle.
1 quarter, 40 hrs/week
Davtime Rapti Crisis Counselor-Summer 1981
· Student would be involved in the foi!O"lfing:
· Pr~
· ide advocacy for people who have been sexu, ally assaulted ; do public speaking to schools
f\nd community groups; obtain specific training
o'n exual assault; and provide trai~ing for new
v61unteers of Rape Relief and comrriunily agencies .
Student must have a commitment to working
against violence against women . Student must
also be able to work independently.
Volunteer p~sition.
1 qtlarter, 40 hrs/ wk .

Student intern would assist in developing .
policies and procedures for the City's investments
program through charting and graphing various
investments, fund balances, etc.
Student must have a good background in mathematics and know how to graph . A background in
statistics is helpful.
1 quarter, 10-19 hrs/week.
Volunteer position.
Outdoor Program Assistant Tripleader-Summer
Snoqualmie, WA.
Student intern would assist in planning, participating in and evaluating outdoor program trips.
Duties and responsibilities would include: Trip
logistic planning, instruction of activities to students ; public relations work within institution;
and evaluation of program's success.
Prefer student with a background in the social
sciences and/or recreation. Student should also ·
have good outdoor skills .
1-2 quarters, 40 hrs/ wk . $4.41 hr for work-study
student, otherwise volunteer position.
Research Technician-Summer 1981
Shelton , WA .
Student intern would be involved in the following : Design and conduct study of control group
of high school dropouts ; develop an accurate
and concise record-keeping system ; and. reorga- ·
nize past records and program files.
Prefer student with a background in public
administration and/or statistics.
Volunteer position .
1 quarter, 16-40 hrs/ wk.
Travel reimbursed.

By joining the Army for certain specialties: you can now
get part of your college debt forgiven.
Here's how it works.
If you've attended college on a National Direct Student
Loan or a Guaranteed Student Loan made after October 1,
1975, and qualify, the government can absolve you from
1/3 of your debt (or $1,500, whichever is greater) for each
year you serve.
Obviously, a three-year enlistment would eliminate
100% of your debt. But if you want a shorter tour of duty, you
•can still receive 2/3 loan forgiveness with our two-year
enlistment. (Only the Army can make this offer.)
Or you might consider serving in the
Army Reserve. If you qualify, as a Reservist you can stay home, get paid
for your active duty, and receive
15% loan forgiveness (or $500,
whichever is greater) for
each year of service.

And if you ever want to go back to school, your Army
enlistment will qualify you for thousands of dollars for educational assistance. On top of that, you might even qualify
for a generous Army educational incentive. (And you'll still
receive loan forgiveness.)
So if your dream is to go to grad school, today's Army
can help you get out of debt and into grad school in just a
few years.
Of course, with your education, you can probably ·
qualify to start at a higher rank and pay grade. (And, later,
there may be opportunities for promotion.)
Remember, only the Army can offer you such comprehensive benefits for such a briefenlistment.
To find out how you can serve your
country as you serve yourself in just
two years, call800-421-4422. In
California, 800-252-0011. Alaska
and Hawaii 800-4 23-2244. Ask
for the name of the Army's
college representative
nearest you.

Mav 14, 1981 Cooper Point jburnal page 11

Gnu Deli
Friday, May 15: Vance Koenig
at 9 p.m., $2 cover charge.
May 16: Tom Maddox plays blues
•~""''"'w11rn surprise guest. Begins at 9 p.m., $2
Monday, May 18: Gnu Blues Ravl-, featuring
The Harmonic Tremors. Begins at 9 p.m. and is
followed by open jam. 50t cover ch.arge.
Thursday, May 21: Music by A. Woodruff and
B. Haywood. Begins at 9 p.m., $2 cover charge.

Monday, May 18 : Jeanne Hahn on: The
the State; role of the state in advanced
ist society; LH 1 ; Free. Sponsored by EPIC.

African Congress
Representative Speaks
Saturday, May 16: J. Makatlnl,
the U.N. from the African National
; Friends Center; 4001 9th N.E.,
50. Sponsored by The
Campaign, American Friends
ttee and Southern Africa Solidarity
mitee; info: 329-2952.

the Solders Caught Live
Friday, May 15: The Boldars Caught Live, a
rock 'n' roll show airing between 7-7:30 p.m., on
own channel 6. The show will be. simulcast on KAOS. The band will then perform at a
dance at the fourth floor of the library between
9-midnight. Sponsored by Thomas Ott's TV
Directing class.

Holistic Health Fair
Friday and Saturday, May 15 and 16 : 2nd Annual Community Health Holistic Fair; Potluck
and entertainment, 6-8 p.m., Friday; workshops,
speakers and booths, 9-6 p.m ., Saturday; Olympia Community Center, 1314 E. 4tn; sponsored by Olympia Wellness Network and Health
Systems Agency .

Ramblin' Jack Elliot
Friday, May 22: Ramblln' Jack Elliot will appear in concert at the Main Floor :Of the library at
7 p.m. Tickets available at the Evergreen Bookstore and Budget Tapes and Records.

Bluegrass Festival

Options in Humanities

Friday and Saturday, May 15-16: 2nd Annual
Tumwater Bluegrass Festival and N.W. Regional
5-string Banjo Contest; Tumwater High School
(take exit 102 off of 1-5) ; also exhibits, crafts fair,
concerts, open mike, workshops and films; 8
a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, $1; competition at 10 a.m.; info: YWCA/
Applejam , 352-0593.

Wednesday , May 20: Graduate options in the
humanities; featuring various professionals and
educators; CAB 110; 2-4 p.m.; info: x6193;
Career Planning and Placement.

Body Therapy
Begins June 2: Body Therapy course to prepare
students for Washington State Massage License.
The 8-week course includes 8 evenings and 2
we>ek<encts. To be covered: Swedish massage,
, body alignment, anatomy, physiology
and dream reflection facilitator. For information
call Wendy Schofield at 866-4666.

Linda Waterfall Quartet
Saturday, May 16 : Linda Waterfall Quartet;
Rainbow Restaurant; $3; 9 p.m.; info : 753-9943
or 357-6616.

Clairseach, Thursday, May 14, Charlie and Ann Heymann

KAOS Benefit Dance

will play traditional Irish music. 8 p.m. Recital Hall.

Sunday, May 17: KAOS Benefit Dance featurIng Man Attacks Beer Truck, Tiny Holes, and The
Westside Lockers with several guest appearances;
$3, 8:30p.m.; Popeye's, 2412 W. Harrison; 10

Running Workshop
Thursday, May 14: Running safeiy, healthily
and successfully, with Dr. Rob Roy McGregor,
authority on physical aspects of running; REI
Co-op, 1525 11th Ave, Seattle; 7 p.m., free; info:
Louise Farley, 323-8333.

Tim Weisberg
Sunday, May 17: Tim Weisberg in concert at
The Showbox, Seattle; Lisa Nemzo also appears;
call. Albatross for info: 241-2320.


Dementia 13

"God's Favorite"

Tuesday, May 19; Dementia 13, Francis Ford
Coppola's first film that has until now remained
4nreleased. If you've seen The Blob, you've seen
three minutes of this movie. Also: Terror of Tiny
Town, the first all-midget western (probably the
only film to reject John Wayne for being Too
Tall); LH 1; 7, 9:30; $1.25

The NSABA Cultural Ensemble will present Neil
Simon's play "God's Favorite," at the Tacoma
Actors Guild Theatre. The play runs from June
4th to 20th. Tickets are $5.00, and are available at
the Bon in Seattle and Tacoma, Fort Lewis Ticket
Office and at the performance.

Meet the Seahawks: Football
Saturday, May 16: Meet the Seahawks: Steve
Largent and Jim Zorn; REI Co-op, 1-2:30 p.m.

The Damned

Women in Videoland

City of Siege

8.3 Mile Run

Thursday, May 14; The Damned, directed by
Luchino Visconti with Dirk Bogarde; a Wagnerian
opera of fury and spectacle (1969) LH 1; 3, 7,
9:30; $1 .25

Saturday, May 23; Women in VIdeo Land , video
by and about women; Anorexia and starvation,
Blues singer; LH 1, 8 p.m.; $1.50; Info: x6162.

Thursday-Sunday, May 14-17: City of Siege, a
theatre dance performance conceived and directed
by Tom Barnes; featuring several cameo appearances; COM 117; 10 p.m. (extra Midnight showing Saluraay); Sunday performance begins at 1{
a.m. with a brunch and an evening performance
at 8 p.m.; $2 ($3.50 for brunch show only).

Wednesday, May 20: 8.3 mile run on miserable
hills; library Plaza beginning point ; 5:30 p.m.
start; register at 5 p.m.; $1; get In shape for the
Super Saturday runs! Info: x6530. Sponsored by
Recreation and Athletics Running Club.

, Theater

Forbidden Games
~riday, May 15; Forbidden Games, a French
ant1-war film with English subtitles about the
deep friendship between two small children and
their games of death(1951); LH 1; 3, 7, 9:30;

The Wrong Move
Sunday, May 17; The Wrqng Move, part of
Novels into Film; New German Cinema; Pike
Place Cinema, Seattle; 1 p.m.; 622-2552. ,

Experimental Theatre Plays
Friday, May 15 and Wednesday, May 20: Cloak
(mystery), It's a Small World (two-character comedy), Sandbox (by Edward Albee) and Trifles (a
murder mystery); Experimental Theatre; 8 p.m.;
$1. Directed, performed and in some cases
written by Arts of Theatre Dir~ting students.

More Experimental Theatre


The Life of Ohara
Thursday, May 21: The Life of Oharu by Kenji
Mizoguchi. Showing in Lecture Hall O~e at 3, 7
and 9:30; $1.25

Saturday, May 16 and ThurSday, May 21: The
Bee (a one-character story); Orange Peal (original
drama) and Infancy (a Central Park comedy). Experimental Theatre; 8 p.m., $1.

When you need some notes at 3:00a.m.,
you find out who your friends are.

You left the notes for
chapter 6 in the library. A sure
s1gn that tomorrow's test will
be heavy with questions from
chapter 6. Someone you know
is about to get a phone call.
He's not going to like it, but he's
goin!( to come through. When ·

~~~ ~o~i!:.s¥:;r:~:,~etfLOw~nbriu. Here's to good friends.

be Uiwenbriiu. 1




Theatre Theatre Theatre
The lntiman Theatre Company is now offering a reduced price preview series to the upcoming six-play season.
Preview subscribers save nearly 50% over
the price of a regular season subscription and
see six plays for just $30 .. Single preview tickets are $6, so subscribers actually see one
play free when purchasing the preview series.
Preview dates for the 1981 season are May
15, 16 & 18 for Pygmalion, June 12, 13 & 15
for The Rose Tattoo, July 10, 11 & 13 for
Antigone, August 7, 8 & 10 for School for
Wives, September 4, 5 & 7 for A Touch of the
Poet and October 2, 3 & 5 for Damien.
Call 624-2992 for more information.

Cascades Slides
Thursday, May 21 : Hiking east of the Cascades,
with Mary Sutcliffe giving a slide presentation;
REI; 7 p.m. .

On Your Feet
Friday, May 22: Steve Komi to on Boots; leading expert on alpine footwear presents slide show
on the selection, construction and maintenance
of mountain footwear; REI; Noon-4.

Friday, May 15: Happy Cow, KAOS's weekly
public affairs show will feature Gary Hiegleson
on the topic of Spirituality. The show airs from 7
to 9:30p.m.