

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 23 (April 16, 1981)

extracted text
Thursday-Saturday, April 9-tl ; Gabriel. Next
week : F_ay Jam. Astairs , lIB E. 5th. Thur.,
ladies nigh\. Cover $3-4.

~k Anderson

and Mu!>icalFriends
Friday, April 10: Mart<. Anderson and musical
friends; guitarlsll singer pl.fys originals to rag- .
time with friends on flute, tabla, violin and base.
9 p.m. $2 . Gnu Deli.

IGnu Blues Review
Mondays In April: Gnu Blues Review; ioin the
resident blues and rhythm band as player or
listener; SOt, 9-Mldnight, Gnu Dell.


Arts &



Thursday , April !:C7 ·p.m .: Climbing with Jfm
Oonlnl, a slide show and talk on climbs In
Patagonia , the Karakorum and Venezuela. REI Coop, 1525 11 th Ave., Seattle.

Skyang Kangri
rhursday, APFi+-16, 7-p.m .: SkYlng Kangri, Jeff
Lowe presents slides on his unprecedented twoman attempt to scale this major Himalayan wall .
Also an ABC film on a climb of Bridalveil Falls.
REI Co-op .

Sa\. , April 1B: dyke tones, dance sponsored by
tides of change and friends; LIB 4300, 8 p.m.,

New Ideas
Sat., Ap ril 11: TESC Album Project Benefit
Dance, featuring the Cool Rays (Iunk) and Test
Pattern (new wave) plus a special guest band and
guest performer,s; music from the album tO~j
pre-sale on the album; 99 t, 9 p.m., LIB 4300;
coke and ginger ale available at a minimal cost.

Tuesdays and Thursdays: Meditate, share the
beauty of your innerplace, LIB 3500, 7 a.m.




Folk Guitarist Eric Park

Thur. , April 9; The New Land; Llv Ullmann con-

elect officers. At Highline Community College, in
the Gold Room of the Performing Arts Building.

tinues in her role as an emmigrant to America in
the mid-l800s ; LH 1 ; 3, 6:30 and 9 : 30.

Comic Book Project Meeting


Friday, April to : EV9rgreen Comic Book prolect
meeting : 10 a.m., ARC, LIB 3215; all cartoonists
and script writers invited to attend this final
meeting of the project to discuss format, content
and titles .

Naked Kiss
Fred Raulston and AI Hood
Fri. April 10: Naked Kiss : a hooker travels the
I Thursday, April 16 ' Fred Raulston and AI
road from prostitution to respectability and then
: "load . Inner Cily Records duo returns to Olympi a.
to disillusionment with the facade of the respect"laul ston on vi braphone and Hood C'n piano
I able" life she has found. Plus : Mouse of ToI 9 p m . $350. Gnu Del i
I morrow starring Might Mouse. $1.25. 3, 7, and
: 9 :30. LH 1.


Easler Musical
Friday. April i7 : Then Came Sunday. an Easter ,
mus ica l featuring the Evergreen choir and orches- I
Ira. 7 ;:> . m , Evergreen Christ Ian Center. 1000
Black Lak e Blvd. Olymp ia: no cha rge exeepL.ior ~ , Satire on Fantasia
what tOll feel YOu ca n giv e free l y .
Sun . April 12 : Allegro Non Troppo , fun-filled
.an lmaled satire on Disney's Fantasia ; $2.75, non members. $1.25. members : 7 and 9 p.rn . :
Olym pia Film Society, Capital City Studios. 911
, hl da'l Apr>! 17 The Pas sage perl armed by
E 4th fbetween Pea r and Quince slreets) .
'JOhn AlkiC ~ IP la. no \. Fred Raulston (Vibes and
marimba) acrj Rober l Hp.ywood ieuphon um .
IIdrums and marimba). 8 p.m. Recital Hall. $2 :
Spain Is a Peaceful Forest
I, pun sored by the Gig Comm iSSion .


I Swingshift Jazz Ouartet
Frod ay. Ap ril 17 Swingshift . lyrical Jazz by a"I v/Omdn quartet fr om San FranCISco , 9 p.m . $3 .50 .
! Gn 'J Dell. Playing in Seattle: April 2t. Rainbow ;
I t .prd 24. Riverboat Tavern .
Willow Creek Ramblers
Saturday, April 18 . 8 p.m., $2.50 WIllow Creek
Ramblers play bluegrass, western swing and
I some pop . YWCA, Olympia .

by Jessica Treat


Thur . April 16 ; Furtlvos; "Spain is a peaceiul
forest " bul in this 1976 film by Spanish director
Jose Lui s Borau, the forest consists of murky
bog s of stupidity, foggy fields of repression anet,
wild beasts of savagery. 3, 7 and 9 :30 in LH 1.


Sat., April " , ; Women's Conservation and Sola
Construction Wo,bhop series begins. Call the
Solar Outreach Center for more Information;

Confronting Sexism
Mon., April 13: Confronting Sexism, a workshop/discussion sponsored by The Women's
Center; men and women are Invited. 5:30-7 :30,
Lib 3216. Also, Thurs., April 16: Monogamy, a
presentation/discussion, 7 p.m., LIB 3216.
CPR Classes
Tuesdays through June 9; CP R classes sponsored by Health Services; all students , faculty
and staff are invited to attend the free classes.
April 14 class 1-4 p.m . in LlV 1406. Call Health
Services for complete schedule .

Career Counseling for Artists
Monday, April 13 , 7-10 p.m.: first of a series 01
Counseling Workshops for art students and the
art community; includes a talk about marketing
artwork , a discussion about legal rights for artists
and a look into the prospects for careers in art .
The Seattle School District Auditorium, 815 4th
Ave . N. No fee but reservations are suggested .
Call 682-4435.




T\,Jesdays, April 14-June 2: Women's Massage
Class , includes learning a whole body massage,
foot reflexology, special herbs for women; 7-9
p.m. , LIB 4004 , $30. Sponsored by The Evergreen
Women 's Center . Info : Peggy or Gail at Radiance, 357-9470.
Body Therapies

Symposium on Nuclear Waf
Saturday , April 18 : The medical consequences
of nuctear weapons and nuclear war, a day-long
symposium featuring John Kenneth Galbraith,
John Marshall Lee , Admiral, U.S. Navy (ret .) and
others; organized by PhYSicians for Social
Responsibility and Council for a Livable World
Education Fund; $10 generaf public (advance
registration advised), 8 a.m., Meany Hall, UW,
near 15th NE and NE 40th .



Body Therapies; eight-week course to prepare I
students for the. Washington State Massage ucensong Exam; Includes Swedish Massage, Basic
Polarity, Anatomy/Physiology, First Aid , Dream I
Reflection ; the evening or weekend classes cost
$250. Call 866-4666. Wendy Schofield , instructor.


Saturday, April 11: Crystal Energy, healing the
self with crystal healing power, presented by Dr.
R.o~rt · Burdick: author of "Healing as a Way of
Lofe and Dr. Dianna Sanchez, founder of New
Horizons church; $25, 10-4, 1510 E. 20th (end of
Lybarger and 22nd); info : 943-0333 or 943-5755


Holy Week

Saturday . April 18' Obrador plays at the Rainbow. $3.50 . 9-12

Sa turday. April 11 : Can Hoty Week Be Holy?
reltection on the events of Holy Thursday. Good
Friday and Easter Sunday: 10-6. voluntary offerInq s . Siena Center. Dominican Sisters of

Edmonds, B610 Eight Ave .. NE, Seattle ;



ildren's Theatre

Friday and Saturday. April 10 & 11: Androcles
and the Lion; Children 's theater. Capital Conlemporary Theatre .

Blood and Roses
Tuesday, April 14: 1934: Blood and Roses ; a
controversial play which reveals the bitter worker I
management struggles that sparked the longshoremen strikes of the 1930s; 8 p.m., $2 .50,
Recilal Hall; brought to you by EPIC.

1,, 1,·, 523-7217 .

Organic Gardeni~
Saturday, April 11 . 1-4 p.m .: Organic gardening
lectures : Dr. Art Antonelli . resident entomologist
al the Western Washington Research and ExtenSIon Center, Puyallup . offers a slideltape show
on organic pest control: faculty biolog'ist Fred
Stone ta lks on soil composition , composting and
organic fertilizers; Mike Maki , representative of
the SW Washington chapter of Tilth will explain
the alternative farming organization. At the
Olympia Community Center across from Daily 0
bel ween 4th and 5th streets. Info : Kathy Phillips ,


Evergreen Collection

Through April 12 in Gallery Two; Photography
from The Evergreen Collection, works by Diane
Arbus, Judy Dater and other noted photographers. Hours : same as Library .

Stained Glass and



Through AprillB, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Artists'
Co-op Gallery features Celesta Brown, oil painter, and Jean Stam, stained glass artist. 524 S.
Washington, Olympia.


American Wilderness

Sunday, April 12: Moments of Wondar in the
American wilderness; slide presentation with
transcendental musical accompaniment; photography by Leon Werdinger of Canyonlands,
Yosemite, MI. Rainier and other natural wonders;
$1, Recital Hall, 7 p.m.

Evergreen is up to something again.
What is it this time? Earthfair, '81, "the
largest all-student co-ordinated activity
ever, the best even't of the academic
year. "Similar to Super Saturday in size and
community involvement, Epperson sees it
as an opportunity to present Evergreen to
the public. Evergreen is an alternative
educational system providing an education which is pertinent and applicable to
present-day problems. Earthfair gives the
publi c a chance to come on campus and
see Evergreen as it really is .
~ased on I:arthday, which was conceived in Madison, Wisconsin in 1969, Earthfair is a week-long "celebration of life"
beginning April 19 and ending on April
26. Its only precursor at Evergreen is Sun
Day, a day-long event in 1978 which had
solar energy as its focus , and brought
.Amory Lovins, as keynote speaker, to
ca mpus.
The idea of broadening the meaning
and scope of Earthday into a week of
activities was conceived in June of 1980,
and in September Epperson brought the
idea to president Dan Evans, hoping the
college would support the idea and help
to finance it- Evans strongly supported the
idea, but felt the college could not take it
on as Epperson had hoped.
Chris Martin _and Amy Wales of the
Environmental Resource Center worked
with Mark Young, Mark Rappaport, and
Peter Epperson on a grant proposal to the
Evergreen Foundation. Four months later,
in February, the Foundation granted them
$1,000 Services and Activities awarded
them another $1 ,300 toward travel and
The result is an all-student planned
event Between the time they received the
grants and the scheduled week of Earthfair, the students had less than two and a
half months, part of which was deleted by
Spring break, to plan and organize the
week-long event
The first step was to draft a "highly
professional, personalized letter" inviting
educators and professionals from across
the country to speak or in some way contribute to the week of activities. The grant


Glass Artists

Through A-pril 26; Mansion Glass Presents ReCent Works, glass as a fine art; Childhood's End
Gallery, 222 W 4th ; Mon.-Sat. , 10:30-6, Sun.

money was not sufficient to pay most of
the sp~akers invited . "We offered to pay
travel expenses and otherwise had to
appeal to their altruistic hearts," Epperson
said. Of the two hundred and fifty invited,
close to one hundred responded . Many of
the speakers and perfcrmers scheduled
tours and other engagements around the
week of Earthfair; most, like Odetta are
coming with only travel expenses paid .
Odetta, the famed folk singer, is arriving
from New York on April 22.
Keynote speakers include Dr. Giovanni
Costigan , from the University of Washington, who will speak on the maintenance
of human rights from a global perspective.
Ruth Weiner, from Huxley College, will
explain the impact and importance of .
continued education and recognition of
our fragile environment . Joel Schatz, from
the President's Advisory Council for Environmental Quality, will speak on the
"Economics of Optimism. " Governor John
Spellman will not however, as was publicized, be on campus on Wednesday.
Other activities include a presentation
by the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and the Washington Environmental
Councilor "Enhancement, Conservation
and the Environment"; an overview of
tribal management and enhancement
policies with research and development
cases now being studied by the Fisheries
commi ssion.
M embers of the Northwest Indian
Women's Circle, an organization which
grew out of the common struggles of
Indian women with the contemporary
social and environmental stratum, will
discuss the loss of tribal rights, discrimination, suppression of lifestyle and current
relocations of the Navaho people, on Friday, 2 p.m. in Cab 306.
Sharon Hart, agricultural specialist from
INTER*M, will discuss agricultural practices in the Third World, focusing on
Yemen and China, on Wednesday at 5:30
in Cab 306.
A workshop on Iridology, a mime workshop, a video, poetry and dance performance entitled " A strategy for Embryos,"

Budget CutS:

Red China

April 1&, 1981


1-----------------1-______~ft::..:w1ee.::.::..::ti::.ng=s=__ _ _ _ _ _ Workshop

Is Walter Sneed
Arts Commission
Saturday, April 11 : Who Is Walter Sneed? Fine ,-' _ _ __ _ _ _-=-F-'.I:.:lms='--_ _ _ _ _ _----.J,
Friday, April 10, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: the Washington
Jazz featuring the talent of pianist Jerry Michelson ~
State Arts Commission meets to consider budget
and saxophonist Jeffery Morgan. 9 p.m . $2. Gnu
cuts to museums , theaters, dance and music
Deli .
Liv Ullmann
organizations (necessitated by budget cuts at the
state and federal levels), announce grants and

Sunday, April 12 : Eric Park, lolk music lor
Sunday evening by San Francisco area guitarist /
I singer . 7 :30. $2. Gnu Deli .

Volume 9, No. 23.

First-Aid Classes
Mon. and Wed., 7:30 p.m.: Advanced First Aid
Ind Emergency' Cere classes. CAB 110; $25. Call
Health Services to sign up or for more info; B666200.



Registration Ends
Registration for Leisure Education workshops
ends tomorrow. Register in the Rec Center office
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m .. Call the Rae Center
for Info; 866-6530.

to Oyke Tones



Registration for Dance cf.s_ sponsored by
The Olympia Ballroom Association ends tomorrow. Costs range from $10-$30 for varying
dance classes; ballroom, folkdance, circle dance,
creative movement for children , children's tap
dancing. Contact Linda Harris at 943-9803 or AI
Wiedemann at 866-6063.

Climbing in Patagonia

Tribal Contact
Thursdays: Tribal contact, a synthesis 01 African dance and contact improvisation; COM 210,
5-7 p.m. Info: Lisi or Terra, 866-9746 .


The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Dance Classes


Fridays, through Spring quarter: Folkdanclng,
Friday , April 10: Gala; tabla, violin, bass, flute I instruction and request dancing; 7-10 p.m . , LIB
and guitar quintet; 9 p.m., $2, Gnu Deli.
. 4300.

Snake Oil
Saturday, April 11,8 p.m., $2.50 : Snake 011
plays bluegrass, fiddle tunes, gospel Country and
Western and ole time tunes. Two Betays play folk
music and Mexican-style tunes. Put on by Applejam, YWCA, 220 E. Union, Olympia.


Friday, April 10, 12 noon , CAB 110: slide
presentation on The People's Republic 01 China
by Faculty Dr. Elizabeth Kutter and Dr. Robert
Ronzlo who spent three weeks in China last June.
A visit through the science laborator.ies at TESC
included . Free.




Close-out Sale: half off
on selected items.

The Evergreen State COilege
Bookstore 866-6216
Monday-Friday 8: 00-4: 30

by Jim Lyon

The total funding for higher educiltion
would be $1 .8 biliion dollars for the 198183 biennium or about 12 percent higher
than the present biennium. This budget
assumes no increase in enrollment, save
slight boosts at Evergreen and Western
Washington University.
According to the pending proposa l,tulcontinued on page 6
tion at the University of Washington and
Washington State University would increase to equal 33 per cent of the eduCiltional cost. At Evergreen and three
regional universities the increase would
be to 23 per cent of the educational cost.
Community college tuition would increase
to 21 per cent of the educational cost.
What it means is this: tuition at the two
major universities will increase from the
present $687 a year to $1158 a year. At
Evergreen and the three regional universities, tuition will rise from $618 a year to
The WEA strongly opposes the block-grant formula . Distributing
$924 a year. Community college tuition
the money strictly on the basis of enrollment, they say, will short
will rise from $306 a year to $507 a year.
change those schools with an unusually high concentration of
Community colleges would take the
students in special education programs.
biggest blows, according to most estiOlympia area school officials are only slightly more optimistic
about the Senate's budget. "The overall figures for us don't look
John N. Terrey, executive director of
too bad," said Dr. Stillman Wood, Director of Special Services
the State Board for Community College
for six Thurston County school districts. Special Services is in
Education blasted the pending higher educharge of programs helping children with physical handicaps,
speech and hearing disabilities, and those in need of psychological cation budget as " the first backward step
in access to the educational opportunity
counselling or physical therapy. However, Dr. Wood added that
in the history of the State of Washington ."
" the funding formulas will have a rather negative impact. At
Terrey said the state's policy of an "openleast five or six staff positions will have to be eliminated." Wood
door" approach to higher education has
hastened to point out that these positions can be phased out
ended. "It slams the open door. I think
over the next year through employee attrition, and said no reit's a mistake; it's not efficient. I don't see
ductions in force (Rllos) will be necessary.
justification for leaving classroom
This does not mean, however, that the problem is solved. Dr.
Wood noted that the number of Olympia area students qualifying seats empty simply to meet a target
for special education has increased from 960 to 1030 in the last
Dennis Eagle, an Olympic Community
six months alone. Statewide, he said, the number of such stuCollege student in Bremerton, said the
dents is going up at a rateof1000amonth.
Senate "is balancing the budget with
Another problem is the fact that while state funds ar~being
tuition increases, Working men and
slashed, the flow of federal money is being curtailed as well .
women who make up a large share of
FundingJ,!nder Title I ,of the Educational Improvement Act
community college enrollments, can' t
accounts for $133,663 of the Special Services budget, and that
total IS due to be cut this year by 25%. Dr. Wood said these cuts afford to pay more tuition. Nor can they
go to the universities and keep their jobs
will place Olympia area schools in "a terrible bind" thanks to a
as the state ends the traditional 'open
bill passed last year by the state legislature putting a lid on the
continued on page 3 door' for community colleges."
Tuitions and fees are going up dramatically in the near future. The only question
that remains is: How much?
A myriad of complex and confusing
proposals in the state legislature each take
a different approach. The proposal passed
in the state budget last week still has to
go through the legislature as a separate
bill. It goes roughly like this :

Slashes Special Ed
by Bill Montague

Special prices on developing and printing for ali
110,126, and 135 film .

Up, Up and A~L .

Like other school districts in the state, Olympia public schools
are looking at massive cuts in state funding if the education budget proposed by the State Senate is passed intact. Like other
school district officials, local administrators are wondering how
they will provide the programs for handicapped and other special
students that are required by both federal and state law.
Washington State educators are concerned, one might even
say appalled, by proposed funding cuts contained in the Senate
Budget. The Washington Education AssOCiation (.wEA) has called
the budget "written proof of a broken promise to our children,"
and accused the Senate of "taking a major step toward the deterioration and perhaps the ultimate destruction of public education
as we know it today."
School officials are particularly incensed by severe cuts in the
various special education programs. The programs are mandated
by the Federal Education for All Handicapped Children Act, and
the .state's own House Bill 90, which enjoyed bipartisan support
when it was passed in 1970.
The proposed 'Senate budget would cut a little over 38% of
the funding for handicapped students, and a full 85% out of programs serving gifted students, those nel'!dlng help with remedial
skills, and students who require bilingual iQ~truction. Funds for
the Gifted Student, Remedial, and BilinguaL'programs would be
distributed by what is known as the "block grant formula,"
which apportions funding for the programs on the basis of a
school district's total enrollment rather than on the number of
students requiring specialized instruction.

~--- ---


-- ---- .. --" -- - ----


Photo by Jennifer E. Knauth


bl Dona Dezube
Kat hy Hinsc h, a member of the S&A
board , recentl y represented Evergreen at
the " Women's Leadershi p Conference," in
Was hin gton D .C The conference, held
Marl h 25-29, was attended by 100 representat ives trom dcrOSS the coun try Accompanyi ng Hinsc h were representatives
fr om Whi tman Co llege, Bellevue Com- munlt y Col lege, and t he University of
W ibhington
I ho parti cipants in the co nference devp loped the ir leadel shi p sk ill s and discusspel prol, lplllS or , exual equity in higher
eduCall{)ll Th " conferen ce conce ntrated
o n Illerhocis for solvi ng these problems ,
such a, .,ra ss root s organiLat ion and the
tormat Ion of legal action groups.
HI I \~ ( h belongs to an mformal network
cie" ,-:nl' d. to P\c hangf' fut ure mformation
on tho,(' ,ubW( h She 'ai d that slw wi ll
Il<l\\ 11"'-:111 to work at ilpplyin g t he ski ll s
aml'l1l()rIl l,ltl<lIl th .lI , hr' ga ined at the
( Oll l prPIl( (. h... rf' at ~ ve r grpp n .
"\ \ c· \\ dl1t to make wome n morE' aware
<)1 \\ 11.11 th"11' I'Il(hts arp Wp wan t to mak e
IIlI mlll.ll l"'l mOIl' ,l ( l l's>ib l" and re,ll"III
'd id Hills{ h
\\()" \\ ()Ill(-'n cI on't evell rpaill " th at
til " 1 . 1[ • • Ihe l 'ICllms ot edulatlonal in"''IUII I I nr Ins tance." sa id HIn>ch. " it is
1" :j,,11 \ I't'rmis,able for instituti ons to haw
h lght'r aclmi"i on ,>t andards for women
appli l anh Sexual hdrass ment is no t al\1,1\, obll ous or over.t . It can in clude
Ihlngs like rutting women down or ignor-

ti ,,,

Juggle It?

It's in the Water


ing their comments in classes and seminars."
Hinsc h said that there had been complain ts of a non-supportive atmosphere in
some departments here at Evergreen.
Scien ce, Math, and Computer Science
were ,aid to be the least supportive programs for women . However Hinsc h did
say th at she thought th e problems at Evergreen were less severe than those at the
University of W as hington .
The "Women's Leadership Conference"
is in the process of organ izing a regional
<onft'rence made lip of women from
Wa,hington , Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska.
It wi ll b,' onp of twe lve 'in the na tion, and
is to bp held at I:vergreen in March of
W hpn ilsked w hat a student could do
when fan·ci wit h o;u<; per ted <;exllal disuim lllation . Hinsc h replied, " Right now tht'
on ly ~ou rlP for It;gal acti on is Rehecca
Wr ight , the Aifi rm ativp AlIlon pt'ro;on for
SOllthwt'lt W,I, hington." .
M, W ri ght io; very bu ,y dnd cannot
gUdrdllt,,!, Imlllt'di ,ltp act ion, but it onp IS
,(-'riuu, ,lhout leg,d ly pu r<; uing a )t'xu,d
d i" rlnllll ,ltion compl ain t. sht' ca n b"
r('ell hed at Ihl' Pe'r sonn el Ott i ce .
Sonlt' help Cd n be found at the
Wo nlt'n', CE'l1ter, 0 11 the thi rd f loor of the
Library Building . The Wome n', Center
canno t give any lega l aid , but they Cdn
offer moral support and encourdgement
to vvomf'n w i t h t hese prob lems.

by Denise Paulsen
Waterfront property owners on Budd
Inlet are upset by the visably unpure
sewage that is being released into the bay
by the Olympia Sewage Treatment Plant.
One waterfront property owner, who
wished to remain ur')named, said " What's
tragic is it will take 200 years for the inlet
to cleanse itself from all the sewage that
has settled on the bottom."
The waterfront owner resides near one
of two pipes that release treated sewage
into the bay. He said the rats are becoming a problem_ " They love the sewage and
they have thrived to the point where they
have outgrown the food resources and are
moving up West Bay Drive," he said. "The
rats have gnawed holes in my building
and one neighbor told me they had
moved into her house." One of the pipes
is located near KGY and the other on~ is
by Fiddlehead Marina.
The Olympia Sewage Treatment Plant
does not currently meet federal standards
as set by the Water Pollution Control Act,
1969 (amended in 1971), The plant is
treating its sewage only by primar}, process, which the Federal Government has
deemed is not adequate to control water
The Water Pollution Control A ct set a
mandate whi ch requires sewage treatment
plants to use the secondary treatment
process. The primary process only removes solids that settle; the secondary
process removes all solids.
The city of Olympia has a secondary·
trea tment plant currently under construc-

pagE' 2 Cooper Point Journal April 16, 1981

Editor's Note: As was reported in '~he CPI
last week, TESC President Dan Evans has
been appointed to the Pacific Northwest
Regional Power Council. Over the next
decade, as the Pacific Northwest strives to
. deal with its energy problems, the Power
Council will have a tremendous influence
on the economic and environmental
health of the area . This week, Mr. Evans
shares his thoughts on both his appointment and on the opportunities and the
hazards of regional energy development.
'CP): You have taken on a huge responsibility in accepting this position. How do
you foresee being able to manage the
dual responsibility of representing Ever- ·
green and also representing the State of
Washington on the Power Council. Do
you have the time to make this commitment without letting Evergreen suffer in
the process?
Evans: I certainly don't intent to let
Evergreen suffer in the process. I think
that if it comes down to ultimately a
question of choice, of not being able to
do both, I'll have to step aside.
Most importantly, I think there are
some mistaken notions about the nature
of the Pacific Northwest Power Council.
I believe it would be detrimental to the
Power Council and to the Northwest if all
eight commissioners were involved fulltime in meetings or activities of the
council. We have good examples of that
kind of operation in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission where they have five

Porn: A Crin1e?
by Andy M cCormi ck
Some of the Northwest's best known
'writers testi fi ed on Tuesday against HB
626 w hi ch would class ify the promotion ()f
pornographic materi al as a felony crime _
The bill also specifies that in addition to
regular se ntenc ing, the guilty party be
assessed a fin e between $25,000 and
Th e writers , IIlcluding Nation al Book
AWdrd nominee Ivan Doig (This House of
5/';y(. tol d the Senate Judi c iary Com mi ttee
that the bill amounted to censorship.
Ernest K. Gann, in 'a statement read by
fe ll ow w rit er Arc hi e Satterf ield , tord the
Committ ee that the " bill is ce nsors hip
pure' and simple ... and I have spent too
much time in countri es w here ce nsorship
" il norm." Ga nn was referring to a rece nt visit he made to East Germ any,
Sa tt erfi eld eXIJlained
Representative Ellis (R-46t h District), a
supporter of HB 626, test ified that the
measu rp will not ban a book or film no
matter how obscene it may be. Instead,
Ellis said, the bill is directed at " com mer-

Bill Bans Indian Fishing
by Jim Lyon
A bilL that wou ld ban commercial steel head fi shing by Indi ans
ha'> been introduced lointly by Congress man Don Bonker ami
Senator Slade Gorton . The bill is also strongly suppo rted by Senator Henry Jackson and mos t other m embers of W as hington's
congreSS ional delegation .
The bill wou ld reverse the historic 1974 dec ision of U s. Di stri CI Judge George Boldt concernin g Indian fishing ri ghts. Boldt
rul ed that trpaty rights give Indi an tribes the opportunity to
cat ch half the harves tabl e salmon and stee l head returning to
tFad '\l onal o ff-reservat ion Indi an fi shin g grou nds.
Th(> new bill would all ow the state to establi sh regulation s to
df'al Wit h Indian co mmercial stee lhead fi shery " notwithstanding
dn v Indian t reaty or any federal court decision in te rpretin g
Indi an tribal right s." It also give, the Federa l G:ou rt of Claims
turi 'cil ( tion " on all ca use, of action which seek compensation
tor an " ll egE'ci taking of Indi an treaty rights ari sin g or growing
out o f thi s act."
Alcording to Art Martin , an aide to Co ngressman Bonker, a
Slm d,)[ b ill , ponsored by Bonker last yea r met with opposit ion
b('( ilUSt' of speciii c provisions allowmg for $10 million in compell>Jt lon te be awarded to Indi ans for any in cou rt loss suffered
hv ( hange in fi shing laws.
fhe way the current bill is written any com pensation would
bp dec ided in the courts . Says M artin : "Compensation is a complex issue because you have to deal with two areas : the actual
ca tch as well as the right to catch."
The bill has drawn a swift, negative reaction from Native
American spokesmen . George Kalama, Chairman of the Nisqually
Tribe, sa id "the bill would shift us back in time to a beads and
trinket economy_ He (Gorton) would like to see us acting as 'Indian Guides' to non-Indian sportsmen rather than earn a decent
living through our own efforts."

tion. This plant will replace the outmoded
primary process plant that- has existed in
Olympia since 1950.
When asked if the present plant was in
violation of health regulations, Mike _
Clark, a biologist for the Environmental
Health Agency, said " Technically yes, but
since they are working to alleviate the
problem, it is being overlooked."
The ' primary process plant has a problem sifting out plastic products (condorr.s
and diapers) that get flushed down toilets,
according to Ken Maurermann, District
Supervisor for the Department of Ecology's
S.W. office_ Maurermann said, "The plant
could be fineq up to $10,000 a day." He
said that if a private business were violating a comparabl~ regulation , it would be
fined . Maurermann said, "But since the
plant is operated by the City of Olympia,
we are trying to work together with them. "
When asked about the plant's efficiency
in sifting out condoms and other plastic
products, Tom Colby, the chief operator
for the plant, s!lid, "Some products do
sneak through . We take the bulk of it out,
but it isn' t a fine enough process to get all
of it out." He said 'w hen the new plant is
completed in the spring of 1982, it will be
the most efficient in the state. " The
treated sewage released into the bay by
the new plant," Colby said, " will be of
purer quality than the bay itself ."
The waterfront owner said, " It seems
there's really nothing to be done until the
new plant is built, except fine the city and
that would soon bankrupt it."

Kalama's reference is to a part of the bill that would allow
tribes to issue li censes for recrea tional steelhead fishing on the
reservati on. The congressmen have specul ated these licenses
mi ght make more income for the tribes than com mercial stee lhead fi shing.
But accord ing to Kalama and Lummi Chairman Larry Kinely,
the tribes already have a right to issu e li c-e nses on the reservation, and seek ing compens ation through the U .S. Court of Claims
is a lengthy and costly endeavor that would do little to benefit
Native Ameri cans . " The 19 tribes that fish commercially for
steelhead wou ld suffer f inanciall y as the fi sh provide nea rly half
the in come for some tri bes. " Kalama sa id.
The Indi ans also ob ject that the bill requires state officials to
go on reservations to enforce the ban . " Thi s is another effort to
ex tend control over the tribes ," accord ing to Kalama .
John D . Kel ly, president of the Steel head Trout Club of Washin gton supports th e measure. Kelly stated that the bill sho uld be
passed ." to save the stee l head indu stry. in W as hin gton."
" We 'absolutely will not accept the position ... that this is a
racist issue. The sports fishery as we once knew it is close to
being lost. The decline of the sports fishery is due to Indian
.overfishing for steel head , both on and off the reservation ,"
Kelley sa id .
Jim Heckman, spokes man for the Northwest Indian Fisheries
Commi ss ion , sa id that "people like Gorton have not been willing
to discuss it. They're not even willing to listen ."
Slade Gorton, as the state's attorney general, argued the appeal of the Boldt decision before the U.S. Supreme Court several
years ago. He lost the case.
Congressional sources give the bill little chance of passage and
Gorton himself says he doesn't know if the measure stands a

cial settings" where pronographic material
is retailed . Elli s also emphasized that the
bill will have no effect on libraries.
Moral Majority Executive Director Mike
Ferri s also tes tifi ed in favor of the bill.
According to Farri s, the meas ure would
aff ect only thos e bookstores whose " princ ipal stock-in-t rade" is materi al judged
pornographic in accordance with consti tutional guidelines establi shed in 1971 by
A Supreme Court case fMill er vs . Ca lifornia) .
Under these guidelines, pornography is
clearly def ined , Farri s asserted . The Moral
Malority chi ef sa id that people who claim
thi s definition limi ts First Amendment
freedoms are "people who yell the sky is
fa lling whe n their head is in the sand ." .
Rep rese ntati ve Ellis sa id HB 626 is deSigned to follow an ea rli er anti-pornography Initiative (355 ) whi ch ca rri ed by
over 100,000 votes in November of 1977.
That measure was declared unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds by
U.S. Di stri ct Court Judge James M. Fitzgerald six months later .
The present bill has been substantially
changed since it was first introduced in
the legi slature, and is now within the
guidelines established by Fitzgerald 's
ruling, Ellis said.
The Republican Representative, quoting
natio nally syndicated columnist George
Will , told the Judiciary Committee that
the law should express the community's
core values. He also said that civil libertians, who charge that bills like HB 626
violate people~ right to privacy, ignore
the fa ct that " pornographers are at war
with privacy. "
Ellis quoted Will Durant, whom he
termed "a famous humanist:: as saying a
moral code must be established in society
to control the " individualisti c impul se."
A whole slew of opponents, including
t he w riters, did not agree with Ellis's inter.
pretation of the bill.
"Thi s bill is a direct effort to intrude on
the way I do my business ," Dan Levan of
the Madrona Publi shing Company told the
Committee. "I would not know in ado '
vance whether I am committing a crime '
or not. This amounts to prior .restraint."
Walter Carr, a bookstore owner, said
that the bill "could allow a misguided
zea lot to drag me into court. " He said
that it would be virtually impossible for a
bookseller who doesa large business to
go through each volume to determine
what is pornographic.
Assistant Attorney General Tom Bjorgen,
representing the Washington State library,
said the library is against the measure because it is constitutionally vague. "How is
a citizen supposed to know whether his
activity injures public morals?"


By Kenn Goldman



If Senate Bill 4036, a measure amending
the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
is passed by the legislature, it may have
far-reaching effects on environmental poli cies in this state for many years to come .
The measure would eliminate legal
challenges to the adequacy of environmental impact statements (EISs) on residential developments in four of the state's
urban counties .
Proponents of the bill claim that environmentali sts are using the State EnvironmentalProtestion Act (SEPA) as a
delay tactic. Bob Dilger, lobbyist for the
Building Trades Council, blamed SEPA for
the delays in completing Interstate 1-90
across Lake Washington. " I doubt it will
ever be built now," Mr. Dilger stated.
Dilger argued that amendments to SEPA
won't be enough, " I'd like to do away
with the law completely ."
Opponents of the bill believe that
developers are misinformed , and are
taking out their,frustrations on the environment instead of on a bad economy.
Kenneth W einer, Deputy Executive Director and counsel for the White House
Council on Environmental Quality, claims
that SEPA does work and that talk of delays and cost over-runs isn' t -accurate_
" The amount of SEPA litigation has been
vastly exaggerated ," Weiner said. There
have been fewer than 40 SEPA cases in
the Wash ington courts over the last 10
years. Of these, only 2 cases have found
an EIS to be inadequate_"
One section of the bill would elimir.ate
the need for an EI S to be filed for developments of up to 100 lots or 300 units _
Martha Sabol , of the Cascade Chapter
of the Sierra Club, gave her reaction to
that particular amendment. " Hypothetically, one developer could build a compl ex and several more could build other
complexes in conjun ction with the first
one, and you would then have a large development over night without the public
being informed."
Duke Schaub, lobbyist for the Associated General Contractors and proponent
of the bill denied that it would " emasculate" the Environmental Act.
However, Weiner contends that "this
meat-axe approach" of 'streamlining' S£PA
would allow "commercial interests to use
SEPA as a device to save areas -for industrial development, rather than prevent
environmental degradation."

full-time commissioners_ It's an unholy
mess. They build parochial little empires
and have a great deal of difficulty getting
together on anything.
I believe that this council ought to be
in essence a very active board of directors
which gives policy direction but has a
small, highly talented staff who can draw
upon the vas,t amount of already available
information and research which has been
done in the various aspects of power in
the Northwest_
It seems to me that the intense periods
of council activity are likely to be at the
beginning, and then again about a year
later when the initial draft and the initiai
proposals have been put together and
then we are ready for the hearings and
the other public input, which will require
a considerable amount of time_ Both of
these intense periods of activity are likely
to occur during the summertime, which is
a particularly appropriate time as far as
college and university preSidents are
CP} : So you don't feel that there's any
danger that Washington , by only having
representatives on the Council working


part-time, would be at a disadvantage
relative to the other states?
Evans : I don' t believe so. As I say, I
certainly intend to put in time adequate
to the responsibility. And if that proves to
be impossible, then I'll have to step aside,
but I don't anticipate that it will. I think
sometimes it's not so much a matter of
the length of time as it is the quality of
time someone spends on something.
CPI: Does your acceptal}ce of this position imply any possibility of you leaving
Evergreen before the end of you six-year
term in 19831
Evans : I certainly don't anticipate so,
but I can't predict the future any more
than anyone else. I don't have any current
intentions of leaving. This position does
not change anything in that respect.

CPI: As Washington's representative to
the Power Council , you will have the
opportunity to make decisions with
significant and long-lasting impact on
both the environment and the energy
future of the Northwest. Have you chosen
anyone for your staff yet?
Evans : No, not yet. I'm beginning to get
resumes of people volunteering to be on
the staff . I'm sure that the other seven
members of the council are getting the
same thing.
I don' t think it needs to be a huge staff.
I particularly am interested in making
some kind of inventory of the capabiliti es
which exist on college and university
campuses . The research talents there can
be utilized on a short-term contract basis
continued on page 8

\M1at TEMPT Is Atter11)ting
by Jessica Treat

There's a group of students tucked into room 3050 on the third floor of the Lab
building. It looks as though they've been
living there for days _ A huge table in the
center of the room is littered with books
and papers and the wall s are papered with
newsprint with long lists under such headings as "goals" and "considerations ." A
blackboa rd holds the agenda of today's
3:00 p.m_ meeting, with the minutes to be
spent on each topi c listed down th e side.
Two students are typing, others are
writing. More students .file in, the typing
stops .and the meeting begins . One last
stud ent enters and finds a seat.
"You're late." says the facilit ator .
He looks at the clock . It's 3:03 .
Carolyn Dobbs announces another
meeting on Thursday at 8 :00.
" Is that am or pm1" one student asks.
She looks at hrm .
" I mean it's hard to tell ... "
" I take that as a cue," Dobbs says slowly, "you' ve all been working too hard ."
This is the Evergreen Master Planning
Team (TEMPT), a third of the Evergreen '
program "Appli ed Environmental Studies."
Students have been working with faculty
members Richard Cellarius and Carolyn
Dobbs since September, reviewing previ
ous plans and studies of the Evergreen
campus, and conducting field studies to
update the master plan. The group is
working toward a definition of the goals
of ca mpus planning and a set of guidelines for the implementation of these
goals .
Student Matt Perkin s explain s, "our
basic philosophy is that a group of

planners are never experts _ They can't
In their work as information-gatherers,
know what's needed, it's the people who
the group has di scovered how little is
known about Evergreen"s short history.
use it (the campus) who know best what's
needed. Our usefulness to the campus is
" Nobody knows that a group proposed
in collecting information ."
that the area between Driftwood Road
"Decision-making has never involved
and the beach be designated ,I Natu re
the community:' Barbara Dykes added.
Preserve. The proposal was made in 1972
" It's hard to tell who dec ides what. There's
and there was never any action taken . Or
a lot of fragmented groups and some of
that three years ago t here was an all
us (The Environmental Advisory Comwomen 's music ·fes ti va l here and no mt'n
mittee, The Disappearing Tas k Force, The
were allowed on ca mpu s, and a lo t of
Evergreen Cou ncil) overlap. "
peorle ~ot up,et over it." Perkins suggelt TEMPT is fi ghting the fragmentation of
ed the need for a campus hi <;torian or
program wh ich would serve to edu ca te
the Evergreen community by seeking to
inform and involve the sta ff , students,
the community on the hi story of issues
members of the faculty and administraat I::vergreen
t ion in the decision-makin g process. In
TEMPT seems to be doi ng just that
the past, campus pl anning-has not in·
- Th ey have educated themselves bv exvalved public discussion . " I t's easier not
aming Evergreen 's human and phvs ica l en to have public discussion , it's mu ch easier
vironment -from its concept io n to the
ju st to go ahead with a dec ision ," Perkins
present. Now t hey arE' work ing to es tabemphasized, citing the rece nt addition of
li sh possible goal s fo r ca mpu ,> and land
a soccer fi eld as an example. " That was
use management and are anxiou s to share
not a ca mpu s-wide dec ision. Who dethem with the communi ty " These are not
cided1 Who dec ided to have a Communifin ali zed goals," Dykes stressed . " We want
feedback , we need to know what t he
cations Building? It's a political issue because nothing'S being discussed. "
community thinks." The group is eager to
The legisl ature must approve any pl an
inform and in volve the communi tv so that
for growth. Perkins desc ribed the prodecision-making might change from
cedure as one which involves a long preclosed admini strative deciSio ns to full
sentation . " It must be for a specific
public participation and authority
TEMPT is making visits to programs and
project with everything about it justified ,"
he said .
administering a survey to di scover the
The present ca mpus planning procedure community's preferences and needs in
encourages proj ec t-oriented growth rather
regard to land-use at Evergreen . ThE'Y will
than comprehensive planning. TEMPT
be holding two public meetings during
may suggest a different procedure, but are
Earthfair : Tuesday, April 21 at noon on
. the second fl oor of the CAB, and Thursfir st working to outline the existing dec ision-making process. They hope to make
day, April 23 at the same time and place
more explicit what seems to be a fragStudents, staff, members of the faculty
and ad ministration are encou raged to
mentary and nebulou s dec ision-making on
come and express their views.
the part of the administration .

al Ed Cuts
amount of money sc hool di st ri cts are allowed to raise throug h
spec ial levys. With state and fed eral funding being cut and with
no way to make up the differen ce loca lly," Dr. Wood explain ed,
" W e have absolutely nothing to fall back on ."
Special Servi ces handl es only a portion of programs for disadvantaged students . Other programs are being trimmed even
more drastically. Dr. Wood indicated he is .extremelY concerned.
that funding cuts in other programs ~ould increase the student
load for Special Services. " If teachers are having difficulty with
students" he saia, " they would have to decide whi ch of the ex::eptional student programs to plac e them in . Many students qualify for both Special Services and the other remedial programs.
With the budgets for other programs being cut so deeply, I
am worned that these students will be placed in one of our programs, increasing our load at a time when our own budget is
being cut. "
As bad as Dr. Wood' s problems are, Dr. Pat Gill says his are
even worse. Dr. Gill is in charge of Instructional Services, whi ch
oversees the Remedial Assistance, Gifted Students and Bilingual
programs - the rest of the Olympia area exceptional student
offerings. The Senat~ Budget would reduce Instructional Service's
funding from $125,314 to slightly over $26,000 a year. As far as
federal money is concerned, Dr. Gill said that "we are expecting

continued from page 1

80% of what we had last year. That might be pessi misti c. "
According to Dr. Gill those kind of figures will have some se rious consequences. He sa id that if the Senate budget is adopted,
the Remedial Assistance Program , which last year helped over
2(X) Olympia area students brush up o n bas ic readi ng, writing
and math sk ill s, may have to be cut entirely
Dr. Gill was particularly troubled by the future of bilingual
educa tion . "We are already faced," he sa id , "wi th a problem in
providing the services we are required to ." Thi s, he sa id, was due
primarily to the influx of Indochinese refugee children, many
with little or no English skill s, into Olympia's public sc hools.
Dr. Gill is hoping th at the State House, which is cons idering
its own version of the state budget, will ease the burden on
spec ial education programs. " I think we're still going to be faced
w ith some cuts ," he sa id, "but I'm optimi stic that the House will
replace some 01 these funds in its version of the budget ."
In any case, sc hool officials say they will do their best to cope
with whatever budget they are finally handed . "Obviously there
will have to be some cutbacks."said Dr. Wood , " W e may have
to do less than what some parents will like, but we will do our
best to continue to provide the services that are necessary for
these students."
April 16, 1981 Cooper Point Journal page 3



Freeze the
Arms Race
There is a.n ancient Roman proverb : to
preserve the peace, prepare for war. It
would seem that this slogan has never
been embraced with more conviction than
in the last thirty-five years by the leaders
of the two world powers . In the years
Si nce the atomic bombing of Hiroshima,
both the United States and the Soviet
Union have stockpiled nucl ear bombs by
t he tens of thousands.
In the United States today, that stockpile contains the firE;power equivalent of
b 15,000 bombs the size of the one
dropped on Hiroshima , a bomb whi ch deqroved 84,000 persons and flattened a
Clt \ in a fla sh. The Soviets , despite getting
(lll to a slow start, have now ac hieved
rough parity with that figure.
Consider what that means. If Ceasar
and his minions had nuked one city a
d~\. f rom the crucifixion of ChrISt until
todav. they would still have 565,000
bombs left . enou gh for another 1500 years
0 1 bombing.
Recent issues of the CPJ have examined
,ome of the detail s of thi , histori c deve lopment. For exa mpl e, we intervi ewed
lam Rainey on the react ion of Europeans
to the deployment of new nuclear weapons in the European war theatre. " Peter
Princip le" analyzed Trid " nt and the gradu.-11 erOSion of claSSIC nuclear deterrence
'vh ,ch, under the rubric of increas ing
,el urity. IS making nuclear war more
likely in stead of less.
Las t week the orred page carried a
'( hil in letter for peace" whi ch some folks
I. US Irlcluded) thought suffered from utopiilnism , but nevertheless offered a challengIIlg example of something to actually do
abou t averting the race to oblivion . Next
week , Theresa Connor interviews Father
George Zabelka , the former military chaplain to the men who flew the atomic raid
on Hiroshima and' Nagasaki .
There is an embarassingly obvious questi on. How can the CPJ, a rather slim and
generali zed newsrag, justify such apparently excessive preoccupation with a subject most people consider rather morbid

and (us included) would rather not think
about? Progressive Editor Sam Day told
us : " This is the most neglected story in
the United States'"

Meanwhile, it is with some enthusiasm
that we look forward to the events of the
next two weeks. On Saturday, April 18 in
Meany Hall at the University of Washington, the Physi cians for Social Responsibility is sponsoring a day-long forum entitled "Medi cal Consequences of Nuclear
War. "
Despite the titl e, the program promises
to be provocat ive and enlightening. Keynote speakers for the event include lohn
Kenneth Galbraith, Dr. Helen Caldicott
(the Australian physician who almost
singlehandedly convinced Governments of
of the need for an atmospheric test ban
treaty in 1%3), and Bernard Feld, Editorin-chief of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. The cost is $10 and pre-registration
is required .
And the next Saturday, April 25, has
been slated by the American Friends Service Committee, the Fellowship of Reconciliation , and other nationwide peace
groups , as Freeze the Arms Race day. '
Groups in dozens of cities across the.
country from Bucks County, Pennsylvania
to Eugene, Oregon are planning local
events around this theme.
In O lympia, "Call to Peacemaking,"
sponsored by the Olympia Ecumenical

View from the Dome

by CPI Legislati ve Staff

The King is dead, long live the King :
Ri chard Nixon , former Vice-President, will
vi'; lt Seattle on May 10 for a GOP fundril iser .... And now the news : One of the
better legac ies of the Watergate era,
Washington " Public Disclosure Law, is the
subject of a bill being discussed in the
Senate Constitution and Elections Commitee chaired by the venerable Spokane
conservative Kent Pullen . Basically, HB 40
wou ld excuse public officials in small
towns (u nder 2,500 registered voters) from
disclosure. Chuck Helget, analyst for 'the
Commi ttee, says the bill has more pros
,1Ild cons than any bill he's ever worked
with. Curiously, Common Cause, a "good
f!ovprnmpnt" group which was a strong


The CPJ staff is committed to covering
the story. We are also, as should be more
than obvious, committed to serious community dialoge and debate on the issue.
The viewpoint favoring increased military
spending and parti cularly increased reliance on nucleaf· weaponry, has been conspicuously absent from these pages over
the last few weeks. None of us on the
staff, except for the purposes of playing
devil's advocate (no pun intended) ca n
convinci ngly articulate this position . The
theme, in other words, is ripe for a forum
piece. Hint, hint.

proponent of the original disclosure legislation , support HB 40, while Independent
Citizens lobbyist Jolene Unsoeld remains
neutral. Stay tuned for detai Is.
The Oil Drilling Bill (HB 9), which
would have allowed drilling on Puget
Sound and other shorelines in the state,
died in committee last week . A victory for
environmental groups? Not exactly. Seems
as though the committee was too rushed
by budget-related legislation to get around
to it. Look for a similar version to resurface next session .
Power Politics is an art which, by its
nature, is only witnessed by a priviledged
few. So here's a preview of a coming
attraction whi ch most CPJ readers won 't
get to see anyway : The Republi can redistri cting plan , presently being drawn up
by the conservative Rose Institute in California, will emerge one of these days in
the Legislature. The plan will set the p0liti cal boundaries of the state for the next
ten years. The Republi cans' idea of p0litica l geography will no doubt clash with
the Democrats' and the plan appears
headed ultimately for court. But in the
meantime, informed sources tell us that
the GOP powers that are behind the bill
will ram it through the legislature as brutally and as efficiently as possible.
It being Spring and all, a few words
about love seem appropriate. Governor
Spellman recently signed a bill which
adds a $5 surcharge to marriage licences.
The revenue generated will finance a
State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect. That's about as stark a commentary
on the state of the nation as we've ' seen
in a long time.


President .Reagan, Premier Brezhnev:
"For the love of God, of your children, and of the . civilization to
which you belong, cease this madness. You have a duty not just to the
generation of the present; you have a duty to civilization's past, which
you threaten to render meaningless, "nd to its future, which you threaten
to render nonexistent. You are mortal men. You are capable of error.
You have no right to hold in your h~nds-there is no one wise enough
and strong enough to hold in his hands-destructive powers sufficient
to put an end to civilized life on a great portion of our planet. No one
should wish you to hold such powers. Thrust them from you. The risks
you might thereby incur are not greater-could not be greater-than
those which you are now incurring for us all."
-George Kennan, Atlantic, January 1981

The message of the groups organizing
Peace Coalition, the local FOR, and
the Freeze the Arms Ra.ce events nationothers, is scheduled for Sunday, April 26
wide is simple : We don't want any more.
in the afternoon at United Churches . The
Stop building 'em. George Kennan, one of
program includes a keynote address by
the Reverend John Conners, past president America's foremost diplomats, historians
. and Soviet experts, articulates the reasons
of the General Assembly of the Presbywhy in the quote cited above.
terian Church, and panel discussions and
Unless and until somebody up there
workshops, on a wide variety of topics
hears Kennan's voice, we will continue to
centered around the spiritual basis for
pour billions of dollars down this ratpeacemaking. The program closes at 8:00
hole-until doomsday. One way or the
p.m. in the TESC Recital Hall with a
other, either by revelation or catastrophe,
cultural tribute to peacemaking, "Folkthe Pax Americana will end .
pslams" by Paul Tinker "and Friends."

Cooper Pqint Journal
Theresa Connor

Associate Editors
Bill Montague
Andy McCormick
Roger Stritmatter
jessica Treat
Phil Everling

Advertising Manager
Brendan Potash

Jim Lyon
Philip Watness
Emily Brucker
Kenn Goldman
Andrew Derby
Keith Glover
Mark Christopherson
Denise Paulsen
Dona Dezube

Business Manager
Karen Berryman

he Cooper Point Journal is published weekly
for the students, faculty and stall of The Everreen State College. Views expressed are not
necessarily those of the College or of the
Journal's stall . Advertising material contained
herein does not imply endorsement by this
newspaper. Ollices are located in the College
Activities Building, CAB 104. Phone: 866-6213.
All letters to the editor. announcements, and
arts and events items l1'1ust be received by noon
Tuesday for thai week's publication. All articles
are due by 5 p.m. Frl~ay for publication the
following week. All contributions must be
slgned;typed, doubl&ospaced and of reasonable
length. Name wll
withheld on request.
The editors r erve th rlghl to reject malerlal
and to edit any contrib
s for length, ' content, and 5t Ie.

Brendan Potash
Shirley Greene
Jennifer Knauth
Denise Paulsen
Jim Gibson
Randy 'Hunting



Is Evergreen "Selling Out"?

by Doug Scrima
Is Evergreen "selling out"? The question
is perennial. On at least an annual basis,
Evergreen students question the integrity
of their institution and its commitment to
alternative education. I think that's an
indication of the quality of students who
enroll . at Evergreen and their concern for
the quality of their education. I'm certain
both are unparalleled. The question that
strikes me though, is this: if Evergreen
were to lose its unique nature and become just another large lecture hall for
tenured old coots doing research, what
would be the driving force behind that
My f irst potential answer is supplied by
past CPJ articles which have implied that
the evolving make-up of the student body
is driving the school towards mediocrity.
I find this argument quite absurd . First, it
seems rather elitist to argue that the
campus was specifically designed for a
particu lar segment of society. The school
was designed for education-education
for everyone. The greater the diversity of
students, the greater the opportunity for
exploration and dialogue.
A second view attributes Evergreen's
demise to a faculty conspiracy to deprive
students of an education by designing
programs intended to frustrate the desire
for quality learning. This, too, is an argument in which I find little validity. I have
two responses .

Editors Note
Due to space limitations we request that
letters to the editor be no longer than one
page, typed double space. If you wish
your letter to appear in the Cooper Point
Journal, the deadline is Monday at 12
noon .

Could Be Better
Dear Burton S. Guttman (Biology),
I n reply to your letter to the editor, I
disagree with you . If, as you say, you
have attended many plays, from New York
to Seattle, you must have seen some horrible plays to find Hedda Gabler " quite a
good production ." I think it's about time
people realize the quality of faculty we
have in the theatre department. The student directors show far more talent and
ambition. Most of the faculty should take
a permanent leave of absence. Evergreen
has yet to put on a play measuring up to
the standards the facilities can provide.
We have many talented actors and actresses who can only do their best with
good direction. I feel Ms. Treat did not
over-rate "All My Sons," in fac~ she preferred "Bent" which was the better of the
two. Mr. Derby's review was quite refreshing, in that someone finally reviewed
a play truthfully
Signed Disgusted Ex-Theatre Student

Orchestrate Your Sculpture

Production Manager
Susanne Lakin

To the Editor
and The Evergreen Community :
At the end of Winter Quarter I installed
a temporary piece of s.culpture on
campus . My contact with Darrell Six from
Facilities and Tom and Cliff on the staff,
who assisted me in the installation
was excellent.
For those individuals who wish to
attempt the orchestration of facilities ,
staff and faculty, it is possible with effort
and communication .
Diana Herchick

Advertise in the

First, where do students get the notion
that they have the expertise to design a
college curriculum? Sure, I was involved in
programs where students contributed to
the process, but the faculty baked the
cake. Students were great with the frosting, but because we lacked so much in
the ingredients departm~nt, we certainly
would not have made very able bakers.
Second, are the faculty out to "get us"?
You're damn right they are! They are out
to get us all the skills we can use when
we leave this place. I think Evergreen's
graduate placement statistics will show
that they succeed in doing that. And yet
I recall very few occassions at Evergreen
where faculty stressed the need to memorize a vast amount of meaningless data
merely for the sake of a degree or a job.
Their commitment was to the quality of
education and learning in a collaborative
academic atmosphere. As a former transfer student, I can say with some experience that such commitment is rare at the
undergraduate level.
So I am back to the question. Is Evergreen "selling out"? After reading so much
about it in the CPj for six years, I could
easily assume it is. But I don't see much
evidence to support that. As long as the
school remains committed to the concept
of i riterdisciplinary study with a strong
seminaring component where intense dialogue can continue, I think TESC will

remain a unique and exciting alternative
failing programs into successes.
to mediocrity in higher education.
The third factor which needs to be
However, I do foresee two threats to
addressed is the trend to opt for individual
this potential. One of the threats is ador cluster contracts when there are interdressed by faculty member Richard jones
disciplinary programs available to meet
in his book Experiment at Evergreen . He
. student needs. Again, I am not sayJJlg that
addressed the real problem of student!
these options are always unreasonable or
teacher ratio-a problem which may soon unjustified, but their abuse could under.
reach unmanagable proportions. This
mine Evergreen's best qualities. As more
trend endangers the viability of the semiand more students opt for these alternanar system, and it is one the administratives, Evergreen begins to take on the retion must address and resolve if Evergreen semblance of a college that teaches indiis to continue without being "sold out" by vidual and unrelated courses-exactly the
thing the College was designed to avoid.
The other threat is one that is less freThe heart of Evergreen is interdiscipliquently addressed, and is more sensitive.
nary studies. Students have the potential
Students , themselves , may be unknowingly to undermine that fact or fulfill it; and as
selling out Evergreen's commitment to
the school comes to grips with defining
interdisciplinary education. A bold accusa- itself and charting its course over the
tion to make. Hold off the tar and feathers coming decades , that contrast becomes
for a moment.
more and more clear .
There are factors which need to be
addressed. I'll identify three of them :
Doug Scrima is a 1978 Evergreen graduStudents are looking for more one quarter
ate who currently works for the Admissions
(less thematic) programs This may have
something to do with little insight into the
value of longer, thematic programs . For
the same reason , there seems to be a
trend of hopping about from program to
FORUM is a public opinion column. The
program on a quarterly basis before any
articles have been subm itted by our
readers . If you ha ve an iss ue yo u would
semblance of a theme can be developed .
I am not denying that sometimes students
like to discuss, submit yo ur article to
get caught in poor programs . But stronger
FORUM c/ o the Editor , CPl . We reserve
student commitment might turn these
I he right to edit.

53% or Bust

integrity as much as the semes ter system
should be able to prove itself worthy of
thoroughly enhancing our education .
Please do not make a hasty or whimsica l decision .

Tp the editor,
After attending the forum held by the
Semes ter System DTF . on March 10, I
realized some basic problems with considering the change from the quarter
system to the semester system .
Changing to the semester system would
probably make the job easier for professors but at the expense of the student's
education . It would definitely jeopardize
the flexibility that is now built into the
Evergreen system. The obvious example
being that instead of three choices a year
there would only be two. Also through my
prior experience at a semester school ,
students have a great deal of difficulty
studying intensively for a 15-week period.
Ten-week periods are a much better
suited length of time for intensive study.
Talking with the D.T.F ., I discovered
that they have only been studying this
matter for about four weeks. This is hardly
sufficient time to reach a decision on
what recommendation they should give
the provost. It is absurd to even try and
consider resolving this delicate and major
issue by this summer just because Evergreen goes on a new computer system.
Also because 53% of the colleges have
switched to the semester system is a poor
reason to consider the change at Evergreen . Are we forgetting that Evergreen
is a one-of-a-kind school with a completely alternative approach to education?
According to D .T.F. members there has
been very little student input into this
matter. The input has basically come from
faculty and administration . Many students
such as myself never' even received the
questionnaire that was supposed to have
been handed out by program professors .
More effort should be made by the D.T.F.
to publicize the importance of student
input on this issue.
Finally, we have to remember that we
are talking about a MAJOR change in
Evergreen's' program planning. The quarter
system has' not been a failure, but quite
to the contrary, it has been successful. Of
course it haS its inherent problems just
like the semester system will . We must
realize that the quarter system should not
be put into the position of defending its

Mari(-It Criminals


To the Cooper Point Journal :
Undoubtedly many readers are familiar
with the practi ce of supermarket "dumpstering." Salvaging groceries from the profusion of franchized waste is both resourceful and socially laudable. However,
a friend af mine was arrested and convicted of theft last week after making off
with three half pints of over-dated yoghurt
from behind Mark-it Foods downJown
Commenting that she hadn't been aware
that she'd been stealing, the Evergreen
student pled guilty to the charge. Responding that " ignorance is no excuse,"
Judge Schultz sentenced her to 15 days in
jail and a $265 fin e. The jail sentence was
later rescinded .
Legally, as well as 'p ractically, dumpstering is not a strategic issue to promote
or defend . Countless larger, more 'blatant
and less excusable transgressions by our
corporate economy do need to be publicized and fought . I, however, know one
store that will no longer receive my
patronage-inside or outl
- Dani el Dog

Editor 's Note:
" The law is a sensitive organ ... like the
spleen ."
-Bertolt Brecht '

Change the Change Policy
To the Editor :
The SAGA deli here on campus has decided to stop making change. Now in a
world faced with economic collapse,
world war and general mayhem this may
not seem Iike that big a deal. But try tell-


~"'f!t' 4 Cooper Point Journal April 16, 1981

Thank you ,
Keith GlovE'r

ing that to someone who has come illl the
way out to campus to do their laundry on a
Sunday only to find that they haven't a
quarter to their name. Or to someone w ho
has to make a very important phone ca ll
very quickly at nine o'clock on a weekday after everything else has closed up.
'To hell with the world situation : they
mi ght say, ' I want some change l '
There is, of course, that neat gadget on
the 1st floor that will take your little
dollar into its electric maw and spit back
out a few pi eces of sil ver in return . So
who cares if the Deli won 't do you any
favor s, the machine will be glad to ob li ge
and you don't even have to l11umbl e
thank you, right?
Wrong. Like the cigarette machine. the
clocks, Dan Evans, and every other mechanical device on campus, the changer
has a perverse sense of humor and wi II
refuse to work right when you need it
most. Reasoning with it won't help, yelling
at it is foolish , and taking a sledge
hammer to its shining metal exterior is a
felony So you are shit out of luck .
I do not set: .'Inything unreasonable in
asking a company like SAGA, which has a
virtual monopoly on Food Service in all
the state's public institutions, whi ch
leases its place of business from the student's own Services and Activities board ,
and which nets a tidy little profit each
year at Evergreen alone, to keep a few
extra rolls of quarters on hand along with
the banana bread and the in credible edibles. As a compromise, perhaps the Deli
would be willing to make change during
those times when other campus businesses, such as the bank and the downstairs cafeteria , are closed.
Barring any peaceful resolution to thi s
problem, I would suggest that when
SAGA's lease comes up for renewal, the
S&A Board consider inserting a clause
dealing with change-making in the revised
contract. Another possibility, for students
wishing to take direct action, is to start
paying for our goodies with ten dollar
bills and demanding all of our change in
quarters . Some more wi ld headed activists
may want to take even stronger measures.
but being well aware of the laws against
inciting to riot, I will leave them to their
own devicps.

Because we'll like you,

and you'll like us.
Think about our
4000 circulafion:

Sincerely ,
Peter Principle

The Evergreen campus,
state office buildings,
and the Olympia area.
April 16, 1981 Cooper Point Journal page 5



contInued from page 1

Groups which fall into the spirituality
c ategory range from the Catholic Community to members of the Baha' i Faith.
The Associated Latinos of Washington will
also have a booth.
Sunday, the final day of Earthfair, will
be devoted to an all-day music festival.
The festival is free and begins at noon
behind the library, or in the pavillion in
c ase of rain . Iswaswill, The Dreadful
Grape, Square Root Mountain Boys , Gaia
and Test Pattern are among the groups
periormin g. A " blind lunch" will set off
the festiv al, a "sensitivity and trust exe rc ise" in whi c h you are blindfolded and
then fed different kind s o f food . The
lun ch costs $1 .75. The festival will
c lose at 7 p.m . w ith a l arge c ircle, an d the
Th u nderbird Si ngers, a group o f tradi ti onal N at ive A meri ca drummers,
Rd ffl e ti ck e ts are now be ing sold to
help cover costs in cu rred b y Earth fa ir.
O ne d o ll ar buys t hree tick ets and can wi n
you $2 10 toward t uiti o n at Evergreen in
1981 -82 . The ril ffle w ill be held at 1:45 on
A pr il 25t h.
"'We had our hand s ti ed u n t il Febru ary
w hen we go t the m o ney , then we had to
orgdllile and make contacts We've done
tha t, and have a hi gh-ca li b re even t w ith d
gooo deg rep of p rofess io nal ism . A ll we
lack now IS the peop le," Epperson sa id .
Puhl l city has been extensive and hopeful ly , effec t ive. It IS p red i c tpd th at anyw h(·re from 2,000 to 5,()(K) peopl e wi ll
, how.
r\ sixte('n-page broc hure describing the
week 's eve nts w ill be ava il able o n A pril
18, i1nd can be p icked up at the I nfo rmati on Cpntpr, at Rad ian ce , or Fo od Co-op .

and a benefit concert by Ferron , a composer/ performer from Vancouver, B.C. are
some of the other activities scheduled .
Another component of Earthfair is the
hundred or so booths which will be operating all day Saturday. Groups involved
with aspects of agriculture, health, spirituality , energy and environmental protecti o n will be on campus with information
and di splays . Mark Chambers , Evergreen
alum and co-ordinator of the booths , SEE'S
the b ooth s as " an opportunity for a nonconf ro nt ati ve situati o n, one in whi c h
peopl e can sha re and dis cu ss ideas, and
rea ll y learn th in gs. I think i t's great th at
al l these differe nt gro u ps are going to be
on campu s together. "'
Hea l th-re l ated booth, inc lude m e m bers
of A lco holics A no ny m ous , Bl ood line, and
groups dE'd icJ ted to ho li st ic hea lt h and
alt ern Jt ive birt h ing met hods.
~ nergy-rp l ated groups i nr lu cie t he Sat'op Task Force, WF'PSS, Natio nal Center
lor Appropr iate Techno logy, and the
\\btern \Va,hlngtoll So lar EnE'rgy ASSOCI '
il1l0n . ~Iectfl c cars , U m bra cones, wood
.lI c ohol burnPr, cUe among thE' enE'rgy
(' III( IPnt hardware w h ic h wi ll be demonqr<~tPd

1 he Department of Ag fl cu lt ure, Was h-

r arms network, Tilth , the
Fo od Co-op . and the TESl Fa rm Program
\\ ill be on hand to d i SCUSS agric ul tu re .
FrrE'llds 01 thE' Earth , The Sierra C lu b ,
I:llal~ H ills Audu bo n Soc iety, Ni squ all y
Del:,) Assoc iation are il m o ng t he E'nv iro n111(" It,)1 I.Jfot eU lon s groups w h ich will be
o n lamp'J'
11l~lon Smil ll

Earthday: Herstory
It's been going on for aeons, and w e
The only thing about it is this: she's our
just noticed it yes terday . Most ani- ,
home arid there ain' t no other. Russell
mals have always known without having
Schweikart, a lowly NASA astronaut '
to think about it. We used to know it
cavorting around in subzero (no-gravity,
: watching the stars wheeling in
no-oxygen) darkness with only a thin umthe
the ineluctable grace of a
bilical cord connecting him to the delights
thumbnail moon blooming into an orange
of home saw it as plain as Rachel Carson
and then shrinking again; the slow ploughor ee c.ummings ever did : ' When you go
of the seasons charting the zenith of
round It In an hour and a half you begin
the sun from solstice to solstice; and then
to recognize that your identity is with
singing and dancing and having a hell o f
that whole thing ... that little blue and
a good time about it, w e knew. Everything
white thing is everything that means anyis connected to everything else. But
thing to you . All of history, and music
damned if we didn't forget. Somewhere,
and poetry and art and death and birth
somehow, we forgot that seminal truthand love, tears, joy, games and music and
and OJ'lly a handful of m en and women
poetry, all of it is on that little spot out
kept it alive into the industrial age.
there that you can cover with your
Redi scovery? 1%9 The place : Madi son,
From Schweikart's vantage , you begi n
. Half a dozen malcontents
to see there ain' t even days and nights .
the breakfast tabl e brainThere's just one huge shadow that sweeps .
cl ean up all the garbage
around her like a bird with wings makin g
hit on the idea : how about an Earthda yl
d arkness on one half and light on the
It sounded like an o ri ginal and exc iting
o ther - around , and aro und and around
And hell , yes, 20 millio n Am eri cans
almo st forever. That's Earthd ay.


EARTH FAIR '81, April 19-26, The h ergreen State College. You're Invited!
April 19 SUNDAY
4 'p m -Easter/ Pa"over Potlu ck ,n
Library 4300 on the veranda. Welcoming
lohn Perkins (Academ ic Dean and
Environmentali st).
9 p.m - Benefit Dance with THE
DYNAMI C LOGS in Library 4300 Admission is $2 . The da nce will fea lure an [aster
199 and Matzoh Hunt
April 20 MONDAY
7.l0- Human Rights- Future Perspectives : Dr Glovannt Cosllgan, profes>or
emeritus of hi story at UW wil l disfuss the
llla in te nancE' of human rights from a
global perspective Presen ted by the Evergreen Polit ical In forma tion Center (EP IC)
900 - A Strategy for Embryos A VIdeo,
IJoetry and da nce performance set in the
env ironmen t o f excessive co nsumeri sm



943 . 8701


943 . 8700

and the arms race Perf ormed by Rohert
McG inl ey, Helen Wa lkley, Chri st ian Swenson, and theater mi'me arti st Bruce Wylie.
Musical score by Michael Michelleti .
seniors and $3 ge neral)
April 21 TUESDAY
7:oo- Regional Agriculture: Prospects of
the Future
a panel disc ussion with
Sharon Newall, Small Farm Resource Network : Shirley Zoro, State Depl of Agri cu lture; Dr. Ri chard Carkner, small farm
economist, Puyallu p experiment stati on;
Robi na Bergren, Olympia Food Co-op;
Merv Ward Jr., farmer: and Dyl an Giles,
farmer: at the ORGANIC FARM on
Lewis Rd
8:00- Picking and Saving the losl
Flowers of Youth : Kenneth Wooden
director of the Nati onal Coalition f~r

Chi ldren's Justi ce and inves tiga ti ve re110rter for "bO M inu tes, " wi lt dramatica ll y
demonst rate what individuals are doing to
protect children from unfair incarceration.
s('x ual abuse and inadequate educat ional
'V,lpms and how we ca n become involved LIBRARY LOBBY (rree)
11 30- Paul Tinker, folk song composer
and singer f rom New York, wil l open our
Earth Day Celebrat ion wi th music.
12:00- Dan Evans, Pres ident of TESC
and former Governor, will give the history
of Earth Day .
1:15- Janet McCloud will talk about
Med ici ne Talk for Mother Earth and Ea rth
2:oo - Ruth Weiner, fa culty member at
Huxley College will explain the impact
and importance of continued education
and recognition of our f ragile natural
env ironment.

2:30- lisa Sampson; graduating senior,
will share her poetry .
2:45- Roger Stritmalter, graduating
senior, will demonstrate how " young
people" are the "conservers of the future."
3:00 - Closing Circle
7:00 The Emerging New Age : David
Spangler, author of " revelation : The Birth
of a New Age," co-director of the Findhorn Foundation in Northern Scotland,
will def ine the meaning of the " New Age"
and its relationship to the present.

8:oo- 0deI1a and Paul Tinker : a benef it
concert for Earth Fa ir. Odetta... through
work songs, bl ues, fol k, children's songs,
and ballads is recogn ized as a legendary
musica l figure throughout th e world . Her
art is inextri cably tied to the rool s of
Ameri can culture. LI BRARY LOBBY ($3
students/seniors and $5 general. )
April 23
SOUNDl!: A panel discussion on the possibilities of super tankers in the greater
Puget Sound and therr effect LI BRARY
LOBBY (Free)
6:00 - Northwest Power Act : A panel
diSC USSIon with a' representative from the
Bonnev ille Power Administrati on, the Director of the Washington State Energy
Offi ce, and' a representative from Fair Energy Rates Now. LI BRARY LOBfW (Free)
April 24 FRIDAY
Noon - Man's Impact on Whales : A slide
presentati on and discussion presented by
the Whale Museum . CAB 110 (Free)
2: 30- Utopia and the Wilderness : A
lecture with Chesl er Keller, Chairperson of
Philosophy at Central Washington University CAB 110 (Free)
. 8:oo- Benefit Conce'rt with Ferron in
the EXPERIMENTAL TH EATRE ($2 Students/seniors and $3 general)
10:00 Energy Efficient Home Construction: Jay Haney, spec ialist in Educational .
Program Development from Hanford Science Center, will provide deta iled informa-

tlon on enprgy-eff icient home constru ction
and performance. A diScuss ion with 35mm
slides . LECTURE HAll TWO
10:oo- Appropriate Technology in the
Industrial Age:. ·John Olsen, Appropriate
Tec hnology consultant and co-fou nder of
"Community Altern ati ves" in B C , will defi ne "Appropr iate tec hnology" and demonstrate the need for human scal e, responsible' tec hnology LECTURE HALL FIVE
On the Edge of the Forest : (Film -Color

32 min.) E.F. Schumacher makes a powerfu l plea for common sense and good planetary bphavior . " A hi ghly effecti ve, beautifully photographed, film . Recommended
for all ages ." Bookli s! LECTU RE HALL
11 OO- New Age Politics: local Action
With Global Effect - Dr Dave Clark, Professor at Western Washington will demonstra te how toca l citizens ca n become involved in issues wh ich at first glance have
little or no effect, ye t in ti me have longra nge global effect. LECTURE HALL THREE
Moral Jssues of Energy: Dr. Mi chael
Fox, staff engineer at the Hanford Sc ience
Center, member of the Ameri can Nuclear
Soc iety with 15 years experience in nuclear resea rch, will discuss and outline the
moral issues 01 energy. LECTURE HAll
Diet lor a Small Planet : (Film-Color

28 min.) An importa nt film about a vital
topic- th e tremendous waste of ed ible
protei n that is involved in a meat di et
while the much 01 th e world goes hungry.
The frlm encourages us to take indi vidual
responsibility for ending world hunger.
Noon - Health Effects of the Nuclear
Fuel Cycle : A panel discussion with time
for questions and answers followin g the
presentation. Environmental effects and

emergency evac uation plans in the event
of nuclea r fuel aCCidents wi ll he rpviewed
Minerals - The Coming Crisis. Dr. DaV id
Linsey, mec hanical enginC'('r, Atlanti c
Richfietd, will present a slide tape/ lectu re
foc used on US der pndencp upon foreign
,0u rcl'S of cnt ica l min!"rals tha t may become tomorrows na l ional criSiS LECTURE
The New Western Energy Show ' (A f il m
lor children-Color/ 2S mon ) A Iilm 'ahout
a grou p of concerned and creat ive individuals in Montana who staged th e New
Western Energy Show. based on thE' old' tyle med icine show. Thp revue inct udps
ski ts, a ventriloqUISt act, singing and
dancing - all revolving around the theme
of usi ng energy wisely. LECTU RE HALL
2 oo - Community Self Reliance and
Organizing : John Olson, wi ll rev iew the
need for self retiance in todais wor ld and
provide solutIons to contemporary pro. btems in food product ion, transportati on.
energy and the natura l environ ment
Transportalion and Energy Dr. Robert
Knapp, fac ul ty TESC, wi ll ta lk on the
"ffect of spttlE'ment based on t,a nsporta tion needs and w ay, to conserve on enprgy-eff icient veh icles such as elec tric car>,
bi cycles, mass transil, and telecom munication . LECTUR E HALL rwo
Wood Heat . (F il m- color/ 25 min .)
Learn what's involvE'd whol ki nd of stove
he, t ,ui ts your nppds how to in,tal l i t
safety .where to get Irp" fir<'wcxxl .. how
llIud) wurk it take::. a nd how to ma nage
your own woodlot. L ~ C l UR f HALL rOUR
\ ()() - 20 Years Later Dr Claudia Ca rr,
profe"or at US ·I:lerk" tey In Ihe Consprvatlon Rp,ource Dept , wilt addr"" Ilw <1""'tlon. " What kind of lesson, can b.·
I!'arned from wha t ha, happellPd to Ihe

log House: Film -color/ 28 min.) Won
a blue ribbon at th e 1980 Ameri can Fi lm
Festival. The film gives a detailed look at
the construction of a modern lob housefrom cutting down the trees to the housewarmin g party - without any narration
4:oo- National Abortion Rights ...or
Wrongs l : Dianna Larson-Mills. member of
Thurston/ Mason County NARAL steering
committee, will review th e history of
abortion rights in Washington state and
describe the effect future legislati on will
have on our human ri ghts .



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PrlgP b Cooper Po int Journal April 16, 1981

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FALL 1981
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Th u r.:;, tOIl Regional Planning (ounnl,
w ill review how comm uni ty members ran
hE-romp IflVolvpn 111 thp iormulCl ti o n .:inc!
Implt'nlt:' n tatlon 01 f' 11 f'rgy -fPlil ted I t:'gl~ l d Tll' r .

110 11

Toast (I rim -color/ 12 min ) A b"ll ,
"' lH ((')siu l tilm Iha l VIVidly dl uc:,t rat p "

o;l nt ly

ou r Imdt'rlYln g cipppncit'TH (. on o d dnd
pt ·trolt-·UITl p rod u( h -I ctk m g t he (om rnon ·
p l .1 1..(· t'x,dmp l l'

a t b rea d. II II iH l'.., thf' ( '11
tha t IS Involvpd In

crgy -lI1 tf'rhlvl' pr()( P ......

bring i ng o ur morn in g tOd';;! to thf' brp ..1k -

faq labl.,
1!lP..,p work ... h u p ~, le( tU f f" clod f rl m)


j ll<:. t .l t f'W 0 1 Ih t· dcl lvitlf·... Ot (urr lr.g on
~.I tu r dav I u r mUff> mt o rm dtlon abo u t
I AR TH I AIR 'Il l , a hrochurl' WIl l i", "",,,Tdbl., ~" turd.IY. April 111, al thp fvergr.·"11

I. nfornld ti on Cen ter on l dIllPLlS. Pa t'"

Bookpry on fourth and Capitol III downtown Olymrld. and Th.. Olympia I ood
CO-o[1 o n HOWfl1 d n


d nd

Kodg~ ·r ..,

morl' information please call1lM>-6:100.

Westside Center
Division & Harrison .

$3. 95 /

1/ ,

lb .

Lox, Bage l. Cream cheese
w / on io n & to mat'" $2.95



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1931 Em 4th

It'. worth the ride ..Jcroa town!



Barbara Haight
w ill be a t
T he Fires ide Boo k St or e
Good Fr iday
Apr il 17th , 11 -3 p m
She'll be sp inning w oo l and
tal k ing ah ou t th e d yei ng
of woo l us ing l ichens.
Barba ra and R uth Mer r ill havE'
w ritt en a lic hen d ye ing b ook .
She teac h es spinning
an d r ai ses shee p in tht'
O l ymp ia area

Parts and repairs for all makes
Complete line of accessQries from
experienced cyclists.

_ Great selection of new records
and tapes at low prices
We buy and sell used albums
Most complete ticket service in

Fresh N ova Scol ia


In the Mountain West or Canada
• WUdlte Research
• WJdlands Research

Energy l egisl ~ tion: . l ocal Community
and 5tal e- Dick Barnes. Ch""pf'rson 01
thp E,lPrgv and Utrlltles COllllll lttee of tlw
Hou,." and Pete Swenson, A"o( lat .. Plan-

enviro nme nt i n the pa st twenty \,('ar ~ r

Organic Gardening Workshop ' Tim
O'Con nor, Organic Farm ca retaker, will
review the history of organic gardeni ng
and discuss future prospects. There wi ll
be an opportunit y l or hands-on experience
so dress accordin gly: at the ORGANIC
FARM on Lewi s Road.

partiCipated in that f irst Earthday, April
22, 1970. " Look," somebody said . " There's
only o r e. Lers take care ot it."
That's the big pi c ture': Earthday w as a
radical event in human history, a redi scovery of our earthbound roots-of where we
came from , where we are today, and
where we might get to if we cared . It
dawned on a lot of u s to love the whole
thing and not man apart. For we are a
part of it-not above it, not beyond it, not
exempt from It. And nobody, except some
sloppy Old Testament edit~, ever gave us
the wisdom or the permission to hold
dominion over any part of it.
And the particulars? Earthday married
t he traditional American conservation
ethi c of Muir, Leopold , Sauer and
Dasmann to the innate i conoclasm
young and then declared war o n t
mindlessness of the status quo. The
of o ur past and the best of our present
and futu re, united to celebrate Earthd ay
Wi t h a combinati o n like that, we just
mi ght get it together again

116 Eas t Legio n W ay, O lympia
(next to t he H erb & O nio n )
Hours: 11 -6 T ues.-Sat.

Got Nothing To Do?
When you're on your coffee
break, or between classes, or
catching a bite at the Spar,
pick up a copy of the CPJ
and find out what's happening on campus, in Olympia,
and around the world . Each
week the Journal brings you
the very best in news,
commentary, reviews, and
the most complete calendar
of arts and events in town.
Read the Journal and fi nd
out about all the things
Olympia's daily doesn't want
you to know about. Keep
your quarter and put it
towards a cup of coffee. The
Joumal is free, and that's
still the best deal around,

A pril 16, 1981 Cooper Poi nt l ournal page 7


Can Evans Juggle It?
as an alternative to building up a staff
which would be too large and not sustainable after a couple of years.
(PI: What do you think can be done to
make WPPSS more accountable?
Evans: That's a good question, and I'm
sure will be among ,the more difficult
questions we'll have to face.' I don't think
the Power Council itself is going to face
the question of how to makeWPPSS more
accountable, but perhaps what we
ultimately do will be an influence on
future decis ions taken by WPPSS. Our
task is to create an energy plan for the
next 20 years . And there are also some
specific priorities set in the act, conserva. tion being number one, and renewabl e
resources number two. Conservation is
even given a 10 percent bonus , so that it's
to be preferred even if the costs are up
10 percent higher than other alternatives.
It cou ld be that we'll end up with the
needs assessment and the power projection s against the cost showing that WPPSS
4 and .'i are absolutely needed as part of
the overall projections for the next 20
And I suppose it's possible that the
Counci l cou ld say, " Look , it's foolish to
spend the additional amount of money
necessary . We ought to cut our losses and
move to these morE' efficient and inexpen sive ways of gaining the necessary power."
I think one of thE' th ings th at would bp
most hellJful for WPPSS would be the
development of an appointed Board of
Director<; which cou ld givp some ~ i gnifi­
cant help to thp managers. Thpy now
havE' to ciepend on an f'xecutive commi t-

tee and a board made up of PUD commissioners and public power heads from
various parts of the state. And frankly, I
think it's accurate to say there's not a
whole lot of overall experience involved,
and I think that's been one of the problems from the very beginning. It was a
small entity which had only minor respon- .
sibilities that suddenly exploded into a
very large .
(PI : Suddenly it had the largest construction project in the world on its
hands ..
Evans :
oh, yes. And that grew
almost instantly. Looking baEk now, of
course, with the enormous clarity of hindsight, at the time we approved the nuclear
plants for WPPSS, we probably should
have realized that it was also time to reconstruct WPPSS and give it the necessary
help and guidance to fulfill that responsibility
(PI : As governor of Washington, you
approved construction of WPPSS 1-5. In
an interview with the Seattle PI last
November, you indicated that you were tJ
apprphensivp about th e construct ion of
the Satsop units because WPPSS had
asked for provisions allowing them to
exceed water usage and thermal discharge
levels larger than those originally forecasted, thu s possibly threatening the
ecologicd l balance of the Satsop River .
You "l id " Those plants would never have
been approved if I had known they were
gOlllg to do that. " Now that you see m to
he' in il [los ition to effect the decision of
wlwtlwr or not WPPS~ ') is actua ll y complE'tt'd , how dre you concerned for the
pcologll al b,l lancE' of the Satsop ri ver

8 a m. - 9 p.m . weekday~
10 a.m. - 7

p.m. Sundan

open every day




s. Cherry


Open 7 days a week

8a.m. - 8p.rn.

I v;l m.· W", ha ve two in terl ock in g
responsibill ti E's : o ne is to create a power
pi,,,, ,,,,eI thp othe r is to crea te a natural
rp~()ur( t" prfo
,Prvat ioll plan . It seems to me
thprt- i ~ a major respollsibility for the
COlIIl( iI til not o nl y look at the power
Ilt-prb bllt ,, 1'0 to the E'llvironmental and
l ocologledl eflt-ch.
( PI . On October b, 1980, Southern California l::dison's chairman, William Gould
announced to the press "a major change
in the way we do bu siness ." The change
consisted of a declaration of intent to
. forego constr'Jction of any new nuclear
generating fa cility beyond that which was
already in construct ion and instead, to
pursue the "accelerated development of




continued from page 3

a wide range of future electrical power
sources which are renewable rather than
finite. These include wind, geothermal,
solar, small hydroelectriC and also an
emphasis on cogeneration, conservation
and load-management." To my knowledge,
this is the first public statement of a '
m,ajor utility company of a very clear
intent to forego the nuclear option. Do
you have any reaction or tesponse to that
as a precedent that may affect your
Evans: It' s difficult to know how it' ll
influence our planning, but I think it's
both intere,sting and provocative and
probably a pretty wise statement.
I think Gould is reflecting the enormous
problems which currently are afoot in
building nuclear plants. The fact that
they're terribly difficult to control the
costs on and that, as a result, their
analysis has apparently shown them that
these other sources may be more beneficial. I'm not sure that change is a reflection of distaste on his part for nuclear
energy. I think it's just a reflection of the
economic outlook. I suspect others may
find similar an~wers .
I think we've got to change some of our
attitudes, perhaps even some of our tax
laws and other laws so that there is a real
benefit to the utility in remaining healthy
financially by ga ining its new electric
capacity through conservation or through
better utili zat ion , more eff ici~n cy in the
power base that they already have.
I'm as convinced as I can be, that by
the turn of the century, maybe we wil l be
starti ng an era, in terms of energy, where
we will have adequate, reasonably priced,
environmentall y-appropri ate energy
(PI : You mentioned that utilities, under
law, cannot now refuse hook-up to new
customers. Do you favor any altering of
that law so that, particularly with industrial customers, the utilities would have
some leeway in that regard 1
Evans : I think there ought to be some
involvement of the individual states and
communities in what is appropriate and
needed . My first call for a state involvement in Bonnevill e came with a notorious
case 11 years ago with Northwest Aluminum , where a company got an allocation

of power directly from Bonneville. That's
the only thing they had. It was a company
that had never turned out a pound of
aluminum . It was a paper company and
they had been given, essentially free, an
exceptionally valuable commodity in a
power contract.
It was such a notorious case of a·
federal agency whose sole responsibility
. was ppwer production and direct power
sales that it didn't take into account' the
overall economic needs or desires of any
of the states in the Northwest. I think the
advent of the council is a very, very important, long-needed requirement to fully
have the voice of the states and the
people of the states recognized .
(PI : A critical factor in how fast we
continue to grow is that question of electrical rates.
Evans: It may be that they will want to
make the choice on the kind or type of
industry to give us a more diverse base.
Someone said that aluminum plants with
only 3-300 employees use more electriCity
than Boeing uses with 80,000 employees,
which is very true, except that Boeing
wouldn't be open for very long if they
didn't have a whole lot of aluminum
coming in. Our current economy and
society is so interrelated that you can't
always do everything you'd like to do.
(PI: On a national scale, there seems
to be more emphasis being put into
nuclear power rather than renewabl e.
How do you see that affecting the
Cou ncil's choices 1
Evans : I think we' ll have to look at the
alternatives which exist here in the Northwest. We' re fortunate w ith the amount of
hydro-power available, much more than
any other part of the cou ntry . We still
haven't fully utili zed that source. There's
got to be additional review of low-head
hydro facilities as 'part of the answer. I
don 't think there:s any source of power
we can absolutely deny and no source of
power we ca n say, today, is the prime
Interview by Philip Watness
and Roger St ritmatter

TYPtNG SERVICE Fast, accurate, reasonabte .
Technical and scientific materiat a specially .
Colleen, 786-8318 (days) and 943-3542
NEED a ride to Spokane tomorrow, share gas .
Midge 866-0531

WANTED: Good quatity used electric Iypewriter. Gary, LAB 3050 or 459-8166 .

LOST : Silver pocketwatch on main campus. If
found please cal l Kevin at 352-8580 .

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• Highest Quality
• Ultra-light Tents

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111 N . Washington 357-4812

921 N . Rogers .
Olympia Westside

TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman
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Mon-Sat 6 :35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC





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page 8 Cooper Point Journal April 16, 1981

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by Andy McCormick
It is a dark cold morning in the Depression . Through the blackness the headlights
of a car move up a country road. Silence.
The ca r pulls off the road and picks up a
hitchhiker. The new passenger is Frank
(Jack Nicholson), an unemployed drifter,
on his way to L.A. He will never get there.
The car drives slowly into the distant
gathering light.
This sequence opens director Bob
Rafelson's new movie The Postman Always
Rings Twice. Now the ending. Frank is on
hi s hands and knees weeping by the side
of a country road on a warm, sunny afternoon. He has just lost everything. The
only place he has left to go is the electric
Thus the symbolic journey of Frank in
The Postman : from darkness into light,
cold to heat, crime to punishment, depression to sorrow. The tight symmetry ot the
Postman is not accidental. Bob Rafelson
(Five Easy Pieces( is a painstaking director. Each shot in the movie is lingered
over, but not caressed; it is a vi'sually
beautiful film without being cloyingly


There is also a good deal of subtle cleverness in the Postman , both in the direction and script, by playwright David
Mamet. Two examples. Cora (jessica
Lange), bearing a sack of tra,ctor bearings ,
moves stealthily towards the bathroom '
where her husband is in the tub. She is
going to beat his brain s out with the bearings. Frank, her lover, waits nervously outside with the getaway car. As Cora sneaks
towards the bathroom, the camera catches
her between the shadows of the living
room and the light her head is in the
shadows, but her body in the light. She
has broken with laws and morality for the
sake of desi reo
Then, near the film 's end, Cora is pregnant and telling Frank, father to be, how
to act with children . She tells him there's
two things to remember with kids . The
first is that you must always be natural
and follow your instincts. Frank sort of
grins and says, I always follow my insti ncts. Cora never gets around to te lling
him what the second thing is.
Clever script, good direction, very good
acting .. .what's wrong with the Postman l

Blues Band Zaps

Well, two things. First, while the avowed
purpose of this produ ction is to be true
to the lames Cain novel, Rafel son doesn't
show Frank on death row. Instead , he
throws in a couple of scenes that at least
plotwi se are superfluous . (I 'm thinking of
the attempted blackmail scene and also
Frank's affair with the lion-tamer. ) The
result is that some of the packed, relentless tension of the Cain novel is lost, and
by compari so n, Postman 's pace is more
relaxed-and at times sacrifi ces intensi ty
for elegance. The film by no means drags,
but it isn' t the head long rush into Evil and
Doom that it might be.
Pace is one problem and proportion
another. The film reaches an anti-climax
after Frank and Cora rub out her husband ,

Still the Postman is quite good. Sexual
desirl-', des[lite Moral Majority , is a part of
li fe. sometimes an overwhelmi ng part.
Cora and Frank are doomed by their des ire
for onE' another and yet they ca nnot li ve
apart. La,t Tang' ) in Ca li fornia
The overa ll Impress ion is that , With a
littl e bit more work, perhaps one more
take , what j, cprt ainly a finely crafted ,
interE'" ing l11ovip, cou ld have been supE'rb


by Keith Glover, Mark Christopherson and Philip Watness
Few people ca n musi ca lly express the heart and soul of trad itional Chicago blues like The Legendary Blues Band . The band
delivered a forceful , soulful performance to a very receptive audience last Wednesday night at Astair's .
As the li ghts went down, the band jumped into an instrumental
after which they introduced themselves as trulY .legendary blues
players . The band proved their experti se throughout the eveni ng's
two sets to a ca pacity crowd. By the third song, the crowd was
up and dancing and kept dancing the rest of the night.
Playing such great blues hits as "Mean Mistreater," "Hootchie
Cootchie Man," "Sweet Sixteen" and "Got my Mojo Working,"
the veteran blues musi cians demonstrated their great talent by
delivering innovative solos in their gut-level songs.
"P inetop" Perkins on piano expressed the ultimate substance
of the blues whenever he took the solo, looking into the eyes of
reveling dancers and using their interaction to bring even more
e~pression into his piano licks . Jerry Portnoy's screaming harp
took command each time he jammed . Louis Myers, who played
with Little Walter in the '50s, had a cool air even while playing
scintillating guitar riffs. Calvin Jones, bass, and Willie Smith,
drums, completed the rhythm section of the well-rounded band .
The band pleased the listeners with such tunes as " Kansas
City" and "Caledonia." With sweat beading on his forehead,
"Pinetop" played a consistent, artful piano. Though he is considered to be the leader of the band, all the members performed
so well that their expertise would be difficult to compare.
Comments by the crowd were entirely favorable . Most people
hoped that this brand of the blues would be played more often
in Olympia. Comparing the night's event to bands that used to
play at the Evergreen Ballroom, a local jazz musician proposed
that blues could be coming back and could reach the heights it
knew in the heyday of the ballroom. Other folks suggested that

and then, by a fluke, are acquitted . After
the Fall, so to speak, the film's narrative
force lessens ' you know something awful
will happen to Frank and Cora , that they
will pay for their sins, and it is o nl y a
question of how. The mosl interesti ng
hour IS the first.

a regular series of blues and jazz concerts would certainly improve the cultural night life of Olympia.
The Legendary Blues Band has a long heritage as a cla ss ic Chi cago blues band. The band has formerly backed Muddy Waters,
toured with the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and Eric Ciapton and
appeared in the " Blues Brothers" movie. The band has also
played two com mand performances at the White House.
With people standing on tables, crowding the aisles and the
dance floor, the Legendary Blues Band finished out the night.
with the Bill Doggett standard. " Honky Tonk" and Freddie King's
" Hide away ." W ithout a doubt, the band drew people into
Astair's who would usually go elsewhere to satiate their musical
tastes and made blues believers out of the folks who normally
patro~ize Astair's for its hard rock and roll bands .

-n::1E5 f RE(OR[75

A five-member cast combini ng community and college th~atrical talent has
been selected for Evergreen's Spring Quarter production of Voices, slated for April
29-May '2 in the Experimental theatre of
thp Communications Building.
Directed by adjunct faculty member
Ruth Palmerlee, the play speaks directly
about the experi ence of being a woman.
" It revolves around poetic tales of indi vidual lives, told by a quintet 0.1 women
who don't know o r speak to each other
throughout the play. " I nstead, " explains
Palmerlee, "each woman tells her story to
the audience, then their voices begin to
speak in counterpoi nt until, finally, they
become a chorus and their lives are no
longer separate or isolated."
Cast in the play by Susan Griffi n are
Evergreen students Karen Hatcher of
Galvin, Washington, and Ruth Reed of
Olympia, alumna Sarah Favret , and Olympia community members Bernice Youtz
and Patty Needham .
Voices, because it ~rates from no
standard story line, relies heavily upon
each performer to convey the life story
of each character's "voice." In this reg'ard,
Voices is as mu ch a casting exercise as
anything else-bringing a fully developed
personality to the stage which can
transform a simple narrative into an
entertainin g story-in-progress.
As the production set~ sights on its
April 29 opening, this process of tranformation is gathering momentum. Already ,
weeks of intensive " introspection sessions "
have merged each actresses' personal biography with her scripted one. Ruth Reed ,
Evergreen student and Olympia Little
Theatre veteran , views the gradual metamorphosis as a process in which each is
left withou t any of the stock convent ions .
"We don't go out there as a character in
some bigger pi cture," she sa id . There is
no distance between the audi ence and
ourse lves. When we go on , all we've got
is what parts of the characters we've man aged to develop within ourselves."
Voices is more than a glance into the
li ves of fiv e women . It is a penetrating
view of their innermost se lves - the mind ,
spirit, and experience of each character
lying totally open.
Their opening night performance, set
for 8:00 p.m. April 29, will be staged as a
benefit for the YWCA Women's Shelter in
memory of Colleen Hunt Spencer, an
Evergreen graduate who helped to found
the organization . Tickets for the benefit
cost $10.00 and may be obtained through
YWCA, 352-0593
Tickets for the other four performances,
set for 8:00 p.rn. April 30 and May 1, 2and 3 sell for $2.00 general and $1 .00 for
students and senior citizens and mav be
obtained through the Evergreen Bookstore, Rainy Day Records or The Book
mark in South Sound Center. Reservations
may be made by ca lling 866-6070
April. 16, 1981 Cooper Point Journal page 9

CPJ Apology


The Cooper Point Journal regrets its
error in attributing comments to Stone
Thomas and Thomas Ybarra in the February 12 issue. Both Mr. Stone and Mr.
Ybarra had requpsted that their comments
be kept off the record . We apologize for
this infringement upon their privacy.

EI Salvador: Take Action
Representative Nita Rinehqrt has introduced a resolution in our state legislature
that demands a st'lP to all U .S. military
aid to EI Salvador. This resolution must be
passed, as it will go directly to President
Reagan's desk. However, presently it is
stalled in the House because Majority
Leader and Speaker of the House, William
Polk feels it would cause much debate
and take up much precious time. But time
is not on the side of the people of EI
Salvador. This session ends April 25.
Please ca ll Mr. Polk's office, 753-7958 and
pressure him into immediate action . Also
call your senator, Dick Hemstad, urging
him to co-sponsor a similar bill in the
Senate : 753-7642 Let's make waves!

Fall Quarter Intemships
Students planning-or even considering-an internship for Fall Quarter 1981,
are urged to contact Co-op Ed sometime
during the week of April 2(}.24 to make
their needs known and to schedule an
appointment with a Co-op Counselor for
sometime before the end of Spring Quarter or during the summer. To do this,
either call 6391 or come by the Co-op Ed
office, LAB I, Room 1000.

Forest Service Jobs

Volunteers to Teach

Tom Glassford of the U.S Forest Service
will be at Evergreen on Friday, April 17
from 8 :30 a.m. to 5 00 p.m . in the Lab I
Bu ilding, Rm . 1023. Tom is a Wilderness
Manager for Eagle Cap Wilderness in
Easte rn Oregon . The purpose of his visit
is to talk to students about summer and/
or seasonal jobs with the Forest Service in
Eastern Oregon -some of these jobs might
be used as internships. All interested students are encouraged to stop by and talk
wit h Tom-LAB I, Room 1023 .

Volunteers are needed to work with
newly arrived refugee families in learning
oral English. Families, from grandparents
down to infants attend classes two hours
a d ay for the first eight weeks they are
here . The " Let's Learn Language" program
is an innovative series to teach basic Engli ,h skill s in a relaxed sett ing. L.L.L. will
teach you how to help the refugees and
have fun at the same time l
The next instructor training sessions will
he held on April 23rd and 24th from 300
to 5 :(X) or 7:00 to 9;00 at St. John's Episcopal Church, corn er of 20th and Capitol.
For more information on this exciting,
rewarding program pl ease ca ll 456-5346 to
reserve class space.
Volunteers are also desperately needed
to transport famili es to and from the
lea rning center.

Herpes Info
and education, offi ce drop-in hours are
1-4 p.m . at Semin ar building 4115, or cal l
866-6~38 (women's clini c message phone) .

NOTICE TO STUDENTS. Please return the
questionnaires on Student Evaluation of
Faculty as soon as possible to Seminar
Building Room 4154, or the box just inside the Library Double Doors. Thanks! .

Community Garden Space
With the pri ce of vegetables the way
they are, you may be pleased to note that
Olympia Area Community Gardens has 10'
x 20' garden patches avai lable at different
locations in the Olympia area. Rototifling,
manure, water, some tools and seed are
provided by the garden project's parent
organization, Mason-Thurston Community
Action Council.
Fees are $15.00 for the season or 6
hours per month volunteer work . The garden project is dependent on this volunteer
labor and the list of jobs is so varied there
is sure to be a spot for your talents . Low
income single parents, seniors, and the
disabled are exempt from both fee and
work .
There are still plots open for this summer though they are filling up fast. To
receive an application and sign-up ·for a
garden plot, contact Grace Mayes between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00-noon, weekdays at 943-4858.
Or come to our orientation at 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 26 at the YWCA Friendship
Hall, 220 E. Union .

Summer Employment
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -Camp Roganunda, located in the Cascade Mountains
offers employment opportunities to coun-'
se lors, cook, sports directors, nurse, etc.
Patti Gorman from Camp Roganunda will
be on campus to hold interviews with
peopl e interested in working there this
summer. People interested in talking with
her should have an application filled out
before their appointment. Interviews will
be held in Library 2112 between 9:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. April 20th . For further information, appointment sc heduling and
applications see Career Planning and
Placement, Library 1214, 866-6193.



"Four dollars will bring
the Cooper Point Journal into
your home every week for
one year; keep in touch with
Evergreen from the students' .
perspective . Order your subscription todayl Send your
name, address, phone number , and $4.00 to Cooper
Point Journal , CAB 305, The
Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505."



Current Work

' ~aL



It's a narrow stair, and a tiny hall, and the door bangs
in the wind . Down the stairwell shaft, shadowed in grey
noon gloom, outside the apartment, inside the creak ing,
swinging porch doorthere' s a man on the stair in the hall. He has empty
eyes, and a grey beard like a lost ocean tide . His cane
mumbles against the wall, his face bowed in tears . His
white cane stutters on the steps; he is leaning on the
wall with one hand, withered like his last root, clinging
to the building. He is swinging his cane like the rattled
door, and where his feet shuffle on the landing, the stairs
are too high for him to climb .
And the cane is crashing on the walls, bouncing on the
steps, leaping precariously from tier to tier . His eyes
are bleared and blank, and tears stream through the surf of
hi s hair . He turns blindly toward the door, but it slams
and slams, and his cane is only confused.
He is forgotten on the last stair, the old man in our
hall , and the door sighs and sloughs in the wind .

The Real Inspector Hound, a one-act
comedy by British playwright Tom
Stoppard, will be presented to a limited
house this April 16, 17, 18 in Cab 306.
Tom Stoppard, the author of Rosencrantz and Cuildestern Are Dead, has
created a looking-glass comedy of great
suspense and intrigue. Two drama critics,
each preoccupied with his professional
status and personal dissatisfaction, go to
the theater to see a new thriller. With
great dexterity and comic talent, Mr.
Stoppard involves these professional
observers in the play with results that
prove surprisingly serious for both. The
double-image technique of this playwithin-a-play makes it theater with a complexity of feeling and level of achievement
that is as exciting, as it is rare.
Complete with maids, revolvers, and
bodies, the cast includes many familiar
faces to Evergreen's student-produced
theater circuit, including Scott Jamieson
and Lewis Pratt as the two critics . Craig
Corbett Smith, Cynthia Herrmann, David
H. Smart, Nancy Welborn, Jenny Davis,
and Steve " a fool, a fool " Smith as Inspector Hound, fill out the cast in an out,landish assortment of comic stereotypes.
The Real Inspector Hound is produced
and directed by Evergreen freshman
David Baker.
" Inspector Hound" will be presented
with extremely limited seating, so ti ckets
will be sold on a first come-first serve
bas is.



Field Production Assistant
Portland, Ore.
Student intern wo uld work di rec tl y With production photographers, producers. directors
and clients. Pr imary duties wi tl include assisting with set-up of eq uipment in the field,
lighting , etc. Secondary duties will be organizati on and operation of field produ ction unit
under supervision of producti on photographers . Internship will also include extensive
exposure to studio production , control room
procedures, post-production editing , and general station operations on a day-to-day basis .
Prefer student who has an interest and /or
desire to go into field production as immediate career goal.
1 qtr., hrs. negotiable.
Volunteer position .





When you need some notes at3:00a.m.,
you find out who your friends are.





si m ilar organ izati onal units.

Prefer student in his / her second year of
college with a background in business or
pubti c admin is trati on . Student mu st have
some course work in statistics.

the neo ... ' ftve )lears, thot r~eraJ Co~rnmenl pI,,"'!. I~
military buildup In ou r country's hiStory We....A1I
one trillion doIl.lI S lor the m i1i l~ ry .mrl i nc u~~!>t"
our ~ I ockpil ~ of 3O.CX>O n u (I~.u w.vh~.itd~ by .mother 9.000

~ rgnt

sp~ ~ r

N~w ml50sl1~ sY5.l~m50


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INI th . ~rsl-50t r1ke " c..\Pc'b ility rT\c\y se<iuc.e
n~ nucle", ....."'. believing

U S S R to

t~ c..lnlNln

In hunch~d50 of comm unltiE'!> MOUnd the ~tioo . nucle~1

.ue re!oof!,arcMci. m.muf(Ktu'~ . 1f~n!lPOrte<1 . "'!~ 'e<1

or stockpiled AI fA(.Uitie's 0\Nn~ by the Oep.!lr1mcn t o f
Energy Of the ~panmenr of ~~nw . Increa.wd production
01 plutonium. OChe l l adl(),&( t ....e meUef\ab, clnd n udeM Wcl~ l e !lo
nc..aIate"S the I mm~late thre.'ll to publk heAlth And 50clfery
MIlitary e,l(p.>ln~on ..-All requlr~ fln.mcLclI "net h~n ,~soul(es
UlU:sJng hlShet In"-"non. ~r lobs Md funMt Indu~r1cl.1
d«Hne. Pos:sJbte cu~ In food stamp prOStAmS. ~cll wrvlces
and . perhap ~ soc:Lt1 5«urtty bt-rw:ftts to fund thl ~ mIlitary
IeJlpanskJnlsm onfy furttwr undefmlne our country's slrensth

Spon!tOrw by. The Nude .... Weqons f"dUties Tuk force
r OI infom'ldlioo ... bout N:tivities. dlOUnc1 the ncltion clnd
Inter~'ionil ily. writ~ :

Bolli. 271
NYACk. N ~w Yortt 10960

AtMrfu,n frknch Senic:e CommMtft
1660 l..lf"yeue
Den"'~ t .

CoIorc\do 80118

ror InfOrm.ltion "boul 1oc,,1 ""hAc ies conl cl'"

It Is ttme to ~ "'enouSh is enoYSh:' The s<x.W. economk
.and en~tonrnenw costs of prep.ar1ng fof nude"" WoI-t
repres.enr poIc)'-nwk)nS Sane m.d. k 150 up to us 10
prn6 for some ~1tYes. The future Is In OU I hMds.

YUlIldl lhe notes for

..-haph,'r 6 in rhe tibrary. :-\


siJ,.rrl tllill tOlllorww's leSt \\ill
be hem'y \,~th questions from
chapter h. Somenne YIIU know
is about to gel ;:1 phol'le call.

He\; nili going til like il,but he's

to (ome through. When
this is over. do somelrung .. : : " ' _ 1 . - : _
special for run!. Torught. let AAlW~UU.-.u.
be LOwenbrau.




hrsl wk .

Volunteer positi on.

Oraltlng Intern
Student intern would be responsible lor the
development and drafting of one Jr more
chapters of a Technical Field Manual for use
by electric service representatives. Student
would also collect data and dralt rough and
finished documents.
Student must be In hisl her 2nd or 3rd year
of college and have a background in business
administration or engineering disciplines .
Technical writing experience Is also desirable.
1 quarter, hrs. negotiable. Volunt!!B'" position .

On April 25t h ~n t hou~nds 01 citl len), wtlo -.Mil gMhE'r M
loc.~ 1 fil(illrie'io, loin In th e ( elll 10 the Uniu!"d SIdl es ,m(l Ihe
SO'm~ 1 Union to f, ~e l ~ the Mrns ril(~


In the house- her palace
of still porcelain and carpets,
of the photographed generations,
nameless, speechl ess with awe I have no ri ght
to be young and vibrant.
When her skin crumples in to fragil e,
ri ce-paper ca nyons, my strength
mocks her agf' l e~s memori es
of children I L"t ch myself
in the gl ow of shaded lamp
in th e nmror, like years
that opt'n o nto ha llways
and bedf(1'J Ill ~ , buying space
and time In d network
of conslru c.l ed illu sion .

Here"" to 5'"'U
....... friends.
' .


No matt'er what day of the week you
get a plzza cravin', there's somebody you
can call: Pizza Haven,
Just dial our home dellvery number
7 days a week and we'll bring a
hot pizza right to your door,
If you Ire not in the mood for pizza,
we've got sandwiches, salads, spaghetti
and soft drinks, t60.
So clip out the coupon and call Pizza
Haven, Then leave the driving to us,

Electrical Engineer Intern
Seat tle
Student intern would worl< with electrical
engineers who design work techniques and
evaluate materials for the electrical distribution system of City Light. Student wO'Jld also
assist construction crews with lield problems
and analyze failures to lind better materials
and techniques .
Student must be in hisl her second or third
year of college and have a strong background
in mathematics and science.
1 quarter, 30 hrs/wk.
Volunteer position .
Planning Intern
Student intern would be r\3sponsible for the
devetopment of a workload lorecast program .
Student would co ll ect data , make time
studies, and develop workload planning proced ures to forecast labor requirements of two

Ov~ 1



european coffees, herb teas:
whole wheat pastries, italian
sodas, Haagen-Dazs ice cream.

212 W_ 4th Olympia

Shadows running from the ground
in a watercolor alley . .
There's no one in the doorway s,
no old feet shuffle in the debris ;
the voices in the dark
are wild arguments of your imagination .
No cat leaps from the garbage,
not the tired rustle of a Pilper bag
and an old, twisted hand .
Just the wind howling softly between
empty-mouth windows ;
just tossing dust-devils,
whirling candy-wrappers . .
hand in hand they caper.
The tear-eyed sky bears down ,
not foot steps on concrete stairs.
just raindrops on the garbage cans.
Not a sharp shout beyond,
just a broken blind
snapp ing agains t the clouds.
Not rats scuttling,
no shrieks behind broken gla ss pan es,
no ca t~ growling in the trash ;
only a whistling wind in your bon es
and an empty alley .
The co lors fade and run in th e rain ,
shadows melt int o the ground .





In her cas tl e oj thp past ,
I am fo reign .

107 E. St"te
Air - Boat Dives

"Get yourself a group of critics . You
cannot really polish your work without
an objective eye . Your writing will mature
from the attention ."

Victoria Mixon


For more Information, contact the Office of
Cooperative Education and schedule an
appointment with a counselor, LAB 1000,
~91 .






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..--------------------------------------~--~' ~~~
April 16, 1981' Cooper Point Jour

page 10 Cooper Point Journal April 16, 1981


page 11