

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 34, Issue 2 (September 29, 2005)

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A portrait of Evergreen

Understanding South
Africa through rugby
By Tom Slater
My time in South A frica was time
s pent in a different world . I explain it
in terms of the Hands & Hearts Rugby
Club. I'll always remember the sight
and smell of Langa, a black township
held together with hope, where whites
without local escort are not welcome,
the way twenty people fit into a minivan
ta xi, booies piling on bodi es just to get
home from the market. I remember the
trips between towns in the Northern
Cape, the endless miles of scrub grass
and bare ly-pave d road. But to explain
Capetown, my strongest memory is of
rugby- ofbei ng invited to practice with
the Hands & Hearts Rugby C lub.

"/1010 hy lA ura J/udrJt:1I

Homewo;k and laundry. jllst another typical day for Evergreen sllldents.

At fir st g la nce, rugby looks a bit like
footba ll without pads. There are two
important stateme nts th ere. First, South
Afr ica- like rugby- looks familiar, but
isn·t. It has some Europea n traces of culture- as do th e States, but th e simil ar it y
end s at c it y planning. In the states, the
poli ce watch the road s and sniff th e air
more t han th ey investigate most homicides; in So uth Africa, yo u don 't think
twice about driving drunk because the
police are busy with murders, rapes and
armed robberi es. In Capetown, having
your front teeth pulled is a fashion statement; in the States, whitening strips are
a billion-dollar industry. The second is

that in South Africa, there is no padding.
The forty percent without jobs do not
re ce ive welfare checks. Most often th ey
are destitute. A bad tack Ie does not rearrange your armor; it break s yo ur collarbone. Social safety is different in South
A frica- it's built from connections, not
granted by government.
I n South Africa, the socia l network is
all-important. Whe n the textiles union
went on strike for the third week in a row
a nd there was no wealth for the governme nt to spread unto its people, the only
thin g betwee n my friend Franklin and
starvation was his brother in law, Patrick. Patr ick is a loca l business owner
who runs a shoe-repair and locksmith
cha in a ll over the Western Ca pe. He
is we ll known in hi s community and
is able to draw on he lp from multipl e
sources to fee d Franklin a nd Franklin's
wife, who works at the same factory and
is a lso on strike .
Patrick was the one who fi rst in vited
me to pl ay ru gby. I was wai tin g for
my Afrikaans professo r in the office
lounge area, cup of coffee in ha nd and
a ha ngover in my eyes. Pat ri ck sa id to
me, "You're a good build for ru gby- an
A merican student, ri ght? You should
come out and play tomorrow night. My
name is Patrick." I shook his ha nd ,

Rugby continued on pg 3

It's 12 p.m. Do you know where your tuition is?
Did you know that the equivalent of28
undergraduate students' tuition was used
to subsidize our privately contracted food
services last year? You've probably seen
Evergreen's Social Contract and been
told how important it is to the college.
Did you know that our Social Contract is
not enforceable? Have you heard that, as a
student, the only recourse you have against
unfair faculty decisions is outl ined in the
faculty handbook, a docum ent that most
students don't even know exists?
Students know when thin gs aren ' t
working right. We ' re the people who feel it
the most when something has gone wrong
and we' re often the people who are hardest hit by changes. But finding out what's
actually going on , why it's happening ,
and what we can do about it is about as
easy as finding a particular cab driver in
New York. Without a centralized means of
disseminating information (for instance,
a student government or student union),
misinformation and lack of information
are rampant.
. For instance, consider tuition hikes.
Did you know that our tuition was raised
6% this year? And that it's risen 66%

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By Jayne Kaszynski

es! I would like to subscribe for one full year, a total of 28 issues!




By receiving the CPJ at home, you can keep up to date with what
issues are important to Evergreen students. The CPJ is very different
from other college newspapers. Any·and every student can contribute
content (an opinion piece, a comic, a news story, a photo, etc. ) and the
CPJ staff compiles it into a newspaper each week. Again , very different
but truly representative of students.
he CPJ i s published Thursdays during Fall, Winter and Spring quarters.
Or der now to start receiving the CPJ!

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since 2000? It seems like the administration doesn't care about our ballooning
student loan debt, but consider this little
loophole : The legislature has given colleges-specifically, the Board of Trustees
of each college-the ability to set their
own tuition levels. In reality, when the
legislature wants to raise tuition, they
simply cut college funding by the same
percent that a certain tuition raise will
cover. Without other fundi ng sources, the
college is forced to raise tuition in order
to continue running . Thi s problem is especially hard fo r Eve rgree n, which foregoes
the inten se corporate s po nso rs hip th at
other schoo ls- fo r instance, U. W.- use
to offset costs. Considering thi s situation,
our tuition has remained amazingly low. In
this case, the rea l problem is a wider pol itical atmosphere that calls fo r less fund ing
of government services- such as higher
education-rather than a callous college
Tuition is only one of the issues we
face on this campus-perhaps in other
areas the administration is not as blameless. Certainly, there are deep problems
and inconsistencies within Evergreen's
governance . Other times, they're just
rumors and misunderstandings . I want
to find out which is which . As this year's

student mem ber of the college's Board of
Trustees, I will present accurate information about student concerns to the Board
of Trustees and I wi II pass on accurate
information on administrative decisions
to students.
I'm going to be reading the faculty
handbook I mentioned above- you can
find it online at http://www.evergreen.edui
po licie s / t-faculty.htm-and I'm also
researching our food service history and
options. As I begin to gain an understanding of the details of these iss ues, I' ll post
my findin gs in th e Coo per Point Journ a l
and online at www.livejourn a l. com/ users/
studenttrustee. If yo u want to talk to me
a bo ut these or any other on-campus issues,
please email me at stutrust@evergreen.edu
or vi sit me at my table in the CAB building
on October 4 from II a.m.-12: 15 p .m. or
October 6 from II :30 a.m.-I p.m.

Jayne Kaszynski is a M PA. student and
Evergreen grad. She works as the Senior
Coordinator with Student Activities and
serves as th e stud(Jnt member on the Board
of Trustees. In her spare time, she writes
poetry and rants about current events.

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SEPfEMBER 2~, 2005


There are 39% of American st udents
who graduate with ~nmanageable debt
burden, including over 55% of Blacks
and 58% of Hispanics. This means they
must use at least 8% of their income in
repayi ng thei r debts after college. These
Bush admin istration cuts would mean that
this problem would only get worse. This
is on top of the massive price increases
in textbooks. According to WashPIRG 's
figures, the average stude nt must pay an
average of$900 a year in textbooks; prices
in textbooks have increased at four times
the rate of inflation . Publishers justify
these outrageous increases by bundling
workbooks and CD's in with the book and
publishing new editions every few years
despite the fact that teachers repeatedly
say in surveys that these new editions and
add-ons are not necessary.
WashPIRG is holding various activities as part of the national PIRG's Stop
the Raid on Student Aid campaign,
including congressional call-ins and
informational events . Watch for our
tables around campus to find out more.

"Getting into the Tropical
'Rainforest program ."
Kwasi Addae

Vertebrate Evolution

. Japanese."
. earmng
Britney Herick

Japan Today
" Reclaiming sacred sex uality."
Gerielle BenR.er

Student Activities Office
CAB 320
Cubicle # 19
(360) 867-6058
http ://www.washpirgstudents.
org /index.html
blai r@was hpirgstudents.org

Business manager............................................ Corey Young
ASSI'stant busmess
manager. ..................................... unfilled
Ad proofer and archivist· .................. ................... Sean Paull
Circulation managerlPaper archivist ......... .R. Yazmin Shah
Distribution manager"................................. David Hombeck
Ad sales representative· ................................. Jordan Lyons
Ed~or-in-chief ....................................................... Eva Wong

Managing editor. ......... ................................... Kate DeGraaf!
Arts & Entertainment coordinator· .............. .R. Yazmin Shah
Briefs coordinator.................... ...................................unfilled
Calendar coordinator ................................................. unfilled
Comics coordinator........................................ Chelsea Baker
Copy editor...........................................................Sean Paull
Copy editor· ................................ ................. Candice Kellner
Letters & Opinions coordinator· .................... Sam Goldsmith
News coordinator· .................................. ......... lan McGuffick
Photo coordinator· .... ..................................... .Laura Hadden
Seepage coordinator.................................................. unfilled
Sports coordinator ..................................................... unfilled
Student Voice coordinator........ .................................. unfilled

Evening and Weekend Studies

Molly Gilbert

Plan to attend the Northwest
Student Leadership Conference from
November II through 13 at the University of Portland in Portland, OR.
You will receive training on how you
can get involved.

Physi cis t 's

"Taking what
I can get from
the classes I'm
registered for. "

Jesse Stark is a senior transfer student
and is the WashPIRG media intern.

"-- _ _- - I

Your work in print
is written. edited and distributed by students enrolled at
The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
production and content.
is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session : the first through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
second through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.

is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
PersOns in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867·6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.
sells displa~ and classified advertising space. Information
about advertlsmg rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.

How to Contribute



Our meetings are open to the Evergreen
community. Please come and discuss with us!

Student Group Meeti ng
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member of the
student group CP J . Practice consensus-based
decision making.

Content Meeting

5:30 p.m. Monday

Help discuss future content, story ideas, Vox
Populi questions and possible long term reporting projects.

"Evergreen supports community-based
learning, with research and applications
focused on issues and problems found
wi thi n students' com m unities " (The
Evergreen Website). With one of the 5 foci
of learn ing being personal engagement,
no other educationa l method or program
I'll Ifi li s these req uirements as thoroughly
as a student-run, st ud ent-trained facilities
program Stich as we have. Housing workers take on th e responsibility of active ly
maintaining and improving the community
many of us live and learn in. I have been an
emp loyee ofl-Iousing Faci liti es the majority of my timc here at Evergreen . It has
been a fun and enjoyable place to wo rk . I
have made a lot of friends over the ycars.
dev~loped communit ies and had sup ervi sors accommoda tin g to my academic
sc h.edu le. Having said th a t. I wou ld
encourage all students, new and continuing, who seek to ga in a grenter knowledge
ofhands on skills to inquire abo ut our program. Housing offers studen ts of all ski II
leve ls the opportunity to gain an awareness
of and, ultimately, a strong comfort level
working in var ious fields from faci lities
maintenance- inco rpor ating electrical,
mechanical, plumbing and carpe ntry- to
everything involved with custod ial and money spent here at Eve rg reen that much
grounds. The technical skills you are able more valuable. For many of yo u, Housing's
to gai n working for Housing Facilities will campus is your local community- forlhe
be a valuable asset when seeking future time being. If you feel like giving more,
employment and will only help when learning a lot, working with good people
problems a rise in your own homes . Many and getting paid, I encourage you to check
students have been able to gain supervisory it out. If it's not for you I ask that you treat
positions and titles here that, when coupled this campus with respect, because it's your
with a college degree, make the time and . fellow students who will be cleaning lip

What's the best gift you can ever give?

Lecture and seminar related to journalism and
issues surrounding CPJ content

You can open your home to a child or teen.

resolution .

Paper Critique

accepting the invitation and learning the
first law of Capetown is hospital ity- you
show the new kid a good time on and off
the field.
When I got there, the ent ire Hearts &
Hands club had been briefed on me. All
sixty of them had been playing for at least
six years apiece- they were told to expect
a White American. People explained the
drills to me, si nce I didn' t speak Afrikaans
and t he coaches d idn't speak Eng l ish . I
got cheered on as I was about to collapse
and vomit while running laps. I got free
drinks- also to the point of sic kness- on
the sidelines at the Saturday game.
Rugby represents the socioeconomic
order ofa changing South Africa as well.
Rugby is the national sport- a leftover
from British and Dutch colonialism.
Unfortunately, most Black Africans are
unable to play it- not for any physical
reasons, but for the si mple fact that rugby
incurs injury, and without money for
medical care these injuries might mean
death or inability to work. Additionally,
rugby has an international commitment to
amateur play at all but the national !evels.
This does two things. First, it keeps the
finances modest and that helps keep the
Yankees Factor to a minimum-in other
words, people play for love of the game
and talent isn't bought outright. Second,
it makes it very difficl,Jlt for those already
financially struggling to justify the
expenditure of time and possibly hea lth
on a game that may never pay them back
for their ti me. The result of the game 's
nature a nd a mate ur ethic is that in most
countries, rugby is a ga me for the middle
and upper class- the Co lored and White
commun iti es.
If you go to South A frica and want to
meet some people, to see the full range of
human behavior, I st rongly recommend a
rugby pitch as a meeting place. Unfortunately, this assumes you are a niale- or
a woman w ith very thi ck ski n. O ne word
of warn ing, though: The new guy gets
hit hardest. How else wi ll the teammates
know they can rely on you? Your friend s,
your family, yo ur teammates and uni on
members - per~aps most of a ll yourse lf- are a ll you can count on in South

Having said that , I
would encourage all students, new and continuing, who seek to gain a
greater knowledge of
hands on skills to inquire
about our program .

Content Forum 12:30 p.m. Wednesday

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission
and publication criteria for non'advertising content are available in CAB
316, or by request at 867-6213. Contributions are accepted at CAB 316, or
Thursday Forum
4p.m. Thursday
by email at cpj@evergreen.edu. The CPJ editor-in·chief has final say on
Discuss ethics, journalism law and conflict
the acceptance or rejection of all non·advertising content.

How to Contact the CP J

from the


" Math homi)work."
Brittany Halseth

Cooper Point Journal

Design· .....................................................Kristen Lindstrom Cooper Point Journal
John Morgan CAB 316
Chanie Daugherty News: (360) 867 - 6213
Email: cpj@evergreen.edu.
Advisor ....................................................... Dianne Conrad
Assistant advisor .............. .... .................. ............ M.A. Selby Business: (360) 867 - 6054 .
Email: cpjbiz@evergreen.edu
• Interim staff


Reading Jouissance as

Call or E-mail Congressman
Baird 's office; his website has a contact form at: http://w ww.house.gov/
baird / IMA/emai l.shtml
1-800-574 - 4243

Call , write or visit Evergreen's
Washi ngton PI RG office at:


As a recent graduate from The
Evergreen State College and former
Housing Facilities employee, I would like
to inform this year's inco min g freshmen
class about the uniqu eness of how their
housing faCi liti es operate. Evergree n is
one of only a handful of hi gher education
institutions incorporating a student-worker
facilitie s program. Here at Housing, our
facilities are operated by a mixed staff of
full-time emp loyees a nd student workers·.
The student workers comprise the majorit y of the work force, performing routine
maintenance of housing's apartm ents and
campus. Here at The Evergreen State
College, we pride ourselves on teaching
students the importance of involvement
in and responsibility for our local community.

Making Change Happen

To get involved:

You may call the number listed
above and give your home zip code ;
you wil I then be transferred to your
home Congressman's office.

29, 2005

By Shay Flanagan

"Graduating. "
Ben Lefor

B Jesse Stark

On the other hand, there is a bill that
would increase financial aid to needy
students. The Student Aid Reward Act
(STAR) would redirect federal funding
from private lending companies to the
more efficient Direct Loan program. The
Bush Administration's own figures show
that money spent directly to the Federal
Student Aid Program would save the
government $11 for every $100 loaned to
st udents . This would result in $3 billion
more to students in financial aid. If the
government were to spend this money on
rQ,Ore Pell Grants for each student, every
student in the country would see an
increase of $600 in Pell Grant money.


by Kate DeGraaff and Eva Wong


--In 2001, Congress promised the
public to cut interest rates to 6.8% by
2006. This bill breaks that promise
by keeping the interest rate at 8.25%.
This means an increase of $2,600
in interest payments for students.
--An increase in the fixed consolidation rates and the imposition of a
one-time consolidation fee, resulting
in a $1,777 increase in loan costs .
--There are discounts for students who
consolidate their loans in school or
during the grace period . HR 609 would
cut these discounts, resulting in a $985
increase in loan repayment costs.

_________________________C_O_O_P_ER~P~OI_NT~J~O~U~RN~AL~----------------_____________ 3

Evergreen's community housing

Students endangered by
funding cut proposals
students are
in financial
danger from
record funding
cuts proposed
by the Bush
administration. These
- - - I cuts ,
totalling $9 billion, would force the typical
stude nt borrower to pay an additional
$5,800 in college expenses, according to
the Washington Public Interest Research
Group (WashPIRG). These cuts are
included in HR 609. Included in these cuts:



12 p.m. Friday

Comment on that week's paper. Aircomments,
concerns, questions, etc. If something in the
CP J bothers you, this is the meeting for you!

Most kids can count on their families to provide a safe, secure, slable·home.
But many kids in our own community don't have the kind of loving home
they need - and deserve - to become heaHhy, contributing adults.


Help change that!


Foster Care Program (943-0780, ext. 101)
and ask Scott about becoming a foster parent.



All meetings are in CAB 316.

l'I1IIIh SU<1'rrd

It's a __ n way to make a BIG difference.

after you.
Again I would encourage any of yo u who
are interested in our program to contact
us. We are located on the bottom floor of
A Dorm. You don't need work-study. If
you have any questions for me, feel free
to contact me at Flanaganshay@hotmail.
com. Thanks.

Tom Sialer is a senior and spenl last
summer studying a, [he University of the
Western Cape in South Africa.

Shay Flanagan is an alumnus.


ad SymbolIC Reasoning


Students helping students to understand all dimensions of Math and Science
The QuanUlatlVe &. SymboliC Re&aonLng Cente1' 18 here to help you W1th your quanUtattve reaaonlng need •.
Fl'orn algebra to Z-eoore8. from anthropology to zoology. WI:'n: here to lUM~t you . No appolnlmente are
necessary. We havr: tutors who can help out with all levels of DlathernaUCIJ, econonllC!!l, et.at1aUcs, cllernllltry,
blo~gy , phyalca, and Juat about anythb'llJ alee the len. atde of YOU'- bratn haa to wreath!: wUb ,
So atop on by.--


The Evergreen Tutoring Center

CAB 108

~y W'e'~


Man-Thursday lOam-8pm
Friday I I am-4pm
Sunday 12pm-6pm




29, 2005

An idea whose time ha.s come?
By Ad Costantino
For some time now there has been talk
of the advantages of directing official
correspondence to students through their
assigned email accounts. [f students used
their assigned email accounts, faculty and
students would be better able to correspond
before programs begin, college mailing
costs for offices such as Registration;
Financial Aid and Housing would be
greatly reduced and the communication
of campus-wide information to students
could be facilitated. Many colleges already
do this and find it beneficial.
In August of this year, [ convened
a meeting of college staff to consider
whether we should direct correspondence
through student email accounts. The group
was unanimous in believing that we should
direct college correspondence through student email accounts, did not identifY any

Environmental Resource Center
The ERC wants to help you counteract
environmental devastation in Cascadia
and around the world! We have seasonal
forest rendezvous and tree-climbing
parties, invite influential speakers, and
organize actions and conferences to
learn, teach and speak for the trees. Join
us to share your ideas at our second
meeting, Wednesday, October 5 at 1:30
p.m. in Red Square!

daunting obstacles and estimated savings senior staff- President, Vice Presidents,
of approximately $150,000 in mailing etc.-by the end of October. [f the senior
costs. The aeademic deans also endorsed statfapproves of moving in this direction,
this iclea.
we would then convene an implementation
[n general, the plan would look like this: team composed of many of the offices who
When students are admitted to Evergreen, attended our initial meeting, along with
they would be assigned a student email interested faculty and students. Our intent
account. At that time, the students would would be to implement this approach for
be informed that all official correspondence ' Winter quarter 2007.
from the college would be directed through
My purpose in writing to the CPJ is
the accounts. Students would be told that to seek the reactions of students. Do you
if they have a major problem accessing think this is a good idea? Do you foresee
email, they should get in touch with us. any obstacles? When do you believe stuWe would then develop another means of dents should begin to receive TESC Talk
communicating with those students. There and TESC Crier? Should their access be
remains a question about when students "opt in" or "opt out" of TESC Talk and
would begin receiving TESC Talk and TESC Crier? [f you have any reactions, [
TESC Crier and whether this should be would appreciate hearing them by October
"opt in" or "opt out". This will have to be 6.
resolved. If we do not face major problems
with moving in this direction , I intend to Art Costantino is the Vice President 0/
propose the adoption of this plan to Stud(!nl Affairs.

Doulas sought for local

MIXED DOG: Answers to
"Benny". Generous Reward
Offered. Black and Brown,
l2lbs. Choke Chain Collar
wlNevada Tags. Lost on Evergreen Campus Sun. Sept. 18th.

The Birth Attendants are a group of
doulas who provide doula services
free-of-charge for incarcerated women
in Washington State. The Birth Attendants serve Washington's only women's
prison, and our services are available to
every pregnant woman at the facility.

Upcoming informational meetings wi ll
be held Tuesday, October 4 at 7 p.m. and
Saturday, October 8 at 2 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the The Martin on
Washington S1. across from the Wash ington Center for the Arts in downtown
Olympia. For more information, e-mail

If found, please contact Campus
,,:P:O:li:·c:e:a:t:;8;6:7;-6:8:3;2;.======:: birthattendants@yahoo.comorvisit


.... www.birthattendants.org.


-brief submitted by Maggie MacDonald

We'dlike to thank all
regulars (and entice you
newbles) by giving you a


your purclme!"

1011 C.plt.1 W.Y B.
Int.r •• ctlon 0'
Caplt.1 and Legion
Acro •• etr •• t from
Sylv •• tor Park

Organizers, advocates and dissidents of
every political stripe are invited to the
Fall '05 Public Interest-Pallooza. The
Washington Public Interest Research
Group Evergreen student chapter is a
resource to all TESC students. Defend
the public good by planning events and
campaigns for student aid, hurricane
victims, and the environment. Wednesday, October 5 at 3 p.m ., Seminar II

volunteer group

Potential members should anticipate
weekly meetings in Olympia and visits
to the prison in Gig Harbor at least once
a month for a childbirth education di scussion group. Doula experience is preferred but not required .

-brief submitted by the ERC, CAB 320,
Space 3, 867-6784

Attention Evergreen Activists!

VAUl~ EXPIRES W1lo1 ..

-brief submitted by WashPIRG

MADRE to visit Evergreen
MADRE, an internat iona l women's
human ri g hts organization demanding
human rights for women and fa milies
wi ll be coming to Everg reen on October 10 at 6 p.m. in Seminar II , DII05.
Yifal Susskind, MADRE's Associate
Director, wi ll be holding a lectu re orr
Women's Economic Development. Yi Rt
Susski nd was born and raised in Israel
and was active in the Israeli women's
peace movement for several yea rs. She
directed a project for Palestinian politica l prisoners at the A Iternat ive Information Center and rema ins an outspoken
advocate of Palestinian ri g hts, an e nd to
Israeli occupation and for the democrati zat ion of Israeli society. Ms . Susskind
has been featured as a commentator on
CNN, National Public Rad io, and BBC
This event is sponsored by the Women
of Color Coalition with support from
The President's Fund. For more info you
may email wocc_tesc @yahoo.com.
Information taken from Madre.org.

film debuts
on Showtime
Compiled bv John Morgan
One Evergreen alumnus is Busting Out
onto the national stage with her breastobsessed documentary. Laurel Spellman
Smith graduated Evergreen in 1997 with
a degree in cultural anthropology and film
and put those skills to quick work with
features produced for PBS, including the
regional Emmy award winning documentary " Faith and Fear: The Children of
Krishna." Her latest feature is of a more
tantalizing matter though.
In Busting Out, Smith along with accomplished co-director Francine Strickwerda
examine the uniquely American fetish for
all things cleavage. How it pressures young
women and shapes their body image. How
it influences politics, business and even
impacts women's health.
The documentary uses a combination of
personal accounts combined with critical
analysis to examine the history of one of
human's most sensationalized body parts.
An emphasis is put on Strickwerda's own
account of losing her mother to breast
cancer as a child. The documentary looks
back to times when peopl e used clothing
to deemphasize breasts to a present where
they have become an advertiser's go-to
when selling to the male demographic .
Just ask the guys who yell, "flash those
racks! " in one scene.
Busting Out, however, is primarily
a study of culture, not just ours but the
worlds. Usi ng her love of travel, Smith
g ives a global perspective on what constitutes the ideal female body and how
it differs from the imposs ible hourg lass
so widely des ired in America . She then
exam ines how thi s ideal came about a
dizzying story of money and politi ~5.
How it can endanger wome n emotiona ll y
and physically, with startling facts abo ut
breast cancer.
But don ' t get her wrong; Smith 's no
breast hater, as she tol d the Seattle P.1.
~' Breast are a great thing, too ." In fact,
much of the documentary celebrates the
joys of being a woman, femininity, the
beauty of a natural bosom, including a
heart-warm ing acco un t of a young girl 's
trip to buy her first training bra.
The documentary a ir s Wedn esday,
October 12 at II p.m., corresponding with
Breast Cancer Awareness month.

This story compiled with in/ormation
provided from the Seattle PI. and press

-brief submitted by the Women of Color


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8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sat - Sun:

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
6 p.m. - 9 p .m.
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
12 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Mon - Fri:

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10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Sexual Health Clinic
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
5 p.m . - 7 p.m.

Mon - Fri:
Sat - Sun :

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29, 2005


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Hey! It's a Super Duper
Music Review!
Try not to explode!
By R. Yazmin Shah



The Fucking Ch a mps are meant for
guitar enthusiasts: those who grow giddy
at th e idea of pl ay ing the music themselves. One suspects th at the guit ar isn't
being used to pl ay the song; the song is
being used to pl ay the guit ar. Having sa id
thi s, V does offe r some enj oyabl e listening to those not interested in dupli cating
its sound at some later time. While most
of the CD is mas turbatory- and masterful - riffs on the beloved reverb g uitar,
songs like Th e Virtues 0/ Cruising offer
a surpri sing contras t of tense, ch oppy
violin strokes aga inst the mourn ful , soft
wail s of (guess) the g uitar, crea ting a
di chotomous beauty. The Fucking Champs
have produced some intriguing melodies
when they aren't otherwise attempting to
rip their guitar strings off. In short: get
thi s if you Ii ke reverb guitar. If you end
up owning thi s CD regardless , keep it.
The Robot Ate Me, Carouse l Waltz
Bull bum/buh hum/buh bum ... If these
words pl eased you in some inexplicable
way, then I've got your nacho cheese
dip right here. Strange yet tender, this
is the goofy boy in your highschool
class laying hi s heart out on a sidewalk
in front of
house. The rics are si Ie

but formid able in their honesty. Songwriter
and musician Ryland Bouchar:d seasons
his melodies with a medl ey of trumpets,
clarinets, the ac cordion and more. This is
layered upon drum s, th e famili ar warmth
of the acoustic guitar and vocals that recall
li ght illuminating stained glass windows.
In short : get it if yo u want to hope again .
Wh ere 's
Singer Caroline Lufkin 's voice is the
archetype of ange li c noise. /,oJIhere 's Aly
Love- th e song- conjures glittery pink
sparkles and a unicorn nibbling fr om the
pa lm of yo ur hand , thank s to the crys tal
wind chimes and harp. Where's My Luve
(Magical Mix) is just as hokey as you'd
su spect , but does n't s uck. Actu a ll y it
sounds prett y cool , even if you fee l like
a fairy listening to it. The third and final
track, Tim e Swells, breaks into this prolific
harmony at one point, despite Caroline laing love/lovellove throughout. In short: a
must if you're a flamboyant romantic
a nd find Celine Dion too ha rdcore.
Se aw orthy
Do you wish life were a musical? Would
you be delighted if fri end s, loved ones
and strangers burst into a perfectly choreographed number with no provocation?
Then you have a slightly higher chance
of liki
iano album

Explos ions in lite Sky: Blick lip g IlYS , even Kerollac '.I' firsl work Sli c k ed.

thy. It 's not hard to im agine every song
having an accommodating dance routine
and stage lighting. Unfortunately, Margrit
lacks in the innovation department: These
are the songs you sit through waiting for
that Broadway hit you really came for
(zing!). At times, the homogeny reveals
something complex and interesting, but
Margrit's "okay, I guess" voice curtai Is
any hint of melodic potential. The lyrics
aren't particularly brilliant or insightful.
Look in the mirrorll see a/ace/y ou must
be a member o/the human race. Y' know,
you might have something there. That
was sarcasm, that last sentence. In short:
so you want a soundtrack to your lifemu sical? Buy Andrew-Lloyd Webb er.

N o um en a
Thi s music has some purpose; I just
don't know what it is. There are a collection of instruments featured in Noumena.
Songs composed by a band whose musical style, as the name suggests, refuses
to settle in any single genre- somewhere
around "dub-jazz-rock ", That doesn ' t
mean it lack s a certain ambiance, Relaxing without lo sing its diacriti c qua lity,
thi s is back g round music that direct s.
Tran satlantic has a dark , foreboding feel,
while Inconsislenlly Purple makes you
wa nt to plot how to rob a bank . Actually,
I'd do that anyway. However, it would surprise me iI' anyone had a desire to li sten
to these tunes; I say surpri se be ca use
the y' re so easy to forget. In short: I forget.

Inn ocen ce
The members of Explosions in the Sky
have mixed feelings about their first album ,
How Strange Innocence. Feelings of sentimentality and embarrassment amongst
c1ai ms that the band has developed so
much since then, they 're completely different from the people who recorded How
Strange Inn ocence. They even recall how
some band mates wanted to retract all
the copies and burn them. I don't know
why. How Strange Innocence is nothing
to feel ashamed about. These low-tempo
instrumental rock ballads lull one into
a refie(;tive sort of transcendence. How
Strange Innocence will be that oddlycolored gem in any music collection.
The genre is certainly not unpopular, but
there is something el se these songs have
that you won't find again for a long time.
In short : to be ashamed of this album .. .
what a beautiful insecurity that must be.
R . Ya z min Shah is a sophom ore a nd
is roy ally s cr e we d as s h e a tt empts
to fin d an oth er p rogra m 10 crash. If
yo u're enrolled in a clas s R.Y Sh ah
is waitlist ed fo r, R. Y. Shah w o uld
really appreciat e your untim ely dea th .

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No Foolin'

Organic Farm

Alex Robinson
Top Shelf Productions
ISBN 1891830732

Artworks by Morgan Peck, Suzanne
E. Reed, and Kensuke Yamada
In Gallery II (inside the Library) through October 5, 2005

One element of the great potential of
comics as a medium is its humanity. Comics
have the power to put a face, literally, on
experiences far beyond those of the reader.
This visual connection, combined with
intricacies of character, can make comics
the most humane of the literary arts.
Alex Robinson's new graphic novel
Tricked is a prime example. Robinson is
best known for his series Box Office Poison,
which tells the story of a group of young
peop le in New York struggling to find a
mean ingfu l place. The characters are very
strong, and the story is e ngag ing. Robinso n
is brilliant at capturing th e tense moments
we ' ve all experie nced: first kisses, first
dances, awk ward si lences, broken fr ie nd sh ips, sh itt y jobs. Box Office Poi son revels
in th ese moment s, and in th e characters that
exper ience them. The result is a strong, wellround ed first work . Upon reading th e BOP
coll ection . I not only felt th at I ident ifi ed
with the characters: I fe lt lik e the y had
become my friend s
C reatin g believable and rela tab le characters is always a challenge. But BOP's
coll ection of hip, urban twenty-somethings
was unlikely to stretch the boundaries of its
target audience. Right down to their interest in comics, the characters largely reflect
their readership. And the one main character
who doesn't fit this mold, an elderly comics
artist, is usually seen more from without
than from within.
But if there were any question that
Robinson's ability to humanize characters
extends beyond a narrow range of life
experiences, Tricked answered it. Tricked
tells the interweaving stories of a rock star,
a sports-signature forger, a lonely obsessive
music fan, a runaway, a waitress, and the
rock star's intern-turned-personal assistant.
Each chapter consists of several pages about
each character in turn, always in the same
The brilliance of it is that Robinson man- NEW THIS WEEK:
ages to take characters that could easily sl ide Lady Snowblood Vol. I
into cliche and stereotype and invest them Kazuo Koike
Another 70s manga by Lone Wolf a nd
with real life. When Ray, the pampered rock
Kazuo Koike makes it to the English star, deals with his crisis of creativity, we
feel it along with him . We understand and, speaking world. This is always good news.
to so me degree, even relate to the obsessive Hunt down one of the many bits of cu lture
Steve's uncom fortable way of dealing with mined forQuentinTarantino's Kill Bill film s
women . We feel the awkwardness as the and discover Japanese comics brilliance
aiong the way. Eve ry bod y win s!
runaway Pheobe finally meets her father.
Words alone couldn't co nvey the depth of
feeling , th e true humanit y of these charac- Connor Moran is a third-year student at
ters. To see Ray as something other than a Evergreen (sorta) and is enrolled in Lanwhiny ri ch white guy, we have to look him in guage and the Law. Weekly Comics Review
hi s smoot hly rendered face. Understanding also appears al hIlP://www.weeklycomicsre
Pheobe's feelings requires her e mpty, tired view.blogspol.com/, where commentary and
eyes. This book wou ld not work th e sa me suggeslions are appreciared. Connor Moran
way in any other medium , nor with a less also produces the comic "The Angriest Rice
capable artist.
• Cooker in Ihe Wo~ld",. which is available
Fans of Box Office Poison will find much al hllp://www.angnestrlcecooker.comdady,
of what they liked in this volume as well. Monday-Friday.
One of this summer's st rongest offerings,
it is an enjoyable read and proof of what
comics are capable of.



29, 2005

27th Annual Harvest Fest at the

By Connor Moran



Art by three Evergreen students: Morgan, a recent grad uate, works with
photo-montage; Suzanne, a current student, creates scu lpture with paper,
steel, steel screen, and found objects; Kensuke, another recent graduate ,
hand-builds sculpt ural ceramic forms using multiple glazes, firings,
textures, and shapes.

By Jeremy Weiss
Organic Farm
October I
12-8 p.m .
On October I, this Saturday, the Organic Farm will be host to the 27th Annual Harvest Fest. In the words of farm manager Meli~sa Barker. "the harvest fest is a .s howcase of
agricultural education and community." Sponsored by the Community Gardens, our goal is to s upport the great work of the organic farm and others who are workl ng to further
s'u stainable and ecological forms of agriculture.
. .
. .
The festival is a celebration of the harvest. Not only the vegetables that grow III our loamy clay soils, but of sharing of knowledge has that come fromengaglllg III such a
dynamic system as a farm. This year's presenters will include The Practice of Sustainable Agriculture teacher and seed indust~y veteran John Navazio, who will speak on hori zontal breeding strategies for disease resistance. Greener alumni Jordan Fink is to give a presentation on how wheat really domestlc.a ted humans, ~nd Ethan Schaffer of Organic Vol~
unteers will show a slide show ofEco v illages and farming communities he visited while travelling on student contract las t year III South America. Evergreen student Cheetah wtll
be giving his senior thesis presentation on the agricultural uses of mushroom s. Melissa Barker a nd Sarah Wile~ wil l.g ive a prese nt~tion on Pastured Poultry.
There will a lso be presentations from students of The Practice of Sustainable Agriculture whom have been IIlternlng and s chooltn~ on the farm a ll summer. ~hey wtll prese nt
research projects and offer tours of the farm facilities including the co mpost facility, the acre or so of vegetable crops and orchard, ch lcke.ns and ?ucks. There Will also be stud en ts
showing off the tractors that run off of 100% biodiesel. People have the opportunity to learn about the my riad o f ways the Organic Farm IS ~orkl.n g to close the loop ~nd red uce the
waste stream of the college. Through process ing of all the fryer oil from the greenery and compostin g all the food scraps from campus,sustatnablltt y becomes a reality, not mere ly
. .
ideology or trend .
Inside the Community Gardens will be a kid-safe space where there wtl l be face palntlllg, a hay Jump, pu.mpklll carvlllg and general rabble rou slllg all startlll.g at no~n. A community ga rdens member is bringing her pack goats for pe~ple to pe~ and see. Th7re will.al so. be lIama.s maklllg a guest appearan~e from noon to 4. Fr?m 3-5,. Hirsch Diam a nt and
students from the program Arts, Environment and the Chtld are gOlllg to be maklllg lumlllarles, art With acorns and found materials as well as pumpklll ca.rvlllg.
We will have storytelling from local performer Elizabeth Lord from 3-4 at the main stage. From 5-8 is music by local group the Tune Stranglerswho wtll take us IIlto the I1Ight
with their old school western swing music,
Did I mention that facultY'Peter Pessikj is going to be on site distilling essential oils from plant material~ and ~erbs found at the farm? Or t~at Mike and N ikki the ne~ farm
caretakers, are going to be doing a lip balm-making demonstration? There are really so many layers to thiS year s event, so many wa~s I.n whl~h students,f<\culty, alu~1l1 and community members are involved in this years Festival. Iffor no other reason than to eat some fresh soup from the ~oup ~ouse, made With I~gredlent~ fr~m the far~, enJoy some
fresh pressed apple cider or to have a tasty slice of organic wood fired pizza, you should come. And If you are stili CUriO US as to what hOrizontalbreedlllg really IS, you have no
choice now but to come check it out for yourself.

Jeremy Weiss is taking staristics and is rhe Community Gardens Coordinator. He will be ~pending Ihe winter in New Zealand, woofing with my wife and son.ln the spring, we are
moving back to Vermont to start a fam ity farm .


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Ken suke Yamada untitled ceramic sculpture 2005

Artful entertainment:
speak out!
Hey, do you like fun ? Do you like telling other people about the fun things you did?
Then you should wr ite for the CPJ's Art and Entertainment section. These pages
promise a home to reviews on music, events, poetry readings, art showings, and
more! Write about your band, your artwork, your music, your passions ...just as long
as it fall s into' the "art and entertainment" variety. If you have any questions, comments, or tentative ideas, feel free to email CPJA&Ecoordinator.R.YazminShah.at
sharad23@everg reen.edu. E-mail your submiss ions to cpj@evergreen.edu.

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29, 2005

The illusion of race:

An assay of essays
- Grant Miller
I have to
co n fess,
t hi s 1'0 r m at
o f cOllllllunica ti o n wcrc
d i ITcrent,
wo uldn ' t I.: Vl' n
bother l\Tit ing
thi " 'Irti c il' .
'--"""'---' If lhi " \\1.:1'1.:;1
r.lcli" ,h ,\\\, I \\'(l ul d re;ld )IHI an "rtic k
11 1,1 1 all'eady ex iSIS in '-lead (lf wilslin g Ill y
11 111 ,', ,llld you rs , hy II ri lin g thi s art icle <lnd
e" llL'L' ling you to rc,ld it .
In filc t. if yOU ' l'l.: ncar <I CUlllpu tl.: r,
LTllm ple th is artic le up and !lush it down
Illl' tllikt. ked il 10 yuur dog or usc it as
lire ll'ood to keep warm . And thc n Google
() es, C;uu,I!,le is a ve rb now) "Th c Age of
the I-: ssay " by Paul Graham . Read th at
i nstcad.
I~ut , on the ot hcr hand , if yo u feel like
li ni shin g w'hat yo u' ve sta rt cd , read on,
But I mu st wa rn yo u, you're was ting yo ur
ti mc ,
The Paul G mham essay is an essay abo ut
essays . I know, redundant. Es pecially since
I'm writing an essay abo ut an essay abou t
essays. Out bea r with me, Thi s isn' t just an
essay abo ut essays. Thi s is an essay abo ut
writing, which o rten , es pec iall y here at
Eve rgreen , maniiCsts it se lf in the form
of an essay,
T here are man y types o f essays, and

many ways to go about writing an essay,
but if yo u we re taug ht anything in hi gh
sc hoo l, y~ u were probably taug ht how to
write an essay using th e "5 Parag raph"
formal. And if yo u were n't, we ll , bere
it is.
For th is part icula r form of essay, th e
tcache r told you to hi ghli ght one of the
main poi nts of a tex t, reg urgitate thi s as
yo ur the sis slat e men t ( I), del'cnd your
th l.: sis statl.:men t for II HC.' e para gra ph s
( ~ ,:l, ·I) , a mi the n II'r ite a con clu, ion ( 5),
II hi ch is ba sica ll y another re gurgit atiun
o f yuur th esis pa ragraph .
Right thi s is lin e an d good and if
you sti ck to thi s forma t, nobod y's going
to compl ain a nd you gel an A. Grea t l
Lverybody's hap py. You ' re happy, your
pan;nts a rc happy, yo ur tea cher is happy,
no child is len behind. Ri ght')
Maybe .
But the "5 paragraph " essay isn't about
the "5 paragraph" essay. It 's abou t writing,
which is of cou rsc, about id eas.
In the arti cle yo u should ac tuall y be
read ing right now, Paul Graham eloq uentl y
artic ulates the actual purpose of an essay:
"I\n essay is something yo u write to try
to li gure something out," he says, ", .. so
yo u ca n' t bcgin with a thes is beca use yo u
don ' t have one .. , A n essay does n't begi n
with a statement , but with a question, In
a real essay, yo u don 't take a position and
defend it. You noti ce a door that 's ajar,
and yo u ope n it and wa lk in to see what's

So an essay is more like a mental Q&A ,
You 've exp lored a question; yo u start to
Co me up with answe rs. That's when a
thes is Comes into play. In thi s way, writing
turns into probl em-so lving, or the thinking through of a thought or question to its
fore seeable end, When yo u' re com fortable
with yo ur a nswer, your questi on becomes
your thesis stateme nt. So an essay isn't
necessa ri ly abo ut the "fi ve parag raphs, "
it \ ahout th e ideas co nta ined in those fi ve
parag raph s.
No \\ thi , is dcli nikl y not a ca ll for
abandoning stru c.:t ure altogether. Structure
is ac tua ll y ve ry important and o nen plays
a huge ro le in com muni cation. Structure
pro vides con stra ints so your id eas can
be de li ve red to spec ifi c aud ie nces in a
parti c ul a r form at. for exa mpl e, be in g
asked to wri te ' A 7UU-I){j{) word ar(icle

.Ii)!' the

schuol paper ah(J/I( Strucllire V.I' .
Forlll using Ih e '5 paragraph' essay as a
springhuard" is much eas ier to deal wit h
than be ing asked to write abo ut "anything
YO Ii want In p)/' anybody yo u want to . ..

So, structure may be secondary- even
a rbitra ry- but it does help hone your
ideas and thoughts into something manageab le.
But, that sa id , if yo u' re writing from
the pers pec ti ve of stru cture a nd not
ideas, you might be working bac kwards.
It 's like trying to build a house from the
roof down- maybe it could be done, but
why try?

Flick your bean!

But hopefull y you know all this.
Hopefully in hi gh school yo u weren't
just taught about structure, but we re taught
how to learn and think critically and analyticall y about what yo u learn. But if yo ur
hi gh school ex perience was anything like
mine , you we re simpl y ta ught how to
follow direct ions and how to memori ze
useless in format ion for tests, In shorl ,
how to do what yo u were told .
We ll , we lco me to co ll ege , w he re,
unfortunat e ly, th ings are n' t rea ll y that
d ifferent ( in sert s igh hcre), But at leas t
here at Evergree n you are give n the opti on
of exp lorati on. So when yo u' re thinking
abou t th at " 5 Parag ra ph" seminar pape r
ex ploring th e ex istenti a l strugg le moti f
in The Old lv/an and th e Sea, leave yo ur
mind open eno ugh and al low yo ur questi ons to gu ide yo u through to the end of
yo ur thoughts, and th en let your questions
orga nically coa lesce into statements, As
Gra ha m says, "An essay is something
yo u write to try to figure something out. "
So don 't be afraid to tread in uncharted
waters, because aft er all, that 's how good
ideas happen ,
G r an t Mill e r works a l th e Wriling


What can we do?
By Tom Slater
No singular are, or how they work, On the other hand, poor part of town. Desc ribe what range of
institution has about 85 percent of all identi fied human melanin predominantl y li ves in the a rea.
had a more genetic var iati on is betw ee n a ny two Now look to the houses on the hills, the
individuals from the same ethni e gro up . waterfront properties, Who is li ving there?
effec t
on Another 8 percent of all the variation is " White~ ' people? You bet! Now, many of us
between ethnic groups within a race- say, at Everg reen are awa re of the di sc repancy
hi story as th e between Spa niard s, Iri sh, Itali ans, and betwee n our highl y inclusive reputation
soc ial con- Britons- and onl y 7 percent of all hum an and our demogra phi cs. Looking out the
stru c ti o n of ge neti c va ri ation li es on th e average window as I wri te this, I see li ve stude nt s
race- an idea between major human races such as those with noiab le melanin out of the hundred
with little enough sc ientific basi s that it of A frica, Asia, Europe, and Oceani a," That or so on Red Sq uare. But what's up with
co uld almost class ify as a relig ious belief. was from lead ing ge netic ist Neil Pea rce. the di sc repa ncy ?
We have a First People' s advi s in g
Though race is widel y ack now ledged as a In ot her words, the largest geneti c diffe rsocia ll y constructed falsehood in scientilic ences to be found are likely to be betwee n service- inciden ta ll y th is se rvice doc s
circles, the country has yet to escape the a brother and sister of the saille color and not have fir s t people s of Eur o pe in
legac ies of socioeconomic pe rsecution creed. Onl y a neg li gible amount of va ri - m incl- which is a great thing, In fact , I
and phys ical subjugation of " non-white" ance ex ists between race s th emse lves. can think of no other instituti on within
the campus that wou ld serve stuci.:nts of
peoples. Regard less of the fac t that there What , then, can race mean today ?
Th e essen ti al nature o f what " race " co lor better: the FPA's stated obj ec ti ve is
is more variation betwee n members of the
same race than between even the ex treme means today, in the mind s of the ed ucated, to help st udents of color ac hi eve goa ls both
exa mpl es of any two races, many people is far di fterent from the ideas of- some academi c and personal. Evergreen does a
persist in separating themse lves from the ir of- our grandpa rent s, Whereas slavery good job of di stributing tuition and sc holfellow men and womeR along so-c alled was once justifi ed by virtu e of dark er- arship awa rds to those in need . Perhaps
"raci al" lines, The scientific community skinned people not bei ng human at all, an adj ustme nt of in-state versus out-state
has only ' been s ucc essful in support- we now know that darker-skinned peop les tuiti on is in order? Those of yo u who
ing with sc ience the spiritual belief in a from South A frica have unde rgone more have taken Don Chalmers' gran t writing
single human race- preaching to the choir, evo lutionary c hanges than a ny other elass : surel y there is somebody to whom
science has yet to convert the heathens, ethnic grou p--not only are we all equally you can apply your new ly learned , whiteAs the processes of globalization march human, but some of us have been human collar, spanging skill s to try and establish
onward, the time soon approaches when for longer than others, Devoid of scienti fic a scholarship fund? Some will call the
all people will be forced to recognize a basis fordiscrimination, we are now forced under-representation of students of color
single human race- regardless of their to look at "race" as a purely social and a result of publ ic schoo ling, co lorblind
own preferences- or be left at the way- yet very real idea, Look around you in our admissions processes, et cetera, but the
great cities- Baltimore, New York City, fact is that Evergreen may simply be too
side, Geneticists tell us so",
"Skin color, hair fonn, and nose shape Washington DC (yes, I' m an Easterner), expensive for many who would otherwise
are certainly influenced by genes, but we Boston, Philadelphia or, if you prefe r, come here from out of state,
Or maybe this school, for reasons we
do not know how many such genes there look to Tacoma. Identify for me please the

An open letter
By Erin Rashbaum
Co m e
pn:tt y com
k nOll' ledge t
Illen jack 0

\\,nlllen') It I
Il ot he di sc uss.'rtL---'"
q uik ofte n and yo u don't see women
flldi ng pi es , but ma sturbati on is the
( 111) way sorn e women can reach orgasm.
Whet hel' yo u've neve r tried hand-to -gland
com ha t or) (Ill al ready have a few t ricks up
) \ III I' sll.'e ve (a hem ), r II g ive yo u some tips
tha t may imp rove your southern comfort.
II ) IIU \\'a nl to be able to come w ith a
11 ;1n l1er, learn how to do it yourscl f! T he
Il lll rl' mads ) III I lind to get to Oh-Yes-I 'm
( 'olll ing- Oh -(ia\\"\\,\\"ww\I'd l Land , the
IlWI,' like l) sOllleone .:I se will be able to
tdke' l Oll thc re. Your lirst orgas m may be
shu rt ;I nd slI'eet. but it gc ts be tt er. A Iso,
a n) orgas m \\' ill comh~l1 Yl'ast in fec ti ons,
n <lnljlS a nd PM S b)' incre asing blood
1'10 11 to yo ur lowe r re g io ns. Hoo ra y l
I LII e yo u ever see:n yo ur cl itori s? You
can'l expect someone else to find it if you
ca n't I Take a hand mirror and ex plore a
bit. Spread you r legs , pull up o n yo ur
Iitt k lady a nd wa tch yo ul r:1 it pop out of
its hood. Excit ing, no') Allow yo urself
so me: quality diddlin g time , You ca n
eve n set the mood with some cand les, a
g lass of wine and some stea my eroti ca ,
A Iso, do n't forget the forepl ay. You ex pect
it fro m' yo ur love rs, so give yourself the
sa me tre a tm e nt. Give yo ur boobie s a
good rub, play with yo ur nipples, massage yo ur thighs and get your hips into the
action before moving to the main event.

The re are many tec hniques for pleas ing yoursel r. To start , once yo u' ve ex posed
your clit , draw a littl e circle aro und it.
You ca n also just play around ' til yo u
hit so mewhere that fcd s good, So me
women enj oy us i ng lubc , \V h i Ie a t hers
prcler their natural lu bri cation. Masturbating through panties r:an be nice, too.
Thi s way, it 's less slippery and ea sier fo r
you to stay on targ.:1. Speed and press ure
play into thl.: act as well. so try different
va ri ation s and see what works for yo u.
Whe n it comes to self-penetrati on, I
pe rso nall y find that fuck i ng rn yse l f is
like tickling myself- it j ust does n't work .
However, many di sagree. Your fi nge rs may
not be able to reach your g-s pot, but th at's
what dildos are 1'0 1'1 Be sure to slathe r on a
wakr-based lubri ca nt. and I s ugge st putting a conciom on you r dildo to ex tend its
li lC. You c~lIlgo toa sex shop to pe ru se the
toys a nd ask the empl oyees a ny question s
YOll may have, bu t if Yllu' re emba rrassed
or wan t a beller sel ecti on, look online. I've
found that ad ult se\toy superstore.co m has
the best prices, I purcha se d the Vibrate.x
Rabbit Pearl Vibrator there 1'01' und er sixt y
buck.s l T hat may seem a bit stee p '} nd you
ca n certa inly find cheape r ve rsions, but
chew on this : the dildo rotates to hit yo ur
g-spot , so that yo u don't need to fuck
yo urse lf with it. Little bunny ears come
out of t he ba se for vibrat ing c Iitora I st imulati on and the inner pearls rotate to tickle
the vaginal opening, On top of thi s, the
remote allows the dildo and clit stimulator to go at different speeds! If yo u want a
mass ive orgasm-producing sex toy worthy
enough to have been the topic of a Sex
and the City episode, the rabbit is for yo u.

Final lesson:
-Tr y diffe rent position s: Lie
on yo ur stomach, stand against a
wa ll , s it in a rocking c ha ir, kneel
befo re yo ur Johnny Depp shrin e .. ,
-Th e g ri nd : Be a hor ny littl e
puppy, Wander a rou nd yo ur room
a nd hump whate ve r fe e ls good bed corner, co mput e r desk , etc.
-Whenever, wherever: fru st rated
a t wo rk ? Pi ck a bathr oo m sta ll ,
lock th e doo r and re lea se l Bored
at Bub bi's Ros h Ha shan a h part y?
Knee l on th e flo o r with yo ur hee l
at yo ur c rot ch a nd go ri g ht on te lling he r how ni ce th e co nd o look s.
-Q uicki es: Yo u do n't al ways IHl ve
to romance yo urse ll'. You could j ust
stop read ing you r bio book, ge t YOUI'sciI' oil and go rig ht bac k to re ading,
-L'eau: Have a detac hab le showc r
he ad? Put it to use ' Yo u ca n a lso
li e uncl e I' th e bathtub fauc e t o r
strad dle the jets of a poo l or Jacu zzi .
Touching you rse lf is fun . It fee ls good,
rei ieves stress and improves yo ur mood.
You won't get STI's. You wo n't get pregna nt. It's nature's littl e gift to women !
Erin Rash barllli is s till ali'eshlll an She 's
enrolled in Evergreen Si ngers a nd a n
independenl contract. I/yo u see her al
a bar and buy her a Midori so ur, she'll
like YO Ii .

29, 2005

Ely Sam Goldsmith

Share your thoughts with
the community!
To Whom It May Concern:
Pl ease refrain from shop pi ng at J.Crew
unti l they agree to stop se lling fur in their
sto res, Yes, J,Crew has previously prom ised
ncve r to sell fur, but they' ve gone back on
th eir wo rd and are now se lling rabbit. fox,
III ink and coyote fur in their fa ll Iine. If yo u
can, please take time to write a qui ck e-m ail
to l. Crew to let them know that you'l l be
patroni zing one of their competitors who
do not se ll fur (Bana na Republi c, Ga p,
A be rc ro mbi e, Wet Sea l, Forever 21 ,
H&M ... ) thi s season as a direct result of
the fact that they have chose n to support
such a violent, horribl e industry. E- mail s
ca n be se nt to contactus@jcrew.com,
If yo u ' d like ge ne ra l info about
the fur industry or the campaign
www.furi sdead.com .
Thank you,
Sam Goldsmith
Sam Goldsmilh is a senior and coordinates
Ih e Evergreen Animal Rig hts Network. He
can be reached earn@ riseup.nel.

The CPJ is an important venue for the wealth of
knowledge, activism, ideas and observations on our
To submit a letter to the CPJ, take the following
1. Write it! A submission can be as short as you
like, or up to 800 words long.

2. Attach it to an email and send it to
cpj@eveq:reen.edu by Friday at 5 p.m. Be sure to
include your name, year at Evergreen, program or
field of study and contact information.
3. Check your email and voice mail over the weekend, as an editor may contact you.
If you have questions regarding submitting or just
wantto talk about ideas~ please stop by the CPJ office in
CAB 316 or email me, Sam, coordinator of the Letters
and Opinions page, at golsam21 @evergreen.edu.

Eve ry subm ission to the Cl'l is subject
to basic ed iting, without author pcnni ssion,
Thi s mean s correcting typos, grammatica l
mi stakes, and spe lling mi stakes. Thi s is
to ensure that the purpose o f thc articl e
isn' t lost in correctab le III istakes. II' more
ex tensive changes arc needed , the secti on
coord inator will contact th e author.
Freedom of speec h doc s not in any
way guarantee th e ri ght to publication.
The CPJ will not publi sh speech that is
not protected by the First Amendmen t.
Thi s includes li be l, invasion of pri vacy,
threats of violence, personal attac ks, and
other form s of unp ro tected speec h.
The C PJ does not support plag iari sm
in any form .
The CPJ does not print submi ssions that
have a com mercial inten t. If yo u wan t to
buy ad space, please call ou r 8usin ess/
Adverti sing Department at 867-605 4 or
email them at cpjb iz@eve rgrcen.edu,The
C PJ req u ires con tri butor he ads hots to
accompany all arti c les printed on th e
Letters and O pi nions page or the Voices
of Color col umn , Thi s is to emphas ize
accountab ility.
For further exp lan ati on of our po li cies, please refere nce th e CP1's gove rnance documen t, Coop er /'oil1l J o urnal
Opera(iuns and Elh ics, whi ch is avai lab le
in CAB 316 .

are not now aware of, simpl y is not and
wo n' t soon be represe ntati ve ofthe nati on
at large- it is, a ft er all. a stat e co ll ege. If
our sc hoo l won' t soon be as race-ba lanced
as our pol icy and attitudcs mi ght suggest,
then perhaps there is so mething Grce ners
ca n do even alter proudly rubbin g on that
"G reener Grad" bumper sti cker to ma ke
the wo rld more of a true and fair me ri toc racy. Go out and campaign to re larm
sc hoo l- fundin g la ws that give th e be st
schoo ls to the ri chest commun ities. When
yo u hear of genuine eiviI righ ts violation s,
mak e sure that those respo nsible are held
responsibl c- not by puniti ve justic e, but
by co mpensative j usti ce. Tak e that vegan
r:arrot-cake rec ipe and open a bake ry
dona te to area bake- sales or just mak e
sure ki ds in the poorer neighborhoods get
a lIl ea l before SAT day. I ft hose ideas prove'
insurticient or too mild to cfiect change ,
take some co mfort in the fact th at the two
dri ving forces o f hum anit y, science an d
spirituality, are reco nc il ed in thi s fac t: We
are all more alike th an different, and even
the worst of us can change. Race is on the
way to nonexistence, but it will tak e some
work to fini sh what 1964 began,
Tom S later is a senior and sp ent lasl
summer stl/dying at (li e University o/ Ih e
Weslern Cape in Soulh Aldca.

Ilo w docs Ilu' SlUtI' oj (li t! (PJ dccide
lI'llLI t tn p rine

Priorit y goe s to s ll bmi ss io ns fr o m
s ub m iss ion s
I: ve rgree n students , to
that are relatcd to I:vcrgreen, and to subm iss ions that arc on time, II' a subm i ~s i o n
is unclear or appea rs to be speer:h tli;lt is
unp rotected by the I:irsl Al ll end mcn t. the
con tri butor is c.: ont'lctcd so that ner: e" ar:
cilan ges ca n be made , Fur more spcc ili c
guid elin es, please speak to the editlll'- inchi cfor managin g editor anci / or ask II) sec
our gove rnance doc um <.: nt , Conl )cr 1' <1 1111
.ilJurnul 0/Je/'aliIJII .l' und F (lIics.
I h avt! n o j Ollr/1 ali s lII experi"lI ce.
holt , C(l/1 I contrih lll£' ( (I (h £' C I',1' An)

Evergreen studen t can wrilc an aritclc for
the C Pl , even if the y have no experience.
Or, the re arc other wa ys to
contribute, such as cO llli cs, photos, or
helping out on proci uct ion
nig ht.



(Ie/III i niSlrU(OI'S,

j ue llll! ·.

.1'/(111' /lUve a sa)' in (li e e l',/ :v CIIl7I l' /I('

C O il

Ih ey censor the {Jal}('I' :'


si()n,l' :)

p ub/iS/I

U J/()J/) '1II 0 IlS


.I'/( hlll i.l' -

No. Accountahili t) i, vital to i'I'eed(l1ll
of speech , Unless your sak ty is in dall )ll'r.
you have to claim yo ur words.
( 'un I get 111)' s lI hlll issilJl} (I )/W( II. dll k.
e(e.) hack'!

Yes, howeve r th e CI'J docs not kCC jl
submi ss io n materi ,rI , longe r th an o Ill'
mont h, so pl ease hl' sure to let LI S k11lI 1I
that YOLi want it haci-; , and to pi ck it ujl
prom ptly.





Traveling the world:
Greener Perspectives

YOUR student newspaper, Cooper Point Journal, wants YOU



My first day at ,Evergreen

29, 2005

Who, me?

By Eli Ross

By John Morgan
The yo ung
woman beside
me drownin g in her
headphone s
is afflicted by
that 10 ,000
that makes
you slouch in
your seat. It's the end of my fi rst day at
Evergreen and I'm beginning my rather
lengt hy trip back to the 'burbs. To think
I moved from the asshole of the Portland
metro area to arrive at its redneck cousin
up north, Tumwater. Olympia is beautiful, a nice mix- up of culture and grime,
like my beloved Burnside- one part fiery
night-life, one part dude offering you
crack on the street corner. But I don 't live
in Olympia.
The cadre of Greeners who accompanied me on th e 41 from campus to
the transit mall has thinned to one other
unlucky soul catching the number 12 to
Tumwater: a young Japanese fashionista
bay with mullet and Lugz. I've maved a
hundred miles in the last week and somehaw ended up in the same neighborhoad
I left: two blocks from Fred Meyer living
in a low rent apartment. Now, I'm not
bitching- getting to gO' to sc hool here is
samething special; me and my bro Ian are
emissaries from a drugged-aut clique of
ga-nowheres in a nothing sprawl. Even
maving to Tumwater is like ascending a
leve l of purgatory.
I mean , loak : four years agO' I was a
high-schaal dropau t flipping burgers for
drunks at Jack in the Bax. Here I am taking
the bus home from The Evergreen State
Co ll ege. The alma mater of Life in Hell~'
Mati freak in' Graeni ng' Reed without the
Beat s- or the bill s. Man, just to' be in a
real coll ege fee ls gaod. Working on my
bachelors after fighting to get into cal11munity co llege, I know some afy'all can
relate . This has been a good day .. .


well, normal laok ing. I do not detect the
waft of patchouli and B.O. my anxiety
has prejudiced me to expect. Everything
seems good and alive; I feel at once as
if I' m somewhere totally new and right
at home.
My class is thoroughly nerdy. Computer
nerdy, not drugs and art nerdy like me. It
is immediately disarming. I have no idea
what I am doing or what everyone is talking
about and I love it. Lost in tech-speak, my
itchy attention span compels me to search
my bag for a distraction. e.e,cummings
presents himself. "a clown's smirk in the
sk ull of a baboon" Yeah, I look like that
some afte rnoons, too. Huh? Oh, we're
leaving, ok, cool. On lunch break, I' m
approac hed by a young Marxist woman
se lling me a newspaper subscription. Go
figure. I refrain from asking her if she's
ever read the Communist Manifesto,
but wonder why no one ever refers to
themselves as an Englist- why did he
get screwed from the historical eponym
pageant? I've nothing to eat so I shove
my hunger down with some water, stare
at the social ones running about, laughing,
hugging, talking but not likely listening,
hoaking up, scu rrying with gay feet; I
fear and des ire sameone to approach me,
tal k to me, as I sit perplexed, ' How can I
know no oneT

* * *

Hell a
may even get some short video clips up.
everyone, my
This project wouldn't be possible
name is Eli without the support of my faculty sponsors
Ross .
I've Anne Fischel and David Cramton. I also
been attend- have to applaud Evergreen for letting me do
ing Evergreen this. It wasn't easy, but I did it, even though
for the past I'm not the most motivated person in the
year and a hal f. world. It was just something I believed
in and wanted bad enough to work for.
seems like a
This project was spawned from my
pretty small place, but I'm always hearing own love of travel and my knowledge
about projects I never knew existed. Maybe that it has somehow changed me and conI missed the Cool Evergreen Projects tinues to change me. I feel that it has been
posting board or maybe I'm not on the a very positive force in my life. I have a
mailing list. Whatever the case, I thought gut feeling that there is value beyond the
I'd make sure ane project got out there . leisure and privilege that travel affords us.
This fall I leave for a trip around I also know there is a global community
the world. I'll be traveling through parts that invites travelers to their countries and
of Central and South America, Southern into their homes far free. I need to explore
Africa, India and Southeast Asia. I'll be the motivation behind such hospitality.
creating a video jaurnal of the trip as
Wi III fi nd the world to' be an open road
well as hosting what I hope will be an where a stranger's kindness opens more
extensive online discussion surrounding doors than my money or my American
travel. The idea is to explore the different passport? Or will I find a cold shoulder
values of travel. I'll be discussing culture to my foreign invasion? The act of travel
shock and cross-cultural exchange, look- itself is an act of privilege; how will I
ing closely at the perspective gained on be treated for it? I enter into this with
my own culture through the act of expe- a sense of adventure, a desire to learn
riencin,g a foreign culture, and looking and an open mind . Will this be enough
at the international and local communi- to deal with the multiplicity of cultures
ties that develop around me as I travel. I visit? Will I be able to adapt or will I
I' m inviting the Evergreen community find myself in a dark pit of culture shack?
to participate in anline discussion surroundThere are so many complexities to
ing travel and my work. I have very little address as an American abroad, so many
background in culture studies and discuss- issues to which I do not have the answers. I
ing my travels with people who do could have no doubt that this f!ext year will shape
lead to a better, more-rounded project. On my life and my future work in the warld.
the other hand, answering questions from I'm inviting you to come along for the ride
students who have never traveled and/or and I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on
have little academic knowledge of other the whole thing. Check out my website
cultures will help me address this video at www.roundaboutlife.com . I hop a train
to a larger audience. I am hoping to create October I- wish me luck!
a video that is both entertaining to watch
and valuable for discussions around travel. Eli Ross is a senior th,is y ear and is
I'll also need to discuss my video work and enroll ed in The Lo ng Way Around,
how I should best represent my experience. an ind ep endent c on/rac ! sponsored
For those ofyoujust wanting to be observ- by A nne Fis chel and David Cramton.
ers. I wi ll have pictures and sou nd bites up
all Illy web site as we ll. II' we're lucky, I

Back on the 12, I see th at Quali ty
Meats promises to sausage ify anythi ng
you can drag in, and my wanting stom- .
ach starts nagging my mind with visions
of ven ison link s, I]Ot car in g abou t my
four- year abstin ence from food s with
fonner pul ses. Tumwater is li ke so many
com muniti es now populating the West:
houses, numberless strip malls, ubiquitaus development and seeming ly no city
Hurricanes: Why' not
planning whatsaever. The kind of place a
blame Bush?
family raises children and children later
run from sc reaming. That is, if they aren't
knacked-up or methed-out.
* * *
There I S
In our hyper-speed new mill ennium you
n'o question
can see the brief American empire already
that Hurricane
I'm utterly last. I knaw my class is crumbling in these messy urban sprawls
Katrina was
ai 10 a.m. from so me previaus, sa litary built for what might be our last rich generaa failure of
successful query of the schaal 's website, tion. A generation raised to love cars and
but now I am lost in a sea af rather ugly convenience, constructing infinite, tawdry
at every level.
buildings, tao shy to' ask a question I' m metropolises no one will want to populate
too ignarant to formulate. I would be wor- when they ' re gone.
response gave
ried, but this sort of confused stumbling is
I walk from the bus stap to my apart""-----0
nathing new to me, sa I've given myself ment, finding it affecting an artist's
a ferty-minute cushian . Fuck-up skills slovenliness. Remove my shaes and pull language a new word: negligincompeare Iike a drug tolerance: nat really useful up my socks one last time; that elastic's tence. Even Dubya himself has been
forced to admit they fucked up.
unless you lead that peculiar existence that exhausted.
Nonetheless, some of my favornecessitates them ,
Republican party hacks-for
The school is awash with familiar faces, John Morgan is a sophomore enrolled in
cartoonist Scott Stantis at
none of whom I know. The dreadlocked Data to Information .
www.pricklycity.com-continue to
and hirsute , the pierced and androgy-.
defend Bush and confound the arguments
naus; one wonders if it's a shock for so
of his detractors-namely Democrats, .
many who stood out in high schaol to be,
Republicans, and everyone .else in the
world who isn't related to him- by representing them as blaming him for not only
the negligincompetent response, but the
storm itself. That's ridiculous!
Or is it? A recent New York Times editorial made the case that FEMA's farmer

We're looking for students of Evergreen
to fill Positions of extra Responsiblity

Sound daunting? Not so! Just follow these easy steps:
1 . Come to our weekly Student Group meeting every Monday at 5 p.m.
2. Grab an application from the wall outside of the CPJ
3. Fill the application out
4. Turn it in to CAB 316 by

We have many positions available, so take a look:


lame-ass- in-chief Michael Brown is the
tip of the iceberg in the negligincompetent-cronyverse. ' How many FEMAs are
thereT The FDA, of course. What about
the EPA?
Can we agree that global warming is
a real threat? I thought so. And warmer
water in the Gulf of Mexico means longer
hurricane seasons and bigger storms. Of
course, it is a huge, complicated problem
with a number of sources, but as long as
we're agreeing, can 't we safely say that
this administration has done nothing
to lessen our national addiction to oil ,
other dirty energy and deforestation?
By 'nothing,' r mean, of course, 'LESS
In two national elections, Dubya has
loitered in Florida, the purplest of purple
states, flexing his leadership muscles. Too
bad for New Orleans and Biloxi that it was
an off-year, and he couldn't be bothered on
the vacation from his vacation, ignoring
the problem to the point it would make
Nero blush. This blood and this poison
germ water are on your hands.
Jordan Lyons is a senior enrolled in.
Central America.


Arts and Entertainment Coordinator

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Briefs Coordinator

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~ Circulation I Newspaper Archivist

Comics Coordinator

~ Copy Editor

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Designer (3 positions open)

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Letters and Opinions Coordinator


News Coordinator


Photo Coordinator

For news, contact Eva Wong or Kate DeGraaff


Reporter (2 positions open)

phone: 867 - 6213 email: cpj@evergreen.edu


Seepage Coordinator


Sports Coordinator

~ Student Voice Coordinator




For business, contact Corey Young

phone: 867 - 6054 email: cpjbiz@evergreen.edu


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29, 2005

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If you are a full-time student,
you pay ~453 per yea r in student fees.

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Where does this money go?




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APPLY 10 JOIW 1HE, 1005-1006 SERVia








* Paid Leadership Positions *

* Challenging Community Work *
* Excellent Learning Environment *


yu Kl 'T IS NASt~ ~

Student Leadership positions serve the cultural and social heart of
our cam~us. As a 50ard Member, 'you will learn and improve upon
such sblls as consensus decision-making and conflict resolution.
You will also gain budget management skills and experience meeting
the needs of a ~iverse communit'y.




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Board positions' require a full-year
commit:ment:. Applicant:s must be able to
vvork Monday and VVednesday


CUrt Randolph



All Board members receive a stipend of




.-__________ Interested ?____~-=--....~~
Pick up an application from the S&A front desk in CAB 320.
Applications are due by October 10th, 12:00pm
For more information please contact MAGGIE CAIN at 867-6221
No one sits next to the wrRd archeologist durfng lunch.

The angriest rice cooker in the world

Connor Moran

htt :11www.anriestricecooker.com


I have a fuzzy logic

Attend Board meetings. Meetings are usually held on Monday
and Wednesday afternoons.

I can track
thousands of variables.

Review and determine allocations for Special I nitiative budget





I.could plan the invasion
of Normandy if I had to.

Whadya say we make
some RICE tonight?

And what do they have
me doing?

Just knock me off the
fucking counter


Review and develop budget recommendations for student
organizations for the 2006-2007 academic year. I n addition,
Board members are expected to serve as a point of contact for
registered student organizations and other interested students.



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