

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 29 (June 2, 2005)

extracted text

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Have fun this summer, Evergreen!

Issue 29
Volume 33
June 2,2005

News In Brief
Coalition Against
Sexual Violence seeks
next coordinator
The Coa lition Against Sex ual Vi olence
is appo inting a coordinator for nex t fa ll
quarter. For me thi s was a very empowe ring j ob, and I was abl e to support others in
a meaningful way. Inc luded in the positi on
is an opti onal tra ining wit. Sa fepl ace in
Ol ympi a. Thi s training is trans fe rabl e to
any Washington State Advocacy Ce nt er.
Thi s position has educated me and given
me s kills to use in furth er work with
humanity. Thi s po sition was a se rvi ce
to my heart through be ing of service to
I f interested, please call 867-5222 ,
Mary Craven in Student Activities.
Light 'and Healing,
Sage (current coordinator)

• • • • •
Plant Ecology and Taxonomy 'sfield trip to coastal dunes: Hard at work ... or hardly working?

Science kids play with chemicals
(and nobody's face was metted by add, either)
By Katie Thurman
I t smell s o f popcorn and cotton candy.
Vo ices of children are ec hoing through the
hallways of the building, revea ling the ir
j oy. It sounds like a ca rnival , it sme ll s like
a ca rni va l, but it 's taking pl ace in the lab
building. What co uld possi bl y bring thi s
unbri dled, childlike j oy to th e lab buil dings? W hat on earth is th is?
On May 27 and 28 , T he Evergree n
C hemistry C lu b wo rk ed to put o n th e
Second Annual Science Carn iva l. Students
fro m all the sc ience clJsses were invit ed to
parti cipate by giving pre senta tions. There
\\· ~ I s.<;() methin g for eve ryone. from srn all
chi ldren to nthe r stud en ts. Even a fe\\' facul ty could be seen attendi ng prese ntation.
a lthough the) ' 11 probabl y tell you that they
\\e re me rely I-;ecpi ng till' studen ts in lin e.
Some o f the 1l1 0s t po pu lar presentations in vo lved exp losions. I f it can blow
up . peo ple wa nt to sec it. KC Na tt inger
was even rUlll ored to have burst in to lab
stores, say in g. " I need a rea ll y big test
tube to blow somethi ng up in. -- True to
hi s word , he ca used an ep ic ex plosion. The
test tube shattered, leav in g beh ind a pil e
o f shard s mi xed with chemical s. He was
proud. Other explosions of note included",
the Thennite Reaction , which was performed by Amber Jones. This is the reaction th at is used to make iron . Basically,
iron oxide, or rusted nails, is reacted with
acids and magnes ium . This creates a huge
amount of heat and, as a byproduct, makes
iron. As a perk, it 's also really exothermic
and pretty.
Students worked hard to make science

Olympia, WA 98505
Address Service Requested

access ibl e and interesting for the lay person. Us ing th emes from te le vi sion , Joe
Ladd , Rudy Vrana, Scott James and Karl
Baer demysti fl ed CS I. Their demonstration
inc luded inform ati on on ge l electrophoresis, a technique used to identify organi sms,
inc luding criminals. Other students studi ed
th e mysteries of fe rm entati on by expl a ining the process of makin g kimchee. One
presentat ion pur po rted Iy in c lud ed a fl y
with two butts.

Kid s we re not bored at thi s eve nt.
I nstead , they ventured forth to pl ay with

volunteers from the Chemi stry Club:' Kids
made gak by mi xing borax,"water, glue and
food co loring. The coolest ex perim ent ,
though, involved liquid nitroge n. Nitroge n
melts at - 209.95 degrees Ce lsius and boil s
at - 195 .8 degrees Ce lsi us. As such, it is a
good way to make ice cream. To do so,
ice crea m mi x is put into a bow l, and then
li quid nitrogen is poured in . As the liquid
rapidly boil s and eva porates, it freezes the
mix into ice crea m. The kids, though, seem
to get more out of eating ice cream than the
sc ien ce. They wc re also im pressed when
vo lunt ee rs fr oze !l owe rs and shattered
thcm on the tab le.
The highli ght o f th e Carni va l. tho ugh.
was a pe rfo rm a nce by th e "C hemi stry
Wizards ." Two ge ntl emen, one d ressed
as a w izard and th e oth er dressed as a
scient is!. spent about an hour and a hal f
perforillin g fl ashy science expei'im ents to
a capti va ted audi ence. They too perform ed
the Thermite Reacti on, although with more
success and a bi gger boom . Additionally,
they demonstrated how a clock can be run
on orange juice, how to suck an egg into a
bottle and how diapers work .
It took the Chemistry Club and the
science department the better part of the
school year to raise money and make the
carnival a free event.

Photo by K. K. Pandya

Jon es creates a lot ofheat by reacting iron
oxide with magnesium and an acid. This
reaction is called the Thermite Reaction,
and is often used to create iron from rusted

Katie Thurman is going to be a senior
next y ear and will be taking Molecule to
Organism. She knows that this is probably
a bad idea, but she sa masochist and really
likes chemistry and biology.

Evergreen Commuter
Contest logs due
The Evergreen Commuter Contest took
place last week, May 23-29 , It's not too
late to turn in a log and receive a $1 drink
card for use on campus. Surveys recording how you commuted to the college
last week should be turned in to Parking
Services in Seminar f or filled out online
at http ://www. evergreen .edu/commute by
this Frid ay, June 3. The contest is open tv
commuters of all types , including those
who drive alone.

• • • • •
Last chance to submit
your work to Student
Film Festival
This Friday, Jun e 3, is th e deadlin e
for submissions to the Evergreen Student
Film Festiva l to be held on Super Saturday
(J une II ). Any student can contribute the ir
fi lm to the festival , whi ch will be held in
Lecture Ha ll I from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . on
Super Saturday. Submi ss ions should be
dro pped off at medi a loan in the form of a
DV or VHS tape with a short descripti on
of the content. T he running tim e should
not exceed 15 minutes . Questions should
be directed to Mi chael Imbic, media loan
intern, at imbmic23 @evergreen.edu .

• • • • •
Mediaworks screens
their media works
Join the students of Mediaworks in
celebrating the end of the year by attending the Mediaworks Public Screening.
Enjoy the collection of student film ,
video, animation, installation and mixed
media . Admission is free and so is the
popcorn. The screening will begin at 6
p.m. on Thursday, June 9 in the Recital
Hall (COM 107).

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Vox Populi


Thank you to our 300+ contributors,
and see you next year! Maybe.

How do you think the road construction
will come into play during graduation?

: Mayan calendar entry by Ivan Gonzalez
:(Note: This is from the Tzolkin or sacred count)

By David Hornbeck

" It ' ll clog shit up majorly."
Alex Hugh es
Practice a/Sustainable Ag riculture

" I think it is go ing to be a huge bother and
the y should've waited 't il summer."


Caitlin Harrison


Women's Voices & Im ages


0/ Women



" I think someone's go ing to get rUIl
over. ~'

Do} Maholl ey
COlllll1unity Food Sys te/lls


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"The happy gradu ation traffic is goi ng to
becom e an eillo funera l process ion "
Ike Rivelle
Fresh man

of' -r-lt-!i5.


submit letters, poetry, or essays to Voices of Color, or to talk to an editor, .
· . To
stop by CAB 316 or email cpj@evergreen .edu . You must specify that you want :
your work to go in the Voices of Color section .

·· .. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... .. ... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... .... .... .... .... ........ ... ...... .... .... ... .......... ... .... .... ... ... ....... .... ... .... ... ... . .. ...

" I hope it doesn't. .. Ithink il willlllake it
harder for people to fi nd park ing."
Kelly 0 B ricn
Se nior
In dividual COl1lrw:1

" It 's gonlla block things up forthe people
lilat are excited to see their graduates. It 's
going to back things up."
Maryal/ ill/iii
Fresh man
Chelllist ry/v/' the Health Pruf'essions


Your work in print
is written, edited and distributed by students enro lled at
The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
Business manager...
..... .... .... ................ Adrian Persaud
production and content.
Assistant business manager
.. .... .......... ... . unfilled
Ad proofer and archivist. .. .......... ...... Kristen Lindstrom is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
Circulalion manager/Paper archivist ........... R Yazmin Shah session: the first through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
Dislribution manager.
.. . ........ ... David Hornbeck second through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.
Ad sales representative .. . . . ... .. ...... ....... unfilled is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
Edilor-in-chief ........ ... .... .. ...... .. .... Renala Rollins business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.
Managing editor. .
... .. ..Corey Young
Arts & Entertainment coordinator. .... Christopher Alexander sells display and classified advertising space. Informati on
Briefs coordinator ..
. ..
. ....... .Kate DeGraaf! about advertising rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
Calendar coordinator ..
..... Katie Thurman 316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.
Comics coordinator
....... Chelsea Baker How to Contribute
Copy editor. ........ .... .. ..... ... .. .. .. .Mitchell Hahn-Branson
Copy editor.... . . . . ... .... ..... .. .... ...... ...Sean Paull Contributions from any TESC student are welcorne. Copies of submission
Letters &Opinions coordinator .
......Sam Goldsmith and publication criteria for non · advertising content are available in CAB
News coordinaior.. .
... Joe Jalcko 316, or by request at 867·6213. Contributions are accepted at CAB 316, or
Photo coordinator. .. ....... ..... .... .. . .
........ Eva Wong by email at cpj@evergreen.edu. The CP J editor-in·chief has fina l say on
Seepage coordinator...
. .... Ikuko Takayama the acceptance or rejection of all non-advertising content.
Sports coordinator ...... . ........ .......... ... . Meredith Lane
Vox Populi coordinator.. .
.... .David Hornbeck How to Contact the CPJ

Advisor .. .
Assislant to the advisor .

... Kristen Lindstrom
Brad Meyers
. Dianne Conrad
...... MA Selby

Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316
News: (360) 867 - 6213
Email: cpj @evergreen.edu
Business: (360) 867 - 6054
Email: cpjbiz@evergreen.edu


Cooper Point Journal


Design ..



Voices of Color is a column written by any student of color who wants to for:
the given week . It was created recognizing that people of color and many:
concerns unique to communities of color in the U .S. are underrepresented:
in mainstream media. It is a place for students to share their experiences, :
with the intent of furthering understanding of race issues within the immediate:
Evergreen community.



Fram ing Fillll

· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our meetings are open to the Evergreen
community. Please come and discuss with us!

Organizational Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member of the
student gro up CP J. Practice consensus-based
decision making.

Content Meeting
5:30 p.m. Monday
Help discllss future content, suc h as story
ideas, Vox Populi questions and possible long
term reporting projects, as wei I as other things
needed to he lp the week along .

Paper Critique
4 p.m. Thursday
Co mment on that day's paper. Air comments,
concerns, quest iom, etc . If someth ing in the
C PJ bothers yo u, this is the meeting for you!

Friday Forum
3 p.m. Friday
Put yo ur values to the test' Di sc uss ethics.
journali sm law and conAict reso lution.

All meetings are in CAB 316.



Aaron Hartwell
Abigail Anderson
Adam Hilton
Adina Lepp
Adrian Persaud
Adrienne Barrett
Afsheen M. Fatemi
Aiden Seraphim
Alan Williams
Alison Eldridge
Allison Arth
Amy MacKenzie
Ana Lucia Rodriguez
Andrew Beck
Andrew James
Andrew Pilarski
Andy Cochran
Andy Smith
Angela Buck
Angie Arcuri
Angie Jones
Angie Kubalek
Anna Castano
Anthony Atlas
Anthony Sermonti
Ariel Holcomb-Hockin
Arland Hurd
Art Costantino
Barry Cannon
Ben Rosas
Ben Shaine
Ben Tabor
Beth Dierschow
Blai r Anundson
Blake Nel son
Brad Bi shop
Brad Meyers
Brady Clark
Brandon O' Brien
Brian Flewell
Brian Pointer
Brian Williams
Bryan Fordney
Cameron Anderson
Carlos Diaz
Caroline White
Carolyn Arno ld
Casey James
Cass ie Barden
Cedar Charnley
Ce line Cloquet-Vogler
Chandra Lindeman
Charlie Calhoun
Charlie Stephens
Charlotte Mcnamara
Chelsea Baker
Chris Clark
Chris Enright
Chris Frank
Chris Homanics
Chris Raver!
Christin Osgood
Christopher Alexander
Christopher Hickman
Claire Harlock
Connor Moran
Corey Young
Cralg Dickson
Crystal Cooper
Crystal Lorentzson
Curtis Randolph
Dan Edleson
Dan Leahy
Dan Meyer
Dan Thompson
Daniel Fleck

Daniel Laggner
Daniel Mitchell
Daniel Solo
, Danielle Graham
Darin Shuler
Dave Gates
David Dec
David Hornbeck
David Zenaty
Dawn Curran
Deane Rimerman
Devon Wilson
Dolly England
Drew Christie
Dunstan Skinner
Duwan Tyson
Ed Lapine
Elliot Plumb
Emily Calhoun
Eric Gibson-Snyder
Eric Green
Eric Tompkins
Erica Dirks
Erik Gibson-Snyder
Erin Lang
Erin Rashbaum
Erin Wajer-Lang
Eriz Wozniak
Ethan Schaffer
Eva Wong
Evan Fortin
Forrest Peaker
Frank Gibson
Fred Blasdel
Gabrielle Sloane
Genna Fain
Gideon Newmark
Grace Glaittli
Grant Miller
Greg Bickel
Greg Fiennes
Greg Saunders
Ian Picco
Ikuko Takayama
Isaac Rivelle
Ivan Gonzalez
Jacob Stan ley
Jaime Coplan
Ja ime Menzel
Jameeley Pineda
James Avalon
James Walling
Javier Berrios
Jayne Kaszynski
Jeff Springer
Jenn Kratzer
Jesse Dutton Miller
Jesse Powder River Johnson-Flores
Jessica Tweedy
Jim Beaver
Jim Jordan
Jim Scheall
Joanna Ware
Joe Jatcko
Joe Lott
Joe O'Connor
Joe Hoffman
John Holste
John Huey
John Lauer
John Smith
Jon Clark
Jon Kempe
Jonathan Newell
Jonny Baker
Jordan Lyons

Jordan Richards
Jonna Knowles
Joseph Bonnell
Josh Finley
Josh Peterson
Judy Ehresmann
Julian Gerhart
Kandi Bauman
Kaori Suzuki
Kari Sutton
Kate DeGraaff
Kate Sampson Bosc ia
Katharine Houpt
Kathy Hahn
Katie Greenland
Katie Thurman
Kelly Vinsant
Kenari Breshem
Kerry Gutknecht
Kevin Barnett
Kim McNett
Kip Arney
Kirk Diaz
Kirsten Anderson
Kissley 1. Leonor
KK Pandya
Kristen Lindstrom
Koji Uehata
Korrinna Jordan
Kumiko O'Connor
Kylin Larsson
Kyra Berkovich
Lasookwiuk Stepetin
Lauren O'Connell-Fujii
Lee Gillentine
Lee Kepraios
Leilani Wong
Lindsey Brown
Liz Egan
Lloyd Young
Lora Clem
Luanna McNett
Lucas Claussen
MacKenzire Byrne
Maggie Foran
Marc Stiffler
Mark Stockbridge
Mat Morgan
Matt Bagley
Matt Winchell
Max Averill
Max Heller
McKenzie Ball
Meghan McNealy
. Melissa Barker
Melissa McKay
Meredith Lane
Michael Bahrt
Michael From
Michael Moe
Michele de la Cruz
Michelle Blanchard
Michelle Reynolds
Mike Graney
Mike Treadwell
Mikey Moren
Mimi Martin
Miranda Rader
Mitchell Hahn-Branson
Morgan Rozacky
Mylee Ring
Nadia Ayesh
Natalie Pyrooz
Nate Johnson
Nathan Hadden
Nathan Vincent

Natsumi Paxton
Nicholas Stagnone
Pat Rasmussen
Patrick Robison
Paul Whitney
Pennie Bumrungsiri
Peter Ell is
Peter Gudmunson
Philipe Lonestar
Phuong Nguyen
Quantitative Reasoning Center
R. Yazmin Shah
Rachael Postman
Rachel Williams
Randal Goldmanstein
Ravenna McQuili
Regina Amodeo
Renata Rollins
Rick Anderson
Riley Woodward-Pratt
River-Joy Osborn
Robert Hopt
Robert Martindale
Robert Sm urr
Robert Spilsbury
Robert Torre
Rochelle Gause
Ron Shea
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Stephens
Ryan Tompkins
S. Annah Shapiro
Sam Goldsmith
Sam Stout
Sarah Jones
Sarah MacKenzie
Sarah Manvel
Sarita Role
Sean Alexander
Sean Canty
Sean Leonard
Sean P. Riley
Sean Paull
Sebastian Delrieu-Schul ze
Shannon Zech
Shaun Johnson
Shaw Lathrop
Shayna Baldwin
Sierra Wagner
Sinnamon Tierney
Stefan Saunders
Stella Dorothy Sanders Rivet
Steven McCook
Taj Schade
Tamara Huckaby
Taryn Goodman
Ted Reinbold
Tenzin Pelzom Tingkhye
Teresa Acevedo
Thomas Burns
Tim Yates
Tony Brave
Traci Sanderson
Travis Reed
Tyga Hunter
Uriah Watkins
Vangie Rand
Victoria L. Cunningham
Victoria Larkin
Wes Mize
Will Erokan
William McDonald
Zachary Carlsen
Zane Haxton


FEATURES _____________________C_O_O_PE_R_P_O_I_NT~JO_U_R_N_A_L____________________________ 5

JUNE 2,2005

JUNE 2,2005

The Dates, Continued from Page 4:

The Dating Project: how to get your
summer swerve on

I person yo u have already dated
4 peopl e yo u don 't know
2 potenti ally romanti c
I person yo u want to be better friends with
I person who 's out of your leag ue
I wild card (ask a friend to pick someone for yo u)

By Dolly Eng/and and Kandi Bauman
someone compl etely my
O ne lonely. drunken Saturday evening in the fall , I vented to my roommate opposite taught me a lot
about patience and comKandi about how hard it was to meet
people and have actual dates. In a matter munication .
of words, Kandi sa id, " Quit bitching and
My fourth date was
do something about it. " 'Cause by eighth
someone that I didn't
week the story understandably gets old!
know, who also happened
We talked all night about how I could
be OH SO HOT, and a
actually do something about it, and thus
. And did I menthe Dating Project was born . We laid out
totally stood
the structure and mission of the Dating
me up? Oh, but he wasn't
Project. When we finally stopped writthe
only one. Another
ing, the Project was unshakable ; I had to
the sixth date, who
do it. What I' ve laid out before yo u is a
of my league,
detailed description of what Kandi and I
too. But
came up with and the experiences I had
whatever, it 's all a part of
on my dates. Although the structure of
the process. It's bound to
the rest of thi s article is a bit informal,
happen: That's why we
it reflects the s incerity and honesty or
so many dates.
my ex perience. My hope is that you will
be inspired by my journey and consider
For the fifth date,
the Dating Project, however yo u want to
fireworks fl ew. Magic
think of it, for yo urse lf.
* Before I begin, we would like to say was somehow in the air
that ni ght. Over a slab of
that the Dating Projecl do es not discrimteriyaki chicken, I finally
inale. Guys and girls. guys and guys, or
Photo courtesy of Dolly England
found a date that clicked,
girls and girls. it doesn ~ mailer. We are
not in the crazy, smutty,
promoting all kinds of dating. Because
store book fash- Kandi (left) and Dolly (right) update you on The Dating Project.
I am a heterosexual woman. this article
ion , but in a way where
foc uses on the heterosexual experience:
the conversation, laughter and chemistry
Oh .. . Date # 10, I've still got my eye
friends now. I like to advise him on his
however, any sexuality can ulilize the
made the night fl y by. I continued seeing own dating ventures.
on you .... you got my number. wink
general guide lines of the Dating Project.
this person for six weeks. On our second
Mmmm, mmm, mmm. That man was
date, I told him about the project, and
country, but sometime that's all a
First things first
although I was interested in him , I had a
curvaceous and hot black woman needs.
it was hot. No, reall y, there was fire
commitment to the Project.
Back to the drunken Saturday ni ght.
In co nclu sion, dating is not eas)'. It
When Kandi and I fin all y got to the
is a process that involves pat ience , surnitty-gritty of the Proj ect, we decided
berhow the sixth date left me
pri ses, perseverance and rejection. But
on a few parameters. We ca me up with
hanging on a Saturday ni ght?
of all , dat ing involves having the
the idea to go on a dat e a week , based
But whateve r, I got drunk --was
e will to get to know other
on m\' own personal crite ria, and th en
project is to learn the
with a guy who was in touch
have to take the good with
rale eac h date based on a sca le. T he goal
dynamics of dating and
with hi s spiritual side . On
the boring with
was for me to become more com fo rt able
our date, the conversati on
th e amazingly ente rtain ing. Dating is
approachi ng mcn and as king them 10
wa s amazing, the company
ut hav ing co nfidence in yo urself and
do so met hing. It is hard to mcel peopl c
charming and del ight ful. and
poss ibility of meetin g that so meone
But each person should
\\ he n yo u are unconfident about yo ur
the food oh so de li cious. We
ial. If yo u lind yo urse lf bitching
approac h. The proj ec i wou ld g ive me
have their own goal, and
talked abo ut adve ntures. the
abo ut how hard it is to meet people,
the opportunil y not only 10 meet more
that is what they should
wo rl d, religi on and our future
espec ially romantically interesting
people. but also to iron out Ill y people
aspirations. We even went on
peop le. the n consider the Dating Project
skill s in ge neral.
a second date (a nother date
ror yo urse lf.
Thel·e fo re. the fo ll owi ng is our Datin g
co unting toward the ten) . But
Projec t game pl an. Everyt hing li sled
as perfect as the seventh date
If you have questions or comm e nt s,
hen.: guided the projec t and beca me the
was, the romance wa s absent.
email thedati ngproject2005 @hotmail .c
invol ved. The stove caught fire when
refe re nce to r m)' Dating Project journ al.
Some how our connecti on could not
Here it is. I~ \'e l'g r ce n: my da ting secrets
move beyond deep conve rsation and
to r FREI :.
intimate stories. The seventh date and
demeanor, easil y put the flames to rest.
I ca rryon good conversation, but as

These dates are a good way to stal1meeting peopl e. I found that afte r the first to ur weeks, everyo ne I was meeting and ,!sking out we re all peorle I did not know.
It is scary in th e beg inning, but after the first few dates, yo u magicall y become ultra-confident. The most important key in scaling the dea l is to set the tim e,
set the pl ace a nd exchange numbers all in the sa me interaction. So often, when we meet so meone that we wa nt to hang out with. we say, " Yeah , we should ge t
together some tim e ..... and that is the end of that conversation . Follow through, peopl e.


In thinking about the kinds of dates I would ha;e, Kandi and I dec ided that all dates had to be under $ 15 total. You can do a million things wi thout spending a lot
of money, and let us remember that we are independent men and women. Guys, irs always fl attering for a ladyif yo u pic k up the tab, but Ladi es, we arc independent women and don 't need a man to pay for us. Ladies is pimps too ... so do not forget to buy your date a shot of Jage r, put some hair on his chest and show
him that you can take anything. On that same note, going Dutch is never out of style .



Anyway, here are some ideas for dates :
Events (On campus, in the community, shows)
Happy Hour Date ·
Coffee Date
Club Date
Show Date
Or my personal favorite, cooking dinner at your house


It ~· a big misconception that you have to be alone on your date!i: sometimes it helps
a second date with the person. leave YO llrfriend at home.


a third person to help direct conversalion. But ifyou decide to go on

It's !mpol1 ant to really think about what it is you're looking for ill a mate . I dec ided my criteria based on the goals that I have for my life and what I wo uld like to
see In my partn er. I could have made them a lot more .specific, but keeping the m broad all ows for more potential matches.



My personal c riteria look like thi s:
I. Ed ucat ioll- I'm go ing places in my Ii fe, and whil e I will be a revoluti onary working woman of the wor ld , I want a man that ca n meet me hal fway. He need s to
either have a degree or be in the process of getting one.


2. Independ ent Living- I don't have tim e for anyo ne that is still living with their mama ... Don 't waste Ill y tim e.
3. J0t:-.Iust because I have money doesn' t mea n 1' 111 going to spend it all on you . Not o nly that , bu t ajo b signifies a certain leve l of respons ibility. Why ain't ya




~) e r so n a l cr iteria should be things that are important to you. You may not know on yo ur first date that so meone doesn't meet all yo ur criteri a, but that's OK, it 's
Just a date. Who's next?

Reading Something- I threw thi s one in because I think that reading is, il~ a lot of ways, sexy. It shows Ille that you care abo ut yo ur mind and are always look IIlg to ex pand yo ur knowledge. Knowledge is power and gets you mad poi nts in Illy book.




We created a rating system that is based on what can happen on a date.
I. Persona l Crit eria- How well does thi s person meet all of your personal criteria?
2. Conversation- How were your conversati ons? Were yo u bored? Did yo ur date talk the who le time? Were yo u hanging o tT hi s or her every word? How did
things flO W'1


3. Manneri sms/Politeness-Did your date adjust hi s ball s as he opened the door to the restaurant? Did your date bake yo u cooki es the next day as a thank yo u?
Did he bring something to dinner?
4. Sex- Was your date overly aggressive? Afraid of the word sex? Sat on the other side of the room ? Asked yo u in side at the end of the evening?
5. Overall- Would you see thi s person again? Did you want to leave at 7:05 p.m.? Can yo u see yo ur wedding regi stry at Target?


My fir st dale was with a guy th at
I met on craigs li st.org . I figured th at
no da t in g projec t wo uld be compl ete
wit hout an internet date. The guy, an
Evergreen student, was rea lly nice and
ca me over for dinner, but fail ed to menti on that he had a girlfriend, or, as he put
it. was "see ing so meone ." Whatever, on
to the ne:-;t date.
My second date was with someone I
had already gone out on a date with, and
it was a blast. We spent an evening getting wasted at the Brotherhood before
we headed to the Vault for some quality
dancing tim e. I'm not s ure what I had
e:-;pected rrom this date, but I wa lked out
hav ing had a wo nderful evening.
My third date was my wildcard dat e.
Kandi picked thi s date for me, and
he came over and had din ner with us.
Al though I wouldn't have picked him
m~ self, the experience of going out wit h

All of these are ideas for how you can rate your dates. We like to use a scale from 1-5.



To empower men and women wanting to take control of their love lives and to empower them to take the steps to
meet other peopl e.

We tried to think of questions, or topics, rather, that I could ask my dates. It's good to look over thi s li st before your date so yo u will have something to talk

My personal goal for this project is to learn the dynamics of dating and to empower myself as a single woman to have
fun . But each person should have their own goal, and that is what they should try to achieve in doing The Dating

You must remem ber that a date is an opportunity to get to know someone better. If yo u think of each date in thi s way,
yo u will have a great time and feel great about yourself.

When thinking about the 10 dates I was to go on, Kandi helped me fi gure out whom those dates should be with. and
th is is what we came up with :

Dating Project Info Continued on Next Page

I. Family
2. Friends
3. School (Educational Goals)
4. Music
5. Movie
6. Food
7. World Issues
8. Faith
9. Political Party
10. Books

Doll;: En~/and is graduating a.nd look~ngfor cra.ppy jobs in the' Vancouver-Portland metro area. Kandi Bauman is an aspiring superhero and a dating enthusiast.
She IS gomg to work for her girl PhylliS Lane thiS summer. Dolly and Kandi are planning a trip to Jamaica later this summer so they can have their How Stella
Got Her Groove Back moment.




-----------.:.----=::.:~j~U~NE~2~,~20~0~5~~-ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT

JUNE 2,2005


On the screen


By Jim Jordan
I awoke to the sound
Of a knock on my door.
I can't remember
If I'd yelled at a postman before .

Collage # 1 1
By Sebastian Delrieu-Schulz
Memory may well be regulated in this way;
packaging of repeats.
One such regulatory mechanism relies on postNEXT
is only a transient reduction
presumably because of its relatively low contribution
highly conserved throughout the various
illegitimate recombination .
Ultimately, as our understanding of the
short-range signaling is unlike the longer-range movement
Sebastian Delrieu -Schulz is a senior enrolled in a contraci
on collage, dada and pop art. He welcomes com~ents and
reactions at delseh17@evergreen.edu.

I don't think I will, ever again,
For this one delivered a rose.
He told me " Sign here."
His wishes I indulged.
I didn't think of my wearing no clothes.
I spun right around
A nd slammed the door shut.
I wondered who'd sent me the rose,
Who'd taken their time to produce such a cut?
I think [ know. No, it couldn't be her
She's gone out of town for the week.
Yes, her, she's the one! Oh! How can I be sure?
I am starting to feel quite weak.

How should I choose? Which one I should ask?
I'm sure some will surely be mad .
But of those that stay,
I kind of expect in some way,
Future roses won't be quite as sad.
Jim Jordan is a senior enrolled in Foundations of
Performing Arts.


27 Crea.u'Ve ~a.ys To
R.ea.se The N e""'.paper
1. Cover your head \vhen it rains 2. Line your
bird cage 3. Use as an apron 4. Use as a bib
5. lVlake a pirate hat 6. Clean fish on it 7.
Practice \.vriting capital letters 8. Rol1 up to
make telescope 9. Clean car vvindovvs 10. '
~lake spit balls 11. Emergency toilet paper 12.
Clip and paste letters [or ransom notes 13.
Stand on pile to appear tall 14. Scoop up dead
15. Stuff in shirt to make fake muscles
16. Feed a goat 17. ~/lake yourse lf look important
by carrying it 18. 'rake out frustration by
tearing and throwing 19. lVlake people think
you're not at home 20. l\1ask your car for
painting 21. ~:[ask your house for painting 22.
lVlask your spaceship fc)r space painting 23.
esc to make a paper lnache' elEgy of ~Ilargret
Thatcher 24. Cover up broken 'Yvindows 25.
Cover up broken people 26. Cut slTIali holes
init and hide behind it whilst on top
secret spy rrlissioos 27. Re-read it!

actua lly clim actic. There are laughs, most
ofwh ich come from the multitude of special
Star Wars Episode III: ab ilities for R2-D2 that were pulled completely out of Lucas's ass . The pertormances
Revenge of the Sith
are better. if on ly slightl y, and th ere are a
The first chapter of George Lucas' few good m.ome nt s, in cluding a lot more
prequel trilogy, The Phantolll Mena ce, was decapitat ion. Eve n the effects are belter,
the most anticipated movie of all time. And although Lucas st ill indirectly punishes
people who saw it said , "H uh . Well , that his audience visually by shooting in digital
wasn' t so good." And then Episode II hap- video and transferring it to film, during
pened and people went, "Okay, we had to which some of the depth and clar ity of the
get the fi rst act out of the way. The second image is lost. But they 're better because
act of a trilogy always kicks ass. This one they feel more imaginative. The endless
is go nna be aweso me ." And then they went, futuristic cities are standard fare, but when
yo u rea lly believe Anakin and Obi Wan are
"Hmm , that wasn't so good either."
Now comes Episode II I, and people are fighting in th at volcanic canyon in the end,
I ike, "Aw, screw it, just get the damn thing that 's impressive.
But once aga in . there's too much diploove r with." After six yea rs and million s of
dollars worldwide, the prequel trilogy is macy. The transitions are awful. And the
beginning to seem more and more like it film ploughs throu gh the story as ifmaking
wasn 't worth the wait. You know what hap- up for lost tim e. Anakin 's transformation
pens to Anakin Skywa lker, but you begin to happen s all to q quickly. There's s imply
stop cari ng. Personally, I' ve never regarded too much going on here. The on Iy nonthe much-revered original trilogy as any- action scene I really enjoyed watching is
thing more than really good entertainment, where Chancellor Palpatine first mentions
but I have to adm it, I did have more hope for the power of the Dark Side to Anakin at a
concert that looks I ike a Cirque du Soleil
th ese movies than yo u'd th ink .
Ep isode III , Revenge of th e Sith, is version of Laser Floyd. This scene took its
better than the previous two in the trilogy, time, played itself out and was held up by
but how much does that say? In the first film the Chance llor's devilishly enticing manner
we got Jar-Jar Binks and too much time of speech.
spent on pod racing. The second time around
Chancell or Pa lpatine is played by Ian
we got a bunch of boring scenes revolving McDiarmid , who will join Alec Guinness,
aro und diplomacy and politics in the Galac- Richard Harris, Laurence Olivier, Maggie
tic Senate juxtaposed with the most tepid, Sill ith , Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, Chrisblase roma nce I've eve r seen on a sc reen. topher Lee and Michael Gambon in a long
On ly in th e final act do we see the ac tu al I ine of British master acto rs to be un fai rly
con n ict, the rea l story of thi s series- how remembered on ly for their work in the bigbudget Hollywood blockbusters of their
A nak in becomes Darth Vader.
It opens with a rousing seque nc e in latter days. He's the only really interesting
wh ich Obi Wan Ken ob i (a more com fort- characte r in thi s movie and , come to think
ab le look in g Ewa n MacGregor) and Anakin of it , the se ri es, alt hough I rea ll y lik ed
(a less pouty Hayden Chri stensen) rescue A nak in 's sad , di stant mother, played by
Chancellor Palpatine from th e clutches of Pernilla Augu st, in the first film .
Lucas is a victim of h is own success.
a droid ge nera l who is , for some reason ,
wheezy. Anak in , fearin g hi s wife Padm e He can ' t live up to the hype that 's been
( Na talic Portman. whose role is reduced to com ing frDm h is body of work for much of
a dra mat ic mon key wrench tossed in at vari- hi s career. It doesn't maller how t?, reat hi s
(J us points in the story) wil l die in childbinh. special effects are. Amid st all th e fanta stic
seeks solace with the shadv Chancell(Jr who ' locales, th e end less land scapes, the droids.
beckons him closer to th~ Dark Side ~t th e the Wookies, the hu ge batt leships and the
be hest of the Jedi coun ci l. The council is light sa ber battles, Lucas still can 't write
headed by Mace Windu (Samue l L. Jack- memorable dialogue or direct acto rs. Su re.
he' ll make a billion more dollars, but he' ll
5 011 . who finall y gets the opportunity in
thi s se ries to shout at white people) and th e wake up eac h morning feeling empty
kd i master Yoda. now j ust anoth er specia l be ca use he 's a technical ge nius and an
Amer ican success storv,
but one th ino0 he
Rel'I'JlgC' u/ lh e S ith docs succ eed in is not is an arti st. The Emperor has lost hi s
area s whe re its predecessors fail ed. The clothes.
Ep isode III is about as good as it could
action sce nes- th ankfu lly, there are more
thi s timc- final ly have a sense of urgenc y have been. But you know what,) As I watched
and danger, and they're done we ll. The space it , I still co ul dn't get int o it. I didn ' t care. I
batt le ea rly on gets everyth ing right. George just couldn' t stop thinking abo ut how much
Lucas has cast offthc kiddie crap and give n I disliked everyt hing that had come before.
more weight to the real story. The climax is How long it took for this trilogy to sta rt

By Lee Kepraios




Still need general university requirements? You can choose from a variety of
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convenient for you or study online anytime from anywhere.

Enroll Now. Classes start June 20.

Visit www.nwanews.com/Die for more suggestions

The CPJ has many old issues to hand out
for free! Come on u to CAB 316!

Copy right 20" Cent ury Fox 2005
An,!kil1 Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) reveals his true badassery in Star Wars
Ep tsode III: Revenge orthe Sith .

paying off after just so much pap. I couldn ' t
escape the feeling that it wasn't worth it.
And, worse, the unshakeable fear that in
terms of movies, this is most ass uredly not
the last we will ever see of Star Wars.
One more thing: 1.1' il just me, or is Luco.\'
making cOlI/m el1lary abollt America's cllrrent sitl/alion in this .film.? Th e giveaway
lines: "Only a Silh Lord dea ls in absolutl's"
and" Those who are not with me are againsl

~~¥ ~


Lee Kaprio.\· is a senior el1l'ollC'd in an independent contract on .I'tandup comedy.

The Weekly Quantitative

Reasoning Challenge
The Evergreen Tutoring Center(ETC)
invites you to challenge your quantitat ive
and sy mbolic reasoning sk ill s by solving
our puzzle of the week. Each week we will
present a new puzzle to challenge you.
When you come up with an answer, bring
it to the ETC in CAB 108 . If yo u are one
of the first three with the correct answer,
we have a prize for you.
Answer to last week's puzzle (Sustainable forestry) .
First , let's figure out how much
timber we will have after the tirst year's
33 , 171 ,918 board feet X 1.1 5 =
38,147,705.7 board feet.
( 1.1 5 is 15 % plu s t he o riginal
amou nt)
Seco nd, how much til11ber can we
CLit and still have 35,000.000 board feet
stand ing')
38, 147,705 .7 board fee t - 35,000,000
board feet = 3, 147.705.7 board feet.
We can cut 3, 147,705.7 board feet the
fi rst year.
Third , how much timber can we cu t
the seco nd yea r, and each consecutive
yea r')
35. 000 .00 0 board fe et X 0.15 =
5,250,000 boa rd feet.
If we start w ith 35,000,000 board
fee t, which is our target a ill ou nt of

What are you doing this summer?

Seeking hard working individuats for
Ratna ling, a new volunteer center in
beautiful rural Sonoma County above
the Pacific Ocean. RaIna ling will host
retreat programs and book publishing
activities. The Center includes cabins,
tents, community buitdings, orchards,
4 ponds, acres of forest and open space.
Volunteers are needed for carpentry.
maintenance, tandscaping, cooking , book
bindery work. Includes RmlBd, vegetarian
meals, small stipend. No drugs, alcohol,
tobacco. Minimum 2 month commitment.


me." If' PalpatinC' is Bush and the Sith are
Republicons, would ,hal make Anakin Skvwalker Colin Powell:)

Questions? Call 510-981-1987 or
email dhannayolsOnyingma.org

standing timber, we can cut everything
that grows that year, which is 5,250,000
board feet.


•. " .... ",....
-" .




iii 'I!

~ '.....

.. :


There will not be a puzzle thi s week,
but we wi II see you next year for another
great ser ies of puzzles. Until then , here
is some interesting info about last week's
• For a typical 60-year-old Douglas
fir, considered mature and ready for harvest, we can usua lly expect a height of 100
feet , 20 inches at the bottom , and probably
three logs for around 1000 board feet.
• A board foot is measured one foot
by one foot by one inch. An eight-foot 2x4
is 5.3 board feet.
• At today 's market prices. the best
qualit y timber, sold to Japan, will sell
for about $750 per thou sand board feet
(mbf), and the wors1 qual it y, so ld here in
the U.S., wil l sel l for abo ut $550 per mbf.
The mid-qua lit y is sold to other export
markets, mostly Chi na and Korea. We can
expect abo ut a th ird of the timber will.sell
to Japan , and for simplicity, let 's say the
rest is so ld to the U.S. market. When you
do the math, the gross sa les for the first
yea r is $ 1,941.267'
• Spec ialty markets are starting to
grow quickly. Ten years ago, Western red
alder was not worth much , but today good
quality alder is worth $ 1,000 per mbf.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=C..=...OO:..::P:..:;E=R..:.P.=OI::,:N..:.T.,:!;.JO::...:U:..:R::,:N.,::AL=---_ _ ARTS

Hanging out at the
Right Side of the Trax




I kinda like this school.
Take care of it for me.

the b~r by the state's liquor board, all of
By Cameron Anderson
them based on how wonderful the weekFor the past month or so, my friends and end shows truly are, plus some other little
By Mitch 'The Grammar Hammer"
[ have been going up to Kent, Washington issues here and there. In other words, the
during the weekends to visit the only gay citations are discriminatory toward the Hahn-Branson
Dear Heather, by Leonard Cohen.
bar in town, Trax Bar & Grill. The reasons bar, and the rules being applied now to
2004 . Judging by the continuing
we have for coming back every weekend, the bar bear a resemblance to the same
of Cohen's voice, this could
as opposed to going up to Seattle, staying rules applied to strip bars. Neither group- you happen to be an Evergreen student,
in Tacoma or coming down to Olympia, ing, in my opinion, deserves this kind of there's really very little chance that you're quite eas ily be his last album . A lot of
are varied-good food, great adult bever- Puritanical treatment, but nonetheless, reading this. People in general are way too people have called it one of his worst, .
ages, decent people- but the real reason is this is what is happening. [n a sad twist of busy or burned out to be reading the CP J . usually because of its low energy level and
because one of our friends, Nikki Knoxville irony, the board member in charge of citing this week. I myself am graduating in eight odd repetitions. It's true that nothing here
(her drag name), is a performer at the bar. Trax is herself gay, thus lending an "Uncle days, and I feel an urge to write a final, , is remotely as passionate as any given song
on his last great album, The Future (1992),
She, along with a few other cast members, Tom" feeling to the situation.
unfocused article.
but it's not supposed to be. This is a CD by
forms the performing group known as The
That being said, don't let the current
Retro Divas. With the addition of The troubles ofTrax prevent you from coming Ducks
a contented old guy who's about ready to
Roughriders, a group of drag kings who and having a great time with yoursel f.
sink into a well-deserved retirement. If you
woo the ladies on Sunday nights, everyone Come in ' before 8 p.m. on Fridays and
Ifyou ' ve been out front of the HCC this relax into its rhythms, I guarantee you'll be
is in for a gay ot' time at Trax .
Saturdays to avoid the five-dollar cover quarter, you may have noticed a marsh on satisfied. He also does a great live cover
Fridays and Saturdays are the domain charge- no way to avoid the three- that end of the field. A couple of holes were of "The Tennessee Wa Itz."
of The Retro Divas, five
dollar charge on Sundays, dug in the ground a while Qack, apparently
drag queens led by the
Trax Bar & Grill
though- get a couple of as a result of some work on Housing's
In the Hills of California, by Greg
baddest diva of all, Miss
drinks in you, tip yo ur pipe system . This caused the ground Brown. Red House Records, 2004. This
Mi s ty Stevens. Flanked
favorite performers like between the two holes to become quite is a collection of Greg 's livc perforalongside are The Amazing 226 1st Ave. S.
there 's no tomorrow and wet. Eve ntuall y a pair of ducks showed mances at the Kate Wolf Music Festiva l
Grace (the strange queen), Kent, Washington 98032 just have a ball.
up and madc a home in the marsh . This in Laytonville, California. The album
A ndrea Morgan (the pag- (253) 854-8729
Before I close thi s, the
howe vcr, one of th e holes in the s pans seve n ycars, from 1997 to 2003,
eant que en), E ric a Lane
final article from me, I just
and it includes new versions of some of
(the funny queen), and, of
want to thank the CP J for gro und appears to be mostl y filled in and
course, N ikki (the new queen in town) . For creating an open forum for a ll students to the marsh grass has been cut. The ducks lii s best stuff, including "Wash My Eyes,"
four hours each night, The Divas put on use, whether it 's to create a comic strip, are gone. I've got mi xed feelings. I mean, "C hina, " 'The Poet Game," and " Where Is
one hell ofa show for the mixed crowd in inform the world of Evergreen about some as so meone who commutes across the Maria?" There are a lso covers of, among
the center room of the bar. Expect every- newsworthy event or give their opinion in field on foot a few times a week, I didn ' t others, Robert Johnson 's " Kind-Hearted
thing from some old-school standards the most humorous way possible. I am glad like having to take a wide detour around Woman Blues" and the Beatles' "Don't
(courtesy of Miss Misty Stevens) to lots of a paper like the CP J exists, for without the marsh to avoid getting mud up to my Let Me Down." Wonderful stuff.
laughter and some head scratching (Erica them , [ don't think ['d have much of a shins, but the quackers added something
Right. I' m outta here. G'night, folk s.
and Grace, respectively).
chance to gain much publi shing experi- cute' and unexpected to my routine. I'll
Don't count the lad ies out, though, ence. I wish I could contribute more ncxt mi ss them.
Mitch Hahn-Branson is a senior enrolled
for on Sunday nights- and the previous year, but I'm graduating, and the paper
in The Israeli / Palestinian Conflict and
nights by proxy- Trax proudly presents really belongs to those who remain behind. Music
The Roughriders, led by the sex iest man A II I can say is make me proud, and I can't
Evergreen Singers. Back in winter quarabout town, Mr. Jackson Pride, who was wait to see what you, the students, bring to
I' ve been meaning to review these tel; he promised Christopher Alexander a
once a staple at Tacoma's own Destiny's the table next year.
CDs in full, but the time has simply not couple ofCD reviews. He hopes Alexander
before the club was shut down permabeen there, so I' m going to try to do them is satisfied and edified by these delayed
nently. Pride's charges include Jose de la Cameron Anderson is a senior taking an concise justice now, this being the last and brief results. He is a copy editor for
Varga (the Latin heartthrob), Jay Stroker independent contract. He is a writing tutor chance I have.
the CPJ. but this is the last issue ofthe CPJ
(the blond heartthrob), Mikey Love (the at the Tacoma campus. He welcomes comthat he will ever copy edit. He '/I miss it.
big-voiced heartthrob), Willie Mays (the ments at andcam20@evergreenedu.
Californ ia heartthrob) and Frankie S. (the
comedic heartthrob) . Unlike The Divas,
Dan Thompson
The Roughriders only get a chance to
perform for two hours every Sunday
night: Those hours are not wasted, to say
the least. [n fact, the guys are so popular
that their show has been sold out for nearly
two months. Thus, if you want to see the
Heat one can of !:Joor favorite broth "if
' Riders in action, then you had better make
!:JOU don't make !:JOUr own. In serving
reservations well in advance of the night
t,.,;;;ls, place a scoop of salsa tresca and a
you wish to see them and Misty, who cohandful of tortilla chips, t"Pliingwith
mozardla o~ jack cheese. Pour broth Oller
hosts the show with Pride on Sundays, do
everytning in the bowls and eat
what th ey know how to do best.
immediatel!:J before tho cheese sticks to
There is a word of caut ion, however:
the bowl. Two words,
u.,uid nachos.
Because Trax is the only gay bar in Kent,
there have been numerous citations against


-rINl: fWIT: With !til iii !ne frBebe PiI' pm! PI' ad Pease.
.Oeooroos offer eXjires m 5, ZOO5.

ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT _ _c_O_O_PE_R_P_O_IN_T....;;;J_O_U_RN_A_L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


• 607 CapHol Way South I Across from Sylvester Park



Go SIFF Yourselfl
A fghani stan . The unit's chopper is shot
By Kerry Gutknecht
down and the officer is ass umed dead by
The Seattle Intern at ional Film th e Dani s h government, but is actual ly
Festiva l's (S IFF) 31 51 incarnation is half taken as a P.O . W. by the Taliban. Susann e
over, but there are still nearly 200 screen- and her hu s band 's black-sheep brothe r
ings sc heduled over the nex t II da ys . Jannik (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) are left to mend
If you ' ve wrapped up yo ur classes and their tattered lives. They cling to eac h
yo u' re just sick and tired of a ll this god- other for comfort, finding they had more
damn sunshine, consider spending a few in common than they each had thought.
hours in the dark with some of thi s year's Meanwhile, Michael is subject to relentwide-ranging se lections.
less torture at the hands of anonymously
Like hot dogs or promiscuous sex, ruth less militants straight out of Rambo 1ft
SIFF's offerings are best- experienced Eventually, Michael returns home, psychoon a whim and with as little background logically scarred from months of abuse,
information as possible, er .. . going in. and he finds himsel f com pletely unable to
(Serio usly, though, be safe with your hot pick up his life where he left it.
dogs!) By that I mean that some of the
The movie 's conflicts are cliched and
best SIFF shows are usually a complete obvious. However, in the hands of experts,
surp ri se, so if you can make the trip up to well-trodden ground like the torment of
Seattle this week, take this very spec ial an emotionally damaged war veteran can
opportunity to be astonished by some- be transformed into something interesting.
thing comp lete ly unexpected . See your Such expert ise is surely present in the
first Norwegian gangster tragedy (Uno) script and in the spe llbinding cast. Connie
or finally break your Serbian-road-movie Nielsen, whom many will recognize from
cherry (Red Colored Grey Truck). If you her lead role in Gladiator, is gorgeo us and
must know what you are goi ng to see before heartbreaking in her first Danish role , and
spendi ng $10 on a ticket, check out SI FF 's Nikolaj Lie Kaas ' gradual transformation
website: http ://www.seattlefilm.org.
from a hooligan into a patriarch is a magIn the meantime, here are a few looks at netic performance. The fi 1m 's weakest
films that have come
link is its cinemaand gone, but wi II be
back in art-house thecan
Seattle International
aters and indie video
Film Festival
stores soon.
steadicam." Director
Bier is a
May 19 through June 12
3-froll (S . Korea)
veteran of the Dogme
collective, which
Egyptian, Harvard Exit and
In real life, stupid
adherents to ,
Neptune Theaters, and the
shenanigans are comamong
other things,
Broadway Performance Hall.
mitted by a multitude
use hand-held conof boring people to
sumer digital camTickets: $10
pass the time, but to be
eras to shoot their
entertaining enough to
films. But while
Phone: (206) 324-9996
make up a feature
Brothers is shot on
film, tomfoolery must
digital video, it is not
l a Dogme film, and
be both creative and I
ski llful.
certain scenes could
In 3-lron, a young drifter named Sun- have been vastly improved by simply
Hwa (Seung-yeon Lee) rides his motor- anchoring the camera for a few seconds to
cycle along the streets of Seoul looking for capture otherwise heart-wrenching acting
homes left empty by vacationing families. with a nice, stable close-up. Nonetheless,
Each time he finds a vacant dwelling, he Bier, with the help of co-writer Anders
breaks in and hides out. Sun passes the Thomas Jensen , has carefully melded a
time playing subtle pranks on his unknow- s lew of familiar story e lements together,
ing hosts . He uses an absent tenant's tooth- resulting in an emotionally intense movie
brush and carefully adjusts their bathroom with urgent reso nance .
scale, and then he leaves everything else
just as he found it.
/ZO (Japan)
Sun's jackass-e ry is an expression of
the universa l trait of youthfu l angst, but
Uber-prolifi c Japa nese directorTakashi
it is carried out with the preci sion of an Miike returns with this gory, ultra-vioartist. IIi one house, he meets Tae-Suk (Hee lent tale of the fictional afterlife of the
Jae), an abused trophy wife who joins Sun legendary samurai, lzo Okuda (Kazuya
in hi s transient lifestyle . As the two move Nakayama).
from hou se to ho use, their unconvenThe true story of lzo ended when he
tion a l romance develops until Tae-Suk's was betrayed and executed by his masters .
sad istica ll y vengeful hus band tracks them The execution scene, which could best be
down. Sports equipment-re lated violence described as wet, beg ins the movie, and
from there, the angry ghost of lzo drifts
The pe rformanc es by the two lead s through modern Japanese soc iety, wreakare litera lly too cute for words: they ing bloody vengeance on everyone he
re main compl etely mute throughout the encounters.
At the same time, an unholy cabal of
film. In stead, maverick director Kim
Ki-Duk (Spring, SlIl11mel~ Fall. Winter .. the power elite tracks the spirit's violent
and Spring) uses the actors ' actions and attacks from an ornate boardroom. As lzo
physical expression to tell a beautifully leaves a path of carnage littered with too
original love story w ith a twinge 'o f pa in many decapitated bodies to count, the offith at is eventually balanced by the film 's cials observe. from an undisclosed location
absurd reso lu tion .
w ith g rowing apprehension. (Think ofthe
periodic scenes with David Carradine's
Brothers (Denmark)
titular character in Kill Bill.)
This alone would be enough to equal the
Danish army officer Michael (Ulrich level of violent entertainment and sickjoy
Thomsen) kisses his wife Susanne (Connie of Miike's previous films released stateNielsen) and two daughters goodbye and side-fchi the Killer, the Dead or Alive
leaves for a special operations mission in series, The Happiness of the Katakouris,

Sudde,! c.hange: a creative
nonfiction tale, Pa'rt 3
By Kip Arney
The campus shuttl e bussed me to the
airport and dropped me off at the sliding
doors. I pretty muc h had the routine down
to a sc ience, as A lbertson College g ives
their students a week long break in between
every ' s ix weeks of classes. And I' ll be
damned if I stayed in Idaho for a wholc
week with nothing to do, so my frequent
flyer mi les began to add up.
Everything was running smoothly so
far. I checked my bags, got my ticket and
now stood in line to pass through sec urity.
This time I actually felt the most comfortable because I didn 't have to worry about
my hearing aid setting orfthe metal detector, as it often did. You know the process,
where they make you take off your shoes
and stand there while they use that stick
thingy to seek out metal. Of course, when
they discover that my hearing a id caused
it to go off, they get all freaked out 'causc
they don ' t know what it is . But that was
all in the past.
I wa lked through and heard no buzz and
thoug ht I was home ' free until I noticed
the conveyor belt with my luggage on it
had stopped. The guy behind the little TV
kept eyeing me like I )lad done something
wrong. I stood at the end , innocently
eyeing him back , which in hindsight I
guess cou ld 've made him more suspicious
of me, but I had to do it to make sure that
ifhe said anything to me, I would be ready
to respond. Finally, my luggage carne out
from under the flaps, and as I reached out
my hand to pick it up, someone beat me
to it. I looked up and saw some heavy-set
guy with glasses and rubber gloves pick up
my backpack and carry it over to a table,
and I frantically tried to remember what I
had put in there.
The man searched my pack unti I he
fished out a box of Mach 3 razors. He lifted
them to my face and scolded me. Actually I
don ' t know what he said because he whis-

etc .. .- but screenwriter Shigenori Takechi
adds another dimension to the drama with
a treatise of not-too-subtle commentary
on the illusory nature of nations, political
class and stability.
Takechi g ive s the lion 's share of
Chomskyan dialogue to the character of
the Prime Minister, played with trademark
deadpan by Beat Takeshi, who calls Izo
"a force of irrationa li ty," threatening hi s
authority. Nakayama 's performance in
the title role utili zes more-than-adequate
physical dexterity, but more importantly,
his face periodically reflects a deep conflict that likens th e character more to the
complex villains of American Psycho and
The Sh ining than run-of-the-mi II s lashers
like Freddy Krugeror Ichi . If you liked Kill
Bill, but thought that movie had too many
scenes that didn 't end with someone's
head getting chopped off, then thi s movie
is probab ly for you.

pered it wit h hi s teeth clenched. What th c
hell was I going to do w ith a box of Mach
3 ra zors? Those things are so damn small ,
not to mcntion the ha ndl e was in th e oth e r
bag that I had already chccked. Was I going
to trike the inch-l ong tripl e bladc and wreak
havoc? I had no doubt in my mind th e guy
with th e gloves took one look at me a nd
mi stook me for a crazy man . No doubt
And th e a irlin e s hould be a t fault
anyway. They practically promote razor
blades because the y have s lots for used
ones to be thrown away in those tiny lit11e
apartment-I ike bathrooms they have on
those planes. Some even have electrical
outlets. What, are people taking showers
and blow-drying their hair in that thing?
I've never stood outsidc waiting to use the
cubic le and heard the whirr of a hairdryer
on the other side. People joining the m ilehigh club, however? Yes, [ have heard
The man with glasses made me walk
over with him to the trash can so I could
witness my world come 'crashing down as
he threw them away. I dunno why he made
me watch. Maybe he felt like he was saving
the world from another terrorist , because
we all know how they camp out in Idaho
plotting their attack. Remember that all
this is happening in muted silence, so I
simply nodded along until his lips stopped
He began repacking my things with his
head looking down and then stopped and
looked at me.
" Well?" he asked loud enough so I
could hear him this time.
Shit, he had asked me a question and I
didn't know what it was. I bet if[ explained
the situation he would've repeated the
question but [ tigured [ had a 50/50 shot at
getti ng this 6ght so I went for it. I said yes
and his eyes grew wide as he stared back at
me behind his wiry rimmed glasses.
"You're going to do this again?" he said
loud enough that people began to watch
me sweat.
I BSed my way through the question
just like [ did through high school and said
I had misheard the question and told him
exactly what he wanted to hear. He bought
it and let me go on my way, where I found
my gate and began watching an episode of
Friends on my laptop and waited for my
plane to take me home.

Kip Arney is a junior enrolled in Fict ion
and No nfi ction and Quirky Characters. He
is studying creative writing

Roommate needed! Starting
in June - at Cooper's Glen
Apts (one block from The
Evergreen State College) .
$290 .00 per month (cheapar
if willing to do additional

Ken)' Gutknecht is a junior enrol/ed in

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9650 .





Cooper Point Older, quiet
secluded Two bedroom duplex .
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negotiable . Washer, dryer.
Available through summer possibly longer. Ref. prefer mature
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on Summit Lake, $700/
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10 ------__________________________________________~~C~O~N~G~RA~T~U~LA~T~I~O~N~S~!~----------------------------------------------1 1


2, 2005

Congratulations to
The Evergreen State College

Congrats Amber!
We love you and are so
proud of you !

Closs of 20051
Good luck with your future .


lations Brandon O'Brie


Oh, The Places You'll Go!



'.. '




Mom, Dad& Gary,
Morgan & Glen, Grandma,
Uncle Dan & Aunt Beth,
U n c le Jack & Aunt Linda,
Uncle Pat & Aunt Sherrie

. ':' I


" ..

.": '~



••. ~




Congra,tulations Class of 2005!
i:3 ~ ~~~


Glen ,&
Rock Maple Village









Believe in your heart
and know in your
head that you did
the right thing no
matter what.






LEITERS AND OPINIONS _ _ _ _CO_O_P_ER_P_O_IN:-=T:...,::I:..::..
.:..:R=N:.:.::Al=---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13

Was it good for you?
Spice up your summer

The Curmudgeon moves on
By Lee Kepraios
It is with <J
brui sed eg o,
Illu c h re g ret
and a who lc
bun c h
cnnu i that I
bid farewell to
a ll who have
read, enj oyed
or hated Th e
Cur/lludge()n these past two years in thi s,
my fi nal C PJ co lumn cver.
It see ms grad uation is upon me, or, as I
call it: The Day I' ll Have to Start Paying
for My Marijuana .
Go ne for me are th e days when I wo uld
wake up in a apoca lypt ic garbage-strewn
dorm it ory I ha ve no idea how I arrived in,
wearing nothing but a crocheted beer can
hat and a banana warmer, stinking of beer
sweat and starchy vomit. Bch ind me are
the une nding Odyssey- li ke ni ghts of close
contact with previous ly unknown yo ung
fem ale fell ow stude nts and the inev itab le
practices o f pulling out and praying every
month that followed those meetings. Never
again willi be so broke that I have to do my
grocery shoppin g by writing disgruntled
lett ers of co mpl aint to tood companies
abo ut supposed "de fective" product s I
bought from them in the hopes that they
wi ll send me a heap of free products.
Li ke it or not, combined with my c lasses
and other ex tra-c urri cul ar interests, my
unpaid work here for the CP J- which,
adm ittedly, I never read- has g iven me a

bad ge of knbw ledge to go on my sleeve
and a needl e and th read made of experience with which to sew it. Or, in the case of
Evergreen , my ex perience here has weaved
me a hemp neck lace of knowledge and
ex perie ncc to be worn around my ank Ie
and left to grow smell y and rot there for
thc rest of my unemp loyed life.
But I assure you all that I will not let my
wri terly gift of deriding things that other
people take seriously and care abou t in a
rude, derogatory and pom pous way go
to waste out there in the rea l wo rld . I
ass ure eac h and every person read ing thi s
paper that I will never stop following my
dreams. Well , my aspirations, reall y. Not
my dreams . I don't rea lly want to follow
my dream s, 'causc a lot oflim e, my dreams
are all crazy and shit and I' m doing something random in them with some random
person and nothing makes a whole lot of
se nse. By "d reams," I don't mean after
I grad uate co ll ege I'm going to build a
polka-dotted sundeck with Bill 0' Rei lIy
under a sky made ortoast. My as pirati ons,
whi ch are purely to make lots of money,
are not my dream s. Scratch the part about
the dreams.
I've done great things in my tim e at
Eve rgreen, some of wh ich I wi II never
forget. I was prolific in tak ing advantage
of many of the programs and opportunities the schoo l had to offer. I was a proud
member of th c ca mpu s improv group ,
hostcd an ill-fated televi sed on-campus
game show, made severa l film s and ran
Mindscree n, the campus film club. I'll
ncver forget those tireless afternoons spent

putt ing up fl ye rs for some obscllfe week Iy
mo vie I was so happy to be showing that
nobod y save for a fe w yo-yos killing tim e
befo re the bu s arrived wou ld stop in to
watc h, barely making enough Il)oney to
keep me in decent ramen lor thc next
few week s. And so I say th ank yo u, S&A
Office, for all th e mcmori es. And the th ree
hundred do ll ars.
But nothing brought me more pleas ure
than writing thi s co lumn, in whi ch I made
mincemeat pies out of some of our campus 's most sac red cows. I met a number of
outstand ing, amazing people here, and I' ve
met eve n more awfu l, narcissist ic, narrow,
unenli ghtened, se lf-rig ht eous people. For
the most part, I've said all I wanted to say
to and about them, as well as all the other
campus practices and standards I' ve nei ther understood nor cared for. I was go ing
to do an artic le on why I don 't bel ieve
being a vegetarian will help yo u li ve any
longer, but it never came to pass. Many
pcople on campus regard their bodies as a
temple, a sac red thing that deserves a kind
of worship . And that's how I knew I was
fucked accord ing to thei r term s the minute
I arrived at Evergree n. I' m an atheist.
Of course, there are no hard feelings.
And I don ' t mean to make it seem as if I
am always hiting the hand that feed s me.
A fter all, what other campus would let a
mi santhropic jackass like me get all thi s
shit printed in the first place?
Besides, I believe that as a person I
have changed much over the past four
years, because I've learned a great deal,
was never afraid to change my opinions, to

be wro ng and, perchance, to fail. Because
I might st ill wake up in a garbage-strewn
do rmito ry sti nkin g of beer swea t and
starc hy vomi t, but I' ll be wear ing only
the crocheted beer can hat. I' ve graduated
from the banana warm er and moved on!
That 's called ed ucation.
But most important is th e knowledge
that I' ve received an ed ucati on that wi ll
never leave me, so that in even in the
year 2049, I can look back on those four
magical yea rs wi th the insight that the
skill s I've learned and the abiliti es I've
developed here will help me make it in
the world, and I wi II be greatl y enriched
by that sati sfaction. Because by that time,
I wiII finally have made enough money to
payo ff my goddamn student loan.
Lee's Final New Rule of the Week:
Feel free to change ! Co ll ege is a time
for being an abrasive, upti ght, politically
correct, falsely hi p, substance-abus in g
dumbass . But th e re's no reaso n why
you should say to yourself, " You know
what? I'm going be a fucking worthless,
lame, in effectua l, hipster, made-up-m y
m ind- abou t-everythi ng, se If-right eous
douchebag for the rest o f my ea rthl y
ex istence." If yo u reso lved yourself to be
some stubborn, unwavering broken record
of your beliefs and practices, never changing, never becoming enli ghtened as new
information comes to light, still harboring
the same childish beliefs of yo ur yo uth ,
yo u' d be ... Bush!

Lee Kepraios is a s e nior enrolled in
an independenl con lracl on slandup

Is the Force with us here at Evergreen?

"Jedi Kn ight. " Under the laws governing The Jedi in the Star Wars movies represent
By Adam Haines
the census in England, after 10,000 peo ple the spi ritual extreme of love and compasGeo r ge
write in a particular religion, it is counted sion , while the Sith represent the spiritual
Lucas is not as a reli gion by the nation-state.
extremes of greed and power and how they
ju st th e creThe representative of the census bureau can corrupt even a good person such as
ato r of the in Britain sa id that the "Jed i Knights" "are Anakin Skywa lker.
c ultural phe- not counted as a religion."
Some of you may think that Star Wars is
nomenon that
That previous co mm ent that be in g a just some mythical fantasy with no relation
is the double- Jedi Knight is not a religion is backed to the problems that we face in the world
timcd S Ial' up by what George Lucas says in a 50- today. I di sagree with that wholeheartcd ly,
Wars tri logy ; minut e-plus documentary- prod uced by and thi s is why: Lucas say s, " I wanted to
he wa s a lso now-retired PBS journali st Bi ll Moyers use those [mythologi cal] moti fs [whi ch
3 ve ry CU ri O US student who asked th e
in 1999, a few months be lore SIal' lI'c//'s means recurring themes in a story] to deal
" Why')" question s about life, and when E! )isodr: ! was released in theat res- call ed with issues that ex isted today."
you ask that questio n enough. as I have The /ifl'fh% g l' IIj SIal' Wars. Whcn Bill
So I therefore propo se thi s to the
flluml in Ii fe. it lea ds you to the qu estion s Moyers as ked whether I.ucas considcred Evergreen graduat ing class of 2005 : Le t's
Iik e " Why am I here on Eart h?" or "W hat ··the rorcc" to be a sort of religion , Lucas begi n a life-long mi ssion on the June 10,
an.' these experi ('nce:s (good or bad , as li fe had thi s to say: " I do n't see Star Wars as 2005 grad uat ion ce remony. Let 's begin a
lI' I I ~ l lIy gives us) ha ppening to meT
profoundl y religious. I see Star Wars as comm itm en t to bring bal ance to our own
I.ucas was a student of the theor ies of taking all of thc issues that reli gion rep- lives. Start by taking the positi ve trai ts
.i ose' ph Campbell. ~I phil osophy instruc tor re sents and trying to di still them down o f your reli gious and/or spiritual being
~ It S~ lI a h Lawrenc e Co llege in Bron xvi ll e.
into a morc modern and easil y accessible and combi nc those wi th balancing greed
,",ell Yo rk . Ca mpbel l passed away in 1987 ; construct that pcople ca n grab onto to; to with compass ion , giving to others wi thIH)I\ e:ver. the pe' rSll ll whom he co nsidered acccpt the fact that there is a grcater mys- out e.\ pecting anythi ng in return. With
eac h g iving action towa rd another hum an
III he: hi s best student is George Lucas, tery ou t there ."
the: creator or wh at has become not just a
Lucas went on to say thi s in that same being, compl etely release your expectati on
'LlI io na l phenome lioll . but an internationa l int erv iew, afte r Bill Moyers asked , " Is of rece iving anyt hing in return. Then try
'n () v eme nt.
the Force god '!": " I put the Force into the thi s: Li sten to yo ur instincts, that inner
Th is is illustrak u in Great Britain. At movies in order to try to awa ken a certa in vo ice that tells you, "Hey, I need to ta'lk
the begin nin g or :U03 , the results from kind of spirituality in young people, more a to that pe rson on the bus," or "That meet I:ngland's 200 I cellsus rcvea led an inter- belief in god than a be li efi n any part icular ing listed on that bull etin board su re look s
Lst ing pheno men on concerning the baby reli gious system."
So on thi s day of celebration, a new
that is SIal' Wars , which was Insp ired by
George Lucas, in hi s int erview wi th
Joseph Campbe ll 's writings combined with Bill Moyers, talked about balancing the hope is dawning in each of you Greeners
thc creati vity of George Lucas.
Force when he said, " What these film s deal who are graduating, a hope to create a
In an interview on the BBC, there was with is the fact that we all have good and newer, more equitab le and just soc iety
the 2002 British cens us, in which 309,000 ev il inside of us, and that we can choose for all of god 's creatures. It is only us,
people in Britain wrote in as their reli gion which way we want the balance to go." the yo uth, that can bring new ideas and

innovations, whether it be in culture, sc ience, political science, fiction or technology, or just through everyday interactions
of being kind , compassionate and caring
toward your fellow human beings. It is
those traits that a Jed i strives to have, in
addition to being a defend er of freedom
in what will probably be confusing and
chall engi ng tim es in the longest-running
repub lican democracy of the modern age.
We must fi ght our leaders who say through
their ac ti ons that imperialism and empires
are the way to peace, for it is th ose leaders who could bring destruction not see n
since the ato mic bombings at the end of
World War II , not just to our cou ntry, but
to other countri es arou nd the wo rld . That
is why I fee l that Campbe ll and Lucas have
something right. Coul d "th e Force" be the
unify ing field that quantum physicists are
comin g so close to proving, what Einstein
cou ld only see in parts of a theory that he
was unable to complete?
So let's all begin today to bring balance
betwee n the forces oflove and compass ion,
ba lanc in g those needs of greed and power,
first in yo ur own Iife, and then communicating that balance to everything aro und
you. Then yo u will ex peri ence peace l
May the Force be with yo u always and
to rever!
Adam Hain es is a s enior enrolled in
Marxist Theory.


By Erin Rashbaum

There are also upsides:

-It feels incredible for the man because
summer is it's super-tight and friction-filled .
upon us! You
-It's a less messy way to bone while
know what she 's surfing the red tide.
that mean s :
-It seems naug hty, which can be totall y
big-ass bugs
If yo u dec ide to take th e plunge, so
sett i ng
up to speak , you must remember the ANAL
camp in your rules:
bedroom, and an opportunity to get out
there and experience some new things. You
Apply a TON of lubricant. The bum
can probably guess where I'm going with does not self-lubricate like the little lady.
thi s. It's time to broaden your sexual hori- Always keep a bottle of lube on hand, in
zons! You ' re a freakin ' college kid! Why case more is needed. And don 't be a cheapnot make the most of your summer? A tan skate-buy the good stuff.
will fade, but the memory of an exciting
No condom, no butt sex. Even if you ' re
sex life will last.
in a rel ationship where yo u've both bee n
Many people are afraid to ve nture tested and don 't use condom s lo r vaginal
o ut side their comfo rt zo nes, but yo u int ercourse, use 'em here. The sk in of the
can't possibly know whether or not yo u anus is not made fo r fr ict ion and can tear. A
lik e something until you try it. As long as condom great ly reduces thi s ri sk. A Iso. it's
you're safe and smart, the possibilities are just not the most steriIe environment fo r a
end less. You can lIy new things with a pa!1- peni s to be poking around ill fhe nude .
ner or, if yo u' re not with anyo ne in parti cuA successful position is key. If yo u' re
lar, find so me newbies. Thi s is, of course, just sta rting out, try either doggy or just
easier if yo u' re go ing out of town for the li e on yo ur tumm y wi th yo ur legs straight.
summer. Regardless, whether yo u're with Thi s may seem du ll , but it allows you to
someone or running free , woman or man, relax all yo ur muscles. He must enter very
gay or strai ght or anything in between gentl y with onl y the tip of hi s penis, while
these, in Olympia. Tokyo or Am sterdam, she breathes deeply and resists the urge
I have a list of things to try- if you haven 't to tense up or pull away. The dude rea ll y
needs sclf-control here and must go slowly.
If, after a few th rusts, she's screaming in
Anal Sex
pain, scratch the idea and try another time .
This is one that gay men ha vc embraccd If, however, she finds the feeling odd ly
( perhap s for lack of other penetrabl e exciting, go with it. You can have anal sex
holes), but about whi ch breeders have been in any position, but a particularly good one
far more tentative. There are, of course, is to have the gal bend over a tabl e, sofa,
some drawbacks:
etc. This all ows him easy access to the
correct hole and gives her something to
-In this arena, bigger is NOT better. A hold on to.
woman 's tush should have a do nol ride if
Listen to each other! Anal sex will feel
over this length sign.
insanely good for the dude, but he has to
-It can be painful. If you haven't done real ize that she may not be in the same
it before, the first thrust or so will hurt, but boat. The woman holds the cards here .
if you take the proper precautions and are She says when, where and how much, or
under the size limit, it should get eas ier.
else it can be very frightening and painful
- Women don't have a prostate gland. for her.
That's what makes it feel so fabulous when
Many guys are curious about anal sex
a dude takes it in the tush .
and it's totally natural. It does nol mean

that you are gay, It's also norma l for a
straight guy to be curious about having a
finger or dildo in them. Of course it will
feel good! They have a prostate ! It can
be extremely exciting for a girl to use a
strap-on dildo on her boyfri end. She gets
to feel the power of fucking someone and
he gets to take it.

Blindfolding & Bondage
This does not have to be as scary as
it sou nds. You can certa inly do whips n'
chains or leathered-out S&M, but yo u can
also have a very sensual ex perience using
soft scarves as a blindfold or to tie your
lover's hands to a headboard or bedpost.
Any sort of blindfold will be fun- except
discarded tights or any sort of nylon. It may
seem hot at the tim e, but they are damn difli cult to untie. Not knowing where, when or
how yo u'll be touched next can be a huge
turn-on. Binding yo ur hand s onl y add s to
the exci tement, because whe n you gct to
the point where you just wanna grab your
partner and go at it, you' ll have to refrain ,
causing your desire to bu ild . You can. of
course, switch olTroles ilnd, dcpending on
what each partner enj oys, make the choice
to travel further down S&M lane . Perhaps
yo u can try spanking your "naughty girl"
or pinching hi s nipples, whatcver tickles
your good ies.
When sexuall y aroused , yo u' re fillcd
with endorphin s, givi ng yo u a hi gher Sex Beyond the Bed
Why confine sex to the bed when
threshold for pain, but that still doesn' t
got so many other exciting options?
mean you' ll like it. Just start light. Clothing
is a good pl ace. Who wouldn ' t wa nt to be A fresh venue can opcn up opportunities
tossed around by Michelle prc irrer as to experience new positio'ns and can break
a monotonous sex ual routine. You don ' t
Catwom an?
Costum es can help yo u get into charac- necessarily need to be into ex hibitionism,
ter, which makes assuming the submi ssive though it ca n be fUll. There are pl enty of
or dominant role a helluva lot easier. Mary places around the house for you to try:
Sue would probably never take a belt to
Joe Bob's ass in real life, but in the bed- Tablc
This is simil ar to a bed, but the hard
room, wearing black, thigh-high boots and
some alluring lingerie, she can morph in surface allows you to full y fe el each thrust.
to the dungeon mi stress and he. the sexy It 's best with the guy standing, while the
gal is on her back with her legs either on
This may all seem rather silly, but it chairs or wrapped around him.
can undoubtedly spice up a sex life, provided that both partners are into it. Here Couch
Plenty of positions are avai lable here.
are some tips:
- Discuss each other's boundaries You can lie in missionary, or she can
straddle him sitting upright or have him
bend her over one of the arms, letting
her torso rest lower than her hips . You're
more likely to hit your g-spot this way.

Campus Aramark employees
deserve our support
By S. Annah Shapiro
There have been a series of articl es
lately in the CP J about Aramark campus
food services. The authors have made clear
their reasons why corporate food services
at Evergreen do or do not fit the Evergreen
campus. Proposals for self-operated
or cooperative type of food service on
campus seem to be largely supported by
the students and some faculty. Any discussion of the current food service workers,
many of them by students themselves, is
missing. I do not work at campus food services. I support those who do. They have
a union, the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union Local 5, and some of the
people working there have been there for
over twenty years. Because of the ILWU,
even when the ,food service provider on
campus changes, many of the same workers remain.

They are the ones who deserve our support and all iance. If there comes a time
when Evergreen as an institution decides
to reall y put its weight and support into
establishing a locally-run food service, it
will be the current workers who have the
expertise and experience necessary to help
make it possibl e.
In my conversations with some of the
current student employees, I learned of
some of the tensions between the management at Aramark and the workers. The
union is currently negotiating grievances
with the management about their cu.rrent
contract over a failure to provide vacation pay and several sexual harassment
accusations. Also, another employee has
told me about his concerns that Aramark,
in order to tum a profit, is lowering food
quality without, of course, lowering prices.
This disinvestment in quality has been
documented at Yale University, another
campus where Aramark provides the

before any naughtiness ensues. Handing
over control , particularly when unable to
see or have a full range of motion , can be
scary. Trust and communication are absolutely necessary.
- You 've probably heard of safe words,
Iike "chicken soup" or "d ishwasher." They
don't necessarily have to be that random,
but it 's good to choose something, because
in the context of your roles, "No" or "Stop"
ca n mea n a nyt hin g from " No, Cou nt
Hardcoc k! I'm just a virginal serva nt
gi rl!" to "S top, Mrs. Hot-Ass Teac her!
Don't smack me with that rul er!"
- Dress the part. You may think crotchless pan ties are only for hookers, but they
can be far sex ier than straight nudity. Just
try something new. If yo u usually have
sex in a skirt, try wi th out. But never, ever,
eve r get ca ught naked wea ring socks! It 's
a sure- fire mood-breaker.
-I f yo u're wearing stocking s and a
ga rtcr be lt (w hi ch yo u should- wowzers l ), be sure to pu t your panti es on o w;,.
the garters. Th is way, yo u can remove the
panties when the ti me com es, wh ile still
wearing shoes and stockings. You can lose
the rest of yo ur French maid costume, but
leave those. It will be grcatl y apprecia t<;d,
and if you' re gonna sec yo ur legs in the air,
they mi ght as we ll be wearing somc scxy
stilettos '

fo od services.
The campus food ILWU empl oyees'
union contract is up for negoti ation s in
August. There needs to be more of a dialogue and an alliance between workers and
consumers here on campus. Since, at the
moment, Aramark food is our only option
as the on-campus provider, we should use
our power as consumers to communicate
with managem ent that we need to see fair
treatment of workers and more support
for local food products. Though this is
not a long-term solution to campus food
services, it is one which all can participate in immediately, and one that opens
up the lines of communication between
the people who provide our food here on
campus and those who consume it.



This seems hot, but isn't the best idea.
It washes away the natural lubrication and
is a recipe for stinging eyes and poss ibl y a
cracked skull. Instead, use it as forepl ay.
You can shower together while making
out, gropi ng and possibly even some oral.
But when it comes time ror the main event,
take it to a more bone-friendly location.
Washing Machinc
She sits, he stand s. Spin cyc le
tions = orgasm s.


vi bra-

Rocking or Swiveling Computer Chair
He sits upright while she straddles him .
The motion of the chair helps to get thi s
going. She can do a back and forth motion
while leaning into him , holding on to the
arms of the chair while leaning back, up
and down, etc.
So there ya go! Remember to be
adventurous and have a fun, safe and
sexy summer!
- ,

S. Annah Shapiro is a senior enrolled
in 500 Years of Globalization.

Erin Rashbaum is a freshman enrolled
in Ex ploring Play and Afro-Brazilian


CPJSTAFF __________________~C~O~OP~E~R~P~O~INT~J~O~mm~M~_________________________
JUNE 2,2005

Corey Young
Ma~nClging Editor

Interested In

Renata Rollins

Adrian Persaud
Busi ness Manager









Corey is looking forward to the summer
and copious amounts of sleep. She is
masochistic, and thus has taken on the
role of business manager. You want to
join the biz department? Talk to this
young lady. Want an ad? Come up and
see her. Werd.





Then you should .apply for
Ad Representative or
Assistant Business Manager
and get

. ,


On Saturday, May 28, ReriataRollins and
Will McGinty celebrated their marriage
in Spokane, Washington. The bride, a
graduating senior at Evergreen, is the
editor-in-chief of the Cooper Point
Journal. This summer she will be
working for The Shelton-Mason County
Journal in Shelton, Wash. The groom
will be taking Molecule to Organism
next year and will go to law school
after that. They had a mini-honeymoon
in Spokane and mayor may not have a
full one later this summer.

Running a bUsiness is fun, especially
with other people's money.

Andrew James
CPJ Mascot

Eva Wong
Photo Coordinator

Joe Jatcko
News Coordinator

You know those CPJ racks? The ones
all over campus? That was me. And
yes, cutting out 720 tiny black letters
takes a really, really long time.

One summer I worked for this architecture firm. My boss tolo me that I
had to introduce myself at the next
staff meeting, and that people usually said something about their past
architecture experience. I thought
about what I wanted to say all
weekend, and the only thing I could
think of was, "I like robots." "Hello.
I'm Eva and I like robots."

Joe Jatcko is a pseudo-senior,
pseudo-junior, pseudo-freshman,
enrolled in the program titled The
Inverse effects of globalization on a
post-colonial, pre-industrialized capitalist society. He is the co-coordinator of the club "Greeners for a Global
Economy Based on Marxism, But
Without All Those Parts That Don't


Kristen Lindstrom

Tim Yates

Brad Meyers

Come and learn in a fun student environment, full
of opportunity and real world experience. Train
in the fascinating world of ad sales,or., e_ven - I~a 'rn
how to manage a busj,ness!' ..


Come on.
up to
theCPJoffice, CAB 316',; and.pick
up.an ,;,."[. '\. <
". ,


': .

,,:' . _ "





" ..~~

application, orcall uS'a t (360) 867-6213 ore-mail us at cpjbi,z@eve'r green.edli.
Have a chat with the Business Nlanager, and

I~arn~'~r~~b~ut ~()~W

stLl~ent newsp'a per's business department!


.,' 7.




. •


. . .'


. " . '.



. ' ",

...,. ..

*insert sarcastic/ cynical/ somewhat humourous quote/song
lyric/reference to WesAnderson
film here*

Tim Yates is the perfect solution
to all your problems. He is truly
captain of the boat of dreams and
nightmares. His wizard eye emits
beams of space energy that move
lands and delight children. Your very
soul lies in his pocket with three
coins and a burhed -out Bic lighter.
Tim Yates knows the best method to
use. He has written the commandments for a new era in bread making
and requires your full participation
for his sevenfold plan to unfurl in
the most beneficial manner for all
beings. He is more massive than the
sun and can carry many things.

Thomas Bradley ' "Thomas Brad
Braddy T. Thom" Meyers has been
looking at your faces and words all
year long and takes full responsibility for the pro-sandwich subliminal
propaganda which, out of boredom,
he has inserted throughout every



JUNE 2, 2005

--------------------------~-------------------- CPJSTAFF

Christopher Alexander
A&E Coordinator

Chelsea Baker
Comics Coordinator
Katie Thurman
Calendar Coordinator


. !


Neato Stuff to Do
5 to 8 p.m. This year's MPA



}-t' ;


I, Chelsea A. Baker, have been your
friendly neighborhood comics coordinator throughout the year. I know that
many comics artists out there despise
me for various and sundry reasons;
however, I assure you that I'm not a
fascist. Also, beware the pie!

Sean Paull
Copy Editor

Ikuko Takayama
SeePa Coordinator

Capstone Project Demonstrations
will take place in Seminar II 01105 .

Noon. The Evergreen State
College Marching class will
march from Capitol High School
across Olympia's west side and
through downtown to Olympia's
Alternative High School, Avanti.
As students, we are marching to
illustrate the dangers posed by the
state's mandatory standardized
testing. After the march, will we
be hosting a rally at Sylvester Park
in downtown Olympia from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m.

saturday, june fourth
10 a.m. to I: 15 p.m. This
year's MPA Capstone Project
Demonstrations will take place in
Seminar II 01105 .

Mitch Hahn-Branson
Copy Editor

Meredith Lane
Sports Coordinator

Lover of shoes, and purses, and
purses that look like shoes .

What I've done at the CPJ for two years
is basically what I want to do with my
life, but on a smaller scale: I look
after people's spelling and grammar
for them, and while I'm at it, I sometimes write some fine headlines. I'm an
Evergreen grad this year, and over the
summer I'll be' home in Seattle, where
I'd like to spend my weekends flying my
kite in Magnuson State Park.
Ginger is one of · my favorite things ,
especially in the form of Reed's Ginger
Brew or thick, dark ginger bread.
Unlike the other copy editor, I don't
eat puppies.

In my quest tdward gr.e atness, I have
leapt wide rivers, climbed tall mountains and broken many toys that did not
belong to me. I wrestle with pandas
to keep fit and devise new ways of
derailing trains to keep my mind sharp.
I eat puppies to keep my energy level
high. I hate parentheses with a passion and will burn all obstructions in
my path to keep them out of the CPJ,
now and forever. I like making odd
faces at the camera, as I'm sure you
can see. Unlike the other copy editor,
I despise the taste of ginger.

David Hornbeck
Page Two Coordinator

Piano, a recording group from
Vancouver, British Columbia,
will be making a trek across the
West Coast. They will be playing
Olympia at the ABC House.

7 p.m. Mansour Mansour, a
Palestinian nonviolent activist,
will visit Olympia . He is
working with the International
Solidarity Movement and the
Popular' Resistance Against the
Wall. Olympia Cente r-, 222 N.
Columbia, Downtown Olympia .

saturday, june eleventh
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will
be a student film festival at Super
Saturday in Lecture Hall I.

thursday, june twenty-third

Sam Goldsmith
L&O Coordinator

Kate DeGraaff
Briefs Coordinator

David Hornbeck: Are you Mick Jagger?


R. Yazmin Shah
Circulation Manager

• • • • •
The Gleaners
Coalition Seeks

• • • • •
Students will present results of MPA
stUdies June 3

6 p.m. Each year, Stream Team
volunteers assist the Thurston
County Environmental Health
Program in monitoring local
streams for macroinvertebrates,
which are indicators of water
quality. This is where you receive
the training. Registration is
required. 754-3355, ext. 6377.

• • • • •
Senior Thesis

Two painters are being feaThe Gleaners Coalition began
tured in Evergreen's galleries to
its first season on a fertile note,
their senior thesis work.
delivering flats of onion starts to the
Gallery 2, on your right
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition
the I ibrary, to see
(WROC) and farm fresh eggs to the
Victoriana' The
Pre se ntation s. Students in the
Thurston County Food Bank. Kirsop
Rise of an Empire, the Fall of
Capstone Program participate
Farm and Sharon Conboy generously
Kingdom. Walk up stai rs to
donated the starts and eggs.
4 on the fourth floor of
The Gleaners Coalition formed
building to see Dane
in response to the growing number
Sometimes People
year's projects include bu siness
of hungry and malnourished in our
in Bright Rooms
plans for no n-profits , political
community. The Thurston County
Than They do in Drab Ones.
work and grant writing. The projFood Bank reported 1000 additional
ll ery 2 is open during library
visits in March 2005 than in March,
Gallery 4 is open Tuesday,
2004. The various state and federal
and Thursday, except
June 4 frolll 10 a.I11.-1 : 15 p.m. in
Emergency Food Programs offer very
week; it will also be
Se minar II D1105.
limited amounts of the fresh fruits
open the morning of' Graduation
and vegetables that are essent ia I to
and Super Saturday.
a healthy diet.
The Gleaners Coalition organizes
volunteers to gather nutritious,
donated food for the hungry. The
coalition plans to open The Gleaners i"':::====================:=====-=----~-----­
Cafe next year. The Gleaners Cafe
will serve exciting, affordable, locally
grown and produced, nutritiou s meal s
for our entire community.
The Gleaners Coalition is c urrentl y recruiting volunteers, donors
and volunteer coordinators. Volunteer
Coord inators help organ ize vo Iunteers '
and aGt as Iiasons with the donors.
The coa lition's donors includ e home
gardeners who grow more than they
can eat and loca l farms with food
left in the fields after th e harvest.
Volunteer g leaners enjoy a few hours
on a small farm, make ne w frie nd s,
learn harvest songs, and gather food
for themselves and to share with
others who are hungry.
The Gleaners Coa l iti on would Iike
to thank The Community Susta ining
Fund of Th ur sto n Co unt y, The .
friends of The Evergreen State
Co llege Library, and our sponsors,
The Washington Cooperative Support
Center, for their ge nero us support.
Please help us address the urgent
and growing need to feed the hungry
and malnourished in our community,
become a coordinator, volunteer,
donate food or make a tax-deductible contribution.

• • • • •

monday, june sixth

I am graduating. Many people ask me,
"Are you going back to Japan?" I feel
they do not want me to stay here. Do
you think too much? Anyway, yes, I am
going back. Excited! Thank you, thank
you, thank you!


friday, june third


It's possible that I took a wrong turn
somewhere, but it doesn't really
matter. No matter where you go, there
you are. And although I don't know
exactly where "here" is, it's sure got
a lot of moss.

JUNE 2,2005

'. I

My sister Margaret is three years
younger than me, but she is graduating this year too. My sister majored in
Philosophy and minored in Classics.
My degree is the standard, one-size fits all degree in Liberal Arts that we
all get here at Evergreen. Mom must
be so proud. According to the Princeton Review, I got "more bang for my


• • • • •

For more informati on, contact
Barry Cannon at 360-459-9765 or
barry@g leanerscoalition .org .
Call or Write Today and Help Us
Share The Harvest Of Our

If you're reading this, then the allnighter I pulled to finish my paper about
English Romantic Essayists is over, and I
am sleeping peacefully somewhere with
my cat, or I am eatihg and watching terrible trash on TV, or I am studying for
my final exam.

• • • • •

"Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead
buy crack, and a white man get paid
off of all of that." -Kanye West

Dorms c10Singf Nowhere to land?
I like staring at the rest of the ' staff
for extended periods of time without

Call Cooper's Glen, (360) 866-8181
or Rock Maple Village, (360) 866-8807
We can help take care of your housing needs.
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JUNE 2,2005
...And so it came to palllhat Albert gave
hi, own life 10 Ihat Micheal 1. Fot.

YIS, it was a T erminalor
rip off, but it still made a
heck ofa lot of money.

WilhAlbert ••tem cell., the Icientutl
able to cute Micheal J. Fox's

Being in .uperior health, Mic~lIal 1.
Fox wat able to go back to
Hollywood and entertain hi. many
fane once

CO~ICS -------------------------CO_O_P_E_

JUNE 2, 2005




no opinion On the
following; The Pope,
stem cellr.. euch, or
the acting curer of
Micheal J. Fox.
Al,o the artist doesn't
cue about the
following: the new,
media, President
Oe orge W. B1.ish.
worked out the way it
did because it wa.

wanna Undo my
garshdum veto. We
Americans can rest
easy in knowing that
Item cell reseuch will
help prote ct us from
cyborg invasion.

A~+~f +k-t-


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He gave the order
for his knights to

1~e ~e\\) ~ '10"r frololel"l?


The king summoned
his last strength .
to call upon the
power bequeathed
to him centuries ago,

cLow(\ -to


The king observed
the enemy from the
battlements. This
day his ancestors
would be avenged.

The earth. Wa!ll ,
nearly shattered
and hope was
dwindling for the
armies of good.

wk 0


~o''# c.ro.f! We 0.c.-t,,0.1\'1 ~o.ve 0.


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Yeo.~, wen \'\\ f,,-t 0. ~ole i

Rel"lel"lloer 100!Io-t -til"le? Yo" f,,-t

i(\ '10" -too. o.~~~o'e.


Yo" Wo.(\-t ~ol"le

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