

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 26 (May 12, 2005)

extracted text
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington 98506


is looking
for a student

Academic Fair preps
campus for next quarter

See Alumni Association, Page 3
Olympia, WA 98505

Address Service Requested

News In Brief
Don't miss FOPA's
"Birth of a Nation"
This Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
May 12-14, will be your chance to see the
original performance, Birth of a Nation:
Untold Stories, presented by the Evergreen
program Foundations of Performing Arts:
Moving Moments. The performances will
be held in the Experimental Theatre in
the Com Building beginning at 7:30 p.m.
each night. Tickets are available now in the
bookstore, and will also be sold at the Box
Office one hour before each showing. The
cost is $3 for students and $5 for the general public; parking is $1.25 on Thursday
and Friday for those who do not have a
TESC parking pass.

By Sinnamon Tierney
Do you want to meet new people?
Network with TESC alumni? Be a part
of fun events and raise student scholarships at the same time? Establish relationships that will last a lifetime? Are
you creative? Accountable? Ready for
something more?
The TESC Alumni Association is now
accepting applications for the Student
Representative position for 2005-06. The
Association is made up of Greeners who
all have one thing in common—a passion
for Evergreen!
The position began in November 2002
when the Alumni Association recruited
their first Student Representative. The idea
was mirrored after the Student Trustee
position on TESC Board of Trustees. The
intent was for alumni to connect with current students and get a fresh perspective of
what was happening around campus.
Our first Student Representative,
Victoria Cunningham (formerly known
as Victoria Pierson) was deeply engaged
in Evergreen and with the mission of the
Alumni Association. She helped bridge
the Association members to the college
especially with
the Greener Oasis, the beer and wine
garden held annually at Super Saturday.
Cunningham graduated from Evergreen
in 2004 and works in the mortgage-planning field. "Ho'wever," she said, "I had
so much fun on the Board as student rep,
I just couldn't leave." She now serves
as Secretary on the Alumni Association
Board of Directors.
Our second and current Student
Representative is Hannah Scott, who was
recruited by Cunningham while they were
both working in the Career Development
Center. Scott is now in her second year on
the Board. She studied architectural design
at TESC and is graduating in June.
Since being on the Board, Scott has
honed in on the opportunity to help with
the Alumni Association scholarship fundraisers. Whether she is volunteering her
time for the Greener Oasis, stuffing student survival kits, or picking flowers from
the Organic Farm to sell at graduation, she
always has a smile on her face. "I really
enjoy participating in events connected to
student activities," she said.
"What 1 like most about being on the
Board is the people I serve with because
they are friendly, always interested, and
full of ideas for what we can do to raise
scholarship funds," Scott said.
Even though Scott is leaving the
Student Representative position, she still
has an interest in her replacement. "It
needs to be a student with time to devote
to the Board-. I think it could perhaps be
a great opportunity for a contract, even,"

Issue 23
Volume 33
May12, 2005

Coach resigns

Photo by Eva Wong

Students speak with next year's program faculty at the Academic Fair on Wednesday,
May 11. Faculty were on hand to answer questions, review portfolios and hand out
syllabi to anyone interested in taking their programs. The Academic Fair was held in
the gym this year because of the construction projects in the library building.

Re-roofing project
underway at the CRC:
Project should be done by June 17
By Joe Jatcko

Clintworth also, stressed .that students
should find alternative routes to their
classes until the project is complete. "The
project is on a highly traveled route, but
there are a lot of other options," he said.

Students on their way to upper campus
from Housing have encountered a roadblock the last few days. The fenced-off
area is part of the re-roofing project that
was already underway to repair the roof of
Joe Jatcko is a junior enrolled in
the College Recreation Center (CRC).
Democracy and Free Speech. He is the
The project began when the college News Coordinator at the CPJ and can be
facilities department determined a need reached atjatjos08@evergreen. edu.
to replace the water proofing membrane,
which was allowing a good amount of
water to leak through the roof. The project also included
measures to put
down a new base
under the roof tiles,
which are currently
unstable, as well as
fixing leaks around
the skylights.
The digging that
is currently being
done is to fix additional leaks that
were discovered
in an underground
access tunnel.
According to
project manager
Dick Clintworth,
the project should
Photo by Eva Wong
be done by the
date Construction on the CRC begins with repairs to the roof of the
of J u n e 17 and building. Additional repairs are being made to an underground
under the original access tunnel, which has been leaking. This project is set for
$588,000 budget. completion by mid-June.

Photo courtesy of http://www.evergreen.edu

John Barbee recently resigned as
Evergreen's Men's Head Basketball
Coach. See article on Page 11 for more

Student to Perform
Self-Written Stand-Up
Senior Lee Kepraios will perform his
self-written stand-up comedy show "Don't
Forget to Try the Veal" Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, May 20,21 and 22, in Lecture
Hall 1. The show is part of an independent
contract Mr. Kepraios designed and implemented himself. All who enjoy laughter
are welcome attend.
Known also around the CPJ as "The
Curmudgeon," Lee's show will cover a
wide range of subjects contrasting the
mundane to the world-shaking ranging
from oversized burgers to politics, from
deodorant commercials to gay marriage.
Kepraios will give all of them his outspoken, uninhibited treatment.
The show will run from 7 to 8 p.m. and
costs $3 at the door.

Tune up your bicycle
Volunteers from The Evergreen Bike
Shop will be hanging out at the Evergreen
Organic Farm this Friday, May 13 to help
you cyclists tune up your bikes. Stop by
between noon and 2 p.m. to take advantage
of their help. Can't make it Friday? Your
next opportunity will be next Wednesday,
May 18, from noon to 4 p.m. in Red

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MAY 12, 2005

of Color
Mayan calendar entry by Ivan Gonzales
"The difference between what we do, and what we are capable of doing, would solve most
of the world's problems." - Mahatma Gandhi

Vox Populi
Do you think the hike in housing
prices next year is justified?
By David Hornbeck
"My plumbing's fucked up, my shower
overflows and my toilet doesn't work. My
room isn't even that big. The only thing
they have going for them is convenience,
and that doesn't justify it."
Chris Holly
A Dorm

"We Are Mirror Reflections Of
One Another"

"In a way they are. I know maintenance
has projects. They're deterring students
next year. If anything they should lower
Mark Kmason
I Dorm


"I think they're doing it for the new student union building. In that case, yes,
it's justified-"
Micaela Colman
A Dorm

"No. Not unless they do some
Kim Retherford
S Dorm

Credits: FLT/Foundation For The Law Of Time
If We Shift The Software That Controls Our Minds, We Are Bound To
Get Back Into Peaceful Time. Currently, We Live In Artificial Time. It
Creates War And Chaos. Change The Gregorian/Julian Calendar For A
Natural Lunar Synchronometer And Re-Insert Ourselves Into A
Peaceful And Harmonious TIME. ICG

"Only if they put it towards a bar oncampus."
Daniel Burdett
N Dorm

Voices of Color is a column written by any student of color who wants to for
the given week. It was created recognizing that people of color and many
concerns unique to communities of color in the U.S. are underrepresented
in mainstream media. It is a place for students to share their experiences,
with the intent of furthering understanding of race issues within the immediate
Evergreen community.
To submit letters, poetry, or essays to Voices of Color,.of to talk to an editor,
stop by CAB 316 or email cpj@evergreen.edu. You must specify that you want
your work to go in the Voices of Color section.

Cooper Point Journal


Your work in print
is written, edited and distributed by students enrolled at

Business manager
Assistant business manager
Ad orooferand archivist
Circulation manager/Paper archivist
Distribution manager
Ad sales representative

Kristen Lindstrom
R. Yazmin Shah
David Hornbeck

Managing editor
Arts & Entertainment coordinator
Briefs coordinator
Calendar coordinator
Comics coordinator
Copy editor
Copy editor
Letters & Opinions coordinator
News coordinator
Photo coordinator
Seepage coordinator
Sports coordinator
Vox Populi coordinator

Assistant to the advisor

"No, I think housing is already a rip-off.
They shouldn't raise it ever again. In fact,
it should be free."
Miles Thelonious Franzoni
S Dorm

Renata Rollins
Corey Young
Christopher Alexander
Katie Thurman
Chelsea Baker
Mitchell Hahn-Branson
Sean Paull
Sam Goldsmith
Joe Jatcko
Eva Wong
Ikuko Takayama
Meredith Lane
David Hornbeck
..Kristen Lindstrom
Brad Meyers
Tim Yates
Dianne Conrad
M.A. Selby

The Evergreen State College, who
production and content.
JS published 28 Thursdays each
session: the first through the 10th
second through the 10th Thursday

are solely responsible for its
academic year, when class is in
Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
of Winter and Spring Quarters.

JS distributGd free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.

sells display and classified advertising space, information
about advertising rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.

How to Contribute

Our meetings are open to the Evergreen
community. Please come and discuss with us!

Organizational Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member of the
student group CPJ. Practice consensus-based
decision making.

Content Meeting
5:30 p.m. Monday
Help discuss future content, such as story
ideas, Vox Populi questions and possible long
term reporting projects, as well as other things
needed to help the week along.

Paper Critique
Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission
and publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB
4 p.m. Thursday
316, or by request at 867-6213. Contributions are accepted at CAB 316, or
Comment on that day's paper. Air comments,
by email at cpj@evergreen.edu. The CPJ editor-in-chief has final say on
concerns, questions, etc. If something in the
the acceptance or rejection of all non-advertising content.
CPJ bothers you, this is the meeting for you!

How to Contact the CPJ

Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316
Newsi (360) 867 - 6213
Email: cpj@evergreen.edu
Business: (360) 867 - 6054
Email: cpjbiz@eyergreen.edu

Frid,ay Forum
3 p.m. Friday
Put your values to the test! Discuss ethics,
journalism law and conflict resolution.

All meetings are in CAB 316.



MAY 12, 2005

Health Center internships
provide preparation for
a variety of fields
The experiences I have gained at the
Health Center have strengthened my
My internship as a Student Medical interest in becoming a physician. Student
Assistant (SMA) at Evergreen's Health Medical Assistants that have completed
Center is coming to an end at the conclu- the program have entered into a variety
sion of the 2004-2005 academic year, and of healthcare fields. Of the 2004-2005
it is time to welcome in the next class of class of SMAs, one is accepted to Bastyr
fantastic Student Medical Assistants for University for naturopathic medicine,
another is accepted to Oregon Health &
The internship is a paid, year-long, Sciences University for an accelerated
six-credit program that trains students nurse practitioner program, and another
for licensure in the state of Washington is accepted at the University of Arizona
as Healthcare Assistants. It is an excel- for an accelerated bachelor of nursing prolent opportunity for anyone interested in gram. The remainder of the SMAs want
the medical profession to explore their to pursue degrees in allopathic medicine,
curiosity. The Health Center is a general 'osteopathic medicine, physician's assispractice clinic that treats students for a tant, mechanical engineering, Master
variety of health concerns, such as colds, of Science in nurse midwifery, medical
birth control consultations, STD testing, physicist/radiologist/rock-star and a Ph.D
depression and anxiety management, and in immunology/genetics; others are still
chronic health problems such as asthma, undecided.
The Health Center is currently acceptdiabetes and high blood pressure.
applications for the 2005-2006 class of
Student Medical Assistants assist pracSMAs.
If this article resonates with you,
titioners—a medical doctor, two certified
by Seminar I 2110 to pick
physician assistants, and four nurse practitioners—in providing medical care, and up an application or ask questions about
get trained in regular in-services on Peer the Health Center or the SMA program.
Health Education, HIV/AIDS safety for We are also available at extension 6200.
healthcare providers, STD education, crisis Applications are due Wednesday, May 18.
management and psychological issues in Good luck!
the student population, and much more.
In addition, I personally got the pleasure Phuong Nguyen is a senior studying preof working with a diverse group of fellow med.
SMAs and the opportunity to help my
fellow students.
By Phuong Nguyen

she said. "Students most likely to participate will have many other interests on
campus, but I'd like to see a student with
the Alumni Board as their main extracurricular interest."
The Student Representative is expected
to attend approximately eight Alumni
Association Board meetings and work on
a minimum of one fundraising committee. To apply, please submit a cover letter
explaining your interest in the position

Tacoma Campus
Resource Fair
The Evergreen State College Tacoma
Campus presents the 10th annual community showcase and resource fair, "Strategies
for Renewing and Restoring Community."
The event, taking place on Saturday, May
21 from 2-7 p.m., is a great opportunity to
check out what's going on at the Tacoma
Campus. The fair will feature information
booths, workshops, demonstrations and
performances, all of which will address
justice, education, health, economics and
the media. Kids are welcome: There will
be X-Box games, DVD movies, robots and
workshops to entertain them.
TESC Tacoma Campus is located at
1210 6lh Avenue in Tacoma, WA. Contact
them directly at (253) 680-3000.

Run or volunteer at
the Evergreen 5k
The Friends of the Evergreen Library
are sponsoring the second annual
Evergreen 5k on Sunday, June 12. The 3.1mile event will take place on campus and
will be USATF certified, allowing runners
to establish record times on the course. The
race will be timed by Perfect Time Events
for quick, accurate results. Registration
forms are available on the table to your
right as you enter the Library, next to the
Gumball Poetry machine. More information about participating can be found online
at http://www.evergreen.edu/library/5k. If
you are interested in volunteering at the
event, you can contact Jenny DeHaas at
dehaasv@evergreen.edu or Evergreen
extension 6487.

• • » »

your tape at Media Loan by May 31.
MiniDV and DVCAM will be the only
formats excepted. The piece should not
exceed 15 minutes. Please label your
tape with the title, your name and phone
number and the runtime. As this is a family
event, please inform Media Loan if your
piece includes mature content.

Bicycle Commuter
The 18 th Annual Bicycle Commuter
Contest is underway during the entire
month of May, and it's not too late to register. Evergreen is subsidizing part of the
registration fee for students, staff and faculty. To participate, simply fill out the form
available in Parking Services, Seminar I
2150, and pay $7.50 if you are a Greener
or $10 if you are a member of the general
public. T-shirts featuring this year's theme,
"Bicycle just for the health of it," are also
available for an additional $13.
Everyone who participates by recording
how many miles they commute on their
bike this month will receive a booklet of
coupons from local businesses. Additional
prizes will be awarded to individuals who
ride the most miles or number of days in
their age group or special category, such as
parents with kids in trailers. Teams will be
awarded prizes based on similar criteria.
bcc05.htm, email bikecmmute@climate
solutions.org or contact Parking Services
at Evergreen extension 6352.

Performance at Tacoma
Campus tonight

Corrine Fitzpatrick and Bethany Spiers
will present a performance of experimental
poetry with musical accompaniment entiEvergreen's Media Loan will host the tled "Peter and Therese" tonight, Thursday,
screening of student films in the lecture May 12, at Evergreen's Tacoma Campus.
halls on Super Saturday (June 11). This The performance, inspired in part by early
is a great opportunity to have your work 20 th -century western portraiture, will
seen, as Super Saturday is expected to address gender, identity and violence.
"Peter and Therese" is sponsored
draw 15,000 people, including parents of
students and members of the local com- by the program Translation as Art and
munity. The screening will last from 10 Metaphor: Transformational Literacy.
The one-hour performance will begin at
a.m. to 6 p.m.
To submit your piece, email Michael 6 p.m. in room 105. Evergreen's Tacoma
Imboden, Media Loan Intern, at Campus is located at 1210 Sixth Avenue,
imbmic23@evergreen.edu and drop off Tacoma, 98405.

Show your film at
Super Saturday

Alumni Association
continued from cover


and a resume including contact information, education and details of previous
community service along with personal
references to Scott Pinkston in the Office
of Alumni Affairs - L3116, ext. 6568, or
Bonnie Marie in the Office of Finance and
Administration - L3127, ext. 6500.
Sinnamon Tierney graduated from
Evergreen in 1998, and she earned her
MPA in 2000. She is the former President
of the TESC Alumni Association Board of

Hey Dave/ / have
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Make a class/fiecf ad with
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Must have obtained art degree within
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Call CPJ Business at 867-6054
or email us at cpjbiz@evergreen.edu




MAY 12, 2005

Grassroots ecological
agriculture thrives in Argentina
However, there is a thriving movement
of local, ecological agriculture motiBuenos Aires—In the U.S., the eco- vated by necessity and survival. After
logical agriculture movement, for the most the economic crash of 2001, many activpart, is driven by the premiums people will ist groups turned to organic f a r m i n g
pay for organic food. Conscious consumers methods to augment daily food needs.
base their consumption habits on ethical Here, the link between sustainability, fair
and moral standards. This form of capital- economics and social justice is obvious.
ist activism
The t h i r d
world sufvery successfers the most
ful: Organics
is the fastglobalized
sector of US
The certiThe
fied organic
workers and
their families
in Argentina
are the most
a ff e ct ed
driven by
by c h e m i this demand.
cal use and
Photo by Ethan Shaffer economics.
second larg- A papaya and banana oasis in the middle of Rosario, In Argentina,
est amount the third largest city in Argentina.
there is a
of certified
organic acres
in the world.
worker orgaNinety-five
percent of
the organic
that reject
is destined
the industrial
for export.
In Argentina,
model and
there is not
support a
much of a
return to ecological farmconscious
ing methconsumer
years ago,
' Photo by Ethan Shajjer MOCAFOR
organic label
at a farmers' successfully
doesn't add
stopped cormuch value.

inhabitants. The economic crisis of 2001
left 60 percent of the population in Rosario
below the poverty line and 30 percent in
extreme poverty. Local agrarian activists
successfully lobbied municipal support to
convert abandoned lots into community
gardens. They saw self-sufficient food
production as a root solution to poverty.
People in poverty spend
70 percent of
their income
on food. To
date these
have created
800 community gardens
supporting 40,000
Evergreen, I
have heard
it said that
Photo by Ethan Shaffer
ol Misiones. An abundant organic garden in San Pedro, Misiones.
They wanted
the wealthy.
to create a viable economic alternative Amidst organic Cheetos and TV dinners
to planting the major crops in the area: it is easy to lose sight of the purpose
tobacco, tea and yerba mate. These crops of organic farming. However, in the
require high pesticide use and fetch a low third world, in the most marginalized
price because of corporate control of dis- part of the world, the purpose couldn't
tribution. The farmers' markets encourage be clearer. Ecological agriculture is a
families to first produce their own healthy practical way of improving the quality
food and then make money selling to their of life and escaping from the slavery
local communities. I visited one farm that imposed by global industrial agriculture.
was bursting with so much abundance that If you want to visit and work with ecothe owner was able to donate all the food logical agriculture groups in Argentina or
needed for a festival honoring the farm- other parts of Latin America, visit htrp:
ers' markets. Hie owner even had a biogas //www.growtood.org.
digester built by her 15-year-old son that
converted cow manure into cooking gas. Ethan Schaffer is a senior enrolled in
This ecological revolution is not limited Patience. He is studying social revoluto the country. In Rosario, the third larg- tion.
est city in Argentina, urban agriculture has
become a lifeline for the city's poorest

A fair for all seasons

Hazardous trees
may face cuts;
community comment sought

By Ethan Shaffer

porations from aerial-spraying Round
Up on genetically modified soy crops.
Probably the most developed ecological
agriculture movement in Argentina is in
Misiones, the province tucked between
Paraguay and Brazil. Misiones has a network of 43 farmers' markets where local
producers can sell their products. Such
an extensive
network of
and organic
production is
in the rest of
farmers' market
network was
started primarily by women
the Agrarian

By Renata Rollins
Four trees should be removed or reduced
in height for campus safety, according to a
memo sent out Wednesday.The trees were
labeled as hazardous to foot and bike traffic, vehicles and building structures by the
Campus Land Use Committee (CLUC),
which made the recommendation.
The committee hopes to keep as much
of each tree as possible, but one of the trees
suffered irreparable damage and will be
completely removed.Whenever possible,
the trunk is left on-site so animals can still
use it.The trees in question have notices
posted on them.
The recommendations are:
Photo by Eva Wong

Greeners and those-to-be learn about all of the cool non-illegal things
they can do with other students in their spare time at the Student
Activities Fair on Wednesday.

-a 50 foot Cedar located behind the
smoking area next to the amphitheater steps should be reduced to 30 •
feet. The top 25% is dead.
-a1 60 foot Cedar located at the
northwest corner of Seminar II
B» should be cut to 40 feet. Its
* 1

root system was damaged during
Seminar II construction.
-a 50 foot Cedar east of Seminar
II B is dead and should be reduced
in height.
-a 45 foot Ponderosa Pine near the
Seminar II courtyard is completely
dead and should be removed.
The committee is seeking public comment. Comments should be sent by email
to the CLUC at clucdl@evergreen.edu by
12pm on Tuesday, May 17th. If the recommendations are approved by the Campus
Land Use Committee, work may begin on
May 18th. For more information please
contact Mark Kormondy at 867-6349.
Renata Rollins is a senior enrolled in
Business in Action. Her academic emphasis is journalism.
Maria Horan (Assistant to the Director of
Facilities) contributed to this report.



MAY 12, 2005

The future of AIDS
By Dolly England
I wrote this
for an essay
contest that
1 have yet to
find out if I
won. It's a
l i t t l e heavier
articles that I
usually write,
but the AIDS epidemic in Africa is no
laughing matter. As Americans we will
never fully understand how AIDS is
affecting Africa. Thousands of people
are becoming infected with and dying of
AIDS each day. It is slowly affecting every
aspect of African society in the forms of
economy, education and opportunities for
future generations. All I can ask is for you
to use your imagination.
Imagine a girl named Imani. At age
10, Imani has taken on the responsibility
of caring for her two young brothers. The
grieving children possess only a matchbook frame of a house. The doorways
have no doors, the window frames no
glass. There's not a stick of furniture,
they sleep on piled-up blankets, and what
little clothing they have dangles from a few
nails on the wall. Two paraffin burners sit
on the dirt floor alongside a few potatoes
and the mealy meal that will provide their
main sustenance.
Imani has been robbed of a childhood
that was grim even before her mother fell
sick with AIDS. Hashiki supported her
family by buying and selling things, but
she never earned more than a pittance.
Her hiishand. Suwesi, \vorks 200 miles
away, comes home twice a year and sleeps
around in between.
It is not u n c o m m o n in Africa for
women to feel' powerless in regards to
change of sexual behavior. Even when a
woman wants to protect herself, she usually can't. It is not uncommon for men to
beat partners who refuse intercourse or
request a condom. "Real men" don't use
them, so women who want their partners to
use condoms must fight deeply ingrained
taboos. If you talk to him about condom
use, be prepared for accusations, abuse or
As Imani watched her mother die, she
could only imagine what her future would
look like. AIDS orphans begin to experience the consequences of being an orphan
even before the death of their parent. The
long illness of the mother or father results
in an improvised household. The social
stigma of AIDS often precludes adequate
family and community support.
Now Imani must fend for herself, struggling to survive. The trauma of losing
parents is compounded by the burden of
becoming a breadwinner. Most orphans
sink into extreme poverty, drop out of
school and suffer m a l n u t r i t i o n , ostracism and psychological distress. They
scramble to live on pitiful handouts from
overstretched relatives, a kind neighbor or
a state grant, or they beg and steal in the
streets. The orphans represent desperation
as life forecloses on a brighter future.
Now imagine a 22-year-old African
American female. Of her four siblings,
three of whom are younger, two have children, one is a high school drop out and one
is currently incarcerated. Against all odds,
she works hard and receives scholarships
and follows her dream of a higher education. This is who I am.
As a teenager I had a friend who was
HIV-positive. His love and encouragement
inspired me to focus my life's work around
the AIDS epidemic. In the last few years, I
have been involved in numerous peer edu-

cation groups, planning committees and
rton-profit AIDS organizations. I'm most
proud of my internship at the Thurston
County Health Department, where I have
worked with needle exchange programs,
as well as correctional facilities.
In the United States, the e p i d e m i c
is starting to grow amongst AfricanAmericans. W h i l e African-Americans
make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, they represent over 50 percent of new
HIV infections. Although many AfricanAmericans believe they are not at risk,
thinking, "HIV happens to other folks
who are not at all like me," they are still
becoming infected and dying from AIDS.
Stigma in our communities prevents us
from talking openly about sex and sexuality. A significant proportion of surveyed

African-Americans also believe that U.S.
government scientists created HIV to
eradicate or "control" African-American
communities. Both Africans and AfricanAmericans are not getting the preventative
messages they need. Not enough education
is being done in high-risk communities.
Of all of the continents in the world,
Africa has been hit hardest by the AIDS
epidemic. So far, 17 m i l l i o n have died.
At least 25 million may follow. UNAIDS
and UNICEF estimate that, based on current trends, the number of AIDS orphans
could reach 25 million by 2010 and 40
m i l l i o n by 2020. In the United States,
nearly 185,000 Blacks have died of AIDS.
Black Americans have the poorest AIDS
survival rates of all ethnic groups. Black
youth ages 13-19 represent 65 percent of

the reported AIDS cases among youth in
2002, even though they are only 15 percent
of the US population.
Somewhere in the United States right
now, an African American female who has
worked hard to beat all social stigmas, and
has risen above oppression to educate herself and become a model citizen, is now a
statistic. Heterosexual African American
females are currently at the highest risk for
infection in the United States. She's young
and one day plans on falling in love and
having a family. Sadly, at the rate things
are going here in America, she will one
day leave behind an Imani.
Dolly England is a senior enrolled in
an internship with the Thurston County
Health Department.

Artistic commentary on
Parkway construction



By Kim McNett



MAY 12, 2005-


The Curmudgeon: Blue whales have megabytes
By Lee Kepraios
I recently
read something written
by this guy.
He cited, as
one example
toward the
beast of technology, that a
jet airliner has
3.1 million different components. I don't
know what his intention was behind the
discussion, nor do I really have a concrete
knowledge of the author's own feelings
on the topic of technology. I guess I could
speak about what was actually written and
read a whole bunch of extra nonsense into
the text, but I don't think I'm that elite of
a social commentator... yet.
The section of the text did, however,
elicit a response on my own part, and my
mind proceeded to engage in a dialogue of
sorts on the topic of technology. The text
seemed to take a pretty negative stance.
The tone made me wonder as to what is so
frightening and hateful about technology.
It's a theme that I've noticed quite often in
my various social interactions with people.
A lot of people out there don't seem to
take very kindly to technology. There's
a slew of reasons out there, but it seems
that the most pervasive reason, whether
stated succinctly or not, is that technology
is unnatural in some way. This feeling, as
it seems to me, is derived mainly from a
sense that most technological devices are'
frighteningly complex. To move from the
genaral to the specific, 3.1 million parts is
just way too many.
This fear of complexity ostensibly
looks like a somewhat justifiable fear.
Looking at a maze of wires and gears and
machinations of all sorts is overwhelming
as it is impressive. But there's something
deeper there. What is it we're so afraid of? •
Keep in mind that I'm not talking about
pathological fear—few people begin to
shake uncontrollably when they plug
numbers into their calculator—but rather
a sense that things aren't quite right with
Technology is frightening for the same
reason everything can be frightening: We
just don't understand it. I'm not saying that
technology is always good, but it certainly
isn't the root of all evil.
Furthermore, this fear of complexity is
compounded by the fact that technology
is a wholly human endeavor. So, sure, the
fact that there are 3.1 million individual
parts in an airplane is a bit scary, especially
when people are entrusting their lives to
those 3.1 million parts. Of course there are
an exponentially larger number of atoms
in your little finger, and if one of those
atoms decides to convert itself into pure
energy, a phenomenon which is a very
real physical possibility, you're fucked.
But that's not what concerns me. What
concerns me is that gasket somewhere
that an alcoholic who hates his wife tampered with on the plane in an attempt to
strike back at the cruel world that makes
his life so dismal. Yeah, 3.1 million parts
seems like an extraneously large number
of parts, and if one fails we're all fucked,
right? Not exactly.
A lot of people seem to forget that
planes don't just fall out of the sky. This
is because the reason planes fly is because
of something called Bernoulli's Principle.
Ever hear of Bernoulli? He's one of them
scientist guys that want nothing more than.
to destroy the world. A plane might be real
complex, but really, Bernoulli's Principle
is pretty simple. So why do we think that
3.1 million parts makes it so damn complex? And why does that complexity seem

so unnatural?
What could possibly be more complex
than life, especially sentient life? It's something that we're not even close to being
able to replicate mechanically. Even those
grand thinking machines, computers, can't
even come close to being as complex as
I am.
I'll tell you what's unnaturally complex:
eating. I'll explain. First I'll talk about
the human digestive system, and then I'll
explain how computers work, and I'll let
you decide which is more complicated. I
take a bite. Immediately, my saliva begins
dissolving and digesting part of that food.
In particular, saliva begins the digestion of
complex carbohydrates or monosaccharide
like glucose, fructose and others. I chew
the food with my teeth, which are protrusions of bones sticking out of my gums,
which occupy the top and bottom portions
of one of my body's few orifices. Some of
my teeth are particularly designed for tearing, others for grinding, and still others are
designed for still another process.
Than I swallow once the food is suitably liquefied. My body is able to assess
that there is substance coming towards
my throat, so it covers up my trachea and
thus allows the food to enter my esophagus. My brain sends electric signals to
my esophagus—actually, my brain's
been sending electric impulses the whole
time—instructing it to begin contracting
the muscles that allow food to proceed
down into my stomach. Once the food
enters my stomach, the real digestion
begins. As different digestive fluids enter
my stomach from any number of organs—
like the liver and pancreas, to mention a
few—the food begins to be divided into its
essential components. The components are
simple enough—proteins, carbohydrates,
lipids and a few other things that I can't
remember right now—but those are the
main three, I believe. Among'other things,
there is hydrochloric acid in my stomach
and all sorts of bacteria, including E. Coli,
among others.
Once all the good stuff is separated and
ready to go, it's time to start distributing it
around the body. So then my blood comes
right next to my stomach and begins taking
all these nutrients and distributing them to
the cells that need them. How my blood
knows what cells need what nutrients is
beyond me, but I'm sure it's a very simple
thing. The lipids are used to add to cell
membranes or, in my case, to give me a
beer gut. Lipids are great for cell membranes because they are non-polar. If they
were polar, then they would dissolve in
water and we'd all be fucked.
The proteins are shipped over to cells
to perform two of the following functions.
Proteins either stimulate some action in a
cell by telling the parts of the cell what
function it needs to perform, or are used
to replicate dioxy-ribonucleic acid.
But my favorites of all nutrients, carbohydrates, get some sweet action. They get
shipped into a cell's mitochondria, where
all sorts of good stuff happens. I won't
go into cellular respiration right now, but
let's just say that some sugar goes in and
a whole bunch of adenosine triphosphate
comes out. Sweet.
The partially digested food then proceeds to my small intestines, which are
pretty damn long, and then finds a way
into my large intestine where all the extra
water from food is absorbed, unless I've
got dysentery or something. And then the
rest is left to be excreted into our water
So there's a'pretty brief, oversimplified
overview of the human digestive system.
Now, on to computers. Computers, for all
their supposedly high-tech gadgetry and
complex machinations, ar0'just boxes with

a bunch of light switches. Is and Os, it's
as simple as that: information stored and
transmitted through a series of switches.
Those switches can either be in the "on"
position or the "off position. The value
1 has been given to the on position and
0 to the off position, mostly to prevent
computer nerds from having to write
"onoffonoffonoffonoffon" a whole bunch
of times.
Those ones and zeros are known as bits
of information. In other words, one switch
equals one bit. A byte is a whole bunch of
bits and a megabyte is a whole bunch of
bytes. All the different parts of the computer are all the same, the only difference
being when their switches are accessed.
The central processing unit or CPU is
constantly having its switches accessed.
The hard drive, on the other hand, has its
switches accessed only when the information needs to be retrieved or stored on the
hard drive. The random access memory, or
RAM, is sort of a middle ground between
the CPU and the hard drive. When you hear
about 20 Gb hard drives, it's talking about
how many switches the hard drive has.
And that's it. Pretty fucking complex,

huh? And yet I have so much trouble sending a fucking e-mail. Stop trying to read
more into it and see more complexity.
They're relatively simple machines. They
can do complicated things like transmit
pictures of busty teenagers having unprotected sex, sure, but they're pretty simple
machines. All technology has done for the
computer since its beginning is to give it
more and more switches. Whoop-diddy
Lee's New Rule of the Week:
Don't watch porn while you drive! A
growing trend recently with pimped-out
cars is screens in the front and back seats
showing nonstop porn. And that makes
sense because if you're dumb enough
to put 1500 dollars' worth of rims on a
700-dollar car...why the hell not spring
for some porn screens? You might as well
be Watching a hummer while you drive
one. Get ready for some really horny crash
Lee Kepraios is a senior enrolled in
an independent contract on stand-up

Share your thoughts
with the community!
The CPJ is an important venue for
the wealth of knowledge, activism,
ideas and observations on our campus.
To submit a letter to the CPJ, take
the following steps:
1. Write it! A submission can be as
short as you like, or up to 800 words
2. Attach it to an email and send it
to cpj@evergreen.edu by Friday at 5
p.m. Be sure to include your name,
year at Evergreen, program or field of
study and your contact information.
3. Check your email and voice mail
over the weekend, as an editor may
contact you.
If you have questions regarding submitting or just want to talk about
ideas, please stop by the CPJ office in
CAB 316 or email me, Sam, coordinator of the Letters and Opinions page,
at golsam21@evergreen.edu.


MAY 12, 2Q05



By Jim Jordan

Along a lonely stretch
Of barren desert highway
A prickly cactus grows.
But 'tis not the average
Prickly cactus, no.
For this one, he knows.
He knows 'bout the mysteries,
Of where the old west has gone.
He knows 'bout the sunrise,
Or as it used to be, the dawn;
He knows why it's missing,
He's seen them all go by.
He's seen them in their big dirty trucks.
He really misses the sky.


By Sebastian Derlieu-Schulz

Taken away at night.
Provoked beyond endurance.
Crackling with belligerence.
Living for the moment.
The prewar cultural center.
Those who have made the step proud.
She knew how to adapt to change.
Me, "Why have you gone?"
Making up for in enthusiasm
tipping my hat to foolishness
Apparatus like the still head
Little sparkle in workaday world
Background of exploration and personages
Sebastian Derlieu-Schulz is a senior enrolled in a contract
on collage, dada and pop art. He welcomes comments and
reactions at delsebl7@evergreen.edu

Or as it used to be, that is,
Before the men in-trucks came 'round;
And the sky was blue,
And the birds, they flew,
Long before the dawn of the town.
Jim Jordan is a senior enrolled in Foundations of Performing Arts.


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about the latest System of a Down record? Do you REALLY LIKE OPERA and
want to let everyone know why they should, too?
Well, then it would be a really good idea to submit to the A&E section of the
CPJ! It's super easy, because all you need to do is come up to our office (CAB
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pose for Xtina.
For the rest of 2003, I had tried to get
[Author's Note: This is an excerpt together with Xtina to shoot a set. She
from a book I've been creating for my offered to come up to Tacoma; I may have
independent learning contract during the tried to come down to Olympia, but somepast two quarters. The book itself is a thing always got in the way, whether it was
piece of creative nonfiction chronicling an time, money (again) or any other means of
\ Paul C. Whitney, a.k.a. Cap'n Lexicon
approximate six-year portion of my life as coming together. If it was just to make pretty
afemale-to-male transsexual. The excerpt pictures, then I probably would have given
here is a fragment of the full essay by the up sooner, but it was Xtina's desire to meet
same name, and is about the few times I was me for other reasons—reasons I still do not
Sluice (sloos), n. A man-made chan- almost an alternative porn star. You know know of to this very day—that drove my
desire to be, in some sense, a porn star.
nel with a valve or gate to regulate the what to do from here}
Alas, two events came together to
My biggest potential money shot came completely put an end to the chase. The first
Tr. V. To flood or drench by means when I learned of an alternaporn site located involved a former model of Xtina's site; she
in Olympia, Washington, which shall be shall be dubbed "Alicia." Alicia had writof a sluice.
Definition from Webster's New Col- dubbed as "NF," since it is still around and ten in her own LiveJournal about a situation
the owners know of yours truly. I found out between her and Xtina that reminded me
legiate Dictionary
about the site during the drama surrounding of the drama that had occurred and still is
"We shook our fathers' hands, and SG (SuicideGirls.com) and their claim upon occurring with SG. This disappointed me,
a LiveJournal community blog devoted to all since I really did love that site—I still visit
ever on them we shall find blood.
things SG; when the women behind the blog occasionally, even though I've yet to actuOh, to siuice their sins from us,
Nevermore shall we know inno- created a new one in response to SG actions ally pay to go any further—but, much to
against them—and posted partial nude pics my dismay, I decided to no longer involve
of themselves to boot—I decided to post up myself with NF.
two nude sets I had originally created
The other event was my de-transitioning
Synonyms include overwhelm,
Rebecca to Cameron.
drown, clean, engulf, swamp, wash over,
this day, I haven't heard back from
and douse.
Xtina. I was hoping to run into her when
Don't miss the Writers Guild, every basically thought I rocked for posting.
One of them happened to be the web- held a forum about DIY pornography in the
Wednesday, 3-4 p.m., Seminar II A1107.
mistress of NF, whom we shall dub (for spring quarter of the 2003-2004 academic
those who don't know her) "Xtina." In year at Evergreen, but that never happened.
Write on, friends!
short, she offered me a chance to become As I said before, I do visit her site from time
of her models, and not just because I to time, but I've never pursued any further.
Paul C. Whitney is a senior enrolled
just another beautiful face. 1 thought As far as I can tell, it doesn't seem to be a bad
in an independent contract called Ink
it for a while, even looked around at place to be, and maybe the conflict between
Xtina's site. I'm not sure how I was able to Alicia and Xtina was just an isolated incisay yes—knowing I was going to be nearby dent: I can never say for sure. Finally, I am
in Tacoma might have been it—but'I sub- still curious as to the other reasons Xtina
Workshop Wednesdays for next
mitted the sets with the online application wanted to meet me, besides the fact that we
week, May 18, in Seminar IIA2109:
form, and Xtina came back with a resound- were both Virgos. I probably should have
asked about the drama and found out Xtina's
ing, "Yes, yes, yes!"
When Veronica and Michelle—my side of the issue. Alas, I doubt she would
Grammar Rodeo: Connecting
roommates; not their peal names—learned have wanted someone who was going to
Clauses, 2-3 p.m.
of this, they both asked how I was going to literally change her/himself once again to
Academic Writing: Thesummabe paid. I informed them that I would be paid be a part of her business.
tive Self-Evaluation, 3-4 p.m.
Then again, I should have asked about
with a disc of my set, since Xtina couldn't
afford to pay her models much, if at all, at this, too.
Scientific Writing: Determined
the time. In turn, they suggested that if I'm
by Needs of Students, 4-5 p.m.
doing this, then the reward should be worth Cameron Anderson is a senior taking an
Creative Writing: Creative Nonmy time; that the disc, to them, wasn't the independent contract. He is a writing tutor
fiction, 5-6 p.m.
right way to pay me; and that cash was the at the Tacoma campus. Comments? Write
way to go. Seeing as we were all poor at the Cameron at andcam20@evergreen.edu.
time, they had a point. Yet, I still wanted to


By Christopher "Crazytopher" Alexander

Step one: M.I.A.—Arular (XL


I'm not sure when I listened to this album
forthe first time, but I know that it was about
two hours before I listened to it for the third
time. Arular is quite possibly the best debut
record si nee The Clash (or at least Supa Dupa
Fly), a deft pasting and recontextualizing of
hip-hop, reggae, dancehall, Baile funk,
and British grime and garage. M.I.A. is the
daughter of a famed militant for the Tamil
Tigers (whom the record is named for), a
paramilitary/terrorist/freedom-fighter orga-

i;m, mil!

box, an
my ass ;
I don't

ton Mil

don't ki
was 2C

i?!; *nw: nun *i>m,i.

Copyright XL Record.
nization in the internecine Sri Lankan civil
war. The record is deeply politically engaged,
which has earned her some flak in some
circles. Still, M.I.A., who isn't pro-Tiger,
but not exactly anti-Tiger either, deserves
credit for making a political pop record in
this climate.
The songs are pretty good, too. Actually,
the songs are fucking amazing: singles like
"Pull Up the People," "Galang" and "Sun-

novel, £
sounds I
ist. Vivi
in The i
author t
him for

The Weekly
Symbolic Re

Taj Schade
and Dan Thompson


Three quick step
it in this crazy fut

By Cameron Anderson



So you wan

"Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?"




j,a L
The Evergreen Tutoring Center (ETC)
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our puzzle of the week. Each week we will
present a new puzzle to challenge you.
When you come up with an answer, bring
it to the ETC in CAB 108. If you are one of
the first three with the correct answer, we
have a prize for you.
Answer to last week's puzzle (Add
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We simply used trial and error_to find
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road gua
The only
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truth. Yc
truth anc
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to the Qi
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to the Qi


MAY 12, 2005

i want to be awesome:


ick steps to be swinging and with
razy Futureworld of the year 2005




is album
'as about
the third
jst debut
pa Dupa
lizing of
le funk,
A. is the
le Tamil
d for), a
ter orga-

<an civil
in some
ecord in

gles like
id "Sun-

showers" have more hooks than a tackle
box, and if left unsupervised have a nasty
tendency to leap out of speakers and kick
my ass into something resembling dancing.
I don't know anyone who's heard it and
doesn't like it.
Step two: Jonathan
Safran Foer: Extremely Loud
and Incredibly Close (Houghton Mifflin Publishers)
For those of you (Eva) who
don't know, Foer's first novel
was 2002's Everything is
Illuminated. He began drafting the book as an
undergrad at Princeton University, and
when it saw publication he was 26 years
old. It also rules,
an often hilarious
meta-nonfiction that
is equal parts Dave
Eggers and Gabriel
Garcia M a r q u e z .
The novel won him
the National Jewish
Book Award and the
k i n d of a t t e n t i o n
typically reserved
for people l i k e
Joyce Carol Gates
and John Updike. (The book was
recently made into a movie set for
release this summer.)
Part of the furor is over his
Records age, and that partially explains
the backlash aimed at his new
novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
Updike, in a review for The New Yorker,
sounds like he's critiquing a creative writing student ratherthan an established novelist. Vivian Gornick was far more crotchety
in The Nation, ludicrously comparing the
author to James Baldwin and dismissing
him for being insufficiently critical of U.S.
foreign policy. This sets the pattern: No
reviewer over 50 seems to like it, and every

reviewer under 50 loves it.
It's unlikely that Foer set out to throw
down a generational gauntlet, but that's
exactly what has happened. And fuck 'em:
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is
a novel for the twenty-first century that
absolutely keeps pace with his first, an
funny, heartbreaking and
book and a
virtuoso performance.
He employs
photos of
lights, letters
marked with
red i n k , a
flip book of
a man f a l l ing from the
top of the
World Trade
Center but
reversed, as
if he's being
lifted to the
Copyright Houghton Mifflin roof—that
are absolutely essential to the development and tone of the
book. It is unapologetically intense, visceral and incredibly close, and the "deviations for form add to the novel rather than
distract from it.
With these two simple thefts purchases, you are one step away from hipster


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Tickets: $10 at the
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Step three: Stop shaving.
Christopher Alexander is a senior enrolled
in Patience and is the A&E coordinator for
the CPJ, and some weeks, his life is really
not that exciting.

eekly Quantitative and
lie Reasoning Challenge



June 6 - 24, 2005
:r (ETC)
: we will
ge you.
jr, bring
•e one of
iwer, we
le (Add

r_to find
ill show
up when
to Mac

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The fork in the road
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MAY 12, 2005

Evergreen baseball:
Oscar saves the day
the game teammates were arguing with one
another and it just felt like people wanted
If Evergreen falls, and no one is around, the season to end right then and there. But
does it make a sound? The last weekend of it couldn't. We had a double-header the
baseball for Evergreen ended in implosion next day in Eugene, Oregon.
at Bucknell Field. Frustration finally got
Our first trip down to Eugene resulted
the better of the team, and the lack of caring in rainouts that needed to be made up. And
resulted in two blowout losses on Saturday because regional playoffs start next week
to Western Washington University. Western in the National Club Baseball Association,
easily tallied at least 20 runs in both games it was now or never to get those games in.
while the Geoducks were held scoreless. We actually returned to the scene of the
In the second game of the double header, crime where my cell phone was dropped
Western Washington pitcher Matt Richards in the toilet, but this time I was more carethrew a no-hitter, and if not for Evergreen's ful. The weather seemed promising when
Justin Porter drawing a walk in the final I looked out the window Sunday morninning, Richards would've had himself a ing, but once we arrived at the field, the
perfect game.
rain gods unleashed their fury. The games
"Be nice." The players know I write were cancelled, which prematurely ended
the articles, and when 1 asked them what I another Evergreen baseball season.
could possibly write about, all I heard was,
With no games to be played, we still
"Be nice." Be nice about the Evergreen weren't ready to go back yet, so we hit
player getting ejected disputing a close up the Goodwill where 1 personally came
call. Be nice about the player that walked across with some gem findings like the
out on his team in the middle of the game 99-cent poster of Mary-Kate and Ashley
because he felt he wasn't getting playing Olsen. After finally hitting the road back
time. Be nice about all the errors that were to Olympia, it was a relatively quiet trip
committed in both games by just about until something in the distance caught
everyone, including myself. Had you actu- our eyes. It was big, it was brown, it was
ally come to the game, you would've seen moving, it was an automobile and it was
these occurrences were unavoidable. The in the shape of a hot dog. Now only one
frustration was bound to boil over. After thing can come from those descriptive
By Kip Arney

Evergreen Men's
Basketball Coach
Barbee Resigns

details. We had found the Oscar Mayer
Weinermobile. Thanks to some crafty
driving in the Sprinter by Sean Presley,
we were able to catch up to it and get some
pictures. Never have I seen something so
beautiful as a weiner driving on 1-5.
The season left Evergreen winless yet
again, but I wouldn't trade my experience
with these guys for anything. Next year
the bulk of the roster will return, meaning the team chemistry will already have
been formed. What we really need is you
closet baseball fans to come out and support us. I know people read these things
and shake their heads in disgust. I was one
of them last year, and I decided to take
action. So now it's on you. Because it'snot really fair for someone to judge our
talent when you've never seen us play in
person. The only ones who can are Janice
and Hannah, our two most loyal fans. So
I say thanks to them for watching, thanks
to my teammates for embracing me into
this brotherhood of baseball, and thanks
to my readers who have stayed with me
throughout my sports reporting duties. I'll
see ya next year. Break!
Kip Arney is a junior enrolled in Fiction
and Nonfiction a«dQuirky Characters. He
is studying creative writing.

By Jim Beaver
Olympia, Washington—The Evergreen
State College's Athletic Director, Dave
Weber, has accepted the resignation
of Men's Head Basketball Coach John
Barbee. Barbee stepped down after potential violations of college fiscal policy were
discovered. The college has reported the
potential violations to the state auditor,
who will conduct an investigation.
Barbee had coached the men's team
since the program's inception in 19971998, completing eight seasons for a
record of 112-112. Under Barbee, the
Geoducks realized a Cascade Conference
Championship, a National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National
Tournament berth and a #6 national ranking. In 2001-2002 Barbee was named
Cascade Conference Coach of the Year
and Northwest Small College Coach of
the Year.
Weber, a former college basketball
coach, will assume the duties and responsibilities of head coach until a replacement
is named. The search for a new coach will
begin immediately.
Jim Beaver is the Director of College

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The CPJ is looking for
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Contact us for
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CAB 316






MAY 12, 2005
8 p.m., but doors open at 7:30
Old Blind Dogs play at the Capitol

The Women of Color Coalition
presents their annual

Film Festival

8-9 a.m.-Swim Club

Saturday, May 21

W e d n e s
Afghanistan Unveiled
War Takes




6 p.m. EARN meets to discuss
animal rights in CAB 320.

Tickets are $15.

May 17-20
p.m. in Lecture Hall 3

Dreams of Jagodina
Highway Courtesans



2-7 p.m. Come to the 10th Annual
Community Showcase and Resource
Fair, titled Strategies for Renewing &
Restoring Community. TESC Tacoma
Campus, 1210 Sixth Avenue.


d ' a
<eep Not Silent Ortho-Dykes
The Ladie Room

pashke and Sofia
Senorita Extraviada, Missing Young

Tuesday, May 24
6-7:30 p.m. Grant Writing Workshop
at Art House Designs, 420 B Franklin
Street SE

Thursday, May 26

Super Duper Events
Thursday, May 12

1 p.m. Evergreen Queer
Alliance, Seminar II C2I07.
1-3 p.m. Dodgeball in the field
next to the HCC.
1:30 p.m. Environmental
Resource Center, Seminar II
1:30 p.m. Radical Catholics
meet in CAB 320.


6-10 p.m. Dot the Landscape, the
artistry of Terrance Stearns, will
be presented in the Lecture Hall

5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu
meets in the Longhouse.

1:30 p.m. Native Student
Alliance meets in CAB 320, .
Workstation 13.
2 p.m. Evergreen Capitalists
Organization, Library 1308.
2 p.m. VOX - Communities
for Choice, CAB 320, Cubicle 17.
Office hours: Wednesday, 1-2 p.m.,
CAB 320, Cubicle 17.
3 p.m. Jewish Cultural Center,
Seminar II E2I05.

6 p.m. Men's Center meets in
CAB 320 in Workstation 2.
6-8 p.m. Olympia Men's
Project meets every second and
fourth Thursday at UCAN. For more
information, call (360) 352-2375.
7 p.m. Clean Cars Legislation
Organizing Group meets in the
S&A office.
7 p.m. Percussion Club,
basement of the Library Building.
All are welcome and drums are
7 p.m. Geodance meets in the
bottom floor of the Library.
7 p.m. Juggling Club, Seminar II
9:30-11:30 p.m. Late Night at the


3 p.m. SEED, Seminar II E3I09.
10-11 a.m. Corrine Fitz'patrick and
Bethany Spiers will present Peter and
Therese, a collaborative performance
of experimental poetry with musical
accompaniment. This takes place
at the Tacoma Campus, 1210 Sixth
Avenue, Room 105.

8-9 a.m. Swim Club

Uber Weekly Events

3 p.m. Writer's Guild, Seminar

8-9 a.m. Swim Club

Friday, May 13
4-6 p.m. The S&A Board meets
in C A B 3 I 5 .
8 p.rru Project Blowed includes
Aceyalone, Abstract Rude, Bus
Driver, Medusa, DJ Drez, Hip Hop
Klan, CVS Tah Orah and Customer
Services. The groups will perform
in the CRC. Tickets are $10 presale
and $15 at the door. Available at the
TESC Bookstore.

Saturday, May 14
6 p.m. American Sign Language
meeting at Apollo's.

Thursday, May 19

7:30 p.m. Andrew Desmond
O'Rourke, Professor Emeritus of
Agricultural Economics at Washington
State University, will speak on
Globalization: Implications for
Agriculture and Food Supply. Olympia
Center, Room 101.

5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu
meets in the Longhouse.
5 p.m. The Cooper Point
Journal meets in CAB 3I6.
6-8 p.m. Racquetball League
in the CRC.

7-9 p.m. The Olympia Movement
for Justice and Peace will present
a forum on the potential for a U.S.
attack on Iran, which could occur as
soon as June. Olympia Community
Center, Room B.

3-5 p.m. Soccer.

5 p.m. Electronic Music
Collective, Seminar II C2I07.

4-6 p.m. The S&A Board meets
in CAB 315.

7 p.m. Giant Robot
Appreciation Society, Seminar

4 p.m. EPIC, Seminar II A2I05.
4 p.m. CPJ production night.
Come participate in putting together
your student newspaper.

7 p.m. Improvisational
Theater, Seminar II CMOS.
9:30-11:30 p.m. Late Night at the

5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu
meets in the Longhouse.

4 p.m. Prison Action
Committee meets in CAB 320,
Workstation 10.
4 p.m. STAR, Seminar II B2I09.
4 p.m. Racquetball in the CRC.
5 p.m. Soccer in the Pavilion.
5 p.m. Gaming Guild, CAB 320.

6:30 p.m. Hunger and
Homelessness group meets in
S&A office.
7 p.m. Students for Christ,
Seminar II El 105.
7:30-9 p.m. Ping Pong in the CRC
9:30-11:30 p.m. Late Night at
the CRC. Come join in late-night
activities like Badminton, Ping-Pong,
Basketball, Volleyball, and *4-Square.

3 p.m. CPJ Friday Forum.
Come put your ethics to the test,
learn about journalism, and discuss
issues in journalism and group

3:30 p.m. Environmental
Alert, CAB 320 on the couches.
Help defend Arctic National Wildlife

4 p.m. Evergreen Irish
Resurgence Element meets in
CAB 320, Workstation 4.

5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu
meets in the Longhouse.

Friday, May 20

3 p.m. Women of Color
Coalition, CAB 206.

5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu
meets in the Longhouse.

1-3 p.m. Ultimate Frisbee in
the Pavilion.
6:30 p.m. Common Bread,
Longhouse Cedar Room.

5-7 p.m. Scrabbelicious
presented by the Writing Center in
CAB 108. Coffee, treats, and prizes!
6-8 p.m. Racquetball League
in the CRC
7 p.m. Advanced Poetics
poetry readings in Sem II Al 105.
7 p.m. Student Advocacy Center
meets at Vic's Pizza.
9:30-11:30 p.m. Late Night at the

4 p.m. Carnival, Seminar II Dl 107.


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at (360) 786-1881 or visit us online at

4 p.m. Women's Resource
Center, CAB 315.
4 p.m. CPJ paper critique.
Come yoke concerns about the
week's paper.
4 p.m. ASIA meets in the CAB
third flqor conference room.

'Intercity Transit
Fares paid ihrough student programs.



MAY 12,2005
Man, I didn't realize that
I was working for an
illegal operation...

( came on board and the
J''.' ) . * ] show went downhill..
• \' \t wound up getting canceled. 17,

It's such a horrible thing. I M
had to leave "Spin City"
because of it.
I just thought that
research done on stem
cells could've helped
•JI me and others with
Parkinson's out.

so bad for costing all those
actors thierjobs...


's all right MichaelT!

Yeah, Alan Ruck was
great. I especially like
him in Ferris Bueller's
ay Off

Irr» ^ Tof^)


^^SZS=Z^=^ ===5^£«r<S<^

A^, \f e-^ecool l\-fe{

ircwtt, \e -Vo acV ii now! T o ^ e - e c we

will eliminate Wxmanftv an^ Win^ fower io
^f we masters o4 tWe universe!

0 fowertul one?




MAY 12, 2005


Hello, can I take


I dont want anything. I drove in on
accident and got caught in the line.

No. •

Your total comes to $0.00. Do you
want fries with that?

Are you sure?

Are you sure?


Good bye!

Are you absolutelytl
'm driving forward now



Are you sure?

\, Do you want fries with that?


Hot like a pepper, bitch,
I'll cut you and toss you in a ditch,
I fight with my katana sword, yo,
Slice your face in front of your ho.

A legend in the city, as well in the burbs,
My phantom blade pervades your turds,
This sick shit rhythm I'm laying down.
Makes the burns downtown frown.

Suck my luggage, archdeacon of scum,
or to my wrath you'll surely succumb,
Martin Sheen's got nothing on my shit,
Any chick will say so, unless they omit.

Samurai style is how my actions speak,
Learned from masters of Mozambique,
To defend the past is what I'm consigned.
And I see the future with my laser mind

Cut to the chase,
I'm all up in your face.
You have nothing, slut,
Not even a budget cut.

Ho snap! www.paintwithleadinit.com



MAY 12, 2005 •

there were three of them

".• . r<r

"Honestly, it just makes me ^~ V •£
more comfortable 4MMI is not in its pa^v
feel " "

to do with
juy says def ini t ive 1 y.
Bourse it does," I retort with
elevated volume of defense.


By Meghan McNealy
Meghan McNealy is a freshman enrolled in Puppet and Object Theater. She is studying creative writing.