

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 8 (November 11, 2004)

extracted text



McDoo's in Shibuva



a weekly collection of student expression


I u m e 3 3 • ; s sue 8 • november 11, 2 0 04

Local group
Evergreen men's
working to
soccer: unstoppable
create a hostel
The National Championship title could be
for Olympia
in their near future
by Charlie Stephens
If yo u' ve eve r tra ve led to Euro pe,
Australia or New Zea land , the c hances
are high that yo u are famili ar with hostels
(o r youth hoste ls, as th ey we re named
until a few years ago). Bas ica ll y, a hostel
is a lodging pl acc tha t provides low-cost
ove rni ght tra ve l ac comm oda tion . But
beyond olTerin g a pl ace to slee p, a hostel
is a space to mcet othe r trave lc rs, cook
an d share mea ls, a nd Jea rn abo ut th e
cult lire and po in ts or int erest o f the loc al
area . In th is wa y a hosle l offe rs so much
mo re than any hote l 1'00111 can provide.
Accomm odatio ns are most o rt en s im ple,
dO rlnit ory-sly lc roO Ill S (sepa rate lo r mcn
and women), wilh indi vid ual fa mil y-sty le
roO Ill S a lso ava il ah le at mosl hoste ls.
A group o f us in O lympi a, The Ol ympi a
Ii oslel Clu b, envision c reating slich a spacc
in our area. In add iti on to beds fo r 45 and
a comm on kit chen, Ihe hoste l is lik ely to
offe r slich specia l scrvices as mail pick up, bi cyc le SlorilgC, a s e lt~ s ervice laundry
and intern et access. The hostel wiII have
a tmined on-s it e manager ass isted by loca l
volu nteers.
There arc many attrac ti o1ls that draw
peo pl e to Ol ympia , be it the Fa rmers'
Mark et, o llr ec lecti c mix o f dow ntow n
shops, the state Ca pi to l, or the kayak s or
bik es for dail y rental. A hostc l wo uld be a
welcom ing place for people to stay when
they come to tow n fo r the Process ion of
the Species, Arts Walk , the Film Festi va l
or college graduati o ns. When we talk to
peo ple at F. verg ree n a bollt th e id ea, it
is clear there is a large need for such a
fac ility for pros pecti ve stud ents and other
co llege visitors. Ma ny nre surpri sed when

See "Hostel" Page 6

The I 114 isSlI e of the C PJ m isattributed the photo of the Carlos
Cortes lecture . Th e photo was
by Fletcher Ward from Academic

Olympia, WA 98505

• . I

Address Service Requested

Photo by Grace Glaittli
Grace Glaittli is a senior studying photography through an internship at the Digital Imaging Studio.

november 4, 2004

cooper point journal

Vox Populi'
What do you most want to
see changed about the way
TESC is run?
by Chelsea Baker and Adina Lepp
"I came here th inking Evergreen would
h ave much more
student empow e rment. I' m espel.i;:!!y
upse t by how th e
student-run cafe was
cance led."
J enny Paris

Polilical Ecology
a/ Land

" We need an MFA in


i!'Jo,. • • • _ . ._ . _

" I' d lik e it to be more
ob viou s for peo pl e
to ge t in vo lve d in
groups. I'd like the
g ro up s to be more
visibl e."

I'ho/O co urlesy o/ t-:ver).!,reen Alhle tlc IJe partmenl
"/ I! the start o/the y ear, th is is where we want ed I() he, " J I)e' (jjertsen (.\· ecrmd ji'om the

{eli) said afier Saturday \' win ag ainsl Warner Pac ific. The men ha ve positioned themselves
as one o/the top 1-1 Division / NA JA teams in the nut ion, with u chun ce tu {(Ik e the entire

by Meredith Lane
A ft er countl ess hours of trainin g at
th e crac k of dawn toge th er, wo rking to
deve lop a sen se of trust and camaraderie,
and fi ghting aga inst inj ury, wea th er, and
opponents matchin g in talent, skill a nd
depth , the Eve rgreen men's soccer team
kn ows that Collegiate C ha mpi onships are
not wo n on a wh im. T hey are wo n w ith
Thi s weekend proved th at the Geo duc k
squad has the heart to ca rry them a ll the
way to Kan sas and co mp e te for th e
nati onal titl e,
Going into the tourn ament, Evergreen
was seeded third , behind Sim on Frasier
and Concordia. A win against Concordia,
their biggest rival , on Friday, November
5 led them to the Regional Championship
match against Warner Pacific on Saturday,
November 6 at Delta Park in Portland.

both the men 's socce r program and the
Eve rgreen Athl eti c Depart ment. It represe nts a co mbination o f rec ruitm ent , great
coac hing and hard wo rk from every playe r
on th e team. I' m proud to have them representin g Eve rgreen at the nati onal level,"
sa id Dave Webe r, the Athl eti c Direc tor,
who kn ows what it's Iik e to see a tea m
go all the wa y. This is the second time in
I 0 yea rs that Evergree n has bee n represe nted at the nat ional leve l, th e fir st bein g
fOllr years ago when the men's baske tball
team too k the Confe rence Titl e. " In our
mind s, we ' ve done something historic fo r
a sma ll publ ic sch oo l in a NA IA that is
fill ed w ith pri vate schools," sa id Coac h
Tom Boatri ght.
Owning th e confe rence titl e may not
have bee n in the ca rds for the soccer team
thi s year, but does that really matter when
you ' re the best team in the region and one

Caitlin Dan iel
J un ior
Fo undations
0/ Per/arming Art

More gra du ate pros and a sch oo l
band ."
Writing Center ElBeau

" I wa nt to see th e
format of the comic s
page o f the C PJ
chan ged. It doe sn' t
pro mote creati vit y.
I' d like to see J on
Clark happy."
Will Erokan

Poetics and Power

See "Soccer" Page 12
US Postage
Olympia WA
Permit #65

Luis Cardona and the
Brazilian Cultural Global Justice Tour
Arts Festival
co~ to campus!
Come celebrate cult ural exchange
w ith the Evergreen Capoeira Angola
student group! We will be sponsoring a
Brazilian Cultural Arts Festival at the
Evergreen .longhouse on Friday, November 12 , starting at 3 p.m . We will be featuring such talents as Ed uardo Mendonca, a
well renowned A fro- Brazi Iian percussionist. samba master Dora de Oliveira, Africa n-dancc with Contra-Mestre Urubu and,
of course, Capoei ra A ngola. with, Mestre
Jurandir, Co ntra-Mestres Silvinho and
Urubu. Don't miss this opportunity for
cultural exchange. The Afro-Brazilians
have used these liberating arts as a form
of resistance in response to a history of
political and economic oppression.
- Brief provided by Joe Hoffman ,
coordinator for the Capoeira Angola student group

• • •

Cracking the Da
Vinci Code
Evergreen Students for Christ is
sponsoring a multimedia presentation and
discussion with Jim Heugel about Th e Da
Vinci Code on Thursday, November 18.
For those of you who haven't heard of The
Da Vinci Code, it is a book that suggests
leonardo Oa Vinci put clues in hi s paintings about sec rets within Chri stianit y.
Some of these claims include Jesus being
married and having children, Jesus and
Mary being worshipped as the divine masculine and divine feminine , and the invention of belief in Christ's divinity taking
place in the fourth century. Jim Heugel is
a medieval historian and faculty member
of Northwest College. 1f interested , show
up in Seminar II EllOS at 7 p.m. next
Thursday, November 18.

Organization Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member
of the student group CP J. Practice
consensus-based decision making.

Content ---:-=--:-:--,.-Meeting
5:30 p.m. Monday

Help decide what should be in the
next issue of the CP J.

Paper Cr_it--1iq_ue_ __
4 p.m. Thursday
Comment on that day's paper. Air
comments, concerns, questions, etc.
If something in the CP J bothers you,
this is the meeting for you!

Friday Fo_r_um--::__- 3 p.m. Friday
Put your values to the test!
Discuss ethics, journalism law
and conflict resolution.
all meetings are in CAB 316.

Come meet with luis Cardona, a
former Coca-Cola union representative
who witnessed the execution of his fellow
union organizers by paramilitary troops
sponsored by the Coca-Cola Company.
He managed to escape from hi s captors
and was in hiding under the protection of
various unions in Columbia and neighboring South A merican co untries for nearly
six years. Ca rdona was eve ntually able
to flee Colombia for hi s Ii fe and is now
under political asylum in the U.S. awaiting
a lawsuit against Coca-Cola. luis has now
joined up with the Global Justice Tour,
sponsored by the Steelworkers' Associate Members Program, and is visiting
campuses around the cCJuntry to tell hi s
amazing story. He is also joined by Tara
Widner, a longtime United Steelworkers'
Staff Representative and an organizer of
the Miami Free Trade protests. Tara will
also share her stories. The event will be
held in Sem II 01107 at I p.m. on Monday,
November 15. Please come and support
this awesome event!
The event is co-sponsored by EPIC
and various st udent groups. For more
information, contact the EPIC office
located on the third floor of the CAB. For
more information about the Global Justice
Tour and the Steelworkers' Associate
Member Program (a new union for
anyone!), go to http://www.uswa.org.

Briefprovided by Nate Johnson

• • •

From Evergreen to
Law School
Where are you going after Evergreen?
Ifyou're considering law school , Jonathan
Swartz is someone youm ight want to meet.
On Friday, November 19, Jonathan will be
visiting campus to discuss his experiences,
answer quest ions and offer advice. This
alumnus of Evergreen's MPA program
earned hi s J.D. in 2003. He is currently
the Director of Graduate Admissions at the
Arizona State University College of law.
The presentation will be held in Seminar
II D2109 at 4 p.m.

Evergreen Music
A new stud ent group on campus
wishes to better the TESC community
through the creation of a public group
whose function is to encourage the performing arts, particularly musically related
stage shows. Th.e members of our growing
community are int erested in connecting
art ists, musicians, actors and producers
for the purpose of creating shows, providing an organization by which students
can easi ly find theatre/music/art-related
resources, or to participate in works the
group puts on. The group wi II serve as a
meeting of various art istic talents that wi II
combine for a theatrical purpose. learning opportunities will be in the produc tion side (set design, Iighting, sound, film),
creative side (acting, voice acting, singing.
playing instruments, writing scripts) and
organization side (finding stages , meetings, juggling of projects). Our initial
project is going to be a radio show that will
occur this quarter, so at the moment we
are looking for people interested in voice
acting, especially. But we also need to
begin planning for future, more extensive
shows. So come to our meeting at 3 p.m.
in the CA B on Wed nesdays! Coord inators
may be contacted at Iyfair@hotmail.com
and delseb 17@evergreen.edu.

Get ready to vote
for clean energy

by Ana Lucia Rodriguez


• • •

Infoshoppe zine

is written, edited and distributed by students en rotted at

Business . ....... .............................................................. 867·6054
Business manager. .......,....................... .............. Andrew James
Ass!, business manager ..... ....... ... ..... .. ..... Adrian Persaud
Ad proofer and archivist...... ........... ...... .. .. .. .. Adrian Wittenberg
Circulation manager/Paper archivist .................................. unfilled
Dislribution manager............................. ........ . David Hornbeck
Ad sales representative ....................................... Brandon O'Brien
News ........................................ .................................... 867-6213
Editor·in·chief ..................................................... Renata Rollins
Managing editor. ................... .................................... Corey Young
Arts &Entertainment coordinator .... ......................... Adina Lepp
Briefs coordinator.....................................................Kate DeGraaff
Calendar coordinator ................ .......................... Katie Thurman
Comics coordinator... ....... ........ .................Chelsea Baker
Copy editor .......... . ....... . ........... ......Mitchell Hahn-Branson
Copy editor ...... ........ ....... .... . . . ............. ........Sean Paull
Letters &Opinions coordinator ..............................Sam Goldsmith
News coordinator. .......................................... ..... Joe Jatcko
Photo coordinator...................................................... .... Eva Wong
Seepage coordinalor........................ .....................lkuko Takayama
Sports coordinator ................................................... Meredith Lane
Voices of Color coordinator .......................... Ana Lucia Rodriguez
Design ................................................................ Kristen Undstrom
Brad Meyers
Tim Yates
Advisor.. ............. ............. .... ........ . .. ............... Dianne Conrad
Assistanl to the advisor ............ ............................... MA Selby

is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CP J business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.

sells display and classified advertising space. Information
about advertising rates , terms and conditions are available in CAB
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission and
publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB 316, ar by
request at 867-6213. The CPJ's editor-in -chief has final sayan the acceptance or
rejection of all non'advertising content.

november 11 ', 2004

of the following :
Come up to CAB 316
Call us at (360) 867 - 6213
Email us at cpj@evergreen.edu
please do one

Is it cultural appropriation?

• • •

-=-=st~aff~ _ __

Contact the CPJ,

Voices of Color is a column designed to promote cultural diversity as well as understanding within the immediate Evcrgreen community.
Here, students of color may address any concerns or joys. It is a place for students to share their unique cultural experiences with the rest of
the Evergrecn community. It is a place of learning. It is a place of teaching. It is a place of understanding.


Cooper Point Journal


Voices of Color

You may have been asked to sign the
petition to bring clean energy on campus.
We are now asking students at Evergreen
t9 vote for or against buying 100% clean
energy for campus. This wi II raise tuition
by $] per cred it per student for the sake of
maki ng a more positive social and environmental impact. Should Evergreen continue
to use coal, hydroelectric power and natural gas? WashPIRG, ERC, and SEED are
asking you to consider the impact this has
on clogging salmon streams, contributing
to greenhouse gases and global warming,
and mining for natural gas. Stay tuned to
find out when to log on to the Gateway
system and vote.

There is a new student group on
campus called Art4Harmony, which is a
- Brief provided by Sebastian
student artist's cooperation that is here to
lend a helping hand to guide and teach,
with others, that there are positive ways
to react to life 's obstacles other than with
violence or apathy. There are four main
focus areas for A rt4Harmony: I) help
create different ways to display, perform
or sell art; learn to market your talents; 2)
guide and teach children that art can be
TESC In foshoppe is embark ing on a fun, making it an educational experience
collaborative zi ne project. They are looking for all; 3) create an emergency fund for
for any art, prose, political rants, poetry, art students that need supplies for school
pict ures, comics, news and anything else related art projects; and 4) learn how to
that yo u want to see in their publication. help the community in a cooperative way
Any Evergreen student may submit. The by becom ing a mentor; have a mentor of
only requirement is that it be on 8.5" by your own. We are calling for dancers, singII" paper and dark enough to show up ers, musicians, and storytellers, painters.
when photo-copied. 1nfoshoppe would pollers, sc ulptors, and all forms of art
like this zine to be weekly, but that can media. There is a place for one and all at
only happen if Greeners subm it enough Art4Harmony. For more information, drop
material. Submissions can be dropped off us a line at art4harmony@yahoo.com.
in the Student Activities area (top of the
CAB building) Work station # 10.
- Briefprovided by Mylee Ring

The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
production and content.
is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session: the 1st through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
2nd through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.


voices of color

cooper point journal


Many students of color
have feelings
of exclusion on
the Evergreen
Many of us
understand the
situation of
coming here
and encountering people of different
backgrounds. Some students of ethnic
backgrounds have criticized many white
students of some form of cultural appropriation. In this campus, I see many white
students wearing dreadlocks. Well , many
students might think it's cool, but many
of us ethnic st udents see it as an offense
and insult totheAfrican Diaspora culture.
Since the conception of the U.S.A., we

have shared cultures, so mctim es by brutal
force and sometimes by a genu ine i nterest in getting to understand each other 's
cultures. The U.S.A. clings to an image of
the melting pot, but.in reality the U.S.A.
is a very segregated society. We segregate
because we want to and sometimes by the
economic, systematic conditions in our
school s, neighborhoods and institutions .
Think of when we go to museum s
to romanticize past civilizations that
Europeans conquered in the name of
Catholicism, imperialism and the duty of
civilizing the native people. Europeans
destroyed native culture and land, but at
the same time, they wanted their natural
reso urces and labor. 11 seems there 's a
hypocrisy and erotici zation of distant
cultures. To the white students that have
dreadlocks, I ask, why do you wear dreadlocks? I don 't understand your reason;
have you ever thought about the cultural

importance and background of dreadlocks? j ustice, let's creatc an environment where
Do you assoc iate hav ing dreadlocks wi th we are aware and conscious of people 's
some kind of pseudo-hippieness cu lture? cultures. If you bel ieve another world is
For the white st udent s that wear dread- possible, let's create solidarity globally.
locks: Without making an effort to know Why don't I see white dreadlock stuabout Jamaican culture, you are culturally dents at the meetings of ethnic students
appropriating it. Do you know how you r on campus? Dreadlocks are symbol of
country - the USA - is contributing to resistance - African people's struggle
the oppression of people in Jamaica through against racism, colonialism, imperialism
IMF and World Bank programs? I invite and unity.
you to genuinely gain knowledge of the
I encourage the community atTESCto
struggles of African Diaspora people in summit their letters, opinions and artwork
the Americas and the struggles of black to this page. YOllr. voice is important. I
people in Jamaica against neo-colonial- also want story ideas that you want to see
ism. I'm not against sharing cultures, but in thi s page.
don 'I steal and disrespect it. Jamaica does
not only represent white sand beaches and . Ana Lucia Rodriguez is a senior enrolled
reggae music. What bOlhers /lie is Ihat while in Organi::ing For Democracy. She is
yo u wear white dreadlocks, some of you are studying feminist development siudies.
still oppressive to third-world people here
and abroad.
I f we all want to see socia l change and





This column is reserved especially for the underrepresented who want a consistent "message board" or medium to communicate and express to the Evergreen community. The guidelines for the Voices of Color column are asfollows:


1) Must be a student of color.
2) The submission can be around but no more than 800 words per person per issue (we can use more installments for
longer submissions, or print two at once if they 're shorter).
. 3) The submission must specifically state that this is for "Voices of Color. Remember, students of any ethnicity have
a voice in any section of the paper.
4) The deadline for submitting anything to this column is Friday at 3 p. m.
.~). The submission MUST include a name, phone number and email where you can be reached (for issues of accountaOllzty) and MUST meet all other guidelines of the current submission guide.

I strongly encourage those ofyou who are new to Evergreen and the surrounding community to write a short narrative
ofyour experiences! Voices of Color would be a great place to start introducing yourself to Evergreen while at the same
time contributing to the community.

-Renata Rollins

cooper point journal

november 11, 2004




2004-05 S&A Board Members


It's rape when she's ''wasted'' Center for Naturalist

Information collected by Chris Hickman, S&A board coordinator

by Dave Gates
losophy, but if you can't be kind to people
every day it doesn't mean that much to
me." - Ani Difranco
I' d like Evergreen to know: I'm very happy
to be here.

Jared Music
Year: Seni or
Program : St ud en t Originated Studies :
Visual and Media Arts
Ext racurricular activi ti es : Video games
I' d like Eve rgreen to know : Whatever
they don·\.

Brad Bishop
Year: Junior
Program: Contract entitled "Greener
Extracurricular activities: Kung fu
Adjectives that describe me: Compl ex,
e ngaged,open
Words I li ve by: "Unity in Divers ity"'
I'd like Eve rgree n to know: Meet yo ur

Markus Maceo
Year: Junior, transfer student
Program: Cultural Landscapes
Ex tracurr icular activities: Single parenthood , exercise, reading self-he lp books
Adjectives that describe me: Motivated,
pa ss ionate , real , animated , si ncere ,
hones t
Words I live by : "What I do today will
determine who I will be tomorrow." - John
I'd like Evergreen to know: The best gift
you can give to your neighbor is the gi ft
of your life experiences.

Will McGinty
Year: Seniorish
Program : American Indi ans a nd th e
Co nsti tuti on
Extrac urri c ul a r activities: There a re
EXTRA curricular activities?
Adjectives th a t describe me: Busy, worried , fea rful , hyper-conscious, my o p ic
(literally), rabbit-like
Words I live by: Who What Where When
How Why
I' d like Eve rgreen to know : It is now
predicted th at the northern icecap will
melt completely in the summer of 2070;
the most conservative estimates hold that
. it will lose 50 to 80 percent of its ice
di stribution by 2100. Furthermore, as
the permafrost in the northern latitudes
melts more, carbon is released into the
atmosphere, creating a positive feedback
loop. Implication: fumine, drought, disease, death in our lifetimes, affecting all
of us. Plus, no more polar bears.

.....' .

. ~

'. -. I

M egan O ' Hcill~
Year : Sophomore , transfer student
Program : Poeti cs and Power
Ext racurri c ul ar activ iti es : Wri tin g, pl ay IIlg plano
Adjectives th ai describe me: Thoughtful,
creati ve, introverted, art istic, perceptive,
Words I live by: " You can ta lk a great phi-

:\1crcdith L~IIH'
Yea r: Senior
Pr og ram : rOll le d SLlve re ig llt )' and
Corpuratc Managerne lit
I: "tra curri cu lar acti vities: VLl IIcyba ll, go lr,
snowboarding, C PJ, Wash ingtoll Studcnt
Adj ecti ves th at tkscribe lIle : G regari ous,
athl et ic , curiou s, expcri e nced , na ·lve,
Words I li ve by: '· Live with that whi ch you
cann ot change, change that with which you
cannot li ve ."
I'd like Evergree n to know: That yo u'd
better be nice to me or you don' t get any
money I Hehehe.

Kate Newman
Y<:ar: Scnio r
Program : Introduct ion to Environmenta l
Extra curricular act iv itie s: To be
announ ccd
Adjec t ives that desc ribe mc: Ne rvou s ,
kind, irreverent, willy, gee ky, whacky
Words I live by: " Do one thing eac h da y
th at scares you , ' I' m starting wi th the man
in the mirror. .. '" - Michael Jackso n
I'd like Eve rgree n to know : I am an intermedi ate- leve l square dan cer.

Lateefah Johnson
Year: Freshman
Program : What Are Children For?
Extra curricular activities: Dancing and
fashion design
Adjecti ves that de sc ribe me : Exc iting,
ni ce, fun, diligent, prudent, etc.
Words I live by : N / A
I'd like Eve rgreen to know : Life isn 't




Susanna Pearlstein
Year: Sophomore
Program : Political Economy, Social
Change, and Globali zation
Extra currjcular activities: Reading, crew,
practicing my grooming ski liz
Adjectives that descri be me : Loud, qui et,
sparky, indescribable
Words Ilive by : "Betty Crocker's not my
1110m , un fort unate Iy George Bush is the
pres ident, and Karl Marx and Juliet Draper
are holli es.'·
1\1 li ke Evergreen to kll ow: We can' t a ll
move to Canada ... darn.




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"Just a s lash from Herita e Fountain & Ga itol Lake"

cooper point journal

The student group Freaks of Nature
has recently changed its name to " the
Center for Naturalist and Wilderness
Education" (CNWE). The student group
has been around for years and wanted its
name to accurately reflect its involvement
with environmental education. In the past,
Freaks' claim to popularity was the cosponsoring of the first ever Cascadia
Activism and Ecology Conference, spawn
to the ever-popular Synergy Conference.
The groups' stance is apo liti cal,
focusing on natural histories and the
educational aspect thereof. For example,
Freaks has hosted primitive skills workshops, birding outings, and numerousfree
field trips involving a wide range oftopics:
lichens on Smith Rocks, snowshoeing on
Hurri cane Ridge, mushroom hunting in
Oregon and Washington , and numerous
hot springs trips involving crystal mines
and medicinal plants. These trips have
always been free , as well as planned and
executed by and for students. Not just any
students, but drive n, enthusiastic ones, on
fire for learning. Is this yo u? Do you want
to be involved?

On Wednesday, November 17, CNWE
is hosting "Mushrooms of the Pacific
Northwest: Edibles and Lookalikes,"
location TBA. This will be an opportunity to learn to identify mysterious fungi
that you are finding. A lecture, slide show,
and experiential education/hands on workshop are the tentative plans. There will be
local experts bringing their knowledge and
skil ls to the table.
CNWE currently meets Wednesdays
at the Clock Tower in Red Square at 12
p.m. for mushroom and plant walks, and
again at I p.m. in our office, CAB 320
(Workstation 3). For more information,
please feel free to visit our office or call

Andrew Pilarski is a senior at Evergreen
and is the co-coordinator ofthe Center for
Naturalist and Wilderness Education.




New SchOlarshIP Pr"

--\\-:;-;';~~~~:'Itu~~' -;-I-;-~I 'r~~-i-:tl-;;-;;~~~~; I I 'l·" I";~~)I~~ ";, I (h-~'I j~~ hili it~~: . ;',7~1 II 1\\ in'~'~-'!11; ..Ill. ~l.' LlI ~-i 1l:~I-~; I C
1r:ldll llllWlly uudrr I l ' prl.:' '': lIll'd ttl tht' hdd.. llf 1ll.lIh ,IT" \ \'l) lI1l1l lh' l ""·1'· ........· :Irt.' p .. II'IO:lIl.lIl~


OffcreJ to new studCllt s or currentl y cli rolll'd :)t lld cnl~ a tl ('nd l n~ full -lim e fOI the 1U0 4-U~ aC~ld t'l11ic ~ l,,!iJ f
who in tend 10 obtain a Bachelor of'Scie nce decree yo, ilh a concentration 111 mathematics (lr compu1(~ r
science. Applicants must demon stra te Ii nanci;1 need "I he a\\ard is re ne \\-3ble. and i ~ dcp~nd ent upon
sati sfaCIOI)· completion of hergreen academiC work
1\oIC: Recipien ts v.·ill be reqLlired [Q participate in;:1 bi\\ce l..ly seminJr \\·ith o ther recip ients
Partic:ipatiotl in the se mina r sh ould fo sler a stnse o f C01llflllJllity . pi ov ide a suppo rt net\\·ork th J t \'. ill
develop un awareness of ( a r~er o)lpo rtull illl!.'1 a ll J lead ttl COl1tillth.'d ;u.:atlclllic S Ll<':C~S~ Intern :,h!! >
possibilities with the local hig h tcc hn ology indusliY may also be possib le

Please join us for
The Evergreen State College
Veterans Day Commemoration

Submit to Enrollment Sen'ices (Library 1221) the following


Guest Speakers:

A letter of application hightighting you r past academic ac hievemcnls and extracurricular

involvement. Indicate how math andior computer sc ience relat e to you r long-term educalional and
career g0.11s. In add ili on explain how this scholarsh ip \\'ill hclp you n~hil· \ e your ~oab III
Evergreen . Include in your letler. your name. address. student identilic nli on number. email address
and Ihe specifiC name oflhis scholarship.


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ECLt well.

Puck Franta

by Andrew Pilarski


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Brand new· Student friendly· Available now l
Located just behind the Glen!

and Wilderness Education now open

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Ce nte r for 5uddhist Stud~ ,' nd Medit"t,on

Vietnamese Templ~


S&A Board Coordinator

The Naland., In,titute

see "Wasted," page 6

National Sc ience roundation (NSI-")
Comput er Science . Engin eering and Mathe matic s Scholarship
2004-05 Academic Year It.
:\mounl: S3125

Chris Hickman


7 PMThu~j'5:
Meditation and Dharma discussion
Third Thursda j'5:
Buddhist Teachings

Most heterosexual males learn
from their peers that whenever they are
presented with the opportunity to get a
little action, they should take it, even if
the woman is so drunk that she may not
even know what's going on. This article
confronts this learned behavior by putting
you, the reader, into the shoes ofa heterosexual man who will make the decision
to have sexual intercourse with a woman
who has clearly drunk herself into mental
I think that many readers will find the
actions ofthis character to be very normal
at first glance; this is my design. I write
such an article not to incriminate, cause
shame for, or accuse anyone who has been
in this situation. I write instead to challenge the socialized education of men.
Men are taught to have sex under these
circumstances, and by raising awareness
we can un-teach this behavior in order to
prevent future unwanted sexual encounters. As opposed to dwelling on the past,
we should use what we have learned in the
past to positively affect the future.
You and your roommates are having
a party. You're an attractive man and you
see a very sexy woman, whom you've
never met, g ive you a look from across the
room. A Ithough you're not exactly so ber
yourself, wh e n you go over and talk to her
you can tell that s he's clearly drunk. Your
conversation leads to some fl i rt i ng.
Over the next hour yo u observe her
progress from clearly drunk to wasted.
You ta lk to her aga in at this point a nd the

things that she says aren't making that
much sense, but she is being more flirtatious than before. She's slurring her words
and stumbling, but she's smiling, laughing
and having a great time. Now she's giving
you lots of attention, standing or sitting
next to you, and when she stumbles or
leans over; she's doing it in your direction . You make a move: You lean in and
kiss her. She kisses you back, but in a very
sloppy way with lots of tongue ... but hey,
all right! You ask her into your room and
she says okay - you think, yes, sex!
You end up on your bed with her, but
it's only because she flopped over onto it.
She's still laughing, smiling and having
a good time, so you slip in another kiss
- same as before, sloppy with lots of
tongue. In fact, none of her movements is
very coordinated at all; she's not coherent
either. You ask her directly if she wants to
have sex and she says, "Sure." After she
fails at several attempts to take her own
shirt off, you do it for her, and while you're
at it, you do the same for al l the rest of her
clothes. You have sexual intercourse. She's
into it: She moans with pleasure, responding accordingly with her body. The two of
you fall asleep in your bed and everything
is great until she awakens from her mental
incapacity at 6 a.m. the next morning.
She look s startl ed and scared when
she sees you in bed with her! Among her
first words are " Did we have sex?" and
" I don 't rem ember anything." She leaves
your room and hou se quickly d espi te
your attempts to explain yourself. Her

T\vo letters of recommendation from indi vidual s. oth er than re1tltivcs. who arc t:1 mi liar \\-ilh your
achievements. At least one of these letters should be fro m a recent faculty member who i. fam iliar
with you r academic achicvcmcnls and potcntial.





Complete the ftnancial aid application process ( FAFSA o r Renewal Application) for the 20{)4-O5
academic yea r. The results from the FAFSA app lica tion must be received in our Financial Aid
Of)ice no latcr ~o,etllber 15.2004 .

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Nancy Armstrong
US Army Nurse Corps

Captain Forrest Horan
1SI Batt. 23rd Infantry Regiment (Stryker)
US Army
Thursday, 11 November 2004
Noon-I :00 P.M .


Seminar II
Room: A-lIOS

Sl !8l\lIT ,·our information to : E nrollm e nt Services - I.ibrary 122 1
The t':vcrg.rccn S tale Co llege

2700 l.:vcrg n: cn Par kway NW

PLease ioin

l{ ~ ... fo r

refj-eshments immediately
(ot/o )Jvinp. the ceremony .




WashPIRG enjoy's a couple
of election-day victqries
by Jordan Lyons
Th ink what yo u w ill of the November
2 election. As a lways, there were some
surprises and di sappointments. Among
the good news, WashPIRG enjoyed v ictories on its statew id e campaigns.
First a nd fore most, Initi ative 297
passed by a marg in of 2 to I. The ballot
initi C' ti ve forces th e federa l govern ment to
fin ish clea nup at the Hanford nuclea r site
before a ny more waste can be moved into
the state. Mo re th an a million Washi ngtonian s vo ted 1'0 1' it , se nding a clea r message to the gove rnment and th e nucl ea r
ind ust ry.

continued from cover
they heal' thaI O lympi a docs not have a
O ur g roup ha s ~l lli l i aled II itll th e
i\ lllel' ican Yo ut h Il o s kl ' ll os tl'll in!2
Inkrn ,:tiunal !\ ,.-; oc ia ti o n. tli e " g o ld
standard" grnt'l' Ilu t inc luJe , I I (I ilmlcb
na tionll' ide <I n,! 5 ,1H)(J II OI'lu lI iue . Tlie n l~ lr­
ke ting s tlld~ ' II (: cUllllll issioll cd rcc'clll l)
pointed to the c k ar need 1(1 1' a hos tel in
the area. We ha ve rolkd up our s leeves to
get the ,I'ord out hy presell t,ltiollS to loca l
gro ups and c it)' o!'ticiab. i'tlndrai sin g and
small grants award s. and a business plan
for movi ng forll' a rd . C urren tl y we aiT
seekin g a fac ility in the O lym pia , Lacey
or Tumwat e r urea , ce ntrall y located in
order to attrac t v isi tors coming hen: via
public transportati on.
We intend for the hostel

As far as the New Voters Project,
51.6% of young people ages 18 to 29 voted.
That's 5 million more than in 2000. On
campus, the campaign reg istered more
than 400 voters and contacted more than
600 to get out the vote.
Of course, now that the election is
over, the real work resum es. Wa sh PI RG
continu es to purs ue c lea n energy on
ca mpu s, and is c urrentl y dec iding on
thi s yea r's stat ewide campa igns. To get
involved, stop by the Wa shPIRG orfice
on the third fl oo r of the CAB.
Jordan Lyons is a SOpllOlll ul'e enrol/a t in
Me m()l'.\' o/,Fil'e.

exa mpl e how to res pect the natural world
and our com munities by recyc lin g <lnd
using appro priat~ t~chn o l og i e s and practi ces to conservc n:so urces. We wi II scrve
as a low-impact trave l in format ion ce nter
and invo lv e local v olunt~crs in prog rams
I()!' gucsts, he ll cliti ng the local pop ul alion
as 1-\'..:11a, tra\,c lel's b~ e :\ ch~n g in g travcler
into rm at ion and i dca ~ . We el1l ision a ~ pace
of peace. u ll d c l·~t: lll d in g. e\plora ti oll. and
,·d ul':lli on. illlli Illlpe tn l"plme id eil '> llil
hml' to lIlake the Il odd a heller pial'\.' . Th e
mi ssion statcm cllt i ~, "To lI'cic ollle travel ers o f all :lges tll e:\pcricnce and enrich
the CU ItLII'(II and environmen ta l diversity o f
South ruget Sound th roug h 110stcii ing,"
v.,'c are stil l looking for n(:1I' memhers
and poss ible I~ldit i es. For more information. cont ac t C harlie at 4'i9-5590 .
Chartie Slephell.l' is a Incal COII/lIIlIllil),
m (, lJIh !.'r and u hourd melll hl.'l' ()j'The
Olt'mpia HOSlel O llh.

continued from page 5
You feel confused - she wanted it
". did n'tshe?
A Ithough she verbally conse nted to
sex, she was mentally incapac itated when
she offered it, a nd therefore yo u may have
commi tt ed rape in the second degree, as it
is defined by the Was hingto n State Crimina l Code. Second degree rape is a c lass A
fe lony a nd is puni shable by a fine of up
to $50,000 a nd/or a pri son term up to life
impri s ~)!lment. The Crimina l Code defines
" me nt al incapaci ty" as " the condition
ex isting at the time of an offense which
preve nt s a person from understandi ng the
nature or consequences oft hc ac t of sex ua l
intercoursc, whet her th at co nditi on is produced by illness, defect, th e influcnce ofa
substance or from some ot he r ca use,"
A Ithough the above sce na ri o is a case
of soc ial mi s- educat ion, many si mi lar
sce nar ios a re ca ses of premcd it a ted
Ill Cl lic ioLls intent. (These wou ld be deflncd
as rapes in the fi rst degre e.) A Ico hol is
th ~ most cOl1lm on rape dr ug . OWl' 90')."
of a ll se:\ ual viole nce on college ca mpu ses
inc ludes the us..: of alcohol. Many o f us
would be vcry surpri sed to fin d ou t holl'
many acquainta nce I'"PC S th at involve
al co ho l and o th er d ru gs occur in the
I:vcrgree ll comJ1lullit y.
If' you know that the perso n (ma le ,
femal e. or t ransgende red) yo u are about
to bl: sexua l w ith
I. might not remember it in the
mornin g,
2. is s lu rr ing their words a nd not

making very much sense when they talk,
3. is making very uncoordinated
4. a nd dra nk or used other drugs in
thi s per son is probably me ntally
incapacitated and yo u should refrain from
any sexual activity with this person.
In the U.S., during the " red zone,"
the tim e period between when students
rtrst arr ive on campus and Thanksgiving
break , one in six female freshman will be
sex ually assau lted, prim ari ly by men.
I f sex ual assa ult affec ted you during
thi s time period , I 'm sorry that thi s article
was not written sooner. But if the message
of thi s a rti c le reson ate s with yo u, let's
move int o ihe future working to prevent
sex ua l assa ult by rai sing awa reness around
t h ~ issue that we are taught to view some
sex ua l encounters , which a re defi ned by
the law as sex ual assa ult , as permi ss ib le.
The conte nt of' thi s article is endorsed
by the Studen t Hea lth Cen te r a nd the
O ff ice of' Se.\ ual Assau lt Prcvent ion.
I r you h av~ qu est io ns or need more
information, cOllla ct Evergreen':; Office
of'Se:\ uaI Assault PI'eve ntion CIt 1\67-5221
CITY 1- 800 -833-6388) .

DUI'e Gatl's is in his fi/i h yellr (II El'(,/, .-.:reell. I-Ii! is a gradllal!.' II/ edica/ U.I'sisWl11
(I I tlie 811111('111 Ha dlli Ce mel', is laking Iw()
purl-I illle psychology prograllls, alld has
Ci.lpiral ioJ7S 10 hecolll c a physician


Presented by the CPJ

ssislanl Business
ana er
position at the CPJ is now OPEN!

7pm Thursday Nov 11

At the HCC

Here's what the position entails:

We'll watch a national program that broadcast a month ago with two guest panelists: Gary Pavela, director
of judicial programs and stude nt ethical de ve lopment at the Un iversity of Maryland, and David French,
president. ·Fo undati0l1 for Individual Rights in Ed ucation, Inc (FIRE) .
The program discusseS how some colleges are creating "free speech zo nes" or are limiting st udent and visi tor
speech in other ways, \.vhich is unconstitution al. But it also ta lks a bout how students can use the first
amendment in their favor to confront speech that th ey don't like to hear (speech that expresses racist,
homoph obic , sex ist ANTI-AB ORTION, etc views ) instead of expectin g the college to make the bad speech
go awn)'.
We 'll foll ow up v,: it h a discussion about free speech issues local to Evergreen, Some CPJ members will be
panelists an d 1'0111 Mercado, the director of st uden t activities, will be there too . We (the whole group - all
atTendees) can di scuss both the legal and ethical aspects of th e first amendment on this campus, but also talk
about our respo nsibilities to treat each other civi lly,
In liuht oflhe co ntroversial speech fo und at Evergreen, students should know their first amendment rights!

. ~,

november 11) 20D4

The amazing

cooper point journal

The Assistant Business Manager is responsible for processing all money received from
advertisers and subscribers. S/he also handles all ad client billings and tear sheets, and
is responsible for maintaining contract files , as well as other business paperwork. In
addition , s/he assists the Business Manager in such ways as processing personnel paperwork
for positions of responsibility, selling ads to TESC Bookstore and other on-campus groups,
and helping to hire and supervise other business staff. S/he is intended to be the Business
Manager's successor.

If you have any interest in this AWESOME opportunity, don't
hesitate to come on up to the CPJ office (CAB 316) or-c'a n
the business side at the number below! Remember you have to be
a student to take a position of responsibility at the .cPJ.

Call us at 867·6054 •I


arts & entertainment
A successful ~rth: The Faint's latest Building a movement: Hip-hop
album Sk'llfull~"~~g~!to~~t~~~~g, at Evergreen and in Olympia

by Chelsea Baker
Over the past seve ral years, the music
sce ne in Omaha has burst forth out ofnothing like a phoen ix from the ashes, in large
part due to the support of Sadd le Creek
Records and enthusiastic fans across the
Midwest. Saddle Creek star ted in 1993
with nothing more th an
demo s a nd dreams, ' yet
now represent s th e for e front of th e Indi e Rock
revo luti on. With bands
li ke Bright Eyes, Cursive
a nd The Faint, Sadd le
Creek's success is st ill on
the rise.
On September 14,
Sadd le Creek released
Wet From Birth , the fourth
albu m by The Fa int. With
st rong beats and thei r ow n
unique sty le twists, The
Fa int 's lates t album creates a one-of-a-k ind
atmosphere and makes it nearl y imposs ibl e
to avoid dancing to the rhythm s.
A mon g the pound i ng beats , tec hnogothic sound and rave -induci ng rhythm s,
several of the songs include a string quartet ,
surpr isingly enough. T he quartet adds an

" Desperate Guys" and " Southern Belles
in London Sing" while still staying true to by Lauren O'Connell-Fujii
its dark Indie Rock values. While li stening
There are many avenues by which to
through the album , it becomes obvious that explore the bi latera l relationship between
The Faint mashed several different genres the college a nd the city. Both are very
and eras of music together successfully to progressive. Local hip-hop embodies this
create a unified sound. It includes definite progress ive nature, yet the relation ship
hints oftechno, '80s rock, bet ween the college and local performers
and class ic al and indie - often Eve rgree n st udents and alumni
music coinciding with
- remains tenuous.
catchy guitar a nd ba ss
Eden and fellow Evergreen alum Doug,
riffs that stick in your
along with Olympia native Owen, call themmind , peanut butter to
selves The Saints of Everyday Failures. Eden
the roof of yo ur mouth.
g raduated in 2002 with an emphasis in cogMore often than not , nitive art and creative science, and described
Saddle Creek albums
Doug's work at the college as "a series of
can be trick y to find in
lingui stic autopsies."
th e Pac ific Northwe st.
"MCs in thi s town are very conscious and
However, th ey're rather awa re of the individual within the modern
easy to buy on the web world," sa id Eden. " [Their observations
(http: // www.sadd le are] processed in a positi ve, constructive
creek.com), where you
way." Olympia gave so much to Eden that
ca n purchase Wet From Birth for $ 11.00. he wanted to stay a while and become an
For more information on The Faint, or to .
active part of the community and contribhear selection s of their mu sic, log ont o http:
ute to its development. He has observed that
//www.thefaint.com .
many Evergreen students spend their entire
college careers here in Olympia and never
Chelsea Baker is a sophomore enrolled in
spea k with any loca ls. He also expressed
Turning Eastward
conce rn that the college brings in big hip hop acts from outside the area and pays them
a ton of money while paying littl e attention
to the loca l arti sts.
Two weeks ago the student grou p EPI C
brought The Sa ints o ut to Evergreen to play.
Hopefully this show of support for the Olympreviou s Star Wars films: Mark Hammil pia hip-hop community sets a new precedent
by Brian Flewe"
(L uke Skywa lker) and th e late Sir Alec for TESC.
On Friday, November 5, the tease r tra il er Guiness (Ob i-Wan Kenobi ) talking in A
" [Evergreen should] use the sc hool's taxof Star Wars Episode !If: Revenge ofth e Sith New Hop e. (Editor's note.' A New HOI.-e payer dollars and tuition in a more loc allywas released to the genera l publ ic, attached is an alias of the original 1977 Star Wars mind ed way, to feed and foster creat ivity
to Pixar's The Incredibles. For Star Wars .film.) "A yo ung Jed i named Darth Vader, within the comlllunity they're actually a part
fa ns, we have been waiting for 25 yea rs to who was a pupil of mine before he turned of," added Eden .
see George Lucas' vision of Anak in Sky- to ev il , helped hunt down and destroy the
Many Olympia hip -hop fans are TESC
walker's fal: to the Dark Side. The trail er Jedi Knights. Vader was seduced by the student s whom the loca ls don't ofte n recwi ll definite ly whet yo ur appetite for thc Dark Sidc of the Force." With those word s, ogn ize, " It wo ul d be nice if more people
final piece to the Star Wa rs pu zz le.
th e tidal wave of cli ps fro m Episude [II suppo rted, but th ere are already a lot or
The tra il er begin s wit h a few clips from begins to fla sh across the sc reen. We see a peopl e that do." sa id Nick or Hostalion. a
.--------..,..--.,......-,..,-- - - - - -- - - - - - , hooded A naki n with glow- loca l crew.
i ng ye ll ow-red eye s, lillich
There are Illany reasons why student s
like Darth Maul's were in have n't gone out to support the local hipEpisodc 1. The Phanto//1 hop scene yet.
,~Ienace . There is a sce ne
'They may not be 21; we pl aya lot 01'2 1+
of the Emperor wieldin g a shows here. They may not know we ex ist.
\ i
light sa ber, and hi s face looks We're q uara nt ined in Iiquor barns," reasoned
more twi sted and contorted Eden. Regardless of the potential difference
th an ever see n before. Of a surge in student attcnd ancc could make
course, it wo uldn' t be f<.'pi- ove ra ll , the shows at the Clipper have heen
sode [[f without the epic duel pac ked, as ha ve ot her recent Olympi a hipbetween Anak in and Obi- hop shows.
Wan (Hayden Chri sten se n
Eden puts on Word Life every oth er
and Ewan McGregor). The Wednesday at The Clipper downtown, and
final coup de grace for the
trailer is the image of Darth
Vade r in full armor. For
people who have watched
the full Star Wars se rie s,
thi s will be the first time
the ultim ate sy mbol of evil
will appear and uller hi s first
words, "Yes, Master." I hope
Darth Vader (TK-552, Jason Burrows) and his personal guard tha.t thi s ?rief retelling of the
(TK-47, Brian Flewell) wait, weapons ready, for th e release trailer wll I enco.urage yo u to
of Revenge of the Sith, with less than 190 days left before see both the tra.ller and Ep/by Cameron Anderson
Star Wars hits th e big screen again. This photo was taken sade 111 when It comes out
dllrin~ an official 501" Legion event.
on May 19 n~xt, year. .
A Slight Case of Overbombing:
For more III format IOn on
H its, Vol. I
Episode 11r Revenge ofthe Sith , yo u can go
The Sisters of Mercy
to http://www.StarWars.com (official site) or
East/ West
http://wwwTheForce.net(a fan-run website
with the best insider inform ati on) .
Thi s week . I've decided to go through
of records and pull out an old- sc hool
Brian Flewell is a lIIemher of th e IlIIpeof songs from one of alternat ive
rial 50lst Legion ojStorllltroopers, a Star
music's greatest art ists, The Sisters of Mercy
Wars cost liming groul? ulficiu//), cndorsed
( http:// www.thesi stersofmercy.com ).
by Lucasjilm. For II/ ore inforllla tion 011
The Sisters of Mercy (a.k .a. Andrew
th e 501", visit hllp:/iI'.'lI 'w.50Isl.colII . He is
c h) form ed In Leeds, Engla nd in
alsu a senior enro//ed ill Politics alld the
233 Division St NW

Star Wars is coming!

(And the Emperor's pissed!)

1~ .~

the past two shows have been astounding successes. St udents can look for flyers on campus
or pick up a handbill at Otto's downtown; the
next Word Life is on Wednesday, November 17.
The next two shows are also being promoted
by Homeland Security Productions, founded
by Orin Bentley, another Evergreen alum, and
Eric Lambert, who has lived in Olympia for
six years.
" Mainly just because I became a fan ,"
explained Orin. "Hea rin g people in town
say there 's never anything to do, and I had
the opportunity and time to bring music to
Olympia ."
Homeland Security has brought big names
to Olympia, like Del, The Chicharones and the
members of the Shapeshifters crew, such as
Radioinactive, Cirqls, Ex istereoand AWOL ,
always selling the stage and drawing crowds
with loc:al acts on the bill , as well.
"The fi rst year and a hal f [Homeland Securit y] spent viciously pursuing artists, but now
we've gained a reputation by putting on good
shows, and peo pl e are cont ac ti ng us," said
Orin. " I bring music that I might not be a fa n
of, but everyo ne req uests them. I'm a fan of the
local kid s. As long as they play, ('m happy."
Screa m Club, Log Hog, and SP have pl ayed at
these shows, as well as Hos and The Saints.
Local acts are famous for being able to fill
up a ve nue and so are respected by downtown
bu s in esses. The Capital Backstage ra nk s
number one on Orin's list of best places to have
a show because it is an a ll -ages venue; second
is the Clipper. The Bar Code is also a favorite
because of owner Joey La Roque's support of
the local hip-hop community.
" [There's] no hassle. Whenever asked ifhe
wants to do a show, he says, 'Yes.' He's positi ve. He's down to support whatever we want
to do. He's like, 'Here, take my cred it card to
Kinko's to make flyers ," Orin said. The Bar
Code hosted 200 people at the Wint erz and
Loserz album release party thi s year. For a taste
of some of Olympi a's finest hip-hop, li sten to
this compilation CD. It 's full of attrac tive beats
and lyrics, ser ious, philosophical and totall y
hi larious.
Olympia hip-h op, lik e The Eve rg ree n
Sta te Co llege, is on th e cutting edge. It is
onl y natural that they should be compatible
associates in the growth and retentio n of good
beat makers and conscious lyricists from both
commu nities. On Wednesday, November 10,
T hemse lves, featuring Dose One and Jel, will
play at The Clipper. Local performers Shadow
Guardi ans, and Man ik Amidst and Glimpse
will be there too. They hope to see you there.
Lauren 0 'Connell-Fujii is senior enrolled il1
Art, A Division of Space, She is foc using on
political economy.

o the Sisters of Mercy:

Overbombing captures five years
of great alternative rock

november 11, 2004

1980, based around the idea of getting a :;ong
on the radio. Eldritch originally played drums
(badly) while his first partner in crime, Gary
Mar x, played g uitar throug h a three-watt
practice amp and provided voice to their first
single, "T he Damage Done/ Watch/ Home of
the Hit-Men."
A yea r later, the lads recruited Craig
Adams as their bassist, Eldritch became the
front man by default, and the drum mer position
is fill ed by what would soon become a long
line of electronic percussion known as Doktor
Ava lanche. The fin al full lineup would come
in 1984, when Wayne Hussey and his twelve-

the cooper point journal

arts & entertainment

This Crow Flies True


On the Screen: The Motorcycle
Diaries, Saw
- omniscient, unbeatable and unforgiving
- who selects victims for their moral flaws
and forces catharsis on them under threat of
gruesome and overly elaborate death,
In other word s, a killer who doesn' t
ex ist and could only have com e from the
whim s ofa hack screenwriter. James Wan's
astoundingly bad Saw is yet another film
that wants so de sperately to be Seven.
But where that film had heart, originality
and intelligent characterization, Saw is a
g rotesque freak show with twists, turns
and information given as exposition at the
appropriate moments when the screenplay
demands to give the audience slack-jaws a
good, fabricated show.
The method of "The Jigsaw Killer" in
Saw is to place victims in situations involving a race agai nst ti me ina room with lots of
rusted metal (a woman is placed in a room
with a "reverse bear trap" designed to pull
her jaws apart if she doesn't cut a guy open
and get the key out of his stomach) and let
them do themselves in, never ac tually killing
anyone him sel r. For his latest parlor trick,
th e morally supe ri or vill ain who doesn't.
ex ist places Cary Elwes and Leigh Wannell
(al so the aforementioned hack screenwriter)
in a rotted-out bathroom chained to pipes by
the an kles with a tape recorder, a gu n wi th a
single bullet and two saws for their legs near
the dead body in betwee n them. Elwes, in a
truly bad performance that mistakes energy
for good acting, is told he must kill Wannell
to survive the ordea l. Meanwhile, Danny
Glove r lowers him se lf as well, playing an
ex-cop obsessed with finding hi s man.
A ny of these men' might be the kill er
(who addresses the victims as a silly, creepy
clown thing on a tri cycle), as we see through
a se ries of pointless and indec ipherab le
fl as hbacks aided by maddeningly annoying
fast -Ill otion photography. We don't always
know whose flashb ac k we 're see in g, and
the fla shbacks are too long and focu s on
ent ire ly the wro ng tim e line (before the
bat hroom thing).
Ri ght ufl to the fina l cheap tw ists. SUII '
irritated and confu sed me. I wa s not thri ll ed
or ch illed by it bccause I was busy tr yi ng
to fig ure out how any of thi s nonse nse wa s
logica lly possible and how Wanncll and Wan
could ask us to beli eve any of it , which is
not what one shou ld be think ing abo ut when
watching a thriller.

by Lee Kepraios

Book Review by Adina Lepp
The Way the Crow Flies, Perennial
Tell me a story. Over tea-stained
dollies , a particleboard table, and milk
crate shelves, he begins. The children
ask, wide-eyed and re stless. They ask
for yesterday. For remember when s and
when I was your age. It doesn't matter
which living room, which lap. The question persists.
Madeline hops onto her father 's chair,
eager for those bloody tales, for a war safe
behind glass panes. He answers kindly,
replaying the P<;lst in stories altered with
every telling. Madeline, one of two central
characters in Th e Way The Crow Flies,
is the voice of the innocence of the age.
There are sp ies and defec tors
in Canada. Backyard potluck s
are orchestrated by milit ary
wiv es who tr a ns form bland
tract houses into homes in two
weeks tim e. Milit ary families in
Canada move every two years.
Madeline McCarthy, at age
eight, has moved three times.
The Way Th e Crow Flies"
the hi g hly anticipated follow-up nove l
to Fall On Your Kn ees (Opra h's Book
Club), written by Ann-Marie MacDonaid, beg ins Ii ke a st unn ing com ing-of-age
story spanning thi rty years and 817 pages.
What starts as a narrati on ofa littl e girl 's
journey through the innocence of childhood becomes a deeply woven talc of the
betrayal oftrust when Madeline's teacher,
Mr. March, uses candy to ga in control of
hi s stud ents, and through her fat he r's
interaction with a Soviet, Osca r Fried,
and a ficti onal Uncle Si mon. Dual plots
tang le throu gh th e deva stating murder
of Madeline's class mate. The li es th at
develop and the shame that is concealed
give way to a comm entary on the nature
of abuse and of war, and on the fragilit y
of chi Idhood.
Madel ine can smell shame on her 11ngertips, the trappings of " Iittle girl." Her
father, a member of the Royal Ca nadian
Air Force, is innoce nt in her eyes. He is a
little boy pl ay ing thi s game ca ll ed '·wa r.'·
The backdrop is or the co ld war and the
race to the moon .
In a post-war Ca nada, gays a nd
lesbians came of age beneath the fear of
communism and the threat of an a ir raid.
The red scare and the arms race provided
a blanket of fear, while duck and cove r

stri ng acoustic gu it ar came into the fold.
This is where A Sligh! Case of Overbombing, a twelve-track , hour-long affair,
released in 1993, picks up, documenting
The Sisters' three full-l ength albums
released bet ween 1985 and 1990. Two
songs from their first, First and Last and
Always, are found toward the end of the
album, but the best song from that era
wasn't on that album itself, but was a
single called " Body and Soul." A shame
that Eldritch didn ' t pi ck better so ngs
from that era, such as " First and Last
and Always," "Marian," or even
"Ampnetamine Logic," but so
saith " Von" Eldritch. Go figure.
After the band di sintegrated
in 1986 (and after a pri ze fight
of sorts for the right to the name
and about $45,000 in royalties
awarded to the 11 rst faction to put out an
albumullder the name "The Sisterhood"),
Eldritch took up with bassist Patricia Mor-

The Motorcycle Diaries
Like 2003's Max, which follow ed
fl edgling, awkward Adolph Hitl er in his
exercises became as routine as fire drills are twenties, Walter Salles's Th e Motorcycle
to children of this generation. Those born Diaries sheds previously unseen light on
after the war 'couldn't fully grasp the hor- a n influential histori cal figure by showrifying battle tales their parents recounted. ing the audience a chuck from his younger
It was an age of innocence, of censorship days and leaving them to make their own
and of protection, and yet subversive char- assumptions.
acters still existed . The difference is that in
Before posing for num erous flags and
1962, there was no public acknowledgment t-shirts to be bought out by college students,
of homosexuality beyond the clinical. Gays Ernesto "C he" Guevara discovered him self
came of age on their own, without self-help and found hi s true calling on the last leg ofa
books and support groups, and yet they sti II road trip he madl'all over South America to
came out, many times quietly living with celebrate the 30 Th birthday of hi s best friend,
partners under the guise offriendship. They played by Rodrigo De la Serna. Gael Garcia
were in history before there was a hi story, Bernal plays the younger Guevara with intelwhich makes gay characters in historical ligence and thoughtfulness as a man who
fiction all the more powerful.
does so much maturing ove r the course of
Her desire for a crew cut is a hint , an the years-long trip that hi s consc ience, hi s
allusion that may be Madeline is a lesbian , sense of right and wro ng, and hi s social conyet her sex ual orientation isn't tied sc iousness lead him to develop the strong
into the plot in a way th at would vision for a just and united region that made
classify The Way Th e Crow Flies him a revolutionary.
as a coming-o ut novel. She is a
Just on the verge of fini shing medical
child who play s in mud puddles school, ready to take the world by the horns,
and desires a g un holster set for thc two friend s build up a host of amu sing
Chri stmas. Madel ine is any chi Id , advent ures and misadventures as they make
any daughter. He r sex ua lit y is the unenviab le and often dangerou s trip
prese ntet;! as a com ponent of her across dese rts and mountai ns on a rickety
cha ract~ r, thoug h later on in the motorcycle. With little money in their pock~over,when .she IS a 32-year-old dyke see~­ ets, they learn to trick people along the way
1I1g closure 111 her past, the fact that she IS by posing as cert ifi ed doc tors, which proves
now out is not presented as a resolution to not to be as safe a lie as they thoug ht.
ea rl ier suspic ions or as a result of chi Idh.ood
Up to a point, The Motorcycle Diaries,
traum a. The book cover talks of the amblgu- whi ch is we ll ac ted and asse mbl ed, chimes
ity of morality, the quest for truth and the in as a fairly standard road mov ie with a
narration ofa high- spirited girl named Mad- sl ight CO Ill ing-of-age undertone. O n Iy nea r
eline. With no inherent theme of gay ness, the end does the film find its dramatic arc
anyone is likely to pick thi s nove l up, thus and reall y show us something, as when
making the charact er of Madeline relevant Gueva ra is riled and challe nges a gro up
to anyone who ca n relate to the Technicol or of g uard s as they pick through povert yworld of chi Idhood. Thi s fit s int o the idea of stricken vill agers to wo rk a br utal shift in
post-queer, which is becomi ng more appar- a mine. Latel', the two men check in to a
ent as the integration of gay charac ters. bo th leper colony on a sec luded island and the
in literature and the media , is increasingly film really get s going. It 's a thoughtful and
common. Putting lesbian and gay charac te-rs introspective if not alway s consistent film
into a work of hi stor ica l fic tion is im portant th at should n't be easily forgotte n.
because it gives them a past and a place in
an access i ble hi storica l la ndscape wh i Ie
Rating: ~ ~ ~ ~
enr iching a novel that wiII succeed because
of its inherent qua lity.
Hen:: we haw yet another thrill er where
Adina Lepp is a ji'esliman enrolled in the killer likes to create elabora te puzzles for
Evolu!ion of th e Book.
vict ims to fig ure out and hoops for the police
to jump through. Yet another fi lm where the
k ill er is a kind of merc il ess, sadistic God



~~ ~~
r--------------------------------------------------ri so n (who was also involved, on hi s side,
in that prize fight) and created Floodland
(1987), whi ch fu sed the elect roni c dance
music fro m hi s knock-out punch, Gift, with
rock guitars. The trio of songs presented
fr om th at era are all rea ll y good, but the
spotlight goes to "Lucreti a My Reflection."
This song, a "welcome to the fold " written
for Morrison by Eldritch, was expa nded for
the collection to about seven minutes, as well
as amped-up as far as the production is concerned (the Doktor "hits" harder, the sy nths
ri se far above the g uitars, the bass sounds
slinkier than ever before, and so on).
Three years would pass before Eldritch,
his dark, Bowie-esque vocal s or hi s pet
drum machine would return to the surface ..
Along with a new crew (featuring bassist
Tony James of Generat ion X and
Sigue Sigue Sputnik fa me) and a
new president in the White House
.. (Bush I), Eldritch introduc ed
the "new wo rld order" to Vision
Thing ( 1990), which feat ured a
couple of songs busti ng the balls
of s<1id Bush, a new, rockier sound, and the
man himself no longer play ing (lyrica ll y, at
least) victim. Out of this albui"n , four songs

the cooper pOint Journal

are featured in OverholJlbing, the best being
" More," an eig ht- minute opus abo ut greed
that also sound s like a musc ular love song of
ep ic proportion s, backed by a small gospel
The collection conc lude s (or rath er,
begins) with two songs: " Under th e GUll,"
a new song featuring Terri Nu nn of Berlin,
and "Te mple of Love," an old song from
before FALAA remade and touched up with
the vocal styling of the late Ofra Haza. After
these songs were released, Eldritch went
into silence due to conflicts with his record
label, East/ West; he was freed in 1997 when
a rath er dubious album of undanceable
dance music featuring samples ofEldritch's
voice was presented to the company as a
new Sisters album, under the name of SSV
(Screw Share holder Value) with the titl e of
Go Figure. Ever since that time, "Von" has
toured the festival s of Europe, re mi xing
album s, written tech articl es for computer
magazi nes, and recorded a few songs th a('
may never see the li ght of day.
This collecti oll can be found just about
anyw here (t hough the iTunes Music Store
version is slightl y a ltered fro m the hard copy
of Ol'erbombing).

Will th ere ever be an Overbomhing.
Vol. 2? At thi s rate, most likely not, and it's

a damn shame, too. Go figure.
Cameron Lamar Anderson is a :;enior
enrolled in Teaching Through Performance.
He i:; studying wrilil1f; and is a !lI tor at
TESC -Tacoma Writing Cel1ler.

last word

Blurring the Jines
between fact
and fiction,

211 east 4th Ave.
Olympia, WA


november 11, 2004


letters and opinions
Post-election gloom: Cheer up, Evergreen!

by Greg Saunders


S in c e
know s that
there are no
Republ ican s
at Evergreen,
it IS safe
for me to
say that last
week, I was,
as I'm s ure
many of you we re, a bit dismayed at the
incompetence ofthe majority of our country in ree lecti ng George W. Bush as our
president. Despite a popular feature film
indicting Bush, the highest voter turnout
since 1960, and all the efforts and attempts
to educate Americans about the evi ls and
failures of G-Dub and hi s cronies (two
unprovoked wars, a period of econom ic
recess ion, and t~l ilure to properly communicate in the Eng lish language), Bush
\Vas reelec ted.
It is a sad time for ::III of us 'who did not
wa nt to go through anoth er fo ur years of
preemptive lVars, empire e.xpans ion, tax
cuts for the wealthy and loss of civi l liberties. It is a sad time for those of LI S who
followed our hearts and voted lor Nader or

another third party candidate, for those of election was rigged in Cavor of Bush. There Dubya Bush, a man with more innocent
us who supported Kerry even though he 's are plenty of reasons to be exc ited. Bush blood on hi s hand s than a ch ildren's
the lesser or two Na poleans, not because makes protesting and complaining fun s urgeo n, has made a comeback more
because he's just unwanted and unwelcome than the sequel
we rea II y agreed
so blatantly bad at to the movie Baby Geniuses. Bush has a
with hi s pol iti cs, "
being president, knack for making democrats into radical
but to get Bush
it's funny to liberals, radical li berals into revolutionary
out of the White
watch hi m blun- thinkers, and even making conservatives
House and deny
making democrats into
der on televi sion. think twice about supporting him .
him the pleasure
radical liberals, radical
A Iso, what
of actuall y being
Had Kerry been elected, opposition to
would ha ppen U.S. imperia li sm would not have been as
elected. It 's also
liberals into revolutionary
to the content of strong as it wi ll be with Bush, for many
sad for those of
Evergreen classes Democrats and progressives would have
us with compu lconservatives think twice· without Bush at been sat isfied to know that at least Bush
s ive gambli ng
the helm of our wasn 't reelected. The time is ripe for
problems who
about supporting him.
g reat American revolution, for as long as the population is
bet on Kerry.
Well, cheer
battleship? Bush com fortable, revolution cannot occur. Now
eases the burden we are far from comfortable: We're pissed,
up, Everg reen
Havin g Dubya back in Washington for on Evergreen professors to come up with we feel like we've been robbed and raped
another term isn't alI bad! Remem bel' how curri cu lum by creating all kinds of parallels of our voices, and now we must demand
fun it was protesti ng the war ove r and over between current and historical co loniali sm, to be heard. Don't give up, Evergreen.
again and being ignored by the majority of along with spearheading neoliberalism and Keep on fightin g, and so me day, justice
the country': Well, now there will be plenty globa li zation (w ith " the help ofa few cor- may prevail.
more things to protest' If yo u're not tired porate interests," to put it sarcastically).
of Micilael Moore making mass amo unts Not to say that Kerry wouldn 't have; in Greg Sa unders is u third-year student
of money with muckraki ng movies about fact, I'm sure that he wo ul d have beenjust enrolled in Renaissance Studies. This
our mi sc hi evous monarch. the nex t tour as bad ofa president, which leads me to my is his .first c()l1trihlllion ol the academic
years arc bound to not di sa ppoint, as next reaso n why we should have an ex tra yeC//:
cup of cheer in the morning.
Moore is surel y fa r from fatigue.
You see, it is a good thing for us proPlus, if yo u' re a consp iracy theori st, yo u
should already be speculating on how the gress ive thinkers out there that George


War and people in action
by Jacob Stanley
3, a film was
presented in
Lecture Hall
I called The
Fourth World
War. It was
presented by
Evergreen Politi ca l Inform ation Center
(E PI C), an information gro up here at
Evergreen to educate the unaware of the
strugg les facing the impoverished around
the globe.
The film is more of a documentary than just another movie. It talks
about varying issues of economic plight
in Argentina, South Korea, Mexico ,
South Africa, Palestine, and all across
the globe where protests occur to voice
a message to the state that wilt not listen .
The film spoke of a group in Mexico, the
Zapitistas, who have inhabited Mexico for
500 years and fought through the expansion of world empires, the dictatorships
that have controlled them and the current
economic institutions brought from around
the world to destroy them. Similar groups
in Argentina were shown as they brought
down ruling governments that wou ld not
listen to the demands of the people.
The Internation al Monetary Fund and
the World Trade Organization continue to
spread their greedy palms across the world

to bring wealth to corporations and govern- politicians change their mind s, but as we
ments alike. As corporations organize the , a.l l know, when it comes to the impoverstate against workers' rights, they manage ished and marginalized people of the U.S.,
only to show the world their aim s of domi- their rights aren't important enough for the
nation. Policies like the No rth American state to recognize. The wo rkers and the
Free Trade Agreement are written up peaceful are few because of a deteriorating
to encourage
economy and
co nsta nt fears
market expansion "
brought out into
and the world
Just because there are no
growth in wealth,
the open by the
but the only ones
powers that be .
bombs dropping or guns
We are not in
that grow are the
corporations and
danger of being
ki Ited by terrorthe oppressi ve
does not mean that war is
ists in America.
not going on.
allow th em to
We are only
ga in power. Both
in danger of
Republicans and
dying by the
Democrats alike support the organ iza- side of the road, without a job, without
tions of "free trade" because they know health care, without the chance to change
it wilt make the business leaders of the the way things are because we no longer
United States give them a cut, as welt as have a home.
find ways to allow their ideas to remain
Politicians in today's America support
free public education, but not higher eduin control.
This film shows that no matter the gov- cation. Why is this? Because they believe
ernment in power, whether it be a supposed people will get a better education if they
representative democracy in Mexico that feel they've put a lot of money into it?
does not listen to its people when they Politicians in the U.S. today support
stand together in support of peace, or cheaper healthcare, but not free healthcare.
instituted dictatorship in Argentina that Are they so afraid of helping those in need
holds all the power in one man's rule, the that they have to hide behind their pockpeople have the strength to stand up and etbooks and call it a better deal because
stop governments from doing what they you' re gouged a little less for a trip to the
believe is wrong. In the United States, one hospital or prescription drugs?
The message of the film The Fourth
looks out and wonders what we can do to
World War was one presented toward those
possibly change the world around us .
Most point to voting and making the looking to take action and stop injustice

from occurring. It spoke of a message
directed at helping labor by removing the
corporate control and altowing people to
live their lives safe ly and happily.
Just because there are no bombs dropping or guns firing in certain nations does
not mean that war is not going on. War of
a violent sort only begins when the wa,r
agai nst the powerful can no longer remain
peaceful. Men and women fight every day
of their lives to protect our futures from
in vasion by the corporate e lite. They
do this because they have to, because
where they live they have no choice in
the matter, and because it is apparent to
them that resistance is needed . Only by
thei r example can one learn how to cOmbllt
this war before it escalates into our nation
and out of control. Take action, support
The film The Fourth World
War can be ordered through http ://
www.bignoisefilms.com.and information
on getting involved can be found through
their web site. EPIC meets Wednesdays
at 4 p.m. in Seminar II A2105. Don't
mi ss the Lost Film Festival this Friday,
November 12, at 5:30 p.m . in Lecture Hall
I. Check Ollt http ://www. lostfilmfest.com
for more.
Jacob Stanley is a freshman enrolled in
America in the 20,Ii Cent lily. He is a regular cOnlrib utor to the CPJ


letters ·and opinions
The Curmudgeon:
I don't want to say I told you so, but. • •
by Lee Kepraios
This will
be the last
article I write
for a whi le
fee I I am
starti ng to
sound repet itive. But the
results and o utco me of the 2004 election
reiterated cynical, even mi sa nthropic
notions I have actively asserted in public
fo r months and months. Now it seems these
though ts ilave invaded th e minds of even
the most ideali stic KClTy-voting-G reener.
Many of you arc [liss~d about the electi on.
I mean rea ll y pissed olT, and you certai nl y
have the ri gilt. You rea lly believed. as I
almost did , th::1t KelTY was go ing to win .
And beca use il e didn ' t, you're shaking
the lilac-colored daisies out of your head s
and beg inning to get the pictu re. I' ve seen
so me of your lilCes as yo u 'vvalk through
Red Square; you're starti ng to look like
Curmudgeons yourselves.
Record numbers of voters turned out
for this election tanned, rested and ready
to do their part. whether with the desire
to initiate change and put America on the
right track to a shining and trul y unthreatened democracy, or because MTV told you
apat hy 's out this year. And, of course, the
massive turnout showed the world (in
a glori ous di sp lay of democracy) w hat
the determined citizens of a free soc iety
are capable or. 1\1 1 these awakened so uls

voting their asses oITto save the nation and get away with what they do. You know it's
lead the way. How could Bush have won? true. And I've been saying it all along.
Pay attention here: This is the one time I' m
I don't mean to sound gloaty. Again, this
is one offew times when I'm ~ot scolding
not going to yell at you Greeners.
He won because we didn't count on you people. I'm just pointing out that the
the forlorn herd s of anestheti zed sheep jolly Iittle bubble of like-mi nded brethren
that roam most of America. The thought- that is Olympia and TESC that can be
less, mindless herds of American cattle threatened by something as inconsequencame out of the
tial as a few
dumb-ass prowoodwork and "
lifers showing
voted for Bush
I'm talking about the robots with
in droves. The
up on campus
s Igns
he rd rose up
blind Bush love sitting there watchmade
and heeded the
ing Fox News, eating Big Macs that
same mi stake
herd er's ca ll ,
they bought with credit cards while
as th e rest of
li tera ll y pulling
the American
the Pavlovian
home from Mass in their Ford Fuck
popu lation
lever li ke th e
th at th o ught
sa livating creaYou-Mobiles with more flags than
Kerry had it .
tures th at they
a country fair parade.
You f::l iled to
re s idue
se c th e big
from th e Lazpicture.
E-Boy recl iners
Now keep in mind. when I talk about
stil I sticking to their sluggi sh, church-going
asses. Most of yo u didn ' t want to face up to the American herd , I don ' t mea n al l Bush
thi s simple fact , but deep down yo u knew voters. Many fans of Dubya voted for him
the stupid, misinformed, unim ag inative, because they are familiar with and apprewillfully ignorant majority of Americans ciate the policies and choices he made in
were going to put thi s dangerous imbecile his first term, and that's fine. I' m talking
about the morals and values crowd. The
back in office.
But yo u chose to put your cy ni cism and God Squad. I' m talking about the robots
negativity aside in the months leading up to with blind Bush love sitting there watching
the elect ion . As your excitement with the Fox News and eating Big Macs that they
possibility bfgetting rid of this guy drew bought with credit cards while popping
nearer, the hard reality of the herd in the prescriptions after driving home from
red corner comi ng out to sustain the status Mass in thei r Ford Fuck You-Mobiles with
quo would lead you to the revealing and more flags than a country fair parade.
Take any issue on the table and notice
depressing truth : It is our fault, that of We,
it 's the people who are the cause of the
The People, that our leaders are insane and

These things I know for
sure ...
by Tamara Huckaby
Whining and complai ning will get you
nowhere. I know thi s for sure. I didn 't
want George W. Bush to be ree lected
either, but there are some things you
can 't do any thing about. Whining' and
complaining don't get him out of office
any faster, and as disturbing as it is, he
won thi s election fairly. There are some
th ings youjus t can't do much abou t, and
li fe does go on, no matter how horrid it
may seem. When I get frustrated at work ,
my boss tells me that aggravation won't help get anything done. While
things may look bleak, we have to keep moving. Life does go on. I
remember from Sunday School, "God , grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and
the wisdom to know the difference." As cliche as it may sound, there
is wisdom in knowing it's not all up to you and one person can only
do so much . So keep the faith , and keep go ing to the poll s.
Tamara Huckahy is a senior enrolled in Teaching History Through
Pelformance. She is studying education


problem. Health care is a good ·example:
You want to know what the problem with
our current health and medical care system
is? It's quite simple, really : a combination of greed, irrespons ibility and fraud .
Who's to blame? Everybody. That's why
nothing's being done. The lawyers are to
blame. The insurance companies are to
blame. The FDA is to blame. The Health
and I-I uman Services Department is to
blame. The pharmaceutical companies
and drug manufacturers are to blam e.
Hy pochondria cs are to blame. Peopl e
who abllse the system and create fraudulent claims are to blame. Bureaucracy is to
blame. Have I left anyone out?
Religion and the pursuit of materi al
goods hav e comp letely corrupted th e
human experien ce, at least in America .
Think abou t it : That's where the herd
mcntality is com ing fro m. Show me one
col umni st or pundit who pointed thi s out.
Sali re never wrot e about thi s shit, did he')
Oh wcll, fOllf more years to go.
Lee's New Rule of the Week: If yo u' re
a rock star, yo u can' t complain about fi Ie
sharing and downloading you r music if
you were just going to blow the money
anyway. You ' re musicians! You're why
coca ine was invented! You can 't try to shut
down Napster and Kazaa if your tax form s
include pricey hookers as deductions.
LeI! Kepraios is (/ s enior enrolled in
Furcl1sics aild My stery Writin g. He is

Stay in the know
with L&O!
Journal ism is a fundamental pillar of
society. The journalist has the power and
responsi bi Iity to expose the unj ust, support what 's right and inform the people.
A newspaper staff is made up of secti on
coord in ators, copy editors, managing
ed itors, photographers, adve rti sers and,
most importantly, writers. What makes
the CP J so unique is that every student
of The Evergreen State Co ltege is a staff
writer. With a writing staff of roughly 4,000, our paper has great, though
, unrealized, potential. I encourage every student to contribute to the
CP J Letters and Opinions page. Whether you're a seasoned journalist
or a timid first-timer, I am available to help. Just bring your work to
the CP J (CAB 3 16) or send an email (cpj@evergreen .edu).
Sam Goldsmith
Letters and Opinions Coord inat or

november 11


cooper point journal
cooper point journal

november 11




Weekly Group Meetings

continued from cover
of the top 14 teams in the co untry?
The nati onal tournament will be espef. ially memorabl e to brothers Joey and
)Jason Gjertsen, as this is the last season
they will play together. " He's the heart of
our team, the captain," Joey said of his
brother, who suffered a game-stopping
injury to his knee in Friday 's se mi fin al
victory o ve r Concord ia. Ta lking to the
O lympi an after the game, Joey made sure
everyone knew that "at the half, eve rybody
ag reed they wa nted to win it for him . He
tri ed to play in the fir st half, but he was n't
well enough. He didn ' t have full range of
motion beca use hi s knee was sti II swollen."
Jaso n's injury was n' t enough to beat
the momentum sw ingi ng in the Geoducks'
directi on. Eve ryone came together to pull
in the win .
"I've neve r fe lt anything like it," said
sophomore Ky le Andrews, who played
fo r most of the game. " It was more th an
j ust the chemi stry on the fi eld ; it was the
combinati on o f everything our tea m has
wo rk ec;l for thi s seaso n. I can' t wa it to
ex peri ence it aga in at th e champi onship
ga me in Kansas."
Kansas has been on the III inds o f the
tea m lo r the ent ire season. "A t the start
of the yea r, thi s is where we wa nted to
be ," Joe Gjertsc n sa id the Su nday aft er
the game. "W hen I committed to co me
to Eve rg reen last ycar, th is is whe re I
wanted to end lip . This was n' t the best
ga me we ' ve pl ayed this yea r, a nd th at's
proillising bec<1u ,;e I\'e :11 1 knol\' wc can



play be~t e r. "
Thi s leve l of confidence is de finit ely
something ex peri enced by everyo ne a n
the team. Juni or Jeff Wruck came off the
bench with hi s game on strong. Passing the
ba ll to Joe Gjertsen in the 88'h minute led
to the second and fin al goa l of the match,
giving the Geoducks their third win against ·
Warner Pacific thi s season. 'Team unity
and chemi stry will be the main reason we
will succeed at nationals, and we will succeed at nationals. This season has made me
apprec iate teamwork more than [' ve ever
known before."
Tom Boatri ght has every rig ht to be
pro ud of hi s team. He was co nfi dent
th ro ughout the entire game, but breakaways in the last few minutes led him to
comm ent later that "the party was on ."
Hopefully, thi s party won't be broke n
up any time soon. The Geoducks arrive
in Ol ath e, Ka nsas th e wee k be fo re
Tha nksg iving to compete from November
17-23, the fir st team to eve r represe nt
Evergreen in thi s tournament. With confi de nce riding high, thi s will hope full y be
the stal1 of a new annual trad iti on. The
2005 squad will have a lot to li ve up to
nex t yea r. Out until then, Eve rgreen can
celebrate the cont inuati on of a season to
remember. GOO D LUCK '

Geoduck basketball:
Evergreen beats Saint Martin's

by Eric Gibson-Snyder

Mered ith Lane is (J senior en m ll ed in
P()oled Sovereigl1 ly u n d Corpo r ale
A/ulloge ln en l .


allJone I·r un l s 10 II/ ake

IOx-dedliclih le dOI1(J t inl1 fiJI' (J p Io n I.'
l ickel tn }':UI1SUS so she CU ll co Pt' r Ihe
N A 1.'/ Nu ti()/wl T(JIII"IIU1 I1 CII I. she \I '(jlll
emil / )III i II.

It was all Saints earl y and all Geoducks
late as The Evergreen State Coll ege men's
bas ketball downed cross-town ri val Sa int
Martin's in overtime tonight by a score
of 74 -67.
A fter ope ning the game wi th a di smal
offensive di spl ay - the Geoducks managed just 12 poi nts in the fi rst 15 minutes
as the Saints opened up a sixteen-point
lea d - Evergre en climb ed bac k int o
the competiti on with som e hard-nosed
defendi ng and two momentum- changing
three -pointers by Denni s Flynn . Over the
fin al five minutes of the first ha lf, the Geo ducks closed the Sa int lead to 36-31.
In the second half, the Geoducks were
whi stled for 10 foul s in the fi rst eight min utes of the period, but the Sa i nt s couldn't
capit ali ze. The two teams traded four- and
six-point runs until Everg ree n took their
first lead of th e night 50 -49 with 11 :14
remaini ng in the ga me.
Eve rg ree n wo uld stretch the lead to
five poi nt s at 56 -51, but it was the Sa int s'
turn to mOLint a comebac k. T he Geod ucks

we nt ahead 63- 61 with just under a minute
left on Giovonne Wood 's basket and got
possession of the ball with 36 seconds left
when Walter Tucker rebounded a Trevor
Dunstan mi ss. The Saints were forced to
foul , but Wes Newton missed two free
throws to le ave the door open for the
Sa ints.
A basket with 16 seconds left by Nick
Mox ley ti ed the game at 63 and set up
Saint Ma rtin's claimed ,the first basket
of the extra pe riod, but then collapsed in a
flurr y of ball-hand Iing errors. Saints turnovers and Eve rgreen steal s led to several
easy bas kets for the Geoducks as they put
the ga me away 74 -67.
With the win , the Eve rg reen sits at 1-0
on the yea r a nd wi ll head to New Orl ea ns
fo r a tourname nt at Xav ier University on
Frid ay and Saturd ay, November 12 and
Eric Gibson-Snyder is the Sports Information Director /or th e Athletic Department.
He gradllated/i'om Evergreen in 1993.

7:30 a .m. Yoga Club, CRC 11 6
3 p.m. Student Union Campaign Group
meets in CAB 320.
5 p.m. Everg ree n Kung Fu, th e Longhouse.
5 p.m. The Cooper Point Journal meets
in CA B 316. Come parti cipate in the
organi zati on and planning of the news paper.
7 p.m. Improv isa tional Theater, Semin ar
[I C 11 05.

4 p.m. Pri son Action CO lllm itt ee , CAB
320, Work statio n 10.
4 p.m. STAR , Se illin ar II B2 109.
4 p.m. Racqu etba ll in the CRC
5 p.m. Yoga Clu b, CRC 117.
7 p.m .• Associated Student s of TESC
(ASTESC), Se min ar II A3 105.
7 p.m . Stud ent s lu r Ch ri st, Sc m in ar II
A2 100.
5 p.m. Ga min g Guil d, CAB 320.
5 p.m. Evergree n Kun g Fu meets in the

7:30 a.m. Yoga Club, CRC 11 6.
I p.llI . Evergreen Quee r AII ianc e, Se m i-

nar I[ C2 107.
I :45 p.m. Enviro nm en tal Reso urce
Ce nte r, thi rd floo r of the CAB, in the pit.
1:30 p.m . Nat ivc St ude nt Alli ance , CAB
320, Wo rkstati on 13.
2 p.m. Evergree n Cap italis ts Ol'ga ni za -

tion , Library 1308 .
2 p.m. VOX - Communities for Choice,
CAB 320, Cubicl e 17. Offi ce hours:
Wednesday, 1-2 p.m., CA B 320, Cubicle
3 p.m . Jewi sh Cultural Ce nter, Sem in ar
II E2 105.
3 p.m. SEE D, Se minar II E3 109.
3 p.m . Women of Co lor Coa lition, CA B
3 p.m. Writer's Guild, Sem inar II A 11 07
4 p.m. EPIC, Se min ar [I A2105.

4 p.m. CPJ produ ction night. Come parti cipate in putting toge th er yo ur studcnt
5 p.llI . Rad ica l Cathol ics , CA B 320.
5 p.m. Evergreen Iri sh Res urgence Elemcnt, CAB 320, Works tati on 4.
5 p.llI. Eve rgreen Kung Fu meets in the


taking three vans. To find out more, vi sit
http://academ ic.eve rgreen .edu /groupsl

3 p.llI. CPJ Fr iday Foru m. Come put yo u
eth ics to th e test, learn about journ alism, and di sc uss issues in journ ali sm and
group dynam ics.
5 p.m. Electronic Mu sic Co ll ecti ve,
Semin ar 1I C2 107.
5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu meets in the'
7 p.m. Giant Robot Apprec iation Soc iety, Seminar II A 1105.

3 p.m. Kick ba ll on the field nex t to th e

10 a.m. South west Libra ry Lounge: Fac ult y member Mi chael Pfeifer will read
fro m hi s book Rough J ustice: Ly nching
an d~A m erican

Society. /874 -/947

4:3~ 6

p.m. CAB 108: Evergreen TutorinJtCe nter Writer's 'Guild hosts an open
mi c. Theme is " Dark and Cold ."
8 p.m . Th e Ex perim ental Theater: The
Evergreen Electro ni c Medi a Intern
Group presents a li ve perform ance of
L'Ag uafo is, a loca l band made up of
Greener Alumni.


Saturday, November 13

5: 30 p.m. Yoga Clu b, Lec ture I-I all 3.
6 :30 p.m . Comm on Bread, Longhouse.
Cedar Room.

8 p.IlI .- 12 a .m . The Spar: Dan Blun ck

Jazz No uvea u CD release.

Wednesday, November 17

4 p.m. Ca rni va l, Se min ar 11011 07.
4 p.llI. Women's Resource Ce nt er, CA B

4 p.m. Rac quetball in th e C RC
4 p.m. CPJ paper critique. Com e vo ice
conce rn s about the wee k's paper.
5 p.m. Yoga Club, CRC 117.
5 p.m. GeoDance Club, C RC 316 .
5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu meets in th e
6 p.m. EA RN meets to di sc uss anim al
ri ghts in CA B 320.
6 p.m. Men's Ce nter, CA 8 320 at Workstati on 2.
7 p.m. Pe rcuss ion Club, base ment of the
Library Building. All are we lcomc and
dr ums are provided'
7 p.m. Jugg ling Clu b, Se min ar II 8 11 07.

Events this Week
Thursday, November II
7 p.m. Ba rn es and Noble: Need some

feedback for your writing? Thi s is a
group th at is helpful lor writ ers. All
levels and styles of writing are welcome.
7 p.m. HCC: First Amendm ent Forum ,
hosted by the CPJ . Come learn about the
fi rst amendm ent and the co ll ege press.
8 p.m. Traditions Fa ir Trade Ca fe: Fo lk
duo Reill y and Maloney.

12 -2 p.m . Sem II OliOS: Come learn the
truth about pove rt y in a fr ee community
wo rks hop' Attendees can learn about
pove rt y in Thurston count y, hea r from
peo pl e who have ex perienced poverty or
who are curre ntl y experiencing poverty,
and what ca n be done about thi s.

Thursday, November 18
7 p.m . Sem II EI105: Crackin g the Da

Vinci Code, spon so red by Evergreen Students For Chri st.

Friday, November 12
The Eve rgreen Chemi str y Clu b visit s th e
Depa rtm ent of Hea lth Labs in Shorelin e,
Was hin gton. T he Chemi st ry clu b will be

11 • • 11


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By Mageez and Jon Clark



h".., (.. 5 D'" f..
f A Ji,,,,ls hf..f'(
, " W_5 J, ;~tM\.

By Chelsea Baker

By Anna Castano

~ (e.., ~J 0,\1-1'4\ I

\ L.I




j,JA~ tALL-I

. "'~ ~CAINU.. 1D~' :I:
\.J~~ Ho~(lF~




"'-l AArT1lA

1VlE"AJJ1"wtl€"~ -C



By Katie Thurman


like it has



for days ...

It IS r<Jlnlng
tinY boats!

~ ~.





sigh, the space-time .





5c..k.ool - 'jo..rvL

.r " continuum ...


By Andy Smith {


ALL t-\ 1\\ L\\-\'E

(this is the frame of
silence before the punchllne)


the nonadventures of nihilist boy
yo, what was up with
dubya slapping his hand .
down on the podium?
tapping that ass



no! you must give up this
fruitless search for






By C. Calhoun
By Devon Wilson
we are talking mangoes.
you're telling us
to stop searching
for meaning?

No, I did not see

Maby she was getting
her mole removed.



have any




By Devon Wilson

november 11, 2004

cooper point journal

cooper point journal


november 11, 2001l