

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 32, Issue 19 (March 11, 2004)

extracted text

Chibi Chibi






..'a' weekly compilation of student work
v 0 I u m e 3 2 • ; s sue 1 f!J • march 11, 2 0 0 4




by Racquel Nicloe Russo




" I' ll be doing my
taxes." .
Brandon .
O'Brien, Junior,

.')" m mov i ng
10 Skokom ish
Va ll ey."
0.1'/([/1 Kloster,
Sellior, ,\lodelillg
/I!J of ion

" Writing my masterpiece, or maybe just
scribbling in
my journal,"
Calen Swift, FirstYear, Fiction and
"S pencer Thun
wi ll be heading
to San Diego via
train. He hoped
tu chew lots of
bubb le g um , Pop
Rocks and dance
like an enebriated .
Spencer J. Tltlw,
First- Year, Social

Change'oj Music
"Going home,
relaxin' on cool."
Devin James,
First-Year, Social
Change oj Music

---------------------------------------------------------------- A~t- by- Kelly vin~;~t




" I'm goi ng hom
to rcSt... and see
my puppy."
Mo lly Sterlillg, .
Junior, Cltris-

tiall Roots




Olympia , WA 98505


Address Service Requested


Bak Shaolin Eagle Claw Family Reunites for
Victory at National Tournament in Centralia
by Mark Germano and Andy Cyders

USA Nationals; one of the biggest
tournaments of the year for the Northwest region . Seven hundred competitors,
intim id ating, right? Wrong.
On Saturday and Sunday, March 6
and 7, twenty -three Bak Shao lin Eagle
Claw compet itors from around the nation
attended Jesse Palmer's USA Nationals,
the Northwest Martial Arts Association 's
prem iere eve nt, in Centra lia Washington.
Black be lt s from the nat ional tea m
joined with newcomers to the Bak Shaolin
fam ily, and the results were tremendous.
The tea m showed up in force, and dominated nea rl y every di vision they entered.
With the help or Grandm aster Fu Leung
and Sifu Da na G. Daniels the team took
home forty-four meda ls.
It was a spectacular day for the Eag le
Claw compet itors in form s and fi ghti ng,
but the hi ghl ight of the tournam en t was
th e full contact continuou s rin gs whe re
th e blaGk belts took fi rst place in ne arl y
every weight class.
Super-heavywe ight s Sa m Hask in and
Owe n O'Keefe, both fonner eapta i ns of
Team Everg reen, disp layed their mass ive
power and strengt h in their stacked di vision. After several tough fights, O'Keefe

took third and Haskin fourth.
Team Eagle Claw swe pt the heavyweight division with Jesse Harter
(former captain of Evergreen Kung Fu)
taking first , Andrew Bresnik (current cocaptain of Team Evergreen) second and
Devon Waldron third . Harter and Bresnik
both roughed up their first opponents so
badly that no others wo uld stand in the
ring against them. Waldron, after wai ting
paticntl y for his chance to follow hi s senior
captains' example, was denied the chanc e
when hi s on ly possib le opponent bowed
out before the match began.
Nate So nn e nbe rg, world champion
forms compet it or and instructor of Bak
Shaol i n Eag le Claw at I ndi ana University,
dom in ated the middleweight divi sion and
took fi rst place after knock ing out hi s first
opponent and clobbering hi s second for
three round s to win the championship.
In the li ghtweight divi sion, Evergreen
team captai n Ma rk Germano dominated
the compctiti on. After knocking out hi s
first opponent in twenty seconds, Germano went on to win first place in the
d ivision. Nationa l team members Noa m
Rei n inge r and Shasta Sill ith fought we ll ,
but both lost by close deci sion at the end
of thei r fights.
Directly after this strong performance
in the full contact rings, the team took to

their forms divisions.
They swept the men's traditional soft
forms with Sonnenberg taking first ,
Bresnik second and Germano third .
Seattle instructor Loa Arnoth eclipsed
all of their performances, scoring higher
than all other competitors in traditional
soft forms and took first in the women's
division. Arnoth also placed second in
open forms by demonstrating a sharp,
clear Eagle Claw Mui Fa. However, in the
gra nd championship round , Sonnenberg
turned it on and showed why he was the
number one forms compet itor in I MAC in
2002, by winning the two-hundred doll ar
gra nd pri ze.
Sonnenberg also took first place in black
belt soft weapons form s with an im pressive display ofShaolin Shepard staff.
At the end of the first day, the black
belt co mp eti tors sw itched gea rs from
heavy full contact fightin g to light , fa st
point-sparri ng.
The super-heavy we ights continued to
fight well. O'Keefe and Haskin fought with
speed and power and placed second and
third respectively.
In the heavyweight divi sion , I3resnik
and Harte r eas il y beat their first opponents. However, following close losses to
Story continued on page 12
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- .~. -



Please remember to submit your feedback on the three provost
candidates to Marcia Husseman by no.on this Frid'ay, March
12. You can send it in a hard copy to Library 3103, or by email
t.o hussemam@evergreen.edu.

Sexual Assu It
"How to Ask Your Date For a Ki ss,"
the ki ckoff event for Sexual Assault
Awarenes s Month , will ta ke place
Thursday, April 1 from 6 p.m, to 8 p.m.
at The Edge in A Donn.
Come learn how to ask your date for
a kiss! Philipe Lonestar and Chandra
Lindeman of the Peer Education Program,
through the Office of Sexual Assault
Prevention, are offering an interactive
theater workshop focused on communication, consent, and sex. Tel1 them how
you want to be asked for a kiss and they'll
act it out. Free food, too!
Come early for a good seat. If you have
questions or need assistance to attend
this event, please caB 867.5221 , TTY
800.833.6388. See you there I

', _ ": '.:

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'" ,.' ,'.

Are you a musrci~ ~ho;~ 'g~t~tiestionsfwiiere tqg¢t .fuiiprrlg? Wh;ri to seek
legal"advice? Wlier~ to fmd.'P~ff~rmance opportunities? How to get .the word
mit? On Thurs~!lY' March )8, 'sev.eh~pariel .membe!s experienced in everything
fr0 Il1 touring to 'music la,W ~illb~ on hand .atTl~e Oly.tnpia <;enfer from 6:30-8:
30 p.m. in Room A to address these topics and Ilior~.. Panel,rilenibers are attorneY .R ob Hill, Madelia Lui:, frqln~ Records;' Michllet;Olsoh of Obra<;ior, Ross
Raihala from the Olympian, l<anako Wynkoop Of Lia,roitd, and Steve Peters of
J~ck Straw Productions,facilitated by Lois Maffeo of 9w1ill,ld Pussycat.
Sponsored by the City of OLympia Arts c;ommission, Department of Parks,
Arts & Recreation, the. forurn is part of an ongoingcOinmitnient [0 help make
a,rt happen in 'o ur community, giviQg artists the infonnation they need to meet
their own goals:
For more information: please call the City of Oly mpia Arts Program at



5 .m. Monda '
Help decide such things as the Vox
Populi question, what the cover photo
should be, and what should be in the
next issue of the CP J.

Comment on that day's paper. Air
comments, concerns, questions, etc.
Also known as the "Post Mortem.'

The Constant





is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session: the 1st through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the 2nd
through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters,
is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus, Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per p'erson,
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 360,867.6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.
is written, edited, and distributed by students enrolled at The
Evergreen State College, who are sol.ely responsible for its pro~uction and .
sells display and classified advertising space, Infonnation
. about adveniSing rates, terins, and tonditions are ava,ilable in CAB 316, or by
request at 360:867.6054, . "

ContribuUons ftom 'any T'ESC sludentate we/come: Cop/esof



march 1.1, 2004 '


. .
sLibmi~ori and publication en/eria f9r npn:adverfising cPllt~nt are a~ai/~b~ · .
in CAB 316, or by requeSt at 360:867.6213. The CPJ's editor·in-chje~has
. final ~y on the acceptance'or ~jectjon Qf all non-adve(tising contenr ...

CH fZ..1 S










Tonight, Harlequin Productions continues its season with The Constant Wife,
a "socially unexpectable comedy" by W.
Somerset Maugham ,
Set in London during the 1920s,
Constance discovers her husband is having
an affair with her best friend, Rather than
facing humiliation, she denies the two and
uses the bad luck, gossip and broken heart
to her own advantage .
The show runs through April 3, with
8 p.m. evening performances and 2 p.m.
Sunday matinees. Wednesday, March 17 is
a "pay what you can" performance.
For ticket reservations or more information , contact the box office at 786.0151 .


dome in artdput your values to th~test!.
Discuss ethiCs and journaljsm law.

Laura Carpenter, The Evergreen State College Human Resource Services
Direct Line: 360.867.5373
Office: 360.867.5361
FAX: 360.867.6823

• .Allow· students to work proactively With the aclm!01stratlon rather than only
reacting negatively to 'deci,s ionswe do~ 't lilce, . • .
. .(
• Lobby the state fot: more moneyJo fund things we want.
We are a group..ofconcernedand inspired students who started meeting after the
forums oid,tudent government held at the beginning of winter quarter. PLEASE
JOIN US! WE NEED YOUR VOICES! Here are some ways to get involved:
• Come to our meetings, Wednesdays, 1 p,m. to 3 p.m. in Library 1706.
• Visit http://lists.riseup.netlwww/subrequestitescstudentunion/ and add yourself
to our listserv.
. '
• Post comments on an online fonim (more on that soon).
• Stop and talk to anyone tabling for the student union.

General Meeting


CPR/First Aid training will take place Tuesday, March 16,9 a,m . 10 5 p.m. in COM
308 and wil1 be provided by specialists through McLane Fire Department.
In consideration of others, we request that anyone attending thi s class observl:
our campus-wide air-quality policy and refrain from the use of wearing of scented
Persons needing special accommodations may contact HRS at ext. 5361.
Please obtain your supervisor's approval to attend prior to signing lip. Space i ~
limited to 25, so sign up soon! •
Call 867.5361 or email your request to: carpentl @ everg~een . edu

..::.' . ~.

.' "




..... cr~at~ a 's tudent Unjon ·at Evergreen that could:' ,
,. Keep students.irifor:med abQui: current Issues depisions tp be made.
. . ..".~ro:Vjde
~the' p6s:;;ibili~ for a 'Unariimous student V9ice on issues. such as food
' '. . " ,
.' ,.., !
" .

sei::Vice;ca.i.n.(>us div¢r~ity. etc, . ' . "


. tor M'~5, ~c!,a ~~,,9h .r~;~ ~~9~M: .ty1arch:!B


Get inVolved,

,Artists ;for~~ 'to':.~6c,u~ 'OIj~;~~ltk:dl, TOpics




' staff

Business ... ,.. ,.........................,.............,... ,'''....,."",.,., ..... 867,6054
Business manager ......................................... ",...... Andrew James
Ass!. business manager ................................. :.. Adrian Persaud
Ad Prooter and archivist ......................................... ,.. Gianna Dice
Ad Designer .. ,........................ ,..................... ,............ Nolan Lattyak
Circulation Manager/Paper Archivist ..................... Claire Harlock
Distribution Manager.................................. "............ Chris Chalek
Ad Sales Representative ...........................................Jordan Lyons
News ..:, .... ,.. ,......................... ,............. ,........".".,.. ,' ".... ,.867.6213
Editor-In-chief .............. ,................................ ,............ Sophal Long
Managing editor ...................................................... Renata Rollins
News coordinator.............................. :............. :....... Kalie Thurman
l&O coordinator ........................,.................." .............. Troy Morris
PageD~sigrier ..:....... ,..,............. :.... :.,:(:, ...... ,:,.,.,Kristen Undstrom
Page·Designer........ ,.... ,.. ,.. ,....,.....:....:........................ Corey Young
.. PliOto coordinalor..........,..;: .................. ,:.;;., ....,........ ,....Joe Jalcko
ME OOordi~aior .........,....:,:........,..::,.. ::,L:.: . ". .,.Chelsey Adams
'; SpoKs .&Leisure coordinilior ...'.....::.:::.... ;;...... .'.;.... ~yra Berkovich
Copy Ed~or"" " " :''' '''' '' ''';' :.:..;.. :...... ,,:..... ,:::-Mitc~1I Hahn~Branson
Copy Edtlor.......:................,.........:."::.... ::; i.,.·~ .. :.....:.... ,Robert Hopt
, Cal~ndar:cOOrdiilator ........ ,.;:'.. :....:,;:......!..::...~ .., Step.hanie Brooks
Bulietin Board Coordinator ...... :.........: .......;......:.. ,....:.:: Talia Wilson
· tors ..............
. Wood
.. ICS; coord'Ina
:,..,.M~ Aven'IIICassle
Advisor .•.:, ..... :, ... ,: ...........,...............:.,..... :.,:.. ,.::.. Dianne Conrad
~sistant'to the advisor :...:.;.:.:.::...:.. ~; .:::.......... "".;".. M.A. Selby

the ·c ao·p er 'p'oint journal

To submit, email your submissions to cpj@evergreen.edu,
walk in CAB 316 and drop it off (it s on the third floor of
the College Activities Building), or call 360.867.6213
·to get in touch with your student newspaper.

march, .11, 2004

n .ews~

Ki.ller Coke Campai.gn
at Evergreen
by Laura Saracco and lana McKinley
Last year at Evergreen, we had the chance to hear firsthand the issues presented by
two union leaders from SINAL TRAINAL, the union of the Coca-Cola bottling plants
in Colombia. For many of us, thi s was the first time we heard about the International
Boycott and campaign to hold Coca-Cola accountable for its human rights abuses in
Co lombia. After we heard the stories of William Mendoza and Juan Carlos Galvis,
these iss ues became very real and painful to acknowledge . We decided that we had to
act upon the issues we were presented with, using our power as students to put pressure
on Coca-Cola to protect their workers and respect labor laws.
After Mendoza and Galvis left Evergreen, we started doing our research and trying to
inform other people who might not have attended their presentation on the gross human
rights violations and attacks on union members in Colombia. After getting the support
of many members of the Evergreen community who signed the petitions being sent to
the Coca-Co la headquarters, we decided that it was time to put even more press ure on
the company by boyco tting all of their products on our ca mpus. a strategy that many
campuses ill the U.S. have adopted.
Often, as peopl e who live in the U.S .. we forget our enorm ous economi c privilege and ab ility to pressure corporations to be acco untabl e for th eir wrongful actions
ab road. This is a privilege that stud ent s and workers in Co lombia don't have because
of the threat of violent repercussions by paramilitaries and other right-wing groups.
Our actions have the power to improve the I ives of the people being threatened by a
powerful U.S. corporation.
We believe that in accordance to principles embedded in the Evergreen community,
it is our duty to support this international boycott and call for the removal of all CocaCola products on-campus. Please suppo!": us by signing the TESC resoluti on. You will
find it online at: http://academic.evergreen.edu/m/mormic09/ or you can get a signature
sheet at the Women of Color Coalition Office. For more information about Coca-Cola
in Colombia. visit : http://www.killercoke.org/. You can also contact us directly at

Dear Members of the TESC Community,


Making Ol-ympia Greener

The Services and Activities Board Special Initiative Fund is officially out of
money. Since November, the S&A Board has been hearing SI prese ntations and
allocating funds accordingly. With so many activities going on, and the increase of
students getting involved, it 'is no surprise that the student fees set aside for events
and emerg ing groups have run out already. The Board is proud to have supported
such a broad and diverse assortment of SI proposals, and would like to share with
the Evergreen community a list of what proposals student fees went towards.
2003-2004 SI Funds went to support:
Asian Students in Alliance: Lunar New Year Celebration. Coalition Against
Sexual Violence: Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, including lecture
and workshop honorariums, film screenings, and materials and supplies. College
Recreation Center: Add itiona l vans for popular wilderness center trips, extended
hours for climbing gym, equipment for emerging sea kayak ing program. CRC
Operations : Weight lifting equipment and other events. Edu-Action: Opcrationa l
expenses. Evergreen Chemistry Club: Operational expenses and travel sponso rship to the American Chemical Society National Convention. Evergreen Political
Information Center: Operational expe nses, movies, EPIC publications, workshop.
Winona LaDuke speaking engagement honorarium . Evergreen Queer Alliance:
V-DaylVagi na Monologues events. Gaming Guild: Operational expenses and
over 26 games. Giant Robot Appreciation Society: Chibi Chibi Con. Healing
Arts Council: Evergreen Herbal Faire. Hui 0' Hawaii: Pol ynes ian Luau (May).
Infoshoppe: Moral Crux (and others) concert tabling eve nt. KAOS : So uth by
Southwest travel sponsorship and registration fees. Master's in Environmental
St udies GSA: Conference reg istrati on fees for professiona l deve lopment. Master's
in Environmental Stud ies: Operational ex penses. Master's in Teaching GSA : Ch"l
Bowers lecture on eco-pedagogy. conference regi stration fees for profess ional devel opment. Master's in Teaching: Operational expenses. Men's Lacrosse: J::qui pll1<!111
and travel sponsorship. Mindscreen : Winter and Spring weekly tilm nights. Native
Student Alliance: Annual Pow Wow (March 12-13). Percussion C lub/Musician s'
Club: Ta Ke Ti Na workshop honorariums. Shaolin Temple Cultural Arts Cluh:
Winter and Spring kung-fuli1ovie ni ghts. Student Art Counci l: Urban arts festival.
Students Educating Students Aboutthe Middle East: Film festival and Lati fBolat
performance . Students at Evergreen for Ecological Design : "Syncrgy":-- T I~ird
Annual Sustainab le Living Co nferencc TESC CD Project: ProductIon ot CD leaturing Evergreen mu sic ians. Umoja : Black Hi story Month event s, including f~11Il
sc reenings, speaker honorarium s. and Step Fest. VOX: Dorothy Roberts speaklllg
engagement honorarium, fertility awareness class honorarium . Womell of Color
Coalition: International Women's Week (March 1-7) eve nts, including film screenings, speaker honorariums, and other events. Women's Resource \enter: Trav~1
sponsorship to Save Women 's Lives: March for Freedom of ChOice (Api'll 2).
2004) .
Story continued on Page 5', '''

bv Lallrel Buley
Help Students Against Hunger and Homelessness and WashPI RG to combat hunger
in Olympia. Join us as we help the women of the Bread & Roses Women 's Shelter to
plant their first garden!
This event will take place as part of "Hunger Cleanup Day," which is an event held
by the national Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness. All over the U.S .,
student groups will be participating in events sim ilar to this and helping their communities become aware and raise money for local Hunger and Homelessness programs as
well as for the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness. We are
asking our volunteers to be sponsored by a friend or business (or severa l) wh il e they
volunteer at the garden and the proceeds will be split- half will go right back into the
community- straight to the Bread & Roses shelter and the other half will go towards
the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness so they can continue
to hold events across the country which raise awareness and help those in need.
We are still looking for any donations we can get! Our vision is a garden ful l of
produce, flowers, and healing herbs- so if anyone is willing to donate seeds or baby
plants that would help to complete this vision, please contact us. On the day of the
event, please bring any tools that will help to start our plunge into the earth-shovels,
gloves, etc. Your time, enthusiasm, and energy are also MUCH appreciated. If you do
not have a sponsor, please still come and help out.
If you are ready to get dirty and help out our community, please participate in this
empowering event. Come join in on Sunday, April 4. starting at I p.m. at the Bread and
Roses Women 's She lter in downtown Olympia!
Help as we plant seeds of love and awareness to strengthen our community.
For more information or to donate , please contact laurel@planet-save.com or







• ••••••••••••• I··············~·~····· •
Student Union Survey

• The Student Union Working Group needs to know what you want. A student union would be an opportunity to
• be heard .... so what do you want to say?

• Check one: I live
continuing student

I am
D a first-year student D transfer student

I am in D a full-time program D weekend and evenings studies D course graduate studies

D contract/internship
• My ProgramlCourse(s) N a m e ( s ) : .
. .
• Yes No 1. As a student, do you feel that you are mformed or aware of College polICIes and campus Issues
that affect the student body?
• Yes No 2. Do you feel that you have a represented voice concerning campus policies and issues which af• fect the student body?
• Yes No 3. If you had concerns about issues and policies, do you know how to make your voice and opinions
• heard? Ifyes,how?___________________________________________________________________
• 4. How do you find out about student issues and concerns on campus? _________________
• 5. Cirele issues you would want addressed by a Student Union: Food Service
Diversity Renters Rights

Lobby for Financial Aid

If Others, Please specify_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-==-::--_::---=--:-_:-_
• 6. What would you want your student union to look like? Please use the back to comment. We are looking for
• feedback on how you want your voice heard ... Representation? Voting? Town Hall? Debated? Tell us what you
• would want.
• Please provide us with the following information if you would like to be on our informational list. (Please in• elude phone number if you want to volunteer time.)
• Name'
E-mail Address:
Phone: ________________

Please submit completed survey to the Student Activities Office, CAB 320 by April 12, 2004

march 11, 2004

.thecooperpOl,-ot Journal

by Corinl1e HevlIlan

I was very excited when Winon a
LaDuke came to campus on March 2, and
not just because it was Winona LaDuke, but
also because her involvement with Honor
the Earth gives me an excuse to talk about
a subject very dear to my heart . It's that
time again. folks , time to think about clean
energy awareness (like you could ever stop
thinking about it!). During the next two
months some very exc iting things will be
going on nation-wide involving campus
clean energy campaigns, including Fossil
Fools Day on April I and Earth Day!
Perhaps you may be thinking that
alt hough ohviously clean energy is a fascinating subject, a clean energy campaign
on this particular campus may not be
necessary. Maybe you shou ld like to say
to me, "Clean energy is all well and good.
but why does Evergreen need a campaign?
I though1.Evergreen was a real ly environmentally friendl y campus." And if you did
say such things (or if someone standing
near you did and you happened to over: .
Story continued from Page 4
hear) you (and anyone else in the vicinity.)
. .
might be a bit surprised, shocked, even,
We 'd li ke to thank all of the student groups, orgalllzatlons, and supporters ~baLtook- to learn that YES! Evergreen does indeed
lillle out to crea~e complete proposals and ~ome before the Board. We apprecl~te. your need a clean energy campaign because
Evergreen does not buy ANY clean energy
hard work and tllne that has gone II1to maklllg the culture of the campus what It I.S.
The S&~ Board will reslll~e meetings in spring quarter to hear annual OperatIOnal (that's right, as in NON E AT ALL) and
Budgets. I t you have questIons, concerns, o~ comments, please feel free to call that is so wrong it's keeping me awake
360.867.6221 or stop by the S&A Board office 111 C~B 320.
and giving me nightmares. Schools such
Kandi M. Bauman 2003-2004 S&A Board Coordll1ator


Everybody Loves Clean




Thinking about Graduate School?
flf/~fl\\~/f!<:/ ·~~i1«f~4~~1fC(#;._1tj~f
Attend our upcoming information session and learn
about the three graduate programs offered at
The Evergreen State College.

Earn your

Master of Environments Studies

Master of

... Informati
Wednesday, March 1

Olympia Timh'Art.::I1
313 8th Avenue


For information about a specific program, pleQSe contact:
JT Austin (MES) 867-6225/austinj@evergreen.edu
Maggie Foran (MIT) 867-6559Itoranm@evergreen.edu
Mary McGhee (MPA) 867-6554/mcgheem@evergreen.edu

as the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Connecticut College and California State
University have already paved the way by
setting down a commitment and di splaying
a fine example of Green Savvy Behavior.
Obv iously Evergreen COULD commit
to clean energy and SHOULD commit
to clean energy, but absolutely nothin g
will happen without student and facu llY
It is of most import that you get out on
both Fossil Fools Day and Earth Day and
voice your support of clean energy. Better
yet, stop by the clean energy table when
it's in the CAB (on the second floor) and
sign up to become a Clean Energy Ranger
or merely point and laugh at my poor art
ski lls (and then sign up because you feel
bad about making me cry). If the thought
of being labeled a Clean Energy Ranger (or
the thought of associating with someone
who has such poor grammar) frighten s.
intimidates, and /or disgust s you , then
head on up to the ERC (which is waiting impatiently for you on the third floor
of the CAB in the Student Activities
Admin istration office) and ask about getting involved and beginning your own fun
filled and ful filling adventure, Making the
Green a little Greener. Captain Pl anet ain't
got nothin ' on us .




Richard Anderson

Leave me alone
Let the past go
Holding the wounds that bleed eternity
.Forgive and forget
Don't stop to regret
Tired of feeling endless guilt
Well, fuck that and fuck you!
You've hurt me unconditionally
Infested with grief, anger and fear
No more agonizing over the pain
I will not surrender to your act of violence
Standing tall for all to see
No more will you belittle me
I showed I had the balls to stand up to you
Telling the world your malicious lie s
Secrets that cut skin deep
Now fester with a new disease
Peace in mind is what I need
I've had your thoughts inside of me
I hate you the way you did
With the same man that destroyed your world
W ell , congratulations, you've succeeded well
You've been a II that you hate . .. yourself
You 're the reason I live in fear
Inferior, mi sled, abused
I hate you for what you stand for
You should be ashamed, but worst of all
You are to blam e
Well, fuck you! FUCI< YOU!
Gee, can you tell I love him so ?
I don't need to explain how this story goes
No more, here's my peace of mind
May I repent my hatred thoughts
May I stop the wrath
May I live with love and hap piness
May I never see your face
I've fostered the idea of hope for too long/
Let th e shit hit the fan
You should be proud daddy
You 've just proved y ou're the man









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IhcreaSe 'lour sKil\~





11t\1 Naked (eye)!
by Tro y Morris

bv Brian Flewell

Disclaimer: I, Doctor Troy, am completely full of
shit. This .is why I am highly qualified to analyze your
dreams . Send me your dreams to figure out how dysfunctional and abnormal you are in a public forum at
cpj@evergreen.edu. Subject: Dream Doc. And remember,
this is for entertainment purposes only, like Miss Cleo
in print.
Before I start this week 's session, I would like to apologize for my absence. I was at a
conference rehabilitating Star Wars, Star Trek, and other such geeks to return to the world
of the normal. It was partially successful. For the next month , I will be leaving you as well
for I have to go to Europe and solve my mental problems with beer, clubs, nud e bea ches,
and smart people culture. I'll return in May, until then, I refer you to a good colleague of
mine, Mr. Rogers. He's no Doctor of Dreams, but he ha s puppets.
Unmarketable Nightmares
Dear Doctor,
I was wondering why I tend to have such unoriginal nightmares. I become fmstrated
when I hear people ta lking about bizarre, unique dream s that th ey've had , which they plan
to turn into short stories/novels/screenplays/songs. If I were to record what I dream and
pass it off as a story or song, I would be sued for plagiarism.
My most recent example includes the dream I had last night, which was in fact nothing more than a retread of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and then lurned into Dawn of
(he Dead. Other exa mpl es include having a dream about an evil killer version of Seamus
McFly (Michael J. Fox in Back Tu The Future III, playing both Seamus and his descendant
100 years later, Marty McFly). Even musically I can't have original dreams, for in my last
musical dream, I only played "Enter Sandman."
What does this mean? And how can I rectify il so that I will have unique, marketable

Patrick Glenn, Sophomore
Dear Patrick,
I would like to point out, since you seem to be misinformed , that Seamus McFly was an
ev il killer. In the original screenplay for Back to the Future III, the film ended with Seamus
stealing the train, going back to the future and killing Marty and half of the population of
C incinnati. This caused time to roll back into itself and the universe imploded and was
destroyed. The horror, th e horror. Unfortunately, the studio execs felt it was too much for
the American public of the 1980's. Your subconscious seemed to be aware of the existence
of the original script and you have been upset at its failure to manifest. You either know
someone on the inside of the production and the horror of the horrible ending was too much
for your consciousness to handle and thus was pushed into the recesses of your subconscious
or yo u are psyc hic. !fyou are psychic, what are this week's winning Lottery numbers?
The 1110st revealing dream was your latest musical dream. It tells anyone with a cereal
box Ph.D. that you are not sleeping. The song you chose to sing was "Enter Sandman ." You
are begging the man who creates slumber to come and relinquish you from the monotonous
waking life. You must not have been sleeping lately and are having withdrawal symptoms.
Ergo, these aren't lame dreams you've been having but lame realities. Your consciousness
is so horrified by the lameness of the actual reality of your existence it shuts down and you
feel like you a re in a dream. Congratulations, you are lame beyond recognition!
Finally, all of your nightmares re-enacting Hollywood's cliche horror films are a symptom
of your bad social skills with the ladies. In these films, women are always being hunted by
disfigured and horrible men or zombies and then slaughtered. Obviously you need to take
some classes, read some books and get a lady friend for her and you to respect and love
one another.
In conclusion, my prognos is: get a girlfriend and let her talk to you and you should start
sleeping immediately.






This poS~tion f'Q~.s


Doctor Troy

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march 11 , :2004




- ~. ::.-'.,:

Over the past few weeks we hav e
had several clear nights and evenings .
Some of you have no doubt noticed the
amazingly bright point of light high in
the western skies. This beautiful, bright
object is ollr "evening star" Venus, the
Goddess of Love. Looking west during
sundown, and shortly after, Venus will
be the first pinpoint of light to emerge in
the twilight. Venus is the second planet
out from th e sun. Orbiting just 72% of
the di sta nce between Earth and the Sun,
Venus' atmosphere contains 97% carbon
dioxide, causing Venus to reflect most of
the sunlight that hits it. This high reflection
causes Venus to appear extremely bright in
our evening sky this month.
Another gem, just rising in the east, is
Jupiter, King of the Gods. Looking east
about an hour after sunset, Jupiter will be
rising in all hi s glory. With the naked eye,
Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the
eastern sky. With a low-power telescope, or

even good binoculars, you will be ab le to
make out the Galilean moons: /0, Callisto,
Ganymede, and Europa. The mythology of
the Galilean moons is as interesting as th e
names themselves. Jupiter was a libidinous
god. He had many wives, sex partners, and
one-night flings. Over·the course of many
years, he had three daughters: la, daughter
oflnachus, Callisto of Lycaon, and Europa
of Agenor. Then there was Ganymede,
the handso me son of King Tros, whom
Jupiter had taken favor to. Jupit er took
the fonn of an eagle, and flew to heaven
with Ganymede on his back. Ganymede
became Aquarius, the Water Bearer and a
sexual partner to Jupiter.
On the maps provided, Venus is near the
western horizon nearthe faint constellation
Aries. Jupiter is near the eastern hori zon in
the constellation Leo. You won't have to
find the constellations to find the planets,
s ince they are very easy to see. Happy
Viewing I



The Curmudgeon:

by Jeremy Kaufman
I' ve been reading the CPJ for years
now, and I've never been driven to write
a response until I read Flores-Johnson 's
" Buffet of Culture" piece . I have never
seen anything as uninformed, unrealized,
prejudiced, and foolish in a college paper
in my life.
Many of Evergreen 's students are from
this area, which is disproportionately white.
This is not the college's fault. Obviously the
school actively recruits as many minorities
as possible and does what .it can to assist
them. I f the Caucasian students shouldn't
learn about other cultures, would nonCaucasians be okay with this school being
taught with a Eurocentric focus so that white
students know less about non-European history than they already do? I doubt it. Besides,
there is plenty of culture in Olympia and
Evergreen, in fact disproportionately so for
a small town of mostly Caucasians. Color
and culture are not synonymous.
Culture is a combination of many things.
It most definitely includes language, religion,
ritual, customs/norms, art, food, and technology. Now consider the difficulties that arise
from trying to isolate cultures and prevent
mixing. I am responding to the "Buffet of
Culture" article because ofa newspaper writ-

ten in English on a computer, none of which
were invented by the Lakota. Just because
his ethnic ancestors did not create th~se
things, it does not mean that he should be
forbidden to use them, or that somehow they
wouldn't work if he did use them. Should
Thai restaurants have signs that say, " For
Thai Customers Only"? "This Food Cannot
Be Properly Appreciated Or Digested By
Non-Thai"? Do Jews go around demanding
Christians stop usi ng "their" holy book as
part of the Christian bible? Of course not.
Sweat lodges are a technology. If somebody properly learns the ways of the lodge,
they will be able to use them, regardless of
their skin color. Besides, sweat lodges were
used by ancient Europeans and are used
throughout Asia as well. Native Americans
in no way have a monopoly on them .
It is also acceptable to alter a technology as it passes to a di fferent culture, as
this is what technology and culture at
large inherently do . The Native American
Church, Santeria .. . the list goes on and on
of oppressed people who took what beliefs
they wanted from their oppressors' cultures
and used them for themselves. Is anyone suggesting that African-Americans be forbidden
from worshipping Christ or Allah?

Just because Caucasians are immersing
themselves in other cultures it doesn 't mean
they aren't proud of their own background
or that they are trying to beco me the people
they are learning about. If a white student
li stens to African drumming, it doesn ' t
mean she's trying to be black, anymore than
Flores-Johnson is trying to be white by quoting Sondheim in hi s paper, or trying to be
African-American by listening to jazz.
Due to the fact that Caucasians are taking
an interest in other cultures, it 's far more
likely that those cultures will have allies and
will survive. Until the majority decides that
a minority 's culture should be respected and
appreciated, it is likely that the minority wil l
eventually be decimated.
Europeans looked at non-Europeans as
nothing more than sources of slave labo r,
producers of souvenirs, or obstacles in the
way of natural resources to plunder until
some of them explored non-European cu lture. The Primitivism movement of about a
hundred years ago created a need to understand these cultures, which in turn led to the
understanding that non-Europeans were not
savages and should be respected.
I take offence with the article's assumption that there is some sort of unified, living

"white culture." Most Caucasian Americans
do not have a cultural connection beyond the
mass culture they've grown up with . Their
parents didn't teach them Irish folktales
or speak Saxon; they didn't recount fond
memories of Viking raids, etc. If the article
assumes that white people embrace their
own culture, should they act like Humphrey
Bogart or a Teutonic warrior?
Lumping together Europeans and modern
Caucasian Americans as a group of oppressors, let alone the "greatest conquerors of all
time" (his words), is wrong. If the author is
even p3l1 Hispanic, than he has blood in him
(from Spanish conquistadors) that is far more
guilty of the genocide of Native Americans
than a student whose ancestors came here
at the beginning of the twentieth century
from Ireland during the famine. So in my
opinion, if Flores-Johnson wants to persist
in this logic, he is more of an oppressor than
most "white people" he'll ever meet.
Cultural secl usion leads to raci sm, violence , lack of diversity and stagnation. It
is also impossible to enforce, as culture is
dynamic by nature. Cultural curiosity is
one of the greatest factors contributing to
human history.

by Emily Dilling

by Lee Kepraios
A running theme I have going, as The
Curmudgeon, is my apprec.iation for negativity. Hip-hop, movie ads, bottled water,
Valentine 's Day, hippies, and campus
hypocrisy have so far been my topics and
have proven not tei be exempt from scorn
and ridicule. The responses I've gotten have
been great. I'm g lad there are still people on
thi s campus who agree with me, people who
are wi lling to look at their peers and say,
"That's bull shit. " People say to me, "Thank
you writing about such and such . They really
deserved it."
So negativity is big with me. But this
week, I' d Iike to do something a little di fferent and focus on some good things, some
things I think we've done we ll.
Sp la shguards- Splashguards are g reat.
Whoever's idea it was to place a piece of
sheet metal, also known as a splashguard ,
in between urinals deserves a Nobel Prize.
That way, you don 't have to stand up so close
against the urinal when you're in a crowded
bathroom , and you don't have to get the 45degree-angle going in the opposite direction
when somebody's next to you. You can just
stand there and let your penis shout from the
mountaintop in privacy.
Plate Lunches- The plate lunch is one of
our finest achievements. Plate lunch vendors
working out of mobile lunch vans are' the
cornerstone of blue-collar dining in Hawaii
and other parts of Pol ynesia as well as the
Bahamas, Cuba and Key West, Florida.
Known for their unbelievably generous porti ons and cheap prices, the " plate" is s imply

a Styrofoam clamshell carton into which is
served a heaping entree of sauteed chunks of
your choice of meat with or without gravy,
one scoop of steamed rice and one scoop
of macaroni salad. Worth the price of plane
fare alone.
Adjustable Beds- Unlike most men ,
I' m not a nut for gadgets. But sleeping on
an adjustable bed is something everyone
should do at least once. I want to buy one,
not just because it'd good for my back , but
also because it'd finally enable me to blow
myse lf.
Dixieland Jazz- What ajoyful, exu berant sound Di xieland is! In an age when it's
fashionable for music to be without any
instruments, melodies or feeling, no style
of music remains as charming, as pleasing
or as purely musical as Dixieland Jazz and
Ragtime. I' ve been a lover of it most of my
life. And I' m not about to start now.
Hip Flasks- No student should be without a flask . You can surreptitiously drink!
And no one knows what you ' re drinking.
It could be vodka, it could be whiskey, it
could be nail varnish! Not that I would ever
advocate public drinking among minors.
Especially at Evergreen.
Outback Steak houses- I love the
Outback. You can get a decent steak there
for a decent price- a godsend for those of
us whose name doesn't have happen to be
Rockefeller. And who cou ld resi st those
Bloomin ' Onions? In a part of the country
where eating meat makes you evil, or worse
yet, a man, it's good to have an Outback in

Olympia. 1 don 't like big food franchises
either, but this is one case where having
one is imperative.
Violent Sports Injuries- I enjoy watching sports like footbal!', hockey and boxing
not for their entertainment value, but for their
high injury factor. I' m a sucker for real-life
violence. Bones breaking , blood bein g
spilled, ambulances on the field , I love it.
Japanese No h Theater- I'm a g reat
admirer of Japane se Noh p lays because
they' re all about exaggerating every lillI e
move the human body makes into a slow,
beautifully drawn out motion. Watching a
Noh pl ay is often very tedious but tremendously rewarding. And it 's without the pretentious, fake artsyness that surro unds most
theater. It's like I've been say ing for years:
The Japanese do eve rything better.
Bowling Night- What 's better th a n
bowling? Bow ling in a leag ue. Not on ly are
you on a team playing, but you are on the
highest eche lon of the bowling crowd. You
get all the lanes you need , the staff actual ly
treat you with respect and there 's that added
egalitarian feeling of brotherhood amongst
your teammates as you and troubadours
challenge one titan after another with your
graphite weapons locked in g ladi atorial
sport. Bowling night is a magical night.
Lee's New Rule of the Week: I'm not
go ing to your funera l! I don't go to funerals anymore because every time you go to a
funeral, even if the person is an assho le, you
have to sit and li sten to what a great guy the y
were. I've never understood that in Ameri

ca, why when someone di es we have to lie
to ourse lves like that. You could have been
the biggest asshole in the world. I always
end up saying, "] must be at the wrong
funeral!" Americans love pageantry and
pathos. People say you can't talk badly about
someone at their funeral. Are you kidding?
That's the perfect time Lo talk about the
person because they're not around to suffer
from it! All is not forgiven because you've
died. You just get a break.

The Definite Articie:Mighty Morpheme Power
Rangers, or, If It Ain't Broke, Don't (Suf)fix It
hy Eo Kinney

! .

. I subscribe to The New York TImes, but I know better than to trust what "expos~ the hypocrisy of.affmnaJive action." What started as a "parody of
it t~lls me. I'd ·like. to think I've developed an ability to glean artiCles' in scholarshipsayailable only to minorities" has become much more ..Donations "
order to find actUal news, while not allowing the other stuff.-jouin:~lists' . to the College Republicl\.llclub increased, effectively upping the scholarship
biases, propaganda, etc.~toruin my day. Until now. i ari1 still dealing with fund and suppoftingtlie ignorant and inappropriate scholarship.
I'm sure there are other people; like me, who are disgusted by this
. my frustration and anger regarding an article I read lastriight. By the time '
story-'but that point of view was expressed by only one voice in the .TImes'
you read ihis, week will have passed and I will still >bemad . · '.
The article r read was about a student at'Roger Williams University in article. I'm scared'tbat people will hear about this story, see the comments
Rhode Island. The student, Jason Mattera, is the founder of a student group published in the Times, and think it's okay. I ;m scared that there are a lot
on campus 'called "the College Republicans." The club recently decided of people out there who believe that offering scholarships that are only for
to create a scholarship that is available only to wbite students; In order students of color is an act of "reverse-racism."
I'm scared that people are 'falIing to realize that white p eople do have
to apply for the scholarship, a whitestuden~ must write an essay which
helping them. Everywhere they go-even if they don't realize it.
addresses, "why you are proud of your white heritage and ... what being .
111a1's the way institutionalized racism works. But.what scares me the most
white means to you."
The TImes quoted Mattera as saying that "if you are a white student on is that this story will be forgotten or go unnoticed.
I hope that you will follow what happens with Jason and his Repul;>lican
campus, you don't bave anyone bel ping you ." -Mettera said this in regards
to a list of scholarships for students of color that the .school had compiled. buddies and their white-pridc scholarship, that you will tcll your friends
White students may not have scholarship lists compiled for them, but scbool about it, and that you will write to the college, Th e New fork TImes, or Jasoll
systems inherently do a lot more to help them than they may be aware of. himself. Perhaps we could offer him a scholarsbip to attend some workshops .
Sadly, Mattera and his Republican friends bave rallied tbe supp0T! of addressing the way oppression works in our society. Maybe we could compile
people who-agree with-thescholarship, calling it "genius" and an effort to a lis~ of them fot him so he can get the hetp that he needs.


march, 11, 2004

the cooper pqint journal

I've been thinking about
suffi xes .
A suffix, as you probably
remember from third grade, is a clump of
leit ers (what lingui sts ca ll a "morpheme")
attac hed to the end of a word to change its
part of speech- as when you add "-Iy" to an
adjec tive (like " kind") to change it into an
adve rb (" kindly"), or when yo u add "-ment"
to the end o f a ve rb (like "e ncourage") to
change it into a noun ("e ncourage menf') .
Some words undergo spe II ing changes
when appended with suffi xes. For example,
the noun form of "converse" is "conversation ," not "co nvers ion." Likewise with
"propel," which changes to " propulsion ."
Suffixes, like so many parts of the English
language, are marvelously inconsistent. So
watch out for rubes who want to conversate
with you about things that propulse.
Unwitting ly removing from a word a
non-existent suffix--or prefix- is known as

·'back-formation." The most famous example
of thi s is "burgle," which was derived from
ihe already-existing noun "burglar."
Engli sh is rife with back-formations that
have found their way into standard usage.
A lot of them are used facetiou sly- lik e
"buttle " (from " but ler"), oog runtl ed"
(from " disgruntled"), and " couth" (from
"uncouth")- but many others have become
perfectly accepted members of our language.
"Donate" (fro m "donation") and "execute"
(from " execution") are both back-form ation s. So are " Iech" (from " lech ero us"),
"diagnose" (froni "diagnosis"), " resurrect"
(from "res urrection"), and "grovel" (from
The counterpart to back-formation is the
addition of new suffixes. And so, we're back
with burglars. The back-formation "burgle"
seems silly to us Americans, who like to
sound as long-winded and polysyllabic as
possible; we prefer the longer word "burglar-

the cooper pOint journal

ize." (B riton s, who stick with "burg le," love
to needle us about our prolixity- as AI ista ir
Cooke mused, " Why is it that in print, or in
public, the rule seems to be: Never say in two
sy llables what you can say in five?")
This tendency toward fu sti an is evident in
a word that I have heard more often recentl y
than I'd li ke to admit : "b urglari ze r." This
makes some sort of sense- we are always
adding suffixes to words to c hange their
fu nctions. We added "- it!!" to make " burglar" into a verb, and now we-can add " -er"
to make it into a noun. Exce pt that it was a
noun to beg in with. It 's easy to see where
thi s can lead : before long, in the interest
of making words as impol1ant-sounding as
possible, victims wi ll be complaining about
" burglarizery."
This may be an extreme example, but
adding multiple suffixes to words is not terribly uncommon: " Boyishness," for example,
has a couple- "-ish" and "-ness"- and so

does "cheerfully"- "-ful " and " -Iy." The
m i gh ty " an ti d i sestabl is hmentarian i sm"
boasts three- " -ment," "-arian," and "- ism."
These aggregate suffixes legitimately chan ge
the meanings of their root words.
But plenty of words have compound suffixes th at are not so warranted . What's the
point in saying " liberali zed," for example,
when "l ibera l" will do just fine ? And aren't
"graphical" and "acoustical" a little redundant?
"Suffixing" and "back- fonnattin g" are
usuall y accidental, and sometimes the results
can be humorous or silly. But language, Iike
science, often happens by mistake. And linguistic slips, like si lly putty, often stick.
Brought to YOll by the Writing Cen ter, L

3407, 867.6420.

march 11, 2004


. E E~'tE~D£! Monday
DEADLl~ editor by 5~ · A-VRIL 12a~~ly to e

by Mike Witte

It doesn't take long to discover that
much of the learning that happens in
college doesn't happen in a traditional
classroom lecture environment. That is
especially true here at Everg reen. While
the classroom is an essential part oflearning, students usually find that getting connected outside of the classroom as well can
enrich the college experience.
It is in this area that stud e nt activities can playa part in expanding the
walls of the classroom , enhancing yo ur
Everg reen ' expe ri e nce with unique ,
exciting, sk ill-develop ing opportunities.
Through involvement in a student group,
Evergreen students can meet people, get
involved in th eir campus community,
develop important life sk ill s, and impact
decisions affecti ng the co urse of their
education and the campus . Opportunities
for st udent involvement in co-curricular
act iviti es at Evergreen are as diverse as
they are numerous.
One of the newest clubs to have been
sanctioned by the college is the Evergreen
Fight Club. Rules for the Fight Club are
as follows:
You have to tight to stay.
There is no talking about Fight
Club outside of Fight Club.
This club meets regul arly with the so le
purpose of:
Picking a fight with someone in
Fight C lub.
Beating them into a quiv ering
mass of bruised fle sh.
I ask this question to The Evergrcen
State College and Board of Trustees:
How could the college have initially
supported a campus club that condones
the use of violence? When the Student
Conduct Code clearly states:
"The Students at The Evergreen State
College enjoy the ba s ic rights of all
members of society. At the same time,
students have an obligation to fulfill
the responsibilities incumbent upon all
citizens as well as the respo nsibilities of
their parti cular roles within the acade mic
community. Students may be acco unt ab le
to civil and criminal a uth oriti es and to
the co llege for acts occurring on or off
campus, which constitute violations of
law. Students may be acco unt able to civil
and criminal authorities and to the college
for acts occurring on college premises and

at college sponsored events."
Specific examples of Student Conduct
Code violations:
" Per Sec (8) Harm/Harassment:
Threatening or intimidating against
another person by word or gesture, or
physically molest ing or assaulting another
person which substantiall y harms or causes
reasonable apprehension of such harm to
that person or which is intended to harm
him or her. This includes, but·is not limited to, phys ical , psychological, or sex ual
harril/harass ment. . . thi s provision in the
codes is intended to protect mem bers of
the co llege com munity against injury or
threat of injury to physical person or psychological well being. "
The Social Contract-College
Philosophy clearly states .. .
"Sect ion (3), Freedom and Civility:
The indi v idual me mber s of the
Everg ree n com munit y are res pon s ible
for protecting each other and visitors on
campus from physical harm , from personal
threats, and from uncivil abuse. Civility is
not just a word; it must be present in all
our interactions . .. Among the basic rights
of individuals a re freedom of speec h, freedom of peacefu l asse mbly and association,
freedom of belief, and freedom from
intimidation, violence, and abuse."
No, civility is not just a word, especially
hcre at Evergreen. To co-ex ist in a peaceful
world and community, one must be civi I
towards others at all times. PERIOD!
The Evergreen Fight Club existed
under the g ui se of the Evergreen
Sparring Club. I seriously doubt that the
Services & Activities Board knew the true
premise of thi s group or its hidden agenda.
Having experienced this new club from
afar, because as the rules state, "To stay
you have to fight, " I was taken aback at
the physical violence displayed during
thesc "m ee tings ," This type of aggression is inexcusab le in or out of a college
sett ing.
Again, I ask the question, how could
The Evergreen State College sUJlJlort a
campus club that condones the usc of

t~.;.. .. '1:


tfiei p'ast

te~r ,weel<:st.


if you're at your best
when ·you put others first.

03U;i:lII!li:1l1.I:;' I·Ll,~:lss'ueon: 'the ' caITIPUS;
• decI(fed :::, '., ,:' (n,rrll"\{j,prn

.. " .
,,',., ' .
'.to remain on'stand,b y ,a nd observe to see .. 'are most
' rapandhip-hop;
how th-e'j~sje plays out. Aft~r r~adingai1d ' .. i,f this, isn'~ ' '. ,,~m'; dl~1l wh~t' is? Iri the
only 'rea.dj'ng'fy1f,'M'a d'ziarCiYk's prst few " beg'i-n l1 ing, T&P;and. hip-hop were away
stmte.n~es,then··th¢ rest'ofth~lett'er'at ~ :~ :~torytelli ilg,a: w<l;y to express pai n,
later date (i/~6Ii004.),' I fe!h:hat'it was desi)(iir, ' ahdsirug~le; 'S'eenby the rest
time forme topic~ UPJDY s~6r9and go ':/ of the w9rld as lib40,c hpf gibberish and
to war. '", ' ' .': ":~ _':",
-,;' .
~s~ a ,.'.-;:: b,lack
".:-.': "-.....
• . .;-:'
Before 'addr,es~.ih~ ~the -S~~:m~~ism::,,~s~ti~~ ~ento~~ , ~~~js ' IJr~9.u~er~ : (who
issue , however, r woul~ 'J,i k,~ to take , , were rl}O~tlY. J'h)te) began tos'e e profit
this ~ime to address Mr.,~Madziai¢zYk~~ . :illnHir~~ting rap , and, hip - hop~This led
While 'Mr. Madziarczyk'
'a • '.' ".to',.,{lppearances
.to :M1N and• BET;
, •
dissenting' opinio!laboutthe" 'Shamanism~Fa ~ast world of materialism ., So where
Counterpoint,"I naVe adis'sentingopinion"'are, iarf. and 'hip-hop today? Co'm pletely
about Mr .. Madzi~rczyk;sresp6nse, and its: ;', alter~d, and .their c uItu'ral, significance
simplistic, racist;igrior~nt;narr~w-:niii1ded ' .'. gone. :With Ep,inem, ,a white man, as the
perspectives on rlpt' only the Snamarifsm ., ~u~q,~r o.r.le:,rapper~ri ~merica who ,raps
issue~ but its ,sociologic~rPro-AJrieric;ln ' at>?,utl)urtil)~fhis 'wife an,d mother, with
view5.Further,suc.h 'Views ,a lso reflect , ,~strong
, of homophobia, 50 Cent,
ma~y'~f moder~ daY 'A~he'riC~;; Pe~pt'e ~'a BI~ck".· meri~an rapper , who 'carries
like you 'make me slckn:ge~~'o~t, of.b~~,": pride '
, shotn,i ne times' ilnd liVing,
" ,'B '
, : 'Womanref.erred ' to as
everyday,to me!1tairytt~i~:)ny'self
to raIse
.. ,', "
andorily"g ood fOf their
booty: bOllflCi rig (as if
people' ,
I~ck of .
"' py Reagan
hop songs
dr Ug us~ge,
prct<lr'ril,n g a~~ut Black
ho'w oh Iy tell











if you would rather foster a flow
of information and ideas
than say your piece ...





U1t,' (:(",;","'l'"






~~~!!1j~~~ alccessclrY~9' .

• •


, and
ng ,of

if investing your energy
in others
a peals to you ...



Michael Witte



It's Everyone's Problem

by Connor Moran
Thi s has been a problem since the beginning of the year, but I have noticed a recent
upsurge, so I think it 's time that I took a
stand, Signs that announce events and give
the day for the event as "today" are not
useful. Every day is "today," Apparently
this isn 't as obvious as you might think.
Signs are not a temporary medium. They
continue to exist even after an event has
passed . That means that unless an event
continues to run until the signs get torn
down or rained on, confusion will result.
Worse, even on the actual day of the event
it is impossible to tell whether or not the
sign is new, This means even if event organizers are kind enough to tear down all the
posters once the event is complete, there
will st ill be confusion .
Maybe this is just me. Maybe everyone
else on campus keeps careful track of all
the signs on campus and is therefore aware
of the exact time that a new sign comes
up. But I don't pay that much attention,

Black ' A'meri '

and I don 't really have the time to wander
around the area of an eve nt try ing to figure
out which "today" the sign refers to, so I
usually just ignore any sig n that lacks an
actual date.
The other problem with the "today"
sign is that it advertises poor organization ,
Making a sign that says that an event is
"today" is tantamount to saying "not only
did we wait until the last minute to post
these signs-we waited that long to make
them, " (' m sure that this is not actually
true. ' I am sure ' that the events that post
these signs are well-run and carefully
organized. But appearance is reality, and it
isn't a good idea for an event's promotional
material to cast doubt on the quality of the
event. So do us all a favor, event managers,
and put th e date on the posters.
Thank you.
What YOUR problem? E-mail il Ia me
at Morcon03@evergreen,edu,


som~how ~ta~~d ~ ~,~~,~ ~~~f~~';;"

and.'h~~ b¢;£9J}1~; a" ~· ....,··;;.;:
FromSte,p p)hg,t u·,~' ,~1C;;,1i:111'1,l.

applications available

at the Cooper Point Journal, CAB 316
for Cooper Point Journal editor-in-chief


5p.m. MONDAY APR 12

* desire to be a journalist: not necessary


* *desire to help others express themselves: a MUST

A Lite With Yoga
by Kyra Berkovich



Continued from Cover
fighters, they fought each other for third
and fourth place with Bresnik w inning by
one point. Wa ldron also had an impressive
showing, but lost hi s first fight in a close
match. In middleweight point fighting, Sonnenberg fought hard , but lost by just one
point late in t he match . In the li ghtwe ight .
divi sion, Germano continued his s uc cess
in the fighting rings , beating former NB L
and IMAC world champion Mike Rethati
and teammate Shasta Sm ith to place first.
Reininger a lso beat Smith, but los t to
Rethati and took third plac.e.T he next day,
the under-be lt tea m memb e rs continued the
success uf th ei r older brothers and sisters.
In intermediate trad iti o na l forms. A nd y
Cyders won fir st pl ace with a well executed
version ofShaolin Long-Fist, with Waldron
taking third place and Greg Thomas coming
in fourth.Thomas and Cyders also had great
success in the intermediate point fighting
ring. Thomas fought through three hard
opponents and took first in his division. He
continued hi s success, showing impressive
speed and strategy and fighting his way to
become under-belt Grand Champion in point
sparring. Cyders came out strong, but was
disqualified for excessive contact by a biased
center judge early in hi s first fight.
In the men's beg inner 18-34 sparring

Yoga is, according to one faculty here at TESC, something that s he has come to rely on in
her Ii fe's routine. Doranne Crable , faculty of performing arts, and most recentl y ofI reland :
Living Between Worlds, sat down with me for a lunch conversation last week to disc uss
the impact yoga has had on her life . Yoga means: "a bringing together of the pan s in order
to create a union or balance of a person 's body, mind, and spirit," in the ancient Sanskrit,
and clearly illustrates what it can otTer to those to make it their undertaking.
Crable began seriously living and studyin g yoga 25 years ago, and quickly di scove red
how it be nefits her Ii fe. Early on she di scovered her passion for m ove ment of all kinds, and
soo n took to dance. Unfortunately, accidents happen , and at the age of 14 found hersel fin
a fu ll body cast wi th serious back injuries: the result of a car accident. Recovered through
phys ical therapy, she returned to ballet, and in hi gh school met an instructor that enco uraged
the group to use yoga as a means of warm up and to stretch before dancing. " It felt like I had
.:ome home," Crable reflec ted. She conti nued using yoga to warm up and cool dow n, and
fou nd it to be very helpful in relieving her reoccurring back pains. It wasn ' t until graduate
schoo l, w hen s he met her first seri o us yoga teacher, a master who could teach Cra ble how
to understand and yearn for the disc ipline it took. She was surprised to learn it start ed with
as something as "simple" as breathing. At 22, she realized it was imperative to physical and
emotiona l health. " It was a gift, and also a challenge."
As a dancer, Crable tells me, you are not aware of your body, you just use it. And after
using her body in such a way for so long, she found that if s he took seven to ten days off
from practicing yoga, she could feel its absence. "1 began to be aware that other things would
diminish, like m y studies, family." After this realization , Crable decided she wanted to get
her certification in yoga. She met her teacher, who immediately informed her " this is not
Lycra yoga. It is no t a fad or a competition. It's for yo ur physical, emotional and sp iritual
grow th." C rabl e could not agree more, and took to her practice with devotion .
Yoga means union , C rable informs me. It reminds you of the connection between the
physical and spiritua l self. It ta kes disc ipline and commitment and of course having physical strength -is Important. She was and re mains grateful for the experience ami "the way
you were in your body. It became a way to wake up and pay attention." She began to see
how s he was her own teacher, and the only o ne who can teach her the way she need s to be L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----,
taught. Working a t TESC, C rabl e saw th at a lot of the program secretari es were full of stress and tension. Upon noticing this , she offered
to them a means of re lease, a way to stretch their bodies and find peace. So beginning in IlJ93, and continuing for fiv e years, she hosted
free cl asses o n campus to those who needed it.
In 1999. she rece ived her Advanced Yoga Teaching Ce rtifi cation, and helped th e Lcisure Ed department wi th their yoga classes whenever tJley asked. "Teaching yoga is abo ut the heart ," she said, and when she ap plied to Wild G race Yoga in downtown Olympia, s he was
hi red on th e spo t (where she co ntinued to work until 2003). As our lunched camc to a close, Crable impressed into me the importance of
muvement to her, and how any kind o f mo vement made her feel ali ve, " how whole it felt, how ri g ht it felt." The discipline, comfort and
cOi11 mitment was somethin g that s he sti ll lo ves to this day. and thc way s he can wa tch other peo ple, practicing yoga, and how they grow
wit hin themselves. is very rewarding. Overal l. in speaking wi th Doranne C rab le, I've come to see how there is a tangible effect, emoti onally and phys icall y, in the quality o f lifc w ithout th is ritual of com in g into yo ur self. That consistency is ke y, and that it's a blessi ng to
understand vour self thi s fully.

Friday, March
12 and Saturday,
March 13

division, the be gi nner s did well. Hank
Ku s hm an a nd Set h Waldstein fo u g ht
through a deep division bringing home
third and fourth place respectively. In the
women's division , Julia S~lyder beat he r
fir st op ponen t easily, but los t to teammat e
Stephanie Eichstead to take seco nd place
with Eichste ad taking first. Eichstead went
on to fight for the grand-championship in
women's point sparring but lost by just one
point in one of the most exc iti ng fights of the
day. Ken A llen, fi g hting in the 35+ division.
stifl ed his competition with long range kicks
and punches, tak ing third place.
In the begi nner forms di vision , Team
Eagle C law mad e a clean sweep w ith A ll en
in first, Snyder in second, Seat tl e club
member Gabe Ford in third , and Indiana
University team member Jos hua Polasky in
fourth .Also competing at the beginner level
were Evergreen team members Mich ael
Crowley and Aubrey Hard ing, along with
Seattle tea m memb er Jack Lloyd. A II team
members saw their hard work a nd dedication
payoff in this spectacular weekend for the
Bak Shaolin Eagle Claw family.
Team Evergreen wo uld lik e to thank
S ifu Dan a G . Dani e ls and Gra ndmaster
Leung Fu for the ir countless hours of ded icated instruction and s upport. We would
also like to thank the spirit and p eop les ofth..:
Longhouse. For more informati on o n Evergreen Kun g Fu, call the club at 360-357-9 137
or go to www.bakshaolineagleciaw.colll

7 p.m. Friday, 1 p.m. and 7
p.m. Saturday. The Native Student
Alliance hosts the Sixth Annual
Spring Contest Pow Wow in The
Evergreen State College Campus
Recreation Center. Grand entry will
be at 7 p.m. on Friday and at I and 7
p.m. on Saturday. The Native Student
Alliance is suggesting a $3 donation.
Everyone is welcome .

10:30 a.m. The Danc e r 's Bloc
m eets in CRC I 17 1
5:30 p.m. The Women or Co lor
Coaliti on Meets in CAB 206'
6 p.m. Th e Stud en ts For C hri st
meet in LI B :2 I 26~
7:30 p.m. M ind sc r ee n Mov ie
Night prese nts Th e Bank Dick and
Fll'ing Dellces in LH I.
Ad mi ss io n a nd Popco rn a r e

7 p.m. Come to Wink and Wiggle,
a Cabaret and Varietv Show to benefit
the O lympia Crisi s C linic: a 24-hour
hotlllle resource netwo rk serv in g
Puger So und . It is o n Friday, At th e
Yellow House: 366 Rogers St. (same
as the Westside Co-op) . There w ill
bc a $3 -$5 donation req uired at th e

Thursday, March
Co m e to ' the Olympia Little
Thea ter and see a play ea ll ed "Years
Ago," by Ruth Gordon. It run s Ma rch
5 throu gh 25 .


,,1 Thursday, March

~a Book-s


New B~ks
tJsed Books


Celia Santiz RU'i z, Jolom
and storeinanager at San
Casas, Chiapas and
Merit Ichin Santiesteban member of Kinal.

•Event sponsored by Political Economy Program and the Labor

Center. Co-sponsored by student organizations and several
Academic Programs_
For more information: Lucilene Lira 867· (6055) or Jason Wallach
at (312) 961 -5381.



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live DJ and prizes for best costumes.
Interpret spa rkle as you wish.

Need Extra Cash!
We Buy Books, Simple!
All Books Considered!

I p.m. The Student Gove rn a ncl'
meeti ng is he ld in LI B I 706. CO t1l~
di sc uss th e poss ibiliti es of a student
govern ment I For more info, co ntact
studen tgov @eve r !:.~rce n . ed u.
3 p.m. The Jew ish C ultura l Ce nte r
Meets in LIB 2 129'
3 p.m. Evergreen El ectronic Music
Co lle ctive meets Wednesday s at th e
Far Side (in the mods) .
4 p.m. till late! The Evcrgreen
Ga min g G uild m ee ts for Gaming
Nigh t in CA B 32.0'
For tn ore in I'D , co nt act g(l 7 .6036.

G RA S has c han ged its sc hed ul e I
An im e ni ghts at Thursday, 7 p.m . in
Lecture Hall 2.

Olympi'I' s L;'lrgcstlndepcndcl1l Bookstore




Harl equ in Prod uction s presents
-' The Co ns ta nt Wife," a soc ia ll y
un cx pec tabl e comedy b y W.
Somerset Maugh am . I.t runs March
II th ro ugh April 11 . Show dates and
time s: Thursday-Sunday at 8 p.m.
(evenings) and 2 p.m . (matin ees); and
on March 17 " pay w hat yo u can ."





244 MADRONA RD., OlYMPIA WA 98502 (360) 866-4788

5-6:30 p.m. The Evergreen Kung
Fu Club meets in Longhouse 107.
All are welcome! For more info.
contact Mark at 357.9137.

6:30-8:30 p.m. Artists ' Forum:

Friday, March



_Everv Mondav
Throu'g h -Frloay

Every Tuesday


7 p.m. GRAS Anime Nights in
The Edge.

All about music. Find out where to
get funding , what to do about legal
advice , where to find performing
opportunities, and how to get the
word out.

Jolom Mayaetik: Mayan Women
Weaving Resistance in Chiapas
NW Tour, April 7, 2004
12-2 PM Library Lobby, TESC
7-19 PM
itions Fair

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1935. Hiring college age instructors, coun .,elors and support staff. 10·week contract:
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Intercity Transit is your ticket off
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Evergreen student ID on all lo cal
routes to plenty of fun destination s.
Grab a pizza or take in some music,
go biking, shopping, skateboarding ,
whatever! Give us a call or go online
for more information.

D1'n1~iIY T ran s i



march 11






. . . :..r ~"z: . ,'-:, -: ¥. \

He had d~~'~" it!~'~ had won
the free vacation.

HIt's gOing
. to .destroy everything in
Its path."

'\.~-:> "~~~~::~:t:~:~}
Over)'oyed WI·th the .'rare Rolli
Stones .B-sides they had foun":
they failed to see the trap the '
had been lured into.

But what w.as In
. the mystery box?
by tim yates


" !~




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