

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 32, Issue 4 (October 16, 2003)

extracted text

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volume 32 • issue 4 • october 16, 2003

By LloVd young

How did/would
your parents react
to Evergreen?
"My parents tried
to convince me to go
to UW up until the
day that I moved here .
" You still can turn
back now! " It was
pretty bad .. . . They still
believe in transfer, but
they're more okay with
it now."
-Ctllldy Bauman, Sophomore
Pulitical Economy & Social Movements

"My .parents . .'
tq\d me: to come
to' Eyergreen." .

"They were extremely
pleased with my choice.
and they thought it was
a wonderful idea for me
to experience this amazingly imaginative and
creative opportunity."
-Jolin Henderson,


Senior. The Fungal Kingdom

October is Domestic Violence
Awareness Month . At Evergreen there are
many opportunities to show your support,
as well as educate yourself about issues
related to domestic violence. The Women 's
Resource Center, Coalition Against Sexual
Violence, Evergreen Queer Alliance, and
TESC Offices of Sexual Prevention will
be holding a number of events throughout the month to educate and contribute
to the efforts to end domestic violence.
There will be an exhibit in the front hall
of the Library Building, put together by the
Coalition Against Sexual Violence, sharing
the voices of victims of domestic violence.
TESC Offices of Sexual Prevention will be
showing the film Tough Guise on October
23, at 7 pm at The Edge.
According to an organization ca lled
TEMPLUM, domestic violence is "a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors,

ence at vergreen

including physical, sexual and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion,
that adults or adolescents use against their
intimate partners." Currently, one out of
every four American women are reported
to have been physically abused by an intimate partner within the past year and eight
percent of female s between the ages of 14
and I 7 report to know som,~one who has
been physically abused by their partners .
A national survey shows that 50% of men
who frequently assault their wives also
frequently abuse their children. Although
the abused victi ms are enough reason to
fight domestic violence, they aren't the
only ones being affected. One study shows
that chi Idren from violent homes are "more
likely to be involved in violent criminal
activity in the future than their non-abused
peers." These widespread acts of violence
are threatening the lives of many adults and
children and must be stopped.

The National Coalition Against
Domestic Violence (NCADV) created Domestic Violence Awareness
Month expecting to network women's advocates across the nation
to work to end domestic violence
against women and children. The
first Domestic Violence Awareness
MORth took place in October of
1987. A great deal of progress has
been made through the efforts of
NCADV as well as many other organizations but there is still much to be
done . First, we must recognize that
women and children are not the only
victims of domestic violence. There
are voices to be heard and amplified from the Queer community.
Most importantly, we need to keep
educating ourselves and promoting
the services that provide support to
the victims of domestic violence.

Here is a schedule of events for the week of October 20 th through October 25 th , These events are being co-sponsored
by the Coalition Against Sexual Violence, The Women's Resource Center, The Women of Color Coalition, The Evergreen
Queer Alliance, and VOX . There will also be an additional week of events starting October 28th • Stay tuned for more,

Monday October 20
Men as Allies workshop A workshop to discuss sexism, male violence, and male privilege.
CAB 108, 5 pm

Tuesday October 21
Self-Defense workshop with Spider A workshop open to everyone ( http://www.emilystern.com )
CAB 108,5 pm

Thursday October 23
A showing of Tough Guise by Jackson Katz,followed by discussion The Edge, A dorm, 7 pm

reaIl)!.; haPRY'
you 'r.e: g!>ing 'J,'Lq;U1:~'.
lege. 'A ny
ok·ay.'" ..
-Bevin Pro/as ' "




JU)lior. Rein,terpre/ing
Liberation :: . ' . ,


"They enjoyed it.
They loved it, they
loved the idea of me
coming to Evergreen.
My sister went here
and graduated, went to
Oxford, and now she's
getting her doctorate at
Oxford ... "
-James Stipp;cll, Junior, Media Rhetoric




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.>t)U Iletin
Studen~ Against

Check out

The :FitstAnnual

Student Leadershtp &
InvOlvement ConJerence

. . . . October 24-26

Hey there, fellow Greener. There is a
great opportunity coming up for all of you
who are interested in getting involved in
your school and working to build a more
active student body. For the first time
ever, there will be a Student Leadership
and Involvement Conference at Evergreen
that has been designed as a starting point
for students looking for ways to get more
involved in their campus community. The
. event will focus on providing a space to
network with other students and figure
out ways to pool our energy. There are
a variety of workshops planned for the
Greener Power conference, such as a leadership development session, a networking
and coalition building session, an antioppression training, a campus resources
session, and much more. There will also
be a student-led discussion on ways to
build a more active and sustainable student community, such as working on a
student union.


There is a problem in this world that will never go
away. The most common way of dea ling with suc h a
problem is through apathy and denial. The only way of
making any difference in this world is to get off your
ass and do something. It may be something very small,
it may seem insignificant, you may just be running over
the same ground that has already been covered, but with
most social issues (mimeJy hLmger andhomelessness)there
seems to be little pay-off and no solution. That is where
you would be completely wrong.
In such a large and complex world, it is hard to see the
correlation between action and benefit, but it is there! You
better fucking believe that it is! You may not see the food
go to a starving man . You may not see children savoring
the little things charitability gives to them. You just have
to know that it does make a difference, and you can change
your community and the world for the better!
IN YOUR COMMUNITY! Students Against Hunger and
Homelessness meet every TUESDAY at 3 pm inlhe sludent activities office (CAB 320.). SAHH can be reached al 360.86 7.6 143.

"What I Learned From
American Foreign Policy"
Video and panel presentation from those arrested
protesting George W. Bush's War on Iraq.
The presentation will he on

if you

are in/eresled ill allendinR Ihi.l'
FREE weekend-long conferellce. head up
/0 the S&A area ill CA B 320. and fil1 aliI a
registration/orm. For more info. con/acl
the S&A Office al exl. 6220. or swing by'


Tuesday, October 2 pI
at 7:30 pm at Traditions Cafe
in downtown Olympia .

SlI1ol/ Jonalioll I{I henefillc!,!!,u! (' oSI Siron,!!,!.\' r eCIJlllllleIU/(,c/.

a New Political



Education Organization



Punk voter is aprogress'ive organization
of musicians that are united as a clear voice
against the many chaotic policies of the
George W. Bush administration.
"Our goal is to educate , register and
mobilize over 500,000 of today's youth as
one voice,'; stated Fat Mike, owner of Fat
Wreck Chords, a San Francisco based record
label, and the singer-songwriter for punk band
Bands involved in Punkvoter include
NOFX, Green Day, Bad Religion, Good
Charlotte, Foo Fighters, Mighty Mighty
Bosstones, and Pennywise. Other people
backing Punkvoter include Wayne Kramer
(MC5), lello Biafra (Alternative Tentacles),
Billy Gould (Faith No More), and Brett
Gurewitz (Epitaph Records).
"We plan to use this election as a way to get
our music fans engaged in politics and evolve
our movement into becoming involved locally
to affect real change nationally."


Punkvoter will announce an upcoming
" Rock Against Bush" tour in targeted states
in the upcoming months. Bands involved
in the tour include NOFX, Against Me! ,
Green Day, Alkaline Trio, Foo Fighters, and
"We must form a union against the chaotic
policies George W. Bush has put in place."
Billy Gould of Faith No More stated. "Bush's
policies must be exposed to the kids who are
fighting his battles and dying . Something
must be done to get the young disenfranchised
voters engaged in the political process."
Punkvoter will be running interactive and
creative voter education programs hy taking
our message to the streets and letting our fans
and friends know why the electoral process
is im portant to them. We wi II work locally
to educate today's youth about what is really
going on in our society. For more information,
view the Punkvoter website, at:
http ://www.punkvoter.com









is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in session: the 1st through
Ihe 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the 2nd through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring
is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen Stale College campus. Free
distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person. Persons in need of more than one copy
should contact the CPJ business manager in CAB 316 or at 360.867.6054 to arrange for multiple
copies. The business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.

is written, edited, and distributed by students enrolled al The Evergreen State
College, who are solely responsible for ils production and content.

sells display and classified advertising space. Information about advertising
rates, terms, and conditions are available in CAB 316, or by request at 360,867.6054.

.Contributions from any TESC student are welcome, Copies of submission and
publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB 316, or by request at
360.867. 6213. The CPJ's edftor-in-chief has ftnal say on the acceptance or rejection of all
non-advertising content.

october 16, '2003

Business........ ,.......... ,........"............................................ ,.................... 867.6054
Business manager ......................................................................... Andrew James
Asst. business manager .... ,...................................... ,................. Adrian Persaud
Ad Proofer and archivist ............... ........................... ,................. Gianna Dice
Ad Designer, .. ,.. :......... ,....... ".......... ,............................................... Nolan Lattyak
Circulation Manager ................................................................... Claire Harlock
News ..... ,.............,..... ,., .... "................... ,......,..... ,............ ,................. ". 867.6213
Editor~n-chief ...... ,....... ,............................ ,.. ,............. ,., ................... ,SOphal Long
Managing edilor ... ,.,....,.................... ,.......,.................................... Renala Rollins
interim News coordinalor ................. ,................... :.............................Jenny Zarel
interim L&O coordinator. ... ,................,..................... ,... "........... ,.... Andy Cochran
Page Des~ner....... ,... ,........ "' .. "., ........... ,...,.................,... ,., .. ,... ,........ Katy Maehl
interim Page Des~ner ............................................................ Aimee Butterworth
Photo Coordinalor ................................. :............ ,.............. Nicholas Stanislowski
interim A&E coordinator ............................................................. ,.. Katie Thunnan
interim Sports &Leisure coordinator ........ ,;.:., ................................. Brian Flewell
interim Copy Editors .... :.....;................................ Robert Hopt, Jacob Rosenblum
interim Calendar coordinator .......................................... ,............. Chelsea Baker
interim Bulletin Board coordinator .................................... Chrislopher Hickmann
Comics coordinalor..... ,...................................,.................................... Max Averill
Advisor .....,..... "...... ,.. "............................................................ ,... Dianne Conrad
Assistanl to the advisor ,.......................................................... ,......... MA Selby

the cooper point journal

Pictured left:

"' .... n O NA" nANK Of' C""f,UIOCXA


Cambodian currency. Featured is the back and
front of a 100 riel bill, which you mayor may
not think is mucho moola. You can bank on this:
4000 riel is the equivalent of I US dollar. 400
riel is worth a dime and 100, is, well , 1/40th
of a dollar or .025 cents. How many CPJs
would you have to grab to pay for a meal at
Bon Appetit?

-. .


, !'

Check out

The First Annual


Student Leadership &
Involvement Conference

. . . October 24-26

Hey there, fellow Greener. There is a
great opportunity coming up for all of you
who are interested in getting involved in
your school and working to build a more
active student body. For the first time
ever, there will be a Student Leadership
and Involvement Conference at Evergreen
that has been designed as a starting point
for students looking for ways to get more
involved in their campus community. The
event will focus on providi,ng a space to
network with other students and figure
out ways to pool our energy. There are
a variety of workshops planned for the
Greener Power con fe rence, such as a leadership development session , a networking
and coalition building session, an antioppression training, a campus resources
session , and much more. There wi" also
be a student-led discussion on ways to
build a more active and s ustainable student community, such as working 011 a
student union .

If y ou are interested ill atlending this
FREE weekend-long conference. head up
10 the S& A area ill CA B 320 andfill oW (/
registration forll1 . For more info. C Oli tact
Ihe S&A Office at exl. 622U. or swing hy.1


a New Political
Education Organization


There is a problem in this world that will never go
away. The most common way of dealing with such a
probl em is through apathy and denial. The only way of
making any differen ce in thi s world is to get off your
ass and do something. It may be something very small,
it may seem insignificant, you may just be running over
the same ground that has already been covered, but with
most soc ial issues (namely hunger and homelessness) there
seem s to be little pay-off and no solution. That is where
you would be completely wrong.
In s uch a large and complex world, it is hard to see the
correlation between action and benefit, but it is there! You
better fucking believe that it is! You may not see the food
go to a starving man. You may not see children savoring
the little things charitability gives to them . You just have
to know that it does make a difference, and you can change
your community and the world for the better'
IN YOUR COMMUNITY! Students Against Hunger and
Homelessness meet every TUESDAYat 3 pm in the .I'tl/dent activities office (CAB 320). SAHH can be reached at 360.86 7. 6143.

"What I Learned From
American Foreign Policy"
Video and panel presentation from those arrested
protesting George W. Bush's War on Iraq.
The presentation will he



Tuesday, October 2 pI


at 7:30 pm at Traditions Cafe
in downtown Olympia.

SI/Jatl dOl1ol i ol/ 1(1 h el1 ,,(ilt(',!!,al ('(1.1'1 slru n,!!,/r r eC(} /Il1/1 Cll£led


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V o ice

Studenw Against


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~ -,

Colo r

Punk voter isa progressive organization
of musicians that are united as a clear voice
against the many chaotic policies of the
George W. Bush administratio.n .
"Our goal is to educate , register and
mobilize over 500,000 of today's youth as
one vd'ice,"stated Fat_Mike, 'owner' of 'Fat
Wreck Chords, a San Francisco based record
label, and the singer-songwriter for punk band
Bands involved in Punkvoter include
NOFX, Green Day, Bad Religion, Good
Charlotte, Foo Fighters, Mighty Mighty
Bosstones, and Pennywise. Other people
backing Punkvoter include Wayne Kramer
(MC5), Jello Biafra (Alternative Tentacles),
Billy Gould (Faith No More), and Brett
Gurewitz (Epitaph Records).



"We plan to use this election as a way to get
our music fans engaged in politics and evolve
our movement into becoming involved locally
to affect real Change nationally."
Punkvoter will announce an upcomin g
"Rock Against Bush" tour in targeted states
in the upcoming months. Bands involved
in the tour include NOFX , Against Me!,
Green Day, Alkaline Trio, Foo Fighters, and
" We must form a union against the chaotic
policies George W. Bush has put in place,"
Billy Gould of Faith No More stated. " Bush's
policies must be exposed to the kids who are
fighting his battles and dying . Something
must be done to get the young disenfranchi sed
voters engaged in the political process."
Punkvoter will be running interactive and
creative voter education programs by taking
ollr message to the streets and letting our fans
and friends know why the electoral process
is important to them . We will work locally
, to educate today's'youth about what is really
going on in our society. For more information,
view the Punkvoter website, at:
.http ://www.punkvoter.com









is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in session: the 1st through
the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the 2nd through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring
is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College campus. Free
distribution is limited to one copy per edilion per person. Persons in need of more than one copy
should contact the CPJ business manager in CAB 316 or at 360.867.6054 to arrange for multiple
copies. The business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after Ihe first.

is written, edited, and distributed by students enrolled at The Evergreen State
College, who are solely responsible for its production and content.

sells display and classified advertising space. Information about advertising
rates , terms . and conditions are available in CAB 316, or,by request at 360.867.6054.

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission and
publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB 316. or by request at
360.867.6213. The CPJ's editor-in-chief has final say on the acceptance or rejection of aI/
non-advertising content.

october 16, 2003

Business ....................................................................................... :.......867 .6054
Business manager. ....................................................................... Andrew James
Asst. business manager .............................................................. Adrian Persaud
Ad Proofer 'and archivisl... ................ :............................... ............ .. Gianna Dice
Ad Designer. ...................................................................................Nolan Laltyak
Circulation Manager ..................................................................... Claire Harlock
News .................................... .................................................................867.6213
Editor ~n-chief .......... .........................................................................Sophal Long
Managing editor ..................................... :...................................... Renata Rollins
interim News coordinator ................................................................... Jenny laret
interim L&Ocoordinator.................................................................Andy Cochran
Page Designer. ................................................................................... Katy Maehl
interim Page Designer ............................................................ Aimee ButtelWorth
Photo Coordinalor ... :......................................................... Nicholas Stanislowski
interim A&E coordinator ............................................................... Katie Thurman
interim Sports &Leisure coordinator ........ ................................. Brian Flewell
interim Copy Editors.......................................... Robert Hopt Jacob Rosenblum
interim Calendar coordinator ........................................................ Chelsea Baker
interim Bulletin Board coordinator .................................... Christopher Hickmann
Comics coordinalor.............................................................................. Max Averill
Advisor ............................................................... .........................Dianne Conrad
Assislant to the advisor ...................... ....................... . ..................... M.A. Selby

the cooper point journal

Pictured left:

NA,nt) NA.L MNf( Of' C ...... ROOI ...


Cambodian currency. Featured is the back and
front of a \00 riel bill, which you mayor may
not think is mucho moola. You can bank on this:
4000 riel is the equivalent of I US dollar. 400
riel is worth a dime and 100, is, well, 1/40th
of a dollar or .025 cents. How many CPJs
would you have to grab to pay for a meal at
Bon Appetit?


hiking, climbing, and poetry:
The Blotter, Explained:


because sometimes the blotter
looks like alphabet soup

plus more things you can do to enjoy the Pacific Northwest forests

First and foremost, there 's the ever-present MIP/C; or a Minor in Possession. What does this mean? Well it means that
a minor £rot cau£rht carryin£r a container of alcohol. It could be open, it could be closed, and I even hear that if you £ret
busted with an empty bottle you could potentially end up in £rrievance havin£r a lovely conversation about your alcohol
consumption. The IC means that the minor was busted drinkinll from the container of booze. And don't think you can llet
in£renious with a Dixie cup, that 's been tried, and people have been busted for drinkinll because they had booze in that
Dixie cup.
Second, there 's the entertaininll CT. That's all sorts of short for Criminal Trespass. If someone is causin£r tons of
trouble, the cops on campus have the authority to make it a crime for them to return to campus; so don 't cause a lot of
Fourthly, (where 's third? I dunno) there 's the fun and excitinll HV, or Habitation Violation. Can 't llo around sleepinll·
in places that don't have a bed. See, since we have dorms, people are supposed to sleep there, not on those oh-so-comfy
couches in the library, also off limits are the toasty warm steam vents near the soccer field.
Ack, I'm out of terms to define for you, so in the words of the immortal Tick (I know you know who the Tick is); "Ah haha, chess! The ancient contest of wits! Two opponents; mana a mano. Braino a braino. And look! Mallnets for ease of travel!
You could play chess on the moon! "

by Deane Rimerman
Have you wondered what's
goirg on in forest issues in the Pacific
Northwest these days? Obviously if you
looked out the window from an airplane
you would see the truth of a land scraped
bare of most of its shaggy dark green
ancient trees.Amid ·all this brown land
you see baby trees regrowing in bright
green bushy fuzz.
The spotted owl and wilderness
designation wars have gone on for more
than a generation now. Ever year we lose
more irreplaceable ancient forest. Today
we are fighting some of the last battles
for ancient forest protection. In the US,
we battle over unprotected scraps of
ancient forest and in B.C., Canada, we
try to save the last un-entered river valleys.
Over the next five days the .

It 's been awhil e since you crazy kids have been able to read about your crazy exploits. I know that you've missed reading about it too. So, just for you blotter
fiends out there, let's get this sh*t started.
Total MIPs this year: >2 (I forgot the real number. Will be updated next week. I promise)

October 3
11:18 pm Remember how your mom used to tell you about the starving children in Africa to get you to eat those gross vegetables? Well, think about this . When
you get caught outside with an open container, you're made to pour it out. Which essentially wastes a beer. You should think about those poor dry people in
Utah . Won't someone please think about the dry people in Utah?

October ..
1:13 am Where's the best place to hide a beer if you're underage and drinking? Well it isn't up your left jacket sleeve, that's fo ' sho'. If you can't buy it , don't be
drinking it outdoors. And surely don 't be hiding it in a sleeve!
2:26 am Again with the adolescent hi -jinx involving alcohol. Thi s love ly individua l was wandering around F Lot, executing butt slides across the hood of the
crim e watch car. Sound s like tons of fun , but it ain't! Drinking is all well and good, in fact , lots of people are friends with the fermented grains, but a good piece
of adv ice is to keep your drunk butt indoors.
7:00 p.m. Fire ala rm at the Organic Farm. T he cause? Burning food . The issue? Pe ople not wanting to leave. I mean they were eating the ir dinner.

Environmental Resource Center (ERC)
is offering several opportunities to
learn how you can save forest by getting
informed, as well as learning to inform
Starting tomorrow, Friday,
October.J7th at 9 am, you are invited .
to join in a hike to Gifford Pinchot
National Forest. We will see an old
growth forest known as the Acci timber
sale. We will be leaving from the library
loop by 9:30 am for an all-day trip with
an option to camp out and see more of
this old growth timber sale on Saturday.
Joining us on the hike will be Hudson
Dodd of the Northwest Ecosystem Alliance, as well as other experts on how the
Bush administration's plans to log what
little remains ofrare native forests in the
Pacific Northwest.

Then next Monday, October
20th from II :30 am to I:30 pm in Red
Square, there will be a "Poetry Reading
to Save the Forest!" Please bring your
poems about trees and forests!
Also on Monday, October 20th
at 7:00pm in Lecture.Hall #3 : Kim _
Marks of Forest Ethics and musician
Timothy Hull will come to campus and
present images, music, and words about
how Canada's ancient forests are on sale
at a store near you. This inspirational
show is part of a Northwest tour that
will be followed up on Tuesday by a
demonstation at a local store that sells
Canadian ancient forest products.
Another event that you might
want to sign up for is treeclimbing in an
old growth forest with Olympia Earth
First! Whenever there is a day without

rain OLYEF! will give you a ride to a
nearby ancient forest and teach you how
to climb up a rope into one of the oldest
remaining ancient forests in Washington. Email olyearthfirst@riseup.net. or
call 943.6758 to get signed up!
From-Bush's criminal Healthy
Forest Initiative, to treesits, to trade tariffs, to the end of the days of wilderness
designation in Canada and the US, there
is so much to learn and get involved in
when it comes to saving the last real forests of the Pacific Northwest. So join us!
Deane Rimerman, Coordinator, .
ERC (ERC meets Thursdays at
2:30 pm, upstairs in the CAB
building. Our phone number is
867. 6784.)

how Arnold learned to stopped acting and run the slate


October 6
12:48 am Cookin g soy burgers caused a building-wid e scare in B dorm. "The second fl oor was ventilated for quite some time to expe l the foul odor of the va porized soy burge rs." A fter the burge rs were produced, it was noted th at " the soy burgers a long w ith th e pl astic container were thoroughly cooked." Wh en putting
burgers in for 30 second s, don't ty pe in all those ex tra zeros. They look coo l, but the extra ze ros a re what burn the food to c inders.
1:40 am Thi s one is good. So people steal food fro m Bon Appetit right? They get bu sted, rig ht? So thi s brilli ant learner got that lesson earlier thi s year, and
dec ided to do the theft during th e wee morning hours. It still didn' t work thoug h. Those loaves of bread are booby trapped , you know.
12:22 pm Lunch tim e is a time of quiet relaxation. Th at is, until th e relaxation is interrupted by the smell of macaroni and the sound s of the fo re a larm blaring
in sistently.
1:28 pm Yet another fire al arm to di srupt th e quiet of lunch tim e. Sad.

October 8
9:30 pm Eggs thrown at windows are bad. And stinky in the mornin g.

October 10
12:00 am A resident had their own very cool TV and Playstation stolen out f rom under th e ir noses in A dorm . Give it back to them you dirty, dirty thief. You

the CPJ:




in print.

·ootober 16, '2.003

On Tuesday, October 7th, 2003,
a historical decision would be made
that would forever alter the way people
viewed politics in this country. The
people of California were to vote in a
groundbreaking election for governor,
even though they had just reelected Gov.
Gray Davis in 2002. The people wanted
to recall the governor, a process that
seemed odd to most people.
In the California State Constitution, there is a provision for just such a
practice. In Article 2, Voting, Initiative
Referendum and Recall, it states that
"[r]ecall of a state officer is initiated
by delivering to the Secretary of State
a petition alleging reason for recall."
Additionally, the " [sJufficiency of reason
is not reviewable," meaning that anyone


get on stage, step up and say your piece :
th e CP J 's a tool for your release.
if you d on 't d ecease, your knowledge will incr ease.
(... th ere's n othin g that rhymes to end this sp eech ... )

by Katie thurman


stop by .
CAB 316


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can initiate recall of any elected official at any time, and once the process
is started , it cannot be stopped . Petitions then circulate the state, in order to
gather signatures to recall. The election
is held soon after, approxi mately 60 or
80 days later. I f citizens vote to recall
the official in question, an appropriate
replacement is appointed or elected ,
In the case of the California Recall, the people were to decide
whether or not to recall Gov. Gray
Davis, and if so, with whom to replace
him. Pretty much any person in the state
of California could run for governor.
The website www.run-for-governor.org
provided all the information anyone
needed to qualify to run for governor.
Pretty much all anyone had to do was

show up to the appropriate offices and
file paperwork, and then begin their
The result was a list of candidates 135 names long. Potential candidates included Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Gallagher, Gary Coleman, Arianna
Huffington , Larry Flynt, and many
others. Some candidates were qualified ; many more were not. Some people.
like Schwarzenegger and Davis, took
the election seriously, and campaigned
_with fervor. Others, like Larry Flynt and
Gallager, took the election as a chance to
make a joke, .a statement, but did not run
in earnest. It was a long few months for
the state of California.
It was on Tuesday, October
7th that the world learned that Arnold

Schwarzenegger had indeed won the
recall. A record number of people voted,
and in a precedent-setting political
event, the first Austrian became governor-elect of California. There are many
that are skeptical of Schwarzenegger's
political savvy, saying that his nearly
non-existent voting record speaks for
itself. He has no experience, he will
make a mockery of the state, and he will
send the world's 5th-largest economy
into a downward spiral. The worries are
numerous. Meanwhile, a nation sits and
watches in morbid curiosity.

, t.

Bill: Volume One
Even though it probably should have been titled Kill Everyon~ Except BIll, the much-

Secondhand Lions



.. .

I've learned over many years of compulsive movie watchmg that It sa pnvllegeJust
anticipated new flick from Quentin Tarantino is a ~e~etic masterpiece ~f film assembly, a~ to watch actors like Robert Duvall and Michael Caine at work. These are guys wh~
orgy of eclectic visual sty les and cartoonishly graphiC Violence. The s~ory ~s a b~ ~ones sto~
have long since mastered their craft and are as reliable as a~yone can b.e to do theIr
action plot, and from it, Tarantino has fashioned a lurid ant~olo~y oflcomc martla arts movl.~
job. They're also as delightful to watch on screen as .ever, ~ettmg better Wlt~ age. Even
ima es. In a time in America when kung-fu cinema remal~s m the. realm of ~nder-appreci
ated highly parodied cult territory, Tarantino has brought ~ highly enjoyable, skillfully crafted when they are not given the best material to work Wlt~, ~ m Secondhand LIO~, a fil~
martial arts saga into public view with a peek at the heights of what the best ofth~m ,~ave to that should be an actor's romp but is too caught up m Itself to be. N?t that It shou
show you Right from the opening title displaying an old '70s "Feature Presen~tIon . frame be a requirement to simply turn on the camer~s and I.et Duval and ~ame do whate~er
preceded by the authentic Japanese company logo, it's clear the man knows hiS temto'?'b/ f they want but it would have been nice to see Just a bit more of that m a film that ~11~s
you want to work in genres, this is how to do it, with as much style and ~~~~g(y ~ POSSI he. on such; nonsensical string of flashbacks_.that it SQon s~~ms li~e another m~vle IS
All QU need to know about the story is that Uma Thurman plays "The Bn e w ene~er er invading this one. Eventually I was wondering if someone was gomg to complam t~~t
na:e is mentioned, it's bleeped out like swearing on TV) who wanders Pa.sadena, Ok.ma~a, the movie within the movie was too noisy and needed to turn t.he volume down. T IS
and Tokyo seeking revenge on the other five former heads of The Deadly Viper Assas;l~atlOn relentless yarn revolves around an older, wiser, and less annoymg Haley Joel ?smen~
Squad, who for no apparent reason, shot up her Texas wedding and ~eft her for de~ . ;e~ bein driven up to the remote shack of his two cantankerous great uncles (Came an
moment is stylized right down to a sequen~ that shows the mechams~~ that:r to S~~ba Duv:l) in the boonies and being ditched by his carefree mother and told ~o find the
bullet from a gun. Thurman gains an authentic sword from kung-fu movie egen o~ny ~
millions in cash they have hidden on the grounds from their decades of thIevery and
of the Street Fighter series and seeks out two of the former members of the squad, including
adventure. The central answer that Osment eventually gets the courag~ to demand
rhead (Vivica A. Fox) who, four years after the slaughter is a suburban mother a~d they
ha~~o interrupt their knife fight when Fox's little daughter comes ~ome. Thurma~ s~ther his uncles is which of their pasts the money comes fro,:"; one ~r?m theIT days as ba~
target in this first installment is O-Ren, played by the lovely Lucy LlU, who runs I e razy robbers and the one Cain describes to Osment in a senes of ndlculous flashbacks, ~n
which Duval was a kind of swashbuckling debonair Indiana J?nes/Lawrence of Arabia
88 s uad and has her own distinctive bodyguards.
A~ usual Tarantino'S boatloads of obscure references (least notlceabl~ her~to ~he S~aw type of guy. Caine underplays it here, giving most of the spotlight t~ Duval who effo~­
Brothers and a tune from an old Haley Mills flick) are treats for movie bu s.
ere s a lessly steals his scenes the way only Robert Duval can. App~opTiately. to~.. Yet t e
markable unbroken minutes-long shot that coasts through, over, and around the noo~s flashbacks which involve young actors playing the uncles runnmg afoul of cnme lor~s
:d cranni:s of the club where the closing scenes take place, show in? the bandif~ sta:e, td ~ and desert 'rats and chasing hidden treasure, and the farm scenes w~ere. Osment spen s
d Thurman hiding in the bathroom dressed like Bruce Lee In Game 0 eat, an
his days watching the guys shoot at door-to-door peddle~s, fly ~helr blplan~ down the
~~~~~~ded of the "entering the kitchen at the Copa" shot.from Good/elias. I als~ like how highway, fight teenagers, fish with shotguns and play WIth t~elr new pet 1.lOn, do not
Tarantino avoids the pitfalls of films like this not by excluding the~, bu~ by WOlklng,~rou~d
o to ether at all. It's as if director Tim McCanlies was makmg two movles .at o~ce ,
them A nasty sequence that provides a back-story for O-Ren IS done In ~mme. I.t .oesn . rea y
~han~fUIlY, however, it's the main story that gets the better treatme.nt. Mc~anlles gl~~s
k' but it's a bold experiment and a great way to avoid an NC-17 ratmg. Sphttlng thiS story
:~~ ~o arts also gives us a chance to catch our breath while generating all the more buzz his great cast the breathing room they ~eed to bre~k into the sentlm~nta!lty when It s
for the s~cond part. Plus, Quentin Tarantino employs eno~gh tactics to course through th~ needed. Wiser still, that sentimentality IS used sparmgly a(l~ everythm~ IS kept on the
bloodbaths: black and white, slow-mo, split screens, and sllhoue~~s. ro~t ~f~~r::~::~~~s Ii ht side Secondhand Lions is a good-natured item for kids, who will ~o doub~ ~e
g T g throughout. There's so much story though, the movie has to rush thmgs a bl~ m
are women and are defined by their weapons and they deserve cre It.
e In I.
bit as demanding as in a drama. As he's proven before, Quentin Tarantino displays ~:I ~~st half hour and the final scenes following Os~ent's chara.cter as an adult go~ng
~~::e~ command of skewing the chronology of a story, and though it's not as necess~ry back to the farm, are perfunctory long after the m<;lvle overstays Its welco~e. Whet er
here it sr?aps life into the storytelling even when there is virtually no story. Pay c~se ~ttentlO~ you care about the characters or n?t, it should be noted that Secondhand LIOns adds up
to th~ action set pieces and the fight scenes. Try to get past the visceral power t ey ave ~~fy to a w\:lole that's far more rewardmg a sum of the parts.
There is not a single shot during these scenes that does not exemp I
rea\1y e~aml~e \:;~ot one There is a kind of unique brilliance in his meticulously crafted
Rating: stars
~~:~ea~/~~t~:~nment. lfy~u don't care about that, there's plenty of bloody dismemberment




Rating: *** stars

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in few words, though I think the expression
lies more in the gesture than in the words
themselves; it is also brief, succinct, even
terse. But comprehensive? How comprehensive is a paper that consists of a pronoun
and a linking verb?
We hear that writing well requires
conciseness; notable writing.is without
superfluous words. Every word is there for
a reason; every word is hand-picked. But
how can we have these wildly long texts
like Anna Karenina and Ulysses and even
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix if
every unnecessary word has been summarily chucked into the dustbin? Indeed, what
is concision, if riot brevity?
Indubitably, these are questions for the
ages, to be harrumphed and hear-hear 'd by
tweed-clad and be-monocled literati the
world over, and, of course, us . That said,
perhaps Messrs. Strunk and White can
help; I think at least one of them wore a
William J. Strunk and E.B, White-yes,
th at same E.B, of Charlotte's Web fame-

penned a little book together. You may have
heard of it. It's called The Elements of Style,
or, more affectionately, just " Strunk and
White." This I OO-odd page tome is considered one of the authorities on English
usage; old Strunk and White are right up
there with the likes of H. W. Fowler and
the illustrious-yet-anonymous Mr. Webster.
At a mere eight dollars or so, The Elements
of Style proves an excellent investment for
your future; not only does the material
contained therein give you some insights
into the madcap and marvelous world ofthe
Engl ish language, it also makes for some
superb party conversation.
. So what do Strunk and White say about
concision? Well , boys and girls, these two
wacky pedants say, and I quote, " A sentence
should contain no unnecessary words,
a paragraph no unnecessary sentences. "
Enough said.
And what of brevity? What of omitting
so much that the writing is a mere
s keleton , s tripped of all meat and
musc le? Indeed, what of that audacious

I'm Holding

fiy Shamai KateS-GOld:»'h-Y'

I, Too, Sta.nd mth Is~el

As I waited last week, o n Yom Kippur no
less, for the callI knew was coming, I realized yet again that there co uld be no good
news co min g from my phone that nig ht.
A nd whe n th e news came, " T hey' re
okay," I fe lt far too relieved at other fa milies' deaths over my own. My uncl e was o n
that street in Hai fa not ten minut es be fore
the bomb ripped it apart. He was one of the
last people to wa lk past that restaurant, ever.
"Now all is grey here," he says. "There 's
only bad news and worse news."
When I was fifteen, my friend Noam,
from Haifa as well, explained how he had
wanted to fly an F-15 in the Air Force, but
couldn't because his eyes were not perfect.
We used to talk about peace and change,
about the possibilities ofa new generation of
Israelis and Palestinians. He's in the Army
now. I don't know where he is stationed.
When I was eleven, I played basketball and
video games w'ith my cousin Orr. He lives on
a Kibbutz on the Green Line; we explored
the port of Jaffa together, went swimming
in the Mediterranean. Now he too iS' in the
Army. He is stationed in Hebron, protecting the Israeli settlers there. If I were still
in Israel, I, too, would be in the Army. My
uncle says that Orr will be okay because
he is brave, a defender for Israel. Out in
the settlements , I worry that no amount of
bravery can spare Orr from hann's way. He
would not like that I wrote that.
Part of my family moved to the United
States, thirty years ago. It is this part of the
family, and not the relatives who live in
Israel still, who are the most ardent supporters of the Israeli government. They say
things like "The Palestinians are snakes,"
and "They are all terrorists," and "proPalestinian thugs." Okay, they didn' t say
this last one, but it has been said.

On anti-Semitism in America: I am
high ly offended by those who would see
fi t to group me into a box based on my
reli g ious ethni c background and talk to
me about "the Jewis h lobby blackmailing
th e gove rnm ent:' o r " th e Jews th at rU'n
the media,'; or eve n the more acceptable
"Jewish vote." They paint us all with one
brush . T hey blame us a ll for individual
actions. They hold us all accountable for
stereotypes we have never committed. It
is anti-Semitic as sure ly as saying " the
Palestinians dance in the streets when Israeli
children are massacred" is racist.
A letter to the editor by Daniel Fleck
described Israe l's war to defend itself
against encroaching anti-Semitism. Indeed,
there surely exists anti-Semitic sentiment in
the Arab world, as well as that built into the
European cultures. In some hearts there is a
deep hatred ofIsrael. Ignoring or justifying
this hatred wi II not make it go away, and
frankly, neither will bulldozing its home.
As the defense ofIsrael described above
is upheld, there is another war being fought.
It is not the war to protect the Israeli people,
within the Israeli borders; it is a war of occupation. Began by the military, and extended
by the government-subsidized settlements,
the settling of the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip by Israeli citizens continues to divide
and co-opt the Palestinian territory. What
remains is a Palestinian people uprooted
from their homes with nowhere else to go.
Recognition of anti-Semitism in the territory is too often accompanied by a failure
to recognize the grievance the Palestinian
people have with the state of Israel.
Daniel Fleck describes the idea oflsrael's
withdrawal from the occupied territories
resulting in peace as "delusional." What he
and many others fail to acknowledge is that

there can be no peace as long as the occupation persists. Recognition of this has led to
a g rowing refusal in the Israeli military to
serve in the occupied territory.
Information on what is really goin g
on in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
is as varied as the political views on the
s ubj ect. Propaganda from both sides spins
a tale of right and wrong, good versus evil.
All information must be contTonted with
a wary ear. For myself, deciding what to
believe and what not to is a difficult process . Even if I cannot take the words from
the mouths of a witness just returned from
Gaza to discover the truth, I must take the
words from those who continue to uphold
their oath to protect the state of Israel with
their lives. From the lips of Staff Sergeant
Shamai Leibowitz, who grew up on a settlement in the West Bank: "Before everything
else, you must prevent injustice ... That's the
principle obligation. Of course I would like
to see a peace settlement, but there can be
no peace between occupier and occupied.
First the occupation must end because it is
a moral crime." Major Rami Kaplan was
assigned to guard the wall in the West Bank.
He refused to serve after he was ordered to
shoot Palestinians on sight, without provocation, for fear they may be terrorists.
An Israeli withdrawal may not end the
violence, indeed it probably won't. Israel
will have to remain vigilant at its borders.
It will, however, end one ofthe most egregious ~rimes in Israeli history. The continued occupation carmot result in peace. We
who support Israel must work to end the
occupation of Palestine. It is the only path
to safety for the State oflsrael. It is the only
path to the safety for my family, and perhaps
one day, I can expect good news from my

arch ives to see what I am talking about), the businesses. Because of a fumble in the staff
issue of cops and guns would have a differ- facilitation, for whatever reason that I am
not privy to, the students who managed the
ent, solution-based spin .
Another problem Rosenblum talks about ventures did not have the support that they
is the food services issue . He reports that needed to learn and apply great business
Bon Appetit shut down the Comer store and sense. Over the years of student staff manthe Sandwich Shop in the HCC. He reports, agement, the Comer store and the Sandwich
"There is no student-run alternative," insinu- Shop were not able to provide for the campus
ating that there was a completely autono- residents' needs. So Bon Appetit, probably
mous student-run option, What isn't said is recognizing that yes, the HCC food business
that there hasn't been a fully self-sustained , ought to be a fruitful exchange, agreed to
student-run option, or that "student-run" does oversee it. The Bon Appetit's Comer store
not mean without facilitation . After speaking facilitator views this as an experiment in
to two people who are in the know, one on wh ich the student staffers can learn some
each side, I've gotten the picture that in fact business savvy from actual food business
Housing was overseeing the HCC student people. One of the major benefits to having

an actual food services provider facilitating
the Comer store is that campus residents can
now trust that the store will be open during
business hours. Just saying.
Finally, Jacob Rosenblum says this in
his article:
A major complaint I've heard with the
activist community in general is a feeling
of an "activist-ier-than-thou" perpetrated
by activists .. . No ... But ... It is essential
to treat every person on campus as fully
capable of the level of humanity we have
come to expect from ourselves (page 9,
Oct. 2)

by Aoojeaoefte Daubed


along the way.

' d like to tell you a story about
a kid this friend of mine knew.
See, thi s kid had a writing
assignment: the teacher said,
" Write a response to the question, ' What is courage?'" Next day, at the
end of class, the kid set the paper on the
teacher's desk and walked out of the classroom. The teacher read the paper. Her jaw
The title read, "What is courage?"' And
below that, alone on the white page, two
simple words:
" This is."
Ah, the stuff ofurban legends-to write
such a paper. to take such a risk.
Some would say: to be so concise.
But I wonder.
According to Random House's Webster's
College Dictionary (1991), the word concise
means: expressing much in few words; brief
and comprehensive; succinct; terse . Long
definition, considerin'. Nevertheless, I'm
not sure that our "courageous" example is
necessari Iy concise. It does express much

Jacob Rosenblum
Accountable For
His Printed Word



Article: The Courage to be Concise

I'm holdingthis specific C PJ staff copy
editor accountabl e for his printed word,
because he is staff, and because his piece
was printed in the cover page as an article
with a voice of authority which I believe it
should not have. My perspective is my own
and I believe that it is fair to disagree with
me. It is not meant as a personal attack. It is
a critique ofh is work and the CPJ as a whole,
I feel strongly about this, but not about Jacob
Rose nblum him self. I don 't know the g uy,
So here goes:
In Rosenblum 's opinion piece, featured on
the cover page ofCPJ's October 2nd issue,
he suggests that there are problems that can
only be solved through "kidnapping either
the members of the Board of Governors or
a vice president and issuing dem ands." I' m
sure that this solution was facetious , but
his perceived problems themselve s were
not. He seems to have serious convictions
on the subjects of: campus safety /c ops
and guns, Olympia Campus food services
(specifically the /-iCC take over), "paving"
of the Evergreen forested property, dealing
with the administration, and "token" student
voice speaking for the majority of students
(,'" , by that decision. which had token student influence").
Now. by singling these issues out, I'm
not denying that they are issues. We do have
problem s here at the Olympia Evergreen
Campus. In my mind, we have a big problem
dealing with certain realities. For one, folks
(like Mr. Rosenblum) upset about cops and
guns, in publishing their spin on that specific
issue, often neglect to address the reason why
cops have guns, or that guns are symptomatic of a much more deeply rooted problem,
, like violence on campus. Or the fact that
people here don't even allow violence to be
talked about. Consider Chandra Lindeman's
" October is Domestic Violence Awareness
Month" article, which appears on page 4 of
the same issue , Why is that article, which is
clearly a report of factual events and more
pertinent to the whole community, not on
the cover page? Maybe if violence towards
women and minorities on this campus were
given a forum , instead of buried in the paper
as is routinely done Gust flip through the

answer to the question on courage: is it concise? Strunk and White say no. Concision,
they say, " requires not that the writer make
all his sentences short, or that he avoid all
detail and treat his subjects only in outline,
but that every word te 11." Let every word
tell. Well then.
Easy enough: to be concise requires
nothing more than meticulous, perspicuous verbal exactitude. Concisely speaking :
word choice is everything,
Interestingly, Random House's Webster's
College Dictionary (1991) defines conciseness as "the quality of being concise" and
concision as " concise quality."· Clearly,
you should strive for concision rather than
conciseness, concision being the more
So remember: let every word tell. Omit
all unnecessary words- but don 't be too
Draconian- and you'll do Strunk and
White proud.
And, to sum up: what is concision?
Hopefully, this was.
Brought to you by tire Writing Center. L3401 867 6420

continued on page 8



Fuck This Hippie Shit
How's it going all?To those of you who ar~n'ttoo busy
doing bong loads, I present an alternative to the pinko
propaganda prevalent on this lushly forested campus.
I've heard a lot of people talking about war or whatever.
Apparently there are some people who don 't think it's
a good idea. Sure there 's killing and maiming and kids
orphaned by long-distance weaponry. But we've got the
technology, so why not use it? I haven ' t seen my Carlyle
Group stocks do so well since we went in to secure the
heroin trades in Vietnam and Afghanastan . Talk about
good for the economy! And oil! There's going to be lots
more of that for a while. I mean, how else are you going
to get your VW to Eugene? Biodiesel? Unless you make
yo ur own bio diese l, it's usually at least 80 percent oi l
anyway. To each their own (except in certain states) but I
don ' t want freedom fries running through my V6 .
Another thing that rea lly irks me is th e destruction
of state property I see on this campus. I've been paying
premium ta xes on Frosted Doughnuts a nd Sunny D for
yea rs now to help fund places like this sc hoo l. Those
he Ipfu I Iitt Ie signs cost us ta x paye rs money! " If el vato is
not working fl eas call extension 6140 ." Yo u think that's
funny!? And all thi s whining about trees! Good lo rd' 1"11
save that one for next time. In the meantime just rem e mber
- It ' s a free country: you ' re free to drink corporate beer
and get rowdy so lo ng as you direct all your aggress ion
towards each other, not at thi s wonderful institution called
the US of A.

Nolan D. Lalfyak

Evergreen is blessed with a very proactive student body, which has in tum spawned an amazing
rangc of student groups. However, these groups
could potentially accomplish so much more if
they could organize and work together. A Student
Activities spokes council would help different student organizations unite on issues and consolidate
Not only would a spokes council create invaluable cooperation between groups on common issues,
but it would also give student groups a more stable
soapbox to stand on. The spokes council could make
statements and take action on issues important to
students, such as the occupation of Iraq, which the
college avoids in order to protect its neutrality.
It is impol1ant to say th at a spokes council is
not the same as a student gove rnment. Its struc"ture
would be far more informa l, and it would not be
legislative in any way. It would not presume to
speak for the entire stud ent body (only for the
groups in vo lv ed). The more gro ups represented by
the council , the more valid its ro le would bc.
Howevcr, th e council could be viewed as the first
step toward stud ent representati on at Eve rgreen. As
is, students have velY little say in the dec isions made
by the higher-ups. (Does thi s so und con tradictory
to the concept of tak ing respons ibility for your
own education? That's because it is.) This school
was not set up from the get-go w ith th e provisions
for student representation found in the charters of
man y other liberal arts school s. Unti l students gain
some level of influence over the college's dec ision s
(which dictate our education in one way or another),
Evergreen will never live up to the idcal s of equality
an d soc ia l justice that seem so much a part of the
Greener mentality.

A spokes counci l made up of student
groups would increase the effectiveness of
. each individual organization and give the
groups a strong collective voice. There are
already student leaders working toward this
goal, and their efforts should be encouraged
and supported by creating arrangements in
which student groups have the opportunity to work together for the good of the

t2~y Mediated Greed ... you know you want rt!
I can't, for the life of me, believe it takes
so long for anything but celebrity gossip
to filter down through the grapevines of
this "great nation" (thank you, corporate
media) . To that miserable end, I want
to clarify a few points the majority of
Americans, according to American media,
just haven' t gotten yet. I would imagine of
course, in this part of the world, we know
everything there is to know, liberal and
otherwise ... right?
Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with
9-11, or the anthrax scares, or Osama bin
Laden. Any supposed weapons of mass
destruction or evidence found in Iraq was
given, so ld and smuggled to them by us
over the past twenty years. Our government kn ew damn we ll the terrorist attacks
were go ing to occur and did nothing to
prevent them . You probably knew all that;
I just like saying it.
This is a neo-con servative takeover plan
ca lled " Re building America's Defenses"
th at was written by th e right-wing think
tank Proj ect for the New American
Ce ntury (PNAC) . Conceive d between
1996 and 2000 , it was presented to
C heney, Rumsfeld , Jeb Bush and others in
Septe mber of2000 a nd is curre ntly being
imp leme nted by th e diabolical bunch of
criminals we have supposedly "e lected"
to 0 !fice. The horri fic actions of the past
thrcc years can be traced bac k to thi s
s ing le document and the dirty hands of a
few crooked politic ians we s hould just up
and hang, if you ' re down with that.
The C IA tra ined som e o f the terrori sts
who participated in 9-11 and, for all we
know, o ur government probably engineered the entire sche me as "a modern
day Pearl Harbor" (check out that PNAC
hlue print) because they knew it was th e

october 16, 2003

only thing that cou ld kick-start their greedy campaign just up and fucking vanished?
military insurgence into the Middle East. Dream on. So, where did they go?
Well , the scientists came to us and
Similar plans are in place for Southeast
Asia, I ran, Africa, North Korea and severa I taught us rocket propulsion and fed us
other countries. What this boil s down to is well-groomed intell igence on the Russians
the postmodern colon ization of consumer that launched us into the Co ld War. The
culture upon the rest of the wor ld , the . Nazis'cadre of well-trained spies was
sickly seed of the West taking the East by redistributed throughout intelligence ageneconom ic force and shov ing our capital- cies the world over, continuing to spread
ist culture down the throats of millions of their seed . The money went to fund the
people who want nothing to do with us. creation of the European Union and the
The United States is doing this because Central Intelligence Agency and the few
we ' re running out of oi l and there 's no elite masterminds behind Hitler retired to
money in alternative energy. We ' re also sunny island villas, fat and damn happy,
doing this to ensure that we remain the and sti ll in control. But that 's a story for
world ' s on ly "hyperpower." A hyperpower another day.
Where were we ... ? Oh yeah, so we, the
is a nation whose cultural and econom ic
are powerless, right? Think again.
influence permeates every other nation to
a degree above and beyond our abi lity to Embedded deep within the bas is o f our
country lie political procedures tail o red to
cry about it.
Not everyone lik es McDonald s, the people, powers we can dred ge up and
much to our chagrin. Not everyone likes use to oust the bastard s jerki ng our strings
Christianity or Cath o licism. Not everyone and elect another set of corporate-funded
enjoys the intricac ies of our modern-day bobble-head politicians who will be just
excuse for a decentl y fun ct ioning soci- as bad in different ways?
No, we forget abo.ut grand plan s of
ety : the way we do bus iness, our mu sic,
and globa l reform and we focus
our telev is ions, our money. In fact, some
people loat he us, no t beca use we have on our own communities. Main Street over
these things and they do n 't, nothing so Wall Street. Get it') Would we rather ha ve
mundane, but because we, as a nation, push a forested swamp boasting indigenou s Ii Fe
our ways upon them without knowing we form s or a sprawling invasion ofmanufacare doin g so. They loathe us beca use we tured homes w ith streets named after the
are doc il e in the face of horrors performed plants and animals they just massac red to
in our name, with our tax do llars. Thcy build the place? I wou ldn ' t possibly be
loathe u s beca use we, the peop le, the referring to anything happening in thi s
public, are controlled absolute ly by the spec ific area of the world ri ght now of
private elite. One can trace thi s time linc course, ahem,
We need to further develop a local econall the way back to Nazi Germany's plan s
that is ecologically aware of its e lf, its
for globa l dominatio n. What, you thought
that when Hitler di ed a ll th e ev il inten- surroundin gs, and the interrelati o nship of
tion s, dirty money, sto len gold , brilliant th e two . The Olympia C ity Coun c il was
scientists, and financial backers of Hitle r ' s urged by several outside parties which I

... Printed Word ...
. Who is this royal "we"I"ourselves"
Jacob is talking about? I haven 't identified
with his listed issues or the way he sees
solutions so far. At this point, right at the
" level of humanity we have come to expect
of ourselves" bit, I fee l completely ostracized, marginalized, and indignant. Who is
this person using money I have paid into
the Evergreen alternative community, the
college haven, telling me which priorities
and working traditions (DTFs and the CPJ
Forum) of this, my chosen community, are
open to me?
Where I' m standing, none of us is a
token . Further, I am put off by the fact
that a staffer at the student forum abused
his position by using the front page of the
CPJ, a spot that is reserved for artic les, not
L'n'O pieces, to misrepresent this college
and effectively disempower anyone not his
idea of "human ." This just proliferates the
elitism that the Olympia Campus has been
rightly criticized for, and further breaks
down the Social Contract and the ideals
we're all working towards in our heart of

by Brian Nicholson

Bon Ippelil Means YOII're Ealing Me Ilive

Usually I am not one to complain abou
food . I am not the guy who sends food bad
Once, I found what was thought to be a bi
of a plastic glove (condom?) in a calzone a
an Italian restaurant, and I simply pulled i
out of my mouth and placed it on the table
If I order from a fast-food restaurant, an:
modifications to the food I am orderin!
take the form of one brief phrase, like "n(
onions, please." If my request would las
longer than five words, it will go unspo·
ken, so afraid am I that my food will bt
tampered with . I' m even understanding 0
it: , wouldn't spit in someone 's food , eve l
if they were the biggest assholeon Earth
bLit then again 1'm not being paid minimun
wage to make the food fora parade of tho
earth 's biggest assholes.
But tonight at dinner, I had one reall
bad qu esadi ll a . Oh m a n, it was foul. I
was ordered from the Greenery. It was
four-cheese quesadilla . As I looked at m'
receipt, followin g pl aci ng the order, I di~
cerned th at one of the cheeses represente,
therein was Swiss. I am not a fan of tho
Swiss (the cheese, not the people . They ' n
a fine peo pl e) but I can understand that i
has its place, like on a Monte Cristo. But .
quesadilla is not a Monte Cristo.
I realize that the four-cheese quesadill
has a requirement to fill: It must contai,
four cheeses. Previously, I had ordered tho
baja quesadilla. At the time, I hated it - que
sad illa mea ns "cheese sandwich" and then
was little cheese to be found. The ch ickel
and spices were all okay, but when I order ,
food that has the bulk of its syllab les being

translated roughly into the phrase "cheese
sandwich," I'm expecting some cheese. It
was at this time that I made plans that next
year, when I am not a freshman consigned
to first-year-experience housing, I will live
on campus in a building with a kitchen,
and I am to open a restaurant for all freshman looking for on-campus meals: This
restaurant would be called The Restaurant
Run Out Of My House and we would otTer
simple foods at fair prices but would still
make a very small profit. We'd se ll mainly
simple foods - bowls of cereal, bowl s
of pudding, bowls of Kraft Macaroni &
Cheese, with quesadillas a specialty item .
Unti l then, I' ll have to eat at the Greenery
the times that I don ' t feel like exp loiting
my bus pass for all it 's worth. Tonight was
one of those times , and so I ordered the
four-cheese quesadill-a hopin g for a greater
quantity of cheese than experienced previously. Thi s greater cheese quantity was not
in attendance.
I seriously complained to all who wo uld
listen, not really expecting them to liste n.
But someone from Bon Appetlt came to
my table and asked. I didn ' t reall y have a
response planned. I mentioned the Swiss
cheese thing. I didn't talk about the meager
amounts of cheese to be found. I didn 't
mention the salsa, which seems to just be
water and cilantro. I didn't mention what
they did right: the so ur cream was pretty
fres h, the tortilla was big, and it did the
fold-over thing instead of just placing the
cheeses between two tortillas. I did mention
the softness. She said she'd mention it, and

How to Run. for
Governor ot California ...

will refer to as " local" and " wise" to join
the other cities and counties around the
nation who have rejected portions of The
Patriot Act. They have yet to do so. There
is lots and lots to do here in the love ly state
capitol for happy Iittle stoner activ ists to
by Katie I hlJrman
do before they burn out early. Come join
So recently, the people of Cali fornia reason. They'll probably let you do it. After
the fun .
We need direct actions . Go to city decided that they needed to not on ly recall all, it 's in the state constitution.
Commence campaigning . You
council meetings, it 's fUll , I prom ise. their current governor, but install a superstar

to fiI~ paperwork, gather sigThere were strippers at the la st one I
raise some money, and get
attended . To a certain degree we need
some state set deadline. I
ullderground insurgencies. Just doil't te II
inane or jovial or vicious, could run for go v- actually found a website with every single
them I had anything to do with it or you
ernor. All they had to do was supply a little bit of information you would ever need if
or your ideas. We need awareness. We
money, file some paper work, and get a few you decide to run for governor. It 's:
need media literacy education. We need
people to sign some things, and they were
http: //www.run-for-governor.org
conversation and congregation. We need on the ballot. California law actua ll y pro- MSbe decide on a platform or two, somecommunity interaction and organiz in g vides rules and regulation s for this process.
thing to make you stand out from the
and youth movements. We Ileed hip-hop I figured that, although many promising can• other several hundred candidates. Dye
activism and street graffiti 'cause politics didates, such as myself and other Greeners,
your hair blue, get married by Elvis,
painted on walls at least speak directly to missed out on this fine opportunity, it might endorse Nazism, and maybe even participate
me , not at me. We need unions sti ll. We be good to be well read should we ever get in illicit activity. The more you do to distinneed lawyers who will work for food. We the chance to participate in a recall election guish yourself, the more likely you are to get
need readers and writers and artists and ar in .
elected, or at least make a fool of yourself.
fucking assholes to' remind us that we're
I wou ld strongly suggest moving to After all , even if you don't win, this will be
• the state of Cali fornia. They seem your last chance to run for governor until the
good sometimes. We need poets to politilike a lively bunch, and given that next recall e lection comes around. You must
ci ze their passions. We need mass media
already recalled one governor, who's make the most of it.
to relinquish its control ofpr int media, the
A key point is to decide on your
airwaves and telev ision back to the public to say that they won't recall another one in
• intent early on. If you ' re running to
where power belongs. But I hear free dom the next week or two? It's definitely in your
make ajoke, perhaps making that very
o f th e press o nly applies to those who own best Interest to move to California.
would be good. After all , if
trying to make a statement
As students moving to this community,

win, you ' ve got a lot of
in thi s part of the world, I welcome you
tax increases, or taxing botox injec- actual work ahead of you . You ' ll have to do
and warn yo u that your lives are about to
ti ons. This kind of talk always gets everyone all sorts of official things, like appointing a
chan ge drasticall y for a wide variety of
rr led up.
staff, laying out a budget, attending press
reasons, so me of which we won't underIfno one will demand a recall of the current conferences, and li ving in the governor 's
stand 't il twenty years from now. Beer 's
gove rnor, there is Still hope . You can mansion.
great shit, but remember to read as well.
• always do it yourself. Just march right
With that in mind, I hope to see many
I c hallenge you to do well with thi s place
up to the Secretary of State's office more candidates for governor of California
and these people, for it is we who wi ll and demand to recall the governor for some in the near future.
rede fine the future .

the cooper point journal

Without Renlly Trying




I was satiated. Until about a half-hour ago,
when I reali zed, laying awake in bed, that
there was no fucking way that the tortilla
shou ld 've been that soft. See, I ordered
the quesadilla from a part of the Greenery
called the grill, operating under the assumption that the food would be grilled, or at
least cooked on some non-stick cookware
on top of a stove. But the tortilla was soft.
If it were grilled , or even baked , the torti lIa
would be the first thing to crisp up. Leading
me to think it was microwaved . Note: not
only should quesadillas not be microwaved,
but food ordered from a place ca ll ed The
Grill should SO not be mi crowaved.
I a m not one to complain about the fact
that Bon Appetlt is owned by a major corporation , and major corporations sure are
ev il. Fuck that noi se . My comp lai nt is that
I cou ld get a better (not to ment ion cheape r)
que sad illa at Peps iCo-own cd Taco Bell .
(F or the s uper- a nti- co rpor ate fre s hm e n
amongst yo u, I shou ld also menti on that th e
one time I went to Burrito Heaven, my food
was super good .) Actual ly. the qucsadill as
might not be cheaper, but the burritos surc
are. Let me tell my burrito horror story. One
Saturday, when the Greenery was closed, I
bought a burrito from the Bon Appetlt operated cafe. The juice from the beans and the
grease from the ch icken leaked out upon my
plate like so much slud ge. I attempted to see
if thi s burrito excrement could be eaten like
a dip, and tasted it on some complim entary
tortilla chips. I mention this only to point
out that not only am I not discriminating at
all, I'm totally fucking disgusting. I shou ld


also mention in my own defense that I only
did it once. I drained the rest of the burrito
then soaked up the drainage with napkins.
I needed a lot of napki ns.
When I moved to Olympia from
Philadelphia, I expected a dip in the quality of Mexican food, due largely to the lack
of a Mexican population. I don't know if
that sounds racist, but if it 's racist against
anyone, it's probably white people. And
looking at my distinctly-Iacking-in-melanin
skin , I thi nk I can dodge that accusation.
So yea h, I'm now super afraid to eat at
any Bon Appetit owned and operated locations. I' ve got money on my mea l card and
I don't know what I' m go nna do a bout th a t.
I' ll probab ly continue to eat there, because
I a m nothin g if not la zy. To th e peopl e
who mi ght've read thi s articlc. wo rk a t
th e Greenery. and are thinkin g. " what a n
assho le , 1' 111 totally go nna put some spcrm
on the next thing he orders." I should say:
I' m sure you' re good people. The woman
who came a nd Iistened to my stupid-ass
complaint could best be desc ribed as supe r
nic\? She didn't even bitch-s lap me lik e I
would've if I were her. You're a higher class
of people than me, probably. I' m not even
going to say, " learn to make a quesadi ll a,"
because I'm sure yo u know how already,
and probabl y make bad-ass ones in th e
privacy of your own home . But man , if
whoever it is who makes the quesadillas
were to start making the quesadillas for thy
neighbor as they would make a quesadilla
for thyself, I will give them a hug. And
money. And you will inherit the Earth.

IJ!Jgty, Not Democracy

Before I start this column, I need to note
something someone brought to my attention
about my last article. In the last article, when
I used the Bob Jones University reference,
I meant to use it as a polar opposite of most
colleges' bias. Their bias is quite a bit worse .
Su.pposedly they teach creationism in their
c lasses. I don't approve of that school in
any way, shape, or form. Perhaps that didn't
come across because my writing is of poor
quality. One sentence was cut off from the
production line therefore the reference was
unclear. My apologies . .. onward!
With a war, or (at the very least) an intervention on our hands, there are some things
to consider about the rhetoric flying by on
a ll sides. We shall call terms that are used
flexibly (and with contradicting meanings)
"charged" or " marked" terms.
C harged terms are words like ·'freedom."
If you ask ten different people what the word
freedom means, chances are you will have
ten ditTerent answers. There are obviously
differences between things like "freedom
from" and "freedom to ." For example,
a recent bestse ller book's tagline reads ,
" ... how it steals your freedom and what
yo u can do about it. " If someone makes an
obscene amount of money, some would say
that they are somehow harming you, even
if they gained the money through legitimate
enterprise. That is one definition offreedom .
This freedom is to tak ~ another's earnings
to use for "social justice" programs . Another
definition of freedom would be "freedom
from." Freedom from abuse by overzealous
prosec utors, I.R .S. employees, Homeland
Security agents, etc ...
In such times as these, a word's meaning
tends to get denigrated . However, there is
one word that has retained much of its origi-

the cooper point journal

naf integrity. That word is "liberty."
The reason I prefer "liberty" to "democracy" is because I don ' t trust others with my
life or government over me. Democracy is a
full-fledged charged term now. When thinking of the Iraq intervention, this phrase can 't
escape my mind: " We are in Iraq to instill
democracy there."
Should Iraqis embrace democracy? ("Can
that form of government even be instill ed
there?" is the more important question which
is seldom asked .) Maybe they should reject
it. Theocracy ain't that great but democracy
is ...
Hypothetically speaking, let us envisio n
a full-fledged democracy, no holds barred.
This democracy would not have a constitution (that means everything is a politica l
issue and nothing is off-bounds) and everyone could vote and there wouldn 't be any
houses of government. People would vote
everyday and a computer set up to tally the
votes would post the laws Oil the Internet and
in a government-run newspaper.
Now let us suppose you Iive in this 'civi I'
society. l\1ajority rule on everything! You
vote, just like everyone el se does. But let's
suppose you are in the minority. One day
you start to anger a few people who have a
LOT offriends. These people start thinkin g
they want to have you fini shed. Days go by
as their influence spreads ac ross the country.
Suddenly, you are the most ev il person in
your country. It is too late to do anythin g.
because by the time you check the Internet
you see that the lynch mob with burni ng
torches outside your door can legall y do
anything they want. As your head rides on
the stake of everyone's hatred, you think
to yourse lf, "Democracy wasn't all it was
cracked up to be."

october 16, 2003





of the week



is a zine? Azineisabookletofartwork,comics,
poelrv, etc, that you want to share with your communiry. Xerox
machines are really helpful, plain paper is cheap, so get busy!



Hi there my felluw zinesters. Last week, I pleaded for proof
that zine-mak ing is not a dying art, and not a single zi ne was
turned in. But instead of taking "no" for an answer, I did my
research. Asking aro und on Red Square, I found that Kate. had
a new zine coming out, so o ff to Phantom City I went.
The zine rack at Phantom City holds many "personal"
z ines, poetry zines and a few comics. I found Kate's z ine,
Romance. and paid $1.00 for it. Flipping through the
black and white line drawings, I saw a beautiful amalgam of reality and fantasy. Birdsjumpon trampolines
wearing bras. I.ukc Wil son has a cameo appearance.
and is surrounded by loopy handwriting. These
drawing s ha ve an absurd undertone, but Kate
shows creatures that I swear I've encountered
before. someplace. somct im e. The best part:
it douhles as a coloring book. Grab yo ur
crayo ns I
So. happily. it see ms th,lt peop le arc still
sharing their idcas in a holdable form at.
Friendstt:r i, cool. websites and cmai I.
but nothin g say s "1 love vou" lik e a


Pleeseasaur, a one-man act, came on first , dressed as an abominable snowman.
In this costume, he did not dance as one usually would, as you might, for instance.
when thrown onto a cold stage in front of a cold audience . While pictures flashed
on screens behind him, he sang and dance away a set of hilarious and childish pop
songs. Think Ben Stiller in a heavywe ights musical, the theme song: "Totally Working
Out ;\11 the Time." Pl eeseasaur had many costume changes, including turning himself
into the middle brother of the ftalian trio Tony, Tony, and Tony, via yoke (his brothers
were life-s ize dolls). He gets the award for the most ingenious use of a yoke since the ox.
A fascinating and confident performance.
Blood Hag was the epitome of a rock show. Despite the roller rink lighting (they asked for
them dim , light guy), thcy blew us out of the Go Club, some literally. The guitar playe r was
sized in proportion to the instrument enough to exert his total will over the strings. And the
lead s inge r ~ s husky low-pitched scream is what every other screaming lead singer aspires to be.
This band loves science 'fiction, and each song is about a certain sci-fi author. They began each
song with dusky and dark biographical information. They did Burgess, Asimov, Burroughs.
and many more. Just because the man did heroin until eighty doesn't me<:ln that you can. And
this rumor about Edgar Allan Poe, that he died of alcoholism, not true. His body was dug up
and they found out it was rabies.
Lastly, Captured I By Robots performed the Ten Commandments musical. This band proved
that robots can play music , but not harmonious ly. They play rock ' n' roll and even ska. but they
do not play together. Thi s kind of robotic independence made for a loud clash of noise. The
stage was filled with impress ive robots. all made by JBOT, the human lead sin ger. There was
a horn section, a drummer (DRMBOT 0110). and two gorilla robots on the tambourine and
cymbals. Captured I By Robots put on an offensive but intriguing finale to a creative ni ght.

1.IIIC .

Short, Sweet
_ .b y Chelsea Baker

died. he met a l<lrge spider that he
referred to as (ira ndmothcr. and she
helped rai se him. In the n planation
tLl thi s myth. Momadny mentioned
the " iowas werc f(lrced southward
and troo ps co nverged upon them.
IOITing them to camp on Uk Creek . It
stal1ed raining. which caused a flood .
and large bl ac k tarantul as swarmed
on the !load.
The book contain ed intriguin g
s to ri es. wh eth er th ei r meaning s
were well developed or not. ;\t 88
s parsely fi li ed pages, with occas ional full-page illu stration done
by the author's father. most people
could get through thi s buok within
an hour or so. and it g ive s the reader
the benefit of und erstanding Na tiv e
American myt hol ogy a bit better than
they might have already.

c{//"II @ risc lljJ.II l' 1

Double- Trouble Chocolate Brownies

10 oz. applesauce
1/2 cup (or more!) cocoa powd er
:2 cups unrefined sugar
I ripe banana
I 1/3 cups unbleached flour
2 cups chocolate chips
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 CLIp chopped walnuts (optional)

This is guaranteed to make ooey-gooey-warm-your tummy
brownies_ and it's easy too! Preheat oven to 350 0 • Mash applesauce, banana, and sugar together in one bowl. Mix the remaining
ingredients in another bowl. Add the two and stir until s11100th.
Pour into an 8x8 baking pan for traditionally square brownies.
Bake for 35 minutes.


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What do you call the spontaneous creation of a story,
a few suggestions snowballing into an intense drama,
timing and cooperation between zany and creative
performers, and the method to the madness of thinkon-your-feet narrative theater? We of the Evergreen .
Improvisational Theater call it irnprov!
Two committed and experienced student improv performers founded the Evergreen Improvisational Theater
in February of2003 . Since then, there have been performances and workshoj:>s, laughter and tears, soul-searching and ripped clothing, The EVergreen Improvisational
Theater's mission is to share the art of improvisational
theater through workshops, practice, and performance,
with the students of Evergreen as well as the community,
and to help people remember what it means to play.
On Monday, October 20'\ the Evergreen
Improvisational Theater will have its very first official
open rehearsal in CAB 110 from 6 - 8 pm. This is the first
opportunity for interested folks to come and get a sense of
what the group is all about. J\lo experience is required, but
remember to wear comfortable clothes and be prepared
to get crazy with your bad self (that means " have fun") .
Contact the Evergreen Improvisational Theater by emailing improv@evergreen.edu or by phone at 867.6412 if
you have any questions. You can also sign up to receive
emails about up-and-coming improv shows via email,
at the above address. Be there, or regret it for the rest of
your life .

Recipe o'the Week
Tlte EI'ergreell ,\Ililllll/ Rights Network· 867.6555 ·

• Have an excellent command of the English language
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Appllcalions are now available. The deadline lor applying is December 5. 2003
For more mlormallon and an appllcallOn conlact the Consulale General of Japan in Seattle. Two Union
Squa re BUild ing 601 Union Street SUite 500 Seattle. WA 98101. Call (206)682·9107 1136 or
HOO·INFO-JET or ematl let <!cglapansea org The ap pllcallon can also be lound al www us.emb-lapan .go.IP


by Emma B;te

No killinlZ and it 's still fillinZ!

1I,." " gllll" y"" In':

& Symbolic

The i\ llllTic"an public educat ional
in stitutions enjo: !(lrce-fccding th eir
st uden t;, in for mat ion Oil Amer icall
Indian s: hOlI evc r. the y nevc r get a
true grasp O il their cu lture. In th e
hook filL' /1 , /1 ' 1(1 Ruinl ' .H (l lIlIluin.
the alil hor N. Scolt l\1ollladay recollects talcs hi s grandmother told him
ahout the "ill\\ ~"l Indi an s. Nu t on ly
docs he tell ancient Indian legend s. hc
e:\plains \\'hat he vic\\', as thc meanings and poss ible hi stories behind th e
stories and te lls (If the Indian life he
li ved ii ' a child .
Tne e:\l'lana ti ons of th e legends
\' .:re s lightl: di sa ppointing becau se
I e\pected Mo maday to e:\p lain the
symboli sm in the stories. li e simply
e:\plained where they came up with
some of he thin gs mentioned. For
e:\amplc. in one of the storie s abo ut
t he sun' s ch iId. <l fter the eh iId's mot her

on- your feet

Edgar Allan Poe Dies of Rabies






bY.Jordan lyons
Art, by Yasmina Reza, found its way to Olympia
from Paris via Broadway. Its urbane sophistication
remained intact. Its energy, however, is another
Last week, Harlequin Productions fini shed a
three-week run of the Tony award-winning play
that could best be described as competent. Although
there was nothing wrong'with the play, nothing was
exactly right with it either. The technical aspects of
the production - the sets and costumes - were plausible_ ifnot showy, and the performances followed
The play 's action centers around a friendship
tested, when one of its members purchases a completely white canvas at great expense, offending
the sensibilities of another. Throughout the play,
the three friends struggle desperately to divine the
meaning of the painting and of their relationships.
The text provides for tension, and the performances went through the motions in displaying it,
including raised voices, mussed hair, and emphatic
cursing. But some ethereal thing was wanting.
The play was pretty good, make no mi stake
of it. Good enough for theatre patrons seeking to
stay well rounded, attending shows as a matter of
retaining a good habit. But for an audience seeking
genuine entertainment, inspiration, or provocation,
something more was needed.
Reza's text provokes one of the most basic and
troubling questions of the postmOdern?
era: what makes something art?
This particular production asks
another: what makes good art?

A Review of

"Are You the One?"
bY Mitchell Hahn-Branson
Some singer/songwriters are able to write about
life through metaphor, creating powerful images to
express love, longing, and angst. Those who don't
have such a way with words, however, frequently
choose to focus instead on maintaining a good sense
of humor as they sing of their hopes, yearnings, and
Stephanie Haffner, a musician from Stockton,
California who played at Le Voyeur Cafe on October
6 and recently made a live appearance on KAOS
radio, is one such artist. Her spare, unor:1amented
songs - usually played on solo guitar with occasional
accompaniment by Jack Hines on bass -.are sometimes
cheerful , frequently melancholy, but nearly always
possessed of a sense of humor about Haffner's own
neuroses and desires, as well as a number of seemingly ordinary personal details that add realism to the
stories she tells. Never has the act of slicing peaches
sounded as romantic as it does in " Kiss Me," one of
the best songs on Haffner's 200 I album, "Are You
the One?"
Occasionally, Haffner's music runs the risk of being
unintentionally funny. Lyrics like, " 1am a sunflower/
I'm gonna grow so big bodacious beautiful yellow
come July" end up sounding silly. Those lines are the
exception to the rule, though, and Haffner's guitar
skills and comic timing allow her to get away with
all but the most ridiculous lyrics.
In her song "Can't Sleep," Stephanie Haffner sings,
"Wish I had a metaphorll'd tie all this up into a pretty
story." It's a good line, but it undercuts the amount of
creativity she's capable of. With all the care, humor,
and grace evident in each of her songs, Haffner needs
110 metaphors.

Recovering from Saturn S. jaunt
through 'Your sign the last two-plus
years, you feel relieved. Now you
know both sides.

Saturn is in your sign for approximately two and a halfyears. qet lots
embrace the lessons. Fosler



You got. a break during Jupiter s
one-year Jransit tbrough your sign.
This ~'eek;don~t 1~1 an opportunity
....: :/'~. ~'''''
; .' . " ...:.~
~ ..
< "



' Virao
. " . '.".
." '. .. .
.;'~' .. ~~~~

Ju f!e"'. is~ in your,sim!or 'a year, .:
bri';gi~ < " . i/expa'JSionori;~ome.' ievel. .
. Yo~i£b04Yfn al~obe·enhanced. Eat
wisezii '" .
; :S~ /<:' ~(":-:{ ,,~, .


' . . , ...,...• ,




, '



Alwcijls: /jalCmcing, Merc,!'Y is in

a One-Man

Mike Vil/f:!1IR

Making music in your spare time is a great way to alleviate the
stresses of student life. Evergreen Student Charles Hollis knows
about this firsthand. Since the 2002 summer, he has worked on a
self-produced debut album entitled Inbreed. At first glance, the title
may sound sort of dreary, and some of the lyrics as well. However,
after listening tothe sounds ofthis one-man musical machine, I have
become entranced in the rhythm and poetic ·vision contained in the
seventeen tracks . The words "c' mon y'all. .. it's a suicide dance"
reverberate in my head hours after the first listen-through . Hollis
notes that among his musical influences, Nirvana is the primary one,
and his music would fall under the category of alternative rock .
Hollis plays a Jag master guitar made by Fender, which is a
"sister model to the Jagstang," played by Kurt Cobain for the famolls
Nevermind album. A native Washingtoni an, Charles has played music
"all [his] life" and is currently a twenty-year-old senior at Evergreen,
in pursuit of his bachelor 's degree.
In review of hi s music, his song entitled "Enclave" has left a lasting impression on me. The first time that I listened to this album , I
was not interested in the depressed feel to the lyrics. After track four
came on, I began to glimpse into the nature of his artistic expression as I drove home from a long school day. The music found on
Charles Hollis 's debut album is worthy of sharing with others. In fact,
students wishing to buy a copy and support a local artist can contact
Hollisat.his e-mail requesting a copy and for $3 they can experience
his music first hand . Hollis requests the fee as compensation for
the tireless hours and money spent in music studios producing the
album. Hollis is the only featured artist on Inbreed and is certainly
talented enough to take his band to the top.
All he needs are acouple of extra musicians, and they could likely
produce the sort of sounds that infest mainstream radio. When you
get a ch!\nce, contact Hollis at holcha23 @evergreen.edu, and ask for
your original copy of this up-and-coming musical artist!


yo'u:;'sig;i.this week. Here is something
. to thilJk about: let it all oui and destroy


. '. Sc,6:~piC? _.
.'~....: ".

. ...', ,'.


issue is'to the fore. You

. and

. . .

··:'J'r(Jfect.~ 'take iime:::lt will com~'

'. to /ruit'io,i.' Get yo~ res~ and do not
despair. Hard work always_pays off.. .
~ , ~;~:1~:'" 1:
. ~

¥. "':':::


I BaJ;shore Golf Club:





./1 Courde Reriew'

by Brian Flewell
Located three miles north of Shelton on SR-3, Bayshore
Golf Club is an inexpensive getaway for the college golfer on a
budget. Weekday rates during twilight hours, which begin at 2:
00 pm, will set you back a mere $13.00, and weekend twilight
The course itself is nicely laid out. If it has one major
drawback, it is that your 18-hole course is really just the front
9 played a second time with a few minor adjustments, such as
tee box location. If you're looking for variety when you're
playing, this course is not for you. There are, however, many
redeeming qualities about the course.
The first three holes circle a small collection of houses and
maintenance sheds, which makes the fairways very thin . For an
amateur golfer, like me, this can be intimidating. The best hole
of the entire course can be found on hole 5. Walking north at the
edge of the golf course, the green sits on the shores of Oakland
Bay. The beauty of the sparkling water and the bright green of
the course takes the experience to a whole new level.
Since my only chance to go out to Bayshore was after a
rainstorm, the course was very soggy and there were many
visible divots. Despite how wet the course was, the ball ran
quite quickly across the green. The holes themselves are well
maintained. The fairways and greens were cut short, and it was
a very pleasing experience to play here.
Par for 18 holes is 72 for men, 73 for women. For those of
you who care about the ratings and slopes, Bayshore has a rating
of68.6 and a slope of 117. My irons got a lot work playing here
since there were very few holes that were perfectly straight.
In the coming weeks of the S+L section, I hope to have
further reviews of courses throughout Thurston and South
Mason counties. If you are interested in submitting your own
course review, come down to the CPJ office located in CAB
316 on Monday at 5:00 pm for our weekly CPJ meeting. I
can be contacted for further information through my e-mail at:
flebri 14@evergreen.edu.

S:r.orting Events
for the Week of
October 16 through
October 22, 2003

Women's Volleyball
. Friday, October 17 ys. Northwest at 7:00 pm

Men's Soccer
Saturday, October 18 vs. Albertson at 3:00 pm

Women's Soccer
Saturday, October 18 vs. Cascade at 1:00 pm

Cross Country
Saturday, October 18; The Evergreen State
College Open in Olympia, WA

by Eric King

Saturday October 18

Thursday October 16
EnviJOnmental Resource Center meets at 2 :30 pm on the third floor of

I know you've seen us practicing late
into the night under the watchful gaze of the
moon and the fluorescent lights of the eRe.
Mercilessly trying to throw one another into
the mat, only to rise to the challenge more
bloody, sweaty, and tired than the last time we
hit the ground, but somehow we get up again
only to do it again and again, and then some
the next night.
Welcome to the world of wrestling!
Moreover, welcome to Evergreen's co-ed
wrestling club! To keep it simple we are a
group of kind-hearted physically aggressive
people who like to wrestle four days a week
Monday through Thursday nights.
We want people of all abilities from the
beginner to the state champion. As a beginner
you will learn basic techniques that you can use
to defend yourself, or spar with other members
of equal abi Iity. Those who are more advanced
will have the opportunity to test and hone their
skills with wrestlers of equal or surpassing ability, and have the·opportunity to participate in
at least six tournaments in Washington and
What do you have to lose? It's free of
charge, come and go as you please, work as
hard as you want (but don't show if you don't
plan to work at all). It's a great way to get in
shape without running, get stronger without
lifting weights, make new friends, and let loose
some aggressive energy.

~tr~am Team kick-off ev~nt, 6}0 - 9 ~m in the Thurston County Courthouse,
bUlldmg 1. Lear~ how to IdentIfy native trees, plant a tree seedling, learn
about salmon, VIew stream bugs, and socialize with current Stream Team
members. FREE. Everyone welcome. For more info, call 360.753 .8454.

Sappho's Sist~rs Bo?k Group for lesbian, bisexual and transgender womyn.
7 - 8:30 pm. Dlscussmg Daughters of Darkness by Pam Keesey. FREE.
South Sound Center, 308 Tacoma Ave. South. For more information call
253.383 .2318 .

Friday October 17
Gloria Pacis, mother ofw~r resister, Stephen Funk, will speak from 7 - 8:
30 pm at the New Hope Bapttst Church. 12421 s,Ave. Seattle. $3-$5 donation
req'.l~sted, no one turned away. For more information, call 206.325.0085 or
em~11 Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) at: seattle@ inter
.Heart.sparkle Players' Stories of Human Treasures, honoring elders who
bnng WIsdom, compassion, talent and vision to our communities. Audience
members tell moments from their lives and watch them re-created through
movement, music and dialogue. 7:30 pm at Traditions Cafe, 300 5 1n Ave. SW
(downtown Olympia on the corner of 5'h and Water). Suggested donation of
$5 to $10, however, no one is turned away.
B~ckstage 8 pm, $5., The Se.l louts, The Nobodies and The Crossing, at The

CapItol Theatre, 2065 nAve., m downtown Olympia. For more infonnation
call 360.754.5378 , or visit: http://www.olyfilm.org/theatre/

Out ~ About P~t1uck. 4:30 - 7 pm. Meet other twenty- and thirty-something
gay reSIdents of PIerce County and make some friends . FREE. South Sound
Center, 308 Tacoma Ave . South. For more info, call 253.383.2318.
"All Hallows EVEning" dance at the Mountaineers Club in Old Town
Tacoma. 230~ North 30lh S~reet, 8 pm to midnight. Tickets are $10 and can
be purchased m advanc~. Pnzes awarded for the best costume! Light refreshments, soda and water mcluded. Beer and wine available for purchase.

'Monday October 20
_ Wome~'s Ri~hts : Frontline in the Struggle Against Political Repression.
.Wee~ly ~hscus~LOn group. on the book When Biology Became Destiny, the
c.l asslc antholo.gy a~alyzmg the experience of women's resistance to the
rise of the faSCist seIzure of power in Gennany. 7 - 8:30 pm. University of
Washington, Ethic Culture Center, 3931 Brooklyn Ave . NE, Seattle. Free.
Everyone welcome. Wheelchair accessible. Sponsored by Radical Women.
For more information, call 206.722.60S7 or 722.2453.

Tuesday October 21
Evergreen Animal Rights Network meets at Spm CAB conference room .
The EARN office number is 867.6555 .

Wednesday October 22
Jewish Cultural Center weekly meeting at 3 pm in LIB 2129. All are

For more information, call Sanders Freed
at 753.2816. Eric King can be reached at



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~E \~ IT TO






the cooper point journal


october 23, 2003