

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 31, Issue 27 (May 15, 2003)

extracted text

by Greg Colfu o"h, Milih T,;J", md Andy Wilb" o"h, Skokomoh T<iI", S,p', 1995






volume 31 • issue 27 • may 15, 2003





Nicholas Stanislawski & Sophal Long
What questions do you have
about TESC funding?
"How much of that
mOlley is goillg to be
devoted 10 promoting
dillersity on campw?"
Dolly England
Sopho more
Bod)' Milld SOIlI

··What perceillage of our
lu;lion goes 10 stllden! activitit's?Why dorm I First P"opLes

more money?"

Celvll Bo01l
"Wily don! we hall' more
jimding for sllldent anrers
Like a Lounge. arcade. til
room thllt doesn't come alit
ofS&A money?"
Srnior • Comsortion

"Education should be
free, eh?"

Jen Lorang· junior
A lternation to CapiraliJm











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Niz!e-Bl~rn a'ndJa7e,iD~b;Y
ito'.the .tvening mnshi~e. They; along with 3 other.Greenm, a'rl~!lti~f65Q ~iki'(r.0"! P~rtLailfi,'[>R. :O" '
.. M!sso,,!14J 1fTf!r, ,:n E~~e~n contract th~ 'q'!arter. 1 mtrt·u~ w,jt'" t~~m ~hen they u;m, ~bout ha/foay doT!! lfIitk,1km jou.,rne;: j?C/itrkston,
, Was,.h lnfon, Ju,sl,across tht,'lV{tftJ /'! ,L.e!f'fStOI'l'- Idaho. ihey ~I't wattmg In Pflrk!ton !,!h!/e s/eeP/'!K..f4'!4~ ,tIt~ ~rfdgt 1M ,ubst}tl!lg offthe local
: ,all1~'{-fat;-{'!(fllffi'! f4nft.~ ~h~ r.es! ,o f!ht tr party .catches uP'. and the,,,- they wtl! head dfmi01.tlie '!'9Ullralns,,~Jk. trice'tp p"art oftheir journey.
. , TJJey,..arellla!!,,!!.ngJf1 eat v"J.-/tttleexupt for'/e~tll sProuts Jor the nQ:t 4,weekl. Photo "by Jesse Dutton 'Milk!} ...;Jf· "~ •_~ ~;,." . ¥\.¥: : < . : .' .
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Endless Possibilities:

A World

Without War is Possible

Commentary b}I Nate Hogen
"How does the financiaL
aid scholarship moneys work.
& how are thl!)' distributtd?"

Michael Kohlmeier
junior · Art

"With the amount ofmonry

Th, Evtrgrun S"''' Col/'g' i,
,pmding on tk addition. what
a m I going to be seeing out of
that as a ,tTUknt. and whet, is
thltt monry.comil1g/rom?"

ThomM Meyers
Freshman· S",-.t Gardm
"Where do we get the
funding to pay for Bon
Appetits losses?"
Rhonda Ea/y • Smior
Mrx;con Art; Art H iIlory

"Do they have fitnding
that's sitting around and
not doing anything?"
Terence Lee· ju nior
Exo tic Sp~d~J
in Marin~ ECOJpums

Olympia, WA 98505




Address Service Requested

This past Saturday, Evergreen hosted a
community forum with community leaders
and organizers to disc uss the afte rmath of
the Iraq War, the ongoing war on terror, the
ongoing peace movement, and the endless
strategy to stop our self-annihilation. The
latter part didn't com e up. These days,
either you're pro-life or you're pro-dea th.
and this is completely iiHerdependent of the
issue of abortion. Either you believe we are
destroying ourselves and will continue to do
so until the ultimate collapse of civilization
ensues, or that you have faith and hope
that we can choose another path towards
world peace. Sounds simple, cliched, and
redundant, right? Wrong! The simplest
solutions are the most difficult to bring into
fruition. That's why these meetings must
continue to take place.
The first speaker of the day, Therese
Saliba of Olympians for Peace in the Middle
East (OPME), started by quoting Rachel
Corrie when she was in Palestine: "I'm in the
midst of a genocidal systematic destruction
of a people." A reminder that war without
end is in fact human genocide. It may only
be seen as happening in Palestine or Africa
. or Southeast Asia, but it will come closer
and closer to

decide to stop it with a se nse of drastic
passio n and survival instinct.
It has been brought to my attentio n
several tim es that only small incremental
change on a local level will be the key
to global change. This is why I was sort
of disappointed with th e attendance of
less than fifty people from Evergreen and
Olympia in generaL We can't just ignore
this problem . Believe me, I've tried and it
doesn't work.
Therese continued with the statistics.
2,700 civilians are dead in Iraq and that's
a rough estimate. The UN also estimates
that a quarter million of Iraqi children are
also threatened in one of the most severe
humanitarian crises ever. One million of
them are currently malnourished. 40% of
Iraq is without clean water. Don't worry
though, the US is lifting the sanctions to
reap the country of its oil money wealth
and install multi-national corporations to
rebuild the cradle of civilization. Remember,
civilian lives are expendable to ensure
democracy and liberation . This is a cynical
a nd sinister situation where US foreign
policy has continued its cycle of funding
wars, building militarizati on, and expand. its empire. Without a doubt, this is a

wonderful way to protect and ensure basic
hum an rights. NOT!
Rachid Benkh alti , a lso from OPME
spoke of the cliche th at the Arab/Middle
Eastern/Muslim world hates the US. "This
is true, but is solely based o n US foreign
policy, not American values." Rac hid also
said that after 9/ 11, Bush decl ared a crusade
on Islam, and that he found it interesting
that Bush wants to liberate the Arab world
in the Middle East, but at the same time
oppresses Arabs and Muslim s at ho me in
the United States. He believes that the US
is following the philosop hy that "you have
to break a few eggs to make an omelet[ ... )
People seem to forget th at 7,000 years
ago, (the Middle East) was the cradle of
civilization[ . .. ) Israel has a large arse nal
of weapons of mass destruction, provided
by the US[ ... J Israel has violated 70 UN
resolutions and Iraq has only violated 2[ ... J
We must implement International law...
Steve Niva talked about who and what
were next in the war on terro ri sm . " It
doesn't matter who's next because we want
a permanent state of war. US military force
is now an option at any time. We are in a
constant state of potential war and co nflict."
According to him, all of this is part of an

US Postage
Permit #65

Be Part of

Call to Acti.on:
TeamKAOS ' Cascadia Summer 2003




Do you wa nt to lea rn to dye your clothes with forest materials) Did yo u know thaI
th ere are other sea weeds besides Nori th at are good for your health ) Well, Friday. May
16 is your chance to find out this informatio n and much more! The Herbal Faire will
feature a variety of workshops concerning lichens, herbal forst aid, mental health remedies,
how to apply herbs (lea rn to make tincru res, decoctions, infusio ns) and medi cinal and
edible plants of the Pacific Northwest. Intern ationally known herbalist Ryan Drum will
be giving a keynote speech al 7 p.m. in the Longhouse on Sea Weeds for medicine. But
befo re yq u come to his talk, join the potluck in the Ceda r roo'" at 6:00 p.m . Co me take
advantage of the ama1.i ng FREE workshops goi ng on all day' Sponsored by the Evergreen
Healing Arts Collecti ve. To volunteer, call 867-6749 .

Tifftny Suitts name was misspelled in rhe May I issue in
rhe article rided "Inrercity Transir Goes Green." Also, Las[
Word Books is nor currenrly planning on moving ro rhe former
locarion of Olympia World News (May 8 Issue, "Las[ Word
Celebrares One Year in Business") .



New York Style Hand TossedPina
Huge Sitection of Fresh Toppings!


v.... iIn &

Ptaa'. AVliIIbIe
FrIIh Baktd Goads
IIIcIv BI'IWI on Tap, BottIId BIerI, WIne

Dine In or Cal AhIId for Tiki out
Enjoy OIrSldIWdc Caf6 On NIoIDayI!

_- -_Last

(23S Divilion Sl NW)





The new

Kona bicycles
Cllfe in!

c>peora't:I'V'eoly r .....

bav'••••, . . . .


s't: U c:I eo no 't: S

,,~ ~~... --~-

may 15, 2003 ·'

Let me take you through a journey. This is my world.
Thailand is usually divided into four regions- the North, Northeast, Central.
and South .
Mountains blanket the northern terrain threading warm sunken rivers through
emerald valleys. City lights stand near these liquid pathways, praising serene hilltops
with their inviolable hillrribes. Climate, cool and comfortable, allows for the melting
of this crisp Thai silk, so tranquil to the skin. Hundreds of colors and designs create
eye candy to dry thirsty eyes. Agriculture, teak wood, Iynchee, oranges, cotton and
laquerware add to this countryside spectacle.
The Northeast of this land presents a distinct landscape, history, and folk culture
on the basis of a plateau. Vibrant life and color emit from the natives of this region.
Treat your ears to their melodious dialect, flavor your lips with their highly spiced
cuis ine , and bask in their truly hospitable and fun-loving nature.



The City of Angels, or Bangkok C ity, unifi es all of T hailan d as it locates herself in
the cen tral region. The imagination reels in this magical exuberance, embracing various
cultural avenues. Look up to thrusting office towers, wallow in world-class hotels, relish
your taste buds in the fashion of specialty restaurants, light up in neon entertainment
spots where the fare ranges from classical dance to laser disco.


4th and Adams

composition of the coastline varies from sandy beaches fringed with palm trees to
ruggedly beautiful limestone cliffs and outcrops covered with vegetation. Swim in
clear blue waters touched by powdery white sand and rolling hills. Swim deeper
to appreciate the rich marine life and colorful coral formations. Laugh and cry in
the monsoon weather.

You may continue this journey during one of ASIA's upcom1l1g

Melodic Blends: Traditional Asian Dancing, Saturday May 17
@ 3:00, in the Housing Community Center
Meet the hilltribe people through Rum Fon Njiaw, performed to
wish the guests a healthy, safe, and prosperous life. Experience central
Thailand through Rum Si Nuan, the story of a beautiful young woman,
and a blessing of happiness and good health to everyone.
Enjoy Cambodian culture as well, through beautiful tradit ional
dancing. Feel welcomed with Robaim Phoung Neary, usually performed
in the royal palace with harmonious melodies and synchronized

This dynamic modern world still manages to preserve its cultural heritage.
Soaring roofs and gleaming spires paint the territory of the Grand Palace. Peek
inside to witness one of the most sacred statues, the Emerald Buddh a, m ade
en tirely of emerald stone.

Heads up on Sta·fford
or Perkins Loans




Do you have a Staffo rd or Perki ns loan) Arc yo u graduating or leaving school) J-bvc you
co mpleted Ex it Loan Counseling? If yo u haven't, you need to. After al l. th at is one of th e
requirements to be met to receive these loans.
The Staffo rd Exit Counseling schedule for Spring quarrel' includes Mondays and Thursdays
at 12:00pm. The last session will be Thursday, June 5th at 12:00.
On Wednesday, May 21, • special presentation on Loan Co nso lidatio n will be offered at
12:00. The presenter will be fro m the No rthwest Education Loan Association. Sign up for
this session by contacting Financial Aid at 867-6205.
The May 21 sessio n on Loan Co nsolidation should be of high interest to any studen l
with loan indebtedness of at least $7,500. Interest rales arc at an all-time low and the
Loan Co nsolidation program may offer students the opportunity for co nsiderable savings
over the life of their loans. Listen to the experts and get answers to yo ur questions before
yo u make a decision.
Sign up for a sess ion by co ntacting Financial Aid at 867-6205. We ask th at yo u sign up
at least one day in adva nce so that we can have a copy of your loan history avai lab le fo r
yo u at the session. Please bring the names, addresses and phone numbers uf two references
and one family member to the session.
Perkin s loan borrowers mu st also schedule a separate Exit Co un seling sess ion with
Student Accounts at 867-6440.

o or

by PenniB Bllrnnmgslri

Olympia band BONE SPIDER celebrates the release of its new 7-song CD (entitled "Oh Victoria") on Saturday, May 17th
at the Fourth Avenue Tavern . Released on Seattle label Bristling Barnacle Music, the new EP features a variety of rock sounds
in the Adult Alternative format. With influences like The Smithereens, Bruce Cockburn and Elvis Costello, BONE SPIDER
appeals to a broad cross-section of discriminating rock listeners. BONE SPIDER consists of singer/songwriter/guitarist
(and Greener grad) Jess Grant, drummer Tom Shoblom, bassist Rich Paddock, guitarist Ian Weintraub and singer Linda
Farr. For more info, visit their website at http://www.cdsrreet.com/art ists/bo nesp ider. The show sta rts at 9:00 p.m . Bone
Spider opens for Sammy Stubble and the Little Shavers. The C D will be for sale at the show and is available on-li ne
and at all Sonic Boo m stores in Seattle.
Jess Grant
Bristling Barnacle Music
Seattle, Washi ngron
(206) 789-5377

Herbal Fai.re


Got plans for th e su mmer?
This is an open invitation to protect Cascadia's ecosystems while bringing society into balance through education
and creative direct ac ti o n. On Tuesday, M ay 27 at 7 p.m., you are invited to join the gathering in Lecture H aU 1 at
The Evergreen State Coll ege. T here will be presentations, videos, a question and answer section, and a discussion.
Come to this event and learn abo ut Cascadia Summer.
All thi s may cause one to wonder, h owever, what exactly is Cascad ia? Cascadia 'is the land influ enced by
the maj estic Cascade Mountain ra nge and the Co lumbi a River from So uth ern British Columbia to Northern
California. This area is h ome to so me of the last great forests, birthplace and resting place of the salmon, and th e
range of the northern spotted owl. Over half th e land in Cascadia is federal public land, managed by the Forest
Serv ice and the Bureau of Land Ma nagement, and has long been exp lo ited as a seemingly endless source of raw
m ate rials and resources for private profit.
Cascadia Summer is an invitation to help defend our forests and to create a revolutio n in the way we live ou r lives.
We will be engaging in a wide range of tacdcs, from civil disobedience, t.ree-sits, public outreach in urban and rural
areas, to lawsuits, political pressure and public education. Throughout the summer training will be offered in direct
action, civil disobedience, blockading, tree climbing, timber sale monitoring and more. In Olympia, every Sunday
at 2 p.m. in Sylvester Park there wiU be a chance to check in with local organizers on upcoming events and ways to
plug in. For more info visit www.cascadiasummcr.org
Local contact info: 870-1219 olympiaef@ziplip.com olynetwork.com/olympiaef

Arc you enthusiastic about alternative news or independent mu sic? Interested in getting paid to work in the
influential field of radio broadcasting ) KAOS 89.3 FM
currentl y h as five paid internships open to Evergreen
students. Learn radi o from the inside, while se rving as:
News Director
The KAOS News Director is responsible for coordinating
news, public affairs, and informati onal programming. A
background in broadcast journ alism is required, though
unpai d news reporter positio ns are also avai lable.
Program Director
The Program Director is at the heart of KAOS programming d ec isions, coordinating and scheduling cultural,
entertainment, and other shows and overseeing satellite
operations. One year of experience in public radio and a
four-quarter commitment is required.
Music Director (2 positions)
KAOS Music Directors have their fingers on the pulse
of independent music. They work with record distributors
and producers to bring small labels and lesser-known artists
and genres to the airwaves, guided by KAOS's pioneering
independent music policy. Strong organi1.ational skills and
a broad interest in music are essential.
Production Engineer
The Production Engineer keeps things running at
KAOS . Working with the KAOS staff and TESC engineers,
the Production Engineer manages and maintains audio
production facilities, including training, scheduling, and
coo rdination of special projects . This position requires
knowledge of audio equipment, radio production , and basic
troubleshooting skills, organi1.ation and creativity.
We mentioned that you get paid , right ? For m ore
information on any of these positions, drop by the KAOS
offices on the 3'" fl oor of the CAB or call ex tensio n 6220.


Meet the unique flavor of this land first-hand. It is the people who possess a rare
tolerance, which imbues the city with a real sense of freedom. With seven million
inhabitants, Bangkok's good-natured acceptance of life with all its idiosyncrasies
is what remains clear.
Journey to a land within the land located in Southern Thailand. The physical

Plus many more!

Asian Students In Alliance is committed to
increasing awareness and understanding of the
Asian American.

For more information:
listserv: evergreen_asia@yahoogroups.com
Or visit space 15 in CAB 320


Voices of Color f:s a 'iveekly colu:mn$~tilStde .fl$ a forum for stJtdents ofcolor to discuss iss~s ofrace. Th~ CP] recognizes
that people .ofcolor are regularly underrepre~ented in the mifdia, as'elsewhere, and has devoted this space every week
exclusively for students ofcolor'to voice their thoughts, concerns, imd joys regarding racial identity, community, history
and any other issues they face as students ofcolor. Everyone is invited to contribute to any section o/the CP]
The Voices of Colorcolumn exists to ensure that there is a place in which students ofcolor can feel confident discussing
issues of race which might otherwise be dismissed or misrepresented.


l\""""~I:IIJ~,y'~<l, ~beQ ~I~js in ~ession:

Bus'ness~ ..... :...... ,...................................:..................... 867-6054

.Busiine·ss m~nager .... :........ :;.... :... ,....... :....:... ,........... :.. Sophal Long
business' . ,.,...., ...........'. ........ :; ..... ;......... iAndrew James '
';AA';4n; , ; ,''n
. ..... ;: i..:... :.......... ;; ........ ,... ~Ir~n~ Cost~llo

:.i:;..:.. ,.......;.<.:....;.

ar~tl1V1$~ .i, . ,;· ::.... .
, ~Qj~~bul~n·~rTIaila!ier


. apd the 2nd thrQl)gh

Ripping, Burning or Just

'The Gourmet Greener'

by LMvid P StifAs

Plain Stupid

by, Jon MCAWstAr

Are you tired of always eating the same
old ramen noodles or heating yet another
can of soup for your next meal and want to
try something different? If so, you may be
interested in a new show being produced
for campus TV channel 16, The Gourmet
Gre'1!ner' , hosted by an incoming first-year
student Dave Stiles, who brings many years
of culinary ability along with him.
The whole idea of a show developed after
ResNet ran an articl e on the idea of a feed
from National Lampoon to provide content
for the ca mpu s statio n. After making a
comment about maybe having a cooking
show in stead of or along wit h National
Lampoon and an overwhelming amount of
feedback saying it was a good idea, it grew

from there. Currently the show is planned
for half hour increments for each episode,
which will focus on new, different, and
interesting ways to approach food. From
ramen noodles paired with scallops to
grilled marinated flank steaks. he'll try and
explain how easy it is to really cook, and not
just reheat prepackaged food . Initially the
program will be on easy and quick meals
that you can cook in the dorms, and expand
to outdoor grilling and deep-frying. To stay
with the college dorm cooking concept,
cooking utensils used on the show will not be
anything that you could not find in a third
o r fourth yea r student's kitchen. Along
with creating the show, a website was
developed where you ca n find not o nly

recipes from the show, but also many
other recipes that have garnered acclaim
from his friends throughout the years.
(www.members.aollgourmetgreener/) .
For those who have the belief that producing and editing a televisio n program is too
much work, you couldn't be further from
the truth. Using a digital ca mco rder for
taping and then editing it on a Mac intosh
Computer with iMovie is simple. iMovie
downloads from the camera at the rouch
of a button direc tly into the editing area,
while splitting the ' sound and video images
onto separate editing tracks. A third editing
track is provided to allow the addition of narration or music files from the computer's hard
drive, CD player or an inline microphone.

Olympia Comics Festival

Special effects such as scrolling text or image
overlays are just as easy. Pick the effect
you wan.t, preview it onscreen and then
click and drag the effect to the section of
video you want overlaid or modified . After
several minutes, depending on the file size,
everything is rendered and ready to be put
back onto tape or burned onto a DVD. It's
that simple and easy.
Keep checking yo ur e-mails from
TESCtalk and log onto ResNet for info on
when you can watch the premier episode of
'the Gourmet Greener' from the comfort of
your dorm room couch. Who knows, you
just might learn the one dish that makes yo u
a chef amongst yo ur friends who may onl y
know how to turn on a stove to boil water
or operate a microwave.



by. Curtis Ruffierlord
Let's be hones t. Other than Kramer,
Evergreen is mostly known for its cartoonists. You kn ow, like Matt G roening , or
Lynda Barry. Maybe C harles Bums. Even
that guy that does Sponge Bob. So why not
take a gander at whn makes Evergreen (and,
by proxy, Olympia) great at the Olympia
Comics Festival, taking place this Saturday.
I know what you're thinking. ''I'm much
too busy waiting for the glue on my hands to
dry to go to a Comics Festival, even if it will
bring me slight respite from the monotony
that is my life, and perhaps introduce me
[0 something new. Once th e glue dri es , I
need [0 peel it off my hand too. That's rhe

good part. " Well, frankly I'm disg usted. No,
not disgusted. What is th e word? Excited .
I am excited abo ut this year's Fest. Gilbert
H ern andez (or, as his friends and lackeys
call him, "Beto") is goi ng to be there. You
know, Beto , the man who, with brother
Jaime, draws Love & Rockets, the comic
that makes even literary blowhards take off
their pointy hats and whistle a soft tune to
indica te their pleas ure. C raig Thompson
is going to be rhere, author of "Goodbye
C hunky Rice." I was going to talk briefly
about how much I loved this book, but
instead will refer yo u to any number of
reviews on the internet , or that feeling

that you have deep inside that tells you "a
comic called Goodbye C hunky Rice must
be good l " Trust that feelin g.
As if that wasn't enough th ere will be
interviews, lectures (but funny ones l ),
slideshows , workshops. and everything
related to that most immediate of art forms ,
the comic. All this and more for a mere three
bucks. The proceeds go to the Comic Book
Legal Defense Fund (www.cbklf.org) .
There will also be the expo, your opportunity to find all th ose unknown talents
and rising stars. 1:30 to 6:00 p.m . at Th e
Olympia Center (222 Columbia N ). It's
a woodwork affa ir. What do I mean by

"woodwork affair?" Well, if yo u're go ing ro
be so impolite as to interrupt me, I may
as well exp lain . The entire gamut from
seaso ned pros, salty with their knowledge
to newbies , possibly even fresh off the C PJ
Comics page, crawls out of th e woodwork to
take part. Even bener, this part is free.
Don't miss your chance. When people
who don't live in Olympia call it "hi p," and
you scoff, telling th em "th ere's nothing cool
in Olympia," it is only because you miss out
on events like these.
The Olympia Co mics Fesrival will be
Saturday, May 17, from 11 a.m. on at the
Ca pital Theater.

For more on this story. please see part If next week in the News section ofthe Cooper Point Journal. (The author can be reached at mcajonO I@evergreen.edu)




t e


COO er Point Journal

needs ou!
- Sophal Long, the CP J Editor"""
in-Chief for next school year is
looking for a Managing Editor:
a partner in zeal,
a collaborator in leadership,
a helpmate in coordinating
the weekly production of the

Applications will be available
Friday~ May '16th in CAB 316 or
call 867-6054 for details.

Are vou a CYBER criminal?

"Hey Eli, will you burn that CD for me?" I asked my roommate. "It's nasty!" "Unr;ure man," he replied. It was as easy as that. I spent about 25 cents
on a blankdisc, he spent $15 .99 on the CD I wanted. It doesn't take a math major to realize I just saved $15.74. YES! I just screwed 'the man' out of his
money. He's got enough anyway, right? I mean, in the last cwo years, the recording industry reported sales of close to $11 billion dollars!
This was a hypothetical situation. I didn't really ask Eli to burn a CD for me because if I did, that would be illegal. That is exactly what some big names want
you to realize.
Do you know who John Ashcroft or Cary Sherman is? Cary Sherman is the president of the Recording Industry
Association of America and John Ashcroft is the Attorney General for the United States. They represent interests
- « -"Theres this idea
that you ;an get away
groups who want one thing: cyber criminals paying the price for illegal behavior.
"Thats an idea we
A cyber criminal is someone who commits fraud, theft, copyright infringement, espionage, or transmits
in cyberspace, "
child pornography with the use of an electronic device. This story discusses one specific type of cyber criminal
--..---------.------- ~behavior thoroughly-anyone who burns, rips, or file-shares copyrighted material. 'Burning' a_ CD is when
you take a compact disc and put it in a device that merely copies all the information onto another disc. '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _--'
' Ripping' a CD is when a CD is put into a device that copies the information onto a computer in the form
of a file called an MP3. Once the CD has been ripped onto a computer almost anything can be done with It. It can be broken up into individual tracks. These MP3 files
can be sent over email or other popular file sharing programs.
What Ashcrofi: and Sherman want you to know is that when you do this, you are breaking the law. Ashcroft recently established ten special prosecutorial groups known as CHIP
(Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property) to focus on copyright thefi:, computer fraud, and hacking. This organization could be scanning your computer RIGHT NOW I'm
not joking. The government, muscled by corporate record labels, has finally put its foot down. As recently as April 24, a federal district court has again affirmed that the law, which
provides copyright holders with a process to identify infringements, is both constitutional and appropriate. (see www.ifui.org for further details)
After this ruling, Cary Sherman said, "If users of pirate peer-to-peer sites don't want to be identified, they should not break th e law by illegally distributing music. Today's decision
makes clear that these individuals cannot rely on their ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to shield them from accountability." Attorney General Ashcroft had an equally stron g statement
to add: "There's this idea so mehow that you can get away with it here," said Ashcroft. "Th at's an idea we must curtail. There are no free passes in cyberspace."
I spo ke with Noel McHugh (ResNet Manager, xGI04) about' file sharing copyrighted materials and what steps Evergreen has taken to prevent or harness illegal fil e
sharing. "We're an Academic Institution," sa id Noel. "We don't monitor information that goes· back and forth o~ ResNer." ResNet (Resident Network) is Evergreen's
netwo rk that allows Housing occupams to share information via th e interner. '" don't think file sharing should be illegal. " Noel went on to say. "I understand the value of
intellectual property but there are a lot of legitimate reasons to file share." When I asked Noel about why some popular file sharing programs run so slowly on ResNet he
said, "We do what is called 'rrafflc shaping' on some popular file sharing programs, like Kazaa, simply because last year th.ey used up an enormous amount of our available
bandwidth and this made it a qu ality of service iss ue." What Noel meant is that Evergreen is only allotted a certain amount of data per a second. By cropping the amount
of bandwidth that was sucked up by Kazaa, Noel was rriaking more space available for normal computer usage such as web browsing or e-mail. "We don't support people
breaking the law but we don't monitor people's ne[Work computer usage either." Noel stated. "However, if we are notified of someone using the ne[Work improperly, we
will rake action." Noel was also careful to state that Housing students have signed a comract that legally binds them to Housing policies. These policies expressly prohibit
improper use of ResNer. Fin ally, Noel did confirm that he has received three warning letters in the past but none this year. As of the story deadline, I was unable to confirm
who, specifically, the letters were concerned with and whether or not those students had complied.



Nate HOgen

Last week' ran the first half of this article celebrating Last Word Books' first birthday, and spoke of their trials, tribulations and future plans. So far they have been successful and
actually make more sales on the Internet than in the store in order to pay rent. Now they're thinking big- really big. Here's the conclusion of the conversation I had with Sky Cosby,
David Acc'urso, and Bryce Kelly about expanding the store and combining efforts in the community to bring about unity.

... continued from cover
election strategy and instilling fear and ensuring homeland security wiU win Bush
another term as long as his administration "keeps the pot boiling." He said that wars in
North Korea, Syria, and Iran are unlikely and are only mentioned to keep the public's
: attention overseas rather than at home where everything is falling apart. Basically, his key
point was for us to educate people and to redouble our efforts in doing so.
I wish I could go on in detail, but unfortunately I don't have the space or time and
I do have a word limit. So I will list general facts, statistics, and ideas in a nice poetic
format to finish out this grueling piece of journalism:
The war in Iraq costs over $300 billion
Meanwhile 13 million children live in families without an adequate food supply
41.2 million Americans lack health insurance
Over 3 million people experience homelessness in the US each year
(1 million of them are children)
9.6 million Americans are without jobs
32.9 million Americans now live in poverty,
11 ,7 million of those are children
There is no objective media
It is highly commercialized and full of severe and intense propaganda
We must democratize the mainstream media and turn it into the peoples media
This is a war against the poor
Social services are down
National debt and poverty are up, up, up
Welfare reform is this country's structural adjustment
Bush would love to privatize welfare
Patriot Act
Homeland security Act
Our Constitutional Rights are being eliminated
Poetry is our language
Change is happening
We are creating a new world based on justice
We are united as workers,
As people
As students
As -teachers
As activists
As farmers

A World Without War is Possible

Bryce stated th at "us four sitting in this room have this half of the world
represented. "
The community coming together like this seems without a doubt to be a direct
result of the state of our government, our coumry, and the world. With no end to war
in sight, action is now more relevant and present then ever before in history. People
coming together is a natural and intuitive reaction in times of extreme crisis. Every
good cause's individual agenda is realizing that their work is essemially one cause that
people are fighting for: change.
Sky said, "I think we've crossed enough lines in the sand now that everyone has
realized that they have to come together, or everyone who's of the same mindset .. . has
realized that now is the time to do something or it's going to be to late. My mother is a
bleeding heart liberal. Now and then she'll rant about how her generation thought they
were going to change the world and then she'll get sad and depressed and cry about how
it didn't work, and what I tell her is that you guys did change the world. You created
our generation and now it's on our shoulders, and if we don't get the chance and the
opportunity to do it in our time then' it passes on further down the line, but we're gening
close to the end, you know. I mean, a bookstore, we have all this knowledge at our
fingertips. The solutions to all of the world's problems have already been figured out,
they just haven't been utilized. By being behind this bookstore we have potential, we have
power at our fingertips that we need to exercise somehow and it's fucking frustrating
when we can't or when we try and something_doesn't work."
The guys also expressed that because America has become so corporate and
neo-liberalBm has decided globalization is the best solution, it's becoming harder and
harder to open small independent businesses.
"Congress is voting on whether or not to cut all funding for the National
Endowment of the Arts and National Public Radio and making it all privatized by big
business. And going back to the money thing. We are running a for-profit business
(supposedly) in a capitalist society. We're playing by their rules and one of our goals
is to take them down. You have to use your opponents' powers against them. We have
to use mass media against itself.·
To emphasize the importance of local business Sky busted out the statistics.
"If you spend a dollar locally at an independently owned store in your community, it
gets recycled seven times. If you spend a dollar at a corporate store, 80% of it leaves
town immediately. Think about it."
Dave adds, "Sky and I volunteer at the Co-op. We try to buy everything locally and
it's really much more sustainable for everyone and we bring money into the community
by selling books online. We sell books online that were in recycling dumpsters and
that brings_money jnJo the CQiJlJJlu.nity. We give money_to homeless peopJe all the
time who bring in books."

Sky continues, "We did a fundraiser for Bread and Roses and for Gateways for
Incarcerated Youth and we would like to do more book drives for non-profit organizations
cause. The othet
cool about this bookstore is that we have




Thinking ah~ad for a iob next year?
2003-04 positions for the CPJ Business Department available Monday,
May 5thl

The Evergreen Organic Farm has been
thoroughly tilled and the trusty farm interns
have been hard at work seeding, transplanting and harvesting. We now have several
crops in the ground including raspberries,
strawberries ; potato es, tomaroe s, basil,
onions, peas, melons, plenty of flowers

and several things that I am sure I will
remember after I finish this article. Tne
interns are required to work twenty hours a
week on the farm in exchange for the ability
ro better sustain ourselves, knowledge of our
land and surro\lndings, and eight college
credits. I will now relate a story.
On one fateful yet
early spring morning, I believe it was
a Wednesday, th e
Evergreen Organic


These positions are:

Farm interns were busy finishing their
morning chores when they were alerted that
the portable chicken coop needed to be
moved. "Sounds easy enough!" Someo ne
might as well have said, "Sure no problem!"
The problem was, the chickens were not
in their pen . Arrer their fence was removed
and several attempts at herding the chickens
failed, there was only one option: chase
them down and catch them. If you've ever
chased chickens be careful of that cock.
There's nothing in the world like a freaked

byWfD ByaaMcD8rUel

out rooster. I believe that it rook all 12
interns an hour and a half ro round up 30+
chickens. Not to worry though, they are
now in th eir new home, happily pecking
away at the old communiry gardens.
Please come rour our farm or visit us at
the organic farm stand. We have the stand
out front of the library every Tuesday and
Thursday from 11 :00 TO 5:00, come early
for the best selection of eggs, ;alad greens,
flowers and plant starts.

We are making an effort to examine the social
sustain ability of the Evergreen Organic Farm, and
we need your help! The res ults from the following
q ues ti o nn aire will be us ed to ga in a preliminary
unders tandi ng of how the far m fits into the lives of
those in our co mmuni ty. Even if you know nothing
abo ut the Orga ni c Farm, your voice matters, and your
in put co unts!!! T hank yo u for yo ur contribution.

(ABM and Ad Rep. positions will be permanent from the beginning of the academic year.)

· Assistant Business Manager - (10 paid hours per
week/$7.01 per hour) The ABM is responsible for the financial
paperwork on Business side. S/he will work and train with the
Business Manager and take over at the end of the Business Manager's term of office.

Evergreen Organic Farm Questionnaire
Please reply to the following questions in email form


1) Are you a student, faculty member, staff member,
or community member?
2) How old are you?
3) What is your gender? ,
4) How many years have you been at Evergreen?
5) What is your focus of study?

· Ad Representative - (Pay is dependl:nt on the weekly ad
revenue.) The Ad Representative is responsible for selling ads to
(These four positions will start as interim at the beginning of the academic year with
the possibility of permanent staff status.)

6) How often do you visit or interact with the
a. Never
b. Once or twice a year
c. Bimomhly
d. Momhly
e. Weekly


· Ad Designer. (6 paid hours per week/$7.01

per hour) The Ad
Designer is responsible for creating classified and display advertisements.
paid hours per week/$7.01 per
hour) The Distribution Manager is responsible for delivering the
paper around campus every Thursday.

· Ad Proofer/Archivist - (3 paid hours per week/$7.01

hour) The Ad Proofer/Archivist is responsible for checking ads for
mistakes and filing ads.

8) Do you feel that the Organic Farm is easily
accessible to the greater Evergreen community? YES
I NO -If no, please explain

· Circulation Manager/Newspaper Archivist - (2 paid

9) Would you like' to see the Organic Farm more
integrated into the Evergreen
curriculum? YES I NO I MAYBE

hours/$7.01 per hour) Ttle Ch"culation Manager/Newspaper Archivist is responsible for weekly mailings of the CPJ and maintaining
current subscription files.


10) What changes would you like to see in the
direction of the farm?

C ..PJ

recieved a lot of these books for free and now we have the means to achieve our [goals] . That's amazing. We
want to make them available ro the general public for research purposes because we have some books that the
local libraries don't have and we have some books that arc so rare that no library has one. I think the fact that
we're located in the Pacific Northwest alone plays a tremendous facror in our development. We're in the
right place at the right time. This is one of the las t vestiges of hope and nature .. . Rolling Srone recently said
that Olympia is the hippest place in the nation right now. Yeah, we're cool now. We might get a little bit
cooler, but then we're going to be inundated by all these idiots who only want to imitate a portion of our
lifestyle and fuck the entire place up. That sucks. We should take drastic action against it right now. I've
adopted it as my primary goal to increase the burden of awareness in those alOund me. That says it better
then I eQuid, and I stole that from a book."
The keywords and catch phrases in this story if you haven't noticed are community, awareness,local business,
unified activism and collectives, and networking. Sky's last words, "So many people have so many good ideas,
but they only share them with a co~ple people. They never get to the right hands of people who are actually
'going to d~ something about it. Like Jesse said when he was in here this morning, "If you have a good idea,
make it happen within 24 hours or it's gonna get shumed under the mat. "
For Information , questions, or to get involved contact: Sky Cosby and David Accurso
Lastwordbooks@yahoo.com. Bryce Kelly Olymwash@yahoo .com (In the process of starting a non-profit
international peace center in Olympia), Olydandelion@riseup.net (A group oflocal activists trying to form an all
ages community center) , Opcnstagc@Woridcause.net (List serve for all those involved in open stage for peace) ,
Nate Hogen blueelectricmonkey@riseup.net (Host at open stage for peace)

Harmony Antiques &
Karinn's Vintage Clothing

Business Department

Great holiday merchandise!
113 Thurston Ave. NE

Experience is not necessary, willingness to learn is a
mustl Come up to the CPJ office, located in CAB 316 to
pick up an applic'a tion(s) for any~ oftfie above positions.
Contact the CPJ Business Department @ 867-6054

~~<]-~ ..

(360) 9S6-707~



. Cafe and
World Folk Art

around the world.

, *candles *soap

Beer Collectables

Fairly traded
goods from
artisans and
farmers from

Great Gift Ideas

-- Your friend IV neighborhood antiques,
collectibles, & giftware store


Photo by Wm: Ryan McDaniel

continued from page 5

7) What attracted you to the farm?
a. Class
b. Community Gardens
c. Compost project
d. General Imerest
e. Special Evems
f. Other (explain)

· Distribution Manager - (5

People a:nd~egetables at the Organic Farm

Concerts. classes,
poetry, good food
and a welcoming

environment to
meet and study,


Capital Lake and Heritage rountain
3DD 5th Ava. SW, 7D5·me


Think About the




Not Quite New-Wave, but
Totally Better Than Pre-Teen:
An 80s Commentary



bv Matt WolDe
[ am writing this article for two reaso ns: 1) To make a political point, and 2) To make
a point that the way people are m aki ng political points in the Coope r Po int Jo urn al
(and in the comm unity) must change.
A friend of mine recendy se nt me an article from the New York Times which appa ll ed
her. She asked me to spread the word, in an attempt to raise awa reness.
AIDS researchers seeking gran t fund ing have been wa rned not to u se ce rt ain key
wo rds when ap pl yin g for grants. The article was published on April 18th 2003 under
the tide "Certai n Words Can Trip Up AIDS G rants, Scienti sts Say." The key words are
labeled as "controversial" and include the words "gay," "homosexual, " "sex worker" and
"transgendered." THIS IS FOR AIDS RESEARCH'
T hi s is not anoth er articl e d escribing a po liti ca l problem . The way that articles
are written in this paper is the same. We dOn'T waNT pJ:.Ople to bE tHe sAmE. The
important po liti ca l m ateria l th at h as been co mmunicated has bee n TRIVIALIZED
It is not effective to get info rm atio n across in the sa me way.
The gra nts are fro m the National In stitute of H ealth, and the Department of H ea lth
and Human Services a re the ones sc rutini zing them. There is politica l survei ll ance on
research such as preventing H.I.Y. among prost itutes ("sex workers. ") The admin istra tion
is trying to pretend that anyone that fits into these controversial categories is not worth
protecting from H.I.Y. They are trying to make people the sa m e, and only those that are
the sa me are worthy of being protected from disease.
Let's not be ~h e same . Let's address the variety that we wa nt in our commun ity an d in
o ur act ivism. LEt's bE mORe cReATiVE. Let's do more than attend workshops! Let's do
more than teach-in s a nd rh etori cal articles. Let's be di fferent, write diffe ren tl y, and t hin k
differently so th at we ca n get o ur poi nts across.

fiy Will

bv Llbbv Welsdepp
This yo un ger gen eration sca res m e. The reason is nor because video games were
co nsidered old when th ey were bo rn , nor because they can't remember the advent of the
answeri ng mac hin e. What's troubling is the necessa ry 80's pop culture sat uration
that they just might have missed. Sure they ca n pretend ro know-I can't recall ever
meeting anybody who doesn't have at least a few Madonna lyrics down-but if you dig
deep enough th e trurh surely will be discovered. When so meo ne thinks Bananarama
so unds like a Jello Aavor, Tears For Fears so unds like so me sort of peace ac tivist
organ izat io n, th at Twisted Sister is so me messed up gi rl band, and that T he C ure
is a fancy vacc ination, th en yo u've found just what I have feared: someon e who
has th e ga ll ro ask "Moll y Rin gwa ld who'" How a re th ese you ng folks go ing ro
su rvive if at th e mention of the word 'nerds,' they don't t hink of the ultim ate
exa mpl e of Anrh ony Edwards and th e Lamda Lamda Lamd a's? When they hear th e
word 'geek,' do they not understand that a pink-shirted Anthony Mi chae l Hall
sho uld come ro mind ?
You, my fellow New-Wavers, may find that the importance of such issues is trivial.
1. however, can't help but think that these young people will one day be in charge and I
won't let them w it hout at least one mandatory viewing o f "The Breakfast C lub" under
their belt. Does the youth of today remember when MTV only played music videos'
Do they have a soft spot for Michael Jackson simply because "Thriller" is, and always
will be t he coolest' Can th ey recall ever wanting a time-travelling DeLorean' I hope
the answer is yes to all of the above. If not, there is some major studying to be done.
For ext ra credit , they co uld do th e 'TrufAe ShufAe' at the door and I might eve n
make th em an honorary 'Goo ni e.'

HeWitt. edited bY Nate Rogen

Rachel, I know [hat yo u did not co me to Rafa h to sto p the tanks, you came to
live with the people a nd work for peace an d justice; the tanks appeared later, and
at the beginning th ey were hidden in d arkn ess beyo nd the wreckage of hom es
demolished by the sa m e army bulldozers that killed you.
Rac hel. I see the need for peace o n yo ur face now that it cries o ut from
hundreds of glossy papers. The ca rtoo n whi c h I saw w hen I o pened your
journals to the peop le w.ho love and admire yo u shows a woman saying, " I
have a dove of peace in my head," to which a man replies, "Shit tits." Often
in life it is sh it tits which obscu res the dove of peace , and although this is
real it is also unfortunate.
Rachel, we must cry for you not o nly because you are gone b ut because
you have illustrated for us how painful is the birth of dream s; the truth that
we must suffer and die in order to complete a life and be reborn in memory
and the future; and the possi bility that exposing the d eath machine logic of
violent competitive power ca n plant seeds which grow with vegetable end urance
toward peace and understanding.
Rachel , perhaps only the bodhisa trvas on this ea rth understand peace, but
everyone understands the difference between the hulking armored bulldozer
wh ich killed you and the flow ers people left on the raw beige dust where you lay
with your tom face and spoke these last words: "My back in broken. "
Rachel, why do you have to die a horrible and gruesome death in order to
clarify such a simple concept?
Rachel , I consider the fact that thousa nds mo urn you aro und the world while
the death s of Ali , Ahkmed, and Seshan are considered routine collateral d amage a
crime of censorship. They said you jumped in front of the bulldoze r a nd they said
th a t you r body was buried beneath [he wreckage of a ho use. They li e.
Sha' hi id Ahkmed, Sha'hiid Rachel, Sha'hiid Doctor Khalil Su ley man, sha' hiid
Hisham, sha' hiid Ali, Sha' hiid Rac hel.
Rachel. I understan d that you carne here intention all y to work for peace and
that m ost of the people who die from occupation si mpl y happe n to live here, but
still I ca ll yo u EI Salvado ra Blanca which is a joke, a compliment, and a reminder
of'racist im pe riali sm. At least you' had a cho ice to come to Rafah o r not, to si t in
front of a bulld ozer o r to stay in O lym pia and live co mfortable, on ly occasionally
disturbed by th e telltale sound of gunfi re issuing from a television set. T hat is
where wars and occ upations happe n in Middle C lass America: on televisio n.
Everybody knows a college education is a ticket to the middle class, and we borh
came here w ith th at ti cket n ea tl y fo lded inside our America n passports. The
children ofRafah have no Ame rica n passports and no keys to the gated suburb of
America n money co mforts. This is why I h ave decided to spend time talking to
th em a nd memorizing their uniqu e faces although in the past I only saw them as
a churning sea of tormented b rown childhood liable to throw rocks at my head,
steal my celluhu p hone, llnd occasionally g rab my ass .

may 15, 2003

Rac hel , the boys ar~ so much nicer now that I have accepted them as an imegral
pan of the street ecosystem ofRafah, now that I loo k them in the eyes and say, "ana
ismee Wi lliam. Sh u ismek'" I understand now th at they o nl y throw stones and say
"S halom" when they want attention an d I ignore them.
Rachel, what kind of sick fucking world ca n turn th e H ebrew word for peace
into an insult an d place it in th e mouths of children?
Rac hel. for two months now I have struggled to understand the meaning of
martyr and the meaning of sacrifice, two ancient words buried and hidden from
me in C hristian dogma, postmodern relativity. and a general narcotic haze of
do ubt sy mptomatic of Euro-American spiritual malaise. yet I wish you had nor
died to teach m e these definitions .
Rachel, maybe you died of Rafa h Syndrome which Simple Krik desc ribes like
this: "After you've been in Rafah long enough, you don't know what to do except
stand in front of bulldozers."
Rac hel , I am in love with Rafah because an eight year old boy risked his life to
unhook barbs of razor wire from my pants after I sat down in front of a bulldoze r
and didn't move when it's blade knocked me over and wedged me between a
tan gled mass of razo r wire and a mound of dirt.
Rachel, I have Rafah syndrome and wh en I go back to the U.S. I am afraid
no one will understand it.
You have already c rea ted th e Rafah -O ly mpi a sister city rela tion ship you
wanted to build before the tanks and the bulldoze rs ap peared to interrupt
yo u r plans.
Rachel , Mohammed asked me at th e print shop while we were making yo ur
sha'hiid posters if people in the U .S. understand the term 'martyr.' Here it means
so meone who is killed by occupation , wh ether they are a child, a fi gh ter, a student,
o r an old woman. Sha' hiid is someo ne who dies because the land is occ upied and
the people are o ppressed. In the first Intifada, there were few sha'hiid-- maybe
o ne or two per village per year. In the seco nd Imifada, already there are over two
thousand. Two oth ers were killed in Rafah the night you died.
I told Mohammed I t hink marty r means someo ne who dies for so mething
larger than self, for something sacred . We agreed about this.
Despite the rea li ty that we are playing w ith o ur blood, despite the myth of
hero~sm w hi ch o bscu res th e shit tits of life, desp ite the complexity revealed by
ca ref ul attenti on , Simple Krik burned his pants at your memorial on the concrete
rooftop above o ur apa rtment in Rafah . H e said you always voiced a des ire to burn
those pants. There w as a rainbow before th at memorial and your incredible pink
jumpsuit which someone hung on a clo thesline nea rby kept blowing in the w ind
and Auttering against m y back and face, This is why my favorite memory of you
is when we were driving So uth to San Francisco and stopped at the ch ocolate
du mpster in Ashland. We dug through _the discard ed wrappers and plastic bags
to find rwo pounds of bar chocolate. Then yo u sa id, "thank you fo r taking
me to this blessed place."

the cooper point journal

OF · RE8R·cJNS:E '~::.'c<,


next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways...



In Response to
Adrian Madrone's
"Blame it on ·
This is in response to the lette r to Am y
Goodman written by Adrian Madrone in last
Apathy: t<;> the
week's C PJ . Wh en I read Adrian's letter it threw
me into a state of bewilderment punctuated by
Class of 2003
fits of rage. I for one am glad that our graduation
speaker will not be discuss ing political issues;
Commencement with the choice of Amy Goodman as speaker I
am sure we will get enough of that. Mo re over,
I feel that our graduation is not the pl ace



Four yea rs ago when my TESC
exper ience bega n, a friend came to
visit me fro m my h ometow n. At
the end of his visit all he cou ld say
was,"Olympia has a huge lack of
irony and no sense of humor. " I
believed my friend an d longed for
humor, and the joy and reAectio n
it brings, until C u rt is Rether ford 's
co mics ope ned my eyes to both
TESC and Olympia's gri zzled
When t he 2003 gtadua tes are
un sta ge g rab bin g th e ir reward
f,l!' 180 credits in Preaching 10 the
Choir, a nd Amy Goodma n and
the "Democ racy Now" gro upi es
rep rese nt t he opin ions of a lo ud
minority, Curtis will be there to
rcm ind us dut laughin g at Olympi a
and ou rselves is 0 K.
Humor is an im porta nt part of
learning and teachin g. It de mo nsmltcs critical thinkin g and reveals
the absurd nature of society. Most
importantly, hu mor binds folk s
togeth er in celeb rati on . G rad uatio n
is a time to celebra te acade mi c
struggles and ac hi evements with
peers, fri ends and families. Sem in ar
is the t ime for making eve ryo ne
feel g uilty for being fu nn y - n ot
graduatio n.
Congratu lati o ns to Curtis.
Since rely,
Jenney Ward


ex press political ideas. G raduation is a time to
rejoice in our accomplishments, bring together
families , and to give community recognition
of four years of voluntary work. It is not the
tim e to deliver a moral browbeating to a captive
audien ce.
The letter cur deeper still, expos ing what I
see as the polarization of the student body, forced
by the very vocal min o rity of th e active left. In
many se minars I see my fell ow stud ents speak
out just once against an issue. Their o pinions
are m et w ith such vehement and ofte n r ud e
opp os ition, that they choose not to speak again
fo r fear of draw ing mo re harass ment. This robs
t h e res t of th e c lass of these quiet stuc;\ e nrs
ofte n-i nsightful o bservat ions.
Adrian's letter is a telling sign of th is increased
polarization . Calling C urt is Rerther ford 's speec h
"a mockery of pain and sufferin g tha t o ur school
experienced thi s year," is a low bl ow. Not a ll
of th e sc ho ol has gone through this pain and
suffe ring, but by not respecting C urtis's choice
of speec h top ic you are also not respect in g the
op inions and experi ences of many of your fellow
st udents. Fell ow stud ents, whom I m ight add ,
' li e in th e silent majority.' While th e o nl y apathy
that I see at Evergreen is th at of Adri an Madrone
and his lack of organ izing support of his speech,
a skill I tho ught was deeply rooted in the activist
men tality.
I n th ese times of crisis we should respond
not with anoth er angst-ridden political speech,
d es igned to make u s feel g uilty fo r tak ing
pleasure in great accomplishment. Our Evergreen
com munity needs to be based o n a co ntinous
open and no n-judgmental dialogue; no t sm all
fac tion s bound together by mutual scapegoa ts
who issue statements that ge neralize th e school
and its students.

This is in response to " Blame it on Apathy" by Adrian Martinez Madrone. I for one am
thrilled to see Curtis Retherford speaking at our 2003 graduation. While I understand
Adrian's desire for a more politicized student speaker, I think Amy Goodman will fill that
vo id mo re than aptly. I agree that the Iraqi war and Rachel C orrie's death deserve due
attention at this year's graduation, but the last thing we want to do is end up making those
issues the only things worth remembering. Having one heavy polictical diatribe after the
next tends to take away the spirit of fun and excitement I would expect from an Evergreen
graduation. To blame Curtis' election on apathy is absurd. I'm sorry if Adrian doesn't
like the idea of a less than 100% political graduation, but the absurdists and comedians
of this school deserve ample say in their ceremony as well. So congrats to Curtis! Show
th e world (or at least the tiny fraction of it attending the graduation) that Evergreen
DOES still have a se nse of humor!' !
-Jesse Farmer

To the Graduating Class of2003)
Rachel's death did have, as Adrian Martinez M ad rone pointed out last week, " a tremendous
impact on our little schoo /, " but I am not goin g to menti o n her in my speec h. This is not an
oversight, it is not apathy. T he re were, as Adrian menti o ned, eight people that auditioned
to be undergraduate spea ker. I was the last. As I sat and watched my fellow grad uates-to-be
stand up and give their speeches, I felt , quite honestly, like shit. All my sto mach had to
feed on fo r most of the day was water and guilt. Here were people opening up th eir hearts,
deli ver ing, as Adrian pointed out, "respectful, ho nest, and inspiring messages." What had
I planned? Jokes. I was go in g to sta nd up a)1d deli ver jokes, and worse yet, I was not going
to mention Rachel Corrie.
Why? Many reaso ns. First and foremost, I did not know Rachel. What I know I learned
after her murder, and beca use of that I could not say anything of merit about her. There is no
stateme nt I co uld possibly make to th e m eage r tho usa nds that will stand in Red Square on June
13 that could even beg in to compare to the one Rachel made with her life to th e billions around
th e world . Amy Goodman, however, can speak intelligently about the impact Rachel has mad e,
and abo ut the impact we can all make. I look forward to her speech .
Min e will deal with o th er topics. I, instead, have chosen d eal with the things th at I believe
should also co nce rn us. Our pres ident. Our energy sources. Our inability to co mmunicate
w ith each other. The future . I do it, however, in the way I ca n do bes t. Co m ed y. It is, in
its way, a limited device:. I ca n no t speak in d etail about any ropic , and some people (who
sho uld know better) will ass um e that a joke cannot have a message, and ignore me all together.
That is also th e beauty of co medy: eve n th ose th at ignore a joke can be changed by it. For a
brief second, as yo ur brain unravels th e punch line, your mind h as to think hon estly about
so m cthin g it may no t have had to befo re. Although I use comedy, th at does not make my
speec h "a mockery of the pain an d sacrifice our school has suffered this yea r." Not every ear th e
speakers will reach on June 13 will be a symp athetic o ne, but eve ry sin gle o ne will be wo rth
talk ing to. I ho pe to also reach th e larrer gro up.
I al so may .not, as Adrian claims, "embody the tho ughts, feel ings, or expe rien ces of the
majo rity." H onestly, I would rat her not. We have seen what havoc a si ngl e vote majo rity ca n
play; th e grad uation speeches, luckily, are voted o n differently. Every speech is independently
voted o n for its co ntent and delivery. The person thar speaks "for us" every year.is, in reality,
just the person who sco red the best at an audition . No o ne person could possibly speak fo r all
of us, or eve n most of us. To think so would be na·ive.
I, instead , will try to voice my own opinion . I hope I can make you all laugh.
- C urti s Retherford , CPj Comics Editor

-Tim Rich , Graduating Senior


Sober Spiritual Scream Therapy

Float Friends

by Nate Ragen

/Editor's Note: a floa t is a sensory-suspellSion tank.}
I took my ftrst-Aoar. in 1988 with my friend , Noah·. [[Changed
my life. Over the next four years I shared th e experience with
many fri ends and family membe rs. I fo und float tanks in Oregon,
Michigan, & Nova Scotia.
For a while I had a homemade tank in my base ment. I knew I
wa nted to incorpo rate fl oating into my lo ng-term vision.
Then I moved to O lympia. I didn't Aoat for 10 years. There
were many times I cou ld've used a conveni ent $28 Aoat to process,
refl ec t, gri eve, focus and exalt.
In Janu ary my fia nce, Trish , surpri sed m e with a tandem Aoat
in Sea ttle to celeb rate the compl eti o n o f my Ameri Corps service.
I'm so thankful for her t ho ughtful generos ity, an d I am pleasantly
amazed that she now wants to incorporate a flo at tank into ou r
Im agi ne my surprise when I read in the C PJ ["Se nso ry Suspension
and H ip-H op ," May 1] th at st udents are incorpo rating Aoating
and hip -ho p! This intrigues me es pec iall y because I produce
"D ance 0' Dance" on TCTV, and I'm always listen ing for local
music to use .
We wi ll be taking a two month break for o ur honeymoon and _
resum'ing LIVE ep isodes in August.
Please co ntact me to sub mit so ngs for our n ext sh ow. Al so
please, please, please, contact me if there's a flo at tank available
to use in O lympia!
- Ju sti n B. Wright,

[s there such thing as being completely sober'
Probably nor. Everyone is hyped up, tweaked our,
o r sed ated by some thing o r other. I've gon e cold
turk ey on all drugs except caffeine for fi ve weeks
and I feel more fucked up than 1 have ever been in
my whole life. Reali t y is the most into xicating drug
of th em all . I've been taking it in strid es trying to
find spiritu alit y and myself. The 'wo rk' is brutal
and probably th e hard est thing I've ever done in
my life. Yes, eve n more so th an co ll ege. Dealing
with stress, anxiety, depression in other ways is not
as easy as I thoug ht it would be. [ almost feel li ke
this attempt to change my life has been ultim ately
pointless. It 's frustrating, it's driving me mad , and eve ryo ne keeps ask ing me why. Why not ' Shouldn 't the answers
be obvious ? I ca n't maintain and functi on on a level where all of my senses are dull ed and my memory fai ls me
regularly. I find myself envying peo ple who ca n only function if th ey've done five lines of coke in the morning
followed by a few bong rips and some shots of tequila. Isn't there so mething w rong with th at?
I thought [ would be fine after week two, but I'm constantly surro unded by it. I'm goi ng through
withdrawals and everyone around me see ms more cent ered and grou nded th an my clean ass. What the fuck? I
wish I could be more creative and eloquent in ex plaining all thi s, but this 'phase' as people like to call it has had a
st range effect on my writing. One, it's going nowhere and two , well, just imagine a dog in an ice rink chasing its
tail. You sec' That's the best analogy J can come up with and that 's just plain lame.
Next question, why write a column talking shit about yo urselffor experi mentin g with sob ri ety after five
yea rs of regular substance abuse? Because it's maddening, it's
ex hilarating, enlightening, fr ighten in g, shocking, challengi ng,
motivating, inspiring, aro using, tirin g, and sickening. That's

the cooper point journal

may 15, 2003





contll1ued from page 9
right, I'm sick and tired. Who isn't in some way, shape, or form? How do you cope?
Hope and faith are the most extreme drugs you ca n take? In an attempt to be dear,
I've accumulaled more fear and cluner than artistic ballisti~ blissful thunder. A lovesick
rolTiamic poet peacenik, wannabe improv comic, vomiting on the page to deal with the
rage of mundane pain equal to -.000000000000001 the amount of any minority in a third
world country. I don't live in poverty, but I'm attracted to simplicity, hate money, and think
too ideally to live in any form of material reality.
Do yo u see what I'm saying? Do you understand why I've started praying? I wam
to be hi gh o n the di vine to untwist my spine all the way up to my mind . I'm crying as I try
to do all this without using m y fist and list all the reasons I sho uld keep breathing to bring
myself to a pl ace where I am faceless, nameless, ageless, timeless, selfl ess, and you know the
rest. This test is like a wrestling match where I catch myself taking life 100 seriously and I
forget 10 laugh when I know w holc-h earred ly th at co medy and poetry are twO of the only
things that will save me, save us.
If I don't tr ust in what isn't there a nd take th at leap into thin air, then I might a.~
well walk bare naked int o the line of fi re to become a martyr, a lighter sparked in a room fu ll
of gas. These are not m y last anempts or effo rt s to blun oU! , shout out, or rant about
what it's all about. I will never q uit spitting and spewi ng spo nt aneous sporadic spast ic
exp ress io ns of ideas and feeli ngs that arc seemingly impossible to co nvey and explain with
a language th at I co uldn't full y grasp even if I had all the powe rs o r every d eity, eve r. Well ,
actuall y, maybe then I cou ld prete nd I knew what I was do in g or saying or praying to th e
invi sible ghosts and sp irits in Ih e realm th at h as be en rorgotten b y a people incapable or
time traveling ba ck to Eden and repbc ing th e rruit, stayi ng att ached to our root s.
" Pro fesso r, w hat's anlllhn wo rd fo r pirate treasure'"
"Well I thi nk it 's boot y, booty, yes that 's what it is. "
Our bo unty wou ld proudl y be present ed if we di ssent ed all at once, this instant,
but at thi s mom ent I'm wrili ng, light ing with words, vuic in g Ill y o pini o n. choos in g to speak
up. rather tha n shut up and lake what 's given, a consciou s dec isi on to cl ean u p, "wak c up ,
refu se, and resis!." I mi ss my Ill enlll ri cs orbeing h"ppy hc!(ne I knew anythin g. When all I
wan ted to do was act , p lay l11usic, and sin g. N ow ii's all crumhlin g and cui lapsing and I'm
tryin g to do everyt hin g before we're huried beneath lire and brimslo ne "n d we ca n fin all y
leave oursc\ves alo ne. I wanl 10 go hom e. Everyo ne , evcrywhLTc , sc ream .

You Could Have
Gotten Some Hedbera

Hey, that's mental!

If you're rich a nd m entall y ill, then yo u're ecce ntric.
So where was I? Oh yea h , so m e thing about Monterey Jack not 3Cwally being some
guy from Monte rey. But, there is no time for that ri g ht now. 'W'ha t I rea ll y wanted 10 ta lk
about was the difference between being 'poor and c razy' and being 'ric h a nd eccentric.' I
fall under the first category, as m ost folk s of my ilk o fte n do . If I were ri ch and ecce ntri c, I
would n ot be fea red and avoided; o h no, no . I would be so ught out, so as 10 be exploit ed
and emptied of my cash by nefarious ne'e r-do-wells. But alas, being poo r and crazy, all I
get are looks of deep concern from libera ls and a wish that jails were more accessible from
conservatives. It costs only 45 bucks 10 jail a m e ntally ill p(>rson, and 450 smackers to put
th em in the hospital. Hmmm, so unds interesting.
So what is up with the rich/poor thing tha t I'm talking about? Well, funny yo u should
ask that, since I was going to talk abo ut it anyway... that and cheese. Anyway, I h ave
talked to a lot of folks , both ri ch and poor, and unless you are rea lly, really rich, yo u'll
become poor from doclOr bills, medication costs, manic shopping bills and exploitative
ne'er-do-wells named Bill. If you have money and a mental illness, it would be very helpful
10 have someone trustworthy to help you wh en your bra in has a shoe in it. So many
people, institutions and governments work very hard 10 take a mentally disabled perso n's
money. And when it's all gone, you're poor and crazy (so 10 speak).
You see, most mentally ill people are not mentally ill all of the time. Depressio n,
bi-polar, schizophrenia and other related conditions are usually chronic. Chronic! Oh
god , what does that mean? Chronic m eans long term, like decades and stuff. But these
conditions are also episodic. Episodic! Oh god that's a bad thing isn't it! Well, ac tually,
it's not bad at all. In this case it's a good thing. Yes, you read me right. Depending on the
illness, it can be as regular as the female cycle, or as predictable as catching a cold. Some
folks are ill more often than not and some folks are well more often than not. Regardless ,
sooner or later, symptoms come around and kick your ass.
If you're rich, you go on vacation. If you're poor, yo u go 10 the Psych unit. If you're
rich , you can p ay for the damage caused by you literally trying to 'paint the IOwn red.'
If you're poor, you get bunk C-38 in the County Jail. If you're rich, you get to see
a private psychiatrist on a regular basis. If you're poor, you get an inadequ ate public
mental health agency. If you're rich, you can afford consistent counseling. If you're
poor, you get brief acute so lution focus therapy; also known as Band-Aid therapy. If
you are rich, money helps yo u stay diverted from self-harm. If you're poor, self-harm
is what often results.
I would now like to take this opportuniry to 'say cheese.' And 10 also say that goat cheese
is good. Did you know that headcheese doesn't actually have cheese in it, because it is a h a m
and gelatin loaf considered quite disgusting by most non-Ukraini ans. Also, did I mention
that cheese was invented by the Greek gods Cheddarius and Mozzerellius and given 10
mankind as a gift instead of fire? But I digress (and I am so good at it too).
Anyway, most poor, mentally ill folks are on Medicaid or Medicare and e ntitled to
the ftnest in substandard care. Many medications, dispensed like ca ndy, require a baseli n e
blood test to d etermine liver, heart and kidney function . These tests should be repeated
after about 90 days of usi ng the m edication. They are rarely d o ne, howeve r, because
they're expensive and m ean more work for the doctor. Be in g poor really, really sucks.
Be ing poor and crazy sucks eve n more. T here are a few fake wo rk programs ava ilable if
you do n't mind being treated like a child, or an imbecile .
I say: ge t yo urself an edge- im a-cati.on! I re comme nd Eve rgreen. Why, with a ll
those liberal-minded folks running around, you're bound to be treated quite well . I
a m , and I'm pretty wac ky t oo . I a m h o ping, with a fatty d egree, I can get a c u sh y
government job a nd retire in Cancun. Well, m aybe not. If nothing else, m aybe I can
have a sh o t at bei ng rich and eccentric for a change. Then I could affo rd th at fa ncy
expens ive impo rted ch eese.

hy Rev Christopher AUenhlJrg
Picture this: Last Thursday May 8 th , tons of
sad hippies arrive at the Eastside Club expecting
to drink 'dank' beers on 'Thirsty Thursday" only
to find out that the club is renovating. They
lower their heads, dreadlocks blocking their tears,
and are forced to go home on one Thursday
night not reeking of cigarette smoke. Sound
tragic? Does it make you want to sponsor one
of these poor unfortunates? Good news folks ...
this doesn't have to be the case if you follow my
example. When [ saw that the bar was closed, I
si mply h eaded over to the GO Club to see Mitch
H edberg perform on co medy night , chuckled
my ass off, and still was able to a rrive hom e
with my dreadlocks sm el ling of second hand
Marlboro reds.
Mitch Hedb erg is a funn y bastard and I
fll ea nt to alert yo u to his arri val but was unab le
to make the C PJ deadline. I was in LA and I
went [0 usc the UCLA .computer lab [0 ema il the
article but , unlike thoughtfu lly lazy Evergreen
students, t hey com pletel y log off wh e n using
the co mpute rs at UC LA so that passwo rd less
ran dofll peo pl e li ke myselr arc un able ro take
;,d vantage of Ih eir el ec tro n ic services. Nobody

is concrete.

Shoul outs to Beasti e Boys a nd I3lacka licious
Questions an d comme nts: bl ueek c tricmo nkey@riscup .nct

byDanBeof Lo~e~ttL-


by Michelle Sharp
Choose one of [he three options in each category that best applies to you overall. Mark your
choice as you move down the page. Be bonest with yoursel f. This chari is only a guide; nothing

Physical Characteristics
bony, elongated
Face shaJ2e
thin, dry, cold ,
Ski n
ro ugh, d ark

Na ils


Vein s
)oi nt s
Body H air
N eck
C hest
Acti viry
Bod y size
Ga it


dry, brown, wiry
black, knotted ,
brittle, course,
short, rough,
brittle, dark
break easily
small, su nke n,
dry acti ve,
brown, bbck
blinks a lot
uneven shape
deviated septum
dry, cracked
Black, brown tin ge
sti ck out, big
roo my I thin gums
prom lI1eni ,
cl ose III surrace
loose, ri gid,
crack & pop
Ihin , tall
flat , sunken
thin, nat
slender, thin

10 challenge
Recollectio n

sh arp, bright,
gray, green ,
ye ll ow-red
sensitive 10 Iigh t
long pointed
red no se tip
red , in flamed
m ediu m, sort
tender gums
nei the r hidden
nor prominen t
fl exib le, smooth ,

round , plump, full
thick, oily, cool.
white, pale
thick, curly, oi ly,
wavy, lu xuriant
thi ck, oily,
glossy, smoo th
big, blue,
calm , loving
tea ry, glossy
short rou nd ed
button nose
smooth , o ily,
pal e, wh itish
healthy, whit e
srrong gu ms
dee p, hidden

m oderate
m edium
m odera te

w ell hidden ,
Hesh covered
thi ck, plentiful
wide, fold ed
expa nd ed, round
he;!vy, hip py




sl im
fast, with a
light step
irregula r,

medium speed ,
determined step
unco mfortable
skipping m eals
causeS burning
loose, so ft

steady, slow,
usually mild ,
can skip meals

but sound
sha rp, clear
bright, successful,
accurate, sharp
spends on


cha ngeable
forms gas

sca nt , broken
rapid, unclear

oval, tapered
. smooth,
red , yellow
co mbinatio n
straight, oily,
blond, gray,
red, bald
sharp , fl ex ible
pink , lustro us

creative, intuitive
quick, creative,
poor, spends
on trifles
short-term good
long-term poor
quick, active,
many, fearful


fire, thund er,
war, gold

Sl'l:Ill S

slow, sweet,
m o notonous

calm , stubborn ,
nurturing, fo rgiving
slow, exact,
stabl e
clear, stable,
ri ch, good
money preserver
good long-term
lakes, snow,

When under stress
gains weight
excessive weight lose
loses weight
little or no
Body Odor
armpits smell
greedy, lazy,
restless or
Ge neral
water retention
blurred mind
To tal the number of marks you made in each co lumn, goi ng down the page. The high est
number indicates your predominant dosha.
~p h a
Everyone is a unique combination of all three doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). Mo st people tend to have
onc dosha dom in ate ove r the other two. All three of rhese doshic forces are part of n"ture and necessa ry
for healthy hu ma n fun ction . One can look at the doshas as they work together. For example, vata is rhe
crea tive force th at initiates an idea; pitta is th e drivi ng motivation to do the work of th e idea; and kapha is
Ihe strength that manifesrs the idea and the endurance that brings completion. These same prin ciples ca n
be applied to physiology or metabol ism or any oth er process found in nature.
Please use this inreract ive chart as a tool to learn and study your own un iquen ess. Beco me skilled at
identifYing stress and heal[h in yourself. Notice how these states, both physical and mental, effect how
you feel in your body. T his chart is meant only as a guide, nor as a substitute for med ical or health advise.
Consult a trained Ayurvedic physician for an accurate dosha dete rminati on.
Tune in next week for pari three on Ayurveda. Learn some tips for balancin g the doshas.


ad vice an ywa y, so I'm


the Go Club)

this time but, if I am right, it works as one. more argument in
convincing you to see his routine while you still can. It's like
Mitch's friend comedian Marc Maron says, "If they drug tested
people in my business, there would be only 3 comedians left and
2 of them would work with puppets. "
You can find out more about Mitch on his official website
www.Mitchhedberg.net. On the site you can do everything
from purchase his album to view live video clips of his standup.
There's even a section titled "Things Mitch Would Recommend
if He Reco mmended Things" where it says " Read Motley Crue's
The Dirt if you think you're fucking up your life. You're not.
Not as hard anyway."
Attending comedy shows is a goo d way to cure boredo m and
the Go C lub has comedy night every Thursday. I was bored in
LA after we lost track or th e gi rl in th e fat-suit filmin g a "Dr.
Phil " seg ment o n Muscle Beach . We went 10 a show at the
Comedy Store and it turn ed our d ay aro un d. Theres nothing
more interesting than somethi ng yo u've neve r experienced, an d
if yo u've never seen live stand up, then yo u owe it to yourself to
check it out. T h is Thursday (to ni ght) the Go C lu b has . Dustin
"Sam uel 'Screed,' Powers" Diamond performing. T hat sho uld be
funny if it 's not fun ny, if ya git w hat I mea n .

by Erika Wittmann

S lIl:C

t1, ;11 you th e read e r w ill pay no alle nt ion to


form s mucus

t o (:1k<.:

. . (Comedy

Ill y (:I1l tTtail1l11cnt s lIggt.:s li o ns e ve n thoug h YOli
should . I'm smart and I know wh at's good . He ll ,
I lisLened to me and had a fab ul ous time. Also ,
I know Ihis is off the subject , bur is anybody
"wa re thai there is a mall in th e middle of th e
UC LA cJmpus?
I lirst saw M itch Hedberg on TV in 1999
but didn't sec him live until he performed laSt
year at th e GO C lub , a club that he says "sounds
like they want you to leave." H e sa id thar he
perfo rms at a lot of co llcges and th at, if he were
in schoo l, he wou ld take his tests at restaurants
because "the cusro mer is always right." Mi tch
always seems to be telling d rug jokes. He stated
that he likes the Fed -Ex driver beca use "he is a
d ru g dea ler and doesn't know it. " H e joked that ,
altho ugh it seems like it, he doesn't smoke pot
before a performa nce hecause h e gets paranoid
and that he prefers coca ine ;lIld Xanax. "C o ke
does n't give me anx iety and Xanax mak es sure as
Fli ck it don't ," he says. He made an an imal joke
whne he cla imed thai he had a ta lkin g parrot
"but it d id n't say. 'I'm hungr)'.' So iL died ." He
Ih en mad e a hybrid dru g/a nim al jok e say in g
Ihat drug dogs arc not man's bes t fri end and that
Ihey are "tattle I:lil s".
Alt ho ugh M itch performed a solid set w ith
a l least 90% fresh new materi a l, there were a
co uple of we ird deja vu similari ties to the last
rim e thai I saw his act. He repeated a joke that
he had to ld earlier in the night late in his set. The
first tim e that I saw him he immediately realized
it when nobody wa" laughing and turned that
into a joke. I had wondered if it was pl anned
but, when he was unabl e to recover as smoQthly
this tim e, [realized th at he had simply fu cked up.
Another si milarity this time was when H edberg
tries to hoo k up with coke mid-perfo rmance .
Las t .time he asked, "Is anyb ody a cop out there ?"
and wh en n obody responded he sa id, "Okay
then, let's do this." and told an audience member
that they would talk later. After the show, when
[ met him backstage, he seemed spun out as he
signed next to Ike Turner's name in my Book of
Mormon . [can't say if he was high or not, but
he sure did seem that way and he sure is getting
skinny nowadays. I have a feeling that he might
have been joking at first but, when it worked
at the Go Club last time, he figured that he
just might try it again. He seemed fairly sober

Low0Down on
0 Wn

Please /fOf e:
all e"elflS (Ire 21

alld o ver IlIlles.\'
o fhe/ .... i.I.{. stated.




ghuhsday. vtAa4 f Sth
• jasoll Webley at the Midnight Sun, next ro Mini
Saigon, o n Co lumbi a 51. NW, $5, 8 p.m ., all ages. For

m°cJhi~ayitsi~~;er~l·h om.


• Sall/sara (Industrial & Electron ic dance) with live ba nd s
p.s. lloveyoll, and Xeno Volcallo, a nd 4 DJ s, a t No Exit, $ 10 ,
all ages.

For more info: htrp ://groups.yahoo.com/gro upl

oly~th .


vUay g f st

• "The Big M ay 3 1st Show : All Ages, All Mu sic , All
Day," with Maelltalian, Blooel famellse. Sll'll/lgen with Canely.

The Noboelys. SOli! Ow! anel the Toad Men jimll Ollter Space,
Dlrt'yblrels. Chief S)' -Co Pharm, So II ne/bodies, Splintl'rs.
B!ack-Top Dellloll. alit/ HeadLess I'ez. One band sc hedu led
per hour begi n n in g; at 2 p.m ., in th is o rde r, at the I3lac k
Lake Gran ge , 60 I I Black l.a ke Blvd , $8 . Beer Ga rden fo r
the~: f I G oWd, $4 fo r a bottom less cup.

'C..thlday. oUl1e 6th

• Fat Tire Amber Ale Festival, w ith II -Kfl /'llp. Olle-Eyed
Spectacle. and Samba OryWa, at 5025 69 t h Sr., startin g at
7 p.m, $7 . Food , ra ffel , bon fire, pi nata , a nd beer in cluded
in admission price. Parking is limited , so carpool or park
o n the street. Proceeds go to Bike-Aid, a summer-lo ng
c ross-country cycl ing trip for soc ial ju stice.

Every week:

• $2 Pint N ight at the Easts ide, on 4t h Ave. Includes
domestic and mi crobrews.
'ZTue_.da~• • "Drum n' Bass." wi th rotating DJs, at The Mark,
407 Columbia St., free, 10 p.m . • "Twisted Tuesday," 4 th
Avenue Tavern, Resident DJ Almighty & guest DJs all week.
786- 1444 for information . • Open Mic Night,
TugboJIt Annies, 2100 West Bay Drive, 9 p.m .
CWed.esda~s • Old School Mix, DJ Dr. Rob, M cCoy's Tavern,
4th Ave.
ffiu/lSda~9 • $2/2 bandsl$2 Microbrews, McCoy's Tavern, 4th
Ave . • $2 Pint Night at the Eastside, on 4 th Ave.
WI- nudyour lipS! Ifyou would iii" 10 add a local show or tV(Il1 (from Olympia
and the surrounding

anll.) 10

our cale"dar, please email cpj@evergrrm .edu. attn:

Erika. orcall 867-6213 and Itavt a mmagt for Erika.

- -- - -- - - - - by Lee Kepraios

X2: X-Men United
Kicking off the big budget Hollywood lineup for the summer
?f2003, a year which will see the most sequels in cinema history,
IS X2, a film in which the kitchen sink seems never too far
away (nor does a product placement) . It's really a lot of flashy
nonsense, merely a clothesline to showcase the powers of the
mutants .. It never stops for a breath , treading through one idiot
story deVice after another and ignoring plot elements like one
does the busboy at Hooters, The film is a mobius strip of action
and fight scenes that go nowhere and come from nowhere.
Admittedly however, X2 does have enough spirit and innovation
to be enjoyable enough for me to recommend. The only change
from t~e dism al fim film is th at here, there's si mply more of
everything. The biggest problem with the first film was that
there was too much setup and not enough payoff. X2 is all
payoff b ut fts good- natured sense gets it by. Sure, the co nfusing
plotlll1es and cheesy dram a are highly perfunctory but to my
understan dlJ1g, the co m IC boo ks have the same characte ristics.
Of co urse, the o nl y really captivat ing characters are sti ll Xavier
(Patri ck Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) who are tri cked
by a vengefu l general (th e ever-reliable Brian Cox) who plans to
harn ess th e power of Xavi er's tel epat hy machi ne ... .or somethin g
hke tha t. A host of new mutants thrown in to th e mi x puts Ih e
flI.unb e r o f lead charact ers for thi s series so m ewhere in Altman
lerritor\,. T he mOst welco m e ad dit ion is Alan C ummin g's shape
shil ling N lgh lcr:nvler wh o in th e fi rst and m O,<I excilin g scene
In Ihe fi lm . wre aks havo c in th e \'V'hi te I lo use. Meanwh ile ,
C yclops (James Mar sd e n) Iries to court J ea n G re y (f.a mkc
Janssen) , \'V'ulvcrin e (H ugh Jac kman ) is losl in ex isICtl li;;1 amn esia .
Mys liqu e (Rebecc a Romijn -Slamos) still ra ises eyebrows, and
Rog ue (An n a Paquin ) a nd Iceman (Shawn Ashm ore ) tr y 10
mak e love wi th o ut destroying each o the r. The problem is, even
though X2 is longer, more excessive and eve n m o re visuall y
overwhelming than the origina l. theres still not enough roo m
to accurately' showcase all th e mutants and their cool ab ili ties.
Towards the end, all the spectacle seems ready to choke the film
out of existen ce and none of it eve r adds up 10 a cohesive wholc.
Yet, there arc loads of delightful surpri ses and showdo wns along
th e way to make th e whole thing enj oyab le. I like the way Hugh
Jackman knows th e right scenes in whi ch to exhib it a smirking
sense of hum or abo ut the m ateria l. He has a way of di splaying
a cool detachment In the face of th e story's ridi culo usness at just
th e ri ght momcnts. It is the sign of a good actor when he o r she
can usc o nl y a smil e as a way of standing a., id e from m ateri al a.,
rid icu lous as thi s, making it more enjoyable . Nonsense it is and
!lawed il may be. but X2 is very difficult to hate.
Rating: .. and 1/2 stars

Daddy Day Care
Ir Dftddy Dfly Cft!'!' is any indi ca ti o n, we mi gh l be in Ih e Illi lbl
of " dC'pressi "n in the chil dren's film dep;lrtm e nt. Take a sedativl'
and sit back in awe o r th is, the nadir or kid co med ies. T he
a nswe r 10 th e riddle o r th e age s mi ght jm t li e in wh y th e
stu d io s conl inue 10 bank on Eddie Mu rphy. Perh aps th ey're
hop in g he mighl calch a box-o lTi ce current With ano th er N;,lt y
Professor o r BowJlnger. You wo n't find anYl hi ng lik e that herl:,
however.. Pictu re th e cyni ci.'111 here: In un e sce ne, Murph y do ns
a broccol i c",tu ill e to amu se the kids at hi s new daycarc and we
arc remi nd ed of his G umb)' days on "Saturday Nig ht Live". H c's
lipping !mnse!Jorl. Daddy Dfty Cflre is so bad, I cou ldn't even S,l'
fit to award it a w hole star in my rating . The biggest reaso n is
t hat th e daycare center of the titl e, run by Murphy as a desperatc
fa th er 111 need of a job, is j li st a place where the ch ildren arc
all owed 10 go wild and do whatevet ihey want. It's supposed 10 .
bea funn ycont rast to th e evil daycare cente r run by the despoti c
MI." Harndan (Angel ICa Huston in a humiliati ng turn) which
Murphy can't afford ror his so n. It's kind of insulting. Mi ss
Harridan's scho ol has the children learning foreign languages,
exercisil~g and singing "Frere Jacques." Yo u know something'
It doesn t seem Itkc such a bad school to me. Sure the kids have
to wear uniforms, but at least they don't h ave 10 be subjected
to Star-Trek themed puppet shows and Murphy wrestling in a
broccoli costume. Miss H arridan wants to destroy the D addy
Day Care not because she's evil and wants to control the territory,
but because, as she says, she's concerned about the kids. Some
vill ain. Murphy is joined by Steve Zahn as a sci-fi fanatic and
Jeff Ga rlin of HBO's hilarious Curb Your Enthusiasm. But
their characters exist o~ly to give Murphy the spotlight and
punchltnes. The only thtngs more annoying than the little brats
runnmg around are the bogus setting and characters. Their
community seems located in the sort of lily-white suburbia that
could only eXi.st in moviel and. The children are all Hollywood
movie brats: little plot cul-de-sacs required only to run around
screaming and breaking everything in sight whenever the script
calls for it. If that's not enough, the movie fails to be funn y
on all counts, reso rting to humor revolving around vulgarity,
Vi olence , ~nd bodily functi o ns. I?o you honestly want your
kJd watchtng thiS kind .of.stuffi. It s faclOry produ~ed piece or
Hollywo~d potpourn With a SCflpt writt en a ro und its star, gags
that are either over the top or fall flat , ':lJ1d th e bare minimum of
texture, depth , wit and characteri7..ation. [n other words: uller
horseshit. Take the kids to Holes instead .
Rating: 112 star

What You
is a



are Leaving Us in These Dumpsters


by Terrence the Raccoon I Translated

Lee Kepraios

Hello. Please do not interpret this complaint as an attack on any of your standards and practices but we, the raccoons living on this campus and feeding each night on the
things yo u throwaway are distraught and living in great poverty. Lately, we've been getting sick and finding it hard to scrounge up a decent meal around here because the stuff
you peop le are leaving us in the dumpsters is a goddamn inedible disgrace.
First of all, forget everything you were taught about the diet of the raccoon. We do not forge our meals from the wilderness; we don't eat insects, mice , grubs, worms or any
form s of vegetation, the way rea l animals do. We pick off the foodstuffs you throwaway. In many respects, we're like you: we don't want to work for and earn the things we need.
We want them handed to us by a higher order run by some omniscient magi. And every night, each dumpster on campus is a revolving smorgasbord of rotten delights for ou r most
lively of palates.
You must understand th at we raccoons, diminutive and stalwart as we are, h ave stomach s and appetites like the rest of you. Each night, we take to the walkways and feas t
from the norm ally wide ra n ge of delectable delights c irculating through the campus dumpsters. But lately, we've had b a rely anything to eat around here because you people
don't throwaway a ny rea l food anymore. This is such bullshit.
What happe ned to rea l, traditiona l garbage ite m s? That's food. There are no ran cid chicken parts, no bones for us to pic k through, no half-ea ten sandwiches , rotten hunks of
cheese, no moldy brea d- none of that. It's because none of you people eat th at stuff. Al l we find in the dumpsters are these crappy vegetarian and vegan soups and organic fo od
products. Th at's not rea l food. How do any of you expect us to li ve o n that c rap?
We figured living o n a co ll ege ca mp us wou ld leave us p le nty to ea t, be ing that people in these housing brackets don't take the time out to prepa"re h ealthy meals but rather, fall back
on c hi c ken , burgers, pizza, san dwi ches , take-out Chi nese ... . you kn ow, st uff th at would co ngea l a nd m ake a hidden treas ure o f a meal ro the lucky raccoo n who find s scraps of it. But
no . All we get left for us in t he ga rbage are fl avorbs vegan snack item s, pizzas devoid of anything that cons titutes a pizza, m ea t substitutes th at I wou ldn't u se ro plug up holes in m y den,
and moun rain s and mountain s of salad. The sa lad is the biggest in sult. That's enough w ith the salad already! How muc h sa lad do you people need )
We want th ings li ke unfinished st ea ks with meat on the bones for us ro pick off. We want fermented lemo n c ustard , cold fr ench fri es , assorte d chicke n bones and
ran c id c how mein. You 're so co nce rned about you r friends in rhe an imal kin gd o m ? Well he lp OUt a li ttle l Share the wealth. Aren't yo u aware that without yo ur delici o u s
rubbi sh, we the raccoon s can'r utilize a prope r assortment of nutri e nrs in order to sustain o ur necessa ry metabo lic func tions? I don't mean to go off o n diatribe here , but
wo uld ir ki ll yo u to e,l[ a p iece o f chicken every now and th en )
Here's how th e raccoo n comm uniry knows it's in tro ubl e: none of us defecates an ymore. We ca n't even get enough of a bellyfu l to do it. W hen o ne of us do es , he's labeled as
a showoff. Many of us arc malnourished and h ave raken to pan nin g for handou ts. Ir's rca ll y sta rted to take its toll. So that's why I can't stress eno ugh th e importa nce o f processed
m ean s and non-o rga nic food ite m s. It 's the o nl y way my raccoon brorhers and I ca n s urvive. Don't bogart those meats!

My Totally Invalid Opinion of
the New Radiohead Album
c~ntcnts o f o ut w hip cream c hargers, or
downloading strea ming vi deos at a rapid
rate from YOllr favorite webs ite. But it was
There are tim es howeve r, and not m a ny
I should add, where th e se nti e nt bei ng rhat
is lead s in ge r Thom York e sounds a bit
like Elmer Fudd. M ainl y on track seve n,
titl ed "S uck Young Blood. " It 's no doubt
an insta nt classic th at I wi ll forever cher ish,
however I'll be darn ed if it doesn't have
th e charismatic front man doing a rarher
h a unting imp ersona tion of my favorite
c hubby hunt e r ever ro c hase a wascuby
wabbit. It really gets bad 3 minutes and 16
seconds into the song.
I'm sure you've bee n li ste ning to this
album for months. Oh I mean unless you
have to wait until the rel ease date because
for so me reason yo u didn't get it off the
internet after the band purposefully leaked
it out.

God, they are so cool.
I can't wait to read the next online
interview, where they pretend not to
understan d any of th e questions and all of
the fans are left to m ake up their own ideas
of the band members' personalities.
It's really cool when you do everything
you can to support an album that doesn't
even sc hedule a major U.S . tour after
releasing a politically charged album. Hasn't
scheduled yet, I should say. I don't want
ro jinx it , but I've gOt a brother- in-law
over a t Sony who's trying to pull some
strings . Don't get roo exci ted. It 's not a
done deal.
But yeah, rock and roll isn'r what it used
to be, I know. I'm not saying I want another
Pablo Honey, nobody's saying thar. I'm JUSt
saying maybe another concept album isn't
what we need right now. But I wouldn't be
surprised if it is though- these guys are so

smarr. I don't think th ey're prere nriotl s at
al l. I think this album is really interestin g,
just like all the music they've brought into
our tiny little lives.
This stuff is rerr ific, guys. Keep c m '
Note ro se rious Radioh ea d Fans:
I'd like to t a ke thi s opportunity (0
add tess the fans who may be thinking of
leaving. Maybe bumming a copy of their
roommate's new 50 Ct)nt album and just
throwing ir all s tra ight into aggre ss ive
hardcore gangster rap. Possibly moving into
some flop house this summer and getting
into group sex and The String Cheese
Incident. Don't do it. I promise, they are
gon na work this shit out and in ten years
they're gonna drop another o.K Computer,
and then we'll all be glad we stayed.



Dolores Huerta an internationally recogntzed comm untty
activist and labor leader will be speaking at 6:30 p.m. in
the Library lobby. For more information contact MEChA
at 867-6583.
Herbal Faire brought to you by the Evergreen Healing
Arts Co llective. II a.m .- "Lichens for Dyes and Medicine"
in the Longhouse Cedar Room. 12:30 p.m .- "Edible and
Medi ci nal Pl ants of the Pacific Northwest" in the Longhouse
Cedar Room . 1 :30 p.m.- "Natural Approaches to Mental
Illness" in L3500. 3 p.m.- "Magic of Herbs and Water" in
the Longhouse Cedar Room. 4 :30 p.m.- " Herbal First Aid::
in LIB 3500. 7 p.m.- "Seaweeds: Edible, Medlctnal, Lovable
in the Longhouse Cedar Room.
BigShowCity at 6 d ilTerent downtown venues: Cap ito l
thearre, H ea rt and Sou l Dance Studio, The Brothe rhood
Lounge, Heritage Park, The Midnight Sun, and Traditions
Cafe . Cost is $20 for a Full Fe~t i va l Pass available at Rainy
Day Records or $8 for a day passes available at th e ve nues on
th e" show day" For mo re information contact Elizabeth Lord
at 754 -7 11 4 o r go to 'Nww.higshowcity.org.

gatuhday • vUay 17
Melodic Blends: Traditional Asian d ancing at 3 p.m.
in H Ce. For more inform at io n, see this week's Voices of
Color, call 867-6033.
BigShowCity at 6 different downtown venues: Capitol
,hc,nrc, Heart and So ul Dance Srudi o, The Brotherhood
l.ou nge, H eritage Park, Th e M idn ight Sun , ~nd -I radi ti ~ns
C af~. C ost is $20 for a Full Festival Pass avatlable at Ralll)'
Day Recnrds ur $8 f(H a day passes avai labl e at the venues on
the show dav. Fo r more info rmation co ntact Elizabeth Lord
at 7 54 -7 11 4 or go (0 www. bigshowcity.org.

gUl1day • uUay 18

-=t5r-JiiCk Anderson
Th is was a real rough assignment, gang.
After being a long time fan of Radioh ead, I
wasn't sure if I could m a intain rhe kind of
objectivity it wou ld take to write a powerful
yet brief review. You ca n unde rsra nd m y
apprehension, especially when writ ing for
a pub li ca tion as notoriou s as the CP]. Bur
what ca n I say? The money wa.' right. No
joke. These guys pay their bills, if you know
wh at I mean.
Here we go. Of course it is now obvio us
rhat Radiohead has again revolutionized
music, time and again this band has only
created noi ses that are both emo tionally
moving and musically, well le t's just face it,
perfect. This alb um now stands respectfu ll y
a longside the five other major rel eases by
th ese enlightened musicians. After listen in g
to it for three consecutive days, I achieved
a state of existence I can only describe as
Euphoria. A high is what you'd call it. It's
not like the type you get from sucking the

cr · . ,i: j·",t .<: . ;ijl< -:
~ftida~ ;:."Qt'\a~ ,J.Y.d i'"~ ,'.

Olympia Sex Conference


at The Evergreen Srate College • see

www.olysexc:on.org for more info!

gatu~day, may 17· CAB 110

01u~gday, may 15· LIB 4300
11:30 - 12:'3 0 -- eroticizing safer sex
12:30 - 4:00 -- a nri-sexist allyship
4:00 - 5:00 - BREAK
5 :00 - 6:00 -- make your own sex toy
7:00 - 9:00 -- I1 U \ ('" indmacy against homophobi:l for all men
9:00 - 10:00 - sexual assa ult allies for men

g~iday, may 16· LIB 430 0
9:00 - 10:00 -- sex positivity disc uss ion
10:00 - I 1:00 -- communication a nd boundaries
II :00 - 12:00 - better mast urbati on
12 :00 - 1:00 -- auto fell at io I sel f suck in g
1:00 - 2:00 -- lunch
2:00 - 3:00 -- a na l play 101
3:00 - 5:00 -- ge nderq uee r and trans 101
5:00 - 5:30 -- BREAK
5:3 0 - 6:30 -- sex toys 101
6 :30 - 7:30 -- feminism and h o rror movi es
8:00 - 10:00 -- a nti -oppress ion o rgan iz ing
10:00 -- QUEER MOY IE NICHT ill Iw ure h..!I TI\A


BigShowCity at 6 different downtown venues: Ca pit ol
theatre, H ea rt and Soul Danc~ Stud io, The Br~ tl}erhood
Lounge, H critag~ Park, Th e M ,dnlgh t Sun, and rvadltlons
C afe. Cost is $20 for a Full Festival Pass ,wadable at Ram),
Day Record, or $8 for a day passes available at the vc nu ~S on
the show day. For more in format io n contact Eli zabeth Lord
at 754-7 11 4' or go to www. hil;!shmvc ity.org.


9:00 - 12:00 -- poe caucus I white allies
12:00 - 1:00 -- bdsm basics
1 :00 - 2:00 -- lunch
2:00 - 3:00 -- 1-900-hotphone the art of phone sex
3:00 - 5:00 -- disability and sexua li ty
5:00 - 6:00 -- gender and sexua li ty in us prisons
6:00 - 6:15 -- BREAK
6: 15 - 8: 00 -- inrersex awareness a nd activism
8:00 - 9:00 -- anti-oppression di scuss ion follow up
9:00 - 10:00 -- DINNER DOWNTOWN!!!
at NO EXlT

~~~~I~~~ --~a~~nd ~e~u:I~AB



10:00 - II :30 -- fat an d sex uali ty
I 1:30 - 1:00 -- poly panel
1:00 - 2:00 -- lunch
2:00 - 4:0 0 -- 3 sep a rate survivor and ally ca ucuses
4:00 - 4:30 - BREAK
4:30 - 5:30 -- nippl e play and you
5: 30 - 7 :00 -- sex workers m ovies & discussion in
Lecture hall 3
7 :30 - 8:30 -- trans a nd genderqueer sex uality 202
IUO -- DIY PORN in lecture hall 3

The ' OIYlllpi(/ Sex COIl(e renu': {/"SPfl CCJill" Sf X "dll(fllillll, anli-oppression work and com mllnity-bllilding.' FOllr
days of workslJOps, /IIovies, ShOlIiS , disnmiollS, arl, spokm wo~'d, (all ellSes find filII I The conference IS fI FREE sex-poSItIVe
commllllil),-bmed skill-share e,lml. Qlleer, tram IIlId inlersl'x Jnendlyl Helerosexllals we!rome! TIJ/mday-Sllndll)' Ma)' 15- 18
@ Tbe £llf/grem Siale Coll"gr _ wl/J /lJ.o(ysexlwl.olg check for lIu'ding n/'ws and scbedllie updfltes.' Potlllck breakfost& ;"n~h ,Ill
dflysl Di Il 1If/" a ua i lab/,' II)/"oll£h 51IIc/m 1- rtf Il CII -Of! . \,11:, a ri' worktrlg on clJI UCflre, ASL tr/terpretlil/oll fI ~d I rtl mporlatlO n. Wt need
more IJolllntrel"s ASAP 10 mfl ke II)is I,a/,pen".' C III1Ii1c1: olysewolJfert'J1Ce@I)Olll1adcolII - see )'ou there.
L -_


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Tealll IV Unbeatable

by Kev;n Barrett and Marl( Germano
The fourth incarnation of the legend of
Team Evergreen stormed through Eatonville
on Saturday May 10 taking fourteen trophies and two Grand Championships 'at
Jesse Palmer's annual Eatonville Charity
Tournament, an NWMAA sponsored
Veteran team members Kevin Barrett
and Mark Germano brought home the
Grand Championships in advanced underbelt (brown belt) forms and point sparring,
division Barrett and
Germano tied with
tr aditional hard
style com petitor
C lem Hong for
first. In a unanimous
Barrett won the
divi sion with his
fres hly poli shed
'yo uth fi st' fo rm.
third , and D evon
fo urth in his first
app earance at the
advanced forms level.
In beginner forms Andy Cyders and
Greg Thomas finished first and second ,
Barrett and Cyders would go on to compete in the underbelt Grand Championship
division, meeting up with Hong again. In
yet another un animous decision Barrett

by Devon Waldron





, Cooper Point Journal: So how many of
you guys are on the take?
Pool Shark J: Uh . . .. what do you mean?
• CPJ: You know ...what's the lowdown on
the spread for this week, wink wink?
Pool Shark 1: I honestly have no idea
what you're talking about.
CPJ: Oh, I get it. You don't want the
wO.rd to get out.
Pool Shark 1: lIle word a\)out wha t!" r
don't think I have any secrets.
CPJ: You know ... who owes who how
much, how many guys lose everything in·
th e high stakes game, who the hotshot
do minating the table every night hangs

out with, how high the bets get, stuff like
Pool Shark 1: Bets? Oh, .we do~'t
CPJ: You don't gamble.
Pool Shark 1: No. It's not allowed.
CPJ: You mea n you don't make any bets
at all?
Pool Shark J: Not to my knowl ed ge,
C PJ: But I'll bet the older, more experienced players like to
band together and
hound th e roo ki es,
huh ?
Pool Shark J: No,
, act uall y it's fairl y
. friendly,aroundher.e.
much gets along.
CP] : Yo u mean
'th ere are no alte rcations, fracases o r
anything like that?
No one has a beef
with anyone?
Pool Shark 1: Well there was one time
when these two guys were about the legality
of a shot one of them was taking. ...
CP]: And you lost your temper, threw
a tantrum and broke a chair across their
Pool Shark 1: No, we talked it over. We
try to settle all our differences amicably
and peacefully.
CPJ: I'm shocked.
CP]: So how late do you guys generally
stay in the H.C.C., living the rules of this
game and making the high stakes bets?
Pool ShirK2: Um .. not thitlate. They
close the place up a certain time so we can't
stay in there too late.
CPJ: Oh come on, I bet you'guys stay at
the table sometimes till the crack of dawn
immersed in a game after game of excessive

- P . Nathan Smi t h
"Ana l yzing Hate " - Patr i ck Wa r n e r
"PigsBa rf i ng. com" - Br ian Walt e r
"T ales of I n som n ia " - Colleen Frakes
"A Ridd l e " - Curt i s Retherford


won. The victory was a significant milestone available.
In the first match Germano made short
for the brown belt from Philadelphia (gona
represent) , having just begun competeing in work of his opponent, landing several head
the advanced division a month prior.
kicks that ended the bout early. Germano
In black belt point sparring, Seattle went on to fight his way to the championinstructor Sam Haskin faced nationally ship round where he would face teammate
ranked fighter Mike Mathers . Haskin Waldron.
planted solid kicks into Mathers, but as
In the next match Barrett struggled with
time wound down he was unable, to put an opponent whose reach exceeded his own. '
in the fina~ strike. Haskin lost by a single The Evergreen team captain was unable to
duplicate his earlier success in the forms
Next up, O 'Keefe battled Mathers in a division.
_ _ dramatic fight for first
Then Waldron made
place. Both figh ters up for a slow start by
traded points during defeating several oppothe beginning of the nems on his way to chalmatch . Then Mathers, lenging Germano for first
with a swift stroke place.
of luck and timing,
In the battle for first,
landed a two-point Germano, loose and fast,
head ki ck. O'Keefe, used his speed and range
ridin g on a wave to defeat Waldron. The
' of recent success teammates finished in
numerous opposite order just two
ranked oppon ent s, weeks ago in Spanaway.
came right back with a
Also in the advanced
cross-hand punch that sparring division, Seattle
rattled M athers. In the branch
fin al seconds Mathers Antkowiak fought his
scored a questionable way to fourth in his first
backfist during a fast sanctioned tournament
exchange and won the match. For O 'Keefe, appearance. Antkowiak is
this was just one more in a string of fights long time martial artist but
firmly establishing him among the ranks of new to the Bak Shaolin Eagle Claw school.
the best point fighters in the Northwest.
Antkoviak also finished second to Hong in
In the mens advanced point sparring ring the 35 and older point sparring division in
Team Evergreen orchestrated an excellent a rough, heavyweight match.
performance, taking nearly every placing
In beginner point sparring, Thomas

and Cyders dominated the competition.
Thomas finished first and Cyders second,
fueling a!l ongoing team rivalry between
the two.
In the underbelt Grand Championship
point sparring division, ,G ermano soared
past the competition swiftly defeating his
opponents. In his five fights on the day,
Germano was undefeated ahd uncontested. The future team captain and upcoming sparring sensation held each of his
. opponents to ' two points
or less. Thomas, otherwise
undefeated in tournament
sparring, was unable to stop
his more experienced kung
fu brother.
Team Evergreen once
Evergreen State Coll ege ,
Bak Shaolin Eagle Claw
International and the martial
arts in an impeccable manner
challenging themselves and
th eir opponents to reach
higher levels.
Team Evergreen would
like to thank Grandmaster
Fu Leung and Sifu Dana G .
Daniels for their countless
hours of instruction and
pport . For more information on Evergreen Kung Fu
contact Kevin Barrett at (360) 357-9137
or email him at barkev28@evergreen.edu .
Check out team Evergreen on the web at

J?:,~w,~~~ POOlphEl2-X~£s Li~~,2~1. Lies andup~p?',~E~r.!~~~
The young men occupying the pool
table in the H.C.C. late at night have a
certain profound sense of confidence and
pride in what they do. They display a quiet
cool when they play, huddled over each
other with an unmistakable contemplative
gaze. Eyeing each other like hawks circling
above a po~ential prey. the poo l players
seem locked in a never-ending and lifelong
battle between the forc es of good and
evil. They're a hard berring, hard li vi ng
bun ch . And they pl aya game wh ere
the wro ng way
is th e o nly wa y.
If one were to
dig dee p enough ,
o ll e would find
an eve r-exp andin g qu agmire of .
lies, gambling and
hard-truth .
conducted interviews
with three of
Evergreen's most
prominent pool
mavens. None of
the interviewed pool sharks gave us a name,
perhaps for fear of repercussions from their
ovetworked bookies. (Not a real interview
_ for humorous purposes only)

• " Athenine "

~. S Ilo t

Green .
· I<(lrmlt th e'

" "'-




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" B-u-m-a- -uoss-. a-n-d""'·
you'lI burn your

"I hate certain people for no particular reason ."



-\- 1\~.

Pool Shark 2: No, most of us have work mean the game doesn't change.
to get to. We don't have time to be shooting
CPJ: SO the players change? Their sryles
pool all night.
CPJ: Do you feel like you live by this
Pool Shark 3: Actually, they pretty much
game? Do you. guys all feel like ~ou have keep the same style. There aren't th at many
to conform to Its code or be pUOlshed for regulars anyway.
violating it?
CPJ: Nothing changes in th e players
Pool Shark 2: Excuse me?
in the game?
CPJ: I mean do you feel like being a
Pool Shark 3: Well, we mostly just want
po~1 sh.ark has you .following a strict code to have fun shoot a few games at a time.
of life like a samurai?
I don't think anyone who plays has a real
Pool Shark 2: What do you mean?
intent of mastering it.
CPJ : How
kn ow, yo u co me
man y reg ul ars
home after a hard
did you say you
d ay and all yo u
can think about
Poo l Sh ar k
is getting back to
3 : About fo ur
your oth er li fe, the
or five to my •
n'ight life.. ..
" knowl~-dge ?
Pool Shark 2:
CPJ: That's
CPJ : The life
Pool Shark
w here you are a
3: I think so.
champion , a man
CPJ: Who's
among men. And
the best player
you don't worry
that you're behind
on the rent, the kids are whining about
Pool Shark 3: There's this one dude who
God knows what, "Honey, the Delanys comes in and plays occasionally. I don't
want us over for dinner tomorrow, " and remember his name but he's really good.
you're washing your package in the kitchen
CPJ: Is he an aging p0 91legend who was
once great but lost his title because of his
Pool Shark 2: But I don't have any. ...
own fatal flaws to a fiery young hotshot who
CPJ: You just want to go to a place where bends the rules and'now seekS to .. win back
you're known and accepted and be among his honor with one last climactic showdown
like-minded brethren who don't make you to regain all the pride and glory he lost in so
pay their bills and do their dishes.. .. .
many years of drunken nostalgia?
Pool Shark 2: It's reaIly not like that.
Pool Shark 3: Urn .... no, he's just some
CPJ: No? Gee.
other guy. He's really cool though. He
bought me a burrito.
--- ~CE.J: So.-how~ youLg:une--b.eenL Sharp_ _C£J.Js there an}.' one erson that domi~_
as always?
nates the table.
Pool Sh~rk 3: Okay. r taught myself a
Pool Sh~rk 3: No, if they do, we can
few new tnck shots. .
usually kick them off in enough time.
. CP~: I?~ you feel hk~ the game IS chang- Everyone pretty much gets a turn.
mg or IS It Just the players?
CPJ: This is bullshit! {leaves}
. pool Shark 3: No, everyone who shows

~Ut. S~ t

) fw<JtS .....



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Olympia Comi.cs Festi.val



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Saturday, May 17th. 11 p.m. at the Capitol Theater,
1:30 at the Olympia Convention Center (122 Columbia N. )


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