

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 22, Issue 27 (May 28, 1992)

extracted text



. ' :. ~

s.p.m. turns Possessed
~~(i\Ji~ 1M1J~(A~~
by Carrie Calhoun
Sometimes I wonder if I have a sign around my neck that says
"Comments Please!"
Do they really think that I want to hear their judgements on my appearance?
I'm not one of their female peers who spends hours in front of the mirror worrying.
"Is this okay?"
"Does this look dumb?"
I don't care what they think and I certainly don't want them to tell me.
I dress and style my hair for myself,
not them.
It's worse in summer because I don't try to blend in.
I try to stay comfortable when it's hot outside.
"Shave your legs," a boy yelled from a passing car.
What a coward!
Why not stop the car and say that to my face?
They're afraid, that's why.
That type of comment doesn't bother me as much as the ones that are sarcastic.
Or are they?
I wouldn't know, because they always yell out of speeding cars.
I wonder if the boy who yelled, "My God, you're beautiful!"
was kidding
or not.
I never saw his face.
Why do they think their judgements are so important to me?
I ask myself this question every day
when I catch their stares
and 50 mile per hour hollers.
Do I have a sign around my neck that says
"Comments Please?"

~~~: ~

to i'tt-Iagt totttt'tbutot's







by Bryan Connors
A fight occurred at a party in I-dorm
early Saturday (between approximately
1:15 to 1:30 a.m.) May 21.
The fight involved a male nonstudent, who was traveling with the Seattle
based Samoan singing group The Nature
The group was scheduled to
perform at a luau sponsored .· by
Evergreen's Pacific Islanders' Association
Sunday night. .
According to reports, the fight
occurred when the man began hitting on a
woman at the party. She rejected his
One or two individuals, according to
various reports, proceeded to physically
remove the man from the party. One man
reportedly had him in a headlock.
"I was just outside having a
cigarette," said Damon Rosencutter,
Evergreen student and I-dorm resident,
"and I saw somebody. who was very
drunk, being thrown out of the party and
people telling him to get the hell out of
there ...and [they] literally, physically threw
him out, and he ended up tripping, or
being thrown down the stairs."
Members of The Nature Boys,
feeling that their friend was in trouble,
went to rescue him.
"I mean, it looked like he was about
to be thrown off the balcony," said
Neemia "Nemo" Mose, a member of The
Nature Boys, "So we had to go up there
and pull him out so he wouldn't make any
more trouble."
The Nature Boys and friends then
became involved in the altercation.
Reports conflict on who threw the first
punch, but, as Campus Security Officer
Lana Brewster, who was on the scene at
the time, put it "All heck broke loose."
"When [The Nature Boys] showed
up, wearing red bandannas, I didn't know
who they were," said Rosencuner, "and
some girl, I don't know who it was, took
a swing and .. J think she took two swings-I think one of them connected--at one of
them ...and that's when they started 10
swing back."
Rosen.cutter continued, "She ran
back inside ... [and] I put myself in front of
the front door of the dorm and ... not 10
really physically Slop 'them ... but to ask
them 10 stop."
According to Rosencutter, "I got
pounded." He says he suffered a fractured .

The Evergreen State College
Olympia. WA 98505
Address Correction Requested

Page 20 Cooper Point Journal June 4, 1992



Last Friday, an unidentified man
came into the CPJ office.bearing a small
plastic meat pany which he said had been
found in Tacoma. He expressed concern
as to the condition of s.p.m., and hoped
that the meat patty did not indicate his
I was able to speak to a member of
the Possessed Gyp~ies last weekend. He
win be identified here as "Captor Q."
Captor Q seemed quite relaxed and
confident when we spoke, despite the
increasingly public profile of the · group.
He was eager to respond 10 allegations
made against the Possessed Gypsies, and
claimed that small plastic man was now a
wining member of the Possessed Gypsies.
Captor Q assured me that small plastic
man was safe, sane, healthy, and had not
been pressed into a meat pany.
Although I was not able to see
s.p.m., I was shown a picture of him
wearing a Possessed Gypsies T-shirt,


Campus party erupts
in unexpected violence



May 28, 1992



by Sara Steffens
. It has been several weeks since
campus min and video star small plastic
man was kidnapped from his place of
residence. No witnesses to the kidnapping
have come forward, but controversy swells
in his absence.
As of last Friday, Campus Security
seemed to have no ·leads regarding small
plastic man's where:abouts. One Security
. offICer,
who preferred to remain
unidentified, said that all local resources
have been exhaUsted. and joked that the
case would now be referred to a federal
level. The officer also indic~, perhaps
facetiously, that the television show
Unsolved Mysteries had shown an interest
in the peculiar and tragic case.
A group calling themselves, "The
Possessed Gypsies, • are claiming
responsibility for the Pdnapping. Flyers
and stickers bearing the name of the group
ha~ been posted around campus.

nose and a few bruises.
Nature Boys member Mose explains
what he saw. "I ran up there with the
Boys, and I see some guy holding my
friend in a choke hold," he says, "... so I'm
trying 10 pull this guy off him, and
someone hits me."
Mose continued "and I look over and
I see some girl hit my brother."
The altercation lasted approximately
two more minutes, while Brewster shone
the spot light from her security vehicle,
and yelled for the parties to cease the
During the altercation, I-dorm's fire
alarm was pulled.
At this point The Nature Boys fled
the scene.
Thurston County Sheriffs deputies
and McClain Fire Station #91 arrived soon
Approximately seven people were
injured in the fight--ranging from black
eyes arid cuts to broken noses and chipped
"The whole situation probably
wouldn't have happened if alcohol wasn't
flowing freely," Brewster said "It was
totally alcohol related."
"It wasn't race related," Mose '
commented, "We're not into that .. we're
down for peace."
According to both Mose and
Rosencutter, The Nature Boys did try to
apologize to everyone who was hurt the
next day. "They were really sorry:
Rosencutter said "so everything is cool--at
least with me anyway."
As a result of the incident, The
Nature Boys were not allowed 10 play at
the luau Sunday--although they did do a
live spot on KAOS's Latifah's Show on
that day .
"Hey man, we broke [the campus]
rules ... we're really sorry ...and we really
want to come back and perform next fall,"
Mose said, "we're against violence ...[and]
we want to prove that.
In a memo issued on May 26,
Jeannie Chandler, Director of Housing,
stated that an investigation of this incident
is underway and anyone with information
about the incident should call her or Bob
Carlson, Assistant Director of Housing, at
866-6000, x6132.

Bryan Connors
issues for the CPl.

covers security

0fVNtJ'a. w.hington 98!05~


holding a can of beer aloft I was unable
to determirie.. the brand of beer. In the
picture. s.p.m. did not appear to be held
captive, but it is not known whether
plastic man was forced to assume the pose
under duress.
Captor Q said that small plastic man
had . become · quite fond of alcohol,

see plastic man, page 7 .

Volume 22 Issue 27•

f1 u t tc l' in g hit h c r a 11 d t 11 it h <-' I'

"Birds." as seen from above, was created by students Ken Goelz, Jon Ho,
Kate Jones-Wilson. and Heather Sargent as part of the All Creatures Great
and Small Installation Exhibit The campus-wide art exhibit will continue until
June 8. Other animals in the exhibit were sighted in the field behind the
library. on and around Red Square, between the CAB and CRC. and in the
echo chamber alongside the Comm. Bldg. photo by David Mattingly

Non-profit Ol'lanlzation
U.S. Postage Pald
Olympia. WA 98505
Permit No. 65'



-. '


Prophecy: Dylan goe"s

Seniors lured to
romp in meadow
EVERGREEN--All seniors are invited to
the senior party and potluck on Thursday
June 4 in the library meadow. The party,
sponsored by the Alumni Association, will
begin at 5 pm.
The potluck is a chance for almostgraduates to gather together one last time
before graduation and hang oul. The intent
is to introduce the seniors to The Alumni
The band Dreamtime will provide
entertainment. In between the band's sets,
there will be an open microphone.
Seniors need only to bring th eir
favorite potluck dish . A keg and nonalcoholi(H e{reshments will be provided.
If it rains, the party will be held in
the first floor library lobby .
For more information, contact the
Alumni Affairs office at 866-6000 x655 1.

Teacher of Year
to speak in Oly
OL YMPIA--New York State Teacher of
the Year John Taylor GaUo will speak on
"The Problem With Curriculum" on
Monday, June 8 at 7 pm. The program
will be held at Capitol High School in
Olympia, and is sponsored by the
Duniway School Forum. Childcare will be
available " For more information, call 7549330.
John Taylor Gatto, by the way, also
happens to be speaking at The Evergreen
State College's commencement ceremonies
on Sunday June 7, for those of you who
don't want to leave the comfort of

You can grace
the walls of IT
OL YMPIA--Intercity Transit is seeking
applications from Washington State artists
for permanent interior or exterior works of
art to be installed at the Downtown
Olympia Transit Center.
Six areas at the center have been
named as primary sites for the art. They
include a pedestrian island, a canopy

Super Saturday
seeks volunteers

"In an oral culture, there would be
NO Security Blotter."
--Jeff Knoch

above the pedestrian island, a glass block
marquee, a comer plaza, a park selling and
an interior lobby/customer service area.
Intercity Transit provides
transportation services throughout the
urbanized area of Thurston County,
serving a population of 107,000 people.
The new Transit Center, projected for
construction in 1992 will become a focal
point of transportation activity-and ~ervice
in the heart of downtown.
Any professional artist or artist team
living in Washington State may apply.
Three finalists will be paid $800 for
proposal development. The amount of
$24,000 will be awarded to one artist or
team for the fabrication and installation of
the selected proposal. Application deadline
is June 30, 1992.
To request a prospectus, call
Intercity Transit at 786-8585. For
information about the project, call The
Olympia Arts Commission at 753 -8380.

Bury your soul
in archives

EVERGREEN--Have you painted,
sculpted, produced, photographed, or
otherwise prepared a masterpiece during
your time at The Evergreen State College?
If so, the Archives is looking for you.
One of the long term goals of the
Archives is to establish and maintain a
collection of artistic and media works by
students. The collection will be used by
future students and others for research and
as a measure of the college's artistic
ambiance, its those who choose to learn

and do art here. The documentation of
academic student life is an important
aspect of the Archive's mission and one
that to date has had very little emphasis.
Originals or good copies of media
productions and originals, copies, or
photographs of works of art are sought. If
you are or were a student at TESC and
produced a work of art or audio/visual
programming, participated in a production
that included video or audio taping, etc .,
and have a desire to share that work with
others, please contact The Evergreen State
College Archives at 866-6000 x6126 to
learn how you can enter your project/work
into the Archive's collection.

Organic farming
forum tonight
OL YMPIA--An Organic Farming panel
composed of four farmers, a super market
owner, a college professor and a farmers'
wholesaler will lead a forum on the health
of local farmers' businesses. The forum
will take place at 7:30 pm, May 28, at the
St. Johns Episcopal Church on 19th and
Capitol streets.
The event is designed to educate
people about the importance of organic
farming and the problems created by mass
farming, and to raise awareness about
opportunities to create contracts for getting
fresh produce directly from farmers.
For more information about the
forum. contact TofferGreeley, WashPIRG,
866-6000 x6058.

Tuesday, May 19
0202: Fire alarm went off in D-dorm due
to burnt food.
1310: Person was reported to have injured
his hand in the LAB loading dock.
1742: Vehicle in F-lot was found
1845: Vehicle in F-Iot was found
1847: Housing resident was reported to be
harboring runaways.
Wednesday, May 20
1711: An incident of harassment was
reported on campus.
Thursday, May 21
1531: Window in the Weaving Studio was
reported to be broken.
1541: A strange letter, referring to women
on campus, was reportedly received by
someone off campus.
Friday, May 22

2355: B-dorm resident reported someone
breaking glass.
Saturday, May 23
0123: Physical altercation and fire alarm
pulled in I-dorm during a party.
Sunday, May 24
1238: Security encountered an illegal
campfire on the beach trail.
1338: Housing resident was reported to
have had ten dollars stolen from their
2308: Door in Lab I's lobby found
Monday, May 25
1125: Door handle in the third floor of the
Library building was reported stolen.

Security performed 42 public
services (unlocks, jump start, escorts, etc.)
this week.

lOam - 3pm


Page 2 Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992

in the Market

EVERGREEN--All of you seniors need
not be reminded that graduation and The
Rest Of Your Life is looming ever so
close. The festivities begin next week, so
here's a summary of what you need to
Graduation practice is Wednesday,
June 3, at 10 am in Red Square (if dry) or
the 2nd tloor Library Lobby (if wet). This
is also when you can pick up your caps
and gowns. Wear your graduation T-shirt
to show your class spirit!
Friday, June 5, is the last day to pick
up your three rain tickets from
Registration & Records. If you forget, R
& R claims they can hold your tickets
until the actual ceremony, but after the
ceremony begins, there arc no guarantees.
Remember, if it doesn't rain, this is all
Commencement is on Sunday, June
7 in Red Square (if dry) or the CRC (if
wet). Check-in is at 11 am, and the
ceremony begins at 1 pm. Be there, or
your friend s and family will ostracize you!


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~XXOo, I

Frank and Heidi whole heartedly
admit to our flakier-than-thou tendencies.
This week, in lieu of actual content, 1
(being Frank because Heidi is off having
dinner with someone instead of suffering
from writer's block like me) am offering

for your edification muddled meanderings
A) I am no longer physically able to
B) I have no cognitive reasoning
C) I am a dysfunctional writer.
D) 1 am dysfunctional.
You choose the answer. No correct
answers will be provided. Stop. Do not
turn the page until instructed to by
someone with severe power and control
Note to all six of our regular
readers. (If you are one of them, you
know who you are.) We love you and you
are the only reason we keep writing and

Dylan steps in to help Brenda raise the
child as if it Were his own despite Jim's
arguments that she give it up for adoption.
Donna and David will continue to
sCrew around until Donna, too, getS
pregnant but opts for .a clandestine
abortion which leaves her even more
mentally unstable than she already , js. "
This, of course; is to teach young viewers
that "abortion is not the answer." Oh
Aaron, you can be such a Nazi when you
put, your mind to it '
Brandon willc'onunue to fall in and '
out of lust with various and sundry
women, none of whom will ' meet with
Brenda's approval. By the final show of
the season, he and Andrea ' will have
rekindled their sexual tension and will be
, in each others arm.s, fmany, as the credits
Kelly will coillinue to see Jake and
will moonlight on the new "Melrose
Place" show , as Jake also pulls double
, For the : biggest surprise of the

barely submitting this so called regular,
every now and again, please please please
please let me think of something for the
damn column before deadline, column.
(We hate deadlines, we love you.)
Your comments (the regular readers
who know who they are and the others
who mayor may not know who they are)
in support of the few words we manage to
get together coherently like so many
strings of light and fluffy-no-real-artificiaIbUller-flavored-lard-thank you very much,
kernels of popcorn adorning the
mantelpiece during the winter shopping fee
for all that can afford it, really do keep us
going. Am I babbling again? Just slap me
when I do that.
So anyway it is now officially
summer as can be discerned by the sudden
proliferation of American flags, bar-b-ques
and defective traditional family type units
picnicking and trying to cover up their

C??!,~~SE ~~~N


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COlDes ' out

season, we will fmd Steve depressed over
his inabilitY eto get a date and, more
ilJlportantly, his cdntinuing disinterest in
women. By the'end of the season Steve
will have " come . completely out of the
closet and ,will be dating ~yle, the guy he
was so je3Ious of last summer and who is
also gay.
:So there they are, my "expert"
predictions for t}ie next year of The Bev.
'you can take thettlor leave them but I'm
my '" bets on the Steve
prediction. Oh! ' for those who are
wondering, Kelly's mother will give birth
to a beautifUl, healthy eight pound
Komodo Dragon and David's father will
reveal the family's dark reptilian secret.
Good thing David and Donna are getting
that ' abortion or The Bev would stan
looking like old episodes of "V." Till next
week sweet BevHeads, au revoir!
Seth "Skippy" Long is jealous that
Linda the Layout Editor got a Dylan
Heartthrob Pillow for her 22nd birthday.


mutual loathing of each other long enough
to keep grandmama from having the
coronary she has been threatening us with
for years (a la Fred Sanford) and falling
into the charcoal briquettes and possibly
ruining that tasty carbon fried chicken
Ahhh ...almost makes me want to run
right out and nnd "the right woman," pop
out a few ankle biters and continue the
Grand American Tradition complete with
shredded carrots and pineapple chunIclets
swimming in lemony JELLOtm. That
would certainly make my Aunt Sadie
happy. (More about Auntie next week.
Anyhow, thanks go to Jon who was
the only one of you "reading public"
brave, smart, creative or gutsy enough to
actually send us a latex involved love
story. Unfortunately, the story (thoroughly
enjoyed by XXOO, Frank and Heidi) is
too long to be printed here but this is an
exceI]Jt completely out of context.
" ... the...
(I didn't want to really'mis-represent
the story or possibly compromise the
author in any way so the safe route was
taken, OK!? It's not my fault, my program
has done this to me.)
Thank you Jon. We owe you an
XXOO, Frank and Heidi Latex Luv Kit.
The rest of you are losers or too damn
XXOO, Frank.


210 E. 4th • 786-1444



Frank babbles incoherently, makes excuses





spends the summer and most of fall in
Baja surfmg, thinking and playing the
sensitive, celibate stud. Brenda meanwhile
will be so distraught over Dylan's absence
that she will spend at least two episodes
moping around and eating a lot. Suddenly,
some big stud of a man sweeps her off her
feet at the beach. Even~ly Brenda and
Dylan will meet again, at abouttlie same
time that Bren learns that she is pregnant
with the Stud's child. The Stud leaves and



by Seth "Skippy" Long ,
Here we go! Only one more CPJ
this quarter and seeing as The Bev is over
for the season I thought that I would do a
very typical TV writer thing 10 do;
predictions for next season. Before we get
underway here, let's nrst recap where
everybody is in the show.
Brenda and Dylan are on the rocks.
Dylan is going hell bent for Deadman's
Curve after a big nght with Jim Walsh as
Brenda is left 'sobbing at the curb. Kelly is
about to embark on a trip with Jake to
who knows where. Brandon is left
standing there on the lawn with only his
job and his car to worry about Donna and
David are happy and horny as ever.
Andrea is, well, she's still Andrea. And
finally, Steve is content with his
realization that ' he and Kelly are over.
There, that about does it for everyone's
current status so onward towards next
Brenda and Dylan will stay on the
rocks for most of the season as Dylan



"7' "


Graduates: Get a
grip, grab a clue



EVERGREEN--It's time to volunteer for
Super Saturday, which is Saturday June 6.
On Friday, June 5, volunteers are needed "
to set-up, but the majority of help is
needed for , Saturday. Volunteer 0.11
Saturday for positions such as bartender,
vendor guide, greeter, ballooner, recycling
patrol, gofer, etc. Over 100 volunteers are
needed for this day full 0' fun and
excitement. For more information call
Dian McKernan at 866-6000 x65oo.




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Cooper Point Journal May 28,1992

Page 3


How small ·is small?
by Rafael Marino
Imagine that the earth is a perfect
sphere and that we fasten a tight belt
around the Equator. Suppose that we

distances are small or big in relaLion Lo
other distances.
When we think of something "very
small," we probably think in terms of
our own bodies. A small fraction of a
millimeter 1£ very small in relation Lo
our bodies.
Here ' is how we can obtain the 16
centimeters: Let r be the radius of the
earth and R the radius of the. expanded
belt The distance d that we want to find
is then d = R - r. On the other han.d,



compiled by Paul H, Henry
Week of April. 23-29, 1992
'Last meeting for the school year is
Thursday, 1une 4th, in Lib. 2.118, from 7-8

pm. Evergreen NORML will meet once
a month through the summer on 1uly 16
and August 13 in Lib. 2118 from 7-8 pm.
Thanks for your support See you next
-Help! Parents who are interested in
coordinating next year's Parent Support
Network please call and leave your name
and number on the service. Yes, you will
be contacted soon. I eheck the service
daily. Our phOne is 866-6000 x6636.
Paul H.Heriry is the Public
Informalion Coordinator Jor Student


cUL this belt at some poinL, add an extra
meter of bell, and keep the circular shape
of Lhis loose expanded belt (concentric
with the Equator). The new expanded
belt will be at some constant distance
above the ground. WhaL would you
guess this distance is? What is Lhi s
distance? (The circumference of the
earLh is about 40,000 kilometers. But
you don't really need this fact.)

We probably would say that such
distance must be very "smaiL" How
A small fracLion of a
millimeter? The answer might be a
surprise: it is about 16 centimeters.
(More than 6 inches. At the end of this
column is the calculation to obtain this
The reason why the answer might
surprise us has to do with our percepLion
of what "small" means. 16 centimeters
is indeed a very small distance in
relation to the size of the earth . 16
centimeLers (or any other distance)
cannot be small or big in itself,

the circumference of the expanded belt is
2 7t r + 1 and it is also 21tR.
2ftr + 1
R =
= r + 2ft

meters or about 16 centimeters.
Another interesting, or rather
amazing, fact about this problem is that
the radius of the earth does not appear in
the final calculation. Had we done this
with a pea or with the sun insLead of Lhe
earth, the answer will still be the same,
around 16 centimeters.
Rafael Marino is Evergreen's Math


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Page 4 Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992

__s_e~. _____________
Racism is a
personal issue
While attending the "Campus Forum
to Deal with Racist Acts" I heard one
white woman respond to the statements
made by previous .speakers wlth the
defensive statement: "You're making this
We can not
personal." . Why not?
responsibly address issues regarding
ideologies that support oppression,
exploitation, and persecution without
making it personal. Each one of us has
been taught to hate ourselves and one
another on the basis of many factors. How
is this not personal?
In order to honestly and successfully
challenge unidentified racists on this
campus, TESC's policies of recruiting and
educating students and TESC's patterns of
hiring faculty, we must challenge
ourselves and our own racism. When
addressing racism we cannot only confront
external institutions, but must confront the
racism inside of us as well as each other.
The existence of racism binds us all
together and it is in all of our interest to
eliminate it, and this needs to be
addressed. We also must accept the fact
that when things are changing within
ourselves that new thoughts will be
Everyday we can struggle against a
belief or assumption that is founded in
hatred and fear, but occasionally thoughts
that articulate everything you strive to
resist and destroy creep their way back
into our minds. It's the same externally. A
good example would be the Civil Rights
Movement and the way the legislation
brought about by that 1l10vement has been
systematically undennined by the people
like George Bush. What good ole' Georgie
and others like him have done is
intentional, where Our thoughts sometimes
aren't. People and entire societies don't
simply go through a step-by-step process
and at the last step become non-racist.
Old issues always find a way back in to
your mind, but the way you confront the
belief is built upon how you've resisted
Everyone has a responsibility to
recognize histories of hatred, because it
allows us to understand in what ways this
hatred has effected and created our
present. This will empower us in
understanding who we are and how our
consciousness of hatred, internal and
external, were fonned. I believe this
knowledge provides us with an
understanding which is necessary to the
success of any struggle; we must fIrst be
able to comprehend the 'how and why' in
order to break away at the roots of our
own racism. Besides, you can't fight
something that you have a problem with
recognizing is there and has been there for
Another thing that we will find in
recognizing..,2ur histories is that the
struggles against racism and other fonns
of manifested hate have been going on for
a long time as well. Obviously change
does not come about in a day or in a
lifetime, but that does not mean we should
not be responsible to our future.
We are not only responsible for
exposing our past, but also for helping to
create a future that is striving for the
destruction of ideologies built on hatred
and fear for all people. We need to
contribute to building a future that is
appreciative of difference and accepting of
one another. This supposed future may be
idealistic. It is difficult to see such a place
when we live in a society full of so much
cynicism and hate, but there have been
people that have coexisted and
intenningled who have accepted each
others differences without hating or
fe~ng them.
Th~ issues are personal! Our past,
present, and future are all personal. Where
we are as individuals and as a society is
based on a history, this is personal. We
cannot Understand our present, ourselves
and each other without our past. Our
future is personal, because we are part of
creating it No one can escape these issues
entirely and many can ~ot es(ape them at

Everyone must rmd a way to fight
what it is within themselves that makes
them racist, be it active self-hatred or the
aggressive hatred of others. Some fonns of
struggle have been and are here today,
such as organized resistance. Movements
for social change are a strong force, but
only through the constant activity of many.
Ther~ is also the daily confrontation or the
unwillingness to encourage humor at the
expense of others. You don't need to be a
social ~volutionaryto fight racism, but
you do need to acknowledge the presence
of racism within yourself before you can
struggle against it. Through this maybe we
can find more ways 10 fight together, as
well as autonomously, against all systems
of oppression, exploitation, and
Bianca Raffety

Time to learn a
lexical lesson
I should know better than to chide
the editors of the CPJ for allowing the
misuse of a specific tenn, but I'm going to
do it anyway.
On facing pages (7 and 6) of the
May 14 issue can be found proper and
improper uses of the Latin-based
David Wagner
understands the correct usage of alumnus
and alumni as singular and plural
masculine fonns of the noun, which refers
to those who have attended or have
graduated from a particular school.
But the tag line for the letter from
1ennifer Jaye Unterseher refers to her as
an alumnus, also the customary masculine
form. She is an alumna of the college.
The plural feminine fonn is alumnae.
Don't be sad, Seepage staffers, Mud
Bay Quarterly, a publication of the
Alumni Association, has inconsistent and
often non-standard usage of these words,
and other campus publications do their
part to add to the confusion.
. The generic bastardization and ugly
alum, or even alumn, has caught on with
some who wish to avoid the
uncomfortable choice about labeling
mixed-sex groups. Tradition (albeit a
European male standard) calls for the use
oLalumni in such cases, and this is the
recommenffiltion of the Associated Press
Scott Richardson

Succint letter
example #2

a bottle. Whose idea of respect includes
kidnapping and extortion and generally
living in a lazy and apathetic lifestyle (or
lack there ot). As far as your prowess as
political terrorists--how difficult is it to
kidnap a figure who is only two inches
high and is open to the community 24
hours a day?
Open your eyes! You have taken
what you lac~, the ability to see good in
your fellow human, the ability to see good
in yourself. Yes, it is true that we want
s.p.m. back and we do love him but, it is
you who need hiin to guide you out of
this angry state of self loathing. Do wbat
you can--listen to what small plastic man
has to say--he ean help you tum your
unfortunate lives around.
And to the personal attack on Steve
Anacker, the issue is not him or his mental
competence but your irresponsible actions
and the effects it has on tfie- community.
What is so complex about living in a beer
bottle and partaking in frat boy antics?
Steve's task is not to comprehend self
delusions and imagined complexities but
simply to plea for s.p.m. 's release. He is
doing what he can.
As for the outlandish remark that
Potempkin is responsible for the removal
of s.p.m.'s , hand--this is impossible!
Potempkin is a Weimaraner, a Gennan
bird dog who lacks the ability to clamp
down tightly enough to remove a hand.
This fine breed of dog is known for their
loyalty and would not harm their masters
in any way. Do not try to cover-up your
criminal actions by placing the blame on
a dog. It's amazing how low the Possessed
Gypsies will sink.
We realize that small plastic man
has asked to spend the summer with you
travelling across the country to see the
beauty this land has to offer. This is not a
vacation for s.p.m. but a chance to spend
time with those in need, a time to bring
out the inner peace of a soul yearning for
self love. As you driv'e, listen to what
s.p.m. says, take the words into your heart
and live them. small plastic man is your
friend and will do what he can to help
We the free small plastic man
society want to register our contempt for
the Possessed Gypsies! They have taken a

Gary Wessels Galbreath

Setting the
Gypsies straight
To the Possessed Gypsies,
We are responding to your letter
piece by piece in order to expose the lies
and delusions you mask the truth with.
Firstly, ·small" is the correct and
proper name bestowed upon s.p.m. by the
great spiritual leader polydupont. This
given name denotes the powerful wisdom
within him, for he will not place himself
above others via a simple names. Yes
s.p.m. is a leader to all, not to any single
quasi organization. This should be
obvious, even to the diminutive minds of
the P.G., who obviously are lacking any
sense of leadership. It is evident that you
are not truly listening to what s.p.m. is
saying because it is through working as a
tip guy that he has become closer to the
Evergreen community, giving him the
ability to share his wisdom to all who" will
listen. There is no greater potential to be
found--certainly not through a bottle of
cheap local brew! However, we the free
small plastic man society know that s.p.m.
has . not allowed himself to become a
victim!! s.p.m. is only playing along (his
polyplastic makeup does not allow him to
succumb to the effects of drink or elicit
contraband) in order to give enlightenment
to a band of <,iebauched wanna be
terrorists, whose life consists of living in

Phish really
rocks his world
Dear Scum-sucking, brown nosing,
censoring, CPJ pigs,
I have two gripes. The first was the
Phish review by Matthew (can't tell his
head from his ass) Johnston.
Matthew 10hnston's review of the
Phish show was the lamest excuse for a
concert review I've ever witnessed.
Someone ought to smack Matthew good.
It was a good thing that Trey was tippedoff to Matt's dislike of the band, which is
why they didn't want him to say anything
before the show. ("And now for a band
that I really can't stand...)
The "no re-entry" idea by the way
was not the band's, it was the school's. It
wasn't a very good idea and that's why
they ended up dropping the concept Your
comment however indicates you left
before the first set was even over.
His comment that "Phish lacked
originality somethin' awful," shows what
a true wiener he really is. As a matter of
fact wiener is too kind of a word, how
about obnoxious shithead. Phish reeks
originality. What I've always thought was
the most amazing thing about Phish is that
even though they play strictly original
tunes which don't sound anything like the
Dead, all these Deadheads flock to see
Too bad he wasted his lime
comparing Phish to the Dead. In
comparing Ph ish to the Dead the only
similarity is the tie-dyed fans. A lot of 'em

see scum, page 7

!Attention ANONYMO US WRITERS (.pecirlCDlly: IMPo_ _tGyp.ia)
We need your names. We need a phone number where we can reach you. Without your
name and number we can't ask you questions. If you don't want your name published,
explain why (i.e.: special circumstances) at the top of your submission, and we11 get
back to you, honest With big scary committed kisses, RJ ed.

Dear Ed Dove,

figW'e ·that has come to this community in
spirit of fun. small plasqc man came in
a time when the Evergreen community
was dealing with serious issues causing
tension throughout the campus, small
plastic man wanted to help by simply
being small plastic man. You have taken
something simple and benign and tried to
make something ugly from it. If you want
to play with small plastic man do SO in a
way that does not distort his message!
Peter G. Ivey
Vanessa Henry
Stephen Anacker

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Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992 Page 5



Arming security protects officers lives ·
by Dan Packer
The question of whether or not we
should arm Security with guns has been a
hard one for the campus community. Over
the past few weeks, I have talked to
members of the community, including
security, researched in the library: and
attended a meeting about the issue last
Wednesday. Having examined the issue,
the choice that would make the campus
the safest place to work, learn, and live
would be to equip and arm Security to
enable them to do an effective job.
At the meeting, some students
mentioned alternatives to arming. One
suggestion was to train Security officers in
martial arts. This is unfair. This scenario
suggests that officers would have to
confront hostile and armed persons with
their bare hands, which is a losing
proposition at best
Another proposed alternative was to
fight the Labor and Industries regulations
that require Security to be armed with
guns to intervene in dangerous situations.
Such a battIe would take place in the
courts. L&I has its own lawyers to fight
back with, and the result could be a long
and expensive lawsuit that the Evergreen
community might lose. I would rather my
tuition money went to something more
productive than a lawsuit or to payoff

fines against the college for infractions of
L&I rules.
Many people are afraid of what guns
might do to the Security officers, or what
the officers would do with the guns. The
Security personnel that I have talked to are
friendly and open human beings, not 'pigs'
with egos. Peaceful conflict resolution and
open communication with the community
are priorities, and this is reflected in the
recommendations of the committee and in
Les Purce's proposal to the Board of
Trustees, which call for the limited arming
of Security. Another priority in both of
these documents is that Security personnel
be subject to intensive psychological
screening, be able to relate to students,
and trained to know when and what type
of force to use. Furthennore, throughout
its history, there has never been a
comp~int. of e~c~sive ~orce against
Secunty. Fmally, It IS the natIonal standard
to have a review board investigate every
use of a gun in the line of duty. This
provides a method of policing Security
and ensuring that guns are not misused.
Another alternative to an armed
Security force is to have Thurston County
Sheriff respond to calls. This has two
disadvantages. First, the response time of
a sheriff's car is between five and ~en
minutes, as opposed to two for a Secunty

Ultra-peace d·lSrUp t e d

by Loren Rupp
So Saturday was scheduled to be the
big Polynesian Luau at the Housing
Community Center.
The event was
sponsored by Housing, the Pacific Islander
Association, Asian Students In Alliance,
and yes, the Women of Color Coalition.
The arrangements were lavish - a roasted
pig, hula dancers, and The Nature Boys a Samoan singing group from Scattle. It
was to be a multicultural event ar~e
Evergreen style. Well, unfort~natly the
'Nature Boys' showed up a mght early,
the formal elements of e charge be and they came wearing their colors. The
established in consultation with the result was not pretty.
The party in I-donn was actually
Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Agenda
Committee and others who wish to share pretty fun up until then. There were
their thoughts before the fonnal DTF friendly folks, cold beer and Sgt Bat
begins its work.
Guano was raging. But then someone from
In light of recent legal challenges to outside 'the community', and apparently a
racial harassment policies, it will be friend of the Nature Boys got in a scuffle
essential that the school's Attorney
with a woman at the party. Some of the
General be involved in this effort from the party patrons then escorted the man
very beginning. For that reason, I will also outside, and that is when the Bloods... er,
be forwarding this recommendation for the Nature Boys arrived. .
establishment of a DTF to Ms. Jan
There are probably about a hundred
Frickelton, College legal counsel. In different versions of what happened next.
addition, this office will begin the process All I know is that several people - mainly
over the summer of researching the most those that were trying to maintain peace current law established in other states were injured. Security was present, but
regarding this issue. This research will be was forced to stand idle. This may have
available for the DTF when it is formally
been for the better however, because I
established in the Fall.
honestly believe that if Security was
I strongly support the need for the .armed at that point, someone would have
establishment of a DTF to address this been shot. The Nature Boys then split
critical issue
moments before Thurston County arrived.
Les Purce is Interim President of End of party.
The Evergreen State College.
The next day people seemed to want

by Les Purce
I am starting the process to establish
a racial harassment DTF that would begin
its work in the Fall. Procedurally with
DTFs, it is necessary for the Provost to
recommend faculty names to be approved
by the Faculty Agenda Committee. I am
asking that faculty who are interested
communicate their interest to the
provosts's office. In addition, I am
passing along to the Provost the names of
faculty who were part of the group that
has been working on this issue. Further,
concerning appointment of staff and
student members, I am asking that
students and staff who are interested in
serving on this DTF notiry my office. I
will make this list and the list of names of
members from the subcommittee that
initiated this proposal available to the new
This group has suggested a number
of issues that should be considered in this
charge. Undoubtedly there are others. I
will recommend to the new president that

vehicle. This is a dangerously long time.
that situations can be resolved without the
Additionally, the functions that Security
use of deadly force, guns add an additional
perfonns can be determined by the
measure of protection for security officers.
communil¥-_~d security is ~sponsible
If we want immediate help should
directly to the' community for its actions.
we come into danger on campus, then we
These are luxuries that we would not have · will need to have a properly equipped
with Sherifrsofficers,
security force. Security officers cannot
Although many on campus, myself
intentionally place themselves in a
included, would prefer that campus be a . dangerous situation unarmed without
gun-free environment, this is not the case.
putting their careers, not to mention their
One speaker at the meeting found out that
lives, on the line. Alternatives to full
there were assault rifles, a shotgun, and
arming are not feasible, nor is fighting the
handguns in the Housing community in the
regulations that would require their full
possession of students. Evergreen is not
arming. Finally, there is a moral question.
the gun-free place that we want it to be.
Can we, the students, faculty, and staff,
Situations have arisen, and probably will
expect someone else to put their lives on
come in the future that will require
the line for us when we have denied them
security to intervene and place themselves
the equipment to safely do their job?
in danger. Although the hope and intent is
Dan Packer is an Evergreen student.


to put the incident behind them. The
Nature Boys apparently handed out a few
apologies and the luau went on as planned.
Jeannie Chandler refused to allow the
Nature Boys to sing for fear of another
incident They sang' anyway, on KAOS,
and it was broadcast at the luau. People
were feasting and seemed to be having a
fairly nice time, possibly trying to forget
the nastiness of the night before. I could
not forget.
I felt very uncomfortable about the
whole affair. One night there was a
violent rumble at this normally ultrapeaceful campus, and twelve hours later
everyone is chum-chum. Both Security
and Housing, while appearing concerned,
were content to let the whole event slide.
No investigation. No admonishment.
The Women of Color are right Violence
does occur on this campus, people get
hurt, and nobody seems to be too
By Sunday, things had settled down,
and the I-donn party picked up where it
left off by finishing the keg that was
started on Friday. It was quite peaceful
and relaxed - no fights, no Bloods. Just
an old-fashioned keg party - Evergreen
style. Let's just hope the peace remains.
Loren Rupp is an Evergreen student.

Hagia Sophia
focuses on
Man recognizes survivors of violence traditional
by Jason Orloff
This letter is both a thank you and a
letter of explanation. My thanks go to the
Women's Center for inviting men to share
in the Take Back the Trails action. I also
extend my recognition to all the survivors
of violence who were not included in what
hind-sight shows ine was a whitesensitive-new-age-heterosexual-guy's
stance on my part. To thoSe who were
angered or hurt to see men standing in
such a way in support of ending violence,
my name is Jason Orloff. I am one of the
men who handed out buttons two Fridays
ago and stayed on campus while women
walked the trails Saturday night.
The buttons and flyers were an effort
to reach other men; to pass on the
invitation of the Women's Center for men
to support women in their strength and
their letting this community know that not
all women will passively accept being
harassed and being afraid. I support this
and will continue to meet with any who
are interested in acting against violence,
on Thursdays from three to five in CAB
108 throughout the coming years.
Just recently, however, I was made
aware that my support in itself can hurt. I
am a man and after so much hurt from
men, myself included, my values may
seem a contradiction. I am working to
understand and I am changing. One of the
greatest things another can do, is to let me
know what I have done which hurt her or
him. Without this contact, I am lost in a

world of my self and trapped. I can hurt
people terribly, unintentionally, without
knowing what to do different.
I do not blame survivors of violence
for when they do not give this contact As
easily as I can imagine a survivor not
sharing feelings of outrage with a white
guy who stands for healing and non- ·
violence; I can imagine a sensitive-new
age-guy turning violent about his support
when challenged by the pain his "support"
can cause. I do not blame survivors for not
reaching out in an environment where
even the supporters of peace are violent I
hold no one responsible for the violence
we all face. What is important is that the

violence stops.
Therefore I thank the survivors who
confronted me and appreciate their
courage by offering to all survivors, this:
I respect you and your needs. If you
need to define a space which does not
include me, and to shut a door, that is all
right. I do not hold this against you. I will
stay on the other side of that door working
out my own violence and helping the
others who are out here, as best I can
without you. I will wait. I will be there if
you open that door. I will be there when
you ask me to be.
Jason Orloff is an Evergreen

Students are not statistics

Evergreen, and other colleges, based on
by Herb Legg
I read recent figures on Evergreen race. Replace it with quotas based on
students and faculty by race and sex economic class. Special preference should
status: 12% minority students, 16% . from now on go to students, both white
and minority, whose families are in the
minority faculty, 65% white male faculty.
I am horrified at this mathematically racist lowest 10% of income as reported to the
approach to people. I here offer a different I.R.S.
Third, take a look at how many
approach to afflITIlative action, based on
college students, based upon their racial
economic class, not race.
First, recognize that polls show that and economic status, flunk out It is my
only 10% of whites support afflITIlative estimate that lower income students, both
white and minority, flunk out and
action as now stated for racial minorities.
withdraw from college at twice the rate of
This means to me that we need a new
approach to remedial action for low
upper income students. Flunk outs cost
income people that can be accepted by a
money to taxpayers and self-esteem and
voting majQrity of our citizens.
see race, page 7
Second, abolish all quotas at

Page 6 Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992

by Jessica Schemm
Hagia Sophia will be a student-run
organization focusing largely on the values
and belief systems which have fonned us,
from the ADeient World's attempts at
democracy to the Judea-Christian tradition.
This campus claims to strive for diversity,
and yet it restricts and suppresses anything
that may slightly ring of traditional values
and beliefs. This is not diversity. This is
the denial .of history and' real
Hagia Sophia will be a means
through which to bring · to light the
traditions and culture which have made the
society we live in, like it or not There is
no other student organization which seeks
to address this issue. This campus cannot
be diverse if it refuses to fill this vacuum.
Along with Hagia Sophia being a
means through which to understand and
appreciate the foundations and culture of
our society, it will be a true point of
credibility for this college. Hagia Sophia
will provide the campus with speakers,
lectures, films, · etc., which illustrate the
values and beliefs which compound our
Tentative meeting: Thursday, June 4,
7 pm.
Jessica Schemm is a member of the
Evergreen community.

plastic man, from cover
consuming as many as 12 beers in a single
Q also spoke of a rescue attempt by
small plastic man's faithful dog,
Potempkin. Potempkin can be seen on
flyers around campus crying for small
plastic man's return.
Q said that small plastic man would
remain with the Possessed Gypsies during
the summer break, and that a note to that
effect would be sent to s.p.m.'s employers
at Java Junkies.
What follows is a partial transcript
of our conversation.


Why was small plastic man kidnapped?
Captor Q: Freedom, pretty much, we were
trying to free small plastic man. People
think that we kidnapped him - well, we
did kidnap him, but for his own good ... He
needed a vacation. We heard his pleas
days before we took him from his place of
residence, and we just wanted to help him.
Do you feel that small plastic man is
happy with you?
He's been having a pretty good time. We
went through a couple of cases [of beer]
last night and he was with us; he was
having a really good time.
Is s.p.m. safe and eating well?
He's decided to become one of us. He
told us he needed a vacation, and we
didn't see him as having the opportunity
for a vacation, sitting there at Java
Junkies, so we just did our part.
Is small plastic man still doing what he
He's doing what he can. He can drink
beer here, and he does a lot of that.
Is there a chance that s.p.m. will be
He'll make it back next fall. He's going

on vacation with .several . people this
summer, he'll be · seeing the country and
having a hell ofa time. We will share our
exploits with plastic man this summer, and
try to show the world what freedom really
is... When we return him, we'll see where
he goes from there. He might become a
symbol for his campus...
How would you respond to the similarities
between the case of small plastic man and
the Patty Hearst kidnapping of the early
Are you accusing us of brainwashing?
Has small plastic man been brainwashed,
or subjected to any undue conditions?
No, here's a picture of him. See, he's
happy, he's smiling, he has a beer, he has
a Possessed Gypsies T-shirt on. It looks
like he's having a good time to me, you
can't argue with that.
We didn't
brainwash him.
What about Potempkin?
certainly misses small plastic man, doesn't
he have any feeling for his dog
Not after Potempkin tore his hand off.
small plastic man still loves Potempkin,
and he understands that Potempkin was a
little confused and trying to be faithful,
but. .. Potempkin didn't understand where
plastic man's head was at Well. His
head was on his shoulders, but...


In conclusion, Captor Q said, "There
will probably be a lot of groups fonning
around campus that either support the
Possessed Gypsies or WGlIt to see plastic
man freed. People Mve said, free small
plastic man. Well, small plastic man is
free now, he's truly free ... "
This interview was granted under
promise of anonymity and the source will
not be revealed.
Peter G. Ivey, small plastic man's
mentor and producer, tells a different

"small plastic man doesn't drink,"
said Ivey, "He's not into clouding his
judgement in any way... He's just an
innocent little guy."
Although Ivey believes that small
plastic man does choose to stay with the
Possessed Gypsies, he suspects that small
plastic man's motives involve more than
just having a good time. According to
!vey, small plastic man probably wants to .
help teach the Possessed Gypsies the ways
of enlightenment
In response to the alleged Potempkin
incident, Ivey commented, "Potempkin is
a Weimareiner; a Gennan bird dog. He's
been bred to have a soft mouth, so he is
incapable of · ripping off s.p.m's hand.
Potempkin would never do that."
Ivey said that he is glad small plastic
man was going on vacation this summer.
He said that small plastic man has already
travelled extensively, and would be able to

race, from page 6
life replanning to individual students. All
colleges in this state are leery of making
this infonnation available as public record.
I cannot find it. I have requested and
requested and received promises and run
arounds and zero data over the past six
months. Let us find the facts and then do
something about them--they used to call it
Fourth, as to faculty. Minority
faculty are now 16%. Since minorities
make up 10% of citizens in this state, do
not hire any more minority faculty until
they approximate 10% of same. Male
white faculty are 65% of Evergreen
faculty and are all without tenure. Weed
them out until they approximate 50%. The
students who are the customers should
vote who to keep. Replace these

make some suggestions as to. the travel
plans. "If the Possessed Gypsies can
scrape together the money to go to the
south of France, small plastic man knows
that area really well. The French Riviera
is one of his favorite hang-outs. It would
be well worth their while to go to. the
beach with him," said Ivey.
If you miss seeing small plastic man
at Java Junkies, don't despair. small
plastic man will be making appearances
around campus via 16 mm projections,
fliers, video, and other media. He is
randomly projected at night on walls
around campus, and his movie will be
screened at N donn this Friday. Watch
for his video to be released soon.
Sara Steffans is the editor of the
See-Page and an all-around inquisitive

defenstrated males with qualified white
women faculty.
A final word to the new President
who I wish well: stay out of details on the
campus. In writings about the position, I
see no mention of it, but the cardinal duty
is to serve as ambassador to the outside
world, especially to the State Legislature.
My background for making these
modest suggestions includes 10 years as a
college student, including a law degree;
two years of teaching in a black college in
Dallas, Texas; several other years of
college teaching; service on the board of
trustees of a Washington state college; and
a caring for students who are all too often
being treated as statistics, not as living,
trying people.
Herb Legg is a member of the
Evergreen community.


scum, from page 5
are the same folks. If I had to compare
Phish to some other artist it would be
Frank Zappa, the guy who was playing
"alternative" music before Matt was even




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maglckal SupplIes



Tarot ReodfllQs

Uam-6pm • mon-Sat
608 S. eOfdlmBlB • 35t-'~9


Phish is "alternative" rock defined.
Too bad you were so busy trying to find
the band's beer with your "hot date" that
you forgot to listen.
My second gripe is directed toward
Seth "Skippy" Long and his "Fear,
loathing" article.
What a dumb fucker you are. How
can you brag about driving drunk? It
shows how little you care about human
life. You should have been arrested. If
only you knew what kind of moron
"Deputized for Apple Blossom" cops you
were dealing with, you would have
reconsidered your juvenile actions.
You're lucky you didn't get beaten
and taken to the Chelan County Jail where
you probably would have been raped.
Grow up! I hope you didn't represent

TESC Alumni Association Presents

••" ••••••••• " • •I1C.

yourself as belonging to this college.
Ben Schroeter

Me and Him
thank us
To: Cooper Point Journal
From: Me and Him Productions
Shaw: Scott and I just wanted to express
our generous thanks for the way you have
been presenting our weekly features in
your Calendar section.
Scott: Speak for yourself asshole!
Shaw: Well, I thought it was important to
be nice and show our appreciation for
their kind ...
Scott: Quiet with all of your superlative
language, you geek. They are doing a
great job representing us and that's all
there is to it.
Shaw: But don't you think we should let
them know how we feel?
Scott: Yeah .
Shaw: O.K. So tell them how you feel.
Scott: From the get-go, it's unequivocally,
down right stainfully cool of the

anticipatorial, thoughtfully ambitious
overachieving whoever who is spawning
the omnipresent ubiquitous Calendar
section to audaciously venture outward
selflessly into the realms of martyrdom to
ferociously search and hunt down our
graciously affable, congenial, cordial,
sociable, amiable, obliging, benign,
chivalrous, courteous, approachable,
bonhomous, clubby, forthcoming,
fortbgoing, and outgoing productions. Shit,
that oughta do it.
Shaw: Oh, Okay so who's being the
consummating verbose, diffuse, longwinded, palaverous, prolix, redundant,
flowery, grandiloquent, magniloquent,
circumlocutory, periphrastic, pleonastic,
tautologous poop now? You Cucked up,
high and mighty, selfish, Mid-Western,
cheese eatin', hairy, kiss ass.
Scott: Well, I...um ...
Shaw: While Scott's thinking of a come
back, I just want to say a hearty and warm
dysgenesis thanks for all you have done.
Shaw Liljeqvist
Scott Le Duc

Eatlng healthy doesn't have
to mean nuts and berries ...

June 6,1992
8 p.m. Library 4300

$5.00 I person
21 & over (I.D. required)
Tickets availa.ble at TESC
Bookstore, Rainy Day, Positively
4th St., or at the door.
Call 866-6000 x6552 for more

Come to the
Oly Food Co-Op
and check out
our great
selection of
grown fruits .
and vegetables!
921 N. ROGERS • 754-7666
Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992 Page 7

Arts & Entertainment

Alien is gooey and gory,but none too good
by Jeffery D. Bradley









A movie like AlienJ , which opened
over Memorial day weekend at the Lacey
Cinemas, does not exist in a vacuum.
Alien (1979) was an excellent horror film
that used its outer-space setting 10
achieve an excellent feeling of isolation.
Aliens (1986) kept much of the terror of
the flIst movie and proved that a woman
could be an action-film hero equal to any
man. Both movies had interesting
characters and a monster that made most
movie horrors look like bunny rabbits.
Well, AlienJ has the monster, and
enough blood and gore and things lurking
in the shadows 10 get your adrenaline
flowing. A viewer of the flIst two movies
will feel familiar in the dark and
brooding world created here, a world in
which man has been reduced 10 a cog
serving the corporation. But outside of
that, AlienJ is only a shadow of its
predecessors, in which you only get
glimpses of the things that made the flIst
two movies great.
The movie starts with Ripley
(Sigourney Weaver) crash-landing on a
remote prison planet, inhabited b¥ 25
male prisoners and their three male
administralOrs. The prisoners (murders,
rapists and molesters) have adopted
monk-like apocalyptic spirituality, and
have decided 10 remain on the planet
even though the "company" decided 10
close it down , 10 await their end. They
now act as a maintenance crew for the
smelter that was in operation on the
The arrival of Ripley throws the

Alierr director David Fincher coaches Sigourney; Charles S. DuHon would
rather be shoveling. photo courtesy 20th Century Fox

prison into disarray. The presence of a
woman starts some of the prisoners' sexdrives up again, putting their vow of
chastity 10 the test. Ripley's attempts 10
figure out what caused her crash landing,
and whether the aliens were involved,
puts her at odds with the administrators.
And, of course, the alien itself pops-up
soon enough causing carnage and quickly
reducing the population of the planet.
All of this would be fme, and, in
fact, interesting, if the movie had taken
the time to flesh out the characters and
their motivations. Sure, most action and
horror films don't worry about this. Does
anybody really know why Friday the
13th's Jason has a fondness for killing
sexed-craved teenagers, or anything about
the teenagers other than they are (except,
of course, for the one who will survive)

sexed-craved? But the Alien films ' have
always played by different rules.
Although not perfect, you have always
known something about the characters so
that you cared or, in some cases, were
happy when the monster got to them.
The previous movies always strove 10 be
more than just splashes of blood and
But Alien never takes the time to
introduce you 10 the characters that
surround Ripley, and so they seem like
only so much Cannon fodder. Worse, it
seems that the moment you get 10 know
something about a character is the
moment that the alien decides 10 gobble
them up. This becomes very frustrating,
especially when the one character that the
movie spends anytime on outside of
Ripley doesn't get a heroic death but

instead gets gobbled up early, .JluL even
knowing what hit him.
Lot of the blame for this can be
put on flIst time direclOr David Fincher,
who spends most of . his time showing
you and telling you what is happening,
and never settles down and explains 10
you why. Coming out of a background
of Nike commercials aqd Madonna
videos, he simply hasnit a' good touch
with the narrative side of film.
And so you are left with plenty of
questions and no scenes to answer them.
Why have the prisoners adopted their
spirituality? Who are they? Why did
they stay on such a god forsaken planet?
What drives their leader? All these are
interesting questions which could have
been answered in a few simple scenes if
the director had decided to put forth the
effort. Instead, all we get are a few hints
at what might lie under the surface and
some inept Christian symbolism.
Still, if you don't judge it against
the other "Alien" movies, "Alien 3" is a
good action movie. Sigourney Weaver
has a commanding screen presenCe, and
her character is given some chance 10
develop. The action is fast and furious,
and will keep you at the edge of your
seat. The movie is well photographs, and
its view of the future, which appears to
be owned by a Japanese-American
conglomerate, is interesting. And the
alien itself is as interesting and as scary
as it ever was.
If you liked the previous two Alien /
disappointed with AlienJ • It does not have
the quality ·and intelligence that one
would expect from a movie carrying this
name. However, it is an enjoyable, if
lesser movie, and if you want 10 give
your adrenal gland a workout, well worth
catching at the matinee.

From Skipper to Lumpy: Mugwump tells all
by Jane Laughlin
The word "mugwump" has several
definitions. According 10 Webster's, it's
an independent voter, one who separates
from the established party. But it's also
a creature in Naked LWlch, the former
name of the Mamas and the Papas, and
the name of the airport in The Rescuers
Down Under.
But it is also the name of a band
that recently formed in Olympia, here at
"Ryan [Boudinot, lead guitar] and I,
we both play guitar, and well, we have
the same class. We decided it would be
fun to be in a band," explained rhythm
guitarist Nate Manny. The two posted
flyers seeking a drummer. The first
drummer flaked out, but their second
drummer, Jesse Fox , is now a permanent
part of Mugwump. Bassist Eric was
found in January through the flyers that
he had posted. He was in the band for
several months before the rest of the
band found out his last name.
Mugwump's flIst show was at a
party on Steamboat Island Road. "Some
guy pulled a gun and our bassist fell in
some mud," was what Nate recalls of
that evening. "Lots of high school kids
fighting and being drunk."
"We played two songs over and
over again," claimed Ryan.
Only Nate and Ryan were present
for this interview, so the views and
opmlOns expressed therein do not
necessarily constitute those of the absent
members of the band. They made me
write that
How many songs do you have?
Nate: Forty or fifty.
What's your favorite thing to drink?
Nate: Skipper. Cragmont The Skipper.
The Skipper navigates me through
everyday life. Cheap, affordable, and
delicious. My favorite food would be
falafel. I prefer it in ball form.
What's the best show you've been to?

Nate: Well, Lollapalooza sucked ...One of rocked Bainbridge Island at our high
my favorite shows was Fugazi...also school talent show, and other little shows
Agnostic Front, Coffin Break, and The around. The legendary Cleavers. I'm
Derelicts. And Nirvana at the OK Hotel Wally, actually.
Wally Cleaver.
was good, too.
Then there's June, and the Beav.
Ryan: I don't know .. .! liked IMU and
interesting story here, little
Bone Cellar a lot.
life, the Beav was
Does this band have any kind of goals?
the singer. He
Ryan: To write music. Everything
for practice or
revolves around that goal. Nothing
was later
matters except writing music when it
comes down to it.
for quite
Nate: It would be nice if people got to
hear it, but really we just want to
produce it.
After much unrest within the original
What do you think of this tablecloth?
three Cleavers, we had to move the Beav
Nate: Irrelevant. Move on.
to the ftfth Cleaver.
So what are you guys doing this swnmer? Kinda like the fifth Beatie.
Nate: We're gonna live up in Seattle, Nate: In fact, it's written in the Cleaver
work in a job where I work with food, Constitution. and Ryan has taken his
preferably pizza. I'm a pizza man. That
is my life.
Is the band gonna stay together over the
summer and do shows and stuff?
Nate: Hopefully, yeah. We'll be hanging
out, in oUr house. But our bassist is
Baby looking for family to adopt? loving
[staying in Olympia].
seeks to adopt a baby. College
Ryan: We're also gonna be hanging out
professor Dad, Mom at home, Noah age three
with The Void, we like them a lot.
(at80 adopted at birth). All appropriate legal,
Nate: They're sharing our practice space
medical, etc. expenses paid. Want to share our
joyful lives and give fine education, happy
right now.
country-suburban living. ~d deepest love to
Ryan: We think they're cool guys and a
your baby. Phone a>llect. Ron &: GaU, Pine
good band ...Tinker's a really good
Valley, CA. (619) 473-9794.
Nate: Tinker. That's spelled with a "T."
Ryan: It's like Tinkerbell, without the
"bell." You drop that effeminate part,
cause he's a masculine god of guitar.
Nate: Some people call him Tinker, I
call him Thor.
Ryan: He tinkers with my soul, until it
1III~·J_~:.~I/:1.~\ books fall open .••
is in perfect running condition ...
...you fall Inl
Nate: Hold on, I draw the line at the
soul part.
Ryan: Okay.
(To Nate) You were in The Cleavers,
107 •• capitol w•.,
weren't you?
Nate: The Cleavers were a band that

Page 8 Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992


llook Shop

place as the fourth Cleaver. Unfortunately
at this moment I don't remember Ryan's
sitcom name.
Ryan: It can't be Whitey.
Nate: No, it isn't Whitey, cause Whitey
was a stunt double.
Nate: I think it might have been
Lumpy .. .It was Lumpy.
Ryan: That's like a noun and an
Nate: It was Lumpy.
Ryan: Lumpy.
Jane Laughlin is a Modism devotee.



Q: 10 I is a teach.in "for straight and
queer people" to lean about the
homophobia and heterosexism within the
and · some
strategies to improve the climate, today at
noon in the S&A Lobby area, outside the
CAB outside the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
People's Resource Center. Info: x6544.
POLITICAL PARTY today from 7:30 to
9:30 pm at the Olympia Community
Center, Room 103. Speakers are Mary
Clogston of the Thurston County National
Organization for Women (NOW has
called for the formation of a third
political party), Sarah Ryan of the New
WashinglOn Party (which is running 9
candidates for state office this election
year), and Greg . Starling of the
Washing IOn State Ron Daniels for
President Committee (which is collection
signatures in an attempt 10 place Daniels
on the Washington state ballot).
Sponsored by Puget Sound Solidarity.
Info: 754-7473.
plays by Eugene Ionesco--Jack or the
Submission and its sequel, The Future is
in Eggs, tonight, IOmorrow night, Sunday
night, and June 5 and 6 at Studio 321 in
Olympia, located at 321 North Jefferson
St. All shows start at 8 pm. Tickets $5 at
the door; advance tickets available at
Rainy Day Records. Info: 943"6946.

CHRIS HYDE presents an evening of
original music and conceptual art tonight
at 8 pm in the Evergreen Recital Hall.
The show features paintings and music
(solo guitar pieces, a piano minuet, and
a group of songs featuring vocalist Aileen
Denton). Info: 866-2356.
teaching techniques to use during
evaluations and for a lifetime, today from
noon to 1 pm in the CAB Conference
Room. Bring your lunch and join in.
Seminars limited 10 30; please make
reservations. Info: x6770.

SUMMER, a comedy by A.R. Gurney
. presented by Harlequin Productions, from
6 to 9 pm both nights. Parts available for
two boys 15 to 20, two girls 15 to 20,
one woman 45 to 60, and one woman 35
to 45. By appointment only. The play
runs July 23 through August 8 at
Washington Center's Stage II. Info: Linda
at 754-7747.
MEETING today and every Thursday the
basement of the Lecture Hall Rotunda.
Info: x6800.
TESC FENCING CLUB meets tonight
and every Thursday from 7 10 9 pm in
the TESC Library Building, 3rd floor
mezzanine. Info: Russ Redding at 7868321.
HIV/AIDS support group meets every
Thursday from 7 10 8:30 pm; there's also
. a group meeting on 5 pm today. Info:
Deb Duggan at 786-5581 x6971.

5 10 9 pm at Sl John's Episcopal
Church, Parish Hall, comer of Capitol
and Ninth in Olympia, as a benefit for
the Thurston County Refugee Center.
Highlights include Asian food sales, a
silent auction, a live auction, and an
eggroll judging contest with celebrity
judges. Info: 754-7197.

CREU SLUT and fern play in student
housing. At 9:00, listen for the loudness.




presentation of four new chamber music
pieces by Evergreen student Joel Hilliker,
plays tonight in the Evergreen Recital
Hall at 8:30 pm. Free. Info: x6833.
the Evergreen Indian Center and EPIC,
sponsor an organizing and educational
misconceptions about Columbus and his
legacy, today at 11 am in the Lecture
Hall Rotunda. Speakers include Bill
Frank and Ramona Bennette; there will
also be open panel discussions on treaty
rights, housir!g, child care, and women' s
issues; cultural performances; and two
free showings of the new documentary
Incident at Ogala, dealing with the
Leonard Peltier case. Ida Stunts Kills
Right will introduce the film; she is the
widow of Joe Stunts, who was killed in
the gunfight recounted in the film. Next
meeting is Thursday May 21 at 7 pm,
Library 2218. Info: 6144.

NORML, dedicated to the re-Iegalization
of marijuana and hemp for industrial,
medicinal, and personal use, every other
Thursday from 5 to 6 pm in Library
2118. Info: x6636.
has a slOry program in its weekly activity
schedule. At 10:15 am and 11:15 pm
each Thursday, kids can enjoy books,
stories, poems, puppets, and creative
dramatics. There's a also a preschool
story time each Saturday at 11:15.
Fantastic Tales, a program for older
children ages 6 to 9, is each Monday
from 4 to 4:45 pm. It all takes place at
the Timberland Regional Library. Info:


Saturday, and 2 pm on Sunday. The play
"powers, itself by illurninatin~ the conflict
between men and women, the differences
of East and West, racial · stereotypes,
homophobia and the shadows we cast
around our most cherished illusions."
Free, but seat reservations recommen~.
Reservations and info: x6833.


Dorm loop every Friday at 6:30 pm for
drug-free activities. Office hours are from
1 to 3 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Info: x6555.
M. Butterfly, a play by David Henry
Hwang, plays tonight, tomorrow night,
and Sunday night at Evergreen's
Experimental Theater; performances are
at 8 pm tonight, 2 pm and 8 pm on

STUART MOXHAM (ex-Young Marble
Giants), LOIS, and HEAYENS TO
BETSY play tonight at the Capitol
Theater in on Fifth Avenue in downlOwn
Olympia, starting at 8:30 pm. $5.


SOCIETY holds a field trip to Capitol
Forest today; meet at 8 am at the Mud
Bay Park-n-Ride. Everyone welcome.
Info: 352-7299.
BENEFIT AUCTION happens today from

Where no urrtoonist hilS gone before...





on Evergreen Parkway,
orange & wh ite female cat.


Contains blueprints, stage designs,
OPEN ADOPTION We are a collegeADOPTION: Story books and nursery etc ... Must find soon. If you have any educated, outdoors-loving couple who
rhymes, lots of time, love and joy await info, please call Ben Anderson
promise a happy, love-filled childhood
your baby. Nursery is ready; college
to the baby of our special birthmom.
fund begun. Eager and devoted
I-~___________-I Your wishes for openness or
couple seeks newborn (or newborn
confidentiality respected. H you are
twins) to cherish. Favorable home
F~=g~~~~~~~~~=lfacing an untimely pregnancy, please
study. Cheryl Tonnes is the warm and
call us at home collect, eves &
caring caseworker to call @ (206)
HOUSESITTER: Responsible 35 yr.
weekends. (206)784-3209, Joan and
337-2089-collect calls accepted.
old female student looking for
Please mention our names, Ken and · houseslttlng OR room to rent. Will
J]~~~~!!!!!!!!!!l.e!:!!~~!.:....---1 take care of pets, clean house and
yard work. Non-smoker. References.
Call 866-4564.

rr.~fJil @~ W@IJiliJi)~ OO~
~ f}UfJil~O 1lJrfJWJ@
A colleaJon Of comICS arcoons and
mIscellany from CIIe peoPle whO tJroUgllt you
TIle ComIcs Page. Haw Mal/abl,'n CIIe
lJoo/fStOre or com, to tire CPI otrIcB In
CAB 3/6 (or
r co . rK1N1





------1 coming.
H you can help, please call
. .:;;;at:...;8;.;;6..;;.6-...;:8..;;.54..;.;5;.;.._ _ _ _ _--I~·\


~\ L:=~~~~~~!::::::====I LOST: large black artist's portfolio.


WANTED: Graduation Rain Tickets.
PLEASE HELP, I have lots of family

~:l!!.~~~~~~~~~~ Help! Crash space needed for 1st
summer session (Mid-June-July)--4
~~~~Y=:!::!:~!:!::~~::::=I daysJweek. Any situation considered
Wanna draw cartoons for the CPJ?
(sublet, houseslt?) Cal Mary at
Then come on up to the third floor pit
524-5950. Col~ calls OK. I am a
In the CAB on Friday, May 22nd at
quiet female, nonsmoker.

Can O' Worms #2, a collection of
bizarre comics and miscellany from
the folks that brought you the comics
page. Now In grape flavorl On sale at
the bookstore, or come to the CPJ for
your copy. Hurryl You could be hit by
a bus and miss thlsl







The Place restaurant for queers and
friends. Meet at the library loop at 10 am
to drive over there.
The Navigator, about time travel and
interesting dialects, and My Life As A
Dog, about dogs and children and
families, tonight at 7 and 9 pm
respectively in Lecture Hall 5. Free.
God-seekers" 10 attend a celebmtion of
20 years of harmony, from 3:30 to 5 pm
today at the Washington Center for the
Performing Arts. Program features dance
voice, and live music. Tickets $6. Info;



THE CUNNING, an experimental play
originally written by Reuben Yancey,
returns for one more performance today
at 8 pm in the Evergreen Library Lobby.
Tickets $5. Info: 956-0191.
weekly meeting in CAB 206 from 5 10
6 pm today. All women welcome. Info:

STONEWALL YOUTH, a peer support
group for gay, lesbian, and bisexual
youth in Thurston County meets today
from 7 to 9 pm at the Olympia
Timberland Library, comer of 8th and
Franklin in Olympia. Info: 866-4563 or



JULIET today and IOmorrow at American
Legion Hall, comer of Legion and Water
Street), 7 pm both nights. Callbacks are
on June 4. Scripts available for reading at
Timberline Library, Olympia. Ages 1660; performances are August 13-22. Info:
soap opera running today and every
Tuesday at 8 pm at Dreamz, a Galleria,
404 East 4th in Olympia. $3. Do they
make it up? Do they have a script?
Come and find out Info: 786-8953 or
OZONE ALERT from the No Sweat
Group, which will be meeting today at 7
pm 10 discuss a National Day of Action,
at SPEECH headquarters, 218 West
Fourth in OLympia. Info: 943-7259.



MEN'S NEXUS GROUP meets from 3
to 5 pm today, in the S&A Conference
Room. Info: x6462.

Cooper Point Journal May 28,1992 Page 9

Arts & Entertainment


Spitboy becornesUnvvound in a Honeybucket
by Jane Laughlin

behind his amp. raising a lighter into the
air as Brandt blew kisses at the cheering
crowd. It was absolute joy. There is
nothing I like better.
Next up was Spitboy, an all-woman
band from San Francisco. Guitaris.t Karin
began the set by ' talking about a statistic
in a California newspaper which had
claimed that only one in eight women are
raped in their lifetime (as opposed to the
one in four we have always been told,
thus attempting to give women some
false sense of security perhaps), and that
70% of women raped are unharmed.
What the hell? I was greatly disturbed
that such distortions had been printed on
the front page of a newspaper, but glad
that she had told us about this.
The music was angry, powerful,
and brutally frank. One song was about
abusive families, another was about a
dysfWlctional love affair. Spitboy were
also kind enough to offer lyric sheets at
the door, and free sticker& and patches.
The vocalist was a strong woman
named Adrienne, with a mostly shaved
head, except for the long ropes of black
hair that began at her forehead and


24, 1992


Summer has arrived prematurely in
Olympia, and brought with it bare legs
and cool sWlglasses galore. Sunday
afternoon was hot, damn hot, as a crowd
collected outside the Un-Cola, huddling
in the shade and sucking on sno-cones.
Things moved slowly. Maybe it was
the heaL Two members of Honeybucket
disappeared mysteriously at about the
time things were supposed to begin, so
the remaining three took matters into
their own hands and thought it would be
funny to do their impression of a
speedcore punk/metal band. According to
the "singer,"
themselves the Heavy Fuckin' Metal
Band. Or something like thaL I forgoL
It was hilarious for the first five
minutes, especially when Jason growled
into the microphone, "This next one's
about the Revolution. We're gOMa kick
some fuckin' ass!" Then he began to bark
out a sueam of nonsense and thrash
around uncontrollably.
Soon, this routine got old.
Honeybucket showed up, thankfully, and
the show began. They built a wall of
noise, tight and loud. I enjoyed the
singer's vocal style, the way she spit out
the lyrics with force and conviction. I
was well-entertained.
UnwoWld were in a definite Modist
motif this day, smartly attired in white
dress shirts and dark glasses, dragging on
Lucky Strikes. Before they began, the
cigarettes were extinguished and the
shades were removed.
Those of us in the Un-Cola were
then immersed into a torrid river of
boiling sound. Yikes. I'm never quite
sure what to write here without sOWlding
like I am spreading drool allover my
keyboard. One of my most' favorite
UnwoWld songs, "Antifreeze," was
played, gorgeously, as well as a new one


Soylent Evergreen by Rachel Young

Coven House by Cat

swung about like whips around her
shoulders. She screamed her words
passionately, eyes blazing, hands shaking.
Spitboy were very impressive, one of tI)e
best bands I have heard in a while, and
definitely one of the best all female
bands I have heard. Buy the single.
When they were done, people
actually wanted an encore, something
decidedly Wlusual for a punk show in
Olympia. Spitboy refused, perhaps they
were just tired, or humbled or something.
The audience finally gave up when Todd
the drummer said, "If you aren't going
outside, I am."
It was strange that the show was
over, and one could step . outdoors to
bright sWlshine and suffocating heat.
Unusual. I was in the mood for ice
cream. I said goodbye to all my friends,
put on my sunglasses, and walked down
the shady alleyway.
Jane Laughlin wishes she had
brought her camera to the gig, because
it's only on rare occasions that one can
see Unwound dressed up in such a
fashion. (Modism is the way to the truth.)

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S€E ~p /AI WI/t!d:r "" SEA11lL ~ THE z~ y'"r..J!~

by Wendy Hall


I like, "Rising Blood." It is difficult to
describe these songs in English for you.
Just imagine if you will, being trapped
within the chambers of a heart whilst it
is poWlding within a ribcage.
The last song was "Bionic," and as
often happens, the end fOWld Justin
IWlging violently across the stage and
being stranded in the comer like a caged
animal. By the time Vern had become
deeply involved with his amplifier, Justin
was falling into the drums, and Brandt
had rescued the mike and was grinning
as he said "Unwound says thank you."
Somehow he managed to get the guitar
from J uSlin, and immediately dropped to
the floor with it All hell broke loose.
At the very end, Justin was hiding




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Page 10 Cooper Point Journal May 28,1992
Cooper Point Journal May 28, 1992 Page 11