

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 23, Issue 28 (June 3, 1993)

extracted text
Forget the gr~up hug; let's h~ve another Mod orgy

Cooper Point Journal
Volume 23 Issue 28


June 3, 1993

What is Twisted Sister?
by Early Ewing and Sara Steffens
Following last week's graffiti
controversy, campus group Twisted Sister
has begun to organize students to take
action to prevent rape and other hate
crimes at Evergreen.
"I think that a lot of eyes ~ave been
opened this past week," says' Twisted
Sister Deanna Brown, who is also accused
of being one of the women who spraypainted graffiti on campus May 25, "I
think there's a lot of energy we can tap."
In a forum held Tuesday night in the
Housing Community Center, Brown and
Josette Thompson worked with students to
formulate a list of demands targeting
administrative action in response to rape
and sexual harassment on campus.
"We need something more than just
volunteers. We need the administration to
support this," said Thompson.
"We pay our money, it's their
responsibility to protect us, provide ...
services for us," said Twisted Sister Rus

Lights to make
campus safer
by Clint Steele
The Facilities Building maintenance
staff have recently completed a capital
project costing nearly $65,000 to add
walkway lighting on campus.
In 1991, a personal safety DTF
chose 17 locations in the most critical
need of new lighting. Construction began
in September 1991 and ended in April
1993. Fifteen new walkway light poles and
two area lights were installed across the
campus. Six of the new walkway lights
were placed in. and around the Modular
housing area; four west of the outdoor
covered pavilion; another four at specific
locations in the main campus core and one
next to the handicap parking area of C-lot.
Two lights were affixed to buildings to
provide additional lighting at the Lecture
Halls and Com Building.
Coupled with this has been another
project to make repairs and corrections in
the existing walkway lighting systems. As
a result of this work, ' five additional
walkway light poles were added on
campus: one in C-lot, two near the
Housing Community Center, one east of

see lights, page 18

One of the foremost demands is that
Grievance Officers be trained about sexual
harassment and rape. Currently, there is no
mandatory training of Grievance Officers
in these issues.
"Right now, as it stands, I think ...
[the grievance procedure] is a worse
option than going to Thurston County which is really frightening," said Brown.
"The whole problem is, it [internal
judication] depends too much on the
whims of the Grievance Officer ... and not
enough on the system they need to be
Twisted Sisters and other organizers
would like to see mandatory workshops
for incoming freshmen and other new
students on recognizing and preventing
rape and sexual harassment. "My safety on
this campus is more important than a
potential harasser's right to not be forced
into education," said Brown.
"A lot of people don't think about
acquaintance rape and the implications of
alcohol and conduct. .. ," said Brown.
Brown says that the college has the
responsibility to educate both the potential
harasser or rapist and potential targets of
that behavior.
"I can't learn when I'm in fear for
my life and I am faced constantly with
someone who raped me," said Twisted
Sister Katie Taft.
Another proposal is to train student

Students at Monday's Twisted Sister forum discuss options for a future rape
prevention and response protocol. photo by Seth Long.
or faculty advocates to support people who
have reported incidents of rape, sexual
assault, or sexual harassment on campus.
Advocates would advise complainants of
their legal rights, explain the grievance
system, and provide referrals to support
groups or counseling students. Such
advocates could also be present during
grievance proceedings to support the
"What I would like to see is people
getting a really deep understanding of

what harassment is, what rape is, including
date rape and acquaintance· rape, and
understanding what can happen to them if
they violate these things," .said Brown.
Other demands included the
formation of more support groups for
survivors and administrative apologies for
the way the graffiti case was handled.
When asked about the anger
expressed by maintenance workers
responsible for graffiti removal, Brown

see rape, page 10

Peltier to provide commencement address
manifesto rather than a deep personal
by Tiokasin Cetanzi Veaux
Leonard Peltier has been honored voice, ... a voice of concern of all Indian
with the request by the TESC Graduating people needing help from those who hear."
Rio feels a "special responsibility_~
Class of 1993, that he provide the
c.ommencement speech during the bring Leonard's words to the people in a
graduation ceremonies at The Evergreen way that will carry Leonard's
Stale College. The commencement will message .... the challenge is bringing,
begin at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 6, and through words for people to better hear."
will be held on Red Square (or the Rio hopes that the people's reaction will
College Recreation Center gymnasium in be to "hear the words and not a circus
response." She found Leonard's words
case of rain).
Rio 'Lara Bellon, of the Mescalero "startling, that of all political prisoners, his
Apache, has been asked to deliver · depth and ability to say, I love you."
Leonard's speech.
A Lakota (Sioux), Leonard Peltier is
"I've thought about it. .. [and] it's now serving two consecutive life sentences
sad. When we think about the conditions for the alleged killing of two Federal
that have created this situation," says Rio,
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents on
" ... he chose to write words that speak to June 26, 1975 near the Jumping Bull
the heart." She adds that "most people residence on the Pine Ridge Sioux
who've asked me have expected a political Reservation in South Dakota. The incident
took place while Native Americans were
campaigning to protect their traditional
lands, resources and culture.
New evidence, since 1975, has
raised disturbing questions about the case
and a retrial must be considered. A 1975
telex from an FBI ballistics expert stating

that the gun aHegedly belonging to Peltier
had a "different firing pin" then from the
gun used in the killings, and was not
disclosed at the trial (one of many
"irregularities.") It is now known that
Peltier was extradited from Canada to the
United States on the basis of affidavits
that the FBI has admitted were fabricated.
The judge at the trial ruled that the
mentally disturbed woman who provided
the false testimony could not be called as
a defense witness at the trial.
Leonard Peltier may have been
targeted by the FBI because of his role in
the American Indian Movement (AIM), an
activist Native American group which
advocates treaty rights.
On November 9, 1992 Peltier had an
appeal hearing before the 8th U.S. Circuit
of Appeals in St. Paul, Minn .. The court
said it will announce its decision in early
1993. For the present, Peltier remains in a
Fedral Penitentiary in Leavenworth,
Kansas, just outside of Lawrence, waiting
and hoping for another chance of freedom.


p 1•

e tier, page 3

Another exposure reported
by Andrew Lyons

Sara Steffens was running late to
class last Tuesday. An ordeal many
students face and even half expect. But
while hurrying to class along the winding
path between A-dorm and the CAB, an
indecent exposer - an ordeal nobody
expects - was waiting.
"I saw the guy, and he was looking
at me kind of funny; so I said hi," said
Steffens. "Then he just opened his fly,
looked at me and started masturbating."
"Because I was sort of tired, it took
me a second to realize what was going,
When she did realize what happened,
Steffeqs'lyelled "No!" and ran to the CAB

The 'Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Address Correction Requested



to call Public Safety.
Steffens described the man as
wearing a Blue V -neck shirt, but says that
since she was tired and caught off guard
that she didn't get a very good description.
"He looked like your average
Greener," she said.
"I ran to the first floor [of the CAB]
and a woman was on the phone," Said
Steffens, "so I ran to the second floor to
use the white phone and call security."

see exposure, page 18
Internal Seepage
Just read it!

Non-profit Organization
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Olympia, WA 98505
Permit No. 65


News Briefs
Super Saturday
has everything
EVERGREEN-Super Saturday XV will
be held of Sat., June 5. There will be five
stages on non-stop live entertainment, 140
arts and crafts booths, free pony rides in
Kids' Country, jousting at the Medieval
Faire, treats from 50 food booths and
refreshments in the Beer Garden.
Admission to almost everything is free
from 11.1 a.m. to 7 p.m.
There are several performers and
events that are not to be missed. If you
missed Teresa Jaworski's last concert as a
student on May 8, you can see her on the
Main Stage at 5 p.m. with Pete Lira and
What's Happening. She'll sing blues and
jazz standards and "The Evergreen Blues,"
the tune that brought dowQ the house at
last fall's convocation.
Members of The Toucans, now a
Seattle-based steel drum pop, rock & jazz
band, made their debut on Red Square as
students back in 1988. They perform this
year on the Main Stage at noon. Student
Renee Lambert Jones and her powerful
voice lead Bonnie's Back Yard, a bluesy
jazz combo of students in faculty member
Andrew Buchman's music program, on the
Beer Garden Stage at 12:30 p.m. Faculty
member Tom Foote will lead his yet-tobe-named bluegrass band on the Beer
Garden Stage at 4 p.m.
The Citizen of the Year Ceremony
will honor two very special people
selected by vote of Evergreen faculty and
staff at 2:30 p.m. on the Main Stage.
Evergreen's student Orissi dancers
will perform on the Leisure Education
Stage, on the north side of the CRC, at 5
p.m. Orissi is an ancient dance of India
which is taught by Faculty Member Ratna
Roy. The Leisure Education Stage opens
with a flamenco dance performance by
Veronica Berrerra, accompanied by Terry
Setter, faculty member, playing flamenco
· The Super Saturday Dance will be
held at 8 p.m. in the Library Lobby,
featuring Black Happy, Kette Dan and the
Original Ones, and Reunion. This is
sponsored by the Alumni Association.
T~ckets for the dance are available at the
Bookstore, $5 in advance, $6 at the door.
Complete programs are available in
last Sunday's edition of The Olympian and
in the Super Saturday Office, L3101B.

Learn to use
your car ~eat
OLYMPIA-A large number of parents
are incorrectly buckling in their child car
seats and many children could be seriously
hurt in a car crash as a result, according to

Graduation is
Sun., June 6
Men should remove caps during the playing
of the National Anttiem ... Ladies need not
remove their caps during the ceremony
Instructions on cap and gown packaging
from Collegiate Cap & Gown

a warning issued by the Washington
Traffic Safety Commission in Olympia.
The Commission is asking parents to
take another look at their child car seat,
and their child, who is strapped into their
About 90 percent of child car seats
(infant seats, car seats and toddler booster
seats) are not correctly installed in cars,
according to information gathered across
the state at educational clinics sponsored
by the Traffic Safety Commission.
The reason so many child car seats
are incorrectly strapped in is because there
are so many different makes and models
of cars and so many different makes and
models of car seats.
Parents are encouraged to call the
Traffic Safety Commission in Olympia at
753-6197 or the Safety Restraint Coalition
at 1-800-BUCKL-UP to get information
about how to properly install their child
car seats.

No more birth
control tax
OLYMPIA-Rep. Sandra Romero, DOlympia, has been working to remove the
sales tax on birth control pills and
diaphragms. This session, Romero, who is
serving her first term in the Legislature,
sponsored House Bill 1092, which would
have removed the sales tax. The bill itself
was not approved, but Romero worked to
have it included in the revenue package
that passed the Legislature. Provided that
Gov. Mike Lowry signs the legislation, the
tax will be eliminated after July 1, 1993.

Forum events for

cancer survivors
OLYMPIA-St. Peter Hospital Regional
Cancer Center is sponsoring the second
annual "Connections: A Forum for Cancer
Survivors," on Sat., June 12, from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., at the Tyee Hotel in Tumwater.
This day-long event features workshops
and panel discussions designed for cancer
survivor~ and their families. Workshop
topics mclude community resources,

communicating with your doctor,
enhancing your health through
visualization, and pain management. The
fcc for the conference is $25 for adults
and $15 for children, which includes
lunch, refreshments and all materials.
Proceeds go to the operation of the Cancer
Survivors Resource Center at St. Peter
Hospital. For more information or to
register, call NursePLUS at 493-4111.

KEY Services
awarded grant
EVERGREEN-KEY Student Support
Services has successfully won an
extension on their grant funding through
the Department of Education. According to
Eddy Brown, director of KEY, more than
1,100 schools across the country competed
for funding to continue or create TRIO
Student Support Services Programs,
although funding was available to only
about 700 programs. Evergreen's program
not only won continued grant funding, but
the cycle has been extended from three to
four years. The Department of Education
examines each student support service
program's quality, as well as its level of
support on campus.

Celebrate with
Radical Women
SEATTLE-On Thurs., June 3, a
celebration of Lesbian and Gay Pride
Month will be held. Reports and
discussion will focus on ·the Aprif i993
March on Washington for Lesbian/Gay/Bi
Equal Rights and Liberation. Journalist
and poet Arlene Shale will give an
eyewitness account. Radical Women
Organizer Anne Slater will convey a
report from New York Radical Women
members who attended the march. Radical
Women's monthly meeting is on Thurs.,
June 6, at 7:30p.m. at New Freeway Hall,
5018 Rainier Ave. s., Seattle. A
smorgasbord salad dinner will be served at
6:30 p.m. for a $5 donation. For rides or
childcare, call (206) 722-6057 or 722-2453

Ceremonies for graduating Evergreen
students begin at 1 p.m., Sun., June 6, on
Red Square. The guest speaker is Leonard
Peltier. Since it will be impossible for him
to be present, graduating senior Rio LaraBellon will read his speech. The faculty
speaker is Rudy Martin and the
undergraduate speaker is Peter Madsen. In
case of rain the ceremony will be held in
the CRC with only two tickets per
graduating student, due to limited seating.

Imanaka named
as TESC Trustee
EVERGREEN- Dwight K. Imanaka,
senior manager for Human Resources with
The Boeing Company 777 Division, has
been appointed to The Evergreen State
College Board of Trustees by Governor
Mike Lowry.
Imanaka replaces Constance Rice of
Seattle, who stepped down early from her
six-year term on the board shortly after
accepting a position as vice chancellor of
Institutional Advancement for the Seattle
Community College District. Imanaka fills
the un-expired term which ends September
Imanaka's civic activities include
serving on the boards of the Center for
Career Alternatives and the JapaneseAmerican Citizens League, and he served
on Governor Lowry's Search for
Excellence transition team task force.

KAOS to become
EVERGREEN-On Sunday, June 13,
KAOS will celebrate Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgenderal Pride Week
with QUEER KAOS: a day of
programming for sexual/affectional
minorities. Shows will be featured by
Mickey Smith of the Sister Sound radio
collective; Tom Freeman, KAOS Business
Manager; Jennifer Shafer of Wimmin Do
This Everyday; This Way Out; Gary
Wessels Galbreath of The Indigenous
Peoples Network; and more. QUEER
KAOS will be from 7 AM to midnight on
89.3 FM.

The stencilsmentionedinlast week's
graffiti article were retrieved by Public
Safety inside, not outside, the residence.
The CPJ reg~ets this error.
Bye valtant Steph. We love you!

. w~~B=l=O=T~T=E=A~II~;~~~nmeansh~ngag~n~fue

_ degradation of women by Industry

you know, Public Safety performed two
Tuesday, May 25
escorts and two unlocks.
0052: A student injured themself at
Sunday, May 30
Geoduck Beach by falling while being
0817: A custodial staff member felt too ill
to work.
0314: Graffiti was found scrawled all over
1759: The one-way signs at the main entry
of the campus were found to be not up to
0732: Andy tried to get something funny
past Bryan!
2045: An insecure condition was reported
0952: A vehicle was found maliciously
brewing in the library kitchen area.
damaged in C-lot.
Monday, May 31
Wednesday, May 26
1363: Mark Taylor reportedly tried to
1411: The fire alarm was activated at the
booby-trap a security car. He failed.
waterfront house because of burnt food.
1600: A wild pack of mongrels were
1740: A person was found residing in Creported to be fighting by the covered
lot and thus violating the campus
Recreation Pavilion.
habitation policy.
Evergreen's Public Safety
1809: A hit and run was reported in B-lot.
Department performed 26 public services
1900: Emi yelled at somebody she didn't
(jumpstarts, escorts, unlocks, bird calls,
etc.) last week.
Thursday, May 27
Hey gang!
1845: An accident involving a parked
I hope you all enjoyedfollowing the
vehicle, and- another vehicle (moving)
Blotter this year. It's been groovy (and I
occurred in B-lot.
·mean that in the most Brady sense of the
Friday, May 28
A rather calm day. Except for this violent word) compiling it. Now tur!J to page 8
(not missing pages 3-7 of ·Course) and
wind storm at 0979
feast your eyes on The Absolute End All
Saturday, May 29
Another relatively calm day. But just so , Be All Very Best ofthe Security Blotter.

Page 2 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993


by Amanda Ray
The Portland chapter of Stopping
Violence Against Women (SVAW)
presented a documentary and a slide show
last Friday addressing the issues of
pornography and prostitution. Since then,
I have heard several people talk about
these complex issues. Some of the things
I have overheard, I think need to be
addressed and clarified.
For myself, being an antipornography feminist means being against
a $22-million-a-day industry which
perpetuates sexism, racism, homophobia
and classism. It means being against an
industry in which pictures and films of
actual rapes are sold legally in the USA as
pornography. These pictures and films are
then defined as "free speech," and the,
women surviving this abuse have no legal
recourse. It means being against an
industt;y\ that inv?lves the objectification
and the degradatiOn of women. It means .
being a~nst an industry that lid about
women'_s) bodies and about women's
sexuality: It means being against ;m


industry that hides behind the first
amendment, and that acts as if all the
women involved are there by choice.
Being against pornography does NOT
mean being against the women who are
abused in the industry.
All of the information I heard from
SV A W specifically targeted the industry
as one of inequality and did not attack the
women who are involved in the industry.
Many of the people active with SV AWare
also active with The Council for
Prostitution Alternatives in Portland,
Oregon. There is only one other
organization like the CPA in the USA that
works to help women get off the streets.
With all this in mind, I worked with
women from SV AW to bring material to
Evergreen that would serve to educate on
the inequalities and violence involved in
pornography, pimping and prostitution.
(NOTE: The information I used in this
letter was taken from one of SV AW' s
Amanda Emily Ray is co-coordinator
of the Women's Center.


Symposium promOtes Women in·science
by Lovi~a Stephan
"Women who strive to be equal to men
lack motivation."
-Timothy Leary (quoted by Helen
M. Wood)
On May 22 and 23, the Computing
Research Association and the George
Washington University co-hosted Windows
of Opportunity: Symposium for Female
Students in Computing in Washington DC.
Funded ,by the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the symposium was
part of an effort by the NSF's Directorate
for Computer and Information Science and
Engineering (CISE) to significantly
increase the number of women qualified to
participate i.n res~arch an~ edu~ation in
computer scie~ce, ~nformatton science and
computer engmee~mg.
\, .~
The CISE Drrectorate has estabhshed
the goal that by the year .2000, 45 percent
o~ t~e ~radua~e students m CI~E research
diSCiplmes will be female. With only 28
percent of Master~ and 11 percent ?f Ph_Ds
m . Computer SCience and Engmeen~g
g~mg to women from 1989 to 1992, this
will not be an easy task. I was among 100
graduate. and 100 un?e~gr~duate female
students m the CISE dtsctplm~s who were
selected to attend the sy":lposmm.
S~turday .· evenmg featured
networkmg sess10ns where . s~dents
learned. about a~ NSF funded DI.~tribute?,
Menton?g P~o}ect .and the . s~sters
elcctromc mruhng hst. The Distnbuted

Mentoring Project will support a summer
of research with female university
professors for 20 undergraduate women in
the summers of 19$>4 and 1995. Systers is
a mailing list on the Internet which
provides a safe forum for women in
computer science to develop a sense of
community. Anita Borg, a.k.a. "her
systers' keeper," discussed reasons why an
all female forum is necessary.
Sunday morning "Windows of
Research" sessions highlighted outstanding
female researchers inCISE who described
their research and told their personal
success stories. The featured speakers
came from various universities and


an~ DEC. Though the talks ~~re designed

to ~ntroduce students to ~xcittng ~esearch
toptcs, often the most mform~ttve and
powerful. aspect of each won:tan s speech
was her hfe story and ~he advic.e she gave.
The most fr~quently giVen advic~ was not
to ~nderestimate yourself. A~Ita Borg
remmded us that to do good s~Ience you
need to . challenge assumptions. F~r
women, this co~es nat~rall.y.because th~rr
mere presence I~ the scien~fic commumty
challenges certam assumptions.
Worksho~s presented ~unday
afternoo~ provided students' With an
opportumty to see other students re~earch,
dtscuss how to choose re.search topics and
mentors, and learn about career path

Speech of human rights winner
Peltier to' be read (from cover)

Find out more about Peltier by reading
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Peter
Mathiason. photo courtesy of NSA.
Visiting parents or f a m i l y ? .,
We're the perfect place to stay •.~ .
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Cllarming 1910 mansion
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Leonard is a recipient of the
"International Human Rights Prize"
awarded by the Human Rights
Commission of Spain, "because he was
defending the historical and cultural rights
of his people against the genocide of his
race," says Commission President Jose
Antonio Pallin. Peltier has growing
support in the European community as a
nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, and
his case is strongly advocated by former
recipient Rigoberta Menchu.
My people thank you for your help.
Maybe, in some way you are also helping
yourself and your children. My
imprisonment is your imprisonment. The
injustices perpetuated upon me and upon
my people are injustices against you also.
If they can steal our land and put me in
jail, then they can steal your land and put
you in jail ... the only justice I can receive
is from you, the people.
- Leonard Peltier
Tiokasin Cetanzi Veaux is cocoordinator of the Native Student Alliance.

The tinal speaker was one of the
most dynamic: Helen Wood, Director of
Satellite Data Processing and Distribution,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). She stressed the
necessity to cultivate an ability to step
back and find the humor in situations.
Perhaps the most valuable aspect of
the symposium was the opportunity to see
many women engaged in computer studies,
challenging the minority status of women
in technical fields. It was an opportunity to
make connections with other women in the
field and to realize that "I am not alone."
Each participant was expected to

benefit personally and professionally from
their participation and act as agents for
change at their home institutions. To this
end, participants were asked to give a
presentation at their home institutions. I
will give a brief presentation on Friday,
June 4, at 10 a.m. in L2610. Next fall I
will give a more thorough presentation,
along with ideas for bridging the gender
gap in sciences here at Evergreen. Any
interested parties are welcome to attend
either presentation.
Lovir;a Stephan practically lives in
the Computer Center and is always happy
to discuss gender issues and feminism.

• sum.m.er, work t 0· learn

by Dagmar Growe

Still looking for exciting summer
plans? To learn a bunch of new things,
maybe some cross-cultural experience,
working to make this world a better place
for us?
You don't have to spend your
summer break on another continent to
meet people whose lives are lived in a
very different world that yours might be.
You can get that experience right here in
People whose mental illness turns
their world into a bizarre, Kafkaesque
place. Kids to whom a homeless shelter
means home, because the nightmare of
living in a car gets interrupted for a couple
of months. Young women whose only
hope of escaping abuse is to gain
independence, not through education or a
career, but through a welfare check.
People with no room of their own, no safe
place to rest or to keep their belongings disregarded, despised, unwanted. Life in a
war-zone; life as a homeless person.
Bread and Roses is an intentional
community of people who have been
trying to offer a place of safety and rest to
the homeless in Olympia since 1982.
Originally only providing hospitality for
women and families, and a meal to those
in need, they recently opened a new
facility downtown as a com~ined drop~in

center and a dining room. The drop-in
center not only offers some basic services
that are usually impossible logistics for
people without a home -laundry facilities,
showers, access to telephone, and a
mailing address_ but also a safe place to
spend some time and meet with your
friends. In the adjacent dining room, lunch
and dinner are served to eighty to one
hundred people each night.
Bread and Roses is operated on the
spirit of the Catholic Worker movement, a
movement that started in the '30s, and
emphasized human dignity, social justice,
and community living. The bulk of the
daily work is done by four to eight live-in
volunteers, who receive room, board and
stipend. This way not only are the
operating costs lower, which allows for
more to be shared with our friends in
need, but it is also a way of receiving
support in our daily struggles against a
system of institutionalized injustice.
To deal with our increased workload
we are in need of more volunteers. You
can come one or more times a week,
volunteering your time at the women's
guest house, at the kitchen, or at the dropin. Or you can live with us in exchange
for 25 to 30 hours of work weekly for two
or three months. It will be a summer you
won't forget- and won't regret, either!
For more information ca11357-6835.
Dagmar Growe is a member of the
Evergreen community.



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Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 3






compiled by Curtis Goodman
•EPIC's Search for Political Justice Film
Series closes with a final night Thurs.,
of Wooden Clogs at 6 and 8 p.m. respectively. This is free. For more information,
call x6144.
•EPIC, Peace Center and SPAZ are
teaming up to bring political cartoonist
Matt Wuerker to Evergreen. A showing
of his works titled The Republican Party:
The Heirs of Lincoln will be displayed in
CAB 320 Weds., June 2 through Sat,
June 5. For more information, please call
EPIC (x6144), Peace Center (x6098) or
SPAZ (x6412).
•Tbe Union of Students witb Disabilities
sponsors a peer-support group for students
with disabilities every Tuesday 3 to 5 p.m.
in the CAB Third Floor conference room.
For more information, call Laurette x6834
or Marie x6800.
•Slightly West will be releasing their
Spring 1993 issue this week. Thanks to all
who submitted this year.
•S&A Student Groups· are looking for
coordinators for next year. If you have an
interest in coordinating a student group,
please come to CAB 320 and look at the
job board or call x6220 for coordinator
•This Space Could Be Yours! If you are
interested in compiling the Third Floor
Column next year, please come talk to us
in the CPJ office on the third floor of the
CAB. Benefits include: job resume padding, looks good on a grad school application, you get to work with highly motivated staff, see man-eating trout and feel
like you have contributed to the community. Okay, just do it to see your name in
print and impress your parents.

(:urtis is graduating to the real


by Setb ''Skippy'' Long
Oh the sorrow! Oh the humanity!
Woe is me, faithful BevHeads. Woe is
me for that miserable, repulsive and otherwise
lame season fmale.
Aaron really let us all down. No cliffhanger. No big secrets revealed. No mysterious bullets lodged betwixt Brandon's tender young ribs that leave us asking, "Who
shot B.W.?" for three months. Ack, I blame
No, really. I should have seen it coming. The schmaltz factor has been rising for
weeks now. Looking back on it all, I don't
understand how I could have missed it. The
absurd amount of flashbacks should have
tipped me off from the beginning.
All moping aside, on to the task at
BrandonandAndreadidn'tDoit. What
a pity. Not only do they both desperately
need to get laid, but they really do deserve
each other. You would be hard-pressed to
fmd a more deserving young couple.
Speaking of getting laid, you can all
rest easy knowing that David and Donna's
virginity is still safe and well intact. Both of
them are graduated and well on their way to
the fictitious California University without
ever having done The Nasty.
While I'm on the subject, did y'all see
the tension between Dylan and Brenda (Death
Rocker/Grunge Mama)? They came so close!
I was literally on the edge of my seat
screaming, "Don't do it Dylan! Think about
Kelly! Don't do it!" Luckily for all of us
Brenda-haters out here, our hero ("Wasn't he
in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?") was saved
from Brenda's evil clutches by his adoring-

if not slightly whacked-out - mother. Ah,
mothers. There's nothing quite like them.
Always there when you need them. Hi mom!
Kelly Taylor still sends me spinning. I
admit that I found myself knee deep in
schmaltz when she saw her father at the
commencement ceremony. A deeply profound and beautiful (to borrow the word
from fellow BevHead Pat) moment was had
by all.
Poor Steve. The guy just doesn't get
any respect. Did you see the sleazy award he
got at the Senior Breakfast? Like school on
Saturday - no class.
Getting back to that odious Senior
Breakfast. Did it remind anyone else of everything that is wrong with high school? I
couldn't help thinking, as I watched, that it
personified every loathsome characteristic
about my own high school experience. The
cliques, male dominance, financial prowess ... I'm wandering.
No, True Believers, this was not the
finale we hoped and prayed to the Big Hair
and Dockers God for. It was, at best, a colos-

sal let-down.
However, there has been one bright ray
of hope in the past two weeks. The season
finale ofMelrose Place was phenomenal! Full
of sex, greed, lust, jealousy, treachery, guns
and lies. What more could we have asked
for? Not a thing.
A cliff-hanger ending was exactly what
I needed. Television writers all over the
world have tried to find a better way to end a
season but the cliff-hanger remains supreme.
You just won't find any better method.
This one left us with all sorts of questions unanswered. Will J o and Jake break up
or stay together and continue drinking Coors
as if it were water?
Will Allison wake up and realize that
Keith is nothing more than every psychovillain wrapped up into one person?
When will Billy get his head out of his
ass and declare his unending and undying
love for Allison?
What new role will Amanda play as
building owner? Will she use her new power
to force Billy and Allison into sexual slavery
How long will it take for the producers
to get over their racism and give Rhonda
some air time outside of her love life?
And finally, when will the same producers realize that Matt needs a man?! Come
on guys, this is West Hollywood. My dog
could get a date! Get over it!
Well, that wraps up another year of
The Bev Report. I hope y'all have a joyous
summer. Keep watching, faithful ones, for
new episodes will soon be upon us and the
call of the wild rerun is indeed strong.
Seth "Skippy" Long has red hair.

Watch out for heat-related problems
\\I; Pathways
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Well ness

by Beth Gebstadt
Preventing heat stress problems is often one of the greatest challenges to an individual exercising in the heat. Heat illness
can be defined as the body's inability to
regulate the body temperature, resulting in a


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heat loss, or more often accumulation of
heat, which is referred to as hyperthermia.
This complication can be attributed to the
actual air temperature, the humidity and/or
body heat created by physical exertion. When
the body fails to maintain normal body
temperature, or is unable to dissipate heat,
some form of heat illness may occur. It
manifests itself in one of these forms: .heat
cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
Heat cramps are small muscle spasms
often in the arms, legs, and abdomen. It is
usually the first indication of hyperthermia
and the easiest to treat
Heat exhaustion is characterized by

ashen, gray, or moist, clammy skin. Other
indications of this problem are disorientation
or unresponsiveness, seizures, exhaustion,
dizziness, nausea, headache, or shortness of
Heat stroke is the most severe condition. Signs and symptoms of heat stroke are
dry, red skin, core temperature greater than
105 degrees, extreme headache, vertigo, loss
of consciousness, and an increased heart
rate. This is a life threatening condition that
requires medical attention immediately.

see Wellness, page 17



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NO more skipping tra.;.Ia-la for fuzzies

by Heidi
Two naked mammals and from one to
the other goes mv and affection, skipping
tra-la-la. Who to who? is not the issue. One of
'em had a frisky evening of Russian Roulette

with body fluids six years ago and now has a
present to share. (the gift that keeps on giving, if you will [and you just might be]). 96
percent of people with lllV in Washington
state are men, six percent higher than the
national average (do we have more faggots
or just stupider ones? [hint anonymity is not
a substitution for a latex barrier; i.e. bumping
in the locker room catches up with you]) 20
percent of now-dead AIDS cases were ages
20 to 29 (and doesn't that just make you
wanna nuke a physically-challenged-communist-single-parent-family-gay-babyseperatist-seal-on-public-assistance-withAIDS-for-christ?). The average time-span

Are you looking for a place to live?

Are you looking for a
place to live next year?
Here is a problem that a
A1~P:!~student in that situation
has.lf you can help her
to decide where to live,
that might help you to
decide where you want
to live ... or maybe not.
Bueya spends
her days as follows: She ~s at Washington
University in the morning, at her job in East

St. Louis in the afternoon and late in the
evening she has a beer in her favorite bar. She
has lunch and dinner at home. Where on the
road should she live to minimize traveling
distance? (See diagram. Hint: If three points
P, A and B are on the same line (with A and
B on the same side of P), the distance between PandA is a, and the distance between
P and B is b, then the distance between A and
B is Ia- bl.)
Washington University

solution on
page 17

East St. Louis

for mv to remain latent is eight to ten years.
What does that spell? I-N-F-E-C-T-E-DI-N
T-H-E-I-R T-E-E-N-S that's what it fucking
Spells (20 to 29 minus ten equals 10 to 19
does that help?). No more skipping tra-la-la
fortheseli'lfuzzies. 47 percent were 30 to 39
(college is a great time to experiment with


by Bryan Connors
campus is only interested about things in the
And ... here I am, writing what perhaps CPJ when they are either trendy or involve
will be the last thing I will ever write for a frying someone who commits some ghastly
PC thought-crime.
But what I've learned the most is that
You might think I could say anything
I want (for example, how I think those chi- I this campus is just as apathetic as the rest of
mean Riot Grrrls are a bunch of little soots this country in regards to the press.
who can only deal with feminism by making
Maybe I didn't create and assemble a
it into an atrocity akin to a high school clinch, good enough pathway of communication. Or
or how this fine institution of learning is maybe I didn't repeat what I was doing in
really five seconds from falling apart at any every article.
But to get nothing? That's pretty pagiven moment, or how multi-culturalism at
TESC, student wise, is a big lie and a sad thetic.folks.
joke), but I won't
Anyway, before I sign off, let me just
What I will do is write my column.
· takethishereopportunitytoblow some kisses
And what is my subject for today? atmywonderfulstaffatthemightyCPJ;you
Well how about we go through all the ques- did a great job kids, I'm proud of you. And to
tions and comments that I've gotten since I my colleague and partner in crime these last
started this experiment lo those many weeks nine months (i.e. the Editor-in-chief)
Stephanie Zero, I just want to ask one question: how annoying is it to be the last one
Yep. That's what I got- nothing.
called when role is being taken? Just thought
You'd think that I would have gotten I'd ask.
Well, that's all folks.
one question or comment. Even a "why does
This is Bryan Connors, graduating
the CPJ suck" would have been better then
Managing Editor, signing off.
I've come to the realization that this

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see Heidi, page 17

You should have sent him letters



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Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 5

Th~ CP] has been

"Whether rain, sleet, or
snow ... " That's my motto.
Mary Bauer- Distribution.

brought to_you by th~ folks

Brian Almquist
Layout Editor
Brian wishes he had a cool pair of
shades. The CPJ made it new. Thanks
toMomandDad, theymadeitpossible.
Kafka's dog, Cheyenne and the Tramp
made it interesting and Sharon made it
great. Can you tell that I missed out on
the whole high school senior yearbook


Ned "MacGuyver" Whiteaker
One day, Ned will find his Prince.
Leilani Johnson Seepage Editor

Seth "Skippy" Long
Photo Editor
This year, Skip played the role of CPJ
Photo Editor. Next year he plans to
move into CPJ middle management
as Managing Editor. He and Modern
.Sara will take the reigns of the newer,
sassier CPJ this fall. C'mon up and
give a hand or at least sit around and
make rude comments.

Bryan Connors
Managing Editor

Warrior of the news room
Stephanie A. Zero
I really do have a sense of humor, I
justhaven't.had chance to express it.

Dianne Conrad
Dianne, a spunky Tenino resident,
likes Spam too much.

fJ;(tJ: {I )'i
Ryan Hollander
Ad Salesman
Ryan sells advertising for the paper. His enthusiasm for the position is borne
frotp his lifelong aspiration to become Willy Loman and die a tragic death.

Ad Layout
Bill cracks wry jokes and was funny
in a play, once.

Congratulations to the CPJ staff winners of the
1993 Washington Press Association's College Journalism Awards!
Bryan Connors- Second Place, Creative Writing "Absolute best of the Security Blotter."
Paul Henry- Honorable Mention, Cartoon "The Neverending State College."
Leilani Johnson- First Place, News Photo "Rallying against music censorship."
Emi J. Kilburg- Second Place, Multi-Graphics "Comics Page."
Samuel Lowenberg- Second Place, News "TESC battles chemicals as fumes linger."
· Seth "Skippy" Lorig - First Place, Arts and Entertainment "Punk went to hell and all I got was a
lousy t-shirt."
Second Place, Arts and Entertainment "Body Count: It's the lyrics."
Sara Seffens - Honorable Mention, Editorial "HB2554: Orwellian law gone for now."
Chris Washburn - First Place, Editorial Graphic "What next?"
First Place, Multi-Graphic "6'Reasons ~hy you should vote!"\
Brad .Watkins -Third Place, Arts and Entertainment "Snipet misses as poign~t' \an-to-man Iovin' ."

Page 6 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993


Julie Crossland
Business Manager
Julie never asked for a label maker
and is a sonic doom survivor. She
has friends in Holland, a boyfriend
in Seattle and special friends in
Tacoma. She wants to be a social
worker someday or something like

Curtis Goodman
' Third-Floor Guy
Curtis is the Third Floor Compiler, a
second-year Student Manager and
soon-to-be alum. Curtis enjoys Russianliteratureandhistory,playschess
and enjoys theatre.

shown here... :and the ·Ietter.' /J and the Word sassy

Early Ewing and Sara Steffens
Reporter and A&E Editor
Early "Elektra Woman" Ewing has not yet revealed the full force of her
superpowers to the Evergreen community. The queen of schmooze, Early is
just coming down from a 3-year B.A. blur. She is a diligent freebox forager
and often wears a power bun, complete with blue pen. Go girl!

Burnie Gipson
Assitant business Mgr/ Ad Proof
Sound Out Editor, LGBPRC co-co.,
Busy but always a Token F.A.G.
(Freaked and Agro. Gay Man),
Token Hair Freak and constantly
talking about his boyfriend and
soon-to-be fiance from D.C.

Sara "Dyna Girl" Steffens will bare the dynamo editor-in-chief of the waysassy CPJ next year (heads will roll). Sara will continue to pursue truth and
justice for superwomen and men at TESC as she breaks new ground in copy
consumption. Modem Sara wants a fearless fashion editor to bring hot
couture to the 93-94 Seepage. Yada yada yada.

Wendi Dunlap
Wendi is finishing her Bachelor of
Arts degree on the ten year plan. She
would not have gotten through this
year without the sounds of the Posies, Jellyfish, and Elvis Costello;
the sights of the amazing artwork
created by members of the Studio
Projects program; and of course the
humor and caring of a certain Jason
R. Simpson. Thanks to all

Chris Wolfe
Graphic Guru

Sam Loewen berg
Sam is leaving Evergreen for
Barbeques, humidity: and hairspray
because he wants to.

Once an international goodwill
ambassa~ for Canadi~ Bacon w.ith Emi "Bakachan" Kilburg
a six-figure income, Chris decided last Comics Page Editor
Contrary to popular belief, Miss
year to return to school.
Kilburg is really quite nice. She enjoys drawing, writing, and reading
Rev. Andrew F. Lyons
comic books. She enjoys making fart
noises on her eye and calling SecuI don't believe in deadlines, I just
rity on CPJ staff losers.
believe in me. There, I just wrote
something. Can I go home now?

Guido Blat
Ad Layout
Guido likes to watch Molly type.
Likes fonts.

Robert M. Cook
Robert draws comic strips, editorial
cartoons, and graphic art. He also
draws conclusions, wounds, the short
straw and an insided straight. After
June 6, he needs to start drawing paychecks.

Evenstar W.E. Deane
News Briefs Editor
Evenstar is q, first year student whose goal in life is to sleep a lot. When she's
not sleeping, she likes to argue, which probably explains why she came to this
school. "One of my current gripes is the fact that aU .S. flag did appear on two
separate episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, waving over ,the space
station (It did. Really. Truly.) "Evenstar has been known to wander around
with a fanatical gleam in her eye, claiming that the world is all I holodeck


1' :

Molly' pavis
Copy ¥tor/Typist
Molly fias been typist for a couple
of weeks now. Fast typer.


Katie Taft
Circulation Manager
Twisted Sisters fuck shit up!

Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 7

More fun than a five-hour discussion of Nietzche, it's the .

Absolute VerlJ Best of the
by Rev. Andrew F. Lyons
Well kids, here it is. The Absolute Very Best of the Security Blotter.
I have considered it an honor to compile what is probably the only gossip column
written in a military time format Yes, this year's Blotter has &en full of interesting tidbits
that show the true diversity of our fair campus.
I wasn't the only one to contribute to the cause this year however. From September 24
toJanuary28,Nate Waddoups performed his tour of duty relentlessly and with diligence, and
I hear he is recovering nicely.
So here it is, read on and reflect, if you recognize anything, give your self a little pat
on the back. Having said that, here are ...



' Wednesday, May 12
1150: A female reported that a male exposed himself to her on the farm trail. There is such
a thing as getting too far back to nature.
Wednesday, September 23
1300: A student injured his ankle when jumping a puddle.
Saturday, May 8
1414: A student reportedly injured her big toe.
Tuesday, May 18
1838: A bicyclist fell from a moving bike on Red Square.


Friday January 8
1242: A dead rat in a plastic bag was found on a light pole near the Mod parking lot Best use
of a dead rodent and a non-recyclable material.
Monday, February 1
0908: A vehicle in F-lot was reported to be adorned with traffic cones on it's roof and door
handles. Best use of traffic cones in F-lot.
~ Wednesday, February 10
2122: CPJ newspapers and IRS 1040 forms were reportedly found burning on a path just east
of the 1ESC tennis courts. Best use offire to try to connect two unrelated although highly
ignitable objects. Minus point however; it would have had more impact had it actually been
on the tennis courts.
Tuesday, March 2
1615: A cement block was reportedly tied to the pull cord of an emergency water shower in
LAB I, allowing water to run over onto the floor. Best use of a really heavy object in LAB I.
Did you getaway with any of these? If so, you win a prize! The Public Safety Dept.
is probably waiting to give it to you, so go check it out.

Monday, September 14
1830: Accident reported on Evergreen Parkway. Security Blotter compiler failed to notice a
stop sign. Apologies to the driver and her passengers. That was Nate; not me.
Thursday, October 8
1530: The AM/FM radio in one of the Campus Safety vehicles was found to be not working.
Friday, October 9
0247: The AM/FM radio in aforementioned vehicle was found working again. They must
have found the power sWitch.
Saturday, November 7
1743: Two vehicles in F-lot tried (unsuccessfully) to occupy the same point in space at the
same time. Core Program students testing out a theory.


Friday, October 2
2016: A student was reported to have been smoking marijuana from a pipe in the CAB
smoking lounge. C' mon, he was in the smoking lounge. Let's not get nit picky.

Sunday, December 13
1716:Fire alarm on campus due to marijuana smoke. Which brings us to ...

Monday, October 19
14-p9: The fire alarm went off in the Library building. Many students in the Computer Center
mistook the noise for a misbehaving computer. An eximzple ofpeople who really need to get
out more often.
Thursday, November 12
0917: Residents inN-dorm greeted the morning with a fire alarm caused by burnt toast.
1040: Not to be outdone, D-dorm followed suit with a burnt-food-related fire alarm of their
own. That'll show em.
Wednesday, January 20
1717: Someone in E-dorm thought that the frre alarms wouldn't sound when he pulled one.
He was wrong.
Tuesday, April13
1708: A plastic item burning on a stove was reportedly responsible for the activation of a Pdorm frre alarm. This would explain the mysterious disappearance of the infamous small
plastic man.
0821: A Q-dorm frre alarm was activated by burning food again. Watch what your cooking,
kids. People are starving in this world.

Sunday, December 13
0134: A nude male was reported several times.
0417: Said male was arrested. Talk about naked aggression.
Monday, February 22
0051: Two nude females were reported to be riding bicycles around the campus. The word
"brisk" comes to mind.
Monday, AprilS
1632: A suspicious male was reported at the college's entrance exposing himself... and
masturbating! Welcome to Evergreen!
Monday, May 3
1835: A student reported a male who was masturbating outside the CRC.April showers bring
May flowers and then all the sick people come out.
Tuesday, May 11
1653: A male was reported masturbating on Sunset Beach Drive.


Monday, September 21
1113: A suspicious object was removed from the dorm area.
Tuesday, February 23
1710: A suspicious person was reportedly sitting atop the clock tower on the ledge and
shouting statements to people below.
Thursday, May 6
2339: Three suspicious males and one equally suspicious female were reportedly acting
suspicious in the basement of the Library Building.

Tuesday, September 29
0936: A cat that bit a student in the housing area was picked up by animal control. The lesson:
Don't expose your "housing area" to strange cats.
Monday, October 26
1307: Three puppies and their mom were violating a pet policy at the Child Care Center.
Wednesday, March 24
2004: A dog and a TESC alumni were reportedly found on campus without a leash. The dog
was fined, the alumni impounded. They both received a flea bath.
Thursday, April22
0835: Two dogs were reportedly hanging out together at P-dorm unattended.
Friday, April 23
0208: Reported pet policy violation: a puppy was allegedly hiding out in Modular Housing.

Tuesday, October 19
1419: Fire alarm went off on the second floor in LAB I due to an ammonia cloud. Strange
clouds inside are scary.
Tuesday, December 22
1400: Library closed again due to fumes not fit for human consumption. Strange fumes inside
are also scary, as are reference librarians in gas masks.
Monday, February 1
1201: Anorangesubstancewasreportedoutsidea window in K-dorm.Anything that can only
be defined as a "substance" is scary.
Sunday, February 14
1902: A resident of U-dorm reported that her ceiling has fallen four inches due to aeti:vity
upstairs. No explanation needed.
Wednesday, May 12
0920: A seven foot boa constrictor was reported as missing from it's residence in A-dorm.
That's it, J'_m outt~ here!
Thursday, May 20
1747: A water leak was reported near some wires in the Library Building. Electricity and
water. Often a bad combination.

Wednesday, October 21
This was my birthday. Feel bad that you dido 't get me anything? Cheer up, it's still not
too late! You can drop gifts off at the CPJ office, put them in the box marked "Andy Lyons".
Thursday, November 5
1158: A disoriented non-student was reported on campus. The only thing not ordinary about
this is that the person was a non-student.
Friday, March 12
1208: A student was reported to be acting strange as oflate.
Thursday, April1
1482: Surveillance equipment was reportedly discovered in several dorm rooms with wires
leading to the Public Safety office ... APRIL FOOLS! jeeez, what a bunch of paranoids.
Tuesday, April13
0228: A person was reported as being obnoxious in A-dorm. So, what else is new?
And last, but not least:

Friday, September 18
0800: Bicycle removed from temporary fence in dorm area.
1320: Bicycle picked up by owner. (me)
Sunday, March 28
1725: A Blotter compiler reported that his bicycle was stripped of some parts while locked
to the A-dorm bike rack.
The twisted remains of the Blotter compiler's Giant Iguana mountain bike (his one
mode of transportation and thus; his freedom) now hangs from the ceiling in his dorm
room where his roommate uses it for a hat rack.
That's it for the 92-93 school ye:l.'l.r, kids. Stay outta trouble!

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Page 8 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993

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TESC ·Social Contract
not above the laW
by Seth "Skippy" Long
"I think it's being handled internally
because it's a violation of the Conduct
Code and because the message was about
an ongoi~g campus concern." That was
Vice-President for Student Affairs Art
Costantino's explanation for the College's
decision not to pursue legal charges
against two women caught spray-painting
anti-rape slogans all over campus last
Tuesday. These women committed a class
B felony, caused thousands of dollars
worth of damage to the campus and
committed an act of violence against the
college community. Legal charges should
have been filed.
Costantino's explanation about the
Conduct Code is unacceptable. By saying
this, he makes the assumption that it and
the Social Contract are above state and
federal law. This is simply not the case.
Both documents are ideals to live up
to, not laws to be adhered to. By labeling
vandalism as a violation of the Conduct
Code, Costantino and the entire
administration are mocking federal and
state laws in addition to belittling the
crime that was committed.
The final part of Costantino's quote
speaks volumes about the way the college
deals with criminal acts here. In saying
that, " ... the message ~as about an
ongoing campus concern," he effectively
says that the college should deal with
embarrassing situations in-house so as to
keep our dirty laundry to ourselves.
This is common practice at
Evergreen and it must stop. While it may
seem, to some, that internal justice
preserves the public image of the college,
all it really does is tear us apart.
I can·think of no better example than
when a community member charges
another with rape.
The fact of the matter is that rape is
a crime. People can spend a long time in
jail for committing this act of violence.
The ramifications of a rape charge go far
beyond the here and now of a campus
community. The processes involved in
proving a charge of rape are complicated,
emotionally draining and difficult to
endure for all parties involved.
Nobody on this campus is qualified
to prove or disprove in legal terms that a
rape occurred. It is a violent crime with a

specific legal definition that should be
treated as such. Labeling rape as a
"grievance" diminishes the crime and turns
it into something much less than the
violence it is.
Evergreen should not be handling
crime internally. We do not have the
resources to cope with matters like this.
When a person claims to have been raped
at Evergreen, county authorities should be
notified and allowed to deal with the
charge in a legal manner.
Some would counter this idea by
saying that it places too much burden on
the plaintiff. Yes it does place burden on
the plaintiff: the burden of proof.
If somebody charges another person
with a crime as violent and as serious as
rape, they had better be prepared to prove
it. We cannot simply say, "Okay, we
believe you," and remove the defendant
from campus just because the person says
so. This medieval system of "justice" is as
unacceptable as rape itself. Innocent until
proven guilty is the only reasonable
method of obtaining justice because it
protects all parties equally.
The college should'immediately stop
pursuing grievance cases which involve
crimes. This is the arena for trained
advocates and law enforcement officials,
not educators.
Will justice be served for the college
or the two women? No. All that will be
accomplished is that, • once again,
Evergreen's dirty laundry will be cleaned
at home so nobody else can see it. And,
more importantly, a message will be sent
from Jane, Art and Les to vandals, rapists
and other campus criminals that says, "you
can do as you will because we don't want
to give the college bad press."
The bottom line is that crime is
unacceptable, even at Evergreen. The
college does not have the right, no matter
what the Conduct Code or the Social
Contract say, to constrain illegalities to our
little kangaroo "grievance" system. Under
no circumstances, do those documents
supersede state or federal law. We often
hear from our administrators that "We are
not above the law" here at Evergreen.
Why don't those administrators stop acting
as if they were?
Seth "Skippy" Long will be the new
CPJ Managing Editor. Oh, the horror!

Homage .to a recently
raped friend
At last the screams ceased, leaving
only a helpless man laying on the ground
sobbing. Fifteen minutes, perhaps thirty
went by while he wept, slowly recovering
from the shock. Not knowing quite how to
comfort him, I sat there waiting for his
composure to return.
When it was over, we stood up and
left that formerly peaceful forest, that
wood now and forever haunted with the
echoes of his screams. Should I ever
return there, I know I will hear them
To my beloved friend: I know some
will say your screams are the remorse of
your frustrated evil having lost its object.
Fuck them. I know better. I know your
screams are the anguish of your
unrecognized and spited virtues. It was by
these virtues you lived and loved; it was
these virtues they violated.
The struggle for your life and love
are not over. But whatever may come, my
brother, I stand with you.
Luke Turner is a member of the
Evergreen community.

by Luke Turner
On the morning of May 26, 1993, I
witnessed my best friend getting raped. It
lasted hours, seemingly forever, and
seemed too horrible for me to believe. It
all looked fake, like television or
something, because it was too terrifying
for me to take in as real. I actually smiled.
I even advised my friend while it
happened, pleading him not to resist lest
his attackers make it worse. Both he and I
stood completely helpless before his
rapists, knowing resistance would only
fuel their wrath.
Only two hours after it stopped did
he finally scream. Only then would he
acknowledge what had really happened to
him. He took my hand and said, "You
don't have to scream if you don't want
and suddenly began· screaming
himself. I clinched his hand in mine as he
fell to the ground, his body collapsing in
the throws of his horrible cries. His hand
trembled and jerked about while I held on.
And on. For so long I held on. The
screams kept coming, forcing themselves
out of his possessed body like harrowed
demons escaping from hell, and just as




Rupp's last CPJ forum
by Loren Rupp
It's the last CPJ of the year and I
am graduating. So I thought I'd leave you
folks with some departing thoughts. In
nearly four years here, I have acquired a
great deal of important knowledge. But
rather than bore you with the details, I feel
that it is important to explain how I have
incorporated this knowledge into my
everyday life. In short, I am making my
life an example for the rest of the world.
This may seem rather arrogant, but I will
Now as you may know, I am not a
person of color, I am not a woman, and do
not necessarily call myself queer. I am just
a college student, until Sunday. I have to
admit that sometimes on those forms
where the ask you your race, I often have
to stop myself from putting down
'human'. Nevertheless, I feel that I do
have some genuine observations about this
I know that many of my fellow
greeners would choose to write about
important social issues such as
discrimination and prejudice based on
race, gender, or sexual orientation. Some
would want to address serious political
matters in our country and abroad. Others
would be concerned with issues about the
state of our environment. But at this point
I can only reflect on myself and what I
have learned.
Now I have to admit that when I
first came here, I was pretty ignorant
about a lot of these issues. Some would
have called me just another hippy, without
much of a social conscience. Indeed I am
probably guilty of many of the things that
I have been taught about here. Four years
of Evergreen has taught me a great deal

about racism, sexism, homophobia and
many other important issues. And I have
seen a lot of people here on a mission to
try and change the world - a difficult task
However I have gradually come to
realize that I may not always be able to
change the world, but I can change
myself. I can start by living whatever kind
of life it is that is correct for me. So I do
set the example for the rest of the world.
Today, I am a recovering hippy. I
am just trying to create an environment
around myself that is free from
discrimination, prejudice or hate of any
kind. I aim for acceptance rather than
I am making peace my reality.
And my message to my fellow
greeners is to do the same for yourselves.
For those of you continuing on here at
Evergreen, I encourage you to look at your
own school as a place to practice your
work. It still amazes me that basically for
my entire career here at Evergreen, we
have had a no student government.
Evergreen is now swimming in the mire
institutional and administrative
bureaucracy. Students need to stand up
and take back control of their school. In
order to be heard, we need a strong,
unified voice. So my challenge to those
who remain, is to make governance a
reality next year at Evergreen.
Come Sunday I will go start creating
a reality that is acceptable and correct for
me. I encourage the rest of you to do the
same. Make it happen. Set the example!
Make it so.
Loren D. Rupp sez "later suckers!' m outta here!"

Manifesto of One-third
by Omar
attempt to draw all the consequences of a
Dredged up from the personal coherent atheistic position but these chair
subconscious these noxious waves legs were St. Michael four or five hours
imitating your words in itself is the after the event - It is fairly easy to predict
symbol looping inward into the cosmos of inner blazing in the mind of artists - test
our mind - the thoughts run like water; the fire - dive into the abyss screaming, to
pure, immaculate, until the conscious only come up from a world of words and
achieves what it is biologically supposed images - brain screaming millions of
to do: render those carefree fanciful white hot blue sky nova towers - Get up
notions into closes blankets rapidly closing - Get off - 1/3 of everything - 1/3 art in - it did not seem to make a difference 1/3 madness - 1/3 actual cluttered realism
to pale two-dimensional eyes and bones - or surrealism - Dada is dead - come into
scraps fit only for broken dogs and ripped the terms of beauty within dreams and
out junkies sleeping on bird wings and trances - the mystic, the seer, the
angel feet, it did not make a difference, visionary, the poet, the artist, the musician,
Nazi propaganda is shit lost in the ' the god - all are 1/3 of you - let it speak
blindness of morons - 1/3 of Hitler the geometrical works whose symmetry and
artist is iri1, all of us burning - the eyes full . abstraction seemed to possess the quality
- foreheads are wide - mind is a dish, a . of universality - images which had one
full platte~ over a forest plateau L no celebrated the know-abilty of nature
matter ho hard these reflections are forgotten are now an exhibition.
evident l.t t nothing is more than . an
Omar is in need of a real name.



Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 9


Twisted Sisters have an attitude of change
by Susan Bohme and Deanna Brown

Twisted Sisters' (TS) decision to use
graffiti and pasted fliers as a media of
expression was influenced by several
factors, and was discussed to great length
before TS took action. TS have all worked '
on issues of rape, racism, sexism, and
homophobia through different channels,
including work with the Rape Response
Protocol Group, and various campus
student groups. They have attended public
forums at Evergreen and in the Olympia
community, and have made issues of
justice central in their education and in
their lives.
In their daily lives at TESC, TS
have felt this institution's lack of action
dealing with issues of , rape, racism,
homophobia, and sexual harassment. They
felt that despite the positive actions of
many groups and individuals, there were
still so many people out there who were
just not getting it. Rape and other hate
crimes are a reality on this campus, yet
thousands of eyes remain closed. TS
wanted to open those eyes while
expressing anger at rapists, bigots,
gaybashers, and sexual harassers. Graffiti
and wheat-pasted flyers were a direct and
assertive way to get the point across, and
to demand the attention of students,

faculty, staff, and administration who Savage, and that there was going to be a settle the matter internally, through
ignore other forms of civil protest.
warrant out for her arrest. Hoping to re- TESC's grievance procedure.
Early in the morning on Tuesday, schedule, she told him that she had class.
The graffiti, fliers, and rally have
May 24, Twisted Sisters were out doing He then told her th~ti_t didn't matter if she performed the important function of
graffiti and fliering, when somebody called ' had class, and if she wasn't there they raising campus awareness on issues of
security and reported their action. At about "would pull her out of class and humiliate rape and other hate crimes, and stimulating
3 a.m., Lana Brewster ran into the library
dialogue on the subject. A men's group
lobby, saw Kimya Dawson and Deanna
When she arrived at 11 a.m., Larry has also been formed to deal with these
Brown, and demanded to see their hands.
Savage was unable to meet with her and issues (this group can be reached through
Seeing paint on their hands, she told them
they re-scheduled for 1:30. At 1:30, the Men's Center, x6636). We also must
she was "disappointed in them," that they
Kimya and Deanna met separately with not forget the related targeted issues of
should "grow up," and that their tuition Larry Savage, who brought four cans of racism, sexual harassment and queermoney would go towards cleaning up the spray paint and the stolen stencils. Faculty bashing. The community gathered on May
graffiti, since it "obviously wasn't going member Jorge Gilbert sat in on these 31 to develop a list of demands to give to
towards their education." They were taken meetings as a witness in support of Kimya the administration. We all must continue
into security, and were told to expect to and Deanna. Larry asked the women if to educate about, and fight against rape
hear from Art Constantino, vice president they had anything to say, read them their and other hate crimes.
of student affairs.
The Twisted Sisters.
rights, told them their actions constituted
At 9:30 a.m., a Public Safety officer a Class B Felony (punishable by 10 years
Kimya and Deanna, two of the
came by Deanna's home in student in prison/a $5,000 to $20,000 fine) and original members of the Twisted Sisters,
housing, asked for Deanna, and was let in
told them to expect to hear from the and Susie Bohmie may be contacted
by her roommate. When Deanna came out Thurston County Prosecutor.
through the Women's Center to dialogue
of her room to speak with him, he had
After this meeting, Kimya and on this subject. The Twisted Sisters are
already looked through her kitchen and Deanna left campus, while many women and men who have an attitude of
confiscated stencils used earlier that supporters spread the word of a rally in change. A commitment to eradicating
morning. Contrary to the statement made their support at 3 p.m. on the third floor of inequality and hate crimes is all you need
in the CPJ, this "evidence" was not found the Library Building. Art Constantino met to call yourself a Twisted Sister.
outside of her home, and was taken
with the group of about 150 people, but
Susan Bohme and Deanna Brown
without a warrant. He then proceeded to
was very unresponsive to their demands are Twisted Sisters.
until the group occupied his office. By 5
tell her that she had to be in the Public
p.m. the administration had decided to
Safety office at 11 a.m. to meet with Larry

Graffiti on campus considered a crime of hate
by David Peretz

Neo-nazis spray-paint swastikas in
the CAB and white supremacists distribute
flyers calling for racial purity by all means
necessary. Angry women vandalize
campus with death threats causing damage
in the thousands. These are all instances of
hate groups threatening others. The last
example happened Tuesday.
After reading of the death threat and
graffiti incident I decided to gather some
first ~and information. I toured the CAB
Friday evening paying particular attention
to the graffiti and flyers in the angry

women/rape/death threat categories. I
found numerous instances of both flyers
and graffiti containing death threats
relating to rape. In case anyone wanted to
know what rape was, this was posted as
well. Posted examples of rape included:
"Rape is any unwelcome sexual advance;"
"Rape is stripping a person, a group or a
community of a voice;" "Rape is the
·destruction of a community's identity or
culture;" "Rape is force of one group of
people's values or interests on to another
group of people" (apparently the last
definition doesn't apply to angry women

Philosophy of rape
by Luke Turner

undercut love. Cultural relativism reflects
Instead of love, we exchange ·a desire to control reality, to make it
emotional neediness. Instead of trust. we subject to one's cultural idioms. (This
seek manipulation. Instead of respect, we control desire isn't their advertised motive,
offer blindness and evasion. Instead of but it's there just the same.)
partnership, we offer mutual coercion.
Love is part of reality. Hence they
Instead of beautiful, life-affirming sex, we seek to control love as well. Get it? They
rape one another. Instead of sympathy, we seek to control love by controlling their
offer contempt and cJosed mindedness. cultural idioms. But they do not seek to
Instead of self-esteem, we wallow in earn love by respecting the non-relativistic
shame and defensive hatred. Instead of existence of its autonomous source:
integrity, we shaclde ourselves in people. They want to subjectify and
self-righteous cowardice and target one · control reality, and the people in it, and
another for mutual destruction.
the love which people can only give
What horrible thing happened to us freely. Cultural relativists want to coerce
to make us this way? Have we any clue, people, through social pressure (shaming
or are we so deeply immersed in our and guilt leveraging), to give love. But
dysfunctionality that we are blind to it? I · love cannot be coerced; it must be earned
think so. We can point to the hereditary by respecting people's autonomy. Under
chain of child abuse and neglect. But what the philosophical influence of cultural
then causes the "first link" in this chain? relativism, we deny just that. We deny
As a student of philosophy, I offer this people's autonomy. The result is a culture
answer: bad philosophy·
bent on various shades of coercion, the
I'm serious. All that abstract shit darkest shade of which is rape.
most of us find boring and too abstract to
How tragically ironic that cultural
concern our daily lives- metaphysics and relativism, born of a guilty respect for the
epistemology - that shit, when we don't third world cultures we Westerners keep
get it right, causes the child abuse and · raping, should encourage our tendency to
neglect that shackles us in blind . rape one another right here. Gee, I hope
dysfunctionality and drives us to rape one· we find a way out of this paradox, don't
To those who find my view weird, I
Luke Turner is a member of the
offer this one example out of many:
Consider the cultural relativists who Evergreen community.

Students fighting rape(from cover)
replied, "Well, that's a justified anger.... It
was a thing that we thought a lot about,
the responsibility .that we were placing on
other people (by graffiti-ing). To be
honest... I still think that it was worth it
to open up all of those eyes," said Brown.
Grievance proceedings against
Brown and Kimya Dawson are expected to
be finished before students leave for the
summer. According to Brown, she and
Dawson will begin to negotiate sanction

with the grievance officer early next week.
At that point, it is Brown and Dawson's
decision whether to release the results of
the case to the public.
Brown will be co-coordinator of the
Women's Center for the 1993-94 academic
You have just read Early Ewing's
last news article as an Evergreen student.
Sara Steffens, however, if doomed to
another year-o' -hell.

Page 10 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993

making death threats).
Forget for a moment the latitude of
interpretation within these definitions.
Concentrate instead on the fact that angry
women are a hate group. Their tactics are
identical to those of the neo-nazis and
white supremacists: anonymous postings
of their beliefs coupled with threats
against those they perceive as the problem.
All three hate groups have the identical
message: hate; and all call for the identical
solution: murder. Judge, Jury and
The college administration has a
duty to publicly identify individuals
responsible for any hate crime on campus.
This is particularly true when the campus
community is threatened from within.
Identify wtio the 'threat makers are, what
classes they attend and when, identify
where they live, especially if it is on
campus. As a starting point, I suggest the
Women's Center, CAB 206; above their
door is a sticker that says: "Fact: If you
rape me I will kill you." The college

community has a right to know who is
threatening their lives.
The Office of College Relations has
posted flyers on building entrances in the
past warning of exposure incidents on
campus trails. I believe this is an
appropriate action in response to a
correctly perceived danger. I also believe,
at a minimum, this action should extend to
death threats made by hate groups.
According to the May 27, 1993 issue
of the CPJ, one campus member acted
appropriately by reporting the graffiti
incident. Campus Public Safety fulfilled
their role by apprehending the suspects.
Now it is time for the administration to
demonstrate how it will handle the issues
of alerting the campus community to death
threats against its members, illegal hate
group activities and personal accountability
for the thousands of dollars in vandalism
David Peretz is a member of the
Evergreen community.

Cooper Point Journal
Comics Page Editor: Emi I. Kilburg
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«;>Cooper Point JournaJ 1993


Graffiti shows a
lack of respect
To Jane Jervis:
Several staff members have
expressed concern and disbelief at the
recent decision not to prosecute the two
women who were caught spray painting
graffiti aU over the campus during the
evening and early morning hours on the
25th of May. We believe that the issue is
not about rape, as these women certainly
should be and deserve to be heard on such
a topic. The issue is more the format that
was used for expressing themselves. The
cost to the campus for the . clean-up is
outrageous and the cost to the health of
the individuals having to use and be
exposed to the chemicals that are needed
to clean the buildings is, in essence, a kind
of "rape" to us as staff members and
taxpayers in the community. We are in the
midst of a budget crisis where several
peop1e will be asked to "do more with
less" and some jobs will even be
eliminated. It seems completely unfair that
these women be given the message that
they can be allowed to proceed with their
anger by defacing buildings and having no
regard for the many individuals that have
the burden of too much work as it is
without having to spend countless hours
cleaning graffiti off of buildings. We
don't appreciate it or need it. Let's
prosecute for this crime against the entire
campus. This is not about rape.
Signed by 49 staff' members of' the
Evergreen community.

Graffiti part of a
larger issue

divided this campus. As long as this
incident and concerns about rape are
linked in the minds of so many members
of this campus community, we must not
separate them if we are to respond to
students' concerns with responsibility,
compassion, sincerity and good sense.
I particularly share your concern
about the burden that falls on our
buildings and grounds staff members when
this type of activity occurs. The work and
hazards they must endure in dealing with
defacement of our campus will certainly
be a factor for consideration through this
grievance process. I have sent a copy of
the petition from TESC staff members to
the Campus Grievance Officer so that she
can make it a part of her investigation. I
hope, in the end, that all of us will be able
to step back from our strong feelings, view
all the events objectively, and know that
the issue has been resolved in a way that
is educational, appropriate, and just.
.Jane L. Jervis

Humor can be a
powerful tool
This is the last issue and everyone's
trying to be as smart ass as they possib~y
can since the next chance for a rebuttal IS
so far away. Everyone's trying to be funny
and cute by challenging pc-ness and all
Humor is a powerful thing. It can be
used to make people comfortable and
happy or it can be used to hurt and
destroy. At this school it's often used to
challenge other people who seem to take
themselves too seriously. That's good.
But there's a fine line between
challenging to make a point and attacking
to hurt someone else. I personally know
that it's very easy to cross that line and I
apologize to the thousands that I've
offended in the past. I've learned that
there's a responsibility that comes with
using humor and satire.
Joking about rape or murder IS
neither satire nor productive to the
edification of our community. It's just
plain farney*. So until next year ... be
(*farney=really bad, bumpy=wonderful,
like the Mirna Mounds)
Dante Salvatierra

(Response from Jane Jervis to 5/26/93
letter from TESC Staff)
To TESC ·Staff in Response to Letter of
May 26:
I appreciate and share your concerns
about the recent graffiti incident and want
to take this opportunity to explain the
college's position and the reasons behind
our decision · not to pursue external
prosecution of the individuals involved.
First, it is important for you to know
that it is not our intent, and never has been
our intent, to "turn the other check" and
allow the individuals involved to avoid
accountability and responsibility for their
actions. The format they chose for
expressing themselves · was clearly
inappropriate; their actions, clearly wrong.
Graffiti is the result of frustrated
The campus belongs, in '1- sense, to all of desperate voices with much ignored issues
us. Its defacement is a serious matter, the that need to be heard and addressed. For
costs involved are of great concern, and in financial and other reasons this voice
this and other recent cases, the content of usually has little access to being heard and
the messages is inflammatory and harmful. even less clout for making improvements.
While the outcome of the internal
In a country where the dollar rules
investigation and grievance process is not what is more affordable way of expressing
up to me, my expectation is that the oneself? A. Pay a high sum of cash for air
process will hold them fully accountable. time or billboard space, an amount limited
I would expect that sanctions will, at the only to corporations who are able to write
very 1least, require full restitution for the it off as an operating expense anyway.
costs of clean-up. And I would expect that And still not having your intended
other sanctions will be applied as well.
message heard due to censorship because
The only difference, I believe, that could it doesn't fit their liking or B. The last
have resulted from external prosecution is resort, taking a large chance with an
a potential jail sentence and possible affordable can of spray paint, and doing an
criminal record, and we cannot be act of civil disobedience. An act, if caught
absolutely certain that either would have or not, might bring more attention to a bad
situation than one could ever of imagined
They were potential results, or hoped for before hand.
True, there are some low cost legal
however, and had they occurred, we would
have gained only retribution. By handling
ways to bring light to a given issue b~t,
the issue internally, we have the
with few exceptions, these means are qmte
opportunity to utilize the disciplinary
limited. Our air waves are our air waves
process to help these individuals and
and public access to them ought to be
others learn the serious ·results and
wide open, yet the FCC allots
consequences of their actions. We have the
proportionally very little time for .citize~s
opportunity to focus constructive dialog on
to express their views on commercial radio
a number of complex issues. We have the
and television stations. This spot in the
newspaper is one of the very few ways
opportunity to _act much more quickly and
appropriately than the judicial system can
that a private view can be expressed
publicly on any. given subject, again
providing that the publication does not feel
Finally, I believe the graffiti incident
to threatened to edit it or not print it at all.
should not be separated from the larger
issues. A part of the incident is about rape,
I personally do not condone
and we cahnot and should not ignore that
destruction of public property, but I do
fact. For a variety of reasons, ideas, , feel we must realize that as .long as free
opinions and fears about rape have deeply
thinking citizens' voices are .being shunted

Ignored voices
spawn graffiti

out we'll continue to have graffiti and
other acts of civil disobedience, as
exemplified in the neglected, forgotten,
and ignored inner cities around America.
Mike Pelly

Remember rape
survivors, too
Go ahead, hate me. Give me dirty
looks and patronizing speeches telling me
I'm not the "right" kind of woman.
Nothing any of you could do would be
worse than my rape. A rape that I am
forced to relive each time I come onto this
campus. I own my rape, I know it's not
my fault but I do not wish to dwell on it
every day for the rest of my life.
Each woman or man deals with their
rape in her/his own way; your graffiti and
stickering forces me to remember the most
humiliating and dehumanizing thing that
ever happened to me. Did you think about
how your "art" would effect rape victims?
Your graffiti victimizes me day after day,
it victimizes the maintenance staff who
have to expose themselves to carcinogens
to clean up your handiwork, not to
mention that the $2,000 you cost the
budget victimizes all members of the
Your graffiti doesn't scare rapists,
rape is a crime committed by disturbed
individuals. If you want rapists to be
punished, rape victims must press charges.
I did not press charges against my rapist
and I will regret that for the rest of my
life. After he raped me, he went on with
his life and has the privilege of walking
unafraid, something I can't do.
Kim Goforth

Real men don't
commit rape
To the Evergreen Community:
Since the reporting and subsequent
(mis?)handling of a rape incident a while
back, there has been an awfully large
amount of flyers, posters, graffiti, etc.
appearing on campus. I'm. sure you\re
Some of it has been purposeful.
(on the side of the CRC)
Some has been pretty useless.
(in the Rec. Pavilion)
Therefore (the alleged rapist) is not
dead; what's your point?
A couple of days ago, a new batch
of stickers appeared, with a variety of
messages on them. One, on a lamppost on
the trail between the main campus and the
housing area, says:
It is the truest, most meaningful
thing I have seen posted all year.
Nate Waddoups

Find other ways
of expression

articles for the CPJ. It's free, it's easy and
believe it or not, if you meet the criteria
established by the paper, they'll probably
print it. Whoa! Imagine that, expressing
your concerns in complete coherent
sentences and getting your name in print,
all in one swell foop. It certainly seems
like it would be a bit more effective than
making a mess all over the place. You
could take it one step further and write a
play, a book, or even a song. All of which
are a hell of a lot more powerful and
empowering than graffiti. But alas, the
anonymity of spraying slogans all over
creation is safe and easy (unless you're
caught, of course).
I'd also like to comment on another
bit of graffiti that really pissed me off.
Located outside the housing community
center I noticed, scrawled in red paint, the
words "The CPJ is Bullshit." Now there's
an intelligent, well thought out statement.
Yeah, right! I can't help but wonder if the
person(s) responsible for this have even
the slightest concept of the enormous
amount of effort and hard work the CPJ
staff puts into each issue. Yet very few
people show them the respect they
deserve. I'd like to personally thank and
congratulate all those fine folks at the CPJ
· for an outstanding job this year. The CPJs
from 92 to 93 have been the best I've seen
since I arrived here three years ago. Just
remember no one is making you read it If
you don't like it, and would like to see
something changed, why don't you
volunteer some of your time and lend
them a hand. Get the point? I sure as hell
hope so. Anyway, have a day y'all. Hasta
La Pasta.
Paul Trice

Artist defends
Stick Figure
To Kim Riano:
You really completely missed the
point of my comic. I firmly believe in a
woman's right to choose, and I &Ill
thankful that we live in a society that
gives us that choice. I also believe that
once you make a choice, you need to live
up to its responsibilities. People who
decide to continue an accidental pregnancy
have made a big decision - they have
decided to be responsible for another
human life. With this decision comes some
drastic changes; I realize it is not easy.
As far as my comic being a "hate
crime," or me "blaming the victim," I am
unclear who I should blame when a
woman who is clearly pregnant is
smoking. If I see someone on campus
beating their kid, I'd probably target them
in a comic, too.
Whether or not I've had an abortion
or if I am a mother is irrelevant - I seem
to care more about another woman's fetus
than she does herself. That, to me, is a
real shame.
I realize that addiction is addiction,
and a woman who keeps one during her
pregnancy is no more to blame than the
parent who was abused as a child and
grows up to abuse their children. But
someone's got to be strong enough to stop
the cycle. And as long as I see such
indignities and human weaknesses, I will
create my comic and comment on what a
live in.
Wendy "educated and privileged" Hall
P.S. Tell me how I can be any more
privileged and educated than any one on
this campus?

I'm fed up with the absurd amount
of anonymous graffiti, flyers, and stickers
that have flooded this campus. These
tactics for expressing one's thoughts and
or feelings, are ineffectual at best, not to
mention a bit juvenile. This is not to say
that the issues aren't important, they are.
The only thing such slogans as "dead men
don't rape" or "dead women don't resist"
will accomplish is to further alienate
people from one another. Christ! This is
how wars get started.
It's to the poirit where there is so
much of this crap plastered all over the Dear Emi J. Kilburg:
place that people become oblivious to it. ,
Gee, thanks for trivializing my life.
Or in some cases, think of it as a joke.
I just read your cutesy, tongueIssues such as rape, discrimination, racism, though-cheek,"gee, guys-it's-just-a-joke,
sexual h~ssment, etc., are not to be taken stop-taking-yourself-so-seriously" letter
lightly. I suggest those who have a . about theoppression of "doggies of color".
pressing · ~
· oncern or issue they'd like to Don't mind me (would you anyway?) if I
see chang , find a new, more effective didn't laugh.
method. \ ey, try this on for size. Yo~;~
You see, this "political correctness"
could wfite an article or even a series qf see misogynist, page 18

ppreSSiOn iS
no t a • k e

Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 11



KAOS staffer
defends station
For the past two months, I have
been shocked, angered and saddened as
KAOS has been vilified by members of
the S&A Board, and in the CPJ. I am
shocked because KAOS has been open
and honest about its mission to serve an
audience on and off campus with multicultural programming. I am angry because
KAOS's critics have never brought their
concerns to the station in any constructive
manner. 'And I am sad because I always
believed that Evergreen was immune from
this sort of ignorance and intolerance. The
controversy has turned KAOS's 20th
anniversary celebration year into one of
anguished self-defense.
The critics have repeatedly

misrepresented KAOS's mtsston and
intentions. In 1977, students conceived
KAOS's broad programming mission,
expanding audience service by involving
both student and community volunteers. In
1982, the Student Communications DTF
confirmed this mission, ' and directed that
the station should have professional
supervision for legal compliance, training,
and fundraising, while promoting
internship and programming opportunities
for students. The DTF also directed the
station to aggressively pursue external
funding. Following Evergreen's Strategic
Plan, KAOS embraced multiculturalism in
its programming in 1988. KAOS has
pursued these objectives openly and
successfully with the support of past S&A
Boards. The assertions of critics that
KAOS has sought to eliminate student
management, reduce student involvement,
move off campus, or become associated
with National Public Radio are simply
KAOS 's critics have not educated
themselves about the station. In fall
quarter, the S&A Board's one-hour
orientation was reduced to 20 minutes. In
winter quarter, KAOS's management team
made itself available for a briefing with
the Board. The Board arrived 90 minutes
late, stayed 15 minutes, and asked almost
no questions. The S&A position on the
Communications Board went unfilled all
year. None of KAOS's detractors has
attended a single meeting of the
management team, the satellite or the
mission implementation groups. None of
them have spoken to KAOS's student
KAOS 's critics have completely
ignored the students who manage KAOS's
programming. Student Program Director
Diana Arens has spent the year facilitating
groups on satellite and mission
She has sought out
people disenfranchised from the media,
especially women, and acted affirmatively
to place them in air shifts. Student
Production Manager Jody Daisa has
trained dozens of students in audio
production, and made possible live
broadcasts py dozens of local musicians.
Student Music Director Matthew Johnston
has worked tirelessly to acquire music
from small, independent, non-corporate,
truly alternative sources. Just as KAOS'
policies challenge our producers, I
challenge the critics to test their preconceptions and biases, approaching
alternative radio programming with an
open mind. •
KAOS's critics are ignorant of the
station's federally-mandated
responsibilities to the 100,000 citizens in
our service area. They cannot recognize
the elitism in their position that KAOS
should serve only students. This shallow
assertion encourages factionalism and

divides the community. KAOS· promotes
that we are somehow "selling out" because
diversity in our programming in order to
of the new satellite down-link.. This
confront just this sort of exclusivity.
reaction seems to be centered on activities
Those who criticize the satellite project are
that occurred at KCMU, as though KAOS
ignorant of technology. The satellite is
exists to let a Seattle radio stati6n define
simply another tool. KAOS's exists to
our own mission and the programming
confront our critics' Orwellian attitude that
which supports it. It's as logical as saying
technology will 'inevitably control people.
that the UW doesn't have seminars,
KAOS refuses to be victimized by ' therefore Evergreen will abandon theirs
' those who would re-invent the flat tire.
soon. Duh.
How ironic, that our critics should invoke
For those of us who work at KAOS,
the sort of intolerance and fear which
whether as programmers or staff, being
KAOS confronts every day. I can only
compared to KCMU is insulting. KCMU
hope these critics will be inspired to
is commercial radio wannabees. Their
acknowledge their jealousy, recognize their
focus is based on a premise of higher
ignorance, stop talking, and start listening
ratings being all important above other
and learning.
considerations. KAOS, on the other hand,
Michael Huntsberger
believes that programming decisions
General Manager
should be based on our station mission
KAOS Olympia Public Radio
and music policv.
Our mission statement says, in part,

Skip says KAOS
critics right on
To Eric Anderson, Loren Rupp, et. al.:
I would like to thank you for your
insightful letters about the KAOS situation. Like you, I feel that campus radio
needs a change.
When I came to Evergreen in 1990,
I expected a college radio station run by
students and playing the music which stu.dents like to play and hear. What I have
found is a station which uses student
dollars to "program" for the greater
community. It also restrains the "programming" I might want to hear to late night
hours as if it were something to hide.
Evergreen students pay a great deal
of money to keep KAOS operating. However, 71 to 76 percent of that money goes
directly to paying professional .staff.
The professional staff at KAOS are
right in saying that the station provides an
important vehicle for marginalized peoples
to have their voices heard. It is also true
that KAOS is an exciting part of the greater Evergreen Community.
But what about the students who
fund the majority of the station's operations? How much input do we have at
The fact is that KAOS is not a college radio station and I think that the
current backlash against it is due in part to
this. Many students at Evergreen want a
college radio station. They do not want a
professionally staffed, KCMU/KPLUwannabe being run on their dime.
Maybe the college should look into
forming a second, campus-only, radio
station that could be run out of the
Housing Community Center. Here, student
DJs (not "programmers") could play and
say whatever they want. Because the signal would not be broadcast and sent via
the current cable antennae system, F(u)CC
rules would not apply. This station should
not be connected in any way with KAOS
so as to keep the missions of the two
stations completely separate.
At any rate, students are hopping
mad about KAOS and something needs to
be done. Maybe a new station. Maybe further cuts to KAOS. Maybe just a greater
understanding between the station and the
students who pay for it.
Seth D. Long

Critis of station

To The Editor:
I find it ipcreasingly curious that
individuals who have never worked at
KAOS, nor spent time with. •US to learn
what we are and are not doing regarding
programming are writing letters making all
sorts of odd, knee-jerk reactiqnary charges

Page 12 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993




" ·.'



"' \ ~

l • ,._,, .. ' I

"as a community station, KAOS is twoway radio, serving as a broadcast outlet
for those segments of the Evergreen and
Thurston County community that have
been disenfranchised by commercial and
other educational non-commercial media,
including women, people of color,
physically challenged people, gay, lesbian,
bisexual and working class people. KAOS
broadcasts educational, informational,
cultural and entertainment programs
exploring political and social alternatives
for action. Priority is given to programs
which originate from and/or communicate
information about activities, issues and
events within the local service area.
Priority is given to perspectives supporting
the equality and self determination of all
people. News and public affairs have
priority for broadcast over other types of
Our music . policy says, in part,
"KAOS promotes material by new artists
and from small record companies which
receive little (if any) airplay in the United
States. 80 percent of all music played on
KAOS should come from sources other
than the six major record distributors."
The Satellite technology was pursued
in response to listeners' repeated requests
for news services at KAOS. Listeners have
matched the grant monies dollar for dollar
which suggests strong support for what we
are doing. KAOS would never consider a
program like World Cafe, or news from
NPR. Why run a three hour nationally
syndicated music program daily when our
own programmers (half of whom belong
to the TESC community) can create a far
more interesting and interactive program
within the mission and music policy of the
station? A show that bases musical choices
on Billboard top 100 is, in our opinion, the
antithesis of what community radio is
about which is to provide voice to those
whose voices are under served or unheard
in the other broadcast media. Are ratings
important to KAOS? Yes, but within our
mission only. If KAOS cared about money
only, we could easily become a
commercial styled station, run NPR and let
corporate America determine what is
played on KAOS which would guarantee
higher ratings. But it would violate the
guiding principles of our station. By
focussing on independent music and under
served voices, KAOS hopes to expand our
audience in the broadcast area but only to
the extend that our mission is upheld.
Finally, I am in full support of
CURSE and FOFF, and attempts by
Seattle and Bellingham residents to get •
their community radio station responsive
to the c~ncerns of the local community.
We in Olympia are lucky to have a
resourc,e like .KAOS and I would Fxpect ·
people lik. ~e Loren Rupp, D.G. Meyers and
Eric A~1dprson to know it.

The KAOS Satellite Implementation

c7oup comprised of the program director,
volunteers and listeners have completed a
Satellite policy aocument which has been
adopted by station management. Drop by
or call us (x6897) to get your own copy of
the complete policy.
Tom Freeman
KAOS Business Manager

KAOS: We're not
Howdy. My name is Diana. For the
past year I have been the student Program
Director at· KAOS. I am in charge of the
format of the station, assigning air shifts,
hands-on air training, and the public
affairs schedule. It is with mixed feelings
that I have read the near constant criticism
of KAOS in the CPJ, from Loren Rupp's

article on the creeping conservatism at
KAOS to Mark Hosler's cruel appraisal of
Michael Huntsberger to a call for KAOS
to send back the "Muzak satellite" to Eric
Anderson's assertion that KAOS is being
taken over by corporate interests.
I am very glad that people care
enough about alternative media to form
radical organizations like CURSE (Seattle
KCMU watchgroup) and FoFF (Friends of
Free Form, Bellingham KUGS watchgroup). People need to get involved in the
media on a local level if there is to be any
hope of participatory cultural democracy.
However, the well-meaning criticisms of KAOS printed in the CPJ have
ranged from ill-informed to paranoid to
ludicrous. It upsets me, as a woman in
management, that not one of these male
authors bothered to engage me in a conversation about KAOS policies, mission,
management, programming, or goals before making wild proclamations on these
topics in print. Early Ewing once interviewed me for the CPJ, but neglected to
include my points in the article.
For the record, I have not spent my
year as Program Director organizing pens
and making elaborate plans to babysit the
satellite down-link. Winter Quarter, I
formed and facilitated the Satellite Implementation Group, which wrote radical programming policies based on the station's
mission of serving disenfranchised groups.
FoFF of Bellingham said the "well thought
out and well articulated recommendations
put at ease the minds of those fearing a
kind of creeping satellite take over a la
KCMU." (FoFF Radio Resistor's Bulletin. 6/93) Spring Quarter I formed and
facilitated the Mission Implementation
Group which wrote guidelines for a KAOS
listener/programmer board to participate in
station governance.
In an era where many community
radio stations are becoming more conservative, KAOS is becoming more radical.
Students benefit from the station not only
through direct participation, but also
through the diverse voices and musics the
station airs. The idea that only a certain
number of people can be involved in the
station at any given time (therefore the
students should oust the community members) is a myth of scarcity. At this point
two people complete on-air training each
week, and there are a zillion other important things to do at the station: newsgathering, production, doing sound for live
shows, music acquisition, . and soon, serving on the Mission Implementation
If you have concerns KAOS, please
feel free to come to our open staff
meetings, Mondays at noon at Evergreen
in the CAB 3rd Floor Conference Room.
Diana Arens
KAOS Student Program Director

Arts 8e Entertainment;
Blues Traveler: Lookin for that "college market"

B.T. drummer Brendan Hill waxes philosophical over java and smokes with Erie
"Erkie" Anderson of St. Louis' Sample magazine . photo by Seth "Skippy" Long
Blues Traveler
Save His Soul

A&M Records
by Seth "Skippy" Long
It was enough of a hassle just getting to
the show that I figured I'd be lucky ifl got my
free tickets and photo pass, to hell with the
interview. After two weeks of schmoozing
some geek at A&M records and leaving four
messages at the Roseland's office that day, I
managed to talk to the promoter. He told me
that if I got my butt over there right away I
could talk to the band.
We spent a good 15 minutes
meandering around the Roseland trying to
find somebody important-looking. The only
person who looked remotely important
smelled like a goat and looked like a Bosnian
refugee (or a Mod hippie - same difference).
Nevertheless, he got us to the promoter and
Brendan Hill the band's drummer.

Brendan looked like we had just woke
him up from the best sleep he'd had in weeks
but despite his groggy look, he was polite and
This new tour was being complicated
by the fact that John Popper, front man and
harp player extraordinaire, had injured
himself in a motorcycle accident about six
months ago. He was forced to perform from
a chrome bar stool every night and was
brought on and off stage in a wheelchair. But
in spite of this, the band was itching to get
deep into the funk of touring.
We sat down at a covered table outside
Cisco & Panchos and began to talk.
Brendan: So where are you guys from
Skip: I'm from the CPJ at Evergreen
Eric: Yeah, I'm from around here but I go to
school in St. Louis at Wash. U.
Brendan: Good. Yeah, we'rekindalooking
for that college market

Eric: When did your first album come out? contains the fast-paced rock 'n roll that I fell
Brendan: March 1990. It showed where we in love with on the frrst album yet it shows
were at the time. You know, a lot of the live signs of having learned from the experiences
stuff we were doing at the bars and small of Travelers and Thieves.
tours. Then Travelers and Thieves came out
All in all, Save His Soul is wonderful
in 1991. That was more experimental; going and a welcome return to the stuff which made
into the studio for four or five weeks, just Blues Traveler famous with everyone from
trying stuff out, writing for the album.
hippies to frat boys.
Eric: How 'bout the new album, Save His
The Portland show was nothing short
Soul? Is it mostly studio work or stuff that of explosive! All of the band members were
you worked on during the tour?
in great form, the crowd was just right and the
Brendan: Mostly written right before we music couldn't have been better. The show
went into the studio and sort of
took a month offbefore we went
into the studio to get our ideas
together. We came together for
two weeks in New York,
rehearsed and did two weeks
for preproduction down in
Louisiana. We were producing
iwurselves so we were given a
\c* of freedom to do whatever
we wanted but we were also
very careful not to go overboard
We gained the maturity and the
producer's edge of making
decisions like, "We should cut
this solo. We should shorten
this song." It gave us a new side
to recording and the whole
The frrst time I ever saw
or heard Blues Traveler was on
Letterman. They went wild
playing "But Anyway" while
Paul tried to keep up with
Popper's frenetic solos. That
album was pure rock 'n roll.
Their second attempt, John Popper wails on despite his injury. photo by Seth
Travelers and Thieves was a "Skippy" Long
horrendous let-down. It tended
to wander around in circles and not go made up for the fact that they started 30
minutes late!
If you haven't heard or seen Blues
Now, the band has offered us Save His
Soul, a well-written, energetic album. It Traveler, do it. You'll never live to regret it.
Skip is glad the year is over.

*overheard when a young customer came in the TESC BOOKSTORE with his parents

%anf(you for a{fowing us to serve you witfi
tetttbooK§, suppfies, gifts cfwcofate, maps,
computers, sofware and cfotfiing. :J{ave a
wonderju{ summer. Peace.



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,· Friday,
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Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 13

Arts 8e Entertainment

Search for culture thwarted by 24-hour gratification

assertion of my dreams . Can you see,
the mall at midnight, or get espresso
by Cindy Laughlin
th~ough a 24-hour ~ive through at Burger
In On the Road, Jack Kerouac stated hear, feel, believe, my quest of the soul?
Kmg or McDonald s. And we bitch for
that "the ideal bar doesn't exist in Streams of' consciousness and
unconsciousness flow intertwined - ' four solid hours that we can't buy the
America." I hope he was wrong. I long for
most deadly drug of choice. We cry
a place to be able to sit and observe, read ' pathways to righteousness and truth, and
between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m . if we have to
and write - to do everything that makes perhaps, wisdom.
face stark reality of only the skeleton of
Instead, I find the tireless. This
me feel whole - in the middle of the night
our self staring us in the mirror. The
in a smoke saturated room with a culture seems so centered on non-stop
inevitable death with this realization when
bottomless cup of coffee... I long for a action, never sleep, never die. Newsweek
we get behind the wheel of a Japanese
bar, a pub, a cafe - something real amidst
the distress and chaos of everyday (could Berkeley's coffeehouses are limiting econo-box with a destination of collision
I call it ... ) life. I want culture. I long for student table time during peak hours with the college educated cocktail waitress
proving once again that quantity, not just got off work? (we wonder since it's
it with every ounce of my being.
The search is constant, such is my quality prevails. Top Foods, Denny's, 4 a.m. already and do you know where
life force, for atmosphere of depth, a Taco Bell, CNN Headline News and the your restaurant is?) The pulsating rhythm
pervasive strength among the shallow and rest of the MTV cable vision mentality ... of my heart drowns out the low-rider
weak. Just a glimmer of hope is the instant gratification if only we could go to truck, booming stereo that could have been


purchased with mom and dad's drug
Denny's, again, creates a certain
amount of disgust in my soul. Perhaps it's
the inconsistent wailing of the baby at the
next table, or the flickering of the light
overhead that makes me want to esca,pe.
Have to get out of here to read some
Edgar Allen Poe; he's the only one who
knows how loud the beating of my heart
still repeats. Untamed heart, my ass. Too
tame, conforming with the heartbeat of
america, the true american vehicle of
insanity and death.
Cindy Laughlin is one of the hppest
women on campus - check out those

should always bring proper musical attire
•Young Fresh Fellows, The Men
Who Loved Music. Fantasize about Tad
while singing along to "My Friend Ringo."
•Something classical,
Requiem or Vivaldi's Four Seasons, just in
case you're planning on viewing a Natural
Wonder. Bring prism sunglasses, too.
•Circle Jerks VI. My mom always
hated this. Raw teen-type-pseudo-punk.
•Bob Dylan: Blood on the Tracks.
So call me a hippie; I can take it.
•Prince in gener-al. R U d'/'¥?

by Sara Steffens
So you have a big boat/car with fins,
a couple cans of squirt cheese and an
Rand-McNalley U.S. atlas that your dog
peed on. A few bucks and an adventurous
spirit have just bought you a summer
Wait! Before you head out to Big
Sky Country, you must know that 3,000
miles of local AM radio could give you
permanent lock jaw. You will be sincerely
unpleased if you forget to bring your own
tunes on your RoadAdventure.
The Golden Principle of RoadTunes
is: Don't bring anything by Sting. All
you'll do is alienate your companions and
start to get prematurely•whiny. Memorize
the Golden Principle.
The following is a list of essential
RoadRock. Use it with love and don't
blame me.
•Frank Sinatra: Greatest Hits. I get
a kick out of Frank (ah, when they made
Real Men). Drive at least 20 mph under
the speed limit while you listen.
··CI:zuck Berry's Greatest Hits. You
can probably buy this at any Holiday
Superstation along the way.
•Nena Cherry, Raw Like Sushi.
Ultimately hip girl album of the world.

•Hoodoo Gurus, Stoneage Romeos.
A classic. Just buy it.
•Janis Joplin, Pearl.
•Violent Femmes, Untitled. The little
girl album, as it's popularly titled, will
keep your toes tappin' and your angst
raging. You should know all the words.
Nuff said.
•Ministry "Stigmata". Get an
extended mix if you can.
•Tom Waits: Bone Machine, Rain
Dogs, Nighthawks, Swordfish Trombones,

Blue Valentine, Big Time : Pack 'em all.
•lce-T "G.L.G.B.N.A.F.T": A must
for a RoadWandcr through middle
America. Bring Body Count in case you
get pulled over.
•James Brown - anything. If you
need me to explain this, you shouldn't be
Sara Steffens is the most sassy, bun
totin' woman on the TESC campus.





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Page 14 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 , '


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GRADUATION starts at 1 p.m. today on

~ed Square, weather permitting. In case of

mclement weather, ceremonies will be
held in the CRC. The guest speaker is
Leonard Peltier, whose speech will be
given by Rio Lara-Bellon.


MASK THEATRE Final Presentations
begin at 8 p.m. tonight and tomorrow in
COM 209. Admission is free.
printed this morning. Hence~ you are
holding it in your hands and admiring
another ever-so-lovely Calendar Page. I
am wearing cheap shoes and the insoles
are all wrinkled up, which makes the
bottom of my feet slightly uncomfortable
(or slightly enlightened, depending on your
point of view).

Over the Hedge play through Wednesday
at the Capitol Theatre. Tickets are $5 for
n.on-members. Call them if you want to
fmd out anything about this.




work of Advanced Photography students
(if you didn't see it earlier this week).
About 24 Evergreen students have
installed their work in the basement
hallway of LAB II. Admission is free.

SUPER SATURDAY will absolutely
destroy you! "Washington's biggest oneday festival" starts right here today at 11
a.m. Listen to music (Bonnie's Backyard
will play!), buy food, buy beer if you're
old enough, buy artsy/craftsy doodads and
feel like a hippie on display. You can still
volunteer to greet folks as they enter
campus; call x6500. Wear your brightest,
psychedelicest, most obnoxious garb you'll like, totally dig it, man. Oh, and if
you live in Housing: lock your doors.

RSLS PRESENTS a public screening of
students' films and videos, beginning at 7
p.m. tonight in the Recital Hall. Admission
is free.

performs at Studio 321 beginning at 9
p.m. tonight. Studio 321 is located at 321
Jefferson St. NE in downtown Olympia.
(Why don't you all memorize this so no
one has to type it every week next year?)
Tickets for this event are available at
Rainy Day Records or Positively 4th St.
Call 754-3525 for more information.
today at noon, because this' is the last CPJ
of the year! Not that any one of you little
rodents ever paid a moment's attention to
the deadline anyway.

ao word!; or~ ~.00
Bv.;ine!;!; Rat:e: ~6.00

Deacline: 5 pm Monday


begins at 8 p.m. tonight in the Library
Lobby. Black Happy will play. Tickets are
$5 in advance from the Bookstore or $6 at
the door.
Research begins at 8;30 p.m. tonight at
South Puget Sound Community College.
The walk will continue past Capitol Lake
and end at the State Capitol. For more
information, call 754-7711. A reception
for the walkers will be held at TESC at


Anderson and Shelton potters Will and
Kate Jacobson will be on display at
Childhood's End Gallery. The show will
extend through July 12. Apparently, it's
free, although they sure don't mention that
in the press release.



workshop for women which begins at
noon today at Red Apple Natural Foods,
400 Cooper Point Rd. NW, and you can
attend this workshop by Dr. Jennifer
Booker for free, and the 44 bus will let
you off really close to Red Apple, so
that's cool.
WITH THAT, I slip gently off Calendar
Page duty to claim my throne. They called
yesterday and said my Pulitzer Prize was
in the mail, but I'm not buying it. Kisses
to both my loyal fans, with tongue if you
like ...




Calendar has a generous amount of face
spiller and general angst. This is because
I have seen a lot of slugs lurking around
lately. They make me nervous. I look at
them and I think of airplane food.

·coME SEE THE WORKS of Evergreen's
finest indie-filmmakers in LH3 at 7 p.m.
tonight - featuring films from Ylonda
Stevens, Dennis Dehart, Diana Prizgintas,
Sarah Kennedy, Jamie Burton Cham berlin,
Halle Hennesey and Dean Martison.


UPDATE ON MY CAT: As it turns out,
my cat is a bad-ass. All the other cats
shake in their little white boots when they
see her. She chases them and hisses. The
look I assumed was estrangement turns out
to be pride (or anger about the litter box).

evaluation week - do you know where
your credits are?


GIRLS' WRESTLING converges upon the
soccer field each Monday evening at 5
p.m. Wrestling is stress relieving and fun
- all girls welcome.

sponsored by Cellular One, include~
performances by~ Carole King, Little Feat
Ricki Lee Jones, James Brown, the Nevill~
Brothers and Lyle Lovett and his Large
Band. All this is in Seattle, if you don't
know. Tickets are $18 to $27 call
TicketMaster for more info.


866-6000 x6054
CAB 316 . OlYMPIA. WA 98505.

To all the CPJ staff, advertisers, and readers:
Thanks for a great year! See you in Sept.
Julie Crossland, CPJ Business Manager



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To my very best friend with the pretty, crooked
tooth smile: I left my heart on my dresser next to
my drumsticks. You can pick it up for the summer
anytime before June 12. Thanks for taking care of it
for me. Bell.










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Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 15

Arts & Entertainment

Cruel World harkens to underground comix of yore
Q: Can underground comics come back?
A: Read and find out

The execution of Carl Jung is one of the many features in Jim Blanchard's new comic
Cruel World. All art ©Jim Blanchard.

by Bryan Connors
Attention all you comix fans out
there! No, I don't mean comics (Blondie,
Donald Duck, X-men, etc), I mean comix
(you know, stuff like Zap, Zippy The
Pinhead, and the Fabulous Furry Freak
Brothers, et. al).
Do I have a treat for you. It's a new
book called Cruel World, and it's cool.
Written and illustrated by Jim
Blanchard, who just happens to be one of
the art directors at Fantagraphic books
(Love & Rockets, Hate, Eight Ball, etc.),
Cruel World harkens back to the days of
R. Crumb; hilarious and not at all
politically correct (thank god).
As a matter of fact, if Jim plays his
cards right, this maybe a rediscovery of
the art form known as underground comix
- which mutated in to the all ambiguous
term "alternative comics" a few years
Aw ... but don't think this is some
acid-soaked hodge-podge that passed as
comix back in the late '60s- this is a '90s
book ... with all the blood and gut ugliness
that goes with this here era.
Some of the stories in this book are
so colon busting funny, that you may
laugh your fool head off (just make sure
that you are in a safe place, though, in
case blood starts spurting out of your
But it's the art that really makes this
book. True to underground comix form,
there are bizarre segments and surreal
graphics aplenty. Jim's art is extremely
diverse and no two stories and segments

look the same. This ain't bad for a guy
who's from Texas.
So, boys and girls, I highly suggest
you run, don't walk, to your nearest comic
book store and ask ... no, demand you copy
of Jim Blanchard's Cruel World. And if
that comic shop is the unenlightened type,
then send $4 dollars (post paid) too:
Jim Blanchard (plug!)
P.O. Box 20321 (PLUG!!)
Seattle, WA (PLUG!!!)
You 'II love yourself, I guarantee it.

Bryan Connors entered this
journalism bag as an Arts and Entertainment writer, and so shall he leave as one.




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Page 16 Cooper Point Journal June 3,1993


permanent organ (especially brain) damage
solHtions. If Bueya lives at WU then she
or death. Othercomplicationsofhyperthermia
travels 38 miles daily, if she lives at the bar Wellness, from page 4
she travels 28 miles, if she lives near her job
Overheating may manifest itself ini- include dehydration, glucose depletion, and
at East St. Louis she travels 46 miles. For tially in heat cramps or minor heat exhaus- continued metabolic heat gain.
other places where she could live, the total tion. However, if the source of the problem is PREVENTION OF HEAT PROBLEMS
To avoid heat disorders physical exdistance is probably some number between not altered, more severe heat exhaustion or
28 and 46. So the best solution is for her to ~ven heat stroke, may develop. These types ertion, air temperature and humidity need to
live at the bar. (Although that might not be a of hyperthermia are a continuum and can be considered. There are temperature/lmgood idea for other reasons.) The bar is a progress from one to the next. Hence, it is midity guidelines that give recommendations
This is the solution to Bueya'sproblem place between where she goes to school and veryimportanttopreventhyperthermiafrom for preventing heat disorders while exercis(see page 5):
where she works, and she spends time at the occurring, or if it does develop, treat it at the ing in the heat. It may be necessary to exerLetxbe the distance from Washington Uni- bar. So why not live there? It feels good that first recognizable signs to prevent more ad- ciseinthecoolerpartoftheday,earlymoming
versity to :8ueya's home. Her total traveling our intuition was giving us the correct an- vanced stages from developing.
or after sundown, limit practice time, or take
distance for a day would then be:
breaks more frequently.
swer which we obtained mathematically. We TREATMENT OF HEAT ILLNESS
Some physical conditioning precau2x + 2(14- x) + 2lx- 51 = 28 + 2lx- 51.
have seen before, however, that we must be
To treat heat illness it is crucial to get
We want to minimize this distance and this careful with our intuition. Another observa- the victim out of the heat and cool as quickly tions need to be taken. Acclimatize yourself
happens when lx- 51= 0, that is, when Bueya tion is that even if this is a problem about as possible. This can be done in a number of to the weather and environment to enhance
lives at the bar. (This problem has been taken minimizing a quantity, we never found the ways, such as wetting and fanning the body, the body's ability to regulate heat. Wear
from Section 5.6 of the Harvard Calculus.)
derivative of any function, as is usually the applying cold wet towels over the neck, loose-fitting, light colored clothes that breathe
The reader might have been able to case in this kind of problems.
axilla and groin areas, or if absolutely nec- well. Avoid dehydration by remembering to
guess the answer without doing any (formal)
Rafael Marino is the Math Coordina- essary, immersing the body in cold water. hydrate yourself before, during and after an
mathematics. One idea is to take extreme tor for Evergreen
The type of cooling chosen is largely de- exercise bout. It is possible to lose as much as
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' pendent upon the urgency of cooling and the two quarts of water per hour of exercise.
Water weight loss should not exceed three
Aprill993, 2,396 are known dead dead dead victim's toleration to the treatment.
Heidi, from page 5
(did i mention that these people have bit the PHYsiOLOGICAL CoNCERNS oF HYPERTHERMIA percent of bodyweight Most importantly
than the now-dead generations of mostly big ole permanent penis of everlasting siesta?
The body needs to be cooled quickly in stop exercising at the frrst signs of heat dismen (currently a resurgence of younger men these are toasted fairies i'm talkin' about).
order to prevent damage to vital organs and tress.
testing+) and women (mostly dying quicker
Beth Gebstadt is the co-ordinator for
So, fair citizens of our beloved country tissue. If heat problems progress to the point
than men with less health care, support and where the width of highway lanes are regu- of heat stroke there is a significant danger of the Wellness Center.
financial assistance [isn't that special)).
lated to accomadate military tanks of freeGosh, wouldn't it be swell if institu- dom of speech and justice for all, let me make The Boy With No Middle Name
by Sal
tionalized homophobia and sexism were my parting comment and final piece of advice:
christmas ornaments so we could hang them It's your life to fuck with but when you get
on a pretty old growth tree right next to AIDS, other people end up cleaning the mess.
Woodsy the Petrified Spotted Owl? 23 per- Be fair to the people you love and who love
cent of the dead dead dead people were 40 to you, take care to use latex, lube, saran wrap,
49 (just kinda makes you wanna grab your lots of imagination and maybe a consensual
boyfriend and ram it, ram it, ram it home restraint or three. XXOO HEIDI
doesn't it?). Ten percent were over 49 and
Heidi M orkert thinks sufferingfor your
one percent were under five. Of the 3,608 art is bullshit. She wants monetary compenreported cases of AIDS in Washington as of sation and worship.


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Next year's CPJ columnists will be asked to have two columns re~dy for
us at the beginning of theyear. So get crackin' over the summer. Sfudents
writers will be given priority.


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Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 17


traditions are carried out. Many have do you think you are? Don't you realize
various types of contests, people do give- that every ~0 seconds a child sta1'ves to
a'ways in honor of achievements and death somewhere in the Philippines?!
thing, that people once found so
special occasions. There are, however,
Robert Cook - Get real. Cliches are
fashionable and that people find so
certain protocols to observe and ways to offensive. I find your so-called ' comic A
fashionable to trash, isn't some trendy
respect, or hold as reverent or special, Cliche in Every Pot to be insensitive,
intellectual exercise for me one way or the
certain things that occur during a Pow pointless, and downright degrading. It's
other. The search for decency, fairness and
, really funny, though.
respect isn't just something that I picked
The best thing about a Pow Wow for
Furthermore, I would like to take
up along with a pair of Birks or Docs just ' me is the way it pulls a family together this opportunity to congratulate all the
so that I could come to this school, it is
and therefore the community with a sense cartoonists who contributed to this year's
my life.
of who we are and it provides a place for
Comics Page, which, by the way, won
As a woman and a person of color,
pride in one's own culture and self esteem
second place in the Washington Press
I choose not to laugh at your little "jokes"
to be built.
Association Awards (eye-catching!). You
about oppression just as I choose not to
guys and gals are some of the most
Thank you very much all of you
engage in deep analysis of the "irony" in
who helped, those of you who came out
demented, subversive, talented, and hated
the "Dead Women Don't Refuse" flyer.
and joined us and Mack Silverhorn,
folks on this campus.
I'm too busy trying to calculate the
Keep at it! It will all pay off in the long
Harold Belmont, Sitting Horse Drum, Red
chances of sexual assault or indecent
Stone Drum, SpearFish Drum and most of run.
exposure as I walk the trails on campus.
all Mona, my co-sponsor! It was a good
As a person of color, I get to sit in
start! Thanks, Shungnak.
Emi J, Kilburg
seminar (probably as the only person of
color) and listen to intellecturu exchanges
about "the true nature of indigenous
When I graduate and leave this
place, I'll still be who I am (thank God)
and this will still be a racist, classist,
This has been an extremely
sexist society. For a lot of us, this ain't no
challenging year for me as the coSteffens is currently the Arts &
coordinator of the Women's Center. I
debate in seminar and the lessons never
Entertainment editor for the CPJ and will
have been very grateful for the support we
be the Editor-in-Chief come next fall. She
received from individuals in this
But hey, I'm a free speech kinda gal.
recently wrote an article for the student
community. My thanks goes out to the
So go ahead and make your jokes that
paper about reported indecent exposures.
people who have written letters in support
trivialize struggles against oppression. Go
"1 think it's important that women
of us, who have assisted with events that
ahead and post your misogynistic,
who are able, come forward and say 'this
we sponsored, and who have taken action
threatening flyers.
happened to me,"' said Steffens. "So that
to fight against the many forms of
But don't be surprised if a bunch of
it's not just this anonymous thing that
happens on campus."
us aren't laughing.
Thank you to Mary Craven, Denise
"1 don't want people to look at a
Robertson, Javier O'Brien, and Tom
Paola Maranan
flyer and see whatever anonymous image
Mercado, for all your help, particularly
they have of a woman. I want them to
with organizing events. Thank you to the
know that it's me, and if they want to talk
S&A groups and the faculty members who
to me about it, they can," she said.
co-sponsored or facilitated events. Thank
According to Sergeant Darwin Eddy
you to Jennifer Shafer, Linda Malanchuk,
of Public Safety, there havP h~~n fonr
I want to thank the producers of last
Tyra Lindquist, Eunice Santiago and Gary
week's "Queer Page" for helping me see
Wessels Galbreath for your consistent
an error in my own implicit views on . support, encouragement and insp~ration.
bisexuality. After reading it, I suddenly
the Central Utility Plant, and one south of
This is by no means a comprehensive list
realized I had once pressured a bisexual to
the Mod laundry room. All total, 22
of people who have demonstrated their
decide which she was really supposed to
locations on campus have received new
support. To the individuals I have failed
be, straight or lesbian - as if those were
lighting. For the Shops, these projects
to mention in this list: please don't think
the only valid orientations. It never
have meant months and months of hard
that your support hasn't been greatly
occurred to me that bisexuality was not a
work, often in poor weather, and a lot of
appreciated as well!
state of indecision, but a decisive form of
My utmost thanks goes to all of the ditching: 2,800 feet in all (a little over half
sexuality. Again, thanks for putting me women who have contributed their time a mile).
uh,-.: queer - on this issue.
Most-of the work this past year has
and energy by volunteering at the
Women's Center. You have been so been done by Maintenance Mechanics Ron
· wonderful to work with. And finally, my Twiddy and Don Hovland. The entire
thanks goes the most to my co- grounds staff have also worked hard in
coordinator, Lauren Towne. Without her trimming back trees and shrubbery that
dedication, enthusiasm and activism, I have grown up and obstructed existing
The Native Nations Celebration was
a big success! Everyone who volunteered might not have made it through the year: lighting. The projects, instead of being
she rocks!
and contributed are to be congratulated!
Amanda Emily Ray
The Native Student Alliance and the
Co-coordinator of the Women's Center.
Pacific Island Association wanted to work
and coordinate the day's events together as
the Indigenous Nations of the United
States to highlight our diversity,
commonalities and strengths. I am very
Now that we are coming to the end
very happy to report that it worked very
of yet another school year, I'd just like to
well, in fact I'm still on cloud 9.
leave the incompetent CPJ a few thoughts:
As Tom Mercado pointed out, we
Rev. Andrew Lyons- Your sloppy
did some trailblazing and I hope the .
compilation of the Security Blotter is just
tradition will continue to be carried out. I
plain awful. Who the hell arc you
especially hope there is a Pow Wow on
campus next year.
Others who were financial
contributors were Asian Students In
Alliance, Upward Bound, Jane Jervis, Art
Constantino, Colleen Ray and the Long
House Project, David Whitener's and Earl
McNeil's Communication an Uncommon
Denominator program, Craig Carlson,
YWCA, The Jewish Culture Center, The
Women's Center, The Women of Color
Coalition, and others.
The volunteer list (this list isn't a
complete list because I can't remember or
know all the names of those who stepped
in and graciously helped) includes:
Debbie O'Carroll, Earl & Sue McNeal,
Lynn Crowley, Marchelle, Carol Hearne,
Russ Fox, Gary Wessels-Galbraith, Bonita
Evans, Tom Mercado, Jon Collier, Patti
Zimmerman, Clarisse, Armin, Josh,
Bianca, Robio, Robyn, Misa, Takia, Ann,
JD, Mira, Katrina, Amy, Sharon, Tomoko,
with a special special thanks to Javier!!!!!
There are many kinds of Pow Wows
and ours was a simple, more traditional
one. They are simply a celebration of
who the native people are with the drum
and dance where family and community '

misogynist, from page 11

What's up with
that Emi chick?
Well here we are at the end of
another school year, and there's something
I just can't keep to myself any longer. It's
that rotten Emi J. Kilburg! Just what are
those self-caricatures supposed to mean
anyway? I can't put my finger on it, but I
know in my heart that they are wrong.
And those cartoons of rats? Rats,
Miss Kilburg, have rights, too. Rodents
have often been portrayed in stereotypical
roles, why perpetuate it? I mean, you
might as well put them in a pair of red
shorts with two big white buttons on the
Rev. Andrew F. Lyons

Women's Center Etc.
ends with thanks _E_x_p_o-se_r_a_t_l_a-rg-e-,-~-fr_o_m_c_o_v_e_r_)
such_ incidents this year, down from
previous years. But he added that, "It's a
cyclical thing, we could have more this
summer." According to Eddy, 99 percent
of exposers don't get caught. "There arc
so many places they can go," he said.
"They can sprint in any direction for fortyfive seconds, and we wouldn't know
where they went."
Still, Eddy stated that "speed in
reporting," is the best help they have in
capturing the perpetrator.
. Andrew Lyons is thus ending his
stznt on reporting on security issues with
this story.

Eyes opened by
Queer Page

Campus lights, (from cover)
contracted to outside firms, were designed
and engineered by the Shops staff.
It's been nice to receive comments
that the new lighting has added greatly to
those living on campus as well as those
using the campus facilities at night. There
will be even more walkway lights added in
the near future as the new Art Annex
addition is completed.
So, are you wondering just how
many walkway light poles there are on
campus? With the Art Annex completed,
there will be 310. That represents over
37,000 watts of lighting - and that does
not include the parking lot lights or the
Evergreen Parkway lighting.
I believe the College is committed to
making Evergreen a safer place. I hope
this article shed a little ... well ... light on
the subject.
Clint Steele is the Shops
Maintenance Supervisor.

Thanks to Pow
Wow supporters

What's wrong
with you, Andy?

Nearly everything in the TESC Bookstore will
be 20%, off on Sup~r ~Saturday.
Bookstore hours Ju~~ 5 will be
10:30-4:3Q '

Page 18 Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993


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Snuggle by Jon~h E.R. Loeb

~ • t--IP.\ I(.
GEL· NA">SI'C.t:- At(). JU.UU N.G ·
Bl\tt\ 1'1Jf31c'(· (>1'\~E.Il-~E.I(,HT• ~X
IO'(. f'Ltel-t. Stbt fiLLtNb •l•C•
()E.M)~~l·TI~)(Ei:flfliG• FooO
9WIMI'o\ttlo fb::>L f'7LLr::

'' W£LL I 'V£ TAI<£N loU
NoW WHAT?_I 11
1/3 by Omar

Last of All by Seth Magdich

Sal Jokes by Sal

r-I-n_____:_c_o_n_c_lu-s-1·0-r)~: oR: \~~s T~~~~..~A~~~


Next Year: You're On Your 'Own
·Cooper Point Journal June 3, 1993 Page 19


SAV l"l"'







To everyone who contributed to
the See-Page this year: you are

Bee's Knees.
Come and get your stuff, and
hey,. have a Great Summer!

· Lei(ani Jo/inson

Page 20 Cooper Point Journal June 3,1993, ·