

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 25, Issue 6 (November 3, 1994)

extracted text
Power or not, it's 's till dark and depressing.




















3, 1994



£1 Dia de los Muertos esta can vida en el campus



The highlight of the event was the dance
presentations performed by the Ballet Folklorico
CPJ Staff Writer
and choreographed by Issac and Cathy Schultz·
Although El Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, may Reyes. The performances illustrated traditional
conjure up dark, somber images of mourning, it is in actuality folk dances and costumes from four regions of
Mexico: Oaxaca, Chiapas, Michoacan and
a colorful, festive event celebrating the lives of the dead.
Perhaps one of the most interesting
The event was sponsored by the Movimiento Estudiantil
the celebration was the utilization of
Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), a student advocacy group for
in the Los Viejitosperformance
Chicano students in the Evergreen community and the Latin
The event also involved
American Student Organization (LASO), an organization to
by MEChA and local
promote the language and culture of Latin American countries.
EI Dia de los Muertos is traditionally held in conjunction community members. They consisted of shrines
with Dia de los Santos (All Saints Day). On Nov. 1 and 2, the honoring dead relatives, examples of traditional
Day of the Dead participants visit cemeteries and prepare music and folk decorations.
For participants who were unaware of the
festivities welcoming the souls of the dead. In addition to
involved, a short informative speech by
honoring the dead relations, the holiday also pays homage to
a Spanish instructor on campus,
the preservation of folk art and folk traditions.
In large cities where traditional celebrations such as was presented regarding the historical influences
cemetery visits are impossible, new practices are being of the indigenous and Spanish cultures.
developed. A popular practice involves the employment of
newspapers and magazines to present los calaveros (satirical "[EI Dia de los Muertos is] something that a lot of ~
poetry). These poems utilize sardonic humor to jest about different people and cultures can enjoy, not just the c
superiors and are usually published so that a wide audience Mexican culture. Other cultures can participate ~
and maybe understand what Mexican/Chicano :;
may receive them.
culture is:
The celeb- ~
• Capitol Campus
ration showed
the inclusivity ~
that Juarez spoke Q.
of. Members of Isaac Schultz-Reyes performs a crowd pleasing dance.
by Carson Strege
the surrounding
"It's a cultural celebration," said Juarez in reference to the
and students of
CPJ Layout Editor
leisure education classes at many aspects of diversity involved. "If we didn't have
Fasting on the steps of the
Capitol and North Thurston celebrations around here it would be a pretty boring place."
Capitol is Evergreen student Hali
MEChA is also sponsoring an exhibition of Chicano art
High Schools participated in
Panneton's way of.protesting the
on the third floor of the CAB Oct. 28 through Nov. 11. •
the event.
incarceration of Leonard Peltier.
Panneton has been sacrificing
food for the past two weeks to elicit
Governor Lowry's support for the
The CPJ examines access issues in a continuing 'series
Executive Clemency of Peltier. She
hopes the Governor will sign on to a
consultants. This survey included everything
by Rob Keefe
letter requesting clemency for Peltier.
from obstructions in campus walkways to the
CPJ COl/tributor
The letter will be sent to President
amount offorce needed to open every door on
Clint on demanding that he offer
The Americans with Disabilities Act campus. The survey measures compliance with
clemency to Peltier.
(ADA), enacted in J,uly 1990 provides ADA code and the Washington State Building
Peltier is a Native American c
"comprehensive civil rights protections to Code (RCW 19.27). Crossland states: "In so:ne
leader jailed in a controversial trial ~ -..~",,"_
individuals with disabilities." One of the rights cases it [the WashLngton code] is more strict
stemming from the murders of two ~
protected is access to public accommodations. than ADA. But we comply with whichever i~
FBI agents on the Pine Ridge ~
In this series, the CPjexplores accessibility: the the stricter of the two."
Reservation in South Dakota in 1975 . .0
funding, the policies and the people affected.
From this survey. the Co ll ege make~
Peltier supporters say that he
This week, the CPj spoke with Barbara proposals to the Governor's Office ofFinanci<Jl
was convicted on perjured testimony ~
Crossland, campus facilities designer, about Management. In the previous biennium $9,3
and illegally extradited'evidence from Q.
designing and funding accessibility projects. million of avai lable funding wa s alloca ted
Hali Panneton
Canada. In a ruling issued on Sept. ll,
She has worked since 1992 designing/ across the state, much less than the $50 million
1986, the U.S. Court of Appeals, 8th strong enough to come here and do this
managing access projects.
in requests.
Circuit, decided that the government and demand it. I don't think that anything
"In comparison with most other places,
Evergreen received just over $250,000,
"withheld evidence from the defense in this country ever happens unless people
we're in reaUy good shape. We started acting less than one-fourth of what it proposed.
favorable to Peltier" and went on to note, really have a strong show of support."
on it quite awhile ago," Crossland said.
Projects like housing access via the eRe
had evidence not been suppressed, "there
. Panneton has been a student at
Evergreen's commitment can be traced elevator were funded , but proposals for new
is a possibility the jury would have Evergreen for the past six years and she
back to 1978. A survey of accessibility was signs were not. Projects not funded still need
acquitted Leonard Peltier."
reports that some Evergreen students have
performed (in compliance with the Federal to be undertaken to meet code and provide
Peltier has exhausted any potential been offering support on the Capitol steps.
code at that time: Section 504) and 14 projects accessibility. New signs, for example, are being
appeals through the court system and now She has some suggestions for Evergreen
were undertaken in 1980 induding alterations added as old signs wear out and are replaced.
his only option for freedom is through students who want to help out.
ofLH I and a lift for the swimming pool.
Physical locales on campus are being
executive clemency.
"[I want Evergreen students) ...to
With the passage of ADA, a new upgraded continuously, and in the next
Panneton is involved in the Free think about taking a day off school and
comprehensive survey was performed by installment, the CPj will examine accessibility
Leonard Peltier campaign and helped come down and fast with me and come
Mariusz Kowalewski and a team of outside within academic programs. _
organize the "Walk on the Border" action, down and pick up these letters and sign
an international event supporting Peltier, them and I'd like to see a phone campaign
oflast month to increase awareness of the u~derway and I'm asking people to
Peltier case. The ·Walk on the Border" mention my fast,· she said.
• What is "WHAT"?, page 4
event gave her new resolve to renew her
The letters are available at the fasting
• Working in the sex industry, page 5
efforts to free Peltier.
site on the Capitol steps. To join the calling
• Survivors speak out, page 7
"I decided that my commitment was campaign call (202) 456-1111._
by Nathan Woods







'< rt



Ql (l)



CD "0


Student fasts for Peltier

rt III

o ()





Is Evergreen accessible?


All hoI/ow,

all 5orrow~~

all hi di')9

tAe shadows t~t
keep u.s
a. II friJ h't'IUJ~ tl
.nJ blind...

What's inside!








No. 65


volunteers will review the nominations.
conduct interviews and make the final
selection prior to the end of the fall quarter.
For more information. or for a nomination
paper. contact Lynn Stockwell. the Program
Coordinator. at x6732.

Free shots at
Health Center
The staffat the Evergreen Health Center
arl' olTering a free immunization shot clinic. AU
currrntly en rolled Evergreen st uden ts are
eligible fo r shots.
The clinic will be held on Nov. 9 and will
begin promptly at 10 am in th e CAB.
Shots available are the measles. mumps
and rubella (MMR) shot and tetanus and
diphtheria shot (TD).
For any further information on the free
immunization. call Health Services at x6200.

TEse Motor
Pool relocated


Student escort
service now available
The Evergreen Student Watch and Escort Service is now
available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 10 pm, and
Fridays and Saturdays from 8 pm to 1 am.
Volunteers are also being sought so hours can be extended.
and their hours can be worked out to fit the times of their
For more information on the service or on volunteering.
contact Martin McGrath at 866-4302.

Training offered in
com m u n ications
TESCs Ce nter for Mediation Services is rec ruiting
students, faculty and staff to become trained volunteers to
provide phone intake services for the Center. They will staff a
phone line during normal business hours to answer questions,
refer the caller to other resources. or arrange for mediation.

Compiled by

The volunteers must commit to 24 hours ofintake training
with Evan Ferber and Bruce Bergquist from the Thurston
County Dispute Resolution Center; six hours of orientation
about campus policies; four hours per week of phone coverage.
To find out more about the training or the Center's other
offerings. call Lynn Stockwell at x6732.

Starting Monday. Oct. 31. the Motor Pool
operation will be relocated to the garage in
the shop area off Driftwood road.
The reason for the move is to centralize
repairs and scheduling for increased
efficiency and keeping costs down. All
vehicles will be located at the maintenance
shop's yard on Driftwood Road. It will be necessary to pick-up
and drop-off vans in this new location.
For vehicle reservations call x6354. and for any ot her
Motor Pool concerns call George Liago at x6347.


Teleconference to be
Nominations sought on gender relations
for Mediation Board
On Wednesday. Nov, 9. a satellite teleconference dea ling
with contemporary gender relations on campus will be shown
in the first floor of the Library from 10 am to noon.
To be discussed are- topics such as friendship and other
non-sexual relationships . the need for respect in gender
differences and the pressures of intra/
interracial dating.

The Evergreen Center for Mediation Services is currently
seeking members for its Advisory Board. The Board advises
on the policy direction for the program. promotes the Center
and reviews applications for training. Members should have a
background in the workings of
the Cen ter. t he mediation
process and it's function on
In the Oct. 27 issue, the piece
"Advocates respond to 'False Memories ....
Nominations will be
misstated that Paul Ingram was convicted
accepted until Nov. 18. The
of "ritual child ~buse", He actually plead
program cooi-dinator. steering
guilty to six counts of raping his daughters.
committee and the Center's
The (PI regrets the error.
The Wild Viewcolumn's title should
have read Northern Goshawk. not
Northern Gosland.
The CPI has learned that the gas tank
found at the scene of the now infamous
trailer burning was not empty. but 3/4 full,

Sexual assault prevention
team provides answers
Evergreen has accepted the challenge and
the responsibility of preventing sexual assault
on campus through pro-active rape awareness.
education and prevention programs, During
fall quarter. facu lty from four core programs
,made room in their busy schedules for trained
O'staff and students from the Rape Response
by Mary Craven and Kim Goforth
Coalitionstudent group to share their training
with first year students. Mary Craven. Sexual (non-consensual sex between adults who know
Assault Prevention Coordinator and intern each other). perpetrated by our dates. partners.
educator. Kim Goforth. will continue to pro- friends. neighbors and classmates. In other
vide the community with information about words ... ,
, • 84 percent of rape survivors know th~ir
sexual assault in their positions funded by an
11 month grant
Statistics obfrom the Washing"Contrary to popular belief, most
tained from the
ton Crime Victim's
rapes are not perpetrated by
Sexual Violence
Advocacy Ollice.
strangers jumping out of the
Program, Univ, of
In future
Minne~ota, Minbushes. Instead they are
(PI issues. we will
neapoJ/s, ' :
attempt to give as
acquaintance rapes .. , perpetrated
n 'of
much information
by our dates, partners, friends,
as readers request,
neighbors and classmates.'"
including questions
Ifa rape occurs off
regarding the intercampus between
nal Evergreen process and discussing other on two students can the Evergreen grievance proand off campus resources. Rape survivors are cess be,used?
less likely to be silent if they know of other safe
The college will honor any Orders of No ConSome information about tact that are obtained off campus but since t.he
sexual assault.
rape did not occur on campus it is not a viola• One in three women will be raped in her tion of the' student conduct code and thus not
punishable under the grievance process, As a
• One in six men wi.1I be raped in his
learning community. our goal is to educate not
punish,(Copies of the.Student Conduct Code
• Women between the ages of 16 and 19 may be obtained frorri the Vice President of
are most likely to be raped.
Student Affairs' office iA Library 3236.)
Contrary to popular belief. most rapes are
Anyquestions you'd like answered in this
not perpetrated by strangers jumping out of the column may be sentto The Office ofthe Sexual
bushes, Instead they are acquaintance rapes Assault Prevention Coordinator, Library 1411.

Prevention and Awareness


Friday, October 21

0044: Dorm resident was threatened by an
0834: A two car traffic accident at Driftwood
Road and the Parkway. Two adults and one
child were injured. they were brought to the
hospi tal.
1305: Two dogs were loose in F-lot.
1329: Two bicycle wheels were taken from a
bike in the dorms.
1540: The pavilion is closed to everyone
because of structural damage in one of th e
1700: A person with a laceration above their
right eyebrow was delivered medical attention,
2140: A bicycle was taken from I-Dorm, .

Saturday, October 22
0012: Malicious pull ofF-Dorm flre alarm.
0040: Marijuana paraphernalia seized in Clot.
0415: Student experiencing a panic incident
in the dorms.
1029: Minor vehicle accident between a car and
a truck, there were no injuries.
1953: Stop sign dismantled at the corner of
Driftwood and Lewis road.

Sunday, October 23
0921: Driver side car window was smashed in
1313: Fire alarm in R-Dorm; A burner with a
dirty pan on it was mistakenly turned on,
1615: Anonymous phone ca ll stating that
firearms were being'discharged at or near the
TESC beach.
2024: Fire alarm in D-Dorm because of a
culinary disaster. There was no fire,



Edited by Dawn Hanson

Z NOVEMBER 3, 1994


Monday, October 24
1550: Attempted break-in at the Lab I loading
dock gas storage area,

Tuesday, October 25
1414: Fire alarm in A-Dorm,
1500: A man tried to persuade a woman into
his car on Lewis Road.
2206: Student caught taking tea from The Deli.

Wednesday, October 26
0503: Malicious pull of the C-Dorm fire alarm,
The puller was caught and cited,
1130: Fire alarm on 10th floor of A-Dorm
caused by ladybugs in a smoke detector.
1725: Report of van theft from F-Dorm,
It was later discovered that a friend of the van
owner moved it into the Cooper's Glen
parking lot.
1947: Possible theft of credit cards in the CAB.
The cards could have been taken from the
victim at a different place.




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Thursday, October 27
0929: Theft from auto in F-Lot.
0930: Bicycle stolen from U-dorm.
1440: Loose dog caught near Library building.
1449: Vehicle with broken window in C-Lot.
1628: Fire alarm in Library, The cause was
1700: Dog caught at 1440 was reunited with
its owner.
1800: Car broken into and items stolen from
1815. 1830: Tow cars were broken into and
items stolen from them in F-Lot.

LuckY~e. £veryone else takes the day_ should ~h~ck out '£verst~ ~DI'
off. but I get here just in time fo~ the power .productioJl this week: UMOEnsemble's "£1
i:O,go back·0,.., no excys~ for not WQ~g. ~. Dorado." This theater pro'duction:
What an .exCellent opportunity.to ,wander ;discussing themes of the conquest of the
the CAB checking out aU the tlie,l'$ without Americas will he presented at 8 pm on
aU those bothersome
. Friday. Nov. 4 at the
cAB mfu,glen getting '·"
Experimental Theater.
tlie way. .
. If you 'thought
. This week: local
the CAB was just tbe
and worldwide bu- ,
CAB. you're wrong.
man rights, congreSs- .
the second floor he.woman to visit cam- .
comes the Cafe Verde
pus, media activism.
byDerek Birnie
Coffeehouse for music
CAB conversion, exproductions by S & A
perimental theater.
Productions. This
apo\ogi«:s and a pitch for participation,
week on Nov. 8 at noon. check out the wire"Are you aware of the human rights less sounds of Kirk Edwards, "a different
.abuses that oc~ur in our world?" Amnesty kind of solo-artist:
lnt~mational asks. David Brinkley is.
Most of our student groups hold
Brinkley will speak at 7 pm on Friday. Nov. meetings weekly for the purpose of planning
4 in CAB 110.
their events and campaigns and entertaining
Jolene Unsoeld is concerned with ideas for new projects. Contrary to some
human rights as'well. The Evergreen Queer comic page portrayals. they are enthusiastic
Alliance hosts Jolene and a representa\ive of about new participants and keep the
the Human Righ.t s Campaign Fund for a sycophantic raving to a minimum.
!Deeting on Thursday. Nov. 3 at 7 pm in CAB
StroH through the S & A area oftbe 3rd
314. ."
floor, it's your space, meet some of the
" . EPICjustdoesn'tslowdown. Ariactive coordinators. find out their meeting times
memberwasspottedpostingfliersataLocal and get involved intbe group that most
C'offeeshop fo~tWo I~es on the subversive interests you.
topics of "Cpirununity Radio as' a Tool for
"Ifyou thinkyou knowwhattJ1.ey·re all
Social. Ch~nge.~' (Tpur$., Nov. 10,7 pPl, UBabout, you'll probably be surpnsed." says
2100) and "M.edia & Propaganda" (Fri. Nov. coordinatorJohn Ford. ofthe Mm's c.entu's
11, Noon. Library Lobby). The speaker. . weekly meetings on Mondays at 3 pm in
. David Barsarili{in; is a noted journalist of Z, LIB 1505.
The Progressive and Harper's f'lme and
. Apc?Logies and thankS should go t(}
author in his own'right (Keeping the Rabble MEC~ who put together 'Dia de los
in Lille, with NoamChomsky), asw~llas the · Muenos on Sunday, Last week's 3rd Floor
producer ,of Alte~native Radio. o~t of Info gave full credit to LASO for
Boulder. CO.
coordinating this_event•.
Folks who enjoyed UAKTI last week




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3, 1994 PAGE 3



WHAT plans to build house

Well, Tuesdays at 4 :30 is
your chance to shine.
Come to our Stol'y Meeting
and suggest ideas, write a
story or take a picture.

Students work to construct real-life laboratory
by Pat Castaldo

CPJ Managing Editor

If WHAT has their way, the Evergreen
campus will be home to a new educational
structure--a house specifically geared toward
the use of sustainable living technologies and
WHAT stands for the Washington House
of Appropriate Technology and it is currently
an independent group contract of three
students under faculty member Rob Knapp.
"Appropriate technology is intelligent
technology, in such that you take into
consideration the surrounding environment,
the community and the cost," said Jeremy
Fuller, one ohhe cofounders of WHAT. Items
such as rainwater recycling systems and
composting toilets are working examples of
appropriate technology.
Their goal is to create a working facility
that will house three students and be an
educational resource for the entire community.
The house will be primarily used for the
sciences, both physical and environmental, but
would ideally hosta variety of applications.

"We want to create an experience, not
just a house," said Robin Stephani, another of
the cofounders of WHAT.
K-12 education, hands·on environmental
workshops and a student project workspace
are some ofthe planned activities for the house,
that would, according to Stephani, ideally be
located close to student housing.
Actual construction of the WHAT house
is a long ways off. The group predicts it will take
at least two years and it is co ntingent on a
variety of campus logistics, including a final
nod of approval from the Board ofTrustees.
The group is currently recruiting others
to assist in the research and planning. The
intcn tions of the house are so diverse, that they
are seeking people in areas as diverse as
architecture and biology.
Funding for WHAT is currently being
sought through grants and foundations.
Applications for 'seed' money (funds given to
groups to start projects which may later earn
larger grants) have already been mailed out.
There will be an informational meeting
for WHAT on Thurs., Nov. 10 at 3:30 pm in
Room 2242, Lab II.

The Program From Addiction to
Wellness invites you to this
week's Wednesday evening

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"Compassion and WeI/ness"
by Joan Cathey

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November 9th, 6prn-8prn
in the Library 3500 Lounge.

,Q: Do you b,lieve in programs aimed at preventing

the causes of crime 1

.Pros ecutor 1



so i'm really discouraged about this people's bodies. plus, i probably could have ways, but i don't really think that it's much disgusting cologne i've ever smelled. at least
column right now cuz i just ran into this gotten another job that paid just as much ifi'd more fucked up than when i worked at alan with this job it's out in the open.
Nomy is the fire that fuels the flame that
dumbass bOJl who i think is really creepy and looked long enough, so it's not like it was my mills and my boss told us that we had to wear
sexist and he said ~nomy, i read your column only economical option. so that argument proper undergarments and he ate pork rinds makes the firecracker go BOOM! What would
but i didn't get it. what was the point? it didn't doesn't really apply to me. actually, i just really all day and called us ~ladies" and wore the most we do without her?
seem to be saying much of anything." i IlkI' my job. it totally utilizes my acting skills, i
should've expected as much, but it was still get to lie to people all the time, i get to use
totally depressing. i just gotta keep reminding alternate names, i get to way overcharge people
myself.that it's not his opinion that i'm if i think they're sickos, i get to totally
worrying about, cuz the whole fucking world manipulate and use cheesy sex appeal.
is talking to him. what i really wanna know is
in some ways i feelllke it's really sick of
whether or not this stuff is making sense to me to like my job when it's reinforcing and
women, people of color, jews, fat chicks, validating every oppressive tendency i have.
BibleJim, Raving Ray, Brother1ud& one more perversion of (iod's Truth in
working class kids, etc ... so please please please the people i talk to on the phone are blatantly
Siste.Cindy,- The DestToyfl!S. and Holy word as well as deed. A qUick look at the
sexist, racist, sizeist, heterosexist... and i have
let me know, okay? you know who you are.
Hubert have occasionally tomed th~ message and lifeofthe Biblical prophets
after that happened, i was going to go to deal with them and be all nicey-nice and
campqses of the NortJtwest to bring their can sl10w the difference. ConspicUOUS
offon a rampage about sexism on this campus, flirty. the absolute worst is when fm talking
message of the judgment of God -upon consumption. racism. oppression of the
but i've decided to
to a guy and he's flirting

poor, spiritual idolatry. and power hungry
hold off on the hate "with me and asking me
leade.t:,S were some of tbe items' of which
mail for a while. rve .
if i'm gonna be his
hostl!d on Red Square last year enjoyed the ' God warned people to repent. And God still
decided to stick with
dancer, and fm jerking
attention gathered by his condemning . warnswith people in line with the Biblical
him around "oh. no, tee
the topic i was planning
board and whistle. Sister Cindy prophets.
on writing about this
hee, i'm just a phone
proudly displays her needlework on the
Telling people the truth about their
week: my job
girll" and he says "okay,
moral corruption '
back of her white
well this girl isn't gonna
i work at a
easy business,
be fat or anything, is
stripping agency. i've
reads. ,"lam my
but the Biblical
she?" and i'm this fat
been wanting to work in
prophets went much
the sex trade industry for ·
girl sitting here and haparticular
They clearly
a while now - i was
ha you don't even know
thinking phone sex - cuz i think that sex work that you're talkin ' to a chick who's gonna be
students to II hotter.
abiding love and
is a really important feminist issue, and i out killing guys like you someday. but i sit here
rage ~an the worst of
faithfulness, even in
thought that working in this industry would i grit my teeth i say "oh, no way, these girls are
Greg Smith
light of gross moral
help me clariry some of my ideas about it. but gorgeous. they're all in great shape, they work
And though
nothing's any c1e·arer. i'm totally more out every clay, they're fabulous performers ... "
folks consider themselve~ prophets from there was friction between the prophets
confused than ever. first of all, i don't actually this job isn't exactly doing wonders for .my
God sent to warn us of impending doom and many people, the prophets were not
do any of the sex work. i answer phones and body image.
.unless we repent. They see themselves in aloof from the people, but lived closely in
take orders for stripping telegrams and
but for some reason i feel really powerful
line with the likes of Jeremiah, Isaiah, and community with them.
bachelor parties. then i send out a "gorgeous when i'm on the phone with some total jerkJonah, who were Biblical prophets" with
Now to the present, next week is
girl" or "really hot guy" to do the job, and they off and i'm charging him 30 bucks more than
some tough words to preach and'frequent . ChristAwareness Week Daytime activities
give over half of the money back to us. so he should be paying. and then i get off work
popularity problems. Not only'do they get include some outdoor discussions in the
basically i'm a pimp.
and i'm on the bus and wow here comes
to share the feelings of being ·hated and ' plaza aboutthe meaning of life and where
in the past, a lot of my argument for another jerk-offbut i know how to manipulate
preaching the tough words, they also share Jesus fits in. There won't be any sandwich
women in the sex trade industry was him now. i can smile and nod and pretend i
in the use of gfl!phic images. Isaiah's main . boards, whistles or naked preachers, but if
economical. like, it's a really classist judgment care about what he's saying to me about texas
graphic was nudity: God told him to walk you want to come out to chat, learn
to condemn a woman's means of survival. rangers or whatever but what i'm really
around naked for three years, warning the . something new, agree. ,~sagree, get mildly
when sex work is the highest paying and most thinking is that this guy is the biggest dumbass
that they would be exiled ill the rern~taboutyourownworldview.feelfree
accessible work around, it's totally and he probably has no idea that when he
nude if they didn't repent.
to do that. A couple ofevening lectures and
understandable that a woman would choose called the stripping agency lookin' for phone
, :It's rr!Y opinion that a few ,shallow . a co~cert are also planned.
to sell her body. but the thing is, i'm working sex it was me he was talking to. i'm a woman
similarities does not put the local touring .'
GregSmith is the ,Campus Minister .
in this,industry but i'm not selling my body. with a secret. i've got a hidden weapon.
prophets· in line with anyone, but with Ev,ergreen Students for Christ.
i'm sitting in this little room selling other
and maybe my job is fucked up in some
themselves. Their perfprmance is simply




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• I have 21112 years of administrative experience and management ~ a
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A: I want to make Thurston County a safer place by holding criminals
accountable for" crime a~drestoring credibility to the criminal justice




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3, 1994



Working in sex industry gives columnist clear insights

Absolutely. As a former caseworker I've seen how effective good prevention
programs can be at reducing the causes of crime. We must continue to
mobilize the community to get at these causes and be more.innovative in
preventing crime. My work for the Olympia Child Care Center and the
United Way and my financial support for Safeplace and activities like the
Yelm Skateboard Park have been my personal contributions to making our
county a better and safer community.

Q: Why do you 'want tO,be Thurston County '

Edited by Jeff Fuccillo

3, 1994 PAGE 5

The EDeTflreen Social Contmct

Washington State"

Staff Editorial

Ron Sims needs
your sup'port
The CP!s Forum and Response pages act to encourage
public debate. We want the editors of the CPJ to be
facilitators of information, not privileged participants. But
at times we find an issue that is so important we feel we
must step in and add our personal thoughts to the dialogue.
The Washington state Senate race is just such an
The Senate race between Ron Sims and Slade Gorton
offers voters a dear choice for the future .o f our state. We
can choose Gorton again and have him fighting against
needed changes te the entrenched Reaganomics system. Or
we can choose Ron Sims, a man who promises to work with
the Democratic House and President to make the necessary
changes to the horrors of the Reagan/Bush years.
Gorton has spent the last six years demonstrating
where he wants this state and country to go. He refuses to
re~valuate the detrimental land-use policies in the Eastern .
Washington desert. He won't protect citizens from the
proliferation of handguns or assault weapons: He will only
protect the' rights of wealthy women to choose abortion.
Gorton voted against the family leave bill which would allow
parents to care for ill family members. He continually pits
the interests of the east and west sides of the states against
each other to further his own self,irlterest.
Ron Sims, on 'the other himd, will bring a fresh
perspective to the Senate that Washington state desperately
needs. He will work with the Ointon administration to
make the needed changes to help Washington state. On the
Seattle City Council, Sims demonstrated his commitment
to the community by working diligently for policies that help
the people without the ability to buy a senator's ear.
Sims promises to protect a woman's right to choose,
regardless of her financial status. He promises to fight for .
the rights ofthe working families of Washington by passing
legislation that assists them. He knows that the "right" to
bear arms infringes on other's right to live. He won't pit
Eastern Washington against Western Washington. .
Lastly, Gorton has over four million dollars to buy
political advertising which even Republicans describe as
"below the belt" negative campaigning. Sims however, is
working with only about $500,000. Don't let another Senate
seat be bought, vote for Ron Sims next Tuesday.
Naomi Ishisaka. editor in chief

Carson Strege. layout editor
Editors note: Unsigned staff editorials are unfair to
the reader. CPJ editorials will bear the names and positions
ofall supporters.
• Olympia Community

Evergreen Community

On responsibility and guilt ...
by Austin Warren Dacey

identical. Responsibility belongs to those who actively engage
affect their world. lrresponsibility implies inactivity, since
ePJ Contributor
only the personally and socially inert have no actions and
Not long ago while crossing Red Square I was given a piece projects to be responsible for. Nothing compliments the
ofliterature by a member of the Rape Response Coalition. It paralyzing cynicism so definitive of my generation better than
was directed towards men to emphasize that rape is not simply the exasperated admission that "it doesn't make a difference
a "women's issue," and that men can and should playa proactive what I do'" "We are talking responSibility here, not guilt" is
role in its prevention. Printed across the bottom of the handbill enabling because it means that we (in this case men) have the
was the exclamation "Remember, we're talking responsibility privilege of mattering; that it makes a difference what we do.
here, not guilt!" I was impressed by this phrase and moved to This responsibility is not a sentence of burdensome guilt and
write some further articulation of what it might mean.
self-reproach. It is an affirmation of one's power and affectivity.
Being responsible is associated with being guilty. To be . an acknowledgment of one's position in the public world. Men
responsible for something is to commit yourself to something would do well to accept the invitation to responsibility as the
such that its success or failure becomes also your success or gift it is.
failure. When you assume responsibiJityyou also assume blame,
and the guilt attendant on that blame. But the two are not
• Olympia Community

Farmer's Market needs Proposition 1
feeding Thurston County with both our health and the
environment's in mind, (two things that large-scale agriculture
ePJ Contributor
simply can't claim to do).
Not only does locally-produced food assure that our food
Established in 1920 and reopened in 1974, the Olympia is being grown responSibly and sold fresh .. but the consumers'
Farmers Market moved three times before settling at its present money is. guaranteed to stay within the county. As Market
location on Capitol Way. Unfortunately, the time has come to manager Rick Castellano once quipped, "Farmers don't get rich,
move again. Although the City of Olympia agreed in 1991 to they just buy more land;" every dollar spent at the Farmers
purchase the Market's whole block to secure the location, the Market (approximately $2,000,000 in 1993), is being sent
discovery of petroleum by-products in the soil has prevented directly back into the preservation of what remains ofThurston
the further construction necessary to establish a permanent County's open space.
market site. The solution proposed for when the Market's
So why can't the Farmers Market Association, with its
current lease expires on Jan. 31, 1995, would mean a move only seven digit annual revenue, "build and pay for its own market?"
three blocks north to Port of Olympia property; the catch is, asks the Statement Against Proposition #1 in the Official Voters
the City would no longer be the source ofconstruction funding. Pamphlet. Upon closer scrutiny, it is not the Association that
With the passage of Proposition 1 on the Nov. 8 ballot, the grossed $2,000,000 in 1993, but the vendors. The only revenue
payment would be covered by an $850,000 bond issue. This that the Association itself receives is in rent from its
boils down to an annual $5.45 per $100,000 in assessed property participants. which totalled $12.000 last year. Of that, the
value, and would bepaid by the land/home owner for ten years. Market would be paying at least $10.000 in rent to the Port of
In 2005, the Farmers Market would be a self-sufficient, non- Olympia at the proposed site, leaving only $2,000 for present
profit organization, requiring no more money from the City.
and future maintenance and all other market functions. In
Orville Armstrong argued against Proposition 1 in The short, the Farmers Market is a non·profit community service,
Olympian, saying he disagreed with they city council's asking hardly th e multimillion dollar private enterprise that the
taxpayers to subsidize private business, for fear that favoritism proposition's opposition perceives it to be.
would leave the recipients with an "unfair advantage over [their1
All things considered, approximately $5 per average
competitors." While no grower at the Farmers Market poses household' would be a small yet effective contribution to this
any real threat to supermarket produce. I agree that government comm unity organization. Proposition #1 is not merely an
incen tive to particular businesses seems unfair. What option for the Market's survival, as of now it's the only choice.
Armstrong fails to mention are the millions offederal tax dollars Rick Castellano urges that Olympians must "realize that if the
pumped into agribUSiness subsidies without question every Farmers Market is important to them, they need to vote for
year; in order to protect the tradition ofagriculture in the United this." Passing Proposition #1 would prove we are a community
States many are paid not to grow food! The growers in our committed to preserving local agriculture and enhancing our
community deserve at least the same support and respect for quality oflife.
by Lisa Hamilton

Health Center ad
glorifies drug use Intern needs help in accessibility study

Evergreen Community

Josie Turner
by Kelly Lewis

ePJ Contributor

TEse Student

Do you find the library accessible? I am an intern for the
Library and Access Services. My internship is based on finding
out where the library is and is not accommodating to students
with disabilities and how to make it more accessible for those
students. Approximately two weeks ago I distributed 217
questionnaires to people with disabilities and 50 questionnaires
to library staff members who service. Out of .the 50
questionnaires to library staff I have received over half, which
is a good response. However, out ofthe 217 questionnaires to
students with disabilities I received one response.
Although the library is a public, services library, as
everyone should know, if they do not know already, the library
is not fully accessible to students with disabilities. Ifyou have a

I am writing in response to the flyers that the TESC
counseling and health center posted on campus on Oct. 27.
These flyers said "SHOOT UP NOW" with a photocopied
picture of a syringe. While this flyer was intended to advertise
immunizations being offered on campus, it accomplished an
entirely different goal. This flyer glamorized IV drug use. For
an organization that is supposed to be on campus for the health
and well being ofthe community this was a very negligent act.
IV drug use is not glamorous, it is dangerous. There are more
than 1.5 million IV drug users in the US, of them at least
350,000 are HIV positive. Thirty-two percent of AIDS cases are
IV drug use related. ~ith the dramatic increase of heroine and
methamphetamine ~se among college students today, IV drug
use is becoming much more widely accepted. This flyer
validates that acceptance. Anyone can see the danger in such a
message. To the person who designed and distributed that flyer,
please give some thought to the messages that you put out in
the future.
Statistics obtained from Long-Haired David at OAPP

3, 1994


disability and you have found it difficult to access resources or
services in the library now is your chance to speak up and be
heard, Your input could begin the process to make drastic
changes in the library'S interior structure and possibly exterior
structure. If you do not speak out now or make an effort to be
heard then you forfeit the chance to make the library more
accessible to you. On Wed., Nov. 9, 1will have a table set up on
the second floor of the CAB. There you can either fill out the
questionnaire that was mailed to your house or write down
other miscellaneous comments. If you have any questions or
suggestions about the questionnaire or the library and its
. accessibility feel free to call me or send me e-mail. My on campus
number is. x6348.
My e·mail address
turnerj@elwha.evergreen.edu. You can e-mail or send
previously mailed questionnaires to Access Services TESC
Olympia WA, 98505.

How to Res ond
Our Forum and Response Pages exists to encourage robust public debate. Forum and Response submission
represent the sole opinio~ of the authors and are not endorsed by the CPJ staff. .
• Response letters must", 4$0 words or less -Forum articles must be 600 words or less.
Please save in WordPerfect and bring your submission to CAB 316 on disk.
Call us at 866-6000 x6213 if you have any questions

Congress ShRall
make no la~UI
th re
r . 1e

Constitution of the State of Washington

Members of the community must exercise the rights accorded them '/0 voice their
opinions with respect to basic matters of policy and other issues. The Evergreen
community will support the right of its members, individually or in groups, to express
ideas, judgements, and opinions in speech or writings,


Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all
subjects, being responsi~le for the abuse of that right.

~~ .

and to petition







)' .





De~r Edifor~:
---:-'tllat is, people tended to forget that they
J wish to. ~tten;lp,t tp ~on·ec.t s(jme had been,in ~'utomobil~ accidents, had hurt
mistaken impfessiori's th~t may bitv¢ been '0 theIllsel.ves m other ways, etc. Hence, the
. left by Oliver Moff'at's·tTo!lt page Analysis.(a . ,burden IS on the Represse~ Me~ory people .
journalistic oxymorop), "Advo~ates r~spond to show that the rates offorgettmg are much
to 'FalSe Memories'" inthe Oct. 27, 1994 issue greater than for other types of events.
of the Coope~PointJoumal. ·.· .'
. Moffat's unsupported claim .that
.[ don't doub.t that the book Courage to Vietnam Veterans and Holocaust sUrvivors
Heal ha~ provided solace and c;onstructive p'~esent as DID , (Dissociative Iden~ity
advice to some survivors of sexual ahuse. Disorder, formerly referred to as Multiple
However, there is accumulatingevidence.that Person~lity Di~order). or represse~ t~eir
the techniques that authors Ellen Bass and memones of their expenenc~s IS astom~hmg.
Laura Davis recommend for memQry The problem these populations have IS not
reconstruction have resulted in confabulated forgetting - rather, it is in having reoccurring,
memories. Recent lawsuits filed in California intrusive memories of their experiences. 1am
against the authors by parents accused of unaware of a ~ingle case of DID among
child abuse joined by their adult children Holocaust survlvprs, and I would very much
who have retracted these charges attest to like to see Moffat's source for this claim. One
possible explanation for their absence that
Chuck Noah is correct that ~uthor.s should not be ignored i~ the absence at that
Bass and Davis are not therapists, and claim time of therapists looking for this condition.
no academic background in the field..
There is no way of knowing ifthere :-:as
Space does not aUow me .to explicate sexual abuse in $ome of the 14,000 famlhes
the coni~rns many-' have over the t.!tat have contac~ed th~ .Fals~ Memory
methodology of the Williams study. 1 ~yndrome FoundatIOn (m~sld~ntified as the
certainly will share tnem with anybody who . False ;vte.mory ~ounda ~lOn th~oughout
wishes to contact me. HoWever, even if one ' Moffat s piece). Smce their foundmg, a fact
accepts Williams' methods, and the a<;curacy they will r~adil~ admit. However, .were there
of her data, by her own accounting only 12% not an ~pldemlc of false acc~s.a~lons, th~re
of the 129 (not 136) women reporteq. no would be no FMSF. ResponSibility for child
memory of any abuse. The38%figure was for molesters getting "off the hook" !ies with ,
the specific "index event" ~ The victims who p~opl~who make careless accusatton.s, not
did not recall the specific target incident With mnocent people who are workm!; to
documentedinthehospitalrecordsdidrecall regain their rep'utations and put back
other incidents, very possibly confusing the together their shattered live~.
recorded events with other ones ... hence
Let me repeat once agam, Paul Ingram
there was no mas~ive repression. The committed no ritual crimes, and was
remaining 12% who reported no memo~es convicted of no ritual crimes.
could have simply been.too young to recall
In response to Anne BrIdges
the abuse (some ofthe women in this study suggestion that "... people should challenge
were as young as 10 months old at the time .. what (the FMSF's) moti.ves re~lIy are," I
of the reported. molestation) or c;h~lIellge her to o!fer a s~gle piece of ~eal
uncomfortable with the interviewer.
eVidence that their motives are anythmg
Another problein'With the study is that other t~an what they say they are.
in looking at other medical emergenCies,
investigato:s found similar rates offorgetting .
Matt L9ve, Evergreen Alumnus

Cooper Point Journal
Comics Page Editor: Brian Zastoupil
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Demian A. Parker
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Ad Proofer: Rebecca Pellman
Circulation Manager: Melanie Strong
Distribution Manager:
Catlin McCracken
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User's Guide
The Cooper Point Journal exists to
facilitate communication of events, ideas,
movements and surrounding communities.
To portray accurately our community, the
paper strives to publish material from anyone
willing to work with us. Graphics and articles

published in the Cooper PointJournal are the
opinions of the author or artists and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of our staff.
Submissions deadline is Monday Noon,
We will try to publish material submitted the
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The CP] publishes weekly throughout

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5 p.m. Mondays to submit a classified ad.
©1994 Cooper PointJoumal

the go


e '(7( e
nment for a redress of grievances.

"Burning Lies"
Often during abuse of a child, the adult
abuser forces the child to promise to be silent,
"We are friends, this is our secret, you wouldn't
tell on your friend would you?" The abuser
often places the blame or guilt inappropriately
on the child, and even further contorts
responsibility by telling the child it is their job
to make sure, "Daddy doesn't get sent to jail."
A child relies on the adult for food, housing,
clothing and emotional needs and often does
not want Daddy to be sent away. This is one
example of silencing a survivor and contorting
the responsibility ofabuse.ln Cult Ritual Abuse
the programming "not to tell" involves
elaborate brainwashing and torture.
With extreme trauma, if there is no
support to help the person deal, such as
someone to teU, she will in part or in whole
repress the information. This is simply put storing away, hiding from consciousness. It is
a brilliant capacity and coping mechanisms to
survive and in many cases an alternative to
suicide. More than once I have heard survivors
say, "I would have died if I could not have
pretended it was just a bad dream and
eventually 1forgot." For a child the implication
of-this person I rely upon for basic necessities
is unreliable and unstable, or for Generational
Ritual Abuse Survivors - my family kills
people, is overwhelming. Do I really need to

explain the problem this creates for a six year old?
Despite all these huge obstacles there are
Survivors of Abuse who get to a safer place
(often adulthood) and find a way to tell the
secrets. This often involves the painful difficult
process of allowing the stored away boxes of
information to open and reveal the events of
the trauma. The alleged false memory is a last
attempt by abusers and their cohorts to try to
get Survivors to shut up. Throughout history
Womyn who have told of the violence
committed against them have been called
hysterical, having fantasies, on and on. We
have been given electric shock, sedatives,
restraints, invalidating "just put it behind you"
therapy, and still we stand to tell the truth.
I congratulate every Survivor who refuses
to obey their abuser(s) to keep the secret. I
congratulate myselves. I look forward to the
day when I don't have to take my time and
energy to write responses to Survivor backlash.
We have more important things to talk about
like how incredible it is that we made it
through and we are healing now.
Listen to and trust yourself
P.S. Ifyou are going to have sympathy for
something being burned, why don't you take
a moment to think of children burned and
killed by their parents.
Robin Adalina Landsong

Beyond silence is our freedo~
I hear the silencing of survivors. I see that
years of subtle to overt oppressive acts have
slowly been crushing our voices. I see the man
in Red Square spitting out his hate for his
daughter and the wcimyn she has become. T
see his burning plywood signs bringing more
outcry than the children raped, beaten.
tortured, and murdered, every minute of every
day, in thi~ town, in this state, in this country.
Today. Right now. Silently,
Just who holds the freedom bf speech?
those in power are willing to pay to silence any
voice which threatens their control. There is
no such thing as a -:false memory syndrome."
There is such a thing as survivors remembering
horrendous child abuse, and asking now for
social change. There is such a thing as abuse
survivors gaining public validation and
support for the first time in history.
I see this backlash movem ent as a
testament to the power of our voices. I have
seen when I have told my own story, most
people have responded with caring and
concern. So many times we have been silenced
by abusers. because when we dare to speak, we
can be.believed. So many times our anger has
been punished by abusers, because when we
dare to show our anger, social change begins.
I believe that the lives of children are more
important than those hurt feelings of a man

whose own grown chi ldren remember he
abused them.
I am angry, and I am a survivor of ritual
abuse. I have been raped , beaten, physically
and emotionally tortured, sold into
pornography and prostitution as a child. I am
angry that my abusers deprived me of the safety
entitled to a child. I am angry that their abuse
has deprived me of a family. I am angry that I
am forced to watch abusers defending power
to destroy the lives of their own children. I am
angry that the battles in court sway strongly to
their favor. I am angry that the penalties for
rape and murder are so light when the victims
are just children and the convicted is their
parent. I am angry I have heard the threats of
these abusers and hesitated to speak the truth.
But every challenge makes me stronger.
They have failed to stop me with the dregs of
my own fear. They will not kill my rage at this
injustice. They cannot stop sur\'ivors from
healing and declaring the crimes against our
bodies and our souls. The voices of survivors
have begun a revolution: making the choice to
heal is the doorway to our freedom. Our
outrage is a threat to the privilege of abusers,
and I will use my voice to set some fires.
Raven Grace Kaliana. editor ofVision's
Gateway, a publiC forum for the voices of
ritual abuse survivors and their allies.

FMS activist defends Chuck Noah
Dear Editor:
I wanted to write to you and thank you
for covering Chuck Noah's trailer burning at
TESe. It gives people the opportunity to see
the dividing lines on the issue of "repressed
memories" and the case of Paul Ingram. It
seems to come down to being on one side of
the fence or the other on this issue.
For years now, I have been involved in
Paul's case. I come originally from assuming
Paul's guilt because of his "confession" but after
reviewing almost all the evidence in the court
records, and interviewing the people who were
personally affected by this case, I carne to the
conclusion that Paul was an innocent man. I
then founded the Paul Ingram Right To A Fair
Trial Organization.
1want to strongly condemn the actions
of the people involved in defacing and
destroying Chuck Noah's property. I find it so

amazing that it's not all right to publicly
exe rci se free speech, for a calise that one
believes in, but it is all right to commit a felony
of arson, plus thrl'aten the lives uf the
emergency personnel who rrspond to put out
your cowardly message. If you have a problem
with what our cause is abou t. then I strongly
recommend you challenge us and debate us,
not sneak around and commit felo ni es.
Voltaire once said. "I disapprove of what you
say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it. " This kind of ideoLQgyis what our
country is about. It appears you have lost focus.
Before you continue with your modern day
witch hunt I strongly recommrnd you go back
and read the Constitution. especially the area
ofthe right to free speech .
Daniel Brailey. founder Paul Ingram
Right To A Fair Trial Organization


3, 1994 P"fiE 7

Al"ts and ElltCl"tai11111cnt

The last hours of B;/Iy

More> on theo

Topo, a transcendent Western

by Demian A. Parker
November 11, world-renowned cult
filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky will come
all the way from his hidden retreat
somewhere in the wilds outside of Paris to present the first
"midnight film ," EI Tapa, or The Mole.
When I let my father know this, he to ld me EI Topo
was his favorite movie twenty years ago. Now having seen
the film, I have started to wonder if this man should have
been helping to form young minds.
fl Tapa follows the traditional Western formula, but
Jodorowsky calls it "an eastern. not a western." It is a story
of a quest for enlightenment.
I am sure there is a lot of symbolism in the movie. It
is a complete experience. Even when I was confused, there


d' wetter
rnu 'S. better!
but jello IS

lIel lcllt•
Jel lo
th Hell
lleRt for eby Team
's Rug ed by

. Warnell follow
d'. d'Jooes
WIth ·1
. da lletn

her gender will have
by Usa Corwine
after she dies.
Billy, a chamber
Theater review
The part of her
opera, recentLy played at'
that is William
. the Washington Center in
downtown Olympia. The Libretto w~s understands that a female jazz musician in
written by Bryan Willis, and the music the '30s and '40s wasn't taken seriously, so
posing as a ma·n worked for her. Billy just
written and conducted by Timothy Brock.
BiNyexplores the last hours of Billy carried it further by actually assuming the
Tipton, a jazz entertainer in Spokane strong sensitive male role, getting married
Washington, as she may have contemplated three times (to women) and becoming a
telling her adopted sons that she, their father, 'family man'.
Using representations of her
is really a woman.
In an opera, the music and tones of masculinity and various caricatures of
voice create the mood, moving you to feel the people she knew in the life she created as a
emotions. The language simply explains. man, the play goes through the story of her
Billydid just that with opera vocals, chamber life so that she could possibly explain her life
music and even a little comedy, telling a sad to her sons.
It made me wonder ifthere was a lifetale reflecting on one woman's life. One
style choice beyond wanting to be a jazz
could easily relate to current social issues.
The dialogue comes about as Billy is musician (I say choice in the sense of playing
dying ofa bleeding ulcer. Aformer lover, Vita a man in life, and denying to herselfher true
Mae, phones, trying to convince Billy to get feelings). I was proud of Billy for doing what
help. Billy refuses, for fear that others may she wanted, yet saddened that she had to
carry it off with so much ·deception. No
find out she is not a man.
Billy (Jan a Tyrrell) argues with herself wonder she died of a bleeding ulcer.
through William (Jeff Kingsbury), her male fir Lisa drives a mail truck, but doesn't
ego, on the effects oflying to her sons about deliver the mail. Many find that suspicious.


was the feeling of being led by someone who
knew exactly where he wanted to go, butthe
road could only be seen by him.
>0ItopenswithTheManinBlack,El v
Topo himself (played by Jodorowsky), riding across 'u
the desert with ao naked child (Jodorowsky's 7 year Vl
compiled by D.A. Parker
old son, Brontis) behind him. They stop. EI Topo tells ~
The 11th Annual
the child he is now a man and must bury his ~
Olympia Film Festival
childhood toy and a picture of his mother.
brings more than just
From there, they go to a town filled with a literal >0Alejandro Jodorowsky to
river of blood. This leads them to two different gangs ~
Olympia Nov. 4-13.
of eccentric criminals with perverse rituals.
The whole thing
This is just a prequel to the real story: El Topo's '0
starts out with a gala
quest to kill the four Masters of the Desert and ~
opening night party
therefore become the ultimate Master of the Desert. ~
topped by the Northwest
premiere of the highly
But that's not 5
acclaimed conclusion to
all. The story has ~
Polish filmmaker Krystof
betrayal, strange '0
qua s i - reI i g i 0 u s -E. ....._______...__• Kieslowski's "Three
Colors" trilogy, Red. The
ceremonies, inbredtribes living in secret within a mountain, lots
film festival will take over the street outside
the theater to present blazing torches,
of sex and cruel townsfolk. According to
appliance dancing and many other exciting
Jodorowsky the entire movie is a religious
happenings to entertain you. After the film,
Whether you love it or hate it, you owe
there will be a champagne reception.
But that's not all. The festival brings
it to the intellectual hippie within you to see
award winning films such as What
this movie.
... Demian 's car has been parked in the same Happened Was ... (Winner of the Grand Jury
place for days.
Prize, Sundance Film Festival), Hoop
Dreams(Best Documentary, Sundance FIlm
~~~~~~~~ Festival) and Caro Diario(winnerofthe Best
Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival).
• (.;
~blrs, ltIrrbs, ~
Other films will be Priscilla, Queen of
~ ~iIB. 3JnttnBt,
shown as a benefit for the
~ ~
Olympia AIDS Prevention Project on Nov. 5:
. i)room~, jIlulfit,
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, produced
i)ooklf, ltmrlr~, ~~ by Robert Altman: and Moving the
aRb jRore...
l:'S Mountain, a documentary on the
Tiananmen Square uprising. Plus many,
11 am - 6 pm moo.
many more.
608 eolumbla • 35!-4349 ~ ... Demian hopes you enjoy the movies.








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3, 1994


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Sports Page Edited by Will Ward
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NO Per-Minute Charges!
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by Kristen Gillanders and Heidi Baxter

No ,1:, CoULtmT

lb Ii PH°t/e,

crossbar and post many times, the
Geoducks finally found the net.
Garnes • Maps • Posters • CoH ee
The Evergreen women's soccer team
In the 60th minute, Gillanders lofted
wrapped up regular season play this past week
a cross from the left side to Demarest at far
with two wins and four goals in three games.
post. Demarest met the ball on the run and
The Geoducks defeated the University ofPuget
side-footed it into the comer for her second
Sound 2-1 and Albertson College
goal of the week and the game
1-0, and lost 3-1 to Simon Fraser.
winner. The team. anchored
Seniors Kristen Gillanders,
We're the largest
Kristie Copp, Cylvia Hayes, and
Used Bookstore in town.
performance by goalkeeper
Gabo Shephard all played in
Brehm, earned their first
their final games for the
shutout of the season.
Geoducks. Freshman forward
The win streak set the
Stephanie Demarest was named Cl
stage for a confident and
Pacific Northwest Athletic ..cGl
enthusiastic outing against
Conference Player of the Week
nationally ranked, conference
for her two goals.
champions Simon Fraser
In Wednesday's match at ~
• Hard to Find Films
Puget Sound, the Geoduck ~
The Evergreen women
• Rentals as low as $ 1.49
women upset the second place 0.
themselves down by two
For seven days
• No Membership Fee
conditions. Evergreen fell ~
Perseverance paid off in
• Free Popcorn
behind 1-0 in the first three . ~
• Mainstream and
the 49th minute when the
alternative films
minutes but fought back to Q.
Geoduck's midfield pressure
equalize on a goal by Demarest
Geo duck wo men soccer players b attle it out on the field. forced a back pass to the SFU
1621 Harrison Avenue
just before half-time. Demarest
keeper and Gillanders forced
786 - 1620
received a pass from Kinkela in space on the Brehm battled to consistently deny the her into a poor clearance. won the ball and
..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..., right side, took the ball 1 versus 1 with the Loggers the opportunity to score.
smacked it into the back of the n.et.
goalkeeper and deftly slotted it home.
On Saturday Evergreen hosted
Bouyed by the excitement of
Four minutes into the second half. Albertson College and for the second game Gillander's goal. Evergreen played tough to
Kinkela found Kristen Gillanders open in the in a row found themselves victorious. After the end but succumbed 3-1 to the Clansmen.
penalty area and the two connected for the go- dominating the first half and hitting the

..:\~a /'::.

,,-.I')lll-: 1

Snuggle by Jonah E.R Loeb

TESC Women's soccer ends season on winning note

For more information call 438·3705, Box 2200
1IL._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---lLII

-- .,,-","

ahead goal. Gillanders collected the ball
cleanly and chipped it in over the advancing
UPS goalkeeper. The Geoduck's hung on
for the win as defenders Maya SalihRaschel, Shephard, Anaka Mines,
Stephanie Himing and goalkeeper Erika

~uT ·

Lookl ,







Pizza" Pasta & J",ice Bat"
F ..esh pizza, pasta,
a"d othe .. specialties f..oWl
OlA" wood f .. ed ove"
Ope" ",,,til Mid"i9ht
to ~e
Mo"day - Sat", ..day
p ... b

430 l....efJion Way

, the spring of 1994 only
kdimbed Mt. Everest
from t eNorth Side., Out of
hose six, two died during t11
oescent. Is there still
dventure on Everest in the
? Come to a slide show
7:30 pm in Lecture HallS
Evergreen Alumnus ,

Failed Cartoon Ideas by Matt ·Vlad" Parsons

. peg

lcomes world renown~d
mpion of human rights,
avid Hinkley to CAB 110
. onight at 7 pm. He will
'address the human rights
yiolations of Indonesia and
Fast Timor. Help better your
world. come see him.



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Workshop with JtlJoce Brazil Wed.
from 10 am· 1:30 pm. in the Recital
Hall, anq: in CRC 116. And Thursday
from 5:30 to 7pm in Com. Bldg. Rm.
For more info, call Barbara Zelano at

Evergreen Students for Christ BY CAB 316.
meets on Tuesdays at 7pm . A PLACE THE INFO. YOU WOULD
time for discovering Christ . • LIKE DISPlAYED IN THE
Everyone welcome. UB .. 2510. For CALENIl4R SUBMISSION BOX.
• callA 6636.

r--------....., ,. ._______. . ., ,. ._______ r-------_
Fun things to do on



(important messages here)

elwha.evergreen.edu> finger
Login tty When
002 Sat 01:10
joew 003 Sun 05:35
elwha.evergreen,edu>talk evn
Talk to random people.

Write gibberish, then
encrypt it six different
ways, Send it to your
best friend.

Telnet to your freenet of
choice, from there, get
on the World Wide Web
and go to a gopher, then
go to another freenet in
a different country and
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net sex site so you can
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middle of the day while
using as much bandwidth as possible


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Mosc.o.lJ fell Aeto.-uEl- .s,...- .,:......
60'*. o~ Bar-I._-...,..,.j
Send yourself e - m a i l . P L
just so you have
something in your

The No Ad Zone by Cat Kenney & Brian zastoupil World at Large by Krlstopher Brannon


",ov~J .....o~





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3, 1994 PAGE 11