

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 25, Issue 26 (May 18, 1995)

extracted text
Archive s

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The Evergreen State CuliBl}a

Olympi.a, Washmston a@QQij


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by Demian A. Parker
CPJ Arts and Entertainment Editor











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Solving the theft problems in F-Iot

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By Douglas Smith

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CPJ Staff Writer

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There's been talk about spirits at Evergreen. Maybe
you've heard some ofthe talk about the ghost who lives in the
Library Building, or our spe~ial celebrity ghost in Mod-Land.
With all the ghosts on campus, you would think it would
be easy to find someone.willing to talk about their ghostly
experiences. Maybe it has something to do with the stigma .
attached to admitting you believe in ghosts. Maybe it was fear
of attracting ghosts to themselves.
Sam Day was willing to talk. He didn't talk about any
personal experiences with spirits of any kind, but he related
the tale ofTirn Stone.
According to Day, Stone and a friend were on the first
floor of the Library Building one night.





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see Sports page 4


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see Spirits page 4



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"They were by the elevator and the door just opened,"
said Day. "They both said they felt something cold just walk
by. They were crying and ran back to the house."
The experience was so traumatic that Stone "didn't
want to come back after that. He wanted to leave campus,"
said Day, "But he doesn't feel like that badly now."
Day said, "And that they were sober Iwhich] makes it
even freakier."
A representative from Maintenance said, "It probably
just needs to be reset."
Student Suzi Ummel said her apartment in C-Dorm
was supposed to be haunted, but did not want to get more
specific as to which dorm. Her roommates brought in a
witch to get rid of the ghost of a little boy.
"How a little boy got into the dorms, ! don't know,"






If student representation at public forums is truly
indicative of student sentiment, then The Evergreen State
College wants a strong athletic program.
Forty students and a handful offacuity and staff attended
Wednesday's public forum on the future of sports at Evergreen
hosted by Art Costantino, Vice President of Student Affairs.
Students at the forum' were overwhelmingly in favor of
the switch and adding new sports. Thirty of the students raised
their hands when asked if they were currently involved in the
sports program.
"What's motivating this review lof the sports program]
is what's happening in our conference and the changes that are
going on there," said Costantino.
The National Association of Intercollegiate Ath letics
(NAIA), under which Evergreen's two teams, swimming and
soccer, are affiliated is changing. Teams are switching from the
NAIA league. leaving no one left for Evergreen to compete with.
Costantino is considering making a recommendation to
President Jervis that the college switch to the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), eith er division II or
III, to allow the college to continue to compete in intercollegiate
According to a memo from Costantino directed to the
Evergreen community, without making the switch to NCAA the
swimmin g team would not be able to compete.
One provision ofjoining the NCAA is that the college must
acquire two additional sports teams. The NCAA requires that
member colleges have two team and two individual sports.
Swimming is considered an individual and soccer a team sport.
Costantino conducted a straw poll of which sports students
would want added. Basketball and tennis were the majority's
Volleyball, which isolfered only for women, also received strong





CPJ Managing Editor

;:) J,nox



by Pat Castaldo

)Jd!]dJ SA-eMI-e dWEYS )0 S::JAd d9l

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Students at
forum support
switch-to- NCAA

d ljl U! Sl A1nEdH







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Drew Kerslake, an Evergreen student,
has taken upon himself the duty of nighttime
F-Iot security vigilante because, he says, he
can't afford not to.
Staking out in undisclosed F-Iot territory
with a sheriff's badge pinned to his counterfeit
police shirt, he spends many a night sacrifiCing
. his study-time to protecfhis possession.
His possession, once a virtually spotless
Volkswagen Sciroeco, no longer resembles a
car. but a carcass. It sits in F-Iot perched on
cinder blocks with smashed mirrors, a hole in
the dashboard, a garbage bag for a front
passenger window, a busted rear bumper and
four bare, rusted brake drums hovering above
the glass-specked blacktop-that's right, the
wheels were purloined too.
The estimated damage to his car after three
accounts of theft and vandalism is now over
$3,600. He has no theft insurance. He has no job,
no financial aid and lives off $100 a month. He
believes the school should help him out with the
costs, but says it's unlikely.
Initially, Kerslake missed three days of


roommate Jason
also had his car
blames the state
legislature for
slashing sc hool
that public safety
should have some
type of parking lot
Gary Russell,
Chief of Public
Safety, said that
Public Safety is
watch program
where people will
be properly trained and paid for surveillance
of Evergreen lots. The program has not yet
been pursued because of the temporary
understaffing of Public Safety, said Russell.
Kerslake said he wo.uld jump at the
chance to sit in F-Iot for $5 an hour. But until
Public Safety organizes the program, he will '

school and a couple days of research trying to
deal with his situation. Now he spends almost
every night "keeping watch over [his] flock.
"I have to sleep in the afternoon so I can
stay up and watch my car. .. ! can't sit by and
have every penny drained from my pocket
because I have my car parked out there ," he
Ivan Donohue is an example of how
effective Kerslake's "do it yourself" security
policy can be. Last winter, after his car was
broken into four times in the span ofonly three
months, Donohue unexpectedly spotted a
couple kids messing around with his car. He
then proceeded to drag one of them to his
apartment and called security to have him
arrested . The other kid escaped. but only
Donohue said that he doesn 't blame
security for hi s F·Iot troubles because they
can't afford to patrol 24 hours, seven days a
Another victim of F-lot thievery, Joe
Carino, said that he doesn't blame security
either. "They're probably hard working, but
you can only do just so much with a couple
people [on duty] ." A stereo was stolen from
his car a week from last Saturday. He said his

• Civil rights lawyer
Morris Oees visits
Evergreen, page 4

. .jf,~
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, ..


• The full low down
on a deeply
dramatic submarine
movie, page 8

photo by Erin Ficker
be watching F-lot not to make money. but to
keep from losing it.
Kerslake sa id he ha s had 15 yra rs of
wrestling and experience in marti al art s to
protect himselffrom vandals in the lot at night .

see F-Iot page 4
Olympia, WA 98505 U.S. Postage Paid
Address Correction

Permit No. 65



Edited by Jeff Axel

by Oliver Moffat


ADD support group
There will be a meeting of th e Att ention Deficient
Disorder (ADD) support group of th e Olympia Lea rn ing
Di~abi liti es As~oc i atio n of Was hin gto n in the home of
chair woma n De bbie Sorrells at 3736 Em berwood Ct. SE,
Oll'm pia, There will be two more mee tings before the summer
May 22, II am to 12 noon: Inform ati on mee t ing,
nell'comers we/rume,
Jun e 2, - To be an noun ced.
Please ca ll Debbie at 493-0450 for mee ting upda tes and
ut her infu rmation .
If you havE' a learn in g disa bili ty, or think you have a
lea rn ing disabi li ty, you may contact th e Offi ce of Access
Sl'rl'ices for Studl'nts with Disa bilities at 866-6000, x6364 ,
or drop by - I ()c~ t e d in the St udent Advis ing Center. L1407

Middle Eastern
Cultural Festival
Tht' Middl e Eas tern Resource Ce nt er wi ll show free
cu lt ura l and poli tical fil ms weekly and will be hosting a Middlr
Eastern Cultural Festiva l on May 20 fro m 1-5 pm in Red Sq uare.
For more in fo rm ation, please call th e Middle East Reso urce
Cent er at x 6749.

Volunteers still
Su per Sa tu rday still nee ds a \\" ho le hOlltt'nany of
vlliunterrs. Get involved, ca ll x6364 or xli 189

Thurston County

Paint for the

Join the pain ting party. Help paint "Dump No Waste"
signs on stormdrains. Call 753-8454, or 438-2687 in Lacey.
Remember, we all live downstream .

Grants for Artists
Are you an Adventurous Artist? On th e Boards is offering
Washington , Oregon and Alaska grants to fund artists who get
out and about. For Application guidelin es , write Artists
Projects Grants/On th e Boards/ l S3 14th Ave/S eattle, WA
98122 Deadline Jun e 19


fair in

Are you a nontraditional woman? Would you like to hear
nontraditional women talk about their nontraditional lives? The16th
annual Women in Trade fair will be held May 19th and 20th at the
Seattle Center. 206-329--8083

Th ere will be no weed meeting this month. Th e Thurston
Co unty Nox ious Weed Control board will mee t aga in on Ju ne
27. Everyone in encouraged to join the weed board. Call 360786-5576 .

Help for children
Do you have a baby? Does it have poor head control, sti A'
arms, fl oppy posture, ex treme irritability, a failure to smile?
These indicate problems th at Thurston County Social Services
ca n help you with . Come to 529 4th Ave , W/Olympia, WA
98501 for help.

Travel the

Friday, May 5

Saturday, May 6

2025 : Th eft of a ca r stereo fr om Co l or.
2030: Att empt ed aut o th eft in C- Lot.

Tuesday, May 9
0029: Fire alarm in Lab I ca used by a
vac uu m.
0400: The dumpste r in F-Lo t was roil ed
to th e pot hole in t he Lot's entr ance .
0837: Graffit i in th e Co mmuni ca tio ns
Buildi ng's Men 's Room.
1259: Smell of natur al gas i n th e
fi nancia l aid office.
1601: Repo rt of violently ill man in th e
Lect ure I lall Rot unda bat hroom,

0106: Noise compla int in A-Dorm.
0802: Lab I fi re alarm caused by dust from
t hl' floor ti les be ing removed.
1004: The window was broken off th e car
whose tires were stolen last week.

photo by Bill English

Freedom fighter speaks
at Evergreen

Everyone makes mistakes, even the CPj. In fact, last
week mistakes in three stories were pointed out to us, and
now is tim e to set things straight.
The first of story, UNo students at student forum s,"
stated that Evergreen may have two new sports teams next
fall. This information is incorrect, as the changes will not
come next year but sometime in the future.
In the analysis of the one-act play Whatever Gets
You Through The Day, it was in correctly stated that thl'
pl ay was shown Wednesday. It was actually on Thursday.
La stl y, it was in correc tl y stated in the articl e
"S tudents turn to individual co ntracts but find la ck or
support" that Linnea Wolfbeli eved th e program "Political
Economy and Social Chan ge" would include Middle
Eastern studi es. She kn ew prior to enroll ing th at PESC
would not address th e Middle East.
Also in this story, it was stated that Wolf's cont ract
sponsor is the academi c dean, Jose Gomez. Whil e Jose
does "rea lize the importance of having Middle Eastern
faculty on staff, " John Filmer is actually Wolf's contract
We apologize for any inco nvenience th ese mistakes
may have caused.




Monday, May 8
15 12: Theft from a vehicle in F-l.o!.

18, 1995 THE

Three reasons why our
Credit Union IS cooler than abank:

CPJ Assistant Managing Editor

About 350 people came out to celebrate
the farm worker sponsored boycott against
Chateau St. Michele and to welcome United
F:urn Workers co-founder Dolores Huerta last
After a fiesta complete with boisterous live
music, bountiful food and spontaneous
dancing, Huerta offered her reflections about
her 33 y~ars in the farm workers movement.
The crowd rose when she walked onto the
stage, not out of forced obedience like in a
judge's chambers, but out ofgenuine respect.
Before she spoke, she remembered to thank
the workers in the kitchen.
Like all great leaders, her words were not
marred with cynicism. Her speech bubbled
with optimism and her beliefin the power of
people. In the face of the immense power of
growers, she continues to believe that people
X. are good and that we can make change~ in the
face of impossibility.
In her optimism, she did not ignore the
realities of the farm workers situation_
"We know that the root cause of
discrimination against farm workers is racist,"
said Huerta. In 1935, when tJte US Congress

United Farm Workers co-founder
Dolores Heurta spoke on May 10.
approved the National Labor Relations Act that
allowed collective bargaining specifically
excluded farm workers because they were
Her words about the attempt to erode the
advances'. of Affirmative Action were severe.
She criticized calls the for ending Affirmative
Action as racist.
She also warned Washingtonians to stand
strong against a movement to put a law on the
books like California's proposition 164.



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by Carson Strege-Flora

across the country to do
more to fight them ,
The SPLC used an
training law in Texas and
other states to put the
Texas Emergency Reserve
and the White Patriot
Party out of commission,
Washington state
does not currently have a
law against paramilitary
training. Dean Owens, a
Gregoire said that her
office was looking into
the matter.
Dees and the SPLC
has represented the
families of people who
were killed by racist
groups, He has sued
chapters of the Ku Klux
Klan (KKK) and WAR
out of business.
Dees also began th e
Civil Rights lawyer Morris Oees is concerned
groups Klanwatch and the
Militia Task Force which
about the rise of armed militias in America.
monitors the activities of
extremist groups,
Although he wants the government to do
The SPLC, headed by Dees, is a nonprofit more to fight extremist groups, Dees does not
civil rights legal firm that has won numerous support the Counter-Terrorism Bill now being
cases against white supremacist grollpS.
considered in Congress.
In 1990, Dees sued WAR on grounds that
"We need a unit in the Justice Department
three neo-nazi skinheads in Portland to coordinate counter-terrorism activities... "
bludgeoned an Ethiopian man to death after Hesaid, "I don't think they need to take on any
they had ~ft a WAR meeting. Dees sued Torn more legal powers, they don 't need to tap more
Metzger and WAR on behalf of the family of people's telephones, or get more people's credit
the victim and won $12.5 million. The suit cards. That's not necessary."
bankrupted the group.
He said that local, state and fede ral law
Dees also sued the Randolph County enforcement agencies need to coordinate
School District in Alabama after the high antiterrori sm efforts like th ey currently
school's principal. Hulond Humphries coordinate the war on drugs.
"There are excesses by the ATF, the FBI and
threatened to cancel prom if interracial
couples attended and then called a mixed race local police agencies ... but I think we have the
student a "mistake."
best system and the best democracy on earth .. .
In 1987 Dees and other SPLC lawyers sued our economic system and ... our justice system
the Alabama chapter of the KKK after Klan is working."
men lynched a black man_The SPLC won $7
Dees believes that FBI infiltration of civil
million dollars from the Klan. Because of rights groups and other legitimate groups does
DeI'S' effort the Alabama Klan organization, not occur anymore and he said current FBI
which was at one time the nation 's biggest rules "give ample authority to the law
chapter, no longer exists.
enforcement official of this country to monitor
infiltrate and deal with extreme groups,"
The Federal Counter Terrori sm
legislation gained prominent support after
the Oklahoma City Federal Building was
bombed, allegedly by men affiliated with
right-wing militi as . •



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Wednesday, May 10

0830 : Traffic acc ide nt at Ka iser and the
lJOO: Wa ter jug stole n fro m the Corner.
1309 : Drunk st udent harass in g peop le at
the Academic Fair.
Sunday, May 7 1714:
Un r uly person causing a
1205: Oeface ment
d isturbance in A-Dorm.
of artll'ork in the Arts An nex .
2245: Fire Alarm in N-Dorm .
1:W5 : Fire alarm in C-Oorm ca used by burn t 2352: Fire Alarm in th e CRe.
po tato('\.


On Tuesday May 16, white-supremacist
propaganda from the group White Aryan
ResistaIJce (WAR) was stapled up on bulletin
boards around campus . The flyers have
appeared on campus before but this week
they apparently were posted because civil
rights lawyer Morris Dees carne to speak,
The flyers called Dees a homosexual and
accus-ed his group offraudulent fundraising.
Dees has made a lot of enemies in white
supremacist and right-wing militia groups,
He's received several death threats and the
offices of his Alabama group the Southern

Matthew Kweskin

1405: Fi re alarm in D-Do rm ca used by shee t
rock dust in th e elec tri ca l roo m.
1432: Assa ult at th e Co mmunity Center (the
gun incident.)
1504: Theft of artwor k from th e Art s
Ann ex .
J 835 : Threr suspicious ju veniles re ported
in housing area.
2206: Audi o tapes sto len from th e CRC
Men's Locker Roo m.
2308: More plants ripped ou t of the grou nd
by the new ramp.


Jim Singleton rappels
down the face of the
clock tower. This event,
that took place last
Friday, was sponsored
by Housing and attracted
22 partiCipants.


Compiled by

CP] Staff Writer


Loo kin g for a pl ace to
crash anywhere in th e world?
Th ere are over 5000 registered
hos tels in th e world , eve n in
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Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was once set on fire
in retaliation for shutting down a militia in
Now Dees is calling on state and local
governments to crack down on militias and
paramilitary groups across the country.
Two weeks ago, Dees wrote a letter to
Washington State Attorney General Christine
GregOire urging her to seek laws against private
paramilitary training,
Dees said at a press conference at Evergreen,
"the existence of a private army in any state is
anathema to a democratic community."
He said that private groups, like his, and the
FBI could not adequately monitor extremist
groups and he is urging attorney generals

Falling for fun



Weed meeting


Dees speaks out against racist militias

Thursday, May 11
124 5: Muney sto len from the Parkin g

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18, 1995




F-Lot from cover
Even so. he's leery of young kids who pack
weapons when they come on campus looking
for trouble.
Kerslake said his window got smashed
out the day after his wheels were ripped off
and his bumper and mirror were destroyed,
"showing they beefed up security since I wrote
my letter [on page 100flast week's CPjissuel."
he said.
Russell said officers patrol Evergreen
parking lots every half hour on average and
sometimes more frequently. But. he said,
statistics get skewed when there's a special
case going on in other parts of the campus and
the two or three officers on duty temporarily
cannot patrol the lots.
Kerslake's statistics are not akin to those
of Public Safety. In the ten or 11 days he has
staked out. patrol cars have frequented the lot
every two hours on average. said Kerslake.

Sports from cover
support at the forum. Asuggestion was made that
if sports were added, that volleyball replace
basketball for women. In order to continue to
receive some state funding, all athletic
offerings must be gender balanced.
Student Dave Hutchinson responded
to questions of what sports add to the
community. "It adds diversity," he said.
Other students attending the forum
responded similarly, each telling what
sports at Evergreen had done for them.
Several students from the soccer team said
they wouldn't have chosen Evergreen if it
weren't for sports.
"It's surprising how many art students
are athletes. Art is an expression of an
amazing human ability. and so is athletics,"
said Faculty Member Paul Sparks.
Costantino claims that approximately
$15.000 will be saved in the switch to the

May 6 he noticed security had not shown
up in F-Iot between 11:15 pm and 2:25 am.
"That's enough time for my grandpa to take
all four wheels off a car and sit down and have
a larte." he said.
Kerslake also said that it isn't fair that the
school wants to raise the cost of parking. "We
ca n't pay for it if we're get.ting robbed out
there." Kerslake is not living on campus next
year solely because of the parking lot problem.
Russell said part of security's problem is
that it has been short on officers because of a
long term plan to convert Public Safety to a
state agency. Of the seven officers at Public
Safety, two have been sent off for law
enforcement training at a time, leaving only
five officers, one full time security person, and
one half time security person to patrol the
school campus and fill in where extra help is
Of the many reasons Evergreen is such a
common target for crime, says Russell, is the
NCAA through a lower membership fee and
the fact that NCAA pays part of the insurance
which NAIA does not. This money will be
used to finance the two additional sports
required by the switch, said Costantino,
Some in the audience were skeptical.
One person requested a detailed report of
how the money was spent. Costantino said
that the budget was available and he would
share it with any interested parties.
No final decision has been made
regarding the switch, and Costantino said
that there are many variables and the
situation with leagues are always changing.
The decision is likely to be made over the
summer, when students are traditionally not
on campus . .
He requests that people e-mail him with
any comments you might have at
costanta@elwha.evergreen.edu. He said he
would include all written correspondence with
his recommendation to President Jervis . •

The idea of an electronic surveillance
absolute disregard for this community by
outsiders. "The bottom line is it's not a single camera in F-Iot is favorable to Savage. But he
issue problem-we've got an enormous is leery of it getting broken . He also thinks the
juvenile problem on this campus," he said. He students would feci their privacy threatened.
Savage feels the college has the finances
added that many students take juveniles in,
for a camera, but says it would take the student
but don't realize that they are the problem.
Sergeant Larry Savage, of Public Safety, crime victims to approach the administration
said crime has gone up 38 percent in Thurston about it.
In the meantime he advises students to
County this year and that there are an average .
take valuable items out of their cars, write
of20 vehicle prowls per night in the county.
In the last seven weeks he's patrolled the down serial numbers of valuable items such
lots back and forth. Twice he has experienced as stereo equipment, notify Public Safety if
cars broken into after leaving a lot and they see something suspicious and write down
returning within minutes. "Patrolling isn't the license numbers of slow rolling cars. 8)
answer," he said, "Surveillance is."

i wanna thank reynor padilla for his response to my last column. it alerted me to the
fact that i have never in my columns addressed
the idea of "reverse" oppression (i.e. sexism
against men, racism against white people,
dassism against economically privileged people,
etc ... ).

Hollander did not know of any spirits
actually on the Evergreen campus, but he lived
in a Cooper's Glen apartment which housed
many spirits.
"The house I lived in, that I had ghosts
at," said Hollander, "We were all pushing the
limits of our minl;ls a little bit. As you break
these barriers [in your mind), you are tapping
new resources of mental energy.
"It's when you let your eyes get out of the
way," Hollander continued, "that you get these
synchronicities, poltergeists, whatever."
Hollander told offeelingghosts sit on the
couch with him. A feeling many visitors to his
apartment also felt. Things would disappear
completely and reappear weeks later right in a
person's doorway.
While Hollander believes ghosts
originate in the mind, he does see how there
could be something to be said for hauntings
being residual energy; things left over from
other peQple. But Hollander is sure of olle
thing, "Ghosts are not dead people."
And the celebrity ghost in Modland: It 's
Kurt Cobain, haunting the room he allegedly
vomited in years ago. cD


Greener Grad!

And now a little on reverse oppression

Spirits from cover
Ummel said.
"It had been mentioned to me that the
very upper part of the clock tower," said Juli
Kelen, Volunteer and Training Manager at
KAOS Olympia 89.3 FM. "The part you can't
get into without a key. I heard it's haunted.
"It's been a long time since the steam
tunnels have been opened," Kelen continued,
"but I have heard of people hearing and seeing
weird things down there."
Kelen does not believe or disbelieve these
rumors. She like many people, just has not had
much experience with the top of the clock
tower or the steam tunnels. What she does
have experience with is KAOS.
"KAOS is not haunted," she says. "We
remodeled two and a half years ago."
While KAOS was being remodeled, th ey
where housed in the CAB basement, and Kelen
said, "There was this weird space. There was
this ladder that went up just a few feet. I
personally feel that space is haunted."
Graduatingstudent Ryan Hollander said,
"You are partially responsible for ghosts.
Ghosts are a physical manifestation of psychic
energy. Either you're perceiving these things
or you are making them happen ."

Congratulations Heather!
Congratulations. You did it.
You went out there a girl and came back a
grown-up. You make me so proud
Heather! I hope you get a job soon! I
.love you! -Dad





not that it actuaUy slipped my mind, to tell
the truth. i was ignoring it, hoping that everyone wouLd already understand the basic political framework i'm working in... hoping that everyone would understand the context of my writing without me explicitly defining it. well, now
that i've been writing this column for almost a
year i realize that's a stupid assumption. i've been
told before that i often throw around terms, make
assumptions without clarifYing, and that that
makes my column "impossible to understand:

so i guess maybe my last column is another example.
"i also think that (for example) as a woman
it's okay for me to make man-hating jokes. and
this is very different than men making misogynist jokes- do i even have to reiterate this?"
how could i be reiterating what i'd never
actually said?
i went on to explain a little bit, but not
enough, obviously. in his critique of that statement and my crappy explanation, reynor wrote:
"... sexism is sexism. jokes against people because
of their sex are inappropriate in any situation,
but in particular at evergreen." he also talked
about how "reverse-sexist" (my quotes, not hishe never used this exact term but it was implied)
jokes are hurtful to men, making them feel stupid and unimportant.
my main problem is with the statement
"sexism is sexism." sexism, and oppression in
general. is not this flippety-f1oppety any-whichway kinda thing. more succinctly, it's just not a
two-way street. sexism is a lot bigger than just a
few misogynist jokes and a couple of harassing
remarks- it's a systemlbigger that any of usia
system that teaches us that women are secondary, women are object... and ifwe wanna succeed,
wanna be whole, then we gotta act like/think

like/try to be men. sexism, misogyny, violence
against women, and objectification (not just
sexual) are taught in school, in the work force, in
the-family, in the media, even at evergreen, even
in underground subcultures, even in left-wing
political organizations. sexism exists in economic, political, personal. sexual, societal. psychological, interpersonal and, man, fucking every other realm i could think of or name. it is not
comprised of isolated incidents, it is an experience.
i know that's pretty vague, there's no way
that i could explain a system that creates and supports sexism (or, once again, any other oppression) in my given column space. my main point
is that sexism is not something that can be created or destroyed by individual actions- only
perpetuated, reinforced, or fought against. it has
been built into every aspect of american culture.
it is institutionalized.
i'm sorry, but a few man-hating jokes are
never gonna constitute the oppression of men.
and while i'm honestly sorry ifthey make people
feel bad, i'm not gonna call that sexism. and by
the way, i think that in general i'm prettyufair" in
my dealings with men- i just don't make them
my number one priority like i'm expected to. i
guess i didn't really clarify that i think these "manhating" jokes usually are directed at specific

Finding a place to be queer among other chicano/as
The event: The 22nd Annual National Association of Chicano Studies (NACS). The place:
Spokane, Washington. When? March 29·April
1.1995. Iarrived early on Thursday, one day late.
While registering, I glimpsed a flyer for a lesbiana
caucus. I wondered, could that mean that there
is a jato (gay) caucus? My heart did a flip at the
The prospect that there might be other out
gay Chicanos at the conference filled me with joy.
So often, in my experience, gay and Chicano had
never mixed. It seemed that I could either be one
or the other, but certainly not both. And besides
- I didn't have a clue what that looked like. I
had never met or seen an out gay Chicano - or
at least, that's what I thought. After being out for
some time now, I am glad to report that I cari

spot those gay Chicanos that are still hiding.
Back to the conference: So I asked and I was
handed a flyer for a meeting of the National As-

Jesus l
\Garci al


sociation of Latino Gay Activists and Academicians or NALGA. First I had to laugh at the acronym (in Spanish, nalga means butt). Then I was
ecstatic. I couldn't believe it. My experience with

Chicanos has been mostly characterized by extreme homophobia. Could it be that this conference might be different?
I was so excited to attend the NALGA meeting.
[just wanted to get through all the sessions that day.
Instead, I found myself so engaged in the sessions [
almost forgot about the meeting. Thefirstpaperpresented in the first session dealt with a pioneering gay
Chicano author and focused on identity politics.
"This is fate," I thought. There couldn't have been a
more perfect topic for me at the conference. [ was
wrong, the second session featured a brilliant
Chicana talking about Chicana Queer theory, Two
sessions, in a row, dealing with both Queer issues
and Chicanismo, I couldn't get over it. And the discussion was incredibly stimulating. Later, I would
describe the scene this way: It was like people were
having intellectual orgasms all over the place. It was
that good.

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18, 1995

people or types of people, and they are often used
as defense mechanisms, a means of validating
one's own experience. i honestly think .there's
nothing wrong with that, i think it's healthy.
lastly, reynor, my world and my experiences
aren't confined to evergreen's campus and community. even if i felt one hundred percent safe
and at home with the evergreen community, that
wouldn't change the fact that sexism is everywhere around me the second i step off the campus_sometimes it's really necessary forme to joke
about my daily experiences or else i swear i'd
crack- riding buses, working phones for a stripping agency, dealing with drunk fucks in restaurants and on my walk home every night...
i understand how men, especially white/
Straight/middle-class men (although i'm not making asswnptions about reynor here- i'm talking in
general) could mistake discomfort or "targeting" (a
word i leamed from the evergreen rape response
coalition) for oppression - not knowing any different. and while i don't always feel like wasting my
time explaining what oppression really is, i think it is
productive to establish some sort of contextual
framework· a common definition of oppression.
without this common defini tion and the understanding that "reve~ppression" just isn't real, this dialogue isn't gonna go anywhere.

Fine Coffees
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The NALGA meeting: We met and it was great
to see all those faces, such different people, from all
over the country. There was Eric from NeW Mexico,
Victor and RaUl from Texas, Michael, Cesar and
Ondinefrom New York, and Gerardoand Rick from
California. We would spend hours bonding. as it
were, (talking. laughing, eating. etc) at the local
Spaghetti Factory.
The next day, Raul accepted the conference
prize for the best undergraduate paper in full
drag. He was a sight, in his spaghetti string silver
sequence dress. It caused quite a commotion. It
was an incredibly powerful political
statement ,however, so often the Chicana/o community would like to pretend Chicano/a queers
don't exist. That afternoon, someone would slip
a note under RaUl's hotel room door advj.sing him
that it still wasn't to late to repent. Reality check.
On the last night of the conference, the Lesbian
and Gay caucuses decided toget together for a cocktail party. Oh my, it turned into something else. We
should have seen it coming. First, no one could find
anyone else. Somehow. we all ended up taking over
this small gay bar up the street from the conference
hotel. I don't think they'd ever seen so many brown
queer faces in that bar, ever. The bar had to kick us
out. So then someone mentioned a party in some
room nwnber. We poured out ofthe bar and headed
back to the hotel. Our group, including some 30
drunks, meandered back to the hotel and thus began the search for a party.
We went up to the 4th floor. Our group got split
up, we couldn't fit ailQf us in one elevator. After going back and forth for about 15 minutes on that floor,
someone yelled out a roomnumberon the 3rdOlXlr.
So we took the stairs this time. Same scene. So we
tried another room on the 4th floor again. Nothing.
We finally found the party, almost an hour later, on
the 3rd floor. Someone had mixed up the last two
digit~. It was a crazy mess - but I had the time of
my life.
The point: There isn't an abundance of space
forChicana/o queers. Being at the conference, with
aU those other queer Chicanos/as felt so validating.
Again - I'm reiterating the idea that we aU need our
space, especially those of us who have been denied
space for so long. This column is my space to be my
whole self without apologies. Here I am, taking up
physical space in the CPj, worlting my thing. I am
an immigrant who some might call very 'acculturated.' Rather, I think I am simply another creative
version ofcultural adaption. What Iam is an incredible mix of culture and ethnicity: the epitome of a
Gloria Anzaldua "describes this 'mestiza'
worldview ... (as) II tolerance ofcontradictions, atolerance ofambiguity. '


18, 1995



,- tl;J{'fl

s a ma'e no aw respec mg an es a





m m
s e 0 '. f the press;

t pe
t assemble.
he r(
lid to petition the gouernment 1'01' a redress ot'grievances.

Loggers are being tricked
by timber industry
by Jeff Axel


In terms of resolving the Endangered
Species Act (ESA), I think everyone is looking
at it wrong. It isn't loggers versus
environmentalists, it is a whole different thing.
It is loggers versus Weyerhaeuser/Scott Paper/
James River. And then there are the
I came across a quaint statistic somewhere,
and it said 25 percent of logging related jobs
are lost because of a general lack of timber. 70
percent disappear from mechanical
improvements in the mills, and only five
percent from the impact of actual
environmental rules. What has happened is
that timber workers have been duped by their
It is easy for the logging industry to distract
loggers and get them to blame the
environmentalists. Nature oriented folk make
good scapegoats because they are perceived by
the masculine logging industry as annoying
pansies. What the industry isn't telling the
loggers is that Washington cuts more lumber
than the treeable land can produce. Eventually
we will run out. And this is what the loggers
don't know and are too short·sighted to
understand. They are logging themselves out
of a job (it's ironic that the ESA is actually
protecting logging jobs by slowing down the
harvest). Weyerhaeuser and its brethren are
run by Wall Street. with something called
planned obsolescence in mind for our local
forests. Washington and Oregon, as well as
other tree-producing areas are expected to
eventually run out of trees. But, so long as the
industry posts benefits for its investors, the
industries that extract profits plan to con tinue
the deception as long as possible.
What can be done'? If you are an
environmentalist. consider yourself the human
conscience that the loggers forgot when they

picked up their saws. Mankind has eternally
depended on trees for sustenance. and there is
no reason that we should turn away from that.
BUL on the other side of the coin, it is the
conscience of environmentalists that tell the
story of the forests other uneconomic benefits.
Sadly, environmentalists are the outsiders,
they generally have no stake on the land in the
NW, which is necessary for impact in today's
world. (I'd suggest donating money to the
Nature Conservancy)
All we can do is watch and tell the loggers
the truth. They don't understand how they are
sabotaging themselves. They are not the bad
guys, it's their uncaring, inhumane bosses, the
investors. Confronting and shaming the
loggers will only drive them deeper into their
denial and back to the only support they know,
the logging companies. This is
counterproductive to a naturalist's ultimate
cause. which is a concerted effort to leave
forests for the future.
The loggers embody our biological need to
consume. Environmentalists recognize the
symbiotic relationship between man and
nature, in biodiversity and beauty. Both parties
will lose if Wall Street is not confronted.
The deception involved is twofold. The
loggers don't understand that it is their
companies that undermines their livelihood.
The environmentalists don't see that if they
don't actually make a monetary commitment
and buy in to the forests today they have no real
stake in what happens to it tomorrow. I don't
want to hear some idealistic hooray about why
money shouldn't matter, or that you can't buy
a forest. We live in a real world, and under the
present social system, money matters most.
Never forget that this culture values profit first,
not sustainability, science, or aesthetic beauty.
If you value forests over profit, I suggest getting
your heads out of the clouds and get into the
game being played. Like baseball, stop being
the obnoxious fan; become a base coach.

• Response

Columnist resonds to critique
dear graham white,
i am aware of the fact that "well-fed ed" is
a parody of rush limbaugh. i am also aware
that the comic does play upon a lot of
stereotypes and myths about fai people - how
else do you explain the name? and all the
references to food? (have another chicken leg,
in my critique of the comic, i was basically
just trying to share some information. point

• Response

The Evergreen Social Contract
Members of the community must exercise the rights accorded them to voice their

Constitution of tire St4te of Washington

opinions with respect to basic matters of policy and other issues. The Evergreen

Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all

community will support the right of its members, individually or in groups, to express

subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

ideas, judgements, and opinions in speech or writings.

Op~n inv~tatJon

to visit
Caree'r' Development

by Stacia Lewis
The Career Development Center (L1407)
congratulates the Class of 1995 on its
impending graduatfon. We would like to
extend a special invitation to all seniors to
visit our (enter. We are concerned that some
grads may be caught unaware after the
festivities on June 9 are completed.
Spring quarter can be a busy time, we
know, but the job hunt can also be time
consuming, perhaps as long as six months
or more, according to Career Opportunities
News. It's not too early to get started! To
assist you in this process, we offer resume
counseling and current job listings as well as
Job Club, which meets 'lUesdays at 1 pm in

L1406A. This is a successful, task-oriented
group that is 'designed fo help you help
yourself in the job search. Please cornel
Some of you may not yet know what yoU'
want to do after Evergreen. We can help you
clarify your goals through the self-assessment
workshop, Discovery (Wed. 2 to 4 pm), and
individual appointments. You do not have to
figure everything out on your own; Wendy
Freeinan and. Stacia Lewis, our counselors
and Lena Kline, our office manager, are here
to support you.
Of course, all our services will be available
to you as alumni, at no charge. And yes, we
are here in the summer if that suits your
schedule better.
We look forward to serving you. Please call
ifyou have questions at 866-6000 x6193.

Tips from an upperclass-person

Words of advice for
survival at Evergreen
An ode to the Evergreen administrative
process or how to get what you want done:
1. Make up your mind about what you want
done: a change to semesters, getting a
basketball team, etc.
2. Find a way to force the subject without
going through a DTF.
3. Make up a series ofgraphs showing how
your change would save money and increase
the amount of services rendered. Take great
care to not mention startup costs and other
future pitfalls.
4. State that the last time you checked, the
students were evenly divided on the subject.
5. Try to push it through without a student
6. If you are forced to have a student forum,
schedule it for three hours before the spring

academic fair so most of the students cannot
7. Pack the meeting with people who agree
with you ,
8. Have a planned presentation rather than
an open forum. If students speak, make sure
it is a leading question.
9. Bureaucratize all of your answers,
10. Give students multiple choice options
that only lead toward your goal.
11. Announce that the final decision will
be made during the summer.
12. Pass your recommendation up the
chain, thereby relieving yourself of all
responsibility for your decision.
Based upon observations during my five year
Joe Watt

Cartoon Criticism

Ctiticism of Loeb is a shame

out some inconsistencies in daryl frank's
arguments. i'm sorry if you have a problem with
against everything that iSh'tpat with some neodialogue. sorry for making it into SUCH A BIG by Jeff Axel
hippie "patuli or die" dream?
DEAL i tend to do that.
. Jonah is not right-wing, nor is he your archContributor
i'm flattered that you pay close enough
enemy, he is a human being with a mind that is
attention to my writi'i1g to be able to make fun
Jonah Loeb, the most controversial
adept at seeing the skewed parts of the life we
of me stylistically - almost accurately. i might cartoonist in the CPJ, is also one of the most
live. When I read all the columns criticizing his
unjustly attacked. Whatever is your problem
cruelty to every person for this or that, I just
back atcha dude.
Nomy? Neil? To shame a person who I consider
grimace and think about all the stereotypical
one of the most accomplished and competent
students at this school with their simplistic, illcartoonists at Evergreen is a shame.
informed, ill~thought out and judgmental view
I suppose a little criticism is a good thing. I
of the world. Any criticism ofJonah's work has
know it helped me, because I won't be using
failed to impress upon me any valid point other
profanity, thanks to an equally polluted
than the point that there are some in tellectually
commentary by Alice Zillah on a previous article
scary people at this school. People around here
into process that the author is using to of mine. But to suggest that the CPJ shouldn't
are way too serious when they shouldn't be.
communicate. To question "why?"
publish his cartoon is preposterous. Of course
It is ironic that while Evergreen tries so hard
As a journalist, Naomi Ishisaka has a there is the freedom of speech issue, and we all
to be Eastern, holistic, accepting and natural,
responSibility to present her audience with know that tune. But what I want to ask is where
that it finds itself reverting back to Puritanical
accurate information. Sadly her article never all these obnoxious ideas about suppressing
17th century good or evil victimization to justifY
mentions the play's plot, nor does it deal with what isn't PC are coming from?
their wi tch hunt on Jonah. You do what you like
the complexity of the characters interactions.
I'm just a little more than fed up at the
on your own time, but stop dragging people like
Perhaps the reporter should have delved a bit loudmouthed students at Evergreen dying for a. Jonah into your games and contradictions.
further before flying offinto a reactionary snit. cause to identify with. Why try so hard to rage
Before you try and think, open your mind a bit.
The play does demonstrate something about
Cable Conundrums
racism , sexism, and even homophobia. But
because it does not address these issues directly
we cannot conclude that the work is
"improper." Art is not propaganda. The type
of message the play succeeds in communicating
cannot be trivialized through the type of
as a carte blanche free-for-all open door policy.
by Justin Barnabas Wright
generalizations prevalent in Naomi's article.
As individual contractees we can still use the
Instead. "Whatever Gets you Through the Day"
facility on a case by case restrication.
demonstrates how cultural identities
Doesn't the rest of the campus wonder
We would like to still inyite students,
potentially operate on a "day to day" basis.
about the mysterious cancellation of Infectious faculty, staff, alumni and community to
In closing, perhaps we should remember Waste Theater?
contribute for our coup de grace R.I.P. episode
that a portion of Art's value lies in its ability to
We are not banned from cable and we will to MPC, Mastercard, or PO 2791 Olympia,
provoke. but provocation without thoughtful continue to distribute our works throughout WA98502.
analysis of a work's entirety is useless and only the world.
Good luck to the "Paper Tigers TV" group
serves to perpetuate ignorance.
Our TV studio reservations were cancelled contract in '96!

Not enough information in play analysis
by Nathan Woods
"What is the purpose of art?" Granted, this
Jllay seem a bit general for a response to
journalistic criticism - yet I believe that the
question demands consideration, especially
after reading Naomi Ishisaka's article "Asian Stereotypes in One-Act festival are
Inappropriate." (CPJ May 11 , 1995)
If the generation of criticism is a
component of Art's function then I propose
that the play "Whatever Gets You through the
Day" by Matt Snyder has unquestioningly
complied . Not to degrade Ms. Ishisaka's
opinion . her analysis of the work is valid and
does bring up some important aspects of the
play's entirety. The character of the "Chinese
Laundry Man" does present a stereotypical,
and cliche portrayal of an Asian American.
But. to be equitable. all of the characters in
the play possess exaggerated and stereotypical
qualities. It is the audiences responsibility, in
viewing the play, to inquire and investigate





Infectious Waste Theater may be

dead, but it's still kicking

ongress s





res~e,c 1~~tDi~;
es ~




th re
o .
' .
pee e
and to petition the go nment for a redress of grievances.

• One-Act Play

Audience needs to make
effort to understand art

began formingopinions about "what they had heard"
without having ever read the play. People Ididn't even
know had made up their minds about what kind of
I consider myselfto bea liberal person.
person (was. Iwasaa:usecl. slandered andmic;quoted.
With that in mind, I'd like to talk a little about
Iwas surprised that people thought that the play
art, censorship and the current state ofthe nation.
represented how I personauy felt. They didn't know
Artis an important part ofour lives. It allows us how to separate the artfrom the realityand the reality
to express our feelings and emotions, to voice our from the art. Instead of trying to figure out why the
opinions and concerns; it enables us to catch small script had upset them, they chose to point theirfingers
g1impsesoftheWdyotherpeopleinterprettheworld. at me and label me a: racist. sexist, homophobic,
fTOm these artistic manifestations, we can make our misogynistic, fOuJ-mouthed. stereotype-perpetuating.
own judgements regarding their accuracy, decide non-safe sex promoting asshole who had no regard
whether or not they apply to our own lives, we can for other people's feelings. And this was all before the
debate about why or why not they are relevant to play had ever been performed.
modern society...we can even choose not to care.
Unfortunately, Evergreen is not the only
Howeverwedecide, the signilicanceofbeingexposed institution where this type of behavior is present.
to artremains crucia1. Hwnan expression ofthought There isa frightening new trend that I see developing •
isa unique and beautiful thing. and regardlessofhow in this country. It resembles the Salem Witch Trials
much we may loathe a certain representation, there of the 17th century; it reeks of the Red Scare of the
is ~o o~e on ~ planet w~o holds the right to tell an 1950s. Once again, those who consider themselves
, ,by Kristopher
and Kacie Sanbom
artIst: You can t do that.
"liberal" are being blamed for the problems that take
It's not as Simple as that, though. An artist must place within this nation. Ratherthan finding the root
have responsibility. Thisdoesn't mean thatthey need ofthe problem, people try to find one group orperson • One-Act Play
to limit themselves to what they can and can't say, it
to make an example out of They seek restitution in
just means that they need to believe that what they creating a false sense of harmony rather than
do say is real, that it contains a certain level ofvalidity confronting some of the uglier realities in the world.
and importance to them. When an artist has done They show no concern for artistic merit; just narrow
that, they are free to express what they want however minded, utopian ideologies that the world can be a
they want, knowing full weU that not everyone is completely symmetrica1 place. What scares me about
by Laurel Rosen
going to agree with their views.
enjoy, ar even reject the many other virtues of
this is that Iam a liberal. The views I have and express
I recently perfot:med a pIay I wrote in the Spring tend to differ with what the majority of the COWltry Contributor
the work.
Some people create art to convey a political
One-Act Festival. The script underwent a great deal seems to think is proper. If what happened to me is
The response to the One-Act Play
of scrutiny during its pre-production period, any indication ofwhat it's tuminginto out there on a message. Some use art as an outlet for personal "Whatever Gets You Through the Day"
otIendingsome members ofthe faculty and student larger,lessfurgivingscale, then we all have something experience. Other artists strive for aesthetic published in the May ll, 1995, CPJreflectsone
body. Despite my repeated rebuttal that I believed toworry about. I hope that in the future, ifsomething statements through their work. And, still such narrow-minded approach to art. Rather
the play accurately represented a side ofsociety that offends you. before you lash out at the person who others create art to entertain the public. In this than assessing the play's "racism" in its artistic
I telt not only existed, but was at the core ofsome of produced the offensive topic, youll see ifyou can figure country. we are free to create works of an context. the reviewer focused on the portrayal
our greater socia1 problems, the offended parties out where they're coining from, and ifyou can't, ask artistic nature regardless of the specific of an exchange between two men of two
.stood by their beliefS that it was blatantly offensive them.Chances are theyll tell you. J'msure theyll want motivation. And, in theory, art provides a different races as exemplar of the play's total
and should not be presented in the festival in its you to understand.
medium for publiC dialogue. This exchange is worthlessness. And. instead of accepting the
original form.
The best way I know how to end this article is a most rudimentary freedom, one we take for racism as a part of the character in the play,
That these people were offended by my play is with a Shel Silverstein poem I know. I think it speaks granted, for better or for worse.
the critic approached it as the message of the
It can be difficult to discern the artistic entire work of art. This shallow level of
not what bothers me· I know not everyone out there for itself.
volition behind a particular work. Artists interpretation is unfair. inaccurate and
agrees with my views. What does bother me is that
themselves may have a hard time articulating unfortunate.
people tried to censor mywOlxsimply becausethey
politrnesVAndgoodness andlcindnessand
motivation for their art. However, it is our
didn't agree, as if their opinions were somehow
"Whatever Gets You Through the Day" is
superior. Thisinstitution prides itselfon being liberal
Pan:bJmr/How are)W?/ElIrrRmr/BIi!m)WI responsibility. and our pleasure, as viewers. to not a play about racism. Nor is it a portrayal
assess the work and come to some personal of the writer's opinions on the immigration
and equal-opportunistic, open-minded and
conclusions. For it is here - between the art of Chinese people to the United States ,
alternative. Yet, as word began to spread around
tbatfve &got.!~·stidctbemin yooreyeI
and the viewer - that the actual "art" takes women's rights, gemJer relations, classism,
campus that Ihad written an Hoffensive" play, people
homophobia. or any of our numerous other
This process is risky, probably riskiest for social ills. It is the story of a character named
the artist in question. In opening his art to the Eddy who reveals how these problems in
public there is potential for a great deal of society can effect our personal behaviors. His
misinterpretation. How can we. the audience. interactions with the world around him arc
know that what we glean from the art is the not pretty. His comments are derogatory and
The Cooper Point Journol is Volunteer
idea the artist intended? How tan he, the artist, his language is at times obscene. However ugly
directed, staffed, written. edited News Editor: Oliver Moffat
be confident that his work accurately reflects this portrayal may seem. it does not constitute
and distributed by the students Comics Page Editor: Brian Zastoupil
his motivations?
enrolled 01 The Evergreen State Calendar Editor: Jesse Allert
the playas being a "racist" or "sexist" play. nor
College, who are solely News Briefs Editor: Jeff Axel
particularly do the attitudes of the character reflect the
responsbile and lioble for lhe Security Blotter: Matthew Kweskin
contemporary art which has little history and opinions of the writer.
producrion and comem of lhe Layout Assistant: Hilary Siedd,
no prior criticism, in a holistic way is
If: we are offended by the ugliness of his
newspaper. No agem of lhe News Tntems: Rebecca Pellman
challenging. And, in an effort to avoid some of character, then the art has achieved its
college may infringe upon the Dawn Hanson, Doug Smith. Jesse Allert,
this challenge, viewers may latch on to a purpose; we have learned. in some capacity,
press freedom of the Cooper Poim Ariel Burnett, Reynor Padilla
Journal or its studem stafr.
particular (perhaps even minute) aspect of the to lookat the surrounding world ill a new way.
Photo Intt>m: Erin Ficker
work and focus their attention on that singh:' However. if we reject the art simply because it
Evergreen's members live
virtue. In doing so, these viewers experience is not pretty, only bccause the virtues it reveals
under a special ser of rights and Editar-in-Chiet Naomi Ishisaka
the art, for the work has effected them in a do not match the ,·nes we wish to promote.
responsibilities, foremost among Managing Editor: Pat Castaldo
which is thor of enjoying the Assistant Managing Editor:
personal way. But, through their narrow- then we are well 011 our way to losing a most
freedom to explore ideas and to Carson Strege-Flora
minded interpretations, these viewers basic freedom. It is this freedom of true
discuss their explorations in both . Arts & Entt>rtainmt>nt Editor:
annihilate their opportunity (and often the expression that is so often squelched in thl'
speech ondprinr. 80th institu- Demian A. Parker
opportunity of others as well) to understand. name of Political Correctness,
tional and individual censorship Photo Editor: David Scheer
by Matt Snyder

Art is a means of discussion
in a confused world

are 01 vorionce with rhis basic
Submissions are dueMonday
ar Noon prior to publication. and
are preferably received on 3.5'
diskerte in either WordPerfect or
Microsoft Word formats. E·mail
submissions are now also

Business Manager: Graham White
Assistant Business Manager: Kate Wray
Ad Sales Representative: Ryan HoUander
Ad Layout: David Eisenberg, Reynor PadiUa
Ad Proofer. Rebecca Pellman
Circulation Manager: Melanie Strong
Distribution Manager: Ryan Stanley

All submissions must have Dianne Conrad

Artist clears up possible confusion
by Claire Johnson
I was distressed when I saw that I was quoted
in the CPJ article on the vandalization in the Art
When taken out of context, I saw that my
comment could have been interpreted to mean
that racism is Hentry level" (and therefore less
serious), and homophobia is more "advanced"

(read: more serious).
I actually feel very strongly that all fimns of
bigotry and hatred are equally heinous.
My comment was an offhand, sarcastic
remark motivated by anger at the vandalism.
which seemed obviously perpetuated by
juveniles, and I in no way meant to downgrade
the very disturbing and serious nature of the
racism involved.
I Sincerely apologize if! offended anyone.


18, 1995


hc};'~ kids it's Arts and Entcrtainl11cnt



Crimson Tid~: an int~ns~,
w~ll-craft~d drama
by Bryan Theiss
With a plot about impending nuclear
lVar with Russia and a title reminiscent of
'80s red-scare films like Red Dawn, you
might think Crimson Tide is another piece
of action packed, pro-war propaganda. But
despite director Tony Scott's credits (which
include themega-popular, feature length Air
Force commercial Tvp Cun), Crimson Tide
comes across as a parable about the political
split in our country and the need for ethical
questioning in the military.
Denze l Washington plays Navy
Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter, a
newcomer on the USS Alabama, a nuclear
submarine. Under the command of Hunter
and Captain Frank Ramsey (Gene
Ilackmanl, the sub is sent to patrol Russian
waters during a global emergency - a rebel
faction of the former Soviet Army has seized
control of a nuclear missile base.
Ilunter and Ramsey represent two
vastly different schools of thought. Hunter
is educated but has little combat experience.
He is thoughtful and philosophical about his
role in a possible nuclear holocaust. Ramsey,
on the other hand, is an aggressive combat
veteran who resents Hunter's lack of
tradition and trusts his own instincts. The
two disagree on the interpretation of their
commands, and end up vying for control of
the sub. The crew is torn between loyalty to
their captain and the ethical dilemma posed
by their new lieutenant ("om mander, and
they must decide how to act in the face of a
nuclear war.
Dariusz Wolski's cinematography and
Hans Zimmer's score pull you into a tense
and dangerous world where any wrong move
could lead to world destruction. This sets the
stage for Washington and Hackman's
amazing performances. Whenever the two
so much as look at each other, the tension
hits you in the gut and leaves you gritting
your teeth hoping nothing goes wrong.
Screenwriter Michael Schiffer calls the
story '''12 Angry Men' on a submarine," and
it's not a bad description. This is not a
standard war movie - the tension between
commanding officers Hunter and Ramsey is
the focus of the film rather than the action
involved in piloting a submarine and
shooting torpedoes, The suspense and
drama work masterfully, with the occasional
jokes emphasizing the terrible absurdity of
th e situation rather than serving as comic
relief. Surprisingly. the dialogue shows quite

a few traces of uncredited script doctor
Quentin Tarantino, who is perhaps best
known for performing the same job on It 's
Pat (or perhaps not).
The press kit describes Crimson Tide
as a "cautionary tale with political
implicati ons ," then goes on to quote
producer Don Simpson talking about
political instability in Russia. But the
important thing about this movie is not the
fact that Hunter and Ramsey are facing off


by jim Meyer

by Tony Pelaez

- It seemed like a submersible Noah's
ark. A dog and an aquarium? Where were
For all you panty-wipe, non-military the parrots and the fllonkey?
types out there in Greenerland who are not
• The torpedo countermeasures were
familiar with the art of modern Naval really shaken Pepsi cans.
warfare, I have assembled a handy guide to
• Star Trek rules in the Navy. Sailors
help you with the Crimson Tide movie love Star Trek analogies. You can't get
enough of them in basic training. Don't you
For the most part, the movie was rather love fantasy?
accurate in the use of
- There are no women aboard
technical jargon and submarines in the Navy. Only on the pink
military procedure. It submarines.
did its best to depict the
- No smoking. The USS Alabama must
environment aboard a be a 'smoking' submarine.
"boomer" or nuclear
- Tensions are high, so men must fight.
ballistic submarine. I've been involved with the Navy for six years
The crew members and have never seen a fight. The bubbleaboard submarines are heads aboard boomers are usually under the
called "bubble-heads." sea for about six months. they don't get to
I, fortunately, was never communicate with their families and it's
a bubble-head, but my cramped. It must be the food.
experience in US Naval
- No one said ., Fire One." The Holodeck
combat systems gives must have been broken.
me the right to nit-pick
- Love the sappy ending. I thought
Denzel Washington (left) faces off against Gene the movie. Here are a Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman
Hackman, while unidentified gun- man (center) few observations:
were going to kiss in the final scene. A better
looks on.
- Naval officers ending would have been the launching of the
don't go around making nukes and then the "OOPS!"
people do push-ups.
Well, if you loved the riveting drama
against Russia with a nuclear missile. What
Most officers are usually too busy filling out and high stress life and death struggle of
is important is that an intelligent,
paperwork and could care less. Most sailors- submarine warfare, you can contact the CPj
reasonable man and an experienced,
can't do push-ups.
where I will point you in the right direction
traditional man with vastly different belief
- El capitan's speech on the pier was of your new Navy career. Hey, it worked for
systems are forced into a situation where
really inspiring. I think Gene Hackman TopGun.
they must make the right decision. Whether
thought he was still doing Hoosiers. Not - Tony says he was the sailor in the Village
or not the filmmakers intended it, it's hard
even the Navy has time for that pep talk crap. People.
not to see it as an allegory about left and
right wingers struggling to do what they
think is right wit h the country.
Crimson Tide is an intense, well
crafted drama which, despite it's militaristic
subject matter, shouldn't leave anyone
wanting to jump aboard a submarine.
-This is the first time Bryan has ever
written his own tag/ine.

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a genuine, hoof stompin' call and
response number. The traditional
gospel-blues form was anchored
to a groove by Jacob Lakatuas'
harmonica and Vance Reynolds
on banjo.
There was something about
the upright bass playing of Peter
Hickey, both sensitive and Peter Hickey is happy playing bass on the left,
expressive, that provided a while Fione Meade sings up a storm.
sublime setting for the spoken
photo courtsey Moo Cow Productions
pieces ofthe show. Along with its
eloquence, the dimensions and weight of the instruments for props, belief was quite
instrument also figured prominently in the suspended by the energies on stage.
A revelation of these musicians' ultra
choreography of the performance. One of
the most exciting and genuinely tense hip se nsibiliti es came with the playful
moments was a brawl between bassman inclusion of the John Lurie tune "Bob and
Peter Hickey and Fione Meade. This fight Nico" off that old Lounge Lizards album. The
song was refereed by the wonderful (and for overall feeling though , was of having stepped
my taste, too scarce) saxophone of Jacob into a world where Tom Waits and the
Lakatua. Pint in hand, I thought, "If only Ch ieftains were at University together, and
were having it on down at the pub.
the folks back home could see this."
There was an obvious affection for
A show in itself is the final scene,
work, and a sensitivity and respect in
aboard the funeral barge, where we witness
It was a pleasure to see these
the waking of Finnegan. It seems that the
a relative obscurity and
essence of theater is captured as we all float,
drunken and ribald, singing lamentations displayed in such an enjoyab le form. This
into Dublin town. With no setting and only show gets an emphatic wink and a nod.
Moo Cow will preform this show again
on May 21 in the lEse I{ecital Hall at 7 pm.
Free. Tell a friend, because even those too
hard-assed to read the CPj will Jove it.
-Jim Jives the artist 5 life.



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The evening was billed as a musical
exploration of the works of James Joyce.
Though in the apropos intimacy of the OK
Hotel a performance in the fullest sense of
the word was to be revealed. More theater
than musical concert, and as soulful as it was
didactic: it was a literary socio·politicallrish
cabaret. The performance was written by
James Joyce but I;omposed and preformed
by four Evergreen students from the Irish
Experience class of'95.
The individual pieces, which were
taken largely from A Portrait ofthe Artist as
a Young Man and Finnegans Wake, were
sung and spoken in turns, and the phrasing
of Joycd material was rendered into a fine
rant and reel by Fione Meade that would put
any carny barker to shame. In the meditative
poem "A Child is Born" we were to hear all
the players shine vocally as it was crafted into

it's best if you
don't take
all your
materials horne
for SUIIllller



Ev~rgr~~n stud~nts
awaken Jam~s Joyce

Th~ nit-pick~r' s guid~
to Crimson Tid~

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18, 1995

18, 1995






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Students producing a Public
Service AnnounceI1).ent on sexual
assault awareness will be
filming student responses about
how the fear of rape affects their
life. A booth will be set up near
the espresso cart in the CAB from
11:30 am-2 pm

• Personal Growlh • Health. MetaphysIcs
• Spiri tual Paths. Nature. Book Rentals.
Video Rentals

- Drum Making
- Women W h O Run Wlt n The Wolves"
DISc uSSion Group
- Maj1a ' - Psychic Taro t Read e r I T, W, Th )


-~ 1511 STATE AVE N.E .... I-



J onah E.R. Loeb
oH Y(4 ~ o.J'.~ \J~ll :!vST1

.Return of

Sports Bar· LIve Venue

May 27 Kitchen Radi
wlJust Plain Bill
June 3 Cherry PoppinDaddies
June 8 The Posies

Meetings today:
Rape Response
Coalition 3:30-5
pm, SPAZ
(Student Produced
Art Zone) 5 pm,
Women of Color 4
The Tempest by
Shakespeare on
Red Square at 7
pm. Sponsored by
S&A productions.

2010 W. Harrison
(]60) 94]-6229


Anthology benefit with
poetry and performances by
Evergreen Students of Color.
7 pm in Library 4300.
Suggested Donations:
Evergreen Students $3/ ticket, $7/ Anthology and
ticket. General Public $5/ ticket, $9/ Anthology and



"ticket, Tickets available at First People' s Advising and
the campus bookstore.


TImothy Hull and Joules Graves Folk
Music ERC donation please $3- $5 in
Lecnrre Ha1l6 from 7:30-10 pm
The Thurston County Civil
Service Commission will hold
its monthly meeting at 9 am in
Conference Room A at 2404 B

Gaelic Musical Tradition on
Cape Breton Island-Senior
Thesis Production (Sean
Williams) FREE! From 7:309:45 pm in Recital Hall.
Seattle Lesbian and Gay Chorus
and the Seattle Peace Chorus. At
8 pm on Library 2nd Floor
Lobby. Tick~ts are $10 and $6.
Tonight at the Hopvine Pub in

I know there's
somewhere today ... I
just don't know
what it is.



()"W ..



They Might Be
Giants continue to
reign as the fi nest
band in the western




Transmission Meditation
sponsored by the Northwest
Transmission Meditation
Network at 7 pm call 493-6620





AIr>< ~ie..:e-~


In Front of Westside Bowling Alley

Today in the Greenery: Super
Sub Sandwiches!

(xr L"'i/1in~ 11- S


"-So -E:..x...~ ~ ,~ 10\ "-So

Today in the Greenery: Cheese

21 and Over

Tonight at the Hopvine Pub in
Seattle: Freestyle Candella with
LeifTotusek Afriljazz sound.
328-3120 $1 cover charge.


Seattle: Dave Conant blues sound.
328-3120$1 cover charge.

o.:r. Si/nP50N



Return Of The Rocker Dudes by C. Michael Smith
ON f~ ~ SA\JLE'R .. ..



Live on the air on KAOS-FM
89.3 Free Things Are CoolThrones and Karp
Mindscreen Film Series "8 112"
FREE! From 7-9 pm in Lecture
Hall 1
ERC Film Series from 7-9:30
pm in Lecture Hall 5
Meetings today: Anime 7 pm if
The Edge, Women's Center at
noon, Gaming Guild at 6 pm,
ASIA at 3 pm

Dear Dad by P. Herbert Castaldo
Okay. I nee6 $~~$

dear dAd,


I k Now that She is
pLeaze DonT te 1
mOm that i'm writin'


YOU JUsT KnOw Bhee'd
bee pi
sssed (like
that time you took
me to the StrIP ~thb.

TOiL6~t~5~ ?~5; BOf.wyl1oSTi~Q~wTB~m

in Charge of the
wallet/PUrSe_thing, but



like s






~7-:= (!J

iF I don'T take over the WOla4d
before graduation then i won't get credit
D~rby WILL dump me again.Phan said that
he d STOP being my fripnd (and
e a~ures of nLITtLE te
1 \ \

aks her for this.





~ ~ .

o.,.-q", ,

nd GirlllS will break up.
PLEAAAAZE, dAd, I need itbad

Failed Cartoon Ideas by Matt 'Vlad' Parsons




r~E' All"ENT'VRE.S o~

C.a.Ec.reO By r .. E

Elhno.TE c..rtl.t>R.E.N Ltv



THE ALL ~ TOt:> - O~T


O~fx:<..~ 10





"Dro jou

ktJoYJ I~A'" PI\U'>L' AtJr'lO

MonkeyL8.nd by Bryan Frankenseuss Theiss

17436(;, T-rE"tvt '-I, A.sAM£"'DED ;
13y \J S. PAl ET0T REvIsrorJ NS1,
1139.7J (1'131,.)," ALL rTEM ~


::f')"{)(lE\) 10 DE oi' A C.LI\ '>S III
/Jo/ll- Co,,, ... N\ EIl O~""ToI\r "o/J,


R.~ .",. ",r.


(o Nr"'nJY"'C, REQu<,nE


M fl y

N o1

BE Su B"\1 TrE D ro 1i>in 0 HIC(
PAR.T, wr. THovr WRrrrDJ pJ2.f' '

IV W H O,- E OR. r ~
AppRov ""l ~R.o"" 1t'E' ~ppl.rc"'Bl.E 'l)r-pART....,E~r HEIID S
(FOR'" U~Pc.. bl1101D- E"Z.(t,:56) ONLY YovC"'" fltE"""r r"Stt,..,<\COff'"


True Story by Jenny J
51-->("y-:-Itt l:Y\y":',""+-jc.-u~\-tv-r-C\-l--""

~~_~""'_ _~ioiioiii;';;;';';;;;"';;';;;";'~;;"'_·'-Ti-t'-v~

E~r~rt»'i, ~~ 'h'~+ r;A~" crt-fo..\l
~~~~~L::"'"":~=~~:r.r~~~~"1 (.l~e...s IS sc."'~..ch.J \~J. foe- ~o5h he('"
S'ho.,,~h, 0\ ho ' \~clo..'f ""he.r-. )t...IoJS a.~
1"\0+ supp ose~ -b ~.. -\-0 sc..'hoo \. M~I'\'f
~ nL(c(e~t"


hotJJng . -ro.nk :

lie..y, \,.J~t~
-\k-\- 5~t..\\?


2FORl! .

,--- -- --- (with this ad)


Expires May 27, 1995




10 MAY 18, 1995

'jt,w.s Wf>t"'-\-. 'L-I o("C~~r ~ ~e::\- ().f\y
r~ ~.\on, "'6\.r.)~ver, we.. n-..o...y
~~ to se"Ci (.or~s .h ou.- f\G\(.~-

Oa..&d . . . 30 wont. ort..:
$3.00, SIucMnt RaIe: $2.00,
au--. RaIe;$6.00, PRe..
o.dne s ~ Monday
ConIac:t: ~ WhIt . '
PhoM 86UOOO x6054
or~by" CP.ICA8316,

a,mpa, WA 98S05

DeI"''1- wofl"'y,

'vs-t- ~t

Dearest Mom by Demian A. Parker
Deares t Mom,

Th is is io apology for that ot her dear mom I wrote to yo u
thi s we~k. [ don't know what was up with me . I think it ' s tl~
• stress of emioant graduation. Darby t ~ ll s me I s hould just
chill th e f*ck out. But she's all set U t' for af t e r gradu a tion:
her Band: GIRL/IS, did not break up and t hey II are stagil1B
a resurgent comebac k on t he Capitol Th edt re Backstage thi s
July 2 . They are playing with Cut Toenails and Le-ters t o
Bill Clin ton. I am glad for them, but she is ge tting a little
snotty about being in a cool band and all.



I seem to be getting Finan c ial
Aid checks now. I've alway s
\ A
been turned down before. In
/ " , ...V ~
fact. I have never a pp lied t hls
~ .~
~ ~f;:ye ar. I think cousin Zoe , wh o
/I _~ -/. ~ C;
now works there, is doi ng it.
Boy, i t s ure helps, that $600
My book
81 not going as
a month. 1 should,
well as it was i n the other
thank Zoe some...
strip. I have s he lved i t in
~ime. 1 Wi\
~ D <J
order t o wr it e for t he big
~ /"'\~
bucks : Screenwriti ng ! Low- budget ~ lo"Io
sci-fi. I met this guy , Louie,
who said he 'll pay thousand s for a scri pt.
J ona t han




May 18 1995 CPJ

pg. 19