

Part of First People's Catalog, 1998-1999

extracted text
As you consider making Evergreen your college, I hope you will find this publication helpful
in introducing the services we offer to Students of Color. I hope also that you will gain
insight into the Evergreen community and our commitment to diversity, multiculturalism and
student development. Most of all, I hope you will feel welcome here. Our students and the
quality of their experience are our highest priority, and it is with that pledge that I extend
our warmest hospitality.
-jane jervis, President

AI considerar a Evergreen para decidir si esta
va a ser tu universidad, espero que este
folleto te sea titil ya que introduce los
servicios que ofrecemos a los estudiantes de
diferentes grupos culturales y etnicos.
Tambien espero que al leer esto te des
cuenta de que Ia comunidad de Evergreen
lleva un compromiso a Ia diversidad,
multiculturalismo y desarrollo del estudiante.
Mas que nada, espero que te sientas muy
bienvenido. Nuestros estudiantes, asi como
Ia calidad de experiencias que vivirC:m aqui,
son nuestra prioridad mas alta. Con esta
promesa te extiendo Ia mas calida
- jane jervis, Presidenta


First Peoples at Evergreen describes people of racial and ethnic
backgrounds commonly referred to in America as "minorities," or
more recently as "people of color."
In 1986, Evergreen students, staff and faculty members gathered
together and chose the name First Peoples in recognition of our
unique indigenous heritages. We are African Americans, Native
American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Asian Americans, Pacific
Islanders and Chicanos/Latinos.
So what's it really like to be a First Peoples student at Evergreen?
There's a lot to learn and experience, and for a while it can seem
overwhelming or bewildering. Some new students jump right in and
participate in social or political activities sponsored by student
organizations. Others wait, watch and test the waters first. We
believe there is room for all First Peoples to succeed at Evergreen.

En el idioma de Evergreen, "First Peoples" describe a Ia gente
comunmente Hamada "minoria" o mas recientemente "personas
de color" en EEUU.
En 1986, los estudiantes, Ia facultad y el personal universitario
adoptaron un nuevo nombre: First Peoples. Este nombre reconece
el origen indigena de nuestras culturas.
Asi pues, (cual es Ia realidad de ser un estudiante de "First
People" en Evergreen? Hay mucho que aprender y mucho con que
experimentar. AI principio, sin embargo, puede parecer
demasiado, ya hasta te puede confundir. Algunos de los nuevos
estudiantes se sienten muy,integrados y participan en las
actividades sociales y politicas patrocinadas por los diferentes
grupos estudiantiles. Otros estudiantes prefieren esperar,
observar y examinar el ambiente. Pero nostros creemos que hay
algo en todos los estudiantes de "First People" que hara que
tengan exito en Evergreen.

Rudy Sookbirsingh
What would I tell students of
color if I were responsible for

"You will gain an
education at Evergreen X University
become indoctrinated. "

to three other colleges
indoctrination. But at
I've learned how all
different subjects area
to the real world. So,

eco-tourism policies. That means
I have to combine ecology,
economics. social issues. physical
sciences, tourism and public
policy throughout my education.
I will have a very diverse background and will know how to
apply my skills across a broad
spectrum of academic areas.
I've learned how to think as an
individual. as well as how to
work collaboratively with others.

I was planning to attend another
college in New Mexico to concentrate only on creative writing,
but I heard about Evergreen from
other professional writers and
an academic advisor at another
university. That's when I decided
that I needed a broader perspective than just writing - I needed
to have something to write about.
I think that the teachers work
really hard at Evergreen. They put
a lot of time into working with
students. Overall, Evergreen is a
very challenging school because
it's centered on students and
helping us achieve our goals.
I feel as though my academic
interests are respected and that
the learning environment is one
of inclusion.

Aidan Redsteer

Evergreen is located just outside the Olympia city limits in Thurston
County. The race and ethnic makeup for this city is 10 percent and
for the county is 13 percent. Of the 3,554 students enrolled at the
Olympia campus during fall quarter 1996, First Peoples comprised
13 percent, and in june, 1997, 193 First Peoples were awarded
bachelor degrees. Also 20 percent of the staff and 22 percent
of the faculty are People of Color.
Asian/Pacific Islander
African American
Native American
Students of color

13% total

The First Peoples Coalition comprises students, staff and faculty of
color at Evergreen. Often at the initiative of the First Peoples student
organizations, we gather for events such as potlucks, community
forums, political discussions and celebrations. Traditional annual
gatherings include Day of Absence/Day of Presence and First Peoples
Graduation. During the Day of Absence, the First Peoples' Coalition
spends the entire day away from the Olympia campus to welcome
new members, renew acquaintances and discuss issues that affect
the Community of Color. During the Day of Presence we gather
together on campus as a demonstration of our unity. In june,
we celebrate the end of the academic year with First Peoples
Graduation. We recognize those who have made significant
contributions to the Coalition and honor the achievements
of our graduates.



Evergreen esta localizada en Ia orilla de la ciudad de Olympia, en el condado de Thurston.
La distribuci6n de Ia raza etnica es 10% para Ia ciudad y 13% para el condado. 13% de los
3554 estudiantes matriculados en el centro universitario de Olympia en ontoflo de 1996
fueron estudiantes de "First Peoples." En junio de 1997, 193 estudiantes de "First Peoples"
recibieron su titulo universitario. 20% de los empleados universitarios y 22% de Ia facultad
son personas de "First Peoples."
La Coalici6n de "First Peoples" incluye estudiantes, profesores y miembros del personal
universitario de Evergreen. Frecuentemente los grupos estudiantiles patrocinan "potlucks,"
reuniones, discusiones politica y fiestas. Eventos anuales de tradici6n incluyen los Dias de
Ausencia/Presencia y Ia Graduaci6n de First Peoples. Una vez al aflo, nos ausentamos de Ia
universidad para celebrar ei"Dia de Ausencia," una oportunidad para conocer a nuevos
miembros, reestablecer las previas amistades, y discutir asuntos importantes que afectan
nuestra comunidad. Durante el Dia de Presencia, nos reunimos en Ia universidad para
celebrar nuestra unidad. Celebramos el fin del aflo academico con una fiesta especial en
honor de los graduados y de personas que han hecho contribuciones importantes a Ia

RECRUITMENT STAFF (left to right)

Clarisse Leong
Admissions Counselor

Sue Bruner
Office Assistant

Diane Kahaumia

takes great pride in the services provided to prospective students and their family
members. We believe that information is power, and want you to be able to make powerful
choices. We want our services to be as inclusive as possible without being intrusive.
First Peoples' Recruitment supplements the advising provided by the Office of
Admissions by sending the monthly News and Notes to let you know what's happening in
the admissions process, when our representatives will visit your community and what
other student services we can offer you at Evergreen.
We will also:
• Contact you directly. Our staff and faculty will call you to find out if you have any
questions about the campus or the curriculum.
• Invite you to spend a day on campus - hosted by a currently enrolled Evergreen student.
Sit in on a lecture or seminar, sample the campus cuisine and take a tour of our facilities.
We can also schedule an appointment for you to meet with a member of the faculty.
• Keep you apprised of your admissions application review. Is your file complete?
What's missing? When will you need to pay your advance tuition deposit?
• Assist you with your scholarship search process. We research scholarships offered by
independent foundations and publish a brochure listing the scholarships. Every November,
Evergreen publishes its undergraduate scholarship flier and offers a large number of
scholarships to new students of color.
• Connect to other student services: Financial Aid, Housing, Academic Planning and
Experiential Learning, Career Development, Learning Resource Center, Student Activities,
Recreation and Athletics and First Peoples' Advising Services.
Sometimes currently enrolled Evergreen students continue to use our office as
a sounding board or safe haven - a place they know they can come for a serious
conversation or a lot of laughter. We appreciate their support and enthusiasm and
hope you will soon be among them.

La Oficina de First Peoples' Recruitment se siente muy orgullosa
de los servicos que ofrecen a las personas que quieren
matricularse en Evergreen y a sus familiares. Creemos que Ia
informacion es poder, y queremos darte el poder de hacer buenas
decisiones. Queremos ofrecerte una extensa gama de servicos sin
causarte intrusiones.
La Oficina de First Peoples' Recruitment suplementa los
consejos ofrecidos por las de Admissions Office. Enviamos una
carta mensual News and Notes, que te informa acerca del proceso
de Ia matricula en Evergreen, de cuando nuestros represen tantes
van a visitar tu comunidad, y de Ia manera que otras oficinas te
pueden ayudar. Ademas:
• te llamamos directamente, apra que tengas Ia oportunidad de
hablar con uno de los profesores, o con un con serjero que pueda
responder a tus preguntas acera de los cursos academicos o Ia
vida social de los estudiantes.
• te invitamos a pasar un dia en Ia universidad, hospedado por
uno de los estudiantes universitarios. De esta manera puedes
observar un seminario o una conferencia, comer en Ia cafeteria
ya participar en el recorrido de los edificios universitarios.
Tambien podemos ofrecerte una sita para una entrevista con uno
de los profesores.
• te mantendremos informado del progreso de tu matricula, de
los documentos requeridos han que sido recibidos y de cuando
tienes que pagar el costo de Ia ensel'ianza.
• te ayudamos en Ia busqueda de becas. Nuestra oficina tiene
informacion sobre nuevas becas ofrecidas por fundaciones
independientes, de las cuales tenemos a tu disposici6n diversos
formularios. En noviembre se publica un folleto con las becas
ofrecidas por Ia Evergreen Foundation para los nuevos
estudiantes de First Peoples.
• te ayudamos a conocer otras oficinas de Ia universidad: Financial Aid, Housing, Academic Planning and Experiential Learning,
Career Development, learning Resource Center, Student Activites,
Recreation and Athletics, and First Peoples Advising Service.
Algunos estudiantes de First Peoples siguen visitando nuestra
oficina despues que se han maticulados porque es un ambiente
que se presta para discutir con confianza cosas serias igual que
divertidas. Nosotros les agradecemos su compal'iia y entusiasmo y
esperamos que tu seas parte de este grupo en el futuro.


,. 1

Juan Martinez,Jr
I'm completing a journey
that has lasted almost thirty
years. I started my college
education in 1968 at a
junior college in California.
Since then, I got married,
raised a family, became a
grandfather and attended
three more colleges.
Finishing my college
education is very important
to me because I'm setting an
example for my kids and my
eight grandkids. If they see
Grandpa going to college,
they won't have an excuse
for not going to school.


I was

an Upward Bound student at
Evergreen in 1988. I actually started
at Evergreen right out of high
school, but !stopped-out. I attended
a couple of community colleges in
Seattle, studying to become a
graphic illustrator. I also became
a mom. Then, I came back to
Evergreen in 1995.
There's a really good support
network for students with children.
The day care is just beautiful- it's
the best day care Devon has ever
been in. There have also been
occasions when I've had to take
Devon to class with me and the
faculty has been so understanding.
I really appreciate the whole
community because they are
supportive of me and what I
want to do.

Carol Williams

provides students of color with support that fosters retention. Learning about the academics is part of every college experience. You will also learn more about yourself in an
historical, cultural and social context. Our support throughout this developmental process
is both challenging and sustaining. We promote the importance of the individual in the
community and provide the necessary skills for well-being and academic growth in a
pluralistic society. We also support a continuing dialog for the entire campus community.
We challenge and encourage the development of diversity throughout the institution that
will create and maintain a hospitable environment for our success.
Our services are comprehensive- including academic planning/advising, social activities, graduate school advising, career development and personal counseling. There isn't a
question too small ("What are the academic programs like?") nor any goal too great
("!want to go to medical school, can you help me?") that we can't answer. We also offer:
• Fall Orientation Programs for new students. The Undergraduate Scholars Fellowship is a
pre-orientation program designed for new students to enhance transition to Evergreen.
Two other workshops offered during Orientation Week are "Building Allies" and "The Real
Story on Seminar for Students of Color."
• Leadership Development for student employees through our Peer Support program. Peer
counselors/advisors are paraprofessional staff members. They receive year-long training
through a class offered in collaboration with Housing and the Counseling Center. The
training includes developmental models on student development, counseling techniques,
communication techniques, records maintenance and more.
• Events Planning with the student organizations. The Peer Counselors co-sponsor events as
a means to develop connections with students. A sample of these activities include: annual
reading from the Students' of Color Anthology, dances, and guest speakers and performers
like "Here and Now."
• Community Building and keeping connections vibrant. Through our quarterly potlucks
held for students, staff and faculty members we can sustain our campus-wide relationships.
We've also sponsored a variety of forums on cross-cultural communication and the value of
affirmative action. We also plan and organize Day of Absence/Day of Presence, which is an
annual winter quarter event.
• Mentoring others often leads to a greater understanding of the community and a richer
understanding of one's cultural heritage while helping others. This leadership program
includes opportunities on- and off-campus with the youth in the South Puget Sound region.
• Advocacy and assistance can take many forms. Sometimes it is knowing the appropriate
referral; other times, you may just need someone to talk to so that you can organize your
thoughts and be able to resolve a situation. Our staff members also offer mediation services, can facilitate group discussions on diversity, and can accompany students to disciplinary hearings.


les presta apoyo a los estudiantes para que tengan exito en sus estudios. El aprendendizaje
academico es parte de cualquier experiencia universitaria. Ademas, aprenderas mas sobre ti
mismo en un contexto hist6rico, cultural y social. Consideramos que en este proceso de
desarrollo personal podemos prestarte sosten y estimulo. Damos importancia al individuo
en Ia comunidad y a las habilidades que necesitas para tu bienestar y desarrollo academico
en una sociedad tan diversa. Tambien promovemos un dialogo continuo para toda Ia
comunidad universitaria. Motivamos el desarrollo de Ia diversidad en toda Ia instituci6n
para crear un ambiente acogedor a nuestro exito.
Prestamos servicios extensos - inclusivo aconsejos personates y academicos que te
ayudaran a hacer decisiones sobre tus estudios en Evergreen, en tus estudios posgraduados,
y en Ia carrera a que aspires. Para nosotros, no hay tal cosa como pregunta insignificante
(''LC6mo son los programas academicos?") o aspiraci6n ambiciosa ("Quiero estudiar
medicina. (Puedes ayudarme?") a que no podemos responder. Tambien ofrecemos:
• Orientaci6n en el otono para estudiantes nuevos. El Undergraduate Scholars Fellowshipes
un programa disenado a facilitar una transici6n agradable a Evergreen. Dos talleres que
ofrecemos durante Ia semana de orientaci6n son "Estableciendo Alianzas" y "La verdad
sobre los seminarios para estudiantes de nuestra comunidad."
• Desarrollo de liderato para empleados estudiantiles en nuestro Peer Support program.
Los consejeros estudiantiles son parte del personal profesional y reciben entrenamiento
por un ano en una clase colaborativa ofrecida por el Counseling Center y Ia oficina de
Housing. El entrenamiento incluye temas de desarrollo estudiantil, tecnicas de aconsejar y
comunicar, mantenimiento de archivos, y mas.
• Planificaci6n de eventos con organizaciones estudiantiles. Para establecer enlaces con los
estudiantes, los consejeros estudiantiles participan en ciertos eventos como copatrocinadores. Ejemplos son las lecturas anuales de Ia antologia que publican los
estudiantes de color, bailes, conferencias y estrenos culturales.
• Desarrollo de comunidad y sostenamiento de un companerismo entre estudiantes,
profesores y miembros del personal de Evergreen. Esto lo logramos con "potlucks" por lo
menos tres veces al ano. Tambien hemos presentado varias oportunidades sobre Ia
comunicaci6n intercultural y el valor de Acci6n Afirmativa. Ademas, organizamos los Dias de
Ausencia/Presencia cada invierno.
• Servicios de mentor. El ayudar a otros contribuye a un entendimiento mayor de Ia
comunidad y a un entendimiento de nuestra propia herencia cultural. Este programa de
liderato incluye oportunidades en Ia universidad asi como fuera de Ia universidad con Ia
juventud de esta region.
• Abogac'a y apoyo. Este servicio puede tomar varias formas. A veces solamente necesitas
saber con quien debes consultar sobre un problema. Otras veces tal vez solamente necesitas
hablar con alguien para orientarte y tu mismo resolver algo. Nuestro personal ofrece
servicios de mediaci6n, puede facilitar discusiones en grupos sobre Ia cuesti6n de Ia
diversidad, y puede acompanar estudiantes a procesos disciplinarios.

The narrative evaluation process
has been a real highlight for me
because getting an "A" or a
"B" grade" only compares my
work to the work completed by
nmPnrlP else. The evaluation
what I've done - my
to the class book
my research project,
written about my weaknesses
the areas I need to improve,
which I find very helpful because I
know that I am going to graduate
school and feel that I can prepare
myself for those future academic

Joselyn Plank

N. Sedia Dennis
So far my studies at Evergreen have
included cultural studies and history
(from an American perspective),
European, Latin American and
Arab-Islamic studies, some feminist
theory and literature. Now I'm ready
for a study abroad opportunity and
an internship. I will be in Namibia
for one quarter, studying the
political struggles of an emerging
nation and the past and current
effects of apartheid and poverty.
When I return, I will have an
internship placement with my high
school English teacher who has
inspired me to teach multicultural
literature. I will share my
experiences with these high
school students bringing together
the past and current affects of
racism and poverty in our own
country, how Namibia hopes to rise
above their previous problems, and
hopefully add my ideas of how
Americans can evolve.
I've attended two other colleges.
I know I would not have had the
same opportunities to learn and
teach as I have at Evergreen.


Evergreen's student organizations are valuable sources of cultural enrichment, personal
growth, lasting friendships and solidarity. Involvement can help you learn to work more
effectively within groups and with other organizations while also helping you develop
leadership skills. Student fees fund more than 50 active student groups, offering a wide
variety of opportunities for your participation.
Organizations like Asian Students In Alliance (ASIA), Movimiento Estudantil Chicanos
Aztlan (MEChA), Native Student Alliance, Umoja and the Women of Color Coalition are
coordinated by students of color for students of color. These organizations, active throughout the academic year, produce crosscultural events; bring speakers, films and entertainment to the community; sponsor conferences and celebrations; and play an integral role
in promoting the college's goals of enhancing cultural diversity and student empowerment.
At Evergreen, you'll find that student organizations are more than just clubs or
social alliances. Of course, they provide activities and opportunities for fun and social
interaction, but they also provide cultural, educational, recreational and spiritual services
to students. Students working with First Peoples student organizations conduct important
work against racism and harassment and help the entire community understand, welcome
and honor diversity. Involvement can give you one of your best and most worthwhile
experiences as a student.
Student organization offices are located on the third floor of the College Activities
Building, along with the Student Activities professional staff, which will help you get
connected with all of the student groups and find out what's happening on campus. The
staff members also assist in the interpretation of campus policies and procedures and
local, state and federal laws as they pertain to campus issues (permits for vendors,
political campaigning, use of state funds for student activities, etc.) and assist with
developing student-initiated programs and activities.

First Peoples student organizations include:

Asian Student In Alliance (ASIA)
Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
Movimiento Estudantil Chicanos Aztlan (MEChA)
Native Student Alliance
Pacific Islander Association
Umoja (Swahili for "unity"), African American Student Organization
Women of Color Coalition

For a complete list of Evergreen student organizations, contact the Student Activities
Office, College Activities Building, third floor, ext. 6220.

las organizaciones estudiantiles de Evergreen son fuente de enriquecimiento cultural,
desarollo personal, grandes amistades y solidaridad. Tu participaci6n te puede ayudar a
trabajar mas efectivamente dentro de grupos y con otras organizaciones, mientras que
puedas desarollar tus calidades de lider. Parte del dinero de Ia matricula es destinado para
el mantenimiento de mas de 50 grupos estudiantiles, los cuales ofrecen programas muy
variados para tu participacion.
Organizacinoes como Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA), MEChA, Native Student Alliance,
Umoja, Women of Color Coalition son coordinadas por estudiantes de "First People" para
los estudiantes de "First Peoples." Estas organizaciones ofrecen varios eventos culturales
durante el aflo como conferencias, peliculas, celebraciones y fiestas para Ia comunidad.
Como ves, estas organizaciones tienen un fin muy importante: el de aumentar Ia
diversidad cultural de Ia comunidad.
En Evergreen, descubriras que las organizaciones estudiantiles son mas que clubs
o alianzas sociales. Desde luego, patrocinan actividades sociales y oportunidades para
divertirse, pero tambien patrocinan actividades culturades, educationales, y espirituales
para los estudiantes. Con Ia ayuda de "First Peoples Advising Service" y con los miembros
de Ia cominidad, estas organizaciones ayudan a combatir el racismo y el acoso contra
miembros de minorias. Tambien contribuyen al etendimiento, respeto y acogida de Ia
diversidad cultural. Tu participacion en estas organizaciones te puede proporcionar una de
las mejores experiencias como estudiante universitario.
las oficinas de las organizaciones estudiantiles estan localizadas en el tercer piso del
College Activities Building, junto a Ia de los miembros de Ia Oficina de Student Activities.
Esta oficina te puede ayudar a integrarte a otras organizaciones, darte informacion acerca
de futuras actividades, e interpretar las reglas universitarias y las !eyes estatales o
federales que se refieren a suntos estudiantiles (por ejemplo: licencias para vendedores
en Ia universidad, campaflas politicas, gastos de bienes del estado para actos estudiantiles,
etc.). Tambien te pueden prestar ayuda a diseflar programas y actividades diversas.

Esta es una lista de las organizaciones estudiantiles de "First Peoples":

Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA)
latin American Student Organization (lASO)
Movimento Estudantil Chicanos de Aztlan (MEChA)
Native Student Alliance
Pacific Islander Association
Umoja (en Ia Iengua de Swahili quiere decir "unidad"),
African American Student Organization
• Women of Color Coalition

Si deseas una lista de todas las organizaciones estudiantiles, por favor llama "Student
Activities Office," ext. 6220

I'm preparing to go to law
school. I've been able to
combine my interests in
environmental studies, tribal
natural resources and federal
Indian law through my studies
at Evergreen. Since practical,
hands-on experiences are
stressed here, I've taken the
opportunity to study via
internship placements. One of
the placements was with the
Northwest Indian Fisheries
Commission and I met with
local tribal representatives
on a weekly basis during the
Washington legislative session.
I was able to gain insight and
experience in community
organization, statewide politics
and giving public testimony on
natural resource issues.

Karyn Carterby

First Peoples' Recruitment
Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6495
Diane Kahaumia, Coordinator
Internet: kahaumida>elwha.evergreen.edu
Clarisse Leong, Admissions Counselor
Internet: leongca>elwha.evergreen.edu
Sue Bruner, Office Assistant
Internet: brunersa>elwha.evergreen.edu

First Peoples' Advising Services
Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6467
Ricardo Leyva-Puebla, Director
Internet: rleyvaa>elwha.evergreen.edu
Lena Kline-Shedd, Office Assistant
Internet: lenaksa>elwha.evergreen.edu

Affirmative Action Policy
The Equal Opportunity Policy of The Evergreen State
College expressly prohibits discrimination against
any person on the basis of race, sex, age, religion,
national origin, marital status, sexual preference,
Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status, or the
presence of any sensory, physical or mental
disability, unless based upon a bona fide
occupational qualification.
Accessibility of Information
The information contained in this catalog is available
in other media with 24 hours of notice. TDD: (360)

Admissions Office
Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6170
After working hours (5 p.m., P.S.T.)
an answering machine will record
your requests.
Internet: admissionsa>elwha. evergreen. edu

Evergreen Web Page:

Mailing address:
The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW
Olympia, WA 98505

Academic calendars are subject to change without
notice. The Evergreen State College reserves the right
to revise or change rules. charges. fees. schedules,
courses, programs, degree requirements and any other
regulations affecting students whenever considered
necessary or desirable. The college reserves the right
to cancel any offering because of insufficient
enrollment or funding, and to phase out any program.
Registration by students signifies their agreement to
comply with all current and future regulations of the .
college whenever approved. Changes become effective
when Evergreen so determines and apply to prospective students as well as those currently enrolled.
©1997 by The Evergreen State College
Production Team
Editing: Diane Kahaumia, Craig McLaughlin. Clarisse
Leong, jose Gomez, Rachelle Sharpe, Ileana Dorn,
Magda Costantino and Ricardo Leyva-Puebla.
Design: judy Nunez-Pinedo, Mary Geraci
Photography: Lindha Narvaez. TESC Photo Services