

Part of First Peoples Catalog, 1995

extracted text
takes great pride in the services provided to pros_Qective students and their
family members. We believe that information is "power," and want you to be
able to make powerful choices. We want our services to be as inclusive as
JlOSsible, without being intrusive.
First Peoples' Recruitment supplements the advising provided by the
Office of Admssions by sending the monthly News & Notes to let you know
what's happening in the admissions' process, when our representatives will
visit your Wasbington state community, and what other student services can
offer you at Evergreen. We will also:
• contact you directly. Our staff and fac'ulty will call you to fwd out if you
have any questions about the campus or the curriculum ...
• invite you to spend a day on campus - hosted by a currently enrolled
Evergreen student. Sit in lecture or seminar; sample the campus cuisine and
take a tour of ou( facillties.~Perhaps we can schedule an appointment for you
to meet with one of our faculty members ...
• keep you apprised of your admission application review. Is your file
complete? What's missing? When will you need to pay your advance tuition
deposit? ...
• assist you with your scholarship search process. We research scholarships
offered by independent foundations and bave a variety of announcements and
application forms available for your use. Every January, the Evergreen
Foundation Scholarship flyers are published and a large number of scholarships are offered to new Students of Color ...
• provide you with the connection to other student services: Financial Aid,
Housing, Academic Planning and Experiential Learning, Career Development, Learning Resource Center, Student Activities, Recreation and Athletics, First Peoples Advising Service.
Sometimes currently enrolled Evergreen students continue to use our office
as a sounding board or safe haven - a place they know they can come for a
serious conversation or a lot of laughter. We appreciate their support and
enthusiasm and hope you will soon be among them.



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La Oficina de "First Peoples Recruitment" se siente muy orgullc
de los servicios que ofrecen a las personas que quieren matriculz
en Evergreen y a sus familiares. Creemos que Ia informacion es
poder, y queremos darte el poder de hacer buenas decisiones.
Queremos ofrecerte una extensa gama de servicios sin causarte
r - - - - - - -·ba Oficina de "First Peoples Recruitment" suplementa los
consejos frecidos por Ia de Admissions Office. Enviamos una
<mrt~m~ns a! News and Notes , que te informa acerca del proces
la mru ricula en Evergreen, de cml.ndo nuestros representantes va1
'sitru:.tu es uela, y de Ia manera que otras oficinas te pueden
ayudar. A:demas :
• te llamamos directamente, para que tengas Ia oportunidad de
hablar con uno de los profesores, o con un consejero que pueda
responder a tus preguntas acerca de los cursos academicos o Ia v
social de los estudiantes ...
• te invitamos a pasar un dfa en Ia universidad, hospedado por u
de los estudiantes universitarios. De esta manera puedes observ:
un serninario o una conferencia, comer en la cafeteria y particip<
el recorrido de los edificios universitarios. Si es posible, te pode
ofrecer una entrevista con uno de los profesores ...
mantendremos informado del progreso de tu matrfcula, de ],
,....IIJIII"--tl"'';m'"ntno requeridos han que sido recibidos y de cuando tienes
de Ia enseiianza ...
en Ia bUsqueda de becas. Nuestra oficina tiene
nuevas becas ofrecidas por fundaciones
cuales tenemos a tu disposici6n diversos
publica un folleto con las becas ofreci(
' ]E~e~1gtf:en'fc•pnd.at!Qrl" para los nuevos estudiantes de "I
~~••A••'n "

de Ia universidad: Finan<

F"'t'"u'~'"'~-' "<.!"lt"~t'IS and Experiential Learning,

!nts and

Center, Student Activit
Peoples Advising Service.




e for a


"First Peoples" siguen visitando nuestra
han maticulados porque es un ambiente q
con confianza cosas serias igual que
os<)tliJDSjles agradecemos su compaiifa y entusiasm<
parte de este grupo en el futuro.

Evergreen's student organizations are valuable sources of cultural enrichment,
personal growth, lasting friendships and solidarity. Involvement can help you Jearn
to more effectively work within groups and with other organizations while also
helping you develop leadership skills. Student fees fund more than 40 active student
groups, offering a wide variety of opportunities for your participation.
Organizations like Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA), MEChA, Native Students
in Alliance, Umoja, Women of Color Coalition- are coordinated by Students of
Color for Students of Color. These organizations, active throughout the academic
year, produce cross-cultural events; bring speakers, films, and entertainment for the
community; sponsor conferences and celebrations; and play an integral role in the
college's goals of enhancing cultural diversity and student empowerment.
At Evergreen, you'll find that student organizations are more than just "clubs" or
social alliances. Of course they provide activities and opportunities for fun and social
interaction, but they also provide cultural, educational, recreational and spiritual
services to students. Working with First Peoples Advising Service, and with the
Community of Color, these First Peoples Student Organizations conduct important
work against racism and harassment and help the entire community understand,
welcome, and honor diversity. Involvement can give you one of your best and most
worthwhile experiences as a student.
Student organization offices are located on the third floor of the College Activities Building, along with the Student Activities' professional staff, who will help you
get connected with all of the student groups and find out what's happening on
campus. The staff also assist in interpretation of campus policies and procedures or
local, state and federal laws as they pertain to campus issues (permits for vendors,
political campaigning, spending of state funds for student activities, etc.), and assist
with developing student-initiated programs and activities.
First Peoples Student Organizations include:
Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos Aztlan (MEChA)
Native Students in Alliance
Pacific Islander Association
Umoja (Swahili for "unity"), African American Student Organization
Women of Color Coalition

For a complete list of Evergreen student organizations,
contact the Student Activities Office,
College Activities Building,
third floor, extension 6220.

Affirmative ~lion Policy
The Equ\lLBpPortunity Policy of The Evergreen State
C.oneCeexpressly prohibits discrimination against any
person on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, national
origin, marital status, sexual preference, Vietnam era or
disabled veteran status, or the presence of any sensory,
jlh)'stcal,qr mental disability. unless based upon a bona
fide occuP'ilioiJ111 qualification.

ars are sUbject to change without
·green Stale College reserves the right to
rules~ chJ rges, fees, schedules, courses,
:e requirwnents and any other
cting students whenever considered
necessary or desirabiF The college reserves the right to
cancel any offerin$Pecause of insufficient enrollment
or funding, and t~hase out any program. Registration
by studeJ1!S.si-gfi'ifies their agreement to comply with all
'Current and future regulations of the college whenever
approved. Changes become effective when Evergreen
so determines and apply to prospective students as well
. as, .thos~,,ug;!W.tly enrolled.

©!994 by The Evergreen..,:> tate College

Editjng: Diane I!;ahamnia, Ricardo Leyva-Puebla,
David Over; Arnaldo Rodl:iguez, Jose G6me~,
Leticia Nieto-Johnson, Merce Vidal Camps ·
~sign: Judy Nuiiet-Pinedo, Mary Geraci
Calligraphy: Lin Crowley
Phofqgraphy: Stev~ Davis, TES¢ Photo Services