

Part of Planning group summary of second planning meeting for "Northwest Native American Cultural Studies," 1976

extracted text
"Northwest Native American Cultural Studies" Planning Group
Present at the Meeting
Mary Nelson
Eric Larson
Rainer Hasenstab
Betsy Diffendal
Maxine Mimms
Revised 1977-78 Projected Schedule for this Specialty Area



Exploring N.A. Art
N.A. Art of the Southwest
(two quarter group contract, 20 students)

Mary Nelson

Individual Contracts
(20 students)

Lynn Patterson

Cultures of the Pacific Northwest
(two quarter group contract, 20 students)


Individual Contracts

Mary E. Hillaire A Separate Reality
(coordinated studies program, 60 to 80 students, on and off campus)
Betsy Diffendal
Haxine Mimms
+ visiting lecturers
and/or additional Native American faculty
Northwest Coast
(evening module)

Eric Larson
Cruz Esquivel

. In addition to the above programs, the planning faculty agreed with Hillaire's
proposal that outreach be approached by arranging to grant one unit of Evergreen
credit (on Special Student basis or as a part of a student's contract) for workshops
given on reservations by such organizations as the National Indian Training Center
in Utah; the National Indian Law Institute in Washington, D.C., etc. These and
other organizations funded with grant money nationally are scheduled to provide
workshops throughout the Northwest on various topics. These have not, to date, been
credit generating. This approach validates these national efforts and provides
experts dn the various areas of current interest to reservation communities while
not requiring the immediate development of such a faculty capability at Evergreen
on such short notice. This may require some outside financj.al support. Diffendal
will work on this.
The planning group agreed that i t is of considerable importance to secure a grant
to look. at the history of Native American studies and students during the past
five years at Evergreen. Analysis of records, development of profiles, and
interviews with all graduates and selected undergraduates and faculty would be
included. The objective would be to pull out some principles to guide the fu~u~e
P.fforts of Evergreen in this area.
Diffendal will work on this.

Linkages with Other Planning Areas
Propose to tie in Patterson's group contract with Hasenstab's Environments, Resources
and People of the Pacific NW (not sure of title!) in the Environmental Studies area.
Propose to link Tacoma Outreach with NA students in Tacoma area and to have
Hillaire and Mimms exchange teaching visits, develop some common program features.
Propose to serve some of the students counted in the 700 planned for Basic Programs
by including them in A Separate Reali:ty, th.i s area's coordinated studies program.
Nelson's program adds a cross-cultural dimension to the programs available to the
students in the ~ressive Arts area.
Patterson's program offers a cross-cultural dimension to the students in the
Human Development and its Social Contex~. Provides method and theory in anthropology
as weil as cross-cultural data on individual/family/society.