

Part of Planning group summary of first meeting for "Northwest Native American Cultural Studies," 1976

extracted text
"Northwest Native Ameri~an Cuitural Studies" Planning Group
Present at the Meeting
Mary Nelson
Cruz Esquivel
Eric Larson
Betsy Diffendal

Rainer Hasenstab
Malcolm Stilson
Will Humphri!&-s

Estimate of Student Population for Which We Will Plan
Native American students with varying Northwest Coast interests = 150
other Evergreen students with anthropology,archaeology,culture history,
expressive arts, etc. interests
= 50
estimated student population to be served by this specialty


also would like to assure that there are evening module
offerings available for Olympia community.
General Structure of this Specialty Area
(see attached description of area from Long Range DTF Report)
Basically, the area is designed to give two major groups of Evergreen students
an opportunity to do specialized work - Native American students concerned
with self-determination and cultural revitalization, and any students who,
broadly speaking, are interested in method and theory in anthropology,
culture history, early contacts, modernization, arts.
Immediate Planning Tasks for 1977-78 Catalog (November 5 deadline)
1) identify programs in this area already advertised in '76-77 catalog
2) identify other faculty willing to offer programs in 1977-78
3) design additional programs to cover projected number of students in '77-78.
4) identify faculty hiring requirements to meet immediate needs
5) write up program descriptions/catalog copy for '77-78
6) develop general framework for '78-79 programs
Progress made on each task above at 9/29 meeting
1 and 2


• Mary Nelson's Native American Art program is the only one listed in
this year's Supplement for this area •
• Hillaire, Diffendal, Esquivel and, potentially, Mimms are available to
teach in this general area but have not yet prepared programs •
• Larson has agreed to teach an evening module on N.A. art for the community •
• Patterson will teach a two quarter group contract on NW Cultures and will
carry individual contracts in anthropology/NW contacts, etc. spring quarter


2. summary of 9/29 meeting



Schedule to Date


Mary Nelson

Exploring N.A. Art
{group contract, 20)

N. A Art of the Southwest
(group contract,20)

Lynn Patterson

Cultures of the Pacific
jwb G\.Jt~t"K'S
{group contract, 18)

Individual contracts in
NW culture history, 20

Eric Larson

Native American Art
Module - evenings

3 task
• our discussion of additional programs needed to cover student needs and
interests next year created this list:
N.A. arts

Nelson's program fills need


Hillaire +

uman service/public


legal issues affecting
tribal communities

need to study/ get ideas/
make choices

anthropological/cultural-,atterson fills need with contract
studies ·
individual contract work-not discussed
• Cruz has been asked by Humphreys to sketch out a human service/public admin.
program possibility.
everyone at meeting was asked to think about/write down ideas about program
models for community based program in law/public admin./fisheries, etc •
• discussed possible grant request to Kellogg Foundation and/or for Title III
Gf the Higher Education Act funds for experi ·mental programs for nontraditional students.
4 task
• not prepared to discuss faculty hiring requirements until offerings are firm.

5 task
• program-description exists for Patterson's group contract. Need descriptions
for Nelson and Larson's program. Hillaire, Diffendal, Esquivel, Mimms will
need to plan further.