

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (March 18, 1974)

extracted text



March 18, 1974

of the Olympia Branch of Seattle First National Bank, has accepted the chairmanship of a
newly-formed Corporations Committee, which will work with the Office of Development at
Evergreen, according to President Charles J. McCann.
"Primary purpose of the committee is to build a broad base of support for Evergreen
from the local business community and to assist the Development Office in seeking gifts
from regional and national corporations," McCann said. "Committee members will not only
solicit local businesses for financial support, but also will serve as liaison persons
for communication between the college and the local community."
The first major effort of the Corporations Committee will involve seeking immediate
gifts for The Greater Evergreen College Fund, according to Director of Development Marianne
Nelson. "This fund
similar to those in most public and private colleges and universities
serves two basic needs," she explained.
"First, attracting financial assistance from private sources so that Evergreen can
develop new programs that provide a margin of excellence beyond the basic support generated
by state funds and tuition and fees. Second, to provide money for programs and projects
for which state monies either can't be used or for which funds are not available because
of other budget priorities."
Joining Robinson as initial members of the Corporations Committee are Olympia
Community leader Gladys Burns; Jo Erlich, Erlich Stationers; Fred Goldberg, Goldberg
Furniture; Shirley Grainger, Grainger's Office Supplies; Milt Bosell, Olympia Insurance
Brokers; Wally Quistorff, retired manager of Puget Sound Power and Light Company's
Olympia operation, and Trueman Schmidt, Olympia Brewery.
...NEW STAFF TO DIRECT COOPER POINT JOURNAL...Knute Olsson Berger, a Seattle sophomore,
has been named editor of The Cooper Point Journal. Berger, a graduate of Lakeside High
School, has been a contributing writer to the weekly paper for the past two years. He
was appointed by the Evergreen Board of Publications at its March 8 meeting.
Other new staffers include John Foster, an Olympia junior, business manager; Andy
Ryan, who served as editor last Spring, named managing editor, and Bill Hirshman, former
news director of KAOS radio, named news editor.

including many
of our Olympia area neighbors
came to Evergreen last weekend to attend one or more of
the three major events held on campus.
The Winter Quarter production of "Marat/Sade," staged in the main foyer of the library
was scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, but three evenings of standingroom-only audiences convinced Director Ainara Wilder to present the production on Sunday
night without prior publicity. The cast again performed before a packed house, topping
off ten weeks of extensive preparation.
Equally successful was the First International Computer Film Festival, coordinated
by Richard Speer and Frankie Foster. Evening films from throughout the United States
drew packed houses in Lecture Hall One, which seats 300 persons, and afternoon discussions
led by pioneer computer film makers drew more persons than room 110 in the College Activities
Building could hold, so audiences were moved to the lecture halls.
Also performing to a standing-room-only audience were musicians who presented the
African Music Festival Saturday afternoon and evening under the direction of Faculty Member
Abraham Dumi Maraire. The event held in the old cafeteria on the fourth floor of the
library featured four main music groups under sponsorship of the Individual in Contemporary
Society program and "was absolutely packed," according to Faculty Member Maxine Mimms.

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workshop for people interested in starting or operating a successful small business of
their own will be co-sponsored by the Small Business Administration and Evergreen on
March 19, from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall One. The primary purpose of the
program is to provide an understanding of the basic requirements and considerations
necessary in starting and managing one's own business.
Attendance at this workshop will be limited to a first-come, first-serve basis.
Additional details and registration may be obtained by calling the Seattle District
Office, Small Business Administration, 710 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA - phone 442-4436
or Evergreen, 866-6205.
...SEATTLE SENIOR WINS DESIGN SCHOLARSHIP...Barney Smith, a senior from Seattle who is
interning this year as a graphics artist in the Evergreen Library, has been awarded a
scholarship to attend one of two sessions of the O.K. Devin Design Workshop being held
in Seattle this month and next. Smith was one of two college commercial art and design
students in the Northwest selected to attend workshop sessions. The two sessions each
include 16 artists and designers; one slot in each was reserved for a student.
...ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AT EVERGREEN?...A questionnaire has been sent to more than 300
recent Evergreen graduates asking their advice on establishment of an alumni association.
Development Officer Marianne Nelson says the questionnaire accompanied the first Alumni
Newsletter, a four-page publication aimed at bringing graduates up to date on what's
happening at their alma mater.
"We're trying to keep in touch with Evergreen alumni, to find out if they want
to form an association and, if so, what kind of an association they would like," Ms.
Nelson says.
Alumni in the Olympia area who are interested in helping establish an association
or in working with the Development Office on other Evergreen projects are encouraged
to contact Ms. Nelson at her office (Library room 3103) or to call 866-6565.