

Part of News Release (April 5, 1974) TESC to host exhibits, plays, performances, and workshops organized by a women's arts festival

extracted text

The Evergrt en State College
Olympia, Washingt )n 98505

for immediate release
April 5, 1974


for more information
Women's Center, 866-6162

Seven days of exhibits, plays, demonstrations, performances, workshops and
rap sessions --- all led and organized by women in the arts --- are on tap at The
Evergreen State College April 15-21 in the first major women's arts festival ever held
on the West Coast.
Sponsored by a collective of Evergreen and Olympia-area women, the festival will
seek to supply an answer to an age old skeptic's question:

"Why are there no great

women artists?" by offering a wide and complex variety of visual, audio and textural
examples of women's artistic productivity.
Open to the public free of charge, the festival is aimed at all women,
say its sponsors, "whether they consider themselves artists or not."


and the society surrounding them often don't take women's art seriously," they contend.
"And, traditional ways for women to express themselves creatively, such as cooking a~d
sewing, are usually given only token acknowledgement as art."
The festival will seek to examine art seriously by presenting
well known artists from throughout the western states to serve as models of what
women artists

can achieve, to stimulate discussion, direct workshops and encourage

public participation.
Included in the lengthy list of well knowns are members of the Portland Dance
Theater and the San Francisco Mime Troupe, I 1

1 1

IU-. It 1

g , Black Novelist Alice

Walker, Folksinger Malvina Reynolds, Operatic Soprano Joan Winden, and Art Educators
and Artists Judy Chicago and"Miriam Schapiro.
more Dick

Nichols, Director



Festival organizers will also feature local talent, inviting poets to open
readings, musicians to open mikes, and everyone to other spontaneous art happenings
for those who wish to share their work but who have not made previous arrangements
with the festival.
The works of local artists --- from Vancouver,

B.C. to Portland, Oregon ---will

be included in two exhibits on display throughout the week, as well as an exhibit by
Pacific Northwest artists and another by Bay Area women artists.
Local women artists will also participate in the weekend events, set aside

for them to discuss their mutual concerns with each other, critics,

historians, dealers, curators, and representatives from public and private art
Throughout the festival, men are invited to participate as members of the
audience, and as staff people for the free day care center, which will run continously
all week.
Information on car pooling and housing is also available for interested

Most activities will be centered in the main lobby of the Evergreen

where an information table will be maintained to provide last minute



For more information, contact the Evergreen Women's Center (206) 866-6162.


April 15 - 21

9 a.m. ---Registration and coffee in main library lobby ••• Chance to view three
Visual Art Exhibitions featuring arts from Bay Area, the Pacific Northwest and the
Evergreen Community at Large •••
10 a.m. --- Portland Dance Theater workshop on modern dance.
Noon --- Concert by Evergreen womQn musicians, main Library lobby.
1 p.m. --- Improvisational Dance Workshop by Portland Dance Theater, multipurpose
room of College Recreation Center ...
2 p.m. --- Olympia Operatic Soprano Joan Winden performs, main Library lobby.
3 p.m. ---Reading of Gloria Albee's adaptation of "Medea," Lecture Hall One.
3-5 p.m. ---Open poetry and prose readings •••
8 p.m. --- Performance by Portland Dance Theater, multipurpose room of College
Recreation Center...
All day--- time for all community women to share their art •.• be it cooking,
sewing, painting, sculpting, jewelry making, whatever •..
9 a.m. --- Workshop by San Francisco Mime Troupe, multipurpose room of College
Recreation Center.
11 a.m. --- Open mike for Musicians, Library lobby.
Noon ---All female western film "Women's Happy Time Commune," Lecture Hall One.
Noon --- First performance by Folksinger Malvina Reynolds, Library lobby.
3 p.m. --- Clinch Mountain Backsteppers, a Portland Jug Band, Library lobby.
3-5 p.m. ---Open poetry and prose readings •••
7:30p.m. ---Performance by San Francisco Mime Troupe of feminist play, "The
Mother," Library lobby.
9:30p.m. ---Performance by Folksinger Malvina Reynolds and community women,
fourth floor of the Library.


10-1 p.m. --- Workshop by San Francisco Mime Troupe, multipurpose room of
College Recreation Center.
Noon --- Workshop on Black Theater Acting Techniques by Seattle Playwright
Francine Major ...
1 p.m. --- Workshop with Folksinger Malvina Reynolds, College Activities
Building, room 110.
1:30 and 7:30p.m. --- Film, "Something Different," directed by Vera Chytilova,
Lecture Hall One.
3 p.m. --- San Francisco Mime workshop and performance of a feminist play,
"Scandals," Library lobby or central campus plaza.
3-5 p.m. ---Open poetry and prose readings ..•
7:30p.m. ---Slide and lecture on "Education of the Young Women Artists,"
by Miriam Schapiro, instructor at California Institute of the Arts,
by 8:30p.m. workshop ... Lecture Hall Three .••

9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. --- Demonstrations and displays by professional craftswomen
in pottery, weaving, quilting, origami, sculpture, jewelry, sumi painting, calligraphy,
gold leafing, block printing, stained glass, etc., main Library lobby.
10 a. m, --- Audio tape presention of ''Women's Liberation and the Arts," of Kate
Millet, Louise Nevelson and others •••
Noon --- workshop on Black W'men Images In Drama: Postive or Negative, by
Francine Major,,,
Noon --- film shorts, Lecture Hall One.
3-4: 30 P· m. --- Dramatic performances of "Calm Down, Mother," by Seattle playwright
Megan Terry, and The Co-Respondents, an Olympia womens' theater group, Library fourth
3-5 p.m. ---Open poetry and prose readings •••
7-8 p.m. ---Dramatic presentation of "A Balcony Piece," foyer ?f Lecture Halls.
8 p.m. ---Poetry reading by Portland Poet Sandra McPhearson, Library lobby.
Also scheduled: Simultaneous workshops from 1 -3 p.m. throughout the campus in
prose, poetry, visual art, drama, dance, music, home arts, film and video •••
10 a.m. --- Discussion and program by California Artist Judy Chicago and Georgia
Author Alice Walker, Lecture Hall One.
Noon --- film shorts, Lecture Hall Two.
1 p.m.--- Workshop on "Alternative Feminist Art Education," by Judy Chicago •••
3p.m. ---Slide presentation on "Great Women Artists Past and Present," by
California Art Historians J. J. Wilson and Karen Peterson •.•
3 p.m.--- Prose workshop by Alice Walker ..•
7 and 9:30p.m. --- Film, "The Girls," directed by Mai Zetterling, Lecture Hall One.
7:30-9 p.m. --- Performance by Hysteresis, electronic and contemporary music
composers from Mills College, Library lobby.
9 p.m. ---Bay Area Poets present their works ••. featuring Pat Parker, Willyce Kim,
and Judy Grahn, fourth floor Library.
Also scheduled: Workshop on "Dynamics of Third World Women's Literature In Terms
of Form," by California Artist-Writer Tokake Shange ••.•
All day --- beginning at 9 a.m. --- Workshop on Participatory Time Space Construction, by Seattle Artist Judy Kleinberg .•.
9 to 11 a.m.--- Slide presentation on "Great Women Artists Past and Present" .••
All day --- Video and Slide program including ''Montana Landscape Piece,"
"Conversations with Women Artists," and video tapes by Constance MillerEngelsberg and
members of Real Feelings, a Vancouver women artists group •.•
9 a.m. ---Poetry readings by Diane Wako~ski···
Noon--- Sheree Sparks and Maramba Band •..
1 p.m. ---Sally Whitton discusses "Art For The Young ••. What Went Wrong?" ....
1 p.m. ---''Transitions", performance piece by Seattle Artist Alex Schlissel. ••
4 p.m. --- Discussion on lifestyles of craftswomen by Weaver Judith Poxon Fawkes,
Print Maker Martha Forster, and Sculptors Bonnie Meltzer and Leona Ambrose •••
7:30-9:30 p.m. ---Film "Gertrude Stein: When This You See, Remember Me," Lecture
Hall One.
Also scheduled: Simultaneous workshops throughout the campus in prose, poetry,
visual art, drama dance, music, etc ••••• And ••• Readings by Poet Jody Alieson ••• And •••
Films by Pacific Northwest Women Filmmakers ••••

9:30-11:30 a.m. --- Series of discussions with artists, curators, dealers, critics,
historians, and representatives from public and private organizations
All Day --- Video and Slide showings featuring ''Montana Landscape Piece,"
"Conversations with Women Artists," and video tapes by Constance MillerEngelsberg and
members of Real Feelings, a Vaacouver women artists group •••
1-3 p.m.--- Forum Rap Up ••• document and discuss issues of collective interest to
Pacific Northwest Women Artists •••

Also scheduled:

Simultaneous workshops throughout the campus

in variety of the arts •.•