

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 17 (February 12, 1981)

extracted text

e _ green Su11eCollege
Olyq,ja, Washington 98505
11,e h&jifttl

Stale Collete


Arts & Events
a drMngtpatlal work by Vera Blah-.., directed
by Scott ~ from a Labanotatlon ICOf'8.
For rweervatlona and further lnformaUon,
call 326-9949. Wahington Hall Is located al
14th & Fir, 1 block north of Yeulef'.

0.llefy Two
"Image Making": drawings and pelntlngs b-,
studenls of E¥9fgreen ln1tructor1 Ann Lasko
and Young Harvlll wl11 be on dlaplay Jan. 17Feb. 8


Thura.,Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. R.E.I. holta two
alldeahowa from 1h11National Partta Serrice.
F•tured la "Olympic a Alplne Tranaplant:
Blessing or Blundef?" II explorea the alluatlon
lhat ha.a occurred by Introducing of tne non,.
native mountain goat1 In the Olymp4c National
Park. The program wu dewfoped to help
pe0pM become aw.,. of the mountajn ga.t
man■gement luue at the pa,k. Al.a ahowlng
la "Hlgh Country lmprnalon1" a spec'-!,
mufti.protector alldeahow Nt to mu•~ on
alpfne traYel In the Northwest.


"New Photographies," a collection of professional and student work from throughout
the nation by Central Wuhinglon University



Photography Director James Sanlstrand, Is In
Gallery Four. The exhibit features the besl In
black and white and color phOtography from
shows S.htstrand has curated 0\'91" the put
nine years The show, on view through
Feb 22, exhibits w011tsfeaturing con\'91lllonal
photographic techniques and directions, as
well as mDfe experimental and mixed media
Rock Film

-ToysiAn evening exploration lor women of sexual
toys, bOoka and rnar1t■I ald1. From comnon
lubrtcanta to far out clothing, this 9't801ng la
loaded with Information and fun. All Items
will be ■vallabte for ute. For women only,
please. $5 In edvanc::e,S7.50 at the door,
Feb. 12. Thia event WIii be hekt at the Uni-veraity Tower Hotel In the Ballroom. Spon,IOf9d by Seattle Institute fo, Sex Therapy,
Educallnn and Reaeerch.

"'The Last Waltz Is a fllm aboul a rock concert slamng "The Band," Enc Clapton, Nell
Diamond, Joni Mitchell, Emmylou Harris, Bob
Dylan ··Muddy Waters," and many more. Sal .
Feb 7 at 3 JO. 7 and 9:30 in L H. 1, $1 50.
Fllma by Women
Recen1 Films by Womens Senes," presents
'Righi Oul of Hislo,y The Making of Judy
Ch,cago·s Dinner Party," 7 30 pm , Rec11.11
Hall $1 The dinner Party is • controverslal
landmar11m the w0<ld of art and women's
henlage F,ve years in !he making and lnvoh1•
ing the slolls ol oYet" 100 women. the Dinner
Party also represen1s a radical break tram
rational concepts ol how art 11 "made." This
line Mm documents the excitement, and lrus•
trat1ons, ol !he women whO made !he Dinner
Party a reahly
Thul"ldlly N~t




Feb. 6 "'A FOfe1gnAlfalr," stars Marlene
Dietrich who plays a IOfrner Nazi m occupted
Befhn who Is a star nightclub pertOfmer and a
black marketeer John Lund plays !he American office, desperately In love with hef, and
Jean Arthur 1s a member ol a Congressional
tn~tigalive commlltee sen1 10 uncc:,,;er the
depravilies of Yanks ,n Berhn A brilliant black
comedy, clever, sw,11, and shrewd. Direcled
by Bltly Wlldef, HMS. bw L H t. 3, 7. and
9 30, $1 25 Plus Colo, Superman cart00f1
"The Magnelic. Telescope,' 1942
Wed . Feb 11, Greed and Faust Is featured
lust /Of money and gold comes to a scorchmg chmax m southern California Sly. willy,
mti1hst1c Salan visits ag,ng, crusty, ""painnc
docto, of philosophy who dumps college
career for reslorecl youth, travel. wild me and
a letcl'ung blonde Showings on ,n L H 1 al
1 30 and 7 XI. free

local Produc.,
Jeff Meyer's "Gas City" ts among the ra,e
independent fealure litms conceived, lmanced
and produced in !he Northwest "Gas City" IS
an urban odyssey abou1 a 25-yMf-old drifter
named Lyle who takes a Job at a local gas
stat1on-bu1 he keeps a lull tank of gas In his
hol rod and a pocketful ol money to constantly guard against any inclmallon towards
permanence Lyle Is set up with a 30-iah wa,1•
reas who seeks marriage as a tolutlon 10 the
boredom of 9¥9f'yday existence.
"'Ga.a City" was !limed In the SN1tle/
Tacoma area. The locallon Is Hlgf'l Hopes
Media Serviea, 233 Summit AYtl. E., S.ttle,
322·9010 Admission is S2. 8 p.m on Tues.
Feb 10.

A twa.weeken(t Mfles OI theater. directed
and produced tolely by s1udenta, will be ~
sented In rotating repertory thla monttl at
TESC. The Nf'iea opens Feb. 12 with Martin
Sherman's hit Broadway drama, "Bent," whic,
continues with performances on Feb. 14, 20,
and 22. On alternating 8¥8nlng1, Feb. 13, 15,
19 and 21, Arthur Mlll8f"a powerful drame, "All
My Sona," will be alaged. Ticket• available
Feb. 4 at the TE.SC8ook11ore, BudQe( Tapes
and Records and Rainy Day Records IOf $2.50
general. $1.50 lo, students and eenlor clli•
zens Tickets will also be aold at the ooo, of
lhe library Bldg. beginning at 7:30 eech pre,.
ductlon SYenlng

The Ruaslan Balalaika Trio will play a wide
variety of Russian music SIi., Feb 7
Featured are Kur'! Armbruster, Sergei Qlfov
and RObert Sotnlk, playing tradillonal Auaaian
instruments. The lrlo hu played throughout
the country, and ha• recorded an album

Altve!. an all-women Jazzquintet from San
Francieco, returns lo Olympia lo, lwo per•

Page 12 Cooper Point Journal

On Friday, Feb. 6, CPJ Editor Theresa
Connor was barred from a meeting between members of the Third World Community, President Evans and other college administrators.
Accordins to Connor, when she arrived
at the meeting she was told by Dean York
Wong, that the meeting was a "private
discussion" between the Third World
Community and President Evans. Other
Third World members supported Wong's

,, t 11,.

. et : p.m., ~
,.u .... from the Nlequ■ lly Trtbe, the Nlaqually
Dolta Aaaoc:latlon and lho Wuhlngton Dopl.
of Ecology wtll meet In L.ectw. H•U 1 to di►
CUM the current 1tatut1 of the dispute owr
landa acli-,t
to lho Nlaqually Dolta. dlapute 01n1.. around
lo build • log OXPorl laclllly ..
Whtie ,..,Ing many environmental quee,tlona, the laaue muet be vktwed • e basic
confl let between publ le end private rlg"11. All
.,. urged to attend, and to find out how
decltJona affecting conatruc11on.,. u~y to
affect the Delta'• ecology' and thoN dependent on It.
The meeting Is CO-apon&Onld by the E.R.C.
and E.P.1.C.. end I• free.


lormancea on ThUf"a.. Feb. 12 Ind Frt.,
Feb. 13, al 8 p.m. at lhe Gnu Oen. 111 w.
Thurslon. Ticlle11 are S4 at the door. For
details call 943-1371.

K.ZOK and Albalroas Production• are
Pleased lo announce "The Heata" will be at
the Paramount Thealer on Sal .. Feb. 7. at
8 P m Opening the concert is "JOllnny & The
Distractions." followed by "LO'Mfboy" and
!hen "The Heals." Tlckels lo, this conoert are
$5 advanced general admission and S6 the day
ol the ahow and are on sale now at all Budget
Tapes & Record stores and Paramoun1 Bow:
Ofl,ce Also llckels are still available al all
Fidelity Lane llcket oullela for "Molly Hatchel""
at the Seame Center Coliseum on Tues.,
Feb 10


RhuThe 0anoe Club 100 lnvtt• you to ._,.,, the
Rhumbl., taught by John Dom, from s to
10 p.m .• Frkl■y, Feb. e. al the Otympla Ballroom (legion Way and W■ahlnglon SI.). FOJ
lnformallon c■JI: Diana 352·9273 or Vic
On Slago
Sob Foaae'a "Oancln'," !he Tony Aware,.
winning Broadway musical that celebrates the
dance. open1 at the Opera House tor 11.,. pe,•
lo,mances, beginning Sun., Feb. 8. The
musical. currenlly In Its third year on Broad•
way has dances ranging from clanlcal ~let
lo modefn dance to ......y form of show busi-neu and diaco dancing. Showtlmes are
8 p.m. Sun. through Wed. A matinee Is
scheduled fOJ 2 p. m. on Wedneedey. Ticket a
are now on sale at The Ticket Place at the
Bon downtown and lhe usual suburban


Dance whleh amuNS, myautles and exhll•
rain will 1111the at.age of the Experimental
Theat• at Evergreen when Tandy BtaJ and
Company perlorma. One show only Fri .•

Feb. e. at 8 p.m. A contemporay dance and
theater en~e
bl.Nd In Santa Cruz, Tandy
Beal & Co. dltplay bolh lhNtrk:al and musical
talent• that prOride■ a lhowcaN tor the tresh
Ind witty choreog,aphy of Beal, who atrlves
to PTNent dances that "delight the eye and
prod the mind." Ticket1: S5 generaJ, $4 atu-ctenl• and Nnlor clt~•-

Fofkdanclng .,_.., Sunday from 7 to 10 pm
at the Organic FannhouN. ln1tructlon gl....,; •
lrom 7 10 S.
lnlemetlo..al F~
The Olympia Ballroom Aaoclallon will
aponaor an e-..nlng of lntematlonal Folkdaflc-.
Ing on Saturday, Feb. 7. A wide vallely of line
Mld couple dances from many countMN will
be featured, Including simple dances fo, t,.,
ginners. All are welcome. There wlll be one
hour ol ln11ruc11onMglnnlng at a p.m. The
dance program wlll begin at 9 p.m. Join the
lun al fhe Olympia Ballroom, Legion Way and
Washington Street. Admlulon S2.50.

Tf9dltlonal 5qua,. Dlndno
The Olympia Ballroom Anoclatlon will
•ponsor an evening ol tradltlonail aquare danc•
Ing on Sunday, Feb. 8. All dancH WIii be
laugh I ao no experience la necna,ary. All are
welcome to Join. Todd Litman will be lhe
caller and there wlll be llw fiddle music to
dance to. The dance begin• at 7 p.m Come
join the fun at lhe Olympia Ballroom, Legion
Wa and waa,,1 ton Street. Adffflulon S2.

Kine Ilea Co. : Peggy Hackney, Janice
Meaden Reel and Pamela Schick, relldent
dance feculty at Wuhlnglon Hall Pa'formence
Gallery, have formed a new~
Their preml• performance WIii be FrtdaySunday, Feb. 20, 21, and 22, at lho WMhl"l>ton Hall~
Gal._.,, 15314th Avie.
in S.ttle.
Thia unkJul enHmbfti brtnga together pre,.
teealon■J pertoonera from varied backgrounds.
with the Atl■nt•bued Cart Ratcliff Dllnce.
Co .• PalMta Schk:tt w• a founding member
ol 0onco l'IMot,_ Soolllo, and Peggy HKknoy
toured the U.S. extenefvely with The 8111
Evan.aDance Co. Aa • nottd tem of moviem.,1
educators they haVII bNn f•turao In ,..1-,
denciea In New YOfll and In unl\l'ltaltia
throughout the country.
The eneemtH baNe Its wOf'k In L.-.n
M0¥9fflenl Analyala and 11pwt~lll1y
con-oerntd with the expreulon of Inner fNtlrlQ
and the UN of lull lhf'N-dJmenalonaUty In

•-In thla, their first concert,

present• a wlde-ranglno program Including
"Black Angef1," a dramatic WOf'kby Pame,a
Schick built on the Iheme of pe,aonal recao-,
nlllon of death. II WU commlaaloned by The
Kronoa String Quartet In 1978. Ma. Schlcil will
also ~how "Ulyuea," a fluid, f&at•movlng
group piece to an Orlglnal acora by o.car
Spkiahl. "Attic Suite," by contemporary New
YOf'k ChOreographer Marta Renz.I, WIii be per.
formed by Janice Meaden Real 10 11-..eetlo
accompaniment. "No Subttltullona, ~-"
by Peggy Hackney wlll keep the lud~
chucilllng and thinking about 10¥■, Intimacy
and food.
Alto on lhe program are "Oaaeoua V<Mcee,
• 1010
and "
reaalon "


Member1 of the Graduallon Planning eom.
mlHee will hoat • DOtluck dinner meeting
Thurs .. Feb. 5, lro,n &-8 p.m. In lib. 2204.
Graduating seniors will dllCUH poulbllltles
fOJ faculty and ■tudent commencement
speakers and plans lo, the annual graduation
dance. All persona ftttendlng to perttclpete In
the June 8 cer.mony are urged to attend. For
more Information call Slevie, fk3..1372 o,
888--6180;or Cr;s•1. 886-5118.


The Tacoma~-of the WNhlngton
State Mu.ale Teecher A-■oelatlon Is he¥1ng a
..,._ of free lec:turee. "TNChlng TechnJc
Through & StoriN" la oc:lloduloCIlo,
Feb. 11 et 9:30 a.m. at The Fl,.t Methocllal
Church, '23 South K St. In Tacoma.



In S..tUe on Set., Feb. 7. a public forum
on "lntemattonal Gey Rlillatance: A Soc&aUal
F..-n,nfal Vlew." wlll be held. The ■p111ker ii
Omd Fagan, Au1trallan gayactMtt who hu
recently vlallld Cuba, N6ceiagua, England end
Canada on • world lout. Forum WIii •tart et
8 p.m,; dinner at 8·30 p.m. ~on
fo, the
t,pNker WIii fotlow the fo.,,m. 5poneorad by
the Comm.Ill• tor • AevoluOonery SoclaUat
Party, FSoclallal PartyMCI-!cal
Women. For Information or cttlldc:ara, ~

c:atl 032-7449, 032-1815 or 123-2482.

Swtm T•m
Ttle Evwgraen State CoOege IWlm tMm I•.
In 111NCOnd ~ of lntercoUeglate compeu.
tlon, COIChed by Don Martin. An1one Int••
Hied 11 welcome to attend upcoming 1wtm
meet• lo IUpport lhe team.
Upcoming ,-,ts
Tue1., Feb. 10: Hlghllne College, 7 p.m. et
Fri., Feb. 13· Pacific Lutheran Untveralty,
7 p,m. al EY9t0reen.
Thura.•Sat. Feb. 19-21: NAIA Champion-shlpt (tlmee 10 be announced).

Responding to what she views as restrictions to public access to information,
Connor sent a memo to President Evans,
which stated that the action taken by the
Third World Community, barring her from
the meeting, violated the Evergreen Social
Contract and the spirit of the Open Meetings Act
She cited a section from the Washington State Open Meetings Act (42.30.030)
that declares that all meetings in which
action is to be taken, are open to the
public She also quoted the Social Contract which states "that meetings of public
significance cannot be properly held 1n
She pointed out the contract also states
that it is up to members of the Evergreen
Community to protect the atmosphere of
the community here bv "responsibly
obta1n1ng and providing full cine!accurate
Commenting vn the role of the Social
Contract in determining whether or not a
meeting may be held in private, President
Evans said, "On the face of 1t, the Social
Contract seemsall•inclusive; it appears to
say that nearly every meeting at Ever·
green must be open " Evans said, however, that "at the same time, the need for
privacy has to he respected."
"Although it is haid to draw a fine
line," he said, "when the question arises
of whethera meeting should be open or
closed, I believe 1t should be open."


Frtdly Nlte FIim•


By Robin Willett and Andy McCormick

Meditation Worbhop



CPJ Editor Protests Closed Meetings

A medltaUon wontahOp fo, women wlll be
hekt In Olympia Sunday, February 8 from
110:30 to 5:30. Margo Adair,• aoc:Lllll1t•
femlnlat from San Francisco, wlll lead the
wCWUhop. The UM of meditative Ital .. lor
pqcUcal problem aotvtng, wtth an aw-.neu
that IOlutlon1 e.nnot bl lndtvfdual, wltl be
emphulzed. On Sol., Feb. 7 1'17 p.m., Margo
will glw a talk about pollt)ca and tJHrttuallty,
with dllCUUk>n to follow. For coat Ctlldlng
ecale), location, ,-ervaUona, and Information
about chltdcarl and whlefch&lr acceaa, call

Feb 5, ··c1lizen Kane," Herman J. mank1
ew1c.z' and Orson Welles' celebrated tllm abou'
money, power, friendship. 10i1e,and lhe lull!•
ity ot human aspirations. Explolling WIiiiam
Randolph Hearst's story In the same way
Hearsfs papers e11:ploitedeveryone else, the

febr""ry12, 1980

Volume 9, Number 17

In a later interview, Wong supported
his stand that the meeting was a "private
discussion." According to Wong, the Thi,d
World Community had not intended "the
meeting be held in an atmosphere of
public scrutiny." Wong further stated that
the issues aired durin& the meeting are
public issues and will be the subject of
public forums in the near future."
Also _,,t
at Friday's meetins was
Gail Tremblay, exchan11efaculty member
from the University of Omaha. Expressing
her vi- on the need for a private meeting Tremblay said, "While - (Third
World community) want access to print
media, people need to have the freedom
to talk privately. When you hit the print
medium, your freedom is aone."
Affirmative Action officer, Rebecca
Wriaht, who also attendedthe meeting,
felt that Connor should have beenallowed
to stay. "Policieswere discussedandI am
in favor of havina·suchmeetingsopen,"
she said.

Evans outlined three categories under
which an issue can be classified as open
or closed: (1) complaints or formal
grievance procedures, (2) discussions of
policy, and (3) formulations of policy
In an instance when the grievance
process takes place or a complaint is
made, Evans said he thought it was clear
that the person's privacy must be protected.
Once the complaints or grievan~es are
identified, Evans said. a decision is made
that we'd better do something. This action
falls under the second category. Meetings
are called to discuss policy and those
meetings, while respecting the Open
Meetings Act's pr011isionabout personnel
and land acquisitions, should be open.
The third category applies to meetings
at which action is formally being taken.
In this case, said Evans, the meetings are
also open.
Statements made by Wong, Tremblay
and three other membeu of the Thiid
World community who asked that their
names be withheld, placed last Friday's
meetina undel--the first cateaory. They

claim that they were voicing their per·
sonal grievances to Evans, and although
the group Was discussing, in part. the
position papers on recruitment policies
and support of Third World needs at Evergreen they were not forming POiicy.
Connor argues that Friday's meeting
comes under the second category "It
doesn't matter," Connor said, "whether
formal action 1s being taken because that
meeting may very well influence future
decisions on those policies."
Connor said she recognized the need
for some meetings to be closed For
example, she said, in the President's
cabinet meetings, "a group of advisor~.
who are assumably ob1ect1ve, are simply
counsel1r,g Evans on v,mous issues "
Connor strongly emphasized that any
meeting at Evergreen bet>Neenthe ad,rnn•
1strat10n and a campus group which 1s
held to discuss future polic1t>!.-pol1c1es
whlCh that particular group has a vested
interest in-should be open "The rest of
the hergreen Community has a nght to
know what 1s going on," she said
Director of Educational Support, Stone
Thomas and Director of Upward Bound.
Thomas Ybarra said that 1nsens1t1veand
harmful coverage of Third World issues by
the CPI in the past was another reason
why Third World members asked the CPI
to leave the meeting on Friday
Connor acknowledged past conflicts
between the CPJ and Thtrd '-' "orld groups
She noted a memo senl by [htrd World

C P I Fd11orTheresa Connor

C0ctlit1onCoordinator, Apnl West to the
\Pl last Spnn~. which addressed mmorlt\
students' conct'rns with "rnadequate ,md
incorrf'rt reporting 01 act1v1t1esand 1<.')uf'\
relevant to them ••
Connor said this 1s one of the things
which must be corre-cted
I would l1kt~to
see a rec om d1at1on betwC'f"nthe Third
World Comrnun1tv and the Coo~r Point
Journal. • -.he "aid

Third World Community
with Recruitment Policies
bv Andy McCormick
Representatives of the Third World
c.ommunity met with President Evans and
members of the administration last Fn·
day to discuss Evergreen's minority rel ruitment policies
The meeting was held to voice the
rhird World community's reaction to the
President's Report on Third World Recru1t1nent and Support Efforts at TESC,which
was released in late January.
Last December Evans rec1ved a strongly
worded statement from the Third World
rommunity reprding the College's efforts
to recruit and serve Third World students.
The statement charged that "Third World
people at TESChave lost patience with
the college," and that "we have been
forced to withdraw our support for the

rPCru1tm~effat untd such time as thtollege re-established its cred1bd1r, "1th
'htrd World people ..
The statement further asserted th,H m
:hf' .>,astthe adm1m~trat1on had • 111Tused
ontroversy by calling for furthe ,tudv of
;iroblem areas .. The Third Worlo group
rt-1ected the notion that the problems
(l1scussed in the statement require further
President Evans said the dis1llus1on•
ment expressed in the Third World report
did not surprise him "They (the Third
World Community) have problems which
have understandably bothered them,"
Evans said. I le noted that at the tune the
statement was written, the controversial
termination of an Admissions Counselor
Continued on page 2

Moral Majority Takes State Library to Court
By Kenneth Sternberg

In a decision headed for a court hearing, State Librarian Roderick Swartz refused a request from the Moral Majority
for the names of orpnizations and ii>dividuals who have borrowed the film
"Achieving Sex""I Maturity" from the
State Film library.
Michael Farris, Washinaton Director of
Moral Majority, first made the request by
telephone two -eits ago, but it was refused becau.e he had not submitted it in
written form. On Feb. 5, the State Library
received Farris' request in wrltina.
Although Farris first said that hi• only
objective was to aet a list of school
districts that had used the film, both
Swartz and Tom Bjoraen-the assistant
attorney aeneral handlina the matteraave a different story.
"The request had two parts," Bjor11en
told the CPJ. "He asked for a list of the
school districts and a list of school district
employees that hallbooked the film."
At a press conference Wednesday
MichaelFarrisDirectorof MoralMajority momina. Farris ,-ted
that all he

wanted was a list of the school districts
involved. Bjorgen said afte,wardthat this
was differentfrom the originalrequest,
and that Farrishad changed his objective
after Swartz'rulina.
Under the WashingtonAdministrative
Code (304-20{,()),the library "will reprd
the disclosureof subscribersand the idei>tification of materialsthey have utilized
as an invasion of privacy."
The W.A.C.furtherstates that "circulation recordsshall not be made available
to anyone except purs""ntto such
process as may be authorizedunder
the law."
While not refusfnato give Farristhe
namesof school districtsthat hadused
the film Bjorgenpointed out that the
State librarydoes not keep such records.
Only individualsmay check materialsout.
So, while it may or may not be properto
release circulation records of oraaniza-tional borrowers, none exist to be released.
In announcing his decision, Swartz said
that "The release of [circulation) records
would have a chillina effect on the use of
libraries for purposes for which they are

intended " He added that "fear of oubltc
disclosure, particularly among those who
read or view controversial materials, would
result in deterring citiz~ns from seeking
information through their libraries."
On Wednesday, the State library was
served with a court order to show cause
why Moral Majority may not receive the
information they requested.
At the pres, conference, Farris said that
his ora,anization is not concerned with the
name of any individual who has used or
seen the film. However, he added that in
Moral Majority's opinion, release of information about public schools or the
actions their employees take in carrying
out their jobs does not violate any right
to personal privacy.
In an affidavit filed Wednesday before
Thurston County Superior Court, Farris
outlined what he wants from the state
1. The lil;>rarywill supply a list of cities
where all borrowers of the film reside
2 Moral Majority will then lurn,sh the
library with the names and addresses of
public schools in those cities.
Continued on paxe 2


Controversial NW Power Bill Becomes Law
by Elizabeth Johnson
After a three year battle, the Pacific

Northwest Regional Powe, Bill was finally
passed by Congress in December of last
year Originally p,oposed to deal with the
fact that the region's hydroelectric
resources were being outstripped by the
power requirements of the Pacific North-

west, the bill has been the subject of
much controversy during its three years in

Although the region's public and p,ivate utilities tout the bill as the answer to
the area's powet' allocation and resource

development p,oblems, the bill was opposed by ratepayer and anti-nuclear
groups on the grounds that it would put
too much control over energy decisions in
the hands of the Federal government and
big business. Critics also charged that the
Power Bill would, in effect, allow the
Bonneville Power Administra:'on (BPA),
the Federal agency that owns and operates the Columbia River dams, to subsidize the construction of new nuclear
Ratepayer groups lobbied long and hard
to defeat the measure, but business and
the BP A. lobbied harder. After a last
ditch attempt by Congressman Jim
Weaver (O-0re.) to stall the bill failed ii
was enacted into law as one of the last
acts of the lameduck 1980 Congress. As
passed, the Act states that the B.PA will
have a set JX)llcy for acquiring new
energy resources.

Under the formula set by the Act, con·
~ervat,on will be given first priority

)econd on the list are such renewable
resources as soldr, hydro-electric, geothermal and wind Third priority is cogenerat,on-the use of industrial waste
heat to ~enerate electric energy. Coal and
nuclear power wtll also be considered
The Power B1ll wrll also establish a
planning council, consisting of two members from each state m the region plus
the B PA'.-, top adm1n1strator The council
will determine how the area's energy resourc.eswill be allocated, and set pnorItIe<.for tht=>development of new sourc~
ot energy
One ot the main arguments used for
pas-.ageot the Power B11\was the fact
that energv allocation policy m the Northwe,i;;twas bc~c.omingincreasingly chaotic

The cut-off in B.PA. power hit the

issue in the latter part of the '80's.
Besides its power allocation and resource development p,ovisions, the Power
Bill also deals with the conflict between
power needs and the Columbia River
fishery. Supporters hope the bill will allow
greater co-ordination between the use of
the river for the p,oduction of power, and
the maintenance of viable salmon runs.
Ken Billington, legislative consultant
and lobbyist for the P.U.D. Association,
feels that without the bill, the Northwest
would not recieve the full economic
benefit of the Columbia River resources.
He states, "The power people would have

private utilities very hard, since most of

spent time arguing over conservation and

them are dependent upon B.P.A. for the
large majority of their power. The p,ivates
were forced to purchase power on the
open market, and the open market being
what it is, they paid through the nose for
it. This resulted in rapidly diverging public
and p,ivate power rates, and brought the
U,reat of legal action by one of the dis-

there would still be differences of opinion." Billington also believes that the
Power Bill gives the Northwest utilities
the opportunity to work together in
developing new and cheaper energy

satisfied parties.

energy resources, so that a shortage will

Under the new act, any power company
can arrange contracts to purchase power

become less likely, and if one occurs, less

Faced with a power shortage last year, the
B.P A notified regional aluminum compa·
nies that it would have to suspend existing supply contracts. At the same time
notices were sent to the various private

utilities, telling them that they too faced
the loss of B.P.A. hydropower. This move
was made necessary by the "Preference

Clause" of the B.P.A.'s initial charter,
which stated that public utilities would
always have first claim on any available
B.P.A. power. Any other claims would
have to wait until the public utilities' ~
mands were met.

from the B.P.S., which is then obliged to
serve them with the specified quantity at
the time the power is needed. This means
that energy will be acquisitioned from
whatever resources are necessary. This

policy is refered to as the "Guaranteed
purchase clause " The Power Bill provides
for these new contracts to be negotiated
by next August.

2 That the staff of tl,e Office ot Adm1.-.sIonsreceive training th.:11will
lead to dc>veloping ability to effecI1vely serve Third World people,
1nclud1ngcross-cultural skills and
That the College develop and implement a comprehen.-.1veplan to recruit
and enroll Third World students
➔ 1 hat the College president 1mmechatPlv clarity the College's polrcy and
Intrnt with respect to 1nst1tullonal
.i< cf'..,.,for Third World people

Pomt lournal

The Power Bill wiII not keep power
rates from going up, but proponents maintain that they will go up less with the Act

panies, entirely dependent on Columbia
Rrver Power, can only renev.rtheir contracts with Br.A at much Higher rates.
This means that residential customers w,11
pay lower rates tor the low cost hydropower while aluminum companies pay
much higher rates for the electricity This
1.. refered to as the "compromise
The compromise formula will only be
111 effect until 1985. After that the aluminum companies will be guaranteed lov,,er
rates, the ..ubs1dy will be reversed and
private utility rates will agam mcrease
Since th,., nse m private rates was responsible for th(' legislation in the first place.
there 1.-.certa111to be controversy over the

records and the grade levels of the stu-

furnish the dates shown, attendance
dents involved.
Farris added that he wanted to compile
a statistical rundown of how many times

the film has been shown in Washington
state. His reason tor wanting such proof is

to show legislators Just how widely distributed "Achieving Sexual Maturity" is.
Farris told the CPJ that while speakingto
members of the legislature about a sex
education bill, many had asked him for
verification that certain materials were
being used in classrooms.
"The film has been universally con·
demned by all who've seen it," said Farris.

He said that he had shown photographs
from the film to some legislators, but refused to name which ones he had spoken
to "It wouldn't be proper for me to give
their names," he said. "they spoke to me
in confidence."

Last Friday, Bill 3521 was introduced in

be€-naffected, "renewed progress" Is
currPntlv being made m these areas
Evans listed steps the College has
taken-or intends to take-under two
headings lmt,al Action Steps and Spec1f1c Action Steps Undt=>rthe category of
ln1llal Action, mention was made that a

ment of new resources. With incre~
conservation efforts and new resources
coming on line, they believe that electric
rates should decrease sometime in the

Although the Act has positive aspects
in dealing with conservation and fisheries,
there are some major environmental and
economic concerns that it may not meet.

Richard Cellarius, Chairman of the Sierra
Club Northwest Regional Conservation
Committee, states that ti)e guaranteed
Purchase Clause will enable the B.P.A. to
underwrite p,oposed and uncompleted
coal and nuclear power plants, thus ensuring a p,ofitable return at public expense.
Cellarius points out that many of these
p,oposed coal and nuclear p,ojects would
be virtually impossible to finance if they
were deprivedof such a Federal guarantee. He is also worried that despite the
mandate to explore conservation and renewable resources first, the Power Bill will
be an incentive to concentrate·on the
development of centralized, complex
sources of power, sources which he says
are inefficient, and less subject to public

Moral Majority
3. The library will then reveal which of
these schools used the film. They will also

the Senate Education Committee. The

crux of the bill would be to require public
schools to let parents review sex eduation

ence, "but it shouldn't have been shown
in the first place."
Produced by John Wiley & Sons of New
Yori<,"Achieving 5exual Maturity" was
first brought to Farris' attention in early
January by a Moral Majority member who
was disturbed by the film.
'We were taken aback," said Montagne.
commenting on their feelings after seeing
the film. He said it was beyond a high
school level of comp,ehension, and that it
included French kissing and explicit shots
of masturbation. It was at this point that




consent form for abortions while there is

one for hysterec•omies. Derby explained
that the Informed Consent BHI(HB 266)
would require the doctor performing the
abortion and the fetus' stage of development in the uterus.

Dr. Mac lntyre testifies in abortion

by Emily Brucker

State Representatives and members of
the public heard conflicting testimony at
a public. hearing by the House Ethics, Law
and Justice Committee concerning two
bills which would change current abortion
House Bill 266 would require doctors to
inform patients of the consequences of
abortions and the other options available
to them. The bill would require that
women sign Informed Consent forms
before the abortion. A second bill, HB 149
would require medical treatment for an

by Jeff Radford
Protection Island, located off the northeast corner of the Olympic Peninsula will
becomeWashington's newest wildlife
refuge if the U.S. Senate passes a bill
introduced by Congressman Don Bonker

library, but shortly after he made his
request, the state contacted Debbie
Robinson, Evergreen'scirculation manager

They asked her what Evergreen's circulation policy was. Robinson replied that it
was the same as theirs-that borrower

was confidential

On Feb. 6, one day after Farris' request
was received, Robinson issued a memo to
all circulation staff, reminding them of
the privacy of user information. All in-

earlier this year.

The bill would give the Secretary of the
lnte,.ior authority to acquire 350 acres of

1,mdfor the establishment of the national
wildlife refuge. A state game sanctuary,
which comprises the remaining 48 acres,
would continue under state management.

The island p,ovides a home for many
varreties of nesting seabirds. "Seventy two
percent of the nesting seabirds in the
state's inland waters depend on Protection
Island for nesting and rearing their
young," said Congressman Bonker
According to Jim Van Nostrand, leg1sla•
tIve assistant to Bonker, the majority of

these nesting seabird; belong to five
distinct species. Other species not adequately p,ote<-ted include a herd of harbor seals, and at least one pair of bald
(<>sponsors of the bill include the
entire Washington State House delegation. On the day the bill was introduced
Senators Henry Jackson and Slade Gort.,;,
introduced a companion bill. Susan
Nitsche, an aid to Congressma.!1Bonker,
stated that this bill has the same wording
as Bonkers, and was introduced to repre-

Counselor/Third World Recruiter's pos1t1on The fact that the job description
chffers In the President's report from the
deo;criptmn In the Third World Commu•
n1ty\ statement Is noteworthy The latter

ment supplied to him by Farm, and that
he agreed with Farris' pomt of vie'N regarding the issue
Scott Montagne, Farris' assistant, told

the CPI that the only point of the bill was
that ''parents should know what Is being

taught to their kids, and that the Moral
i'Aa.1or1tyIs not out to legislate what

should or should not be tauRht."
In an article published in Sunday's
Seattle Post Intelligencer, Farris said, "It
(the film) is definitely not the type of
material that should be shownin schools."
'We're not out to censor any film,"
Farris told reporters at the press confer-

qu1r1eswere to be directed to Les Eldridge,
Evergreen's records officer

who asked to rPfllain anonymous, Robin·

son told them "He [Farris] might come


abortion law.
Dr. Kesling supported the bill requiring
immediate medical treatment for an
infant born alive during an abortion pro-

cedure (HB 149). He argued that the fetus

tals regulate "neglect-procedures" which
allow the baby to die unattended. "Once
a fetus is born," said Derby, "it is a baby
and has a right to life."
Rep. Shirley Winsle from Pierce County,
a supporter of the p,o-life issue, asked
who was going to pay for keeping the
baby alive. She asked Dr. Kesling if he
would support a tax increase to pay for
keeping the child alive. Kesling answered
"Who's going to pay for foster home
care?'' continued Winsley. "Life is nothing
if there is no food or education. Will the
state absorb the cost?"
Derby dismissed her stand. "life cannot
be reduced to dollars and cents.'' he said.
His reply drew applause from the p,o-life
delegation in the back of the room.
Another representative asked, "What if
a doctor doesn't try to keep the baby
alive/" Kesling answered that although
no criminal penalties could be brought
against the doctor, a malpractice suit

could be filed.
The two doctors who testified against
the bills were Dr. Macintyre, representing
the Washington American Medical Association (A.M.A.), and Dr. Barbra Scheiderman from Seattle.
Dr. Macintyre first noted that the
Washington A.M.A. is p,o-choice He
rebutted Dr. Derby's argument on the
Informed Consent Bill saying that a consent form is already present for all medi-

saying that 20 weeks is the limit that you
can have an abortion in hospitals, and
that even during a miscarriage the fetus
exhibits signs of life.
Dr. Scheiderman spoke against the bill
requiring medical treatment for infants
born alive in an abortion procedure on

the basis that the bill requires two physicians to be present during a second tn·
meste, abortion which would increase the

medical costs.
A representative asked whether the
national trend of more women deciding
to carry their pregnancy to full term. and

keep the child, is also true in Washington
Dr. Macintyre thought so.
Due to the lengthy testimony, no time
was left f°' representatives to ask qlJes-

tions about HB 149.
The last person to testify was a woman
who had an abortion in California. She
said "I felt I had made the decision mv·
self." later, she received some pro-lift'
literature in the mail marked "adult

material enclosed" depicting fetal development. She said that she had sleepless
nights from knowing that before the
abortion her 11 week "baby" had feet,
hands and a beating heart.
Her testimony Well accepted without
further questions The hearing will be
continued next week to hear further test1·
many regarding the abortion issues

sent the senator's support of the original
A briefing held last year in Seattle by
the foh and Wildlife Subcommittee of
the House Merchant Marine Committee
obtained local views on the bill's legisl~tion. Much of the p,oposed 350 acres are
under private ownership and local residents were concerned about fair reim-

bursement for their land and p,operty.
Of 535 property owners of the island,
less than 100 seemed dissatisfied over the
issues discussed in the meeting in Seattle,
Van Nostrand sa,d
There are bet-..veenone and three
permanent re~idents on the Island, with a
,dozen or so mobile homes and small
The Beach Club, a homeowners association representil"g the majority of the
property owners, has considered the construction of an airstrip and boat basin on
the island

Admiralty Audubon Society members
are raising money to purchase lots on the

island. Van Nostrand believes these lots
may be donated to the refuge in the
future. The ten existing lots of the Audubon Society have a value of S25,000. The
Beach Club owns 850 lots on the island.
Van Nostrand stated that about one
half of the p,operty owners were willing
to sell and indicated that p,operty on the
island is currently worth one half of its

original p,ice. Van Nostrand suggested
that real-estate owners "feel good" after
the negotiations in Seattle. He has not
heard from any of the local land owners
since last year's discussions but figures
that "No news is good news." Van

Nostrand attributed landowners' willingness to sell to a lack of a proper water
supply on the island

The Washington Federation of State
Employees local 443 swore in 18 new
members Wednesday, Feb. 11th in Evergreen's recit;,I hall. The new members are
Evergreen classified staff from all areas of

refuted this. According to this person,

said there was "no story in it," but did·
not deny that she had made that statement.
,:he show-cause hearing is scheduled
for Feb. 23 at 9 a.m. At this time neither
state nor Moral Majority representatives
will speculate on the outcome of that
hearing, or if either will appeal the

had many patients say later, 'if only I'd
known what I'd done, I wouldn't of done
it'," said Kesling.
One representative asked Kesling
whether the Informed Consent form
would also state the possible emotional
and physical complications caused by
p,egnancy. Kesling responded that p,egnancy is a natural event and that a section on pregnancy risk has no place in an

He explained that a baby is born alive

during a seco:id trimester abortion, hospi-

Bonkerp,oposed the same bill to
Congress last year but no action was
taken at that time. This year, Bonker Is
urging Congress to take prompt action

when considering the bill. "Although time
unfortunately ran out befcre all the details were complete," Bonker added. "we
can now resume and finish that effort this

by Allen Levy

Although Robinson denied any connection between Farris' request and the
timing of her memo. one library staffer

around this weekend. Don't give hIm any
information." The memo was issued after
this. Asked to comment on this, Robinson

emotional consequences of abortion. "I've

born alive, hospitals can save its life.
Dr. Derby supported Kesling's position.

cal and surgical procedures including
abortions. tv\oreover, informed consent
would put abortion in a separate class
from other medical procedures "You
can't regulate everything a doctor says"
said Dr. IV\acintyre. "fv\ost women have
their minds made up before any counseling occurs."
Dr. Macintyre spoke against HB 149

Union Swears in New Members

Assistant Attorney Gener;I Tom Bjorgen
matenals before they are used in their
child's classroom
Senator J T. Quigg, prime sponsor of
the bdl, said that 1t was based on a docu-

Derby claims that many women are not
informed of the extent of the fetus'
development at the time of the abortion.
'Women are made to believe that the
fetus is a meaningless blob of p,otoplasm," said Derby.
The bill would also require that patients
be informed of the possible physical and

has heart beat by the second trimester,
and that if the baby is older than 20
weeks at the time of the abortion and is

Washington May Get New
Wildlife Refuge

circulation records.
No indication was given that Fams
made any inquiries of the Evergreen

members was formed m mid-November
The admm,stration hopes that through
representation on the ECC, the Third
World community will jrnn with them in
developing and 1mplementmg a more
active recruiting and retention effort
The main focus of the President's report, however, was found m eight Specific
Actmn steps outlined The first four dealt
mainly with the newly htred Admissions

wanled the 1ob called Third World Re-

infant born alive during an abortion

Testifying before the committee w«e
two doctors in favor of both bills and two
doctors against the bills. A woman also
testified favoring the Informed Consent
Dr. Kesling, the medical advisor for
March for Life and Dr. Derby, a gyn-,cologist from Spokane, spoke in favor of
the two bills. Both doctors stressed the
point that there is no specific informed

Farris called the State Film Library for

small Third World t;isk group of the Enrollment Coord1nat1ngCommittee (ECC)

cruiter / Adm1s.-.1ons
Counselor-and not
the other way-to reflect what they saw
a.-.the pos1t1on'spriontIes
One of the more controversial aspects
I \ c1n ... r<";ponded to the Third World
< ,,mmunit\ ',; o;tatement with' the Pre,;1of the remammg SJ)f'nf Ic Action Steps
appears to be the President's assertion
dt>n!.., Rt•porl on Thrrcl World Recruitment
.ind, '-.upport (florts al T[SC, dated Janthat • whde we seek to expand our Th1rd
21 Thr rf'port beg,ris by emphas111ng World rPcru,tmg efforts, we must deterrrnn, whethN or not our original obiec·
111<1! t-ducatrunal opJX)rtunIty and support
IIv("5 (1 f' things like projected enrollment
ror I Imel \,Vorld .-.tudents ha.-.been a key
goalr, for Third World students) were real1•lt•m1·ntol I vergreen's philosophy since
!hP ( ollt••w .-.founding In 1967"
Fvans said that the response of Third
fhe r("port ,;tales that due to a failure
World people at Friday's meeting to such
to ,H h1~ve pro1ected enrollment figures,
a reassessmentwas not very gocxt "Their
u .-iclt>n,1c
programs could not expand as
position was that this sort of thing is
h.-id befn planned. nor could additional
always happening to them," the Evergreen
I.,culty and support staff be hired The
President said
rPp<)f"f claims that while the College's
The Third World community tenmed
.,bi\1tv to meet its 1mt1aland subsequent
Friday's meeting a "private discJssion" and
rt•t ruitIng, support and program commit•
mt>nf-.to th<>Thrrd W()(ld community'' has declined to comment.


continued from pace 1

continued from -

fhat a Third World Recru1ter/Adm1ssIonscounselor be hired

sources. He believes that one effect of the
Act will be the faster acquisition of

The bill also modified the Preference
Clause, putting private utilities on the
same level as public ones, In respect to
thp1r right to !X)Wer. The aluminum com-

Third World Community
Thtrd World Recruiter had just taken
place Evans also pointed out that pnrollment tI~ures had 1ust been released,
which con~rasted a 23% increase In the
number 01 white .-.tudents with a 9%
decrea.-.eIn the number of Third World
The DE-cember.,tatement bv the Third
VVorld Community proposed that the
Colle!.!("take at least eight steps m order
to mf'f't the demands of the Third World
peopl<' Among the proposals

resources, and to protect vital fish re-

than without it. The rate increase, they
point out, is necessary for the devl!lop-

Abortion. Issues Heard at Legislature

campus, including security, custodial,

library, office staff at,d others.



The swearing in was a formality since

Nesbitt to the other staff at the meeting

Fifty percent plus one of all class1f1ed
staff employees must complete union
applications before they can petition the
Higher Education Personnel Board to
establish a campus wide collective bargaining unit.
Jacquelin Trimble was chosen to repre-

anyone who has filled out and signed a
union application is automatically a member. Those who were sworn in received
their union pins. So far approximately 112
members of Evergreen's classified staff
have completed union applications.

sent Evergreen classified staff on local
443's executive committee. Phoebe
Walker and Walter Niemiec were chosen
a.s delegates to the union's policy committee on Institutions of Hi~her Education

"If each of us here geb just one more
memberthen we're in." said Richard

take plac" on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at noon
in the recital hall.
Paa,,3 Cooper Point Journal

The next campus union meeting will

COG DTF Under Fire


FORUM is a public opinion column. The
articles have been submitted by our
readers. If you have an issue you would
I like to discuss, submit your article to
I FORUM c/o the Editor, CPJ. We reserve
• the right to edit.

An Open Letter to the
Third World Community

By t,llen Levy
"As the college's central concern is lost
sight of, the reason for the college's exisdisappears." -Charles McCann 10/1/70

I have heard it said that the CPJ will
have "to proveitself' to the Third World
community before you can accept or trust
The Cooper Point Journal and the Third us. l'v<,also heard it said that the CPJ
World Community have a long history of
covers little which is of concern to Third
conflict and disagreement. The anomosity World students and staff.
which many Third World students and
These two stands present a strange
staff members feel toward the paper may
twist-a double bind that is difficult, if
be well founded. You have charged the
not impossible to break. To be able to
paper with being racist, sexist and in.sensi- cover your concerns and issues we need
tive to your _needsand issues.
to be able to talk openly. We need to be
I recognize that Sl•ch complaints have
able to come to your meetings. We need
been valid in the past. I recognize that
to be kept up-tooate about your concerns.
the CPJ owes at least one, if not several
As individuals, many Third World comapologies to Third World groups. Howmunity members have expressed their
ever, I have to say that I am disappointed
regrets about the present situation. But
with the atti:udes and stands expressed
those individuals become silenced by the
by members of the Third World comgroup's anger and hostility.
munity since last Friday.
I do not feel that it is fair to hold past
conflicts against people who have had
I have worked with the CPJ for the last
no part in those conflicts other than their
five months-two as editor and the previpresent affiliation with the paper as staff
ous four as Associate Editor. During that
entire time I've seen the CPJ staff attempt
to reopen the lines of communication
All I have to say is that discrimination
with the Th,rd World groups. I have seen
and resentment cuts both ways. I think
little or no effort made on your part to
the entire CPJ staff deserves a chance
renprocate or meet us half way
rather than being automatically shut out.
By Theresa Connor

Objectionable" Film Not Porn
bv Ph1ll1pEverlmg
Michael Farris, state director of "'1oral
"'1ajonty, wants to know the identities of
those sweaty perverts that watch dirty
movies. More specifically, he has requested the public exposure of all citizens and
organizations that have checked out a
sex-education film from the State Film
1viewed the film in question, "AchievinE
Sexual fv\aturity'' at a press screening this
past Tuesday. It amazes me that anyone
would consider this film pornographic. It
a1m1ito promote a healthy awareness of
human sexuality among young people. It
does not pander obscenity, unless you
cons,der the human body obscene, nor
does it encourage promiscuity. The film
does contain full nudity, erect penises,
and spread labia, however this is all presented as a straight, anatomical display,
wrth no attempt made to convey eroticism
The part of the film that Farris objecte<
to most, was a three or four minute segment dealing with teenage masturbation.
The segment was nothing more than an

attempt to eliminate the guilt trips kids
go through for exploring themselves and
their sexuality. The film presented masturbation as a normal and healthy part ol
sexual development.
AchievingSexual Maturityis a progressive film and a breath of fresh air when
compared to previous se:.:-t-ducationfilms
When I went to high school in the late
sixties, the sex-ed. films were so corny
and stilted in their viewpoint, that they
made the kids laugh. In them, the charactors who had sex before marriage invariably became social outcasts. ola~uen wit~
V.D.. unwanted pregnancy, warts, and ever
insanity. And the only sex organs we got
to see were always half rotted away by
advanced syphylis.
This film is designed to educate, not
stimulate. Althouijh it is fairly explicit, it
is not a "ho..vto" manual on sex. It simpl,
presents the erection and the orifice, and
then allows the young viewer to complete
the equation. Mr. Farris should consider
this film's intent before he condemns its

Cooper Point Journal
Theresa Connor
Associat• Editors
Kenneth Sternberg
Philip Watness
Roger Stritmatter
Phil Everling
Andy McCormick
Robin Willett
BusinessManaae,Karen Berrymen
Advenising Manaae,R1chardOrdos



Brian Woodwick
Andrew Derby
Kenn Goldman
Dawn Collins
Bill Livingston
Elizabeth Johnson
James Lyon
Emily Brucker
Jett Cochran
Denise Paulsen
lett Radford
Mickie Zimmerman
Hugh Bridgeford
Bert Medicine Bull
Allen Levy

Cooper Point Joumet la publlahed weekly
lhe sludente. faculty end staff of The Ever-

reen State Co(lege. VHtWa hptNNd
ar-. not
tarlly thoN ot the CoUege o, of the
mel'1 atliff. Adver11alng mateNII contained
n doet not Imply endorsement by thl1
Offlca are located In the College
.. BuUdlng, CAB 10o&.Phone: 898-6213.
11 ~ 10 the «mor announc«Nnt1 and

Pa~e 4 Cooper Point Journal

Victoria Mixon
Bill Livingston

n s


Pamela Dales
Shirley Greene

Nancy Butler

.-ta and event, Items must be reoewed by noon
Tuetday for that WNk'I pubUcatlon. All artlc*
.,. due by 5 p. m. Friday tor pubUcatk>n the
fOllowlng week. All contrlbutlont
must be
1lgned, typed, doubl•apaoed and of rMIOf'llbte
length. Names wm be wlt'hhetd on ,-qUNt.
The adltora ,...,... the 11gr,1to ,efect mtltlriel
and to edit any contrlbuUone tor length, con-tent and It le.

The COG IV DTF has lost sight of the
,ollege's central concerns. The college's
rcentral concern is contained, albeit ~
iwhat vaguely, in two documents, the
Social Contract, and COG-the covenant
on governance. One of Evergreen's cornerstones is the idea of the Evergreen Community. Such a community "requires a
Social Contract rather than a list ol
specific prohibitions and essentially
negative rules."
The Social Contract calls for a member
of the Evergreen community to respect
the rights of others, and to prize academic and interpersonal honesty" in
responsibly obtaining and in providing
full and accurate information, and in
resolving their differences through due
process and with a strong wiII to
The COG IV DTF has demonstrated its
lack ol insight into the college's concerns
by its actions and proposals. The members
of the COG IV DTF decided during fall
auarter not to keep minutes of their meet-

letters letters lettc
ro: Evergreeners
From: D.S. De Zube
Re: Fire safety and suicide decorum
On January 22, the housing office sent
out a circular on fire safety. I know that
everyone has read this over three or four
times and has now committed it to memory. In the event of a fire, you people on
the upper floors of "A" dorm must realize
that the civilized thing to do is not to go
up on the roof ol the dorm and make a
spectacle of yourselves clamoring for
help. This is one of the reasons why the
roof door is locked. Helicopter rescue is
passee and the school can no longer afford to support your whims. The gracious
thing to do is to sit in your room and perish quietly. If you must leave your room,
remember that you will not cut a graceful
figure by crawling down 10 flights of
stairs on your hands and knees.
There also seems to be a problem with
the possibility of a despondant Evergreener jumping from the roof, should the
door not be locked. I can understand that
this may be a viable choice when faced
with the alternative of attending y:,t
another lecture on Aristotilian logic. But
jumping from the roof ol "A" dorm is so
unimaginative. Being the creative people
that we are what self-<especting Greener'
would not choose to overdoseon tofu,
beansprouts, or lyserxic acid diethylamide!. Who would be so rude as to deny
the off campus student the right to participate equally in the experience, say by
jumping off the clock tower roof in red
square. After which there would be anotl>er reason to call.red square "red square."
A 150 pound student jumping from a
height of ten meters would hit the ground
with a force of about 1,470 pounds. How
about rules to keep all windows lower
than ten meters locked, to keep perspective suicides straight on their physics/
If the administration really cared, they
would be helping these students to
acheive their goals, rather than trying to
confuse them with fire safety hints. I
hope they wiII take note of this and act
accordingly in the near future.
Dona Dezube

fo The Editor:
Last July I filled out a Selective Service
registration form at my post office. On it I
wrote "conscientiuus objector,"and offered a brief explanation of why I held
that viewpoint. I did not include my
social security number.
In December, I receiveda fom, letter
from Selective Service saying I had neglected to list my date of birth on the
form, and requesting it at the bottom of
the letter (space provided).

On January 1, 1981, I filled in the space
and wrote the following letter on the
Dear People at Selective Service,
As you can see by the below, I am over
SOyears old. I thought I had put my correct birth date on the registration form.
Possibly, the computer was unable to
process it.
I am registtting as a conscientious objector. I am opposed to dealing with international conflict by military means. Wan
only create suffering and more problems.
If, however, people are needed to engage in potentially dangerous struggle,
hopefully non-violent, to reconcile differences among humans, it should be
those ol us over sowho go. We have
created many of the problems.

By Phillip Everling
This is a scene lifted directly from the
motion picture, The Formula. A corpolant Marlon Brando, swathed in a silk
robe and puffing a fat cigar, strolls
through the rose gardens which adorn the
grounds of his palatial estate. He is the
head of Tidal Oil (the names have been
changed to protect the guilty), a huge,
American petroleum company. One ol his
corporate toadies app,oaches him with

the joyous news that, because of an OPEC A.mericanfuel consumer would suspect.
increase in the price of crude, "we can
Oh sure, if you questioned the everyday
now raise the price ol gasoline 12 cents a
man on the street atx>ut American Big
~lion." The Brando-character disagrees,
Oil, he would probably express some de-:elling him to hold the increase ceiling at
i::reeof dissatisfaction with Gulf, .v.obil,
seven cents. "But sir, the American people hxon, et al, but most of his frustrations
won't mind. They'll just blame it on the
would be vented upon a Vill!lJe collection
Arabs." Brando smiles knowingly, shakes
of "fat, greedy, rag-headed oil sheiks who
his head, and says, "You don't understand.
have a stranglehold on this country's colWe are the Arabs."
lective throat. However, most people are
The preceding dramatization comes
not aware that America need not rely
much closer to fact than the average
upon the whim of the OPECcartel for its

letters letters letters letters

To The Editors:
I feel a need to point out to the Evergreen convnunity the disservice that was
done to them last week in Andy
McComiick's article on the Moral Majority. On page two, he makes a hint too
close for comfort about blue-collar people
representing the backbone of the reactionary Moral Majority movement What I
am specifically refemng to is the photo,
graph entitled "The Moral Majority Cleans
Up America.• This photograph, believe it
or not, was borrowed from the front page
of the CPJ dated April 18, 1974. It was
titled "Custodians Unite" and illustrated
the cover story for that week-the unloni
zatlon of custodians at TESC.I view this
as clear uniformed classism and a despicable use ol suggestive imagery. What
intrigues me the most is that the editors
failed to identify, as they have so many
times in the past, blatant classism, racism,
or sexism inherent in their editorial decisions. May ye think more clearly the next
Paul Fink


speak before them. They would have
binding decision.making power. And they
would have the power to bring all activity
on campus to a halt and call for a campus-wide forum. All but the latter could
be decided by any of the sub-committees.
The latter would be by a unanimous vote
of the whole jury.
The concerns of the COG IV DTF are
not Evergreen's concerns. The COG IV
DTF's major concern is expediency. No,
body on the DTF wanted to take minutes,
so they deciGed not to take minutes. They
do not want to spend 13 months doing
their job as the COG III DTF did. So they
are not actively seeking replacements for
vacant positions on the DTF as this will
slow their progress. COG Ill is vague and
the Evergreen Council is "ineffective" so
they seek to replace them with "the law
of the jungle" or a narrow and rigid
power structure with maximal pc::Mfef°and
minimal access.
Evergreen is many things and has many
virtues, but expediency is not one of
them. Or as Charles McCann put it:
"It's the human condition that the more
virtues develop, the more their defects
show. Evergreen, ~ hope, will have
virtues which offset some ol these
defects, but it would be naive to suppose
that Evergreen when it has succeeded,
will not have developed the defects of its
own virtues."
If the COG IV DTF has their way they
will throw out the babv with the bath
water. Of course the system has defects,
but COG IV's solutions will destroy the
virtues of the system as well.

COG 111describes Evergreen as a
"community in process
a process of
organizing itself " It is also a process of
growth. COG IV's proposals will end that
growth. What the DTF fails to realize is
that the process itself is a valuable experience. Certainly it is frustrating when
a DTF takes 13 months to complete its
deliberations, or when the Evergreen
Council cannot get its act together. But if
Evergreen's planners had wanted expediency, they would not have designed the
school the way they had.
Evergreen is a machine with one square
wheel, but remove the wheel and the
machine will not run.
Or as Charles McCann put 1t "the kind
of freedom that goes with the flexibility
we are shaping places heavyresponsibiliti
on the individual. He will be helped to
shoulder this responsibility and keep it
up, but in the last analysis, it will be his.
whether student, faculty or staff. All will
be -evaluated wherever possible on performanceratherthan on time _,1. This
opens up a whole new, very serious prop.
osition. Increased strain, pressure, and
responsibllity accompany the dignity and
Joy of individual development within the
"pectations of the group and of the college community as a whole.
"Individualized study and work ,n small
groups may seem chaotic in a large community. On closer look, the latter should
~ive rise to a very satisfying order all its
,,wn-the kind of order once described
not as a pressure which is imposed from
without but as an equilibrium which 1s set
up from within "

$ynfuel in the United States

In Peace,
Helen Stritmatter

To The Editor:
Although I have not seen "9 to S,"
don't plan to and probably wouldn't lik.
it if I did see it, I want to say that presenting real problems of women at work
•is important and to expect serious alternati~ as well in the same movie is unrealistic. Your perception ol a solution may
not be the same as someorie else's. By
Creating a mass media picture discrimination is exposed to people in such a
way, as to make • diff~
In men's
perceptions, ol workexperience from a
woman's point of view. Awareness is an
important step towards a solution, and
this is accomplished througheducation,
not only "dignifiedand organized action."

ings. Instead they made a tape of each
meeting. But a tape does not provide
"ready access to information" nor does it
constitute "effective keeping of necessary
records." The previous COG DTF's kept
extensive minutes and records. COG IV
draws heavily on these. By not keeping
similar records, the COG 1V DTF is not
only violating COG II, they are depriving
future COG DTF's of a valuable resource.
COG Ill states: "The governance system
must rest on open and ready access to
information by all members of the community as well .:s on the effective keeping
of necessary records." It further states
that "minutes of the DTF meetings must
be kept and copies forwarded to the
Evergreen Council."
Only after being pressu;ed by the S&A
coordinator Gretchen Graeff and members of the Evergreen Council has the
COG IV DTF agreed to comply with
COG Ill.
The DTF's disregard for COG 111is
mirrored in the two proposals they are
most seriously considering. One is "the law
of the jungle." They propose throwing out
the Evergreen Council, the grievance pro,
cedure, and most of COG Ill; leaving
everyone to fend for themselves. The
second proposal is a kind of oligarchy, a
jury of 12 which will break into three
committees of four. They will wield an
unprecedented amount of power for any
one group on this campus.
The jury will have injunction power to
suspend for one week any action taken on
campus. They would have subpoena
power to summon anyone on campus to





Dear Everyone:
This letter is in response to the blatant
waste of our money as evidenced by the
meaninaless orange housing letter received in the mail a few weeksago.
I mean really, LOVELOVELOVE...Why
were you telling us this crap? We're not
insecure androids who need emotional
support; I mean, like, wow, y'knowl Like,
man, we know it's Winter and everyone's
depressed but it makes us even more
depressed to know that our hard-won
dollars are being wasted on garbage such
as this. To quote the letter:
Utter drivel: A prime example ol mental
masturbation (the disease that inflicts
Evergreen', mass population of lost flower
children). Come on people, grow up.
Furthermore, We LIKEiurik food. and
leave us alone when we come back from
the store with our groceries!!! (Tired of
being chastised, dig baby ...like y'knowr')
Another thing while we're on the subject. WE LIKEMONEY!LOTSOF ITIII WE
voted for Ronald Reagan, and Pacifism
has been phased out for 1981. We've also
submitted proposals for the conversion of
Organic Farm into the Nuclear Reactor
Farm that we've all been so desperately in
need of.
Oh, if you are offended by crude language, and sexual innuendo, please skip
to the next exciting and informative paragraph. Now...this is a free campus, right?
(I just knew you'd agreel) But, we've experienced some unfree "activities" at
TESCin the past...like lesbian "poetry"
readings and other such stutt'where our
sex (male) was NOT WELCOMEand

H•eeted with outright hostility as well. Or
now about the "Ethnic Heritage" party in
Corner last year ...where a "special invitation" was suddenly needed at the door for
all us honky-types (guess 'white ISN'T
right after all!). Hmm...maybe in the
future, when we're all clones, and monosexual as well, nobody will really give a
shit anyway ...riahtl RIGHT!
Yes, my fellow Greenen (title of respect
here 'bouts!), we, of the now Radical Conservative Minority demand special treat- •
ment like all the other minorities! (including Federal Funds for Polo and Golf
Clubs). If you s~mpathize with our cause,
you can join (for a minor fee of course)
the one and only fraternity on campus;
The Brothers of the ALPHAand the
OMEGA.Sorry Sisten, but you don't de-serve a sorority, because you're JUSTLIKE
US!!!I! (remember/)
Don Simmons & Ken Helm:
The Beginning and the End:
Brothers of the A & 0:
TESC(Home of the Gods)·

To the Editor,
A right is a right when it does not interfere with someone else's right. As the
bulletin boards are a common voice ol
the campus, monopolization of them is
unfair. No, Jase, ii is not, as you say, my
opinion. It's t!,e truth. '11 is unfair to overtake a board such as you have done for
the "All My Sons" play. I tore your signs
down (all but one, that is) in the interests
of fair play.
Teri Pangrass

Dear Editor:
After seven quarters ol listening to myself and others question the process ol
student evaluation ol faculty, I decided to
investigate. Where and how are we
supposed to learn about evaluating a
teacherl...From the teacher? Course information/ Orientation information/ The
catalog/ Oral tradition?
Even if we do find out - have the
option to write these evaluations, where
do we turn for a good example/
Alter that evaluation leaves the student's hand, where does it go/ Who gets
the copies/ Does ii get used or abused/
What if a student has something negative
to say (heaven forbid!). How are we supposed to write it so it's not taken wrong
or so it's usable information.
My research involves asl<inathese
questions and more to Administration,
Deans, Faculty, Alumni and Students,
chasing down historical documents that
relate to student evaluation of faculty,
writing a questionnaire and most important, making sure everyone is involved.
Be involved! At the beginning of Spring
quarter, all students will recieve a questionnaire with questions similar to the
ones listed in this letter. It will be the
response to these questions that will help
clarify the understanding of the evaluation system.
Anyone interested in assisting me further, please feel free to contact me at
Carol Ellick

ruture, or that indeed. the United
States has been capable of producing an
almoc;t limitless amount of fuel for
America possesses the technology to
produu-• synthetic fuel from such abundant ~logical resources as coal, shale.
and tc1rsands. Many of the major oil companies have recently aired promotional
,pots on television, wherein they tell the
TV audience that they are currently paurmg millions of dollars into research on
synthetic fuel development. This ma\' all
be well and true, but is it too little, too
l,,tel This same synthetic fuel powered
much of the German war machine over 3!,
years ago, during the second World War'
Shortly before the first World War.
German scientist Friedrich Sergius made a
discovery which benefitted his oil-poor
country and won him a Nobel Prize. By
mixing coal with a small amount of oil at
high temperatures and under heavy pressure levels, and then adding hydrogen, he
made oil. This pr()(:ess was ref,ned 10 the
point where, by the end o: World War 11.
the Germans had constructed over 20 synthetic fuel plants and were producing
three million barrels of syncrude a month.
Al its height, this synfuel program accounted for 90 percent of Germanv's av,dtion gasoline and approximately 70 percent of the regular fuel consumed by
other military and civilian use.
After the war, tons of technical documents pertaining to the synfuel program
fell into Allied hands. Shortly after that.
several experimental refineries in America
reported that they were producing synthetic gasoline in practical quantities
That was when gasoline was going for 25
to 30 cents a gallon. Why then, would
·ny right-minded oil company want to
spend billions of dollars to build largescale synfuel plants when natural petroleum was so plentiful and cheap/ All synfuel projects were shelved for future
The oil comoanies now claim that if
they began immediate, full-scale construe
tion of synthetic fuel plants, the Arabian
oil cartel could pull the financial rug from
under their feet by drastically reducing
the price of crude upon the internattonal
market, thereby leaving big oil holding
the bag; billions of dollars worth of synfuel technology, all dressed up with no
place to go!
While petroleum inter~ts might argue
that actual production of svnthetic fuel l'i
currently "financially unfP.asible,'what they
really mean is that they can't turn a tat
profit on it right now Indeed, the estimated cost of producing synthetic fuel
Continued on page 7

Page S Coope,r Point lournc:11

for Credit

Campus Clinics Serve You

by Phil Everling
Evergreen students may apply for ac


ceptance into one of the six environmental field study programs ottered
Spring Quarter by the Sierra Institute, an
extension program affiliated with the
Un1vers1tyof California, Santa Cruz
Students make backpack trips to study
ecology, botany and land fo,mations, and
nature photography The field studies conducted tn several southwestern states
include such geolo~1cal areas as the
Rock\ Mountains, the Sierra Nevada and

the Colorado Plateau
The tnp's study cover vast expanses of
rugged terrain wh1ch requires a ITIOOerate
to e>.treme amount of physical act1v1ty
lhe Sierra Institute recommends that
potential participants havt>some backpacking experience and tolerance for
physical strain A certificate of health

must be submitted with applications
Appl1eants must be eighteen years or

There are six different f1fteen-un1t
courses to choose from Some of the
course titles include Unyons of the
Ancient (preh1stonc tnbal cultures),
canyon images {nature photography), and
Arizona Wildland Study (land conservation and management) ror further mformat,on on course descriptions, contact
the fnv1ronmental Resource Center. CAB
Up to SO% of the tu1t1on may be coverl'd through a grant or f1nanc1alassistance To obtain a grant application form,
wnte to \'\llldernes\ S1ud1es,Card1H
House-University of Cal1forn1a,Santa
Cruz CA 95064 Grant approvals will be
announced March 10, 1981 Financial aid
1orms should be completed and returned
a\ 'ioon as poss,blr A fee of S30 must be
mailed with the completed grant appll·
lat1on form The lee will be refunded to
those not accepted into a field program

by Emily_Brucker
Evergreen's Health Services and Woman's <;:lin1csserve the medical needs of
evergreen students by providing low cost
medical care and a chance for patients to
voice feelings or ideas concerning health
The clinics, located in Seminar 2110
offer an atmosphere which sharply c~
trasts that of traditional medical services
Neither clinic looks o, smells like a hospital This may produce less anxiety fOf
some and may seem unprofessional to
others, but many students say it's a pos1•
t1ve difference
The volunteers at both clinics serve two
purposes to provide help and to learn
They are asked to work 100 hours per
quarter for two ronsecutive quarters. Volunteer staffing presents both advantages

Thar' She Blows !

ORCA Surf aces in Olympia
By Philip L Watness

Community members and c1v1C
leaders are combining efforts to
establish a clearinghouse fo, the arts in
the Greater Olympia area. Olympia
Regional Council for the Arts (ORCA)
will promote and assist the
develapment of all public arts events.
ORCA plans to publish and
distribute its first newsletter by the first
week in March. Short narratives about
arts events happening in and around
Olympia (including Tacoma, Centralia
and Aberdeen) and a c00<dinated
calendar will be included. Anyone
wishing to submit information about
events planned for March and April are
encouraged to write Terence Todd, 301

15 units
in the Sie,..,-aNtvada &ckcountry

• ecology
• wildlife studies
Teaching Crttlmtial, 20 units
Phon• (408) 429-2822 or writ,,

and disadvantages, though. A major advantage is that since the volunteers are
not required to work every day, they don't
become mechanized and impersonal but
remain concerned with patients as people
and willing to spend time with individuals
An unavoidable disadvantage to volunteer staffine at the clinics is that
patients and volunteers often know one
another. Both Health Services and the
Woman's Clinic stress the right of the
patient to confidentiality of treatment and
source of payment. The patient also has
the right to request that volunteers not b.,
present during an examination.
Appointments must be made at the
clinics to receive an examination. Since
some exams take longer than others, the
typical wait at a doctor's office. some-

times exists at the clinics. The patient
may reschedule an appointrnent after a
delay of morethan 15 minutes.
The staH at the clinics include two parttime physicians, (Monday, John Fois;
Thursday, BobBillings), a professional
assistant and a woman's health care specialist (also on Mondays and Thursdays).
Because lack of money and size limit the
clinic's services, patients may be referred
to a doctor in the Olympia area.
In addition to direct medical aid, the.
clinics also provide preventative education info,mation and access to a health
library. Prevention is usually not stressed
by traditional medical services due to the
extra time and money required.
Cost for services at either clinic is mini•
mal. Some drugs may be purchased there
at a small fee while others have tp be
bought at a pharmacy. While most of the
expenses incurred are covered by the
college operating budge, and S&Afees,
Health Services charges SJ per visit (minimum) which is used to restock medicar
The Woman's Clinic allows friends,
family or interpreters to accompany pa·
tients during ali parts of the visit. Men as
-Nell as women may come into the clinic
for birth control counseling.
The clinic statts strongly advocate
patients' rights and encourage the patient
to take an active role in understanding
the condition of the body's health.
Patients are encouraged to actively par·
ticipate in learning the needs of the body,
the nature of disease and the curing of
The patient may also participate in the
administration of the clinic by offering
gripes or suggestions to the
staff. The staff seriously considers any
such imput at their regular staff meetings

Communications Bldg., TESC96505,
ORCA's objectives are to cooperate
with local institutions in developing
programs and improving arts
education, to act as an information
center fo, all aspects of the arts
(perlo,ming, visual, cultural, ethnic,
histo,ical), to enhance the availability
and performance of traditional arts, to
assist in planning or administering
local cultural institutions, and to
advise local government concerning a
cultural arts center.
ORCAwas recently invited to
attiliate themselves with the Olympia
Chamber of Commerce. Members of
the council voted last week to accept
the invitation. Subsequent meetings of
ORCAwill establish by-laws for thP.

• Custom Made
• Highest Quality
• Ultra-ligh: Tents


Paiie b looper

Point Journal

Continued from page


has increased coincidentally with the
rising, per barrel cost of crude oil. Twenty
years from now, oi I may well be worth its
weight in gold, but then the practical synfuel process will be miraculously "discovered" in time to save us from a return
to the Stone Age tableau of pelt-clad
families shivering around a campfire.
The big oil companiP.Sknow all about
the coal gasification process which produces synthetic fuel. They are fully
capable of instituting its mass production
within the next five to ten years. They are
also aware of vast quantities of alcohol to
be distilled from grain and sugar surpluses. This, when integrated with both
synfuel and fossil fuel, represents a significant increase in U.S. fuel supplies.
So why, then, have they dragged their
feet in the alternative fuel field for such
a long time! The most plausible answer is
that synfuel represents a threat to the
immediate monetary gratification of Big
Oil's shareholders and corporate directO<S.


Academic Dean John Perkins heads up
the Human Sub1ects Review Board at
Evergreen. The HSRB has no scheduled
meeting time but board members get togi'ther at least once a year, or whenever a
situation arises that requires a substantial
amendment to a proposed research projfft
Usually, most HSR requirement apph·
c,H1onsare acceotable wtth little or no
~ hmlb>f>
Dean Perkin,; has the power to
,tpprovE> a pro1ect request without con·
,ultint,; tht- other f1vr board members
Some of tht>nation·-. sc1entif1ccommunity has oµpowd the HSR policies
N\ost ob1ect1ons con<t''rn what scientists
rt1;ard as their "right to inquire " Some
rt"\e,uc~c; feel tht• HSK limits their
ability to do their 1ob




You may ask if anv appreciable change
th,s situation looms over the horizon of
the next four years. To quote a recent
Daily Olympian headline, "Entire Synfuels'
Board Resignations ~t:cepled,-Reagan
criticized (the synfuel) eHort as government intrusion in private enterprise." In
other words, Reagan plans a major budget
cut in Carter's ambitious synfuel program,
preferring to defer the entire situation
into the hands of "private enterprise."
Is Ronald Reagan in bed with the oil
companies! It kind of looks that way,
doesn't it! His recent lifting of all price
controls and regulations on oil and gas
will pennil an unlimited increase in the
cost of oil products, possibly doubling the
per gallon cost of ga.; over the ne,t few
years, as well as opening the door to Big
0,1 fo, obscenely huge profit margins.
So the not time one of Reagan's Hollywood cronies appears on the TV screen
ind gives you a stern, eye-to-eye look,
,aying "America's not gonna be pushed
Jround any morel", remerr.ber this 1ust
who in the hell is pushing who around/

The Cooper Point Journal needs volunteers, If you are interested in writing,
doing graphics, photography, lay-out and
production or just offering ideas and
inspiration, PLEASE come down to the
office, CAB 104 (just past those junk food
machines that eat your quarters) or call
A college newspaper has a responsibility
to cover campus news but we don't have
to stop there, We'd like to see local,
national and international news and
issues presented, e.g., issues affecting
students, workers, Third World and
minority people, gays, women, men, the
environment, the political scene and thl'
world. We need reviews of books,
movies, plays and events, We need poetry
and short (short) fiction, photographs,
graphics and cartoons. We also need more
"Letters to the Editor" -go ahead, get it
off your chest in print.
If you have a special interest or
knowledge in some area, why not share it
with the readers of the CPJ. If you want
to learn 'about journalistic writing and/or
newspaper production, this is the place to
find out. Help make the paper the best it
can be.

rnameof masquerader

Blda 1


open e11ervdav


The HSR Policy was created 1n response
to a major medical scandal In the early
19605-a case in which live cancer cells
were in1ected beneath the skin of uncon·
senting Keriatnc patients in a Brooklyn
hospital This incident spurred other
df>velopments, such as the creation of The
National Comm1ss1onfor the Protection of
Human Sub1ects

Such is not the case here at Evergreen,
according to Dean Perkins. Evergreen researchers mainly (:omplain about the
bureaucratic red tape aspect of the HSR
fv\any potential student research projects
are stymied at the last minute l.Rcause
both the student and the faculty sponsor
forgot about, or were initially unaware of
the HSR standards. The ensum~ rush to
comply with the HSR prio, to the end of
registration creates what some might
regard dS an u'1necessary hassle
Perkins emphasizes the legal advantage
of compliance to the Human Sub1ects
Review Although the overriding, primary
1>urposeof the HSR 1s to ensurf>human
,afety, 1t also reduces any poss1b1hties
of legal liability for both the researcher
,md the research instltutmn The informed
<on~ent form serves to alert any sub1ect
of possible danger Subsequent attempts
to ,uf' for damages would have l1ttle legal
,up\X>rt Compliance wuh HSR guidelines
11mtt-CI both thf' researcher and the


Ceunty Courthowe



JO a.m. - 7 p.m. Sundays

Ethical questions of the use of human
subjects in institutional research projects
are covered by the policy of the Human
Subjects Review (HSR) The HSR policy
was dratted to protect the physical, psychological and social welfare of all participants in experimental research activity.
The researcher conducting any psychological experiment, social survey or test
which asks questions that may be sens1t1ve or personal in nature, must present

Other horror stories of scientific mistreat+,,t of human subjects have also
been revealed. The U.S. Army used its
soldiers as guinea pigs in experiments
involving human reaction to atomic radiation and LSD


Cordiff Houu
Univ1rsity of Califomlll. Smta Cnu:
Sonia Cruz, CA 95064

8 a.m. - 9 p.m. weekdays

If you have filled out an Individual
Learning Contract or Internship Learning
Contract at Evergreen within the last two
years, you have answered either •yes" o,
"no" to the following question: Does this
contract require the use of special resources, facilities, o, carry special legal
implications including compliance with
the policy on Human Subjects Reviewl

the subject with an 'informed consent
form' which describes any possible risk o,
discomfort to the subject.
HSR policies in the United ~tales are
fo,med by review committees which make
ethical assessments of research involving
human beings as subjects. These committees. known as Institutional Review
Boards, are located at almost every majo,
university, medical school, and hospital in
the country. Research facilities which re-fuse to recognize and abide by the guidelines of the HSRwould be subject to investigation by the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare



111 N. Washington 357-4812

By Phillip Everling

Valentine's Day
Beaux Arts

o ·u~~"



0<ganization and select members for
its Board of Trustees. All interested
personsare invited to attend the next
meeting on Wed., Feb. 25, 7 pm at the
Coach House behind the Capitol
"People in the community have
known lo, a long time that this kind of
organization has been needed," states
Marilynn Carlton, a TESCalumni who
began research and development of
ORCA during Spring quarter last year.
She wanted to set up a central
receiving/distributina office lo, the aru
at TESC,As she studied the history of
arts councils in the area, especially the
Thurston Regional Arts Council, which
dissolved in 1974, she realized the
need fo, a comprehensive o,ganization
to c00<dinate the needs of local artists
and the community.

Human Guinea Pigs to Be Protected


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Pqe 7 Cooper Point Journal



Two Plays Performed on Campus

Literary Magazine:

by Lewis Pratt
Martin Sherman•, Bent will be pre-

It's About Time

sented to Pacific Nrthwest audiences for
the first time this evening at 8 p.m. in the

zines have included poetry and fiction,
but never non-fiction essays. The magazine, Stillwell said, should be an ""intel•

TESC2nd floor Library Lobby. The first
show in a two part student repertory. Bent
will alternate pe,fo,mance nights with
Arthur Millers All My Sons, both this
weekend and next.
The story ot Max. a Jewish homosexual
imprisoned in Dachau, and subject to the

lectual torum for discussion of issue" including, but not limited to, issues in the

constant degradation and humiliation by
his Nazi captors. Bent offe,s a two hour.

arts Essays, Stillwell said. should be so-

intensely emotional psychological explor-

phisticated but not unintelligible to the
general college reader. Work can be sub-

ation. A smash hit in it's Broadway run,

publication is expanded bevond that
of earlier literary magazines at Evergreen. For instance. oast literary maga-

source center
The last literary journal produced at
evergreen, Tetrahedron, appeared in 1978.
The prune mover and editor of TetraheStilh,ell
dron was Evergreen student Daniel Hathaway During the lengthy course of its
production, the magazine received over
bv Roger Stntmatter
two thousand dollars in S & A funds Two
Ifs about time. After a three year
hiatus, the venerable tradition of the Ever- thousand copies were printed.
greE>nliter.try rag 1sbeing revived by SOIT'lt' Elegant, but overbudgeted, overprinted
and overpm ed, Tetrahedron ~t a discourenterpmm•; TfSC literati. Spring 1981
aging precedent for future literary publi•
mark.-.the publication of two new literary
cations at tht· school. With several hunmag.i11fleSfeaturing the work of Everdu'O copies rt•mammg unsold at this date,
green c;.tudent5,staff "nd faculty Both
tl"wf'xper1rnn .. caused S&A to seriously
publications will be on sale during the
whether they should support
commf!! months-retailing for a single slim QU<~t1on
anotht--r magallne in 1979 or 1980.
silver dollar or a green one If the literary
That', a pity TPlrahedron, despite tht>
.., are anything like their predegeomPtm title and S2 50 price tag, 1san
cessor') !hat's a real bargain.
an omph,hment which ranks among the
Ttw 11rr..1maijazme. edited by Student
l:w-.twork Pvt>rdone by Evergreeners. The
Rand\ HLnt1ng and scheduled to roll off
fonn.1ttm1: wa, overambitious-but
tht· prf>SSf', in two wee-ks,actually began
and photography are
produl t1on last sprin~ but was delayed by wntm~ .. ~1rt1o;try,
urnm1M-'d< hablr This spring's publications.
van0t,, cont1ngenc1~-1ndudmg
pauctt\ ,t top-notch wnl1ng (corrected a,;; al!hou~h put oul on a shoestring budget
to Tf'trahedron, pmrrnse, liketime ~nl by and more -.ubrmss,ons rolled n)l'111>.1n'(I
w.-.1•.to l>1•wtill worth reading
m). bud~Pt problems, and ,1 "ihortage of
I luntmi.:·, ffidgaL1rw, which began pror,t-ople powt-r for editin~ ,1n<l production
du( l1ot1 l..t<.I"iJ)nng, received SJCX)in S&A
\\'11h a S7SOdonation trom the EvergrE>1~n
f oundat1on as a "it,irt1ni-:budget and fund, .irnl tilt• total budget for the projPrt
I\ ,lroun<l S'lO:). When Stillwell apan (-d1t1ng ,ind production ,tatf ol about
pro,-u'14-d~&A thi"i year for funding, he
fifteen ,tucknts and faculty, 1h1,ypar',
volume e<tned by Larry Stillwell. "'t-et'Tl'i to uot .-1 fla1 "no" With the help of faculty
mt~nmt-r, Bvron Youtz, David Powell. and
be off to ,1 more opporturw begm111ni-:If
Ru h,H(I Alt•,.;:uxlf'f', he wa"i able to ronEvervth1n~ goes according to sdlf'dulf-'.
th1· I v1•r~rt"f-•nI oundat1on to <ontnthe m,1~at1nPwill be availablP for ,.111•hv \111111·
,-,..,, lo ht•gm ttw puhl1Cdl1onprothe lir'it week'i of ,'Aay Subcomm1th·>t-•,
, ,., .... 11,,•1m,ihutmn "taff h<:>p,p-.
thP nr('ldm lion "itaff w,11review and
11•\1•11111· 1hrt>1.1gh
dondtlon._ dnd th.aCl t>pl ,ubmt.,,..1tm,of poetry, short f 1<
lion. t•\,,1y,. pho1o~r.1phyand graphu,
I\C1lht h111t1nl..'. ,ind Sllll'IIVf"IIart> hopeful!
llrtlrl 'vtarch 1
th.ii th~· ,,,14·111 1h1, vrdr'"i magazinec. will
The range and format of tht• ne\'\
twlp lund ,111111,ir puhlH ,1t1onsin the
fuhiri• A numh•r of ,tudents working on
ti 11, v1•,1r, 11MJ!.,11,111•
,1u• cOfTlmitted to an
puhli< ,1llon. Jk>\Siblya quartPrly
"I vt•n 11 w.· h.1vt>only S2CX)(in seeci
nKK1t-y)." -...ud\l1llwt•II. "thrn_.•._a VPf'Y
L:ood < tulm •· lh,11 11II h,11>Jwn
1lf"Xt year~"
412 S. Cherry

(by Evergreen standards).
All My Sons, which opens tomorrow
night, was Arthur Miller's first success on

Broadway. The story of the Keller family's
attempt to resolve their conflicting
notions of responsibility and reason, it is
a classic example of Miller's ability to
weave a variety of themes into the

tightest story imaginable. Even though
Miller allONS his audience to see its
conclusion as early as the first act, the
play slides towards its climax unaffected.

Unde< the direction of graduating
senior Jace Knievel, the plays share many

members of their casts and crews. Both
presentations are being made possible
through Evergreen Student Productions

(ESP.), an umbrella organization of

and original compositions. They reach out

to other a,eas of music and perlo,m bri 11iant adaptations of some very non-tradi-

tional bluegra,s tunes. Don't be surp<ised
1fyou hear them playing "'Chim-Chimche<-ee" from the Walt Disney movie,
"Mary Poppins'". or "'I Know You Rider",
popularized by the Grateful Dead.
The five memben of The Seldom Scene
are John Duffey, mandolin; Ben Eldridge.
banjo; Phil Rosenthal. guitar; Tom Gray,
stand-up bass and Mike Auldl'idge. dobro
playe, extraordi'naire. (who has ove, SO
lo his credit. both solo and as a studio

Olympia Food







921 N. Rogers


Olympia Westside
TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman

Walk two blocks cast to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus lcovcs Co-op for TESC




dipping expedition, a night of se<ious
drinking. and some casual sex. Mostly
people spend their time talking fervently
and furiously to one another: the film's
about a reunion of old friends from the
early 5e\lef1tieswho spend a summer week
weekend in rural New England trying to
catch up on what everybody's been doing.
Ten years ago they were anti-war college
ids from middle class homes; now one·~
a most a doctor, another's a musician

I ing hand-to-mouth between gigs.
not to WO<ry:despite the lack of
acti , you"II never be bored. The awful
i,,-.;t few scenes .iside, Secaucus soon has
vou hooked-you want to know what
happens next and you are interested in
what the characters have to say. Besides,
theofilm is very funny.
Sayles writes in the American idiom as
well as anybody. He's only 30, but alreadv

has published a highly acclaimed novel.
Union Dues, and a fascinating collection
of short stories. The Anarchists' Conven-

(HP's also produced a couple of
scrrenplay, for director Roge, Corman.)

H1\ characters in both books are restless

and confused people. many of whom are
on the move. Sayles~
to have wandered the continent listening to the voices
of the discontent: illewal aliens. impov-

m<hed cowboys. bums in the Golden
St.:1te.Career Cirls in Boston
In Secaucus, all the characters seem to
,h.:1rethis feelini: of uprootedness and

drifting none.have kids. the oldest couple
" breakong up. the guitar playe, is head-

Students Organize Local PIRG

ing uncertainly to LA. and the big time.
and nobody has much of an idea of what
he or she wi II be doing ten years from
now when they turn 40. A few of them. to
be sure. are guardedly happy; but, even

about social change at a time when student activism was stagnating.

"'Universities and colleges are not often
used to their full potential," said Ross.
"Students spend their time writing re-search papers all the time. PIRC gives
them the opportunity to serve their community as well as gain academic credit for

so. all the characters at times express a
sort of whimsical sadness about their lives.
Even if no one in Secaucus is able to
make any lasting commitments in his or

he< personal life, they have all, to varying degrees come to s.,are a common

PlRC student membe<S ,esearch local

belief in social change and/0< politics.
Sayles, talking about the film in /n These
Times ()an. 21-27 issue), said that the
people he had in mind when he wrote the
screenplay had all been in VISTAtogeth•
e<. VISTA.he said, both illuminated and

social issues ranging from environment
issues to local business practices. Ross

cited examples of NYPIRG'sresearch projects, which include: mass transit problems. housing assessments, bank redlining p,actices. pollution standards, and
many other social concerns. PIRC reports
are often used as resource material by

disillusioned them in terms of learning

about the realities of the system. The
methadone counselor's causes, for example, "get loster and loster ever since

major newspapers and government agencies.

VISTA,'"while. on the othe< hand, an aide
to a flunky senator in Washington says
she doesn't "give a rat's ass for the senator
until you look at the alternatives."

Near the end of the lilm the group"
mistakenly arrested fo, poaching a deer
'Bambicide,'" they call it They"re takPn to
the jailhouse where thf-y calmly rff1le
their arrest records. As they wait to bf>lf't
b"'· they comically rE'Callthe old day,

when they were thf> Sfacaucu, Sf>vengoing
to tht• la"! of the hig anti-war demon,trat1ons in a borrOINed car The car had a
wf'apon m the trunk thev didn't know
dbout until a cop found it Their nostalgia
on tl'wm.
It 1"i,indeed, the likt>ability of lhP character,;.that makes Secaucus such an Pnck-aring film. Despite their problem, ;ind
failurM, theoreis a genuinenes" to tht-•m. d

kind of spark. that gives them, an<l tlw
film as·a whole. a vitality you·n• not i-:rnng
10 feel in a S20,000,000Hollywood H1g
Bu-.ine-;sepic Sayle-..'charactt~r, livt• ,111d
breat~ on the screen
So Sayles has done it In the~,
poJ>uho;.ttradition, he has taken on Goh,11h
dnd won· Secaucushas garnered wv1-rc1I
<lw,ud<taround the country. and 1, d111ng
IM"Pttvwell at the box office. SaylP--h,,,
,,gnNi contracts with some of thf' h1g
,1ud1osto write screenplays But, he ~V"i,
ht•'II <.ontinue to make films as an tnde1••nden1. In these davs of Any Much Way
\ou Can. The Formula, The Jazz Singe,,
ad nau,;pam. we should all be grateful

AU. WAN TIIAV£L •11t11t:£,

"'The main emphasis of a PIRC, said

by Andrew De<by
There is a growing interest among stu--

dents at Eve<greento organize a local
Public lnte<est Research G,oup (PIRC).
Donald Ross, director of the New Yori<
PIRC, visited campus last Friday in support of their efforts.

Ross s;x,ke Friday morning to PIRC
supporters on the successes of the Public
Interest Research Croup nationwide.

Late< in the day, Ross and three student
colleagues met at lunch to discuss the
concept of PIRC and the impact a local
PIRC would have on the Olympia community. "'The PIRC was a concept Ralph
Nade< and I created back in 1970. Since
then, PIRG"shave become realities in 22
states. NYPIRGis the biggest and it includes 17 colleges and unive<sities.'"
PIRG's are non-p,ofit, non-partisan

Ross,"is on education. Our primary incentive is to teach; to educate the public
to the issues surrounding them."

A Public Interest Research Group also
acts as a legal citizens lobby. Eve<green
student John Bickelhaupt is enthusiastic
ove, the possibility ot a PIRC at Eve,green. '"The liberties and political powe,s
of the citizens are constantly being

eroded by special interests,'" said Bickel•
haupt. "Pl RC takes the corporate model
of organization and uses it to help solve
social problems in the community, puttmg control of the government back into
the hands of its citizens."
Previous attempts to organize a PIRC at

I vergreen have been weak despite contmuecHnterest. Students interested in exploring this proven method of creating
social change are encouraged to contact

organizations located on college cam-

either John Bickelhaupt or Scott Eliott

puses throughout the country. They are
funded by student fees and research
grants. PIRG's were created to help bring

Cente<, or attend a PIRC planning meeting held on Wednesdays at noon in CAB

through the Environmental Resource

Capitol Skin&




8a.m.- 8p.m.

,a. __

producing each show through their
common head group.
Seating is limited for both shows so it
is suggested that tickets be pure~
advance at the Eve<greenBookstore or
Yenney's. Bent will be perlormed on the
12th, 14th. 20th, 22nd; All My Sons the
13th, 15th, 19th, and 21st.

The Seldom Scene, who are seldom
seen in this neck of the woods can be
seen on Tuesday, March 3 in the library
lobby at 8 pm. For those who have neither seen nor heard of The Seldom Scene,
they are a bluegrass band from Washington. D.C
The Seldom Scene is a bluegrass band
with a diffe<ence They play traditional
bluegrass music as well as gospel songs

Open 7 days a week


actors, designers, technicians and cos-turners who are currently funding and

by Allen Levy


• ..,.,.

outside a couple of picnics, a skinny-

Seldom Scene to Be Seen



The fact that the Lacey Cinema is show•
ing John Sayles' wonderlul first film, The
Return of the Secaucus Seven, is a small
miracle. Sayles. an independent filmmake,, made Secaucus for a paltry
S60,<XXJ-lessthan Marlon llfando commands for a couple hours woo.But going
one-on-<>newith Hollywood is not easy,
and without big money's blessing it is difficult for a film like Secaucus to get
screen time. Thanks to Sayles' persistence
'and the wo«t of mouth. howeve<. the film
has made it all the way to Olympia. So go
see it; support the cause. (The first show
during the week only costs two bucks.)
Plotwise, Secaucus is not one of your
heart-throbbers. Not a whole lot happens

strives to maintain it's taste and sensitivity



By Andy McCormick

Bent promises to be controve<sial (by
Olympia standards). At th<osame time, it

mitted c/o Larry Stillwell in the Arts Re-

In the American Grain

. The Seldom Scene was formed in 1971.
Since its inception ten years ago, The
Seldom Scene has played in quite a vari•
ety of places: Constitution Hall. The
Smithsonian Institution. the Grand Ole
()pry, major bluegrass festivals, and even
on the White House lawn for forme, President Jimmy Carte<.
Tickets are available at the college
bookstore, Yenney Music Co .. Budget
Tapes and Records. and Rainy Day Rec-










ords. Advance ticket prices are SS.00,
general admission; S-4.00for seniors, stu--

dents. and children.Tickets will be available at the door for a dollar mo<e.

New Hours Mon-Sun 10-7

Whole Foods

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(except for Mag. and Alum. Wheel•)
Page 8 Cooper t-'01nt Journal



. LocallyDlltrlbuledby Clpt,DIBe. ■ IIQ99, Inc.
Page 9 Coope, Point lournal

outs,de him/herself to rhe vasrnes.sand
complexity of the v.orld. Take the center
·1 out of the v.orkand listen. Unite feelings with themes and ideas found through
other fives, feelings, and nature."


Help the GIG Commission


A ,x:ier must allow the inner ear to listen


By Bill Livingston

A pockedand puddled road

The GIG Commission needs student in·
put in order to better understand and
cater to the musical needs of the Evergreen community. The commission is an
S&Afunded organization set up to p,ovide the school with a socia_land mus;cal
environment by promoting dances and
concerts on campus.
Since the commission is made up of
only 14 students, it is hard to get a wellrounded view of the kinds of music Evergreeners want to hear. The method presently used to come up with ideas fo,
events is brainstorming. Decisions are
made by groop concensus. Without outside participation, the commission simply
has to hope that their ideas will go over
well with the general public.
If a lot of money is spent on an event
such as the appearance of a national act

randomly rocked
leads to the door
the house
where Georye was born
grey stoned, bold
on high Sandwick land
eyeing the fierce North Sea.
Peat perfumes a fire within

the palo, a cozy cave
shelter from treeless island
where voices cannot say



Could not sleep
heanng sea whistles
like conch held to ear
pounding night into passage
without feet floating
over shag into dunes
gristllng cold sand.

Calico kitten named Harris
for tweed bought on Outer Hebrides
pounces near knitting machine
lingering in a corner
Steam rises from chicken pie
apple pastry mops thick cream
tea erases howling ram.

Pac,f1c twilighr ripJlles
sounds of dreaming salmon
sinking to ancient fish boning floors
among mountains, now covered
by fathoms of water
too rh1ck to breathe.
Blind fish roam m caverns
no light intrudes

Golden eagle ties knots in winter sky
lariats of some feathentitch
pulling basalt chains
swelling ground in resistance.

Cupped ,n crofting fields
two silent people
with mu.sic 1n their hands
form letters into words
scribble paper
lauKh w,th eyes

never stops

Kelµ fo,ests splay

Gro<ge and She,la pull on
wools and rubber boots
,,~n tl"wuway through ~hnektng weather
Mathenng lamb~ bound for Aberdeen

turtles and squid
t1df> surfaces morrnni,:

This c°'umn will fMture the wo,1 of one wrltef each Issue. Poetry and shon prose may be submitted to the CPJ clothe
should be typed a• J Include a ahor1 statement of eestheUca regarding your \l'Ol1!..


TV Production tnNm
Student Intern will have an oppor1unlly to
become lnvolved,ln
the following arH1:
Student must hne a ba.slc wOftllng know._
edge: of TV production, different vldec,..tape
formats, nomencla!ure for TV equipment and
Script writing e,:perlence and
editing c11perlenceare dellrabl1. Prefer 1tuden1s In their Junior year with a strong t.iec.kground in Communication, and English. but
other students w1Ube con1idereel.
1 quarter. 12-16 hrs/wk. Volunt&ef position.

AppllcaUon dNdllne:

2-20-81. lnt..-..led


dent1 contacl Coop Ed by 2-1W1.

LUNCH 11:30-2 Mon-Sun
DINNER 5-9 Mon-Sun





PHONE -.a213




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11 AM-4 PM
DINNEll4 .•

4 "'-a.OIIINO


Student Intern would be lnvolYld In the following: Do,otoplng a paraonnel polk:iaa and
procedures manual; wOf'k planning and prodoetlon IChedullng; foracutlng
w0f11 flow;
further deYeloplng the G,aphk: Ar11 Coordl,._
tor Program; and conducllng • atalf needs
assessment regarding training needa.
Stooent muat have problem-solving skllls,
a11llstic.l competency, the abillty to perform
Independent r....,-ch and good writing and
Interviewing lkllls.
1 quarter, 12-18 hrs/wk Volunt88f position
Applfcltlon dNdllne: 2-20-81. Contact Coop

Urban Design Intern

i..nd UM Intern

Student lnlem would be involved 1n the IOI•
lowing Assist Urban Design Stall In the
sludy ot urban form relallonshIp9 (block
massing, lower mtegratIon, etc l m lhe Denny
Prefer sludent with a good background In
design as well a.s some understanding of
urban related Issues. Eicperience In model
making, drawing and uae of 35mm SLR
camera highly desirable.
1 quarter. hrs. negotiable. Volunteer position.

Studenl intern would be Involved In the
toll owing. Preparation of inte,pretatloos
1he Zoning Ordinance; preparation ol material
tor use 11nappMts: preparation ol recommendallons to Ille Hearing Examiner on var~nce
requ~ts, conditional uH, etc.; review ol
applk:atlons tor uae permits: and reYlew ot
environmental checkllsts accompanying per-

The S.lf•Help Legal Aid Program. an S & A
or;anlzatlon, Is beginning the hiring process
tor 1981--82. Advoc:alesmuat be willing 10
make a lull year commitment In addition Ip
training tour hours a week during this spring
quarter. Preference will be gtven to thoN who
take the Legal Relearc:h Module being offered
spring qua,ter, or who can demonatrate c~
parable background. Hiring will be completed
before the March 4 .t.cact.mlc Fair. Ttlere WIii
be • group meeting with au epplk:anta on Fri.
day, February 20 II 3:30 In lib. 3224. Interview, will be on Thur. and Fri., February 28
and 'ZT. Appllcallons are available 11 the SeitHelp Legal Aid Ottk:e, library 322-'.

Munldpll Finance Intern
Student Intern will partk:ipate In the annual
flnanclal report preparallon. Dull" will I~

Preface editor.

lnternsh1 s



Environmental Internships

Days lead nowhere
tumble in sage
coyotes circle, search.
Eyes twinge against canyon walls
decoding messayes.
Reasons for co,ning or going
carried off by magpies
disappearing on horizon

On Shetland w,nds torment
cream and cocoa sheep
p:>rues with shaggy manes
Mrazeon twitching grass
September skies stretch ou1
,n search of S,mmerdim

The sea has a sadness
rocking 1n lullabyes
spawning children over cres~
sec1rch1ng for sleep

Oregon desert rims mouth
around a solitar,• car
deep in December landbound
seeping Into nostrils
petrifying people like trees left to stone

elude r9Yfew and analyala; prep11111lon of
report draftt; preparation of neceu.y
ment entrlel; preparation of 1tat11tk:al ,.
•port•; COffelatlon of depa,1ment rwpc:wtawllh
machine reporta: preperatton of combined
atatementa; preparation of the atatem.nta of
general fliced uMt group ot account,;
pa,tk:lpetlon In prOductlon ..,..,,ge.,.,1,
the flnllhed report.
Student mu.I have accounting llkllll and
pref__,,y hew .ome knowledge of munkJpel
accounting. Student ahoutd be In hlalher
Junior y,es.
1 quarter, tn. negotlat>M. Votunt..- poai11on.
.-...Ioe1to11 ._..,_:
a-».11. COftllOl Coott
Id 117

at Evergreen and nobody is willing to pay
admission, money will be lost. 'We would
like to bring a national act to campus for
graduation O< Earth Day," said Lon
Schieder, GIG Co,nmission coordinator,
"but we don't know if we should go for
broke and spend a little more money, take
a little more of a risk and hope that sttJdents will support a national act." He
brooght up names like Robert Hunter,
George Thorogood or Elvin Bishop. "Of
course it would mean higher ticket prices
Something like five or six dollars a piece,"
he said.
The commission is in regular communication with a half-dozen or so people and
organizations that prcxjuce events in Vancouver and Seattle; as well as with
agencies that handle tour1 that come
through the area. If there is a particular
artist they want, they will try to yet in
touch with a manager 0< rec0<d label to

mit and authorization appUcall~I.
Prefer student with a blckg,Qund in plan-nlng, law or other land UM ,..fd•edcour1e1.


far more responsibility and challt!flge tha1
my previoos internships at Evergreen.
Fifty p,ojects will be conducted this
sp,ing and summer in Oregon and
Washington. Some of these p,oject, are
co-sponsored by non-profit groups,
government agencies, and corporations.
Projects include law, energy and lanckise
research for the Pierce County Planning
Department, research of alternative
energy development with the Bonneville
Power Administration, p,eparation of
botanical specimens fo, the Bloedel
Reserve on Bainbridge Island and
improvement of the Boeing Company's
chemical spill control plans.
The Pacific Northwest intern program,
and three other regional p,ogranis are
operated by the CEIP Fund, Inc., Boston,
Massachusetts. They p,esently serve 15
states. The deadline fo, applications is
March 2. 1981.
For applications wriie to EIP/PN-731
Securities Bldg., Seaftle, WA 98101.
Additional materials required are an S8
application 1ee, a resume, two letters of
recommendation (use application form
only) and an optional one page sample of
writing. Photocopied application forms
fro,n the Career Planning and Placement
Office are acceptable.

Evergreen environmentalbts who wish
to participate in a payina internship
program within the Pacific Northwest
should act quickly. The Environmental
Intern Program/Pacific N.W. Regionwill
only accept applications until March 2.
"The function of the program is to
coordinate the demand for staff to work
on special p,ojects, with the supply of
advanced-level students seeking
professional experience," B,yce Folsom,
Regional Director explains. "The p,ogram
takes a non-adversarial approach in
promoting research and action on all
environmental p,oblems." Stipends ranee
from S140 to S250 per week, and positions
are temporary.
Over 300 people applied for 25
positions last year. Ten·were Evergreen
applicants. I had the good fortune of
being offered a six-month position last
June, and worked as a fundraise,-/
organizer for Signpost Publications, a
nonprofit group promoting non-motorized
trail travel throogh magazines and other
projects I was responsible fo, all facets
of their fundraising effort, including
research and planning, and participated
actively in clarifying and implementing
the goals of Signpost The job offered

Dr alopn••• lnwn

The Cl1y of Seattle hN MV9fll lnt«nahip
poulbUIUes with the City Flr9 Oapanment In
lhe .,.. of r....-ch
Ind de¥el0pment. OuallO·
cation, we dlffe,entfor NCh p,01ltion.
t quart•. ~. negotlabfe. Votunt.- poaltlona.



,,,_ ..._,_

~.,.,,....... 8tN1,..,_


Tho o111c,,or ~"'°
Education flu
juat f'90etved Internship lletlnga and appl0tlont for Spring/Summer 1911 with the Environment.al Intern Program/ Pacific NorthWNt.


... 1o -'7



,. -

You w,1nt iU You got it-one men's
viscount 10-Speed bike-rarely used, m
good condition S100. Also· 1970
Plymouth Valiant named lessica-great
car, runs well ~50. Contact Theresa
days 666-6213, Nights· 866-3987

ROOMFORRENT la Boulevard Hotel
has a room for rent. S34 a month. No
cigarette smoking, no meat cooking,
but otherwise we're quite entertaining.
Call us at 352-4811. Ted, Vickie, Bob,
and Michelle

Housemate Wonted Quiet, nonsmoking
female to share two-bedroom house,
garden, garage, next bus and shopping.
Call 943-2375 Of leave message at

ESCORT Evergreen State College Ongoing Relief Team. Students Escorting
Students Call 666-6140 evenings, 8 to
12 pm., for Security-approved student
esco,ts We want your support, we
want to support youl

Voluntttn needed to participate in
survey of left-handed people Call
Michael 753-2850, days; 352-4762, eves

S50 cord,

Typing Service Fast, accurate, reason•
able Technical & scientific material
a specialty Colleen, 943-3542 (evening,)

Roommattesstill needed for co,nfortable westside home. Wood heat, near
Coop Call Ken at CPJ, 866-6213

B•njo for S..le Excellent cond1t1on.
S75 Call 866-5168

W•nted Psychic automotive d1agnos1s
fo, the mighty minnow See Fred,
ASH 83




& Camera



on 1peclflc public

Yes □

No D

Would you like to see more national
Yes □


No D

Do you think there should be more
theme dancesl
Yes □

No D

Which of these would you most likely
1 ,;c:r,'>oekHop
6 Hobbot/Middle
2 C.,,mo/JO's Era
i hPr~ref'n
Band- 7 Punk
,t,md lrdte this
8 Formal Ari,•1r
rP< rnd)
9 Sad1PHa\,l..1n,/
B.,rn Dance/Hoe
10 Rena1ssa1H,
-, /\Aa~uerade
11 01her

1'1 I



2 Of the follow1n~ which thre<>woold ,
you rnost likely attend'
1 Jau
b R"Kl!ae
l O,,co (tool, toot, 7 Rock and Roll
8 lri,h/Scoll,sb
"l l:.xpemnental

Would you attend 1•1therol th<·"·

Robf-rt Huntt>r-sr;
Yt·, '
l R.,1mmahtllWt•dver, -SC, Ye~[
l'lt•,N· drop th,, off at thf' Student lntor

n1.1t1onCentt•r , ,11 !ht• 't'< ond floor of thP
CAll or >lop ll\ lht• CIC lOv\MISSION
ntfKe-l1b1,uy \215



Champagne or Beverage
Fresh-baked pastry


A-V Repair

404 E. 4th Ave. Next to China Clipper Restaurant




On the Westside,
south of Harrison



one block
on Division.

served weekdays

from 7 AM to 10 AM


Pure butter nch chocolate chips
Purr vanilla & the best of goodies
We Bake Daily


Six kinds of chocolate



wrlle ahort aynop1H

Student muet be In hlalher Nnlor y.., and
he¥e • background In education, communatlon or envtrorvnental atudlea with atrong

3rd 0

Woold you pay S5-S10 for national


specializing In the repair of
quality optics and electronics



Split and delivered For/Alder
S20 pickup load Phone

Intern la nNded 10 -■ lat In the
of • new environmental monitor•
Ing exhibi1 currantty under con1truc1lon. The
Intern wlll conduct beckground rcw.e,ch end

communication aklll1.
1 q-,
40 ,.,., ..... $1401-.
looattd In S.ttle.


3 Would you pay S2-S5 for local artists>
Yes □ No D

1 How many events have you attt>nded
this year? Tropical Rain)torml Oum,,
Robin Williamson! The Odds? Obrador &
S,lvPr Finl The Frazz/ Larry and The
Mondellos w/ The Beakers & The ttlackouts1 The New Vitat1ons? Scott [()(.Su &
George Winston? Linda Wa1erfall1

For S..le: Sitar 5200 b/o call 866-2296



1st □ 2nd



sine. therll are many poaltlona orr«.d, 1
dNcripUon of one of the poeitlon, 1, ll1tec:1
below to give atUdenta an kJN of the typn of

Country and
9 Cla,socal
10 Bluegrass
5 Soul/Rhythm and 11 Folk
12 Punk


Juice or fresh fruit course

Student1 should have atrong written and oral
communication MIiia.
t quart•. 12 tnlwk. Voluntetr ~Ilion.


get information on the performer's plans.
In hope that they will yet some input
from Evergreen students, the commission
has begun a p,cference poll in order to
find out what Evergreeners really want to
hear. "The more people we get to fill out
the questionnaire. the better we can fill
people's needs," said Schieder. "The
sooner they yet them in, the bette, " The
ballots Cdn be dropped off at the Student
Information Center on the second floor of
the CAB, or at the CIC (o,nmission office,
Library 3215.
The GIG Commission is open to stu·
dents and alums who have interest 1n
music and event production. Requirements for membership are· showing up
for 75% of the meetings and working in
75% of the events that the co,nmission
p,oduces. Meetings are held on Mondays
and Wednesdays at 2:30 and the office is
open daily fro,n noon to 5.

Th 9-7
Fr &-a:30

chip cool<ies


and lo, oatmeal hounds

Home made soup 9-5 (except on Saturday)

Sal 1-9.30

Next to State Theatre
Page 11 Cooper Point Jou~nal

Arts & Events
on cam ,s

Die Schone Mull.-tn


•ay Hite ffl1111:
Febr\a'y 12:
La tradl (~ Fedlr1coFellini)



TheBeautifulMaidof the MIii
Charin Pallthorp, ~tone,
and Thomasa
Eckert, aocompenlat, will perform Die achone
Mullerln (The Beautiful Maid of the MIii) by
Schubert In the Recital Hell of TESC, Sunday,
Feb. 15, 3 p.m. FREE.

aetle her atrange, hall-med

o • second-ratecemlvel 1trongmen
her with him on the road. Aa they

village lo village, Felllnl describes
tllelr hi ,n the fringes of eoclety In • style
oducea ■ul'Tllal element■ Into the
1terll re ,m of hie bleok end white Images
The lllr
lrlkn • perfect llelence betwNn
J sednese. and Glullette Muina
ltunnln v portray■ the eulle, Ing girl. Perhaps
,oat haunting end poetic work. TESC
Lecture ill One; 3, 7, and 9:30; Admission
$1 25


Woody Sln1nons
Longtime Northweat cult llgurw WOOdySimmons will appear In concert on Saturday,
Feb. 21, et 7: 30 and II: 30 In the Recital Hall.
Simmons, who recently releaae<Iher second
album, will perform with her band for an
evening of original rock. jazz and bluegrass

I.F. Stone'sWeekly"


"eb 13, et 11 a.m. In L.H. 1, "IF
eekly," 1 powerful documentary
eboul I
radical journalist who published his
own n,
o)Qperfor 20 years, doing vlnually
all the
Jarell, writing and editing, will be
exceptional writer end historian,
Stone• • J0rllng on the Vietnam war waa stud
by ma•
1 Ile far ahead of the rest-despite
the tar
di he never left Washington, D C.
·o values fine journalism should ot
miss P
nspiratlonal film Free.

Allvel. an all-woman )au quintet lrom San
Francisco. returns to Olympia for two performances tonight and tomorrow at 8 p m at
the Gnu Dell, 111 W. Thurston For detalla
call 943-1371

Bluegrass music with refugees from the
Barking Dog Bluegrass Band and other Seattle
notables: caroline Doctrow. lead and guitar,
Nick Kroes, bass: Tom Morgan. man<1oi1n.
and Scott Nygard, lead guitar and fiddle Tom
and Scott are ex-Olympians appearing with
Garollne's Band. Sat Feb. 14 at 8 p.m Appl&jam, YWCA, 220 E Union, Olympia AClml&slon S2

FridayNlte Alms
their t.·
Ille w,,
one ,n•

TOKYO STORY (1953 Japan
Yasu)lro Ozu Tokyo Story
'1e sad but necessarydlllerences
•nerat,ons An elderly couple v,sII
,amect children in Tokyo but ont~
ot another son ,s kind to them
,ry has an ,nner strength that draws
,e Japanese world and Its unive<saI
btems" L H 1 at 3 7. and 9 s1 2!

Anwican Music on Feb. 15
Museum Musicale sponsol'ild by the Capitol
Music Club, a prGgram of music by American
composers, held 10 observe National American Music Month. The musicale Is open to
Museum members and the public. Donations
to the concert lund are welcome. Wqhtngton
Stale Capitol Museum, Olympia, WA.
The State Gapltol Museum Is open from
10 a.m -<4:30p.m., Tues.-Frl.; 12◄ pm, Sat
and Sun FREE

I'/. colm X Remenitnnce
s assassination in New York on
Feb 2· 165 members ol both black And
nunitln recognize the significance
of the
ol Mal~olm X and importance ot hi,
death I
membrance of MaIcotm X, the
Third V', J women ere presenlln<;i the film
Mateo, ~ !El Hajj Malik et Shabazz)" and
guest &. ,~er, Stone Thomas
The t
chrontcte focuses on qualities an<l
charach 11cs that predlcateo Malcolm X's
rise ac
,ader and outstanding spokesmar·
of the t
k American movement. Malcolm
!he soc,at agonies of our age at •
time .~1
he was rapidly developing a nev.
appr J·I
o racial action anc, oroanlzat,on,
ano t',
ed tor Iha black struggle to become
a wor
,e struggle tor human nghts
-c,at program will be present
Feb 1q l81 at noon ,n Lecture
no1,on St
Halt 1

Guitarist Plrforms
Sun., Feb. 15, Alex OeGrasal, guitar
virtuoso, and Rogber1 Foret. and Alber1
D'ossche, authOt'Sof "In Search of the WIid
Dulcimer" perform at file Gnu Dell Two
shows: 7 •30 and 9:30. $4.50 advance tickets,
S5 50 at the door. Tickets on sale 111Budget
Tapes anCIRecords, Olympie. and the Gnu
Dell at 111 W. Thurston Ave.



Ofyq,ia Rim
Feb 1~
science fiction ftlm f■nfuy Kurt
one of America'sleading writers
and s1oi. •hers. comblnes h,s power of mir111
wI1 anrJ ,•casm 1n this devastatingly funnv
ftlm Ve,, -~ut, ,n blending the Ideas e•·
presS(>(J several of h111most popular wnrl<ls
creates • ew character hero, Stony Stevernson, wh, ,akes us wllh him as he explores
time and ,oace after being senl aloft u the
winner o· 'he Blast Oft Space F<JOdJingle
conies· A lmtssion-St .25 for members and
$2 75- , ,n-members Showllmes 7 anc,
9 p ,,. {.,1p1talC11yStudios, 91I E 4th

Wed Feb 18, PADAE, PAOAONE. A tyra1>
ntcal tathe• forces his eon to hve In almost
total tsoIa1,on and llllte<acy The boy fights
beck. Based on autOblog,.phy of professor ot
llngutsllcs Top awards at Cannes L H 1

AB-fll1111on Sid Tech..
John Fuller, lllm prOducer and ln1tructor af
the NorCllc Mount.In Ski School, will ~I
various films on the telemlril technique that
meku downhill •-country lkllng poulbleThurs., Feb. 111at 7 p.m. REI Coop, 1ffl 111t
Ave . Seattle. FREE.

MUMUm1 on campue

Se1ect1on1from netlonally turi.d exhlblll


Museums Olympia

WashingtonState CapitolMuNums
"The Art of Persuasion." a cOlorlul and provocative display of American World War
posters. will be shown In the Museum Art
Gallery through Feb 28
The Stale Capitol Museum Is c,pen from
to--4 30 pm . Tues.-Fri . 12-4 p.m .. Sal.
Museums Portland

Guided tours of new exhlblllon1 and lnatallatlona ere offered Tues .. Thurs .. end Fri. at
2 p m The "Art Sandwiched In" a«les continues on Wednesdays with apec:lal talka beginning ,n the Ana Education/ lnfonnellon Cent..at 12:15 p.m. SChool and community groups
may make appolntmenta for guided tours
through the Education Dept ' Portland An
ASIOClallon, 12111S.W. Perk Ava., Por11end,

efllllate of 1"8 Natlonal Endowment for the
Humanllift, ii offer9d to the public wlthoul
chetge In the e«g Swann Auditorium. Beginning Feb. 15, 2 p.m. Portland An Aaeoclatlon,
12111S.W. Pw1'A¥8., Portland. Oregon.

Abllrectlona. Feb. 13-March 8. Unl,,.,..lty of

Page 12 Cooper Point Journal


on campus

8-uxArta Ball
There'• 11111
time to get your ticket, for the
an EYefgrwn tradition of fun and fentuy you
won't want to mll8. Ticket,, $4 advance, on
181eduring the noon hour In the CAB mall:
15 at the dOOf.The d811<lt1
begin• at 8 p.m. In
the CAB on Saturday. Free beer and cider will
be BYlllable.

on campus

A allde 1how and a 1peech concerning U.S.
Involvement In Et Salvador llkN pltoday
at noon In LH 3. HIIIOfY and recent _,ta
El SalvadOI"will be ~led
by Margarata
Frwund, member of The Commltt• In SOIi•
d#lty with the People of El Salvador In
The 1pNCh and alide-lhow ate meant to In-tom, the U.S. public of the atruggle by a
coelltlon of union, church -.nc1peuant orve,ilutlone to end the cumant rel)l'Nlion by tne
U.S.-beck«I junta.

The Olympia Ballroom Aaeoclatlon 1ponaora an --.Ing
of old-time clanc:lng on Sunday, February 15. Oenoee fNlur9d Include
waltz, achottlache, polka and a verlety of
mlx..-a and pattern dencel. Review ln1tructlon
will be provided. JOln the funl At the Olympia
Ballroom, Legion Way end Wuhln,;iton StrNI,
Olympia. 7 to 10 p.m. Admlulon 12


NEW METAL WOAK by graduate etudenll
from the Unl-.lty
of WMhlngton working
with IIICuity memberaJohn Mlnhell and Mery
Lee Hu. Gallery 2-open dally dul1ng lltn,y
hOura. Gallery 4-open WNl«Seya1H, wNllend11•5,

Mein Gallery: Collaboratlona by Paul Clinton, meater painter and pr.ofNeOt at Fort
SteUacoom Community Calleo-, Fat>. 4March 1, 12th and Peclflc/272-42!18. Mon.Set to--4, Sun. 12-6.

Album Project

Har1ley Program

A _,es of prognama
on "Maraden Henley
and Hie Time," funded by a grant from the
Oregon CommittN fOI"the Humanitlft, en

curatedby Jamee Sehletrand, photograc,her
and gellefy dlNCtor, Cerltral Wahington Univeralty. Jen. 24-Fet>. 22 In Qellery 4.


The C.gi•,

The E¥9111reen
Album Project plans to r►
the album In the late eprlng. KAOC will
provide a look Into the album's work with pr►
view tepee of someof 1t1 tracu and lnt..-vlews with performer1.Thia year's compoal•
Ilona cover a wide range of styles from folk to
New Muelc. Anl1t'a music will be pleye<I
dUl'ing the progrwna .-:h compoaltlon'a atyle
lite. Artlate and the rNpectlve shows on
which they appear .,. : Rich Green on Dave
Hakala'• "Crab Pincer," Feb. 13 at 1 p.m.:
John Klayman or. Chert Knight'• New fttluelc
&Mw, Feb. 21 et 7 p.m.: Mike Land on
Mlchael Huntabefger'a "Sport• for the Pollllcally Correct," Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m.: Oecar
Spldahl on StPet..-a·, "The Sexrwt Side" ,
and on Feb. 23 at 7 a.m., Cerol Howett on
Crow Gordon's Country Rock Show.

Guitar "-lro
Andree Segovia periorms In
the Opera House on Thurs., Feb. Ill, at 8 p.m
Segovia has the unique ability to recreete and
project the musical expreulon of -.1
centuries from the early vlhuellst of Spain to
such contemporary compoMfl as Frederico
Tooolle. His repertoire rangesfrom Baroque
compoMfS Bach Ind Hande1 to Alexender
Tinsman and John Duane.Tickets on sale at
The Ticket Place al the Bon Downtown and
usual suburt>en outlets

Two lludent thelllrlc:al pl'O(luetlona open on
campuathle week: "Bent," a drama by Martin
Sherman, WIii be ~led
Feb. 12 and 14;
"All My Sona," by Arthur MIiier la elated tor
performencee Feb. 13 and 15. All enow.begin
at 8 p.m. In the Ubrwy lobby. Tlcket1 - on
Nie now at the Boo41ato111
for 12.50 general or

f1 .50 lludenta and eenlOI"Citlnna.

A ~lion
COUt'N IOI"the Waahlnglon
State Real E1tate SAINman Examination, Reel
Eatate Sal• LIC911M,will be held 7-10 p.m.,
Tueedaya and TIIUl'ldaya, atartlno Feb. 17 at
Olympie TIIChnlcal Community College.
Bualneu mathernatlc1, eemeet money
prot>leme, and other pertln..-.t data related to
rNI e1tate tranaecllona will be c0¥e<ed.
FN la $30.80.
Regl1trat1on 11 being accepte<I In the regl•
trara ollloe et OTCC.

Tuesday, February 17; the Student Union
will hold en orgenlutlonal meeting In the
llbraty from 12 to 1 .

A mem011alMNlce for Lance Vllke, who
died lut week, will be held tomorrow In Ille
Lecture Hell Lounge at noon. L• Anderaon
and other friends of Lenee'• Invite anyone
acquainted with Lanoe to attend the aervlce.