

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 12 (December 4, 1980)

extracted text



Two flt'W ut uhibits, both featuring works
by Pacific NorthwHt photographers, will be
on d1spl..iy m galleries at The Evergrttn State
Colle~e November 1-30. Rqio~I
artists will
br lutu~
in ··Nrw Northwrsl Photography,'·
ii ,how curattd by Evergrttn Faculty Mtmbrr
Dr Kiri<.Thompson and opr-ning in Callery
Twn on the Sttond floor of the Evans Library
Bl.lei,. and white and color photographs will
dluqratt' four ma1or groups of imagn created
in thf' past ye,u by artists Michael Bums, who
locust-son l.irge-scalr Srattlr ;1rchilrctuft'; Ford
Gilbreath a fonntr Evergrttn staff photographer who rtCTntly completed a Seattle Arts
Cnmm1ss1on grant with his series of handcolort'J 'Bus Photographs;"
Tt'rry Totdtemt-1t'r a Portland artist who has completed a
,;ur,n t•f early Northwest bmdscai-,t' photograph) and Cuolyn Tucker. a University of
Washington gr.tdu.iite studtnt who combines
phl~t~•~r.tphyand painting in htr cft'ations.
Opt.'nlr\K in Callery Four on tM' fourth floor of
thl.' Evan~ library is a show compnSf'<I of moft'
than 40 photographs offering an Evergrttn
Retwspec11vt', of ~lections by nearly ;1
dNcn college staff. stu<M'nts and gr.1duatn.
Tht' i.'\h1b1t collt><tt>dby photoguphy tuchu
(r,uK H1cl<.m..in.will include works taken
dunn~ thl' past nine years at Evtrgrttn by st.ilff
art1~1s Ford G1lbft'.1th and Tracy Hamby, and
Ever1-1,n't'nalums Michael Cohen, Stu Tilger,
Lirrv Shhm, Rob ly.111, Dick Park, Bonnie
Moonch1ld and Muna Hanson
The Works of Edwud Steichen
Thr c .irttr of Edward Stticht'n. whn d1td ,n
1973 .u the agf' of 03, par;alle:led and to somt
e•tent H1tlut>nced.much ol the df'velopmtnt of
20th C..-ntury Amencan photography. He was
a r••rlra1llst a fashion photographer. w.ilr
st,11-life .ilnd landsc.t~ photographn Thttt· art' eumplts of illl phases of h1s
work 1n 1h,s t'll.h1b11ton,which covf'rs a 60-yeu
l'('tind Tht>nh1b11 will bt- on display Nov. 11
thn•u),lh [Je-c 21 at tht' Portl.iind Ari Assooa•
t1<'n~allt>ry 1219 SW Park Avenuf'. Portland
15(B !Zr--2811) Gallery Hours Tun -Sundays
12-5 pm
Wt"d .and Fn 12 n0t•n~IO p.m
Mun Adm1ssmn Adults $1 students
50< ~•nu,r c1t1zt"ns ilnd children under 12.
Adm1ss10n 1<- frtt
to all on Fnd.1ys.
4-\0 p rn
St.attlt Art Mus.ua,
Son~ of the Brush Jap;annt pa1nt1ngs frnm
tht' San<;(lCol!f'Ction, Asi.iln Ceramin from thf'
lnhn D Rt-ckefelltr Ill Collection Thf' txh1bi1
will br on display throul(h Novembt'r 23 at the
St"allll' Art Muwum 1n Vuluntttr P..irk (141h
East dnd Pr<>spttl. 447-4710!
Foster White Callery
1\.1,Hk Tt•bt-y Market Pnr1ra11 Skrtcht'-11-A
colkcln•n (>I ink on p.ii~r J'l(>rlr.t1tsketchn of
pE'oplr .ind lite in .and an,und lhf' Stattlt Public M.irke1 Tht> skl'tchrs .in• lrnm the nl.ilte ul
th\· late M.irk Tobey Preview
Ni,... 1J 5 30-7 30 pm
T rd R..ind Nt"w Watf'rn•lors Tht· S.iin lu..1n
lsl,mJ,; Prt'v1t'w Thursday. NPv 13 5 307 "1 pm
R0th t'l:h1b1t!>will bl' nn d1splo1y thn•ui<h
f>t-cf'mbf'r l Gallery Hours Mon -S.11 105 \<' i:i m Sun n,-.,n-5 p.m (311 1 2 O..n~·nt.11 Ave South. St>.11tlt"l622-2.83J)
Crttnwood CaUer~
l,rnt't L.iurel Wl,rd,; -,nd lma!(t'S An Exh1b1111inc,I Sumi rainlln): TM f'llh1b1t w,11be on
,J1,;pl.1vthrough N,,v 20 Tht- ~Uery 1slcoc.itt-d
ao Ye<-lt'r Wdy P1nrlt't'r $quart• Sunlr
!o8Z 8900


Whale Muteum-Friday
The Whille Museum will premitr November
28 a m.1ior ar1 show by Thomas Mtthan.
entitled, "Visions-Songs and Sounds of the
A n..1hve Philadelphian. Mc-than has spent
tht last two to thrtt ytars giving imagery to
humpback_ whale sounds in pastels and oils.
Mr Meehan has bttn t'Jthibitrd aicross the
country in such galltrit'S .ts tht' Boston Museum of Fint' Arts and tht Otnver Art Museum,
including one-m.1n shows in lht' Ptnnsylv.1nia
Academy of Fine Aris, tht California Palace
of Legion of Honor. and other promintnt art
centtr. According to Dr. Rogtr Paynt, the
d,snwerer of humpback whale songs, ··ont of
their best mttrpreltrs
has bt"come Tom
Mtthan Tht' result 1s beilutiful, 1ntnguing .ilnd
The Whale Museum 1s located in Fnday
Harbor, Washington, and is open daily from
10-5 p.m .. except Tuesdays. The address is
The Whalt Museum. P.O. Bo1t 1154, Fridaiy
Harbor. WA 98250; phone 378-4710.


rriday Nlte Films
Fnd.iiy, Nov 21-How I Won tht War (G
Britain, 1967, 111 minutes) Directed by
l~1<h.1rdLrsltr, starring John Lennon, Michul
(rawford, Roy Kmnear A surrulistic satire
11! war and Hollywood war films. lt'!iter
twho s crtd1ts 1ncludt a Hard Daiy1 Night,
Pelulia. The Thrtt Mushtttn),
is ii m.astt'r of
visual ~1mm1cb .1nd 1f his films mtan lilllt',
they rt' at least a gas to watch Lennon's bnt
n:•v1ewof his ~rlnrm,11nct' was "adequate·• but
who cart>S, he", J,,hn lt'nnon. Plus! D.iiffy
Duck 1n Ora!ttt Daffy
The ErlL Monday Nitt Film and S~aker
St-nes prt>Sents ''Ta lung Back Ottro1t," ,1 film
Jtx•ut soc,alist!I 1n tht' Motor City's municip,1]
i,:11vernmrnt and courts Tht film focuses on
tht· nr~.1n,zalional f'fforts involved lo ele-ct tht
and on thf" ch.iinges thnt olficials .tre
ablt> 111eftt'Ct. This i!I an important film for
anyunl.' interl"Sled in working through the electoral system in ordtr lo product' a progrnsive
chankt'. Mon. Nov. 24 .ti 7:30 p.m. and
Tut'S .. N1•v 25. at noon. FREE!
Academic Film Serin
Wf'dnes<lay. Nov 2.6. A pr't'viously un•
.inm•unceJ Thanks~iving spttial-tht
lalHI by
tht- i,:rt>al Gt'rm.1n Nrw WaviP dil"IP'("lor,T.
Euk-nspit.·i<t'I·81.ank Scrffning: A Film of Inner
Visio~ from Cffmany. S.1mutl Bttkttt h1tlped
w11h th.- SCTN'nplay. John C,1~ worktd on the
mu,1c D1flilul1 movie, but rtw;1rd1ng if
15 uSf'd. lecture Hall I 0:30 p.m.
.inti 7 30 p m FREE I
Fdm on Alaska
An aw.;ard-winninK film. Al.uka: A Land in
Balilnce. will bt shown Wednnday. Novtmbt'r
10. .is parl of .ii ~enerill mttting of tht' S1trra
Uub, .-...•1h• bti,:in al 7:30 p.m. in Rr,om 110
uj 1ht• tolll'Kt' Act1vilirs Building at Thf' Evf'r•
>:n...·n St.ill· Cnllt~,·
Tht· m"vn-. which t,11,I,. thrtt ytars tu compl1•1t·.w1•n 1he Columbus Film Fntival Bronu
Aw.1rJ Jnd the lntt>rn.iilllina1 Film ..ind Ttlev1,1tin Fl-..11valA.w.1rd fnr its ;ab1lily to. say
tr1t11, M"ns111vt'ly..ind pt!E'tlc-,lly pt>rtray the
1',pt't11'nH' ,11 Al.i-.1<..i
• Adm1ssi1,n is frff and
••rot:n It• tht• publ1l


S..attk Reportory Thulrf'
Stmkr The Sh,ry r,f a Hurw·· A WHt
( ,•.1~1prl'm1t'rt' at the Seattlt' Rt"pertory tht'illf'r
(225 Mern•,, St-Jttl«-l Thf' pl..iy w,11 bto pl'f1,•rlllt'J thr.•u.:h N1•v 16 fr,r IKkf't inform.t•
l1t•n .inJ ,h,,w llmM c.ill 447-47b4.

Afttr two vt'ry suCCHSful concerts, "Opus
One" continues with the third in ii srrin of
music programs, Sunday, 2 p. m., November
23. at Washington Hall PerformanCT Gallery,
153 14th Avenue at Fir Strttt. "Opus Ont ..
providts an inlomuil setting for performance
of new compotitions by Northwtsl compo&ers.
November's program will featuft' premit'-rtS
of "Suitt for Piano." "'A Trip to 1hr Zoo" forclarinet. sax. and piano, and "Music for Cello
and Piano" by DavKI Jonn. with TettA
Brown, cellist. "Timtmotion" for solo piano,
by Jason Wtil, nottd Seallle jazz pi.1nist is a
new work b.1sed on tht evolution of tht
tltments of ;au, including blun, ragtime, bop,
;and free. Mark Filler will ~rfonn his own
p1ttes ..Candltlight" and 'Walk in the Wind'.
on dukimu.
as well as music for tongue
drums. Finally, on the program is music by Ed
Hartman, including ..Prelude and Allegro .. and
''Two P.trt invention" for harpischord along
with some vrry new music for synthesizer and
tape recordtr, including "8attle of the Otlirious V;acuum Cle;anen" and "A Orivt in the
Woods with Bud Siblty Greeting Card
Gencnl admission tickets for "Opus Ont"
d!'f' S2 and art avail.1blt .ti the door. for fur·
ther inform;ation call 282-9013 or 325-9949.

Saturday, Nov. 22-Larry Hank, and Laura
Smith (S2.50) fresh from a tour of England
with new experiences. taln and songs, thne
AJ favorilrs pe.rfonn an exciting variety which
includes historical, funny, country, old ti~
songs. and pop mu1ic from tht JO's and 40'1,
Urry Is known ,1II ovu tht United States for
his dttp, rich voice ,1nd his virtuosity on. tht
~w·s harp. Laura plays a delightful stylt of
oldtimt banjo and sings b.aritont harmonin in
one of the most um.»uaJ butJovrly voul duets
in folk music today.
S.1turcby, Nov. 29-Kenny Hall and Long
Haul (SJ). Kenny Hall is a world rmowftt'O
mandolinist .and fiddle playu who is saKI to be
to Old Time M.1ndolin what Bill Monrot is to


Stud1tnt Recital
John Ad.iims, .ii classical guitarist enrolled
in music studies at Tht Evergrttn State Col-•
legt-, will prHent a solo ttci1.1I Monday,
November" 24. beginning al 7:30 p.m. in the
Recit;al Hall of tht Communications Building
,11 Tht Evergreen Statt College Adams. a
S.att~ sophomo~ ail Evrrgrttn,
has bttn
studying classk.a1 guitar for the put 12 yun.
H,·npresent a repertoi~ of composition, by
B.ach, Albmty, Villa-Loba1, Sor, Norvaey,
and L.trreg.il in his Monday evtning concert,
which is frtt and open to the public.



Olympia, Rim Society
The Olympia film Sodtty. a community
supported non-profit cultural and educational
,1 scrttning of ..Tht
Magnific1tnt Ambersons." on Sunday, November 23. DirKled, and first released in 1942 by
the lt'gtncbry Orson Welles, the film is lauded
by tn.ilny film critics u Welles' •·re.11mastn-piece .. The original vrnion. nrver ~leastd to
thf' public, had 30 minutes cut from it (without
Wttln' ~rmiuion)
by film company Ut'CU·
lives as being loo controvtnial.
Its acclaim,
whK"h Mver re.tehed the magnilude of comm('rcial succe-ss of Welles' earlier film, "CiliJ:en
Kane,'· rt>Stson its complex lament for a byl(Oflt' pt"riod of Arrwric.an history and for the
v.ilues bound up in that era.
A limeless American mastrrpitte, it featu~
such st.1n as; Joseph Collon, Ann Baxter.
AK~ Mootthead and Tim Holt.
Show limn .are al 7 ,1:nd 9 p.m. al tht'
t.iip11ol City Studioa, 911 E. 4th, Olympia
ibetwttn Pt..1r .1nd Quince Streets). For mort'
iofnrmat,on call 754-6670 wttkdays 10 a,,m.•
4 p.m

Dav• Brodff Speaks at Evergrttn
Moncby, D«. 1, David Broder. a nationally
syndkated columnist for the Washington Poat,
will prHrnl a frtt public addrns In the library
al Evergrttn, btginning .ti 8 p.m. Broder wlll
.iiddtns tht "media and its influm« on publk



T rib.I Zomblism
S.iturday. Nov. 22-Btnrfit
Dann for
KA()5 t Featuring: Customer Sttvict, John
foslf'r ..ind Tiny Holes. Only S2 (1Ubscribrrn,
Sil Doors op,f'n at 8:30 p.m. Musk at 9 p.m.
4th noor of tht library.
Olympl.a Ballroom
Theft' will be .a program of Appalachian Big
Circle Dancing at the Olympia Ballroom on
Saturday. Novembt'r 22, bqinnina at 8 p.m.
R,,n Mickelberry of Seatde will be the callrr.
Ud, dance will be taught; no previous dancini< nperit'nce is ne<nNry. The daOCfl are
..,mple and ii lot of fun! Tht cost will be SJ
ptr person For those intttnlt'd there will brr
.in ahf'rnoon work.shop on calling Big Circle
Jancn. This will also takt pbce on Saturday,
November 2.2. al IM' Olympia Ballroom. The
cost will be S4. TM Olympla Ballroom is
located at Legion Way and Wash.ifll;IOn Slrttl,
in tM' formrr Hottl Olympian. For mott inform..ihon, call Al W~nn,



A group of mtn will mttt Wednaday, Nov.
26, al 6:30 p.m. in Lounge 3500 for an open
discuKion on Masculinity. Come share your
frN Worlullopsby and for Cay Mffl
Sunday, Nov. 23-S-7 p.m.: Mov.nwnt,
CAB 110. For moft' Information call 866-o544.
Next workshop on Mass.ag,eOea,mber 7 and 14.

Sola, EM<IY ANOclotion
Thursday, Nov. 20 (7 p.m.-Solar OutnYCh
Speaken Bu~au mttttna: Anyone lntrrnted
in giving prnent.aUons and/or slide shows in
the name of SoPuSoSu or Solar Outreach,
come to this organizational rn,eeting. for mort
information call the Solar Outreach Cmttr,
Lobbyina Werbhop
Nov. 22-This
Saturday the
Lea~IP of WorMn Votrn, the St«na Club and
the WEC a~ sponsorina a FREE legislatin
workshop. TM morning anaion, It'd by luue
experts and politW:al party ~aden, will preview the imporunt issues of the 1981 lqifla,tivr snaion: Rfl>rganWng the Energy Offic't';
rnlricling urban sprawl; funding the Department of Camt and praerving wildlife and
lhreaitmt'd txosyslems. The a(temoon workshops will brr the study of sp«ific: ~islation
or diffffe:nt aspects of lobbyi03. The p~m
will ~n
at 9:JO a.m. in Room 431 of the
House OffiCT Building on thr Capitol campus .
Bring a brown bag lunch.
BHwtng Woruhop
The Brandywine Landtru1t will sponsor a
workshop on the homtbttwing
of beer on
Silt., Nov.22, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admis1.1onis 53 and includts a bottle of b~.
Potluck lunch will follow. Bnndywine is located
at 4045 36th Ave .. in Olympia.


9. No. 12


JournalistHalls Changingof the Guard
By Roger Stritmatter

Political journalist David Broder told
an overflow crowd in the Recital Hall
Monday evening that only a vigilant
public and a self-regulated press can im·
prove the quality of news coverage in
America. Broder, a veteran political
writer and nationally syndicated columnist for the Washington Post, spoke for
about a half-hour and fielded questions
for nearly twice as long from the audience
of mostly middle-aged, non-students. An
additional 60 persons viewed the lecture
through closed circuit video.
Broder's rl"SOunding theme was that.
although the press has abused its First
Amendment privileges in the _past, and will
almost certainly continue to do so in the
future, the solution to this abuse is not to
abrogate the free press, Rather, the
public must increase its standards and
powers of discrimfoation, and use the
economic and political leverage available
to force more responsible reporting. He
seemed opt.imistk about the outcome of
such a process, and pointed out that the
Washington Post now has an ombudsman
to handle citiz.e:ncomplaints.
lbe founding fat~ .... Broder said,
made a very deliberate decision not to
"write into the Constitution a concept of
the press based on the notion of public

utility.•· Instead, he said. they chose to
leave it free of public regulation. "The
decision." he concluded, "was a very well
considered one."
A longtime political acquaintance and
personal friend of Dan Evans, Broder
appeared as a keynote speaker for the
1st annual Fall Symposium sponsored by
the Evergreen Foundation in cooperation
with the Office of Development and
the academic deans. The Evergreen
Foundation is a trust fund of monies
donated to the college and controlled
through the Office of Development. Colle2e Relations Director Chuck FoWJer b&id

"How," faculty member Rainier Hassenlab asked, "could such a small shortfall
have such an effect on the community?
Forty-three thousand dollars out of a $23
million dollar budget is not very much.'"
One example of the magnitude of the
community's reaction to the R.l.F.s can be
seen in the support for Robinson and
West expressed in a petition circulated
.tmong staff and faculty the day after the
106 eliminations were announced. This
petition. addressed lo President Evans,
was signed by 180 individuals in the
course of two days. The petition was one
of the main reasons why Richard Schwartz
decided to hold the R.I.F.s in abeyanct>
for a week of review.
What the petition said, in part, was
that "the elimination of these positions
has already caused a demoralization
.among all members of the college community which will be difficult to reverse. If
the dec1s1ons are not reversed. everyone's
"-t'nse of fair play and faith in the institution will be severely affected."
Another direct effect of the R.I.F.s was
a lunch time c;taff meeting on October Jl
m which a speaker from the stale employees union fielded questions aboul
unU,niz.ation at the college. Richard
Ne-,bitt. in announcing the meeting in the
Newslettrr. referred to the belief among

Dave Wallbom: "I very carefully reviewed the entire
budget and recognized the only way we could give the
percentage would be personnel cuts. I made the
decision to take those cuts in the areas I felt would be
most easily accomplished by the sharing of that job
function, and which would have the best overall effect
on the college."
Evergreeners that they were working in
"an atmosphere of fear" due to th~
West and Robinson both feel the staff
should unionize. "At least a union makes
them think twice about something like
that," Robinson said in refer~nce to the
job elimination.
Some faculty members exprHSed the
opinion that one effect has been a weakening of the idea of an Evergrttn community. Marilyn Frasca said that there
"should be more community sense of
what's happenin~ in the lives of the
people involved'' -in this caSf', "Kristi
was sudcknly gone. Hassentab noted that
becau~ of the gloomy state of the economy "community and a sense of collectivt>sharing are all that much more important in these difficult times," Ha~tab

also thought the whole issue came down
to a question about the "procns of
d«ision-making." He said the recent
R.I.F.s show that decision-making power
·'is not vested in the community, but in
the Presidency."

Administrators involved in the R.l.F.
decision stressed the regret with which
they approached the cuts in ptt10nnel.
Richard Schwartz likened it to a "no-win
situation," while Rita Cooper said, "Can
you imagine having to RIF Kris? It's gross.
And all of a sudden, after ten years,
Dave's gone-play that scenario over in
your sleep."
But Cooper also felt that "there's bttn
a disproportionate reaction to unfairness"
of the R.l.F.s in the community. She said
that such a reaction "didn't hapPffl in the
past with Jerry Cook or Mary Lou Rizloff.

It didn't happen with anyone else (previ•
ously)." The Director of Penonnel Wfflt
on to say that she thought "people lose
track of the fact that we have the sixth
largest payroll in the county, and it's big
Philosophically, Cooper said, Dave
Wallbom did the right thing by e(jmJnating administraton ovtt lower-paid people
in Grounds or Maintenance.
When asked whether he though "everyone's sense of fair play" had bttn aff~ted
by the R.I.F.1, Schwartz replied that
"people had to understand the rnsoning
behind the decision. The petition was set
up by people who were undel'llanclably
upset. The reason for the week of review
was so the community would have a Wttio..
to hear all the facts, gather information .... From all subsequent response, I
feel that, although the community was
not happy about the decision, they now
had the facts ... I think (the fact that)
lhe info was gathered and disseminated
was helpful to the community in undttstanding the situation, People were hurt.
There was no way to avoid it."
On one point. however, administrators,
staff, and faculty were .in agreement: the
emergence of a fiscally conservative legislature, a Republican governor. and
rumors of budget cutbacks of up to 12 %
in the near future, all point to difficult,
and painful decisions that Evergreen must
face in the lean y~ars ahead,

that the Fall Symposium was conceived as
an annual event lo bring dyna~ic
speakers to the Evergreen campus to discuss timely issues which may be of general
interest to students in major academic
areas in the college, as well as members of
the Olympia Community and benfactors
and alumni of the school. In this case,
Broder's expertise in the role of media in
the political process was of special interest
in the aftermath of the recent elections.
In addition to Monday's public address,
Broder appeared Tuesday morning in a
panel discussion for the benefit of students
in l"olitiail Ec-onc,my'1ttd other politics: or

media-related courses. About 150 students
were on hand for that exchange.
Broder's bestselling new book, Changing of the Guard: Power and Leade,shiµ
in America was both praised and challenged by fellow panelists Tom Rainey
ITESC). Jeanne Hahn ITESC). and Hubert
Locke (Vice-President for Academic
Affairs, U of W) and Dan Evans. The
book examines the impact of generational
shifts now taking place in the American
During the Tuesday session, Broder said
he was not particularly pessimistic about
the ability of the American public and
institutions to meet the challenges of thtlQ80'c;."Basically." he said ·Tm optimistic about the people who are now takmg
the reins of government .. Other panelists
particularly Hubert Lockt>, were not c.o
Broder attributed the success of con-.c'rvative Republicans m the recent electam to a rejection of the failed economic
policies of the Carte~ administration and
the "overriding fact that. for most working families, the rt>alstandard of livmg
h,1!,declined 7%-8% in the last four
y('MS" He rejected the suggestion that tht>
results of tht>election represent a whtm of
the middle-class electoratt>.
Broder's remarks were recorded on
video for the library arChives and may be
availdble for viewing .



4, 1980

& IIP~6 T
By Brad Shannon
The cheery news that ordinarily spills
out of President Datt Evan's office may
soon tum as gloomy as the winter sky.
The Washington State L,gislature may cut
appropriations for ,econda.ry education in
order to meet a projected $900 million
revenue shortfall for the coming bienniurtt.
If this happens, many of the Evergreen
administration's future plans may collapse. For, as the flow of dollan slows to
a trickle, all of Evergrttr,'1 plans call for
A glance at state budget peruntages

shows why secondary education will
pcobably suffer when the legislatl\tt convenes In January. Of all state expenditures, 16'1&-17'11,
go to secondary education compared to ovn 45 'II, for primary
education, about 23'11,for the Department
of Social and Health Servicn, and about
8 'I&for genmol government expemes.
Though primary education appea,.. to
I><,th~ obviou, tarpt, one mu.st recall that
the Basic Education Act of 1977 both
defined b.osic
education and mandated
that the state provide full funding. Not
only would a major law have to be

amended in order to cut much money in
this department; but Senator James
McDermott, one bf the main forces
b<,hind the Education Act. will probably
chair the Appropriations Committee this
winter. It is doubtful that he would support any cuts that would undermine the
program he fought so hard to establish.
The declining quality of Washington's
mental htalth and prison systems will
probably prevent cuts in the DSHS
budget either. As it is, state mental health
hQSpitals have turned away patients, and
state prisons are so overcrowded that
efforts have already bttn made to establish another maximum security prison. \
Thus, secondary education stands next
in a line of large budget allocations which
the Legislature can cut rather than go in
debt or raise taxes. The two latter choices
are politically unpopular.
Meanwhile, plans at Evergreen run
directly against the grain of evfflts. trends
and expectations. In an era when enrollment at collqn and universities is decreasing nation;illy, enrollment at TESC
has grown over the last two years, and
the school plans~o i
ase enrollment
until it reaches the
4.000 full-time
students. The 19
Marketing Plan
describes various new recruiting programs
and techniques to be implrmented. and
stal'es that the school aims to expand its
academic offerings.
Even an intercollegiate sports program
composed of 17 sports will I><,phased in
over the next seven years, money permitting. Pete Steilb<,rg, director of the Rec
Center, is responsible for 'implementing
this plan. Steilb<,rg noted that the sports
plan at Evergnen is very unusual at a
time when most unjversities and colleges
have cut back on intercollegiate athletics.
Nevertheless, the expansion of sports at
TESC comn dittctly upon recommendations by the Board of Trustees and the
Council for Post-secondary Education.
Both groups expect that a sports program
will improve Eve:{gfftn's image in the
community and draw more enrollment.
In addition, the Operating Budget
Request for 1981-113outlinei a plan to
implemtnt two more graduate programs

with expectations for a fourth by the
1982-83 school year. (First is Public
Administration; second is Environment
and Energy Studies; third is Human
Servict-s; and the fourth is yet unnamed
Plans also include three new adult outreach centers in southwest Washington
and expansion of the Vanc0uver Outreach
dClivities. According to 1h1!tbudgt>t document. expansion plans will be delayed one
year if the Legislaturt> does not apprnpri
ate funds this winter.
The Operating Budget Request include,;;
proJections for enrollment through 198283 when 2,975 students are expected to
enroll. This document blames a lack of
funding: for current underenrollment. Les
Eldridge, direclor of the office of Community Relations, chorused this complaint
two ~eeks ago when he discussed the lack
of funds for a gymnasium, a request made
by the school since 1972. "One of the
lacks here has been the absence of social
space, the lack of extracurricular activity . the lack of a gymnasium. You can't
gather more than 500 people in one spot
(on c.tmpus)-it's impossible." he said.
The administration hopes that larger
events will attract more people from local
communities, thus improving Evergrttn c.
local image and increasing the flow of
incoming students.
This winter, Evergreen will make a
number of large capital budget requests
totalling more than $6. 7 million, includin~
more than $4 million for the proposed
gymnasium. A request for $462,000 to replace the leaky library roof heads the list.
Other funds would go to fix the roof on
lhe Seminar buiJding, to complett> Phase II
of the Rec field (which may remain without turf or drainage for a while), to meet
ventilation codes in the Seminar building,
and to overhaul the Library building heating s_ystem. Only one of these/equests,
the hbrary roof. is a "shoe-in, according
to Mike Bigelow of the Capital Budget


The operating budget sanario does not
appear any better. Seventy-two percent of
this budget goes for faculty and Jaci-lities
salaries, so very little can be t"l.11 without
continued to page

'NORMAN NoRMLE, fQmous epllJ)ttnist-

fo.,.. ~ Wa$/,,Mqfon S-tt:Cl'jsrof<eatEver41reLt1½tis -ru~sdao/.

Tl/f. TRUTH Hv,tr'S.


Dear Sirs Ms 's,
On behalf of myself and my close
l'-PTTll' might say too close) friend Peter


'. would


like to say a very

to CPJ editor

Dav1<; as she pr('pares

to return

to her

bdllved Wisconsin, ending a truly dist1n~u1-.hed career on the Journal, a
papt'r which I have heard referred to
as The Harvard Crimson of the West."
I have so many fond memories of
Kathy's tenure (which we staff insiders
lau~hmgly call "the reign of terror")
"'-.ithy show1n~ off her stunning collect1lin ol whip'> and leather boots; Kathy
rt•drcorat1ng the CPJ office in "Art
Deu," Kathy chaining Ken Sternberg
11, a typewriter-how
could we ever
f or~et t heSt>1
Kathy',;, guide to Olympia drinking
('<.tablishments IA directory which she
otten described as ··a labor of love")
ha, helped me through many lonely
night">.Her unernng instinct for news.
her concern for the downtrodden and
oppressed and her total disregard for
the laws of slander and libel have
proved an inspiration to the CPJ staff
that 1s only rivaled {but not surpassed)
by '"The National
"Hustler" magazine. Kathy is truly a
woman for all seasons (pe-rsonally I
prefer her with garlic and a pinch of
In any case, I am sure that everyone
on the CPJ staff will join me in wishing
Kathy Davis all the best in her future
career as newspaper editor and interior
Bill Mont•gu•

Kathy Davis
Auod.ate Ed.Jton
Theresa Connor
Roger Stritmatter
Miriam Lewis
Brad Shannon

To the EditorTo those of you who seem to feel it
necessary lo "stir me up" for Jesus-It
seems ridiculous lo me, to think that a
teacher who lived two thousand years
ago could "love" rne. Indeed, Jesus of
Nazareth was a fine teacher-his words
about love, humility, patience, hypocrisy, etc., were strong enough to be
writte~ down and kept all this time.
He must have had charisma, and
wisdom I would not argue against a
hypothesis stating he was one of the
most influential people in history.
But. let's face it kids-he's
He's been dead for an awfully long
time. You all sound like the star-struck
teenyboppers I used to know who lived
for the likes of Donny Osmond or
David Cassidy. They, too, tried to
convince me to join them in their inf at uat ion. I don't know-perhaps
there's safety in numbers-mass
delusions are more easily passed off as
realities. At least Donny was alive,
though, if a bit inaccessible.
Having a crush on a dead man
frankly smacks of necrophelia. Sure,
read the apostles, respect the great
teacher th.i.t was, be thankful that
records were kept and we can know
something of ancient thought through
the teachings of a great man that once
lived. But let's not get strung out, huh1
Lffli• ~n

Snowballs In H•ll: K,n St•mberg, Bill
Montague. Pat d<sChene, Phillip Everling, Victor Cummings, Steven Grant.
Lynn Patterson,
John Bic-kelhaupt.
Jessica Treat. Norm Normie and the
undaunted Shirley Grttne.

Product.ion Maruiger
Victoria Mixon

Art Director
Craig Bartlett
Businns M_;.agu
Karen Berryman
Advertltlna Managu

Richard Ordos
Photograph,r/ Ad design
Bill Livingston

T~ Cooper Point Journ.l 11 publishftt Wftkly
for tM .tudmts, fKUlty and staff of The Evrrgnem State Collqe. Vi~ exprnsed are not
rwc:ns.arily those of tM Collqe or of tM
Journal', 1taff. Advmil.ingm.atniaJ contained
herrin don not imply endorwrnmt by this
rwwspaptt. Offta'I are located In the Collep
Activiltn Building.CAB104. Phor.t: 166-6213.
All let:ten to the editor, announttmmts, and
art, and eVfflll itffl\l muat be rtt:eivtd by noon
Tunday for that Wffll'spublication.All utk:ln
are due by 5 p.m. Friday for publkaOon tht
following Wfflt. All contributions ml.DC bt
...-1, typ<d, doublMpoacl and of naonablc
Length, Nafflft wiU bt withheld oc, ~ual.
The ed.iton raavt
tht ript to ~ matnial
u.d to edit any c:ontrfbuUona for Jmsth.~
lfflt. and ttylie

To: Editor, Coope-r Point Journal
Just a couple of footnotes to your
article on Kris Robinson and Dave
Ybu might have noted the irony of
''Dreamers and Schemers" advertise-ment in last week's newsletter which
listed both Kris and Dave as persons
you could vote for as your favorite
dreamer or schemer. Kris was listed as
the fourth person hired by Th, Ever•
green State College who is/was still
employed by the institution.
You might have noted some of Kris'
and Dave's contributions to the college.
For example, it was at Kris' request
(and with her organizational help) that
an academic program was first designed around the needs· of staff persons. Her persistence and the academic
response to it enabled Kris and many
other staff to take advantage of the
college as an institution of learning
(not just a business) and in several
instances complete degrees. Kris herself, under previous administrations,
was encouraged to upgrade her skills
and complete an Evergreen degree.
This community is notorious for
reacting to unfairness, contrary to Ms.
Cooper's information. In point of fact.
many faculty were outraged by Jerry
Cook's treatment and took public positions similar to those taken in this
instance. At least Ms. Cooper acknowledges that this is an example of unfairness. This comment by Cooper echoes
one by President Evans in a letter to
Ranier Hasenstab. He suggested that if
several maintenance or grounds positions had been eliminated (instead of
the middle management) probably no
one would have objected. Both of these
comments question the sincerity, even
the motivations of the protest. They
attempt to sidestep the issue by rt--stating it: not, "why are these people
being RIF'd, these positions being
eliminatOO," but "you haven't protested
other instances of RIF/you probably
wouldn't protest other instances. therefore your protest of this instance is
illegitimate." (As if our consistency in
calling certain actions unfair would
somehow legitimize us in the eyes of
administration!) In many ways, administration seems to be urging unionization which ideally would handle all
abuses of administrative prerogative
The fact that we have the sixth
biggest payroll in the county is no
excuse for unfair administrative procedures. Should persons be less sensitive to their fellow workers as their
organizations increase in siu1 Such
seems lo be the gist of Ms. Cooper's
In reply to Mr. Schwartz: silen« in
this instance should not be construed
as acquiescence or even "understanding." The "information"
that was
"gathered and dissemin•ted" did noth•
ing more in my opinion than to confirm the contention of many that there
is nothing one can do here to influence
the d«ision-making pf0Cf!$$.There is a
sense of futility and cynicism stalking
the institution around this issue and
some stdf understandably
are not
eager to engage in further protest for
fear of repercussions (not unrealistic in
lo~ of projKted budg•t cuts). Thos,
of us who continue to confuse the
humanistic/liberal theory of Evergreen
with practice of its administrators (to
quote Cooper, "It's big business.")
seem destined to be disturbed time and
again. Occasionally. the breach of trust
is so outrageous as to demand action
(such as in this case}.
Unionization or similar organization
by workers with continuing investigation of management practices as they
effect workers (rather than alter a RI&
and in the emotional climate thus
created) is, in my opinion, the only
chance persons have of protecting
themselves. The humanists on our
£.acuity are correct in abhorring the
lack of "truat." "community,"
"sharing" in these gloomy economic
a.nd politial tima. But big bulinna
and its managers are notoriously unint<rnted in these valu... Unfortu•
nately it is in this context in which

other decisions which similarly effect
the morale of the "community" are
made (such as condoning the presence
of undercover agents on the campus).
'We" want community, shared decision-making, and trust; "they" decide
on the basis of efficiency and expediency though a few may be regrettably
hurt in the process.
Faced with larger cutbacks. I suggest
we all study the Robinson-West story
Lynn 0. Patterson
Member of the Faculty

To the Editor,
T od..y I received th• y•ar-..nd report
from the pn,sident of Sierra Club. A.
it usually includes a request for contributions to support lobbyins •nd
l•gal strugglH, I sadly op•n•d it,
knowing th• st•t• of my budget and
wanting so badly to be abl• to assist
the club lhat repraents to me the most
effective and efficient group working in
America to protect our environment.
(You know, the environment we're
supposed to live in, not off of.) Indeed,
the letter did ask for donations. It
stated that at this time, SC's financial
reserves are nearly exhausted-not
somethins they say every time they
need funds. I have never heard that in
the nine years I've been a member.
The letter sumq,arized the environmental situation we now face. It stated
that w• can expect a fight by industry
in favor of anti-regulation under the
premise that "reindustrialization" will
revitalize this country. Industrial interests will attempt to lay the blame for
our present plight on environmentalists. This year, industry donated twice
as much money ($25 million) to the
election campaigns as they did in '78.
Also. the "Lame Ducks" in Congn,55
will be vulnerable to pressures from
industry who can offer them future
jobs. When the new Congress meets,
the Clean Air Act ·will be up for reauthorization, The battle for the environment will not be easily won.
One way I have found to support
the Sierra Club is to ask my father to
make a donation to them in lieu of my
Cnristmas present. What better gift
than helping to protect the planet I live
on 1 l am writing this letter with hope
that others will give this idea some
consideration. Now.
Betsie DeWreede


To the Editor:
There is a continuing conflict over
early morning noise between the
possiv• subjKts (th• minority) and th•
rodical Iring• subjects (th• majority).
Many of our subjects own guitan with
•mpliffon and stenos (60-w•tts and
•bov•l. Whm w• decide to pl•y our
instruments, we get complaints from
the next floor up and our own floor. I
can 1tt where a lot of people would
think th•t loud music would not be
conducive to studying; this, however.
is not the case on Seventhflooropia.
We function at our best when the
music is loud, the coffee is hot and the
houn late. I myself enjoy the atmosphere as such and can get a lot of
studying done in this fl'.'anner,
I realize that Housing does a fine
job, how,ver. I Ettl that • solution
directly n,l•ted to Housing is needed.
Considering that a majority of the
complaints come from the Eighth Aoor,
I would suggest that some time in the
near future Housing move the "quiet
floors" eight through ten to four
through six, t~by
•ll•vi•ting th•
problem of driftins noise. In •dditlon
to th••• Housing should tal« doter
lookt at the prmm,~
boxn on th•
Houslng Contracts in order to place
people with 1imilar tast ...
Hopefully, in th• futun,, som• oolutlon to thil problem will be reached. In
the meantime,
tempers clash and
people are alima.ted from one another.



To the Editor:
There is a situation now brewing at
Evergreen that the student body must
be informed of, and participate in.
This is the planning and design for
additional campus housing.
The plan (according to impeccably
reliable sources) calls for the construction of enough units to house 600 beds,
at the rate of 100 per year. Construction is to begin next April. A private
contractor will be commissioned to
design the master plan, which is expected to be finalized later this month
(when most students ar-e away on
break). Price lag for the plan is about
This seems to me a rather underhanded, dirty way to sidestep community participation
and feedback.
Why not invite the various planning
and design programs (Energy Systems,
Evergreen Master Plan. etc.) to submit
suggestions and plans for the project1
One of the possible sites has many
mature cedar trees growing there. Once
the master plan is written by the contractor, it's treated as gospel. That is,
the gospel according to Dave Wallbom
and Facilities.
Do you want to have a voice in
what goes on here1 Then call. write. or
otherwise utter your opinions to Dan
Evans, Dave Wallbom and Ken Jacob
regarding the additional housing now
I think that an interdisciplinary
school should integrate its philosophy
into the way it implements change and
growth. Such integration has been
pathetically absent for a long time. The
potential benefits of having student
and planning in this
project are astronomically high.
A proud citizen,
Ken Sternberg

130 cR,f,r,


To O.an Shacklett ,
W,11Dean. it looks lik• th•y let you
loose with a typewriter again. Don't
you think that you've given Evergreen
enough grief in your paper7 And Iran,
too. Boy you really told them what's
what. We hope for their sa~~J'hat they
let those hostages go b1,-rore you
trounce them with another one of your
scoldings. P.S, We can't help but wonder how your reporter saw the Seventhflooropian shrug when the whole
interview was conducted over the
phone. Tell us-does
she look like
Clark Kentl

Editor, The Cooper Point Journal:
Anyway you look at it, you're
R. J. Zidalis

Thanks for such constructive criticism,
R. /. -Ed.

To the CPJ. Corporal Bennett, the
vandals from the 5th floor, the
Daily 0, and the United States,
There's no stopping the cretins from

Dear Editor,
ll may be that we are doomed, that
there is no hope for any of us. But if
that is so, then let us set an antagonizing. bloodcurdling howl, a sc.reech of
defiance, a war hoop. Away with
lamentations. Away with elegies ,md
dirges. Away with biographies and
h1c;tories, libranes and museums. Let
the dead eat the dead. Let us living
ones dance about the rim of the
last expiring dance, but a
Posthumously yours.

To Dave Wallbom:
Hi Dave. I k.now you're there because I can hear you breathing. It was
a nice gesture to agree (last spring) to
post a map in the CAB showing where
Facilities had sprayed herbicides. Only
thing is: where's the map1 Also, perhaps West and Robinson could have
been spared if you'd axed your herbicide spraying and stopped buying all
that "wasteful stuff."
To the CAB Vending Machines:
I know you're battle scarred from
everyone hitting you up for money.
but you are a problem. Since you
mainly push your empty calones off to
high schoolers, don't you thml.. vou
should be there 1n:itead of here?
To the CAB TV Watchers:
Real sorry they hlClk the <..able 00
you think that if \ llU all met at nfl,1n
Ill discuss ynur problemc; that 11 mav
be 1us1as traK•c as those soaps?
lsn·1 real hit' St•apy enou~h7
To Everg.rttn's Lustodial Staff:
Don't let I he bigwigs get you d,wm
We know who REALLY runs this
place, and what would happen if they
qull. How would Dan, Byron, and
Dave look in green shirts1






By Lynn 8. P•tt•rson

h seems to me there has been much
talk about and justification offered of
the recent presence of undercover
agents on this campµs but littl• public
discussion of the central and fundamental issues which deserve some
In this soci•ty perh•ps w,, hav• become inuttd to the persistent and
SftlJ\inaly justi&bl• •ttaclu on our
(and constitutionally
suuani-1>frttdoms. Abscam, tntrapment, uvndroppins, wittt•pping and
now videotaping have becom• forms of
ensnaranent of "criminals" and <vi·
dence of their ill dttds. A. th... el«·
tronic tools become even more sophi,-.
ticated, the potmtial for their use by
the 80V<mtn<nl lb <Vffl further invade
P""umably privat• livn Is unthlnbbl•
•nd unt<nabt. in • mesociety.
The issua involved an not new. In
a n,c:ent utict. ("Annals of Govanm•nt Crim•/Th•
Taking of Tom
VIiias• Voico, November
12·18, 1980) N•t He,itoll reviews two,
1928 Supmn• Court cues which as he
,.ys, "prefigured th• rott•n con, of
Abscam and its equivalents, known
a.nd unknown, around the country."
Both cases described,
•nough, orl3ln•t•d In Washington
Stat•. On• of them involved a lowy,r
named Tom Casey who wH induced
by a mleral officer to pwdwe and
d•llv<r $20 worth of morphin•.
Hentoff not .. th•t the central questions
in these ca,n (and modun variations
on them) att:
1. Can government e.avndropp1ng
(in any form) "be p<rmltted in a f1tt
society without eroding the libertin
not only of m•l<factor, but of l!V<ry

2. Can, in a free society, "th~ government be permitted to form a criminal conspiracy and then bust the citizens it ·entices to join that conspiracy"1
At issue here att privacy, the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment to
the Constitution of th• United St•t,s
(The right of peopl• to be S<CU1'1!
their persons, houses, papers and
<IIKts, ;against unreasorutbl• surclin
•nd ,.izur<s, shall not be viol•ted, and
no warrants shall iuue but upon prob•bl• cau .. , supported by oath or illflr.
motion. a.nd porticululy describing the
pl•~ to be .. orclled, and the persons
or things to be seized), th• abuse of
govemm•ntal powen and the, '1imits,
if any," which "should be placed on
government creation of crlmea for the
purpose of pro.!KUling •nd punishing
those crlm ... "
Th• justice's n,sponse to the C.sey
decision In 1928 may be instructive to
us. I quote from the Villas• Voice
"Spe•king for the majority, Oliver
W•ndell HolmH, a jurist by no muns
irumsitive to the government abuse of
its powers, rejected the notion in this
case. the government
'induced the
crim<.' From what the jailer had testified and from other <vidonce, thett
had been ·v•ry probabl• cau.. ' that
Casey had been de•ling for quit• •
whil•. But didn't Cicero actually
'induce' the l•wyer to get him som,
morphine. as the dictaphone was pickIng up the conversation] Oh, said
Holmes, it was hardly Inducement
when ·ca .. y 11ttms to have •ended
without hesitation and as a matter of

Justice Brand<i1 oll•red a di1senting

" Whet her or not Casey actually did
commit the crime,' said Brandeis, 'the
must fail because the
officers of the government instigated
the commission of the alleged crime ...
the act for which the govemment seeks
to punish the defendant is the fruit of
their criminal conspiracy to induce its
commission. The government may set
d«oys to entrap criminals. But it may
not provoke or create a crime, and
tMn punish the criminals. its creatures.'
"In closing, Brandeis proposed a
doctrine by which to judge entrapment
cases ... It has never persuaded
majority of the court, but it ha.s bttn
supported, in one way or another by a
number of distinguished dissenters.
" 'This prosecution
should be
stopped not becau,e some right of
Casey's hH been denied but in order
to protect the govemtnfflt. To protect
it from the illegal conduct of its
office.rs.• "
H•ntoll notes that Judge f•ll,c Fronltfurter grappled with the same issue 30
years later in Sherman v. U.S. Frankfurter, "didn't undentand the logic of
the 'predisposition'
above ·ca5ey seems to have acceded
without hesitation')."
"Th• locus, he said, has to be on th•
conduct of the law mforcemmt agents.
'no matter what the defendant's put
record and pramt inclinations to criminality or th• deptha to which h• has
sunk in the estimation of society,
ctrtlnn police conduct to m.5nar, him
into further crim, U not to be tolerated
by an advonctd society ... . Human
natun, is w•alt •nough and 1ulliciently
llnet by ttmptatlona without the gov•mmmt adding to them and generating
crime.'' (emphasis added)

"To put this as clearly as possible
William 0. Douglas in 1973 quoted an
earlier view of Justice Owen Roberts:
'The applicable principle is that the
courts must be closed to the trial of a
crime instigated by the government's
own agents.'
"Or let Frankforter say it even more
plainly: 'Permissable police activity
does not vary according to the particular defendant concerned.· "
Or, we might consider, the particuJar alleged crime. The abhorrence of
drug dealing and use on campus by
many and the desire on the part of administration to purge the student residencn seem to have overridden consideration of these fundamental issues
of freedom, privacy, and controversy
surrounding the governmental uses of
ensnarement and entrapment.
The all,sed pr<S<nt< of drug d,al,rs
on campus ,e,erns also to have provided for many faculty a justification
of administration's role in the undercover police work. Again. overshadowing a more thoughtful consideration of the effect of such actions on
the liberties of all citizens in a free
society. Do the means justify the ends7
Even spokespersons for administration
admitted in a recent faculty meeting
that thin.gs got a little out of control
once the agents were on campus.
My hope would be that students at
least would educate themselves to the
fundamental issues which face us .i.t
Evergreen ... and note that in this
instance al least. we are not the "ivory
tower" isolated from the important
political questions of the "rea.l world."
We a.re y~ another instance of the
many threats powd to a frtt ~iely.
threats which should net go unch•ll•nged.





For all lovers of Handel's Messiah,
there will be a Read-In performance on
Sunday, December 14 at 1 :30 p.m. in
the Abbey Church at St. Martin's
College. All interested singers and
instrumentalists are invited to come
and join in the performance, which
will be directed by Dr. Wayne Hertz.
Singers should bring music, if possible,
though there will be some copies
available for use. Dr. Hertz will begin
promptly at 1: 30. so plan to arrive
hefore that time. This event is primarily for performers, but an audience
is also welcome, subject to available
Anyone having questions may call
Jane Edge at 943-1205 or Barbara
Theiss, evenings, at 357-8934.

The C.A.B. (College Activities Buildwas seized yesterday by a small
guerilla troop of desperate and courage0us Cooper Point Journal members
They are claiming discrimination
against them among other S&Asponsored activities members on the
basis of past slight emotional disturbance and professional preference.
..We are overworked,
zealous, responsible,
and morally
pure," a staff representative shouted
through a megaphone from the hole
they hacked through the upper window
of the CPJ staff room·. 'Why can't you
guys accept that7"
Among the staff's relatively small
and humble demands for better working conditions:
I. Public recognition for dedication
above and beyond the call of duty.


The Sierra Club, working through
the Environmental Resource Center, is
sponsoring a trip up the beautiful
Greenwater River Valley this Sunday,
Dec. 7. The valley, located just east of
Mt. Rainier, is being sought by the
timber companies for its lush stands of
fir. 1981 legislation can have the area
protected as wilderness, but help is
needed. Cost of the trip is $4.50. Contact the ERC for registration

The Committee on Institutional
Cooperation has established three fel•
lowship programs designed to increase
the representation
of members of
minority groups among those who
hold doctorates in th""'esocial sciences,
humanities, natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. The program
will provide 25 fellowships in the social
sciences, 10 in the humanities, and at
least 25 in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering for the 1981-82
academic year.
The Committee
on Institutional
Cooperation (CIC) is the academic
consortium of the Big Ten universities
and the University of Chicago, all
located in the Midwest. Fellowships
must be used al one of the CIC
The fellowships provide full tuition
plus a stipend of at least $4,500 for
four academic years, provided of
course that the Fellows make normal



The Applied Environmental Studies:
The Evergreen Master Plan Program
will be admitting new students during
winter quarter. Anyone interested in
helping on this project, which contains
both a planning and ecological com•
ponent, is encouraged
to contact
Carolyn Dobbs (6272) or Richard
Cellarius (6195). There are both full
and parttill\f' credit offerings in this


This is the graphic which appeared on last year·~ israduat1on announcement.
Graduates, do you want it to be on this year's7 Any better ideas7 leave a note
in the Graduation Committee's mailbox in the Information Center or at the
Registrar's Office.

2. Scholastic credit for long hours
and grueling concentration under high
3. Establishment of Fund for Recog-

nition of Superior Personnel (FRSP).
4. Establishment of Fund for Commendation &t Reward of Superior
Personnel (FCRSPI.

5. Private pharmacist for treatment
of personal nervous imbalance (caused
by long hours and grueling concentration. etc .. Set> above).
6. Beer Fund.
7 Fre-elunch.
8. Heal and live entertainment
ing working hours.
9. Credit cards.
10. Official staff Rt.II-..


Images of Aging, a community education project sponsored by the Thurston County Council on Aging and
for The
is looking for people
interested in applying their talent to
developing the project. The people
involved will gain experience in grant
planning, community education planning, and related skills. An informational meeting will be held at the
Senior Center
Lounge, 116 North Columbia,
December 9 at 6,30 p.m. Young, old.
and inbetween are encouraged
attend, participate, and learn.
For further information call Marissa
Zwick 943-0188.

Have you ever want~ to sail the
South Pacific, climb mountains in
Alaska, study wildlitt in Africa, dig
for prehistoric man in India, or trace
the route of Marco Polo through
Chinal A new firm-Expedition
Research, Inc. -has launched a campaign
to register adventure-minded college
students who are looking to join
Expedition Research, Inc., a platt-ment service for adventuttrs and explorers, is now accepting applications
from college students, photographers,
scuba divers, mountain
archaeologists, ocean sailors. scientists,
and other explorers who want to be
placed on various scientific and exploratory expeditions worldwide.
Over 250 expeditions
have approached ERi for team members. These
projects range from archaeological excavations to Himalayan mountaineering, from oceanographic surveys and
cave exploration to scientific investigations on all six continents. Some expeditions award salaries, commissions,
and royalties to team members; others
require cost sharing. Expeditions last
from several days to several months.
College credit and schoJarships are
often available.
ERi members receive monthly issues
of Exploration, a newsletter which lists
expedjtion opportunities and summer
and career job opportunities in the outdoors. Regist.rants also receive resume
forms which are placed on file to fill
urgent requests. Registration with ERi
costs $15 per year for students ($20
regular). Students may register by
sending $15 lo Expedition Research,
Inc., P.O. Box 467R, Cathedral and
Franklin Sts., Annapolis, Maryland
21404, or write forfurtherinformation.



progress toward the Ph.D.
Anyone who has or •will receive a
bachelor's degree by September 1981 is
eligible to apply for the 1981 competition. Graduate students at universities
other than those of the CIC may also
Students are urged to apply as early
as possible in the fall; application
deadline is January 15, 1981. A onestep procedure combines application
for the fellowship with application for
admission to any of the CIC universities on a single form.
Anyone desiring detailed information
about the fellowships program should
write to: CIC Minorities Fellowships
Program, Kirkwood Hall 111, Indiana
University, Bloomington, IN 47405.
Until February 1, 1981, prospective
applicants from outside Indiana may
call toll-free between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
EST for information or application
forms. The number is (800) 457-4420.

The ~isqually Delta Association will
be showing a slide show on Thursday,
December 4, 12 noon in CAB 108.
There will be buttons, t-shirts and
other merchandise for sale as well.



This week, the 1980-81 graduation
planning committee mails its first newsletter to all prospective graduates. The
newsletter informs seniors of graduation committee plans, asks for input,
and includes an important questionnaire about student attitudes toward
commencement exercises.

One of the chief questions in the
questionnaire concerns the ~lection of
graduation speakers. This multipart
question asks if seniors want an outside speaker for graduation, requests
three nominations for outside speakers,
and asks for information· about each
how to contact
them. Other questions refer to the
theme or tone of the ceremony, or ask
for your help in various ways.
Questionnaires must be dropped off
by Dec. 12 at either the information
center or the registrar's office, or be
maiJed to either Steve Charak, P.O.
Box 2321, Olympia, 98507 or Crystal
Rogers, TESC Dorm A, Rm 812-A,
Olympia, 98505.
If you wish to participate in graduation planning, the general committee
meets today (and every Thursday)
from noon to 1 p.m. in Lib. 2205.
(Home: 943-1372; Work al the Registrar's: 866-6180) or Rogers (Home:
866-5092: Work from 6-9 p.m.,
866-6410) for information
Winter Quarter.


~ @J ~ ~ '@:




Sl5 S.l"AY.f/lf
Mor-le; .,.tAfCH€S


''fvCK IT 11

AL TAR FflOM ll<t




KAOS 89 .3 FM prHents
straight days of American Traditional
Music beginning Friday, D<ambor 5,
and continuing through the weekend
and beyond with Western Swing, old
ColtW, bluegrass, blues, folk, Tin Pan
Alley, Cajun, gospel, aea chanteys and
ballads, music from the T exu-Mexico

There is now a place whert students
can recycle their scrap paper. Scrap
paper means any bond paper; note- '
book, ditto, etc. St.aples nttd not be
removed. Not wanted a~ enveJopn
with cellophane windows or gummeq
labels, tape, carbon paper, cardboard
or trash.
The collection boxes for scrap paper
and newspaper are located by the
phones in the comer· of the 2nd floor
of the CAB.
Also, free scratch paper is often
available at the Information Center in
the E.R.C. (CAB 103). For more information, call your friendly recyclfn
al 6357.

border region, cowboy songs, live
music, and a variety of traditional
music from the Pacific Northwest.
Audience participation shows include a
trivia contest from 7 to 10 p.m. on
Friday and an all-ttquest show Sunday
from 7 to 10 p.m. Trivia buffs and folk
music enthusiasts are mcouraged to
listen and call the station at 866-5267
this W<Ckendto llhow their support for
noncommerdal public radio in Thunton County. American Traditional
Music Weekend is one of a series of
special monthly music wffkmds on
l<AOS-FM designed to hishJight diff•mit facetl of its diverse programming
and raile the funds nec:ossary to serve
the community 365 days a year. The
goal for this special Wftkend is $1000.
Folk, blues, bluqrass, and other traditional music is ordinarily heard every
weekday from 6 a.m. until noon.


Gretchen Christopher, a member o( ,
Fleetwoods, will leach a Centralia College music class in Olympia during
winttt quarter.
The one-credit class, Jazz 'n Pop
Vocal Performance,
will meet 34 : 30 p.m., Mondays, in the Unity
Church. Students must also sign up for
a tw<>-<:roditclass, Applied Voice, with
lime lo be arranged. The total fee is
The Fleetwoods is an Olympia vocal
trio that gained national prominence in
the 1960's with such tte0rdings as
"Come Softly to Me" and "Mr. Blue:·
Christopher also teaches dance at
The Evergreen State College.

The Applied Environmental Studies
program will be conducting a student
survey at the beginning of winte.r
quarter to get student input on some of
the major issues conaming the future
of Evergrffn. If you have any ideas for
the school, this is your opportunity to
voice them.

Two new scholarships
are now
available to Evergreen students.
One is the Fred G. Zahn-&:holarship
by the Seattle-First
National Bank in the amount of Sl.500


for the 1981-82 academic year. Recipients must be graduates from a high
school located within the state of
Washington. Preference is given to
upper-division students. Financial need,
academic achievement, and character
are the major selection criteria.
The other scholarship is for this
academic year: 1980-81. It is the
Carleton Morris Cooley Scholarship in
the amount of $500 to be awarded to a
student of senior standing who demonstrates excellence in English.
Check the scholanhip bulletin board
in the Financial Aid Office for further
on these, and other,



If you have received a National
Student Loan while
attending Evergreen and you plan to
graduate, withdraw, or go on-leave
next quarter. you are required to go
through an NDSl Exit Interview ~fore
leaving. Pluse contact the Accounts
Receivable Office at 866-6448 10 make
an appointment for an Exit Interview.


CatholicActivistleaves legacy of Caring


By Roger Stritmatter

tramp. Catholic philosopher and social
visionary of aristocratic French backThe act and spirit of giving are the best
ground. had abandoned a life of w•alth
counter to the evil forces "inthe world
and a professional tutoring career to emtoday, and giving thereby liberates the
brace voluntary poverty.
individual not only spiritually but materiHis studies of the Gospel, particularly
ally. For, in a world en.slaved through inthe sermon on the mount, and European
stallment buying and mortgages, the only
anarchism, especially Prince Kropotkin,
way to live in any true ucurity is to live
convinced him that voluntary poverty
so close to the bottom that when you fall
and mutual aid could ease the suffering
you do not have far to drop, you do not
imposed by the disi~tegration of the
have much to lose. -Dorothy Day
capitalist system and build the foundation
The world will be healed when persons
for a more humane society.
give of their substance, not tl1eir excess.
There were three points to Peter's
-Jean Vanier
proposal: (1) Founding a newspaper and
holding "roundtable discussions" for what
Rarely in history does a person set a
he called ··cJarification of thought; ..
simple example of the pursuit of pure love
(2) Starting houses of hospitality to prowhich transforms the lives of thousands
vide free room and board for the poor
of others-and holds the potential for
and homeless; and (3) Organizing £arming
I ransforming society. Dorothy Day,
communes to revitalize the farming way
founder of the Catholic Worker, who
of life jn America.
passed away last Saturday in Maryhouse
At that time, Dorothy Day was a 36on New York's lower Eastside, was such
year-old single parent, journalist and
a person.
labor agitator boarding with her brother
Throughout her rich and varied life. the
and his wife while she struggled to eke
83-year•old grandmother, journalist,
out an existence freelancing for radical
social activist and Christian radical was
periodicals during the depths of the New
a constant wellspring of inspiration for
York depression. She was a recent conAmericans committed to peace and social
vert to Catholicism.
justice. The Catholic Worker (CW), a
Like many utopian schemers, Peter was
Christian communal movement dedicated
long on vision and short on practical
to social change, simple living, and works
details, like how to enact them. It was
of mercy for the poor, continues '1er work
Dorothy that gave his vision substance.
in the 1980's.
At first she was skeptical of the details of
A reporter once accused Dorothy Day
his plan, but she was drawn to the idea of
of being a saint. "Young man," she
producing a newspaper for Catholic
snapped, "Do not dismiss me so easily."
radicals. She skimped on groceries to save
She was first arrested during the 1920's
the $57 to print 2000 copies of the first
for picketing the White House for
. edition. They called the newspaper
women's suffrage and served 30 days in
The Catholic Worker. It sold for a penny
jail. During the twentiN and thirtiN she
a copy.
was deeply ll\volved in labor strugglN;
Within months after the first paper
during the forties, she counseled and shelappeared, Dorothy was overseeing the
tered war resisters; in the fifties she was
first CW House of Hospitality and breadjailed along with other Catholic Workers
line, serving bread and coffee to hundreds
for refusing to take shelter during New
of New York's unemployed. Peter Maurin
York oir raid drills; and in the sixti .. and
had his name taken off the masthead after
seventies she joined farmworken picketthe fint issue, because he disapproved of
ing for a union and students marching
Dorothy's outspok•n support of labor
against the carnage in Vietnam. "Our
organizins. "Strikes don't strike me," he
problems," she ona blurted in a moment
said. He continued to write for tl,e paper,
of intense frustration, "stem from our
however, and organize roundtable discusdcceptance of this filthy rottm sytem."
It was in 1933 that Peter Maurin
When the famous seaman's strike broke
·mered her with his thl'ff-point proout in New York. and th• CW opened a
;,osals for what he called "utopian Chrisspecial strike t,ranch on the Westside
tian communism." Maurin, an inveterate
and fed thowands of striking seamen,

By Pat desChene
Life in these modem times inevitably
involves certain risks. Those who ride
motorcycles take a one in fifty chance of
dying within a year's time. Smokers defy
the risk of lung cancer. And now, accord·
ing to the Center for Disease Control
(CDC). women need to be aware of a
three in 100,000 incidence of developing
what is known as toxic shock syndrome
or TSS, especially if they are tampon

TSS has received significant media
attention in the last few months for a
number of reasons, including evidence
that the incidence has been increasing. Of
the 299 cases which have been reported to
the CDC since January of 1980, 8.4%
resulted in death. A total of 408 cases of
TSS have now been identified and 40
deaths have been attributed to it.
The true incidence has been difficult to
determine due to incomplete reporting of
cases and the fact that, up to now, the
incidence has been based on severe cases
mttting strict case definitions including
evidence of hypotensive shock and the
involvement of three or more organ systems. Milder cases may not have been
properly diagnosed. Therefore, the apparent increase could be a result of
previously undiagnosed cases which have
recently been identified as TSS.
Symptoms were characterized in the
Sept. 19 (1980) i.. ue of the CDC's
Morbidity and Mort.ility Wttldy Report
for this affliction. They include a sudden
onset of high fever (greater than 102° F).
vomiting and perhaps diarrhea, and aches
in one or more muscles. A sunburn-like
rash may also develop. If death results, it
usually occurs within 48 to 96 hours after
onset of the illness according to Dr.
Kathryn Shands, an epidemiologist at the
CDC. The cause of death is hypotensive
shock. i.e. shock due to a severe drop in
blood pressure, which may ensue within
48 hours of the appearance of other
symptoms. In surviving patients, skin
lesicms appear approximately ten days
after the onset which are most prevalent
on the palms and the soles of the feet.
These symptoms are sometimes accompanied by a sore throat and headache.
The disease affects mostly previously
healthy women between the ages of 12
and 25 (nearly all victims have been
women under 30), although men and children have also been diagnosed as having
The CDC claims that cases were recognized as far back as 1975 and occurrence
has been increasing since that time. TSS
was first publicly identified by Or. James
K. Dodd at 1he University of ColoradO in
an article in Lmcet, a British medical
journal. Since that time, investigations
into the nature of the disorder by the
CDC and various state health departments have not only helped lo define the

syndrome, but i-ecently revealed correlations between the occurrence of TSS and
menstruating women and the use of
The current theory as to the cause of
TSS actually involves the production of a
toxin by the bacteria, staphococcus aureus
(s.a.). The toxin somehow is thought to
gain entry into the bloodstream causing
the symptoms associated with the syn•
drome,. A couple of theories have been
proposed in order to explain how this
happens. In a letter to the New f.ngland
Journal of Medicine, four physicians at
General HOspital in Boston postulated
that the toxin enters the bloodstream via
the fallopian tubes in menstruating
women. They claim some menstrual fluid
normally backs up into the fallopian tubes
and may spill into the peritoneal cavity.
If this fluid were contaminated with toxin
produced by s.a., it could serve as a
vehicle bringing toxin into the abdominal
region. From there, it could enter the
bloodstream causing infection.
Other researchers hypothesize that the
toxin enters the lining of the vagina.
Tampons have been found to damage_ this
lining, encouraging bactrrial growth. Eviden~ supporting this idea was obtained
by Dr. Kenneth Siegesmund of the Med·
ical College of Wisconsin before tampons
were even suspected of being a factor in
TSS. Using an electron microscope, he
found that super tampons cause the cells
in the lining of the vagina to pull apart,
crealin'g little pockets or craters which
may be conducive to bacterial growth.
lt is also known that blood is a particularly hospitable medium for the growth
of s.a.
The role of tampons in the origin and
development of TSS, CDC studies have

concluded, is a contributory one. They
may contribute by transporting s.a. from
the fingers or external genitalia into the
vaginal canal during insertion, by providing a favorable environment for
growth of the organism which ultimately
produces a toxll\ (regardless of the manner
l1\ which the organism was introduced),
or by disturbing the vaginal mucosa and
thereby facilitating a local infection of s.a.
and/or absorption of the toxin from the
vagina into the bloodstream.
The CDC recommends that women
who wish to reduce their risk of developing TSS consider not using tampons,
which almost entirely eliminates the risk,
or that they use tampons intermittently
during their periods. AJong this line,
changing frequently and not leaving
tampons in place overnight would also
lessen the possibility of contracting the
disease. If any of the symptoms described
earlier develop, one should remove the
tampon immediately if one is being worn,
and consult a physician as soon as
Eventually, if the toxin can be isolated
and identified, an anti-toxin may be
developed to combat TSS. Right now
there is no such anti-toxin and it is important that the symptoms be recognized
early so that shock can be avoided before
it is too late. The recurrence rate for TSS
is 30% and the COC suggests that women
who have had TSS not use tampons until
s.a. has been completely eradicated from
their vaginas. Caution and awareness of
early warning signals sttm to be the best,
actually the only, preventative measures
available to date.
Women who use menstrual sponges as
a preventative alternative should be aware
that they are not immune to TSS. Therr

have been two cases of TSS l1\ women
who had been wearing sponges. The fact
that sponges do not contain additJves and
can be soaked in vinegar prior to insertion, creating an acidic environment in
which few of the commonly encountered
microorganisms can survive for long, m.ay
give sponges advantages over tampons.
But no· studies have yet been completed
on the use of sponges and possible connections of sponges to TSS. Any sponge
labeled or advertised for "menstrual use"
is technically illegal in light of FDA regulations. The FDA will not say that they
are unsafe, but that the sale of sponges
for such purposes requires a permit.
Sponges sold for "cosmetic use" fall outside of the jurisdiction of th• FDA regulation for m~cal de-vices, as was the case
with tampons prior to 1976.
Contraceptive Technology in their latest
updat•. as well as th• CDC, Ettl that the
risk factor, which is comparable to that
of developing tuberculosis, is too low to
recommend the discontinued use of
tampons. Knowledge about the disease,
its symptoms, and possible contributing
factors is important if we hope to lessen
the occurrence of this sometimes fatal
Dr. Zoltan Saary. a gynecologist and
obstetrician at New York Hospital, warns
that the body is designed to eliminate
menstrual fluids as quickly as possible.
Retaining these secretions in the vagina is
not desirable. Once women become aware
of the risks associated with the use of
tampons as well as other methods Of retaining menstrual blood, they can weigh
out the cohsequences versus the convenience and decide for themselves.

By Jessica Treat
Peter Watkins' biographical film on
Edvard Munch has bttn called "the

Joelle Cohen

There is a chance that the nice, warm
hot tub you thought might relieve an ache
and pain or two during e.arly pregnancy
could cause serious birth defects in your
unborn child, according to a new study
by medical researchers at the University
of Washington.
Prolonged use of a s.una was impli<.ated as well in the study, conducted at
University Hospital last summer by Dr.
David W. Smith and researchers Marcella
McRorie and Mary Ann Sedgwick
What they discovered last summer was
that a sharp rise in maternal temperature
during the first four months of pregnancy
could cause serious nervous system problems. including seizurff, facial deformitiN
and mental retardation !in the baby).
While it previously had bttn thought
thal the "bug" which caused the ~versuch as flu, strep or kidne-y infectionWdSrnponsible for injuring the fdus, the

new work revealed that fever itself-by
"cooking" the unborn child-could cause
the damage.
Thf" studies concluded that pregnant
women should not stay in a hot tub of
'06 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 10
\\ inutes. or 15 minutes with a tub temperature of 102.2 degren; and that they
should not stay more than 10 minutes in ~
sauna averaging 178.6 degrees (a typical
sauna temperature).
'These are very conservative r«ommendations," said Harvey, who supervised the study in Seattle last summer. "A lot of the women in the test stayed in
longer without reaching a core temperature of 102.2. But we wanted to make the
most prudent recommendations we couJd."
The researcher said it was not possible
for a woman to determll\e her core body
temperature either by oral temperature
chocks or by symptoms of discomfort.
Cervical temperatures were used be-cause of their proximity to the uterus,
where a fetus would be.
The idea was to att how fast the
woman· s temperature would rise to the
minimum 102.2 ciegtft9 capable of

causing detormities.
Harvey characterized the survey' s
recommendations as "prudent" partly
because the exact risk associated with high
body temperature in pregnancy has not
yet bttn determined.
Th• study did determine that getting
out of the tub or sauna, cooling off and
then going back in was not a good idea.
A woman may "fttl" cool, Harvey said,
but the core body temperature may
remain high-and may in fact still be increasing, even after leavin8 the hot
'We checked the subjects' temperature
10 minutes after they had left the tub or
sauna," Harvey said, "and half of them
were either at the same level or higher.
We are recommending that a.her IO or 15
minutes, Ipregnant] women get out and
stay out."
Harvey had no recommendations to
mak• about hot bathtub baths. She said
it would be nearly lmpossibl• to construct a study that would t .. t the tffects
of baths on core temperatu.tt, and that
none was planned.

they ran up a huge debt fttding the
strikers because many of their normal
supporters were aghast at their support
for communist rabble-rousers striking for
a wage raise.
Forty-seven years later, the Catholic
Work,., newsp.per has a national circulation of over 200,000. It still sells for a
Pf'nny a copy. CW Houses of Hospitality
and soup kitchens flourish in most major
cities in the United States, still serving the
victims of the American way of life and
still agitating for a society without victims. And Dorothy Day was the wellspring of it all; a woman who gave of her
substance, not her excess.

I will not be surprised when the
Catholic hierarchy nominates her for
sainthood. Part of me will be cheering.
And part of me will realize what a cheap
gesture it will be for them to dismiss her
life so easily. She was, after all, they will
s.1y, just as.int, not a real person who
struggled with her own imperfections and
failures in her daily effort to live close to
God. But, of course, she wa.s and she did.
She f•d the hungry, clothed the naked,
sheltered the homeless and visited the
prisoners when she wasn't one of them.
She would be the first to say anyone
could do it.

Filmon Munch'sllf e Coming

Saunasmay endangerunborn
The /of/owing excerpts appeared in an
article by Joelle Cohen in the Nov. 9,
1980 Tacoma News Tribune.

Dorothy Day on tht picket line with the farm workers.


standard by which all subsequent films of
artists' lives will be measured." Watkins
,...arched Munch-his life, his hometown
of Christiania (now Oslo), Norwegian life

in the Twentieth Century-to create a
film which combines fact and fiction,
narrations and "interviews," historical
context and chronological editing.
Edvard Munch will be shown after
Christmas break, January 7, in Lecture
Hall I. Times to be announced.
Munch, with Gauguin and Van Gogh,
is considered to be the founder of the
Expressionist movement in painting. He
broke away from NaturaJism in a desire
to paint, as he wrote in his diary, "living
people, breathing and feeling, suffering
and loving ... life and not lifeless nature."
Munch depicted man's helplessness in
the face of overwhelming sexual force. He
replaced the romantic sense of awe and its
religiouS implications with the modern
world's sense of anxiety, particularly
sexual anxiety. Munch painted men and
women trapped in a cycle of sexual longing, destructive passion, jealousy. and
A part of Munch's haunted imagination
stems from his childhood. He was born in
1863. His mother died when he was five,
and her death produced a religious
anxiety in his father, "which could reach
the border of insanity as he paced the
room praying to God." As a child, Munch
suffered from tuberculosis and was never
far from death himself. Tuberculosis
caused his sister Sophie's death when
Munch was 14.
Sophit's death becam• the subject for
many of Munch's paintings and prints. He
began the first of th.,. paintings, "The
Sick Child," in 1855. Now one of the
most famous of Munch's works, the
painting was vehemently attacked when it
was o~ally

The public objected 10 the crude surface
of the painting which had been scarred by
scratches from the back of his brush.
Munch considered the painting a break•
through in his art. In fact, for most of his
life, Munch's paintings were not well
received. They were rejected by the predominantly middle class Christiania and
not until he had gained recognition in
Europe was he allowed to exhibit in
In Berlin, Munch took to drinking and
began to show marked schizophrenic
tendencies, becoming suspicious of even
his friends, and sometimes breaking out
in violence. His relationships with women
were always torment for him, as he felt
pursued by a sort of vampire-women
who in their sexual urge sucked his
creative energies. This is further emphasized in his paintings of women and
death, where sexual passion, as a woman,
embraces death's skeletal form.
In Copenhagen, in 1908, after a fourday drinking spree, Munch submitted
himself to the care of a psychiatrist. He
underwent a series of treatments (including electric shocks) for the next eight .,.
months. Cured of his alcoholism, he
returned to Norway where he found the
public recognition which had formerly
been denied to him. The paintings which
followed this period turned away from
the introspection of his previous work.
His subject matter was no longer clearly
death or destructive passion, but extended
to scenes of streets and workers.
Munch died in 1944, at the are of 80.
Watkins' film is an immense portrait of
his life and art. Edvard Munch,- to be
shown January 7, will be sponsored by
the Arts Resource Center.
pa~ 7


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WholeEarth CatalogRisesAgain

OlympiaArtist Opens Show

By Roger Stritmatter

By TherHa Connor
Olympia artist Maury Haseltine opens
a one-woman show of her paintings and
drawin)its in Gallerv Four at The Ever~een Statt Coll"\le on Saturday, December 6. The show, which will remain on
view through January 18. includes more
than thre,e dozen newly completed paintings focusing on the waters or Puget
"'I've always been interested in patterns
and shapes, as opposed to people interested in line," said Maury, pointing to
Picasso as an example or the linear style.
Maury's interest goes back to her days
as a pre•med student at ReedCollege. She
was inlerested in histology, the study or
tissues, anti w.ts rascinated by the shapes
and patterns under the microscope. She
worked as a lab technician and did re•
'->t'.Jrl'h.but she devoted her spare time to
drawing and doing sculpture.
"I don't think people purposely decide
to be an artist," she said, "it JUSI happen,
I tned art school for a term and
that"s where I've been since."
She attended Eastern New Mexico Uni·
versity. where she was one or the only
serious art students. Al one point. the art
director went on leave and turned over
the art department oftice and studio to
her. ") had all the supplies I could possibly want." she laughed.
In New Mexico, the desert inspired
Maury. "I rell in love with the open
mesas-oppo,site of here, with the fog and
where everything is cloaked." Since she
moved to Olympia 10 1967, the open
waters of Puget Sound have given her the
same creative energy. Her early love of
patterns and shapes is evident in paintings
from her Bay series. The paintings are entitled simply "Bay 1" or "Bay 2." Sh•

concentrates on the shape of the land and
its reflection in the bay, and plays these
two shapes together-the broken refltt:tion 10 the water pulls against the solid
The bay provides a challenge for
Maury: always changing, shifting With
the lime of day and the different seasons.
Maury noted that the colors she's been
using have gradually changed. She contrasts her "sweet" colors with harsher
tones, trying, as she said, ··to capture the
morning colors which are-different than
the evening colors and winter skies which
are different than the summer skies
The Bay series has provided a second
challenge for Maury. who recently
changed from oil to acrylic paints. She
explained how the change in medium has
affected her style. "It's been a real struggle
to try to get the same richness and color,"
she said. "'The handling is much different
you can work longer with oil-H
doesn't dry as fast as acrylic ...
Tht. mixing of colors is affected too.
•·With acrylic, !ihe said, "gradual nuances
have to be painted in one session. It dries
a different color. so it's impossible to
repeal. Whereas with oil. I could go back
and get the exact same color."
"Some or the limitations become advantageous.,.. she observed. '"Acrylic lends itSt'lf to flat. hard•edge paintin&-oil
wouldn't produce the same effect."
Though she focuses on the visual inter·
play of colors, patterns and shapes, she
emphasizes the importance of structure in
her art. "I feel my paintings aren't any
good unless they can hold up in a black
and while photograph. Structure is ve-ry
important to me," she said.
The Haseltine exhibit opens Saturday,
Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. The opening reception
is free and the public is welcome.

Charley'sAunt:VictorianLoveand Intrigue
Charley's Aunt, written by Brandon
Thoma~. opens tonight, Dec. 4, al the
Experimental Theatre under the direction
of Andre Tsai. It is a comedy of dost'
calls. quick thinking and exciting action,
all camt>d nut with (almost) impeccable
politt.-nt><;sh 1s a comedy about love
(frustrated and otherwise) of a kind well
known al Evergre-en and other institutions
of h1~hl'r learning; that of the perpetually
broke college student.
Tht> play takt>Splace mostly within tht>
genteel confines of Oxford College.
Charles Wykham and Jack Chesney,
playt>d by David Logan and Tim Streeter,
seek the love of two young ladies. Amy
Spetl1~ue and Kitty Verdun, played by
Jane S1t•vert and Ruth Palmerlee. Rela~
t 1ves. ~uard1a;,s, servants and triends join
in to umfuse the issue and we follow the
ca1-1thn1ugh chases, surprises, near misses


and quick•change artistry until the
romantic clima)I..
The rest of the cast includes John
Mallahan as Lord Fancourt Babberly,
Lynn Pa1terson as Donna Lucia D'Alva•
dorN. Mary Lu Parr as Ela Delahoy, Ben
Fuch-. .J<;Brasset, Joe Winslow as Sir
Franc.is Chesney, and Lewis Pratt as
Mr. Spetli~ue.
Charley's Aunt takn place in 1892 and
bt..11hthe sets and the costumn rdlect
ca,,·ful study of the ~riod. The sets,
J1...1gned by Peter Waldren, are as elegant ,
as any late Victorian might wish. They
enhance the theatrical action and their
relative simplicity supports the detail and
pictcuial beauty of the costumes. designed
by Ruth Palmerlee. which might have
cC'lmestraight from the Victorian drawing



The Evergreen production of Charley's
Aunt has been submitted as an entry in
the American College Theater Festival.
which ,:mnually brings winning shows
lrom throughout the nation to the John
F. Kennedy Center in Washington. D.C.
f0r additional performances.
Charley's Aunt will run the weekends
of Dt-cember 4.7 and 11•14. Curtain time
ic; 8 p.m. at the Experimental Theatre in
the Communications building. Tickets are
$2 for students and senior citiuns and $4
for general admission. They are available
at Yenney·s Music and the Evergrttn
booksl(1re. For resuvations call 866-6070.

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In Record Time!






into a single sentence or a witty parable
,,nly a para8raph long. My favorite 1s tht>
review of the massive ecology text.
Ecoscience. "II you could save the world
by 1hrowing a book at it, 1his m1ght be
the book." Or there·s 1he story about softtechnology advocate Amory Lovins'
recent Wflodland marriage, used to t>xplain
the utility or VictMianox Swiss Armv
knives. "When Amory Lovins got married
in lhe wo,,ds with SO revelers. he and his
bnde Hunter gavt> each other beautiful
huntmv. knives that could gut a bear but
et1uld not opeQ their wedding wine my
Swiss Army knife did that."
Thi-. willingness to pokt> fun at the
p.atn,n -.aints and cherished illusions of
the n,untt'rculture. while -.imultanec,usly
prom,,tinl( 1he values whah shaped them.
1, wh.it
makL-sthe CoEvolution Quarterly
..inJ I ht• Next Whole Earth Catalog such
nulr.i~e,,u._ fun.



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Thus, in 1974, the maga.tine predicted
impending apocalypse and then inter•
viewed the BrookinSs Institute's chief
technological prophet, Herman Kahn,
who denounced the "new class" intellec•
tualisms of CQ's counterculture staff and
readership. It lionized E. F. Schumacher
and then, ran an article condemning the
American cult of Appropriate (Big A, Big
T) Technology. It trumpeted Gerard
Oneill's space colonies as a solution to
earthly ailments-and then published the
outraged responses of Wendell Berry, R.
Crumb, and other critics. And they pilled
Berry, a Tennessee horse farmer and
author of The Unsettling of America.in
the deba1e of the century with former
Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, a
champion of big-is•beautiful corporate
agriculture in America.
Not all of this willingness to be conlrn•
versial makes everyone happy all of the
time. A number of oulraged readers. for
instance, once cancelled their subscrip·
lions to the magazinf' in response to a
cover by cartoc,nist R. Crumb which .
many construed to be anti•semitic or
bigoted against factory workers. Per54,n.
ally. I share Wendell Berry's contempt tor
Stewart Brand's flirtation with spact'
colonies. I also fail to see tht> redeeminK
aspects of punk rock music (the Next
Cat:tlog reviews two pages of punk mai,ta·
zines) nor do J believe that Dungeons and
Dragons is a healthy antidote for teenagf'
On the other hand, I feel indebted to
CoEvolution Quarterly for alerting me tt,
the importance of these cultural trends,
which-however senseless they seem to
me personally-do portend significant
changes in the evolution of modern
lhought. And Stewart Brand did (dammit)
change my mind about the merits of the
metric system: I'm now against universal
Reviews in CQ and the Nrxl Whole
Earth Calalog characteristically condenStc>
the effervescence of a bo.9k or magazipe




214 WHI 4th Ave.

"Yes lady, we did," Brand replied.
'They were inferior. Please keep the good
ones in print, and revised, and promoted,
and appreciated for the reputation they've
made for your house."
It's not really possible to understand
what the Ne:xt Whole Ea..rth Catalog is. or
why, without understanding where it
came from. In the years since "whole
earth·· first became a generic term for a
way of thinling and a way of life.
Stewart Brand and his friends have
carved a niche for themselves in the
waterfront community of Sausalito, California-and among the intellectual
counterculture in America-by publishing
a compelling little magazine. the Co[volu·
tion Quarterly (CQ).
Although Brand claims the magazine
has no unifying theme, ii has distinguished itself by consistently publishing
the work of writers. scientists. and
lhinkers who are on the fringes of their
disciplines-the lunatic fringes where
creative ideas merge, die, and coevolve.
The Spring 1980 issue, for instance. con•
tains an article on using light rail as an
alternative transport system, an interview
with "the man of the trees" St. Babe
Baker, an article on reforestation of
severely eroded land in India, the musings
of iconoclast scientist James Lovelock, an
article on the Soviet Union in world
affairs, and a review of lhe practice of
"shramadana" -community self•help-in
Sri Lanka. Cartoons by Dan O'Neill and
R. Crumb, reviews of libertarian periodi•
cals, "Confessions of an Energy Professional" by David Bainbridge, and some
bizarre and wonderful fiction, round out
the issue. There a)"e no ads, lots of lettersto-the-editor. and a full page revealing the
financial details of the magazine's debts.
Like most small magazines CQ is in debt.
The Next Catalog, al least in part, is a
gambit lo save CQ from sinking in the
mass-marketing economy of modern
America. Point, the non-profit foundation
which publishes CQ and the Catalogs. ht1s
nursed the rrragazine with j:,rofils from the
$1.2 million sales of the LastWhol• Earth
Catalog (along with donating much of the
money to various other socially oriented,
nonprofit enterprises) for nearly four
years now, but funds from that source
have dried up and no other life raft was
in sight until somebody dreamed up the
idea of publishing another Catalog.
If excellence is one byline for Stewart
Brand, paradox is another. His experim~ as a Merry Prankster in the 1960's
unavoidably color the style and content
of the CoEvolution Quarterly and the
Whole Earth Catalogs. He is a man who
thrives on contradiction and Sttms to
delight in provoking controversy, even
among his friends and political allies (he
once taught members of the War Resister's
League how to play "slaughter''). Any
idea that threatens to become dogma risks
being skewered by the pens of CQ

417Sc. 'tlll111hlngb,SI.



The inevitable question can be answered
in one word. No, the Next Whole Earth
Catalog is not simply a commercialized
sequel to the 1971 last Whol• Earth
Catalog. It is not a New Ag• Sears &
Roebuck for the politically correct of a
capitalist rip-off designed to pander to
colltt:tive nostalgia for the good-ol' days
of Apollo Space flights, LSD, ecology,
and back•to·the-land-whffl•it-was-only$200/acre and Dad was still paying for it.
Reviewing the Catalog is like trying to
fit a square peg into a round hole. Somehow the sharp edges of the words, sen•
tences, paragraphs don't match the
smoothly rounded colnours of the subject.
But if you have evffl a mustard seed of
curiosity, the Next Whole Earth Catalog
can be a source of unending inspiration
and personal growth. I received my copy
in the mail a few we-ekSago and since
then, I haven't done much except thumb
through it and read bits and pieces out
loud to CPJ staff, nonexistent roommates,
or anyone else who will be amazed,
amused, or merely ffltertained along with
me. I feel like a little kid in a candy store.
The subtitle is "Access to Tools"-lools
both in the literal sense and the metaphoric sense. For example, you want to
plant a garden. The Whol• brth Catalog
lists suppliers of quality tools, seed catalogs, books and periodicals explaining the
"how to," pest control references, bttkeeping suppliers, information on composting toilets, the history of human relations to the land, and an article on community gardens.
If you aren't interested in gardening, no
matter. The list of subjects cataloged and
expiored in the book is almost endless:
solar technology, human se-xuality, household economics, watenheds, calligraphy,
and cockroaches. There's a revi~ of
Martin Buber's I and Thou. Peter Elbow's
Writing Without Tuchon is placed (yes,
Peter's ears are burning) right next to The
0......,11 of Styl• by Strunk and Whit•.
And pages and pages of articles on computers, Hoedac:k, walenned consciousness, teaching without schools, inventing,
planting trttS, the illusions of money.
And many more.
The editors of the Whol• Earth Catalog
ow• no financial obligation to any ol tho
busin..,.. listed in tho Catalog. Th•ir
purpose is-to empower people to "conduct
their own education, find their own inspiration, and (with a wholesome appreciation for the consequences) shape their
own environment." If an item appean in
tho Catalog, it supports this purpose and
qualifies by virtu• of excellence. In fact,
some of th• books listed in th• Catalog
are out of print. They appear alongside
tho communiqu• of th• Whol• Earth stall,
"Got this book back in print!"
'Why aren't you reviewing our n~
booksr' a publicity lady at Crown Books
asked Whole Earth Editor StnYart Brand.
"Didn't you get the new ones we smt






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ElephantMan Is a Must-seeFilm

By Phillip Evedm.z
After viewin~ thl' him The EJephanl
Man, only the mo<,t cold-hearted, insensitive moviei,;N•r will fad to bf' Jeeply
moved by it. This i.., 1he kind of film that

makes grown men cry, and yet does nol
stifle the viewer with maudlin sentimentality. The Elephant Man tells the story of
a profoundly handicappt>d individual. but
n01 once d(1t'c; 11 rec.ort 1(1 the exploitivt>,
tearit>rkt>rtJCt1c-. 1.•mpl11ye<l bv manv
other such hims
john Merrick wa~ ,n n~al life The
Elephanl Man, so labled because ot 1he
gro1esque deformity ol his misshapen
b0dr Memd.. suffered from an extreme
case 11t neur,,tibromalosis. a disorder
whKh cau,.ed tumors to grnw over almost
evt>ry part ol his body. Fleshv. cauliflowt>r"haped growth, c1,vered his tt>rso and
le~s. His marnmoth head w.1, so distorted
1n o;,hapeand ...w0\len in size 1hat he wao;
forced to slt'l'f in a sitting ix,,ition, with
his head in hi,; hand,;, lest the weight ol it


n,n,;tnct his windpipe and cut off his
breathinK. Only his left arm and genitals
remainetl unaffected by the diseaSf'.
Memck spent most of his short life (he
dit"d .it 27) among the industrial dregs of
Victorian England. Displayed as a freak in
a side,shnw, his exhibition was often
closed down by the authorities as being
too h1Jths..1mea sight. He was rescued
from 1h1,; wretched existence by Dr.
Fred(•rn:I..Treves of the London Hospital.
Treve, Jiscovery and subsequent unveil•nK(11 Mt•rrick to British medical circles
garnt_>n•dhim much prestige among his
Pf'E'r'S Merrick"s sorry plight was soon to
bt.>c11mt•the cause celebre of the aristocracy Men and women of wealth and title.
folltw•.:inx1he lead of famed stage actress.
Oamt' Madge Kendall. flocked to Merrick's
ht,-.pitJI room to visit him as a "humane
Ke-.tun•." Treves realized it was all just an
urrx·r-dass freak show. more fashionable
thJn humanitarian. but Merrick enjoyed
all t,I tht>attention, and Treves didn't
hav1· 1h(' heart to put an end to these
··n•y.il visitations."

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The film succeeds in portraying the
beauty and goodn,ss trapped within
Merrick's monstrous body. Merrick is
~layed by John Hurt, who Is perhaps best
remembered ilS the unfortunate astronaut
in Allen, with the slimy space creature
wrapped around hi5 face. In The Flephut
Man, Hurt is again subject to the facial
concealment of heavy, elaborate makeup.
Massive prosthetic pieces, taklng over five
hours to apply, were used to achieve an
authentic likeness to Merrick's actual
features. This is in dirKt contrast to the
Broadway play of the same name, in
which rock star David Bowie twists his
body, limps, and lisps to suggest Merrick's
distorted form.
Merrick's initial appearance in the film
is a shocking and disturbing mommt,
however, throughout the course of the
film one hf.comes accustomed, even endeared. to his ghastly.countenance. John
Hurt conveys Merrick's kind, gmtle spirit
with little more than his eyes and his
voice, which is no small feat, when you
consider the enormous obstacle of all that
latex glued to his face.
The rest of the cast are equally imprnsive. Anthony Hopkins gives a marvelous.
understated performance as Or. FrKlerick
Treves, the physician who questions his
own motives for harboring the Elephant
Man at the London Hospital. Hopkins'
Treves is the classic example of a man
torn with doubt. Is he truly Merrick's
guardian ange17 Or does he seek to fur•
ther his own self-interest by exploiting
Merrick's condition lo attain prominent
medical stature1 When compared to the
human debris of the London back.streets,
who torment Merrick mercilessly, Treves
definitely comes off as one of the good
Also superb are Sir John Gielgud and
Anne Bancroft as hospital administrator

Carr-Gomm and actress Madge Kendall,
respectively. One of the most touching
moments in the entire film occurs when
Mrs. Kendall coaxes Merrick to read a
scene with her from Romeo and Juliet. At
the conclusion of the scene, Mn. Kendall
remarks ... "Why, Mr. Merrick, you're
not an Elephant Man at all ... you are
Romeo." This one line, more than any
other, gets to the heart of Merrick's inner
Freddie Jones as Merrick's "owner," Mr.
Bytes. deserves special mention. Cruel.
vulgar, gin-swilling Mr. Bytes refers to
Merrick as "my treasure." Jones creates a
character that you will truly love to hate.
The direction, b)l,newcomer David
lynch, is simple and restrained, but very
effective. The cinematography, by Freddie
Francis, is the most remarkable aspect of
this film. Francis creates stunning images
in black and white, at times weaving a
dreamlike atmosphere with his camera.
Black and white captures the cold, stark
reality of London alleyways and gaslight
hospital corridors. Once the only photographic option open to filmmakers, black
and white had been virtually abandoned
in major motion pictures. Perhaps this
film will increase its popularity as an
artistic tool.
The ElephUlt Man is one of only a
handful of must-see films released this
year. It combines the elements of sus•
pense, love, intrigue, and pathos into a
tight, satisfying drama. Although it takes
a few liberties with the facts, it is still _.,
basically a true story of a person's inspir·
ational struggle to overcome severe disadvantage. Jn this day of disposable
douches, control lop pantyhose, and
breath deodorizers, a story like this serves
to remind us that beauty is, indeed, only
skin deep.

\leasure for Measure
By Theresa Connor
the man whom Lord Angelo imprisons tor
breaking the law banning premarital sex.
He is ordered to death for getting his
Hance pregnant before t~heya.re married.
His sister, Isabella, a novice nun, played
by Amy Fowkes, pleads with Angelo for
her brother's life.
Angelo finds himself lusting for Isabella
and falls prey to the ve.ry crime for which
he condmmed her brother. He tells
Isabella that her brother will go fl'ft if she
will give up her virginity to him. The
Duk,iftiar leams of Angelo's deceit and
sets about to entrap him. The plot runs
on, weaving a web of comedy and
tragedy around the characters.
Meuure for MeUUtt continue, through
Dom-nber 6. The performance begins at
8 p.m. Admission is S1.50 for students
and S2.50 for general public.

Measure for Me.a.sure is well worth
seeing. The student production is fast,
well balanced and the acting is great.
Bridgette Callie steals the show as Lucio,
the street-wise r.apscallion. Ted Roisum is
excellent in his role as the Duke and his
energy is matched by Amy Fowkes, who
plays Isabella.
The play opens as the Duke of Vienna,
who is leaving the country, turns over his
political powor to Lord Angelo, played by
Jeff Noyes. But the Duke never leaves
Vienna. Instead, he remains in the town
disguised as a friar, to ot:>servethe effect
of Lord Angelo's enforcement of the long
disregarded mor,1lity 1.aws-and to study
the impact of power on the strict and
religious Angelo.
Noyes plays a double role as Claudio,

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At dusk, alone
on the mountain.
The season is autumn.

All their breath
for a dollar, that's what.
You see them moored everywhere
on four lrgs, in fields.

Down on switchbacks
lit with sundown,
a pond, serene.

What do cows do, anyway
but scour the trough
and swell with milk.
Regular as breakfast.

You stop
and look around yourself,
don't you.

'Come here, stupid pretty cow.'
Graze me with those cocoa-pond eyes,
moan me a little milk.song
or giving and giving.

Feel the quiet
What do you suppose
the word is.

My father once had a cow,
and his fathtt's lather had
one. Warm streams of milk
from mother to son.

As the bellrock
sings out
alas to the unbeliever,

Worked-away lives
for the cream
and the butter.

already a scythe
slides the ground
for you.

Victor Cummings

Weep the word gently.
It is farewell.
Victor Cummings

MemoryofArt Greenlee
Editor's Note-Evugreen
Greenlee poisoned himself with carbon
monoxJde on Sunday, November 23.
Though Art had writtm a couple of
articles for the Environmental Resowa:
Center's column featured in the Cooper
Point Journal, no one ln this office ru.lly
knew him. John Bickelhaupt, hom the
EAC, offerod 1h11piece In m,mory of Art.
By John Bickelhaupt
Art Greenlee was a friend, a co-worker
in the Environmental Resource Center and
a classmate of mine in Introduction to
Environmental Science.
A friend's death is always a time for
reflection. A friend's suicide is a time full
or doubts. 1 cannot say 1 was close to Art.
H• didn't say much about himself. He
was not given to expressing his feelings. I
can rationalize my failure to pick up on
his suffering with these facts. But they're
not really true.
When I think of him, I remffltber his
eyes best. 'They were wide open. It was u
if his daily experience trarua,nded routine
and became the stuff of vision. His vision
WH not confined to the present, but grew
from the union of his experience of the
past and the praent to a vision of the
fututt. His involYffllent In environmental

issues and studies was perhaps an attempt
to find ways of coping with his visions.
He found those ways insufficient.
Whether he committed the act of taking
his life in the depths of an internallygenerated sense of despair or because the
addition of one final external conflict
brought the weight of his suffering to the
breaking point, I don't know. But I know
what I saw in his eyes. I know it has been
in my own.
I've heard it said by religious people
that everyone has a cross to bear, that
God imposes them on us for his own
mysterious purposes, and we have the
choice of carrying them or giving up. But
Christ on the way to Calvary was given
assistance by a stranger in the crowd.
That was more than Art got.
I have learned to keep my darkest
aspects to myself, tha.t it is an imposition
upon my friends and family to burden
them with those. I think that Is true for
most of us, bec.iuH ii is rare that I ever
glimpse anyone else's darkness. We are in
these respects strangtts to one another. I
could have stepped out of the crowd to
feel the weight of Art'• cross, because I
saw it in his eyes. I an only hope that
in my times of stress someone will do it
for me. Next time I meet someone like
Art, I hope I will know how to do that
for him,

• GRE110




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Assl§tanl Instructor
Stu<H'nt will hf'lp instruct environmental eclucation and aJventurt" programming with eight
adjudicatP<l youths 1n wilderness areas and
w1th1n the agency's f.icilitiu.
Must have
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Auditor Traintt

\'.irmus .iud1t-rt'latt'd responsib1hllt'S Speciflc:o.
!0 be d1scusSt'd upon mlt'rv1"ws and C••n!ert:ncf's 'A'1th!<tudt'nts and counst>lors This pro),l,ram1s J n.ttlonw1dt' stafhnK prop.ram d~1gned
,,, 1t'cru11.inJ train cultegt' students tor J'.)t'rm.i
nt'nt rl.Kt-ment in professional adm1n, ..1rar1ve
m.:in.1~rr1al .ind tt'chnical ros111nn~ thrnu,11.h
PUI thr '"11al '->t·{untyAJm1ni~tr.it11111
l..1JCm, 1nilh \>.1•r~ f1•IIPwf'd by ~I"( month.,
..,1ht1PI tnllu'Anl by ..,1, mnnth~ w1>rl.. t"llnw••d
Pv ..,,, mnnth, ..,..h,,.,I
-lL) h,,ur, 111•1•~Sil, Ve,\ "r $12 2tit> v,·.ir

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~Cl-ll1 I ,,ur, 1,,.,.1,,. [',,.....,1blt tr.1\,I ''"l"-'11'-''"


",(lt'lllt' R1•w.11r,hA"'-"l.11nt
l h!lJ),:"
'-•ud,·nt 1n1111111111d,, n·..,·.inh in tlw h.1,11
phv,1,Jl ,111d hfr ......wm,-, m.11lwm,l!11, 1,,111
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,tnd "r tn 1·nJ,,:1nt"t·rinl(
will .11..,, rl'<,t•,nch rroJ,,:r.Jm" rt>l,1tinJ,,:In ,1>,11
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,ul.ir tneri,;y l'rl'lt•r ~tudt•nt with b,Kl-,.:n,und
in r"mputt'r sc1t"n~t".., t'n,.:tnrt"rtnK, m.itht·
mdl!C\ 11ft's<:it'nces,,r physical si:it'n<"n
Summ1·1 1081 qudrtt'f 40 h,,ur, WN"~
SlSO "N'l plus trdvel e•pen'-t"S

Environmental Ttthnical Writer
Student interg will develop public infonnatMla,-brochurn, edit a revision of t~ coastal pro-gram document, assist in the development of
workshops . .ind edit .ind produce ii monthly
newsletter Prefer b.ilckground in journ.ilism,
advertising, or communic.itions.
16-22 hours/wttk. $3.35/hour. College WorkStudy possible.

Public Affairs T tthnkiAn
McChord Atr Foret Base
lnttrn will arr.in~ media coverage for given
event\, prt'p.ire prHS rt>le.ises, inter.ict with
local command 5-Klion .ind ot~r community
leaders. be involved in speci.il projttts (open
house. baSt' tours, etc.I. puticipatt' in preparation of weekly b.ise nt'wspaiper, photography,
spt'echwriting, and prep.ire slidt" briefings.
Preft'r student to have background in solar
design and dr.ifting and have good communi•
cation skills
40 hours/wttk
SJ 35/hour for College Work•
Study students only. lodging providt-d.

directly affecting the quality of education
at Evergreen. Les Eldridge rquates this
quality with "the promise of small
classes," the individual attention that
spoils Evergrttners from freshman to
senior years, and "the variety of interdisciplinary viewpoints." According to
Eldridge, the school would probably cut
enrollment rather than sacrifice any of
these aforementioned qualities.
President Evans has also gone on record
in favor of enrollment rather than program and faculty cuts. As chairman of the
state Council of Presidents, Evans may be
able to put his plan into action, since the
Council determines how state schools will
cope with budgetary cuts when they
come. The largest obstacle is amendment
of the Washington state law which mandates that Evergreen grow to capacity.

Assist~nt to a Coordlnalor
lntt"rn will coordinatt' a bylaws task torce and
.lSS1stm ckvt"lop1ni the bylaws. Intern will iitlso
m identifying tht' learnmg needs of
memb<>r<..1nd organi.r:t' necessary workshops
Prd1•r \tudt"nl with Kood writing <.kills .ind iiln
inlt'rt"-1 m ,ummumty 1•rK.in1zmg
ID-20 hour<. wttl..


Bigelow expanded on ways that Evergreen might cope with a smaller operating
budget. Di=t faculty firings, for example,
can be avoided by not renewing part-time
and visiting faculty contracts. Also, summer school can be run half time,
This week. Governor Dixy Lee Ray will
unveil her version of the next state
budget. Her proposal may include a TESC
budget allocation 12 % less than what the
school needs to maintain education a·t
current levels. Since it's impossible to
projed what course of action the legislature will take in budget matters, the
coilege should prepare for the worst. As
Les Eldridge said, "I don't think anyone is
confident in getting money out of the
Legislature until it acts ... and this session
will be even worse."

Robin WiUUlmson
Cellic singer/songwnter Robin Williamson
will .ippe.ir in concert Tunday, O«t'mber 9 at
8 p.m .. in tht' Recital H.iH of Evergrttn's Communicatrnn Budding. His ont'-man show.
which is sponsored by the collegt" Gig Comm1ss1on, will mcoi:porate lheatf'r. music, story
song and legt>nd Tickets to his conct"rl .ire on
sale for $3.50 for gtneral adm1ss1on and $2.50
f11rstudents at Yenney's Music and Rainy Day
KKords m West Olymp1..i. Budget Tapes and
Record .. m downtown Olympia. and at the
Evt>ri,:rttn Bnokstort.' T 1ckets wdl dlso be
JVa1l.iblr at tht· door







Gnu Deli
Folk singer Utah Phillips will appear in co~cut on Frid.iy. De«mber 19, al the Gnu Dfl1,
lll West Thurston, at 7:30 p.m. for one per•
formance only. Phillips combines ribald
humor, working class phil0$0phy and serious
folklore. in a program th.it makn you think,
listen and laugh simult.ineously.
Appearing with Phillips is Bob Markholt,
!WW organizer, to talk about why the One
Big Union is as essenti;1I for working J>e?Ple
today u it was in the past. Markholt rtte1ved
his labor edu<:illtionworking as a timber f.il\er
111Southeast Alaska, Washington and Oregon.
He is a meat culler in one of the largnt
workers· cooperatives in tht' Pacific Northwnt .ind !uches labor 1tudie1.
Donation is S3.50. All concert proettds will
be donated to the lndustri.il Workus of the
World UWW). TJCkets are .iv.iilable at the Gnu
Deli, Budget Tapes and Records, R.iiny Day
Records and at t~ door.


Frtt J~zz Concert§
lh1•wn 8..ii,\ t.Jl.1 return<. to Thf' Evt"rgrttn
St,1h· (..,1lc1,:t>in two frN' concerts slatt>d to
di m•on Ol"('t-mber 3 and 10 tn the Rt'c1tal
H.ill nl tht.' Cummunicatio.,.... Bu1ld1ng [au
mJ..,ter, Red Kellv on bass, Chuck Stt'nt, on
Jad, l't>rc1val and Evt>ri,:rttn Facullv Member 00n Lh.tn on p1an0 and Kennl'w,cl.. student Chns P.1ul on dium~ will ultt'r
hour-lt1n~ pt'rh•rmanct"'5 t•..ich Wt>dne..day
,1l1t•rntl{•n Hi~hl1>{httni,:their (nnc..rts will be
th,• v"<al.., of Olympia 1.1n -.on,11.Mrrs~Ian
Tht· D~cmlwr 3 .inJ 10 pl'rlc-rmanct"s ,1,e
,,-..,n-..•n·d by l:vt'r~rt't'n and tht' ~1u\1C1dn,
tlm,,n I,., ,11124


tr.111, , ..


l ,111,Hln m11·1n,h1p 40 hnur, 'Al't'k
I' ,i.l 111Cl-111,h1p

December 6 at 8 p.m. (S21-Blue Ridge
A 6•p1ect' blut'gr.iss band from Suttlt'.
brings the rare sound of )-part female vocal
humomt'~ to the progressive bl~rass
Besides bluegrass their rt"J'.)t'rtoirt r.inges from
hound-dog, barnyard tunn to swttt swing.
lulie Hiram sings lead and pl.iys guitar; Jane
B.irwell sings harmony and plays mandolin;
Wendy Marcus sings harmony iitnd plays
fiddlt'. Muk Ashby on stand-up bass; Marty
LePort' on dobro: and Mac Roberts on banjo .

l),.v C.Ht- l'rl'..,_..hoolTHchn
'-,1udt·nt 1n1,•rnwill ll',I( h lt>ur ~'S"'"ns ,I Wt"t'~
1\1111.,_,n•,1.,,n,1hlt• lur d.i,ly -.cht'<lulr .ind cur"' 11lum pl.innmi,: hrlp ~n·r daily rl'n•rds
,...,~1,1in i,:,·m·ral pldnnmi,: h•r prt'SCh1;>1,I
proi,:r.1m ha-. j.m11t•n.il n.·~p,•n..1b1lillt"!',,
lb hnur-. wrd,
SJ .\5 wttk Coll~e Wnr~
..;1uJy r1•<.s1bl,,

F,>r furtht-1 mf,,rmdllt1n n•nt..icl Office <'I
l,.,1rt-r.-il1VI' l:JucJt,.,n- LAB IOCXl l'h1•nt>·

Olympia Food

Wanted: One roommate (male or
female) for a two-bedroom apartment
in the Deer Run Apartments
Division St. On the bus line, close by
Handy Pantry. Ront-$125 a month
plus utilities. Nice, open apartment.
Prefer non-smoker. Contact Theresa
Connor, 866-3987 evenings or leave
message at the CPJ 866-6213.
reliable and all work
guaranteed. 943-7851.

Mandolin case wanted. Price negotiable. Call Rachel at 352-1560.
For sale: Sin. Bargain prieft. Reasonable condition. Interchangeable. Highly
1979, Sedan.
25 mpg, p.s., 4-cylinder, auto, radials,
Exe. Cond. 21,000 miles, $3900.

921 N. Rogers
Olympia Wesrside
TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman
Walk two blocks e;,st to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC


Womyn's Films
An evening of Womyn's films, spon101"'N by
Tides of Change and Friends, is scheduled for
~turday, Dec. 6 .it 7 p.m. Among the films
to be shown .ire: "Battel'N Women," "love It
Llke a Fool: the Ii~ of Malvina Reynolds,'"
"Emerging Women," ~nd some child"'n·, films.
For more information and child ca"' call the
Wonwn's Center In advance. (866-6162)
Ingmar Bergman, Liv Ullman and Bibi
Andersson ,tar in Pc:nona Wt'dnnday. Ottember 10 at 1 :JO, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. L«ture
Friday Nltc: Filmt
Dectmber 5-Blow Up (1966, 110 minutes)
Oirecttd by Mic~lanaelo Antonioni. Sta.rring
David Hm1minp. Vannq
Rc:dgrave. Sarah
MiW'f, Vm.ishb, A hedonistic faihion photog•
raphrer who f"f'COrdt, and at the: umt time dk·
tates pop cu.hurt, cannot come lo &rips with
the significance of his OWTI Mtmct. Plusr
Pink Panther cartoon. Vitamin Plnlr..
Decembc:r 11-M
1931, 99
minutes) Oincttd by Fritz Lang. Starring Peter
Lorre, Otto Wemk:lc. Lang', flr,t tound film
and one In which P~er Lol'ff became worldfamou1 for hi, portrayal of • murdrrer who i,
trapped by his mmtal 1icknn1 but afraid to
dl,cover himwlf. This film's 10Undtrack ls bat
known for the murdc:rer whistling Crieg'1 Peer
Gynt whenever the desire to kill overwhelm,
him. Plu1! &t'tty Boop in 111 Be Glad When
You'n Dud, You Ratcal.

Whole Foods
Great Prices

l{obin Williainson, formerly of the Incredible String 8-and. plays at Evergreen's
Rt:'CitalHall on Tuesday, December 9 at 8 p.m. Williamson plays
"' varietv of material, all in the traditional vein, and features an array of
modern and traditional instruments. including Celtic harp, fiddle, bagpipe and
ccmcertina. His ~rfonnances range from the musical to the poetic and
theatrical. Admission to Tuesday's concert is $2.50 for students.




Ba.•..,,.., Inc.

"Charley's Aunt"
"Ch.11rley-.Aunl," directed by faculty membt•r Andrt" T~i. will be performed at Ever·
~rttn fur eight evening shows. December 4-7
and I 1•14. Show lime 1s 8 p.m. Thurscfay
throu,11.hS.ilurday in the Experimental Theatre
ul the Communiulions
Building. Tickets .are
on sale at Yenney's Musk in West Olympi.i
and al tht Evergreen Bookstore for S4 general
_,Jmissmn or S2 for lll'nior citiz.ens and students. Rt'St'rvalions may be m.ide by ulhng
866--6070during regular working hours



Thert> will be a chat tournament on Decftn.
her 13 at the Lacey Community Center. P1rtk•
ipation ii open to 111cheu playen with WCF
membership (can Join at llitc:). Registration
slarts at 8 a.m. with the fint round bqmning
at 9: 15. Entry fee: SB adva~
(by C>ea-mber 111 or $10 al the door. Prius will be
awarded. Pleate bring board, wt and clock If
you h.ive one. For more information contact:
Ron Burford. 9401 Rich Rd. S.E., Olympia,



Friday Eve.nlnp al Marymount
The publk 11 invited to "'Friday Evening, at
Marymount" on Dtcnnber 5. The program indudo: A Simple Supper 1erwd from 5: JO to
7 p.m.: 1pKial Chri.atmas Mu,ic and Poetry
from 1-e p.m.: lu.nwn Art Callery Exhibit ol
Photogr,phy by Thomu Ludlow: and opt"ning
of Annual Christrnu Sale.
Movies few chlldrm are shown at 7 p.m.:
frft duld ea~ ia avaJlabM. EV'fflt ii held al
Marymount. W E. 1.Slnd St., Tacoma. Call
SJS-255l f« m<>ftlnlonnatk>cl.

on Campu!o





les-w Colin Young in Conct>rl
ll'1-',t' Colin Y,1un,11.
rt'lurn, Ir•
"'1•.ittlr /,,r conn•rts at the Moort.' Thealrt' ,in
hiJay D,•u•mht>r 5 and Salurda) Ot'ct'mber
o H,1th c,,nn·rh .trt' sel for 8 pm Ticl..t.'ts lnr
1h1· Nor1hw, ...1 Kt•lcasmg evtnl ilft.' nn salt- at
Thi• T1ckt•I 1'1.:itt•at tht' Bon downtown Jnd
th,· u,uJI ..,ul-ourh,muutlt•h

H.all1. TESC. FREEi

New Hours Mon-Sun 10-7



2nd Annual Evergreen Album Project
All studena are mvited to partic1patt' 1n thl'
production of the second Evergreen ,.lbum
Talent. tapes, and arhsts' portfolios art'
nttdt'd Thert will be hvt" auditions during tht"
first wttk of December Tapes, complt'te or
rough, as well .is arlwork and photography for
tM album Jacket, may be submitted until
December 8. when a panel of students w,ll
screen the matt'nal. Works nttd nol be fm;1l
The only qu.ilification is that the work be
compowdtrKorded or visualiudtput on papt'r
by current students at The Evergrttn S1..1t
College. For mort' inform.ition, talk to Carol
Howell or Dan Crowe. libruy
13270 or

library Callerle1
C;1llery Four is featuring an uhibil of rttent
paintings and ink drawings by Olympi.i .irtist
M.iury H.isehine. The exhibit opens Dec. 6 .ind
runs through ).in. 17.
In Callery Two there is an exhibit of a selection from the Evugrttn Colltttion. Admission
to both shows is frtt and open to the public.
Gallery Two, lac.rited in Library 2300 is open
8 a.m.-10:45 p.m.: Mon -Thurs.; 8 a.m.7 p.m., Fri.; 1-5 p.m .. S.it. and 1-9 p.m.
Sunday. G.illery Four, located in room 4002 of
tM Library, is open from noon-6 p.m. on
wttkdays and from 1-5 p.m. on S.it. .ind Sun.

l. I KES f I'S\{

()ppurhin1lv ln ,1,,.1,t ,1rch.i1•,1lni,:1<.t
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and dt"-U
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d.,r,, ,,n .1,h·,•r-..•lvJil,-, tt·d ,1tr, .rnJ ,1,-.1,w111.
111 .... 11111r.
lll' ,1nd hr,·,1! ini,: J11wn lidd 1.1mr..,
r-.1.1, .,-...i-.t m ,11l1IJ,t ,m.1lv," ,1nJ rt'pi•rtmi,:
['rt 11•1~,ud1·n1 w11h ~nt•wl,-Ji,:,•,,i ,lr~hat'••l••J.:
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CALLERY -on Campus

Northwest lnclian Women's Orclc
The Northwest lnd~n, Women's Circle presents "A Tribute to Native Americ.an Women"
featuring Loreli Mean, from Women of All
Red Nations, Tallulah Pinkham of the Yakima
Nation and NAIWA. Mary Jo Butterfie-ld of
the Makah Nation and AIO, Maggie Grover of
American Indian Opportunity.
The prnentation I• tchcdulcd for Oe«m•
ber 6 at The Evfl'IJ"t'ffl State Collqe and will
includt 1n Indian dinner. Tickets for the
dinntt: S5 general. Sl.50 for elden and $1 for
chUdren under 12.
For more lnform.ation contact J.net McCloud at ~7610
or Diane: Devlin at '5990l4 or l66-602t.

Mc:asutt for Measutt
Shaknpe.irt>'s Measure for Measure will be
performed through December 6, in the main
lobby of the libra.ry building. The student production is directtd by Stephen Temkin as part
of his senior projt'ct. The perform.in« begins
at 8 p.m. Admission is S1.50 for students and
$2.50 for general publtc. Tickets art" .ivailable
~t TESC 8ook1lott.



Square Dancn
Every Wt'dnes<by nite
in Library 43001!
Free square danca-live
music, live callers, .ill
we nttd are d.inttnl Come alone or bring a
friend. II you play an instrument. fiddle,
guitar, mandolin. the spoons, wh.itever. pleaw
join us.

Art Croup Meets
Thurston County residents 1n1erHlt"d in
actively supporting the arts .are invited to
attend ii membt'nhip meeting of the newly
rt>bom Thurston Regional Arts Council Thurs•
day, De«mber 4, beginnin& .at 7 p.m. in tht'
conference, room of the General Admimstrill ion Building on the C~pitol Campus.
The mttting will feature .i p~nt.ition
Mildred Cook, program dirtttor for St.ateWidt" Arts Development.
a University of
Washington-based pro;ect c"'.ited to promott
development of the arts. Also speaking will be
Lynn Schrader, coordin.itor for the City of
Olympia's propowd P•rforming Arts Cenlt'r,
.ind Marilyn Carlton, a recent gr~duate of Tht'
Evergreen State College, who has devoted the
past sever.ii months to building tht" Thur,ton
Region.ii Arts Council.
lnform~tion on tht arts mttling is avad.11ble
from Carlton ..it 866-6119

Dance Workshop
Uve Art, Foundation announc:n a apeci.il
workshop on Saturday December 6 from 1 to
4 p.m. Ed Croff wlll lead thit thrft--hour
mowment daa at the Olympla Ballroom. Ed'1
cluaes are CNractmud by hlah ffltf'IY, k>t1
of movln& and a great time utlrc buic dance
sk.ills, The worbhop is open 10 anyone with a
wUlingne. to pt out •nd Id movina. The
cost is S6, for reptration eall 866-9527.

Woman Olmb,u Speaks
In June of 1980, a team of eight women
climber, from the U.S.. India, and New
Zealand mack the fint aattnt of Brigupanth.
a beautiful ~ peak in the Indian Himalayas.
Arifflt' Blum, expedition leader, will prnent a
11ide lecture on thit •t 7:30 p.m .. Tunday,
Dettmbff 2
thi, i1 .alrtady over

page 1 S