

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 8 (October 30, 1980)

extracted text
JW.2 ...

October 30, 1980

Volume 9 No. 8

ElectionFeverHits Evergreen

From left to right: Michael Hutchinson, Rebecca Cheney and Michael Long of Mica Mime Troupe.



On Campus


Gallery Two
E\'ergrttn Seniors" a mo1ed mf'd1a show,
fr.itunng works by lhrtt sentor ut students.
will be on view through Oct 26 ,n CaUery
Twc- of the Evans Library The dts~ay features
and paintings by T ud,,er Peter!ill,
Kulplurt' by Lnhe Tow-. and fine Mrtal work
.ind ct'ram1n by Deborah Mersky
Callery Four
Evrrgrttn Srmo,-.., .i two-student show
leatunng prints and phot05 by Dou~ Plummrr
.ind dr.iw1n~s •nd pa1ntinKs by Eliubrth
Hunlt'r The t"-:h1b1twill be showmg through
Oct 26

Academic film S«rin
Wrdnt"$d.ay, Ocl. 29 The PaMion of Jo,an of
Arc (Fr.ancr, JQ28, 82 min., b/w. silent) and
Cutrud {Ot'nm,.rk, 1964, 115 min., b/w). both
d1rtttt'CI by Carl Theodor Dreyer. lntf'rnaltonal
polls of filmmakers and critics in 195,8 and
1972 listed TM PUUOn.
among the tm
Kte.atnt films of .all time. Based on tht' necords
of the f.ame>ustrial ht'ld .at Rouen, Franc., in
1431 this films .aura of hisloflnl authenticity
is unOt'mablt· You a~ thll'tt. D~er wanted to
convt•y 1hr 1nnrr statN of tlw chuacten and
KOi II Marlt' FakuMll1, as thr Maid of Orie.ans
who, gu1dt'J by ",oner vmces,'' led thr French
national librrallon forcn ag.a1nsl 1tw English
occupying army .and wu burned for not de-ny•
1ng thnt' v(licn. dll'liven-d Oflt' of thr gttatnt
pt:rlorm.incrs evll'r rttorded by the earner.a
Gertrud 1s about .i woman who's longing for
1de<'IIlt>Vf'brmi;ts ht>r 11, rr1rct her lilwy•r husb.. od anJ hl'r twc, l1•vll'n-an erohc pol"I .and
a c,1mpo:'it'r A/tt"r study with a teacher of
F1f'ud she 1'f.(ll.alt'S h.-rs,rlf even mo~. ilnd
hn<k whall
Dreyt'r wai.,. mystic, bul not of tht' pop cul·
turf' vanl'ty Thnt" films demand intense con•
n·ntr.a11on fmm the audlt'nce. •nd given that
art' unfurgrttablf' emotioTYI expt"r;.ncn. Stt
Ench Rot•s rll'latrd arttcle elsewhe~ in lhis
15Sllt' U'Cturr Hall I I ·JO and 7:30 pm. frtt
F,iday Nile FUmt
Oct. 24 W1m Wender's Klnp of the Road
(W Grrmany, 1976. 176 min) starnng Rudi
Vo~lll'r. Hanns Zi1ehler, and Us.a KrNzer In
this film by tlw dir«lor of Alke in tM Clt'n
,md TM Anwrkan Frwnd, two rM"n dnve
.imund Grnnany in .a brat-up van rTp.airing
pruJttlors in rundown movir housn lt't teillly
about fr;.ndsh1p, lifll' on lhf' road, thf' abwnce
,,I womffl the death of 1hr e1nema, ,uld the
i.itt th.it thr Amt'nc-,ns h..ve colonized thr
(.t'rman subconsc10us A work of qunhomng
ma,;trry-thll' bnt Grrman film of the new
Germ,.n School
David Thom.as Bos1on·s
Ru\ Papf'r .. Note; Thlt wttli:'s ,hewtlmn a~
7 and 10:15. No 3:00 show thit wttk. No
short this wttl,.

Adm1ss1on tn both shows ts lrtt and OPf'n I(,
the public G.:1llrry Twn lucatffi in L1br.try
ZJ(X) 1s open 8 am 10 45 pm
Mon -Thurs.
8 .i m 7 pm Fn 1.5 pm S.il and 1-0 pm
Sun (,alll'ry Four, loco1lf'd1n room 4002 (1f 1he
l1bra1y 1s opf'n from n<'('ln-6 pm on wt"l"I..·
d.t}'"!t,i.nd from J.5 rm on S.1t .ind Sun
Olympia Arn
St.:1le(dp11c>I Museum
Th" Loll.igraph l~.i
JOSb-1080- Chm
Al~ cons1dE-rt"d10 be onr of tht' fort"m~
prmtm,.kt'rs m the U S 1s fr;lturt'CI 1n ,. ~troSpKllVt' rxh1b11 of his works at the State
Capitol Mu!ol'Um Olympia. through Oct JO
Currt'ntly Profnsor of Ari and Chairman of
the Printmaking DIVISIOn at 1ht' Univ of
W.ish,ngton, Alps g.a1ned n.ihonal prominencll'
m 1956 when he dt'vf'lopt'CI the ttthnique of
Collagraphy by combming lradillonal pnntm.ilung procedu~ with collagtThr r,ihib1t will featu~ pnnls. plus a photo
nuy on tht' ttthniquH of collagraphy .ind
eJ1amp~ of collagraph1c pnnting platn. Thf'
Stair Capllol MuSot"um1s open from 10 a m.•
4 30 p m . Tun ·Fn , noon-4 pm Sat and
Sun Admission is frtt

HuvHl Moon Ball
The Olympia Food Co-op pr~nls Obrador
m the 2nd annual Harns! Moon Bail\ lo be
held at the Olympu1 Ballroom from &-midnight.
Fnday Oc-tobt-r 24 Thf' f'Vf'nlnKS rntertatn·
ment mcludn not only dancing, bul the
crowmng of thf' HarvNI Moon Quttn. (.all
ll'ntnn a~ wekomt"I Announcement of thr
winner m thf' Co-op bumperst1ckrr contest
promoting local agnculturr w,11allO be m.adt'
Old•T1mr Couplll' Dance
Vt on your dancing shoes .and he.-d on
down to the Olymps.i Ballroom in lht' old
Olympian Hottl ne,it to Sylvestf'r Park {.ibovt
1he Htrh and Omonl Datf' Sunday Oct 28
lrom -; In 10 pm hnstructum 7-8 pm I Ad·
misMnn 1s S2 pt:r p,•rson but wf'II worth 11 to
l".im \U<-hold1t"Sas the polka two step. wal~
.ind "'hotl1sdw Sp0nwr.-d by the Olympia
B.1llroom Assoc1allon For morll' inlormo1llon
04} 080] (MUSIC rt"<"ordffiI




Olympia f11m Soddy
Sunday. Ocl 20 And Thf'n Thert' Wrre
Rene Clair U S A 1045 b w A
Hal\owttn SpK1al showing,., thr Capital City
Stud1CJ Theater This classic mytlery movie
1.ikn place on a ~rlt'CI island 1n the Atlantic
A<. tll'n pf'Ople huddlf' logrther to .iwa1t their
I.ate tht' group f1nd1 thal thf're UII' fewl!'f of
thrm .ii uch nrw twist m the plot Dirrctll'O
with utmost urf' to prov,ck- ,. playful Bl.ad.·
,omt'<ly the mf>Vtt'1~full ,,f m,1r\'elous .itmosrhrt1l Brrrs
Sf'Vt"ralshudders .1 golh1c
m,.ns1on butirted by wind ;md t1dE-.ind an 1m•
..hlf' c.1st fn,m Walter Huston to lud1th
Andl'rs(•n (8.i~
on Ag.itha Chnsur s play
Ten Little lndiam I Two shows 7 pm &.
o pm The Cap1tal (.11y Stud1c, Thutrr ,s
l{>Uttd at 01 I E. 4th Olympia, bt"twttn Pru
and Quince (Membrrs SI 25 non-memben

Gnu Deli
Oct. 24-Charhr
Holllns: exctlltnl vocals
and guitar work shine in .an t"Venin&of origin.al
.ind tro1dittonal folk (9 p.m.tSl)
Oc-t. 2.5- Isl Avenue. Original chamber Im•
prov1s.ations for trio. IAnny Good.MW on alto
flute b.ass clariiwt; Jim Knapp on trumP«'I fhagelhorn.
Eric Jenton on cello.
(Opm SJ50l
Sc.,ndlnnlan Musk and Dane•
Sa1urdi1y, Oct 25-an
rven1ng of Scandinavian music and dana fea•
1unng Gordon Trade •nd musicians of the:
Skandia Folkdanct Soc;e1y The aftrrnoon program will futuf't' Gordon Tracie, who will
tHch the basic walu, sc.hottitche .and polkt
dancf' steps Thit workshop it intended for btginnen and for thaw wishing to rtvttW thrir
knowledge of 1hnt' danclt'I. tl-4 p.m.1$2 pt"r
Evening program
Doon will open at
t, JO p m. Authentic Scanduu1vi.an wndwichn
and pastrin will bt •va1lable to purchue. The
program will begin at 7 p m with a prntnta•
tion of Scanlnavian music and dance by
Gordon Tr.adt, who will discuH thrt varlout
kinds of music and d.ance found in tht SCiln•
diNtvian countries. At 9 p.m. th.re will be
dancing for t'Vtf'YOIWwith music provldtd by
Skandia musicians. ($4 per ptt'SOftl For more
Information call tht Olympia Ballroom Ateod·
alton, 943--9803

Chekov :Tht Cherry Orchard
Thr ,,..,t play 1n lnt1man Thratre Comp•ny,
production tnlogy of Chekov s major works.
The Chury Orchard 1s playing ill thr com•
pany s 1heo11tr on Eighth Avenue between
Union and Pike
The Chury Orchard featurlt'I Eve Robrm

page 12

On the Boards
Thr second in a new ,er-in of m!JMCprogrilms. entil~ '"Opus C>n,e," will be prnented
Sunday, Ortobtt 26, 2 p.m. •t Waahington
Hall Performance Callery, 153 14th Avenue at
F,r Strttt. "Opus C>n,e" provides an informill
cone.rt wuing for tht performance of new
compositions by Northwest compown.
October's program will feature: pttmit':rn of
"Fathom" for solo hom, by Rkh Jones. per•
fornwd by Warren Ska.Her. The piece original•
ly conceiwd for synthniur,
employs vowel
manipulation ilnd conlrapunlal multiphonics.
"Chronic"' Sonata" for vtoUn and guitar, by
Ken Tur~y. is a musical di.ary of a jourM)' in
1hr summer of 1980 thru S.an Frandtco,
Boston, M.airw, and Wi,coMin. Also, on tht
program 1s "Terpsichorut Trias" for stnng trio,
by Michul-An,w Bu~lt.
and two pirce:s by
Bellingham import Fred West, ·'Sou.nch of
Nme•· for violin and viola, and an .audience
p.. r11cipation pit'Ct' "At tht Zoo."
General admission tkktb for "Opus Ont"
art SZ and a~ avail.able al tht' door. For fur•
thrr information, call 282-9013 or 325-9949.
On Tursday. Octobt'r 28, On tht Boards
will host a master class with ont of tht pionttn of modern dance, Eric Hawkins. The
cl.ass will take place at tht- Washinaton Hall
PerformaTICt'Callery (loc:atrd al 15.J.14th Avf'.
and Firl at 4 p m Mr. Hawkins will lntrodutt
his movemrnt concepts in • cla.M sr•ttd
towards ,ntir'tMdi.ltr and advanced danctn.
Mr Hawl..ms will conduct a quntion •nd
.iMwer pt"nod following NI prntntation.
Brcauw of his commitment to working
collabor.ativrly with .artists of othtr mtdiil
(pnmanly music, 9lrl dn1gn, mask and co.tumt"I and his contributions to modem dance,
a mo1ster clas.s with Eric Hawkins would also
be of intefftl to non-d.anttrs.
Cosl for parlicip.ating in the masttr class will
be Sc. theft will be 11 S5 admiuion for Pft)ple
w1sh1ng to obwrw tht claM and participilte in
the question and answu pt"riod following. For
furthtr informiltion or to rtei•ter for tht Eric
H.awkins m•sttr clHs, pltilK call Andtta
Wagnu at 325-9949

.as Madamr R.anevskaya. John Gilbert as hn
brother, G.ayev, •nd Trd D'Armt H ~chant. Lophin The play, d1rectrd by lntiman s
founder ..nd artistic dlr«tor, Marprtl Booker,
will plo1y through October " Call lntlrnan's
box office. 624-2992, for ticket information


on C.mpua

Dr. Alberto Rafols, a pianist and


of music al tht Uni'lffilty of Wuhlnglon,

pra.mt a concm.of clu.ical works Friday,
October 24, beginning at 8 p.m. (n ttw Recital
Ha.II of tht CommunkalioM Bu.ikffng '1 The
EVttglftfl State ColM:(Jt.
Dr. Rafala, who Nit performed extenaivtly,
throughout tht United St.ates and Spain as a
soloist, ac:compMt.ist and ch.ambu muskian,
will present a program of pi«:fl by Claude
Df'bu.•y. Jamn Beale and Robert Schumann •
Tiw un\Vfl'lity profffsor will .also conduct a
work.shop For piano ttudmts and ltac:hers Saturday, October 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
in tht' Recital Hall.
Both tht workshop •nd tht Friday nenlng
concert a.IT llpONOrt'd by the Washington Statr
Ml.llic TtKhtn AMOda.tlon. Admiaion to tht
work.hop and the conttrt are: S15 gfflt'raJ or
$12.50 for students: .dmitllon to tht conttrt
alolW' is S.S,pneral admiaion or Sl ..SO for
stude-nts. Dttail1 are: available from Mary Jant
Clark. 866-4587 or bffgn!tn Faculty M.mbff
Dr. William Windm, ~.
Cal Tjadtr, a musician billitd u NlM Renai►
sance ffl.iln of jan," brings Im INX-member
group to Tht Evtrgr'ft'R State Col~
for OlW
ptrformance only Tun.day. October 28, beginning at 8 p.m. ln tht Experimental Theater of
tht Communications Building.
T;ac»r. wko beg.an his carttr in 1949 at 11
drummer with the S.an Franci9c~butd
Brubtck Quart.t and later u a vibrah.arpist
•nd pem,Mionist for tht C.Orp Shtaring
Quinlt't, hu for fflOA' tkan lO ~an lffVed u
a musicaJ amb.asudor from tM Wftt C~st to
the mt of tht jau. world.
Tjadtt; pniomu musk that dtfin dtf'initlon.
Its "~ts
includt' Afro.Cuban. )AU and pop,
but ht combinn commm:ial ecttMl'bility with
wh.at tht' San Frand9co Chronicle a.lit "tht'
most pure: muaicianthlp."
His Tuesday night Olympt.a appearanct is
tht' .cond In tht Evtrgl'NTI Exprnuont Pff·
forming arts •rin
and ii rosponsored by
POSSCA (P•trons of South Sound Cultural
Arts) and tht Ewrgran Foundation. Tidtttt
art on NH now for 55 uch at YffllW}"s Mutk
in downtown Olympb and •I the EVfflJff'I\
boobl:Off. RntrVations may be madt by ca.Uing 866--6070.

SO• N Stona
Thret evening performancn
of "SCUc N
Stones," the rwwut show by tht' Olyrnplabali«I Mica Mime Troupe. will be staged Octobtt 23, 24. •nd 25 al Evtrgrttn, Tiw fourmtmbt'r troupe, which i1 alto offffing two
sptt:1al children's shows .al 10 a.m. October 23
and 24, will prn,nt wha1 thty-#tall "a viJual
encount~r with the ttal and illusioNtty world
of mlmt'.··
The production begins with a dt'Ught£ully
diffettnt form of puppetry and ranaes the
limits of lma&inatlon from an old childtt.n'1
fab~ brought to lih' to a pointed obwrvation
of tht absurdity of wa.rfare:, combinina aoc:ial
comrMnlary with original comedy. Mimn
Mkkael long •nd Rtb«Cil Owney of Olympia
.and Michael Hutchison ol Hartline Island
blend 1twirimagination and grasp of tM rullty
of illusion, aided by tht' subtle 11.ihtlna talent•
of Jane Hutchison.
Tkketa to 1ht thttt Evergrtm nenlng per•
formanca wlll be •vailablt' at the: door of tht
Communications Buildina for S4 pntnl
admiaion or SJ for ttude-ntt and tffllor dtlttnt.

Many of the candidatH had information tables set up when, voters could plck up
literature, buy buttons and T..,hlrt, and talk to supporters. While the grown-ups
concentrated on politics, kids could swim in the Rec Center pool or attend a 6-hour
marathon of cartoons.

' e-atmosphe~ between forums was relaxed: a time for the public to meet the
andidates and question them on their vie\lYS. Fonner Ewrgreener C,eorge Barner
rew a crowd out in the crisp fall air. Nearby, the Environmental Resource Vnter
as seUing munchies.

FearandloathingIn Seattle
By Peter Principle
ln the dimly lit interior of the Seattle
Eagles Auditorium, the tension is damn
near visible. Voluntttrs man a bank of
phones at a honahoe configuration of
tables set up in the center of the dana
floor. "Good morning! Is Mr. Smith
therel Well Mr. Smith, I'm calling for the
Jim McDermott for Governor Campaign
and I'd like to tell you a little bit about
Jim and why he's running for Gover•
nor ... " Men and women with their hands
full of paper and drawn, tense faces
scurry around the room yelling to each
other above the steady cacophony of ring·
ing phones, clacking typewriten, and the
eerie echoing voices of the phone solicitors. "Good morning ... is ... will ...
Senator Mc~rmott would like your ..
can we ... morning ... your vote ... Mn.
Edwards7 This is ... your vote ... for
governor ... your vote .....
To the right of the stage, behind a row
of columns that run the length of the
room, are a collection of scattered card
tables. At one of these the campaign
manager sits hunch~ in a pool of light
from the desk lamp beside him. He scans
the copy of a new press release, pencils in
a few corr«tions. initials it. and yells for
to come pick it up. He looks at
the pile of papen beside him, each one re•
quiring his approval and signatutt,
glances at his watch. and swean softly
un~r his breath. His candidate, State
Senator Jamn Mc~rmott, is Kh~uled to
meet his opponent in a televised debate
tonight. As one of Senator McDermott's
inner circle of advison, he is due in a
strategy conference in one hour. It is
exactly three weeks until election night,
and for him and hi• candidate, time is
running out.
The rTp<>rterstands at the auditorium
entrana and panll. To get to here, he
had to climb a long ramp that winds up

from street level in a four-story spiral.
The reporter, a heavy smoker not gen•
erally known for his athletic abilities, is
tired. He leans against the wall to catch
his breath and looks around at the small
storm of activity revolving through the
The reporter has heard a few stories
about the Eagles Auditorium, most of
them about a series of chemically enhanced Grateful Dead concerts in the
winter of 1968-69. Times have changed
now, and the din of typewriters and
telephones have replaced that of electric
guitan and snare drums. Pot smoke has
given way to the stale, acrid odor of
human beings working near the limits of
The reporter steps into the room and is
almost tackl~ by a young man heading
across the room at a brisk trot. Resolving
10 be more aJert, the reporter walks over
to the reception desk near the entrance
and informs the young woman sitting
there who he is, what newspaper he
rrpresents ('The Cooper Point what7")
and tells her he has an appointment with
Sen. McDermott's campaign manager. She
points to a middle-aged man in a turtle
neck sweater hunch~ over a table like
the de:aler in a back-room card parlor.
The reporter wanders over and sits
down at the table. "Bewithyainjustasecond" the man tells him. His pencil
flicks down a column of figures. The
reporter talc.esoff his coat, and waits. The
pe-ncilflicks on. The reporter picks up a
copy of the morning p,iper that is lying
on the table and scans the headlines.
'War in Iran," "Starvation in Cambodia,"
"Revolution in Poland." The reporter feels
deprased and Ineffectual. He waits.
Finally the flicking stops. The campaign
manager leans back In his chair, yawns
and stretches his arms. '1 can give you
about ten minutes," I)<aays. The reporter
automatically trims half the questions
from the prearrang,d list In hi, head. He
wonders what to open with.

The reporter knows he should try and
talk about the issues-nuclear waste, the
state budget, prisons-but this doesn't
seem like the right time or the right man.
The reporter also does not wish to adver•
tise his sometimes monumental ignorance
about things like budget shortfalls and
cost effectiveness.
Although he would never admit it. the
reporte" doesn't really care about the
issues anymore, or rather, he doesn't have
the slightest hope that anyone, even
young, liberal Jim McOennon. could do
anything about them. "Events are in the
s.addle," Emerson wrote, "and they are
riding mankind." The reporter doesn't like
to look at things that way, but ever since
undergoing a severe disillusionment with
George McGovern in 19n, the reporter
has found that election years bring out
the Hardened Cynic in him. like many
reporters, this one doesn't even want to
be a reporter, at least not anymore. He
wants to write novels and live in the
country. But for now, he has a job to do.
The reporter likes lines like that-''but for
now. he has a job lo do'' -they make him
feel tough and worldly.
"0.K. shoot," the campaign manager
says. The reporter knows the campaign
manager, thinks him better than most:
friendly soft~spoken and intelligent, without the hard arrogance common to the
breed, But the reporter realizes that he
should set aside his favorable impressions
and ask some tough, probing questions.
The reporter should be skeptical, aggressive and slightly rude, like Mike Wallace
on "60 Minutn." The reporter thinks for
a second. nails his victim with a piercing
stare and shoots, ''So, .. uh .. ,how's your
campaign coming along7" A real toughie.
The campaign manager leans back a
little farther in his chair and smiles lik• a
waiter at an expensive restaurant who's
just been asked if the food is any good.
Campaign managers thrive on such questions. They warm the heart and lOORn
the tongue.

The next ten minutes are pleasant. 1f
not particularly informative. The campaign manager is enthusiastic. The cam•
paign manager is optimistic. His candidate
has momentum; the voters are ready for
a change and Jim McDermott is just the
kind of man they're looking for. The contributions are pouring in, volunteers are
active all across the state. The polls are
encouraging. The Democratic Party stands
united behind its candidate. Labor unions
like Jim, senior citizens like Jim, Blacks
like Jim, small businessmen like Jim. Jim
is smart. dynamic and forceful. The campaign manager is confident that Jim McDermott will be the next governor of the
Stale of Washington.
The reporter tries to puncture the
euphoria a bit, but the campaign manager
is going strong. No, Jim is not too liberal.
No, Jim is actually doing quite well in
easlern Washington. No, Jim will not lose
the Republican crossover vote that helped
him win the primary. The voters of the
state are informed and independent; they
will choose the bnt candidate: they will
elect Jim McDermott .
As the conversation progresses. th~
reporter begins to understand what has
happened to Jim McDermott. H,s been
turned into merchandise.
The reporter has talked to people who
knew the man when he first ran for governor in '72. McDermott was a young,
freshman state representative then, a newcomer to Washington, fresh from a hitch
as a Navy psychiatrist. ln 1972 Jim McDermott was very New Left. sympathetic
to the anti-war movement and friendly
with some of the student activists. His
district, the 43rd, included the University
of Washington. McDermott campaigned
on a bicycle th~t year; he rode the damn
thing all over the state. like George Mc•
Covttn, he was a symbol of the New Era,
the New Politics and the New Democratic
Party. And like Geof1' McGovern. h•
lost badly·
continued on back page


Editor's Note. Because this is the last
issue of the CPJ to be published before
Election Day, we allowed Ken Silver·
stem this space to rebut the Forum
piece directed at him.

T11 the EJ1tl,r

I wa~ appalled when listening to the
Mnnd.iy Oct. 27 lecture on the draft
to discover the numerous undeveloped
1Jea,;,and und1scussed gaps in reasonrn~ that constituted 1he core of the
Tht• I irst speaker Glen Anderson,
(•,plJined that the public should oppose
tht' draft to slop the U.S. from building up defense. He made a good point
that U.S. reaction to Soviet military
build-up will only bring continuous
build-up in both Russia and the U.S.,
ultimately resolving in war or continu1,u:, stalemate. Glen's answer to the
problem was draft opposition, but if
the U.S. stops building defense forces,
will Russia throw in the towel for
peace7 Nut likely. Defenst> at least pre~rvt'S the stalemate. lowering defense
mean-. being open for threat and that
mean-. \\M
It you don l think Russia ts
J~re,;;s1vl· look al the Cuban Missile
LrL'-1'-.md Atghanistan.
OnE' '>pt'd\..er disproves the National
Rt•,,:1-.trJ!wn Sta11s11cs by c11mg the
Ll•n-. 1en11nu,;;Ob1ector s Statistics.
P1•t·~ht thin\.. his audience 1s so naive
,1-. 11, ht·l1t'\t."' ('1ther .:,etol slat1stics7
I ht· '-t.'l0nd spea\...er. Stephanie
(_,11,n\1 !eh that big busmec.s 1s the
.,,\,tl\.ltu1n beh,nd American interests
11'tht.' \11<ldlt>l:.1-.1. and drah resist~nce
\q•uld crat.\... btj,!,bu~mess· p(lwer and
1ht.·rd,1rt· 1t-. mflut>nce m government.
ThE>, h.1v(' the m1,ney and lobbyist
(_""Ji!re.-.-.n:·presents the people and
11 1l-i1• pt•nple \..ept more account of the
1, ..1\' lei,i,1,\,1wr,\"\,ted, ,md threw 1hem
l•I 11tl1Ct'wht.·n they did not repre-~,-rt r1,n<..t1tuencyoptn1on. then Con.1-'.~t...,
.. wnuld nt•t be unde-r bag business·
l,,hh\ 1,1 pt1wer There can be n<•
tht.•v !terms S1ephame uses con-.1,m1 \"l 1n a rl'puhhl
·we· are 'them
l h p1<1l-'-lt·m
can trnh- be blamed nn .i
pul--11, becaU'-l' that's who hnld,
l'•'l\l'r 1r (,,n~re..,, 11 .. .1\1 d matter ,,t
~ t.'t-r1n),'.
Lon).!.rt'''- in cht•t\.. Nl, le~1c;la
\,.,,ulJ v,1tl
a~a1n..,, c.irnsl1tu,·ncy
,,rin111n 1t hl· <..ht•\..nC'\\ hC' slw w,h
,-.t·rt ti,-..( tr.1(.I-.,11
fh, p1-..ter., -.dt1nc L~1rllH,nmt11\..in~
1 dr ,11• t .irJ -.1,111 ..
I herebv H').!.l'ilt'r
,, dt'l1•nd \,·1tl m\' lilt' thl' pn1l1t<.111
i ,wr
\h1bd Gull and dn\' nthn
by rnv elt•lted
•1· ll.11..
The an-.\..,·er 1-. tht>re \.\',irk
• ,·u~I the t;>ll'cll'd ofl1C1al, !P get
.,1•,1• H•U
v,:anl It y0u dfln I v1,u re
h1).'.bu,;,1nt'""run the u,untr\'
, t''Anwrn . .:in bu5,mess 1,;,..i terrible
• •ru l)d 1~,1 rPtten n•mm,,J1ty tr• be
kr1·ndt>nt nn But the wh{'('ls. lll U.S
, 11nPnH Jnn I n:n t•n ra1nl-'-nws,
.rnd ){1Jn1,ld-they run Cln 01\
1 nt i1 w1·
c.in rt'med,· Pur dependency
\,I.1th 1~ tht• lault t1f every car-dnvm~
11il ts all WC' havC' t<, work
\'- 1th dr,,. lil-.t' 1t <'r n01 we need 1t and
nPht>Jv .. t,wlt hut nur own
Ten Pangrass


fht' lollowmg are deadlines for sub·
the Coope:- Point Journal
5 pm
for publicatuin m the follnwmg wttk's
and Letters to the EditorT ue..,Jav. nnon for publication in that
paper Due to space restnctions,
v.t· (.rn mil guar.intee that every subm 1..,...
1on will appear m the paper
t·Jrl1t•r a subm1s-.1on ts made. the more
1,1-.c-h 11 will appear Announcements,
l'lt wh,ch are not 1mmed1ately timely
m.i, ht.· held over for another week.
lla-.c;1ta~d ad rates are 5< per word
t11r tht> hrc;t 30 words (SCH minimum)
to, per word for every word
t ht•rt•JIter
Tht• t•d1tc1r1alstaff reserves the right
1,, l'd1t -.ubm1sc;1ons.As a rule, Letters
.ir1· Pnlv edited tor punctuation,
spell1n,,: .,ml ~r.immar Articles. however,
will lw l'd1ted tor length and content.
Al"'• the s1aff makes up headlines.
l h·.1Jlinl"s .1re different from titles and
Wt' can m,t guaranlee that the litle you
pl.in· \,n vour article will be u~

1"4-Hi- F,VV1tONMfNr \.VAS

U:Pt.o1r£? &V MAl.(E.rEl(S


KrD.$ !JF mt So'S R'EAlTED
~AINSr rk15 6(£ArlNG OHL'( .TtlMI<Foo().








To the Editor,
Ir, response to the article in the CPJ
concerning The Seven Nabbed by
Agents. The illegality or my
action was that I represf"nted a stimulant (legal to possess and distribute) as
an illegal narcotic. I was arrested on a
new law that protects a consumer's
purchase of illegal narcotics.
Concerning my case. the jealous
agenl Barnett obsessed with purchasing
illc14alnarcotics created a mind set thal
lead thE>agent to fulfill her wish by
fallaciously assuming that she and
Deten1ve McBnde were purchasing
amphetamtnf.'S. I speciHcally informed
the agent that the capsules were a stimulant. that they weren't very good and
they contained caffeine. I at no time
made any claim th,:11the substance was
an amphetamine.
In conclusion, my wrillen statement
1<1the 1udge retains the fact that I did
not misrepresent the substance. However. I conceded to a guihy plea (plea
bargain) primarily because the case is
in Thurston
John J. Gardner

To the editor,
I am writing this letter in response to
the statistics reported in the CPJ (October 23, 1980) article, "Locker Room
Issue Test Equal Rights at Evergreen."
The article states a 50-50 solit in "facility usage at TESC." My questions are
these: Do these numbers represent all
facilities combined and do these numbers represent usage by the Evergreen
students, faculty and staff onlyl
t am a daily user of CRC facilities.
My visual assessment of the situation
there is in agreement of an approximate 50-50, male-female split usage. A
comment I have on the subject is that
a large number of males using the
facilities are not Evergreen students,
faculty and/or staff. If the CRC was
limited to use by those associated with
TESC, 1 assume that statistics would
indicate a more dominant female usage.
(A whole different situation, dl l)
If the facilities at Evergreen are here
for the use of the Evergreen community
than the statistics reported in the CPJ
are misleading. A re-evaluation
CRC use is in order.
Farris Fare

To the Editor:
l am only choosing to reply to Ethan
M. Kelly's hysterical outburst (this
week's forum) because I feel two points
need to be clarified. First, by voting
for the lesser of two evils you ensure
that those are the only choices we will
ever have. The 1964 election seems to
parallel the current campaign in many
ways. We were told that the only way
to "keep our boys out of Vietnam" was
to vote for LBJ so Goldwater would
not win the election. Fifty thousand
American deaths later, we should
know better than to trust Jimmy Carter
when he talks peace while pushing the
M-X missile, the cruise missile, the
Trident submarine system, the 200,000
troop Rapid Deployment Force, $1 trillion in defense spending over the next
four years, institutes draft registration,
etc., etc.
Second, according to the latest poll
published October 27 in the Seattle
Times, Ronald Reagan leads Jimmy
Carter 43% to 37%-Anderson
now fallen to 7%. That leaves 14%
who will vote for Third Parties or are
undecided. While th~retically Carter
could carry Washington State the odds
are slim. I still believe a vote for Carter
to stop Reagan will be wasted.
As Barry Commoner recently said,
"Let's face the fact thal whoever wins
this election-Carter
or Reagan-the
country is in for a tough four years.
A vote for La Donna Harris and myself is the only way to register the
existence of a progressive constituency,
to put reins on the forces represented
by both candid.ates. h is the only way
to show that the whole country is not
turning to the right."
So please, this year dC'n't walk out
of the voting booth disgusted at the
choice you made. Vote for something
to ensure that there will be something
to vote for in the future as well.
Ken Silverstein

Dear editors:
Nevermind the nonsensical title you
gave my article on some aspects of
Dreyer's cinema. But some of your
edits were uncalled for. For instance.
my sentence read:
"As cinema is a partial representation of and within Lhe sensible world,
that world seemed for Dreyer a representation of and within another world
with an 'extra dimension."'
You edited out both instances of the
words "and within." Those words were
not superfluous; they had a purpose.
You threw it away. Please think twice
before committing more such unnecessary blunders.
Sincerely, Erich Roe

Kathy Davis

I m1-.-.1onto

Associate Editors
Theresa Connor
Roger Stritmalter
Miriam Lewis
Brad Shannon
Production Manager
Victoria Mixon
Art Director
Craig Bartlett
BusinHs Manager
Karen Berryman
Advertising Manager
Richard Ordos
Angela Cochran

Frttt.ing in the Basement: Bill Livingston, Ken Sternberg,
Ethan Kelly,
R. J. Stevens, Norm Normie. Typical
Turtle and Shirley Greene.

n~ CooJ)"r Point

Journ.il is pubhsh«I wttkly
for 1hc studt'nts. faculty .and 11.affof The Evergrttn St.itl' Coll~t' V~~ nprns«I .att not
nf'ttSsarily those of tht' Collq;l' •,>r of tM
Journals st.aff. Advutising m.att';.ii contam~d
hurm does not imply rndonemrn1 by this
nf'wsp.aper Off1cn a~ loutt'd in thr Coll~
Act1v1ttn Building, CAB 104 Phorw· M,o.6213.
All l~ttrn to tht- editor, annountttMnts. and
•rls .ind t'Vt'nts lt~ms mu.tiht ~ved by noon
Tunday for th.it Wttk'1 publk.ltion. All articles
.a~ dut' by 5 p.m. Friday for publk.ition tM
following wttk. All contributions must ht
1,gMd, typed. doub~spaced and of l"t'asonable
length Names will ht withtwld on ~uni.
TM editon rntrve the right to rei«t m.iterlal
.and to t'dit any contributions for length, con•
tt'nl, and IIY~-


opening on the CPJ staff for someone
to do ad design, photography and
general production
work. Pay is
$3.35/hour for 10 hour./week. Apply
at CPJ office, CAB 104.
The Cooper Point Journal needs people
interested in selling advertisements.
Must be highly motivated and somewhat familiar with Olympia area.
Make 25% commission on each ad
sold. Apply at CPJ office, CAB 104.

The CPJ ~ets
that an ommission was
made in Bill Montague's article "Corporation vs. 383" last week. Joan
Edwards' (coordinator of the Initiative
383 campaign} quote should havt read:
"If they ch~
Hanford it won't be
because it's the most suilable site
geologically, it will be because it's the
most politially expedient.'"

To the Readers of the CPJ,
As a student of Dramatic Declamation and Natural Philosophy here at
Evergreen, it has come to my careful
attention that some of the readen of
this bastion of journalistic expression
may have questions that I, the Savant
that I am, would be most agreeable in
answering; with my usual mixture of
solicitude, affection, and authority of
course. And, giving you a moment or
lwo in which to digest the nature of
my inquiry; I could go on to say that
you (Dear Reader) have by reading this
very column stumbled by merest ha~
penstance upon a matter of such earthshaking significance th.at I hesitate to
provide you with full information;
nonetheless, and the aforegoing notwithstanding, it might be fun.
While not wanting to belittle Dear
Abby (or her family) more than that
which is necessary, I feel the time has
come for a person (very much like myself) not to stand up and proclaim; "l
have the answers," but to remain sitting and lake pot shots with all the
humor and wisdom she, or he can
muster. I solemnly promise to use my
knowledge like a whirligig held by the
starry-eyed child tpat I am.
So how about it folks7 I want to
write an advice column. Got anything
bugging you7 It'll do you good to talk
about it. Come on, you can tell me!
the PerFesser

In regards to the letter to the editor
in the October 9th issue of The Cooper
Point Journal, I would like to vehemently oppose the view taken by Ken
Sternberg about rape suspects.
I believe that people should be tried
without counsel, not be allowed to
confront witnesses, and above all, be
prosecuted for sticking needles into
puppets and bewitching their neighbor's pigs.
The same fair. rational system used
by Senator Joseph McCarthy 1s the
only way to keep known harassers and
personal enemies off our streets.
Thank You.
William M. Weir

To the Edit ore
Revolutionary peoples of all planets
unite! Strike down the running dogs of
oppression, capitalism, colonialism and
the hollow earth movement! Crush
left-wing deviationisml Resist rightwing revisionism! Overcome polycentrist divisionisml Meet me after school
behind the grandstands.
A Friend

Tom Robbins
Parton writes.




Craig Bartlett

Stillthe CPJ~ butDlfferent
By Kathy Davis
Yes we are still the Cooper Point Journal. I made the suggestion in the Orienlalion issue that this might be an appropriate
lime to change the name of the paper.
Due to a dismal lack of response (Is anyone out there readingl). we decided not to
bother. Either you really don't want the
name to change or you don't care enough
eilher way to make your opiniori' known.
No matter. Tradition will remain intact
for another year.
Though the name is the same, I'd like
to point out that whatever that name may
have meant "historically" does not hold
anymore. This fall marked a complete
turnover in staff. Many are brand-new
students at Evergreen, some in their first
year of coUege. All come to the CPJ with
experience either with other publications
or from writing backgrounds. What we
may lack in formal knowledge, we make
up for in imagination and ettativity.
Rather than lean on pat formulas in pursuit of professionalism and slickness, we
have approached the paper a, a wttkly
laboratory in journalism and graphic
communication. Our pursuit is to learn
and that may mean trial by error as much
as by success.
Especially in the area of graphic design,
we have gained from the frttdom to
experiment. By using different arrangements and type styles each week. wt have
bttn c9ming closer and closer to what we
find most attractive, most readable. We
are .attempting to pinpoint our ··style";
our identity as this year's keepers of the
Cooper Point Journal. We owe a big put
of that graphic identity to our two superb
illustrators, Craig Bartlett (Typical Turtle
cartoons) and Miriam Lewis (last week's
cover graphic). My own bias for the Art
Deco style of the 20·, and 30's is appa~nt,
especially in this week's masthead.
That same experimental attitude extends
to the content of the paper. We have
introduced some regular columns on
nutrition, environmental issues and "Life
in Modern Times," a potpourri of obser-



vational pieces. We are hoping, with an
influx of contributions, to develop a
poetry corner. If you have any other ideas
for regular features. let us know.
As for ne'Ws content, we have tried to
keep up on the hottest stories on campus.
like coverage 0£ the drug bust, the locker
room issue and next week, ASH management. As editor, 1 am frustrated by the
sheer amount of things going on at Evergreen that ought to be covered. things
that the community should be informed
of. Our most urgent need is for people to
cover news on campus. To those of you
who expressed an interest in writing (who
I have not been able to reach by phone)
and those who may have just now considered it, please come by and talk to us.
Our file of news tips is overflowin.R. Friday afternoon is the best-i.e. least hectic-time to come in and pick out some-thing to report on. This is a great way to
g,,t acqua.inted with the people and politics that make Evergreen what it is and
what it may become.
Finally, on a persorutil note, 1 would like
to thank everyone who came to see Clara
Fraser speak last week and to those who
gave their support: EPIC, Campus Activities, The Womens' Center and Affirmative Action. After following Clara's case
sina last spring and writing so much
about her, I wanted the Everg.rttn community to have a chance to mttt her. I
think she gained as much from the encounter as her audience did.
To me, her most important message
came during the question and answer
period when she bluted the "Tm more
oppressed than you are" attitude. She said
all people-men, women, g·ays, workers.
students, Blacks. Jews. Native Americans-must work together to eliminate
oppression. There is nothing more
counter-productive than concentration on
a single issue. In Clara's mind. all oppression is linked and can only be beaten
through the strength of unity. Her case,
like our own locker-room problem, is not
just a "women's issue." We all have a
stake in equal rights.

FORUM is a public opimon column.
The articles havt been submitted by
our readers. If you htrot Q1I Wue you
would like to discuss, submit your
article to FORUM cl o the Editors, CP/.
Articles should be no more than two
typewritten pages.
By Ethan M. Kelly
This commentary is in response to
Ken Silverstein's Forum, which appea~ in the Oct. 16, 1980 edition of
the Cooper Point Journal.
In his commenta.ry, Mr. Silverstein
blasted John Anderson •• a kind of
"wolf in sheep's clothing," pointing out
that Anderson supports the expansion
of nuclear power. voted to decontrol
the price of oil and natural gas, and
favors an increase in military spending,
including the developme.nt of the Trident submarine and the neutron bomb.
Mr. Silverstein also pointed out Lhat
Anderson's labor record is at best
Well, it's about time Mr. Silverstein
and the Citize.n·s Party awaken to a
few realities. First, like it or not, if our
nation is ever going to free itself from
the unyielding clutches of Persian Gulf
sheiks, we are going to have to realize
that nuclear power must play some role
in our energy future. It's time for us to
discuss the positives and the negatives
of nuclear power like rational human
beings, instead of like "Eastside Tavern
Mr. Silverstein and his Citizens'
Party cohorts also seem to ignore
reality when they propose to "'drastically reduce the military budget
(which drains the economy but adds
nothing to it)," and "seek detente with
Moscow." We should certainly seek
detente with Moscow but on whose
terms7 By the way, Mr. Silverstein.
have you and your party forgotten
Also, since you rule out nuclear
power (and probably coal as well). and
since you fe-elcomfortable with an impotent military. just how do you and
your party hope to "energize" us7 By

Mr. Silverstein also stales thal the
Citizens' Party advocates "genuine tax
reform that would redistribute income
in favor of the poor, and, in certain
the banks, utilitiesintroduce social ownership." Redistribution of income in favor of the poor
sounds noble enough. But whose income is going to be redistributed, and
by whom7
We would agree with you and the
Citizens' Party, Mr. Silverstein, if you
had stated that the federal government,
in Theodore Roosevelt's worJs, "must
always be capable of wielding thl" big
stick" in order to supervise the private
sector. However. your party is advocating what you tenn "socialism," Out
which in actuality amounts to invidious Russianization.
Mr. Silverstein stated. "To those
who would vole for the Citizens· Party
but will vote for Carter to ·stop
Reagan': the Republicans have lradi·
tionally won the state of Washington
in the presidential election-Reagan
currently leads here by 12%
vote for Carter to stop Reagan ....,,
actually be wasted. Also, the electmn
will be decided in New York. Penn·
sylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, etr not
by Washington's electoral votes."
Firstly, sincl" the stale of Wash,nglon
was admittl"d to the union in 1889.
there have bt_.en 22 presidential elections. Of those 22 contests, the Republicans have earned the Evergreen ';tate
12 timt>S, the Demt1crats 9, and c,n one
occasion (1912), Tt•ddy Roosevelt c; gallant third party Bull Moose ticket
earned this state Thi~ hardly c1•nst1·
tutes a "Republicdn tr.td1t1on."
As ol this writing, Reagan leads
Carter by a single percentage "'l'IOI
09-38) with Anderson al 1ov,. fh1r•
tet'n percent remain undecided And
the notion that Washinglnn ,rnd the
other 46 c;lc1te.:,you omm1tted <lon I
count 1-. pure ab,urd1ty especially in
light of the tact thal this prl'S1dent1al
ran.• will likely go down to tht• wire
If this i,; all thl" Citizens Pdrty can
ofter I(, ,top the shift 10 the right m
1h1sc..ountry ii deservt•c; to go down in

the Pr,,teens
By R.

J. Stevens

the Jamaican taste of Myer's and ljme
a Caribbean solvent, to strip the patina
off Joe's palate. a synthesis of
citrus and alcohol to slow
Joe's thoughts. to make him struggle
to form neural constructs, transposing
retinal images into synaptic information
so Joe is able to watch, watch the barscene
that is a script worthy of Hitchcock.
Poly sits across from him, smoking
a Disque Bleu, her exhalations
etherealizing Joe. making him mystic
in her mind. She watches him
and doesn't drink, preferring
the suicidal peace of nicotine
absorbed into the lungs.
her verdigris grttn eyes
are masked by Mylar and she examines
Joe scientifically, collecting data
on his movements, accessing
essential information for immediate
usage in the experimental existence
they sil at a veneered table
in the corner, anti-social and underneath
the plate of bar glass that
like a seven foot video screen
offers the non-co!Tlmercial reality of
New Haven. caught in the throes
of daily survival and punctuated
by neon and the half bored come on,;,
of shady dealers in chartreuse polyesterc;
selling aspirin wrapped in tinfoil
to Yalies, who believe it to be anything
f~om cocaine to fresh crystal, who
find that it is not a high when they

snort it, but deviates their septums nicely
with no pain and little blood.
Joe flicks his sensory inputs
from the New Haven night, back to the bar
to glimpse Sleek, rhapsodically sermonizing
to Milo Microfilm. hands flailing
a new wave Mussolini, with the words, lost
in multi-decibeled cross conversations
and meaningless, even when overheard.
half smoked Sleek Cigarette, a former
economic history major, turning anarchist
regurgitated by the seemingly iron boweled
Ivy League, partly digested. and when
still holding to the subliminal value set
of the modem middle class.
Milo listens unintentionally, and offers
Sleek a microdot. which is accepted
and placed. under the tongue. to meh.
the hands of Joe and Poly
grasp across the table, unguided
by sight, but by some mirrored
perceptual radar. that draws like toward,;
like, and leaves eyes free. to regard the
and form subjective tc1ntas1~ l\O the
inner limn~ of their brains.
they feel not love, but confusinn
anomie. and sometimes a smile . .ind thJt
1c; enough in these times. for they hoth
know nothing else.
Turning inward, they match Imes ol ,;1ght
nod without much efforl dnd ex1l the b.ir
to wander on nightsoal strttls and
thmk clmgingly of warmth, that neither
nor particularly want.
par,t- J


Olympia Trident Resistance will
sponsor a one-hour Election Day silent
vigil on Tuesday, Nov. 4, in Red

Square. The theme of the vigil will be
that we cannot depend on elected
officials to ensure world survival. We
must take action. and encourage others
to do the same. All are invited to participate. For information call Julia

Warwick, 866-1192.

EPIC presents, Yet Another Political
Forum where representatives from the
Citizens', Democratic,
Libertarian, Republican and Socialist
Workers Parties have been invited to
come and speak about their party's
platform and presidential candidate.
The public is welcome to attend and
find out about the distinctions betwttn
the various choices and ra1se questions
concerning the 1980 presidential race.

The forum will be held on Eloction






The Evergreen Counseling Center is
offering a series of workshops on
Responsibility and Commitment. The
workshops meet Tuesdays,3-4:30 p.m.,
Seminar Building 4151. The schedule:
Nov. 4-Responsibility for a Student

Nov. 11- Time Management
Nov. 18-Respons.ibility and Commitment to Change (social, etc.).

• GRE810

Three musical days filled with the
sounds of "golden oldies," rhythm and
blues and soul will come to K.AOS
radio at 89.3 FM, beginning Friday,
October 31, with a 9-10 p.m. presentation of an award-winning performance

of Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Tell Tale
Heart," produced on campus in 1978
and selected for world-wide satellite
The musical blitz continues Saturday, November 1, with trivia contests
waged from 7-9 p.m., and a rockabilly
concert from 10 p.m. to midnight featuring the treasures of record collector
Steve Andrews, including Jerry Lee
Lewis and Billy Lee Riley, along with


to call 86o-KAOS for details on pro-


gramming information

dinner at Saga cafetuia on Thursday.
November 20.

all ten of "the legendary Pebbles"

Tu! Prep1r1tlon Speci1hsts
Sil'ICe 1938

412 S. Cherry
Open 7 days a week

and voluntttr

8a.m.- 8p.m.









t 84





2 88


2 79


l 13
J 2a



n. ■

literary magazine and poetry readings.
Come if you're a writer or musician
who'd like us to sponsor a reading or
performance; or come with ideas for
poetry events and workshops.

This Tuesday, November 14, is,
of course. Election Day. The ballot includes presidential,
senatorial. county candidates, as well
as a number of referendums including
Nuclear Waste Storage. Unfortunately
the precincts affecting students slice
right through the center of campus.
The Dorms are in Plalilvi~, and the
Mods and Ash are in Broadway. Pretty
smart, eh11 Even students who live in


the Mods or Ash, and who regist•red
to vote at the CAB info center, may
have been registered in the Plainview
precinct. Make sure you know where
you're registered before you try to
The Plainview Precinct votes at the
Mclane fire station at Mud Bay Road

and Overhulse. A shuttl• bus has been
arranged to assist students in reaching
this polling station. It will leave every
hill hour from the main campus loop
off of Red Square. The first bus leaves
at 8 a.m. and the last at 5:30 p.m.
The Broadway Precinct votes at the
L. P. Brown elementary school one
block east of the Division and 26th st.
intersection and can easily be reached
on the #41 TESC bus.




initiative 383
Referendum Bill 38

Rm,rendum Bill 39

Senate Joint Resolution 132 yes
House Joint Resolution

the contribution/pledge car<!. Faculty
memben, please note that payroll deductions begin with the November
paycheck-,ight payroll deductions are
available during this ac.ademic year.
To you who have already made
your contribulion or pledge, thank
your support. Contact Dee Van Brunt
(Library 2211, Phon• 6290) or Pete

Taylor (Lab II, Phone 6753).



Parts and repairs for all makes
Complete line of accessories from
experienced cyclists.
1931 East 4th

It's worth the ride






Hemstad ~
State Representative 22nd District
County Commissioner

United States Senator Magnuson
United States Representative 3r<I District
Bonker ~
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
State Treasurer


Attorney General



Just a reminder that the United Way
of Thunton County cam~ign is underway this month. Please give another
thought to making a contribution thi5
year. Let one o:f us know if you need


no Commissioner of Public Lands Boyle
no Insurance Commissioner
no State Senator 22nd District



Most major newspapers make endorsements just before an election to
let their readers know just where they
stand politically. In that tradition, the
staff of the Cooper Point Journal
huddled together earlier this week and
made our decisions on the issues and
the candidates.
The sample ballot
appearing here comes from the general
consensus of the staff. Not that we
didn't have some heated discussion in
trying to come to unanimous agreements. Nol all of us will vote exactly
like this. In a couple of the races, we
could not come to a decision because
we thought both candidates were just
loo bad to deserve any endorsement.
In other races, it came down lo picking
the lesser of two evils." an all too
common phenomenon this year. For
what it's worth, here are our decisions
based on our collective political
knowledge. We urge everyone to vote
next Tuesday-vote
your conscience,
by all means-but please, VOTE.




!ockx.'2torure PAdHrs
s own m
a I
at 3,30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9,30 p.m., and
as the witching hour rolls around,
12 a.m. Tickets are available at the
TESC Bookstore and if any remain, at
the door. It is recommended
people buy their tickets ahead of time
to insure the availability of space. If
you do not know what to bring, worry
not; all material used during early



The Evergreen Council, the student
organization which serves as a "watchdog" and public forum for discussion
and advice on issues affecting the
school, is in the process of organizing
for this school year. Any student interested in being on the Council should
sign up in CAB 305. Get involved in
decision making at Evergreen. All
meetings open to anyone.

shows will be recycled and availabl, at
later showings. P.S. Thero will be
special B bus run after th• 9, 30 and
ll a.m. showings.

one! Come !Jf To the Halloween



UI~ W. J/•rruon
Oiy,,,fa w •. ql'i(!}

I,.,. .fl- ..QR



to the Rock and Roll tunH of th•
Fruz. Come out of your cell and break

th• spoil. There will be a B coach leaving the dungeon loop heading for town
after the Bust has gone down or 1: 30.
whichever comes first.

(except for Mag. and Alum. Wheela)

Olympia Food


92 I N. Rogers
Olympia Westside
TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman
Walk two blocks south to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC

7 a.m.-12 p.m.
365 days a year

Handy Pantry

Olympia, WA

Whole Foods

Great Prices

Mon-Sat 10-7
Fri open until 9
Sunday noon-5


Clpltol a.v



loween Dance is a dark and dingy
medieval dungeon, where library 4300
once stood. The drawbridge will be
lowered at 8:30 p.m. For a mere two
dolJars you may enter and indulge in
frtt spirits. Inmates, guards and ghouls
are invi~ed to dance their blues away

Fresh Produce
Fresh Meats
Imported Beer & Wines
Self Serve Gas



2 27


pag• 4

Friday, noon, October 31, Library
3215. We'll be planning this years


BUST. Th, setting for this y,al's Hal•




you-for United Way, and the people
of Thunton County who are helped by




7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome and
there is no charge.

. The TESC Food Service will be con-

Sunday shows conclude the wttkend
with a three-hour
4-7 p.m. of music by Pacific Northwest
bands, plus specials from "the British
invasion" surf music and Motown soul.
New and veteran listeners are invited

Knox, Gene Vincent, and some "rare
early live performance" recordings of
Elvis Presley.
For the late night crowd, KAOS will
air "psychedelic"
music from such
groups as the Jefferson Handkerchief,
the Driving Stupid and the Wig, plus

Library Lobby at TESC beginning at

ducting an evaluation of consumer attitudes toward Saga and the Deli. We
will use a revised edition of the questionnaire designed by Kristi Morrish
and used here one year .i.go. During
the week of November 3-7, questionnaires will be distributed at various
places on campus, especially in the
cafeteria and the library. Why not take
advantage of thi5 quick-n~asy way to
present your opinion of the food that
is available to you on campus7 Only
your response can tell us what you
And now for something n~ and
different ... Come celebrate the harvest.
Join your friends for a WHOLE'

recordings by Buddy Holly, Buddy


Tacoma Psychic Institute, sponsored
by the Church of Divine Man, is offering classes, readings, and heatings.
Basic 8-week classes, beginning the
first week of November, are offered in
spiritual healing, meditation, and body
magic; and a one-year intensive program in clairvoyant training begins
each class series.
The public is invited to our frtt
healing clinics on Sundays from
1-3 p.m., to our free psychic demonstration Thursdays from 7-8 p.m., and
to our church services on the fourth
Sunday of each month. We also offer
free demonstrations
to interested
groups, and we hold workshops every
other month. For more information
write or call us at 4203 N. 18th,
Tacoma 98406, 759-7460.

Day eve, Nov. 3, in the 2nd Aoor





By Kt'nneth Sternb,·rg
C,m,J HowC'IIdnt.l Dan Crowe are two
Ever~rt>en ,t'nuir.., who wanl the attenta1n
l'f ev('rv11nl' \t\'ell almost ev('ryone. If
p 1u ,.Ht ,1 c11mpo-.er. musician or electrllnll
~thn1c1<rn, lht·v dTE' interested 1n
vou, ,t,ditie~ and inv1t1.· y11u to partierrate



"et"nd l:.vt"TKrt't'n Jlbum
Th~ ,11!-,um to bt- pn,duct'd cum-


pl1•kh by Ewrgn•en students anJ staff,

will be a presentation of original compositions by students of the college. Howell
and Crowe a.re its executive producers.
All types of entries are welcome, and
will be judged on the basis of their aesthetic and artistic content, rather than
idiom. Guitar slinging folkies are as welcome as a 91-piece cigar box band. To be
considered for the project, applicants
must submit a tape of their material (no
longer than 15 minutes) to either Crowe
or Howell at Lib. 1327-D, 866-6270.
Tapes may also be sent to Dave Englert,
faculty sponsor of the project, at COM
306. The deadline for entries is Dec. 8.
Entries need not be finished, top-quality
tapes, but should express the idea of the
piece. Each entry will be judged by a tenmember selection committee. If you cannot submit a tape. live auditions can be
given from Dec. l to 7th.
Besides being an enriching experience,
Crowe points out that anyone participating in the project will have something
tangible lo show once they leave Evergreen, and that the opportunity for exposure is t'xcellent. "It would be a definite
plus for all thoSf' involved," he added.
All musici,ms and trchnical people h'ill
become p,ul 11fa resource guide for those
wishin~ to do future productions. Artists
ar(' al,;o invited to submit their portfolios,
J<i tht•re 1.., covt>r and liner art to be done.
la..,t yt•.ir..,album. entitled Collaboration<:, 1:. now on sale at the bookstore for
$6. This double album is being widely distributed lo colleges around the state.

Atlention students qualiJitd to rtc~vt financial aid through work-study! There art' still
several officn on c.rimpus who urgently nttd
work-study studtnl Mlp in some interuting,
carttr-relattd areas. Look <;ivertfw iob dncriptions b.low and if you're intunted in applying, please call tilt ~rson listed for an appointment.
Office of ColLt'gt' Rl'lations C.11II
Elltt Doman
at 6128. Students intuested in public relations,
journalism and markl'ting will find the work
intrrnltng and challf'nging. Although there is a
degrtt of rout1nt work involved, such as filing.
wttkly olf-c-ilmpw: mailings and proofre.1ding
of news copy. wt guarantee you won't b.
bort'd. If you have average typing skills, some
knowltdge of office proctdurn and are interest~ in learning mort' about the public communication art'a, contilct us.
Offia of Community Re.btlom Call Bonnie
Mane al 6363. Would welcome ~ponse from
SE"veral sludents interuted in resrl!arch and
news writing. Typical work would include
conducting college tours, assisting with work-

shops, mus mailings and rtteplion work. Stu•
dent& with good written and verbal communi•
cation skills, rtsurch experience and an internt in public relations. please submit a typed
resume to Bonnie, Library 3103 and call for an
interview appointment.
lnstitutlonaJ Rneuch C'all Steve Hunter at
6116. The DirKlor of Institutional Research
would like assistan« from at least two students in compiling and preparing data for statistical analysis. summariz.ing statistical information and preparing tables and graphs. There
will be some report writing as well. Please submit a typed resume to Steve, Library 3103 and
call for .1ppointment.
Admissions If you're a student who likes to
be on the move. you'll be interested in a posi•
lion as lour guide of the campus for persptc•
live students and visitors. There art' some
clerical functions involvtd such as filing, mailings .1nd other protKu. Carol is looking for
students who possns good or.1l communication
and organization skills, who can work in a
posilive way with thf' ~neral public and can
be relied upon to show up for work.

New Inter LibrargLoanPolicies


EMrgy Advocale
lntl'rn will survt-y energy nttds of the poor
compile data from community action agencies,
identify Pnergy policy makers. publish f1nd1ngs. pr~nl findings lo Energy Committ~
and prepare two art1cln for .issociation newsletter Prefer student with good writing and
oral communication skills ,md f'xpt'rience 1n
reseuch and report writing
20 hours wttk.
AHistant Leglslatl\',e Analyst
Opportunity to research solar energy legisl.ition. ftderal .1nd state. assist legislative analyst
in legislative effort, attend legisl.1tive commit•
ttt meetings, .1nd assist in form.1tion of solar
platform for local solar energy association
·Prefer studtnl intere-sttd in the political process
with a desire lo apply it to the solar energy
Hours negotiable.
Paraleg•I or lnvnllgator T ralnft
Opportunity lo work with the office of the
Public Defender. Paralegal: Assist in the wnl•
ing of motions, appeals. research. and interviewing clients and witnes!llt'S. lnvestig.ator
Assist in looking for informa1ion. interviewing
clients &: witnesses, drawing diagrams. taking
picturn. writing reports and general administrative work. Prefer student with an interest in
crimin.11 law. some writing skills .1nd willingness lo do some clerical work. For paralegal
background. student should have t.aken courses
in legal writing and relattd subte(ts.
20-30 hourslwttk.
Technical Production lnt•m
Opportunity to assist production crew of
theatre company in prop making, painting, set
detail 6: finish work. drafting, sp«ial effects
assisting ~ignu.
and/or shop office work
Prefer studtnt internted in theatre crafts.
40 hours/wttk. $100/wttk.
Student intern will check measurements for inconsistencies or errors. fit equations into d.1ta.
do multiple regrHSion and covariance an,1Jys1s
via computer terminal. Prefer student with
some mathem.1tics or computer training.
Hours negotiable. Possiblr pay.

Administr.ativ• Assist;ml
Intern will assist the director of ,1 ~,1men s
center m overall administr.11ivr m.atters makr
community contacts. attend board .and com·
m1lttt' mttlLngs. compile appropriate m.iten.ils
to ,1ss1st voluntttr
board mirmbers .a1 board
mtttmgs and maintain commumcalll•ns with
other agencits
20 hours wttk
Community Development Specialist
lntirrnship activities include working w1lh md1v1duals to develop 1tlf-htlp and training programs. low-income advocacy assistance. plan•
n1ng and su~rvision
of special events for
adults {rtcreation. s~akers, training sessions.
etc.I , .1ssisting resident staff. Prefer student
with background in community development,
social work. education, counseling or com·
15·40 hours week. SJ.50 hour 1f Work-Study

notices getting lost in the paper jungle
of the CAB bulletin boards7 Place a
classified in the paper where it will run
Im a full week.

Bike for Sale Men's 25' Univega
Sporlour. Quality frame and componenls along with rack, panniers, pump
and toe clips. Excellent touring/commuting bike. $300. Andy Day N5209.

For Sale '72 V.W. Squareback $1100.
Call in evening. 352-2735 or 753-9744.
Ask for Rich Hall.

FOR SAI.E .68 V.W. Bus. Newly rebuilt engine. 866-8207
I need
rides weekends. Will share gas. Shelley
Recycle this Paper There is now a box
localed in the corner of the CAB lobby
by tht> phones where you can drop off
your newspapers for recycling.
Cl•ss rings w•nted.


to $75.
>:Old teeth. otht>r gold any condition
Cash! 459-3200, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Will pick up. Also, wedding

Psycholoaical Intern
Opportunity lo bKorne acqu,11nted with psychological tPSts and gain pr,1ct1ce m ,1dmm1str.1llon of thrm Also .ass1st psych<1lo~1s1m
rf'St'arch Prefer senior-lirvel student with b,1cJ..ground m social bt-hav1oral ,;c,encr 1rach1n.i,:
or counseling.
10 hourslwttk
Rttidirnl Tro1inu
Studirnt 1ntt'rn will trach md<'pendrnt l1v1ni,:
skills (interpersonal sl,alls Je,surr llm1• ,11:t1v1
ties. cooking. cleaning. bud.i,:l'lml( t•tc l t1•
mentally ~t.1rded .adults Prl'fl'r stud(>nt w11h
b.1ckground 1n psycholo~y Wu,.allon ,,r s11c1al
15-20 hours wttJ.. SJ 50 hour
F1•r furthE'r 1nl11rmdl1t•n L1•nt,1<.1011111· ,,t
(ooperallvl' Eduldt1t•n LAil JOOO l'h.-m·

Environmental Intern
Opportunity 10 assist environmental council in
a wide variety of activitin. including legislative action, study of forut practices, water
resource .allocation. nuclear waste and coastal
managl'menl. Options are abundanl.
some .1ctivitin resean:h oriented and others
.action oriented. Prefer student with a strong
conce-m for tM environment.
Hours negotiable.

By Miriam R. Lewis

at the 1979--80rate, Evergreen will have

lntt-rlibrary Loans has some new
policies. They are a bit more restrictive
than they have been in the past but there
are ::.c,megood reasons for them.
Interlibrary Loans at Evergreen uses the
st>rvices of the Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Ct>nler (PNBCJ.to obtain materials
ft1r l<1an. PNBC has accf'S5 to all the
librarit"S in Alaska. Idaho, Montana.
Ore)!.Q_nand Washington. Since the legislature cut back funding for Washington
libraries' use of PNBC, they have begun to
charge for their services. Because Evergreen's c('lllection is so new and a larger
percentage of people do specialized
research here, l:.vergreen is a heavier u5"r
of the service. If usage of PNBC continues

Dick Hcmstad will bt• .t
~f'nator who make!- a d1Her('nfe.
111~K11 1.. ~l.1d ,. i 11 tw a St-nator
who won·l .. ._.,_11 i11; • when we need


,\ I l"'l'.ll-Lail
.. ,,11 •,Sten to us
Re.t,pond • ~ 11!• .11·dgPl the
tough iob~ ,o, ,... ne Statt> Senatt~.





for a CHANGE

November Special
20% Off All Services
with coupon
I Why Pay More-Our Students Do I
Excellent Works
Call Now for Appointment
I 95 S. Sound Center, Lacey
L - - _1~:_:•::~
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to pay $13,648. This was not known until
after this year's budget was set up,
according to Crace PhiUipson of Interlibrary Loans. A state-wide task force is
currently working on the funding problems.
Under the new policies, lo.an requests
will be limited to 20 per person per academic quarter, except for those which can
be filled at the Washington State Library
and other local libraries. All requests must
be approved by a reference librarian.
Those doing research on grant-funded
projects must pay SS per request after 20.
Due to copyright laws, only five articles
can be copied per periodical title during
one calendar year by the Evergreen
Library for titles not owned by the library
and which have bttn published in the last
five years. Charges from other libraries
for lending materials and copying materials must be paid by the requestor. Every
Interlibrary toan request must have
accurate and complete bibliographic information. Materials borrowed on Interlibrary Loan must be returned on time in
compliance with the lending library's conditions and our library circulation policy.
If you are doing some research a.nd
think you might be using this service,
check with the refere.nce librarians fint.
They are glad to help and may be able to
locate things that you can't find. For more
information, slop by Interlibrary Loans,
Library 2300. Happy Huntingl


We Have

3 1979 Mopeds
Left at

4239 Pacific Ave.
Sale ends Oct. 3lsL


Thurston County farmer Ken Longmire discusses urban
pressures on agriculture with House Agriculture Committee
chairman, Mike Kreidler.

107 E. Stat•
Air• Boat Dlvn


Mike introduced the major agricultural land protection bill of 1980.


Paid for by Dick Hemst.ad for State Senate Commitfpp
Kent Fie Treas., 130 N. Sherman Sl., Olympia 96602







State Representative




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1,, R.-•t'II'< 1 Mil!..- kr.-idln

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e I' Cl li,-,1 ~ !' 1.1 llhmp

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