The Cooper Point Journal Volume 34, Issue 28 (May 25, 2006)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 34, Issue 28 (May 25, 2006)
25 May 2006
extracted text

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The Evergreen State College


Volume 34
May 25, 2006

Drug tests for
athletes a possibility
By Sam Jessup

As of May 24th at 9:40am 268 students had voted on the CAB redesign, the
current tallies are; 79 for Plan A 44 for Plan B, and 130 Plan C. There have
been 199 votes so far for Student Govt. Only 1044 total votes are needed to
pass-the CAB vote.

photo by
Aaron Bietz

Or, May 22, in their regular Tuesday
meeting, college athletics staff began talking about how to re-evaluate Evergreen's
athlete drug-use policy. The department
might take some unprecedented steps to
make sure student athletes are staying
No final decisions have been made,
but in the words of athletics director Dave
Weber, random drug testing is being "seriously considered" as a method to enforce
athletics policy.
This policy re-evaluation begins in the
wake of last week's arrest of a member of
the Evergreen men's basketball team.
The player was arrested in his offcampus apartment and later charged with
possession and trafficking of marijuana.
The man has since been released on bail
and dismissed from the basketball team.
In interviews Tuesday, both vice president of student affairs Art Constantino
and Weber said the athletics department
already requires athletes to sign a form
giving the college the authority to conduct drug tests.
Weber said he thought maybe a "culture
has developed" where athletes assume that
the college is not interested in enforcing

its drug-use policies because drug testing
does not happen.
Of the ten provisions listed on the consent form student athletes are currently
required to sign, only one asks signers to
allow themselves to be tested for drugs.
That provision is only applicable to athletes participating in "any NAIA championship or...any post-season competition
certified by the NAIA..."
The form does not ask the signer to
agree to be tested during the regular season
or during the off-season and random drug
tests are never mentioned.
When asked about the discrepancy
between the athletics department's perceived authority to test and the authority
provided by the existing consent form,
Weber said the athletics department
would "need to go back over [the consent
In an interview Wednesday, Tom
Kenna, who is in his first year as coach of
the Evergreen men's basketball program,
said that after last week's arrest, he began
an "internal review" of the basketball

Article continued on page 3...

Fats: the good, the bad
and the deadly
By Emerald Mansfield
Yes, there are good and bad fats. There
are four types of fat; in general, two are
beneficial and two are detrimental. The
good fats are the polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fatty acids. The bad fats
are trans fats and saturated fats. The body
needs fats to keep the brain healthy, protect
nerves, make hormones, etc. In fact, the
body requires some specific fats, these
are known as essential fatty acids (EFA).
However, an excess of the wrong kinds of
fats increases one's risk of disease.
Saturated and trans fats are detrimental
to your health. High levels of these fats
increase one's risk for heart disease, stroke,
obesity and diabetes. Saturated fats raise
both the good and bad kinds of cholesterol. Trans fats are not a natural type of
fat; they are created during the hydrogenation of oils, which increases shelf life.
Trans fats raise levels of bad cholesterol
while decreasing good cholesterol levels,
making them worse than saturated fats.
The National Academy of Sciences says
that the only safe level of trans fat intake
is zero.
The good fats, monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated, are good for your heart
and prevent clot formation. They are found
in many nuts (almond, pecan, cashew, fil-


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bert, macadamia, pumpkin), and many
non-hydrogenated vegetable oils such
as olive oil, high-oleic sunflower and
safflower oil, and canola oil. Especially
important are the EFA because they are
destroyed by heat and light. These are
the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Although most people get enough omega6, they usually do not get enough omega-3.
This is because omega-3 is more sensitive
to destruction via heat and light.
There are a few ways to increase one's
intake of omega-3. One can either consume
flax, flax oils, chia, and/or some fish or
fish oils. However, one must be careful
offish-liver oils as this can cause vitamin
overdose, especially vitamin A. One can
take a tablespoon of oil a day, either mixed
in a beverage or straight. It's not a tasty
treat so I recommend taking it straight
because it gets it over with faster. After
a chaser you will feel good knowing that
you are supplying your body with what it
needs. There is also flax oil that has garlic
and chili added to it that is delicious on
toast, popcorn, or salads. However, it is

Article continued on page 3...

photo by Aaron Bietz

Siren's Echo performed on Red Square Wednesday afternoon. Siren's Echo was
joined by DZO in the last show of the second annual "Red Square Presents" concert
series, hosted by the Musician's Club and KAOS.

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MAY 25, 2006

For the people
by The People

Do you think drug
testing should be
mandatory for college
By Aaron Bietz and Charlie Daugherty

An interview with Blake

"No, it seems to assume guilt
on the players."
Iruka Amamilo
Reconstructing New Orleans

By Sebastian Stratton
So, for those of you who know what this
is all about please skip to the next paragraph. For those of you who don't, read
your damn newspaper more often. And for
those kool kats who already know what
The People is all about, fuck this and go
play some jams. Again, I will say this is a
bi-weekly set of articles I am doing about
things on campus that people don't know
about, but should. Anywhere from ideas,
groups, plans, hopes, and hoedowns, it
really doesn't matter what it is, as long as
it needs a bit of extra PR.
For this week I talked to a true artist
named Blake. He's a nice lad with lots
to say and plenty to share with others.
Blake spoke about the promotion group,
commune-like gathering of people they
call, fairly enough, "The People." These
guys (need girls to join) are focusing their
time in our community on making a more
powerful and enjoyable music environment (other arts are also welcomed). They
are a collaborative group of people, who
are at the moment focused mainly around
the art of hip-hop, but are looking to grow
into new and diverse territory. As of now
they exist as a legit volunteer group, but
do most of their work and funding on their
own. Hosting free barbeques in the dorms,
promoting parties all over—including the
sick DJ battles in the H-sizzle (or HCC
for those formal readers), thanks partly to
housing—and" sharing ideas, music, and
equipment, are some of the things The
People are up-to now. Blake talked about
their hopes that The People will grow into
something bigger, "We're definitely looking for more members, because we want
more to be going on. We only have us, and
what's missing is the rest of The People."

The goal of The People is to help get artists out there, and help get the community
into all the great art that is being made at
this crazy place. In Blake's words, "we're
always talking about how we're in such
a bubble, and this is one way to expand
or even take a blade to the bubble." So
now it .> up to artists to make a tiny bit of
effort and get these People going, and get
our Evergreen community bumpin(g). If
you're interested in joining The People
(it's free and easy) contact Blake at
johblal or there are some
other solid members (sorry for those I miss
and spelling errors) including Josh, Narciso
Moyarga, Johnny C., Julian, and Danny,
all of whom I'm sure would be more than
happy to chat with you about joining up or
getting some help with PR and such.
As for me, I am still interested in finding
out about possible mural work on Seminar
II, to see if we could create some sort of
legal way to make that pale grey concrete a
bit more pleasant and meaningful. 1 want to
r talk to the administration about it and see if
there is anything, like the stuff in the stairwell of the library building or something,
that artists could do. I should probably
talk to The People about .it Lsu]
should you! Or maybe it's a job for—don
don don—the Student Government. Pease
e-mail me if you have ideas, or want to talk:
Sebastian Stratton is afull-time student
taking part-time classes (which is a bad


Managing editor
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Copy editor.
Copy editor.
Letters & Opinions coordinator
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Photo coordinator.
SeePage coordinator.
Sports coordinator
Student Voice coordinator.
Assistant advisor

Joshua Latos
Art of Conversation

"No, it's college and kids
need to party."
Britany Schill
Seeing the light

"Yes, because the entire team and
school are relying on the athletes who
need to be in their peak performance
in order to represent their school."

"I think that every college athlete should
take LSD and take a drug test and take a Zen
Buddhist class so they can open their mind and
become the new breed of college athletes."

Cooper Point Journal
Your work in print

Jordan Lyons
Lindsay Adams
Carrie Ramsdell
Wendy McCutchen
Anna Nakano
Christina Weeks
Eva Wong
Kate DeGraaff
Randa Sams
Francesco DiStefano
Francesco DiStefano
Chelsea Baker
Calen Swift
Carrie Ramsdell
Sam Goldsmith
Aaron Bietz
Christina Weeks
Paul Osterlund
Curtis Randolph
Charlie Daugherty
Dianne Conrad


Reconstruction of New Orleans

Will Keejan
Bell, Drum, Percussion

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"\t think blanket testing should be
mandatory but I can understand reasonable testing for a specific drug."

is written, edited and distributed by students enrolled at
The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
production and content.
JS published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session: the first through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
second through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.
JS distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.

sells display and classified advertising space, information
about advertising rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.

How to Contribute

Our meetings are open to the Evergreen
community. Please come and discuss with us!

Paper Critique

4 p.m. Monday
Comment on that week's paper. Air comments,
concerns, questions, etc. If something in the
CPJ bothers you, this is the meeting for you!

Student Group Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member of the
student group CPJ. Practice consensus-based
decision making.

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission
and publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB Content Meeting
5:30 p.m. Monday
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Populi questions and possible long term reportthe acceptance or rejection of all non-advertising content.
ing projects.

How to Contact the CPJ

Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316
News:'(360) 867,- 6213
Business: (360) 867 - 6054

Thursday Forum
The CPJ is printed on
recycled newsprint
using soy ink.


Discuss ethics, journalism law and conflict

,AU meetings are in CAB 316.



MAY 25, 2006

Good, bad, deadly Drug tests
Need Money For School?

Greenery Take-out

Students in Action is an Americorps
program for students in school. It runs
through the summer in seven western
states. Members get a tuition award upon
completion. The Students in Action program still has available slots. If you are
active in y9ur community you are probably eligible to receive a tuition award.
Awards of up to $1250 are still available.
Contact Jacob at or
ext. 6137 for more information.

In response to requests that Greenery
diners be permitted to take their food
outside Food Service Director, Craig J.
Ward, has announced a program entitled
"Meal on the Move." This new plan is a
distinct change in Greenery policy from
the previous approach of having those
who take food from the designated eating
area being accused of shoplifting with the
collusion of campus police services.
Under the new plan, for door price,
diners can opt to get a 22 ounce beverage
and to-go container they may fill and take
wherever they please with a few catches.
Containers must be able to close tightly,
the food may not be eaten in the normal
dining area and there will be no refills.

Evergreen's Performing & Media Arts
program will present "Machinal", an
expressionist tragedy and dark comedy of
a woman's isolation from society turned
into murder, in the Communications
building's Experimental Theater on May
25-27 and June 1-3 at 8 p.m. Performed
by the students of Theater Intensive,
admission is free and parking is $1.25.
"Machinal" is widely regarded as
one of the great expressionist plays of
the American stage. Loosely based on
the 1927 murder trial of Ruth Snyder,
the first woman executed in the electric
chair in New York State, the play is a
pioneering examination of one woman's
journey from marriage to motherhood to

Reconstructing New Orleans
Eight months after Hurricane Katrina,
half of New Orleans is without basic
services such as public schools, public
health care, and public housing. Over
half the former population of the city
still remains scattered around the country, and a recently released Senate Report
came to the conclusion that the nation is
still unprepared for any disaster of this
Come to this symposium on the challenges facing New Orleans and the Gulf
Coast in the aftermath of one of the greatest natural disasters in US history. The
symposium is being held from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. on Friday, May 26 at the Longhouse.
Childcare will be provided throughout
the symposium.

Continued from cover...

Continued from cover...

more expensive than plain flax or fish oils.
Another option is to take the oils in capsule form
although it is more expensive. Another idea is to
grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder and mix with
honey, molasses, or jam and put it on toast.
To decrease one's risk of disease one must
decrease one's intake of bad fats. Saturated fats
are plentiful in red meats and dairy. Trans fats
are hidden in many foods. They are commonly
used in baked goods, for deep-frying in restaurants, and many other things. For example a
package of two Grandma's cookies contains
between 1.5 and 2.5 grams of trans fat plus
3-5 grams saturated fat. Alternatively there are
cookies made by The Alternative Baking Co.
(available in the bookstore) that have no trans
fat and most have between 0-3.5 grams saturated
fat. Some fresh or dried fruit is a fat-free alternaAppalachian Music
tive for that sweet craving.
While decreasing one's intake of bad fats it is
also important to increase one's intake of good
Come see "Dreadful Memories: The fats. Replacing carbohydrates or bad fats with
Life of Sara Ogan Gunning" and "Nimrod good fats also will decrease one's risk of disease.
Workingman: to Fit My Own Category" So instead of eating that piece of pizza, try avodocumentaries on two union organizing, cado on whole-grain toast or a handful of nuts.
Appalachian songwriters. Sponsored by A handful of raw nuts every day is an easy, tasty
Mindscreen, SOFA and Carnival. These way to decrease your risk of heart disease by
documentaries about folk culture, pov- 30 percent("Sustainability and Health," Joseph
erty, labor struggles, and'music are being Pizzorno ND). Other ideas to incorporate good
screened this Thursday, May 25 from 5 fats into your diet is by cooking with them, using
p.m. to 7 p.m. in Seminar II El 105.
them in salad dressings, putting them on toast
of butter, and experimenting using them
Radical Catholics for Peace toinstead
replace butter or margarine in baking.
Why is all this important to you? Because as
Join the Radical Catholics for Peace an informed person you can make better deciand Justice, and Bread and Roses advo- sions regarding your own health. Know what
cacy center in celebration of reopening you are putting in your body.; read the nutrition
its doors as a house of hospitality in the facts on labels. Just because it says zero grams of
tradition of the Catholic Worker move- trans fat does not mean it has no trans fat. Check
ment. B&R recently moved to the old the ingredients for partially hydrogenated oils.
yoga center on 4th Ave. (1009 E. 4th Better yet, eat fewer processed foods and more
Ave.) in hopes of creating a more infor- whole foods, which have many other additional
mal and personal environment to carry benefits. If you are interested in learning more
out their advocacy work. The house is check out the type and amount of some foots at:
now home to longtime Bread and Roses, or the book
advocates, Phil Owen and Meta Hogan. Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus
On Wednesday, May 31 at 7 p.m., there for more detailed information en the subject.
wi.ll be a liturgy with Father Bill "Bix"
If you have any health questions that you
of the Tacoma Catholic Worker followed want answered, call or stop by the Health Center.
by a meal. All are welcome, come and Or you can e-mail them to PeerHealth@ever
check out their new space!; these questions will be answered
anonymously through the CPJ.
Emerald Mansfield is in the Student
Medical Assistant Program, and is studying
psychoneuroimmunology and developmental

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Sam Jessup is a junior in a contract
titled Spreading the News.

If you want to write news,
but are short on story
ideas, come by our office

for some tips.
Email your story to by 3
p.m. on Monday. Be sure
to include your name, year
at Evergreen, program or
field of study and your
contact information.



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On the subject of internal reviews,
Kenna would only say that during an
internal review he talks to players
about whatever subject prompted the
Whenever a player on the men's
basketball team violates the team's
code of conduct—by missing a class,
for example—Kenna says he conducts
an internal review.
Kenna also said that the review
happening now is the first to be done
in response to a drug-related code
violation this school year.
According to Weber, the athletics
department may release a complete
drug-use policy within the next two
weeks. Whether or not drug testing
is adopted in the new policy, the consequences of drug-related code violations will likely include temporary
suspension and counseling through
the campus health center. The new
policy will be set up so that drug
related problems are handled within
the athletics department, rather than
through the college's established
grievance process.
If random drug testing is adopted,
Weber says club sports like kung fu,
crew, and baseball will probably not
be affected.

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MAY 25, 2006

McDonald's in Chile
Another look at globalization

Brazil's "racial democracy"
Demise of a sociological myth?
By John G. O'Donnell

For more than a century now, Brazil has
been touted as the world's singular "racial
democracy." Academics, politicians and
By Margaret Flickinger
citizens alike have lauded the nation as a
A McDonald's restaurant in Latin place where a hugely varied demographic
M c D o n a l d ' s is a f a m i l i a r icon. America is quite different from those in co-existed in tranquility and tolerance.
From the chic streets of Stockholm to the United States. While all McDonald's
Many came to see Brazil as the semiSeattle's desolate industrial district, locations feature the same stark furniture nal 'societal blueprint' for other nations
fast food chains have become a fixture and posters of the Ronald McDonald
to follow in their attempts to end the
in communities around the world. The gang, the restaurants in Latin America instability and grief that racism fosters.
appeal of cheap food is universal. In the harbor distinct cultural differences from Now, however, recent statistical data and
South American countries of Chile and other chains w o r l d w i d e . They have new attitudes about racism in Brazil have
Argentina, McDonald's restaurants and adjusted their menu to accommodate begun to threaten the validity of the "racial
similar fast food chains are a demanding local cuisine. In Argentina, children have democracy" tag—a title Brazilians have
presence. Dotted along major avenues, the option of ordering a tostada (a ham long coveted with pride.
restaurants are often only separated by and cheese quesadilla) with their happy
When in Brazil and amongst Brazilians
mere blocks. Even more overwhelm- meals. Chileans can eat a complete, a one can't help but be struck by the seeming than the excessive quantity of res- large and heavily stuffed hot dog, at their ing fluidity with which the races mingle.
taurants are the crowds of people who local McDonald's. Even steak burgers are Even within the traditional heritage-based
dine under the golden arches—families, offered to the meat-loving population. neighborhoods like Sao Paulo's Little Tokyo
elderly women, and young upstarts all To further appeal to their customers, the or Curitiba's Italian district, there is a deep
gather to enjoy the bounty of efficient McDonald's restaurants in Latin America sense of respect and harmony between
food. Boasting everything from enor- have, incorporated cafe culture into their people of different origins. In a Chinese
mous h a m b u r g e r s to d a i n t y y o g u r t enterprise. Every McDonald's features restaurant one can have a German waiter
cups, it's no surprise that McDonald's a McCafe. With leather couches and a and in Jewish synagogues there are black
has achieved such popularity in Latin wait staff ready to serve, McDonald's ushers. Throughout nightclubs, stadiums
America and around the world. They offers all the coffee, pastries, and com- and supermarkets, skin color and nationalhave it all. Throughout Latin America, fort of a traditional cafe. While a chain ity seem secondary to personality.
McDonald's is viewed as a resource restaurant may not seem like a suitable
Of course, part of this ostensible
for people who just need a place to sit substitute for the atmosphere of a true integration has to do with Brazil's hisdown and eat. Sustenance is simply more cafe, that thought has not deterred the torical makeup; it is largely a country
important than globalization.
people from spending their money and of immigrants. Apart from the majority
Like in The U n i t e d States and time at McDonald's. Often, the business with Portuguese and African roots, Brazil
throughout the rest of the world, the is bursting with customers. Restaurants claims significant populations of Japanese,
threat of globalization has become a often stay open through the night to Italian, Spanish, German, Jewish, Syrian
major concern in Latin America. Their accommodate all those people who need and Lebanese citizens. Unite this kind of
mass export of resources has created an to meet and eat during the wee hours of variety with a long tradition of miscegenaeconomy that relies on global trade to the morning. All of these adaptations tion and you end up with a nation in which
survive. In exchange, foreign enterprises indicate that McDonald's is not just an very few people can validly claim to even
have inserted themselves into the market invader from the north. McDonald's is be part of a specific racial group.
in South America—Blockbuster Video, now part of the culture.
It is well known the northeastern region
classic tunes by Michael Jackson, and,
Few cultures are truly unique. Over of Brazil tends to be a predominantly
of course, McDonald's have all inserted, time, people have had to learn how to African-derived population, while the
themselves into Latin American cul- adapt their traditions to the pressures south is dense with white Europeans. But
ture. The North American influence is of modernization and globalization. this is more a statement to geographical
undeniable. Eleven Evergreen students McDonald's is j u s t one .example of history rather than purposefully delineated
observed this blend of culture while how these communities have learned borders. The north was the land of sugar
they studied in Chile. Entire seminars to adjust. With this abundance of chain and slavery, while the south was a hub of
were devoted to discussing the harms of restaurants that feature local cuisine, the industry and immigration. Separate historiglobalization. One argument against the people can ensure the survival of their cal roles have certainly left their modern
presence of American icons is that they food and culture. Ultimately, the survival demographic marks.
could potentially deplete or destroy the of the people is what matters most. While
The reality is that it is simply more
purity of the home culture. No one wants the people do value the integrity of their difficult to be a racist in Brazil than elsefreak dancing to replace tango. What is culture, sometimes it's more important where. In countries where lines between
remarkable, however, about this presence to find cheap and easy food. Sometimes ethnic groups are more boldly drawn, the
of American enterprise is that it does you have to adapt to survive.
conditions are present to more easily fernot appear to be diminishing the varied
tilize deep racial tension. Brazil has never
Margaret Flickinger is a sopho- experienced the officially commended
cultures of South America. If anything,,
these communities have learned how to more enrolled in T r a n s f o r m i n g separatism these kinds of environments can
take foreign influence and adapt it to Consciousness.
produce. Fortunately, a period likened to the
their culture.
Jim Crow or apartheid laws of the U.S. and
South Africa, respectively, hasn't soured

the pages of Brazil's modern history. Even
attempts by companies to produce racially
specific magazines, television programs and
clothing have all met with failure. There is
simply not a large enough market that sees
itself as specifically one race.
Even the concept of "mixed-race"
couples or marriages seems redundant in
Brazil. This is a place where nearly every
conjugal union or romantic partnership is a
hybrid of some kind or another.
Unfortunately it appears that, despite all
of the positive day-to-day intermingling,
skin color plays a huge role is who gains
and who loses in Brazilian society. Studies
in recent decades have proven unanimously
that across the board people with African
origin are underrepresented and overburdened.
A much higher unemployment, illiteracy
and infant mortality rate all fall on black
shoulders. They are systematically underpaid for the same kinds of work. Only two
percent of black citizens get a university
education, compared to an overall 11
percent attendance. And black suspect
criminals are more than twice as likely to
be shot by police when being arrested. This
last fact is quite startling when taking into
account the fact that half the police force is
black itself.
Clearly, the Afro-population is overw h e l m i n g l y discriminated against and
Brazilians are willing to admit it. In polls
more than 93 percent of the general population believe racism is a problem in Brazil.
The flipside is that 87 percent of the same
respondents claimed they themselves were
not racist. So who is racist? As Ivanir dos
Santos of the marginalized population
center expresses, "We're fighting an invisible enemy."
Part of the danger of Brazil's "newly
discovered" racism is that it is subtle and
sophisticated. This is not the easily targeted
racism of hate groups and divided neighborhoods. This is a racism that up until recently
was believed not to exist.
So where does Brazil's "racial democracy" stand? Perhaps it's important not to
overlook the venerable aspects of Brazilian
society, while acknowledging the reality of
its apparent problems. The country can certainly claim a high level of racial acceptability and fluidity, but still suffers from the very
deep scar tissue of a long slave legacy. It is a
wound that may never heal completely but
the ointment of recognition and action may
just help speed the recuperation process.
John G. O 'Donnell is a senior enrolled
in Transforming Consciousness.
[Editor's note: The author did not supply sources.]

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MAY 25, 2006 .

for a Show Harry Potter & the Goblet
Bigger, Longer and Uncut") have achieved. Here's
the premise: residents of this town must pay to pee,
of Fire Review
in order to deal with the water shortage, as well as
line the pockets of the wealthy owner of the privatized
amenities. Breaking the law by doing your business
anywhere other than these amenities is punished by exile
to the fabled Urinetown. When a strapping, idealistic lad
stages a "P 4 Free" revolution, chaos—in the form of big
musical numbers—ensues. With social and political commentary and enough laughs to warrant a second viewing
(guilty), the Capitol Playhouse has staged a marvelous
Though silly, the show is extremely well done. The
staging is very creative, considering the small, black
box space, direction is thoughtful and well-timed, and
choreography is tongue-in-cheek with a huge smile. It
is obvious that the ensemble cast has a rollicking good
time performing. Alicia Mendez's spot-on portrayal of
By Erin Rashbaum
"Little Sally" is utterly amazing. Composer'and lyricist
"Urinetown, the Musical" may just be
Mark Hollman set out to create the worst musical ever
the most fun this musical geek has had at performed and I say he failed. He apparently never saw
the theater in a long time. A wacky twist on "Oklahoma." Hollman instead made a wildly successful
the predictions of 18th century philosopher farce with music that makes you leave the theater humThomas Malthus, this is a musical for people ming. Though the student rate is $20, this show is worth
who find musicals ridiculous, mocking its skipping out on a couple nights at the bars.
own genre in a way that only Matt Stone
and Trey Parker (the guys behind "Team
Erin Rashbaum is a sophmore enrolled in an indepenAmerica World Police" and "Southpark: dent learning contract.

By Panda Sams
Voldemort returns in his struggle
for power, making his -intentions
known at the Quidditch World Cup.
Meanwhile, Harry's year starts with
the presentation of the Goblet of Fire.
No one under the age of 17 is allowed
to enter their name. Naturally Harry is
too young. However, mysteriously the
Goblet produced his name as the fourth
tri-wizard champion.
Let the taunting begin. No one
believes Harry when he tells them the truth about not entering his
name. Professor Moody helps Harry to succeed through all three tasks.
These tasks include battling a dragon, finding treasure in the depths of
a lake, and fighting through an ever-changing maze—all in his hopes
of grabbing the tri-wizard cup.
Being the fourth film in the Harry Potter series, I thought it was
well-done and adds to the foundation of the first three films. I look
forward to "Order of the Phoenix."
Randa Sams is a senior at Evergreen. She is the coordinator of the
Arts and Entertainment section.


By Matthew Allison
My Chemical Romance—Life on the
Murder Scene
Retard Records 2006
New Jerseyians and Paul Israel alike
rejoice—MCR is back with a bold, fresh
new album. I'm sorry, it's actually a live
album, complete with two, that's right,
motherfucker, two DVDs worth of live
footage, TV appearances, online performances, music videos, video diary in
which the band members suck each other
off and effusive insight into the misery that
the New Jersey existence entails. You hear
the harrowing story of how music saved the
lead singer's life, inspiring him to go on a
mission to make and perform music about
being utterly dismal in order that he, too,
might save someone's life, and why cutting your hair in uniquely stupid ways that
require several hours of daily preparation
makes you not less than a total fucktard.
Did you know that the movie "Dead
Alive" used more than 300 liters of
fake blood? Similarly, I believe that the
album art contains more fake blood than
all Deicide and Cannibal Corpse albums
combined. Unfortunately, it still looks fake
and fundamentally stupid. The music itself
is pretty predictable, especially if you've
seen TRL anytime in the past five years.
The live performances are a complete testament to the fantastic feats studio magic
can produce.

The Dirty
Attitude" EP


Marriage 2006
Certainly not as ambitious as his
Gettysburg Address album or "Slaves
Graves and Ballads," which is frankly a
highly overlooked masterpiece. The most
noticeable aspect to any DP release is
Dave Longstreth's awkward vocal stylings. I'm told that his manner of singing is quite contrary to the traditional
fashion. In fact, Longstreth supposedly
presses his tongue to the top of his mouth
thereby, well, I'm not sure what it does,
but I know how it sounds, and you won't
ever hear anything like it. Sadly, I cannot
recommend this album, particularly after
so many quality releases. Somewhat
bereft of new ideas, although the album
certainly has a unique sound to it, or
rather full of experimental ideas that just
don't make the cut, I predict that another
release is to follow, albeit not any time
soon, that will blow minds. BTW, dirty
projector is slang for penis.

Matthew Allison is a
sophomore enrolled in
Inventing Systems.

Cafe & World Folk Art
Concerts, Fair Trade and
Sweat-Free Goods, Tasty Food i
Community Building
Locally & Globally
300 5th Ave. SW


705 - 2819

The Secret Machines—Ten Silver Drops

Reprise 2006
May I read to you the opening paragraph
from the promo? Thank you.
"Imagine the worst thing you've ever said
to a loved one. Now recall the instant you
realize you can't take it back. Your stomach
drops; your mouth tastes metallic. What is
done can't be undone. A short time later you're
defiant—feeling that you don't need anyone
and will [fucking] die alone [motherfucker].
That naive, insolent, singular [funny, I thought
"singular" was spelled "Cingular"] moment
is thoroughly explored and set to crystalline
music on "Ten Silver Drops," the new album
from the propulsive trio Secret Machines."
So, really, that doesn't describe the album
at all and actually seems that they're trying to
get people to not buy it. Completely lacking
the integrity and congruity of "Now Here
is Nowhere," "Ten Silver Drops" is full of
sloppy, overly-stoned jams that lack r ne of
the previous album's energy and catchiness.
"Alone Jealous and Stoned," the opening
track to the album, still retains some original
qualities that one would expect from such a
band, but loses it about halfway through the
song, collapsing into a muddy, boring jam.
The initial feel of the album is unnecessarily poppy, despite the over-laden, yet overproduced effects, but is seriously lacking in
melodic-ness. A poor attempt at a psychedelic
masterpiece, 1 would recommend that SM
listen to the mix sober before deciding to go
ahead and release it.

Faun Fables—The Transit Rider
Drag City 2006
"The Transit Rider" is a musical tale of
riding the rails. I think it's somewhat of a
conceptual album, based on the adventures
of some unknown rail rider. Faun Fables is
the inefficacious psych-folk project of Dawn
"Fawn" McCarthy. Sure, it's pretty but it bores
the hell out of me. This has "musical" stamped
all over it (look out, Broadway!) and God
knows, there is nothing worse than a musical.
I always imagined "transit" as an urban thing,
like a bus or subway, perhaps even a train. As
far as I can recall, I've only ever taken a train
to Philadelphia, Boston, or NYC, and as much
fun as it was, I was only on the train no more
than several hours. In general, there is little left
to the tired romantic cliche embodied by early
folk artists (I believe Dylan put the final nail
into that coffin) of rambling cross-country on
trains, hidden in a boxcar.

(1,1) -6- 5-25-06 (6-7) L&O 5/24/06,10:10:15 PM



MAY 25, 2006

Response to the
anti-CAB-redesign campaign
By Daniel Bolduc
designs B and C (the most expensive ones)
My> name is
include constructing an edible roof garden,
Daniel Bolduc,
switching to a completely natural ventilation
and I am a stusystem (i.e. not requiring fans or other high
dent member of
energy use systems), integrating a solar hot
the CAB predewater system, integrating composting toilets,
sign team. As a
and creating a rainwater catchment system
member of this
and water feature. The reason why most of
committee it has
options are at the highest price levels
been my job to
they are considered less essential
promote student
upon the facilities the colawareness of the CAB redesign project and
facilitate the voting process. From the very lege already has. They also are expensive to
beginning, all of us students were very much install in a pre-existing building not designed
opposed to campaigning for or against the with sustainability in mind. All of the proproject. It was very important to us to present posed changes decrease the energy usage of
the information in an unbiased fashion so that the building and make us more conscious of
the student body could make up their own our c^.isumption habits. They integrate ecomind about what they wanted. Unfortunately, logical systems, edible gardens, and learning
a campaign against the project has been initi- opportunities into our lives.
The student-run cafe is an idea that has
ated, consisting of a brochure that attempts to
deconstruct any reason a person would vote been a long time coming and that people
for the project and portray it in a biased light are excited about. AS the student coordinaas well as some flyers. It is very important tor of SOFA (Students Organizing for Food
to me that people have as clear a picture of Autonomy) I am personally very excited
this project as possible and therefore I have about it and hope that it will be the first
decided to write a response to help provide step towards a fully self-operated, non-corporate foodservice. Although it is true that
a more balanced picture.
will be attempting to create a small cafe
Firstly, it is important to note that basic
funds for fixing the building's HVAC before the redesign of the CAB that will be
(Heating, ventilation, and air condition- partially funded by student activities fees,
ing) systems, seismic upgrades, and other it is also true that the amount of money we
maintenance issues are being requested are allocated in the CAB redesign fee (about
from the state of Washington. They have $300,000, depending on the plan) is about
not yet approved those funds but the pro- as much as the entire budget allocated to
posal is high on the priority list and likely student activities groups. The space we are
to pass. The other, larger changes outlined being given for this operation is also above
in the proposed plans are above and beyond and beyond anything we would be able to
these maintenance upgrades. It is extremely have otherwise. Therefore it is important
unlikely that the state of Washington would to note that the cafe" would be vastly difever fund such improvements since they ferent if the CAB redesign is voted down.
are non-essential. It is also not uncommon Although an on-campus food service other
for students to fund renovations to build- than Aramark is currently prohibited under
ings on their campus and has been done at their contract with the college, the adminmany other colleges and universities across istration has agreed to begin the process of
the country. So if the changes proposed are renegotiation and integrating the student-run
important to you, this is the only way they food option into their [Aramark's] contract
with the college.
are likely to be integrated.
If the project is voted down, I am less than
As far as who benefits, it is true that there
that any sort of remodel would
are beneficiaries other than the students.
in the future due to the long
Faculty, staff, and administration will take
involved in initiating
advantage of a new building and new stusuch
it is perhaps true
dents will be attracted to the campus by it
as well. The bookstore has some expansion that the Geoduck Union could negotiate
planned in the designs. Although confer- ownership issues and other concerns with
ence services is in the new building (as it administration before the project begins, I
is now), there is no planned expansion or see nothing that would prevent them from
renovation for their area, therefore they are doing so once the project is underway. The
not direct beneficiaries of the redesign. The Geoduck Union will be involved in this profood service areas have much expansion cess and should create a contract with the
and improvement planned, but it would not administration. They can also help keep the
be accurate to say that Aramark will be the administration accountable to the students
ones benefiting since the equipment and new once the vote has passed by assuring that
space will be owned by the college, not by they do not alter the proposed plans in ways
Aramark. In addition, students will greatly that the student body does not approve of.
All this is not to say that there are not
benefit from a new kitchen to replace the
reasons to not vote for the rededilapidated equipment we have now, in terms
everyone to examine the
of the quality of food and service they will
voting, learn the facts,
receive, as well as remodeled and expanded
propaganda. I have
areas to relax and eat in. Ways in which students will benefit from the proposed changes been part of this project since January and
include new lounge areas, an art gallery, a have witnessed the effects of student input to
performance/activities space solely for the architects. The process was open to the
student use, a student run caf6, a relocated student body and the themes that emerged
bike shop on the first floor, expanded student were all integrated to the best of the ability
activities space, and a host of sustainability of the architects. They are to be commended
for their open ears and commitment to the
oriented features that I will discuss.
The criticism of the sustainable design students. If you believe that the proposed
features of-the building that is mentioned changes are important enough to warrant
in the brochure is that spending money on a their cost, vote for the redesign. If not, vote
building does not necessarily make it more it down. Just/ be informed.
sustainable. While this may be true, it is also
Daniel Bolduc is a 'freshman enrolled
true that making changes to a pre-existing
and the Built Environment, an
building that allow it to use less energy costs
contract, and an intership on
money. The specific changes proposed in
the CAB redesign team<

Student gov't
write-in candidate
By Lasookwiuk Stepetin
Hi, my name is Lasookwiuk Stepetin and I am running for
student government as a write-in candidate. I am 21 years old,
a junior at the Olympia campus studying Native and environmental studies. I am enrolled in the Nisqually Indian Tribe and
grew up in surrounding Native communities. I am running for
several reasons, the first of which is that I believe the first year
of student government will be the most important year ever. The
first government will set the precedent for all future governments
to work by. If the government is passive on major issues then
future governments will be told that they do not have say on those
issues in the future. The second reason I am running is because of the lack of representation
of non-white peoples in the student government. I have been a student here at Evergreen
since 2002 and have experienced different instances on campus that illustrate the oppression
and marginalization of non-white people that continues today in this supposedly radical and
progressive school. I am running because I believe everybody should be represented equally,
including students at the Tacoma campus who only have one delegate running because they
were not informed of the elections. I want to represent and stand up for the non-white people
of Evergreen along with every student on both campuses. Thank you.
Lasookwiuk Stepetin is a junior enrolled in Anti-Indian Movements: Origins, Images
and Responses.

Interpersonal communication
at Evergreen
By Ken Hontz
Interpersonal communication, and lack of quality thereof,
is my main concern for students here at Evergreen. Around
the world we know, or at least should know, that the ultimate
breakdown in communication was witnessed at Columbine High
School in Colorado in our recent past. (Students, staff, and faculty commonly respond to me with utter amazement, shock,
and/or complete dismissal or denial when I use this example to
make my points.)
We now not only have in our society the common divisions
and lacks of considerate communication, such as gender, age,
and sexual orientation differences, but we also have significant functional communication
deficits, breakdowns, and ostracization between subgroups, such as clothing, habits, and
economical status within same-age and sexual orientation-type groups. Each subgroup, in
a capitalist/competitive society, where focus centers on winners and losers and stockpiling
wealth, has the potential, influence, and reward(s) to view and treat themselves as secular,
unique, better, and more privileged than other subgroups and individuals.
General manners, empathy, and ethics toward others go "out the window with the bathwater." Ignorance and rejection is prevalent. Thus, we see the socio-economic division and
widening gaps between subgroups, with random consideration of or conformity to kindness.
The wider the gaps the more Columbines we have.
Additionally, the contemporary, pervasive use of computers disconnects us from speaking
to one another interpersonally for substantial periods of time.
Staff and instructors of old hold the door ten times for youngsters and count the thank-yous,
or even acknowledgments, without looking expectant. You'll be lucky to get 50 percent. And
it's rarely any longer a friendly, "Did you forget to pick up your books?" It's more often a
passive-aggressive, "We're not running a storage facility here."
Like the slow-boiling frog who does not notice its gradual demise, so too do not the staff
and faculty of old here at Evergreen when consideration for others by youngsters wanes
over time.
Most simply go with the flow.




MAY 25, 2006

Concerns about the war „- , T
on terror
What I want from my
student gov't: a wish list

By Rebekah Thornburg


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The war on
terrorism has
begun to look
like a fight
that is creeping closer and
closer to home.
Reading an
article printed
February 21,
2006, "Bush's Mysterious New Programs"
by Nat Perry, the paranoia sets in as I realize, slowly we begin to lose our freedoms
and no one is stepping up to stop it. In
the first amendment of the Constitution
did this country not develop itself first
and foremost to give its people the right
to freely express our opinions? "Freedom
of expression consists of the rights to
freedom of speech, press, assembly and
to petition the government for a redress of
grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief (Cornell Law School).
My issue is that Bush is moving towards
taking these civil liberties away from us.
He considers those who sympathize with
the enemy, openly protest the war, or speak
out against him to be Fifth Columnists.
Although this doesn't sound bad, there are
heavy words being tied to feeling animosity
about Bush's war on terrorism, and even
scarier are the crimes with which people
are being charged. Since the September 11
attacks on the U.S. our national defense
department has been creating new agencies that gather and analyze intelligence
within the U.S. In 2003, the Pentagon's
CounterintelHgence Field Activity (CIFA)
decided to consolidate counter!ntelligence
operations. The CIFA has the authority to
investigate crimes such as treason, terrorist sabotage or economic espionage.
Using the Cambridge Advanced Learner's
Dictionary, I am going to dissect the three
different acts mentioned above, that when
committed the CIFA is being made specifically to investigate. Number one: treason, the crime of lack of loyalty to your
country, especially by helping its enemies
or attempting to defeat its government.
Terrorism is threats of violent action
for political purposes. To sabotage is to
damage or destroy equipment, weapons or
buildings in order to prevent the success of
an enemy or competitor, and/or to intentionally prevent the success of a plan or
action. Terrorist sabotage would then mean
damaging equipment, weapons or buildings
in order to prevent the success of an enemy
for political purposes. Espionage is the discovering of secrets, especially political or
military information of another country or

the industrial information of a business.
Economic espionage is very clear under
this statement. It is also apparent why all
three of these acts seem to be on the top By R. Yazmin Shah
list of Mr. George W. Bush, because they
Dear Student
lean towards exposing him. My question is,
under these definitions, is Bush not a ter- Representatives:
rorist sabotaging other countries in order to
control espionage here in the United States
and around the world?
I also stop to wonder, is my name on a
list as a possible terrorist suspect because
I protested the war and got arrested during
a non-violent protest? Bush is concerned
that anti-war protestors are a threat against
him. Bush obviously has no understanding of what a person believes an anti-war
movement to be. The anti-war movement
is meant to be a movement of peace, not
of violence. Once again Bush does not
want to understand and educate himself,
he would rather label people who disagree
with him as a threat to the United States.
In January 2006 the Army Corps Engineers
awarded Halliburton's subsidiary, Kellogg
Brown & Root, a $385 million dollar contract to construct detention centers "somewhere" in the United States. Interesting
enough is Cheney's stewardship over
Halliburton, a company that according
to Kevin Phillips in American Dynasty,
"shared many interests and biases" with
those of Enron (10). Halliburton has
been known to support Bush via finances,
aircraft and acquaintances. Halliburton
"raised some questions of domestic business ethics—overcharging the government,
and fraudulent accounting practices" (174).
Phillips goes on to talk about Halliburton's
growing role in the "private military
adjunct." Curious enough that Cheney
has played the role of the secretary of
defense and continues to play a role in our
national security and intelligence fields.
The "special registration" detentions that
Halliburton is supposed to be building are
curious enough on their own. As the military's power in the government flourishes, I
wonder, are we going back to our old ways?
This reminds me of what happened during
and after World War II when we detained
our Japanese-Americans in concentration
camps, simply because they were Japanese.
Who are these camps for, and is anyone
safe anymore?
Rebekah Thornburg is a student on the
Tacoma campus enrolled in Cycle Makers,
Cycle Breakers.

So you're all
like, r u n n i n g
and shit, or
maybe you've
stopped running
and now you're
all like "woo! I
won! Those snappy posters paid off!" The
next task is to gauge the student body, right?
Find out what we want and start delivering.
Well I want to make it a little easier for you
by telling you what / want.
1) I want the free box back. Paying for
clothes sucks. I heard that some guy peed
in the free box. To that guy: thanks asshole.
Maybe you can invent some sort of asshole
repellent and spray the second free box with
it. Maybe you can install some protective
device, like a lid, on it. Or put it in a building, safe from any deviant urine. All I want
is the free box back, pee free.
2) I'd also like the graffiti wall back,
located at the back of the CAB building. I
like looking at campus art, and the administration is stupid for taking that away. How
could the passing public even be offended
by it? The wall is shielded by trees. You'd
have to go out of your way to be indignant
about the graffiti. And the sort of person who
does that deserves a heart attack. Right now
there's this immense blank wall just sitting
there; a big empty canvas forbidden to be
touched by student creativity. Tell the administration to give it back.
3) Twenty-four/seven food service would
be nice, or something close. I 've got friends
at other colleges, and they say they can get
on campus food really late. "How?" I gasp,
dumbfounded. Then they explain that they
belong to a demographic that has irregular
sleeping hours, and often desires food late
at night. This is due to studying, hormones,
and band practice. And then I remembered
that I also belong to that demographic, along
with a vast majority of the Evergreen student
body. Someone should tell Aramark.
4) Plus a twinkle shouldn't cost, like,
five dollars.
5) The evaluation process is unnervingly
subjective. What if my professor and I don't
get along? "Go tell a dean." Why? So the
dean can hand me a Kleenex and say "tough
shit"? The evaluation process can easily be
abused. If my professor has something personal against me and is enough of a dick to
let that affect her judgment, then I'm just

screwed. Find some way to even the power
play out.
6) WashPIRG has an opt-out policy at
Evergreen. An opt-in policy is when you
opt to donate to WashPIRG. An opt-out
policy is when you must be made aware
that you are donating to WashPIRG, and
then opt out of it. Now, I'm not saying that
students shouldn't donate to WashPIRG. I'm
saying that they should consciously donate
to WashPIRG. And I'll bet you a left nut that
many don't.
I think that's wrong.
Students shouldn't unknowingly donate
to WashPIRG. One could argue that it's
the students' responsibility to know that
they're donating to WashPIRG—it's on
financial paperwork, after all. Bullshit.
Like a 19-year-old freshman is really gonna
be on top of her finances. No, it's not the
students' responsibility to know in advance
that they're donating to a cause they never
chose to support. The opt-in system won't
take advantage of students' ignorance. The
opt-out system is underhanded and manipulative. Change it, please.
7) Could you walk around in a shirt that
can interact with you!" on it, or something
likewise? I don't know what crevice of CAB
320 the student government will inhabit. And
I probably won't seek you out if you're not
visible. It'd be great if I could just run into
you outside CAB 320, where the rest of the
student body dwells.
By all means, only wear the shirt identifying you as a student representative when you
feel like it. I'm fine sparing you from listening to my proposal for a roller derby team if
you just broke up with your girlfriend.
8) This one may be a little indulgent,
but do you remember last year when the
administration paid for that dumb rounda-bout at the entrance of the school? Well
next time they have money they must spend
on something unnecessary, let's make it an
outside pool. Or giraffes. Or, um, adequate
9) Create a "Hippie-free zone" for people
who hate hippies (then...why did you choose
Evergreen?) and a "Hippie-love zone" where
hippies can sell their beads and bask in their
smelly unifying love.
10) Pie and punch at every student government forum.
R. Yazmin Shah is a sophomore enrolled
in Inventing Systems.






MAY 25, 2006

A storybook ending
The Evergreen baseball team finally wins

From left to right, Back row: Coach Sam Costello, Doug Dietz, Kip Arney, Nick Grant, Whalen Dillon, Sean
Paul Presley, Justin Porter, Jeremy Harrison-Smith, Will Rockwell, Jake Silberman, Ryan O'Hern, Coach Mike
Anchors. Middle row: Antonio Olguin, Zach Newman, Ross Trainer- Front row: John Each, Nat Hagood.

By Kip Arney
It was like watching something out of
a movie. That final pitch being popped
up into shallow center field and senior
second baseman John Each making the
final out before gloves and hats were
thrown into the air and a mob scene
ensued just out beyond second base.
Even the Evergreen faithful came out

of the stands and joined in on the celebration. Four years in the making, four
years of frustration and losing was all
over. Evergreen baseball had finally
won as they defeated Seattle University
Redhawks 9-6 last Saturday.
Pitching, h i t t i n g , and defense all
showed up on the same day beginning with j u n i o r starting pitcher Will
Rockwell, starting strong and allowing
Based on a scries of interviews
with woman about their
abortion experiences,*
"Choices" shines | *
a personal light on .
a highly politico^



all productions begin at 9pm

r.M.her Dunn and Ira after, he show

.:*;.AND- ' 9
• at Evergreen <
at Midnight Sun
113 Columbia St.

photo by Jeremy

only one run in the first four innings
giving Evergreen a chance to take the
lead. Evergreen did just that as senior
first baseman Justin Porter drove in two
of his three runs in the first inning on a
sharply hit single up the middle. With one
more run in the second and two more in
the fifth inning from a homerun over the
right-centerfield wall by junior shortstop
Antonio Ogluin, the offense was giving
Rockwell more than enough support to
mow down the Seattle hitters.
Rockwell also had stellar defensive
help all over, especially from senior
rightfielder Ryan O'Hern, when in the
third inning the Redhawks had runners on second and third with nobody
out, Seattle's number three hitter in
the lineup, who already had a homerun
earlier in the day, flew out to O'Hern in
deep right field and the runner from third
tried to tag up and score but was thrown
out at the plate on a 300 foot plus throw
through the air beating the runner home
by a good five feet.
Rockwell gutted through the fifth
inning where Evergreen's lead vanished
and the game was knotted at five apiece.
He went out for the sixth inning having
already thrown over 90 pitches but after
allowing the first two men to reach

base, he was relieved by Kip Arney and
Rockwell exited in front of a standing
ovation for his best performance of the
year. Arney allowed one run to cross the
plate and Evergreen was staring another
winless season in the face, but that was
when the magic began.
Down by one in the bottom of the sixth
of the seven-inning game, O'Hern led the
inning off with a single, stole second, and
reached third on a wild pitch, all before
Porter brought him home with a bloop
single over the second baseman's head.
After senior catcher Whalen Dillon sacrificed Porter over to second, junior third
baseman Nick Grant picked up an RBI
with a single to center. Seniors Arney,
left-fielder Ross Trainor, and Each all
followed suit with singles of their own,
which resulted in two more runs coming
in from Each's single.
Now it was 9-6 and Evergreen was
three outs away from y a n k i n g that
monkey off their back. Arney returned to
the mound and got the first batter to pop
up to third base. But then after a single
back up the middle and a double off the
right field wall, there were runners on
second and third with one out and the
tying run at the plate. However, Arney
bore down by getting the next batter to
fly out to O'Hern in right and the final
batter to pop up to Each in shallow center
before the celebration began.
Joining the celebration was last year's
player and coach Sean Paul Presley who
was up from California. After the game
he was presented with the game ball
because he has pretty much built this
team from the ground up and just because
he wasn't on the field during the game
didn't mean the players didn't respect
and appreciate everything he did for
them. Also making a guest appearance
was Speedy the Geoduck.
The game finished with Evergreen
scoring a season high in runs, collecting a
season high in hits of 15, including from
one from every batter, and a season high
in number of people in a pig pile in the
outfield. Everything that had happened
earlier in the season was forgotten, and
for the seniors, including me, I can think
of no better way to end a season and a
Kip Arney is a senior enrolled in
Fiction Laboratories.

$2 suggested donation to Sate Place, though
no one will be'turned away'for lack of funds
;.. — . ^ . .


Participating is easy- just record how you get to
campus on one of our Commuter Logs and you
will be entered into a random drawing for great
prizes like massages, and gift certificates
to local shops and restaurants!
Your participation helps us focus our support of
alternative commuters at Evergreen!
To be entered in the spring quarter drawing bring
your completed commuter log to Parking Services
between May 21st and June 2nd or enter it
online at:


Begins May 15th, 2006!


Anyone can participate, just fill out a
Commuter Log for the week of May 15th!

Pick your log up at Parking Services or the Evergreen Bike Shop




MAY 25, 2006

Thursday 25

A short play about real women's abortion
stories consisting of three monologues.
(In Seminar II C4107 at 9 p.m. beginning
today and also running on Friday, May
26. Also at the Midnight Sun Theater, 113
Columbia St. NW Olympia, at 9 p.m. on
Monday May 29 and Tuesday May 30. Suggested donation is $2.)

Olympia Civil Liberties Resource Benefit—
Flying Folk are from Vancouver, B.C. will
be playing with local group Citizens Band at
this benefit for a group "working to defend
the civil liberties of all citizens—particularly activists exercising their constitutional
rights." (At the Traditions Fair Trade Cafe,
200 5th Ave. Olympia, starts at 8 p.m. Tickets
are $5 to $15 on a sliding scale)

How to Get Rich Quick: Three Tough Thinkers Talk War, Politics and the Classics—
A lecture and panel discussion featuri ng Evergreen professors Andrew Reece, Thad Curtiz
and Dan Ralph. Presented by the Phrontisterion. Come curious, leave virtuous.
(Seminar IIA1105 at 7 p.m., free)

Shaolin Kung Fu Spectacular—
(The Washington Center for the Performing
Arts, 512 Washington St. SE Olympia at 7
p.m. Tickets start at $18. For tickets and information visit or
call (360) 753-8586)

Monday 29

in '•:--'• *»•

Tuesday 30 Wednesday 31 Thursday 1

The CRC will be closed for
Memorial Day
Battle of the Bands—
Sad Cat, The Sweetest Sound,
Broken Silence, Desensitized
Youth and Go Get the Scissors
will be fighting it out
(The Matrix Coffeehouse, 434
NW Prindle St. Chehalis, at 7
p.m. Admission is $8)

Social Movements in Argentina—
A film and discussion by Luce
Givens and Sarah Hart. Hosted
by the student group Evergreen
(Lecture Hall 2 from 4 to 5:30

Reaktor Workshop—
An audio software workshop
hosted by the student group
(Seminar II, El 105 from 6-8

Masquerade Dance—
An end-of-the-year dance with
First Peoples, Umoja and Swirl.
Hosted by the Women of Color
Coalition and Swirl. (Longhouse
from 9 p.m. to midnight)

Photo by Aaron Bietz

New York Style Hand Tossed Pizza
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Pizza By The Slice & Whole Pies


Vegan Pizza's Available
Salads, Calzone, Fresh Baked Goods
Micro Brews on Tap, Bottled Beers, Wine
Dine In or Call Ahead for Take Out


Harrison & Division (233 Division St. NW)


4//TESC staff and students can join!
A $5 deposit makes you part of the team.
Convenient local branches.

Thursday, June 1

Morning: 10:00 am
Evening: 7:30 pm
Seattle Center Fisher Pavilion
305 Harrison Street, Seattle



Sunday, June 4
Free Program in Tacoma

2302 Harrison Ave NW

Begins at 6:30 pm

Downtown Olympia


400 East Union Avenue

June 2-4, Prc-registration required

Downtown Drive-thru

Retreat and Devi Bhava
will be held at
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
1010 122nd Street South, Tacoma

515 E. Legion Way


4245 Martin Way East

Lacey Credit Union Center
6th Avenue at College Street

For Seattle area program information,
e-mail: ammaseatdeC^
or call: 206.799.6846
For rtueat registration or information:
"a wortVan who makes it her mission
to trayefc around the world, spreading
her message of compassion."

- Tt.te Seattle Times

Antnia is the recipient of the
prestigious Gandhi-King Award
for Non- Violence, presentee/ at
the United Nations in Geneva.




MAY 25, 2006


YeaV, V>\»-t.. \, we are


"Rt^ o-t co»rve. \f »vt T\4o Were!
irawn? \t V>eUeMe in -fate.

One ^


we ex\vt. So wWat i-f
real as \»S? Wol\W

Ef ijcie XXX





MAY 25, 2006


By Curtis Randolph

Ha! That band sucted and
I hep* yn/r* •! pnjpinid to OK
yMrmowy's vMrth of muBJc by

GOB, if s a clever pfay on
words, fs apeiad be-A-t, Ik
a drum boat? Mot b-efrt, ika
beetia B6AT4B?

Whatever* Any way!


around tie ctserver$

What the fuck?

AH o^h/ers: rvwst be


No one speaks that
way to the BEATLES!
Gimpyf Release... ttie "BEATlEa.."

If you want to buy our CO they're
only $ 15! That's $5 less than
mast commercial retailers

OH me.

The first scene Is dominated by two sets of complimentary figures:
the seahorse/eel duo and the octopus/mer-plrate. The mer-pirate's
dolhing dearly sets his status as above the other, downtroddenlooking mef-people. The octopus Is the traditional molluscomorph of
the capRaftet system as a whole, here depicted In the act of consuming a member of the mer-proletarlat Note that while capitalism Is
benefiting the mer-capitalst dass, R Is the system as a whole that Is
.responsible tor oppression. Seahorse and eel are part of the
heaven/hen opiate that keeps the mer-proletarlat pacified and
producing. The octopus's prosthetic leg Is clearly symbolic of the
New Deal.
•Pf?^"*" '>..?* 'Hi*- i*ato#mam*+ '


The dismayed molluscomorph appears again In the second scene,
clearly responsible for banking. Tne pumpkins In the cart are
representative of the worker's (here, depicted In a bear suit) labor,
which Is about to be monMcatad and alienated from him by the vortex
of the capitalist monetary system. Shades of the hjmpenprotetariat
can be deariy seen In the figures of the twins, and their mutual
vomiting shows their lack of revolutionary potential. Note how the
portrait of an aspic, the lowest of the gelatinous foodstuffs, has taken
on the role of a famUal representation In a dear example of commodity fetishism.

TWs scene deany posits a future where robots have destroyed
humans and Instituted a harmonious society on our ashes and
bones. This Is Indeed the only route to peace, as humans can never
escape the creative-destruction of dialectical materiatom.

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MAY 25, 2006



