The Cooper Point Journal Volume 34, Issue 4 (October 13, 2005)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 34, Issue 4 (October 13, 2005)
13 October 2005
extracted text
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OcrOBER 6, 2005




Issue 4
Volume 34
Oct. 13, 2005

Keep bogarting! Pass on the joint passing
Social smoking habits
may transfer
meningococcal disease
By Kate Mruz
Yeah, yeah, drugs are bad. If you're in
college, you've probably heard the spiels so
many times that yo u can give them yourself. But pot? Here at Evergreen, where for
some, weed is more of a routine activity
then a drug, passing around a joint can
seem like second nature. Unfortunately,
it's also a g reat way to get sick fast. Think
about it: your roommate, his girlfriend,
her friend and some random dude Iivi ng
in your closet pass around a joint and it
comes to you. That's four random mouths'
worth of sal iva just waiting to join forces
with yours. Meningococcal disease, a
deadly form of meningitis, is something
you and your roommates need to be aware
of. When it comes to spreading bacteria,
passing ajoint around rivals drink-sharing
and kissing.
Last November, Canadian doctors
blamed joint-sharing for spreading
meningococcal disease in four out of
Vancouver's five cases. Two died as a
result of getting the infection. Those who

Meningitis is an infection oftheftuid surrounding the brain.
smoke marijuana on a regular basis are brain and spinal cord become inflamed ,
urged to either change their behavior or 9ue to the presence of excessive bacteria in
get vaccinated. Symptoms of meningo- blood. Outbreaks ofmeningococcal mencoccal meningitis look a lot like the flu : ingitis on college campuses are increasing.
high fever, headache and stiff neck. Other Therefore, students living in the dorms,
symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, pot-smoking or not, are encouraged to get
discomfort looking into bright lights, con- vaccinated. The meningococcal vaccine
fusion and sleepiness. Basically, what hap- is safe and avai lable at the Health Center
pens is the membranes that surround the on campus. You can find the Health Center

on the main floor of the Seminar I building- Seminar I 2110 to be exact- which
is across the breezeway from Pol ice Services . The Health Center's phone number
is (360)867-6200.

Kate Mruz is a senior and is a Student
Medical Assistant at the Health Center.

Exciting the electrons in your brain's thunderhead

By Kylin Larsson

By Ben Harris

It's now the end of week three, and if
your academic workload is anything like
mine, you probably have at least two or
more deadlines for papers looming around
the corner. Sometimes I find it hard to get
started on a project because of all the new
and exciting ideas jostling to the forefront
of my mind . Then there are those times
When I have the exact opposite problem:
the dreaded writer's block, when I can't
arrive at an idea to get started and am
faced with a question like this: ' How

Olympia, WA 98505
Address Service Requested

do the nature and ideas of society in the
American colonies relate to the ideas of
society that Locke expresses in the Second
Treatise of Government?'
The point of brainstorming is to
come up with as many ideas as you can
in response to a topic, such as, ' What
were the nature and ideas of society in
the American colonies? ' and, 'What did
Locke express about the nature and ideas
of society?' Here are some brainstorming techniques I've found useful to help
organize the chaos or bust through writer's

. Free writing is a way to put your
thoughts on paper in an uncensored way
by' writing everything you can think of
about a topic. The trick is to set a page
limit or a time limit and to not stop writing, even if you can't think of anything
more to write about the topic. When you
feel like you have run out of things to say,
write about things that are related to your
subject. With the American colonies and
Locke question, I wrote about how d ifferent ideas and structures of society are
related , why the relationship is significant and so on. If you run out of topics

to write about, write something like, "not
sure what to write, wonder what I should
write about next," and so on, until you get
an idea about something more interestin g
than not knowing what to write.
The advantage of free writing is that
it forces you to keep going. When I am
writing so fast, I don 't have time to judge
and discard ideas before they even get a
chance to make it to the page or screen.
UnuSU'al and helpful gems can come from
ignoring internal censors once in a while.
A fter you have your thoughts down on
paper, underline which ideas you may be
able to use in your next step.
Different brainstorming techniques
can be used together. You can use your
free writing material to get started on lists
and mind-maps, which are close relatives
of the free write. These brainstorming
techniques aren't quite so rush-rush as
free writing, allowing for a little more
focused deliberation.
Another brainstorming idea is called
listing. Listing isjust what it sounds like:
a list of words and phrases that relate to a
key idea. For example, the key idea could
be fruit. You would list every kind of
fruit you could think of under the heading "fruit", Iike apples, coconuts, blueberries. etc. Next, make a Iist of thi ngs
associated with each kind of fruit. For
example, under coconuts, my list could
read: I) warm places, 2) the Tom Hank s
movie "Castaway", 3) suntan oil and 4)
Thai food. You now have a Iist of a bunch
of subtopics you could write about und e r
the simple idea of " fruit. " ,

Storm conlinlled on page 3
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OCTOBER 13, 2005



Ci ty of Angels will e sh wing at Capital Play house at 612 E, 4th Ave.
Show wi ll be playing
ctober 13, 14, 15,'19 (special "pay-what-youcan" pcrformance, tickets on sa le on October 12 , at 1 p.m.). 20-22, 26-29 at
7:30 pm . $ 18.00-S22. 00 for students. Matinees Oc tober 16 and 23 at 2 p.m.

By Charlie Daugherty and Jordan Lyons


If you could plan any event on campu s, what wo uld it be?

" I'm actua ll y planning an event. A fu ll moon
ritual to promote women's spir itua li ty and cultural awareness."
Madrona Bangs
JOllissance Ananda

Friday, October 14
Hearlspark le Play back Tho:atre will be performing at Trad itions Ca fe &
World Folk Art at 300 5th Ave. SWat 7:30 p.m . ..




Hurricane Katrina will be ex plo red by panelists and followed lip by a COIllmunit y discllssion. Event wi ll take place from 7-9:00 p.m. in Sem II 1107
at the Evergreen State Cullege. Nu entrance fee. donations accepted for the
Red Cross.


"A V J (visual jockey) battle, featuring
Blue Series Continuum."
Alex Dombrow,ski

Musician, composer and recording ar tist Scott Cossu will be performing
some original compositions on pi ano at Tradi ti ons Cafe & World Folk Art.
Concert begins at 8 p.m. st udents pay $10.00 admission fee.


Vox Populi

Thursday, October 13

Language and Law

Gi llian Welch will be performing at the Capitol Theater on 206 E. 5th
Ave. Tickets are $20.00 and available at Rainy Day Records, Phantom City
Records and buyolym Show starts at 8 p.m.

"A hackey sack tournament."
Chris Johnson

Mind-mapping is much like li sting, it, 3) associate it, 4) ana lyze it, 5) apply it,
except it is more visual. Thi s is a good and 6) argue for and aga inst it.
one to do on a g iant piece of paper taped
All of these brainstorming techniques
to the wall. Do yo ursel f a favo r and buy should give yo u at least a broad awa resome cheap poster board or butcher paper ness of yo ur topic. Idea ll y, they will spark
fo r these kind of exerci ses: it rea ll y helps yo ur interest and lead yo u to themes you
to see all these big ideas out of yo ur head find intr ig uing and exc iting to inves and organi zed in a kind of map on the wall. t igate. Okay, exc itin g may be a bit of
Put you r key idea in the center and draw an exagge rat ion. However, using th ese
a circle around it and some lines coming techniques do transform a dau nting task
from it , ki nd of li ke a cartoon sun , Each into somet hing manageable. In my case,
line links the key idea to a not her c ircle the results of bra instorming turned into a
that is related to the key idea, and so on. paper ca lled " Benefits of Unequal Receipt
T hi s is good way to make connections of Liberty."
between things that don't seem re lated at
Whether yo u are faced with too much
first g lance, li ke fruit and movie stars.
to think abo ut , or just looki ng for a place
Aski ng questions is another brain storm- to get started, apply two of these teching method . Pretend you are a journa li st niques and ca ll me in the morning. Wa it,
and interview your topic. Ask the who, don 't ca ll me, because I'll be readi ng
what, when, where and why questions that . up on Locke. But, try some of these out
wi ll g ive you a solid foundation ide nti fy- anyway.
ing more complex connect ions.
A not her side of the question-ask ing Kylin Larsson is a senior al Everg reen
co in is ca ll ed cubing. In cubing, yo u enrolled in Liberty a nd Just ice for Al l:
approac h the topi c from the six differ- Contem porary Pol itical Ph i losop hy in
e nt sides of a c ube. This results in six Hi storical Context and T he Art of Nonapproac hes to yo ur topic. When c ubing, fiction Writi ng.
do the followin g: I) descr ibe it, 2) compare

Evening and Weekend Studies

Sunday, October 16
Open mic night 5-7 p.m . at Yes Yes on 320 4th Ave. go to for more detail s.

"A stip and slide competition with teams
A poetry event wi ll be happening at Trad itions Cafe at 7 p.m.
The Voice of the Poem and Other Musics presents a poetry read ing featuring Robin Blaser. Event will take place at Sem II El105 at the Evergreen
State College and beg ins at 7 p.m. All are inv it ed .

and capture the flag with peanut butter
and chocolate pie as a pri ze."
Emily Cox
Sacred Monsters

"A slap -a-thon. A free day to go aro und slapping

Study Abroad Workshop in the "Edge" in A-dorm at 6:30 p.m

Wednesday, Oct. 19th

Soulma Ayers

Poetry reading by Ti moth y Kell y follo wed by open mic begi ns at 6:30 p.m.
at Tradit ions Cafe.

Business manager"."". "."""" ... " ... " ... " .. """ .Corey Young
Assistant business manager' "" """.""""".""Jordan Lyons
Ad proofer and archivist' .""." ... "." ....... "" .... "". Sean Paull
Circulation manager/Paper archivist '" .. "".R. Yazmin Shah
Distribution manager'.""" ...... "" ....... " ... "" David Hornbeck
Ad sales representative'" .. " ..... .......... " .... Kristen Lindstrom
General Aid' . ....... .. " ..................... Curtis Randolph
Editor-in-chief ..... " .............. " .... ."........ .. "" Eva Wong
Managing editor ........ " ... " ...." .... ""." .... " .. " ... Kate DeGraaff
Arts &Entertainment coordinator' ..... "........ R. Yazmin Shah
Briefs coordinalor'". " .. "" ... ".. " ..." "" .. .. " ... Curtis Randolph
Calendar coordinator' .. " ............. """".,, .R, Yazmin Shah
Comics coordinator .. "."" .......... "" .. ."" .. .. .""Chelsea Baker
Copy editor. "" ..... "" .... "" ..... ..........."" ." .. ".Sean Paull
Copy editor'.""" .... "" .."."." .. ". "" ...... ""."Candice Kell~er
Letters &Opinions coordinator' ".................. Sam Goldsmith
News coordinator' .. "" ..". "" .. ".". "...... .""." .. Ian McGuffick
Photo coordinator'."."."" .... " ........ "".""".".Laura Hadden
Seepage coordinator.. " ....................... ,... .......... ." ...".unfilled
Sports coordinator ".. .. "".""."" ... ."" .. " ...... " . ."" unfilled
Student Voice coordinator. .. "" ........ "."""".""",,.unfilled
Design' .......... ........ ,.......... .. "............. " .. ... Kristen Lindstrom
John Morgan
Charlie Daugherty
Advisor .".... . ... " " ......""". ..",,. Dianne Conrad
Assistant advisor """"" .......... "..". . ""." .. MA Selby
• Interimstaff

Cooper Point
Your work in print
is written, edited and distributed by students enrolled at
The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
production and content.
is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session : the first through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
second through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.
is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person .
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.

sells display and classified advertising space. Information
about advertising rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.

How to Contribute

Student Group Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member of the
student group CPl. Practice conse nsus-based
decision making .

Content Meeting

5:30 p.m. Monday

H elp discuss future content, story ideas, Vox
Populi questions and possible long tenn reporting projects.

Content Forum 12:30 p.m. Wednesday
Lecture and seminar related to j ouma li sm and
issues surrounding CP J content.

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission
and publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB
316, or by request at 867-6213. Contributions are accepted at CAB 316 , or Thursday Forum
4 p.m. Thursday
by email at The CP J editor-in-chief has final say on
Discuss ethics, journalism law and conflict
the acceptance or rejection of all non-advertising content
resolution .

How to Contact the CP J
Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316
News: (360) 867 - 6213

Business: (360) 867 - 6054
Email: cpjbiz@evergreen .edu

Must be enrolled student at
TESC and able to make year
long commitment. Pick up
an application at the Student
Activities Office, CAB 320. Call
Tom at 867 - 6220 if you have

Paper Critique

12 p.m. Friday

Comment on that week's pape r. Air comments,
concems, questions, etc. If something in the
CP J bothers you, this is the meeting for you I

All meetings are in CAB 316.

Cotiff0 I
for 1Year at
Pla.,.,ed Paretrthood

With gas prices at an all-time high,
Thurston County commuters are thinking twice about driving a lone to work
and school. This month , a statewide
campaign will support and encourage
commuters to find another way: Wheel
Options runs October 10-2 1. Anyone
who com mutes to work by carpool, vanpool, cycl ing or walking at least twice
during the campaign ca n participate.
T he effort is intended to raise awareness of healthy commute options while
lowering traffic congestion .

'.. Introducing
Juggling Club
Here at the Evergreen Juggling Club,
we spend hours perfecting our a bilities
to throw, catch and manipulate a large
variety of objects. Diabolos, unicycles,
balls, clubs, cigar boxes, scarves and
devil sticks: we can teach you how to
juggle all of this equipment and more!
The club has everyone from professional
j ugglers to people just starti ng out, and
with time we can teach you advanced
skills like passi ng balls between partners or even through groups of five.
Bring any skills you already have and
any motivation you have to play. The
Juggling Club meets every T hursday
evening at 7 p.m . in Seminar II B1107,
and we stay late.

~II01\~ ~Comm~ity


Come participate in a weekend of commanity building, using the
time-tested model by M . Scott Peck. For two days we will define
community as. _.


Our meetings are open to the Evergreen
community. Please come and disc uss with us!

News ,
Exercise your
Wheel Options

Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23
at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA

Broken Spindles wi ll be playing at Yes Yes.

Tuesday, October 18

13, 2005

( Building Workshop

Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.rn.
Lectures held in Tacoma at the University of Puget Sound, Wyatt Hall
Learn how to become an effective environmental advocate in this five week
course, featuring local experts. Issues covered include:
Puget Sound ecology Activism
Pierce County Growth
Climate change
Green Building
Low-impact Development
The course is $25 for students! For registration info. visit the website below.

Monday, October 17



Storm: Continued from front

Calendar of Events

Saturday, October 15



"a group of individuals who have learned to communicate
honestly with each other, and whose relationships go
deeper than their masks of composure."
Following simple guidelines, participants experience and practice
communication skill.s that create the possibility for deep human
connection. Facilitators will help create a safe environment for
participants to_ ..
• Communicate with authenticity
• Deal with difficult issues
• Welcome and affinn diversity
• Bridge differences with integrity

When: Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23, 9am-5pm
Where: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA
Cost:* $30 ($10 student)
Registration: Prior registration is required!
Call (360) 867-6033 or e-mail

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)- Emergency co ntraception
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*A typical workshop costs in excess of $250!
"Thanks" to Common Bread and the Healing Arts Collective for
their fin~cial support.

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OCTOBER 13, 2005

16, 2005

Word of the Week

Yes, he makes comics too
By Connor Moran
The comic adaptation Serenity, which
bridges the gap between the eponymous
feature film and the televi sion show Firefly,
is a similar case. Whedon only " plotted"
the tal e, with Brett Matthews covering the
scriptin g duties. Nevertheless, Whedon 's
voice so und s through. Matthews does a
fa irly goo d j ob of duplicating Whedon 's
s ty le, a nd th e c haracters' space-drawl s
come through without aw kw a rdness. The
Sere II il.l' /- 3
comic stand s we ll cno ugh \vith th e res t
Writt en by Jo ss Wh edo n o f Firejll', and fan s wi ll enjoy readin g it
and Brett Matth ews, art betvveen showi ngs of th e film. For peop le
by Will Conrad
who Iiked th e mov ie and have n' t see n the
Dark Il orse
show, it is a dece nt introducti on to the ea rli er
ISBN: 1593074492
adventures of the crcw, 8 eyo nd that , it 's not
a very notabl e titl e.
Finall y, As/ollis hin?, .r-lI1ell. Give n how
A slonishin,l!.
BllflY s fa nt asy soa p opera format
.r-Alen (ongoi ng)
the X-Men myt hos, it is perhaps
Writtcn by Joss W
in ev it a ble th a t Wh edo n would e nd up
art by John Cassaday
giving so met hing back. Well, we can mark
Marvel Co mics
hi s creative debt "pa id in full ," because
ISBN: 0785115315
As to nishing s hine s. Whedon draws on
classic X-Men without ever giving up his
So, you've just created one of the mo st own vo ice. Here he attac ks comics wit h
deli'nitive te levisio n icons of the decade. the tec hni cal maste ry shown in hi s film s
You ha ve no less than 3 ot her televi s ion and telev is ion shows. H is versions of the
shows in various stages of c reation. Wh at X-Me n c harac ters sparkle. H is Kitty Pryde
(a.k .a. Shadowcat) is perhaps the stron gest
do yo u do')
Well , if yo u' re Joss Wh edon, yo u start character in main stream comics today.
T he tirst six iss ues are collected in the
makin g com ics.
For th ose o f you who haven ' t been initi- trade paperback Astonishillg X -Men ' G ified,
ated into the mysterious cult of the House of and another collect io n of issue s 6- 12 is on
W, Joss Whedon is a third-ge neration tel e- the way. The fir st story line is stronger, but
vision w riter who wrote such film s as Tuy the whole se ries delight s. If you've ever
liked X-Men , you' ll lik e thi s comic . If
SIOIJ! and A lien: Res urreclioll . He stumbl ed
back-assward into geek immortal ity whe n yo u've ever liked BlljfJ' or Angel, you ' ll
he was approached by the nace nt WB to turn probably like thi s comic. And if you've
hi s teen co medy BlIfJy Ih e Vampire Siaycr never liked any of the m, there's still a pretty
good cha ncc you'll like thi s com ic. You owe
into a television show.
Eight years, three televi sion series and a it to yourself to c hec k it out.
At thi s point, Whedun could start doing
feature Ii 1m later, Whedon dominates eu lt
buki th ea tre and people would take
media in a unique way. So perhaps it makes
. It's good to know that, at least in
perfect sense that he 's become a powerful
his comics, he dese rv es it.
force in comics as well.
But what a bout the comics them se lves')
Fray was Jo ss Whedon 's fir s t comic NEW THIS WE EK:
writing effort, released beg inning in 2001
Apoca lyps~' Nerd #2
a nd now coll ec ted in a trade paperbac k. It
Peter Bagge
te ll s the story of a vamp ire s layer in the far
Dark Horse
future . It 's BlIfJycrossed with Blade Runncr,
and it can bc a lot of fun . It provides a leve l
Alternative com ics lege nd Peter Bagge
of compl etion to the Bliffil saga, giving th e
e) finally brings the second issue of his
reader a vague idea of what happe ned after
ries Apocalypse Nerd, about two guys
the series ended.
As a comic, it is a stro ng fir st e ffort camped out in the wood s after so mebody
by a talented writer. But it is none th ele ss nukes Seattl e. Bagge is inspired as ever.
a lirst e lTon. Whedon's trad emark dialog Definitely worth checking out.
is so mewhat awkward here in comic form.
The art does it s job, but I get th e fee lin g that COII/wr lI1oroll is a third-year s tlldel1l at
Wh edo n didn't quite kn ow what to do w ith Evergreell (killd oJ) and is c urrell/I)' taking
it yet. Bufly fan s wi ll enjoy it , but I can't Language and the Law.
recommend it to anyone else .
Written by Jo
Whedon , pencilled
by Karl Moline
Dark Horse
ISBN : 15697175 16


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Brought to you by those chipper chaps forging words at the
Writing Center
By Paul C. Whitney, a,k.a. Captain Lexicon

e nnui (on W EE ),



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"A re yo u bored w ith yo ur academic li tt: already' ) Do yo ur papers lill yo u w ith
the lea r a nd loathing o f a forebod in g w inter 's day ? Ca n yo u not escape the in ccssallt
d rudgery, th e ubiquit o us ted ium . th e pe rvas ive 1!I7I1I1i :) Ac tuall y, ye s yo u ca n l Ju st
VISit the Wr iting Ce nte r a nd s pi ce up .vo ur acade mic -vea r! "
Sy no ny m s include tedium, ted ious ne ss , monotony, du llness , drea riness , wo rldwea ri ne ss a nd la ng uo r.
Write on, friend s l



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Hey, do you like fun? Do you like telling other people about the fun things yo u
did? Then you should write for the epJ's Art and Entertainment section. These
pages promise a home to reviews on music, events, poetry readings, art showings
and more! Write about your band, your artwork, yo ur music, your passions . . . just
as long as it falls into the "a rt and entertain ment" variety of articles , I f you have
any questions, comments or tentative ideas, feel free to e-mail CPJ A&E coordinator, R. Yazmin Shah, at sharad23 @ E -mail your s ubmi ss io ns to
cpj @ .

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Robert Makl
Tuesday October 18, 11 am, lecture hailS
Artist talk sponsored by Evergreen Galleries and "Think Abstract"

One of the Northwest's pre-eminent sculptors, Maid "continues to elude easy
categories. Though he often is grouped with the minimalists for the formal
austerity of his work, he shrugs the label off like a magician slipping free of chains."
Hear from the artist who created Trapezoid Square for Evergreen's campus,
located between Seminar II & Com Building.



CD Review: Possibilities by
Herbie Hancock
and Third World Genocide by
Nuclear Assault
By Mike Treadwell
on an album? Hell, at that pace we'll be
lucky if they release anything more before
all die from old age.
Herbie Hancock
N .A. basically broke up in '91 after a
HearNectorlHancock Music
album with the accurate title Out of
Released August 30, 2005
'93 album doesn 't count because
2.8/5 Stars
it was a brand new band with a much difNo one can ever acc use Herbie Hancock ferent sound. Here in 2005, we have three
of not being adventurous enough or not original members in the band and all bets
branching out into new territory. His 1960s are off.
The album starts off very shaky. The title
output was stellar, some of the best of which
uses the same line over and over. ..
include Maiden Yoyage ('65), among others .
the point, and the drumming sounds
Then you had Headhunters ('73), which was
the penultimate fusion jazz-rock record and like something jacked from Slayer's Hell
was quite adventurous for the time and influ- Awaits- something that only came out 2.0
enced legions upon legions of future jazz years ago. Nice try guys. "Price of Freedom"
guitarists and keyboardists . I remember the isn't much better. By the time we get to the
first time I heard Headhunters on cassette: third track, things start to pick up . It has that
all I wanted to do was get one of those old classic Thrash metal with hardcore overschool keyboards and hook up a bunch of tones. This is one of the few bands in the
80s to ac tualize that combination properly.
FX to it and jam out.
bass is absolutely thunderous. "Living
Enter 2005 and we have Possibilities. What
provides some of the best melody on
at first looks like a crass attempt at commercialism sounds like a good experiment the album and is the best track. "Defiled
in theory. The guest stars are featured most Innocence" is also well written . But as with
prominently on this album and include any N.A., yo u have the joke songs: " Whine
John Mayer, Angelique Kidjo and Santana, and Cheese" an d "The Hockey Song". The
Christina Aguilera, Paul Simon and Sting, latter has the hilarious line: " the ducks
among others. Herbie is invol ved in the played reall y we ll/for the cup/they swept the
story as a struggling songwriter, musician Detroit Wings you fuck/did you even watch '
and visionary. Herbie is always looking the game/you suck! /the ass of Jersey Devils
on the elusive horizon to provide the next fans'/'cause you're a fucking asshole!"
accompaniment that will be better than the These guys got the political lyrics too, so
last. With all the guest stars, it is a real toss they're like Evergreeners that aren't hippies,
up as to which songs are good and which can shower, know how to play their instruments,
be trashed. For example, the Santana track and most importantly, have a sense ofhwnor.
sounds like the stereotypical Santana song, To top it all off, John Con nelly doesn't
sound like a barking, I'm-about-to-die-runcomplete with timbales being hammered
on in the background. The Mayer track, the over-by-a-car hyena, like he did on Survive
first track of the album, is surprisingly good ('88) and Handle with Care ('89). This CD
and so elegant. That is one of the few songs is somet hing to mosh to in your 8 x 8 dorm
where Herbie's piano can be heard through- room with 15 of your friends . Cut ofT the
out .. . and here is where we come to the main sleeves to your shirt and it's on.
problem of the album (which is a huge on~):
Mike Treadwell is in his fourth year at
Herbie is always in the background while
Evergreen and is enrolled in Asian Art and
these pathetic pop-stars are in the center of
it all. If I wanted a Christina Aguilara album Culture.
I would have gone out and got it; I came to
hear the great Herbie Hancock. You are just
lucky to be along for the ride, girl. Worth
1nIII . . . .,
getting if you can find it used for under $5 .


OcrOBER 13, 2005

The prestige of theatre and
performing arts
By Todd Kimmich
It's a crisp evening in early November.
You step out and close the door of your
sleek black Lincoln Towncar. You stride
confidently, relishing the sharp clack your
polished Kenneth Coles make against th~
sidewalk, the soft swish of your Armam
slacks. She is decked all in blue Dior, rocks
the size of your knuckles dangling from her
ears. Ahead, the blazing marquee, subtly
clouded by a fog of breaths in cold air and
cigarette smoke from those waiting outside.
It's theatre night.
Is this what theatre is supposed to be?
Reserved for the upper financial crust
of our society? Fifty-dollar tickets and
box seats and champagne intermissions?
Everyone dressed to kill?
The actor is a storyteller. Plain and
simple. His medium is the classroom, or
the street, or the living room or the rooftop. The misconception that theatre belongs
only on the stage is absurd for two reasons.
First, anyone can make theatre. Not?mg
in the nature of theatre demands that It be
exclusive, that it be saved for those who
can pay. All that theatre calls for is a story,
and for someone to tell it. Whether they
tell it by firelight or stage light, alone or
as a part of a cast, whether there is music
and costuming and use of props or not IS
unimportant. Second, the stories you can
see for fifty dollars at the theatre have been
circulating the planet since the days of the
wandering minstrel, long before the blazmg
marquee, the stage itself. Performers h~ve
always been a part of human commumty,
regardless of the space they performed in.
There is an abundance of theatre that
occurs in our everyday lives. Everyone
has that friend who is a pleasure to listen
to, even if they just talk about their day.

Everyone has encountered the ranting
madman, tortured and impassioned, improvising a monologue a-thousand-wvrdsper-minute. These people are vital to o~
community. What is astonishing is not thiS
plethora of natural performance, but how
easily it is dismissed.
Putting theatre behind a heavy stag~ door
and establishing a monetary constramt for
admission are only examples of the myriad
of ways that aristocracy has placed prestige
not just on theatre, but on many of th~ performing arts. I would like to cite the buIi~mg
at Fifth and Washington. Read the momker
on that wall carefully: The Washington
Center for the Performing Arts. "Center"
implies that this place is a sort of hub for
performance, that what you find behind those
doors is some pretty hot shit. Alas, access to
said hot shit is restricted. Now the barrier is
up, watch the ascension of status.
" Damn , fifty bucks? It must be hot
shit. "
" I saw the 'Marriage of Figaro' for a
hundred. It was the hottest shit."
Understandably, it costs money to put on
a production and to keep up a building like
that. You have to clean it, pay the actors, rent,
bills, etc. This having been established, I ask :
Why? While lighting and acoustic design and
costumes contribute to the telling of a story,
is it worth keeping people out? Shouldn ' t
prestige depend on the performance?
The wandering minstrel would stroll onto
the village common and be warmly greeted
by children and grown-ups alike, all eager
to hear his tales of wondrous adventures, of
heroes and kings, to watch him juggle knives
and swallow swords, to see the delight of a
toddler who discovers coins behind his ears.
This, also, is prestige, but the minstrel's is
one of quality, whereas the prestige of the .


A Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning Center Puzzler

concert hal1 is one of quantity. The concert
hall has a limited number of seats. Admission
is exchanged for a specific amount of dirty
paper. The orchestra is only playing Bolero
for jive nights.
Both the concert hall and the ·minstrel
have reputations, but in the case of the
concert hall, that is ridiculous. You might
hear someone say, "The Washington Center
puts on great opera." This sort of statement
is a product of the prestige that comes from
quantity. The person saying th~s ~s referring
to the various quantitative restnctlOns he had
to overcome in order to gain access to the
building, and in effect, that the feat of getting inside is great, and therefore whatever
he's about to see will be great also. From a
performer's standpoint, this makes the concert hall a very safe place to perform, for
the audience has already decided that you
will be spectacular, which might give way
to half-hearted performance.
The reputation of the minstrel may sound
the same, 'The minstrel tells great stories,"


Third World Genocide
Nuclear Assault
SPY/Screaming Ferret Wreckords
Released August 30, 2005
3.4/5 Stars

In the figure to the right, the rectangle at
the corner measures 5 CITl x 10 cm.
What is the radius of 'the circle in cm?
(Note: Figure not drawn to scale.)
Week 1 Answer: Draw a Single diagonal line with positive s lope across e ither the Ftrst o r second addit~On s ign
such that it extends from the lejt most tip to the top most tip. In short. convert an add,tlOn sign mto a .

5 + 54 5

= 550

OR 5 4 5 + 5

Reco rd Rev ews

or heard the minstrel, they will ~lave expe~tation's from the reputation the mmstrel cames,
but will report on the minstrel based on his
experience. This makes performing dangerous causes the minstrel to refine hiS talents
to a' point of flawlessness, so as to maintai,n
his reputation, and may make the mmstrel s
performance the more outstanding.
SO, if you're feeling brave, throw on your
patchwork cloak, and go down to were
t he
smoke and steamy breaths obscure the
marquee, and there, on t he Sl'd ewalk , gIve
them theatre before the quantitative hurdles;
regale the lingering crowd wi th ala
" . ntastl.
cal quest for treasure across mountams an d
deserts, and see how many of them throw
you roses.

Before th e Dream Fades ...
Calvin Johnson
K Records
Released October 25, 2005

Really, who does he need to impress at this
point? His name and accomplishments ~re
car ved in stone. If you haven't heard 111m,
or of him at this point, why the fuck should
This is Calvin's second record and it is he try and compromise his record to entice
you? What's more, people who are gomg
like this CD already know before they
Pretty strong first impression- m.ost peop e
will have one that is similar. Imtlally, what buy it they're going to like it. They know
threw me was his voice, whi~h .sounds to Calvl'n Johnson will deliver, and he does.
me like myself trying to mimIC Johnny He stole my heart with "Rabbit Blood" and
Cash, and I hated it because I h ate t h e then together we mused over the. piec. es
sound of my voice. But I remembered with "Red Wing Black". By "OblIteratIOn
something: my voice sounds good .when Overload", we awoke hungover and remem·
of my
I sing in the shower or when I' m d nvmg. be
the the
He then
me itsheart
ok cuz
Besides, it's Calvin Johnson. I once.had the
-. h "
. mm d tha
t inD
a similar"
out ,
balls to get up and sing; keep m
II with I " I' am
I-t worse
my voice sounds like Calvin's in .fron. to a f T ".
Todd Kimmich is in his third year at large group of people, much to theIr d Ismay. Things look up with "The Leaves h0 'Yea
Evergreen and is enrolled in an
Calvin has been doing so for 20 years. N ow and then we fall back in love wit ' our
independent contract.
that's balls and people like it. Wh at s more,
he's good. If you ignore the voice you WI'11 and loosely re-pieces my heart back toge I er
hear a well-put-together album. After all, finally with "When You Are Mine". t s
he's collaborated with some of Oly's best good, cuz you know Calvin Johnson can
(Mirah, Phil Elverum, Adam Forkner). , b ut throw it down . If you don't know, go find
something's missing, and that someth mg IS out if you think he can. Who cares, go uy
Calvin's voice. Not just any vOIce WIll do another album.
for this album.

Zen Teachers Oaijaku Kinst and Shinshu Roberts

Spiritual Dynamics in Same Sex Partnership
Friday, October 14, 2005

& World Folk Art






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but is actually based on previous experience
the minstrel,
on thewho
of his seen:;:Y
sto- B~!!7a!!!tt!2h~~AI!i"~
' ~on~_ _ _ _ _~~~~--=-=-~....::...:::=----:-=-----=-_-:ries. Also,
for someone
has never

It seemed like some of us had been waiting for this album for more than a year now.
The band had the same press release out for a
year saying they were "putti~~ the fin.ishing
touches on their new album . Does It take
more than a year to put "finishing touches"


Quantitative Reasoning Challenge

The Evergreen Tutoring Center (ETC) invites you to challenge your
quantitative reasoning skills by solving our puzzle of the week. ~ach week we
will present a new puzzle for you to solve. When you come up WIth an answer,
bring it to the ETC in CAB 108. If you are one of the first three with the correct
answer, we have a prize for you.

The 5th Annual Ryokan san Lecture
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purchase this CD'. The cover says it al l: a
web.toed "Adonis" putting it to a winged
web-toed angel holding a severed head . If
. you shou Id a t i
not for the musIc
east bu y
this album for its cover especially since you
can masturbate to it, as I have been doing
repeatedly prior to writing this. art.ide. So
here is the end oft he wor Id fiornlcatmg WI th
whichever medium you choose to play this
album on. Hell, you can even dance t0' t
I I'f
you feel apocalyptic enough.
Inclu d es a I'me VI'deo 0 f"C 0 Id water" filmed
in Milano.

Palisades E.P.
MASA Records

Really, this is a little more than a dem o. I
loaned it to a friend who loved It except
she complained of its brevity. Well , that's
where the live show comes in: those who
were "fortunate" enough to see them at
the HCC recently can surely attest to their
greatness live. When I quote fortunate,
the sarcasm, which is more bllterness, IS
directed toward the ignorant assholes that
were completely inconsiderate and fran
retarded when they decided that It was ok for
them to be loud and obnoxious during the
Palisades' set. Thankfully, the Palisades are
professional/mature and didn't let the idiot
-', freshmen completely rum \helr show. For
those not familiar with the Palisades, they
are an Olympia steady, highly acclaimed
amongst those in the know about Oly, and
even those, like myself, who are m the kn~w.
The CD is a soft piece of dual vocal melodIes
and melodic guitar interplay, a Pinback for
a more sensitive crowd. Those who wish to
Old Time Relijun
experience the dancy mel1o~ good~ess of a
K Records
Palisades live show or wantmg a ghmpse at"
Released September 6, 2005
the diverse Oly music scene should appear
at the Phoenix House on Friday, October
My first impression of Old Time Relijun 14, roughly around 8 p.m., where they will
was a sordid blend of The Rapture meets be performing with several other wonderful
the Talking Heads while eating local bands. If one wishes to pick up a copy
of Captain Beefheart's brain. Diehards. Will of this wonderful CD, they are available at
surely lambaste the Rapture comp~nson, your local record store, live shows or probbeing that the Rapture is no longer hip and ably from
OTR has been around much longer. Anyway,
that comparison dissipated qui7kly ~s . the Matthew Allison is a sophomore in Asian
OTR song rose into a barely mtelhglble Culture and Arts.
gibberish that the Rapture would never dare
venture, but Captain Beefheart wakes up m
every moming. The title is based upon the
prediction of the Mayan calendar that the
end of the world will come December 21 ,
2012, which for some of us could not come







ExxonMobil: Kings of
Corporate Wroflgaoing
By David Hornbeck
If one were
to go to th e
s it e
www .
junk sc ience
.co m.
o ne
wou ld sec that
maybe g lob a l
warm ing isn't
so bad. T hat
a c ha nge in
dilll ate co ul d be benefi cia l to the planet
and th at we have nothing to fea r. A ll
these ac ti vists are just trying to scare and
intimidate yo u into beli eving the "'global
warming industry's scare campaign."
Junk sc m looks Iike any other
parti san web site until one comes across
the start Iing fact that Exxon funds it. Yeah ,
that's ri ght, Exxon. Turn s out they have
given $1 5 million since 1998 to organi zati ons to refut e global warming evidence.
Exxo nMobil has funded at le as t 40
organi zations that either have sought to
undermine mainstream scientific findings
on global warming or have affiliated with
a small group or "'skeptics" who continue
to do so.
Now, oil companies generally have a
bad rap, but Exxon really holds the crown
for worst corporation on the planet. In the
first quarter of2005 alone, Exxon made $8
billion dollars. breaking previous global
profit record s. Remember the Exx on
Valdez oil spill in 1989? Well, despite
these record profits, they're still trying
to weasel their way out of that. Instead,
ExxonMobil spent over $36 million dollars
on lobbyists since the year 2000, with $7.7
million in 2004 alone.

Columbus Day:. A
Celebration of Death,
Destruction and Greed

YOUR student newspaper, Cooper Point Journal, wants YOU

By Shane Bolinger
In addition, ExxonM obil continues to
be the onl y major oil company that is still
an ac ti ve member of the Arcti c Power
Coaliti on. th e powe rful industry gro up
pushin g fo r drilling in the Arc ti c National
Wil dli fe Refuge. Neve r mind th at drilli ng
lV ill distur b the mi grati on and matin g patte rns oi'the porc upine caribou herd . Or that
the (j wich' in, a nomadic Athabascantri be,
rely on th e porcupine ca ribou her not only
fo r rood and c lothing, but regard it as the
centra l rocus or their culture. Or that we
could save more oil from increasing the
fuel eniciency ofthe Am eri can automobile
than can ever be drilled from the refuge .
None of that matters to Ex xon in their.
quest for profits by any means necessary.
If Exxon is allowed to carryon their
merry lillie way, then everyone will eventuall y suiTer. That's why WashPIRG is
taking part in the nationwide Expose Exxon
campaign (www.e xxposeexxon .com) .
In addition to a consumer boycott ,
WashPIRG will be planning pUblicity
events, protests and letter writing cam paigns to force ExxonMobil to clean up
its act. WashPIRG meetings are 5 p.m. on
Mondays in the third noor of the CAB.
You can also contact the WashPIRG office
at (360)867-6058 or blair@ was hpir~ s tud WashPIRG is also showing the
movie " Being Caribou" for those who are
interested in environmental causes. It'll
be in Lecture Hall 2 at4 p.m. on Tuesday,
October 18. C'mon, do it for the kids.
David Hornbeck is a sophomore enrolled
in Political Economy and Social Change.

Bush Speaks! The Goggles;
They Do Nothing!
By Jacob Stanley
Th e BB C
covered a story
about George
Bush's recent
statements on
th e s ituation
in Iraq, and
I don ' t think
there 's enough
time or space
to cover all the
insane quotes he gave. So I' ll do what I can
to Illa ke thi s as succinct as possible.
i l ush we nt out on a lim b and stated that.
"m i Iita nts [wanted] to establ ish a rad ica I
Islamic empire, stretching from Spain to
Indll iles ia." He bases thi s on statements
by al -Qaeda to force the U.S. out or the
M idd Ie East and reclaim the region for the
penl'le that live there, yet he claims at one
poi nt : "Those who think we can cut our
los, cs and leave now are under a dangerous
illu ~i o n . Would the US be less or more safe
wit h Zarqawi and Bin Laden in charge of
Iraq and its people?" It's absurd to think
that Bin Laden has anything to do with
Iraq. yet he continues to push the idea years
aft er that bunk 9111 link has been glossed
over. Someone needs to inform this nitwit
that al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization and
th e majority of people fighting back in Iraq
are insurgent organi zations fighting for
their freedom from U. S. control. Although
I guess an enemy is an enemy, no matter


the name they ' re called, to Bushy.
To further drum up support for this idea
that al-Qaeda is taking over Iraq and is a
threat to be reckoned with, he said that at
least 10 attempted attacks by al-Qaeda had
been foiled since 9/ 11 , three of them in the
U.S . When asked what those attacks were,
Attorney General Gonzales only pointed
out the failed shoe-bomber attack and said
the others were classified . What a load of
shit. See? Terrorisls are in our country
and arollnd the g lobe killing 11.1', but we
stopped 'em a fe w times. Where did we SlOp
'em ~ Oil, we can i tell ya that, but you can
be sure we smoked 'em out, slopped 'em
qllick. Oh ho ho, we certainly knocked out
those evil doers.
Later on, the White House cited two
others as the dirty bomb Jose Padilla tried
to set orr (Padilla has yet to be given a
trial in the past two years, by the way,
and is a precedent for withholding trials
to captured terrorists for the government)
and the Faris' attempt to sabotage the
Brooklyn Bridge in New York. The problem with those sources is that neither has
been given a fair trial, so we don't know if
those "attempts" were real or not, because
no evidence has been given.
Back to the problem of Iraq, Bush noted
that: "Wars are not won without sacrifice
and this war will require more sacrifice,
more time and more resolve," Thousands
of people have died on both sides, which

If you were
in Ol y mpia
on Mo nd ay,
mi ght
yo u
ha ve not iced
a ma rch in g
crowd protesting Co lumbus
Day .
would do such
a preposterous thing? Why shouldn 't thi s
hero of elementary school history have
hi s own holiday ? Well, I' ll tell you: he's a
rake . Alas, as many who have had a good
soci al studies teacher knows, Christopher
Co lumbus was a lying, murdering, enslaving, pathetic, rotten, evil man . Therefore,
we must di spose of some myths regarding the reputation of Columbus and reveal
why he should have hi s holiday privileges
revoked .
As we all know, Christopher Columbus
sailed the ocean blue in 1492 to discover
new lands, right? Wrong. The man was
way off course, It was commonly accepted
fact that the world was round at the time
of Chris's voyage. The idea instead was
to find a quicker route to the spice islands
of Asia rather than taking the arduous trip
around the south of Africa. There were
two modes of thought regarding the actual
size of the Earth. One thought was that the
world was about the size we actually know
it is, and the other was that it was significantly smaller. Christopher, sticking with
a lifelong trait, was wrong, believing it to
be the smaller Earth model. Fortunately for
his crew, there were two giant continents
in the middle of this "non-existent" part of
the world. Had there been only ocean, they
wouldn't have had the supplies to make it
the rest of the way across the Pacific and
to China.
This brings us to our next dilemma:
Chrissy boy never stepped foot in what
would become the United States of
America. He was spent his time putzing
about the Caribbean, lost and not having

seems like plenty of sacrifice for everyone.
Time isn't on hi s side, as the past two or
so years have shown, since he continues
to lose this war in Iraq and all the resol ve
in the world won ' t stop that.
What's even more troubling than that
horseshit abollt resolve in Iraq is that
he went on to accuse Syria and Iran of
aiding the Iraqi insurgency, and said that
Washington doesn 't distinguish between
those that commit acts of terrorism and
those who supported or harbored terrorists . Supposedly the failure in Iraq is a plot
by al-Qaeda and other Islamic militants
to end U.S. innuence in the Middle East
and try to topple their governments when
we leave. Although, seeing as al-Qaeda
has yet to show they can take over any
government anywhere, it 's a bit silly to
suggest they wield that kind of control at
all. Finally, Bush went on to warn Egypt,
Jordan and Pakistan (all neutral-U.S.
allies; interesting, seeing as Israel, India
and Turkey are in as much risk but don't
need warnings since we support them) as
places that militants believed they could
eventually seize control. And hey, oddly
enough, he gives no evidence of who these
militants are, when they've spoken about
aims to control other countries, or even

a clue as to where he was. On top of thi s,
he was not the first to reac h America' He
was n't the seco nd , or th ird. He was n 't
even the first fro m Europe! The guy did
not di scover America. Consider the many
waves or Native Amer ica ns that passed
ove r the Bering Straight from Siberi a in
waves and popul ated the ent irety of both
No rth a nd So uth Ameri ca . Eve n now,
it is wid ely he ld that the Vikings from
Europe beat Col umbus by hundred s of
yea rs. Certainly they didn ' t stay, but for
most Native Ameri cans, I bet they wish
Columbus hadn 't either.
Al as, on hi s second trip, Columbus set
off to get the significant pil es of gold he
was sure lined the lands of this new land.
Again he was wrong, and having taken 17
ships this time, with significant backing
of the monarchy, he had to better damn
well return with something . As such ,
Christopher began the glorious tradition
of mass slave trading in the new world
as he captured 1,500-1 ,700 natives of the
Caribbean and brought them back to Spain
or tossed them overboard when they died,
as all too many did. Within a century, this
tradition set in motion by our beloved
Columbus destroyed the entire Arawak
nation and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans.
Now you might ask, what should we
do with this holiday dedicated to a man
who ravaged the new world? With only
eight other federal holidays in the United
States, we are kind of loathe to give one
up. One suggestion would be to dedicate
the holiday to those who were truly here
first. Why not a day dedicated to the Native
American cultures that survived and revitalized after our wanton destruction? Or
I suppose we could just name it after the
tyrant of the year. Next year, we ' ll call it,
say Bush Day?
Shane Bolinger is a sophomore enrolled in
Introduction to Environmental Studies.

how they might go about it. He talks about
militants, then runs to al-Qaeda. He talks
about al-Qaeda, then runs to the war on
Iraq. Fighting for freedom , against slavery,
and all that rhetoric he knows so well. but
no matter the outcome, he never ceases to
show he knows absolutely nothing about
those he fights or the people's support he
needs here at home, which is below 40%.
We can only hope he chokes on a pretzel
before Syria and Iran get invaded and even
more people get killed trying to hold down·
three countries at once.
For a copy of the speech, go here (I ' m
not responsible ifit makes your eyes bleed
reading it): /shared/
bsp/hi /pd fs /06 _ 10_05 _bush _ speech2 .pd f
Jacob Stanley is a sophomore enrolled in
Voice of the Poem and Other Musics.

Who, me?
We're looking for students of Evergreen
to fill Positions of extra Responsiblity

Sound daunting? Not so! Just follow these easy steps:
1. Come to our weekly Student Group meeting every Monday at 5 p.m.
2. Grab an application from the wall out$ide of the CPJ
3. Fill the application out
4. Turn it in to CAB 316 by

We have many positions available, so take a look:



~ Arts and Entertainment Coordinator

~ Assistant Business Manager


~ Ad Proofer I ArChivist

Briefs Coordinator

~ Calendar Coordinator

~ Ad Sales Representative


~ Circulation I Newspaper Archivist

Comics Coordinator

~ Copy Editor

~ Distribution


Designer (3 positions open)

~ CPJ General Aid


Letters and Opinions Coordinator


News Coordinator


Photo Coordinator

For news, contact Eva Wong or Kate DeGraaff


Reporter (2 positions open)

phone: 867 - 6213 email:


Seepage Coordinator


Sports Coordinator

~ Student Voice Coordi'n ator


For business, contact Corey Young

phone: 867 - 6054 email:


.. =------------------------ 11


13, 2005




13, 2005




then. to calculate th5 eu~
rea of a ~rcull<l we flretr

'Mry do we have to learn thlel?


It'e Imporbnt.
WIryt1 When .,.., """ {IOI/14I to use

not a rMtlOn, Ie thCl~



Then MlY won't yeo Ull




Well, I c;ou/.::l tCIll ~••.



Notice ~"'1t~i'" .iHen"t?
\ vf~('~.e. ov(' ~OV"6 ~'1~te",!!
u~. \ 60,,'t ~ee


But then 1would have to kill you.


0."'1 ~feo.'tCe('~.



Wen. t~e e"ti('e


w~n \~ ~

t~e covc~

~ov~e~ t~e ~v\'woo.fu.

Wow. W~o.t' ~ t~o.t
o"e(' t~ue?





In last week s paper, two comics did not
list the artist s name. The comic regarding
Dashboard Confessional should have been
titled "White~ut" and credited to Peter
Gudmunson. Hugh vs. Nature should have
been credited to Wendy Lagerquist.
