The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 11 (December 9, 2004)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 11 (December 9, 2004)
9 December 2004
extracted text


~! The


EWlrgreen State
Olympie. Washington 98505


My Bright and Shining ·Stars


a weekly col/ection of student expression
v 0 I u m e 3 3 • iss u e 11 • december 9, 20 04

Waste becomes energy:
makes its
own biodiesel

What do you think of the
Evergreen evaluation
by Eva Wong and Andrew James
"1 f they are going
to sit me down and
s uc k the life out of me
for half an hour, then
it seems like I should
get o ran ge juice and
Eamon Kennedy
Sen ior

by Sam Stout
Did yo u know that Evergreen ha s
started to make its own biodiese l us ing
the waste vegetab le oi l li'om the Gree nery?
Yes, another waste has bee n co nverted to
energy on our campus. Th is fuel is used to
power the Orga nic Farm tractors, but the
ho pe is that th is wi ll be an exa m ple fo r
the rest of the Eve rgreen cam pus. Cam pus
vehic les consume thousa nds of diese l gallons eac h year, and there is no reaso n w hy
biod iese l ble nds cannot be uscd.
The Eve rgree n Biod iese l Processor has
been in .des ign si nce w inter '04, but on
Nove mber 2 1,2004, twe nty- three ga ll ons
of biod iesel were pumped through the li nes
of the processor. Thi s was the first batch
made and it proved to be a hi gh qu ality
S ta rtin g thi s s prin g , th e processo r
w ill be in th e hands of th e Practice of
Sustainable Agricult ure prog ram that run s
spring, summ er and fall quarters each yea r.
They will be respo nsib le for prod uci ng the

Evolul ion of Ih e

Photo by Melissa Barker
Senior Sam Sto ut. left, and Kulby Bray -Hogland designed and imtalled the biodiesel facili ty, located at the Orgunic Farm.
fue l for the trac tors use d in th e fi e lds of the
fa rm a nd for the compost fac ility.
T he compost fac ility at th e O rga nic
Farm uses one of the trac tors to co nve rt
a ll th e waste food fro m the G ree ne ry into
nutrien t-ric h co mp ost a nd worm castings.

,..--cr -

The faci lity is a technological breakthrough
wh en compared to back yard composting. lt
is made up o f reactors, hydrauli c ve nni cul-

-- - - - - -- - · - - - - - - - - - · - · -

Evergreen 's black student union,
Umoja, put on a Kwanza event and encouraged the campus community to come
learn about and celebrate the Kwanza
The night included crafts and food .
Kwanzaa, which takes place from
December 26 to January I, is usually
thought of as an African-American winter
Faculty member Babacar M'Baye
Photo by Renata RoJ/jns
started the night off with a talk on the
Students Daniella Byrd and Carrie Stellpflug enjoy the company at Umoja's Kwanza
holiday's roots and how it is not only
celebrated among blacks in the U.S. but
also in Jamaica and Latin America. Some
Nearly fifty people gathered for
Renata Rollins is the editor-in-chief
traditions go back to different African . Umoja's Kwanzaa event on Monday, a/the CPJ and is a senior studying local
news coverage.
December 6.

Address Service Requested

december 2. 2004

cooper point journal

Forens ics and
Mystery Writing

----....r-- - - - -.--- -.

by Sam Stout

Olympia. WA 98505

to Natural
"Te diou s,
ye t
nte rta ining in a good
Brian Scott

Umoja's Kwanzaa event
draws a large gathering

Stella Dorothy Sanders Rivet is a student enrolled in In Search of Sustai nability. She is studying social sciences and dance.

"I li ke eva ls
bett er than grades.
Eva ls are o ne of
thc b ig gest reasons I ca m e to
Eve rg reen."
Summ e r Bock
Seni o r

" It 's effective for
givin g you ' more
stress at the end of
the year and making
you feel really bad
for not doi ng all your
work ."


Grace Lee

World Beyond

In last week 's CPJ , the copy editors
made a couple of errors:
• We missed a line in Daniel Fleck 's
article, "Setting the record straight on
Israel." The omitted line occurred at the
end of Page 6. The sentence should have
read, " Nowhere in his piece does [Jacob]
Stanley indicate that he has any concern
for the killing of Israeli women and children."
• Also, Genna Fain's contract is actually
titled GaJhering the News, not Studying the
News see Pa e 4 .

US Postage
Permit #65

Celebrate Hanukkah with
the Jewish Cultural Center!
Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is ri ght around the corner. Th
Evergreen lewi sh Cultural Center wi ll be commemorating the holid ay with
potluck dinner and party on Saturday, December II. Join us for the lighting 0
the menorah, potato latke making, a mov ie and ot her general merr iment. FOI
inform at ion, please contact the JCC at evergree or 867-4932
Come and help make this event a success I

Free film ~feenln.g.,
Come join fellow Greene rs to watch fi lms and videos by students. This is
the second Evergreen Open Fi lm Screen ing. If yo u are a filmmaker, yo u may
show up wi th a copy of yo ur mov ie and it may be shown on a first-come firs tse rve basis. The show beg ins on T hursday, December 9 at 7 p.m. in the COM
Bui lding Rec it al Ha ll.



Attention, Friends of Bluegrass
and Old-Time Music!
Justin Leach and Lapush Live
Bread and Roses presents Lapush live at the Capitol Theater Backstage thi s
Friday, December 10. All profits from thi s show will be used toward establi shing
a guesthouse for homeless women. The show wi II also feature a solo performance
by Justin Leach of The Strangers, as well as By the Way and Black Bettie. It
starts at 8 p.m. and costs six doll ars.

I would like to host a weekly bluegrass and old-time country music jam session
at my place on campus. I'd sure like to meet and collaborate with other interested
traditional musicians in the community on the banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin ,
etc. If you're interested, fee l free to contact Daniel at or
-Daniel Fleck. senior

Attention All Catholics!

Holiday Native Arts Fair
The Longhouse Education & Cultural Center is sponsoring a Holid ay Native
Arts Fair this Friday, Dece mber 10, in the Longhouse. The fair will feature holi . day item s with a Native theme and Native food . Stop by the Longhouse between
II a.m. and 6 p.m. to check it out, or e-mail longhse@evergree for more

There is going to be a Mass held on campus on Decem ber 15, 2004. It will
be at 5:30 p.m. Father Bill Bichsel will be saying the mass for us. All faculty,
staff, students and members of the community are invited to attend. It will be
a friendly and open environment for everyo ne. Please contact Angie Arcuri,
group coordinator for the Radical Catholics for Justice and Peace, for information
regarding the room locati on and other information , at (360) 867-1383 .
-Angela Arcuri. junior, coordina/or of Radical Cath olics for Jus/ice and

The Court is in session

by Brian Flewell


- Dan iel Fleck. senior

Trouble with the ·Hubble:
Problems in space




posal and new crewmembers. However,
beca use of problems w ith th e Russian
Almost two years ago, the Space Shuttle mod ule, the las t shipm e nt of food was
Columbia sutTered critical failure on one of de layed and the crew had to start dipping
its wings, destroying the shuttle and kill- into its emergency food supply. The next
ing all on board. However, whil e the toll Progress module to hook with the Stati on
in human life is always a risk at stake in is sc heduled.for Chri stm as Day, but if
exploring the final fro ntier of space, there anything goes wrong wi th the linkup, the
are others who suffer from the grounding astronauts wi II have to abandon the station
of the space shuttl e fleet.
and return to Earth . Keep your eyes on
The Hubble Space Telescope, the best to see what the fate
known of the orbiting observatori es, has of the Space Station will be.
In news that's more dow n to Ea rth,
been sentenced to death since no more
shuttle mission s wi ll service it. While don't fo rget to watch for th e Ge minid
no more shuttles will capture the Hubble, meteor showers th is week. Check out my
there has been ta lk of a robot that will ser- article in last week's Cooper Point Journal
vice Hubble and keep the telescope alive (CPJ , 12/02/04, page 4, "Falling Stars In
for a few extra years.
Gemini") for more information. Weather
The latest news on those suffering permitting, this may be the best shower
from the Columbia disaster comes from of the year.
Space Station Alpha, better known as
Phoio by Christin Osgood
the International Space Station. The two .Brian Flewell is a senior enrolled in
astronauts up there are slowly running out Lights, Camera, Election! and Politics and The Evergreen Supreme Co~rt is in ~essj;;n to rule on American Indian law cases.
of food and water. For the past two years, the Media He is s/udying cinematography Students in American Indians and the Constitution each got a chance to be a lawyer
and a Supreme Court jus/ice. Faculty memb er Jos e Gomez incorporates this exerRussian Progress capsules have supplied and videography.
the station with food, water, garbage discise in hisfull-time law programs at Evergreen.

CPJ wishes YOU the best break ever!
Have fun, and happy hoLidays!

Eating during the break

If you wi ll be on campus during winter brea k, then you are probably wondering how you are goi ng to eat. Here is what's happening with Everg reen's food
service provider:
The Greenery will be open Monday-Wednesday, December 13-15 fro m II:
30 a.m.-2 p.m. and closed December 16-January I.
The Corner Store wi II be open (regular hours) through Tuesday, December
14 and closed December IS-January I.
The Market will be open Mond ay-T hursday, December 13-16 from 7:30
a. m.-7 p.m., Friday, December 17 from 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m., and December 18-Jan.
2 from 7:30 a. m.-2 p.m. The Market will be closed on the weekend s, so it's tim e
to start hoarding Pop Tart s.

Evergreen Parkway Project
Members of the Evergreen community are invited to attend an informat ion
forum on the Evergreen Parkway Project. The project, schedu led for construction next yea r, is intended to improve access for pedestrians and bicycles and
address the deteriorating roadway condition. It is currently in the design phase.
Please attend the ca mpus forum on Friday December 10. [t begin s at 2 p.m. in
Seminar II 81107. A session intended for the wider community will take place
the following day, Saturday, December II, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The second
sess ion will be held in Seminar II E1105/ 1107.

Ad Representative: Keeps in contact with
Olympia-area businesses that advertise in the CPJ
and is responsible for getting payment and maintaining client records.


Organization Meeting
5 p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be amember
of the student group CP J Practice
consensus-based decision making.

~st~aff-,,----- _ __

is written , edited and distributed by students enrolled at

Business................ ....... .. .................... , .. ........ 867·6054
Business manager ........................ ....................... Andrew James
Ass!. business manager ..................... ....... .. Adrian Persaud
Ad proofer and archivisi.. ................................. Adrian Wittenberg
' manager/Paper archivist .......................Jacob Stanley
Distribution manager.. .............. ............ ................ David Hombeck
>Ad sales representalive. ........ . ..... .................... unfilled

The Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its
production and content.
. bl' h d
IS pU IS e 28 Thursdays each academic year, when c ass is in
session: the 1st through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the
2nd through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.

Content Meeting
5:30 p.m. Monday

is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College

Help decide what should be in the
next issue of the CPJ

Paper Cr_iti-Lqu_e____---:-4 p.m. Thursday
Comment on that day's paper. Air
_ . com_ments, concerns, questions, etc.
If something in the CP J bothers you,
this is the meeting for you l

News............... . ..... .......... ... .... .... 867·6213
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Editor-in-chief .. ............................................ ......... Renata Rollins
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
Managing edilor....... ................ ........ ..... ........... Corey Young
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
Arts & Entertainment coordinator.................................. Adina lepp
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.
Briefs coordinator....................................................Kate DeGraaf!
Calendar coordinalor ................ .............................. Kalie Thurman
sells display and classified advertising space. Information
Comics coordinator... H... H...... H.. H................. ... HH. Chelsea Baker
about advertising rates, terms and conditions are available in CAB
Copy edilor. H........ .... .... .. H..... H ........ .. Mitchell Hahn-Branson
316, or by request at (360) 867-6054.
Copy edilor.... ................. HH................. :.. .. ..................... Sean Paull
letters &Opinions coordinatof. .......................... Sam Goldsmith
Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of submission and
News coordinator. ..................................................... .... Joe Jatcko
publication criteria for non-advertising content are available in CAB 316, or by - Photo coordinator......................................................... .. Eva Wong
request at 867-6213. The CPJ's editor-in-chief has final say on the acceptance or
Seepage coordinator""H ..... .................................. lkuko Takayama
Sports coordinator ...... ............................................. Meredith lane
rejection of all non-advertising content.
Voices of Color coordinator .......................... Ana lucia Rodriguez
To Contact the CPJ, please do one of the following:
Design ... H................................................ H......... Krislen Lindstrom
Come up to CAB 316
Brad Meyers
Tim Yates
Call us at (360) 867 - 6213
Advisor ............................................................... Dianne Conrad
Email us at
Assistant to the advisor """""""""""",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, M.A. Selby


If you have any interest in this AMAZING learning opportunity to
develop your business skills, come on up to the CPJ office (CAB 316)
for an application, or call the business side at the number below!
Remember you have to be a TESC student to take on a
position of responsibility at the CPJ.



Applications now available
Call us al '867-6054


Friday Forum


3p.m. Friday

Put your values to the test!
Discuss ethics, journalism law
and conflict resolution.
all meetings are in CAB

Cooper Point Jouornal



december 9. 2004

cooper point journal

Or email

cooper point journal

december 9, 2004




Students discuss How To
Ask YOur Date For A Kiss
by Philipe Lonestar

Wild health: Facts about maintaining a raw food diet
by Crystal Cooper

There is a myth that rapi sts are always
the strange man hiding in the bushes. Yet,
approximately two out of three of rape
vi ctim s know their assai lant. About two
out of fiv e sex ual assaults take place at
the vict im 's own home. One in fiv e take
place in the home of a friend , neighbor or
relative. (2000 NC VS.)
The goa l of the Office of Sex ual Assault
Preventi on is to work to end scx ual violence on campus through student ed ucati on
and advocacy for survivors of sex ual and
do mestic violence. The office also works
with college facu lty and stafr.
Thi s event gavc stud ent s great starting
ideas and tips for communi cat ion on dat es.
Ani mpo rtant and interest ing di sc uss ion
fo ll owed the eve nt. Many students had
que sti ons a nd concerns abo ut how to
respec tfull y as k peop le they are interested in about proceed ing with inti macy
in a way that would keep "the mood. "
Several student s felt sure that gazing into
the other person 's eyes and stating how
much they liked them and how attrac tive
thcy foun d the other person to be before
asking if they would like to kiss would
definitely kee p the romantic mood. One
student suggestcd letting the other person
know how important their comfort was to
them before proceeding. Another student
fclt that allow ing the other person to pi ck
anot her time to move fo rward 1V0uid makc
the choice to be sex ual more mutual.
Though it is true that communication
can onl y increase fun. trust and n:spect
wi th another pe rson, th ere is a myth that
mi scommunicati on ca n be the ca use of
sex ual viok nce. The tr uth is that sexua l
violen ce is abou t power- and control . I I' we
arc honest with ourselves when engag ing
in a sex ual rel ati onship, we can te ll if the
person we are w ith is con sent ing to what
is happening.
I I' the pcrson is pushing yo u away. not
say ing anything or crying, they pro bably

are not consenting. If the
person is being s ilent or
or if you are not sure
Several weeks ago students gathered
what they want or don ' t want
together to experience interactive th eater with th e Office -of Sex ual Assault
for any reason, just ask! It is
against the law to be sexual
Prevention.. The topic: How to Ask Your
Date for a Ki ss !
with someone against their
Stud ent s watched as two yo un g
wi ll. This includes situati ons
lovebirds, Chri s and Pat, from the same
where the person is under
seminar, went on a hot first date_ Chri s
the influence of alcohol or
was a bit more nervo us than Pat before
Seve ral stud ents ag reed
the date, noting how coo l all of Chri s's
friends thought Pat was and then ca lling
th a l c hoos in g to remain
Pat a "stud muffin ." After a drunken ho use
so ber, especially whi le getparty with lots of band s and booze. the
t ing to know a new person,
helped them to be in a clear
two walk home together with very different ideas about what the rest of the date
state of mind and therefore
more responsive to their own
should hold for th em.
needs and boundaries and the
Date rape is the most com mon form
req uests of the person they
of sex ual violence on coll ege campuses.
are with. The FB I reports
that "Two-thirds of victim s
facts about
who s uffered violence by .
an intimate (a current or
fonn er spouse, boyfriend,
or girlfriend) reported that
Photo by Philipe Lones/ar
alcoho l had been a factor. "
Senior Evan Fortin as Chris in How to A sk Your
(Bureau of Justice Statistics,
Date For a Kiss _ Fortin is the campus advocacy pro1998)
gram coordinator with the Ojfice of Sexual Assault
The group also di spelled
Prevention. aSAP put on the evel7l.
man y myth s about sex ual
violence. We talked abo ut
assaults take
the myth that sex ua l violence onl y hap- life or the life of someone yo u know?
pens to women. Actually, in 2002, one in The Evergreen Office of Sexual Assault
every e ight rape victims was male. (NCVS Preve nti on is here for you. Whether you
victim s sa
are a survivor of sex ual assa ult and /or
was a factor
We di scussed the myth that sex ual vio- domesti c violence, a friend , family, partner
lence mak es peopl e gay if the perpetrator is or ally ofa survivor or a student wanting to
their sa me gender. We talked about how get the facts about sex ual assail It or domese vict ims'
what someone is wea ring has nothing to do ti c violence. wc have se rvices for you. If
with sexual assa ult- the responsibility lies you are-a sta tTo r faculty member interested
full y in the hands of the perpetrator.
in these issues. or have an idea tor an event
assaults take
A nother myth is that is a person has yo u would lik e to see address ing sexua ldone something sexual in the pasrthat they ity, we wo uld love to hear from you. Stop
want to be sex ual aga in . No matter what by o ur office in Seminar I, room 4121, or
someone has done sex ually in the past with give us a ca ll at 867-5221 (x5221), TDD
you or other people, YO ll shou Id ask before 1-800-83 3-6388 .
Graphic by Kira MO/U1/joy-Pepka and Henata Rollimeac h step of each encounter. This is the
- -- - -- - - - -______ _________________..:, onl y way to ensure respect and sa fety for
Philipe Lonestar is a senior enrolled
both peopl e.
in an independenl contract on J6mm jilm
All student s ag reed th at havin g an and animation Ilmdllction. Zhe is studyThe Writing Center CAB 108 867-6420
event focused around learn ing way s to ing gendel: sex. and g raphic & moving
www .e vergre en.edulwritingcenter
be conse nsual and co mmunicati ve while image media, and is the Peer Edllcation
ro mantic wo uld be greatl y des ired. Look Coordinato r at the Evergreen Office of
out fo r upcom ing events and wo rkshops Sex llal As:;allit l' revel7lion.
evals build strong transcripts .
about sex. communicati on and dating.
with more complete-sentence vita mins
and strong-paragraph minerats
li as sex ual v iol ence affect ed yo ur
than other leading universities' cou rse grades,
n 'a
plus focused personal-accomplishment proteins,
your evergreen writing center-assisted eva I
~ a'
provides you with all the
quarterly-recommended nutrients
to make your evaluation
udderly drinkable






f t-Y'hft- G~o~,,~ G\lt-t~Lo\ltt'J .

311 9th Ave SE - 360 352-2428
-, ........


The Writing Center
Scheduled Workshops :


.' . "">d

'Ht'g' "'-\."




',_- ':;( ~WitleSs

Tuesday, Dece mber 7th
Wednesday, December 8th

7:00 - 8: 00 p.m .
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.





I t ' rnet)'

The "Edge" in A Dorm
Semi nar II 83 109

pour yourself an eval today!

got evals?



where's your eva I mustache?
The Writing Center is also open the entire evaluation week
for individual tutoring sessions to help you with your evaluations

december 9, 2004


cooper pOint journal




He calls it "wild naturali sm" and says it
has helped him corne to a " wild health."
Wild. Natural. Connected. Alive. These
words sprang up while speaking with
Christian Bates, 19, sophom ore at The
Evergreen State College, about one of his
passions: eating raw fo ods.
We sat down and ate raw fo od together,
and here's what he had to say about hi s
research and experience with raw food.
" I don 't like to identify myself as a raw
foodist. I eat raw food s. I am a hum an that
pursues to work with nature, " sa id Bates.
"Cooked food is the cause ofvir1ually al l
pollution, addiction and disease."
He claim s the body wal1l.5 raw fo od,
not cooked food. Ba te s de fin es raw
food as "organic, unadulterated, living
foo d- fruits, vegetables, seeds, juices,
algae, fungi and more- th at is neve r risen
above 120 degrees FO."
"Virtually all raw food will sprout if you
bury it," he sai d.
Add iti ona ll y, Bates said he consum es
purifi ed water, whic h he considers part of
a raw food way of life.
Hav ing watched Ba tes eat raw fi gs at
a retreat for the Rhythmic fl!leditations
program, curiosi ty got th e be tter of me.
Why wo ul dn 't he just go ahead and eat
even vegan pancakes or falafel ,) He said
it is partl y abo ut how he fce ls when he
eats raw.
" I am calm and energized. Il 's unlike
any experi ence I' ve ever had, but it does
remind me of wak ing up fro m a coo l nap
with the sun penetrating my sp irit," is how
he described it.
Bates claimed he was eating raw within
a week of heari'ng abo ut it, whi ch was
around April 2003. He said he wants to
empower others. Typ ica l concerns about
eating raw include not havi ng enough time
or money. Bates, who sai d he has not been
sick since he began eatin g raw, claims that
eating thi s way could eliminate allm ed ical bills.
"Eating raw can be as compl icated or
as simple as yo u choose. Raw food is not
abo ut eliminating comfort food ; it's abo ut
addin g living, best-tasting cuisine to yo ur

day. You can make raw gourmet," Bates
sa id.
When asked what he 'd say to a skep_
tic, Bates implied that you have to make
it Y\'ork specifically for you, your own life

"Compounds in raw food are ones th e
body recogni zes," he sa id . "They are alive.
Cooked food becomes largely dead and
has compounds whi ch the body cann ot
recognize and treats as a toxin. "

Cr)"sl<ll ('(} ol' !!r is (/ .I't udellt em'olled ill
Rhythmi c Medita ti on s_ Sh e is .I'tudyinR
rill 'I h}}l. }}ledilitl ion, creativity, conscious }/f'SS (lnd Ir<lIl.l'pa.l-ol1(i/ psychology

!'hOlO hy Cn'slO / ( 'oOI)e/"

Christian Bates eats ral"fvud (/1 Ihe Gr<!!!I1('ry.

and yo ur ow n va lues. "Foll ow yo ur ow n
path , but sti II try things. It has to work for
yo u," he sa id .
Bates seems to have made eating raw
work for him. When asked to comparc raw
foods to the food he used to cat, he sa id ,
"They are more a li ve. I take in life. More
energetic food s have energy. They bring
me more energy. Coo kcd food req uire s
uf me, takes from me. Most raw plan t
food has the enzy mes to fu lly digest itse lf
without taxi ng the human body's enzy me
reserve. "

Accordi ng to Bates, who is in the process of becoming a certificd raw food chcf,
many benefits have come from thi s way of
eating. He said , " I am more in tune with my
own li (e force. I am feeling more intim ate
wi th Iife, more connected to a oneness wi th
the eart h. I fee l that I'm hea ling the earth
with myself."
Part of the cha ll enge o f our talk was
to get Bates to say any thin g ncgat ive
about ea ting raw. Arier so me coax ing,
hc ack nowledged that pursuing a diet of
raw food is most conve nient when one

Continued from cover
tors, hydra ulic vermic ulture bins and
underground leac hate tanks . The compo st faci lity captures th e attenti o n of
many peop le these days, inc luding the
Was hin gto n Organic Recyc led Wa ste
Counci l. who is host ing a conference at
Evergreen on December 14 (o pen to all
students) .. Now the compost facility can
run the tractor off of another waste product
from the Greenery.
Biodiese l is seen in the form s of eith er
B I 00 or B20, B I 00 being pure biodi ese l
and B20 being 20% biodiesel, 80% di ese l.
State and government agencies have begun
using B20 not just for its emission reduction qualities, but also because of its ability
to increase the longevity of the fuel quality
David Rack, Kolby Bray-Hogland and
I started this project by researching and
designing a biodiesel processor in winter
'04 that we would be capable of building
ourselves. After we drafted the plans, we
presented our des ign to the Center for
Ecological Learning and Living (CELL,
http :// in hopes
that they would give us approval to start
In the spring and summer '04, the three

has nearby access to a garden or natural
foods store, but more difficult in most
urban environm ents.
" I must bring my food most places
visit, such as the Evergreen campus
(though the Greenery usually has raw
sa lad). In a coup le decades, however, I
believe most eating establishments will
serve raw food and clean water. For now,
I must be the change I see k. The raw food
movement resonates with world peace,
global consc iou sness, and personal transform ation. As with freedom from any
addiction- in thi s case, to cooked and
processed food - there is a detoxification
that can be painful at first," he said.
From a little grand er scale, lookin g at
the fu ture, Bates sa id he saw raw as the
most ecologically sustainabl e diet. He
added, "Raw food will keep us from killing each other. "
If yo u have any questions you want to
ask Bates directl y, he may be reached by
email at b:ltc hrl O@eve rgree

of us fab ricated the Evergreen 13iodiese l
Processo r, whi ch was in sta ll ed at the
Orga ni c Farm . Once the constructi on was
finis hed, we needed to have the approva l of
the Evergreen sa fety officers and engineers
so that the processo r cou ld be incorporated
into the Evergree n curri culum . Thi s was
hard , but probab ly th e most instructional
part of the entire process.
Most ofthose who make bi odiesel today
are th e direct consumers of the product,
which means many are producing it in thei r
garage or backyard. When making biodiese l, many sa fet y precautions can be cut,
but that was not the case in our situati on.
We had to design a faci lity that ad hered to
the sa fet y codes of the college be fore we
were all owed to make a batch. Thi s was
not onl y for our sa fety but to ensure the
fa cility 's longevity.
After a couple meetin gs with th e
officers and making the necessary "fi eld
changes," we·were ready to make the first
batch. The entire process, from start to
finish , took four days to make because
the reaction requires time to settle . From
the twenty- eight gallons of waste vegetable oi l came twenty-t hree ga llons of
biddiesel. The fac ility can handle roughl y
45 gallons of waste vegetable oil at a time,
which takes the Greenery over a month to

cooper point journal

prod uce . Beforc the spring, the facility wi ll
be fine-tun ed so that it can run trouble-free
at maximum productio n.
Wc plan fo r the processor to be used for
yea rs to corne. The Eve rgreen BioLi iesel
Processor was built in a manner so that
o ne does not have to be experienced in the
field of biodiesel to use it. A long with the
processor, there is an officia l manual that
can be follow ed, step by step, to produce
a high quality fuel.
As yo u mig ht know, Intercity Transit
uses B20, so why shouldn ' t Evergreen?
There are opportunities for mo~to
be done on thi s proj ect by those irllerested .
This project wou ld not have been compl eted had the funds not been there , and
we thank Evergreen for that. We thank
Marty Beagle, Robyn Hearing, Rich Davis,
Melissa Barker, CELL, TESC Electricians,
Tony Elhardt, Jim Blevins, Susan McNe il ,
Michael Beug, Martha Rosemeyer, Clyde
Barlow and Nicole Allen,
We a sk ev eryo ne to s upport the
Evergreen Clean Energy Campaign by
voting when you register for winter quarter. If passed, thi s campaign will provide
even more funds for student research in
clean energy.
Sam Stout is a senior at Evergreen

Public safety
campus next
by Jon Kempe
The W.;stc rn Regio nal In stitut e for
Co mmunit y Or iented Publi c Safe ty
(WR ICO PS) w iII be com ing to campus the
second wee k of winter quarter. WRI COPS
will be cond ucting intcrviews all that week
to ga ther public opin ion on how pub lic
safet y ac tually works at Evergreen, and
how the schoo l and police se rvi ces may
wo rk bettcr in the future .
The goa ls of thi s asscssment include
provid ing a use ful too l for direction
and ass istance in tran s it ioning to our
ad vanc ing comm unit y policy effo rt s at
Eve rgree n, base line informati on fo r use
by Evc rgree n's poli ce in deve lop in g its
co mmunit y-or icnt ed poli c ing strategy,
and o ns it c organi zat ion deve lo pm ent
ass istance.
WRI COPS is a fcdera ll y funded gro up
o f co III III itt ed vol untee rs th at provide
experti se on co mmunity interactions with
po lice departments around the Northwest.
Th e program has been in place since 1996
and has worked with many different types
of communities, such as tribal governments and cities across the Northwest.
This is an exceptional opportunity to
help Evergreen reflect and improve how it
looks at public safety and the community
we have.
If yo u have any questions about the
WRI CO PS programs you can contact
the director of police se rvi ces, Steve
Hunt sbe rr y, at 867-6832 . Or you are
always welcome to attend meetings of
the Police Services Community Review
Board (PSCRB). Our next meeting will
be on January 3.
Jon Kempe is a junior enrolled in an
individual contracl. He is studying social
movem ents, and is a member of the Police
Services Community Review Board. The
board contributed 10 Ihis arlicle.

december 9, 2004

arts & entertainment

Apply for the
Arts and Entertainment
Coordinator position!
This extra responsibility will involve:
1. Finding interesting material each week for the Arts and Entertainment section includi~g information on concerts, plays,
movies, art, and reviews.
2. Involving other Evergreen students in this process and encouraging participation.
3. Finding up-to-date infQmation on the local arts and entertainment scene. Becoming involved with the CPJ as an organization.
4. Learning and having fun in the process!
Want to do all this and recieve a
learning allotment in exchange?
Apply at the CPJ (CAB 316,867-6213,
You must be an Evergreen student and have an Evergreen email
address to apply.

FRIDAY DEC.l0 @ 5 P.M.


To Ever !reen: Handle With Carel
(Those that dare ... )


by Ian Picco

by Nicholas Stagnone
Up was 'l a Little too
Late last night,
Far too caught up
In a violent fight:That did take place;
And rage, using
My troubled mind
As a stage.

For high pitched tune
Of its wretched, awful
Symphony, that struck
Its fi rst noteOn the hal f hour of three.
When, up on- over,
And through
My eyes did glance
At words that were news
That lit up a crying tune
Of a poor little g irl
Caught on fire
Her hair in flame s,
Her body bloodied by wire.
OK, wait ...
You know what I mean?
This can't be real
, It's fucking too obscene
About the state of things going on
today ...
All this crazy shit yo u see
About people gett ing carried away

So now pounding down
With harsh drum and
Hammer did my frustration
Scream along in time with the hour

T,hat it's ti me to
Get on our shoes
Despite the absence of
Sun's Shi ne

So I hopped- skipped
Danced and scotched
Down the stairs of happy
Home dorm "c"

Because somebody somewhere
Is doing a really, really, bad bad thing
And if we are not careful
All of congress will again sign over
Our names

And out into a cold nig ht
Went looking for similar company;
Because to my roommate Ian
It's not fai r

And dictate to the world
Our voice through power,
Something that should have been
Shot down in its first waking hour

To Keep him up all
Night with furious
Rocking, cre'e ping screeching
Of uncomfortable chair

But we were feeling
A little too lazy
Because we were too busy
Picking out that perfect C hri stmas tree.

Nicholas Slagnone is ajunior enrolled
in American Places, He is studying how
to fight "the man. "
Because I k now we
All need some good restful sleep
As we approach what
Evergreen has for its final s this week
Yet even so
We should manage- to
Res ign just a little
Bit of our own precious time;
To Sight to sing ... a quarter a dime ...
A wink, a glance .. . a shou lder,
A rhyme
Because I really do feel

A College Romance
oy Julian Gerhart
quickness of thin gs.
I' ll put the dishes away
when I get a chance,
and I' ll mop the flo o r
before I leave,
ror good.


Though my fi nge rs
were (except for the omn ipresent pr ick
of the wind's tiny nails) numb,1
still managed to sc ratc h out
the perfect, invaluable digits with
the last warmth of my inevitably
attentions (for, even as
graceful as the motion of her hands
ll)oving the hot mug to her lips was, the
swi rling the snow were more so)

Just don 't forget to pick
up my check.
I need to go shopping.
Leave it on the counter
betw~en the coffee
and the broken bottles.
I' ll sweep those shards
up too.
Try not to cut yoursel f.

2. Heaven
We lay listening our breath,
sti ll,
under the bedspread ,
torsos wrapped in arms,
wrapped in fingers,
thighs stuck with sweat.

" Why should we love others? "
Is a quest ions asked tod ay ,
If not us then who?
I mean, love re ally is the way
To have happiness and peace
Within the personal soul.
Love is an emoti on
Which we can' t control.

If you go out,
remember to lock the
and switch off the
(And don 't forget: I
love you)

To the fact that we are human,
A nd not some high-tech robot.
Love is an emot ion
That reall y hits the spot.
It 's beautifulSo why not revere it?
It brings warmth,
So why should we conceal it?

.... We serve real food ...
... lJy real people ...
... with real prices ...
Deluxe Burger & Fries

Fish & Chips

This world we live in
Forgets that too much.
It's a tragedy that someone can genuinely ask
" Why shou ld we love others?"
My question is " Why not?"

Jim Jordan is ajunior-senior enrolled
in Foundations of Performing Arts. He
Julian Gerhart is a freshman enrolled in is studying ontology with afocus on theOld and New Worlds.
ater and intercultural communication.

cooper pOint journa

Ian Picco is afreshman enrolled in Inter·
rogating A merican Culture Through the
Art s.

So, i r we are not to love
Each other as we do,
It's that we'd be s uppressi ng
What it is that gives a clue

Love makes a person real.

3. A Note Posted on
the Front Door
I'm sorry about the
mess. Sometimes
I get caught up in the

On the
question of
why we should
love others

Don't stop talking dog! Bark! Bark, dog
Don't stop talking dog! Bark! I don't wan
, you to stop until blood barks from yoU!
mouth. Bark dog! Don't stop. Did I tell yOl
to stop? I want you to bark for everyom
to hear. Bark over the loudspeaker! Bar~
on the TV! Bark up and down the streets
In the newspaper! In the school systems
Subway stations and tenement halls! Bar~
where old women are forced to see! Bark al
the sick man on his deathbed! Bark in skic
rows where your kind is born! Make thf
public bleed from the ears dog! Bark! Did )
tell you to quit barking?! I want you to bad
at babies as they exit the womb! Bark at thf
lonely child who has no friends and hide!
from the school bus every morning! Beal
him like his father does dog! Bark yoU!
beer- stenched bark! Your corrupt bark
Your tyrannical bark. Your imperialistic
bark. Hypocritical bark. Tainted bark
Consuming bark. Murderous bark. Blooe
thirsty, money hungry, power-driven bark I
Bark at the man who lost his job in the
pursuit of your drearri! Bark at the one~
whose bloQd makes up the land you pis~
on! Bark at the souls whose skin is darkel
than yours! Bark at the ones whom YOt
detained in cages, and then had the balls te
tell their grandchildren nothing ever hap·
pened! Bark at the men who fuck people
in the ass in private, under bed sheets,jusl
like you fuck people in the ass in public!
Don 't stop talking dog! Bark goddamr
you! Bark at he who lies dead in foreigr
lands for your wealth and security! Bark al
the ones you secretly dispose of and swee~
under the giant rug of state penitentiaries!
Bark so the whole world can hear! Bark al
every country so that they may learn yoU!
voice, and learn it well! Bark at them witt
your explod ing bombs! Bark God Damr
you' Don 't stop yelling. Don't stop barking! Bark like the dogs you are! Bark a~
you lap up your oil! How long, dog? Hmo.
lo ng can you keep this up?! How long car
you keep on barking?



5:00pm - 6:00pm
Please check us out!
112 W 4th Ave.
Olympia, WA

december 9. 2004


arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment
the Friedbergers have made a kids' album for
adults. It's also possible that Matthew hasn't
forgotten that, once upon a time, children's
stories were sti ll capital-L literature, and
great sources for the characters, story-arcs,
and fantasy of Biblical proportions th at
other one I've ever made) is my atte mpt at Blueberry Boat is redolent with.
autobiography through pre-recorded music.
Keeping all of this in mind, much of
I'm shooting for nothing less than One Year, the album is peripherally reminiscent of
Two Months and Seven Days in the Life of The Beatles' White Album, if Lennon and
Christopher Alexander. While [ loved living McCartney had been more concerned with
in Olympia, there were often times I found following Rocky Raccoon's or Bungalo
myself announcing to the sleeping world Bill's exploits than questionable definitions
how aching and lost [ was, with no cars on of happiness. It's this that makes Blueberry
the New Jersey Turnpike to count. The point Boat the year's best album: Its influences
is that living on your own in alien surround- are easy to detect and yet it exists within
ings on the other side ofthe country can be a its own universe. The Who is a commonly
dramatically precarious thing.
bandied comparison, but with
So precarious, in fact, that the
the exception of the Keith
sl ightest upset in rout ine can
Moon impressions in "Chris
find you in free fall, until
Michaels," it doesn't really
one night you find yourself
stick. You could just as easily
at a typewriter, drunkenly
point to the passing similarity
pounding out, ad infinitum,
of "Straight Street" to vintage
the only Dylan lyric that's
Velvet Underground. Where
been on your mind for weeks:
the influence lies is not the
" ['m going back to New York
sounds, but the arrangements:
City, [ do believe I've had enough."
Many ofthese songs are self-contained rock
I'm making thi s for her, in other words, operas. There can be upwards of six sections
partly because no one made it for me. The per song, many only heard for seconds at a
more [ listen to Blueberry Boat, though, time. This can make for individual songs
the more I think that maybe The Fiery to be choppy, replete with sudden shifts in
Furnaces were just a few months too [ate tempo and mood, but the album as a whole
in providing me one. The album is riddled is gloriously cohesive.
It can be jarring at first, especially when
with dark endings to long trips. In "Q uay
Cu r," singer Eleanor Friedberger loses her you have no idea what you're getting into.
lucky charm only to find herself stranded My first experience with the Fiery Furnaces
on a desert island. She travels throughout was in a live setting, which is unaltered from
the count ry running business errands for their record s. The night had New Jersey's
a company, getting fired for her efforts in stamp all over it: I had friends visiting Seat"Straight Street ." She gets spurned by a tle for the weekend, and the Furnaces were
wandering love in "C hri s Michael s" and opening up for New Brunswick, NJ residents
steal s hi s credit card in revenge, eventu- Ted Leo/Pharmacists. It seemed that they
al ly finding herself on the wrong side of were doing utterly capricious medleys, one
the Bombay A rmy. Eve n her dog leaves her song coasting for three months before grindhalf-way through the album , having been ing to a halt into another co mpletely differtransmogrified into a preacher. " I wish, I ent song. It was a bewildering experience,
wish [ was back in Chicago," she sighs in exactly like moving to a new place. I've since
"Spaniolated ," having been kidnapped as a had a year with them, a year which began
teenager "and fed three pill s a day to keep with nothing making sense and everything
in ill-fitting fra g ments . Blueberry Boat
me from getting taller" in this number.
The Fiery Furnaces have a penchant not places all of their fragments in perspective,
only for alliteration, but also for the fantas- imbuing it with an idiosyncratic rhythm; as
tic. Lyricist Matthew Friedberger (brother. the year draws to a close, my life in Olympia
to Eleanor) makes it work with a journal ist's follows in the same fashion .
eye for detail (.. [ rented a Hyundai with two
flat s, and no windsh ield /no speedometer, Christopher Alexander is a senior enrolled
and a handbreak that sq uealed") and child- in Patience, studies writing, and listens to
like syllable and word play. Sample lines more Eminem than he cares to admit. A
includ e "We geeched that gazoos's gow," longer version of this article will appear on
and "Canyglow, Canyg low, Ca ny g low, Chris topher '.I' blog, Between Ihe Bars (htlp:
don't say nugo." It's tempting to say that Ilchr is Iopher Iike SI11 us i c. hIog.l'

Fiery Furnaces' Blueberry Boat is
the year's best CD
by Christopher Alexander

Blueberry Boat
Fiery Furnaces
(Rough Trade, 2004)
I'm making a mix-tape for a friend.
She's moving out of her hou se in New
Jersey and wants a tape for the plane ride
over. [ like making thematic mix-tapes,
and I especially like making this one.
Travelogues are inherently richly Iyrica[,
epic and often make for the most poignant
songs in the entire canon. Bob Dylan is the
undisputed master of this venue, two salient
examples being " Isis," and "Tangled Up in
Blue." Simon and Garfunkel's "America" is
a majestic dark-horse contender, as well.
There 's a personal impetus behind
this tape, though: This author made the
exact same trip little over a: year ago. More
than a tape of travelogues, this (like every

last word

BIorI"iDg tile tines
between fact
and fiction.

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This winter, watch
Prozac films
A sprawling canvas of grey stretches over
the Olympian skyline- a bad omen. It's dark
before dinner. The temperature varies from
windbreaker cold to wool and numb toes cold.
The world looks concrete and grey. No one
wears a color more vibrant then forest green.
[s this depressing yet? Winter blues can be
induced by late nights staring longing[y into
deep cups ofb[ack, sludgy coffee, waiting for
some kind of higher reckoning. They can also
be induced by the sluggish crawl of sleepy '
college towns temporarily submerged in
darkness for a third of the year. The government calls this half-drawn melancholy SAD
(seasonal affective disorder). People like to
be in doors during these months, doing something to slip away from the quiet drone of
raindrops drumming puddles on sidewalks.
Many turn to drugs, sex, violence or some
cocktail of the three.
Instead of chugging that last fifth of
whisky, .reach for the remote and pop in an
upper. Not the cocaine uppers of the '80s, but
the no risk, straight-edge alternative: film.
[f there were ten things that you had to
do before you died, you'd know what to do.
[f there were ten things you loved to hate,
you could name them . Ten is easy. And with
ten film s to cure the winter blahs, you are
guaranteed to stave off your self-destructive
winter habits for at least a week. And so, in
no particular order, [ have , as a parting gift
to you, my personal favorites.

Billy Madison
Legally Blonde 1
Blast From The Past
Dumb and Dumber
Bring It On
American Pie
Road Trip
Almost Famous
The Wedding Singer
Adina Lepp is afreshman enrolled in Evolution of the Book .

by Sam Goldsmith

intercitytransit. com

december 9. 2004

These days, Biafra is a frumpy fortysomething. He is still a firebrand, and
Punk rocker activist Jello Biafra visited anything but a sell-out, but his speech
campus on Tuesday, working to rev up a pro- was surprisingly pragmatic. He admongressive community " heartbroken" by the ished students to vote in local elections,
events of last election.
boycott corporations on and off campus,
Biafra is best known for leading the and not kowtow to Democrats.
The practical advice is just as well,
politically charged punk band the Dead Kennedys in the [980s, best known for hits such because there was a pervasive sense of
as beach blanket classic " Holiday in Cam- weariness, what the Onion dubbed "outrage
bodia" and
._.. _- '
sock hop
"Too Drunk
of the Bush
to Fuck."
cabinet ,
He spoke
there were
at an event
by progres:
boos and
sive club
hisses, but
EP[C. His
people just
speech ran
aren't shoutju st about
in g " Fuck
two and a
half hours ,
Bush " at
the decibel
which he
level s the y
never sat
down , nor
month s ago.
took a sip of
On th e
Photo by Eva Wong
water, and Jello Bialra 's high-energy performance was worth attend- other hand,
scarce l y ing, despile his old news on the importance of sticking it to Biafra ' s
stopped for the man.
message of
the evils of
The content of the speech was ami xed corporate greed and the importance of
bag. Although the rhetoric was fierce, it sticking it to the man probably isn 't news
lacked the vitriol one would expect from to many on campus. Nevertheless, Biafra's
such an all-star iconoclast. Gone are the days perspective and his energy made hi s preof the intense cantor of ballads like "[ Kill sentation well worth attending.
Children" and " Let's Lynch the Landlord,"
replaced with the world-weary eloquence of Jordan Lyons is a junior enrolled in
Memory of Fi reo
a much older smart-ass.

by Jordan Lyons

Dylan is ill.
Since the release of Chronicles, Vo lum e
I, hi s new autobiography, Bob has been back
in the limelight as the subject offeature stories in Rolling Stone, Newsweek and other
mai nstream publ icat ions. Roll ing Stone even
dubbed "Like a Rolling Stone" the best song
of all time in their current issue. Everyone's
hopping on the newest Dylan bandwagon,
hoping to cash in this holiday season.
The Experience Music Project (EMP)
.in Seattle is no exception. [ learned of their
newest exhibit, Bob Dylan's American Journey, 1956-1966;·from their full-page ads in
The Stranger and the Seat/Ie Weekly. ['d
never been to the EMP before, but [ have a
hard time resisting all things Dy[an, regardless of the blatant capital ist motives.
But [ ran into trouble: the $20 admission charge to the EMP. I don't know about

yo u, but throwing down 20 bucks for a tacky
touri st them e museU m is hard to do. Hell ,
$20 is one eighth of my monthly income.
So [ did what any self-respecting Greener
would: swindled a free ticket.
[ emailed the PR department at the
museum and told them [ work for the student
newspaper and ['m dying to review the new
exhibit, but our budget is tapped as it is and
we can't pony the dough. [got an email back
(the same day, no less} with all the inform ation [ needed to get a free press pass to the
museum . They bought it!
So over Thanksgiving break I went with
my friend Trucker (a man not affiliated with
the CPJ, but a great buddy nonetheless) to the
EM P. This was the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so [ figured the place would be
packed. Turns out [ was giving the museum
much more credit than it deserves .
[f you [ike kitschy knickknacks, or
memorabilia, as the EMP calls it, then this

your way, I'm not falling."
Thi s album is nicely balanced with
by Robert Martindale
so me energetic, melodic songs and some
very so mber, quiet songs. The tone is very
Adam Trapani
serious and emotional, but Trapani suggests
coup Studios, 2004
a sense of humor with songs like " Make"
Believe" (the song includes 1960s-style
[grew up in Boulder, Colorado. It was Motown backup singers). The 12 tracks on
great to live in a community that yielded the album include Trapani playing electric
bands like Big Head Todd and the Monsters, guitar, acoustic guitar, piano and harmonica.
Leftover Salmon and the Samples. My Most of the songs are with a full band that
friends back home try to keep me updated on includes bass and drum s.
the music scene outthere, but [have to admit
Indeed it see ms that if, like me, you
the talent [evel has dropped off. The latest are tired of middle-of-the-road singer!
sound coming out of Boulder has flared up songwriters, Adam Trapani's music may
my interest. My friends helped hook me up still be for you. [would recommend his
album Concrete to people who listen to
with Adam Trapani's Concrete.
Adam Trapani bi[ls himself as "the The Bends-era Radiohead, David Gray, U2 ,
singer!songwriter for people who hate Coldplay, and Bad[y Drawn Boy. The lyrics
singer/songwriters." Trapani prefers to are honest and thought provoking, the mel play electric guitar more than , - - - - - - - - - - , odies are lofty and textured,
acoustic. [n fact , he plays it very
and the th emes are unique.
aggressively on more than a few
Adam Trapani is a reminder
tracks, with asound that brings
that music genre cliches are
sometimes broken.
Radiohead's The Bends to mind .
The best part is that Adam
There are also no obvious love :,",',,' T; .. ~ " ,
Trapani will be performing in
songs or break-up songs on the
a[bu·m. [n stead , Concrete's
Olympia, solo with his electric
guitar, thi s Friday, December
lyrics te nd more toward the
deeper subjects of life, loncli 10, at Java Flow on 207 Washness and human relation ships.
ington St. N.E.. 705- 1867.
[n the song "I Used to Travel Alone" (a
Hi s
webs it e,
http: //
rocker that seems to draw from The Who
and U2). the narrator seem s to be reflecting www.adam has been down , but
on a life that doesn't change. no matter how if yo u can 't make the show, that is where you
hard he tries. [n that song Trapani opl:ns can find a copy of the album and find out
with the line "I used to travel alone, now I more about Ada m Trapani.
travel with no one," and later screams the
chorus: "Hey, I want to go home!" The song R()herl !lIarlindale is a seni()r tak ing an
"['m Not Falling" was written for Trapani's il1(l<!pel1del7l c ontract enl illed C ult ura I
father during hi s losing battle with ca ncer. Attit udes Towards Sports and Exe rc ise. /Ie
It is written from the man's perspect ive and SUnlit,s whatevcr hc \\ '(/11/.1' Iu.
balances both the fear and hope t hat some one in this position would have. Early in
the song he sings, "Don't leave me here
because ['m drowning," and lat er, "This
happens everyday and somehow you fi nd


I'm dreaming of a weird Christmas:
Bizarre alternatives for winter break

A II ri g ht , G reeners , yo u k now it 's
coming. [n fact , by the time you read thi s,
it 'll already be there: the crazy season in
which people shop every day, whack sma ll
pines for their li ving rooms, and- perhaps
most aggravat ing of all - li ste n to the same
old religious songs set to the same bloody bar
tunes. ("Greensleeves," [ ' II have you know,
museum is for you . Dylan 's American.lourstarted out as a soppy tavern dirge about lost
ney is a room roughly half the size of the
love .) Regardless of what, if anything, you
HCC stuffed with scribbled notes on airplane
celebrate, you're going to hear too many of
napkins placed neatly inside glass cases. Big
these little ditties too many tim es before the
fucking deal. My advice if you want to learn
sun sets on 2004.
more about Bob Dylan: save yourself the
For this reason, I feel the need to
time and effort of a tri.p to Seattle. [t would
provide a brief list of albums that bring somebehoove you to just swing by Rainy Day
thing new and odd to these tired carols. After
and pick up Blood on the Tracks, then swing .
you've h~ard "Jingle Bell Rock" for the 78 th
by A Dorm and buy a joint. Trust me, this
time in six days, don't damage property or
combination wil[ prove to be infinitely more
people-check out one of these strange CDs
enjoyable than the museum .
instead .
Have a good break if you feel [ike
Bob Dylan's American Journ ey, 1956it, and Merry, um, merriness.
1966 runs from November 20, 2004 through
September 5, 2005 at EMP.
I. Crash Test Dummies, Jingle All the
Way (Hunter, 2002). This one contains your
Sam Goldsmith is ajunior studying a little of
this and a little of that, He is, hands down,
the coolest kid I ever met.

cooper point journal

Adam Trapani's Concrete:

a nice

in Brief

by Mitchell Hahn-Branson


Intercity Tran'si t is your ticket off
campus! Ride tree with your
Evergreen student ID on all lo ca l
routes to plenty of fun destinations .
Grab a pizza or take in some music,
go biking, shopping, skateboarding,
whatever! Give us a call or go online
for more information.

A mixed bag

by Adina Lepp

Suckasl A review of Bob Dylan's American Journey,

We provide the ride.
You provide the fun!

Jello Biafra's Evergreen visit:


average Ch ri stmas songs filtered through
the Dummies' funky ar rangeme nts and
Brad Roberts ' o min ous bass vocal s.
Th ink "0 Little Town of Beth lehem" ina
country -western theme . Think "God Rest
Ye Merry Ge ntlemen" as a sw ing tunc.
Think of a demonically in sa ne m inuteand-a-half rendition of "Jingle Bell s."
You get the idea.
2. The Bobs, Tau Many Sanlas'
(Rounder Record s, 1996). The al l-tim e
funniest a capella gro up tend s to write
their own songs, so yo u don ' t have to
worry about hearing any of the usual
triteness. Instead , bask in the smart-assed
glow of original tunes such as "Chri stmas
in Jail," " Rasta Reind eer"- don 't ask,
just listen-and the title song, in which
the narrator gets mighty paranoid about
seeing jolly red-suited men on every
street corner. A brief sample: "Some guy
in a padded costume at the office party!
was trying to hit on my wife-uh-oh! /[
grabbed his hat and beard and threw them
in the fire!'Hey, Santa, get a life! '/Whoops,
the fat man was my supervisor- too many

cooper point journal

Santas'II'm 1V0rkin' do uble shift s now - too
many Santas' /Slingin' burgers- too many
Santas' ... " And so on .
1. A Ivin and the C hiplllun\.; s, C/irisllll us
wilh Ihe (·hipmul1ks. Volullle I (Elll i Spec ial

Ma rkcts. 1995). Li sten to yo ur filvOl'it e nutt y
c ritter s brin g
th e ir adora bl e
ch ir pines s to
"Jingle Be ll s."
" Fro s t y,"
.. Rudolph ..... No.
I'm k idd ing. I'm
kidding Put the
knife clown .
Rivers, Chipmunks Roasting on an Open
Fire (At[antic, 2000). [ haven't listened to
this album in full - in fact , I've only ever
heard the title track- but that alone makes it
worth seeking out. Crispy, tasty chipmunks:
the perfect holiday meal. They might even
go well with figgy pudding.
Mitchell Hahn-Branson is a senior enrolled
in Poetics and Power. He is studying writing
and editing.

by Mike Graney
Thi s is a l11ultim edia story-telling performance piece loose ly base d on the orig in
myth of American cultun:, i.e. , The Book
Of Genesis. The roots or the work arc in
the be liel'th at any sto ry that docs not evol ve
dies and so any cu lture that is based on a
dead story is eit her dead or on it s way there.
Since Ino longer cons ider myse lfa member
or American culture, I thought I would write
a ncw or igin story. It is not abo ut reli g ion .
Within the story arc aspects ofGencsi s
that are not addressed in the dominant Old
Testament stor y such as th e pluralit y of
God, the aSl:.\ual and l11ulti-gender aspects
of God, the plurality of both Eve and Adam
and the old aspect oft he Snake as wisest and
1110st enduring.
The story itselfcomes in three parts and
there is both an introduction and conclusion ,
creating a double triumvirate. The conclusion [ call the New Book of Revelation s and
is a collection of spoken word, some original
and some by other poets, including Rumi ,
Kabir and Lawrence. [ will be available for
questions at the end of the performance.
Be welcome. I hope to'see you thereMike Graney
When : Monday, Decem ber q at 4
Where: Lecture Hall 2
Mike Graney is enrolled in the Patience
program and is studying folklore and its
appliCiJtion in drug rehab and corporate
de velopment.

december 9. 2004


letters and opinions
The Curmudgeon:
My Christmas list

by Lee Kepraios
I t seems
that the he llish seaso n of
peace on Earth
and goodwi Ii
toward men
w ili be up o n
us. Rather than
make the obvious comp laint ,
I'll just go ahead and let it be known what
I want yo u to get me. I rea ll y norm all y
do n' t ask fo r much, never being the type
to buy myself things, but this year therc is
j ust too much to pass up . My li st this yea r
is a bit idealistic, but I think I've been good
and deserve wha t I ask for. I' ll have the
money thi s year to get some of thi s shit
myse lf because I am fot1unate not to be
dating Imel da Marcos.
• A motori zcd call 1ike old peop le have .
I' m through with thi s wa lking bull shit ! I
nced to get arou nd here, people ' Monday
Night Bi ngo ain' t gonna ca ll itse lf. If yo u
think abo ut it , yo u rea lize it's someth ing
every curmudgeon should have.
• A taser. Or a cattle prod. Someth ing
that can help me with the long lincs at
Safeway, or when globa li zation protes ters
block traflic for three hours in every din::c·
ti on and I' m late to meet my dealer.
• I would li ke for Christmas ev ery copy
of every album containin g every Christmas
song ever mad e so I can dump them into
a mass ivc hole and pour conc rete over it.
It worked lor the E T Nintendo ga me; it
can wo rk tor thi s.
• Tickl e Me Elm o wi th a hole cut in
it. Elm o's not the only one who ca n be
tick led.
• The origi nal cut of Blade Runner. I' ll
pay for thi s one. You can only find th e
director's cuI. The orig inal cu t doesn' t
seem to exi st on video. I l.lave a suspicion
that the governm ent doesn 't wa nt yo u to
see it.
• Any a lbum by Sp ike Jo nes, clown
prince of recorded sound.
• I don't know if such a thing is on the
market yet. but I' d rea ll y like a buzzer that
I can wear on my body that 's act ivated
when 1'111 ta lking to a gir l and it warns me
lI'he n I'm making a path etic ass of myself.
It wo uld be lik e the wire that President
Bus h wears to debates. onl y not so visible. And it would actually prevent me
fmm sound ing like a dumbass.
• A rocking chair draped in chanile. I've
neve r seen one before.
• An animated buddy to follow me
around . It's time we harvested the tcchni-

cal breakthrough of Who Framed Roger
Rabbit ? We have the means . I want a
cartoon buddy sidekick. Hi s name will be
Cornelius Culpepper (I will call him Culp)
and he will be a moon doggie with a bad
atti tude and an endless supp ly of quips.
I trul y think the world would be a better
pl ace if eac h person had hi s or her own
persona I cartoon character.
That's it. Hopefu lly, the holiday spirit
w ill find yo u ac tiv e ly searc hin g for
these items. A Curmudgeonly Season's
Greetings to yo u and yo urs.

Cancel the Curmudgeon
OK. I' ll bite. I'll cha ll enge Lee Kepraios, a.k.a. the
Curmudgeon, a.k.a. the Rapscallion. But only briefly, as
I don't want to waste much time . I think the CP J should
consider canceling The Curmudgeon. I know the CPJ has
very loose submiss ion requirements; however, some editori al standa rds must apply. Perhaps the fact that no one ever
re sponds to Kepraios means we are no longer interested in
hi s antics. Perhaps thc Curmudgeon is one reason few people
enj oy reading the CPJ.
He does not make meaningful commentary or satire but
rat her. makes lewd and disrespectful comments about serious matters. For example,
referring to antI-Iraq war protesters, he stated, "These hippies should have an entire
reggae band shoved up the ir asses." Perhaps Kepraios could be assigned to Iraq. Then
maybe he would have more r~pect for anti-war protesters.
K e ~rai os c~allenges the Evergreen community every week. Here is a challenge for
KepralOs . VI SII hllp://progressiveaus tin. org/iraqivic. htm to see a picture of an Iraqi
casualty. Look at the picture, put it next to your computer and take a long hard look
every time you go to write your Curmudgeon column.

Lee's New Rule of th e Week: If yo u
want the other sex to take your cause seriously, don 't make them s it down to pee.
There's a campaign going on- actually it's
been going on for years now, but it appears
to be com ing to a head- by feminist groups
to aboli sh men's urinal s. Young women
in Sweden, Germ any and Australia have
Et han Schaffer
a new ca use: They want men to sit down
whil e urinatin g. This de mand comes pat1ly
from conccrns about hygiene- avo idi ng
the "splash fac tor"- but more cruc iall y
beca use a man standing up to urinate is
deemed to be agg ressive and triu mphi ng in
hi s masc ul inity, and by ex tension, degrad- by Dr. Sam Goldsmith
they' re abo ut to eat.
ing to women.
I don ' t wa nt to sound over-critica l. I
What will know there are students out there trying
Now bri ll iant act ivi sm like thi s obvith e Amer ica and doing . I see them work ing on the
ously didn ' t come fro m the logical ,
th at we wi ll third floor of the CA B and I appreciate
clea r-t hink ing ICm ini sts; it came from the
day their efforts. I wish everyone who thinks
fa nati cs otherwi se cu lturally classified as
k something needs fixing would help with
fe mi-nazis. Now, I wa nt each of yo u to
like ?
Are the repair. One of the most important
know that I do not throw that term aro und
we a mbling as pects of our college educations is the
lig htl y. I think it is an unfair term and not
straight toward developm ent of critica l thinking skills,
rep resentati ve of the maj ority. I have a few
dis as ter ?
I i.e., recogni ze the bullshit and do someissues with fe minism and I' m aware that
think we are thing about it.
be ing a man is, by its very nature, politica lly inco rrect and that it is anti-woman for all aware that something needs to be done
I don ' t have hi gh hopes that this rant
men to criticize women. But how can abol- if we want to alter our world's unjust path . will change anything. I' m losing more and
is hing where a man pi sses because some The people need to"
more faith in my
wome n find it offensive be called anything be told what is happeers everyday,
but le m i-naz ism? Next we won't be able to pening; they need to
and fr a nkly, it
I mean, th IS IS fucking
ca ll them Christmas caro ls because Carol be shown that there is
scares me. If this
Where's the action?
is a woman's na me and that's offensive.
is the best we can
Okay, maybe it would he lp matters if
We have a unique
Worried about global warming?
do, pe ople like
urinal s weren't shaped lik e vaginas. I' ll . herd of students on
Start a campaign to turn one
me have a lo ng
give you that. But women alreadv have thi s cra zy camp us,
life of fightin g
of our parking lots into green
a way to anesthetize ma le aggression by a t ro upe wi th no
ahead of us.
making them sit; it's ca ll ed Oprah Lil'e. shortage of talent and
I want to end
I say let's b~ equals and bu il d a female crcati vity. We ' ve got
with an exchange
[Irinal. Othemise, lad ies, have the plastic some serious pote nbetw ee n Ed na
surgeon hook you up wi th a ['olli ng pin. tial to make change. Plus, iI's good practice Krabappel and Sey mour Skinner frolll
like us Ie li as. And you men arc equa lly fur the sec min gly inevitab le batties ou r The Simpsol1S that sums up my chall enge
to blamc. You may just have to hurt some gene ration wi II face in years to come.
to the students quite we ll :
I do n't think we realize \V h"t a fucki ng
fee lings and stand lip till' yo ursel ves, no
Edna: Sey mou r, yo u are se ll ing shot1
amazing opportunity we hi!vt' collectively. the child ren's futures.
pun intended.
Do you know wha t we co uld accompli sh
Skinner: Edna, both you and I know
we joined toge th er and demanded these ch ildren have no future!
Lee !\e/!r l1 i os is 11 s eni o r <' nwll"d in
Forens ics and Mys te ry Writi ng. fi e is change? Do you th ink the 'ld:l1In is t.ratio n
(gasp as slUdenls heat)
\"ou ld continue to ignore ou, de mands if
s tmil'i1I!!'.li 1!!1.
Skinner: Prove me wro ng, ch ildren '
we SlOod up and resi sted? Want 10 start Prove me wro ng!
a revol ution ? Write yo ur points in at1ic le
So fly ho me fo r break, ope n yo ur
form and use the CP J as a venue to rally Christmas presents, eat your holiday ham,
and to organi ze, a ve nue that cannot be watch foo tball , and give my words some
ig nored. I mean, thi s is fucking Evergreen' thought. Prove me wrong, Greeners.
Where 's the acti9n? Worried about global
warming? Start a campaign to turn one of Sam Goldsmith is the Letters & Opinions
our parking lots into green space. Want to coordinator of the CPJ He is ajunior and
see the end of animal rights violations? likes to play dodgeball and drink soda.
cleared with the morning sun, revealing Demonstrate outside the Greenery and
Tahoma, or Mt. Rainier, on whose slopes I show everyone the facts about the meal
have spent every sLImmer fo r the past fi ve
years . After high schoo l I was hired by the
pr ivate gu ide service to clim b with pay ing fo r very long. I don' t reall y know how to as holy ground upon which a man can do
clientele, and Ill)' emp loyer would like for descr ibe what happens ... they're just fee l- Iittle other than drop to his kllees and listen
me to see the mountain as a busi ness oppor- ings. A sense of awe at the ti melessness of fo r instructi ons.
tuni ty; stepping onto the Nisqually.glacicr Li fe that dwarfs my own human existence
is like steppi ng into the office. Now that I wh il e at the same time connecting mine Ryan Stephens is a .first-year Evergreen
am at Evergreen, Envi ronmental Studies to the lives of all others who have gone student. He is enrolled in Introduction to
asks me to instead become the scientist, before, like a chain connects the cogs upon Environ mental Studies.
walking into the lab when I walk into the which the whole system depends. At times
woods . Freed from the constraints of work like these I am called to relate to nature
or school, however, I can't keep the act up not as a commodity or as a specimen, but

Where's the action?

Seeing Rainier
at 25,000 feet
by Ryan Stephens
May b e
it' s because I
know that my
destination is
t he growing
env ironmen ta I
disaster t hat
is Ohio th at I
a m especia ll y
moved now
looking down at Washington from 25,000
feet. I asked for the window seat for a
reason. Flying out of SeaTac, the skies

december g,. 2004

Re: Setting the record crooked on Israel

Letter to the Editor

• • • • •

cooper point journal


letters and opinions
by Jacob Stanley
I prob abl y
could have
written about
so methin g
int erest in g
this week, but
it isn ' t every
day that I ge t
someone will • ing to refute
my entry and have the chance to respond.
In the last CPJ, a man named Daniel
Fleck replied to my "mi sinformati on" on
the Israel-Palestine conflict. Personally,
the topic isn't a top priority for me, but
considering I made an opinion, I' ll very
well have to defend it 'ti I the end out of
stubbornness of will.
Firstly, Fleck comments on the "security fence " in construction ac ross the
border of Israel and states it is to keep the
"Palestini an terrorists" out of Israe li land
to protect " innocent women and children."
Fleck justifies the wall's creation as not
being an extreme measure on grounds that
the Israeli Supreme Court has ordered the
removal of parts of the "fence" (which is
made entirely out of concrete and barbed
wire) as a sign that Israel is complying with
restrictions set by authorities. He fai Is to
mention that the International Court of
Justice declared the Israeli wall to be

illegal and dismissed their justification of
"security" as pure bullshit. It is a bit like
a local court declaring torture permissible
under local laws while international law
dictates that it is illegal. Israel has shown
itself to be a country willing to undermine
international law in favo r of moral ambiguity through this act of defi ance.
There is a second quest ion of what land
is being divided in two if Palestine is not
really a state. In other words, Israel isj usti fied for taking whatever land it pleases
because Pa les tine isn' t a real co untry,
anyway. My main problem with thi s line
of thinking is that Israe l, as a state, did
not ex ist till 1948, after an international
e ffort was made to move Jewi sh peopl e
from Europe after World War II. At the
tim e, th e U.S . recognized Is rae l as a
nation before consulting the UN, which
had already begun developing a plan to
create an Arab state and a Jewi sh state in
the region. Israel was lucky to be on the
winning side of American arrogance. The
Palestinians did not have a country beforehand ; they were basicall y just squatters in
the territory for the past three thousand or
so years, but that does not give a colonial
power the right to come in, draw lines in
the sand and give the land to a whole different culture of people- the Jews-without
at least trying to move and protect those
Iiving there fir st.
Fleck claims that the Israeli military

has withdrawn from over 90% of the
Palestinian cities since the creation of
the wall-like fence, though this is not at
all true. Israel continues to claim a right
of "self-defense" and uses the excuse to
reason why they need a wall in addition
to their already frequent checkpoints, curfews and closures in Palestinian territory.
Interestingly enough, the wall is actually
intended to "sear deep into the consc iousness of Palestinians that they are a defeated
people," as stated by the Israe li Defense
Force 's Chi ef of Staff, Moshe Ya'alon. It
is quite apparent that the Israeli military
is not trying to scale down its dominance
over the Palestinian people, and with $1.86
billion in mi litary aid from the United
States, who can blame them?
The main point of Fleck's article was
to illustrate the horrors of the Palestinian
people 's terrorist attacks. I don't di spute
that suicide bombings are in fact a terrorist action, but so is military bulldozing of
average people's homes. Personally, if my
home was bulldozed and my farmland s
destroyed by an invad ing country, th e
thought of suicide bombing a part of their
nation would seem like a damn good idea.
Not to sound psychotic, but if they have
tanks and you only have guns or a bom b to
your chest, you have to protect your famil y
the only way you can. Every Israeli citizen
is forced to serve in the military, so any
terrorist act committed against any Israeli

citi zen is potentially just an act aga inst
past or future military aggressors. If their
military was all volunteer, then the terrorist
acts might seem more wrong because their
ci vili an population would actually be all
civilian, instead of just military people that
already served their time.
The fact of the matter is that the country
of Israel was created without regard for
the people already living in the region. If
the UN had been all owed to do its duty
and separate the reg ion into three zones
li ke it w ished, then there might not be
this rigid and violent conflict over territory. Unfot1unately for us, though, we can't
change that. All that we can do is encourage the creation of a Palestinian state and
for Israe l to somehow be forced to stop
its rapid expansion into Palestinian land.
Israel has the tanks, the U.S .'s funding and
the U.S. 's suppot1 through the UN Security
Council, prev enting the UN from investigating nuclear and humanitarian violations
in their country. Considering the facts, why
wou ld Israe l ever want to give in to some
group of people th at merely lived there
before they did'7 Your guess is as good as
mine, but I think they should change their
mind s swiftly if they wish to claim any
moral righteousness in this conflict.
Jacob Stanley is a freshman enrolled in
America in the 20 th Century.

How else can you spell it out?

Steroids are illegal
by Kyra Berkovich
without say ing
that in today 's
culture, money
can buy seemingly
anything. But can
athlete s buy
respect from
their fans after
scandals, headline newspapers and radio
shows devote hours talking about it? Can
an athlete buy bac k that child who has lost
faith in their hero who has lied about the
use of steroids?
I would hope not.
In the midst of all the great things sports
offer and athletes enjoy, there is the everpresent shadow in the back of people's
minds. I don't know when suspecting an
athlete of steroid use became the norm , but
it is. There have been whispers for years
about Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds and
Jason Giambi . Hasn't baseball suffered
enough with the Black Sox scandal?
The San Francisco Chronicle revealed
the Yankee first baseman's testimony last
week in a story. It reported that in Giambi 's
testimony, he said he injected both human

growth hormone and testosterone, rubbed
an undetectable steroid known as "the
cream" on hi s body and placed drops
of another, called "the clear," under his
Since Giamb i's testimony had been
leaked , his age nt, Arn Tell em, issued a
one-paragraph statement Monday.
"Jason Giambi is an extremely dedicated athlete and a caring and loyal teammate," Tell em said . "Jason loves the game
of baseball , the Yankees, and the extraordinary New York Yankees fans. Jason has
always appreciated the steadfast support of
the fans who have been there through good
times and bad. He is determined, focused
and working hard to return to form in 2005
and help the Yankees get back to the World
Thank you, Jason . Thanks for ordering
a guy that works for you to try to clean up
your mess with a one-paragraph statement.
That clears up all the questions I had about
your motivation to take stero ids, how you
plan to keep your major league caree r
ali ve and to play only for the fan s from
here on out.
While li stenin g to ES PN radio last
weekend, I heard a father call in to tell the
nation that his eight-year old son took down
Giambi 's poster from his wall. The child

then apparently asked h is dad to never take
him to another baseball game again and
handed him his ball caps to be taken out
to the garbage. The father thanked Giambi
for taking part of hi s son's chi Idhood away.
As I was driving, I could not help but agree
that this must be diflicult for parents to
tell their children. Even superstar heroes
like Giambi make mistakes. Evident ly, this
mi stake lasted for the better part of three
seasons, so perhaps it should be called an
epic moment of stupidity.
This is my question to dopers of any
athletic ability: Do you think you'll never
be caught? Is the athletic prowess yo u gai n
from these substances worth it in the end?
Do you look at yourself in the mirror in
the morning and wonder how good you
really are without the extra help steroids
give? How can you be satisfied with your
ac hievements while using drugs?
Isn ' t part of the beauty of sports the
fee ling you get when you accompli sh
something others cannot? Not everyone
can play every sport. Not everyone can
be good at it, much less be great. That's
why major leagues and professional team s
are special. Here, people can come to see
those who are the cream of the crop. The
best at what they do. It seems to me that
by tak ing supplements like these, ath letes

are in fact lying about their abilities. They
aren' t tile best. They are imitating the best.
I don ' t want to pay for someone to lie about
his or her abilities. I can lie and say I'm
whatever I wa nt. Sooner or later people
will find out. There is nothing wrong with
who and what I am, just as there is nothing
wrong with the kind of player Giambi was
before he took steroids.
Do you all hear me? There is nothing
wron g with you or me. I am good at what
I'm good at. Sometimes I think maybe I
haven't found it yet, but the point is that
I' m not less of a person because I didn 't
play basketball in college.
If mag ica lly thi s article made its way
to Jaso n Giambi and he actually rea d
it, I'd li ke him to know that not for one
minute did I eve r think to myself, "Man.
That Jaso n Giam bi .. . He's a pretty good
pl aye r. I wonder what he'd be like if he
took steroid s." If I ever did think that, then
I'd be just as stupid as Jason was.
Kyra Berkovich is a senior at Evergreen
study ing sportswriting through a contract
as sp(}rl.~ editor ofthe Spokane Valley News

Have your views known!
To submit a letter to the CPJ and the Evergreen community, or writings that express your
thoughts, take the following steps:
. 1. Write it down in no more that 800 words,
, 2. Attach it to an email and send it to cpj by Friday at 5 p.m . Be sure to
l!1clude your name, year at Evergreen, program or field of study and your contact informatIOn,
3. Check your email and voice mail over the weekend, as an editor may contact you.

cooper point journal

december g, 2004


Loggers Chop Down Evergreen
men's basketball loses 96-78

by Kip Arney

The amazing

ssistant Business
position at the CPJ is now OPEN!
(That's a $70 weekly learning allotment!)

N.o lead was
too big for the
Uni ve rs ity of
Puge t Sound
Logge rs on
We dn es d ay
n i g h t ,
December I.
The Loggers
brought their
perfect 4-0 record into the Geod uck gym
and walked away with a 96-78 victory,
dropping Evergreen to 3-5 in the season.
All game, Uni versity of Puget Sound
(UPS) pressured the Geoduck attack and
fo rced them into 26 turnovers, 18 of those
coming in the fi rst half. It reall y was a tale
of two halves as Evergreen looked rattl ed
from the opening tip to the buzzer endi ng
the first half and stared a 56-4 1 deficit in
the face go ing into the locker room. UPS
was applying full- court press ure the entire
game, causing Evergreen to make careless
turnovers trying to crack the D. Twentysix, to be prec ise, which was above their
season average of around 2 1 per contest.
The second half was a different story,
as the Geoducks cut down their mi stakes
and at one poini, wi th 5:46 remai ning in
the game, had whittl ed the defic it to fi ve .
But that was as close as they wo ul d ge t,
as the Loggers from Taco ma left no do ubt,
ending the game on a 20-7 run . The majority of those poi nts were awarded at the fo ul

line for the vi sito rs who went 40-56 fro m ca me with an ass ist, led by Jo nathon pion, Albertson Coll ege of Idaho.
the line, compared to Evergreen's 18-32 . Hamm ond 's nine, which seems to be '
Had it not been for the referees' sudden Evergreen 's forte this year. Teamwork , KIp Arney is a sophomore enrolled in
love affai r with their whistles, the score unse lfi shness, and look ing for the open Fo rensics and Mystery Writing. He is
wo uld 've been close r. With the ga me shot. In the yo ung season, Evergreen has studying creati ve wri/ing.
pretty much no longer in doubt, UPS put already had games in which four di ffe rent r----=_---~:=:-­
their exc lamati on mark on the game as players had the team high in points.
they wo rked the entire 35 -second shot
Despite their record, thi s team shows
clock with I: 18 remaining by just passi ng great poten ti al wi th the ir quick ness. A
it aro und and then burying a three-pointer deep bench allows more energy th ro ughto s'lam the door'shut.
, out the game, causing oppos ing teams to
But don't get down on the Gcoducks, as -stay on their toes un ti l the final buzzer.
there were many positi ve notes that could The Geod ucks go on the road for a while
be taken away fro m thi s game. Whil e some before returning back to the CRC on Friday
may look at giving up 96 point s as a lack and Satu rday, December 17 and 18 to hos t
of de fense, rea lize that com ing into the a pair of games aga inst Eastern Oregon and
game, UPS was ave rag ing 11 6 po in ts a last yea r's conference tournament chamgame and hadn't been held below 100 in
the ir fi rst fo ur outings. Evergreen poured ....-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----1
in thei r hi ghest scoring total of the season
with 78 , crushing their season average of
60, led by Julius Marshall who more than
doubled his tea m leadi ng season average
of nine by dropping in 19 on 7- 11 shooting. But no one had a bigger coming out
party than newcome r Ba rso n Co li in s,
who posted hi s fi rst do uble double in the
Evergree n je rsey by scori ng 14 points
Celeb rate local p roducers during
and grabbing 15 boards, not to mention
October, Buy Local Month at the
his constant defe nsive pressure down in
- Bre akfas t a ll day Co-op. Everyone is welcome at
the pai nt with a coupl e blocks.
- Vege ta ria n & Vegan Fri e ndlythe Olympia Food Co-op.
A bul k of Eve rgreen's poi nt s ca me
10% discount with valid student ID
afte r break ing the full -court press, and
through the month of December
they wo ul d be presented with fast break
92 1 N. Rogers St., 9 - 8 daily
laJl I - 2: :)() plll
opportun ities allowi ng the ass ists to pi le
Eastside :
I J:) ·l l b .\\ \'. () " Ili pia, ' IW,(l1
li p. On 28 fi eld goa ls made, 20 of those
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cooper point journal

december 9, 2004



Events This Week

Weekly Group Meetings

Thursday, De(ember 9


10:30 a.m.-noon. Jenni Minner will presentthe fi ndings of the Evergreen Student
Experience Survey. Seminar [I A2 107.
7 p.m. The second Everg reen Open Fi lm
Screening will be held in the recital hall
in the COM building.

3 p.m. S tudent Union Campaign
Group m{!et s in CAB 320.
4-6 p.m . The S&A Board meets i n
CAB 315 .
5 p.m. Evergree n Kung Fu meet s
in the Lon g hou se.
5 p.m. T h e Cooper Point Journal
mce ts in CA U 3 16. C ome pa rticipat e
in th e org ani z at ion a nd th e p la nnin g
of th e news pap e r.
7 p.m . Improvisational T heat er,
Se min a r II C fIO S.
7:30 a.m. Yoga Club, e RC 116 .

Friday, De(ember 10
I I ll.m. - 6 p.m . The Nati ve Arts Fa ir is in
the Longhou se.
5:30 p.II1.-8 p.lI1. An openin g recepti on
co mm emorates th.: o p e nin ~ of a new
ex hibit about Go vern or Steve ns' journey
o f negotiations with Northwest Inuians.
Visil Ihe State Capito l Mu scurn on 2 11 2 1"
Ave nue Southwest or call (3 60) 753 -2 580.
8 p.m. Backstage Benefit for Bread &
( Roses featurin g La Pu sh, with Ju stin
~ Leach, By the Way and Black Bett y. Capitol Theater. Ticket s are $6.
Saturday, De(ember 11
6:30 p.m. Donnie Darko is showing at the
Capitol Theater.
7 p.m. The JCC present s a Chanukah
party in F208.
8 p.m. Enduring Love is shown at the
Cap itol Theater.

Sunday, De(ember 12
4 p_m. Enduring Lave is shown at the
Cap itol Theater.
6:30 p.m . Donnie Darku is show n at th e
Cap itol Theater.

4 Il.m . Prison Act ion Com mittee
meet s in CAB 320 , Work s ta tion 10.
4 p. m. STA H. , Se minar II B2 109 .
4 p.m . Rllcq uetb a ll in th e C Re.
S p. m. Yoga C lub , CR C 11 7.
7 p.m. Associated Student s of
TE SC (ASTESC), Sem in ar II
A3105 .
7 p. m. S tudents for Christ, Sem ina r II A2100 .
S p.m. Gaming Guild, CAB 320.
S p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu meets
in th e Longho use.

7:30 a.m. Yoga Club, CRC 116.
I p.m. Evergreen Queer Alliance,
Se min a r II C2 107.
1:30 p.m. Environmental Re so urc e
Cc nter, Se m i na r II E3 10S.
1:30 p.m. Native St'udent Alliance
meet s in CA B 320 , Workstation 13.
2 p.m. Evergreen Capitalists
Organization, Library 1308 .
2 p.lII. VOX - Co mmunities for
C hoice , CA B 320 , Cub ic le 17.
Orfice hour s: Wedne sday , 1-2 p.m. ,
C AB 320. C ubi c le 17.
3 p.m. Jewish C ultura l Ce nter,
Sem in ar II 1:2 105.
3 p.lII. SEED, Seminar II EJ 109.
3 p.llI. Women of Colo r Coa lition ,
C A U 206 .
3 p .m. Writer's G u i ld , Se minar II
A 1107.
~-6 p.m. The S&A Board meet s in
CAB 3 15.

Monday, De(ember 13
4 p.m . Myth Unde rstandings presented
by Michael Graney and David. Lecture
Hall 2.
6:30 p.m. Enduring Love is shown al th e
Capitol Theater.
9 p.m. Dunnie Durk" is show n at Ihe
Capi tol Theater.

Tuesday, De(ember 14
6: 30 [I.m. Don/lie Dlirk o is shown at th e
Capi tol Thcater.
9: 30 p.m. [mil/rill,'>!. Lo j'(' is shown al thc
Cap itol Thealcr.

Wednesday, De(ember 15
9 p.m. Donllit! Dlirk o is shown al the
Capi lol Th eater.

Facility Hours
4 p.m . EP IC , Semi nar II A2IOS .
4 p.m . C PJ production night .
Come partici pate in putt i ng to ge th er
your student ne ws paper.
4:30p.m. Radical Catho li cs meet
in CAB 320 .
S p.m. Everg re en Irish Resurgence
Element me ets in CA B 32 0, Works tation 4 .
S p.m. Everg reen Kung Fu mee ts
in th e Lo nghou se.

4 p. m . Carniva l, Semin a r 1101107.
4 p.m. \Vomen's Resource Ce n ter,
CAB 3 15.
4 p.m. Hacquetb a ll in the CRe.
4 p. m. CPJ p aper c ritiqu e. Come
vo ice concern s about the week 's
S p.m . Yoga C lub , CRC 117.
5 p. m. GeoDance Club, CRC 316.
5 p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu meets
in the Longhouse.
6 p. m. EARN meets to di sc uss
a nim a l ri g ht s in CAB 320.
6 p.m. Men's Center meet s in CA B
320 in Work station 4.
7 p.m. Percuss ion Club, base ment
of the Library Buildin g. All are welcome a nd drums are provided!
7 p.m. Juggling Club, Seminar II

3 p.m. CPJ Friday Forum. Come
put your et hics to the te st, learn
abo ut journalism a nd discuss issues
in journalism and group dynami cs .
S p.m. Electronic Music Collective , Se min ar II ~C2107.
7 p.m . Giant Robot Appreciation
Society, Seminar II A 1105.
S p.m. Evergreen Kung Fu meets
in th e Long hou se .

3 p.m. Kickball o n the fie ld next to
ihe HCC.
5: 30 p.m. Yoga Club, Lecture Hall
6: 30 p.m. Com mon Bread, Lo nghouse Cedar Room.

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By Curtis Randolph


Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.-9 p.m. (pool opens
at 8 a.m .)
Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m .
Sunday: Noon-4 p.m.

Ha ha hal

Bomt7e awayf
By Dan Edleson

Academic Advising
Location : Library Building, Room 1401
Phone: (360) 867-6312
Email: Advising
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Monday-Friday : I p.m.-close
Career Developm ent Center
Location : Library Building, Room 1407
Phone : (360) 867-6193
Office Hours:
Monday-Fr iday: 8 a.I11. -5 p.m.
Drqp In Appointment Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday: 9 a.m.-II a.m.
Wednesday: 2 p.I11.-4 p.m.

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cooper point journal

december 9, 2004 .1