The Cooper Point Journal Volume 31, Issue 26 (May 8, 2003)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 31, Issue 26 (May 8, 2003)
8 May 2003
extracted text

.. '.


In dedication to Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Althouah April has ended,

sexuar assault still continues.

Please recognize those
who have survived.

volume 31 • issue 26



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ofstu(leQt work

8, 2003
photo by

What do you think about the paving of the
trail to the Evergreen Beach?
"Paving-shm avillg. "
Matthew Wolpe • Sopholllore • FoulidaliollS olPCljormillg Am

Hands search the memory steaming from the underlying pain my eyes burn into the
keys of this board. Words bob from liquid recollection, gasping for visibility as my
duck hunt prowess carelessly shoots- for the sake of shooting- shooting loud obnoxious
quacks of my childhood. 1 listen. For over ten years 1 have silenced my voice. Gray
matter has sinuously embodied my blood streams, empowering every part of me that
emits the aura Red.

I close my eyes and I listen.
1 cannot change the foct that he is also Red. My 9 year old fingers search a flip top
art box only to find three years of the same red crayons. Red. They melt when the
room fills with poisoned pleasures, flooding the entirety of my childhood adolescence.
I fiel numb. Soon the air cools and slowly freezes these memories. Fingers search
for admittance to this memory box. But the wax stays- glorifies its omnipresence,
subdues its territory style.
As the seasons change and subtle whispers rearrange penchant episodes,
eternal actions digress outzuard- to evay part of me that speaks. With the
changing of the times, the more I move the more 1 hurt. 1 ask myself why.
I cry j'evered tears, like the urgent kniz;es thrown at my linoleum footprints.
I drink compost waters, enlr{cing, defocing my primal cOllSciow. 1 eat the
pain as it folters. 1 breathe.
Unchastity. The purity of my body eludes reality. His Red berti's a
covenant with the formation ofmy being. He bore into my life with his
6 year precedence. 1fill into his life with my age unloosing.
Ten years later, love ties knots in this rope of flames,
callusing my fingertips with lessons of letting go. Slowly the
rope condenses, but the pain is still at length. My voice clicks
away on this keyboard. My box, with its lament colored
unicorns, screams soul. But the wax remains, slowly melting
with the febricity ofmy maturing voice. 1 speak now because
[ never spoke before.

"I Ihillk i l defea ts the plilpose
of be; ng ill the Uloods, bem use
Oil collcrete in the w uods. "
Brett Peary· Sm ior
l'iJorograph)'. Frmch, 0 /""aln,s"

J'f)l{ 're

'P{Cf/se get ,he /JCIi all t
a/the woods, ul/less yo II just
wall tlo walk in tbem . ..
Brian Spangler· jUllior,

ofPerjorming Arts

Greg :rhomas • j/l/li
What tire thildrcn for?

../ just dOllt undemand Ihe point olit. Iti
almtdy atJailabl!! to hiktrs, and yau call lak,

"Dy DbbY weisdepFP _ _ "___


_ _____________________

Cn;ng in to the May Day rally, [wasn't slIre wnat to expec t. \ admit th at it wa s my first time participatin g in
anyth ing related to May I ", but I pai d attention in th e past and ca me to the conclu sion that anYlhing could happen .
10 make wheeld)air aews iflhal's the issue. It
Apparently a few others thought that as well. One of the first things I noticed about the gathering crowd was that th ere
destroys the natllral brauty olthe area . ..
were a handful of individuals who had come masked , as if in preparation for somet hin g ugly to go down. Most of the
Morgan Goldherg • Junior
howeve r. seemed to be enjoy ing the gorgeous weather and opted for balloons over disgui ses .
Foundations ofPerforming Art,r ,
Eventually the crowd began its descent un O lympia with two sepa rate marc hing bands accompanyin g
Ihem. Zig-zagging through downtown, marchers we re either encourage d, or simply stared at by on lookers
local businesses. When the ral ly made its way to the Armory, I waited in anticipation to see what
<01 thillk it's a safe thillg
"J thillk ils good 50
might break out. Instead of co nfronring t he police o r chant ing against war, marchers bega n to pL,y
dUll they are pavillg it, paving
1 won't n'ip andfoIl"
and ot her games. Food was provided, people took seats on the grass, and the May Day protest
w ill make it less squishy"
Alex Kleue
more like a picnic than anything cl sc.
Irene Ent/ia • S",iol"
t'rljoying Ihe life
If there is o ne thing I took away from M ay I , it is this: when a random group of people in O lymp ia
came IOgether to march for peace , march For workers' ri ght s, or just march for fun , everyo ne was respectful
and simply pur , nice. I had fun and I thank the marchers for that.

Ifrutkr on it. 1 think there {lr(: other ways

Last Word celeb~a~es

"Please don't pave the !rail
. to the Puget Sound. "
Joel Hoffman· 50phomoIY

one year

FOHlJdatiom ofPtrformi"g Arts



Greener-owned bookstore aims to become a hub for local activists

bY Nate Hogen
"It shouldn't

be paved. but

"Why are they
paving the goddamn forest?! "

if i ts for wheelchair access thm

that's a good reason to do it,
but other than that 1 think it
should be left natural ..
Gianna Dice
junior· R"pect

Jenna Howard
Junior· Body. Mind. Soul

-Pennie Bumrungsiri
"f fetl thaI, though '''eTyone should hllve the ability
experience the woods, the new paving detracts quiu II
bit from the aesthetic ofthe woods. I also find it sad that
with the increasing traffic incurrtd by the paving, thue is
a good deal mort dmruction going on out thert. Only days
afte, the path was wid.",d and paved the el!!phant tree
was tom down by vt1l11ials. Sad. So Sad"
John Mealy· Junior, Body. Mind, Soul


May Day



Would it be possi ble to organize all the cooperatives, collectives, non-profits and
alternative heads in the Olympia community into one cohesive unit located at the old
Olympia World News (@ 116 4'" Avenue) building? Maybe, probably, we all would
like to think so, and Sky Cosby definitely sees it as a reality. When and how is a
com pletely different story.
I sat down with Sky, Bryce Kelly, and David Accurso at Last Word Books this past
weekend to discuss such an endeavor and we basically came to the conclusion that there's
no reason why Olympia World News can't be the local hub for activism, community
meetings, and community events. Already in line to share the space are Last Word Books,
The Olympia International Peace Center, The Dandelion Collective, Crimethinc, Books
to Prisoners, The Olympia Zine Library, Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace, Open
Stage for Peace, a new political newspaper (The Sitting Duck), and possibly a satellite
extension of Media Island. Granted this is a long list of organizations with many people
involved in each, but as of right now all of them are struggling just to stay above water
and the biggest issue, as usual, is money.

see Story page 7


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How do you . feel
about EvergreenS .
Police Services?
C ommunity policing necessitates a partnership
betwee n offi cers and community. Your voice is
important. A box is currently being mounted in th e
H CC and several more are to co me for your suggesti o n s, complaints, and compliments. Submissions
need to h ave your name , rhe dare, and conract
info rmati o n , in acco rdance with the Evergreen social
co ntrac t. Boxes will be checked by members o f SPAR
and th en brou ght befo re police services . I f yo u wish
to re main anon ym o us o r wo uld like to join SPAR,
please co ntac t:
C rys tal Lewis 866-7001 em ail:
Raffael Boccom azzo 867- 1437 e mail :
phreno logyfie nd@hotmail. com

The Urban Am Fest is hopping at The Evergreen
State College from May 7 to May 10. C ome on down
and check out the kill er events!
Thursday May 8
Mural Fest all d ay on Red Square . Music and a
step show by Emoj a starting at 12:00. The Hip-Hop
classic "Style Wars" will be playing in Lec ture H all
1 at 8:00.
Friday May 9
St a rtin g at 6:00 in t he Li b ra ry lobby. Poe tr y
Slam , Poppin' co mpetiti o n , brea kdan cin g co mpetiti on
featuring the Mass ive M o nkeys, th e D ance Broo mz, th e
Soul Felon s, and a DJ Showcase feat. DJ Platurn.
Saturday May 10
Starting a t 8:30 in th e C Re. The Lifesavas, DJ
H .O .P' , The Writers of Light, and a M C bat tl e hos ted
by DJ from Full House. TESC Students $3 Ge neral

$5 .

Be Part of Team KAOS
Are yo u enthu sias ti c about alt ernati ve news o r independe nt mu sic? Interes ted in ge ttin g
pa id to wo rk in th e influential field of radi o broadcasting? KAOS 89. 3 FM curre ntl y h as
fi ve paid internships open to Evergreen students. Lea rn radio from the in sid e, while se rvin g
as News Director, Program Director, Mu sic Dire cror, or Production Man age r. If you a re
inte res te d in any of th ese positions, consider stopping by KAOS for more information. W e
mentioned rhat you get paid, right? Drop by the KAOS offices on the 3,d floor of the C AB,
o r call extension 6220.

A World ·Without War is Possible
To find out m o re, co nsider attending the public, o ne day forum with co mmunity leaders and groups to
refl ec t, strategize, and identify actions, projects, and other local alternatives to the context of war and the
effects of current economic poli cies on our communities. Themes include The War is over, Long live the
Wa r! What is nexr; Human C onsequences of War; Many for the Poor not War; Trade Wars ; Media W ars,
and o the rs. To jo in in this forum , com e to The Evergreen State College Libra ry Building 4300 on May 10,
2003 . Th e forum will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fo r more info rmati o n contact: Lucilene Whitesell a t 867-605 5, or at Whitesel@eve rgrecn .edu.

Conference on Young Workers
The labor ce nter at T h e Evergree n State Co ll ege is spo nsorin g th e co nfe re nce "Young Workers:
O rga nizing Our Future." The co nferen ce is intended for union members under the age of 30 and will
provide younger workers th e o pportunity to discuss with each other their ex perie nces as wo rkers and uni o n
memb ers. There will be break-out workshops on various topi cs, including Knowing Your Rights; Finding a
C ommon Vision; D eveloping C reative Organizing Strategies; Effecrive Co mmunication Between Youn ge r
and Older Members; Uni o n Basics and labor History; and G etting Peo ple Fired Up to Support the U nion .
The conferen ce is scheduled for Saturday, M ay 17, at Evergreen's Tacoma Ca mpus at 1212 Si xth Avenu e.
Fo r more information , pl ease call (360)-867-6055 or email whitesel@evergree .

Eric Schlosser, the author of "Reefer Madness" and
"Fast Food Narion" will be in Olympia promoting his
books. H e will be here in Olympia on Sunday May 11
from 3-5 p.m. at the Capital Theater.
In " Reefer Madness" , Schlosser, author o f "Fast
Food N atio n, " offers an unprecedented view o f th e
n exu s o f in ge nuit y, greed , hi g h-mind e dn ess, and
hypoc ri sy th at is American culrure. H e revea ls th e
vas t and fasc in ating workings of th e shadow econom y
by focusing o n marijuan a, po rnograph y, and illegal
mi grant workers. For more informati o n on this eve nr,
please contact:

Cori Christiansen
Orca Books
509 E. 4th Ave.
Olympia, WA 98501
(360) 352-0123



Your Voice Here.
by You .

Scientists from the Long Term Ecological Resea rch
N etwo rk will mee t he re nex t Thursday and Frid ay
with t he Can o py Dat ab ase Pro ject to disc uss ways
resea rchers need to enter data, and brainsto rm possible
additional templa tes. The C an opy D atabas e Projec t
(for demo, Imp:llcanopy.evergreen/ Cano pyViewl) will
allow canopy resea rch ers to enrer rh eir data on-line wi th
remplarcs. The goal is to share data amo ng resea rchers
with the use of darabases.




ISS (r~s·;: th :

Against Bush

We provide the ride.
You provide the fun!
Intercity Transit is your ticket off
campus! Ride free with your
Evergreen student ID on all local
routes to plenty of fun destinations.
Grab a pizza or take in some music,
go biking, shopping, skateboarding,
whatever! Give us a call or go online
for more information.



Dl/~i/Y T ran sit





The Voices:·\·;d t;, , '
";" columh
exists t()"en~hi~'~#~,~t :...,·,i.~ · a' pia~ie
In which ' sfuoents::':o{ ;colbr can
feel 'co nft ~te~h;t ,td~s=~'4 ,~'s,jrig ·is$ues
of race w1l,ich;nlighs githeJ.-\vise ..- he
dismissed ' or~isrepr.esented.


staff ·

_~~D!.!.!llIUo";" free '~t vario~ssites onThe 'Evel'g~een state College
campus. Free.distribution islimited t9o'ne copyier~diiion per p~rson.
~ersonsi~ need of,fibre .th<IJI i>ne
shouldconract the PI'J bUSIness
ma\lager in.GAB3'16or at. , , '
to at1"!f1ge. forJnultipl~ •
copies. The' btisin~'Jtian:iger 'rnay .
. eachc~py after

V"lJ a ,'I:t}(l'
" t:IHOJ1I.lflO

r.......'I!'\I;, ou t l.C"

u!. l>(lSr"'. 61'IN>{:f:S

120 i.l flln A"., NE
Dlymp;!! WA 98501-8212
1350, ;'!'-4 ·6SCXl
DAYE ~ K! MB ERI.Y P I 1'111

. a

201bi:;>Ev¢~,Yo'~~t'j~ .
tributetd:,:~niy:',s ~:th

Ba nd s against Bu sh is a co mmunity o f likeminded artists, ro ckers, ac ti vists, hippi <:~, radi cal
mom s, m eralh eads, skaters, dj s, poets, an a rchists,
writers, free rhinkers, and the rebel und erg ro und
who are looking to co mm emo rate th e 20'1. anni ve rsa ry of ' Ro ck Again st Reagan .' Poss ibl e e ve nt s
include live music, street corner poetry. renegad e
sidewalk art, and o rher acts o f radi cal non -v iolenr
creati ve protesr against th e Bush adminisrra ti o n.
Thi s ev e n is in th e earl y pl a nning s ta ges , so
contributors are welcome. N ex r meeting is May 12
at the red house on the corner o f Jefferson and 8'1>,
Meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. For more informati o n ,
go to www.bandsagainstbu m .

study' jobs
SChool year

0 or


Canopy Database
Project "Networks"



Olces 0

visits Olympia

to start
thetn no'W

fA)( {~601
E · M:a ll


lOll" ()ff I\.l'.\'
Current Qtr.T('xh
We Buy Books Everyday! ,


the first. •




'E-Waste' Threatens Health Globally and Locally

Doulas Support Pregnant Women
Plant a Suggestion Here!
at Local Prison
The Organic Farm


Have you ever wanted to just throwaway an
old computer but wondered what might happen
to it? The National Safety Council states rhat
by 2004 there will be mo re than 315 million
obso le te compurers in the u.S. Although your
co mpute r may seem disposable, it is full of toxic
heavy mera ls like lead, mercury, and cadm ium,
wh ich the EPA consi ders hazardo us waste! To xic
heavy metals can end up in drinking water or
rivers where rish wi ll take up mercury that can
t hen be passed on to the consume r.
A February 2002 reporr by the Basel Act ion
Network (BAN) and the Si li con Valley Toxics
Coaliti on called, "Exporting Harm: The Hi-Tech
Trash in g of Asia," detai ls th e perils of vi llages
likc G ui ya, in so uth- eastern C hina , whe re as
mu ch as 80% o f US computers a nd electronics
are sent fo r "['ccycl ing" th e precious metals, go ld
and silver. in side monitors and circuit boards,
\\(Iith litri e o r no protec tion, wo rkers b reak apart
com puter 1Il0nitors, w hich contain anywhere
from 4 to 8 pou nds o f lead.
Fo r ~ 1.50 a day cO lll es a lifet ime of exposure
risks that can cause breathing d iffi cu lti es, birth
defec ts, lea rnin g disabilities, brain and nervous
,ys telll damage, kidney failure, high blood
pre,sure, even death. T he roxic legacy moves
beyond the workers' homes, as carcinogenic
smo ke from the burning of scrap plastics and
Migrant child from Hunan province sits on a pile of unrecyclable computer waste. Photo courtesy ofBANorg.
metals fills the air a nd leeches from burn piles seduced by slick marketing to buy the ne,w
inro waterways. The village of Guiyais not gadget without concern for disposing of the
alone. BAN inves tigators have revealed that old gadget . What else besides safe recycling can
'e-was tes' are also being dumped in Pakistan be done to stop this contamination and still
an d India.
buy the gadgets and computers that keep us
"Everybody knows this is going on, but they digitally connected? Producer responsibility
are just embarrassed and don't really know what and cradle-to-cradle design is one approach.
to do about it," states Ted Smith, head of rhe
This idea stems from research and innovative
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, "They would work detailed in the book Cradle To Cradle:
just prefer to ignore it."
Remaking The Way We Make Things , 2002.
The U.S. is now the world's largest violator of One of the cradle-to-cradle design concepts is
(he 1989 Basel Ban treary, which prohibits the called product of service.
international transfer of hazardous waste, but like
American industry could use cradle-to-cradle
other important international environmental manufacturing and market computers that
treaties, the u.S. has not ratified it. Ignoring the users will then 'lease' with the intent of rerurnproblem or hiding it within prison walls is not . ing after its useful lifespan, thereby making
getting rid of the pollution, and ignorance is computers products of service. Companies can
not an excuse for breaking a law.
then responsibly recycle the plastics, metals
In a move by industry to keep the "e-wastes" and electronic components and create a new
in the U.S. , Karl Schoenberger writes in The generation of computers out of what was once
Mercury News thar Dell Computer Company is considered waste.
using federal prison labor in Atwater, California.
Let your Washington State Represenrative
Paid the standard rate for voluntary labor, know you support House Bill 1942, which
inmates are tearing apart computers for $1
calls for a "takeback" program-setting up
an hour. Although the work is being done a convenient place to colleCt electronics for
under EPA guidelines, prison workers have no recycling or re-use financed by the manufacturer.
protection of Occupational Safery and Health The bill will also prohibit 'e-wastes' from being
Administration (OSHA) regulations afforded disposed in landfills and incinerators.
to U ,S. workers . Larry Novicky, manager of
Also consider contacting Total Reclaim:
the recycling business group for Federal Prison the company supports the Basel Ban and will
Industries Inc., a government-run corporation, probably charge abOUt $10 for safe disposal or
said, "We've got a lot of labor, and they have recycling of your old computer monitor and
plenry of time on their hands ... we do the other computer equipment. In the near future
separation process under safe and clean condi- , your new computer will probably come with an
rions. It's not like this with the Chinese laborers additional recycling cost of about $25 to $50.
you see in the pictures." Six 'e-waste' recycling This is a small price to pay for the safeguarding
centers have opened since 1994, employing over of our environment, occupational health safety,
22,500 inmates. "We think we're part of the additional jobs in the technology sector and
solution because we do things in a cost-efficient protection of open spaces from mountains of
way," Novicky goes on to say.
technological hazardous wastes.
You can contact Total Reclaim in Seattle at
The technology production treadmill, by
design, runs faster every day; consumers are (206) 343-7443.

by Bronwy". Bacon

Having a baby is an intense emotional and physical experience. A woman
and her partner, if she has one, have many decisions to make concerning what
approach to use and where they wish to have the baby-the birth plan. No matter
what the circumstances it can be extremely helpful to have extra support when
making these difficult decisions and carrying them out. Many women find this
support in a birth doula. A birth doula is a person who offers emotional, physical
and informational support to a woman and her family throughout her pregnancy
a nd labor. The doula meets with the woman prior to the birth to offer resources and
to gain an understanding of her birth plan . The doula then sits with the woman
throughout the labor offering her s upport and assistance. This can be anything
from getting her ice to help soothe an aching back to holding her hand through a
Cesarean birth . She works hard to help see that the wishes of the woman and h er
partner a re met and that unnecessary stress is lifted from them .
I am an Evergreen student and a doula. I have recently joined an organization
in the communiry called the Birth Attendants. This group is a not- far -profit
organiza tion that offers doula support to pregnant women at the Washington State
Women's Co rrectional Facility in Purdy, WA. Local women, seve ral of whom we re
Evergreen Stud ents, founded thi s group just under a year ago. All of the m embe rs
a re volunteer d o uras who are trained to provide labor support. We believe t hat a
positive birth expe rie nce sets the stage for a woman to have a healthy, res pon sibl e
relationship with h e r child . Having a doula at he r bit:th can m ake this happen
though offering support and by modeling nurturing beh avior during this crucial
life transition. We also believe that this support should not be d eni ed to any
woman, no matter her current life situation . We offer support specifically by
facilitating a weekly group discussion with the pregnant women in the prison,
the topics for which are chosen by the women. We provid e access to information
and materials that may not be otherwise available. Ultimately, when they go into
labor they have the option to have one of us attend their birth as their doula. In
most cases these womel) would not be given the choice for anyone to attend their
births. We believe that no woman should have to labor without support if she
wants it. Therefore, we do our best to offer her this support.
If you wish to find out more inform ation or to find a doula for yourself
contact us or one Qf the following organizations:
The Birtli Artenc!ants:
Pacific Association for Labor Support (PALS): (206) 325-1419 •
Seattle Midwifery School: (800) 747-9433

Officer Pam. CarlaQd for embodying what we feel an Evergreen community police officer
should be,. by awarding her with a Cerrificate for Outstanding Community Policing.
Throughout this school year the definition and standards of an Evergreen offilZer have
been challenged, resul'ting in the formation of SPAR and now in our recognition of Pam
Garland. She is a friemily face with a genuine concern for our community. "Pam was
a natural for the posirion of Community Policing Officer here at Evergreen. Gregarious
by nature, with a healthy work erhic, Pam applies herself to the mission of collaborarion
and partnership betWeen the police and the members of the Evergreen community," said
Police Chief Steve Huntsberry. Pam has worked hard a t improving the communiry's
interaction" a~d com munication wirh our police services, and has greered SPAR's work
wirh interesr'and enrhusiasm .
At a re.ent -meeting we had with the police force, Offic er Garland nor only met
SPAR's pre~nce with enthusiasm, but offered a number of creative suggestions to
help the Evergreen Police Force increase its positive interactions with srudenrs. W e

Needs Your Input ...
We are making an effort to examine the social sustainability of the Evergreen Organic
Farm, and we need your help! The results from the following questionnaire will be used
to gain a preliminary understanding of how the farm fits into the lives of those in our
community. Even if you know nothing about the Organic Farm, your voice matters, and
your input counts! Thank you for your co ntribution.
Evergreen Organic Farm Questionnaire
Please reply to the following questions in email

J) Are you a stu d ent, fa culry member, staff m ember, or community member?
How old are you?
What is your gender)
How many years have you been at Evergran)
What is yo ur focus of study?
6) How often do you visit or in teract with the farm?
a . Neve r
b. Once or twice a yea r
c. Bimonthly
d. Monrhly
e. Weekly
7) What attracted you to the farm?
a. Class
b. Communiry Gardens
c. Compost proj ect
d. General Inrerest
e. Special Events
f Other (explain)
8) Do you feel that the Organic Farm ' is easily accessible to the greater Evergreen
community? YES * NO (If no, pleas e explain)
9) Would you like to see the Organic Farm more int~grated into the Evergreen
curriculum? YES • NO * MAYBE
J 0) What changes would you like to see in the direction of the farm?

and communiry member.
SPAR would like to encourage Evergreen students to approach Officer Garland in
a n efforr to ger to know a member of our police force. Officer Garland has led a very
remarka ble life. [n the late sixties, Officer Garland explored a spiritual calling by
entering a Franciscan convenr in Iowa. As Chief Huntsberry explains, "The Pope's loss,
our gain when Pam joined th e Seattle Police Department in 1994 and subsequently
transferred to the Muckleshoot Tribal Police." Officer Garland was then partnered
in a K9 unir with a dog, named Lucy. In J 999 she b eca me a welcomed addition to
our Eve rgree n Police Force.
SPAR will continue to honor police officers in the future who demonstrate commitment
to the Evergreen community by working towards and encouraging continued, positive
interacrion with Evergreen srudents, staff, and faculty.
We feel that Officer Garland h as more rhan met thi s criteri'l, and we thank her
once agall1.

esl. You .
he CPJ wants to hear frolJl you .
o you have an opinion? .
phqt6 of your roommate after they passed out and you painted
eir eyeJios with fingernail polish?
an that was funny. They had to go to the dermatologist and
very thing.
nyway, the CPJ ~ants to hear from you!
lease send us your stories, pictures, opinions, whatever, and we
ill print it - you'd be surprised.

are in!

4th and Adams

He,uric EIIIlIily Chiroprilctic c... ..d_9JiropClCtidol "thletn.
• FuD·spiDe ad Extumily Adjusting· Soft Tusue ~
• Nulriliooal ec-ultOltion
• On· site X-~ FaciJib.,s
SeM:es in ~aoisb 867.6213


Timny $wtts

... ~.~,... iastSou.chofec.o It:.

. .








Where is the Evergreen Foundation's
Money Invested?

Thinking ·a·ttead for a iob next year?
2003-04 positions for the CPJ Business Department available Monday,

bY Ai CraWford and .Jacob RosenblUm
A group of six students went to' the
Evergreen Foundation meeting last Wednesday
to ask a simple question: what 'is the
Foundation. investing in) The answer: "We
do not know where Evergreen Foundation
money is invested."
People donate a lot of money to Evergreen
so that Evergreen can give scho larships
to students who n eed them . Folks donate
the money to the Evergreen Foundation, a
separate non-profit entity set up to manage
money, so donors can write off donations on
their taxes which they wouldn't be able to do
if they just gave the money directly to the
schoo l. The Foundation takes this money and
in vests it to make more money. This is the
interesting parr.
Because the Foundation is a private non-


These positions are:
(ABM and Ad Rep. positions will be permanent from the beginning of the academic year.)

· Assistant Business Manager - (10 paid hours per
week/$7.01 per hour) The ABM is responsible for the financial
paperwork on Business side. S/he will work and train with the
Business Manager and take over at the end of the Business Manager's-term of office.
revenue.) The Ad Representative is responsible for selling ads to

• Ad Designer - (6 paid hours per week/$7.01

per hour) The Ad
Designer is responsible for crea·t ing classified' and display advertisements.

· Distribution Manager - (5 paid hours per week/$7.01

hour) The Distribution Manager is responsible for delivering the
paper around campus every Thursday.

· Ad Proofer/Archivist - (3 paid hours per week/$7.01

hour) The Ad Proofer/Archivist is responsible for checking ads for
mistakes and filing ads.

· Circulation Manager/Newspaper Archivist - (2 paid
hours/$7.01 per hour) Ttle Circulation Manager/Newspaper Archivist is responsible for weekly mailings of the CPJ and maintaining
current subscription files.


Business Department
Experience is not necessary, willingness to learn is a
must! Come up-to-the CPJoffice, 10catedJn CAB 316 to
pick up an application(s) for any of the above positions.
Contact the CPJ Business Department @ 867~60S4

the money definitely did not belong to the
students. Members of the Board also did not
particularly think that the students should
decide what happens to the money that is
given for their benefit.
The students' reason for showing up to
the meeting was to be given all the necessary
information to make decisions concerning
investment. It is quite likely that Evergreen
has money invested in Boeing, LockheedMartin, and Caterpillar, which ei ther have
contracts with the Department of Defense,
or arc involved with the illegal occupation of
Palestine. The system of investing includes a
high turnover of investments, such that the
students were told that the Foundation simp ly
doesn't know where the money is currently
invested. The students voiced sttong concerns
with the board not knowing where the money

is invested, and the implications of the Board
not being accountable to the Evergreen community. The ethica l guidelines currently used
by the Foundation's investment committee
include not directly investing in tobacco
companies and participating in shareholder
actions for companies dealing in Myanmar
(formerly Burma) due to human rights violations.
In the end, it was decided that the students
would be given names of all the investment
man agers currently handling Evergreen's
investment portfolio. They have a meeting
set up with the Vice President of Finance and
Administration to this end . If you're interested
in learning more or getting involved, contact
SESAME at 867-6033 or Ann Daley at

(iQ\tJ Sued BJI Tribe For illegaL land llse

· Ad Representative - (Pay is dependent on the weekly ad
(These four positions will start as interim at the beginning of the academic year with
the possibility of permanent staff status.)

profit, they don't have to tell anyone where
they' have money invested. Last Wednesday,
the students went to the Evergreen Foundation
meeting to ask the Foundation to disclose
Evergreen's investment portfolio. Currently,
Evergreen shares an investment portfolio
with the University of Washington, which
is well known for irs socially irresponsible
investme nt policies.
"It's basically rhe srudents' money," co ntended Eli Crawford , when the students were
given time for comment. "We should have a
say as to where ir goes."
Nothing more controversial co uld have
been said. The Board of Governors quickly
made it clear that rhey did not consider The
Evergreen Foundation's money "basically the
students' money." Members of the board
reacted stron gly to this inference, saying that



Elders of the Skokomish Indian Tribe have
heen fighting for restitution of injustices done
unto them by Tacoma Public Utilities since
the construction of the Cushman dam in the
19205. In Nove mber of 1998, the United
Srates District of Washington found the Ciry
of T.~coma to be gui lty of illegally trespassing
olld occupying trib"llands. The court did not,
huweve r. determine how to calculate damages
that were. result of the Cushman Hydroelectric
Project (C HP). The repercussions of the
C H P have created three different issues and
tw o laws uits. There is the damages case
against Tacoma and the United Stares, the
lrespass cas" against the ciry of Tacoma, and
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissio n
(FERC) licensing proceedings.
In a puhlic presentation held on Februaty
9, 2003. Keith Dublanica, director of natural
resources for the Skokomish Indian Tribe,
expla in ed that the penstocks traverse the
tribe's reservation. Ninery-five percent of the
North Fork of the Skokomish Rivers has been
diverted to Hood CanaL The CHP has caused
vast environmental impacts, one being the
degradation of salmon runs. Tacoma denies the
runs ever existed before the dams were in place.
The diversion has aggregated the Skokomish
riverbed by causing increased flood-stage events
on the reservation, which in turn has caused
the ground water tables on the reservation to
rise. Rising water tables impact the integriry
of septic systems resulting in drinking well
contamination .
The CHP has operated on annual interim
license since 1974, while the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission proceeded to fashion a
Ilew license. The process has been in litigation
for over 24 years due to disagreements between
Tacoma, the Skokomish Tribe, federal and state
resource agencies, and the FERC.
On July 31, 1998, the FERC issued a
license for the Cushman hydroelectric project
but the disagreements are far from resolved.
The license took into consideration assessments
of the environmental impact statement. The
most serious issue is the effect of such limited
now in the North Fork. Since 1987, the
Department of Ecology has required minimum
flows of30 cubic feet per second (cfs) down the
north fork of the estuary, a mere 1/8 percent of
natural intended flow. The Skokomish Indian
tribe, for whom the river has economic and
cultural importance, along with the Department
of Interior, Washington State Departments
of Ecology and Fish and Wildlife, and many
others all call for the release of greater instream
-flows-. Tacoma resisted accepting the July 1998
license and obtained a stay of the license except
for provis·ions requiring a plan for instream
flow and release of a minimum of 260 cfs.
only 28 percent of the estuary;, original flow.
Tacoma also challenges the FERC's authoriry

to iss ue a license that does not guara ntee a
profit. Tacoma Power and Light is fearful
that the license requirements will cause the
utiliry to lose money as compared to cu rrent
operations. According to Steve Klein, utiliry
superintendent for Tacoma Power and Light,
"This is truly frustrating. Congress is pushing
electric utilities illto a new, competitive market.
Meanwhile, actions like this wi ll make our
power too expensive to selL " (Source: RoS!
Alldmon, Seattle Times. 01/30/98)
Steve Klein . was unavailable for commellt
on the status of position held by Tacoma Power
and light. Meanwhile the Skokomish Indian
Tribe has filed daim for damages of $5.7
billion. These questions are to be decided by
the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Skokomish general council met with attorneys on March I, 2003, to di scuss the :;tatus
of the pending proceedings between the tribe
and the Ciry of Tacoma . The atto rneys had
reiterated the statements from the three-panel
judge hearing their case, stati ng, "the judges
are quite aware of the fact that the Cushman
project had never bee I) licensed and that this
should have a hearing on the government's
In settlement discussions concern ing the
trespass case, the courr had suggested that the
parties make one more attempt at settlement.
The attorneys for the tribe advised the Justice
Deparrment that settlement was possible on ly
if Tacoma recognized the "true" value of the
lands and agreed to pay annua l charges for
their use in the future. The true value ofrhe
land would recognize the use of the land for
power generation . Tacoma however, is only
willing to recognize the value of the land using
"fair market value" for grazing or other low
economic values.
Tacoma was unwilling to comment on
why they thought that after a ruling of illegal
trespasses and occupancy of tribal lands and
generating millions of inequitable revenue, that
the tribe's land would not be as remunerative.
All parties had appealed to the D.C. Circuit
Court of Appeals when FERC issued a license
in 1998. Since then , seve ral species were
listed as endangered under the Endange red
Species Act (ESA). The D .C. C ircuit staved
off the licensing proceedings, forging FERC
to take action under the ESA and other laws.
FERC's ..-e-issuance of the license is awaiting
the outcomes of two biological opinions of
the National Marine Fisheries Service on
endangered Puget Sound chinook and Hood
Canal summeHun churn, and Fish and Wildlife
Service-on endangered~bull Erout. - People of the Skokomish Indian Nation
have relied on the lucrative he alth of the
Skokomish River and its estuary's for many
generations. For them the rivet not only has
great economic and cultural importance, but
also is the essence of their identiry. We live

in an age where corporate entities have more
rights and protection than th e individual,
leading and influencing democracy. In the
case of the Skokomis h Tribe versus Tacoma,
democracy is like a blind sheep dog failing to

see colonialism in sheep's clothing. The irony
of this social injustice and depraviry is that the
tribe doesn't have access to the benefits which
their land provides.

- --- - - - - - --- -- - - - --


"With all those people, there's going to
ave to be a full - time janitor," says Bryce
ith a grin .
"There's never not going to be somebody
here if we have that many things going on,"
eplies Sky. These were minimal co ncerns, but
f they were to remain open 24/7 as discussed
here are legitim ate concerns all the same.
Already more than $15 ,000 will be needed
o lease the space and the monthly rent will
mount to $2.400. increased to $3000 within
wo years. Co nsidering Last Word Books
s the only profiting business of the groups
nterested, this poses a substantial risk to the
uccess of this dream collaborat ion .
All of these ideas were envisioned a year
go when Last Word opened in Olympia
orld News exactly one year ago today (May
), but had to move due to the fact th at
Iympia World News and the Logos Lounge
ent bankrupt. This comes as a shock to no
ne. Ever since it happened in September
002, local businesses have been fighting
o take it back individually, not as a whole
nit, which seems to be the only viable way
o successfully run the space without some
ousy corporate takeover occurring in the ncar
uture. The clock is always ticking.
Last Word moved to 119 5'1. Avenue
E near the Capitol Theater and has been
rammed in that little ni che for over six
onths now and is running out of room . They
et more and more books every day. On top
f that, they have local artists' work hanging
II over the place and several tiny sections
here they sell other handmade trinkets and
ocal writers' publications. They've managed
o pull it off well thu s far, but a bigger
pace on 4'1. would mean better business,
ore customers, and the fulfillment of their
riginal vision. The crazies even want to
dd a free box/store to which they've already
greed would need serious maintenance. but
hatever's best for the community is what
t's all about.
Sky says that in the event any of this
ctually happens, he is "goi ng to be very
damant aoout-the fact that everyone involved
n this thing needs to know how to do
veryrhing for every business involved, just in
e somebody's gone. We don't want to have
ne person that knows how to do six things
hat nobody else does."

David adds, "The two key things to me ar
the performance space and the communit
meeting space. The most valuable thing th
bookstore has give n me is the connections t
other people and ... "
"Networking!" Sky interjects. "I've becom
convinced that it's the job of every good artist
poet. or independent business to be a bulleti
board of sortS and it really does come down t
networking. 'It's not what you know it's wh
you know.' How old is that saying? Olde
than us. " He laughs.
Dave continues, "We're constantly born
barded by media and propaganda by th
government or corporations. It is so over
whelming, and sometimes having a space t
talk about that [ think is the most importan
thing, because it is very easy to just soak i
in, but once you talk about that with jus
one or two other people it makes a world 0
difference and it's very empowering for th
commun iry to have an outler. That's wha
I really like, this is a place where dialogu
happens. People come in and talk to us abo u
their ideas all the time."
"People call here in the middle of the after
noon to find out what's goi ng on elsewher
in the community," Sky adds, 'This is exactl
why this networking hub cushion is neede
right in the center of the downtown area . Firs
the local commun ity gets all connected an
then it can co ntinue to branch out to Seatde
Portland, and eventually the rest of the world
"Well , there's one degree of separation fro
us and Noam C homsky," says Sky. "We jus
got an e-mail from Noam Chomsky wish in
us well with the newspaper."
To be continued next week . . .
If yo u would like to get invo lved 11
fund raising or organizing for any of th
projects mentioned in the art icle or if you hav
any questions then contact one of the follow
ing people or organizations: David Accurs
and Sky Cosby Lastwordbooks@yahoo .co
Bryce Kelly (In pro
cess of starti ng a non-profit international peac
center) (Group 0
local activists trying-to form an all ages commu
niry center) (list serv
for all those involved in open stage for peace
Nate Hogen
(host of open stage for peace)

-- -

seeStorypage- 12

sex conference:

the olympia


4 days of sex education, anti-oppression work and community-building!
films, shows, art and s

th~ ol¥/j1Ri~" sfi~:, ¢,pi1ferej,~.e .

$ta.telJlen,t:,:;,.' ••' , ". .
... '.- ,', -,'.. ".,:,t-:>· "".


f" <.



.r'" •.; .... "':,



The Olym pia:Sej(<:'pl} fe~c:nc~),~
Usi vecom m unitybasedskill share ~ven~for, b)l and., ~1:io!,it,plympi,a coml'!lunity
members and. Evergreen, State CoIlegc:, stude,fits ,that will
cre~te a spac~/or dialogue :inq .edl\c:itli5~abou( sexuality, sex
positivity, oppres~ion .and wi~ilege, we' 'rant to examin~' and
conft6nt .ihe sex-negarive C;l1lrure mat u~ll,s us o'ur bodies are
not sexy el).ough j,ust the way they are ard' that We should be
silent abo~t about sexand·abuse: '
. We also want to recognize theintersections of racism/V{hite
privilege: heterosexism,hom()ph~bi~: 's~xism;' rape ' culture,
patriarchy,' able-ism; agism, moriog,,;ri1hirujr socialization,
transphobia" the criihinalii~ti?!1 aha~stiglll,atiz;ition of sex
work, 'and fatph9bJ~ i~:o';rs~x~alitie~~ri.d liveS,: . ;' .. ' , '
InClusive of 'all' sexualorientatiori's' lind identi'ties; the
conference '~ill be trans, 'iil'tersex <I!l~Cgeriaerqueer in~lusive
and 'a saf~ piacc for suryiY~rs of ab~r.e.~*rwill ,work to br4k
do~;n the Opp~!!ssio.ns ~J1~t, limit th.e ,e1:~,~ici~t!()n of. all .typ~s:9f
bodies; 'gender expressIOns an& sexualmes.' wlth'!lsex"posmye
and body-po~itive attitude w~'will plan; orga!1!ze ~na produce
workshofls, disc~ssio~s a~~, ca~c~ses o~;:"1~i,etY'?f ~e~u~ity,
gen der and body issuen,~dudll1g ' fatp' (ta~.~ / ge?d~rqueer,.
disability, sex worker, ' suNivor, intersex,'pdlyamory; a n~
racism/white' privilege, '( '..
/:, '!' . '>:>:'
We will .name our sex workshops bas'ed qr'l 1ctivity rather
than identity because we kno~ our gen,d ets, §9cializatiortsand
bodies do n~t limit our possibilities asseiualbei~gs. There
wi ll be some identity-based caucllses for opp~~s;.ed people in
our commun'ity including people of color~ gen~erqu~erltrans,
and survivors.
We w ill do our best to schedule the fewe~ t p';ss ible
overlapping workshops to resist making people ~hoose between
their oppressions and interests. We will 'ellcotirage workshop
LlCiliwors ro break participants'into group.s ro communicate,
network and share ideas and visions. ' .
Bccau;e we believe we arc the only cxpsrrs on our bodies
and ~ur sexualities"; wewiU'cort2entrate on n ej:working within
our comm unity ro ~n.d tb~resourc~s: w'~ need instead of
spending lots of m9ney tq . bring . jl:irional"cj{perrs,~' ,'wi~h



funding ' a~d do~atiol;s #9.m ' ba~~'~a:(d;Ev~rg~ee~Stafe .

College a,~dI9~1 !>,~f~~~'~;:W1I!Pfo~4~c~;!!n.a;Y
ftee ~!ln9. '~cce~slble con,fer.~!:lcf 'Y\th.J()Q4 , a~,a~§llppp~t : ~or

all. Re9p-J~.: . we~ ,are c<lm-mil§!rt<?' maki~g :,dj~', c;:oiifere'nce
accessibIC 'co ' all ages,

fal~jl~~t ' "

geh"aeishsexualittls ; abi1ities"d~s6s


may 15-18


by philipe lonestar


sexcon organizers vision
We organize this conference as a
small step toward s a greater vis ion,
we imagine a world were ollr bodi es,
genders, colors, sexualities, d es ires,
emotions, ab ilities and talents are valued
and respected , where sex ual abuse does
not exist but if ir does it is ra lk ed
about, valida red and acknowledged as
a communi ty issue and responded to
as such, wirh ultimate rc.' pec t to the
survivo r. We envision a society where
we are empowered to ask for our needs
and state our boundaries both sexually
and emolionall)" no marter what gender
we are .
We envision a society where we arc
the experts, caretakers and decisionmakers about our bodies and li ves, where
we share ideas, pleasures , and visions
for a ben er communilY and soc iety.
Where sex is not a mistake or a embarrassme nt but a choice, a consensual
expression of appreciation for another
person or people, or just an act respec ted
as norh in g more and nothing less. We
envision a world where greater pleasure,
relaxat ion and posilivit y toward s our
bodies and sexua li ries is possible. We
envision a world where there is no shame
aro llnd ollr bod ies, des ires, sex ualiri es.
sexual praclices or fal1lasies .
We en visio n a .wo rld when: Ir '1I15,
ge nd erqueCf and inlnsex people an:
res pected, in clu ded and va lid ate d in
their struggl es and unique beauty. Where
di ffe rent bod ies "nd gende rs are nor
exotieized , st igm atized or mcdi cali zed,
We env ision a wo rld where we can
eroticize sa rer sex. where HIY+' people
are loved, respecred and cared for
without abuse and stigmatization. where
we can stop the spread of STI's' and
HIV because we all have access to free
and respectful healthcare, information
and safer sex supp ly resources. where we


are taught how
to communicate

with our partners
and are held accountable for safety.
We envision a world where abortion is free, safe and legal and where
all peo ple involved are held account ab le for unintenrional pregnancy.
where information and lack of
resources are not causing unwanted
pregnancy Where there is support
and respect for all people who
are pregnant regardl ess of why or
how. and where contraception is
the financial, physical and emotional responsibility of all people
We env ision a world where pornography can represent a diverse
range of bodies , sexualities, sex ual
practices, fantas ies and desir es.
Where we arc empowe red 10 and
given the reso ur ces to make our
own expressions of sex . and where
Ihese expressions represent freedom
and d esire, nor oppression and
sllgmat tz;ltIon.
\'(Ie envision a world where queer
people and women are encouraged
to express their scxua liry freely and
openly without fear of vio lence or
repre.,sio n. where I1leY arc encouraged to scek maximum pleasure and
cn joyment from sex and mast urba ti o n .

We envisi on a world where sex
work of all Iypes is recognized and
appreciated for the impo rt ant service
thai il is and where sex workers arc
respected and have access to workers
rights and health carc.
We envision a world where yout h
are respected and valued, Where
youth sex educat ion is accessib le and
free of moral propaganda. where all
options are included and safety is
no l undermined by abstinence-on ly

for the schedu le

education. where co mmuni ca tion and
boundary-setting skills arc taught and
respected from b irt h,
We envi sion a community where
white, male, non -trans, here rosex ual.
chri stian , wealthy, th in , tem poraril y
able-bodied, or otherw ise privileged
people hold themselves acco untable to
their privilege and role of responsibi lit y
in fi ghting oppressions. Where we work
aga inst in equily wh ile respec ting thc
uniquiti es of each oppress ion yet real ize
how they all work rogerh er to ali enare
and deprive all of us of happiness and
We envision a world where it is okay
to love and be intimate with as many
people as we want and we can see love
as limitless and free. Where jea lousy
do es not ar ise from seeing affection ,
love, apprec iation and care-taking as
limit ed and where the mo re people that
are laved the more love there is to give .
Where love is nol a competition but a
shared vis ion,
Furthermore, we envision a world
wh ere we replace priso ns or war with
free educa tion and hea lth carc. Wh ere aJ I
people can li ve in peace and harmon y
with one another and reach consensus
and comprise when con fli ct arises. Sex is
a political iss ue. We sec Ihe co nnection or I
bod y-acceptance, pl eas ure and sex uality
with greater po litical stru ggles.
su ruiuor suppo rt is tlllili/able at all
workshopJ.,tlnd event)', queer, intaux,
genderquur and trllns inc/u.sille! heteroJr-:lIals we/com'" wheelchair accessable," lIsl
imerpwation allililable call 867.6348 or
TTY 867.6834 by inay 13th.


sponso red by activists working agains r
racistl-t at evergrc:en (AWARE), the ~vergreen

queer allianc< (EQA), prison action committee
(PAC), men', cenrer, women's cenrer and rhe
c~alition against' sexual violence (CASy) and
the sexy olxmpians organi?=ing cummirrc:e


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~'7~rir-----v~n--"""" contains lots and lots ofsex.
It's that time of year again when
be beggin' and buggin' to
~"1Ij get laid, but in this town, more people
are worried about genin' paid. Now,
ai n't that a bitch . Switch gears and go
queer, this year it's hip to be weird
and uansgender. That's right boys and
girls, unite and become one happy
hermaphrodite. In light of all this war, I
think it's about time we all sco re before
L _ _" _ _':::::'_"'::"-.J it's too late. So stop masturbating, get
a date, and let's all mate out on Red
Square. Don't be scared; Ids share our fluids .
I'm sure Cupid will provide us with all the
latex and lube we need so as not to spread
STD's. Let's see, what else: Sado-Masochist
Bondage Domination, belts, buckles, whips,
and chains; cock rings, strap-ons, vibrators,
and floggers ; anal beads, hand cuffs, fluffy,
by Nate Hogen
rough, and tough stuff.
OK, that's enough, now let's get started.
Disclaimer: Warning' Side effects of reading
this column may include the following - Extreme First, all body parts showing a nd we n eed
arousal, hyper-horniness, se/finduced vomitillg, our chak ras glowing. Let's do some yoga to
Dendrophilia (sexual attraction to plants and get th e tantra fl owi ng through our veins so
trees), chronic orgy participation, sex change th ose Kama Sutra poses won't be such a pain.
operations, and reverting to your primordial We got nothing to lose but our dignity, but
state of being. To spell it out for you: This when you got multi-orgasmic epiphan ies,

Spring Orgy

Approaches to
A Look at Ayurveda, Part 1
by Michelle Sharp
As a class, Approaches to Healing requires students
to explore new ways of .carillg for their health.
Ayurveda offers Simple (Ools for self-care as well as
advanced science for diagnosis and treatmenl.
The word Ayurveda (pronounced eye-yer-vaid-ah),
translates to "knowledge of life," "science oflongevity,"
and "art ofliving." Born of the Vedas, ancient Indian
books of wisdom, Ayurveda grew to develop texts of
it's own. "Ashtanga Hridaya of Vagbhata," the text
widely used in practice, combines internal medicine
and surgery, with diseases and therapies.
Ayurveda is a medical model, however it transcends
most contemporary models by encompassing an
entire phil oso phy for living. Ayurvedic practices
acknowledge all aspects of life as connected to the
Ayurveda honors and explores four aspects in
complete life and health. They include Atma: the
Soul, Manas: the Mind, Indriyas: the Senses, and
Shairia: the Body. Each aspect ~ontributes its own
unique functions (0 create a holistic, intelligent fusion.
Ayurveda focuses on maintaining connection and
coordination between the characteristically unique
aspects and forces, which govern our lives.
Dr. Robert Svoboda, renowned Ayurvedic physician and educator in the U.S. , presen ts five foundational principles:
Life is rel atio nship.
I .)
2.) The most important relationship is with
the self.
3.) A living human being is a body-mind-spirit
Matter develops from consciousness, and an
organism's consciousness continually seeks to express
itself through matter.
S.) All movements and parts of an organism
interact with and influence one another.
The Five Element Theory
Ayurveda recognizes the sequential flow of
elements into ea~h other as:
Space- Air- Fire-Water-Earth
Space- Akash Space holds no resistance. Events
occu r in space . yet nothing is physically manifest
there (cybe rspace.) Sou nd depends on and travels in
space. Therefore. th e characteristics of space associate
with so und and th e organs of hearing.
Air- Vayu A figurative interpretation explains
air as wind; more precisely in Ayurveda; air creates
movement. Movement, orga nizing and affec ting
everything from blood in our veins to earthquakes,
air impacts both the mi cro and macrocosm of our
unive rse. Due to its character, air represents a gaseous
state of ma!!er. It has a powerful drying effect, and
drying creates sepa rat ion. Skin. the organ we use to
detect touch, also senses movement.
Fire- Agni Fire, the great transform er, manifests
heat. light. color, and visual form. Fire is the force
capable of converting states of ma!!er. Steam from
boiling water, glucose metabolism, and photosynthesis
all requ ire the energy of agni/fire. Fire illuminates,
enlightens so we can see. It is intimately associated
with the eyes and sense of sight.
Water- ja'" The cohesive nature of water gives
integrity and fluidity. In chem ical terms. the hydrogen
bonds between H 20 molecules allow water to change

may 8,2003

who needs it anyway. Shame is not the issue
and as far as the mess goes, just give me a
Now I don't mean to abuse the sanctity
of this act of privacy in these times of high
homeland security, but if they're going to rifle
through our panties, then they might as well
see our fannies dancing and being plugged.
Everyone need: a hug and if sex is a drug,
then so is theocracy. Jr's high time we worship
by wiggling and writhing in wet whirlpools
begetting our forgotten human narure. Wasn't
Eden our origi n for those of us who want to
believe and what do you think Adam and Eve
did beneath the leaves? It's not like the idea
of an orgy is foreign. We know the Greeks
didn't think it was borin' .
Cunnilingus is glorious. Fellatio is supercalifragilistic-expialadocious. When bodies
intertwine in sixty- nine we reach for th e
divine g-spot with our tongues caught in
slippery slots. Sodomy is in, now we're just
waiting for the Supreme Court decision. I just
want to invent new positions. Tied upsidedown, making love underground, listening to
the sounds of pounding hearts, farts, burps,
queefs, squeaks, screams, moans, groans, and
oh, oh, oh, Oh YES! YES! YES!
So undress, confess to your sins, and

go on a promiscuous binge. Don't cringe
and fringe, thi$ is just a suggestion. You can
question my hedonistic intentions, but why
not return to paradise. "Wouldn't it be nice
if we could all be together?" Sharing forever
in sunny weather and the pleasure just gets
better and better. Well, whatever, this is just
how I would like to remember times in my
life and I'm sure you would too, but I think
we're all too afraid to. Wouldn't you agree
that they've got us so skeptical, paranoid,
and separated that being sedated in elation of
physical vibrations is a utopian pipe dream ?
Well, I guess we'll have [0 go home, eat
ice cream, and watch' pornography all alone.
Monogamy may be the best solution because
the reason we have these fantasies might be
because ofTY media mind pollution and our
imaginations run wild and free with what
they show us, sell us, and expect us to buy the
lies only so that we may lay with the gods and
goddesses endlessly wild n' free in an open
sea orgy of eternity.
Shout-outs to the Marquis de Sade,
Henry Miller, Anais Nin, Charles Bukowski,
Caligula, Betty Page, and porn stars everywhere.


To the Evergreen Community from the Family of Rachel Corrie:
Thank you Evergreen, for all you have d~ne for Rachel , and for all you have done for our family during the
past weeks . Almost from the moment we learned of Rachel's death in Gaza, it became apparent that you would be a
source of immeasurable support for us. All of you (the administration, the faculty, other staff, the students, Rachel's
friends) have helped us profoundly.
First, you have allowed .us to remember all the shades of Rachel. As her parents and siblings, we talked with her as often
as we could. We loved our time with her. We had quite a good idea of what she was doing and thinking, but those of you who
spent time with her here at Evergreen have been able to inform our view in the most meaningful ways.
The extraordinary support you provided in creating "A Celebration of Rachel's Life" less than one week after she
di ed was a beautiful gift to us. We felt safe and at home the moment we stepped onto the campus that day. As the
Procession doves proceeded through the gymnasium, and as speaker after speaker brought Rachel to us, we found
some of our sadness giving way to joy.
. Now, as we proceed day by day, you are helping us take the steps that we need to take in order to find the best ways
to honor Rachel's life. We are so grateful to you. We will always remember and will look forward to continuing ou r
ties with the Evergreen community. Thank you .
The family of Rachel Corrie
Craig and C indy Co rrie, C hris and Jasleen Corrie, Sarah and Kelly Simpson

Rachel Aliene Corrie
April 10, 1979 - March 16, 2003
The Corrie Family, P.O. Box 12149, Olympia, WA 98S08

shape and remain unifi ed .
Wate r builds and increases
size. Pure water is tasteless.
Taste depe nds on moisture ;
therefore it is the sense associ hv Dan Bennett
ated with the water element.

Dear Amy Goodman,
Five taste flavors of Ayurveda include sweet. salty,
so ur, pungent. and astringent.
So where was P Oh yeah, so mething about Limburger and lederhosen- but there
Eanh- Prithvi The seq uent ial development of is no time for that right now. What I would rather talk about is placebos, medications
My name is Adrian Martinez Madrone, and I am a student at The Evergreen State College
the elements goes from the most subtle (space) to and assorted other stuff. No wait! Don't stop reading! It's OK - this won't hurt a bit...
Washington, where you will be giving the commencement speech in Jun e. I very
the most defined (earth). Earth represents the solid
much look forward to your coming to speak to us. We've been going through some ugly, ugly
form of matter. The earth element provides stability
and endurance. Protective by nature, earth grounds amusing. Not beca use junior scientists conduct them. but because they involve "phase times lately, and I find your work to be tremendously inspiring as I study, learn, and develop
us with the weight of density and structure. Every trials" to keep research doctors and other such people honest. So, in order to make the my own views on activism and social involvement.
particle, small or large, that takes shape has been medicine go down easier, I'll tell you a little med-time stoty.
I thought I would write to you to share an interesti ng experience that I had whil e
influenced by earth. Each particle presents its own
Once upon a time, there was a felon. Oh, but he was an honest felon , so it's OK.
to be this year's undergrad speaker at the graduation ceremonies. Every year,
unique shape. These specialized shapes are detected So anyway, this felon was bored and decided to volunteer for a Phase III medication '
by equally specialized receptors inside the nose. The trial. "H ey! Wait a minute, " you say. Oh, don't worry, it's legal for him to' do that. graduating Evergreen students have the ability to audition for, or vote on, who will represent
sense of smell relies on shape and is therefore highly He took a pill once a day, filled out a weekly survey -and was interviewed by a doctor. their class in a speech at graduation. This year, a total of eight students tried out to be -the
connected to the earth element.
He did this for eight weeks. All this happened in a nicely controlled environment. class speaker. Of a graduating class of several hundred people, less than rwenty people showed
Now, remember the fundamental principles of
up to vote on who would represent them. Interestingly, this is actually a rath er large llumber,
Ayurveda . Ayurveda operates under the notion You see , regular folks have work, school and stuff, and don't have the time or
as past years have seen auditions rescheduled for lack of turnout.
that all things in life are interconnected . The wherewithal to deal with a mystery medication. Mr. Felon has nowhere to go and
Of the eight people who auditioned to be speaker, seven chose to write speeches with
five elements are in constant relationship to one nothing to do. He gets to sit in a cell and feel punished. In the meantime, a giant
honest, and inspiring messages. Two of the auditioning speakers (including myself)
another. The elements create, nourish, and degrade pharmaceutical company pays him a few dollars a day. So they save money, he makes
each other. Understanding the clements creates a money, and everyone's happy.
incorporated the death of our classmate Rachel Corrie into their speeches. Rachel's death,
window from which one can view the fusion of
Yes, but why is it called a Phase III trial? So glad you asked . Well, when a along with the war on Iraq and all the other horrendous political developments in the world,
future and health.
potentially new medication has been "discovered," it's tested for toxicity on cell groups has had a tremendous impact on our little school this year.
Dosha System The theory of the five elements
However, the voice that will be "representing" the undergrad student body at this year's
leads into the cornerstone and pinnacle of Ayurveda, in the lab. Heart cells, muscle cells, kidney cells, etc. If it kills em off, it's back to
the dosha system. There are three doshas: vata, pitta, square one. An amazing 75% of these "discovered" medications are isolated from graduation will reflect none of that. Admittedly, the elected speaker Curtis Retherford is a
and kapha. The doshas are primary forces governing plants, molds, fungi, etc. The discovery is then patented. If the drug passes the
all physiological functioning. Doshas can be viewed first phase, then it's off to Phase II.
as rhythms in the body. The three doshas arise from
Phase II is animal experimentation. Mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, etc.
the five elements; like the elements they hold their Different animals model similar human organ groups. These animals have shorter life
own unique characteristics of balance.
spans, and therefore, they can represent entire lifetimes of taking a medication . Side
Vata Vata is created from space, an unchanging
effects such as tumors and liver failure mean more testing and slower FDA approval.
clement, and air, a constantly changing clement.
animals arc given very high doses, which exposes problems quicker.
Traits of vala include kinetic energy, dryness,
by Robin Freshee
I have "mixed emotions on this because these medications save lives, treat disease
creativity, inconsistency, restlessness, quick learning,
I think it is incredibly na'ive to limit any
his ability to explore all of the contributing
physical extremeness (either small or tall). Other and supply corporate executives with outrageous salaries. I am not a big fan of animal
he does an excellent job of creating
aspects of vata include autumn, the later years of testing, but I value a human life above that of a field mouse's. Medications really
betwee n what he's chosen to place
life. the nervous system and the colon.
help people. As for a mouse, he has two choices: a hole in the ground, lice, ticks,
Pitta is created from fi re only. Pitta fleas , snakes, hawks and owls, OR a warm cage, room service, a merry-go-round abilities, let alone his character and personalan emph as is on , and acknowledging the
characteristics include motivation, drive, heat , and way, way too much Prozac. This phase takes a few years to make sure the drug ity. As gossip for either yo ur own circle of significance of the things he has not chose n
change, physical moderation, and the balance
friends, or the general public, this could
to focus on. For in stance, while abuse in the
between kinetic and potential energies. Pitta is actually does something.
OK, I forgot what I was supposed to be talking about. Hmm ... something about potentially make a great topic. Who knows,
home is a large part of the violence in our
the force of tra nsfo rmati on . Other aspects of
culrure (both as a symptom and a ca use,) I
pitta include summer, adulthood, liver, and small spreading Brie on a cracker ... no? Perhaps it is the fact that I'm not a doctor. maybe it would be a great issue to bring up
Well, no doctor would talk like I do. Doctors talk all professional-like and usually on "LoveLine."
don't think th at targeti ng that abuse as the
Kapha Kapha is the blend of water and earth. back up th e system. I don't care for the system much (it's #!$&!% up). Anyway,
What I perso nally think should be the
main cause is at all sufficient in understanding
Co ntaining both a changing and an unchanging th e system has a little honesty check called the double-blind study. This ensures ce nter of discussion involving Jackson Katz where violence comes from. In order to talk
clement Kapha is characterized by st ructure and ge nuine behavior from both the research doctors and their patients. The double- blind
and his work is the very issue that he analyzes about wh at the possible causes of violence
stre ngth . Moisture, largeness, round, soft, cold,
study is always in Phase Ill.
and -critiques .... our culture's current crisis might be, I think that abuse in the home
oily, slow, and regular are all idiosyncrasies of kapha.
You wo uld think that blindfolds would be good enough, but oh no , we need a
Other mannerisms of kapha include winter, youth,
with masculinity. There is far too little needs to he recognized as one of the many
double-shot latte, rwo-for-one sales, a nd double-blind studies. What exactly is
lymph, and sto mach.
dialogue about the problems in our society, symptoms of an even deeper problem. This
Determining dosha balance as well as imbal- it, you may ask? Well basically, the manufacturer makes two sets of pills. Each is
especially in regards to the fact that there is precisely what Katz strives to do. What
ance remains a signifi ca nt tool for diagnosis and identical to the other, and they are shipped off to the research hospital or University
treatment in Ayurvedic med icine. Tune in next (often the University of Washington). Half of the patients get placebos, and th e is a disgusting amount of violence being he does is admirable and vitally important
week for more about Ayurveda and how to use other half get the real thing. The doctors don't know who is getting the sugar - perpetrated almost entirely by men. Katz is work in this day and ,age. To shift the focus
the dosha system.
pill and who isn't. The first blind refers to the doctors, and the second refers to very honorable for even breaking the ice, too far away from that totally undermines
not to mention making it his life's work. his efforts. It is also a prime example of how
the volunteer patients.
Katz's work, both as a filmmaker and our society has failed to admit that there is
It is believed that the doctors would give away who was getting what, and the patien ts
joshi, Sunil v.. M.D. (Ay u). Ayurveda and
Panchakarma, the Science of Healing and would psychosomatically respond"toTthe medication. This is tile only time ignorance is as an educator, is far too important to simply possibly something wrong with the way we
bliss; and, it seems to work: It's not perfect. It includes lots of corporate bullshit. Yet discredit by taking the attention off of the define masculinity, an d th e implications that
Rejuvmation. Lotus Press, Ttuin Lakes, WI. 1997.
Svoboda, Dr. Robert E. . AYllrveda for Womm, a folks with diabetes, heart disease, cancer, ulcers, tuberculosis, and depression benefi t. issues and turning it instead onto him as a our current model might have.
Guide to Vitality and Health. A David and Charles So I'll try and do my little part to improve things where I can.
person and what he doesn't do.
A lot of Katz's work focuses on the possible
Book, UK 1999.
T he issues of violence and masculinity are ways in which the media helps to perpetuate
multi-faceted, and while Katz is limited in this problematic vision of manhood. We are

Blame it on Avathv:

to the Class of2003 C!ommencement Speaker
very funny guy. His speech makes fun of some of the school's shortcomings, and paints a
hilariously 'carroonish' picture of the world to come. Yet, it is as if there were no war, no
bloodshed, no turmoil. or darkness this year. It is as if we did not lose one of our classmates just
months ago--an incredibly ~ed young woman, run down by an Israeli bulldozer while
working for peace in the Gaza Strip, who would have been walking across the stage with us
on graduation day had her life not been cut short. In my mind, Curtis Retherford's speech is a
mockery of the pain and sacrifice that our school has experienced this year.
Yet, this incident seems to closely mirror what is happening in the United States as a whole
right now. People feel that their voices are not heard, that their votes are meaningless, that
so meone else will do the work. So we end up with "representatives" that don't even remotely
embody the thoughts, feelings, or experiences of the majority. That's how it is.
So, I just wanted to let you know that while you have reported extensively on the death of
Rachel Corrie, and the worldwide anti-war protests (of which many Evergreen students took
part,) our student speaker will not be mentioning any of that. Blame it on apathy, blame it on
lack of awareness, blame it on who-knows-what. Just please know that we are here.
Adrian Martinez Madrone

A Different View of"Touoh Guise"

the cooper point journal


all potentially raised in the presence of this
model and are possibly subject to its influence
and therefore we sho uld all have an interest in
understanding it. It is long overdue that there
be a close examination of ourselves and the
ways we're not only influenced by, but also the
ways in which we play into and unconsciously
support this idea of masculinity. His thoughts
on the subject are not just personal reactions
to his own ex perie nces , but are based on
excellent research and a thoughtful critique
of what the roots of our current sit uation
might be.
Attempting to expose the fact that violence
is not only accepted but that it is blatantly
enco uraged is a difficult and unappreciated
job, but Katz has taken it on with great
passion and a very sel fless intent. He doe.s
this by showing examples of ico ns in our
culture (of which there arc plenty) that in
one form or another glorify violence. He also
traces the ·development of these icons through
the last seve ral decades, and makes a solid
argument for how the rise in violence in ou r
culture can be linked to the grotesque images
which continue to become more outrageous
and offensive. He points out very obvious,

the cooper point journal

but very significant changes in the idealized
male body type, as well as t he amount of
violence, the intensity of it, and the increased
frequency with which we are shown such
images. He also does a very important and
very detailed analysis of th e ways in which
violent and sexual images are being coupled
together. Katz also does that for the ways thar
almost certainly contribute to the epidemic of
domestic and sexual violence that co ntinues
to plague ou r culture.
Perhaps the media does give us what we
want, or perhaps we're shown images that
are chosen based on some other rational e,
but either way, the images are there. I think
that few would argu e with the fact that
bein g bombarded with anyone message
often results in becoming desensitized to that
message and it's repercussions. In the case
of masculinity and violence, with glamorized
images th e repercussions are detrimental
(as Katz describes) to our entire population
both physically and psyc hologically. Jackson
Katz is not a preacher but an ed ucator, and
the work he reports on should be common
knowledge. So while the rest of us may
have so me catching up to do in o rder to

may 8,2003


- -- - -- - - - - - - by Lee Kepraios

City Of God
City of God, one of th e most powerful and overlooked films of
2002, makes a much-deserved run at the Capitol Theater starting May
10. It was co-directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund and is
based off of a novelized account of life of Paulo Lins, who grew up in
the endless slums of the 'Cidade De D eus' district of Rio de Janeiro.
We fo llow the city's inhabitants on a decades-long, documentary-style
coming-of-age story of epi c proport ions. It was a bit exhausting for
me as I tried to keep track of all th e characters and events. After it
was over, I felt co mpletely drained. But by no means let that sto p
you . It begins in the sixties amo ng a vast legion of two-room flats
wh ere groups of chi ldren hijack trucks for the kind of thrill that only
comes from belonging to a st reet gang. We are introduced to a myriad
of cit izens whose lives are all tied up in violence and crime. These
characters are fully aware of the harsh consequences of violati ng the
laws of their environment. The 'Ciry of God' is a corrupt, decaying
urban jungle run by vicious gangs, where getting involved in crime
is th e only way to survive and chi ldren are given guns before th ey hit
puberty. The only person who seems to survive the chaos is Rocket
(Alexandre Rodrigu es), who explains in his narration that he see ms
doomed to remain "a virgin , single and broke." Things evo lve and
worsen. Years pass . Gangs and their soldiers arise and are killed, as
is practicall y every character in the film. Meirelles and Lund tell thi s
sto ry the only way that would do it justice. Employing a dizzying
array of techniques , City of God maintains such an endl ess sense of
invention , such a se nse of life and spirit that it seems to pulse with
a vibrant energy and threatens to lea p off th e screen. The di rectors
usc the techniques characteristic of many of the hot new tal ents:
darkl y-d ren ched photograph y f O acce ntuate the brightness of the
li ghts. hand held cameras for mobility, shots that whirl around th e
chara cte rs to high li ght th at their lives are helpl essly spi raling o ut of
co ntrol. and cl ose- ups of o il y (-zones; all of whi ch create an assured
tilm out of a lurid anth o logy of cumm ercial and music-video images.
One sequ ence I particularly enjoyed was a lo ng shot that stayed fi xed
at o ne point in th e lair used by a g ro up of drug dealers, showing the
changes in its structure ove r mont hs in a sped-up motion so that we
see its entire histo ry in just a few minutes . City of Cod reminded me
of Martin 'Sco rsese's Meall Streets, in that its characters are trapped
within the strict code of their ellvironment and understand everything
about the wo rld in which they live- except how to survive in it. It's
a stunning achieveme n t.



an d '/2 stars


movies that suffers from dull previews which
pass it off as another steaming pile of twists. elements and cliches
li fted from countless other films. But upo n viewing, James Mangold's
IdeJItity emerges with its head poking just above the swa mp. It see ms
like another interchangea ble thriller at first, impartially employing
those cliches and archerypes and snaps so me life in to them. But thi s
film is not satisfied with them. Un like most thrillers, where the first
rwo acts show promise and the thi rd tumbles li·ke a house of cards,
Idmtity starts out as co nventional as possible but does so mething
di fferent, rejuvenated by the third act with a fiery energy. We start
with a so rdid gallery of characters seeking shelter on a dark and rain y
night (that's right) at a motel that looks like one o f the rejected sets
for Psycho's Bates Motel. A limo driver (John Cusack) is shurtlin g
a persnickety Hollywood actress (Rebecca De Mornay); a father
(John e. McGinley) is driving with his son and wife, who was hit
by C usack, and needs an ambulance; a resourceful government agent
(Ray Liotta) is transporting a murderous prisoner (Jake Busey) , and
a hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold (Amanda Peet) finds herself stranded.
Meanwhile in a law office, a judge is propositioned by attorneys to
overturn his death penalry ruling fo r another prisoner found gui lty
of seve ral savage crimes on grounds of insanity. [n a turn of events
th at wou ld make Agatha Christie proud, the motel guests are killed
off one by o ne, with their numbered hotel keys not far away when
they turn up. Director Mangold takes this basic premise and enlivens
it with carefully placed set pieces, breakneck placing and believable
performances that find just the right note, all contributing to the eerie
atmosphere. Liotta, Peet and Cusack are especially good. The third
act tw ist will make or break the movie for you. If you were bored
wi th the setup, the payoff shames you for it; it's as contrived, devious,
bold , ludicrous, and g randly imaginative as anything I've seen in a
long time. Even more honorably, the movie plays fair and doesn't
cheat. Every new revelation brought in is undisputed by the wevious .
scenes. It wou ld be unfair to reveal any more. Whether one finds
th e w riting to be ingenious or weak, Identity is resourceful enough
ro misdirect its audience so that whe n we find out who the killer
is, we are really surprised.


*** stars

cAebji~eeiS2!ge to the Talk



to HerCPeagpecttve

[ would [ike to thank Kara Hauck very much for her [etrer in response ro my review of Pedro
Almodovar's Talk to Her. [t's good to see proof that someone is reading and pondering my reviews and
has a different perspective. But [ feel my duties and personal rules as a critic have been misinterpreted
as being misguided and neglectful, and considering the weight of the subject marrer, it is worth
an explanation on my part.
Indeed, th e act commitred by the Beningo character at the climax of the film clearly cons titutes rape,
and Beningo is gui lry of it. No one is disputing that. But my not mentioning it in the review should
be attributed to the fact that it occurs at the climax of the film and is meant to be shocking and thought
provoking. Revealin g it would have been unfair to the reade rs who have not see n the film. It should not be
interpreted as a failure to acknowledge the action or its societal and sexual implications.
Talk to Her and other films of its kind are open to numerous interpretations, all valid. The feminist
perspective is fine one, with substantial evidence to back it up. But there is no one way the film
"should be viewed and interrogated." No one interpretation is the lone correct one. To say that
there is a single perspective is an excuse to be stridently polemic. In a film with themes involving
coma patients, sexual confusion, an unspeakable act of perversiry, a sense of forgiveness, a desire to
care for help less women that is both selRess and selfis h, and men who can possess atrributes that
are usually described as feminine , th e forum for discussion is wide open. [ consider any argum ents
to the contrary to be politics.
[ am on ly given so much space for each film's review. [ cannot go into a great dea l of detail regardin g
th e plot and [ certainly cannot give away the events involved in the climax, no matter how serio us
and culturally important they are. It wou ld be the equivalent of giving away which characte r is th e
murderer or how the hero manages to
get out of the ti ght spot. [also cannot
by Erika Wittmann
offer as deep a conscious and reRective
insight into a film as those who submit
specific respon ses and interpretatio ns.
Pertaining to the C PJ , I am a criti c, not
a film essayist. As a critic, I only have
eno ugh room in each review to do the
following: I ) li st whatever cas t/crew are
Please note:
all ellents are 21
necessary and d esc ribe the characters,
and over ul/less
2) describe the look and fe el of the
otherwise stated.
film, visually and th ematically, 3) give
a bri ef summary of the plot, focusing
primarily on the setup , with minim al
rhythm and blues in
information about the co mpli ca ti o ns
Obrador, at the Go Club, 9:30 p.m. For mure info,
and conclusion, 4) state whether o r not
call 704-7278.
the film is worth seeing, based upon
what I know as a film critic, and 5) rate
how well the film achieves what it is
The Writers (jf Ligili.
trying to accomplish.
CRe. students $3 ,
I still believe that the male characters
others $5, 8:30 p.m ., all ages.
carry the weight of this Him. [t is also
my belief. that Marco and Beningo are
• Caribbean-inRuenced Oc//() Pies at Traditions , at
not the victims of our patriarchal sociery
and Water St., $ 10, 8 p.m. , all ages. For advanced
(wh ich sad ly does exist) that trains them
ca ll 705-2819.
to silence wom en in order to maintain
the status quo. Nor do [ believe th at
• Otha Majo r, Vessels of Bedlalll at Le Voyeur,
Almodovar so mehow manage s both
to condemn and uphold the idea of
that patriarchy at the same time. The
11 ·
most important scene in the film is the
• Sunday, May 1 f'j,: Grassfest, all all-day Bluegrass
early scene in wh ich the two men are
fes tival at TESC. includin g The liot Blltte red RUlli
watc hin g a stage performance where a
Strillg Balld. The Barbed Wire Cutters. StnmgOver',
woman wand ers around blindly hittin g
TAARKA , Cross-Eyed Rosie. Olle-£ved Spectacle.
walls and a man sc urries to move things
The Mild Bay Stampers, Red Bmw!! and the Tillie .
our of her way. The rape is mea n t to
Strallg lers. doors open at 10 a.m., $ 10 students with
se t up an un so lva ble moral dilemma
I. D. , others $ 15 advanced through ticke and
for us; it calls into question the way
Rainy Day Records.
conventional morality requires us to
be blind to actions that have been
inspired by love and hope. Therefore,
Sun , next to Mini
we are immersed in the arc of the male
Saigon, on Columbia St. NW, $5, 8 p.m., all ages. For
characters because we learn though
more info, visit
the se acts, that th e gentle kindness
and shocking vagaries they display ,u e
making them (an d us) blind to the ir
deeper sexual confusion.
vlAol1da~s • $2 Pint Night or ,he Eastside, on 4th Ave.
All film critics try to give th e air of
'Juesdays • Twisred Tuesday, 4th Ave nue Tavern,
objectivity when it comes to film s that
Residellt DJ Almighty & guest DJs all week. Call
deal with serious issues. But they fail.
7861444 for info rmation . • Open Mic Night,
I am no different. But I cannot pick
Annies, 2100 West Bay Drive, 9 p.m.
apart every single aspect and implicatio n
• Old School Mix, DJ D,; Rob, McCoy's
of each film in the meager space I am
Tavern , 4th Ave.
given . T hat is bes t left to the viewer.
'J"uh~day~ • $2/2 bands/$2 Microbrews, McCoy's
I ca n only vaguely point the viewer in
Tavern, 4th Ave . • $2 Pint Night at the Eastside,
what I see as the most accurate direction.
on 4th Ave.
Sometimes you have to look at a film
for what it is; not for what it should or
We need your tipsl Ifyou would like to add a local show
could represent according to how yo u
or evellt (from Olympia and the surrounding area,) to our
see the world. One thing is for sure:
calendar, please email, attn: Erika, or call
Talk to Her continues to be effectively
867-6213 and leave a message for Erika.
provocative in polarizing its aud iences.


•• 1.

~:.~:';~~ie~~~e ~~dnight
Every week:

•••••••••• I I •• I . I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

9 c Chex®-like cereal
1 c vegan chocolate chips
% c creamy peanut butter
% c margarine
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 % c powdered sugar*



Melt margarine, vanilla,
chocolate, and peanut butter on
stove until nice 'n' smooth. Pour
chocolaty substance into a bowl
of cereal. Mix well, Dump this
gooey mess in a plastic bag with
powdered sugar and shake bag
(after closing) until aU pieces are
well coated. Eat from bag or
spread on wax paper to cool.


: •• oooo ... oooo • • • • oo ......... oo ....................................................................................................... ..



Down on

gutlday. vUatj


1. 1 •••••••••••••• _ ••••• ' "


~~~~~j~~;tV~gj J.2.?

I •••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• I. I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

by Ari Yaun

May 7th through May 10th th e Student Art
Counci l is sponsoring th e Urban Arts Festival, where
events will be held for all four elements of Hip-Hop.
The purpose of this festival is to showcase Hip-Hop
at its ro ots . According to Afrika Bambaataa, th e
'grandfather of Hip-Hop,' the purpose of Hip-Hop is
promote respect, peace, love, uniry and fun . Djing,
Emceeing, G raffing and B-Boying have rheir own
cultures, but when they are together they form HipHop at its essence. This celebration wi ll show urban
culture in a positive lighr, and how it can benefit and
st rengthen the commun ity.

Coachella fRocks!
bv Hal Stemberg


For the past 2 years I have attended the
Coachella Valley Arts and Music Fesrival,
a two day fest in Indio, CA. The Fest
includes top of rhe line music from some
of the most innovative musical artists of
the day and some really weird art that
comes from around the the area.
2 weeks ago I atrended the 4th
Coachella and like the previous year, it
was a treat. Coachella is in the Coachella
Valley. It's about 20 miles east of Palm
Sp rin gs. So you can imagine the heat,
about 85 degrees, that goes along with
th e great music.
Last year, Bjork and Oasis headlined,
with performances coming from a wide
variety of music that included The
Strokes , Paul Oakenfold, The C hemi cal
Brothers, Jack Johnson, Siouxsie and The
BallShees , GLove, Sasha and Digweed,
and many Illany others. This year the
lineup proved ro be just as good, with
m llsic from headliners The Beastie Boys
and The Red Hot Ch ili Peppers . Other
artists includ ed Ben Harper and The
Inn ocent Criminals, Spearhead, Groove
Armada, The Donnas , Ben Folds , The
White Stripes, Idlewild , Joseph Arthur,
N.E.R.D, Talib Kweli, etc.
Unfortunately, the price of a ticket
for both days was $ 150, with a one day
ticket being $75. As a result I missed
the seco nd day, this year as well as last,
which meant I missed the White Stripes,
and RHCP. Now you might be thinking,
how is it that he chose to go only one day,
and if that's true then didn't he miss a lor?
Well, yes I did, but missing one day does
not mean missing the show.
I went home to see my parents in
Encino, in the San Fernando Valley, and
drove the 3 hours from Los Angeles.
When I arrived at Coachella at about
12 noon, I Was greeted with a long line
that took an hour to pass through. This

meant I missed a few acts . Bur when I
did finally get inside I still had ro worry.
¥ou see, the genius I am, I set up an
interview with Medusa, who was doing
a set with her band Feline Science. I
had interviewed Medusa and written an
article the second ro last time she was
a t Eve rgreen, and hoped that she would
remember me. I emailed her book ing
agent and requested a n interv iew and
amazingly the agent got back with me
and said it was a go. So on Saturday, I got
to briefly see Particle, a jam band in the
same vain as the Disco Biscuirs, and then
had to jump over to Medusa, to make the
interview. Thankfully for me, bur not for
her, she never showed . According to her
agent who emailed me with an apology
and telling me she would be on hand
for the second day, Medusa was caught
up with travel issues. The security guard
at the show sa id it another way, "S he's
probably getting high back at her hotel " .
So Medusa, performer looking for attention, got atrention, but the wrong rype,
by not showing up for a show, that was
probably the biggest in her life.
But on to rosier matters , I had fun
because i co uld rhen relax and see who I
wanted to. So I went and saw the amazing
Joseph Arthur, who brought up Gomez
on stage for one song. Arthur, who may
be relateed to me(I'm not joking) is a
sin ger songwriter, in that indie rock,
altern-country vain. His newest album,
Redemption's Son, is a sp ritual album,
with a hard lived touch, that has been
getting rave reviews. Arthur impressed
as I expected.
After Arthur, I had to once again
hurry, the one downside to an otherwise
great day to ~atch Badly Drawn Boy,
the highlight of the day. Badly Drawn
Boy played in one of the tents, and at
first getting in was a hassle. The place

was packed so much thar VI.P host of
Entertainment Tonight, Pat O'Brien, at
first came in with the rest of the crowd.
After moving to get a better view, I ended
up at the front of the stage, a nd relaxed
for the first time. There was a soft breeze
coming in from the back and BDB was
exactly the medicine I needed. He came
on stage with his guitar, wearing a beenie,
and a jacket in 85 degree weather. You'l!
have to excuse him though, because he's a
Brit, and you know them, weather there
is like Pacific Northwest weather. Badly
Drawn Boy, who is a cu lt favorite in
some circles. made his nam e with his
last album, the soundtrack to About A
Boy. The film was highly underrated and
the soundtrack is so good, that when
[ saw the other day I had no choice
but t? gobble it up. Badly Drawn Boy's
show was not to be based on that albulll
though. This time he chose mostly songs
from his newest album, 2002 's " Have
¥ou Fed The Fish" . One so ng, the hit,
You W ere Right, is a meditarion on losing
a loved one because you've not given
enough time. It's a great love song, and
one that includes references to lo sing
Sinatra, Jeff Buckley, Kurt Cobain , and
John Lennon . At Coachella, Bady Drawn
Boy added Joe Strummer and Lisa Left
Eye Lopes to the list. He spent a lot of
time on Strummer who he added he had
the opputunity tom meet. The set was
definately a tribute, and Badly Drawn
Boy, knows how to make you feel. He
stands on stage, very quiet, smoking a
cigarette, and seems to be one of the most
nervous performers, so much so that
it seemed that he asked rhe Coachella
police t~ keep the front of the stage free
of photographers.
All in all a great day, and once again
a show of the old independent spirit,
getting music that matters.

Free Event in
Olymp. i~!

.t. ,

Eric Schlosser

Best Selling Author of
"Fast Food Nation" &
"Reefer Madness"
Sunday May 11, 2003
3-5 p.m. @~Capitollheater

206 E. 5 th Avenue
free Event Hosted by

Orca Books




Summer Movies

bv Daniel F1RCk


bY .lerry Chiang

, ~f!,mmiT and bloc"kbuiur movies go. tog~th~r likdifl-dmying sujfmng a7z4Russian liio1'tui~, In it .concert~d 4fort tQ mak~~14r~ th~tih.~inh~bit{ln4.\· ., 1,',. ,
ofthis t!'.~~tniltio~ p'~nd ti!~;~ irly'/lic ,u'!'ma in ariuaningfol mann,"' th~ movi~ studibs ~pl.f.~ sd~r~ting .mu'tipl~lS /iJiihalktb.9~'a ~fti..~'4~~;:,~; ~ '~'f;,
and t:litlCtng mtrw. Consuur ,thlS a guuu to summ" movus tha~ wIll h~lp you plan·your~mm(r. ejnnnatlc 'adventu:es or mIShaps.


~". >.,


The Matrix: Reloaded
Release date: May 15


In the first installment, Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers that the world is actually a
virtual realiry prison that the megalomaniacal computer, the Matrix, has created to
enslave the human race. After learning from Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) that he
is "the One," Neo realizes his awesome powers and comprehends his dury. In what is
arguably this summer's most anticipated sequel, Neo and his companions set out to
destroy the Matrix and liberate the human race .


The only good thing about this film is thar God isn't a white guy. As far as a white
guy thinking that he owns the world- well, I don't need to spend $10 to see that. Racist
caucasians will do just fine .

28 Days Later
ReLease date: June 27
Some kind of virus infiltrates Britain, and almost everyone is turned into ,In
anthropophagous zombie. This film is shor on digital video, which gives the film a
grainy, documentary feel. The protagonist, Jim , played by Cillian Murphy, and his female
companion must fight the living dead of London and stay alive.

Judging from the trailer (and what a trailer!), Andy and Larry Wachowski will
keep the plot thick and juicy, while creating mind-blowing, orgasm-inducing special
effects and incredibly o utlandish stunts. Just conjure up the feeling the first time you
witnessed the bullet-time effect in its splendid beaury, and double, nay, quadruple that
feeling for Reloaded. Expect to be wowed.

Friends of Old-Time Music

Old-time music is the acoustic, homemade music thar flourished
in the Sou~h.ern mount~ins for generarions. Prior to the media age,
when teleVISIOn and radIO came to dominate our leisure hours, this
music was played by rural, working-class Southerners in the home and
the communiry. It was played for entertainment, relaxation, and to
escape rhe harsh realities of life in the coal mines or in other difficult
labor. The people of the South loved their music and played it on a
va~iery of acoustic s.tringed instruments, including the banjo, fiddle,
guitar and mandolll1. Immigrants from Scotland and Ireland who
settled in the Appalachian region brought with them the ancient
ballads of their homelands. This music combined with AfricanAmerican traditions to create something uniquely American. This is
the au thenric America that I love.
The music was captured on com mercial discs from the
mid- I 920s to th e mid- I 930s, when the Depression halted folk music
sale" Northern urban record companies would send talent scouts to
rural SOllthern co mmuniti es to seek out and reco rd local musi cians.
Some of the notable early country artists who recorded during this time
In clude the Ca rter Family of Virginia, Jimmi e Rodgers, Uncle Dave

Somewhere in this mad nes s, there is probably a thread of dy stopian /Marxisr
denunciation of capitalism and chemical warfare, but who cares about that psycho-babble
jibber-jabbe~ when it's so much fun watching two humans fight their way through a city
full ofzombies? If Danny Boyle, the director of Traillspoffillg, can capture [he pomp and
IntenSIty of The Night of the Living Dead, this will be one h ell of a ride.

Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle
Release date: June 27
It doesn't matter what the plot is or who the sexy angels will be fighting , Think of it
this way - people don't go to Hoote~s for the chicken wings. Expect MeG, the veteran
music video director, to infuse this cinematic guilry pleasure with fla shy ca mera tricks,
MTV-esque editing, an d lots of gratuitous explosions.

1 st Annual

Grass Fest

Strin2 ,lovers unite.!!

American Wedding: American Pie 3

This Sunday May 11th:
. " .. ~;.~:,
For the first bluegrass fisti,v(lL sponror~dbi Evetir.ten '

Release date: August 1


Jim (Jaso n Biggs) , the pie-fucker, marries his sweetheart Michelle lAlysoll H an ni gan),
This supposedly signals the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

I like to think of this movie as The H Ollrs fo r frat boys. Utterly unapologeti c
and tactless about its ex ploitation of the act resses' physical features, and absent of
anything intellectu ally stimul at ing, this film will be enjoyable and suh-weet like a
cool margarita on a hot summer day.

submttfea bv me
Jim gets it on with a pie in American Pie. In the sequel, he kisses Stiffler and
super-glues his penis to his hand. [n this third installment, the filmm akers will have to
stretch their imagination to outdo the gross-out stunts of the predecessors. Therefore, Jim
will probably get gang-banged by Hell's Angels in this film .

The Hulk
Release date: June 20
Following his fellow brethren X-Men and Spiderman, Marvel superhero Bruce
Banner, a.k.a . the Hulk, will have his chance to shine on the silver screen under the
direction of Ang Lee, If the previous Marvel-inspired films are any indication, this
celluloid adaptation will stay relatively true to the comic book and feature many
worthwhile special effects.

Legally Blonde 2
Release date: July 2


Elle Woods, the stereotypical blonde sororiry sister turned Harvard Law School
graduate, played by Reese Witherspoon, goes to Washington D .C. to see if h er legal skills
are as sharp and skillful as her shopping skills.

While I usually don't go cuckoo for movies based on comic books, it will be
interesting to see how Ang Lee will use his srylistic finesse and signature grace to bring
sophistication and class to the genre of action movies where 'mindle,ss testosterone and
aggression rule, The addition of Jennifer Connelly, as opposed to a Kirsten Dunst-rype
actress, will add much needed shimmer to the screen.

Proving once again that blondes aren't stupid, Elle Woods has become an empowering
figure to all the fun-loving blonde sororiry sisters out there (yo , ler me holla at y'a ll) . [n
fact, rumor has it that a new feminist theory is being developed around the characrer
of Woods. In addition to all that, this film with the charismatic Witherspoon is likely
to capture the careless and effervescent fun that made its predecessor such a success.
Elle Woods describes the nation's capital as a place that has "two parries and a mall ,"
and like, isn't that just precious?

From Justin to Kelly
Release date: June 13
The winner and runner-up from the first American Idol will test out their acting
skills in this musical about a pair of lovers in Miami .

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines


..- - -- - - - -

Grass Festival is a ga thering of unique string performers from
all areas of th e west coast. Co me join us for hot bluegrass all day
and night this Mothers' Day. This family event will premiere
charming performances by locals and travelers from near and far.
The celebrat ion will feature Cross-Eyed Rosie from Portland,
th e 13arbed Wire C utters From Bellingham, Taarka from the
Northwest, and Hot Buttered Rum Sting Band and Strung Over
from the Bay Area. And to represent some local string collectives,
there we will hear raggy blues from The Mud Bay Stompers,
new-grass from One-Eyed Spectacle, and Red Brown and the
Tune Stranglers (featuring members of the Srompers and Hot
Club Sa ndwich) . Fo r an all around solid d~y, if clear, there will
be food and two workshops: one on the origins of bluegrass by
Hot Buttered Rum String Band, and the other on songwriting
by Srrung Over. Bring all your instruments and all your family.
There will be plenry o f jamming throughout the day to learn , get
down , play, relax, share, and enjoy the grass , The doors open at
10 a. m, and th e music sta rts at 11 a.m. and goes for the rest of
the d ay and night. Tickets are $10 for students, $15 for public,
and free for kids 12 and und er. The event is on Sunday May I I
at the Everg reen State College,

they were simply three good fri ends caught up in the
joy of makin g mu sic and parti cipating in a proud
I consider myself a student of this sryle of music,
I've bee n playing old-time 'clawhammer' sryle banjo
for twoyears and have recently taken up the fiddle. I'm
very committed to playing and preserving this lively
and exciting musical sryle. My plan is to hold a weekly
old-tlme and bluegrass jam session at my place on
campus. I'd like to invite anyone from the communiry
who plays bluegrass or o ld-t ime music to participate,
If you don't play but would like to listen, you would
be mo re then welcome to attend, If th is so unds like
something that would appeal to you, please conract m e
at d anin082@yahoo,com so we ca n meet and organize
an event like this.


ReLease date: July 2




Macon, Charlie Poole and the Skillet Lickers, just
to name a few. Because of the folkloristic riches
thar were preserved on these early recordings,
this era is sometimes described as the 'golden age'
of recorded country music. From rhe recordings
of this era, now available on com pact disc, the
listener can identifY diverse regional instrumental
and vocal 'sryles that had developed in mutual
isolation before phonographs, radio and television
homogenized these diverse regional folkways .
Bluegrass and old-time music have been
experiencing a wave of renewed interest in recent
years, thanks in part to the "0 Brother, Where
Art Thou?" phenomenon, I'm a fan of the movie
and found it intriguing that traditional music was
able to capture the popular imagination, if only
for a short while . However, I found the music
featured in the film to be a little watered down.
If one truly wants to discove r and experience the
very best traditional So u th ern music has to offer,
they should seek out orher sources.
When asked, " What is the difference
betwee n bluegrass and old-time music?" the besr
answer I ca n come up wi th is th at bluegrass is oldtime mountain music that has been elevated to a
fine art or "virtuosified ," so to speak. Blueg rass
was developed in the 1940s by Bill Monroe on
the sturdy foundation of Southern old-time banjo
and fiddle music. I listen to a lot of bluegrass but
I prefer the old-rime musi c in part because I find
it more accessible -- one does not have to be a
master musician to participate in it.
The group that first got me hooked on
rural, Southern old-time music was neither rural
nor Southern. The New Lost City Ramblers
were urban youths from New York who became
fascinated with this music and taught themselves
to play from old recordings and contemporary
musicians who still played in the old-time way.
Collectively a nd individually, the m embers of
the Rambl ers have done tremendous work in
introducing, documenting and popularizing the
traditional music of the American South. Several
of their early albums from the late ' 50s and '60s
are available in the record room of the Evergreen
library. If you're interested, I urge you to check
them out and give them a listen, or seek out the
reco rdings from the ' 20s and '305 that animated
the Ramblers. A good place to start would be with
H arry Smith's monumental Anthology ofAmerican
Folk Music, a lso available in the library, The
Rambl ers were exciting, co mpetent and versatile
musicians but probably not virtuosos. Listening
to their reco rds, on e gets th e impression that

A cyborg is sent from the future to protect rhe welfare of an older John Con no r,
who will eventually lead the human resistance against an army of scary, laser-wieldi ng
cyborgs in an apocalyptic war.

First of all, I hate musicals. Second, I loathe people who stay beyond their fifteen
minutes. These semi-celebrities. barely carry a tune, and now moviegoers are expected
to believe that they can act? As if people still gave a fuck about these yahoos. News flash
Justin and Kelly: nobody cares! Avoid this movie at all costs.


for One Vear!

Before I saw the for this movie, [ honestly thought Arnold Schwarzencgger
was dead. At the age of 55 , Schwarzenegger is no longer a convincing action hero .
Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong are missing, and James Cameron, who is the
only director capable of reproducing the success of T2, wisely decided to ' ditch thi s
impending train wreck. I suppose with the way the economy's going, Arnold won't
be able to ljve on his social security checks, so he had to cash in on this successful

Bruce Almighty
ReLease date: May 23
Jim Carrey, playing a TV reporter, meets God, portrayed by Morgan Freeman, and
tem porarily inherits His powers. Mayhem and comedy ensue.

and lucrative

for WOIItetl and "'.. at
Platt. Parenthood

.. -



y"" aoCIId qvaIIfy ff:
• You have modcnte inca....,
(Tceru bued on mcir

inmme JJone)


• Wuhington taident and
U.s.. citi.rA!m or green cud


• No ocher fI.£ediWd tQ'fcngl:



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Tun, atVicaJ ap, condolJ\l,
foam, conttlotlCptit'C pncll

. ,{

• .F~agaKY contnception


• V..-.1omy or tuballig;ation

Pianned Parenthoocr


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• {


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. '.






A Letter From Your Pal, Hal
by Ha1lSteiriberg
Welcome, welcome to the new Sports
page. You may notice that the title now
includes Leisure. This means that because
the Evergreen community defines sports
in many different ways, th e page will now
includ e Leisure eve nt s. Lei sure e vents
includ e anythin g that can be deemed a
gam e. Board gam es, card games, video
ga mes, and if you interpret it th e way [ do,
li fe. The page will also includ e co m mentary
on the sta re of th e ' pons world and those
affiliarcd with it. If you like ex pressin g yo ur
opinion, bu t don't necess aril y enjoy t he
all -out se rio usness of say, th e opinions page
or th e news page, the n selld me an article
and I'll try to get it on my page.
In th is iss ue, luok to r th e art icle abo ut
th e abs urdit y of the who le M ike Pri ce
ario at Bam3 and ho w it once aga in
Pur ita nism of our society tha t is
ted Sta tes or America.
AI,u, I wo ul d like to sta rt including
some fee dback and make the page interactive, so for yo u hard co re sports fans out
there, please, please send Ille something. We
are few and f.·u between o n th is campus and


Evergreen Has a
And They

=.bY Jeremy HarriSon-smith

I'd like to hear more from you. I know that
some of you listen to Rom ey and others
like him, he has an opin ion and so do you.
Exp ress it. Don't be scared to make your
voice heard, shake this school up a bit. It
needs to be shaken .
Finally, fo r all of you who don't like
sports, or the organi zed type, here's your
chance to say your bit as well. Make fun
of us sports fre:t ks, tell us we're stupid,
make us crin ge. Li ve n up this sect io n. Also
jllSt because I'm a spo ns freak , do n't worry
abo ut what you may say, and wheth er I will
prin t it. I will. I may totall y disagree with
you , so what, th at's th e spirit o f ed ucati on
and the American Way.
Enjoy the new page, and as [ sa id ,
feedback, feedback! It's not go nna change if
you don't tell me to change it.


Since rely,
Hal Stein berg
I~ S . T he Lakers are on th eir way to #4,
'so to all you Laker haters and Auerbach
lovers, go jump off a cliff. Just kidding. But
seriously who do you think can beat 'em,
the Queens?! Ha, fat chance.

Baseball Team?


On the night of Thursday May 1, 2003 tackcd on an insurance run in the top of the
The Evergrecn State College baseball team seventh to make it a two-run game.
made history with their first win ever.
Evergreen's Mike Dressler pitched the
The team that was formed late in fall 7''' inning for the save, but not before some
quarter put up eleven runs Thursday night confusion on the field. With two outs and
in just their fifth game of the year, as they a runner on first, Dressler struck out Seattle
beat Seattle Universiry 11-9. The win came U's number-4 hitter, but Evergreen's catcher
from a team that consisted of several players dropped the ball, and the batter ran to first.
participating in their first game of the Since first base was occupied, Evergreen
season. Having trouble finding opponents thought the batter was automatically out,
to play against, and several other factors, and came running off the field ready to
the team was playing only its third game in celebrate their first win. But after the Seat~le
almost two months.
coach challenged the umpire's call, the
Wearing their green jerseys and white umpires declared that the batter was safe,
pants the Geoducks jumped on Seattle's because with two outs that rule does not
starting pitcher for three runs in the top apply. So the Geoducks made their way
of the first inning. DH Ross Trainor drew back on to the field, now with two Seattle
a leadoff walk, and left fielder Jeremy players on base and the winning run coming
Harrison-Smith doubled, before SS Josh up to the plate. But Dressler quickly made
Hernandez tripled to drive them in for the everyone forget, with a 3-pitch strikeout for
first two runs of the game. Starting catcher the final out of the game. As well as picking
Tucker Waugh, then drove Hernandez in 'up the save, Dressler went 3-3 with two
on a sharp single to right field to make it stolen bases. Tucker Waugh playing catcher
3-0. Evergreen would then load the bases for the first time, while filling in for a
again before Seattle U got the final out sick Ross Trainor, had a solid game behind
of the inning.
the plate, as well as going 2-2 with a walk
Seattle Universiry came right back to and 1 RBI. Sean Presley picked up the
tie the game in the bottom of the first with win and was 1-2 with a double, a walk
three runs off Evergreen's starting pitcher and 1 RBI.
Sean Presley. The game continued to go
Evergreen second baseman Daniel
back :;.nd forth with both teams scoring Moskin offered his feelings about the game,
alroust every inning. In the second inning, "Even though we haven't played many
Evergreen right fielder Jake Bouthsa lined games, the team has come together like
a hit over the right fielder's head that rolled a family. We just happened to get a new
all the way to the fence , and Bouthsa was brother-in-law, and hear from an uncle on
safe on a close play at home for an inside- game day."
the-park home run. Bouthsa finished the
Player-coach Sean Presley said, "We hit
game 2-3 with a single, a home run and well, we made big defensive stops when we
2 RBIs. After Seattle Universiry tied the needed to, and the closing performance by
game in the third inning, the Geoducks Dressler saved the lead for us."
took the lead back with 3 runs in die top
With the team unsure of how many
of the forth .
more games they will get to play this season,
Seattle th rea tened to take the lead you can bet that they are looking forward
in the fifth inning, but thanks to' several to the coming years. Harrison-Smith said,
outstanding plays in the Geoduck outfield, "When more people know that we have
including a throw by left-fielder Jeremy a team, we should be able to get mor.e
Harrison-Smltli tliat nailed T Seatrle U opponents tnat want to play us." runner at second base while trying to a
Look for the Evergreen baseball team
stretch a single into a double, Evergreen in Red Square during the Student Activities
held onto the lead. Seattle would get within fair on May 14'" from 3-6pin.
one run in the sixth inning before Evergreen

VOX meets. from 6-9 p.m. in Mod 309A. For more information, email Juggling Club meets r----:---~..,....--------------___,
from 7- 10 p.m. in Library 3000. Northwest Camarilla/Anarch Gatherings. These meetings, hosted by CamarilIa,involve
Colombia: in Solidarity 12
live-action roleplaying. From 8 p.m. to midnight on .the first floor of the Libraty. G.R.A.S. meets from 7 to 10 p.m. in Lecture
p.m. in the Library Lobby. PreHall 3. Support Group for Older Returning Women Students meets from 7-8 p.m. in the Women's Resource Center, CAB
sen ted by William Mendoza.
206. For more information, call 867-6162. Medieval Society meets at 4 p.m. in CAB 320 #5. For more information, call 867A World Without War is
6036. Students for Christ meet at 7 p.m. in B 108. For more information, call 867- 6636.
Possible a one day forum on
<J'hiday Peace Vigil from 12-1 p.m. at the Capitol every week. For more information, call Chrissy or Simona at 867-6196.
alternatives to war from 9 a.m.
MEChA meets 1 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call 867-6583. Prison Action Committee meets 3 p.m. in CAB
to 5 p.m. in L4300.
320, Workstation 10. For more information, call 867-6724. Fellowship of Reconciliation vigil from 4:30-5:30 p.m . at the
City o/God'showing at 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. at the Capitol
4,h Avenue Fountain. For more information, call Chrissy or Simona at 867-6196. Women in Black vigil from 5-6 p.m. at
Theatre. Tickets are $6.50.
Percival Landing. For more information, call Chrissy or Simona at 867-6196. Evergreen Linux Users Group (ELUG)
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in our Times
meets from 1-3 p.m. in Library 1505. No Iraq War take a stand for peace from f2 to 1 p.m. at the Tivoli Fountain at
showing at 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre. Tickets
Capitol grounds. LASO meets at 5 p.m. in CAB 320.
are $6.50.
~atuhday Freeway Overpass Banner Drop from 11 a. m. to 1 p.m. at the 1-5 overpass. For more information, call
Olympia Wooden Boat Fair from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Chrissy or Simona at 867-6 196.
at the Percival Landing in downtown Olympia.
~ul1day Open Mic at Last Word Books 7 p.m .
. Cuy o/God showing at 9 p.m.
<...Mollaay Services and Activities Board (S&A) meets from 3-5 p.m. in CAB 315. Open Stage for Peace at 7 p.m. at the
at the Cap itol Theatre. Tickets
Traditions Cafe, 300 5'h Ave SW. For more call 705- 2819. Evergreen Animal Rights Network meets at 3:30 p.m. in CAB
are $6.50.
320. Activists Working Against Racism at Evergreen (AWARE) meet at 6 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call
and Terror: Noam
867-622 1. Bike Shop: New volunteers meeting and training from 5-6 p.m. in the Bike Shop (basement of CAB). For more
at 6:30 p.m. at the
inform ation, call 867-6399. TRANS SOFFA meets at 5:30 p.m. in MOD 309A.
Uuesday Evergreen Animal Rights Network (EARN) meet at 4 p.m. in the Student Activities office, CAB 320. Call .
867-6555. Evergreen Students for Sensible Drug Policy (ESSDP) meet at 5 p.m. in the Student Activities Office, 3,d' Olympia Wooden Boat Fair from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Aoor of the CAB. Please email EvergreenSSDP@ hot for more inro. Students for Christ meet from 7-8:30 p.m . at the Percival Landing in downtown Olympia
in the CAB 108. For more information, call 867-6636.
Cuy 0/ God showing at 6:30
CWedl1esday Women of Color meet at noon in CAB 313. For more information, call 867-6006. Fellowship of
p.m. at the Capitol Theatre.
Reconciliation vigil at 12 p.m . in Sylvester Park. For more information, call Chrissy or Simona at 867-6196. Asian
Tickets are $6.50.
Solidarity in Action (ASIA) meets from 12-1 p.m. in Library 2103. For more information, call 867-6033. Hui 0
Environmental Analysis
Hawaii meets at 12:30 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call 867-6033. Coalition Against Sexual Violence
challenging M to 0
(CASV) meets at 1 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call 867-6749 . Women's Resource Center (WRC)
to a softball game at
meets at 2 p.m. in the WRC, CAB 206. For more information, call 867-6162. Healing Arts Collective meets at 2: 15
p .m . by the CRe.
p.m. in CAB 320. DEAP meets fro m 2-3 at the Organic Farm. For more information, call 867-6493. WashPIRG
meets at 2 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call 867-6058. Men's Group meets from 2-4 p.m . in Library For more information contact Elizabeth Ma nn at
2 11 8. For more informat ion, call 867-6092. Jewish Cultural Center (JCC) meets at 3 p.m . in Library 2129. For
more in forma tion, call 867-6092. Students at Evergreen for Ecological Design (SEED) meets at 2 p.m. in Lab 2. Avoiding Plagiarism workshop in L3500 from 4:30 to
For more information, call 867-6493. Evergreen Irish Resurgence Experiment (EIRE) me~s at 3 p.m. in CAB 6 p.m. For more information call 867- 6420.
320. For more information , call Eamon at 867-6098. Meeting for The Ovarian (the WRC zine) at 3 p.m . in the 1...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1
WRC , CAB 206 Evergreen Political Information Center (EPIC), Carnival and Infoshoppe meet at 4 p.m. in Library 3500. For more information, call 867-6144.
Please be sure to check back :ts th e meeting place is subject to change. Student Art Council meets at 2 p.m. in CAB 320. For more information, call 867-6412. Evergreen
Queer Alliance (EQA) meets from 2 to 3 in CAB 315. For more information call 867- 6544. Evergreen Students for Ideological Diversity (ESID) meets at two in
the Pit on the third floor of the CAB . For more information contact Native Student Alliance (NSA) meets at 1 p.m. in CAB 320 . For more
information call 867- 6105. Stitch & Bitch discussion group meets at 2 p.m. in the Women's Resource Center, CAB 206. For more information, call 867-6162. UMOJA
meets at 5 p.m. in the Pit on the third floor of the CAB.



. Pri<;e's


bv Hal Steinberg
Here we go again, the people come together to blather away about
moralism, when they themselves are ten times worse. What am I talking
about? Mike Price and the brouhaha at Alabama.
For all you who don't know the backround here it is, or at least what's
been reported. Mike Price was head football coach at Washington Stare for
14 years. While at WSU, Price compiled an 83-77 record at a school that's in
one of the toughest conferances in all of college football, the Pac-10. Twice
his teams won the conference championship and played in the Grandaddy
of 'em all, the Rose Bowl. Last year, the Cougars lost to Oklahoma, and
in their '97 birth they lost to the eventual National Champions, the
Michigan Wolverines. Price also coached "Drew Bledsoe, the all star NFL
quarterback, and Ryan Leaf, the retired San Diego Charger, who should've
stayed in college.
After losing the Rose Bowl this past January, Price left Pullman to go
to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and take over the head coaching job at Barna. For
Price, the job, would have been the opportunity of a lifetime. Alabama
is a the storied school where ,Paul 'Bear' Byant coached in his Hall Of
Fame career. Price as a newcomer had a tough role from the start, and
never got to do anything.
This past week, Price spent $200 at a strip club, and woke up the next
morning with a women he didn't know. The response: Alabama fired him,
before he ever got to coach a game.
Mike Price made a horrible mistake, he's married and has children, and
he's supposed to be the role model for his athletes. But does that mean that
he should be fired on the spot and never get a se<;ond chance? In my opinion,
absolutely NOT. In Alabama, where hypocritical social conservatives rule
the roost, the interpretation is different. According to the President of the
Universiry, Price was given a second chance. He'd been warned about his
behavior which included public drinking.
To me, this whole thing stinks of the same moral supremacy of those
who get pissed off at the Dixie Chicks and President Clinton. As I said
previously, what Mike Price did was certainly questionable. but like the others
mentioned, it doesn't rise to the level of being fired. Sex should never be the
reason someone gets fired, unless they do something that the other parry
doesn't accept, and that's against the law, it's called sexual harrassment. Mike
Price did not commit sexual harrasment as far as we know. Instead he made
an indiscretion that will stay with him for the rest of his life.
Politically speaking, Alabama probably needed to fire Price. The school
is a communiry that believes in hell fire and in many minds what Mike
Price did was a sin. He cheated on his wife, and adultery, at least in Bible
times, was an executable offense. For some reason people can not accept
that human bei ngs are fallible, and are not always the most intelligent.
Maybe it's called our nature.
Mike Price must now live with his mistake and learn from it, in a very
hard way. He no longer has a job, and the .one he lost would have payed
him $10 million . He screwed up on the national stage, not in Pullman.
Alabama is not WSU. But what we might w;(rit to take away from this whole
shennanigan is what- his players said._WSU_ players were less than help-ful,
but at the public heari ng before the Board Of Trustees, his current Alabama
assistant coaches and ' players stood up one by one and put in 1 good word.
That's team work, not this alienating moral supremacism that goes on in the
mind of people who think they're perfect, but aren't.

,t e

er Point Journal
needs ou!

- the CP J Editor-in-Chief for
next school year is looking fora
Managing Editor:
a partner in zeal,
a collaborator in leadership,
a helpmate in coordinating
the weekly production of the

Ap,plicationswill be available
Frido_y, MO'}L 16th in_CA_B 316.






" Fl oate r " & "Th e Simmons"
- Tommy McKaughan
" B. O . F.M . " - Ma x Averil l
" Message Fr om t he Edit o r "

"Athen ine " - P. Nathan Smith
"T errito ri al Disput es " - Pa tri ck Warner
"T a l es o f Ins omnia" - Colleen Frakes " Drexeiya " - Jon Cl a rk

~----------------------~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~lrr-:::l~~~JrAA--~----------~C;OOD, -\'~'I~ i, tnt.~a..~ of



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"I have an idea ... Why don't we have a peace summit
and see if we can find a viable $()IUlion for these
territorial disputes?"

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