The Cooper Point Journal Volume 30, Issue 25 (May 16, 2002)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 30, Issue 25 (May 16, 2002)
16 May 2002
extracted text


'wen t

to see
the movkSpiaet;

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"?', ",":)

', Nataki Jetr~, .


. ,

Mark Jaffe displays his ~ignature move-The Jersey Jaffe Two Step. (left)
A crew of roofba"ers (roofies)
partake in the pre-game ritual. (right)


lot of people think that Mouse Trap by Milron Bradley is the craziest game you'll ever play. The impermeability of
.this conviction has been challe-nged by a group of Evergreen students who spontaneously pick up a red rubber ball
and throw it on the roof of the HCC.
, see story page 10

To Lock or Not to Lock?

Dorm Access is Debated


"l.{iave ,succum

,(O"'\he 'mrghtxine~ia
hype ,O( th,e iJnpor -'.
, tanc~of major league ' "
baseball. I more often ,:,
watch th.e ' '
Marinet s-\vhen
re<\llyupset about how much ~oney
, they-get paid."', '
Jack Lev{i~


I'm , "


;-:Senior; ..
,. t..~· t· ·
MOl~~u(e, to ~drgailism .


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,.:. " ..,."l";' ..



The CPJ would,like 'to apol,ogi~e ;to the ,pepple
featured in the Vox POpuli se~on ofth'e preViolls
issue (5/9/02): W,hHe ~ll t,he nall1es m.atche.d;the
pictures c~rrectlw the quotes ' were, ~tt~buted
to the wrong people: The response.attrib,uted to
ClaireYiJckert actually be,longs to,: .cas,ey Jones
(he' was not pict6red). :.The response ·attr,jb,uted
to Lovey"Sugiyamajwa,s given'iby,tt.
The response attributed,to Ray Mp,riroe"belongs,.
t9 Lavey,Sugiyama.' the response ,~~f:ib~~ed tq
Tricia Whitted belohgs to Ray, Mo'nro,e. ,-:..""



O ly mpia , WA 98505
Address Se rvi ce Requ es ted


" , ; I ..


to a memo posted ea rly last
month, ,the entrance doors in Phase I
of Housing (buildings A, B, C, and D)
sustained approximately $750 in dam age
during the fall and winter qu ~ rters of this
Mu c h of this d a mage was a result of
students tampering with the locks so that
the doors w o uld open freely from th e
Some s tudents remain ad'a mant that
having th e entrance doors to these buildin gs lo c ked ha s a nega tive impact on the
community. In order fo r a resident o f one
building to visit one in another,the.y must
call in advance to have so meo ne open th e '
door for them . They (eel that this creates
th e se ns e th at they are o utsid ers in th e ir
own co mmunity.
"A lo t of peo pl e don't, eve n have, o r at
least don't want to ha ve, ph o nes , which
makes it even worse," notedJo hn Meal y, a
res id ent of buildin g C :
. From the co ll ege's in ce pti o n un til just a
few years ago th e do'ors to th ese buildin gs
w ere ope n. The dec is io n was made to lock
them out of concern fo r res i'de nts' safety.
People living in the woods surroundi!1g
Evergreen w e re sl ee ping in the h a llwa ys
on cold nights . There were even seve ral
inst a nces of non - residents showering in
students' bat hrooms.
Before any action was taken, a n open
forum w as held to discuss the issue.
Approxim a tely 30 to 40 students a rre nded,
which Mike Segawa, Director of Housing,
sa id was a "pretty good tumour."
T h e st ud e nt s at th a t forum h ad th e
sa m e co nce rns that tho se living in Housin g
do now : nam ely, the e ffect lockin g the
doors would have o n the co mmunity. In
the e nd , howeve r, Mr. Segawa sa id th at
they unde rstood the necess ity to prorect
res idents and ensure that st ud ents felt safe


A Student's Project .
Challenges Typical Ideas

by Chris MUJally
in their own homes.
"Ide,al beauty is white beauty, " says
After the decision w as made , officials
in Housing held several potlucks in the student Yuh-Line Niou, who has starred
d o rmitory buildings to disc uss how the new a weekly 'lecture series at Evergreel"P about
security would be implemented .
how women of color are often considered
Their original pl a n was to have one beautiful in America only if they r~semble
general key, which all students living Caucasian women .
in Housing (including those living in
She's called the series Saving Face: the
"Alphabet Soup") would receive. This key
Representation of Women of Color.
would open the e ntrance doors to A, B, C ,
The idea for the lectures, sprung from
and D. It was believed that this would' be two research papers Niou wrote on the
an effective sQlution, because the proble~ subj ec t earlier this year for her class. She
see m ed to invo lve only people corning in w a nted to take wh at she w as lea rning in
From outside the Housing community, not class a step' further.
from within it.
Some teachers at Evergreen are specialThe students who attended the potlucks,
ized in areas regarding race a nd the chalhow eve r, felt that i~le buildings were len ges facing women of co lor, says Niou,
going to be locked , o nly res idents living but they often aren't approached outside
in thar particular buildin g should rece ive
their cl asses to give lect ures in their a reas
a key,
of specialty.
Thar is h ow the locks a re prese ntl y
For her first lecture, Ni o u invited fac ulty
co nfi gured, though 'it seems that many M a rio Ca ro to ex pand on iss ues she touched
students are beco min g increas in gly di ssatis- o n in her research pape rs, About 25 st udents
showed up to li ste n .
ti ed with th e situ at io n.
"T hi s is definitely so mething w e' re
In h e r resea rch pa pe rs, Ni o u wrote th at
a c hild ca n not inst a ntly di sce rn wh at
loo kin g ;Jt," 'said Mike Segawa . ,
Officia ls in Housing a re cu rrently evalu- ' is co ns id e red beautiful. But over tim e,
aring rh e eco n o mi c viabiiity o f ,dtering th e every child is trained as they grow older
c urrent arra nge ment to something more to di's criminate wh a t is or is not bea utiful ,
an.d usu a lly wh a t is be a utiful is what
agreea bl e to stud e.nrs living in Housing.
IF there a re e nou gh extra keys, or the approximates Caucasian traits.
The small.lips. The light skin. The
number of neY" ~eys which would need
lighter-colored hair. The wide, not slanted
t ~ b e purchased is affordable, resident
ass istants will begin speaking with residents eyes. Eyes colored blue or green.
Niou , who also heads the student group
to dete rmin e wh ilt sort of configuration
Wom e n of Color, a nd is Chinese herself,
th ey would be more satisfied witi-i .
, A no th e r issue th at will be taken into says Asian wom e n sometimes modify their
co nsid erati o n , acco rdin g to Mike Segawa,
bodies by whitening th eir skin or ge ttin g
will be the lo ng- term effic ie ncy of re-keyin g. surgery in order to approxim ate a western
" If it win ma ke more se nse to spe nd the idea of white beauty.
Niou says four or five students in her
money to change the loc ks a nd keys once
rather than co nstantl y paying to repair the close circle of friends have gotte n a spec ial
dam~ged locks , th en th a t's so mething we 're
eyelid surgery that makes th eir eyes look
go in g to ha ve to think about," h e sa id .
see Beaut page 3

US Postage
Olympia WA
Pe rmit #65

Free Double-Bill Concert
Friday in the Longhouse
15}'_Jarfile_S1ilIma/i ..~--=-------.~~.
Traditional West Africtln Songs and
Kane Mathis 011 Kora. foLlowed by Tyler
Richtlrt with enseinble 011 Djembe and

This, not the man pictured in the CPJ
two weeks ago, is the real Bible Jim,
back on campus Wednesday and once
again trading shouts, ideas, insights
and insults with students. The traveling
preachers say they use the signs with slogans like "You Make Me Sick l "
- to draw a crowd, then converse
with the peop'le who
, stick around.

Pl ease jo in Bo n Appelir o n Tuesday.
May 2 1, rrom 1 1:30 J.m.- I :30 p. m. on
rhe seco nd flo or of th e CAB.
We are hosting Seatll", Corree
Co m pa ny on ca m pus to discuss I he coffees oFTo rrefaz ion e Ita li a and Seatrle's
Best Coffee .
Dave Wickberg. Quality Assurance
Director a nd Ca ro lyn Reynold s,

On Friday, May 17, the Percussio n Club
is sponsorin?, a concert with Kan e Marhis,
who playS rhe 2 1-string Wesr Arrica n harp
known as rh e Kora .. Kane has made man y
eX lended visirs to Ga mbia to study
wirh rhe Jobarreh fam il y of mu sician s.
He is rhe only non -African graduate;
of the Teram;lng Traditional Musi c
p!Joto by Andl'ellJ Co,l1mn ' Sc hool, and li e ha s performed for rhe
I,'residel1l of Gam bi;l.·
Three weeks ago, an Evergreen student· I
The Kora is made from half a gourd
threw paint on one preacher; the
with a hardwood pOSI rh at runs
police are investigating (see page 9
which the slrings are attached.
for Rev. Jeremiah Baldwin's letter to
srretched over rhe open side of
the CPJ) .'After several appearances
rhe ca.labash for resomn ce. The sound ofrhe
by th e religious group this year: one
Kora is soolhin'g and ,hyp no'l ic. The songs are .
might wonder, "Is this news anymore?"
ohen very polyrh ythll1ic and so und as if three
Well, it certainly gets people talking.
- Corey Pein
or four people are playing. eYe Il if il is a solo
- - - ._--performance.
In my own eX f?erience o(\islcning to the
Kora. I have lound Ihar vcry few instrurneills
are abl e to pur Ille inlo such a stare of bliss
and relaxari01I. The hypnotic interweaving
University Serv ices Coordinato r, will
melodies and floary solo lines ha ve led me
be o n hand to rield com me nt s and
to believe tha t the Kora ;lI1d its players have
address student co ncerns relating to
tapped into the peak of' mu sicd experi.
corree-buying pra cr ices and ori',anic
produ cti o n.
AI 8:00 p.lll . Friday. Kane will speak
r ree sa mpl es of th e SBC organic
briefly aboul the Illusic and culture surblends arc availabl e as a taste tesl 10 see
rounding the Kora, then play this wonderous musIC.
ir the campus is int erested!
For more info call xG282.
Tyler Richart has recen rly rerurned from



'- --. . -

a six-week visit to Kon akry in.Guinea. Wesl
Africa, where he studied the tradition ;11
rhythm s of the Malinke people with
famous Master Drummer Famadou
Konat e. Tyler, accompanied by an
ensemble of Djembe and Dunun
players. will be performing the traditional
rh ythms he learned on his trip. The
Percussion C lub has been lu cky enough
ro h'lve Tyler leading our weekly
meetings ro r the last three years, an d
he has been an asset to the Olympia
com munity wirh his respect for the
rraditional music of West Afi·ica.
Bring your open ears and hea rts, as well ·
as your dancing shoes.
Th e cost is FREE.
The locat ioil is the LONGHOU SE.
The rime is 8:00' p.m.
For more information, co nta ct the
Percussion club at 867-6781. Our weekly
meetings are on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in
the Longhouse.

Hear Irish Music

General Meeting
5 p.rn. Monday
Help decide such things as the Vox
Populi question and what the cover
photo should be.

Paper Critique .
4 p,m. Thursday
Comment on that day's paper, Air
comments, concerns, questions, etc.

Friday Forum .
2 p.rn. Friday
Join a d,iscussion about jour:nalism
and ethics facilitated by CPJ Advisor
Dianne Conrad.

Business.... ;................................... 867-6054

r •• ," ... ,.,.' .. r •••• :" .. rl ••• ' •• r ••••

...... , ..

,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .


2 p.m~ Friday

calendar items, see page art,
columns, 'comics

Noon Monday
news articles, a&e articles, letters,
sports articles

Noon Tuesday


'@ ever

contributions from any TESC student are

Thursdays of Fall Quarter and the 2nd th rough the
1O!h T~ursdays ofWinrer and Spring Quarters.
dIstributed free on campus and at various
sites in Olympia, Lacey and Tumwarer, Free
distribution is limited to one copy per edition per
person. Persons in need of more than one copy
should contact the CP] business manager in CAB
316 or at (360) 867-6054 to arrange for multiple
copies. The business manager may charge 75 cents
for each copy after rhe hrst.

Editor·in·chief ........ ;......................................... Whitney Kvasager
Managing editor..... ,..................
Corey pein
News editor ........... :.. :...... .,..................... ,............ Andrew Cochran
L&O editor ........................ ;..... ,.. ;.........................~, ........ M.A. Selby
Photo editor ... ,....
Timothy Radar
A&E editor............. .,. .....................,"'.: ...................... Chris Mulally
Sports editor .....
Kevin Barrett
Page designers ..... .,. .............................. Katy Maehl, Katrina Kerr written, edited, and distributed by
Copy editors........................", ............ Meta Hogan, Mosang Miles students enrolled at The Evergreen State College,
Calendar editor ................................................... Charna Calamba who are solely responsible for its production and
Newsbriefs editor ........................~ ........................ Brent Patterson advertising space Information about
Comics editor., ...." ... ,.. ,.... ,..... ,., .. ,.. .. ,.... ,................. , Nathan Smith advertising rates, terms, and conditions are
o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

available in CAB 316, or by request at (360)

Advisor ......
Dianne Conrad 867·6054.
Contributors ..... Jeremiah James Baldwin, Kevin Barrett, Serena Becker, Celva subscriptions Ayear's worth of the CP] is
,1 ••••••••••• , •••• , •• ,., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••

Boon, Chama Calamba, Joe car" Andrew Cochran, Katy Evans, Krista Fracker,
Mark Germano, Jeremy Gregory, N6!han Hadden, Jennifer Hall; Evan Hastings, Nate
Hogen, Alan Jericho, Amy Loskota, Robert Marino, John Mastro, Chris Mulally,
Apryl Nelson, Brent Patterson, Corey Peln, Timothy Radar, Elicla Sanchez, Mike
Segawa, At. A. Selby, Dunstan Skinner, Jamie Stillman, Ben Tabor, Erin Ro Tade,
Heather Treadway



photo by Kevin Barrett

The pictured oil painting is '/1t the Brink, .. by Josh Bosworth. It's part ofhis senior
thesis exhibition - the final show in an art student's undergraduate education.
Bosworth is one offillr seniors who are showing their exhibits fr(!ln today. May 14 to
June 15 in Evergreen's two galleries.
W"lk into the library and turn right to find gallery 1.
Takt' tht' stairs to the fourth }loor find turn left to find gallery 2.
The three other artists are Phoebe Seligman, Chmmey Peck "nd Elijah Geiger, all
showing exhibilI ofst/per-stellar proportions.


On Sunday eve ning', May 19, local
Iri sh music group Fiddleh ead will be teaming up wirh Maldon Meehan for ,1 night
of Iri sh music and dance. M~ld on is ~ n
Evergreen student with a master in Ethnochoreography From Limerick Universily.
She ' knows how ro have a good time.
The .event is sponsored by the E. I.R. E. club
and starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Longhouse.

Business manager..................................................... Sophal Long welcome. Copies of submission and publication
Asst. ~usine~s manager ........................................ Ursula Becker criteria for non-advertising content are available
Advertising representative ..........:.................., Kumiko O'Connor in CAB 316, or by tequest at (360) 867-6213.
Ad proofer and archivist ......................................... Irene Costello The CPJ's editor-in-ch ief has hnal sayan the
acceptance or rejection of all non-advertising
Distribution manager .............................................. Nathan Smith content.
Ad designer .................~ .............................. Nicholas Stanislowski published 29 Thursdays each academic year,
Circulation manager
. ........................................
. Michaela Monahan when class is in session: the Isr through the 10th

News ...:.......:.:.... ~ ........................... 867.6213


wider and adds anorher fo ld in rhe make· up . "
As an example, Shiseido brand
lid like caucasians commonly have.
Some of her friends have also make up , available for Asian women
bought green co lored contacts. at Bon Marche srores, features
Or bleached th eir hair to look mostly white models in all their
blonde. Niou says when she ads, she says. On e of their aims,
asked rhem rhe reason rhey nude IS in t rod ucin g "Ame ri can cu lture
rhose cha nges
to Ihe Japanese
pub li c, " N io u
rhey sa id rhey >.. ¥
Some of her [Niou's] friends ' S,IVS.
NioLi chose
100 k pre I ry."
have also bought green colored
Bur r\ ,,: ir
I ide
of contacts. Or bleached their hair "Sa ving Fa ce"
"pretty" me.IIlS to look blonde ... they said they
lor her lecture
ries because
"wanted to look pretty."
tryini', to look
more whire ,
But their idea of "pretty" In
says Nioll.
means trying to look more white,
"rhrow ing away
They don 'r
says Niou.
mea ns
believe it when
_ ....... _ being ashamed
she tell s them
abou '
thai , she says.
Katy Sraton, a Korean student something. In this instance, to "save
who is also decon srructing the idea f,lce" is it realize there is no reason
of beauty for her class studies, cires to be as hamed abour the co lor of
American movies , radio, television, your skin , or your ethnicity.
advertisement as 'perpetuating a
The Women of Color Coalition
western standard of bea uty.
Niou ag rees, s'lying another w'ly meets every Wednesda.y at 4 p. m., in
to see western standards of beauty L IB 1412. You rail reach them III
is through ''rhe wonderful world of x6006

bYIJijaslarLSkmneL ._______


theCOOR-er Point Journal

Beauty from cover

mailed First Class to subscribers f~r $3?, or Third Class
for $23. For information about subscriptions, call the
CP] business side at (360) 867·6054 .

May 7
A fire alarm went ofT in T dorm . . ..
The car.;se? Grease on the burner.
St range how it is that it's a lw ays
grease on the burner. Do ' people not
know how to clean a burner? It would
cut down on the massive . amount of

May 8
6:34 a.m . A parked ca r was damaged near the Longho llse. It looks as
though the Keyed Avenger struck here
as he has many times to many cars
before. Maybe it happens in other
parking lots, but he strikes. And when
he does, he leaves hundreds of dollars
of damage to be repaired.

7:00 a.m. An altered parking pass
results in a vehicle boot.
1 1:45 p.m. A Volvo was pulled
ovet for failure to use the turn signal.
Before it stopped, the Volvo crossed
over the double yellow"line into the
opposite side of traffic. I t was also
noticed that his brake lights weren't
working. After he was stopped, the
driver admitted to swerving over the
line , but claimed that he only did it

beca use he was watching a car that was
tailgating him . It was soo n di scove red
that his license was suspended, and he
was taken into custody.

May 9
1: I 0 p.m. A bicycle was found near
th e wooded area off th e maintenance
and pedestrian parh on rhe Nurth si de
of the library.
11 :04 p.m. Si mpl e verbal abuse
against th e police results in so m ething
a li ttle more seve re after an assault on
a student takes place. The assailant ran
after striking someone and ignored
attempts by the police to have him
stop. He was chased to J dorm and ran
into another student, resulting in her
having her head hit against the side of
the building. After being taken into
custody, the assailant was searched
and w<\s fout1d to have marijuana and
markers on him . Markers ' Yes. See,
the markers were i'n colors of recent
graffiti, and were taken into custody
along with the marijuana.

May 10
11 :26 p.m . Two people were caught
with ,open containers of our good

friend, AI Co hol, uutside ofT dorm.
One was under age and the other was
21, which makes one MIP/C tonight.
The minor was searched and found to
have SIX other unopened conrainers
of alcohol on him. Where he put those
conra in ers is beyond my reasoning
... I didn't think that pants pockets
could get thaI' big. But they have to
be ; where else could the beer have
. been kept? The eight cans of beer were
dest royed and the case was forwarded
to Grievance.

May 11
12:38 a.m. Supermodels usually
don't date guys who live in the dirt.
(The Tick) Or in their cars, for that
matter. Now you're all probably thinking, "What do supermodels have to
do with this report?" Well, if you want
to date a supermodel, you shouldn't
sleep in your car; you should stay with
friends. This is exactly what the person
in this report should have been told:
"You shouldn't sleep in your car in F
Lot, then urinate on the ground." It
just asks for trouble. Sure, it's dark, and '
no one should be watching, but there
always is someone there, watching
you. Kinda creepy, huh?

1:00 a.m . O ne MIP occ urs outside
of U dorm on thi s fine evening. It
seems that there was a part y in T,
and two people were heading back
to their apartment, one 2 1 and th e
oth er not 21. They sta rted sc rea ming ,
drew attenrion to themselves, and then
BAM! MIP city, here we come. The
case was forwarded to Grievance, and
the co ntainers of beer were destroyed.
9:57 a.m. A fire alarm went off in
. .. Library 1116. Strange . Everyone
evac uated the building, and upon
earry, there w as nothing detected that
cou ld have logically ca used the alarm.
No smoke, no fire, nothing like that ,
just the incessant beeping of the fire
alarm. Keys were missing, so the alarm
went off for an hour! It's like an alarm
in A dorm. Except that it wasn't.
Maybe there's a mystery alarm puller
out there as well.

May 12
8:00 a.m. Another MIP, another
day it seems. Two students coming
from the beach trail are stopped by the
police because one was see mingly very
intoxicated, She was taken to Police
services and the case was forwarded
to Grievance,





Psychedelia in the Name of Science



bY Brent Patterson

SlImmartzerl bv
, Serena BeckAr


Bush Unsigns Treaty that Created an International Criminal Court



compilBd bY .70e Carr

U'wa Celebrate Oxy's Withdrawal.
. In 1994, Occide.ntal Petroleum announ ced its exciting discove ry af a potent ial $50
bIlhOl~ worth af o il 111 Col ~mbla. This oi l-rich region , however, is occupied by one o f the

world s o ldest and most sp IrItual Indigen ous tribes, th e U'wa, who. ho ld th e environment
qUite sac red ., Along with inren.1ation al ,activists, the U'wa laun che'd a ca mpaign to kee p
O xy off th eIr land, Preside ntial ca ndidate AI Go re has m any. ti es to Oxy and is t he
executive shareholder afhis fa mily's stock in the company, Much was done to tarn ish Gare's
environm entalist im age during the 2000 elect ion. In fact, the U'wa claimed that they wauld
commit mass SUICide If Oxy commenced drilling, fo r they believe that the rape af th e earth
wauld surely mean th e end of th e world, and it is better to die th an see th e apacalypse. This
wa, nat an Idle threat; 500 years ago most af th e U 'wa tribe jum.ped to. th eir dea ths from
th eIr sacred cliff of dea th in respanse to th e canqui stadar invasion.
Despite much geolagical ev idence, Oxy's test wells were findin g very litde o il, and
last wee,~ th e company annaunced th at it would withdraw from th e region "for tec hni cal
reasons an d give back Its 5 16,000-ac re ca ncessio n to th e Co lo mbian gave rnment.
Many campany affiCi als m il believe that much ail is there, as d o. the U \ va, claiming
theIr spIrItual leade rs drove th e all away from th e Co mpan y's test sites through man y
d ays a f praying and fasting.
Thaugh Oxy has withdrawn, the state oil co mpany Ecopetrol has ass umed control of the
0;cy ~x.plora tlon block a n~ says itpl ans to continue looking for oil. So. unfortuna tely, ,th e
U was blood of th e earth may stili be exploited.

In an unpJecedenred move, the Bu~ h admi nistration last Monday (May
6) unSigned a treaty th at would have II1cluded the United States
in ratifying the creation of an Internatianal Criminal Coun.
The ICC will create a permanent arena to prosecute individuals
charged with in~olve l11 ent in gen acide, crimes against humanity,
war Cfllnes and IIlternatlan al terrorIsm.
. The unsign ing of the trea ty by the U.S. will have no legal
ImplI ca ti o ns on th e crea tion af th e co urt, which will be
in effect as of Jul y I , 2002 in The H ague, Netherlands.
H owever, th e un signing by the United States has created
much autcry th roughout th e world, particularly fromU,S.
allIes III the European Unio n.
1 ,000 civil society o rganizatians have expressed disappall1tl11en t that [he U ,S. has refu sed to be a pan of the
Inte rn a twn al cammunity fi ghting far peace and justice .
Dlsappo lIHmenr has risen from within the United States as
wel l. Wiscansin Se nato r Russell D . Feingold (D) call ed the
m ove "ex tremely problematic '" cas ting doubts on the U .S.
comm itment to internatio nal justice and accountabi lity."
D o nald Rumsfeld o f the war departmenr, however, justifies
th e withdrawa l with th e admini stration's cha rac teri stic
rh etorical s ta te m e~ t s, saying th ey wou ld "h inder the fi ght
again st te rr a rI sm and ca uld beco me a "threa t to U.S.
sove reign ty."
The leg itimacy of the ICC is pro tec ted through the U .N,
Although the United States has refu sed to ratifY this treaty, ----U.S. CI tizens are not barred from being tri ed for committing
atracltles InSide co untries that have ratified the treaty, if it is
ruled thar th e judicial practices with in a part icular cauntry are
nat adequate o r they refuse to try th em in a co un oflaw, The
failure of the U,S. government to comply with internatianal
laws atte mptin g to c reate peaceful a nd just so luti ans to
I11humane via lence is of no surprise, It merely exemplifi es the
hypOCri SY of America, the "democ ratic and just" natio n., wwwcommolldl"eams. org





bY E van Hastings

. About 5,500 children die each d ay around th e world from d iseases ca used by palluted
A Security Co~nc i l res~luti o n in January 1976 called for a political ,
aIr, water and food, co nclud es a new study rel eased Thursday by three United Natio ns
settlement on th e Intern ation ally recogni zed borders "wi th appropriate
age nc!es. The report details th e deadly threat th at environmental degradatian poses to th e
.arra nge me nts ". to guarantee ". th e save reignty, territorial integrity,
Ea rth s most vulnerable citi ze ns, EnV ironmental co ntamin atio n gives rise to a number of
and po litICal Independence of all states in the area," The resolution was
diseases, IncludIng diarrhea and acute respiratory infections - two of the leading causes of
backed by alm os t all the U .N. participant co untries, including the Arab
child monaiity - charges the re pa rt , "Children in th e New Millennium: Enviro nmenral
states, bur o pposed by Israel and vetoed by the United States.
Impact a n H ea lth." The 140-page repon was produced by UNICEF, th e UN Envira nment
In Dece mber 2001 , the V,S. vetoed anoth er Security Co uncil
Progra mm e (UNE P) a nd th e Wo rld H ealth Organizat io n (W H O ). It was released in
re solut ion. Thi s reso lu tion was ca ll ing for th e di spatch of
conju nction w ith the three d ay U nited Nations (UN) General Asse mbl y special sessio n a n
IIH e rnation a l m on ito rs, This ni cely compleme nts Is rael 's
child ren, whICh opened 111 N ew York on W edn esday. Millions of childnm wo rk in agri culture,
more recent rejection. af a U.N , fact-finding team . The U.S.
p uttin g th e m at high rISk of pes ti cide poiso nin g. C hildren are al so. disproportio nately
gove rnm ent ha s hope in this confli ct, as G.W. Bush described
vulnerable to gla bal en vlronmenral probl ems, such as th e impac r of cl imate change, th e
Israel i Prime Minister Ariel Sharo n as "a man o f peace," Well,
depletlan af the ozone layer, and th e loss af the planet's bi ological dive rsity, the report wa rns,
Israel does get a bi g piece of U .S. forlI'gn aid .
Th e. reporrcalls for Increased natIOnal Investment in early child ca re, includ ing foc usin g on
WWII'. com mondreilllls. olg
th e Immediate envlfonmenrs of children, lIke homes, schools and cammunities.
http://wwwcomr;/!05 !0-06.Mm
Israel's Detention of Seattle'Activist
hup.-I/ens. 0'(05. wmlemlmay2002/2002[-05-1 0-06,html
The plan was to brea k up th e month - long siege at the
C hurc h of [h e Na ti vity in Be thleh em an d ge t foo d and a
Organic Produce Contains Traces of Pesticides
team of inte rn a ti o nal abservers into th e c hur c h~ TREVOR
A Co nsum er's Union-led srudy o f government-collected data fo u nd pes ticide residue
BAUMGAl"ZTNER, a Seattle resident , was o ne th e internatian als
a n 23 pe.rcent of orga nic ,fruits and vegetables and o n nea rl y 75 perce nt of no n-organic
from the Interna tia nal Sol idarity M ove me nt (I SM) who, on May
produce. rh e findll1gs do n t necessarIl y mean that any of th e produce is unsafe. The residues
2, we re decoys ~e twee n the church and th e Israe li Occupation Farces
are sel do m even cl ose to th e limits set by th e Environmenta l Protection Agency. Most
(l OF) troaps to create a window of opportu nity for the other ISM
resldl.les 111 argan lc sampl es appear because of pes ticide spray drift from adjacent fields,
peo ple to rush fo od, water and m edical supplies into. th e people
or 50 11 o r Irrlgatl a n-water co ntam ination . Also, o rga nic farmin g doesn't necessa rily mean
trapped In the church by th e Israeli military. Fo r this act ion, Trevor,
pesti Cide-free. Sulfur a nd bactena sprays are approved for o rga nic crops, and one natural
al a ng With 12 othe r Western activists, were detained by th e IOF; not
pes ti Cide used by organ ic farmers , pyret hrum, may cause cancer, and another is linked to
arrested , detained. Trevo r and three o th er Am erican men went on
neurotoxic effects in rats, Howeve r, agricultural and health advoca tes still say buying a rgan ic
a hun ger strike to protest their illegal detention and the Israeli
IS a good Idea, as th e fISk IS reduced so dramati call y. Although organic crops account for just
governm ent's threa t th at the detai ned Internationals would be
two pe rc~ nt ofU,S, fruit and vegetable. ac reage, the industry has been growi ng rapidly. Sales
depa ned and nat allawed to return for 10 yea rs. After a week of
af o rga11lc foods reached $7 .8 billIon 111 2000, a 20 perce nt increase fra m th e year ea rli er,
bel11g farcefully held and refusing to ea t, Trevor was reportedly
accordll1g to Packaged Facts, a market researc h fi r111 ,
hospitalized and th e hospi tal staff tri ed to force feed him. On
h t I p : I len II i r 0 l i n k . n et for c h (J 11 g e , C 0 1/2 /
Friday, M ay 10, a group of Seattle and O lympia demonstrators
fi-ame, html?page=search.lmnl%3Fcatid%3D 10 %2650 urcetype%3D lieu's
occ upied 2nd Ave, in dawntawn Seattle and blocked traffic
in front o f the fede ra l bui ldin g to d e manstrat e against th e
Isra elt occ upatIO n o f Palest in ian la nd a.nd the Military detention
af 20 peace
d emonstrato rs in Israel, including Trevo r Baumgartner. The Seattle Police arrested 11
of th e de manstrators. O n Monday, May 13 , U.S . Embassy officials arranged Trevor's
s.ummaazed bv
release after [he Embassy workers got fed up with the flood of phone calls pouring in from
Evergreen students, O lympia reS idents, Puget Sound citizens and friends and fam ily a f
11 International Activists Sneak Supplies into Church of Nativity
Trevo r. According to the offer made by the U .S. embassy on Monday the 13th, Trevor
O n May 2, 24 activists from the U .S., U .K., Sweden and Ireland sneaked past the Israel i
IS now free to leave (no t be in g de po rted) : but Trevor says he's going to stay until all
blockad e of Bet hl ehem with supplies fo r the 200 Palestin ia ns who have bee n trapped
the de man~ s of the detalll ees are m er. The demands, which were initially agreed to by
111 the C hurch of the NatiVity for almost a manth, The Israeli Defense Force managed
Israeli offiCials, are th at all detainees be allowed to leave of their own fre e wi ll , not be
to detain 13 of the aC tiVists, but th e remaining II m ade it into the church with food
d epo rted, and with no restri.ctions on future travel to Israel. Some of you saw Trevor at
and medical suppl ies. They h ave s tated that th ey will rem ain in th e church until the
one or both of ~he two .readll1gs he has done .in O lympia rece ntly. I hea rd him read a nd
Palestinians are free to leave without being arres t~d. Since then , th e IDF has raided the
tell sto.nes of 111$ experIences With the ISM in Palestine. I was deeply m oved, as were
ch urch and arrested all 11 activists,
others 111 the room, visibly in tears.
http://www nye. i ndymedia. orglfrollt.php3 ?artic!e_ id =23583


see Bubble pa e 12

may 16. 2002


to that ma st conducive to promating m emar y and attentiveness, By imitating thase pa't - ,
te rn s thraugh so und and ligh t,
Evergreen students hape to
manipul ate participants' brainwaves into. that state sc ienrists
have determin ed theta, ane th at
functions somewhere between
alertness and light slee p.
The is rath er simple.
Pa rticipants who came in take
s ta ndardi ze d att e ntian and
m e m ory test s , pre- and posr attention a nd memory te s ts,
d an th e goggles a nd ea rph ones,
whi ch will eith er be fl as hing and
thumping (if the parti cipa nt is
ih the res earch g raup), or not
(if the y are in the ca nt ro l
g rou p). Ca ntrol gra up p art icipants wi ll ha ve th e cha n ce to.
ex pe ri ence the li ghts and so und s
if th ey want. Afte rwa rd s t hey
wil l re take th e tes ts, and th e
results will be ca mpared.
"So far it loa ks like ther e
photo by Timothy Radar
The author demonstrates a memory enhancement device that
aren ' t a n y rea ll y s ig nifi ca nt
finding s, but we haven't done
a ny stati stical tes ts ye t, so we're
rea lly not sure," sa id stud e nt
" I use it [th e bi - neural bea ting - photo each person to. have th e ir awn res ponse
Sara Gre er, who is also wark in g a ll thi s stimulating cantraptian ] to fall as leep, It to It.
. " ,
wo rks quite well , " said Lindb ergh, "And it
Twa pea pie felt sick . "We had to take
Simi la r s tudi es have sh ow n po ss ibl e c reates de li g htful psychedeli c hallu c in a- them outside to breathe. "
benefits to a va ri ety af people's a ilm ents: ti o ns. " Peo ple see m to enja y it.
To. participate in the ex periment, call
ADHD, mi g raine s, PM S, insamnia.
" But ," he add s, " it kind af d epe nds an Morgan at 273-7908 . .

U.S.llsraei vs. International Community

Pollution Killing Kids Worldwide



Students have bren asked to participate
in an ex periment bein g conducte d b y
peers who are studying the e ffec t s af
au dito'ry a nd visu al stimuli on m e mar y
and attention,
A cheap-Iaoking cantraption, goggles
a nd headphane s thar wire into a small
b lack contro l panel, a type af attenuating
d ev ice, hangs fro m t h e subject's face. The
wea rer can nat see rhrough t he gaggles.
Instead, tin y red bulbs that are wired into
the in sid e le n ses fl ash a nd strobe in a
da2;zli ng shaw of lights . A low, broke n,
ec hoey hum sa rt af bass es thraugh th e
earphanes .
" It 's kind af like bein g at a ra ve, " said
Vanessa Gamet, o ne ' of th e Sc ience of
Mind program stud ents wa rking an thi s
proj ect.
In th e st ud y, stud e nts are simulatin g
e xp er im e nt s a f scie ntist s fram o th e r
u n iv e rsit ies in which "a signifi ca nt carrelat io n bet\V~e n soun d and light st imularian <lnd b etter g r a d es , m e mor y a nd
attention" was s hown , w rat e s tud e n t
Ma rga n Lindbe rgh o n a fl ye r advertising
fa r ex pe rim e nt pa rti c ip a nts.
Sc ientists hypothesize that bra inwaves
ca n be influen ced by sy nchronizing sound
a nd li ght (or, if yau prefer, in sc ientific
s hop -talk t er m s, bi-neural b ea ts and
I'hato -s timui3t io n) into ce rt a in p attern s
t hat the brain th e n mimi cs , They ha ve
u sed EEGs, a tes t th at measures electrical
im pulses fro m th e canex af th e brain, to
m atch the rate o f human brain impulse


• >

WOULD YOU like to be the NEXT




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$6.90 per hour
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Learn where student fee money goes!
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FRIDAY, MAY 24th @ 5:00 P.M. in CAB 320



For more infromation stop by CAB 320 or call X·6 221



! .

WILeD ·Releases New Album


Since deparr in g th e Al t-Co untry pio nee rs Uncl e Tupel o , Jay Fa rrar and Jeff Tweedy
have take n d ec idedly di ffere n t path s. Fa rrar has emba rked on a solo ca reer, as well as
p u rsui ng d lup elo esClu e co unr ry outin g So n Volt; it see m s ro b e the case th a t Far ra r
may hav e be com e st u c k in a ni c he . Jeff Tweed y, howeve r, h as bee n bl esse d wi t h
th e gift of ge ni us.
Bu ildi ng off th e SllC(eSS o( p ri o r WILCO album s, a nd two of th e most im p ress ive
co lla bora tive reco rds m ade in t he lasr re n years (b ill y b ragg and wi leo , m erm a id ave nu e
vo lum es one ;,ind IWO) , Tweed y has had th e t ime and m o me ntum to build on the mell ow
roots-o rie nted c resce ndo kn own as WI LCO .
M a ny cri t ics ma y have bee n a bit skeptical abo u r th e new WILC O, wh o replaced two
me mbers wh ilt: reco rdin g yankee ho rel fox trot; a nd Reprise Reco rds d ecid ing no t ro release
Ihe reco rd ad ded fuel to th a t fire. H ow ever, ir should be noted Ih at wh oever d ecid ed not
ro rel ease this reco rd d ese rves to be fired , again and again .
Wh a l sta nds in th e afre rma th is simply o ne o f the finest co nstructed records I have
hea rd in a lo ng tim e. ya nkee ho tel fo xtrot is th e kind of mellow downbea t reco rd th a t
is suitabl e for mo st occas ions , th e so ngs build to a bea utifull y p roduced e motional
hi gh po int a nd back aga in. With songs like "ashes o f Ameri ca n fl ags ," Tweed y and
co . a re a bl e to bl end s imply cra fted pop/country tunes inro m aste r works o f th e ir
time. WILCO may now stand as one o f
the greatest Am e rican bands in existc>n ce,
mu ch like m a ny rout radioh ead as rh e
grea test brit-ba nd.

A Fashion
Show in

'. , Stop ~tihg a wimp. Thry are w'flk- .
ingal/ over jouand you don 'f seem
to. tau.

~~ Notv~rj' good at confrontatio';,
you just get all angry and begin to



. . . .~

cane .



Are' you j~st e'!lSe'.or really don't get it?
That pe'rson, whom you are attracted to
but are afraid to tell, likes YQutoo.

et ready for that trip'down
memo.ry lane. Buckle up.



You are a doo,rmat,.start st,andirlg
up for yqurself before It IS too'late..
. '




Start taking car~ ofyourselfand
stop being lazy - YOlt are only hurting


Finding yourself in a pickle or in
a picklejar?

Playing the field again f see;
don't drop the ball.

Well I am glad to see the sun had
an effict 01/ you.

I know you like to back out of
things at the last moment, but this
might be your ktst chance.

pis~~s49. · .' .
Thln.k about .It: 'if yo.u Cf)nt,tnu.e to .
, . tuatp~QP~'lile~t6is: 1ft/ you, dlJt!n gojrlg .
to '!ilvl!. any f,.,mds left? .

La ~ 1 week, on Ihe final night of Big Show
C ity, a three-day performing arts showcase
in downtown Ol ympi a, Heath er Treadway
and other loca l f"shi o n des ign ers prese nted
an array of hom espu n cl ot hing in th e BUILT
TO W EAR show (0 an audien ce of ab out
fi fty. T read way d esc ribes her rel arion ship
wirh f',shi on.
I got in vol ve d with th l' huil t to wear
fas hi o n shuw by noti c in g a small square o f
p ap e r ta ped tll the CO UIHe r al D ump sle r
Valu es cl othin g SlOre downtow n.
It read:
.. D e,signe rs wa nt ed fo r hs hi ons C OlllaCI
C lari ry al Sickof: lshiu n. blablas hblash"
As I Jutled duw n th e infl,rm alio n . th e girl
nex l to me said ''I'm C1a ri ly if yo u want fl)
talk 10 me now"
Th e rcsr is fas hi o n hi slo ry.
I was alre ad y m a kin g and co nsIgnin g
clo rh es a.s well as d o in g special orders and
alt erati ons hlT fri ends. I decid ed ro lTy and
make a livin g rhi s way.
M y fa shi o ns a rc quite sim pk in des ign.
M ustl y A- lin e de n im or cordur oy sk irrs ,
kni t tops , and p il lmv case shee ts sk im wirh
d r:l wsrrings.
I en joy sL'\vin g verv m uch . hUl the mos r
exci lin g part is nol know ing how th e piece
w ill tu rn out hcfore I fin is h cutti ng up rhe
fa h ric.
T he h ui lr 10 wea r fash ion show was Ihe
fi rsr show I've ever d e.s igned fo r. II wa s a
cha nce for m e 10 See Ihy clot h es pa r;,d ed
a[(l ull d ~I st age in fron! o f an a udi ence. I
fd e like a chef wal ch ing a reS launnl palTO n
eati ng an \,'IH rl:l'.
Of cou rSe t h l'l'e were nerve -wrack ing
,(specrs 10 pUlling on a iash ion show as wd l.
For ins[;lnce. IVe 01111' had ha lf an ho u r 10 sc I
li p. an d Iha l was nOl eno ugh ·ti lll e.
T he sound ~ lI V was a lad confused. a nd
C lu il\' a n d I 'h:;d no iJ ea wh;1I We we re
go in g
say into th e m icrop hones before we
hosted the pre- fas hi on show ga me show. But
mi raculo usly ir lu rn ed our really wel l and was
so fun . I hope to ge l rh e chance to do more
fa shi o n shows in the fUlU re.
End no lc': A riny anecdote to fello' \. potenrial an islS:
Before I got in lO sewin g full rime , I was
go in g ro en ro ll in es rh eric ian sc huo l to learn
fac ials and wax in g to get a "real " job. But
aft er speaki ng wit h a wise entrepreneur who
ad vised me 10 fo ll ow f!lY gut, do whar I love
to do , a nd tru St m ysel f, I to tall y dro pp ed
the co urse . Sin ce rh at dec isio n, things feel
so muc h more conn ected. I am happy, and
I definirei y do not regret not working in a
salon waxi!lg ladies' bikini lines .


- biChii£M.u1.aJiy-

Th e Capiral Th eater provid ed a perfect
placemat for a ba ttali o n o f middl e-aged to
thirty- som e thin g w o m e n and m e n , all
danc in g wildly in yellow pants and yellow
shirts and othe r cos tum es las t Sa turda y
ni ght.
It was the final night of Big Show C ity,
a th ree-day music, th ea ter, da nce , fashion,
poe rry showcase, held a t multiple ve nues in
downtown Olympia.
Th e yellow-cl ad Random Acts of Dance
C ollective, Olympia, o r RADCO for short
was one of the highlights o f Big Show
RADCO is a diverse group th at meets
a coupl e hours a week to c horeograph
humorous , well-coordinated a nd s tra nge
mo dern dance routines.
'There was no t aily dance in Olympia,"
said Eve rgreen alumna Susa n Gresia , o ne
o f th e found e rs, so sh e and a fe w o th e r
Olympia resid ents d ecided to sra rt a co ll ecti ve dance squad a bout two years ago.
Th ey split the re nt of a pe rfo rman ce
space, which cClu a ted to just a few bucks
each :j monrh, and n o w they hold op e n
d a nce prac tices. that anyo ne inte rested can
imend .
And th eir pra ctice pays o fr
On Sa tllrday RAD C O wi g gl ed a nd
wa ved , so o thed and sa wed , crawled and
c racked, swun g and dug, cha nged clothes
a few tim es , swun g th eir bu tts a few tim es
All t h e dan ce rs lo ok ed h ea lth y and
c urvy, not rail - thin lik e rh e trendy and

If yo u were o ne of th ose poor so uls who was wanderin g around campus lookin g ,
for som ething to do last Friday, th e n you should have been at th e Firsr Peopl es'
Tal ent Showcase.
The event, organized by students Rand y C orradin e a nd Allen Thomas , who are
Peer Suppo rr Sraff for First Peoples' Advisin g Se rvices, was mca nt to give students th e
opportunity to share their "talents".
Overall, the audience was trea ted to a wide variety of performances. Several
stud ents read original poems that they had co mposed .
One student, in orde r to make the audi ence feel more comforta ble, felt inclined to
strip dow n ro his boxers. H ey, yo u gona do whar yo u gorra do , I gu ess.
Alth o ugh th eir se ns e o f humor didn't always jive with the audi en ce, a co upl e of
buddin g comedians gave it th eir best.
Staff m e mbe r Pa tri cia Sil ve rbe rg sang a so ng she wrote fo r h e r friend bac k in
Arizon a. T hi s was the last tim e she will ever be perfo rmin g in O lympi a.
Th e a ud ience was jolted awa ke wh en three pig-tailed youn g ladi es, pom po ms in '
h:lnd, cam e chee rin g in [0 do th eir rendi t ion of "Hey Mic key ".
T he n two gifted mu sicians, Sarah a nd Rhod a , perfo rm ed fo lk so ngs on t heir
;!cousti c gu ir;!r a nd sa ng b eautifull y.
So me perfo rm ers we re visibl y ne rvo us, bur Sa rah says, "I felr [O tall y co mfo rtabl e
perfo rm in g here. " T he show cl osed w ith Rand y Co rr'adin e b rin gin g down th e ho use
w hen he d ec id ed [0 b us .. OUI his whi te glirrery glove and perfor m a d ance to a Billie
JeCln mi x whilt: the strobe li ght pulsed.
T h is intim ate ga the rin g was a ni ght fill ed with la ughs, sc rea ms and even so m e I
rC<lrs. Special thanks go ou t to o ur fabulous M C, D olly En gland (Girl yo u rockl),
, M ed ia se rvi ces , M edi a 10:1n , H ousin g, all of o ur First Peopl es ' staff a nd voluntee rs,
'au'd ie nce m embe rs and all 'rhe aweso me pe rfo rm e rs wh o we re gracious eno ugh to




~1~ei~~' I:~s :


Ihe..:~mmuni ty.

~ ___________ ~______J

Christopher Durang

Debutante From Hell!
"O h sma rr wo me n. fooli sh cho ices. Srop
Ihe ins;!ni ly' Stop the insa nity' " So screa med
Susa n Powte r a t wo m en everyw here;1S parr
of he r d ier in g a nd se lf- hel p boo ks fro m
the ea rl y 90s. Th ese wo rds a re also spoken
by an a ncien t G ree k cho ru s in " M ede:l ,"
a sho rr pl ay by C hristoph e r' Dura ng, as a

paro d y of [Od "y's self- hel p c raze.
" M edea" is parr of an eve nin g o f o ne-acf
p lays b e in ~ presen ted by th e E nse mbl
Th ea tre p rogram a nd Eve rgreen Perfo rmin g
"nd M edi a Arts as Who's Afraid of Christopher
Du rang? or Mrs . So rken , thtlt Sou them
Tyrant, if Desperate to Visit N in a in the

M omi flg to discuss Phyl and
Xenos Canker Sores tlnd hou'
. distra ctillg Medea is as a
Stand Up Co m edien lie.
T here a re ten on e -ac ..
p lays in rhe pe r fo rm a nce,
so m e a re pa rodies of ot he r
p lays a nd so m e a re ex tend ed
m o nologues o r duologues,
bu t eac h a nd eve ryo n e
is hilari o us. Th e a uth or,
Christopher Durang, is perh aps bes t kn own for Sister
M ary Ignatius Explains It
All fo r You (fo r w hi c h h e
won an O bi e Award) a nd
The Marriage of Bette and
Boo (for which he wo n bo th
the Obi e Award a nd th e
Dra ma tisrs Guild Awa rd) .
Durang has an MFA from

see Durang page 12

unrea lisri ca ll y shaped mod els you see In
Cos m opolitan or G ap ads .
O ne tim e, RADCO s p e nt an e ntire
dan ce with th eir butts fa cing the audience,
as th eir legs swa m in little bi cycles and the
a udience giggled.
Both the RAD C O women a nd men
danced without ten sion o r aba nd o n, each
using a lone coHee cup as th eir only prop.
Th e cups were what th ey made th e m out
ro be, something different eac h da nce.
They seemed to represenr rorches, sexual
objects, gifts, paper clips, trophies, pieces
of dirt, and even littl e soccer balls, th a t
one RAD C O dancer kicked around and
shuffled on rh e dirty stage floor, while nine
o ther dancers watched.
RADCO were easy ro w a tc h because
they were coopera rive and d ecis ive .
They did not mess around with erecting
huge philosophical m essa ges
like Lin go D a n ce Th ea te r
tried, yet fa iled to do. (Lingo
Dancetp eater was a performan ce
t ro o p wh o vi sited Evergree n a
fe w weeks ago .)
RAD C O just acted with
gus ro a nd threw Iheir b odies
a bout ra ndo mly.
They were dedicated and neve r smiled
shee pishly at th e audi ence o r s tepped o ut of
And th e wa y th ey h eld th eir faces up
In th e w a rm strlge li ghts as th ey wa lk ed
co mpleted th e perfect to ne fo r .a foc used ,
humorous act.

see Dance Grou


pa e 12

Punkaock Prom:
Music, Food, Mohawks?
_BiKaty~ ElLanL ----


H ey, yo u , with rh e C rass pa tc h es, srudd e d
bracel ets and ch ains! And you . with the grown -out
M ohawk rl nd th e Black Flag ta tto o l Prtpa re for th t
triumph ant return of Evergre en's ow n Punk Rock
Prom l Yeah .
I'm talkin g to all of yo u who ever WO re a homemad, band shirr , pi erced yo ur ow n seprum . bo ught
yo u r ~ ho es from a rm y s urplu s or en jo ye d th e
occas ional ci rcle pir - in sho rr, all o f YO ll who
fcmdly think of yo ursel ves as punk roc k'
Perh aps your hi gh sch ool prom is no t one of
yo ur fond es r teen -age mem ories: yo ur lib erty spikes
were to o high. yo ur fi shners too ripp ed , you could .
not find a tux yo u could safety pin your parches
to o r maybe you just could no r find a dress th a r
complimented the hue of your shock of purple hair.
Well. times have changed and the Evergreen Animal
Right~ N etwork has worked hard ro bring you a
rock and roll extravaganza of such magnanimous
punk rock proportions that all your negarive fedings
roward the word "prom" will disintegrate ar th e
evening's first earrh-shaking chord .
E.A.R.N. li as searched the northwesr (and pans
of C alifornia) to com e up with the most undeniably
grear hardcore/metallpunk rock line- up imaginable.
We've got rhe screaming gorh-rock of Himsa from Reveiarion Records, rhe awesome
metallic melodies of Grieving the Days ro Come , and the Northwesr's very first all-girl
hardcore band, To See You Broken.
. Also .c ome witn~ss the powerful, chaoric hardcorc of Carmenziro and bring rhe prom-mosh
to the pIt for our touring band from norrhern California, Benearh rhe Ashes.
. . The event kicks off in the Longhouse at seven o'clock the evening of Sarurday May 18 and
IS cheap ar a me~e sev~n (7) the door!,The bands are playing in support of rhe Pigs
Pea~e Sancruary m Arlmgton , Washmgron and everyone can ger rheir prom picrures raken with
theu punk rock honey pot and the prom's mascot , our giant winged devil pig!
E.A.R.N . will provide a massi ye buffet of delicious vegan vitrles, a OJ will spin all
your favorit e ?ancing tunes in berween bands and all you P.e. punks can catch up on
all your favotlte causes : E.P.I.e. , E.A.R.N . and other Evergreen political organizations
will be tabling prom .
Punk Rock Prom is fast becoming a ptoud Evergreen tradition , so come our in your
fancy, vintage gown and spike bracelets, covet your tux in patches, and wear your combat
boors. Be a part of the glamorous, punk rock spectacle any way you would like. Just co me
and rock ~ do it for the pigs! .


past Saturday
thought I was in for some kick
ass performan ces a t Capital Theater fo r rh e final nigh t of
th e seco nd annu al Big Show
C ity.
I was ho rribly, te rribly mistaken .
Fi rs t I was subject ro lifd ess
models on stage fo r a f Ish ion
show th a t might as well have
bee n someon e's Funeral. Th en
I got Mad o nna s tu ck in m y
h ea d as thr ee middl e aged
wom e n dan ced in th eir pajamas with a pil e of laundry.
Wa tc hin g ho rses co pulate is
more e nr erJ:i.1 inin g than this
rag tag tea m o f dancers.
Eli za be th Lo rd fo ll ow ed
wi rh a n engagin g, yet Elf fro m
mind - bl ow in g s t o r y t e lling
sess io n, and th e n I w a tch ed
Ignis Devoco Indus lrial Fire
C ircus, who see m ed tale nted,
ye t emoti onless.
The grand fin ale wa s m y
favorite pa rt of the ni ght a nd
b a rely saved the d a y f rom
being 'o ne o f the worst specracl es of p e rform a nc e art I
almost had ro pay for (go ([a love press passes).
Afte r waiting for wha~ seemed eternity, the inebriared host of the Poetry Slam
stumbled on stage and With a tiny whisper and zero wit introduced the poets.
Local poet, Jora~ LeFI~ur kicked .it .off with an old favorite of mine with rhyrhm ,
power, and a seductive VOICe. Alyssa NIelsen moved the crowd with a personal piece
about her brother. Chris Sand (Sandman) gave a laughable performance as the selfproclaimed "rappin' cowboy" and delivered
some words abou t a new business involving
la rge amounts of sperm. Tak Kendrick
expressed comedic bitter feelings about
Ph. 357-6229
having a small penis, loneliness, and being
manipulated by the media to buy an
Open Wed - Fri 7:am - 3:pm
enlarger and get it on wirh big tiny lesbians.
Joseph Chamberlain ranted about God,
Serving breakfast & lunch
corporate greed compared to 'honey bees,
Uncle Sam's posse, knowing everything you
need to know in one instant. Marlys Lee
took us on a mushroom trip and rhought
Open Sat & Sun 8:am - 2ish
America beautiful for bombing the shit out
one of the world 's poorest countries.
.Serving breakfast only
Overall I came out wanting to hide in a
Closed every Monday
cave and write and practice performing for
months. Sadly, r am stuck in the CPJ writLocated on 5th av across
ing this article insteaq, bur something had
to be said about a glorious and disasrrous
from The Capitol Theatre
. at the box office.




Dear CPJ,
Thank you for printing the article on
racism last week. I found it one of the most
thought-provoking that I've read since I've
been at Evergreen.
On the issue of faculty deepening the
discussion on racism, the difficulty in my
opinion for white faculty is that they hold
the same unaware racist patterns as white
students. So in order for them to lead a deeper
discussion of racism, they will have had to
examine their own racist beliefs, habits and
patterns. And I don't mean simply to know
their historical facts on ~acist incidents, but
they need to have examined their own beliefs
about people of color. They are in the same
boat as students: they don't necessarily have
any more information on racism just because
they are faculty. Also, since this is such an
uncomfonable topic for us white people to
look at and get a handle on, it's not very
likely to have gotten done, by facul ty or
students. Th us it is ha'rd ro look to faculty
for leadership.
On a societal level. we do not have exam-

pies of white leaders ending their own racism,
and we whites have had the so-called luxury of
ignoring our racism. So unfortunately this has
led ro all white people carrying racist beliefs./
Yes, all white people have racist beliefs, even
us well-meaning liberal and radical folks here
on campus. We are born into racist societies,
and it's simply impossible to avoid racism's
subtle (and not subtle) yet overwhelming
pervasiveness. This does not mean we wanted
to be racist. I'm certain that given the choice
we would have chosen not to be racist. But
we didn't get a choice in the marrero One of
the results of living in a racist society is to
become racist. If you are given a bicycle with
a flat rire, you still have to repair the tire to
make the bike run properly, even though you
didn't cause the flat. We white people are in
the same position with racism : we inherited
a society that doesn't run properly, and to fix
it we need to end our racism. So what are we
going ro do about it?
I think part of ollr misconception about
racism is that we truly believe we are not
racist. Or another way of saying it is we have
no idea as white people what our racism looks

like. And we don't want to be racist so badly yourself Find things you can love about your
that we simply say, "No, I'm not racist." We heritage and your family. Appreciate their
can't bear ro look in the mirror and see we struggles, because they undoubtedly struggled
have racist beliefs. Those last two paragraphs monumentally at some points in time. Feeling
in the article are really true: a student of color secure about ourselves as white people can
states, "Look me in
help us look at where we
the eye and admit
feel bad about ourselves:
that you truly can't
carrying racist patterns
understand where I think pait of our misconception we don't even know we
I'm coming from ...
about racism is that we truly
that's how you make
Then when we look
believe we are not racist. Or
into the juggernaut of
another way of saying it is we
I agree that a
racism, we can remember
have no idea as white people
great first step in
that even though we have
what our racism looks like.
healing racism is to
racist patterns, we are
say if asked, that we
good people and our famh_
haven't got a clue
ilies are and were good
what racism looks
people, racism and all.
like. Another step white people can take This is what I've figured out about .racism
in healing racism is to look inro our own so far. I think after we've taken the first few
cultural backgrounds. Where are your folks steps that the next few will bec~me apparent.
are from? Really we are not "white," but Hopefully we will become the leadership
I tal ia n-Americans, Swedish -Americans, currently missing that maps the way for white
French-Americans and so on.
people to end our own racism.
Find the great things about your culture
so that you can appreciate your people and
- Robert Marino


Ways to be a Fun and
Happy Greener

-_ _-------- - - - -


to the big Goodwill srore by the Capirol Mall.
in the LIB stairwell.
12. Find the old bomb shelter located below the Seminar!
7. Do your homework. This is the one I always forget!
8. Visit the Farmer's Market (straight down roward the
Millennium Falcon building. Imagine you and 3,000 Greeners
are trapped in there with only a piece of vegan jerky and water on Capitol Way) on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Visit
a Twinkie.
Canvas works on the way and discover,the best-hidden source
13. Go ro the Organic Farm via the trail by Lab II and of cool yarns for fiber craft in silk/mohair/wool.
10. Go ro an Oly park. There are quite a few (my favorite
A lot. Visit the ducks. Find the smokehouse and the bread
oven in the Community Gardens. Buy some fresh-laid TESC is Priest Point Park).
eggs or some seedlings. Pick some comfrey; believe me there
11. Layout in the sun and find a cat/dog/kid or amusing
is plenty for all.
companion to doze on your tummy.
12. Go play in the water fountain between 4th and 5th
14. Go ro the beach trail in F-lot and find the following:
near the bridge construction.
a. the Candle shaped Cedar Tree,
b. the old growth red cedar forest,
13. Go ro the state capitol and tour the big domed
c. the drum circle,
building. Don't forget the Arboretum. Wow.
d. a romantic grassy glade,
14. Go ro Orca books and buy a copy of one of the
e. the sweat lodge,
following ro give your brain a break from school:
f. and find the naked (flasher) guy and Kung Fu his
a. something from the Lord of the Rings series,
b. the 1979 edition Joy ofSex,
15. Swim in the Sound naked, either during the starry
c. The Big Book of HeLL (or a little book of Hell) from
June full moon or during a warm sunny day. Everybody Matt Groening,
has to do it once, as well as have an evening bonfire out
d. any comic books by Lynda Barry (featuring Marlys,
on the beach.
Maybonne, and Freddie) ,
Now go to Town:
e. The Unauthorized Biography of Bobba Fen in Graphic
1. Stop by the Westside Co-op Free Box and pick out or Novel Format,
drop off some good stuff.
f. Just Who Is SHE? - If Ally McMeal had gone to
2. Visit the waterfront and spend sometime looking into Evergreen,
g. Twisted Sisters edited by Diane Noomin (a real eyethe water off the docks.
3. Pick a restaurant and buy the cheapest thing off the opener of Underground Commix by women of the '60s,
menu that constitutes food: Try a bagel from Otto's with '70s, and '80s),
spread. The California roll special at the Sushi place on 4th
h. and for the kids, There's A Hair In My Dirt by Gary
Ave. A bowl of Hot and Sour soup from Saigon Rendezvous, Larson.
or deep-fried Geoducks at Ben Moore's. Or try the low15. Put on some extra groovy music (classic rock preferably,
income approach and visit the Food Bank (by the transit like Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, George Clinton, Barry White,
Etta James, or the Grateful Dead) on the portable CD
center) or Bread and Roses.
4. Pick a dessert place ro visit: Try Wag~er's. on Capitol player and have a dance party somewhere unusual and
Way or the Mud Bay Mud Pie at the Oyster House (well memorable.
Have fun .
worth $3.50) or a Spar milkshake.
5. Go to Radiance and groove with the Goddess vibe on ; . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

bVA Loskola


So you think Olympia is boring and you think that there
is nothing to do around here? So before you just lay around
the dorm and 00 on your unlimited cable TV, video games,
and DSL Internet connectiOli., try grabbing some friends and
go on a scavenger hunt. You will never be bored again. And
you don't have to spend any money. Really.
1. Turn on KAOS 89.3 FM. You must listen to this the
entire time you are on the hunt. Maybe you will feel provoked
to pledge $35.00 and get a free CD, playing cards, a free
video per month for a year, and cool membership card. This
trick is to pledge during a show where you like the music and
get a free CD. My favorite show is "Wheels of the World" on
Wednesday at 10:00-12:00.
2. Find the other Computer Lab that is not in the LIB
building. Marvel at its coolness. Bur I am not telling where it
is cuz I don't want to spoil a good thing.
3. Go behind LAB II and discover the "Cube of Mystery"
and leave it an offering for future good evals.
4. Walk to the Longhouse and learn the name of one
native plant.
5. Go to the CAB and have a meal at the Greenery. Decide
if the all organic food and fancy fare is worth keeping around
(and current budget deficit) . Personally, crepes filled with wild
He also reports students telling him they were told by are compensated modestly for the amount of work asked rice and chicken beat mystery nacho soup and petrified pizza
I'm not one who usually airs out an opinion in a "letters
to the editor" format, but the recent impressions. left by RAs not to talk with reporters. If that indeed happened, of them. The range of issues they handle in any given hands down. But I do miss the burrito cart.
6. While gerting food keep .eyes .out for hot-young chefs
some about RAs and their alleged actions around 4/20 and I'm not conceding that point, I can easily hypothesize week would boggle the minds of-most 'of us. Yet they
greatly disappoints me. If I read Mr. Pein's response lener a context for that kind of message. There are ' enough enthusiastically, skillfully, conscientiously and responsibly who cook yummy food. RRRow!
7. Ride the elevator down into the bowels of the CAB
co rrectly, he did only talk with one RA, and by that people in this community with enough experience with do their jobs . There are of course. performance issues
RA's report it was a short phone conversation involving student journalists to be of the opinion that statements from time-to-time to which we respond, but this year's and discover the Bike Shop and one of the access points to
rwo questions. Beyond that, he reports talking with "a they make may be misquoted, taken out of context, or group of RAs has consistently shown a dedication to their the spooky steam tunnels that connect most of buildings on
number of students from all over Housing" about 4/20 used to support the ' reporter's own perspective. In that residents and to the College that goes far beyond their campus. Then ride up to the third floor and visit KAOS and
and RA actions. Basing his report on this collection of context, advising someone not to speak with a reporter job descriptions and our supervisory expectations. These .p,see if they will let you be on the radio. Then visit the S&A
are students who have chosen to serve their peers and our office and join a student group of your choice.
mostly second- and perhaps third-hand recollections, he may be understandable:
My main point, however, is not to refute the details institution in a critical and meaningful manner. We in
8. Go to LIB fourth floor, go out on the veranda on a
extrapolates to claim that a number of RAs were involved
in telling students to go to the meadow to avoid being of a particular article or letter. Rather, I want to express Housing are very proud .of our RAs, and nothing in Mr. starlit night and sing show tunes loudly.
9. Go to the Housing Community Center and donate to
arrested by our police. That seems to be a shaky foundation ' my appreciation for the work that RAs do every day and Pein's article has changed that feeling.
or relieve the Free Box and wait for a high school kid to ask
for an accusation and "co nclusion" as sweeping as he has night of the academic year. They have one of the most
you where they can find some pot.
diffi cult and oftentimes thankless jobs on campus and
- Mike Segawa, Director of Housing
made in a "news" article.
10. While in evening class, call Subterranean Pizza (in
the HCC) and have them deliver a Calzone and pop ro
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - you during break.
11 . Sing in the echoing chambers in the COM stairwells,
the outdoor hallway between the CAB and the CRC. and
~ .. _




~ _ .. _

... _ .. _ ... _ _ ~-.. _ _ _ .... _ _ _ .. _~



Housing Administrator Responds to the 4/20 Party

On Matters Abroad

A Message from Mr. Sharon:
Yes, I believe Michael . Moore
when he says you are the majorityBut with all due respect,
I own all the bulldozers-


- - - - - - - - -


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5th Ave, pick up a b()ttle of inexpensive Patchouli or Ylang
Ylang. Go play with toys at Wind Up Here. Then walk down :
by the Capirol Theater and see an interesting flick .
6. Do the thrift store circuit: Start at the Lacey Salvation
Army, then to the Lacey Goodwill , Lacey Value Village, and
then downtown Oly for the Children' s Hospital Thriftstore 1
(and eagle-eyed volunteers) . Dumpster Values. then go uptown :


-- -

- - - - - - - - - -

- -

- ,-

- -- - - - -- - - - -




b'11 Noon
to t. i1 eA"
on lY.lOn a1IS

_.- -





in person - CAB 316

-- --




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This last month, France has suffered what can only be thought of as the worst slap
in the face since Hitler ran his tanks through the Arc De Triomphe. The source of the
aforementioned slap comes from Conservative National Front party candidate Jean-Marie
Le Pen, who made it to the final rounds of the French Presidential run-off and snagged 12
percent of the national French vote. The winner of the race was , to the relief of billions
This is a response to the article by Brent Patterson on May 2, titled, "Bible Jim is
across the world, Jacques Chirac, a mid-conservative candidate who is now in his second
: Back." Brent referred to Jim as "hard right Christian, notorious for his Evergreen-area
term of presidency, with 88 percent of the vote.
tirades ... " Is not such loaded and judgmental language, and stereotyping, an ad
This may seem like a landslide victory ro many, but the French people, politicians, and
hominem argument? Where is the evidence for such cheap shots? The definition of
local politicos are worried. Le Pen is best known in this country (by which I mean the
the word "tirade'" includes "violence." So why doesn't Brent address the criminal and
United States of America) for being likened to a Nazi by those domestic and abroad alike.
violent behavior of the paint-throwing person, rather then use such a strong word
(Finally, something we can agree with the French about.) Le Pen's policies included an
toward the Gospel preacher?
exclusion from the European Union and the re-establishment of the franc as the national
Messages to the Future are postcards that people can write free messages on, which will
Brent states: " He [Bible Jim], along with his wife and one of his troops, spent his
currency (as opposed to the euro-dollar). Le Pen also had extreme right agendas concerning be included in the Time Capsule. This idea was given to me to try and encourage people time condemning a range of people and their lifestyles to hell, from homosexuals to
immigration (specifically, the lack of it), French citizenship and national security - and 1 to express their feelings by writing messages. Hopefully it will spark something in them to computer freaks to Mormons." Jesus Himself did not come to this earth to condemn the
was accused of being an anti-Semite.
1 encourage a future contribution. You can pick up as many postcards as you need at a display
world to Hell (cf. John 3: 17). We are only warning of the future judgment to heaven or
When one considers France, a country that is well-known for its support of human 1 in the Writing Center, and bring back or turn in ones you filled out. I want to thank hell by the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been preaching since 1964, and have never heard a
1 rights, it is hard to believe that such a candidate could even get into the running for 1 the Writing Center, which sponsored the postcards. Even though it is past our deadline,
minister condemn someone to hell.
: the presidency - much less make it to the final rounds of the election. (There were a : the postcards are available in the Writing Center if you still want to contribute to the
Brent describes the preaching as "traded shouts and slights." Was not the bulk of
total of sixteen candidates in the beginning.) The aftermath of the campaigns found Time Capsule in this way. Feel free to bring the postcards to the bin near the entrance time spent ministering in meaningful conversation and a free exchange of ideas? Brent,
I Le Pen celebrating and singing old war songs (he was a soldier in his youth). Le Pen
of the Center and leave them there. The messages are for anyone who is a part your article exposes your personal bias and lack of journalistic integrity. You say: "The
expressed that even he was surprised he had gotten this far, and with more local elections I of the Evergreen community.
scene came to a head when so meone, armed with a bag of red paint, tossed the bag at
1 beginning in a month, he plans to be there front and center, waving his banners and 1
We are going to have a web site for theTime Capsule on Evergreen's web page. We want Bible Jim, splashing it on his face and down the side of his shirt." Brent knows this to
to let people know that if they are working on projects for the Time Capsule but are for some be false! In his article, he has already described Bible Jim by his sweatshirt, cap, and sign.
rattling his sabers.
The threat has been averted, but it seems only temporarily so. Chirac now owes a debt to reason unable to make our deadline that their submissions can be used for the web site, which However, the picture included in this newspaper does not show Bible Jim, but, in fact,
I a vast pool of left-wing voters, as Well as left-wing organizations that vouched for him over
will be viewable to the public on September II, 2002.
shows another individual, me, Jeremiah Baldwin.
I the Nazi (proving once and for all- be it in America or in France, moderation is apparently
E-mail and if you know
Brent states: "A police officer showed but arrested no one." So what? - for the criminal
I the key to winning elections) . Upon Chirac's victory, the French newspapers were headlined 1 people who are working on submissions, they can still contribute this way. It was a great
had fled the scene. A criminal investigation is in progress. Thank you for providing a
with a picture of the victor under a very large "Phew" as most of France stood united and 1 project, but a lot of work. I have learned a lot about Evergreen and how to QCganize projects. picture of the suspect in your newspaper. Even though you obviously included the picture
I celebrated less his victory, and more Le Pen's defeat.
1 If you are interested in what lies ahead for me, well, I'm hoping to go on to other projects
of this suspect to mock Bible Jim, rather than identifY a criminal.
that are not as overwhelming as this in organization.
- Alan JeJ<icho
- Rev. Jeremiah James Baldwin M.A.R.
- Nathan Hadden

Re: "Bible Jim is Back"

Messages to the Future; you still
can contribute to the Time Capsule




may 16, 2002


the cooper point journal

the cooper point journal

may 16, 2002


. ,

ports Briefs

The Red 8a// Hits the Roof

A lo t o f people think that Mo use T rap
by Mi lto n Bra dl ey is t he crazies t ga me
yo u'll eve r play. T he imper meabil ity of this
con viction has bee n challenged by a gro up
of Everg reen students who spo n taneo usly
pick up a red rubber ball and throw it on
the roo f of the H CC.
T he game is called roof ball , and it's
a n intensely exciting gam e th at dem ands
m uch ftom any person who wishes to take
part in the thrills. "Roof ball is more th an
just a ph ys ical spor t. It req u ire s a n indepth imaginati on and crea tive use of yo ur
physical body." Says Jo hn C ido r, a regul ar
in the roof ball action.
Players line up one by o ne and attempt
to throw the ball onto the roo f in a fashion
th at will make it extremely difficult for the
person behind th em to catch it on it's way
down. If the ball is thrown over the roof
the thrower gets a strike. I f the ball hits the
ground the perso n ca tching gets a strike.
After three strikes, yo u're o ut!!!!
To complicate matters eve n more, there
are a number of o bstacles on the roof th at
add an element of chaos. In the ve ry front,
just past the gu tter in the middle lies the
C hocolate Socket, the m os t popular (and
also most vainly-sought) obstacle. An o ther
near the front is the C hili Dog, a quiet but
effective tool. In th e middle towa rd s th e
left is Spicy Mustard. Its co unterp art on
the ri ght is a pair of pipes whose name is
currently being ' d ebated upo n. So me call
th em the Salsa Brothers, others call th em
th e M ari o Brothers. The ba ttl e over the
label threate ns to create a ri ft in th e roof
ball co mmunity.
T here's a lot of sprinting in volved beca use
of th e wide fi el d o f p lay, so one m ust
be nim bl e a nd attenti ve . H owever, this
reporte r found o ut t.h at agile legs and ac ute


awa reness are only a part of th e ga me.
'A tri cky arm ca n also bring yo u victory
in th e game of roof ball. Some players
use long, arcing shots like J. Diggs, a.k.a.
Swedi sh Beats, who's patented th e famo us
Ba rn acle hook shot. O th er pl aye rs re ly
on cunn ing like M arc Jaffe, whose Jersey
Jaffe Two Step Fa ke often ge ts .the better
of players. Still th ere are oth ers who use
very fa ncy, aesthetica ll y pl eas in g sho ts
like the Franklin Co unty Twist, inve nted
by Jo hn C idor.
An y way yo u look at it, a roof ball
playe r need s to be d ynamic to eme rge
victorio us. Wh en I asked Marc Jaffe, a
co nsistently solid prese nce o n the roof
ball co urt, wh at it takes to be a roo f bailer
he replied, "The esse nce of a roo f ball
player . .. quick feet, a sharp mind, and a
big heart. After a victorio us round I feel
a sense of elation , a se nse o f pride and
respect for my fellow co mpe ti to rs, but
mostly I do it fo r the kids."
When asked about how it feels to be
recogn ized as a good playe r and what it's
like to win Eric Firth repli ed , "Well I
do n't win. I en joy co mpetiti o n for just
th e adre nalin e rush th at co mes afte r a
good play. I like water spo rts." So, eve n
if o ne does n't ga in supremacy ove r th e
masses th roug h co nq ues t one ca n still
have a good t ime a t roof hal l. It 's a n
eve r-c hangin g spo rr , so everyo ne w ill
eventuall y find themsel f in a positio n o f
inte nse delight. "One ca n't let the thorn y
bush of defea t get them in a fuss." Says
J. D iggz.
T here are th o rn y bushes aplenty in the
roof ball play in g field , but these are the
li te ral ki nd . T hey ad d ano th er ele ment
o f da nger and surpri se to the game that
requires pl ayers to ei th er wise up or suffe r
the co nsequ ences . M os t pl ayers d o n't
mind the natural obstacles th o ugh. Some
see m to enjoy them in fact. After he leapt
glo rio usly into th e hedges fo r the ball, I
asked Ezra Small , a.k.a. EZ Rock, how he
felt. "N ature Rules!" was his re pl y. T his is
the motto o f ma ny of th e playe rs.

3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

T he ga me is also played at nigh t,
whi c h ad d s a ce rtai n panache to a
ro und of roof ball. U n de r dar ke r
circ ums tances the ball tends to d isappear. It's al most li ke magic to the less
sober nighttime baller. T hese are the
players whose antics a re spoken of over
the fi re on co ld , rai ny nigh ts.
I as ked Mark" Sca tch" W i ld e r
wha t roof ball at Everg ree n is li ke
co mpared to th e roof ball he origin all y
played . He replied, "The intensity level
of roof ball is a co nsta n t. You bring
the ga me to th e roof." H e went on to
say th at what di stin guishes Evergreen
is the wide roof of the H CC, which
makes th e game more abo ut running;
whereas on most roofs there is a steeper
grade that makes the ga me more about
W ild er orig in a ll y lea rn ed th e
game under the shady pines of Ca mp
Belknap in New H ampshire. Ir had
b ee n p laye d th e re fo r m an y yea rs
befo re he eve ntu all y lea rned it. N ow,
whereve r he goes he brings roof ball
with hi m, a nd ma ny are his disci ples.
H e said, "Thc roots of roo f ball are
already d eeply im bedded in th e fores t
ofEverg rec n. I can o nly see it shooting
up through the cano py." So eve n after
he parts fro m this fa ir soil, the legacy
will go on.
It may eve n spread beyo nd th e
shores o f th e United States to Nara,
Japan t h ro ugh t he risi n g su pers tar
John Oto , a. k.a. Jo h n ny Five, who's
practically the Ichi ro o f the roo fball circui t. T he p ros pec ts are endless beca use
there's neve r an unh appy playe r in roof
ball. Ir's always frie ndl y and always
fun . H ara ld Full er- Be nnett agreed
saying; "Ni ne out of te n C ommunist
party anim als prefer roof ball over any
other roof-oriented ac ti vity."
For more info rm a~ on abou t roof
ba ll , h a ng arou nd t h e H CC until
someone picks up a red ba ll .

Rec. s ports is sponso ring a 3 on 3 coed basketball to urnam ent o n Sa tu rd ay th e 18th . T he
tourn ament is still ope n fo r regisrration. There
is a fo ur-player maxim u m pe r team and th e ent r),
fee is $20. It is a do uble eli min ati o n to urnament
wi th lo ts of prizes given out. It sta rts at 11 a.m.
an d tea ms will be acce pted u p until th e time
the to urn ament begins. Call M o nica Heuer at
867-6858 for mo re in for mati o n o r sign up for
the tourn ame nt.

. ' a:k.a, Turkish- Delight
.Famous,Shot: T he Jers~y J~ffe" T';"'o 5t; p '
Victories i"RoO/ 7
fears ofExJierience: Ro'u nd .abouts a month
Favorite .Obstacle:,Chocolate Socket .
ioo yri. Dash _SpeeJ:.FaSte~ than a: tortoise head
.RooiBaUShoim The old school Reeboks
Favoritephril;Se: "Nat ure Rules!:' ,
Agel 19 -.".
LfI!:ky ,Number: 24
-Sign:.Virga ,



Kung Fu Tournament in Eatonville
T he Evergreen Kung Fu team will be compe ting
in the Mt. Ra inier In vi tation al on Saturday, May
18, in Eaton ville, WA. As the spring season wi nds
d own, this will be one of the last chances to see
th e tea m in action before summer break. All
fans a re welcome to come out and cheer on th e
team. For more informatio n about the Mt. Rainier
In vi tation al and the Team Evergreen Bak Shaolin

,'... ,.







Spring Sale

is Here !!
Sat. & Sun.
May 18th & 19th
We Will Have:
Hundreds of CDs, and
many LPs and Cassettes
from $1 and up ... plus 1 Free
movie wi any purchase



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All New CDs,Cassettes,
& LPs will be 10% Off,
KADS Meinbers 15%
Box Sets will be 15%
Off and so much more
Ph 357-4755
M-Sat 10-8, Sun 12-5


intersect. of Division & Harrison

broadcast, and eve n though 1,277 fa ns showed up to watch,
I was probably the closest thing to media there. Whateve r
showed up in th e local papers was probably written by
so meone affiliated with the uni versity. Bo th games were
interesting, exciting, and played well, just as a series berween
rwo top programs should be. The Huskies were able to
narrowly win both games, the first game by a score of 3- 1
and the second one 3-2.
Fin ch played first base for the first game and had th e
Wildcats' 10f,J c run batted in . Finch pitched the second game,
and even though she gave up no earned runs, she received th e
loss, bringing her reco rd to 29-4 this year. Basically,

see Le end a e 12

F'lm~ $I}~ti,Th~ Gra~ny' Shot
VtetOriis':;ti'RooflJal/: :2. " '.
",- "red~i of ~~.rien~e:3 ,¥ieekS'
', ' ··'· O'c~
~ ,~ ..·" M y··
.,: Fa vortte'
own ·Ieet.
1{J0''jr(t'1/ 4s"1!SpeeJ: 5 lf2, minuteS
R'oofBall Sh;,esi'-Bljlck J.. Crews (fin cy pants
shoes) ' .


Be a member of the


Favorite Phrase:. "Puff it down yo ur shants."
, Age: 20,'· ':'" ' .

Nintendo Street Team

Sign: 'Capricorn
Favorite Flavor of Yogurt: Key Lime pie
Hand Size: "Same as J. Diggz." ·'

Dill In or caa Ahead for Take out
_ OII"SIdIWll Cd en NIce Days!

on Intercity Transit!


Cafe & World Folk Art

secutive games ove r a three-yea r span befo re num ber o ne
UC LA finally defeated her on April 7, 2002, 6-5 . T his
60-game streak is an N CAA record. Finch's 200 I undefeated
seaso n, 32-0 , is also t he best perfect seaso n in N CAA
histo ry.
Last year, as a junior, Finch was named na ti onal player of
the year and won most valuable player ho nors for the regional
and Women's College World Series (W CWS) tou rnaments.
Arizo na, with Finch on the mound for most of their ga mes
during the W CWS, won the 200 1 NCAA Softball National
C ham pionship.
Rece ntly, th e num be r rwo ranked Arizo na W ildcats
came up to Seattle to play sixth ranked Washi ngto n H uskies
in a double-header. There were no TV cameras, no radio

.,,:. ..~ , - '.',~. _~:k.a. M.~ilonball Flex

Vegetarian &Vegan Pizza', AvaIJabIe
Sallds, CaIzane, Fresh BIked Goods
IIIcro Brwi on Tap, BottIed,Been, WIne


. photo by Timothy Radar
First-year student Bob Robinson demonstrates hiS
flipper prowess on "Funhouse." The CRC's new "game room" opens Friday
the 17th at2 p.m. Fun wili be had by ali, and you can even enter to win
ping pong and air hockey tournaments.

.Sain'~'Birchmail '

.Huge Selection of Fresh Toppings !

IA Lac:ated at HIrriIGn &Divilion (233 DiviIton Sl

Brief compiled by Kevin Barrett.

D own in th e Arizona
d esert, off the Co ronad o
Forest in Tucson , li ves
an exceptio nal individual.
What makes this person so
ex rr ao rd in ary is tha t she
pitc h es fas tpi tch softball
co n siste ntl y be tte r th an
anyone before her.
Univers ity
Ar izo na's Jeilnie Finch
pitched and won 60 co n-


New York Style Hand Tossed pjna
Since 1973

T he Evergreen State College is crea ting an
applican t pool for part- time instru ctors to teach
Leis u re Educ ati o n cl asses du r in g fa ll qu a rter
2002. So me areas of parti cular interest: women's
health , art and design, dance, gardeni ng, fitn ess,
weig ht t rai n ing, min d and bod y, bu sin ess an d
workshop- related co urses, etc. Ap pli ca nts must
have expe ri ence teac hin g adults a nd exte nsive
kn owled ge in subject. BAs preferred. Res um es
wi th th ree refere nces, co urse outli ne and pro posals
ca n be submi tted to Leisu re Edu ca tion in t he
College Rec rea tion Ce nte r. Th e d eadlin e is
M onday, Jun e 3, 2002. Fo r more in fo rm at io n
call 867-6770.

by Robert Madiridale

LuckyNumber: 3

CDs ~ Cassettes ~ LPs
New & Used

Evergreen is Looking for Leisure
Education Instructors

An Unknown Legend's Sports Career Quietly Winds Down

favorite' Fra."or'of YogUr.t:." Con'nectedSp oons
Ba"d S;.u: Barely Big ehough ·

Eag le C law Kun g Fu C lu b a nd Co mp et iti o n
team , co ntac t O wen O'Keefe at 357-9 137 or visit
www.bakshaol .



'Fair~ traaea 800as from lDw-inclmU artisans

. ana farmers from around" tli.e worU
9lcoustic concerts. forums. crasses. yoetrj. anti
~ cafe with 800a fooa and" a weCcome
environment to meet or stuay

Capital Lake and Heritage Fntn.
300 5th Ave. 5W, 705-281 '

Show your Evergreen student 10 when
you hop an IT bus and ride free.
It's that easyl Skip the parking hassles,
save some cash, and be earth-friendly.
IT is your ticket to life off campus!
For more info on where I. T. can take you,
pick up a "Places You'll Go" brochure
and. a Transit Guide at the TESe
Bookstore. Or call1.T. Customer Service
at (360) 786-1881 or visit us online at

Must be 18 or over. Casting
materials must be received
by June 14, 2002 . Go to
www.nintendostreetteam .com
for more details.


Not interested in flipping
burgers all summer?

We're looking for energetic
people to be part of the
Nintendo Street Team.

If you want to play video games all
summer, go to cool events and get paid doing
it, then this job is for you. To audition, go to and downLoad a
casting sheet, or stop by any participating
Circuit City location to pick one up. Then, send
it in with a 2-minute videotape telling us why
you should be part of the team.




ports Briefs

The Red Ball Hits the Roof

A lot of people think that Mouse Trap
by Milton Bradley is the c raziest game
yo u'll eve r play. The impermeability of this
conviction has been challenged by a group
of Evergreen students who spontaneously
p ick up a red rubber ball and throw it on
the roof of the HCC.
The game is called roof ball, and it's
an imensely exciting game that demands
much from any person who wishes to take
parr in the thrills. "Roof ball is more than
just a physical sport. It requires an in depth imagination and creative use of your
physical body." Says John C idor, a regul ar
in the roof baJJ action.
Players line up one by one and arrempt
to throw the baJJ onto the roof in a fashion
that wiJJ make it extremely difficult for the
person behind them to catch it on it's way
down. If the ball is thrown over the roof
the thrower gets a strike. If the ball hits the
ground the person catching gets a strike.
After three strikes, you're out!!!!
To complicate marrers even more, there
are a number of obstacles on the roof that
add an element of chaos. In the very front,
just past the gurrer in the middle lies the
Chocolate Socket, the most popular (and
also most vainly-sought) obstacle. Anoth er
near the front is the Chili Dog, a quiet bllt
effective tool. In the middle towards the
left is Spicy Mustard. Its counterpart on
the right is a pair of pipes whose name is
cu rrently being debated upon . Some call
them the Salsa Brothers, others caJJ them
the Mario Brothers. T he battle over the
label threatens to create a rift in the roof
baJJ community.
There's a lot of sprinting involved because
o f the wide field of play, so one must
be nimble and attentive. Howeve r, th is
reporter found Ollt that agile legs and JC U te

3 on 3 BasketbaliTournament

awareness a re only a part of the game.
The game is also pl ayed at night,
A tricky arm can also bring you victory which ad ds a certa in panache to a
in the game of roof ball. Some players round of roof ball. Under darker
use lon g, arcing shots like J. Diggs, a.k. a. circumstances th e ball te nd s to disapSwedish Beats, who's patented the famous pear. It's alm os t like magic to the less
Barnacle hook shot. Other players rel y sobe r ilighttime bailer. These are the
on cunning like Marc Jaffe , whose Jersey players whose antics are spoken of over
Jaffe Two Step Fake often ge ts the bener the fire on cold , ra iny nights.
of players. StiJJ there are others who use
I asked Mark "Scatch" Wilder
aok.s. Turkish Oelight
very fancy, aesthetically pleas ing sho ts what roof ball at Evergreen is like
Famoi;s Shot: The Je;~~;jaffeTwo Step >
like the Franklin Cou nty Twist, invented compared to the roofball he originally
Yict9riiis RooJB4Ii: 7
by Jo hn Cidor:
played. H e replied, "The intensity level
.. Years ofJ#:ierience: Round abouts .a month
Any way you loo k at it, a roof ball of roof ball is a cons tant. You bring
Favorite.ObstaCle: Chocolate Socker
player needs to be dynamic to eme rge the game to the roof. " H e went on to
yif. 'Dtish ·Spe~iI; .'faSr~r than a:·tottoise head
victorious. Wh en I asked Marc Jaffe, a say th at what di stinguishes Evergreen
RoofBall Shoes: The old school Reeboks
consistently solid presence on the roof is the wide roof of the HCC, which
.Fav!Jriu ph/,ase: "Nature Rules!" .
ball court, what it takes to be a roof bailer makes the game more about running;
Age: 19.' "
he replied, "The essence of a roof baJJ whereas on most roofs there is a steeper
L~b N",~ber: 24
player ... quick feet, a sharp mind, and a grade that makes th e game more about
. Sign:,YirgC! _ .•..
'. .
big heart. After a victorious round I feel th rowi ng.
Favorjte Fta~r 'offOgurt: Copn.ecred Spoons
Wilder originally le a r ne d the
a sense of elation, a sense of pride and
Band Size: Barely ~!~ enough . ..
respect for my fellow competitors, but game under the shady pines of Camp
mostly I do it for the kids."
Belknap in Nt'w Hampshire. It had
When asked about how it feels to be b een played there for m a ny years
recognized as a good player and what it's before he eventu ally lea rned it. Now,
like to win Eric Firth repli ed, "Well I wherever he goes he brings roof ball
don't win. I enjoy compet ition for just with him, and many are his di sciples.
th e adrenaline ru sh that co mes after a He said , "The roots of roof ball are
good play. I like water sports." So, eve n already deeply imbedded in the forest
if one doesn't gain supremacy over the p f Evergreen . I ca n o nly see it shooting
masses through co nqu est one ca n still l up through the ca nopy." So eve n after
have a good tim e at roof ball. It 's a n he parts from this fai r soil , the legacy
eve r- changing s port , so everyone will will go o n.
It may even spread beyond th e
eventually find themself in a position of
inrense delight. "One ca n't let the th o rn y shores of the United States to Nara,
bush of defeat get rhem in a fuss. " Says Japan through th e ris ing supe rst ar
J. Diggz.
Jo hn Oro, a.k.a. Johnny Five, who's
There are th orny bushes ap lenty in the practically th e Ichiro of the roofball cirroof ball playing field, but these are th e· cuit. The prospects are endless beca use
,; a:k.a. Melli:J;"ball Flex
lite ral kind . They add anoth e r element there's never an unhappy player in roof , , .... ,_~;h:A:: -/; '~~'S;"
Shot .
of da nger and surprise to the game that ball. It's always fri endly and always
.' •.
requires playe rs ro ei th er wise up or suffer fun. Harald Fuller- Bennett agreed
the co nsequen ces . Most players don't saying; "Nine out of ten Communist '. " feJi;i EAAet:ienft!: }weef(s '
mind the natural obstacles though. Some party animals prefe r roof ball over any
see m to enjoy them in fact. After he leapt othe r roof-oriented activity."
/tooJPall: slfoes: Black J. Crews (fancy pants
gloriously into the hedges for the ball, I
For more information about roof
shoes) .'
as ked Ezra Small, a.k.a. EZ Rock, how he ball, h ang a round the H CC until
your shants."
felt. "Nature Rules'" was his reply. This is someone picks up a red ball.
., . Age:;20 '
th e morro of many o f the players.



;. -




Since 1973

Vegellrillnl Vegan PIDa'. Available
Salida, catzane, Fresh Baked GoodI
IIIcro erew.on Tap, BdIed a-s, WIne

Spring Sale

is Here !!
Sat. & Sun.
May 18th & 19th

Ph 357-4755
M-Sat 10-8, Sun 12-5
intersect. of Division & Harrison

The Eve rgree n Sta te College is creat ing an
ap plica nt pool for part-time instru cto rs to teach
Leis ure Education classes durin g fall quarter
2002. Some areas of particular interest: wor.nen's
health, art and design, dance, gardening, fitness,
weight trai nin g, mind and body, busin ess a nd
workshop-related co urses, etc. Applicants must
have experience teaching ad ults an d exte nsive
knowledge in subject. BAs prefe rred. Resumes
with three references, course outline and proposals
ca n be submitted to Leisure Education in the
Co llege Recrea tion Ce nter. The deadlin e is
Monday, June 3 , 2002. For more information
call 867-6770.

First-year student Bob Robinson demonstrates his
flipper prowess on "Funhouse." The CRC's new "game room" opens Friday
the 17th at 2 p.m. Fun will be had by all , and you can even enter to win
ping pong and air hockey tournaments.

Briefs compiled by Kevin Barrett.

An Unknown Legend's Sports Career Quietly Winds Down
by Robed Martindale
Down in the Arizona
dese rt, off the Coronado
Forest in Tucson, lives
an exceptional individual.
What makes this person so
extraordinary is that she
pitches fastpitch softball
con sistently better th a n
anyone before her.
Arizona's Jenni e Finch
pitched and won 60 con-

secutive games over a three-year span befo re number one
UCLA finally defeated her on April 7, 2002, 6-5 . This
60-game streak is an NCAA record. Finch's 2001 undefeated
season, 32-0, is also the bes t pe rfect seaso n in NCAA
Last year, as a junio r, Finch was named natio nal player of
the year and won most valuable player honors for the regional
and Women's College World Series (WCWS) tournaments.
Arizona, with Finch on the mound for most of their games
during the WCWS, won the 2001 NCAA Softball National
Rece ntly, the number two ranked Arizona Wild cats
came up to Seattle to play sixth ranked Washington Huskies
in a double-header. There were no TV cameras, no radio

broadcast, and even though 1,277 fans showed up to watch,
I was probably the closest thing to media there. Whatever
showed up in the local papers was probably written by
so meone affiliated with the university. Both games were
interesting, exciting, and played well, just as a series between
two top programs should be. The Huskies were able to
narrowly win both games, the first game by a score of 3-1
and the second one 3-2.
Finch played first base for the first game and had th e
Wildcats' lone run batted in . Finch pitched the second game,
and even though she gave up no earned runs, she received th e
loss, bringing her record to 29-4 this year. Basically,

see Le end a e 12

Be a member of the

Nintendo Street Team

. Favorite FlAvorQ!Yogurt: Key Lime pie

BandS"t:lie: "S·,arne as 'J. D'199z. I'·

Huge Selection of Fresh Toppings!

CDs ~ Cassettes ~ LPs
New & Used

Box Sets will be 15%
Off and so much more

The Evergreen Kung Fu team will be competing
in the Mt. Rainier Invitational on Saturday, May
18, in Eatonville, WA. As the sp ring seaso n winds
down, this will be one of the last chances to see
th e team in action before summer break . All
fa ns are welcome to come out and cheer on the
team . For more information about the Mt. Rainier
Invitational and the Team Evergreen Bak Shaolin

Evergreen is Looking for Leisure
Education Instruc;:tors


New York Style Hand Tossed PiZza

KAOS Members 15%

Kung Fu Tournament in Eatonville

Eagle Claw Kung Fu Club and Co mpetition
team, conract Owen O'Keefe at 357-9137 or visit

~ign:' Gapricorn ..

All New CDs, Cassettes,
& LPs will be 1'0% Off,

Rec. Sports is sponsoring a 3 on 3 coed bas ketball tournament on Sa turday the 18th . T he
tourna men t is still open for registration . . There
is a four-player maxi mum per team and the entry
fee is $20. Ir is a double el iminatio n tournament
with lo ts of prizes given our. It starts at 11 a.m.
and tea m s w ill be accepte d up until the ti m e
th e tournament begins. Call Monica Heuer at
867-6858 for more information or sign up for
the to urnament.

x .;.' ., ..

Lucky Numb~: . 3

We Will Haye:
Hundreds of CDs, and
many LPs and Cassettes
from $1 and up ... plus 1 Free
movie wI any purchase


Dine In or Cal Ahead for Take out
Enjoy OWSldMlc cat6 On Nice Days!


RIA u.ied at

HarriIGn &Divilion (233 DiviIton Sl NW)

Cafe & World Folk Art
'Fairfy traiei 800is from Cow-income artisans
ani farmers from arouni the. worU
9lcoustic concerts, forums, d~sses, ,oetry, and .
? cafe with 800/ fooi ani a wet'come
environment to meet or stuiy
Capital Lake and Heritage Fntn.
300 5th Ave. SW, 705-2819

~1' '~~c ~l~ll~{l§


on Intercity Transit!
Show your Evergreen student 10 when
you hop an I.T. bus and ride free.
It's that easy! Skip the parking hassles,
save some cash, and be earth-friendly.
I.T. is your ticket to life off campus!
For more info on where IT can take you,
pick up a "Places You'll Go" brochure
and a Transit Guide at the TESC
Bookstore. Or call IT Customer Service
at (360) 786-1881 or visit us onliAe at

Must be 18 or over. Casting
materials must be received
by June 14, 2002. Go to
for more detai Is.


Not interested in flipping
burgers all summer?

We're looking for energetic
people to be part of the
Nintendo Street Team.

If you want to play video games all
summer, go to cool events and get paid doing
it, then this job is for you. To audition, go to and download a
casting sheet, or stop by any partidpating
Circuit City location to pick one up. Then, send
it in with a 2-minute videotape telling us why
you should be part of the team.






.says there 'is,a


oPl?.orcunities in OIYrlipia:.
counteracts that.
since she pelpcd form RADCO
two yearS.ago, dley h~~e. performed in Arts
Wal~four times, and·it) tWo Big Show City
festiyaJs,. an~ they plan to keep.-going,.
. To gtt,. ·involved. contact. Susan., Gresia at
943~~4? ~grlJui~qW.t!t. nrt '.'~ 41ways :wa~t
new biofd, ': Sht'!4ys/No '~eritTict ntqIsfl? .







Bubble from 4
This is how to speak out about Trevor
U.S. Embassy in Tel Av iv:
Amba ss ador Daniel Drut ze r: Tel:
011 -972 -3-5 19-7575 or Fax: +972 -25 17-3 227
The rwo US Embassy stalf perso ns th:n
are bmiliar with the case are:
Ms. Ingrid Barzel - 01 1-972-3-5 19-7534
(o (f1ce) or 0 I 1-972-5 0-48 1-049 (mob ile)
Mr. Mi chael Cleav;rly - 011 -972-35 19-7479 (office) or 011 -972-55-5 12-515
(mobil e)
Th e wee kend offi ce r o n dury: Jo hn
Furguson: his direc t lin e is (011 ) +972 j
5 19 755 1
WA se n:ltor Patry Murr:lY has a m:l chin e
o n: 206-553-5545
WA se nator Maria Cantwell also has a
machin e on - 202-224-344 1
'So urces: http://seatrle. ind ymedia .o rg,
h trp:1I jerusa lem. i nd ym ed ia .o rg, h rrp:1
I sea ttlepi.nwsource .co m/lo ca ll
70070_protest ll.shrml, Oakland Tribun e,
Satu rday, May I 1, 2002, "Ex- Berkeley man
held by Israelis"

what thi s means is that her t~ammates
fielded the ball poorly or threw th e ball
inaccurately which allowed the Huskies to
adva nce runners and score. An earned run
occurs when the ball is hit where no o ne
on the team can get to it in time to protect
home plare.
This shows that eve n a pl:lyer of Finch's
caliber ca nnot totall y domina te a g:lme
without rh e help of her teammates. So hball
is trul y a team sporr . .
Aft erwards 1 got a chance ro speak with
Finch. No one else:1t rh is lime was lookinf!,
for intervic:cws and she was' ve ry grac io us
when answer ing my qucsrions. T he co ntent
of her "nswers was nor th e mos t intriguin g
po rtion o f our co nve rsation. Whar rea ll y
impressed m e was her ho nes ry and her
willingness to ;In swe r my question s. She
did not blow me off, like so nie superstar
co ll ege arhl etes might 1' 0 a youn g gaudy
reporter with no creden tials. She Irelted our
discussion like ;1 real interview. Her,rature
off and on the field was full or co nfid ence,
sr rengt h, and vigor. She stuck our am ong
her rea mmat<os and th ey looked ro her and
were empowered by her leadership.
I did fou nd OUI from the NCA A. o rg
webs ite that Ihe so ftball te;lIl1 receives Ihe
same amounl o r sc holarship s, ass iSlant
coaches, and budget as Ih e baseball Icalll
does . Acco rding ro Ih e Univers iry ofA ri 7.0 n:l
website, most of the baseball team's gam es
,I a re radi o broadca sr , bur not the sofrball
I games. However, Pinch sa id, "the so ftball
I team is trealed equally to the baseball team"
within th e :lthletic departm ent.
When I vi sited the Arizona at hl etics
websi te 1 noticed that rh e baseball re;lm's
ga me repo rts were above the softba ll teams
even th ough th e baseball teams record was

Duran from 6
This is similar to a study published
by rhe Sociology of Sport Journal in 2000. the Yale School of Drama and since 1994 he
One thing the study found was that softball has co-chaired the Playwrighting Program
teams in formation and statist ics were less ar rhe Juilli ard School in New York. One of
lik ely ro get updated o n time then the the greatesr American satirists writing today,
baseball tea ms. This despire the fact th at nothing is safe from Durang. He skewers
more softball teams in the srudy were ranked home, family, interpersonal relationships,
in th e tOP 25 co mp ared to t he baseball friends, strangers, mass medi a and the
tea ms.
I Department of Motor Vehicles.
The Ari zo na so frball lea m ge ts good
Th e program is being rau g ht by
arrendance fo r rh eir g,)mes hom e and away. acclaimed stage actress, Mari Nelso n, who
Finch claims hom e game ·crowds average is co-d irec ting with students from th e
around 2,200 Ems a gam t' o A breakthrough program. The pieces being performed are,
occ urred this yea r :tirer wi nnIn g the national in o rd er of appearance: "Mrs. So rken" 'championship. Arizon a wh b:dl sol d our rhe evening's fin e-bred English hosr, "For
iI 's season tickers and will brea k even, Whom th e So uthern Belle Toll s" - a parody
money wise, whic h is unheard orfo r so flball of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie,
" 1- 90{)-DESPERATE" - ,I c:IlI - in t o a
programs, acco rdin g to Finch.
Not often does so meo ne come along group dating phone se rvice, " Nina in th e
and dornin'lte their crafr like Jen ni e Finch. Morning" - Durang's parody of Calvin
Greatn ess is easil y di stinguished and hard to
Klein culture and our obsession with th e
achieve no mat ter t he field of choice or ot her ri ch, "Canker So res and Other Distractions"
Elctors, including gende r :Ind race. Finch - a divo rced co uple tri es to reunite, " Phyl
has greal command, finesse, and co ntrol in & Xeno" - two brothers discuss desse n ,
her game. It is an amazing and ex traordinary "Wanda's Visit" - ;1 married co upl e receives
sight 10 behold , and I feel very fo rtunate a guest fro m th e past, "DMV Tyrant " ro Se<: Ihe ;)(1 in perso n. I have never been a da y in th e live of the D epa rrmenr of
so impressed by so meo ne's prese nce. It is a f Mo ro r Vehicles, "Woman Stand Up" - the
shame Iha t her co mpetitive pl:lying ca rrier evening's speci al guest co medienne, and
I LIst bu t no r leas r " Medea" - a puody o r
h:ls 10 end.
Lu ckily lor us, we all gel One 1110re chance I an cient G reek tragedy.
to wilness g reatnc;:ss in acti o n. Starting I
T he performance is go in g to be this next
Thursday May 23 rd at 8:00 AM ESPN2 will wee kend o n Thursday, May 23, Frid:IY th e
show th e first game of the Women's Collegc:c , 24, and Saturday the 25 at 8:00 p.m. with;1Il
World Seri es. Between ES PN and ESI'N2 additional 2:00 p.m. marinee o n th e 24. The
all ga mes of th e W CWS wi ll he broadcasr. show will take place in th e Ex perim ental
The championship game will be on ESPN, Theatre in th e Co mmuni'::Hio ns Building.
Monday May 27th at 10: 15 AM. It is the
Tickets a re $5.00 with parking for
chance of a lifetime to see her play, 'lI1d $1.25 on T hursday and Friday. For more
probably the las I chance for Finch in her informatio n, call 867-6833.
lifetime to play at this level of co mpetition.
You do not want ro miss ir.

Origins of Asian

History Month

May is Asian Pacific American (APA) Heritage Month - a celebration ofAsians and
Pacific Islanders in the United States. In June 1977, Representatives Frank Horto~ (Ny)
and Norman Mtneta (CA) Introduced a House resolutlOrI that called upon the prmdent to
proclaim the first ten days ofMayas Asian/Pacific Heritage Week. The following month,
Senators Daniel Inollye and Spark Matsunaga introduced a similar bill in the Senate.
Both were pa.rsed. On October 5, 1978, President jimmy Carter signed a joint Resolution
designatilzg the annual celebration. In May 1990, the. holiday was expandedfllrther when
George H W Bush designated Mayas Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. May was
chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first japanese immigrants a the United
States in 1843. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is celebrated with community
festilJals, governmi'llt-spollSored activities and educational activities for students. The
theme for 2002 is "Unity in Freedom. "

,)'O l/ra: ':4fitlll

Pacific American Heritage MOlltl, Origi n). " 14 MIl)~ 2002. ViJi( IJllp :llwUlw. injop/ftlJt,', (ollllrpoJI

mia llimm J.lmnl filr m ort' informa lion.


may 16

. Trip. to Seattle: UDdergro~dSeattle .l'o~, &A1ki,Beacb. Cilf even if
. you wa:n,t to go to Alkrb~'tnot,on th~ ,Undetgfound tOUf_ We.leavebly a~ . . .
1b a.m., r~turn::~i1rlyevenini: For more infO visit:: littp:llseattle.Citysearch.coini
profilell 0777654/ . .At Alki; we iah'walk(6r. rent r~lletbladesor ride)
. around same o(Sea~tle'S' most picturesq~e ·~a~~tftQnt. ~~ergr~en stri,deI).ts, :staff
and facullY are:WelCome! Cost: $13 '($'6 :
$7 t~i1r). To sign up: Call Roslynn
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE a~ 951 "5876 (evenings between 8-11 or just leave
a message) or e-mail heratteJros29@evergret; number and '
e-mail for more details.


. Bert Wilson & Rebirth: · Olympia's World 'Fa,mous Jazz Saxophonist.
Cost: $101$8 students. ~p.m., TESC Redtal Hall.
.' .

Bosworrh, Elijah Geiger, Phoebe Seligman and Chauney Peck. 4-7 p.m., Gallery
£xhibi tions run unril June 15. .
H - - Interviewing: Presenting YOilr Public & Professional Self. Career
Developmenr'Workshop. Includes: i~terview styles, 'role play inrerviews. 5-6
p.m., Library 1505.

II &


may 20

H-';'" Talk: Current Crisis in Argentina. Evelia Romano talks of the current

crisis in Argentina and the effects on its people. One of many May events taking
place at De Colores: A Bookstore of Many Cultures, 507 S. Washington Street,
Olympia. Starts at 7 p.m. For more info call 357-9400,

may 17
~--.-Grand Opening: College Recreation Center Gaine Room. Come play air

hockey, pinball, Donkey Kong Jr., ping pong· and more. Air Hockey & Ping
Pong tournament beginning at 2:00 p.m. on May 17 (Free Pizza, first come first serve). Room 112. Also :on the 18th: 3 on 3 Coed Basketball tournamenr.
$20 entry fee - sign up at CRe;: ...: win prizes.

~f-- KaIi.~,Mathis: Kora Music of the .Malinke. Free concert. Features' Kane

on 21-~tring West African harp; followed by'Tyler Richart on ;drums: Kane will
speak briefly about the music of the Malinke people and then play the traditional
music he learned while in Gambia. Tyler has been stt,ldyi'ng with m;tster drummer Fama Dou Konate and will play with a group of five accomplished drummers. 7:30 p.m. at the Longhouse. For more 'info, calt [he Percu~sion Club at :..

• Holistic Family Cbiropr-.JCtic Care and Ch.iropr:ot:tic for !\,

Loc.tcd in tbe Big Rock Medical Plaza just South of Costeo at:
6346 Littlerock Road SW, 'fumWakr, WA.. 98512


EllIson Omzuka, Astronaut, 1980

' - 4 - - Senior Thesis Exhibitions Reception. Featuring the artwork of Josh

Dr. Michael W. Neely, D.C.
• Full-spine .lId Extremity J\djustUlg' Soft TISsue 'Il'CrlIJ'Y
• Nutritional COllSultaliOtl
• On-sit" X-ray Facilities
ScIViccs in Spanish

"Make your life count and the world will
be a better place because you tried."

may 1B



ous Night ofFlI~! This is. one hot Housing event!
There'll be rollerskating, gladiator jousting, a velcro wall, a BBQ, a OJ, and
photo booth . 7-10 p.m. at thePavHion by the soccer field , '

H I - - - Housing's Fab



Community Solutions to End Sex Trafficking. This pre-conference institure will provide a forum for participanrs to discuss the issue of trafficking of women and its implications, locally, nationally and globally. Presenters
include TESC faculty Grace Chang. 9 a.m, - 4 p.m., Ramada Inn Governor
House: For more info or to register, conract Ryan Warner at 754-7583 or email
' .

YI--" Punk Rock


Applications due: next year's Managing Editor position. See back page.
1-+--.. Career Planning & Self Ass~sme.tit: Knowing You~self. Career

Development Workshop. 5-6 p,m. in Library 1509: ,'
H - -.. Open Commuriity Forum for KAO's General Manager Candidates.
Meer the candidates for the KAOS General M3J).ager position. Open community forllom s for each of the candidates will be~eId Monday-Friday from 6-8
p.m. each evening, May 20-24. CAB 108. Copies ofthe candidate applications ,
are available for review in the Student.Acrivities Office, CAB 320. Call x6220
for mote info.
. "


Ev~tgreeIiCa'mln~ :ttfoOdDrive, ~ug~tSolirtdBlood Center ";ill be


on campus from 10:00 a,m.-12:00 p.m. and 12:45:4:00 p.m; in the Second
... . .
Floor Library Lobby.
1-+--'- Israeli Folk Dance Wor:ksbop. The:Jewish Ct,lltural-Cent~r'wil1 be
sponsoring an Israeli folk-dance workshop. Com'e one! Come all! No part'ner
required, no experience necessary, no shirr, no shoes,.noprobIem! (Actually,
you should probably keep your shirt on.) OrganiC F,um Hoilse; 4-5:30 p.m.
., ,.
Questions? Call x6092. We loye. to hear; from. you,. .,
1-+-- Olympic NationaiParkPhotogr..phY Badq,,~cfP.llg: ,Pre-Trip Meeting.
Lush vegetation, beautiful waterfalls; Wild {low~,rs,an~ .mountains are part 0(:
this fantastic la!)dscape."'N o experience necessary, so gia6 thatc:on~ihg ~am~ra
and learn how to use it: Or ditch the camera and eiljoy ihe'beautifUl scene;Y. :~ ~ :
TESC studenr price: $45. Sign up at CRe 210 or at .W ww.everg'reen.edul '~ ..
athletics. Pre-trip meetlhg: 7 p.m.;,the Dtift Wood Hoilse. Trip' Date: . .
Sarurday-Monday, May 25-27. Departs 7 a.m. ,-returns '8
Hosted by TOP
(The Outdoor Program).
. , ."


I-+~- Using the Career Resources Lib~ary. CareerDevetopmenr Workshop . .

12-1 p.m., Library 1505.


Pro~; When Pigs Fly, Have bad memories from prom?

Come reclaim that high schooL popularity contest tradition an:d help turn it
inro a good cause! The Evergreen Animal Rights Network is bringing five local
bands playing in support of Pig's Peace (a pig sancruary in Arlington, WA). Buy
tickets early in' the CAB and see :what happens when pigs fly .... Show starts at
7 p.m., and we'll feed your rockin' bodies good. At the Longhouse: Cost: $7 at
the door. CaLI 867-Q~55 forquestions .


may 22

1-+-"'- Homosexu~lity & ChristJ.anicy. Speaker: Mark Williams. 2-4 p.m. in
Longhouse 1002. Hosted by Com-man Bread. . . , '..

! . •

Mindscreen Fr~e Movies ~ith' P0Pc9r.n: ·
rh;rd.M~n. 1949, O~sort
Welles. 6-10 p.m. in Lecture JiaIi #.hHo~t~d \Jy M,i ~~creenFi~m Group.

, - + - -'


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