The Cooper Point Journal Volume 29, Issue 29 (June 7, 2001)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 29, Issue 29 (June 7, 2001)
7 June 2001
extracted text

Olympia, Wsshington 98605 '



Beware this is the Last Issue Until Fall
Runner Bean Theater. ................. 8
Satisfying Letters .. .................. 10
Yarrr! CP] Family Pages ... .. ... 12 - J 5


Vo I u m e 29 • Iss u e 29 • June 7, 200 I


• •1f.11e Thinker

. .r---------------------------



'What did you learn ,in
school this year? "

the moon is for madmen and dreamers
I know I am both; which are you?

"The ~ame problems thatseem('d to
persist in higll school. r have trouble
staying organized :lnd getting things in
0 11 tim~ , but it's going ~asier, because th e
people a.round you are trying to do th~
~ame thing."



Steve Ashe

''I've learned that it's not impossible
to go bilek to sc hool and finish your
degree, I've been working <lnd goillg to
schooL..just taking four credits a quarter.
I've been re·illspired being around people
who want leam ... it's pretty uplifting,"

and I
I will

Rosey Covert

.,\ took a journal worbhop in the
Drawing From Lifeprogram and learned
how to live consciously,"

Tad Antilla

"S ill ce Evergreen is a place 0 ['
ex tracurricular activ il Cs , I've been
learning how to integratl' communit I' and

.ij - .I




pholOs alflt il1t ~rviews


by AJJ IlI Louie

Olympi <I, WA ')8505
Address Servicc RC'ILlCS1Cd

Cooper Point Journal • 16 •

College Bets On Web

The Cops Want
To Talk To You

To Boost Enrollment, Evergreen Enlists Technology
By C orey P<: i 11


:'-!ext year, expl"l"I" ill' \\' eve rgree ll.edll.
Evergreell i, 'lll' lIding ,;t le a,t "
hlllidred thomalld doll"rs r ontr'lctin g all
oll ts itle
SI ,"11 a I.s
Cll lllll1ll1li ra li o lls, to retlr"gll lhe ,rhool\
websit (" . ,\cimillislralors Ihink Ihat Illl'
Olrr rllt website i!. poo rl y designed alld
lO llfusillg, "lid dm', Il o tellti cc pro'pe cli vl'
siudelli s.
Thai IS a probk'lIl, becau'L' Evrrgrl' L'1l
Ileed, more Siudellts UI:I bad IVJY.
The ""te h"s givell Evergreell lillie
ye ar, 10 recruit lIille hUlldred more
studellt,. Ifil dorsll't, the Il'gi slaturl" IIli ght
10ll'er the school's fUlldillg.
I~y th e Y(,'II" ~OJO, Fv('rgre cn is
"Ippo,ed to have ~,OOO sludellts (, lIroll .. d,
A, of la,t fJ II , EI'('rgreell hdd 4,125 stlltll'nts ,
\V hat 's ,0 hud ahout g rttillg lIilll'
hUlldred lll ore students'!
The leg i,latu re overe,ti lli a ted the
numb,'r Ill' pe opl e ill Was hill gtoll ,la te that
\\' ould bl" go ing tu r ollegc' ill the CO Illill g
) I'J rS, Sinn' co lleg(" an' fund l'd based partl),
on holl' 1I1~1I1 )' st \ldl'llt ~ the y (, llroll. ti ll') hal'l'
liltlr cho ice bUI to louk lor til!' 1'\Ir~
\ tud ellt l , ('I'l'll If th ey arell 't Ihen ' to hc'
,\ddlllg 10 tlw dimeult)', stud r lltl dOll 't
a 1"':11 I Iill' k aroulld, About ulle fourth of
[I'ergrl'l' ll llll dl'rgrads leave through out lhe
}e:ll', 11 0 1 fOUll tillg the people that graduate ,
That\ a higher turnover thall uther four·

year ,dwols in Washillgton.
Pnlice DirL'ctorStew HUlllSberry says stuJents
Also, admillistrators think that th e h"wbL'L'Il gripillgaboutthepoliCl'allyear,butwhm
sc hou l il 11 0 1 well kIlOWIi. The colll'ge hired I hl'tly, to talk\,;ththell1, tlwydalllup,;\tlastlTlunth's
a Illarket in g finll to fUlld uct a pholle su rvey. l l(oll' orCalllpus Policr Furu III , 0 111)' aile student
The y ro uud that two thirds of high schuu l l.showed lip, Whl'1l he approaches swdrnts on
studl'lli> in Wa,hill gtoll hal'l' IIl' l'er heard 01' 1ra l'lpUS, hr says his uniforlll and glln are 100
El' erg rel'll.
I illtilllidatingand Ilobodywill talk to hilll,
StL'Vl' Ilull t er il Fvc'rgreell \ art ing dl'all
The new Police Services Rl'I1CW Board will help,
0 1 l'llro lllll L'lIt, Ill' SIts 0 11 EI'l'rgrel'n \
I hnll.sbcrry says, "PSRB. Whoo, Slick I love iI ," he
CO IiIlIIUII ica t iOll\ "lid Ili a rkl'l i II g l 0 1111 IIi Itel', said,
Ten studellt s a\ld f~ClIlty will be review board
the g ro up that wurks Oil advertisin g Ihe
llIembers and the meet ings will be open to the public
Ic ho,, 1.
"lVe' re Iryi ll g to pili Ihl' ,rhuol UII Thl' board will talk about things like holY the officers
conduct thelllseives on campus, The board IVa, \'ice
pl'op le', radar S(l"l'('III ," said IluliteL
That illl'ulvl" bu yill g IIla gazi lle alld president AI1 Costantino's idea, ,lIld he will appoint
rad iu ads, selldillg recruiters 10 hi gh sc huols, nll'lllber, lIext fi,II,
The dlon to get st lldent opinion abollt the
alld buyillg , tuJellti llallleS rrOlll the
Collegl' Board-the compall)' that pUb out police "ha.s tocomefrail Ithe adm in i.slrJt ion. You call't
lhe SA r, The COlTlIllittec is r('vanlping th e l'xpect ~ tlldl'llts t0 come tO yall ," Ct)stantillosaid. "You
srhoo l', prillt publications, and 01' course, havl' to go tothelll, But it's gonlla Ix> hard,"
Ilulltsben), has other idea, about howt oreach
the websile,
The web ,ill' ISII'I E\'ergr('en's un Iv studellls,Staning ill weckone ofhlL he "lyS he's going
ho pe, Pl'o pl e \\' 0 11 ' 1 l'I'('1l kll OW it \ there, to hold weekly Iiou r-iong forums totalk \,;t h stuJI'llt"
Il ullIer sa) s, ullles, th e sc hoo l seeks out "I'll sit dO\\1l in theCab, probably, bl'GllISl' it 's a central
,t udl'lIts ill other wa\, I, But th e webs il e is location ," he saiJ, 'Til try tuUSl' 'Ollll' gimmick to let
OIlL' ol t hl' coliege'l blidget pr iori lit" a, II ell people know I'nl silt in ' ther(' -a lIalhillg blue light to
a,,, frequl'lIl top ic 0 1 d iscussion in let thelll know the Chief i.s in , madJe," If it doc.sll 't
work "I lirlt, 1)["11 jllst kecp at at. "j \\'on't gil'r lip. II
;"Imillistralil'" nll'l'lillg' ,,,Id emails,
Thl' Slalllal, l Illll pan} wi ll hI' o n nobexlvw,,"t , totalk at lirst. !'II j ll ~t bringpapt'r\mrk.
(, ,1111 pi" I h" SlIlllllll'r III IHe \I'1I t Ih ei ride", At ll"a'llll)' will' will conle talk to me." he .said,
HUllt ,berr\' abo ,aI's he'll use Ihl' TESe Talk ·
fi1l' f('dnigllillg lhl' IIl'il"I ,', \t th t le,,,1. the
to get " c,unpu,·widl'
III ,Iin parts ol th e sit l' slwllld il" dOIll' il l' II L"t the EI'ergreell ('1;1ail
fall. IllIllt er sa y, that the co llege is \\' ~ rkin g conwr'iation going,
"I want feedback about student perceptloll or
to ge t the website ill "as fast a, we poss ibly
ra II, "
the police, We need that student voice, We'rehum,m,
We make mistakes sometimes inadveI1enuy," he said,

,),,,elll -

US Postage
Olympia WA
Permit #65


Cooper ------I(BRIEFS)~;point Phones are evil, evil, evil Seven Years of Experimentation
The idiotically-spelled Qwest , multi bi Ili o n -do llar, n ~.u- m ono p o l y, cv ii -em pi recx traordinai re corporCl ti on has drawn th e
prllve rbi al line in th e sa nd . LOCAL PAY
gone too far. The firs t s ign o f th e apoca lypse
W,b when they tODk the p!' dCe s ign a n d u sed
it ,b a (heap advertising ploy for ( e ll phones.
Thi s is the se cond. More horsemen a re
comin g, ~wn plc . Better get you r condoms ,
'caUSl' when yo u go to" pay phone, yo u ' re
g Oing to ge t screwed .
- Erica Ne lson

Story meeting:
Monday 5 p.m.
Paper critique:
Thursday 4 p.m.

Slow, Road Work Ahead

So Long, Have Fun, And Don't Go Into The Woods

It's that time of year aga in, when yo u d us t
off the old ea rpl ugs a nd find ~o me sort o f lega l
stimul ant to stay awake through 25 qden tless
expe rim en tal mu s ic acts s prea d over three
different duwntown locil tions. Th at's ri ght, it's
the 7th A nnual ( we've done this every
fri gging yea r for seven in a row now) O lympia
E'peri mental Music Festival. /\ full pass is o nl y
$18, a nd th a t in cl ude" top m]me ac ts like Steve
Fisk ilnd The Evoluti on Contro l Com mittee. /\"
in p revIous yeMs, a ll shows arc upen to people
of ,]IJ ages.
To re s erve ,] F'ilS5, pl ease ca ll Aeri c k
Mackintosh cit (360) '143-3557 or e- m a il
agen td\ full sched ul e
,]~1peM~ in the calendar.
- L. j im Mc/\dam::.

Slow down , yuu speed demon ,I Yeah,
Board Discusses Budger
Sl'l'll you , goin g 50 on th e P,] rk way M id lg ,]tin g mc l /\RH.R II I Main tenan ce ,Ind
F\'L'rg rel'n ';. gover n ing body, th e board of
l'l' I' ,lir work un EVl'rgrl'en Parkway wi ll be tru s tee::., IV iII meet on Th ursd,]y, j u nl' .I 4 at '1:30
dune in jun!'. They' re dlling this thin g ' cause .1.111. tll di sc uss mo ney il nd what to spend it
th l' ro,]d h'1s problems, probab ly from a ll \'(HI un . TI::SC l'resiLient LL's Purce is go in g tu
"u- c,]lkd " P" ,ll'eful" er!'e m'rs tak in g you r rcco mill end s pc'nd in g it on increasing te"ehers'
a ggrb,.,ion out be h ind the w heel. The scope salarie~, incrL'ds ing " tudent IVu rkl'rs ' ::.a lari c;.,
o f wurk will imp,]cl both th e eas t - and a nd buil ding new chi ld care f,]cilities . The
westbu und lanes of Eve rg reen Parkwa y from board w ill take public com me nt at the end of
J'll!' Everg reen State College property lin e the 1l1l'l'ting.
com in g from Highway 101 throu g h th e
in ler!:>l'c t ion of Everg ree n Parkway and : Bible Jim on the Big Screen
Ove rh ulse Road .
Hav e you see n that g uy who co m es to
They h,1\'e sc hedu le d thi s work for june .
! ca mpu s with the " Wa rnin g to all homos,
It co uld be done fairly quickly, d e pe ndin g
on the weat her, which ma kes it diffi c ult to un s ubmis sive wives, s ports fanati cs, e tc."
Jim .
predict exac tl y what will happen and when. s ig n ?
I) /\ccess routes to th e cullege will not be
c losed off. There mi g ht be some periods of
a nd
s h o rt delays (5 tu 10 minutes) for norm a l
.m .
ve hi c le trdffic during some operations, but
no routes will be closed. No ro ute will be
c l o~('d uff to ellll'rgcncy ve hicl e tra ffic for
discovered that he's not what he appears to
a ny ti me period.
be (i.e. a weird psycho nutbar).
2) There will be no work from June 15
thr ough june 17 ::.0 that G rad uation ,lnd
S u pe r Sa tur day g u ests will not be
in co n ven ienced .
[3 1.' aW<ll'e of thi s wo rk . Drive cautiously
"Checkpoint." This film, by lo ca l
dnd all ow for ex tra tim e in your co mmute .
filmmake rs Tom Wright and The rese Sa lib a,
- Eri c,] Nelsun
explains whut has led to the co llapse of the
1'1'13 Oslo A cco rd s between Is ra e l and
Palestillc. This tril gedy is unfo ldin g before us
now. Its violence fills the news every night.
It i" thL' fin ,1I fling llf thl' Ddn ce 0 1)"nL'l' 1 '.] ll'~t ini,ln s and Is rael is tdlk in the film "bout
~ L',' ~ LH1 . It will be t'] lwd lin ' Frid,]), from H_l)
conditions in jertl~alem , the expans ion of the
1'. 111 . in 'l (' I V :, tlldi ll 1\ , -I -I (] l'lllr;-er W,l~' SW. Isr,1l'li se tt lements ,]nd th e forgotten rcfugee~.
i\1I ,]r!' w !' ko l11L' tll ,] ttl'nd ,] S ,llIdi l' !1L'l' dlld Tlwy "peak about their \'is i(ln fur;J just Pl',] Cl'
~1, lrti l" f' dnh I'lll' .Il11\' q 1islldl' wi li marI.. th e
Thl' film maI..I'rs will be prl' ~ en t to t,llI..
luurt h ,]l1nl\l' r" ,H Y 01 thL' "L' l'I l'S. I hi' I" ,1 "buut the film ,]nd events th ,] t h,l\'l' OCC lllTl'd
p llblll'-,ll'(I'"'' "Iwl\' w he re pl'<l pl" d,l lll''', ill"t ,., IIK l' It \\',10; l'llln p ll'leti.
111 C jl~l ' \ "H I \\ l' rt..' \ \ (l nd l '! J n ~
T hur"d ill', jun l' 1'+ , 2 lJlli. ,]t 7 p.m. ,]t
I r,]Li itll)lb C,k' ,]n d 'Amld FolI.. ,\ rt, :iOll 5th
.\" l'IlUl' ~ \\ ', OI\'ll1p i", \\' \ (I )OWl1tll \\' n I
~ lI L;~ t, ~tl 'd dllll,]tll lil' ,,'<21) ~ ll dill>; ~c al e. I-llr
l ,1111 11111111 t\· l;,\I'd l' Il' till' s tU li<-l1t n](1 I\' In lll rm,] tllln, Lhl"I.. llur I\'d1~1lL' 01' call
~rl ' lI l ' \\'111 fl li t (Ill thl'l r ,] nl]lI ,, 1 h ,] 1'\ l's l
:i:;2-:-;:; 2h o r ~tll~l b\ ,Iur space III Ol y m pi a dt
""11\ ,II IW'\I 1,,11 :-'l.l dl'lll1, th e' ('(ll,rci in " tll r, ~ I (l:-' .. \ d" nb :-'In'L'l
\\ ,l l1 h h,' lf1 d" I Il,~ It. I I \ ll ll \\'dnt tll bl'
( ,'ll1ll1l1 l1 it \ l ;,II'lk ns III llhl rd II ],] tllr . l11'
I. lbl ", l'l 1'1,1\ I11 Usl(, ,'Ll nt,lct h ll 1l ,It , bl -l:;.
I hL' lc'" tll ',11 will bl' O l tubl' I' l:i, :?()ll l I'h,]t '"
,I prl' tt\· SP Oll\..\ d,1\ .

hy .kn 13Ll ckfurd

Th is is th e Ids t blotter of this
s c h oo l year. And we had s u c h a
happy time toget her. We lau g hed, we
groa ned, we were lachrymose as we
read abo ut bike thefts ilnd fir e al<lrms
th a t never seemed to end . 13ut
summ e r is here <lnd so I I11LISt bid yo u
fa rewc ll .
However, don't d L'spa ir. I will bl'
bd ck nex t f<l ll qU,Hter to recdp till'
summer ,]nd cover o l'ien tati on
~hena ni g il n ~ . Until th en, be con tL'nt
wi th the events tha t unfold in this
fiil<] I ed ition .

I ' \'l'

..Journalism and ethics
forum: (led by CPJ
advisor Dianne Conrad)
Friday 3 p.m.
How to contribute content
Turn in you r s to ry on a dis k ,1I1d printl'd o ut to
Cooper Point juurnal offi ce CAB 316, or ema il
your con tri bu tion to cp j@e\'erg ree n. ed u .

O u r deadl ine is Monday at noon for th a t week '"
cd i tion .

Indi ca te you r name and phone number o n you r
s ubmi ssio n

Try to keep your s tory under 600 words. lf yo u ' d
like to write more than that, pleilse cal l th e
Cooper Poi nt j o urnal a t 867-621:i so th a t we ca n
rese rve spilce for yo u


Busine~ Manager: jel) B1.llki,,,d
Asst. Busine~ Manager: M" 'lI',1h,1.I
Advertising Representative: 1.1)' I'.Ilkl)
Circulation and Archivist: 'I,. h."I.1 \ I, "uh.I) '
Distribution Manag er: \\ !1I1 bill
Ad Designers: \ khdl.l\ \L lIll,II)\\\kl, 1.1l11l'1l \[n l llJ

h~ I';
Edltor-in-chief: \\

1,",,, t..,.",,\,.
"I ',II'

News edi tor: Ilu '''' 'I,
l&O edltor:" \ ',I,.
Photo edit or: \,U!l. : ~ .II
A&E editor: \ 11:> .1111:

Sports edi tor'

AdVisor' ,):

11 l'


1'1 '

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\ btni'lI\I' ~l h 1,1111 11 .. t Lilli""

l\~\t. ld lh,: \. 1'1 bll'u ........

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~ ,·\ 11 HI'


Last wee k, on sports page 7, Evergreen
was misspelled" Evergren" in the headline.

* Last week's Highland Games photo of
dancing girls on page 5 was by Perrin

nlt'l l 'j'''I'\ l lll lr -1I1"

tI ....' ,1Ilt'I 'I, U'lI. l' Ilr rl'tt' I lllIl •• ! ,11 1011,,-.,,1\ l'rll~U\)~ ,01l11,'I1!

LIIl\dI IJIlIl' ,In: ,1\ ,l l]"bil'lIl

** corrections

,II It'r 11'11' 111'1

L""t ni'lIl1t In-. trllfn .1In T I _'-.(" .. tu,I.'1l1 In'" l'IlIlI lll' l "I'll" ,11 '"\>I11J""1<lIl ,11'1<.1 1'1Ii>11 •• ' t;'~1. ntdl,) \,1,
nL ll h ..hl'rlL"ln~ 11.11 10 '111 1m.'


b\ r... lul.... 1 ,1\ \I>44-1I'7-h1J~"1 11'.0.' 1..1'1 .. hl~"lll."""I1I,\n,I':I'r h.1"11,,·

*In the May 17 issue, in the front page
article "Greenhorn Provost," the starting
faculty salary was said to be $65,000. The
starting faculty salary is about $30,000.

Coo per Poinr Journal • 2 • June 7,2001


Hi , ),'lll ' VI' reached Medi,lworks, ,]n
intensi\'L' ),eM long m ed ia program. We' re too
busy making videos a nd a nimation to co me
to th e phon e ri g ht now. Press o n e for
mock um en taries. Press two for parodies. Press
three for ex pe rimenta l n ar rativ e~. Press fo ur
for ,1Lltobio g raphi es. Press fiv e for th e
Mediaworks presentati o n, where all of th e
afo re m e nti o ned thin gs will be s hown .
/\d mi ss ion is free. Leil ve a mes sage, a nd we'll
get back to yo u on june 14 at 6 p.m . in the
Recitill H a ll Roo m 107. H ave a med ia-liciolls
-Eri ca Ne l"on

Su nd ay, May 27
3,].m Sllml' s ort of ,]ssdul t occur!'> .
If· you Wl'rL' l'>'pl'cting ,] report, just
rem e mber whdt Cd::'l'S I usu,]lIy gel
inform,]tiun on .
l) AlJ a.m.
Stude nts in the Ml1ds
acc ident ,]lI y pu ll il fire dl<lrm , but
s ince this is <1 cOlllmon llCC UITence,
no thin g eisl' h,]ppens.

Monda y, May 2H
5:09 p.m.
Anot h er fire a larm
happens, and this time a barbec ue in
S-Do rm ca uses it.

Tuesday, May 29


Film Fundraiser

Harn::'st Tin1e Ahead

\r.,' I ":1I1

DeSigners j\j" :i Ii. \\
Copy Editors \ '.I! .\:,
Comi cs Edit or: \ ji",I:

Dancing, oh dancing


Managing edi tor' (




11 a.m.
On May 16, so meone
loses their wallet. The nex t day, th ey
retrieve it from Po l icc Se rvi ces. Sad Iy,
thi s is is no t the e nd of thi s case. Fo r
o n this date, he co mes ba ck to ge t a
case numb er, as there h avc' b een
m yste rio u s w ithd rawals from his
bank account.
5:57 p .m .
Like the inc ident two
dilYs a go, I have n o reports about a n
assa ult in the 4th degree th a t
happened between il s tude nt a nd ,)
non-student in H ousi ng. Ju st a lone
b lo tte r e ntry.
8:23 p .m .
I'm unsu re whet her a
skateboarder or <1 cyclis t got injured,
but whatever the case, !'>umeone feil
duwn on the Lecture Hall s t ep~. [t is
rep u rted that the victim "los t
conciseness for approximiltely 7 to I [)
seconds ."
P r ometheu~ didn ' t
8:.+5 p .m .
steal fire from th e gods just so we
could have someone burning oi l on
their kitchen s tove, thereby setting off
another unh oly a lMm.
9:05 p.m.
A perso n reports that
w hi le walk in g in the woods, he found
the remains of a human ske le ton.
Specificall y, he mentions a rib cage
and spinal cord, but no skull. Police
go to investi ga te, checki ng out three
lociltions that he described where it
might be, but they find nothing. In a
scene eerily re miniscent of "The Blair
Witch Projec t, " they "wa nd e r in the
woods for approximately 30 seconds.
It was too dark to safe ly sea rch an y
longer," and they re turn hom e. But
this is not all there is .

Wednesday, May 30
3:23 a.m.
Di s p a tch receives a
ca ll that so meone in /\- Dorm is calling
for m ed ical aid. When the officer ge ts
the re, 10 and behold, it is the man who
said he found the hum<lI1 remains in
the woods. This tim e, he s tates that
he is having s hortness of breath,
blacking out, and that his knees and
fee t hurt. H e is taken to St. Peter's.

"At that point he reac hed into hi s
12:30 p.m .
Besides the partiall y
co ll apSi ng Evc rg reen P,HkwilY and ri ght front pocket. He rem oved one
th e dubious go in g-o ns in F-Lot, it h,]lf lo fl a pil ir o f pliers and threw
seems at le,]s t o ne ca r ex perie n ced them u n the gro und in Ill y directi o n;
more troubl e when ,] rock hit his back he removed il bulle t a nd threw that
window, kicked u p by a Faci lit ies down ilt my feet. He s tated , 'That
b ulle t came o ut of my ass.' He " ta ted
m ower.
5:26 p ,m.
/\ "bl ue co lorcd" tent 'Why d on' t YO ll charge me, because
was fOllnd in the woods when police I' m nut "fra id of yo u.' He s t,l tcd ' ( jus t
s hit th a t bullet out
co ndu c ted their
today.' /\ cco rdin g to
sear c h for the
hilll he h,]d been sho t
ske le to n , ToddV,
"Do n'( g ivc mc any
by the bullet. li e
the y relril'vl' it, ,is
::. tilted ' Don ' t give me
shi t, I've go t shit in
,IllY s hit, I' ve gu t sh it
conten ts within .
eve r y poe I(l't. "
in l'VL'ry pocket.'"
1\:2'1 p .m.
/\pp,] re ntl y,
drinks SOIllL' hooch
tilL' l'ulit-l' tlfl' undhl!'
1'.1 II' is 1,.,:-'LIl,d
to c" lm him down f(lr
T han\.. Cnd it' s lOth Wt'l'\.. .
1I10re th,1Il ,] hricf timl' . Hl' i!:> t,]kl'n tl'
9:.+2 p .m .
/\ bllrg l,lI'y " IiiI'm IS ~ t I'l'll' r', Hu,pi t,1I fur l'va lu ,] ti on .
/\ pers Lln w l1(1 is UU I
,1(t iva tl'l1 ,]t the T,1(oma celmpus. No 2:21 ,1.In .
morc is known.
i" t,] in to c ustody.
Jl :OH p .m.
StMS in the and 7:20 p. m .
Some th in g o c c urs
whi ch is crypt ically no ted ,1;, " D / \/'''
anuther I)UI.
I might assume "do mes ti c v iulen ce,"
but I don't h,lVc ,] repo rt.
Thursday, May 3 1
3:33 a .m.
I'o li cl' spot a sc mi
truck in 13-Lot cmci realize, " Hey, thM's
Sa turdClY, lune 2
In an o the r til le taken
ag,lins t h~ab' tati On policy." Thus, they I: 1'1 a.m .
go to $,] i tru ck and inform him of it. fro m the ann a ls o f Blo tter, di s patch
H e beco m '5 angry and stel tes thil t he repurts thilt C rimewa tch observed "il
is being picked o n because he is a ve hicle enter th e F-Lot p a rking area
tru ck driver. They assure him thi s is wi th a person cl in g ing to the outsidc
not th e case. H c maintains th a t of the vehicle." It then appare ntl y
sec urity sai d it was fine to do so, but acce le rilte d a t "a hig h rate of s peed ."
when police check w ith dispatch, they To make a long s tory short, two
know nothin g of this. The driver, duly people ge t M res, one of them
notified, s ta tes th a t he w ill leave.
ge ts posse's~io n of pot as well,
and ilnother eve ning is wastl'd.
Friday, lun e 1
5:25 p .m.
Pol i ce
assis t
12:45 a. m.
Lying down in a van Thurston Co unty with roadblocks
in F- Lot is probably not a good way at the ParkwilY and Kaiser Roa d . But
for two peop le to s pe nd a long time w hat arc th ey b locking? No one
together. A t leas t, n ot when poli ce a rl' knows, il l though I wond e r.
o n bike patrol. They ask o ne of th e
people in the back if he's bee n a rres ted
Sunday, lune 3
before. H e re plies, "Yes, ask m e what Noth in g crimina l occurs, unless
I wa~ ar res ted fo r." It turns ou t it was YOll cu unt p ay ing $7.25 to see
bur~lary. Whilt's mo re, he ad mits to
M()1I1i1l nOllXl'atCapital
get tin g trespilssed from CC]mp llS, a nd Ma iL
thus, ge ts ilrre s ted for C rim ina l
Trespass .
Monday, lun e 4
/\lso, the po li ce find two p ipes, & Tuesday,
w h ich ev idently one of them states is 1une 5
u~ed to smoke ma riju ,1I1a. Since both
Eve n
of the pipes were tUl'llcd in, ne ither ' though
one uf th em gets buste d for these won't
possess ion. So good new for them , be cove red
but bild for th e pipes, ,] 5 th ey ge t in
grea te r
d estroyed aUN bcing take n in to detai l
evidence .
Sep te mb e r,
rimcwatch repor ts th o ug ht I'd l e ~~~!=l1"''''
someone wa lkin g on Driftwood ilnd yo u know tha
believes that thi" night-time sojoul'll er during the se
might be intoxicated. When two two last days, we
officers ge t there, it turns a u t th e man had two sto len
is n o t e ntirely un fa miliar. lndeed, it bikes (well, they
is th e very s am e indi vi du a l who went missing a
reported th e skele ton. They are month ago), a
s li g htl y le e ry of the p e r so n, as s u s pi c iou s
evidently he had possessed a survival circumstance,
k ni fe ea rli er.
g raffiti in the
What happ e n s n ex t is tak e n library basement,
directly from o ne of the officer's and finally, thre e
re ports. " H e seemed to have fo cused fire alarms . In fact,
all his a nge r on me, he begil n to make the las t blotter en try
threat s toward me . He m a de included here involves
statements like, 'You're lucky you an a larm in A-Dorm
hav e your bad ge and gun on or I will ca used
kick your ass.' ' If 1 ever see you off fir e works. But I
duty I will get you and you wi ll never don ' t have to read
see it coming .. . 'You're going to need about it for another three months, so
a lot of backup if yo u think you're that is a ll.
going to take me or stand in my way.'
'Go ahead and try and put cuffs on
a nd I wi ll kick your fucking ass.'

Cooper Point Journal • 3 • June 7, 2001

Evergreen Themes, Or Things
That Happened A Lot In 200]
Deli Thefts : Re m e mb er w hen it
see m e d eve ry o ne was stea lin g food
from th e Deli? Yeah, I didn't, ei th e r,
until I read the paper aga in . But I
g ue ss th e re was a c rim e wave u f
Sobe and coo ki e thefts tha t led to a
lo t of arres ts. T han kfu ll y, it set tl ed
down , indicating that po li ce
s topp e d crac kin g down ,b h a rd ,
people nu longe r took thin g ~ or
thi eves gut a lut betl l' r. Perhaps it' s
a littl e of all three.
Un li ke
aforellll'ntiolled s to len food , thi s h.]s
s till ll1c1int,]lned a p rominen t
prL'sell cl' uplln Cdl11p US. Onl' look a t
till' lIyers pLllntlvl' ly ,,:.k ing fell' the
bikl's bdck ,1I1d one can !'> ee th a t the
llill y rl'al option is to keep YUliT b ike
dtldrill'd to you or in yo u r room at
all tim e". Evell then , it s till Illay
leave. Be prepdrl'd.
Fire Alarms : 1)0 these rea ll y ever
leave? For as lo ng a;. stude nts smoke
pot, leave foud cooki ng by itself and
h,lVe rea ll y dull ni g hts with nothing
to do, these things will co ntinue .
A-Dorm Antics : Throwing things
off balconies,
bl as tin g f ire
ext in g ui shers through the ha lls, and
luts of drinking ... a ll a re see min g ly
traditions that m a rk the First Year
Experience . Tha t is wh y one mov es
out o f here a nd never co m es ba ck.
MIPs: Th ree thin gs re m a in
co n s is tent throughout re ports of
th ese. One , so m e s tud e nt s
really get weird when
they ' re drunk. Two,
do es n ' t see m to
work ou t well.
Three, no one has
d ecent alcohol.
Parkway :
P eop l e
a l o n g this
roadway at
Inv a ria b l y
s topp ed . Sometimes
th ey
hav e
drinking . Sometimes they
have not. And so m e tim es
th ey a re just pla in weird. Be
fo rew a rned .
Nudity : So m e tim es,
being nake d can be a
beautiful thing . Other
times, it 's il g u y
s tanding on a beach
or near a parking
booth, showing hi s
Habitation: Life is a
crue l, cruel mistress.
And it will not let
you s leep in the
parking lots.
Eccentricity of Life:
Too many random,
s tran ge even ts
occur to fit into
c ategory.
Those are called
good days in

-----f(NEWS)t----The o r g ani 'c 'F a r m
No ."l'tress, '/i)o Ml!ciJ

by \X' hi lll<:)' KV,I.\,l g<:r

Amce Gdrro d s ta nd s behi nd a
volupt u ous
arr,lngellll' ll t
vegetJb l e~, She's just fin is hed lay ing
out her warl'S on a s l,ln ted,
homemadc tab le, Today shl"s sellin g
~pinach, le tt uce, ca u lifl ower, sa la d
hreells, ,1nd two five-ga ll on b uckets
crammed wi th delph iniums at thc
LIb rary bu ild ing l'n tr,lnce, 1-lL'r class,
I)racticc of Sus tilin,l b le Agr icu ltu re,
will harves t and sell prod uce eve ry
TUl'"day and T hu rsday until the end
of nl'X t fa II.
Ca rrod was up a t d aw n, p ick in g
and was h i n g th e vege t ab les s h e
p l'1I1ted n ine weeks "go, She lo,ld ed

/? IIlJl,


the lll in to the farm 's pur p le van and
drove t h em to campub with ,1
c1as~m,lt l', It was he r fi rs t day a t
ll1 arkl' t, and she said she was
nervous , But by t1 ,1,m" Shl' had her
firs t custol)1l'r, ,11ld at nOOIl, she \VdS
giving her opinilln ,lbou t thl' bes t
things to buy, "Th is caulifillwer is
good - I' ve been eating it ,111 \Vcek,
It's rl'eli ly good," she told one wnm,m
w hll then bough t t\\'o hl'dd" ,
Back ,1 t till' fdrlll , Cilrrod said
tom,l tol'S, ba" il, PC,l", ,m d tuli ps MC
just sta rt ing to r ipen , Shl' p la nt ed the
seeds in pots a nd le t them grow for a
few weeks in th e g ree nh o u"e , After
till' pl,lnts were la rgc e no ug h, " Ill'
tr'lIlsp lil nt ed tlwm to p lo ts 01 I,m d

fl Lot oj'lJjod('R1fldflb / {' SOflP

o u ts ide, Eac h type of pl<lIlt soaks u p
d iffere n t nut rie nts, so af te r ha rvest,
Garrod and her classma tes m tMe
where vegl' trlb les are g rown, T hat
W,1 y, the soi l C,1I1 las t lo n ger.
CdI'rod said th at he r c lass is
primari ly concerned wi th reducing
p l 'lnl"~t res~ .11

"If you g ivc the p lan t w h a t it
nel'lb, it wun't be in s tr l'SS, l3 ugs
come and ea t thelll whe n t hey're in
st r ess," she sa id, P r ac ti ce of
u s la in,l b le Agr ic u It tl re teac h es
th at if you give each pla nt e n o u g h
space and Illdke s u re it does n ' t
drown in Wash i ng to n '" h eavy
r,li ns, the p l'lI1 t wi ll be "b le to take
CMe o f itse lf. Her c lass does u se

b iodeg rada bl e insec ti c id e soap on
to m d toes, tho u g h, beca u se ap hi ds
call be l ike a ll. ep idem ic, Ga rrod
sa id,
As id e from lea rnin g a b ou t
<lgr icu l t u re
gl'Owi n g
tech niques, Garrod says s h e likes
t he ch ance to spend time o u tside,
She sa id tha t s h e likes seeing w h at
she p lanted as ;1 sced g radua ll y
cha n ge into so m e th in g peop le ca n
ca t. Ga rrod says th a t some s tu den ts
arc p la nnin g to m a ke sa lsa and
pesto o u t of the o rga ni c vege ta bles,
w h ic h th ey' ll sell over th e s umm e r.
" In a co u p le of wee ks, wc' ll eve n
h a ve ca r ro ts, hope full y," s he sa id,
"A n d p o ta toes, Mmmm ,"

Pilfering a Perpetual Pastime for Petty, Puerile Purloiners
h.I' Corey l'<.: i 11

it" p rolib g() to till' "c hoo!. In turn, he
S,lY", thl' ~cho()ll'nd" up p'1y ing for till'

T he fo lks in the co m pute r lab, bo{)ks t ()rl"~ lo~se",
tirL'd of losi ng mice ilnd memory chips,
Mi ll e r heMS "Imil<ll' !'('a"ons frOIll
have locked the ir eq l1 ip m t:' nt d o w n pl'op le tha t ge t ("lUgh t. "1f you th ink
w ith s tee L cables, T he la b 's biggest you re ste,ll ln g fr( 111 a l11eg;]mark has bee n comp ute r
corpord tion," hL' telb tlll'm,
mice; now, th ey stri ng the
YOll ' re \Vro ng.
m ice co r ds thr o u g h
I il' dlle"n't 'lccep t
"l Boo kston;)
wi1s h e r~ a nd ca bles th a t
c1,l illls o f plwe l·ty eit her. " I
M anager
makc them to ug h to s tea !'
wen t to sc hool too ." and
"Hopefull y, we'd sec
Patri ck Miller w hcn J W,l, bl'llkl', I go t a
S(lmeOne wit h bo l t
job," he s,liLi. " If peop le
thin ks th ey
(u tt e rs," ~a i d Jo hn
need nHlnl'Y, yl1l1 know,
lose $2') ,000
McCel' , comp ut e r lah
I\'e're alw,l)," look ing for
to $3 0,0 00 ;1
The lab h a~ los t
Mill er know" that thl'y
yea r ro
seve ril l hundred d o ll'lrs '
l'd lc lt c\ cry thid,
thi every ...
worth of equ ipment ,1 nLi
bl'("W"l' thl' Ilwthod:- tllL'y
office supp li es this yeM to
h,lVl' tll L'.lteh peLlpiL' "I I
theft. The re's not III UL' h
h,l\'l' n,l\V",
the), can do, he ~,lVS , l'XCqlt hav(' till'
Sl1 rH'i II ,mL'l' (,1 nll'r,b- fi \'l' IVa lL'h
grl'en-\'l'~t wo rker" keep the ir eYl'"
the b(1obtore- L',ln't bl' nwnitLlrl'd ,1 11
l)pl' n and t,lke prl'ca ut io n ~ lI ke thl' till' Il llll', '1 hl' rl'f~{{ I 'H ~t,1It l,lIl't ~""
b()lts ,md e,1blL'.
l'\" 'ry th ing, ,lil t! t hl') h,l\'{' to w,1tl'h
T Ill' L'U IIl'gl' books tore takl'" in S2, 1 "llllll'Onl' 1\',11k out w ith "l'nll'thillg
mi lli o n in rl'\'L'n Ul' )'l'M ly, Milndgl'r bl,flll 'l' tlll'Y call ,lL'L'USl' tllL'111 pi "tl'<lit ng,
I)a trick Mi ller thi nks thl'Y I()~l' $25,000 rill' l'.lI11pllS p"l in' 0111\ ' ~hl'\I' 1I~' whel1
tll S30,UUO a yl'M tn thievery.
l,,111ed Il l' whik' lln (,putim' pdtrol"
The bookstllre ~u P~)orts ibl' lf ,11ld
M ilicI' "el\ ' " th ,1t till' ,,111,111 til'kl'l
l'\ 'Cll p.1 Y" re n t I () I' t he ~ PdCl' it U"l'S, b u t itl'l1b-w hil h Illakl ' UI) 1ll0~t of 1111'

Business Opportunity

Herner Muller's H a m iehlUlcJJille. J 20
m inu te expe ri mcnul film adaptcd from

~=======~====~=~ t h e pl.l)'- Co nt,lins ,1dulr COnt.let. '10 be

G rea t Busin ess Opportunity for
Graduates! Es lab lishell Rcrail Import
Store for s,ue, Been in business for 5+
ye.m . Gredt clientele base. An O lvmp ia
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price ba~ed on invento ry, fix tures, and
n'1me recognition, Be ;elrc m ployed l
Build onro an alre<ldy eSl:l blished bus inessl Travel a tax writC-ott' T hin k :lbout
i tl Call (360) 357-7004 fo r more deldi ls, Serious inquir ies on ly.

thefts-cos t the store a~ m uch as marl'
expensive, bu t l es~ of te n p ilfered ,
th ings li ke tex tboob
The co llege uses a do ll <1r amo u nt
to dec ide whe th e r someo ne caugh t
s tl·a ling s ho ul d ta lk to the ca m p u s
grieva n ce off ice r o r to a j u dge
dow ntown , Mi ll e r thin ks it's Mo und
ten do ll ars, The police say tha t eve ry
case is d iffere n t, ,lIld th a t they d on' t
make th e rulcs, T h e co ll ege's
adm inistr<l ti on has say in how people
Me p un ished and Crl'dte!> those poli ciL'~,
Since Scp tL'mber, ca m p us poli ce
<1rrl'sted three people in two ca~es for
sll',l ling from the booksto re, All three
we re prosec u ted as crim ilMls,
Thl' school's ot l1l'r optiun i~ tu
~l'nd ~ t ude n ts through the grieva nce
process, Wh,lt h.lppens then is up to
the g ril'v,mce officer, OiIL' ntimes the
resu lt i~ communit)' sl'rvicl' or publi c
,1pulogy, Studcnt;. l',ln appe,l l t he
g ril'v,lIlce uffin'r ' , dl'c ision, but the
"l',,,ion~ ,Hl' cio"ed til the publi c ,md
till' rl'coI'Lis Ml' Sl'<lIl'Li,
Slll1ll' l'l'{l~)iL- think the
griL'\'l l IlCl' F'I"oll' '-:.~ d(Jl'~n ' l

s h oplif ters ra ther t h a n sen d th e m
th ro ug h g rievan ce, Hoers t cla imed tha t
Fine Host-the company th a t runs the
De li , Gree llL' ry cafe te ri a an d coffl'e
car ts-wc1S lo"ing pro fit s to theft a nd
the cos t of hi ri ng p riva te g u a rd s to
wa tch the d e li ,
Seve n of t he fo u r tee n peop le
a rres ted for purloining th e d eli we re
c rim ina ll y prosec uted , Ou t o f th ose
seven, two unlu cky fo lks underwen t
the g ri ev a nce process on top of the
crimin a l cha rge,
Ma n age r Da n e H oerst wa"
unavd ila ble to provid e num be rs for
Fi ne I lost',; losses to theft this year. De li
su p erv isor Kristina Presco tt sa id tha t
"he does n ' t know the n U ll1be r~, bu t
she's seen fewer thefts si nce the g uards
were hirecl , She thi nks tha t abou t th reequar ters of stea lers don' t ge t ca ught
and that most of them do it reg ul arly.
Righ t now, th e p lan around
cdmp us lor dea li ng wi lll th eft seems
to be increasin g s urveilla nce, s tronger
prl'ca u li o ns a nd hars her p un ishmcn t.
These th ings have not ended the
p roLl lem, but the m,lnagement ,lt
E\'erg rl'l'll is Imv on options,

Now at all
Planned Parenthood
health centers
If you've missed a period or think
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Graduation Spc<lkcr: - -

The CPJ:

- Brent Seabrookby

W h i tn ey

It's a ((

Kvasagc l'

A t fi ve, Bren t Sea broo k wa nted to m ake
movies, His p arents s u gges ted he become
an elec tricia n ,
"The o nly op ti o n m y family saw for m e
was in the trad e. Th ey thou ght that if you ' re
not working w ith your h ands, yo u're no t
working," h e said,
When Seabrook w as 19, he dropped out
of high schoo l. !t was h is senior year. He says
hi s d a d 's low opinion a bout his p o te ntial
discouraged him from app ly ing to college
H e's ralkin to you!
w1til h e WitS 24,
Now; h e's 33. It's tak en him nine years,
but this spring, Seabrook will be the first in
hi s fa mily to g raduate, H e's also the graduation s tudent s peaker,
"My impe tu s for a uditioning to sp eak was that r didn' t g radu a te
from hi gh school, and 1 kinda w a nt to make up for that, For my mom 's
sa ke, and m y Gra ndma, e ve n thoug h she's d e ad, and for m y kid s, .
My gradua ting se ts a real preced ent in m y famil y"
Sea b rook is going to spea k a b o u t th e g ra du a ti o n th e m e,
"Libera tion Thro ug h Ed uca tion," and w ha t it m eans to be a s tu dent
of libe ra l a r ts,
" My m om w a nted to buy gradua ti on armOllTICe me nts, a nd I was
like 'Gi mm e a break, Mom .' But s he wan ted to d o it an d sa id , 'Okay,
w ha t's yo ur m ajo r: a nd I was like 'Uhhhh ,'" Sea broo k s a ys the
conve r~at i on go t him thinki ng abo ut w ha t he go t out o f Everg reen.
Lnstead o f a m ajor, Sea brook says the college h e lped him see
things he did n' t eve n kn ow were there, "Poverty, for exa mpl e, I
tho ug h t it h ad eve ry thing to do w ith mon ey, bu t it has far more to d o
w ith oppor tu nity th a n m o ney."
Evergree n a lso helped him get ove r hi s "hideo us rev ul sion" to
schooL "I h ave the same di fficulty wi th o rga ni zed ed uca tion as som e
people have to organized religion," Seabrook sa id,
That's one of the reasons Seabrook took nine years to graduate,
He sa id he's also had to cope with learning disab ilities, no t hilving
cnough money, a bad _a ttitude toward au thority, and crap from his
Liberation Throug h Education is an appropriate theme, ~ilyS
Seab rook. It's practical and idea list ic. "Making more than $12
thousand a year's going to be libe ra ting. The moola h? Yea~a" h , Bu t
more importantly, Evergreen has taught me to question my
as~umptions, Always , ·And forever, Way more thoroughly than
before," Seabrook said,
His p lan afte r g raduating is to apply to wo rk <It the Oregonia n
as a repor ter; if th a t doesn't work ou t, he'll try to find a job in public
relations, "The s tate lottery's h iring a PR in tern. So there's always
tha t op ti o n," h e said ,



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1hi, ),,'<1(', 1)"li lll.ln,l h l' r Dane
Illll'r,t ,1"kl'd thl' culiL'gl' tu pro"(,<'ll te

premie red ,It Medi:lworks screening,
Th ursday, June 14th, o- lOpm. Also to
be shown ;u the MiJnight Sun, Salurd.I)"jllnc loth .It Rpm, "lhi n......vl:rmore.
wh ilst this machine i, to him, H.llnlel."

jlU1e 6,1, - wk 10 of sp ring 2001 Benjamin Speed's sen ior thesis fall ,md win ter Lju.1rtn 200 I - 0 I, A fusion of pcrf(ll't~laIlCe .trt , POCtI'\', mu~ic ,md super8, IOLu\i!lg on d"'pr... "inn ;1tld menu l
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June 7, 2001 • 5· Cooper Point Journal



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Top Stories:
Corpordt(' defense contractors receive
top Pentilgon positions

20 Jsr,wlis killed by l'alL'stinian
suicidl' bumbl'r


Nepal In C h,10~ following l11y~tenou~
death cIt royal f,lmily

oTh e Bush administration has
hired former executives for severa l
military s upply corporations in a
number of top-level jobs in thl'
Pentagon , Their iob~ \,'ould Ql' helping
to determll1e and O\'c rseL' the \'L'ry same
dl'lense budgd th,lt p,1\'~ their fOrllll'r
l'l11ployL'r~. l3u"h pl'lI1s tll ,1ppoint
Albert Smith, a Lock.heL'd-Molrtin vic,'

pl'esident, for
undersl'creta ry
of the Air Forc~,
En g land , \ icc
president o f
Dynamics, for Nilvy
~ secretary, and]ames
Rll c he ,
Nor t h rop-Grum Iliil n,
Air Force sl'cretilry. L1St ye.H,
Lockheed-Martin, General Dvn,lmics
and Northrop-Grumman r~cL'ived
l1lorL' than $27 .6 billion in ta >.pilyers'
11l011('Y frol1l the Pent ;:,!~on. Critics
worry thilt allowing corporations thilt
profit from Will' to determine the course
of the US mil itMy is il bild idea, il nd
SOllll' ha vc notcd th,l t the Consti tu tion
ca lb for civili,ltl cllntrol of the milit.Hy.
(se(' wWIV.lll'
- Amnesty International's (AI)
yearl y human rights report, which was
released last week, accused the United
States of sacrificing "human rights
concerns for political expediency." The
A I report dis CUSSL'd the US
gm·l'rnllH.'nt ·, widespr,'"d puli ce
brutality, b,ub ,uiL' prison condition:,.,
use Df l'1L'ctro~h()d, WL',lPOlb ,11ld
clWlllie,ll "Jlr,l)' ~ 'l g 'lil1~t proll'~lL'I's,
contil1llL'd lI"l' of thl' dl',llh pl'llaltv
(which h,b b" L'1l ,1boli~lll'd in virtu,lll v
,111 of the d l,\·,' lo!,l'd world ), 'ln ~i
oppos ition to tIll' C OI1\'l'nti,)n Lln
L,lIld III inL'" ,1 nd In tern,l tinn,ll C ri 111 inal

o llrt. The US recc'ntly lost its seilt on
the UN Human Rights Comm ission for
the tii'st time in the COl11mission 's
e ,islL'nce. (sL'e www.amnl'
opresident Bush's twin teen-age
daughters, ]enna and Barbara, were
caught buying alcohol with a fake JD
1,1St week. Jenna received a minor in
possession charge in Apri l, l11aking thi~
her second ,1Icohol-relilted ofl l'llse in a~
l11any months. Her filther 's spokesl11iln
warned of a public backlash against the
media';; high profile coverage of the
daughter 's a rresls. (;;ee www.enn .col11)
° Young gay men in U.S. cities are
contracting HI V at rates that are. the
highest since the early days of the
epidemic, dccording to a new study by
the federal Centers for Dised"e Con trol
and Prevention that surveyed gay men
betwecn the ages of 2" and 29 in si>.
cities. The st ud\' iound th,lt around
4A" .. of the mel; surveyed had Hl V.
Infection rates were extrilordina ril y
high dl110ng gav and bi"l'l\ lIilI' Afri can
Al11l'rican l11en, where the s tud y
showed thdt nearly 1-lc.7 percen t had
con trildl'd HI\!; " I'd tL' cOl11parab le to
that of Soulh Afri ca. To ddte, AIDS hels
killl'd -lc50 ,()()() Ameri cans . ( ~l'('
°A new study by GuideStar, a
national databa se on nonprofit
organizations, illustrates thilt the
"gender gap" is as prevalent in non profit organizations ,)0- in thl' pnvatt'
Sl'ctor. TIll' s tud y found that the medku1
P,l\' of fl'molle c·hid l',,'cutivl''' ,lt the

largest nonprofit o rganizations was
$170,180 a year, compilred with
$264,602 for male chief executrves , (see
www.nyti me~ .c()m)
oThe Bush administration's
financial disclosure reports were
released last week. Bush 5hows that he
hold5 total asset~ worth $8 to $19
million, wh il e VI' Cheney, who came
to the White HOllse after being chi ef
l'XC CUt ive wi th the o il servicl's
corporation Hillliburton Co., has, with
his wife, assets of $20 to $69 million .
Lyl111e Cheney, the VP's wife, work;; at
d Washington think tank and s its on
severa l corpora t(' bOilrds, including
those of American Express ilnd
Reilder ' s Dige~t. Reports rrom the
White HOLlse staff show 01 team with
e1mr and wide~preild corporate ties.
Kilrl Rove , the president's chief
strategist, owns $1.3 million to $3.3
million in G 'nera] Electric, Enron, Intel,
Boei ng,
Joh 11 5011 & Joh 11~01l
pharmaceutical, C isco Sys tems, and
American Express. White House chief
of s ta ff And rew Ca rd was Gl' ner ill
Motors ' lobb y ist. Lewis "Scooter"
Libby, Cheney', chief of staff and a kev
player in the developmCl1t of il Bu~h
energy plan, recently so ld off ten~ 'lf
thousands of dollars' worth of l'nergy
s tocks, 1I1e1 uding Te)<.aco, Exxon Mobil,
Che~ilpeake Energy, Minnesot,l Mining
& Mcll1uf.l c turing , clnd the [nron
energy trileling company. (Sl'C'
\,\' \",,-,v.ap .org)

oTh e


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Naturalization Service will begin
allowing foreign celebrities, athletes,
executives, and other specific types of
workers to pay $1,000 to get work-visa
applications processed within 15 dolYS,
instead of waiting the u sua l three
months or more . T h e fast-trilck
processing progrclm WilS pushed by the
agency and approved by Congress and
I'reside nt Bill C linton last yeaI'. (sec
° Rockstar Games, a software
designer, is in the process of creating
what appears to be a video game
version of the1999 anti-World Trade
Organization protests. The purpo. e of
the ga me "Stilte of Emergency" is to
"smash up everything and everyone in
order to destabil ize the ATO (American
Trade Organiza lion )." A s pokesman for
Rockstar denied the forthcom ing ga me
WilS in any way lin ked to Sea ttle or the
WTO. (see www.cll )

Foreign Policy
oDetaiis continue to emerge on
the events surrounding the downing
of a small plane by the Peruvian Air
Force a few weeks ago. The plane WilS
carrying US missioni1ries in Per u, and
the ,1ccidellt killed a yo ung womiln ,1I1d
her seven-mon th-old bilby gi rl. It turns
out thilt the pl,me WilS first spotted and
t,lrgeted by <1 US surve illilnce plane
patrolling the ilir routes between Peru
,lnd Colombi,l on the look out for
cocaine t ra fficke rs. The plane was
pilo t ~d not by US military p ilots but by
private cont r,1(tors who were hired by
all Alabam,,-bil~('d company called
Aviation Development Corpor,llion .
ritics h,1Ve noted thilt ,1 number of
private companies are staffing the USi'u ndl'd drug IVdI' in Liltin An1l'rica and
point ou 1 th,l t thl' US govern mL'nt is nut


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oA Palestinian suicide bomber
blew himself up in a crowd of young
people waiting to enter a Tel Aviv
disco, killing 20 Israelis. Ninety people
were wounded in the bombing, which
was the worst bombing Mtack in ye<ll's.
The alt,lCk has led to a te nse cl'asp- fire
in th e region , which hd S been
supported by some, but not all, of the
P"les tini,ln
organizations. ls rilel h,lS responded by
strong ly incre"sing its control c,f the
occupied terri tori es, essentiall y
declaring milrtiil llaw in severil l of the
- Logging has begun at the Eagle
areas. (see / uk)
-Nepal has been thrown into Creek timber sale in Mt. Hood
chaos following the deaths of a dozen National forest, despite the efforts of
members of the country's royal family, protesters who havl' occ upied the ,11'eo1
including the king, qu een olnd prince . with tree-sits and road bluebelL'S since
The co untr y' s e lccted gove rnment , 1999. The highly controv ersia l timber
wh ich shMes Pll\. . . cr with th e ~aiL' came from the 1995 S'l lv<lge
monarchy, h"d initially s t,lted th,lt the Logging "rider." The rider term medn~
prince had killed his fdmily before lh,lt the piece of legislation was never
turning the g un 011 himselj' ove r a deb,ltl'd in Cong ress b ut W,lS tilcked
co n flict over thL' h is choi ce of bride, bu t on to ,1 n emergency bill gra ntin g
is now claiming that the whu/(' event financial s upport to the film ilies of those
mily have been iln "acc iden t. " Protests killed in the Oklilhoma ci ty bombing.
ilnd rioting hil ve subsequently bruken (see
oThousands of South Korean
out , with 11l,1ny of the Nepd le"L'
'lccusing the government ofconspi l'ilCY s tudents staged anti-US protests last
to ki ll the king, who is revered by m,lny week, dCl'using the ,1dministrntion of
in Nepal ilS th e in cMna tion of the President Ceorge W. l3ush of
Hindu god Vishnu, Nepa l bl'Glme ,1 heightening tension on thl' Korean
constitu tion,ll monarchy following ,1 pe nin ~u l cl . T hL' protesl~ were thL'
pri mol ril y
studen t-based
PI'Ll- biggcs t <lnt i-An1l'rican del1lonstration
in Slluth Kore,l ~ince liush took office .
dl'l1locr,lCv l'l'l'olt in the L'arlv ·t ~)<)lls
wh ich led -to the deaths of hun~irl'd, uJ' Scufflesenlpted whl'n riot police set up
protesters ,lt thl' hands of tl1l' king's tight humill1 barricades with plastic
security forces. /\ maSS,1(rc or roY,llly shil'/(b ,1Ild blocked the studen ts from
l11011'l'hing tll thl' US L'mbclssy. (see /
011 this scale h<1S not occ urred ,ince the



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~ ~O Ol
- A group of loggers scaled trees
and assaulted the activists who were
occupying them in the Mattole
National Forest last week. Apparently,
Lewis Logging pa id tim e ilnd a half to
workers on Saturday, climbed the trees
thilt activists were in, cut out all their
geM, and took four pairs of shoes off
the feet of an activis t who hung on to
the tops of tree;;. Trees continued to
crash around the occupied grove. One
woman hild her platform cut out from
und er her <lnd was left dangling with
her arms lipped into a lockbox. She
sLlstained ex ten s ive bruises and
,lbrilsions. There have been 33 arrests
of protesters in th e Mattole s in ce
logging begiln on May 9th, 52 arres ts
si nce
Novem ber.

oThe Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals has ruled last week that the
National Marine Fisheries Service
violated the law by a llowin g certain
federa l timber silles to proceed ill
threatened sil lmon habitat. The
decision, which affects LIp to 170 timber
sil les in Washington, Oregon and
Cl lifornia , will force the US Forest
Serv ice to make new plilns for the sales
but docs not necessarily remove them
from the choppi ng block forever. The
cuu rt sa ill thil t the fisher ies agency
fililed to look at the locil l detrimental
effects of specific timber sa les ilnd their
CUl1lu l,lt ive effect on salmon habita\.
(seL' / ens.lycos.col11)
-The Army Corps of Engineers
is trying to relax a series of rules
designed to protect thousands of
streams and other wetlands. Amongst



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revolution .
dai ly news.ya
-The World Bank is set to
approve a $15 million loan to Nigeria
that will be going directly to Shell Oil
for oil explor,llion project;;. Human
rights and enviwl1.Inen ta l activ is ts have
condemned the loan for Shell , a~ Shell 's
operil tions in the area hilve led to nearly
consta nt o il spi lls, equiva lent to ten
times thilt of the Alilskdn Exxon Valdez
o il spi ll in com bined vol lime. Nigeriiln
~ol dil'rs and police have killed more
than 80 peopko during protests ,1gdinst
S hell
rec e nt
(sel' ti mes .org


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l{ unncr lh'd n 1 hC,ltl' r Projl'ct
i~ <l cOlllb in,ltion of pipd piper
,lnd g UL"rrdl,l \.\',lI'("rl'. !\CtOI'~ go
10 a d I II en' Il t ~ l' <: r l' t 10 cat Ion
l'\'l'r)' Frld,lY ,lt 2 p.rn., clnd thl'll
so ml' t h i n g
lou d
,1 n d
Il o ticl'able" to draw attention .
Sometimes that ml'dnS singi n g
" Row, Row, Row YOUI' Boa t ";
sometimes it means pounding
on pots and pans .
The actors lead onlookers to
Red Square, whl're thl'y s t age
hour-long performances . Today
and Sa turda y, they'll l'mploy the
same tactics off campus. The
group is giving "best-of"
performances a t 4 p.m., and says
people who want to see the
s how should meet in front of the
Capitol Theater on 4th Avenue.
Senior Jacob Co leman and
freshman Matthew Nicely are
the Runner Bean mastermind s.
The two friends wanted to do a
con tra c t on performing arts and
wanted to in c l ude people who
wouldn't otherwise be involv('d
in thea ter.
The two "ho ll'd up in the
basement" and br,linsto[med
scrip t s over spri ng break. They
chose the name Runner Bean by
"random ly choos in g a word from
the dictiondry."
Coleman origin<llly wanted

the pl'rfl)rllldnn'~ to be " \\,l'ekl)' Milll'r, each Wl'otl' ~ hoi't ~c riph
Ill,l~~ r"i~ing ,1\\',lI'elll'S:-' of thl'
on thl' theme!'> . 1 hey ill\'ill'
Illllnd ,lnl' ," but S,l)'S Nicely performance onlookl'i's to do thl'
,. I h 0 ugh t t h ,1 t sou n d e d I ike ,1 ",lml' and c a ~ t t h l' i I' IV l' e k I y
b unl' h () f p rl' t l' n t i 0 usb ull s h i I . "
P l' r form a n c e s wit h w h Dl' V l' I'
Llll'I1liln and Nicely :-.ettled w,lnts to act. 011 averdge , they
nil deve loping d list of ord in ary bring in eight new p,'opll' d
thl'ml's like boredom and c hore s week.
and responsibility. Over the
Nicely says he thou g ht the
their performance contrac t would just
comrades, Kate
teilch h i m about . He
didn't have high hopes of
and Aurora
entertaining anybody. "I
Erlander~ thought the performances
c> c::"..
, , , would be bad. Not bad

V IJ.ll

e ntertaining and fun . Some
weeks are better than others.
I'm happy it turned Ollt," h e
said. "We were kind of af raid at
a certain poinl."

l .lu:er lle.lI\
'L'!l ~ t .

I ':OJ

"Best of" Show



byTirn RCd ll1

A campaign that s aves
6,000 acres of native and
c l ea r cutt ing is a precious
wonder. Thilt slich a campa ign
mixes direct action with strong
rural organizing in a timber
town is miraculou s. When
such a campaign i s captured
on film and
video and
available to you in downtown
Oly, it sounds too good to be
As if that were not
maledominated wor l d of video
production, this excellent
work comes from first-time
Waters. Watch!
The c amp'a i gn to save
Watch Mountain and Fossil
Creek in southern Washington
is se t in the end game of th e 190 land e}.cha n ge, sLImmer of
1999. Losing means the land
would leave public ownership
and b e rilpidly destroyed. The
vil l a ins in c lude Sen<ltor~ Slade
Go rton and Patty MurrdY, the
Sierra C lub Checkerboard
Project and Plum Creek Timber
Company. The coa liti on for
the Earth is a mix of downhome folk in the prime of life
and a set of young tree sitters,

many from The Evergreen St<lte
Co ll ege.
On sc re en, we get to meet a
wide v.Hiety of characte rs rilr e ly .
seen in activist video. When the
folk of Randall, WA, call it like
they sec it, corpora te med ia spin
falls apart and the "jobs ve rsus
the Earth" argument vanis h es
before our eyes. The heart and
soul of "Watch" are these
interview s. with townfolk who
don't want their mountain
clearcut and are fed up with
timber industry landslides. As
soon as the way is c lear for their
voices to be h ea rd, rural folk
who love the Earth co me out in
droves to speak the truth and
s tand for the land.
Meanwhile, up on the
mountain, viewers are tredted to
a sense of both the thrill and
tranquility of a summer in th e
In the city, a c tivists
co rp orate
he a d qua r tl' r s in a dec i s i\' e
a c tion days before Plum Creek
~creame d " uncl e."
All of thi s
action takes place in a context of
Native rights to the land that
transcend both government and
corporate claims and activist
But far from a sugar-


coating , re ce nt Evergreen grad
Briana Waters open.s with a
challenge to the whole notion of
video in Earth-activism. And
the victory itself is examined for
th e underlying meaning of a
government buyout that leaves
more money in corporate hands.
Whether you know some of
the local Earth First l crowd or
just appreciate a good s tory well
told , you will want to attend
this screening of "Watch ." It
will show Olle time on l y at the
Capitol Theatre downtown, this
Thursday at 8 p.m. The premiere
screening on campus last month
was standing room only and
nearly brought th e house down.
Thursday, you can own the
vidl'o. Just write a check for $15
to I3ri(lna Waters and send it and
your shipping address t o the
Gifford Pinchot Ta s k Force; Box
11427 , O l ympia, WA 98508.
Bri<lnil'!,> work on th is proje c t h<ls
Lo'cuned your s upport , and youI'
love for the Earth has earned the
ce l ebr ation that is the video
Tim Ream is a forest activist and
producer/director of pickAxe
and RIP WTO N30.

Point Journal • 8 • June 7, 200 I

Inte.yiewl Wit h the



r i 1m mGke.,

··nbout the View
r,om nowhele·· :
l.What is the motivation or
inspiration for your work?

by M,m Smith

Intere sted in performing
on s tage but st u ck with two
left feet and not much of a
singing voice? Want to act or
do t ech stage work and are
registered for a c l ass th a t
sou nd s
"c lo se
member s of the student body
l ooking for a chance fall
quarter to be involved in nonmusical theatri ca l s tudy, the
so r e ly
lim ited. F lip ping through the
catalogue of courses next fall,
one comes across a few
Performing Arts classes that
involve dance, some others
involving music, and ce rtainly
a fair
number involving
c ultural studies . But when it
comes to finding a course that
is focused on non-musical
theater, nothing can be found.
That is, until one looks at whal
the students themselves arc
It's barely June, and th ere
are already announcements all
over the campus advertising to
elll theater students what
pussibilities are out th l' re .
information rcqlll'~ting ,lL'lor~
a 11 d t l' chi e :-. for t \\' 0 ~ e n i 0 I'
theses , John Tallm,ln directing
The Di sp ull' ,1nd Molly Rooney
wit h ,1 n Ll the I' ~ h u IV C d nbc
found everywhere. There il re
dbo "ign" calli ng pellple to gl't
i n v 0\1 \ ' e d
wit h J\ n ge l s i l l
Americ,l P,Ht Two, which will
direction (Matt Smit h ) in the
fall quarter. All of the e dnd
any other shows that maybe
haven ' t been publicized yet
are wonderful opportunities
for anyone at Evergreen
focusing on theater to do just
that: focus on theater. They
will be ab le to spend ten
weeks working on putting a
show together and gett ing
co ll ege credit while they are at
it . Al l three are great chances
to l ea rn and to do what all YOll
crazy th eater people ou t there
love to do.
So bc aware of all of the
c hoi ces that ,He available to
tho se focusing on performing
Clrts while h ere elt Evergreen.
Keep your eyes peeled fo r
those announ cl' lllent s 11" vou
finish up spring quarter ~o
you can get Involved with
the~e great " huw~ . Don't Wil,,-te
your time and Illoney gl' tting
into a course ju s t because it 's
"close enough" to 'Nhat you
want to s pend the rest of you r
life doing. Actually do it.

pm l

"Watch": Treesitters and a
Tilftberto~n Join Forces in the
Gifford Pinchot

r in G I


Actors Perfon•• For and Cast Community




\I1t!I.TlMFD I A

S{'ckillg Sllhmis..;jolls: Dl'I:"I, .II,d Elliry ["'''rII''
(Ill t Ilt._' \\ "l.'h: \' \\ \\ .C\ l·rg"l'l'n .rtlu!nlind''''rf.."l·n

The S,r.IY F~"iv:d is now hi slory, bUI Ihc scrcel! is ' Iill there. The co ordin"lors
f'vcrgreen 's siudeni cinelll .1 wish YO ll:l gre:1I SlIl11lller. 'I" Ii ni sh this 'i".Hler,
here :I re the l" sl 'wo ill' crv iews widl ,h e 1111111ll .lkers.
We' ll be here Ihi s s'ullllller "nd IlCX' ye.II· 100. The nL'\\' coord i11.11 llI'S, Mich.leI
IleJges .Ind Tad I\nrill.l, will co n,inuc 10 brin g 111 11) :IIllll11uilill1ccii., 10
C.IIll IHIS. Look 1'01' li S on ,h e p.lpcrl"ss P"I'CI', www.eve rl.:l.eL.l1.c<lu/lllindscrc t. II.


l3e f;r.lnd .,nti




Iht scrceni ng'.

"neophonic/··: A
DocumentalY of
Seattle·, Electronic
Dance Celeblationl
I . As it turns out, putting
to ge ther "Neo phonic ,," was
bo th natural and in ev it able to
me . Having been a pilrticipant
and ~ lIpporter uf the pilrty
c ulture
c ity '~
co mmunity for sOl11e tim e, and
alsu having ,1 growi n g interest
in media technologies, meant
t hat creating thi s docllmentary
be c ame a ne cess ity to me. I
think that rave cu ltur e is highly
underv a lued by those who do
worldwide comm unities of
ce le bration prove to offer more
than most people assume.
2. This documentary places the
community and the electronic
musi c scene of Seattle. Started
co uld
consi dered th e peak of the
Northwest's scene in 1996 ,
"Neop honic s" expla in s how it
real l y is in a way that attempts
ex perien ced groove r and th e
c u riOliS .

··The Re/ident
Alien··: Tom lIunden
1. T h e motiv,ltion behind thi~ p iece
comes from <l p,lrticu l.u f,lscination
w ith pla ces of modern in dustria l
activity. I find that when I di s pl:l y
places where mas~ transpol·ta tion ,
m:l SS consumerism, a nd mass
popul<ltion Me ev ident, pilfticulM ly
w hen they 'Ul' emp ty, th e viewer
gets a new idea of what these
aspects of our industrialized world
really feel like . And while r do not
think that modern industry is
necessarily il bad thing, 1 do think
that the reCllitie:; of it are so metimes
start lin g. It is important to conside r
the real iti es of our modern s itu at ion
without placing judgme nt, and we
must ask o urse lve s if we are s till
safely mov ing in the right
2. "The Resid e nt Al ie n " is an
ex perimental or artistic co llection of
images and sounds that foc us on the
world of productivity and industry.
I plan to co ntinu e my s tudi es of
motion im age production dt The
Evergreen Sta t e College and
thereafte r move to Los Angeles or
London . I am interested in
sc reenwriting and produ c tion

The CPJ is hiring for an Interim Af!lE Editor for next year.
The interim editor is responsible for the first five issues of
the quarter. You wiD be paid for five hours of work ea.:h
issue. This is a sub-weet deal.
For more information, c:ome to the CPJ ofiic:e in CAB ~16.

" About the Vicw
Nowhere" is perhaps es!','nti,l ll y
i nspirl'd by frustr<ltion with the
se l f- ri g h teous
ide.lI ism
progressive ,lctivists (whom I
cherish and champion) fighting
for ca uses I deep ly c,He ,lboul. It 's
the same fru s tr iltiol) m,lny of my
a pol i ti c ,1 I <l n d / 0 I' a p ,1 t h l' ti c
fricnds confron t me with when
my in sis tent po lit ics creep into
the i I' I i v l' s, <1 f r u s t I' ,1 t ion I hat
dcmdnds iln understanding that
life is nH>re comp licated th an
b lack ,lnd white idedl" of. goud
and ev il. I t's d fru str,l ti on that
docs not tolerate h ypoc ri sy and
refuses to sacrifice l1le,lllS to an
"J\bout the View f rom
Nowhere" takes ,1 critical look al
the we ll - intentioned ideal s of
cO lllll1l1I1 ity- ba"ed activis ts ,lnd
,l s ks, "l1ow are we undermining
o ur own cfforts to ere,ltc soc ial
c h 'l n gL'7 How can we use er iti cil l
theor y to becollle more l'ffective
ill reali zing our goals of a
'common good' (how CAN'T we
u "e crrticdlthl'ory ... 7), and wha t is
the 'comll1on good' '1l1)'way7"
2, Describe the piece you are
" J\bout
the View from
Nowhcre" is .1n experime ntal
docllmentary th ,lt attemp ts to
cha ll enge our expectdtions about
sto ry tellin g in order to po li ticize
the proces s and authorship of
meanin g-making .. not only in
a c tivi sm.
3. How do yo u feel about this
project before th e festival? Or
what are your artistic plans for
the future?
As the most intensive and
long-term video project to date in
you n g
videomaker, creating" About the
View from Nowhere" was a hu ge
lea rnin g process.
Whe n I
comp le ted th e on lin e edit of th e
work, I was relieved to be done,
however still unsatisfied with th e
product. Given a c h ance to do
over, I would approach the project
much differe ntly. I wou ld have
spen t more time document in g the
people and work of the Cen ter for
Ethical Leadership. I would have
done more persona l interview s
with participants in the 1999
Conf lu e nce .
I would hav e
the a ttempt to
int egrate text u'a l fragments of
dense soc ia l theorists-or a t least
would hav e exp lored oth er m ea n s

June 7,2001 • 9· Cooper Point Journal

of establishing a well - researc hed
intell ectua l and philosophical
s pine .
1 have cons ider ed
s hortenin g th e video to 30
to make it more
programmers, to help the video
I' e ,1 c h g I' e ,1 Ie I' a u die n c e s .
working un all educational
brochure to accompany th e video
and a web~ il e with backg round
information to s upport dia logue
abou t is s ues r,lised in the video .
I've appli'Cd for a grant to
continue distribution effor t s
through very g ra s:" roots venues,
Inc lu ding librarie s, sc hools, th e
internet, local sc reening s paces ,
etc. I'm a lso eage r to move on to
new work - mo r e experimental
attention to the details of visual
s to ry te II i n g I
The Blurb:
J\bout the
View from
Nowhere": a docu-story of
commu nity-based soc ial c hange
c hallenges engaged audiences to
think critical ly about how to make
the world d' better place.
The unconventional 48minute video portrays the Center
for Ethical Leadership, a small,
non-profit, community-based
urganizdtion in Seatt le, a nd the
Cen ter ' s fir s t annual conferellce,
ca ll ed the Conf lu ence.
19 99,
Confluence brought together 75
diverse ci tizen l eaders from
Seat tle in ,1n attempt to ilddress
Ih e g rowin g in equ itie s of the
in ome gap thr o ugh a s hared
ideal of a common good. The
Cen ter for Et h ica l Leader s hip
be l ieves tha t ga thering everyda y
c iti ze n s in a process of dialogue,
conse nsu s, and col laboration can
lead to the rea I iza tion of a
co mmon good. Throughout the
qUl'st ioning by the videomaker
and l ayered interjections of
c ritical soc i al theory (invoking
Habermas, Lyotard, Foucault, and
Butler) explore, deconstruct and
politicize the meaning of a
common good, linking th e powers
of lo ca l act ivism to the po wers of
g l oba li za tion .
v id eo
politicizes th e role of th e author
and th e process of documentation
a nd s tor ytel lin g in a bold at tempt
to ask:
Ca n an ideal of a commo n good
make t h e wor ld a better pla ce?
Can community-based soc i a l
c hange make the wor ld a better
p lace?

In the end, "Abo ut the View from
Nowhere" offers n o s imple
answers. " About the View from
Nowhere" instead demands
thorough re-examination of the
con n ection between theory and
invit es
comm i tm en t to o n going c ri ti ca l

--------t(1ETTER$)t------Kudos to the Streaker Womyn
Whoever you are (described in the May 31st, 2001 CPJ police blotter), you're awesome.
Not only did you challenge our society and government's stupid and blatantly oppressive
standards, laws and mandates of bullshit "civility" in favor of all natural self-expression,
you stuck it to the cops not once, not twice, but three times in the process! Props to you for
your bravery and volition! r imagine it's possible you're in a bit of legal trouble right now,
and that you may just be wanting to forget the whole affair as soon as possible; if not, my
roommates (all expert chefs!) cordially offer you to a gourmet dinner, on us, at our place or
a simple delivery to yours. You can contact us at < >
- Brandy Conrad, Jennife r Doyle, Kate Frankl in, Kevin S loan

Where's the Strike Coverage?
Dear C PJ,
A very s igni flc,ln t evcn t
;'1'('111;, to hil\·l· ;, Iipp ed ri ght
undl'r yuur r,ld,ll". On I"hur"day,
!'vl.l\" 2-1, TESC d,lssiliL'd "t.ltl
\\"l'nt on ;,trll-..e lor L1lL' fir;,t tum'
in U1L' rnllcge·, histol"\", L'fledi\'l'lv
"hutting d,lI\·n UlL' l,1 Il1f1u;,. Thi;,
\\\1;' p.1rt ,)1 .1· ctfurt b\·
tl1l' "t.11L' \\"'li"I-..l'r;, u nion ,\n
L':-.ti m,l ted 7,tXX) worl-..l'r;, I \·L'nt ,)n
;,tril-..l', I\·ith .K tion;, in Sl',lttil',
Tclcom.l, OIYll1pi.1, \ '.1I1nHII'L'r,
I3dlingham, Yilkim.l , Sp()I-..ane,
and lhp Tri-C itil'" Thl' ,lCtil1l1W,1;'
part 01.1 rolling strike p.llllTn th,lt
til(' uruon has impleml'ntL'Li sinee
April ,1nd pl.111" to Cllllt inul·.
The princip,ll dCI11,lIld i" .1
lair budget. Uniun Il1l'mbl'r" .ll"l'
demanding tllat the iL'gbl,lturl'
put mllrl' money into \'it<11 stall'
Sl'r\' ice~. ~lIeh ,1;' health .1nd
"l'f\' I L"e~,






comm un ity
protection, and trans port.ltion .
They .11"" deilland 1"I.' spec t. They
.1I"e protl'sting low W,lgl';' ,md
In health c.lre
P I"l·I1l)Llm.'., rhl'\' f('(.·1 th,lt thc'''-'
11111I;,t I LL'~ Illd).." It dilfi,u lt to
,1ttr,ll t J1l")f,k' t,) ,t.11L·lllbs. With
till" stn)..,· till' l .liIll"d til sho\\
L·\.Idly h'1\\ \·!l.tI thl"''' jllb, .11\'
til till' publie 111<'\ Il'i.· tlwir
dl'lll.lnd;, .Hl· ,olllJ1il'tl'h
("( ·.tslln,lhk .l nd UI·gl' till'
" 'gis lcltllrl' tll stol' \\ .1,., tll1g
ll1L1nl'y o n ;,Pl'L i,ll sL'"sions th,lt
L,bt ~';)()(),O()U l',Kh ,lIld
,1l·Llllnpli,.,h littl(· . ri1(' "t,llL'
rl'cl'n tly H.·cl'ivcd Wh.1t Illd)' be .1S
l1luch ,I" $4')0 million in ledcr,ll
funding for Ml'dil·,111·. Thc union
is rL'questing thelt till' k'gisl,ltUl"l'
u,...:' this windf.ll1tLl f'mtl' c[ statl'

J\ione 01





I.Kt" Wl're



mentionl'd in the May 31 CPJ .
You intervil'wed one workcr
\\'ho chose to cross the li ne. I
f1l'rsonally res pect the idl'a l that
cqual covl'r.lgc "ho uld be glVl'l1
til .1 11 sidl's oj thl' issill', bllt
tI1l",) ugh lh I;, n )\·c'r.lgl', y" II f.1 ik'Li
III .lddr,·." Ilw isslle .It ,til. l\ 'lust
1,1L"1IIt\ c.mel',,",1 d,l;,;,C'" llr 11I'ld
tllL'm v1'l'\\'hl'rl' oll ·1hursd .\\ tLl
h" nl)r till' pi cl-..l'l IlI1l' .lnd .1
l1l'ljuri ty ul ,t IIdl'n b ;,t.l\", \.1 dW,l \.
~vI' v r,ll l'\'l'n l"ol ml' d,'Vl'n ttl
pid-,d This 1\'dS .I hig dl'dl Illr
l·l·vr) onl· .1t Evergreen. It
F'lI· Illon.' inforlll,ltion, you
l.m "ll nsult back iSf>Ul'S Llf the
OI),mpl.ln, News Tribune,
Sea ttle' Timl's, ,md 1'1. log onto
w'v\"A' or ca lilhe hotline
.:It HKXl-562-6102.
Eilli ly JOl1l'S




Production Over Efficiency!
The Hush .1d m inistr.ltiOIl
has proposed its nl'W l'nergy
plan, ,m elfr,lY of polic ie;, thdt
aim to so lve .1 11 of our nation 's
energy wocs over the n .... x t few
decildes. There has been hM:;h
criti cism of Bw,h's plan, not only
from environment.llists, but
comm unit y .1S well. TIll'
Europeall Comm ission hilS
publicly di;,.lpP("(l\"cd of its
fai lure to red UCl' g rl'(.'nhouSl' gas
emission:-., )!;a~e" sc icllti :-.ts
recognize .1" wllr;,,·ning glob'l l
w.lI"ming. TIll' plan only furt her
l'llfllrL"l's till' in.llll' dl'L'i;,iun
.1cimmistr,ltion to .lb.1I1dnn u.s.
il1\'oh·L'ml·nt in tl1L' i(\otu
I'rotocol (,111 inlL' l"I\,ltll)n,ll dl' .. I.....·
'Ignl'd by U\ ·l·r 1Kll n.ltl"n, III
lurb gl')",l l \\·.1rming),
'I Ill' I'ldn i., Ilh1dl'l)U dtl'
bL'(i1l1~l' it l(.llU !-- I..':-' on cl1crg\'
I'rodudi' )1l
in ... tcdd
pn>m(lting .... 11l·rg\ cffici"IlL"Y
along with till' dl,\·,·lo pmcnt 01
rl'nl'I\'ablc l'nl'rg\ ' S(lllrL·"', 1"111'
plan includes:
" l"panded l)til·'p lo r.ltion
In l',olugiLdlh <,c'n"itll l' Meas,
... uch ,\'"< thl' ,\rellc J\i,l tion ,ll
\\,ildldc' Relug" .lI1d the Ro .. ky
\ hlwllall1,,;
" con:-.truLllolll)f o\"L't·l,300
Ill'\\' (0,11, oil, and nUL iL'ar power
• more ~ub~ldles for th L'
fo""i l fuel ,1I1d nuciear industril';.

IUlldl·d hy U.s. 1,l\,·rd(lll,w,;
oi I reftnl't'1l':-l ,
pipel inl's
trans mission linl's.
In his ra di u address ,I fel\'
\\'l'<.'l<.... ago, Bush ,lssertcd
" I t's tim e to leave behind
r.lIKo rous o ld .1rguments .md
positiv e
conse llsu ~,"
"o ld
.1I"gulllent s" ,Ire not mercly
Mchaic notions; they d rl' the
pr.KtiC.ll CllllCertlS of ci lizl'ns .md
environmcnt.1lists aro ulld thl'
planet pu"hing for govern ments
to incre.lsL'l'ncrgy dficlelKY .lnd
to t,ll' into r.... m·w,lbll' resources.
l3u"h ·;,;.I\()rbighLL'd pl.m f.lib t"
Il','ng ni/l' th,lt oill·l'sLlUITL·s, likl'
thlN' l(lund in ()lIr n,ltion,d
!"L'nl'l\',lhl", L' ltil11 'lleh , 11lL'
,·n\·II"OI1I11('nt \\·dl IvL'1 till'
l1l'gdtl\'l' l'Il, ·,·ts III the innl',bl'"
in pnllllti'lil d lIl' tu I11lli"L ' 1,,;,;,jJ
IlIL'1 produ, ti on.
1\,·I1l'I\' .lhle
Pi"( " ·iLk,,.l fC.1Slbk ,1 1IL'rn,lti\·L' to
iIlLTl·.l'C'd fussil fue ll,rudu rliun.
F()r l'\.l111 1,!L', the BLlnnl'\,i lk
l'l)\\·l'l· Adl11lnistr.ltion in till'
U.s. recelltly re\·il'wl·d wind
l·ne rg~ · !'n>pl) ....ll,. th,lt L'Ll\lld
olfer thl' l·')l li\·,llent 01 :2 .htH)
U nfortundtel y,
the Blish
.1dmi ni str,ltiun w,lnh to
continue "ub:-.idizing nucleM
.1I1d fossilluel industries rilther
than g to other sources

lik(, thesl'. SinL"l' 1,;)47, ,1ccordi ng
t,) the I~l'nl'w.lble Energy Policy
Project, out of d c umulati ve $150
billion in feder.l l s u bsidiL's, 96.3
pelTl'nt went to nuclec1l" power.
As of the yeM 2000, the U.5.
provides subsidies to the fossi l
fuel industries ,1t an estimated
$20 bi lli o n ,1 year. The
government prefers fossil fuels,
llucll'.1r ilnd hydroelectric
l'nL'rgy more them l'igh t to one
I)Ver cleaner energy resourcL'S
such .1S sol<1l" or w in d
IL'chnnl() gil'~.

/\ 11I)th"I·
.1 Itl'l"Ild tin' is iI1lTl·.I ~l'd "Ill'rgy
dficil'nlY. 'I hi" 1llL',1I1~ using
,1d \·clnced teci1l1ologies to l'ut
\\'.bte .1I1d prm· ide il11J1rm·l'd
~l\n'il:e~ ~lt Ilnvl' r lllSb to thl'
COIl"'UIll,'r. Hush . .1 fOnlll'r ui I
l'U mp,\I1)' L'\('eu tl\·" , is ,k'MI)"
.1Iignl·d \\'ith hiS Irielld " in thl'
,) il indu;,trv \\ hLl II1\·l,,,tcd
millillib in his prL'sidellti,ll
C. lI11p,lign. In order to gL'l till'
US. l)Ut ,)f thiS l' lll'rg\' lrisl~, we
Ill'l'd to fo l us Ull usillg Ollr
,1d\'.lnced lL'chnologies to
Im~11·Llve L'IlL'rgy efficiency .1Ild
t.1p into ren(''" energy
~()U rCl'~, r.ltlwr th.m elbul·ing a
IllUrl' serio us L'I1l'rgy cr isis ill the
lu turc. How b.ld can it gL'l? We
mus t fir"t reali7e the propos'll 's
inild('qu,ll"ies and then begin to
push for improvements.
-Cyrus l3erryman
(011111 /nnll: il'll~I'-xrt'cllpl'llCl'.ors)

---~(LETTER$)t-----•• Trustees Corner ••

"I am quite satisfied"
There h,we been a
number of letter, published in
the C P] .lboutml' thi s year. A
lot of them Wl're actual ly
personal <1ttacks . What I find
must interesting is not that so
milny were written (I did my
pMt to set things aflame), but
that so many of the o utri gh t
attacks were published by the
CPJ edito rs, my cohorts. The
letters have ranged from a Fine
Host wo rker sounding like a
reprimanding mom to exgi rlfriends trying to reclrt im
some sort of power by stabbing
me in the back in prin t to
peop le totall y ignoring the
concepts of what I wrote about
and att.lcking till' words used,
This la ~t one, from Au,lm
Sachs, is recllJy pathetic. I am
thl' ~porb editur hl're ,1t
F\,L'r~reL'n , .lnd I pr,)Liu ce .1
\\,(,,·kl )' ~)1()rh ~hm\, 01 Lllur:-'l'

I'm go ing to w rite about m y
team. I write about a ll th e
sports teams. Who else is going
to do it? You, Adam? I would
imagine you ' re too lazy to even
go to a gmne, much less write
about it. You should leave
:;omeone who actua ll y works
at it and has some positive
I wil l g raduate from
Evergreen soon w ith a degree
in fi lm and acting and go to
Hollywood to pursue a mov ie
career. I wil l leave here h aving
received acco lades for my TV
s how and spo rts page. Mos t
importantl y, I have been part
of .1 world c h ampionship
martial arts tea m , which wokl'
lip the sp irit of winningonthis
campus . I am quite s<1tisfied,
thank you,
-Sh.lst.l Smith


Fishermen Against Trash
We .1re the members of
I'.A.1'., Fishermen Again"t
lr,lsh, which in c lude , in
'llphabetil"'ll llrder, vlllu ntel'l·s
Kelly CllrCOr,lIl, P,lt Ke lly, Cy
l'l on~, I3ry,m Thom pson, Cary
Thompt>on, and "everal othcrt>
now jJl"llmising tu he lp.
Washington st,lte is to keep all
of our f,l\·orile fishing waters
open to the public by dl'eliling
up trdsh at ;,ights that are being
neg ledl'd by fishermen with
no res pect for the outdoors.
We began cleaning up
t he sou th s ide of the
Nisquil il y
Riverside Manor pa s t the
handi capped .1ccess ,1Ild then
lip past the rai lroad trestle on
May 3, 2001, and we "Iso
c1l'illll'd the l'nt ire vic in ity of
the boat launch near Franks
L<lIlding on May 10, 200l. We
tool-.. out <1 total of 52 bags of
garbdge, c1nd our gro up 's
go,") I i::, tu regain SOJl1C access
to thi s Mea , which is one of
llur f,l\·orite fishing holeo<, on
the Ni~qu'lily l-~iver, ,1S we are
llflL'ring to kl'ep the vicinity
l·"'.111 of tr.lsh ILlr all time .
1 hl' WCl'I-.. bclorl', we
cll'.lIled ,m .He'd m'.1r Kl'nned y
Crl'L'k in "I.bon C" unty." loca l
IMml'r '.H\' u ~ c ll'.ming up this
<1I"e,l, and hc brought his tr.1Cto r
down to the s i te to h,nd ou t
;'l'vera l I'lrge 'lppli'1l1 ccs. This
is the kind of voluntecrism tllat
we .1re hoping tLl tap into. The
\\'cl'k before, it W,lS a IMge Mea
of the SkookulHchuck River,
L'lc.. .. We have a lw'lys been the
I-..ind of spo rtsmen that p<1Ck
out our own ga rbage, bllt until
recently. we SdW no need to
pick after everyone els('. Yet
fis hing
Skookumchuck I\iver and

Cooper Point Journal • 1( • June 7, 200 1

see in g the trash pile LIp at my
favorite stcelhcclCli ng hok, we
could no longer turn ,1 blind
l'ye. That was the day th .l t
FAT. l·ame to mind, and the
rest is history; we have been
picking up trash ever since,
and we appeal to others to take
a bag along on your next trip
.md pick up a lillie trash, 11S it
wi ll make you feel good .
Kelly Corcoran, on th e
other h a nd, has a lways been
picking up after others ilS he
fi s hes h is favorite holes . Kelly
said, "O\·er the past five years,
I have seen corporate and
privdte land owners locking off
there p rope r ties to mos t
fi s herman, and who can blame
them, as they ca nnot keep
picking trash that piles up on
th ei r property, which includes
an dsso r tment of kitchen
dpp li,1l1ces. How mn people be
s uch pigs?"
Many of our most scenic
fi~hillg waters hdve lW l' n
threil tened by the very
fishermen th'lt discilrd thcir
trash at will, ilnd o u r gOdl is to
reclaim edch beautiful fishing
hilbitat o ne by one by picking
up the junk and refuse thelt ha"
fliled up on our n1l'~t valuable
reso u rce.
We Me a ll long-time
residents of Wa~hingtoll state,
I\'e all I·espect th e reSOlll"ces
that we fish, and we a re willing
to protect our rights ilnd work
to keep these areas open to the
public at any cost.
You ca n ca ll and leave a
message at (360) 236-83-13 if
you care to join o r support the .
group .
-Patrick Kelly
Kl'lIy Corcoriln



Fellow students, ,1S we
fUCL It> o n the last few delYs left
of school , 1 would like to take
thi~ opportunity to say it has
been my honor to se rve on the
Board of Tr ustees as the
s tudent representative.
I w ill miss the fr il'l1ds h ips
I h,wl' ga ined with the uther
members of the bOMd . T hei r
dedication to the mission of
TESC W,lS inspiration.ll to
me. We
a ll
responsibility given to us by
the governo r for the people of
the s tate of Washington
"erious ly. My congratu la tions
to the newly ,lppointed s tud ent
tl·us tl'e, Jamie Rossmiln.
My tl'rm of 2000200 I held o.eve ra l memorable
events for me. I attended the
grdduatioll celebration at the
TilClllll,l Campus las t year on
the Sa turcl ilY following
grildu,lt ion. Our extended
comm uni ty in Tacom a knows
how to do a party! WOW"
With the beautiful new camp us
this year as the backdrop for
sen iors to celebrilte the
accomp li s hm e nts of th eir
efforts, we may be clble to hear
them all the way to O lympia.
T he

i nCl ug uration of o ur p res id ent,
Lcs PUrce, was one of a kind.
Fi ll ed with ritual and antics by
m y co lleaglles on the board
(David Llinb and S tan
Fleming and Deb Bar n ett
dancing il nd singing to "Who
Let th e Dogs O ut ") .1S we
walked into the gym C"ert'linly
added to the somber tonl' that
EvergreL·n is so f,lmous for.
Attending the Scho larship
Lunc h eon wi th studen t;, and
f.lmilies, visiting th e trib.l lb.1><ed progrdms d nd the
Tacoma ca mpu~, ilnd meeting
w ith stu dents in groups ,mel
one-on-one .1 re on lv ,1 few of
my memories for tl{e honor of
se rv ing on till' l3odl"d,
I a !tend e d a II l30MLi of
Trus tee meetings 'and even ts
that requested the presencL' of
.1 bOilrd Illember.
This yeil l~ we :,trugglcd
\Vi th ongoing changcs in m,lIlY
areas of the co ll ege. Food
service issues and the b udge t
sti ll loom a head. But the foc us
of the board did not change ...
in m y opi ni o n ... th e mdin
question was a lways, "How
s tude nts?" My deliberation
and input in these matters was
we ll s upport ed by my

see TRUSTEE page 19

walls a swift kick with me
peg leg.
I'll tell you, the o nly
tim e the s hip 's morale
improves is when we roll

to set sail for The Evergreen
Sta te College. Since being
here, many of my m en have
taken to wearin g those
bloody dreadlocks and
listening to a band the locals
call Phish, which is a disgrace
J;ft. the blasted ship, to our nautical neighbors,
that who we fry up for a piratey
. knOWing
BY EMILY Dlli lNG somehow, it will hi t dry land, feast, and the band's name is
not even spelled
Arrgghhhh . . . living in research papers on
the right way
the U. S . S. 1\-Dorm is Trea s u re Island
rest of me
"I('s a blessing
sh ivering me timbers . It's a w i l l get done in
(hat no one has
bless in g t h at no one has time to get full
threatening to
gotten scurvy yet, and c redit for ou r
scurvy yet, and
l eave the ship
nobody, I mean nobody, "Swashbuck lin g
a nd further thelr
swabs the decks in the an d th e Art of
education or start
mean nobody,
kitchen. I' ll tell ye, ' tis a Living At Sea"
a band. And the
swabs the
wonder my parrot has c1ilss. But then the
wors t bit is the
s llrvived
a ll
the sea sickness kicks
decks in the
protests lhathave
sWcls hbu ckJing an tics of these in, and I swear, the
begun to take
blooming's n o t even lee side of Aplace on deck. All
quiet enough in me captain's Do·rm-well, s h e
of a s udden,
quarters for me to write me seems
th ese so-ca ll ed
paper on Peter Pan th a t's due rocking and spinning in a most plrates take offense to robbing
tomorrow. What more can I WlnaturaJ way; and 1find meself and pillaging; searching for
say but "Arrghhh "? Lu ckily, with me best mates s houting, bmied treasure, they say, is
1 go t me grog to get me "Ay Ay Ay Ay drink lmtil the "rna terialistic"
through those long nights at day we die': over the railing of " hedonistic," and "maybe we
sea when m e first mate is the deck of the s hip. Even with s hould donate it to charity."
playing that accord ion and m e eye patch on, I can't see Can you believe this? I can't
s inging about the bea utiful s traight. Blackbeard mus t roll believe any of these yellowmerma ids h e saw the las t time over twice in his watery grave bellied men were ever mates
he ate those blooming magic every tlme we do this.
on any ship of mine. This is
mushrooms. Sometimes, Ijust
'TIs true, a plrate's life is a not the place for a true redfeel like shaking my hook wonderful life, but sometimes, blooded pirate to be dropping
high o'erhead and giving the I wonder jf it w~ a good idea anchor.



CRelJoQutioVt CCfhftOUgh Chah~
(Oh fll Qrrd r.iviQll~)

tw o
co l u mns have been
irritable comp l aints
<1bout il par ti cular
soc ial
embilr ra ss in g. 1 ha ve
compliments on th c m .
People have t>a id they
were refl"e~hing, that it
nice to heilr
someone c>.p ldin c1eMly
emotional ly
hi strioniC,
conceived ou tbursts do
not activism make . They
have <lClded th.1t they
arc tired of s u ch
outbursts from fel low
s tudents and o f looking
foolish beclIuse of them .
Wha t 1 ha ve been
wiliting in vain to h ear
is th'lt pa~sionate,
comp laini ng is really.lIl
ineffective Wily to work
towards soci,ll ch,1l1ge .
oUllter-eflective, ill
f.1Ct. 0 one h.l'i seemed
up set by thdt . I think
that so ml'times we
forget thelt there 's a
point to the petitions
ilnd cand leli gh t v igi ls
and progressive fi Ims.

We a rc to change eve ry thin g
the wor ld and, last I accom pi ished. They
heard, save it And it don't h ave 1'0 march or
see ms to me th at we're picket or riot, or evell
not doing some thin gs notice wha t they're
we n eed to do to mdkc' do in g. A ll th ey have to
do is approach your
that happen.
.If we rea ll y be lieve co m m \lni s t I social is t I
we're fighting for tru th participa tory ecollom ic
.lIld justice and Mother utopia with the Silme
EcHth and brothel· (o r mindset they <lpply to
sis ter) lovl' , then we our c<1p itali ~ t republic,
c an't .1fford to be and we'll be headed
unrealistic. Painful ,1S it downward in a hand
may be to admit, we bilsket again before you
don' t have the number~ know it. We h.1\'e go t to
to chilnge things on Olll" be compre hl'n sible to
own, and we're hav ing thcse people.
1 don't mean th,lt
no lu ck wiliting for
l'veryone else to realize we sho uld lie or
they ' re wrong. To put it comp romi se
bluntly, we need the in tegri ty. I 11lL',ln tha t we
middle ground. I can sho uld try to be seen as
hear a bunch of you ratiunal citizens with
dismissing me as a views which, although
heretic even as I w ri te they ilre unu su<1 I, a re
log ica l, ilnd
this, but I'm stil l right. sane,
We need the ,1pathl'tic possible . Most of thi s
majority more than we co untr y
nced i\ G reen in the pilrt icular ly l ike th e
Whi te Hou se, more than Chr is tian Coalition or
Wl' need to bred k the ,1gree wi th them, bu t the
ned r I y- m onopo I i zed C hristian Coa lition is
ll1edi.l , more th,lll we powerful a n yw<1y. This
need .1 rl'volutiOIl. YOU is. I.Hge l y beca use
th e m
can have.1 revolution if p oplc take
you like, of cour e, and ::.crious ly and think of
the nex t d,l y, the grea I their ide as as biased
m a S5
un d 0 ----..THIN==KIN=-;-;-,---::-=



CV(v CJJeead

- - - - hy E. Rose Nelson - - - -

--On Graduation-This was going
to be my graduation
s peec h, but I was not
selected for speaker.
S till , I have a rcg ulilr
babblings, so rdther
thdn s itting around
Irtchrymose, I hdve
decided to rl'prod UCl'
s imply
be c clu!>e they'll Il'l
Evc r since
Evergreen, I havl'
tim e
defc<nding it. Before I
arr i ved , I was to ld
that people were
very st ran ge h ere,
a nd I would love it.
This should have
warned m .. ilbollt
someth in g. Despite
all of this , J have
learned a great deal
here. It i" my hop e to
impart so me of this
wisdom, if for n o
o ther redson tha n to
convince the pa rents
h e re assembled that
all that tuition money
was not in vain.
First, of co urse,

th e academics. I h ave
learned more ca u ses
for th e C iv il War than
you ca n s h ake a stick
a t, and tha t th ey do, in
the end, pret ty much
illl bo il down
sl,wery. I ' h.lve learned
that people w ill ban
books for any rcason,
whether or not they 've
rcad them . I hilve
lea rnl'd some songs
.1I1d phrases in Gaelic,
incl lid ing
thre e
moderately dirty ones .
1 ha ve lea rned tha t the
worst prod lIction s of
Shakespcare are the
performe r s
themse l ves
ser iou s ly. Li s ten to
yo ur f,lc ulty; it's easier
to ge t contracts that
way. I have also
learned my socia l
sec u rity number.
things as wel l. Dorothy
L. Sayers once wrote,
"So me co nsideration
for others is necessa ry
in comm unal life. " I
have learn ed that so me

June 7, 2001 • 11 • Cooper Point Journal

people don't know
th a t
express i on.
w ill
offe nd ed if you try
taking their r i ghts
a wa y, even if those
b lowing smoke in
your face and p laying
drums outside yo ur
window il t three in
the morning. There is
peacefu l as one spent
watching a deer c ross
your path in the
moonlight. Oh, and it
is possib le to live
Jown the h all from
a n ex-boyfriend for
an en ti re school year.
You ca n even li ve
through it. Barely.
th e
pol itical ste reoty pe!>
Cl t Evergree n are only
true of a very \'ocal
minority. People will
rd lly for Cil uses they
will not wo rk for.
Nine times out of ten,
the word ie;.t flier

see SENSE page 18


Photo Editor

Monica Festa

"¥ar. whar's me bulk film
loader?" Pirate Picrure(aker
screamed over the raging high
seas. Ir did not answer. Ir only
drenched him in the cold salry
shroud of gloom . " Fucking yar."
he replied, disheartened, PP is graduating and then
moving to England, where he will doff his pirate
cloak and pursue a career in photojournalism.

Asst. Business Manager
Pirate quote: "This land is my
land. rhis land is your land ."
Monica is a junior studying
perform ing arts. Her job
requires that she juggle eight
trillion things at once (see above'). ARRR! Monica is
kooky and rad. The Kinks wrote a so ng about Monica.
Ir goes like this "0 Mon -eee-ka ... uh .. laialala. erc."

Will Hewitt
Senior Will i, .1 schoLlrly
pirale. li e i, . lrIic·ul:lI~ .Ind
aweSome. RAil! Will
worb in Ihe Leulllll~



Dianne Conrad

Mike Tanner

t• ,')c!..:. .Advisor

A&E Editor

"¥ar' Give me a point! Give me a
focus! Give me a conrext Ihar lends
meaning [0 readers. you scurvy
landlubbing pockmarks." Captain
Conr. d S:lid. poinring northward
toward the land of opportunity and
gold-laid meers. She Ihen fed Woodwdrd. the parror
sea led upon her I"fr shoulder. a cracker. for which he
.,sked. "News! News! SQUAAAK!" Woodward said.


Mosang Miles
Copy Editor
"Av"st. ye Ill:rteys! Your
gr.lll1llla r scalds mi ne ears
and is ,I blight to ll1ine
eyes!" Mos.lng is L",aaid
ba ck. His super pir"le
slyle is c.rlm. cool. .,nd collecred in Sherlockesqu~
h.ll s .,nJ mJd plaid . Mosang is ni ce to everybody,
compdlin!!, "II who cro,~ his p.llh 10 love him.

Lauren Storm

Ct:llll" l .

Ad Designer
"R.llIlmill g speed'" L,urLII yelled.
succes, Ii..Il y busting in 1'1'0 Ihe
m.lur.ldin ~ pir.lle ship which h.ld
.II, .lcked her k, She Ihell b" ,11
lip ,h e wr.1.\lr,d p,rdte, .\I1d lOok
Iheir doubloolls. L.llIrell i, l11i~hl\,. She I> ,I
Ir",llIn.ll1. She is 111 ~lI".lill . ll>k i\~f1"dlure.

Jay Gairson
Di(l/IIIt's Assist(1I1I

un {()

Nick Stanislowski
l id De.1igllCl'

i~ .1 'llpilulllllrc. llc..:~


",111 . . ()rt~ 01
Ihill~'," II hL W,I' ,I l',r, II L.
1.",1',1\', ",,'hc'lI ,Ire We'
~()nn,1 !!.l'! to ~hnll"~ "Ill gOIlIl.1 puke .ill 0\.1 Ihl: pI.IU:! "
I\ ICf..: IS J...: I()\X'N I'l 1R BFINC ~l1IZI .\ I I Ie- h,,,
Surh .llId l'lI/ll l :u rh ,\lid ,' "III-

Edith Nelson
Cop)' f:(/i/o}'
I:did, i, ,h~ 1110" 1'11'.11\' ,1I11011~ ,til
who >;'Iil wilh IhL l ' 1'1. Th,I''s
h<.:I..·.ll hC nt" IIt.:r l"X(l'll:.. in'

kilO" I,d~,· III ,.ldc·1I ,1. 11" sllIn l
I ikc Ih)\\ It) lit·ll! \\ illl :'Iwun.l . .
.llld h(J\\ 10 ... c\\ !·II/,lbl"d l.lll drl" . . . l.' ... , \\hILh ... he ...
.llId III "h 'lh ,hl' I""k, 1',ld ."', \\ 'hL II li~h,,"~.1I1d

Michael Selby
1.&0 Editor
T h~:lIcr

Y.,r ' 1.11' i, 1."1 lik,
li~hllllnl!.' I k ', ill .lllei he 's <Ill I.
li e du" hi, I"b \l' l'n 1."1 ,llId
Ih,n I"kes
!!,,, du Ili~h ­
Ic',h Sluiliur lOI S or 1I1lloLd ..

Lld S,'ll>y run, rrlllll ,h~
CI'J tlI,h~ C,)M hl\i1dil1~ 10 Ihe
presiden, 's ufflce (h i, 01 her Job)
,ll1d then h.l(k .1!!,.lin. He is busy
busy. II' he was.1 pir.lle. he'd
1'[(lh.lbly 5.1)' somel hing like "s l1l\ er rhis. b~ilJch'"

Michaela Monahan
Ci rc"I(t rionlA reI; i IIisf
Belore M iel",d.1 beclme Ih~ CPJ
p"I".'r-ll1:r iler-ourl'f. she pill.lged
; dflsh lords li ke so ll1uch Robin Il ood. "C i"" Ille
your precious sron~"" sh~ wOlild sho ul. br.lndi,hin)?
.1 sword. She' 11.15 1H0v~d on 10 study womell'S is,u",
,llId he,d,h ed uca li oll. She i, nOW.l jU1110r. She will
,riW.IY' 1",.1 pir.IIC'. ARRRI

Corey Pein
Mallllging Editor
"There', '10 hnpe lor Ihis Lapl.lill.
Only de.nh on Ihe high sc."." ". Iid

Ian Paden
Ad RI'/,
Pril1ce C.,sl,i.111 o,'lhc' good ,hip
CI'J . 1.111 1'.ldell '.11" ""'lond '1.11
10 rI~llI. '1I.Ii~1l1 011 ·liI111()rHill~."
\Xlhell he" "0' ,.lilil1g .Ibl1ul. he',
,dlill~ .teh (.llld hi , soul ) or
'llIlh-i ll)? p,vt:!tulo!!,)', :\Iicr he W.ldu.lle, lleXI Fri,L1y. I.Ul
S\ ill )?e, .1 Irel' ride '0.1 gr.ld school ill Oregol1. 011" Ihere.
he'll ~l'l .1 ",II Iwm Ille. \X'hilll<'Y. ,dlin)? hil11 1'111 g<lI 11 1. I
,r.lsh 011 I. is cou,'h .,"d ~,II h is I~)(lli.

When Mike wants 10 kill his foes.
he catches them off guard with
wirry anrics and smart jokes. Then
he stabs (hem with his gianr
~-... invisible anders. Boy are Ihey sorry
rhen! M ike is gradu3ring nexl Friday and is destined lO
become a bmous acrar or movie director or rdd TV
show producer (o r "II d,ree. Yaarrr!).


"1"n I:uhoms down on rhe way [0
hell" is how Jcn lives her life as CPJ
biz m.ln.lgcr. Jen's sllper secrer pirate
n.llne is I3l.lckhe.lrt, b~'1 h,,'s .llso
known .IS Blackhawk. Jenny Jen ny,
PLlppell11.,sru, .md
Bluller.II'.lgal17.1. Jen is.1 jem. Jen
likes j:ll11. H.lh.IJ,;,ha! She is .1
senior 'Iudyillg .Incent Greek. for
she "ilHcl1d, 10 h.lve Ihe job ot'
Johnn}' Depp ill The Ni nlh Gale."

Gavin StansiII
Compu ter Iechnician



kf, d


Whitney Kvasager .
Hoisri ll g Ihe ;k ull .1Ilt! crossbolll"
.Ind sendinp,.1 w.lming 10 ,dl wilh
L ___...I111!!!!!~ v.du:lblcs .lnd wench,·s. Co'pl ,lin
Curry sw.lshhllCkb on ,,!!,S
:1ccmlomed to rh~ s"... "\\lh.lI ·s mille is mille. wh.u·s
yours is l11il1~. " she S.IYS. ,\ wick"d p,lil1l in h" r qL Curry
i':1 jllilior sllIdyillt; jOlll'll.di,m ..Intl hcw.,re }'l' I.,ill' or
h,.... ,. lor l1"xl ),,,.Ir. ,he is slill Edilur-ill ·Chid.

"Yarrr! PraiseJah." says R:\Sta pir:lI" C:lprA in Selrie r. When
C:s is nO I plu ndering. she is a non,slop
sllpershop of'so much I.lyoul glory. "S he's
am.lzing!" s.lid one sl."f member. jusr
nlOl1Iel1lS .Igo. She is a sop homore
slLldying cullUml .lI1rhropology. She
her d.IYs ill MOllle!!,o 13.IY. CS
prerers Co li s 10 do~s. She 11.1, IWo
psychor ic e lls n,lITInf Salan .Ind j"us.

Ih.1I I.IV before him. Somelll11es he dim ,·iew "I
Ihe Itllllre ..15 he is .1,01e11ln pir.He. Ol1e dllll~'~ I()[
SlI r,·. dlOlI!!,h; he', !'.onll.1 be 1\1,ln:1!,IIl~ EdllOI l1eXI
\<,,1 1. Y.r.lrn! I Ie lVall" 10 be.1 jOlll'll:r!i'l b"d
re.r! had'



W irh a smoldering gl:lnce. Pirale
Nelson whispered. "Why don'[
YO Ll come up and shiver my
(imbers so melime" 1'0 .1
m.ILlrad in g other pirare. Then. she
sl.l bhed him and rook his gold. H.I'l:,ke (h al. other! You think YOll Coin get .IW.1Y, bU I you C.IIl·!. PN
willpcn'ail' PN i, a ju nior sl udying jo um.llism.

Wendy McNeal: Designer

Cl.lrl'),. st.1rin~ out ar the \ , '~( expllnst: oi"w.lrt'ry l1li.)l...'ry

~ \


Erica Nelson
News Editor

Tyler Balliet
lJcrigll(1I rOil

"Y.,r. I1W 111.11,,-' . hrill!!,llle '"Yp,ro!!,'" C.'I)I.lil1
li·.ll1slurlll erCO I11111.ll1ckd . On his d:1y oil;
c r Ir.II ,,;lol'll1S ill lo .1 gi.ln l li v"r .lIld is
ahle lu I'roce." .111, he 1,.1I'd liquor ill Ih"
kl10wn world. TIIeI1. he tLlmlu rm s
h.rck il1 l". 1ca l),.lill ;lIal sed", ou, neW
1V0 rld, 10 conqllor. Then !!,oe, b:1 ( k 10
Ihe Ci'J .1III I designs ,onle kick .ISS
wickc·d kilb pa!!,<.:.>! R.lh ' Iy-LOR'

G<lvin goes by 111.111)'
ll:1mes. Mr. Break Shil .
Sprinl:(bollnler, Co mpuler
ClII·..lnJ Dr. Gabbo, As
hi, lltie, illdicale, G.'l'in lik~, ro break shit. bOllll<:e
'prillp. alld Ilx computers. li e i,. Iwwev"r. IIUI .,
... uh ... CAZE!!'!'

Shasta Smith
.~i) orts

"_ll,t h o,;.IY'" " 1" 11 IlO[. \ pll.ltt.. 1111,1
:-,h,· I> !!,r.I,llI.HIII~1 ,\1\1\ hill h!

Sh."1.1 kl1ow, . 1 bi!!, 01' I", .lbUUI
Th:II', h.lndy. beL.ILI'" he
i, Ih" 'pori, "d i,or .. Int! Ill' 11."
.1 'PO ri S , how. lie likes klln~ I'll,
roo. Ha. Ih:H rh ymes. II fa'e dc.liI Sh :1 sl:l a
dilkre l1 l hand. ma ybe h,'d be a pirale. Irh, II'.IS.
h,,'d ,:1),. "Aarr. Where', Illy , h.l[, 01' Ihe booIY!"

, 1



ft- i



Adam Louie


1.' c


~ --,;,~ __--...r;~:3:::::-£ __. - -__


Cooper Point Journal • 10· May 24, 2001



May 24 , 2001 • 11 • Cooper Point Journal

"'"'----i-:,-..- __



Perrin Ibndlerre

Coni riuutor

Frdl qllarter design
coo rdi 1/ (/ to I'
l'l'rrin , Perrin. Stylie,
~Ivlil'. l ikL'~ to '
pCclu re ~ ,1nJ dr,lw
cool shit. This picture hL'rL') YL·.lh. SIlL"~ ,1
movie stdr. R,dl Perrin'





( Emily Dilling
Col", iYUlist



l3en is ,1 s tuden t
of appliL'd fr,Kt,ll
philosophy, ,1 ~
well as a Junior.
Says Ben, "A rr,
Wl' be gl' ltin '


David looks to
H .L. Mencken
for the spirit of
normal man
m us t
be .L---.::.....!:.L--.::.~-=-L--=:L.......:.<I_
I tempted,a t times, tospit on his hands, hoist the black
~ag, and begin slitting throats."

"Pimtes nre rcn/ rilld
~rr B/ndes iii (/lIr teetli we be Il1tendl/iS tOCllt !In. Arr.

Kevan Moore

A - lJllrm AVl'nger'
Emily Dilling is
s uper fu nn y. Rilh,
Emily' If Dilling
was it pirntl', she ' d
giv in g
orders. She hails
f r om the most
squalid ,lnd most
feared pirate s hip
of <lll. YAAERR'


Jonathan Noble


Copy editor

David drew
" Ruse" comic before
graduate. He's going
to work at the post
o ff ice and get his L-.LLJ..:....L--=.L..1..-:-';''''-''--'-:~
master s in library science.
something unintelligible.


"Animality." He is a
sop homore, s tudying
art. He's good at it.
His buccanee ring
begins with a song:


Matthew Nicely
st udi es theat er,
writing, and the
visual arts. If Matt
were a pirate, he wou ld say, " I am a pirate."






111is is lhl' artist being
hit in the h ad by a
ba se b a l l
com. T hat 's his
website . It' s fucking
rad .


( Nathan Smith


TlIrtll' t<l kl'~ picture~
,1Ild \-wite;, articles.
Iidocll',(,'s lighband
run" Mound li ke so
much Ihespian. He
gives the be;,t hugs
this s id e of the


Ben Green








~lig hty milyl-d~l

Brandon Beck

(Joshua-Aaron Eberle

Acrin wrote" 40 Hours,"
did the calendar page for
'lw hill', and wrote briefs
\ for us. Thanks Aerin'

J,":'. -,



'; .



\'\.J'.:i; ~:"J.>~'
(,,I:.- .- I


-.... <;: '-___..r-'



L-_ _ _ _ _ _......

Brent Seabrook
Fonner Editor-ill' Chief




Mel drew "Life of Maude"
and others. She did a good
job. Thanks, Mel.


( -Courmey '\
I Cosmulogist ,
Courtney wrote I
M 'l



Sky Cosby

Cosmo l ~gy and


forecasted our
futures' Yailr'

H d ran g LI (' "
IV ri ter COt>by is ,1
combination uf
Thompson and
W,llt Whitman.
Cool as shit
cillm of temper.






- -

Ben Parish



( Quy~h L~
I Former Design


Ben drew the bird heads
peopl e
tentacles. I think they' re

rule .

H' You



Katie Falkoff
Former Coordinail."ng
Katie is rad. She wrote and
edite d (or us in the fall.
I' le ase write more Katie!



~g Skinner
I ~C~ntrib"'tmGreg . Skinner
graduatlllg, gOlllg to Jschoo l at the Unive rs ity
. of Illinois, on a mission
of infiltrating Big
Brother from the i.nside.
Greg would rather be a
Mongol hor eman than
a pi.rate.




drew, wrote,
and de li vered
the paper for





- - - - - - - - -- ---.

Scott Ceci l was all
ol'er Seepage this
past quarter. He drew
the pirates in th e
corners too. As a
pirate, Scott would
SilY "a lot of really
fucked up shit,"
cla im hi s fri e nds.



"S hilpe" i1rti~t13uck dr,nvs
a killer comic. He "va s
comics editor for aw hil e
100. Cood fellow, HyclIl.


Geoff Dugwyler
Geoff drew "Legalized
Prostitution," and blew
• our mind s many time s.

Mel Heywood



PaLiI is a junior, now
making sets for the
Good PersonofSzechwan. Says Paul, "From
Hell's heart, [ ,tab <:It
Ull'C. For hate's sake, I
~pit my last' breath at

Scott Cecil

sop h omo r e, is
st ud ying
wrote " Lwas jus t
thinking." She's cleve r. Piracy would disappoint
I her, as s he co uld not s tand being surrounded by
~ much water but not be ing in it.

Brent says th at'if Ill' was
a pirute, he'd probclb ly
get ma roon ed on so m e
island. SAD' l3ut that's
what he said. He is
graduat in g. Bye, Brent.



Point Journal • 14 • June 7,2001




~~II quarter Design Quarter




Ryan Buck

1L..I1IL---3'----_--'-....L -_ _ _- '


grad u<lling. I-Ie's
go i n g to " s t d Y



Josh did "Making Eyes"
and poetry. Josh is a ni ce




The" l3eyond the
Bubble" duthur, a I
s tudent of bOlany
,lIld .local in~ur- I
recti on::--,

r;a~l Hawxhurst



Alex, 01' Mikitik, put
his brain Lln p<lges a ll
year long, doing d
fi ne job il tit too. lie
is ,1 breakdancing
,1 1ld
computer smart guy.



Brian Fr-anj<.

<lround Oly and Cil u~e troubl e .. /3(' rendy (or piratl' I
utopia 2002."


Beebs is the master
picture taker pirate.
cap h.lfes
everything on film
and then weaves the footage III to s tones. He s
graduating and is mavin ' to Nueva YOr~k
where he will get famous. Now I own hiS bed.
\jaaat B, y_ou~re glory. _
.__ _


L -_ _ _ __



( &"-....;~~~ Aerin Tolbirt


Keva n sa iIs the seilS
jouJ'l1alis ti cy
rlldoci ty. Often ,1 t
till' S hel ton Milson Coun ty Journal , Kevan
II writes
s tories, liillages, plunders, <lnd wreaks

For a brief and bittersweet time,
Jon was a copy editor. He moved
back to Texas, though, as I t I S hlS
homeland. We miss him and his
vast knowledge of music. If Jon
was a pirctte, 1wouldn't mind a bit
if he took over my s hip. I wou ld
do his bidding.


Alex Mikitik



June 7, 2001 • 15· Cooper Point Journal


---2-0-00---1(SPORTS) 2001

S h . l~{,l

S llli,h .


1 1.11 h () I,~(:'.-I,~---,-,M~,,~r.::k~.....:..
1 :I..:,::.,:...
'"I~).::~.:..'.:..'_...:.1.. :>a.:...':..:,....:i:.::c:..:k~---.:.:..:..:.:...:..--'--'--~a,:.:n,:.:d_ _N_,,_i _I _ _I_I_ll_i_,_"_n--,!j,,-'_"_

throw;, malk- (26), free UlroW pe rcentage
The men's baskdball Sl'aSl>n bq;,m ('.J 17), rebounds (51)), ilnd blocked shots
with h ig h hopes. The tL',lm had much n('w (H). N in(' of Ule ten girls on the team s' t
talent. ~oml' ;,tn>n g \'l'll'r,lns, a nd sL'ilOll l n'cord". Katil' Vernon led the
F",'rgrl'l'n s upl'r~t.H Trl'lton :-'pl'Ill'L'r to c.]~L·' ld l: Coll q~i,]te Conference in nssists
lead till' wav tn victory.
( 163), whidl pub he r in ;,econd place for
Thl' f~... t hVl) g.lflll'''i \ Vl'rl' l ' ,cit in g, i111-tinw a", isb, and was eighth in ~ ll',l l s
consIde ring that h 'c rg n'en tran,I"d ,]11 till' (2Y). Hea thL'r Jllhnson was second 1J1 lhe
WJY to Nell' UriL'dn~, loui ~iall " , .mel
CCC fn r I'L'bounds (H.H rpg), and third in
Hattiesburg, Mi~si~~ippl , to p i,] ), big ,coring (17.'1 ppg). Michelle Ram'galL' was
n ,ll11 (,S X" \' Il'r ,] nd Wi l1i .1111 C<l rl'Y, (,Ig ht h in rebound" (6 .5 rp g) and
re'pecttvl'ly. Unfor tun,]tl' ly, Ull' ll'dm got thi rt l','nt h in ,wnng (12.3 ppg). l.innae,]
off to d bad start. They ILlst to buth 01 thL'sl' Jilblt m,k i Wd, third in bO.lrds (X.2 bpg) ,lnd
hIgh cd liber tl'dm, and Wl'llt "n tn 10'l' lir,t in b locb (46). Howl' vel; Ule women
Ul('ir next two g,lIl1('".
,]bll " l'I Il'l'urd, lor upponent 's points in .1
Thi " strl'.lk ,,[ lo~s('s 11',], I.lld to rl'st g<ll11l' ( I(6), bigge~t home l o~~ "nd biggest
in their fifth g,l m l', ,]g.lIn ,t I"Ki lle 1(I,mg in (71) a nd I OWl'~t lu,ing ~co r~
Luther,ln. An"t lwr \' iet"rv t,>l lowl'd ( 16).
aga ins t lhl' I.l'1I' i, ,1Ild ( ·I.1I"k W.1l"ri"r~, ,1nd
Rick IlarLil'n, the wonll'n';, b,];,kl'lb,,11
Im m thl'n on, thl' "l',];'llll \\"],, bac-k ,md 1lL',]d c(l,lCh, will nut be rl'luming fll!' the
[ort h . FVl'rgrl'L'n \vlHtld go lln ,1 s m,dl 2IXlI-200:! "'.l~"n . Hl' hds bl'L'n till' unl y
winning ~ t rl'ak dnd tlwn hit ,] :!--I g,l nw W0 I11L' n ' ..; hl'ck! COdL' h thl! . . i dr, \vith .111
, lu mp. In Uw L'nd , IO\'l'rgrl'l'n had ,1 13- 17 O\·('1-.1 III·l',·urd of I, w in' ,1Ild 'J'i lus,e;,.
llVl'J".lll record and a l)_l) conle rL'nce n:.'Co rd.
ThL' \\'llI1H'1l hllVC (1 Il l' \V hl'cl d t.: odeh,
Many rl'cu rd ;, Wl'rl' "ct thI S YL·,H. ,lIld the progr'llll IV ill h,]\'I' ,1 IIl',h look
C,lI1ll' re~- ord~ .lrl' ,b fol low;,: Andrl' nL'xt Yl'ar.l ;m>d luck to Ull' women in their
StE'wart scorl'd a w h" pp ing -1 2 p"inb in ,] upcomin g S(',blln.
game, had dn X7.5 percen t thrl'l'-p" int TENN IS
aVE'r<1ge in OIl<' ga me, hitting Sl'\'L'n out 01
The tcnnh ,<"bon he rL' ,]t I ~vl' rgrl'{.' n
e Ight shots and amazingly hit IXoIIXfrl'l' hilS dr,]wn to ,1 lu ll dose. I .d'" reca p a bit,
throws in one ga me. Look for big lh i n g~ ~ hall we 7
from And re nex t year. Trl' lto n Spelll"l'r
The Illl'n Illli"hed Ull' ye,H wi th ,1 6grabbed e ig ht s tl'als in a gaml'. Sed~lln
II uvn,]ll ren>rd. Thi s is lhL' bl'st th ,l t an
Records are as fo llows: Trclton Spence r ""ergrl'l'n lennis tcam h", ever d o nl'. In
sco red 587 points, brea king Ihl' sed;,on [.lCl, Ull'Y h,ld more win, Ulis Yl'il r lhan
th e two' pre vio ll' Yl'il r, combined. T he
ml'n ,1\" 0 won thl' lirst ilnd on ly
tOllrtl.lIlll'nt nwl'l Ill!' the program. They
had ;]749-1021 b,lIlW record in sin gles and
,12-10-:117 record in doubiL's. Th,lt is .! .-123
;,i ng k" ,lIld ,4 30 dl)( Ihll'~ gallll' percent age.
No t tllO shabby, to "d y Ihl' leas t. The
shtn lllg StM<; (If the te,lI11 were Mike Schor,
with a I7ll-1bLJ si ng ll's g,lIl11' record, and
Nedl Ahern, wi th d 1+I- 16X record. Mikl'
was Ull' only p l")'l'!" on th e team to have d
\\,lIming rL'co rd un the year.
ThlHlgh U1IS IV,lS the tennis team's
best ye;) r L'\'l' 1', the re were ,] fel-\'
di'ilppuintmenh ll) be h'ld. Coing into
U1L'ir nllllh me'vI llf U1l' sca~lln, the men
\\'l'I'L'-I ,l nd -I, ,1nd it klokL'd IlkI.' they might
ha\'l' ,1 gOl)d chancl' of staying Ulnt W,l\'
for Ull' rL'st (II Liw se;)SLln. Unfortltnately,
thei r meL'! 'lb,'in ~ t UPS lIn April 4 marked
lhL' beg inning l,f ,] ,i,\ -Illl'l'I lusing s trl'nk.
rhl' s trea k wa~ not brukcn LUltillhe match
,lg,]inst Sealtle U un Apri l 21. TI'li ~ win
flushed them up 10 four th place in the
scoring record Ula t he set last yea r. He also "t,mdin gs. TIll' annoyance docs not stop
broke Ule stea ls anei ,1ssists record ;, with Ulere. The team was a lso cheated out uf
108 stea ls and 162 assists. Carrel Zwa r set Uleir fourUl-place seed ing by the vot ing
a field goal percentage rate record .1156.6":". syste m that is in p lace. The end re,u lt?
Trelton ended his bas ketball days h ere at Evergreen was voted in to Ule Si.x Ul seed
Evergreen holding the record in 12 of the fo r the tourney and p layed Ulird-ranked
16 ca legories. What a player! Some of U1C Alberta College. They cam e up s hort bu t
more important ones are Ule points record, then went on to win their first e ver playoff
1740; three-point field goa ls, 191; steals, match against North west Nazarene and
308; and assists, 355.
fin ish ed fifth overnll, prov ing the coadles'
The season ended with an e motional voting wnlllg .
final regular season game, in wh idl we lost
The women's team had a mu c h
three of our seni ors: Trel ton Spe n ce r, to ug her time Ulis year. They lost aU of their
Garrett Zwar, and A.J. LaBree. At the meets and were sh orUlanded illl season.
conclus ion of the gam e, Trelton ("Tuggie
TIley carne up short WiUla48-1130 singles
s tood cen ter co urt , ki ssed the co urt iln d 16-408 doubles reco rd. They jus t
goodbye illld receIved a long, s tanding couldn 't get a break a Useason as they lost
ova tion.
p ldyers. Eventually, only one woman went
The team went on to ~ uffer a tu the regional tou rney. Rebecca Bartleson
hea rtbreaking lirst-round playoff loss to went it alone a t the regionnls, toughing it
Sou lhem Oregon. Lill er, Trelton Spencer o ut aga ins t the stiff compe tition.
and And re Stewart we re hunored as
'1 h e m e n 's a nd women's tenni s
members of the NA IA Di\' i;,ion 11 A ll leams wil l be looking for il new coach tll.i s
Ame rican Teilm . Good luck next yedr to s umme r. Rick Ha rden has said tllat he will
the El'e rg reen men's basketball tea m .
be moving un. The teams w ill a lso be
looking for more players to fill ou t their
While the women 's te,un pl'lyed a ranks. The men arc looking to imp ro ve
t'l'L'll rd 31 games Ul.i ~ sea~on, and nine of l'\'e n further nE'xt sea~on and get their
Uw ten p l aye r~ made it into the El'ergreen record over .SOO, dnd th e women are
reco rd boob, the teilln failed to coalesce looking to break into the W column.
and finished the Sl'a~on wi lh an NAtA SWIMMI NG
Dil'is:on II record 28 105,es. TIley ended
The men 's an d women's tea m s
their ;easoll wilh d recurd of 3-28.
pe rfor med well during tile 2()()()"2001 year.
It was a season of broken records. On Although their record does n' t reflect their
the plL15 s id e, the g irls set rL-'Cords for points accomplishme nts, they s pent the year
m a game (75), points in a hali (46), free breaking records and qualifying for the


NA IA nati una ls.
ri v~
sw imm ers
went tu natiunals:
Ryil n
BOllnil' Marlin,
Ambl'r Tutz, Mi"ty
We;, t phal,
A lison Ayll'swo rUl- a s mall bu t fa~t
tl'dll1 . El' erg r en
W,l~ the ~ll1d l Jes t
tl'am al Na ti onab,
a, eve ry "dlOll! h ad
,1t Iea, t one Illen',
i:lnd on e wonlcn's
relay tl',l lll. Aga inst
thi s compe tition,
they e<l rtwd thirteell tup twelve fini;,hes.
This IVa, CO.lch C h""lie Bendock's
fi rs l Yl'a r Ill're a t FVl' rgrl'E'n a nd hi ~ l'ighUl
YL"lI' L"lh]ch in g. He w,,~ h'lppy w ilh thl'
~ LJLt.ld but s,l id that rl'cruitin g i., ,I b ig
priority fo r the upco llling 'e<1~lln.
Over<1l l, til(' Ie,llll pl'rfufml'd
l',(L'l' lI ~ ntl y this yea I; bl',l ting lheir per,ona l
bests but .] Is" breaking ;,chuol n.'l'orLb.
Durin g th e NlH'ember 10 Illl'L' 1 a t
Wi ll,lml'lte, Mi ~ t y Westph dl w un the 200
free w Ith;) timl' u[ 2:00.86, bea ting the
reco rd by eigh t ,econeis. She alst> won the
5(X) frL'e wi Ul a tl111e uf 5: [!j.Y7, bea ting lhi;
rl' cu rd bv 24 seco nd s. DUrIng t h e
Decembl'( 1 mee t, sIll' smashed till' 16S0
Jrl'e schoLlI record by IOU 'l'co nd;,. On
J,lnuary 12, RY,lI1 Miyake p l'Ked "ecnnd
in lhl' -l00 ll1ed ll'y WiUl Ule second filstl's t
time in ~l'ho()1 his tory. The next d ay, the
wO lllen won e igh t of lhL' nine indlvid uill
('vents. Westphal WOIl Ule 200 free, 500 free
,lnd the 1000 freL'. She broke her own
schoo l 11.'curd ~ in the 2l)(} ,md 5()(). At Ule
January .I'1 111('e l, Wl'stpha l brtlke her two
prL'vious records in till' 500 and 1000 free.
She beilt he r JOOO tillll' bl' ~ i x t l'L'n seconds.
~\Illbl'r Totz swam ,1 I :04.87 in Ull' LOO Ily,
her fastest of the se,l~Ll n , which is nLlW
Eve rgreen's thircl-fas t e~t time. RY,lIl
Miyake won the SUO frel' \\,iUl a time of
-1:55.88, Ule stc'cond-fastest 500 ill 1::Vl' rgrl'l'n
histl)rv. lie abo had d (MeL'r be~t time in
the :!oO medlc'I' of :!:03.Sh.
Congra t'L;lations 10 the ~\Vim team iur
tlleir successful war; let's hope Ull'y do
e \'en better U' the coming Sl'<l;,on.
111e men's soccer s~a"L11l c,m only be
summed up in one word: disappoultmenl.
\\IiUl a large number of new players and a
new coach, Ule team had il host of talent
Ulat was never fully real ized.
For the seconci year in a rolV, the team
wen t 0-18 for anothe r hear tbrea king
season. While some of the games we re
close, the men couldn ' t seem to pull it
toge tllerand ended up dropping all of tile
games. One position Ulal led to a large
portion of the tea m's wues was an
inconsistent goalie. 111ere was a s tretch of
six ganles that saw seven different keepers
Next season, tile team will look to
capitalize on tile high number of talented
re turnees and incoming recru its. One
factor tllat will help the team to excel in
tile coming season is a 6-foot-plus keeper

Cooper Point Journal - 16 - May 31, 2001

o ul of Washington. Cood luck to Ule me n
as they atte mpt to turn it around for tile
2001 season.
The w() m en' ~ ,occer season W,lS
filled w ilh b ig losses ancl reso undin g
v ictories. They ended tlle ir sea~on wi th a
3- 15-1 record that included a trip tll till'
The lrip to the pl a yu fb was th e
Il'am's firs t under the kadership of Coach
I\ rl e ne McMahLln. The p la yo ff gil m l'
~'nded WiUl a los" against Concordia, bul
lhe ted lll is only los ing Olll: p l'lye r for next
;,eason, a nd Co,lCh McMalllln is looki ng
forward to returning to the pla yuffs nex t
season .
Brooke Fredrickson is lhl' ~l'ni or Ulill
wi ll be g raduating tlli~ yea r, and Co,lCh
McMahon is looking to re pla ce tile gclp on
Ule field tlla t will follow.
J,lIlica Blasko was named NAIA
region I second tea m a ll-region for the
womC'll. She was one of onl ) three player;,
tllat was nam ed to either fi rst or sl'cond
team tllat did not compete in the regiona I
champ ionships.
With .l lmo s t the e ntire squad
return ing and a ho"t 01 nelV recruit~
coming in, look for Ull' WL1men to improve
next se.bon.
Thi, is Ull' fir,t ),e,lI' that l:vl'rgreL'n
ha ~ had a recognized IIltercolJl'giall' dub
rowing crew. They , tarkd training in I,lll'
Sep tl'mbl'r ,md ended lhl'ir "eason on Iy a
fL.w weeks ago.
TIll' tenm's Jirst compl'tition was on
Nm ember 11, 2000, on Anll'rican Lake,
ilnd theu' last was on Apr il 2 1, 200 I, on
AmeriGUl Lake. TIlat is a n eigh t- mon Ul
season of getting up a t 6 a.m., eight monU1S
of early mornings and hard work. The
team participated in five different m eets
during the ir seaSGn. Despi te th eir
inexperience, they were able to do some
anlazing things this season . They had six
top-tlu-ee placements out of 13 races this
season. If you take into aCCOlm t tllat nearl y
every team tlley raced against h ad 20- pi us
year programs, then it becomes obvious
that the Evergreen crew tean'l is a fo rce to
be reckoned with. In fact, they didn't even
h ave a boat of their own to race with until
March 24. They raised $19,000 to buy tha t
boat and made everyone proud.
As with every story, the wheel of time
needs to go full circle. For Ule crew team,

a w ind stom1
that blew Ule ir race bOdt off Ule rack. The
fall poked a number o f h oles in tlle boat.
TIlis tUlfo rtun,lte se tback caused Lile team
to cut tlle ir season short, and Ulev did nnt
participate in Ule ir last two race~.
Now thal thl' Lv('rg reen crew tl',lnl
has eslab li shl'd ibelf, lhev shou ld be <lb le
to go out next yl'i1 r a nd dl; l'l'en bdter. Cel
rl',]dy tll SL'CS,lllll' wodd -cJi1ss racing Irum
lhem in Ule verI' neal lulu re.
13ak Shaolul Fagll' Cl<lw KLl11g Fu ' ~
Tl'am Evergreen i~ Ull' most winntng team
in the histo ry of Everg reen sports . The
team began its championship drive a t the
Double Diamond Class ic in March 2000.
111ey went to 14 consl'cuti vl' tournaments,
winning hundreds oi top Ul ree m ed.,l ls
and n couple of grand championships. The
last tournament of tlle season was the
World Chnmpi onship Super Grand ~ i.n
Sav,uUlah, Ceorgia. Team Evergrcen, Witll
teammn tcs from the Bak Sha olin Eag le
Claw Nn tion.l l Tcam, won 17 top e ig h t
world rnnks <lt the S upe r G rands. T he
victo ries nrc a testillnent to the power an d
skill the n at ionn l team bring s to the
competition a rena.
Captain Jess(' H ,lrter lead tile team
through Ule year. Harte r won incredible
a m oun ts of medab [or Ule team, including
one grand d lamp ionship in forms. At tile
Super G rands, Harte r won a fourth, two
fifth, a nd a seve nth world rankings.
Eve rgree n Grad u ate a nd Reg ional
Manager Coach John Eastlake did his
s hare for Team Evergreen . East lake was a
so li d co mpetitor illl yea r, wi nnin g
numerous medals. Eastlake won th e
number six continuous hl'avyw e ight
fightin g rank at the S up er G rands .
Women 's Cap tnin JeSSie Smith was Ul e
num ber one WOInen's fig hte r in the
Northwest in the 2000 season. She
continually domulated th e sparring rings
,uld culmina ted hL'1' season wi tll a th ird,
two fifth, " s ixth , and d s('vL'n th world
ranks a t the Super G r'lIllb. WOIll~n's CoCap til in l,oa Arnoth was the nWl1bl'r nne
forms cO lll pet itor for TL'am Evergreen
durin ).; Uw 2000 ~dSLln . !\rnLllh won the
m()~t form, n1l'd.ll, of anyone on the leam.
Her fin,ll forllls victo['l; wa~ the four th
plaCl' world rank at tl;L' Supl' r Cr,1J1d,.
Shd,t,l Smith h,ld <In up <11KI down year.
Whl'n hi;, cumpl'litioll g,une was on, he
dId L'xtrL'llll'lv wL' II, \\,lIlning 'palTing
Ill,]tehe;, ,ll1d .pl ,lC lIlg \\'L'l1 Ul Ull' iorms
dl\·l,iuns. Sm ith l'nLil'd thl' 2(XX) ;,eason
wilh two ninth ,]l1d one sl'v l'nlh p lace
world rank~ at the Super Crand;,. In the
mo~t recent tourn,lll1l'nb, Smi th h,l;'
knocked ou t and bL'at the #4 N,ltional
13I.lckbelt Leagul' fighter in Ull' world .
Owen O'Keefe had strong show ings in
all Ule to urnamen ts. At tlle S u pl'rCran d~,
O'Keefe fought the l'ven lual world
champion in super h eavywe ight
con tinuous ~pa n·ing. O'Keefe would have
won excep t fo r the a lll olln t o f penalty
points he accrued. O'Keefe was part of tile
Evergreen team tllat won tile ninth place
rank in team SpalTUlg ilt tile Supe r Grands.
O'Keefe will be the captain (If Team
Evergree n for the upcomin g 2001-2002
season tlla t began recen tl y.
So m e of the m e mbe rs of Team
Evergreen are g rnduilting and moving to
oU'ler pa rts of tile cow'ltry, bu t tlle re is a
new squad of up and coming mem be rs.
Kevin Barrett, Devon Reed , Gi n Harbold,
Ben Green, and Morg,lll Thornberry make
up tile new sq uad of competitors tllat is
continuing the tradition of winnulg fo r
Team E\'erg reen,
The t<,am ha~ competed in three
tournalllent s ;,0 fill" thl' 2001 SeilSllll.
A lreadl' the \' hal'l' won -1-1 lup th ree
medals and O/;e grand dlampion,hip.l11l!
team will cLlntinul' tll COmpl'll' dnd WUl
through the s umnlL'J'. \ Vatlh [or l eilm
\:\'L'rgreen tLl \\ III bIg III the 2l)(} I season
<md bevond .
Gi',Uldma~ter Leung Fu and alional
Coach Sifu Dana G Daniel ., h,1\'e taught
. ,md coached the team to all Uleir \'i1rious
succes;,e;,. WiUlout Ulclr leadershIp, none
of Team Eve r)!;rl'en's \'ICt ne~ wo uld have
been pussible .


by Sha s l" Smilh
On June 2,,,1, Team Evergreen KWlg
Fu went to VUlee Crosetti 's Battle at the
Border in Bellingham, Washington with a
team of ten: Jesse H arte r, Shas ta Sm ith,
John Eas tl a ke, Owen O'Keefe, Jess ie
Smith, Loa Arnoth, a nd the upcoming
team for the 2001-2002 season, Kevin
Barrett, Gin Harbold , Ben Green, a nd
Morgan Thornberry. Everyone did
exceptiona lly well , and the team canle
home with 21 top tlu-ee medals.
TIlere was a large blackbelt fi eld of
mixed martial arts styles, i.e. karate vs.
kung fu. Captain Jesse Harte r won s il ver
in both tile open and traditional divisions
witll his powerful forms. He was a microfraction from the gold in both
divisions. Loa Arnoth p laced third Ul til('
open d ivis ion w ith h e r li ght, fa s t,
aggressive form, Nan C hu an. Shas ta
Sm ith p laced fo urth in the traditional
division wi th hi s hi gh fly in g G nok Fe i
fo nn .
[n the beginner ring~ , l ;in Ha rbold
took tile gold in the open di vision. Morg,lIl
Thornberry was jllst bl'huld <lnd finishL'd

w ith bronze. In th e traditional divis ion,
Kevin Barrett won the gold, just edging
ou t Thornbe rry, who fUl ished w ith silve r.
Ben Green was tile lone compe titor
in tile intel111ed iate open division. He beat
out tile competi tion and won gold wilh
his"olid perfonllancl'ufShaolin Long Fist.
Harbo ld bumped up to the inte rmediate
trad itional forms ring a nd took bron ze,
ju~l allead of G reen, who finished fourul.
In spa rrulg, Morgan TIlomberry bea t
he r opponen ts and fini shed with gold Ul
beginne r point sparrulg in just her second
tournament ever. H arbold and Barrett

May 3


both fought throug h the intermediate
sparring division and ended up fighting
each otlle r for first. Harbold took gold and
Barre tt took silver.
In a t wis t of fa te, the Sh adow
Warriors, one of tile top eight teams in the
country (Team Evergreen Kun g Fu is
numb er nine ), was den ie d access to
Canada en ro u te to anothe r com peti tion,
and came to the Battle at the Border
in s tead. Thi s uppe d th e a nte at th e
tourna ment, and the b lackbe lt fi ghting
became m ore intense.
In tile heavyweight rUlg, Harter came
up aga in s t th e S had ow Warriors'
heavyweight fighte r Mike Matheson. The
match went Ule other way, but Harte r got
hi s hib in . Matheso n walked away
lim ping. O'Keefe won i\ close m a tc h
agains t his terunmate John Eas tl ake ruld
went on to take s il ve r ill th e div is ion .
Ilarter en ded Witll bronze ,md Eastlake
l'nded in fourUl by the end ot Ule di vision.
Shi1" ta Sm ith wa;, lhl' on ly
lig ht weighl blackbl'lt fi ghter fur the LL'am.
SmiUl 's poin t "pdrring g,lIl1L' was ,Kll\'l';
he had lhree fighls in the li g ht weight
division, winnlllg tlVll ,1]ld losing o ne lo
fini~h wilh brLln/.e.
In the fin,, 1di\ ' i~ion of the day, lc,1Il1
"pa ITing, Tl',llll 1': vergrel'l1 fini,hcd st ron g.
1::'1gll' C I,IIV Twu, d tl',lm malk- up ul Kevin
l3arrL'l!. (; in Hdrbo ld , and John Eds tl akl',
foug ht the Shadow Wilr r ior~ in the fi rs t
round. The li g ht nnd ll1 iddleweigh ts
l3arrett and Hdrbold co uldn 't quitl' get it
goin g again;,t the other teall1 . Eas tl a ke
C,lIne Ul as the tenm's heavyweight and
had an exciting match . With the tl'Jm
dl1wn on points, EasUakecame Ul fired up
and rmd y to figh t. The fight went back
and forUl and Easllakl' at one po int put a
huok kick right into his opponent's head.
Though he didn' t make up the overall
difference for Ull' team, Ea~ tla kl' won his
weight class in points.
Eagle C law O ne, Ule number n ine
team in tile country, got prepared to fight
the Shadow Warriors. Both teanlS had seen
each otller over the past year bu I had not
yet go tten tile chance to figh t. In the first
round, Smith came up against the sa me
fi ghter he knocked o ut two weeks earl ier.
He used his quick hits ,Uld le"ping nbility
In g ive thl' team a three to two pu int l'dge.
H arler came in a t m iddl ewe ig ht and
foug ht th e Nationa l Blackbclt League',
number Iwo middleweight fighter in lhe
wo rld. The mdtch was fasl and furious,
wi lh clean h ils from bOtil sides; the fight
ended wi lh Team El'ergreen th r,'l' p(\mts
dOlVn. O'Keefe was the hl',l\'ywl'ight
fi ghter ,m d came up again"l Malheson . In
.t ""rri~ing flurry 01 ,lttac b , O'Kel'le
e\'e 'H'd out the '<core. Wilh onl) filtl'en
seconds left his opponent got '>Ill' more
kick III and Team El'erg rl'en went home
with the silver in a very do",' light.
For the bJ;-lCkbe ll~, Uli~ tournament
signiJ ied the end of an erd, a Pd~~lng pi
lhe torch, If l'OU IVi LI. to tlll' nl'>.t ~quad ll[

2001 - 17-

by Shas[a Smi[h


[ would like to take this chance to
thank the academy." unmunm ". wait a
minute .. , I would like to take this
opporhmity to thank the people that have
helped me and my crew make Shasta's
Evergreen Sports Show and the Sports
section of the CPJ great, And also those
that helped Team Evergreen Kung Fu in
its championship drive.
111anks to the coaches for their great
inte rviews and footage, Arlene McMahon,
John Barbee, Bill Benton, Mike Safford,
Aaron Starks, Charlie Bendock, Craig
Dickson, Bill Lash, and Rick Harden.
Thanks to the s taff of the CRe for
sports information and access. Dave
Weber, Kyle Nelson, Deborah Miles, Zoe
Leary; Mike Anchors, and the student staff.
adminis tration for getting behind the
show and helping Team Evergreen to the
world championships. President Les
Puree, Vice President for Student Affairs
Art Costantino, and Oscar Soule.
Thanks to the people at Master
Control for technical support. Marge
Brown, Alley Hinkle, and Raoul Bennan,
and also the staff of Thurston Community
Thanks to my crew for working on
the show. Neil Huizenga, Mark Harper,
Gin Harbold, and Palrick Kenny.
Thanks to Charles. Dye for
journalistic advice and writing up Team
Evergreen in the Olympian.
Thanks to Team Evergreen Kung Fu
for backing me through the tough times
and the good this year, Jesse Harter, John
Eastlake, Jessie Smith, Loa Amoth, and
Owen O'Keefe.
Thanks to Grandmaster Leung Fu
and Situ Dana G. Daniels for being the
s hining light behind the show, Team
Evergeen, and the sports page,
Without the assistance and
cooperation of aU these various people, the
s how and sports section would not have
been as excellent as they were.


Team Evergreen Kung Fu. For the up and
co ming competitors, t hi s tournament
s ig nified the beginning of the ir rise to
promul Cllce; tlley won 11 top tlu-ee m edals
between four of Ule m . The ratio of tlleir
winni ng mirrors w hilt Ule b lackbelts have
done. Watch for tile newes t m e mbers of
Team Evergreen Kung fu to continue tile
trad it ion of excelle n ce behind Captain
Owen O'Keefe in the 2001-2002 season.
The tea m thanks tile club m embe rs
and Morgan Thornberry' s father for
coming to suppo rt and ch eer for tile team.
The team also thanks Grandmaster Lelmg
Fu nnd Na tiona l C oa ch Sifu Dana C.
Danieb fur Ule ir teachin g a nd coachin g
Ulat hds lead to the teilm 's victo ries.

perfom1ing il monologue. You don 't see
painters bringing their palette and easeI ilI1d
st,lrt making happy trees. Youdon't seechoir
kids ... never mind. And really, it's not cven
all musicians. Tlllmpct players don't bring
~leiI hom, to pilTties ,md play scales; oboe
pl'lyers don't start playing ~le duck part
lrol1l Pc/a mid lite Wolf: just you with the
guit.n. Knock it off.
Why do you bring yow· kids to every
El'l'rl-.'11.'l'n event? Concerl~, plilys, speaker;,
,lIld 'lIlywhel\" else, you trot your child along
with VOlI. 111is wouldn't be .,0 bad if vou
,lCtuajly tried tLl control your dlild d~'ing
the evmt. Your kids with Ulcir dirty feet ilnd
dirty f,ll'l~ run wild, ;.(JwlIl1ing ,llld giggling
whill' till' gucst , pl'a ker from lklgradl'
rl'l.lte; the hom)r, ,)t Wclr. Or your child
whlnl's quite loudly 111 tJle fron t row that it

An open letter to


Why do you Cdrry yow·guitarwiUl you
everywhere? You're a musici,1I1. We got it.
Arc you so insec ure that you have tll
overcompensate by prov·ing how "cool"you
dre?Guitars ,U"(' not even thdt cnol an)1110re.
jlX.'V Mc1nteyer leill11ed to play the guitar.
You bring Yllur guitM to the partv ,Uld
Sit and play it, hoping f"lL'ople will , it Mound
and mMvd "t yow· t,llent. This al~ll tries tll
m,lke the n.,~ t of ll.'> feel rude whl'll \Ill' try to
t,llk o\'er you r fuurth tillle through Clapton'-,
"Lwla." Wlw do vou Lin this? Thi"l'l'm, tll
bea'hilbit iOU;ld ol;ly in musici,l11'. YllU don't
,el' ,1(tors gl)in g to pa rtie~ ,1l1Li "tMt

fro 171




colleague, on Ull' board.
My faculty this yeM, S,lrim Willi,lIn,
and j,m Ott, Me two of the mlb t incredible
women I know. They fully pndor;ed my
participation dS student trustee, as did mv
classmates in one of the most awesllm~'
programs at Evergrcen, Whole & Hol y:
Altemate llerstories of I leilling.
My edu ca tion at Evergreen h,lS an
added dimension now, gred tiy enh,lllced
by my term on the bOdrd. I was able to get
cl peak int o the inira,tru cture of the
cnomlOUS ilmount of work Ulilt gOt', on
beforc I ever set a foot onto Red Scjlldre.
Evergrcen is not without its tnals ,md
tribuliltions, but we me insulated with the
lo\'eand commitment of more peupk' th,\l1

Wl' lllay be ,lWcll"l' of. I inVite yo u to say
th'lIlk yo u to ,Iny me mber of our
cOllll11unity whose jub it is to ca rl' fur our
interest and well-being ,,,, ,tudl'l1h Llf The
El'ergl\.'<.'n St,lte College.
In the crown uf jeweb that serve in
the presidcnt'~ office, the most brilliant
di,llllOnd i, Rit,l Sc'vc ik. Her tireles,
ml'nll>ring with ml' i.~ lUlforgdtable. Her
l'\'l illple
com mitm en t
dccorum, plll~ her inl'>.hallstable hi~ tori r<ll
rL'l'clIi, IWI\, of great benefit to me as Iservl'd
,b the stulit'nt trustl'l'.
tvly best regards to jilime ,1S he en ters
intn his l" fll'rience .
St'l' Vel ,lt gr.ldlla tioll ... go, CCOdllCks,





pil~~ion a te

abuut ,my caLl!.,p, whl'tJwr tJll'V
know anytJling ahou t it or not. Some people
can ignore clnv bct thil t docs not ~ uit their
world view. My friend Erica says Ulat she
hilS become "J (oJUl oisseur of the grey
,lrea5." Therp arc no easy answcrs. EI'er. If
your protest merely pis~s people off, thel·
won't be un vo ur .,ide, Jnd vou \\·on ' t
accomplish anything. One ;·ioter can
ol'ershadow ahLUldred peJcdul protestors.
In my timp hcre, I have developed
m nnections with a few stud cnt groups.
EverytJling is funny late at night in tJ1C' CPj
office. A gro up is only ilS good as it ~
coordinator. 111ere';. a lot of paperwork for
everythin g th a t goes through official
channels. Pri1ise from dozens of strangers
is not as importill1t as a smile from the one
* B E A DS ·


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took hinl with you after the show. If I see
that kid again, I will personatiy lock him in
a tiny box and train him to ea t grouIs.
Why do you cop my style? You think
you thought of that style of dress? You think
you were the first to see it on the rack a t Value
Village and say, "Thilt's cool''' You are not. I
have been there iIlld done that iIlld nailed it
shut. Your scra \lvny ass just Cill11e by ilI1d
uSl..'li a crow bar to open up and feast on Illy
leftovers. EverytJlingyoLl ~1ink you did flrst
was d one better by me. I was whatever you
elre now before whatever vou are now WilS

Sincerest Apologies for your e>.istence
Mike Tilnner.


cOlltinu ed

WilI1ts to go jLl~t as the lead actor is delivering
the final line that sums up the whole
performance. Why don't you hire a
babysitter? Why don' t learn something
ca tied sacrifice iIlld maybe one of you stay
home ilnd then the other tells you ilbou t it.
This see ms impossible for you to
comprehend, since you think we all won'!
mind the constant distraction. [t SL'elllS your
parents never botJlered to tly to leadl you
politeness or respect tor others. Your poor
child will be jllst as selfish as you. Like that
time you left your kid ouL,ide at thc ticket
booth while you went in to enjoy the concert ,
essen tially forcing us at ~le booth to babysit
your ''omart'' dlild for two houIS. Yow-child
i.~ clfroga nt,.l liilr <
mel outright violent. TheSl'
traits do not l11i1ke him smart for hi., age, as
you ;0 eloquently stdted when you finally

vou kwc. And Ulel\, are some p.'ople II"hOSl'
honour is tlll' onlv relielble Uling left.
I h'lVedi.",o~'ered , 1110re th',Ulleamro,
tJlelt, >Ile ran wiltdl nuthing but tlle Historv
Chilnnl'i witholltlll' ing bored. nLis, by th'e
W,1\', h,15 tdught l11e that not everythin g
II'hldl elesl'I,\,CS to be in d musctun is. It hdS
c1bo t'lllght 111e thilt till' ,)Id saying is trul~
there is nothing Ilell" under tlle Stul. It i.,
Illl'reil' perceptlolls which ch'l11ge.
Another pMado.\ is that tll0se \\' hll
el rgul' 1110S t fim11)' on how the real world
works ,Irc, .llmost without exccphon, those
who h,lVe never held to live in it. But tllere
MC good people herl', and wisc. Evergrl'l'n
is, ,lt ~l eend of ~ll'liay, not worse tJlilll .lny
other place, iIlld cl great deal better tlli1l1
millly. A t Evergreen, as ilI1ywhere else, you
get out of it what you put into it.

from . page

proposab an:' the elimination of il rule tJlat
,my project disturbing 1110re thiln 3m fect of
"trmms would rcquire sp<'cial pellll.its. Now,
del·e1opers wou ld only have to notify tlle
Corps of Ule potentIal impilcts. The agency
ha s sugges ted loosening vilfious
requirements fur subdi visions, roads across
wa ter and certain nood control projects Me!
w,mts to kill a rule tJlclt devciopers must
replace or protect at Imst ,1S many ilcre, of


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p age

ratJll'r tJlilll Iuncl tic. The "l111l' c,m not bl' ;aid
for ll<;. We tl'lld to se,l l\' tJle people Wl' don't
PL% off, and tllat means th'l t most of our
~ociety couldn't support oW" ideils if tlley
W,lI1tl:'Ci to.
'nle reallv ridiculous thing about that
is there's a practical, logical reason for most
of tlle things wc're ilsking for, because we're
right. I tllink we forget thill, too. We believe
whilt we believe forrl'ilSOl1s wl1ich often have
to do Witll1l10ral~. We believe tllat natufe <md
people should be respeclL'CI ilI1d loved, or at
least not savaged, because doing o~lervviSL'
is wrong. But the thing we forget in our
outrage is that the way most of us figured
out tllese tllings were wrong wa~ by noticing
tllat something wilSn't working properly. It
occurred to us that oW" planet and oW" society
ill"\? becoming dilllgeroLL~ly strained, ilI1d that
we can only live this way for so much longer
before sometlling tUlpleasant happens, ilI1d
U1Cl1, we realized that everytJung they taught
us in government class was w rong. And
we've been throwing a tantnU11 ever since,
and tlle people who haven't noticed tllat
what we're doing now doesn't work arc
getting a little sick of it. I can't blame them.
I wlderstand tlle outrage, believe me.


wetlands dS they di s turb. (sec !
. Stayed infomled over the summer '
The beyond the bubble news crews fill'orite
websitcs Me: !
news. uk,, !,!news.,


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Eleven score and fll'e year" ago, our
rorctil ~lers brought forth on tllis continent "
new n,ltion, conceil·cd in ignorilllCe and
dedicato:l to the proposition that resourc(~
arc bOlUldlcss dnd God-given, l1nd people
you don't like aJ\' rcsourcl'S. Thilt'swhat~lev
tilught their ch ildren, il nd now, ou'r
gencration htl~ inheritL-d problems so large
they'l"\? hard to cump rehend. I'm outragro,
too. So what? I wdnt tllings to get better, ,1I1d
the only way I can ~'C to milke them bettcr is
toexplain to people why our current situiltion
is inadequate. I know iI lot of people who
workharderilnd more intcnsely than I do to
fix things, but I don't know eJll;ugh of ~lem
who have figu red out truly practical ways 01
going ilbout it. It makes I11C "ld. Find a wav
to lllake your message heard by pl.'Oplewh~
don't already agfl'e witll you, or prove me
wrong and change the world by shl'er force
of ",,,ill. i.3ut think ilbout where you put your
eJlergy ilnd why: It won't lilSt forever.ltwould
be nice if it left something tangible behind.
Since I have to work tlle word of the
week in somewhere, 1just WilI1t you to know
how ladlrymose I 11111 at the thought tl1ilt tl1is
is my lilSt colwnn of the ye1lI. You've been a
great audience. Good night everybody!

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There arc things that we sec
e \'crydcly ilnd just barely glilnce at il nd
co ntinue on our way. They arc little
things. Things YO Li should ju;t bilrely
noti ct', and yo u d o. Thcse things MC
really mysteril's. Well, mys teries to you,
a t least. I k'rl' ell Evergreen, the rl' <Ire
liter,dl y thoLlsclnd, of these enig mas just
s itting, wiliting for you to take the time
to ul1rilvel th em . I have taken thi; time
to l'X p OSC some of th ese eve ryd ay
c onundrum~. Now, in this findl
Elvergrcl'n Tru l' Sto ries, I will ; harl'
thl'1ll wi th you.
All right I ju,t made shi t lip . . .. O r did

No, I just made sh it up .... Or did f?
I did.
I\nyonl' wa lking thl' ,,111,111 trail from thc
basl'ment pcll"king gMilgl' o f the CA I3
to the sidclV,llk iL'elding to the do rms
must h,lI'l' noticed the decp red·co lo red
funne l and LllC.l Co la bottle rigged to
till' trL'l' . It seL'IllS to be il rdther
indfl'c tiv l' l"clin lValL'r collecting systcm.
Last wl'c!..end, J hid in the trees along
th" t d.ll·!..c'ned P,l th ,mel ,1 wili ted th L'
pl'I·;on or thmg th,ltlll,l\' be respon"ibll'
for it. I stayed aw,lkL' a ll nigh t, listening
to r,llICOUS sClund s of d I'lln ken chil d rl'n
in till' nL'clrby dorm". At nl'il rl y a qUilrter
p,l~ t dawn, I saw someone climb down
from one of the trl'es ,md collect the rilin
drops Jrom the pl.lstic bottle. He drank
them u p w it h l>lll' bu gl' gu lp. 1
tlpproached him , my hand; mised in
,ueh , I Wd) ,l~ Ii tu ::,"y, "Don't be
cllMllll'd , dl'ni:.'.L' n uJ till' t,1IItrecs." 1'Ill"
man h,ld ,1 wild klok in hi" eyes clnd
ran towards ll1e. Fl'cll" gr ip pL'd my body,
clnd I co uld nut move. His race W,lS
within inches 01 mine . He barked <It me
,lnd s,lid, "A ren't yuu th e A-Unrm
Avenger?" When I ;,1 Ill. " o. I wntl'
E1vergrl'l'n , " hc scoffed cln d s,lid,
"That'~ tuo bellI." The Illiln thl'n hedded
bdck from whencL' he ca ll1e, his po;,ibl\'
dry palate qUl'llChed.
If you ,-\vlm ,lt the Evergrcl'n bc,lch elt
night, you r body ::'l'ems to glow with
almost d s upl'rniltural hue . My
freshm.ln veal' at Evergreen, my dorm
miltcs fromthl' I\.inth Floor of A·Dorm
and [ trekked down that path to the
beach, dnd ~l'vl'ral of us stripped down
to o ll ly our PA:-..JTS (th,lt was AUF

And now the final Elvergrl'en Mystery.
How do I get a job a fter college? I see
thesc people walking around all the
tim e. They appear to have jobs. They
arc go in g so m ew he re with their
briefcase and / or hardhat. I dill ju;t
,lss umin g th at they g rilduated from
some sor t of college o r home cducation
co urse. I could be wrong. Whclt do I do?
I' m trying to find some sort of niche I
can fill while I' m desperately try in g to
gl'l'l li ter c1T Y "gent. Don't wo rry;
I:lvergreen is not gLl ing into my
I want to thank evc ryo nc who hilS
hL'iped 111e with thi s column over the
la::.t s\,ve ral months. I wanttl) than k m)'
co lorful cas t of char,lC te rs \\'hom I hav e
grow n to love.
I now \\'clnt to pre~l' nt thl' Fir"t ,mel L,l"t
i\nnu,l l Elvcrgrecn Ti·ul' Stor ies

Tht> first .lwMd, for Mo~t Improved
Elvcr~reen C ha racte r goe:. to:
W'l lking G irl for her s trong work d hlc
and many "ppearances I,lte at night by
the MODS.
The aw<trd fo r the E'veq.;rl'l'n Chdfcl cter
whu ; ucked thl' mos t hloud ,md "a id
the pln,bc " Eg,ld, I11 V biscuits M e
bUl"l1ing'" the most goes to:
~Pl'ctc1c ul,l Dracula .
Thl' C\wMd fo r bl'st im prl';"ion oj In
Actuill RCil l-Life Yeti goe~ to:
rhe Actual Re,ll Life Yeti.
what d ; hockl'r, I guess the v( >ters
Ill've r SelW Mr. C I IUU's imprl·"ion. It
i; dead on.


(233 Division St. NW)

1 357 - 5250
113 SE 5th Ave, Downtown Oly





(~\Y~ I (~ ~/ ~ .J

Five Ts

SCZW;J I. Trll

r. Sezwaz Tru, likl' to lravel to tJle larnung COll1ers of our falr country looking not
only for music but for grea t food as
well. It is rMe that I find such iln exquisite
eilting experience as I h,ld recently in
Wenatdlee, Washington.
I Wi.lSdriving arouQ,d late one lught in
that little burg, desperately seard1ing for il
place to dine. Not wanting to low(>r myself
to eating ilt, say, a Del1l1y's or a Shari's, I
sought ou t a place with local navar. Luckil y,
I fuund it on iIll admittedly sccc!ier side of
Eilst Wenatchee, but I knew I had found
some place special.
This ; parkling jewel in the Wl'I1atdlL,('
culinary crown is the Five 'Is Cafe. I knew
. the moment that I walked in and saw fuUsize fish tanks at each table, I Wib in for cl
true taste of Wenatchee.
I took ,1 sedt ,lt the l"OLUlteL Looking
down ,lt the t<lbJetop, I ;.lW tJlilt tJle per;on
bdon.' llll' hild left l11e a distinct ('ntr0('
1\.'COllullcndation. The driL'li gravy and bils
of meat (tlU'key, I assullll'd) lying tllerl' on
~le table mdde 111)' eyes scan tlle mellU for
the old stilnd by I,lte lught meill: the Hot
Turkey S.mdwich. /\ fmsonable price of only
s-t.50, illld it inciuded!l) frl'l1ch fries of two
\',11 il'til~, frozen sll'ilk fries and frozen frl'l1dl
cut fric;. Most places only offer one dlOicL'
of fly. /\ test of" trul' eatery is selection, 111y
I riellli;.
My cook! wiliter W,b suffering from il
cold, so I WiIs hoping tJlat this would not
impair his ability to prepare the food or to
insUl\' its lludli ty. My fears were soon put to
rL~ t when I SclW tJlilt he closely inspt'l"ted
eadl piece of food he prepi.lred. In some
CilSCS, he would even sl1c,lk i:t taste just to
ll1i1ke SUIC. l-lis sniin6 did not prevent hinl
from keeping hi s prepilrations LIp to snuff.
After only a handful of minute~, my

HarDlony Antiques &
Karinn's Vintage Clothing

And ~peaking of Mr. C H UU. You I11dY
hilvl' gotte n away thi s tim C', my ne l11e"i
of nel11esi, bu t th e world is ge ttin g
smalle r every m1l1ute, and the Circle is
clo~ing fast.
I'l l set' you in the unemploymellt linc.

Graduation Gifts
Party Clothes!
113 Thurston Ave. NE
(360) 956-7072

Cafe & World Folk Art
"Care to know where
yOllr money goes?"
Support fair trade with low-income artisans
and farmers and you will ...
We are:
A center for fairly-traded products from around th e world
A cafe with good food
A performance space for concerts, classes, forums, and more

" /11>;( 11

meal was presented to me, so simple in its
presentation that my jaw neilrly dropped.
Rarely does one find an establishment so
secure in their stock that they will throw
caution to Ule wind and let tlle food speak
for itself. Half myplateconsio,ted of a handful
of steak fries; I know it wa~ an exact handful,
because I witnes~ tlle cook reach into tllC
freezer with his bare hands ilI1d fiJII1ishilllds
ilnd tJ1Cl1 toss tllem into tlle fryer. My hot
turkey ;'lndwich occupied the other half of
the plate. Two simple piece; of white bread
topped witll thinly sliced deli style turkey,
drowl1ed with thi ck brown gravy. For a
mompnt I WilS clliappointed, because I had
bcen watching and 5a livating over the
reg ular sa ndwich fixings they had
prominently di.spIayed next to the grill. Most
places hide these elements (tomatoes, cheese,
mayonnaise, lettuce ilI1d the like) under a
"protective" cover, or even in a cooler or
refrigerator of some kind. Not Five Ts; they
tease you with glimpses of these fixings,
probably to inspire you to order more or to
sufficiently ilge them to truly bring out th"
111C moment I bit into my SilI1dwich,
my disappointment faded away like so
many KelulY Roger 's Roasters. A sweet
deliciolL' medley of gravy, meat ilI1d bread
CclrcS.<;I.,U my thrOdt ilnd gave my stomadl a
;wiit kick Thi;.cacophony of dish continued
'111 my tilSte buds for several minutes but
would continue in my stomach for sw-ely
tJ1e next few days. At tlle end of my meal, I
leill1ed back and gazed at fish in the tank,.
The cook saw tl1ilt [ 11ild left a small piece of
turkey on plate and sna tched it up ilI1d
tOSSLU it into a fish tank.
"No rcilson they shouldn 't enjoy it as
well," he silid.
I wholeheartedly agreed.
If YOll are ever traveling in Wenatchee,
there are tl1n~ things you must do: visit the
Apl('t~ and Cotlets factory, shop their world famolls Wal-Mart ilI1ct dine at Five Ts.
Five.Ts is locat!:.-d on Vatiey Mall Blvd.
in East WenatdK'l'.Takca left off the highwily
exit. YOll Illil y want to ca ll ahead for
rcsc rvatiom.


Herbs £j Massage

Sezwaz Tru's
,. y.,;?


Dine In or Call Ahead for Take Out

Located at Harrison & Division

hOllsing for you) and swa m around. I
was il ma zed a t th e puls ing glow of the
water on m y body. It was, dare I say,
cosm ic. I soon lea rned th a t thi s is a
perfectly explainab le sc ientif ic
occurrence o j elec trol ytes. The water
Mound the Everween beilch has such a
hi gh concen tration of electrolytes in th e
water that yo u do g low w hile in it. I
hilve no background in :.cle nce with
whi ch to bdse this next claim, but in my
es timati o n, thL' abundancl' 01
elect rol y t e~ may dlso leilei food to be left
on th e stove and fire alar m s to bc
pulk'd . Ju st a. theory.

300 5th Ave SW, Olympia • 705·2819
,plasil frolll Heritage FOlllltaill & Capitol Lake"



.• Complimentary Batdorf and Bronson coffee served daily.

Your friendly neighborhood antiques,
collectibles, & giftware store

200 ] • I q. Cooper £loin, JournJ :

June II

Oly Experimental Music Fest
Saturday. lune 16lh
6 PM. sharp $8
O lympia World
New s, 116 E. 4 th

Friday. lune 15 lli
8 PM. s ha rp $6
Midni gh t Sun, 11 3 N.
Colu mbid Street
AKA fmll1 -ea ttl e,

Looking for a job next year?

looki for

Bi l> Tom th e
Li th u,midn fr om
O ly mpi a, WA
G lamoro us Pdt
from Portland, OR
Jc nnite r I{ ubin fro m
Port land, OR
Cang Wi zard from S,1I1
Franc isco, CA
Dead Air i:'resheners vv / C hu ck
Swaim from Olympia, WA
Bra n Flakes from Sea ttle, WA
Evolution Control Committee
from Columbus, OH
Steve Fisk from Seattle, WA

(lly mpi'l, W/\
A-Nat-rJemil fl'tlm
Purtland , U R
I\ cbredther from '
Sea ttle, W/\
Romantic Hdmd Nation
from Olympi.l, WA
Produ c ts
Portland , OR
T he
Re plibnts
O ly mpia , WA
N()ggin froml3eUull>h,lm, WA
Su nda y, lune 17lli
:1 P.M. sharp $7
Ll' Voyeu r, 404 E. 4 th Ave.
Fred the Beat Box from O lympia, WA
The ExperinK'n ta l Dinner S huw front O lymp ia, WA
I.e Tun Mite from Olymp ia, WA
The iI1I'isibic Republic from Oregon City, OR
Atn'p y MLllor from Seattle, WA
Woud P,m e ling from M,,~un C o., WA
Thl' Noisc tles from AUlen" (;A
l3i ll Horist from Sea ttle, WA
J'he Knntty En,emblc from Vanco uve r, I>.c. & Eugene, OR


ri, June IS


6:30 p,m.
Evergreen' s Rec ital H a ll (COM 107)
The S tudent Originated Studies (or
50S) m e dia progra m at our fine
college will s how their film - mad e
projects a t these tim es. Everything
from l a bor to co mic books. And
crazy,rxrcp tiol1nlly c r azy s tuff .
Admission is free, but parki n g is a
buck a nd a quarter.
Ca ll 867-6833

Red Square
Today is g rad ua tion da y. Events include g iant
mobs, rain proba bly, and Ken Kesey. If you want
to h e lp move chairs, clear the ai s les, us h e r p eopl e,
hand out pwgrams, or eve n drive a van, then call
x6180 or x6310 and le t the m know.

Later On ..
June 27 to July 1

Thu, June 14

Evergree n' s Labo r Cen ter will h o ld its 12'"
ilnll u ill s ummer sc h oo l for uni o n wom en.
T h e th e m e: "Empoweri n g workers through
o rganizing " Build analy tical and organizing
sk ilb . There 's a banquet Sat urda y eve.
Ca ll 1)67 -5031)

Evergreen 's Recital Hall (COM 107)
Sec the projects of the s tud e nts in the
Medic1works CI,15S . Documentaries,
m ock u men la ri es, a u tob io g ra p hi es,
animation , other. WARNINGI May
co ntain a dult content! Costs nothing, save
Pur wgelhcr lIll"
parking. And c h eck thi s, there's
C alendar nex t
refreshments at both intermissions. ye.,r. Call rh e C I')
Apparently, th ey a re free. Wow.
.Il M67-62 t3 for
Ca ll 866-6833
more info.

Sat, June Itt
All over campus
Today is S upe r Sat urday. Events include balloons, bee r gard e ns,
food, a nd funciraising.
Olympia Elks (ISIS E. 4'h Ave)
Com e, dance in the ball-room . It cos ts six to e ig ht dollars to go to
the Un ited Sta tes Ama te ur Ballroom Dancer 's Assoc iatio n 's
ballroom dance. T hat incl ud es a lesso n . And it's free if yeu join
the associatio n a lthe dance. That's quite a pitch .

Student Group Directory*


(lIdment!'s for flJI}II"VlIiJlS
SallllOIl Ilnllitnt)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..!E:..!:AlJR~N TIll' JCC celebrates Jewish culture and is

DI~(ussen\'ironrnL'nl,11 & s..llrnon is::o U4?s.
Meeting lime: I\k'nd,IY 4 p.m. in CAB
320. Mll.-t! info: CA I.l 320 or >.6105
Amnesty Int ernatio nal
In tcrn.1tll>ll.11
right s
l)rg;ln iz,llilll1. 1l'l'Iing time : Monday 5
p.m. in C/\13 31ll. Mnrl' info: ~672.j

(A';lnll St IIdl'lIt;;


We need people to keep up ~ith
~hat's going on caJIIpUS, edit
people's articles, and help us put out
the paper every ~eek. There's
plenty of paid positions, you could
be in one of thelU!

•• News
•• Entertainment
•• Muchmore!
More inlo at the Cooper Point Journal ORice (CAB 3%6)
Call Whitney at x6ZI3, or email
Cooper Point Journal • 20 • June 7,2001

III AIIJn ll c~)

Meet·ing timc: W('dne~d ,l y l p. m. inCAB
320. MDre info: Emlh.o Ather ton, Mi.-,ll
Chi mire at >.6ll33
Bike Shop
Volunteer-operated bih.e shop . Meeting
times: Call o r , hlP by; sc hed ule I ~ (In
doo r. :-- Io rl' inf,,: '\1"1 01 J'l) 1'0 .It >.6399
C.lpoeira Angola
Meeting tll11<" Thurscl,l\ 6:10 p.m. in Lib
,BOO. More infl': l J. Ilanl'kamp '1 t 8664811 or h,lI11' h." mc{! el'l·rg.-een.ed u
Com mon Bread
Working Illr 11I~ticl' ,1nd pl';lce. fl. leding
time: Monday 5 p.m. in CAB 11 0. More
info: J ul iL' I)l,lel'll ,1t ':143-91 14
(COll)lcr POIII/ j,)f{I"IIII/J
We drc thl' gWlIp prud li ce,. a weekly
paper au uut lei ergrel'll. '-,t"n' mee ting:
Monda ) 5 p.m, 1',lpl·r critique:
ThursdCl) 4 I'.m., I'urum l) n elhiLs.
r:rida y::l p Ill" I hl'''C: n1l'dlng' M e in
CA133 t6. lUJ"e in fll'b2Ii
I 0,7'''/OplIIg


lilt III"<'


Reso urce cen ter Illl o rg,1 nlling f,Hm
projects. r- h.'etll1g time. get un uur e-ma il
lis t, send to deapj;n'1'1I0':lot m .
More info: x6493

(jL7l1isll CIII/llmi Cellt er)
(ElI!'IXI"l'1'1I All ill 1111 RiSlJts N<' tworU

Promoting till' l'thica l treat e m e nt o f
.1nim"ls. Mee tin g tim e: firs t ~n d third
Wednesd~y of each month 5:30 p.m. in CA B
32ll. More info: L,wrel a nd Tom il t x6555
Evergreen Dance Team
Meeting timl': WeJnesday 2-,\ p .m . in C RC
3 t6.lI1d ThLlr"d~y 3:10-5 p .m . in C RC 11 6
Eve rgree n Investme nt Club
Meeti ng tinl(': Thursday 230 p.l11. in CA B
3 t5. More Andrew Buche r, Adam
Sm ith-Kipn is, 786-':1161
(E1'l'I;«rt'I'J/ Qlle!'/' / \/Iilllln-)

(;e ner.ll intc rc;t nwl'ling: Tu(·-.d,,} 5 p .m .
III CAB 3 14; Film Fes t p lann in g 5 p .m .
\V('dnesd~y in
)\13 1 14 . More inio: x6')-14.
cwrgrL'l'n quee r aliiance@hutm.1 m
Eve rgreen Students for Christ
To underst;llld, to grow, tll serve. Meeting
tim e: Tuesday 7 p.m. in 1.113 2 1111. More info: 'm
The Everg reen Swing Club
Beginner<; welcome, Singl es ob)'- Mel'ting
time: Fridil), 7 p.m on thl' first nom o f th e
library. Mo re in fo: David, 1)66-8324;
Kristina, 867-1919
Fem ini st Majority Leadership Alliance
l\'orh. lIl g for equ,1Iit)' tor women. ,\jceting
time , Frida ) t p.m. 1\1u re int o: Whitn,'y
l3 indrc iff at 8tll)-2166 0 1 x665b

Robot Al'l'recillt 11111 Socil'ly)

I vergrl!en's Anime club' ::'crecni ngs Frld"y,
1) p.m ;It t h ... I2dge. More info: Mcg~n
lonno ll y il t conmeg21@eveq~ n;e n . edu

devoted to co mba ting ,1 11 fo rms of h.:!te,
including Anti-Semitism. Meeting time:
Wednesday 3 -4 p.m. in CA B315. More info:
Steve or Cil rmel at x6092
The C hica no s tudent m ove ment of Az tlan.
Mee ting tim e: WednesdilY 2 p.m . More info:
Medieval Society
Recreating medieva l mill'tial arts, CI"..JfL<;, nnd
perfurmances. Meeting time: Thursd..JY 5:30
p.m. in CA 13 320. More in fo: >.6036
Men's Resource Center
Til provide resuLl rCe~ fo r pel"ll;'lc to grow in
mind, bod} , .Ind s pirit. Everyone w e lcome.
Meeting tim e: Wed nesday 3 - 4 p.m . in Lib
2221, More info: >.6092
The Middle East Resource Center
Meeting time: Wcdncsday 4 p.m, in C/\ B 320
in office 15, Morc info: x6033

Sli~htly West Literary Magazine
We pub li sh TESC's literary magazine.
M eet ing time: Monday 2 p .m . a nd
Thursday 9 p.m. Mo re info: Patricia
Kinney, Jen Lev inson at x6879
An activ ities a nd s uppo rt group for all
s tud e nts o f African d esce nt. Meeting
time: 1 - 3 p.m. on May 16 and 30. More
info: x678 1; Cossetta Stroud at (360) 4550470; Lorettil Bradley-Allen a t (360) 352-


Uprooting Racism
White s tud en ts work o n ending racism .
Meeting time: Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30
p.m. in LI 13 2221.
We ru n e n v ironmen t,1 1, soc ia l, a nd
consumer c,lmpaigns. Meeting time:
We dn es da y 4 p .m . in Lecture J la ll
rot unda . More info: Rebecca x6058 o r
The Wilderness Center
force muvie" u n ca mpu s ! Meeting time:
o ut si d e (raft ing, rock
Wed nesda y 3:30 p.m. in CA B 320. Pree
snowshoeing) as well
mov ies: Wed ne"d.lY5:30 p. m . in Lecture ha ll
I. More in fo: x64 12
Women of Color Coalition
Percussion Club
Equa lity, diversity, jus tice il lJd freedom
We pla y tr..Jdition;}1 We~ t African mu sic.
fur Eve rg reen's women of Cl,IL'r. Meeting
I3cginne rs Welco me! Meeting t im e:
Wednesday a t tl p.m . in CAI3 I to. Mon' info: , time: Fri d'ly 3 p .m.',lt CAB 3 13. More
info' Mellss" Wise, Jl'ssica Lee at ,,6006
LesJ Cass idy o r J,lmie Stillm,ln, >.671) I
Women 's Resource Center
ce nter that pro\·i d e~
(Stlllit'll/ s nt Lvel"sreCli fu r Lcologlcnl O~s iSIl)
ry, even ts, and a drop·
We area resou rce l'\nd nehvo rking cen ter for
l meet ing: Munday -3
s tud e nt s intere ted in di sc uss in g the
Monday 5 p.m .;
d iflcr-cn t aspects o f ecolog ic.:! I des ign and the
Fo undati on:
connections between the m . Mee ting time:
fo: xb l b2
Wednesduy 4:30 p .m . in LAB II 2242. Mllre
info: Jilmi t! or Troy a t x649 3 or
greenseeds@hotmail .com

*This tist is not comprehensive. Ii you want your student group listed, drop on your information at the CPJ (CAB 316).

June 7, 2001 • 21 • Cooper Point Journal

Ryo...,.. -Buc.k

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r,+I S


Cooper Point Journal • 22· June 7, 2001






~M~ (S[0Jci)


Spare the rod, spall the child?
Spare the bomb, spoil the Earth.
VOTE NO on S.O.l.


VOTE NO on Nuclear Weapons

b, h~ I)~ I~

June 7,2001 • 23· Cooper Point Journal