The Cooper Point Journal Volume 24, Issue 24 (May 5, 1994)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 24, Issue 24 (May 5, 1994)
5 May 1994
extracted text
Cooper Point Journal

What is art? Stupid question. Almost as bad as What is1ife? At least that has a biologial
explanation. But I thought it would make a good start to this little write up. To is an
expression. a release of intense emotion. Some look it it as a form of inspiration. To others it may
not be as contrived as that. For some its the way they watch tv. the way they sit. the method in
which they change the chann~ls. Think about it in everything. when you drive. how you
present yourself.just be careful when you look at the way you walk. you may trip. Art can be
loose and free. coming :from some unconscious passage flowing Within the brain. Art can be tiS h t
and contrived and fun o:f regurgitated in:formation. much like this little write up. Art can be
the music one dances to. Art can be the way someone da~ees to the music. Art doesn't have to be
anything. it canjnst be. For this years Spring Arts Festival we want you to eqjoy what we hav~
brought together. Look at the forms :from poetry to :film to music to painting. Let the poetry
sink in and make you cry. watch the film and get a di:fferent view on life, listen to the music
and dance. look at the painting and try to :figure out where the painter is coming :from. Yon
don't have to think too hard and you don't have to try and explain to toyonrself. nnlessyou
want to. We want you to enjoy. because that in itsel:f is a~ art form.

Learn more about S&A groups
There will be a combination Art Reception for artists with work around campus and
Open House for S&A groups Monday May 2 on
the third floor of the CAB. Have you always
wondered what some of the S&A groups were
all about? What is Slightly West? What does
MEChA stand for? Slightly West has something
to do with poetry and Mindscreen has something to do with movies. Here's your chance to
find out about student groups around campus
and meet the people behind them plus meet the
people behind the art work you pass by every

'Costume fun run with prizes

Have fun, run or walk at the 1994 Art
Fest fun run and Walk. It's only 2.4 miles
, starting at Red Square and ending at the
~,' ._. Recreation Center. Costumes are expected, but
:.,,, '. not required. Come as an individual or get a
team together. Prizes will be awarded by
"',j random drawings. There is a cost of $6 which
benefits the TESC Wellness Scolarship
Program, the Spring Arts Festival and
Evergreens Substance Abuse program.
Prizes for the FUn Run have been
donated by Baskin Robbins, Bulldog News,
Cup of the Rising Sun, Dancing Goats, Desco
Audio and Video, Kundalini Espresso,
Mahlum's Plant Place, Northwest Food
Services, Northwest Video, Ruby Moon,
Sharkey's Sandwhich Shoppe,
TransformationStudios, the Village Mart,
Evergreen Leisure Education Program and the
Wellness Program,
For more information call (206) 8666000 ext 6532.

~ .
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Internationally known Helen
Mintz will tell stories from past
Helen Mintz will tell stories from the
Yiddish oral tradition from before the Holocaust
Tuesday May 10 at 7pm in Lecture hall 1. She is
a nationally recognized Canadian Jewish storyteller whos work has been described as an act of
defi ance against genocide and a reconnection
with the strong tradition of womens struggles in
Eastern European history and culture. She sets
out to create links with past and present Jewish
communities. For more info call (206) 8666000 ext 6493.

This special insert was independantly produced and paid for by funds for the 2nd Annual Spring Arts Festival. It was creat~
by volunteers for the Spring Arts Festival, separate of the regular Cooper Point Journal and handed in on the required
advertising deadtine. Any questions or concerns about the insert may be directed towards the Spring Arts Festival at (206)
866-6000 ext 6412.
A CPJ Paid Supplement April

28, 1994

page 4


and don't you forget it!

Volume 24 Issue 24

State Personnel Board ,asks Housing to
reinstate fired maintenance director '


Transportation provided for all
day art festival at St Martins
"Playing In The Rain", an all day festival
with food, arts and crafts, games and entertainment will be held at St. Martins College Saturday April 30 from noon to IOpm. Transportation
will be available every hour, on the hour from
noon to 8pm at the library loop. Call (206) 8666000 ext 6222 for information.

May 5, 1994

by Andrew Lyons
Evergreen is appealing a personnel
board recommendation to reinstate fonner
Housing Maintenance Director Joseph Sasser
and pay him all the wages he would have
earned between Oct. I, 1993, and the date
he restarts work.
Sasser and the college, armed with
lawyers, went before the Washington
Personnel Appeals Board Feb. 24. Housing
says they fired him for stealing; but Sasser
maintains that he intended to reimburse
According to an Aug. 18 "Predisciplinary Notice," Housing Director
Jeannie Chandler sent to Sasser; his
termination was being considered for the
following reasons:
oSasser had used plywood from the
Housing wood shop for personal use on the
evening of August 6.Receipts from
Lumbennan's Building Center, dated August
7 and bearing Sasser's signature, showed that
he had purchased $54 .21 worth of
replacement plywood, but charged it to the
College's account. He also purchased two
furring strips, four screen hinges, two sheets
of plywood staples and a staple gun on the
account, totalling $42.45 , allegedly for

personal use.
In the notice Chandler said that when
confronted about the use of the plywood,
"You [Sasser] stated that you had used the
plywood, but that you had replaced it... When
asked how you would replace the money in
the budget, you stated that you hadn't thought
that far in advance."
'Around the beginning of August,
Sasser asked another employee to cut a lock
on a bicycle and put it in his truck. College
policy specifies that only Public Safety has
the authority to impound bicycles which
appear to be abandoned.
oIn May, when Puget Power was
installing insulation and aerators, Sasser
asked another employee to request two extra
aerators which he took ,and was quote.d in
the notice as saying, '~these would go great
in my house."
oHousing phone records show that
Sasser made 10 calls to his home in Tacoma,
and several calls to Orange County
California, three to family members.
According to hearing documents,
Sasser said he did make calls to Southern
California, including his mother's home, "to

see HOUSing, page 4

Citlalli Aztec
dance group
dances on Red
Monday as part
of the Spring
Arts Fest.
The five
performed to
the beat of a
single drum
both forthe
crowd and with
the crowd
during the
sunny lunch

photo by Seth
"Skippy" Long

Daughters visit Evergreen workers for a day
by Carson Strege
Last Thursday, Evergreen sponsored
the second annual "Take Our Daughters to
Work" day by hosting a tea at Jane Jervis's
About eight girls attended with their
parents and enjoyed tea and cookies wh,ile
talking with Jervis.
Take Our Daughters to Work is a
national event sponsored by the Ms.
Foundation. The foundation started it last
year in response to growing concerns about
the loss of self-esteem that many girls face
between the ages of nine and 15.
Studies, including the American
Association of University Women's report
"How Schools Short Change Girls," show
that from the ages to nine to 15, girls' selfesteem drops in comparison to boys' , and
their sense of competence in math and
science erodes. Possible explanations for
this include an over emphasis of women's
appearance and demeanor rather than on
ability and aptitude.
According to Jervis, last year a few
staff members expressed interest in
participating in Take our Daughters to
Work Day and asked if Jervis would
sponsor the event. Jervis enthusiastically
agreed .
At the tea, Jervis told the girls that,
"It is hard for people to understand that
there is a lot of different kinds of work in
the world, things that you might not even
know the names of. It is important to know
about the variety of jobs out there."
Allison Adair, a 13-year-old seventh
grader at Griffin Middle School, is the
daughter of Lynne Adair, who works in the
provost's office. She participated in her
first Take Our Daughters to Work Day this
"Sometimes at school they try to put
you towards one kind of job when that's
not what you really want to be," Adair said.
She thinks the event is important
because it lets girls know of all the jobs
that are out there. She helped her mom out
in her office.

Top: Allison Adair
and her mom
Right: Deborah
Puree tries out
Les's desk

photos by
Carson Strege
Deborah Purce, 14-year old daughter
of Executive Vice President T.L. "Les"
Puree, is a veteran of Take Our Daughters to
Work Day. She participated last year and
spent half the day at her mom's office, who
works for the Higher Education Coordinating
Board, and half with her dad.
Some business members of the
community were not as enthusiastic. The
City of Bellevue and the Chrysler
Corporation refused to participate because
the day is "unfair to boys." (However, the

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
Address Correction Requested

disproportionate number of men on
Chrysler'S board of directors doesn't seem
to bother them) .
According to the Associated Press,
Nell Merlino of the Ms. Foundation said.
"When boys and girls are together, in the
classroom or on a field trips, boys get
more attention. Until we figure out how
to balance that, we do need to periodically
separate girls and boys experiences like
Carson Strege writes for the CPJ.

Neighbors don't
welcome Cedrona
housing project
by Oliver Moffat
On Monday, students and Evergreen
community members went to the Thurston
County Court House to testify against the
proposed Cedrona subdivision which will
turn 73.4 acres of forest and wetland off
Kaiser road next to the Evergreen campus
into 104 high-income homes.
The public hearing was not the first time
the developer, Pease Pension Fund, has tried
to have the plan approved by Thurston
County; they've asked many times since
1990 for approval. but met protest every time.
The developer is tired of the public
opposition to Cedrona and is suing nearly
200 individuals who spoke out against the
The Thurston County Commissioners
disapproved of the Cedrona plan last year
because a further environment review had
not been completed,
Some neighbors don't want Cedrona
because they say it will be ugly and make
traffic problems worse and could poison their
wells. They don't want more growth in the
Cooper Point area and want to protect
salmon, shellfish, and other wildlife.
The city of Olympia and Thurston
County have been accused of unfairly
rezoning to benefit the Cedrona
"This project will extend the city to
Evergreen for the first time," said Jerry
"Doc" Dirker, a neighbor and paralegal
opposed to Cedrona. "Without the project the

see Cedrona, page 3
Internal SeelJage
She or he?
Hoops aren't diverSity
Blue Cowgirls
Draw your own...


U.S. Postage Paid
Olympia. WA 98505
Permit No. 65


News Briefs'
<::: o:3'-40t:e of ~

CPJ sort of goes on
the Internet

I advise every
student athlete of color
not to go [to] another damn day
of practice until this university starts
doing right in respects to diversity.

EVERGREEN-The Cooper Point
Journal can now be contacted not only by
phone or by dropping by CAB 316, but
also through the internet by addressing
your e-mail to
"At this lime, we are not accepting
anything for publication over the
internet," said Managing Editor, Seth
"Skippy" Long, "but we are working on

Thefts from dorm
rooms continue
EVERGREEN-A note sent from the
Housing Office to all Housing residents
reports more thefts were reported over the
last weekend. Residents continue to have
valuable belongings stolen from unlocked
apartments. The note urges Housing
residence to please begin or continue to
lock their front doors.

Super Saturday
volunteers sought
EVERGREEN-Volunteers are needed to
work on Super Saturday, which is less
than a month away. There are many jobs
to choose from, and some fill quickly.
Jobs include setting up chairs and tables,
being a gofer, working the information
tent, handing out free balloons to kids
and bartending. For more information,
call Jennifer Beagle at x5361.

Basic health care
available to you
OL YMPIA-Washington Residents are
encouraged to apply for health care
coverage under the state's Basic Health
Plan (BHP).
Last year, the Legislature passed
the Washington Health Services Act,
which expanded the BHP to make
affordable health care available to
uninsured state residents.
The program provides coverage for
doctor visits, hospital care, prescriptions,
emergency care, and preventative care
such as immunizations and routine checkups. There are no deductibles, only small
co-payments for most services.
Subscribers are charged a monthly
premium on a sliding scale basis, which
varies according to their ability to pay.
Many low· and moderate-income
subscribers receive a state subsidy to help
offset the cost of their monthly premiums.
Anyone interested in receiving
BHP should call 1-800-826-2444. You


~. .k..

-Washington State University (WSU) student Girmar Johnson,
as reported in the Daily Evergreen. April 26.
Last week, WSU students and faculty of color held daily marches at
the college to protest layoffs of faculty and staff of color
after cuts to WSU's 1993-95 biennium budget.
No agreement has yet been reached between
the protestors and WSU administration.

edited by: Demian A. Parker
US WEST Communications, Inc,
along with other phone companies and
businesses that own the property where
pay phones are located, would like to ba
able to restrict coin usage on any pay
phone anywhere in Washington that is a
magnet for criminal activity or nuisance
The filst meeting wil\ be May 16 at
Gonzaga University School of Law,
Spokane. A second public meeting is
scheduled at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 24
in Room 324 on the Seattle University
campus, 914 E. Jefferson, Seattle.

Friends of Tenino
library host tea

TENINO- Meet Friends of the Tenino
Timberland Library, learn more about the
L.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • group's special projects and goals and
savor some warm hospitality and
refreshments at the Friend's annual Silver
at the Health Care Authority, 676
Mounds Preserve on both May 14 and
Tea and Book Sale, 1-4 p.m., May 21.
May 29.
Woodland Square Loop SE, Building B,
The public is invited to anend. All
Lacey. Hours are Monday through Friday
These 20+ mile trips begin and
ages are welcome to this event. Proceeds
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
end at The Olympia Center. All levels of
, from the book sale are used to support
cycling are welcome, for ages 13 and up.
library activities, including children's
To register, contact The Olympia Parks,
Recreation, and Cultural Services
For more information about the
Department at 753·8380.
program, or to discover ways to support
the library, call the Tenino Timberland
OL YMPIA-If you are at least 18 years
Library at (206) 264-2369. The library is
old, you can volunteer to be a part of the
located at 172 Central, Tenino.
first National Summer of Safety as a
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to
America). Volunteers · will work with
TACOMA-Opponents of Initiative 610
other young adults to fight crime,
claimed a victory for free speech when
violence and fear in our neighborhoods;
Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney John
earn a "living allowance" of $637 per
Ladenburg refused to pursue criminal
TENINO-Having uouble deciding where
month; receive a $1,000 educational
charges against two gay rights activists
to take your mom for Mother's Day?
award in the form of a voucher at the end
arrested April 5 at Lakewood Mall in
Bring her to Wolf Haven. Every mom,
of service; and acquire new skills.
Tacoma. Su Docekal and Marian Sunde
accompanied by at least one of her
In the Seattle area the project will
were taken into custody while picketing a
children .. will receive free admission to
run from June 17 to August 19. There are
meeting of the Citizens Alliance of
Wolf Haven from May 6 through May 9.
58 positions available for college-aged
Washington, sponsor of an initiative
This offer is good on Daily Tours and
individuals (focusing on 18 to 28 year
which would ban protection based on
olds) who are interested in working on
sexual orientation.
Wolf Haven is open daily from 10
projects aimed at reducing the violence in
In a leUer to the Stonewall
a.lll. to 5 p .m., last tour is at 4 p.m.
our community. Application deadline is
Committee for Lesbian/Gay Rights,
Howl-Ins are every Friday and Saturday
May 18.
Ladenburg stated, "I applaud your efforts
from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., gates
For more information about the
and respect your right to legally and
open at 6 p.m. For more information call
VISTA Summer of Safety Program, please
peacefully protest"
contact Lynn at 727-0377.

Volunteer for
Summer of Safety

Queer activists not
charged in Tacoma

Bicycle Thurston
County in May
OL YMPIA-The City of Olympia is
sponsoring bicycle rides all over
Thurston County during the month of
Some of the rides include:
The trails and beach at Burfoot
County Park, on May IS; around the
beaver-made ponds along the McLane
Cree'k Nature Trail on May 21; the
Nisqually Wildlife Refuge on May 7 and
May 22; the Millerslvania State Park on
May 8 and May 28; and the Mirna

s~~lu~~°Tv t


No coins in pay
phones at night?
WASHINGTON-The Washington
Utilities and Transportation Commission
(WUTC) will hold meetings in Seattle
and Spokane in May to hear public
comments on a request to limit coin usage
at some pay telephones, primarily to curb
criminal activity.

Mother's Day at
Wolf Haven

Rickie Solinger did not speak at the
Rape Response Coalition last week, orfor
the last three weeks, as the Calendar Page
reported. Also, Coalition meetings are not
for discussion. but to take care ofCoalition
Sorry, and thanks to the caller who
told us about this.

Safety's escort service
by Carson Strege
Although safety continues to be a
primary concern for Evergreen students,
Evergreen's escort service is rarely used.
According to Sergeant Darwin Eddy, Public
Safety gets calls requesting escorts only
about one to four times a week.
Deanna Brown, co-coordinator of the
Women's Center, believes long waits for
escorts deter students from calling. "The
reason that I think that it [the escort service]
is not heavily used now is because of the
image of the service. Lots of women have
heard that it takes about half an hour to get
an escort and if they are just walking across
campus, then they don't want to have to wait
that long," said Brown.
Student Susanna Rankin-Bohme, who
did an individual contract studying women's
safety and self-defense at Evergreen, said her
research demonstrates that "people don't feel
safe with security. A lot of women don't feel
safe with older men in positions of authority
and that's why people don't call."
But Eddy said people haven't been
using escorts as often because the campus
has "gone through a period of not having very
many suspicious people or any assaults
occurring. "
Sexual exposure incidents at Evergreen
tend to increase as the weather warms up,
during Spring quarter and again when
students return to campus in the fall.
In past years, Evergreen paid a student
escort staff, but no longer has the money to
do this. Public Safety now has to divide its
time between security calls and escorts.
"If we are out on a call dealing with
someone who has their car broken into, or
looking for a suspicious person or dealing

was in violation of the habitation policy.
1551: Fire alarm in the Communications
Building first floor central area.
1847: A sleeping bag was reported stolen
from R-dorm.
1922: Two people from the YMCA
Students in Government banquet were
reported trapped in the Library elevator.
Saturday, April 31
2326: A group of suspicious naked
people were seen roaming about the
housing area.
Sunday, May 1
1410: A vehicle was broken into in F-Iot
and the stereo stolen.

The Public SafelY office preformed
16 public service calls. including but not
limited 10 unlocks, jumpstarts and
--compiled by Rebecca Randall

Page 2 Cooper Point Journal May 5,1994

If you are interested
in getting involved in
a student-run escort
program, contact the
.Women's Center at
x6162 or in CAB 206
For an escort,
call x6140
with parties, we've got to deal with that. But
with most of our escorts, we can deal with
them in 10 to 15 minutes," said Eddy.
Student Mo Nickerson is aware of the
image problem of Public Safety's escort
service. This fall, she attempted to create a
volunteer student escort service that would
better fulfill students' needs.
"Security always seemed too busy to
be bothered, and I talked to quite a few people
who said they wouldn't mind being escorted
after hours, but they didn't feel comfortable
calling security. I thought that if we could
get an independent escort service that was
related to security, we would create a service
that served students more effectively," said
She envisioned a service organized
through Public Safety, but with students
rather than officers acting as escorts.
"[A student escort service] would be
beneficial for security, too, because they
wouldn't have to leave whatever they were

by students

doing to come across campus and this would
increase the efficiency of the service," said
Sergeant Eddy agreed, and he wanted
to help Nickerson create a volunteer escort
The two worked together .during the
Fall quarter, but then Eddy changed shifts
and Safety Officer Tammy Stretch was
assigned to work with Nickerson.
Nickerson says time constraints and a
lack of support from both Public Safety and
students halted the student escort service
"There were a lot of students interested
in the Fall quarter, when there was a serious
problem with exposures. A waxing and
waning of interest for the student escort
service after Fan made it difficult to continue
trying to create the service. If I had felt that
there were people who wanted to do it, I
would have called security more," she said.
Nickerson still feels that working with
Public Safety is crucial for the project to
"Security already has the framework
there for interviews, which I thought were
important so we didn't get inappropriate
people on the escort service force,"
Nickerson said.
Nickerson also suggests routing escort
calls through the Women's Center to help
combat some women's discomfort about
calling Public Safety.
Both Nickerson and Eddy still see a
strong need for an improved escort servic~
and encourage students to continue to work
to create one.
Carson Strege is a CPJ writer and

Senior Evergreen
student found dead
in Olympic Park
A 23-year-old Evergreen student
was found dead Tuesday in Olympic
National Park.
Jason Madsen, a student in the
Biogeography program, was in the
Staircase area and had been missing
for a few days, according to College
As of this writing, Mason County
Sheriff's department is calling'the
death an apparent suicide although no
confirmation of this was possible.
Madsen's car was found in the
Staircase parking lot and a Sheriff's
department search party located the
More information is expected
later this week.
Madsen was a senior and a
resident of Q-dorm.
For anyone needing help dealing
with this loss, the Evergreen
Counseling Center is open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. for drop-in visits . They can
be reached at x6800.
Also, Housing offers counseling
services for residents via the ARM on
duty, ca11 x6140 for after-hours
In Thurston County, the Crisis
Clinic can take crisis calls at 352-2211.

by Seth "Skippy" Long


Neighbors seek to stop Cedrona development , from cover
Westside urban growth boundary would be
on the other side of Green Cove Creek and
Kaiser Road with no city boundaries ever
touching Evergreen."
Dirker said that half of the land was
originally zoned for multi-family student
type housing. ''This project will be single
family homes for the rich and greedy."
Jason Wallach, an Evergreen student,
said that the Olympia city limits have been
specifically "cut out" and re-drawn to include
Cedrona so that the city will pay for the sewer
and 'the roads. Wallach called this "fraud and
political conniving."
Jim Mattson is a neighbor who testified
at Monday's hearing, he held up a map of
the proposed development and said, "this
doesn't look like democracy... it looks like
maximizing profit." The developer's
attorney and consultants laughed mockingly



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Monday, April 25
A relatively quiet day for Public Safety.
Tuesday, April 26
0247: Three suspicious juveniles reported
in F-lot.
1208: A bike seat was stolen from the N·
dorm bicycle rack .
1500: A woman was reported harassing
another woman.
Wednesday, April 27
1900: A woman in N-dorm with an
irregular' heartbeat requested medical
Thursday, April 28
0709: Fire alarm in D-dorm.
2221: Two vending machine cords were
cut in the Library building.
Friday, April 29
0800: A man living in his vehicle parked
in C-Iot was asked to leave because he



and nodded their heads.
Mattson testified that there are already
too many high-income housing developments in Olympia that are empty and said
that the Olympia area doesn't need anymore.
Opponents of Cedrona say it will
contribute to a pattern of growth that is
endangering the ecology of Cooper Point.
Mattson said in his testimony that Cedrona
is "another nail in the coffin" of the water
quality and ecology of Budd and Eld Inlet.
. He said that Budd Inlet is dead and that the
shellfish of Eld Inlet are dying because of
runoff from development and growth on
Cooper Point.
Many of the neighbors ofCedrona have
wells and are concerned that run off from
the increased car traffic and pavement of the
subdivision could contaminate their water
with toxins.

Green Cove Creek .passes through the
Cedrona property and an extensive wetland
which connects to the creek occupies much
of the Eastern portion of the property. The
developers have agreed to leave the creek
and wetland within 30.4 acres of open space
on the property but some critics of the plan
say the wetland is too close to the subdivision
and that toxic run off may enter the wetland.
Now the hearing examiner, Campbell
Kintz, an independent contractor appointed
by Thurston County, will review evidence
and testimony from Monday's hearing and
may make a decision this month. The
Thurston County Commissioners can appeal
Campbell's decision .
The Cedrona developer is suing people
who spoke out against the subdivision,
Dirker said.
The developer, the Pease Pension Fund

94-95 PARKING DECAlS go on sale Aug. 1,1994.
Annual decal is $54.00. Quarterly decal is
$22.00. Decals may be purchased at the parking
lot office, Serilinar 2150, or 1st floorLibrary
lobby Sept. 26-30, 1994.
IMPoRTANT: License plate # must be
accurate on application. Housing parking
lots are limited to residents of housing.

believes that public opposition to the project
has cut into company profits, he said.
The lawsuit has been called a "SLAPP"
(Strategic Lawsuit Against Public
Participation). Developers often use SLAPPs
to sue for damages and lost profits. Many
activists say the suits are used to harass and
intimidate citizens who fight environmental
Dirker said the Pease Pension Fund, the
developer of Cedrona, is SLAPPing 30
individuals and 150 "Jon Does" who the
developer believes have taken away potential
profit by opposing the project.
People who past publicly testified
against Cedrona are named in the suit. The
Cooper Point Association, a group of
neighbors who have opposed Cedrona. are
also being sued.
Dirker said the developer is suing
everybody's spouse whether or not they are
married and they are suing Thurston County
and the Thurston County Commissioners for
opposing the project previously ..
The 150 "John Does" (unknown or unnamed people) in the suit could be anyone
who spoke out against Cedrona.
''They're not getting anywhere with this
suit," Dirker said, they want to settle
out of court ... they have a problem ... the
problem is me ... "
Oliver Moffat is a CPJ stajfwrirer.

"An electrifying odyssey. . . . A stunning exploration of the metaphor of health in society. "
San Francisco Chronicle

Anne Finger
will speak and read from her work

at noon on Monday, May 9, Third Floor Library Lobby
Reproductive rights activist and author of Past Due: A Story of Disability, PregMncy and Birth, Ms. Finger has published in the Southern Review,
Kenyon Review, and Kaleidoscope. Her other books include Basic Skills, a collection of short stories, and a novel, Bone Truth. Ms. Finger has won
a number of grants and awards, including the D.H. Lawrence Fellowship and the Louisiana State University/Southern Review Award for short fiction.
Sponsored by the Union of Students with DisabIlIties

Cooper Point Journal May 5,1994 Page 3


Who are the trustees and what is their power over us?
by Patty Cleverley
The Evergreen board of trustees
will make the final decision whether or
not the college will adopt a semester
system for the '96- '97 school year.
The decision may be made by the
end of spring quarter with President Jane
Jervis advising the committee. Confusion
over who has the power to make this
decision, the trustees or the president,
surfaced after the faculty voted in April to
recommend the change.
The problem has been resolved the board will decide upon the advice of
Jervis - but it brings to light questions
about how much power the board of
trustees has and how this body is
Last year, the board decided to
delegate some of their responsibilities to
the President's Office in resolution
number 92-2.
The President now has the

authority to make all decisions
concerning the management of Evergreen
that do not set a major new policy, but
the trustees maintain all powers vested to
them by law. This change caused
confusion over who would make the final
decision about the academic calendar.
Jervis thought she was to decide,
but John Terry, a member of the board of
trustees, told her that the decision
ultimately should be made by the
trustees. They agreed the trustees would
vote on the change, but Jervis would
advise the board.
Ray Goforth is the student
representative to the board, but does not
have the power to vote in the final
Goforth took his allotted two
minutes at the last board meeting and
stretched them into ten minutes to argue
that the trustees should delay the decision
a year to gather Evergreen community

input in the decision. He contends that,
"While there are serious problems that
need to be addressed, I feel that they can
only be addressed through a communitywide dialogue."
He said that while the semester
calendar would benefit the faculty and
deans, it would not necessarily help
The student representative is hired
by the college president, who takes out
ads in local papers and submits applicants
to an interviewing process.
The board of trustees members are
appointed by the governor and confirmed
by the state senate. No more than two of
the members six-year terms are allowed
to run out in the same year.
The trustees elect their own
chairman and secretary.
The board authorizes contracts for
self-sustaining organizations within the
college like the Bookstore and campus

food service. The level of student fees is
also determined by the Board.
Most of Evergreen's money
matters are dealt with by the board, such
as buying or selling college assets,
borrowing m'oney, and app'roving
renovations or construction exceeding
With the distribution of power to
the President's Office, the trustees must
trust the office to bring forward new
proposals that would need the board's
okay. The two bodies work closely
together for all major decisions.
If you are a student and want to
know what is being discussed by the
board or would like to have your
opinions expressed at the meetings,
contact Ray Goforth at 866-6000 x6193.
Patty Cleverly is an Evergreen
freshperson and a CPJ intern.

College fights Personnel Appeal.s Board deciSion, frDm CDver
attempt to trace vendors he had used
previously to research a proposed
purchase on behalf of the college."
Chandler's notice stated that Sasser
could meet with Chandler and Assistant
Housing Director Bob Carlson on Aug.
20 to provide a reason why he should not
be fired. Apperantly he failed to do so.
August 20 was the first time Sasser
was told that his employment was
terminated, according to the actual
termination letter, dated August 31. In
that letter, Chandler wrote that Sasser
said he would prefer to resign from his
But on Aug. 30, ten days after that
meeting, Sasser had yet to turn in his
letter of resignation. At that point,
Chandler wrote, Sasser had indicated that
he had no plans of quitting.
The next day, Sasser was served
with a termination notice, effective Sept.
IS, for "gross misconduct and
malfeasance [a legally unjustified act by a
public official)."
The specifics cited in the
termination notice were the use of college
plywood and Housing's account at
Lumberman's for personal gain, and
personal use of the campus long distance
phone service. According to the
Evergreen Policies and Procedures
manual and Washington state law, college
equipment may only be used for official
college business.
"You [Sasser) were personally
involved in firing a student who took a
can of pop from the storage room," the
notice read . "Therefore, you were
knowledgeable that staff is not allowed
to use state property for personal use, as
well as the consequences for such
An appeal for reduced disciplinary
action was filed on Sasser's behalf by his
lawyer, Michael Hanbcy , Oct. 8.

Case No. D93-128, JOSEPH SASSER
COLLEGE, went before Hearing Examiner
David B. Condon at the office of the
Personnel Appeals Board on Feb. 24. The
college was represented by Assistant
Attorney General Janet Frickelton.
Maintenance worker Todd-Smith
gave his deposition over the phone ' on
Feb. II, as he was out of the state and
would not return in time for the hearing.
In his deposition, Smith was
witness to Sasser's private use of the
plywood and the Lumberman's shopping
spree. Since he bought the original wood
for the college, he knew how much there
was. Smith said that there was two sheets
of plywood missing. One was,
"apparently on the table saw being cut,
since it was too late in the day to buy
wood anywhere and he had not left since
he arrived at work that morning," said
Smith said that when he returned
to work after the weekend, he noticed the
wood was replaced. Suspicious, he got a
list of Evergreen orders from
Lumberman's and found that several
items bought at the hardware store with
the college's account were not to be
"I would say that he took his
position to be a position of privilege, and
not a privilege of responsibility," Smith
In the Conclusion of Law, hearing
examiner Condon stated that the college
has the burden of providing enough




M-F 8-5
SA T 10-2


1rTI"ffi1crll IT lmJgf

credible evidence, "that Sasser's actions
constituted gross misconduct, malfeasance
and willful violations of the college
policies and procedures...and justified the
termination of his employment at the
Condon decided the college had
not met that burden. He stated that the
college had not proven that Sasser either
willfully or intentionally violated rules
and regulations relating to the use of the
college phone system. The rules do not
entirely prohibit the use of the system,
but state that, "if personal calls are
detected, reimbursement plus ten dollars
must be paid to the college cashier," and
"long distance will be removed from
telephones if there is evidence of
continued use of college phones for
personal use."

"Use of college property without
authority is not justified," Condon said.
"Although he intended to reimburse the
college the monies for the plywood he
charged to replace the material he used,
this 'borrowing' of college material is not
authorized, nor justified."
While Condon felt that these
activities warrant discipline, he stated
that the current choice of termination was
too severe. Condon recommended that
Sasser's termination be reduced to a 15day suspension. Sasser has no other
disciplinary actions on his record since
he started working at the college in
September of 1992.
No date has been set yet for the
college's appeal.
Andy Lyons is a CP J staff

Evergreen's student produced, student run newspaper is searching
for new staff members for 1994-1995.
If you are a member of the Evergreen
community and have skills or are at all
interested in writing. photography, editing,
art, computer layout and design, computer
graphics or art. we want you!
If you ever wonder
who are the
lucky souls
who put out
the awardwinning (PJ,
come by and
meet us . Seeing
n~w faces makes
us happy, plus, we
need your help !
Wi th many jobs to
fill , there IS always much
to do, and not enough
people to do them.
To volunteer, check us out
or just hang. come to College
Activities Building (C AS) 316
or give us a ring at 866-6000

Right now we are looking for student
volunteers to fill the following positions:

• See-Page Editor
• News Briefs Editor
• Graphic Arts Director
• Third Floor Column
• Security Blotter
• Proofreaders
• Photographers
• Graphic
·And of

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with the (PI And
what better way to tune In
to the Evergreen Community?

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Page 4 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994

Fall 1994:

If it's a written submission:
, . wi)!'te
hl'!,rtlcie. review. Lcommentary In
Word Pe

or Mac ant!fi) ~a 3" or 5
1/4" disk. n copy out.
2. Brin ·
ur disk with your rea a1e~
address. ph
mbe~nd file name by no.IQn
ar. N 'lJIiefs. Comics and SeePage su i ' ns are
Ii ]p" on Friday.
piece needs e~9 for style. content
we'lI call you.



. 1. Get film fr~or use your ~'~ot the
""- ~ . ,
2 .~i
II.~ to the Photo Editor for
process· . e sure to give her/him you name; ·
address a d phone number and a description or
caption by Tuesday afternoon.
For Graphic An:
1. Make It
2. Submit it wit ame, number etc.
If you need any
with your submissions. r
just want to come by please dol CAB 316, x6213 .

SpriRg 1995:



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For more information, get 'a brochUre from the ,'
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Advising Center, Librar!l·.1403.
Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994 Page 5



Grammarians offer genderless alternatives

Bitchin' definition demonstrates imbalanc., between men and women
are dog, boar, entire horse, stallion, and

An explanation about the name of
this column seems to be in order.
First, a few ' fundamentals of
language must be recognized. Without
this understanding, any analysis of the
word "bitch" is useless.
Like many others before me, I
believe that language is a function of
power. Understanding how our speech is
limited, constrained, or created offers a
lens on who the power holders in our
society are. This lens is particularly
useful to demonstrate the entrenched
patriarchy of our society.
Spike Lee's trick of using the
dictionary to demonstrate the dynamics of
power between black and whites also
works well to show the imbalance of
power between men and women.

Rogel's Thesaurus lists as some
synonyms for man: gentlemen, sir,
master, and mister. For woman, the
choices include: madam, Mrs., lady, little
bit of fluff, squaw, the fairer sex, and the
weaker vessel.
The thesaurus also includes some
convenient synonyms for male and
female animals. The male animal chOices

bull. The female animal choices: hen,
slut, bitch, vixen and tigress.
This tiny example demonstrates the
different meanings that we begin to
associate with the terms for men and
women. (The imbedded subjugation of
women in language needs far more
analysis then one trip to the thesaurus. A
good source for further reading is Words
and Women by Casey Miller and Kate
Swift.) Invariably, the tenns for men are
glorified, often in a sexual manner
(stallion, bull, etc.), while the tenns for
women are debased (bitch, slut, etc.).
The solution that I, and many others,
have chosen for this inequitable treatment
of words is not to allow the words to be
degraded and instead, to adopt them as my

Long Range Planning DTF turning IESC into SWSU?
Recent events at Evergreen plans for the future embodied by the
Long-Range Planning DTF report, the
decision by faculty to support a semester
system, and concerns for the present
embodied in the recent May 2, 1994
Tacoma News Tn'bune article on
Evergreen's freshman retention - are the
smoke that fills the room of politics on
The DTF report was covered quite
adequately by this article last week; let
me add my two cents by saying that the
DTF's report does not make as much
interesting reading as the various subcommittee reports issued with it. They
go into detail about the proposals, and
also give insights into what the college
views as important for the next 20 years.
For instance, the Environment
Subcommillee suggests that TESC
students should receive subsidized
Intercity Transit passes, on a system
similar to SPSCC's.
It's a good suggestion, one that
should have been implemented years ago.
What is Evergreen doing lagging behind
community colleges (and the UW, of all
places) in offering a more environmentally sound way to commute? If
anything, it should be expanded to
include staff as well as students.
This subcommittee report also says
Evergreens physical campus faces a
challenging next 20 years, due to reduced
maintenance and dwindling budgets. They
point out that many of the buildings on
campus are almost 20 years of age, and
will require increased main-tenance and
TLC, and thus money. Of course, trying
to guarantee money in these days of
Initiative 601 and regular bitching about
wasteful state spending will be an
Going from the cheery to the
dreary, there is a pretty classic phrase in
the Academic Programs and Student



Robert Taylor
Affairs Subcommittee: "It is widely
recognized among faculty, staff and
students that major elements of our
curriculum are no longer serving us or
our students welL.. In addition to what
we know from our experiences in the
classroom, a large body of data
underscores the need for change."
This is precisely why four-page
stories are being written on TESC's
freshman retention rate (lowest in the
state by far) and why the faculty are
seriously considering a change to the
semester system. Whether semesters are
merely rearranging deck chairs on the
Lusitania or something that will actually
help curricular coherence and freshman
retention has yet to be resolved.
Why are these people so committed
to <1ecl(lmg quarters vs. semesters lUSH
They want to wrestle with many
fundamental issues, such as student mix,
a mandatory senior thesis, senior
summary evaluation or upper division
qualifying exam, or rethinking seminar.
It seems to me the essential feature is to
decide what is wanted as broad-based
curricular changes, and then figure out
whether they would work better under a
quarter system or semester, mther than let
the schedule dictate curricular content
Evergreen is looking at some
painful and drastic readjustments over the
next few years. The fact that the outside
world is picking up on Evergreen's
struggles to do this is not necessarily
encouraging. With the prospect of a

What better
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Page 6 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994




, ,.. ..• ,


stronger Republican contingent in the
state Legislature next year, one that
perhaps isn't too appreciative of the
eclecticism of the college, having
problems with your academic mission is
not good news, especially with money
scarce an4likely to be scarcer.
I fully recommend both the DTF
and its subcommittee reports to those
concerned about the direction that
Evergreen is taking. This is a critical
time; your participation over the next
month or year will help decide if there is
a future for Evergreen, or whether it
might tum into Southwest Washington
State University, no longer distinctive
from the rest of the state due to
Legislature-mandated insipidness.
Rob Taylor cares what happens to
Evergreen after he leaves.

own. Many African-Americans have
chosen similarly by taking back the word
"nigger" and some gays and lesbians have
taken back the word "queer."
The "Bitch Manifesto" by Jo
Freeman, published in 1970, articulates
this reversal of power through reclaiming
language. She says the word "bitch" is,
"a popular derogation to put down uppity
women that was created by man and
adopted by women. Like the term
'nigger: 'bitch' serves the social function
of isolating and discrediting a class of
people who do not conform to the
socially accepted pattems of behavior."
Using the word "bitch" violates the
man-made rules. Self-determining,
bitches refuse to live in a society with
rules created to oppress them. Freeman
advocates the creation of an organization
of bitches - strong women who work
together for their own liberation, teaching
each other that "Bitch is beautiful."
(Thanks, Charlie.)
The other reason for choosing the
name of the column as "Bitchin" is it's
double meaning. Feminists, or any
activists for that matter, routinely are told
to stop complaining, to relax, or to stop
"bitching." Successful activists refuse to
do this. They continue to bitch and
complain - until something gets done.
Successful activists act as well as
complain. but they will always continue
to complain without apology.
The name of this column acts in
defiance to the rules about how women
are supposed to act. I~ advertises the
reclamation of our language. Hopefully,
we can readopt the other words in our
language that have been stolen from us.
Carson Strege writes for the CPJ.

This isn't just a
bookstore, it's an
everything store.


Spring Quarter is traditionally one
of controversy at The Evergreen State
College, but we haven't yet seen a major
burst of activity in the Forum pages.
Although many ~on't consider grammar
to be a topic for heated debates, it can be
. the subject of great controversy. For our
. contribution to the spring festivities, we
would like to introduce a topic that is
guaranteed to raise many hackles: sexism.
We'd like to start out by saying
that there realty should be a singular
pronoun that can refer to either sex but is
not awkward in speech. Wouldn't that be
great? And wouldn't it be great if we all
got along like the little bunnies in the
forest? Anyway , it causes quite a
conundrum when one is trying to be
nonsexist in speech and writing. There is,
of course, the delightful and handy word
one, the use of which can be seen in the
previolls sentence. But let's face it, folks,
it's kind of hard to use sometimes.
One can use one in place of he or
she with no trouble at all, but it doesn ' t
always sound right in place of her or his.
Sure, it works to say, "One should avoid
falling into the trap of sexism in one's
language." But you can't really say "The
typical country-and-western music fan
does not always put on one's big belt
buckle before going out drinkin' in the
bars." The subject is a definite one-it's
the typical country-and-western music
fan , of course. Therefore, one cannot use
an indefinite pronoun in reference to it.
That's a problem of agreement, and just
plain wrong. Besides, it sounds dumb.
We suppose that one could change the
sentence to read ''The typical country-andwestern music fan does not always put on
the fan's big belt buckle."
But that doesn't sound right either.
It' s all too easy in these cases to sliP in a
he or a she (or, in this case, a his or a
her). The problems with doing this are

numerous and complex. Although we've
been taught that he and his are supposed
to act as general purpose pronouns, we
all know that, when reading a passage
about how the cashier should count his
till, we form a mental image of a male
cashier. And thus women are excluded
from the picture, whether by me author's
intent or our own societal programming.
"Not true!" you may say, "I always just
think of any person." Let's just test that
If we were to say, "Some nurse left
his papers at the front desk," would you
not assume we were referring to a male
nurse? Similarly, if we were to say "A
trucker is really fond of her rig," you
would most likely assume that we were
talking about one of those rare women
truck drivers. We think the first sentence
is just as jolting as the second, therefore
destroying the premise that he is an
inclusive pronoun.
If you're not convinced by now,
there's not really much more we can do
in the space of a small column. but you
can contact us via e-mail at any time to
debate it further. (Remember,'s and henryv@ As Vanessa says,
''I'm not a boy. Don't call me one'"
We offer two suggestions to help
avoid sexism by exclusion in your
writing: alternative constructions, and the
use of her or his. Whenever possible,

The Evergreen State College Bookstore
Mon. - Thurs.
8:30 - 6:00


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The Third Floor
Student Groups Weekly
.Mindscreen just keeps plugging
along with Like Water For Chocolate
playing tonight, May Sth at 7pm in
LHI. On Monday, May 9th at 7pm in
LH I, La Vie de Boheme and Ariel wiu be
shown. All of Mindscreen's films are
free to see.
.Comedian Mike Moto will be
perfonning his craft in Library 2000 on
Friday. May 6th at 7pm. This event is
sponsored by ASIA and Women of
Color Coalition.
.Storyteller Helen Mintz will be
perfonning her craft in LHI on Tuesday,
May 10th at 7pm. This event is
sponsored by the Jewish Cultural
• Th e
Coalition will be showing the video,
Dreamworld on Wednesday, May 11th at
8pm in LHS. This event as well as all
other events on this list are free.
·The Pacific
CoaItion will bring Haunani Kay Trask
who will be giving a lecture on Hawaiian
Sovereignty on Thursday, May 12th at
7:30pm in LH3. Along with her lecture
the film, Act of War will be shown.
·1 just want to say that I can kick
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-compiled by Dante Salvatierra

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The Bookstore also sells books, candy,
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change the construction of your sentences
so that the issue doesn't come up. As an
example, we could re-write our countrywestern sentence above to read ''The
typical country-and-western music fan
does not always don a big belt buckle
before going out drinm' in the bars."
This one was fairly easy to remedy. Most
of them are, actually. It just takes a little
practice, and a little bit of paying
attention to what you say! This topic, if
none other, may convince you of the
importance of proper and thoughtful
writing and speech. You may not have
realized how many people you were
excluding just by choosing a gender
specific pronoun.
In cases where reconstructing the
sentence would be untenable or awkward,
it is perfectly reasonable to use both
pronouns, as in his 'or her or she or he.
(And remember, you don't always have to
mention the boy rust!) This can become
unwieldy or begin to sound unnatural or
"PC" if used too much, though, so
beware. And that s / h e stuff is
unpleasantly bureaucratic. Just because
it's written language doesn' t mean it is
allowed to be choppy and lack the sort of
rhythm present in spoken language.
Don't fall into the trap of using· they
- when you are referring to a singular
subject just because it's not gender
specific. We' ll talk more about they and
their and their aoorouriateness next time.
Ours is a language and culture in
which it can be difficult to avoid making
or exploiting sexist stereotypes. A little
bit of awareness and sensitivity will steer
you clear of most language mishaps. In
oUf next few columns we will discuss
more of the issues surrounding sex and
language. If you have any comments,
write to us via e-mail or c/o the CPJ .
As always, Lovi,a and Vanessa
welcome your response.

.. ~


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Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994 Page 7

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

Don't put up with
sexist pool players
I am responding to last week's column,
"Do you ~are what happens to TESC when
you leave?"
Now, to "Side bar hits side pocket," the
small blurb by Cindy Laughlin. First of all,
if I hear the tenn "white bread" used in that
trendy I'm-being-hip way again, I'm going
to projectile vomit.
Now for the stunning observation that
pool is male-dominated. let me comment on
a few things: The comment. " Stupid bitch.
girls can't play pool" filled you with rage.
So what did you do. squeal and stomp your
foot? How about telling them to fuck off?
How about doing a little more than writing
about this incident in a small liberal arts
college's newspaper so everyone who reads
it will only agree with you that "society really
Have you actually heard, "Pretty good
shot - for a girl"? Do you put up with that
shit? Give me some encouragement - you
obviously feel you're representing my gender
- could you try a little harder?
"Boys can help to empower girls by
teaching them how to change their oil, take
the derivative of a function, or bridge a cue."
I'm positively nauseous. This comment will
surely enlighten men as to how they can
empower women. Gosh, you're so big and
strong, could you show me how to hook up
the VCR? Jesus, Cindy, I don't think the way
to empower yourself as a woman is by
surrounding yourself with men who have
"boy skills."
Sigh. Well, now I'm depressed. I hope
you understand this letter. Puh-Iease go ask
one of your encouraging and helpful
boyfriends how to get a backbone.
Wendy Hall

Kurt Cobain didn't
hate his hometown

Constitution of the State of Washington
Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all
subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right


by the way side as the life blood economy of
the area dried up. Alcoholism, drug use, and
suicide rate ballooned to such proportions
that the county rate per capita was only
surpassed by that of the county that New
York City is in.
Fame and fortune took Cobain out of
The Harbor. A shotgun blast proves the
Harbor never came out of Kurt. It's not
Shitwater or the armpit of the world . .. just
plain and simple The Harbor . ..
Steve Johnson
Evergreen Staff
P.S. I wonder how many blood sucking
pieces of shit will flock to Shitwater this
summer for Lollapalooza in Hoquiam. That's
Ho-Quee-Um (Indian translation for
"Hungry for wood.") So from Kurt and The
. Harbor, "You make me want to puke!"

Is a private poo too
much to ask for?
I like to poo. I like to poo in private. I
find this neither a strange nor unusual desire.
I assume you, reading this, like to do the
For men on the third floor of the CAB.
pooing in private is not a possibility. There
is no door to the men's room stall. It hasn't
been there since some prick maliciously took
it for his own use. Thanks, buddy.
This letter serves as an open request for
a door. Nothing elaborate, it doesn't even
need a lock or anything, just something to
prevent everyone who wonders in from
staring (however momentarily) at me pooing.
I'm not an entirely private person. I
concede that, but pooing? Please. We all have
limits, and after spending a year in with my
drawers around my ankles, I ask that a door
please be placed on the third Ooor men's
room stall.,
Pat Castaldo

Basketba.11 will not promote cultural diversity at Evergreen

(Dedicated to semesters and basketball teams)

"iT 15 II Pllil OF DUNG,





.. IT













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!JV(p TJ{IS ~ 19{,PM(rrJCUL:4!1?j'

freely adapted/tinkered with by John Ford

Reader commends 'CPJwriters past and present

I'm writing to commend you for Pat articles suggesting there was a rush to
Castaldo's coverage of Lawrence Wright's' judgment in Ingram's case.
Unfortunately, the alternative press has
recent appearance in Olympia. where he
signed and discussed his book, Remembering inexplicably joined the Olympian in silence.
Since my forced separation from Works In
A Note from Shitwater
I am writing in response to the articles
Your writer provided accurate and Progress, until your article, the only writings
written in reaction to Kurt Cobain ' s death.
balanced information, · something that has on the Ingram case published in the local
It seems to be a common known or been in short supply at times in the local alternative press were a couple of letters I
had written that I self-published in my vanity
believed fact that Kurt had an extreme press, in regards to the Paul Ingram case.
dislike. distaste, or hatred of his home
I offer only the mild criticism that when press periodical, the Whip. I decided to self(Aberdeen. Hoquiam "Grays Harbor") and Castaldo wrote "What started an apparently publish these after they were suppressed by
all the people that live there. This is a result simple case of child abuse, blossomed into other publications. Your article is in
of pure media hype and nothing else.
allegations of an entire underground satanic opposition to a shameful trend; hopefully
I first met Kurt when he was about five cult," he might give the impression that there only the first step.
It's worth noting that Wright not only
years old, down at the gas station where his was something prosecutable at the core of
cited Chris Bader's CPJ series as "the only
dad worked. We used to get hoist time for $1 the case.
an hour in the evenings and spent many a
There is no more evidence of that than
night wrenching on cars and listening to Led of any of the bizarre later charges which have
been thoroughly discredited. Indeed, I have
I remember one night in particular we seen the certified dooument prepared by
just took the car off the hoist, when Kurt Judith Ann Jacobsen, the gynecologist hired
jumped up in my buddy John's hopped-up by the prosecution in the Ingram case, in
Mustang. started the car. and tried to drive which she swore that there was no physical
away. As we raced to tum off the car and evidence of the sexual molestation,
pull him from behind the wheel he was abortions, or physical scarring that both
screaming something to the tune of''I'm the daughters had claimed. In fact, she wrote that
greatest driver in the world"; little did we Ericka told her she had never been pregnant,
know then that the vehicle he would dri ve and had never been sexually active.
was a whole generation of youth. When
The current epidemic of child sexual
tourists would pull in and unfold their maps abuse cases, both civil and criminal. based
and ask, "Can you tell me where I am?" We'd on repression and recovery of memories of
just laugh and say. "Well, it's not the end of childhood abuse, have profound implications
the earth, but you can see it from here!"
for the psychiatric and legal communities,
Several years later. while home from and society as a whole. Nothing less than a
college for the weekend. I was invited to war has broken out between the opposing
attend a kegger up on the hill in Aberdeen . I sides in this controversy, and the Ingram case
wi sh I would of had a camera and tape is an extremely important one in this conflict.
recorder with me . Some young punks that While the national media has put Olympia
would one day be the heart of "Nirvana" under a microscope , the local media has
(Co bain and Novo se lic) provided the remained eerily silent.
entertainment that night.
. The Olympian horribly botched its
The Grunge look that you' re all so coverage of the Ingram affair as it unfolded,
proud of has been alive and well in Grays so their s ubsequent low profile is
Harbor for as long as I can remember. That's understandable. Wright told me there never
why Kurt looked so natural in it. he was would have been a need ·to write his book
raised dressed like that.
had the press been vigilant and independent.
The pain in his songs he was not alone He believes good press coverage would have
in feeling, as some if you would like to think. stopped the affair dead in its tracks. Still,
The problems in his family were common there was an honorable, informed dissent in
among many on the Harbor, even more so the alternative press; The Impact. the Cooper
today than in his youth. Many a family fell Point Journal, and Works in Progress ail ran

Page 8 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994

critical account in Olympia," as . you
mentioned; he deemed it "excellent," and ·
acknowledged the benefit of Bader's insight
and research. This is considerable praise,
coming from a writer of Wright's stature (he
recently won the National Magazine Award
for non-fiction, for the Ne·w Yorker series on
Ingram which fonned the core of the book).
Congratulations to your paper, and to Chris
To The Olympian's credit, it should be
noted that they have of late published good
work on the Ingram case by Brad Shannon
(another CPJ alumni).
Matt Love

by Paul MarcQnteU
All arguments about improving
Evergreen's image aside; I feel [ must take
up anus (or keyboards) against the basketball
proposal being considere4 at this COllege.
Basketball is a fine game, really, good
exercise too. But it is only a GAME. It is not
a religion. It is not an academic pursuit. And
it is not now, nor will it ever be a valid means
to promote cultural diversity in the way this
proposal suggests.
This, after all, seems to be the only
argument for the creation of an Evergreen
basketball team that carries any weight. But
what a twisted rationale. Isn't this like saying
that the only way to bring minorities to this
campus is by promoting a societally accepted
avenue for minority advancement?
Isn't this basically a way to "bring in"
a token minority presence? It sounds like
some kind of stop-gap measure that would
allow us to feel good about having a certain

percentage of people of color on the campus Once again, don't get me wrong - I don't have
while failing to affect any serious structural anything against sport per se, but the idea of
subsidizing it on campus, of granting credit
And no, I guess I don't think that for it, .of giving tuition waivers to those who
athletes are an inherently
- - - - - - - - - - - - - are good at it; that
under-represented group
We shouldn't buy
If we're really
that needs to be better
right into SOCiety's
represented in our
committed to cultural
college community.
then use the
tacit assumption that diversity,
Isn't the purpose of
$37,000 to establish
the only avenue of academic programs that
the education we pay for
to broaden the mind and
would attract diverse
for an groups
provide skills necessary
of students, use
for interpreting the world
the tuition waivers for
students who are
around us? Someone tell
is through
me if I've completely
especially bright or in
professional sports. need or both. And if not
that, then find some
purpose of college. I
don't see how having a basketball team other constructive use for the funds; it's not
would help fulfill such a function, and I can like we have money burning holes in our
therefore see no reason to promote basketball pockets here. With all the talk about cutbacks.
to a credit earning, college supported activity. I'm sure there are plenty of vital areas where
that money could make a difference.
We shouldn't buy right into our
society's tacit assumption that the only
avenue of advancement for an Africanunavoidable part of any good party,
American is through professional sports. If
excessive disturbance should not be.
we take this course of action we are as much
Urination should occur in bathrooms, or
hypocrites as those who suggest we cure
even in bushes, not out of windows or in
racism through charity. To suggest that
crowded rooms, as should oral discharge (if
at all possible). Neighbors' doors, windows,
etc., should not be pounded on during the
wee hours of the morning.

lEse partygoers are obnoxious
by Brenda Anderson
Let's talk about parties. As a student
who transferred here from a university that
has a Greek system, Greek parties being
infamous for their general mindlessness, I
expected a calmer, more friendly atmosphere
at Evergreen parties. But alas, this is not so.
In fact, it has come to my attention that
Evergreen parties are, while certainly
friendlier than Greek parties, even more
obnoxious than any of the out of control
soirees I have witnessed and participated in
So, I have devised a simple list of
guidelines for Evergreen partygoers to
consider before attending another party. I am
aware that the majority of people understand
and follow these rules already, but I feel they
are important enough for everyone to
I) Have some consideration for your
host. The messes you make inside and out of

the house have to be cleaned up. No one has
the inalienable right to shatter glass on the
sidewalk for someone else to clean up. No
one has the right to steal items from the
house. And your hosts should never have to
apologize for your actions. If your hosts are
happy and you don't cause their home too
much damage, maybe you will be invited
2) Have some consideration for th.ose
not attending the party. While noise is an

3) Have some consideration for your
fellow partygoers. Your actions will affect
the abilities of everyone else to have fun. If
a party is broken up because of something
you do, it is not because campus security is
anal retentive. It is because you are being
rude and mindless. This isn't high school.
Don't act as if it is.
, 4) Help to control those out of control.
It is in the best interest of everyone at the
party to eliminate thoughtless behavior. If
you observe this behavior, rather than
watching, kindly let the person know the
person know that their actions are
unacceptable and no fun .
5) Have fun. That's why we have
parties to begin with . If everyone follows
these rules, providing there are no fistfights
or gang rapes, the party has a good chance
of being a success for everyone, and a very
good chance of outshining those Greek
Brenda Anderson is an Evergreen

Cooper Point Journal
Comics Page Editor: Emi J. Kilburg
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News Briefs Editor: Rev. Demian Parker
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EDITORlAL-8fi6.6000 x6213
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Managing Editor: Rev. Seth "Sk,ippy" Long
Layout Editor: Naomi Ishisaka
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The Cooper Poinl Journal exists to facilitate
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Submissions deadline is Monday noon.
We will try to publish material submitted the
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Cooper Point Journa.l. 1994

basketball will promote diversity simply
serves to divert any real debate on that issue,
and should not be considered a valid
None of the other arguments can
possibly justify such an expenditure on the
college's part.
One final note; anyone here who thinks
that this team, if created, would be selfsupporting (ie, many people would actually
pay money to watch it) please raise your
hand. I rest my case.
l! seems like there is a certain fatalism
which seems to creep up and strangle any
real debate of issues around here. I don't
think it's just Evergreen. I don't think it's just
this generation of students; maybe it's just
confusion about where to start; which of our
ever sunnounting problems to even think
about first.
But we can start here. We can make
change here. And if not here, than where?
So that's my tirade, please feel free to
rant now. Just don't, by being silent, agree
unwittingly with anything the administrators
of this college care to do to it.

Paul Marcontell is an Evergreen
student and CPJ volunter writer and

Perhaps the term 'African-American'
has become passe while lESe slept
by Ethan Espie
This is a follow-up to the article I wrote
two weeks ago concerning semantics. In that
article, I wanted to also address one
individual semantical issue, but the 600-word
limit prevented me from doing so. So, here
it is.
The semantical issue which puzzles and
perplexes me the most is the use of the term
"African-American." This is by far the ethnic
minority I've been exposed to the most
during my life, especially during the eight
years I lived in the Washington D.C. area.
During those eight years, including the 15
months I worked downtown as a bicycle
messenger, almost never did any of my Black
friends, classmates, or co-workers refer to
themselves as "African-Americans." All in
all, I probably heard it used maybe once a
month, if that.
Of course, part of this might be because
quite a few of them weren't from America.
They were from places like Mali, Angola,
Ethiopia. Zimbabwe, and Trinidad.

Nonetheless, rarely did the American-born
ones use this term - not even the few
Muslims I knew.
I didn't learn the actual significance
and history of the term until I read Th e
Autobiography of Malcolm X, after having
moved away from D.C. It was coined. as
many of you may know, by Marcus Garvey,
the Jamaican-born Black separatist leader
and founder of the United Negro
Improvement Association.
However, the times I've read The Final
Call, the newspaper of the Nation of Islam.
I've noticed that the term "Black" is much
more prevalent than the term "AfricanAmerican" in that publication. This makes
me wonder if the term has become passe in
the Black separatist/Black nationalist
Oddly enough, never have I heard
"African-American" used with such
reverence as it is at Evergreen. Ahhh, words.
words, words ...

Ethan Espie is an Evergreen student.

Anne Finger to speak in Library
by Bobbie Lavender and Jenni Mechem
Next Monday at noon, author Anne
Finger will speak and read from her work in
the Library third floor lobby. A reception will
be held later the same evening.
Ms. Finger is perhaps best known for
her book Past Due: A Story of Disability.
Pregnancy and Birth. In a tightly wrought
tale, Anne Finger tells of a planned midwifeassisted home birth gone awry. As a
reproductive rights and disability activist, she
had been working in an abortion clinic and
speaking out against genetic counseling
aimed at selectively aborting fetuses with
disabilities, when she became pregnant.
Her story is one of irony, strength, and
contradiction as she deals with her own life
situation and people's perceptions of it , as
well as the hopes and fears of her pregnancy.
The book examines complex issues
concerning the nature of feminism, activism,
and motherhood, and the value of health in
our culture. However, it is more than a
personal account; the author is aware of the


political dimension of her daily decisions,
particularly those concerning reproductive
rights issues.
Ms. Finger's other works include Basic
Skills. a collection of short stories. and an
upcoming novel, Bone Truth. She has
contributed to various periodicals, including

Southern Review, Kaleidoscope, Socialist
Review, Feminist Studies, and her short story
"Helen and Frida" will appear in the Summer
1994 Kenyon Review. Currently a creative
writing teacher at Wayne State University,
Ms. Finger has won a number of grants and
awards , including the D.H. Lawrence
Fellowship and the Louisiana Stat e
University/Southern Review award for short

Bobbie Lavender alld l enni Mechem
are the co-coordinators of th e Union of
Students with Disabilities. Th ey are both
happy to be graduating (after a combined
eight years and three deg rees (JI'er two
decades},though quick 10 point alit that rhe
group will need new coordinators.


We encourage you to write letters 'and Forum articles.
Opinions belong to their author and don't reflect the opinions of our staff.

. Response Jetters must be 450 words or less;
Forum articles must be 600 words or less.
Please write in WordPerfect and bring your submission to CAB 316 on disk
(MaCintosh or IBM). You must include your name and phone number.
Please call us at 866-6000 x6213 if you have any questions .

Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994 Page 9



so happy •

r think

r·llhave another beer.

EI Cinco de Mayo celebrated at lESC

Evergreen rugby players enjoy a game under the big skies in Missoula,
Montana last wee.kend at the annual Maggotfest tournament. photo by Will Ward

}\fli ""OrFE-, r

CJ 'f



Oa Bird

by Naomi Ishisaka
This year, Cinco de
Mayo will be celebrated May
6 at . Evergreen with
presentations, pinatas and
Cathy and Isaac ShultzReyes will be some of the
featured perfomers at
Evergreen's celebration
The Reyes have been in
Washington for eleven years
and have spent several years
as students at Evergreen.
Washington, they performed
and taught different dance
styles in Mexico, eventually
winning the 1982 National
According to Cathy
Reyes, the style most desired
in her experience in
Washington has been
traditional. "We found that a
Traditional Mexican folk dancers Isaac and
lot of Mexican people here
Cathy Shultz-Reyes will be performing dances
really needed that. .. to find
May 6 for Cinco de Mayo. photo courtesy of Isaac
their culture."
and Cathy Shultz· Reyes
They found that there
were not many other
traditional folk dancers to fi 11 that demand. Mexican army's 1862 defeat of France's
On Friday they will perform dances Napolean Ill. In the battle of Puebla,
with Aztec, Northern and Hulisco Mexican Americans can observe a day of
national pride, like the Fourth of July.
The battle cleared the way for
Other participants slated to perform
Independence and the rise of the _evening are the Latin ban d
Esmeralda, trio Los Calaveras and revoluntionary leader Benito Juarez.
Naomi Ishisaka is the layout editor
guitarist Frank Hinojosa.
Cooper Point Journal.
The yearly festivity of Cinco de
Mayo was created to commemorate the

Will, our reporter

photo courtesy of Will Ward

Cowgior Is preDliers!l in Seattle?
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
by Elizabeth COI·wine
This wasn't supposed to be the U.S.
premier, but somehow the movie Even
Cowgirls Get the. Blues ended up opening
in Seattle. The film, directed by Gus Van
Santo is based on the book of the same name
by Tom Robbins.
Tom Robbins spoke, at the premier. I
got the impression that Robbins didn't like
Seattle too much. He said he was happy to
be here, and all the regular stuff. I got the
impression he didn't like the movie too
much either. He insisted that the movie was
Gus Van Sants and the book was his. He
told us to look at the movie as if it were the
book's twin, "Separated at birth and share
the same genetic background, but raised by
different parents." Robbins even introduced
the movie with "Tonight you are about to
meet her sister [Even Cowgirls Get the_
Bluesl, give her due respect as a separate
indi'lidual. "
Angie Dickenson couldn't make it for
some reason, so she sent a fax. So '90s.
She said all the usual, wished she could be
there, she loves us, all the usual stuff
someone would send in a f~. I was curious
-- as-to-whether it was handwritten or typed.
Hand written faxes are much more
The movie itself was pretty dull. Some
of the acting was strained and even though
I haven't finished the book, I felt the story
was incomplete. Wim Wenders h!ls a five
hour version of 1il The End Of The World,
this movie needs that much time.
The story in the movie goes like this.
A woman, Sissy (Uma Thurman), has been
graced with overly large thumbs. As a child
she looks up the definition of thumb, which
includes a bit on how man's thumb gives
him "freedom of movement" thus decides
her destiny, hitchhiking. She is summoned
to New York by the Countess (actually
played by William Hurt, although you

quirky and he portrayed the wise man with
more punch than the humor in his Karate Kid
would never guess) who wants to set her up
The best line in the movie is probably
with a darling boY,Julian.
in the book too. Sitting in a rides car she
In New York she has a hard time dealing proclaims "American cheese is the ultimate
with city life. Julian ends up having an extreme rQad food."
asthma attack once meeting her, so they
That made me laugh
never even get to talk. She ends
because I had ordered
up in the middle of a couple
having sex and freaks.
earlier that
Her thumbs. get sore
day with
so she heads out to
the Rubber Rose
ranch. There she
and the
Jellybean (Rain
at me
Phoenix) and
the weird guy on
the top of the hill
(The Chink). She
gets in the middle of all
the trouble between the
cheddar?" "No," I
"cowgirls'''"and the ranch hands
wanted the fake cheese
and it's off with their war.
that day. And during my last road
The first words to hit the screen were "For trip, American cheese would have been
River". With all respect to River and his family, perfect. Riding through Wisconsin listening
please don't take this as a bashing on the to Christian broadcasts on abortion and teens
Phoenix family. Rain Phoenix's (River's sister) proclaiming that "Pearl Jam speaks_to their
acting seemed staged. In her role of Bonanza generation."
Jellybean she looked like she was on a stage,
While I wasn't impressed with the
going through the motions. The role may have movie, it did inspire me to read the book. If
been a bit much for her right now in her acting the book was an important part of your life,
career. I've heard. people say they think she's which I understand it was for many, then you
riding on her brothers fame . I don't think so, may enjoy seeing this (the movie)
there's something there, it just isn't ready to be perspective. The basic concepts are there, but
tested on such a big role yet.
without Robbins' wonderful tangents, it just
River brought himself into the characters didn't work . I think if Van Sant had a fifth
he played, off and distant. Rain just needs chance (he's reedited several times), he'd
practice, yes, practice on being herself. Uma's better start over. I'd love to try. I guess the
scenes with Rain made her (Uma) look over movie could work ifI saw it again, and again,
dramatic. None of the other characters were and maybe again.
developed enough for me to really critique the
Elizabeth is often called Lisa, even by
acting much. Pat Morita (The Chink) was her mom. I'm suspicious.
wonderful, his character was a little off and

a MOVIE Review

, , ,




by John Ford
This contains potential "spoiler" material. You have been warned.
Here, hot off the Internet, is the
(alleged) inside straight on the last few
Star Tre/c.:The Next Generation episodes,
the ST:TNG / ST movie, and Star Trek:
Voyager series. This information is
supposed to have come from Richard
Arnold, Paramount's chief ST historian/fan
Absolutely NO ownership of any
Pictures, Paramount
Television / Star Trek properties . or
copyrights is implied or intended herein
"Emergence" Everyone (except
Picard) is playing Dr. Crusher's new
"Orient Express" holodeck program ~
which can in fact go anywhere! Picard
wants to know why he's not been invitedyet.
"The Good Fight" Lt. Ro Laren has
been off training for secret missions.
Although Ro will not be in Voyager, this
episode does lay plot threads, as did the
last two episOdes of Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine, "The Maquis."
"All Good Things" (Two-hour series
finale, set to air May 23 on KCPQ-Ch. 13)
Guest characters to include Q (John
DeLancie) and Tas~a Yar (Denice Crosby).
Picks up the story line from the series' pilot
film "Encounter at Farpoint," to wrap up
the series·.
Movies & stuff:
No more plans for the Borg at the

The Evergreen State College Student Activities Office
All New Students to join the Student Activities Staff and Evergreen's myriad of student group

members. Our offices are located on the 3rd Floor of the Campus Activities Building. Our hours
are: Mon. 8-6pm, Tue. 8·8pm, Wed. 8-8pm, Thur. 8-8pm, and Fri. 8-5pm. If you can't stop by,
give us a call at (206) 866-6000, x6220.
Come and Partake.

Middle East Resource Center (x6749)
Amnesty International (x6098)
Anime (x6879)
Native Student Alliance (x6105)
Asian Students in Alliance (x6033)
Pacific Islander As80. (x6583)
Bike Shop (x6538)
Resource Center (x6098)
Camarilla (x6036)
Rape Response Coalition (x6724)
Community Gardens (x6145)
S&A Board Coordinator (x6221)
Environmental Resource Center (x6784)
Evergreen Coalition Building Center (x6555)
Slightly West (x6879)
Evergreen Political Info. Center (x6144)
Society for Creative Anachronism (x6036)
Evergreen Queer Alliance (x6544)
Gaming Guild (x6036)
Student Produced Art Zone (x6412)
Graduate Student As80/MES (x6479)
'1'EMFQ (x6686)
Graduate Student Asso/MlT (x6686)
The Evergreen Sustainability Coalition (x6636)
Graduate Student Asso/MPA (x6630)
Habitat for Humanity (x6636)
Students with Disabilities (x6092)
Jewish Cultural Center (x6493)
Center (x6538)
Latin American Student Org. (x6583)
Coalition (~)
MEChA (6143)
Men's Group (x6686)

l.v. & movie info
moment, but the second NextGen movie
script is a Borg script - assuming the first
one does well enough at the box office.
(They have doubts?)
The movie started filming in late April
- currently titled Stat Trek: Generations.
All the main NextGen cast are signed, as
well as William Shatner, Whoopi Goldberg,
James Doohan and Walter Koenig. Also
from TNG will be those Klingon kuties,
Lursor and Bator.
The film is set in two time frames, so
the two casts probably won't meet. The
shooting schedule is approximately 57 days
for a fall/winter release. George Lucas' ILM
will be handling visual effects.
Star Trek.: Voyager will start filming
in early fall, after the film wraps up. At this
time, no TNG regulars are likely to move
over to Voyager, due to salary costs, but
some of the junior officers from the 'lower
decks' may spin off in that direction. And
Voyager has at least one_confirmed new
enemy group: 'The Dominion' (from DS9).
Remember space cadets this is for the
most part hearsay, and could change at the
drop of a tribble. On the other hand, you
read stuff about The Bev instead of
watching Babylon 5, or even_ syndicated
televisions' funniest hour - Kung Fu: the
Legend Continues·. You might as well listen
to my blather.
John is just a bit cranky curmudgeon
when it comes to shows about "beautiful
people, " ie. the Bev. Jealousy? Or just a
lack ofaliens?

Check your pocket, for goodness will
come to
there sometime soon.

Page 10 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994

Legend of the Overfiend
(part one to Jive)
Animated/Japanese subtitles. Lots of
death, violence and raw evil perpetuate this
series amidst a backdrop of hearts truck
teenage highschool romance and large
reflective pupils. Positively the worst musical
score, scenes of vicious demons sporting
multiple penises, cute cuddly elves with autoerotic fixations, and a beast-woman addicted
to voyeurism and killing monsters during
orgasm. Not for the religious, repressed or
weak stomached. (Available at VIDEO I)
-Conrad Sobsamai

it's best if you
don't take
all your
Illaterials hOIlle

East is Red
Chinese/English subtitles. This just
played at the GaylLesbian film festival. Asia
the Invincible (played by a woman)capable of catching cannon balls in mid-air,
running on water, stopping any of the several
human "valves" thus making ones blood flow
backwards, dislodging whole buildings from
cliffs, and conjuring and riding large
swordfish-is discovered alive after
supposedly dying in the previous movie, and
goes around killing his imposters. Set against
an authentic 17th century Chinese backdrop
of invading Spanish conquistadors (all of
whom speak fllient Chinese), weird brothels
where people gamble away their body parts,
and marauding Japanese ninja with a ship
that turns into a submarine equipped with
bamboo periscopes, this film is an absolute
must-see. Also, an added bonus are very
erratic subtitles that sometimes last fractions
of a second, and sometimes aren't there at
all, and are in broken English ("I didn't want
you should come here").


They' re breakable .
: They're bulky. They're poten: tially incriminating. Right?
So let us hang on to
: your stuff this summer and
: we'll give you 3 months of
: storage for the price of 2.
: Thank you. Class dismissed.

: '


~:J I

West Olympia
1620 Black
Lake Blvd S.W.

-Conrad Sobsamai

Page 11

Something wIcked creati ve goes here ...

a MOYIE Review

......._ - Carton In Question - - -...



. Outrageous production. Music to tear one's
shirt to, then go out and start a fire in the
Community Center. My favorite songs are
the slow, kind of opium-induced pop ones.
The male/female vocals give an added
fullness .
-Co.n rad Sobsamai

It's hard to write a review about
your friends, but then when it comes
down to it. who else is worth writing a
review for? A band hailing from
Tacoma and settling in Olympia.
Fantastic pseudo-sexuaVdemonic music.
that gives one hope for the future.

Raisler ~' latest tape shOllld 50011 be
available at local ml/sic merchal1ts.


BrOOlls, musiC.




and mor....

The War Room

. The PG-13 rating should have told us
that there would be nothing truly offensive in
this film. OK, so it did start with people
throwing raw hamburger meat at a vegan
protest and an outrageous butt shot. But this
film was so PC-whipped that they couldn't
even use something to term feminist in a
negative way. The directors preferred the tenn
"womynists" when trashing on ferns. Fucking
But wait. Did we forget to explain the
plot? That was the film's biggest problemit had a plol. When we go see a film that is
obviously intended to offend, we expect to
see senseless tit shots and lots of people
getting stoned (see The Revenge of the Nerds
for a good example). Here's the plot of PCU:
pre-frosh boy goes to visit a typical college
campus. He is assigned to stay at The Pit. The
Pit is obviously the director's feeble attempt
at a frat house. On a side note, frats were
banned at PCU in 1967 (Hmmm?).
So he goes to this "frat house" and is
told that colleges have changed a lot since
the '50s. They take him out to look at all of
the protests. Imagine what Red Square could
look like if all of the student groups protested
at once. That's what this PCU looked like.
They all throw meat on the vegan protesters
and run for their lives. The pre-frosh gets lost
and disappears for most of the film.
Back at The Pit, they are told that unless
they raise $7,000 for cleaning fees, they will
be thrown out. (Remember, clean your fridges
real, real good). The Pit plans a big party to
raise money.
The set-up is that The Pit 'are the non-

PC people who are going to have a non-PC fun at the party (no fights, no drugs, only
party where everyone can have fun; their two kegs, and only two naked guys). PC wins
flyers advertised that, ''Tonight, everyone out at last and everyone lives happily ever
gets laid." No one does, of course, at least after. The pre-frosh even gets laid, talk about
not on screen; see the PG-13 rating.
The plot continues to thicken when the
The movie wasn't completj!ly bad. It
pre-frosh runs into a group of elitist scum wasn't bad enough to be good and it wasn 't
called The Balls and Shaft who used to live good enough to be good, but there were a
in The Pit and want it back. These, it turns few redeeming lines. One of the guys in The
out, are the real non-PC people, the rich Pit told the pre-frosh that, "You can major in
white males who wear ties. How PC to trash Gameboy if you know how to bullshil." This
on rich white males who are elitist scum. sounds like Evergreen and made us wonder
The people in The Pit turn out to be not so ' who on the crew is a grad. Then. there was
bad at all; they just want everyone to have the scene with the townies. And in the end,
a good time.
one of the "womynists" at the party said,
PCU continues on, but you'll have to "You mean, if we're nice to them, they bring
pay your six bucks to find out the rest of us things?" How cute.
the stunning action. We didn ' t have to shell
PCU: so PC-whipped that they only got
out the money, thank god. Let's just say that a PG-J3. See at your own risk. and don't ask
The Pit people win, and BalIs and Shaft get us for a refund.
the shaft, and everyone has good, clean PC
Evenstar and Joe are politically correct?

Tony is clearly nor a pre-frosh.
PC- Politically Correct, Pure Chaos,
Personal Computer, Putrid Cheescake,
Petty Cash, Postal Carrier, Price Current,
Past Commander, Postal Cards, Post
Consumption, Peace Corps, Pacific
Current, Pin Cushion.- Pat Castaldo

now available at



at a great low price-just




$1.98 each!



Poetry reading from "Ught in a Crevice Never Seen" with TESC
professor Gail Tremblay.

100% Vegetarian


MAY 12 7:30p.m. LECroRE IiALL I

The video "Act of War" will precede a lecture on the sovereignty
movement of native Hawaiians.



0\Ct DIScs I


Essential Sandwiches
provide the most convenient
form of good
nutrition available.

University of Hawai'i at MInoa professor and head of Hawaiian Studies; founding member
and leader in Ka Lahul Hawai'l, the native sovereignty movement; author of "From a
Native Daughter: a book of essays, and "Light in a Crevice Neve~ Seen," a book of poems
recently published by Calyx Press; visiting faculty at the Univel'Slty of Colorado, Boulder


by Tony Pelaez
Cause-heads, womynists, and potheads
from the land of Jerry town are just a few of
the student groups of Port Chester
University, otherwise known as PCU
(Politically Correct University). The only
sanctuary from the daily protests is a dorm
known as The Pit, whose inhabitants wage
war against the PC by throwing meat at the
vegans and attempting to be as offensive as
possible. When the Pit is threatened by the
undenninings of Balls and Shaft, a secret
fraternity, a party is thrown that saves the
campus from itself by using the catalysts of
beer, dance, and George Clinton.
In an attempt to be a '90s version of
Animal House. PCU only skims the surface
of life at a university by playing out worn
stereotypes and fall ing under the conviction
that students are young and merely passing
through a phase as inferred by Jeremy
Piven's character. the leader of The Pit.
David Spade from Saturday Night Live plays
the snobbish leader of the secret frat in a
character type that he seems to have been
born to play.
The film lacks the bite necessary to take
hold of the idea of political correctness and
eX,w>se it for the limiting body that is
supposed to be the premise of PCU.lnstead
of ideas being stifled by the complexity of
too many viewpoints, we get numerous chase
scenes. My favorite comment about the
movie was that it's a bad remake of
something that was cool (Animal House), but
so is college today.

(in the campus housing
community center)


MAY 13

a MOVIE Review

The Branch



a MOYIE Review

by Lawrence Paulsen
In a review for The New York Times,
"That was the most expensive act of
Janet Maslin says of Carville and
masturbation in history" says James Carville,
Stephanopoulos, "Their's was an attitude that
the mastermind behind the "Clinton for
promised something different in Presidential
President" campaign machine, upqJllearning
politics ... beyond the cynicism and dirty
that H. Ross Perot spent $60 million of his
tricks associated with too many political
own fortune on a failed presidential bid.
That statement frames a telling picture
The War Room explodes this view as a
of the prevailing sentiment inside Clinton '92
self-serving myth generated by the Clinton
campaign headquarters, aka The War Room.
ring-leaders with the complicity of the media
In a documentary film of the same
name, directors D.A. Pennebaker and Chris establishment. Pennebaker and Hegedus
show that Clinton's handlers, like their
Hegedus follow the remarkable labors of the
predecessors and contemporaries across the
Clinton campaign strategists (most notably
mainstream political spectrum, are less
Carville and his wunderkind side-kick
interested in pursuing progressive public
George Stephanopoulos) from the wintry
policy than in raw political power.
New Hampshire primary all the way to
In the final minutes of the film, Carville
election eve in Little Rock.
What was likely hundreds of hours of gives a teary-eyed thank-you speech to the
campaign lackeys and attempts to feed their
footage was edited and condensed to 92
minutes of a revealing behind-the-scenes emotional appetites by striking a grand chord:
"Outside of love, the most sacred thing a
look at how modern day presidential
person can give is his labor." He goes on to
campaigns are engineered .
The filmmakers manage to capture the assure them that the fruits of their labor (i.e.,
full ' range of this effort, from its most a Clinton presidency) will be the restoration
mundane details (as when staffers argue over of all that's great in America: God. mom.
apple pie. consumer purchasing power etc .. .
the design of placarrls) to its more sublime
In the following scene, Clinton the
moments (as when Stephanopoulos swoons
wades into a crowd of supporters
like a love-sick school boy over Presidentand does a lot of smiling, waving, handelect Clinton at an election night victory
shaking and winking. At one point, he picks
up a small infant and raises it high above his
Throughout the film. the directors
head so the throngs can witness his
refrain from offering narrative commentary.
benevolence. Then the frightened chi Id does
Instead, they wisely let the players speak for
what all sensible people have wanted to do
and indict themselves. In so doing,
a politician at one time -vomit on Clinton.
Pennebaker and Hegedus subtly impress
Although Pennebaker and Hegedus
upon the audience the following question:
keep their personal commentary to a
Are Clinton and his entourage discernably
minimum in Tire War Room. skillful editing
different from (i.e .. better than) Bush and his
ensures that their message is not lost.
camp? A thoughtful viewer would have to
Lawrence is/! 't runnil1g for office, yet.
respond with an unambiguous NO!

11 am - 6 pm moa. thna Sat. t.f
608 S. eolumbia • 35!-4:1'9 ~


it just was.

by Evenstar Deane and Joe Watt

(for me) Chocolate Overkill. But the te xture
by John Ford
was down right sensual. almost as much so
Just when you thought those rascals
as the Vanilla Caramel Fudge (more on that
from Vermont cou ldn't possibly do more
with ice cream, Ben & Jerry come up with
Mocha Fudge - Now this I really
another smooth move. Seven of them to be
enjoyed. The two flavors vying for
supremacy on my palate was a battle royal I
Now appearing at the CAB Deli. and
could host again and again.
soon (I hope) at !he Branch, are six '1ew
Vanilla Bean - This is probably the
Oavors of Ben & Jerry 's ice cream in their
least impressive of the lot. Its delicious, but
" smooth" series of frozen taste treats.
no more so than the vanilla ice cream that B
They ' re called "smooth" because, while
& J"s been selling to us for years. An obvious
loaded with flavor. these chilly choices have
attempt to placate fans of Breyer's.
no chunks o'stuff in them.
Vanilla Caramel Fudge Swirl - In
Your faithful reporter brav e ly
volunteered to road-test these confections. my opinion, the best of the lot. Generous
amounts of fudge sauce and caramel swirled
and here's the scoop on the scoops.
throughout the pint; it literally caresses your
Aztec Harvest Coffee - While I
tongue and taste buds. If it were any more
reall y can't stand to drink the plasma of the
tasty and tactile, Lon Mabon' d try to outlaw
Northwest, this version had more than
enough cream and sugar to make it OK. If it with yet another pointless, asinine
you do like coffee, you'll be substituting this
That seventh smooth move is their
for many a lane.
decision not to use dairy products from
Deep Deep Chocolate - For the
farms using the controversial
serious chocoholic. This stuff's
Bovine GrolVth Hormonecocoa-ed to the Nth power.
Too much chocolate bothers
Now bear in mind, these
me. so while the taste was
are the opinions of just one
phenomenal, there was a
glutton. Your proof is in
headache in every bite.
the tasting, and the
No such thing as "too
minute you plunk down
much chocolate" in your
your cash, YOIl ' re the
world ? Deep Deep
critic'. too. Bon Appetit!
Chocolate is your new
John really 10l1gsfor more
extremely dangerous
assigT}ments. I bet he just does.
Fudge Swirl

Ample Audio Analysis


TESC versus PCU; no contest?

Ben and his :friend
share ne~ :flavors

The CPJ is pleased to announce its new A&E1ectronic Survey
System. This week, what's your favorite ice cream flavor? Please
mail your answer in a message to

Without hesitation or

Sat, June 4, Bpm
Center lor 'be

Eight international flavors
made with premium,
organically grown ingredients.

Whole Foods for Body,
Mind & Spirit

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$1.00 OFF

our regular low price on
or CD in stock

.... _..
ts6.!IS .Ust or Hip)

Expires May 18, 1994



Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994 Page 13
Page 12 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994


most Textual list of events for you to eat;·

II ,


,~" I


Tolerant Town by JJm Well1ngs

Coven House by Cat




Saturday ~ May 7

May 5
A Mariachi Band will be playing
traditional Mexican music from noon to
I p.m. in L2000.

Give your blood away in the Library
lobby from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please, donate
blood, it's the least you can do to help save a

Mindscreen brings us the cinematic
triumph of Like Water for Chocolate in LH I
at 6:30 p.m.

The Leonard Peltier support group
meets in L 1600 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open
to all Leonard Peltier supporters and is
sponsored by the Native Student Alliance.
For more information, contact x6105.

you have an event,
occaLion or hap;Jenin'
happening: SLO;J by the

The seventh annual Lacey Spring
Fun Fair will be happening both Saturday
and Sunday, and· it promises to be Lacey's
biggest fair yet. A free community
celebration geared towards kids and families
features continuous live entertainment. There
will be crafts, displays and exhibitions as
well. The fair expects to attract over 15,000
visitors, and you can be one. Call 491-4141
for more info.

Four fantastic bands storm the majestic
Capitol Theatre on Saturday. New Bad
Things (from down south-Portland),
Olympia based PEZ, the magnificently
dynamic duo tattle tale, and Swoon. This
show is strongly recommended. tattle tale
sound really good on a demo] got, so I can
only imagine how good they'll be live. The
show costs $4 - that 's just a dollar a band.

May 6
U.S. Human Rights Education
Committee member Krishanti D'Raj and
Amnesty International for Lesbian and Gay
Concerns Northwest speaker Scott
Douglas will speak on Breaking the
Silence. Part of Amnesty International's
campaign for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual
concerns, will all happen at 7 p.m. in the
United Churches at the comer of II th and
Washingto·n. Admission is free, but donations
are (of course) welcome. Call x6098 for more

King Missile with special guests The
Fastbacks will be happening at La
LUNA down in Portland. Perhaps worth the
drive, John S. Hall is sure to entertain. You
can expect to see a review and interview in
an upcoming CP1. Go so you can say "I was
there." Tickets $7 advance, $9 day of - grab
'em at TicketMaster.

Today is the last day to see the 2nd
Annual Spring One-Act Play Festival.
Head on over to COM 209 around 7 p.m. to
get your tickets for the 8 p.m. performances

The Washington State Cannabis
Movement needs help collecting signatures
for Initiative 622. They ask that you please
attend an informative meeting at the Olympia
Timberland Library Conference Room at 2
p.m. For additional information call Heidi
at 352-6180.

May 9
Mindscreen is showing La Vie de
Boheme and Ariel in LHI tonight starting at
7 p.m. It's free.

Anne Finger is speaking in the Library
mezzanine or the Library lobby day from
noon to 1 p.m ..

This week is Queer Awareness Week.
There will be films, spe,!kers and events
sponsored by Evergreen Queer Alliance.
There will be a punk show costing $5, but all
the other even ts are free.

The Beautiful City of Olympia (and
you can write that on your checks for the
water biJl) needs help dedicating the
Garfield Nature Trail. A ceremony will start
at II a.m. at the Rogers Street trailhead. For
more specific-type information please pick
up the phone and dial 753-8380.

May 10



May 8

Jewish storyteller Helen Mintz will
present from 7 to II p.m.- in LHI. For more
information, contact the event sponsoring
Jewish Cultural Center at x6493.


Cooper Poinl Journal.




Spalding Gray will be talking and
signing and stuff at Four Seasons Books in
downtown Olympia. Four Seasons occupies
the old Olympia Library building. You can
catch him around 7 p.m. Call 786-0952 for
more info.

Tempo sponsors tonight's concert,
Mini Goeey Splash, from 9 p.m. to midnight
in L4300. It's only $4, so it should be cool.

The Spring Arts Festival and S&A
brings you Fred Small in Concert. You'll
be coughing up $8 or $5 to see this ,
depending on something that is not specified.

Writer-actor-performer Spalding Gray
will be giving a one-show-only in
Washington performances of his newest
monologue, Gray's Anatomy, tonight at 7:30
p.m .. This show is just a veritable surreal
tour de force of body and soul.

A two-day Peer Education & Advocacy
Retreat is being held for the Rape Response
Coalition starting today in L4300.

This page painstakingly
com;JiIed by pat ric k h.
castaldo and
demian a. pa rker.

The fine folks at the Olympia Film
Society are more than happy to bring you
Why Has Bodlli Dharma Left for the
East? and Orson Welles' It's A 1/ True. As
always , show s run Sunday through
Wednesday, in alternating order, with
showtimes at 6:30 and 9 p.m. Lucky yiewers
may even walk away with fabulous door
prizes. Even luckier viewers may even get
to meet the projectionist of their choicemaybe.

May II
. A spectacular Indonesian Gamelan
Concert is happening in the Recital Hall at
noon. Contact x6833 for more information.

Dreamworld, a video is being shown in
LH 3 or 5, sponsored by the Rape Response

RatlonaUze by Evenstar Deane & Joe Watt
gre.,.uns do exist:
How else can you
explain week ten
computer viruses?

Tonight, all damn night. on Channel 6.
Infectious Waste Theatre is on campus
televisions all over the place.

Mike Moto, Asian comedian presents
his particular brand of humor from 7 to 9
p.m. in L2OOO, sponsored by ASIA and
Women of Color Coalition . Comedian
Theresa Bennett will also perform.
Admission is free .

Young Voices Live, an extremely
talented selection of kids and younger folk
that have been published in Young
Voices magazine will be reading some of
their works. It promises to be an interesting
evening. Call 786-0952 for more info.

Page 14 Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994

big, huge,
fucking gigantic ROCKS

over Housing. Piles and piles of

that serve no purpose except to get in our way.

Rocks that mysteriously appear overnight.
Rumor has it that the Housing grounds crew
moves these

Need we say more?

Cartoon X by Scott Livingston

A Cinco de Mayo potluck, dance and
concert will be held today, May 6, from 6
p.m. to midnight in L4300. After 8:30 p.m.
here is a $5 general admission, but that cost
is only $2 for students with valid.ID (dance

Core programs.

Bullets Are Cheap by Edward Martin III



Only $400 and it's yours. Turbo XT w!20MB Hard
Drive, VGA Color, Mouse, WordPerfect 5.1, lots of
software. FREE NEe PRINTERI Call x6213.


Need CLOSE place to TESC? l-br. sublet
mid-June - late Aug / early Sept. Plenty
room for 2. $395/mo. + util. If interested,
call 866-7613 ASAP.

Selling something? Looking to buy? Advertise In
CPJ c1asslneclsl Student rate: $2,00 for 30 words,

One female and one male are needed to do
voice-overs for a video project, Contact
Riley at 866-6000 x6637 for details.


Wod c!'t. fF'o ......... o.t

ROCKS. but we know that

the are not that mean. It must be remlins.

V;~CI ~W6'kD. 1 6o.nd,

A CUche' in Every Pot by Robert M. Cook

The.IP;";Ie.~I!!,J:'o I'\es ...

START AT $11.55
Interview now before exams and start pan time.
secure full time position after finals. No
experienoe necessary. Training provided,
100 New openings, 943-4234.
Residential camps, working with male campers
with disabilities. Counselors, Lifeguards,
Kitchen Staff, Easter Seals Camps in Gig
Harbor, WA & Lake Coeur D' Alene. For Info
& App CALL 206-884-2722

); ,

Cooper Point Journal May 5, 1994 Page 15