The Cooper Point Journal Volume 24, Issue 26 (May 19, 1994)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 24, Issue 26 (May 19, 1994)
19 May 1994
extracted text
Thera.s somet_i


'" Met after ~gasm.

Oct_o Febre_ffi_b_er 8,1) 822'-_ _ _--'--_ _ _ _ _----"-1RE....:,;

Why don't you love Barney? Barney loves you.

. ..




Olympia Mods invadeTESC. soft Students shot at, backed
and Tear gas 'e'd Sur-vivoJ tellss·tory
Let the frustration of moving through
·the current rains; from your front door:. to thel
bu~ stoP. from class to your car: mingle:with
administration has created a smokescreen ..
the illusion that their responsibilities are too
difficult for a student or volunteer to be
trained for. The responsibilities of the general
manager. the marketing and development
Jirecto Se·epage .... and operations

spread in an 18 -inch layer over an
impermeable foundation to prevent it from
leaking into the ground. Organic materials
such as leaves and food scraps will be
added to the soil as compost. encouraging
microbes to "eat" the fuels.
thiS '
catastrophe. as bewildered Modlanders
have received no word of explanation from

On Tuesday, some time between I and
2:30 p.m., someone entered a Mod through
an unlocked window and stole approximately
$1,100 worth of selected compact discs.
Because there was only one officer on
duty, who was bu sy with another call at the
time, it took an hour and a half for anyone to
respond to the Mod resident 's theft report.
" We can say we're so rry; we're
understaffed," said Public Safety Sergeant
Larry Savage. He went on to say that if Public
Safety had been called while the burglary was
taking pl ace, then he would have gone to the
scene, but there was not much he could do
once the crime had already been committed.
This year there have been only four or
five burglaries, according to Public Safety.
"Last year," said Savage, "in one night
we had nine."

concept ~f collective social life at TESC.
An estimated 2,000 civilians
I dwell too much on my first year hcre. including children and the elderly, have
which was imbued with strangeness. seem to be creeping into 'otherwlse
happily plural nouns. Don't be shy, just
mysticism. fear and companionship.
that "s" on there! Unfortunately,
Two thousand three hundred miles
there are those special cases where this
above the equator in geo-synchronous
doesn't apply, in non-standard words wch
orbit lies the Clark Belt. named for Arthyr
trash cans becausc you can fill thc'm
Clark of 2001 fame. The Clark Belt
a cup of coffee."
contains thirty satellites. each

"let's STOP racism" by Thomas Robert Brierly


dedicated to my brother and anybody else who has experienced the same


white boy, whiteeey, HONKY
Do you not like my racist remark
Am I Not being politically correct?
No love for my brother?
Well politics hasn't done anything for me
and being correct in your eyes don't mean shit to me.




The sun and

by Sara Steffens

Evergreen doomed








white boy, why must you yell Gook,
safe in the passenger seat while you speed on by?
Why don't you stop and sit a spell
say Gook in my face, make sure I know my race well.
Pure Hate is a rarity in my life;
Intelligence must be the same for you.
white boy, whiteeey, HONKY
Whoops, did I slip again; did I mean to offend.
I was just a twig branch with a goofy shy smile,
too innocent to know what the fuck a Gook was,
but stares from the corner of your eyes and whispers told what it meant.
white boy, whiteeey, HONKY
You've beaten me up before
when I didn't believe in violence
I have never wanted to hurt anyone
It was easy for you to pick on me
in my own little corner,
being the good "submissive" Asian.
Huh white boy,
things changed when put my fists to your face
showing my love for you with a ring around your eye
I still don't believe in violence,
but No longer willi be sirent.
white boy, whiteeey, HONKY
You taught me the methods of your madness
"I beat you, You beat me."
So we become the American family.
No, I don't hate all white folks. This is a response to what I have experienced living with institutional
racism and worse blatant racist actions against myself and friends, here on the "mainland. n And so it
goes, this is my Asian heritage experience.
Happy Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

During last year's burglary spree,
perpetrated by four high sc hool students,
there was not one forc ed entry. The fou r
students came to campus, got to know people
and partied with them while scoping things
out. Then. they came back at a con ve nient
time and stole many items. Thi s. like most
burglari es. was committed by non-Eve rgree n
students .
"Students ge t to fe e lin g re al
comfortable," said Savage. "We can' t
emphasize enough how important it is to lock
your doors and windows."
Savage said that students "need to get
out of this idea that crime doesn ' t happen
here ."
Public Safety asks that anyone seeing
a suspicious activity to report it immediately.
Demian Parker is a CPJ l1ewsteam
member and our Newsbriefs editor.

lEse hosts provost candidate

moon ·ar·e dying



Burglar ·strikes Modland
by Demian A. Parker

Citizens, senators debate its merits

Volume 24 Issue 26

For the first time in more than
eight years, there is no waiting list to get
into campus Housing. This fall, there are
roughly 20 empty beds.
The lack of residents in Housing
ep itome 01 our society's self-degradation.
Illiteracy, ignorance, illicit sex and the
like abound. We're fed gang violCnce in
moderation as entertainment. Sons killing
Cathers as an after-dinner, after-schoo]
education. In the 199Os, many of us allend
college to engage in a radical critique of our
society, not to become mindless defendants
of the dominant culture.
I choose to .honor and validate those
feelings . I'm sorry you seem to choose IIOt
to respect the legitimacy of these feelings .
Perhaps if you did, you could help provide a
positive and constructi ve outlet for that anger.


Grammarian Studs

publicly vomit
with fascinating
power Editorial
You completely missed the joke in
disagrees with the goal of increased racial
diversity at t;:vergreen, I wish he would say
what he believes, instead of quibbling over
percentage points.

Your help could
continue to
plague voters:
Greeners urged
to be happy
on drug and alcohol

Student Elizabeth Lord speaks at yesterday afternoon's student debate on
semeste,rs. The debate was planned by Shannon Ellis, dean of Student and
Aca~emlc Support Services, and Art Costantino, Vice President for Stduent
Affairs, to gather student response to the faculty's recommendation that
Evergreen move to a semester system by 1996-97. Around 80 students
stopped to watch or speak during the two-hour debate. photo by Will Ward

Faculty discuss governance change
by Patty Cleverley
Reclined over three chairs, President
Jane Jervis observed the relaxed tone of the
faculty meeting yesterday. The faculty
discussed possible changes to their
governance system and Updating the "3200
Plan" for hiring new faculty, After taking a
vote, four faculty were given Emeritus status,
an honorary title for exceptional service to
the college.
The only interruption came during the
last hour when Megan Flynn and Pete Kinney
cut off discussion with a demand that the
faculty support the retention of John McCann
as faculty next year. Kinney spoke at the
board of trustees meeting last week to
advocate extending McCann's contract, but
commented after the faculty meeting that he
didn't feel the Trustees were paying attention
to him.
During the faculty meeting, Flynn said,
"We have not been heard by the Board [of
Trustees] or the faculty ." Discussion of
topics on the agenda for the faculty meeting
continued before Flynn had finished
Faculty shuffled in and out of .the
meeting with attendance reaching about 45
members . Low attendance to faculty
meetings was one argument for creating a
board to represent the faculty, replacing the
governance meetings.
One faculty disagreed with this

reasoning by saying, "If you care enough
about an issue you ' ll be here to put you ' re
two cents in." About half of the faculty
attended the faculty meeting at the beginning
of the quarter to vote on the much-talkedabout
semester recommend-ation.
Yesterday's attendance peaked at about 25
percent of the faculty.
Tom Rainey supported the idea to form
a board. "We don't have the depths of
understanding over shifting issues tha.t this
group would," he said.
Sending agendas and information on
current issues via campus computer systems
to facultys' offices would eliminate the
faculty excuses of not being informed and
nOl attending.
Discussion on the possible changes in
faculty governance will continue next year.
Faculty examined the criteria used in
hiring new faculty members in the latter part
of the meeting. They placed emphasis placed
on cultural, gender and age diversity. A move
to find faculty with two or more subject
focuses may begin, but there is concern that
this could alienate younger applicants, who
haven't had the time to study more than one
The final faculty meeting of the year
will be May 25 on 3 p.m, in CAB 110.
Patty Cleverley is a CPJ intern and staff

Provost candidate Dr. To~i MUI dock
was on campus yesterday to answer question
from students, staff and faculty.
Evergreen's provost, sometimes called
academic vice-president, is in charge of the
faculty and Evergreen's entire academic
program. The provost, like the other two
vice-presidents , also helps represent
Evergreen's interests to the state legislature
and Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Murdock is the first of four finalist
candidates who will be interviewed for the
job in the coming weeks . A videotape of her
on-campus interviews will be shown in the
CAB today.
Murdock holds a PhD in higher
education administration and is the associate
provost for programs and planning at Seattle
Uni versity. She has taught Constitutional law
and served as a municipal judge in Big Piney
Township, Wyoming.
She said she is attracted to Evergreen
because of its emphasis on education and
commitment to diversity."I believe in the
power of education," she said. "I belIeve it
is a great equalizer."
Murdock also gave ideas to reduce the
effects of budget cuts on learning at
Evergreen. Rather trying to increase "faculty
productivity," she said, we need to look at
"learning productivity."She also noted that
constant "down-sizing" is demoralizing to an
In her application, Murdock wrote, "I
am proactive by nature, I prefer an institution
to move toward change because it is the right
and smart thing to do, rather than be reactive
and address change only as a result of
external pressures."
This is the second set of provost
candidate finalists. In January, the Provost
Search DTF named three finalist candidates.
One dropped out a few days before his
scheduled on-campus interview. Candidate
David Potter was the DTF's choice, but
declined the job, saying he earned more
money in his current job, The third candidate
was deemed unacceptable by the DTF.
This second leg of the provost search
has been accelerated because Russ Lidman
who has been serving as interim provos;
since 1990, has made it clear he will not
continue as interim after this school year.
Interviews ofthe finalist candidates will
continue througli June I : The application files
of the provost candidates are available at the
Library circulation desk .
Sara Steffens is the CPJ editor-in-chief

Provost Candidate Toni Murdock
outside Lecture Hall 2 Wednesday.
photo by Will Ward



e&p 'It. 'Sewe tjtdde t4

Upcoming provost
candidate interviews:
Your "ticket" to round two!

Rig~ts and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires

see eva Is, page 14

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
Address Correction Requested

Page 12 Cooper Point Journal May 12, 1994


-Dr. Barbara Leigh Smith
TESC academic dean and director of the
Washington State Center for the
Undergraduate Education
Interviews: Monday, May 23

-Dr. Ormond Smythe
Dean of Academic Affairs and
philosophy professor, Fisk University
Interviews: Wednesday, May 25

-Dr. Raymond J. Rodrigues
VP for Academic Affairs, North Adams
State College
Interviews: Wednesday, June 1
-Each interview lVill be shown on video
ill the CAB the day after the interview.

What do you think?
You can contact the Provost Search DTF
before June 2 via:
-e-mail at prodtf@e1wha.evergreen .edu
-voice mail at x6386
-evalution forms (available at forums)

L ___________

However, the Famii y Educational
Editor's note: This week, I didn't get a single submission. Now, someone's parents (I'm not saying whos) are tied in my
closet, and every week I don't get a submission, I'm going to cut one of their legs off. So please, please submit, because
don't want to see anyone get hurt. I'm trying to be reasonable , and I know you are all reasonable people. LeI's have a
happy Seepage, I'm happy, your happy, somebody's parents are happy . Get it?


U.S. Postage Paid
Olympia. WA 98505
Permit No. 65


News Briefs
Long Range OTF
forum Wednesday

"Don't change to

SEATTLE-The publi c forum to give
<.:ommunity input to the Long Range Planning
DTF has changed from May 23 to May 25,
frt) 1Il I !ll .' p.m. in Le<.:ture Hall I.

Interviews for
Provost finalists
EVE RGREEN - The fo ur final ists for
aeadem ic \ ice pn:\idcnl/proYO~1 have been
cho,,,n . Eac h indiyidu:l1 will hal'e .111 011ca ll1pu \ intcry ic\\'. beginningyc\terday, Ma)
IX .
Dr. Tulli"e (Toni) A. Murd()ck , an
As\oc iat c Pr()\ ost for PWl!rams and Planning
~II Sealtk UIl II er,i t) ha, been ~m d gunc fron~
ca ll1pu, .
Dr. Barhara Leigh Sm ith . Academic
Dean and Director of the W~l,hington Stale
Cc mer' for Ihe Impro ve melll of Qualit y in
Unde rgrad uate Ed ucation at TESC will be
her Monday, May 23 and at the Tacoma
Ca ll1pu , Thursday, May 26.
Dr. Ormond Smythe, Dean o f
Ac' ade lllic Affairs and Professor of
Phil osophy al Fisk Unil'ersity will be on
campus Wednesday, May 25. and at the
Taco ma Campu s the day before.
Dr. Raym o nd J . Rudrigue s, Vic e
President for Academic Affairs at North
Adam s State College wi ll be here June I, and
at T.lcoma on May 31.
Mure inform ~llio n about the finali sts
and the sc hedu le for their interviews on
campus is ava il able at the circu lation desk in
the Library and at each faculty mailbox

New Affirmative
action folks here
EVERGREEN-A searc h DTF waded
thro ugh an exceptionally large and diverse
g ro up of applican ts to find two new
employees at TESC. Both uf them are TESC
g radume s.
Paul Gallegos has been hired as special
a"ista nt for affirmati ve ac ti on, and Lee
Lamben is special assistant fordi scriminatio n
a nd harassment adjudicati on and training .
Ga ll egos ha s been worki ng as an
affirmative action officer at the Washington
Sta te Employment Securi ty Department
since he graduated from TESC in 1986.
While he was at Eve rgreen. he was a peer
counselor in thc .hea lth center. and director
of the Peace Jnd Conflict Re so lut ion Center.
Lambert gradu ated frum TESC in
I<)X7 and we nt on to the UPS Law School,
"hl'J'e he recei I'ed the J.D. in I <)92. He ha,



suggestion found in the Computer Center
suggestion box

"Freud Rocks"
-chalked on the wall of LH2 as noticed during
yesterday's provost candidate interview

worked for the Alt orney General's Office,
the King Count y Prosec utor's Offi ce, and the
Departmenl of Transportation. At TESC he
worked in hou,in g, in student ac tivities and
in emp loyee relati o ns.
In early January, the responsibilities of
the Afrirmalive Act ion Officer was split. In
a memo 10 the Eve rgreen cu mmunit y,
President Jane Jervi s wrote:
'"(It is) my conv iction that there is
perhaps no more urge nt task at Evergreen as
a community of learners than to seek o u!.
hire, and support a di verse work force. We
lea rn best after all, from others who are
different from ourse lves, so our diversity is
not merdy a matter of compliance with the
law. or of social justice, but o f teaching and
learning in the most profound sense."
She also wrote that the reas on for
splitting the respons ibilities, there was a
pote nti al conflict .of interest between a
position of advocacy for the underreprese nted
and a position of neutrality in adjudication.
These positions are service positions,
intended to serve students and staffthroghout
the inst itution and are located administratively
in the President's Office in order that their
functions may be given the greatest possible
vis ibility and inst itutiona l priority.

New ·Center for
Mediation Services
EVERGREEN-There is a new center at
TESC. The Center for Mediation Servi ces
wa nt s to he lp build a mor e c ohesive
comm unit y by prov iding alternati ve con fli ct
reso luti on serv ic es to the Evergreen
community and by providing a process
through which disputes can be resolved in a
safe and non-threatening way .
Volunteers are already staffing a phone
line to provide intake serv ices for the Center.
These volunteers are trained to work with a
caller tu assess the conn ict situation, empower

the caller to take act ion, refe r the caller to
other resources as appropriate, provide phone
concil iati on between panies ifpossible, and
if necessary sc hed ule a mediation session.
Other volunteers are trained and ready to
mediate disputes in face-to-face sess ions.
In the near future, volunteers will also
reach out to groups on campus to explain the
Center's services in more detni I and to answer
ljuesti o ns about th e process.
The Ce nter is also willing to work with
camp us groups on collarorative negotiati on
and communication ski lls, as its resources
Fur more information about the services
provided and the mediation process, ca ll

Trustees approve
many action items

• Approved refinancing the bonds used
to build residence halls in 1984 and
restructuring Housing ' s debt-financing
strategy. This gives Housing a stronger
financial position and the potential for fu ture
• Approved an ope ra t i ng budget
spending modification , as required by the
1994 legislature, to lower the co ntribution
that state employers pay into employee heal thcare plans. Thi s does not impact individual
health care coverage, although there is a
$ 13,404 reduction to the college 's operating
budget that will be absorbed across the board.
• Approved expending up to $160,000
to replace the Library computer system. The
c urrent system was . <Xl nn ecte d to th e
Timberland and State Library systems, but
after Timberland withdrew their support, it
became too expansive to operate. The new
system wi ll provide signilicant savings over
the current system.

cam psite items from the re servoir, because
li vi ng at the reser voir is a viol at io n of the
habitation poli cy.
Thursday, May 12
1618: A man in the CRC lobby was reported
as having di zziness and chest pains radiating
down his le rt arm.
1844: A man was reponed as having a st: izure
outside of A-dorm .
Friday, May )3
1445: A vehicl e was towed fro m Colo!.
Saturday, May 14
0132: Fire alarm on the 9th and 10th 1100r of
A-dorm due to a smoke bomb.
Sunday, May 15
A relatively quiet day for Public Safety,

The PlIhlic SafelY Office completed 27
puhlic sen'ice ca lls in ell/ding blllllotlimited
to jlllllpsrarts, escorts, lind lin loch.

-compiled Rebecca Randall

Page 2 Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994

acqu · .<.1 in the
by Lisa COI'wine
department to get
The Evergreen State College
enough instruments
15 to
Circumstance for its graduation
sa mba
Past performers the Olympia
group got the most
Highlanders have played Scottish
marches; and Red Stone Drummers,
graduating students
a Native American drumming
voted to play for the
group, have pounded through the
procession. For several years,
ceremony. They are
Handel's Music For Fireworks was
expected to "elevate
the spirit" and give a
This year's graduation
"nice send off' for
processional will be accompanied
s tudent s,
by the Evergreen Ba Tu Cada
according to Arnaldo
Ensemble, a "Brazilian" Samba
th e
group from the Evergreen
coordinator for the
Evergeen's samba band belts out some funky rhythm during one' of
Samba is the music that their weekly practices, photo by Will Ward.
Alon g with the
accompanies the dance of the same
name. It comes from Brazil with urban associated with the Music of the World procession, the Ba Tu Cada En semble will
Portuguese and African influences. Batucada program. Some students play for credit, some play at Super Saturday.
They have been practicing twice a week
is a Portuguese word for a drumming jam are just playing for fun , and members of the
and have recently started playing gigs in the
local community were invited to play.
Last summer, enough money was area.
Evergreen's Batucada Ensemble is

Masters degree
student concert

New underage
drunk driving law

EVERGREEN- During a regul ar May II
meeting the Board of Trustees approved seven
action items and discussed others'. Among
the item s approved were:
WASHINGTON- Beginning luly I , 1994,
• Approved a new WashPIRG contract anyone who is under the ageof2 I who drinks
that all ows the public interest research group alcohol and drives will lose their license.
to be funded by a volunteer student fee for
Any young people who drive with a
another two years. This action follows a . blood alcohol of .02 or hi gber lose the ir
required student referendum . 31 percent of li censee . For most young people, it takes less
TESC students voted for the chapter, which than half a glass of beer to get a .02 blood
represented 97 percent of those who voted.
alcohol leveL
• Approvedarental increase for Housing
Those over 2 1 with a blood alcohol
averaging 4 percent to cover increases in level of. IOor hi gher also face stilTer penalties,
utility costs including a 7 percent increase for wh ich mea ns longer jail terms, hi gher fi nes
natural gas. a 3 percent increase for electricity and longer license slIspen sions.
and a 40 percent inc rease in garbage costs.
About 300 people are "illed by drunk
The extra money will be used to deal with drive rs in Washington every year.
deferred maintenan ce costs.

Sat, June 4~ 8pm
Center lor tire
fKkels at the Washington. (enter box
and 01 all Ticketmaster outlets or

The ensemble is geared towards giving
back to the community, pe rformin g fo r
children at elementary schools and around
Last week, the samba group played in
between bands at Thekl a. They paraded
around town and were invited into several
bars along the way to come in and jam.
Geoff Johns, a 1994 community fac uity
member and leader of the samba group, ha s
been with Evergree n since th e middl e of
winter quarter. He studied and taugh t at
Neuropa, a small libe ral arts co ll ege in
Boulder, Colorado, unti I he de c ided he
needed a change .
Johns is trained in world rhythm and
drummin g styles and has a lwa ys bt:en
impressed with the NOrlhwest world mu sic
scene. He also teaches at Fairhaven , a
divi sion of Western Washington University.
The Evergreen Ba Tu Cada Ensemble
will play the graduation process ion and
recessional and on Super Saturday to he lp
send off the Evergreen graduating class of
Lisa Co rwine is a CPl reporter.

Evening and weekend program students still dissatisfied

EVERGREEN - On Tuesday, May H,
Masters in Environmental Studi es st udt: nt
Frank Hinojosa will be giving a com:erl in
conjunction with hi s album debut and written
mas ter's thesis on the soc ial effects o r music
in the environment.
Hinojosa will pl ay contemporary folk
music with Latin rhythms, and some of the
songs are in Spanish. Hinojosa believes music
is a powerful voice for social change, and hi s
mu sic is nature oriented . There will be two
musicians, with a third on selected otTerings.
The free concert is Tuesday, May 24, in
the Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m., with a recept io n
to follow .


Monday, May 9
0906: A fl ye r wa, rnali ciD u ~ly ,tapkd to Ih e
hou,e po,t , tatue on the fir'it floor of the
Lihrary .
1216: Person reported in A-dorm wi th injured
left foul.
1908: Fi re a larm in the PUlllph ou,c an d Adorm ca u ~ed by a Pumphouse pre\~ure
fa ilure.
Tuesday, May 10
0108: A di,orderly and into)( icated st udent
IVa, reponed to be harass ing J -dorm res idents
and eludin g Publi c Safety.
1601: The wi nd,hie ld wiper, of a vehi c le
wt:rc turn and bent whil e parked in F-lo!.
170): The Parking Booth wa~ damaged in a
po"ible attem pted burglary.
Wednesday, May 11
1 )37: Graffiti was reponed in the A-dorm
T. V. room .
2000: PubliC Safe ty removed various

What's up with that samba band marching around?

edited by: Demian A. Parker


by Pat Castaldo
broken up into two primary sections, social
Feeling desperately like they had tried science and the environment. Social Sciences
every bureaucratic aven ue available to them, this year have been focusing on American
Pete Kinney and Meghan Flynn halted the History and civic involvement.
normal proceedings of Wednesday's faculty
The program has received national
meeting and demanded support for their attention from the Associated Press for their
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ community involvement.
According to the article,
"The students pursue
Kinney are students in
the Evening and
their endeavors with the
hope they can influence
program. They've
history in some small
spent the past several
way and help people at
months developing
the same time,"
their own curriculum
The program has
not been so successful at
for next year. But the
course will not bee
changing history here at
offered next fall.
According to
Due to the
Kinney their proposal
relatively short time
has been ignored. He
between receiving the
administration has
reneged on the ideas they allegedly proposed program , the college was forced to find
to students: That "Evergreen is student- adjunct, or visiting, faculty to teach the
centered and democratic ."
Two of these adjunct faculty, 10hn
The Great American Dream Machine,
the course they developed , is planned as a 8 McCann and Susan Preci so, were selected
credit-hour, Evening and Weekend Studies l>y the students of the Evening and Weekend
program, The program's foe u.s includes Studies program to teach The Great
exami ning the nature of the American American Dream Machine.
Unfortunately for them, "It was never
political system a nd w hat is meant by
the intent that students would choose the
The current part-time Evening and faculty and curriculum," according to college
Weekend Studies program is in its first year president lane Jervis .
In a letter to Evergreen Faculty and
at Evergreen, after receiving funding from
staff, students first became aware of this fact
the state legislature late in 1993.
Evening and Weekend studies have on February 14, when Academic Dean Les
been tried in the past with mixed success, Wong attended a class session and explained
they began originally in 1979 as a project of next year's courses. Wong brought no
Valentines Day present fo r the class, as he
now Interim Provost Russ Lidman.
Lidman was a big factor in securing explained why the ir program design was not
funding in 1993, he said that he wanted "to in the best interest of the college.
It was at this point the students learned
create a su stainable Weekend/Evening
program based on [how most programs are that the adjunct faculty they wanted were not
going to recei ve automatic contract
at) Evergreen."
The courses are graduate-level extensions. Since then, however, Preciso has
programs, aimed at older students , who are received an extension. She will continue on
returning to college. The average age of next year as adjunct faculty.
John McCann has received no such
students enrolled is in the mid-thirties. The
programs meet two to three times a week, extension. Kinney feels that McCann is being
which allows students to continue at their singled out. Lidman denies any such act. In
a recent interview, Lidman reiterated the fact
current daytime jobs or occupations.
Evening and Weekend Studies are that there were no guarantees made to the

"It was never the
intent that
students would
choose the
faculty and
Jane Jervis

Country Spirit - Handmade
Leather Sandals, Shoes, Boots, and Bags

adjunct faeuity that they would be asked to
continue on next year. "They are visiting
faculty," said Lidman.
According to Lidman, the idea all along
was to get permanent faculty involved in the
program , to help assure its success . By
having permanent faculty teaching in the
program, it establishes a greater link between
the evening programs and the daytime
Kinney, Flynn and others from the
Evening and Weekend Studies program are
not happy with this explanation. They feel
that they have been lied to, and that the acts
of the administration have been
"unconscionable. "

Ultimate "Hendrix" Frisbee

Spawn, Olympia'.s ultimate frisbee team, hosted a tournament last Saturda~ '
on the Evergreen fields. Several Seattle teams participated in the event.
The tournament consisted of several frisbees, a lot of fun and a little
Hendrix thrown in on the side. photo by Will Ward

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largest Used Bookstore

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Last week, Kinney made a formal
petition to the board of trustees. Trustee 10hn
Terrey, however, said that the board would
not intervene in the situation. He considered
this a matter to be dealt with best by the
president of the college.
lervis, in a letter addressed to Flynn and
Kinney, stated that she found "some
indication of misuderstanding and short-term
confusion that one would expect with a new
program," but she, " found nothing that would
warrant my intervention in the academic
administration of this program."
Pat Castaldo is Actillg Mallaging
Ediror, while Seth "Skippy" Long is all an
academic sabbatical.


M-F 8-5
SAT 10-2

Cooper Point Journal May 19,1994 Page 3



Electronic Evergreeners answer their mail, well, sort of

'nlll, Z8 Apr 1994, Pat Castaldo tIITOte:






The Cooper Point Journal Is planning to do


I'll be COIpliing a list of people's favorite uses ror ..
Elllha, and . . asking that )'00 please _ i t lIE! (Shlply
press R rigllt ~ to 'Reply' to this .essage) lllhat It
Is that you use the internet tor ...



SolIe excwp I es are ..

E-.aillng a distant friend
'Telnet-ing' to other countries
Using FTP to !Jet doclJIEnts on
anything trom ~rld no.lnation ..
to Ontology to "9ulp- g~.







this quarter on the Internet and Its lise here at TF.SC ...



a feature


you do it on the net, I'd like to klDll about it.

.. Please, send you favorite FTP Site, you favorite .ail
.. list, anything. Things you think your rei IWI greeners
.. !lay or lllay not be Interested In . Please lIIiIil lIE! as
.. soon as possible, and. plt~ase loclude the UIOTds Cooper
.. Point Journal in the subject.


Thanks for you tine .




Enjoy, pat.
Pat Castaldo
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Cooper Point Journal

by Pat Castaldo
Late at night on Thursday, April 28. I sen!
a mai l message to every student who every
applied and received an account on Elwha.
The message went out in the form of a
survey. depicted to the left of this story.
Of over a thousand messages sent out,
only 128 were replied to. The messages were
filled with what Evergreen students do on the
Responses were a mix of humor and
seriousness, and a few people were even angry
for being asked. Apparently there are those
who feel that all "the good stuff' should be
kept to themselves.
Nearly 70 percent of tho se who
responded said that e-mail was their chief use
of E lwha. People are e-mailing everyone from
long, lost high school buddies to parents and
prospective grad schools.
Only 18 percent of the respondents
admitted to doing any serious academic work
on the Net. Those who did. stuck primarily to
searchi ng world- wide databases. One woman,
however, was stud ying computer mediated

L ost in the land of Speedway
by Andy Lyons and Demian A. Parker
If it' s intellectually s timulatin g
conversation you're after. a bulletin board
may be in order. While there are countless
bulletin board sites to go to. we chose Jeff
Aizley's Telechat (mostly because the other
ones were full). To get there type, telnet
speedway. net 8888 .
For a brief time the screen will show
"Trying 198 .51.248.20 .. ... but in a short
amount of time you will be connected to
"speedway. net:" this is where telechat is.
The next thing that happens is that you
will be asked for an "alias ." Type in what
ever you want to be called while on Telechat.
Try to be as unique as possibl e. as most
com mon names (Liz. John , ·etc.) tend to
already be in use . We were "SpeedFart."
It will then ask you for a password. type
in something you wi ll remember easily. If
yo u are new to Telechat, it will ask you to
repeat the password.
If all goes well. you will be welcomed
in the sa mc warm mann er that we were :
" Welcome Speedfart.'·
All of the Sudden we fo und ourselves
standing on a street in a pretty seedy part of
town. The wind blew alo ng the pavement.
di sturbing the litter. and making eerie noises
as it passed through broken windows of
abandoned buildings.
We were, of co urse, reading all of thi s.
but man, was it real.
According to the text that flowed across
our scree n we felt "slig htly cold, and you
know it's not because of the wind ." Up
a head we S<lW <I signpos t with f<lded
lettering. li st ing places for weary travelers
to go. These included a house. campus. park.
hot e l. har and ni ghtclub.
But hefore we cou ld eve n think of
where to go we found our,elves in the midst
of a conversation . the topic: "Brui ns lost."

At least that's what the prompter said.
The actual conversation appeared to be
nothing more than disjointed psycho-babble.
But hey. that can be fun too. Here are some
of the highlights :
Ivar: Speedfart!
Shady tells you: yuck'
Gertrude laughs mercilessly. lvarlllll!1
Speedfart: Ivarlll!111
Ivar fall s down laughing.
Gaijin: I don ' t even know you guys, and I
already hate you.
Cid laffs.
Gaijin leaves.

communication. while another man was
obtaining resources for a book he was writing
on C [a computer programming language]
I received several complaints of misuse
of Elwha. citing my s.urvey as one of them.
These people are worried that with more users
on the Net that are just playing, it will be harder
for those involved in serious academic pursuits
to get on.
This is a valid concern, yet difficult to
enforce. Questions can be raised and excuses
made as to exactly what constitutes
"academic." It is best left up to the individual
user, of course, but users must be responsible.
If users continue to be irresponsible, I fear
that further restrictions might be imposed (for
example. limiting Telnet access to certain
locations). Any further crippling of Elwha
would not just hurt the occasional gammer, but
the serious user as well. Do NetSurf. but please.
do so responsibly.
Par will eventually leave Evergreen with
a degree in Computer Science.

Net Freedom Front Established
organization was launched to address
growing public concerns about privacy
protection for the national information
infr<lstructure. The Electronic Privacy
Information Center (EPIC) will focus on
emerging threats to personal privacy.
among these threats are the government's
controversial Clipper computer encryption
proposal, which has caused widespread
prote sts from companies and computer
users around the world. Proposals for an
information superhighway and recent plans
to reform the nation's health care system
also involve significant threats to personal
A 1993 poll by th e Lou Harris
organiza tion found 80 percent of
Americans concerned about threats to their
privacy. More than two-thirds believe they
have ' lo s t a ll control over personal
information. Still, 70 percent believe that
privacy is a fundamental right comparable

to "life. liberty and the pursuit of
happiness ," and a clear majority of
Americans favor establishment of a privacy
agency within the government.
EPIC is a joint project of the Fund
for Constitution<ll Government a nd
Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility. FCG is a non-profit
charitable organization estab lished in 1974
to protect civil liberties and constitutional
rights. CPSR i~ a national membership
organization established in 1982 by
professionals in the computing field
concerned abo ut the social impact of
computer technology.
For more information contact EPIC.
666 Pennsyl vania Ave .• SE Sui te 30 I ,
Washington, DC 20003. 202 544 9240
(tel), 202 547 5482 (fax) (email). Current materials include a program
description and list of Frequently Asked
Questions about EPIC.
Source: FringeWare Review

Sure. it seemed tame enough to us too,
until we were lured into the aforementioned
nightclub by so me charismatic stranger
named Firehose. Once inside Firehose kept
trying to "shoop" people and it just got ugly
after that. What follows is the bitter end:
Gaijin: how did that guy walk in?
Speedfart: Speedfart smacks firehouse in the
face cuz he is too fresh
Firehose: high fives ladydeath
Ivar: sighs heavily.
Ladydeath: cheers.
Speedfart: ruck you alii
Firehose: it s fireHOSE...not house.
We left in huff.
Telnet> close
Connection closed. : logout
Remember Ilot to chat dllring heavY' lIse
hours or during th e day at all. as it is a
seriolls drain to th e system - Academics
come first on Elwha. Demain and Andv did
all this lute·late at night.

Available Now
2 Bedroom Apartments

Page 4 Cooper Point Journal February 10, 1994

email, and the world emails with you
Okay, you just got your brand new email address and you've sent me ssages to
about everybody under the sun. Now what're
ya gonna do?
You want to feel loved. that's what. We
all do . And what's the best way to really
feelin g loved') By getting a lot of mai l every
day! What follows is a list of sites that yo u
can subscribe to and have the world come to
yo u.
·First and foremost . yo u want CyberSleaze. compiled former MTV lackey Adam
Curry. His writing could benefit from the
Grammarians. but the information mo re than
makes up for it. Ju st the other day we found
out that Madonna cried at the premier of With
Honors, and that Michael Jack s on was
considering buyillg the Kennedy "w inter

White House."
You too .could hav e such valuable
information at your linger tips .
To subscribe. se ndem~il to:
Include the following
me ssage:
SLEAZE lyour real
'Th e next thing
you might want to
cons ider is Fri ngeware.
This is a littl e more
heavy. It offers articles on
the ,governments attempts to
stifle First Amendment rights of
computer users (e .g .. the C lipper chip. see
related article on this page). There are also

Subpop now online
It has recently become known that an independent music label. known as
Subpop, has joined the ranks of those existing on the virtual plain. We think that
there are more than a few people out there who may wish to contact Subpop for
whatever reason, and folh , they sure have enough ways to contact them. Here are
just a few of them:
type "get email catalog" as the message and
you will automatically be forwarded the Subpop email catalog.
Type "get email info.txt."to receive a current list of Subpop e-mail addresses and
other internet services. will get you a current list of artists' tour schedu les. if you work at a radio station and want to contact
a Sub pop promotion person. to contact the publicity department. to share your crackpot schemes and technical comments
with the Sub Pop Advanced Media GrouP. their loosely affiliated mad
science think tank.
hello@subpop.comjust to say hello .
Or maybe you want to drop a line to your favorite (or least favorite Subpop
E-mail sent to the following addresses. [band name will be
forwarded from time to time to the artists listed. If you wanted to email the Spinanes
for example, you would send to
These are the band names available:
codeine, corned (Combustibie Edison),
earth, etrip ~Eric's Trip). fastbacks, hazel, jale. lanegan (Mark Lanegan), lesthugs
(Les Thugs), pigeonhed, pond, rrm (Red Red Meat), rev (Rev. Horton Heat). seaweed,
.sebadoh, sfs (Six Finger Satellite), spinanes. sdre (Sunny Day Real Estate).
supersuckers and vgirl (Velocity Girl) .
We aren't going to guarantee that these people will ever write back to you,
after all, they're big time celebrities.

1994 calendar of Events
Farmer's MarlIetAnnual Birthday Party (Saturday, 11 :00 a.m.3:00 p.m.); Give-aways, Birthday Cake. etc.
Strawberry Festival at the Market
Raspberry Festival at the Market
Blueberry Festival at the MarlIet
September 3
Chili Weekend in September
Sept. 17
Zucchini 500 at \hI! Market
Sept. 29
Last business Thursday of the season.
October 1
Oktoberfest (Rootbeer Garden. Sausage Dinner, Music)
Oct. 29-30
Halloween at the MarlIel (Capitol Woodcarvers Pumpkin Carving).
Oct. 30
End of regular (Friday-Sunday) Markel Season.
November 5
Beginning of Saturday-Sunday Fall Market Season (10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.).
Nov. 26
Fall Harvest (Food dnve. mUSIC, hot cider).
Nov. 26-0ec. 18 Elfland (Santa Claus. kid's gift guide).
Dec. 18
Last business day of the year. llAPPY HOUOAYSII
Dec. 21-23
Wintarfair (Invitallonal Craft Fair).
May 21


Call Bette or Cathy for details
3138 Overhulse Rd. NW

by Rev. Andrew F. Lyons and Rev. Demian Parker

almost no limit to what can be found on the
Now that your email box is filled
with junk from all over the world. you
The first thing you have· to tlo to FTP is
probably want to move on to the next
find some file out there in the net that you
virtual high. Well. we think the next best
the ....---=-------------, w<lnt. The easiest
way to do thi s is to
Anonymous FrP .
throu g h
something ca ll ed
. FrP mean? It stands
Archie. which will
for, "Fi le Transfer
search all
computers on the
In layman 's
Internet to find a fi le
terms it means"
with a given st ring
free s tuff off the
net." And there's a L....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..".......;._"-_ _....J of characters in it.
This uses the sim ple yet important function
lot of free stuff out there. Read tex t files
known to those in thc know as telnet. Simply
(books, etc .), get pictures. sounds. and
type " te lnet" followed by an address. Here is
games, among other things . There is
a short li st of Archies you the student or fac ult y
member can go to and use for free. U nle s~
otherwise noted. the login name for all these
sights in "archi e."
discussions on top ics ranging from and our
encrypting files tu turning your Nintendo personal favorite . Once
product s into a virtual reality system.
you have logged on using the "archie" login .
yo u will hc given some sp uj and a prompt. At
Subscribe today. here',
the prompt type prog followed hy th e name
f whatever you are looking for. Say yo u want
E-n:wil to fringewareto fintl ~()met hing about the t\' -,ho\\ Twill
request @
Pe(/ks. yo u wOldtl type in "prog t\\ In ·peak,'·
Include the me"age.
(there are no ~pacc' al lowed in name, o n thc
" HELP."
net) . The archie would ta"e awhi le and then
-If you are come hack with a huge li ,t of add rc" \\ here
deep ly concerned
anything about Twill Peak, 1ll ~ ly be.
about the pru,peel of
So. you'vc found the ,cri ptlO Fir£' Ii i"!..
Wi,h MI'. ano you're frothing at the mouth to
a li en inva ~ ion and the
possi bl e marketing strateg ic, get it.
To get to th e ,crip!. from the ,amc
that could ensue. yo u might wan t
prompt yo u te ln e t from , you use the ftp
to mail Schwa Corp' ....
command. Type "ftp" followed by the name
This group based in Reno Nevada
of the system you want to go to . In thi s case.
(where evident ly, they need things to do)
you would type "ftp".
claims to be fighting "the current alien
Once there, you have to give a login
invasion." They also take responsibility for
name. Since thi s is called Anonymous FTP.
engineering the May 10 solar eclipse. But
all you shou ld type in is "anonymous" or "np."
For your password. use your emai l address.
if you em<li l them. they will send you a free
To change directories. use this si mple yet
" gift." (the equi valent to your average
powerful command. "cd." To lind a li st of
Cracker Jack bo)( .)
directories you would like to go to. use "dir."
E-mail to:
All of this is all pretty simple once you get
the hang of it. Once you find a file that you
Include a name and address you
want, all you have to do it type "get" and the
would like this "gift" sent to and then rant
name of the file exactly as it is written on the
on about what ever you want to.
Hint: If you write something
Once you get that fil e, you can type
"qu it" and get back to your account. There.
thoroughly paranoid. you might even make
you type "kermit" (which is named after the
the next news letter.
frog). In kermit. you get to use the same
oThislsCrazy is an electronic action
you used at that FrP sight. Except.
and information letter for people who
trying to get a file from some
experience moods swings. fright. voices.
anonymous place out in the middle of nowhere
and visions.
to the school'S computer, you are trying to get
To join ThislsCrazy. e-mail put the that same file from the school's computer to
your computer. So, instead of usi ng " get." you
following te xt in the main text: subscribe
would use "send." Other than that , write the
name as before after the command.
If you have a ny question s or
you do now is different for every
problems. please contact
computer. You will have to find out the for about ThislsCrazy.
yourself how to make your own personal
'Not meant as a blatant plug. but aside
computer allow the file onto your hard drive.
from calling by phone and/or dropping by
And thaI is how to FTP. You can continue
CAB 316. the Cooper Point Journal can
doing that to your little heart 's content. We
now be reached via the Net.
hope you enjoy 'it, and get lots of free stuff on
While the CPJ is currently not
the net.
accepting anything for publication via
Andy's e·mail address is Iyonsa Demian call be
email, the aspect is being discussed.
reached at parkerd@elwha.ever!veell.ed!l.
Meanwhile. if you have anything else you
would like to send our way, the address is: Please e-mail them, it keeps 'em off the streets.


C??!,~[SE ~~~N

FTP: and fire walk with me



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Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994 Page 5



Semesters? Dollars speak I'ooder than students

"Their" is not a.good substitute for ·genderless.subjects
Hello girls and boys. (Do you ever
get tired of that diminutive tone we take
on in our openings?) It's time for another
installment of our "language and sex"
series. There are so many fascinating
areas io explore, we hardly know where
to begin.
As we pointed out last time,
sexism crecps into our language in many
different guises, but it is often quite easy
to avoid if you just pay careful attention
to what you're saying. (Are we beginning
to sound like your parents?) When you
express yourself clearly, you stand a
better chance of your words being
interpreted as intended. We certainly hope
that the RRC-sponsored "Sexual
Violence Workshops" are not a bring-al'riend-and-leam-how-to-be-violent kind of
affair. But with that title, can we be sure?
Let's get back to sex and language.
Last week we said we would talk about
their. True, the Oxford English
Dictionary does list their as an acceptable
term to refer to a genderless s ingle
subject. But - and thi s is important,
kids - this is th e English usage of the
word, not the American. Even in
England, the use of their is frowned upon
by grammarians. (And one should always
listen to grammarians.) Around these
parts, people are beginning to accept their
and the y as nonsexist and non-bulky


" ,

gender-neutral singular pronouns in
spoken language. Unfortunately, this
usage is often ambiguous and people tend
to use it as an easy substitute rather than
to think of appropriate phrasing. We
encourage you to avoid it.
The article cntitled "Administration
fails hom e less students" contains a
se ntence that bravely begins, "Just
because a student is homeless doesn't
make him or her a criminal," but ends
confusingly, "and the college should not
treat them as such." We understand how
unwieldy the sentence would become if
the writers repeated him or her in the
second half. The obvious solution to us
grammarians, then, is to write in a
manner that conveys the message without
hav ing to use a singular noun, thereby
avoiding the whole question of gender.
The authors are really just trying to say,

"Homeless students are not ipso facto
criminals, and the administration should
not treat them as such." Ta-da!
Taking the time to consider
inclusive options can greatly improve
your writing and speech." Usually the
problems of sexism in language are
caused by sloppy handling of the English
language. Using more specific and
engaging language can improve writing
in all areas.
Of course, sexism ' doesn't just
happen with pronouns. One of the
biggest faults in the English language is
proliferation of "pseudo-generic" terms.
Some people stick to their dictionaries to
support their use of man to mean human
beings, and him to mean him or her, but
research consistently shows us that, no
matter what a person means when she or
he uses those pseudo-generic terms, the
audience will invariably hear the terms as
referring specifically to men . Vanessa
says, "stick that in your dictionary and
smoke it!"
The problem extends into many
commonly used words, like those ending
with the suffix man . (e.g. mailman ,
chairman, policeman, fisherman). These
words often have convenient replacements
that are truly generic (e.g. mail carrier,
chair, police officer (or cop, the fuzz, pig,
oinkers). Sometimes they're a little_more

awkward (e.g. first-year student), and
sometimes alternatives may be unfamiliar
(e.g. fisher). But they're there, and it's
important to use them. Just as man
doesn't refer to all humans, chairman is
not inclusive in the ear of the listener.
Finding man, men or boy as a
prefix or suffix does not always indicate
sexism. Words like human, woman,
menstruation , menopause, and boycott
are perfectly legitimate words, both
etymologically and psychologically.
Changing the spell ing of such words
(e.g. womyn) is just silly. The Old
English form of woman, meaning "adult
female," existed before man came to
mean "adult male" and has never been a
derivative. Funhermore, when we hear
the word woman we think of a female
adult, not of a male wo, whatever that
might be. We feel that changing the
spelling of these words diminishes the
power of one's expression, and tends to
detract from the fight against truly noninclusive and sexist words. As always,
we're happy to argue these points.
If we've inspired you to turn over a
new leaf and change your writing habits,
The Bias-Free Word Finder: a Dictionary
of Nondiscriminatory Language by
Rosalie Maggio is a good reference.
Lovir;a Callisti and Vanessa Henry
forgot how to spell their names

Affirmative Action and women: are they friends or foes?
Affirmative Action and women
have a turbulent relationship.
Occasionally, it can be a useful tool to
achieve necessary equality in the
workplace , on ca mpu s, and in
organizations. It can also be a tool for the
rightLO discredit women's advancement.
Take for example the new Clinton
nominee for the Supreme Court. He is a
typical big business white boy with
so me important liberal leaning s.
Clinton's process of making his
government "look like America" seems
all but forgotten.
This can not so lely be blamed on
Clinton. The media relished in Clinton's
mistakes when he searched for a previous
Justice (remember Zoe Biard, and Kimba
Wood). Clinton wanted to appoint
another woman to the co urt to balance
the court. The indignant conservative
media, Newsweek being the best
example, rung him through the ringer
with criticism about his "sexist" hiring
Before Clinton se ttled on a
nominee, Newsweek ran a spec ulative
piece that asked "Will Clinton play the
gender card again?" They managed to
mutate the issue from creating a more
diverse court that reflected the United
State's population to merely a placating
tactic. Women's groups are portrayed as

vicio us dogs who nipped at the
president's heels to make him nominate a
woman .
No onc won in this sce nario.
C linton looked like a fool for almost
nominating three different women
(although this occurs with men all the
time), Ruth Bader Ginsburg looks like a
fool for being not only his third choice,
but his last female choice. The media
delights at discrediting women for high
offices. And it seems that the forces from
the right have been successful. Clinton is
too headshy now to try nominating
another woman for the court.
Another problem with affirmative
acLion for women occurs at Evergreen.
Since women statistically dominate the
student body, the problem of creating
equality seems to be solved. ·Sexism is
down - played because women have
achieved an adequate proportion of
equality on campus. Generally, this is

We still have some announcements

true with all liberal arts colleges women enter in higher numbers than
men. (There are lots of reasons for this
- namely that even with a college degree
women make less than men with only a
high school diploma.) Because it seems
that equality has been achieved, then less
work is done to recruit and retain women.
There arc many problems with this
attitude. First, the lack of support
services specifically for women.
Although we outnumber men on campus,
this docs not mean that the old problems
of sexism go away. Secondly, the further
recruitment for diversity among women
dwindles and often, woman means white.
While First People's does an important
. and good job for admitted students, there
are few programs specifically for women
of color.
This is true with national politics
as well. Clinton seems to forget that not
all women are white or that all people of
color are men; women of color have all
but been ignored in his administration.
Most importantly, the problem

with affirmative action for women is not
something that is wrong with the effort
but instead the public's rcaction to it.
When women qchieve high positions in
any arena, their credibility declin es
because some people will always say that
she got the job because of her gender.
They will ignore her long and hard effort
to achieve that position and reduce her
success to simply her gender.
These problems s tem from a
fundamental lack of understanding about
what affirmative action is. It seems that
many people don 't recognize that inherent
difficulties that women have in achieving
high positions of success. Not only must
they have the right qualifications, but
they must also have beaten the sexism
that acts to stop them at every
advancement. A woman in a position of
power doesn't means that she got there
because of her gender, instead it means
that she worked twice as hard as the man
next to her to get to the same place.
Carson is mu ch more than a
member of the Evergreen Community ...

tree music tree .....c tree music

The Blue Faces
Stir The Possum
That Stupid Club

Today's topics of note to be
discussed in the Smoke-Filled Room
include some reasons an Evergreen switch
to semesters is happening that you aren't
hearing about a review of the 1993
Washington Legislature (and my
predictions about it).
When the discussion comes to
switching from a quarter system to a
semester system, usual reasons floated
out as reasons to switch include reducing
faculty workload and improving academic
. quality and choice for students. Whether .
this is true or not is a matter that is of
some public debate right now; but a
factor that seems to be the "stealth" issue
is the money that might be saved by a
switch to semesters.
Firstly, and most obviously, a
switch to semesters means that the
number of registration periods, academic
fairs, contracts to evaluate, emergency
loans to be processed, and any other
associated costs of doing quarterly
buisness are cut by a third.
Secondly, a proposal that was wellhidden within the blizzard of proposals
put out during last year's Operational
Planning and Budget Committee
delibcmtions suggested that on a semester
system, faculty contracts could be reduced
by one week (from 40 weeks to 39), thus

Robert Taylor
saving money. This would be a one-week
unpaid vacation for facuIty, reducing
salaries by about 3 percent. I suppose
(but am not sure) this could be done for
staff as well.
Finally, a semester system helps
solve the "student retention" problem,
which created a $190,000 shortfall in
TESC coffers that had to be made up.
Presumably, going from three periods
that a student can "drop out", to two, cuts
back on the number of students that drop
out at anyone time. Evergreen will end
up losing less tuition revenue from this.
Now, just because monetary
considerations are involved in this
decision doesn't mean that they are bad;
in fact, if the money saved goes towards
recouping some of the losses caused by
budget cutbacks over the last four years,
it could make TESC a beller school. If it
ends up going to increase more salaries

on the third floor of the Library, or the
savings are trivial (since I haven't seen
any hard-and-fast numbers), then it could
be bad. But there ought to be more
consideration of the financial factors that
are going into the decision. Realize that
dollars may speak louder than students.
The 1993 Legislature was
tumultous, with Senators living in
Hawaii (an~ geuing kicked out), debate
over many Issues, and a lot of turmoil. I
decided to see what my record was as a
prognosticator (italicized portions are my
predictions in the Dec. 2nd issue of the
.... the two percent budget cut plan TESC
submitted wi! probably ... not be enacted
by the Legislature.
They were not enacted. But hang
on for next year.
•.. what will probably happen is that the
brunt of any spending cuts that will be
made will fallon social services.
Do the words "welfare reform"
(cuts in welfare payments after 4 years)
ring a bell?
·So expect tax cut (!.roposals which ...
with some small budget cuts, may give
small businesses tax relief.
Right on again . Gee, could I
make a career of this?

A Year

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.Expect items like prison spending and
"reform" to occupy the Legislature's
Before I get too cocky here by
being four-for-four, I'll point out that I
missed the big issue for the Legislature,
the oh-for-seventeen and counting gay
human rights legislation, HB 1443. I'll
make up for that one by going on record
that neither Initiative 608 nor 610 will
pass, though the vote on 610 will be
closer. And that Cal Anderson, the
sponsor, will be elected to the State
Senate in November, where he can fight
for it from the inside.
Rob Taylor has a beller record on
political predictions than some people on
the McLaughlin Group.

The Third Floor
Student 'Groups Weekly
• Phish is coming thanks to S & A
Productions. They will be in the
CRC on Friday, May 20th at 8 p.m ..
Gel your tickets at the bookstore for 17
·The Cam a rill a will be
organizing a "Gloomy Dance" on Friday,
May 20th at 9 p.m. in the Housing
Community Center. Admission is free,
but bring a can of food for donation.
Coalition brings us a lecture and slide
presentation by S LOpping Violenc e
Against Women from Portland .
" Pornography; A Practice of Inequality"
is a slide show that will show the
connection between porn and other forms
of violence against women. Must be 18
years of age or older. Come to LHS at 6
p.m. on Wednesday , May 25th.
·It is now time for Third Floor
Organizations to hire for next year.
A S I A , the E n vir 0 n men t a I
Resource Center, the Women of
Color Coalition, the Union of
Student's with Disabilities, the
Women's Center and the Peace
Center and many more organizations are
looking for paid coordinators. If you're
interested in walking your talk , come to
CAB 320, talk to Mary Craven and get
an application.

·The S&i\ Board is looking for
some members for next year. Save up
some time now, then apply in the Fall.





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Page 6 Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994


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Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994 Page 7

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

CPJ shows juvenile
attachment to sex
The CPJ is usually an informative rag,
although biased and politically correct in the
I suppose the infantile trash that you
included on the last page oflast week's issue
[May 5] is supposed to be enlightened poetry.
There's much better graffiti scratched on
public bathroom walls.
Is this the best that you've got?
Whoever puts this page together is obviously
overwhelmed by a juvenile preoccupation
with sex. As an eight-year-old, me and my
buddies tried to out-gross each other with the
same kind of talk only now do I realize what
poets we were.
'" cocked my cock in the hole. In the
cock. Great cocky cock." ''The Seepage
Suggests." "Fuck me harder."
Really great stuff l But it isn't near as
good as the same acts as described in the Xrated magazines. You are not plowing fertile
ground here.
'Paul Telford


They do, however, know their audience, and
have a clear idea of the point(s) they wish to
make in a given space. This is what I believe
to be the main problem between Jonah Loeb
and CPJ readers.
That Jonah has something to say is
unquestionable. That he has a right to say/
draw it is equally undeniable. He shou ld,
however, realize to whom he is presenting
his efforts, and at least consider their
perception of those efforts. They're not
psychic, and the cartoons do not/cannot come
with explanatory sidebar columns.
It would be a shame to lose any voice
of commentary. Hopefully, Mr. Loeb will
continue his work, and continue to grow in
his understanding of newspaper publishing.
The latter can only improve the former.
John Ford

lEse can make
basketball unique

Basketball at TESC! Certainly! But not
in the time worn (out) tradition that is the
norm at colleges and universities across the
country. TESC should show those other
edito r 's note: I'd like to apologize to those
institutions what it means to be a "learning
people offended by fhe May 5 See-Page. We community" even in the throes of
received many complaints ill the office after competitive sports.
its publicatioll; and are now having
Two possible methodologies for
discllssions among the staff to determine the achieving an academic sports program come
role of tile See-Page art and literature space to my mind . The first is to make the sporting
ill the juture. Thanks 10 everyone who
programs at TESC coordinated studies. The
contacted us with comments.
second is to seminar on a book (in its generic
-Sara L. Steffens. CPJ editor-in-chief
meaning) prior to the game and again after
the game so that relationships between the
activity and the ideas presented in the book
can become meaningful. This activity should
be required for members of both teams.
Another consideration for an Evergreen
In the "Roadkill" comic strip from
team is that it should be co-ed. We don't need
May 12, 1994, I noticed a picture of to be competitive in the sense of necessarily
Timothy Leary on the wall above the couch.
winning a game. TESC should be a light to
ThaI picture was not on the wall in the
the world showir:g how sports should be
previous issue 's strip.
enjoyed both physically and intellectually.
I have figured out why this possible
This proposal seems to me to meet all
oversight by the usually diligenl Andrew
concerns. The townsfolk can get a thrill out
Lyons may have taken place. I believe the
of having a local public college team and can
characters who live in the apartment (Orvis.
take part in the pre and post game seminars
Stewart and Norma) bought the framed
(amongst the sweaty bodies of the players).
photo at a CAB sale il} order to seem cool.
This will undoubtedly inculcate within them
Another insightful bit of commentary by the
a love for the College far greater than a mere
Rev. Lyons on the Evergreen community.
As for cultural diversity, either of these
Yer pal,
systems would definitely enhance the
Demian Parker
drawing power of the College's sports
programs with the addition of those students
seek ing preliminary education in specialty
areas such as sports medicine, sports
socio logy . etc. Here students of all
persuasions could experience the exhaustion
following a full semester of hard physical
(Suhmilled May 12)
and mental study.
I just couldn't do it. I really, really Randolph Stilson
intended this to be a defense (of sorts) of Archivist
Jonah Loeb and his work on "Snuggle." But
after his appearance on Thursday's KAOS
broadcast of Josh Remis' "Free and Fair," I
just couldn ' t.
Loeb was sadly unable to articulately
explain his work and philosophies despite
Upon reading in the April 28 issue of
Remis' best efforts to allow him to do so. CPJ Ihat a OTF recommended that
Mind you. the fact that almost one half the basketball teams be formed at Evergreen, I
callers were microcephalic weenies didn't became very concerned.
help, but they really didn ' t make it worse.
Before I came to Evergreen to pursue
Again and again Remis tried to give graduate studie s, , attended college at
Loeb the opportunity to add clarity to his
Binghamton University (BU), a state
publi~hed materials. Again and again Loeb
university in New York. The Athletics
failed - more's the pity.
Department there has become one of the
There seemed to be a conslant sub-text most regressive, anti-student forces that 1
to his replies. one that insisted that the reader know.
go beyond the picture and text in order to
In my opinion, the top priority of
get the meaning of "Snuggle."
Binghamton Athletics is to increase its
Unfortunately for Loeb, the reader budget. In order to create a football team,
doesn't have to , and more often, doesn't care did it fight for additional funding in the state
to. The average/typical reader expects to "get
legislature, citing the benefits of the team's
it" when they read it. Gary Trudeau manages existence to the student experience at BU?
not to require additional research on the part No, it milked the students directly, via a
of the reader in "Ooonesbury," and so does Mandatory Athletic Fee. The history of this
Stan Mack in his "Stan Mack 's Real Life fee's creation is filled with broken promises
Funnies" (Village Voice) . In fact many by the Athletics Department, interference in
cartoonists manage this feat, even here at the the student governance process, and unjust
manipulation of varsity athletes by the
It has been suggested that it is hard to department (they were "asked" to get their
gel one's message across in one panel. Not friends to sign petitions supporting the
so, as Oliphant. Herblock, Tom Toles and creation of the fee - imagine telling your
others have been doing for over a century. coach you couldn 't or wouldn't do this). I

Error found in
"Roadkill" comiC

Loeb on KAOS a

Spend basketball
money elsewhere

Page 8 Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994

Constitution of the State of WashingtOli
Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all
subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that righL

Students do' care about lESe
A cherished theory of mine is that if
given an accessible forum, Evergreen
students will speak up about campus
Yesterday's student semester forum
proved me right. So did last week's board
of trustees meeting.
Both events were well-publicized
and explained. And students turned out to
tell Student Affairs and the board of
trustees what they thought about semesters
and basketball.Every student offered
intelligent ideas and thoughtful concerns,
despite the intimidation of speaking before
a crowd of strangers.
In the last few weeks, we've shown
that students are capable of understanding
and responding to complex ideas. It's sad
that we had to prove this; considering
Evergeen's ideals.
I hope faculty, staff and
administrators take note. 'Students won't
get involved, anyway,' is no longer a viable
am not implying that Evergreen is BU, nor
that those in athletics here are of such low
caliber as their counterparts at there, but there
are some parallels between the two
What about the $30,000/year that
happened to be sitting around burning a
whole in the CRe's pocket? we to
believe that there is no better use for that
money than to start up a basketball team?
Puh-Ieeez! How about hiring more people
in the Financial Aid Office to speed
processing of loan applications, or to show
the video that first-time lenders must watch,
at a time other than 8:30 a.m? How about
devoting more money to Computing
Services? How about repairing that
racquetball court that has dead spots in the
floor? How about buying some new softballs
to replace those cube-shaped ones that are
used in intramurals? Students have often
been stymied by such requests with the
response that these are different budget lines.
Screw that! It's not our fault if the money
isn't silting conveniently where it is needed.
According to the CPJ article, members
of the DTF that recommended formation of
the teams hoped that the teams would
become self-supporting. I would like to see
the math on this - how much in ticket sales,
concessions, and merchandizing, versus the
cost of coaching, training, travel, sports
therapy, etc? And what if the teams don't
become self-supporting? What then? Could
a Mandatory Athletics Fee be in Evergreen's
near future?
And what about the improvement in
Evergreen's image the teams would have in
the surrounding community? I'm sorry, DTF
and Kristopher Brannon, but who cares?!!
What are we here for, approval of Olympia,
Lacey, and Tumwater, or a quality education?
The argument that athletics makes a
school a reputable institution is remarkably
like the propaganda that the Athletics
Department at BU spews (maybe you could
get a job with them Mr. Brannon).
If you ask me , the surrounding
communities should do something to
improve their image at Evergreen - how
about building all those bicycle paths the
regional transportation plan says are such
great ideas. If the neighboring cities and
towns are so fond ofbasketbaU, they can go
to Sonics games, or better yet, they can form
and fund their own damn teams.
There is likely heavy foreshadowing in
the caption to the photo that accompanied
the article, "Players enjoy an afternoon of
hoops in the CRC gym. At leasfone student
worries he' ll have less time to play if teams

excuse for closed decision-making.
We're starting to mend a legacy ofmistrust between students and
administrators. Now, our task is to
examine our governance and find ways
to make it more accessible to everyone.
Students shouldn't have to sit in
confusion through hours of a board of
trustees or faculty governance meeting
just to voice their opinions. Governance
meetings should only happen Wednesday
afternoons - when students don't have
class - and they should not be scheduled
during the academic fair (as the last
trustees meeting was). We shouldn't have
to chose between our academic work and
desire to shape Evergreen's future.
, keep hearing people say they want
to know what students think. You want to
listen; we want to talk. If we work from
here, Evergreen cOl}ld become a
community again.
-Sara Steffens, editor-in-chief
are formed." Ask any student at BU, and
they' ll all tell you - accessibility to services
has been severely curtailed in light of the
expansion of athletics.
Please don't be misled into thinking that
I'm anti -sports. I'd have to love sports in
order to keep playing intramural softball even
though my team always loses (sorry guys!).
Larry Leveen

PC divides us,
makes us powerless
I think John Munari (Forum 4112/94)
missed the point of our graduation theme .
"Will you have fries with that?" is
about the angst of Shit Jobs looming in our
futures. We soon-to-be Grads are entering
an economy that has been looted by a Ruling
Class for more than a decade . They have
ripped off the majority who actually did the
productive work to create Ihe wealth they
As grads from o ne of the most
renowned Liberal Arts colleges in the
nation, we occupy a privileged position in
society, and yet we will soon be groveling
and competing against each other for that
desired position in the Wage Slavery
machine. A $6 to $8-an-hour. 25 hours-aweek deli job without benefits isn't going
to do much to payoff my student loans, or
much of anything else.
The tired PC debate over
multiculturalism is a perverse reversal of
blatant racism that has been used long and
so effectively keep us divided and
powerless. While we are busy fretting about
the visible differences between our race,
age, sexuality, gender, and culture, (Duh!),
and dissin' off Whitey for sins of her
Grandfathers, the Ruling Class, of which
our beloved Evergreen Trustees are card
carrying members, are laughing all the way
to the Board Room and to the bank.
Shiny, happy multiculturalism is
bullshit when housing consumes more than
half your income, when you are forced to
choose between health care and food, and
when increasing numbers of our children
die of diseases that cost mere pennies to
inoculate against. Hunger and Death know
no color. Equality begins at the workplace,
not the uterus. This should be a No Brainer.
Multiculturalism is not an end in itself, it's
only a tool in the most important of human
labors: that of Peace and Justice.
It's the Capitalist economy, Stupid.
Know your Enemy.
Laurian Weisser

Hp\N "to respond
We encourage you to write letters and Forum articles.
Opinions belong to their author and do not always reflect the opinions of our staff.
oResponse letters must be 450 words or less.
oForum articles must be 600 words or less.
Please write in WordPerfect and bring yoursubmission to CAB 316 on disk
(Mac or IBM) with your full, real name and number.
Please call us at 866-6000 x6213 if you have any questions.

CPJ hiring process deemed unfair to non-staff members
by Jonah E.R. Loeb
and Christopher Read Smith
My name is Jonah E.R. Loeb and I have
been drawing cartoons for the CPJ for a little
. over a year now. During this time the cartoons
have become somewhat of a controversial
phenomenon - in the words of Sara Steffens:
"Face it Jonah, it's been a harrowing year."
Recently, [ applied for the ~ition of
managing editor for the academic year 94-95
and was denied the position. The
circumstances surrounding this decision have
been questionable to say the least.
Also recently, flyers have been posted
around campus that attempt to expose the real
circumstances behind my not being hired. In
response to those flyers, the editor-in-chief
elect for next year, Naomi [shisaka, wrote me
a letter explaining what she says are the "real"
reasons for my application being denied. [ am
writing this response to the flyers and to
Naomj's response letter. [ believe that other
reasons may be responsible for my not being
hired, but at this point, I find it pointless to
There are two sides to this issue that I
have observed. From the point of view ofthe
paper, I have very li~le experience with a
newspaper and irrelevant experience with the
CPJ. From the flyer's point of view (written
by the "Better Journalism Company"), the fact
that the position of managing editor was

advertized outside of the office suggests that boundaries, but couldn't it be said that this
previous work within the CPJ "community" is what makes a newspaper worth its paper?
was not necessarily essential.
I would have left this issue rest,
I, however, take no stance on this issue, believing that I would have been the paper's
the job went to a really nice guy who spent Moses,- but an unsettljng rumor came' my way
hours going to dinner with the staff, hanging recently that I hope is false. Apparently an
out with them and writing an occasional unnamed individual approached the CPJ
piece. If I were
--------------asking why I was not
asked to choose
selected for the
between a friend
I these are the real
position of managing
and a radical who
reasons I was not chosen, editorofa paperthat
it shows an inherent
needed a change, the
may try to change
reply this person
things, I probably
would have made
pernicious dishonesty and received was quite
the same decision,
lack of integrity within the different from the
it's hard to say no
CPJ's hiring practices.
"official" response I
recei ved from the
to a friend.
I am now left
future editor-inwith those same
chief. They were told
pains that lead me to apply as editor in the that (even though I had the only completed
first place, the paper still says (and will application in by the deadline and even
perhaps continue to say) absolutely nothing. though I was the strongest applicant) that I
My plans for investigative journalism, a couldn't be the next Managing Editor
news pool based on the neglected news by because I was "political" that I had made a
the large papers (collected from the willing '~bad name" for the paper. Also, according
donations by the various student groups), a to this anonymous source within the paper's
permanent r6port on what our legislature is inner circle, there is a rumor circulating that
proposing, with the community's when I spoke with Jello Biafra about my
perspectives examined, and a general seepage being censored, it had been my idea
willingness from the paper to occasionally for him not to give an interview to them. I
be wrong will undoubtedly go unfulfilled. actually know nothing about his "refusal." I
Sure, I might have continued to push people's would rather have been approached by the

paper's staff if this were true. [fthese are the
real reasons I was not chosen, it shows an
inherent pernicious dishonesty and lack of
integrity within the CPJ's hiring practices.
Even though the news of my rejection
being based on a fear of controversy is a
welcomed thought for me (at least it's not
personal), I sincerely hope that the CPJ
would not have made such a detrimental
decision (or at least not for such cowardly
reasons) .
In short, I am disappointed that the
official paper of The Evergreen State College
would be so far out of integrity with what
they say they stand for. I am always sad when
the possibility of change, improvement and
the inherent uncomfortable RISK that comes
with it are rejected in favor of the much safer,
more comfortable "more of the same."
I'd like to thank all of my supporters
(those who liked me and those who thought
I stank but had the right ideas). [' d also like
to thank those who criticized my work: your
honesty in sharing your feelings and opinions
and anger with me really forced me to look
at my cartoons and the motivations behind
them. I might not have agreed with you but
you still helped me grow. Thanks.
Jonah E.R. Loeb and Christopher Read
Smith are currently radicals.
note: Pat Castaldo. our current A&E
editor, will be 1994-95 managing editor.

Leonard Peltier needs your support at Sylvester Park rally
by Tiokasin Veaux
Leonard Peltier (Ojibway/Lakota)
could be you, me or anyone who stands up
for his family, friends, community and
beliefs. Leonard is a Native american serving
two consecutive life sentences in a federal
penitentiary, even though there is evidence
that he is guilty of anything.
The incident took place on June 26,
1975 near Oglala, South Dakota whi Ie
traditional Native people were campaigning
to protect their lands and resources. Two FBI
agents drove onto the Jumping Bull's land
on Pine Ridge Lakota Reservation, following
a young Lakota accused of stealing a pair of
secondhand cowboy boots. Their behavior
precipitated a shoot-out in which the agents
and a Native man - Joe Stuntz-Killsright were killed. Within hours of the shoot-out,
according to the U.S. Civil Right
Commission, hundreds of paramilitary

trained-equipped, combat-clad FBI agents,
personal carriers, helicopters, fixed wing
aircraft. and U.S. Marshals staged a dragnet
through the reservation. Later investigations
proved that the FBI was premeditating a
planned assault on the American Indian
Movement camp of men, women, children
and elders.
Leonard had been previously identified
as an AIM leader by the FBI and targeted by
their notorious COINTELPRO program
which "Neutralized" people by slander,
attack, and arrest. Fearing no possibility of a
fair trial and perhaps even immediate
execution, he fled to Canada where he was
arrested and extradited by affidavits
manufactured by the FBI that the government
now concedes where false. Three men were
initially accused of "pulling the trigger" of
which two were acquitted and charges
against a third were dropped. Since, the
american government has changed it's theory

Cooper Point Journal
Comics Page Editor: Emi J. Kilburg
C- Page Editor: Conrad Sobsamai
News BI icfs Editor: Oemian A. Parker
Security Blotter: Rebecca Randall
Calendar Page Editor: Lisa Corwine
Columns Editors: Cindy Laughlin
Foreign Affairs Desk: Rev. Andy Lyons
Proofreaders and so on: Dan Ewing, Tony Pelaez
Layout Assistant: Carson Strege
EOITORtAL-~6000 x6213
Editor-in-Chief: M. Sara Sleffens
Acting Managing Editor Patrick H. Castaldo
Layout Editor: Naomi Ishi saka
Ans&Entertainment Editor: Patrick H. Castaldo
Acting Photo Editor: Will Ward
Copy Editorffypist: Laurel "Errant Comma" Rosen
BUSINESS-866--6000 x60S4
Business Manager: Julie Crossland
Assistant Business Manager: Graham White
Ad Sales: Ryan Hollander
Ad Layout: Phan Nguyen, Guido Blat
Ad Proofer: Rebecca Randall
Circulation-Manager: Melanie Strong
Distribution: Shannon Miller
Dianne Conrad
The User's Guide
The Cooper Poinl Journal e)(ists to facilitate
communication of events, ideas, movements. and
incidents affecting The Evergreen State College and
surrounding communities. To portray accurately
our community, the paper strives to publish material
from anyone willing to work with us. The gmphics
and articles published in the Cooper Point Journal
are the opinion of the author or artist and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of our staff.
Submissions deadline Is Monday noon.
We will try to publish material submitted the
following Thursday. However, space and editing
constraints may delay publication. Submission

deadline for Comics and Cal~ndar items is Friday at
All submissionsaresubjecttoediting. Editing
will attempt to clarify material. not change its
meaning. If possible we will consult the writer about
subslantive c hangers . Editing will also modify
submissions to fit within the parameters of the
Cooper Point Journal style guide. The style guide is
availabte at the CPJ office.
We strongly encoumge writers to be brief.
Submissions over OIie page single·spaced may be
edited in order to equally distribute room to all
authors. Forum pieces should be limited to 600
words: response pieces should be limited to 450
Written submissions should be produced in
WordPerfect and may be brought to the CPJ on IBM
or Macintosh-fonnatted disks. Disks should include
a printout, the submission file name, the author's
name. phone number and address. We have disks
available for those who need them. Disks can be
picked up after publication.
Everyone is invited to attend CPJ weekly
meetings; meetings are held Mondays and Thursdays
at 4 p.m. in CAB 316.
If you have any questions, please drop by
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© Cooper Point Journal 1994

on who killed the agents and today admit they
and at best the evidence was only
circumstantial. The government then argued
that they had tried Leonard as both the
murderer and an 'aider and abettor'.
According to th~ Eighth Circuit Court of
Appeals, Peltier's trial .and pre.vious appeals
had been riddled with FBI misconduct and
judicial impropriety, including: coercion of
witnesses, perjiJry, fabrication of evidence
and the suppression of evidence which could
have proved his innocenc"e.
July 7, 1993 brought the most recent
decision, a denial for a retrial. The decision
rests on the following standards: arguments
of misconduct either had been litigated
before or could have been and that the
government tried the case on alternate
theories of close up murder, close up aiding
and abetting, thus completely ignoring and

abandoning the conclusions of their own
Circuit Court in two previous appeals.
Amnesty International. Nobel Peace
Prize winners Nelson Mandela, Mother
Teresa, Rigoberta Menchu-Tum, Bishop
Desmond Tutu, World Council of Christians
and Jews, Ben Chavis, Jesse Jackson
including 78 world religious leaders, 60
Congresspeople, Ramsey Clark (former
Attorney General), Parliaments of Europe
and 12 million people internationally support
EXECUTtVE CLEMENCY for Leonard Peltier.
Native students, friends. supporters and
allies here at Evergreen and in Olympia are
planning a March and Rally this Saturday, at
Noon in Sylvester Park, a rallying at the S~te
Capitol steps at 1:00 p.m. Please come and
support justice for yourself. Or are you too
cool to care? Note: Leonard Peltier was
TESC 1992-93 Graduation Speaker.
7iokasin Veaux is an Evergreen student.

Writer asks, "Freedom of
speech: What does it all mean?"
by Stephen Buckman
In a few days we will again, as a nation
and as a college, raise Old Glory back up to
her full mast. What exactly has it meant to
have the flag at half mast for the las\ month?
For many, having the flag at half mast
for the death of former President Nixon has
been an occasion to remember a fallen leader.
Others have felt that the flag being at half
mast is an insult to not only themselves, but
also to the country as a whole.
This has been true of many people on
this campus. For over the last month or so,
there has been wide-spread criticism on the
this campus and across the nation about how
Richard Nixon was, in the simplest term, a
criminaL On this campus, for instance, there
has burning of the flag out of disgust and
there has been sentiment from the Native
American population as well.
Some of thjs sentiment might be well
be deserved if you are looking at this whole
mess at face value. But if you take the time
to look a little more closely, there is much
more lying under the surface.
Even some of the sentiment at face
value might not at all be deserved either. The
idea of Nixon being this evil president is a
bit blown out of portion to begin with. For
the fact remains that Nixon accomplished
many things that have been important to the
country over time. For instance, he was able
to break the foreign relations barrier into
China and end the war in Vietnam.

Yet the bad points seem to stick with
the myth of Nixon more than anything. The
bad points being that as a young politician,
he was a major figure in the red scare; and
of course the Watergate incident while he was
president. But are all of these things especially Watergate - so bad compared to
what other presidents have done? Is it as bad
as Kennedy nearly starting a third world war,
or Johnson lying about Vietnam, or Reagan's
involvement in the Iran Contra scandal?
Taking all of Nixon's bad and good
points into context, his death is more than
just the death of a man; it is the death of part
of democracy. He was once the leader of the
nation which is the symbol of freedom
throughout the world; his death makes us
think. It makes us think again about our own
freedom and the role of our government
officials in that freedom. It makes us also be
thankful of what this nation gives us.
The flag being at half mast represents
much more than a fallen leader: it also
represents a pi~e of democracy that has died.
It represents the whole idea of freedom that
makes it possible for us. as Americans. to
speak out against what we might disbelieve
in or what we might feel strongly about. So
in the next few days, when the flag is raised
back up again, we should take a moment and
reflect on our own personal freedom which we often forget about.
Stephen Buckman is an Evergreell

Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994 Page 9


Without you, the CPJ will remain white and middle-class
the CPJ, mostly white, middle class, liberal,
by Chris Wolfe
I was talking to someone at the.cpJ the scramb le to find ways to represent this
other day and she mentioned a couple of particular non-dominant culture in the paper
incidents where staff members wanted to run because we genuinely want to do something
to fight racism and privilege in this country,
pictures of people of color with the idea and
we surmised - of
representation of the
non-dominant in the
problem of under and
CPJ is one small step
mi s- rep resentat ion of
in this direction.
non-dominant cultures
I ' m not talking
in the news media.
about covering news
One was a photo
stor ies, or doing
of Aztec dancers out
on Red Square. This
interesting people or
was used as a feature
photo . which is a
comm unity
photograph without a
discussions of issues
like diversity. These
pretty just to look at.
are all things that the '
The other was one of
CPJ (at least in the
seve ral taken to
illustrate a news story about some meeting. two years I've been here) is committed to
This photo, which had a person of color in doing, whether it concerns non-dominant
it. was. in the end, not used because it was cultures or not. I'm talking about printing
not as good a photo as the one that was used, pictures , covering holidays and specially
proc laimed days, weeks and months. or
which didn't have a person of color in it.
This conversation started me thinking doing stories or features, solely because they
about the issue of the representation of non- concern people from non-dominant cultures
dominant cultures in the CPJ. By non- in order to help correct under- alld misdominant cultures I mean people outside the representation of lion -dominant people. This
dominant. white, male, Christian power is something that many papers do, and while
structure: women. Jews. paga ns . queers. I think it is appropriate for some papers. I do
people o f color. the disabled. etc. I've not think it is appropriate for the CP1.
This is why: it is pmronizing. It does
\'olunteered at the CPJ for the past two years
now. and of all the complaints the CPJ nothing to change the basic power structures.
receives I believe this complaint - that the Someone comes to the CPJ and says "you
CPJ has under- or mis-represented someone need to put more stuff about my people in
is. if not the most frequent complaint. then the paper." Because the C PJ is put togethe,r
mostly by representatives of the dominant
the one people are most fervent about.
I have heard the complaints. got in culture, the situation is one of people with
arg uments. made suggestions and thought less power asking people with more power
about this a lot. And gradually I've come to to do something for them, relying on the good
see the s ituation as this : the people wi ll of the people in power.
Is this really the best way of dealing
representing non-dominant c ultures write an
angry letter or come to the CPJ office and with the problems of representation of nonsay "you need to give us, (name of petitioning dominant cultures in the CPJ? Especially
gro up here). fair representation," and we at considering the fact that anyone can be a

Nothing is going
to change without
the people who
most need
the change
doing the work.

Long Range
Public Forum
Date of forum changed from
May 23rd to

there is intelligent and sympathetic to the
problems of race and privilege and have been
trying very had to find ways to diversify the
staff. It has been a main priority, And beyond
that, I think that if someone really cared about
the issue of representation enough, they
would put up with the discomfort of being
around friendly, sympathetic people from
another culture, in order to change things.
Nothing is going to change without the
people who most need the change doing the
work. And if enough people from nondominant cultures started working at the CPJ
it would no longer be white middle-clllss
institution. It could be taken over. Think
about that. Think about what valuable skills
can be learned there. Skills that can be used
to truly change things.
Chris Wolfe was See-Page editor fall
and winter quarters of this year.

part of the CPJ. Does everybody realize
this? That the CPJ is open to everyone?
That you can take the problems of
representation of non-dominant cultures
out of the hands of the dominant culture
and do something about it yourself?
So what I'm basically saying is that if
you don't like the way the CPI represents
you, come in and do it yourself. If you want
to have something for Black History month,
come in and do something . If you want
coverage of a specific issue, then go cover
it. The CP J will print it. And if the fact that
the media is almost exclusively in the hands
of the dominant culture concerns you, come
in and take it over.
I have heard people say (during the
many CPJ discussions on how to attract a
more diverse stafD that it is not a friendly
environment for people of color, queers, etc.
But I know for a fact that everyone that works

Arrogance on the global scale
run by despotic madmen, where the madmen
happen to be on "our side"? Where do you
draw the line between "bad little country"
and "good little country"?
First of all, what about South Koreawhat if they were to develop nuclear weapons
ambitions, as they have hlld in the past ?
Would we allow them to build a bomb? That
would be a rather sticky s itu at io n, now
wouldn't it - having to tell North Korea that
their buddies to the south were a llowed to
build a bomb but they weren't!
Also, what about Israel. Taiwan.
Mexico, and Brazil? Are they "allowed" to
build some toys of mass destruction for
themselves? Of course. not all of the rulers
of these places are despotic madlllell, per se.
but their traditions of human rights violations
and other socio-political-economic vices
aren't much better than those of Kim II Sung,
Nort.h Korea's leader.
Furthermore, what about Italy') Of all
the so-called "stable, democratic" states of
western Europe, Italy's government has had
the·greatest history of corruption and pol itical
instability. Today, their neo-fascist movement
is growing at an alarming rate, comparab le
to those of Russia and Germany.
Nonetheless, in no way can I envision The
Powers That Be stopping Italy from building
a bomb.
I could fea sibly write (and urge you to
write) to Clinton and the Security Council.
asking them to get off of North Korea's back,
but I honestly don 't think it 's rea lly worth it.
What makes me sick about thi s situation is
that almost th e e ntire internation a l
community is behind them on this one.
The thing is. I don't like the idea of
nuclear proliferation either: I definite ly agree
that there are too many of the dllmn things
on thi s planet already. Still, part of me would
like to see North Korea bite the bullet and
tell the rest of the world to go to hell. I think
that the more scenarios like thi s one that
happen, the more The Bastards That Be will
maybe. just maybe. start to question their
moral "right" to own s uch despicable
Ethan Espie is a frequent cOlltributor
to the CPJ.

by Ethan Espie
As things stand right now, there are onl y
eight nation-states which are known to
possess nuclear weapons: the U.S .. the UK,
France, China, India, Pakistan, South Africa,
and Russia (who sti}1has a few left in Ukraine
and Kazakhstan). Some countries which have
long been known to be potentially nuclear
capable are: Israel. Iran: lraq, Brazil, Mexico.
Taiwan, and a few others.
In the past few years, there's been
specula tion abo ut North Korea being a
potential nuclear weapons state. as well . The
concern. in a nutshell, is that they might have
converted some of their spent nuclear fuel
rods into weapons-grade plutonium.
All ofa sudden. it 's time to put our foot
down in condemnation of nuclear weapons
proliferation and to bully North Korea into
allowing inspection of their nuclear waste
facilities by the International Atomic Energy
Agency. Over the past several months, the
C linton Administration and the UN Security
Council have repeatedly made threats of
eco nomic sanctions, plus additional
(ambiguous) threats of other actions, should
North Korea continue to refuse admittance
to IAEA inspectors.
The North Korean government recently
announced that economic sanctions would
be considered an act of war. in effect
returning our ambiguous threat. In respon se
to this. Clillton is building up our forces in
South Korea in preparation for what could
become a Second Korean War.
The decision to impose such sanctions
is, at the moment, pending China's decision
on whether or not to use their veto power to
block the Security Council resolution which
would impose the sa nctions. The Clinton
Administration has also announced that it
mi ght unilaterally impose it's 01\ '11 economic
sanctions. should China velo the international
ve rsion .
The conceited, arrogant attitude behind
all thi s really baflles me. What it basically
comes down to is. "We're allowed to have
despicable weapons of mass destruction. but
yo u're not! "
And sure, of course I realize that North
Korea is a totalitarian land run by a despotic
madman. But what about the other countries

United .States Military Spending



Compared to "Threatening" Nations





Wednesday, May 25th
1-3 p.m.
Lecture Hall 1


















i:O 50







Page 10 Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994























o 0







Tricky. tricky-bo-bicky. banana-fana-fo-ficky.


Artist explores memOrIeS
by Dan Ewing
Katie Baldwin" has
some ideas about art.
Katie has been
through a lot of changes in
the past few years. She has
a daughter, almost three,
Helen blue. She's moved
to Texas and back, Seattle
and Olympia. This year
she's graduating. After
that, who knows.
This past year was
spent continuing with her
art, 3D stuff that couldn't
necessarily be defined a~
"sculpture," more like
" objects." Some are
interactive, some stand by
themselves - no moving
They all have titles.
Giving the work titles (not
specific titles but just
suggested by a faculty
member who said that the
pieces wou Idn ' t last
without titles, that titles
would define the meanings
of the pieces and give them
lasting signific ance. She
titled the pieces somewhat
ambiguous ly, which I
guess doesn't really solve
the problem.
She said that the
reason for this was that art
on display is meant to be
interpreted by each viewer
se parately without titles
getting in the way telling
them what to think. User
friendly and access ible.
. When Katie sees art,
she likes to think abo ut
what the pieces them
selves mean to her and not ·
the other way around. Her own pieces are techniques to explore the ideas of memory
made for herself, but she hopes they can and place, ideas which she admits are kind
mean things to other people too.
of fashionable these days. She called the ideas
Along this theme , while she used to "Duehamps," and maybe someday I'll find
insist upon actually constructing every out what that entails.
aspect of her work, she now make use of
So if her work already falls into a genre,
found objects, altered to fit the meaning of I guess that means it isn't cytting edge. But it
her piece.
seems that a lot of cutt ing edge artists are
The idea is that a box or a dresser has a cutting edge for the sake of being cutting
history of its own and it can be altered to . edge. This bugs me, and I think it bugs her
have a new meaning. The whole idea of too.
history is challenged by the imposition of
Katie is Katie for the sake of being
different truths and different readings on the Katie.
past. At the same time, the meanings of the
I was confused by her work because it
original objects or images retain their own wasn't like other art I've seen recently. It was
familiar in some ways, but not in others. It's
The work in her thesis show uses these not easy stuff. but that's good.

by Jennifer Shears
Follow one of the meandering lines in
Tom Snively's paintings, and maybe you can
follow his mind as well, wandering from
subject to subject, color to color, This is close
to Tom's technique in painting; picking up
the brush whenever his whim or resources
allow, and letting his mind wander on the
The focus of his work is color, although
you can find objects and people in some of
his pieces. The angel which turns up in two
of his recent paintings for example. This
figure, Tom says, comes from a 50 foot angel
he saw in a train station. The image stuck
with him, but he does not know for how long.
Like the rest of his work, what shows up on
canvas is unpredictable , even for Tom
"My style is changing ... to more open
space. I have no idea why it's changing; it
just is . I don't know how long it will stay
His free and easy attitude about his
method is obvious in the loose and free-





When you're easy, you can be easi ly
Dan has found the secret ingredient,
and won't share it with anyone.


Artist" s Work
on Display

it's best if you
don't take
all your
materials horne
for SUIlllller

Evergreen· s Gallery II
Second Floor. Llbrary
Reception Thursday. May
19 from 4 - 7 p.m.


flowing canvases he produces.
Although Tom has been painting for a
while and participated in other showings,
including helping to open a gallery in
Tennessee, he remains less than consumed
about his work. "It came from me, but I don't
think it really expresses me. I guess it shows
a little part of me. I don't like to say, This is
me, expressing myself all over the walls of
The Smithfield.' My painting is like me
walking through a door, you know, anything."
Conrad Sobsamai does not take his art
too seriously either. He has been drawing
since the age of three, and although he does
enjoy drawing, he likes to challenge himself
in other -ways, such as music. The interest
Conrad has in other mediums finds its way
onto his pieces, his subjects often coming
from silent screen stars juxtaposed with
quotes and poetry. He usually works in pen
and ink, largely for their reproductive
capability. Whether his pictures are in black
and white or in color, his natural drawing
ability comes though in his ability to capture

, , ,


As far as academic art goes, Conrad
does not have much respect for it. "I don't
think the old masters, like say, Vincent Van
Gogh, are that great. I think it's terrible.
Everyone takes it too seriously." Despite this
disdain, Conrad feels that art will always be
a part of his life. "It's just something I do,
and I guess I can't imagine not doing it."
Jellny enjoys life, art and spotting
MonkeyBoy downtown.

Artists" Work
on Display
. The Smithfield Cafe
212E 4th Ave
Downtown Olympla

They're breakable .
They're bulky. They're potentially incriminating. Right?
So let us hang on to
your stuff this summer and
we'll give you 3 months of
storage for the price of 2.
Thank. you. Class dismissed.

~-----------------------~ I

West Olympia
1620 Black.
Lake Blvd S.W,

Through the
Month of May
Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994 Page 11

pretty soon. You·ll be naked and out of school.

Ti,ille is burning a whole in your shorts ...

R. H. P. S.
Olympia is in for a nice treat
by Bill Kozlowski
It was my first time at Thekla. I had
not b~en there since it was called Ithe
North Shore Surf ClUb. see ing
Hammerbox and the Herd Of Turtles back
in '9 I. now it was 1994 anu the bands
were Th~ Noses and Life o f Rile y.
The music sce ne in Olympia had
c hanged quite a bit in the last three years
as I was to fi nd out that night at Thekla.
The Noses opened up the show with their
pO\verfu l Who-like tri o. I have seen the
Noses plenty of times he re in Oly- Wa. but
that night I heard songs that I have never
heard before . They played a couple of cuts
off of their forthcoming CD. FllIr Our. that
wei-,ed Illy Einner child.
The ir drulllll1er/vocal i,t. and
harmonicl player Kelly Van Camp i'i able
t() kap tall building s wit h a single snap
()f the ,nare. Tim Brown's bas, lilles a re
L'o mple, anu com plement th e drummin g
teL'hnique of Kdly. And to fill it o ut Jon
Mcrithl'\\· i, rocking harder than Pete
To\\ n,cnu himself. ,weeping \1 inLimilb
,mel harmoniling with Kelly 10 form the
I'ocal arrange ments fo r the Noses .
After the Noses tinished the ir forty
five minute set. the Evergreen Sa fII Cada
drum c lass marched in and set the mood
for shaking yo ur bootie. magic was in the
Life of Riley set up and prepared
and wai ted for their chance to shine. The
Sa III Cada music sto pped. and the room
filled with anticipation. Then, the first
hints of rhythm were eminating from the
stage. It was a domino effect. The band
started play ing and the crowd sta rted
sway ing. The band was in harmony with
all that jams.
I was mesmerized by the hypnotists
o f Riley. the music gets inside your body.
you can't stand still and you just have to
move. Their first set was filled with song
after song that kept your bootie bouncing.
The energy never let up. it inte nsified with
every bump of the bass . lason's lead
gu itar is pure liquid and he weaves in and
ou t of Dan's mo nster bass lin e~. The
drummer Mark is quick and ti ght setting
a rock solid tempo allowing the rhythms
to jam freely. And the front man, Eric. is
c ha nne lin g the great mu sic gods a nd
using himself as the voice of Life of Riley.
In the back, the sound man grinning
ear to ear knowing that the voices to
heaven are being played right here on
earth. From the comers of Olympia they
jumped, they crawled, they shook their
poopers harder than the rock of
I asked some of the crowd what they
thought of Life of Riley ; "They rock
harder than an egg Mcmuffin left out in
the Arizona sun." "Life of Riley is the
goose that laid the golden egg." "They
are the Shit." ''They take you to the top
and rock you right off of it." "Listening
to life of Riley is hearing mus ic the way
it shou ld sound ." "Li fe of Riley is the
erectio n that will win the election ."
Life of Riley played two sets and
an encore. The crowd screamed for more.
and the smell of freshly boogied greener
was in the air. When the show was finally
over. the crowd dispersed with the taste
of Life of Riley in their mouths. It was
rock and roll a t its fines t and it was
witnessed by a hundred and fifty people
or so that night at Thekla.
I feel that everyone I saw there had
a good time. And walked away
completely rocked. So the next time you
get the c hance to see Ii fe of Riley, do it
with out hesitation.
Rock o n. grassroots can work.
Bill has a new and improved ankle,
so watch out un the dance floor.

by Pat Castaldo
Prancing through the a isles of the
Capitol Theatre, towards the projection
booth, my feet got caught on two giant cans
offilm. My body was thrown to the ground,
and explicatives left my mouth .
The metal cans are the standard kind
that cinematic events are shipped in. usually
four rolls of movie film a piece. The cans
each way a good ten, maybe fifteen pounds.
These particular cans were a bit more worn
than most, I noticed, as I picked them up off
the ground.
The letters R.H .P.C . were written in
black marker over masking tape on each can.
"What's RHPC?" r inquired.
Silly Pat. I should have known. RHPC
stands for Rocky Horror Picrure Show, one
of the greatest cult films of all time.
A wave of excitement overcame the
feelings of pain in my legs (I had landed
pretty hard). " Rocky Horror, " I thought.
"Let 's do the Time Warp, again," I whi spered
to myself.
Many a Friday evening I had spent in
Harvard Square. Cambridge. watching,
screaming and singing along .
Rocky Horror is one of the most
interactive cinematic events I know. Its
presentation yearns for your sarca s tic
comments. its songs beg you to dance in the
aisles and when Meatloaf rides onto the
screen. you can't help but cheer.
Olympia hasn't had a great history with
Rocky , especially in the last few years.
Despite last year's near sell-out presentation
of the British cut at the Capitol Theater, and
the unfortunately-unannual underground
presentations on campus, Olympia just
doesn't know Rocky like it should.
The supposed-to-be funn y comments
people yell are too often muddled. the timing
of such precious prop placements such as the


Oly punk; so mean you- want a shotgun
. by Dan Ewing
Irving Klaw Trio and I have had our
A few days after playing the sa me
Halloween show last fall r was introduced
to Andrew, the soulful guitarist for the band.
We talked about the show and he described
our set as lethargic after i described his as
Both term s were underhanded put
downs, but I have since reformed my ways .
I now realize that IK3 are. at tl1e very least,
the most original band in the current Olympia
punk sce ne. This doesn't necessaril y make
them good.
I'm not even sure if they are that good.
what ever that entail s. but as the say ing goes.
I know what I like.
IK3 released a tape earlier this year
called "The Pinup King"." Andrew told me
it was a nightmare 10 record.
'Buy "The Pinup Killg. "
'Make mint juleps (mint, bourbon.
sugar, ice).
·Sit on any available porch this summer
(the hotter the day, the beller), pound juleps
a nd listen to "The Pinup King" as often as
'Irving KIaw makes you want a shotgun
and a pickup.
'Irving Klaw is too cool for this town.
'Irving Klaw is the deepest white trash
guitar blues to rock the soul of Olympia

Olympia Punk Rock
pReview IReview
proper since John Spencer rolled through last
On-stage and on the tape Andrew duels
with the other guitarist, Jeff the Kid Rocker,
while a drummer named (unfortunately)
Jason Funk. keeps the two in line and gives
us some bearing, something to hold on to.
Some songs from "The Pinup Kill g"
are nonstop bli stering guitar battles that leave
yo u feeling you mu st ha ve bee n very
naught y.
Some are slower and smoother bttt sti II .
dueling guitar madness.
As a repriev e Andrew so metim es
doubles as the trumpet playe r and Jeff plays
a mea n clarinet.
There 's a lot of songs about love and
regret and other illnesses. Jeff sings every
word as if it were his last.
After hearing the band, you'll probably
want their autographs. but don't bet on
getting a civil reply when you ask for it. With
the exception of the Kid Rocker (who's
usually all too eager too please), these boys
are mean.
When asked why anyone would want
to see their damn show any way, Andrew
looked at me thoughtfully and said, "Good

question" and J Funk c hirped in, "t hey
probably wouldn't" .
Jeff. always the optimist, answered
confidently, "They might meet somebody
Irving Klaw trio will play With Juned
and Saliv:a at the Capitol theater on Saturday
May 21, and in Bellingham, WA at some
gallery/venue (ask someone local and hip)
on May 28.

"The Pimlp King " available fro m
Union Pole
505 Garrison St NE
Olympi a WA 98506
Dall is some killd (4 Olympia gu itar
piayer or something for thi.l· band and thor.
I call'r keep trfck. Dan lI"i" gradllCire this
Jun e, leaving behilld a legacy, if Ilot some
pretty good bullshit. I kn ow J' /I miss him.
See you Dan.

Srrme Shrine opens May 25. and runs
through Ma y 28, 8 p.m .. at the Experimen tal
Theater. Stolle Shrille is th e final project of
lhe 1994 Moving Image Theater program.
The play incorporates Japanese Butoh
dance and trapeze work into a visually
stunning theater piece. Director Doranne
Crable wrote this regarding the play, ··the
scriptors created a piece which would
express, through dialogue, monologue a nd

A room without books
is a body without soul



& Froe!l

h ,I.
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tIJ>."( '2,\

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a) A wise man learns more from a fool, than a fool from the wise ..


b) You will do many good things in the day s to come.

·paq ul iJlloqo iJl(J fa 110 '(p

c) Patience is a virtue, but time is money.

Page 12 Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994




o/f3 ,,;> Books, :Jewelr\l,

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ow, . sta

Aries the Ram - Your mother was right.
Taurus the Bull -Keep your eye in the
.sky. the pigeons aren't. Gemini the Twins
-It wouldn't sol ve your problems. don ' t
even bother. Maybe next week? Cancer
the Crab-Give your lover a kiss. Don't
have a lover? Try your luck fi shing. Leo
the Lion - Lay down on Red Square in
the rain . Trust me. Trust your stars. Virgo
the Virgin -The bowels of the CAB call
to you. Libra the Balance - Make the
first move, please. Scorpio the Scorpion
- Sorry, no Horor-Scope is going to help
you this quarter. Sagittarius the Archer
-Aim high, just don't shoot. Capricorn
the Goat - Nevermind. Just don't even
bother. Aquarius the Water Bearer You know better than to feel weird about
'us'. Pisces the Fish - Scream.
-Pat Castaldo

From supplies [0 professional
packing service, we have what
you need [0 make your move go
smoothly. We can even ship your
items for you l Be sure [0 check
with [he experts at· MBE for your
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movement, the often painful. sometimes
joyful and primarily challenging lessons
human being s ex perience when we are
fully prese nt in our lives. making choices
and accepting consequences."
Stone Shrine is scripted from the
course's text s ; primarily William
Shakespeare's 'The Tempest", by students
10leen Y. Marlow and Deborah L. Spink.
-Kelley McNicoll

H 1\"( '2,0
i\t\ ~ ds preseot


toast or rice (or even better/worse, the water)
are sometimes offby minutes and Olympians
just can't seem to get even the Time Warp
down pat.
If you haven 't seen Rocky yet, then you
really should come out this Friday. You'll
love what happens to virgins (persons who
haven't seen the show- it has nothing to do
with sex, reaily).
If you have seen it, then you know, deep
down , how much fun it can be. lust let
yourself go. It's just a hop to the left. and
then a step to the right.
Rocky Hormr will be showing at
Midnight. Friday, May 20 at the Capitol
Theatre, Fifth Ave., downtown Olympia.
Only $2.50 for Olympia Film Society
members , $3.50 for non-members.
Par can hardly wait to put his hands on
his hips (or somebody else :r).



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Cooper Point Journal May 19, 1994 Page 13


Tolerant Town by Jim We1l1ngs

Coven House by Cat Kermey

May 19


May 21

May 25

Migrations. a Col lection of One Woman
Performances, will give their free original
works in the Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Tonight
will feature The Bathroom by Rebeka
Allison and A Celebration of Self: Calling
All Voices by Ange la Mason.

Migrations, a Collection of One Woman
Performances. will give their free original
works in the Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Tonight
will feature The Bathroom by Rebeka
Allison and A Celebration of Self: Calling
All Voices by Angela Mason.The Black Cat
Orchestra will play at Thekla at 8 p.m. $5


House Jacks. an incredible acapella group
that will rock your world, will perform in
the SPSCC student lounge in building 22
from noon to 1 p.m. Free

May 20

Saliva, with Juned and Irving Klaw Trio
will play at the Capital Theater Backstage

Go on a free guided tour of McAllister
Springs and the Hawks Prarie Landfill
Saturday May 21 from 10 a.m. to noon. Pre
registration is required, so call (206) 7544348 or 1-800-624-1234 ext. 4348 by noon
Friday May 20. The tour is limited to 14
participants. Free

Phish, a really nifty hippy band will play here
in the campus Rec Center at 8 p.m. $17.50
Tickets are for sale at the Bookstore.

Learn to swing at Dance on Capitol Hill 340
15th Avenue E., Seattle. There will be a
spag hetti feast at 6 p.m . and the swing
workshop will follow at 7:30. There is a $10
cost to benefit Capitol Hill's community art
project Velorio. Call (206) 325-6697 for

May 22

Sweaty Nipples and Mumbleyak will play
for "altemative night" at City Lights at 9 p.m.
Cost is $6 advance and $8 at City Lights

Best Kissers in the World and Why?
Things Burn will play at the O.K. Hotel

Pacific Northwest Artist Lecture Series
presents Cecilia Concepcion Alvarez, a
nationally known Seattle based painter and
installation artist currently working on two
public artworks for Seattle Central
Community College will talk in (he Recital
Hall at from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information
call (206) 866 - 6000 ext 6486. There is a
$2 to $3 charge.

Moving Images Theater will present their
original production featuring Laban
Movement in the Experimental Theater in
the Com Bldg at 8 p.m. Free


May 23

Two receptions at TESC's Tacoma
campus for women in the community are
in tribute to the legacies of women of
color. One begins at 11 a.m.; the other at
7 p.m. Olympia campus students are
invited. Call x6004 or (206) 593-5915
for more information. Free.

. ,~ ~



Rationalize by Evenstar Deane & Joe Watt

Meet with the president of Evergreen State
College, Jane Jervis and members of the
campus community to voice yourconcers and
see what others have to say. 5 to 6 p.m. near
the CAB Deli.

A few Evergreen
conspiracy theories:
steam tunnels are

Mass murderer Ted
Bundy was a student
here and lived in 0-

The Board of Trustees
always holds meetings
to discuss important
issues at exactly the
same time as the


\\WHOA BoB, L .... I


True or


Stick-Figure Strip by Wendy Hall

Migrations, a Collection of One Woman
Performances will give their free original
works in the Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Tonight
will feature Lacuna Stories by Shaun Ruse
and Pearles of Great Price by Nicole

Fractured Forests. a student concert by
Frank Hinjosa will be at the Recital Hall in
the Com Bldg at 7:30 p.m. Free

Su brnissions
shOll ld be made to
the CPJ Calendar
Box. Cab 316.
by F.·iday
noon each week_

Bullets Are Cheap by Edward Martin III

Help Wanted
1976 Ford Mustang Ghia. Sunroof, recent
brakes. shocks and tires. Very reliable and with
a little oil, runs excellent. $750.00 O.B.O.
Must sell by June I. Call (206) 825-5664.
Initiative 622 would legalize cannabis as a cash
crop in Washington. Nifty T-shirts are $12 each,
$2 from each shirt goes to the Washington State
PHISH! Seattle, May 21. Sure, they're playing
Evergreen but why not see them at the luxurious
Moore Theatre. Two tickets: $42.50
Derek X6098 or 866-0540 or e-mail bimied @

... Make it your job.
Stop toxics, save wetlands, make polluters pay.
Organize, educate & fundraise. Career, summer,
FTIPT. Good pay and bfts, great work
environment. EOE. Relocate to jobs in 14 states
& Wash DC. 1-800-70-WATER

Selling something? Looking to buy? Advertise in
CPJ c1assifieds! Student rate: $2.00 for 30 words.

Need CLOSE place to TESC? I-br. sublet
mid-June - late Aug I early Sept. Plenty
room for 2. $395/mo. + uti!. If interested,
call 866-7613 ASAP.




I) Po.t Robertsol') C.Qv1't in bed w; tl-.
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me a("cuf\~ +~ dor'!y\s.

West Olympia, quiet non-smoking female to
share with same, two bedrooms, two
bathrooms, washer/dryer, pool. elCercise
room and private parking on bus line.
$290.00 + utilities. 956-1640.

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Best Pic.tvre. OscC\f".





prof e5~;0 ,,0.1 Bop

J)yl",~ trQ(l~ I~-ter-








Page 14 Cooper Point Journal April 28, 1994




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