The Cooper Point Journal Volume 25, Issue 27 (May 25, 1995)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 25, Issue 27 (May 25, 1995)
25 May 1995
extracted text



Th e Eve rgreen~'_:



Living in an. • •


by Oliver Moffat

CPJ News Editor



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The day after the Oklahoma city bombing I heard
some people talking about what they should do with the
bomber when they caught him, "they should tie him to
the back ofthe cop car and drag him all the way back to
Oklahoma. They can deal with whatever is left when he
gets there."
At that time the news media were trotting out
"specialists" to say it was a typical Islamic attack. Robert
I. Friedman reported in the May 15 issue of The Nation
that for the first 48 hours after the Oklahoma bombing
the "self-proclaimed terrorism expert" Steven Emerson
appeared all over the place on the radio and TV, to
proclaim that the bombing was clearly an Islamic attack
because it "was done with the intent to inflict as many
casualties as possible." Emerson is one of the many in
the news media who has reliably proven to be an antiArab, racist . Not only is he wrong, he gets paid well for
After the FBI told us the suspects were two white
men with ties to citizen's militias. I've heard rhetoric to
the contrary, that Timothy McViegh, if he is indeed
guilty, was justified in the attack on the fed
Doctor William Pierce is the
leader of the National Front and
publisher of National Vanguard
Books. He was a professor at the
University of Oregon and now is known
as one of the most eloquent and scariest
white supremacists in America. After the
Oklahoma bombing, Pierce called it an
acceptable act of war against the government.
Pierce is the author of the Turner Diaries,
a blueprint for a white supremacist take over of
the Pacific Northwest. The book opens with a
Federal Building bombing virtually identical to the
Oklahoma bombing. MCViegh is known to have read
the Turner Diaries as have many of the people
associated with citizen's militias.
Militias are no laughing matter. The Oklahoma
bombing isn't the only time militias have tied to horrible
acts of violence.
John Salvi shot seven people and has lies to the
the two deaths last New Years Eve at clinics in Brookline
Massachusetts. He was known to have ties to citizens
militias as well as radical anti-abortion groups.
Francisco Duran, the guy who shot at the White
House last yea r, had ties to militias and the Patriot
Citize ns militias are ac tive in over 30 states.
Although the different militias are only loosely afiliated,
they all share the same fear that the Federal government
has been sold out to the UN_They have taken up arms
and are preparing for what they believe to be th e
impending military invasion that will lead to The New
World Order.
There's probably 10,000 militia members in the
United States, but not too many would claim
membership after the publiC fury after the Oklahoma



Greener queers face a hostile community
by Carson Strege-Flora

high school students offered an unfriendly reminder of antigay
hostility in our community.
CPJ Asst. Managing Editor
On April 6, Bill Clayton and Sam Schaefer were assaulted
The Olympia area's most queer friendly places are not as and called "fags". The suspect, a 17-year-old Rochester boy, was
queer friendly as it should be. Gays and Lesbians have been arrested the next day on two counts of malicious harassment.
According to Cathy Sealy of the Olympia Police
harassed on the Evergreen campus and gay bashed near a local
Department, this is the first reported hate crime of 1995 in
gay night club.
Last month's well publicized gay bashing of two Olympia Olympia . In 1994. six hate crimes were reported in Olympia.
Three were anti-gay motivated.
But, as gay and lesbian Greeners can attest, the official
statistics don't tell th e real stury of anti-gay motivat ed hate
Even Evergreen, wh ich prides itself on il s queer fricndly
tone, has been host to various anti-qay sentiments.
On Wednesday, Evergreen student Jules Sibbern held a
sale on Red Square where she was interrupted by Bible jim, an
occasional Evergreen visitor who espouses far right Christian
views. Bible jim was speaking about lesbians and saying thaI
they just needed to find a real man .
Sibbern, who was sitting next to him , felt very threatened
by his words of hate and wanted to remove him from campus.
Because the Social Contract protects gays and lesbians from
intimidation, she tried to use that to remove him but learned
that she could not because sexual orientation is not protected
status under state law.
"Although queers are protected in the Social Cont ract,
enforcement is a fucking joke," said Sibbern.
Sibbern fina lly got Public Safety to at least quiet him on
the grounds that he was nut
a sanctioned spea ker of the
Services and Activities
"It's nice thaI they
ment ion us in the con lract,
but if su meon e wants lu
harass us, they can," said
Sib bern beli eves that
this kind of hateful talk leads
to more dangerous act ion,
like she faced the week before
at the Capital Mall.
Last Thursday. Sibbern
was punched at the Capital
Mall because of her sexual
orientation . Three high
sc hool age boys started
yelling and one hit her.
Sibbern was caught of guard
and knocked 10 Ihe ground .
Sibbern didn'l file a hate
crime repo rt beca use she
doesn', feel she has enuugh
evidence ano also she is
concerned thallhe boys were
Queers to
Two mOllths ago, 199--1
take back
Evergreen gradua le joel
Villines also en oured a hall'
crimI' became of hi~ sexual
Villines was outside ll{
Thekla, a popu lar Greener
new sign to
and Queer hangout, when
Iwo men asked him for
reaffirm its
He went to hrlp


to Queers.

see Hate groups page 8



Atmosphere of Hate

Hate groups
close to home
-+0 VI



• Happy little pot plants
(except in housing ... ),
page 70

photo by Erin Ficker

• Oh the horror! Rocky
Horror comes to Oly,
page 21

Olympia, WA 98505
Address Correction


see Hostile
page 4
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 65




Focus ON




cen~er ~rt


gallery o~pen '.·

Robert Meeropol
to speak at TESC


After months of hard
work,the newly named
Women's Re,sc>urce
Center (formerly the
Women's Center)
unveiled the Women's
Art Gaf,lery.
Student Kim
Williamson displayed
her ~rt in the gallery.
Interested artists can
submit their portfolio
for review to show in
the Cettter. '
The Women's
Resource Center
welcomes all to come
and enjoy the new

For 25 yea rs. Robert Meeropol has been a
political activist, author and speaker.
He is he son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg who
were executed when he was six for stealing the plans
to the atomic bomb and selling them to the Soviets.
Meeropol has been actively investigating his
parents case since 1974, including suing the FBI and
CIA for documents.
In 1990, he founded the Rosenberg Fund for
Children which provided for the educational and
emotio nal need of children whose parents have
been harassed, injured, jailed, lost jobs or died in
the course of their activities for social change and
social justice.
He will speak at 11 am. Thursday June 1 in


Eastside Women's
Health Clinic
needs your support

text and photo by
Carson Strege-Flora
older minimize aches and pains and increase their energy. Cost
is $40 per couple. For details or to register, call NursePLUS at

Anti· abort iun activ ists have been picketing Eastside
Women's Health Clinic. one of th e few establishme nt s that
performs abortions in Thurston Co.
At a public Radical Women meeting, Pat Shi vely. director
of Eastside Women's Health. will discuss what the staff and
women's rights supporters are doing to keep it's door open on
Thursday.J un e 1. 7:30 pm dinner will be served at 6:30 pm for
a $6 donation .
The event will be at New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Al'e.
South in Seattle.
For rides; childcare or more informatiun, call (206) 722ti057 at least two days in advance.

Massage for people
55 and older
Providence St. Peter Hospital is offerin g a class on
"Massage for 55 and Older," June 21 and 28,6:30 to 8:30 pm,
in meeting room 200 of the hospital.
The class is gea red towards helping people age 55 and


Thurston Co. fair
seeks llama mascot
The Thurston Co. Fair is looking for a llama with a rega l
attitude to serve as mascot for the 1995 fair.
Each year the Fair Board selects an animal to represent
the fair. This year's mascot will be a llama, and that llama will
be selected at an open contest to be held May 27 at 11 am on
the fairgrounds in Lacey.
The contest is open to any llama that will not otherwise
be exhibited at this year's fair. They will be judged on
appearance, friendliness and willingness to participate in local
parades, among other llama-like attributes.
The winning llama will participate in several local parades
and will preside over the five-day run of the county fair, held
Aug. 2 through 6. This year's fair theme is, fittingly, "Llights,
lIaughs and llamas'"

Matthew Kweskin

Compiled by


Friday, May 12 1527: Exposure incident near the Housing
0858: Traffic acc iden t at Driftwood and the
1022: The bookstore found a bag misplaced
by a member of the administration .
1502: Stud ent transported to St. Peter's
Ho~pital voluntarily. It was related to their
mental state.
2042: A camp us security offtcer's car was
vandalized at the Driftwood weaving studio.

Saturday, May 13
0407: A student reports a gray, grey or green
Vulvo dri ving 011 the succer field.
0754: Graffiti on the CRC-CAB Skyway.
1305: Juveniles were reported se llin g
controlled substances on campus.
2327: The window of a ca r in F-Lot was

Sunday, May 14
1700: Public safetv assisted with the eviction
of a student from A-Dorm .

Comm unity Center.
1635: Theft from a study room in the Library.
2156: Campus security arrested a person in ADorm who had a warrant out for their arrest.

Tuesday, May 16
Everything is true.

Wednesday, May 17
0750: Graffi ti in the freshly poured cement at
the Covered Recreation Pavilion.
1440: Fraudulent check out of media loan

Thursday, May 18
1440: The Bike Shop was found by a student
to be unlocked and unoccupied. One of the
bike shop head volunteers forget to close the
door on the way out.
1434: Car found stuck on the dirt mound off
Overhulse Rd.

Friday, May 19
Monday, May 15 1117: Theft of a fanny pack from the front of
t he Library.






Edited by Naomi Ishisaka

The Vertical
In the May 11
issue of the CPJ, in the
article titled "Students
left to create their own
cultural learning
communities," the
article incorrectly
stated that two third
world feminist faculty
were hired when only
one faculty member
was hired.
She will not be
teaching until the fall
of 1996.
In the article
"Student held up at
Corner," in the same
issue, the headline is
misleading. It should
read "Student held up
at Community Center,"
not Corner.
, Also, Melissa
Kallstrom's name was
misspelled twice. Sorry


Nisqually research
On Sat.June 3, scientists, students. resource managers and
interested citizens will gather at the UW's Pack Expe rimental
Forest near Eatonville to share the results of their work at the
Third Nisqually Research Symposium.
The Symposium begins at 8:30 am, in Scott Hall on th e
Pack Forest campus with an opening panel discussion of three
regional watershed management efforts: water quality basin
planning at the Department of Ecology, watershed assessment
under the Department of Natural Resource's Timber-FishWildlife agreement, and integrated landscape manage ment
through the Dept. ofFish and Wildlife.
For more information call (360) 407-6783.

Construction deaths
decrease, accidents rise
For the first 11 months of 1994, 2,675 work zone traA:ic
accidents were reported in which 2.114 people were injured.
During the same period in 1993,2,268 accidents were reported
involving 1,565 injuries. Nine people were killed in construction
zone traffic accidents during the first 11 months of 1994 ,
compared to 16 deaths during the same period in 1993.
"These statistics are alarming and undersco re the serious
need for motorists and our workers to protect themselves," said
Transportation Secretary Sid Morrison.
A new law, doubling fin es for speeding through highway
work zones, is being aggressively enforced.

Responding to
extremist groups
On the evening oOune 1. Portland/Vancouver Fellowship
of Reconciliation will sponsor an even ing of presentation and
discussion of right-wing extremist organizing in the NW.
Hear a representative of lhe Coalition for Human Dignity,
an organizat ion devoted to monitoring the activities of
ex t remist organiza tion s, address their presence, the roots of
their beliefs and actions and then engage in a discussion as to
possible citizen resp-onses to their activities.
The event wi ll take place at Powell's Ci ty of Books located
at 10th and Burnside in downtown Portland at 7:30 pm.
For more information, wri te to Chrls Faatz at

Anti-Terrorism Bill revealing:
Will our rights be forfeited?
Any governme.nt posseses there in its
ultimate grassroots levels the desire for
CPJ Staff Writer
perpetuation at any cost. Want they want
Trying to approach this critique in the is to believe that we, the public, have given
most unbiased fashion possible them permission for such reductions in civil
(applicable), attempting to establish links liberties outlined by the OCA95.
between existi ng improvements in U.S.
I will again let it be known that at no
policy, and the contradictions within the time do I sanction the killing, maiming, and
kidnapping of innocents.
Section 3 (b2) states" the Federal
. Ana~'ysis
Government the fullest possible basis,
Omnibus Counterterroism Act of 1995 consistent with the Constitution, of the
(OCA95), I have decided it is undoubtedly United States, to prevent persons and
impossible to do so. Therefore, I wiU dissect organizations within the jurisdiction of the
portions of this would be Bill. I hope to open United States from providing funds, directly
all our eyes to the true
nature · of political
organizations, including
developments (or rather
subordinate or affiliated
• Terrorism may seem
the reverse) in these
persons, designated by
',-!t ':,. ~
f .
here United States; that
the President as engaging
rather well defined,
being the ever present
in terrorism, unless
topic of immigration,
authorized under this
race relations and rights
of residents of the
The problem arises in
nation. Welcome to
how to interpret such
claims, The President has
Their definition of
gained the ability to send
terrorism ("they" refers
troops to war without
to Senator Biden and
Congressional consent.
That position is now
presented this Act on
gaining under these
the floor of the Senate
provisions the ability to
February 10, 1995) is
become, if that is so
the intent to or the acts
intended, judge and jury
of killing, maiming, kidnapping, causing over which nation, organization or person
bodily harm of individuals of the United is considered a terrorist. Basically, this initial
States. It is also to act contrary to foreign attempt at analyzing this Act is nothing
policy, with aggression against "friendly" more than a look into what the designers of
foreign governments and their citizens, the document were intending and implying.
with intent to retaliate against U.S. foreign
"Effective Oate: The provisions of this
policy or officials involved in such actions. Act will be effective upon enactment, and
Terrorism may seem rather well defined, but shall apply to all aliens without regard to the
with linle to no clear definitions or date ofentry or attempted entry into United
boundaries for such claims it gets States." This is what it says ... No matter the
increasingly vague. The OCA95 is written date of entry. Perhaps thirty years ago a
in such a manner that common people, group of "aliens" entered the country. They
trying to glean some truth or otherwise, had involved themselves in counternothing but a cross-referenced headache.
government activity against a "friendly"
Until later on in the Act, there is under regime somewhere, anywhere. How open,
the section of Alien Removal. a clearly how vague, how serious can any claims be
defined use of the definition. "As used in this toward individuals whose own children grew
Act, the term 'terrorism' means in this country? Since we all have such
premeditated, politically motivated heartstrings for the mere mention of
violence perpetrated against noncombatant children, because truthfully they are the
ultimate example 9finnocents, would then
This will be scrutinized as well in time. the children be deported as well?
The main objective of the Act is clear.
Title V- Alien Terrorist Removal
The United States Government is out for
itself. But this as'we know is to be expected.
see Anti-Terrorism page 8
by Kahul Gupta














Jim Webber tries to spread his gospel to a group of young students
on Wednesday afternoon. They were not receptive.
by David Scheer
CPJ Photo Editor

Wednesday, on an otherwise sunny
afternoon, four visitors to Red Square again
embarked on a mission to save Evergreen from
The activists names were Jim Webber.
Martin Kennedy, and Karen Rohman and Ron
Rohman. According to Karen Rohman, the
foursome normally cover the Portland area , yet
they occasionally make their way north to
Like previous visits, Webber touted his
yellow sign and stainless steel "Fag Whistle."
yet this time he also boasted a shiny new plastic
"Fag Funnel." Webber explained the Fag
Funnel as a safety device.
"It's in case I cause one them fags a heart
attack and none of his fag friends can
resuscitate him," said Webber. Webber
planned to use the funnel as protection during
assisted breathing.
Kennedy passed out small, illustrated,
anti·abortion pamphlet~, called Baby Talk.
Sponsored by the Portland Foursquare
Church, the pamphlet tells the story of a
confused pregnant teenager and her boyfriend.
The pamphlet also has instructions on
how one can be saved and provides a small
space where the reader can write the date that
~hey accepted Jesus into their life.
- While Webber and Kennedy spoke near
Red Square's grassy knoll, Ron Rohman made
attempts to interrupt the Nomadic Lotus
presentation by the library.

Public Safety officers Lana Brewster and
Tammi Stretch responded to student
complaints about the activities of the four
While students described the behavior of
Weber and his companions as purposely
offensive and abusive, Brewster explained that
the activists could not be removed unless they
made personal threats or incited attacks
against individual students.
According to Stretch, none of the activists
were Evergreen community members and
could not be held accountable to Evergreen's
social contract.
Webber has been returning to Evergreen
for many years, yet in his discussion with
students he openly stated that he does not
believe that he is reaching people at Evergreen.
Nevertheless, Webber feels that it is his
duty to at least warn sinners that they are going
to hell.
Jesse Dolin, a student who spoke. argued
and contradicted Webber (describing herself
as "the second coming of Christ") agreed that
Webber's message would never be heard at
"No matter what, their words will never
mean anything," said Dolin . Contrary to
Webber, Dolin believes that everyune is a ill
themselves god.
Evergreen students Christine Dumke,
Paula Solis and Lorelei Ark who resentfully
listened to much of Webber's views, were
concerned that people in the Evergreen
community would perceiv e him as a
representative of all Christians . . ,

Actions of hate at Evergreen: A Timeline
Jan.1990- racial slurs spraypainted in
CRe. The perpetrators are later dis~overed
to be members of a local high-school's
swim team.

Mar.1992- The Women of Color Coalition
receives a threatening phone call in
response to a controversial poster on their
office door.

Oct.1993- A poster in front of survivor tree
defaced. The graffiti included such
statements as "Shut up Bitch!,"IDead men
rape in heaven," and "My dick is hard."

Oct.1991-letterwritten to CPJ describing
homophobic graffiti seen in Library.
Messages left included "fucking faggot,"
"Burn in Hell,""You bunch of Perverts," and
"Dicks were made for a ~et juicy cunt."

May 1992- Two swastikas, German
phrases, and anarchy symbols are
spraypainted over a black student's mural
in A-dorm.

May 1993- Skin heads disrupt Fugazi show
at Capitol Theater.

Feb.1992-Neo-nazi flyers posted on campus

Feb.1992- A bla'c kwoman is approached

by three white women and one white man

It is true, thernvill be OIIly one more (Pl.

Bible Jim revisits Evergreen
spewing slurs and hatred

on campus who sang a raci.stsong to her in
exaggerated Southern accents.

Nov.1992-·A flyer promoting Nazis.and
the Aryan race was posted in the CAB.
Later that day, three white men were
reported to be recruiting for a Neo-Nazi
group in the CAB.

May 1995- Vandals deface student's
artwork in art annex with racial slurs and
a swastika.

May 1995- White Aryan Resistance flyers
posted on campus.
- Timeline compiled by Ariel Burnett

25, 1995 PAGE 3





'Middle Eastern Festival shares knowledge and culture


1994 ··
, ---------'-'--'--' -""-----

~ 810



. There's e_Salibashare's her_experi'e nces


. "










- - -:'

,-' f



-. .

Ailhough many ollhe organizations shown on this map have numerous chapters in various sloles, only



symbol is shown per slole for each separole organizotion. A Slote may hove more than one 01 the some


symbol because more thon

........ , ., ,,


Graphic courtesy of Klanwatch, a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center




type may be operating in the .tote. If (, cerloln

group' ••Iote office i. rep<esented on the mop or if lhol is

po~ible. 0 site is randomly selected.

Staff Editorial

Hostile from Cover
and they pepper sprayed him in the eye. Villines said it was
very clear thai it was because he was queer.
Villines experience outside Thekla shows how gays and
lesbians are losing their once safe places.
According to sOlne Greeners, over the past six months
Thekla has changed from a quiet , queer friendly club to one of
the most popular clubs in town. Its new found popularity has
brought a hostile environment for queers.
Evergreen student Shawna Rae Sinkler, who frequents
Thek,l,a. said, "I actually feel uncomfortable about going there
. now.
While Sinkln has never been physically assau lted, she
has faced sub tler forms of harassment. She says that she has
been stared at by groups of straight men "who come to see the
Thekla manager Angus Black. an Evergreen grad and
former Lesbian Gay Bisexual Peoples Resource Center
coordinator (now know as the Queer Alliance), cites a poll that
named Thekla as the best place to dance i.n Olympia. The poll
and the lark of other dance clubs in the Olympia area is
attracting some anti-gay dancers, Black said.
"We now get 100 mOl"e people a night [on weekends],
including a lot of red necky types," said Black.
In response , Sinkler organized a sort of "Take bark th e
Night" forqueersat Thekla. Shewanted the event toencourage
queers to help return Thekla back to a more queer friendly
"i think it is up to the queer community to take action.
We need to take those risks," said Sinkler. Sinkler also is
considering organizing a "Q-patrol" made up of a group of
people who could watch for hate crimes.
. Thekla management is also responding to the changing
chentele. Black says that Thekla changed the sign outside to
rmphasize that Thekla is a queer club. The sign used to read,
"Thekla is a mixed club, we welcollJe our gay and lesbian
customers. Bigots get ou/." The new sign reads: "Thekla is gay.
\VI' welcome our straight friends. Anti-gay go away."
Black wants the club to be a comfortable place for all
queer~ in Olympia and he believes that Thekla can return to
"Eventually these people will go away, the people who
are anti-gay and th e people who don't think they are, but are,"
said Black.
Paul Beeman. who is the co-president of Olympia Parents
dIId Friend~ of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), is very disturbed
and angry about the hate crimes against gays.
PFLAG offered support for family membrrs and students
of Olympia Iligh after the gay bashing incident in ApriL
He helieves that it is important for the community to take
a vocal sta nd against them. He is also worried about an
escalation or hate crimes because of the current climate.

one organization 01 0 given

group hos more lhon one chopter in

Would accepting hateful advertising compromise CPJ policy, ethics?
This week the CPj received a request to
i\\f- ' Would we be profiting from Holocaust denial by
run an ad from Bradley R. Smith
"c.\'- i~<;\C.\\l>\
printing the ad?
titled "A Revisionist
... O\ ..\.~~\ ..\,~\
... ;
• Do we have a responsibility to ensure
s\s· ~t.~\ (\\\"
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Chal Ieng!' to the
,,\<;\0.' \).;~
'1\\-0;" .~+;.~,;t~. """, ,.
that everything in our paper is "true" (Which
,,{If. \'p1.1- \l(..~\t ,..e; ' ''~
""" ....
H0 Iocaust
.... ~~~~i~.~'. Ii ~''''\;
would inevitably mean we'd have to promote
Museum." After a
. fII'--\........
p~~-" ~~;;;, ~
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our own definition of truth)?
-P: .,.w'-" (~jol.\
heated debate at the
<",,0,,;,::,,, ::;.:r~r';'\1;"""'.. ,,~~~;:..:~,'t.""'·
• As a newspaper, are we obligated to
....-!) ..... ~ ....... "",""~ , .....;;..."".~' .....'
WI' d nes d ay mormng
.,-"~-.:.'.~:....~:.,.,~ ,~<>.;.~,...",,,,,,,
provide a forum for free speech above all
r-'" ....-_ ....;?:.: \'...... ~ "'-"
b uSlness meeting, we
"'.,~"'.;:,""'.' ....,"
{To\'\. , r:-~'"""~~~
\ \,)\ .... ,I,~,~tII-~aO
,.... "
'd d
d eCl e not to take the
We as students are responsl' ble for
."'~~ ~

Z~· ~.\O~
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everything that appears 111 the paper. The
,>l.....-::~ ,dt'
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Th e ad ,sponsore d by
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Evergreen State Collerrf."
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I say tI1e M useum dISP ays nelt 1er. CALL
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We cou ld not in good
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with our deciSion we
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llssue 0 t1e CPj, the last Issue of the year. We \ " .~,'..,.~'<.~;... , ....~:;:~:;.~.•' ....."'\~~~c..>.,;.;:':,... \ welcome rcponse
did b
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,..rTh ere aIso would have been no time
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AI though the CPjrarely rejects any submiSSions
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offices Mone
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lor content. we eet e t at pnntmg the ad without
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day May 29 at
\ "'\)~tl ~~ l~.)..v-~~yo.\,I ~""~' 1\t'l,~1
provi II1g an opportunity for commullity response \ ,:,~\;",. ~<",,~.-,\ ...~ " ,.".. C
A ""t \\.
noun They must
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wou elrresponsl e.l'urt er, It would also VIOlate the '\ ;;:;'~,........ ,W I'" c.e\\I
be accompanied by a real
. 0\'" \ ~ \~e 3 6 ~e
· I Contra.ct wh'IC h encou~ages debate.
Evergreen. SOCla
name and phone number in order
Irol1lcally, ~e received the ad dunng the very week
c.o~'i 0
to be printed in the June 1 issue orthe CPj.
that we are focussmg on the Issue of hat!' in our community. fl-.
- Naomi Ishisaka, Editor-In-Chief
To many of us, the ad clearly represents hate speech against
-Pat Castaldo, Managing Editor
those who endured the pain of the holocaust. Beyond the
-Carson Strege-Flora, Asst. Managing Edi~or
Simple reason that we used to reject the ad, we also discussed
-Oem ian A. Parker, Arts and Entertainment Editor
the broader ramifications.
-Oliver Moffat, Newswriting Editor
• If we refuse to print th e ad, then are we committing a
-Reynor Padilla, Staff Writer
-Dawn Hanson, Staff Writer
disservice to our readers by not letting th em know that these
opinions are out there?

. . .;.....,:.



, ...

. ." : ,...

.. . . . '"











AI-Hurriah, a nine member group from Vancouver, BC opened the festival.
by Naomi Ishisaka
CPJ Editor

In an effort to fill the void left by a lack of
Middle Eastern cultural studies at Evergreen, the
Middle East Resource Center (MERC) hosted the
first ever Middle Eastern Cultural Festival.
The festival, held Saturday, May 20 in Red
Square featured dancing, food , information and


Holocaust revision advertisements



Therese' Saliba,
'. Evergreen's .newly
'!=hosen Third World
'. Feminist Faculty introduced herself to
the welcoming Evergreen communi'. ty. l~st Saturday,
Saliba gave a
speech regarding
the treatment of
Middle Easterners
In the media and
our country. Saliba
also read her own
'work from an a(1thology of Middle
Eastern women
writers called Food
FaT Our Grandmothers,
Saliba cited
the reaction to the
. Oklahoma City
bombing as an example of injustice toward Arab and Muslim people in our

She said after the b(>mbiflg, an Iraq! woman's hous~ was stoned in
Oklahoma City, causing her to miscarry. Other backl.a sh
. incidents were reported across the country after the media
reported that the bombers could be from the Middle Ea~t,
"There were no apologies to. the Ara.b and Muslim
community after the Oklahoma bombing, she saicl.
Saliba said that the U,S, is surprised that incidents like
the bombing occur, yet the U.S, teaches its citizens to be
Soldiers are,"asked t(J perform outrageous acts abroad
but are surprised when these a'cts are committed h~re/ she
Saliba will be teaching here at Evergreen in the Fall of



'fI\•• " ....



- Photo and Text by Naomi Ishisaka ;

Middle Eastern Core program needed
by Ariel Burnett

study a culture without studying it's food," he said.
However, Gupta expects that if his program idea is
CPJ Staff Writer
implemented that only reinforce old stereotypes by studying
The area of Middle Eastern Studies is one that has largely the Middle East through the American perspective, but actually
been overlooked at Evergreen. Despite the region 's international break them by studying the area from the perspective of those
and historic importance, there are
who come from it.
currently no classes offered on it at the
"I want to look at Arabic literature
by Arabs. Let's see what Middle
However, Gupta expects that if his
This oversight is seen by some
Eastern Anthropologists have to say
program i\'J.ea isimpletnented that
students as a noticeable gap in the
about the Middle East. I want to look
it not simply reinforce old
offered curriculum. Racism and
at Middle Eastern history through
prejudice most often have their roots in
Middle Eastern eyes, not how the West
stereotypes by studying the
ignorance. In light of the recent media
the Ottoman Empire!", he said
Middle East through the American
gaffe which left many believing that the
pe~spective, but actually break
Oklahoma City bombing was
Regarding the logi st ics of the
b)( studying the area from
committed by Arabs, it seems safe to
program itself, Gupta said he imagines
say that many readily accepted
the perspective of those who
it with several professors . wi th
stereotypes about the Middle East exist;
different humanities backgrounds,
come from it.
stereotypes that might be dispelled by
operating on a regular rotating basis.
He also sees the program having a
Rahul Gupta, co-coordinator of the Middle Eastern mandatory third-quarter contract, in order to introduce new
Resource Center (MERC), is one student who feels that the lack students to the process of contracts, something he said "I wish
of co~.rses about the Middle East have led to stereotyping.
someone would have shown me."
TerrOrISm, Saddam Hussein; people need to realize that
Although Gupta said that he has found some preliminary
that's not the Middle East ," said Gupta, "People have to support for his plan from a few faculty and administration
understand the cultural differences."
members, he has not been able to take it as far as he would like.
Gupta is currently trying to organize support for a Middle "No one's interested until something's happening," he said.
Eastern core program. The idea came to him, he said, when he
Gupta also feels that the school is not very supportive in
attended the Regional Middle Eastern Conference in Portland regards to multi-cultural studies, "They seem to be content with
and heard about schools that had required courses on the doing one thing and then patting themselves on the back." He
points to the absence of an Arab faculty member as an example
Gupta said he envisions such a core program as "a course of the lack of commitment to any kind of Middle Eastern
set up to spark interest in several different areas of Arab studies.
Gupta hopes that students and faculty who are interested
Among these areas he mentioned lingUistics, literature, in having the kind of program he is proposing let it be known
political theory, the issue offundamentalism, Western concepts that this is something that is wante,d and needed at Evergreen.
of the Middle East, and culinary arts . "I don't fhink you can For more information, contact the MERC at x6749.

Middle Eastern culture and history is an area
where few Americans can claim expertise, yt-t
MERC co-coordinators Rahul Gupta and Linnea
Wolf have led the way in trying to educate the
Evergreen community on issues and topics critical
to understanding the Middle East.
In addition to the Middle Eastern Cult ural
Festival. it is the MERC that has presented films
three times a week on the Middle East. They have
also compiled information and resources to assist
students who wa nt to know more about th e
Middle East.
Gup ta sees th e festival as breaking
important ground for the rollege.
"[The festival] had never been attempted. It
broke all bounds as far as what people on this
campus are used to seeing as cu ltural events."
Gupta hopes th e festival will continue on for
future years. The MERC applied for additional
fudning from the S&A board to fund this festival
next year, but did not recieve it. <8

The Middle East Resource Center
compiled pamphlets, books and
leaflets for the festival.

S&A Board allocated
student group funding
by Derek Birnie

CPJ Staff Writer

The S&A board is the closest thing we have to
student government. They decide how to spend $100 of
your tuition and fees from each quarter.
The seven members of the board spent four hours
Monday night and five hours Wednesday night deciding
allocation levels for the tier two studen t organizations.
Forty-four group s applied for funding and made
presentations to the board over the last several weeks.
Thirty-nine received funding , six new student
organizations among them.
The board allocated approximately $ 133,000 to the
tier two groups, in comparison with the $78{).000 tier one
budget. The allocation was equivalent to last year's level
of funding, a fact which led to some diflicuit budget
decisions. Historically, S&A boards have had room to
allocate increased levels annually to growing groups. "The
size of the pie this year was the same as last and there were
more people at the table, so some existing groups had to
sacrifice for the new groups," sa id S&A Board Coordinator
Dante Salvatierra.
Several requests for increases were not fulfilled . S&A
Director Tom Mercado said that specific projects are being
funded more and more by special initiatives. "In essence,
the board is asking existing groups to use that process in
order to free up funds for new groups," said Mercado.
Aspreadsheet indicating precise allocationle\'els by
group will be posted on a bulletin board in CAB :n o all
week. Student groups will have an opportunity to appeal
on Wednesday, May 31 at the 3:00 board meeting. <D




25, 1995





Irish political leader. speaks on peace process
by Reynor Padilla
CPJ SwffWriJer ,

. facing Ole people of Ireland-, North and
-- -- --

South and, tile British governme(lts
. together, remove the causes ofconflict,
Smok!ng a pipe before speaking in LH3, , to overcome the legacy of history and to
Christy Burke, a medium height, medium buift heal the divisions which have resulted,"

man strollingcaround with glasses and a blue
"We're committed ·to peace with
shirt·, looked like he could be an ayerage justice," says Burke. Sinn Fein, he sayS, no
Evergreen raculty member.
longer wants war, but they will no longer
E)n~ would nev~r have guessed that he live under British rule,
was a leader in the Northern Irish freedom
The British government is calling for
fi'ghting party,S'inn Fein .
the de·commissioning oflRA weapons. The ~
Burke, a Dublin city Sinn Fein councillor, IRA and Sinn Fein refuse, "We believe in the
was at The Evergreen State College to discuss de-commissioning of all weapons." says ~
the ongoing peace process in Northern Ireland. Burke, all weapons including those of the ~
Sinn Fein hopeslhat they can be instrumental British Government, and the 100,000 illegal g
in bringing peace to the centuries old conflict weapons held in the Protestant community. >.
between Northern [relandand the government
"Media attention has focused. to :.
of Great Britain.
some extent. on the issue of >.
Sinn Fein's effort to bring about a 'decommissioning' vs. ·demilitarization·... 0
peaceful end to the conflict shocked British Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams wrote in ~
the April 12. 1995 issue of the Irish voice. ~
"[They] never believed the [RA would "This is a distraction. The real issue is
Christy Burke speaks to
declare a cease fire," said Burke.
whether Sinn Fein has the right to represent
inside of LH 3 on
British authorities have been slow to react the concerns of our electorate or to proceed on
Wednesday, May 24.
to the peace process. Burke would like to see the basis of our analysis and mandate.
the British move faster "because people's lives,
"There is no problem with Sinn Fein
people's future, and people's well being are at engaging in serious, substantive and
stake here," he says. The Irish government was constructive discussion on all issues. including the new negotiations are an indicatien that the
disappointed with the British behavior toward the decommissioning of arms." Adams wrote. British Government will be willing to talk
the peace process.
"Sinn Fein is ready to discuss all issues peace.
In addition, the British released the
The peace process proposed by Sinn Fein with British ministers," Adams also wrote, "It
is outlined in a document titled A New is the British government which is holding up "Downing Street Document," the British
Government's peace negotiation plan.
Framework For Agreement . The first these discussions."
The Downing Street Document wasn't
paragraph reads:
Burke said, the Irish
"The Joint Declaration acknowledges Government has been willing to discuss the bad , Burke said, "They [the British
that the most urgent and important issue release of political prisoners. Sinn Fein hopes Government] just wanted to remove any

credibility" from Sinn Fein and Gerry
Burke insists that Sinn Fein is open to all
types of negotiation between Ireland and the
British government. "We're ready to put the
agenda up on the table ... but we can't let the
British control the agenda."
Burke is nonetheless optimistic. Twelve
months ago he wouldn't have believed that
peace talks would have happened. He points
to recent events in South Africa as
inspiration for the Irish People to work for a
peaceful end to the conflict "It worked in
South Africa, we don't see why it won't work
in Northern [reland." Burke says.
Catholic and Protestant armed
"terrorism" groups have' been clashing in
Northern Ireland for decades. Sinn Fein,
Burkes says. recently recognized that the war
is made up of people killing other people of
the same social class.
Burke noted that in southern Ireland
Protestants and Catholics live together
peacefully. Sinn Fein, he says, has never had
a problem with it's Protestant membership.
Burke also spoke of Sinn Fein's official
stance on issues important to women. The
Supreme Court of Ireland recently made
abortion legal. Sinn Fein is also pushing to
legalize divorce in Ireland. Burke says the
party is very interested seeing women "not
tied to the kitchen sink."
Sinn Fein has also successfully' fought
legislation that makes IRA access to the
Media illegal. It was "unconstitutional and an
insult to my constituents," Burke said. CD

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Forums and Vice President lean towards more sports
by Pat Castaldo
CPJ Managing Editor

It is very likely that Vice President for
Student Affairs Art Costantino will
recommend to President Jane Jervis next week
that Evergreen double the size of its current
sports program.
Costantino held publiC forums for input
on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23 and 24.
He set up a folding card table and placed a
handwritten sign in front of it that read,
"Intercollegiate Athletics: Affiliation an d
offerings. What are your opinions?"
He was joined at the table by Ca mpus
Recreation Center Director Pete Stilberg.
The administration is considering a
switch in leagues that would result in an
additional two sports at Evergreen. The switch
is motivated by a change in the current league
that would not allow Evergreen swimming to
Swimming and soccer, Evergreen's
current two sports. compete in the National
Association of Intercollegiate Athletics
'Costantino is proposing switching to the
National College Athletics Assoc iation
(NCAA) . The NCAA is split into three
divisions, Division I being completely out of
Evergreen's reach with such teams competing
as the University of Washington.
Division II is more competitive than
Division III, but the administration is currently
considering both.
Major differences between the two are
athletic scho larships and recruitment
practices. NCAA III does not allow for skillbased scholarships or active recruitment, but
only provides scholarsh ips based on academic
need. NCAA II permits active recruiting and
skill -based scho larships, which many
Evergreen athletes receive under the current
"Divis ion 3 is more participatory,
therefore it would invite more participation by
students who aren't athletes," said Costantino
at the Tuesday forum.




The majority of Evergreen's current
athletes have expressed a clear desire to switch
to NCAA III, citing the increased skill level
required to playas a benefit.
Almost 30 students attended the Tuesday
forum to give their opinion, and a small group
of st udents, mostly athletes, gathered and
remained for .an hour while Costantino and
Stilberg listened to people's concerns.
"[ wish there was this much concern for
academics," said student Jessica Reid.
Several people asked if there were surveys
to fill out, but there were none. Students were
suppose to vocally give their opinions to
Cos tantino, who wrote them down in his
notebook. Costantino encouraged people to
submit their comments in writing either to his
office or through e-mail.
The majority of those who spoke to
Costantino were athletes like Garren aura.
aura supports switching to NCAA III and
adding additional intercollegiate sports at
aura said that athletes have been accused
of "stacking" the public forums, but said "we're
just showing a lot of passion for what we do."
aura made the point that people who are
opposed to increased athletics have been given
the chance to speak, including three forums
held this week.
"[f they wanted to state their opinions,
there have been plenty of opportunities," said
Garren aura.
There were nine people at Tuesday's
forum that spoke up against increased athletics
on campus.
"We're going to lose faculty and we're
going to pay for a basketball program? [ don't
have a good feeling." said Pam Whitfield. "I've
talked to people, and a lot of them don't want
sports ... but where were they today?"
Student Matthew Kweskin said. ''I'm
vehemently against skill-based scholarships
and competitive sports in general. We should
spend the money on something that more than
just 50 students are going to be using."
One woman spoke against sports at
Evergreen, saying that itwas bad for Evergreen
to concentrate on sports. She said that it is


Sport~ Cost Pr.ojections
Salaries, Wages an~ Benefits



-Shoes ana Soc~s ...


Practice ~' GameBalls
Training Supplies
Referee Fees



Total .



Costs based on projections "om RecrearWn, Wei/ness and
Athletics. BasketboJ(assumes bot/J Womenl and ~n~
teams. Actual costs may vory greatly. Notall costs reflected,

money that should be spent on other ~hings,
in particular academics.
Some students have expressed a concern
with the type of attitude and values that
accompany intercollegiate sports, according to
This type of attitude was displayed at the
Wednesday, May 10 forum, when a woman
who was ex.pressing her concern s with the
budget was asked by one st udent athlete,
"What's your problem with sports?"
The woman informed the man that she
had nothing against sports, that she in fact
played tennis on a regular basis:
The people who spoke against sports at
Tuesday's forum were outnumbered by those
who supported it, two to one.
"[f[participation in athletics] has been a
big part of my life," said Kristie Copp. Other
student athletes offered similar comments.
Tristan Fields feels that the team sports
at Evergreen have already become more
competitive. She fears this type of competitive

Nomadic Lotus visits
Evergreen for a day

atmosphere doesn't match with Evergreen.
"Before we used to let people without
c~mpt'titive backgrounds. Now we don't,"
she said. "There's less diversity now."
James Carsner disagrees with Fields. he
thinks that club sports are more
competitive than team sports. He is part
of an off-season swim club that he says is
far more competittve than the swim team.
"No one wants to give an inch. We're just
in it for ourselves. It's all based on times."
he said.
A big concern for many students and
faculty. in a time of serious financial stress,
is the issue of how much two additional
sports will cost the college.
Costantino handed out what he called a
"fact sheet," about the switch. [tcontained
best-guess estimations of the cost and
savings made in switching to NCAA.
Costantino argues that the switch alone
will save $16,350 in membership,
insurance and travel costs.
Becaus~ the NCAA is a larger
organization, they are able to offer these
services at a lower price than the NA[A.
The budget projections he handed out
also indicated that $15,135 could be raised by
adding basketball and tennis. This money
would purportedly come from tennis and
basketball summer camps, an Evergreen
Booster Club that would be formed and ticket
sales to games.
Costantino estimated that 200 people
would come to basketball games, a number he
based on attendance at other regional colleges.
The money saved from the switch and the
estimated revenue is what would fund the
additional two sports. The figures that
Costantino provided neglected the possible
increase in maintenance costs for the tennis
and basketball courts due to the in creased use.
Adding sports and switch ing leagues is
not the only option that Evergreen has.
"One thing to save mooey," said
Costa ntino at both the Tuesday and
Wednesday forums, "would be to drop sports
all together." _



Wed" May 24, Nomadic Lotus began their performance series on
Red Square. The New York based group featured drums, flute,
freestyle vocals and hip-hop. The Women of Color Coalition
sponsored the event. Performances will continue on Thursday and
Friday of this the week.


Housing Stewards do more
. . . - - - - -... than hand out brooms


situation where we feel threatened - and
we never have to, People think stewards are
CPJ Ill/em
the same as Public Safety."
Scheer went on to say that, "A bigger
Confronting angry pet owners and
housing residents is something tha t problem is residents that are likely to have
a party - and if things go wrong, they're
Housing Stewards regularly face,
ScHeer. who is a steward in the Mods, afraid to call because we are seen as the
says that he enjoys his job and that it's a police.'·
great way to meet people, but that there are
English agrees and said that he hasn 't
many misconceptions about the roles of heard of a·party since becoming a steward.
English wants residents to know that
. Housing stewards are generally not "Housing loves you".
Housing stewards are required to
first-years students. As Scheer pointed out,
"[As a steward] it's to your advantage to be report any misconduct or problems having
able to confront someone who's older to do with Housing. However, they are
you have to be mature enough to handle around to assist students and do not
different situations. But
regularly patrol campus
for problems,
from my ex.perience. an 18year-old can be an excellent
Scheer said that the
Scheer said that the
steward too...
most annoying thing
most annoying
As part of the peer
about being a steward is
hiring committee for the
being woken up at 3 am
thing about being a
future Housing Stewards,
by someone wanting
steward is being
Scheer explained what they
cleaning supplies.
look for when hiring.
Most stewards have a
woken up at 3 am by
"You don't just want
notice of some sort of
someone wanting
to hire people that you'll
sign of their door saying
get along with." said
when it's too late to get
cleaning supplies.
little things like supplies.
Housing Steward Bill
First-year-student Sally
English remembers when
Anderson, who attended
he was hired in March. "I was interviewed the application meeting in hopes of
straight from the application, but the becoming a steward next year.
She said that she is interested in the
normal procedure looks intimidating - they
sit there watching you; you have to impress job because of the free rent and the contact
she would have with other students during
The hiring committee draws up to the the job.
applications and interviews as peers
She further explained that she wanted
because it is important that all the stewards it as an "on the side job." and felt it wouldn't
are able to work well with one another.
take too much to be a steward.
, "Stewards need to act 2,S peoples'
After the meeting was OVl.'r, she said
mends. not as police." said Scheer.
she felt like the present stewards, "just told
Confrontations can be stressful for the horror stories", and that she realized she
stewards. On one occasion. someone had a wasn't ready for so much commitment.
loose dog on campus and after David asked
Being a steward is much more than
him to put the dog on a leash the person handing out brooms. There are serious
started screaming. "Fascist pig!".
conflicts and responsibilities that come
Scheer simply walked away with the with the job,
option to call Public Safety.
You can find out who your steward is
"We never insert ourselves into a by calling x6191. _
by Jesse Allert




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We (Toni, Pipjer and
Gary) wish to thank
all of those who
signed our petition.
It was a very helpful
part of our Proposal

___ II 011111111



25,1994 PAGE 7



Free Burrito Tuesday becomes tr~dition on Red Square

Anti-terrorism, from page 3 -----:----

Hate Groups, from coverThe militias gained popular militias have been careful to distance
appeal in 1992 after the white themselves from white supremacists,
supremacist survivalist Randy they share ideologies and some
Weaver's family was killed in an members. They also share
attempt by the government to serve membership with the more
legal documents.
mainstream Christian right groups
Then in 1993 there was the ATF who turn out about 25 mlllion voters
invasion of the Branch Davidian at elections.
compound in Waco Texas. These
Much more prevalent in
events, combined with the Brady Bill, Washington State than militias are
galvanized anti-government fears.
mainstream hate groups like the
Real wages in the United States Citizens Alliance of Washington.
have declined over the last two
A local business man, Ron
decades, people live in rural areas Tabor, is sponsoring Initiative 172 to
have been especially hard hit. Much end affirmative action in Washington.
of the rhetoric of the Patriot He must pay to have 182,000
movement feeds off of the frustration signatures collected by the end of the
and anger over
year to make the
governmen I
state Legislature
of the economy
Stern says that the
There is
also a cheap rip-off
KKK out of Tacoma
But in the
of the California
has a loose affiliation
Populist righ t
Initiative 187,
known as 1-653,
with the white
frustration is
which would keep
illegal aliens from
receiving public
Washington State
people of color.
and gays and
Washington State.
initiative's racist
Action is seen
as the cause of lost wealth. White dubious thaI illegal aliens cost the
Supremacists have found fertile soil state much of anything.
here for new recruits.
Government powers
This scapegoating is nothing
U.S. Attorney Susan Barnes says
new in America. The Paranoid Sfyle that the federal government can not
in American Politics, Richard
monitor the activities of militias
Hofstadter outlines our countries unless a crime has been committed or
long history of conspiracy theories there is evidence that one is planned.
and racist scapegoating.
However, states can pass anti-militia
Militias in Washington state
and paramilitary laws.
According to Marvin Stern of
The FBI under ]. Edgar Hoover,
the Seattle Anti-Defamation League had a counter intelligence program,
there is a chapter of the KKK in COINTELPRO, it used against the
Tacoma. but he says, it's mostly just American Indian Movement, the
one guy who does all the work.
Black Panthers, and even tapped
There are skin heads Martin Luther Kings phone lines. '
occasionally in Seattle and Spokane, During the Carter administration new
but they are not necessarily racists or FBI guidelines for counter intelligence
were drawn. But surveillance
Stern says that the KKK out of continued. In the 1980's the FB[
Tacoma has a loose affiliation with the coordinated law enforcement agencies
white supremacist Washington State in spying on ClSPES, the committee
Populist Party in Seattle which in turn in solidarity with the people of EI
has some affiliation to the Lake Salvador.
Chelan Citizen's
After the
[n 1986 in
After the Oklahoma
legislation that
eleven members
bombing legislation
of the African
expanded the
identity MOVE
powers of the FBI
that would have
expanded the
were killed when
surveillance were
given priority.
powers of the FBI to
bombed their
The bills are still
do surveillance were
commune. The
police got the
given priority.
bomb from the
Director Louis
govern men t.
Freeh testified in
MOVE was armed, but all they had front of Congress that the guidelines
were some shotguns. Their members now are good enough and the FB[
were getting beaten up by the police doesn't need broader powers.
and their home was under a police
Certainly wiretaps won't stop
- enforced blockade. The Lake Chelan right wing hate groups. The harder the
Gtizens Militia is looking to buy a tank.
government cracks down on these
Scot Nakagawa is an organizer groups the more committed and
for the Nationa[ Gay and Lesbian Task dangerous they will become. These
Force in Portland. He said that right wing groups feed off ofeconomic
militias are bracketed between white dissatisfaction and paranoia. Only by
supremacist groups on the right and alleviate economic injustice and out
the more mainstream Christian right. shouting ignorance, will domestic
Although Washington state terrorism end. _


25, 1995


Sec.202. (B)
"Section 212(a)(3)(B) ofthe Immigration
and Nationality Act (* U.S.C 1182 (a)(3)(B) is
amended to read as follows:
(B) Terrorism activities:
(i) [n general general: Any alien who(I) has engaged in a terrorism activity, or
(11) a consu lar officer or the Attorney
General knows, or has reason to believe, is
likely to engage after entry in any terrorism
activity ..... "
And this is deemed just?
There is one organization spelled out as
being terrorist in this section of the
document,the Palestinian Liberation
Organization. Though peace processes are at
work, and even though Arafat is leader of a new
Palestine trying to lead itselfon its own chosen
path, the nation has been deemed terrorist by
the U.S. PreSidency. [srael, the Hebron
Massacre, the occupation of soveriegn
territories, etc.- never a whisper. For those
unaware of the activities of the nation ofIsrael,
such as individual acts such as the Hebron
Massacre, please, don't worry, other
Americans are with you.
The definition described terrorism as any
violent political action against noncombatants.
Are they suppos ing all Palestinians as
combatants? That is one claim they could
never make stick.
Now the point where all this is leading to
is a briefbut effective look at U.S. immigration
policy from the turn of the century-or so- till
now. Let us begin.
Though the story begins with the
Constitution itself, the real problems began a
century later. The Chinese Exclusionary Act of
the late 1800's was the beginning of an
immigration tendency to deny non-white
persons entry into the States. The next step
was supposed to even out discrimination. [n
order not to single out China, the Pacific Barred

Zone was initiated. Nobody from Japan to
India was allowed to immigrate. However, as
people came over into our neighbor. Canada.
less and less stringent policy was implemented.
Until in 1907 another immigration act went
forth to deport as many non-white immigrants
as possible. When the actual eviction,occured,
those.persons lost every possession they could
not carry, including marriages, land and
homes. [n the 1930s restrictions lifted slightly,
and again in the 1940s. Even these did not
increase the immigrant population east .of
Europe. In L963, Kennedy came up with what
many immigrants saw as a new era of open
doors. This policy went into effect during
Johnson's term.
In 1991 the doors to this nation opened
wider. For the tlrst time percentage quotas and
family reunitings were open for discussion, and
immigrants worldwide had a better shot at
entry into the States than before.
Now in '95, everything is on the table and
on the line. The doors are sti ll open, but they
are only beginning to swing outward.
Make a quick connection. The Contract
Counterterrorism Act ofl995, Proposition 187
among other state discrimation initiatives.
These have all been proposed in the last few
years, years where a supposed policy return to
the 'good ole days' and the America of" Never
Happened" guides policy and politics. Thank
Discrimination is not, in the powerfuls'
eyes, an excuse for sending resident aliens, and
any aliens suspect of terroristic mannerisms.
out of the country. [t is there to keep them out.
What then for non-colored, American,
nationals whose own actions are most
assuredly 'terrorist', what repurcussions are in
store? McVeigh, our one and only alleged
bomber was one of their own, do you suppose
he will be deported? Probably not the case.

by Pat Castaldo

. tPJ Managillg Editor '
May 23,1995 marked the second "Free Burrito Tuesday"
on Red Square. The event provided over 200 free vegetarian
imd vegan burritos to hungry greeners.
The giveaway was by Evergreen students
Fezdak Clamchopbreath,Johannah Goldstein, Mary Water and
a baby known only as "Mister Man". The three all wore their
student ID's pinned to their shirts, turned over, so that all could
see they were tui tion-paying students.
. According to a handuut the group was giving away with
the burritos, ''The three of us enjoy making food, especially
burritos. Our purpose is to make people feel a little happier by
giving them some food."
While people were permitted to take free burritos, they
were encouraged to give a donation. The burritos were packed
with beans, rice, tomatoes, lettuce and guacamole.
"Feel free to pay for your burrito according to how much
you think it's worth," said the handout, "That's what we mean
by free, you're free to choose a price. be it nothing or a million
dollars, it's up to you."
"We're working on people's guilt," said Goldstein.
According to the group, the burritos have an estimated
cost of$0.30 each. At the end oflunch, there was almost $15
in the donation bucket.
"Everything has an inherent value," said
Clamchopbreath, "and for some people that's nothing."
The group vowed to return next Tuesday, putting all the
money they made this week into next week's supplies. •

Bookstore makes new friends

Ship it Home UPS

You pack it or we can pack it for you

Package Express Postal Center
We will be shipping from the Housing Community Center starting Monday,
June 5throJjgh June 9. W~ will also be shipping'on Monday June 12.
Our UPS authoriied shipping center will be open from 12:30 pmto
5:30 pm. New and used shipping boxes as well as tape will be
available for purchase.

Package Express Postal Center
2103 Harrison Ave. NW, Suite 2
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 352-1596


The new Bookstore
Director sure knows how
to make friends at
Everg ree l1,
On Tuesday and
Wednesday, Kristy
Walker, the new Bookstore Director hired this
year, sponsored a giveaway of coffee to bookstore shoppers.
At left is Housing
Steward and Bookstore
Employee PaullebensEnglund enjoying his
free beverage.
lucky patrons could
chose from a variety of
Fireside Coffee including
chocolate raspberry,
butter rum, orange
spiced mocha, chocolate
mint, cinnamon chocolate, chocolate covered
cherry and coconut bar,
We think it would be
great if other campus
businesses joined in the
The Deli could give
away free pizza, Housing
could give away free
rooms, the library could
give away free books. Or
something. _
-text by Carson Strege-Flora
-photo by Pat Castaldo

The CPJ doesn't want your disk, we
have our own. Please come and
get them out of the office or we
will feed them to the photo editor.
Thanks. CAB 316. Now.










Frisbee, penis
and a few leaves
by Pat Castaldo

CPJ Managillg Editor
Julian Smith enjoyed the beautiful Spring
weather last week by playing a game of frisbee on
the soccer fields in front of the Housing Community
It was a casua l pick-up game between friends.
and Smith, taking Evergreen's come-as-you-are attitude to heart, decided, much to the displeasure of
Public SafetY, to play the game without clothing.
Public Safety Officers Lana Brewster and Bob
McBride spotted Smith, au natural, and approached
"We told him this wasn't the nude beach," said
Brewster, "and if he cou ld please put some clothes
Smith withdrew to his room in P-dorm and
Public Safety left the area ... [ was just playing frisbee,"
said Smith.
Smith reemerged from P-dorm, technically no
longer nude; he had attached several maple leaves
to his body to cover his penis.
He fastened the leaves to his body using some
boot laces and a strip of dear plastic with pink polka·
dots on it. Smith said he had found the plastic in a
dumpster behind a local supermarket.
"Hewas walking around wi th a couple ofleaves
on his penis - that's all," said Kristie Copp, whu was
playing softball on a nearby field.
The entire group of people playing softball, the
several dozen people sunning themselves on the field
and everyone enjoying their meals at the now-in-serious-financial-trouble Corner Cafe were witness to
Smith's nakedness.
"[ feel like people are a little conventional
for a school that is suppose to be so liberal." said
Smith, "( just wanted to stir things up."
Public Safety returned an hour and a halflater
to inform Smith that his leaves did not constitute
proper attire.
Smith ran when he saw Public Safety, and
Brewster and McBride followed after him. McBride
chased on foot and Brewster in the Public Safety
Smith escaped into P-dorm through a tlrst floor
window. Public Safety followed, taking down Smith's
name and other information. They informed him
that he probably shouldn't play frisbee naked anymore.
"Plus," said Smith as to why he was playing
frisbee in the nude, "it just feels really nice." _


25, 1995 PAGE 9



The Internet is changing.
Are you keepin'g up?
by Pat Castaldo

Managing Editor
It's Spring in
Olympia, a .time for
blossoming love and ' 0
foliage. Theenthusi- ~
asm to watch things ~
landed two Housing ...
residents with an un- :.
disclosed number of ~
community service 0
Marijuana ~


seedlindgs perked o~tl Pot plants enjoyed their temporary home in the break
of 8" ug-up 501

filled, bright orange room of the 'Pubhc Safety Office.
jack-o-lantern on the second floor ofa newer couch. The~ had been growmg for over two
Housing dorm. The six plants measured a weeks. Pubhc Safety escorted the plants back
mere eight inches high, taU enough to be to headquarters, where they were depotted,
dried and presumably des.troyed. ,
observed by a casual passerby.
On such passed?)' was Public Safety
All of the six-person apartm~nt
Officer Bob McBride. on a routine walk- residents where the plants were growmg
through of Housing. McBride spotted the were' required t~ · meet with Campus
plants which he inimediately identified as Grievance ~cer SIOUX Fe~dman .
Feldman ad~m~ntly refused to
marijuana. Long before coming to Evergreen.
McBride worked in the narcotics division of 'comment aboUt the mCldet:l t .
a city police force.
. .
Ac~ording ~o .the r~siden~s. Feldman
Housing was altered to the presence of was cordllli and falf fO thelf meetin~. The two
the illegal vegetation. and the next morning residents who adrrutted to posses~lOn oft.he
on Monday, May 22 at 10 am Public Safety plants were sentenced to commumty servIce
gave a friendly, shave-an-a-haircut knock ~n within Hous~g.
. .'
the door. They explained what they saw m
The resIdents saId that they would~ t
be growing any more pot plants, not III
the window, and asked to come in.
The plants were sitting patiently on .the Housing, not anywhere. _

At the beginning of this quarter I was
really in doubt as to whether or not this thing
called the World
Wide Web was
really all that. Now
here we are in the
ninth week and I
couldn't be too
convinced that the
web is here to stay.
What does this
mean to you? Well,
just for starters, it
will be coming to a
monitor near you soon. Will you be able to
handle it?
The other night I was on-line at home. I
was helping this guy I met set up the audio on
his computer. Did I mention that he was in
another country? If you had walked past -my
room, you would have seen me talking into my
mic and looking at a little picture on the screen.
After getting the audio problem ironed out, I
started up a tour and took him and a couple of
other people around to my favorite web sites.
Group surfing is cool.
After I got done I went to NPR's Internet
radio site, selected an edition of "All Things
Considered", and listened to it in real-time
(without having to wait for it to download).
I have a hard time firing up "lynx" now
and getting as excited as I suppose the
technology really warrants. I mean it is cooL
but it's dated,
So what am I saying? Well if you're
interested in the current state of affairs in the
ever growing ' world of electronic

communications, then you're going to have to
figure o.ut a way to get connected by any means
necessary, If you
can't get it at school,
get it at home . I
always hear that the
gap between the
"knows" and the
"don't knows" is
what. It's true, but it
doesn't have to be. If
you don't want to be
left in the dust or end
up feeling about as in control of what is fed to
you as most people feel about what they watch
on T.Y. then get interested. This stuff is going
to affect your life after college.
On a brighter note. A group of students,
in an effort to give an example of what type of
offerings TESC couldhave on the Internet, have
a set up a server and created prototype web
pages for your vi'ewing pleasure. Please feel free
to peruse them and send us (yes I·am one of
them) your responses and suggestions. Your
input is extremely helpful to the finalization of
the project.
You can access these pages by going to
the address . You can
do this in Lynx while on Elwha. For the full
effect of these pages (they have graphics and
stuff) you need to use the Macintosh in the
back left corner of the library running
Netscape( a graphical web browser). Sorry, but
because Elwha is a closed system you can't see
. these pages from that's not in the
Evergreen system.

Hiring tor the raddest tucking job on CAMPUS
As a CPJ Ad Designer you
will make $4.90 an hour, 7
hours a week, GUARANTEED.
You work your own hours.
Any time on the weekends.
With your very own keys to
the CPJ offices you can come
in at 2 am- if you want.
No matter what, though,
you get to play with a Power

Macintosh, a Macintosh Quadra
660AV and Centris 650, all with fat
hard drives, a flatbed scanner, a
juicy negative scanner and a beautiful Lasermaster Unity 1200 dpi
laser printer and Hewlett-Packard 4
laser printer.
You also get a stereo to listen to
as loud as you want.
Not the worst job in the world.

The CP] won first place!
The Society of Professional Journalists awarded the
Cooper' Point Journal first
place in their annual competition.
- Of course, it was only for
Of course, we tied for first
with the Western Front, Western Washington University's
college newspaper.
Of course, we don't think
the University of Washington
didn't enter.
Of course, we had to pay
to enter the contest.

Without debate or divisions,
softball happens each week




Applications available at the Cooper Point
Journal, third floor of the CAB, in the Student
Activities Offices.

by Pat Castaldo
CPJ Managing Editor

But hey, we
think we're pretty
neat-o anyway.
(Not bad for an all-volunteer college newspaper. You too can shar
the glory by joining the CPJ staff.)

Greener Grad!

Not thinking of leagues. divisions,
academic funding or any sort of controversy,
over two dozen people have been gathering on
Monday and Wednesday afternoons for pickup games of Softball.
CO-I'd and casual, the teams changed
every week based on who shows up.
Participants range in ability, but all share a
common enthusiasm.
The games happen just behind the
Campus Recreation Center on the fields, near
the tennis courts across the way from the
Housing Community Center.






Even Public Safety gets involved, parking
the cruiser on the pathway adjacent to the field.
They hook up their walkie-talkies to the car's
PA system so that they can play and keep
abreast of any campus crime.
In past years. enough people have
participated to form several small teams. This
year the numbers are smaller, but people still
have a good time.
The atmosphere is very non-competitive
and friendly, with no one really paying
attention to the score. Games start a little after
5 pm and usually last a full nine innings to 7:30
pm or so.
All who are interested are welcome to join
the players in a fun game of softball any night
of the week. _

Congratu-l ations Heather!
Congratulations. You did it.
You went out there a girl and came back a
grown-up. You make me so proud
Heather! I hope you get ajob soon! I
love you! -Dad
This is a$32 dollar ad. (The photo of your grad will not be distorted).

Where more 'traditional' schools have a yearbook or annual, we have the CPl.

Publish a special message to your '95 Greener Graduate in the June 1 issue of the Cooper Point Journal.
How to do it:


Only $8

Congratulations, son, you did it!
I'm so proud of you. Love -Dad.

for a space this size
(2 7116-by-l inch)

Buy multiple blocks to create a larger space. Each block is still only $8.
Maximum 4 blocks across and 16 blocks tall per page (64 = $512).



Erin Day singles and eventually was batted home to tie the game.

Or, buy mOle and build a lager space!
st be familiar with Pagemaker, Freehand or Photoshop.
t be registered for 12 credits Fall quarter.
be able to begin work around September 11
ications due June 2
rviews start Eval Wee~


Sample Sizes:
2 Blocks stacked orside-by-side $16
3 Blocks stacked or side-by-side $24
4 Blocks stacked or side-by-side


4. Send to the address below.

or os
2 stacked blocks side-by-side $32
5 Blocks high, 2 across S80
DEADLINE: CPJ must receive your order and payment by

1. Specify the space size: number of blocks you want
in what configuration (ex: 2blocks stacked)
2. Spedfy message to fit in the box. For ar/extra $5
you can add aphoto to your box! (Please send
negatives wi aself -addressed stamped envelope if
you want your photos back, black and white negatives preferred).
3. Send acheck for the proper amount made out to

MAY 26

Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316 lESe
Olympia WA,98505


25, 1994 PAGE 11

The Evergreen Social Contract

Constitution of the StIlte of Washington

Members of the community must exercise the rights accorded them to voice their


opinions with respect to basic matters of policy and other issues. The Evergreen

Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all

comm unity will support the right of its members, individually or in groups, to express

subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

ideas, judgements, and opinions in speech or writings.

Congress ShRall
~f r~i!I:iO~.

th re
pee e
and to petition the go nment for a redress of grievances.
O n e Ac t s

Did you miss out?
Anthology benefit
found satisfying
by Reynor Padilla


Last Friday. May 19, about 98 percent of the Evergreen
State College missed out on something good: The Student of
Color Anthology Benefit.
For a mere $3 I got into a concert that included poetryreading, singing and dancing from an incredible diversity of
students. From the passionate strength of Marisa Desalles' poetry to the stark beauty of Sara Davis' singing the event moved
me like no other event that I have ever attended at Evergreen.
This was true multiculturalism, diversity at its best, and I was
honored that I could be a part of it.
I would also encourage anybody out there that avoids
these events because of perceived self-righteousness, take note:
though I was at first scared and uncomfortable at being one of
the few white people there, but that was my own shit and my
own prejudices affecting me. By the end of the night I felt more
comfortable than I ever have at any event in my nearly two year
stay here.
To the organizers of the event, thank you. And all those
who missed out on the evening, you can still pick up a copy of
No Explanations, No Apologies, for$5 at the bookstore. It's
the breath that brought life to the Students of Color Anthology.

Ebola virus symptom of oppression
burned to the ground.
Humans are coming into contact with these new
viruses for the first time. As humans clear forests these
new species, insulated from humans since prehistory,
The Ebola virus, in case you haven't noticed, has been spread into the human population like rats fleeing a
getting a lot of press lately.
sinking ship. HIV and Ebola are, inJact, the revenge of the
Ebola so far has killed more than 100 people in Africa equatorial rain forest.
The human species has never met these rapacious
and is expected to kill more. The virus doesn't spread
-through the air but is carried in bodily fluids. After being viruses before and we are ill equipped geneticaUy to fight
infected with the virus, 80 to 90 percent of its victims are them. HIV, Hanta virus, and unknown others are all new
turned to rot within a month, their organs turned to mush viruses which effect people living in poverty more
and EOOla infected putrefaction oozing from every orifice.
frequently than the rich.
As Richard Preston says in The Hot Zone, "It is a
Africa is the only continent who's GNP has fallen in
perfect parasite because it transforms virtually every part · the last decade.
Poverty is forcing third world nations to sell off virgin
ofthe body into a digested slime ofvirus particles. The seven
mysterious proteins that, assembled together, make up the rain forests to multinational corporations to payoff debt
Ebola-virus particle, work as a relentless machine'; a owed to wealthy countries.
molecular shark... "
Most of the scientific evidence suggests that these
New books like Hotspot, movies like Outbreak, and a new viruses are originating in third world areas.
Newsweek cover story have whipped up fears of viruses like
People living if! poverty are especially susceptible to
infection because of weakened immune systems do to
U.S. Customs officials now have the authority to stop malnutrition, exposure to pollution and inadequate health
people who have been in Africa or are suspected of being care. This means that densely populated imp.overished
carriers of Ebola, but quarantines are unjust and have villages as in Africa are breeding grounds for EOOla and other viruses.
proven to be ineffective.
Until poverty is wiped out, these viruses will continue
In 1976 an Ebola outbreak in 55 Zairean villages was
stopped not by a government imposed quarantine, but by to infect humans. HIV and Ebola are two well known
the drastic measures ofvillagers. The infected were isolated examples of insidious viruses. We can expect to see many
in grass huts. After signs of life ended the grass huts were more.
by Oliver Moffat


Columbus Day or Indigenous People's Day
by Ryan Keith

- - - - - - - - - - - - - .-

Native Student Alliance Co- coordinator

The Native Student Alliance (NSA) has been collecting signatures over the past few months to get Columbus
Day officially changed. and recognized here on the Evergreen campus as Indigenous People's Day. We and the supporters who have already signed our petition are asking
for this change to be announced at the opening of the
Longhouse project in Septe~ber of 1995. This is not a dras·
tic change of policy but it is something that has great importance to many in the Native population on this campus. The switch has already been made at numerous ot her
major cities. colleges and universities around the nation.
Cities like Santa Cruz and schools like Prescott College in
Arizona have changeu the day to Indigenous People's Day.
There has been mention of putting another day aside
for Indigenous People's Day and leaving Columbus Day
where it is at. But that suggestion was made by individuals who are missing the point. First of all, just put ting one
day aside and calling it Indigenous People-'s Day is not the
goa l here. Native people do not need a day to celebrate or
br celebrated, nor do the Native people need to have a day
to mourn the past. That is a year-round , life-long event.
There is a reason that the NSA is attempting to change
this day. A day that celebrates a person like Columbus is
offensive and demeaning to native people. Celebrat ing
Columbus Day is not celebrating any arrival. discovery or
brave voyage. It is a celebration of the displacement, the
genocide and the racism against the Native population. If
olle is going to ce lebrate Columbus, one might as well celebrate all of them (Hitler, Stalin, etc.). The celebration of
Columbus is part of the psychological conditioning of the
publi c to accept the European conqueror's policy to exterminate the Natives. The celebration and the showing of
\upport of it plays a vital role in influencing the future genrrations to accept and continue on in the same vein as those
that came before. How can people and their children accept and understand the realities of the past and present
and future when there are people marching down some
main stree t in some city celebrat ing the landing of a man
who was lost and was a murdering, slave trad ing thief?
There (really) are people who see Columbus as a brave explorer who discovered America and think that all Indians
are dead except in the movies. And they make no connection between the two.
There are things like the use of the phrase "voyage of
discovery." Columbus was lost, for something to be dis·
covered implies that it was lost, Columbus was lost, the
Native people knew exactly where they were at, so logi-

cally the Native people discovered Columbus. But the use
of this phrase and the actual voyage of Columbus in 1492
is not. the only problem. Columbus "not only symbolizes
th e process of conquest and genocide which eventually
consumed the indigenous peoples of America, but bears
the personal responsibility of having participated in it."
(Ward Churchill, Indians Are Us?) According to Columbus' own diaries he came in search of riches (gold) and
slaves. He also created a very efficient method of acquiring
the gold that dealt with cuning off arms, hands, noses and
ears of Indian slaves that did not meet his demands. In
1493, Columbus returned to his place of landing, the Caribbean, to establish himself as "viceroy and governor" of
the area. He established his regime on the island that is
now known as Haiti and the Dominican Republic. While
there, his policy in dealing with the Natives reduced their
numbers from an estimated eight million when he arrived
to, according to Spanish census, 22,000 in 1514. This process led to the extin ction of numerous other peoples in the
Caribbean basin .
This was only the first step towards Europe's·domination of the Western Hemisphere by which it is estimated
that more than 100 million Native people were murdered
in the name ofEuro-centric progress. Within the mainland
borders orthe Un ited States alone, the population was estimated to be more than 12 million in the year 1500. At
the beginning of the 20th century, according to US Bureau
of the Census, th e population was reduced to barely more
than 237,000. This ran parallel to the fact that the Native
people inside the U.S.borders were left with .2.5 percent of
their original land base at the beginning or the 20t·h century.
The U.S. itself. when dealing with the Nazis at the
close ofWWII. took part in the passing oflaws and regulations that furbid all cclebratorydemonstrations of nazism.
Stating that celebrating someone who was a perpetrator
of genocide can only be viewed as supporting the genocide
Issues such as these are some reasons why the NSA
wishes to· change Col umbus Day to Indigenous People's
Day. If assertions of truth in history and respect for people
such as this do not occur th en their is no chance for us to
properly deal with the past, present. and future relations
between each other as equals. It is up to Ll~ to educate ourselves.
If you wish to learn more about the policy of Columbus in the Caribbean look into the accounts of Bartolome
de las Casas, the priest who accompanied Columbus on
his voyages.
If you (students, staff, facu lty, Olympia community
members) do wish to ~upport Indigenous People's Day
please caIJ Jane Jervis' office at x6100 and express your support.

Opinions don't make
one a "loudmouth"
Jeff, does voicing my opinion make me a "loudmouth?" I
stand by my assertion that Jonah E.R. Loeb's cartoon, An
amputee stubbing his balls, was a crude appeal to the lowest
common denominator in people. It's not a free speech issue:
it's a matter of editorial judgment and discretion. That's why
you won't find Loeb's cartoon in the New York Times, The
Seattle P-lor The Olympian. A more appropriate place for that
cartoon might be in a toilet stall.
It's easy to bash someone for a laugh. It doesn't take much
effort. Loeb's work is crude and sophomoric. I find his
preoccuplltion with dismemberment and body parts, as well
as his description of Stluggle:5 rape and murder (CPj2/1I95)
cause for concern. It just doesn't seem heal! hy.
In addition, I'm tired of isomorphiC twit s like you and
Loeb and your hypocritical crying. Loeb's response to his
Handouts demoralize people cartoon (CPj 5/4/95) was
reminiscent of a Rush Limbaugh tune. You receive a "handout"
in the form of a tax subsidized education at Evergreen. What
makes you more qualified to receive a "handout" than someone
Jeff, you need to open up your mind and drop yo ur
stereotypes. What is the "neo-hippie 'patuli or die' dream"
referenced in your letter? I'm an alumni of the Wharton School
of the University of Pennsylvania, not exactly a hippie haven. I
owned a successful sa le s company for eight years, a
compensatory response to disability hased employment
discrimination . As to your comment that "Evergreen tries so
hard to be Eastern, holistic, accepting and natural," you need
to get your nose out of the college catalog. Are the ink fumes
afrecting your brain? Is An amputee stubbing his balls your
idea of "acceptingt' Jeff, you are the one involved in "games
and contradictions.
Respecting people who are different from you is more than
a PC issue. I find it intellectually scary that you do not see the
danger in bashing people. This kind of objectification is
dehumanizing to the subject and audience alike. It breeds
contempt by way offascist imagery. On this issue, you need to
get more serious. You need to drop yo ur simplistic illusions of
the world. Have you ever been the victim of a hate crime? I
have. For a time I wore a pistol under my coat, wondering if the
violence would escalate to the point where I'd shoot someone
in self-defense.
I applaud Nomy Lamm for voicing her opinion on Loeb's
infamous cartoon. It took courage to write such a personal
column, espeCially on this campus, where the disabled are
largely outside the paradigm of coolness.

Cultural studies are the
Chinese laundryman
most holistic' of all courses portrayal found offensive

dumping all this on your head. I think you
FaSCinating article on the curriculum are a erudite, discriminating thinker who
DTF. I agree with what "some of the people is making a last ditch effort to keep cultural
who have been following the question of studies in the arena (instead of striving for
cultural studies" think; that cultural stud- multi-culturalism by expanding Sports
ies are neglected, and that commitment to here). We face a big problem here. Interdispeople of color both educationally (they're ciplinary studies make big problems. Tranot here), and personally is not what it's ditional education breaks down big probcracked up to be. This issue and the issue of lems into many smaller ones which are supposed to be solved by
·creating divisions in
"Team Effort." Is anyinterdiciplinary studies
body out there reading
(it's easier to think of it as
"In these days of
this a uTeam Player"?
dividing holistic studies
The need for culbut that language will
whitebread male
tural rapport has been
probably turn the
here since we showed
rednecks off) when
up. The problem is still
viewed at the same time
with us, and is not gomakes the problem we are
ing to go away, the inEvergreen are
faced with here as crystal
formation highway
clear as the obvious
draws the global vilhige
literally the lone
together still. In
Limbaugh in Well Fed Ed.
Do we want to: 1. produce
candle in the
backstudents who have ablash we at Evergreen are
sorbed the requisite
literally the lone candle
amount of material to rise
in the darkness. PC is a
into the ranks of the eduswear word ("it's so PC
cated (or at least get a decent job), or 2. give them an education that it makes me sick"). Isn't this denial? Big
looks at the world in whole cloth, seeing the . problems. You deal with them I'm only the
question the program seeks to answer from custodian.
agIobalperspective?ThefactthatthequesI have been here a long time (I can't
tion even exists mirrors a deep ideological make it on the outside) and I have read Exdivision within the faculty and among the periment at Evergreen (or some such title).
deans. Are we #1 regional college because I agree with the administrator who said "Evwe are Evergreen or Southwestern St,ate?
ergreen survives by marching from crisis to
Patrick flip, Cultural .Stupi~ ~s a di- crisis a,nd by. solving the dilemmas creates
vision? To me cultural studies are the hard- something newn (that's a paraphrase) . I
est and most holistic of all. You have to think what has made us unique (the lone
study everything; Arts, Science, Sociology, candle) has made us #1. We could provide
. Philosophy, everythiIlg before you get a "major" paths through the curriculum withglimmer of another culture. Whitebreads out sacrificing our uniqueness IF WE HAD
in love with with science and who couldn't TWICE THE FACULTY. The interdiscipliget into 8YU take note: Do we know any- . nary approach combined with oui' small
thing about working flint and obsidian near . size Limits the number ofcourses offered in
what the Native Americans knew? Go ask anyone year. Remember Evergreen is
Dr. Fleneken at WSU, I understand he's singled out as a target for budget cuts and
pretty good at flint knapping. Then go last biennium wasn't so great either. Big
home and .think about fractals, fractures, problems. You deal with them. I'm only the
and concoidal fractures (the evidence of a custodian.
workable stone). See what you come up vaya con Dios, your custodian,
with. Get back to me. Patrick Hill, I'm not GeofSeland

866 6 000

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The Cooper Point Journal is
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and disrribured by the srudents
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College, who are solely
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newspaper. No agent of the
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journal or its student staff

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stereotypes and discriminations.
After the faculty sponsor decided not to
direct this play, creating a dialogue about
stereotypes and discrimination seemed the
only reason for performing this play. However,
it wasn't even the point that this play was
making. What was the point of portraying a
Chinese laundry man in the play? Besides, the
following statements "you fucking China man"
or "asshole" were not even necessary.
How could a person say "learn to speak
the language!!!" to another? English is not THE
official language of the United States. I don't
speak English as my first language, and I don't
think I should be treated like this just because
my English is not "perfect." I took it seriously,
and I found it very offensive.

Stud e nt Actlvlte s

Whoops, I endorsed a
contradiction by my actions
Whoops! Silly me. I love constructive
criticism. I would like to thank Jesse Allert. She
called me the other night about my criticism
ofJonah's cartoon critics. I have to admit, I was
mighty nervous about last Thursday's issue of
the CPj. And thanks to her help, I managed to
figure out where I had erred. My own loudmouthed attack had been what I was uncomfortable about. I had endorsed a personal contradiction by virtue of my actions. Who am I
to speak when I loudmouth my own philosophies critiquing the other loudmouths who
trumpet their philosophies? Am I the only
person who can flaunt my opinions? Nope. I
was trying so hard to point out that Neil and
Nomy's pants were .down that I failed to notice mine were saddled around my ankles.
Well, this is college, and this is where lessons
are learned. Thanks to everyone who took an
interest in my bit of SCribing, especially Jesse,
who managed treat me very respectfully on the
As far as my writing goes, I will continue
to respond when I feel like some injustice has
been perpetuated. But instead of bullying bullies, I will be more respectful and constructive.
For example, last week, Nomy l.amm
endorsed sexist jokes against men. Well.
Nomy, I don't think you quite understand men
well, because we aren't impervious titans, capable of withstanding any pitiful sexual innuendo from the inferior female race. We are just
as vulnerable to inconsiderate perverse sexist
actions as yourself, and we are no more superior than yourself. I noticed that you bruugh t

up the masculine power structure that this society follows. It is true that our culture has subscribed to a masculine driving force. But if you
and all the rest of the females want to have
more power to change things. sexist jokes will
not get you the respect you seek. One slap in
the face does not deserve another.
In terms of what I meant to say for those
of you misled by my last article is the following. I am frustrated by some of the responses
oflate. If you are offended by Jonah, it is more
likely that you feel hurt. His subject may have
brought up feelings in you that you are still not
comfortable or familiar with so you respond
with anger. But, instead of dealing with per·
sonal angst, you direct your frustrations on
Jonah in anger, suggesting that he shouldn't be
·published, as ifit were his problem, not yours.
Why not instead refocus on yourself and deal
with your own personal problems or with contradictions with a cause you have identified
with, rather than shame Jonah for bringing up
a subject? You seem to forget that you are attacking a human being. I cringe in the face of
ill-directed, cruel criticism, as I imagine Jonah
does. Feel free to ed itorialize abo ut whatever
topic Jonah sti rs in you. put in your two cents,
but don't go beyond that and get personal.
That is an ugly road to tread down and you
don't come across as good. angelic, or vindi·
cated when writing-atlacking others. it a~tuall}'
makes you look tragic. like that fundamental·
ist Christian guy who screams :lnd shouts on
Red Square every so often.
Jeff Axel

Dawn Hanson, DougSmith ,Jesse Allert,
Ariel Burnett, Reynor Padilla
Photo Intern: Erin Ficker
Evergreen's members live
under a special set of rig/liS and Editor-in-Chief: Naomi "Two Salad" Ishisa
responsibilities, foremost among Managing Editor: Pat "Cal Call" Castaldo

which is that of enjoying the
freedom to explore ideas and to
discuss their explorations in both
speech and print. Both institutional and individual censorship
are at variance With this baSIC

<PI ·'
l'l w h~

News Editor: Oliver Moffat
Comics Page Editor: Brian Zastoupil
Calendar Editor: Jesse Allert
News Briefs Editor: Dawn Hanson
Securiry B/otter: Matthew Kweskin
Layout Assistant: Hilary Siedel,
News Interns: Rebecca Pellman

I would like to thank Naomi lshisaka for
writing the article about the play Whatever
Gets You Through the Day. [ think that it was
very important that the discussion gets started.
I would also like to thank Eiji for taking a
part of the play. Ifhe was not doing it, the script
would never have been "toned down." I
thought that the "toned down" version was still
full of discriminatory remarks, but I would
guess that the revised version was less offensive
than the original one. Also, I think tha t Eiji's name in the program was
disrespectful. His name is not "Age."
Since Naomi wrote most of the things I
wanted to bring up, I would like to add some
more things to her article. I don't think it is OK
to use art as an excuse to offend people. "Arts"
doesn't give anyone a permission to perpetuate

SubmiSSion s are due Monday
at Noon prior to publication, and
are preferably received on 3.5"
diskerre in either WordPerfect or
MicrOSoft Word formats. E-mail
submissions are now also
AI/submiSSIOns must have
the authors real name and valid
teleptromrnam ber

Assistant Managing Editor:

Carson "Call Me Happy" Strege· Flora
Arts & Entertainment Editor:

Demian ''''Too Much Man" Parker
Photo Editor: David "Buyer- Scheer
Business Manager: Gra ham White
Assistant Business Manager: Kate Wray
Ad Sales Representative: Ryan Hollander
Ad Layout: David Eisenberg, Reynor Padilla
Ad Proofer: Rebecca Pellman
Circulation Manager: Melanie Strong
Distribution Manager: Ryan Stanley
Dianne Conrad

Our Forum and Response Pages
exists to encourage robust
public debate. Forum and
Response submission represent
the sole opinions of the authors
and are not endorsed by
the CPJ staff.

• Response letters must be 450
words or less
-Forum arf:;cles must be 600
words or less.


Please save in WordPerfect or Word
and bring your submission to CAB
316 on a 3 1/4" disk.
Call us at 866-6000 x6213 if you
have any questions

Neil Gillespie



25, 1995 THE



2S, 1995 PAGE 13


• Forum Page Injustices

• Response

Supporter of Jonah
should question himself
by J esse Allert

IlForum" Page discourages
people from writing

constructive criticism, a delicious banana
by Bryan Frankenseuss Theiss
smoothee and 35 cents off a Mr. Pibb two-liter.
that not everyone at this college is a hippie,
After all , there is more to life than.
but if "they" irritate you, that still doesn't
politics . At least I hope so, because I've been so
have anything to do with Jonah's cartoons.
I am writing to complain about the caught up in playing the Donkey Kong board
You go on to pick on all the
horrendous injustice called "Forum." I feel that game lately that I've had no time to boycott
"s tereotypic al student... with their
by having a "Forum" instead ofa "letters page", anything. It's time we admitted to ourselves
simplistic, ill-informed, ill-thought out and
the CPj is discouraging people from writing that it's okay to have other hobbies besides
judgmental view of the world." Hello?
letters . The word forum has a political protests. This hobby, of course, would not
Anybody home? Where do you think those
connotation, especially at this school. Most necessarlly have to involve the Donkey Kong
stereotypes come from Jeff? It's bad enough
that you assume "they" all have the same
people would probably look at the top of the board game, but it's a good place to start.
You know it in your heart, don't you? It's
page and think, "Oh, a forum for my political
view of the world, but you 're implying that
essays" before they would think, "Oh, a forum not wrong to care about things that are
you are totally exempt from ever being
supposedly trivial (Le. fun). It's perfectly
for my letters."
simplistic , ill-formed or judgmental.
Therefore, people who want to write a healthy to jump into the plastic balls at Chuck
Congratulations Jeff, you managed to
letter to the CPj which does not have allY sort E. Cheese when you could be jumping into
drag everyone but yourself into your
of political relevance will never do it. I speak some sort ofliberation movemen t instead. It's
labelistic and narrow minded views. How
from experience -I for one have never written all right to be unicycling when you could be
can you write that letter and then tell others
a letter to the CPj and I never will unless the recycling. It's acceptable to race soapboxes
to be openminded?
Forum changes its name to the Letters Page (or instead of stand on them.
You seem to enjoy detaching yourself
Those of us who aren't very interested in
some cute pun about geoducks and mail
from the negative labels that your letter so
have been looked down to and
apparently shows you are a part of. Here are
upon for far too long. It's time we
some suggestions: If you like Jonah's stuff,
be about politics? What if someone wants to stood up and fought for our common belief in
write about that - not about aU the students
write a letter complimenting the font you use not believing in fighting for beliefs. We will
who are differen t from yourself. Also, try to
for headlines, or your invariably accurate page fight for our right to not fight for our rights.
figure out what's really angering you before
numbering? Or, on the other hand, what if We will boldly resist the temptation to make
you spotlight your ill thought-out and
someone wants to politely object to the title of statements by resisting making statements as
judgmental comments.
the letters page, or the obnoxious amount of a statement about the legitimacy of not making
By the way Jeff, just thefact that you're
monkey references on the comics page? Heck, statements.
a student at Evergreen leads many outsiders
You have ridiculed us and objectified us
someone might even want to share a recipe
to stereotypes you as a hippit>. Sleep on that
with you, or give you tips about this week's for our apathy. You wanna talk about apathy,
hottest coupons. But none of this stuffinvolves huh? Where were you when you could have
politics, so by discouraging its submission you been at the Capital Theater seeing Crimson
Yours Truly,
are missing out on pats on the back, Tide for free? Well you weren't there. You were
Jesse Allert
just too afraid to get involved. And where ~ere
you when Taco Bell was giving away free Border
Light tacos? Where were you, huh? Okay, so I
wasn't there either. But I'm supposed to be the
one who doesn't give a shit. Shit.
We will expose your hypocrisy, and our
activism to be well-fed. We encourage anyone Food Not Bombs group there, After a fe'V
group of militants who are not interested in
who is planning a deIJ1onstration to come to " months of serving fQod ·in Golden Gate
politics will march by the hundreds across your
one of our meetillgs or otherwise contact us so Park, police'~ riot gear show~d up one'day'
streets and pass out angry flyers with
we can discuss if we want to servE: food at it. and arrested all the people who were servextraordinary disinterest. And boy, will you be
Our meetings are on Wed. at 6:00 pm in CAB ing. This set the tone for what ha$continsorry. I'm talkin' sorry with a capital S. Like,
ued in Sill Francisco until this dilY. Since
"Sorry." You wouldn't even believe it. Holy shit.
Food Not Bombs is specifically a politi- then, there have been over 500 arrests of
Because we won't stand for one more minute
cal group in that we see hunger and members of the group, and McHenry himof this.
homelessness as indicative ofa society that has self has been arrested over 90 times. The
So anyway, change it to "Letters Page."
failed to value people over profit. The name arrest are frequently abrupt and violent,
"Food Not Bombs" originated from anti-mill- and several people have been beaten up in
tary protesters who would demand, "Money jail, Once arrested they are charged with
misdemeanors such as ."Failure to have a
permit to distribute food" and "Setting up
a table without a permit." The group has
Explaining what Food
applied for these permits over 40 times, and
Not Bombs does is a
each time been denied.
McHenry and others in the group bechallenge, because
the real goal of the arrests is to
while our actions are
. discourage and prevent people from standsimple they represent
ing up for the rights of homeless people.
Because Food Not Bombs goes directly to
a complex political
parks and areas where homeless pe.ople alanalysis and approach
ready are, the servings support everyone's
to social change.
right to be in public spaces. Many businesses today, including quite a few in Olympia, would rather have homeless people be
for food, not for bombs!" Today it is clear that "out ofsight, out of mind." To this end they
the government is bent on maintaining the try to influence the local governments to
priorities that result in keeping huge numbers pass laws like the "anti-sitting" ordinance
of people poor, malnourished, and/or home- in Seattle (this actually makes it illegal to
less, while keeping big businesses and defense . sit on the ground downtown, or even to lean
contractors well-funded. This government has up against a building.) Recently 14 people
proven itself uninterested in caring fur the wel- in Santa Cruz who were eating with the
fare of the general population, and Food Not Food Not Bombs group there ~ere arrested
Bombs believes that its time we started meet- for sitting under a similar law.
ing our needs ourselves,
Mcllenry will talk mostly about his
This Saturday one of the founders ofFood ex.periences witb the San Francisco Food
Olympia's own
Not Bombs will be in Olympia to give a taUt Not Bombs, but he will~lso describe how
Home Town Roasters
an~ show several short vidf!>S ~bout the group, .todo pirate radio:m.d talk about ths upcomKeith McHenry -started Food Not Bombs with ing International Gathering of people insome friends back in 1980 in Cambridge. Mass: volved globally with Food Not Bombs. We'~
Thegroup was and continues to be very popu· encourage everyone to come to Lecture.Jtall
larthere, and occasionally members of the city 1 at 7:00 this Saturday. May 27th, to hear
him speak and to watch some great videos,
council have helped to serve food,
Then in 1988 McHenry and his wife . And we encourage anyone who would like
moved to San Francisco and helped form a to get involved to come to one ofour m~e.t­
ings or talk to us at one ofour servings.


COIll r ibuwr

Dea r Jeff,
Your "Criticism of Loe b is ~ Shame"
lell er '\'as so contradicting to the very vi ews
you based it on. I hardly kn ow wh ere to
begin .
Jon ah's artistic level has very little to
do with why he's the most controversial
ca rtoonist in the CPI He is controversial for
offending many people by being ethnically
crass. The people who have written
responses to his cartoons have been very
specific of what offended them and why. I'm
not so sure your letter was that organized.
You "supposed a little criticism is a
good thing." Yeah, but only when you agree
with it, right? You say that criticism has
helped you , but now instead of using
profanity, you use an unrelated article to
bash the very person whose comments you
just couldn 't thoughtfully handle. It sounds
like you need a lot of practice taking criticism
from points of view besides your own; maybe
this will help.
You refer to the "loudmouthed
students at Evergreen dying for a cause to
identify with." I have written a response to
something that annoyed me - does that
mean I'm loudmouthed too? I bet even you
have a cause you identify with. Is that wrong?
And then there is your "neo-hippie
'patuli or die' dream" comment. You know

Food Not Bombs offerssolutio.n t() _ p~ve:~ty
by Alice Zillah

CPJ Contributor
Food'Not Bombs i~ Olympia's newest
activist group. We have been meeting on
campus and gathering, preparing. and serving free' food for about two months, Currently the majority of the 60 or so people
who have participated in one way or another
are Evergreen students. One of our goals is
to maintain the strong involvement from
TESC students while broadening our base
to include people from the iargercomrmmity.
Explaining what Food Not Bombs
does is a challenge, because while our actions are simple they represent a complex
political analysis and approach to social
change. The first thing we do is to gather
food that, while still in good condition,
would otherwise wind up in a landfill. Huge
amounts of edible food are thrpwn away
every day in this country. Some Olympia
restaurants, bakeries and stores have agreed
to set aside their surplus or day-old products for us. Other businesses refuse to give
away food and instead thr~w it in their
trash. So we go directly to their dumpsters
to salvage produce and other still-good
Then we clean, chop, and cook up the
produce. Typically we make a large vegetarian soup and fruit salad, and often we have
rice and beans to distribute too. We take
this food. along with bread, bagels, muffins
and whatever else we might have, down to
Sylvester Park on Sunday evenings:' We
serve the food mostly to homeless people,
but anyone and everyone is welcome to partake of it. Soon we hope to sta{t serving
regularly on other evenings as well.
We also serve free food at politicalrallies, such as the Rally against the Right-Wing
Agenda that was held on April 15th, and the
rally for executive clemency for Leonard
Peltier that tooh place in Tacoma. Serving
food at political events makes.these actions
more fun, an,d we also want people who do


Congress shall make no law res

Constitution of the State of Washington
Every person may freely speak,write'and publish on all
subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

Fine Coffees
of Unsurpassed


i • The new improved Evergreen State College
I F-Lot shootings, poison in

I Queer but not narrow

the kitchens and dead dogs


house unattended.
There's a lot ofapartheid here
, Contributor
on campus, it seems that everyone
is obsessed with the 500 year old
A friend encouraged me to concept of race . It's the most
• write something for the second to pathetic thing in the world to fight
, last issue of the CPj and now I have over, yet you hear about it all the
~ an hour to do it. So for my last work time. Since it is "White" kids who
of this year I'd like to explore a few are most often isolated as a race here
j weU known topics of concern here on campus, I'll address those
at Evergreen.
people. The next time someone
First of all, F-lot security: For gives you crap for being "White" ask
years we have paid a lot of money to them what they mean. They
.. the school for the right to park in a probably aren't talking about Arabs
criminal shark tank. Every time I or Mex.icans who are all legally
walk in F-Iot I wade through a caucasian. If they're talking about
.' couple inches of broken glass from people who look white, are they
all of the cars that were broken into. discussing light skinned Blacks? In
~ If it were my car I'd be jumping up Jamaica light skinned Blacks are
, and down continuously for three "White People." Ask them ifthey're
years. Most people just shake their trying to strip half breeds of their
: heads and say "It's a shame," and ethnic claims. Making the issue
,\ they never imagine that there is a vague may be the only chance
, solution. Well let me tell you there humanity has.
! is. The majority of crime in a given
Sex, there isn't enough sex on
area is committed by repeat campus, I'm not saying this for my
offenders. Meaning that there are own selfish reasons, I could care
only a handful ofpunks committing less. But I have to listen to everyone
:, these crimes. All we need is a pissing and moaning about how
~ handful ofgood samaritans to sit in these are their ~d days of sexual
~ their cars with a shotgun (there's no freedom and they're spending it
waiting period to buy shotguns) and alone with a dirty magazine.
wait till they hear breaking glass.
I hear this from men and
, Don't kill them though, taking a life women both. My advice is for
is wrong. Shoot for their knee caps. everyone to relax. Get drunk and
This should eliminate at least 60 sleep with whoever <,sks you,
'j percent of the crime and scare the
consider it your duty to the general
piss out of the rest. Though welfare of your community. There
permanently maiming the criminal will be a hell of a lot of tension
won't guarantee that the criminal relieved here. Perhaps you'll see
will stop, but at least it'll make it more smiles around campus. How
J harder for them to wheel their selves do you know if you're to blame for
away from Security.
the sex shortage? Easy; Do you have
This goes for community a boyfriend or girlfriend? If so then
kitchens in A-dorm too. Put a sign you are to blame for the loss of two
up in the window that people from the sexual market. Let
says:"Warning! Some of the food go of partners, you can get married
items have been poisoned to deter when you graduate. Explore same
-, crime, please don't eat food items sex partners, why the hell not?
" that do not belong to you." Fear You're young now, don't make it
alone should solve the problem.
mean so much, have fun.
Tired of loose dogs killing
I took a poU and 100 percent
possums and your cats? Carry a B-B of the people agree with me on aU
gun and shoot those bastard dogs of these topics, so keep thinking,
in the face, That'll be the last time have a fun summer and I'll see some
their owners let them out of the of you next year,
by Rev. JODah E.R. Loeb






: Trying to find diversity in the lesbian community











A narrow identity can alienate
people both inside and outside of the
community. Lesbians don't have the
luxury to be politically apathetic. As
soon as I adopt a Queer label I
become part of an oppressed group
with a past and future . As political
beings, it is to our advantage to join .

equilibrium we must find.
An identity bound in a social
formula contains internal implicaA trend has emerged in the Evtions. Emphasizing only one piece
ergreen lesbian community that
can consume the larger puzzle of the
causes me grave distress:munity foself. The single aspect of identity becused around a fixed identity, rather
comes all-encompassing. Isolating
than a common goal. I am referring
one part of a person can inhibit both
to the rigid code of social,
the individual's and the
political and even fashion
group's effectiveness. It is
norms that seem to deterWhile the rage contained in the
ironic then, that while we
mine one's Queerness
for the ability to
Evergreen lesbian (;ommunity is
quotient on the Evergreen
reach our potential in a
warranted, it is not focused; without
campus. The idea to creheterosexual world , we
ate a united front through
fJirection rage remains impotent.
perpetuate the simplifia uniform identity may
cation of ourselves in the
, " Lacking an. outlet for its en~Igy, a.n ger .
have well-rooted intenprocess.
'resigns itself to a characteristic rather
tions; when a group allies
When I call myitself around a single identhan a source of motivation.
self a lesbian, I represent
tity it is easily discernible.
lesbians in the eyes of
It is hardly possible to walk through together to fight the policies which othen. When I adopt a label that
Red Square without noticing the en- oppress us. The number of people claims membership to a community,
tourage of shaved heads and black who endorse a cause is essential to I simultaneously espouse a responleather parading around. However, a determining its force . Exclusiveness sibility to that community. I am atserious danger lies in formulating an had its price. A narrow definition of tempting to expose those things that
identity that is too narrow.
lesbians dilutes the power of the I believe are obstacles to the advanceAn identity constructed too popUlation, making it less diverse ment of lesbians, both socially and
narrowly can backfire into a and eliminating useful perspectives. politically. I have no problem with
derogatory stereotype, initiated by A lesbian community void of any image, be it shaved heads or
Queers, reinforced by others . The diversity decreases the possibility of piercing. My distress comes form the
predominant voice from lesbian connecting with the majority of pressure to conform to a single idencommunities calls for equality in a heterosexual people . While tity as opposed to allowi ng for diverheterosexual -dominated world. separatism may be appealing, it is sity. But to focus only on the probSome Evergreen lesbians use a naive to think we as Queers can lem and not the solution would be
different voice; a voice founded in an isolate ourselves from discrimination. fatal to that advancement. The simassertion of power: "Dyke-power". The fact is that we live in a primarily plicity of 'solution' is misleading. I
This voice resonates a tone fraught heterosexual world. The only way to mean instead the process that must
with anger ripened from a history of gain a significant voi ce in the begin within each of us, and continue
oppression. While the rage government and society is to ally with the convening of a strong and
contained in the Evergreen lesbian ourselves with others, until we reach united group, dedicated to fighting
community is warranted, it is not a number significant enough to Queer oppression .
focused ; without direction rage threaten the safety of heterosexist
The support essential to
remains impotent. Lacking an outlet domination. An issue as sensitive as instilling strength within the lesbian
for its energy, anger resigns itself to sexuality cannot be approached community will come about only by
a characteristic rather than a source solely with an "in your face" attitude. building confidence in oursel.ves.
of motivation. It lends itseIfto the list Ifwe are to remove the fear that exists This confidence will allow us to
ofstereotypes we need so desperately around homosexuality, we should embrace and hold sacred diversity
to erase. Energy diverted to re- embellish the aspects of ourselves within our community. The strands
enforcing norms instead of that are obliterated by a narrow that bind us together should be goals
dismantling homophobia creates a identity. This is not to say we should we establish as a group. Our
false empowerment. The 'angry surrender Queer culture. Compromise community is blessed with diverSity.
Dyke' stereotype is merely one is inevitable if we are to achieve Queer If we can utilize that diversity, there
symptom of the lack of coordination rights. There is a balance between is no limit to what we can achieve as
within our lesbian community.
silence and intrusiveness. That is the individuals and as a community.
by Jenn Cohen


illntercoU,gia't e 'sp~ts"

While ic,to beiiev~ Pat's attic1e' underiying budget probJem. The Campus ' bail out the CRC
".~ accurateJy re~ed ~efOOr1y att~ded. public, . Recreation<\:enter~curren~yrunninga$30,OOO
In t~e midst of the negotiations around
, ~ ..,
forum .on inr~rcolleglue ' athletlcs. twas ' -deficit. The~GRC pl4lns to' spend their reserve this issue, Vice President for Student Affairs,
~W<I ell /
_ ctbapPOin~ tha. he took the claims.of cost. funduo g~_thenuel~ the 1995-1996 Art Costantino got involved in an interesting
. '
. "
• ~ttilityat-\'alue; .;J ~,
academic 'year. Therefore, ' eVen if all way. 1:Ie brandished the option be had to
AttordJng to theftgures provided to ~ by the ' inteKdllegJate athlttics costs were to remain the "capture" a portion of the S&A budget,
Campus R«ieati.on C~ter, switching toNCAAII " same~ the CRC wiU still t:equire
additional eliminating student oversight, and
wo.uld ~ost $~~l~ pe,r year. $30,000 -p;er the .1996-1997 administer it directly to the CRC This would,
SwitchiDg to ~II _gue IS a monte optiolt of sc~Ool ytarl. lfEwrgreen switdleO to NCAAII. the in effect, be a cut" to all the student groups,
CPI, KAOS, and the ChiIdcare Center
. EVagr~athlde$be(auseltwould~inpJace . figurewould~$47.000. .
~ ,
, the tuition WIIlvets theyl'eceiVe.
-( 1
One could justifiably wonder where this . s.upported by S&A money. Moreover, it
.It is purported that switching to. NCMnI moneywillcQrntfrom. Afterall~vep'tstudentS would be a severe blow to the concept of
wauldcost ·~.tely·~ same amountu ~ChedJhe~rW:e.s that brought us to Evergreen student governance espoused so often on this
cw:ftIlt ~ (ompet1tton. HOwever, cae ~ beaat year afteryear1 Haven't sta1fwatched their . campus. As a community, are we willing to
~-ofIidais haw been rather coy in ranks shrink and their bwd.ens grow? ~s then> a literally tala! from the children among us to
distributin8 budget~~taUs. ~JionaUyl undU ' fac:ulty member wbo can't think of a better way : fund an expanded athletics program that
tbisleagueopUcn.l, nutiOQwawtn are banned for to spend lUl<1ldditional $47,000 per year than on students don't want?
athleta. ~ smnp from the elimination of inteR()De,pate.athletics?
At this stage, the only proposal I've heard
tuidon wilms is then fOL~ inti) the pieiaI
The Services & Activities Eee Board is on how the CRC would raise the additional
budpt. Thu.s.1be ~ athletic tams would ~ com
of~ts who administer that $100 $30,000-$47,000 is Art Costantino's. I don't
~rtlall)' pa,d for a.t ~he expense of cqmnt perquarterfeeaiekedont~~t':'!tion. Their beiieye that forcing students to pay for an
athletes. '
mbslon is fo QSt! ~ rn01lto/ to ,support parts of athletiCs program that enjoys virtually no
EYen ifwt:.-e to belI.eve that a ~ofthe thecampusQfpartladar interest to students. This studentSupportis an option that meshes with
, costs fot unifor.5, eqllipltleot, field/~our~. year the- CRe asked thfl S&A 8Qard fQr an, Evergreen philosophy. I encourage
maintenance, l'd"me rental, 6nt aid suppUt.s, additional $3&,000 to cover their .deficit. After community inembers to send their
etc., WQ\IJd net It -approlimltely- the same care{uI cOn~tion~ the SoU Board decided ~omments to the TESC Board of Trustees at
~ Wider~, there Is an unspoker,\ ) that it waSn't willing to'cut stu~ht services to 1.3109, or ~c;ampus x61oo. .



t 0"

" *11


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.resu I.



25, 1995 PAGl15

~li3:;O law tihstabliShementof religion.
doc r t
o he 'g
t ss
alld to petition the g
rnment for q redress of grievances.

The E"ergreen Social Contract
Members of the community must exercise the rights accorded them to voice their

Arts anti Entcl·tailllllcnt

opinions with respect to basic· matters of po/icy and other issues. The Evergreen
community will support the right of its members, individually or in groups, to express
ideas, judgements, and opinions in speech or writings.

• One Act Play Festival
• Words. Bad.

Words are an
by Steve Borzelleri

Okay. for starters. let me say I'm sick of being
referred to in collections of palatial and guttural
so unds called "words. " To hell with diphthongs.
accents, and rolling of the tongue. (defy titling. (dety
labeling. I refuse to be referred to as some spoken or
written sound with meaning as a unit oflanguage. Sick
of it. Some people have only just begun to notice that
there are labels placed upon them that they do not
like. such as "black."
when in reality they are
many more things than
Where do people
that. Every individual is
a multiplicity. if you
get off calling me
will. not just a Single
Uwhite?"I'm not
label. as has been
proved right here in the
that, regardless of
Cooper Point Journal
my 100 percent
on more than one
occasion. I have already
European descent,
reached that point and
surpassed it. and now I
because I refuse to
speak to all users of
be so.
"words" and "phrases"
consideration that (.
along with millions of
others who have yet to come forward and adhere to
my beliefs, am far more than a spoken or written
Human beings have a bad habit of naming
things. You know what I'm talking about, they develop
their pathetic little languages and think they have a
right to go naming everything in sight. These people
figure out that they can form different sounds with
their mouths. then think they have a right to go arourid
developing "words," collections of syllables usually
formed with vowels and consonants. and then match
them with mental images of the object in question.
Where do people get off calling me "white?" I'm not
that , regardless of my 100 percent European descent,
because I refuse to be so. To hell with general sense
and rational thought, (am not a part oflanguage. And
what's with this "homosapien" crap? No, I'm not that
either, 'cause I ain't Latin ; and none of my ancestors
were either. Even if I did conform to the practices of
speaking and language, I wouldn't even be a part of
the Latin·speaking people who descended from the
original crafters of these titles people throw around
to describe elements, phenomena in nature, and
people. "Words," bah, humbugl
No. when you refer to me, move your hand in a
circular motion against the sky with your palm parallel
to the clouds, as if you are waxing the sky itself That
is how I wish to be referred to, not by this pathetic
human construct known as "speaking," that for some
stupid reason all people on the planet take part in. And
not only that. but all cultures in the history of time
itself have developed a language, and grown into it.
Nevermind that "language" is used by all human
beings and is seemingly an inescapable development.
I defy words. I am not a white, heterosexual, tall,
Christian, male, ho'mosapien, Republican, bipedal
organism. I am none of those things. Maybe when
people get it through their heads that this "language"
crap doesn 't work for everyone, we'll see people of all
countries and cultures come together in mutual
respect and understanding. They won't see each other
and form associations with "words," relating them to
mental images or various actual definitions of what
those words mean. As far as I'm concerned, human
race, you can keep your pathetic construct of
"language." I stand alone as the embodiment of
waxing the sky.



Critique of play was uninformed,
misguided, unfair a.nd unjustifed
on a very small part of the play displays her myopia and her
non-interest in anything that doesn't bring to issue her personal
Naomi asks "Why not do a play on Chinese-Americans
( must respond to Naomi (shisaka's attack on Matt and their problems?" Why not, Naomi? The One-Act Play
Snyder's play "Whatever Gets You Through the Day." Judging Festival has yet to refuse a play that has been submitted for
from her perspective, ( have to wonder if she even saw the play. production. We are fortunate at Evergreen to have a Theatre
She makes small errors, like describing Eddy's (the main Department that can support undergraduate playwrights. No
character) boss as his girlfriend. She never mentions once that one at Evergreen has stifled your voice or contributed to "the
Eddy is gay. She tries to make an issue about Wong's name as it lack of representation of Asians in popular culture." You'll have
appears in the script, trying to indicate that the author has no to ask yourself or others in the Asian-American community why
regard for the Chinese character as an individual so he merely no one has done a play on the issues you raise.
refers to him as "Man." (fNaomi had
Naomi. you may not be a
ever tried to produce an original
playwright, so you can be forgiven
script, or knew anyone who ever had,
for not taking up the opportunity
she would know that such references
to put on a play about AsianNo one at Evergreen has stifled
are common and a first-run script can
Americans, but as a journalist you
go through rewrite after rewrite,
your voice or contributed to
have done a great disservice to the
characters can change names many
communrty. There was
Uthe lack of representation of
times . I wonder what Naomi was
quite a bit of controversy over this
trying to make of such a trivial matter.
Asians in popular culture."You'lI
play and you could have written
The character of Wong is not a
that story. You could have
have to ask yourself Or. others in
trivial matter and needs to be looked
interviewed Rose Jang, the faculty
the Asian-American community
at more carefully than Naomi does.
who raised objections over the play,
Wong enters the plot when Eddy calls
Charlotte Wooldrige. the
why no one has done a play on
him to ask ifhe can clean some bloody
producer who began the festival
bed sheets. We only hear Eddy's side
the issues you raise. "
three years ago and asked their
of the conversation, which ends with
perspectives about it. You could
Eddy briskly hanging up and saying
have interviewed Matt Snyder or
"Learn to speak the fucking language."
Josh Benedict who directed the play
By this interchange the audience knows that Wong doesn 't and asked them what they were trying to say with it. You could
speak good English and that he's already been pigeon-holed by have interviewed any of the nearly 500 people who saw the play.
Eddy as another Chinese laundry man "straight out of some You could have interviewed the actors in the play or the 20awful '50s Hollywood movie." When Eddy finally meets Wong, some students who are in the class component of the festival.
he is surprised and confused when his expectations don't jive You could have interviewed the production staff of the festival.
with the man he meets. Eddy expects Wong to gratefully take Each person had an insight to the situation, each with their own
his laundry and dutifully clean it for him even though the shop story to tell. You would have found many different perspectives,
is closed. Wong, faced with a loud and belligerent man at his many different motives and feelings. You would have discovered
door. refuses to take his laundry. He says, "I don't need your that it was a complex issue, an event with no clear boundary
business." Eddy tries to be polite then, but it's too late. Wong between "good" actions and "bad" actions. that each person
knows he is dealing with an asshole who's already stereotyped was motivated by what they thought was best for themselves
him and so closes the door on Eddy's face.
and their art. You could have done some investigative reporting
Yes, there was a stereotype, but it was in what Eddy and written about the interlaces events and motives which
expected of Wong, not in Wong himself. I don't think Naomi surrounded the controversy. You could hilVe written a human
could see the rest of the play outside of Wong's non·mastery of story where people don't fit into easy categories. Instead you
English. The play was about stereotypes. It played on out wrote II Forum piece that masqueraded as a theatre review.
expectations. leading us to the point where we knew what was Instead of staying out of the controversy and remaining
going on then showing us we had already stereotyped people unbiased, giving your readers an in-depth story and letting them
without knowing the full story. We find out that Eddy is not draw their won conclusions, you decided to paint things in easy
sleeping with his secretary. but his boss. We discover that black and white, giving us a dull polemic about your personal
"Jean," Eddy's lover. is actually "Gene." This play was mostly agenda. The former fascinates, the latter only bores.
about sexual and gender stereotypes. For Naomi to concentrate
by John Lyons Beck
-- -- ------COllI ribLilor

• Nomy's Column

To fight oppression, you must
fight against oppression of men
by Marc Benedict

any form of oppression you would express your opposition to
it regardless of whether someone considered that form to be a
significant problem. But here is the trouble: why would one be
principled regarding oppression but pragmatic regarding
Although at some level I suspected that your most recent bigotry?
column might be some ready-to-serve lecture on what .
Of course, if I have misread you , and you are in fact
constitutes sexism (racism, etc.), I was nonetheless pragmatic on the matter of oppression, name some form ofit
disappointed when I saw these rather irrelevant points being that you find acceptable, and I will shelve these criticisms and
made. Not that oppression is any minor matter, nor diat leave you to deal with whatever hate-mail such a disclosure
attending to the proper meanings of words is unimportant, it prompts (I do not think I have misread you). Otherwise,
is simply that your criticism of Reynor Padilla"s response is a consider the peculiarity, if not inconsistency, of someone
shallow attempt to divert attention. You know as well as I what devoted to fighting any and all forms of oppression - devoted
he meant when he used the word "sexism": sexual bigotry.
~ to fighting oppression itself - who on the other hand finds
While you arguably are not practicing sexism when you some form of prejudicial intolerance to be not only acceptable
tell man-hating jokes, you definitely are resorting to a form of but useful, even commendable.
bigotry. You might counter that this particular form of bigotry
- that against men - is not a significant problem or even a With hope,
problem at all. But doing so would place you in an awkward Marc Benedict
position. You are against oppression in principle: if! named


Bruce Willis as the New York Cop (center), Jeremy Irons as the evil, moneygrubbing terrorist Simon (left) and Samuel L.Jackson as the helpful sidekick (right).

Strange Nortwest:

Weird Encounters in Alaska. Britisn

Columbia. I daho. Oregon and Washington by Chris Bader.

by Pat Castaldo
My mom told me that we
were abducted by aliens when we
lived in Maine. She said they
didn't hurt us or anything, tbat
they just took us for a little ride. I
told her I didn't remember.
For years I kept looking up
in the sky, waiting for them to come back.
As you can guess, they never did.
Evergreen alum and former CPj
columnist Chris Bader's new .book
Strange Northwest brings me back to
those days in Maine as a child, looking
up in the sky for UFO's and questioning
if everyone} met was really a human and
not an alien.
Bader wrote a weekly column called
"Another Washington" for the CPj, which
gave him background for his book.
Bader examined and reported on
the strange events of Washington: the
UFO and Bigfoot sightings, the satanic
cults, the ghosts and the freaks.
Strange Northwest puts all of the
stories in one place. Bader chronicles the
events and encounters in complete detail,
complete with interviews and newspaper
Full of entertaining and edifying
events, the book sheds light on freakish

occurrences near home, including the
haunting of Olympia's own Seven Gables
The best part of the book, however,
is not the talk of UFO's and Bigfoot
sightings, but the last section of the book,
"Cosmic Pop Stars and Other Oddities."
Here the short stories get fired off
one after the other: two Woodinville men
and their Elvis-Alien connection, John
Lennon's channeling through a
Bellingham man and the underground
civilization beneath Mount Rainer.
The stories are short and
entertaining, and because they are
reported and not told it adds credibility
to each one. Believing in the truth of
people's claims is one thing, but hearing
about them is another.
This book provides a service to all
those who have met aliens, and serves as
entertainment for all those who have not.

-Pat has skinny legs.

c·. . ·, _v· .• Goo_,. a--......


and the original Die Hard) puts you right
into the action, with his cameras in the
First there was Die Hard in a building passenger seat or hovering above in a low
(Die Hard). Then there was Die Hard in an flying helicopter.
Willis delivers his standard action hero
airport (Die Hard 2). Soon there was Die
Hard on a boat (Under Siege) Die Hard on a performance (which ( think works great in
bus (Speed) and haifa dozen other variations the movie) and helps to usher in action virgin
on the formula. Now Bruce Willis returns to Jackson, who makes a great reluctant hero
overcome incredible odds and pile up box (though his screams of "McClane!!!" border
office receipts with Die Hard in New York on clownish).
More important, Irons makes a worthy
City (Die Hard With a Vengeance, the second
to Alan Rickman 's Die Ilardvillain
official sequel to the 1988 action classic).
as he relishes his psychotic,
Bruce Willis returns as John McClane,
with that distinct flair
the washed up police officer with a talent for
can manage.
getting into incredible life threatening
Of course, the film isn't flawless. Some
situations when he's off duty. This time
around, rather than falling into a terrorist of the edits are jarring, some of the plot
plot by coincidence, McClane is sought out points are difficult to swallow, and somehow
by a mysterious terrorist named Simon (probably due to unwise test screenings) they
(Jeremy Irons) and forced to playa series of managed to work in a completely
games. When the game puts McClane in a inappropriate catch phrase from the first
potentially dangerous situation in Harlem, film .
The biggest risk with this story wa s
good Samaritan Zeus Carver (Samuel L.
McClane into a situation with wider
Jackson) saves his life and finds himself
he was trapped in a building
forced to play Simon's games. If McClane
his wife, he seemed more
and Carver refuse to co9perate or fail to solve
it was easier to buy
any number of difficult riddles on time,
and knocking off
Simon will set off powerful explosives and
and flying
harm innocent people.
Like the other Die Hard films, the plot all over the country performing feats worthy
sets up a series of over the top, edge of your of Batman or James Bond.
Of course. making a sequel to Die Hard
seat action sequences with unbelievable
stunts. Unlike those films, the action is not seemed like a stretch in the first place. Rather
limited to a claustrophobic environment. than trying to explain it away, Die Hard 2
This one goes all over the map and has some made a joke out of the fact that McClane
fantastic car chases, a great subway would be involved in another terrorist
sequence, and stunts involving pretty much situation. This one manages a good
every other mode of transportation (trucks, explanation, but it still dulls the intensity of
boats, helicopters, you name it). It feels more the situation since McClane really should
like Speed than a Die Hard film. You worry have stopped leaving his house by now.
Still. if you can appreciate the fine art
about whether McClane can jump on or off
action then Die Hard With a
of a moving vehicle on time rather than
is likely to win you over. The
worrying whether somebody will see him
stunts and winning
hiding in that ventilation shaft.
outweigh the flaws .
Director John McTiernan (who has
already made his mark on the action genre
with Predator, The Hunt For ~ed October,

A gUide .For the
Die Hard fan

by Demian A. Parker
1) DieHard:


.The original. New York Cop in a an building saving his wife (and other
people) from evil, money -grubbing

Passenger 54:

Airline security expert in an airplane
saving the passengers from evil , money·
grubbing terrorists.
5) Under Seige:

2) Die Hard Il:
New York Cop in a Washington DC
airport, saving his wife (and other people)
from evil, money-grubbing terrorists.

Ex·Navy SEAL turned cook in an
aircraft carrier saving a Playboy playmate
(and other people) from evil. money ·
grubbing terrorists.

3) Die Hard With A Vengence:
New York Cop in New York saving the
city (but not his wife) from evil. money·
grubbing terrorists.

6) Speed:



L.A. cop on a bus. saving an attractive
young woman (among other people) from an
evil, money-grubbing ex·cop.




Congratulations Graduates
Come fiesta with us!



Please join us for
dinner to celebrate

EI Sarape II- 1200 Cooper Point Rd. 352-1207
__:::--@D-,-~_ @ ? < § D <-@>-.,;:
<.= --=- ~=--'=-_

25, 1995 PAGl17

Arts and Elltcrtailllllcllt
TV Cliffhanger UpDate

by Dal·id "Camus" Scheer

by Carson Stregv-Floril
The anticipation \\';)s high for last
Monday's Melrose Place. We were teased
for weeks with promises of an action
packed, explosive. high speed and clirhe
driven two hour episode of pure Melrose
bliss, And as Aaron Spelling promised, we
Will Matt go to the chair after being
set-up for murder? Will Jake and Jessie die
in each ot her's arms as they fall from a five
foot building? (It isn't what it sounds like,
Spelling isn't that daring.) Will the entire
cast die in an explosion a la Kimberly and
the Demon Who Lives In The Mirror? (As
tasteless as a bombing cliffhanger may be,
it isn't too tasteless for Fox.),
As exciting as these cliff hangers
sound, they actually lack a crucial element.
The Melrose characters have become so
shallow and evil that I am hard pressed to
tlnd myself caring if they live or die.
-Carson is the next Dorothy Parker.

For a family that has obviously
been hit pretty hard by ongoing
jaundice, the Simpsons sure are funny.
Or were funny. Last Sunday. on a very
serious Simpsons, Burns was shot.
Do you remember where you were
when Burns was shot? I do: I was
watching TV ... and I have an alibi. The
rest of my Springfield friends do not.
Now that's a real who-dunit.
You see, everybody had a motive.
Bad old Burns slant-drilled a new found
oil source, destroyed the elementary
school. wrecked Bart's treehouse, injured
Santa's Little Helper, and blocked out the
sun (although it's technically
Everybody I know thinks it was the
dog, and they're wrong. It was one of
three other people: Jay from The Critic,
Kimberly from Melrose, or Gene
Goldsm.ith. And I don't know about you,
but my TV stays on until I find out
which. Just three more months.

(park. do this with those sub-heads that are sooo USA today. it's scary.
I'd use templategothic at 12-13 point.)
by Pat Castaldo
For years we've heard about The Gorge
in George. this magically wonderful place on
the Columbia river where concerts are held.
Everyone fawns over The Gorge, "Oh.
it's so wonderful, it's beautiful, it's great."
I'm here to dispel the myth: The Gorge

No Beer
Long Drive
It is like four hours or something from
Olympia. I'm sorry. but anything that far
away is not a good place to have a concert. It
isn't like it is close to Seattle or anything. It
makes everyone drive a long way. If you think
going to Seattle is an excessive drive for a
concert. then The Gorge is just plain nutty.

Nature Crap
I'm sorry. but this out-of-doors crap is
for the birds. It didn't happen to me. but the
ticket read RAIN OR SHINE, If it rained
you'd be fucked. Don't let the weather
determine your concert experience.
Out-of-doors means port-o-potties.
Fine if you're a guy and only have to pee,
disgusting if you're anyone else.


by David "R oden berry "Scheer
Hey, I really don't know a thing bad-guys in an effort to destroy the mother
about SeaQuest, but I was channel surfing ship and save Mark Hamill, who since
the other day and I saw this whole story Return of the jedihas had relatively poor
going on. Apparently, that submarine luck. As is often the case in this scenario.
they ride around in go t lost or knocked off things went wrong, (militaristically
course or abducted and ended up on a speaking much like the Bay of Pigs). The
distant planet which was being people who boarded the mother ship
bombarded by comets in the midst of a successfully blew it up, however they were
war, either civil or interplanetary, I'm not still on board. The people who remained .
on board the SeaQuest raced to their
Then they were tricked into helping rescue and were also blown up. Only a boy
the bad guys, who wore white and had this (the guy who does those say no to drugs
big saucer. the kind you ride in not eat off commercials). and his friend from 21
of. Somewhere in the shuffle they Jump Street, managed to escape in a
coincidentally ran into a friend of theirs hollow mechanical shark. Last seen, they
who also was on the distant planet being were having a conversation in a life boat.
bombarded by comets. He set them All of this was. of course. "to be
straight on the good-guy/bad-guy thing continued."
and they all attacked the previously good -David is _

«TI4e ,ltasanf 'tasanf


aeaicated to supporting wcaf oTlJanic 6usiness
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Ma~ your reservations 1UJW for !lour yrariuatilJn 'Dinner

;.1 profo-sfuJ.ring corporatilJn,

car. either. My car is pretty easy to spot. It
took me ap hour to find it. It was pathetic. I
resorted to runningdown each isle amidst a
cloud of carbon monoxide. After I found the
car. finally, I had lost the people I drove with.
Unlike the car, though, they responded to my'
cries of "Where the fuck are you?" I found
them within minutes,

I paid $45 to watch Stipe act like a rock
star from over a 120 feet away.
True. he is a rock star. but still.
I know I was stupid to pay that much.
but still. The fact is that they offered tickets
for this price. It wasn't artificially inflated by
some scalper or anything. The Gorge got my
$45. I hate that,

I was excited to be peeling out in the
dirt, true. I was having fun leaving a gigantic
dust cloud behind me. I was having a great
time until I pulled behind someone who was
having the same kind of fun .
The car was instantly caked in dirtand so was I.
There are maybe six lightpoles In the
parking lot for about 17 thousand cars.
They're marked. E-1. E-3. etc, but only on one
I parked behind E-4. I didn't know it
was £-4. because the side 1looked at just said
something.about how it was illegal to drink
in public. People were drinking in public.
After the concert I spent an entire hour
searching for my car. I don't have a generic

It is the Budweiser Concert series.
Excuse me? The Budweiser concert series.
The whole drive over my carload of
concert-goers discussed the idea of paying
$4.50 for a dixie cup of beer. We didn'tlike
it. but we were ready.
In the car we talked about how we
hoped that Budweiser had bought out some
good microbrew so that there'd at least be
something decent to drink.
This is the Budweiser concert series.
They don 'tsell beer atThe Gorge. They
don't have beer. You can't buy beer at The
Gorge. What the hell?

The Stadium
Who wants to see a concert in a
stadium where you can kinda tell that there
are four people on stage. when you can go to
some place like the Capitol Theater
Backstage and be so close you can feel their
Music should be participatory. It
wasn't atThe Gorge. Rich people. or people
who are willing to go into debt (like myself).
are the ones going to The Gorge.
These are people who have heard REM
on the radio station the Mountain. These are
people that like that damn antisuicide song.
They weren't there for Murmur. They have
no idea what fables were being
reconstructed. They think that Green is
REM's oldest album.
These are the people who. when Sonic
Youth came on stage, sat and listened
attentively. Politely clapping in between
songs. They didn't get Thurston Moore's
jokes about Rancid or Mecca Normal. They
just smiled and enjoyed nature.

Unless your dream of a concert is
listening to an AM radio turned way up and
watching people jump around at the other
end of a huge chasm, skip any and all shows
at The Gorge.
-Pat really doesn't care that much for USA

Deli Price Breakdown


Potato Chips


Tim's Old Style .. , 2 oz ... 75¢ ... 37.5¢ per oz
... 1.5 oz ... 65¢ ... 43.3¢ per oz
So, while Tim's cost more. you get more for
your money. And it's a local business too.

12 oz can ... 60¢ ... 5¢ per oz
16 oz fountain ... 59¢ ... 3.68¢ per oz
20 oz fountain '" 79¢ ... 3.95¢ per oz
32 oz fountain ... 93¢ ... 2.90¢ per oz

113· (360) 70S-364S·'TIUS-,/ri 11 Q1T1-9 pm •Sat. 9 Q1T1-9 pm •Sun 10 Q1T1-2 pm

by Jennifer Koogler
The last time R_E.M. toured it was 1989
and I was an nerdy little eighth grader stuck
in the dungeness hallways of Fred Nelsen
Middle School. At the time, I was deemed
by my pare~tal authorities (God Bless them
for their over-protectedness) too young to
attend the festivities. After much
lamentation. I looked forever forward to the
next time Berry, Buck, Mills and Stipe would
visit the neighborhood. And now. three
aLbums, six years, and one brain aneurysm
later, they are back.
The five months I had to wait between
the actual purchase of my ticket, January 21,
and the date of the event, May 19, were a true
test of me and my friends' abilities to remain
calm under extraneous circumstances. Aside
form evacuating the precious tickets at ever
fire alarm. we kept our general enthusiasm
under our hats until the last week before the
date. in which I freely admit to being a
complete fool.
Needless to say, by the time myself and
my fellow devotees arrived at the Portland
Coliseum, Michael Stipe could have gone onstage. sneezed. and left. and I would have feit
my $43 were weU spent. But, I promise to be
as objective as is possible.
From my better-than-expected seats, I
watched the remaining crowd members file
in to the grinding guitar rhythms of opening
act Sonic Youth. Their short but energetic set
consti~~ted m!>stly of new songs;and a few
previously unreleased older spngs..
Thurston and family only played two
songs from their recent n.ew album
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star,
including Bull in the Heather. The crowd
appeared to be less than enthused to hear
them (when Thurston said they had only
three songs left the crowd applauded longer
than they had for the actual perfonnance).
but I was perfectly happy allowing Kim
Gordon's bass lines lift me up, around the
roof, and back to my seat. warmed up for the
long-awaited appearance of the Athensspawned band.
All dressed in casual attire, except for
Michael's continual shedding of shirts (he
had four on) and Mike's glittery blazer (you
know. lance heard him say you didn't have
to wear flashy clothes to be a rock star, go
figure). the band gave a thorough.
entertaining performance_ Opening with
What's the Frequency. Kenneth?, the band
stormed through such Monstersongs as Star
69. Circus Envy, and Bang and Blame. while
maneuvering smoothly older, slower
favorites as Everybody Hurts. Star Me Kitten.

Rit/I! JnKnIIlI tItwJy

Please note: All prices are pre-tax.

- demian a. parker did this

getting trashed with their mommies. we
picked a prime spot on the grassy knoll
amongst hundreds of young yuppies with
f~r long. long time now our goals in
and Country Feedback_ Severat songs·were
barrettes and men and women with schlongs
highlighted by moving images upon a silk life have been to: 1) to see r.e.m. in concert (hair that is short on top and long on the
retractable screen. including X-rays of kitties 2)to see thurston moore in his underwear bottom). they were selling tank tops with
drinking milk and Bill Berry's CAT scan (april) 3) to boogie with guy piccioto offugazi "the gorge" plastered on the front and p~ople
(cristin) and 4) for one of us to win the
during I Don't Sleep, I Dream_
college championship for were buying them and wearing them! it was
A big crowd-pleaser was th~disco ball
the most disturbing sight we have ever
accompanied rendition of You dedicated to evergteen. ifwe get killed in a freak taffY pull witnessed in our young lives_ moral of the
"all the guys out there, in the ho~s that they accident today. at least our lives will have story: tank tops are bad. Three hours la·ter.
been:somewhat fulfilled.
might learn something."
we ntered the automobile (wanda) while i (april) was in the porta-potty. the
R.E.M, concentrated 09 their last four
show began with thurston's comments on
albums, only reaching as, far back. as and headed off on the road. first we stopped the beauty of ellensburg. sonic youth only
Documentto perfann FinestWorkSongand . at bp. to' clean off the bug guts on my played five fucking songs_ we are so bitter.
from the last long and exciting
It's the end ofthe world as we kno~ it during windshield
we were some of the only people who were
the encore. This is where I felt the drive. ~ertbeclean-up. we.merged onto the doing the polka. everyone else was lounging
freeway with jOlt colas in hand and life's rich
perfonnance lacked substance. ,
in their lawn chairs asking when r.e.m was
I had read they refused to play songs pageantoh the,stereo. we enjoyed the east going to come on while i (april) was yelling
from their first three albums, in order not to ,bumbletuck tourist sites such as the thorpe "crack rock~ and "moose.~ after sonic youth's
become what they called an "oldies band", fruit and antique mall. Four hours and many brief. yet moving set. r.e_m. took the stage.
but to me (and others around me. I rest stops later. we arrived at the gorge and of course we couldn't really see Michael's
eavesdropped). this seems like they are pondered why anyone would build an tight butt in all its splendor, but everything
denying the past, refusing to see a song as amphitheater in the middle of nowhere. was all right. they played 24 gloriously
timeless rather than part of an era. Am I after standing in line with pre-pubescents arousing songs most of which were off
going to die without ever
monster. they played some classics like "so.
hearing Flowers ofGuatemala
central rain." "finestworksong." and "fall on
live? Perhaps they figure that
me" to the delight of the REAL fans. but to
Portland audif'ncf' obsf'rvations
the bulk of there fans are not
the confusion of the 13 year old mtv addicts
very familiar with the older,
in the audience who only know about "bang
I actually have a lot more complaints about
jangily chords of the early and
blame ." "what's the frequency,
Portland in general than the quality of its R.E.M.
mid-eighties. Or maybe they
and "losing my religion." when
fans. I mean. I would gladly pay sales tax if they could
are having some sort of
"try not to breathe." the couple
put up a few signs to teU lost drivers like ourselves
middle-aged denial problem.
began to sing to each other and
where the stupid freeway was.
Anyway, I can forgive
with their arms on each
The mix ofpeople gathered at the Coliseum was
• them for,that. It was eJtough
entertaining enough, They ranged from folks my
for me to see Peter lash into
heautiful even though
parents'age (they are only 40) and older with the
his guitar as ifit "Vas cheeSe he
a bad taste in our
dr!!aded short on top. long in back haircut to twelve
was cutting to eat with
mouths. it was so crack rock_ it was infinitely
crackers, Bill grinning as he
better than the garth brooks concert i (april)
played the drum intra to It's
wellt to in high school when i was misguided.
. the end.... Mike doing a 360
or the metallica show cristin saw in new
represented: the screamer ("You guys SUCK!!!") .
degree walk around the stage,
when she was young and stupid. it was
the Grateful Dead-esque chick, who mover like a
and Michael singing,with his
we don't usually smoke. but after
belly d~ncel' anp probably attr:ibu~ed' to the nice
back to us for the benefit of
we were definitely craving a
• marijuana smell' w~ experienced, the happy-sappy
those unfortunately sitting
know what we mean.
public display of affectioners. who smooched and
behind the stage.
we wandered around
cuddled during every slow song (VOMIT!! I wish
By the time the lights
searching for wanda
they'd played The One I Lovejust so I could have felt
returned to normal wattage
a scream. we
some redemption), the frantic ones (mostly found
and [ stretched my sweating,
at LoUapalooza), who sway and prance no matter
sore legs, [felt like the buildup
accost us
what the song. and the complainer, who waits and
ofso many years was released.
waits for his or her favorite song in vain and ends up
and that if my best friend fell
cursing their former heroes.
asleep while driving back to
The lighter factor was a little low; I can't teU if
Oly and we crashed in
-Cristin and April know the frequency.
that is a good sign or a bad sign. Either way, the
Kalama. at least I could say I'd
fulfilled one of my goals in
only a few minor cheesy elements and spiral perms
that made my stomach turn. At least we all shared
please turn to page 14. for
Thank you. R.E.M,
the specter that was R,E.M.
-Jennifer is happy to be out
"Why the Gorge sucks!"
-Jennifer Koogler
ofeighth grade.


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on R.E.M ..

Next' 'w eek is it!
Thafs right. Next week is your last
chance to write something for the CPJ's
Arts and Entertainment section.
So, write that special review you've
been itching to write all year long.

We here at the CPJ
would love you fo it!

25, 1995


Arts and Entcrtainnlcllt
Boredom~ Chocolate Synthe.,lZer

Arts anti Entclotainlncnt
Re prt., f' Re c ord.,


Thprp's n9 borpdo-m
Iistening to thpsp guys



Let's fnce it. e\'l'r~' major city in th e

orld has at least a fell' dozen sloppy. do-

iH ourself bands who do nothin g but
pluck awkwardly on guitars and scream
incomprehensibly. You might see them
play live or hear th eir poorly recorded
dem o tapes. You might even say they're
"pretty good." especially if you know
so mebody in the band. But a few months
later you won't be able to remember
what they sounded like, or what made
them different , or which one of the
meaningless one-word band names was
That probably won 't be your
reanion to Japan's Boredoms. whose
third Reprise album Chocolate
Synthesizer has just been released in th e
United States. Boredoms don't know
hal\' to play their instruments very well,
at least not in the traditional sense. And
their bizarre mix ofJapanese and English
lyrics are probably difficult to decipher
in either language. But their incredible
ran ge of indescribable sou nd s and
refusal to follow the laws of musical
theory and human logic make them
stand out from the pack.
Boredoms, who consist of Eye, ATR,
Yamamotor, Yoshimmy, Hilah and
Yoshikawar, are easily the best known of
the Japanese noisecore movement. If you
can imagine filling a bunch of surrealist
gremlins full of Lik-m-aid, giving them
low-tech noise making machines and
se nding them blindfolded into Super
Mario Land, you might be able to almost
imagi ne how truly strange these guys are.
According to legend, lead vocalist
Yamatsuka Eye once stole a bulldozer
and drove it into a club and onto the
stage during a performance by one of his
pre-Boredoms bands. If his behavior is
anywhere near as weird as his vocals,

then the story is probably true.
BoredolllS vocals run the range frOIll
high pitched screams to guttural animal
so unds to sarcastic cartoon melodies.
You can pretend to sing along but their
throats emit sounds you never thought
were possible.
The ir
switc hes
sc hizophrenically from guitar driven
noise punctuated by trumpet toots to
happily demented Star Wars cantina in
vyonderland music. You never get the
feeling the sound is being made by
humans - maybe some kind of alien
breed of super intelligent tasmanian
devils who possess fertile imaginations
and magic bags of tricks.
Chocolate Synthesizer finds
Boredoms pulling out some new tricks
- like the ambient, conga-centric
sound of "Synthesizer Guide Book On
Fire," the post-apocalyptic mogwai blues
of "Eeedoms ," and the slow musical
death of "Now Dam Go Synthesizer Way
(Why?)" - but even playing with their
old cata log of noises they are never
predictable. Each of the 15 tracks is a
unique barrage of alien sounds that will
make you laugh and want to chant
along. Some of the songs are a bit slower
than usual but they're just as unique and
enjoyabl e as Boredoms' classic
American debut Pop Tatari.
What I love about Boredoms is that
they ptayfully trample every rule in the
book. They use the word "anarchy" a lot
(as in the song title "Anarchy in the
. UKK") but they actually practice it
musically. They don't sound like anyone
else, t hey don't appear to take
themselves seriously, and they don't ever
make any sense. Boredoms fans and
adventurous newcomers alike should
love the gleeful surrealist mischief of
Chocolate Synthesizer, one of Bored oms
most solid albums yet.
-Bryan ist nicht baka.



1. Phone home for more money.
2. Pay fees at Cashiers.
3. Order Cap and Gown.
Stock up on Evergreen summer duds
5. Order class ring.
6. Buy a Macintosh Computer
(at student discount)
Buy fi~ and have it developed at
Pay in full at the Bookstore
9. Buy thank-you cards and stamps.
O. Decide what I'm going to do with the
rest of my life.


Concprt Review: Livp
by jesse Allert
Desert. 80 degrees and in the middle
of nowhere. Also known as the Tri-cities.
Why did I drive four hours for this? LIVE!
I was so excited to go see the band LIVE
play in Kennewick the weekend before last,
but when I told my friends, most of them
asked, "W ho?" Oh my gosh. They've only
sold the number one album in America, I
mean how good could they be? Damn good.
This was evidently the biggest thing to
happen in Kennewick in a very long time as
the concert was sold out. The opening band
was Pete Droge and his southern-fried rock
style turned out to sound like a compilation
of the Black Crowes, T0m Petty and Bob
Dylan. Pete Droge and his cronies were okay
but nothing special. As they ended their set
with what I assumed to be the "song on the
radio," the crowd started moving a little in
anticipation for the real show.
Unfortunately, the audience was
primarily high schoolers -- or what looked
like it anyway. I felt old for once, but I didn't
let it stop me from enjoying the show.
LIVE's opening number was "The
Damn At Otter Creek" from their recent
album Throwing Copper and was

accompanied by a spectacular light show.
They went on to dedicate their song "Shit
Towne" directly to the Tri-cities residents and
kept referring to Kennewick as "Mall Town."
This was mel by cheers of agreement from
the audience . Except maybe whoever
chucked their shoe at the lead si nger's neck ..
Ed Kowalczyk's dynamic lead vocals
radiated enough energy to fill th e entire
colosseum. LIVE is especially known for their
deep, and often political lyrics like in "M irror
Song" off their first album, Mentaljewelry.
Due to a technical diff}culty, the
audience was treated to a short, but surprise
jam session before the band began
"Waitress," also off their new album.
When the encore started, Ed was
nowhere to be seen. It was after the first verse
of"T.B.D." that the spotlight finally zeroed
in on him singing from the top of the stands
amongst the crowd. The encore was great.
The whole show was great. Well, not Pete
Fortunately, it's pretty impossible to
classify LIVE's music in a normal fashion .
They're one of those bands that you just
think is fuckin' rad!
-jesse is fuckin' rad herself

Thpy got a damn fine ride down therp
by Aimee Baldoz

was kind enough to throw our little
convention an after-hours private party in
Let's face it we all wonder. We wonder the Adventureland and New Orleans portion
how to achieve world peace, We wonder if of the park. But, enough about my incredible
Donna Martin's shirts CQuid get any tighter. luck.
But, above all we wonder, is that new Indiana
In the Disneyland daily guide it states,
Jones ride at Disneyland all it's cracked up "Indiana Jones Adventure, Temple of the
to be? Well, there's no need to wonder any Forbidden Eye." It's the most technically
advanced ride from the creative forces of
lon~ I have been ther!. and done that. So,
you can ask me, because god knows I'll talk Disney and George Lucas. Hop into a troop
transport for a
about it, or you can just
death defying
read this article.
encounter with
snapping cobras,
completely irrational
obsession I have with
poisonous darts
We were thrown around,
and a 50-ton
Disney theme parks I try
rolling ball of
to make it to some a
~hot at and talked to by
couple times a year,
otherwise I might suffer
really big head~.
could you ask for,
a 50-ton ball of
withdrawal. So, this
April, just a month after
granite and two
of these things
opening of Disneyland's biggest ride since "*" (meaning, basically, only people who are
the park opened it's doors 40 years ago, I was a certain height and age, people who have
in Anahiem. It is interesting to note that on completed boot camp and a through
the rides first day the wait in line was six physical examination, people who pass a 12
hours, luckily I'm obsessed not crazy.
page multiple choice math quiz and can run
So, here's the situation, I've got the 100 in under eight seconds, and those
connections, Michael Eisner in fact, and I got who aren't pregnant could enjoyit.).
into the park after hours. Okay, that was a
The ride. The run from the entrance
lie, my mother was my connection and as far through ~he empty line tunnels to the
as I know Eisner was not on the premises, starting point was approximately 3.9
but you believed me forjust a minute there minutes, at jogging speed. It's a big place
didn't you? I was actually attending a folks.
We boarded our 12-seater all terrain
convention in Anahiem for the Childrens'
Miracle Network which runs a yearly vehicle. We take off on simulated rocky
telethon to raise money for ' hospitalized terrain while an adventuresome soundtrack
children (plug) and the Disney Corporation begins. The car chooses one of three doors,

, , ,




" "j


A Tpmppst on Red Squarp
by Douglas Smith
"Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and fame ... " went the
opening soliloquy lyrics to the Shenandoah
Shakespeare Express's Tempest last
Thursday on Red Square.
The familiar Rolling Stones song was
played on an accordion, an acoustic guitar, a
tambourine and other timeless auxiliary
instruments, emblematic of the traveling
group's general approach to Shakespeare: "a
rigorous commitment to the text combined
with modern sensibilities," says the play
Interspersed with a pop-culture
mentality, this version of the Shakespearian
dramatic comedy had the sensibility to

entertain flippant Shakespeare playgoers
and the ability to satisfY a more critical,
Shakespeare-loving audience - the
Elizabethan script is served straight up, with
only minor, contemporary alterations.
The costumes were ingeniously simple,
mostly stuff you could fish out of a college
dorm room with a quick scavenger hunt or
two, but effective on a campus, especially.
)fyou like Shakespeare, and you missed
The Tempest, this traveling cast will be
around next year sometime. They do about
200 shows and travel 3,000 miles a year.
You're sure to catch them somewhere,
-Doug plans to buy a stock car and enter
the Bump-to-Pass circuit.


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Jeff Kingsbury didn't drpam it, he did it
by /?emian A. ~rker

it's best if you
don't take
all your
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Free vehicle inspection with purchase
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we'll give you 3 months of
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Thank you. Class dismissed. :

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Eactl Mail Boxes Etc." Center IS., ildePe~ owned
and operated lranc:hse. e1995 Mail Bolces Etc.

I met Jeff Kingsbury at The DanCing
Goats. But he looks nothing like the guy in
all those posters advertising the Rocky
Horror Show (which starts at the
Washington Center last week, by the way).
The guy in those posters has long curly black
hair, dark red lipstick and looks the very part
of Frank N. Furter.
The Jeff Kingsbury I met was very tall,
with short blond hair and it was hard to
imagine him yelling, let alone screaming. He
may be soft-spoken, but when he heard
Harlequin Productions acquired the rights to
perform Rocky Horror Show, Kingsbury
knew he was the only one for the role.
"I went to the office and said, 'I want
the role, and I'm not auditioning'," said

(4(L f L04--l(flLL 4
PLfflSln~ .



Kingsbury over a cup of coffee. "They
wou n t give it to me for a long time. The
director came from out of town and they
didn't want to push this case member on
The reason Kingsbury was so excited
about the part is that he, like many of you
out there, is a fan of The Rocky Horror
Picture Show, He's seen the movie around
100 times. In fact, said Kingsbury, "from '78
to '82, I probably went 10 to 20 times a year."
Rocky Horror is not produced that
often because the writer, Richard O'Brien .~
(currently a game show host in England), Vi
likes to have control over the production. ~
"You have to clear everything through ~
him," Kingsbury said. "So getting the Show
is something of a coup for Harlequin."
As you, dear reader, mayor may not
know, The Rocky Horror Show is an overtly
sexual coming of age story cloaked in an Jeff Kingsbury as Frank N. Furter
innocent rock and roll musical.
The show is produced by Harlequin cost $12 to $16, playing 8 pm Thursday thru
Productions and at The Washington Center Saturday till June 3. For more information,
Stage II, 512 Washington Street SE. Tickets call 753-8586.
-Demian exists ... more or less.


L _______________________ ~I

"Vest Olympia
1620 BlaCk
Lake Blvd S.W...

IT's NOT ~ WE Do.
IT'S ~ WE Do IT:'

we proceed through the middle one. Really
big golden head warns us of trouble ahead.
Massive golden head speaks the truth. Total
darkness accompanied by projections of
spiders and snakes. Extremely unstable
bridge, Disney wouldn't let us die, we scream
G~mt snake goes for the head of rider
in row three far right, me, I am surprised.
Mysterious apparitions in corridor, probably
similar to Evergreen ghosts from last week.
Another bridge like experience while large
fiery head to our left growls. The terrain is
very rocky throughout, must avoid throwing
your back out.
Total darkness as car stalls, we are
scared though the vehicle lacks an engine.
Car starts up. We enter a long quiet hallway.
Bullets begin flying overhead. We duck, our
lives are in danger. Indiana hangs overhead.
He wants to climb in, we think otherwise as
large ball ofgranite heads for our vehicle. We
scream, those in front row become religious.
The adventure ends. Indiana gives us
an unintelligible farewell message. We
disembark clapping and thank Disney
employee who probably had little to do with
the production of the ride.
The exit walk is cut short by a creative
group member. We crawl under the barriers
and begin the adventure again.
In short, the ride was awesome. We
were thrown around, shot at and talked to
by really big heads. I challenge you to find
it's equivalent. On the Baldoz scale of Disney
excellence, I would wait in line about an hour
and a half for this ride and I can rarely sit
through a full length movie.
-Aimee knows her technology.

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• Home of Ballistic Components
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25, 1995 THE


25, 1995




3:30-5 pm. WomenofCoiorCoalitionat4 pm
in CA B315.


-Fitness For Two w-an exercise program for
pregnant women offered by Sf. Peter Hospital
meets Tuesdays, and Thursdays@5:30pmor
7 pm , and Saturdays @ 9:15 am . Fee is $33
per month . 493-4111.

Moving Image Theater presents "Bloodbird"
featuring Butoh and Laban techniqu es at 8 pm
n the Experim ental Theater. Tonight through
Sa turdav. Free Admission! Come early because
seats are limited.

Meetings today: Rape Response Coalition @





The Tango Rhythm Orchestra will be
performing from 7-9 pm in Library 2000.
Stu den ts -$3, non-students-$5 or $5 for
students and $7 for other at the door.
Sponsored by the Latin American Student

My Name (alternative), Goodbye and Harry
Friction (punk rock) all ages show at Slavbnian
Hall 2306 N. 30th Tacoma. 7:30 pm $6

HPX presents a multimedia evening of
cyOOdellc visuals, video shoot, groovy music,
and fun with CALOBO, YellowwoodJunction,
and Black Currant Jam@ Under The Rail2335
5th Ave. in Seattle (21 and over). 448-1900

Nomadic Lotus-Traditional Dance of
Vietnam & Zimbabwe Workshop at 1 pm in
COM 209. FREE!

Tonight at the Hopvine Pub: OrvilleJohnson
and Scott Weiskopf folk/blues style! 9pm
@50715th Ave. E. Seattle-$1


Nomadic Lotus-Instrument Making
Workshop sponsored by the Women of Color
Student Gro up and the President's Diversity
Fund. lOam-noon in the Woodshop. FREE!

Opening Reception 4 to 7 pm. Two senior
thesis installations "Essentials" and "Yes Play"
by Alice Chao and James Coury in the Library
Building Fourth Floor Gallery. Until June 10.

Subdwell Unlocked Funk Organization for $5.


rId a y
Nomadic Lotus-Expression Session potluck
sponsored by WOCC and ASIA @ 6 pm in
CAB 110. Bring Poetry; instruments, food, etc.

Meeting Today: Gaming Guild '7-midnight in
A benefit for the Capitol Theater Backstage PA
fund . Sky Cries Mary and Half Japanese will
play the full stage (the whole damn theater) at
8 pm. Get your tickets in advance for $8. or get
them at the door for $9. For more information,
call 754-6670.



WHAT 'Po you



Goi"~ ouT AND Ge1firtJ s.tE com.e1



Failed cartoon Ideas by Matt 'V1ad' Parsons
Everyone here at the CP}will be stressing about
when stories will come in. Why not make
everyone's life a little brighter and come in and
write something for us. We1l1ove you for it.

DE"''' .



"R(I\T CO\lS~(4) WJc.t::




Keith McHeruy. anti-military activist and cofounder of Food Not Bombs, will speak in the
Lecture Hall at 7 pm.
Marcelino, and Los Raices-a local theater
company-presents "Life is like a Dream"
tonight and tomorrow night at 7 pm @ 321

WUnladylike" music concert from 8-10 pm in
the Recital Hall-FREE!

Dear Mom bv Demian A. Parker


Slldeshow of films and videos collected from
aro llnd Olympia from 8-10:30 pm in Lecture
Hall 1.
Usten to "Harddrive/POP" on KAOS 89.3 FM.
There will be a game show related to
entertainment. Prizes will be awarded.



d 28




Now we are really going to be stressing. Come
on in, please, and write something for Arts and
Entertainment before 4 pm. Please. It's easy.
It's fun. There will be prizes,

Your Olympia Film Society presents Muriel's
Wedding and Betty Boop Confidential today
thru Wednesday. The times are 6:30 pm and 9
pm. Ca11754-5378 for the exact times.

Dea r Nom,
I wish l had more time
t o write . It is t he end of
the quarter - i n fact, it
is the end of my t ime here
at The Evergre en State
College. I must now move
on to t he greater (and by
that I mea n larger in sco pe)
world of the workin g ,",orJd .

free fi na n cial aid checks? I
most cer t ainly hop e not . I
co uld ce rtainly us e th e extra
mon ey
at least until i
get the. Big Br eak I've been
hopin g for.

I wonderif that means cousin
Zoe will stop se nd i ng me those






I've bee n·sending
a l l those thing .. _ those
. .. thing call ed
they tell people all th e
st uf f you did. Resumes! yeah .

I hea rd back from thi s one
g uywh o said he was thinking •
of hiring me c uz of ~
s triP
on th e comi cs page .


Hol d on -- on the TV, it ' s
Phan, bicytling down 1-5 on a
dirt bike, with wh at lo oks
• like the e ntire Washi ngt on
hi way patrol pacing along ,.
behind h im.
~Iore later.




Can You Find The Difference? by David Scheer

l ove ,

GradSeason by P. Herbert Castaldo

Enjoy the life and times of you. Thank you.

Olympia Aids Prevention Projects Benefit at
the Capitol Theater Backstage featuring Dub
Nar co tic So und Sys tem, Black An ger,

f30b~)/ ctr-en'f




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Expires June 3, 1995




25, 1995 THE


25, 1995 'AGE 23