The Cooper Point Journal Volume 11, Issue 24 (June 2, 1983)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 11, Issue 24 (June 2, 1983)
2 June 1983
extracted text
Red Square Comes Alive on Sup~r Saturday
by Claire Kuhns

building, first and fourth floors . And a

This year's Super Saturday will be
one of the greatest in the history of the
Variety is the word to d~scribe the
events ~hich are planned. Highlights include kid's activities, recreation events
and a Food Festival. All this action will
take place on Saturday, June 4th from
11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
There will be a Cartoon Festival and
chi ld care available in the Lecture Hall

Free bus service from downtown to
Evergreen's campus and shuttle service
from the park ing areas to the central
plaza. Four stages will provide continuous entertainment. Seventy plus artists and craftsmen will display and sell
their work. Fifty chefs will serve up a
vast array of exotic and traditional
foods. There will be academic displays
and demonstrations including an opportunity to sign up for summer school and
leisu re education activities.
The recreation center will be open
all day, offering free swimming, saunas,
and racquetball.

Free kids events will go on all day
to please the whole family. Bring your
extra change ~o you can participate in
the silent and grand old auctions.
Cavorting critters will range from
Rainier beers to the Cat in the Hat.
Like boats? There will be a wooden
boat display in the central plaza.
Maybe antique cars are your thing-see
them in front of the first floor landing at
the library building.

Wanna have fun with a computer?
Here's your chance. There will be computer fun in front of the Library building
and in Computer Services.
Do you find nurfs fascinating? How
about frisbees? Or is golf the game you
prefer? Seeing is believing. These three
recreations will have a combined showing from 1:00 p.m . till 5:00 p.m . behind
the seminar building.
For a little culture, be sure to take
in the two art gallery shows in the library

'Iive performance of Malcom Stilson's
latest one-act mus'ical, "Silvia", from
5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the rec ital hall of the
communication building.
Recreation events will include; 2.5
mile road race, 10 a.m., on the road
behind Kid's Country, volleyball tournament, all day, starting at 8 a.m . on the
new soccer field, begining orienteering
course, 9 a.m. on, soccer games, 9 a.m .
and 10:45 a.m., original soccer fields,
silent auction, 11 am-2 pm, sun plan;
north side of CAB/rain plan; CAB first
floor of cafeteria; Grand Old Auction;
New Games, 2 p.m. -on, behind kids '
country; ultimate Frisbee demonstration,
noon - 2 p .m ., original soccer fields; Annual Media Softball game, 3 p.m .,
recreational field - KGY vs . The Olympian, Skateboard demonstration, CAB
walkway .
Shrinks and Wizards offer Tarot
cards, biofeedback, handwriting analysis,
psychic readings, massages, astrological
charts, and color analysis .
For added information be sure and
check out the Super Saturday Program
which can be found, if you didn't receive
yours throuth the mail, at variou s places
around campus . Or contact Larry
Stenberg, Chairman, extension 6296.

Cover Photo: On the Back Nine
at Gallery

IV .

Special Note: The article on Northwest
Power that appeared in last week's CPJ
was written by Chris Palmer. WE apologize to Mr. Palmer for the omission of hi s
by-line. The TE:;C Athletic story was by
Arthur West.

photo by Oberbillig






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Mushroom Cultivators Published Letters
contaminants and other outside influences that inhibit cultivat ion.


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Two local mycologi sts have introduced
" The Mushroom Cultivator," a practical
guide to growing mushrooms at home.
The book, co-authored by Paul Stamets
and J.S Chilton, took three years to
write and represents many years of
researc h and experimentation by both
authors . The Mushroom Cultivator has
over 400 pages of information and
outl ines 16 species parameters, describing various growing methods, equipment
and yields . There is a lengthy sectoin on

Both authors are active in the Northwest mycological community. Together
with several other people they formed
Myco-media, a non-profit educational
organizat ion to promote the study of

The Mushroom Cultivator is the second book for author Paul Stamets.
Published in 1978, Stamets' first book,
Psiloc ybe Mushrooms and their Allies
outlined habitats, taxonomy and gave
descriptions of the various psychoactive

species. Curre ntly Stamets is owneroperator of Fungi Perfecti, a mail order
sa les company offering steri le lab
cu ltivation equipment used in
mycological and non-mycological
botanical research.
JS Chi lton spent four months in
Holland on a fellowship researching
mushroom cultivation and has been a
grower for Ostroms Mushroom Farm in
Olympia Chi lton plans to move to
Canada where he will continue his work
as a grower.
The Mushroom Cultivator is a
publication of Agarikon Press.

Barnes Can be Pleased





Hot Ti me at the Empty Space
by Ben Fuchs

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The Empty Space Theatre is currently running "F ilthy Rich", a spoof of the
private detective genre, by George F.
Walker. "Fi lthy Rich", directed by Jeff
Steitzer, ce nters around Tyrone M . Power
(played by John Procaccino). Power, a
down and out lush, becomes a private
detective in spite of himself when a
mayoral candidate disappears and a cast
of mystery yarn arch etypes think Power
can find him. There's a pair of sisters,
each suspicious of the other, a tough
gangster ca lled " Pig" , a no nonsense
pol ice detective and an ambitious young
man who becomes Power' s partner. In

BW'. Capitol Scuba

o ne hum erous and unlik ely sce ne after
another, Power dis covers the depth of
lega l and moral corruption among the
"F ilthy Rich". It's the good guys against
the bad guys (guess who wins)

The humor lies not 50 mu ch in the
plot but in the characters, and the company does a commendable job bringing
this play to life. John Proca cc ino gives
an energetic performance as the cynical
and pathetic lead, Tyrone M . Power. The
rest of the cas t is entertaining in the
broad characters they portray. Ri chard
Riehle is especially funny as the
nefarious villain "Pig", who enters with

the accompaniment of om inous musi c
and black gloves . James Corbett Crabtree, an Evergreen alum, is memorable as
the ambulance driver.
Visually, the play works very well
The set by Karen Gjelsteen is beautiful
and functional with breakaway window
an d door. The costumes by Celest
Cleveland accentuate the character
types "Fi lthy Rich " will be running
through June 26th at 919 E. Pike in Seattle . The theatre is on the third floor and
tends to get very warm, which led me to
conclude The Empty Space would do
we ll to give two programs at the door.
One to read and one to fan with .

To: Duane Heief and Arthur West
Congratulations, I read your articles,
" Rising Tide of Driftwood Dissatisfaction" and "Evergreen: The Politics of
Athletics" with considerable del ight; you
took two very controvers ial subjects and
treated them with understanding, insight
and fairness . You had done your
homework and gave me information on
the subject that I was unaware of. Good
writing, good reporting, and a job well
done .
Part of the problem at Driftwood is
that some parents seem to be expect ing
a preschool which is so mething that
Driftwood is not. The 35 parents who are
using Driftwood are re ceiv ing ove r $600
of subsidy apiece on their education
from S & A in the form of lower daycare
fees . Turning Driftwood into a preschool
would invo lve an even greater subsidy
then the present day ca re.
It should be pointed out that when
the Intercollegiate Athletics was added
to S&A, the S & A Fees per student were
rais ed from $54 to $60 so there did not
have to be a decrease in serv ice in other
areas .
You did a fine job of reporting,
good luck .
Sincerely yours,
Joel J. Barnes
ext. 6220

Helium Balloons

Air - Geor - Supplies - Rentals

Dive School
Basic Scuba Class $75.00

107 E, Slale SI,
Olympia, WA 98501 BILL ALLEN

Dorms and ASH special
~, ext. 5135
June 2, 1983

The Cooper Point Journal

paQe one

t U'p O ~POINT


board the seem in gly obvious fact that
the CPJ and KAOS are vast ly different

by Duane A. Heier

OK students, it's Evergreen Gover·
na nce Education time again. This week
let's exam in e the Communi cat ions
Board . They' re the folks who ove rs ee the.
Cooper Poi nt Journal and KAOS radio.
The board is constituted of two students ,
(not m embers of the CP J or KAOS staffs),
o ne st udent S&A Board representativ e,
one academic dean, one broadcast professional, one newspaper profess ional,
two community representatives , a
representative of the president, a
member of the faculty and a college
staff member. As with most boards,
so me members are conscientious, some
ar~ not, some are competent, some apparently are not.

In real ity these people meet once a
month for an hour or two and are able
to accomplish little more than keep four
or five student positions filled. They've
worked nearly all year on revising their
part of the Evergreen Administrative
Code and it seems unlikely that they wiil
finish that task until next year some
A t one time Iast quarter they had a
draft of the EAC regulations all ready to
routinely pass . However, the rules were
poorly conceived and an onslaught of
distraught KAOSians forced a rewrite
through the simple tactic of showing up
en'mass and patiently explaining to the

Forced to act uall y read and try to
understand the procedures they were try·
ing to ratify, other deficiencies and confusions were found in their document
and a comprehen sive rewrite was
ordered. Most of the people on the
board lack any real understanding of one
or both of the campus media.
Before I feed you too much education I'd better get down to my specific
bitch. Last week the Comm . Board hired
a new editor to lead this rag into 1984.
Faced with three choices they naturally
hired the person with the least qualifica·
tions. (This is as good a place as any to
congratulate Francisco Chauteaubriand
on being named next year' s CPJ editor,
he is not without ability, I iu st think the
other two candidates were not only better qualified but that their selection
would have been in the better interests
of the paper.)

ca pa cities for th e paper, learning the
organizations stro ng points as well as
weakn es ses. In this fashion an inco ming
editor can 'use those strengths as a foun·
dation o n which to build stronger structure for se rving the CPJ's readers . Com·
ing into the job of editor I had some experien Le most aspects of producing the
paper and I still found it to be a time
consuming and challeging task .
Second ly, the editorship is a
desirabl e, fulfilling and challenging job,
the sort of task that substantially fills
out a college education. The organization will always have an easier time
recru iting staff writers and other personnel if potential staffers know that if their
performance merits it, they will be in

line for positions of greater responsib ilities. Some one 'who has put several
quarters of effort toward building the
paper dese rve s suitable reward.

As I have said the newly hired
. editor is not without ability, and he will
probably do a creditable job. However,
by the time he gets just the day to day
task load of the paper under control he
wi ll probably discover that most of one
quarter is already gone. Someone inured
to the CPJ routines and conventions
would be able to get a much quicker
start, and they and other staff members
could feel that loyalty and dedication
are rewarded at the CPj.

Capitol "Lake
Boat Rental

John W. Neilson Memorial Satire IsslJe

Evergreen's Future: Tits, Beer, Petty Vandalism
by Kid Lizard
Local high school graduates have
been a high priority in TESe's recruitment goals. However, this process has
been hindered by a lack of knowledge of
those student's desires. Last fall a special
DTI' was formed to study this area.
Richard Furbrains, head dictator king of
the recruitment DTF explained the process of study to the CPj over a big mac
and fr ies. The aim of the study, commented Furbrains, is to find out iu st
what local high school students really
want. We conducted a thorough survey
of local high schools to find out what at·
tracts this group. The results were stunning!
First on the list of priorities was tits.
Big bouncing tits! Next came beer. Kegs
and kegs of it. Following in rapid succession were fast food, video games, petty
vandalism and large over-built cars .
These new revelations will require a
thorough overhaul of our recruitment
and retention plans.
Furbrains noted that maior steps
would be required to meet these needs.
While petty vandalism is well along at
TESC, we lag far behind other institutions in many other areas. The DTF .
report details steps required.
The crux of the program will deal
with fast food . "Fast food is essential to
our recruitment goals," said Furbrains.
" Our survey revealed that regional high

Two important principles are involved here, and they both relate to the
role of consistancy in the evolution of
the paper.
First; it's important for an incoming
editor to understand the arcane complexity of putting out a sheet like this on a
regular basis. The best way to learn
these skills is to work in various


Box, whi le the lecture halls are better
'suited for p;'zza Of course, Mr. Evans is
in favor of a Kentucky Fried Chi c ken for
·the library, so there's stil l a few things to
work out "

Local high school students engaged in petty vandalism.
school students spend a fantastic
amount of time in fast food restaurants.
To accomodate these needs the CAB

building will be given over to a
McDonalds franchise . I believe the
library will make a splendid jack in the

" An important part of th e program
will be tits . All faculty, staff, and administrators will be required to grow tits .
.And not just ordinary tits , but big bouncing 38 inch knockers . Do you realize that
TESC is 89% behind the UW in this areal
Why, at Western the fa culty sometime s
have three or more mamar ies ." To put a
head on the be er angle. th e Furbrains
DTF recommended that the lab buildings
be turned into a brewery, and se minars
replaced by keg parties .
Other plans in c lude: reprogrammin g
all computers to play video games. and
,paving the organ ic f arm over for inter·
. coll egiate drag racing .
The new direc tion of the school h as
not been without dissent. " The Co un cil
for Post Secondary H ippness ha s been
giving us SOrle troubl e. comm ents Fur·
brains . " But who listens to a bunch of
godless longhaired pinko fag commies
anyhow l It may just be the way I think ,
but I want to r:amthese re co mmenda·
tions through ." A ll TESC students with
short hair who are not on drugs are encouraged to discuss these matters with
Furbrains. Most find him friendly and af·
fable . " My fri ends call m e Di ck," chortl·
ed Furbrains.

Athletic Emissaries Dark Age Dreams

Dina and the Dukettes

7th and Water Street
In Downtown Olympia

10 A.M. to 7 P,M. Daily


Study this summer in Idaho








in- -I
tiUFFY : Well , I decided to play- because
J like food and knew that Evergreen
gives its athletes free meals. I got kinda
bummed out in the middl e of the season
because at the beginning when they
rec ruited me, they said we ate at La
Petite Maison a lot, but we just kept
pulling into Burger King and Baskin and
Robbins for dinner. I guess the budget
was a little tight.

June 13 - August 5, 1983

' Non-resident fees will not be applicable for Summer 1983 at either the
Moscow Campus or the Coeur d'Alene
Center. Thus fees for all students,
whether residents of Idaho or not will
be $43.00 per credit for undergraduate
students in undergraduate courses

Be an Idaho
this summer

and $55.50 per credit for graduate
students and graduate courses. Discontinuance of the non-resident fee
and the change in the graduate fee
were among changes made by the
Regents of the University at the May,
1983 meeting .
For a copy of the Summer Bulletin containing
complete information including an application, cal l or write immediately .

~ Universityof Idaho
Paul Kaus, Director
Summer Sessions
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Telephone: (208) 885-6237

The SPj talked to Buffy Smith and
Chip johnson who both participate in
collegiate athletics but whose sports will
remain anonymous.

S Pj : Buffy, why do you participate

o A H 0

There is still time to plan to attend Summer Session at the University of
Idaho, Moscow Campus or Coeur d'Alene Center.

With the recent controversy regarding whether Evergreen should becom e
involved in intercollegiate athletics, the
SPj decided to find out what the
Evergreen ath l ete thinks, or does s/he

• volt ancl12 volt
for almost all



$29 95

Anyways , I also join ed because I
hea rd that Evergreen treats its athletes to
all expense paid trips around the state to
swell places I ike Tacoma, ElIensbu rg and
Walla Walla . And I knew I looked re a lly
good in green.
SPj: Chip, What do you think about bein g called a " dumb jock" ?
CHIP: I...I.Uh ... rea lly, you know ...
hadn' t thought about it much.

Do you spend a lot of time training?

CHIP: Uh, no, I'm already housebroken.


SPj : No, I mean does your playing sports
interfere with your studying?
CH I P: I don't worry about book s or
nothing beca use they told m e I was getting credit for personal growth.

412 S. Cherry 943-3650
Open 7 days a week



SPj : Buffy, do you think it is fair to
spend all that money on athletics?
BUFFY: Definitely. I think that we are
emissaries of e~lightenment and goodwill for the college ... like, one game a girl
ca me up to me and said, "Your legs are

really gross, why don't you mow them I "
I said, "Don't you know that not shaVing
your legs is a statement to this sexist
world that a woman doesn't have to
shave her legs to be beautiful?" "They're
ugly," she said. "So are you ," I said.
Those are the times when its all
worth it, when you get through to a person and say hey, this is what Evergreen
is all about.

You know, I also think that
Evergreen will make up all their money
that they spend through people like me
who come to school just to participate in
intercollegiate athletics.
SPj: What's your response to a person
who accuses you of being an elite?
BUFFY: I say, better me than you.
The controversy on whether
Evergreen and athletics are a contradiction is not an easily resolvable issue. But
at least we can get some sort of perspective talking to those involved, the

by Nards Laxley
Break out your broadswords and
iron maidens, it's time once again for the
Dark Ages Fair. The event which is cosponsored by the S & M board and the
Society for Creative Barbarism, will
feature a complete torture chamber from
the Spanish Inquisition among the usual
activities. Many people have heard of
the Society for Creative Barbarism, but
know relatively little about the organiza·
tion .
The Society was founded in order to
give people a chance to I ive out their
medieval fantasy dreams and basically
rape, pillage, eat and drink to excess and
have a good time . The society also offers
a unique companionship for people who
like getting their head bashed in with
blunt instruments.
The annual Dark Ages Fair is a
benefit for the Society for Creative Barbarism, so be sure to look for their
benefit booth. Instead of the usual tub

of water, you can throw baseballs to
dunk society members in a boiling vat of
oil. There's plenty to do, from getting
your back stretched out on the rack to
getting your cutic les crushed with
thumbscrews .

Coordinator of the Society for
Creative Barbarism, Conan Boulderhead,
said he hopes to " make more peopl e
aware of historical European pain in
order to build an enjoyable Ame rica . W e
need to establish our own forms of
American pain and our past will help us
get in touch with it."
The costuming is usually spec·
tacular, lepers and plague victims intermingle with knights, Medieval maidens
and feudal barons to create an at·
mosphere of Dark Age gloom Th ere are
plenty of arts and crafts to buy, and torture to be had by all. Don' t miss the
squalor this Saturday from noon to six in
the Evergree n Pavillion.

Mud Madness' Continues
continued from page four

" The Self may understand the Spirit
by means of the Mind, but only through
the realm of the Ideal. Or by means of
the Body-the heart and reflexes-but
again only indirectly, through SOCiety,
through the cultural matrix . Only the
Soul can know the Spirit, because they
are two sides of the same Base-the
Universal Soul. And only at one point
can the Self actually merge with the
Spirit. That point is the peak of the
triangle, the merging of Mind and Body,
consciousness and un consciousness.
"Th is point, where all four plane s
merge into one point, is called the
Omega Point by the Iliuminized Masters.
ExperienCing the Omega will be the goal

of each of you during your Rites of
Passage,_upon leaving the COllegium.
" This is the Secret of the Pyramid,
as revealed by the IIluminized Masters:
four planes, each with three sides, sharing a common base-the Universal Souland a common Omega Point. If you
have suffic iently perfected your Selves,
if you have brought the three sides near
enough to alignment and harmony, then
you may in fact experience the Omega
Point, symbolized by the Eye of Horus.
From that perspective you may see the
totality of the Pyramid, and see the

The Old M an of the Mud sudd en ly
stood up. " This is our last meeting. Go
now; prepare yourselves for your Rites of
Passage" H e dismissed the disciples with
a wave of hi s hand .
As they fil ed out, the errant disciple,
Kallisti, shook her head . " Hey, there,
Brother," she muttered to hers elf, "W ho
you try in' to jive with that cosmic

Universal Soul underlying it, just as the
mud lies beneath our feat now."
June 2,1983

paoe 2

The I Cooper Point Journal

June 2,1983

The Cooper Point Journal

page Ihree

News & Notes__
, _ _ _ _ __
People United Against Sugarless Chewing
Gum will be holding a "Liye without Trident" rally at noon on Saturday I une
25th in front of the 7-11 at Harrison and
Division in West Oly. Wa. Help stop people from saying "I do I do" when someone asks "Who wants gum?"

Career Planning and Placement is offering a workshop entitled "Coping with
Unemployment" from 1 to 4 p,m , on
Saturday and Sunday lune 25 and 26 at
the Bread of life Hospitality House.
Topics will include : scamming on
foodstamps, creative checkbook accoun-

The president's counci l on national
. holidays has announced that lune 2nd,
the anniversary of the birth of the Marquis DeSade, will be a national holiday
DeSades birthday will be ce lebrated the
first Monday of June each year. All
banks, schoo ls and government agencies
will be closed on this day, In celebration
of this historic event, the DeSade society
will hold a gala party at the capitol
rotunda Monday,
Many sundry tortures and forms of
sexua l devience will be provided, Special
guest singers are Wayne Newton and
Frankie Lane, At the White House, the
president and first lady will ce lebrate
DeSade's birthday with whips, cha ins and

continued from page six

the Mind, is the plane of the Ideal. This
realm can also be represented by a
triangle, whose base is its Soul. On one
side is the Mind, adjoin in g the Mind of
the Self-in fact, equivalent to the Mind
of the Self. Thus we are taught that the
Highest, or most advanced, Truths approach the Universal, or Ideal. On the
other side is the Body of the Ideal, or
the ideal made manifest. Thusly:
Illustration #2
"The Old One made another drawing upon the slate, showing the two
faces joined by the Mind.

"Another triangle, again with its
base being its Soul, adjoins the Body of
the Self . This triangle represents the
realm of Society, or Humanity. The Body
of Society, that is, its manifest nature, is
realized in the individual Self. We react
as individuals to our society reflexively,
from the Heart. Thus we teach how we
are all, in some essential sense, products
of our culture; our culture is realized

through us . Of course this is only on~
third of our real ity, one side of the
"The Body of Society, equivalent to
the Body of the Self, is also only one
third of the reality of Society The Soul
is another third, the base. The other third
is the Mind of Socity, This is the matrix
of laws, or underlying principles, by
which a society is organized"
One of the disciples then asked,
"What of the fourth plane, Old One?"
The Old Man answered, "T he fourth
plane is the plane of Spirit. It, too, can
be seen as a triangle, with its base being
its Soul. Its Body adjoins the Ideal. This
is why we may speak of Utopias as being
Ideals imbued with the Spirit, or of a
Spiritual realm taken to its Ideal point,
"The other side of the Spirit is its
Mind, adjoining the realm of Society,
The Spirit made conscious, taken as
Mind, is distilled into ordering principles
and modes; Yoga and Science are simply
cu lturally specific manifestations of the
same quest. The Social realm, as it approaches a perfect state, will manifest
greater spiritual order, Its Mind melds
with the Mind of thp Soirit.
continued on page three

Evergreen's Heterosexual Rap Group provides support for heterosexuals of all
ages in a relaxed setting. It ,can be a safe
place for you to share some of the problems you've experienced being hetero
in a gay environment. lots of l aughs. In
the 6600 lounge of the Evans Library on
the second Tuesday of the month.
The Gay Resource Center is sponsoring a
"Come Out As You Are" party at midnight on Saturday, June 25 in the 6900
lounge of the Evans Library at The
Evergreen State College.
The Olympia Fellowship of Nuclear
Destruction is sponsori ng a "Drop the
Big One" rally at noon on Saturday June
25 on the front steps of the Capitol
building. Help split atoms not w60d.

by Duke Ranger
last week the Evergreen athletic
department announced the arrival of the
specially built motorcycles to equip
Evergreens entry into the Northwest Collegiate Roller Ball Conference, A large
number of students have questioned the
propriety of such a violent sport at
TESC. When quizzed on this issue,
Athletic Director, Jan lambertz was
critical of the dissenters, "I don't know
why people are always picking on
athletics, we've assured the community
many times that we would never have a
football team," You certainly can't argue
with her there as the Geoduck eleven
lost last night to St. Martins 56-0.
They've closed parking lot "C" and
it should make a nifty roller ball course,
having several median type obstacles
and even a few trees to make any
miscalculating cyclist pay the price .. ,
The roller ball season opens next
month at Western with the Northwest
Death Match '84,

Coordinated Studies
The Tao of Father Knows Best
An Interdiciplinary look at anc ient
Chinese philosophy, Carl Jung and
Robert Young, This basic program will ir
corporate these three areas of study, Em
phasis of study in this program is the interrelatedness of mythology in diverse
cu ltures, This program is recommended
for beginning Evergreen students as an
introduction to alternative education,
Prerequisites: None

B.A.!.L. Programs
They couldn't be Greeners If they're combing the
hair on their heads Instead of the hair on their

photo by Albright

You can't fool usl Greeners paint their feet not
their toes.

This basic abstract intellectual learning
program centers around one of the most
perfectly designed containers known to
civilization, the egg, We will be exploring the design, mythology and biological
function of this wondrous creation and
how it fits into our society both on and
off the breakfast table.
Pierequis its: None

Group Contract
This full time contract will focus on investigating various levels of consciousness , The illusions of a shaman,
Capitol Mall, Evergreen and your parents
will be explored through the use of
hallucinogenic drugs, retreats, seminars
and touchy-feely games ,
Prerequisites: The Tao of Father Knows
page 10ur

The Cooper Point Journal

June 2,1983

General Meeting
of, and
Initiation of Adepts

The Grand Order
illuminated Masons
Presided over by
43rd· III. Mason
Trilateral Liaison
Daniel J, Evans
June 5
In the Hallowed and
Enlightened Halls
Following the initiation rituals ,
Ihe ceremonial rites of passage
will be held beneath

the Eye of Horus in
the Valley of the Muddy Hasheeshin

I recently visited Evergreen for the
first time sinc e I was a student a number
of years ago, I couldn't believe it, man.
like .. , this place has changed, man,
Nobody goes barefoot in winter
anymore, I even hear rumors that some
programs are giving tests (barf me out),
It's obvious that Evergreen has succumbed to the pressure from moral majority religious zealots in the legislature,
There's even talk of intercollegiate
sports (and I don't mean hacky-sack).
Doors are no longer left open in the
dorms and drugs are no longer sold
openly at C.A. B, building tables, Let's
face it, the place has gone to shit. I
mean, people don't even live in busses,
teepees and yurts anymore. The only
thing that hasn't changed is the c.p,,-,
which is as bad as ever, Keep up the
good work.

Hipsters Fight for Their Northwest Mecca
In the 11th year of its development
TESC faces a crisis, The failure to attrdct
the right caliber of students poses a
threat to the continued operation of the
institution, To study and recommend
solutions to this problem, a special study
group was chartered SOMetime last '
Thursday afternoon, The Council for Post
Secondary Hippness ((PH), After a week
of laid back study, the CPH has come up
with a sweeping set of recommendations
to brng the school into line. "The main
problem with the institution" says CPH
chairman Moonsprout lovebeam "is the
failure of the co llege to live up to its
original design, Originally TESC was to
have been a mecca, attracting hippies
from thousands of miles away, More importantly, TESC was to se rve as a place
to hang out in the winter when the Dead
don't play. These primary functions of
the school have been severly neglected
in recent years .

Administrator Rodney Snodgrass comments."
"There is some problem with legibility in
the initial report. It appears that the
original 129 recommendations were
scrawled on 31 B extra wide Job wheat
straw rolling papers with organic crayon.
The report also bears obvious signs of
being composed in a teepee during a
rainstorm, in an altered state of consciousness, However, the recomm endations we have been able to decipher
have been really far out and funky.

Wow." The discern able recommendations

Photographers : Christine Albright,
Bing Bristol
Graphics: Wayne Doty
Business Manager: Margret Morgan
Advisor: Mary Ellen McKain
Typesetting and moral support:
Shirley Greene


to-editors : Eric Brinker, Duane Heier
Production Manager: David Gaff
Photo Editor: Gary Oberbillig
Writers : Claire Kuhns, Gail Pruitt,
Arthur West, Leslie Welliver

, Deadline Coordinator : Kid Lizard
The Cooper Point Journal is published
weekly for the students, staff and faculty
of The Evergreen State College, Views
expressed are not necessarily those of the
college or of the Journal's staff. Advertising
material contained herein does not imply
endorsement by the Journal. Offices are
located on the third ffoor of the Evans
Library (3232), Phone 66IHlOOO, ext. 6213,
All announcements for News and Notes or
Arts and Events should be typed doublespaced, listed by category, and submitted
no later than noon on Monday, for that
weeks publication, All letters to the editor
SIGNED and include a daytime phone
number where the author may be reached
for consultation on editing for libel and
obscenity, The editor reserves the right to
reject any material, and to edit any
contributions for length, content and style,
All unsolicited manuscripts or art malted
to us must be accompanied by a selfaddressed, stamped envelopa In order that
It be returned safely, Display advertising
should be received no later than Monday
at 5 p,m, lor that weeks publication,

The entire Council for Post secondary Hippness was badly mauled earl ier
this week when, in a fit of pique, administrator Richard Furbrains set upon
the co un cil with a loaded tastee free,ze
machine, "Those godddm hippies really
irk me!" said Furbrains shortly after the
maul ing over a double order of ch ick en
Mcnuggets with fries in his newly padded office
" Why don't they all go cu t their hair
and get jobs? If any of those greasy
longhaired bums starts messing with my
intercollegiate drag racing track again
they'll be dead for sure ."

"That guy Dick, he's just way dyno
uncool said one council member through
a comp lete body cast " We all think that
Mr. Furbrains just isn 't mellow at all"
confirmed Council chair M . lovebeam
while recuperating at sunnydale pinnko
bum commune.

In response to its charter the group
released a comprehens ive set of
guidelines to restore the intended role of
Evergreen. Unfortunately the form of the
report has puzzled some administrators,

Course requirements, All student>
will be required to earn 16 credits living
in a teepee, yurt, or other related structure, In addition, 4 credit hours of tofu
pressing will be mandatory, It is not a
generally known fact, the study notes
ominously, that 95% of TESC graduates
are unable to make proper tofu, This is a
critica l failure of secondary education.
Basic programs "Rai nbow 101" and
"Ways of Hippness" will be offered, in
addition to a new spec ialty area, "Bucking the Establishment." Five inch Ipng
greasy hair will be required for admittance, and admissions personnel will inspect students for the proper amount of
filth and grime, Students without
parasites will be issued them . All potent ial students will be fed drugs and subjected to Grateful Dead music until they
"me ll ow out man,"

Rainbow Tree
President: Council for Post
Secondary Hippness

CPJ Update

by IKid lizard

Long an unknown and oppressed
minority, separatist social ist show
salesmen from San Salvador are swiftly
swooping from their shoeboxes and
demanding equal rights, "The cause of
SSSSSS is a difficult one "says secretary
Sam Sanchez." Because we are so few
and so greatly oppressed, we are forced
to regard anyone who is not one of us as
a facist oppressor pigdog festering shoe
defiler, We demand a surcease from our
sorrows and equal representation with
other token groups on this campus:' said
Sanchez, sordidly smoking a cigarette,
Secretary Sanchez has an outgoing progress ive policy for soliciting support for
555555, "If S&A doesn' t send over some
centavos soon, we're gonna smack them
soundly upside the head," said Sanchez
sourly, "TESC has a support group for
gay people, women, third world women,
third world gay women, but where is the
representation for Separatist Social ist
Shoe Salesmen from San Salvador? Furthermore we demand a special 555555
affirmative action officer and more
SS~SSS faculty"


The Return of More Absence
of Malice

Hipsters gather,
All athletes will be fed larg'e r doses
of drugs and subjected to even more intensive music until they "mellow way
out man," No shoes will be allowed on
campus and dogs will be a prerequisite
for all courses, Graduation will be
discontinued and Career Planning and
Placement will be abolished to provide a
"really neat place to hang out" with Persian rugs and blacklight posters,
Entrance requirements will also
come to an end with potential students
being judged on " how well their auras fit
in with the oneness of the TE SC community," A spirit of oneness will also
prevail over financial matters, and
students will be encouraged to make
sandals to make sandals or provide herbal enemas in lieu of tuition . All
students not owning at least one fringe
"Bach Bach Bachlng on Heavens Door" a
selection of Bach chorale arrangements by noled
Bob Dylan impersonalor Barry Frogthroat will be
held In the extramental theatre of the Com·
munlcations building al The Evergreen State Col·
lege on Saturday evening June 25 al 8 p,m,
Tickets $10,50 In advance $12,00 at the door.
The Y,W,C.A. Apple Scam presents Rovln'
Roger Berkenstock, King of the monotone folks·
ingers, At the Y.W.C.A, Apple Scam In downton
Oly, Wa, on Saturday July 3 at 7 p.m.

vest will be charged out of Hip tuition.
Dan Evans will be replaced by lerry
Garcia, and John Delorean will become
the new vice president for business , All
sports will be terminated except for intercollegiate frisbee and dopesmok ing.
which will be intensively recruited ,
Scholarships will be offered . Students
will be evaluated on four criteria : Hippness, coolness, mellowness, and "how far
out they are ."
Some criticism has been leveled at
the (PH report, particularly by administrator, Richard Furbrains, "We're
really wondering how Dick's mind
works," says love beam, "we're very confused, However, we see no reason why
TESC cannot live up to its intend ed role
as a haven for hippies in the Pacific Northwest
Friday Nite Films presents "Dan Evans Eats
Tokyo" lhe 1959 sc i·fi thriller featuring Dan
Evans in his first and last film role. The story
concerns a politician who starts an experimenlal

After reading the story on the
"Graduaf ion Controversy" I've cume to
the conc lu sion that your writer wasn't
even in the room but was in fact down
the hall in the Hea lth and Human
Behavior sem inar. I never said "half the
graduating class ha s herpes simplex, "
What I sa id was" in order to pull this
graduation off, half the graduating class
simp ly ha s to be here." These kind of
misquotes represent an obviously
decayed mind and reflect the overall
worthlessness of your paper, My bird
refuses to shit on them anymore.
It seems to me this reporter's time
would be better spent in the company of
a good book . If you want to improve the
overall quality of your paper, best not to
hire the incompetant.
Derek Dlngledorf
P.S . Whatever happen ed to your EI
Salvador editoria ls'

The Evergreen Political Incorrectness

Center, E,P.I,C" will be showing Jane Fonda'S
only politically incorrect film "Barbarella" on
Wednesday, July 3 at 1 p,m, in lecture hall one,

college and becomes the president. The experimen"t fails however when he is involved in a

laboratory accident and turns into a man-eating

The Every Other Leap Year Film Series
presents "Whispering Shotguns" the epic 1966
western starring Squint Wormwood and Aido
Bordello, The film will be shown in Lecture Hall
1 on-February 29, 1984 at 7 p.m.

The Every Third Tuesday Afternoon Film
Series presents "Dark Shades" This 1968 French
classic directed by Jaque Croissante follows the
exploits of a young woman who lives the high
life and rarely takes her sunglasses off, Stars
Yvette Bordeaux and Rene Trubleau, Tuesday
sometime in one of the lectu re halls.

Evergreen Class of '83
Commemorative Clock
Tower Watch

_Stunning Willow Bark or
Breathtaking Macrame Band
You'" C heris h it Forever

14K gold

includes a free T-shirt
June 2, 1983

The Cooper Point Journal

page five

The Old Man of the Mud Guides the Soul
"Who are the Illuminized Masters?"
asked another disciple .

bv II
The Old Man of the Mud was once
as ked by a dis c iple to name the most important tasks of a seeker of Enlightenm ent. " This is simpl e," replied the O ld
One. "T here are three tasks which one
must co nfront, in order to atta in
Enlightenment. And once one is
Enlightened, there are three equiva lent
planes outside the Self which one must
also st riv e to perfect, in order to reali ze
the Truth of Universal Enlightenment.
These are the Mysteries of the Illuminized Masters ."

"And what of the Three Tasks,
Master?" asked the first disciple . " And
the Three Planes outside the Self? "

" Their identity is beyond the
awareness of thos e such as yourself, "
replied the Old Man. "When you have
passed beyond the hallowed halls of This
Eternal SacredColiegium, and have participated in the Rites of Passage under
the Eye of Horus, then you will learn of
these things. Suffice it for now to say
that the Iliuminized Masters are the
same who built the Pyramids, and the
Tower of Babel."

The Old Man of the Mud took a
long draw from the hookah, and began,
" The Three Task s of the seeker of the
Light are to perfect the three aspects of
the Self; these are the Body, the Mind,
and the Soul. Perfecting these three
aspects has been your task these four
long years at This Eternal Sacred Collegium.

Putrid Pandering


The show, " Bowling for Justice" ,
panders putridly to peoples basest instincts . First there is the ob i igatory
Master of Ceremon ies, in this case a particularly disgusting chap with plaid
trousers and an ill fitting taupe. This affront to human c ulture leers ghoulishly
at the camera each week and introduces
the pitiiul participants in the game.
The show is remarkable in itself only because of its remarkably shabby, yet
bizzare premise Plaintiffs in civil matters square off on hard wood runways
and the winner of the match carr ies the
judgement.ln the one match I cou ld bear

by Eric Brinker

Illustratio n #1
"And the Old One drew a triangle
on his slate, labeling the edges, with the
base being the Soul.
"T he Soul must be seen as the base,
as you will soon realize .
" The Mind and Body .are also the
edlbes of two adjoining triangles,
representing two of the three planes outside of the Self. On one side, adjoining

ThiS weekend holds much ente rta inment for everybody. Friday night is the
annual Rowdy Ball, and of course Saturday is going to be a supe r one. Saturday
night also offers some top name entertainment at the 4th Ave . Tavern in the
form of T-Bone Burnett. Burnett brings
his brand of rock ' n'roll to Olympia for
two shows Saturday eve ning and they
promise to be good.

continued on page four

Golfin' With Goya

by Frank Flank
When they asked me to cover this
assignment I said , " I am a journalist not
a bloody critic." What was worse is that
they wanted me to review one of these
trashy television shows. I vowed not to
be so demeaned. However, my editor
vowed that if eve r I wanted my future
stories to run anywhere save the next to
la st page I would review the damned
video inanity

Will T-Bone Burnett's Star Rise in Olympia?

" The Self may be imagined as a
triangle whose three edges are the Mind
and Body and Soul. Thusly :


The 7th Annual TESC Celebrity ProAm Go lf Tournament was held last Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the converted football field . TESC visiting artist
Francisco Goya of the 19th century was
victo riou s as he shot a course record 59 .
EI Professor Gordo, Evergreen pro stated,
" It was th e most magnificent performance I have ever seen."
TESC students were represented in
the tournament by Ober de Brink,
Hyhger Prynzipales, and Arturo Lizardo
who shot 71, 71 and 98 respective ly.
Ober de Brink gave a possible reason for
his poor performance by sayi ng, "T here
just weren ' t as many good drugs this
The golf tournament was interrupted
briefly Sunday as TESC giant slugs
despondent over their inability to qualify
for the Indianapolis 500 ra ced out of the
steam tunnels and through Olympia at
speeds of over 170 miles per hour. Boris,
the winning racer demanded that the
Olympia 500 (slug style) be given equal..
time by ABC when he learned of his
average speed of 175 miles per hour

to sit through, an overweight welfare
mother was up against a trim middl e aged landlord who had obviously been to
the gym. Amazingly she was only 5 pins
down going into the 9th frame bur she
blew an easy spare and the landlord
st riking out in the tenth hardly mattered .

As if this wasn ' t a sufficient affront
to good taste, the network plans next
month to bring out a new show that is
similar but deals with criminal cases .
Details are sti ll sketchy but rumor has it
that the new show will feature defense
attorneys and prosecutors knock ing
down the pins in a segment called
"bow ling for time". Through a complex
formula, sentence for defendants will be
determined by how well a defense council bowls against a prosecutor. Anytime a
prosecutor bowls a three hundred game
an automatic death sentence is handed
down . All and all Bowling for Justice is
about the most disgusting display I've
ever had to witness . I quit.

This is the city, Seattle, Washington.
Home of the Space Needle, Pioneer
Square and Pike Street Market. A
peaceful home for thousands of
politically correct citizens and artists.
But there's another' side of Seattle,
the side you don' t see everyday, The insidious world of the politically incorrect.
Every thirty seconds a keg of beer is
drained . That's when I go to work. I
carry a press pass.
May 28th, It was hot in Seattle , My
partner, Cannon and I were working vice.
Our assignment was to cover the folklife
festival. We were working with our
undercover informant, code name Bubbles . As we drove there we passed an
RV On the back of the vehicle in bold
print it said The Dumwittys ... Jay and
Dorothy . My partner took note of it and
commented " probably politically incor-

and Pepper. They explained that they
had his and hers Granadas which are
black and white. It was soon clear that
we had found the other side of Seattle,
the politically incorrect My partner,
Cannon, pulled out his notebook. Salt
bought another pitcher. "J ust the facts
Ma'am," I said as my partner took notes.
Salt quaffed another beer and said
"every car I saw, I stole and wrecked"
" don't fuck with the old folks, 184th

rect" .

airborn infantry, let Sirhan Sirhan out of
jail so he can get the rest of 'em".
He said a few other things too incoherent to understand,
We stumbled out of the bar ready
for dinner. I suggested chinese and we
headed to the International district. The
atmosphere was politically correct.
Bubbles said he knew ~here we
cou ld go to be fully immersed in the in-


To The Editor,
The Mud Bay household would like
to extend warm thanks to the Evergreen
community, and to the Olympia community, for all the donations of clothes,
food and money, and all the support we
have received since we lost our house to
fire on May 12th. It has been a traumatic
experience for all of us, but made less so
by the warmth and generosity that
everyone has shown us,
We are sorry to say that, after lots
of effort went into the planning, we have
had to cancel the fourth annual Mud
Bay Graduation Party and Mud Races.
Cheer up though, because your
dedicated party planners have been hard
at work searching out and negotiating
for a new location for the party, and
also a new mud flat for the race. Keep
your eyes open for flyers announcing the
new spot later this week! Happy Graduation l
In Mud We Trust,
David, Heather, Tom,
Caro line, Matt, Stuart

Ober de Brink follows a shot.


1.50 OFF


866-3999 Located 150 yds N, of intersection of Cooper Pt. and French Rds,






prerrpere &,aWe performance


Right across from the politically correct Pike Market are the hangouts of the
counter-culture world of quarter arcades.

to be continued",



in conversation with a couple called Salt I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Cooper Point Journal

Reg. 6.99
Now. 5.49

CrabbYBPal Presenls

sidious world of the politically incorrect.
There are many 25c films and stage
shows that never make it to towns like
Olympia and Steppford. At last we had
found it It doesn't get any more
pol itically incorrect than this.

The folklife festival was crowded .
Musicians, jugglers, shit kickers and
other politically correct people jammed
the center with homemade clothes,
righteous petitions and long hair. Many
groups, such as The Jug Band That Fell
To Earth, played politically correct
Bubbles commented that we'd have
to move on to find the other side of
Sea ttle .
Across from the center is an unpretentious tavern with c heap beer and a
few middle-aged drunks . After quaffing
numerously we found ourselves engaged
page six

Christian rock ' n' rollers might adopt He
has his sights set high and his attitud e is
such that won ' t let himself lose sight of
his goals" I don' t want to sing with
Toto.' Burnett says. " I don ' t want a good
band-I want a great band . The Clash is
not a good band. the Sex Pistols were
not good, Bob Dylan was never good
and never will be . They're all great. I'm
not interested in ·just being good ."

A Christian, Burnett is careful not to
preach through his songs, a trait some


, Peter Al~in- .Bi8
J:::hn Cif1=D1ma- ·QJicks,lver~ rovice
q:encer Dr)Cbn- JefTerscn/lliplane
Roterl Hunler- ·Graleful-Dead
Barry Melton- .-Ccuntry t15 ilie fish
with ~ial Wesl
&slUe Jim ~e


We arrived at Seattle Center, home
of the festival and headed to the bar (as
there was no beer garden). We were served by a waitress named Becky. Her
nametag did not reveal a last name. We
interrogated her about the festival but
all she would divulge was that she made
more money during the event.

It is unfair to judge Burnett's mu~ic
from that conce rt because the overall
sound was terrible. " Trap Door" shows
Burnett rocking with aplomb and his
writing style remains unique in music today . He says that he's trying to do " the
same thing the C lash is trying to do. That
band has got the vigor to wake people
up. And for that I love those guys like
brothers ."


" That's almost fifteen miles an hour
more than Sneva' s time", said Boris
When contacted, race officials at Indianapolis and ABC Sprats sa id that they
had never heard of a slug race held in
O lympia and suggested that they try to
app ly next year to race at Indianapolis .

Political I ncorrectness Rampant in Seattle
by Jack Thursday

In a few short years, Burnett has
become the apple of the rock press eye.
Rolling Stone, The L.A . Times and
several other rock mags have highly
lauded his new 5 song E.P. entitled " Trap
Door". Burnett has worked with such
widely diverse artists as Bob Dylan, Pete
Townshend and Mick Ronson . Burnett
also acted as producer for Leo Kotke's
latest albu m . You might remember him
from the Who' s last show at the
Kingdome, where he was the opening






0, '


cMT, JULY 16m, 8I)'1
All &<its Reoerved

~ $105(Y [Xxx $12.50
TIckelm~ter OutJels ~-

*.ubject to •• rvice Chari •.

in solo CONCERT at THE 4th AVE lAV

Shows at 9:00 p.m. and 11 :00 p.m.
T-BO~E BURNETT has w-orked extensively with BOB DYLAN,
featured on T-BONE's soon to be released Warner Bros. LP_

Admission $5,00 in advance

$6.00 at the door

June 2,1983
. June 2. 1983

The Cooper Point Journal

page seven