The Cooper Point Journal (April 17, 2019)


The Cooper Point Journal (April 17, 2019)
17 April 2019
extracted text




the cooper point journal

The Evergreen State College Newspaper Since 1971| April 17,2019






The Cooper Point Journal


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FROM THE ARCHIVES Charls McCann, Evergreen’s first president and Rudy Martin, faculty, smoke

and laugh during a Discussion Panel for Evergreen’s 20th anniversery, 1987. Courtesy of the Evergreen photo


The Cooper Point Journal is produced by students at The Evergreen State College, with funding from student
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Marketing & communications door displaying a sign alerting visitors to cameras. Daniel Vogel.

by Daniel Vogel

Evergreen Police Purchased Cameras
Disguised As Smoke Detectors

Although police purchased the cameras in response to break-ins, the
school has scant policies on covert surveillance use.

Evergreen Police Services
purchased three surveillance
cameras disguised as smoke detectors and electrical outlet plugs
in October 2018.
The purchase was revealed
in a purchase order obtained in
a public records request by the
Journal. The models run on a
seven-day battery and are activated by movement. They film
up to five hours of 1080p footage
on an SD card without audio.
The smoke detector hidden
camera model. Image linked
from the vendor’s website.
“There was a series of office
break-ins in the fall,” said John
Carmichael, Vice President for
Finance and Operations. “Offic-

es broken in, stuff stolen over the
weekend, replace the stuff and
the following weekend broken
into again. And so that is what
the cameras were intended to
“I don’t know if they caught
anyone as far as who did that
break-in,” said LaToya Johnson, who made the purchase
when asked by Interim Police
Chief Ray Holmes. Johnson
was Administrative Assistant
to Holmes and served on the
Equity Council before leaving
the college in February to pursue a second Master’s and higher-paying work.
Holmes did not respond to
requests for comment, and re-

ferred requests for comment to
Marketing & Communications.
“It sucked. I’m a web developer, so I had to start my scripts
from scratch,” said Noah, a senior who works in the Marketing & Communications office.
“To the best of my knowledge
they’ve never found those laptops and probably never will.
But we do have new laptops.”
Carmichael said he didn’t
know whether there were still
hidden cameras in the Admissions or Marketing & Communications Office. Public
Relations Manager Allison Anderson said “I can’t speak to it
Admissions staff said they-

were not informed that Police
Services deployed covert surveillance in their office.

Questions of Equity

The Washington ACLU’s
Technology and Liberty Project
Advocate Jennifer Lee argued
that, once introduced, new surveillance technologies can be
quickly misused.
In 2015, a South Seattle
College employee used a camera disguised as an alarm clock
to spy on an exchange student.
Also in 2015, an Orange County
man was investigated for hiding
a camera in a starbucks bathroom. Airbnb guests regularly
find hidden cameras in their

“There’s something called
mission creep. And government
agencies often justify surveillance programs based on the
grounds that they prevent crime,
they prevent terrorism, etc. But
once you have the surveillance
and data storage infrastructure
in place, surveillance tools may
often be used for purposes other
than intended,” said Lee. “Historically, cameras and other surveillance technologies have been
placed in over-surveilled and
over-policed communities.”
The electrical outlet hidden
camera model. Image linked
from the vendor’s website.
Evergreen Vice President for




Equity and Inclusion, Chassity
Holliman-Douglas, said that she
had not been informed about
the purchase of the cameras.
Carmichael and Anderson
did not have an answer about
the camera purchase and the
college’s commitments to equity
and inclusion, nor were they able
explain why Holliman-Douglas
was not consulted or notified
about the purchase.
“When you start having these
covert cameras, this starts to feel
like we’re back in the 70’s, back
to some of the darker days of intelligence gathering,” said Dave
Maass. Maass is the Senior Investigative Researcher for the
Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF), a civil liberties organization focused on technological
privacy and surveillance.
“There’s been a lot of research
over the years that have shown
that people do shy away from
controversial speech, or from
speaking their mind or being
politically engaged when they’re
under surveillance,” said Maass.
Adam Goldstein, a program
officer for the Foundation for
Individual Rights in Education
(FIRE) Individual Rights Defense Program, scoffed at the
purchase. “Surveillance by itself
can have a negative effect, but
then with the added element
that nobody knew they were doing covert surveillance?” laughed
Goldstein. “I couldn’t say there’s
never a situation where that
would be called for. But if campus police are surveilling students, what else are they doing?”

Evergreen Responds

Students expressed concern
with the lack of communication
about the disguised surveillance
camera purchase.
“What are they going to use
them for? What is there to survey?” said Evergreen freshman
“That is just ridiculous,” said
Amber, a junior. “We’re in a
budget crisis, and they’re being
“It would be nice for that to
available on a public platform,”
said Stephanie, a senior.
“Where’s their newsletter?”
asked senior Ash Cox.
“I’m sure they would say it
has nothing to do with activism.
It seems that Evergreen has not
been that great at policing campus to begin with,” said Alan,
who works on campus. “My
word to activists is that if you’re


planning on meeting, don’t do it
Author & activist Saab Lofton, who graduated from Evergreen in 1999 and briefly wrote
for the CPJ, said the purchase
unnerved him. “You have a situation where the most left-wing
campus on the entire planet
is toying with something that
should only be discussed in a history class,” said Lofton. “They’re
sorely tempting the anarchists to
smash those cameras. May Day
is within a matter of weeks.”
“Under certain circumstances Evergreen could be obliged
to share recordings with other
agencies including President
Trump’s Department of Justice,”
said Evergreen & CPJ alum
Corey Pein. Pein is the writer
of Live Work Work Work Die,
which details the “Savage Heart”
behind Silicon Valley feel-good
progressive rhetoric. “A college
is supposed to be a sanctuary for
learning, not a police panopticon.”
Some students supported increases to campus surveillance,
but were surprised the purchase
was made quietly.
“There’s currently a fairly large lack of surveillance on
campus,” said Chris, an Evergreen senior. On covert cameras,
Chris said “I have mixed feelings
about it.”
“That’s definitely alarming
but if it’s a small enough volume
that doesn’t say mass surveillance of students,” said Killian,
a senior. “It’s not thrilling, but I
would like to know their justification for it, if it’s valid.”
“It doesn’t make me feel comfortable. If they want to watch
people, they should do it openly,”
said Evergreen senior Alexa. “I
don’t think people like the idea
of being watched without giving
consent or knowing.”

A Forgotten Policy

As of Fall 2018, Evergreen
Police Services Standard Operating Procedures contains no
policies around surveillance use.
Lee said this was concerning.
“I think it’s extremely important
to have policies around that, as
the most basic first step.”
Lee recommended the school
model new or improved policies
on Seattle’s Surveillance Ordinance, which requires police to
note every use of surveillance
Evergreen has a Y2K-era
policy that states which Police


Services will “refrain from video surveillance, with exception
of retail areas on campus, unless
there is reasonable suspicion
that the subjects of the video
surveillance have or are about to
commit a crime.”
The policy was implemented
in response to the federal Patriot
Act. Evergreen’s Patriot Act Policy mandates Evergreen destroy
library and internet records, es-

government surveillance against
marginalized communities.
Carmichael said he did not
know the last time the committee met. “I would guess the
first of those reviews probably
took place,” sometime in 2002
or 2003.
Similarly, Evergreen’s Police Community Review Board,
Deadly Force Review Board,
and Bias Incident Response

“I couldn’t say there’s never a situ-

ation where that would be called
for. But if campus police are surveilling students, what else are
they doing?” - F.I.R.E.
tablish a chain of command for
processing federal warrants, and
that a review committee will
meet twice a year to monitor the
school’s compliance, among other rules.
Although staff in the library
said that they still destroyed library borrowing records, staff
across many departments were
unaware of the policy. The policy requires notices be posted
outside the bookstore, computer labs and library. Library staff
said the notices had last been
seen sometime around 2007 at
“Thank you for pointing out
that policy,” said Carmichael. “If
somebody is in the office over
the weekend without authorization, I think, yeah, there’s probably a reason to think that they’re,
they shouldn’t be there. They’re
committing a crime, actually.”
Carmichael and Allison could
not confirm whether the cameras were inoperable or removed
during the work week, or if staff
and prospective students were
notified about their presence.
The Patriot Act Policy also
requires that a committee “consisting of representatives from
those areas most likely to be
affected by a request under the
Patriot Act” review the college’s
compliance semi-annually. The
federal Patriot Act was passed
in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and fueled a rise in

Team have not met at all this
The Patriot Act Policy is administered by the Executive Associate to the President, who is
currently Susan Harris.
Carmichael said that, due to
downsizings and staff reorganizations, there was no Executive
Associate to the President from
2003 until last fall. “Susan Harris, who I think you’ve talked to,
got a title change, and she became Executive Associate and
unbeknownst to her, inherited
the Patriot Act Policy,” said Carmichael.
The policy states that “should
the position be vacant the President will designate an officer to
perform the functions during
the interim.”
College President George
Bridges did not respond to requests for comment.
No members of the Evergreen
Board of Trustees responded to
requests for comment.
When a reporter tried to talk
to Susan Harris, the policy steward for the Patriot Act Policy,
the reporter was informed that if
the “discussion would be for educational purposes only, off the
record, and not for publication
or public consumption. If this
is the case, I will also need a list
of questions, concerns, and/or a
proposed agenda before scheduling a meeting with Susan.”
Otherwise, if the reporter want-

ed to have a discussion about the
policy, they would need to talk to
Marketing & Communications.
“Whenever you have a policy
that you’re treating journalists
differently, you’re off to a bad
start,” said Goldstein. “A journalist is anybody who’s exercises
a civil right: the desire to acquire
and publish information.”
Before the reporter was aware
of the break-ins, they noticed
signs outside of the Marketing
& Communications office which
state that “Due to recent thefts,
this area under surveillance.” A
staff member would not disclose
whether there were any cameras
currently operating in the room.
The reporter was escorted to
reception, but neither Vice President of College Relations Sandra Kaisernor Allison Anderson were available to comment.
When the reporter stated that
they’d like to wait in reception a
moment to catch Kaiser, a staff
member was overheard discussing calling Police Services to
dislodge the reporter.
“I think most of us believe
that the administration is trying
to do the right thing, that campus security is trying the right
thing, and want to believe that
they’re being driven by their better angels,” said Goldstein. “But
to undermine that trust, from
the institution’s perspective, by
trying to restrict what student
journalists can report – and from
the security perspective, trying
to restrict it by not disclosing
what the rules are for the use
of covert cameras, or, if they’re
not using them, not disclosing
that they’re not using them, for
example – these failures undermine that basic trust.”

A Policy Deficit

The Washington ACLU’s
Jennifer Lee said that although
the language in the school’s Patriot Act Policy is “overly broad,”
the lack of procedures in the
Police Services Standard Operating Procedures was especially
concerning. “Who is actually
enforcing those policies is super
important, but the absence of a
policy leaves open the possibility
of a lot of abuse of surveillance
tools,” said Lee.
Carmichael said the college
did not conduct the reviews of
its policy compliance “regularly
Johnson, who facilitated the
purchase for Holmes, said the
lack of regular review was un-

like any other college or healthcare facility she had worked
for. “If they had a policy review
committee that met on a regular basis, this would have been
a gap that would have became
known,” said Johnson. “I will say
that I did policy work at the university level — not here, in Louisiana, where I’m from — we did
policy review every year. It’s not
hard. You have a policy review
committee and they meet every
Cornell, University of Michigan, Tufts, University of Pittsburgh,Fresno
the University of Vermont, the
University of Maine, Southern
Methodist University, SUNY
Oneonta, Calvin College, Alfred State, Waldorf University,
Lynchburg College, Washington University in St. Louis, Virginia Polytechnic, the University
of Connecticut, Georgia State,
Trinity University, the Ontario
College of Art and Design and
Harvard Law all have policies
limiting the use of covert sur-

policy related to responding to
riots and “Civil Disturbances.”
However, it does not list text associated with that policy. Former
chief Sorger shared a “Contingency Plan” for civil unrest with
president Bridges in September
2017, according to emails obtained in a public records request.
Carmichael and Anderson
refused to state if the college still
intended to pursue the purchase
of crowd control equipment.
Brown recommended the purchase of industrial pepper-spray
and PepperBall explosives.
Evergreen’s candidate to
take interim chief Holmes’ job,
David Brunkhurst, did liability
management for the Whirlpool
Corporation and helped negotiate the closure of a United Auto
Workers plant in Indianapolis.
Brunkhurst was also a sergeant
in the LAPD during the Rodney King riots, according to the
resume and cover letter made
available on closed review in the

“Under certain circumstances
Evergreen could be obliged to
share recordings with other agencies including President Trump’s
Department of Justice.”
- Corey Pein, Author/Alum
veillance available on their websites.
In 2017, then-chief of Police
Services Stacy Brown produced
a “Needs Assessment” for Police Services. Brown stated that
“The department currently uses
a ‘homegrown’ policy and procedures model.”
She recommended the school
contract with the firm Lexipol,
which bills itself as “Policy management for public safety.”
“Lexipol is some garbage
that makes boilerplate policies,
oftentimes ignored by the agencies and oftentimes don’t match
what the law requires,” said the
EFF’S Dave Maass.
As revealed in a public records request, Evergreen Police
Services’ Standard Operating
Procedures states that there is a

Evergreen closed their public
comment box for Brunkhurst’s
candidacy at 8 A.M. this morning.

A Growing Watch

In 2017, after that year’s protests, Brown wrote in her Needs
Assessment for the college that
there are currently “55 cameras
throughout campus, mostly at
transaction counters. Notable
missing areas are Red Square,
administrative areas, and parking lots.” She recommended the
school “purchase and install an
expansion to campus surveillance camera infrastructure and
related equipment in highlighted higher risk areas.”
Bridges wrote to then-Chief
Sorger and responded to this
section of Brown’s assessment
positively. “Agree in principle but

must be discussed more broadly
on campus,” wrote Bridges. He
recommended that funds be acquired through a supplemental
budget request.
“My stance is there always
needs to be a discussion. If they
say there’s going to be a discussion, there needs to be,” said

A 2017 rightwing Vancouver
WA group Patriot Prayer Evergreen rally was defended from
anti-fascist counter protestors
by Washington State Patrol riot
police. According to documents
obtained in a public records request, Washington State Patrol
deployed aircraft to surveil the

“My stance is there always
needs to be a discussion. If
they say there’s going to be a
discussion, there needs to be.”
- GSU Communications
Liaison Sakiko Krishna.
GSU communications liaison
Sakiko Krishna. “That’s fucked.”
Although the 2018 supplemental budget request notes that
Police Services required additional staff, it does not note that
funds might be used to purchase
surveillance cameras. It states
that, if granted, the funds will
“purchase other resources needed for improved response to all
public safety issues.” The request
says purchases would require no
change to “existing statues, rules
or contracts,” and that the purchase would not include “funding for any IT-related costs,
including hardware, software,
The request notes “anticipated on-campus activity including
those from outside organizations.”
“We’ve seen a lot of police
departments on schools either
increasing surveillance or conducting more surveillance for
specific kinds of issues,” said
Maass highlighted the threat
of active shooters and conflicts
between the alt-right and other
opponents including anti-fascists as a common motivation.
“We’ve seen the conflicts between conservative groups and
groups on the right in the last,
so there might be some white
nationalist groups vs. some affiliated groups, and these conflicts, also giving rise to various
increases in surveillance.”

protest. Antifa still managed to
slash Patriot Prayer leader Joey
Gibson’s tires.
Earlier that month, Robert
Kerekes Jr. of New Jersey called
the college and threatened to
“execute as many people on the
campus as I can get ahold of.”
Brown cited the threat of active
shooters in her 2017 Needs Assessment.
The purchase of the cameras
isn’t the first time that Evergreen
Police Services has engaged in
covert surveillance.
Emails from a records request show that Veterans Resource Center Director Thomas
Kelley shared student-produced
screenshots of student organizing discussions in private Facebook groups with Chief Stacy
Brown and Washington State
Patrol. This included the full
names and profile pictures of
students. WSP Captain Monica
Alexander, who joined the Board
of Trustees earlier this year, reviewed WSP notes on the 2017
protests. Alexander did not respond to requests for comment.
As reported by the Journal,the Evergreen Chief of Police shared information about a
political group organizing a Port
of Olympia blockade with local,
state & federal police and a US
Military spy named John Towery. The Ninth Court of Appeals
dismissed a lawsuit by the organizers in 2017.
In 2009, a local cop-watch-


er named Drew Hendricks alleged that Police Services officer
Dwight Monohon took pictures
of him attending a meeting of
the Evergreen student group Infoshoppe. Monohon no longer
works for Police Services.
In 2012 a student group dedicated to improving the perception of campus police shared opposition research on Evergreen
professor Peter Bohmer with
chief Sorger and officer Tim
The Patriot Act Policy states
Police Services will refrain from
surveillance based on participation in First Amendment activities. Carmichael said he wasn’t
aware of any review of Police
Services employees or others after these incidents.
A records request for police
personnel records is pending, as
well as requests related to the
use of surveillance cameras and
discussion about the Patriot Act
However, as revealed in a
public records request for ongoing records requests, Evergreen’s
sole public records officer is still
working through requests made
by national journalists in response to the 2017 protests.
The records request that revealed the purchase of disguised
surveillance cameras was received almost six months after
the request was first filed by a
CPJ reporter.
“The public has a right to access information, and they have
a right to get that in a timely
fashion,” said the EFF’s Dave
Maass. “Certainly, you know,
agencies often find themselves
overwhelmed. But really, they
should be considering that when
they’re structuring their government.”
“Open records requests are
part of the fundamental bargain of operating a public institution,” said the FIRE’s Adam
Goldstein. “If salaries are being
paid for by the people, the people have some degree of oversight. And I understand it’s really inconvenient. And it takes
a long time. But if you feel you
can’t take the deal, don’t take the
money. Become a private university and do whatever you want.”
Evergreen and Washington
State Patrol documents obtained
by public records requests used
in this story are available on our




1967: School is founded
with no plans for police or
security presencce.

1974: Security Director resigns
after involvement in shortage of
campus funds.


1971: First campus security are hired,
plain-clothed student aides and two
guards. By 1981, phased to trained
full-time security operating with
Sheriff ’s commission, sans official
policy for a campus police dpt.


1989: DTF commissioned by Pres. to assess
security, after senate bill about college safety
& local media attention on Evergreen. Surveys
reconfirm not arming police, recommend foot
patrols and standard record-keeping.

1985: Administration opposes a sworn, armed
police on campus at reccomendation of
disappearing task force and camus forums.

Police Services at Evergreen have been a contentious topic for more than 30
years. They have seen many
changes in that time, from
structural changes to equipment and budget increases.

In 1985 the state budget
for Security at Evergreen
was $250,000. In 2015 it
was more than a million.
Stacy’s original request
email offers estimates for
some but not all items,
adding up to $21 thousand
and an annual cost of $393
thousand. Campus police
have told the Cooper Point
Journal that they do not


currently keep an inventory
of their purchases. Here’s
a look at their spending
and a handful of noteworthy items the force
currently totes, gathered
through public records
requests. Together these
aim to show the industries
and private ventures that
the Evergreen police have
invested in.


02-03: In span of days, student is
maced and police raid campus dorms
with guns drawn. Forums follow, to no
consequence. Later, campus police are
freed of arming restrictions and carry
guns 24/7, at the recommendation
of Univ. of Washington police chief,
President Les Purce, and the Police
Comm. Review Board.

apearing task forces (DTF),
discussions with campus
community, and forums
with the Police Community
Review Board, though the
recent purchases of rifles and
covert surveillance on campus has been notably made
by the administration and
the state, without campus
This infographic offers a way


of seeing police services, in
a timeline of their history,
police density statistics, positions of power, and a string
of purchases in their budget. As campus continues to
grapple with police presence,
it is vital we understand how
long, in what ways, and to
what cost police serve the
community. Sources can be
found on our website.


Review Board


Words and graphics
by Mason Soto

In The Budget

96-97: Campus
98-99: Officer
secretary alleges sexual
forced to resign after
harrasment, which
multiple allegations
goes unresolved.
of pulling his gun on
campus employees.

95-96 Admin, a task force, and the
president call to arm police. Community
Action Group at Evergreen organizes
protests, petitions, and a sit-in that
blocked the Library Loop entrance.

From mostly students, to
security, to commissioned
officers, from unarmed to
armed, from no rifles and
so on. All these changes and
expansions have been met
with a multitude of community reaction, and have
nearly always resulted in offcial campus forums and media attention. Usually major
changes have included cliss-


1992: Board of Trustees
authorizes unarmed campus
police force and new security

Board chair Dr. Kelly
Brown said the board was not
consulted about the rifle purchase. The board has not since
May 2018.

Purchased in Nov.
2017 for $11k, though it is
unclear where these funds
came from since the supplemental budget had not
yet been approved.


Steve Blakeslee,
Chair of the Faculty
Agenda Committee
confirmed the faculty was
not consulted about the
rifle decision.

Bridges said in emails form
Aug. 2017 that additional campus
surveillance should await campus discussion. A year later police
purchased two cameras disguised
as smoke detectors, and one as an
outlet, without announcemen.

2008: At-time Campus Police Chief Ed Sorger
requests rifles, results in an announcement to GSU,
presentations by police, and numerous forums
including with the Police Comm. Review Board.

Chief / Director

of Police Services recommend
most changes that happen.


VP of Finance &
Operations John Carmichael
Currently oversees police
services. Former VP of Student Affairs endy Endress
oversaw police during rifle
purchase, but was not made
aware of it.

This group was the
only of the three on campus that majority voted
to arm police in 2009.


confirmed there was notice or consultion about
the rifle purchase.


George Bridges approved
the purchases of rifles in the
summer of 2018, but frequently
defers to other offices, especially
public relations to answer police
policy and budget.

Last fall the school entered
into a contract with Lexipol, a
private company that will be rehauling Police Service Standard
Operating Procedures, for a cost
that is yet unclear.

Police Per 1k People


Aug 14, 2017: Follwing
Brown’s needs assessment,
George Bridges approves
rifles for Evergreen Police
without consulting Police
Community Review Board
or campus forums, to no

17-18: Supplemental Budget
Request is approved for
$150k worth of police funds,
including for rifles and
additional personel. This
was less than requested, and
admin suggested cuts could
be made elsewhere on campus
to make up difference.


The in-house rules
that campus police must
follow notably lack any
guidelines on surveillance.

State laws authorize
Evergreen to establish police.
Hearings and other communications have impacted the
presence of police on campus.


June 2017: At state
senate hearing about
campus safety Brown
reccommends police
get rifles.



June 2017: National attention
over equity culminates in
Patriot Prayer rally, a shooter
threat, and campus closure
with State Trooper presence.





Winter 2018:
Brown formally
alleges hostile
environment at
Evergreen, which
is apparently still in

Oct 2018: Police
purchase covert
surveillance, citing
recent thefts. No boards
or forums are consulted
over this decision.

The Patriot Act protects
student information and relates
to surveillance. The Patriot
Act Review Board has not met
since 2002-03.



Fall 2018: CPJ reports
rifle purchase.


Winter 2017: Students
protest swearing in ceremony
of Police Chief Stacy Brown,
with two students prosecuted
for taking the microphone
from VP of Student Affairs
Wendy Endress.


Aug 2017: Stacy Brown
resigns, Ed Sorger becomes
interim Police Chief.


boards on campus have
in the past had a say, but
this has changed recently
alongside structural overhaul
of campus offices that
continues to shift Evergreen’s
chain of command.
This means that
policing decisions on
campus are increasingly
alienated from the
communities they impact.

Eventually issues
can come to the Attorney General’s Office, like
the 2009 proposal.

Patriot Act

Fall 2016: Ed
Sorger resigns.

May 2017: After dispute online and a call
to police, two Black students are taken from
their dorms in the middle of the night and
detained for hours. Protests over Weinstein
and emails also result in alleged excessive
use of force by Off. Timothy O’Dell, who is
cleared of wrongdoing.


Many people and policies
play a part in overseeing
police on campus. There
are institutional positions
of power that can be
visualized in concentric
rings of hiearchy, from
the police department, to
the school administration,
to Washington state
department positions.
Communities and special

and esp. Sorger spying on political
groups on campus, including Port
Militariization Resistance activists.

Feb 2008: Dead Prez concert riot over
alleged police racism results in flipped
cop car, and a police investigation into
the defunct Evergreen Students for a
Democratic Society.

Who Polices

The Police?

Police decisions
have historically involved
student forums but the
rifle and surveillance
purchases did not.

2014: Public emails and faculty
2010 allegations
expose campus police,

April 2009: Police Comm. Review Board rifle
survey results are witheld from students. VP
of Student Affairs Art Constantino stresses
liability, while WA Assisstant Attorney
General admits there is little to no liability to
the college. Board rejects rifle proposal.

07-08: In a span of days, two
intoxicated students are tased by
campus police, and students of color
compain of racial targeting.

Played a part in
settling past rifle decisions,
but no minutes from their
last two years of meetings
mention rifles.

Public relations does not
oversee police, but most other
administrative offices have deferred
questions about rifles, police, and
general campus procedures to PR
Manager Allison Anderson.


Eventually issues
can come to the Attorney General’s Office, like
the 2009 proposal.

How We
Colleges in Washington
State now have an active
police presence who tote
AR-15 rifles. Evergreen
was the one of the last
stands of rifle-free police
at four-year colleges, and
as our school continues
to follow this trend of
campus militarization, it is
important to understand
how we compare to other
instutions and locations.
To the left are rates of
police per 1000 students

here, at other schools,
and in Olympia. The
closest school SPSCC
apparently has no official
police department,
but a security office.
Western Washington
University Police, with
15 sworn officers (and
still aData
Evergreen) has began
working closely with
Bellingham SWAT, giving
SWAT access to campus
for training.




Rock y
Interview with Brittanyana Pierro page 11




Thomas takes regular photos and turns
them into what she deems as a ‘fantasy’.

“I really like realism, even though
I’m not the best at it. And so, nature
is like my go to, I guess, because it’s
very free.”



Activism At

By Marta
Tah ja- Sy re t t

The Shelton High School
community is debating whether
or not it is appropriate to play
the national anthem for a Native
American veteran.
On March 6, Shelton High
School held an assembly honoring Billy Frank Jr., a Nisqually
treaty rights activist and environmentalist. Prior to the event,
several students formulated a
petition, in which they proposed
that the National Anthem not be
played out of respect for Native
American people.
According to Shawn Goggins’
article published by iFiberOne
NewsRadio, the petition stated,
“Yes, I understand that the National Anthem is supposed to
promote ‘American Pride,’ but
the assembly is supposed to be
honoring Billy Frank JR and by
singing the National Anthem at
a Native Holiday assembly you
are putting the white man above
the Native leader. The same white
man that put Billy Frank in jail
for fishing,” and that “wWe believe the National Anthem is
wrong for the assembly because
it is a white colonist tradition.”
The Shelton High School administration chose to honor the
organizers’ petition. As it turned
out, the school had no plans to
perform the National Anthem.
National Anthem was not set to
be performed. The school improvised their response by ensuring
that all nationally-themed processions were left absent from
this assembly — which, in the
case of this event, meant omitting
the Pledge of Allegiance.
However, shortly following
the assembly, the Shelton School
District superintendent, Alex
Apostle, retracted the school’s re-


sponse to the petition.was quick
to retract this approval. Apostle made a statement posted on
the Shelton School District’s
website. He claimed that the
administration’s choice in this
matter “was not the appropriate
decision regardless of the circumstances involved.” He concluded
his statement on the district’s
website by pledging to “take full
responsibility for moving us forward together.”
The Squaxin Island Tribe also
addressed the petition. A statement was published by the Shelton-Mason County Journal in
an article by Gordon Weeks. The
Squaxin Island Tribe stated that
“Honoring the great civil rights
leader is extremely important to
the Squaxin Island Tribe. The
Tribe, however, did not make or
support any request to the school
or district to remove the Pledge
of Allegiance or national anthem
from the program.”
Both the Squaxin Island
Tribe statement and that of Alex
Apostle concluded on the value
of maintaining relationships in
a future context. Apostle, regarding both the Squaxin Island and
Skokomish Tribes on the Shelton School District’s website,
stated that “The Shelton School
District enjoys a positive and
wonderful relationship with both
tribes and together we will continue working with our students
to educate and emphasize with
clarity the importance and value
of mutual respect for one another
and cultural dignity for all people,
including the highest respect for
our flag and the United States of
In the same vein, the Squaxin Island Tribe saidnoted that


“Chairman Arnold Cooper has
met with Superintendent Dr.
Apostle, and looks forward to
strengthening the ongoing relationship between the Tribe and
Shelton schools.”
But Ruth Peterson, a sophomore at Shelton High School,
believes that the petition she
helped to initiate has already
brought students together. The
school’s updated stance, in addition to backlash from fellow
students, were unable to hinder
Peterson’s perspective that the
petition brought forth an important dialogue amongst the
school’s community.
“I feel like we started a conversation, in order for next year
and the years to come. Some
people were inspired by this, and
then there was people that were
defensive about what we had to
say,” said Peterson.
According to Peterson, the
high school made attempts to resolve student conflict as it arose
following the petition’s debut.
With students opposing Peterson and other petition organizers,
Shelton High School thought it
would be best to intervene in the
form of a student meeting. The
meeting was intended to encourage students with different viewpoints to discuss their beliefs and
reactions to the aforementioned
“We had a mediation meeting
with the other kids and talked
about how the school board failed
both of us, as both groups,” said
Peterson. “We got to talk about
how we felt, but still nothing was
really done. We wished that more
could have been done to suit the
Native assemblies, and whatever
we celebrate that’s culturally di-

verse. The people that are in that
culture should have a say, not just
a few people on a board.”
One of the arguments made
against the petition was that Billy Frank Jr., due to his veteran
status, would have wanted the
National Anthem played at an
event about him. This speculation comes from Josiah Sushak,
another Shelton High School
student, who expressed his beliefs
in a letter addressed to the Shelton School District — which
was also published on iFiberOne
NewsRadio’s website. Still, This
narrative presented by Sushak
surrounding the political beliefs
of veterans are not universalis not
one readily accepted by all people
who have served in the U.S. military, though. In 2017, Sacramento’s FOX40 AOL reported that
a group of veterans were “standing in solidarity with those who
have chosen to protest during the
National Anthem,” in Sacramento. These individuals wanted to
showcase the fact that “there are
people who fought for this country but also support kneeling as
a patriotic protest against social
Levi Harter, who is Oglala
Lakota, and a student of Evergreen’s Native Pathways Program, felt that Sushak’s aforementioned letter highlighted
“just how badly Shelton School
District has missed the mark
when it comes to creating a true
educational environment, thus
disservicing the Indigenous Students that attend, local Tribes
and all Indians.” Within the
letter, Harter also saw language
harmful to indigenous people
being espoused by Sushak. “From
labeling BFJr. as an ‘American,’
removing the fact that he’s Native, to the glory-washing of his
military service. But what I think
is most revealing is the quote he
chose to use by Theodore Roosevelt. This is perhaps the grossest
part, because he’s quoting a man
who also said ‘the most vicious
cowboy has more moral principle
than the average Indian.’”
Harter went on to quote Roosevelt further: “‘I don’t go so far as
to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I
believe nine out of every 10 are,’
Roosevelt said during a January
1886 speech in New York. ‘And
I shouldn’t like to inquire too
closely into the case of the tenth.’”
Harter said petition supporters didn’t want the America “that

persecuted men women and
children, destroyed culture, committed genocide and purposely
leaves all of it out of its history
lessons,” represented at Billy
Frank Jr.’s assembly.
“It only takes one real Indian
to tell our true stories. One story
and opinions based in ignorance
and American Myth like the letter above dissolve,” said Harter.
“We must speak for ourselves.
Which is why I’m proud of my
fellow Indigenous Students who
decided to stand up for themselves and request that a flag and
song saturated in the blood of
Native Americans not be present
while we honored one of OUR
Harter concluded his statement, noting that those who supported Sushak’s letter “obviously
know nothing about BFJr. or
what he fought to preserve.”
In response to those who reacted negatively to the petition,
Peterson said petition organizers, including herself, “still took
their opinion very serious.” Their
intent was to consider all viewpoints while not taking criticism
to heart.
Peterson was able to overlook
negative responses regarding the
petition, seeing a foundation for
change and awareness taking
root. “I feel like good came out of
it, because not only did we make
friendships with the ROTC kids,
but we also made connections on
how to move forward with ignorant things like this,” said Peterson.
Peterson also felt that Billy
Frank Jr.’s veteran status wouldn’t
have prevented him from appreciating the students’ actions.
“I feel like he would have been
proud either way, that we stood
up for what we were believing
in, because that’s what he did the
majority of his life, besides the
two years of him going into service,” said Peterson. “And everywhere else that they honor him,
they don’t do the Pledge or anything. They do a warrior dance
and a warrior song because that’s
what he was.”
In the future, Peterson sees
herself as someone who will continue advocating on behalf of
“If there were to be opportunities that my voice would be
heard, and like me just giving
support to someone, then yes I
would be an activist at that time,”
said Peterson.

Artist Interview

Artist interview by
Brittanyana Pierro
Rocky Thomas is a multimedia artist and first-year student at Evergreen. She recently transferred into the Studio
Projects: Land and Sky program in order to pursue her love
for art. Right now in class she
is focused on a wood-carving
project. The process of the project is making and carving out a
chair, and Thomas has chosen to
incorporate designs inspired by
her experiences in nature.
“I went on a hike a couple
of weeks ago. When we got to
one of the highest points of
elevation, there was this huge
cliff. It was just trees and hills
and mountains and it looked so
beautiful. And I was like, I have
to take a mental picture. So for
the [chair] idea what I want to
do is get a stepping stool and
carve out little trees on the side
and then put rocks and pebbles. So it’s like a cliff kind of.”
Thomas continued, saying, “I
want to use the chair as an altar.
Hopefully, I can make enough
room so I can put crystals and
cards on it and stuff.”
Wood-carving is a completely new venture for Thomas, but
as a multimedia artist, she is up
for the challenge. “I hope that I
can know how to use the tools
the right way, and carve out
what I’ve been thinking in my
head,” Thomas said.
Thomas has explored a variety of art mediums, ranging
from colored pencils to her
current wood-carving project.
Scratchboard and painting are
a couple of her most used art
forms. Scratchboard was the
medium she used to create both
the black and white nature pieces featured on page eight and
Those two scratchboard pieces were produced in another
art class Thomas took in high

school. This class was the place
Thomas first began to truly explore their artistic talents and
versatility. Both the pieces are
interpretations of things Thomas has seen in nature. The tree
scratchboard, in particular, has
a backstory close to Thomas’
“I was camping with my family. And at the campsite, there
was this huge tree. It was super
late and we were all just sitting
around the campfire. And I was
just like drawing it,” Thomas
said “[A year later] I was just
looking through my sketchbook
and I saw that and I was like,
‘Oh I could totally turn this into
Photo editing is also an art
skill Thomas has been playing around with more recently.
Her interest in edits actually
stemmed from following photo
editors on Instagram.
“I had followed a couple of
people who did photo edits on
Instagram. They always did like
bold body altering. I really, really liked it a lot.” Thomas said,
“Sometimes I’ll just look at
some of my photos and think
‘this is a nice photo but how can
I make it better?”
Using an app on her phone,
Thomas takes regular photos
and turns them into what she
deems as a ‘fantasy’. Her photos,
like the ones in the feature, will
often have models edited with
extra limbs or eyes.
No matter the medium,
Thomas consistently carries over
her love for the forest nature
and other mythical things.
“I really like realism, even
though I’m not the best at it.
And so, nature is like my go to, I
guess, because like, it’s very free,
but also still realistic that I can
like, go find inspiration in it.”



Lit & Crit

What If

What if everyday I wore makeup?
What if everyday I wore heels?
What if everyday I wore dresses?
What if everyday I wore couture?
What if I always wore acrylic nails?
What if I never missed a fill?
What if I never missed a pill?
What if I took hormones all my life?
What if I got surgery?
What if I got a tracheal shave?
What if I got ffs?
What if I got breast implants?
What if I got ass implants to balance?
What if I got srs?
What if I got top and bottom surgery on
the same day?
What if I was a bottom?
What if my body hair had never grown
What if I shaved everyday?
What if I waxed my eyebrows?
What if I waxed my armpits?
What if I waxed my pubic hair?
What if I styled my hair intricately every day?
What if I spoke in a higher tone?
What if I lost weight at my waist?
What if I gained weight in my hips?
What if I never sat with my legs wide open?
What if I had ten million followers?
What if I had a signature makeup look?
What if I had a YouTube for makeup tutorials?
What if I only wore pink?
What if I only owned pink things?
What if I only ate pink things?
What if I only slept with men?
What if I only slept with white men?
What if I only bottomed?
What if I only drank pink lemonade with a
touch of fresh mint?
What if I wore perfume everyday?
What if I produced milk at my breast?
What if I adopted?
What if I breastfed my child?
What if I got a uterine implant?
What if I bore children?
What if my children all died?
What if my husband died as well and I was
all alone and I still wore dresses and did my
face and hair everyday, always in black for a
year, and after always in neutral tones?
What if we all lived and thrived?
What if my children’s children called me
What if I dreamed of it?
What if I wanted it?
What if I picked flowers every day, and
branches and leaves when there are no
What if I grew flowers all year long in every
room of my house?
What if I wore only cream for weeks and
weeks on accident?
What if I exercised in heels?
What if I showered every day?
What if I washed my face every day?
What if I brushed my teeth and flossed
and used mouthwash twice every day, and
sometimes thrice?
What if I never peed standing up?
What if I dyed my hair blonde?
What if I understood brands like Louis
Vuitton and Dior?
What if I had an archival collection of
haute couture and ready to wear, and twenty


by Mason Soto

What if I had lash extensions?
What if I got permanent makeup?
What if I tattooed it myself?
What if I never got any tattoos?
What if I learned all there was to know
about being this way?
What if I learned the ultimate answer?
What if I studied for years independently
and performed numerous surveys and did
so with empathy to expand the knowledge
of the world?
What if I created new ways of learning
across differences and found the common
What if I prayed to the heavens and manifested from the sky the means for world
peace, a solution to world hunger, and an
end to greed itself?
What if I worked all my life to capture the
zeitgeist of this historical moment?
What if I captured it precisely and everyone
clapped and I won many awards?
What if I became a part time editor for
TSQ, and a part time writer of groundbreaking genre bending essays published
and renowned internationally?
What if I had a stint as the youngest editor
in chief of vogue and I revolutionized the
magazine for purposes of the radical left?
What if I moved on to create a new magazine for a growing vanguard?
What if I lead the intellectual and cultural
revolution through writing, through love,
through war, through guillotines?
What if instead of leading it alone I shared
the power among the people and together
cemented anti-hierarchical thought and
What if I always prayed every night to the Virgin?
What if I cooked every meal and never
What if all my curtains were long and
transparent, pastel and ethically sourced?
What if my walls were light shades of pink
and cream?
What if there were always fallen petals on
the hardwood floors, and our kitten would
play in them, nibble at them?
What if I made dessert for each meal, never
too rich, always sweet?
What if I wrote poetry?
What if I read my poetry at local readings?
What if I was invited to prestigious readings?
What if I found writing community among
other poets and proseists and essayists, and
we came together once a week at least to
salon, and some would come over to mine
between meetings, and a few became my
lovers organically, sweetly, casually?
What if they each called me baby in bed,
and hon or dear or darling elsewhere?
What if I played footsie with two of them
at the same table?
What if they were each others lovers too?
What if I couldn’t know for sure?
What if I came into an entirely new era of
my work, and found more profound meaning in my life than I ever imagined?
What if I wore a crucifix everyday?
What if I never showed it off, always covering it below at least a layer of cloth?
What if it always touched my skin, and I
never took it off to sleep or shower?


Everyday I wore makeup.
Everyday I wore heels.
Everyday I wore dresses.
Everyday I wore couture.
I always wore acrylic nails.
I never missed a fill.
I never missed a pill.
I took hormones all my life.
I got surgery.
I got a tracheal shave.
I got FFS.
I got breast implants.
I got ass implants to balance.
I got SRS.
I got top and bottom surgery on the same
I was a bottom.
My body hair had never grown.
I shaved everyday.
I waxed my eyebrows.
I waxed my armpits.
I waxed my pubic hair.
I styled my hair intricately every day.
I spoke in a higher tone.
I lost weight at my waist.
I gained weight in my hips.
I never sat with my legs wide open.
I had ten million followers.
I had a signature makeup look.
I had a YouTube for makeup tutorials.
I only wore pink.
I only owned pink things.
I only ate pink things.
I only slept with men.
I only slept with white men.
I only bottomed.
I only drank pink lemonade with a touch of
fresh mint.
I wore perfume everyday.
I produced milk at my breast.
I adopted.
I breastfed my child.
I got a uterine implant.
I bore children.
My children all died.
My husband died as well and I was all alone
and I still wore dresses and did my face and
hair everyday, always in black for a year, and
after always in neutral tones.
We all lived and thrived.
My children’s children called me
I dreamed of it.
I wanted it.
I picked flowers every day, and branches
and leaves when there are no flowers.
I grew flowers all year long in every room of
my house.
I wore only cream for weeks and weeks on
I exercised in heels.
I showered every day.
I washed my face every day.
I brushed my teeth and flossed and used
mouthwash twice every day, and sometimes
I never peed standing up .
I dyed my hair blonde.
I understood brands like Louis Vuitton and
I had an archival collection of haute couture
and ready to wear, and twenty

I had lash extensions.
I got permanent makeup.
I tattooed it myself.
I never got any tattoos.
I learned all there was to know about
being this way.
I learned the ultimate answer.
I studied for years independently and
performed numerous surveys and did so
with empathy to expand the knowledge
of the world.
I created new ways of learning across
differences and found the common
I prayed to the heavens and manifested
from the sky the means for world peace,
a solution to world hunger, and an end to
greed itself.
I worked all my life to capture the zeitgeist of this historical moment.
I captured it precisely and everyone
clapped and I won many awards.
I became a part time editor for TSQ,
and a part time writer of groundbreaking genre bending essays published and
renowned internationally.
I had a stint as the youngest editor in
chief of vogue and I revolutionized the
magazine for purposes of the radical left.
I moved on to create a new magazine for
a growing vanguard.
I lead the intellectual and cultural revolution through writing, through love,
through war, through guillotines.
Instead of leading it alone I shared the
power among the people and together
cemented anti-hierarchical thought and
I always prayed every night to the Virgin.
I cooked every meal and never complained.
All my curtains were long and transparent, pastel and ethically sourced.
My walls were light shades of pink and
There were always fallen petals on the
hardwood floors, and our kitten would
play in them, nibble at them.
I made dessert for each meal, never too
rich always sweet.
I wrote poetry.
I read my poetry at local readings.
I was invited to prestigious readings.
I found writing community among other
poets and prose-ists and essayists, and
we came together once a week at least to
salon, and some would come over to mine
between meetings, and a few became my
lovers organically, sweetly, casually.
They each called me baby in bed, and hon
or dear or darling elsewhere.
I played footsie with two of them at the
same table.
They were each others lovers too.
I couldn’t know for sure.
I came into an entirely new era of my
work, and found more profound meaning
in my life than I ever imagined.
I wore a crucifix everyday.
I never showed it off, always covering it
below at least a layer of cloth.
It always touched my skin, and I never
took it off to sleep or shower.

Stuff 2 Do

Procession Luminary Parade. Courtesy of TESC Photo Archives.



Bowl for free

9-11 p.m., free for Evergreen students

Westside Lanes


Bowl for free at Westside Lanes, courtesy of
Greeners Planning Activities & Student Activities. 9-11 P.M. @ Westside Lanes. Free.
The TESC Wood and Metal Shop hosts an
open house for interested students. 3-7 P.M.
in the bottom floor of the Arts Annex. Free.
Author & Alum Sophia Shalmiyev talks
about her book Mother Winter. Noon @ the
Bookstore. Free.

SEAL provides a free lunch for Women of
Color. 12 - 1 P.M @ the SEAL. Free.
Watch marxist philosopher Slavoj Žižek debate internationally renowned doofus Jordan Peterson. The Stranger says “nothing is a
greater waste of time.” 4:30 P.M. PST, $15 to
watch the livestream.

Sip on mocktails and watch the critically-acclaimed Y2K-era animated film Shrek. 6:30
P.M. in Student Activities. Free.
Author Leonardo Trasande discusses his
book Sicker Fatter Poorer, which describes
the threat of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Harned Hall 110 @ St. Martin’s University. 12:00 P.M. Free.

Evergreen Police Services will host a seminar
with Seattle & Quinalt PD, as well as former Los Angelos prosecutor Victor Menajes.
They will discuss “their experiences as People
of Color and/or members of the LGBTQ
community working in the criminal justice
system,” according to Police Services officer
Edmunds. 10 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. in the Longhouse. Free, but rsvp w/

WADOT’s Pedal Power Bike
11 a.m.- 3 p.m. free

Smores @ the climbing wall
4-6 p.m., free

CRC Outdoor Wall

SEAL Hosts International
Artist of Color
6:30- 9 p.m., Free

The Student Equities and Arts

Earth Day Market Ride


11 a.m., Heritage Park

Arts Walk in downtown Olympia. Most
businesses do something special and there’s
a variety of live shows and artists selling their
wares. 5 - 10 P.M. Walking is always free.

The Procession of the Species is a magical annual costumed parade. 4:30 P.M. downtown.
Part of the second day of Arts Walk, Noon
- 8 P.M. Free.

The Forgotten 45’s hold an album release party, with supporting acts Douse and
Jupiter Sprites. 9 P.M. @ McCoy’s Tavern. $5,

Olympia Film Society hosts an art,
live music and fashion show they’ve titled


Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
11 a.m., Free for kids 12 and under

Olympia Film Society


Author Discussion with
Leonardo Trasande
12 p.m., free

St. Martin’s University

Bring your child to work day
All day, Free


Olympia Arts Walk
5 - 10 p.m., Free

Downtown olympia

Olympia Film Society (OFS shows Jackie
Chan’s Police Story 2 one last time. 5:00 P.M.
@ their downtown theater. $6 for OFS members; $9 otherwise.Free.



Evergreen has both a long history of political
activism and a recent history of police
surveillance and intimidation.
These cannot coexist.

A look at the Cooper Point Journal archives displays this foundational history: students in the 70’s
protested the war and light pollution, resisted the initial arming of
police services in the 90’s, and conducted teach-ins in response to the
still-ongoing Afghanistan and Iraq
wars. This rich tradition of political involvement continues today.
However, in the last two decades,
the college and federal government
has responded to this history by infiltrating and spying on local and student political organizations. In the
late 2000’s, federal law enforcement
infiltrated the Evergreen/Olympia
chapters of Students for A Democratic Society, who were resisting the
export of weapons through the Port of
Olympia. Evergreen Police Services
interrupted and filmed activists in a
student group meeting. United States
military spy John Towery joined the
group under an assumed name. Simultaneously, Evergreen’s Chief of
Police Ed Sorger shared information
on campus activists with city, county, state & federal police, and Towery
himself. More recently, as reported in
this issue, campus police purchased
covert surveillance cameras, following
their quiet purchase of AR-15 rifles.
These legacies of the college are at
odds with one another. If this college
is to persist, it must do away with one.
We choose to reject the spying.
In this spirit, we would like to
recommend the following reforms:


1. Police Services will
publicly post all purchases and property
acquisitions as they

Evergreen will conduct an external review of its compliance with its
Patriot Act Policy and fully comply
with the review’s recommendations.
All purchase orders are public
records. As citizens of Washington
and members of this college, it is our
right to access these records.
As it stands, we are not granted access to this information until
enough suspicion builds that we are
inclined to request it. Only after a
student noticed rifles in Police Services’ vehicles did we request related
records, and it is only by accident
and excellent journalistic paranoia
that we have come to know about
the covert surveillance cameras.
Through its actions, Police Services has demonstrated that it is not
responsible enough to use discretionary funds without community
supervision. Under the federal Campus Crime Statistics Act, Evergreen
is already required to make regular
reports about on-campus crimes. Using a similar model, Police Services
should be required to post their purchases in a public area, and provide
these purchases online weekly in an
accessible format. If a Police Services


employee (or other college employee acting on their behalf ) fails to do
so, they should receive a formal reprimand in their personnel record. If
this occurs again, they should face
serious consequences, including the
possibility of dishonorable discharge.
In addition, Police Services conducts no regular inventories of their
equipment. Other Evergreen departments regularly inventory their
equipment to monitor for property
loss and insurance purposes. Other
Evergreen departments do not possess weapons. Police Services should
be required to publicly conduct a
twice-yearly inventory of their equipment, with similar penalties as above.

2. Evergreen will conduct an external
review of its compliance with its Patriot
Act Policy and fully
comply with the review’s recommendations.

This policy explicitly prohibits the use of surveillance cameras
outside retail areas, surveillance of
First Amendment protected activities, and sharing student and student group information with local,
state and federal law enforcement.
If Evergreen had been following
its own policy for the last fifteen

years, we wouldn’t have to be writing this editorial. Why should students be expected to comply with
school policies when the school
itself does not? Student, staff and
administration all agree to follow
the social contract. Similar to student conduct code violations, Evergreen employees should be subject to penalties when they fail to
comply with school policies. If they
were not made aware of such policies, then their supervisors should
be subject to these penalties. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Evergreen should reconvene the
Patriot Act Policy Review Committee to oversee this external review and empower the committee
to enforce compliance with the review’s recommendations. The policy
states that the committee “shall be
formed consisting of representatives from those areas most likely to
be affected by a request under the
Patriot Act.” As such, its members
should be drawn from groups that
represent communities historically subject to government surveillance, including but not limited to:
the Equity and Inclusion office, the
Geoduck Student Union, the Black
Student Union, Pasifika Roots, the
Black Cottonwood Collective, the
IWWGEU, the Cooper Point Journal, the Native Student Alliance, as
well as current and future groups
not mentioned. These members
should be appointed by their own



The Cooper Point Journal
Editorial Board
respective organizations rather than
selected by senior administration.
The committee should also be
empowered to revise and strengthen the Patriot Act Policy. The requirement that police have “reasonable suspicion” to conduct
covert surveillance is a lower bar
than the “probable cause” and
the judge-approved warrant that
off-campus police are usually required to obtain. Like at other
colleges, Police Services should be
required to request approval for
covert surveillance from senior administration. Rather than plainly
stating that police should “refrain”
from surveillance and other activities, guidelines should be explicitly stated, with penalties including immediate dismissal without
pay associated with their violation.
As stated in the current policy,
this committee should meet at least
twice annually. Failure to maintain
a regular majority quorum should
result in a public, formal reprimand
of the policy steward, which for
now is the Executive Associate to
the President. A similar formal reprimand should be made if the Police Community Review Board and
the Bias Incident Response Team
does not meet, neither of which
have met once this year. The Patriot Act Review Committee should
be given preference when it makes
records requests, and its meeting notes should be public record.

3. Evergreen administration will make
themselves available
for public comment.

It is highly unusual that a college
newspaper has to do intense investigative journalism to even determine
what the college’s policies are. A failure by senior administration to familiarize themselves with the workings of
the press has made this college opaque.
Although some have criticized
the Cooper Point Journal for regularly being critical of actions taken
by the college, both administration
and media relations consistently
fail to send press releases or communication from the college about
any developments, including positive ones. For example, Marketings
& Communications chose to post
their press release about the opening of the Veterans Lounge directly to The Cooper
Point Journal was not informed at all.
On the other hand, the administration has explicitly directed the
Cooper Point Journal to communicate all inquiries about the school
exclusively through Public Relations
Manager Alison Anderson. The
combination of this stonewalling
policy and the lack of public releases from the school itself obscures
both an understanding of college
relations and adherence to state law.
These directives mean that we as

student journalists must operate as if
alienated from the campus community, requesting comments through
public relations, and having any and
all interactions mediated by a public relations officer to gain even basic access to information about our
own institutional policies. This directive seemingly violates the Social Contract and Washington State
Law (WAC 174-121-010, 9e) which
states that “Evergreen policies apply
equally regardless of job description,
status or role in the community.”
Marketing & Communications has
made clear that requesting information “as a member of the Evergreen
community” is distinct from info
requests as a student journalist. This
effectively gives individual students
access to information but does not
allow student journalists to disseminate information to the student body.
We empathize with Evergreen’s resistance to appearing in the news media. Bret Weinstein’s 2017 Fox News
interview did irreparable damage to the
reputation of the college. We too continue to receive undue attention from
right-wing media and have become
reasonably paranoid about doxxing
threats. But we are student-journalists,
and it is our job to learn and participate
in our community. It is the job of our
administration to administrate, which,
in our media-saturated world, requires
active communication with the press.
In addition, Evergreen should comply with state law and assign additional

staff to its public records division. Evergreen’s sole public records officer faces a huge backlog of records requests.
This includes requests from national
journalists made as far back as 2017.
We continue to receive responses to requests made by our staff from last year;
as most of our editorial staff each year
are seniors, at times we suspect the college is waiting us out. Evergreen should
model its revamped public records department on the University of Oregon’s,
which posts online every request it receives and demonstrates that it often
completes requests in as little as a week.
The external review conducted after
the 2017 protests recommends that
Evergreen should “develop a strong,
pro-active and integrated internal
Evergreen campus communications
plan that restores a sense of trust and
transparency among campus constituencies.” Moreover, “while there may be
some understandable concern by senior
administration that internal campus
communications may be shared with
or visible to hostile external audiences for distortion and exploitation, the
risks are far greater of a deterioration
of the fabric of the campus community, characterized by feelings of mistrust
and exclusion from the administration.”
Evergreen needs to halt its rapid deterioration. Evergreen is on the
verge of becoming a fundamentally broken institution. If these cracks
in its foundation are not repaired,
we as students should consider the social contract severed. it



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Minimal experience necessary, seeking active
and engaged students interesting in broadening
their writing, editing, and design skills. Affection for
research work and penchant for general chaos
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The CPJ is always taking comic submissions. Just send your
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3/21 - 4/19

Live your dreams! You’ve just taken one more trip around the sun and you are
glowing! In the wise words of Lizzy Mcguire “Am I an outfit repeater???” If
you didn’t know on graduation day Lizzy Mcguire is accused of being an outfit
repeater by her arch nemesis tall, leggy, mean blonde girl. In the early 2,000’s
Lizzy had her own bitmoji before anybody else and her biggest fear was what
people thought of her. Aries this year is the year you LET GO of that same fear.
Take other people’s opinions of you and throw them in the trash.

4/20 - 5/20

The stars have you gearing up for a great birthday. But only if you drop the pretenses. Don’t plan a party because it’ll be at someone else’s favorite restaurant,
don’t go to a cat sanctuary because your partner loves cats but you’re allergic.
Find a balance between respecting your friends references while still maintaining your integrity. Beware of extremes at this time. As a taurus you can
find yourself bulldozing your friends opinions to get your way or completely
following what your family/friends care about but neglecting your own desires.

5/21 - 6/20

Fighting for what you believe in is important this week. Be bold and utilize this
time tp stand up for your needs. But with Mars moving into your powerhouse
make sure you aren’t ignoring people and things because you’re scared. There
are good people in the world who are ready to offer help, don’t judge a book by
its cover.

6/21 - 7/22

Your many sided personality will be tested this week. Mercury and Mars will
mess with people’s perceptions of you. Instead of seeing your ability to connect
with many people and opinions, others will see you as a lying faker if you aren’t
careful. Your real friends know your heart but use wisdom this week to not lead
people on. Stay true to commitments and don’t flake out.


7/23 - 8/22

Roaring into this week with brand new ideas and emotions you are a barrel of
excitement. But you could also use a little cat nap. Don’t delay your much needed self care routine just because you got hit with an inspiration bug. Let your
imagination and inspiration run free like a herd of lions roaming the desert
but don’t get run down because you neglected self care, like you were being run
down by a pack of wildebeests.



9/23 - 10/22

“Yeahhhh I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me!” This
is your mood as we move away from tax season and you know… wait did you
do your taxes? Call your mom and have her help you! Your carefree attitude
threatens to be your downfall.

10/23 - 11/21

Scorpios are great people but watch out they’ll sting you without warning! Just
like scorpions out in the wild your bite is actually worse than your bark. You
are the type to sit silently then pounce when they are least expecting it. Just
remember when you’re unhappy with someone you don’t want to cause deadly
wounds because you never know when you might need that moment again.

11/22- 12/21

As the days get longer so will you gratitude and patience for those around you.
You are evolving in this new spring season, what once was hidden and buried
under the earth is about to spring forth in a new way! This week expect new

12/22- 1/19

Just like a delicious bowl of captain crunch capricorns are sweet and delicious.
But if you have captain crunch every day you might get tired of it. Recognize
that you are a treat and some people should only enjoy the pleasure of your
presence every once in awhile. This week say no to people and events that are
not deserving of your sweetness.

1/20 - 2/18

This week being dishonest will not go well for you. Calling out sick from work?
Cancelled. Telling your friend you like their new haircut? Don’t do it. Even
white lies can snowball so this week your motto is “the truth will set you free.”
This doesn’t mean you can go around being mean to people either! It just means
you’re being honest or you aren’t talking at all.

2/19 - 3/20

You already know what you’ve been thinking of doing is a great idea! This is
your sign to go for it! Stop waiting for permission and take that idea and make
it into a reality. You are a smart, capable, charming member of the community.
But I didn’t need to tell you that. You know, you’re a pisces.

8/23 - 9/22

Your brain runs your life. We all know it, this week let you heart speak up and
actually pay attention to what it says! Good things happen when you listen to
your feelings along with your analytical brain.