

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 14 (January 22, 1981)

extracted text
The EV8fgreen Stal8 College
Olympltl, Wa,;hrng!On 98505

Volume 9, No. 14


Gallery Two
Image Making "Drawing and Painting" by
students working with Evergreen ort lnstruclors Ann Lasko and Young Harvill. This exhibit will be on dlsplay from Jan 17 through
Feb 22
New Photographies" selecllons lrom a
na11ona11vJudged exhibit will be on view
Jan 4 lhlOugh Feb 22 The gallery will be
curate.J by James Sahlstrand, PhotOliJrapher
and Ga11eryDirector r,I Central Washington
Adm,ss,on 10 both shows 1s tree and open
10 the l ubhc Gallery Two, localed ln library
23CX}1s ooen Ba m -10 45 pm., Mon.-Thur ,
8 a m ~ ["Im Fri , 1-5 pm . Sat ; and
1-9 p fTI Sun Gallery Four located 1n
Lib 400~ 1s open trom noon-6 p m on weekdays a11U lrom 1·5 p m on Sat and Sun

By Jeff Cochran
Last Thursday over 200 people gathered
in the capitol rotunda for a musical cele-bration of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther
King. The celebration was organized by

Barbara O'Neill of the Thurston County
Urban League Committee who explained,
"Minority peoples have no nationally-

recognized heroes, and we wanted to
Saturday, Jan. 17: "Howllng Gael" appears
at Oiympla's Center of Folk Music and Arts. 11
la ooe of the Northwest's finest Celllc bands.
Bob Kltta, Pat Salslch, and Robin Banks play
the music of the British Isles on hammer and
dulclrne,, guitar, mandolln, eccordlon and
bOdhran. Admiaalon Is $2.50. Doors open al
8 p.m. Applfttam la located at !he YMCA, 220
Easl Union, Olympia.
Gnu Dell
Friday, Jan. 16, 9 p,m.; Nonnando Brenis,
• Peruvian-born guitarist, la f•tured.
la a masterful artist of Flamenco, claulcal
and South American folk music. Admission
la $2.50.
Saturday. Jan. 17, 9 p.m.: Bert WIison and
NNew RMMrth" appears. Saxophone dynamo
"Wheels" Wilson creates Jazz with the all-new
Rebirth Quartet, Admlsalon $3.50.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 6 p.m.: Kart\ Leimer on
stage with Steve Petara. The Seattle recording
artists will play new electronic musk: for lhls
benefit concert. Admission $1 .50. The Gnu
Dell la located on the comer of Thurston St.
and Cepltol Way.
Olympia Ballroom
The Olympia Ballroom Association wlll
sponsor an evening of Appalachian Big Circle
Dances to live okS-Ume fiddle musk: on Sat.,
Jan. 23. The dance style Is simple and easy 10
ktarn IOf people of all ages. Old-time couple
dances such u walU, scholtlsche and polka
wlll be mixftd.in through the eYefling. Join the
fun! At the Olympic Ballroom, Legion Way
and Washington St., 8 p.m. Admlaaion S,3.
Olympla Chorale
The Olympla Chorale will present the
operella, NThe PlratM ol Penzance" on Jen.
16, 17, 22, and 23 at the Abbey ThMler at St.
Martin's College. Tklketa will go on sale at
Yenney'• Music, Pat's Bookery. the Musk:
Bar, and II the door. General .:lmlaslon ,.
$3.50; students and Senior Clllz.ens, $2.50.
Cur1aln time 11 8 p.m.

State Capilol Museum
'Watercoims" by Andrew Hofmeister are
leatured at the State Capitol Museum through
Jan 31 Hofmeister is a retired al1 professor
from Wash1ng1on Slate Un,versily The State
Gap,101Museum 1s open from 10 a.m 4 JO p m , Tues -Fn . noon-4 p.m . Sat and
Sun Admission 1s free

A tree lecture by Erasmo Gamboa, protessor
of Chicano H,story at "The University ol Washington will be given at 1 p m . Wed . Jan 21
1n Lrl 1


Two evening perlormances ot "Mykrokozm"
a proouct•on by TESC student 1ettery Morgan
will be s1aged Jan 16 and 17 in the Ekpenmenlal Theatre of the Commumca11ons Bwld1ng The cur1a1n goes up at 8 pm. and the
ac1m1ss1on1s $1 50
A special expenence 1n 1hea1e,will be presen1ed by The Masque Company 1n lwo performances Saturday, Jan 17 Vignettes range
llom 1rag1cto comic and contempo,ary to

draw attention to that fact tv\ore 1mpC>rtantly,we drew together to share our
strength-to let each other know that we
are not alone."
One of Dr King's greatest achievements
was to bring white America to an awareness of racial 1njust1ce But awareness 1s
only the first step 1n eliminating racism.
Since the murder of Dr King 1n 1968,
progress tO'Nards racial equality has been

The attempted assassination of Vernon
Walters, l:.xecut,ve Director of the Urban
League, the murder of Arthur McDuffy m
Miami, and thP acquittal of the KKK
members and Nazis in Greensboro epItom1zed this almost complete lack of
'"A lack of understanding of cultural differences Is one of the root causes of
racism," CTNeill stated "Belause oi 1h1<.,"
she added, "Education Is a maJor pan of
the program at the Urban League "
Although ignorance is the disease,
economic hardship brings the symptoms

By Larry Stillwell

the promise of its Red, White and Blue

"I like to be around groovy, groovy
People who don't have an ego,
People who know where they're going,
Groovy, groovy people
Inaugural Singer

The t11s1performance, al 2 p m in lhe
Library lobby (75(: for parents and children).
designed for children. will include mimicry
and ,mprov1salion using various masks as well
as a dlscuss,on on the an ol masque !healer
and a talk aboul how to make masks
The second perlormance al 8 p m .. also
1n the Library Lobby {sludenls $2, general
audience SJ), wlll utilize various masks Skits
mcludmg members of lhe audience will also
be a umque part of the program. Music,
thealer, dance and m,me are all aspects of lhe
pertormance The troupe has toured extensively throughout the U S


Thursday Nile FIims
"Take Two." lhe intermediate fllmmaking
program will be having its own lilm series
Winter Q~rter. Screenings will be Thursdays
at 3, 7 and 9 30 p.m in L H 1 Admission
18 $1 25

The Pawn1hop, directed by Charlie Chaplin
and The Geoerel, directed by Buster Keaton
wlll bolh be sr,own on Thursdly, Jan. 15.
Friday Nite Films
Friday, Jan. 16· lltNth ... , (1959, BW,
89 mlns.) dlrec1ed by Jean-Luc Godard wlll be
shown. Starring Jean-Paul Betmondo and
Jean Seberg. This is Godard's flfat feature
film and Belmondo's flral major role In which
he portrays an anarchisl crlminal hiding out
from the police in Paris. Plus: color ahort,
The Cr1Hc. Met Brooks doesn't undersland
avant-garde films All lilms shown in L H. 1 11
3, 7 and 9 30 p.m Admlseion is St 25.
Academic Film Serles
Wednesday, Jan. 21: The C>wercolil, directed
by Lewis Mlles1one (U.S.A., 1930, 103 min.,
BW) Faithful adaptation of Nlkolal Gogol's
1842 tragicomic story aboul a poor, humble
government clerk in cold ~t. Peter1burg whose
lonely life Is warmed by a new coat bul who
loses both due to the Party and an Important
person Showings at 1 :30 and 7:30 p.m.
L H. 1. FREE.

Tuesday. Jan. 20: the E~C Film and
Speaker Serles present, a dlacuaslon of the
implications of the Reagan Administration and
a special mm in honor of Inauguration Oliy,
A Cowboy In llrootllyn, starring Ronald
Reagan. 7·30 p.m. In L.H. 1, $1.25. Proceeda
benelil Live wilhout TridentJ
Mr. Deeds GoN to Town
The Academy Award-winning mm Mr.
DNds GoN to Town wilt be shown as • benefll fOI' lhe Cooper Point Journal on Salurday,
Jan 17, In L H. 1. Showtlmes are 7 and
9 30 p.m
A classic in every sense. "Mr. Deeds" la an
outstanding drama of good vs. evll, Md broke
all bolt ollice record• when firs! released.
Gary Cooper gives his best performance In
1hla, one of the besl lllms eYer made. Dlrecled
by Frank Capra.
Doctor Faustus
The lllm DoclOf Ftual will be prnented
Monday, Jan. 19, al 3 and 7:30 p.m., L.H. 1.
Thia 11 the 1968 cotor mm of Nevlll CoghlU's
adaptation of the Martowe cluslc drama,
directed by Richard Burton (03 min.), With
Richard Burton (as Fauatua) and Ellzabeth
Taytor (ln a non-speaking par1 u virtually alt
the women In the play) and with the Oxford
University OramaUc Society. S1 .tmlulon.
Sponsored by lhe Humanism and Science

Sunday, Jan. 18: Char1es Pallthorp presents
a 1010 performance ol Shuberl'a ''The Beautlful March of the MIii." 5 p.m., Communications Bultdlng. Recital Hall. Free.
Brown Bag Jazz with Red Ketly In the
Recital Hall at noon. Wed., Jan. 21.


Collage Workshop
WIiiiam CubbOn, a local wtlat. Is offering a
cofl■oa wortc.lhop In conJunctlon with lhe
Leisure Education Program. It la a handt-on
workshop In whk:h participants learn Iha basic
principles of two-dlmenstonal design. The
wOfkshop wm be held Monday 8Y9f'linga,
p.m. The coat la S20 for atudents;
$25 for other• (with a $10 materlala f• IOI'
all). For m«e Information or reglstratlon call.


Mounlaln Reecue and First A.kt Workshop
Larry Nlelaon. formerly a Rainier Moun1atneerl04i!guide, will teach a mountain rescue
and lirst aid wor1'.shop at TESC beginning
with an orientation on Wednesday. Jan. 21 at
7 p.m. In CAB 108. All practical teaching wlll
be done on a weekend trip to the mountains,
Jan 24 and 25. Cott: $25 (may be reduced If
the course fills). Class size Is limlted to t 5
people. Regis!~ at the CRC offloa.
Male and Female roles
A dlscusalon or male and female rol81 wlll
be tteld on Tues .. Jan. 20 In CAB 306. Bring
your lunch!

Women wUI share experience and knowledge of music. writing and poetry In workshops Sal., Jan. 24, 1~ p.m. In the eecond
floor lobby of TESC llbrafy. The frN ewnt Is
spontored by Tides of Change and Frlend1.
For more lnformallon, call aoe--e1&2. Chlld
care available If arranged In advance,

of racial hatred to the surface When Jobs
are scarce, and pnces climb, people ICX>k
for someone to blame. They often choose
a minority populatton for their scapegoat
Right n()\,\'. Thurston County Is expenencmg both an influx of lndo,Ch1nese
refugee famrhes-at a rate of 40 per
month-and a depressed economic out
ICX>kBecause of th1<.combination, O'Neil!
said she 1sconcerned for the future 'I
don't remembf>r feeling d1scnm1nated
against whPn I was growing up," she 'ia1d
"But when I moved to Thur~ton Countv
d,scnmmatmn bec,m,e painfully obv1ou'i
The Urban league 1s a non-partI'ian,
mterracaal organILat1on, said ONedl.
which ts working for equal nghtr, and opporturntie'"i for racial mmontIes 'EvPr\onf'
1n Thurston Coun!y has a guaranteed right
- to food, clothing and decc-nt housing,
which, unfortunately, doesn t neces,anl\
mean thPy get the,;e We, at the Urban
League, are trying 10 ensurP that rntnorit\
people attain tht> rights that the~, dff'
Ms O'Neill related the Urban Lf'aguP,
work to tht- celebration of Martm luthf'r
King's birthday "If there was to be a
national, pa,d holiday that commemorated a great minority leader. It rn1ght
force people to question thetr own belit•h
about racial m1nor1t1es,"she said 0nlv
when the pchS1bd1tytor educt1t1on exI'">t<.
will educatmn take place."

Rocki n' with Ronny at the Inaugural BalI



The Blh Annual Young People's Film and
Video Fes11val Is being held at NOf'1hwest FHm
Study Cen1er, Porlland Art Museum, February
21 and 22 1t provides an opportunity !or
young Northwesl film and video producers 10
have lheH work viewed by a panel of professionals and presenled 10 the public
Any young fltm or v,deo maker living In
Oregon Washington, Idaho, Montana, or
Ala.ska may enter In onEi of five grade cate-gooes, Including colleoe and unlverally
Entries may be on any Iheme. In any style,
bul mus1 have been produced after Jan 1,
1990 Works should nol exceed ten minutes
running time
Deadlines tor entry is Feb 7. Entry lorms
may be requested lrom lhe Young Peoples'
Film and Video Fesltval, N WW. FIim Sludy
Center, 12'19 S.W Park Ave S w, Portland.
OR 97205

Urban League Continues King's Work

Olympia FIim Society
Sunday, Jan. 18: '"Madame Aoaa," directed
by Moahe Mtzrah; France, 19n. With Simone
Slgnoret. M...,,,_ Rou, the story of a survivor, won the Academy Award for Beal
Foreign FIim In t9n. A woman who leads a
precarious existence on the edge of aoclety,
but with a sense ot dignity and Inner strength.
Living In a slum of Pa,ls, Rosa has survived
the horror of Auschwitz and now helps the
chlldren ol proslllutes survive by caring tor
them. Two shows· 7 and 9 p.m. The Capltal
City Studio Theater la located at 911 E. ◄th,
Olympia (between Pear and Quince). Members
S1.25/non--members $2.75.

Arts NW Studenl Gallery
The hist Sunday ol every month at Arts NW
Student Gallery there 1s a presentation of
'Audio and Visual Arls" from 2 to 4 Pm The
gallery features lhe work ol students studying
1n Washmg1on state colleges, un1versll1es and
art schools. The gallery 1s localed at 1500
Weslern Ave . Seattle

A public allatts program airs noon lo
1 p m . Mon-Fn News and wealher can be
heard at 4 JO. Mon -Fn

_January22, 1981

'We're just waitin' thru the end of the

Waitin' thru the end of the world,

decorations. We were an hour into a

three-hour party and nothing was happening. 'Where is everybody(" another re--

porter asked. "Are we early?" I kicked myself for not having done any drugs and
bought another drink. I remembered a
quote from Joseph Campbell about the
necessity of creating patterns of meaning
where there is none. I took notes on

everything that moved.

Dear lord! I sincerely hope you're comrn'

a three-piece suit and an oversized

bow tie. With Reagan taking office and
the hostages freed, I figured it was worth
1t After all, this was one of only three
official inaugural celebrations in the
whole state.
I did my best. I went in as Norman
Mailer, prepared to report history in the
making_ As it slowly dawned on me that
absotutely nothing was going to hapoen,

I switched to Hunter Thompson and from
brandy to tequilla. There were about half
a dozen nicely-dressed middle-aged Republicans in the whole place. One guy, a
State Senator from north of Seattle,
seemed to have some life to him. "Better
get crocked before the Right Wing gets
here," he laughed
I hoped the Right Wing would get there
soon I hoped the place would live up to

closed-circuit TV There were huge inaugural ball.s going on at most of these
Everyone but us had a big wide screen,
ours had broken down and we made, do
with two TVs. one on top of the other and

set slightly at an angle. Ed McMahon was
emcee and he kept telling us about It


in Nashville

3,COJin Anaheim

dancing in a double, double celebration,'"

McMahon beamed You knew he was

Steel Industry & Labo<
Inaugural Ball"
Tyee Motor Inn Sign


(and Paris. France) that were linked by

2,000 in New York 5,000 in Houston
There were 70 in Olympia
"All across the country tonight, we're

'Cuz you really started somethin'
Elvis Costello

I never imagined that the Grand Old
Party's party would be boring. I imagined
myself mixing in the wild chaos of Republican ecstasy, subtly wielding my pen,
tape recorder, and inquisitive wit, then
going home drunk but overflowing with
historical observations and personal insights to crank out a memorable record of
this once-in-a-lifetime event. I even bor-

Mainly everyone watched TV We were
one of a hundred places 1n the country

right but it was hard to believe at

the Tyee. The only doubles I could celebrate were the ones Barbara was mixing
A few people were dancing to the musJC
coming over the television. "Boy, some of

their people are pretty good at that little
waltz step," Carrie said. "How many of

them do you think are Moral Majority

Barbara the bartender moved almost
constantly. She stood in a little box-like
room that opened out into the ballroom,
silently mixing drinks and smiling politely.
She had a Red, White and Blue plasticlooking sash over one shoulder and a
name tag just below the other I made repeated pilgrimages to her temple and
prayed that something would happen.
Nothing did. Getting drunk was definitely
where it was at.
The room filled up slowly with Republican legislators and lobbyists and their
wives. They talked and watched the
closeck:ircuit TV coverage of the Washington, D.C. Inaugural Ball. They ate
potato chips with dip and little sausages
in a sweet-and-sour syrup from the buffet
table. I could have counted everyone
under 40 years old on the fingen of one
hand, but I was too busy spearing those
little sausageswith little fluff-decorated

George Bush came on. He said that
earlier, as he watched "the inauguration
of our great 40th president," a lump had

caught in his throat and he "knew we can
do something we were elected to do"
Then he urged everyone to dance.
Reagan was making the rounds of the
ten inaugural ball sites in~D.C., giving a
little talk and moving on. Each time he
arrived at a place, the TV coverage would
cut Donny Osmond or some other performer oft and show Reagan giving the
samecasual and well-rehearsed speech
Each time he'd smile and say this was
the Xth ball he and Nancy had been to
and they only had Y more to go and maybe they'd get a chance to dance at the
next one and hadn't the ball's co-<:hairmen
done a wonderful job (applause) and you
know, when the Americans went to the
very first inaugural, they went by stagecoach and today they're going by satellite
and now he had the latest news for us
since we'd been dancing all night and
probably didn't know-

And he'd pause And smile Then turn
serious Firm "Our (pause)-'' And refuse
to call them hostages, they were prisoners
of wtu-(pause}-"
And everyone would
break out cheer mg A man at the T yee
put down his little roasted chicken wing
and muttered "that's right'" to no one In
particular Then Reagan would go on, telling the news of the safe landing in Algiers
and saying they were about to board "An
American plane" (more cheers), as if the
prisoner of war thing wasn't supposed tC'
have scared the shit out of anvbodv

Then he'd tell Nancy how lovely she
looke<Jand promise the crowd that "there
are things that need doing In America and
between us we're gomg to get them
done" (At one stop he followed this by
looking out over the crowd and into the
camera with that good-gosh-all-Amencan
dazed smile of his and said, as If he
couldn't believe It, "You're from all over"
In between Reagan's repeal performances we were kept entertained by an allstar cast on stages at the various ball sites
m D.C Sometimes the names of the
places seemed appropriate The Tommy

Dorsey Orchestra played at the National
Museum of Natural History, Robert Goul~t
at the National Air and Space Musf>ur"l
Pat Boone at the National Mu~um c...

(continued on page 2)

photoe by Came Gevlrtz

El SalvadOf

U.S. Aid Turns to Blood
By Hugh Bridgeford
Thf' Democrat1e Revolutionary Front's
(I DR} struggle to overthrow the US
backed m1lttarv 1unta In El Salvador has
begun 111 earnest As of this writing, 1,CXX>
people have died
l.v,t f rve dayc;


fighting during the

1lw I OR formed m January as a coal11)1 the popular revolutionary organ1t,H1vns Salvadorean popular forces, repre,ented by the FDR, continue to fight a
c 1\ d ....ar against the US -backed Junta
whose arnw oh1ccrs claim that "to do
a\,ay with c-ommun1st subversion m El
Salvador, between 100 and 150 thousand
people must be physically eliminated"

U S aid to the 1unta and the supporting
14 ldmilv agricultural oligarchy was susr)('ndf'<l on Dec S atter three American

nuns were killed while aiding

u1 the rural areas outside of San
On [)c>c 17 the United States changed
and sent 20 mtllion dollars 1n
t>l0nom,c_c11dto ti Salvador On Jan 14,
1t <.tc~ntanother 50 million dollars in the


form of military aid, rushing six helicopters, several million dollars worth of other
equipment and stx U S military advisors


Toursof Evergreen

A month later, an AP wire story quoted
U S Ambassador Robert White as saying
"[I Salvador has contained the guemlla
movement without one smgle cartridge
from the United States."
Despite the resumption of U.S. military
a,d to the 1unta contradicting statements
ITlddebv the United States, 1unta forces
and the FDR leave open the question of
who presently controls El Salvador.

The Evergreen Album Project needs a
cover. Any student, currently enrolled,
may submit artwo<k, designs, prints, photography, etc. The work chosen will be
reproduced on 1,000 album covers.
Three categories for the cover are being

1. Single images in any medium.
2. Collages in any medium by a single
artist or a collaboration.
3. Artistic or surrealistic impressions of
Evergreen or its surroundings.

Although under-trained and ill equipped,
the revolutionaries greatly outnumber the
1unta's national guard Last year the FDR
rN:e1ved wide popular support, drawing
tens of thousands of people into the
,;treets Government repression and executions are undercutting that support Unwilling to face the 1unta "death squads"
who la,;t year killed an estimated 7,500
,;tudents, workers and peasants, few
people rallied to the FDR's call for a general stnke on Jan 12


Contact Alex Stahl at 94}-5063, see
Dan Crowe in Sem. 4163. Deadline is
January 31.

Food for Thought
A seven-week workshop entitled "Food
on Your Mind" will be offered by the

German Paper Takes a Look at Reagan
\\-h1/e rhe Amencar. commenrarors have
analyzed the topic of Ronald Reagan's m,,
to the presidency endlessly, the topic has
been ,e/ar,ve/y qwet on the foreign front
Translated by B11/Hrgbee and re1Xtnted
trom rhe German newspaper, Die Zeit, ,~
a piece on Reagan by Theo Summer

The long, noisy, and paralyzing election
1sover The United States have
a new president Ronald Reagan With a
surpns1ngly large ma1onty he has managed
to dnve Jimmy Carter out of the White
House. his victory has become a landslide On January 20 the former Hollywood star and ex-governor of California
will take the oath of his ne'\-VoffKe The
qu~t1on 1s When the new {flan finally
doe,; sit in the White House will he confirm the worst fears circulating about him,
or wdl he, out of necessity, leave the right
wing, which tends to oversimplify everything, and move towards the middle-ofthe-road, which 1smore aware of complexities'
Ronald Reagan seems like a chip off the
old John Wayne to many Europeans, and

Reagan (cont. from P. 1)
All)(>rKan H1story Museums seemed to be
the right places for theSf' people When
wf' cut to Boone hf' was saying, "We're
not go1ng to do any more rock and roll
hne tonight It's hardly a rock and roll
0< cc'ls1on" Hardly
Brought back to the Tyee's boring
rC'allty by an overdost' of Bob Hope and
J\l\ar1eOsmond, I suddenly realized that I
"'a,; out of drink tickets People were
dnltm,1;;away already I wandered around
and found some tickets lying on the t,cket

table, tool< three and traded them fOf
tequtlla We noticed that the 21 flags m

by the way, to many Americans. too. They
suspect that 1n a complicated world he 1s
only capable of simple-minded answers
NeverthelMs, he received the majority_ of
votes Americans voted for Reagan, partly,
because they were alienated by Carter's
flip-flops, they want a strong, stern hand
In h1~four years m office Jimmy Carter,
m facl, dtd not give anybcxiy reason to
cheer He began as an unknQ\.-\l'n
tramed 10 wm elections, but with no
knQINledgeof the arena in wh,ch he was
to perform
Some of his pro1ects failed because of
the course of events, others because of
the 1mpossibilit1esof the presidency, and
c1 lot of them because of Carter's indec1s1veness.SALT II became a victim of
Carter's wrong strategy Hts greatest
achievement 1n foreign policy, the peace
treaty for the Middle East he framed in
Camp David, remains unfinished In Iran
he committed his biggest misjudgement,

answered with empty gestures, which

cent within three years, the balancing of

developed into a strategy only after great
Ronald Reagan, almost 70, is an old

the budget, and a powerful increase in
defense expenditures. How he plans to
accOfnplish all this at the same time re-

man. He still perceives the world as it was
1n the '50s, believes in a communist

mains his secret. He plans to cut back the
government wherever it prevents private
initiative; hc,..v he plans to do this, he is
not saying. "Cut, trim, reduce" is his
motto for government finance; in this
respect he is not being any more specific
either, because he does not want to step
on any toes.

"master plan" for conquering the world.
Face-to-face confrontation is his strategy.
He was in favor of using nuclear weapons

in Vietnam. He defended the Watergate
criminals by saying "At heart they are not
cnm1nals" He wants to tear up the SALT II
treaty which Carter and Brezhnev signed
1nVienna, but which the Senate has not
yet ratified To be sure, he does not refuse
to negotiate with the Russians about newarms lim1tat1on treaties, but first he wants
to build up America's arsenal immensely
or at least have the Congressional approval for the expensive weapons procureinent program safely in the bag; the proposal 1sfor an increase of 150 billion

Reagan's domestic policy is no less

and there he also suffered h,s deepest
humiliation m the hosta~ situation. To

bold. He plans to do three things at once:

the Soviet uwastton of Atghanistan he

A reduction of the income tax by 30 per-

We have to let the Americans deal with
their own domestic problems. However,
America's allies can not help worrying

The Direct Mail/Marketing Educational
Foundation, a foundation fOfmed in 1965
to improve the quality and scope of direct
mail/marketing education at the university
level is offering an eight-weelc program fOf
12 outstanding minority students, who
will live and work in New York City. This
program prepares students fOf entry-level
Transportation, room and board will be
covered by the participating businesses.
Each student will earn S200 per weelc.
Students will meet with direct-marketing
experts, who will providean overview of
direct marketing and insights from their

about Reagan's foreign policy, above all,

own promotions. Students will learn all
aspects of direct marketing, and how to

about his military armament policy.

incorporate it with advertising and media.

When the North KOfeans captured the
Pueblo, he considered military action to
be in order if they did not give in "within
six hours." When the Soviets invaded
Afghanistan he publicly advocated a
blockade of Cuba-but what if the Soviets
had resisted the blockade? His natural
tendency seemsat first to just "jump into
the fight and knock the hell out of them."

Eligibility Requirements:
1. Applying undergraduates should have
COfnpleted the juniOf year by summer of
1981 and be enrolled fOf September.
Seniors may apply if they have firm plans

Now-the Europeans certainly cannot
have anything against the new evidence
of America's willingness to lead and that
once again America's ability to act is

credibly demonstrated. Even they are s,ck
and tired of the confusing si2nals, constant flip-flops, and inconsistencies they
have been receiving from Carter's White
House. How-ever, imperial trumpet-blowing
1sout of the question tOOay.The world
cannot be straightened out by a policy of

to continue in graduate study.

2. All applicants must be racial
3. There is no restriction regarding
academic concentration, but the selection
committee will certainly consider a student's interest in direct marketing and

preparation to enter that field.
All interested students should contact
the Office of Cooperative Education no
later than Jmua,y 26 (Monday} fOf an
application and further infOfmation.


Beginning Jan. 5, applications will be
available fOf the United Way Intern Program. The United Way Intern Program is
intended to provide an intensive and
accelerated one-year training for young
people in preparation for professional
careers. Persons with bachelor's degrees
"' equivalent, generally between the ages

of 21-30, are eligible to apply. Internships include: training and supervision in
fund raising, community planning, agency
allocations and relatioos, communications
and administration. Interns receive salaries

and fringe benefits commensurate with
experience and educational background.
Salaries start at 513,000 per year. The
deadline for COfnpleted applications is
March 4. Interns selected will begin employment in June 1981. fOf further info,mation contact the office of Career
Planning and Placement (x6193}.

cation deadline is March 1. For further
formation contact Career Planning and

Jan Lambertz, Evergreen's Assistant

DirectOf of Recreation and Athletics, will
outline an individualized fitness plan
during a no-host luncheon which begins
al 12:30 p_m_in room 110 of the College


Placement (x6193) Of Walker Allen at the
Registrar's office (x6180}.

Activities BuHding.

COfnponents of her plan, which she says
can "be tailOfed so individuals can fully
integrate it into their lives," include
physical exercise programs, a nutrition
guide, and an exploration of local recreation resources.

The program will end at 1:30 p.m. with
a tour of Evergreen's Recreation Center,
beginning from the west entrance on the
first floor. There is no admission fee, but
reservations are requested and ma'( be

made by calling 866-6128 Of 866-6363

USSRand the Polish

The ovulation method of birth control

is being offered through the TESC
Women's Clinic, Tues. nights 7-9 pm,
Feb. 3, March 10. Contact the Women's
Clinic, 866-6238, in advance The fee is
S15 The first class on fertility awareness
is open to people who are necessarily
interested in 1t as a methOO of birth control. The cost for the first class is S5

The Women's Health Clinic needs vol-

On Thursday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m., faculty
members Andrew Hanfman and T°'"
Rainey will host a fOfum on the USSRand
the Polish Question. Andrew will talk
about the histOfical-cultural aspects of
Polish-Russian relations and Tom will
cover Poland's significance to the Warsaw
Pact and his perceptions of Soviet

unteers with transportation and time to
drive to act as a ·companion to women
needing alx>rtion referrals or having appomtments in the Seattle area Please

teering to assist.


Building. Free.


, pitolSkiaEIScu


Air-Boal Dlvn

• Custom
• Ultra-Light Tent:s

• Ram gear

107 E. Slate








(Off l-5

& Hwy 101)

tary of State


Packard in the area of defense, and also


.... ING





MIKEKIROIOFF-speaking on current financing
BOB MOAWAD-speaking on Positive Motivation

George Schultz, Alan Greenspan, Caspar
Weinburger as leading economic advisors,

they would be easy to work with
Three: His bark is worse than his bite
As governor of California he once demonstrated for eight years that he 1snot a
dogmatic conservative, but rather a con,;ervative pragmatist
In the final analysis, the Americans
have elected Ronald Reagan, because
they feared him, the unknow-n, less than
the knO'Nn, 1 e. Jimmy Carter They no
longer believed that Carter I could transform himself into Carter 11 At least we
can understand their motivation Amenca's allies wdl reserve 1udgement until 11
becomes clear ho-,,v,with whom, and to
what end Ronald Reagan will leave h1'5

mark on politics But they had better
tightly fasten their seat belts
Reprinted from The Daily Nexus




Lunch Included


1.20n. peaR
514 Washington Strm


call the Women's Clinic at 866-6238 and
leave a message for Ellen or Susan Gas
w,11be paid for by woman you are volun-

tolerance. After they speak there will
be time fOf questions. Recital Hall, COM

National Security Advisor and the Secre-

and Haig in fOfeign policy, Ellsworth and

,rw1th,;tand1ng,had bef>n hired the
,,11•v1ousnight, and which had be-en
1r,1rl1n~lick.-.with the TV all night, was
plc1v1n~"Knock1n' on Heaven's Door" I'd
c1.,kf'dfOf ··Gotta Serve Somebody'' and
th1<.wa,; the best thpy could do It was
t1rnf" to leave
v\ t" went down to an "End of the World
P,trl\ • ,md squeezed through shoulder-to
..houldC'r and often groin-to-groin dancing
I \Prgreen students and found the keg I
l1k!uredthat with a few more beers, the
1mp1rat1onI'd ~n waiting for all rnghl
would be sure to amvP I waited and
wa,ted through the end of the world and
I couldn't even get drunk If I'd been 1n
the m()('kj, I could have seen ,t all as a
harbinger of the future But I wasn't and
I didn't

of the Seminar Building, Of call 866-6151.

almost any field of study. There are five
types of scholarships available: Graduate,
Undergraduate, Vocational, Teachers of
the Handicapped, and Journalism. Appli-


pomtmglv consonant with these people's
c.ac,uald1,;regardfor their Q\.-\l'n


To register, or for more information,
visit the Counseling Center in room 2109

countries. Scholarships cover transportation, living, and sch<X>lingexpenses for
one academic year and may be used for



1lw <ounlry-rock band that, Pat Boonf>

Katrina Curtis and Gail Vasilieff, and is

The Rotary Foundation awards scholarships to undergraduates and graduates for
one academic year abroad. The purpo<;e
of the scholarships is to further international understanQing and friendly relations between peoples of different

acquaint area residents with facilities and
equipment in Evergreen's Communications, Arts and Sciences, and Recreation

free to students and staff.


tough talk, 1t could bring us to the rim of
the abyss
One· Ronald Reagan 1slike a nevv
broom He could start afresh, he could
run a tight ship; above all, he could put
and end lo the tug-of-war between the

The shoddy patriot,sm seemed d1saph •f\ or

Evergreen Counseling Center, beginning

Jan. 28 at 3 p.m. in SEM 3153.
Workshop participants will use a variety
of therapy and skill techniques to focus
on feelings and assumptions about food
and hunger, self-image, fatness and thinness. The workshop wi II be conducted by

Tours of three of the most COfnplex
facilities at The Evergreen State College
and a luncheon address on "Tailoring a
Fitness Program To/fOf You" will be
offered to the public by membersof the
Evergreen College COfnmunity Organization (ECCO)Thursday, Jan. 29.
The half-day program, which begins
with two JO-minute guided tours at
11:30 a.m. Thursday, is offered to better

professional positions in direct marketing.

Two: Among his advisors are many
cold-warriors and reactionaries, but also
very honorable conservatives, Kissinger

tlw room were all 1ncred1blywnnkled


to El Salvador

Olympia, Washington

(206) 357-7000

P,,gf' l C<X>JX"r
Point Journal

Page 3 Coooer Point Journal


Witchhunting Back


Satire at Evergreen:

FORUM is a public opinion column. The
articles have been submitted by our
readers. If you have an issue you would
like to discuss, submit your article to
FORUM c/o the Editor, CPJ. We reserve
tf,e right to edit.


Bv Roger Stntmatter

By Larry StiIIwell
Now I would be less than honest if I

t I vou thought McCarthyism died when

I '1,1-.unnerJoe hit the dirt in the 19505,
guc~s dgam. The times, they are a'changin,
and w1tchhunting is back in style. Hallelwa "Clergymen, students, entertainers,

ldbcx officials, 1ournalists, and govern-men! workers may engage m subvernve

The threat




vomit. But this glib combination of paci-

fists, radicals, and Grand Dukes, fellow
travelers in the Heritage report, points out

one very important fact about the Heritage Foundation and its allies: they may
be stupid, but they aren't dumb.

Thus spake the Heritage Foundation, a
right~wmg Christian lobbying group bank¥

rolled by brewrng baron Joseph Coors In

erend Sloan Coffin publicly expresses dis-

a recent report prepared for President

gust over the nuclear arms race-however
upseltmg such expression may be. But
combine the threat of a Sloan Coffin with
the shennan1gans of those gex>dol' boys
rtinn,ng around In white sheets, and suddenly the union Is assailed on every flank
tirne to circle the wagons and rustle up a

Reagan's trans1t1on staff, the group
recommend"> reviving the House Internal

W<"uritvCommittee (formerly the House
Un-American Act1v1t1es Committee headed
h\ \.1cCarthy). increasing domestic sur♦

.,•dlance, including wire-tapping, mad
'!0nitonng, the use of informants, and,
af least occasionally," sanctIonmg "II·
legal entnb" in order to combat the nsmg
, ,de of subversion
An ad hoc National Committee to Restore Internal Security Is lobbying along
w,th the Heritage Foundation to bring the
redba1t1ngCongressional committees back
to life When asked recently about possI•
ble targets of the renewed mvest1gations,
Robert Moms, Chairperson of the Committee. named three ~ther
Jones ,\,\aga·
zIne, Pacific News Service (an alternative,
West Coast news service), and the lnsti·
tute for Polley Studies, a leftist thmk·tank
In Washington, DC.
"fv\any of the current restrictions on
internal security functions arose from the
leg1t1matebut !X)Orly informed concern
for the civil liberties of the citizen and

the responsibility of the government, "the
Heritage report declares 'While these are
leg1t1mateconcerns, It is axiomatic that
1ndiv1dual liberties are secondary to the
requirement of national security and internal civil order" The Heritage Found•t1on marks new left, "anti--defense and
anti-nuclear lobbies'' along with the Klu
Klux Klan as groups which threaten
"national security and mternal CIVIi order"

few witches And hell, half the job


The Editor

January 15th was the date of publication for this quarter's first Cooper Point
Journal It was also IY\art1nLuther King's

brrthdav Readrng last Thursday's CPJ one
would never have known In view of what
this great man accomplished and started
It would seem appropriate for at least a
small eulogy to have been placed m a
remote corner of some back page of the
paper-m the back of the bus as It were
·John Lennon rated this much However,
there was nothmg Was this an omIssIon
of intent or of ignorance? In either case 1t
probably reflects to some degree the coneerrv, or lack of concerns of a predom1•
n,rntlv white T[SC student body ,n the
l't80s In either case I find 11inexcusable
l~I we white folk in Olympia forget,
1MIsm and racial tensions have far from
disappeared m this country In these
troublPd times and in those ahead, ,t
would do us we-IIto reflect publicly as
vvf'II a,; 1n private on Martin Luther King
and \,hat he stcx:x:Jfor-equality
hrotherhood for all women and men
rrgardle,;;, of race, creed or color. Keeping
th,,; drea,n. alive requires consciousness
,ind vigilance-that's why Martm Luther
l-..1ng,h1rth<lav wac; made a holiday in so
m,in, ,1t1tr, and nt,~

lohn Krrebel
[)i•,u John
~ou rP ,,~ht
,in me,...,ght

It's the same old st0<y; only the actors
have changed. Now, instead of smearing
people by association with communists,

the Herotage Foundation, just to be democratic, wants to smear them by associa-

tion with the Klu Klux Klan. But the
legacy of loe McCarthy is still with us
even if the Senator is not Let us remember The shattered lives, bankrupted
careers, and the festering guilt and confusion which clings to his victims 25 years
later, should serve to remind us how dangerous this way of thinking is, and hON

easily it infects and destroys those who
buckle to it.
Some Americans may feel relieved that
the Heritage Foundation wants to save

them from the burden of making tough
decisions by appointing itself the sole
guardian and arbiter of Americanism. I'm

not one of them

To the Edit°'
I understand why TESC Is viewed by
many members of the Olympia community as a wasteland of immense proportions everyt1me I walk through the CAB
and see all the trash piled on unused

tables Of I read the graffito on the bathroom stalls Anyone who is already
pre1uchcedagainst the peculiar Evergreen
anrmal will most likely have his suspicions
verified by the evidence Evergreen students are pigs who create their 0\-Vnpigsty
by leaving plates, cups, cigarette butts

and other trash all over the place Of
scratch and pen nd1culous, moronic state-

ments on the bathroom walls.
Allow me to state that I enjoy graffiti

l'.,i..:t>➔ Coopt>r Prnnt Joumc1I

tion, and the sch<x>Iyear were safely over
Too few students ever realized they
were being protected from their 0\-Vn

school paper that way Or that the Publocat1ons Board which, as Kathy noted, is

supposed to oversee the CPJ fOf the college administration, held an emergency
meeting later that day at chairperson

Gribskov's instigation. They denounced
the satire issue in the most extreme terms
imaginable, calling it racist, sexist, and


Sugar Dissolves at Co-op

insulting to the physically handicapped.
And, because they didn't like it, they
attempted to further suppress its distribution through a strongly worded "request''
that the staff not distribute the issue
during Super Saturday and graduation and
never distribute it downtown.

By Kenneth Sternberg

While passing the buck is a simple mat-

The Olympia Food Co-op, by its recent
decision to stop selling foods that have
sugar as one of their ingredients, has
moved another step closer to self-,ighteous
and pompous dictation of peoples' habits
and lifestyles.
The sugar decision, conveniently validated by the overwhelming ballot of 164
members (total membership is 3,<XXl),will

suspend the sale of brown, white, raw and
turbinado sugars as well as fructose. Fruit
and honey-which contain large amounts
of fructose-will continue to be sold.
The ballot, considered in December,
listed many options: sell sugars in bulk,
cease their sale Iota~, or sell only
specific types of sugar. 1,nformation fo,

the confused voter wa, offered in the
guise of pro and con arguments about the
Iss1:e.Both arguments were anything but
rntelligent, well-stated or factually-based,
with the con argument staling that "sugar
does not occur in nature." One of the
anti-sugar comments in a notebook sup-

plred fOf dialogue on the matter stated, "I
would feel weaker just walking by a shelf
that had sugar on ,t "
A little more legwork and research may
have produced a more substantial and
ob1ect1ve information package. Certainly,

the method by which the ban was reached
was valid, and Co-op staffers are quick to

point out that it was the membership, not
the staff, who decided the issue.

ter, the Co-op's management should have
taken into account the complexity of the
matter, and sought professional opinion:Also, how many would have suffered if
the voting had lasted another month?
Evergreen has a number of faculty who
are experts in human nutrition. Certainly

they could have separated the wheat from
the chaff as far as sugar in the diet is concerned, o, at least have given a broader
view on the subject than did the incoosequential ravings offered by the Co-op.
Funny how the Co-op staff found the
time to visit the campus recently to address a program about the politics of
sugar, but somehow couldn't find their
way to consult a nutritionist at Evergreen

Too few students know that our attempt
to satirize Evergreen attitudes and institu-

tions incurred the self-righteous wrath of
the Pub Board-the very group of
reporters, college PR writers, and journalism faculty and students who should
know better. If the Pub Board, which has
the power to fire CPJ editors and staff
(and which is currently grabbing for more
power through i_tsproposed new by-laws)
won't recognize and defend the right of
free speech, of criticism, and of satire,

who in power at Evergreen will?
Kathy thinks the CPJ needs more help
from the Pub Board and the administration. I think the paper will be better off
the further away it stays from them. I
think appeals fOf help and complaints like

about such a volatile issue.

Kathy's are avoiding the issue. The issue is

To be consistent with the wisdom be-hind their recent vict0<y, Co-op members
should also ban honey and fruit Both
contain large amounts of fructose. Of
course, honey is one of the best-selling
items at the Co-op, so its demise would
probably lower their net profit of S45 per
month. But the public's health, as well as
their teeth, may be better served.
Food co-ops, as an alternative to the

producing the best CPJ you can. She and I

obviously had different ideas about what
that means. Everybody does. But from my
full school year's experience as editOf, I'd
say the Pub Board has the most mediocre
ideas of all. In fact, the pseudo-liberal
,deas they expressed at their emergency
meeting that day were and are downright
dangerous to the free play of ideas at a

to understand either.

berg, hyped to the hilt by the college's PR

These liberal defenders of the alternative faith called our little baby, our satire

machinery, was paid over S1,0COto read

liberal arts institution.

picture of him, in fact it was complimentary; but to these narrow minds, any joke
which mentions a skin color, other than
white, is racist, no matter what the real
point of the 1oke is or whether it's genuinely funny. An Arts and Expense calendar
listing of a concert by Red Skelton and
Charlie Chan (jazz mus1C1ansRed Kelly
and Don Chan, in reality) was found insulting "not only to Don Chan but to all
Onental people." What about lnshmen

Too few students understand that calling the satire issue poorly timed, as Kathy
and the Pub Board did, is to say that ~vergreen has an image to maintain in the
community and that certain things that go

on here should not be discussed, revealed,
Of joked about when other people are
present, like on Super Saturday and Graduation Day. It is to say that the widespread college newspaper end-of-the-year
satire issue tradition should not be at•
tempted at Evergreen because it'll spoil

The Office of College Relations' crassly
commercial Super Saturday
Well, the satire issue was perfectly
limed There was no more appropriate
time than that weekend to poke fun and

hopefully expose some of the hypocrrsv
and hype of this hallowed instrtutron
There's no better lllne than the end of the

school year to finally let loose, tell the
truth, and the devil be damned The
Kiwanis had their fun that day selling hot

dogs and I had mine handing out the getem-while-they're-hot, hottest, most incen-

diary, little item to maybe ever roll off
the (PJ's suddenly "underground" press
In my old radical newspaper days the
enemy was Nixon. Now it was suddenly
institutionalized liberals: a couple of

indignant leaders and a pack of cowardly
Too few students will think about the
implications of calling the satire issue diconceived. What would well-conceived
Evergreen satire make fun of? We thought
Dan Evans and the Evergreen Review,
alternative education and the college's

malketing program, di<,-hard hippies and
politically-cOfrect radicals, white, heterosexual guilt and Third World and gay selfimportance, Judy Annis' Newsletter and
TJ Simpson's film reviews, were the
appropriate targets. I still do. Only someone who either misunderstands Evergreen
or the pu,pose of humor and satire could
disagree. The Pub Board and those (vergreeners who agree with them don't seem

issue, much worse names than just "ill·

conceived and poorly timed." They called
it racist because one joke involved a black

grad-draftee dealing black market penicillin in Cambodia. It wasn't a derogatory

and all people named "Reef'/
likewise, 1okes that involve women, 1n
dny way, are sexist. I asked one of the
Board members to shc,,..vflW' .i sex,st Jc"'-P
m the satire 1ssueand she chose the folI0\-Vingcourse description trom our
imaginary Evergreen Catalogur hstmg
"Writing A, a Wife',; Work Program wdl
prepare future housev,,,1ves
for writing
thank-you note,i;, letters to relatives, greeting card mes,ages, holtday season xeroxed
family h1stones, notes to milkmen,.
shopping hst.s,etc "
NO\-V,the women and men I know all
understand that the title is based on last
year's 'Writing as a Life's Work" group
contract (No, we have nothing agaIns1
writers} and that the intent, if any, ts to
satirize two things· the meaningless roles
often assigned to women in our society
and the increasingly conventional and
vocational nature of an Evergreen educa·

tron. But members of the Pub Board
declared the opposite "You're iaymg here

that all women should be housewrves'"
is almost an exact quote

hos"obscenity''-sprinkled poetry here
I loved Ginsberg's reading. I loved the
Joke I loved it when our paper was called
"extremely obscene" in our final evaluations because of that one word. HO\-V
could we have been less "extreme" but
still "obscene"? The sad irony and pathetic

hypocrrsy of the Board's Moral Ma10fitylike reaction to one four-letter word m a
student newspaper at a liberal arts and
supposedly alternative college, speaks

fOf rtself
A "radio for the deaf" note was seen.
not as absurdist 1oke about KAOS' often
far.fetched attempts to service every
,;;mgle, poor, outca,;;t and shut-111!:ioul
south of Seattle, but as making fun of
dedf people An ad for "Midget Tape:, and
Records" was seen, not as silly but as
A pokp at the pompos11yof I l'rtaIn profe<;sorsbrought the rid1culou-. rpproach,
fr011 ii stu<lf>nton the Board that v.e
were' making fun of tntellertudl<i, \,h1<.h
In a wav was exaulv the po,nt W1• \-.ne
mak1n14fun of, and having fun v.1th
("Vf'ryone we could lay our sarcastic l1ttlf>
hands on
"I don't Imagme Richard Alexander
feels very good about this" thf> same stu-

dent charged about that 1oke Well, IC . I
h,.we 11on very gcxxi authority 1hat you
were wrong Not everybody 1s as msurferably serious as you are But that's not

the pornt
rhe po111t1<;can students put out a

newspaper without the Pub Board thinking it has to protect everyone's feelings?

rhe point ,~ can't Evergreen's guiding
principles. holy c.auses,and leftist taboos
be nd,culed and satmzed by battle-scarred
student veterans of the Evergreen Experience? The pomt ,s are we so intellectual-

1 "id
A note about "Judy Sch •t,. a p<>r
ly bankrupt here that liberal fascism,
perky grad on the go strrking a blow fOf knee-1erk radicalism, and "censorship

femmine equality" in the male-dominated

letter word to describe his favorite part of

chic" wdl win out over humor, irreverence, and mdependent thinking' The
sx,int Is, as Kathy Davis had me say 111her
well-tuned and well-conceived contribu•
tion to our satire issue· Doesn't anyone
have a sense of humor around here?
Because If you don't, you're next That's
the pomt As a famous philosopher once
c;a1d,Those who don't laugh at 1ok.esare

the job. This merely a month after Gins-

doomed to become them

field of garbage collecting was also judged
sexist because it seemed to make fun of
the women's movement and, by inference,

And they called us obscene because a
male prostitute alumnus doing business in

Boulder with Allen Ginsberg used a four-

money-grabbing conglomerates, are
worthy of support But such alternatives,

and the people who staff them, must be
respectful of others' tastes and lifestyles,
even if they sometimes disagree with the
political correctness of such choices. In

thos regard, the Olympia Food Co-op
remains in the Stone Age:

Cooper Point Journal

but only if it shows a level of intelligence
greater than a third-grader's. Unfortu•

nately, the Junk that is written in the CAB
men\ room seems to qualify every idiot
who has written on the stalls as a creature
far less intelligent than people who voted
for Reagan
Sincerely d1gusted,
Phrlrp L. Watness

Rememberthe Sauna!
Dear Editor,
Your coverage of the sauna fiasco at
Evergreen last fall was very s.mart An old
fnend of mine, Professor Harold Teit,
President of the Finnish Sauna Society
agrees He wishes you luck in your battle
against lamebramed sexism and offers the
strategy to keep your efforts in
The idea ,s not to have the best sauna

on the block, but to get the entire block
into the sauna

rhe,e 1s no excuse for such

ism class the day the issue was printed,

confiscated hundreds of copies, and hid
them away until Super Saturday, gradua-


done Reverend Coffin, after all, is not
burnmg crosses, murdering communists,
or sending hate mall to his black neighbors Doesn't that arouse your suspicions?
He must be up to something more subtle,
something sinister, something dow-nright
invisible which 1ssapping the very substance of our democratic traditions.

TESC Pigs-Out


CPJ editor Kathy Davis referred to in her
FORUM last week as "the ill-conceived
and poorly timed satire issue of last
spring," which I edited. Kathy, as a matter
of fact, helped bring about this ignorance,
since she and two other renegade staff
members left Ma,garet Gribskov's journal-

this kind of pap, I unfailingly want to

Even a Congress"skewing to the right, as
this one is, Is unlikely to approve a redbaiting revival simply because Mother
lanes prints an expose on Ford or the Rev-

of the republic 1s greater today than at
any tune since \Nl,N II "

Tex>few students ever saw what former

did not confess at once, that when I read

No Laughing Matter

Keep the heat on, he adds, and you're
sure to g~t results

A frrend.



Theresa ConnOf

Brian Woodwick
Andrew Deroy
Kenn Goldman
Dawn Collins
Bill Livingston
Elizabeth Johnson
James Lyon
Emily Brucker
Jeff Cochran
Denise Paulsen
Jeff RadfOfd


Kenneth Sternberg
Philip Watness
Roger Stritmatter
Phil Everling
Andy Mc(Ofmick
Robin Willett
Business Monoge,

Mickie Zimmerman

Karen Berrymen

Larry StiIIwell
Hugh Bridgeford
Corey Meador
Patti Howell


Richard Ordos

The Cooper Polnt Journal la pu~lahed weekly
IOf lhe students, faculty and 1tatf of The E\'9r·

green Stale CoUege. Views expreued are not
thoee of the College or of the
JoumaJ'a staff. Advertlalng material contained
herein doea not Imply endorNment by thla
newapeper. omon are localed In the College
Actlvtu• BulkJlng, CAB 104. Phone: 88lMl213.
All lettera to the editor, announcernenta. ■nd

Victoria Mixon

Craig Bartlett
Bill Livingston
David Innes
Pamela Dales
Brendan Potash
Shirley Greene

arta and events ltema muat be rece!Yed by noon
Tueed■,- for lhat wNk'a publk.allon. All articles
are due by 5 p.m. Frtdey for publlcellon the
fo41owlng week. All oont'1butlon1
muat be
signed, typed, doubl►apaced and ot reuonable
length. Names wlll be wlthheld on requeet.
The editors r....-v. the right to reject matertal
and to edit a,ny contributions lor length, content, and lt)'le.

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Page 5 Cooper Pornt lournal

AR~ snLL.

Jazz Duet Performs Tonight


By Patti Howell
Pianists Scott Cossu and George Wir>ston appear tonight in the Recital Hall IC>f
one show at 7:30 p.m. Tonight's show will
be Northwest debut IC>f both Cossu and
Winston as a piano duet though neither
are strangers to Olympia audiences.
Cossu and his five-piece jazz band
played at Evergreen last November.
George Winston opened that show with a
piano solo.
Both men have recently released solo
albums. Cossu's "Still 1'\oments," on First
American Records, is described by Chris
Lunn of Victory Music as being "an
emotive, lyrical and highly creative sense

presentation in the CAB Mall at noon.
They are also scheduled to speak with
Carl Cook at KGY today at 3:30.
Tickets fOf tonight's performance in the
Recital Hall are only S1.50 and will be on
sale this afternoon in the CAB and at the
door priOf to t,he show.

Following the relea.,e of this fine jazz alstyle of early Lyle Mays and the late Bill
bum and his highly successful tour with
Evans' solo recC>fdinflS.
Winston, Cossu has turned toward perBoth Cossu and Winston will aive Everformances which emphasize his fine sense greeners a preview of what can be exof composition and craftsmanship at the
pected at tonight's show when they play
keyboards. This led naturally to a collabo- a short piano solo immediately following
ration with George Winston.
the "Hawaii: Its HiSIC>fY
and Culture"
Winston has been around !Of several
years, playing primarily to CalifDfnia
audiences. His first album "Autumn," re-leased last year by Windham Hill RecC>fds,
continues to receive critical attention.
A recent reviewer, at a loss to describe
Winston's introspective musical style, concluded that 'Winston plays moods rather
than songs." Not strictly a jazz pianist, his
compositions fall somewhere between the





of modern music with traditional roots."







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l!. DAY




VancouYef', WA
Student Intern would be Involved In the fol•
lowing: supervl1lng and training staff akin;
helping to recruit statt aldee; on-site program
delMfY; consulting and planning with help of
Oulr..ch Director; and conducting program
evaluation. Pr9fer Itudent with prevloua work
with youth, supervisory expenenoe, oro■nlza.­
llonal atMllty end communication skllla. Must
have valld drl.,.... lk:enee.
t0 hrs/wk. $3.50/hr.

Student lnt9fn wouki aulst Advocate 11att In
prOYidlng services to vlctlm1/wltnes1n
aggravated assault and robbery. Servlcea In.
elude referrals and advocacy with other social
services, court support and criminal JuaUce
system information and supporl. Student
should have • background In social aervlces,
crimlnal Justice or law.
Hrs. negoliabht. V<MunteerpoelUon.

Manager Trainee
Vancouve,, WA
Student Intern would do •the Jollowlng:
Research and deYelop tdeas 10 strengthen the
marl!.et financially; fund raising; alternate lf\come sources; marl!.ellng techniques; and
work closely with manager In ~ng
1mplementlng de¥elopmenl concepts. Prefer
student with a background in management or
urban planning.
1-2 quarters. 20 hra./wk.
Volunteer position.















The City of Seattle has Ml'Y9fal lntemshlpI tor
students for the 1980--81lleademk: yea,. Some

~ ...

job delcr1ptlona listed we: Community Aecr•
atlon Program Developer Intern, Gardener
Aide, and Ve19flnaty Technk:lan Intern, Health
Fair Coordinator, and Procedural Reform Aide.
Each poeltlon has the neceaaary quallflcallons
and required training needed listed.
t-3 quarters, hrs. negotiable.
Volunteer positions.



1',, 11 .. E





W"f .. tl

In The Cafeteria

Promotion Coofdlnator
Student ln1ern would do the followlng:
Coordinate plana tor aeveral promotion/fund•
raising events and coordinating ad leyouts
and flyers. Prete, student with • bacitground
In community planning or communlcatlona.
1.2 quartera, 10-20 hra.lwk.
Volunteer posllion

A 1m01gasbold of selections
• fresh vegetables
• homemade dressings
• assorted toppings


or Summer 1111
Vancouver, WA
Student Intern would lnY91'11oryand analyze
city government's energy use and dt¥elop a
city energy conservetlon plan. Student will
also help coordinate effort• of city depW't·
menta as w8'1 as outside agenciel. Prefer alu-dent with a background In Publ~ Admlnlat ...
tlon, Bualneaa Administration, Engineering or
1 quart9f, 40 t)rl./wk.

8a.m.- 8p,m.

an ounce

salad e..
Hours: 11 :~ AM to 6 PM

412 S, Cherry
Open 7 days a week

Snoqualmie, WA
Sludent Intern would help lnatruct environ•
mental education and adventure programming
on 7-14 day trip• with adjudicated youlh In
wlldemeaa area. PNI• student with a beck·
ground in envtronment.al education.
1-2 Quarltlf'S, 40 hr./wk.
SA.40/hr. (w()(k-study only). Room and board


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Page 6 Cooper Poinr Journal

•• (,..,.........f\d

Off, TRY 1J,IIS!

Student lnlllm

THomer. Alaska
Student Intern would teach lwo young schoc:W-boys Prefer studenl with a background In
education. chlld psychology and/or related
1-2 quarters, 40 hrs./wk
Volunteef position, how9Y9r tranapor1atlon
paid. and room and board provk1ed.



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Page 7 Cooper Pooni lournal