

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 10 (November 13, 1980)

extracted text

TheEV9fgreen State('-;.·
Olyrr,p,e,Washmgton :Ja;;.,


! ! ! ! !ll~lll ISSIJI~!! ! ! !_
Volume 9 No. 10

By Marcy Robertson



fwP new .ut exhibits

both futuring


P,mf1c Northwt>51 photogrilphers, will be
,h,;pl.iy 1n gilllerin ill The Evergrttn State
•'t)le Ncwt'mbu 1·30 Rcg1onill uhsls will

't"..ilurt>d m 'Nt'w Northwnt


-ho.,.. cur;iitt-d by Evergrttn Faculty Member



"-1rlo. Thompson

ii Rd


m Gallery

h,o on thl.' ~cond floor of the EvilnS Library
Blad. ,1nd while ilnd color photographs will
111u,;lratl' l"ur milJOt groups of 1magn creiltt'd
1n the pilst year by ,1rt1sts Michael Burns who
tornsn on latl(t'•SC.1leSt-..ittlf' uch1tttture

C1ll-rea1h ,1 former Evergrttn st.1H phototr,r.ipher wht, rN:ently complett>d a St'attle Arts
(. omm1ss1on grant with h,s ~rl~
of hilnd
, ,,\nn•d Bu., rhPtnf,',uphs
Tf'rry TOf'dtt'mt'H.'r a Por!ldnd .irt1st who has complett'd ,1
,unev 111 t>.nl\ Northwest lilndsc.J)f' photogr,1phv and l.illllyn Tud,l'r a Un1ven1ty ol
Washinf(ton f(raduatt> stu~nt who combine-;
pholOJ:raphv and pdmt1n~ ,n ht>rcrutions
Op..·mn~ ,n G.illt>ry Four r,n the fourth floor of
1he Ev.11nslibrary ,s a show compn~ ol month.an 40 photo~raphs offenn~ an Evt>rgreen
RPtr11,;iwct1vt' uf selec:tH1ns by neo1rly a
doun n•lle~e staff students and graduate,;
The e"<h1b1t.collet:trd by photography ttacher
lra1)t H1d:man. will include works taken
dunng the p.isl nmr yu~ al Evergreen by §talf
artists Ford Gilbreath and Tracy Hamby. and
Everitrttn alums Michael Cohen Stu Tilger
Lllrry Shhm Bob \yall. Dick Park. Bonnie
Moonch1ld Jind Mam;a Hilnson

lndl11enous People's Days
NoHmber 10 startmg at noon and luting illl
day~ 1n the Library lobby
Mae,;til't & Auntie .. Rose Aho
1 pm SPEAKERS- Hawiliio1nL.lnd Rights,
Hawauan History as It Is EKpress«I Through
Hula and Chants
Music. Yestucby and Tod.ty
2 pm
H.aU 5-Nat.ive
Americans 1n Media; Ex«rpb from the Min1Senfi IMAGES OF IN0IANS" vidffl
3 p m LOS DE RIO TRIO-Native South
Amencan Indian Music: Mnkan Musk
4 pm
M.anmb,1 Musk
s pm. WtNT£RHAWK-Native
lnd1i1nContemporary Music
Linda Wattrfall 1-kff!!
L1ndi1 Wateri.all will perform o1l Evergrttn
!or ii Rock 'n Roll Bfflefit Dance in Library
4300 Saturday
night. 8 p.m.-midnight.
Appe anng with Linda will be Oudly Hill, ~ad
guitar player. vocalist and SOf18Writnwho was
formerly with the Skyboys. Oonntlt Tusdale
the drummer with the band, has played for
m;my yH~ in v;uious rock bands, mott
rKently with the Skyboys. Grq Pecknold
rounds out the group on bass and vocals.
Proceeds from the cbr.ce will be used to purchaw ..Love ll Like a Fool" a b1ographk,1I film
on the life of Malvina Reynolds which will be
donated to 1he Evergrttn collection for uw
w11hAcademic programs
All members of the Evergrftn community
..u, 1nv11ed and are ,1sked to bring identification proving they a~ over age-21 11!hey wish
tu dnnk tSJ at the doorl

MUC:,IC, DANCE Olympia
0lympi• B•llroom
ln1..rnat1c>nal Folk 0c1nn· Fnd;iy Novem
bt>r 7 8 to 12 pm at the 0\ymp1oi1Ballroom,
I t•),(inn\l\'•y ;ind W;ashington lnslruct1on from
~ 1,, o rm
fl 1nda Huns w1ll teach ~mn,ng
lmt' d.incei. from southern Europe ) (o!II
pf'r person For mlormat1on call Al W1t"dem,mn Seti b063
MUSIC 0lympi• are.
Nuv1tml).r 8-Steve and Maurttn (SZI Thne
vrtl'r.in,; ol N.itmndl School As,nnbly IOUA
n,,w liv1nR m the Northwest,
h,1ve- been
.,. .umly •ccepted by Northwnl audten«S A
hvl'ly uc1ling brand ol lolk music punctualed
"'1th flashy banjo and mandolin 1n,trurnentals
.1nJ subtlf' humor

Also. Kay and Dusty Rhodn-0neol
0lymp1a·s favontf' folk duos during the 60"s
folk era. Kay ilnd Dusty will flog your memont'S and llckll' your fanc1N with songs of the
Kingston Tno. PP&: M tic
MUSIC ' DANCE; ~attle
Choreography Etc.
, the monthly per·
tormance st'n~ al the- Was~ington Hall per
lormance Gallery will take pl,1ce on Sunday
Novt"mber 9. al 2 p.m. This serin showca5e!>
mnnvat1vt' d.inct' works by artists wcirk1ng m
tht> St-attlt' aru Novembers program feature,;
ch11re0Kraphy by Suunne Bierbaum, Rick
Hauptman Erica Anaelakos. Nan1tlte Robm"'"n. ~l.in\ey Knaub and Andy Snrtou1
1 n1s conct'rl marks th<' nineteenth m an on•
J(rnng wnn Choreography Etc.
1nu1 dancers c1nd chorN>grapher1 to prHE"nl
thrir worl. in an mformal settmg Aud1tiom
lo, ()eceml).r s concerl will be ht'ld al Washm11,tonHall on Tut'5day, NovemMr 25. from
J 6 p m rlust" call 325.9040 for an i1ud1t1on
T1d,els tor the November 91h concert of
( horrof(raphy Etc
-,irf' $2 50. aind will be
dva,lable al the door On the Bo,1rds at Wilshinf(lon H-111Pt>rformance Gallery 153 14th
Ave Seattle WA Q8JU.
Cornish Institute
November 8-Gil Evans performance with
t~ Compose~ and lmprovisors Orchestra al
7 JO and 9:30 p.m al Broadway Performance
J·bll. 1625 Broadway. (Admission is SS.50 l
November 9- ..Fint Avenue .. jan trio pt"r·
forms al 7 p m Cormsh Theater The Cornish
Institute 1s localed at 710 East Roy, Seattle
(231-1400) (Admission is frff.)
MUSIC: ~aule

THEATER: ~attle
On the Board,
NMember 14-15· 8 p.m.-Bob
and Bob
tn,m Los Angeles, CA .a~ ..milking art ~hat
makn sens,:.' They write, sing and make films
about Amenca-,n their venion a harmonious
place. peopW with loving par-mis, purpmreful
workers, c\un-cut children and napping dogs.
ln •dchtion tn 1h,.,r n,o,..fn""~"'" Rob and Bob
will h05t Disco-TKky Ill. On the Board's third
birthday party.
On Saturday, November 15, S p.m., at the
Wuhmgton Hall Performance Goll~
14th al Fir). Donation: SS. Bob & Sob will
prese"nt thf'ir ne-w film: ..He~•• the News," •~
a live performance ,n which the Bobs will
create a work of ut on stage. Following the
performo1nce ON THE ~ARDS ~ill ce~br~te
1ts third year with a rock n roll disco ff:atunng
new wave-motown dance music pbyed by
guest 0.J.s Lyncb Barry and Constance 0o1hl.
rtLMS: on campus

Cordon Lla}llfoot In c:on«rl
Gordon Lightfoot ttturns to the Opera
House for one performance on Thuncby,
Nov 13 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the Northwest
Relu1ing event an: on sale al tM downtown
Bon and the usual suburban outlets.
WORKSHOPS: on umpu,
Rnponslbillly and Commltfflfflt
The Evergrttn Counseling Center i1 offering
workshops on responsibility to ,e\f and others.
The workshops
are on Tuesday
"I Never Have Enoush Time" - Time
Manapmmt luun and concerns about time
management wUI bt a~
t,,.]ov. 11, l4: JO p.m. Seminar Bldg. 41Sl.

public. For more information contact: Tom
Hutchinson, 32.J-8333
Workshop: Sc• and VlomlCC
Seattle Institute for Se• Therapy, Education
and Research (SISTER) prnml• a workshop
on Se:it Jind Violffl« on Fricby. November 7,
from 7_11 p.m. An ~ming ,eminar o.n this
11ubject. An opportunity
rl'v,ew data, o.amine theories . .and upl~tt
solutions Lecture, media and discussion with
aud.ence Topics include rape, chi~d abuse.
partner b,11tenng, imp.act of m~1~. wd~
and therapy for. v1ct1ms .an
offenders Rae Larson. Coordinator, Shirley
Ft'ldman-Summers, Barb.ara Gibson and ElaiM
GC'!well S5 in .advance: S7 .50 at the door. For
mo~ ,nlornu11on. cilll 522-8568.

■ ru

Solar £nusy A.Nodatkm
The Southem Puget Sound Solar Enrrgy
Assoc:i.ltion is offf:ring the 1Kond 9n1ion of
the bro-Energy Houw workshops. Saturday,
Novnnbff 8. will be a hand...-on worluh~p
building an air-to-411irheat nchangn, nam1ning the potentials for ttduc:ing home-Mating
fuels con11.1mption.The workshop will be held
al 1M Solar Outn:ach Cfflttt, 1620 East 4th,
Olympia. from 9 a.m.·3 p.m. Frtt to mnnbtA
and S5 for non-members. For more details, call
the Solar Outrtac:h Center. 943--4595.
Wednnday, November 12. at 7:30 p.m. will
bt tht- SoPsSoSEA monthly meeting: Solar
Electrics al Timberland Library (Sth and
Jerry Grawr talks about
electricity gene-rated from the wind Slide
pttWnt.ation and di,cussion
2-811 Adventul'fl'
2 Bit AdvcnturN' trip this wttkend is a
backpack trip to Lena Lakn 1n the Olympics
Cost ,s SIO For info & rewrvations, nil
R.E.I. Clink ScrWS
Frtt lectures, prnentalions, and demonitr-1•
hons by e,cperts.
Thursday. Nov 13, 7 p m.-Co~
and WN
Wuther Bicycling Commutlna. Bicycle commuting donn't have- to md with the sun;irner,
Veteran bike commuter and Cascade Bteycle
Club member Glen MacDo·nald will di,cu11
how to ride your bike to work through the
~t winier months.
REI Co-op ii located at 1525 11th Ave.,
Seattle. Tiw clinics are frtt and open to the

£RC prHmtl:
No Room for Wlldt:mns1: A SieITa club
him diKUSsing the thrut1 of our disappearing
wikie-rnna. It demonstrates the worklnp of a
natural ecoloSY id well u the impact of a technological civlliuHon and th« population nplosion on the environment.
The: Rmcwable Tr«: Thi• film, from t.M
NOVA 1erin. fairly examines the controven»H
of durcutting practlcu and txtrntlve management of fornts. The: history and mdhods of
trtt growing and harvnlint are di,cuseed as
well as wtyt technology 11 dolnt about l")Wing ,upmrtta.
On Thursday, Novnnbtt 6,
7 p.m., L«tun: Hall 1. FREEi
TIM COUnMlln1 Cmttr pr1tM11ts:
Saturday, Nov. S: A double futureMagial My"ny
Tour and AAlmal Farm.
Showings at 7 and 9:30 p.m., 1..cctun: Hall I.
Sl at the door.
Friday Nllt F1bM
Friday Nit• Fllmt ,,_,.bi:
Bernardo Ber1olucd'• ltOO (U.S.A.Jltaly,
1977, 24J minutes). Two showings only, 7 p.m.
Friday and 7 p.m. Sunday. 1900 ts an epk film
of maul~ sc~ and POWff (and controva"SY),
It is both a VHt history of 20th Century Italy
and an intimate portrait of two faml\in. It is
also the story ol the lives and conftkt• betwttn
a peaunt and landoWMr u they pHI through
th« upheavals of the modern workl. An astonishing international cut gives a rnagnlfk'fflt
ensemble performance u the ~pie
livn affect, and an: affected by, the rite of
Faci1m and Socialism. Robert OeNlro, Dominique Sancb. Donald Suthnland, Burt Lancaster
Benel'jt FIim
A Braz1\1an film, lracema,
until very
recently banned tor showing In that country,
will be shown on the campus of The Evergrttn
Stale Coltqe on Moncby night. No.ve~~ 10,
at 7 JO p.m in 1..cctun:Hall 1. Adm1u1on tt Sl.
Tht- film a wmi-docunwntary dirKted by
Jorgf' Bodansky, tells the llory ot a 14-ytarold Indian girl named lra«ma who ~aves Mr
villa,e on the Amazon to find out what llfe is
hke ln the big city. There she 11.1rvlvt1by prc»11tu1ion until she mttt• a truck driver on the
Trans-Amazon highway who tabs Mr on the


For lracema (who,e name is an anagram for
Anwrka), the journey on the hlahway, symbolizina dw nrw Brazil of fant.astk' wealth and
mobility. Inds straight back to miH"ry and
The acting is ntraordin.ary, while

Bodansky's color camere- work captun:s the
beauty and squ.alor of Amazonia in riveting
The film is being shown as part of event cospoMOred by Evergrttn Political Information
Center (EPIO. The Women's Centn, :n\l'
Third World Coalition. and the Ammcan
Frimds Servke Committee to raise funds to
s,end to the Movement for the Promotion of
Women in Northeastern Bra.zil
Tlw MovrrMnt is an organization run by
and fpr proslilutes whOSf obteCtive is to deve~·
op awattnns of the polilical and economic
roots of prostitution. and especlall! of t~e. conditions which caused them and their fanul1es lo
I~ their rig.his 10 their land.
For mC'!~ ,nformalion, plHse call EPIC at
866-6144 or Tom or Lalada 0alglish
Th• Academic tUm Series
Nov 12 Two films. The
Pus.ant WorMn ol Ry•za.n d\m::ted by Olga
PreobraZMnskaiya (U S.S.R .. 1927. bS min.,
b/w and sllent) and Sl.tffl of tM Clon by
Kenji Mizoguchi (Japan, 1936. 66 min .. bt~).
Lenin called ii ..the most important art. In
the post-Revolutionary excitement. Soviet filmmaken hold the incentive and supJ>Ort to «pion: and e•pand the polentials of cinema. The
years 192.S-1927, In the U.S.S.R .• mark ont: of
the brightest moments in the hillory of film.
RAnging In sty~ from theatrical lo realist to
fil~• candidly
e-umined a wide spectrum of soaal probkms
ilnd change. Some of these still seem ttrildngly
~levant today (11.1chas Bed and Sofa). TIM
Peasant Womm of Ryaun works as a conventional narrative aboul a bride's problems
with a lu1tful fathn--ln-law. While capturina
the look, behavicir and folkways of life in a
small Central Ru•lan village In 1914, it oamines dttply-roottd peasant way,, especially
in regard to wo~••
status. Beautiful land,,cape tcenet <H'pict th« movemmll of clouds
over vast fields as war ti announced, and the
rhythms of worken and sick.In harvntil'lg
Until 1945. Japan dev(loptd a cil'Wl'Mlk
tradition which, in ~.
is difttrmt fron,
any of the Western world. Slste.n ol the Clon
is acknow~
by many aitict as tM fiftelt
film from that tta. It It one of tht first mutttpiecu by Japan's 1rntest
director, Kenjl
Mizoguchi, who lata- made lJtlbU Monoptart.
The Cn,dft,d lovtn and Sonoho11,o llalllff.
and whom th« better-known Kurosawa called
..the truest cnator" of Ja~
dnnna. SWtrt
of the Clon it Mt In Kyoto's old and fabled
entirmlnfflfflt, ''Bohemian" and piaha
The film sornetlmn fflO¥fl b.yond
effect and "other-worldly"
griw faithful to traditional ways takN In hn
mort "modtm,"' n-bdlious sbttr • apprtatitt.
T,...bi. with m<n It doplcted In comic and Nd
moments. Mlzoguc:hl'• vlsual compotitiON are
among cinema's matt bnutiful and u.nlorpttably h.aunttna. l.Ktun: Hall 1, 1: 30 and
7'.30 p.m .. f,-1

We have a long, dark, cold winter
ahead. But this year thett a.re two programs for women at Evergreen to us,e so
they will no longer have to walk or run in
fear. With your response, thne programs
will be the most su~ful
in th• history
of Evergreen, and you will be the working
force that eliminates rape and assault on
and around Evttgrttn.
Several organizations on campus are
doing something now to prevent rape and
assaults before they happen; this is not
organization based on reaction, rather it
it based on prevention. The Women's
Center, the Recreation Center. the Coun"'ling Center, Sell H<lp Legal Aid, and
concerned individuals are developing two
well-organized programs for women at
Presently, Security provides an escort
for women who request it; however, the
escort doesn't always THpond immediately
because they are preoccupied. Women are
wise to call ahead of the time they desire
one, approxunately 15 minutn to half an
hour. There is a 24-hour study lounge
outside the SPLU in Lab U. Security also
patrols the parking lots, as well as the
campus in general. CurrentJy, there are
no other alternatives or safety tactics to
prevent rape and assault. Although this is
somtthing, it is not enough.
The two new programs that women can
use are (1) a Women RunnffS Partner
Program and (2) E.S.C.O.R.T., Ev<rgrttn
State College Relief Team.
The partner program for women runners is on a card file system. Women are


FILMS: Olympia area
Community Oatnach pte.lffltl:
The o...i. Woods Slide 51,ow wUI bo ,hown
Sunday. Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m. ln Frimdshi:P
Hall. 220 E. Union (nnt to the VWCA). Onsie
Woods is a black woman who WU rvttl a llyear ,entence for diefmdint M1"lf.' and Ml'
frwnd against attnnpted rape by an •rn:
white man. The Mide-show talks about .
international campaign 1hat has berm orpn,ttd
for her rl'leaM. It also connects Ottlit:'1 ai,e
with the history of racism. r,ipe and colonial
vio~nct \n the U.S. and around I~ world.
Thul! Is no charge. Chlldrt:n wekomt: for
childcare call Callie al 456-6664 (days).
Tiw:Prnervatkm of Mount Tolman Allf.uce
(PMTA) wlll be pl'ftfntin& two slide ~ws on
Sundoly, Nov. 16. 7 p.m. fl Friendship ~l,
220 E. Union (Not to th« YWCA). ~ alidit
shows uplain how Native AmttioN
lands, and culturn an: btin& dntroyed by
uranium and coal mining venhnft off mult►
national corpor1tloM, One alkx ahow
on the Colville RtwrVation ln Eutttn
lngton, and ont on the Nava}o people. In the
Southwnt. A Sl donation for PMTA 11 1111gnttd, Ina if you can't, mott if you can. Chlldrm welcome or for childcan: call Callie at


Seventhflooropians survey the United
photo by Bill Livingston

1lte Evergrttn State College

asked to fill out a card that will give information about their running. This information will be used in matching up
women of similar habits and will remain
confidential. Women who like to run
alone are encouraged to use the program.
Running together doesn't always mean
running side by side; as long as you are
in audio-visual contact, you are safer.
Women who don't run now, but would
run if they had a partner, are also encouraged to UH the program. These cards
can be obtained and returned to these
locations: Womm's Center, lib 3216.
Rec. Centtt first floor, and the Women's
Clinic, S.m 2129. The system will be updated and expanded according to participation.
E.S.C.0.R.T .. Evergreen State College
Relief Team. is a program that will offer
escort SffVice beyond what is now available. Our go.al is to first offer a service
Monday through Friday S-12 at night.
then expand it to wttkends and earlier
evening hours. A general application will
~ filled out by persons interested in vol
unteering as an escort and then applicants
will be interviewed by two members of
the core committee for E.S.C.0.R.T. If
s/he is accepted as an escort, the applicant will then be contacted by Security,
receive the final check and be issued an
JO card. The escorts will then go on Hie
for Security reference as women call and
request an escort. Security will arrange
the escort and, therefore, will be aware of
who is escorting whom at given Lime
and place. Contact between the woman
and her escort(s) may be made by phone.
Men may use this program also.


By Craig Bartlett
Due to recent developments in United
States Government. the citizens of the seventh floor of "A" Donn of the Evergreen
State College have unanimously agreed to
declare their independence. and to create
a sovereign state that shall henceforth be
known as "Seventhflooropia." This new
and independent nation shall have no
rulers and no rules. Although Seventhflooropia is an anarchy, the citizens have
drafted a nedgling Bill of Rights. which
-eads as follows:
1. There are no rules.
2. Seventhflooropia is open to all who
wish to join.
3. Henceforth. all rights shall be equal
to all persons, regardless of sex, race, or
musical preference.
4. Those persons seeking asylum from
other countries shall be expected to share
their wealth and/or stash. Particularly
wea1thy people are encouraged to immigrate.
5. The guit:tr army is purely voluntary.
6. Kttp th• coffee hot and the bttr
As an emerging nation. Seventhfloor-'
opia boasts some interuting statistics: the
largest per capita number of guitars and
stereos of any nation in the world, as well
as a college-level education enjoyed by
virtually every citizen. Chief imports to
S.venthnooropia are tobacco, food and
electricity; the single major export besides
trash is empty Blitz-Weinhard bottl.,,
The citizens of Sevmthflooropia have
collectively designed a nag and hav•
chosen the "Cretin Hop" as their National

.. ·. •.
... . . .

. . ..
...... . .

. ..

We strongly support women who wish
to be escorts. Women who are capable of
escorting alone are encouraged to apply.
Other women applicants will be matched
with a partner that either they suggest
(i.e .. a friend) or that we find. Anyone
(female or male) may pick up an application at these locations: (1) Information
Center, (2) Women's Center. (3) Women's
Clinic, (4) Recreation Center Equipment
check-oul desk, (5) Counseling Center.
The applications can be returned at these
locations: (1) Information Center,
(2) Women's Center, (3) Security.
These two programs are a serious step
toward elimination of rape and assault on
and around campus. A location for acce,ss
to general information of harrassers. and
a location for people to meet to walk together are other possible tactics to be
organized. I also suggest that if you go to
class at night, or walk alone after dark,
you ask someone to walk with you. There
is power in numbers. Even though it is a
person's right to be able to walk freely.
we can as.sure that right by raising the
danger for the would-be rapist or assailant. You can also call the place where you
are going, and let them know you are on
your way.
If you are interested in joining the committee that is working to develop these
programs, meetings are held Thursdays at
5 p.m. in the lounge outside Lib. 3223.
Women are also encouraged to provide
input on the questions used in the interviews; this is so women have an opportunity to help set criteria for hiring volunteers. Re&pand at the Women's Cenler.
lib 3216.

photo by Bill Livingston

To the Editor,
Dc,es not history show that the religious element of our nature is just as
universal as the rational or social one7
Would not this support the declaration
of scripture that the law of God is
written upon the heart of man? I believe that history does show this; all
people have an intuitive knowledge of
God. Thus. we would like to invite all
geoducks to CAB 108A on Monday,
the 17th, to share together in the singing of His children.
I believe that the Christian scriptures
are the embodiment of a divine revelation and thus, the scripture's assumplion of the existence of God is proof of
His existence. Won't you come singing
to the sharing of His children?
Is it not true that everything begun
must have an adequate cause? That
order and useful arrangement in a system imply intelligence and purpose in
the organizing cause1 Doesn't man
have an idea of God that is infinitely
greater than man himself. which thus
implies that the idea cannot have its
N1~1n in man1 Aren't the concepts of
n~ht and wrong found in all cuhures1
Are yt1u stirred up1 I hope so. Please,
u1me ..rnd meet some new friends;
and 101n u~ as we worship and
..,1ng and share tl,gt'ther the life we've
tl1unJ 1n le~us
Andy K. Maxwell

w~r<-SrVP\" jOf



11) ~ sp, p ,,/






Tl• the EJ1t(•r
Hect111nvear., are scary matter~ and
tlw-, ye.u ha~ been no excep11on But
,,ne.., tear-. c;eem Ill become more real
when line 1~ di a state college. Every•
11m' J..n,1w<.tha1 money is tight hert'
,rnJ '-l1l1n t(1 get t1Khter. A national
elect1(ln never ea._e.,the knowledge that
ml1n1e~ may ~l1<..rn disappear.
dl•rend1ng lln the l,utconw ol the pn,.~1dt•nt1a! race The partial reaction on
th1-. t,1mpu~-arnund
the dorms TuesJ,n even1ng-wa,:; trightcn1ng.
'::,inct·preh1~tor1l times, 1 don't thinl,,,
c.uch ,1 c.,,und ha<. bern heard anywhere
c1-. thl" -.1,und I heard that night. The
..,,,und 1t..,eltwac. ternlymg. Between the
..,,,unJ dnd the ,iverwhelmmg. perva·
sin• m1111J111 ,he area. I telt a!>if I had
h('t'n <,trucl,,, between the eyec; by a
li~htnmi b<~lt
The <;11undwa<, that t1I someth1n~
dv1ng aln,\\St begimg to be pul out of
1tc.m1,;erv Deep, throbbing, guttural.
11h1und 11'-wav into the heart,:; of any
,rnd all who he~rd 1l. \'\"as H an animal.
wounded. and begging for a merciful
end7 Hardly. Thl' sound was human.
A c.cream that Yl,'asindicative of more
than rape murder. or any other physical act against another ripped the air in
a ,:;eem1ngendlesc; series, cold enough
to send a quick chill up my spine It
was a ,;cream that spoke of a different
type ol murder nr rape-moral
nt phy.,1t.al

It \,a., Electmn N1~ht '80 and 11 was
hec.om1ni rapidly and painfully clear
that R11nald Reagan wac; to be the new

Kathy Davis
Associate Editors
Theresa Connor
Roger Stritmatter
Miriam Lewis
Brad Shannon
Production Managu
Victoria Mixon
Art Director
Craig Bartlett
Business Mana.get
Karen Berryman
Adv~rtising M.-.nagu
Richard Ordos
Photograph~r/ Ad design
Bill Livingston

With two televisions on one floor,
and plenty of people watching both,
the mood became notic.~bly more
~ullen, quiet, almost anguished as the
m1mber kept rolling in. Anyone I saw
or pac;sed on this floor looked as if
they were going to break down and
d1!>'>0lveunashamedly into tears. No
nnc 'icemed lo fully understand what
WJS harp<>ning befor~ them, but they
all knew that something of great 1m·
portJnce was.
The screams slarted. They continued
,rnd were echoed with equal pain from
nl•1~hbonng buildings. The pool and
loosbJII ~aml'!> kepi on. rock music
c.etting a happier. livelier pace as others
tn1J by. their face~ ready to cry and
their lrowns d{'{'pening.
A-. I walked across a quiet area
toward a parking lot, I knew I would
not soon torgel 1he .desperation in
those screams laced with a fear all
c;cemed to be trying lo control.
The President conceded to Presidenlelect R11nald Reagan and the people I
saw summed it all up without saying a
word: no one knew whether to laugh
or cry.
Kate Lasell

Tc1the Editor,
It would be good for all of us to sit
in the CAB sometime and just watch
On Bivouac: Marcy Robertson, Allen
Levy, Stuart Smith, Barbara Dykes,
John Bickelhaupt. Julia Warwick. Paul
Fink, Eric Martin, Bill Montague,
Norm Normie. and Shirley Greene.

The Cooper Point Journal is published weekly
for tM studenb, faculty and staff of The Ever•
grttn State Coll•.
Virws uprnst'd
are not
necessuily those of the College or of _the
Journal's staff. Advertisi~ material cont.am~
herein dOft not imply endorwment by 1h11
newtpaiptt. Officn are located in the College
Activities Building. CAB HM. Phone: 866-6213.
All letten to the editor, announCffnmts,and
arts and events itemsmust be receivedby noon
Tun.dayfor that week's publication._All_articles
are due by 5 p.m. Friday for pubhci11t1on
following week, AH contribution, must be
signt'd, typed, doublf'-Spa«d and of reuonable
length. Namn will be withheld on rtqunl.
~ ecliton rnerve the right to re}eclmaterial
and to edit any con1ribulions for length, con•
ten1. and styl~

people as they walk past.
the eyes, words, writings,
hearts, of today's society. We'd all
learn something. We all have lots to
learn. What I see is a gnawing, rotting,
cancerous loneliness.
Of course. this has been a problem
,:;inceday one in human existence. But,
with 1he ever-inueasing drive towards
ourselves with illusions o( great per·
sonal strength. with single family units
as opposed to tribal or extended families, with separateness from nature,
and mainly, with pride, we are more
than ever affected and afflicted with
this curious disease. This disease causes
more personal growth and more per•
c;onal destruction than anything else
known to man. It is the root of all evil
and the rain for all existence.
But loneliness is a feeling that causes
us to think. And we start lo ponder
our existence, our meaning, connections, friends, lovers, actions, thoughts,
patterns. beliefs, and on and on and
And lhen maybe, if we really
try. something pops, and the light
slarts lo shine through a little, then
more, and maybe even a little more.
And we are thus saved for now by the
sun that shines around us and through
us. and through the pain within us.
Warms us, and touches the wound,
bathes it gently, or sours roughly but
then pays dry, caresses, soaths and
heals over slowly, carefully. washing
away the black, stinking, bloody,
sludgly mess.
Watch closely my friends. Look
deeply into the eyes of those you think
you know and those you don't. But
careful friend, the pain and blackness
awaits those who dare to try and
pierce its secret, to engulf, swallow,
chew and spit you out. Bui what an
interesting way to find change.
Cindy Drew

To the Editor,
Much will no doubt be written on
the 1980 elections but I feel they can
only be understood from the perspective of the past. Not only a triumphal
victory for the media and the "moral
majority," they were a victory for
Bicam~ralism is the term that Julian
Jaynes uses in his book, The Origin ol
Con.5dousnns in th~ Breakdown of the
Bicameral Mind, for the type of mind
that existed among humans until about
5CK)() years ago.
He postulates that
until soon after the invention of writ-

ing, human societies were controlled
by "voices" from the right atmosphere.
People were unconscious. There was
no metaphorical "I"; we wer~ not
capable of introspection. Societies were
held together by the voices heard fro.m
the past. in the form of words of wisdom "spoken" by the god-kings.
Many of our present problems art
caused by a wish to return to that long
ago age, when we had no problems
because all responses were controlled
by the "voica." Thus, recent flirtations
with astrology, hallucinogenic
substances, and science. All of this is dealt
with in Jaynes's book.
We are conscious now, no form of
government or religion can replace the
voica lost long ago. which formerly
left no doubt as to what to do. We
can't go back to the Garden but we
can make our ownl That is the beauty
of consciousness.
The time has come for all to realize
this. Reagan is just a president, that is
true. His advisors, however, are pow•
erful, dangerous men and all of them
together have the power to try and en•
force the bicameralism. To try and enforce that feeling one gets when playing team sports, the supposed mood
that existed in this countrv durimi
World War II. That is what Reagan
appealed to.
We people must stand alone and face
dealh, nothingness and finally, all
eradication of the very fact of our
existence. We must stand alone, and
we can without the aid of systems of
morality or religious liturgy. Indeed, to
survive as a species, we must discard
these and governments which are children engaged in a contest to prove that
their personal beliefs are the ones that
should become the new bicameral
voice. Governments and nations have
passed their time. This must be a revo•
lution in thought, or else we will
respond to the call and lose ourselves
in a greater purpose-control
of the
world's resources-and
that could include the destruction of
the entire world.
Thus. our choice to be conscious
with its despair, eventual nolhingness
and beauty of metaphor or bicameralism, becoming part of some group
conscious, losing ourselves and possibly destroying 1he only area thal we
know has life on it in the entire universe. Let's plant seeds for the new
Geoff Kirk


To the Editor:
Women's Center Activities
The Women's Center is no longer
open in the evenings Monday through
Thursday from 6: 30 to 9: 30. This is
because no one has come up to the
office then. However, the Center will
be open after the second showing of
the Academic film on Wednesday
nights for discussion.
Currently, we are in need of volunteers to work at the Center, staffing,
organizing ;md filing our resources. We
also would like more women to become involved in developing, making
1he phone calls to participants and updating the files for the Women Runners
Partner Program and E.S.C.O.R.T.
(and of course volunteering as a partner or an escort, see article in this
We are planning a night of women's
culture for Friday night the 21st (it's a
full moon) and you ar~ invited to help
organize it or participate! Also, there is
a general support group for women
Mondays at 1 p.m. in the Women's
Center, Lib. 3216.
If you are inclined to creativity, you
are needed; we are looking for a
desi,gn for a T-shirt and a design for
our stationery. For more information
come to the Center's meetings on Mon·
days from 4-6 p.m. Monday meetings
are well attended but there is always
room for more. We devote at least half
of the meeting to discussion on Femin·
isl philosophy and they are usually
lively and educational. So, see you
Women's Center
page 2

By Miriam R. Lxewis
(the X is silent)
What's it like to grow up in a nuclear
family in the nuclear city7 I spent the first
17 years of my life in the town of Richland, Washington. In case you are from
somewhere else, Richland is where Hanford is. Hanford is where they made the
plutonium for the bomb dropped on
Nagasaki. Things progressed from that
I grew up where nuclear power is everybody's bread &: butter (it's safer than eat•
ing!). Everybody's job is connected in
some way to the nukes and they like it
that way. Nuclear power was the greatest
thing on God's green earth as far as Richlanders were concerned. One indication of
this feeling is all of the atomic names
there: Atomic Lanes, Atomic Body Shop,
Atomic Foods. and so on.
And then there was high school. Our
athletic teams were known as the Richland
Bombers. Our mascot was a bomb (picture cheerleaders lugging it to and from
the games). On the back of every letter•
man's jacket was a lovely mushroom
cloud. Little atomic symbols graced our
school seal and class rings. We were
nuclear kids from a nuclear town.
Until I moved away from home, I didn't
know there was such a thing as opposition to nuclear power. I really didn't.
When I saw things in the newspaper (the
out-of-town one, of course) I either didn't
notice them or didn't believe them. After
all, I had all these scientists telling me that
it was safe, clean, cheap and progressive.

And scientific. Whenever "something happened" out at the plant, our relatives
would call to see ii we 11ill existed. My
dad laughed and said that the reporters
were exaggerating things again. I believed
When I was in sixth grade, the government wanted to close down all the reactors a.nd, oh boy, was that disaster time I
My sixth-grade class all wrote letters to
the President of the United States, We
said, "Mr. President. don't you know that
J)eOplegot to have jobs7 Don't you know
that people's jobs depend on nukes7 Don't
you know that nukes is great7" We all got
little thank-you notes from the Atomic
Energy Commission and as I recall, I
received a letter from the Secretary of
something or other thanking me for my
concern. As it turned out, everything was
absolutely dandy because private contractors came in where the government left

Richland, by the way, was a complete
government town. The whole area was
agricultural before the 1940's. That was
when the government came in with their
"top secrets." Security was tight-everybody there was connecte-d with nukes.
After the war. the town started growing.
Since there were a lot of scientists, schools
were a big priority. Government tract
houses were built and pre-fabs, that were
meant to last five years, became perma•
nent housing. Those prefabs are still there
35 years later. The town grew and
branched out. It went from a population
of 250 in 1940 to over 30,000 today. Almost everybody there still believes in
nuclear power.
It's a very hard place to live if you
don't believe in nuclear power. There are
bumperstickers and T-shirts proclaiming
it. Still. it's not the Garden of Eden for
nukes that it was when I left. Those same
bumperstickers and T-shirts also proclaim

By Kathy Davis
My worst fears were not only confirmed. but compounded. Not only did a
dried up old Hollywood actor become
President of the United States, but a "tidal
wave" (call it a landslide or a typhoon,
disaster jargon seems to best describe the
results) of conservatism swept across the
country, carrying many Republicans into
major offices.
Whenever I think about what happened
last Tuesday, 1 feel depressed and pessimistic. I am hardly alone in this emotional state. Just read this week's Letters to
the Editor and the Forum. Though not all
of the responses are specifically about the
election, each seems to be trying to deal
with a sense of frustration, uncertainty,
or despair, whether that be through Jesus
or the elimination of loneliness.
Weeks ago, we on the CPJ sta:ff started
talking about putting out some theme
issues toward the end of the quarter; a
punk issue, food issue and war issue. Last
Wednesday, we decided that this would
be an appropriate week to focus on war,
or at least the fear of it, which seems for
good reason to be so prevalent.
Already, Mr. Reagan-who loves to
evoke the memory of his friend, ''Duke"
Wayne. star of The Grttn Be.ret,-is
threatening the Russians not to get involved with the Polish strikes. He's warn•
ing them lo gel out of Afghanistan, to
keep their paws off Middle East oil, to
forget the SALT II treaty and get ready to
see some real competition in the arms

race. He'll show 'em we're no sissies!
Though I don't take this cold war
rhetoric lightly, I think we should remem•
ber that if we become involved in World
War Ill, it won't be because of Ronald
Reagan alone. The pressure has been
ouilding for quite some lime. Bankrupt
foreign policy is not necessarily partisan.
Look at our own Senator "Scoop," who,
by the way, is rumored lo be in line for
Secr~tary of Defense.
Whose administration, after all, has
adopted Presidential Directive 59, which
abandons nuclear deterrence (along with
whatever slim hope for peace it may have
provided) in favor of a "counterforce"
policy which promotes nuclear war as a
legitimate extension of American foreign
policy1 Whose administration has stepped
up funding for new nuclear weapons by
70% in recent years-till U.S. factories
churn out new nuclear weapons at the
feverish rate of 3-5 a day? And whose ad•
ministration has helped to create the
atmosphere of cold war hysteria which
has swept ils opposition into office1 You
guessed it.
Right now there is a real war going on
between Iraq and Iran. (Who says the
CPJ doesn't keep you inlormed7) The
fighting is at a stalemate. Not only does
lhe U.S. have an intense interest and stake
in any area of the world where that lifeblood. OIL, is produced, but right now
we are in a delicate financial dilemma
over the fate of those American hostages.
American corporate and banking interests
invested incredible amounts in loans to
the late Shah. They fell ~omewhat secure
as to recouping those investments as long
as Iranian assets remained frozen in this
country. Now that money has become a
pawn in Iran's"demands for release of the
hostages, their fate may lie more in the
hands of Chase Manhattan bank, than in
Ronald Reagan's.
No. wha1 really scares me about the
victory of Reagan and his conservative
clones across the country, is that they
have been given a louOand clear public
message that military build-up and aggressive foreign policy will not only be con•
doned, but encouraged and cheered as
patriotic. The post~Vietnam skepticism
seems to have dissolv~ a.nd those men in
power with hawk's blood in their veins
must be sighing with relief, with itchy
fingers on the trigger.

a growing awareness of the growing op-position to nuclear power. People there
are not so complacent anymore. When I
go back, some people automatically
assume that I am against nuclear power
and start giving me all the arguments for
it ("It's clean, it's cheap, it's safe, we
really don't have any leakage, we are
working on ways to make it safer, we are

FORUM is a public opinion column.
The articles have been submitted by
our readers. If you have an issue you
would like to discuss, submit your
article to FORUM clothe Editors, CP/.
Articles should be no more tha,1 two
typewritten pages.
Julia Wanmck is a veteran of tlie
1200-mile Walk for Survival and a11
orj,!amzer of the upcoming WaJk to
March 1 in Bangor,
Washinjlto,1. She is also a habitual
11igillf>r for peace. "Most people ... as
c.e. cummings says. "'have been heard
calling for international
w,,ich render hell rational. I thank
lieave,1 somebody's crazy
By Julia Warwick
My early visions of an Election Day
vigil were of rain-five dripping Trident Resistance die-hards sitting in Red
Square looking foolish. But J was tired
of doing no more for world peace than
fantasizing over cups of Red Zinger
about assassinating Ronald Reagan or
buying a one•way ticket lo New Zealand. Sitting in Red Square in silence
was a simple thing I could do.
Contrary to my expectations, Elec•
lion Day noon was warm and sunny.
As I walked down the stairs from lecture, I asked a classmate if he was
going to be at the vigil. He said no, he
had questions about vigilling as a tac•
tic: vigillers can look self-righteous
and alienate people. I wondered if
there is anything one can do politically
without alienating somebody. I sat
down on the bricks next to my roommate, wondering how it would look if
we were the only ones who showed up.
I looked around at the noontime
scene-crystals for sale, jugglers, a volleyball game, a lot of people on the
grass, eating lunch.
People began to arrive: five. seven,
ten of us. Someone suggested we sit in
a circle. A few more people arrived.
Two got up and started leafletting. A
man walked by and yelled, "What are
you doing being quiet? There's gonna
be a war! You should make some
noise! Start yelling about it!" Another
man approached us, pulled a friend out
of the circle and asked him why he
was there. "We should decide what we
want," he said, "and start telling
people about ii. You'd be better off
doing nothing than just sitting there
being passive. Sorry, I just have
trouble with this kind of approach."
I tried to concentrate on peace and
ended up thinking about the world sit·
uation, which is far from it. Present
U.S. and Soviet "defense" policy is
based on counterforce, developing the
capability to destroy enemy submarines
and silos before the missiles are

They really believe
it. I used lo believe it. I know those scientists and many of them are intelligent.
good. sincere people. They believe in
what they are doing, They think they can
make it clean and safe. I'd like it to be
true, but I don't think it is. I think they've
got their heads in the clouds. Mushroom

launched. This capability will obviously be useful only to the country
which strikes first, unless its opponent
has been stupid enough to launch only
a tl'W of their missiles. If Ronald
R<'ag.-:mhad reason to believe that
Leonid Brezhnev was about to launch
.i di,armm~ firc;t-<;trtke.w11uld he hesi•
tale to push th(• button? In the past
yedr. there have been 187 computer
(•rrorc; that have warned ot a Soviet
.:ittad ..
What can I do7 I could crClSS my
lingers and leave 1t lo the politicians. I
could buy a one-way ticket to New
Zealand Or I could confront my feelings of helplE'ssness and take action.
One thing I can do is sit in Red Square
and challenge myself, as well as the
passers-by, to do more.
I watched the crowd. After awhile I
got up to leaflet. I wandered along the
b«>nches under the Ir~. People werE'
enjoying the sunshine. '"Would you like
to read about the vigil that's happening
over there?" "Sure, thanks."
woman was sitting on the wall crying
and she gave me a look as if political
propaganda was the last thing she
needed. Some people were having a
meeting and couldn't be bothered. I
came up to the guy who'd yelled at us.
sitting with a woman eating lunch.
"I don't know what good you people
think you're doing just sitting there
and being quiet. If I was a ruling
authority and I saw that the most
active people around were just sitting
around being quiet, I'd feel pretty
good. You all should go down to the
Capitol buiJding and run up and down
the stairs yelling. 'Fuck this bullshit!'
You'd get a lot of press coverage."
l suggested that if he thought that
would be more useful he should go
do it.
"Naw. But it would sure be a 101
more effective than sitting therE' and
looking mellow."
I said, "Well, people should start
doing whatever they can do Whatever
-.eems right to them. A silent vigil
seems right to me."
"No," said the woman. "Everyone
should do the same thing." They went
back to eating lunch.
With ten minutes left, I went back lo
the circle. It had grown to 20 or 30
We sat in silence. After" a while we
started holding hands.
At last we broke tlfe circle. Those of
us who didn't have a class gathered to
evaluate. Some of us were there to
pray for peace. Some were there because: 'There's power in a circle. It
can really get you high." Some felt ii
would be better to have an event
where we could talk to more people.
Nonetheless, we decided to vigil again.
next Tunday noon and every Tuesday





Caught by surprise, as the gny-suited,
helmetted troops surrounded the area,
students in Red Square were massacred
today in a bloody and totally unexplained
incident. Our reporter. plucky Craig
Bartlett, was on the scene, and had this to
say, "It was. yuck ... so ... urp.
so . I mean
ick. there was
no warning .. ugh ... I was. . it was ...
I was
unreal. . I ... urp.
I. really. . please ... yuck."
Other witnesses contacted were alternately horrified and sick.
"I've never seen anything so bizarre. I
mean, one minute I was talking to her,
and then next-"
"God, it was disgusting. Typical military overstatement. They didn't nttd to
kill all those people, maybe just wound
a few-"
"Blood spattered on my Evergreen
special. Like. it was jusl inedible."
"Nealo. Blood and guns. Starsky and
Hutch. Neato."
Governor Dan was not available for
comment, but one staff member did volunteer the statement, "We are not responsible. We didn't do it. It was very unexpected. I have an alibi."
Investigation of alien occupation of the
steam tunnels is underway.


Are you graduating this year? Graduation cerm,ony CAN be more than
,...,aJking on stage, receiving a handshake, a smile, applause and a wilting
Evergreen sapling. 1t will be what we
make it. That is why TONIGHT
(Thursday) al the Organic Farmhouse
on Lewis Road (not in CAB 108 as
previously planned) al 6 p.m. there
will be a 1980/81 graduation party/
planning session. The primary £unction
of the event will be to provide a social
atmosphere for all graduates to beco~e
acquainted and to celebrate graduation
\•,:iththose who have enough credits to
receive their degrees this quarter. A
potluck dinner will Jtarl al 6, followe~
by a planning session ,It 7:30. This
will be an informal meeting to lay the
initial groundwork for the graduati~n
planning committee. The PARTY will
begin around 8: 15.

The Evergreen State College Ski
School will hold their flnt Instructors
Clinic Wednesday, November 19, from
6 to 9 p.m. in CAB 110. All of those
interested in teaching for the Ski
School plan to attend this "Ory Lab"
clinic on the 19th. Complete details for
the remainder of the clinic dates will be
given. The first "on the snow" clinic
will be Saturday, Nov. 22, at 10 a.m.
at Crystal Mountain. Cost of entire
clinic is S3S which will include your
lift tickets at Crystal.
Applications are available in the Rec
Center Office for the 1981 Evergreen
Ski School. For information call the
R,c Cent<r or Ott Lindberg, 6069.



The Geoduck Christian Fellowship
of The Evergreen State College is sponsoring the Taproot Theatre Company
from Seattle Pacific University for a
performance of "Gifts" and "01 Ymars
Clay Pot." The Taproot Company is
composed of Christian actors and
actresses who are in residence at
Seattle Pacific. The performance will
be November 18 at 8 p.m. in lecture
Hall 1 on the campus of The Evergreen
State College. Donations accepted.

A workshop on womffi's fertility
and body awareness will be offered
November 17 frcm 7 lo 9:30 p.m. at
the Olympia Women's Center for
Health al their new location at 410 S.
The workshop will cover the physiology and anatomy of women's fertility
and ovulation with discussion about
the recently discovered hormones,
pheremones. The focus will not be on
ovulation as a means of birth control.
but rather women getting informed
about their monthly cycles. Some time
will also be spent on self-breast examination information and recent updates
on tampons and toxic shock and the
alternatives. All women are welcomefor childcare call 943-6924. Donations
are welcome.

On Sunday. November 16, the
Slclll1 Exchange is having
a benefit at the Gnu Deli. A complete
vegetarian spaghetti dinner will be
""rved starting at 6 p.m., followed by
a number of unu1ual acts starting at
7:30 p.m. Acts range from musicians
and poets to jugglen and dramatists.
Seating is limited. Advance tickets are
at Budget Tapes and Records and
Rainy Day Records. Cost is $3.50 for
adults, $1 .50 for kids 12 and under (for
the entire evening) or $1 for adults.
50< for kids (for just th~ 7, 30 entertainment.)
Community Skills Exchange is a listing of skills, service,, an<:fresources of
community members in the Greater
Olympia area and a banking system
based on cr«lit houn as a unit of
exchange. If you would like to learn
more about the Skills Exchange or the
benefit, plea"' call 943-SKIL.

The Sierra Club will be presenting a
film today, Thu™1ay Nov. 13, at
7 p.m. in CAB 108. The title of th•
film is Glen Canyon. It records the
natural beauty of the Glen Canyon
and documents its subsequent destruction as a consequence of hydroelectric
development. Following the film is a
discussion of threatened rivers in the
Northwest and the possibility of in·
fluencing legislation that could protect them.

Oyde & Sylvia Invite you to try their tupu 5J'Kla,lt
(rom November 17 to end of )'1'ar!
Brukful' 99t. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
2 eggs any style, huh browns & toast or 2 eggs any style & 2 homm'lade buttermilk hot cakn
('l'hnt' bn!akfast specials ahtmalt wttkly)
Ulsl wttk of 1~ month special: 2 homtmadt buttumilk hotcakn for 49t
Lunch 99< JI a m to 2 p.m. chicktn sabd undwich .It bowl of Soup of tht Day




ueso• ·T


();nntt S4.99tulad



of Mud Bay Rd.





l~I ,11c1


2M Madrona Stach R~~

Campus Ministries and the Faith
Center are jointly sponsoring a symposilun on the issue of sexuality and spirituality. It will deal with the spiritual
aspects of feminism, homosexuality,
and the new male consciousnen. It will
also explore the moral and spiritual
attitude toward RX, along with the
spiritual nature behind ·all sexual expression. The speakers who have bttn
invited to create the forum will repre-sent spiritual, physical, emotional and
intellectual sides of one's personal
nature. Dr. Ncayiyani, Sue Morris.
Father Marmo and Jo Garceau will
moderate the discussion. Wednesday,
November 19, 7,30 p.m., Recital Hall
(Comm. Lab Bldg.)
There will also be free seminar discussions before the evening symposium. Thffe are at 4 p.m. the same day
in rooms 2110, 2112, 2116, 2118 of the
Library. We encourage you to participate.

Vokes of Change is a series of short
courses for credit that meet evenings at
Pacific Lutheran University to help
build connections between Pfflples in
today's changing world. The second
course in the series is entitled: ''Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi." Meeting times
will be Monday and Wednesday, December 1-10, 6-9 p.m. in (room)
Olson 106.
Twenty-two years after he was felled
by an assassin's bullet. we will examine
the Ghandian philosophy
of nonviolence from its roots in South Africa
to its victory in India. Gandhi won the
title Mahatma. or great ioul. through
his peaceful resistance, and the course
will also examine 1he relevance of his
philosophy to the world system and
contemporary American society. Dr.
Ernest Dumor will be the instructor of
Sociology 352, which will be olle...d for
one credit.
Daytime and evening registration
takes place Monday-Thursday
8 p.m. at the Registrar's office at PLU.
Students may also register during the
first class meeting. Tuition is $127 per
academic credit or $31. 74 per credit for
auditon. For more information. please
call 383-7591.



The following are v.oting results from
the Plainview and Mclane precincts, according to the Election Department of the
County Auditor's Office











Attorney General


U.S. S.nat•




County Commissioner
District 1:
District 2
Referendum #383



The Women's Center is going strong.
Combining our business meeting with
discussions of our lives is building
bonds and educating us as to the
diverse experiences among us. Last
week, we discussed our relationships
with our mothers and their effects on
our :ives. Next Monday, we'll be talking about our families-fathers,
siblings, relatives-as
a whole. New
women have bttn joining in and more
are welcome. Mondays, 4-6 p.m.,
Lib 3216,

Social worker and human rights
activist Jean Kim of Seattle will address
the human rights study group sponsored by the Community for Christian
Celebration on Thursday, November 20
at noon during a brown bag luncheon
at the First United Methodist Church.
She will speak on "The Role of the
U.S. in Oppression in South Korea
Today." Mrs. Kim Rrves on the board
of the Washington Korean Human
Rights Council with her husband and
is aloo a board member ol the North
Amttian Coalition for Human Rights
in Korea.
After her talk, Mr,. Kim will field
questions from participants. Tea a.nd
coll., will be provided. For further information, call Melinda Howard at

Olympia Food

921 N. Rogers

TCH• CU 110

TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman
Walk two blocks south to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC

Whole Foods
Great Prices
oag~ 4

Mon-Sat 10-7
Fri open until 9
Sunday noon-5

GN/illAl.dfOf 11fotJM/T
10 Tlf£ 111WEWT
-W SE• HOw 11//;)' HAN/lCEP
1)1E SITUA71o,J.

iS ,_,RE A"f /IGLJA-WOl?I..V

-n,,,; FA~ ''1AT£R

l?IS- PoS£1PON SUS/IMtNe..$.

fl\l,S~i, l<IPS A l?E W\VI
A ·B,t.AS'f 1' ,:,Re:r6NPIN6
1145FATI' OF WI,



Here's a chance to go hiking on the
Olympic Peninsula! There will be a
day-trip to the Dosewallips River this
Saturday, Nov. 15.
This river will be protected as wild if
the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act passes
the Senate this session. There will be a
nature walk with a forest ecologist and
a geologist plus free time to explorf'.
The van will leave TESC at 7 a.m.
and return about dusk. Cost of gas will
be SJ.SO per person. For more information and to sign up, stop by the
ERC (CAB 103).

• - MA Pd




f~lc SUB~ ccu.p At.So Bf' "40111,,,s:v

The SW Washington Siena Gub
chapter is sponsoring an organizational
meeting of Friends of the Olympic
Forest to discuss how individuals can
become more involved in the wise
management of the Olympic National
Forest. The meeting is scheduled for
11 a.m .. Monday, November 17 in lhe
ERC (CAB 103). For mor,e information
on the meeting or how you can get involved in this issue. contact Dave
Silverberg al 866-6784.

Alaska is nearing a time ol great
decision. The decision is one which
will affect all Americans for .ill time.
What portions of Alaska shall be preserved in parks and refuges1 If a bill
doesn't pass Congress during the current lame-duck session, a Reagan/
Republican governmenl
will likely
mean harsh political compromises for
Alaska: A Und in Ba.lance. a S,erra
Club film which took thrtt years lo
create, won the Columbus Fdm Festival Bronze Award and the International Film and TV Feslival Bronze
Award. It is a sensitive and poetic experience-of Alaska. It will be shown al
the Sierra Club general meeting, Wednesday, November 19, 7:30 p.m.,
CAB 110.

An ad-hoc group of Evergreeners is
planning a th!'tt-day pre-Thanksgiving
Fast in memory of those people around
the world who won't be sharing turkey
this year because they are starving,
and linking this deprivation to the
waste of resources represented
worldwide expenditures
for armaments-which in 1979-80 amounted to
a figure in excess of $450 billion. The
aim of the fast is not to promote
guilt-but to motivate positive action
arising from a personal appreciation of
what it means to be hungry-even for
a few da"ys only. Designated fast days
are November 23. 24. and 25, and interested folks are invited to attend a
meeting in the ERC on Sunday, Nov.
23 at 6 p.m. to discuss ways in which
the personal and political impact of the
fast can be magnified. Contact Roger
866-6213 for more information.






!..I'~w.}I • .......,.,
01,mfa w...91w1
I'°...~ ..12.R~ ~iL~




Wr: ■ TlolOll SMOPPIHC


• ,CAT







THI ,...,_,,





101 [. Sw,

Air-Boal Diva









Parts and repairs for all makes
Complete line .of accessories from
experienced cyclists.




On Wednesday, November 19 at
7 •30 p.m., the Thurston County CitiLf!ns' Party will be sponsoring a workshop on "Community Energy Alternative.__.. The featured speaker will be
David Haskell of the Solar Outreach
Center. The meelin~ will be held in the
Board Room of the old Washington
Middle School at Eac;tside & Legion in

TltAtfCL •c1tt11CC, n,c:



A citizen's how-to workshop on lobbying techniques moderated by Louise
Taylor. The two-session workshop is
sponsored by the Solar Outreach Center and will be h,Id at th• Timberland
Library, 8th and Franklin, Olympia.
Session 1: Friday, Nov. 14, 7 to
9,30 p.m.
Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 1S, 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m.
For more information, call the Solar
Outreach Center, 943--4595.


1931East- 4th

It's worth the ride Jcr011 town!


llf)ll l!l 71!1U•lll!l!N

By John Bickelhaupt
On Friday, Nov. 7, an organizing meeting for a campus chapter of WashPIRC
was held in the Environmental Resource
Center in CAB 103, Although most students had already left for the weekend
and although the meeting had been preceded by just a few short days of lowlevel publicity, attendance numbered close
to 20 people. The meeting began with an
explanation of the functions and structure
of PIRGs. their relationships to host campuses, mechanisms of funding, and methods of or11;anizing.

A PIRC. or Public Interest Research
Group, is a nonprofit corporation set up
and paid for by students to addttss student concerns relating to the public interest. Ideally, a PIRC is a statewide organization with chapters on a number of campuses and a board of directors comprised
of students from those campuses. In
pursuance of its functions, a PIRG would
conduct research and use the results of
that research to generate legislative initiatives or, in cases of violation of public
interest and failure of lesser means of acquiring redress or compliance, a PIRC
would initiate litigation against those responsible for such violations. A PIRC
could hire professional lobbyists and lawyers to work in its behalf in the legislature
and the courts.
The advantages for students of such an
organization are greal. With reliable fund•
ing and professional help, student efforts
lo influence the outcome of social and
political issues would be enhanced and
would no longer be undennined by the
seasonal character of students' schedules
and academic demands on their time and
PJRGs are not just a concept at this
time but constitute living, breathing
corporate entities. They have affected the
outcome of various legislatures and have
brought successful suits in many stales,
among them Oregon. California, Minnesota, and New York. The idea is gaining
momenlum on campuses across the country. EJch new Pl RG sets a firmer precedent fnr each one thal follows.
Before a PIRG can come into being, the
concept has to develop a strong base of
support dmong the students and community, from which to launch contractual
with the involved educational
in ...1,tut111n(c;).At Evergreen, we are beginning thdt effort. Obviously. before slu-

By Allen Levy
When is a sin not a sin7 When 11 1.s
S I.N -the Student Information Net\.'\l1rk.S.I.N. is made up of representative.-. from each seminar who get together every othl'r Wednesday in CAB


10 30. The representatives


< u~,

turrent issues and sharC' the vit.•ws
,,t mt•mbers of their seminars on these
1,-.ue, The purpose of S.I N. is to
hw,1den communication
among the
-.ruJl•nts on current issues and to devcl11p more effective methC'd'i of dissemin.:ittnK 1niormJt1on ot the<;{' issues to
dw .,,u<lenls.
Somf' ol the 1c;,uf»,and ideas cur
rt·nth ht.•mg d1scu~SC'dJI the S I N
drl'. unJercover agent~ on
t,1mpu, J11cc; tht.·1r pre~encl' violate
,l! ,ldt·mu. tr1._'{'Jom
1t .:i viC'latmn
111 ( 0 C.
Ill .,nd the Soual Contr.il t'
rn1r11<,m~ ,I c...ill-m 1.111..
,1r, I\AOS .1, J publu lorum
,1.:1t 1111,n· ,tudt•nt,
mv11lvt·d 1n S I.N
.ind t,1mpu, govern.int.{'
I ,1r ttu,,t· ,1ud1·nt, "h,1,1' ,,•m1n.:.1,..
d11 n11t vt·t hJVt' n·rr(•...:•ntat1vt•,. ,,r dn
n,,t h,I\ t' ,1 <.t'mm.:.1r(t> ~
contr.:HI ,tudt'nl<;) but are 1ntt•reo;tedm
c; I N . dw nt·xt rt•~ul.ir mi·t•ting will be
1n CAB 108 at 10 30 11n Nov 26 Anv
and all are urgeJ lo attt>n<l

412 S. Cherry
Open 7 days a week

8a.m.- 8p.m.


llv Aarb.ir.i Dykt',
mil~ <;.(1utheastof Washingt,,n. I)(_ . .iloni tht• banks ol the St.
M,iry., l{iver, lie, a ,mall state inslitutinn
t,1lll'll 51 Mary's College What does St.
MJry·s Cnllege have in common with
Evergret·n 7 W,·ll, f11rstarters. an exchange
Scheduled lo begin next fall, the new
exchan>;t>program proviJes for a five,tu<ll'nt and one faculty member exchange
h1r the entire year between the two
«ho~1ls. Founded about the same time as
TESC, St. Mary',; 1s a very small state
CC1llege(about 1400 students) with an enthusiastic faculty who devote their time
primarily h1 teaching. Their curriculum is
more conventional than Evergrttn's, but
they are lol1king intn possible innovations.
Tht• IW(1 pro~ram, al St. Mary's which
may mtert>SIGrttners are the Colonial


CHICK OUR sroctc







(except for Mag. and Alum. Wbeelo)
pagP 6

dents can organize a PIRG, they have to
know what it is. Thus, our first goal is to
acquaint students with the concept of
PIRGs and generate enthusiasm for its
potential. Once student support is organized, it will be possible to put the idea
before the administration.
Historically, the issue around which
PIRG negotiations have most frequently
stalled is the question of funding. A PIRG
relies on a steady income for its effKtive·
ness. The source of this income is from
students. since it is student interests that
are being served. Generally, a large
enough pool of funds can be acquired
through a small fee, collected with tuition,
of two of three dollars per term per stu•
dent. Obviously, a student shouldn't have
to pay if he or she doesn't want to. A bal•

ance has to be struck between convenience for students of any particular collecting mechanism and the necessity for PIRG
to have an adequate operating budget.
Several options exist. Once the PIRG
concept has acquired support, debate
should be opened on this subject. Until
then, possible funding mechanisms should
not be a basis for judging the merits of
the PIRG concept. Effective participation
in government and social issues requires
time and money. PIRGs represent an opportunity for students to serve their social
conscience in ways that work. 1f this
sounds desirable to you, then support
PIRG. Attend the meeting at the Environ•
mental Resource Center, CAB 103, on
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 4:00 p.m.

H1stL1ryand Archeology Program, and the
Marine Biology/Estuarine Studies. The
college itself is located near St. Mary's
C1ty (founded in 1634) which is the oldest
<;ettlement in Maryland and the third
oldt'St English settlement in the New
World. In the history and archeology program. students work with the city commission in excavating the site of the old
se1.tlement. Archeological digs on campus
reveal artifacts from the early colonists,
as well as the Indians from that region.
An important aspect of this program is
pursuit ot historical research. On campus
is the reconstruction of the original Mary•
land State House (1676). a replica of the
Maryland Dove-one of the first vessels
lo carry colonists to those shores, and a
reconstruction of 17th century farming
and construction techniques.
The Marine Biology/Estuarine Studies
may also be of particular interest to Ever•
gre-eners. Loe.tied right on the St. Mary's
River, a tidal arm of the Chesapeake Bay,
the college has excellent research facilities
for marine biology. Some of the equip·
ment includes the Golden Run, a 46-foot
marine biology research vessel, several
smaller research boats, an electron micro-

scope, a gas chromatograph. a wet laboratory for examination of living biological
specimens, and various oceanographic
and estuarine sampling equipment:,Also
the facilities of the Chesapeake Biological
Laboratory of the University of Maryland
is available lo S.M.C. students and exchange participants. By the way, sailing is
the most popular sport at St. Mary's.
Evergreen students participating in this
program would pay nonnal tuition at
TESC, and credits earned at St. Mary's
would be transferred here. Room and
board arrangements would be left to the
student, but dormitory space will be
available to any student desiring it.
Copies of d6Criptive materials on the
new exchange program with St. Mary's
College are available at the Academic
Advising Office from Larry Eickstadt.
Serious inquirers should leave their name,
addrl'Ss. and phone number with Larry,
as well as a brief statement about why
yq,u would like to participate in the exchange, and what field of study you wish
to pursue there. Since the e-xchange program is limited to five students, a selection process will be designed if there is a
large number of applicants.



By Stuart Smith and Barbara Dyk'5

Fresh Produce
Fresh Meats
Imported Beer & Wines
Self Serve Gas
7 a.m.- 12 p.m.
365 days a year
aMO Division N.W.
Handy Pantry

Olympia, WA

SATURDAY 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Chef Jack says
Stay tuned for our new menu
next week!! We're adding to our
popular sandwich list.
• Burge,s

• Steak Sandwich
• Pasta Specials
• New Salads

& CAPITOL WAY 943-1371

This is the first in a series of articles
about the progress of the Master Plan
program throughout the year.
It ~ms long overdue, but for the first
time since 1970, students in an academic
program are directly involved in planning
the future of Evergreen. Students in
Applied Environmental Studies- The
Evergreen Master Plan Program, are cur•
rently researching the needs of the humiilI1
community, as well as the 800 acres of
forested land surrounding the campus, to
determine the projects and processes the
class will undertake. The major focal
points of study are the sciences of community planning and ecology. Students
will apply knowledge acquired to compose a comprehensive plan for Evergreen
based on a thorough assessment of human
and ecological needs on campus for the
coming decade.
Members of the administration have already met with program students and expressed their visions of growth over the
next ten years at TESC. These Pfllple include the Director of Facilities, Dave
Wallbom; Staff Architect, Jon Collier; 'f
Staff Engineer, Darrel Six; President Dan
Evans; Provost Byron Youtz; Housing
Director Ken Jacob; and Board Trustee
Jane Sylvester. They have all pledged
their support and cooperation to the stu-

dents working on the master plan.
Evergreen is growing. This fall, the fulltime enrollment is 2532-an aJl-time
record. Through a five-year growth plan
approved by the Board of Trustees last
August, administrators project the follow•
ing growth: housing increases to over
3000 by 1982·83, new masters' programs,
rxpanded evening credit offerings, and
outreach programs in nearby locales in
the southwest Washington area. The
Applied Environmental Studies Program
will get students involved in this expansion planning.
Among the host issues being reviewed
by the program are studies of projected
housing needs. student amenities-social
space needs, forest and land management
alternatives, use of the 3300-foot water•
front area, possible organic farm expansion, long-term energy planning, and
other items of vital importance to the
growth of the school.
The program students are committed to
getting input from other students on campus. Your participation and ideas in questionnaires. surveys, etc., is needed badly
to make this master plan a viable one.
These ideas will shape the future of this
institution. If you want to get involved in
this process or just want to share some of
your ideas about the future of Evergreen.
get in touch with Carolyn Dobbs in
Lab 3002, or anyone in the program.

Nathan Jones
There is a lack of moisture
in the world today
Friction is on the rampage
Surfaces .ire being worn
Lovers stick instead of slide
Great amounts of inertial energy are being
to little or no avail
It has become hard to swallow or shit
Men are finding it difficult to get it up
Impossible to get it back down
Eyes burn
In mouths tongues stick to their palates
Weeping has turned to wretching
Tears to dust.

Victor Cummings

Here 1s the hunger:
il feeds end-over-end
tail into mouth
love into language
heart spills the word every time
Th('S(' are the sounds they make
catching 1n your stomach

Here is a hunger
that nothing can touch:
the woman at the register
ringing catalogue sales,
,1·s all dry bread to her
Next in lme is the dumb-wailer,
nudging the tickel-taker
who motions you asid{'
claiminK alms. He say~
Truth retreats J step
1n the face of clever d1o;~u1,t·
Lift the darl.. cloJl...
trulh will rush 1t1the trJp
and be swallowPJ fwm ,,~ht
You! Pid..pocl..el 1
Has thert' been <,ome m1st<11..t•?
C.h«k and ched. dgain

Prnb .. 11on Aid ..inJ tluuwput"nl
l'rub,1t11•n J1J will ..., ..1..t pr,1h,1t11•n


r v.11h

,,,urt prt•pJrJIIPll
,.1-..· pl.innm),( u,un-..•l1n1s
in1t•rv11•w1n.: ,md ..upt•n 1,mi,: tlt'rx·nJrnl
,lren ut Jchn4ut•n1 y11un),(,t1•r, nn pr11li,1Hun
ll11u~•p,1n•nt will cc1n• l,,r 1tw d..11ly m .. -d.. ,,1
..lt'f!> m J ~·,urih -..•tlinl-( tndudm>s p.i,

1n rt~rt'.il111n,1I

.1, v.t•ll

d" lrt.•,1tm1•n!

pn1>srJm .. rn•l1•r ,1uJ1•nt with inlt•n•,1 m ,,,,
rt'tl1nn, ur !>t>(.IJIw11rl..
I'\ 4u,1rt1•r-, I lour-. nl'~••t1.i~I,·

lost: Grey tigercat w/green eyes iilI1d
nea collar about Nov. 10 around West•
Lake. Answers to the
name of ..Hodad:· Call Ellen 754-8704
or 866-6238.
Found: Springer pup, male 4 months
old. Found Nov. 9 on westside. White
wlbrown spots and bob tail, wearing
brown nylon collar and flea collar.
Call 866-1220.

Hunter premieres several new songs
Saturday, November 29, Washington
Hall, 153-14th Ave., Sealtle. Tickets:
Fidelity Lane outlets, University of
Washington HUB ticket office. Seating
is limited.
Commuters: TESC to Hoquiam or
Elma. I need rides weekends. Share
gas. 866-5153, Shelly.

For Sa.le: Ammunition! &at the draft
rush! High quality, guaranteed deadly
weapons at low and reasonable prices!
Don't get caught in the last-minute
frenzy! Get your guaranteed authentic
American Overseas War Implements
TODAY!! Call: TOLL FREE 1~71-3954.

l,,r lurthn mh,rm.1t1on
1•p1 •,1t1v1 hJuc,1tlnn
8t,o oJOI


I All

Olliu· ,,t l"
1000 /'h,1111

Instructor SuJ)f'rvisor Tr•inno
Porl AnRt"k-s, Wu;h.
Stuck-nt ,n1ern w,11 su~•rvrw
c1nd mstruct
IH'velopmt'ntally d1s.tbled d,enh in pn·-work
and livmK skills lncludt>S ~ruup ,;uperv1sion
c1nd <'M"-to-oM ms1ruct1nn with a blind and
phys,ully d1s.ablrd client Pr"l"r stuck-nt w,th
',,(lmt' background
,n t~a.chm~ or psych1 1 lci!(y
J.J quilrt~rs 12 hnurs/wttk

Thert.· has been no mistake
tru,t m yt1ur ,;.enS<'s.Run
tt,r y11ur tr,un. your warm meal
Thert• 1<, a young girl
hd~;t>t1ngl<1ward her sti1p
that l.iu· n,1 mort· than .i c;pnon
behind ,aun·r t'Vt•~.
lip, peakeJ lil..e J bud
.,omt' bright h(1r1•
tot'" b11hbin~ 111..e
twn· 1, hunger
w..1,rnmg h1 th£' l<•uch

Archt'ulu.:icill T t'chnid,m
Kui~ IJ.hu
1)1'1'"•rlun1t\ t,, ,,.,..,,1 ...,,h.11·,,l,1.:1\1 1n ),,,,,11n~
1d,•n11lymK ,111hJr••h•Ktc .11 hi-.1<,r1lJI
p.1lrnn!11lt1)(.ltJl ..1!,-, l,•.ilun•, ,tnd "li1t•ll\t'n
Ill th, twld
c1nJ dnl·.J
m1 ntm~ tlw-...· ,ullluJI
,I.it., "" ,1dvl'f-...•h ,1lh.•,11•J "llt•" JnJ ,t\\1~!ln),!
m -..·ltmK u11 .mJ h,,.,,~ini,: Jnwn l11•ld CJmp,
.1......1,1 1n Jrl1IJ< 1 1n.1lyo;1<, ,1nd rt•p,•rlln~
1'n•ln ..1uJ,·nl w,lh lr1<•wl1-di,:t·<•I ,1rchJt'"I"~
u,11 ~,,n1ept..
pr1nc1l'I,•, ,ind m('lhtld, dnd
h1lm~ ,l..111-.,;uch ,1, ""' "t '""mp,1,;s and m.1~
lnh·rn mu,1 ht· abl, t,, •'llt'ralt• "\ "tnncapc1<1ty
I ... tw,·I ,lr1v1• vt>h11!1•, "•mf't1nw
.. t,1w1ni,: lJmr
.i 4u,1rt,·1 mtrrn:.h11' -10 hPur,
l'.11d m11•rn..h1p 11lu11J,n~ ava,l.ablt'



for college.

When)'OD need bigmors
)'OD ask good frleacls.

Will do typing in my home (Westside
Term papers, resumes,
forms. $1.50 page. Call after 6 p.m.
week days and anytime on weekends
an~ ask for Shelley. 357-7129.
HEYIII Do you have a secret desire to
MUTA TE7 Have you always fantasized
having eyes in the back of your head,
wearing Seven-League boots, or being
All Thumbs) Well, here's your chance .
Realize your dreams! Amaze your
friends! Astound your family! With
today's new Melt 'n Mute, there's no
ambition too high! Write today for
more information to:
Melt 'n Mute
P.O. 4572291
Hanford, Washington
The Evergreen Group
All work suarantHd
P.O. Box 765 Olympia, WA 98507
Phone: 754-4795

Many Army RHt'rve units a"' offtrtna
a proa,am th•I may provkle you up lo 54.(X)()
lo Mlp pay for your education. If you're
f'li!Pble, when you join the Rnerve you may
rtttive money for tuition and other eduulional
...xpenwt for col~.
voulional or ttthnical
tehool, so you can cor,antrale more on
~ting an fllucalion and Int on how to pay
,or It.
And H a Rnervilt. you learn • tltlll and
um a starting income of over 51,000 a yur.
That's for using your ,kill with your local unil
ju~ 16 hour1 a month plu1 two wttks actlvt"
duty for lralnina yurly. TM hourt won'!
lntttrupt your studtt'S. And the P•Y will help
with your other o~M"t.
find out more about thd Education.I
AHistance Program.

When )111115k w11.1d
fnc:ncbfur a bvor, )1111know
whal the\ 'rt! i.'111'\Klo uy. So
mu tt'I tht:tll )'lllfrt: ITIII\Tij(
ag;wi and lhffi 11,Mfur thr
J(Jlian~to !ltup. ~)
Wretht- tdt.-.i, but p111 km"'·
!he)'°l"t' ,l(Ulijt Ill bt- then.\\'hn, )1111.l"t'~.

SSC Homer 472-9656


k.•!It ht- Lowenbrilu.

Loclllly0111rtbutedby Cllpltol Belt ■ agea, Inc._


•.n Equ,iJ Opportunity


pa~ 7