The Paper, Volume 1, Number 6 (May 24, 1973)


Eng cpj0023.pdf
Eng The Paper, Volume 1, Number 6 (May 24, 1973)
24 May 1973
Evergreen Subject
Student Organizing and Activism
Media Studies/Arts
Evergreen Gallery
Eng Page 1: Legislating longshoreman interviewed on KAOS;
Page 1: Evaluation system criticized;
Page 1: Sen. Proxmire to speak on campus;
Page 1: Registration;
Page 2: Effort made to place lost personnel;
Page 2: Volunteers needed;
Page 2: Security: campus crimes increase;
Page 2: Proposal week set;
Page 2: Academic fest slated;
Page 3: Evans deflowers clock tower;
Page 3: Graduation meet May 9;
Page 3: Students, mothers gather in love, respect;
Page 3: Folk festival encourages participation;
Page 3: faculty gets federal grant;
Page 3: DTF progresses;
Page 4: Staff Credits;
Page 4: (cartoon) god designed the male to dominate the woman!;
Page 4: long-hairs;
Page 4: guest Editorial: Evergreen State College arts;
Page 4: Letters: the dream;
Page 4: Letters: channel 6;
Page 5: forum: a parody for supersonic seagulls;
Page 5: conversations in literature;
Page 5: indictment of common adventuring;
Page 5: News briefs;
Page 5: Letters: sailor;
Page 6: RAP LINE;
Page 6: classifieds;
Page 6: [applications for business manager of The Paper];
Page 7: Dejarnatt takes first place at bent reel;
Page 7: 'losers' win at Evergreen State College art show;
Page 7: records;
Page 7: cinema;
Page 7: 4 students exhibiting photos;
Page 8: Happenings;
Eng Freeburg, Bill
Eng Wolcott, Bruce
Eng Ellis, Doug
Eng Blackstock, Patsy
Eng Ryan, Andy
Eng Mitchell, Greg
Eng Ryan, Andy
Eng Ellis, Doug
Eng Hoffman, Anne
Eng Burman, Julie
Eng Shore, Stan
Eng Williams, Charles H.
Eng DeVoe, Nina
Eng Berger, Knute Olssen H.G.S
Eng Fleming, Jill
Eng LeGrow, Peter
Eng Herger, Michael B.
Eng Mae, Sandy
Eng Praggastis, John
Eng Legalization Of marijuana
Eng Taxes
Eng Seattle
Eng Evaluation System
Eng Campus Crimes
Eng Folk Festival
Eng Fedral Grant
Eng Parody
Eng Outdoors
Eng Film
Eng Bausch, Del
Eng Ettinger, David
Eng Hirshman, Bill
Eng Morishima, James
Eng McCann, Charles
Eng Eldridge, Lester
Eng Teske, Charles
Eng Woodruff, Grace
Eng Proxmire, William
Eng Sampson, Tom
Eng Youngquist, Diann
Eng Clabaugh, Dean
Eng Kormondy, Edward
Eng Sharar, Charen
Eng Smith, Mac
Eng Marrom, Rod
Eng McNeil, Earle
Eng Ruth, Babe
Eng Evans, Daniel J.iel J.
Eng Unsoeld, Willy
Eng Lewis, Harry
Eng Steilberg, Pete
Eng King, Ed
Eng Soule, Oscar
Eng Shoben, Edward J.
Eng Barry, David G.
Eng Webb, E. Jackson
Eng Foote, Tom
Eng Langston, Peter
Eng Schmidt, Trueman
Eng Syversen, Karin
Eng Knapp, Helena
Eng Williams, Phill
Eng Parks, Tom
Eng Daugherty, Leo J.
Eng White, Sid
Eng Karparer, Alvin C.
Eng C.W.X
Eng Donohue, Ken
Eng Martin, Don
Eng Dill, Chere
Eng Gina
Eng Bogue, Neil
Eng Papajani, John
Eng C Arry, Ross
Eng Salmon, Michael
Eng Mahan, Jeffrey
Eng Prest, Judy
Eng Prix
Eng Gonzales, Marian
Eng Burnstead, Cathy
Eng Eloheimo, Mary Jo
Eng Mihaly, Julie
Eng Starr, Barbara
Eng Albert, Fred
Eng Foster, Vince
Eng Green, Ellen
Eng Park, S.M.
Eng Nielsen, Paul
Eng Prentice, Judy
Eng Deery, Ed
Eng Greenhut, Naomi
Eng Dejarnatt, Steve
Eng Altwegg, Chris
Eng Parrish, David
Eng Harrison, Beth
Eng Beck, Gordon
Eng Cleche, Jean Claude
Eng Frey, Glenn
Eng Blue, David
Eng Kahn, Doug
Eng Oppenheimer, Martin
Eng Eyerley, Jack
Eng Threlkeld, Jerry
Eng Sparks, Paul
Eng Shaw, Eve
Eng Losey, Joseph
Eng Hitchcock
Eng Alfred
Eng Tilger, Stew
Eng Birdwell, Bruce
Eng Gewett, Meredith
Eng Satterwhite, Owens
Eng DeVoe, Nina
Eng Gottlieb, Robert
Eng Johnson, David
Eng Lott, Patty
Eng McPhadden, Chris
Eng The Evergreen State College
Eng The University Of Washington
Eng Seattle PI
Eng Board Of Trustees
Eng The American Folklore Society
Eng The National Park Service
Eng National Folklife Festival Association
Eng Reach inc.
Eng The Seattle Center
Eng McLane Fire Center
Eng National Endowment for the Himanities
Eng The University of Virgina
Eng Park, Galena
Eng Post intelligencer
Eng National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Eng Fishery Market
Eng Outward Bound School Of Eugene Oregon
Eng Olympia Food Co-op
Eng The Eagles
Eng Rolling Stone
Eng Rainy Day Records Co.
Eng Capitol Theatre
Eng Jane Adams Jr. High School
Eng Chamber Singers
Eng Jazz Ensemble
Eng Thurston County
Eng Tumwater
Eng Eastern Washington
Eng Aberdeen
Eng The Evergreen State College
Eng Washingtion State
Eng Pacific Northwest
Eng Greece, The Unites States of America
Eng Austin, Texas
Eng Southern California
Eng Mt. St. Helens
Eng Crampton Point
Eng Glacier Peak
Eng Rogue River
Eng Eugene, Oregon
Eng Pacific Northwest
Eng Olympia
Eng Tacoma
Eng Mt. Cruiser
Eng 8 pages
Eng US-WaOE.A.1973-01