

Part of The biodiversity of Lake Baikal: Status, problems and solutions

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The Biodiversity of Lake Baikal:
Status, Problems and Solutions

Cylvia Hayes
PO Box 1021
Redmond, OR 97756

April 13, 1999

Master's Thesis
MES Program
The Evergreen State College

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Studies Degree

Cylvia Hayes
Has been approved for
The Evergreen State College

Oscar Soule, P
Member of TESC Faculty

~ \baryCook
Director of Baikal Watch

Aprill5, 1999

Life made a lot of demands on me during my thesis process. Now, finally,
the end is here and I realize how many people have helped me accomplish this
My thesis advisor, Tom Rainey, has my gratitude for agreeing to work with
me on such a broad, interdisciplinary project. His encouragement, support and
knowledge has been invaluable.
Gary Cook, Director of Baikal Watch, has been a much-appreciated
source of infprmation, direction and encouragement. I have great respect and
admiration for the efforts he and other members of his organization have made
to protect the natural and cultural integrity of Lake Baikal and its environs.
A number of people provided instrumental assistance during my visit to
the Baikal region. They include, Hank Birnbaum, Victor Kuzevanov (Director of
the Irkutsk State University Botanic Garden), Andre Suknev (Baikal Tourism
Center), Jenny Sutton (Director of Baikal Wave), Irena Klimova (Russian
Academy of Sciences- Far East Branch). I am also grateful to the people who
opened their homes and lives to me during my stay. Siberian hospitality is
noteworthy and heartwarming.
I am grateful to Zjannae Baen, my sister, Fontella, and her family, Carolyn
Boatsman and the Abraham and Holman families, for their help in financing my
trip to the Baikal region .
I am indebted to the many teachers and professors whose considerable
talents and energy helped prepare me for the task of completing this thesis. It is
my great good fortune to have had the opportunity of participating in The
Evergreen State College's MES program. The program continues to have a
tremendously positive impact on my life.
I am grateful to my mother, who instilled in me a love of reading, writing
and learning and to my father, who drove me to excel. Both parents are
responsible for helping me develop a fair degree of discipline and determination,
which serve me well and bring great fulfillment to my life.
Finally, I give thanks to Great Spirit for the incredible beauty of this planet
and my ability to experience it.


The purpose of this study was to make a comprehensive assessment of
biodiversity in the Lake Baikal watershed, including overall status, the value of
Baikal's biological diversity, problems impacting it, and solutions to those
problems. A multidisciplinary approach was taken, with consideration being
made of ecological , social , political , cultural and economic issues.
The methods used include exhaustive literature review, personal
communication with experts in a variety of fields and a one month research
expedition to the Baikal region .
Research revealed a high degree of biodiversity in the Baikal watershed
comprised of 11,11 0 known species, significant human cultural diversity and a
wide assortment of ecosystems. The nearly 2,500 species found within the lake
proper mark it as the most biologically diverse freshwater system on the planet.
Moreover, the lake supports an unparalleled level of endemism; 70 percent of all
species found there occur nowhere else on Earth.
Evidence clearly revealed that biodiversity in the Baikal watershed is
declining. Nearly three hundred species have been classified as threatened or
endangered by various regional and national authorities. A number of distinct
populations have become extinct. Degradation at the ecosystem level is
occurring throughout the landscape. And, the region's indigenous human
cultures are struggling to preserve traditional lifestyles, customs and languages
Damage to Baikal's biodiversity is already proving costly in both
ecological and economic terms. Signs of systemic stress on the region's species
and physical systems are evident throughout the watershed. Key fisheries ,
drinking water supplies and important agricultural areas are in various states of
decline. Further ecological damage in the region will exacerbate economic
difficulties for the people living there and will diminish quality of life by reducing
opportunities for recreation , aesthetic enjoyment and spiritual enrichment.
Irreparable damage to Lake Baikal and its environs will also be costly to the


global community which benefits from Baikal's function as a natural laboratory
for the study of evolution and climate change. Finally, in assessing the impacts
of damage to the Baikal watershed , consideration must be made of the needs of
future generations and the intrinsic, non-utilitarian value of the non-human
species found there.
The problems impacting biodiversity in the Baikal watershed are complex
and require a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach. I propose six primary
goals to address these problems. One: Strengthen existing efforts to protect
Lake Baikal and its environs. Two: Increase economic stability and opportunity
in the region. Three: Increase sense of personal responsibility and sense of
individual and collective empowerment. Four: Increase understanding of Lake
Baikal and its environs. Five: Halt and, wherever possible, reverse damages
caused by known sources. And Six: Develop a new/ renewed conservation
ethic. I have outlined a total of thirty-seven objectives under the six primary

Table of Contents
Chapter 1) Introduction.

Pg 5

Chapter 2) Physical Characteristics of the Lake Baikal Landscape.

Pg 12

Chapter 3) The Biological Diversity of the Lake Baikal Watershed.

Pg 22

Chapter 4) History of Human Development and Land-use in the
Baikal Watershed.

Pg 56

Chapter 5) Current Status of Biological Diversity in the Baikal

Pg 71

Chapter 6) The Problems Impacting Baikal's Biodiversity.

Pg 79

Chapter 7) At What Price Biodiversity Loss? The Question
of Values.

Pg 116

Chapter 8) Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis in the Lake Baikal

Pg 147

Chapter 9) Conclusion.

Pg 207

Appendix 1A) The Global Context: Biodiversity and Extinction.

Pg 211

Appendix 2A) The Biological Sensitivities of Lake Baikal.

Pg 214


Pg 215