

Part of Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) and Columbia black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), Managing a Wildlife Dilemma on Protection Island

extracted text (extracttext:extracted_text)
Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) and
Columbia black-tailed deer
(Odocoileus hemionus columbianus),
Managing a Wildlife Dilemma on Protection Island

David B. Falzetti

Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata)
Columbia black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus),
Managing a Wildlife Dilemma on
Protection Island

David B. Falzetti

A Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
June 2011

© 2011 by David B. Falzetti. All rights reserved.

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Study Degree

David B. Falzetti

has been approved for
The Evergreen State College

Timothy Quinn, Ph.D.


Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) and
Columbia black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus),
Managing a Wildlife Dilemma on Protection Island
David B. Falzetti

Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge and associated Zella M. Schultz
Seabird Sanctuary is vital seabird habitat and a nationally significant
environmental resource. The Island supports more than 70% of the nesting
seabirds in Puget Sound including; one of the last inland tufted puffin (Fratercula
cirrhata) colonies; the largest glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens) colony
in Washington State; and one of North America’s largest and most important
rhinoceros auklet colonies. Two or three Columbia black-tailed deer, previously
unknown on Protection Island, colonized in the early 1990’s, probably by
swimming some 2.25 km from the mainland. Non-native mammals are a primary
cause of extinctions and ecosystem changes on islands around the world and a
major threat to seabird populations. In 2010, Refuge managers elected to remove
the deer based on concern for seabirds. This thesis explores information regarding
ungulate impacts on biodiversity, particularly deer impacts in various habitats
including San Juan and Gulf Island archipelagos and the Queen Charlotte Islands
with the intention of characterizing potential deer impacts on Protection Island.
Moreover, I wanted to inform the question of whether deer removal is warranted
and satisfy the public’s trust by incorporating the best available science in a clear
rationale for the deer policy. In early 2011, the Island’s deer density of 53
deer/km2 (78 individuals) was very high compared to other habitats within their
Pacific Northwest range. Deer impacts at high densities resemble those of
domestic sheep and can significantly reduce island species diversity and alter
vegetation structure and function. Anecdotal information and recent research
shows deer on the Island damage burrows and facilitate erosion in auklet habitat,
and likely reduce gull reproductive success. Furthermore, deer inhibit vegetation
recovery from extensive domestic grazing (1874 to 1968) and can jeopardize
future restorations. My findings validate concerns regarding deer impacts and
support the removal decision.

Table of Contents
Title Page …………………………………………………… page i
Copyright …………………………………………………… page ii
Approval Page ……………………………………………… page iii
Table of contents …………………………………………… page iv
List of Figures and Tables ………………………………….. page v
Acknowledgments ………………………………………….. page vi
I. Introduction ………………………………………………. page 1
II. Protection Island – The Study Area ……………………... page 7
III. Methods ………………………………………………… page 13
IV. Rhinoceros Auklet Ecology ……………………………. page 17
V. Effects of Introduced Ungulates on Island Biodiversity ... page 32
VI. Deer on Protection Island ………………………………. page 46
Conclusion ………………………………………………….. page 56
Citations …………………………………………………. page 61
Additional References …………………………………… page 75
Appendix …………………………………………………… page 78


Figures and Tables
Figure II.1. Protection Island Photograph …………………………………

P. 7

Figure III.1, Map of 2010 Deer Count Route ……………………………...

P. 13

Figure III.2, Map of 2011 Deer count Route ……………………………… P. 14
Figure IV.1, North American Rhinoceros Auklet Distribution ……………

P. 20

Figure V.1. Historic Aerial Photograph A: Protection Island in 1956 …….

P. 44

Figure V.2. Historic Aerial Photograph B: Protection Island in 1974 …….

P. 45

Figure VI.1. Deer Disturbances Experienced by Protection Island Gulls ....

P. 53

Figure VI.2. Deer Use and Burrow Damage, Photographs ………………..

P. 55

Table III.A. Protection Island Deer Density ………………………………. P. 16
Table IV.A. Major North America Rhinoceros Auklet Colonies in 1993 … P. 22
Table IV.B. Rhinoceros Auklets, Primary Washington State Colonies ...…

P. 23

Table VI.A. Deer Density Comparisons …………………………………... P. 47



I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation to my friend and colleague Khem So
who's initial research inspired and anchored this paper. I would also like to thank
my thesis advisor and reader, Dr. Timothy Quinn. This paper would not have been
possible without his well-considered input and professional guidance. I could not
have had a better advisor. To all those who have endeavored to understand the
impacts of deer on Protection Island including Brittany Balbag, Jim Hayward,
Peter Hodum, and Scott Pearson, thank you. In addition, I would like to thank my
friends Adam Hurt, and Peter and Lori Davis for their efforts to quantify the
Island's deer population. The assistance provided by Rocky Beach and Brian
Murphy of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife proved invaluable in
this effort, as did the assistance of my colleagues at the Washington Maritime
National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Lastly, I would like thank my dearest friend
Sarah for her encouragement, advice, and inexhaustible patience.


I. Introduction
A Seabird Sanctuary
A little over two kilometers off the northern shore of Washington’s Olympic
Peninsula in the Strait of Juan de Fuca lies a small steep sided island crowned
with a picturesque plateau of gently rolling hills. Just shy of 1.5 km2 (364 acres),
this inland oasis is known as Protection Island (hereafter PI) and is critical nesting
habitat for more than 70% of the seabirds in Puget Sound (USFWS 2002). In
addition to being home to one of the Sound's last tufted puffin (Fratercula
cirrhata) colonies (WDFW 2011b, USFWS 2010b) and home to the largest
glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens) colony in Washington State (PTMSC
2011), it is also home to one of North America’s largest and most important
breeding colonies of rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata), (hereafter
RHAU), (Pearson et al. 2009). Protection Island is vital seabird habitat and a
nationally significant environmental resource (USFWS 2010b).
Because RHAU breed in the Salish Sea, unlike many other species of seabirds
that simply migrate through or overwinter, and because RHAU are a top-level
piscivorous predator, they are particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in local
conditions such as forage fish population declines (WDFW 2011c). Their
relationship to the local environment combined with an extensive body of
research on the population dating back to the 1950’s (Richardson 1961, Wilson
1977, 1986, 1993, 2005, Thompson et al. 1985, Wilson and Manuwal 1986, Wahl
and Speich 1994, Pearson et al. 2009, 2010), make PI’s RHAU colony size a good
candidate for measuring trends in the health of the Salish Sea (WDFW 2011c).
In 1975, the State of Washington recognized PI's importance to seabirds and
established the Zella M. Schultz Seabird Sanctuary (hereafter Sanctuary) on the
Island’s southwestern tip (JC 1974, USFWS 1990). In 1982, the U.S. Congress
followed suit with the remaining land and established the Protection Island
National Wildlife Refuge (hereafter Refuge). Today the entire Island is co1

managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (hereafter DFW)
and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (hereafter FWS) as a protected seabird
nesting refuge and marine mammal reserve. In addition to bald eagles (Haliaeetus
leucocephalus), great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) and numerous other
terrestrial avians, six species of seabirds: rhinoceros auklets, tufted puffins,
pigeon guillemots (Cepphus columba), pelagic cormorants (Phalacrocorax
pelagicus), double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), and glaucouswinged gulls, typically nest on the Island (USFWS 2010b).
Deer Colonize Protection Island
In 1991, two or three Columbia black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus
columbianus) (hereafter deer) colonized PI (USFWS 1991, 1992, Cowles and
Hayward 2008) probably by swimming from the mainland which is just 2.25 km
to the south as they are good swimmers (IHEA 2011). Since their arrival deer
have been observed feeding and resting within the RHAU colony (Pearson and
Hodum pers. corr. 2009) leading to concerns that a growing deer herd may be
negatively impacting the Island’s RHAU colony (USFWS 2010b). Despite being
native to Washington State, deer can be considered non-native to PI based on the
fact that there are no historical accounts of their presence on the Island dating
back to 1792 (Vancouver 1798, Richardson 1961, Larsen 1982, Carson 1983,
Clark 1995, USFWS 2010b).
Although PI lacks a readily available source of freshwater, Refuge staff provided
the new arrivals with troughs of fresh well water which may have inadvertently
facilitated colonization. Due to a lack of competitors, predators, and other controls
such as hunting, the deer herd burgeoned. By early 2011, the number of deer on
PI had swelled to no less than 78 animals (Falzetti pers. corr. 2011). Judging by
the number of fawns observed (15) in fall/winter of 2009-2010 and number of
deceased deer observed (13) during roughly the same time period (Davis pers.
corr. 2010), the herd may not yet be at carrying capacity defined as the density at
which mortality is equal to recruitment (McCullough 1984).

According to counts conducted in February of 2010 and March of 2011, deer
density on PI is very high, 48 / km2 (71 deer) and 53 deer / km2 (78 deer)
respectively (Davis pers. corr. 2010, Falzetti pers. corr. 2011). By comparison,
black-tailed deer densities along Washington's Columbia River typically range
from 4 to 12 deer / km2 (USFWS 2010b) and Columbia black-tailed deer densities
on the north Olympic Peninsula in a 1997 study ranged from 1.14 to 9.99 deer /
km2 (Ratti et al. 1999). Recent density estimates of Sitka black-tailed deer
(Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis), which are closely related to Columbia blacktailed deer, ranged from 7 to 12 / km2 in the temporal coastal rainforest of
southeast Alaska (Brinkman et al. 2011).
Understanding and Mitigating Impacts of Deer
Non-native mammals are a primary cause of extinctions and ecosystem changes
on islands around the world and a major threat to seabird populations (Donlan and
Heneman 2007). In 2005, the California Current Marine Bird Conservation Plan
identified habitat modifications such as changes to soils and vegetation caused by
introduced mammalian herbivores as a serious threat to seabirds along the Pacific
coast (Mills et al. 2005). For the most part, a small group of species including
rats, rabbits, pigs, goats, and sheep are responsible for much of the damage to
invaded insular ecosystems where indigenous species have evolved in their
absence (Kenyon 1964, Lloyd et al. 1975, Laughrin et al 1994, McChesney and
Tershy 1998, Ebbert and Byrd 2000, Courchamp et al. 2003, Campbell and
Donlan 2004). However, there is growing evidence that ungulate invaders such as
deer are also negatively impacting biological diversity on many islands (Gaston et
al. 2008, Martin et al. 2011).
The relationship between deer and RHAU on PI is not well understood as there
has been little deer research conducted on the Island (Hayward and Henson 2008).
However, FWS managers believe that deer are damaging seabird burrows and
subsequently increasing RHAU mortality (USFWS 2010b) and that deer could be
impacting other species. In 2010, the FWS completed a 15 year comprehensive

conservation management plan (hereafter CCP) for the Refuge which includes
removing all deer from PI in order to eliminate their impacts on seabird habitat
(USFWS 2010b). The decision was based on a variety of observational evidence
that suggests deer have compromised burrows, increased erosion, and altered the
Island’s vegetation (Cowles and Hayward 2008, Hodum and Pearson pers. corr.
2009). Recent research has begun to quantify RHAU burrow damage from deer
(Balbag and Hodum unpublished) lending support to the decision outlined in the
Prior to the Refuge’s establishment, PI suffered extensive damage due to
development and overgrazing by domestic sheep and cattle from which it has not
fully recovered (Richardson 1961, Larsen 1982, Cowles and Hayward 2008).
Although development has been halted and the domestic ungulates are long gone,
deer may be slowing the Island’s recovery from years of high grazing pressure.
Conservation efforts elsewhere have increasingly focused on removing invading
ungulates as an effective strategy in restoring island native plant and/or animal
communities (Ebbert and Byrd 2000, Donlan and Heneman 2007, Gaston et al.
Justification for the Deer Removal Decision
In developing their justification for deer removal, FWS relied on the Refuge’s
enabling legislation which states that the Island was set aside as a sanctuary and
research facility for seabirds and marine mammals. There is no mention of deer
(USFWS 1985). In fact, the original Refuge proposal presented to the public,
including the property owners who were being asked to divest of their interests,
specifically mentioned keeping the Island free of "conflicting animal usage"
(Larsen 1982, pg. 13).
The FWS also considered that the purpose of the associated Zella M. Schultz
Seabird Sanctuary managed by DFW is “. . . for the preservation of unique and
endangered species of wildlife . . . including in particular the Rhinoceros Auklet

breeding colony. It is further intended that scientific, educational and other
compatible uses may be undertaken on the property.” (JC 1974). The purpose of
the Sanctuary includes “compatible uses” language and preserving “unique and
endangered species” which seemingly precludes deer.
The FWS concluded that deer have a high potential to negatively impact Refuge
biodiversity in general, and seabirds in particular, especially RHAU, despite the
lack of strong empirical evidence demonstrating that conclusion at the time of
their decision. Furthermore, FWS noted that the deer population in Western
Washington was robust (WDFW 2006) and therefore conserving the PI herd was
inconsequential to the overall regional population. Lastly, FWS considered the
fact that there were no other large RHAU colonies located in the inland waters of
the Pacific Northwest where the species is buffered from severe ocean weather
and fluctuating climate conditions including El Niño events.
During the draft CCP’s public comment period FWS was criticized for their
decision to remove the deer herd without a complete, or at least a better
understanding of deer impacts on the Refuge (USFWS 2010a). Because FWS is a
public agency charged with managing public lands it must justify management
decisions, especially where there is a lack of definitive research guiding such
actions. There was an obvious concern from those that commented that decisions
affecting wildlife resources are made without a complete understanding of the
implications of those choices including the potential for unintended consequences.
This thesis explores information on ungulate impacts in mainland habitats and on
island biodiversity with the intention of characterizing the potential for deer
impacts on PI. Specifically, I was interested in how deer might affect breeding
RHAU. Through review and analysis, I hope to inform the question of whether
complete deer removal is warranted and to address a controversial Refuge
management planning issue in the absence of complete scientific information. I
conducted an exhaustive literature search on the impacts of ungulates on island
species including seabirds and considered recent unpublished research on deer

damage to RHAU burrows on PI and the personal observations and accounts of
Island residents, visiting scientists and staff. I then synthesized this information in
an effort to provide a comprehensive account of the impacts of deer on PI. My
intention is to document and discuss what is known and thereby begin to
illuminate information gaps in the complex relationship between deer and RHAU.
Beyond Protection Island
Conservation biology as it informs public lands management is not an exact
science. Rather, it includes an evolving experience-based practice of defining
issues and goals, evaluating available evidence, formulating logical responses,
and predicting and measuring outcomes. Using all available science in developing
management actions and thoroughly assessing outcomes will maximize our ability
to inform critical information gaps and develop better management strategies
through time. Conservation biology functions within an adaptive management
paradigm that evolves according to best available science and gives consideration
to returns on investment.
In the year 2000, the U.S. Government spent $635 million on invasive species
(Donlan and Heneman 2007). Endeavoring to understand each unique situation in
an effort to make the best management decisions is a critical element in satisfying
the public's trust and in maximizing returns on current and future investments.
Moreover, utilizing an adaptive management approach on islands provides unique
cost effective opportunities to develop and assess advanced conservation
strategies in somewhat isolated environments which can provide foundations for
larger and more complex restoration efforts on our public lands.


II. Protection Island – The Study Area
Figure II.1, Protection Island, Washington


Protection Island History
In 1592, Greek mariner Apostolos Valerianos sailing for Spain under the name
Juan de Fuca claimed he may have discovered the entrance to the fabled Strait of
Anián, the northwest passage connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Gulf of Saint
Lawrence (Enchanted Learning 2011). While exploring the west coast of North
America 200 years later, Captain George Vancouver found a large passage in an
otherwise rugged and unbroken coastline that resembled de Fuca’s account
although it was much further north than de Fuca had placed it. While sailing deep
into this inlet which he called the “supposed strait of Fuca”, Vancouver
encountered a small unique island protecting the mouth of a long open bay.
Vancouver’s description of the island’s landscape was; “. . . almost as
enchantingly beautiful as the most elegantly finished pleasure grounds in
Europe”. He immediately recognized the bay’s potential as a strategic military

harbor and named it in honor of his ship Discovery. He also recognized that the
formidable sentinel standing guard at its entrance would make an ideal position
for harbor defenses and appropriately dedicated it Protection Island (hereafter PI)
(Vancouver 1798).
Encompassing 1.47 km2 (364 acres), PI is located just 2.25 km north of Diamond
Point and approximately 13 km west of Port Townsend in Jefferson County,
Washington. It is a crescent-shaped island flanked by low sandy spits pointing
east and west. Both spits, Kanem to the west and Violet to the east, do not exceed
12 m of elevation. The Island was shaped primarily by glacial forces during the
Pleistocene epoch (USFWS 2010b) and is comprised of a high central plateau
with low undulating hills flanked by cliffs averaging approximately 45 m high
(maximum 62 m (Larsen 1982)) along the northern shore and steep bluffs
upwards of 30 m high along the southern shore. The high plateau accounts for
approximately 70% of the Island while the spits, bluffs and cliffs comprise the
remainder. About 80% of the high plateau is grassland and the rest is mixed
coniferous forest (USFWS 2010b). Lying in the rain-shadow of the Olympic
Mountains, PI typically receives around 40 cm of rain annually (CTI 2011)
making it one of the driest places in Western Washington (OSU 2006).
Farming, Grazing, and Development
Protection Island has a colorful history that includes over 100 years of farming
and livestock grazing, more than 70 years of avian research, a stint as a World
War II artillery battery including a bombing range, at least two catastrophic fires
in the 1940’s and 50’s, and a failed proposal to turn the Island into a leper colony
(Clark 1995). In 1968, the Island was purchased for $435,000 by the newly
created Protection Island Company and in 1969 Jefferson County approved
subdividing 4 of 5 platted units into 831 small lots averaging 9,000 square feet
(Larsen 1982). The full plan intended 1,098 lots (Wilson 1977, USFWS 1992).
An intensive period of development for a summer home resort followed. During

the late 1960’s and 1970’s developers created an active airstrip, installed
extensive infrastructure, dredged a marina destroying the wetland at the base of
Violet Spit, and aggressively marketed the project (USFWS 1987). By the early
1980’s there were 14 houses and 27 house trailers on PI (Hirsch 1981) and at least
528 separate property owners (USFWS 1987) had a stake in the Island’s future.
The Fight to Save the Birds
Despite extensive habitat alteration by humans, the Island continued to be an
important breeding site for seabirds and the focus of concerted efforts by
conservationists to protect nesting colonies (Palmer 2000). At the same time,
supplying enough fresh water to satisfy the growing human population was an
ongoing problem for developers. The Island’s only well which was not certified
for human consumption was woefully inadequate. In 1975, Jefferson County
enacted a building moratorium on PI because the developers lacked a reliable
freshwater supply and abruptly halted issuing building permits (Clark 1995). In
1980, a 100 m well was drilled but no fresh groundwater was encountered (Larsen
In 1972, the 5th un-platted unit measuring roughly 0.2 km² (48 acres) or about
13% of PI was purchased by The Nature Conservancy (hereafter TNC) with the
help of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Education (Hirsch 1981, USFWS
1992). In 1974, the TNC parcel including the marine mammal haul out areas on
Kanem Spit and the western bluffs which contained about 30% of the seabird
nests on the Island at the time (Larsen 1982), was turned over to the Washington
Department of Game (hereafter WDG) “for the consideration of $252,570.00” (JC
1974). WDG dedicated it as the Zella M. Schultz Seabird Sanctuary on May 30,
1975 (Hirsch 1981). It was the agency's first non-game wildlife preserve (Palmer
2000). The Sanctuary was named in honor of a local seabird biologist and one of
the Island’s greatest wildlife advocates. For many years Zella Schultz
aggressively fought to save PI from development but sadly passed away from a
childhood disease the very month TNC purchased the west end of the Island

(Palmer 2000).
On October 15, 1982, President Ronald Reagan followed suit and signed the
Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge Act proclaiming the remaining
acreage a National Wildlife Refuge and giving FWS authority to purchase the
land. It was the only federal wildlife refuge established during his administration
(Palmer 2000). By July of 1985, just 195 of the original 831 lots had been
acquired by FWS from willing sellers (Thompson et al. 1985). On April 11, 1986,
FWS filed a “Declaration of Taking” with the U.S. District Court for the
remaining PI properties. An expensive and lengthy legal battle ensued (USFWS
In March of 1987, a U.S. Magistrate Judge signed an “Order for Possession” and
gave lot owners 60 days “notice to vacate” thereby condemning their lands. He
also set a trial date for early June. At issue was compensation as property owners
were demanding ten times the assessed values. FWS spent approximately
$404,000 on independent engineering and assessment. The result was that all lots
were appraised at $2,000, although most had originally been sold for 3 – 6 times
that amount when they were part of the summer home resort development.
Assessors concluded their worth was substantially diminished because without
water they could only be used for camping. The trial lasted three weeks and
included a day-long trip to PI for the judge, jury, and lawyers for both parties. In
the end property owners were awarded 3 – 5 times the appraised value (USFWS
Two months after the trial FWS moved two volunteer caretakers onto the island
and in December 1987, established a Refuge Manager position. On August 26th,
1988, the Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge was officially dedicated
(USFWS 1992). In the end, all but 1 of the 528 property owners surrendered their
rights to live on PI although most were justly compensated and FWS promised to
forever preserve the Island for the study and advancement of the Island’s endemic
wildlife, especially seabirds.

Today the Island is co-managed as a protected seabird nesting site and marine
mammal reserve by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly
the WDG) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is without a doubt the single
most important RHAU colony in Washington State (USFWS 2010b) and remains
one of the most important, and probably the most expensive seabird island in the
Salish Sea. As mentioned previously, the State of Washington spent $252,570 to
acquire the Zella M. Schultz Seabird Sanctuary. FWS spent more than $4 million
to purchase the rest of the Island including about $404,000 to assess the property
and $3,624,095 to buy lots. Approximately 1.42 acres were donated to the Refuge
(USFWS 2009) including 6 lots acquired by TNC (USFWS 1987). In addition to
the cost to purchase the land, FWS and DFW have expended funds to manage the
Refuge and Sanctuary. It would be safe to conclude that well in excess of $5
million in public funding has been spent thus far to protect seabird colonies and
other endemic wildlife on PI (JC 1974, USFWS 1985, 87, 90, 91, 2009).
A Common Vision for the Island
The Nature Conservancy was specific about how the property could be used when
they transferred the land that would become the Zella M. Schultz Seabird
Sanctuary to the WDG. “This deed is granted with the intent of securing this
property as a permanent sanctuary for the preservation of the unique and
endangered species of wildlife which exist on said property, including in
particular the Rhinoceros Auklet breeding colony. It is further intended that
scientific, educational, and other compatible uses may be undertaken on the
property” (JC 1974).
The Refuge’s enabling legislation was equally specific. The Protection Island
National Wildlife Refuge Act, Public Law 97 – 333, Oct 15, 1982 (96 Stat. 1623),
stated; “The purposes of the refuge are to provide habitat for a broad diversity of
bird species, with particular emphasis on protecting the nesting habitat of the bald
eagle, tufted puffin, rhinoceros auklet, pigeon guillemot, and pelagic cormorant;
to protect the hauling-out area of harbor seals; and to provide for scientific

research and wildlife-oriented public education and interpretation (96 Stat. 1623)”
and apply to all portions of Protection Island NWR (USFWS 2010b) (See
Appendix for additional text).
The Sanctuary, the Refuge, and the Deer
There can be little doubt as to the reasons for establishing the Sanctuary and the
Refuge. There is also little doubt concerning the trust responsibilities of the
managing agencies. Both FWS and WDG founding documents focus specifically
on seabirds and scientific research and contain language addressing compatible
uses. Conspicuously absent is any mention of terrestrial mammals. In addition, the
Sanctuary’s purpose is specific to the “unique and endangered species of wildlife
which” existed on the Island at that time; deer did not. Today, PI is an important
seabird research station that is closed to public visitation to reduce wildlife
disturbance and limit the potential for introductions of exotic species.
Nonetheless deer managed to reach, and subsequently colonize the Island and
have now reached a density that threatens to compromise the Island’s mission.
However, deer may have an important scientific role to play. Studying and
understanding deer impacts on seabirds and on biodiversity in general, and how
seabirds and other species respond to their removal could satisfy both the
Sanctuary’s, and the Refuge’s scientific purposes. Such research could prove
valuable in restoring biodiversity in other island systems and be beneficial to
future PI restoration efforts as outlined in the CCP (USFWS 2010b).


III. Methods
Protection Island Deer Counts, February 2010 and March 2011
The first effort to quantify the number of deer on PI was a survey conducted on
February 8th, 2010. That effort was followed with a second survey on March 5th,
2011. Direct counts are possible due to the Island’s small size (1.473 km2),
numerous excellent viewpoints, and relative open vegetation. This direct method
likely yielded fairly accurate counts because many of the animals could be seen at
one time avoiding double counting of individuals. However, it is possible that
some deer were missed (Davis pers. corr. 2010) (Falzetti pers. corr. 2011).
Census Method, 2010
Figure III.1, Protection Island Map 1

On February 8th, 2010, a visual count of deer on PI was made by a two person
team on foot and using ATV’s. Counters stopped at a series of strategic view
points and counted animals (See Figure III.1, Protection Island Map 1). Care was

taken not to re-count deer that moved during the census. Wooded areas were
surveyed from the edges including short entries under the canopy in an effort to
flush deer hidden by vegetation. Areas that deer cannot access were excluded
from the survey. It is estimated that at least 90% of the island was surveyed
during the 65 minute count. Visibility was very good and the survey was
conducted just before dusk when deer are typically active.
A total of 71 deer were counted in this evening survey. In the summer and fall of
2009, Island caretakers counted 15 new fawns. Between October 2009 and
February 2010, 13 deer were found dead on the island including three fawns
(Davis pers. corr. 2010). However, there was no indication as to whether all of the
deceased deer had perished in the same year.
Census Method, 2011
Figure III.2, Protection Island Map 2

On March 5th, 2011, a second survey of deer was made by another two person

team on foot and using ATV’s. Unlike the 2010 count, the process in 2011 began
with the team viewing the steep sides of the island from a boat and from the
marina and shop area to insure that no deer were on the slopes below the upper
plateau. There were no deer in these areas. On the plateau the route was nearly
identical to the route taken in 2010, however, the order and number of counting
locations was modified in an effort to reduce the possibility of double counting
individuals (See Figure III.2, Protection Island Map 2). In 2010 deer were
counted from 13 locations, in 2011 deer were counted from just 8 locations. In the
second count the island was divided into two halves with a line running
north/south transecting the water tower and the research cabin road.
Deer were first counted in the central north plateau and woods by both counters.
Next, counters moved from the western highlands east to the water tower each
confirming the other's counts. Once at the water tower one counter climbed the
tower to act as a spotter while the other proceeded to the southeast turnaround and
scanned Violet Spit to insure no deer had moved off the plateau to the east. From
the water tower the spotter had a nearly complete view of the north/south transect
and a clear view of the original groups on the north and south central plateau. He
was able to confirm the original count and that no individuals had moved out of
that area.
Next, the counter on the ground swept the eastern portion from south to north
including the outer forest road, in effect herding or flushing the deer out of the
woods towards the transect line. When that individual reached the northern
terminus of the transect line, both counters confirmed the group of deer that had
moved out of the forest in the northern half of the island, one from the tower to
the south and the other from the ground to the north. At the same time the spotter
was able to count all the deer flushed out of the forest on the southern half of the
line on the ridge adjacent to the tower. Finally the counter on the ground moved
back south along the inner forest road to confirm no deer remained in the forest
and to count any stragglers of which there were none.

At one time the spotter on the tower could see 72 deer. The counter on the ground
could see 4 additional deer behind the ridge east of the tower that the spotter
could not see for a total of 76 deer. A sum of all counted groups from the 8
locations resulted in a total of 78 deer. As in 2010, the count took just over an
hour, about 70 minutes. However, that does not include the initial survey from a
boat and the marina. Care was taken not to re-count deer that moved during the
census. Improving slightly on the 2010 method, it is estimated that at least 95% of
the island was surveyed during the count excluding areas that deer cannot easily
access. Visibility was at least five miles at the start and increasing with an
overcast sky. In addition, 4 dead deer were observed during the count and the
Island caretaker confirmed there were three additional dead deer on the Island at
other locations for a total of 7 known deceased deer. Once again, it was difficult
to estimate when the deer perished and several appeared to be dead for more than
a year (Falzetti pers. corr. 2011).
Results, Protection Island Deer Density
According to the deer counts conducted in 2010 and 2011, there were at least 71
deer on PI in 2010 and at least 78 in 2011 (See Table III.A).
Table 111.A, Protection Island Deer Density

Protection Island Deer Density

Density km2

Density mi2

Density per

February 8, 2010
March 5, 2011

48.2 / km2

124.8 / mi2

0.195 / acre



0.214 / acre

53.0 / km

137.1 / mi

Note: Protection Island is 1.473057 km2 or 0.56875 mi2 (364 acres)


IV. Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) Ecology
Rhinoceros auklets are a species of pelagic seabirds that range widely across the
North Pacific and nest primarily on undisturbed islands in excavated underground
burrows (Sowls et al. 1980). They are the only extant species of the genus
Cerorhinca and are members of the alcidae family which includes puffins. The
name rhinoceros is derived from a horn-like extension of the beak present in
breeding adults. Similar to the more elaborate sheath on the puffin’s bill, this
distinguishing feature is shed annually. Rhinoceros auklets are sometimes referred
to as horn-billed puffins or unicorn puffins (Wikipedia 2011). In fact, RHAU are
so similar to puffins that the American Ornithologists Union's Committee on
Classification and Nomenclature recommended re-naming the species rhinoceros
puffin in 2008 (AOU 2008).
Rhinoceros auklets are a medium-sized auk with dark upper plumage and a large
orange/brown bill. Males are generally about 10% larger than females and both
breeding adults have white plumes above their eyes and behind their bills
(Wikepedia 2011). Like puffins, RHAU hunt visually by “flying” underwater or
“pursuit diving” using their wings for propulsion (Wilson 1998). To catch prey
they dive as deep as 57 m (187’) for as long as 148 seconds (Kuroki et al. 2003).
Given their reliance on saltwater fish and their susceptibility to predation when
nesting in ground burrows, the relatively safe nesting habitat found on islands is
critical to the success of the species. Rhinoceros auklets have no known fresh
water requirements (Sanders 2009).
Rhinoceros auklets nest in burrows which they dig in the ground with their toe
nails and beaks, or in natural caves and cavities generally between 0.5 and 5 m
deep depending primarily on substrate (Leschner 1976, Wilson 1977), although
burrows as long as 8 meters have been reported on Pine Island in Queen Charlotte

Sound (Richardson 1961). They prefer to dig burrows in firm sandy soil with
some surface roots providing stability (Richardson 1961, Leschner 1976, Speich
and Wahl 1989). Burrows can have branching tunnels, multiple entrances and
interconnected chambers and are often near the surface of the ground or under
roots and grass tufts where they can be easily collapsed by anything heavy
walking on top of them (Leschner 1976, Sowls et al. 1980).
Vegetation type in burrow site selection does not appear to be as important as soil
type. On Destruction Island, an important colony off the Washington coast,
RHAU are reported to nest in tall grass and salmonberry habitat which is a
mixture of salal, salmonberry and willow (Leschner 1976, Wilson and Manuwal
1986). On PI, salmonberry habitat is not available in the traditional breeding areas
and the highest RHAU densities are in grassland habitat (Wilson and Manuwal
1986, USFWS 2010b) which is also preferred by deer. However, both locations
offer firm friable soils stabilized by surface roots.
Rhinoceros auklets prefer nesting sites on moderate slopes or along the edge of
ridges (Richardson 1961, Leschner 1976) and there is significant correlation
between burrow density and slope (Wilson and Manuwal 1986). Slopes below 35
degrees are seldom utilized on PI and the preference appears to be for slopes
between 37 and 45 degrees on the Island (Richardson 1961). They utilize slopes
as steep as 60 degrees in other parts of their range (Vermeer 1979). Steep slopes
make it possible for RHAU to dig nearly horizontal burrows where dirt can be
easily pushed out (Richardson 1961). They also prefer slight inclines to aid in
take-off as they are relatively poor fliers.
Adult RHAU spend their days feeding away from the colony and work on their
burrows and feed their young nocturnally (Speich and Wahl 1989). Upon arrival
they usually land and walk to entrances rather than flying directly in because
locating burrows is difficult in darkness (Leschner 1976). In the colony at night
RHAU tend to interact socially and spend much of their time sitting on the
hillsides or exploring other burrows (Leschner 1976). Scott et al. (1974)

speculated that their use of burrows and nocturnal habits are in response to
predation and kleptoparasitism by gulls. Furthermore, seabird colonial nesting
strategies and island habitat selection evolved, at least in part, due to predator
pressures (Buckley and Buckley 1980).
Rhinoceros auklets tend to lay a single egg in early May. Both parents share
incubation which takes about 45 days. The average nesting period is 54 days.
They are particularly sensitive during nesting and brooding and will readily
abandon their nests when disturbed (Sowls et al. 1980). They frighten easily
which can cause them to drop fish intended for chicks. In one instance on PI,
researchers observed a deer startle a RHAU as it approached a burrow with a bill
full of fish causing it to drop the food (Hodum and Pearson pers. corr. 2009).
Dropping fish can have significant implications since RHAU are susceptible to
kleptoparasitism by gulls (Wilson 1993) and such occurrences likely present
opportunities for competitors to steal food intended for chicks.
History on Protection Island
The first recorded account of RHAU on PI was by physician and naturalist
George Suckley who accompanied General Isaac I. Stevens on the Pacific
Railroad Survey starting in 1853. “This curious bird, first described by Bonaparte
from specimens said to have been brought from the west coast of America, is
found moderately abundant on the lower part of Puget Sound and in the Strait of
Fuca. . . . Protection Island . . . is said to be a favorite breeding ground of the
species where, according to the accounts given me by Indians, they breed in holes
dug in the steep banks, like those of the black guillemot, and are said to have
much the same habits. The most remarkable feature of the bird is the characteristic
singular wax yellow protuberance on the bill.” (Suckley 1859, pg. 284).
The first comprehensive RHAU surveys on PI conducted in 1958 and 1959
estimated a breeding colony between 6,000 and 8,000 birds (3,000 to 4,000 adult
pairs) (Richardson 1961). In 1975 and 1976 the estimated number of burrows was

27,549 (Wilson 1977) and the number of birds was estimated at more than 34,000
adults (17,000 breeding pairs) (Wilson and Manuwal 1986). In 1981, PI was
believed to be the largest RHAU colony in the contiguous U.S. (Larsen 1982). By
1983, the burrow estimate on PI had declined to 27,059, although a difference in
estimate methodology may account for the apparent discrepancy between the 7576 and 1983 counts (Thompson et al. 1985). However, by 2000 it appeared the
colony had declined to just 24,000 breeding adults (12,000 pairs) (Wilson
unpublished, reported by Wilson 2005).
Burrow counts conducted in 2008 estimated 54,113 (+/- 9,390 at 95% CI),
significantly higher than all previous studies and double the 1983 estimate. Also,
the borrow occupancy rate during breeding was estimated at 66% (+/- 5% at 95%
CI) of the 54,113 burrows. Using those estimates, a total breeding colony of
71,430 individuals (+/- 13,514 at 95% CI) was calculated for PI (Pearson et al.
2009). This was conservatively two and a half times the 2000 estimate. However,
once again variation in methodology may account, to some degree, for the
substantial differences between surveys (Pearson et al. 2010).
Population Trends
Figure IV.1, North American Rhinoceros Auklet Distribution

Source: Bird Life International 2011a


Rhinoceros auklets breed colonially on forested or grass and forb covered islands
up to several thousand hectares (Gaston and Dechesne 1996b). They are found in
the North Pacific ranging from the Channel Islands in California (McChesney and
Tershy 1998) to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska (Gaston and Dechesne 1996b)
(See Figure IV.1, North American Rhinoceros Auklet Distribution). They are also
found on Hokkaido and Honshu Island groups in the Japanese archipelago; on the
northern tip of North Korea; on the island of Sakhalin in Russia; and at two
locations on the far eastern Siberian coast in Asia (Bird Life International 2011b).
Because RHAU are extremely difficult to count while away from the colony,
numbers are typically estimated based on burrow occupancy. However, estimates
based on burrow occupancy are generally unreliable due to the fact the burrows
are often so extensive that researchers cannot access the nest chambers (Gaston
and Dechesne 1996b).
Nonetheless, the global RHAU population was estimated at roughly 1 million
breeding adults in 1993 (Byrd et al. 1993), which may imply an additional 1 - 2
million pre-breeders (Gaston and Dechesne 1996b) since RHAU don’t typically
breed until they are 3 – 5 years old (USFWS 2005). However, in 1996, Gaston
and Dechesne estimated the North American breeding population alone at just
below 1 million breeding adults and speculated that Byrd et al. had
underestimated the 1993 global population and that 1.5 million breeding adults
was probably a more accurate estimate. A 2011 estimate placed the global adult
RHAU breeding population at 1.3 million with a range of roughly 1,140,000 km2
(Bird Life International 2011a). It is believed that the global population is now in
decline due to predation and competition from invasive species (Gaston and
Dechesne 1996b, Bird Life International 2011b).
Regional Population Trends
Currently, more than 95% percent of the North American population of RHAU
occurs in Washington, British Columbia, and southeast Alaska (Gaston and
Dechesne 1996a) (See Table IV.A). Almost all of these birds breed in one of eight

large colonies of which the colony on PI is currently estimated to be the third
largest on the continent and by far the largest in Washington State (Pearson et al.
2009). In 2000, Washington State’s RHAU population was estimated at 55,662
breeding adults with about half of those (27,872) occurring on the outer coast
(Tenyo Maru OS Trustees 2000) primarily on Destruction Island with a few small
colonies on other islands. The inland population is found primarily on PI and
Smith Island but smaller numbers nest at a few other sites (Puget Sound Science
Update 2011).
Table IV.A, Major North America Rhinoceros Auklet Colonies in 1993
Major North America Rhinoceros Auklet Colonies in 1993

Estimated Breeding
Adults (x 1,000)

Farralon Islands
28 other locations
Entire State

Cleland Island
Pine and Storm Islands
Triangle Island
Moore Group
Lucy Island
Queen Charlotte Islands


Destruction Island


Protection Island
Smith Island



Gulf of Alaska
Middleton Island
Semidi Island
Aleutian Islands

Southeastern Alaska


Estimated Breeding
Adults (x 1,000)

British Columbia


St. Lazaria Island




< 461

Source: Birds of North America Online, 2011.

Protection, Destruction, and Smith Islands are the major colonies in Washington
State and make up over 90% of the U.S. population south of Alaska (See Table
IV.B). There are some indications that the West Coast RHAU population is
increasing in general but there is no evidence of any significant new colonies in
the State (Speich and Wahl 1989, Seattle Audubon 2011). Furthermore, the Smith
Island colony has little expansion potential due to the Island’s small size (0.25
km2) and a lack of moderate slopes, the burrow habitat RHAU prefer (Wilson and
Manuwal 1986). Their expansion potential on Destruction Island is also limited
due to the Island’s small size (0.15 km2) (Wilson and Manuwal 1986) and

potential competition from invasive rabbits (Pearson et al. 2010). By contrast PI is
much larger at just under 1.5 km2 and has considerably more slope habitat further
underscoring the Island’s importance to the species.
Table IV.B, Rhinoceros Auklet Estimates, Primary Washington State Colonies

Rhinoceros Auklet Estimates, Primary Washington State Colonies
Protection Island
Destruction Island
Smith Island









Richardson 1961
Speich and Wahl
Robel 1973























1 Reported

+/- 5%
3 +/- 5%
4 +/- 5%
5 +/- 5%
6 +/- 5%
7 +/- 5%

Speich and Wahl
Thompson et al.
USFWS 2010b
Speich and Wahl
USFWS 1985


USFWS 2010b
Unpublished data
cited in Wilson 2005
Pearson et al. 2009


Wilson 1977, Wilson
& Manuwal 1986
Manuwal et al. 1979




Leschner 1976



Wilson & Manuwal



Pearson et al. 2010


in USFWS Seabird Conservation Plan. 2005. Attributed to S.P. Thompson et al. 1985

(13,514) at 95% CI
(9,390) at 95% CI
(6,757) at 95% CI
(4,226) at 95% CI
(3,036) at 95% CI
(2,113) at 95% CI

Another important difference is that PI and Smith Island lie in the dry rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains and receive only about 41 cm of rain annually.
Destruction Island receives an annual rainfall of over 192 cm. Some of this
precipitation comes in the form of heavy downpours from Pacific Storms that can
flood burrows (Leschner 1976) and disrupt or terminate incubation or cause
chicks to abandon their burrows. PI and Smith Island burrows are occupied in the
dry season and typically do not have problems with flooding during incubation

(Wilson and Manuwal 1986). While no damage from flooded burrows has been
quantified for Destruction Island, burrow flooding reduced Atlantic Puffins
(Fratercula arctica) by 50% on Great Island, Newfoundland (Nettleship 1972).
Salish Sea Rhinoceros Auklets
Recent research suggests the Salish Sea RHAU population is healthy and
increasing, however, researchers caution against making direct comparisons with
earlier counts as the methodologies differ (Pearson et al. 2010). In sharp contrast,
the only other large RHAU colony in the state, located on Destruction Island, has
experienced a dramatic decline which may be due in part to non-native rabbits
competing for burrows (Pearson et al. 2010). The Destruction Island and PI
colonies were comparable in size in the mid 1970's but have headed in opposite
directions. At that time Destruction Island had an estimated 16,162 occupied
burrows (32,324 breeding adults) (Leschner 1976) and PI had an estimated 17,108
occupied burrows (34,216 breeding adults) (Wilson and Manuwal 1986). In 2009,
it was estimated that there were just 6,509 (+/- 2,113) occupied burrows on
Destruction Island while the 2008 burrow occupancy estimate for PI was 35,715
(+/- 6,757) (Pearson et al. 2010). This is a dramatic difference for colonies that
had been similar just three decades earlier and one that underscores the
importance of the success of the PI colony to the species as a whole.
Threats to Rhinoceros Auklets
Due to their feeding and breeding habits and low reproductive rates, RHAU are
particularly vulnerable to a great number of threats including fluctuating ocean
climate conditions such as El Niño events which can impact food resources
(Wilson and Manuwal 1986, U. Wilson 1991, M. Wilson 1998, U. Wilson 2005).
During the severe 1983 El Niño event an abundance of dead seabirds washed up
on California beaches suggesting that major changes in oceanographic conditions
can lead to heavy mortality. From 1973 to 1977, the RHAU colony on Farallon
Island near San Francisco doubled annually, but during the 1983 El Niño few

individuals could be found (Gaston and Dechesne 1996b).
El Niño events result from shifts in prevailing winds which tend to impact RHAU
food resources in coastal areas more than in the Salish Sea. Coastal upwelling is a
function of prevailing winds and introduces nutrients into the euphotic zone
promoting fish populations. El Niño events tend to be accompanied by a decrease
in upwelling which reduces the nutrient supply and subsequently the RHAU food
supply. In contrast, Salish Sea fish species preferred by RHAU are supplied
nutrients primarily by tidal mixing in the more stable inshore water system
(Wilson and Manuwal 1986).
During the 1983 El Niño event Destruction Island RHAU diet shifted from their
normal prey species, primarily northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) with lesser
amounts of rockfish species (Sebastes sp.), herring (Clupea harengus), and night
smelt (Spirinchus starksi), to Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) (Wilson 1991).
During the 1976 El Niño event researchers found uneaten Pacific saury in
burrows on Triangle Island, B.C., and speculate that chicks may have difficulty
eating these fish (Vermeer 1980). Also, Pacific saury are usually found farther
offshore than typical RHAU prey and are lower in nutritional and energetic value
(USFWS 2005). Declines in normal prey species resulting from changes in ocean
conditions were likely responsible for RHAU breeding failures in northern British
Columbia in 1976 (Vermeer 1978, 1980).
By contrast, Salish Sea RHAU colonies rely primarily on Pacific sandlance
(Ammodytes hexapterus) and herring and only infrequently on northern anchovy.
During El Niño years, sandlance and herring continue to be a fairly typical Salish
Sea RHAU diet component (Wilson and Manuwal 1986, Wilson 1998) suggesting
that these fish stocks may be relatively stable in the inland waters where PI
RHAU feed. Because their food supply is more stable, the PI RHAU colony is
somewhat buffered from fluctuating ocean conditions including El Niño events.
It is also possible that the calmer waters of the Salish Sea make foraging for food

easier than in the rough open seas (Wilson and Manuwal 1986). A number of
factors support this concept. For example, PI and Smith Island RHAU tend to
return to burrows with heavier bill loads of fish and subsequently their chicks tend
to grow faster and weigh more at fledging than in coastal colonies (Wilson and
Manuwal 1986). On average between 1974 and 1983, PI RHAU returned to their
burrows with 12.4% more fish than did Destruction Island RHAU (Leschner
1976, Wilson and Manuwal 1986). In addition, comparing the years for which
data are available suggests the PI colony tends to have a generally higher
reproductive rate than coastal colonies (Leschner 1976, Wilson 1977, Wilson and
Manuwal 1986).
In addition to fluctuating ocean conditions, RHAU face a number of other threats.
For example, human disturbance can cause seabirds to flush and abandon nests
leaving eggs and chicks vulnerable to predation and starvation. Disturbance can
also interfere with the ability for adult birds to rest and feed and can increase their
predation exposure. Sources of such disturbances include the activities of
researchers. Wilson (1977) reported that 28-30% of occupied RHAU burrows on
PI were deserted as a result of observer activities. Coast Guard search and rescue
operations and military exercises have caused un-quantified disturbances to
RHAU colonies. Noise from helicopters and other aircraft and searchlights at
night cause birds to flush (Speich and Wahl 1989) which can increase the
potential for injury and likely reduces RHAU reproductive success.
Human disturbance from boats passing close to colonies and from people
trespassing on breeding islands can also be significant. Such disturbances can
alter RHAU feeding behavior, flush birds, and result in nest abandonment.
Trespassers often do not understand the extent of their impacts. Pets in particular
can have detrimental consequences for seabird colonies. For example, in 1973 a
single dog owned by a lighthouse keeper killed 10% of the Smith Island’s RHAU
colony (Manuwal et al. 1979). Smith Island is approximately 16.5 km north of PI.

Human Caused Habitat Changes
One of the greatest threats to seabirds including RHAU is human disturbance of
burrow habitat. These disturbances can be direct, such as collapsed and destroyed
burrows, or indirect, i. e., actions that cause changes in drainage patterns affecting
soil moisture retention and erosion; soils compaction and hardening; reduced soil
biotic activity; and changes in vegetation structure and composition including the
establishment of invasive species and decreases in plant soil retention qualities.
Habitat alteration as a result of development has historically been a threat to
seabirds in general and to RHAU in particular.
For example, PI has a history of substantial habitat loss from human intrusions
that include direct destruction of burrows during construction of roads and other
infrastructure, as well as indirect disturbance from heavy machinery, motor
vehicles and aircraft (Larsen 1982, USFWS, 1988, Clark 1995). Although the
development of U.S. Coast Guard facilities on Smith and Destruction Islands and
construction of the residential community on Protection Island have all been
discontinued, the legacies of those endeavors linger in the form of unstable slopes,
roads, trails, and at least one active human residence within a RHAU colony (PI)
(USFWS 2010b).
Burrow collapse
Burrow collapse in seabird colonies is well documented (Bancroft 2005, 2009).
Causes include self-destruction and erosion facilitated by the resident birds
themselves and collapses caused by heavy animals and humans walking on the
surface above. For example, large mammals caused extensive damage resulting in
significant loss of manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) burrows on the
Pembrokeshire Islands, U.K., and nearly 70% of the wedge-tailed shearwater
(Puffinus pacificus) burrow entrances on Rottnest Island, Western Australia,
exhibited partial damage or complete collapse from humans in just one year, 2005
(Bancroft 2009). Estimated accidental collapses on Rottnest Island occurred at a

rate of 0.93 burrow collapses per person hour for every 0.1 burrows / meter2
(Bancroft 2009).
Of course the timing of the collapse is an important factor to consider when
assessing the actual impacts to reproductive success. Seabirds typically reexcavate burrows prior to the nesting season which presumably has little effect on
breeding success (Wilson and Manuwal 1986, Bancroft et al. 2005). However,
collapses during the breeding season can cause mortality to eggs, chicks, and even
adults (Bancroft 2009). The indirect effects of collapses on RHAU reproduction
(i.e. beyond direct mortality) are far more difficult to assess.
Threats to Foraging Seabirds
Other threats to seabirds come from recreation and fisheries activities including
collisions with commercial and private vessels and bycatch in working and
derelict driftnets. For example, in 1993 and 1994, common murres (Uria aagle)
and RHAU were the two most frequently entangled species in sockeye
(Oncorhynchus nerka) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon gillnets in northern
and central Puget Sound where they comprised more than 90% of all entangled
seabirds (Thompson et al. 1998). Fisheries also directly compete with RHAU for
food resources. While the full impacts to RHAU from net entanglements,
collisions with boats, and competition with humans for food have not been
quantified, their combined effects on the Salish Sea RHAU population may be
significant. (Thompson et al. 1998, Wilson 1998)
Ingestion and/or exposure to even small amounts of oil can compromise a
seabird's health, lead to hypothermia, and cause death. This includes oil from
spills as well as from non-point sources such as storm-water runoff. Serious spills
can kill hundreds of thousands of marine birds in a single occurrence and
represent a major threat to local colonies. Because they spend so much time
resting on the water’s surface and diving for food and because they have few large

breeding colonies in North America, RHAU are one of the most susceptible
seabirds to oil pollution (Remsen 1978, Gaston and Dechesne 1996b). The PI
colony and the smaller one on nearby Smith Island are at greater risk than most
RHAU because their colonies lie along a major shipping route used by crude oil
tankers heading for the refineries in the Salish Sea.
Pollutants such as organochlorines which encompass a broad array of highly toxic
compounds are extremely persistent and can create serious health risks for
individual birds as well as for seabird populations, especially when considering
the effects of bio-accumulation (Elliot and Noble 1993). Complications can
include; lowered reproductive rates including reduced shell thickness; organ
failures; neurological disorders; embryonic deformities and other abnormalities;
and higher mortality rates (Mills et al. 2005). Trace elements including cadmium,
lead, mercury and selenium have also been found in North Pacific seabirds in
levels known to cause adverse effects in other species (Ohlendorf 1993).
In addition, RHAU are undoubtedly affected by marine debris, especially plastics
which are ubiquitous and can cause mortality. Plastics resemble food to wildlife
and cause serious health conditions ranging from strangulation to starvation
(Kingfisher et al. 2009). There are other ways plastics can impact seabirds.
Because plastic can absorb and concentrate toxins such as those mentioned above
from the surrounding seawater, they can facilitate toxic accumulations in seabird
tissues if they are consumed leading to the health complications mentioned
Plastics can also indirectly impact seabirds by altering ecosystem functions such
as reducing the exchange of gasses between seawater and sediments, and by
altering the chemical composition of the benthic environment (Mills et al. 2005).
These changes can impact water quality and seabird food resources. How marine
debris such as micro-plastics effect wildlife is an emerging topic but research is
beginning to show a disturbing pattern of pervasive impacts on seabirds (Ryan et
al. 1988, Kingfisher et al. 2009)

Both native and non-native predators present a serious threat to RHAU. For
example, substantial RHAU colony size reductions (26,000 to 4,000 in about 6
years) have been attributed to raccoons introduced on Helgesen and Saunders
Islands in the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. (Gaston and Dechesne 1996b, Birds
of N.A. Online 2011). On PI, RHAU face threats from native birds of prey
including eagles and owls. In fact, the most common bones encountered when
studying eagle prey remains on the Island were from RHAU. Their bones were
found in greater quantities than gull bones suggesting that eagles preferentially
prey on RHAU (Hayward and Henson 2008). Owl pellets also contained a very
high percentage of RHAU remains; 93% of owl pellets collected on PI contained
RHAU bones and nearly 94% of those contained RHAU bones exclusively
(Hayward and Henson 2008). The threat to RHAU from eagles is likely to
increase with the growing eagle population (Hayward and Henson 2008, Davis
pers. corr. 2010).
In addition to owls and eagles, PI RHAU face threats from other predators and
competitors including river otters and gulls. For example, each year a large
number of RHAU chicks are killed by gulls as they attempt to reach the water
after fledging (Hayward and Clayburn 2004). They could also face threats from
potential invaders including rats and raccoons and from introduced domestic
animals including dogs and cats which is a primary reason the Island is closed to
the public.
Mitigating Threats
Rhinoceros auklet breeding and feeding habitat are under a number of threats.
Many of the threats are not fully quantified, or even studied at present, and most
are out of the control of DFW and FWS. Some threats such as climate change and
El Niño events are beyond the regulatory scope of resource agencies, while other
threats caused by fisheries, pollutants, and predation are difficult to influence.

Mitigating threats to breeding habitat is far more realistic. In fact, Refuge and
Sanctuary managers can effectively mitigate two significant threats, direct human
disturbance and non-native invaders. Human disturbance from residents, staff and
researchers can be addressed through policy, and human and pet disturbance from
trespassers can be addressed to some degree through public education and law
enforcement. Monitoring and rapid response can potentially mitigate impacts
from new invasive arrivals. In the cases of PI and Destruction Island management
actions can address the threat from deer and rabbits respectively.
For the most part the agencies that manage PI have effectively minimized the
threat from human activity on the Island by purchasing the land and regulating its
use including closing it to the public and limiting the number of people on the
Island. The presence of a resident caretaker is a trespass deterrent and those
individuals that are allowed to visit are reminded to avoid sensitive habitat unless
specifically involved in approved research. Furthermore, staff and researchers are
on the constant lookout for invasive animals and would undoubtedly be quick to
inform managers in the event of a sighting. But simply documenting arrivals
and/or sightings is not enough. Managing agencies must act on that information if
the threat is to be mitigated.


V. The Effect of Introduced Ungulates on Island Biodiversity
The term biodiversity (biological diversity) can be defined as the summary of
multivariate statistics that quantify the characteristics of a community (van
Wieren and Bakker 2008), that is the variation within and between life forms in a
given ecosystem, in this case within island communities. Just how to fully
measure the parameters that define biodiversity is a question that continues to
engage scientists, however, species richness, evenness, and diversity are among
the most commonly used biodiversity indicators even though biodiversity has
come to be defined in much broader terms (Groom et al. 2006, van Wieren and
Bakker 2008). Certain changes in biodiversity are believed to be indicative of an
ecosystem's health. Reductions in diversity (species richness and evenness)
generally lower a system's stability and productivity and can lead to an increased
vulnerability (Gaston and Martin 2002) to invasion by exotic species.
Non-native ungulates impact island species richness and diversity in a variety of
direct and indirect ways and their impacts can be positive or negative. For
example, ungulate browsing can stimulate plant growth and increase plant
competitive abilities, increase seed dispersal, increase fertilization by increasing
rates of nutrient cycling (feces and urine), and control undesired vegetation
growth. However, in most cases non-native ungulates tend to decrease species
richness and diversity on islands (Courchamp et al. 2003, Skarpe and Hester
2008), a phenomena closely linked to ungulate density (see below).
Ungulate grazing and browsing can selectively alter species evenness and species
richness; modify soil characteristics and drainage patterns; reduce the quality and
availability of certain habitat types thereby increasing competition between
affected species for suitable habitat; and can indirectly elevate predation pressures
on specific species such as seabirds through habitat alteration and disturbance.
Such effects can trigger trophic cascades and thus have far reaching implications

for the ecosystem. Ungulates have the ability to modify the composition of island
communities and in severe cases they can significantly alter ecosystems beyond
the point of recovery (Gaston et al. 2008).
Ungulate Density; Cattle, Goats, Sheep and Deer
Ungulate impact on island biodiversity is primarily a function of the island’s
history of exposure to ungulates and ungulate density (Albon et al. 2007). While
most communities can tolerate low ungulate densities, and many can tolerate
moderate densities without dramatic changes in biodiversity, few can tolerate high
ungulate densities (McShea et al. 1997, Harrison and Bardgett 2008). The
ungulate impacts documented in this section are associated with cattle, goats,
sheep and deer (including reindeer).
In general, sheep and cattle tend to have highly localized impacts on vegetation
and soils likely due to the fact that these species tend to aggregate into groups and
have limited ranging behavior. Deer on the other hand usually impact vegetation
and soils less than other ungulates at similar densities because they range further
and generally do not aggregate into large groups. However, Albon et al. (2007)
found that red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Scotland, which are larger than Columbia
black-tailed deer, at high densities (>40 individuals / km2) tended to form larger
groups and range less causing impacts more closely resembling those of sheep
Deer have the potential for rapid population growth due to their ability to exploit a
wide variety of food resources, early reproductive age, annual reproduction, and
capacity for twinning (Gillingham 2008). For example, a group of six white-tailed
deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (4 females and 2 males) introduced into a deer free
enclosure in the George Reserve in Michigan grew into a herd of 162 animals in
just 6 years (McCullough 1997). It is important to note that deer can reduce
species richness and diversity at less than 25% of their carrying capacity (de
Calesta and Stout 1997).

Perhaps the most obvious impacts from ungulates are changes in vegetation.
Browsing can result in loss of plant organs, altered and reduced canopies, and
changes in species assemblages, which in turn can cause vegetation gaps and
changes in the colonization matrix including increased exotic plant invasions.
Grazing can also result in root exudation and changes in root biomass leading to a
dominance of defended plants (those not selectively browsed) at the expense of
selected (browsed) plants (van Wieren and Bakker 2008).
Plants respond to foraging in a variety of ways ranging from sudden plant deaths
to increased growth and competitive abilities. Herbivores can increase or decrease
species richness depending on the amount of plant biomass, on grazing intensity
in general, and on selective grazing intensity on a dominant species. In fact, the
utilization of herbivores can be an effective land management strategy at low and
even moderate intensities where the goal is to manipulate vegetation for a specific
purpose such as to limit plant growth (either biomass or location coverage) or
select for certain species. For example, goats are often used to reduce understory
foliage or limit growth of native and/or invasive plant species.
One of the earliest recorded examples of ungulate impacts on plant species
richness comes from the Great Island in New Zealand, where introduced goats
trampled, overgrazed and overbrowsed the landscape to the extent that a great
number of plant species went locally extinct. In the 35 years after their
introduction, goats reduced the variety of flora from 143 to 70 species (Turbott
1948). There are many other examples where the introduction of ungulates on
islands has resulted in severe overgrazing and reductions in species richness
(Courchamp et al. 2003, Campbell and Donlan 2004, Donlan and Heneman 2007,
Gaston et al. 2008). In some cases the damage is so extensive that the grazers
literally starve themselves to death (Ebbert and Byrd 2000).
In many systems, low and even intermediate levels of herbivory result in high

species richness. In general, a system with a longer grazing history can sustain
higher grazing pressures and greater variation in grazing density. However, even
the vegetation in those systems can be degraded at high ungulate density. Where
the main goal is conserving biodiversity, the best option seems to be to maintain
herbivore densities similar to those under which the system evolved (van Wieren
and Bakker 2008). On islands those densities are often zero.
Soil Compaction and Erosion
Another well documented impact from ungulates is soil compaction and the
resultant changes to soil drainage patterns which can alter plant structures and
community composition and dramatically increase erosion. For example, sheep
introduced in the Channel Islands in the mid-1800's eventually reached densities
far beyond carrying capacity, causing considerable destruction of native flora as
well as extensive soil compaction and erosion (McChesney and Tershy 1998).
Feral goats introduced in the 1700's on Guadalupe Island nearly stripped it to bare
soil increasing erosion and causing extensive local extirpation of flora and fauna
(McChesney and Tershy 1998). Where reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) have
overgrazed hilly areas on Alaska islands the result has been the permanent loss of
natural plant communities, increased erosion, and in extreme cases, the creation of
desert conditions (Ebbert and Byrd 2000).
Soil Composition
Less obvious ungulate impacts include changes in soil characteristics including
decreased soil moisture, increased soil temperatures, and reduction or increase of
soil biotic activity. Herbivores can increase soil temperature by removing live
vegetation which reduces litter and decreases ground insulation – a process that
allows more sunlight to reach mineral soil (Pastor et al. 1993). This in turn may
lead to lower soil moisture and soil hardening. In arid environments such as
deserts, the disruption of biological soil crusts (the community of organisms
living on the soil surface including cyanobacteria, green algae, microfungi,

mosses, liverworts and lichens (USGS 2011)), combined with changes in
vegetation can lead to increased wind and rain erosion (Harrison and Bardgett
Because nitrogen can limit plant growth, nitrogen availability and cycling rates
are important to plant productivity. Herbivores can significantly alter nitrogen
cycling rates either increasing or decreasing the availability of nitrogen. Because
carbon’s availability is linked to nitrogen, it changes in tandem (Harrison and
Bardgett 2008). Soil microbial activity responds to these changes either positively
or negatively depending on the situation. For example, the regeneration capacity
of tall grasses usually decreases with increasing grazing pressure (Hobbs 1996).
However, in productive grasslands a positive feedback mechanism can occur in
which dominant grazed grass species exhibit compensatory growth which inhibits
colonization by late successional plants that attract grazers less and tend to
produce poorer quality litter that does not decompose as efficiently.
Additional grazing attracted by the compensatory growth returns carbon and
nitrogen to the soil in the form of dung and urine, and as enhanced
rhizodeposition. This in turn stimulates soil microbial activity further enhancing
nitrogen and carbon (nutrient) cycling (Hobbs 1996) resulting in higher quality
forage and thus more grazing and more excrements. However, this positive
feedback loop can be compromised when increased grazing surpasses the
enhanced production levels. It is important to note that this feedback process can
be localized to small areas and may be insufficient to negate overall adverse
grazing impacts (Harrison and Bardgett 2008).
A negative feedback mechanism can also occur in instances where browsing is
focused specifically on nutrient rich plants. The result can be non-selection of
plants that tend to return nutrients to the soil as recalcitrant litter which does not
decompose well and thus lowers biotic activity and nutrient cycling despite the
addition of browser excrements (Pastor et. al. 1993, Hobbs 1996). The resulting
soils in turn do not promote additional growth of nutrient rich plants. Negative

feedback may also occur where high grazing densities affect physical soil
properties that results in microbial activity reductions or where substantial
nutrient loss occurs from erosion (Harrison and Bardgett 2008).
Invasive Plants
Ungulate pressures on native plant species can facilitate the recruitment and
establishment of invasive species. As the cover or biomass of certain native plants
is reduced, windows of establishment opportunity are opened for the introduction
of non-native plants. Vegetation gaps created by grazing, trampling, and increased
erosion create conditions favorable to colonization by exotics. A good example of
this is the establishment of exotic dandelions resulting from the effects of
introduced cattle on Sanak Island in the Aleutian archipelago (Rudebusch 2008).
On Sanak, cattle have promoted a host of changes to the plant community
resulting from the combined effects of one exotic species, cattle, facilitating
another, dandelions. See Sanak Island in this section.
Avian and Invertebrate Communities
Large herbivores not only disturb vegetation and impact soils, they can also affect
avian communities in several ways. First, they can carry parasites such as lice and
fleas which may have drastic consequences for island wildlife, especially birds.
Furthermore, reduced distribution and abundance of native birds have been linked
to loss of foliage associated with grazing and browsing through a loss of nesting
habitat, food sources, and protective cover from predators (de Calesta and Stout
1997, Gaston et al. 2008). There is also a growing body of research suggesting
that large herbivores on islands have lowered invertebrate richness and promoted
exotic plant invasion by altering plant communities and changing pollinator
abundance and behavior (Stockton 2002, Allombert and Martin 2002, Rudebusch
Ungulates are usually categorized as herbivores although they do consume insects

as an incidental part of consuming vegetation. There are also extreme cases where
sheep and deer consume seabirds. For example, sheep in the Shetland Islands are
known to eat the legs off unfledged Arctic turns (Sterna paradisaea) and red deer
on the Scottish island of Rum consume the heads and legs of manx shearwater
chicks as a way to satisfy calcium and possibly a phosphorous deficiency in the
island vegetation. Deer in particular have a high demand for calcium required for
annual antler growth. On the Island of Rum, deer consume on average 36 grams
of shearwater bones per breeding season killing up to 4% of the colony's chicks
(Owen 2003).
Queen Charlotte Islands
Perhaps one of the best case studies for understanding the impacts of black-tailed
deer on island ecosystems is that of the Queen Charlotte Islands archipelago
(hereafter QCI) in British Columbia, where researchers have studied impacts to
island flora and fauna. Sitka black-tailed deer, which are similar to Columbia
black-tailed deer, were introduced to QCI in 1878 (Golumbia et al. 2002) and
flourished in the mild maritime climate and in the absence of predators (Hatter et
al. 2000). Deer on QCI have likely altered species richness and diversity more
than any other introduced species (Golumbia et al. 2002). QCI deer density
ranged from 13 to 30 deer / km2 on most islands in 2002 (Martin and Baltzinger
2002). On two islands where deer were removed, cull data suggested much higher
densities at 27 - 34 deer / km2 (Gillingham 2002). The most recent black-tailed
deer density estimate for PI is 53 deer / km2 (This paper).
Browsing and grazing results in a direct loss of foliage and heavy browsing can
result in dramatic declines and local extirpation of plant species. For example, as
early as 1957, researchers on SGang Gwaay in the QCI noted that introduced
Sitka black-tailed deer had created large areas totally devoid of living shrubs and
completely stripped salal bushes below a height of 1.5 m (Duff and Kew 1958).
Heavy deer browsing has dramatically reduced and homogenized understory
vegetation and retarded the regeneration of many tree species. The resulting

sapling free open understory has become a striking hallmark feature of the
landscape (Pojar 2002).
Deer have selectively altered the vegetation on the nearby Island of Haida Gwaii
leaving species such as western red cedar and yellow-cedar with little ability to
regenerate. Numerous other species including skunk cabbage and devil's-club
have almost completely disappeared from the Island's forests and historically
abundant plants such as Nootka rose, Pacific crab apple, and western yew are now
rarely seen (Golumbia et al. 2002). Also, a great number of other important
species are in severe decline.
Research in the QCI also suggests that plants that evolved in the absence of
herbivores are more susceptible to overgrazing. For example, western red cedars
on Haida Gwaii have lower concentrations of terpenes, a chemical known to play
a role in plant defense, than their mainland counterparts and are therefore more
desirable to deer. Such findings support the hypothesis that chemical defense
production is costly to plants and diminishes subject to a lack of constant
selection. Concentrated browsing by deer not only has the potential to severely
reduce abundance, but to also alter the genetic composition of a plant species
(Vourc'h et al. 2002).
Studies of the impacts of ungulates on other components of the ecosystem suggest
a web of interactions that have exacted a heavy toll on biodiversity in the QCI.
Deer impacts on vegetation cascade into other components of the system. While
the repercussions for invertebrate communities have not been fully explored,
moderate to heavy browsing on the forest understory can greatly reduce the
quantity of resources available to invertebrates leading to an overall invertebrate
"impoverishment" (Allombert and Martin 2002).
Deer browse tends to lower the habitat quality of litter leading to a variety of
invertebrate responses. For example, on the islands in the QCI where deer have
been present for 50 years or more, forest arthropod abundance is conservatively

estimated to be six times lower and species richness five to ten times lower. The
decrease in species richness occurs in all major taxonomic groups of insects
(Allombert and Martin 2002). Allombert and Martin (2002) speculated that the
loss of numerous pollinating insects could have additional wide ranging
implications. Evidence from Haida Gwaii also suggests a direct correlation
between the length of deer browsing history and a reduction in songbird
distribution and abundance (Martin et al. 2002). The biodiversity declines on
Haida Gwaii linked directly to deer are as severe as seen anywhere in the world
(Gill 1999).
The QCI are a dire warning regarding the vulnerability of island ecosystems.
Todd Golumbia, a QCI researcher articulated the dilemma when he wrote; “One
could argue that over time, the introduction of species could be an inevitable step
in the natural progression towards a more homogenous global ecosystem.
Ecological conditions could be allowed to evolve untouched with the hope that
introduced species will reach equilibrium. Yet, to do nothing is contrary to the
goal of maintaining biodiversity, since certain species may be eliminated”
(Golumbia et al. 2000, pg. 27). Deer on QCI have induced a trophic cascade that
has resulted in substantially reduced species richness and diversity that may be
leading to what has been termed an "invasional meltdown" (Simberloff and Von
Holle 1999). Meltdown occurs when a non-native species impacts an ecosystem
to the point where that species is facilitating the establishment of other exotic
species thus significantly compounding the impacts to native species.
Gulf and San Juan Islands Archipelagos
A recent study of deer impacts on island biodiversity in the Gulf and San Juan
Island archipelagos looked at 18 U.S. and Canadian islands, ten with no or few
deer and the rest with densities ranging from 13 / km 2 (Wallace Island) to 114 /
km2 (Sidney Island). Six were considered moderate with 13, 21, 22, 25, 30 and 38
deer / km2, and two were considered high with 105 and 114 deer / km2. The study
revealed that low deer and deer-free islands had twice as many bird species as

islands with moderate and high densities defined as 13 – 114 individuals / km2.
Furthermore, there was no significant difference between avian species evenness
and diversity on islands with moderate versus high deer density. On those islands
the forest understory vegetation was reduced and simplified in the 0.5 – 1.5 meter
height strata and contained areas devoid of shrub cover (Martin et al. 2011).
Deer browsing can prevent growth of culturally important species such as
common and great camas (Camassia sp.), fawn and chocolate lilies (Erythronium
sp.), sea blush (Plectritis congesta), blue-eyed Mary (Omphalodes verna), lupine
(Fabaceae sp.), onions (Allium sp.) and various brodea (Brodiaea sp.) (Arcese
and Martin 2011). Browsing at moderate and high densities had dramatic effects
on both vegetation cover and architecture and significantly reduced bird species
that depend on understory vegetation. For example, on islands with moderate and
high deer density compared to islands with no and low deer density, rufous
hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufous) and fox sparrows (Passerellia iliaca) were 9
times lower, spotted towhees (Papilo maculatus) were 25 times lower and varied
thrushes (Ixoreus naevius) were 29 times lower. Dark-eyed juncos (Junco
hyemalis) were the only species with a significantly higher abundance on high
deer density islands likely because this species prefers open forest with sparse
vegetation cover (Arcese and Martin 2011, Martin et al. 2011).
Islands with low deer densities had considerably higher bird diversity and
significantly lower evenness (Martin et al. 2011). High browsing pressures
lowered the distribution and abundance of native plants and birds and reduced the
number of bird species. Importantly, researchers hypothesize cohorts of palatable
shrub species are relatively old on islands with medium and high deer densities
because young replacement plants are selected by browsers. This potentially
represents an “impending extinction debt” arising when the older plants die and
there are no young plants to replace them. Thus the full impact to island biota
from high deer densities may not be realized for decades (Martin et al. 2011).
Martin et al. (2011) suggested that islands with dense deer herds may act as
“population sinks”, and deer densities above 10 / km2 are likely too high to

maintain diverse bird communities.
Sanak Island, the Invasional Meltdown Concept
Evidence from Sanak Island, one of the easternmost islands in the Aleutian
archipelago, suggests that introduced feral cattle (Bos taurus) are responsible for a
multi-trophic cascade on the Island. This cascade is occurring through the
following process; 1) cattle facilitate the establishment of Kentucky bluegrass and
dandelions which indirectly results in smaller Island vole populations, which in
turn leads to changes in the community composition of insects; 2) cattle support
higher abundances of cattle-associated non-native insect species, which in turn
alters insect community composition which effects insect behavior including
pollinator routines. Dandelions likely also promote the establishment of nonnative insects and; 3) non-native ground vegetation further reduces vole
populations and promotes non-native plant and insect establishments (Rudebusch
2008). Sanak Island is a case where a non-native species has facilitated the
establishment of other non-natives which in turn further facilitates non-native
establishments. It appears that through this process Sanak Island is indeed
experiencing an "invasional meltdown".
Invaded Insular Ecosystems
There are several reasons why non-native species have relatively high impacts on
insular island ecosystems. Because they have evolved in isolation, species on
islands typically have not developed traits necessary to respond to exploitation.
Islands may provide better or more resources for non-native species because those
islands may have fewer competitors and predators. In fact, plant communities on
oceanic islands are often composed of very palatable and vulnerable species
lacking toxins and physical deterrents, while demonstrating high fecundity and
compensated growth (Courchamp et al. 2003). By exploiting such conditions,
ungulates including deer have the ability to modify whole island communities and
in severe cases they can significantly alter ecosystems beyond the point of
recovery (Gaston et al. 2008).

Studies from the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Gulf and San Juan Islands
archipelagos suggest a remarkably consistent pattern of ecosystem change after
the introduction of deer. They confirm that deer, especially at high densities,
reduce island species richness and diversity and offer insight into what can be
expected on islands that have evolved in the absence of such invaders.
Specifically, they offer a warning of what is likely to occur on PI if deer are not
actively managed.
Ungulate History on Protection Island
Beginning as early as 1874, PI experienced grazing pressure from introduced
ungulates including cattle, horses, and sheep. Between 1888 and 1912, sheep and
cattle "rapidly overgazed the Island, causing erosion that took parts of the
grassland down to bare rock" (Clark 1995, Actions: 1888-1912). By 1912, areas
on the upland plateau had been reduced to hardpan, and by 1920, blowing eroded
sands created large dunes that consumed trees (Powers 1976). Up to 40 retired
racehorses grazed on the Island into the early 1960's and sheep grazing continued
until 1968 (Clark 1995, Larsen 1982).
Frank Richardson, an early RHAU researcher, noted that; “. . . some 100 to 300
sheep have grazed freely over the island and are seriously affecting the breeding
slopes of the auklets. Grazing chiefly on annual grasses and what alfalfa is left
[from farming], followed by frequent trampling of certain parts of the slopes as
they become dry in early summer, has led to the formation of many slide areas of
loose sand and soil. Auklet burrows have thus been buried in some regions and
the slopes made unusable, or auklets in less severely affected areas must
persistently dig out partly filled-in burrows" (Richardson 1961, pg. 458).
Although burrows are typically re-used year after year, Richardson noted that at
least 57 of the 76 burrows in use in 1957 were used in 1958 but just 32 of those
were used again in 1959. Richardson surmised that much of the reduction was
"due to burrows being caved in or buried" (Richardson 1961, pg. 462). In fact,
46% of 76 RHAU burrows in the study area were collapsed by hoofs or buried by

slides in 1958 and 1959 (Richardson 1961).
By the time sheep were finally removed from the Island there was significant
evidence of overgrazing. A photograph from 1956, shortly before grazing ceased,
shows areas of bare compacted soil and slumping sections along the northwest
bluffs with pronounced erosion channels (Cowles and Hayward 2008) (See
Figure V.1, Historical Photograph A).
Figure V.1, A: 1956 Protection Island Photograph

Note: arrows indicate slumping sections.

Source: Cowles and Hayward 2008

The extent to which these features were a direct result of overgrazing is unclear
since PI experiences a tremendous amount of natural erosion. It has been
estimated that sloughing of the bluffs and cliffs results in a net perimeter loss of
about 15 cm per year (Larsen 1982). The Island is surrounded by a shallow area
known as Dallas Bank which encompasses approximately 16.84 km2. Dallas Bank
extends north 5 km and south approximately 0.64 km (USFWS 1985) constituting
the base of a once substantially larger Island (Larsen 1982).
The role ungulates played in the transformation of the plant community on PI is
not well understood. In general, it is difficult to assess non-native species impacts

on native species because in most cases the data needed to compare conditions
before and after introduction simply does not exist (Courchamp et al. 2003). That
is certainly the case with PI. Assessing ungulate impacts on the Island is further
complicated by development that substantially altered vegetation in the 1960’s
and 70’s including clearing areas for roadways, cul de sacs, home sites and an
airstrip (See Figure V.2, Historical Photograph B).
Figure V.2, B: 1974 Photograph of Protection Island

Source: Cowles and Hayward 2008

What is clear is that in 1999, only 41% of non-woody grassland species of
sampled vascular plants were native to the Island. Intensely disturbed upland
plateau areas exhibited significantly higher species richness when compared with
less disturbed areas although that was due primarily to the presence of introduced
species (Cowles and Hayward 2008). Many decades of farming and grazing has
substantially altered the Island’s ecosystem. Today the slopes described by Frank
Richardson in 1961 are again experiencing grazing pressures. Where once there
were cattle, sheep, and horses, a herd of Columbia black-tailed deer now grazes
freely threatening the Island’s recovery.


VI. Deer on Protection Island
Columbia Black-tailed Deer
Mature Columbia black-tailed bucks (males) and does (females) range in weight
from 48 to 90 kg and 40 to 65 kg respectively. They browse in winter and early
spring and add grazed grasses and a wide variety of herbs to their diet when they
are available in summer and fall. Black-tailed deer species are extremely flexible
and can exploit an array of habitats consuming a wide variety of forage
(Gillingham 2002). Moreover, deer can have dramatic effects on plant biomass
and community structure (Gaston et al. 2008) with particularly pronounced
impacts in areas that lack predators such as islands (Gaston and Martin 2002).
Columbia black-tailed deer populations have tremendous potential for rapid
increase under favorable conditions because they reach breeding maturity at an
early age and reproduce annually, often producing more than one offspring
(Gillingham 2008). Young does typically breed in their second year, although first
year births are routinely observed, and usually give birth to a single fawn. Older
does three to nine years of age in good condition usually give birth to twins and
sometimes triplets. Does produce offspring throughout their lives and every year
90% of the female population gives birth (Hatter et al. 2000). Most deer live for
no more than five years while a few live longer than ten years (WDFW 2011a).
The primary causes of death are predation, starvation and hunting. Under good
conditions their population can double in a few years (Hatter et al. 2000).
Black-tailed deer represent the highest harvest of any deer species in Washington
State with an annual harvest of about 14,000 individuals (WDFW 2008). They are
considered abundant with the Washington Natural Heritage Program's highest
occurrence ranking of G5 and S5 (1 is very rare and 5 is common), indicating they
are "demonstrably secure" globally (G) and within the state (S) respectively
(WDNR 2009). In Coastal Region 6 which includes the Olympic Peninsula, the
black-tailed deer population is increasing (WDFW 2009).

Deer Density Comparisons
Accurately estimating deer densities is difficult, and caution should be exercised
when comparing density estimates from different habitat types. Based on
estimates from similar habitats in other areas within the range of this deer species,
at 53 deer / km2 PI has a very high deer density. By comparison, black-tailed deer
densities along the Columbia River typically range from 4 to 12 deer / km2
(USFWS 2010b). Density estimates for Columbia black-tailed deer in forests
adjacent to the Pacific Rim National Park on the southwest coast of Vancouver
Island, B.C., range from 0.4 to 1.8 deer / km2 (Engelstoft 2007) and Columbia
black-tailed deer densities on the north Olympic Peninsula in a 1997 study ranged
from 1.14 to 9.99 deer / km2 (Ratti et al. 1999). Recent density estimates of Sitka
black-tailed deer in the temporal coastal rainforest of southeast Alaska ranged
from 7 to 12 / km2 (Brinkman et al. 2011) (See Table VI.A). It is important to note
that these areas have population limiting factors not found on PI including
predation and hunting.
Table VI.A, Deer Density Comparisons

Deer Density Comparisons

N Olympic

53.0 / km2
1.14 - 9.99 / km2
* Sitka Black-tailed Deer


SW Vancouver

SE Alaska

4 - 12 deer / km2

0.4 - 1.8 deer / km2

* 7 - 12 / km2

Deer Population Growth
A particular landscape has a theoretical maximum deer density that can be
sustained over the long term based on forage availability in the absence of
predation, hunting, and extreme weather mortality (de Calesta and Stout 1997),
which is the case on PI. However, variables such as the amount of former
agricultural acreage can directly influence that carrying capacity (K). Researchers
have suggested that there is a direct relationship between the percentage of old
agricultural fields and K for deer (Porter and Underwood 1997).


For example, K for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), which can be as
much as 30% larger than Columbia black-tailed deer (Hunting 2011b), in the
contiguous oak forest of central Massachusetts where hunting is prohibited has
been observed approaching 20 deer / km2 (Healy 1997). In the George Reserve in
central Michigan, where 26% of the acreage is old agricultural fields, K has been
estimated at 38 deer / km2 (McCullough 1979, 1984). In the Saratoga National
Historical Park in New York, where 50% of the acreage is old agricultural fields,
K has been estimated at 55-60 deer / km2 (Underwood et al. 1994).
Farmed intermittently between 1856 and 1957 (Clark 1995, Cowles and Hayward
2008), PI has a legacy of old agricultural fields. Estimates from 1937-1941
(Cowles and Hayward 2008) are that 36% of PI’s 136 ha was in tilled fields at
that time. The model for white-tailed deer suggests that PI’s K for that species
would lie somewhere around 48 deer / km2. Given that PI had an estimated
additional 40 ha in productive grasslands at the time (Cowles and Hayward 2008),
whereas the additional acreage in the cases mentioned above was in less nutritious
forest land, and that white-tailed deer are generally significantly larger than
Columbia black-tailed deer, we could expect PI’s K to be greater. It is quite
possible that the PI herd may not yet have reached K at the recently estimated 53
deer / km2.
Considering the definition of carrying capacity (K) as the point at which the
population is balanced between mortality and recruitment (McCullough 1984), we
may be able to determine where the PI herd is heading if we can get an accurate
count of the deceased and the new recruits. The caretaker reports from 2010
(Davis pers. corr. 2010) suggest death and recruitment may differ in magnitude;
15 new births (fawns) and 13 deaths, three of which were fawns, were reported
during the fall and winter of 2009-2010. If those figures are correct, then 12 fawns
(15-3) would have replaced 10 deceased adults resulting in a net increase. This is
supported by the deer counts conducted in 2010 (71) and 2011 (78), which
suggest a growth rate (R) of roughly 1.099 (78 / 71) or about 9%.

Carrying Capacity (K) and Freshwater
It is also possible that the removal of the last freshwater trough from the Island
which occurred in 2009 will essentially lower K. PI has no reliable freshwater
source although there are numerous leaks in the well water distribution system
and the Island is often drenched in fog. Studies have shown that deer can survive
about a month with little or no food, but animals have been known to die in as
little as three days without water. Research has also shown that deer will lose
weight and stop feeding with even a moderate restriction in water (Hunting
2011a). Deer get their water from three sources: free water, such as ponds,
streams, and the dew on plants; preformed water, or that contained in plants; and
metabolic water, which is produced during metabolism. Deer are believed to need
about 3 to 6 quarts of water a day, depending on the outside temperature, although
deer may not require any free water if lush forage is available (Hunting 2011a).
Island Invaders and Carrying Capacity (K)
Deer carrying capacity is a reflection of a landscape’s maximum long term deer
population potential and therefore a function of full forage utilization. However,
K is difficult to determine and has limited value when assessing the potential
impacts of invaders. In practicality, on islands free of the normal biotic pressures
found in mainland habitats, such as predators, deer populations can expand at
their maximum growth rates often overshooting K. Limited island resources are
then depleted and a sudden population crash may occur (Courchamp et al. 2003).
For example, after just 20 years, 29 reindeer introduced on St. Matthew Island
increased to 6,000 individuals. Free of the normal biotic pressures they had
evolved with on the mainland, the population rapidly increased beyond the
landscape's capacity resulting in severe impoverishment of flora and a dramatic
population crash (Klein 1968, Courchamp et al. 2003). The value of K was only
apparent after the peak and subsequent crash, and was then of minimal value in
predicting impacts.


Relative Deer Density
Perhaps a more useful tool in anticipating potential impacts is that of relative deer
density (RDD) which is an expression of a deer population density as a
percentage of a habitat’s potential capacity, K. Because RDD is a function of K, it
accounts for size difference between deer species. Researchers studying whitetailed deer population management in the Eastern U.S. hypothesize that impacts
to resources should be similar at similar RDD, even on landscapes with widely
varying K. Furthermore, if we can determine the RDD at which biological
diversity is sustained, then, the deer population could be managed to achieve a
variety of resource goals that explicitly include, biodiversity, timber harvests,
harvest opportunities for deer for hunters, etc. (de Calesta and Stout 1997).
The formula for RDD is: Deer Density / K x 100.
We can assume that the PI herd has not yet reached K given the Island’s high
quality forage (grasslands and old agricultural fields), the number of observed
fawns in relation to observed dead deer, and the apparent increase from 71 to 78
individuals between 2010 and 2011. In order to explore the RDD concept assume
that the herd is either at or below K. Calculating RDD using the most recent deer
count, 78 in March of 2011, would yield a K of 53 deer / km2 and a RDD of 100
(DD:53 / K:53 x100). Assuming the Island could support twice the current
number of deer, 156 individuals, would yield a new K of 106 deer / km2 and a
RDD of 50 (DD:53 / K:106 x100) and therefore a range of 50 < RDD < 100.
When compared to studies of white-tailed deer in eastern states which revealed
that species richness and the abundance of tree seedlings and other sensitive flora
and fauna decreased at RDD > 16 (de Calesta and Stout 1997), a range of 50 <
RDD < 100 is very high. Those studies suggest that an RDD of 16 or less is
necessary to maintain such sensitive species. Researchers also found that at 16 <
RDD < 32, species richness and abundance of songbirds and their nesting and
foraging habitat, as well as shrubs and herbaceous vegetation declined. At RDD >

32, hardwood species recruitment began to fail (de Calesta and Stout 1997). Such
comparisons suggest that sustaining the current diversity levels on PI is not
possible with the present deer density. In fact, an ecosystem's biodiversity can be
reduced by deer at less than 25% of K (de Calesta and Stout 1997).
Observed Deer Impacts on Protection Island
Presently deer browse extensively throughout most of the island and have created
an elaborate network of deeply eroded pathways through RHAU burrow habitat in
the slopes surrounding much of the island. Such trails are devoid of vegetation
and subject to increased erosion. Between 2005 and 2009 researchers observed
evidence of significant slope failure possibly related to deer on two occasions. In
one instance a section of slope approximately 300 square meters collapsed and
destroyed a number of RHAU burrows (Hodum and Pearson pers. corr. 2009).
Extensive areas of compacted and eroding soil are present throughout RHAU
burrow nesting habitat and burrows collapsed by deer hoofs have been observed
by staff and researchers although no quantitative analysis has been published. In
2009, researchers observed two of 87 active research burrows completely
collapsed and four additional burrows with damage to their entrance tunnels. The
damage appeared consistent with hoof punctures. Deer can easily break through
the soft surface soil with their narrow pointed hoofs (Hodum and Pearson pers.
corr. 2009). Furthermore, photographs taken by researchers show deer tracks and
holes in the soil covering RHAU burrows the size and shape of deer hoofs (See
Figure VI.2, Deer Use and Burrow Damage Photographs).
Researchers regularly observe deer grazing in the high density RHAU colony and
have commented that they may also be impacting forbs. Perennial forbs are a
relatively minor component of the current grassland community but they may
have been more abundant in the past. Areas around colonies are now dominated
by non-native annual grasses that do not hold soil as well as deep-rooted forbs and
native perennial grasses (Hodum and Pearson pers. corr. 2009).

Deer in general create areas of flattened vegetation 1.0 to 1.3 m long and 0.7 to
1.0 m wide where they bed down. They sleep in dense cover or tall grasses and
may return to the same spot over many days. Since deer often travel in small
groups, there may be several “deer beds” in the same vicinity (WDFW 2011a).
Researchers have observed this phenomena on PI and noted that deer have bedded
directly on top of borrows (Pearson and Hodum 2009). In addition to burrow
damage, this activity may obstruct returning RHAU and has the potential to
frighten birds causing them to lose food intended for chicks. It may also reduce
vegetation cover exposing adults and chicks to increased predation and
kleptoparasitism pressures, especially from opportunistic species such as gulls and
The first quantitative analysis of the direct impacts of deer on RHAU burrows on
PI was conducted in 2010. In this study, 40 plots measuring 5 m2 were established
randomly throughout the RHAU breeding colony. Burrow damage occurred in
85% of the study plots. On average, 12.1% of the burrows within in each study
plot had evidence of damage including structural damage to the tunnel and nest
chamber (6.7% of burrows in the study area) and damage to the burrow entrances
(6.9% of burrows in the study area). By measuring the length and width of deer
trails, researchers were able to determine that deer trails covered an average of
37% of the surface area within each study plot. There was a significant correlation
between burrow damage and the number of deer trails in the plot (Balbag and
Hodum, unpublished). Researchers concluded that deer are using the RHAU
colony extensively and are causing significant damage to RHAU burrows.
Deer Impacts to Gulls
In addition to observing deer in the RHAU colony, researchers have observed
deer traversing the gull colony. The Island is home to the largest glaucous-winged
gull colony in the Salish Sea despite a substantial recent decline which is likely
due, in part, to eagle predation and disturbance (Hayward pers. corr. 2009).
However, deer disturbance may be a factor since they regularly walk through and

browse within the colony. In 2006, researchers monitoring eagle disturbances in
the gull colony also recorded the number of deer disturbances (See Figure VI.1,
Deer Disturbances Experienced by Protection Island Gulls). They found that such
disturbances were concentrated in the early morning, and to a lesser degree, in the
evening hours which coincided with the highest level of gull activity (Hayward
and Henson 2008).
Figure VI.1, Deer Disturbances Experienced by Protection Island Gulls

Total number of disturbances









Number of black-tailed deer disturbances experienced by gulls in each of five study plots during
478 hours of observation during May, June, and July 2006.
Source: Hayward and Henson 2008

Because deer remain in an area for extended periods of time while foraging,
disturbances span a longer time frame than those caused by eagles. Deer flush
adult gulls and their chicks from their nests. The flushed birds run and fly around
where they may be more prone to injury and even death. During deer disturbances
eggs are exposed to damage by deer and other gulls, and to eagle and gull
predation. Gull eggs and chicks are likely more vulnerable to injury and mortality
when deer are present (Pearson and Hodum pers. corr. 2009). While there has
been minimal quantification of the impacts of deer within the gull colony, the
overall impacts on gull reproduction has not been measured. However,
researchers report that the two experimental colony plots most frequently visited

by deer experienced the highest per capita chick mortality (Hayward and Henson
2008) and suspect their presence may be a contributing factor (Hayward pers.
corr. 2009). Gulls can be extremely aggressive and are prone to kleptoparisitism
of other birds. Deer disturbances in the RHAU and gull colonies create
opportunities for gulls to steal food and attack RHAU and other gulls. Deer
disturbances may also present additional opportunities for eagles and owls to prey
on RHAU during the confusion.
The evidence from PI suggests deer are negatively impacting glaucous-winged
gulls and RHAU. Deer are collapsing and damaging burrows, reducing protective
vegetative cover, increasing erosion, and disturbing nesting birds which can lead
to injury, food loss, increased predation, and abandonment of eggs and chicks.
While our understanding would benefit from further study of the effects of deer
on the Island’s seabirds, there is mounting evidence that the growing deer herd
negatively impacts nesting bird colonies on PI and it is likely that those impacts
will increase as the deer density increases.
Future Island Restoration Efforts
According to the 2010 CCP, plans for PI include the following restoration goals;

Control invasive plants and increase native plants


Enhance vegetation characteristics on up to 20 acres of bluffs


Restore up to 200 acres of savannah grassland


Restore connectivity, crown closure, regeneration, and associated
understory of 80 acres of woodland


Monitor and control invasive plants and animals

The Island may also harbor historic seed banks that are a refuge for rare and
endemic plant species that likely evolved in the absence of herbivores. Efforts to
restore and enhance endemic plants and control invasive species will undoubtedly
be compromised in the continued presence of deer. Their removal will likely be a
necessary step in achieving any significant habitat restoration.


Figure VI.2, Deer Use and Burrow Damage on Protection Island

Source: Peter Hodum


Trophic webs on islands often have lower taxonomic and ecological redundancy
than less isolated and more complex mainland ecosystems. As such, high
densities of non-native species may more effectively facilitate imbalances within
these simplified ecosystems (Courchamp et al. 2003) and are therefore considered
a major threat to diversity and species richness on islands globally. In specific,
non-native black-tailed deer have been linked to declines in species richness and
diversity in island ecosystems (Gaston et al. 2008, Martin 2011) at substantially
lower densities than found on Protection Island and are responsible for extensive
damage to invaded insular ecosystems where indigenous species have evolved in
their absence (Courchamp et al. 2003). Furthermore, non-native invaders
including deer present a significant threat to seabirds (Donlan and Heneman
2007) which rely predominantly on islands for breeding habitat.
Deer on Protection Island
While Columbia black-tailed deer are native to the area, there are no historical
accounts of their presence on PI. As such they can be considered non-native to the
Island. Since their arrival in the early 1990's they have been observed feeding and
resting within RHAU breeding habitat with increasing frequency as their numbers
burgeon (Pearson and Hodum pers. corr. 2009). Recent counts estimate deer
density to be 53 deer / km2 which is very high compared to densities in most other
areas within their range (e.g., north Olympic Peninsula habitats generally do not
exceed 12 deer / km2) (USFWS 2010b, Engelstoft 2007, Ratti et al. 1999,
Brinkman et al. 2011). Sitka black-tailed deer densities in the Queen Charlotte
Islands, B.C., where biodiversity declines linked directly to deer are as severe as
those seen almost anywhere in the world, range from 13 to 34 deer / km2 (Martin
and Baltzinger 2002, Gillingham 2002). Relative deer density comparisons with
studies in the eastern U.S. suggest that sustaining existing species diversity and
richness on PI is not possible with the current or even with substantially reduced
deer densities (de Calesta and Stout 1997).

Black-tailed deer (genus Odocoileus) are generalists and able to exploit a diverse
array of habitats. They can consume a wide variety of forage vegetation
(Gillingham 2002) and can have a dramatic effect on plant biomass and
community structure (Gaston et al. 2008). Their impacts can be particularly
pronounced in areas that lack predator pressures such as islands (Gaston and
Martin 2002), and they have tremendous potential for rapid population increase
under favorable conditions given their high reproductive rate. Despite their
current high density on PI, and the fact that the FWS has removed most artificial
freshwater sources, it is possible that deer have not yet reached carrying capacity
given the Island's lack of predation and hunting controls, mild climate, and high
quality forage.
Deer Impacts on Protection Island
Recent unpublished research suggests deer are negatively impacting RHAU
burrows on PI (Balbag and Hodum, unpublished). In addition to directly
collapsing and damaging burrows deer have created an extensive network of
deeply eroded pathways devoid of vegetation throughout seabird nesting habitat.
Quantitative analysis concludes that deer trails cover 37% of the surface area of
RHAU breeding habitat on PI and that deer damage about 12% of the burrows.
There is a significant correlation between burrow damage and the number of deer
trails in the colony (Balbag and Hodum, unpublished). Additionally, deer are
either the direct cause or a contributing factor in slope failures that have destroyed
RHAU burrows (Pearson and Hodum, pers. corr. 2009). Deer may also be
exposing RHAU to increased predation pressure by bedding down on top of, or
near borrows where they can obstruct and startle birds returning to feed their
Deer may be negatively impacting glaucous-winged gull reproductive success as
well. Of five gull nest study plots monitored in a 2006 study, the two most
frequented by deer had the highest per capita chick mortality. Researchers
strongly suspect that deer presence may be a significant factor and suggest that

deer disturbance has a greater impact on glaucous-winged gull breeding success
than eagle disturbance because deer remain in the colony for much longer periods
of time (Hayward pers. corr. 2009).
Historically PI suffered extensive changes to vegetation and soils from farming,
grazing of domestic animals, and development from which it has not fully
recovered. In particular, sheep grazing is believed to have caused substantial
erosion problems in RHAU habitat resulting in collapsed and buried burrows
(Richardson 1961). Albon et al. (2007) demonstrated that at high densities (>40
individuals / km2 for red deer) deer tend to form larger groups and range less
causing impacts more closely resembling those of sheep herds. At 53 individuals /
km2 deer have the potential to exacerbate earlier damage and limit the Island's
Protection Island’s Seabirds
Protection Island is an important seabird research station which is closed to public
visitation to reduce wildlife disturbance. More than 70% of seabirds in Puget
Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca nest on this single Island (USFWS 1985)
which is home to one of the last tufted puffin colonies in the Salish Sea (WDFW
2011b, USFWS 2010b) and the largest glaucous-winged gull colony in
Washington State (PTMSC 2011). It is also home to one of the most important
RHAU colonies in North America as described herein. The importance of
protecting PI’s RHAU colony is elevated due to the colony's breeding success;
unique location in the inland waters of the Salish Sea where it is buffered from
ocean conditions and extreme weather events; and recent population declines
elsewhere. Of the many threats PI’s RHAU face, Refuge managers can effectively
mitigate only two, human disturbance including pets and impacts from invaders.
Management Responsibilities
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service collectively (hereafter the agencies) have spent in excess of $5 million of

public monies to preserve important seabird habitat on PI. The effort to protect the
nesting colonies included an expensive and lengthy legal battle that condemned
private land holdings on the Island (USFWS 1987) and resulted in the
establishment of the first non-game Washington State wildlife preserve and the
creation of the only National Wildlife Refuge during President Reagan's
administration (Palmer 2000).
Establishment of the Zella M. Schultz Seabird Sanctuary and the Protection Island
National Wildlife Refuge was, in effect, a promise to forever preserve PI for the
study and advancement of the Island’s endemic wildlife, especially seabirds. As
custodians, the agencies are mandated to maintain the Island in a condition
conducive to continued seabird breeding activities, e.g. free from excessive
disturbance including conflicting animal usage, and to entertain only such uses
which are compatible with the primary over-riding purpose (Larsen 1982,
USFWS 2010b).
While the FWS may have inadvertently neglected its custodial responsibilities by
allowing, and even facilitating the establishment of deer on PI, the agencies are
now obligated to mitigate the impacts of deer through active management. The
FWS Final Environmental Assessment for PI from 1982 expresses the intended
extent of the agencies responsibilities in regards to such dilemmas; "Management
. . . is perceived to be primarily custodial, wherein natural processes would [will]
be allowed to prevail. However, other management/habitat manipulation would
[will] be considered on the basis of the needs of nesting seabirds." (Larsen 1982,
pg. 19-20).
Implications for the Future
There is little doubt that the success of restoration plans will be compromised by
deer at current and even substantially reduced levels. If attempts to restore native
vegetation are to be successful, deer removal may be a particularly important step
to take (Hayward pers. corr. 2009) as continued deer presence will undoubtedly

inhibit such efforts. As in most cases, the best option for mitigating the impacts of
invading species is to regularly reduce their numbers, or if possible, remove them
completely (Courchamp et al. 2003). It is possible that PI may harbor historic
seed banks that serve as refuges for rare endemic plant species that likely evolved
in the absence of herbivores. If so, continued deer presence would compromise
propagation of those resources.
Lastly, increasing numbers of deer alone, or in combination with climate events
that cause additional erosion, could further degrade seabird breeding habitat on
the Island. RHAU face many threats both at sea where they feed and on land
where they breed and rear their young. Of those many threats, the presence of
deer on PI is perhaps the least expensive threat to address and one that has a high
probability of success. Black-tailed deer are harvested more than any deer species
in Washington State and are considered demonstrably secure within the state and
globally. I conclude that removing them is likely to yield the highest single return
on investment in regards to any management action currently under consideration
by the agencies for protecting seabird breeding habitat and restoring Island flora.
The expense and difficulty of removing deer may increase as the herd expands.
However, deer may have an important scientific role to play. Studying and
understanding their impacts on species richness and diversity, especially their
impacts on seabirds, and subsequently evaluating native plant and wildlife
responses to their removal could satisfy both the Sanctuary’s, and the Refuge’s
scientific purposes. Fully assessing the management action through monitoring
would maximize return on the investment and may contribute information that
proves valuable in restoring biodiversity in other island systems.


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Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge Enabling Legislation
Protection Island NWR: The purposes of the refuge are to provide habitat for a
broad diversity of bird species, with particular emphasis on protecting the nesting
habitat of the bald eagle, tufted puffin, rhinoceros auklet, pigeon guillemot, and
pelagic cormorant; to protect the hauling-out area of harbor seals; and to provide
for scientific research and wildlife-oriented public education and interpretation.
96 Stat. 1623, dated Oct. 15, 1982. "... to conserve (A) fish or wildlife which are
listed as endangered species or threatened species .... or (B) plants ..." 16 U.S.C. §
1534 (Endangered Species Act of 1973) "... for the development, advancement,
management, conservation, and protection of fish and wildlife resources ..." 16
U.S.C. § 742f(a)(4) "... for the benefit of the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, in performing its activities and services. Such acceptance may be subject
to the terms of any restrictive or affirmative covenant, or condition of servitude
..." 16 U.S.C. § 742f(b)(1) (Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956) "... for use as an
inviolate sanctuary, or for any other management purpose, for migratory birds."
16 U.S.C. § 715d (Migratory Bird Conservation Act) (NWRS 2011)
National Wildlife Refuge System website
Refuge Station Purposes - Single Unit Search Results