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The Brontës and Dickens: 19th Century Voices on Environmental Hardship in England Gritsch, Trudy Rubick
Assessing Functional Diversity Down the Water Column: The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Metabolic Enzymes of Ctenophores from Different Habitat Depths Bachtel, Tiffany S.
Blue' Space and 'Blue Recreation' Importance: A Case Study of Marine Education Programs in the State of California Jacobson, Shayley
Impacts of Multiple Extreme Disturbance Events On Landscape Cover: Wildfire and Flooding in Canyon Riparian Ecosystems of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA Alfieri, Samuel James
Making Connections Analyzing Habitat Connectivity for the Gray Wolf in Coastal Washington Pushee, Marisa
Dam Removal: Uncharted Waters of Environmental Policy Walters, Lindsay
Possible Extinction Rates of Chondrichthyes Based on Ocean Acidification and Ocean Anoxia Baxter, Kayli
Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis (BD) Prevalence: An Analysis of the Atelopus Species Population Decline in Panama and Costa Rica Lloyd, Diana Esperanza
Using vocalizations to determine the capacity for future cognition in the common raven (Corvus corax) Roehmholdt, Caitlyn E.
Joining the Gamelan in Theory and Practice Sean Williams
Interdisciplinarity in Irish Music Pedagogy Sean Williams
Staying the Course, Expanding the Vision: A Report on the Reservation-Based, Community Determined Program Barbara Smith
The Washington Center and Faculty Development at Evergreen: An Overview Barbara Smith
Cost-offset CSA Continuation Planning for Farmers: A guide for Regional Coaches Marilyn H. Sitaker
Monitoring Floodplain Restoration Using UAV Lidar and 2D Hydraulic Modeling on the Greenwater River, Washington Zierdt, Brian
Characterizing Functional Biodiversity Across the Phylum Ctenophora Using Physiological Measurements Wilson, Telissa M
Framing Climate Change: Evaluating Articulations of Support for Mitigation Policy Alongside Communication and Scholarship in Washington State Thorkildsen, Eden
Invasive Species Education and Citizen Science in Washington State Smith, Kenzi
Small and Medium Sized City Action Plan Creation and Implementation in Western Washington and Oregon Simmons, Arielle M
The Sustained Impacts of an Agriculture-based Youth Development Program on Alumni's Connection to the Environment, Food, Community, and Self Salin, Shaina
The Short-term Physical Effects of Stream Restoration at Big Beef Creek, Kitsap County, Washington Pittman, Ned
The "Sustainable" Plastic Dilemma: An Exploration of the Environmental Impacts and Social Perceptions of Bioplastics Pierce, Lucy S
Changes in Water Associated Bird Abundance on Budd inlet and Capitol Lake, WA. From 1987 to 2017 Newman, Tara
Shoreline Armoring: Impacts on Nearshore Habitat in the Maury Island Aquatic Reserve Miller, Kirsten
Perceptions of Green Spaces and Suburban Identity: The Aesthetics and Safety of Naturalization in Everett, Washington McGowan, Hillary