Zero-valent Metal Nanomaterials in Waterways: Using Microplastics as a Case Study to Develop the Overdue Policy Platform


Title (dcterms:title)
Eng Zero-valent Metal Nanomaterials in Waterways: Using Microplastics as a Case Study to Develop the Overdue Policy Platform
Date (dcterms:date)
Creator (dcterms:creator)
Eng Trujillo, Shanyese
Subject (dcterms:subject)
Eng Environmental Studies
extracted text (extracttext:extracted_text)

Shanyese Trujillo

A Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
June 2016

©{2016} by Shanyese Trujillo. All rights reserved.

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Studies Degree
Shanyese Trujillo

has been approved for
The Evergreen State College

Kathleen M. Saul


Zero-Valent Metal Nanomaterials in Waterways:
Using Microplastics as a Case Study to Develop the Overdue Policy Platform

Shanyese Trujillo
Zero-Valent Metal Nanomaterials (nZVs) are growing contaminant of concern and
using Microplastics as a case study demonstrates a need for regulatory measures for their
introduction into waterways. The recent amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act to ban the manufacturing of microbeads (spherical microplastics) serve as
an example for framing legislations regarding the manufacturing of nZVs. It was
important to identify a case study because there is minimal federal regulation for nZVs.
In addition to describing how nZVs enter and interact in water systems, this research will
offer a synthesis of current nZVs research regarding the extent of ecological risks within
aquatic systems, lakes, and rivers, including impacts to aquatic and terrestrial species and
present a summation of the gaps in the current research. Finally, in light of the risks that
might be presented by nZVs, I will propose a set of recommendation for nZV legislation
and describe any research that must be completed prior to the enactment of that
legislation. Proposed recommendations for future policy that are put forth in this thesis
include creating a tax to generate a financial pool for research, mandatory labeling of
nZVs containing products, look at regulating point sources, and developing universal
monitoring methodology and universal terminology.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Methods………………………………………………………………………....2
2. Microplastics…………………………………………………………………….....3
2.1 Sediment Interactions…………………………………………………………...7
2.2 Interactions with Aquatic Species……………………………………………....8
2.2.1 Chlorella and Scendesmus……………………………………………..8
2.2.2 Zooplankton……………………………………………………….........8
2.2.3 Dispastrea—Schleractinian Corals…………………………………...10
2.2.4 Talitrus saltator—Sand Hopper………………………………….........11
2.2.5 Tigriopus japonicas—Copepods………………………………………11
2.2.6 Arenicola Marina—Lugworm…………………………………………12
2.2.7 Echinodermata—Sea Cucumbers…………………………...................13
2.2.8 Mytilus edulis L.—Blue Mussel………………………………………..14
2.2.9 Mytilus edulius vs. Symphodus melops…………………………….......15
2.2.10 Trophic Level Transfer Mytilus edulis (L.) to Carcinus maenas (L.)….16
2.2.11 Daphnia magna—Planktonic Crustacean……………………………..17
2.3 Future Concerns………………………………………………………………...18
2.3.1 Seafood Industry……………………………………………………….18
2.4 Microbead Ban: A Case Study for Policy Implementation………….................21
3. Nanomaterials……………………………………………………………………..22
3.1 Nanomaterial Definition………………………………………………...……...22
4. Zero-Valent Metals……………………………………………………………….24
4.1 Zero-Valent Metal Definition…………………………………………….........24
4.2 Current Zero-Valent Metal Research………………………………………......25
4.2.1 Issues in Studying Nanomaterials…………………………………......25
4.2.2 Marine System Studies………………………………………………..27
4.2.3 Freshwater System Studies……………………………………………28
4.2.4 River System Studies………………………………………………….29
4.2.5 Lake System Studies…………………………………………………..31
4.2.6 Bacterial System Studies………………………………………………31
4.3 Interactions with Aquatic Species……………………………………………...32
4.3.1 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata—Microalgae…………………….....33
4.3.2 Haliotis diversicolor supertexta—Abalone Embryos…………………33
4.3.3 Danio rerio—Zebrafish……………………………………………………..34
4.3.4 Medaka—Japanese Rice Fish…………………………………………35
4.4 Future Concerns—Impacts of nZVs on Terrestrial Species…………………...35


4.4.1 E.fetida and L. Rubelus—Earthworms…………………………….35
4.4.2 ICR Mice…………………………………………………………..36
4.4.3 Sprague Dawley—Rats ……………………………………………37
4.5 Distinct Gaps/Issues within the Zero-Valent Metal Research……………...39
5. United States Guidelines and Policy………………………………………...41
5.1 National Nanotechnology Initiative………………………………………..41
5.2 Clean Water Act (CWA)……………………………………………….......42
5.3 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)………………………………………...42
5.4 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)……………………………………42
5.5 Berkeley, California Nano-Regulation…………………………………….43
5.6 Gaps in United States Policy………………………………………………44

6. Recommendations and Findings………………………………………..44


List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of the previously discussed Microplastics studies containing the title,
organism studied, and the key findings from each………………………………………20
Table 2. Summary of the previously discussed Zero-Valent Metal Nanomaterial studies
containing the title, organism studied, and the key findings from each…………………38


I would like to thank my reader Kathleen Saul for her amazing insight, patience,
motivation, and cheerleading abilities to help me get to where I am. I am blessed and
could not have hoped to have anyone better than here. Thank you to the MES faculty for
continuing to challenge me and be rewarded with new perspectives. Finally, my family
whom I owe everything. Mom and Joe, thank you so much for your sacrifices, love and
constant support this would not have been possible without you. And to my future
husband, Zackary, thank you for your understanding, love, and kindness through this
thesis process. I know it was not easy but it is done!
This thesis is dedicated in the memories of Gregory Trujillo and Charles Beo. I know you
both cannot be with me right now, but I did it, we did it, I love and miss you both.


1.1 Introduction
Nanomaterial technologies (NMs), their use, and their development are increasing
at an exponential rate since their creation in 1985 (Buckminsterfullerene, C60). Due to the
unique chemical properties, nanomaterials have become common components in
medicine, electronics, cosmetics, nutrition, suntan lotion, and much more. Since 1994,
they have been used to remove a variety of common contaminates (Table 1.1) from lakes,
rivers, aquifers, groundwater, and soil (Duvall & Wyatt, 2011).
Zero valent nanomaterials (nZVs) possess a high “surface-to volume” ratio
(Richardson & Ternes, 2014) that allows researchers to customize the nZVs surface
coating to individual clean-up requirements (Duvall & Wyatt, 2011). The easiest way to
define nZVs is metal or metal oxides. The materials possess a natural ability to reduce
chemicals of halogenated nature (that is, to transfer electrons to them) or oxidize other
types of pollutants (Temsah and Joner, 2012). The chemical processes involving nZVs
will be discussed later; the main take away is nZVs can be chemically altered for sitespecific clean up. While these materials hold promise as a less invasive method of
remediation, a growing literature base reveals negative implications to the environment
that were not identified prior to environmental introduction.
Ahamed (2014) explained that NMs enter the environment through several uptake
pathways. Soils become contaminated through introduction and application of fertilizers,
plant protection products, and liquid suspension from contaminated sites, or through the
application of sludge and biosolids. This broad category would then cover groundwater
contamination; wastewater effluents, industrial discharges and emissions; and waterways
contaminated by combustion processes (i.e. volcanic eruptions) (Ahamed, 2014). Other

studies have looked into the release of NMs from consumer products, plastics and textiles
into wastewater treatment facilities (Westerhoff et al., 2009; Sinclair et al., 2007) and
then into the environment.
Despite the growing use of NMs, policy regulating NMs and their effect on
waterways and aquatic ecosystems is lagging. I propose that the recent amendment to the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ban the manufacturing of microbeads (another
tiny man-made material incorporated into consumer products that can enter the water
supply, waterways, and the marine food chain) will serve as a warning and an excellent
case study for the need for regulatory measures and could serve as an example for
framing legislation regarding the manufacture of nZVs. By examining current
environmental concerns raised because of nZVs entrance into aquatic ecosystems and
waterways, identifying gaps in the research of nZVs, the existing waterway regulation
policies of the United States, and identifying the similarities of microplastics concerns, I
will demonstrate that microplastics are a viable and important case study for nZVs.

1.2 Methods
The methods that I adapted for my thesis come from previous Evergreen
students (Allen, 2014; Bateman, 2011, Tilley, 2007) including those of my advisor,
Kathleen Saul (2009). This review and analysis will outline, (1), discuss the nature of
microplastics (2) examine currency policies regulating their introduction (3) identify
current research of zero-valent metals affecting a variety of aquatic systems, (4) the
current research gaps for zero-valent metals, and the (5) compare and contrast
microplastics with nanomaterials (6) provide recommendations for future policy. The
information outlined above will be used, hopefully, in the future to create a policy
specifically for Washington State to monitor the introduction of nanomaterials into our

The information referenced in this thesis includes investigation into federal laws
such as The Toxics Substance Control Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water
Act, the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Along with international laws like the
European Union (EU) Policy, Water Framework Directive, Directive on Environmental
Quality Standards in the Field of Water Pollution, Directive on the protection of
Groundwater Against Pollution and Deterioration, Drinking Water Directive, and
Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP) Regulation.
This provides the basis for understanding the current policies in place for the regulation
of nanomaterials in waterways. By examining technical journals like Chemical
Engineering, Nanotechnology, Nanoparticle Research and many others, the impact of
nanomaterials on a variety of environmental aspects was noted. Science and Policy
Report and Research Policy provided analysis of current gaps in policies to inform
readers what needs to be addressed in order to generate a successful monitoring policy in
the future.

2.0 Microplastics
Microplastics (MPs) can serve as a major case study for the necessary regulation
of nZVs. Microplastics have been located within every major open ocean, many
freshwater lakes and rivers (Rochman et al., 2015). Carpenter and Smith identified the
first small plastic fragment in the open ocean in 1972; Thompson et al. coined the term in
2004 in Lost at sea: Where is all the Plastic. These products are plastic fragments (or
beads) made from synthetic polymers (polyethylene, polyactic acid, polypropylene,
polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate) roughly 5µm-1mm in size (Barboza and


Gimenez, 2015). Microplastics are found in everyday household items typically abrasive
scrubbers like face washes or cleaning supplies, beads for cleaning boats, and as
byproducts of macroplastic degradation (fragment from larger plastic debris through
photothermal degradation, oxidation, and/or mechanical abrasion) (Barboza and
Gimenez, 2015).
The degradation of MPs can occur through five major processes: biodegradation,
photodegradation, thermooxidation, thermal degradation, or hydrolysis. A plastic particle
can undergo a single or multiple degradation processes, each reducing the polymer’s
weight through chemical change. Biodegradation typically achieves this through the
utilization of a living microbe, which breaks down a material through natural processes.
Photodegradation uses light to break down the plastic material (Andrady, 2011).
Thermooxidation and thermal oxidation are similar; the first breaks down material
through slow, oxidative moderate temperatures while the latter involves high temperature
degradation. The last process is hydrolysis, water’s innate ability to solicit a reaction
from a material (Andrady, 2011). Each process described above can produce different
size particles, strands or fibers can influence the impacts these materials have with the
The problem with MPs is not the sudden influx of particles into the waterways,
but rather that they have been accumulating in the oceans for at least the last four decades
(Andrady, 2011). The statistics are alarming: 80% of land-based litter contributes this
plastic debris and 18% can be directly linked to the fishing industry (Andrady, 2011).Due
to their small size, MPs easily flush down the drain where they will eventual be littered
throughout the environment through final effluent or biosolids of Waste Water Treatment


Plants (WWTPs) used for landfilling, fertilizer, and surface runoff. Inland sources can
include WWTPs, runoff from urban, agricultural, touristic, industrial, and shipping.
The exact amount of contamination is unknown, but Rochman et al. (2015) made
a conservative estimate of the total contamination per day. During the WWTPs process,
95-99.9% of the microplastics will settle out into the sludge, leaving 0-7 individual
microbeads residing within the final effluent. WWTPs in the United States treat >160
trillion liters of water every day. Assuming all WWTPs operate at half-capacity and 0.1
individual microbeads are found per liter of effluent, 8 trillion microbeads per day could
be emitted into aquatic habitats. Emitted 100µm plastic spheres would cover over 300
tennis courts daily.
Upon entry into waterways, MPs are readily available for uptake by plankton,
invertebrates (molluscs, polychaetes, crustaceans, echinoderms), fish, birds, mammals,
and and then accumulation in the food web (Wagner et al., 2014; Moos et al., 2012;
Bhattacharya et al. 2012; Thompson et al., 2004; Graham and Thompson et al., 2009;
Teiten et al., 2009; Murray and Cowie, 2011). MPs can travel one of three avenues within
waterways: 1) accumulate in gyres at the water’s surface; 2) sink to the sea bed as a result
of waterlogging or surface fouling that ultimately ends in colonization and accumulation
in sediments (may wash ashore); 3) buoyant plastics end can be transmitted through
winds or currents for long distances (Moos et al., 2012). Buoyant plastics often sit at the
microlayer of the sea-surface “…where hydrophobic compounds can be concentrated 500
times that of the underlying water column” (Teuten et al., 2007). Often these plastics are
fouled (by hydrophobic chemical contaminants), allowing them to transport contaminates
to other locations and deposit them. Serious issues arise during turbulent weather events


that can re-suspend MPs that have settled on the seafloor. A combination of wave action
and UV radiation can result in the degradation of large plastic debris, compounding the
already large MPs problems (Moos et al., 2012; Wegner et al., 2012).
A study at Plymouth, United Kingdom, collected sediment samples from
beaches, estuarine, and subtidal areas to test for the presence of synthetic polymers; 23 of
30 samples revealed the presence of synthetic polymers. Findings were at 17 other
beaches (Thompson et al., 2004). This MP problem is not new: researchers inspected
plankton samples dating back to 1960 and found significant increase over time in amount
of plastic identified within each sample (Thompson et al., 2004). In 1962, Edward et al.
examined polystyrene spherules found throughout the water column, sea surface, and
they presumed in the sediments, and noticed eight of 14 species of fish and a
Chaetognatha had ingested the plastic spherules. They also noted the potential for
intestinal blockage for small fish. In addition, in 1972, Carpenter, Smith, and Smith Jr.
identified an average of 3500 pieces and 290 grams per sq. kilometer of MPs throughout
the Sargasso Sea. These researchers cautioned that the increase in plastic production and
the poor waste management would lead to ever-increasing MPs into the ocean. In
addition, the MPs throughout this area possessed surfaces for diatom and hydroid
attachment and thus the possibility of introduction polychlorinated biphenyls into the
aquatic environment. Even plastics deemed biodegradable leave behind copious nondegradable plastic fragments (Thompson et al., 2004).
To date more than 260 species have been documented as having ingested or
become entangled by plastic (Teuten et al., 2007); 44% of known marine birds have
ingested plastic (Andrady, 2011). MPs’ impacts on several species including


zooplankton, lugworm, blue mussel, and sand hopper have been studied. The particles
can obstruct feeding appendages, aggregate, block the alimentary canal, limit the food
intake of an organism, and translocate into circulatory system (Cole et al., 2013). For
example, Daphnia magna, simply referred to as a water flea have been observed
ingesting MPs, which cross the gut epithelium and accumulate in the lipid storage
(Wagner et al., 2014). As a result, the accumulation within the organisms fats opens up
the opportunity for a decline in enzyme production, “…permanent cellular and tissue
damage, particularly in the brain, peripheral nervous system, spleen, and bone marrow”
(NINDS, 2016) and raises potential concern for passage of MPs onto higher trophic level
predators. In addition, MPs “can act as a vector for water borne pathogens” which will
ultimately influence the water quality (Wagner et al., 2014). Any potential impact on
water quality should be investigated, especially since preliminary studies are indicating
there is an ability for microorganisms generate MPs films surrounding themselves while
several human pathogens (such as Vibri) are attaching to MPs for transport (Wagner et
al., 2014). MPs possess the ability to accumulate contaminates such as metals and toxic
compounds in conjunction with plastics innate ability to leach EDCs increasing their
heavy metal load and serve as carriers of terrestrial contaminants into waterways
(Wagner et al., 2014). The following review of the literature demonstrates the known
implications of MPs within waterways on aquatic species; a later comparison will reveal
shockingly similar results for NMs within waterways.

2.1 Sediment Interactions
During a study of vertical sediment, researchers’ analyzed cores from the
beaches of Hawaii for the presence of plastic debris. The plastic debris was found in


nearly all samples, increasing the permeability of the sediment but decreasing the
sediment’s ability to absorb heat (Carson et al., 2011). By lowering the maximum
temperature of the sediment, marine biota could be affected (i.e. sex determination in
turtle eggs). Likewise, increased permeability could lead to desiccation of sediment
dwellers (Carson et al., 2011).

2.2 Interactions with Aquatic Species
2.2.1 Chlorella and Scendesmus
Bhattacharya et al. (2012) noted that New Zealand beaches were identified to
have 100,000 plastic granules per meter of coastal zone (Bhattacharya et al., 2012).
Moreover, beaches in the South Pacific Islands were found to be at comparable levels to
industrialized areas in regards to MPs quantity. Researchers removed all plastic from the
beach to determine the rate of plastic deposition. At the experimentally cleared beaches
of Panama, 50% of the original plastic in 3 months was regained (Bhattacharya et al.,
Twenty nanometer polystyrene beads hindered photosynthesis and promoted a
reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the Chlorella and Scendesmus (Bhattacharya et al.,
2012). ROS is a natural side product of oxygen metabolism, utilized for cell signaling and
maintain cellular homeostasis. Often because of the electron transport chain within the
chloroplasts, O2 diverts electrons instead of CO2 during stress events, resulting in the
decline of photosynthetic efficiency (Bhattacharya et al., 2012).
2.2.2 Zooplankton
Another aquatic organism study focused on zooplankton due to their vital role
within the food web, their ability to use both chemo- and mechanoreceptors to select their


prey, and their preferentially ability to select one prey over another (Cole et al. 2013). To
test impact of the collected MPs on zooplankton, five zooplankton taxa (15 species in
total) were selected and exposed to polystyrene MPs. Of the 15 exposed species, 13
ingested the microplastics. Often found adhering to the copepod, decapod larvae, and
euphausid extremities were the MPs. The copepods that died during MPs exposure were
found to possess carapace’s (hard upper shell of the copepod) coated in MPs, remaining
on the carapace once shed (Cole et al. 2013). Of living zooplankton, the MPs adhered to
swimming legs, feeding apparatus, antennae and furca. Overall, MPs adhering to the
copepods extremities may pose a threat to key functions such as locomotion, ingestion,
mating, mechanopreception, reproduction, foraging behavior, and predator evasion (Cole
et al. 2013).
Because of the presence of MPs on the zooplankton, the filament hairs and setae
(of antennules, furca, and swimming legs), the organisms had trouble with movement,
ingestion, mating, and mechanoreceptor. Decrease of the mechanoreceptor leads to an
impact on the ability for zooplankton to find food, feed, reproduce, and survive. There is
potential for the faecal pellets (particle excretions by gastropods, annelids, and
crustaceans) to change in density and structure altering the vertical carbon flux,
increasing or decreasing rate of deep sediment burial and the rate of mineral release and
retention. Due to the varied plastic shapes identified during sampling (i.e. fibers,
granules, and fragments), the shapes and structure can tangle the intestinal tract,
ultimately leading to organism death if the intestine is completely strangled (WEB MD,
2016). Of great concern is the potential for MP to transfer contaminants up the food chain


as a result of ingestion and storage of MPs leading to possible “…bioaccumulation and
therefore adverse health consequences in higher trophic organisms” (Cole et al., 2013).
2.2.3 Dispastrea--Scleractinian Corals
Coral reefs are unique ecosystems now becoming inundated with MPs: larger
plastics fragment into MPs and lodge within the reefs (Hall et al., 2015). Coral reefs
provide vital habitat for a variety of species and attract tourism, recreational vessels, and
fishing trawlers (Hall et al., 2015). Unfortunately, the MPs are the same size as both sand
grains and planktonic organisms as well as the organisms ingested by corals. This 2015
study is the first to examine MPs ingestion by corals.
Corals form clustered colonies of calcium carbonate skeleton; each cluster is a
polyp made of genetically identical organisms. The coral possess a symbiotic relationship
with Symbiodinium spp., commonly known as Dinoflagellate, which produces
photosynthetic carbon; however, coral are still heterotrophs (Hall et al., 2015). That
means the coral will feed on mesozooplankton for approximately 50% of their daily
carbon (Hall et al., 2015). Scleratinian corals have been documented to prefer a diet of
pico-and nanoplankton typically feeding on particles within 10-100µm.
Hall et al. (2015) examined the Great Barrier Reef to assess whether MPs were
present in its structure (Hall et al., 2015). They found the MPs localized within the
polyps of the coral and wrapped within the mesenterial tissue, increasing considerably the
possibility that coral digestion would be interrupted (Hall et al., 2015). The outer surface
of the coral receives an aggregate film of MPs—likely adhering to the coral’s mucus
layer. In sum, the evidence suggests that corals will ingest and house the MPs for 24


hours, but the effects of MPs on the corals’ energetics and growth are unknown (Hall et
al., 2015).
2.2.4 Talitrus saltator—Sand hopper
The sand hopper is an amphipod crustacean commonly found on sandy beaches,
dwelling under rocks and among seaweed. Its typical movement gave the species its
name: hopping by extending the abdomen. Ugolini et al. (2013) tested the sand hopper’s
ability to ingest microspheres mixed with their typical diet. The researchers found the
sand hoppers were not selective about microsphere size and consumed all spheres in
addition to the natural food. The plastic was expelled within 24 hours of ingestion. The
microspheres did not kill the sand hoppers but long-term effects still need to be studied
(Ugolini et al., 2013).
2.2.5 Tigriopus japonicas—Copepod
Copepod is a general term used to describe a group of crustaceans found
commonly in all freshwater habitats and the sea. Copepods are filter-feeding omnivores
that transport energy and pollutants across the food chain (Lee et al., 2013). Due to the
vast numbers and dual-feeding capabilities, they are commonly used as biodiversity
indicators and are considered suitable “for assessing environmental risk in W. Pacific
coastal regions” (Lee et al., 2013). Lee et al. studied copepod survival, development, and
fecundity noting both adult and nauplius (first larval stage of crustaceans) ingested MPs
even when MPs were presented alongside phytoplankton. The two largest sizes of MP’s
significantly decreased fecundity at all concentrations tested. The findings of most
interest were those closest to the nanoplastic range, an area about which very little is


…0.05-μm PS beads at a concentration greater than 12.5 μg/mL
caused the mortality of nauplii and copepodites in the F0 generation
and even triggered mortality at a concentration of 1.25 μg/mL in the
next generation. In the 0.5-μm PS bead treatment, despite there being
no significant eff ect on the F0 generation, the highest concentration
(25 μg/mL) induced a significant decrease in survival compared with
the control population in the F1 generation (Lee et al., 11278).
These findings reveal that nanoplastics of a size similar to that of NMs may
have serious impacts on marine organisms.
2.2.6 Arenicola Marina—Lugworm
The buoyancy of plastic allows for easy transportation via wind and storm
events in which, it is frequently distributing along coastlines around the globe. These
particles wash ashore, and due to their bright colors and resemblance to natural prey for a
variety of species cause negative effects on marine organisms (i.e. birds, mammals, and
turtles). This transfer of microplastics occurs along all rungs of the food chain, but it is
unclear at which particle size the transfer will occur and the effects it will have. A
number of studies have documented the uptake of MPs by lugworms, mussels,
amphipods, barnacles, sea cucumbers, and fish. Besseling et al. (2012) focused on
identifying how MPs were taken up by marine (epi)benthic organisms and the effects of
MPs on their survival, growth, activity, and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
concentrations (Besseling et al., 2012).
The species selected for the Besseling study was Arenicola Marina, a large
marine worm that is a significant North Sea deposit feeder at the base of the food web
(Besseling et al., 2012). The study revealed a positive relationship between the
concentration of MPs within the sediment and, both, the lugworm’s ability to uptake
plastic particles and weight loss—revealing a decrease in organic matter content


(Besseling et al., 2012). Organic matter is the soils nutrient supply, the soil’s structure,
ability for water-holding capacity, and erosion prevention, it is the health of the soil
(Funderburg, 2001). A decrease in organic matter content can result from the lugworms
need to process more sediment to meet nutritional demand, process the larger MPs, or
may signal a reduction in energy assimilation (demonstrating loss of energy assimilation)
(Besseling et al., 2012). As a direct result of having to process these plastic particles, the
lugworm’s system is placed under stress causing weight loss; excess processing decreases
the overall soil health. All three may decrease the longevity of the lugworm population,
since growing numbers of MPs impacts food availability. An additional concern of MPs
consumption is the aspect of bioaccumulation which was noted that worms retained more
MPs lower concentrations of MPs does while at higher concentrations bioaccumulation
decreased-this ingestion of MPs presents exposure pathways for predators (Besseling et
al., 2012).
2.2.7 Echinodermata—Sea Cucumbers
Known facts about plastic fragments include their ability to accumulate biofilms
(bacterial layer on the surface), increase their density, and sink, and then mix with
sediments. These properties have important implications for deposit and suspension
feeders, as demonstrated in a study conducted by Graham and Thompson (2009) to
understand the effects of MPs (specifically nylon and polyvinyl chlorides
shavings/pellets) on four species of sea cucumbers . Unfortunately, all species exhibited
ingestion of plastic fragments for two of the three types (nylon and shavings) of plastics
(Graham and Thompson, 2009). The cucumbers also preferred ingesting plastic to sand
grains; the particle size did not influence the desire for ingestion. Through their research,


Graham and Thompson concluded that MPs residing in sediment around the globe are an
exposure pathway for benthic marine invertebrates and MPs will readily adsorb PCBs
and other organic pollutants for additional exposure (Graham and Thompson, 2009).
2.2.8 Mytilus edulis L. –Blue Mussel
MPs have been identified to be ingested by marine invertebrates such as
polycheates, crustaceans’ echinoderms, bryozoans, bivalves, as such; Moos et al. focused
on Mytilus edulis L., commonly known as the blue mussel. During blue mussel exposure
to MPs, the authors identified two uptake pathways. First, microvilli particles transfer
MPs to the gills via endocytosis. The small particles were found in the blood lacunae of
the gills and the larger particles on the gills surface. The second uptake pathway is ciliae
movement— in this instance particles travel to the stomach intestine through primary and
secondary tubules. Particles identified in the intestines were numerous aggregate particles
specifically located in the lumica of the primary and secondary ducts and the tubules. The
findings of this study suggested that mussels formed granulocytes in the connective
surrounding the ducts and tubules after only 96 hours of exposure to MPs. This
consequently led to a decrease in lysosomal membrane stability. A destabilization in the
lysosomal membrane can increase autophagy; release of hydrolases into the mussels
surrounding tissue leading to necrotic processes (Moos et al., 2012). Simply put, MPs
lead to unregulated cell death within the organism.
Wegner et al. (2012) completed a second study of the blue mussel, recognizing
the significance of this mussel as a filter feeder and prey to numerous intertidal species
and humans across a wide geographic range. This Wegner et al. study aimed to identify
the effects of nano-MPs uptake on blue mussel feeding behaviors. The findings revealed


that for all treatments containing nano-MPs, the mussels produced pseudofeces
(suspended particles considered unnecessary by the organism); filtering activity was
reduced in the presence of nano-MPs-- MPs were present in the mussels’ foot. Future
studies must focus on the chronic effects of MPs to understand the longer-term effects
and consequences.
2.2.9 Mytilus edulis vs Symphodus melops
One single tank on board a bulk chemical tanker can hold up to 3,000
metric tons of chemicals while the ship itself can house over 40,000 metric tons of
chemicals (Mamaca et al., 2005). Converting these figures to pounds, a single tank will
hold over 6.5 million pounds while the ship will house over 88 million pounds.
Nanoparticle weight determined through viscosity and light scattering of (8.1 x10-19g)
and nanoparticle weight through reference methods (8.6x10-19g) the average weight for
an example nanoparticle of amino-CLIO which contains an iron core is 8.35x10-19g. If we
go by the reference, weight of 8.1x10-19 grams converting to metric tons 8.6x10-6 and
finally to pounds 0.019pounds for a single amino-CLIO (Reynolds et al., 2005).
Therefore, the ship would contain 4,631,578,947.37, or four billion, six hundred thirty
one million, five hundred seventy eight thousand, nine hundred forty seven single aminoCLIO.
Because of the constant shipping of chemicals via boats and barges along
numerous coastal routes, spills are inevitable. Mamaca et al. (2005) sought to understand
the environmental effects of a spill within a small amount of time and in turn evaluate the
marine fauna. Styrene was the chemical selected for the spill simulation because it is
considered a chemical of no concern in regards to chronic toxicity in aquatic


environments (low bioaccumulation, readily volatized, and biodegradable) (Mamaca et
al., 2005).
The findings revealed no mortality; however, there was DNA damage in
haemocytes, blood cells, and the stability of the lysosomal membrane was altered in both
species (Mamaca et al., 2005). These observations serve as indicators of impaired
immunocompetence and cell injury. The greatest DNA breaks occurred in mussels. This
revealed that mussel’s bioaccumulate a greater quantity of MPs than the fish. Likely due
to the fish/crustacean’s ability to biotransform organic xenobiotic elements and excretes
more polar metabolites (Mamaca et al., 2005). Simply put the MPs are expelled quicker
from fish and are less likely to damage. This information also indicates that
bioaccumulation does not accurately reflect the uptake of fish or crustaceans due to their
biotransformative nature. The metabolized pollutant likely produced a byproduct that
deleted some of the cells or structural macromolecules leading to strands breaking or
covalent bindings of radicals to the mussels DNA (Mamaca et al., 2005).
2.2.10 Trophic Level Transfer Mytilus edulis (L.) to Carcinus maenas (L.)
Farrell and Nelson (2013) recognized that MPs have been documented to be
taken up through “…the gastrointestinal epithelium of rodents into the lymphatics
systems, showing cellular damage and thrombosis …” (clotting of the blood) but failed to
investigate the ability of MPs to transfer between trophic levels. In the study, the authors
selected the blue mussel because it serves as the shore crab’s food source. Overall, the
findings suggest further studies are needed about implications to the food web at large.
The MPs were found in crab tissue samples (including the stomach, hepatopancreas,
ovary, and gills), with the greatest concentration in the gut (Farrell and Nelson 2013).


There were MPs present in the haemolymph tissue samples revealing there is a small
transference, which translocated to the haemolymph and tissue of the Shore crab (Farrell
and Nelson 2013). However, by day 21 no MPs were found in either samples.
2.2.11 Daphnia magna—Planktonic Crustacean
Lithner, Nordensvan, and Dave (2011) sought to assess the chemical hazards
and risks associated with the presence of plastics in waterways. Through the examination
of five plastic products, they identified the toxicity compound classes, while
simultaneously determining the toxicity and comparing the toxicity of the leachates. They
found 42% of the leachates, all Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) leachates, and 20% of Highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) leachates were toxic while none of the polypropylene fell
into that category, Both Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and rigid PVC showed
toxicity. The chemicals leached from plastics even during the short-term (24-72 hour)
testing of plasticized PVC and epoxy products were mainly as result of the hydrophobic
organics and metals (Lithner, Nordensvan, and Dave, 2011).
Global plastic production has doubled in 15 years; plastic production was at 245
million tons in 2008 (Lithner, Nordensvan, and Dave, 2011). Plastic products are of
concern not solely for their degradation potential but also for the additives used to give
plastic polymers certain properties for their designated application (Lithner, Nordensvan,
and Dave, 2011). The research of Lithner, Nordensvan, and Dave had indicated that
those additives could leach into the marine environment and have the potential for
causing further harm.


2.3 Future Concerns
2.3.1 Seafood Industry
Oceans and sea are sources of raw materials, biomaterials, and potential energy;
however, pollution has increasingly invaded these areas in the form of chemical
substances. Chemicals enter water systems through rivers, direct discharge and/or
atmospheric deposition with each material providing potential health hazards
(Vandermeersch et al., 2015). Seafood is an important food commodity, consumed
worldwide. Chemicals in the waterways may change their chemical form or fail to
degrade over time (persist or bioaccumulate) (Vandermeersch et al., 2015).Once MPs
enter waterways they are readily available to adhere to organism or be ingested by them.
Numerous toxic chemicals have been shown to accumulate within tissues (i.e.
heavy metals) of some shellfish. The fishing industry regulates1 for toxins in an
organism’s edible tissues, but does not consider any additional tissues that may house the
majority of chemicals of concern (Vandermeersch et al., 2015). This leads to the
growing concern that MPs will become the next toxin, as more studies reveal that MPs
enter the marine food chain in a manner similar to that of chemicals (Vandermeersch et
al., 2015). Additionally, studies are showing MPs accumulate in higher trophic levels, as
in the littoral crab after feeding on MPs exposed mussels. Unfortunately, there are no
studies reporting on in vivo or in vitro toxicological studies. However, early predications
are being made that MPs enter the body and are stored. These stored MPs exist within the
gut, leaving potential for leachable additives to harm the organism. Alternatively, MPs


These authors looked at European Industry regulations not United States


may adhere to persistent contaminants within the waterway during transport and serve as
another introduction mechanism into an organism (Vandermeersch et al., 2015).
There is a long way to go before the issue of MPs is rectified. To begin to
achieve this end all goal, we should be monitoring microplastics presence, investigating
source and environmental fate (assessment) of MPs exposure to species, evaluate
biological effects of MPs exposure, understand interaction between MPs, and other
contaminates, risk assessment of MPs (Wagner et al, 2014). Before moving on to the
next selection the following page contains a table that summarizes all previously
discussed studies with key findings for a quick summation of this section.


Table 1. This table provides a summary of the previously discussed Microplastics studies
containing the title, organism studied, and the key findings from each.


Bhattacharya et
al. (2012)

Chlorella and

Cole et al. (2013)


Hall et al. (2015)

Dispastrea-Scleractinian Corals

Ugolini et al.

Talitrus saltator—
Sand hopper

Lee et al. (2013)


Besseling et al.

Arenicola Marina—

Graham and
Thompson (2009) Sea Cucumbers

Moos et al.
Wegner et al.
Mamaca et al.

Farrell and
Nelson (2013)
Nordensvan, and
Dave (2011)

Mytilus edulis L. –
Blue Mussel
Mytilus edulis vs
Symphodus melops

Mytilus edulis (L.) to
Carcinus maenas (L
Daphnia magna—

Key Findings
 Remote Beaches containing as much MPs as
industry land
 After removal, 50% of MPs returned in 3
 Decline in photosynthetic activity
 Adhered to filament hairs and setae (of
antennules, furca, and swimming legs)
 Impacted movement, ingestion, mating, and
 Alter vertical carbon flux
 MPs localized within the polyps of the coral
 Wrapped within the mesenterial tissue
 Thought to impede ingestion
 Adhere to coral surface
 Long term impacts unknown
 Ingested MPs with regular food
 Expelled
 Unknown long term effects
 Significantly decreased fecundity
 Smallest MPs caused mortality
 Similar in size to NMs
 Weight loss
 Decreased organic matter content
 Bioaccumulation potential
 Decreased soil health
 Preferred ingestion of MPs to traditional
food source
 MPs readily adsorb PCBs and other organic
 New exposure pathway
 MPs attached to gills and stomach
 Altered lysosomal membrane
 Cell Death
 Reduced Filtering Activity
 DNA damage in haemocytes, blood cells
 Lysosomal membrane altered

Trophic level transfer occurs
Found in the stomach, hepatopancreas,
ovary, and gills
MPs exit system
Chemical additives in MPs have potential to
leach into marine environments
Several known leachates are toxic

2.5 Microbead Ban: A Case Study for Policy Implementation
Halden (2012) produced a paper that examined emerging contaminates of
concern, two of which were MPs and NMs. Specifically, Halden noted that a topics
publishing activity could serve as a method of tracking and quantifying a chemicals
“concern” (meaning “…interest, importance, or concern) (Halden, 2012). The author
selected twelve case studies to analyze. These were selected based on three components:
1) possess emergence history over four decades 2) public health importance 3) possess
spectrum of chemical compositions/properties (Halden, 2012). Halden revealed that
published activity (scientific literature) on Nanomaterials (NMs) will peak no later than
2016 while that regarding MPs is expected to peak around 2022. Current laws regulating
MPs only exist at the state level (i.e. California, Washington, and New York) while in
2013 NMs in 2013 were placed under Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) to gather more
information and Engineered Nanomaterial (ENMs) manufactures were asked to notify the
federal government of materials being used. No Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
registry numbers were available for NMs or MPs (Halden, 2012). This projection serves
for potential projection of scientific developments based on predicted chemicals of
emerging concern.
One such development needing to occur resides in the realm of politics, more
specifically the aspect of legislation. Current MPs law leaves plenty of room for error--it
does not cover all sources of microbeads, microbeads that can be sent down the drain
through products not defined as “personal care” or “rinse off” products (Rochman et. al,
2015). Nor are the terms of “plastic” and “biodegradeable” clearly defined. In the Illinois
statute for example, plastic has been defined as “something that retains its shape during

its life cycle and after disposal” allowing for companies to create a bead that only slightly
degrades and still be compliant with this law (Rochman et al., 2015). Even the law’s
definition of “biodegradable” does not explicitly state full degradation as a requirement;
it only requires slight degradation within a year (Rochman et al., 2015).
Microplastics, serve as an excellent case study for Zero-Valent Metal
Nanomaterials as their method of introduction into waterways is the same, their impacts
on aquatic systems is the same, leading to concern for the longevity of the food chain,
and in fact, these nanomaterials, specifically nZVs are in far more products than
microplastics. By analyzing the current MPs law, we are establishing a starting point for
nZVs regulation as none currently exists. The similarities between these technologies
allows for their comparison and demonstrates a need for policy to be implemented.

3.0 Nanomaterials
3.1 Nanomaterial Definition
Currently, there is no comprehensive set of criteria accepted by the scientific
criteria accepted by the scientific community as to what constitutes nanomaterials (NMs).
Some definitions only reference size while others look to make a more specific targeted
definition. For example, Lu et al. (2012), discuss the novel properties (such as change in
melting point or explosivity) possessed by NMs, while Hendren et al. (2015) attribute
their novel properties to their small size.
In an attempt to create a cohesive definition of these particles, the Joint Research
Centre of the European Commission developed the following working definition,
‘Nanomaterial’ means a natural, incidental or manufactured material
containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an
agglomerate and where, for 50 % or more of the particles in the
number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size

range 1 nm- 100 nm. In specific cases and where warranted by
concerns for the environment, health, safety or competitiveness the
number size distribution threshold of 50 % may be replaced by a
threshold between 1 and 50 %. The Recommendation further specifies:
By derogation [...], fullerenes, graphene flakes and single wall carbon
nanotubes with one or more external dimensions below 1 nm should be
considered as nanomaterials. [...] ‘particle’, ‘agglomerate’ and
‘aggregate’ are defined as follows: (a) ‘particle’ means a minute piece
of matter with defined physical boundaries; (b) ‘agglomerate’ means a
collection of weakly bound particles or aggregates where the resulting
external surface area is similar to the sum of the surface areas of the
individual components; (c) ‘aggregate’ means a particle comprising of
strongly bound or fused particles. Where technically feasible and
requested in specific legislation, compliance with the definition [...]
may be determined on the basis of the specific surface area by volume.
A material should be considered as falling under the definition [...]
where the specific surface area by volume of the material is greater
than 60 m2/cm3. However, a material which, based on its number size
distribution, is a nanomaterial should be considered as complying with
the definition [...] even if the material has a specific surface area lower
than 60 m2 /cm 3. (Rauscher,p.15)

The Commission developed this definition in the first of a series of three papers
that concluded with several recommendations for improving the future development of
nanotechnology. They generated prioritization processes and are continuing to improve
the definition as information is gathered. However, adoption of the NNI definition can be
achieved through the passing of legislation making the definition legally binding (Bleeker
et al., 2013). The European Union (EU) definition of NMs incorporates natural
nanoparticles, incidental generation of nanomaterial (human activity), and their
intentional introduction into the environment. Other regulations in place for the EU that
do define nanomaterials include:

Cosmetics (EC No 1223/3009;EU, 2009c): intentionally manufactured
insoluble or bio-persistent materials with one dimension 1 to 100nm
(Bleeker et al., 2013).


Food (EU, 2011b; EU, 2011c; 2011d): intentionally manufactured material
made of discrete functional parts with one dimension 1 to 100 nm in size,
this definition does include aggregates and agglomerates that are above 100
nm but still possess novel nano-properties(Bleeker et al., 2013).

Biocidal: Member State can ask the Commission in accordance with
Article 81 (3) with Recommendation 2011/696 whether a substance is a
nanomaterial (Bleeker et al., 2013).

Several common themes appear in the above definitions of nanomaterials that
would be appropriate for a universal definition:

Can be intentionally manufactured or naturally occurring,

Possess novel properties (vary from bulk form), and

At least one dimension is 1-100 nm.
This will be the definition of NMs used throughout this paper unless otherwise

stated. Scientists traditionally categorize NMs into four groups, Carbon Nanotubes
(CNTs), Quantum Dots, Zero-Valent Metals (nZVs), and Dendrimers. Preliminary
research for this thesis indicates that nZVs would provide the largest academic set of
studies, allowing for a more thorough analysis. This categorization is a further refinement
of the definition but this refinement will be discussed in the next section.

4.0 Zero-Valent Metals
4.1 Zero Valent Metal Definition
Zero-valent metals (nZVs) have been studied and utilized the most in research,
and thus provide a fair representation of available information, data, and policies on
nanomaterials. nZVs can be characterized by their natural ability to reduce chemicals of
halogenated nature or oxidize other types of pollutants. nZVs have been successfully
used in remediating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated organic compounds,


pesticides, metalloids, and heavy metals (El-Temsah and Joner, 2012). nZVs have the
ability to immobilize, destroy, or transform the particulate nature of pollutants in water.
For example, zero-valent metal iron (nZVI) can be used to transform chlorinated methane
from wastewater treatment facilities to reduce the tetrachlormethane and
nZVs can be customized during manufacturing to meet specific requirements, this
could be to increase the melting point or improve durability (Salieri et al, 2015) In the
laboratory setting, when nZVs are altered for a specific intent they become what are
known as engineered nanoparticles (or nanomaterials) (ENPs/ENMs). ENPs used in
water remediation include zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, cerium dioxide, chromium
dioxide, and many more (Salieri et al., 2015). These materials can either adhere to the
contaminates and neutralize the chemical or interact and transformed into another
chemical. The nZVs that are filled with contaminants are assumed by scientists to
become immobilized, as it is considered an inorganic material. Unfortunately, this line of
reasoning does not take into account weathering, exchange between additionally
compounds etc. ENPs can be enhanced further with a metallic coating that allows for
contaminant interaction (Keane, 2009); this characteristic makes them vital for
environmental remediation efforts.

4.2 Current Zero-Valent Metal Research
4.2.1 Issues in Studying Nanomaterials
Klaine et al. (2008) examined the available literature to identify studies
completed on the concentration of NMs in sediment or natural waterways; there was no
available literature. The problems with being able to fine NMs in the waterways were


identified by Klaine et al., such as “…characterizing environmental behavior, fate, and
bioavailability,” sharing of data from nZV manufacturers, and generating standardized
test media, are still relevant today as studies continue to identify monitoring nZVs as an
issue. Researchers continue to seek answers, in differentiating naturally occurring nZVs
with those that were manufactured, generating technology that can monitor these particles
outside of the lab, and tracking the life of these particles. To understand the difficulties
these researchers face look at the following. As an example, consider the naturally
occurring element nano-Fe. Iron can be identified in either dissolved or a solid phase
under natural conditions. If one was to introduce FeO2 nZV (nZVI) into a waterway,
researchers could not distinguish the naturally dissolved iron phase and the engineered
iron oxide (Klaine et al., 2008). There are several studies (Aruoja et al., 2009; (Zhu, Tian,
and Cai, 2012) discussed later that compare the impacts of bulk and nZV on aquatic
Part of what causes researchers difficulty in their ability to differentiate the
natural and engineered nZV is its colloidal nature. Briefly, colloids consist of insoluble
molecules that will not mix with a surrounding liquid. This trait (small size, great surface
area, and similarly conformational behavior) makes tracing nZVs difficult (Klaine et al.,
2008). Researchers cannot get an accurate representation within waterways of the
concentration (current amount) of nZV’s in the waterway because nZVs will readily
interact with natural colloids in which two typical outcomes are expected. The colloids
with nZVs will aggregate and settle out typically in the sediment or will interact with one
another changing the particles behavior into something else altogether. Toxicologists who
generate models and risk assessments of NMs need to be able to predict the


contaminant’s soluble portion. This is impossible if they cannot estimate the
concentration of NMs in sediment or natural waterways.
4.2.2 Marine System Studies
Marine environments generally have increased ionic strength, alkalinity,
and contain a variety of organic matter and colloids (Klaine et al., 2008). These
environmental traits are potentially susceptible to detrimental change because of
introduce nZVs, which can infiltrate into marine systems through coastal runoff,
chemical spills, or through intentional introduction during remediation efforts.
These nZVs are subject to geochemical processes presenting the potential
for global dispersion of particles (Klaine et al., 2008). For example, nano-Fe present in
fresh water run-off that coincides with coastal erosion can move freely throughout the
oceanic water column. This allows free interaction between the nano-Fe and marine
organisms through ingestion, uptake or contamination (Klaine et al., 2008). The rate at
which aggregated NMs settle to the seabed (known due to aggregation and colloid
chemistry) or how they react with varying temperature currents has yet to be determined
(Klaine et al., 2008). The concern arises to organisms that reside at the pelagic zone
because these areas of accumulation are their feeding areas and the deposition may affect
benthic species.
Beyond ocean currents, the properties of oceanic microlayer2 result in
potential detrimental reactions with nZVs upon their introductions. nZVs can become
trapped on the ocean’s surface where they can transform through aerosol exposure, these
aerosolized compounds are than readily available to marine birds, mammals, and
organisms residing in the microlayer. The surface layer can be exposed to photochemical


interactions that are not thoroughly understood and believed to vary widely among nZVs
(Klaine et al., 2008). Typically, nZVs are primarily made of metals; their behavioral
tendencies are not well understood. Researchers believe nZVs react similarly to metal
colloids, which adsorb or absorb into smaller colloids, resulting in a transfer from
colloids in the water column to sediments (Klaine et al., 2008). nZVs have the potential
to adhere to sediment particulates allowing transport to exit waterways.
4.2.3 Freshwater System Studies
Only two studies Eckleman et al. (2012) and Walser et al., 2011 demonstrated the
capacity to calculate the Characterization Factor of Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs)
(Salieri et al., 2015). The characterization factor is an important ecotoxicological
freshwater formula that expresses the toxicity of a substance in terms of potentially
affected fraction of species, resident time in a particular environment, and exposure to
humans and other species. Because nZVs do not possess these traits, the generation of life
cycle models and assessments for the introduction of nZVs into waterways cannot be
determined. These models are typically used, but for nZVs they do not apply, thus new
models need to be generated. nZVs do not have a model assessment.
The globally accepted USEtox framework, which was developed as a result of the
UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative to “…provide a scientific and technical rationale to
the comparative assessment of chemicals based on their impacts on human health and on
ecosystems…” (USEtox, 2016) was applied to released nano-titanium oxide in areas of
freshwater ecotoxicity to determine whether that framework is sufficient for modeling
nZVs (Salieri et al., 2015). Due to the lack of solubility of nZVs, the assumption was
made that nZVs entering into waterways would be completely bio-unavailable. This


research revealed high levels of variability in the toxin data, requiring a model of greater
reliability. This study demonstrated the proposed USEtox framework could applied to
Oliver et al. completed a key study in 2014 that examined the dietary uptake and
toxicity of silver nZV (nZVS) by Lymaea stagnalis (a variety of freshwater snail). The
principal purpose of the study was to examine the potential for dissolution of nZVS in the
presence of oxygen. The researchers categorized the as very soft, moderately hard, and
very hard. They found that uptake through bioaccumulation and the toxicity of these
nZVSs when ingested with foods were unaffected by water hardness or by humic acids
(the dead degraded organic matter in soil). However, both of these variables could affect
interactions between the biological membranes and [insert], ultimately triggering a
nanoparticle transformation. Oliver et al. noted that nZVSs have the potential to form
complexes with ligands, agglomerate, aggregate, and sediment. The implications here are
some nZVs ability to adsorb additional chemicals for transmission into waterways, such
as DDT or to steal nutrients from marine species. n-TiO2 showed an ability to adsorb
nutrients from a media plate will engulfing algal cells and prevent photosynthetic
activity. This particular algae example is from Aruja et al. (2009) which will be
discussed in further The knowledge for understanding why nZVs transform, how they
transform, and the potential hazards is continuously growing. Not all of the
transformations are bad, but the ones that are can lead to organismal injury or death.
4.2.4 River System Studies
One interesting study conducted in Switzerland by Gottschalk et al. (2011) looked at
the estimated effects of introducing nano-Ag, TiO2, and ZnO into 543 native river
sections of Switzerland over a span of 20 years. Rather than introducing ENMs into river

systems, the authors attempted to illustrate this interaction using a combination of mass
balance partitioning models and river box modeling. Mass balance partitioning models
determine the input of a NMs within the observed concentration of a water body, in this
case a section of river. River box modeling uses boxes divided into an area of moving
water, stagnant water, and sediment, allowing researchers to monitor the lifecycle of the
target NM.
The Swiss model revealed that upon release into the river, ENMs would likely
associate with suspended solids or sediments, accumulate in organisms (none specified),
and enter the food chain/water supply while the direct method of introduction was not
elaborated upon (Gottschalk et al., 2011). The nZV particles have the potential to migrate
based on the flow rates in the rivers and be transported throughout the river system. The
authors recommended more research to see how these ENMs are released into rivers and
how they are being incorporated into manufactured goods; strongly encouraging industry
data to be readily available to the public, which currently it is not.
Gottschalk et al. (2011) compared two variations of TiO2; the first was a
commercial grade TiO2 that was examined in a 2009 study and the second was a sol-gel
synthesized porous anatase2 TiO2 (Gottschalk et al., 2011). The latter was modeled to
predict environmental concentrations and the risk quotient for its release. The findings
revealed that both forms of TiO2 demonstrate different properties of deposition and
agglomeration. The sol-gel TiO2 did not settle out during the duration of the study. The
P25 TiO2 settled out of suspension within 24 hours. More species should be investigated


This a hydrolysis formed precipitate that forms a 100% anatase gel, a fancy way for saying a solid was
formed from many molecules. The porous nature allows for interaction between materials and increases
overall, surface area.


in order to form more accurate fate and behavior models: the researchers acknowledged
that nZVs fate and behavior within rivers is not well understood.
4.2.5 Lake System Studies
Sedimentation is also an issue in lake systems. During their examination of
engineered nanoparticles (ENP) in lake retention, Koelmans et al. (2015) noted the
tendency for nZVs to accumulate within sediment (Koelmans, Quik, & Velzeboer, 2015).
In order to better understand nZV accumulation in sediment, the authors examined the
processes for several common chemicals (P, N, trace metals, pesticides or hydrophobic
chemicals) and examined the ENP’s: CeO2, SiO2-Ag, and PVP-Ag. Three different
scenarios were calculated for these ENPs based upon previous research (Quik et. al, 2014
and Velzeboer et al., 2014). The first consisted of ENPs settling with natural
colloids/solid sedimentation. The second was ENPs settling with the suspended entirety
of particles from the water column. The last examined seasonal variability (Koelmans,
Quik, & Velzeboer, 2015). The findings revealed that there is the potential for ENPs to
exit a water system through outflow leading to downstream pollution and accumulation.
This study was the first time a combination of sedimentation and hydrodynamic concepts
were examined for analyzing how ENPs in the importance of lake retention.
4.2.6 Bacterial System Studies
Holden et al. (2014) touched on terrestrial systems by focusing on bacteria to
assess the environmental hazard and fate of nZVs. This is relevant to determining a
viable monitoring policy; early monitoring must be cost effective and use an accepted
modeling practice. Their research points out five reasons to consider bacteria for species
testing when researching nZVs introduction:


1) Bacterial communities to decline in response to nZV presence, suggesting a
sensitivity to nZVs (i.e. toxicity—impeding cellular processes)
2) Bacteria’s physiology and their nutrient cycle can be altered by nZVs particle
3) Physical traits and partitioning can be impacted; (i.e. agglomerates—readily
4) Degradation of nZV’s (could remove from environment or solubilize them);
5) Bacteria possess the potential to degrade introduced nZVs and tentatively can
transfer nZVs/NMs across trophic levels and into the higher organism.
Bacteria, due to their size and structure, have large surface areas that allow for the
strong attachment of nZVs/NMs to a cells surface. Because of this, agglomerates form
and are carried through waterways. Bacteria react to the adherence of the nZVs/NMs by
releasing “…surfactant-like macromolecules that sorb to and change the manufactured
nanomaterial surface hydrophobixity or hydrophilicity” (Holden et al.,2014).
Depending on the route into the waterway and zZVs or additional chemical
materials the bacteria agglomerate with determines the concluding reaction of the cell.
Accumulation of these nZVs particles can occur within a bacterial cell by bypassing the
cellular membrane (Holden et al., 2014). This means that the bacteria can sequester the
nZVs or facilitate travel for the nZVs through a system. If the bacteria fail to sequester
and stop travel, the agglomerate bacteria can move through the system to a new
environment. Bacteria may precipitate new nZVs/NMs by processing the originally
introduced nZVs/NMs with a process or element contained within the bacteria. Or the the
nZVs/NMs could interact with “…bacterial biofilms on sand surfaces sorb manufacture


nanomaterials and thereby retard manufactured nanomaterials transport through pores
(Holden et al., 2014).

4.3. Interactions with Aquatic Species
4.3.1 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata—Microalgae
Aruha et al. (2009) looked at three types of nZVs, ZnO, TiO2 and CuO and compared
them to their bulk form in order to test their toxicities on the microalgae
Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The findings revealed that at low concentrations (<0.1
mg/L) for both nZV-Zinc and the bulk form they were considered toxic while there was
total inhibition of algal growth observed at 0.16 mg Zn/L. The TiO2 was found to be more
toxic in the nanoform, however, both forms resulted in aggregates that entrapped almost
all algal cells and inhibited their growth. The TiO2 nZVs in combination with UV light
resulted in algae inactivation and destroyed the cells surface architecture. Researchers
found that TiO2 adsorbed the Zinc and Phosphorous from the algal growth medium
limiting nutrient availability to algae. Finally, the CuO was found to be more toxic in the
nanoform and completed inhibition of algal growth was seen at 6.4 mg Cu/L. Solubility
plays a key role; the organisms did not internalize the particles (Aruja et al., 2009).
4.3.2 Haliotis diversicolor supertexta—Abalone Embryos
This examined the effect on development of marine benthic embryos of the
abalone, which are a common benthic gastropod inhabitant to the coastal environment
and considered sensitive to toxins (Zhu, Zhou, and Cai, 2011). At concentrations > 10
mg/L hatching inhibition and malformations were seen (Zhu, Zhou, and Cai, 2011). The
authors noted nZVs ability to adsorb contaminates from the aquatic environment leading
to toxin complexes that transferred through the water column to sediments by aggregation


and settling. Zhu, Zhou, and Cai (2011) exposed TiO2 to Tributyltin (TBT), a common
antifouling compound in industrial process which is commonly introduced into
waterways. Researchers noted that the toxicity of TBT increased 20-fold when compared
to TBT introduction alone. This is a likely result of internalization of the TiO2 aggregates
containing TBT by the embryos revealing the indirect effects of on coexisting pollutants.
4.3.3 Danio rerio—Zebrafish
One of the most studied species with respect to nZVs are zebrafish, due to their
sensitive nature, their transparent larval stage for easy observation, rapid development,
and the fact that they possess a completely sequenced genome and share common
genetics with humans.
Zhu, Tian, and Cai (2012) focused on iron oxide NMs in the forms of
magnetite and hematite, which due to their super magnetic properties and high catalytic
abilities are used for tumor therapy and magnetic storage devices (Zhu, Tian, and Cai,
2012). Unfortunately, the iron oxide aggregates caused significant delay in embryo
hatching, some malformation of the embryos and larvae, and can lead to their eventual
mortality. Only > 10mg/L of iron oxide NMs lead to developmental toxicity in zebrafish.
The second study by Zhu et al. (2008) demonstrated some differing results. The
researchers examined nano-ZnO, nano-TiO2 , and nano-Al2O3. The nano-TiO2 and nanoAl2O3 did not show toxicity, while the nano-ZnO, the ZnO/Bulk3 resulted in
developmental delay in the embryo and larva, decreased survival, decreased hatching
rates, and tissue damage in the zebrafish (Zhu et al., 2008).


Bulk-the typical manufacturing size


4.3.4 Medaka—Japanese Rice Fish
As discussed earlier, nZVI in the transformation of halogenated solvents and the
reducible inorganic contaminants is being increasingly used for groundwater remediation.
Researchers assume that the nZVI will stabilize once in the oxygenic environment
leading to precipitation within an aquifer; however, it is unclear how these particles will
interact with natural water chemistry (Chen, Wu, and Wu, 2013). By examining the
impacts of nZVI on Medaka (rice fish), researchers noticed acute mortality,
developmental toxicity, sub-lethal oxidative stress in both, embryos and hatchlings
(Chen, Wu, and Wu, 2013). The introduction of these materials into waterways must be
regulated. The known impacts by nZVs on aquatic species are similar if not worse than
the already regulated microplastics and they are detrimentally affecting terrestrial species.

4.4 Future Concerns—Impacts of nZVs on Terrestrial Species
During the course of research examining impacts on aquatic species, several
studies were identified on terrestrial species that gave pause for future concern. The
negative impacts of nZVs on aquatic species, clearly demonstrated the need for
regulation and their similarity to microplastics, which have already been regulated but
these terrestrial studies truly solidified it. The following three studies demonstrated that
nZVs could affect reproduction and were transferable from parent to offspring indicating
there is cause for concern with future generations.
4.4.1 E. fetida and L rubellus—Earthworms
EL-Temsah and Joner (2012) examined how two types of earthworms (E.fetida
and L. rubellus) would be affected by fresh nZV iron and aged nZV iron. Iron was


chosen because it is traditionally used in groundwater and soil remediation. The
earthworms were allowed to select soil amended with nZVs and control soil to test for
avoidance. The data showed close to a 50:50 split. It is significant to note that the worms
did not show clear avoidance to the nZVs: the earthworms seemed incapable of sensing
that nZV contamination has occurred. Avoidance did not occur even at the highest levels
of nZV Iron (El-Temsah and Joner, 2012).
During the mortality testing of the earthworms at varying nZVs concentration, the
results were staggering. All concentrations of freshly added nZVI caused complete
reproduction failure for both earthworm species, in both soils with fresh nZVI (no
cocoons or juveniles formed). In soil with aged nZVI, researchers observed no juveniles
of either species at any concentrations in sandy loam, but did see some cocoons at 100250 mg kg-1 amended sandy loam soil and artificial soil (El-Temsah and Joner, 2012). ElTemsah and Joner explained the cocoons formed before the worm’s exposure to nZVI-suggesting that these worms were reproducing before nZV introduction. More
importantly, these cocoons could not fully mature because of nZV, demonstrating
reproductive failure because no juveniles ultimately formed.
4.4.2. ICR Mice
This study looks at the injection of titanium dioxide (TiO2) into pregnant mice
(Takeda et al., 2009). Two age groups were tested: the first at four days the other at six
weeks. The nZVs were identified within the Leydig cells4, Sertoli cells, and spermatids in
the testis at both ages (Takeda et al., 2009). The testicular morphology of the exposed
mice was quite abnormal with disorganized, damaged and/or disrupted seminiferous


Testosterone production occurring in seminiferous tubules


tubules and fewer mature sperm within the lumen (Takeda et al., 2009). These tubes are
responsible for housing both, the entirety of germ cells and Sertoli cells. These tubules
are the beginning of spermatogenesis and needed to produce immature sperm.
Unfortunately, the Sertoli cells are a fixed number of support cells (structure and
metabolic) with no ability for regeneration. The mice at six weeks also possessed greater
caspase-3 numbers, testing positive for apoptosis reiterating the potential implications for
unborn children (Takeda et al., 2009). This may lead to the potential of reduced
procreative ability within children and damage to testosterone production within the
Leydig cells—low testosterone has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure,
diabetes, infertility, weight gain, low libido, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue (Web M.D.,
4.4.3 Sprague Dawley—Rats
Lee et al. (2012) conducted a studying show the transference of nZVs
between mothers to offspring. The researchers examined the transference of AgNPs,
treating both the male and female rats orally pre-coitus. The offspring were examined for
the presence of AgNPs. Researchers identified AgNPs in the liver, kidney, lung, and
brain. The transfer likely occurred through the mother’s placenta or milk. Chronic
exposure to silver has been known to cause argyria or ardyrosis [permanenet bluish-gray
discoloration of the skin or eyes], liver and kidney damage, irritation of the eyes, skin,
respiratory and intestinal tract, and changes in the blood cells (Drake and Hazelwood,
2005). Before delving into the next section on gaps within nZV research, the following
page contains a summary table of all previously discussed nZV studies and their impacts
on the test organism.


Table 2. This table provides a summary of the previously discussed Zero-Valent Metal
Nanomaterial studies containing the title, organism studied, and the key findings from



Aruja et
al. (2009)


Zhou, and

Haliotis diversicolor

Hatchling Inhibition
Increased TBT toxicity

Zhu et al.
Zhu et al.

Danio rerio—

Significant delay in embryo hatching
Malformation of the embryos and larvae
Tissue Damage
Eventual Mortality

Wu, and

Japanese Rice Fish

Acute mortality
Developmental toxicity
Sub-lethal Oxidative stress in both,
embryos and hatchlings

and Joner

E. fetida and L. Rubelus
Earth Worms

No Avoidance
No juveniles produced
Reproduction Failure

ICR Mice

Offspring Transference Occurred
Present in Leydig, Setoli, and Spermatids
Abnormal testicular morphology
Damage testosterone production
Potential for reduced procreation

Sprague Dawley—Rats

Offspring Transference Occurred
Present in liver, kidney, lung, and brain
Potential chronic silver exposure

Takeda et
al. (2009)

Lee et al.

Key Findings
 ZnO toxic
 TiO2 toxic
 Inhibited growth
 Destroyed cell surface
 Adsorb nutrients


4.5 Distinct Gaps/Issues within the Zero-Valent Metal Research
Up until this point, microplastics have been viewed has having negative impacts
on aquatic species and as such received regulation. nZVs have been shown to behave
similar in introduction into waterways, their behavior once there, and the impacts they are
have on aquatic species is the same, if not worse than MPs. The impacts that could result
on the food chain and future development of some species are now of concern. This now
brings us to looking at gaps and issue within the research.
Currently, research has failed to examine “…complex matrices and real weather
conditions, multi-species exposures, competition, predation, and trophic relations” (Bour
et al., 2015). When attempting to replicate or test nZV’s impacts on water quality,
researchers must ensure that the test environment is as authentic as possible to maintain
pH, ionic strength, cover variable conditions, sufficient time scale, and contain the
appropriate background NMs (Klaine et al., 2008). These are key characteristics
necessary to developing safe chemical handling procedures, disposal techniques, and
overall, understanding of reactions that could form.
Kahru and Dubourguier (2010) argue that a more thorough understanding of the
nZVs chemical properties needs to be investigated both in the lab and in the field.
Coatings and their long-term impacts need to be critically studied. They noted that issues
include how the particles agglomerate with one another, how long the particles age and
how to handle nZVs during application to a waterway or for another use. Several
technical components also should be examined, such as the density of nZV’s and how


these particles interact within the soil matrix. Researchers must identify the hydraulic
properties of the aquifer being investigated, the depth to the water table, presence of
organic matter, and other geochemical properties of the aquifer. These additional
geochemical properties include pH, dissolved oxygen to determine how interactions with
dissolved oxygen will effect organisms and the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) to
see how readily nZVs will lose or gain electrons within an environment (Keane, 2009).
For example, in marine environments alterations to modeling of estuarine effluent
behavior will be needed, as they are currently applicable to large particles not the
nanoscopic (Meesters et al., 2013). The ability to measure, detects, and overall quantifies
nZVs in the environment needs substantial research as many assumptions are simply
In addition to the long list mentioned above, there is a notable lack of models for
the aquatic fate12 of nZVs, necessary for effective risk assessment. Once models have
been identified, to provide standard for testing that currently do not exist (Klaine et al.,
2008). While the USETox model mentioned earlier looks promising, more research of the
model is warranted, such as testing it with a variety of nZVs and working to achieve
reliability. Reliability can be achieved through the repetition of nZV studies, which
begins building behavior expectations and understanding of occurring reactions for each
type of nZVs. This will include nZVs of all types, as was discussed earlier even the same
type of metallic components can have an unexpected reaction due to nZV novel
properties. These research recommendations should take into account the impact of NMs
on marine species, terrestrial species, and impacts on sediment, etc.


Because nZVs are comprised of metals and metal oxides, researchers do not
anticipate biodegradation --they are inorganic chemicals. However, more research must
be completed to determine the actual fate and biodegradation potential of these materials.
nZVs can sorb to soil and sediment particulates. Some nanoparticles (NPs) are subjected
to natural biotic and abiotic (hydrolysis and photocatalyzed reaction) degradation
(USEPA, 2007). This degradation can result in changes to NM properties under
anaerobic conditions, facilitating transformation reactions26 for other particulates.
Additionally, there is potential for a “Trojan Horse effect”-- nZVs may pick up a
pollutant and carry it to another area for deposition or interaction (Keane, 2009). United
States policies on monitoring nZV impacts on water quality are discussed in the section.

5.0 United States Guidelines and Policy
This section is an examination of several United States policy that regulates safe
water practices, substance introduction and nanotechnology. The purpose of this section
is to note that these existing policies do not address nZVs and often do not reference the
general term of nanomaterials. Even though these laws do not have anything written
about nZVs there is still potential for them be the framework for a future amendment the
detail of these findings are examined below.

5.1 National Nanotechnology Initiative
The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) was established in 2001 to help
develop and coordinate nanotechnology for the federal government (Appendix 3). The
NNI works to share strategies, resources, and further NM research and development
(Kaiser et al., 2014). The 2014 NNI strategic plan presented four key goals for the
organization: 1) To further nanotechnology research, 2) To support new technologies for

public/commercial application, 3) To increase education for the public and nanotech
workers, and 4) To develop nanotechnology responsibly. This document is used strictly
as “…internal prioritization and planning processes” (Kaiser et al., 2014) for member
agencies. The plan does not reference regulations to water quality or release of nZV into
waterways, the takeaway here is that the prioritization and planning does not include
regulate their introduction into waterways. There is no plan in place to monitor these
levels of contaminants entering our waterways freely.

5.2 Clean Water Act (CWA)
The Clean Water Act (CWA) received its most recent large-scale amendment in
1987 to regulate the nation’s water by mitigating pollution, maintain wastewater
treatment facilities, and ensure wildlife health. A thorough search of CWA revealed no
references to the prefix-nano (Act.C.W., 2008) meaning no reference for NMs nor MPs
was found.

5.3 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) was passed in 1974 and most recently
amended in 20155. Its purpose is to protect the nation’s drinking water and allows the
EPA to set national protection standards for natural and engineered contaminants.
However, after reviewing SDWA and its amendments the prefix-nano, nZV, Zero-Valent
Metals, and Nanomaterials is not referenced at all. The EPA could regulate NMs under
this act, but can only do some if a maximum contaminant level (the threshold set for a
contaminant within a water system) is set.


2015 amendments included the Drinking Water Protection Act—specific to addressing algal toxin
concerns and Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Systems Assistance Act—provide aid to small
public water works


5.4 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was most recently amended in 2012 to
designate the EPA as the regulators of reporting, testing standards restrictions, and
recording anything relating to chemical substances (Duvall & Wyatt, 2011). The TSCA
excludes pesticides, food, drugs, and cosmetics that contain NMs. In an attempt to
regulate some NMs, the EPA passed the Significant New Use Rules (SNUR) under
TSCA. The SNUR requires a manufacturer that is using one of the 35 specified chemicals
in a new way to notify the EPA. Additional portions of the TSCA regulate a
manufacture’s ability to create a new chemical; they must first notify and receive
approval by the EPA. The EPA is now permitted to gather information from
manufactures about their products for EPA’s online NM inventory (“including chemical
identity, production volume, methods of manufacture, processing, use, exposure and release
information, and available health and safety data” (EPA, 2015). No information could be found
on penalties for non-compliance.

5.5 Berkeley, California Nano-Regulation
Only one city council in the United States regulates the introduction of NMs into
waterways. Berkeley, California amended their hazardous materials law in order to force
researchers and manufacturers to disclose the type of nanomaterials with which they were
working. In addition, they required these individuals and companies to inform the council
how they would handle, monitor, and dispose of their waste or unused materials. This
rule is mostly concerned with answering the “what is being released or disposed of”.

5.6 Gaps in United States Policy


This brief review of United States policy on nZVs shows that regulation and
standards fail to capture the unique properties inherent to NMs, by failing to capture them
at all. In 2007, the EPA launched a Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program and
released their Nanotech White Paper. The program attempted to report information on
NM use throughout the United States, but concluded in 2009 with little success.
Recognizing the growing use and need for nanotechnology, the 2012 Congressional
budget allotted $2.1 billion to the National Nanotechnology Initiative4. The Clean Water
Act (CWA) and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) do not mention NMs at all. TSCA
provides limited monitoring of new NMs and none to already introduced nZV. The 2014
strategic plan by the National Nanotechnology Initiative addresses nanotechnology but
does not reference legislative change, monitoring NMs in waterways, or removing NMs
to maintain water quality.

6.0 Recommendations and Findings
Based on the research of nZVs introduction into waterways, their impacts once
there, and the current identified gaps within the research the major recommendation is
regulation policy. Regulations must be developed to establish and implement a definition
of NMs so all parties involved can understand what is being regulated. If regulations
were determined by each state or city, there would be no consistency within testing
methodologies, regulatory actions, etc. surrounding the monitoring and classifying of
various types of nZVs. This would also allow clear universal terminology to be
developed and improve communication between organizations such as researchers, the
public, and manufactures.


Berkeley, California’s Nano-Regulation should be adopted as a preliminary
regulation in order to generate mandatory planning by manufactures and force disclosure
of product use and disposal. Manufactures should be required to conduct research, this
creates honest business practices, product integrity, and would increase the knowledge
base for environmental fate and monitoring techniques. Under TSCA the EPA is now
compiling data, unfortunately it is not clear what information they are gaining, this
information should be made readily available to the public for study and dialogue on
improving and implementing new policy, developing universal monitoring
methodologies and more readily see research gaps.
Consumer products should be labeled as containing nZVs this educates the
consumer on the product they are buying, allowing choices to be made. To assist in this
the Woodrow Wilson database out of Washington D.C., which lists products known to
contain nZVs, could be made into an app for easy access on shoppers’ mobile device. A
product tax could be in place to help generate study revenue as well. The specific of this
product tax is beyond the scope of this paper it is merely a recommendation to pursue in
the future. One thing that should not be done is cease production altogether, or implement
an ban on nZVs in their entirety because it is not realistic, is in far too many things, and
would only serve to create an adversarial relationship with manufactures. Instead of
continuing to look at nZVs after they enter the waterways, regulating point sources
should be considered. This includes increasing data collection a wastewater treatment
facilities and conducting environmental surveys at stormwater runoff sites. Another
avenue to consider is to generate a cap on the manufacturing of nZVs. The only figure


that could be identified was out of Europe where they have a 100-1,000 tonne cap but
they caution that any new cap being generated should be far lower.
In conclusion, this thesis served to demonstrate that microplastics make an
excellent case study and beginning platform for nZVs legislation into waterways. The
commonalities of their small size, introduction methods, impacts on aquatic organisms,
and future impacts on the food chain longevity make this comparison ideal. The growing
concern over nZVs in waterways is warranted based off the findings identified and the
harmful effects extend beyond the aquatic to the terrestrial species. Policy
implementation is the most logical step for nZVs in waterways and using the established
microplastics ban was useful in generating further recommendations for United States
nZVs policy.


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