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Renewable Heating on United States College Campuses: Mapping Viability Using Place-Based Factors Emma Wright
Phenological Asynchrony Between Onset of Green-Up And Spring Arrival For Migratory Songbirds Of Conservation Concern In Alaska Melinda Wood
Near, Far, Wherever You Are...Species I.D. is Hard: Comparing Drone- and Field-based Assessment of Two Invasive Plant Species Shaina Thompson
Assessing the Toxicological Influence of Motor Oil and Tire Particles (Synthetic Stormwater) on Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Madeline Thompson
Bell or Barrier? How Road Noise Impacts Two Mesocarnivores in Washington State Ashe Stone
Biodegradation of Polyhyroxybutyrate Plastic: A Comparison of American and International Standard Test Methods Using Soils from Western Washington Sylvia Prehmus
Cryoconite Holes on Root Glacier, Alaska: An Exploration of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Bacterial Abundance Stephanie Pierce
Nutrient Loading Effects of an Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture System Ander Pierce
Effect of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages of Forage Fish Dominic Moreschi
Reparations for Washington's Indigenous People: An Economic Analysis of the Losses Accrued Due to Imperialistic Actions of the United States Van Maxwell-Miller
Bioaccumulation And Public Health Implications In The Tissue Of Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister) Caught Within The Washington Coastline And Hood Canal Kody Ludwig
What Can We Know About the Potential for Capitol State Forest to Serve as a Wildlife Corridor between the Willapa Hills, Olympic and Cascade Mountain Ranges? If there is Potential, How Could it be Strengthened? Vanessa LaValle
Diverting Organic Waste from Landfills at the City Level: A Comparative Case Study of Boulder and San Francisco Keira Jensen
Case Study: Analyzing Adoption Readiness of Porous Concrete in Olympia, Washington Peter Hanson
Recreation Trail Analysis Comparing the Impact of Social and Formal Trails on Trees in Forest Habitat Kate Hall
Deschutes River Preserve Wildlife Camera Trapping Matt Einhorn
Rooting in Place: Cultivating a Relationship with Nature Through Connecting to Earth-Based Ancestral Practices Erin Dixon
Soil Characteristics of Cedars Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Site in Battle Ground, Washington Rachelle Clausen
Before and After Sea Star Wasting Disease: Subtidal Sunflower Star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) Observations in the Central US Strait of Juan de Fuca Sanchez, Melissa
How much Polar Bear maternal denning habitat could be altered by oil and gas exploration in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Horn, Brandie
A case study incorporating building use for solar mapping models of Portland Oregon Boisvert, Renae
Influence of Storm Discharge on Carbon Fluxes in Snyder Creek Franklin, Corey
Utilizing passive acoustic monitoring to investigate occupancy patterns of Timaliidae babblers in native and planted forest fragments in Sarawak, Malaysia Kueffner, Kayleigh
Current status of riparian buffers in Washington state: public and private land cover within riparian management zones based on best practice guidelines Lazarus, Danielle
Exploring the relationship between the non-native annual grass rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros) and soil nutrients in South Puget Sound prairies Storvick, Aleks