Lincoln county - incorporated in 1883 - is located in the central-eastern portion of Washington state.
Highlighted in the collection are two artists from Lincoln county who's works reflect the long history of cattle farming and wheat production of the area.
Clint Goodwin
Davenport, Lincoln County
Rod and Jeff Melcher
Odessa, Lincoln County
"Rod and Jeff Melcher grew up on a wheat ranch n Adams County, between Ritzville and Moses Lake.  Both young men are highly skilled cabinetmakers.  Their elaborate scale models of modern agricultural equipment have earned them prizes at nearby fairs.  THeir repuation has spread around the Northwest and they are now called upon by wheat-ranchers to make models of newly-purchased farm machinery.  What started as a hobby is now legitimized by public acceptance and by the growing arkget for the Melcher Brother's work."
- artist bio from WSFC archival files, author unknown, ca. 1983-1989.