The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 3, Issue 2


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 3, Issue 2 (February 1982)

The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 3, Issue 2
extracted text
(above) Three of Evergreen's most enthusiastic athletic boosters share tales of growing support for the new intercollegiate program. From left, founding trustee Hal Halvorson of Spokane, Athletic Director Jan Lambertz, and
current trustee Bob Flowers of Seattle.
(upper right) Geoduck sailors test the waters of Puget Sound in five of the new 14-foot Alpha I sloops.
'lower right) Model of a dream, this miniature gymnasium was presented to the trustees in January. If legislative funds
are approved, the real thing — a multi-purpose recreational facility —could be completed by fall of 1983.

By Judy McNickle,
Director of
Information Services
Mere mention of the word
"athletics" used to make
Evergreeners shudder. It
prompted visions of Big Ten
football politics, expensive
promotion programs, bubbly
cheerleaders and "dumb
jocks." It was one of the
elements Evergreen's early
planners left out, not as an
oversight, but as part of their
desire to found a college that
was deliberately, distinctly
Eleven years after opening day, Evergreen still
approaches intercollegiate
athletics with caution, still
maintains a fervent desire to
remain "distinctly different,"
still focuses its energies on
innovative academics.
But in the intervening
decade, the climate on
campus and off has prompted
a reconsideration of those
early decisions and encouraged a second look at
intercollegiate athletics. In
just four years the campus
has (begrudgingly at first)
accepted a mandate from the
Council of Postsecondary
Education and the State
Legislature to develop a
comprehensive athletics program, evolved an eight-year
implementation plan for
intercollegiate sports, hired
its first team of part-time
coaches and involved 200
students in a full slate of
competitive games in five
The changes have not
always been achieved by
consensus nor accomplished
smoothly. Controversy and
concern have accompanied
growth of the intercollegiate
program every step of the
way. What's evolved, in
typically Evergreen-style, is a
distinctly different athletics
program—one uniquely
suited to a campus that refuses to become a carbon
copy of its sister institutions.
The history and philosophy of "Athletics EvergreenStyle" begins with the hiring
of Charles J. McCann as
Evergreen's first president
in 1968.

Three years before the
college opened, McCann
made clear to the press and
the citizens of Washington
that Evergreen would not be
like the state's other colleges
and universities. The new,
then unnamed school would
not have grades, academic
departments or "football
"It wasn't that we were
against athletics per se,"
McCann remembers. "It was
more a question of priorities.
We had only three years to
buy land, construct buildings, hire faculty, plan curriculum, purchase equipment,
recruit students and open our
doors.. .there was no time
"Besides," the former
president, who now teaches
full time in the Management
and Public Interest program,
asks, "How do you know
what sports to consider until
the desires of the students
become known? In our planning years we had no idea
what students would want
to play."
Evergreen's first students
seemed to share McCann's
view. As 1973 graduate J.P.
Jones III remembers, "the
only sport we were into then
was trying to cross the
central campus without
More seriously, Jones
recalls, "we chose Evergreen
in part because of its concentration on education, not
on the typical athletics program that drains academic
But interest in athletics
at Evergreen began to surface
after the first few years. One
of the earliest and most vocal
supporters was founding
trustee Hal Halvorson of
Spokane who, in 1974, told
the press he really felt "a
competitive athletics program
would be a positive force for
Evergreen in the community
and," he predicted, "it would
help keep alumni interested
in the college."
Three years later another
strong athletic booster,
former University of Washington basketball letterman
Bob Flowers of Seattle, was
named to the board. The

two, remembers Flowers,
"kept discussing a sports
program and felt we had
board support for it—but
that we needed additional
That encouragement
came in late 1979 when the
Council for Postsecondary
Education submitted to the
State Legislature its review
on the college and a set of
recommendations for Evergreen's future. Number 17 on
CPE's list of 22 final recommendations urged "that
Evergreen study the desirability and feasibility of engaging in a limited range of
intercollegiate athletics as
one means of expanding its
appeal to graduating high
school seniors and enhancing its relations with the
Olympia community."
Within a year, the college
launched two intercollegiate
programs, approved the name
Geoducks as its official
mascot, and completed an
implementation plan for
gradually adding 15 sports
over an eight-year-period.
Selection of those sports
was done with the help of
students and staff who,
remembers Flowers, "wanted
to make sure we maintained
the Evergreen atmosphere.
"We preferred sports that
we knew our students
wanted, that had potential
for life-long involvement...
and that required limited
budget investment," Flowers
recalls. "We never envisioned
a football team and I still
don't believe Evergreen
should get heavily involved in
the big sports."
Both presidents McCann
and Dan Evans agree. As
McCann says, "When you
first think of intercollegiate
sports, you think of football.
Its purpose seems to be to
train players for the pros, to
entertain, to raise money to
support the rest of an athletics program, or to train
coaches. None of those purposes seem to fit at Evergreen."
When CPE's recommendations were first released,
the press asked Evans "if he
wanted "to see the Geoducks
in the Rose Bowl." "Not
playing football," he declared.

Hence Evergreen began
its intercollegiate adventure
on a small scale—launching
swimming and soccer teams
in 1979, adding cross country
and tennis in 1980, sailing in
1981 and wrestling and
women's basketball at the
club level, this winter.
"I like the sports we've
chosen so far," comments
alum Jones, who says his
personal interest in athletics
is limited to "watching tennis
on TV and drinking beer.
"Our sports, especially
swimming, are popular with
some of our neighboring high
schools, they allow lots of
students to participate, and
they provide a good outlet
for enjoyment and release of
frustration," he adds. "I'm all
for these activities—just as
long as they don't jeopardize
A quick talk with Athletics Director Jan Lambertz
or her coaching staff (see
story this issue) offers proof
positive that academics,
instead of being interfered
with is enhanced through the
growing intercollegiate
"We've been careful to
stress to our athletes—and
they to us—that academics
is their number one priority,"
Lambertz says. "Sometimes
this attitude shocks other
schools." She remembers the
startled look on one coach's
face because Evergreen cancelled a meet when team
players decided to stay home
for their seminars, and says
that several times other
coaches and players have
commented on "how surprising it is to see our
student athletes studying at
away meets, rather than
partying in the town they're
The emphasis on academics is, she believes, the
major distinction between
Evergreen and the colleges
and universities with whom
it competes.
"It colors everything else
we do in the program,"
explains Lambertz. "Because
we believe in a co9perative,
collaborative learning environment, we involve our

student athletes in decision
making. They have a say in
the hiring of coaches, the
scheduling of turnouts, even
in how much money goes
toward the athletics budget—
an unheard of opportunity at
the big schools."
Last year for the first
time in Evergreen history the
Services and Activities Fees
Review Board, a sevenmember board of students
and staff who annually allocate fees money in support
of student activities, approved allocation of $20,000
for the athletics program —
a move Lambertz calls "a
major demonstration of
student support."
Part of the reason for
that support, she says,
comes from "our determination to keep athletics from
becoming a major collegiate
activity. We want it to remain
a part of the fabric of this
institution, not an auxiliary
activity that begins to
dominate," she says. This
determination is evidenced
by the way she and her
coaching team recruit
"We talk to prospective
students first about our curriculum," she explains. "If
we can sell them on our
curriculum, we know we'll
get the best athletes in the
state—those who are bright
and self-motivated. Other
schools sell athletics first
and the students just fall
into the academic side of
their collegiate career."
Evergreen offers no
athletic scholarships—all
scholarships are based on
academic ability and financial
need, Lambertz says. "We
also allow no special academic dispensation for athletes. They don't get credit
for simply turning out for
sports, they receive no
special admission waivers or
financial aid. They don't even
get releases from classes for
games or turnouts; each
athlete has to negotiate
those arrangements individually with faculty."
Evergreen's academic
approach enriches the athletic program and is, in turn,
enriched by athletics, Lamcontinued on following page

Coaches Committed to Students


By Mark Clemens
The word commitment to
most coaches around the
country translates immediately into such do-or-die
terms as "the drive to win" or
"hard-nosed competitor" and
Lombard i-esque statements
like "Commitment means
playing your guts out."
Like the institution they
represent, the eight part-time
and volunteer coaches in
Evergreen's budding intercollegiate sports program are a
diverse lot, united by the
common goal to achieve
athletic excellence. Mention
commitment to them, and
responses come out entirely
different from those of their
peers at other colleges.
"Evergreen is one of the
few places in the U.S. where
academics take priority over
sports," says Jacques
Zimicki, women's soccer
coach. "Our players maintain
a high quality of academics
in addition to devoting a lot
of time to soccer practice
and games.
"I expect my team members to make a commitment
to soccer," says Willie Lippmann, men's soccer coach,
"but they should consider
studies their number one
commitment. If you want to
play competitively, however,
you must demand that soccer
is number two and social
activities are set back to
number three."


Swimming coach Robbie
Johnson, the newest addition
to Evergreen's coaching staff,
brings professional experience to bear in his coaching
philosophy. "In my practice,"
he says, "I use Gestalt
psychology, one of the
tenents of which is that
people are responsible for
themselves. I try to use the
same principle in my coaching to enhance student
athletes' lives.
Some schools are too
inflexible with their sports
programs," says Larry
Nielson, cross-country
ru ining coach. They ask their
student athletes to live a
regimented, spartan lifestyle
for the sake of winning in
their sport. But I think life is
too precious to give it all
over to just one pursuit.
Coaching "EvergreenStyle" might be characterized
simply by a commitment to
giving student athletes the
time to pursue their academic
studies before they ever take
to the playing fields. What
emerges, however, is an
underlying conviction that
Geoduck athletes can be
nearly as committed to their
sport as their studies.
As Coach Nielson puts
it, "Competitive athletics has
its place in the world and at
Evergreen. The key is to be
competitive and flexible at
the same time."

Larry Nielson

Alice Parsons

Sandy Butler

Men and Women's Crosscountry Running Coach

Men and Women's Tennis

Women's Basketball Club

Age: 34
Hometown: Tumwater,
Education: B.A., Education,
Western Washington University, 1970; M.A., political
psychology, Washington
State University, 1975.
Experience: Competed four
years cross country and
track, Western Washington;
professional mountain-climbing guide; cross-country and
track coach, Olympia High
Occupation: Teacher and
coach at Washington Middle
School, Olympia.
Interests: Mountain climbing: departs March 8 on an
expedition to climb Mount
Everest. Headed by Lou
Whittaker, the expedition will
attempt the north side of
Everest, which has never
been climbed before.
Quote: "At first, it was tough
to get people to come out for
cross country at Evergreen.
It's hard work and a lot of
people who came out were
new to the sport. After two
seasons, I've been impressed,
with how the kids run.
I think they've done a real
good job, and we have
some good runners M
back for next year." I

Age: 57
Hometown: Palo Alto,
Education: B.A., Education,
Stanford University, 1946;
M.A., Education, Stanford
University, 1951.
Experience: Teacher, Tucson
High School, Tucson
Arizona; teacher, University
of Denver; associate professor, San Jose State University; coed fencing coach,
West Valley Community
College, Saratoga, California;
girls' tennis coach, North
Thurston High School, Lacey,
Occupation: Girls' tennis
coach at Capital High
School, Olympia.
Interests: Fishing, any and
every kind.
Quote: "I got upset when
people put a label on Evergreen. The students I've
worked with are outstanding
kids with the best kind of
ideals, standards, and goals."

Age: 34
Hometown: Council Bluffs,
Education: B.S. and M.A.,
Physical Education, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri,
1969 and 1973.
Experience: Volleyball coach,
Northwest Missouri State;
teacher, basketball and track
coach, Central High School,
St. Joseph, Missouri;
teacher, volleyball and softball coach, Fort Steilacoom
Community College, Tacoma.
Occupation: Sports Information Director, The Evergreen
State College.
Interests: Water skiing, backpacking, and poetry.
Quote: "I've known coaches
who taught unethical ways to
win, and that made me
angry. Athletics EvergreenStyle show you don't have to
be 'driven by desire' to play
a game. As one of the
women on our team said
recently, 'Don't let anyone
tell you Evergreeners don't
like to win. We like winning,
but not at
all costs."

continued from previous page

bertz believes. "Academically,
we emphasize cooperative
learning and work within a
group process. We encourage
self-initiative and we emphasize ways to help students
achieve their full potential.
Our students learn all that in
our classrooms and then
apply it successfully to
athletics," she says.
Despite the fact that
athletics initially began "as a
PR move," Lambertz believes
now "most people here
realize its greatest value is to
the student athletes.
"It's an exhilarating experience to compete successfully," she enthuses.
"You gain not only the
personal satisfaction of
reaching an individual goal,
but you get the chance to
travel, to work as part of a
tight-knit group toward a
common goal, and to experience a kind of psychic process—a type of learning that
doesn't take place anywhere
While she believes
students are the big winners
in Evergreen's athletics program, the college has already
achieved some of its original
PR goals as well.
"Our first intercollegiate
athletes knew that they were
being encouraged to play as
a public relations move—and
they accepted it with kind of
a tongue-in-cheek attitude,"
Lambertz admits. "But the
current athletes see themselves as ambassadors for
the college."
So far it's paying off,
according to Flowers, Jones
and Lambertz. "Our teams
are a PR plus," says Flowers.
"They give the community
something positive to identify
with and relate to."
Jones agrees. "The kind
of publicity earned this year
by the swimmers and the

soccer teams has made a difference locally," he says. "I
still don't think most alums
care much about following
the Geoducks on the sports
page, but I do think it helps
with the local community."
Attitudinal improvements
are not restricted to offcampus residents, Lambertz
adds. "The sports program
also has improved our sense
of community on campus,"
she says. "We are now a
more rounded academic
community, with more
shared interests."
Those interests may
grow, if plans for expansion
of both the program and its
facilities are achieved.
A request for funds to
complete the long-sought
A pyramid of power—Evergreen's intercollegiate coaching staff. Holding down the floor (I. to r.): sailing coach Lou
recreational facility awaits
Powers, men's soccer coach Willie Lippmann, and cross country coach Larry Neilson. On top: women's soccer coach
approval during the 1982
Jacques Zimicki and swimming coach Robbie Johnson. Ascending to the peak: tennis coach Alice Parsons.
legislative session.
Even before that decision
is reached, Lambertz believes
the campus must reexamine
its sports implementation
plan which, she says, "is
Ongoing arguments about
activities supported, organContinuation of club
dominated by so-called white creationism versus evolution,
ized, coached and played by
sports depended each year
currently dominating converstudents and friends who
on student interest. "We
"We need to be sure we
sations in biology classwanted simply to enjoy
actually waited for student
involve more sports of
rooms and school board
recreational activities in a
interest to materialize rather
interest to students of color,
meetings across the country,
group settjng.
than try to dictate what they
like basketball and track and offer a means for understand"Our first year we had a
might want to participate in,"
field, as well as the tradiing the changing patterns of
raft of rugby players who
Steilberg explains. Students
tional sports that appeal to
Athletics Evergreen-Style.
really got into that sport,"
who wanted college sponsorwhite students," she says.
remembers Pete Steilberg,
While the intercollegiate
ship of their activity had to
"We also need to examine
current director of Recreation organize their group, prepare
sports program was clearly
our time line in relation to
"created" by "higher powers" and Leisure Education. "We
a budget, and gain approval
ever tighter budget restraints (the Council for Postsecondalso had a number of stufrom fellow students through
and double check our comdents interested in hang
ary Education, the Washingthe fees allocation process
mitment to the sports we're
ton State Legislature and the gliding, men's basketball,
run by the Services and
already involved in."
Evergreen Board of Trustees), and river rafting. The latter
Activities Board. "If they
She expects to appoint a the college's multifaceted
built 22 kayaks and their
didn't organize their activity,
subcommittee soon to take
initial enthusiasm for rafting
athletics program has been
themselves, it simply didn't
"a fresh look at" the sports
has been continued on camevolving since the school
happen," Steilberg adds.
plan. Whatever that group
pus today by a smaller group
In 1972 he and others
decides, it will be done in
known as the River Rats."
Originally devoted to
began forming what became
cooperation with students
Steilberg says that first
the Leisure Education Proindividualist sports that en(both athletes and nonyear also saw the start of
couraged development of
gram, offering workshops
athletes), faculty and staff in
what's become the Evergreen designed to enrich students'
life-long learning and physia manner, Lambertz predicts
Ski School and the Alpine
cal fitness skills, Evergreen
non-academic time and help
will continue to preserve
(mountaineering) Club.
athletics began with a small
them gain skills necessary to
"Athletics Evergreen-Style."
host of "club sports"—

Evolution of Evergreen Athletics: a Student Initiated


Robbie Johnson

Lou Powers

Willie Lippmann

Gary Dunn

Jacques Zimicki

Men and Women's Swimming

Sailing Coach

Men's Soccer Coach

Wrestling Club Coach

Women's Soccer Coach

Age: 29
Hometown: Morristown, New
Education: B.A., Psychology, Antioch College, 1975;
M.A., Psychotherapy/Counseling, Antioch, 1976.
Experience: Competed for
Howard University, Washington, D.C.; member of AliAmerican relay team in freestyle and butterfly, Howard
University; swimming coach,
Bowie State College, Bowie,
Maryland; psychologist, U.S.
Bureau of Prisons, Washington, D.C.; teacher, Thurston
County Indochinese Refugee
Occupations: Psychological
consultant, Robbie Johnson
& Associates, Spanaway, WA.
Interests: Karate, camping,
alpine and nordic skiing,
scuba diving, hanggliding,
and creative writing.
Quote: "I feel honored to be
coaching at Evergreen. Competition has been really exciting for the 14 people on the
team this winter, and we're
always looking for more
students to come out—it's
fun. I think we can keep it
fun and still be a NAIA
powerhouse in a few years."

Age: 43
Hometown: San Bernadino,
Education: A.A., Land Surveying, San Bernadino Valley,
1962, registered land surveyor,Washington, 1972.
Experience: Fleet captain,
San Fernando, California,
Sailing Club; sailing coach,
Capital High School, Olympia; conducted sailing seminars; commodore, two
Hobie Cat Fleets (77 and
212), Olympia.
Occupation: Land surveyor.
Interests: Railroad buff, airplane enthusiast, and regatta
organizer from southern
California to the Pacific
Northwest and three regattas
at Boston Harbor.
Quote: "Sailing is like a
chess game. You must
master your boat, figure
shifts in the winds and tides,
watch your competitors, and
use vectors of speed and
distance to calculate the
shortest course in order to
win. There's a lot of math
involved, and the aerodynamics of your boat, I guess you
could say sailing gets students away from their books,
yet stimulates their minds."

Age: 43
Hometown: Vienna, Austria
Education: M.A., Biplogy
and Physical Education,
University of Vienna, 1959.
Experience: Semi-pro soccer
coach, Austria; director of
YMCA, Mount Vernon, Washington; organizer and coach,
youth and senior soccer,
Occupation: Tax preparer and
grocery store clerk.
Interests: History of World
Wars I and II; stamp collecting, chess.
Quote: "After steadily improving the first two years,
we have great plans for the
team next season. Our
schedule is still up in the air
because we need to realign
ourselves in a proper conference—on the level of
Whitman College, for instance—where the competition isn't over our heads. I
would like to keep some of
our old opponents, though,
so we can see how we stack
up. TESC soccer will grow
continuously and become
very competitive over the
next three or four years."

Age: 36
Hometown: Castle Rock,
Education: A.A., Physical
Education, Lower Columbia
Community College, 1965;
B.A., Physical Education,
Central Washington University, 1969.
Experience: Assistant
wrestling coach, Columbia
River High School, Vancouver, Washington; assistant wrestling coach, North
Thurston High School, Lacey,
Washington; head wrestling
coach, Tumwater High
School, Tumwater, Washington; head wrestling coach,
Capital High School,
Occupation: Teacher and
soccer coach at North
Thurston High School.
Interests: Golfing, water
skiing, and youth soccer.
Quote: "Although wrestling
might not seem to fit Evergreen's style, the sport
broadens the image of the
college, and gives interested
students an opportunity to
compete at the club level. It's
necessary to create a balance
between the intellectual and

Age: 30
Hometown: Albany, New
Education: B.A., Clinical
Sciences, The Evergreen
State College, 1978.
Experience: Soccer coach,
Simon's Rock College, Great
Barrington, Massachusetts;
teacher and soccer coach,
New England College in
Arundel, England; club
soccer coach, Evergreen.
Occupation: Student.
Interests: Completing his
Ph.D., in Space Medicine at
the International College.
Wants to study for an M.D.
at either Harvard or the University of Washington with
an eye on consulting and
working for the space shuttle
programs in the future.
Quote: "A few years ago, our
team priorities seemed to be
academics first, social activities second, and soccer third.
Last season, however, I was
pleased to note soccer moved
up to second place. Soccer
will never surpass academics,
but at least it's getting better.
I'm looking forward to next
year. We tied for first in our
conference last season, and
next year we plan to win."

Geoducks Dive into Athletics

Women's basketball coach,
Sandy Butler.

:, m
Wrestling club coach, Gary Dunn.

Pat Schaffer, new pool manager at the
Recreation Center, intends to increase
public access to college aquatics
',inlitio<: and activities

The Evergreen Women's Soccer Team, 1981. Front row (I. to r.): Turk (a dog),
Joyce Armstrong, Julie Wynn, Martha Wolfe, Tamar Chotzen, Jill Lounsberry,
Heidi Banford, and Jane Culliton. Back row: Barb Woolen, Mary McCallum (team
manager), Gale Pruitt, Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, Halina Kilroy, Patty Anderson, Kris
Gordon, Becky Scott, Sarah Cassatt, and Geoduck Coach Jacques Zimicki.

get maximum use of the
Recreation Center, which
opened in 1973.
By the time intercollegiate sports arrived on the
campus scene in 1978,
Leisure Ed had expanded into
more than 70 non-creditgenerating workshops per
quarter, about a third of
them devoted to sports
activities, and club sports
"usually" mcluded a varied
slate ranging from volleyball
to skin diving, table tennis to
water polo, skin diving, softball and badminton.
This year Evergreen has
continued to add to its
athletics program on all
levels: increasing the number
of intercollegiate sports to
five, continuing a dozen club
level activities, and providing
more than 30 leisure sports
workshops, including 17 this

quarter in aquatics (see
related story this page).
"We estimate more than
100 students are involved in
our intercollegiate sports
now," Steilberg reports. That
includes men and women
swimmers, runners, soccer
players, sailers and tennis
players. At least that many
more students are less
formally involved in club
sports, with special emphasis
this year on the new men's
wrestling and women's
basketball programs, and on
a growing interest in crosscountry skiing, which this
January sent the first Evergreen ski team into formal
competition on Snoqualmie
Pass and on the formation of
a rowing program. Another
200 students and community
participants are sliding down
Washington's snowy slopes
this month as the Ski School

continues into its eleventh
Future athletics plans include a call for additional
intercollegiate activity in
wrestling, field hockey,
rowing, fencing, golf and
skiing within the next five
years, along with basketball
and volleyball "if we get
funded for and can construct
the gymnasium," Steilberg
Whether or not the structure is built, Steilberg is
convinced Evergreen recreation and athletics will continue evolving, adding new
sports and leisure time
activities, dropping others,
and constantly changing to
meet the needs of students
and their community supporters who will continue
providing the main source of
inspiration for Evergreen

Hundreds of Evergreeners
and friends are all wet—
almost every day—rain or
shine. And they're wet by
choice. They're students and
retirees, homemakers and
professionals, athletes and
preschoolers. And, they're all
"in the swim" at Evergreen
thanks to an expanded and
rapidly growing aquatics program under the direction of
recently hired half-time pool
manager Pat Schaffer.
A former AAU swimmer
and one-time aquatics director for the City of Bennington, Vermont, Schaffer, 33,
joined the Evergreen staff
this fall, bringing with her
experiences as a hydrotherapist at a New Hampshire
state school for the retarded
and degrees in education and
special education. Schaffer,
who first became involved
with Evergreen as an instructor of aquatics Leisure Education workshops, began
immediately to seek more
ways for community residents
and students to "get more
out of the campus pool.
"Evergreen's pool is one
of the best recreational
facilities around," she enthuses, "yet lots of people
still don't even know it's
here, much less that they can
use it every day of the
quarter, seven days a week,
even when the intercollegiate
team is practicing."
The 11-lane pool, complemented by a separate
diving bowl, has for the past
three years been home to the
Geoduck coed swim team
and, increasingly, to a number of Leisure Education
workshops offered to the
public at nominal fees.
"This quarter we've got
17 workshops in aquatics,
and they span the water from
advanced swimming to scuba
diving, aquatic exercises to
water safety instruction," reports Schaffer.
More than 50 persons
have enlisted in the new 50Mile Swim Program, a group

sponsored by the American
Red Cross to encourage
physical fitness. Swimme/s
who sign up agree to strive
to complete 50 miles of
"At 70 laps per mile
that's a lot of water by anyone's measure," Schaffer
points out, "and we've
already had our first success:
Dan Swanson, an Olympia
realtor who completed his
50 miles in less than two
months this fall."
Evergreen's aquatics program may soon expand into
other areas of interest to
community residents if
Schaffer gets her wish. She'd
like to see the college
develop a therapeutic swim
program for persons recovering from surgery or needing
specific aquatic exercises to
get in shape, improve their
cardiovascular rates or overcome the results of injuries.
She also wants to see TESC
develop a standardized program of certification for area
lifeguards and water safety
instructors that will be recognized throughout the region.

If you'd like to keep posted on Evergreen athletics, you're invited to enjoy
a free subscription to the quarterly
Geoduck News. Just write the Geoduck
News, c/o Recreation Center, The
Evergreen State College, Olympia,
WA 98505.


Phone-a-Thon '82: the Next
Best Thing to Being Here
"We wish we could meet with
everyone personally to talk
about Evergreen. Better yet—
we wish we could bring
everyone to campus," says
Sue Washburn, Evergreen's
development director. "But,
since we can't, we figure that
the Phone-A-Thon is the next
best thing to being here."
Beginning on February
15, over 100 student, faculty,
staff, alumni, trustees, and
Foundation Board volunteers
will take to the phones for
three weeks of calling alumni
and parents all over the
Why are they calling?
"We want to get the word
out—in as personal a way as
possible—that Evergreen
really needs support. Gifts
from alumni and parents are
more and more essential as
the budget cuts go deeper,"
Washburn explains.
Last year's Phone-A-Thon
raised almost $18,000 from
over 600 Evergreeners. These
gifts made possible funds

for scholarships, student and
faculty research, and special
educational projects and
programs. In addition, the
Phone-A-Thon helped the
college to stay up-to-date on
where Evergreeners are, what
they're doing, and how
they're feeling about TESC.
Washburn concluded, "If
there's a problem, we can get
it solved right away. If there's
a message for a student or
faculty member, we pass it
along. Last year, we reminded one student to sem
birthday greetings to her
grandmother and sent a
faculty member a note from
an alum that said, 'You
taught me how to learn.
Because of you, I'm way
ahead of my classmates in
medical school. Thanks!'"
So, when an Evergreener
calls you for your support,
won't you please say "YES!"
and make a pledge?

Friends of Galleries Convene March 14
The first official meeting of
a newly organized group,
Friends of the Evergreen
Galleries, will be conducted
on campus Sunday, March 14,
from 2 to 4 p.m. in Gallery
Four atop the Evans Library.
Featured during the open
meeting will be a slide/talk
on "100 Years, Washington
Art: History, Achievements,
Problems," by Gervais Reed,
faculty art historian and
former director of the Henry
Gallery at the University of
The Friends invite all
interested persons to join
them in planning ways to
"help the college provide
exhibits of high quality and
artistic and cultural diversity,"
according to chair Jim Haseltine, an plympia artist and
former director of the Washington State Arts Commission.
The new group also
seeks to sponsor an array of
activities—lectures, symposia, seminars, receptions
and tours—for Friends,
artists, students and patrons
to explore areas of mutual
interest in the arts, and to

Evans: "Little Chance of
Passage" for Closure Bill
Although press reports have
appeared about a bill introduced in the Legislature to
close Evergreen, the measure
appeared to have little legislative support as of midJanuary.
President Dan Evans,
responding to the bill's introduction, said he believed that
there was "overwhelming
support for Evergreen in the
Legislature.'' He said that,
although the measure had
little chance of passage, it
could give Evergreen the
chance to demonstrate its
rather significant recent
enrollment and academic
program progress.

"We are very proud that
the college has met the
Legislative mandate to increase both its enrollment
and its acceptance during the
past three years," he said.
The closure bill was
introduced during the fall
1981 special session by a
Spokane legislator as one of
a series of state budgetcutting proposals aimed at
higher education. In addition
to the Evergreen bill,
measures were introduced to
close Central Washington
University, and to eliminate
the Pharmacy School at
Washington State University
and the Education School at
the University of Washington.

Evans Named One of Top Ten
Governors This Century
Evergreen President Dan
Evans has been named one
of the "ten outstanding
governors of the 20th Century" in a study released at
the annual meeting of the
Southern Political Science
Association in Memphis,
Evans, who is the only
governor elected to three
consecutive terms in Washington history, was chosen
for the honor from among
more than 1,000 20th-century
governors by George Weeks,
chief of staff to Michigan
Governor William Milliken
and a 1981 Kennedy Fellow
at the Institute of Politics at
Harvard University.
He chose Evans for
"strong administration, for
recruiting of highly professional managers; for pattern-

setting innovation in environmental, open government,
local revenue sharing and
other programs; for revitalization of cooperative efforts
among governors; for formation of a coalition of state
and local governments."
Chosen with Evans in the
prestigeous list were: Robert
M. LaFollette of Wisconsin,
Woodrow Wilson of New
Jersey, Alfred E. Smith of
New York, Huey Long of
Louisiana, Earl Warren of
California, Thomas E. Dewey
of New York, Nelson A.
Rockefeller of New York,
Terry Sanford of North
Carolina (who has also gone
on to become a higher education administrator—he's
president of Duke University
in his home state), and
Reubin Askew of Florida.

acquire and present significant art for Evergreen's
permanent collection.
Haseltine says creation
of the Friends group has
been sparked by concern
over recent unprecedented
budget cuts at both the state
and federal levels.
"We're determined to
help overcome fiscal threats
to the college exhibits program," he explains.
Last year, he points out,
more than 20,000 people
viewed 16 exhibits in Evergreen's two galleries which
have, for more than a decade,
offered a full series of
Plans for the new group
wilt be fully outlined in the
March 14 presentation. Admission is free, but rewards
are many for those who
contribute to the Friends.
Membership entitles
Friends to attend special
events, to acquire limited
editions of posters and
prints, and enjoy meeting
others who share enthusiasm
for and dedication to the
arts. The first 100 persons

who contribute 25 or more
tax deductible dollars to the
Friends will also receive a
limited edition print by Evergreen artist Young Harvill.
Already involved in the
Friends as officers pro tern
with Haseltine are: Pat
Matheny-White, Evergreen
librarian, vice chair; Herb
Fuller, Olympia attorney and
long-time arts patron, secretary; and Janet Schwartz,
painter, treasurer. Friends
organizers include: fiber
artist Gloria Grouse, Olympia
businessman Fred Goldberg,
Cooper Point painter Maury
Haseltine, Evergreen alum
and designer Bill Hillman,
retired international banker
Julian Jenner, Evergreen College Community Organization
co-chair Jo Jenner; Evergreen Provost Byron Youtz;
former ECCO co-chair Bernice
Youtz; Evergreen Gallery
Director Sid White, and staff
liaisons Bonnie Marie and
Sue Washburn.
Additional details may be
obtained by writing: Friends
of the Galleries, 2212 Dublin
Drive NW, Olympia, WA

Summer School '82: Study
at Evergreen and Still Get Away
Evans said that although How would you like to parhe thought the closure bill
ticipate in an actual archaewould not move through the
ological dig at an ancient
legislative process, the news site on the shores of the
stories about its introduction Mediterranean? Or take a
raise questions about the
camping tour of the civilizacollege's future in the minds tions that were Greece and
of potential students,
Rome? Or enjoy great literaparents, friends of the colture while traveling to the
lege, and others.
birthplace of famous writers
"We especially want our
and fine writing: Great
alums and friends to know
It's possible to do any of
that we remain committed to
the above this coming sumEvergreen's educational approach," Evans said. "Now
mer, and attend college at
and in the future, we plan to the same time, by enrolling
for summer school classes
continue our growth and
which begin at Evergreen
development to provide
unique learning, cultural, and June 21 and continue through
public service opportunities." September 3.
Faculty member Dr. Mark
Papworth will guide a group
of up to 20 students on a
ten-week journey to the Near
East for his program,
"Archaeology in Israel,"
beginning June 19. The
group will tour major archaeological sites in the Holy
Land until July, when they
begin a month of excavations
Evergreen's fourth annual
at the ancient city of Akkp,
Super Saturday celebration
north of Haifa on the Medihas been set for June 5,
terranean Sea. All travel and
graduation weekend, on the
living accommodations will
central campus plaza. Three
be provided for a cost of
stages will feature live enterabout $2250 plus tuition.
tainment ail day long, comContact Dr. Papworth at 866pleted by dozens of arts and
6753 for further details.
crafts displays and demon"The Classical World:
strations, an array of special
Museums and Monuments of
children's activities, recreaGreece and Rome" offers a
tional and sports events,
group of up to 20 students a
exotic and traditional "fair
ten-week jaunt through the
food" and fun for persons of
historical and archaeological
all ages.
of antiquity as they
The spring festival,
pause at 21 sites in Italy and
hosted as a gift from the
Greece, including Athens and
college to Evergreeners and
Rome. Faculty member Dr.
friends, begins at 11 a.m.
Beck will lead the
and continues until the last
studies of Greek art
balloon flies off at 7 p.m.
Mark your calendars now and literature. The group will
and watch the May edition of travel by car, camp, and cook
out along the way, and Beck
the Evergreen ReView for
estimates the costs at $1950
complete details.
plus tuition. He may be contacted at 866-6097 for more
"Feminist Literary Tour of
Great Britain" is your ticket
to the home of Eliot and
Chaucer, Burns, Byron, and
Virginia Woolf. Faculty member Lovern Root King will

Super Saturday
Set for June 5

conduct a small group of
women to such places as
Canterbury, Stonehenge, the
Lake Country, the cathedral
city of Salisbury, and Edinburgh, Scotland. There will
be time for four days in
Shakespeare's Stratford-onAvon, and six days of sightseeing in London. The program is offered first session
only, June 20 to July 24, and
will cost $1500 plus tuition,
including 35 nights bed-andbreakfast, travel, and theater
or concert tickets. If you are
interested, contact King at
For those of you who
like to travel, but not quite
so far, two special field programs will be offered in
southeastern Oregon. Professor Paul Sparks will guide a
group on a camping trip into
the desert where they'll throw
and fire their own pottery as
it was done long ago in a
program titled, "The Primitive
In "Bird Identification
and Field Ornithology,"
faculty scientist Dr. Steve
Herman will lead observers
through the rich diversity of
birdlife in the Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge.
Participants will work and
live at the Malheur Field Station in the heart of the
refuge, which lies on the
northern edge of the Great
Basin. Sparks may be contacted at 866-6009, and
Herman at 866-6063 about
their respective programs.
Closer to home, Evergreen will be offering more
programs than usual in
everything from statistics to
organic gardening. Highlights
include: and Evergreen's
"Summer Repertory," which
will stage three plays—two
musicals and a drama—with
the participation of theater
enthusiasts from the community.
For details on registration, or other information
about summer school '82 at
Evergreen, call Assistant
Academic Dean Betsy Diffendal at 866-6521.

The Evergreen State College
Newsletter of the Alumni Association

Volume 4, Number 2
February 1982

( l e f t ) Alum Jim Koons, with Oregon's
Rogue River in the background,
(center) Whitewater on the Rogue.
(Courtesy of Sundance Expeditions.)
i right) Faculty outdoor educator and
alum. Rita Pougiales.

By Lisa Fleming, '81
When Kimberley Richardson
was a student at Evergreen,
she studied romantic literature and cultural history,
economics, and dance. As a
'77 Evergreen graduate, she
has made her living for the
past two years as a river raft
tour guide. How does that
kind of college background
connect with a worklife on
the rivers?
"River rafting is very
challenging and creative,"
said Richardson. "It's a
discipline. You're learning
through gaining a skill, and
getting control of the
Whether an academic or
personal challenge, Richardson has mastered many of
them. In her sports life, she
has cross-country skied, and
was a grand slalom ski racer.
Since Evergreen, she's
worked at a variety of jobs,
including stints as a cocktail
waitress, an advertising manager for a newspaper, and an
instructor for Outward Bound,
Her most recent employer was Zig Zag River
Runners, the largest riverrunning company in Washington, where she spent two
years as a bookkeeper and
tour guide, primarily of day
"I'd rather do longer
trips, and I'd love to raft a
warm river," she said.

Though she quit her job
when she married in August,
Richardson's rafting wish will
come true this spring, when
she plans a trip down the
Colorado River through the
Grand Canyon. This summer
will find her in a cooler
climate, working for a river
touring company in Alaska.
Did an Evergreen education contribute to her job
"I think it did," said
Richardson. "Learning is
something where you build
or create patterns, and adapt
them to whatever field you
enter. Evergreen is the only
higher education institution
that I've been to that I'd support, because there you learn
self-discipline and
Jim Koons' involvement
in the outdoor business
began during his freshman
year at Evergreeen. In 1973,
he and Mike Saul, fellow
Evergreener, founded Sundance Expeditions Inc., a
river-running company on the
Rogue River in Oregon.
The idea for a riverrunning business was born
during a five-day, springbreak trip "that was icy cold,
down the Hell's Canyon," recalled Koons. "We decided it
was so much fun that we
should start a business doing
it. And we started planning
the business the next week."

Koons soon realized the
complications of being an
entrepreneur. As he put it, "I
knew a lot about the outdoors, but not how to run a
For the next several
years, the two men divided
their time between work and
school, usually spending
spring and summer in Oregon,
and fall and winter at Evergreen. Koons' Evergreen
education both helped and
hindered his business skills.
Most of his education was
through individual contracts,
since Evergreen had no
formal business or management education program at
the time.
"What I learned from
Evergreen was resourcefulness," he said. "To get a
business education, I had to
create my own curriculum.
And as a result, I got to like
the idea of creating my own
Through his and Saul's
resourcefulness, Sundance
stayed alive as a company.
Upon graduation in 1977,
Koons went to Stanford
University, where he graduated with a masters in
business administration.
He gave up being a
partner in Sundance, although he still retains a
stockholder's interest in the
company. Today, Koons is
gearing up to start a new
business in Eugene, Oregon,
called The Business Information Center. The Center will

serve as a resource center for in a private school in Massasmall businesses on a memchusetts for three years,
bership basis. Services in"which crystallized my desire
clude seminars, video proto go into education," she
grams, computer time, a
reference library, and
Pougiales received her
teacher's certification at the
Although Koons is busy
University of Oregon, and
starting his new business, he went on to complete her
still finds time to participate
masters in the social foundain outdoor activities. Weektions of education. She had
ends may find him kayaking,
begun her doctoral studies,
rafting, or cross-country
when she was hired as a
skiing. And although Koons
visiting faculty member to
admits there isn't "a whole
teach Outdoor Education at
lot of time, I still get down
Evergreen, the year after
to Sundance occasionally to
Unsoeld died in an avalanche
go rafting."
on Mount Rainier while
Rita Pougiales has
leading a school expedition.
moved from Evergreen stuShe completed her doctoral
dent to Evergreen faculty
studies before joining the
member. Unusual? Yes, but
regular faculty in 1980.
unique circumstances and a
The current version of
unique personality have made Outdoor Education as taught
Pougiales ideal for the situaby Pougiales and others, is
based on an investigation of
Pougiales, a 72 grad,
the natural environment.
learned of Evergreen through Along with outdoor survival
her friendship with the late
skills, students learn history,
Willi Unsoeld. Unsoeld was a astronomy, drawing, and
founder of Outward Bound,
an international outdoor
Pougiales' activities outleadership school, and
side of teaching center
Pougiales attended one of
around the outdoors. She
the first American schools.
enjoys hiking regularly in the
Soon thereafter, she became
Olympic and Cascade mounone of the first American
tains. She also serves on
women teachers, and taught
Evergeen's Athletic Advisory
six summers for the school.
She transferred from the
"At this point, I'm comUniversity of Minnesota to
fortable with the role of
TESC after a visit to Unsoeld. athletics at the college," said
Upon graduation, she taught
Pougiales. "We are very concerned that academics
remain the first priority.
That's how it is right now."

Jackie L. Badger 75, Renton, just discharged from the Navy, has completed
schooling for computer data processing, and received a B.S..
Ken Balsley 73, Lacey, was recently
elected President of the Washington
State Information Council and is working as an information officer for the
Washington State Department of
Craig Bartlett '81, Portland, OR, works
as an animator for Will Vinton Productions.

New book by Evergreen alum, Lynda
J Barry

Anne Beck 76, New York, NY, is enrolled in the graduate program of
theater arts at Columbia University.

Artists Achieve
Two women graduates have
achieved recognition for work
in their field:
Lynda J. Barry 79,
Seattle, has compiled a book
of her first collection of
comics, which have previously appeared in newspapers
such as The Seattle Sun, The
Rocket (Seattle), Willamette
Week (Portland), The Reader
(Chicago), and The L.A.
Reader. The book, entitled
Girls & Boys, published by
The Real Comet Press in
Seattle, includes selections
from her two major series to
date: "Girls & Boys" and
"True Comics." Inquiries for
purchase of the book may be
made to Art In Form, P.O.
Box 2567, Seattle, WA 98111
(206) 623-6381.

Susan Beck 78, Berkane, Morocco, is
in the Peace Corps teaching English to
French-speaking Moroccans.
Madame Butterfly." by Petrina L
Walker. 1981.

Petrina Lynn Walker 78,
Olympia, will unveil the
results of her creative talent
in a one-woman exhibition of
fine art photography entitled
"Children of the Urban Complex" at The Eye Gallery,
3321A-22nd Street, San Francisco, for three weeks in
May, 1982. She would be
delighted if fellow alums
residing in or visiting the
San Francisco area would
stop by to take a look.
Trina's work will also be
on display at the Southern
Lights Gallery at Amarillo
College in Amarillo, Texas,
August 23-September 17,

l f you have moved, are planning to, or if your address label is
not correct, PLEASE LET US KNOW. Paste your present label
here and write your new address below. This will help get the
ReView to you on a more timely basis and will save Evergreen
35 cents in Post Office charges.

Ramona Bennett 76 is tribal chairwoman of the Puyallup Indian tribe.
Adam Birdinground 74 is working for
the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Juneau,
Knute (Skip) Berger 76 is a partner in
Pacific Publishing Assoc., a communication and media consulting firm in
Terry Bonynge 71, Fairbanks, AK, is
teaching first grade and will soon complete her masters in education from
Bank Street College of Education.
Dan Boxberger 73, Lummi Island,
WA, received a master of science from
Western Washington University in 1977
and is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of British Columbia. Dan works at
the Lummi College of Fisheries.
Nancy Butterfield 79, Tacoma, is
working as an alcohol counselor for
the Squaxin Tribe and also edits the
tribal newspaper.
Ross Carey 75, Cleveland Heights, OH,
is in his second year of medical school
at Case Western Reserve University.
Drew Carey 76, Fife, Scotland, is completing a Ph.D. in marine biology at
St. Andrews University and plans to
work at State University of New York—
Stonybrook next year.
Carol Detweiler 75, San Francisco, CA,
is working as a seamstress and designer for a small, women-owned and
run fashion company, Japanese

New Address:

Scott F. Benedict '80, Federal Heights,
CO, is studying for a degree in architectural drafting at The Denver Institute
of Technology, where he works in the
school's counseling office.



Phone .
Parents, if you are receiving a ReView addressed to your son
or daughter and they no longer live at home, please share
their address with us so we can have more direct contact
with them.

John Bellamy Foster 75, Downsview,
Ontario, Canada, has attained his
masters degree in political science
from York University and has nearly
completed his doctoral requirements in
the same field, with a specialty in
political economy. He has been a
teaching assistant for the past four
years for a course entitled Studying
Social Man: A Political Approach.
John has also done considerable writing for professional journals and is coediting a book in his field.

Alumni Couple Gives Shauna May Scholarship
Two Evergreen alumni, graduates in the classes of 76
and 78, have established a
$10,000 scholarship in
memory of their friend and
classmate, Shauna May, who
was killed in California in
November, 1980.
The husband and wife
team, who prefer to remain
anonymous, feel that this
scholarship is a special way
to remember Shauna, who
loved learning and Evergreen.
The funds will be awarded to
students who have shown
"concrete evidence of exceptional promise as scholars."
These merit-based awards
will be given primarily on the
basis of achievement,

broadly-defined, with financial need as a secondary
selection criterion.
While details have not
been completely confirmed at
the time this article was
written, the scholarship will
probably be available to both
new and continuing full-time
students who are Washington
state residents.
In addition, it has been
proposed that the Shauna
May Memorial Scholarship be
endowed, with the $10,000
held in perpetuity and the
interest used to award a
scholarship in Shauna's
memory for years to come so
that future Evergreeners will

Brad Furlong 76, Tacoma, is a thirdyear student at the University of Puget
Sound Law School.
Robert Gerrish 73, Kirkland, is a senior
systems analyst for Associates for
Management Services.
Vel Gerth '80, Tacoma, is a psychology
teacher at Fort Steilacoom Community
College and plans to attend Pacific
Lutheran University next fall to study
for a masters degree in social science.
Laura Goff 75, Puyallup, is the program coordinator for the Organization
and Client Program of the United
Cerebral Palsy of Pierce County and
also received the Humanitarian Service
Award from that organization.
Tom Gorskl '80, Ardsley, NY, now
living in Olympia, is a self-employed
videographer and social worker. His
Evergreen educational experience culminates Valentine's Day weekend with
Olympia's first aviation show at the
Capital Mall. There, Tom's video installation will demonstrate the photographic breakthrough he achieved while
completing flight training. Employing a
unique process he researched at Evergreen, he used videotape to re-create
the perspective of what it's like to fly
in a small airplane.
Carla Hasegawa '81, Skokie, IL,
teaches four- and five-year-olds at
Horizon's Children's Center, a day-care
facility in Northbrook.
John Hennessey III 77, Norwich, VT,
is enrolled in a new masters degree
program at Dartmouth College called
Computer and Information Science.
Brian Johnson '81, Seattle, is working
as a news photographer for KING-TV.
Katherine L. Johnson 79, Columbus,
OH, is a third-year student of veterinary
medicine at Ohio State University.
Joe Koczur 76, Kodiak, AK, is a federal fisheries agent with the National
Marine Fisheries—U.S. Coast Guard
Support Center.

Victoria Poyser '80, New York City, NY,
yielded to the lure of the Big Apple
and landed her first assignment in New
York—with a publisher in Michigan.
She'll be doing the book jacket illustration for a novel to be issued this
spring by Phantasia Press.
Judith Prest 75, Schenectady, NY,
is currently enrolled in the masters in
social work program at State University
of New York-Albany.
Dave Rauh 79, Bill Johnston '81, Toni
Holm 78, and Greg Falxa got the good
news right before the holidays that a
$26,000 grant proposal they had
authored on behalf of Evergreen's
KAOS-FM station had been funded by
the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA). The
project, which was the result of two
years of writing, re-writing, revision
and waiting, will provide funds to
extend service of KAOS-FM into Grays
Harbor County by means of four lowpower repeaters.
Marsha Jane Reagan 78, Albuquerque,
NM, has recently accepted the position
of director of marketing and promotion
for RFA Records.
Ben Rice 75, Berkeley, CA, is a criminal defense attorney for Santa Clara
Public Defenders office.
Annette Rickles '80, Portland, OR, has
been teaching English as a second
language, and plans to attend graduate
school in intercultural counseling.
Bill Rotecki 72, Bainbridge Island,
WA, reports he is "digging clams by the
light of the moon, and doesn't wake up
till the crack of noon."
Judith Shoshana 79, Seattle, is in her
second year of law school at the
University of Washington and works
part-time for the State Attorney
General's Consumer Protection AntiTrust Division and is working on
affirmative action at the university.
Mikael W. Sikora '81, Seattle, is
making a film in the Seattle area.

Lee Meister 77, Los Angeles, CA, is
working as a production manager on
television commercials in Hollywood.

David Smullin 75, Fairbanks, AK, is '
working on his Ph.D. in physiology at
the University of Alaska.

Carson Miller 78, Carson City, NV, has
been fundraising for the Elizabeth
Stone House, a shelter for women in
emotional crisis.

Dan Tishman 77, Lubec, ME, is director of the National Audubon Society
Expedition Institute and has received
his masters degree in education from
Lesley College, where he is an adjunct
faculty member.

David Nelson 77, Mt. Vernon, WA, has
been working as a caseworker for Child
Protective Services for the past three
and a half years.
Debra A. Nystrom 74, Eugene, OR, is
enrolled in physical education studies
at the University of Oregon.
Janet Partlow 76, Yakima, WA, trained
at the University of Washington as a
physicians assistant/Medex in Family
Medicine and is working as primary
provider in Neighborhood Health Clinic
in Yakima serving the migrant population.

Jeanne VanDiRiet 79, Springfield, OR,
is employed at Child's Center, an
organization for emotionally disturbed
N. Thomas Warner 79, Tempe, AZ, is
attending Arizona State University,
College of Architecture, for his master
in solar energy and planning.
Theresa L. Wright 77, Salem, OR, is
employed as a field representative for
the Oregon School Employees' Association.

L.A. Alums
following errors have
Socialize Over The
been called to our attention
from our last issue:
the Holidays

also know about Shauna and
the friends who cared so
much about her.
"This is such a beautiful
and meaningful way to reLos Angeles alumni and
member Shauna," says Sue
parents attended an informal
Washburn, executive director holiday gathering at the
of the Evergreen Foundation. Culver City Municipal Audi"We're all just delighted
torium on December 29 to
about the gift and the special socialize and catch up on
expression of alumni support, what's happening back on
caring, and confidence in
Evergreen. It's wonderful!"
The group was joined by
Alumni, parents and
faculty member Mark Papworth, who shared his plans
friends interested in contributing to this fund may do so for a summer, 1982, academic program in Israel that
by making a check payable
to the Shauna May Memorial will study archeology,
Scholarship and sending it to history, and cultural studies.
Special thanks to alum
The Evergreen State College
Foundation, Olympia,
Greg Falken 79, who made
the arrangements for the
WA 98505.
evening event.

Cecilia Barnett 75, received
her master's candidacy in
comparative literature and
education from the University
of Puget Sound. We reported
that she received her master's
Edith Wallace Owen 79, is
the Director of Social Services
of the Orchard Park Convalescent Center. We reported
that she is director of the
facility itself.

Geoducks in Action on the Field and in the Classroom
It's appropriate that the
symbol of Evergreen's sports
program is not a snarling
beast or charging warrior,
but instead that amicable,
tongue-in-cheek mascot, the
Chosen by popular acclamation in 1979, the Geoduck
was at once both the Evergreen community's derisive
raspberry in the face of
hallowed athletic tradition,
and an affirmation of the
brand of athletics it desired,
the kind you play for fun.
For students who happen
to be athletes at Evergreen,
the Geoduck has become
aptly symbolic of their dilemma. The question is not what
comes first, academics or
athletics, but how much
emphasis to give athletics,
which is clearly the second
priority. Are sports a distant
second for the Geoduck
athlete, or a close runnerup?
For freshman Tim Lewis,
19, attending Evergreen
meant a chance to continue
what he started as a seventh
grader in the Youth Soccer
League of Olympia. A soccer
player in the summers, and
a member of the cross
country and track teams at
Tumwater High School,
Lewis reported to the men's
soccer team upon entering
Evergreen last fall only to be
the last man cut from the
squad. He was determined,
however, and became a starting defenseman by the end
of the season as studies and
injuries took their toll on
the Geoducks.
"My first objective is
education," says Lewis, who
is studying marine biology.
"I was impressed with the
way people worked athletics
into their studies, though. At
a lot of schools, athletes get
out of class for practice or
games, but at Evergreen
people took books to away
games so they could study. I
liked playing with Evergreen
because of that."

Since running is a regular
feature of Cyndy Smith's
schedule, it isn't surprising
she is a two-year veteran of
Evergreen's cross-country
team, and last season's Most
Inspirational Runner. The 22year-old senior from Mercer
Island averaged 50 miles a
week last fall, but has
dropped off to a mere four
miles per day since the
season ended.
"I don't feel that drive to
run hard and far for the
team," she says, "Now I run
totally for my own relaxation."
Smith, now enrolled in
Environmental Studies, transferred to Evergreen after two
years at Central Washington
University. Although she did
not compete at Central, she
noted a "more hard-core,
killer-instinct attitude" among
athletes in the locker room.
"It's an asset that Evergreen emphasizes academics
over athletics," Smith says,
although she thinks some
people get the wrong idea.
"Someone asked me once if
I thought it was fair Services
and Activities fees were used
to support athletics. I said
yes, because S&A funds all
kinds of activities, not just
To another senior, Ernie
Raynor, the Evergreen
Wrestling Club has been
incentive to organize.
"I've never had to budget
my time so well," says
Raynor, who works on parking patrol for Facilities when
he isn't grappling or studying. "I have three hours a day
for training, and then there's
work and school. I'm orderly
and on time with my schoolwork, and I have to be if I
want to wrestle."
Raynor, 21 and a 1978
graduate of Timberline High
School in Lacey, obtained an
A.A. degree in Liberal Arts
from Saint Martin's College
in 1980. After graduating
from Evergreen this spring,

he'll attend Oxford University
for a summer program in
medieval history and later to
study law.
But right now it's
"I'm happy to have an
opportunity to wrestle again,"
Raynor says. "I just want to
get in shape and see how I
can do against the competition, especially on the collegiate level."
Mikel DeBuse, 20, is
taking a tangent at Evergreen
this year. DeBuse, a junior
and 1979 graduate of North
Thurston High School in
Lacey, is taking a break from
Environmental Studies to
intern as an assistant to Pool
Manager Pat Schaffer in the
Recreation Center.
Three years as a Geoduck
swimmer will be to Mikel's
advantage because she'll be
helping Schaffer schedule
lifeguards, videotape swimming and diving classes for
instructional purposes, and,
most importantly, organize a
therapeutic swimming program for the temporarily
disabled. In addition, DeBuse
will teach a Leisure Educa'ion diving class and, along
with other members of the
swim team, help Schaffer
train handicapped persons
for the Special Olympics (see
article, page three).
"I've never taught before,
50 it should be an interesting
experience," says DeBuse.
We'll use a lift to assist the
disabled into the pool and, in
the case of heart attack
/ictims, be very careful about
monitoring heart rates. Pat
has a lot of experience
teaching the disabled and
handicapped, and I'm looking
forward to learning from her."
To Cheryl Harrison, 24,
playing on the women's
basketball club is just one of
many reasons she likes Evergreen. In her second year
after transferring from the
Jniversity of Puget Sound,

the energetic senior says, "I
needed the atmosphere at
Evergreen to work on my
Harrison, who hopes to
be a professional musician,
performs, composes,
arranges and records her
favorite kinds of music—pop,
rock, and jazz. She plans a
concert-style presentation for
her senior music project, is
currently starting her own
band, and will be appearing
in a play, "Entropic Follies,"
at Evergreen in March. She is
also involved in film, photography, parachuting, hanggliding, writing, and drawing.
And basketball.
A native of Long Island,
Harrison played three varsity
sports at UPS—volleyball,
basketball, and spftball. She
preferred competitiveness
while at UPS, but likes the
"cooperative spirit" she finds
at Evergreen.
"The bottom line at UPS
was winning," she says, "but
now I just play basketball to
have fun. I love the excitement and I want to be a part
of that, but at the same time
do all the other things I came
to Evergreen to do."
Unlike some of us, Bob
Bresnahan, who is presently
38, can't wait to turn 40.
Competing by himself
and with the Evergreen Runner's Club, Bresnahan has
turned in race times that,
while good enough to place
him high in some marathons,
would put him in an elite
group of runners if he were
only a little older.
"Right now," he says,
"my times are only a minute
slower than those in the
national class brackets for
Masters (competitors 40
/ears old and up). My best
or ten kilometers is 33.1
ninutes, and 32 would put
ne in the bracket. I'm lookng forward to turning 40."
Bresnahan, originally
rom Chicago, is currently
inishing his degree in Com-

puter Science, and starting a
computer software business,
Datamatics, with fellow
'Greener, Roy Feldman. He
graduated with a degree in
English literature from Kent
State University in 1967, and
was therefore ineligible to
compete on the intercollegiate cross-country team when
he came to Evergreen.
His list of running accomplishments is impressive
nonetheless: 46th of 1800
runners in the 1981 Seattle
Marathon; 18th of 8000 in
Tacoma's 1981 Sounds to
Narrows Run; fifth and
second in Evergreen's 1980
and '81 Turkey Trots, respectively, and, last fall, winner
of Olympia's ten kiiometer
Scout-o-rama Race, beating
old rival Dennis O'Hare (see
"Hybrid Car," Fall Review,
1981) by a bare ten seconds.
And, just for fun, Bresnahan joined a group who
ran around Mount Rainier on
the 94-mile Wonderland Trail
over the three-day Labor Day
weekend last year.
In fact, the one and only
reason Bob Bresnahan runs
races is just that: fun. In last
year's Run for Your Mom
race, held at Evergreen,
3resnahan had jumped out to
i wide lead. He was still
jhead when all of a sudden,
le dropped out.
"I set my pace a little too
fast and felt horrible," says
Bresnahan. "I'm not as highly
competitive as some runners—if I'm not having fun,
I quit."
On that fun note, let's
leave these Geoducks to their
athletic dilemma. After all,
the important part of the
question—academics first—
is answered up front when a
student chooses to attend
Evergreen. And you can see
there is still time after the
books for some to take pride
and pleasure in being an
athlete, Evergreen-Style.


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Volume 3, Number 2
February 1982
Published by the
Office of Development
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

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Winter Festival Highlights February Calendar
Singer-songwriter Linda
Waterfall opens Winter Festival Week with her performance
of original acoustics, 9 p.m.,
Evans Library lobby. Tickets:
$2.50, $3...Benefit for
Women's Shelter and Rape
"Surface Tension," an original
aquatic play, will be performed in the Evergreen pool,
8 p.m., Campus Recreation
Center. Tickets: $3.
First Major College Invitational Swim Meet features
competition between the
Geoducks and men and
women swimmers and divers
from 14 two- and four-year
colleges throughout the West
Coast,10a.m.-6p.m., Friday;
9 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday,
pool, Campus Recreation

15-March 3
Evergreen volunteers begin
calling alumni and parents all
over the country as part of
the annual Phone-A-Thon to
raise money for scholarships,
research, special educational
projects and programs.
They'll be waiting for your

Evergreen faculty economist
Dr. Russ Lidman chairs panel
discussion on "Anatomy of a
Recession: A Social and
Economic Autopsy," 8 p.m.,
Recital Hall, Communications Building.. .free program sponsored as part of
Tuesdays at Eight Lecture
Beaux Arts Costume Ball, the
college's annual studentsponsored celebration of
Sweethearts Day, this year
complete with live music and
Roaring 20s theme, 8 p.m.,
main mall, College Activities
Building. Tickets: $4.

Students and faculty from
Tropical Reef Ecology program Fall Quarter present
slide/talk on their quarterlong study in Hawaii, 8 p.m.,
Recital Hall, Communications
Building.. .free program
sponsored as part of Tuesdays at Eight Lecture Series.
Band concert featuring
"Trapezoid" and "Hurricane
Ridge Runners," 8 p.m.,
Evans Library. Ticket price to
be announced.

Explore the Evergreen Library
and enjoy the Galleries
through complete tours,
sponsored jointly by Friends
of the Galleries, Friends of
the Library, and the Evergreen College Community
Organization, 10:30 a.m.noon, library tour; noon1 p.m., brown bag lunch talk
by library and gallery staff,
1-2 p.m., visit to the Galleries. .. free. RSVP 866-6128,
Friends of Evergreen Galleries
conduct first annual meeting,
2-4 p.m., Gallery Four, Evans
Library.. .Topic: "100 Years,
Washington Art: History,
Achievements, Problems"...
Tickets: free.

Odetta, America's first lady
of folk music, performs in
concert sponsored by Evergreen-Vancouver, 3 p.m.,
Columbia Arts Center. Call
(206) 696-3080 for ticket
Odetta returns to Olympia
with her own special brand of
spirituals, blues, folk and
children's songs. Her Evergreen Expressions series
show will be staged at 8 p.m.
in the Olympic Theater in
downtown Olympia as a
benefit for the city's soon-tobe renovated Performing Arts
Center... Patron tickets:
$15; others $5.

Eiko and Koma, a remarkable
Japanese dance team which
successfully blends Eastern
dramatic traditions with
Western movements to create
exciting visual pictures, performs in final Evergreen
Expressions series show at
8 p.m. in the Recital Hall of
the Communications Building.. .Tickets: $5 general, $4
students and senior citizens.

Fourth annual SUPER
SATURDAY celebration,
11 a.m.-7 p.m., central
campus plaza.. .entertainment, arts, crafts, children's
events, athletic competition,
food and fun for all... free..
Graduation exercises for
Class of 1982, 1 p.m., Recreation Pavilion.

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