The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 4


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 2, Issue 4 (August 1981)

The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 4
extracted text
A Kaleidoscope of Activity

Super Saturday heralds the
beginning of summer.
Umbrellas and tanning oil,
jogging shorts and climbing
gear, passports and farming
manuals, folk tales and graduate studies are all pieces of
the pattern that's become
summer '81 at Evergreen.
Though the new quarter
got off to a damp start—setting new June records for rainfall in Geoduck country—
more than 700 students returned to the hallowed halls
of academia for a summer filled with five- and ten-weeklong course offerings and
supplemented with more than
60 Leisure Education workshops providing opportunites
to try everythings from scaling some two dozen peaks in
the coastal mountain ranges
to beginning swimming and
instruction in the art of being
a clown.
While students hit the
books—and often the waters
of the campus pool or Puget
Sound—hundreds of visitors
began arriving to participate
in a record number of conferences and conventions,
ranging from football camps
for high school athletes to
weight-loss programs for
teenagers, institutes for college and university teachers
to seminars for student newspaper and yearbook editors.
Teenagers have also come
to campus to attend the second year of the Bridges Program, designed to offer them
a chance to master the basic
concepts of environmental
studies while living and
studying in the Olympic National Park, and the Upward

Bound Program, which helps
prepare sophomores, juniors
and seniors for post-highschool educational experiences.
The little folks have their
niche on campus this summer, too, in the Driftwood
Day Care Center that provides
an educational program daily
for youngsters three to six
years old while their parents
work or attend classes.
Graduate Work in MPA
For the first time in Evergreen's history, graduate-level
courses are being taught as
part of the masters degree
program in public administration. MPA students have selected from among studies
in policy administration, organizational communication
and citizen participation,
community involvement and
public relations.
Undergraduates face a
full slate of basic studies—
ranging from principles of
economics to calculus, from
environmental history and
philosophy to clayworks,
photography, botany, environmental design, music, and
women's literature.
Those who might have
hoped for a somewhat lighter
academic load during the inviting days of summer were
forewarned by at least one
faculty member, Dr. David
Powell. In his outline of a tenweek fiction workshop, the
literature professor said students will be required to participate in lectures, critiques
and readings. Standard fare
for most classes. But, he
went on to emphasize: "an

By Judy McNickle, Director of Information Services

unadjustable, unnegotiable
minimum of 20 typed pages
of second draft fiction per
week will be required." So
much for plans to devote
afternoons to sun bathing!
Not all those earning academic credit this smmer can
be found seated at a seminar
table. One group of students,
led by faculty art historian
Dr. Gordon Beck, is traveling
in western Europe, focusing
their studies on the art and
culture of Greece and Italy.
A Russian studies team,
headed by Dr. Andrew Hanfman, is exploring the USSR,
devoting three weeks to
Moscow and Leningrad and
another week to travel
through out the country,
climazing a full year's academic preparation on campus.
Still other students are
mastering the geology of the
Pacific Northwest, preparing
for a three-week field trip, led
by faculty geologist Dr. Jim
Stroh, into the mountains of
Washington, Oregon, Idaho
and "perhaps western Montana."
And yet another student
team, directed by faculty anthropologist Lynn Patterson,
is scouring the hills and
dales of southwest Washington, gathering stories,
dreams, poetry, photographs
and even jokes generated by
the recent eruptions of Mount
Saint Helens. Students in
the five-week academic program, based in Vancouver,
Washington, hope to publish
the results of their work as
an historic contribution to
the folklore of the region
which was buried under tons
of ash and mud in May, 1980.

Nutritious Results as Well
The results of another academic program's work will
be eaten long before this
ReView is recycled. Greeners
studying small scale agriculture under the tutelage of faculty members Dr. Jeff Kelly
and Dr. Greg Steuwe-Portnoff
have spent most of the summer with their hands in the
dirt—mastering the art of organic gardening and other
homestead-related skills at
the college's eight-acre farm.
When they're not planting and
weeding, the industrious soil
tillers are studying the role of
altenative agriculture in modern society, changing attitudes toward alternative and
traditional agriculture, and
materials on human nutrition.
Not all work done on
campus this summer generates academic credit. Some
of it's for the sheer joy of accepting and meeting new
challenges. The college's
Leisure Education program
has sponsored 23 sports
workshops providing instruction ranging from racquetball
to sport parachuting, tennis
to golf, wilderness backpacking to climbing dormant volcanoes, gymnastics to whitewater rafting.
For the slightly less adventurous, instruction is also
available in belly dancing,
hat ha yoga and relaxation,
aerobics, ballet and an array
of art workshops including
calligraphy, pottery, photography, silkscreen, papermaking, painting, weaving and
drawing. Martial arts sessions also are open for children and adults, as well as

instruction in juggling, Swedish massage, meditation, and
bicyle repair, touring and
For many, the visit to
campus is just one of their
summer stops. For those attending conferences, they
may stay as long as three
weeks for an accredited workshop in Aerospace Education, as briefly as three days
for a public school administrators' retreat, or just one
day—like 75 youngsters a
day participating in YMCA
camps on campus. They've
had a chance to take full
advantage of recreational
facilities and ample opportunities to explore the college's 1000 acres, which still
provide homes for deer,
raccoons, birds and a full
cast of nature's furry critters.
Countless others just
happen to stop by the college
in the summer, perhaps
drawn by simple highway
signs that say "The Evergreen
State College," then point
straight into the woods.
They're welcomed by a campus that immediately reflects
a slower, less hectic pace—
one that encourages pauses
to play a quick game of
volleyball on the central
plaza, enjoy a leisurely stroll
through the woods to the
3,000 feet of beach front
along Eld Inlet, or sit beneath
the shade of towering Evergreen trees and submerge
mind and soul into that longawaited "good book." For
these activities, too, have all
become pieces of the colorful
pattern of summer '81 at

Evans Chairs
Ingram Named Emeritus Faculty
Power Council
Evergreen President Dan
Evans has been unanimously
elected to chair the new
eight-member Pacific Northwest Electric Power and
Conservation Planning
Council. The four-state body,
comprised of delegations
from Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and Washington, has been
given two years by the U.S.
Congress to determine how
to meet the future power
needs of the Northwest.
Evans named to the
council by Governor John
Spell man, says the body has
authority to plan for regional
electrical needs, oversee the
Bonneville Power Administration and implement the
Northwest Power Bill. Its
members must strive "to be
independent of everyone"—
the BPA, the utilities and the
environmental groups—yet
listen to all sides of the complex issues before them.
He accepted appointment
to the board on a part-time
basis and will continue as
Evergreen's president.

Veteran Faculty
Retire, Resign

Dr. Ingram was recognized by trustee resolution
for her "nine years of outstanding service to Evergreen
and her prior years of service
to the national higher education community as teacher,
colleague, critic, guide and
The popular Evergreen
professor is a native Washington! an who graduated

from Seattle's Garfield High
School in 1932, completed
her masters degree in sociol- Five veteran Evergreen faculty
ogy from the University of
members completed their
Washington in 1938, and
work on campus in June and
earned her doctorate in
will not be rejoining the teachclinical psychology from
ing team this fall. An addiNorthwestern University
tional four visiting professors
in 1951.
have moved on to new assignSpanning nearly 40 years, ments.
Dr. Ingram's professional
Faculty sociologist Dr.
career includes service as a
Wini Ingram has become the
student psychologist for the
first professor to retire from
Lincoln State School and
the teaching team (see related
Colony in Illinois, as a
storyln this issue). Also
research assistant to the
leaving the campus teaching
Chicago Urban League, and
staff in June were Dr. Leroi
as a clinical psychologist for Smith, psychology; Dr. Lee
the Neuropsychiatric Institute Anderson, physical science;
in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for
Paul Marsh, international resix years before accepting an lations; and Dr. Robert Gotappointment as director of
tlieb, music. Visiting faculty
the Department of Clinical
members not returning next
Psychology at the Hawthorn
year include: Dr. David
Center in Nbrthville, MichiEnglert, music; Fred Stone,
gan. After 16 years there, she biogeography; Thomas Ott,
returned to the Pacific North- filmmaker; and Dr. Shelby
west to begin teaching at
Sherrod, chemistry.
Despite bouts of rheumatoid arthritis that prompted
her early retirement, Dr.
Ingram looks forward to
active years ahead, many of
them devoted to documenting
the history of her family.

associate and lecturer for the
Institute for Research on
Poverty at the University of
Wisconsin at Madison.
Bridwell, hired by Director of College Relations
Chuck Fowler in June, fills
the post vacated by Earlyse
Swift and assumes responsibilities for working with
academic and admissions
staff to promote special oncampus and outreach programs, including those in
graduate study, part-time
studies, and at the Vancouver
campus. She'll work closely
with personnel and training
officers in state and local
governmental agencies to
determine how Evergreen can
best aid employees through
full- and part-time academic
programs. She will also seek
to help build educational
relationships with local busi-

ness communities, especially
those in Thurston, Mason,
Lewis and Clark Counties.
Bridwell brings to her
new Evergreen job nine years
of experience in higher education, including work as
coordinator of employer/college relations at Fort Steilacoom Community College,
where she has helped promote college programs in
Pierce County, developing
lines of communication with
local businesses and helping
place students in part-time
Nole, hired by Vice President for Business Richard
Schwartz in July to replace
founding Bookstore Manager
Doris McCarty, who now
holds a similar position at
the University of Denver, has
for the past two years
directed the campus book-

store at Edmonds Community
College. She's also worked
for bookstore operations at
Ohio State University and
Fort Steilacoom Community
Administrative changes
also have occurred in the
Campus Security Office and
the Recreation Center.
Veteran Security Chief
McDonald Smith and Security
Officers Ann Brown and Carl
Renshaw submitted their
resignations in June. Security
Lieutenant Gary Russell has
been named by Schwartz to
serve as acting chief. Jan
Lambertz has been named
Director of Athletics and Pete
Steilberg has assumed the
new title of Director of
Recreation and Leisure

studies and American studies
in Evergreen's Vancouver program for the past three years.
She's also a former coordinator for American civilization
studies at Pine Manor College in Massachusetts.
Dr. Labine has been a
faculty member in biology
and coordinator of urban and
environmental studies at
William James College in the
Grand Valley State Colleges
in Michigan. A Phi Beta
Kappa member, she has
completed postdoctoral
research on biomedical data
processing at the National
Institute of Health.
Dr. Harrison, a former
assistant professor of public
administration and urban
studies at San Diego State
University, formerly served as
associate director for administrative data processing at
the University of WisconsinMadison.
Jean Mandeberg, a visiting faculty member in fine
arts at Evergreen, has also
taught at Idaho State University and the University of
Rita Pougiales, a 1972
Evergreen graduate, joined

the faculty as a visiting professor in 1979. She served for
two years as a graduate
research assistant at the
University of Oregon's Center
for Educational Policy and
Management, and a year as a
researcher for that school's
Stephen Scott has been
an assistant professor of
music at The Colorado College for the past 12 years, in
addition to directing the
Pearson Electronic Sound
Studio. He also founded and
directs The Colorado College
New Music Ensemble.
Linda Thornberg, an
independent filmmaker for
the past three years, formerly
worked as an audio-visual
specialist for the Ohio Historical Society, as a producer/director for a Columbus, Ohio television station,
and as a coordinator of the
Clintonville Video Workshop.
Gail Tremblay, who has
taught this past year as a
faculty member at Evergreen,
is a published poet who has
been an assistant professor
in the Goodrich Scholarship
Program at the University of
Nebraska at Omaha.

Wini Ingram (left) and Board of Trustees Chairperson Jane B. Sylvester

Dr. Wini Ingram, a sociologist who joined Evergreen's
teaching team in 1972, has
become the college's first
"emeritus member of the
faculty." The honor, unanimously voted by the board of
trustees, was presented
during June 7 graduation
exercises in Olympia.

Four New Administrators Named
Four new administrators have
been appointed to help direct
Evergreen this fall as the
college prepares to begin its
eleventh academic year. New
to the administration will be
Assistant Academic Dean
Elizabeth (Betsy) Diffendal,
MPA Graduate Studies Director Dr. Russell Lidman,
Educational Outreach Coordinator Betsy Bridwell, and
newly hired Bookstore
Manager Laura Nole.
Diffendal, a faculty member in applied social sciences
at Evergreen since 1975,
assumes the two-year assistant deanship in September,
replacing York Wong, who
will return to the faculty.
Diffendal formerly worked as
manager of a social science
research firm in Tacoma and
as a director of evaluation for
the Seattle/King County

Economic Opportunity Board
before joining Evergreen's
faculty, where she has taught
programs in childcare, Native
American studies, and for
off-campus outreach programs in Tacoma.
Lidman, who co-directed
Evergreen's masters degree
program in public administration during the planning year,
has assumed the directorship
of MPA for a two-year term,
replacing Dr. Guy Adams,
who headed graduate studies
during the past academic
year and will return to fulltime teaching this fall. An
economist, Lidman joined
Evergreen's faculty in 1974
following work as an economic consultant to the
former U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, and as a research

New Faculty Join Teaching Team this Fall
Thirteen new regular full-time
faculty members have
accepted three-year appointments to begin teaching at
Evergreen this fall, according
to Academic Vice President
and Provost Dr. Byron Youtz.
Three of the new 13 professors will begin teaching
graduate studies in the
Masters of Public Administration Program. Working
with newly named MPA
Director Dr. Russell Lidman
will be: Dr. Kenneth Dolbeare, political science; Dr.
David Paulsen, philosophy;
and Dr. William Arney,
The remaining ten, who
wilt concentrate their efforts
in undergraduate programs,
include: Clyde Barlow,
chemistry; Robert Cole,
physics; Virginia Darney,
humanities (Vancouver campus); Patricia Labine, agriculture; Lucia Harrison,
management (Vancouver
campus); Jean Mandeberg,
visual arts; Rita Pougiales,
outdoor education; Stephen
Scott, music; Linda Thornberg, film; and Gail Tremblay, multicultural studies.

Dr. Dolbeare, former
chairman of the political
science department at the
University of Washington,
has most recently served as
a full professor at the University of Massachusetts at
Amherst. He has authored
ten books on political
science, including a widely
respected basic text, American Politics: Policies, Power
and Change, now in its fourth
edition. He has taught at
Hofstra University in New
York and the University of
Wisconsin at Madison, in
addition to four years of
teaching at the University of
Washington and six years at
the University of Massachusetts.
Dr. Paulsen, former
associate professor of philosophy in the College of Public
Affairs and Community
Services at the University of
Nebraska at Omaha, has
served on Evergreen's faculty
as a visiting professor in
philosophy since 1978, offering instruction in advanced
studies in public administration and public policy, evaluation research and statistics
He gives Evergreen six years'

teaching experience at the
University of Nebraska, one
at Lawrence University and
three at Reed College.
Dr. Arney, associate professor of sociology at Dartmouth College for the past
seven years, also has taught
in the Department of Community Medicine at the Usher
Institute within the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, and
at Guy's Hospital Medical
School in London. He served
as a visiting professor at the
University of Colorado and as
director of evaluation for the
Vermont/New Hampshire
Regional Prenatal program.
Dr. Barlow has served as
a research assistant professor in both the Medical
School's Department of
Surgery and the Department
of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of
Dr. Cole, most recently
chairman of the Physics
Department at the University
of North Carolina at Asheville, is a former visiting
faculty physicist at Evergreen.
Virginia Darney has
taught as a visiting faculty
member in literature, women's

The Evergreen State College
Newsletter of the Alumni Association

It Pays
to Advertise

Volume 3, Number 4
August 1981


The 1981-82 alumni directory
will soon go to press, and
we're designating space in it
for advertising for alumni
professionals and businesses.
Advertising will accomplish three things:
1. Expose your name and
profession or business to
other Evergreen graduates,
2. Encourage Evergreen grads
to use other Evergreen grads
for professional services,
3. Help defray the cost of
publishing the directory,
which we give away free to
Association members.
If you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity,
send your business card or
other ad copy (dimensions:
3!/2"x2") and a check or
money order in the amount
of $10, made payable to
Alumni Directory, to the
Alumni Office, The Evergreen
State College, Olympia, WA
98505. Print run is 300-500
The deadline is Friday,
August 21. The directory will
be available for sale and mail
orders on September 12, for
$2.00 each. Association
members will receive their
free copy by mail, or they
may pick one up at the

Thanks for
Special recognition and
thanks are due the following
cadre of volunteers who came
out in enthusiastic support
of Association projects on
Super Saturday and Graduation weekend, June 6 and 7.
Super Saturday chicken
barbeque chefs were J.C.
Armbruster, Bob Crocker 74,
Keith Goehner 78, Julie
Grant 79, Doug King 77,
J.P. Jones III 73, Jeff
Parsons 79, Nam Chu
Pearl 79, Bruce Shamberg,
Neil Shamberg '80, Ralph
Smith 77, Kevin Thomas 79,
Janice Wood 74, and Martha
Woodhull 78.
Super Saturday beergarden staffers were John
Alkins 76, Lynn Freed 78,
Doug King 77, Myra Melford,
Brian Milbrath 78, Bud
Ruther, Robin Stanton, and
Mark Vale.
Volunteers at the 1981
graduation ceremonies were
Erick Banning Buck '80,
Steve Buxbaum '80, Joan
Conrad 75, Bob Crocker 74,
Keith Goehner 78, Nam Chu
Pearl 79, and Janice
Wood 74.
Thanks to all of you—
we couldn't have done it
without ya!
Editor: Ralph Smith
Writer: Bonnie Marie
Send written submissions,
photos, graphics and inquiries to the Editor, AlumNews,
c/o Alumni Office, LIB 3103,
The Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505.

David Adams 79, Seattle,
Lori Gene Larsen Boyer '80,
operates a flower concession. Elma, WA, is a payroll clerk/
assistant paymaster for
Monica (Mea) Alexander 79,
Seattle, is a community organizer for Pike Place Market
Jack Bozarth 78, Olympia, is
Preservation and Developemployed as a staff counselor
ment Authority.
by the Maple Lane School.
Jack helped develop some of
Donna Alora 79, San Anselthe current treatment
mo, CA, is an assistant
pastor for Inland Presbytery,
Spokane, WA. She received
Brad Bresolin 79, Tacoma, is
her Masters in Divinity this
the director of alcohol and
June from San Francisco
drug programs for the PuyalTheological Seminary.
lup Indian tribe.
Clara Austenfield 79, Beaverton, OR, is employed as a
computer operator. Clara is
applying to Portland State
University for masters degree
work in sociology.

Jody Brotman 77, Mercer
Island, WA, is self-employed
as a movement specialist and
teaches in the artist-in-theschools program.

Joyce Baker 79, Kent, WA is
a management consultant for

Beverly Brown 78, Seattle,
has received a masters degree
in urban planning from
Antioch University.

Thomas, 79, and Janet
Balaban 79, Olympia,
are employed by Pearsall
Floral Company. Janet is a
florist and Thomas works as
an assistant grower.
Laird Bauer '80, Seattle, is a
night-staff sleepover counselor at the Resource Foundation, a residential treatment center for mentally and
emotionally disturbed
Susan Beck 78, Olympia, is
employed as a library reference assistant at the Timberland Regional Library. This
June, she is leaving for
Morocco on a two-year Peace
Corps assignment to teach
English to Moroccan high
school students.
Richard Sever '80, Lacey, is
the legislation/education
director for the Washington
State Council of County and
City Employees. Richard also
has been pro-tern Mayor of
Steven Bogdon 78, Seattle,
is a law clerk for Houghton,
Cluck, Coughlin and Riley,
and is attending the UW law
Ruth Boove 79, Gig Harbor,
WA, is the Mayor of the City
of Gig Harbor.
James Boran 78, Friday
Harbor, WA, is employed at
Webb Camp Sea Farm in the
San Juans. He currently is
acting director of ORCA
Survey, and a member of the
board of directors of Moclips
Cetological Society.
Kay Boyd 76, Olympia, manages a portion of the state
CETA program for Employment Security. She is a
Councilwoman for the City of
Lacey and also is on the
KAOS Advisory Board at
Evergreen. Kay was honored
as one of the ten outstanding
1980 Thurston County

Jerry Chapman 78, Chehalis,
WA, is employed as a plustree superintendent by
Weyerhaeuser Company.
Jerry received his M.P.A.
degree in December, 1980,
and currently is working on
his M.B.A. from the University of Puget Sound.
James Chong-Chu Chen 76,
Seattle, is a second-year
medical student at the University of Washington, where
he earlier received an M.S. in
exercise physiology.
Irene Christy 79, Olympia, is
a secretary for the Jail Commission.
Stephen Churchill 79, Seattle,
is employed by Early Winters
as a data processing manager.
William Cleland 79, Olympia,
is employed by DSHS as an
environmental health
Patricia Chesachley '80,
Eugene, OR, is an organist
for Central Luthern Church in
Eugene. She is working
toward a Master of Music
degree at the University of
Dona Rae Cloud '80! Port
Angeles, WA, is a librarian
and researcher for the Clallam County Museum. Dona
is studying art at Peninsula
Daniel Cohen 77, Hoboken,
NJ, has received an M.S.
degree in journalism from
Columbia University. He currently is freelancing in photography and writing.
Pat R. Cole '81, Olympia, is
the director of the Energy
Outreach Center.
Carl Cook 76, Olympia, has
been employed-as a radio
announcer and productions
and promotion manager for
KGY for the past four years.
Carl devotes his spare time
to working as an independent
producer of records and

Jenneane Dietel 78, Battle
Ground, WA, directs the
Community Education Program for the Battle Ground
School District. She was
named "Outstanding Community Educator, 1981" by
the WSCEA.
John Doherty 79, Tacoma, is
a pilot for Northwest Airlines.
Richard Dowd 78, Seattle, is
studying toward his M.B.A.
degree at the University of
Puget Sound.
Shannon Downey 78, Seattle,
is studying toward an M.S.
degree in forest ecology at
the University of Washington.
Conrad Driscoll '80, Rochester, MN, is employed by
Energy Shed. He also is
starting his own business
manufacturing and installing
solar collectors for a CAP

Christine Gauger 78, Lincoln,
NE, is attending the University of Nebraska and works
for the Sanctuary Lounge as
a bartender.
Beverly Garrick 79, Shelton,
WA, is a data control clerk/
secretary for Mathematica
Policy Research.
Ben George 79, Tacoma, is a
self-employed musician.
Jacqueline Geppert '80,
Lacey, is a planning aide for
the Thurston Regional Planning Council.
Patricia Giebs 78, Santa
Clara, CA, is the assistant
sanitarian for the County of
Santa Clara.
Judy Guykema '80, Olympia,
has been named vice president for provider services,
Group Health Dental Cooperative.

Doug Ellis 75, has been
Tracy Hamby 78, Olympia, is
named political director for
employed by Evergreen .as a
the State Republican Central photographer. Tracy is applyCommittee. Ellis, a charter
ing to graduate schools for
member and former officer of study toward an M.F.A. in
the Alumni Association, has
most recently served as
assistant to Bill Polk, Repub- Roland (Chuck) Hamel 79,
lican Speaker of the State
Tacoma, is a hospital attendHouse of Representatives.
ant for Western State Hospital. He is working on a book
ffose Ann Elway 78, Monte- of poetry to be published in
sano, WA, is the chief
the near future.
accountant and director of
administrative services for
Wes Hamilton 78, Olympia,
the Grays Harbor County
is bureau contract coordinator
Department of Public Works. for the DSHS Bureau of
Alcohol and Substance
Lynn Engels 77, recently
moved to Washington, D.C.,
to serve as special assistant Marcia Hanson 78, Olympia,
to the U.S. Department of
is a teller at South Sound
the Interior. A former AP
National Bank and teaches
reporter and information
evening courses in photogdirector for the BIA, Engels
raphy at Centralia College.
has spent most of the past
two years working in the
Kate Harris 78, Seattle, is a
Portland area as a public
program director at the Pike
relations consultant.
Place Market Senior Center.
Sally Ensing 78, Tucson, AZ,
is a part-time counselor for
"Welcome Home." She is
attending the University of
Arizona for her Ph.D. in
educational psychology.
Daniel Farber 79, Berkeley,
CA, will receive his M.C.P.
from liC-Berkeley this year.
Carl Fawcett '80, Olympia, is
a store clerk for the State
Liquor Control Board.

Mary Harris 79, Portland, is
employed by Boettcher, LaLonde and LA where she
assists in the defense of
juveniles both in and out of
court. Mary is attending law
school at Lewis and Clark.
David Hatfield 78, Seattle, is
a geologist for the U.S.
Bureau of Mines.
Charles Haviland, 78, Spanaway, WA, is employed as a
land surveyor, and is enrolled
in the City College M.B.A.

Bruce Franklin 75, Sarasota,
FL, is the projects coordinator for Architects Diversified,
Inc. He received a masters
John Heater 79, Olympia, is
degree in 1979 from UCLA.
a baker for Blue Heron Bakery.
Lynn Freed 78, Beaverton,
John Henshell 78, Camas,
OR, is the production planner WA, is the children's librarian
for Floating Point Systems.
at Tigard Library.
Janine Freier '80, Olympia, is
a freelance artist.
ImeldaGarcia 78, Kennewick,
WA, is the senior merchandise manager for J.C. Penney
and is attending Columbia
Basin College.

Margo Hertlein '81, Olympia,
is a human resource development specialist at Employment Security.
Molly Holscher '80, Olympia,
is an interviewer for Employment Security.

Judy Howard 78, Vancouver,
WA, is the director of YWCA
Emergency House, a shelter
for battered women.
Lynn Hunt '80, Olympia, is
employed by the Independent
Order of Foresters as a parttime deputy.
Steve Hunter 79, Olympia, is
the director of institutional
research at Evergreen.

Ralph Kile 78, Vancouver,
WA, is an animal control
officer for Clark County, and
works part-time doing vocational evaluations of industrially injured workers.
Donna Kreiensieck '80,
Corvallis, MT, is employed
by the Forest Service as a
fire detection lookout.

Debra Janisen 78, Olympia,
is a program coordinator for
Employment Security.

Phillip Landale 79, Banning,
CA, is a guidance aide with
the San Diego City Schools.
He is applying to graduate
schools for doctoral work in
educational psychology.

LaNeya Johnson '80, Olympia, is working toward her •
M.A. degree in psychological
counseling at Pacific Lutheran University.

John Larsen 78, Tacoma, is
a self-employed contractor
and photographer.

Jay Kahn 74, Seattle, has
been teaching on the college
level, and is currently editing
a book on art and politics
that will be released next
winter. Jay received an
M.F.A. from California Institute of the Arts in 1975.
Elizabeth Kauffman 79,
Seattle, is attending the UW
School of Medicine.

Steven Layton 78, Wichita,
KS, is an Air Force missile
facilities technician.
Jacqueline Leighton '80,
Seattle, is an intern at
Intiman Theater.

Patricia Meld rich '80, Satsop,
WA, is attending the John
Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Carson Miller 78, Jamaica
Plain, MA, is a fundraiser for
a Boston women's shelter.
David Millhauser 79, Los
Angeles, is an urban agriculture coordinator for the University of California Cooperative Extension Service.
Cathy Monroe 77, Bremerton,
WA, is an employment counselor for the Kitsap Community Action Program.
Charles Moore 78, Bellevue,
WA, is a minister and licensed
massage therapist at the
House of Healing.
Dianna Moore 78, Olympia,
is a community organizer for
Mason Youth Service.
Nannette Morgan 78, Seattle,
is employed by the Samya
Health Center.

Deborah Leung 79, Olympia,
is a substitute teacher, and is
Jonathan Morris '80, San
working to build an Asian/
Jose, CA, is an analyst for
American Walk-in Center in
Control Data Corporation.

Mary Ossinger '80, Port
Angeles, WA, is an inspector
with the U.S. Immigration
Service. She will be attending
Western Washington University in September to earn her
M.S. in biology.
Constance Pa/a/a 76, Olympia, and former student Rosa
Weiss are partners in Iris, an
Olympia-based jewelry and
bead business.
Randy Partridge 78, Evanston, IL, is pursuing his
Ph.D. in learning disabilities
at Northwestern University.
Anne Prescott '80, Olympia,
is a fiscal coordinator for the
Washington State Building
Trades Council.
Mary Prevost 79, Olympia, is
attending the University of
Puget Sound law school.
Rose Marie Rondel 78, Vancouver, WA, has earned a
degree in horticulture.
Rozanne Rants 79, Turnwater, is a counselor for the
Community Mental Health

Lynn Stonecipher '80, Shelton, WA, is a hydrology
technician for the Forest
Service, Olympic National
Peter Storti '81, Olympia, a
diversion specialist and volunteer coordinator for Thurston Youth Services, is
applying to law school.
Steve Strasen '80, Issaquah,
WA, is a part-time transit
operator for Seattle Metro.
Siebhan Sullivan 79, Olympia, is a technical aide for
the Department of Game. He
has developed an interest in
wildlife art over the past year,
and several drawings are due
to be published soon.
Russell Talbert 78, Vancouver, WA, is a selfemployed real-estate appraiser.
Gail Tanaka 74, Seattle, is
the director of the International District Community
Health Center. She received
her M.S.W. degree in 1977
from the University of
Francis Tartaglia 79, Olympia, a part-time musician, is
enrolled in the Evergreen
teacher certification program.

Evergreen's doors opened ten
years ago, and this year's
alumni reunion will celebrate
that historic event and the
success of the Evergreen
dream in the ensuing years.
For those of you who
will arrive Friday night, we'll
have early registration and an
information reception at
7 p.m.
If you're up for a serious
academic experience (or just
a wave of nostalgia), Saturday morning is for you. At
10 a.m., a keynote speaker
will address our theme of
"Progress and Potential." At
11 a.m., you have a choice:

a book seminar stressing the
social implications of progress, or a panel discussing
the economic implications of
progress. If you plan to
attend the seminar, pick up
a copy of The Culture of
Narcissism by Christopher
Lasch and read it prior to
coming to campus. Or, if
you're not into summer
homework, you may rather
attend the panel, also at
11 a.m.
At 12:30 p.m., we'll
gather for a deli style lunch
and entertainment. The
annual business meeting of
the Alumni Association,

where we'll elect board members and officers for next
year, begins at 2 p.m. The

Elizabeth Kaye 78, Portland,
is a humane education superintendent at the Oregon
Humane Society.

Claire Litchman '80, Olympia,
is the vice-president of WIN
Corporation Investments and
Land Development.

David N el sen 78, Bow, WA,
is a DSHS caseworker.

Toy Kay 78, Olympia, is
teaching English as a Second
Language for Indo-Chinese
refugees. She was one of ten
finalists for the 1980Thurston
County "Citizen of the Year"

Carrene Louden '80, Gig
Harbor, WA, is a labor relations representative for the
Washington Public Employees Association. She is
attending law school at the
University of Puget Sound.

James Kennett 78, Bandon,
OR, is a counselor for Belloni
Girls Ranch. He also owns
and operates an American
Youth Hostel in Bandon.

Kathy Lusher 79, Prosser,
WA, is presently working as
an apprentice with an international ceramic artist for
one year. She is on a twoyear apprenticeship in Hizu
Wakamatsu, Japan.

Sandra Kent 78, Seattle, is
an instructor at Seattle Central Community College. She
received an M.A. in English/
TESL from Portland State
University. After June, 1981,
she will be teaching overseas
for a few years.
Steven Kernes 79, Port
Angeles, WA, is the sheriff
of Clallam County. Steve and
Evergreen faculty member
Duke Kuehn have written a
book which has been contracted with a publishing
Ruth Khaw '80, Shelton, WA,
is a medical technologist at
the Mason General Hospital.

Charles Lutz '80, Olympia,
is self-employed as a garden
Rebecca McAninch-Dake 79,
Olympia, is a word processing operator for the Department of Revenue.
Barry Martin 78, Hoquiam,
is associate director of the
Hoquiam YMCA.
Michael Maloy 78, Long
Beach, CA, is an assistant
manager for Trans-American
Financial Services.

at Evergreen
on Sept. 12
bar opens at 4 p.m. for the
hardcore party crowd, and
the Campus Recreation Center will be open for free use
of the pool, racquetball/
handball courts, sauna, etc.
The recently invented Geo-

Donna Nickerson '80, M.I.A.,
Phillipines, is a Peace Corps
volunteer doing marine conservation research.
Johanna Nitzke 75, Seattle,
is the director of Foster
White Gallery.
Carolyn Norrel '80, Rainier,
OR, is a part-time English
instructor at Lower Columbia
College, and is applying to
Warren Wilson College to
earn an M.F.A. in creative
Richard O'Brien 78, Providence, is working toward a
Bachelor of Architecture
degree at the Rhode Island
School of Design.
HeleneO'Malley 78, Olympia,
is a property agent/program
coordinator with Employment
Terry Oliver 73, Vancouver,
WA, a BPA public utilities
specialist, is working on a
program to provide financial
assistance to Indian tribes,
states and local governments
for electrical energy conservation.

duck Sludge will be the
featured libation at the predinner cocktail hour starting
at 6 p.m.
The famous alumni bar-:
bequed chicken will delight
your tastebuds at the 7 p.m.
dinner, and one of the
hottest bands in Seattle will
bring you to your feet at
9 p.m., and keep you dancin'
until the wee hours of
Sunday morning.
This year's reunion has '•
something for everybody—so
join us on Saturday, September 12, for an event that
will keep you smiling all year.
Robert Ranzenbach 78,
Bellevue, WA, an M.P.A.
student at Evergreen, is
director of joint services for
the Air National Guard.
DeannaBay '81, Concrete,
WA, works part-time for
Washington State Parks and
plans to do graduate study in
environmental planning.
Mark Reid 79, Shelton, WA,
a geologist with the U.S.
Bureau of Mines, will enter
UC-Santa Cruz this fall for
doctoral work in geology.
William Shaw 78, Olympia,
directs the Receptive Tour
Department of the Doug Fox
Travel Agency.
Linda Shurtliff 78, Vancouver, WA, a manager for
Pacific Northwest Bell, received her M.B.A. in May,
1980, from the University of
David Slagle 79, Kirkland,
WA, is a mental health specialist at Fairfax Hospital.

Catherine Tate 78, Seattle, is
assistant community relations planner for Metro's
Duwamish Pollution Abatement Project.
James Tatz '80, Ashland, OR,
has been accepted to the
Albert Einstein College of
Helen Terry 78, Vancouver,
WA, personnel director for
the City of Vancouver, is
enrolled in the Lewis and
Clark College M.P.A.
Margaret Tharp 79, Olympia, is a freelance graphic
Howard Tuttle '80, Puyallup,
WA, is an apprentice plumber
with McCarth Corp.
Melee Valett 79, Richland,
WA, is pursuing graduate
work in biology at Oregon
State University.
Martine Vanpee 78, Amherst,
MA, is attending Smith College for his M.S.W. degree.
Douglas Wallace '80, Tukwila,
WA, is a district sales manager for M.A.C. Business
Brian Walsh 78, Olympia, is
an environmental planner for
the Department of Ecology.
Richard Walter 78, Olympia,
is employed by Hardel Mutual
as a boilerman.
Sherry Warren 78, Tacoma,
is a learning skills specialist
at Evergreen.
William Weber 78, Seattle, is
a construction specifier for
Mills, John & Rigdon.

Stephen Smith '80, Seattle,
is a day-care teacher.

Kyle Wienk 77, Olympia, is
an engineering technician for
the Forest Service.

Anne Sobba-Brohan 78,
Puyallup, WA, is co-owner of
Green Firs Books in Tacoma.

Erskine White 76, Olympia,
is a self-employed bookbinder and paper-marbler.

Honors and Other "Good News"
Highlight 1980-81

1980-81 Haas Scholar Todd Denman receives the Haas Foundation Award of Merit certificate in recognition of his
excellence in filmmaking from Trustee Wes Berglund.

Communications Senior Wins Haas Award
Mara Morgen, a Tacoma
senior, has been selected to
receive the second annual
Haas Foundation Award of
Merit for the 1981-82 academic year.
Morgen, a Wilson High
School graduate and transfer
student to Evergreen from
Tacoma Community College,
has served as a reporter and
editorial and opinion page
editor for the TCC campus
newspaper, as an assistant
for the school's public relations department, and as a

moderator for a regular public
service program on radio
station KTAC.
A single mother of two,
Morgen has continued to
work part-time for a Pierce
County engineering firm and
contributed volunteer service
to the Tacoma Crisis Clinic
and the Geiger Elementary
School parent-teacher
The Haas Foundation
seeks to encourage "the
highest standards of public
service in radio and television

broadcasting" by granting
merit awards of $1500 to
Washington State students
in communications. Selection
is based on academic achievement, proven ability to contribute to "the betterment of
the field of communications,"
and "excellence in the quality
and character of the
Evergreen's first Haas
Scholar was student filmmaker Todd Denman of
Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Grant Announced for Writing Consortium
The National Endowment for
the Humanities has announced the award of a
$380,000 grant to the sixschool Pacific Northwest
Writing Consortium for a
faculty development program
called "Writing Across the
Curriculum." The grant,
which awards Evergreen
approximately $50,000 over
the next three years, was
developed by faculty from
Lewis and Clark College in
Portland, the Universities of
Oregon and Washington,
Pacific Lutheran University,
the University of Puget
Sound and Evergreen.
Its purpose, according to
Academic Dean Dr. Barbara
Smith, is to "develop and

support faculty who teach
writing throughout the curriculum in the context of
disciplinary and interdisciplinary education."
As the ReView went to
press, funding for the proposal had been frozen, along
with all other NEH monies,
pending final approval by
Congress of that organization's budget. The project,
Dr. Smith has been assured,
"is listed under Category A,
as a first-priority item when
and if NEH's budget is
If funding is granted,
Smith said it will enable four
Evergreen faculty and four
high school teachers to
attend the Summer Institute
for College Teachers on

campus this month. It also
will support two months of
faculty work this summer to
develop writing units.
Next year the grant will
provide funding for an Evergreen faculty member to
serve as a Danforth Visiting
Fellow working in writing; it
will support exchange visits
among three Evergreen and
three high school teachers;
and it will fund an additional
month's work developing
writing units by two Evergreen faculty members. The
third year of the grant,
1983-84, it will fund courses
in writing in two western
Washington high schools
and a third summer session
for Evergreen faculty to develop additional writing units.

Filmmaker, Actress to Launch New Program
Filmmaker Bruce Baillie and
veteran Broadway actress
Dale Soules will visit Evergreen next year to launch a
newly established Artist-inResidence program which
will give students a chance
to work with a variety of professionals for a full quarter
The new Artist-inResidence program, announced by Academic Dean
Dr. Barbara Smith, begins in
September when Baillie, who
founded the independent
filmmakers' cooperative Canyon Cinema in 1961, will
teach a full-time academic
program for 20 film students.
Baillie, 49, earned a bachelors
degree from the University of
Minnesota in 1955, studied at
the London School of Film
Technique 1959-60, and
received an MFA from the
San Francisco Art Institute in
1971. He has taught at the
Mendocino Art Center in
California, at Rice University
in Texas, and was artist-inresidence at Bard College in
New York from 1974 to 1977.
He has had print purchases, showings and lectures at major museums in
New York City, Montreal,
Tokyo and Stockholm, and

has received Guggenheim,
American Film Institute and
Rockefeller Foundation fellowships. He's also won the
San Francisco International
Film Festival Golden Gate
Award, the Ann Arbor Grand
Prize and the Moholy-Nagy
Baillie's Fall Quarter
filmmaking program will be
open to students who have
taken the Evergreen program
"Recording and Structuring
Light and Sound" or its
equivalent. Currently living in
Elizaville, New York, he will
arrive on campus before fall
registration to review portfolios and interview students.
Those who wish to be considered for the program
should contact the Registrar.
Visiting artist for Winter
Quarter will be Dale Soules,
an actress with extensive
theatre experience, including
Broadway productions of
Hair and The Magic Show,
At the age of 14, she was
working as a technician in
New York's off-Broadway
theaters, in addition to studying acting at the H.B. Studio.
She has worked as a sound
technician, property mistress,
assistant director and stage
manager, and has had roles
in dozens of stage and film

productions. She co-starred
as Cal, the magician's assistant, in the four-year Broadway run of The Magic Show,
and subsequently appeared
in off-Broadway productions
of New Jerusalem, Getting
Out, and The Family.
Soules has had roles in
several New York Shakespeare Festival and Manhattan
Theater Club productions,
and has appreared on the
Today Show with Barbara
Walters, the Mike Douglas
Show, the Dick Cavett Show,
and many others. She also
played the title role and
served as associate producer
for the award-winning film
The Bag Lady.
Students in Soules' Winter Quarter program will
receive an intensive introduction to professional theater
and will create an original
theater piece to be performed
at the close of the quarter.
Students who have completed
"Foundations of Performing
Arts" or its equivalent may
preregister for the program,
but retention is dependent on
an interview with Soules
during the January 3 academic Fair. The program is
expected to fill up quickly.

The 1980-81 academic year
started off with a burst of
good news—the highest enrollment in Evergreen's
history. From September
through June, so many
things happened so quickly,
we thought ReView readers
might enjoy a quick recap:
Evergreen's fall 1980 enrollment of 2536 full-time equivalent students is highest in
ten-year history. The college's 13.6% gain in FTE
above the previous fall was
the highest gain among the
state's six public four-year
Ninety-three percent of
Evergreen's graduates who
have reported to the Office of
Career Planning and Placement have been successfully
placed in jobs, graduate
schools or other situations of
their choice. The statistics,
which cover the first eight
graduating classes, show a
total of 2,605 alums reporting ; of those 2,416 have
secured placement. Sixtyeight percent are employed,
19% are in graduate schools,
7% are seeking employment,
and 6% are traveling, homemaking or involved in other
Washington Mutual
Savings Bank Foundation
awards Evergreen $25,000 to
fund a Distinguished Fellow
In-Residence Program for the
new graduate studies program in public administration. The grant enables Evergreen to invite at least one
expert from state, regional or
local government or private
business to spend up ,to one
quarter per year in residence.
"Collaborations" a double
disc, long-playing record
album by two dozen Evergreen students, came off the
presses and began going into
the hands of radio stations
and record stores.
Three Evergreen alums win
State Legislative elective
offices: Eleanor Lee, a
Republican from the Thirtythird district, was reelected
to State Senate; Shirley
Galloway and Dennis Heck,
both Democrats, were elected
to the State House of
U.S. Department of
Education awards Evergreen
$50,000 to provide "more
comprehensive support
services" to students beginning or resuming their higher
educational careers encumbered by disadvantages that
could adversely affect their
retention rate.
The Seawulff, Evergreen's 38foot sailing ship, is launched
December 4. Under construction for more than four
years—and dreamed about
for more than a decade—the
wooden ship will become a
floating classroom for studies
in marine and other ecologically related studies.
Two Evergreen faculty
scientists, Dr. Elizabeth
Kutter and Dr. Burton Guttman, have been granted an
additional $40,000 by the
National Science Foundation
to continue genetic research
they have been directing on
campus for the past 18

Evergreen graduate Nina
Fuller (Class of 1980) scores
772 on the Law School Admission Test, which places
her in the top 99.6% in the
nation for the rigorous exam.
Senior Kathy Hinsch becomes one of 100 students
selected from throughout the
country to receive a scholarship to attend the National
Women's Leadership Network
Conference on Sex Equity in
Washington, D.C. in March.
Richard Dudman, chief Washington correspondent for the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
comes to campus as the first
of six prominent visitors in
the Woodrow Wilson Visiting
Fellows Program.
Diane Devlin and Stefanie
Hare, two Evergreen seniors,
have been awarded a $24,719
grant by the Washington
Commission for the Humanities to prepare an in-depth
film documentary on the
salmon industry in the State
of Washington.
Students stage eight-day
Earth Fair which attracts
more than 2,000 visitors to
campus for more than 40
public presentations ranging
from evening lectures to
afternoon workshops, from
feature films to entertainment
and exhibits by more than
100 organizations concerned
with addressing the major
issues facing Americans in
the 1980s.
Three faculty members
win national honors: Dr.
Peter Elbow is chosen for
one of two Kent Postdoctoral
Fellowships by the Society
for Values in Higher Education in conjunction with
Wesleyan University's Center
for the Humanities. Dr. Sally
Cloninger has been selected
for a Fulbright Senior
lectureship in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Thomas Oft has
won first place in the documentary division of the
prestigious Focus film
Metropolitan Life Foundation
has awarded Evergreen
$10,000 to conduct an institutional self-study and convene a National Conference
on Alternative Higher Education in Olympia next fall.
Two first-year film
students. Jane O'Mara and
Lisa Jamieson, have won
first prize in the National
Student Video Competition,
cosponsored by the American
Film Institute and the Sony
Corporation. Their 18-minute
color videotape, called
"Choices," focuses on the
abortion controversy.
Super Saturday, Evergreen's
third annual spring festival,
attracts more than 10,000
visitors to campus for a day
filled with entertainments,
arts and crafts exhibits, children's activities, recreational
events, foods and surprises.
More than 600 seniors
graduate in commencement
ceremonies conducted at
Evergreen's Olympia, Vancouver and Port Angeles
campuses, concluding the
college's tenth academic year
and bringing to more than
4,870 the total number of
Evergreen graduates since
June of 1972.

Thousands Drawn to Campus for Super Saturday and Graduation Weekend


Evergreen celebrated the conclusion of its tenth academic
year and the graduation of
more than 600 students in
June with the help of thousands of visitors from
throughout the state and
probably the nation.
Drawn to campus by
invitations to the third annual
Super Saturday celebration,
the college's "almost annual"
Rowdy (masquerade) Ball and
the tenth commencement
ceremony, an estimated
twelve to fifteen thousand
persons explored Geoduck
country undaunted by frequent showers and at times
jam-packed parking lots.
The annual weekend celebration got off to an early
start as Super Saturday
dawned on June 6. Artists
and food vendors began
arriving on campus before
7 a.m. to set up their shops
and participate in what has

become the area's largest
arts and crafts fair. Long
before the official opening
hour of 11 a.m., guests had
begun pouring in from the
parking lots, sampling a
varied menu of exotic foods
prepared by two dozen local
chefs, and viewing art works
by more than 60 craftsworkers from throughout the
southern Puget Sound area.
The skirling of bagpipes
played by the Olympia Highlanders marching band
launched the day's entertainment, which featured more
than 40 separate performing
groups on three stages.
While dancers, martial artists,
singers and modern fencing
experts kept a "demonstration" stage A busy, larger
f musical
including the
Red Kelly/
Don Chan

Roadhouse Jazz Ensemble,
the Fort Steilacoom Community College Stage Band,
and colorfully authentic
troupes of Polynesian and
Filipino performers from
Seattle—kept the main stage
and central campus plaza
buzzing. High steppers from
Tumwater High School
marched throughout the
campus, weaving their way
through the crowds and up
the four-story-high clock
tower steps to become the
first musical troupe to perform on campus at that
As the tantalizing scent
of barbequed chicken (prepared by a stalwart crew of
Evergreen alums) and Kalua
pig (roasted underground by
Hawaiian gourmets) drifted
through campus, adults
moved on to the third stagefull of entertainment in the
Beer Garden, hidden away on

the third floor patio of the
College Activities Building
and amply supplied with
fermented sparkling waters.
While they tapped their feet
to the tunes of jazz, bluegrass, country and folk
songs, Beer Gardeners gained
an eagle's eye view of a
daring quartet of skydivers
from the Toledo Parachute
Center who leaped out over
the baseball diamond in the
midst of a grudge match between the Daily Olympian bat
busters and KGY radio's
mighty mikes. The electronic
media men and women
blasted their way to an 11 to
10 victory with a smashing
home run in the final inning
which has yet to be reported
on the sports pages of the
capital city's only daily
Across campus youngsters were treated to a series
of four special "unbirthday

parties," a tent filled with
face-painting artists, a slate
of games, free horseback
rides, balloons and cartoons,
a chance to meet a collection
of costumed critters, including Winnie the Pooh and the
Cat in the Hat, and their own
special children's parade.
Athletes also had their
chance to shine on Super
Saturday. More than three
dozen competitors ran in a
2.6-mile road race, while 60
wheel-rid ing racers maneuvered through the heart-stopping skateboard ramp competition, employees from Pacific Northwest Bell hosted
their first frisbee golf tournament, and rappellers soared
and danced (or, in some instances, crept) down the
clock tower amidst applause
and sometimes startled gasps.
Enriching the day's events
were academic
displays, a

Commencement speaker Jolene Unsoeld

Left to right: Neil Snamberg '80; Alumni Relations
Coordinator Bonnie Marie; Janice Wood 76; current
student Bruce Shamberg; Julie Grant 79, Kevin Thomas
79 (hand on Julie's shoulder); and Kelly McGrew '81 (hat)

balcony full of model railroad
demonstrations, special art
exhibits featuring works by
photographers, fantasy illustrators and graduating seniors; two performances of a
traditional European-style circus; and opportunities to
peer into the future offered
by handwriting analysts, aura
readers, tarot card experts,
palmists and Evergreen's resident dream analyst, Dr.
Richard Jones.
New to the Super Saturday celebration this year were
two brief but special ceremonies: presentation of the
first Super Saturday Citizens
of the Year Award to Hanna
•and Jess Spielholz of Olympia (see details in accomPcinying story), and drawing
of a raffle ticket for a roundtrip helicopter ride over the
state's most active volcano,
Mt. Saint Helens. The win-

ning ticket, drawn Saturday
afternoon, belonged to Herb
Gel man, facoma member of
the college's board of trustees
He promptly auctioned off
his prize for $50 and donated
the money to the Evergreen
Foundation Scholarship
Fund, which also received all
proceeds from the raffle contest.
By day's end, the campus had welcomed more than
10,000 guests, the security
force had directed traffic
around lots that couldn't hold
even one more vehicle, and
the 20-member Super Saturday Committee had collapsed, like their information
tent, into a satisfied heap.
But calm was not to remain in the heart of the
mighty bivalves. For Sunday
brought graduation and a celebration that drew an estimated 350 seniors, including

dozens of them clad in caps
and gowns, and hundreds of
parents and friends.
Guest speaker Jolene
Unsoeld, a widely respected
citizen political activist in
Washington and widow of
Evergreen's popular mountain
climbing philosopher, Dr.
Willi Unsoeld, gained a standing ovation for her hard-hitting address, aimed at helping prepare seniors for "the
agony and the ecstacy" of life
after Evergreen.
"You aren't going to walk
out of here and live happily
ever after," Unsoeld told the
Class of 1981. "Tomorrow
will bring with it disappointments, sorrow and pain to
mix with the hard work and
job this life contains."
"But," she asserted, "this
tattered old world needs more
than ever. . .legions of young
people to carry the banner.

"Now more than ever we
need young people with vision, with a sense of hope...
"Young people with rational and clear thinking . . .
'•'And the ability to listen
to the truth that underlies
people's anguish, anger and
"It begins," she said,
"with the 4,260 Evergreeners
that have gone before you. It
begins with the 604 of you,"
she declared, urging them to:
"Believe in your strength.
Believe in your youth. Believe
in this world's need for you.
"Learn to repeat endlessly to yourself 'It all depends on me. It all depends
on us.'
"Make the most of yourself in this struggle. That's
all there is of you.
"Bring on those giants,"
she concluded. "You can
handle them."

Sharing the podium with
Unsoeld were graduating
seniors Elizabeth Springer, a
Seattlelite who at 66 was
among this year's oldest
graduates; Edna Harper, a
36-year old mother of five
who has worked on Evergreen's staff for the past six
years while attending classes;
and Lyn Malofsky, a 22-yearold senior from Madison,
Wisconsin, plus Alumni Association President Joe Dear,
Evergreen President Dan
Evans, and faculty anthropologist Dr. Mark Papworth.
The ceremony—and commencement weekend—concluded with what's become
an Evergreen tradtion—formation of a human ring comprised of graduating seniors
and faculty members, joined
hand in hand, circling parents and friends and sharing
one final moment of celebration.

Hanna & Jess: Super Saturday Citizens of the Year
Jess and Hanna Spielholz
have been active in Evergreen
since before its doors opened
nearly ten years ago. The
dynamic Cooper Point couple
—and their countless contributions to Evergreen—were
honored this June when the
two became the college's
first Super Saturday Citizens
of the Year.
Forced to move to Olympia "under duress" in 1962
when the courts ordered state
employees to relocate from
Seattle to the state capital,
Hanna and Jess sorely
missed the environment of
their University of Washington neighborhood. They
immediately endorsed the
idea of opening a new state
college in Olympia and were
among the first supporters
who gathered in the fall of
1970 to create the Evergreen
College Community Organi-

zation (ECCO), a group dedicated to building bridges of
understanding between the
new school and its hometown.
"We felt Olympia needed
the enrichment that hosting
a college would give it,"
recalls Hanna. "But we
sensed considerable community antagonism toward
the idea and wanted to share
with others our excitement
about it."
Both were already heavily
involved in the Olympia community: Hanna with the
Women's Club, the League of
Women Voters and the State
Capitol Museum; Jess with
his work as a physician for
the State Department of
Social and Health Services
and his volunteer efforts for
the Council on Aging, the
American Cancer Society, the
Fred Hutcheson Cancer
Research Center, and the

state Diabetes and Arthritis
Associations. But those
activities didn't stop them
from contributing hours to
aid the new college.
Since they first joined
ECCO, Jess has twice served
on the college faculty, Hanna
has taken six classes, both
have participated in countless
seminars as what Jess
jokingly calls "token old
people," and they've helped
ECCO host receptions and
gourmet dinners, guide tours,
stage lecture programs, conduct play reading groups,
and in every conceivable way
open lines of communication
between the college and its
"We've found it all stimulating and brain stretching,"
says Hanna, who spent much
of the past year burning the
lamplights late every night to
meet the demands of her full-

time academic program, "The
Human Condition—Our Neolithic Roots," while Jess has
served as president of both
Morningside (a developmental
center and workshop for
handicapped adults) and the
Thurston County Senior
Center, chaired the Area
Agency on Aging Advisory
Board and continued to serve
as a committee member for
several other organizations.
When the two have a
chance to get together, it's
often at Evergreen, where
both attend ECCO meetings
and campus events in addition to their more academic
roles. The campus, the two
agree, "has filled a very
special need in our lives.
"I believe there's a symbiotic need for relationships
to develop between young
and old," Jess explains.
"What stands out in our

minds is the continuing relationship we've had with
students. We've never felt the
age differential, and students
and faculty have become
friends who have enriched
our lives with their openness
and warmth."
Their fellow students, • .
and members of the Super
Saturday awards committee
concur that the Spielholz duo
has greatly enriched Evergreen, providing examples of
how best to perform the roles
of "aware citizens" about
which the college's founding
faculty and deans so frequently spoke.
Their role as models to
'faculty, students and friends
of the campus will long be
valued as highly as their
more quantifiable contributions. And, their award will
become an annual part of the
Super Saturday tradition.

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Volume 2, Number 4
August 1981
Published by the
Office of Development
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

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Evergreen Musical Show Touring Rural Communities
A three-member Evergreen
faculty-staff team has hit the
road this summer, taking
with them a two-day presentation on "America's Music
in Cultural Perspective."
The team, headed by
faculty members Dr. Tom
Foote and Dr. Charles Teske
and assisted by recent graduate Marilynn Carlton, is
taking to nine rural southwest
Washington communities a
production that offers a
slide/tape show illustrating

aspects of America's rich
musical heritage, lectures
developed during the past
academic year as part of the
America's Music academic
program, and discussion
sessions designed to involve
participants in identifying
and appreciating that which
is distinctly American music.
The program opened July
July 1 in Morton and has
been scheduled in Raymond,
Quilcene, Shelton, Pacific
Beach, Ocean Beach, Pack-

wood, Lake Quinault and
Castle Rock.
At each stop, the Evergreen trio is taking participants through a four-step
review of American history,
literature and music, beginning with the introduction of
white settlers to this continent, the influence of
African traditions in the
United States, and an examination of American classical
or "high-art" music. The sessions conclude with discus-

sions to examine the views
held by persons from other
nations and cultures of'
American musical traditions.
The summer-long program has been funded by the
Washington Commission for
the Humanities through a
$8,891 grant designed in part
to "provide an informative
and exciting cultural experience for those who do not
have the benefit of reasonable proximity to a four-year
college or university."

Clambackers Meet Challenge

Trustee and athletics booster Robert Flowers hands over former trustee Hal
Halvorson's $4.000 challenge check to athletics director Jan Lambertz.

Last December former trustee
Hal Halvorson of Spokane
presented Evergreen with a
special challenge: if the college could raise $4,000 for
athletics, he would contribute
another $4,000. The deadline: June 30.
"We knew we'd really
have to work hard, but we
accepted—and met—the
challenge with enthusiasm,"
says Jan Lambertz, Evergreen's new director of
athletics. "Over the past few
months we've received an
anonymous gift from a local
corporation and many contributions from local athletics
boosters and we've also had
a couple of successful fund
raisers, such as the May 9
Run for Your Mom."
Evergreen's athletics program, launched in the fall of
1979, now boasts men's and
women's teams in soccer,

swimming, cross-country
running and tennis. Sailing
and club-level crew are
scheduled to be phased in
during 1981-82.
"None of our present
sports are big revenueproducers," explains Lambertz. "And, we're not at the
point yet where we have large
crowds of spectators. We're
still working on becoming
more visible."
During the past legislative session, Evergreen received capital funding to
complete its soccer fields
and plan a new gymnasium
complex. These additional
facilities will help enhance
Evergreen's total recreation
and athletics program.
Adds Lambertz: "We're
doing athletics the Evergreen
way and we're especially
grateful to trustee Halvorson
for making it possible."